============ ExtractCode ============ - license: Apache-2.0 - copyright: copyright (c) nexB. Inc. and others - homepage_url: https://github.com/nexB/extractcode - keywords: archive, extraction, libarchive, 7zip, scancode-toolkit, extractcode Supports Windows, Linux and macOS on 64 bits processors and Python 3.6 to 3.9. **ExtractCode is a (mostly) universal archive extractor.** Install with:: pip install extractcode[full] Why another extractor? ---------------------- **it will extract!** ExtractCode will extract things where other archive and compressed file extractors may fail. ExtractCode supports one of largest number of archive formats listed in the long `List of supported archive formats`_ found at the bottom of this document. - Say you want to extract the tarball of the Linux kernel source code on Windows. It contains paths that are the same when ignoring the case and therefore will not extract OK on Windows: some file may be munged or the extract may file. - Or a tarball (on any OS) may contain multiple times the exact same path. In these cases the paths showing up earlier in the archive may be "hidden" and overwritten by the same path showing up later in the archive giving the impression that there is only one file. - Or an archive may be damaged a little but most files can still be extracted. - Or the extracted files are such permissions that you cannot read them and are not owned by you. - Or the archive may contain weird paths including relative paths that may be problematic to extract. - Or the archive may contain special file types (character/device files) that may be problematic to extract. - Or an archive may be a virtual disk or some file system(s) images that would typically need to be mounted to be accessed, and may require root access and guesswork to find out which partition and filesystem are at play and which driver to use. In all these cases, ExtractCode will extract and try hard do the right thing to obtain the actual archived content when other tools may fail. It can also extract recursively any type of (nested) archives-in-archives. As a downside, the extracted content may not be exactly what would be extracted for a typical usage of the contained files: for instance some file may be renamed, special files and symlinks are skipped, permissions and owners are changed but this it is fine for primary the use case which is analysis of file content for software composition or forensic analysis. Behind the scene, ExtractCode uses multiple tools such as: - the Python standard library, - a custom ctypes binding to libarchive, - the 7zip command line tool, and - optionally libguestfs on Linux. With these, it is possible to extract a large number of common and less common archives and compressed file types. ExtractCode tries to extract things in the same way on all supported OSes, including auto-renaming files that would have invalid, non-extractible names on certain filesystems or when there are multiple copies of the same path in a given archive (which is possible in a tar). The extraction is driven from a "voting" system that considers the file extension(s) and name, the filetype and mimetype (using a ctypes binding to libmagic) to select the most appropriate extractor or decompressor function. It can handle multi-level archives such as tar.gz and can extract recursively any nested archives. Visit https://aboutcode.org and https://github.com/nexB/ for support and download. We run CI tests on: - Azure pipelines https://dev.azure.com/nexB/extractcode/_build Installation ------------ To install this package with its full capability (where the binaries for 7zip and libarchive are installed), use the `full` extra option:: pip install extractcode[full] If you want to use the version of binaries (possibly) provided by your operating system, use the `minimal` option:: pip install extractcode In this case, you will need to provide a working and compatible libarchive and 7zip installed and configured in one of these ways such that ExtractCode can find them: - **a typecode-libarchive and typecode-7z plugin**: See the standard ones at https://github.com/nexB/scancode-plugins/tree/main/builtins These can either bundle a libarchive library, a 7z executable or expose a system-installed libraries. It does so by providing plugin entry points as ``scancode_location_provider`` for ``extractcode_libarchive`` that should point to a ``LocationProviderPlugin`` subclass with a ``get_locations()`` method that must return a mapping with this key: - 'extractcode.libarchive.dll': the absolute path to a **libarchive** shared object/DLL See for example: - https://github.com/nexB/scancode-plugins/blob/4da5fe8a5ab1c87b9b4af9e54d7ad60e289747f5/builtins/extractcode_libarchive-linux/setup.py#L40 - https://github.com/nexB/scancode-plugins/blob/4da5fe8a5ab1c87b9b4af9e54d7ad60e289747f5/builtins/extractcode_libarchive-linux/src/extractcode_libarchive/__init__.py#L17 And in the same way, the ``scancode_location_provider`` for ``extractcode_7zip`` should point to a ``LocationProviderPlugin`` subclass with a ``get_locations()`` method that must return a mapping with this key: - 'extractcode.sevenzip.exe': the absolute path to a **7zip** executable See for example: - https://github.com/nexB/scancode-plugins/blob/4da5fe8a5ab1c87b9b4af9e54d7ad60e289747f5/builtins/extractcode_7z-linux/setup.py#L40 - https://github.com/nexB/scancode-plugins/blob/4da5fe8a5ab1c87b9b4af9e54d7ad60e289747f5/builtins/extractcode_7z-linux/src/extractcode_7z/__init__.py#L18 - use **environment variables** to point to installed binaries: - EXTRACTCODE_LIBARCHIVE_PATH: the absolute path to a libarchive DLL - EXTRACTCODE_7Z_PATH: the absolute path to a 7zip executable - **a system-installed libarchive and 7zip executable** available in the system **PATH**. The supported binary tools versions are: - libarchive 3.5.x - 7zip 16.5.x Development ----------- To set up the development environment:: ./configure --dev source venv/bin/activate To run unit tests:: pytest -vvs -n 2 To clean up development environment:: ./configure --clean To run the command line tool in the activated environment:: ./extractcode -h Configuration with environment variables ---------------------------------------- ExtractCode will use these environment variables if set: - EXTRACTCODE_LIBARCHIVE_PATH : the path to the ``libarchive.so`` libarchive shared library used to support some of the archive formats. If not provided, ExtractCode will look for a plugin-provided libarchive library path. See https://github.com/nexB/scancode-plugins/tree/main/builtins for such plugins. If no plugin contributes libarchive, then a final attempt is made to look for it in the PATH using standard DLL loading techniques. - EXTRACTCODE_7Z_PATH : the path to the ``7z`` 7zip executable used to support some of the archive formats. If not provided, ExtractCode will look for a plugin-provided 7z executable path. See https://github.com/nexB/scancode-plugins/tree/main/builtins for such plugins. If no plugin contributes 7z, then a final attempt is made to look for it in the PATH. - EXTRACTCODE_GUESTFISH_PATH : the path to the ``guestfish`` tool from libguestfs to use to extract VM images. If not provided, ExtractCode will look in the PATH for an installed ``guestfish`` executable instead. Adding support for VM images extraction --------------------------------------- Adding support for VM images requires the manual installation of the libguestfs-tools system package. This is supported only on Linux. On Debian and Ubuntu you can use this command:: sudo apt-get install libguestfs-tools On Ubuntu only, an additional manual step is required as the kernel executable file cannot be read by users as required by libguestfish. Run this command as a temporary and immediate fix:: sudo chmod 0644 /boot/vmlinuz-* for k in /boot/vmlinuz-* do sudo dpkg-statoverride --add --update root root 0644 /boot/vmlinuz-$k done You likely want both this temporary fix and a more permanent fix; otherwise each kernel update will revert to the default permissions and ExtractCode will stop working for VM images extraction. Therefore follow these instructions: 1. As sudo, create the file /etc/kernel/postinst.d/statoverride with this content, devised by Kees Cook (@kees) in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/759725/comments/3 :: #!/bin/sh version="$1" # passing the kernel version is required [ -z "${version}" ] && exit 0 dpkg-statoverride --update --add root root 0644 /boot/vmlinuz-${version} 2. Set executable permissions:: sudo chmod +x /etc/kernel/postinst.d/statoverride See also these links for a complete discussion: - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/759725 - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1670790 - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libguestfs/+bug/1813662/comments/24 Alternative ----------- These other tools are related and were considered before creating ExtractCode: These tools provide built-in, original extraction capabilities: - https://libarchive.org/ (integrated in ExtractCode) (BSD license) - https://www.7-zip.org/ (integrated in ExtractCode) (LGPL license) - https://theunarchiver.com/command-line (maintenance status unknown) (LGPL license) These tools are command line tools wrapping other extraction tools and are similar to ExtractCode but with different goals: - https://github.com/wummel/patool (wrapper on many CLI tools) (GPL license) - https://github.com/dtrx-py/dtrx (wrapper on a few CLI tools) (recently revived) (GPL license) List of supported archive formats ------------------------------------- ExtractCode can extract the following archives formats: Archive format kind: docs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ name: Office doc - extensions: .docx, .dotx, .docm, .xlsx, .xltx, .xlsm, .xltm, .pptx, .ppsx, .potx, .pptm, .potm, .ppsm, .odt, .odf, .sxw, .stw, .ods, .ots, .sxc, .stc, .odp, .otp, .odg, .otg, .sxi, .sti, .sxd, .sxg, .std, .sdc, .sda, .sdd, .smf, .sdw, .sxm, .stw, .oxt, .sldx, .epub - filetypes : zip archive, microsoft word 2007+, microsoft excel 2007+, microsoft powerpoint 2007+ - mimetypes : application/zip, application/vnd.openxmlformats name: Dia diagram doc - extensions: .dia - filetypes : gzip compressed - mimetypes : application/gzip name: Graffle diagram doc - extensions: .graffle - filetypes : gzip compressed - mimetypes : application/gzip name: SVG Compressed doc - extensions: .svgz - filetypes : gzip compressed - mimetypes : application/gzip Archive format kind: regular ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ name: Tar - extensions: .tar - filetypes : .tar, tar archive - mimetypes : application/x-tar name: Zip - extensions: .zip, .zipx - filetypes : zip archive - mimetypes : application/zip name: Java archive - extensions: .war, .sar, .ear - filetypes : zip archive - mimetypes : application/zip, application/java-archive name: xz - extensions: .xz - filetypes : xz compressed - mimetypes : application/x-xz name: lzma - extensions: .lzma - filetypes : lzma compressed - mimetypes : application/x-xz name: Gzip - extensions: .gz, .gzip, .wmz, .arz - filetypes : gzip compressed, gzip compressed data - mimetypes : application/gzip name: bzip2 - extensions: .bz, .bz2, bzip2 - filetypes : bzip2 compressed - mimetypes : application/x-bzip2 name: lzip - extensions: .lzip - filetypes : lzip compressed - mimetypes : application/x-lzip name: RAR - extensions: .rar - filetypes : rar archive - mimetypes : application/x-rar name: ar archive - extensions: .ar - filetypes : current ar archive - mimetypes : application/x-archive name: 7zip - extensions: .7z - filetypes : 7-zip archive - mimetypes : application/x-7z-compressed name: cpio - extensions: .cpio - filetypes : cpio archive - mimetypes : application/x-cpio name: Z - extensions: .z - filetypes : compress'd data - mimetypes : application/x-compress Archive format kind: regular_nested ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ name: Tar xz - extensions: .tar.xz, .txz, .tarxz - filetypes : xz compressed - mimetypes : application/x-xz name: Tar lzma - extensions: tar.lzma, .tlz, .tarlz, .tarlzma - filetypes : lzma compressed - mimetypes : application/x-lzma name: Tar gzip - extensions: .tgz, .tar.gz, .tar.gzip, .targz, .targzip, .tgzip - filetypes : gzip compressed - mimetypes : application/gzip name: Tar lzip - extensions: .tar.lz, .tar.lzip - filetypes : lzip compressed - mimetypes : application/x-lzip name: Tar lz4 - extensions: .tar.lz4 - filetypes : lz4 compressed - mimetypes : application/x-lz4 name: Tar zstd - extensions: .tar.zst, .tar.zstd - filetypes : zstandard compressed - mimetypes : application/x-zstd name: Tar bzip2 - extensions: .tar.bz2, .tar.bz, .tar.bzip, .tar.bzip2, .tbz, .tbz2, .tb2, .tarbz2 - filetypes : bzip2 compressed - mimetypes : application/x-bzip2 name: lz4 - extensions: .lz4 - filetypes : lz4 compressed - mimetypes : application/x-lz4 name: zstd - extensions: .zst, .zstd - filetypes : zstandard compressed - mimetypes : application/x-zstd name: Tar 7zip - extensions: .tar.7z, .tar.7zip, .t7z - filetypes : 7-zip archive - mimetypes : application/x-7z-compressed name: Tar Z - extensions: .tz, .tar.z, .tarz - filetypes : compress'd data - mimetypes : application/x-compress Archive format kind: package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ name: Ruby Gem package - extensions: .gem - filetypes : .tar, tar archive - mimetypes : application/x-tar name: Android app - extensions: .apk - filetypes : zip archive - mimetypes : application/zip name: Android library - extensions: .aar - filetypes : zip archive - mimetypes : application/zip name: Mozilla extension - extensions: .xpi - filetypes : zip archive - mimetypes : application/zip name: iOS app - extensions: .ipa - filetypes : zip archive - mimetypes : application/zip name: Springboot Java Jar package - extensions: .jar - filetypes : bourne-again shell script executable (binary data) - mimetypes : text/x-shellscript name: Java Jar package - extensions: .jar, .zip - filetypes : java archive - mimetypes : application/java-archive name: Java Jar package - extensions: .jar - filetypes : zip archive - mimetypes : application/zip name: Python package - extensions: .egg, .whl, .pyz, .pex - filetypes : zip archive - mimetypes : application/zip name: Microsoft cab - extensions: .cab - filetypes : microsoft cabinet - mimetypes : application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed name: Microsoft MSI Installer - extensions: .msi - filetypes : msi installer - mimetypes : application/x-msi name: Apple pkg or mpkg package installer - extensions: .pkg, .mpkg - filetypes : xar archive - mimetypes : application/octet-stream name: Xar archive v1 - extensions: .xar - filetypes : xar archive - mimetypes : application/octet-stream, application/x-xar name: Nuget - extensions: .nupkg - filetypes : zip archive, microsoft ooxml - mimetypes : application/zip, application/octet-stream name: Static Library - extensions: .a, .lib, .out, .ka - filetypes : current ar archive, current ar archive random library - mimetypes : application/x-archive name: Debian package - extensions: .deb, .udeb - filetypes : debian binary package - mimetypes : application/vnd.debian.binary-package, application/x-archive name: RPM package - extensions: .rpm, .srpm, .mvl, .vip - filetypes : rpm - mimetypes : application/x-rpm name: Apple dmg - extensions: .dmg, .sparseimage - filetypes : zlib compressed - mimetypes : application/zlib Archive format kind: file_system ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ name: ISO CD image - extensions: .iso, .udf, .img - filetypes : iso 9660 cd-rom, high sierra cd-rom - mimetypes : application/x-iso9660-image name: SquashFS disk image - extensions: - filetypes : squashfs - mimetypes : name: QEMU QCOW2 disk image - extensions: .qcow2, .qcow, .qcow2c, .img - filetypes : qemu qcow2 image, qemu qcow image - mimetypes : application/octet-stream name: VMDK disk image - extensions: .vmdk - filetypes : vmware4 disk image - mimetypes : application/octet-stream name: VirtualBox disk image - extensions: .vdi - filetypes : virtualbox disk image - mimetypes : application/octet-stream Archive format kind: patches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ name: Patch - extensions: .diff, .patch - filetypes : diff, patch - mimetypes : text/x-diff Archive format kind: special_package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ name: InstallShield Installer - extensions: .exe - filetypes : installshield - mimetypes : application/x-dosexec name: Nullsoft Installer - extensions: .exe - filetypes : nullsoft installer - mimetypes : application/x-dosexec