Changelog --------- 2020-01-27 publicsuffix2 2.20200127 * Update TLD list * Include tests in source distribution to help with Debian packaging by @kitterma * Update unicode/idna tests by @hiratara 2019-12-19 publicsuffix2 2.20191219 * Add new strict mode to get_tld() by @hiratara * Update TLD list * Add tests from Mozilla test suite 2019-08-12 publicsuffix2 2.20190812 * Fix regression in available tlds. * Format and streamline code. 2019-08-11 publicsuffix2 2.20190811 * Update publicsuffix.file to the latest version from Mozilla. 2019-08-08 publicsuffix2 2.20190808 * Add additional functionality and handles change to PSL format * Add attribute to retrieve the PSL as a list 2019-02-05 publicsuffix2 2.201902051213 * Update publicsuffix.file to the latest version from Mozilla. * Restore a fetch() function by popular demand 2018-12-13 publicsuffix2 2.20181213 * Update publicsuffix.file to the latest version from Mozilla. 2018-10-01 publicsuffix2 2.20180921.2 * Update publicsuffix.file to the latest version from Mozilla. * Breaking API change: publicsuffix module renamed to publicsuffix2 2016-08-18 publicsuffix2 2.20160818 * Update publicsuffix.file to the latest version from Mozilla. 2016-06-21 publicsuffix2 2.20160621 * Update publicsuffix.file to the latest version from Mozilla. * Adopt new version scheme: major. 2015-10-12 publicsuffix2 2.1.0 * Merged latest updates from publicsuffix * Added new convenience top level get_public_suffix_function caching a loaded list if needed. * Updated publicsuffix.file to the latest version from Mozilla. * Added an update_psl setup command to fetch and vendor the latest list Use as: python update_psl 2015-06-04 publicsuffix2 2.0.0 * Forked publicsuffix, but kept the same API * Updated publicsuffix.file to the latest version from Mozilla. * Changed packaging to have the suffix list be package data and be wheel friendly. * Use spaces indentation, not tabs 2014-01-14 publicsuffix 1.0.5 * Correctly handle fully qualified domain names (thanks to Matthäus Wander). * Updated publicsuffix.txt to the latest version from Mozilla. 2013-01-02 publicsuffix 1.0.4 * Added missing change log. 2013-01-02 publicsuffix 1.0.3 * Updated publicsuffix.txt to the latest version from Mozilla. * Added trove classifiers. * Minor update of the README. 2011-10-10 publicsuffix 1.0.2 * Compatibility with Python 3.x (thanks to Joern Koerner) and Python 2.5 2011-09-22 publicsuffix 1.0.1 * Fixed installation issue under virtualenv (thanks to Mark McClain) 2011-07-29 publicsuffix 1.0.0 * First release