{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema", "$id": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nf-core/testpipeline/master/nextflow_schema.json", "title": "nf-core/testpipeline pipeline parameters", "description": "this is a test", "type": "object", "definitions": { "input_output_options": { "title": "Input/output options", "type": "object", "fa_icon": "fas fa-terminal", "description": "Define where the pipeline should find input data and save output data.", "required": ["input"], "properties": { "input": { "type": "string", "format": "file-path", "mimetype": "text/csv", "pattern": "^\\S+\\.csv$", "schema": "src/testResources/samplesheet_schema.json", "description": "Path to comma-separated file containing information about the samples in the experiment.", "help_text": "You will need to create a design file with information about the samples in your experiment before running the pipeline. Use this parameter to specify its location. It has to be a comma-separated file with 3 columns, and a header row. See [usage docs](https://nf-co.re/testpipeline/usage#samplesheet-input).", "fa_icon": "fas fa-file-csv" } } } } }