report_comment: > This report has been generated by the nf-core/atacseq analysis pipeline. For information about how to interpret these results, please see the documentation. data_format: 'yaml' run_modules: - custom_content - fastqc - cutadapt - samtools - picard - preseq - featureCounts - deeptools exclude_modules: - 'general_stats' module_order: - fastqc: name: 'LIB: FastQC (raw)' info: 'This section of the report shows FastQC results before adapter trimming for individual libraries.' path_filters: - './fastqc/*.zip' - cutadapt: name: 'LIB: Cutadapt (trimmed)' info: 'This section of the report shows the length of trimmed reads by Cutadapt for individual libraries.' - fastqc: name: 'LIB: FastQC (trimmed)' info: 'This section of the report shows FastQC results after adapter trimming for individual libraries.' path_filters: - './trimgalore/fastqc/*.zip' - samtools: name: 'LIB: SAMTools' info: 'This section of the report shows SAMTools results for individual libraries.' path_filters: - './alignment/library/*' - samtools: name: 'MERGED LIB: SAMTools (unfiltered)' info: 'This section of the report shows SAMTools results after merging libraries and before filtering.' path_filters: - './alignment/mergedLibrary/*.mLb.mkD.sorted.bam*' - preseq: name: 'MERGED LIB: Preseq (unfiltered)' info: 'This section of the report shows Preseq results after merging libraries and before filtering.' - samtools: name: 'MERGED LIB: SAMTools (filtered)' info: 'This section of the report shows SAMTools results after merging libraries and after filtering.' path_filters: - './alignment/mergedLibrary/*.mLb.clN.sorted.bam*' - picard: name: 'MERGED LIB: Picard' info: 'This section of the report shows picard results after merging libraries and after filtering.' path_filters: - './alignment/mergedLibrary/picard_metrics/*' - deeptools: name: 'MERGED LIB: deepTools' anchor: 'mlib_deeptools' info: 'This section of the report shows QC plots generated by deepTools.' - featureCounts: name: 'MERGED LIB: featureCounts' anchor: 'mlib_featurecounts' info: 'This section of the report shows featureCounts results for the number of reads assigned to merged library consensus peaks.' path_filters: - './macs/mergedLibrary/consensus/*.summary' - samtools: name: 'MERGED REP: SAMTools' info: 'This section of the report shows SAMTools results after merging replicates and filtering.' path_filters: - './alignment/mergedReplicate/*' - picard: name: 'MERGED REP: Picard' anchor: 'mrep_picard' info: 'This section of the report shows picard results after merging libraries and before filtering.' path_filters: - './alignment/mergedReplicate/*' - featureCounts: name: 'MERGED REP: featureCounts' anchor: 'mrep_featurecounts' info: 'This section of the report shows featureCounts results for the number of reads assigned to merged replicate consensus peaks.' path_filters: - './macs/mergedReplicate/consensus/*.summary' report_section_order: mlib_peak_count: before: mlib_deeptools mlib_frip_score: before: mlib_peak_count mlib_peak_annotation: before: mlib_frip_score mlib_featurecounts: before: mlib_peak_annotation mlib_deseq2_pca: before: mlib_featurecounts mlib_deseq2_clustering: before: mlib_deseq2_pca mrep_peak_count: before: mrep_picard mrep_frip_score: before: mrep_peak_count mrep_peak_annotation: before: mrep_frip_score mrep_featurecounts: before: mrep_peak_annotation mrep_deseq2_pca: before: mrep_featurecounts mrep_deseq2_clustering: before: mrep_deseq2_pca software_versions: order: -1001 nf-core-atacseq-summary: order: -1002 custom_plot_config: picard_insert_size: cpswitch_c_active: False smooth_points: 1000 featurecounts: cpswitch_c_active: False featurecounts-1: cpswitch_c_active: False extra_fn_clean_exts: - 'fastq.gz' - '_trimmed' - '_val' - 'sorted.bam' - '.Lb' - 'mkD' - 'clN' - 'mLb' - 'mRp' - '_peaks' # # Customise the module search patterns to speed up execution time # # - Skip module sub-tools that we are not interested in # # - Replace file-content searching with filename pattern searching # # - Don't add anything that is the same as the MultiQC default # # See for details sp: cutadapt: fn: '*trimming_report.txt' preseq: fn: '*.ccurve.txt' deeptools/plotFingerprintOutRawCounts: fn: '*plotFingerprint*' deeptools/plotProfile: fn: '*plotProfile*'