#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import glob import argparse def parse_args(args=None): Description = "Generate nf-core/viralrecon samplesheet from a directory of FastQ files." Epilog = "Example usage: python fastq_dir_to_samplesheet.py " parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=Description, epilog=Epilog) parser.add_argument("FASTQ_DIR", help="Folder containing raw FastQ files.") parser.add_argument("SAMPLESHEET_FILE", help="Output samplesheet file.") parser.add_argument( "-r1", "--read1_extension", type=str, dest="READ1_EXTENSION", default="_R1_001.fastq.gz", help="File extension for read 1.", ) parser.add_argument( "-r2", "--read2_extension", type=str, dest="READ2_EXTENSION", default="_R2_001.fastq.gz", help="File extension for read 2.", ) parser.add_argument( "-se", "--single_end", dest="SINGLE_END", action="store_true", help="Single-end information will be auto-detected but this option forces paired-end FastQ files to be treated as single-end so only read 1 information is included in the samplesheet.", ) parser.add_argument( "-sn", "--sanitise_name", dest="SANITISE_NAME", action="store_true", help="Whether to further sanitise FastQ file name to get sample id. Used in conjunction with --sanitise_name_delimiter and --sanitise_name_index.", ) parser.add_argument( "-sd", "--sanitise_name_delimiter", type=str, dest="SANITISE_NAME_DELIMITER", default="_", help="Delimiter to use to sanitise sample name.", ) parser.add_argument( "-si", "--sanitise_name_index", type=int, dest="SANITISE_NAME_INDEX", default=1, help="After splitting FastQ file name by --sanitise_name_delimiter all elements before this index (1-based) will be joined to create final sample name.", ) return parser.parse_args(args) def fastq_dir_to_samplesheet( fastq_dir, samplesheet_file, read1_extension="_R1_001.fastq.gz", read2_extension="_R2_001.fastq.gz", single_end=False, sanitise_name=False, sanitise_name_delimiter="_", sanitise_name_index=1, ): def sanitize_sample(path, extension): """Retrieve sample id from filename""" sample = os.path.basename(path).replace(extension, "") if sanitise_name: sample = sanitise_name_delimiter.join( os.path.basename(path).split(sanitise_name_delimiter)[:sanitise_name_index] ) return sample def get_fastqs(extension): """ Needs to be sorted to ensure R1 and R2 are in the same order when merging technical replicates. Glob is not guaranteed to produce sorted results. See also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6773584/how-is-pythons-glob-glob-ordered """ return sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(fastq_dir, f"*{extension}"), recursive=False)) read_dict = {} ## Get read 1 files for read1_file in get_fastqs(read1_extension): sample = sanitize_sample(read1_file, read1_extension) if sample not in read_dict: read_dict[sample] = {"R1": [], "R2": []} read_dict[sample]["R1"].append(read1_file) ## Get read 2 files if not single_end: for read2_file in get_fastqs(read2_extension): sample = sanitize_sample(read2_file, read2_extension) read_dict[sample]["R2"].append(read2_file) ## Write to file if len(read_dict) > 0: out_dir = os.path.dirname(samplesheet_file) if out_dir and not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) with open(samplesheet_file, "w") as fout: header = ["sample", "fastq_1", "fastq_2"] fout.write(",".join(header) + "\n") for sample, reads in sorted(read_dict.items()): for idx, read_1 in enumerate(reads["R1"]): read_2 = "" if idx < len(reads["R2"]): read_2 = reads["R2"][idx] sample_info = ",".join([sample, read_1, read_2]) fout.write(f"{sample_info}\n") else: error_str = "\nWARNING: No FastQ files found so samplesheet has not been created!\n\n" error_str += "Please check the values provided for the:\n" error_str += " - Path to the directory containing the FastQ files\n" error_str += " - '--read1_extension' parameter\n" error_str += " - '--read2_extension' parameter\n" print(error_str) sys.exit(1) def main(args=None): args = parse_args(args) fastq_dir_to_samplesheet( fastq_dir=args.FASTQ_DIR, samplesheet_file=args.SAMPLESHEET_FILE, read1_extension=args.READ1_EXTENSION, read2_extension=args.READ2_EXTENSION, single_end=args.SINGLE_END, sanitise_name=args.SANITISE_NAME, sanitise_name_delimiter=args.SANITISE_NAME_DELIMITER, sanitise_name_index=args.SANITISE_NAME_INDEX, ) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())