## Cola, it's a kind of Soda A [Soda](https://github.com/buymeasoda/soda-theme) variant theme for ST3 3062+. Because Soda is apparently abandoned and we can't have that. ![Cola](http://i.imgur.com/zj6q7yS.png) ### Features and Differences - Sidebar icon support - Darker and less overall harsh contrast, while not being unreadable - Improved status bar sharpness and border styling - Tabs - Taller tabs, 30px - Slightly greater horizontal tab padding - All tabs are always minimal width, ensuring symetrical padding - Added `show_tab_scroll_buttons` option. - By default tab scroll buttons (left side of tab bar) are hidden. The dropdown can be disabled as usual. - Sidebar - Maintains a left-indent of 16px, aligning open files, headings and folders. - Increased row bottom padding by 1px - Headings (FOLDERS, OPEN FILES) are now very low contrast as they are least important - Folders are transparent when not selected, further directing importance - Added hover effect to rows - Slimmed up horizontal padding, sidebar is far more succinct in space while not cramped - Fixed sidebar titles causing their own indentation ### Install - Install via Package Control or clone this repo as `./Data/Packages/Theme - Cola`. - Use the package `themr` to switch themes, or edit your preferences file. ### Want to customize something? Either edit `/Data/Packages/Theme - Cola/Cola.sublime-theme` or google for how you can edit themes from the `/Data/User` directory. Some subjective things: - `Cola.sublime-theme` - Line `15 to ~100`. Tab customization. The tab width, tab height etc. - Line `621`. This is the sidebar label color, currently a very pale gold - Throw in a different icon pack into `./icons/` ### What is that Color Scheme and Coffeescript .tmLanguage!? Yes, that *is* function call highlighting and embedded CJSX! - [Color Scheme - Pastels](https://github.com/nfour/Sublime-Scheme-Pastels) - [CoffeeScript Syntax](https://github.com/nfour/Sublime-Coffeescript-Syntax)