# # Hi there! Welcome to the yt installation script. # # First things first, if you experience problems, please visit the Help # section at http://yt-project.org. # # This script is designed to create a fully isolated Python installation # with the dependencies you need to run yt. # # If you would like to customize the yt installation, then please edit # the following options. # If you do not have a working compiler environment, use the following # configuration: INST_CONDA=1 # Should yt's dependencies be installed using miniconda? INST_YT_SOURCE=0 # Should yt itself be installed from source? # If you want to install yt's dependencies using conda but want to build yt # itself from source, use the following configuration: # INST_CONDA=1 # INST_YT_SOURCE=1 # If you would like to build yt and all dependencies from source, then # use the following configuration by uncommenting the lines below. # NOTE: Building yt's dependencies from source will cause the install script # to require substantially more time to finish. # INST_CONDA=0 # INST_YT_SOURCE=1 BRANCH="master" # This is the branch we will install from for source installs # What follows are some other options that you may or may not need to change. # Here's where you put the HDF5 path if you like; otherwise it'll download it # and install it on its own #HDF5_DIR= # If you've got yt some other place, set this to point to it. The script will # already check the current directory and the one above it in the tree. YT_DIR="" # These options can be set to customize the installation. INST_PY3=1 # Install Python 3 instead of Python 2. If this is turned # on, all Python packages (including yt) will be installed # in Python 3. INST_GIT=1 # Install git or not? If git is not already installed, yt # cannot be installed from source. Ignored if INST_CONDA=0 INST_HG=0 # Install Mercurial or not? Ignored if INST_CONDA=0. INST_EMBREE=0 # Install dependencies needed for Embree-accelerated # ray tracing # These options control whether low-level system libraries are installed # they are necessary for building yt's dependencies from source and are # ignored when INST_CONDA=1 INST_ZLIB=1 # On some systems (Kraken) matplotlib has issues with # the system zlib, which is compiled statically. # If need be, you can turn this off. INST_BZLIB=1 # On some systems, libbzip2 is missing. This can # lead to broken mercurial installations. INST_PNG=1 # Install a local libpng? Same things apply as with zlib. INST_FTYPE=1 # Install FreeType2 locally? INST_SQLITE3=1 # Install a local version of SQLite3? INST_0MQ=1 # Install 0mq (for IPython) and affiliated bindings? # These variables control whether optional dependencies are installed INST_PYX=0 # Install PyX? Sometimes PyX can be problematic without a # working TeX installation. INST_ROCKSTAR=0 # Install the Rockstar halo finder? INST_SCIPY=0 # Install scipy? INST_H5PY=1 # Install h5py? INST_ASTROPY=0 # Install astropy? INST_NOSE=1 # Install nose? INST_NETCDF4=1 # Install netcdf4 and its python bindings? # These options allow you to customize the builds of yt dependencies. # They are only used if INST_CONDA=0. # If you need to pass anything to the matplotlib build, do so here. MPL_SUPP_LDFLAGS="" MPL_SUPP_CFLAGS="" MPL_SUPP_CXXFLAGS="" # If you need to supply arguments to the NumPy or SciPy build, supply them here # This one turns on gfortran manually: #NUMPY_ARGS="--fcompiler=gnu95" # If you absolutely can't get the fortran to work, try this: #NUMPY_ARGS="--fcompiler=fake" # If you want to spawn multiple Make jobs, here's the place to set the # arguments. For instance, "-j4" MAKE_PROCS="" # These variables control which miniconda version and yt recipe are used # when INST_CONDA=1. MINICONDA_URLBASE="http://repo.continuum.io/miniconda" MINICONDA_VERSION="latest" if [ ${REINST_YT} ] && [ ${REINST_YT} -eq 1 ] && [ -n ${YT_DEST} ] then DEST_DIR=${YT_DEST} INST_CONDA=0 fi if [ $INST_CONDA -ne 0 ] then if [ ! -z "${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV}" ] then echo "Aborting the yt installation because you appear to already" echo "have a conda environment activated. Either deactivate it with:" echo echo " $ source deactivate" echo echo "or install yt into your current environment with:" echo echo " $ conda install -c conda-forge yt" echo exit 1 fi DEST_SUFFIX="yt-conda" if [ -n "${PYTHONPATH}" ] then echo "WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING" echo "*******************************************************" echo echo "The PYTHONPATH environment variable is set to:" echo echo " $PYTHONPATH" echo echo "If dependencies of yt (numpy, scipy, matplotlib) are installed" echo "to this path, this may cause issues. Exit the install script" echo "with Ctrl-C and unset PYTHONPATH if you are unsure." echo "Hit enter to continue." echo echo "WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING" echo "*******************************************************" read -p "[hit enter]" fi else if [ $INST_YT_SOURCE -eq 0 ] then echo "yt must be compiled from source if INST_CONDA is set to 0" echo "Please set INST_YT_SOURCE to 1 and re-run." exit 1 fi if [ $INST_GIT -eq 1 ] then INST_GIT=0 fi DEST_SUFFIX="yt-`uname -m`" fi if [ -z "${DEST_DIR}" ] then DEST_DIR="`pwd`/${DEST_SUFFIX/ /}" # Installation location fi # Make sure we are NOT being run as root if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]] then echo "******************************************************" echo "* *" echo "* *" echo "* IT IS A BAD IDEA TO RUN THIS SCRIPT AS ROOT!!!! *" echo "* *" echo "* *" echo "******************************************************" echo echo "If you really want to do this, you must manually edit" echo "the script to re-enable root-level installation. Sorry!" exit 1 fi if [[ ${DEST_DIR%/} == /usr/local ]] then echo "******************************************************" echo "* *" echo "* *" echo "* THIS SCRIPT WILL NOT INSTALL TO /usr/local !!!! *" echo "* *" echo "* *" echo "******************************************************" echo echo "If you really want to do this, you must manually edit" echo "the script." echo "Sorry!" exit 1 fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # # Okay, the script starts here. Feel free to play with it, but hopefully # # it'll work as is. # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# LOG_FILE="${DEST_DIR}/yt_install.log" function write_config { CONFIG_FILE=${DEST_DIR}/.yt_config echo INST_GIT=${INST_GIT} > ${CONFIG_FILE} echo INST_ZLIB=${INST_ZLIB} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo INST_BZLIB=${INST_BZLIB} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo INST_PNG=${INST_PNG} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo INST_FTYPE=${INST_FTYPE} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo INST_SQLITE3=${INST_SQLITE3} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo INST_PYX=${INST_PYX} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo INST_0MQ=${INST_0MQ} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo INST_PY3=${INST_PY3} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo INST_ROCKSTAR=${INST_ROCKSTAR} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo INST_SCIPY=${INST_SCIPY} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo YT_DIR=${YT_DIR} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo MPL_SUPP_LDFLAGS=${MPL_SUPP_LDFLAGS} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo MPL_SUPP_CFLAGS=${MPL_SUPP_CFLAGS} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo MPL_SUPP_CXXFLAGS=${MPL_SUPP_CXXFLAGS} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo MAKE_PROCS=${MAKE_PROCS} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} if [ ${HDF5_DIR} ] then echo ${HDF5_DIR} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} fi if [ ${NUMPY_ARGS} ] then echo ${NUMPY_ARGS} >> ${CONFIG_FILE} fi } function get_willwont { if [ $1 -eq 1 ] then echo -n "will " else echo -n "won't " fi } function host_specific { MYHOST=`hostname -s` # just give the short one, not FQDN MYHOSTLONG=`hostname` # FQDN, for Ranger MYOS=`uname -s` # A guess at the OS if [ "${MYHOST##kraken}" != "${MYHOST}" ] then echo "Looks like you're on Kraken." echo echo " ******************************************" echo " * It may be better to use the yt module! *" echo " * *" echo " * $ module load yt *" echo " * *" echo " ******************************************" echo echo "IF YOU CHOOSE TO PROCEED:" echo "YOU MUST BE IN THE GNU PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT" echo " $ module swap PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-gnu" echo return fi if [ "${MYHOST##nautilus}" != "${MYHOST}" ] then echo "Looks like you're on Nautilus." echo echo " ******************************************" echo " * It may be better to use the yt module! *" echo " * *" echo " * $ module load yt *" echo " * *" echo " ******************************************" echo echo "NOTE: YOU MUST BE IN THE GNU PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT" echo " $ module swap PE-intel PE-gnu" echo echo "Additionally, note that by default, yt will OVERWRITE" echo "any existing installations from Kraken! You might want" echo "to adjust the variable DEST_SUFFIX in the install script." echo return fi if [ "${MYHOST##verne}" != "${MYHOST}" ] then echo "Looks like you're on Verne." echo echo "NOTE: YOU MUST BE IN THE GNU PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT" echo "This command will take care of that for you:" echo echo " $ module swap PE-pgi PE-gnu" echo fi if [ "${MYHOST##steele}" != "${MYHOST}" ] then echo "Looks like you're on Steele." echo echo "NOTE: YOU MUST BE IN THE GNU PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT" echo "These commands should take care of that for you:" echo echo " $ module purge" echo " $ module load gcc" echo fi if [ "${MYHOST##midway}" != "${MYHOST}" ] then echo "Looks like you're on Midway." echo echo " ******************************************" echo " * It may be better to use the yt module! *" echo " * *" echo " * $ module load yt *" echo " * *" echo " ******************************************" echo return fi if [ "${MYOS##Darwin}" != "${MYOS}" ] then echo "Looks like you're running on Mac OSX." echo echo "NOTE: you must have the Xcode command line tools installed." echo echo "The instructions for obtaining these tools varies according" echo "to your exact OS version. On older versions of OS X, you" echo "must register for an account on the apple developer tools" echo "website: https://developer.apple.com/downloads to obtain the" echo "download link." echo echo "We have gathered some additional instructions for each" echo "version of OS X below. If you have trouble installing yt" echo "after following these instructions, don't hesitate to contact" echo "the yt user's e-mail list." echo echo "You can see which version of OSX you are running by clicking" echo "'About This Mac' in the apple menu on the left hand side of" echo "menu bar. We're assuming that you've installed all operating" echo "system updates; if you have an older version, we suggest" echo "running software update and installing all available updates." echo echo "OS X 10.5.8: search for and download Xcode 3.1.4 from the" echo "Apple developer tools website." echo echo "OS X 10.6.8: search for and download Xcode 3.2 from the Apple" echo "developer tools website. You can either download the" echo "Xcode 3.2.2 Developer Tools package (744 MB) and then use" echo "Software Update to update to XCode 3.2.6 or" echo "alternatively, you can download the Xcode 3.2.6/iOS SDK" echo "bundle (4.1 GB)." echo echo "OS X 10.7.5: download Xcode 4.2 from the mac app store" echo "(search for Xcode)." echo "Alternatively, download the Xcode command line tools from" echo "the Apple developer tools website." echo echo "OS X 10.8.4, 10.9, 10.10, and 10.11:" echo "download the appropriate version of Xcode from the" echo "mac app store (search for Xcode)." echo echo "Additionally, you will have to manually install the Xcode" echo "command line tools." echo echo "For OS X 10.8, see:" echo "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9353444" echo echo "For OS X 10.9 and newer the command line tools can be installed" echo "with the following command:" echo " xcode-select --install" echo if [ $INST_CONDA -eq 0 ] then echo "For OS X 10.11, you will additionally need to install the" echo "OpenSSL library using a package manager like homebrew or" echo "macports." echo echo "If your install fails with a message like" echo " ImportError: cannot import HTTPSHandler" echo "then you do not have the OpenSSL headers available in a" echo "location visible to your C compiler. Consider setting" echo "INST_CONDA=1 instead, as conda's python bundles OpenSSL." fi OSX_VERSION=`sw_vers -productVersion` if [ "${OSX_VERSION##10.8}" != "${OSX_VERSION}" ] then MPL_SUPP_CFLAGS="${MPL_SUPP_CFLAGS} -mmacosx-version-min=10.7" MPL_SUPP_CXXFLAGS="${MPL_SUPP_CXXFLAGS} -mmacosx-version-min=10.7" fi fi if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] then echo "Looks like you're on an Redhat-compatible machine." echo echo "You need to have these packages installed:" echo echo " * openssl-devel" echo " * uuid-devel" echo " * readline-devel" echo " * ncurses-devel" echo " * zip" echo " * gcc-{,c++,gfortran}" echo " * make" echo " * patch" echo " * git" echo echo "You can accomplish this by executing:" echo "$ sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran make patch zip git" echo "$ sudo yum install ncurses-devel uuid-devel openssl-devel readline-devel" fi if [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ] && [ `grep --count SUSE /etc/SuSE-release` -gt 0 ] then echo "Looks like you're on an OpenSUSE-compatible machine." echo echo "You need to have these packages installed:" echo echo " * devel_C_C++" echo " * libopenssl-devel" echo " * libuuid-devel" echo " * zip" echo " * gcc-c++" echo " * git" echo echo "You can accomplish this by executing:" echo echo "$ sudo zypper install -t pattern devel_C_C++" echo "$ sudo zypper install git-core gcc-c++ libopenssl-devel libuuid-devel zip" echo echo "I am also setting special configure arguments to Python to" echo "specify control lib/lib64 issues." PYCONF_ARGS="--libdir=${DEST_DIR}/lib" fi if [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] && [ `grep --count buntu /etc/lsb-release` -gt 0 ] then echo "Looks like you're on an Ubuntu-compatible machine." echo echo "You need to have these packages installed:" echo echo " * libssl-dev" echo " * build-essential" echo " * libncurses5" echo " * libncurses5-dev" echo " * zip" echo " * uuid-dev" echo " * libfreetype6-dev" echo " * tk-dev" echo " * git" echo echo "You can accomplish this by executing:" echo echo "$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev build-essential libncurses5 libncurses5-dev zip uuid-dev libfreetype6-dev tk-dev git" echo echo echo " Additionally, if you want to put yt's lib dir in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH" echo " so you can use yt without the activate script, you might " echo " want to consider turning off LIBZ and FREETYPE in this" echo " install script by editing this file and setting" echo echo " INST_ZLIB=0" echo " INST_FTYPE=0" echo echo " to avoid conflicts with other command-line programs " echo " (like eog and evince, for example)." fi if [ $INST_SCIPY -eq 1 ] then echo echo "Looks like you've requested that the install script build SciPy." echo echo "If the SciPy build fails, please uncomment one of the the lines" echo "at the top of the install script that sets NUMPY_ARGS, delete" echo "any broken installation tree, and re-run the install script" echo "verbatim." echo echo "If that doesn't work, don't hesitate to ask for help on the yt" echo "user's mailing list." echo fi if [ ! -z "${CFLAGS}" ] then echo "******************************************" echo "******************************************" echo "** **" echo "** Your CFLAGS is not empty. **" echo "** This can break h5py compilation. **" echo "** **" echo "******************************************" echo "******************************************" fi } function log_cmd { echo "EXECUTING:" >> ${LOG_FILE} echo " $*" >> ${LOG_FILE} ( $* 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit } # set paths needed for Embree if [ $INST_EMBREE -ne 0 ] then if [ $INST_YT_SOURCE -eq 0 ] then echo "yt must be compiled from source to install Embree support." echo "Please set INST_YT_SOURCE to 1 and re-run the install script." exit 1 fi if [ $INST_CONDA -eq 0 ] then echo "Embree support has not yet been implemented for INST_CONDA=0." exit 1 fi if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ] then EMBREE="embree-2.8.0.x86_64.macosx" EMBREE_URL="https://github.com/embree/embree/releases/download/v2.8.0/$EMBREE.tar.gz" elif [ `uname` = "Linux" ] then EMBREE="embree-2.8.0.x86_64.linux" EMBREE_URL="https://github.com/embree/embree/releases/download/v2.8.0/$EMBREE.tar.gz" else echo "Embree is not supported on this platform." echo "Set INST_EMBREE=0 and re-run the install script." exit 1 fi PYEMBREE_URL="https://github.com/scopatz/pyembree/archive/master.zip" fi if [ $INST_ROCKSTAR -ne 0 ] then if [ $INST_YT_SOURCE -eq 0 ] then echo "yt must be compiled from source to install support for" echo "the rockstar halo finder. Please set INST_YT_SOURCE to 1" echo "and re-run the install script" exit 1 fi fi if [ $INST_NETCDF4 -ne 0 ] then if [ $INST_CONDA -eq 0 ] then echo "This script can only install netcdf4 through conda." echo "Please set INST_CONDA to 1 to install netcdf4" echo "Setting INST_NETCDF4=0" INST_NETCDF4=0 fi fi echo echo echo "========================================================================" echo echo "Hi there! This is the yt installation script. We're going to download" echo "some stuff and install it to create a self-contained, isolated" echo "environment for yt to run within." echo echo "Inside the installation script you can set a few variables. Here's what" echo "they're currently set to -- you can hit Ctrl-C and edit the values in " echo "the script if you aren't such a fan." echo printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_CONDA" "${INST_CONDA}" get_willwont ${INST_CONDA} echo "be installing a conda-based python environment" printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_YT_SOURCE" "${INST_YT_SOURCE}" get_willwont ${INST_YT_SOURCE} echo "be compiling yt from source" printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_PY3" "${INST_PY3}" get_willwont ${INST_PY3} echo "be installing Python 3" printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_GIT" "${INST_GIT}" get_willwont ${INST_GIT} echo "be installing git" printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_EMBREE" "${INST_EMBREE}" get_willwont ${INST_EMBREE} echo "be installing Embree" if [ $INST_CONDA -eq 0 ] then printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_ZLIB" "${INST_ZLIB}" get_willwont ${INST_ZLIB} echo "be installing zlib" printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_BZLIB" "${INST_BZLIB}" get_willwont ${INST_BZLIB} echo "be installing bzlib" printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_PNG" "${INST_PNG}" get_willwont ${INST_PNG} echo "be installing libpng" printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_FTYPE" "${INST_FTYPE}" get_willwont ${INST_FTYPE} echo "be installing freetype2" printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_SQLITE3" "${INST_SQLITE3}" get_willwont ${INST_SQLITE3} echo "be installing SQLite3" fi printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_PYX" "${INST_PYX}" get_willwont ${INST_PYX} echo "be installing PyX" printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_ROCKSTAR" "${INST_ROCKSTAR}" get_willwont ${INST_ROCKSTAR} echo "be installing Rockstar" printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_H5PY" "${INST_H5PY}" get_willwont ${INST_H5PY} echo "be installing h5py" printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_ASTROPY" "${INST_ASTROPY}" get_willwont ${INST_ASTROPY} echo "be installing astropy" printf "%-18s = %s so I " "INST_NOSE" "${INST_NOSE}" get_willwont ${INST_NOSE} echo "be installing nose" echo if [ $INST_CONDA -eq 0 ] then if [ -z "$HDF5_DIR" ] then echo "HDF5_DIR is not set, so I will be installing HDF5" else echo "HDF5_DIR=${HDF5_DIR} , so I will not be installing HDF5" fi fi echo echo "Installation will be to" echo " ${DEST_DIR}" echo echo "and I'll be logging the installation in" echo " ${LOG_FILE}" echo echo "I think that about wraps it up. If you want to continue, hit enter. " echo "If you'd rather stop, maybe think things over, even grab a sandwich, " echo "hit Ctrl-C." echo if [ $INST_YT_SOURCE -ne 0 ] then host_specific fi if [ $INST_CONDA -eq 0 ] then if [ ${USED_CONFIG} ] then echo "Settings were loaded from ${CONFIG_FILE}." echo "Remove this file if you wish to return to the default settings." echo fi fi echo "========================================================================" echo if [[ $1 != "--yes" ]] then read -p "[hit enter] " fi echo echo "Awesome! Here we go." echo function do_exit { echo "********************************************" echo " FAILURE REPORT:" echo "********************************************" echo tail -n 10 ${LOG_FILE} echo echo "********************************************" echo "********************************************" echo "Failure. Check ${LOG_FILE}. The last 10 lines are above." exit 1 } if [ $INST_PY3 -eq 1 ] then PYTHON_EXEC='python3' else PYTHON_EXEC='python2.7' fi function do_setup_py { [ -e $1/done ] && return LIB=$1 shift if [ -z "$@" ] then echo "Installing $LIB" else echo "Installing $LIB (arguments: '$@')" fi [ ! -e $LIB/extracted ] && tar xfz $LIB.tar.gz touch $LIB/extracted BUILD_ARGS="" PYEXE=${PYTHON_EXEC} case $LIB in *h5py*) pushd $LIB &> /dev/null ( ${DEST_DIR}/bin/${PYTHON_EXEC} setup.py configure --hdf5=${HDF5_DIR} 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit popd &> /dev/null ;; *numpy*) if [ -e ${DEST_DIR}/lib/${PYTHON_EXEC}/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py ] then VER=$(${DEST_DIR}/bin/${PYTHON_EXEC} -c 'from distutils.version import StrictVersion as SV; \ import numpy; print SV(numpy.__version__) < SV("1.8.0")') if [ $VER == "True" ] then echo "Removing previous NumPy instance (see issue #889)" rm -rf ${DEST_DIR}/lib/${PYTHON_EXEC}/site-packages/{numpy*,*.pth} fi fi ;; *) ;; esac cd $LIB ( ${DEST_DIR}/bin/${PYEXE} setup.py build ${BUILD_ARGS} $* 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( ${DEST_DIR}/bin/${PYEXE} setup.py install 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit touch done cd .. } if type -P curl &>/dev/null then echo "Using curl" export GETFILE="curl -sSOL" else echo "Using wget" export GETFILE="wget -nv" fi if type -P sha512sum &> /dev/null then echo "Using sha512sum" export SHASUM="sha512sum" elif type -P shasum &> /dev/null then echo "Using shasum -a 512" export SHASUM="shasum -a 512" else echo echo "I am unable to locate any shasum-like utility." echo "ALL FILE INTEGRITY IS NOT VERIFIABLE." echo "THIS IS PROBABLY A BIG DEAL." echo echo "(I'll hang out for a minute for you to consider this.)" sleep 60 fi function get_ytproject { [ -e $1 ] && return echo "Downloading $1 from yt-project.org" ${GETFILE} "http://yt-project.org/dependencies/$1" || do_exit ( ${SHASUM} -c $1.sha512 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit } function get_ytdata { echo "Downloading $1 from yt-project.org" [ -e $1 ] && return ${GETFILE} "http://yt-project.org/data/$1" || do_exit ( ${SHASUM} -c $1.sha512 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit } function test_install { echo "Testing that yt can be imported" ( ${DEST_DIR}/bin/${PYTHON_EXEC} -c "import yt" 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit } ORIG_PWD=`pwd` if [ -z "${DEST_DIR}" ] then echo "Edit this script, set the DEST_DIR parameter and re-run." exit 1 fi # Set paths to what they should be when yt is activated. if [ $INST_CONDA -eq 0 ] then export PATH=${DEST_DIR}/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${DEST_DIR}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PYTHONPATH=${DEST_DIR}/lib/${PYTHON_EXEC}/site-packages # Write config settings to file. CONFIG_FILE=${DEST_DIR}/.yt_config mkdir -p ${DEST_DIR} if [ -z ${REINST_YT} ] || [ ${REINST_YT} -neq 1 ] then write_config elif [ ${REINST_YT} ] && [ ${REINST_YT} -eq 1 ] && [ -f ${CONFIG_FILE} ] then USED_CONFIG=1 source ${CONFIG_FILE} fi # Get supplemental data. mkdir -p ${DEST_DIR}/data cd ${DEST_DIR}/data echo 'de6d8c6ea849f0206d219303329a0276b3cce7c051eec34377d42aacbe0a4f47ac5145eb08966a338ecddd2b83c8f787ca9956508ad5c39ee2088ad875166410 cloudy_emissivity.h5' > cloudy_emissivity.h5.sha512 [ ! -e cloudy_emissivity.h5 ] && get_ytdata cloudy_emissivity.h5 echo '0f714ae2eace0141b1381abf1160dc8f8a521335e886f99919caf3beb31df1fe271d67c7b2a804b1467949eb16b0ef87a3d53abad0e8160fccac1e90d8d9e85f apec_emissivity.h5' > apec_emissivity.h5.sha512 [ ! -e apec_emissivity.h5 ] && get_ytdata apec_emissivity.h5 mkdir -p ${DEST_DIR}/src cd ${DEST_DIR}/src PYTHON2='Python-2.7.11' PYTHON3='Python-3.5.1' CYTHON='Cython-0.25.2' if [ $INST_PY3 -eq 0 ] then PYX='PyX-0.12.1' else PYX='PyX-0.14.1' fi BZLIB='bzip2-1.0.6' FREETYPE_VER='freetype-2.4.12' H5PY='h5py-2.5.0' HDF5='hdf5-1.8.14' LAPACK='lapack-3.4.2' PNG='libpng-1.6.3' MATPLOTLIB='matplotlib-1.5.1' NOSE='nose-1.3.7' NUMPY='numpy-1.11.0' GITPYTHON='GitPython-2.1.3' ROCKSTAR='rockstar-0.99.6' SCIPY='scipy-0.17.0' SQLITE='sqlite-autoconf-3071700' SYMPY='sympy-1.0' ZLIB='zlib-1.2.8' SETUPTOOLS='setuptools-20.6.7' ASTROPY='astropy-1.1.2' # Now we dump all our SHA512 files out. echo '1974b9374aeedb030307dc95aa6560ce9d5e1652783cd4552e96ef11663c73dd263e3521b68e7712abbb31628011e2e66320c5ee2577968684e2679eb80726e1 Cython-0.25.2.tar.gz' > Cython-0.25.2.tar.gz.sha512 if [ $INST_PY3 -eq 0 ] then echo '4941f5aa21aff3743546495fb073c10d2657ff42b2aff401903498638093d0e31e344cce778980f28a7170c6d29eab72ac074277b9d4088376e8692dc71e55c1 PyX-0.12.1.tar.gz' > PyX-0.12.1.tar.gz.sha512 else echo '16265bbdcaf28ce194189a2987b32952f296c850b829454bcccce0abd23838bfca0276c3e9c8e96b8cbfaf1473bf14669f9b7f2032ee039b61ae59ea3aa45a20 PyX-0.14.1.tar.gz' > PyX-0.14.1.tar.gz.sha512 fi echo 'f21df53da87e9e3c14599a34388976e7dd09b951dff3c4b978fe224beeff07e749c0059ffd94f68ca9b75ecaef142b285d579b8dfaad4eab85aca33957114937 Python-2.7.11.tgz' > Python-2.7.11.tgz.sha512 echo '73f1477f3d3f5bd978c4ea1d1b679467b45e9fd2f443287b88c5c107a9ced580c56e0e8f33acea84e06b11a252e2a4e733120b721a9b6e1bb3d34493a3353bfb Python-3.5.1.tgz' > Python-3.5.1.tgz.sha512 echo 'b83c4a1415a3eb8c016507705d0d2f22971e4da937bb97953eec08f8f856933d8fa76ce8c536122235b19e7879b16add2e20fd2fee3e488f9b2b4bf1b9f4dbdb astropy-1.1.2.tar.gz' > astropy-1.1.2.tar.gz.sha512 echo '276bd9c061ec9a27d478b33078a86f93164ee2da72210e12e2c9da71dcffeb64767e4460b93f257302b09328eda8655e93c4b9ae85e74472869afbeae35ca71e blas.tar.gz' > blas.tar.gz.sha512 echo '00ace5438cfa0c577e5f578d8a808613187eff5217c35164ffe044fbafdfec9e98f4192c02a7d67e01e5a5ccced630583ad1003c37697219b0f147343a3fdd12 bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz' > bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz.sha512 echo '609a68a3675087e0cc95268574f31e104549daa48efe15a25a33b8e269a93b4bd160f4c3e8178dca9c950ef5ca514b039d6fd1b45db6af57f25342464d0429ce freetype-2.4.12.tar.gz' > freetype-2.4.12.tar.gz.sha512 echo '4a83f9ae1855a7fad90133b327d426201c8ccfd2e7fbe9f39b2d61a2eee2f3ebe2ea02cf80f3d4e1ad659f8e790c173df8cc99b87d0b7ce63d34aa88cfdc7939 h5py-2.5.0.tar.gz' > h5py-2.5.0.tar.gz.sha512 echo '4073fba510ccadaba41db0939f909613c9cb52ba8fb6c1062fc9118edc601394c75e102310be1af4077d07c9b327e6bbb1a6359939a7268dc140382d0c1e0199 hdf5-1.8.14.tar.gz' > hdf5-1.8.14.tar.gz.sha512 echo '8770214491e31f0a7a3efaade90eee7b0eb20a8a6ab635c5f854d78263f59a1849133c14ef5123d01023f0110cbb9fc6f818da053c01277914ae81473430a952 lapack-3.4.2.tar.gz' > lapack-3.4.2.tar.gz.sha512 echo '887582e5a22e4cde338aa8fec7a89f6dd31f2f02b8842735f00f970f64582333fa03401cea6d01704083403c7e8b7ebc26655468ce930165673b33efa4bcd586 libpng-1.6.3.tar.gz' > libpng-1.6.3.tar.gz.sha512 echo 'a0e78b5027a3a49cf8e77dc0d26f5f380dcd80f7b309b6121199acd5e1d94f48482864a9eee3bd397f7ac6f07fe1d3c21bf517217df3c72e8e3d105b7c2ae58e matplotlib-1.5.1.tar.gz' > matplotlib-1.5.1.tar.gz.sha512 echo 'e65c914f621f8da06b9ab11a0ff2763d6e29b82ce2aaed56da0e3773dc899d9deb1f20015789d44c65a5dad7214520f5b659b3f8d7695fb207ad3f78e5cf1b62 nose-1.3.7.tar.gz' > nose-1.3.7.tar.gz.sha512 echo '92c1889397ad013e25da3a0657fc01e787d528fc19c29cc2acd286c3f07d41b984252583457b1b9259fc303afbe9694565cdcf5752eb4ecb950cc7a99ec1ad8b numpy-1.11.0.tar.gz' > numpy-1.11.0.tar.gz.sha512 echo '918ff1765a85a818619165c2bcbb0d417f35c979c2f42f1bb7e41636696c0cb4d6837725f3655fbdfebea966476d1255ee18adabe9ed5536455b63336a1f399d GitPython-2.1.3.tar.gz' > GitPython-2.1.3.tar.gz.sha512 echo 'de6409d75a3ff3cf1e5391d3b09126f0bc7e1a40a15f9bee244195638fe2f8481fca032896d8534623e6122ff59aaf669664e27ff89cf1b094a5ce7312f220b7 scipy-0.17.0.tar.gz' > scipy-0.17.0.tar.gz.sha512 echo '96f3e51b46741450bc6b63779c10ebb4a7066860fe544385d64d1eda52592e376a589ef282ace2e1df73df61c10eab1a0d793abbdaf770e60289494d4bf3bcb4 sqlite-autoconf-3071700.tar.gz' > sqlite-autoconf-3071700.tar.gz.sha512 echo '977db6e9bc6a5918cceb255981a57e85e7060c0922aefd2968b004d25d704e25a5cb5bbe09eb387e8695581e23e2825d9c40310068fe25ece7e9c23037a21f39 sympy-1.0.tar.gz' > sympy-1.0.tar.gz.sha512 echo 'ece209d4c7ec0cb58ede791444dc754e0d10811cbbdebe3df61c0fd9f9f9867c1c3ccd5f1827f847c005e24eef34fb5bf87b5d3f894d75da04f1797538290e4a zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz' > zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz.sha512 echo '91a212b5007f9fdfacb4341e06dc0355c5c29897eb8ea407dd4864091f845ba1417bb0d33b5ed6897869d0233e2d0ec6548898d3dbe9eda23f751829bd51a104 setuptools-20.6.7.tar.gz' > setuptools-20.6.7.tar.gz.sha512 # Individual processes [ -z "$HDF5_DIR" ] && get_ytproject $HDF5.tar.gz [ $INST_ZLIB -eq 1 ] && get_ytproject $ZLIB.tar.gz [ $INST_BZLIB -eq 1 ] && get_ytproject $BZLIB.tar.gz [ $INST_PNG -eq 1 ] && get_ytproject $PNG.tar.gz [ $INST_FTYPE -eq 1 ] && get_ytproject $FREETYPE_VER.tar.gz [ $INST_SQLITE3 -eq 1 ] && get_ytproject $SQLITE.tar.gz [ $INST_PYX -eq 1 ] && get_ytproject $PYX.tar.gz [ $INST_SCIPY -eq 1 ] && get_ytproject $SCIPY.tar.gz [ $INST_SCIPY -eq 1 ] && get_ytproject blas.tar.gz [ $INST_SCIPY -eq 1 ] && get_ytproject $LAPACK.tar.gz if [ $INST_PY3 -eq 1 ] then get_ytproject $PYTHON3.tgz else get_ytproject $PYTHON2.tgz fi [ $INST_H5PY -eq 1 ] && get_ytproject $H5PY.tar.gz [ $INST_NOSE -eq 1 ] && get_ytproject $NOSE.tar.gz [ $INST_ASTROPY -eq 1 ] && get_ytproject $ASTROPY.tar.gz get_ytproject $NUMPY.tar.gz get_ytproject $MATPLOTLIB.tar.gz get_ytproject $CYTHON.tar.gz get_ytproject $GITPYTHON.tar.gz get_ytproject $SYMPY.tar.gz get_ytproject $SETUPTOOLS.tar.gz if [ $INST_BZLIB -eq 1 ] then if [ ! -e $BZLIB/done ] then [ ! -e $BZLIB ] && tar xfz $BZLIB.tar.gz echo "Installing BZLIB" cd $BZLIB if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ] then if [ -z "${CC}" ] then sed -i.bak 's/soname/install_name/' Makefile-libbz2_so else sed -i.bak -e 's/soname/install_name/' -e "s|CC=gcc|CC=${CC}|" Makefile-libbz2_so fi fi ( make install CFLAGS=-fPIC LDFLAGS=-fPIC PREFIX=${DEST_DIR} 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make -f Makefile-libbz2_so CFLAGS=-fPIC LDFLAGS=-fPIC PREFIX=${DEST_DIR} 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( cp -v libbz2.so.1.0.6 ${DEST_DIR}/lib 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit touch done cd .. fi BZLIB_DIR=${DEST_DIR} export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L${BZLIB_DIR}/lib/ -L${BZLIB_DIR}/lib64/" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${BZLIB_DIR}/lib/" fi if [ $INST_ZLIB -eq 1 ] then if [ ! -e $ZLIB/done ] then [ ! -e $ZLIB ] && tar xfz $ZLIB.tar.gz echo "Installing ZLIB" cd $ZLIB ( ./configure --shared --prefix=${DEST_DIR}/ 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make install 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make clean 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit touch done cd .. fi ZLIB_DIR=${DEST_DIR} export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L${ZLIB_DIR}/lib/ -L${ZLIB_DIR}/lib64/" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${ZLIB_DIR}/lib/" fi if [ $INST_PNG -eq 1 ] then if [ ! -e $PNG/done ] then [ ! -e $PNG ] && tar xfz $PNG.tar.gz echo "Installing PNG" cd $PNG ( ./configure CPPFLAGS=-I${DEST_DIR}/include CFLAGS=-I${DEST_DIR}/include --prefix=${DEST_DIR}/ 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make install 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make clean 2>&1) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit touch done cd .. fi PNG_DIR=${DEST_DIR} export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L${PNG_DIR}/lib/ -L${PNG_DIR}/lib64/" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${PNG_DIR}/lib/" fi if [ $INST_FTYPE -eq 1 ] then if [ ! -e $FREETYPE_VER/done ] then [ ! -e $FREETYPE_VER ] && tar xfz $FREETYPE_VER.tar.gz echo "Installing FreeType2" cd $FREETYPE_VER ( ./configure CFLAGS=-I${DEST_DIR}/include --prefix=${DEST_DIR}/ 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make install 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make clean 2>&1) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit touch done cd .. fi FTYPE_DIR=${DEST_DIR} export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L${FTYPE_DIR}/lib/ -L${FTYPE_DIR}/lib64/" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${FTYPE_DIR}/lib/" fi if [ -z "$HDF5_DIR" ] then if [ ! -e $HDF5/done ] then [ ! -e $HDF5 ] && tar xfz $HDF5.tar.gz echo "Installing HDF5" cd $HDF5 ( ./configure --prefix=${DEST_DIR}/ --enable-shared 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make ${MAKE_PROCS} install 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make clean 2>&1) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit touch done cd .. fi export HDF5_DIR=${DEST_DIR} else export HDF5_DIR=${HDF5_DIR} fi export HDF5_API=16 if [ $INST_SQLITE3 -eq 1 ] then if [ ! -e $SQLITE/done ] then [ ! -e $SQLITE ] && tar xfz $SQLITE.tar.gz echo "Installing SQLite3" cd $SQLITE ( ./configure --prefix=${DEST_DIR}/ 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make ${MAKE_PROCS} install 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make clean 2>&1) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit touch done cd .. fi fi if [ $INST_PY3 -eq 1 ] then if [ ! -e $PYTHON3/done ] then echo "Installing Python 3" [ ! -e $PYTHON3 ] && tar xfz $PYTHON3.tgz cd $PYTHON3 ( ./configure --prefix=${DEST_DIR}/ ${PYCONF_ARGS} 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make ${MAKE_PROCS} 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make install 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( ln -sf ${DEST_DIR}/bin/python3.5 ${DEST_DIR}/bin/pyyt 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} ( ln -sf ${DEST_DIR}/bin/python3.5 ${DEST_DIR}/bin/python 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} ( ln -sf ${DEST_DIR}/bin/python3-config ${DEST_DIR}/bin/python-config 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} ( make clean 2>&1) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit touch done cd .. fi else if [ ! -e $PYTHON2/done ] then echo "Installing Python 2. This may take a while, but don't worry. yt loves you." [ ! -e $PYTHON2 ] && tar xfz $PYTHON2.tgz cd $PYTHON2 ( ./configure --prefix=${DEST_DIR}/ ${PYCONF_ARGS} 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make ${MAKE_PROCS} 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( make install 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( ln -sf ${DEST_DIR}/bin/python2.7 ${DEST_DIR}/bin/pyyt 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} ( make clean 2>&1) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit touch done cd .. fi fi ( ${DEST_DIR}/bin/python -c "import _ssl" 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ] then echo "Unable to import the python SSL bindings." echo "This means that OpenSSL is not installed or your system's OpenSSL" echo "installation is out of date." echo "Please install OpenSSL or set INST_CONDA=1" do_exit fi export PYTHONPATH=${DEST_DIR}/lib/${PYTHON_EXEC}/site-packages/ # Install setuptools do_setup_py $SETUPTOOLS if type -P git &>/dev/null then GIT_EXE="git" else echo "Cannot find git. Please install git." do_exit fi if [ -z "$YT_DIR" ] then if [ -e $ORIG_PWD/yt/mods.py ] then YT_DIR="$ORIG_PWD" elif [ -e $ORIG_PWD/../yt/mods.py ] then YT_DIR=$(dirname $ORIG_PWD) elif [ ! -e yt-git ] then echo "Cloning yt" YT_DIR="$PWD/yt-git/" ( ${GIT_EXE} clone https://github.com/yt-project/yt/ ${YT_DIR} 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} elif [ -e yt-git ] then YT_DIR="$PWD/yt-git/" fi echo Setting YT_DIR=${YT_DIR} fi # This fixes problems with gfortran linking. unset LDFLAGS echo "Installing pip" ( ${GETFILE} https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit ( ${DEST_DIR}/bin/${PYTHON_EXEC} get-pip.py 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit if [ $INST_SCIPY -eq 0 ] then do_setup_py $NUMPY ${NUMPY_ARGS} else if [ ! -e $SCIPY/done ] then if [ ! -e BLAS/done ] then tar xfz blas.tar.gz echo "Building BLAS" cd BLAS gfortran -O2 -fPIC -fno-second-underscore -c *.f ( ar r libfblas.a *.o 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} ( ranlib libfblas.a 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} rm -rf *.o touch done cd .. fi if [ ! -e $LAPACK/done ] then tar xfz $LAPACK.tar.gz echo "Building LAPACK" cd $LAPACK/ cp INSTALL/make.inc.gfortran make.inc ( make lapacklib OPTS="-fPIC -O2" NOOPT="-fPIC -O0" CFLAGS=-fPIC LDFLAGS=-fPIC 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit touch done cd .. fi fi export BLAS=$PWD/BLAS/libfblas.a export LAPACK=$PWD/$LAPACK/liblapack.a do_setup_py $NUMPY ${NUMPY_ARGS} do_setup_py $SCIPY ${NUMPY_ARGS} fi if [ -n "${MPL_SUPP_LDFLAGS}" ] then OLD_LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS} export LDFLAGS="${MPL_SUPP_LDFLAGS}" echo "Setting LDFLAGS ${LDFLAGS}" fi if [ -n "${MPL_SUPP_CXXFLAGS}" ] then OLD_CXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS} export CXXFLAGS="${MPL_SUPP_CXXFLAGS}" echo "Setting CXXFLAGS ${CXXFLAGS}" fi if [ -n "${MPL_SUPP_CFLAGS}" ] then OLD_CFLAGS=${CFLAGS} export CFLAGS="${MPL_SUPP_CFLAGS}" echo "Setting CFLAGS ${CFLAGS}" fi # Now we set up the basedir for matplotlib: mkdir -p ${DEST_DIR}/src/$MATPLOTLIB echo "[directories]" >> ${DEST_DIR}/src/$MATPLOTLIB/setup.cfg echo "basedirlist = ${DEST_DIR}" >> ${DEST_DIR}/src/$MATPLOTLIB/setup.cfg if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ] then echo "[gui_support]" >> ${DEST_DIR}/src/$MATPLOTLIB/setup.cfg echo "macosx = False" >> ${DEST_DIR}/src/$MATPLOTLIB/setup.cfg fi _user_DISPLAY=$DISPLAY unset DISPLAY # see (yt-user link missing: "Installation failure" 01/29/15) do_setup_py $MATPLOTLIB export DISPLAY=${_user_DISPLAY} if [ -n "${OLD_LDFLAGS}" ] then export LDFLAG=${OLD_LDFLAGS} fi [ -n "${OLD_LDFLAGS}" ] && export LDFLAGS=${OLD_LDFLAGS} [ -n "${OLD_CXXFLAGS}" ] && export CXXFLAGS=${OLD_CXXFLAGS} [ -n "${OLD_CFLAGS}" ] && export CFLAGS=${OLD_CFLAGS} echo "Installing Jupyter" ( ${DEST_DIR}/bin/pip install "jupyter<2.0.0" 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} do_setup_py $CYTHON if [ $INST_H5PY -eq 1 ] then do_setup_py $H5PY fi if [ $INST_NOSE -eq 1 ] then do_setup_py $NOSE fi if [ $INST_ASTROPY -eq 1 ] then do_setup_py $ASTROPY fi do_setup_py $GITPYTHON do_setup_py $SYMPY [ $INST_PYX -eq 1 ] && do_setup_py $PYX ( ${DEST_DIR}/bin/pip install jinja2 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} # Now we build Rockstar and set its environment variable. if [ $INST_ROCKSTAR -eq 1 ] then if [ ! -e rockstar/done ] then echo "Building Rockstar" if [ ! -e rockstar ] then ( ${GIT_EXE} clone https://github.com/yt-project/rockstar 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} fi cd rockstar ( make lib 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit cp librockstar.so ${DEST_DIR}/lib ROCKSTAR_DIR=${DEST_DIR}/src/rockstar echo $ROCKSTAR_DIR > ${YT_DIR}/rockstar.cfg touch done cd .. fi fi MY_PWD=`pwd` cd $YT_DIR ( ${GIT_EXE} pull 2>1 && ${GIT_EXE} checkout ${BRANCH} 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} echo "Installing yt" [ $INST_PNG -eq 1 ] && echo $PNG_DIR > png.cfg ( export PATH=$DEST_DIR/bin:$PATH ; ${DEST_DIR}/bin/${PYTHON_EXEC} setup.py develop 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit touch done cd $MY_PWD if !( ( ${DEST_DIR}/bin/${PYTHON_EXEC} -c "import readline" 2>&1 )>> ${LOG_FILE}) || \ [[ "${MYOS##Darwin}" != "${MYOS}" && $INST_PY3 -eq 1 ]] then if !( ( ${DEST_DIR}/bin/${PYTHON_EXEC} -c "import gnureadline" 2>&1 )>> ${LOG_FILE}) then echo "Installing pure-python readline" ( ${DEST_DIR}/bin/pip install gnureadline 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} fi fi if [ -e $HOME/.matplotlib/fontList.cache ] && \ ( grep -q python2.6 $HOME/.matplotlib/fontList.cache ) then echo "WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING" echo "*******************************************************" echo echo " You likely need to remove your old fontList.cache!" echo " You can do this with this command:" echo "" echo " rm $HOME/.matplotlib/fontList.cache" echo echo "*******************************************************" fi # Add the environment scripts ( cp ${YT_DIR}/doc/activate ${DEST_DIR}/bin/activate 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} sed -i.bak -e "s,__YT_DIR__,${DEST_DIR}," ${DEST_DIR}/bin/activate ( cp ${YT_DIR}/doc/activate.csh ${DEST_DIR}/bin/activate.csh 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} sed -i.bak -e "s,__YT_DIR__,${DEST_DIR}," ${DEST_DIR}/bin/activate.csh test_install function print_afterword { echo echo echo "========================================================================" echo echo "yt is now installed in $DEST_DIR ." echo echo "To run from this new installation, use the activate script for this " echo "environment." echo echo " $ source $DEST_DIR/bin/activate" echo echo "This modifies the environment variables YT_DEST, PATH, PYTHONPATH, and" echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH to match your new yt install. If you use csh, just" echo "append .csh to the above." echo echo "To get started with yt, check out the orientation:" echo echo " http://yt-project.org/doc/quickstart/" echo echo "The source for yt is located at:" echo " $YT_DIR" echo echo "For support, see the website and join the mailing list:" echo echo " http://yt-project.org/" echo " http://yt-project.org/data/ (Sample data)" echo " http://yt-project.org/doc/ (Docs)" echo echo " http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org" echo echo "========================================================================" echo echo "Oh, look at me, still talking when there's science to do!" echo "Good luck, and email the user list if you run into any problems." } print_afterword print_afterword >> ${LOG_FILE} echo "yt dependencies were last updated on" > ${DEST_DIR}/.yt_update date >> ${DEST_DIR}/.yt_update else # INST_CONDA -eq 1 MYARCH=`uname -m` # A guess at the OS MYOS=`uname -s` if [ $MYOS = "Darwin" ] then MINICONDA_OS="MacOSX" MINICONDA_ARCH="x86_64" elif [ $MYOS = "Linux" ] then MINICONDA_OS="Linux" if [ $MYARCH = "i386" ] then MINICONDA_ARCH="x86" elif [ $MYARCH = "i686" ] then MINICONDA_ARCH="x86" elif [ $MYARCH = "x86_64" ] then MINICONDA_ARCH="x86_64" else echo "Not sure which architecture you are running." echo "Going with x86_64 architecture." MINICONDA_OS="Linux-x86_64" fi else echo "The yt install script is not supported on the ${MYOS}" echo "operating system." exit 1 fi if [ $INST_PY3 -eq 1 ] then PY_VERSION='3' else PY_VERSION='2' fi MINICONDA_PKG="Miniconda${PY_VERSION}-${MINICONDA_VERSION}-${MINICONDA_OS}-${MINICONDA_ARCH}.sh" echo echo "Downloading ${MINICONDA_URLBASE}/${MINICONDA_PKG}" echo if [ -f ${MINICONDA_PKG} ] then rm $MINICONDA_PKG fi echo "Installing the Miniconda python environment." if [ -e ${DEST_DIR} ] then rm -rf $DEST_DIR/* else mkdir $DEST_DIR fi log_cmd ${GETFILE} ${MINICONDA_URLBASE}/${MINICONDA_PKG} || do_exit log_cmd bash ./${MINICONDA_PKG} -b -p $DEST_DIR -f # Need to set PATH so we use miniconda's python environment export PATH=${DEST_DIR}/bin:$PATH echo "Installing the necessary packages for yt." echo "This may take a while, but don't worry. yt loves you." declare -a YT_DEPS YT_DEPS+=('python') YT_DEPS+=('setuptools') YT_DEPS+=('numpy') YT_DEPS+=('jupyter') YT_DEPS+=('ipython') YT_DEPS+=('sphinx') if [ ${INST_GIT} -eq 1 ] then YT_DEPS+=('git') YT_DEPS+=('gitpython') fi if [ $INST_H5PY -ne 0 ] then YT_DEPS+=('h5py') fi YT_DEPS+=('matplotlib') YT_DEPS+=('cython') if [ $INST_NOSE -ne 0 ] then YT_DEPS+=('nose') fi if [ $INST_SCIPY -ne 0 ] then YT_DEPS+=('scipy') fi if [ $INST_ASTROPY -ne 0 ] then YT_DEPS+=('astropy') fi YT_DEPS+=('conda-build') if [ $INST_PY3 -eq 0 ] && [ $INST_HG -eq 1 ] then YT_DEPS+=('mercurial') fi YT_DEPS+=('sympy') if [ $INST_NETCDF4 -eq 1 ] then YT_DEPS+=('netcdf4') fi log_cmd ${DEST_DIR}/bin/conda update --yes conda if [ $INST_GIT -eq 1 ] then GIT_EXE=${DEST_DIR}/bin/git else if type -P git &>/dev/null then GIT_EXE="git" else echo "Cannot find git. Please install git or set INST_GIT=1." do_exit fi fi log_cmd echo "DEPENDENCIES" ${YT_DEPS[@]} for YT_DEP in "${YT_DEPS[@]}"; do echo "Installing $YT_DEP" log_cmd ${DEST_DIR}/bin/conda install -c conda-forge --yes ${YT_DEP} done if [ $INST_PY3 -eq 1 ] && [ $INST_HG -eq 1 ] then echo "Installing mercurial" log_cmd ${DEST_DIR}/bin/conda create -y -n py27 python=2.7 mercurial log_cmd ln -s ${DEST_DIR}/envs/py27/bin/hg ${DEST_DIR}/bin fi log_cmd ${GIT_EXE} clone https://github.com/yt-project/yt_conda ${DEST_DIR}/src/yt_conda if [ $INST_EMBREE -eq 1 ] then echo "Installing Embree" if [ ! -d ${DEST_DIR}/src ] then mkdir ${DEST_DIR}/src fi cd ${DEST_DIR}/src ( ${GETFILE} "$EMBREE_URL" 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit log_cmd tar xfz ${EMBREE}.tar.gz log_cmd mv ${DEST_DIR}/src/${EMBREE}/include/embree2 ${DEST_DIR}/include log_cmd mv ${DEST_DIR}/src/${EMBREE}/lib/lib*.* ${DEST_DIR}/lib if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ] then ln -s ${DEST_DIR}/lib/libembree.2.dylib ${DEST_DIR}/lib/libembree.dylib install_name_tool -id ${DEST_DIR}/lib/libembree.2.dylib ${DEST_DIR}/lib/libembree.2.dylib else ln -s ${DEST_DIR}/lib/libembree.so.2 ${DEST_DIR}/lib/libembree.so fi echo "Installing pyembree from source" ( ${GETFILE} "$PYEMBREE_URL" 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit log_cmd unzip ${DEST_DIR}/src/master.zip pushd ${DEST_DIR}/src/pyembree-master &> /dev/null log_cmd ${DEST_DIR}/bin/${PYTHON_EXEC} setup.py install build_ext -I${DEST_DIR}/include -L${DEST_DIR}/lib popd &> /dev/null fi if [ $INST_ROCKSTAR -eq 1 ] then echo "Building Rockstar" ( ${GIT_EXE} clone https://github.com/yt-project/rockstar ${DEST_DIR}/src/rockstar/ 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} ROCKSTAR_PACKAGE=$(${DEST_DIR}/bin/conda build ${DEST_DIR}/src/yt_conda/rockstar --output) log_cmd ${DEST_DIR}/bin/conda build ${DEST_DIR}/src/yt_conda/rockstar log_cmd ${DEST_DIR}/bin/conda install $ROCKSTAR_PACKAGE ROCKSTAR_DIR=${DEST_DIR}/src/rockstar fi # conda doesn't package pyx, so we install manually with pip if [ $INST_PYX -eq 1 ] then if [ $INST_PY3 -eq 1 ] then log_cmd ${DEST_DIR}/bin/pip install pyx else log_cmd ${DEST_DIR}/bin/pip install pyx==0.12.1 fi fi if [ $INST_YT_SOURCE -eq 0 ] then echo "Installing yt" log_cmd ${DEST_DIR}/bin/conda install -c conda-forge --yes yt else echo "Building yt from source" if [ -z "$YT_DIR" ] then if [ -e $ORIG_PWD/yt/mods.py ] then YT_DIR="$ORIG_PWD" elif [ -e $ORIG_PWD/../yt/mods.py ] then YT_DIR=$(dirname $ORIG_PWD) else YT_DIR="${DEST_DIR}/src/yt-git" log_cmd ${GIT_EXE} clone https://github.com/yt-project/yt ${YT_DIR} log_cmd ${GIT_EXE} -C ${YT_DIR} checkout ${BRANCH} fi echo Setting YT_DIR=${YT_DIR} else if [ ! -e $YT_DIR/.git ] then echo "$YT_DIR is not a clone of the yt git repository, exiting" do_exit fi fi if [ $INST_EMBREE -eq 1 ] then echo $DEST_DIR > ${YT_DIR}/embree.cfg fi if [ $INST_ROCKSTAR -eq 1 ] then echo $ROCKSTAR_DIR > ${YT_DIR}/rockstar.cfg ROCKSTAR_LIBRARY_PATH=${DEST_DIR}/lib fi pushd ${YT_DIR} &> /dev/null ( LIBRARY_PATH=$ROCKSTAR_LIBRARY_PATH ${DEST_DIR}/bin/${PYTHON_EXEC} setup.py develop 2>&1) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit popd &> /dev/null fi test_install echo echo echo "========================================================================" echo echo "yt and the Conda system are now installed in $DEST_DIR" echo echo "To get started with yt, check out the orientation:" echo echo " http://yt-project.org/doc/orientation/" echo echo "For support, see the website and join the mailing list:" echo echo " http://yt-project.org/" echo " http://yt-project.org/data/ (Sample data)" echo " http://yt-project.org/doc/ (Docs)" echo echo " http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org" echo echo "You must now prepend the following folder to your PATH environment variable:" echo echo " $DEST_DIR/bin" echo echo "On Bash-style shells you can copy/paste the following command to " echo "temporarily activate the yt installation:" echo echo " export PATH=$DEST_DIR/bin:\$PATH" echo echo "and on csh-style shells:" echo echo " setenv PATH $DEST_DIR/bin:\$PATH" echo echo "You can also update the init file appropriate for your shell" echo "(e.g. .bashrc, .bash_profile, .cshrc, or .zshrc) to include" echo "the same command." echo if [ $INST_ROCKSTAR -eq 1 ] then if [ $MYOS = "Darwin" ] then LD_NAME="DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" else LD_NAME="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" fi echo echo "For rockstar to work, you must also set $LD_NAME:" echo echo " export $LD_NAME=$DEST_DIR/lib:\$$LD_NAME" echo echo "or whichever invocation is appropriate for your shell." fi echo "========================================================================" echo echo "Oh, look at me, still talking when there's science to do!" echo "Good luck, and email the mailing list if you run into any problems." fi