A programming language for Vietnamese

# Print text with InRa[] To print out a string or text, you use: InRa[] string or you can prints text using: InRaDong[] string The differences between InRa[] and InRaDong[] is that InRa[] prints out normal text, if there are no text printed out, there might be some errors. But InRaDong[] prints out a space then a text, if nothing is printed out, it will add a new line. ## Store data with InRa[] You can actually store data to a file by using: InRa[] data>>file # Special characters Unlike any characters, "!" requires "^", for example: ::This would causes no errors InRa[]] @#/ ::This would cause error ("!" will not be shown) InRa[] ! ::Correct codes: InRa[] ^! The reason for this is that VNC has: SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION which causes "!" to not be used properly. # Unicode characters To start using Unicode character, type: ChapNhanUnicode[] >nul So now you can use Unicode characters: ChapNhanUnicode[] >nul InRa[] ă ê © :: Would print out "ă ê ©" # Prints out command's text If you type: InRa[] InRa[] It won't print out "InRa[]", but it will print out "echo", because VNC will compiles any statement/command without caring if it's a used data or not. So to actually print out "InRa[]", you will need to add "^" in any place of the command. Example: InRa[] InRa[^] :: This will print out "InRa[]" # First note To pause in VNC, please type in: TamDung[] You will see this command underneath, but you should you this command to pause your program. # Variables and data types ## Variables To declare a variable as a string, you use: Dat[] variable_name=string_value To declare a variable as an integer or evaluate math equation, you use: Tinh[] variable_name=integer_value To evaluate an equation with a decimal result, use: SuDungThuVien[] ThuVienThapPhan ThapPhan[] "variable_name" "equation" To declare a variable as an array, you use: data_type arr[array_index]= Ex: Dat[] arr[0]=Hello Dat[] arr[1]=100 Note: There is no real Array in VNC, the reason for naming arr[index] is to run for loops easier for all those "fake elements of a fake Array". To declare a variable from user's input, you use: Nhap[] variable_name= Note: If you do this, it will prints out "Enter name:" right next to the input Nhap[] variable_name=Enter name: ### Maths You can do Math with VNC like this: Tinh[] result=1+1+2+4 If you do this, variable "result" will be "Hel + lo" Dat[] result=Hel + lo Math operators
  • () - grouping
  • ! ~ - - unary operators
  • * / % - arithmetic operators
  • + - - arithmetic operators
  • << >> - logical shift
  • & - bitwise and
  • ^ - bitwise exclusive or
  • | - bitwise or
  • = *= /= %= += -= - assignment
  • &= ^= |= <<= >>= , - expression separator
  • ++ -- - plus/minus 1
  • ## Some Math commands ### Print out an equation: ThucHien[] equation ### Assign the result of an equation to %fhsolved% ThucHienVaInKetQua[] equation ### Merge strings To merge strings, do this: Dat[] str1=Hello Dat[] str2=World Dat[] str=%str1% %str2% So the value of %str% is "Hello World" Don't merge string like this: Dat[] str1=Hello Dat[] str2=World Dat[] str=%str1% + %str2% This time, the value will be "Hello + World" ### Use variables in different commands You can use variables in VNC commands as %variable_name% For example, to print out a variable, you can do this: Dat[] result=Hello World^! InRa[] %result% But, to print out an element of an array, you use: Dat[] a[0]=Hello InRa[] %a[0]% To print out every element of an array, you can write something like this: BatDauCucBo[] ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION Tinh[] a[0]=100 Tinh[] a[1]=35 Tinh[] a[2]=20 VongLap[] %%n in (0,1,2) do ( InRa[] ^!a[%%n]^! ) Actually, there is a whole another way to create an array: Dat[] arr=1 2 3 4 5 VongLap[] %%i in (%arr%) do ( ::Print out every elements InRa[] %%i ) ### Local and global variables You can declare a global variable by just using all the ways mentioned recently. To declare a variable locally, you will need to use: BatDauCucBo[] Tinh[] ans=100 KetThucCucBo[] BatDauCucBo[] and KetThucCucBo[] helps create a local environment. In Batch, to use variable in for loops, or enables command prosessor's extensions, you would need: setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS You can also do that with BatDauCucBo[] BatDauCucBo[] ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION BatDauCucBo[] ENABLEEXTENSIONS Note: DELAYEDEXPANSION is already enabled in VNC. So you wouldn't need to enable it actually. ### Special variables
  • %random% - A variable with the value of a random number between 10000 and 99999
  • %time% - A variable with the value as the current timer
  • %dat[]e% - A variable with the value as the current dat[]e
  • %cd% - A variable with the value as the current directory
  • %errorlevel% - A variable with the value as the current Batch errorlevel value
  • %cmdextversion% - A variable with the value as the current Command Processor Extensions version number
  • %cmdcmdline% - A variable with the value as the original command line that invoked the Command Processor
  • %path% - A variable with the value as all environment variables
  • %highestnumanodenumber% - A variable with the value as the highest NUMA node number on this machine
  • There are a lot of special variables left, but you might not find uses for them ### Implementations on variables
  • %variable_name:~0,-2% - would extract all but the last 2 characters of the variable
  • %variable_name:~-5% - would extract the last 5 characters of the variable
  • %variable_name:~5% - would remove the first 5 characters of the variable
  • %variable_name:str1=str2% - would replace str1 with str2
  • %PATH:~10,5% - would expand the PATH environment variable, and then use only the 5 characters that begin at the 11th (offset 10) character of the expanded result. If the length is not specified, then it defaults to the remainder of the variable value. If either number (offset or length) is negative, then the number used is the length of the environment variable value added to the offset or length specified/li> ### Notes There are variables that you CAN NOT USE like: %a%, %printString%, %fccompile%, %fccompilename%, %fcread%. Also, spaces in VNC is extremely important, so if you declare a variable like this: Tinh[] abc = 100 It will declare the "abc " variable, so if you prints it out like this, it will not work InRa[] %abc% You will have to code like this: InRa[] %abc % Then, it will prints out " 100" Other thing that you should notice is that Dat[] text would return any variable begins with "text" # Comments Single-line comment: :: Comment Another way: rem comment Multi-line comment: /* comment */ Hide comment: CTAN comment # Labels and Goto statement Labels helps you to jump to a state or pass parameters to execute tasks (somewhat procedural programming). To create a label/procedure, you use: Moc[] label_name To jump to a label, you use: DiToi[] label_name To call a label/procedure, you use: GoiThuTuc[] :label_name Or: GoiHam[] label_name GoiThuTuc[] can also targets file, while GoiHam[] can only targets label/function. For example, you can execute files like this: GoiThuTuc[] file_name ### Differences between DiToi[] and GoiThuTuc[] DiToi[] jumps to a function and will not execute the previous code while GoiThuTuc[] use code from the function but still execute the previous code. Also, GoiThuTuc[] also supports parameters, which helps you a lot of time. For examples, this code will print the sum of two parameters: GoiThuTuc[] :plus 1 2 Moc[] plus Tinh[] ans=%~1 + %~2 InRa[] %ans% Note: Parameters in VNC are %~1, %~2,... ### Notes To restart the program, you can type: DiToi[] VNCCompiled It is because the compiled code of VNC is in a main label/procedure "VNCCompiled" This code would still work eventhough it contains special character DiToi[] dsasd$ 123213 323 DiToi[] dsasd$ 123213 323 # Macro You can create a macro like this: :: A macro which prints out "Hello" Dat[] hello= InRa[] Hello %hello% You can join commands together like this: Dat[] hello= InRa[] Hello ^& InRa[] Hell yeah! # Procedural programming TaoHam[] Procedure_name :: Code goes here DongHam[] Example: TaoHam[] SayHello InRa[] Hello DongHam[] :: Prints "Hello" GoiThuTuc[] SayHello # Object Oriented Programming You can implement OOP like this: :: Create a procedure called "Dog" TaoHam[] Dog ::Set properties PoopString[] %~1.age=%~2 PoopString[] %~1.weight=%~3 ( InRa[] InRa[] *Being cute* )>%~1.BeingCute.bat DongHam[] :: Create an object GoiThuTuc[] Dog "Mary" "3" "4kg" :: Prints out "age" property of "Mary", which is "3" InRa[] Age: %Mary.age% :: Call "Mary.BeingCute", which prints out "*Being cute*" GoiThuTuc[] Mary.BeingCute # If statements To use if statement, type: Neu[] condition command_to_execute Example: Tinh[] abc=100 Neu[] %abc% == 100 ( InRa[] abc is equal to 100 ) You can actually use a Batch command in Neu[]. Example: Tinh[] abc=20 Neu[] %abc% == 20 ( echo abc is equal to 100 ) ## All the comparison operators:
  • "==" - Equal
  • "EQU" - Equal
  • "NEQ" - Not equal
  • "LSS" - Less than
  • "LEQ" - Less than or equal
  • "GTE" - Greater than
  • "GEQ" - Greater than or equal
  • ## Other kinds or if statements: ### Execute if a file exists NeuTonTai[] file_name ( command_to_execute ) ### Execute if a variable is defined NeuDaKhoiTao[] variable_name ( command_to_execute ) ### Execute if a condition is false NeuKhongPhai[] condtition ( command_to_execute ) ### Else Neu[] condition ( command_to_execute ) KhongThi[] ( command_to_execute ) ## Notes To use if not for Neu[]DaKhoiTao or Neu[]TonTai, you can do this: NeuKhongTonTai[] file ( command_to_execute ) NeuChuaKhoiTao[] file ( command_to_execute ) ## Pressing keys with respond To receive keys pressed, add: GoPhim[] key For examples, if you want the users to press one in "wsad", type: GoPhim[] wsad To perform any actions, you will need to use a special if statement: Neu[]Phim position_of_key_in_GoPhim Example: GoPhim wsad NeuPhim[] 4 ( InRa[] You pressed "D" ) NeuPhim[] 3 ( InRa[] You pressed "A" ) NeuPhim[] 2 ( InRa[] You pressed "S" ) NeuPhim[] 1 ( InRa[] You pressed "W" ) ### If not for tapping You can use: NeuPhimKhongLa[] to use if not. ## Instant condition checking You can type this to check if the condition is true or false instantly: KiemTraVaInKetQua[] condition Then, it will prints out "Yes" if true, "No" if false. For example, this will prints out "Yes" KiemTraVaInKetQua[] "hello" == "hello" You can also do this: KiemTra[] condition It will assign 'Yes' or 'No' to %tmhres%. # Loops ## For loops ### Loops from m to n VongLap[] %%parameters in (start,step,end) do ( ) ### Loops through files rooted in a folder QuetFile[] drive/directory %%parameters in (file) do ( ) ### Loops through strings or strings in a file QuetChuoi[] drive/directory %%parameters in (string/file) do ( ) ### Loops through a file QuetNoiDung[] %%parameters in (set) do ( ) ### Loops through a folder QuetThuMuc[] %%parameters in (folder) do ( ) ## While loops While loops can be created using: LapKhi[] condition ::code NgungLap[] Of course, the loops will run when the condition is still true, stop when false. ### Do-While loop LapLienTuc[] ::code ChoToiKhi[] condition ### Differences between While and Do-While While loop is executed only when given condition is true. Whereas, do-while loop is executed for first time irrespective of the condition. After executing while loop for first time, then condition is checked. ### Notes when using while loops YOU CAN NOT USE NESTED WHILE LOOPS
    This will be wrong: LapKhi[] condition LapKhi[] condition NgungLap[] NgungLap[] (Same with Do-While) ## The better way for loops You can use somewhat "recursion" like this: Dat[] i=start_number DiToi[] loop command Neu[] %i% == end_number DiToi[] nextcode Tinh[] i++ DiToi[] loop DiToi[] nextcode command For example, this program will print all the number from 0 to 10 then print out "Done!": Tinh[] i=0 DiToi[] loop InRa[] %i% Neu[] %i% == 10 DiToi[] nextcode Tinh[] i++ DiToi[] loop DiToi[] nextcode InRa[] Done^! # Use Batch in VNC Unlike all the previous release, now VNC support writing Batch without any other commands. So you can actually learn Batch and write Batch codes in VNC. # Import pre-built libraries To import a pre-built library, use: SuDungThuVien[] lib_name ## Using "ThuVienMang" SuDungThuVien[] arrayfunc :: Find sum of list TongSoHangCuaDay[] "variable_name" "list" :: Find maximum of list SoLonNhatCuaDay[] "variable_name" "list" :: Find minimum of list SoNhoNhatCuaDay[] "variable_name" "list" :: Example: SoLonNhatCuaDay[] "max_num" "2 3 1 8 5" :: This will prints out "8" InRa[] %max_num% ### Note All the functions above only works with list with all integers. String or floats will cause errors. ## Using "ThuVienToanHoc" SuDungThuVien[] math :: Absolute GiaTriTuyetDoi[] "variable_name" "number" :: Check if a number is odd KiemTraLe[] "variable_name" "number" :: Check if a number is even KiemTraChan[] "variable_name" "number :: Power Mu[] "variable_name" "number" "power_num" :: Factorial GiaiThua[] "variable_name" "number" ## Using "ThuVienChuoi" SuDungThuVien[] ThuVienChuoi :: Length of string DoDaiChuoi[] "variable_name" "string" :: To uppercase InHoa[] "variable_name" "number" :: To lowercase InThuong[] "variable_name" "number" :: Reverse DaoChuoi[] "variable_name" "string" ## Loading lib entirely with GoiThuTuc[] Example: :: Check if a number is odd GoiThuTuc[] fclib_math_odd.bat "variable_name" "number" # Nul in VNC It's just like nul in Batch, so if you want to make your console not print out any process, you can do it like this: Command >nul To hide errors, you can do this: Command >nul 2>nul # Creating and Inserting modules You can create a module file using: KhaiBaoBoPhan[] Note: The "KhaiBaoBoPhan[]" command needs to stay at the top of the file. Then, include it in the main file using: Chen[] module_name.bat ::Note: You have to replace .vnc with .bat Then, compile the module file first, then compile the main file at the end. ### Example: Create a file called "module.vnc" with: KhaiBaoBoPhan[] InRa[] World Create a file called "program.vnc" with: InRa[] Hello Chen[] module.bat In the command window, type: vnc module --dich vnc program It will prints out: Hello World If you are a C++ dev, this would be an equivalent to "#include". # Other useful commands ### Exit the program Thoat[] ### Shutdown system TatMay[] ::Add /t time and /c "comment" to set the time to shutdown and leave a comment before shutdown ### Restart system KhoiDongLai[] ::Add /t time and /c "comment" to set the time to shutdown and leave a comment before restart ### Create a folder TaoThuMuc[] folder_name ### Access a folder ChuyenVaoThuMuc[] folder_name ### Access a drive TruyCapO[] drive_name ### Read a file DocTapTin[] file_name ### Clear the screen An[] ### Pause TamDung[] ### Delete a file XoaTapTin[] file ### Delete a folder XoaThuMuc[] folder_name ### Check if a number is odd or is even KiemTraChanLe[] number ### Change color, a pair of hex code is a color code DoiMau[] hex_code
  • 0 = Black
  • 1 = Blue
  • 2 = Green
  • 3 = Aqua
  • 4 = Red
  • 5 = Purple
  • 6 = Yellow
  • 7 = White
  • 8 = Gray
  • 9 = Light Blue
  • A = Light Green
  • B = Light Aqua
  • C = Light Red
  • D = Light Purple
  • E = Light Yellow
  • F = Bright White
  • ### Change the title of the program DoiTieuDe[] title_name ### Change console's size DoiKichCo[] size_number DoiKichCo[] con cols=columns_or_width lines=lines_or_height ### Rename a file DoiTenTapTin[] file_name ### Move a file to the new path DiChuyenTapTin[] file_name new_path ### Copy a file to the new path SaoChepTapTin[] file_name new_path ### Open a file or a website url (would open cmd if nothing is opened) MoTapTin[] file ### Timeout for a specific time Cho[] time_as_second ### Restart the program or loop the program endlessly LapChuongTrinh[] ### Shows dat[]e XemNgay[] ### Shows time XemGio[] ### Shows all files in the current directory XemMucVaTep[] ### Show command prompt content AnCuaSoLenh[] This would be useful for debugging. ### Hide command prompt content HienCuaSoLenh[] Note: All the command prompt content is hiden by default ### Prompt for dat[]e to change dat[]e DoiNgay[] Note: Administrator is required to run the command ### Prompt for time to change time DoiGio[] Note: Administrator is required to run the command # Disable prebuilt variables You can disable numpoop, numpiss, numpuke,... by putting this block of code on top of your program: KhaiBaoBoPhan[] AnCuaSoLenh[]