29; also the 29th day of each month when offerings are made to the demons. ka The first letter of the Tibetan alphabet, corresponding in sound to the Sanskrit SANST or the English K. Of this letter we read: ka ni rtsa ba zhes par grags (K. g. ka 424) "the ka is called the root." As the first letter it has the sense of "the beginning": ka nas dag pa pure from the beginning. Again, it can signify "power": snyan 'tsher rung ma zhu ka med though unpleasant to hear, I have no power not to say it; ma gnang ka med powerless not to give; ma 'gro ka med powerless not to go, i.e., cannot avoid going. ka has almost the same sense in ka cis kyang mi phan 'chi ba la (Lo. 35) no resource avails at death. This latter seems to have other metaphorical meanings; thus we read: ka zhes bya ba 'dod pa yin (K. g. kha 179) "ka, so to be called, is desire." I: 1. when used in indicating numbers ka signifies one or first. 2. in modern Tibetan as an affix to many words it denotes: the, all the, the very. skabs ka has the same meaning as skabs su , on a certain occasion; de ka that very; gnyis ka the two. 3. in a large number of words we find ka occurring as the second syllable. In some of these it has been added apparently as a differentiative particle; and in the colloq. we often find it annexed to the older mono-syllabic form without explainable reason. II: indeed; surely: slar yang dran du ka song (Pag. 42) later again he indeed recollected (the separation). ka for ka ba 3 pillar. ka kha 1. the A-B-C, or alphabet. 2. a feather: gsang skad la ka kha ni sgro'o (K. g. ga 216) in the secret language ka-kha signifies a feather. ka kha pa a beginner of the alphabet; a child. ka tho also ka kha'i tho , an alphabetical register; an index. ka thog lit. "on top of ka "; n. of a celebrated Buddhist monastery in Kham belonging to the RÒio-ma School, the Head Lama of which is believed always to be an incarnation of his predecessor and holds the title of ka thog rig 'dzin chen mo|. The hill on which this monastery was built is said to have resembled the letter ka. 'bri chu'i 'gram spom por dang nyer bar ka thog ces pa'i gnas dgon| (Deb. ga 26) On the bank of the Di-chu (Hbri-chu), near Pom-po, is the monastery called Kathog. ka dag = ka nas dag pa pure from the beginning. According to the Rnying-ma School of Buddhism it means stong pa nyid (sunyata) emptiness, or the void; that which is pure from the beginning: ngo bo ka dag rang bzhin lhun gyi grub pa'i 'dus ma byas kyi| (Yig. 14) that which is not compounded, being evolved of itself, is pure from the beginning. ka sde SANST 1. the four letters in the first group of the Tibetan alphabet, namely, ka kha ga nga |. 2. in astronomy consecutive numbers: chu srin du ka sde lugs 'byung | (Ya-sel. 45) the order of the figures (in the zodiac sign of the crocodile) is consecutive. ka pa the first volume of a work or a series of works; a volume or anything else marked with the letter ka . ka dpe also expressed ka kha'i dpe , an A-B-C book; a primer. ka phreng = kA li 3 the series of consonants in the Tibetan alphabet. ka med helpless, powerless. ka snad sum cu lit. "the thirty (letters of the Tibetan alphabet) below the letter ka ." ka rtsom an acrostic; a metrical composition in which the initial letters of each line form a continuous word or sentence. ka li ordinarily written for the Tibetan Sanskrit word kA li (ka + aAa li ). kA li á = ka phreng 3 the series of letters gen. beginning with ka , i.e., the consonants of the Tibetan language: yi ge aa li kA li yin| "letters are of the aa series, i.e., vowels, and of the ka series, i.e., consonants" (Situ. 3). ka ka á I: SANST 1. the crow. 2. the cry of the crow: ka ka zhes na nor rnyed 'byung | (Vai. kar.) "if a crow caws, wealth will be found." II: excrement (nursery word); in W. ka ka tang ce = French faire caca (J‰.). ka ka ni á SANST 1. a small coin of ancient India (Cs.): ka ka ni 'gron bu nyi shu'i rin| "ka-ka-ni of the value of twenty shells (cowries)." 2. SANST the fourth part of a pana. 3. the quarter of a mana. 4. the seed of Abrus prectorius, used as a weight in medicine. 5. the shell of cyprúa moneta, used as money. ka ka rang á the cucumber is so-called in Kunawar (J‰.). ka ka ri á SANST n. of a fabulous snowy mountain situated to the north of a river called Patru, where a medicinal plant called Tujanaya grows (S. Lam. 36). ka ki ni á 1. n. of a Buddhist literary work. 2. n. of a female Buddhist deity: grub thob mal bye tshang pa la ka ki ni'i skor| (D. 20) "(taught) the rites concerning the goddess Kakini to the saint Mal-bye-tshao-pa." ka ku sta á n. of a river (K. d. da 582.). ka ku £ ya á SANST 1. n. of a plant used in medicine, Terminalia arjuna. 2. = dug mo nyung gi shing nor "the fruit of the tree of little poison" (Oag.). ka ke ri ya á SANST n. of a tree which grew on Gpdhrakuta, or the Vulture-peak Hill of Magadha (K. ko. ka 3). ka ko á applied in Sikkim for ka ko la . ka ko la á SANST 1. cardamom, the fruit of Cocculus Indicus; a plant with a berry, the inner part of which consists of seeds with a wax-like aromatic substance. 2. SANST, SANST Saccharum munja, but is variously described as a fruit used in a medicine; a poisonous tree drug; also = SANST the castor-oil plant. Syn. tshang mang ; zla ba gzhon nu ; zla ba'i bye ma (Moon.). ka ca (also ka cha ) SANST articles, goods, effects, property, furniture: ka ca'i rjes su 'brang ba'i rgyal po| the king who follows after property; ka cas tshim par byed pa| property causes satisfaction. Syn. ad lag ; yo byad ; dngos chas (Moon.). ka can n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga 43). ka ci colloq. ka rdzi 1. a kind of coarse white cotton cloth largely imported into Tibet from Nepal and used for making prayer-flags. A piece of ka-ci is generally four to six yards long and a foot and-a-half broad. 2. a kind of muslin; a very fine cotton cloth imported from Benares: ka ci yug rer 'bru khal brgyad| for each piece of ka-ci eight bushels of barley. ka ci skyem ras fine cotton cloth or muslin, so called from its resemblance to the superior quality of Tibetan paper called skyems; stod ras sna tshogs ka ci skyem ras| (S. kar. 179) different sorts of cotton cloth, muslin, &c., brought from Upper Tibet; ka ci skyus ma an inferior kind of ka-ci cloth. ka ci li á SANST n. of a flower (K. my. ka 20). SANST is identical with SANST and SANST, a plant with an esculent root (Arum colocasia) cultivated for food. ka lci sometimes used for ka ci 3. ka lcog an abbreviation of the names of the two celebrated translators of the Kahgyur: ka ba dpal brtsegs Ka-wa Dpal-brtsegs and lcog ro klu'i rgyal mtshan Kluhi rgyal-mtshan of Lcog-ro). ka cha = ka ca 3. ka cha Ta a habitation, a hut (Schtr.). ka chug so, like that, accordingly; ka chug mdzod means de ltar byed do like that, do accordingly: aa mes mi spro na mi byed du ka chug mdzad| "If Ame is disinclined, let (him) not do like that" (A. 94). ka ta in mystic language a term for mother (K. g. ga 216). ka ta ka á 1. n. of a tree. ka ta ka dang sbrang gis mig snan byas na mig nad thams cad sel bar byed do| if an eye medicine be made from kataka and honey, all eye diseases may be removed (S. Lam. 38). 2. SANST the clearing nut-plant, Strychnos potatorum. A seed of this plant when rubbed on the inside of a water jar produces a precipitation of the earthy particles of water. ka ta ma ka n. of a kind of bird (K. ko. ka 2). ka ta ya á also ka 1 n. of a place in Ancient India, probably the country of the GútÊ; according to Cs. Scythia; n. of a district in Tibet. ka ta ya na nog can á lit. Katyayana with a hump on his shoulders; one of the six heretical teachers who disputed with Buddha. ka ta'i bu á = kA 1 ya na SANST the son of Katyayani; n. of a Bhikru (Buddhist monk) (Oag. 3). ka ta'i bu mo á SANST, SANST the goddess Uma; also the mother of the Bhikru Katyayana. ka 1'i bu á SANST lit. the son of Katya. It is said that the family name of Katyayana was given because the patriarch of the tribe took the vows of an ascetic from the sage Nada (K. d. da 127). ka ta ra á n. of a flower (K. d. kha 12). ka ta ru = re'u mig a table of figures made of lines crossing each other and forming squares. (EEE See re'u 3.) ka tan = ras 3 cotton cloth (Oag. 2). ka tam £ á described as srog chags kyi ming (K. d. za 462) n. of an insect. ka to ra á = gzhong 3 a basin, bowl; SANST (also ka To ra ) the Tibetan form of the Hindi word katora. ka Ta ki á SANST a generic name for mountain; n. of a mountain (Sch.). ka Ta ki la á SANST n. of a city in ancient Sind (S. Lam. 35); lit. a pillar of grass. ka Ta bo Ta Indian n. for the town of Paro in Bhutan (Dsam.). ka Tu ka á n. of a fabulous city which is said to have been fifty yojana in circumference. ka To ra v. ka to ra 3. ka tha ra in Kunawar a sort of peach (J‰.). ka thi shi a Chinese minister who founded the monastery of Hi kwan-zse (Yig. 45). ka the v. ka ba 3. ka da ru ha á SANST (prob. SANST a bird nestling on khadira trees) n. of a kind of bird (K. ko. ka 2). ka dam pa á SANST, SANST 1. n. of a tree; ka dam pa'i me tog SANST the kadamba flower; the tree Nauclea cadamba, a tree with orange-coloured fragrant blossoms. 2. bya mthing ril dang shing sdong bye brag gi ming | (Oag.) n. of a species of bird of a deep blue colour and also that of a tree. 3. a kind of grass. ka dam pa can cloud, v. sprin pa (sprin 3) (Moon.). ka Da ka á SANST also ka DAa pa . 1. n. of a fruit. 2. n. of a bird (K. d. ya 20). ka Da pa á SANST n. of a fruit (K. d. ya 202); prob. SANST the fruit of the tree Ficus religiosa. ka na ka á SANST gold; a pedantic synonym for gser (Moon.). ka na ka wrma á SANST n. of an Indian pandit who visited Tibet (J. Zao.). ka na tsaá (prob. SANST) lit. sprouting; generic name for a tree; the plant Abrus precatorius; shing ka na tsa'i me tog rnams| the flowers of the ka-na-tsa tree (K. g. tha 227). ka na tsa na á SANST n. of a tree (K. d. ca 422); SANST the plant Commelina Bengalensis. ka na ya n. of a kind of weapon; a short lance attached by a string to the arm by which it can be drawn back after having been thrown at an object; lag na mtshon cha gcig pa dang ka na ya dang mda' bo che dang | in the hands, a sword, a lance, and a large arrow (K. g. tha 113). ka ni ka á also ka nis ka SANST n. of a celebrated Tururka (Tartar) king who rules over Palhave, Kashmir, and Jalandhara (the provinces of the Panjab and Kabul) in ancient times; he embraced Buddhism and is said to have held the last great Buddhist Council for the compilation of the Mahayana Tripitaka in the first century B.C. ka gnam n. of a province of Tibet north-east of Kong-po; ka gnam pa a native of Ka-gnam. ka Na ya SANST for ka na ya a kind of spear or lance. SANST and SANST, SANST are synonymous terms. ka pa la á SANST the skull; the forehead. In Tib. Budh. kapala or kapali signifies either the skull or a drinking cup made of the human skull. ka pi á I: n. of the language that was anciently spoken in the country of Kapistan; n. of a country. The Bon Rgyal-rabs (a history of the kings of Tibet), according to the Bon historians, was asserted to have been written in Kapi, the language of the gods, in which the ancient Bon scriptures were mostly written. It is also stated that the Bon books were translated into the language of the Persians or Tajik people, from which again the Tibetans translated them into the language of Shao Shuo in Northern Tibet. II: 1. SANST gum, resin (J‰); the resin extracted from the medicinal plant called shug pa (Juniper communis). The root is gathered in autumn or spring and being thoroughly cleansed, is cut into pieces and beaten into a pulp. The juice is squeezed out with a clean cotton rag, and being poured into a clean dry earthen pot is subjected to a gentle heat. As soon as it begins to thicken it is stirred with a spoon till it gains the consistency of resin. 2. the hog-plum, Spondias magnifera; a tree; Pentaptira tomentosa; the mane-fig tree; Ficus inspectoria. Also a wood-apple tree. 3. n. of a yellow orpiment. ka pi ka tsha á n. of a medicinal plant (K. g. ca 51); SANST the plant Mucuna pruritus. ka pi da á = ka pi 3. ka pi na á SANST n. of a king of Southern India who lived in Buddha's time and considered himself the greatest monarch of the world. His vanity was exposed by the Great Teacher, who converted him to Buddhism and ultimately raised him to the position of an Arhat (K. d. 'a 354). ka pi la mu ni á SANST n. of a Brahmanical sage whose hermitage was at the mouth of the Ganges (S. Lam). ka ping tha á SANST n. of a very delicious fruit (K. d. ya 20). ka pin da á SANST n. of a kind of bird. ka pu ta n. of a place in Ancient India where, in accordance with the curse of a holy sage, adultery and incest were punished with the burning of the house in which such crimes were committed (Dsam.). ka ped a gourd; a sort of medicinal fruit (Lex.). ka pha a tree. ka ba I: n. of the mother of Bromton, the founder of the Buddhist hierarchy of Tibet (Hbrom. kha 37). II: = gzug pa 3 SANST, SANST a pillar, column, stake, support; also trident; ka ske the neck of a pillar or column; ka sked the shaft; ka gcig ma a small house or temple having but one pillar; ka chen the principal pillar, a very large pillar; ka rten the base of a pillar; ka stegs the pedestal of a pillar; ka gdan the base or pedestal on which a pillar stands; ka spungs a colonnade, a number of pillars; ka ba shul can a grooved pillar; ka ba dang nye ba'i ka ba'i grong SANST (lit. the town of houses built with pillars and king-posts) one of the thirty-six holy places of Buddhists; ka ba bum pa can one of the pillars of the great Jokhang temple at Lhasa, with the upper part of its capital in the shape of a water-pot; ka ba sbrul mgo can the pillar that had a serpent-shaped capital; ka ba shing lo can the pillar which had designs of leaves of trees around its capital; ka ba seng mgo can the pillar with a lion's head on it's capital. These were the names given to the four principal pillars of the Jokhang temple of Buddha at Lhasa, built by King srong btsan sgam po about 640 A.D., after the model of the pillars in the palace of the Emperor T'ai tsung, called KyÒ l¸n tin, the palace of the golden dragon. gnam gyi ka ba SANST the pillar of heaven; sa yi ka ba SANST the pillar of earth; me yi ka ba SANST the pillar of fire; chu yi ka ba SANST the pillar of water,óthese are the fabulous and metaphorical pillars mentioned in the astrological works of Tibet. gYu'i ka ba a pillar of turquoise, or one that is studded with turquoises (Lha. kar. 13). III: a particular faculty acquired by a mystic process in which the appetitesóhunger, thirst, &c.óare suppressed. This is one of the six practices of the Buddhist Tantriks who practice yoga (meditative concentration). IV: SANST a large vein or artery in the abdomen; a vessel in the side of the breast containing vital air (SANST) supposed to be brought into action in above mystic process. ka khol ma n. of a historical pillar in the grand temple of Buddha at Lhasa, inside of which the earliest known MS. of Tibet, called bka' chems ka khol ma|, and said to be the will of King srong btsan sgam po was alleged to have been found in the middle of the eleventh century A.D. ka mgo the capital of a pillar. ka can = ka ba can lit. with a pillar or pillars; a house. In the sense of being the supports or up-holders of the school of Marpa, the Tantrik sage of Tibet, his four disciples were called ka can bzhi "the four pillars of his school." They received his bkah, commission, regarding Buddhism, and were also called bka' babs bzhi "the four commissioned ones." The following were the four disciples: ngog chos rdor ; bsod nams rgyal mtshan ; tol gyi mtshur dbang rdo rje ; mi la ras pa . ka gcig sgo gcig 1. a small house with but one pillar and one door, gen. a small prison-house. 2. a mode of capital punishment is said to be called so when the culprit is fastened to a pillar in a dungeon until he dies of hunger (J‰.) ka 'phan the ornamental silk fringes and embroidered hangings made in various mythical designs for decorating the capitals of pillars. ka ba bzang po SANST a strong well-finished pillar. ka ba'i sbyar bkod a cornice; the ornamental projections, &c., which surmount a pillar; the decorative pieces which are attached to a pillar. ka mang ma a house with many pillars. ka mig the square space (of about twelve feet) enclosed by four pillars is called a ka-mig; the area or enclosure of a colonnade is measured by the ka-mig. ka rtse the top of a pillar; (ka yang rtse ) the upper part or capital of a pillar. ka gzhu SANST capital of a wooden pillar; a piece of timber in the shape of a bow fixed on a pillar to hold up the main beam. ka yang rtse the extremity of a pillar which projects over the capital (architrave). ka shubs = ka ba'i shubs the cover of a pillar, perhaps the abacus. ka bi ta á SANST n. of a tree, the elephant or wood-apple, Feronia Elephantum (S. Lam. 38). ka bi ta la á 1. n. of a tree (K. d. ca 422). 2. probably SANST benzoin, storax. ka bu lo described as dri za'i rgyal po zhig gi ming , n. of a Gandharva RajaóPrince of the celestial musicians (K. my. ka 492). ka bed or ku ba , gourd. In the district of Ped-ma dkod in Tibet, just north of Assam, the gourd is called aa bum : ka bed 'bras bus tsha 'khru gcod par byed| the gourd fruit cures fever and diarrhúa: ka bed bsreg nas bu ram dang bza' bar byas na khrag tu 'khru ba sel bar byed do| burnt or baked gourd eaten with molasses cures bloody diarrhúa (K. g. ca 47). ka bel á n. of a city in Ancient Udyana, i.e., in u rgyan yul probably the modern Kabul. ka bo ka á n. of a Prince of Ancient Kabul (S. Lam. 17). ka ma cha á or ka mu tsha SANST n. of a sacred place in Assam where there is a stone-cut symbol of Kali, the Hindu goddess. ka ma ta the lotus (Oag.). ka ma rtsi á SANST a kind of medicinal plant: ka ma tsi'i rtsa ba i bor blang na gnyid du 'gyur| "if the root of ka-ma-tsi be placed on the top of the head, sleep arises" (K. g. ca 56). ka ma ru á 1. Kamarupa in Assam. 2. alabaster (Sch.); rdo ka ma ru pa marble. ka ma la á SANST 1. the water-lily, lotus Nelumbium. 2. a river. 3. = gros sems a consulting or reflecting mind (Oag.). The word Kamala is variously used by the Tibetans, and the following synonyms of it (both symbolic and metaphoric) are enumerated in the words (Oag.):ó Syn. sgra'i snye ma soft tones; ljon shing rtse rgyas a branching tree; glang po'i myos bum the teats of an elephant; thub pa rab mchog SANST n. of a buddha; bden smra ba one who speaks the truth; nam mkha' the sky; nor bu a gem; snang byed gnyis pa the second luminary, the moon; ba glang a bull; bar gyi mtshams the middle zone or boundary; bya ngang pa a swan; sbrang chang beer made of honey; dbang po'i gsal a lamp, that which clears the sight; ma he a buffalo; mi mo'i glu a woman's song; bzhon pa'i rta a riding horse; yul phran a small country; ri ags a deer; lung tshags pa a collected mind; rin po che precious thing; ri rab kyi ri phran a smaller peak of the mountain Sumeru; shing rta a chariot; gser gyi kha dog the colour of gold. ka ma la shI la á SANST a celebrated Buddhist philosopher of the ancient monastery of Vikramasila in Magadha, who introduced the Yogacarya Mahayana School of Buddhism into Tibet, after defeating in controversy a Chinese hoshang who wished to convert the Tibetans to the doctrine of the "do-nothing" school during the reign of King khri srong lde'u btsan about the middle of the 8th. century A.D. (EEE The headword in the original is ka ma la shi la (Kamalasila). The correct spelling is ka ma la shI la (Kamalasila).) ka ma li a very sharp sword (Oag. 2): lag pa dgu na spu gri ka ma la snad dgu thogs pa| (D.R.) grasping in his nine hands nine lotus-hafted razors. ka mu la rdo rgyad n. of a sort of alabaster or steatite found in central Tibet (J‰.). ka tsa rked nyag rusty and crooked: byang bur ka tsa rked nyag yod pa rnams| "the steel ribs of the coat of mail which are rusty and bent" (Jig.). ka tsa ru tsa ka á SANST n. of a kind of bird (K. ko ka 2.). ka tsa lin di á (prob. SANST) = lha rdzas kyi gos dress made of a heavenly stuff, i.e., the finest kind of silk which is used for presentation at an interview, or when making an application for any favour, &c.; n. of a very fine cloth or linen made of Kacilindi (Lex.). ka tsang ka la á n. of a Bhikruni (Buddhist nun) (K. d. sha 18). ka tsi li ban á the Kachili forest: chu klung ro hi ta'i byang 'gram ka tsi li ban bal po rdzongs dang | on the northern bank of the river Rohita there is the Kachili forest and a Nepalese stronghold (Dsam. 21). ka rtsa ga la the sea (Schtr.). ka rtsam a species of wild oats; it differs from the yug-po or Tibetan oats and is considered superior to buckwheat, but inferior to wheat. ka tshal n. of a place situated to the east of Lhasa; dbus stod mal gro ka tshal lha khang | the monastery known as Ka-tshal Lha-khang of Mal-gro in upper ‹ (Central Tibet). ka tshigs chen po the title of a Buddhist work on the genealogy of the Kings of Tibet (Gyal. S. 28). ka ya go'u ri á SANST described as ri shin tu mtho ba'i steng du yod pa'i rgya gar gyi mchod rten zhig gi ming | (Dsam.) "n. of an Indian Chaitya situated on the high hill (of Gaya Gauri). ka ra I: SANST sugar: ka ra dang ykSa ra dang cha mnyam du bza' shing |sho£ dza na'i tso ba'i chang 'thung na chu so'i rde'u 'byon par byed do| having taken sugar and arsenic in equal parts, if beer made from the root of Shobhajana be drunk, the gravel of the bladder will be ejected; ka ra dkar snug brown sugar; ka ra dkar snug bur sbrang kha bgar ba| a kind of brown crystallized treacle and honey; ka ra tog tog loaf sugar, sugar in lumps; rgyal mo ka ra sugar from Rgyal-mo roo, situated on the confines of Tibet and China; bye ma ka ra powdered sugar, or granulated sugar; shel ka ra rocky candy (K. g. ca 46). II: tent-pole; ka ra sdig pod a tent-pole with a grooved bulb on top used in some countries; ka ra sdig med pa| or ka ra sde 'ang med pa| a tent-pole without a grooved bulb on top. ka rnya dza á SANST, SANST, SANST a medicinal fruit or berry; n. of the tree Pongamia glabra and Verbesina scandens. ka rnya dza pho ba'i me drod skyed| karaÒdsa produces natural warmth (in the stomach). Syn. rul byed skyes ; mar gyi gang ; rtsod byed ma ; 'jam 'bras dbye ba ; tshigs drug pa ; snye ma lus lcibs (Moon.). ka ra da á n. of a bird the cry of which is like the sound of a drum. It is described in Buddhist books as like fire in colour, and as located in the abodes of the Asura (K. d. 'a 15). ka ra na jus a kind of fine Chinese satin (Jig.). ka ra na jus dam jus ma sogs tshos dang ris mo'i dbyibs kyis shes byas so| the kinds of satin (called) karanajus and damjus, &c., are distinguished by their colour and the shape of the figures on them. ka ra na rus a kind of Chinese satin: pang khebs phal cher ka ra na rus dang ta zhing dag las byas| aprons are mostly made of karanarus and ta-shio satin. ka ra nang in the mystic language of the Dakini of Tibet = the food of pigs (K. g. kha 27). ka ra bi ra á or ka ra wi ra SANST 1. a fragrant oleander, Nerium odorum; a species of soma; a particular magical formula or spell for recovering a missile of mystic properties after its discharge. [The name karavira is also applied to the daphne plant, from the bark of which Tibetan paper is made. The creeper called the white karavira rubbed with the blood of the rock-lizard and the medicine smutha rubbed with Bhriogiraja, when combined, make an ointment which cures venereal eruptions on the skin of the penis (K. g. ca 49).] 2. a sword or scimitar. Syn. so sor rgod ; so sor bzhad ; rta gsod ; dpa' po lag pa ; gsod rtags me tog can ; brgyad gyes ; gtum po (Moon.). ka ra ru be ka á SANST a kind of bird (K. ko. ka 2). ka ra ha ri á = bu ram 3 sugar (Sman. 291). ka ran da ba á SANST. ka ran Da á I: SANST 1. a sort of wild duck; ka raº bya skad snyan pa zhig gi ming | karanda is the name of a sweet-voiced bird. 2. SANST, also SANST, in Sans. a basket or covered box of bamboo wicker-work used for keeping books in; a basket for flowers; mdo za ma tog bkod pa SANST n. of a Buddhist work (K. d. ya 275). II: SANST, SANST white. ka ras á abbr. of ka shi ka'i ras the Benares muslin which used to be in great demand in Tibet. In the sacred books of Tibet the gods are generally dressed in fine Benares muslin. ka ras 'dra bas kha rer 'bru bre do| for imitation Benares muslin the price per piece is two bre of barley. ka ri'i bu mo á SANST the daughter of Katyayana; Uma. ka ru 1. a wedge (J‰.). 2. white (Oag. 3). ka re probably ga re . The use of the latter is very common in Eastern Tibet. In Sikkim they say ka te , what? which? u pa shi ka khyod ka re dga' Upasaka, in what do you delight? (A. 94). ka la ta in mysticism ka la ta ni 'dod pa'i skyes bu'o| Ka-la-ta is described as a man of lovely appearance (K. g. ga 216). ka la ping ka á SANST a sparrow; a singing bird with a sweet voice. According to Lex. the Indian cuckoo. Syn. rgyal gsung yan lag ; rjes 'gro mkhan ; snyan pa'i dpe can ; rna ba'i bcud ; sgo nga'i dus nas skad smra'i dbang (Moon.). ka la bu á SANST n. of a king; de'i tshe na rgyal po ka la bu zhes bya ba khro zhing gtum pa| at that time (there lived) a king named Kalaputra, fierce and wrathful. (K. my. ka 209). ka la ro zan á lit. SANST, the black lord of death who eats the dead; name of a Naga. ka la sha á SANST pitcher, jar; a large waterpot. ka lag in W. mud; earth and water used instead of mortar; also other similar compounds (J‰). ka lan ta ka á SANST = mchil pa 3 a species of bird, probably the B˚l-b˚l. ka lan da ka á SANST 1. a town. 2. an individual: ka lan da ka'i grong du phyin nas| having arrived at the town of Kalandaka: de nas ka lan da ka'i bu tshe dang ldan pa bzang byin byung bas| then appeared Zao-jin the long-lived, son of Kalandaka (K. d. ca 34). ka lan dza ri ka á SANST 1. a flowering plant; also the flower use in yajÒaósacrificial fire (K. g. da 33). 2. belonging to SANST, an animal struck with a poisoned arrow; tobacco. ka lam ka á described as yul zhig gi ming n. of a place in Ancient India (Dsam. 14). ka lam ba á SANST the pot-herb Convolvolus repens, Menispermum calumba; a medicinal plant: ka lam ba'i lo ma zas na khams 'phel lo| the leaf of the Kalamba when eaten improves health (K. g. ca 44). ka lAa pa á SANST 1. an aggregate of many accomplishments; an accumulation of excellent and wonderful properties in one place or thing (Lexx.). 2. The Buddhist Utopia; the capital of the fabulous kingdom of Sambhala. ka li an abbreviation of the word ka-pa-li, a skull (Lexx.). ka li ka á 1. described as me tog tsam pa ka'i 'bras bu'i ming | the fruit of the magnolia flower-plant; a bud of that flower (Moon.). 2. prob. SANST, a plant bearing a nut which is used as a febrifuge, grey Bonduc. ka ling ga á or ka ling ka SANST 1. one of the thirty-six Buddhist sacred places said to be situated at a distance of 60 yojana S. E. of Gayaóalso the birth-place of Vishwantara (Dus-ye. 39). 2. a bird, a native of an island or maritime province of India bordering on the Indian Ocean (K. d. 'a 15). ka le or ka leb saddle-cloth (J‰.). ka sha á = spang rtsi (Oag.) a species of grass (K. d. tha 91); SANST saccharum spontaneum. ka shi ka á I: the finest Benares muslin; cotton cloth of the finest texture formerly manufactured in Benares; ka shi ka'i ras SANST Benares muslin which in ancient times was of great repute. It is said that even the gods longed to wear clothes made of this material. According to Cs. ka-shi-ka means a kind of flax as well as a linen cloth; ka shi ka'i ras dkar po| white Benares linen; ka shi ka'i 'bru snum the oil of the kashika grain, prob. linseed oil. II: of Kashi (Benares); an inhabitant of Benares. ka shi ka phra mo fine flax; Benares muslin. ka shis abbr. of ka shi ka'i ras , cotton cloth. ka shi ru á n. of a place or island in the Indian Ocean (K. d. da 319): SANST one of the nine divisions of Jambudvipa. ka sa the colloq. form of the expression bka' gsal , a definite order or clear message. According to J‰. ka sa and ka so are mutilated forms of bka' bstsal meaning in Ld. "yes, sir; very well, sir; at your service." ka san ka ra á rgya gar gyi grong khyer zhig gi ming "n. of a city of Ancient India" (Dsam. 25). ka ha na ya na shi la á n. of an Indian pandit (Yig. 30). kka ku Ti pa á n. of an Indian Buddhist sage (K. dun 52). kko la á SANST a secret abode of the Dakini (K. g. ka 337). kag or kag ma mischief, harm, danger (Lex.); kag or keg or skag implies some accident or injury; kag gis langs = had kyis langs fleeing from harm; kag gis langs nas 'gro ba| going from a place which has not suited one owing to bad luck or any accident; also to run away from a place from fear; adv. kag gis suddenly (Sch.). kag ka ba á SANST 1. n. of a species of bird living on the Vulture-peak Hill near Gaya (K. ko. ka 2). kang ka á SANST, SANST 1. a crane. 2. in Tibet a bird that feeds on dead bodies and is therefore called dur bya the bird of the cemetery. kang ka ra á SANST 1. name of a flower described as growing on the Vulture-peak Hill of Gaya (K. ko. ka 4). 2. prob. SANST the plant Alangium hexapetalum. kang dang king prop. n. of a terrific deity, a Dakini. When the monastery of Samye was built, the image of the kang dang king was placed on the first floor of the principal temple (Gyal. S. 87). kang tsha ra] á a place in Ancient Bengal, called Gaur in the Indian language and M brong in the colloq. of Tibet (S. Lam). kad in Ld. sometimes used instead of the affix ka , e.g., gnyis kad , tsang kad ; also mnyam kad (J‰.). kan I: (see kha na 3) the side or bank: sri chu'i phar kan na jag pa'i yul yod pa la| on the further bank of the river Sri-chu there being a country of brigands (A. 27). II: also spelt skan , to cease absolutely from: da ni chags sdang byed de kan| "now give up anger and passion"; na re kan cease to tell anybody. Here the word kan is an emphatical prohibition (Bon.). III: 1. SANST the palate; in bad kan phlegm; lit. the plywer of the palate. 2. SANST that seizes or takes away by force. 3. SANST a thorn; an illness; a disease (Lex.). 4. n. of the pulse felt with the middle finger called kan ma . kan ni ka á district in the east of India (K. d. ra 267). kan Ç kub dza á (lit. the daughter of the hunchback) SANST, also written kar Ç'i yul , a city in Ancient India, the capital of which was Kanya-kubja, the modern Kanouj (K. du. da 131). kan ma the middle finger. kan tsi á SANST n. of a province, and also that of a city of Buddhist fame in Southern India (Dus-ye. 39). kNa Ta kA ri á SANST a wild Rubus; n. of a plant, Solanum jaquini; also the fruit of this plant; a drug useful in stopping fever; a thorny stick. Syn. rigs ldan ma ; yul 'khor skyes ; stag ldan ; tshe ldan ; tsher ma can ; rtsub mo'i reg bya ; phyogs med ma ; skul byed (Moon.). kab kob = ko ba gyong po hide; un-tanned skin (Oag. 5). kab sha shoe; leather shoes of Hindu fashion used by the wealthier Tibetans (J‰.). kMa ka á = kang ka 3, dza la Ta na SANST crane. kam bi la á a kind of tree growing on the Vulture-peak Hill near Gaya (K. ko. ka 3); prob. the plant Crinium Amaryllacee. kam bo dza á SANST 1. A country in the north-west of India (Vai. so.), written Kampo-rtse (J‰); n. of a fabulous city said to have contained an area of a hundred yojana (S. Lam.). 2. Modern Cambodia, anciently called Champa. kam bo dzi ka n. of the country, also of the people, as well as the articles that come from it (K. du. da 148). ka'u water-melon (Sch.). ka'u his n. of a Chinese minister (Yig. 24). kar also kar kar great pain; suffering (Lex.); kar kar zug langs| aching pain (Oag. 4). kar langs pa = nad zug langs pa (Oag.), irritation or pain in sickness; exacerbation. krka ta á or krka Ta , the constellation of "Cancer." It is represented by the frog (spal pa ) in Tibet. krke ta á = kar ke ta na SANST, described as nor bu gser po , a yellow gem or precious stone (K. d. ya 295). kar skyin loan; in polite language v. skyin 3 (J‰). kar rgyal a Naga (S. kar.). kar rgyud members of the line of the Karmapa hierarchy; also an abbreviation of the expression krma pa'i rgyud pa . kar chag (also written dkar chag ) a register; list; index. kar ni ka á SANST, SANST n. of a flower of the shape of an ear-ring (K. g. 'a 2); the flower of the tree Pterospermum acerifolium and of Cassia fistula. kar Na kSa ra á = tsha la 3 borax (Sman. 484). krni ka á in mystic language = dril bu 3, a bell (K. g. kha 27). krma á = 'phrin las 3 or 3las 3 commission, service; action; work; that which is produced from action; kar ma pa Karmapa (in Nepal called SANST) n. of a Tantrik school of Buddhism. The head of that school in Tibet holds the title of rgyal ba krma pa . The followers of the school are generally designated by the name of Karmapa. krma gnyis pa the second head of this sect, named Pakri or Bakri, was invited to China by the Emperor Kublai Khan. The third chief, called Karma Rao-byuo rdorje, was invited to Peking by the Emperor Temur Toakwan. The fourth Karma Rol pahi rdorje was a friend of the last monarch of the Mongol dynasty. The fifth Karma De bshin gshegs-pa was invited to China in the reign of the Ming Emperor Yunglo (Loo. 'a 10). krma bstan skyong the last of the Sde-ba Gtsao-pa or rulers of Tsang and ‹ whom the Mongal Chief Gu-shi Khan overthrew (Loo. 'a 15). kar ma baâ SANST n. of an Indian pandit who worked in Tibet for Buddhism (J. Zao.). kar snug or ka ra snug pa brown sugar or treacle (Jig.). kar yol (also written dkar yol , meaning white ware) porcelain; china-ware; a china cup. kar lang ba to stand up; to rise suddenly (J‰.). kar sha pa ni á SANST 1. a coin in Ancient India, or a weight of varying value; a tola or one rupee weight of gold; the value of two Tibet sho: ma nu lnga sogs mAa sha ka |de rnams bcu drug kar Sa pa Na|,de bzhi ni gser srang ngo |, (Oag.) five manu make a masaka, sixteen masaka make a kar-ra-pana, and four of gold srao (i.e., half a tola of gold). 2. 'gron bu stong drug brgya'i rin the "value of 1,600 cowries." 3. SANST a coin or weight of different values = karra: if of gold, weighing sixteen mara, which are variously calculated; if of silver, in value equal to 16 pana of cowries, i.e., 1,280 cowries, commonly termed a kahan; if of copper, it weighs 80 raktika, or the same as of gold, about 176 grains. kar shubs (abbr. of dkar yol gyi shubs ) the cover of a china tea-cup, generally made of iron, brass or silver: kar shubs la bre bcu (Rtsii.) "for the cover of a tea-cup made of silver (the price is) 10 bre." kar sa n. of a kind of brick-tea; also called ljang ja (green tea) or ljang ja pa ri ; also the tea that comes from the Chinese district of Jao: ljang lam rgyud la kar sa bod mthing gnyis|da lta ljang ja zhes su grags mod kyis| by the jang route (come) both Karra and Bod-thing (teas), now well known as Jang-ja (Jig. 23). kar sog an abbr. of krma pa and sog po, followers of the Karmapa sect and the Mongolians. krti sgang n. of a place in Tibet. klpa á for bskal pa SANST an age; a mythical period of time. kA ka á SANST a crow. kA khi la (mystic) door; entrance (K. g. kha 28). kA 'ji = kwa ji a shirt; a Chinese jacket (Sch.). In Chinese Kua-tzu. kA 1 bu mo á described as dbang phyug gi btsun mo u ma| the goddess Uma, wife of Dwao phyug (Moon.). (EEE The original reads "...wife of Dwao dphyug", which is incorrect.) kA ta ka fish (Schtr.). kA pa li á SANST human skull; cup made of skull: dngul rnams ljang bar byas te kA pa lir bcug| (A. 121) having made the silver pieces green, (he) put them in the skull-cup. kA be ri á the river Cauvery in Mysore, a river said to be half a yojana broad and 300 yojana long. On the banks of this river are flower gardens (K. d. ra 268). kA tsi kA á 1. SANST, also as SANST, a species of bamboo which when bent by the wind is said to emit fire (K. d. ra 287). 2. SANST a plant bearing a red and black seed used as a weight, Arbus precatorius; or another plant bearing a pungent seed, Nigella Indica. kA ri kA á SANST aphorism; purely Sanskrit yet largely used in Tibetan works (rtsa ba'i kA ri kA 7); = tshig le'ur byas pa a Sutra or Udana in verse. (EEE The original reads "(rtsa ba'i kA ri ka 7)", which is an error. The "7" suggests that this is a reference to a textual source, but it does not appear in the ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3 or anywhere else in the dictionary.) kA la ko á a country beyond the sea into which the Indus flows and where the finest coral grows (probably a marine province or island in the Persian Gulf) (K. d. ra 280). kA la sngo bsang á deep blue-black colour (Sch.). kA sha 1. a city in Ancient India which was twenty yojana in area (S. Lam). 2. a sort of grass, Saccharum spontaneum. kwa + or kye Oh! kwa'i grogs po Oh friend! kwa ye an exclamation used in calling some one, generally a subordinate. kSa this word in its mystic signification is symbolic of the source of all Dharma (matter and phenomena), and demonstrates that they are subject to eternal change. kSe tra pAa la á SANST (Schr.) a deity protecting the fields; in Budh. a guardian of the province of a Buddha's work. ki numeral for thirty-one. ki ki a hortative utterance in the invocation of spirits: ki ki swo swo de ring nyi ma dro| "Hail, O, ye gods! today is warm!" ki kang 1. wild leek (Sch.). 2. described as sa bdag gi ming n. of a demi-god, a Naga. It is inauspicious to do any work of merit when Kikao comes near. ki gu a hook; the vowel sign i, which resembles a hook in shape. ki rgyung a mystical invocation signifying "Lord" : ki rgyung nga ni hro war zhi pra pa ta| "O Lord, be appeased by this prostrate (devotee)." It is a mystic charm to propitiate the Bon-po deity, called Shen-gsras Mi-mgon rgyal-po (D.R.). ki ta ka á SANST 1. a Rakrasa or cannibal demon (K. d. nga 189). 2. a worm or insect (Cs.). ki ldir a shrill shout; a savage howl. ki pa a volume, &c., marked with the letter ki. ki ma according to Schr. a corruption of the Chinese word khin, a lyre with seven strings. (Pilgrimage of Fa-Hian. Calcutta, 1848, p. 265.). ki tsi tickling; ki tsi byed pa to tickle (J‰.). ki ra Na á (mystic) a flower (K. g. kha 26). ki ri kan á SANST a kind of pepper, Piper chaba; shing arka dkar po'i rtsa ba dang |ki ri kan dkar po'i rtsa ba dang | (K. g. tha 210) the roots of white arka tree and roots of white kiri-kan (are used in medicine). king ka ra á SANST a servant or an emissary. king shu ka á SANST a kind of flower; the tree Butea Frondosa; a tree bearing pretty flowers. kim pa á a pretty but bitter fruit, erroneously for kim pa ka . kim pa ka á SANST a fruit, Cucurbitaceous plant, Trichosanthes palmata; also possibly Cucumis colocynthis. kim pa ka yi 'bras bu mtshungs|nya mchil zas kyi rigs can dang |sgy u ma bzhin dang mi rtag pa'i|'dod pa la ni mi rnams zhugs| (K. d. ya 325) men entertain desires which are transient and deceptive like the Kimpaka fruit and like fish that eat bait on a hook. kim pa la á or kim ba la a musical instrument; a cymbal (Cs.). ki'u SANST a species of small red garlic; acc. to some carrot. kil slowly = ga le 3: la gcig brgal nas kil gyis sleb| crossing a mountain pass (he) arrived slowly (D.R.). ki la ki la á SANST 1. an epithet of Siva. 2. a town in Ancient India. 3. a Rakrasa king (K. g. ma 623). 4. an onomatopoetic for sounds or cries (J‰.). kI ri ta ka á SANST the country of the Sapta Kosi in Nepal inhabited by the Kirat tribes and called Kiranta; n. of a district in mon yul Sub-Himalaya (Dus-ye. 39). kI sha'i 'dab SANST shing aa pa mrga lo ma the leaf of the tree Achyranthes aspera used in incantations, in medicine, in washing linen, and in sacrifices (Moon.). kIng kang v. kang dang king 3. ku I: 1. for the numeral 61. 2. (mystic) a fairy or dakini (K. g. kha, 179); ku pa the 61st (volume). II: a cry, moan; ku sgra clamour, noise; ku sgra ti ri byed pa a general cry; the vociferations of many people together; ku deng nge | the noise of general conversation: de nas sog chu khar byon pa'i dus su khang pa zhig na ku deng nge 'dug | then, when they arrived at the bank of Sog chu, there was the sound of chattering in a house (A. 82). ku ku = sku sku SANST; lda 'u an enigma, a riddle, a puzzling question. ku ku sgrogs lit. that cries kuku; = bya gag 3 a grey species of duck (Moon.). ku ku ra tsa SANST a teacher or trainer of dogs; n. of an Indian Buddhist sage who was also called Kukuripa (ku ku ri pa ) (K. dun. 45). ku kur ta pAa dA SANST = ri bya rkang pa can n. of a hill in Magadha (Dsam. 17). ku ke erroneously for gu ge , a part of the province of Nga-ri in Tibet. ku co SANST noise, clamour; khyi rgan ku co 'don pa na|rgyu mtshan med par gzhan dag rgyug | when an old dog barks, go elsewhere without explanation (S. legg.). ku co can noisy, clamorous; ku co chal rtsol smra ba to speak in a loud voice (meaning nothing); to bawl out; to make a loud noise; ku co che ba a great noise or tumult, an uproar. ku cor also ku chor n. of a place in Tibet. ku deng nge See ante ku 3. ku ther = mtho ris rlung the heavenly breeze (Moon.). ku Na la á SANST 1. the manal or Himalayan pheasant; also, a bird with beautiful eyes which lives in the fabulous mount Sumeru. 2. the eldest son of Asoka. ku ba or sku ba (in Chinese: kua) SANST, SANST a gourd; the bottle gourd, Lagenaria vulgaris. In the Pema-koi district this fruit is called u bum i.e., nature's bottle. A bottle made of a dried gourd is also called ku ba . Syn. rnam par rgyal ; sdong bu ring ; dra ba can ; rnga zlum byed ; 'bigs byed ; 'bras mchog ; mda' lpags (Moon.). ku ba'i gzings a float made of long-dried gourds. ku ba la me tog á SANST, also SANST, the water-lily; also, the jujube plant, Zizyphus jujuba and the fruit of that plant. ku be ra á SANST, Kuvera, the god of riches, the chief of the Noijin known also as Naga Kuvera and rnam thos kyi bu the son of Vaisravana. According to some Tibetan writers, Kuvera is one of the eight keepers of the horses of Vaisravana. [Kubera, or in later Sanskrit Kuvera, originally the name of the chief of the evil beings of darkness bearing the epithet Vaisravana; afterwards the god of riches and treasures, and is regent of the northern quarter of the world, which is hence called Kubera-gupta-dik. Kubera is the son of Visrava by Idavida, the chief of the Yakra and a friend of Rudra.] (M. Wills.). ku byi mang ke a Bon deity who resembles the Bodhisattva Jampal; the god of learning and wisdom among the Northern Buddhists (D.R.). ku ma ra = gser mchog SANST leaf-gold (from China brought by way of Ceylon); it is described in (Moon.): lang ka nas thon pa'i gser mchog gold exported from Laoka (Ancient Ceylon). ku mud á SANST the water-lily which opens at the appearance of the moon; said to be NymphÊa esculenta; ku mud tshal = ku mu da yi nags tshal a bush or cluster of water-lilies. Syn. uta pa la dkar po ; zla ba'i dri ; sa mos ; sa dga' ; sa'i gdu gu ; steng 'thung dkar po ; zla bas dga' ; si ta ; sa sgrog ; sa stobs ; mtshan mo bzhad (Moon.). (EEE The correct Sanskrit transliteration would be "kumud"; ku mud and ku mu da are common renderings for this word which is transliterated in English with "kumuda".) ku mud grogs á = bsil zer 3 or zla 'od moonbeams (Moon.). ku mud dgra á v. nyi ma 3 the sun (Moon.). ku mud can á v. ku mud tshal 3 (Moon.). ku mud gnyen á SANST lit. the friend of the water-lily; the moon. ku mud ldan á v. ku mud tshal 3. ku mud lo ma á = shing yongs 'du sa brtol| a medicinal plant of the lily species (Moon.). ku mud tshal á a cluster of water-lilies. ku dza á SANST 1. a tree; lit. that which grows on the earth. 2. the planet Mars. ku'i a devil or demon in Chinese demonology. In Chinese Kuei. ku'i shin a class of evil spirits (Grub.). In Chinese Kuei-shen, "devils and gods." ku'i tsang a Chinese work on divination (Grub. tha 5). ku ya sediment of urine from which Tibetan physicians diagnose disease (Med.). ku ra ra á SANST = bya ku ra ra 3 n. of a bird; an osprey (Moon.). ku ra ba ka á SANST or SANST the crimson amaranth; a purple or yellow Barleria; the blossom of the amaranth or Barleria. ku rang ga á SANST the deer; also sog chags an insect (K. d. za 462). ku ru á SANST a city in Ancient India near Delhi one yojana in area; also a province (S. Lam. 20). ku ru kul le á SANST a female Buddhist deity associated with Kuvera, the god of wealth; is goddess of might and power; she is also called rig byed ma (Vidya). The first sovereign Dalai Lama is said to have acquired great power by propitiating this deity. ku ru pin da á = zha nye 3 1. SANST lead. 2. a fragrant grass, Cyperus rotondus; the bud of a flower. 3. a ruby; cinnabar. ku ru ban da á v. mon lug 3 the breed of sheep in the sub-Himalayan countries (Moon.). ku re or ku res SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST sport, diversion, jest, horse-play; ku re byed pa to jest; ku re'i ched for the purpose of amusement or fun; ku re'i rim pas mi dga' ba| SANST not liking, disgusted with, amusements. ku la kA á SANST a Srin-mo (goblin) that lived only on lotus flowers and lotus-honey, and resided in the fabulous island of Ramamo (K. d ra 280). ku lan taá SANST the country inhabited by an aboriginal race of people (Dus-ye.). ku lAa laá for ku Na la . ku lu ta a place situated in the south-east of Kashmir, now called Nyun-ti by Tibetans, by Hindus Kulu (S. Lam. 19). ku sha á 1. SANST, SANST the sacred grass used in certain religious ceremonies both by Brahmans and Buddhists; Poa cynosuroides, a grass with long stalks and numerous pointed leaves: ku shas tshe bsrung lus zungs rgyas par byed| the grass kusa ensures longevity and increase the strength of the body. 2. n. of a city (K. du. kha 152). Syn. ngan sel ; sa gnas ; bdud 'dul gdan ; mchod sbyin rgyan ; gtsang byed ; khrus kyi rtsa ; rtsa mchog ; rtsa dbang (Moon.). ku sha'i grong khyer SANST (SANST) 1. Kusinagara, one of the thirty-six sacred places of the Buddhists, where Gautama Buddha is said to have breathed his last. 2. n. of Chakravarti Raja (Supreme Ruler of the Universe); ku sha chen po SANST n. of a Chakravarti Raja. (EEE The original has Kusianagara for 1., which appears to be a mixture of Kusinagara and Kusanagara, both of which are possible Sanskrit spellings of this name (although Kusianagara is not possible).) ku sha na n. of a flower; also n. p. me tog ku sha na bya ba srin po'i bu mo khyed kyis gang nas lon| whence did you bring that Srin-po's daughter called Kusana flower (Hbrom. 121). ku sha ban Z á SANST a gem which is said to possess the property of curing infectious diseases and plague. ku sha la á = dge ba 3 SANST piety, holiness. ku sha li á also ku sAa li SANST, a Buddhist sage; the title of a Buddhist monk or priest who has acquired spiritual knowledge and is more devout than learned: ir paºi ta dang ku sha li bya ba phyi nang gnyis ka la yod|paºi ta bya ba phyi nang gi shes bya'i gnas la mkhas pa la zer|ku sha li bya ba spros pa thams cad bcad nas nang la mchog tu gzhol ba la zer ba yin gsung |yi ge la lar ku sAa li zer 'dug | (Yig.). Generally there are among both Brahmans and Buddhists those called Pandita and Kusali. The title of Pandita is applied to one who is versed in intellectual science. Those who are called Kusali have attained a high spiritual development by abstraction from material or intellectual enjoyments. In some works it is called Ku-sa-li. ku shu a kind of lime; a kind of fruit; an apple (J‰.); ku shu shing apple tree; ku shu 'bras bus rgyu long khyog 'khrugs gzer ba 'joms| the fruit of Ku-shu cures griping and acute pains in the intestines. ku shu lu á is a corrupt form of ku sha li . ku shu'i khams á n. of a kind of blue flower, v. mthing 3. Syn. dus kyi me tog ; bya khyung rdo ; me tog snig snan ; me tog ze ; gsal ldan ; gsal ba can (Moon.). ku she sha ya á SANST a kind of lotus flower (K. d. ra 324); a generic name for water-lily or lotus. ku sa ra á an Indian pandub who preached Buddhism in Tibet (J. Zao.). ku sa li £ dra á SANST n. of an Indian Buddhist sage (K. dun. 13). ku su ma á SANST 1. gur kum saffron. 2. a flower (Sman. 428). ku su li á a Buddhist exorcist; a Naljor or Buddhist yogi who carries a small hand-drum (called damaru which is generally made of a human skull) and a thigh-bone trumpet in his hands, and professes power of exorcising evil spirits, ku su lu'i od pa the practise of the Shaman or Buddhist exorcists; ku su lu'i od pa mdzad pa'i tshe| (A. 26) when practising the rites of a Ku-su-lu exorcist. ku su lu pa is a word of Tantrik mysticism, its proper Tibetan equivalent being gcod pa , the art of exorcism. The mystic Tantrik rites of the Avadhauts, called Avadhutipa in Tibet, exist in India. ku se rdzong n. of a fort and also that of a district in khams (S. kar.). ku bswo the shrill ejaculation swo, swo, &c., made at the time of sacrifice to the earthly gods, demi-gods and spirits by priests, &c., in Tibet: lha yi dmag tshogs bsam gyis mi khyab pas bskor nas ku bswo che the celestial troops in inconceivable numbers surrounding them gave vent to bswo-bswo. ku huá SANST the cry of the Indian cuckoo; ku hu'i mgrin ldan SANST the cuckoo, i.e., the bird that cries 'koohoo'; acc. to Cs. a kind of ring dove. ku hrang sheep and goats: gshen po rnams kyis rgyu 'bras kyi bon rnams ku hrang dang ma he dang mdzo drel rngo mong la sogs| (G. Bon.) among the followers of Shenrab the Bon-po of the Rgyu and Hbras-po sects sacrifice sheep and goats, buffaloes, dzo, mules, camels &c. kug crooked; a hook; gri kug (the kukri), a curved knife; short sabre; lcags kug an iron hook; nya kug a fish-hook. kug kug byed pa to bend, curved, clinch (a nail) (J‰.). kug kug altogether crooked; kug pa nyid crookedness (Cs.). kug rtse cuckoo in W. (J‰.). kung ku na possibly the province of Konkan in Western India (S. Lam. 33). kung ku ma á SANST saffron. Tibetan gur gum is evidently a corruption of the Sanskrit word. kunya dza ra á SANST a fabulous silver mountain situated beyond the great sea and at a distance of 2,000 yojana to the south of —ima ldan, where the sun never sets. It is full of precious stones, such as lapis lazuli, sapphire, &c., and on the sides of this mountain there grows a species of tree producing a race of men who live only one day; they are born at dawn, they begin to walk after day-break, in the morning they are youths, towards evening they grow old, and at sunset they die (K. d. ra 276.). kun SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST all, entire, the whole; spu yi khung bu kun nas| from all pores of the hair; de dag kun all those; gzhan kun all the others; kun thams cad all, every one included; kun gyi thos pa la in the hearing of all; me tog 'di kun bkram par bya all these flowers should be strewn about; kun gyis mthong ba seen by everybody; dus rnam pa kun or rnam pa kun time without interruption; at all times; colloq. kun la means "everywhere." Syn. thams cad all; sna tshogs various kinds; ma lus without leaving anything behind; zad par exhaustively; lhag med without remainder: lus med nothing left (Moon.). kun dkyil same as kun gyi dkyil , in the midst of all; in the middle of all; at the centre. kun dkris = nyon mongs 3 lit. that which binds all; misery, moral corruption, general corruptness, sin. kun bkram or kun tu bkram SANST strewn about, spread over. kun skye same as kun tu skye or kun la skye SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, grows everywhere: dbyar dus me tog kun tu skye flowers grow everywhere in summer time. kun skyed byed = snying 3 the heart, mind (Moon.). kun skyo ba or kun tu skyo ba SANST, SANST, SANST, to become penitent; to thoroughly regret: sems ni nyin mtshan kun tu skyo| his mind was filled with regret day and night. kun skyod agitated, moved; agitation. kun skyob gling n. of a monastery in Tibet. kun khebs SANST, SANST, any cover; the all-encompassing cover, the sky. kun khyab I: = nam mkha' 3 SANST, SANST, that which encompasses all things; the void space, the sky, the four quarters of heaven. II: = 3'phrog byed 3 SANST he that takes away misery; the all-pervading enemy; the snatcher; the lord of death. kun 'khor v. kun bzang 'khor lo 3, a charm in the name of the Dhyani Buddha called Samanta Bhadra. kun khyab dpal mo = nam mkha' 3 the sky; n. of a goddess (Yig. k. 16). kun 'khyams SANST a wanderer; a beggar, a mendicant who goes to every door for alms. kun mkhyen = thams cad mkhyen pa 3 SANST, SANST the All-knowing; the Physician; an epithet of Buddha and also of the highest order of Bodhisattva. kun mkhyen kun gzigs omniscient and all-seeing, referring to the attributes of a Buddha or Bodhisattva. kun mkhyen klong chen religious teacher of the RÒio-ma school who founded a sect of his own called Kun dgah lugs. kun mkhyen chos sku 'od zer the Tibetan hierarch of Sa-skya, who, at the request of Khu-lugs, the Chief of Horchen, first shaped the Mongolian alphabet. kun mkhyen nyi ma'i gnyen SANST an epithet of Gautama Buddha (Yig. k. 83). kun mkhyen dbyig gnyen n. of a lama who was given the religious title of Kun-mkhyen, the all-knowing. kun 'khrugs SANST, SANST agitated; anxious: rgya mtsho'i rba klong kun 'khrugs| the waves of the sea were agitated. kun 'khrul SANST blunder; illusion; also adj. all-delusive; all-wandering. kun gyi mtha' the end or termination of all (merits): bsags pa kun gyi mtha' zad cing | bslang ba'i mtha' ni 'gyel bar 'gyur| the end of accumulation or expenditure; the end of rising is fall (K. d. la 330). kun gyi gnas the basis or abode of all (miseries): na rga 'chi sogs sdug bsngal kun gyi gnas| the grounds of misery are disease, old age, and death (K. d. ma 333). kun gyi rtsa ba the root of everything; wisdom, divine knowledge. mthong dang ma mthong yon tan 'di|kun gyi rtsa ba shes rab yin| This seen or unseen talent has PrajÒa (absolute knowledge) for its basis, i.e., the root of all things is wisdom (prajÒa) (Sh. gya.). kun gyis bkur ba he who is respected by all; a learned man, v. mkhas pa 3 (Moon.). kun gyis phyag byas to whom all paid homage: 'jig rten kun gyis phyag byas shing | to whom the world has bowed (K. d. 'a 113). kun grub = zla ba dgu pa or ston zla tha chung 3 the month of October (Rtsii.). kun gling same as kun bde gling , the place or grove of all happiness; one of the four royal monasteries of Lhasa, this one being situated in the western suburbs. kun dga' SANST, SANST amusement; great merriment or joy. kun dga' rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po * SANST the name of Saskya Pandita (sa skya paºi ta). kun dga' snying po n. of a celebrated lama of Tibet (Loo. 'a 12). kun dga' nor a lake in Mongolia (Loo. za 21); probably the Gonga-nor (Egg lake). In Mongol nor = a lake. kun dga' ba 'dzin pa = rin po che 3 n. of a precious article or gem (K. d. ra 294). kun dga' bo SANST the personal attendant and cousin of Buddha. kun dga' 'bar n. of the son of Kun-dgah sÒio-po, one of the chiefs of Sa-skya who visited India to study Buddhism (Loo. 'a). kun dga' 'dzin pa a mountain in Uttara Kuru, the fabulous continent of the north (K. d. ra 318). kun dga' gzhon nu = 'u su 3 coriander (Sman. 428). kun dga' ra ba = gling dga' SANST a grove; any pleasure-grove containing groups of trees, flower beds, artificial lakes, garden houses, shady walks, &c., often surrounded by a wall or fence. kun dga'i dbang mo an address of courtesy for lha lcam gyi rigs ladies of the class of Lhachamóher grace or ladyship: yid 'phrog kun dga'i dbang mo mchog gi drung du| "at the (feet) of her charming ladyship" (Yig. k. 49). kun mgyogs SANST speed; also as adv. speedily, at full speed. kun 'gebs = nam mkha' 3 SANST the sky; that which covers all; the all-covering. kun 'gog that which hinders physical or moral growth. kun 'gro I: v. nam mkha' 3 the sky (Moon.). II: snake, v. 3sbrul 3 a serpent (Moon.). kun 'gro 'bad SANST to be assiduous: las bya ba kun lam du 'gro ba la 'bad assiduous in the manner of performance. kun 'gro'i srol = lam 3 a road, passage (Moon.). kun cings SANST 1. that pains, ties or entangles all at all times. 2. SANST the God of Love; also for kun tu cings : nyon mongs kyi zhags pas yid du kun tu cings| by the fetters of misery the mind is always fastened down. kun bcom SANST, SANST 1. vanquished; suppressed, fully put down. 2. the vanquisher or killer of all; the lord of death. 3. n. of a son of a Brahman of Ujjayani (S. leg.). (EEE Original has Brahman for Brahman above.) kun chub shes rab all perfection; wisdom; divine knowledge (K. d. wa 26); kun chub pa SANST he that has comprehended everything. kun mchog ldan or rnam kun mchog ldan = dus kyi 'khor lo 3 (Moon.), SANST, the Tantrik doctrine of Kalachakra. kun 'jug for kun dang mthun par 'jug | SANST, SANST bringing together; putting in harmony with all. kun 'jug pho nya the messenger of harmony, that which harmonises or makes everything agreeable, hence = ka ra 3, sugar. kun 'joms SANST, SANST 1. Indra, the subduer of all; that by which everything can be subdued or controlled. 2. Yoga or the contemplative concentration of the mind. kun 'joms mchog the chief all-subduing (elixir); dngul chus bcud len nad gdon kun 'joms mchog | is an excellent preparation of mercury, which subdues all evil spirits and diseases. kun snying * = Taranatha. (Ta. 28.). kun tu unto all; in all; everywhere; in every direction: me tog steng 'og kun tu bkram| flowers were strewn everywhere, above and below: tshong zong phyi nang kun tu bkram| articles of merchandise were spread in every place, inside and outside (the house). When used in reference to time, kun tu signifies: continually or perpetually; dus kun tu same as dus rgyun du or dus rtag tu, at all times, always. kun tu bskyed producing every where, all-producing, i.e., imagination: yongs su rtogs pas kun tu bskyed| imagination is all-productive (K. d. kha 36). kun tu 'khyams wandering everywhere: srid pa nyam ngar kun tu 'khyams| in the fearful world, i.e., in the unhappy states existence, he wanders about (K. d. za 169). kun tu 'khrugs signifies gYo 'gul chen po byung ba convulsed; also convulsive, subject to agitation and shaking (Moon.). kun tu gas = spang rgyan me tog (autumn flower), lit. the fully developed or blown; n. of a species of daisy which blossoms in autumn (Moon.). kun tu go ba SANST well-known; well-understood; celebrated. kun tu dga' bar gyur ba'i gling a fabulous continent situated 5,000 yojana beyond the Western Ocean of (Jambudvipa) India, where there are lions that fly in space: some of the wild animals of that continent are said to live a thousand years (K. d. ra 280). kun tu 'gengs pa SANST he that provides for the world, the All-provider; Providence. kun tu 'gyed pa SANST to be diffused; that which goes in every direction: spruul pa dang pho nya spiritual emanations; envoys: 'od zer sogs kun tu 'gyed rays of light went in every direction. kun tu 'gro = kun tu rgyu ba SANST 1. lit. going everywhere. 2. as met. wind; a bird. 3. n. of a spirit. kun tu rgyas par byed pa SANST to fully spread; to make plentiful everywhere; to make copious. kun tu bsgribs eclipsed; darkness: nyi ma dang zla ba'i 'od zer kun tu bsgribs pa'o| the rays of the sun and moon were eclipsed. kun tu bcug pa or kun bcug pa to put in; to employ, engage: snod 'di kun tu bcug | put this vessel (or pot) to all uses. kun tu chags pa SANST, SANST, SANST anxiety; yearning, clinging to: 'dod yon la sems kun tu chags| the mind remains attached to its crooked desires. kun 'jug pa = sdug bsngal ba 3 misery, sufferings. kun tu 'jug pa sgrol = lam bden pa the truth about the way to Nirvana, i.e., out of misery. kun tu 'jug byed = kun 'byung ba sin. kun tu 'jug bral SANST freedom from sin, or 'gog pa , entire stoppage of suffering. Note:- This and the above three expressions are used in the higher spiritual terminology relating to Bodhisattva (K. ko. ka 235). kun tu bsten = dad gus dang ldan pa faith and reverence; also possessed of faith, respect, etc. Syn. gus pa ; gus ldan ; gus par byed ; mngon par ldang ; gcig tu sems ; mos pa ; mos ldan ; dad ldan; dad chags can; dad pa can ; phyag byed pa ; zhe sa byed (Moon.). kun tu 'thor SANST strewn over, scattered,, diffused, dispersed: me tog phyogs kun tu 'thor| flowers were scattered over every place. kun tu dor SANST perfect abandonment: nyes pa dus kun tu dor| all faults should be entirely thrown out. kun tu bde ba SANST general happiness, prosperity; beatitude (Spyod). kun tu 'dres pa n. of a river in the fabulous continent of Godaniya (K. d. ra 331). kun tu gnas SANST, SANST stability; the all-abiding residence, that which remains at all times or everywhere. kun tu brdung ba the burning rays of the sun; extremely painful; all-piercing. kun tu gnod par gyur pa SANST to do mischief everywhere. kun tu snang ba SANST 1. the sun; n. of a Buddha. 2. all-illumined, all-enlightened. kun tu ad an usual duty, habitual work; as a vb. to practise: dge ba dus kun tu ad| practise righteousness or religious acts at all times. kun tu od pa free or unbridled behaviour: described as bram ze'i od tshul the Brahmanical conduct (Moon.). kun tu spras SANST dressed in every way; adorning the body with precious ornaments. kun tu sbyor ba = thams cad spangs ba giving up everything (Moon.). kun tu mig ldan (lit. with eyes everywhere), described as nor bu'i ljon shing , n. of a fabulous tree on which grow glittering gems; also a plant or tree in full bloom; 'di phal cher lha dang lha ma yin gyi yul dang byang sgra mi snyan gyi yul na yod pa yin no| this (kind of tree) is generally to be found in the lands of gods, demi-gods, and in the continent of Uttara Kuru (K. d. 'a 16). kun tu rmongs the all-stunning, all-obscuring; darkness of mind; ignorance: kun tu rmongs pa'i dgra 'joms mtshon cha yi|thabs tshul man nggston pa'i grogs kyi mchog | O, best of friends who guideth me in precepts, morals, resources, the weapons for vanquishing the all-obscuring enemy! kun tu rmongs byed kyi mda' SANST the all-stupefying fascination; n. of one of the arrows of Cupid. kun tu 'dzin ma SANST holding to all or everything; n. of a goddess. kun tu bzang po 1. SANST lit. good to all and everywhere and at all times; n. of the first Dhyani Bodhisattva, the equivalent of Samanta Bhadra; the Khamuga-Sain of the Mongols. 2. in the RÒio-ma sect, n. of the first or Adi Buddha. kun tu bzang mo SANST 1. is a female figured in connection with the foregoing Bodhisattva. 2. a kind of flower growing on the Sumeru Mountain (K. my. ka 20). kun tu gzigs he who sees all things and everywhere by his divine eye of knowledge; n. of a Buddha, also that of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. kun tu 'ur 'ur SANST a great noise or uproar heard everywhere; the rattling of thunder; also the noise of wind or rain. kun tu 'o ma = si dza dzu (Moon.). n. of a tree with milky sap. kun tu 'od SANST fully enlightened; sa bcu gcig pa the eleventh stage of Bodhisattva perfection. kun tu rab tu 'khrugs lit. very much agitated; n. of the six descriptions of earthquake (K. d. ma 259). kun tu rab tu 'gul lit. moving and shaking very greatly; n. of a form of earthquake. kun tu rab tu chem chem SANST lit. roaring all about; n. of a kind of earthquake. kun tu rab 'ur 'ur loud and fearful rattling or roaring; n. of one of the six forms of earthquake in which sound comes out of the sea and the mountains. kun tu rab tu gYos lit. everywhere all shaken very much; n. of universal earthquake in which the mountains and the oceans are moved profoundly. kun tu rig I: SANST = rnam pa kun tu rig pa all-knowing; omniscient; n. of a deity. II: = shes rab 3 wisdom (K. d. wa 26). kun tu gsal SANST, SANST, SANST, the sky; clear inside and outside; very clear, lucid, illuminated. kun tu gsung a flower mentioned in the Kahgyur (K. my. ka 20). kun tu gso to heal everyone or repair everything; the healer of all. kun gtum SANST lit. very fierce; dmangs rigs n. of lowest caste in India. kun btus SANST n. of a religious work which is full of extracts taken from different sacred books (Moon.). kun rtog same as rnam rtog SANST, SANST, SANST, fancy, illusory associations. kun brtags SANST ideas and associations. kun brtags pa'i mtshan nyid SANST one of the three signs, characteristics or lakrana, v. mtshan nyid 3. kun brtan SANST 1. Support. 2. negligence. kun bsten SANST reliance; resignation; service or adoration. kun mthong gi mtsho a fabulous fresh-water lake in the land of the Lha-ma-yin or Asura, situated at the centre of their chief city Shubhra Malika. It is said to be five yojana on each side. When the Lha fight with the Lha-ma-yin the signs of victory or defeat are said to be reflected in its surface. kun dang 'khon pa quarrelling with all: nag bo'i mchu can kun dang 'khon par byed| a person whose lips are black quarrels with everybody (Tan. d. 217). kun dang mthun pa = thams cad dang mthun pa harmonious, concordant; agreeing or in harmony with all. kun don SANST the public weal, general interest, cause of all. kun dril ba = tshang ma bsdom pa all; taken together. kun gdung SANST, SANST that afflicts all; the all-burning one; Cupid. kun bdag SANST, SANST the Lord of all. 'jig rten kun bdag the Soul of the World; the Supreme Lord of the World. kun brdung 1. an oppressor; a tyrant: skar rtsis kyi skabs su sbyor bcu drug pa kun brdung 2. In astronomical calculation the sixteenth conjunction is called Kun-brduo. kun 'dar SANST the pulse that always beats = rtsa dbu ma n. of the central artery. kun 'dren the Supreme Leader; he who leads all into the way of deliverance; epithet of Buddha. (EEE the original edition gives the headword as kun 'dran kun-hdren, the transliteration clearly being correct.) kun nas same as kun las 3 SANST or SANST from every place or direction; round about; wholly, thoroughly: phyogs mtshams kun nas rwa bas bskor| in every direction it was surrounded by railings; kun nas 'dod pa| to wish from the bottom of the heart. kun nas dkrigs pa entirely darkened: char sprin phyogs kun nas dkrigs rain-clouds have darkened all quarters. kun nas skye SANST, SANST produced or grown everywhere (like grass). kun nas 'khums SANST; = gur gum 3 saffron (Moon.). kun nas 'gegs = btsun mo'i pho brang a residence that is closed on every side, a sanctum; residence of a queen; a convent (Moon.). Syn. 'khor ba'i khyim ; sa od ma gnas ; srung ma can ; dag pa'i mtha' can ; gtsang gnas . kun nas 'gro SANST communion. kun nas rgod = bzhad gad to laugh out (Moon.). kun nas sgo'i le'u zhes pa'i mdo SANST the "Sutra on the door or entrance from all quarters," i.e., of free entrance (K. ko. kha 287). kun nas sgrib par byed SANST to over-shadow all round, to put into shade in all directions. kun nas nyon mongs pa SANST made very miserable; pained, distressed; kun nas nyon mongs pa med pa| entirely free from misery (Hbum. ka 239). kun nas snyems SANST, SANST very haughty; arrogant. kun nas btags pa SANST, SANST fastened or tied up on all sides. kun nas btus pa SANST, SANST collected from everywhere; extracted or taken from every work. kun nas 'dud pa SANST venerated by everybody or everywhere: lus ngag yid gsum kun nas 'dud pa| to reverence in every manner with body, speech, and heart. kun nas ldang ba SANST, SANST raised from every place; set up well; got up: phyogs kun nas dgra ldang bar byed| the enemies rose up in all directions. kun nas sdud pa SANST collected from every place; brought together from every place. kun nas snang ba = rgyal ba 3 the all-illuminator (Schr.). kun nas 'phags pa SANST sprung from everywhere. kun nas bris SANST, SANST perfectly painted, described, delineated, referred to. kun nas blangs taken from every place. kun nas 'bar SANST, SANST inflamed; ablaze: me phyogs kun nas 'bar ba fire broke out in every direction. kun nas sbyor ba SANST to combine; combination; snan kun nas sbyar ba to compound or mix up medicines. kun nas brtsegs pa SANST built up everywhere; piled up; erected. kun nas mdzes illuminated; very beautiful: zla ba'i mtshan nyid kun nas mdzes| the signs or charms of the moon are exquisitely fine; me tog gi tshogs kyis kun nas mdzes shing nyams dga' ba| (the garden) from its collection of flowers was lovely and pleasant (Moon.). kun nas bzang SANST, SANST = dpal gyi lo ma n. of a tree the leaves of which are sweet. Syn. lo ma mngar ; lo ma bzang (Moon.). kun nas bzod pa all-forgiving; very patient (K. d. ra 68). kun nas yongs su bskor ba entirely besieged, shut up entirely, surrounded on all sides. kun nas gYengs pa SANST, SANST thoroughly; very excited: sems kun nas gYengs pa| the mind agitated (not being fixed on any subject). kun snang 'bar ba = nyi ma'i 'od zer all-illuminating rays; the rays of the sun (Moon.). kun spangs SANST; bya btang all-abstracted: SANST; 'jig rten gyi bya ba kun spangs pa| one who has left off all concerns of this world; he who has renounced all worldly matters, acts and concerns; an epithet of Buddha. kun spangs chen po = sgom chen 3 the all-renouncer; an ascetic; a hermit: tshe gcig sangs rgyas sgrub pa'i kun spangs chen po'i zhabs drung du before the feet of the Arch Renouncer who in one life has attained to Buddhahood. kun ad 1. SANST, SANST, SANST that which is to be practised at all times. 2. customary or habitual work; habit. kun od ngan pa SANST a black or fallen Brahman; bad habits, vicious acts or professions. kun od mtshungs ma = grogs mo 3 a sweetheart, mistress (Moon.). kun phan bdud rtsi dbang po = zla ba 3 the moon (Yig. k. 16). kun bor all-renouncer: gnyen dang nor rdzas yul 'khor kun bor| he cast off relations, wealth, properties, realm and all (K. d. ma 333). kun byed rgyal po 1. sngo snan spang rtsi a medicinal vegetable growing in the grass in Tibet. 2. in the terminology of the Nyingma sect, the sems (mind) is called kun byed rgyal po , the chief agent, the prince of all doings. kun 'byung = nyon mongs 3 SANST all-growing; misery; sin. kun sbyor libertinism (see kun tu ru 3). kun mos dri bzang bzhon pa can = dri zhim po 3 sweet perfume. Syn. 'dod pa'i dri ; sna tshim byed ; ngad bzang ; ring du khyab ; legs par thul (Moon.). kun rmongs SANST error; the all-blundering (A. K. 72). kun 'dzin SANST, SANST the all-containing; that which holds everything in itself. kun rdzob bden pa SANST conditional or dependent truth; acc. to Was. subjective truth. kun gzhi = sems nyid 3 SANST basis; the mind (Moon.); kun gzhi rnam par shes pa SANST = SANST consciousness of self; literally the primary cause of all things, the basis of all; the soul, spirit: rnam par shes pa|dge mi dge 'khor 'das chos 'byung ba'i gzhi yin pa'i phyir "gshi is a philosophical term for vijÒana, soul, which is considered to be the basis of virtue, sin, worldly or spiritual existence, &c." kun za me tog = i zhur shing gi me tog flower of the plant called spyi-shur, which gives blue tint to water (Moon.). kun gzigs = kun la blta mkhan who sees all; the All-seeing One; that is cognizant of all (Loo. 'a 15). kun bzang SANST the all-good; epithet of Buddha; a Bon sage and teacher. kun bzang 'khor lo a metrical arrangement in several squares resembling a chess-board and sometimes forming an acrostic. kun bzang gling n. of a place of pilgrimage in Tibet (Deb. ga 43). kun bzang rnam gsum the three good ones; the Supreme Deity of the Bon religion in Tibet who is explained as having three manifestation: (1) bdag med kun bzang | SANST the impersonal God or Supreme Being, ye grol ye sangs rgyas pa| who from eternity has been free and all-perfect; (2) bdag yod kun bzang | the personal God sems nyid kyi gnas lugs so| as manifest in the form of a sentient being (like Shenrab); (3) rten du tshogs pa'i kun bzang | the deity represented in symbol, i.e., form; ris su bris dang 'bur du btod lugs su blug pa| representations in painting, figures in relief or casts. kun bzod = sa gzhi 3 SANST the all-enduring; a figurative name for the earth. kun chos gtsang ba a Buddhist sect with a few monasteries bordering on Yunnan. kun rig SANST all-knowing; n. of a god; a learned man. Syn. mkhas pa ; kun shes ; kun gyis bkur ba (Moon.). kun la SANST to every one, to all; to everywhere. kun la bkra shis dbang ldan ma she who gives blessings to all: dbang phyug gi btsun mo u ma'i ming a name of the goddess Uma, the wife of Maheswara (Moon.). kun la khyab byed ser po SANST = Mi wang (Sman. 107) a bright yellow pigment prepared from the urine or bile of a cow, or vomited in the shape of scidulÊ by that animal; bezoar stone. kun la 'jug efficient; able to enter into anything: rig pa sbyang bas rtsom pa kun la 'jug | the intellect being cultured becomes efficient in composing. kun la bde happiness to all. kun la phan useful or good to all. kun la 'phrod beneficial; agreeable to all: ba mar mar gyi mchog yin kun la 'phrod| "cow butter being the best of butter is agreeable to all." kun la btses pa injuring all, all-hurting, hurtful, obnoxious. kun la reg SANST meddling, meddlesome, touching everything. kun las = kun nas 3 SANST from every place or thing; from all; than all. kun las btus pa SANST, SANST selected or compiled from every book; n. of a book. kun shes pa SANST all-knowing; knowing all, omniscient. kun shes pa'i sho gam pa a religious man who, being under moral discipline, has reduced his desires and requirements; lit. "an all-knowing tax-gatherer." kun bshad pa SANST well explained; preaching all the religions, one that preaches everywhere. kun sems SANST to be conscious or cognizant of all things; to think at all times. kun slong SANST, SANST a general rising; rising from every direction or place; = sems bskyed 3 SANST conception; idea; the notion of a thing; a thought; dge mi dge kun slong ba'i sems the mind which gives rises to thoughts of sins or merits, virtue or vice. kun slong chen po comprises the three chags sdang rmongs , lust, anger and ignorance. kun gsod SANST all-killing, that which kills everybody or thing; the lord of death. kun gsal = nam mkha' 3 1. the sky; that is fully clear, illuminated. 2. = 3nyi ma 3, the sun, the all-clearer. kun ta á SANST from where? one from an unknown place; also interrogatively, come from where? It is used in mystic language (K. g. kha 26). kun tu ru the union of the two sexes, copulation (used only in mystic language) (K. g. ga 216). kun thi ra á SANST n. of a bird: kun thi ra las byas pa'i bya'u'i nang du bung ba bcug na nam mkha' la 'gro bar byed do| (K. g. ca 58). kun da SANST 1. mistake, blunder, illusion (Lex.). 2. SANST, SANST the blue jessamine, Jasminum multiflorum or pubescens. Syn. chu skyes ; dgun zla tha chung skyes ; 'dab mo'i mdzod (Moon.). kun da byang sems = dngul chu 3 quicksilver. (Sman. 79). kun du ru SANST, SANST sweet-smelling tree; a kind of incense; the resin of Boswellia thurifera; gum oblibanum (M. Wills.). Syn. skyong byed pa ; mu kun da ; kun du (Moon.). kun du la = zhim bu 3 a cat (Moon.). kun dong SANST onion. kum pa crooked; shrivelled; kum pa nyid contraction; kum kum very contracted. kum po cringing; one in a contracted posture; kum por cringingly; contractedly. kum £ SANST = bum pa 3 gen. an earthen jar; a vessel for water. kum bi ra SANST n. of a srin-po (demi-god or demon). kur ti to hasten; kur ti langs 'gro to start or go off on any business; (in colloq. language) to start on an errand or mission early in the morning without having even a cup of tea. kul kar also kul dkar , n. of a place in Tsang; a king of shield manufactured in Kul-kar: kul kar phub rnams rgyu yi khyad du 'phags the shield manufactured a Kul-kar is of superior quality (on account of its superior metal); kul dkar phub ni rab la zho lnga ste as to the Kul-kar shield it costs five sho for the best. ke numeral for 91; ke-pa the 91st (volume). ke ka in the dialect of Hphan-yul for skya ka , a magpie. ke kA pi no á SANST a country west of Jambudvipa of romantic scenery, said to be filled with gardens, dales, fountains, cascades, etc., and intersected with streams, and inhabited by a race of very handsome men who eat red rice (K. d. ra 179). ke ki'i sgra the cry of the peacock (Schtr.). ke ke ru á SANST or SANST a white precious stone. ke rgyung a charm of the Bon deity called Shen-sras mi mgon rgyal-po: ke rgyung nga ni hri war zhi pra pa ta|ke rgyung sad do war bzhi pra pa ta (D.R.). ke ta ka á from SANST 1. a gem which has the property of purifying water; its Tibetan name is drungs byed or grung byed , the purifier. 2. a great mountain situated north of the great forest plain beyond the north bank of the river Sita. Its peaks are described as very grand in appearance. It contains mines of gold and silver, and round its peaks are four fabulous lakes which at all seasons remain filled with lotuses and lilies. The ruler of this country in ancient times was Vaisravana, whose army consisted of amazons of great beauty and valour (S. Lam.). ke ta ra á a mountain, probably Kedare (SANST); part of the Himalaya (J‰.). ke tu á 1. a fabulous planet in Brahmanical as well as in Tibetan astrology. In Tibet the name Ke-tu is generally applied to comets, called also du ba mjug ring (lit. the long smoke-tailed). 2. a fiery meteor; a shooting star; the descending node. 3. n. of a demon. ke ne'i bu n. of a sage of the time of Gautama the Buddha (K. du. ga 54). ke byed Kartika, the god of war (Schtr.). ke rtse ba n. of a Bon teacher: bon po la ke rtse ba gdan drangs (Deb. ga 6) the Bonpo priests invited Ke-rtse. ke tshegs a Naga; the quarter where it resides during a certain astrological period is considered inauspicious. ke'u 1. a tribe in Tibet (Vai. kar. 160). 2. SANST in classical Tibetan a kind of garlic. 3. a cavern, den, hollow place (Cs.). ke'u rtse also ke rtse , a jacket made in the Chinese fashion; in Chinese kwa-tzu. ke'u tshang (in Chinese K'u-tsang, "a treasury; a store-house") n. of a sacred rock-cavern. ke'u ri n. of a female deity of fearful mien. ke'u li the Tibetan and Mongolian name for Corea. In Chinese Kaoli. ke'u le ke'u le'u rgya customary seal (J‰.). ke'u sha ya (from karaya) celestial robes; robes worn by the gods (K. my. ka 7). ke ya wickedness: ngan sems kyi ke ya nag po'i rtsa ba 'thon pas the root of wickedness of a bad heart (i.e., envy) having sprung forth (J. Zao.). ke yu rka á SANST 1. a kind of grass used in ancient times in making garments for a Bhikru (K. du. pa 388). 2. n. of a Gandharva. ke ru 1. n. of a place and monastery in the district of Hon in Yar-lung (J. Zao. 217). 2. sran ma species of peas: chu gtor btang nas khyim du khrid nas sran ma ke du'i tshod ma phor gang drangs| after casting water in oblation, he conducted (him) inside the house and served him with a cupful of pea-soup (Deb. ga 35). ke re v. kye ri . (EEE Thus in the original, but kye ri does not appear elsewhere in the dictionary; probably kye re 3 is meant.) ke la rigs rus zhig gi ming | n. of a tribal clan (Yig.). ke la ka = sga skya 3 ginger (Sman. 267). ke la sha á = ki la sha 3. ri'i rgyal po ti se| SANST the king of mountains i.e., Kailasa in the Himalayas. ke lan prob. corruption of dge ldan follower of Tsongkhapa (Huc, vol. II). ke le n. of a fabulous place or country: ke le mi sha can gyi yul the country of cannibals, Ke-le (D.R.). ke sha SANST hair; mane; yi ge ke sha can letters which are surmounted with double ei sign called hgreo-bu or ou sign called naro. Signs for long accentuation are also called ke-sha. ke sha ra * SANST mane (Schr.). ke shu ka á a plant, perhaps Arum colocasia, with edible roots; also SANST v. king shu ka 3 (Hbum. ka 17). ke sa ra á SANST 1. the hair; the mane of the lion. 2. the hairy filament of the lotus; a celestial flower; saffron. keg = bar chad danger; accident, v. kag 3. keg ma = kag ma (Lex.). keng rus SANST skeleton. keng shu ka á an evergreen tree, i.e., of the colour of the parrot (Oag. 3). This is evidently a corruption of SANST. ker ko a cymbal; a musical instrument: cang te'u dang ker ko dang gling bu dang (carrying with him) a hand-drum, a cymbal, a pipe (flute) (K. g. ta 2). ker gyis suddenly (Sch.). ker ba to raise; to lift up; gnam la mdzub mo ker ba| to point the fingers towards heaven. ker langs SANST suddenly stood up: ker langs nas "standing erect and still (like a tree") (Oag. 3). ker leb sgur SANST metaph. for horse, sheep and yak: ker leb sgur gsum gyi nang nas ker sgur gyi 'bab| the tax (in kind, i.e., one in a hundred) on horse and yak from among the three kinds of cattle (Rtsii.). kel mag possibly indicates the Kalmuk Tartars. ki ta ka á n. of a mythological demon. ki ne ya SANST a piri or sage; also patronymic of Ravana (K. d. Sa 186). ki la sha SANST = ri bo gangs can 3 the huge snowy mountain on the north shore of the Manasarovara lake called Gang Ti-se by the Tibetans and Kailasa by the Indians. ko 1: num. 121; ko pa the volume marked with the letter ko, or the 121st volume. II: ni an expletive meaning: same, the same, very; as in 'di ko , the same; as 'di ni ; this very: rnam bzhag 'di ko ces par| "these same classifications"; de ko = de ni that very. III: all, whole; quite, entirely, altogether (Schtr.). ko ba 1. hide, leatheróthat derived from yaks, buffaloes and horses as distinguished from pags-pa the skins of sheep, goats, foxes, &c. 2. colloq. for ko-gru a hide-boat. ko khug a leather purse; a little leathern money-bag. ko khrol a sieve made of hide-strips or string to clean peas, barley grain, &c., of gravel, &c.: ko ba'i khrol ma sran nas tshags pa la| (Rtsii.). for a hide-sieve for sifting peas and barley (i.e., price for). ko gru a hide-boat a boat made of the entire hide of a yak; a skin coracle. ko btum hide-packing. This is said to be a criminal punishment in Central Tibet, vary in severity, e.g., lag pa ko btum when the culprit's hands are cut off, the stumps sewed up in leather and the poor wretch thrown as a beggar upon public charity, &c. (J‰.). ko thag strap; thong. ko thud a kind of tea, probably so called on account of being sold packed in hide cases; an inferior tea: se se phur med pa'i ko thud la| (Rtsii. 74)" to the cost of pressed brick-tea." ko thums packed up in hide; gser srang sum chu yod pa'i ko thums shig a leather package containing 30 ounces of gold: gser gyi ko thums brkus nas phyi khung du spas having stolen a bag containing gold, (we) concealed it in a marmot's (phyi ba a marmot) hole. ko 'thags a small instrument of leather to weave lace with (Cs.). ko gdan pronounced kom-gdan, skin-rug or seat; a piece of leather put under the saddle (Sch.) : skyi 'byar ko gdan ko stebs 'dra ba rer for each tanned skin-rug or leather folding used for cushions (three taoka) (Rtsii.). ko mda' an arrow bound with hide: byang gi ko mda' , the hide arrow used in the north (of Tibet). ko lding a vessel or basin made of hide to keep or cleanse oil or lime-wash: sa rtsi gsol ba'i ko lding der (Rtsii.) for each hide vessel for holding sa-rtsi (such and such a price). ko lpags hide; also tanned skin; ko lpags kyi gzhi SANST hide or leather material or stuff included in the fourteen materials prescribed for clothing to be used by Buddhist monks. ko lpags mkhan = lham mkhan SANST worker in hide and leather; a shoe-maker. ko in (ko-pin) glue: ko in rdog leb rer for each stick or cake of glue (Rtsii.). ko phongs guitar (gen. made of thin belly-skin of a cow) (Ld.); it is tuned in three-fourths (J‰.). ko phor a cup made of leather and painted to look like a wooden cup; ko gzhong a basin made of hide. ko ba mkhan a tanner; the steersman of a hide boat. ko ba mnyed mkhan a tanner. ko ba brag stod phyogs kyi yul zhig gi ming n. of a district in Upper Tibet: de nas stod lung ko ba brag tu byon then he visited Ko-wa brag in Stod-luo (Lha. kah. 23). ko bubs an entire skin: ko bubs re la rnyed mar mkhar nyag gsum re an entire skin of a sheep holds three khar-Òag measure of good butter (Rtsii. 74). ko 'bugs an awl; a three-sided needle for sewing leather (Sch.). ko 'bo itch scab; ko 'bo nad can scabby. In Sikkim a measure for rice or barley made of hide. ko sbrags a hide filled with butter; the whole package is so called. ko tshal pieces of leather or hide: ko tshal dang sbrang mar sogs kyi ko ba rer for each skin of butter and honey, &c., with hide wrapping (Rtsii.). ko rlon gtums packed in a fresh skin: mi ko rlon gyis gtums pa de dang por lhod lhod 'dra yang bskams nas 'khyog stabs med par bldams nas na tsha bskyed like a man packed in a fresh skin, or anything packed or fastened with raw hide which becomes shrivelled when the skin dries and illness is induced. ko rul ko rul a rotten hide. ko la a grub which breeds in hides; a kind of hide-moth; ko la mug ma sha'i 'bu 'dzi shig shig gi rigs lta bu| the Kola moth, something like a species of vermin in flesh (Rtsii.). ko sham pa (Lex.) one dressed in skin or having a skin for his under-clothing, v. kom po 3. ko ka a place in Bengal where in ancient times many Tantrik adepts lived (S. Lam.). ko ka li ka á SANST a Bhikru of the Buddha's time who sided with Devadatta (K. d. sha 247). ko ki a wild mountainous country east of Bengal in the Chakma and Hamsavati countries which are east and south-east of Haribhadra (Manipur) (S. Lam.). ko ki laá the Indian cuckoo, in books described as a bird that sings sweetly (K. du. kha 99). ko ki lkSa á n. of a tree (Moon.). ko ko (variously spelt ko sko , kos ko, kos sko ) 1. SANST the chin; also occasionally the throat or the neck: ko sko 'degs pa = mgrin pa 'degs pa to raise the chin; (Oag.) [see kos ko 3]. kos ko med pa chinless, or one with a small chin: ko skos bsnyung SANST with a slightly perceptible chin; ko sko phag gi lta bu SANST a chin like that of a pig; pig-faced (no chin) "beneath the chin." kos ko'i 'og ma SANST or SANST the lower part of the chin. 2. a Tibetan of mixed breed, i.e., born of a Chinese father and a Tibetan mother. ko ko thang ma a country in or near Ceylon (J‰.). ko kya SANST pure (Lexx.). ko krad (ko-teh) 1. lham gyi aa krad the worn out leather of old shoes and boots. 2. also a leather shoe (J‰.). ko sko ko ko 3 = 3mgrin pa 3 neck: ko sko 'degs = mgrin pa 'degs raise the neck (Oag. 4). ko nyon tse also ko nyol tse or ko lon tse , the kernel of the pineapple (Cs.); more particularly the edible seed of the Neosa-pine growing in the valley of the Sutlej; it is also called skan nyan tse in Kunawar (J‰.). ko tan = khrag 3 blood in mystic language (K. g. ga 216). ko tam pa ri zhig gi ming n. of a mountain (K. dun. 17). ko tam pa'i ras SANST one of the 41 materials of clothing permissible to Buddhist mendicants; a kind of grass formerly used in making clothes (K. du. pa 388). ko tam £ga same as above. ko tra pa SANST, SANST, in vulg. Nepalese Kodu, a kind of millet largely used in Sikkim for making murwa beer; it is mentioned in K. d. ra 333. A species of grain eaten by the poor; Paspatum scrobiculatum. ko trog can mi krog krog applied to a thoughtless, childish man (K. d. ya 362). ko tha SANST, SANST a kind of leprosy (J‰.). ko thal cinders, ashes; ko thal du byas pa to be reduced to ashes: ko thal 'thor bar gyur pa scattered about ashes. ko dA la á SANST or SANST a tree growing in the mountain called khu byug ri Kokila Parvata (K. d. ra 274). ko pang tse a sort of tea (Schtr.); usually called Capinze (Schtr.). ko bi da ra SANST the tree of paradise on which grows the Parijata flower; also a tree the flower of which is pretty and of sweet scent, probably Bauhinia variegata (K. my. ka 20); ko bi da ra ka SANST an abode of the gods (K. du. da 310). ko bo prop. n. of a country (Vai. kar.). ko brag pa prop. a sect of Tantrik Buddhists; also its founder: ko brag pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan gyis bal po nas bi £‡ ti tsau ding rir an drangs nas phyis su myang stod du ko brag dgon pa btab| (J. Zao.) Bsod-nams rgyal-mtshan of Ko-brag brought Vibhuti Chandra from Bal-po (Nepal) to Ding-ri and later on founded the monastery of Ko-brag in Upper Myao. ko ma a bird (Vai. so.). ko tse ja brgyad pa the Chinese name for the brick-tea used by the common people of Tibet. It is called ja brgyad pa the eighth or the inferior quality of tea (S. kar. 80). ko wags is meant to express the voice of a raven (J‰.). ko raºo á SANST prop. a country, said to be in the fabulous Western Continent of Godaniya (K. d. ra 331). ko ra ba á SANST the descendants of Kuru; their party; n. of a country in the east (K. d. ra 267). ko re or ko ra cup for drinking; shing kor wooden cup which every Tibetan carries with him in the pocket of his great coat next to his bosom; shel kor a drinking glass. ko la'i 'dab glang po'i pi pi ling plantain leaf (Moon.). ko long I: annoyance; dissatisfaction; the jealousy of demi-gods or of Naga, &c.: ko long du nga phrag dog ma byed shig | "pray do not out of dissatisfaction be jealous of me." In saying grace at meal time the Gods are exhorted by the lamas not to be spiteful, jealous or angry, &c.: jo bo la zhe sdang mi mnga' bas ko long la sogs pa gang yang mi mdzad par| the Lord (Atisa) not being actuated by any spite did not express any dissatisfaction, &c. (A. 58). II: is a dubious word (Schtr.); ko long ba to hate, envy; but in a passage in Mil., where the connection admits of no doubt, ko-loo mdsad-pa must be taken = disdain (J‰.). In Amdo ko long = dispute, fight. ko sha lAa á SANST mythical river east of Jambudvipa (K. d. ra 267). ko shi la á SANST a certain king of birds (K. my. ka 18). koºi Ç á SANST the son of Upayamati; in Tib. thabs ldan ma n. of a Muni or sage; n. of a grammarian; a patronymic of the poet Jayadeva. ko sham bi á also written ko'u sham bi SANST, the city of flowers; n. of an ancient city situated on the Ganges on the lower part of the Doab, in the vicinity of Kurrah; acc. to Oag. 3 Vatsapattana. ko shi ka á also written ko'u shi ka SANST 1. an epithet of Indra; n. of a drug. 2. n. of the Vatica Robusta; n. of a teacher; an owl; a patronymic of Visvamitra, who was the grandson of Kusika; n. of river, river Kosi (K. d. ra 267). Syn. na gu le; sbrul khas sdigs pa ; drang srong mdzod shes (Oag.). ko Sa THi la chen po á n. of a Sravaka attendant of the Buddha (K. my. ka 428). ko sa la á SANST, SANST n. of a part of Ancient Oudh which in the Buddha's time was ruled by King Prasenajit. kog pa I: 1. a cover; kog shog the paper-cover of a letter; an envelope (Yig. k. 2): kog shog la gtsang gras rgyag dgos the cover or envelope (of a letter) should be neat and clean. ja kog a hide case in which tea is packed is usually called ja-ko; mar kog a skin of butter: mar gyi kog dang chu rdo ji bzhin du| (S. leg.) "like a stone in water or package of butter." shun kog shell, rind; phyi yi kog exterior shell; bark. 2. the name kog pa is applied to an old man after the age of 85 (Rtsa shuo). II: vb., to splinter off, to chip; kog lang ba to rise suddenly and run away (J‰.). 2. kog pa shu ba to peel, pare off. kog tse SANST a net: acc. to (Oag.) bya dang ri ags bzung byed rgya'am snyi ma| "a net or snare to catch birds or wild animals." kong I: also kong kong , concave; excavated; crooked; bent; warped. sa kong kong undulating ground; kong pa nyid concavity. II: kong po also skong bu SANST 1. cup; crucible. 2. the country of ravines, n. of a province of Tibet lying to the south-east of Lhasa and east of Tse-thang. kong gsum SANST the three divisions of Koo-yul; also n. of a kingdom in Ancient India which was ruled by King Susarma. kong sked a kind of sash or waist-band of fine wool manufactured in Koo-po; kong mdung a kind of spear manufactured in Koo-po (Jig. 32); kong spang planks brought from Koo-po (S. kar. 179); kong sprel an ape from Koo-po; the name of an individual who made a donation to aid in repairing the monastery of Samye. kong bzo a kind of armour or weapon manufactured in Koo-po. kong kun * SANST n. p. (Schr.). kong khru (Koo-thu) a kind of yellow satin: gos kong khru ser po yug gcig (S. kar. 180) a piece or roll of yellow satin for a gown. kong jo in Chinese Kung-chu, a princess; the Tibetan name of the daughter of Emperor Tai-tsung, who was married to king srong btsan sgam po , rgya nag yul nas rgya bza' kong jo , from China; the Chinese spouse Koo-jo (Loo. 'a 5). kong bu a small cup-shaped brass or copper oil-burner; mchod kong an offering bowl, a cup for offering pure water to any divinity; snag kong sink-stand, generally for black ink; mtshal kong ink-stand for red ink or vermillion; blugs kong casting mould, crucible; gser kong a gold cup or oil-burner placed before Tibetan deities; bye kong bowl of sand. kong mo SANST a cave; a ditch. kod boiled: ja de kod nas ka ra bram po lnga byin pas jo bo dgyes (A. 95) the tea having been boiled (prepared) and given with five lumps of sugar, the Jo-wo was gratified. kon pa also called kon pa gab skyes the name of a plant that grows in solitary places, generally in the clefts of rocks. This medicine kon-pa gab-skyes, is used in Tibet for stopping hemorrhage. kob kob same as kab kob , the noise or sound produced from the stretching of hides. kom pa to tan (skin). kom gdan a seat made of tanned skin. kom po skin which has been made soft and pliable by tanning; leather. kom shing kong jo the princess Kom, the youngest daughter of Wen Chung, the fifth Emperor of the Tang dynasty. She was married to king Me Agtshom (J. Zao.). kor same as skor 1. is used as a tshig grogs or auxiliary particle used in the manner of an affix, as in stod kor , which signifies a cloth that surrounds or covers the upper part of one's body; hence stod le a kind of half jacket worn by children and also by lama dancers; klad kor the circular dot put over the head of certain letters to signify the letter ma. 2. anything that has been cut out by the hand or a lathe, such as shing kor a wooden cup; rdza kor an earthen cup or vessel turned out. 3. n. of a place; kor ni ru pa n. of a great lama who was a native of the place called Kor. (Deb. ga 11). kor also occurs in than kor , nyen kor , 'od kor , pad kor , gdub kor , &c. kor kor coiled: thag pa phur pa la kor kor byas| "a string was wound round the (exorcist's) dagger (Vai. so. 82). kor bzo lit. of round make; a kind of shield of round shape (Rtsii.). kol a colloq. form of kor . kol ba'i lam = lam ngan pa , a bad road (Moon.). kol sa v. 'gol sa 3 or 3gol sa 3. kos ko SANST the chin. This word is also applied to the throat and even to the wind-pipe. kya la (also called rgya la ) petty; n. of a petty state in Tibet, the chief town of which is rgya la seng gdong (lit. the lion-face), where the Tsang-po, it is said, enters a rocky chasm in the mountains. kya aan n. of a large fort in Tibet (Dsam. 32). kyag or kyag kyag 1. throwing obstacles in the way of another's work out of spite. 2. thick; run into clots; kyag pa nyid , thickness (Cs.). kyag kyog or kyog kyog SANST curved; crooked; not straight. kyang I:, also kyang kyang or kyang po 1. straight; right; very straight (Cs.). 2. slender as a stick (J‰.). II: SANST 1. and; and also; though; although; too; yet more; used instead of dang enclitically after the letters ga da ba sa . In composition the word kyang is placed between the subject and the predicate, for example:- mdzes kyang mdzes la sems kyang bzang he was beautiful and his mind was also good. In the sense of "though" kyang follows the first or contrasted verb:- gdong pa mdzes kyang lus po kyog "though his face was handsome yet his body was crooked." 'di ni mdzes shing 'od kyang 'phro| this being handsome also sheds lustre. 2. since, since that; then, therefore; likewise; whereas. kyang kyong indolent, lazy, idle (J‰.). kyar po also kyar kyar , flat, not globular (Cs.). kyar kyor still feeble as a convalescent after disease (J‰.). kyal I: resp. zhal kyal , a joke; also a comic or jocular look: lan cig zhal kyal du mdzad de| (A. 113) once having a jocular smile on his face. II: also kyal kyal sometimes written as rkyal rkyal , long and flat, not globular. Described in (Oag.) don rtsa stong pa 'phrag 'phrag che ba'i don| like straw, hollow and devoid of meaning; worthless. kyal ka SANST, SANST joke, jest, tricks: kyal ka'i tshig SANST, rtsed mo'i tshig playful word. kyal pa vain, idle talk, nonsense. kyal kyol poor; ill-conditioned. kyi 1. This syllable is primarily an inflecting affix attached to nouns, adj., participles, &c., indicating the genitive case. This affix takes the form kyi only after the final letters da, ba, or sa, and is varied to gyi where the word to which it is attached ends in either na, ma, ra, or la, and to gi where the preceding final is ga or nga, or simply to 'i if the final happens to be a vowel. Ex.: bod kyi of Tibet, Tibetan; lam gyi of the way; byang gi of the north; 'gro ba'i tshe at the time of going. Sometimes, moreover, it is elided altogether, as in bod skad Tibetan language. 2. It is annexed to verbal roots (with the same variations of form) after the manner of a continuative particle and imparting the gerundial sense, but by some modern writers used as a finite verb. Gerundially it generally implies an antithesis which may be expresses in English by "though" followed by "yet": bu mos kho la bos kyi mgo sgy ur ba med lam drang 'grul yod though the girl called to him, yet he went on the straight way without turning his head. As affix to a finite verb it is frequent in the writing of Padma Jungnas and Milaraspa, and is also used in the C. Colloquial. Attached to the verbal root it may also carry the sense of "as much as," "as far as" : lam 'di sems la nges kyi ba glang gi rjes su song as far as he remembered this road, he followed the ox. 3. kyi connecting the auxiliary verb with the verbal root forms a much-used present tense: nyal gyi yod I am lying down. But here the final vowel does not often take the simple i ('i), e.g., lta gyi 'dug is seeing; still we have in books lto za'i 'dug is eating food. [N.B.:- The use with the instrumental form kyis will come under that article.] kyi glong the elbow. kyi lce n. of a medicinal plant, Gentiana decumbens. The white species of this plant called kyi lce dkar po is in repute for biliousness. The blue called kyi lce sngon po heals swelling in the throat or glands (Med.). kyi bun a chill; a feeling of cold (Sch.). kyi ling chu rta sngon po = dngul chu 3 quicksilver (Sman. 118). kyi hud SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. interj., the sound of weeping, lamentation; an expression of grief, sorrow or loss; Alas! Ah! kyi hud zer ba SANST expressing deep sorrow or lamentation. 2. one of the eight cold hells of the Buddhist purgatory. kyig rtse unburnt brick (Sch.). kying n. of a people living in the east of Asia (Yig. 8). kying ser rlung a violent wind with hail: acc. to J‰. also kya sa onomatopoetic word; a blowing wind. kyin a verbal termination used alternatively with gyin and gin and after a vowel; yin denoting a partic. pres. like the English 'ing' : glu 'debs kyin song proceed on your way singing! With yod or 'dug it forms a periphrastical present tense: snon lam 'debs gyin yod he is praying (just now) (J‰.). Most probably the common present form in kyi, gi, &c., is an excised form of this use, e.g., yod gi 'dug is coming; lta gyi red is looking. kyir also kyir kyir , round; circular; a disk; a round thing; kyir ba nyid roundness. kyis by, with; the sign of the instrumental case, used after the letters da, ba, or sa, and generally indicating the personal subject of the action. It is called the byed pa po'i sgra (the term of the doer). Generally kyis is annexed to a verbal root to render clauses which in English would be introduces with "by," "from," &c., e.g., ral gris mchin pa phigs kyis bsad do from the sword having pierced the liver, he was slain. Of course the prep. "from" might be omitted here. Again our "because" is often an appropriate opening to clauses terminated in kyis ; gyis , &c.: 'gong po byon gyis khos byol song the demon coming, he turn aside; or because the demon came, he, &c. kyu SANST a hook; lcags kyu iron hook; an angle; a fishing hook; zhabs kyu (i.e., the foot-hook) a mark fixed at the foot of a letter to signify the vowel 'u' and written as u. kyur kyur twittering; the cry of a small bird: byi'u co ga kyur kyur sgrog the swallow twitters. kye SANST, SANST the vocative sign; O! Holla! kye is called 'bod pa'i sgra or interjectionóthe word of invocation or calling : kye rgyal po chen po| O great King! kye nor bu pad ma O lotus-gem (Chenraisi). kye kye also written kyi for abbreviation; conveys the same meaning as kye. kye rdo rje SANST n. of a terrific Tantrik deity. kye ga n. for the magpie. kye phang pa n. of an idol of the Nyingma sect, consisting, like most of the popular idols in Tibet, of an enchanted stick or log decked with rags, but much dreaded and said to be identical with Pe-dkar Gyalpo (J‰.). kye ma SANST (interj.) Alas! An expression of surprise with sorrow, also of misery; kye ma ma la SANST but oh! an interjection expressive of desire for compassion or fatigue: kye ma ma la glang po 'di alas this elephant! (A. K. 1-36). kye re or ke re , also kyer upright, erect; kye re ba or kye re nyid the act of standing erect. kye hud (interj.) SANST, SANST Alas! Woe! Ah! What misery! An expression of grief or pain; kye ho What oh! Holla! kye to kwa ye bod pa'i tshig | kye-ho and kwa-ye are exclamatory words. kyo ba SANST a pointed iron-hook; a large pin to pierce with. kyo rang v. kyo ba 3. kyog also kyog kyog SANST, crooked, bent, winding, curved: mgo bo kyog kyog byas| having turned his head (sideways). lam kyog a winding or serpentine road; a zig-zag. kyog po SANST crooked; kyog por crookedly, not straight: ri ags byings rnams mgrin pa kyogs te bros song | (Pag. 133) the wild animals that conceal themselves bending their necks ran away. kyong I: or kyong kyong 1. SANST hollow; cavity; the hollow of a dish or tray; cognate to kong . 2. obstinate; unmanageable (J‰.). 3. hard, as in chu kyong po , hard water; evidently a colloq. form of chu gyong po II: or kyong bu a small shovel, scraper; kyong kha quarrel (Sch.). kyom flexible but without elasticity; flabby, loose, lax. kyom pa soft and tough; kyom pa nyid pliancy; toughness. kyom kyom of irregular shape, not rectilinear (J‰.). kyor or kyor kyor weak, feeble, unfortified (Cs.). kyol or kyol kyol = kyor 3. kra (ta) for sa kra , kra btsugs established a Dharmasala (A. 61). kra ma shar Sa n. of a kind of precious stone: pad ma ra ga'i khang brtsegs rab mtho ba kra ma shar Sa'i ba gam| (Rtsii. 41) a house built of ruby made lofty with a dome of krama sharra. krag (tag) = brag 3, signifying rock. krang nge (tang-oe) standing; krang nge ba or krang nge ba nyid an upright posture; krang sdod pa to stand. krang nang (tang-nao) a gallery round a house; a covered passage; evidently an incorrect form of srang nang . krang ba (tang-wa) prob. wrongly written for drang po byed pa to make straight. krad 'khor (tÈ-khor) a ring used in the exercise of archery as a butt for arrows; a mark; a target. krad rgyun (tÈ-gy¸n) a piece of long narrow leather to mend shoes with; acc. to Cs. a long narrow piece of leather to fasten the sole to the upper leather of a shoe or boot. krad pa (tÈ-pa) a shoe; a covering for the feet of the lower classes of people; a leathern half-boot; krad lhan a patch for a shoe. kran ma (tan-ma) colloq. for sran ma , peas. krab krab (tab-tab) = 'khrab pa 3 dancing or stamping of the feet: rkang lag krab krab bro 'khrab pa (his) legs and arms moved as in dancing. According to Oag. krab krab is equivalent to leb leb , flat. kram (tam) cabbage; kram mngar sweet or fresh cabbage; kram skyur cabbage-pickle; cabbage soaked in vinegar. kri ka ru ka á SANST n. of a monastery in ancient Behar which was also known by the names of Samudra Gupta and Kusumapuri (A. 60). kri ka lAa Sa á SANST a small lizard. There is an account of this animal being once offered as a burnt sacrifice to the gods (K. d. ya 214). kri kri á SANST, SANST n. of a Buddhist king of Benares who is said to have patronized Buddha Kasyapa. In the Chinese version of the Vimala-kirti-nirdesa sutra, he is called Kppin, the kind and merciful. kri kha (ti-kha) the magpie; the white-breasted magpie; colloq. called kya-ka in Tibet. kri ba sha'i gdong n. of a place in Tibet. (J. Zao.). kri mi (ti-mi) = bya gag 3 1. the grey duck (Moon.). 2. SANST a worm. kri ya SANST; kri ya bya ba'i rgyud the ritualistic part of Sambhava mysticism: de kri ya'i sngags dug phyag ngug gis byed pa yin te| (A. 74) the kpya mantra having been performed by the six-armed deity. (EEE Original has Sambhawa.) kri shong ba ro n. of an individual who did some service to Atisa during his journey to Tibet through Nepal (A. 142). krig krig (tig-tig) = nan nan to beat or press with the hand or feet; to make the sound tig-tig. krig gi (tig-gi) straight: lcags kyi mda' ni krig gi bzang nas| the iron arrow when quite straight being good (D.R.). krig chags med pa sngar nas lugs srol med pa 'am don dag med pa| not customary or purposelessly; for nothing: rgyun du sog po'i rigs krig chags med pa'i zhu zhu yod par| Mongol tribes without adhering to custom would always be making prayers (D. Shel. 10). kring kang (tio-kao) a weapon like the spear; a forked spear: mdung dang kring kang 'dra ba so bcas rer| (to the cost of) a spear and lance with saw-like teeth (Rtsii.). kring bag sgy o (tio-pag-gyo) glue or paste made of flour. krin nad (tin-ne') the colic. kriSa Na SANST n. of a sculptor; an image-maker during Atisa's time about 1000 A.D. (A. 121). kriSa Na sAa ra SANST the spotted antelope (J‰.); a kind of black antelope which is said to possess the heart of a Bodhisattva. The skin of this animal is used by Hindus and Buddhists alike to sit upon; the Tibetan lamas attach much sanctity to this antelope and its skin. kru kru (tu-tu) (W.) wind-pipe (J‰.). kru kru tris + (tu-tu ti) SANST a kind of yellow chintz resembling satin of great value, formerly highly prized in India and Tibet. It is called grung thang rgya ser gos chen . kru ra (tu-ra) = dmangs rigs 3 the vulgar, or the lowest class of people in the mystical language (K. g. kha 28). krung krung sgra can (tung-tung da-can) n. of a country (filled with the cry of storks or cranes) said to have been visited by the Buddha (K. du. kha 302). krung thang the chief Chinese minister who was resident in Tibet when AbbÈ Huc visited Lhasa; an official of his class (Yig. k. 38). Probably an error for Chung t'ang, a title borne by certain high officials in China. krum pa (tum-pa) broken in the edge or side or nibbled, but not entirely broken to pieces. krums (tum) meat: in polite language it is called gsol krums (sol-tum), the meat that is offered to a respected person. kre nyag (te-Òag) n. of a place in Kham. kre nag (te-nag) the spout of a kettle. (Sch.). kre pa (te-pa) the forehead; also a colloq. spelling for dpral pa , the forehead. kre bo (te-o) n. of a place in Kham. kro Z na á SANST = bu med gtum mo a fierce woman; an amazon (Moon.). krog krog (tog-tog) a kind of sound produced by the grinding of hard or brittle objects together: krog krog ni sgra skad "tog-tog is a sound" (Oag.); tog-tog is an onomatopoetic word meaning a grating sound. krong (too) erect; standing: lus thad krong | the body erectly stood. krong krong (tong-tong) standing; posing still and erect: slob ma gnyis kyis mthong bar lha dngos su krong krong sprul nus pa| (A. 27) "while the two pupils were looking on, the deity was able to appear erect, as if in life." When used of persons, it means also standing on one's knees; kneeling in an upright position (J‰.). krong rtse (too-tse) n. of a kind of round writing anciently used in China: de dus kyi yi ge ni krong rtse zhes pa 'khor yig yin pa la| the characters of that time were circular letters called Too-tse. The word krong rtse seems to be a corruption of the Chinese tang-ch'ien, copper cash. Tibetans say tong rtse rgya tham pa "a hundred cash." kron kron (ton-ton) in W. hanging; dangling. kla rtsi SANST this is an incorrect spelling of the word gla rtsi . kla klo SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. a barbarian: kyi hud kla klo dud 'gro klu| (Zam. 2) "Alas, the Mleccha, the beasts, and the Naga!" 2. any Musalman of India, a Hwi-Hwi or Hwi-tse in China. 3. a nation without laws; a barbarous, uncivilized race. kla klo kha = zangs 3, copper (Moon.). kla klo rnams * SANST the barbarians (Schr.). kla klo'i kha SANST a Musalman's mouth; = kha che 3 "a wide mouth-man," i.e., a Musalman of Kashmir. kla klo'i tshes * SANST (Schr.) "religion on the lips." kla klo'i tig ta several bitter roots growing in the sub-Himalayan regions; one is also called mon gyi tig ta , Gentiana cheretta (Moon.). kla klo'i spos = sgog pa 3 garlic (Moon.). kla klo'i 'phel SANST, SANST n. of a Tururka (Tartar) King; lit. growth of a Yavana or Mleccha; kla klo'i bye brag SANST a tribe of Tururka; a Tartar. klag cor SANST, SANST clamour, noise: klag cor chung pa less noisy: klag cor mang du smras pa dang | "having made a row about." klag pa 1. SANST study, reading; klag pa'i slob dpon| SANST a teaching professor, a teacher: klag pa'i brtul zhugs yongs rdzogs pa| "has completed his vow of study" (A. K. 30), v. klog pa 3 to read, peruse; klags SANST, is pret. of klog pa . 2. SANST to incarnate: klags lta ba SANST waiting for an expectant of one's advent or incarnation; in Arta. SANST "one who finds fault with"; klags mi khugs = klags mi rnyed not incarnated or obtained an incarnated state: stong pa nyid nas stong pa nyid la klags mi rnyed do| "there cannot be transmigration from one to another state of emptiness." (This is in reference to the eighteen states of Sunyata.). klags v. klog 3. klad klad ces pa gong ngam steng du zhes pa'i don| 1. "the word klad means above or upward" (Oag.); klad la bskor nas revolving round overhead (A. 155). 2. SANST, SANST head; brain; it is also written as klad pa klad kor , same as nga ro , a dot or cypher placed on top of a letter to denote the abbreviation of the letter ma , which is commonly used in writing and occasionally in printing. 3. first; klad nas from the first: gcan gzan seng ge'i phru gu de|sder chags thams cad klad nas 'dzoms| as to lion's cubs, their claws are prominent from the first. (EEE2 In the original under #2. klad pa klad kor is written as glad pa klad kor , but this is a mistake.) klad rgya membrane covering the brain; pia mater; klad rgyas lha pa the bloody marrow in the bones (Schr.); klad sgo the fontanel in the infant cranium (Schr.). klad chung the cerebellum; klad gzhung the spinal marrow; klad gzer painful prickling sensation in the brain; klad shubs or klad rgya the thin covering of the brain. klad tho the top length of a Tibetan tent, i.e., the distance between its two poles. klad don lit. signifies the meaning of the text or the original work, but is generally used as a term for the Sanskrit names or expressions which head almost all the religious books of Tibet. The work Moon. makes klad synonymous with klad rgyas the amplification of the original text. klad pa SANST what is uppermost; klad ma SANST priority, beginning, top. klad pa 'gems pa lit. those whose brains have become confounded; to stun; to surprise; to confound; to overthrow in argument. klad bzo the making of the outer side of anything: klad bzo spug ther skabs dang bstun par bya| this outer covering and the flannel within must be made to fit in their size (Yig. 22). klan ka SANST censure, blame; klan ka mi 'tshol ba one not seeking brawls: gzhan la snyad 'tshol ba la klan ka 'tshol ba zer| casting imputations against another is called klan-ka htshol-wa; rtsod pa bkod pa la yang klan ka zer| also fomenting a dispute is called klan ka ; klan ka 'tshol ba = klan ka bsam pa ; SANST one who seeks brawls; klan byed pa or klan ka byed pa or klan ka 'debs pa or skur klan to censure, blame. klan pa 1. revenge; wrong avenged; to wreak vengeance for: bya rog gis 'ug pa la sha klan pa zhes pas len pa'i don| (Lo. 9) the crow revenges itself upon the owl by what is called flesh-revenge. klan bya part to be mended or to be patched. klam pa SANST a thick blanket; also a pagri or turban used by Tibetans when travelling: klam pa zhes pa mgo la dkri rgyu'i ras ring po'i ming | (K. du. ga 121) klam the term for a long piece of cloth which is tied round the head. klal ba = bsgy ings pa 3 or 3bya bsnyangs pa 3 SANST, yawning; to yawn. klas SANST copious, abundant; an equivalent of yas , beyond, apart, as in 'byams klas or mtha' klas (SANST). In this case klas may be taken to mean "without," and is an equivalent of the Sanskrit SANST. kling ma or gling ma SANST, the margin of a river or lake. klu I: SANST n. of a kind of flower (K. my. ka 20). II: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the Indian Naga, that is, a demi-god having the human head and the body of a serpent, which is generally supposed to live in fountains, rivers, and lakes. The Lu are also believed to be the guardian of great treasures under-ground; they are able to cause rain and certain maladies, and become dangerous when angry. 2. a serpent or any snake in general. klu kun tu dga' ba'i zlos gar the drama of Nagananda; zlos gar kyi bstan bcos dga' ba'i lhas mdzad pa'i ming | a dramatic treatise by Harsadeva (Ya-sel. 230). klu khang the residence of the Lu or serpent gods. An imaginary palace supposed to exist at the bottom of the sea or of some lake where the Naga reside: klu khang skyed tshal thugs spro las gzigs so| (Jig.) saw the palace of the Lu and their grove with delight. klu glang nag po ba ru can = sdig srin 3 the crab which is called by the Tibetans "bull-horned black Lu" (Sman. 144). klu rgyal * SANST (Schr.). klu rgyal dkar po dung skyong SANST n. of a certain Naga Raja or a serpent demi-god called the White Protector of Conch Shells: klu rgyal dkar po dung skyong dang 'dzin pa lag mang sogs the Lu ruler called white Sankhapala and Sankhadhara Bahu Pani, the deity with many arms, and others (Rtsii. 44). klu rgyal mtha' yas SANST infinite; the king of the snakes described in Hindu mythology (Moon.); one of the eight klu chen , great Lu. klu rgyal rigs lnga the five classes among the Naga Raja or Lu kings residing in the fabulous world of the snakes. klu sgrub (Lu-dub) SANST the expounder of the Madhyamika school of Buddhist philosophy. klu chen brgyad the eight chiefs of the Lu or Naga are mtha' yas SANST; 'jog po SANST; nor rgyas SANST; dung skyong SANST; pad ma SANST; pad ma chen po SANST; stobs ldan SANST; rigs ldan SANST, SANST. klu 'jog po SANST the class of Lu or Naga called Taksaka. klu thebs the coming forth of the Lu in summer from their retreats. This time is fixed in Tibetan almanacs for worshipping them: dbyar sa steng du klu 'ong ba la klu thebs zer the coming upwards of the Lu from their retreats in summer is called klu thebs . klu ldog the retiring of the Lu to their abodes in the nether regions is called klu ldog , which time is generally calculated by the Tibetan astrologers to fall in December. klu mthar byed SANST the chief patriarch of the Naga; also SANST, which is a name of the Garuda bird. klu dug = grul 'bum zla ba'i nu zho can|dug ngan pa zhig gi ming | 1. n. of an indolent poison. 2. n. of a very venomous snake (Sman. 350). klu dug can poisonous snakes. klu gdon 'joms byed = rgyal po snug po lit. that which destroys poison or kills Lu demons = gla rtsi 3 musk (Sman. 333). klu bdud rdo rje n. of a medicinal plant which is believed to have the property of healing all sorts of diseases caused by Lu or malignant spirits. klu mdud prob. Codonopsis ovata (J‰.) also klu'i gnod pa cures all kinds of arthritis and rheumatism (W.). klu sdings SANST the peaks or flanks of a mountain where snakes reside. klu nad SANST, SANST the disease caused by the Lu or leprosy. klu gnas SANST the abode of the Lu. klu bod * SANST one of the disciples of Nagarjuna (Schr.). klu byang * SANST an epithet of Nagarjuna and also that of one of his disciples. klu dbang gi rgyal po a Buddha ruling over the Lu, usually depicted with 4 attendant Bodhisattva (Grub. 109). klu 'bum n. of a section of the Sgomao division of the monastery of dpal ldan 'bras spungs (Dai-pung near Lhasa): dpal ldan 'bras spungs sgo mang pa'i khams tshan|hor gdong bsam blo klu 'bum| the Gomang sections of Daipung Monastery are the Hordong, Sam-lo and Lubum; n. of a treatise on a hundred thousand Naga. klu 'bum khra bo 1. n. of a religious work among the Bon-po. 2. khra bo means "mottled." There are also klu 'bum dkar po , klu 'bum nag po . Klu-hbum, originally a hooded snake, cobra di capello; the mythological sense, however, is only understood in Tibet, where every child knows and believes in Lu or Nagas, &c., cobras being unknown. klu mes bla ma zhig gi mtshan| (Deb. 46) n. of a lama of Tibet. klu mo a female serpent; also a serpent demoness. klu mo mu tig nu zho can n. of medicinal plant used for wounds or sores. Its flowers are of garnet colour; when they are plucked there oozes out a milkish sap which is said to possess healing power (Sman. 350). klu snan n. of a medicine. klu gzugs the body or likeness of a snake; also a Lu in the body of a snake; anything with the body or in the guise of a snake. klu'i skad the language of the Naga; according to some Tibetan authors this is the Nagari language of India which they identify with the Prakrit. According to the earliest historians of Tibet klu'i skad i.e., the Naga bhara, was the language of the Chinese: rgya nag pa klu las chad pas|nA ga kri ta klu'i skad du smra| the Chinese having originated from the serpent demi-gods, speak the Naga kpta, the language of the Lu. nA ga kri ta is distinguished from the Sanskrit language which is called Deva bhara, the language of the gods. Naga-kpta means corrupt language and Sans-kpta means refined language. klu'i grong khyer SANST, SANST the mythological city of the Naga in the nether world ruled by King Sera. klu'i 'jig rten SANST the nether world or region inhabited by the Lu or Naga. klu'i dug bcom n. of a fabulous sea which lies beyond a great sandy desert. The Lu chieftain Stobs-ldan (Bala-van) resides there and excites dissensions among living beings (K. d. ra 335). klu'i gdengs ka the hood or neck of a Naga or of a serpent. klu'i sde * SANST (Schr.) n. of the celebrated Buddhist sage who answered the interrogations of King Menander (of Milinda Pannha); one of the eighty Buddhist saints of the northern school. klu'i gnod pa or klu'i skyon , plague; a disease of unknown origin; maladies supposed to be originated from the malignity of the serpent demi-gods. klu'i byang chub * SANST (Schr.). klu'i sbrul SANST a class of very venomous snakes. klu'i yi ge SANST acc. to Cs. the Chinese character; acc. to some authors the Nagari character. klu'i bshes gnyen * SANST (Schr.) n. of a Buddhist saint. klu yi skad SANST the language of the Naga: legs sbyar gyi skad dang yang na klu yi skad du gsungs na go gsungs| it is said that (he) understood (it) when related in the Sanskrit or in the language of the Naga. (EEE The original has the Tibetan headword as kla yi skad but this is clearly in error. The transliteration provides the correct spelling of "klu-yi skad", and the headword has been corrected altered here accordingly.) klu yi 'khri shing = lo ma'i 'khri shing n. of a leafy creeping plant (Moon.). klu yi lce = thal dres snan lit. the snake's tongue; n. of a plant used in medicine. Syn. sngo sangs 'khri shing ; sngo sangs mtha' yas ; mtha' yas rtsa ; ba glang bsrung ; me tog phra mo (Moon.). klu yi gzhi = sa gzhi 3 the earth (Moon.). klu shing SANST lit. the snake-tree; SANST the tree of golden bark. Syn. bum can ; skyes bu mtho ; lha'i 'dab ; lha'i lcug ma ; seng ge skrod ; klu'i me tog ; ge sar mar po ; klu skyes (Moon.). The names of some species of trees called naga vpkra are the following:- tshad ldan 'dab ma ; me tog rtse ; sa srung ; klu'i mtshan ; sog le sgrib ; shun pa dri zhim ; rtsa ba mang ; sa'i dzam bu ka ; SANST the plant Flacourtia spadia (Moon.). klu gshed gsum the names of three medicines, viz., sdig srin , zhal nag and byang nag (Sman. 450). klung a valley; river; chu klung SANST a river in general; nags klung a river passing through wooded tracts; the name klung is seldom applied to small streams or rivulets. klung rgyun a stream, current; klung rgyun ltar like the flow of a river. klung sgog a kind of garlic growing wild on the margins of rivers in Tibet: klung sgog mdze yi rma gso skrangs chu skem| wild garlic cures leprous sores and dries up the fluids in swellings (Med.). klung rta (in nag rtsis the art of divination) = rlung rta 3. klung phyugs cattle living in the lower table-lands of Tibet. This term is also applied to the yaks which are kept in the lower plains of Tibet. klung phyugs so gnyis yan gyi ko ba rer| "for (i.e., the price of) each hide of cattle of two teeth," (i.e., above two years old) (Rtsii.). klung 'bab pa the rushing of a hill torrent; the flowing of a river. klung ma a river. klung tshag a yak of the valley; ri tshag a hill yakóa yak belonging to the higher elevations and hill-tops of Tibet (Rtsii.). klung shod n. of a place in the uplands of 'bri gung (Diguo) situated to the north-east of Lhasa (Loo. za 12). klung shos a kind of plant growing on the margins of rivers in Tibet, and said to be efficacious when applied to sores: klung sgog garlic of the valley. klungs I: this term is applied to the astrological results arrived at by computing one's age in reference to that of one's parents by consulting their horoscopes. It occurs in the Vaidurya Karpo in expressions such as pha klungs , ma klungs|. II: cultivated lands; a field: klungs su skye grow on cultivated soil: dkar mdangs kyi klungs tshang ma all fields belonging to Dkar-hdaos. klub pa + pf. klubs pa , 1. to cover the body with ornaments (J‰.); to put on luxuriously (Cs.): gser leb rta shing dag las legs grub pa'i seng khebs rab 'bring tha ma gsum du klubs (Jig.). 2. to set up (a tenant). 3. n. of a tribe in Tibet (Vai. kar. 160). klus bod Naga-hvaya, one of the 28 Buddhist sages mentioned in the M.V. klus byang chub SANST, Naga-Bodhi, one of the chief disciples of Nagarjuna. His essence is supposed to have been embodied in the late Kusho Sengchen of Tashi-lh¸npo. kles a rack for clothes, clothes-horse. klog pa to read, imp. klogs shig also lhogs shig do read, pf. klags pa or bklags , fut. klag or bklag , bklag par bya . klog par byed is reading; klog par byed pa the act of reading, the causing to be read; klog bya anything to be read; klog tu 'jug pa to begin or cause one to read; klog pa po or klog mkhan a reader; klog grwa a reading school, a school for reading; dpe cha sogs klog pa reading books, &c. klog 'don to read aloud; klog byang SANST well-read, accomplished in reading, a scholar; klog pa yang klog pa to read again. klog thob n. of a Bodhisattva (K. ko. ca 50). klong I: or klong ba SANST extent; mass, bulk, body; depth, abyss. Also a wave or any undulating thing: klong dang bcas pa SANST with opening or reverting folds or coils as in a conch shell. II: this word either alone or in combination with yangs is generally used to express the idea of vastness, infinitude or immensity. It also signifies "space" as a definite expanse, being in a measure synonymous with dbyings : chos kyi klong yangs the immensity or profoundness of dharma; chos kyi dbyings SANST the expanse of matter or infinitude of phenomena; sems nyed kyi klong the depth or amplitude of the mind: rdo rje 'chang dbang chos sku lha lam mtha' bral klong yangs na|rdo rje rnal 'byor longs sku lnga ldan nam mkha'i nor bu rgyas| this spiritual being of Dorje chang developes in the wide boundless sphere of the gods into that jewel of the heavens which comprises the five illusive bodies of Dorje Naljor (Naro. 1). III: centre or middle; = dbus 3 or 3dkyil 3 as in dba' klong or rba klong the eddy or whirlpool caused by rba or dba' , the waves; dpa' klong or rba klong is also used to signify rba-rlabs, a wave, billow. IV: klong du gyur pa + has the meaning of dbang du gyur pa under one's subjection or power; is equivalent to SANST fully comprehended; over-powered. It is also used to signify perfection in mystic arts, as J‰schke renders it "a soaring into mystic perfection." The work ngag 'grel explains it in the following manner: yongs su chub pa'am 'dus pa la'ang 'jug | "it is also applied (to mean) whatever has arrived at complete perfection or become concentrated into one." klong chen n. of a celebrated lama of Tibet who was also called klong chen rab byams pa . klong sde a division of the Buddhist writing of the man ngag SANST class, the introduction of which is attributed to Lotsawa Vairotsana. bod kyi yul 'dir man ngag rdzogs pa chen por grags pa la sems sde dang klong sde dang man ngag sde "in this country of Tibet (in books) known as the great Man-oag rdsogs-pa, there are the Sems section, the Loo section, and the Man-nag section" (Deb. ga 3). klong ma dkyel 1. of great capacity. 2. SANST the cavity of the abdomen. klongs pa SANST, same as dkrugs pa . klongs rag n. of a place in Tibet; klongs rag gru kha the ferry at Kloos-rag (Yig.). klon pa to mend, to patch shoes, &c; klon pa po a cobbler, mender of shoes. kSa in mystic language the term signifies an evil spirit. kSa ya pronounced in Tibetan as sha ya SANST phthisis pulmonalis; but according to the Tibetan pathology kSa ya nag po denotes a bilious disease, prob. black jaundice (J‰.). The symptoms of the disease kra-ya, as described in the medical works of Tibet, are as follows: mkhris pa lus la byer nas zu 'phrug byed|pags mdog sngo nag skra dang snin ma 'byi shed med sha skam sen mo nag thig chags pa 'ong "the bile having permeated the body, itching is set up, the skin becomes greenish-black in colour, the hair and the eyebrows fall off, loss of strength, shrivelled flesh, and black spots on the nails, will be produced" (Med.). kSa su ra a kind of precious stone resembling crystal; it is very rare in Tibet: kSa su ra ni shel dang stang zil dngos re re tsam las bod du 'byung mi 'gyur as to Krasura, that crystal and the genuine stao-zil stone do not occur in Tibet except singly (Yig.). dkag ba constipation; obstructed bowels. dkan + I: SANST acc. to Oag. the palate, the roof of the mouth; ya dkan the upper part of the palate; ma dkan the lower part of the palate; dkan gnyer cleft palate; dkan gyi yi ge SANST the palatal letters; dkan gtog SANST an abscess in the palate; dkan nad any disease of the palate. II: is sometimes used in the place of gyen , steep or up hill; dkan gzar po a steep declivity; precipice (Oag. 5). dka' dka' ba or dka' bo SANST, SANST 1. hard, difficult; used as adj. go dka' ba hard to understand; rab tu dka' ba very hard or difficult. 2. pains, exertions, sufferings; dka' ba med par thob pa SANST gain without pain or exertion; dka' ba med pa without hardship or difficulty; 'grod dka' ba difficult of access; sgrub dka' ba hard to accomplish or to perfect; fig. to propitiate; brjod dka' ba hard to express or describe; rnyed dka' ba difficult to find; bya dka' ba hard work, or hard to do; dka' ba nyid SANST difficulty; dka' byed pa SANST one who accomplishes a difficult or hard task. dka' 'grel SANST lit. difficulties explained; a commentary; explanation of difficulties (J‰.). tshig don go dka' ba 'grel pas bkrol pa meanings of terms which are difficult to understand are explained in a commentary (Oag. 5). dka' bcu SANST ten ascetical hardships; a Buddhist scholar who has acquired such great proficiency in sacred literature as to be able to interpret the meanings of a term in ten different ways. dka' thub I: SANST; also SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, asceticism, also penance; an ascetic, one who is able to stand hardships or privations: dka' thub lus ni che ba dang |mdzes ma gcig bur nyal ba dang |dpa' po rma mtshan med pa ste|'di gsum yid mi ches pa'i rgyu|"that an ascetic's body should be fat, that a pretty woman should sleep by herself, and that a hero should be without wound-scarsóthese three are things the mind does not credit." II: a name for the first month of the Tibetan calendar (Rtsii.). dka' thub kyi gnas SANST the residence of an ascetic; a hermitage. dka' thub dgra = 'dod lha dga' rab dbang phyug| (lit. the ascetic's enemy) a name of the god of love (Moon.). dka' thub can = nyon mongs pa 3 SANST, SANST one who undergoes asceticism; a hermit; one who having renounced the worldly life has retired to solitude; an epithet of the Hindu deity Mahesvara. Syn. spang spos ; spu can ; dri'i sras po ; 'byung po'i ral pa (Moon.). dka' thub od pa the practices of an ascetic or hermit; drang srong a piri (Moon.); dka' thub la 'gro ba to embrace the life of an anchorite; dka' thub ser po = gur gum 3 saffron (Sman. 351); dka' thub gsal SANST one whose asceticism or penitence is either visible or exemplary. dka' zlog bla ma n. of a snowy mountain; it is generally applied to ri bo gangs can (Moon.). dka' zlog ma n. of the Goddess gu ri (Moon.). dka' las che ba very difficult; dka' las med pa free from difficulty; easy. dkar I: in compounds = dkar po 3 white; grey. II: sincere; dkar mi byas not confessing one's guilt; not exonerated; not making a clean breast of anything. dkar skya SANST light grey: dkar skyo SANST pale; white. dkar khang a lighted house; also a store room (S. kar. 66, 178). dkar khung = skar khung 3 window, a sky-light; a hole in the wall of a house for the entrance of light. dkar khyug anything streaked or ornamented with diverse colours. dkar khrigs (kar-thig) white; shining; bright; glittering; brilliant. dkar gong 1. a kind of white clay; porcelain clay. 2. same as me rdo flint: dkar gong srin 'don gdon dug la phan| white clay is useful to expel worms and for the poison of evil spirits. dkar rgya rose-coloured; pale pink. dkar rgyan white ornament; the butter used in painting offerings made of barley flour or rice to the gods: zhal zas dkar rgyan mar cakes that are painted white and red with (coloured) butter (Rtsii.). dkar bcud gsum the triple white elixir, i.e., the cream from the milk of the female yak, ewe, and cow: 'bri lug ba gsum gyi 'o ma 'dus pa'i khNa Da "Khanda is the mixed milk of the female yak, ewe and cow." dkar chag SANST 1. an index; register. 2. whitish; grey. 3. morally good; standing on the side of virtue; sincere; candid. dkar chab chab = dkar chem chem or 'od zer dkar chem me glittering white rays. dkar chung lha khang n. of a monastery in Tibet (J. Zao.). dkar nye = dkar ba'i nye ba a true friend; one who has come over to one's side out of sincere good will; a friendly relation. dkar sting cha ngam n. of a place in Kham near Ri-wo-che. (Lon. ja 29). dkar thag the string of a bow: dkar thag gYon cha 'grigs rag ma rer 'bru| (Rtsii.). dkar dro milk and curd: gong gi rin thang mnyam pa'i dkar dro bya| it will make milk and curd of equal value with the above (Jig. 30). dkar ldan SANST lit. the fair one; the Goddess Gauri, the wife of Siva. dkar po also dkar mo SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. white; pure; fair; a qualification, talent, enlightenment; (sometimes) wise. 2. SANST, silver; dub grass; a learned man; purity: dkar po rnam par mthong ba'i sa| SANST "complete enlightenment is a stage of insight." It is one of the stages of perfection of the Hinayana School. dkar po chig thub a kind of medicinal plant; also, its root, which is used to kill worms; dug sdud gnyan srin 'joms| it draws out poisonous matter and subdues worms which infest one. dkar po rnam par 'char pa * SANST (Schr.). dkar po 'bar * SANST (Schr.) white lustre. dkar po spal rgyab rdo snan zhig gi ming n. of a medicinal stone (called "white frog's back") (Moon.). dkar po'i bskal pa SANST the enlightened age or Kalpa. dkar phigs used in colloq. for dkar phibs . dkar phibs a tower or dome built on pillars on the roof of a house for commanding a view, generally in the Chinese style: dkar phibs chen mor ka ring seng ge'i kha in the great domed tower is the tall pillar with a lion's mouth. dkar phyogs SANST the light half of a month; the period from the new to the full moon; the innocent side in two contending parties; dkar phyogs lha the gods who belong to the side of virtue; dkar phreng n. of the mythical capital of the Asura (Pag. 30). dkar ba SANST white, v. dkar dkar ba nyid SANST whiteness: chos la dkar ba yod pas| "through sincerity in the doctrine"; "by piety" (Pag. 30). (EEE The phrase dkar dkar ba nyid does not appear elsewhere in the dictionary, so no hypertext link is provided.) dkar mi byed pa to plead innocence. Oag. explains it as rang la nag nyes pa yod bzhin du mna' skyel bsam to show by signs or by oath that he is not guilty. dkar min SANST, SANST not white; black; dark; chaos; bent; crooked. dkar min bu the son of Dkar-min; the offspring of chaos: SANST an epithet of the son of Brahma. dkar me = chos me sacred fire; especially lamps lighted before deities: dkar me sdong ras 'os rigs| the kind (of cloth) fit for wicks of lamps (lighted before the images of saints and deities) (Rtsii.). dkar med ma gnod sbyin mo'i gtso mo (Moon.) a name of the queen of the Yakra. dkar mo 1. mutton; a sheep when slaughtered; dkar mo lag gYas dkar sha lag pa gcig a shoulder of mutton from the right side of a slaughtered sheep (Rtsii.); lug gi dkar mo lag pa'i gcos mutton of sheep slaughtered by the hand (as distinguished from the meat of a dead sheep) (Jig. 9). 2. SANST, SANST an epithet of the goddess Durga. 3. white rice. dkar dmar light red or whitish red. dkar rtsi also spelt dkar tse 1. lime; white-wash; white-paint. 2. a kind of coarse cotton cloth; lint: dkar rtsi sha rus la zhen nad 'gogs byed lint arrests decaying disease in the flesh and bone (S. kar. 3). 3. SANST, res dkar rtsi white muslin. dkar rtsis or skar rtsis astrology: rgya gar nas bod du dar ba'i rtsis la dkar rtsis zer| the system of reckoning introduced in Tibet from India is called dkar rtsis (D. Shel. 8). dkar rtser ba very white or fair: rta pa gzhon nu ma dkar rtser ba zhig| a young maiden of very fair complexion on horse-back (A. 135). dkar 'dzin the female breast; teats. Syn. 'dod pa'i myos bum ; lang tsho'i mtshan ma ; 'o ma 'dzin ; logs skyes (Moon.). dkar mdzod a dispensary. dkar 'od = srin bu me khyer 3 fire-fly (Moon.). dkar yol porcelain (Oag. 5). dkar gYeng is explained as khrims zhib cha byed pa a trial or investigation under law. dkar sangs pure white; also dkar seng nge ba or dkar po dkar kyang very white. dkar seng nge ba = skya thom me ba 3 v. 3dkar sangs 3. dkar sob yang ba'i 'od can = cong zhi 3 alabaster (Sman. 353). dkar gsal fair; white; light. dkar gsum the three white things, viz., curd, milk and butter (A. 143). dku + SANST = lus kyi sta zur (Lex.) the side of one's body: dku ni dpyi mgo'i gong tsam rtsib ma thung ngu'i thad|lus kyi gYas gYon gang rung | dku is toward the small ribs just above the hip, whether on the right or left of the body; dkur or dku la rten pa to carry a thing at one's side (Zam.); dku brtol ba to open the side, as a symptom of pregnancy; dku nad apparently a disease of the kidneys (J‰.); dku zlum round and plump buttocks; the cavity of the abdomen (J‰.); dper na dril bu dkur brten sogs| for example a bell resting on its side (Oag.). dku mnye SANST a rug to sit upon; a seat. dku lto contrivance, stratagem; craft; trick, especially if under some pretext one person induces another to do a thing that proves hurtful to him (J‰.); dku lto byed par using a stratagem. dku ste = lhag ste SANST remaining; in excess. dku ba + stench; putrid smell: dku ba ni dri ma mi zhim pa'am Dku-wa signifies anything that is not of agreeable smell; dri tsha ba la dri ma dku zer the smell of that which is putrid is called dku-wa, dku ba rnam pa lnga the five kinds of dku-wa, i.e., objects with bad strong smell, are the following: sgog pa garlic; tsong onion; rgya sgog Chinese garlic; ri sgog the hill or Tibetan garlic; and shing kun asafútida. The use of these five are forbidden to the Buddhist Bhikru (K. d. wa 115). dkon dkon pa SANST 1. adj. rare, scarce; hard to acquire: lo 'di la char pa dang 'bru dkon| this year rain and grain are scarce; deng sang bod ja shin tu dkon pa 'dug| just now Tibetan tea is very rare; 'jig rten na dkon no exceedingly rare in the world; 'jig rten na dkon par bzang ngo | it is of a quality rarely to be met with in the world; khyod 'dra ba mthong na dkon rgyu med| to see a person like you is nothing particularly rare; lce bde mo la lha chos dkon with a prattler religion is scarce (J‰.). dkon pa nyid rarity; dkon nor valuable property; riches; rare things. 2. sbst., a rarity. There are said to be seven dkon or rarities. dkon mchog SANST any precious object; anything very excellent or best of its kind. The oldest forms of this word are:- dkond cog or dkon cog . dkon mchog means dkon pa'i mchog , the chief of rarities, the rarest being or object, the Supreme Being: ir 'jig rten na nor bu rin po che ni shin tu rnyed dka' zhing dkon pa yin|dkon pa de las kyang shin tu dkon pas na dkon pa'i mchog| "in general in this world a precious jewel difficult to procure is a rarity; that which is much rarer still than any rarity is dkon-chog." A precious gem of the rarest kind is useful only for worldly purposes; but Buddha, his church, and creed, are of use to all living beings, both here and here after, for increasing and ensuring their happiness. Apart from Buddhism, the Tibetans appear to have possessed the conception of the Supreme Deity in the term Dkon-mchog. This term, dkon mchog is used in Tibetan writings for each member of the Buddhist triadóBuddha, Dharma, and Sanghaóseparately, as also for the three collectively; in the latter case often with gsum annexed. Mr. W. W. Rockhill has condemned the use of this word by Christian missionaries to signify "God." But J‰schke has elaborated on the subject as follows:- "Buddhism has always sought the highest good not in anything material, but in the moral sphere, looking with indifference, and indeed with contempt, on everything merely relating to matter. It is not, however, moral perfection, or the happiness attained thereby, which is understood by the "most precious thing," but the mediator or mediators who procure that happiness for mankind, viz., Buddha (the originator of the doctrine), the doctrinal scriptures and the corporate body of priests, called SANST, dkon-mchog gsum. Now, although this triad cannot, by any means, be placed on a level with the Christian doctrine of a triune God, yet it will be easily understood how the innate desire of man to adore and worship something supernatural, together with the hierarchical tendency of the teaching class, have afterwards contributed to convert the acknowledgment of human activity for the benefit for others (for such it was undoubtedly on the part of the founder himself and his earlier followers) into a devout, and by degrees idolatrous, adoration of these three agents, especially as Buddha's religious doctrine did not at all satisfy the deeper wants of the human mind, and its author himself did not know anything of a God standing apart and above this world. For, whatever in Buddhism is found of beings to whom divine attributes are assigned, has either been transferred from the Indian and other mythologies, and had, accordingly, been current among the people before the introduction of Buddhism, or is the result of philosophical speculation that has remained more or less foreign to the people at large. As, then, the original and etymological signification of the word is no longer current, and as to every Tibetan 'Dkon-mchog' suggests the idea of some supernatural power, the existence of which he feels in his heart, and the nature and properties of which he attributes more or less to the three agents mentioned above, we are fully entitled to assign to the word Dkon-mchog also the signification of God, though the sublime conception which the Bible connects with the word, viz., that of a personal absolute Omnipotent Being, will only with the spread of the Christian religion be gradually introduced and established." dkon mchog kun 'dus the three gems, i.e., Buddha, Dharma and Saogha collectively: bla ma ni dus gsum sangs rgyas thams cad 'dus pa'i bdag nyid lama is the essence of all the Buddhas of the three ages massed together; sku dge 'dun gsung dam chos thugs sangs rgyas kyi ngo bo ste dkon mchog kun 'dus| the image represents the church; the scriptures represent the heart, i.e., the Dharma; and the holy relics (symbolical of the spirit of Buddha) complete the three gems. dkon mchog gi mchod pa the service or worship of the Dkon-mchog. dkon mchog 'byung gnas SANST a name of the first of the nine stages of Samadhi or ting nge 'dzin the meditations of a Bodhisattva. dkon mchog brtsegs pa SANST a Sanskrit work on the names and attributes of Buddha, in one hundred chapters, out of which forty-nine chapters were translated into Tibetan; of these forty-nine only six are now extant in Tibet. The entire work was translated into Chinese by JÒana Gupta, A.D. 589-618. dkon mchog gsum SANST the three Ratna or Precious Ones. The Buddhist triad are:- (1) sangs rgyas dkon mchog Buddha most rare; (2) Dharma, called dam chos dkon mchog , the holy Doctrine most rare; (3) dge 'dun dkon mchog body of priests most rare. Colloq. the phrase is frequently used as an exclamation quite in the sense of our "God knows!" dkon mchog gsum gyi 'bangs * SANST (Schr.) lit. a servant of the three gems, i.e., a devout Buddhist; n. of an individual. dkon gnyer = sku gnyer 3 a priest who is in charge of a Buddhist chapel or temple and performs the daily services to the deities contained in it. The Sku gÒer is also called Am-chod: aam mchod dkon gnyer bskangs rgyun pa sogs phog thob char can| the priests and image-steward and others who continually officiate get the customary allowances (Rtsii.). dkon po or dkon mo rare, scarce; dear, precious. dkon bu + a wreath; me tog gi dkon bu a flower wreath. dkor + = rdzas 3 SANST, dkor is resp. for nor , substance, wealth, riches, property: dge 'dun gyi dkor the property of the church or that of a monastic congregation; mthil dkor foundation, endowments of a monastery; yang dkor additional or occasional gifts for the support of a religious institution; sa dkor landed endowments of a monastery or religious institution. dkor bdag lit. the owner of property. It generally signifies the spirit or demi-god who is supposed to be the custodian of the images of all Buddhist deities, scriptures, symbols; in short, of all church and sacerdotal properties. In this sense the demon called Pehar rgyal-po of Samye is a Dkor-bdag or custodian of religious property. dkor nor church property or general wealth: lhun grub longs od dkor nor khyod la mnga'| (D.R.) you possess accumulated wealth and church-property. dkor pa a treasurer (Cs.); one in charge of the endowments and properties of a temple or monastery. dkor bla or dkor gyi bla a lama who appropriates sacred property to himself (M.V. 66). dkor ma 'bags not misappropriating the treasures, stores, etc., of the church: skom du chang gsol dge 'dun dkor ma 'bags| do not take wine for drink nor embezzle the property of the priesthood (Kathao. 115). dkor mdzod is a general name for wealth or property and hence is frequently used to signify bang mdzod ka treasury; treasure-chest (Oag. 5). dkor rdzogs n. of a monastery in Southern Ladak, situated 16,000 feet above the sea level. dkor zas + = nor zas pa spendthrift (Oag. 5). dkor rigs SANST, SANST different properties belonging to a monastery. dkol pa SANST struck by calamity; afflicted; one in suffering. dkos thag + = nyams thag 3 1. SANST suffering, affliction. 2. SANST exciting disgust. dkyar any appliance for crossing snow or glaciers. Stocking boots (Sch.). The dkyar used by the Tibetans and the Sharpa Bhutias of Nepal in crossing glaciers is a light circular disk of wood about a foot in diameter, with four holes through which strings are passed to fasten it to the knee. In climbing up and walking down the snowy sides of mountains, these boards are attached to the soles of felt boots and are of great assistance to the traveller, preventing the feet from sinking in the soft snow. dkyil dbus or mthil SANST the middle, centre; SANST bottom, base; dkyil nas from the middle or centre; from amidst; from the bottom; dkyil ma the middle one; the central one; dkyil che ba = khong sa yangs par SANST, SANST with wide base; spacious interior; comprehensive understanding; also quick comprehension. dkyil dkrungs SANST, SANST, SANST a cross-legged posture: dkyil mo dkrung bcas te SANST sitting in a cross-legged posture for mystic meditation. dkyil 'khor SANST, SANST, SANST 1. circle; circumference; globe; disk: zhal gyi dkyil 'khor the disk of the face. (SANST); the full or whole face. 2. especially used as the equivalent of the Sanskrit Mandala, the magic diagrams or figures formed of grain or other materials which are "offered" to deities in Tantrik Buddhist rites. In Tantrik rites diagrams representing supposed mansions of certain celestial Bodhisattva and called dkyil 'khor are traced on the ground or on paper. The respective places assigned to the different minor deities are painted in different colours in the design, and the central place in the diagram is occupied by the tutelary deity himself, to whom the rest are subordinate. 3. region, sphere; surrounding; suburb. According to the Buddhist cosmogony there are sa yi dkyil 'khor the sphere of earth, chu yi dkyil 'khor the sphere of water, the ocean, rlung gi dkyil 'khor the atmosphere, me yi dkyil 'khor the sphere of fire; each forming a stratum over the other. The upper stratum, i.e., that which is beyond the atmosphere, is called the sphere of fire or light. dkyil 'khor gru bzhi pa a quadrangle; square; a certain mystical figure; diagram or model. The expression rten dang brten pa'i dkyil 'khor bstan pa means the gods who constitute the rten assembly in the Vimana or gzhal yas khang i.e., superb mansion represented. dkyil 'khor brgyad pa'i mdo is a description of the eight mansions of eight imaginary Buddhas (K. d. za 72). Whoever utters the names of these Buddhas or hears the aphorisms about them is liberated from dangers caused by evil spirits, snakes, &c. By remembering and repeating them, even brigands, not to speak of kings, are said to be able to make the weapons of their enemies ineffectual against themselves. dkyil 'khor can SANST anything that has a circular and mystical figure on it; also any Tantrik deity placed to be worshipped on the plane of his fancied celestial mansion traced on the ground. dkyil 'khor lding n. of the grand central temple of Buddha at Lhasa, popularly known as Kinkhording. dkyil 'khor gsum SANST three cycles (of offerings): (1) rang bzhin dal gyi dbyings nas lhun gyi grub pa dang | the cycle of offerings for the Bon gods sprung out naturally in course of time; (2) ting nge 'dzin dkyil 'khor mkha' la yid kyis bsgom pa dang | the celestial mansion for contemplation formed in the sky (to imagine an aerial castle); (3) 'dus byas dkyil 'khor sa la rgyus gyis sbyar ba'o| the mansions of gods designed on the ground for placing the offerings to them (B. Nam.). dkyu rta or dkyu ba'i rta a race-horse. dkyu pa in Ladak: to lose colour by washing; perhaps more correctly skyug pa . dkyu ba + = rgyu ba 3 1. to run a race; dkyu sar dkyus = rgyug sar rgyugs running a race; bang rgyugs galloping: dper na rta rgyug sa la rgyugs pa| (Oag. 5) "for example running a race on horseback." 2. to wring out; to filter (Sch.). 3. to caper about (J‰.); dkyu bya'i rta a race-horse. dkyu sa a race-course, the race-ground (Cs.). dkyud pa + = brjed pa 3 to forget; brtse bas mi dkyud pa'i gsung bris| an affectionate letter to prevent one being forgotten or a letter which love will not forget (Yig. k. 37). dkyus SANST 1. length; lengthwise. 2. untruth; also adj. untrue; spurious (J‰.). 3. bold, insolent (Sch.). In lexicons it is synonymous with the term gzhung , meaning "lengthwise." In weaving, the threads that are stretched lengthwise are called dkyus thag (the woof) and those that pass them crosswise are called spun thag : de steng bzhugs khri pad gdan rdo rtsig dpangs la khru do mtho gang |dkyus la rgyugs 'dom gsum re| (S. kar. 134) upon that stood the throne constructed of stone, having a lotus cushion, in breadth two cubits and a span, in length three running fathoms. dkyus dkar a porcelain cup of inferior quality; a common porcelain cup. dkyus ja common or inferior tea. Tea served to the public or to the congregation of monks in a monastery or in a religious service. dkyus ma SANST common, vulgar, inferior; mi dkyus ma an ordinary man; one who is neither an official nor a religious man (Oag. 5): dkyus rams nyag re 'bru (Rtsii.) "indigo of inferior quality is valued at so much per nya ga or lb." dkyus btags a scarf of ordinary quality; dkyus bur treacle of inferior quality: dkyus bur sgar tshugs rer "coarse treacle for each thick lump" (Rtsii.). (EEE The original has "kyus bur treacle of inferior quality". The transliteration in that case gives "dkyus-bur and since dkyus bur is correct the typographical error has been corrected.) dkyus mo = mgyogs pa 3 quickly, swiftly. dkyus tshad the dimensions of anything when measured lengthwise. dkyus ring = 'khrun ring 3 SANST, SANST spacious; large; long. dkyel + = klong 3 the compass, extent, bulk of anything: nam mkha'i dkyel the compass of the heavens: rgya mtsho'i dkyel the stretch of sea: dkyel che = dkyel che ba spacious; of wide capacity (Oag. 5). dkyel po che acc. to Sch. is the Universe; defined as khang yangs pa the wide house (Lex.). dkyor 'byin SANST capable of being thrown down; impelled or driven on; also capable of being felled down. dkram ko 'thug pa = i rtol che ba 1. SANST transgression. 2. adj. very impudent: impertinent. bkras ljongs abbr. of bkra shis ljongs (Tashi jong), n. of a district under Lhun-grub Rdsoo in Tibet. dkri (ti) SANST anything to wrap with; a tie; kha dkri a cloth to tie round the face or cover the mouth; muffler; shog dkri vb., wrapping or winding up with paper; paper-wrapping; an envelope (Yig. k. 2). dkri ba + I: (ti-wa) in old Tibetan, to conduct one's pupil from one stage of learning to another stage; pf. dkris vb. a. (cf. 'khri ba 3) in modern Tibetan; to wind; to wrap round about; dkri ba po = dkri bar byed mkhan one who wraps up; gos sogs dkri bar byed pa to fold up clothes, etc. II: dkri ba snyegs pa lta bu a snare, anything to entangle with; vb., to ensnare. dkrig (tig) personally: dkrig bcar zhu spobs ma ded kyang is same as ngo ma yong nas zhu thag ma chod kyang not having come personally, cannot reply or say decidedly. dkrigs I: SANST, SANST a term for a thousand billions. The term dkrigs phrag chen po or dkrigs chen po SANST or SANST is used for a still larger number. II: = 'thibs 3 dense; thickly-gathered: sprin dkrigs (Oag. 5) : = sprin 'thibs pa gathering or condensing of clouds; also vb. darkened, obscured, dim, diffused: so yi 'od zer mdun dkrigs pas (A. K. ii. 47) the flashing of his teeth bewildered them; dkrigs par 'gyur par grown dim; dkrigs par byed par to obscure. dkris gyur (ti-gyur) SANST surrounded, encircled, encompassed: dpal gyis dkris gyur SANST encircled with glory. dkris pa SANST 1. to surround, encircle, ensnare. 2. = bcings pa SANST to lie round; to wind up (Moon.): ser snas kun nas dkris quite ensnared in avarice (J‰.). dkris phrag n. of a large number (Oag. 5). dkru ba (tu-wa) = dri ma 3 SANST, SANST abomination, pollution; also dirt, filth (Lexx.). dkrug pa (tug-pa) = glong ba SANST to disturb, to put in motion; the act of troubling, agitating, churning; to turn; to turn a lathe. dkrugs pa = bsrubs pa SANST, SANST, SANST stirred up, agitated, troubled, ruffled, disturbed, confused; churned; turned (as in a lathe); confounded: dpe cha dkrugs the leaves of a book are confused or mixed up together; bag chags kyis dkrugs pa'i sems a mind troubled with passion; rlung gis dkrugs pa'i chu water agitated by the wind. dkrugs pa po a confounder: phan tshun dkrugs par byed mkhan gyi mi de la dkrugs pa po zer| the man who causes confusion afar off and nigh is called tug-pa-po. dkrugs yig bod kyi yig rigs zhig gi ming a kind of character used in Tibet which is puzzling. dkrum pa (tum-pa) brittle; defined in Lexx. as dkar yol lta bu snod chag pa breaking in the manner a porcelain vessel does. dkre + (te) pho mtshan gyi tog SANST the glans penis. dkrog pa (tog-pa) = dkrug pa 3 1. to churn; to agitate, mingle, trouble, &c: zho dkrog pa churning curds (for butter). 2. to rouse, scar up; to wag, e.g., the tail (J‰.). Also = dkrogs pa , 'o ma dkrogs pa to churn milk; acc. to Oag. is equivalent to sngogs pa . dkrogs skyes (lit. anything produced from churning) butter (Moon.). dkrogs pa po = dkrogs par byed mkhan one who churns. dkrogs ma v. srabs ma the churning rod; also said to = whey (Moon.). (EEE srabs ma does not appear elsewhere in the dictionary and is probably a mistake for srubs ma 3 q.v.) dkrong bskyed (tong-ke) SANST of instantaneous birth; instantaneous perception. Acc. to Lex. in meditating on a certain deity, the act of perceiving him to be a reality instantaneously is called dkrong bskyed . dkrol SANST; pf. and fut. of 'khrol : dkrol ba po is defined as "one who causes music to sound or be sounded." bkag I: bkag in bkag langs the lid or cover of a trunk; the sides of a Tibetan leather-trunk. Defined in Rtsii. as mdun gYas gYon gyi ko ba leb gnyis po la both the flat pieces of leather which are at the back and front on the right and left of a trunk. II: SANST, SANST; pf. of 'gegs pa , obstructed, opposed; also prohibition, obstruction, hindrance. bkag skor med pa = 'gor gzhi med pa without delay, as in sending anything; also without let or hindrance; bkag bgegs rgyas 'gebs not permissible and permissible, not fit and fit, unbecoming and becoming. bkag cha byed pa to forbid; to put a hindrance (Sch.). bkag sdom prohibition; prohibiting one from passing by a road or from entering any garden or place. bkag mo khegs pa not to be observant; to transgress, to trespass. bkang acc. to Rdo. 46, pf. of dgang ba SANST, filled to the brim; full to the brim as in the case of a water pot; snod bkang ba a vessel filled up; gzhu bkang ba a bow with an arrow ready to shoot; 'dod pa bkang ba wish fulfilled. Acc. to J‰. pf. of 'gengs pa , to fill, make full; and used in W. instead of 'gengs pa . bkad 1. set or placed in order; arrangement: mgo 'dzugs pa same as mgo bkad mgo spu'i rim pa'am gral la'ang |thags kyi snal ma phar 'gro'i dus kyi spun 'gro ba de dang |btags tshar ba'i snam bu'i spun gyi rjes 'bur 'bur yod pa'i ming la yang thags kyi bkad zer| (Oag.) the order or row (of plaits) in the hair of the head, the cross-wise thread in the web of a cloth, also the ridge in the cross-wise texture of a blanket, are called the bkad of weaving. bkad nas having described; represented in any manner. bkad sa zas kyi gYos sa (Oag.) 1. the place where barley, corn. &c., are parched; a bake-house, kitchen, cook's shop (Cs.). 2. acc. to Oag. + bkad sa ni rang sdod sa one's own home or residence. 3. open hall or shed erected on festive occasions (J‰.). bkan pa 1. to uproot or turn up anything by applying a stick at its foot or root. 2. to bend: lus gyen du bkan (Oag.) the body bent backwards: lag pa bkan to stretch the arm bending it upwards to pull anything. 3. yar lugs ldog tu brtsis pa la yang bkan zer| counting up and then backwards is called yang-bkan (S. del). It is also applied to counting from right to left (Vai. kar.). 4. to put; to press; to apply (J‰.): rkang pa rtsig pa la bkan pa to press one's foot against a wall. 5. to hold fast; to extend (Cs.). bkab pa pf. of 'gebs pa 3 = 3bcad pa 3 SANST, SANST, to cover; to spread over. bkab bkab a cover; a shelter. Syn. khebs ; gYogs ; byibs (Moon.). bkam pa pincers or nippers: bkam pa brgyab pa to hold or cut with pincers. bka' I: (Vai. kar. 60) n. of a tribe in Tibet. II: SANST (A. K. XXVI), SANST, SANST primarily means simply "word" or "speech"; but being the honorific form it usually implies an order or command. When used of a sacred personage it means his advice or precepts as well as his authoritative words, e.g., bla ma'i bka' the lama's injunction; rgyal po'i bka' the king's command; dpon po'i bka' the order of the chief. III: also signifies, especially, the enunciations and pronouncements which have issued from the Buddha. They are said to be of three kinds; so sangs rgyas kyi bka' has three divisions:- (1) zhal nas gsungs pa precepts delivered by the Buddha personally. (2) byin gyis brlabs pa those conveyed through the attendant Bodhisattva and Sravaka, such as Subhuti, Sariputra, &c., under inspiration from Buddha or by his sanction expressed or implied or revealed in such works as lha'i ljon shing the celestial tree; rnga bo che mdo the great drum sutra. The precepts under this head are sub-divided into- (1) sku'i byin brlabs the personal blessings (of the Buddha), also the blessings received from his enchanted image; (2) gsung gi byin brlabs the blessings derived from his teachings; (3) thugs kyi byin brlabs the blessings of the spirit. This last again is sub-divided into the following:- (1) thugs ting nge 'dzin gyis byin brlabs pa the blessings of a contemplative heart as in the work called shes rab snying po ; (2) thugs thugs rjes byin gyis brlabs pa the grace of the spirit, as in gnod sbyin la sogs pas smras pa'i sngags , the Mantras uttered by Noijin and other goblins; (3) thugs bden pa'i stobs kyis byin brlabs pa the blessings inherent in a truthful spirit or mind. (3) rjes su gnang ba anything reproduced from memory by the successors of the Buddha under inspiration from him at the Buddhist convocation (J. Zao.). Syn. lung ; nges par bstan pa ; nye bar bstan pa ; gdams pa ; rjes su bstan pa ; rjes su gnang ba ; nye bar gnang ba ; bka' lung (Moon.). bka' bkod pa to publish, proclaim; also publication, proclamation. bka' bkyon according to Oag. implies blaming; a verbal blow, reprimand, rebuke (given by a superior) (J‰.). bka' bkrol (ka-tol) leave of absence. bka' skor med pa = 'gor gzhi med par without delay. bka' khol gal che ba'i bka' very important order (Yig. 4): bka' chem bka' khol ma the most important will of King srong btsan sgam po . This document having been discovered within one of the great pillars of Kinkhording temple in Lhasa is generally known by the name bka' chem ka khol ma . bka' 'khor divided into nao-hkor domestic servants; bran-gyog servants, menials; phyi-hkhor attendants; bka' 'khor bran gYog those who wait for orders; attendants; drung 'khor official clerks; also private secretaries and personal assistants of a high official; attendants in general. bka' khyab a decree, manifesto, edict; a general order. bka' khrims a law, commandment; bka' khrims btsan po strict justice; severe punishment: rgyal po'i bka' khrims gnyan pas by the cruel order of the king (J‰.). bka' khrims pa a lawyer; a magistrate. bka' gros (ka-doi) a conference, consultation; bka' gros byed SANST makes consultation; gives advice or counsel; gives instructions; bka' gros byed pa to give advice (J‰.). bka' gros pa (ka-doi-pa) a counsellor; senator. bka' bgro ba SANST debating; considering; taking measures for: nang blon bcu dang bka' zhib tu bgros pa la deliberating carefully with the ten confidential ministers. bka' 'grol ba to dismiss; dissolve a meeting or a conference. bka' glegs = phyag bris 3 or 3bka' shog 3 a letter; an autograph: mgron gnyer mdun sngar srol bzang po'i rgyun bzhin bka' glegs gnang rten bcas gnang ba bka' drin che| "great many thanks for the gracious letter with enclosures sent by the DonÒer according to the good customs" (Yig. k. 12). bka' 'gyur is generally taken as a synonym for "the instructions and precepts of Buddha," and means literally "that which has become a command." This term is in fact the title of the great collection of the religious Buddhist writings (mostly, but not all, translated from Sanskrit into Tibetan) knows as the Kahgyur. The Kahgyur is divided into seven series of books containing several hundred treatises, and consists properly of 108 volumes, though editions in 100, 102, and 104 volumes are also current. bka' rgya bcug pa issuing of an official order; also the accumulation of gold, silver, and grain in a Government treasury. bka' rgya ma SANST, SANST in Hind. Para-wana. 1. public order, permit, missive, communication, &c. 2. bka' rgya ma ni bka' gsang ba can (Lex.) in mysticism a secret precept; occult communication which is made only to the trusted few. bka' rgyud I: succession or descent of the dogmatic principles of Buddha. The principal school of Tantrik Lamaism originating from Naro Pan-chen of Magadha and alleged by Milaraspa to have been introduced by Mar-pa Lo-tsa-wa in Tibet in the beginning of the 11th century A.D. Its different sects or branches are the following:- krma bka' rgyud , dge ldan bka' rgyud , ags po bka' rgyud , 'bri gung bka' rgyud , bka' rgyud , shangs pa bka' rgyud . II: bka' yi rgyud , i.e., the line or thread of the word i.e., the oral tradition of the word of Buddha which is supposed to have been delivered through a continued chain of teachers and disciples apart from the written scriptures. bka' rgyud bstan pa'i gsal byed (lit. the illuminator of the doctrine of Kahgyud School) a general designation of the chief lamas of the Bkah-rgyud-pa sect (Yig. k. 67). bka' rgyud rnam rgyal the Bkah-rgyud, Chief Lama whom the Mongol Chief Gushi Khan dethroned after overthrowing the power of Sde-pa Gtsao-pa the ruler of Tsang and ‹ in 1643 A.D. (Loo. 13). bka' sgy ur admonition and reprehension; bka' sgy ur gnang ba to issue an order; to admonish; bka' sgy ur ba to translate the words of Buddha, &c. bka' sgy ur btang ba to instruct a subordinate in a rough pointed manner, cautioning him against his faults; to counsel against wrong practices. bka' sgrog pa to publish an order; to proclaim or read an order or edict. bka' bsgo SANST 1. exhortation to the deity. When any one falls ill either naturally or from the supposed malignity of an evil spirit, he goes to a lama or a Tantrik priest and begs of him for a bkah bsgoópermission to invoke the deity. The lama touches the patient's head with the consecrated sceptre called Dorje (vajra), with the sacred dagger called the phurbu, a string of beads, an image of a Buddha or a deity or a holy book, and repeating some charms exhorts the deity to be propitious to the patient. Those who do not actually suffer from any kind of illness also ask for such protective religious measures. 2. commandment; precept (J‰.). bka' bsgos is pf. of bka' bsgo , a sentence passed. bka' mngags pa = ngag gtam byed pa to send a verbal message; to give a reply. bka' bcu also bka' bcu pa , one who has observed the ten commandments of Buddha. The title of Bkah-bcu is given to a Buddhist monk-scholar who has passed all preliminary examinations for a religious degree. There are two classes of bka' bcu óthose of gleo-bsres and gsao-phu: a bka' bcu of Tashi-lhunpo monastery is called Bkah-chen on account of his superior prestige in religious study and practice. bka' gcog pa to act against an order; to disregard an express order or command: yab kyi bka' bcag tu med the order of (one's father must not be disregarded) (J‰.). bka' bcos an abbreviation of bka' 'gyur dang bstan bcos or the two great collections of Buddhist writings. bka' chems = zhal chems resp. for kha chems a great man's last will; a royal testament or will: bka' chems ka khol ma zer sogs las| in the work called Bkah-chems ka-khol-ma, etc. (J. Zao.). bka' mchid + = bka' lan or gsung grogs a command in reply resp., but also word or speech of a superior person. The term likewise signifies a conference, debate, &c.: bka' mchid ji lta bu mdzad what conversation did he hold? bka' mchid dam pa bdud rtsi gsung du gsol| "pray, let the nectar of pious conversation be uttered!" bka' nyan 1. obedient; dutiful; submissive; observant of command. 2. one's tutelary deity is also called his bkah-Òan, because he carries out his protÈgÈ's behest; bka' nyan ci bgyi = bran gYog service; doing service (Moon.). bka' nyan pa to obey; be obedient; bka' mi nyan pa to disobey; bka' nyams su len mkhan an observer of orders or precepts. bka' gnyan the cruel commander; acc. to Lex. btsan pa'i sa bdag , "the mighty lord of the soil," is said to be a pre-Buddhist deity (J‰.). bka' gnyan po 1. severe retribution from guardian deities for defects in worshipping them; also the injury they do their devotees for impropriety in their conduct or language. 2. damnation into which both a teacher and his pupil fall for disclosure of secrets of their doctrine without authority. bka' gnyan brjid a weighty command or injunction. bka' btags + = khrims bsgrags pa 1. a proclaimed order: khrims bsgrags pa is also colloq. called bkar btags . 2. SANST one versed in drawing omens; an astrologer (bka' gtogs pa ) (M.V. 61). bka' rtags mark seal; precept; maxim (Cs.): bka' rtags = phyag dam 3 (Yig. k. 27). bka' stod a subaltern; agent (Sch.). bka' thang = bka' lung order; edict (J‰.); written order; command; commandment; precept (Cs.). bka' tham = phyag dam or dam phrug , seal; chief seal: bka' tham rin po che gnang rten gsung mdud phur 'byor received the letter containing the chief seal of the Grand Lama and enclosing a scarf with charmed knots (Yig. k. 75). bka' drag po phab pa to command sharply, hastily or severely (Sch.); to issue an ultimatum. bka' drin resp. for drin SANST, a favour, kindness, grace, boon: bla ma'i bka' drin gyis through the kindness of the lama. bka' drin can = byams pa dang ldan pa kind; gracious; benevolent (Moon.). bka' drin che very gracious; (you are) very kind; the usual phrase for our "thank you," in acknowledgment of a kindness or favourócommon in letters, &c. bka' drin che zhus pa to say it is an act of great kindness; to acknowledge kindness; to thank. bka' drin rjes su dran pa to remember a benefit or kindness received. bka' drin snying dpyangs to bear in mind or remember the kindness obtained of another person. bka' drin mdzad pa to bestow a favour; to show kindness. bka' drin gsum ldan possessed of or making use of the three graces or courtesies, viz.: (1) rig pa bslab pa teaching of the sciences; (2) mdo rgyud bstan pa explaining the aphorisms and the Tantra; (3) dbang bskur byin rlabs byed pa blessing and ordaining. bka' drin gsol ba to thank; to be grateful for favours. bka' drung a secretary of state. bka' gdams an advice; counsel; instruction from a high official. bka' gdams pa 1. an adviser (Sch.). 2. the reformed Buddhist school of Tibet founded by 'brom ston pa rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas , the chief disciple of Atisha. It was divided into two stages: bka' gdams rnying or bka' gdams gong ma the earlier school from Bromston to Tsongkhapa, and bka' gdams gsar pa or the modern school, said to be identical with that now called Gelug-pa, dating from Tsongkha-pa downwards. The earlier Bkah-gdams-pa were distinguished for their elaborate ritual and for their power of propitiating deities. The members of the later Bkah-gdams-pa have been remarkable for scholarship and linguistic erudition. bka' gdams pho brang the palace where the Grand Lama of Tashi-lhun-po resides. bka' mda' a contraction for bka' blon dang mda' dpon , minister and general (Yig. k. 52). bka' 'dus chos kyi rgya mtsho a kind of ritualistic observance of the Rdsogs-chen sect of the RÒio-ma Buddhist School in which a particular deity with his followers is depicted. bka' 'dogs pa to make into law; to proclaim; a proclamation (J‰.). bka' 'doms = bka' ston pa or bshad pa instruction; order. bka' sdod also, written as bka' bstod , one waiting for orders; an attendant on a superior; an aide-de-camp; one's guardian deity is also called by this epithet: bka' sdod gshin rje gshed kyi sgrub pa po| (A. 13) "he who has propitiated the lord of death to serve him as his attendant spirit." bka' bsdu ba collection of the doctrine (J‰.); synopsis of the scriptures at the grand Buddhist convocations; also the convocations where the precepts of Buddha were promulgamated. bka' gnang ba vb., to order, command, grant, permit; an order; permission: nged bod kyi rgyal po'i btsun mo la bka' gnang bar zhu I beg you will give her as a consort to our King of Tibet (J‰.). bka' gnam = ka gnam a district in the east of Kong-bu; also n. of a district of Ngari Khorsum in western Tibet. bka' phebs a great man's order. bka' phrin (ka-tin) a message. bka' 'phrin letter of command: bka' 'phrin bkod pa to write or issue a letter containing instructions. bka' babs I: an injunction; a direction. II: the fulfillment of a commission; also the lama or saint who is commissioned with some high duty. When a lama at the command of his spiritual instructor fulfils what was entrusted to him, he is said to be a bkah-babs. bka' babs bdun n. of a historical work on later Indian Buddhism by Lama Taranatha. bka' babs bzhi the four commissioned ones (see bka' babs 3). bka' bam = bka' shog order; diploma: bka' bam ngo bshus yig chung sring don| the object of sending the autograph letter (Rtsii.). bka' bris resp. bka' shog , a letter; a written authority, generally in autograph: mgron gnyer mdun bka' bris gnang rten bcas stsal phebs bka' drin gyi dpal du che| it is very gracious of you to favour me with your autograph and enclosure presented by the hand of the Don nyer (Yig. k. 14). bka' dbang = blon po a minister (Moon.). bka' 'bab pa the going forth of an order or edict (Schr.). bka' 'bum the hundred thousand precepts; n. of a religious work. bka' blo bde ba = bka' blo go ba ; ci byas la nyan pa (Oag.) 1. attentive; executing an instruction or order with attention; one who is cheerful at heart owing to his attention to byang chub sems . 2. one who easily understands what he is ordered to do; one who appreciates his superior's instruction. 3. SANST speaking well; eloquent; bka' blo mi bde ba SANST one whose expression or delivery is not good. bka' blon or bka' yi blon po , the name given to the four Cabinet Ministers who assist the Gyal-tshab or Regent in the administration of the Government of Tibet during the minority of the Grand Lama of Lhasa. The four Kalˆn must be laymen and are often military officers. Popularly they are styled ShapÈ (zhabs pad ): bka' blon gzims shag the residence of a bkah-blon. bka' blon drung 'khor the official staff of a Kalˆn. bka' blon bzhi (particularly) the four ministers whom the 4th Manchu Emperor K'ien-lung (in Tibetan called Lha-skyoo protected of Heaven) appointed to conduct the state affairs of Tibet. They were kun dga' bzhi no yon , tshe ring dbang rgyal of Gyao Roo, thon pa , and rtse drung of Po-ta-la. These four governed the country for twenty-seven years from the year of the iron-sheep (Loo. 16). bka' blon gsum the three ministers who conducted the Government of Tibet from the year of the fire-horse to the middle of the year of the earth-ape. Their names were:- bka' blon lum pa ba , bka' blon nga phod pa of Koo-bu, and bka' blon sbyar ra ba . bka' ma = dgongs gter spiritual or intellectual heir-loom. This is a philosophical term of the RÒio-ma School, meaning the descent of the bkah (Buddha's word) in an unbroken succession or without being kept concealed for a period. One who has received such a succession, or any scripture that has come down to him in such a manner. bka' mang thim pa to contain many precepts or commands; one on whom there are instructions or commissions to perform. bka' gtsang ma one whose morals are pure; one who has preserved his vows. bka' stsol ba pf. stsal, to speak; to say (where an honoured person is the spokesman); according to circumstances, to command, ask, beg, relate, answer, &c., especially in ancient literature, in which it is almost invariably used of Buddha and of kings speaking. bka' tshogs = bka' lan or gsung lan a reply in the way of instruction: nang ma'i bka' tshogs kyang gser ldan ma'i rgyun bzhin yod pa mkhyin| "pray favour me with replies on internal affairs (uninterruptedly) like the flow of the river of gold" (Yig. k. 15.). bka' 'dzin letter of authority or commission from Government (issued to one who is on the move or who is to exercise some kind of power over the people) to afford facilities for travelling or for carrying out a mission: mi nges pa'i khrims byung dang shugs byung tshur phul la bka' 'dzin blangs| (Rtsii.) a commission was issued to despatch hither a man who would frame settled laws and shew energy. bka' bzhin byed pa to do according to order; doing; ordered: bka' bzhin nyan pa to be obedient; a faithful servant. bka' rab 'byams pa a doctor of divinity among the monastic scholars of Tibet; one who has acquired the highest proficiency in the Buddhist sacred literature and is of pure morals. bka' rams pa one who has passed the highest examination in Buddhist metaphysics; one who has reached the highest of the 13 classes in the Mtshan-Òid grva-tshao, the metaphysical school in the great monastic establishments of Tibet. bka' la rtsi ba to give heed to or attend to an instruction or precept; to listen to any advice. bka' lung an order; a precept: bka' lung gnang ba to command or give orders; to issue an injunction. bka' log = grwa log (ta-log) one who has given up his religious vows; a Buddhist monk turned out of his monastery for misconduct. In Khams he is called bkah-log; in Middle Tibet ta-log. bka' shag the court or council house of the four kalˆn or ministers of Lhasa: bka' rgya ba 'gro mi rnams la bka' shag nas deb sprod skabs rtsis khang nas kyang brda' 'phrod byas| when the warrant officer registers the document at the court of kalˆn he should also verify it at the Account office (Rtsii.). bka' shog any writing of authority from a superior; decree; diploma; passport; official paper or letter; bka' shog rdzun ma a fabricated authority; spurious writing or deed; bka' shog rim skyel to circulate a passport or an official order; serial letters sent one after another. bka' gsal = bka' lon order; official message: bka' gsal rim bstud mdzad pa to send a message or express order one after another. bka'i rnga bo che proclamation by the beat of drum (Yig. k. 18). bka'i cod pan an instruction or precept to be received with perfect obedience; to value or honour an order; a command carried out with the same respect as that with which a man carries his own head-dress. bka'i mdun blon resp. blon po minister: gus chung bka'i mdun blon gyi ming 'dzin bdag dang las bya ser skya gYog 'khor bcas khams snyoms my humble self bearing the title of state minister together with the circle of attendants, both lay and clerical officials, are in good health (Yig. k. 6). bkar or bkar pa according to the law; to legalize; to make it into law (Cs.); to proclaim, publish; (J‰.); bkar btogs pa SANST to publish; publication: bkar for bka' ru . bkar ba + 1. pf. of vb. dgar ba . so sor phye ba'i don to separate, put aside, select, banish: gnas nas bkar pa banished from his place. 2. to ask any question captiously; to make a peevish enquiry. bkal ba pf. of 'gel ba , but in W. is the primary form of the verb meaning load; to burden; put a load on (Cs.): bal bka' ba to load wool: khal bkal ba to load a beast of burden, &c.: khral bkal ba to levy a tax. 2. pf. of 'khal ba to spin; sgrims pa spun; twisted (Oag. 5). bkal thags a kind of stuff made of coarse goat-hair about nine inches in width: ra spu nyag lnga re la bkal thags byas par| with every five pounds of goat's hair to weave one blanket (Rtsii.). bkas contraction bka' yis instr. of bka' . bkas pa = ser kha 1. crack, split, cleft. 2. pf. of 'ges pa 3. bku ba 1. elixir, quintessence (Cs.); snan bku medicinal extract. 2. with pf. bkus pa to make extract of a drug by drawing out the juice (Lex.); mar bku melted butter; bku ba 'byin pa to extract the spirit of; bku phyung spirit extracted (Cs.); snan bkus te bor ba to extract medicine by infusion. bkug pa pf. of 'gugs pa SANST, mdun du bkug pa , drawn or pulled forward; bkug shog summons (Yig. 7). bkum pa pf. of 'gum pa , but pres. in W. and according to Lex. fut. bkum , pf. bkums pa , to kill, to destroy; mtshams bkum par bgyi'o to cut off the edge; fix a boundary to. bkur sti SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST honour, respect, homage; mark of honour; respectful reception (by asking one to sit on a seat of honour); bkur sti mchod pa to distinguish (a person) by marks of respect (Zam.); rang la bkur sti 'byung dus when honour is shewn to (one's self) yourself (J‰.); bkur stsis dregs sense of honour; self-respect: mi chen po rnams la bkur stis dregs pa yod| great men have the sense of dignity. Syn. mchod pa ; rim gro ; bsnyen bkur ; ri mor byas ; zhabs tog ; zhabs 'bring ; bkur ba ; nye bar gnas ; nye bar od ; rjed pa (Moon.). bkur ba I: = mchod pa 1. to pay homage or reverence; to esteem. mang pos bkur ba'i rgyal po SANST literally "the king honoured of many" was the name of the first king of the world according to the Buddhist legendary account. 2. to carry; to fetch; to convey in W. being also pf. of 'khur ba ; gong du bkur ba to carry upward. II: = nyes pa , gnong mi bkur ba = khas mi len pa SANST to slander; to blaspheme; not to accept as true or correct (Lish. kha 4). bkur bar byed pa the act of respecting; to do honour; frq. to make reverence, to salute. bkur tshig = bstod pa'i tshig words or expressions of honour, some of which are:- bsngags 'os ; bsngags pa brjod ; stob smra ; mchod tshig ; mtho bar bya ; stod pa smra ; che brjod ; mchog gyur ; phul byung ; rmad byung ; legs brjod ; legs smra ; bzengs bstod pa ; shin tu bzang (Moon.). bkur 'os worthy of respect; respectable. bkog pa pf. of 'gog pa 3. bkong ba pf. of 'gong ba . When bkong is joined with spa to form the compound word spa bkong it means sdegs ba threat, menace. bkod = bskos 3 to appoint; to raise to the throne. bkod pa v. 'god pa 3 SANST, SANST, SANST 1. sbst. gral or spras pa arrangement; bkod lugs order or arrangement; method of arranging; applied to mind, as in sems la bkod the meaning is meditation, SANST, SANST. 2. vb. = to build, arrange, plan, &c. bkod pa mtha' yas SANST of boundless or infinite design; the universe; n. of a great Bodhisattva. bkod pa'i gtsug gtor = rig pa'i rgyal po the prince of learning; science. bkod 'doms = bkod ston pa (Yig. k. 23). bkod blta (colloq. bkob lta ) the plan of an undertaking; design; plot. bkod ldan = zla ba bcu gcig pa or dgun zla 'bring po the eleventh month of the Tibetan year, sometimes corresponding with January (Rtsii.). bkon pa pf. of 'khon pa . bkor 'dre seems to be a kind of goblin (J‰.). bkol od n. of a torment; torture from being boiled in water or oil: byol song bkol od kyi sdug bsngal the sufferings of the damned through the torture of being boiled. bkol ba occasionally pf. of 'khol ba , to boil; usually indicates 'khol ba to bind to service; to employ; snod ad bkol ba a boiling vessel; gYog tu bkol ba to take into service; zur tu bkol ba to set aside; to keep out. bkyal ba 1. to talk nonsense (J‰.). 2. ngag 'chal ba to rave in speech; to talk nonsense: bkyal ba'i ngag SANST, SANST, v. kyal ka 3. bkyig pa in the colloq. of Tsang = 'khyig pa to tie (by a rope); bkyigs = bcings pa bound, tied, fastened (Moon.). bkye ba pf. and fut. of 'gyed pa , but in W. is used as the only form of the verb = to send, despatch; to cause to come forth: pho nya bkye despatched an envoy: 'od bkye sent forth rays: sprul pa bkye caused a form to emanate: ston mo bkye made an exhibition of. bkyed pa pf. to bend back; recline (vb. n.). bkyon pa = rdung ba to beat (J‰.); bka' bkyon pa resp. to chastise with words, to scold (J‰.). Schtr. mentions bkyon bkyal ba chiding. bkra ba (ta-wa) cog. to khra bo SANST, SANST variegated; beautiful, blooming (of complexion); glossy, well-fed (of animals); bkra chen SANST a great painting; bkra bar 'dzin pa SANST a painter: bkra ba'i ri mo can with variegated figures; paintings: bkra ba'i 'od dpag can SANST a radiant or illuminated zone or halo: bkra yar SANST, SANST variegated; with shades of colour. bkra ba'i skad 'byin n. of the bird called Garghoogata; bya gar Mong ga ta'i ming | (Moon.). bkra byed = ri mo mkhan a painter (Moon.). bkra zhing dmar parti-coloured; on a red ground. bkra lam me = khra lam me glaring; in glare; thang kha bkram pa lta bu'i mdzes pa la bkra lam me 'dug zer| the beauty or effect produced by variegated colours as in a painting; the illumination of colours as set forth in a rainbow; hence splendour. bkra shis SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST prosperity; blessing; good luck: 'bangs rnams la bkra shis shog good fortune to my people! may they prosper! bkra shis kyi chu holy-water; consecrated water; consecrated water or consecrating water; bkra shis kyi mal auspicious bed; nuptial bed (Cs.); bkra shis kyi tshig words of blessing; benediction; bkra shis kyi gso sbyong SANST auspicious fasting; bkra shis srung ba'i go cha instruments used for insuring luck; sacrificial ceremony by which blessings are to be drawn down (J‰.); bkra shis pa propitious; lucky; bkra shis pa'i ltas good omens; lucky signs; bkra shis pa'i rtags lucky configurations or semblances; happy omens; bkra shis ma SANST n. of a goddess; the goddess of glory (J‰.); bkra mi shis misfortune; calamity; bkra mi shis pa calamity; adj. wretched; unlucky. bkra shis gling n. of a place in Khams (Loo. za 25). bkra shis brgyad pa'i mdo n. of a short sutra in K. d. za 76 which contains the names of eight Buddhas. Whoever recites it and meditates on the perfections acquired by the Buddhas escapes from the dangers of evil spirits and demons. Such a devotee can easily have admission into the courts of kings and address the highest authorities without let or hindrance. Remembrance of this effusion is believed to be a safeguard against bad dreams and also mishaps or accidents in war, and in repelling offensive weapons. bkra shis sgo mang n. of a monastery in Amdo. bkra shis can SANST n. of an incense (Moon.). bkra shis chos rdzong the summer seat of the Government of Bhutan where the Dharma Raja resides. It is ordinarily called Tassisudon on English maps. bkra shis brjod pa SANST auspicious expression; a benediction. bkra shis rtags brgyad the eight auspicious signs or emblems, viz.:- (1) rin chen gdugs SANST the precious or jewelled umbrella; (2) gser gyi nya SANST the golden fish; (3) gter chen po'i bum pa SANST the pot of treasures; (4) pad ma bzang po SANST the excellent lotus; (5) dung dkar gYas 'khyil SANST the white conch-shell with whorls turning to the right; (6) dpal gyi be'u SANST the auspicious mark represented by a curled noose emblematical of love; (7) mchog gi rgyal mtshan SANST the chief standard of victory, i.e., the emblem of royalty; (8) gser gyi 'khor lo SANST the golden wheel. bkra shis rtags can possessed of auspicious marks: lag pa bkra shis rtags can snum pa ni| bu dang nor rnams thob par byed pa yin| a glossy hand possessing auspicious lines will cause one to obtain both a son and wealth (K. d. go 217). bkra shis dung = dung dkar gYas 'khyil SANST a conch shell with its whorls turning to the right instead of to the left (Moon.). Syn. dung mchog ; skye ba lnga pa ; rgyal po 'khyil ba SANST (Moon.). bkra shis ldan SANST, SANST auspicious; lucky. bkra shis pa'i rdzas SANST, SANST, SANST lucky articles. bkra shis pa'i yi ge n. of a kind of (mystic) writing which is considered auspicious. bkra shis par gyur cig SANST may you enjoy prosperity. bkra shis byed ma = rig pa'i rgyal mo n. of a goddess (K. g. da 112). bkra shis bla ma 1. Tashi Lama, the name by which the Panchhen Lama of Tashilhun-po is known in India and Europe. 2. a lama priest who officiates at a marriage ceremony in Sikkim: bkra shis bla mas bkra shis kyi gtor ma mna' ma'i mgo la skyal yong | the Tashi lama will touch with the auspicious offerings (for the gods) the head of the bride. bkra shis rtse n. of a village in the district of Stod-luo in Tibet. bkra shis brtsegs n. of a brother of King Skyid-lde —imahi mgon, who settled down in Moahris in Western Tibet (Loo 'a 8). bkra shis brtsegs pa'i mdo n. of a work the reading of which produced auspicious occurrences. bkra shis rdzas brgyad the eight lucky articles are:- (1) me long mirror; (2) gi wang medicinal concretion from the brains of elephant; (3) zho curd; (4) rtsa dur ba ; (5) shing tog bil ba the wood-apple; (6) dung dkar gYas 'khyil a right-whorled conch-shell; (7) li khri vermillion; (8) yungs dkar white mustard. bkra shis rdzogs pa SANST completion of an auspicious work or event. bkra shis lhun po the seat of the Panchhen Rinpoche, the second Lama in Tibet, ordinarily called Tashi Lama, ranking next to the Dalai Lama of Lhasa. The grand monastery of this name adjoining the town of Shiga-tse in Tsang harbours 4,880 monks presided over by the Tashi Lama. bkrag (tag) 'od lhang lhong mdangs yod pa . 1. dazzling brightness; lustre; mdangs also bkrag mdangs , e.g., glitter (of jewels). 2. sha bkrag beautiful appearance; high colour (of the face, skin); sha bkrag mdangs pure gloss of the skin; bkrag che very bright (J‰.). bkrag pa = mdog bzang ba fair or fine complexion. Syn. mdangs can ; 'tsher ba (Moon.). bkrag med = mdog ngan pa or mdangs med dull appearance; bad complexion (Moon.). bkrab pa (tab-pa) pf. bkrabs pa to choose or select from among many; mchog tu bkrab exquisite choice (Lex.). bkram pa pf. bkrams pa , a form of 'grem pa SANST, SANST, SANST to spread over, scatter. Syn. dgram pa ; brdal pa sha also gtor ba ; 'thord pa SANST; gtsugs pa (Moon.). bkral ba (tal-wa) 1. pf. of 'grel ba (Cs.). mdo rgyud kyi tshig don legs par bkral ba| elucidation (of the meanings of the terms in the Sutra and the Tantra). 2. to appoint: las la bkral ba , to engage in business. bkras in the passage lum shel phrang btsan bkras sgril ba ; bkras here means rolled or varnished in variegated colours. bkras pa (te-pa) an abbreviation of bkra shis pa , according to Sch. also pf. of the verb bkra ba : bkras btags for bkra shis kha btags an auspicious scarf for presentation on the occasion of a visit or some ceremony or festivity. bkras lung (Te-lung) n. of a valley in Tibet (Deb. 44). bkras lhun (Tei-lhun) SANST a contraction of bkra shis lhun po (Tashi-lhun-po); also a heap or mountain of glory or auspicious objects. bkri ba + (ti-wa) 1. pf. of 'khrid pa to conduct according to order, e.g., one after another. 2. for dkri ba SANST, to wrap. 3. to draw; to try; to acquire; to search for. bkrid drang (ti-dang) = ma thul ba 'dul ba'i nag po the black discipliner of the unsubdued; the black and horrible (assumed) appearance of MaÒjughora Bodhisattva to lead the sinner into the path of righteousness and virtue: thul ba bkrid drang gi khro bo the dreaded (Bon) deity who leads or drags the subdued straight onward (D.R.). bkris an abbreviation of bkra shis . bkris pa (ti-pa) pf. of 'khrid pa . thar pa la bkris pa conducted to emancipation or Nirvana. bkru (tu) fut. of khrus , v. bkru zin SANST. bkru bshal gyi snod SANST washing bowl; to wash a vessel, plate, &c.: bkru bya , ras sogs gang yang khrus rgyur clothes, etc., to be washed. (EEE bkru zin does not appear elsewhere in the dictionary, so no hypertext link is provided.) bkrug pa (tug-pa) probably an incorrect reading of dkrug pa 3. bkrus pa pf. of khrus . bkre (teh) n. of a place in Khams, which is also called bkre nag tshang . bkre hor n. of a section of the Sgo-mao department of the monastic school of Daipung. bkren pa + (ten-pa), SANST 1. poor, indigent, hungry; nor dkon pa sa'i phyogs bkren a country where resources are scanty (Lex.). 2. SANST miserly, stingy. bkren po = dbul po a beggar; destitute person. Syn. nor med ; 'phongs pa (Moon.). bkres skom contraction of ltogs pa dang skom pa , hungry and thirsty: tha ma kha 'di ni 'kres skom gang la yang mi phan| this tobacco does not allay in any way either hunger or thirst: bkres skom pa las chog par 'byin te| leading from hunger and thirst to satiety (J‰.): ba yi 'o ma'i dbugs mi bde ba dang bkres skom sel| the cow's milk removes hunger and thirst and hard breathing." bkres nas SANST being hungry. bkres pa + (teh-pa) to be hungry; also hunger. In C. resp. for "hunger"; bkres rngab ba to have ravenous appetite (Sch.); sku bkres pa the appetite or feeling of hunger; honorific term: ri stong gi rtse mo byon pas sku bkres pa la zhal zas 'dren pa byung ba on arriving at the top of a barren mountain, he felt hungry and was supplied with food (Deb. ga 7). bkrongs pa + resp. term for killed; dead. bkrol ba (tol) pf. of hgrol-wa vb. trs. to untie, to loosen; also in W. is the only form in use: mdud pa bkrol ba the knot untied. bcings ba bkral ba set free from bondage; khral bkrol ba remitted revenues or rent; dgongs pa bkral ba forgiven, pardoned, &c. bkros = 'dams pa to choose; to select; imp. bkros shig (Situ. 105). bklags pa pf. of klog pa to have read; done reading: bklags pa 'dod wishes to read or sing. rka or = chu'i rka or chu rka = wa mchu a gutter; a small channel on the roof of a house or at the edge of the roof for carrying off the rain yur pa'i rka ; small furrow conveying water from a conduit to trees or plants; furrow between the beds of a garden; hence even flower-bed. rka chu'i lha khang n. of a monastery near Samye. rkang I: 1. marrow, pith. 2. descent, extraction, origin: dper na lha mo'i chibs pa dre'u la rkang gsum zhes pa ni| "for example, the mule on which the Goddess Paldan Lhamo rides is called rkao gsum, on account of a so-called three-fold origin" (its father is an ass, mother a mare but in itself it is neither of them, but a mule!). II: 1. stuff: rkang yag po 'dug it is of good stuff; rkang yag po mi 'dug it is not of good stuff. 2. bundle; a collection: rtsa rkang gcig a bundle of grass; skra rkang gcig a tuft of hair; skud pa rkang gcig a skein of yarn. rkang pa resp. zhabs SANST, SANST 1. foot, leg, hind leg of a quadruped: rkang pa mi gdang SANST not throwing the foot (Moon.). 2. lower part, lower end, e.g., of a letter: rkang pa can having a foot, so the nine letters are called that extend below the line ka kha ga, etc. (J‰.). 3. a metrical line, verse. 4. base foundation: rdzu 'phrul gyi rkang pa bzhi SANST the four feet (stages) of performing miracles. Syn. zhabs ; rgyu byed ; 'gro byed ; bgrod byed ; rgyug byed (Moon.). rkang kyog bandy-legged. (J‰.). rkang kri (kang-ti) a piece of cloth to wrap round the legs (Sch.). rkang bkod SANST the manner of walking; rkang pa bkru ba'i sa SANST the place for washing the feet. rkang bkra ma = ri byi skyes born of the hill-rat; a name of Agastya Muni (Moon.). rkang skyes n. for the Sudra caste (of India) which originated from the foot (of Brahma) (Moon.). rkang khra (Kang-tha) n. of a king of Ancient India: rgya gar gyi rgyal po rkang khra dang rab snang sogs ltar spre'u sogs las kyang ma rgyud 'byung | "like the Indian Kings, Rkao Khra, and Rab snao and others, their lineage on the mother's side was also from apes, etc." (J. Zao.). rkang khrab (kang-thab) iron shoes worn along with the coat of mail; that part of armour worn like boots from the foot to the knees; greaves. rkang khri (kang-thi = rkang stegs ) foot-stool (Moon.). rkang 'khum (probably) having a foot contracted by disease (Lex.). rkang 'khor bandy-legged (Sch.). rkang gos = gos lham Tibetan boots made of felt or of coarse serge. rkang mgo SANST the fore part of the foot. Syn. rkang rtse (Moon.). rkang mgyogs swift-footed: mthu rtsal rmad du byung ba rkang mgyogs rlung dang mnyam pa gcig an drangs invited (brought) one who was swift-footed like the wind and possessed of miraculous powers; rkang mgyogs kyi dngos grub the secret blessing of swift-footedness; rkang mgyogs kyi dngos grub sgrubs pas| (K. dun. 73) having acquired the grace of swift-footedness. rkang 'gro (kang-do) SANST one who travels on foot; a vassal or subject paying his duty by serving as a messenger or porter (Cs.). rkang 'gros also rkang bros 1. walking on foot. 2. domestic cattle; breeding cattle. rkang gling a trumpet made of the human thigh-bone used in temples; also in travelling to keep off evil-spirits. rkang rgyu rkang pas rgyu a foot-soldier, v. rkang dmag 3: infantry acc. to Cs. rkang brgya or = rkang brgya pa a centipede: 'bu rkang brgya lag brgya yod pa'i ming | "the name of the worm which has a hundred feet and arms" (Moon.). rkang brgyad pa a fabulous lion having eight feet. An imaginary lion of Buddhist design with eight legs, generally found in sculpture and in Tibetan mythological pictures. rkang ngar the leg (Moon.). rkang gcig pa SANST one-footed, met. a tree; the fabulous countries of the Hurao and Tsu-ta, the people of which are said to walk on one foot. rkang rjes SANST, SANST footstep, foot-mark; a dog; "foot-follower." rkang gnyis pa mankind; rkang gnyis gtso bo the chief of bipeds; an epithet of Buddha or bcom ldan 'das (Moon.): rkang gnyis rnams kyi mchog sangs rgyas| (Buddha) is the chief of the human kind. rkang btub SANST a foot ornament; a foot-bangle. rkang rten SANST a foot-stool; trestle; a raised ground or stone step on which, at the time of alighting from any conveyance, the foot is placed. rkang stegs or rkang pa 'jogs sa foot-stool. Syn. rkang rten ; rkang khri ; zla ba gcig pa ; zhabs stebs (Moon.). rkang steng bu = skra ma gser phur the star of the golden flight or brtan pa , a name of a fixed star (Moon.). rkang sten bu = skar ma stod phur the star of higher flight (Moon.). rkang thang 1. on foot. 2. = rkang dmag SANST a foot soldier (Moon.). rkang thang pa a pedestrian; rkang thang tu 'grul ba one travelling on foot; to walk; to go on foot. rkang mthil SANST the sole of the foot; foot-sole. rkang 'thung SANST, metaph. for a tree, i.e., that which drinks or draws nourishment through its feet, or roots: rkang 'thung dmar po SANST, SANST the red tree; the devil's tree. rkang drug pa or rkang drug ldan pa the six-footed, met. for the bee. rkang drug tshes = aa mra'i shing the mango tree. rkang gdub SANST foot-ring; bangle-like ornament worn on the foot. rkang 'dren also zhabs 'dren , e.g., drawn by the foot; shame; disgrace. rkang ldan shoes; that contains or holds the feet; also metaph. for a road, way, passage; rkang ldan ma = shing seng ge'i mjug ma the lion's-tail tree (Moon.). rkang snam coarse woollen leggings manufactured in Tibet. rkang pa brkyangs the legs stretched; rkang pa bskums contracted legs; rkang 'khyar = kha thor ba to rove, wander; to disperse, separate: ugs btang bas las dbang gis rkang 'khyar te bod yul du phebs| banished from their country, by force of Karma they wandered forth and came to the country of Tibet. rkang pa 'theng po SANST lame. rkang pa gsum ldan = rnam thos sras SANST he who is possessed of three legs or three regions; Virnu; an epithet of Vaisravana. Syn. byang phyogs bdag po ; rgyal po'i rgyal ; dpal gter gsang bdag ; gter gyi bdag ; mi'i chos ldan ; ngal bsos po ; 'od yangs tsha bo ; e la'i brgyud ; nor sbyin 'dren pa ; gnod in rgyal ; nor gyi bdag ; dbyig char 'bebs ; byang phyogs skyong (Moon.). rkang pa'i stabs sgy ur dancing at the cadence of a song (Moon.). rkang pa'i 'du byed SANST the movements of the feet which are described as dal 'gros ; bul 'gros ; le lo'i 'gros ; 'gying 'gros ; sgeg 'gros ; rol pa'i 'gros ; brjid pa'i 'gros ; gom shugs ; gom stabs ; gom rlabs ; gom pa yangs ; gom pa 'khyor ; bang mchong 'gro ; myur 'gro ; mgyogs 'gro ; rab 'gro ; rgyug pa (Moon.). rkang pa'i rtsa ba = rting pa the heel (Moon.). rkang pa'i mtshon cha can = khyim bya poultry; a fowl (of which the weapon is in its feet). rkang phyin felt for covering the legs. rkang bol upper part of the foot (J‰.). rkang bral SANST footless; helpless; involved. rkang 'bam SANST a disease in the foot; swelling in the foot; also gout. rkang 'bros or rkang bros , v. rkang 'gros 3. rkang spas (lit. hidden feet) = sbrul a snake (Moon.). rkang ma rkang chig n. of the part of the nether world where the Naga demi-gods reside. rkang mar pith; marrow: rkang mar gyi rigs gang byugs yan lag rengs 'khums mnyen par byed| by rubbing in any kind of marrow, contracted limbs may be smoothened (i.e., straightened). Syn. mdangs ; khu ba byed (Moon.). rkang mig SANST (SANST) n. of the founder of Nyaya philosophical sect in ancient India. rkang dmag infantry; a foot-soldier. Syn. rkang thar ; rkang pas rgyu ; rang stobs kyis bgrod ; rkang shar ba ; lus kyi 'thab ; lus kyi rgol ; mtshon chas 'tsho ba ; dpung bu chung (Moon.). rkang rtsa resp. zhabs rtsa general name for shoes in Tsang. In Tibet the sole of a shoe is generally made of a kind of durable grass, hence the name rkang rtsa , foot-grass, signifies a shoe. rkang rtsi SANST the fore part of the foot. rkang tshugs = 'go 'dzugs or rtsa ba tshugs pa to have a firm footing; to take root. rkang mdzer iron nails or spikes fastened to the boot-sole for climbing. rkang mdzes = shing mya ngan med the Asoka tree, Jonesia asoka Roxburgh (Moon.). rkang bzhi rkang bzhi pa four-footed; quadruped; a beast; also a chair or anything that stands on four legs; rkang bzhi'i nor ldan = 'brog pa lit. possessed of cattle; a herdsman (Moon.). rkang yang agile; quick in going or walking. rkang ring I: long shanks. II: v. chu'i bya gag the crane; acc. to some the grey species of duck (Moon.). (EEE although chu'i bya gag does not appear as a headword in the dictionary, the phrase does appear beneath the following headwords: khyim gyi gtor za 3, 3chu bya 3, 3bya dkar 3, 3gzhon nu 3. See also 3bya gag 3.) rkang lam foot-path; a passage where a man can only pass but not ride. rkang shar pa = rkang dgag a foot-soldier (Moon.). rkang shing treadle of a loom. rkang shu foot-sore. rkang shubs socks; stocking. rkang sor toe. rkan 1. sometimes used in the place of skan . 2. rkan SANST the = dkan , which is an obsolete form: rkan mtha'i rnyil end of the palate or "gums at the end of the palate": ta tha da na ra la drug lce rtse rkan mtha'i rnyil la "the six letters t, th, d, n, r, l, arise from the tip of the tongue and the front palate." rkan phug the cavity of the palate: ka kha ga nga'i yi ge bzhi|rkan phug lce'i cha las byung | these four letters come out from partly the cavity of the palate and partly the tip of the tongue. rkan dbus the roof or centre of the palate: ya zha ca cha ja nya sha|bdun po lce dkyil rkan dbus byung | these seven letters are pronounced from the centre of the tongue and the middle of the palate. rkan mar the butter which is mixed with barley-flour to make a paste for the food of children and infants; barley paste made with water or milk is apt to choke infants, so the Tibetan mothers mix in butter (Deb. ga 10). rkam pa + or brkam pa of passionate desire. The latter form brkam pa is generally used; it signifies 'dod yon longing; chags zhen SANST greed; passionate: bkur sti dang rnyed pa la brkam pa a longing for honours and gain: kha zas la brkam pa 'gyur becomes eager for cakes. rku ba SANST, pf. brkus , fut. brku or brku bar bya , imp. rkus to seal, rob; pres. rku bar byed steals, robs; brku bya an article to be stolen; brku bya'i rdzas things that may be stolen; also stolen property. The six kinds of theft acc. to Buddhism are:- (1) 'jab bus rku ba to steal or take away quietly another's property; (2) rgyus rku ba to rob a thing knowing all about it beforehand; (3) mthus rku ba to rob violently one's property; (4) phyis sbyin no zhes nas rku ba to rob a thing promising to return it; (5) brnogs te rku ba to steal by concealment; (6) gzhan la bsdos nas rku ba to rob a thing by slandering another person (K. d. pa 5). rku bar bgrang ba SANST to count as stealing. rku sems SANST a mind to seal, or thievish mind. rkur bcug pa SANST, rku thabs su gnas pa SANST, the ten kinds of stealing according to Tibetan authors, viz.:- mthus rku ba to rob by means of incantations; sgy u thabs kyis rku ba to rob by producing magical illusions; 'brid pas rku ba to rob one by using threats; gtam pas rku ba to rob by speech (by lying); slar byin zer nas rku ba to rob one by soft words; phyir bsab zer nas rku ba to rob by saying that he will return the thing afterwards: nan dgug pa'i rku ba to steal by conjuring; dngan 'than gyis rku ba stealing by misappropriation or breach of trust; 'jam pos rku ba cheating by gentle persuasion; chos rku ba stealing by (imposing upon another in the name of) religion (Loo. ba 15). rku bya same as spa ba to keep secret, hide. rkun sgy ig thief's pouch; a sort of small wallet. rkun can a thief. rkun bcom plunder; highway robbery. rkun thabs su blang ba to take away by thievish means. rkun nor stolen goods. rkun po fem. rkun mo SANST, SANST, a thief, a robber. Syn. jag pa ; gYos ma ; yan lag ngan ; aar pa ; 'jab bu pa ; chom rkun ; gzhan dung ; mtshams kyi byed po ; 'og tu rgyu ; chom po (Moon.). rkun pos bsgo ba = rkun pos ngan byed pa the harm done by a thief. rkun dpon the head of a gang of wandering marauders. rkun ma one who steals; a thief; also applies occasionally to theft. rkun rdzas stolen goods or things. Syn. rkun nor ; lkog nor , stolen property (Moon.). rkun srung a guard; a watchman; to watch for thieves: rkun ma srung rgyu'i ched du khyi gsos feeding dogs to guard against thieves. rkub SANST vulgar word for the anus, backside, posterior; colloq. phongs or 'phongs . rkub skyod par to move or shake one's hinder parts, a mode of nautch girl's dance in India. rkub rgyag a chair to sit upon. rkub stegs a sitting bench; a portable rest used by coolies. rkub tshos buttocks (Cs.). rke ba = rid pa (cf. skem pa 3) lean; meagre (Cs.): rkye bar 'gyur bar to grow lean, thin. rked pa also sked pa SANST, SANST, the waist, more particularly that part where the girdle is worn; also the loins; also defined as gzhu'i 'chang bzung the ends or notches of the bow which hold the string or to which the string is attached. Syn. ske rags yul ; bar ma ; lus phra (Moon.). rked rgyun an ornament (chain) hanging from waist. rked 'chu SANST the buttocks. rked mdud anything twisted at the middle; knotted-waist; n. of a biscuit (Jig.). rked nad can ma v. bud med zla mtshan dang ldan ma 3, a woman who has her monthly courses (Moon.). (EEE The original has bud med zla mtshan dang ldan pa , but this is a mistake for ~ldan ma .) rked pa gyong pa stiff, unyielding waist: rked pa gyong pa khyo bo 'chi bar 'gyur the husband of the woman with a stiff waist will die (K. d. go 217.). rked pa rgyur ba (metaph.) to become a slave (female): rked pa rgyur ba gzhu 'dra gYog mor 'gyur| a woman whose waist has become bent like a bow becomes a maid servant (K. d go 217). rked pa chag (lit. broken waist) to fail in a great undertaking: seng ge mchong sa la wa mchong na rked pa chag| if a fox (tries to) leap over a place where lions jump, he breaks his waist, i.e., dies in the attempt. rked pa phra a slender waist. rked 'bras = tsha ba len n. of a fruit used in fever (Moon.). sked spom one with a large or broad waist; a corpulent person. Syn. lto ba che ba ; gsus po che ; lto ldir ba ; gsus rdzas can ; lto ba 'phyang ba ; grod pa chen po ; grod pa spom po (Moon.). rked med ma a pretty woman; = bud med mchog , a woman with slender waist (Moon.). rked so + = rked pa the waist: lde mig chung ngu sna mang pos sku'i rked so 'khor ba| (A. 133) many little keys of different kinds surrounded his waist. rko ba pf. brkos , imp. rkos shig 1. to dig, dig out; to hoe. 2. to engrave; turn up; till. rko byed I: 1. = phag a hog; also that which digs; a mattock, shovel. 2. SANST an arrow. II: v. byi ba 3 that burrows; a rat (Moon.). rko ma the kind of small hoe for digging earth; n. of a bird called ko ma (Vai. so.). rkos mkhan or brkos mkhan or rko mi SANST a digger; one who hoes. rkog ma incorrectly for lkog ma . rkong pa = za rkong SANST ring-worm; itch (Cs.). rkong po 'bras chen n. of a skin disease with large eruptions; also eruptions (Ya-sel. 28). rkod pa engraving; = rko ba to dig or to engrave (Cs.). rkon pa + a fowler's net: bya bzung ba'i don du rgya snyi 'dzugs pa la rkon pa 'dzugs zer| (Oag.) to set up a snare to catch birds is called rkon-pa hdsugs-pa. Syn. bya rgya ; bya rkon (Moon.). brkam chags SANST passionate; also greedy. brkus rkun ma brkus tshar ba stolen: brkus te bor ba to abandon or throw away a thing after stealing it. brko od a gouge; an instrument to scoop out (Sch.); an instrument to engrave; brko bya'i sa ploughed land; brkos pa SANST dug out; brkos phor a mould for making clay images: lha tho tho ri gnyan btsan gyi ring la spang skong phyag rgya pa dang sAa o'i brkos phor khang steng du babs te dam pa'i chos kyi dbu brnyes| in the time of the Lhathothori dynasty there fell on the top of the palace a book called Spao skoo phyag-rgya and a mould for clay miniature images and brought the commencement of the holy doctrine. brkos ma sculpture; anything that has been engraved upon. rkyag pa also skyag pa dung; ordure; excrement; rkyag pa btong ba to cause purging, v. skyag 3. rkyang I: SANST, SANST Equus kyang or the wild ass of Tibet and Higher Asia. It is found everywhere in Tibet in large droves, and is distinct from the wild ass of Sindh and Persia. pho rkyang , a male kyang mo rkyang a female kyang; rkyang dar ma an adult kyang; rkyang rgan an old kyang (Cs.). II: or rkyang ba , also rkyang rkyang SANST, SANST, SANST, each; single; simple; alone: nga rkyang pas mi thub I alone cannot; ras rkyang pa dressed only in cotton cloth; sku zhabs sku rkyang ji ltar phebs will Your Honour go thus alone? chu rkyang 'thung nas drinking water only. lus rkyang naked body; cig rkyang naked body; cig rkyang only one; mi rkyang , same as mi stong po , i.e., a free, unemployed man, generally one that carries no burden; yi ge rkyang pa a letter that forms by itself a syllable, or one that is not brtegs-pa (mounted) and without any other consonant or any vowel sign superscribed; rkyang pa'i grangs said to be 1, 10, 100, and the further multiples of 10; ming rkyang pa a word that has no affix denoting case, &c., also a name without any titles added to it. Syn. re re ; gcig bu ; srab pa ; gcer bu . rkyang chu n. of a lake in the south of Ladak, in the neighbourhood of which there are many wild asses. rkyang thag (thag pa ri 'am yang na khang thog nas mar btang ba ) a rope that is lowered from the top of a mountain or from the roof of a lofty house (Yig.). rkyang pa 1. SANST prose; writing. 2. kyang ba = rkyong ba SANST extended; spread. rkyang 'phyes SANST an immensely large number. rkyang ma n. of an artery often referred to in mystic meditation. It is one of the three arteries denominated Srog-rtsa rio-po, and is asserted to run towards the left side. rkyang phyag salutation by prostrating one's self on the ground with the hands and feet stretched out (A. 48). rkyan 1. a brass vessel like a tea-pot, with a spout; in W. "o-kyan," a milk-pot. 2. pot-belly; paunch (Sch.); chab rkyan a vessel for water; chang rkyan a vessel for wine (J‰). rkyan bu = 'grim zhal a kind of vessel made of brass or silver or gold of the shape of a wine glass. rkyal ka = ku re vain talk; rkyal-ka byed-pa to play a practical joke on; to make game of. rkyal pa SANST a sack or leather bag, frq. is poetical term for the body or the five aggregates, i.e., phung po mi gtsang rdzas kyi rkyal pa "the body is a bag of unclean things" (J‰.). rkyal ba SANST to swim; rkyal rtsed pa to amuse one's self by swimming (J‰.); colloq. "khyal-gyab khan" a swimmer. rkyal bu small bag; pouch; colloq. kyal-bu. ra rkyal a bag of goat skin; phye rkyal a bag for flour; chu rkyal water bag or Hindi moshuk; mar rkyal butter bag. rkyal byed pa SANST the act of swimming or bathing. In the mystic language of the Brahmakayika deva rkyal byed or rkyal ba signifies sdug bsngal ba misery; rnam par rkyal byed or kun tu rkyal byed means kun 'byung ba sins; rkyal pa thar byed denoted rkyal zad the exhaustion of misery, i.e., the cessation of misery or its 'gog pa SANST; rkyal ba thol med signifies rkyal zad sgom pa , i.e., to meditate on the exhaustion of misery signifies lam or the way to Nirvana. These are the terms believed to be used in the language of the celestial beings who dwell in the heaven called 'phrul dga' SANST (K. ko. ka 236). rkyen I: In Buddhist science this important term expresses any co-operating influence which serves to shape and bring about an event as distinguished from rgyu rgyu, its direct and obvious cause. In plain language, rgyu is the primary cause of anything, but rgyu is frequently controlled and modified by a co-ordinate influence known as rkyen. As a medical term, according to J‰schke, rkyen is differentiated from rgyu in that it indicates the pathological or secondary cause of disease, while the latter word denotes its primary or anthropological cause. However, while assigning to rkyen the primary meaning of "cause" and "occasion" in the qualified sense of being contributory only to that which comes to pass, we have to note the apparently contradictory significationóeffect, occurrence, incident, event. So we meet with rkyen ngan pa unfortunate accident; rkyen ngan pas 'das he has perished by an evil incident; tshe 'dir byung ba'i rkyen ngan rnams the adversities arising in this life; rang mi 'dod pa'i rkyen an event disagreeable to one's own self; blo bur rkyen a sudden accident; rkyen de la brten nas owing to that circumstance; med pa'i rkyen la bltas te or brten te considering the case of not being, not having; thus nad kyi rkyen dang 'chi ba'i rkyen stands also for a cause of disease and of death; bgol rkyen any circumstance or event averse to the success of an action, any obstacle, anything opposed or hostile to the existence of another thing: mthun rkyen a happy, favourable circumstance; furtherance; assistance; supply; mthun rkyen byed pa to assist in; to help to; mthun rkyen 'dzom pa altogether successful. II: SANST, SANST In Buddhist metaphysics there are four kinds of rkyen rkyen, viz., (1) rgyu'i rkyen SANST relation of causality; (2) de ma thag pa'i rkyen SANST relation of posteriority; (3) bdag rkyen SANST relation of subordination or conditionality; (4) dmigs rkyen SANST relation of dependence (as for instance the relation of parts to the whole and vice versa); rig pas gzugs can gyi rkyen byed na bdag rkyen gcig pos byed|gzugs can gyis rig pa la rkyen byed na dmigs rkyen dang |bdag rkyen gnyis ka tshang dgos|gzugs can gyi gzugs can la rkyen byed na rgyu rkyen dang bdag klon gnyis kas byed do|. Besides the above four there are two other sub-divisions of rkyen , viz., nyer len SANST and lhan gcig byed SANST (Loo. 16). III: misfortune; ill-luck; calamity: rkyen klog pa to avert a misfortune; rkyen thegs pa to endure misfortune; rkyen thub pa to be equal to the occassion, cope with calamity. rkyen gyis postp. with gen. by reason of; on account of; by; de'i rkyen gyis therefore; accordingly. rkyen gcig rtogs = rang sangs rgyas an epithet for a Pratyeka Buddha (Moon.). rkyen chags 'byung ba to die or to be abolished (D. Shel. 11). rkyen rtogs SANST also the contemplation of a Pratyeka Buddha and ordinary saint; a class of Buddhist devotees who meditate on rkyen, the co-operative cause. rkyen thub = bzod pa patience; forbearance (Moon.). rkyen pa SANST barley. rkyen rtsi + = rkyen snan SANST a medicine that is administered for determining the co-operative cause of a disease. rkyong ba pf. brkyangs , fut. brkyang ba or brkyang bar bya to stretch, extend, stretch forth (one's hand to a person); put out (the tongue); spread; distend (the wings, a curtain): zhabs gnyis brkyong bskum one leg stretched out, the other drawn in. Syn. brkyang ba ; brkyangs pa ; rkyangs pa ; rkyongs pa ; bsnar ba (Moon.). rkyong tse in W. Lamp; candle (J‰.). brkyang shing 1. literally "the extending-wood," an instrument of torture in Tibet; a wooden frame on which the extended arms and legs of the delinquent are fastened down, whilst burning pitch or sealing wax is dropped on his naked breast, which procedure is called brkyang shing sprad pa or brkyang shing la bcug pa or brkyang ba , placing or stretching one on a cross (J‰.). 2. in New Testament translation adopted to signify "cross." brkyangs SANST prostrated (by fatigue); stretched out; brkyang pa'i don can SANST for the purpose of stretching. lkug SANST a wager: sho sogs kyi rgyal "to gain a wager in dice-playing, &c." lkugs pa 1. dumb; mute; kha lkugs par byed pa to put to silence; lkugs pa ma a dumb woman (Cs.). 2. SANST, SANST dull, stupid (Sch.). The following examples may belong to either 1. or 2.:- lkugs par skyes born idiotic or mute; lkugs par skyes na rnam shes las su mi rung bas chos byed du mi khom| if one is born a deaf-mute, one's consciousness (soul) not being suited to work, one cannot act religiously. Syn. smra bcad ; ngag gis dbul ; ngag mi ldan ; sems bem po ; tshig nyams ; tshig mi gsal ; bem po ltar lkug ; mi smra shes (Moon.). lkog I: = pha gi yonder. In the passage lkog gi ri sna 'di nas mthong lags zhus pas , he said "from here look to yonder hillside"; lkog gi ri sna = pha gi ri zur the corner of the hill there. II: secrecy; klog gi chung ma a wife kept secretly in Tibet. Where polyandry prevails any of the brothers who is not satisfied with the common spouse takes to himself a wife called Kok-gi chung-maóa concubine (Cs.). lkog ma vulg. og 'jol 1. gullet. úsophagus. 2. wind-pipe. 3. the throat; lkog ma'i lha gong the larynx (Sch.); also written lkog ma'i lhar gor . lkog dkar the ferret-badger (Helictis monticola). lkog gyur v. lkog na ma 3 (Moon.); lkog gyur byas made secret. lkog glu a secret hummed song: gzhan gyi ma thos par byas nas glu len pa la lkog glu zer| a song sung so that others may not hear it is called Kog-lu (Oag.). lkog chad secret punishment. lkog chos byed pa to apply one's self to religious studies secretly. lkog rnyan a reward given secretly; a bribe. lkog tu confidentially, secretly; lkog gyur or lkog tu gyur pa SANST secret; hidden; out of sight (J‰.); shin tu lkog gyur very secret; most confidential. lkog tu brkus stolen; removed secretly; lkog tu glen pa to converse secretly; lkog tu chos a secret doctrine; to worship secretly; lkog tu lab pa to speak confidentially. lkog mdud = 'ol mdud the larynx. lkog 'dun is described as meaning ha ma go bar gros byed pa , secret conversation or deliberating, so that others may not understand it. lkog na ma that which is not evident. Syn. lkog gyur ; mngon sum min pa (Moon.). lkog nor = rkun rdzas , lit. secret articles; stolen property (Moon.). lkog phra = lkog tu phra ma byed pa or dkrug shing byed pa misunderstanding; difference (between two parties). lkog zan za ba to take usurious interest in secret (Sch.); lkog jab byed nas lta ba to watch; to witness from a lurking-place. lkog zas za ba to take food secretly. lkog la brang 'byar gyi rgyal khams the name of a kingdom of the Asura (demons) where people have no neck, their chins being joined to the breast. lkog shal SANST dew-lap (of oxen); lkog shal can = ba glang oxen in general (Moon.). lkog sog craw (of birds) (Cs.). lkob fat, heavy, plump (Sch.). lkol mdud = 'ol mdud larynx. ska this word is thus explained ska zhes chos rnams kyi phung po yongs su shes pa ston to| "ska shows the complete knowledge of the aggregation of all dharma or phenomena" (K. d. na 114). This explanation also occurs in the aphorism on the interrogation of the Naga-raja Samudra (K. d. ga 178), also in (Hbum. ga 283): phung po dmigs su med pa'i phyir chos thams cad kyi sgo'o| "ska is the symbol of the law of Buddha (Buddhism) as it explains mystically that all things are (SANST) not dependant; they are supportless, i.e., have no real existence." ska cig for skad cig a moment. ska cog or ko lcog the names of two grammarians jointly written for abbreviation, Ska standing for ska ba dpal brtsegs and Cog for cog ro klu yi rgyal mtshan . ska ba thick (of fluids, cf. sla ba ); ska-slad consistence; density (J‰.). ska rags SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; = shugs bu also ske rags , in resp. language; sku rags a girdle: ska rags 'ching ba to put on a girdle. ska rags bshur ba (Sch.) a girdle with a clasp; ska rags pho gu can SANST, SANST ornamental chain worn by Tibetan women on the waist. ska rags bzang po ma gnod sbyin mo'i gtso mo'i ming n. of a princess of the Noijin demi-gods (Moon.). skag = kag or keg SANST 1. n. of one of the 27 constellations, Ashlera; an evil star. 2. mischief; bad luck; evil; the name of the goddess Bhogavati; a fox; lo skag an unlucky or bad year; zla skag an evil or unlucky month; zhag skag a bad day; dus skag evil hour; inauspicious time. Syn. gdengs can lha mo ; wa (Rtsi. and Moon.). skag rtsis astrology which treats of the planets and of bad omens, &c. skag las skyes SANST; = du ba mjug ring a comet; born under the constellation of Ashera. Syn. mjug phod can ; gtsug phud can ; sbrul can ; sgra gnyis pa (Moon.). skang ba = skong ba , skang gso 1. satisfaction (Sch.). 2. a kind of expiatory sacrifice to make amends for a duty not performed (J‰.). skang sha sods cut out (Sch.). skad I: (keh) SANST, SANST 1. voice, cry, sound. Though skad and zla are generally used as synonymous words, yet the majority of the grammarians of Tibet apply the former to all manner of sounds and the latter to the sounds uttered by animate things only. 2. skad is equivalent of zer in some expressions such as de skad , 'di skad , which mean "thus he said," "speaking these words," &c., and in ji skad , yin skad , &c., may be traced similar significations: skad ci gnang 'dug what is your pleasure? what did you say, sir? zer ba de ci skad yin the (words) spoken what speech are they? what do they mean? (J‰.) 'di skad do "in these words" is used before a literally quoted speech and de skad ces after it. lo skad also often occurs after statements meaning "it is said" or "it is rumoured." Other phrases are: de skad ma byed don't do that or so; skad smra ba to give an account, to relate. 3. language: bod skad the Tibetan language; rgya gar skad the Indian language; yul skad du in the provincial dialect; mi skad smra speaking human language; 'brug skad ldir zer the voice of thunder rattles; glang po che'i skad lta bu'i sgra a voice like the cry of an elephant; sdug bsngal ba'i skad 'byin pa to utter painful or lamentable cries; snying rje'i skad 'don pa to send forth cries for pity; skad kyi dbyings SANST the root of a word. II: ladder = skas ka (J‰.). skad 'gag or skad 'dzer po hoarseness of the voice (Cs.). skad rgyal metaph. a donkey (Sman. 2). skad bsgy ur pa = skad bsgy ur mkhan one who has changed his language. skad sgra che the vulgar expression for "fame": kho deng sang skad sgra chen po 'dug he is just now very famous. skad ngar rough language: skad ngar zer bas yul de'i ming yang nga ra thang du btags| on account of their speaking rough speech the name of that place was called Oa-ra thao (Yig. 65). skad can having a voice; sounding. skad cig SANST, SANST, SANST one moment; an instant. skad cig ma yi yun = skad cig pa is described as se gol gtogs gcig re lnga'i cha "one fifth part of the time required for the sound of the snapping of the fingers." skad cig bcom v. bcom pa 3. skad cig 'dod ldan v. phug ron 3 SANST pigeon (Moon.). skad cig pa or skad cig ma SANST, SANST, SANST instantaneous; also ephemeral, momentary; also lightning. skad cig dbugs lit. that takes breath only for a moment = sram , an otter (Moon.). skad cig 'dod SANST sudden flash; flash of lightning. skad cig glog 'od = glog lightning (Moon.). skad cha SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST news, report, discourse, conversation, topic; skad cha lab pa to converse; to have a chat. skad gnyis pa lit. that has two kinds of voices, i.e., a parrot. Syn. lce gnyis pa ; 'khyog po'i mthu can ; tshig 'jam ldan ; 'jam ljang 'dab ldan (Moon.). skad gnyis smra ba'i dbang po one learned in science; one who has mastered (at least) two languages (Yig. k. 48). skad mnyen pa SANST of a gentle voice; soft voiced. skad bsnyan = brag cha an echo (returned by a rock) (Moon.). skad snyan bsgy ur ba to sing or whistle in a quavering, warbling manner, of birds, flute-players, &c. (J‰.): 'gyur skad a singing or playing of this kind. skad snyan pa SANST, SANST one with a sweet voice; spoken of the cuckoo. skad snyan ma the princess of the Noijin demi-gods; cf. gnod sbyin mo'i gtso mo (Moon.). skad ster ba = skad rgyag pa to call to a person (Schtr.). skad mthun par with one voice; with one accord. skad dod = skad tshab an equivalent term in another language; the original from which another is translated : skad dod yod med whether there are any original texts: skad dod med it is without the original text (Situ. 110). skad kyi gdangs the character or tone of the voice: ngang pa 'brug gi skad gdangs nor dang ldan|glang ngam bong bu'i skad gdangs sdug bsngal che|| (Mtshan.) When the tone of one's voice is that of a goose or dragon it betokens the possession of wealth. A voice like that of an ass or ox indicates great troubles. skad gdangs dma' ba SANST low sinking voice; poor voice. skad 'don SANST bawling out; loud voice. skad pa I: = zhes bya bas called; named (A. 120). II: 1. vb. to say, tell, relate: zhing khams shig yod do skad par thos that a land (of bliss) exists I heard people say. 2. interpreter; language master; teacher (J‰.). skad pa che or skad po che celebrated; famed. skad po che SANST rumour. skad 'byin SANST singing of a bird. skad sbyangs shig cultivate your voice; improve the voice by exercise. skad mi gsal SANST one whose language is not intelligible; a barbarian. skad ring SANST a voice heard at a distance; a high pitched voice. skad rigs chen po bzhi the four great divisions of language:- (1) sMskri ta lha'i skad Sanskrit, the language of the gods; (2) pi sha tsi te sha ja'i skad Pishatsi, the language of the meat-eating people; (3) rang bzhin zhes pa pra kri ta the Prakpta or the natural language of the people; (4) aa pa £‡ma sha jur chag sgra Apa bhram-sha corrupt language (T. K.). skad lugs = skad rigs dialect. skad log clamour; screaming. skad legs ma = lha'i gzugs tshong ma a celestial courtesan (Moon.). skan te W., instead of ska ba . skab = 'gor po delay: mgyogs pos ma 'ded skab pas ma zin cing | (Rdsa. 28) the swift not hurrying, the lingerers not finishing. skabs SANST, SANST 1. time, opportunity, occasion, circumstance: mthong ba'i skabs opportunity of seeing: skabs rnyed pa to find an opportunity: skabs su or skabs skabs su now and then; sometimes. skabs su or skabs with genit. = at the time of, on the occasion of, during, while, when: de ka skabs su in a moment; instantly: skabs der SANST thereafter: skabs 'dir now; here; in this case; in this place: skabs re once for a time; each time; bar skabs interval; inter-lapse of time. 2. sphere, state, situation: skabs dang sbyar ba fit for; adapted; suited to the occasion. 3. skabs also means le'u chapter, and is synonymous with tshigs , mtshams , gnas , &c., signifying section: skabs bcu the ten sections of the doctrine; also he that has observed them (J‰.). 4. mode, method, way, manner, so the word seems to be used in Vai. so.: ldum bu'i skabs la phug dang skyes lugs 'dra bar| the manner (nature) of the plants being similar to that of a radish as to growth (J‰.). skabs gnyis pa SANST the second chapter. skabs don SANST for the sake of leisure; also circumstance. skabs 'di la SANST at this opportunity; at this time; on this subject. skabs phye na SANST to make opportunity. skabs 'byed pa SANST leisure. skabs la babs pa SANST when the time came; opportunity arrived. skabs gsum btung ba = lha'i bdud rtsi the drink of the gods; ambrosia: phebs tshogs kyang bzang po'i skabs gsum btung ba'i rgyun bzhin i bor stsol la mkhyin| pray send kind letters like the flow of the drink of the gods over the heads of the good (Yig. k. 78). skabs gsum gnas = mtho ris kyi gnas the residence of the gods; the heaven. skabs gsum pa I: SANST, SANST a god; a common name for gods possessed of the knowledge of their past and future births and also of those of others. II: a name of the celestial musician; lha'i glu mkhan (Moon.). skabs gsum dbang a name of Indra; brgya byin or lha yi dbang po (Moon.). skabs gsum mtshon cha SANST thunderbolt of Indra. skam I: skam pa n. of a tribe in Tibet (Vai. kar. 160). II: a pair of tongs; pincers; an instrument for seizing anything. Syn. 'dzin byed ; bzung byed (Moon.). skam pa SANST dry; skam rlon lit. dry and wet; all articles (furniture, chattels, clothes, utensils, &c.) and food, drink, etc., being included in the term. skam is often used as equivalent to skam sa , the dry land, hence a plain or thang skam la spebs pa to get ashore; skam lam journey by land, skam zan dry food, skam sha dry meat, skam skom the dry or stuffed carcass of an animal; gcan zan dang ri ags dang thams cad kyi skam skom| the dried carcasses of beasts and game and of all (others) (D.R.). skam glog a flash of summer lightning: skam glog chen po byung ba la brten te 'khor thams cad kyang shin tu skrag| "on a great flash of lightning coming forth, all his attendants became very much frightened" (A. 17). skam chas all goods except live stock. skam thal = thug thal or thug rtsam corn or barley flour to make gruel. skam thug gruel made of barley flour, dry meat and radish. skam dras neat and clean (Jig. 30). skam pag dry, flour of barley. skam po SANST, SANST dry dried. skam phogs allowances or wages of an officer or inferior servant in barley-flour, tea or coin, etc., but not cooked food; gzhung gi ngag don skam phogs according to Government order; dry allowance (J. Zao.). skam las skye ba SANST produced or born on land. skam bshad dry or meaningless words; hollow expressions meaning nothing: kha phyir lta'i skam bshad mkhan po "one versed in talking nonsense, as if only for his mouth's sake" (or "as if on account of his mouth") (Ev.). skams pa = sa stong bleak and barren place (Moon.). skar ba I: pf. bskar , imp. skor , to hang up; to weigh; skar , skar ka , skar kha weight; skar tshad measure; scale; skar ba for skar ka , skar tshad and skar ma points on a steelyard for weight or measure: skar lnga five points on the steel-yard weighing two annas of silver: skar gang (one skar) is equal to ten 'on , which is a little less than an Indian anna. II: (Cs.) 1. a penning of cattle; assortment; separation; to pen; to fold; to separate, v. dgar ba 3. skar ma SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a star; a fixed star; constellation: sgrol byed , 'phur byed , rgyu ba'i skar ma nyi shu brgyad , (Vai. kar.) the stars that are liberated and that soar on high and roam are twenty-eight in number: skar ma can with stars or figures of stars on anything, a shawl, &c. skar khung SANST, SANST, SANST a hole or small opening for the admission of light in a house; a window; same as sgo chung , v. dkar khung 3; skar khung gi sgo legs a plank or board for a window; shutters; skar khung dra ba can SANST lattice window; a grated window. skar khongs the sphere of a lunar mansion; a constellation together with the minor stars which are included within its sphere. skar mkhan SANST an astrologer. skar lcag a rigorous enquiry; a flogging (J‰.). skar chu I: literally star-water; bathing when the star Agastya (Ri-byi) appears in October, when, according to Tibetan astrologers, water becomes pure and wholesome. II: generally applied to dew which is said to come from the stars. (EEE the remainder of the entry under II in DAS has been shifted to a new entry. See skar tag tang ce 3.) skar tag tang ce skar-tag tao ce (J‰.) to enquire rigorously; to restrict; to bind down; to flog. (EEE. "It appears from examining the paper original that "skar-tag tao che" which follows skar chu (II) on a new line was intended as a separate entry in its own right and not as a commentary to skar chu (II) (to which it has no connection). Furthermore, the transliteration "skar-tag tao che" of the original differs from the source in Jasche's dictionary on p.20. In Jaschke the Tibetan needs to be transliterated as "skar-tag tao ce". The entry for "skar-tag tao ce" in Jaschke appears as the third definition of skar ba , defined generally as "a separation".) skar mda' a shooting star; sgron ma a lamp; ta la la SANST a meteor: skar mda' lhung ba or ltung ba SANST the falling or shooting of a meteor. skar mda'i gdong ngam sna SANST or SANST one having either his face or nose glowing as a meteor; a demon; a meteor-mouthed arrow; n. of a fire-arm anciently used in India. One of the ancestors of Gautama Buddha, directly descended from Mahasammata, the first elected king of the world. skar dpyad = skar rtsis astrology; skar dpyad pa = rtsis pa an astrologer (Moon.). skar phran or skar chung a little star. skar 'phreng 1. n. of a fabulous city situated at the foot of Rirab (Sumeru) mountain said to be the residence of the Asura King, Kantha-Mali. 2. the squares in a chart of the constellations in which the figures representing the stars are written. 3. the angular distance between two stars or planets (Cs.). skar ma stod phur SANST supposed to be Leonis. This star is believed to be the most steady among the stars and is therefore called the sure-star or fixed-star; also called the crown-star. Syn. brtan pa ; rkang steng bu ; snang ldan shing rta ; lugs bzang skyes ; gza' yi rten ; rgyu skar tog ; gan rgyal bu ; gser 'phur (Moon.). skar ma rtsag tsig also skar ma khra chem chem , a twinkling star; painting on a canopy or on a ceiling in starry design; rgyu skar those constellations through which the moon passes in her revolution round the heaven; btsas skar the constellation under which one is born; gYang skar pa propitious constellation; the constellation under which one prospers or which brings fortune and good luck to one. skar ma 'tshe SANST the injury caused by a malignant star. skar ma'i dpyod SANST an examination or observation of the stars. skar mig bu "son of Star-eye or Skar-mig," the eagle. A certain hermit called Skar-mig found three eggs. These he gave to a woman in distress, saying that if she broke them after seven days they would bring her happiness. Out of impatient curiosity she broke two on the third and the sixth day. These turned into lightning and the dawn. The third she broke on the seventh day, when there sprung forth a full-fledged eagle which turning round asked what she wanted of him. In reply she wished him to kill the Lu demons; and this he accordingly did. Thenceforth the eagle came to be known as the son of Skar-mig (Moon.). skar 'dzin star-catching; making sure of a propitious constellation, e.g., for an intended journey (J‰.). skar 'od SANST the light emitted by a star; name of a kind of flower. skar yum works or treatises on the stars; skar yum gza' yum sacred works on stars and planets. skal pa SANST, SANST luck, chance, fortuneóparticularly when propitious. skal ngan SANST wretched; unlucky; unfortunate. skal can ma also called skal ldan ma 1. SANST n. of a goddess; a blessed lady. 2. = spu la 'bab pa n. of a disease in which the hairs are affected. skal ldan SANST, SANST happy; blessed; also n. of one of the 28 ancient sages mentioned in Buddhist works. skal ldan shing rta SANST n. of a king of the solar race who is said to have brought the river Ganges to Jambudvipa (India) from heaven; one of the ancestors of the Buddha Sakyamuni: phebs tshogs kyang skal ldan shing rta'i 'gros bzhin yod pa mkhyin zhu| "favour me with letters uninterruptedly like the course of the river Bhagirathi (Ganges)" (Yig. k. 17). skal ldan shing rta'i bu mo SANST, v. chu bo ga]… 3, the daughter of Bhagiratha, the river Ganges (Moon.). skal pa can SANST, SANST the fortunate: skal pa can du 'gyur SANST are very fortunate. skal pa che = dbang thang che ba SANST very fortunate, lucky; also powerful and rich. skal pa mnyam pa uniformly fortunate or always lucky; skal pa dang bcas fortunate: mi dang skal pa mnyam par skyes SANST born with fortune equal to that of a human being. skal pa bzang po SANST good fortune; skal pa ngan pa bad luck, unfortunate; tshe 'di'i 'grogs skal the matrimonial share of the present life; the connubial fate for which a person is predestined; chos kyi skal pa religious good luck; also the merit of the pious; skal che ba very lucky; skal med unfortunate. skal pa yod pa fortunate; skal pa lhag pa extra luck. skal 'phar enlarged fortune; lucky or of increased luck. skal ba = cha SANST 1. portion; share; nor bgos pa'i thob skal the apportioned share of hereditary wealth; inheritance; zas skal share or portion of food; ration; rang skal personal share: skal ba ma chad pa without being deprived of any of his portion. 2. the portion of good or bad fortune that falls to a man's lot as a consequence of his former actions; lot, fate, destiny. skal ba chad pa suppressed fortune; unhappy. skal bzang SANST 1. prosperous; of good fortune. 2. a plantóChrysanthemum coronarium. skal rin the valuation of one's share of property; the price of one's share in any concern (Jig.). skas or skas ka also called skas 'dzeg : them skas , SANST a stair; a flight of steps; skas kyi rim pa order of steps; skas 'gram the two side-pieces of a staircase or ladder (Cs.); skas 'jug pa to place a ladder; skas la 'bab pa SANST to come down a ladder; skas la SANST to limb up a ladder. skas skor khra ma the lattice, rail or fencing by the sides of stairs. skas gdang bu abbr. of skas dza gdang ring po , a flight of long steps in a ladder: an 'dren pa la skas gdang bu bdun dgos pa yod pas| to bring him (here) a seven-step ladder was necessary (A. 91). skas tshang signifies a flight of steps (Jig.). skas leb the steps of a ladder or stair; the planks of a ladder. sku SANST, SANST, SANST, resp. for lus , body. 1. sku may be prefixed to the names of parts of the body and even of anything belonging to a person, thus imparting to them the character of respectful terms. As honorific particle it can also be prefixed to nouns in general: sku lus the person or body of a great man; sku chas goods, stores or property of a man of rank; also the religious robe of a lama. sku skyes a present (given to or received from a respected personage); sku bsod virtue, happiness; sku 'bag image, statue; sku gzan the wrapper used by a lama or a great man; sku ber the cloak used by the lamas when attending a religious service; sku yol the inner lower garment of a man of rank. Even buildings (monasteries, &c.) are honoured by this respectful expression: sku dkar gsol ba to white-wash a house, &c.; rkos sku an engraved image; gos sku tapestry; a figure worked upon satin with silk; 'jim sku an image of clay; thag sku a woven image; rdo sku a stone image; ldugs sku a molten image; bri sku a painted image; 'bur sku a Basso Relievo image; blugs sku a cast image; gser sku a golden image. 2. sku or sku yi may be also used honorifically as a poss. meaning "his," "her," yours," &c. 3. It is further employed to express the reflective verb khyed-gao la sku hdeg "why are you beating yourself?" sku skal portion or share of a respected person. sku skem the lean slender body of a respectable person. sku khams a great man's person; also the state of health. sku gam ngo bcar a personal interview; to approach or come before a great man personally. sku bgegs chags disease caused by evil spirits. sku lnga rgyal po the five divine Buddhas symbolical of the five highest moral virtues inculcated in Buddhism. sku rgyu the matter or substance whereof an image is made. sku rgyud a scion, descendant, of a noble family. sku bcar personal attendant of a great man; gen. the attendant monks of the Dalai Lama (S. kar. 181); also same as sku mdun pa as in sku bcar mkhan po , the domestic priest of the Dalai Lama who is also called sku mdun mkhan po . sku bcar mo the raiment worn next to the skin (Yig.). sku chas bla chen dang dpon chen rnams kyi ad lag la the chattels and other possessions of any high class person. sku chos = chos gos robes; dress worn by great men or by lamas. sku mched brothers and sisters: rgyal po'i sras su 'khrungs pa'i sku mched dang |bla ma gcig gi slob ma yin pa'i sku mched do| "those who are born the sons of kings are 'kum-che,' and the pupils of one lama are 'kum-che' (Loo. za 2). sku mched gsum the three spiritual sons of Bromstonó(1) po to ba rin chen gsal| (2) an snga ba tshul khrims 'bar| (3) phu chung ba bzhon nu rgyal mtshan|'di gsum la 'brom ston gyi slob ma sku mched gsum zer| (Loo. za 2); these three were called the spiritual sons of Bromston. sku mnyed = lto ras or lag ras handkerchief (Yig. k. 55). sku gnyer SANST keeper of images in a temple or monastery. Syn. lha gnyer ; lha'i 'tsho ba (Moon.). sku brnyan I: a reflected image, v. sku 'dra 3 or 3gzugs brnyan 3 likeness (Moon.). II: = sku sha the health or flesh of a respectable person (Moon.). sku rten an image of Buddha or of a saint. It is a contraction of the three words: sku, gsuos, thug-rten the holy image, i.e., of a Buddha or saint; the sacred books or volumes containing religious precepts; and the chaitya (mchorten), the symbol of the resting of the thugs or heart. sku bltams = sku 'khrungs birth (of a great man). sku thog = sku ring lifetime; age; generation; sku thog snga ma = sku thog gong ma or sku thog sngon ma former generation; also ancestor or predecessor; sku thog rjes ma = sku thog 'jug ma succeeding generation; sku thog mang po many generations: bod kyi sprul sku rnam gsum ni sku thog mang po phebs zhing byin rlabs che ba yin| the three incarnate beings of Tibet (i.e., Dalai Lama, Panchen Lama and Taranath Lama) having come in many re-births are greatly blessed. sku drung pa a page; an attendant of a great man; a private secretary to a high official. sku gdung relics, remains; also lineage, descendants. sku 'dra (kunda) SANST, SANST, SANST image; statue of Buddha or any sainted persons. Syn. sku brnyan ; sku gzugs ; gzugs brnyan ; slar gzugs ; mchod bya ; nye bar 'jal ; 'dra bar bzhengs ; 'dra 'bag ; de lta ; de 'dra ; de mtshungs ; dpe ; mtshungs ; de'i gzhi 'dzin ; rab tu 'dra ; pra phab bzhin ; legs par bzhengs ; lder bzo ; slar grib ma ; slar byas mthun ; dngos po mtshungs ; 'dra ba ; lta bu ; nyer tshad ; nges snang (Moon.). sku ldem pa to be unwell, ill; ill-health. Syn. nad kyis btab ; nad phog pa ; na ba ; na tsha 'byung ba ; khams ma bde ba ; 'du ba khrugs pa ; nye bar gdung ba ; nyams ma bde ba ; bro 'tshal ba ; snyun pa (Moon.). sku na a respectable person's age. sku bub a monkey of the langur class found near Bathang. sku 'bum "a hundred thousand images," commonly pronounced Kum-bum. The name of the birth place of Tsongkhapa in Amdo, situated to the east of lake Kokonor; also the name of huge monastery built on the spot. Village and monastery both derive their names from a poplar tree, the leaves of which are said to bear miraculous impressions of a hundred thousand images of Buddha on them. Huc and W. W. Rockhill have given elaborate accounts of Kumbum monastery: aa mdo sku 'bum byams pa gling gi sku 'bum thog gi rgya phibs bzhengs (Loo. 17) he (king Mi-dwao phola Thaiji) erected the gilt dome of the monastery of Chambaling above Kum-bum in Amdo. sku snad the part of the body below the navel; sku stod snad the upper and lower parts of the body. sku tsha a brother's son; a nephew; called tsha bo in colloquial language. sku tshab a representative; deputy. sku tshe stod = sku gong ma'i dus during the time of his predecessors. sku mtshal resp. for gzugs khrag the blood (of a great man's) body. sku zhabs lit. "your honour's feet," is the correct form of the colloq. expression sku shogs , meaning your honour, your lordship, your worship. It is generally pronounced as ku-sho. sku gzan = gzan shawl wrapper worn by lamas (Yig. k. 55). sku gzugs bde = nad med pa health; also healthy. Syn. khams bde ; nyer 'tshe med ; 'byung bzhi snyoms ; bro mi mtshal (Moon.). sku yi babs dang bstun according as his health permits; according to the state of one's health. sku yi zo mdog resp. of lus kyi khams health: deng sku'i zo mdog 'dzam bu'i chu bo'i gser khams ltar bzang zhing | just now your health is good like the condition of the gold in the Dsam-bu river. sku rags = ske rags also ska rags , a sash (Yig. k. 55.). sku ring the period of a lifeóone's own or another's. sku rim resp. for rim gro , reverence, respect, and thence the common word for any set service in a temple and in general for a ceremonial act of worship, and particularly in the special sense of a solemn sacrificial ceremony. sku rim rgya khag gsung sgrog gi gtong gzhi indicates the allowance granted by the Government of Lhasa for Kurim in the different monasteries of Tibet. sku ru a water-wheel without a rim; such are the water-wheels of all the mills in the Himalaya (J‰.). sku ru kha asterisks; marks generally of the figure of a cross, + also X. The latter is common in books as an abbreviation like "ditto," to save the repeated writing at full length of the same sentence or word or expression. Some authors spell this word as gu ru kha . sku lus SANST, resp. for lus , the body. sku sha 'byor po = sha nyams rgyas shing rgyags pa corpulent; also corpulence; the original name of Hbrom Rgyal-wahi hbyuo gnas (Moon.). sku gshegs pa dying; death. sku gshen the great teacher of the Bon: 'od zer dpag zhes bdag gi pha yag gzher sku gshen 'brom du gda' "Hod-zer dpal was my father, I Sku gshen of Yag gsher am called Hbrom" (Hbrom. kha 22). sku sras brgyad the eight spiritual sons of Bon-po Sen-rab are the following:- (1) mu chos ; (2) 'ol drug thang po ; (3) gto bu bum sangs ; (4) dpyad bu khri shing ; (5) lung 'dren ; (6) brgyud 'dren ; (7) kong tsha dkar po ; (8) kong tsha 'phul bu chung . sku gsung thugs resp. for lus ngag yid body, speech, thought, which constitute the three spheres of a man's doings or sufferings; works in words and thoughts. sku gsum SANST, SANST the three personal existences of a Buddha, viz., chos kyi sku SANST spiritual existence; longs od rdzogs pa'i sku SANST celestial existence; and sprul pa'i sku SANST bodily existence; also miraculously emanated existence. sku gseng rest and gentle exercise (of a great man) when convalescent: zhabs 'bam gyis sku ltem pa'i tshul bstan skabs cung zad angs pa nye ba na sku gseng gi dus phar phebs| when gout was indicated in the form of swelling of the body and slight improvement approached, it being the time of convalescence, he went out (Ya-sel. 11). sku bsrungs or sku bsrungs pa SANST, SANST attendant; waiter; body-guard. skugs = rgyan wager; the stake in a game received by the winner. skugs su 'dzugs pa signifies ad lag gta' ma la bzhag pa that is, anything placed in pawn: skugs shor na mya ngan gyi mtsho brdol| (D.R.) if the wager is lost he will he plunged into an ocean of grief. skung ba = lkog tu spas pa to conceal in a secret place (Oag.), pf. bskungs , fut. bskung . 1. to hide in the ground; to bury; to inter: bdag gis gter dang nor bskungs rnyed| I have found hidden treasures and concealed wealth (nor). 2. SANST (A. K. 53-55) to fasten down; to tie, to tie on all sides (a corpse in a doubled up or twisted position before it is burnt). skungs sa lurking place; hiding place. skud or skud pa SANST; srad bu SANST, SANST 1. thread, yarn, wire: skud pa gcod pa to cut the thread, i.e., the tie of marriage; to divorce. gos 'tshem rgyu'i skud pa the thread to sew a dress with; ras skud cotton thread, yarn; bal skud woollen thread; gser skud gold wire; dngul skud silver wire; skud ser yellow thread; dar skud silk thread; tshon skud coloured thread; skud ro the frayed ends of a seam; skud bris mkhan an embroiderer; one that makes up a picture with threads of different colours; skud ris = 'drubs su bya ba SANST needle-work on cloth; skud pa 'khol bar spinning thread. 2. vb. pf. bskus , fut. bsku , imp. skus , to smear; to besmear; to daub: snum skud pa = snum byugs pa to be smeared with oil: sgo la rtsi skud pa to paint a door: spos kyi skud pa to anoint; to apply an ointment; skud pa bsgrims or skud pa bsgrims zin pa threads twisted together. skud pa'i 'bu = dar gyi srin bu silk-worm (Moon.). skud po = chung ma'i spun zla 1. wife's brother; brother-in-law. 2. SANST father-in-law (J‰.). 3. in Sikkim a husband's younger brother is also called skud-po. skun bu is described as smyug ma la btags pa'i snod a wicker-work basket; but a basket or vessel made of bamboo is called kong bu or zhil ma (Oag.). skub SANST very low (Lex.). skum pa pf. bskums , fut. bskum , imp. skums , to contract; also to be drawn up; to be paralysed: yan lag skum pa to draw in the limbs. skur pa SANST slander; false witness; blasphemy; abuse: skur 'debs pa same as skur pa btab pa to throw abuse, cast aspersion and to bear false witness; to speak impiously of holy things: dkon mchog gsum mi bden par lta zhing skur pa 'debs pa to blaspheme by viewing as untrue the three most precious Ones. skur ba I: or skur zhus pa to slander, mock, ridicule. II: = btang ba SANST a bestowing, giving, sending; also vb. a. to bestow, give, send; dbang bskur ba SANST to furnish with power; to empower or instal; 'phrin skur ba to send intelligence; sgro skur probably decorating one with the peacock's feather (as in China). skur ba 'debs pa to hold as not existing what exists; to belittle. skul mkhan in W. overseer (J‰.). skul rgyu to render service; to exact service: mag pa lo gsum khos rgyud min kyang skul rgyu| the son-in-law (elect), though he is not a slave by birth, must render service for three years (to the parents of the bride). skul ba pf. bskul , bskul bar bya , to excite; to exhort, admonish, enjoin: mi zhig las byed par skul ba to exhort a man to do a thing; to appoint: mi zhig las ka la bskul to| imposed some work on a person: de'i tshig gis bskul nas being induced by his words: rnam shes las dang nyon mongs kyis bskul nas| the (departed) soul urged on by its former deeds and sins: lha srin mchod skul kyang though I tried to bring round the gods and evil spirits by sacrifices: gling sogs drag tu skul shing arousing strongly (the actors) with flutes and other instruments. bskul ba and more frequently bskul ma exhortation; admonition. bskul ma 'debs also skul rgyag pa and skul cag byed pa to expostulate with, rebuke; incite. skul byed v. kNa Da kA ri . (EEE kNa Da kA ri does not appear in the dictionary though kNa Ta kA ri 3 does. However, skul byed is the name of a bodhisattva tsuq in Tibetan or means horse-whip. We think that this headword received the wrong definition when the dictionary was constructed.) skul tshig a word in the hortative or imperative mood. ske SANST, resp. mgul , neck; throat: mgrin pa gcig with one throat; unanimously: ske gcod pa = ske gtub pa and ska 'breg pa to cut one's throat; to behead: sker 'tham pa to seize by the throat; to worry (Sch.): sker dogs pa to tie round the neck (an amulet); ske 'khor necklace (Schr.); ske cha ornament for the neck; a necklace: khams mo'i ske khor byu ru the coral necklace of a woman of Khams. ske stong cavity of the throat (J‰.), defined in Med. as ol mdud kyi 'og tsam la kong kong yod pa the cavity as far down as below the larynx. ske tse or ske tshe SANST, SANST Sinapis romosa, black mustard; mustard seeds (J‰): bgegs 'dul skrangs dang ltog pa sel| it removes evil spirits and cures swellings and carbuncles (Med.). ske tshang n. of an old monastery situated in the mountains behind the monastery of Sera (Deb. ga 13). ske rags = ska rags , ska rags chung pa SANST a sash; an ornament like a sash worn round the waist. skeg SANST n. of a constellation: skeg la skyes SANST born in the constellation of Ashlera. [The man born in the constellation of Ashlera is unfortunate, inasmuch as his birth is followed by the death of himself, his mother or father.] skeg tshos paint, rouge (for the face) (Sch.). skeng lungs n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga 11). sked dkar same as ske rags dkar white sash. sked 'jigs = da dru 'joms n. of a medicinal drug (Moon.). sked pa = rked pa SANST the waist: sku skyed or sked skabs SANST, the hind parts below the waist; sked pa'i phyogs SANST waist-band. sked so the waists: sked pa'i rtsar skra ring thung sked so na mar sleb pa the length of hair reaching down even to the waist (Hbrom. kha 35). sked ma v. se 'bru 3, pomegranate (Moon.). skem nad consumption. skem pa = skam pa SANST, adj. SANST, SANST, SANST, vb. pf. bskam SANST, fut. bskam or bskam par bya , imp. skoms , pres. skem par byed pa . 1. to make dry, lean, meagre; to dry up. 2. also as adj. skam po dry; dried up; meagre. skem pa = lus nyams chung ba lean, thin body (Moon.). skem byed n. of a demon that causes drought; skem byed kyi gdon n. of a trouble (in the body of a person) caused by an evil spirit. skem byed dkar po the resin of the sal tree, which is burnt as an incense; same as spos dkar white incense gum (Sman. 447.). skem byed ma n. of a goddess. skem byed sha za = dbang phyug gi bu chung ba gzhon nu gdong drug an epithet of Kumara, the younger son of Mahadeva (Moon.). skems pa SANST, SANST, v. 'dzug pa very thin, lean. skems pa'i sbrebs pa SANST the hunger of emaciating disease. sker is sometimes written as ker . sker leb sgur pony, sheep, and yak; collectively cattle. sko sko SANST the chin. sko ba pf. bskos , fut. bsko or bsko bar bya , to select; also to appoint, nominate, commission, charge; las su sko ba to appoint a person to work: gnas khang sko ba'i dge slong bsko bar bya'o| (K. du. ga 362) should appoint a ge-long (Buddhist monk) to arrange for lodging; rgyal sar bskos pa raised to the throne; ma bskos shing without mandate; unbidden; las la bskos pa destined; appointed to the work, i.e., destined (to be a man) in consequence of his works; nged kyi las bskos appointed by my destiny; fate (J‰.). sko tse a mixture of the leaves of various kinds of leeks pounded and formed into balls and dried; when used, a small portion is broken off, fried in butter, and then added to the food. This spice forms a lucrative article of commerce and is exported from Ladak to Kashmir and from Lhasa to India (J‰.). skogs = skog pa or kog ba a hard covering; rind; bark; a shell: skogs can adj., having a cover or shell (Cs.). skong v. kong 3. skong ba SANST, pf. bskangs , fut. bskang , imp. skongs , to fulfil; also sbst. re ba skong , to fulfil a hope: kha skong ba to fill up what is open; to make up a deficiency: dge ba'i kha skong to fulfil perfectly the laws of virtue. kha skong or kha bskangs also khas skong signify an appendix; supplement: gsham du kha skong du bshad will be described in the appendix below: thugs dam bskang rdzas to do a certain ceremony fully according to your vow; srung ma'i bskang gso the ceremony to satisfy one's guardian deity by supplementing what was wanting and making amends for the same: skang mdos offering of some representation of celestial mansions, made of coloured threads, to one's guardian deities; bskang gso offering to the gods and guardian deities. skongs shig = re ba skongs shig may your hope be fulfilled. skon pa = gyon pa 1. sbst. v. rkon pa 2.3 vb. pf. and fut. bskon to dress; to clothe another person. skobs = skabs , skabs su chud pa , bya dka' ba'i skabs su chud ces pa'i don (Oag.) signifies the coming occasion of doing some difficult work. skom I: SANST, SANST thirst; resp. zhal skom , btung ba skom gyi gdung pa tormented by thirst; zas dang skom food and drink: skom du dkar dang ja gsol cig take milk (lit. "white") and tea for thirst: skom du chang gsol take wine for thirst (Kathao. 115). II: the dry land (J‰.). skom skyur sour beer; sour fermented liquor. skom dad or skom dad che thirst; mi sogs skom che ba one who is very thirsty: skom 'dod pa la skom SANST (give) drink to the thirsty; btung ba 'dod = chu 'dod wishing for drink; kha skoms mouth drying; thirsty: skom pa dag ni skom pa dang bral bar 'gyur| the thirsty will be freed from their thirst. skom nas SANST thirsty; imp. skoms shig SANST become thirsty; skom bzhin 'dug SANST thirsty. skom sha the flesh of a calf that died or was killed as soon as it was born, even before it could suck milk from its mother's teat (Sman.). skoms pa SANST thirsty. Syn. btung ba 'dod ; chu 'dod ; kha skoms (Moon.). skor 1. class, order; appertaining to; subject; circle; bodyóa term often used to signify a retinue, a set of attendants, persons of one class; mdun skor class of official staff; also court (Yig. k. 37); khyo ga'i skor class of husband; that which concerns a husband; bud med kyi skor class of women, about women; de'i skor la of that order; with respect to that; also of that subject; kham chu'i skor la on the subject of litigation; mchod cha'i skor the paraphernalia of worship; sa skor circuit, tour: bod bzhugs aam ban sa skor dmag rtsis la lha ldan nas| "the Resident Amban of Tibet (started) from Lhasa on a military tour, &c." 2. anything round, a circle; mig skor eye-ball. In W. spa skor hoop of bamboo (Schtr.); mi'i ltag skor the (circumference) of a man's head; khang ltag skor the top of a house. 3. section, division, e.g., of a book, similar to le'u chapter. 4. repetition; skor ldab pa to repeat (Schtr.). 5. religious circumambulation, v. skor ba 3. Syn. sde tshan ; rigs ; gras don (Moon.). skor mkhan one who goes round; skor pa one who turns a lathe; one who circumambulates or walks round a sacred object. skor 'go rtsis kyi skor 'go rnam pa brgyad| (Vai. kar.) classes in astrology. There are eight heads or sections according to Indian astrology; according to Tibetan astrology there are fifteen skor 'go heads of astrology, such as about kings, ministers, priests, sages, mystics, queens, &c.; also about birth, growth, maidens, old persons, illness, husbandry, houses, service, &c.; 'tshong brgyab nas khe yong ba'i skor thang | about profit in trade; snan sbyar ba sogs tshad kyi skor thang | profit from the compounding of medicines and drugs; dngul sogs bskyis 'phel gyi skor thang | interest accruing from the laying out of silver (money). skor rgyugs turning the enemy; getting into his rear (J‰.). skor thag the cord of a lathe. skor thang price or rate; also interest on anything in kind; in grain given as loan. skor thig a pair of compasses; skor dbyug a sling. skor pa or skor ra pa or skor mkhan a turner; also one who goes on his rounds. skor ba vb., pf., &c., fut. bskor , 1. to fill with; to surround, encircle, enclose, besiege; to come again and again; to revolve: khang pa'i skor ba'i grong khyer ni| (A. K.) the town that was encircled (filled) with houses: skor thang can gyi mi gsum ni the three men of those who were surrounding them: ya rtse rgyal po gYa' mas bskor| the Chief of the Ya-rtse mountains is surrounded by rugged rocks: ting rtsi rgyal po gangs kyis bskor the Ti-rtse (Tise) mountain is surrounded by glaciers: kyu ra rgyal po chab kyis bskor the Kyura Rgyalpo mountain is surrounded by water (D.R.). 2. to traverse; ride round a thing. Also metaphorically in the religious sense: chos kyi 'khor lo skor ba to preach, to propound the doctrine of Buddhism: tshogs kyi 'khor lo skor ba to make mystic offerings (i.e., the symbolical offerings representing one's accumulated merits) to the Tantrik deities, and to observe the ceremonies thereof. 3. skor ba or gYas skor SANST the reverential ceremony of circumambulation which consists in walking round a holy object with one's right side towards it. This is also called chos skor SANST Buddhist circumambulation. The Buddhist priests of Tibet perform this in contradistinction to bon skor or the ceremony of the Bon, who reverences a sacred object by walking round it keeping it to his left. The Bon ceremony is also called gYon skor , walking round a holy object keeping it to the left phyag dang skor ba byed pa , as a specification of religious duties, to make salutation and circumambulations. nang skor the inner path-way for circumambulating a holy place or shrine; phyi skor the outer passage for the above object; bar skor the middle pathway for the same; bskor byed one who goes round or makes a circle or traverse. Other usages of this verb are:- mgo skor ba or mgo skor byed pa to befool, delude, deceive a person; kha skor ba to make one alter one's sentiments; to divert one from a plan, &c. bskor in ma bskor dgu bskor signifies if all were taken into account; the circumstances or things available (A. 142). Syn. 'khor ba ; yang yang 'ong ba (Moon.). skor tsher on this occasion: skor tsher skyid pa zhig byung | on this (present) occasion prosperity arose. skor res = res mos byed pa in courses; in rotation, one coming after another and again going back. skor lam a roundabout way; the way or passage round any sacred place, temple or town for pilgrims to circumambulate it; the pathway round about a monastery used for holy processions. skor log pa a wrong turn: skor log la 'gro ba to walk round an object in the wrong way, keeping it to his left. skor shing a turner's lathe or tool. skol ba = gdu ba pf. and fut. bskol , to boil (vb., act., cf. 'khol ba 3): skol mi one who boils tea. skos pa v. sko ba 3. skya 1. crop; the produce of a year, i.e., lo tog ; skya rgyas plenteous crop: da lo skya rgyas po byung | this year the crop has been abundant: da lo skya 'pham po byung | this year the crop has been unsuccessful (lit. "a loser"). 2. a paddle; also ladle. 3. wall or partition, usually bar skya . 4. plain, without distinguishing colour, but see skya ba 3 below: skya gam a plain unpainted box: skya chos a blank book: skya zhwa a plain hat without riband. skya bag greyish colour; iron-grey colour (Jig.). skya ka = skya ga magpie; in Ld. n. of a bird (Cs.). Syn. bya khra bo ; mgron gyi 'phrin skyel bya ; mngon shes can (Moon.). skya skya pale-white; grey colour. skya rgyab pa to row; to ladle. skya chen a superior kind of plain scarf (for presentation) (S. kar. 179). skya nyil zinc. skya tha le of plain white colour. skya thud a kind of plain cheese made of pounded dried milk and butter but not with sugar. skya thud leb a kind of cheese cake made of dried milk and butter. skya thum a kind of cake or biscuit made without sugar or treacle. skya thom me ba glaring white: skya thom me ba gcig rgyun du yong at all times one of (EEE The rest of this entry is missing in the original paper version.) skya nar SANST, SANST 1. n. of a flower, Bignonia graveolens. 2. brown; buff. skya nar khra bo also skya snar bkra bo SANST, n. of a flower; skya snang bkra chen SANST another species of Bignonia graveolens. skya nar gyi bu SANST n. of a city in ancient India, Pataliputra, now supposed to be Patna. skya nar ldan ma SANST, also SANST n. of a river in Ancient India; acc. to Bhavabhuti's description the river flowed by SANST or modern Narwar in Malwa SANST (SANST). This latter name of the river occurs in Bhavabhuti's Malatimadhava, written early in the 8th century. skya ba I: 1. vb. pf. bskyas , fut. bskya , to carry; convey to a place (a quantity of stones, wood, water, &c.). 2. = 'pho ba to change place. II: also skya bo SANST, SANST grey or whitish grey; pale-white; mi skya a secular personage; one clothed in no particular colour; a layman, from the grey colour of the coarse serge which is generally worn by the lay people of Tibet: skya ba'i dus when (he was still) a layman, i.e., had not entered the sacred order (A. 126): skya ba'i dus nas (A. 126) from the time I was a layman; sngo skya light blue. ljang skya light green; dmar skya light red; ser skya SANST tawny; light yellow; lto skya rice; barley without anything to eat it with; insipid miserable food; skya ba nyid whiteness; faintness; ser skya'i grong SANST the city of Kapila; ser skya'i gzhi the residence of Kapila; ser skya'i gnas SANST the hermitage of Kapila. skya ba 'dzin = mnyan pa or gru gtong mkhan a rower (Moon.). skya bo = dkar ser spres pa'i kha mdog pale whitish yellow. skya bo i vulgar people; the common worldly men. skya ma hard and rough soil for cultivation: sa la thag ma skya ma gnyis las (Jig.) as to soil, two kinds, the alluvial or soft and the hard or gravelly. skya ma na kha n. of a vast grassy plain or common belonging to the Government of Lhasa in ‹ (Central Tibet). skya rtsa dry grass. skya rtse a layman at the top (of a row): gdong gral gYon du skya rtse thob pa yin| the front left hand row of seats should have a layman heading it (Jig.). skya ris outline, sketch, drawing of the outlines of a picture, which is generally done with charcoal in Tibet: de nas skya ris 'di lta bu dgos then outlines of this kind are necessary (A. 108.). skya reng also called skya mda' SANST, n. of the lake from which (the Yang-tse kiang) the River of the Golden Sands takes its rise. skya rengs nu bo SANST the several stages or divisions of the dawn which are:- skya rengs dmar SANST the copper-red dawn; skya rengs dkar SANST the white dawn (the earth); skya rengs ser , SANST the golden or yellow dawn; skya rengs dang po shar ba SANST the first appearance of the dawn; skya rengs bar ma shar ba SANST the appearance of the middle or the yellow dawn; skya rengs tha ma SANST the last (stage of the) dawn. skya lan also sku po in C. morning; twilight; dawn. skya leb = skya mjug a rudder. skya seng n. of a tree (J‰.); translation of the name Pandu. skya seng gi bu SANST the sons of Pandu; skya seng gi bu lnga'i rgan pa rna can gyi ming the names of Karna, the eldest of the Pandavaósa yi rna ba SANST, aang ga'i rgyal po SANST, rAa Zra skyes SANST, 'joms byed bu , nyi ma dga' SANST, rna ba can SANST gYul ngor brtan pa'i ming the names of Yu-dhirthiraóSANST, chos rgyal skyes SANST, mi Z dka' thub can , chos kyi bu SANST, ma skye dgra SANST, kun gyi rna can , rjes skyes : 'jigs sde'i ming the names of Bhima-senaóSANST; klu yi stobs ldan , tshogs las skyes , dpa' bo dul , rlung gi bu SANST, sbrang rtsi 'joms : srid sgrub kyi ming the names of SANST Arjunaóbu ram skra , stobs bzang dbang , 'dab bu che , snying po med , rnam par rgyal byed , brgya byin dga' , bzhon pa dkar po , bre ta Mo , dga' ba'i dbang gyur : tha chung lhar bcas kyi ming the names of Asvinikumaras Sahadevaóskyes rgu skyes , lhan cig skyes , rigs med SANST; lhar bcas SANST skya seng gi bu lnga'i chung ma'i ming the names of the wife of the five PandavaóSANST; rnam mo lnga len SANST, SANST; ri skyes ma , ma skyo bo , skyid ma , bsod nams ma , grags ldan ma , mchod in ma , rig byed skyes , rtag tu lang tsho ldan ma . skya ser white and yellow, i.e., the laity and the clergy, the latter being distinguished from the former by their yellow dress. skya sloms occurs in the passage yongs rtsis rtsi sloms skya sloms tshon rtsi med pa'i smyug ma'i slo (Rtsii.). skya lham leather boots put on by laymen. skyag pa I: same as spang skyag 1. human excrement; also any kind of ordure. 2. bad man, the dreg or scum of society; mig skyag secretion from the eyes; skyag pa gtong ba to ease nature. Syn. dri chen ; brun (tun); mi gtsang ma (Moon.). II: 1. = rkyag pa 3. 2. pf. bskyogs , fut. bskyag , imp. skyog to spend, lay out, expend: skyag sgo expenditure or items of expenditure: skyag tho list or account of expenses. 3. in W. skyog tang ce to slaughter, to murder (J‰.). skyag po SANST n. of a place in Tibet: skyag po 'dam ra the marshy plain of skyag po . skyang SANST; dmar skyang lta bu reddish brown. skyang nul + = rnyong or byug pa SANST plaster; also pavement; clay-four; mud-flour; skyang nul byed pa = zhal ba byed pa to pave; to plaster; according to Sch. to rub, polish. skyangs ashamed; in shame: skyangs gyur cing being ashamed (A. K.). skyabs SANST protection, defence; help, assistance: gnas skabs kyi skyabs protection for the place and for the occasion: mthar thug gtan gyi skyabs permanent and everlasting protection which according to the Buddhists can only be obtained from taking refuge in the three holies:- (1) Buddha who is the teacher is called skyabs ston pa or the Refuge Master; (2) Dharma or the sacred doctrine called skyabs dngos , the real protection; (3) Saogha, the priesthood called skyabs sgrub pa'i grogs , the friend for gaining protection. Refuge in these three completely liberates one from the miseries of the world and secures the state of omniscience for the devotee: skyabs gsum du 'gro ba'i tshig gsum the three formula or expressions for seeking refuge in the three holies: (1) rkang gnyis kyi mchog sangs rgyas la skyabs su mchi'o| "I come for refuge to Buddha who is the chief of the two-footed"; (2) 'dod chags dang bral ba'i mchog chos la skyabs su mchi| "I come for refuge to Dharma which separates from desires"; (3) tshogs kyi mchog dge 'dun la skyabs su mchi'o| "I come for refuge to the priesthood, the chief of all assemblies." skyabs mgon helper; protector; deliverer. The Kyap-gon is the popular term for the Dalai Lama in Lhasa and for the Panchen Lama in Shigatse and throughout Tsang. It is also applied to other incarnate lamas by courtesy. skyabs mgon spug original or real protector; a complementary title of the Dalai Lama: skyabs mgon spug gi bka' rgya'i dgongs don bzhin according to the spirit of the letter of command of the Protector. skyabs mgon rtsi shod lit. the Protector (residing on the) top (of Potala and the court) below: skyabs mgon rtse shod la lo phyag sngon ma nang bzhin lo ltar zhar phyag med pa 'bul| "offer, without fail annually, as before, the new year's homage to the Grand Lama and his Court." skyabs sgron SANST both protector and enlightener. skyabs bcol rgya bod bla dpon rnams rang re'i rgyal thog rim can gyi 'go dpon skyabs bcol zhu gnas yin pa dgongs mngags bzhin| skyabs bcol sa the place of refuge: skyabs bcol sa dkon mchog gsum las med| except the three precious ones there is no place of refuge. skyabs 'jug = mgo 'dren a blessing; favour; taken under protection: yid snon bzhin 'grub pa'i skyabs 'jug| blessing attained in accordance with one's mental prayer (Yig. k. 25). skyabs 'jug zhu ba to ask benediction from the higher class of incarnate lamas for protection against disease, evil spirits, and other enemies, and also for a safe journey to heaven without falling into hell, &c. skyabs gnas the place of refuge, shelter; also of persons, helper. skyabs gnas rgya chen = mchod gnas the great object of worship or adoration (Moon.). skyabs pa = bskyabs SANST protection; saved (Zam.). skyabs bya the person who seeks refuge. skyabs byed = bsrung ba SANST protection, defence (Moon.). skyabs byed pa to protect, help, save. skyabs 'os SANST worthy of protection; also skyabs gsum SANST the three protectors, i.e., Buddha, Dharma and Saogha. skyabs su 'gro ba or skyabs 'gro ba SANST to seek refuge; a going unto or repairing to for protection. SANST or SANST has been defined in the Bodhicharyavatara as follows:- SANST "I take refuge in the three gems." In the same work SANST has been substituted for it and it is found in the list of seven-fold highest modes of worship. skyabs sems skyabs su 'gro ba'i sems bskyed| the idea of seeking refuge. skyam phu a place in Tibet (Deb. 45). skyar gog naked (in the dialect of Purang). skyar bcag to bring into recollection, to bring back into memory anything that has been forgotten. skyar po snipe; wood-cock (Sch.). skyar ba = skyor ba , yang yang SANST again and again. Syn. skyar ba'i tshig ; skyor tshig zlos tshig ; gnyis gsum zlos pa ; zlos gtam (Moon.). skyar rbab (Cs.) SANST a kind of dropsy; a greyish rheumatic swelling. skyar mo a kind of water fowl; according to Sch. a heron. The flesh of this fowl is antidote for a poison administered in Mongolia mixed with horse flesh (Sman gshuo). chu skyar duck (Cs., Sch.); bittern, but the SANST of the Lex. is a kind of goose. skyar leb the sheldrake. skyal SANST swimming. skyal kha SANST leaping; a boat. skyal gyis sgrol SANST crossing over by swimming. skyal chen = nya pa fish; a fisherman (Moon.). skyas a changing of abode or residence; skyas chen po death: skyas chen po ni 'degs the great change of place that uplifts, i.e., death; skyas 'degs pa to change one's dwelling place; (cf. skya ba 3) skyas chen 'degs pa to die; vb. pf. bskyas , fut. bskya or bskya bar bya , to transfer, and hence to depart this life. skyas ma 1. v. skyes ma 3. 2. fern (in Sikkim). skyi 1. interest on loan; skyi nor wealth accrued from interest, i.e., money-lending; according to some borrowed wealth. 2. the outward side of a skin or hide (Cs.). skyi dkar = ko ba rtsi kha dkar po the white fatty side of a skin (Oag.): skyi dkar gyi pags pa acc. to Cs., dressed leather; tanned leather, sometimes hide: skyi dkar gyi pags shog parchment. skyi khung a place in Tibet (Deb. ga 34). skyi mkhar lha khang n. of a monastery in Tsang (Deb. ga 12). skyi sgam a box, chest or trunk lined outside with dressed hide. skyi bstums anything packed or tied round with dressed hide; a skin or hide to pack with: dkrong rtse skyi bstums ma . skyi nag or skyi skyi na ga n. of a pasture land in province Tsang. skyi lpags chamois wash-leather (Sch.). skyi ba I: a medicinal plant (Med.); acc. to J‰. potato. II: vb. pf. bskyis , fut. bskyi , imp. skyis , to borrow, especially money or goods (cf. gYar ba 3 and 3skyin pa 3). skyi bung cloud: de la kong rtse 'phrul gyi rgyal po yang skyi bung gyis song nas| thereupon the phantom King Kong-tse departed with the clouds (D.R.). skyi bun prob. an itching of the skin (J‰.). skyi gYa' = 'jigs pa fear; dread (Moon.): skyi gYa' ba to shiver, tremble with fear (Cs.); to be struck with panic. skyi sha outward and inward side of a hide (J‰.); according to Sch. the anus. skyig pa or skyigs pa also skyigs bu vulgo. i khug SANST, SANST hicough; yex; also a sob: gYer ma za ba sogs kyis kha nas gYigs byed pa| "coughing by those who eat the berry (gyer-ma)" (Oag.); skyigs bu brtseg par to keep on sobbing. skying khab in Hindi Kiokab, embroidery inlaid with gold and silk manufactured both in India and China. skying ser eagle; vulture (J‰.). skyings occurs in the passage 'gar bas yang skyings bzhin log ge snang (D.R.). skyid grong n. of a well-known town in Southern Tib., near sources of the Ganduk on Nepal border, commonly called Kirong: skyid grong gi ro bod bal 'bar la sgom du byon pa las| having come to meditate on the mountains of Kirong between Tibet and Nepal (Mil.). skyid glu song of joy; a merry song. skyid mgo beginning of happiness. skyid chu "the river of happiness." n. of northern tributary of the great Yeru Tsangpo or Brahmaputra River, on which tributary Lhasa in situated. skyid ches comfortable: nged rnams skyid ches pa we have been comfortable (A. 129). skyid thabs comforts; mode of comfortable living: bu de bde thabs skyid thabs 'jam thabs kho na la the son only sought for opportunities of happiness and comfort. skyid dar a silk scarf presented to the bride at the time of marriage as a token of prosperity. skyid lde nyi ma mgon n. of a King of Tibet: skyid lde nyi ma mgon 'di mnga' ris su phebs rgyal srid bzung | this Kyi-de —ima-gon came into Ngari and seized the kingdom (Loo.). skyid sdug good and ill-luck, happiness and misery; one's general circumstances: skyid sdug ci byung kyang whatever circumstances may happen: skyid sdug bsre ba pleasure and pain intermingled. skyid pa or skyid po sbst. SANST, SANST, SANST happiness; adj. SANST happy: skyid po 'dod na gcig por sdad if you wish to be happy, live alone, i.e., be a celibate (Lo. 27). skyid zing nge = skyid stong nge always happy; uninterrupted happiness: skyid zing zing byed pa to be continuously happy. skyid shod the district including the tracts in the lower valley of the river Kyi; the central district of dbus or ‹, the province of which Lhasa is the chief city. skyid lhan signifies skyid po la 'gro bar to be prosperous; happy (Lo.). skyin the Tibetan ibex, Capra sakeen: khye'u chung skyin gyi ral ka can gser gyi ral gri thogs pa gcig (D.R.) a little boy who had the horns of an ibex holding a golden sword. In Ladak the female ibex is differentiated as ldan mo . skyin gor + or skyin mgo a lizard (Lex.); also called gangs spal snow-frog. skyin thang = ser ba hail and sleet (Sch.). skyin pa 1. sbst. a loan; money borrowed irrespective of interest; nor bskyis pa'i skyin pa loan producing interest; nga la 'di skyin du 'tshal grant me this as a loan; skyin pa sprod pa or skyin pa 'jal ba to pay back or return a loan; nor skyin a loan of money or goods; gos skyin a loan of clothes; skyin pa len pa to take on credit. 2. vb. pf. bskyin to borrow. skyin po chiefly colloq. resp. kar skyin a loan; a thing borrowed; money advanced without interest (J‰.). skyin mi acc. to Schr. a debtor. skyin tshab a debt; any thing paid as equivalent of thing taken on loan. In C. signifies same as tshab , the pledge for loan. skyibs a place giving shelter (either in rock, under a tree, roof or cavern): brag gug gug gi lkog kyog na bya rnams bsdad pas brag des skyibs zhes pa skyabs pa'i don|de la bya skyibs zer because birds dwell in the hollow of an over hanging rock, such rock known as skyibs is termed "bird-shelter" for the reason that it affords protection (Oag.) : brag skyibs a sheltering place under an overhanging rock or a projecting roof: bka' skyibs a covered terrace or small portico before a house: char skyib shelter from rain. skyim dressed leather painted red or in other colours, japanned or varnished leather. skyil krung (kil-tun) the posture of sitting cross-legged serenely without moving the limbs; skyil krung byed pa SANST to take a particular kind of posture practised by ascetics in meditation; skyil mo krung gi 'dug pa or bzhugs pa to sit in a cross-legged posture; sems dpa'i skyil krung the mental concentration, or the posture of sitting perfectly still, of a Bodhisattva: rdo rje skyil krung SANST the posture of sitting perfectly still without moving the body; the unchangeable posture of sitting cross-legged; rdzogs pa'i skyil krung the posture of perfection, i.e., of a Buddha. skyil ba pf. bskyil pa or bskyil to , fut. bskyil bar bya or bskyil 1. to pen up, shut up; to dam up a river; chu skyil ba to bank up water; chu rdzing du skyil ba to collect water in a pond; chu rdzing bur skyil ba to collect water for a pond. When the water collects itself into a pool or tank it is called chu 'khyil ba : zag med bdud rtsi'i btung ba mtsho ltar bskyil the exhaustless drink of ambrosia stands collected like a sea. [2. to bend, esp. the legs when sitting on the ground after Oriental fashion; also to bend in another's leg by a kick from behind; to bend the bow (J‰.)]. skyil mo krung = 'dug stangs posture of sitting; it is same as rdo rje skyil krung (Moon.). skyu gang 1. acc. to Sch. a gulp; draught. 2. dough made of flour with tea: skyu gang gi rtsam pa'i spags za ba'i dus spags kyis kong kong skyogs 'dra ba bzos nas mar khu gcus byed kyi ming | (Oag.) at the time of eating pap of barley flour the dough becomes formed like a hollow bowl and the name of the rounded buttery lump is kyu-gang: lam du ja skol spags za dus mar khu btab ste|skyu gang bzos te on a journey when eating barley flour mixed with butter and boiled tea the dough so made (Lo.). skyu ra sgang one of the six districts of khams designated under the name of sgang drug . The six Sgao are the following:- (1) skyu ra sgang , (2) rab sgang , (3) spo 'bor sgang , (4) dmar khams sgang , (5) tsha sgang la (6) zal mo sgang . skyu ru I: a kind of medicinal fruit called skyer shun . II: in Sikk. and skyur mo in Lhasa, signify a sour liquid or vinegar (J‰.). skyu ru ra 1. n. of a sour fruit said to cure the diseases of phlegm, bile and blood. 2. J‰. in his Dict. says: "In later times the word seems to have been used also for the olive, and skyu-ru shin, the olive tree, which in Sikkim is called kha skyur-pohi shio." Syn. rgyal 'bras ; zhi byed ; bcud lnga pa ; lang tsho brtan byed ; na tshod gnas ; dpal ldan ; bcud gnas ; ma ma (Moon.). skyu rum = tshod ma'i ming (Oag.) 1. n. of a kind of table vegetable. 2. condiment; sauce; pickle (Cs.). According to others, at least in W., only the resp. word for spags : (J‰.) skyu rum sbyor ba to prepare sauce, &c.; sha yi skyu rum sauce made of vinegar for meat; tshod ma'i skyu rum sauce made of vegetable or pot-herbs. skyug pa pf. skyugs 1. SANST to vomit, eject, e.g., blood; skyugs tu 'jug pa to cause to vomit; skyug pa dren pa to excite vomiting; ngan skyugs vomit (it is the food of certain demons, and being boiled in it is one of the punishments of hell) (J‰.). 2. to loss colour; to stain. skyug nyes pa SANST that cannot be taken or eaten. skyug ldad rumination; chewing the cud; acc. to Sch. eructation: skyu ldad byed pa SANST to chew the cud as cattle. skyug bro ba or skyug log = zhe mer ba nausea (Moon.); also what is repulsive to taste or sight or smell; causing nausea; skyug bro ba'i nad the disease of nausea; skyug bro bas from disgust (to eat anything); skyug bro in C. shameful; impure with regard to religion (J‰.). skyug snan = skyug byed an emetic; a medicine causing to vomit. skyug log pa (Sch.) to feel disgust, v. skyug bro ba 3. skyugs po = gsal ba 1. clear. 2. n. of a bird the bill of which is of coral colour. Syn. byu ru'i mchu can ; yul ngan 'bod ; grang reg pho nya (Moon.). skyung ba pf. bskyungs pa , fut. bskyung , imp. skyungs , to diminish or reduce; bskum pa or also 'bri ba , nyung du btang ba ; skyungs reduced; subdued: bskyungs nga rgyal bskyungs nas stan la 'dug pa na (A. 10) "he was seated on his cushion after his pride was subdued." Acc. to J‰. in C. skyuo-wa, to leave behind; to lay aside, e.g., a task. skyud pa + to forget, resp. thugs brjed shor ba forgetfulness; acc. to J‰. to leave off: bskyud pa (Zam. 10). Acc. to Sch. to communicate; to swallow. skyur ba 1: vb. pf. and fut. bskyur to throw, to cast; to leave off; rgyab tu skyur SANST to cast behind; ring tu skyur ba to throw at a distance: lhung bzed nam mkha' la bskyur nas having flung his mendicant's platter towards the sky; chu la skyur ba to throw into the water. skyur also implies btang to mix; throw; pour out; to throw away; throw down a stone, a corpse, &c.: bdag chang 'thung rgyu skyur bzhag pa yin I have left off drinking beer. lud pa skyur ba to eject a phlegm; to throw off a rider; to give up, abandon a work; to forsake a friend; to abort (A. 155.). II: SANST, SANST adj. sour, acid; more frequently skyur po also skyur mo . Also sbst. sourness. skyur pa SANST bleached; bleaching: zla ba lta bu like the moon bleached, or white like the moon. skyur po SANST acid; sour. skyur khu 1. a sour soup; sour juice. 2. rang skyur vinegar (in Sikkim "skyur-ru," in Lahoul "skyur-mo"). skyur gong also skyur dad , same as skyur ngon . skyur signifies "thrown" and gong over; hence one over-powered by wine; a drunkard: skyur gong che ba la bud med la dga' ba one who is overpowered by wine delights in women: mi skyur gong can la chags sgo yod| a tipsy man is contemptible: mi nag chang gi smyo na skyur 'gong 'char if a layman is intoxicated with beer, drunken noisiness arises (Rdsa. 11). skyur ngom or skyur dad = chang mang po 'thung dgos necessity (by habit) to drink; passion for drinking. skyur can powerful; spirited. skyur 'jug pa to leaven to turn sour; to take a sour taste; kha skyur po or kha sha skyur po olive (J‰.). skyur tum SANST a condiment; sauce; tshor ba'i ming a sour vegetable curry. skyur byed gsum = 'bras bu gsum the three sour medicinal fruits; also called kun dang mthun pa'i skyur byed gsum "the three myrobalan which agree with all" and are:- (1) aa ru , (2) ba ru , (3) skyu ru (Sman. 447). skyur ma abortion; in W. chu skyur , gYang skyur , capital punishment in Tibet, when the deliquent, with a weight fastened to his neck, is thrown from a rock into a river (J‰.). skyur mo leaf of the Ela plant; Elettaria cardamomum, v. e la'i 'dab 3 (Moon.). skyur rtsi = shing ka ped tha a kind of lemon (Moon.). skyur rtsi chung SANST the smeller species of orange. skyur rtsi chen po SANST n. of a kind of lemon. Syn. so rtsi ; legs 'dzin ; rab gnas me tog ; snying rje ; gso dga' byed ; rnam par mdzes (Moon.). skyur shing = rag chung shing n. of a plant (Moon.). skyus acc. to Sch. skyus thog pa altogether: skyus su klog pa to pronounce jointly, viz., two consonants without a vowel between them (J‰.). skye v. skyed 3, and 3skye ba 3. skye dgu = skye bo kun SANST all beings. This word is sometimes written as skye rgu . dgu "nine," in the word skye dgu signifies many: skye dgu ma rung ba or skye dgu ma rung ba'i bsam pa can wicked and vicious animals or sensate beings (K. du. ga 453). skye dgu'i bdag po = skar ma snar ma SANST 1. n. of the fourth constellation (Moon.). 2. tshangs pa the god Brahma of the Hindus (Moon.). skya dgu'i bdag mo SANST the step-mother and first governess of Buddha; also a name of the goddess Paldan Lhamo. skye 'gro = 'gro ba SANST beings or moving beings; also skye bo human being (Moon.). skye 'gro yongs kyi mdog gsal = sbrang rtsi honey (Sman. 73). skye rgas contraction of skye ba dang rga bas , by birth and old age, i.e., death. skye sgo 1. entrance to rebirth, viz., to one of the six regions of birth: skye sgo gcod pa to prevent birth, to lock it up. 2. face: skye sgo legs pa a handsome face; skye sgo zhan pa an ugly face; also kha sgo skye 'bras legs pa is said for having a handsome exterior. skye ngan SANST lit. "a bad man," but also a dwarf. skye mched I: = dbang po SANST the sources and places of origin of the senses. Of these are four:- (1) nam mkha' mtha' yas skye mched SANST a world as infinite as the sky; (2) rnam shes mtha' yas skye mched SANST a world as formless as consciousness; (3) ci yang med pa'i skye mched SANST a world as unlimited as void; (4) 'du shes med 'du shes med ming skye mched SANST a world where there is neither consciousness nor unconsciousness. II: the inner and outward organs of sense. skye mched mu bzhi is said to mean 'jig rten khams kyi ming , n. of the world. skye 'chi med pa without birth or death; eternal. skye gnas 1. birth-place; station or locality of a plant; also = mo dbang SANST the female generative organ. 2. SANST the state or sphere of birth or rebirth; byol song gi skye ba the being born as an animal; skye ba bzhi or skye gnas bzhi the four states or ways of being born. skye gnas mtshungs pa = ming sring brother and sister (Moon.). skye ba pf. skyes to be born: nga la bu skyes pa yin I have given birth to a son, or to me a son has been born. mngal skyes or mngal nas skye ba SANST viviparous; born of the womb. sgong skye or sgo nga las skye ba SANST born out of an egg or oviparous; drod gsher skyes SANST moisture-sprung; born out of heat and humidity; rdzus skyes SANST apparitional; born in a supernatural way like the gods who, it is said, spring out from lotus flowers; also the inhabitants of the infernal regions; souls in that state of existence between death and rebirth which is called bar do ; pho skyes a male; a man; also one who has done a manly work; mo skyes a woman; female: skye rga na 'chi ba'i sdug bsngal the evils of birthóold age, sickness and death. II: SANST 1. the being born; the birth; also re-birth; skye ba mtho ba high birth; of high birth; nobleman; male; skye ba dma' ba or skye dma' or skye dman of low birth; ignoble; also a woman: mi lus thob kyang skye ba dman born a human being, it is true, but only a female. skyes dman , in colloquial kyer-men, a vulgar word for wife or woman: oe "skyer-men" my woman or wife: mir skye ba bzhen pa to take or assume rebirth, existence, life. III: 1. to become; to begin to exist; to arise: nad kun mi skye skyes pa'ang 'chi ba'i phyir utne morbus ullus nascatur, natus qouque sedetur (J‰.). khe'u khros pa'i sems skyes te the youthóthoughts of wrath arising (in him). 2. to grow (nasci): lung pa 'bru skye ba valleys where corn grows: ru mgo la skye a horn is growing on the head. 3. = 'phel ba SANST, SANST, SANST growing up, or grow up; thriving. 4. to grow (crescere); cher or chen por skye ba to grow up; to grow tall: ras kyang lus kyi tshad du skyes so| the garment also grew to the measure in proportion to the growth of the body, i.e., rtul phod par skyes so| he grew up a valiant man; become a valiant man; to bud, germinate, sprout; in W. to accelerate the germinating of the seed by maceration. IV: 1. v. skye gnas 3 in a concrete sense the reborn individual: yum gyi skye ba yin she is the rebirth of the mother. 2. the arising, etc. 3. the growing, etc. skye ba rgyal = skyes ba a person. skye ba rgyun gcod to stop the continuance of birthóto interrupt it. Syn. brag spras ; gab ming (Mio.). skye ba lnga pa = dung dkar gYas 'khyil SANST a conch shell with its coil reverting to the right instead of to the left (Moon.). skye ba snga SANST former birth; anterior birth; skye ba snga ma'i re kha the lines or marks in the hand or head which are supposed to represent the symbols of one's acts in a former life. skye ba mthun pa is defined as rigs rus gcig par skye ba'am nyin gcig skye ba "the being born of one and the same lineage or the being born on one day." skye ba dang 'jig pa birth and death, or passing away; frequently of thoughts, passions, &c. (the person as well as the thing in the accusative). skye ba dran pa SANST remembrance of a former birth. skye ba bdun seven periods of life. skye ba 'di la in this my present period of life. skye ldan = sems can animated beings (Moon.). skye ldum a plantain (in Zayul) (Snd. Hbk.). skye ba spel = 'khrig pa to copulate. Syn. dga' mgur od ; chags od ; 'dod log od ; dbang po gnyis sbyor ; log gYem ; gsang od ; mi tshangs od (Moon.). skye ba phyi ma = tshe phyi ma future birth or existence. skye ba phra mo = 'bu phra mo an animalculÊ; also a small grain (Moon.). skye ba gzhan SANST a future or previous birth. skye ba rig pa inherited intelligence: khams thams cad 'byung ba lngar shes pas skye pa rig pa that all the elements from which we spring are known to be five is hereditary knowledge. skye ba'i cha can = khyi a dog. Syn. rdo rje mjug ma ; seng ge'i rigs ; grong gi gcan gzan (Moon.). skye ba'i lam ster = ma mother (Moon.). skyes bas mtho = skyes pa of high birth; man. skye bas 'thob SANST or SANST inheritance; heritage. skye bo 1. a general name for all living creatures: mi la sogs pa skye bo man and other living beings. 2. people; mankind; 'phrul bcas skye bo infatuated men; skye bo mkhas pa gzhan rnams other intellectual people; skye bo mang po'i yid du 'ong ba beloved by many; mi nag skye bo laymen (on account of the dimness of their religious knowledge); so so skye bo SANST the lower clergy, common monks, but also simple laymen if they are not quite without religious knowledge; not of saintly origin; not an incarnate Lama; skye bo thams cad la phan yon| SANST useful to all; of public utilitysha Syn. skye 'gro . skye bo bkres pa hungry person: gling der gnas pa'i skye bo bkres pa the people residing in that country (or continent) are (always) hungry (K. d. za 143). skye bo ngan pa SANST a charlatan; a knave: skye bo ngan dang 'grogs pa yis|skye bo dam pa rlag par byed| by friendship with a bad man a holy man is spoiled (Can.). skye bo dam pa SANST a good or holy man; an incarnate being. skye bo gnas pa SANST a place of habitation. skye bo phal po che'i phan pa SANST of good or use to the general public. skye bo tshan po che a large number of men; a crowd; tshan po implying a large number. skye bo gso thig n. of a treatise on ethics by Nagarjuna (Tan d. go 176). skye bo'i gtam SANST, SANST popular talk; rumour. skye bo'i tshogs SANST assembly; a crowd. skye bo'i tshogs can = snad 'tshong ma'i gtso mo queen of the harlots (Moon.). skye bos bskur ma v. snad 'tshong ma'i gtso mo 3 (Moon.). skye bos dben pa a solitary man. skye med btsan sa zin pa attained to an exalted state of existence from which there is no rebirth. skye rmongs = skyes bu rmongs pa a stupid man; one who is sunk in pleasures or sordid acts. skye tshe SANST mustard; skye tshe'i 'bru SANST mustard grain. skye zla the month or the particular phase of the moon in which one is born (Ya-sel. 11). skye rags v. ske rags 3 for girdle. The term in Mil. book, skye-rags-kyi ras hdi, seems an inversion of the intended order of the words. skye shing = sdong rkang spod a tree with a huge trunk. skye ser gyi rlung the cold north wind called skye-ser-rluo in Mil.: byang skye ser gyi rlung po ma rgyab na|lho ru tsan dan gyi nags mi 'gul| if the north wind does not blow, the sandal trees in the south do not move. skye srid sa bon = pha father (Moon.). skyeg = keg or kag misfortune. skyegs 1. n. of a bird; chu skyegs coot; water-hen (Sch.); ri skyegs a large singing bird (Cs.); also according to Sch. grouse; heath cock. 2. rgya skyegs shell-lac (J‰.). skyeng ba or skyengs pa SANST to be ashamed; shame; bashfulness: kha skyeng ba or zhal skyeng ba to be unable to reply out of shame. skyeng ser rlung v. skye ser gyi rlung 3. skyengs pa med SANST; = ngo tsha med shameless (Moon.). skyed and skye 1. growth; progress; increase: tshe skyed longevity or increase of life: lus skyed growth of the body: dbang thang skyed growth of wealth and power: stobs skyed increase of strength: nus pa skyed increase of efficacy or ability: skyed che bar 'gyur ba to grow much: gzhan gyi zla skyed pas de'i zhag skyed che his daily growth was greater than the growth of others in a month (J‰.): ur ba'i chu yis zhing skyed 'dra just as the water of the irrigation canals makes growth in the fields; skyed gyis 'tsho ba to nurse up; skyed yong shall make progress. 2. interest; profit; gain: dngul skyed profit in silver or money; 'bru skyed interest of corn loan; skyed du gtang ba to lay out or to give on interest (Cs.): nad la skyed med (this) is of no use for that disease (J‰.). skyed sgo not improbably rgyal sgo , principal door (J‰.). skyed can I: yielding interest or profit (Cs.). II: v. tsan dan sbrul gyi snying po 3 the sandal-wood called 'snake's heart' (Moon.). skyed cig yar skyed cig let it grow up, thrive. skyed pa I: vb. pf. bskyed , act. to skye ba , to procreate, generate, and, sometimes, to bring forth; give birth to: sha khrag lus 'di bskyed pa'i pha dang ma the parents who generated this body of blood and flesh: sangs rgyas thams cad bskyed pa'i yab dang yum the father and mother who have begotten all the Buddhas: skyed byed tree. II: 1. to produce, form, cause; and metaph. to generate (opposite to med par byed pa to destroy, annihilate); e.g., diseases, fear, roots of virtue, merit: bsod nams kyi tshogs sa bon the accumulation of merits or the seed or germ of virtue. Fig. 'bras bu retribution: spro ba bskyed pas|de'i pha ma yang spro ba cung zad skyes nas| joy having arisen (in him), is parents also were caused a little joy: thams cad gyis btson 'grus bskyed do they all created zeal; took great pains: ces bsam pa bskyed nas thus were thoughts generated (J‰.). 2. skyed pa or skyed po SANST, SANST father. skyed 'phel yod pas med la bu lon skyed 'phel thong (the rich one) who has should give loan on interest to one who has not (Kathao. ka 115). skyed byed applies to father or earth; also to a tree; skyed byed pa blowing: ji srid rlung ni skyed byed pa SANST as the wind blows (A. K. 2-7). skyed ma = skyed byed ma SANST mother; also SANST shadow; shade. skyed tshal SANST, SANST, SANST the so-called Tibetan park; artificial grove; also skyed mos tshal . skyed rim SANST the kind of Tantrik meditation in which one has to imagine himself to be a god with a view ultimately to be changed into a god: rdzogs rim SANST, in which according to the Tantrik process one has to pass through five stages of development before attaining the Bodhisattva rank. (EEE skyed rim is a mistaken spelling of bskyed rim 3 q.v.) skyen SANST Thorn. skyen pa = mgyogs pa (Oag.) 1. quick, swift: khro la skyen pa or sdang skyen pa swift to wrath: byed skyen pa . 2. rash, hasty, precipitate. 3. nimble; dexterous: 'phong skyen pa dexterous in shooting; a skilful archer. skyen la colloq. C. "upwards" (Snd. Hbk. 94). skyem pa resp. to be thirsty; skyems 1. thirst. 2. drink, beverage, especially beer; also zhal skyems or zhal skoms ; skyems 'dren pa to offer or set before an honoured person something to drink; skyems bzhes pa to accept of it; to take it; skyems la gsol ras byed pa to be permitted to drink beer in company; gshegs skyems a carousal on the departure of an honoured person; drink offerings to a lama on his departure (Mil. kha 12a); gser skyems an offering of beer or wine to the gods for the good success of an enterprize, a journey, etc., also for recovery from illness: gser skyems pa "the offerer of golden drink"; a Tantrik priest who offers the drink to the gods; among the religious dancers of Tibet the priest who offers wine to the gods for invocation is called Gser-skyems-pa. skyem byed ma SANST the goddess Isvari. skyem shog a kind of superior paper manufactured in the town of skyems in the district of Dwags-po; this paper is of large size, generally measuring two feet by six feet in size. skyems n. of a place in ags stod Upper Dbags-po. skyems chang beer; skyems chu drinkable water; drinking water. skyems stong rdzong the fort of Skyems-stoo; skyems sprags lung the place where the finest Daphne paper called skyems-shog is manufactured. skyems tshug cup; dish (Sch.): skyems sing small beer-cup (J‰.). skyems bzang pleasant beverage, such as good wine or savoury tea. skyems gsol resp. beverage drink: maq ra ba'i glu ya rabs skyems gsol| (the lady) Mandarava sang and offered drink to the superior (personages). skyer skya = tshos kha'i mdog ser skya reddish brown (Oag.). skyer skyer solitary; perfectly solitary: skyer skyer mi dang 'gul 'gul khyi lonely without men; where not even a dog stirs about. skyer kha a kind of dye; colour; SANST, SANST yellow dye; a light yellow colour. skyer chu n. of a river of spa gro (Pa-ro) in Bhutan. skyer pa the barbery; applied to the plant and its wood from which a yellow dye is extracted; the flower of this plant is said to be cure for diarrhúa, its fruit draws out bilious matters and its yellow bark is useful in dropsy, etc,: skyer khaº a confection of skyer pa useful in eye diseases. Syn. khu ba ser po ; dus skyes , shing ser , shi la dru (Moon.). skyer dman = skyes dman a woman. The former is a corruption of the latter and, sounded kyermen, is one of the most familiar terms in the colloquial for "wife" or "woman." skyer shing SANST, SANST n. of a tree, Flacourtia cataphracta. skyel gyur SANST removal of articles, furniture, etc. (to another place): skyel che ba SANST, SANST frequent removal or changing. skyel thung to accompany or to escort one from the place of starting to a distance on the way: lha btsun pas thag ring por skyel thung mdzad nas Lah tshun-pa having accompanied the party to a long distance (A. 129); skyel thung byed pa or gshegs skyel byed pa to accompany one to a short distance (generally with some wine for his refreshment). skyel dar , acc. to Lex. also in colloq., presentation scarf of the departing person to those that had accompanied him for a short distance. skyel ba I: pf. and fut. bskyal , imp. skyol 1. to carry, take away: shi ba'i ro skyel ba to take away the body of the dead (Cs.): shing ma skyal cig do not bring wood: skyal shog bring! skyal song take away! 2. to send, e.g., clothes, to somebody. 3. to risk, to stake (one's life rang srog ). 4. to use, to employ: ba glang las byed pa la skyal use an ox for work; las byed pa la mi tshe skyal to devote one's whole life to work; las byed pa la mi tshe skyal to devote one's whole life to work. le lo nang na in idleness; gtor ma glud skyel ba to cast away as a ransom in the torma sacrifice; kha skyel ba to kiss (J‰.); gnod pa skyel ba to do harm; to hurt; inflict an injury; to play one a trick; mna' skyel ba to swear; take an oath; blo skyel ba to rely; depend upon: repose confidence. II: pf. and fut. bskyel , imp. skyol 1. to conduct; accompany; resp. gdan skyel ba ; skyal la shog; conduct him hither; bsu bskyal going to meet and to accompany; gshegs skyel byed pa resp. to accompany an honoured person on departing; to see him off. skyel ma SANST an escort; convoy: skyel mar yod he is a guide (to me): skyel ma zhu grant us safe conduct. dmag dang bcas pa'i skyel ma a military escort; skyel rogs byed pa to escort or accompany one to a place. skyel mi an escort: lha sa nas skyel mi dgos rigs sngar rgyun ltar mi dpon nas gtong ba bcas bgyis| should arrange for the escort (skyel-mi) of those formerly entitled to that privilege from Lhasa. skyes I: 1. v. ska 3. 2. v. 3skyed 3. 3. 3skye ba 3. II: also skyas ma or skyos ma , khyos ma resp. gnang skyes SANST, SANST, SANST a present; news, tidings; 'byon skyes = phebs skyes a present given to or received from somebody on his arrival or going away; skyes chang a present of beer: skyes chen a present sent with a letter, etc. (Oag.); skyes khur present of cakes; skyes lan a present made in return (Cs.). III: SANST, SANST, SANST birth or growth; growing or grown; rang skyes self-grown; zhing skyes born in a grove; lhan skyes SANST or SANST born together; pho skyes male; mo skyes ; female; sngags skyes of enchanted growth; born out of charms: zhing skyes lhan cig skyes dang sngags skyes kyi mkha' 'gro'i tshogs kyis bu la ma bzhin du brtse bar dgongs nas dngos grub kun stsol zhing bgegs kun nye bar zhi ba'i bka' drin mdzod| as the assemblage of khadoma fairies, who have been born in groves and born simultaneously and are of magic birth, are meditating lovingly as a mother towards a son, may the grace be granted of all manner of perfect knowledge being bestowed and of all demons being speedily soothed! skyes sgra can = ra goat (Moon.). skyes nges SANST certain of being born or reborn. skyes chen a present with or as an enclosure to a letter, explained in Oag. as yig rten lta bu nor bskur ba that which is sent as a support to a letter. skyes chen sgrub gnas a hermitage of holy persons. skyes chen dam pa a holy incarnate person: bsod nams rgya mtsho sogs skyes chen dam pa brgya phrag mang po la gus 'dud dang dad 'bul rgya cher mdzad do| "Sˆ-nam Gya-tso and others made salutations and offerings in full form to many hundred holy incarnate ones" (Loo. 'a 14). skyes mchog SANST or SANST an incarnate personage; a Mahatma: skyes mchog bzhi|rgya nag gi bla ma mkhas pa chen po bzhi yi mtshan the names of four great learned lamas of China, the four incarnate ones:- (1) ha phu shi , (2) wen wang , (3) ci'i kyung (4) khung tse (confucius) (Grub. tha 7). skyes ldan = mi i SANST mankind (Moon.). skyes sdong skyes la sdong in Sikkim the banana, plantain; from Hindi ke-la and sdoo, a plant: la is dropt in conversation, hence ke-la and sdoo are abbreviated into "ke-doo." In the districts of Upper Tib. and W. ke-doo signifies a layman. skyes nag = mi skya nag in C. widower (J‰.). skye nag stands for skyes bu nag po (lit. black person) a layman = mi-nag: mi nag gi grong skad in the country dialect of the lay people. skyes pa I: 1. man; male person. 2. = lo tog SANST the year-crop; produce. 3. shar ba SANST adult; full grown. Ex. of 1. skyes pa dang bud med men and women; rgyal po gcig po skyes pa yin| man; the king alone is a man (J‰.); skyes pa 'dra ba'i bud med| SANST a woman resembling a man, i.e., possessing masculine appearance and virtues. Syn. skyes bu pho ; skyes pa rgyal ; skyes bas mtho ; khu ba'i bdag nyid ; skyong byed ; 'zan pho ; lnga skyes ; mi pho ; ling ga can (Moon.). II: pf. of skye ba = 'phel ba also SANST, SANST growth or grown up. III: = 'khrungs pa born. skyes pa dar ma full: manhood. skyes pa 'brus phyung pa according to some: an eunuch, one who is made so artificially. Syn. 'og med ; dbang po nyams pa ; khyim khol ; btsun mo'i khol po ; bud med dga' bral ; ral gu can ; 'khrig mi nus ; 'bras dbyung ba ; nyug rum pa ; bcos pa'i ma ning (Moon.). skyes pa'i rgyu skar * SANST (Schf.) the particular star or constellation under which one is born. skyes spor the measure used by creditors in receiving back the loan of grain, etc.: lhas spor dang lhas srang gsum bzhi skyes spor che "a large kye-phor contains 3 or 4 ounces in measure or weight." skyes ba rgyal = skyes pa or mi pho a man or male person (Moon.). skyes phan = na chung SANST a damsel, maiden. skyes bu SANST man, esp. a holy man; person; skyes bu gang whosoever; human (Med.); one: skyes bu lag pa brkyang ba tsam gyis as quick as one stretches out his hand (J‰.); skyes bu dam ba SANST a saint; dad ldan skyes bu the believing; the faithful. According to some Tibetan grammarians skyes bu applies both to men and women: skyes bu gang zag dad pa can|gang zhig lha rnams mchod byed pa|ston pa'i bka' bzhin byed pa ste|de ni sangs rgyas rnams kyis bsngags| (K. du. kha 96) that human being who is faithful, and who worships the gods (saints) and acts according to the commands of the Teacher is praised by the Buddhas. skyes bu skyes mchog SANST the chief among men. skyes bu khya mchog SANST the leader of men. skyes bu can rta dang bcas pa'i skyes bu a horseman; one on horseback. Syn. rta pa ; rta la gzhon pa (Moon.). skyes bu mchog SANST a superior person; lama; also khyab 'jug Virnu: skyes bu chen po SANST a great man or saint; an epithet of Buddha. skyes bu mtho = klu shing n. of a tree supposed to grow in the land of the Naga (Moon.). skyes bu nag po same as ming can nag po n. of a kind of flower (Sman. 447). skyes bu pho = skyes pa man or male person. skyes bu 'bring = skyes bu bar ma or skyes bu dbus ma SANST the second person; personal pronoun in grammar. skyes bu'i 'khrugs pa SANST pride, self-respect. skyes bu'i ngos SANST, SANST manliness; manly self-respect or confidence. skyes ma 1. fem. of skyes-pa, a female; she that has been born. 2. mna' ma a bride. 3. skyes ma fern in Sikkim. skyes ma thag as soon as born; newly born. skyes ma thag pa a new-born infant. Syn. btsas ma thag pa ; zho 'thung ba ; gzhib 'thung ; 'jib 'thung ; 'khyud 'thung ; 'o ma'i mgrin pa can (Moon.). skyes dman in the vulg. language a woman; = chung ma or bud med (Moon.). skyes rdzongs cultivation; a farm. skyes gzugs SANST gold; birth; form or born-shape; stature; figure (gold). skyes rabs SANST a series of alleged births of an individual, or legendary history of these, and especially accounts of the different births of Buddha. skyes so cog ancestors: skyes tshad thams cad ; snga rabs kyi pha dang mes po yang mes la sogs pa|skyes so cog kyang rim par shi ste|da lta ni ming gi lhag tsam du gyur father, grandfather, great-grandfather, &c., ancestors of the former generations having successively died, now nothing remainpha but their names. skyo or skyo ba , SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST grief; sorrow; grieving; mourning. skyo 'gyed weariness dispersed: bde ba can dag skyo 'gyed pas|khyod gsung kun dang 'tsham par 'jug| the inhabitants of the land of bliss relieved of weariness accept all your precepts (Lam-rim.). skyo nges = sems skyo ba to repent; repentance (Moon.). skyo ngogs quarrel; 'khrug long (Lex.), esp. sngar gyi rtsod pa slar yang slong ba reviving of old feuds and dissensions. skyo ba 1. sngar gyi rtsod sa old quarrels and feuds. 2. repentance; sorrow: sems skyo ba bskyed la ri khrod 'grim| he wanders on mountain ranges to induce repentance (Lo.). skyo bran servant; slave: mi ser skyo ba dang tshe gang gi gYog po a slave for life. skyo ma I: 1. quarrel; litigation. 2. thin gruel, gruel of rice and tea, thin paste of wheat oatmeal: skyo ma bzhes pa'i rgya mtsho nub ba lang od kyi gling 'das nas yod| the ocean called Skyoma-wa lies beyond the continent of Godaniya (K. d. ra 234). II: v. khrim pa 1. one convicted. 2. SANST, SANST penitence; smaller transgression: skyo ma snga btsan sngon rtsod pa byung ba'i dus su khrims kyis bcad pa one who was once convicted before on the occasion of a former dispute. (EEE In II. above "khrim pa " is a spelling error and even assuming that the spelling should be khrims pa , the definitions given seem incorrect, a khrims pa being someone who ensures that the law is followed (e.g., a monitor, disciplinarian, etc. See under khrims 3.) skyo ma can adj. slanderous (Cs.); skyo ma byed pa a slandering (Cs.). skyo med = mtho ris kyi gnas the heaven, where there is no penitence. Syn. dal 'dzin gnas bzang ; bde 'gro ; bde ldan ; mtho ris rgyal srid ; skabs gsum gnas ; steng gi 'jig rten ; glub pa'i gnas ; 'chi med ; nam mkha'i khyim ; sum rtsen ; lha yi grong ; lha yi 'jig rten ; lha yi yul , SANST a semi-divine being possessed of supernatural powers (Moon.). skyo med khyab dbang phyug gi gzhu'i ming n. of Virnu's bow (Moon.). skyo tshag a light broth made of barley-flour with the addition of a little butter (A. 155): tho rangs kyi dus su skyo tshag bser ma (rlung )mi skye sa early in the morning (i.e., at dawn) by taking barley gruel, wind is not engendered (A. 155). skyo ras tsho tshogs n. of a kind of chintz (S. kar. 179). skyo rogs a consoler; one who consoles a person during grief: bu mo'i skyo rogs aa mas mi phan the mother cannot be the consoler of her daughter's grief, i.e., one cannot be of service to another in certain cases of sorrow. skyo shas to be sad; sorrowful: rang la nges 'byung dang skyo shas sad sud skyes he felt (slight) repentance and sorrow. skyo sangs to console in his grief or sorrow or repentance. skyo sangs nyid freedom from fatigue. skyo sangs gnas a pleasure garden. skyog nag iron spoon or scoop skyogs 1. a spoon or ladle; also shovel. Wooden spoons for wine measure used in Tibet are called skyogs . There are three kinds of spoons used in Tibet for measuring liquids, salt, &c.óthose which are mounted with copper are the largest; those lined with silver are of middle size; those of the smallest size are tipped with gold and called gser-skyogs, golden spoons. me skyogs coal shovel; tshwa snum phog 'jal ba'i zangs skyogs the copper spoon with which to measure the allowance in salt and oil for servants, etc.; zhu skyogs melting spoon or crucible. 2. drinking cup; bowl; goblet; gser skyogs , dngul skyogs etc., gold cup, silver cup, and wooden cup are now called gzar bu ; zhal skyogs lip-cup; resp. eating or drinking-cup; srab skyogs the rein of a bridle; also name of tribe in Tibet (Vai. kar.). skyogs lto 'bu a snail in W. (J‰.). skyogs pa I: 1. to turn: mgrin pa skyogs pa to turn the neck, i.e., look round, back; also to turn away, aside. 2. one who uses or manufactures the coal-shovel or stone scoop, etc. II: skyon 'dogs pa ; SANST to find fault with. (EEE I. and II. constitute separate entries in the original; they are combined here to permit the proper functioning of the headword lookup feature.) skyogs med SANST not curved; without any curvature or crookedness. skyong ldan ma n. of a goddess; she who protects. skyong ba SANST, SANST, SANST, pf. bskyongs , fut. bskyang , imp. bskyongs or bskyongs shig , to guard; to keep; to defend; to save; preserve (the life, the body); to support; to take care of (poor people): drin bzang pos skyong ba to support by benefits, favours: thabs dam kyis skyong ba to protect by various means; to attend to: thugs dam gyi skyong ba to protect by the moral force of meditation: lag len gyi by exercise: rgyal srid skyong ba ; to rule; govern a kingdom: chos bzhin tu bskyong ba to protect by justice or justly: chos skyong SANST protector, defender of religion, is used for a certain individual deity or for a class or exorcists in some of the monasteries of Tibet. Under this head there are certain powerful deities who have taken on themselves the duty of defending Buddhism against its enemies. When coerced they can even make their appearance in the person of the invoker. The gnas chung chos skyong living near Lhasa is a deity of this class who is generally consulted both by the State and the people of Tibet as an oracle: 'jig rten skyong guardian of the world. There are four of these, identical with the rgyal chen bzhi the four great spirit kings:- SANST (yul 'khor skyong ) Yul-hkhor skyoo) the protector of the country or kingdom; SANST ('phags skyes bu ); SANST ( an mi bzang ); SANST (rnam thos sras ). skyong dal assistance (in the colloquial of W.); skyong dal byed pa to help; skyong ma , same as brtan ma , the Goddess of the Earth; rgyal srid skyong SANST a defender of the realm; same as 'bangs skyong SANST a defender or protector of the subject or of people: skyong byed SANST one who supports or protects. skyong byed ma v. kun du ru 3 (Moon.). skyod pa pf. and fut. bskyod SANST, SANST, SANST; gYo ba or 'gul ba to move (trans. vb.); also to go, pass on: rlung gis yal ga skyod na if the wind moves the branches. mi skyod pa or mi gYo ba SANST the unmoved; he whose mind is not agitated; n. of the second Dhyani Buddha. In W. skyod-pa is the general respectful term for: to go; to walk. bskyod 'dod is same as 'gro 'dod desirous to go or about to go: nang du skyod step in (if you please); tread firmly! bskyod skabs la at the time of going or coming. skyod byed = gru skya oar (Moon.). skyon nyes pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST also rnyog pa 1. a fault, defect: skyon gang yang med it has no fault whatever. The two words skyon and nyes pa are sometimes used together as nyes skyon , but defects in inanimate things as expressed by the word skyon and never by the words nyes or nyes skyon ; slight defects in honoured persons are expressed by the words dge skyon , which also signifies faults or sins in holy persons, that is, skyon (fault) in dge or dge 'dun (clergy): skyon ci yod 'khrul pa la what harm in there in erring? mi skyon no harm, skyon med no harm, no matter; skyon yon gang yang min he is without any imperfection or perfection; skyon du mthong ba to consider as a loss, also to find fault with. 2. bodily defect, fault, as lameness, derangement, disorder in the mixture of the humours. 3. spiritual defect, sin, vicious quality; rdzun du smra ba'i skyon the sin of lying; skyon gyis ma gos not defiled by sin: lar skyon che but that is very bad (of you). skyon byed pa to commit a fault; skyon spang ba to leave off a fault or quit it; mi la skyon 'bebs pa 'dogs pa to charge one with a crime; to criminate; gzhan gyi skyon gleng brjod pa to name the faults of others, to speak ill of them; to slander; to blame, criticise; skyon spang kha zhe med pa to do any work with application and at the same time without any fault or mischief to any body; skyon mi mngon pa = skyon ha ma go ba not perceive a fault or defect. skyon skye SANST conducive of sin; sin-producing. skyon ngag SANST thorny; mischievous. skyon can = skyon dang bcas pa or skyon ldan SANST, SANST, SANST faulty, defective, incorrect, sinful; guilty. skyon bco brgyad the eighteen defects are the following:- (1) mi sdug pa ugliness; (2) mgo skra ngan pa bad or bristling hair; (3) dpral ba chung ba small or narrow forehead; (4) mgo ser skya brown hair; (5) mig ser ba yellow eyes; (6) snin mtshams ma 'byar ba the eye-brows disjoined; (7) sna leb pa flat nose; (8) so lto ba bottle-teeth; (9) dig pa stammering; (10) mig zlum pa round eyes; (11) mig chung ba small eyes; (12) sgur ba crooked or bent body; (13) lto bo che ba large or pot-belly; (14) dpung pa rje ngar thung ba small shoulders; (15) spu can hairy body; (16) lag pa dang rkang pa mi mnyam pa the arms and legs with the feet not proportionate; (17) tshigs spom pa large or swollen joints; (18) kha lus la dri mi zhim pa yod pa bad fútid smell coming out of the body and the mouth. skyon brjod pa = snad pa'i tshig to slander or speak ill of others; also slander (Moon.). skyon du 'grang ba SANST to reckon as or into sin or defect. skyon nas smra ba SANST to ascribe a fault. skyon gnad med pa without the least fault or blemish. skyon pa pf. bskyon , to put astride upon a thing (causative form of zhon pa ); mi zhig rta la skyon pa to cause a man to mount; to ride on horseback; to fix something on a stick; mi zhig gsal shing la skyon pa to impale a man (J‰.): bor bur skyon te having caused him to ride a donkey (Pag. 61). skyon med rtog SANST free from disease; thinking or taking as faultless. skyon med gnas SANST, SANST remaining, living, or dwelling, in a state of innocence or faultlessness: skyon med par bzhugs pa SANST residing without fault. skyon tshig slander; also scandal. skyon 'dzin skyon blo yis 'dzin pa to find fault with. skyon shes = mkhas pa a learned man; a critic. Syn. kun rig ; kun shes ; kun kyis bkur ba (Moon.). skyon shes pa = snan pa SANST a physician (Moon.). skyon sel ba to remove a sin; amend or correct a fault. skyob pa SANST, SANST, SANST, pf. bskyabs , fut. bskyab , imp. skyobs or skyobs shig , to protect; to defend, preserve, save; frequently 'jigs pa la skyob pa to protect from fear or danger or destruction: bskyabs pa the protecting power; the preserving cause: gang zhig gang la skyabs 'tshol ba de la|skyabs sbyin pa de ni skyob pa 'am skyob pa po| he that gives protection to another is called skyob pa: skyobs sbyin pa the giver of refuge or shelter. skyob ston = skyob pa po or skyobs pa SANST a protector. skyobs help, assistance; seldom for skyabs ; skyobs ma , and srog skyobs in colloq., preservation of life; escape; also he that saves another's life; a helper (J‰.); imp. of skyob pa : 'jigs pa thams cad las skyobs shig| protect from all the dangers. skyobs byed SANST, SANST, SANST one who protects; a name of Balabhadra. skyom pa pf. bskyoms , fut. bskyom , imp. skyoms to pour; to pour out, agitate, stir up; according to Lex. to give; defined as chu snod chu skyogs kyis blangs te zangs nang du blugs pa lta bu taking from water-pots and water-bowls and pouring into kettles (Oag.). Seldom used in colloquial language; chu skyom pa to stir the water; snod skyom pa to shake a vessel. skyor I: same as khyor , the hollow of the hand filled: chu skyor a handful of water (J‰.). II: 'khyog pa'am gnyer ba bent, contracted or crooked: shangs skyor = (his) nose was bent (A. 106). (EEE I. and II. constitute separate entries in the original; they are combined here to permit the proper functioning of the headword lookup feature.) skyor skyor + again and again; repeatedly. skyor ba vb. pf. and fut. bskyar 1. to hold up, to prop; to paste. 2. to repeat; to recite by heart: bskyar te btang it was repeatedly sent: tshig skyor ba to repeat a word, like the reciting of the Mani, i.e., oM ma Ni paVe hUMa : mi rgas pa dang nad pa dang chang gis bzi pa gzhan gyis skyor bas 'gro ba an old, sick, or drunken person walks being supported by another: gnad po 'gyel 'gro ba la skyor ba to prop a thing that is falling or tumbling down: chu skyor ba the pouring of water with some force as if through a pipe or the mouth of a kettle; the sprinkling of water from a pot or vessel or a scoop; rgyab skyor to back; to help morally or religiously or otherwise one who is in difficulty, engaged in war or litigation, &c.: 3. enclosure; fence (J‰.). skyor sbyangs repetition from memory: blo la zin te skyor sbyangs mdzad having retained in his mind, he repeated it. skyor tshig v. skyar ba 3 (Moon.). skyor mo lung n. of a village with a monastery situated to the west of Lhasa containing estate of the zhabs pad sres chung pa . skyol ba sometimes for skyel ba . skyos pa + = nyams pa wasted; spoiled; degenerated. skyos ma v. skyes 3, 3skyos ma 3 a present made to a friend or an acquaintance at the time of his going to a distant place, or removal to some place of residence. skra resp. dbu skra the hair of the head: skra dang kha spu the hair of the head and the beard: skra bsgril ba plaited hair or curled hair: skra nyag gcig a single tuft of hair: skra ni 'jam rtsub spom phra snyoms ser mdangs can snum longs od che (he whose) hair is neither soft nor rough nor thick nor fine but uniform and smooth, and yellowish and glossy, becomes wealthy and prosperous (Mtshan.). skra do ker the hair dressed and plaited together on the crown of the head; skra do ker can SANST one with long flowing locks; skra gyen du 'greng ba lta bu whose hairs stand upwards as bristles; skra grol SANST with loose or carelessly worn hair; skra sgra sgri can SANST a skein of silk or cotton attached to the flowing locks of Tibetan women; skra ba glang gi spu 'dra ba hair like that of a bull; skra zhags = bud med kyi skra locks of hair of women; skra zheng thin hair (Schtr.); skra bzhad pa to comb hair; bskra gzhar ba the shaving of one's hair; skra gzer SANST a barber; also napkin; skra'i bkod pa SANST well braided hair; also a braid or fillet of hair. Syn. skra tshogs ; slar skye ; byed ba can ; mgo skyes ; mgo spu ; i bo skyes ; gtsug phud ; ral pa ; thor tshugs ; me tog can ; 'khyil ba ; mgo nyal ; do ker ; ral pa'i gdengs ; zur phud ; thor cog ; dbu lo ; lcang lo (Moon.). skra mkhan = skra 'dreg mkhan a barber (Moon.). skra can SANST, SANST the mane (as of a lion); hairy. skra can gnas SANST lady's bed-chamber. skra can ma a kind of hairy worm; also = bud med woman (Moon.). skra can gsod SANST a name of Hari, who killed the demon Keshi. skra gnyis pa = du ba mjug ring or mjug phod can a comet (Moon.). skra mdud hair knot; acc. to J‰. the bow of ribands at the end of the long plaits of hair of the women in Ladak. skra 'dres ma lha'i gzugs tshong ma a celestial courtezan (Moon.). skra gnas SANST n. of a species of sensitive plant. skra 'bal ba = skra rkog pa or skra tog pa SANST (shaving the head clean); to pull out the hair: la la ni nyam thag pa'i nga ro 'don la la ni skra 'bal some sent forth cries of anguish, some pulled out the hair of their head (Hbrom. 113). skra med mgo "a head without hair"; dzAa ti SANST nutmeg; also Jarminum grandiflorum (Sman. 404.). skra tsal false hair; a peruke. skra tsa SANST clotted hair. skra tshogs v. skra 3 (Moon.). skra mtshams SANST the arrangement of the hair. skra zings + = nga rgyal che ba vanity, pride; adj. vain, very proud. skra bzang a secret or mystic word (Mio. 4). skra bzang ma = gnod sbyin mo'i gtso mo n. of a Yakra goddess (Moon.). skra'i khyon nam gyis pa'i lam SANST hair parting. skra'i rgyal po SANST a grove; a garden; n. of a vegetable. skra'i byi dor v. skra sad (Moon.). (EEE skra sad as given does not make sense and also does not appear elsewhere in the dictionary. We think that the meaning "groom the hair thoroughly is meant by this head-word" and that skra shad 3, "to brush the hair, to come the hair" would be an appropriate cognate meaning.) skra'i rtse mo'i mtha' or she chas SANST the hair-end. skra li ba or skra'i rnam gyur SANST curly hair; to dress the hair. skra lo = bud med kyi skra woman's hair (Moon.). skra shad SANST hair separator; a comb. Syn. so mang ; skra'i byi dor hair cleaner (Moon.). skrag skrag = khrag po or sra ba hard. skrag pa to be terrified, frightened, afraid of something. This word is nearly always combined with 'jigs pa as in 'jigs skrag pa , to be panic-struck. skrag byed ma = nyi ma'i btsun mo the wife of the sun (Moon.). skrang ba SANST, SANST pf. skrangs to swell; skrang song it is swollen: glo bur mtshon dang rdo dang dbyug pa sogs phog nas skrangs swollen from being suddenly struck with a stick or a stone or a sword. skrang 'bur an abscess not yet open (Sch.); skrangs 'bur 'joms , v. ba spru shing n. of a medicinal tree which removes tumours or abscess (Moon.). skrangs kyi ang ki snan thar nu n. of a medicine (Sman. 126). skrangs po a swelling; tumour (Sch.). skran lhen skran 1. SANST tumour or any fleshy excrescence in the abdomen; a concretion under the skin or in the bowels, womb, &c. (Cs.); a swelling of the glands (Sch.). skran nad is described as a consequence of suppressed wind (J‰.); rdo skran , bad skran two sorts of steatite. skrab pa to beat the ground with one's feet; to stamp, tread; to dance; also bro skrab pa : kha sang gi bro skrab pa yag po byung yesterday's dancing was excellent. skras ka I: a ladder, v. skas ka 3. II: ladder, which generally consists of the notched trunk of a tree (J‰.); rkyang skras a single ladder, i.e., a ladder with one pole; rdo skras (do-te) a flight of stone steps; rgya skras a regular staircase, as in European houses; gru skras probably a flight of steps at the corner of a building. (EEE I. and II. constitute separate entries in the original; they are combined here to permit the proper functioning of the headword lookup feature.) skri ba + to conduct; to send (Cs.): skri zhig = thog zhig let him send: nged bod na de la skri bar byed zhus pas I asked to send him to Tibet (A. 101). skru ba + pf. bskrus , fut. bskru to wait (Sch.); to cut; zas la skru to cut meat; skru , shing skrus pa to cut wood or a tree: bskru ba , rgyun du dga' ba'i skru ba yis always being smitten by pleasures (Pag. 1-35). skrud pa + = gzhan la thabs kyis 'brod pa to make another run away by devices. skrun pa = skyed pa to produce; bskrun pa , bskyed pa SANST, SANST, SANST grown up: bskrun bya'i lo tog growing crop. skrum meat; applied to the food of the respected; generally gsol skrum is used in colloquial language. skrog to beat (the drum). Da ma ru 'khrol ba'i don signifies the beating of a skull-drum (Oag.). skrog pa to churn; stir (with a rod): 'o ma skrog pa to churn milk (Oag.). skrod pa SANST, SANST to expel, drive out, eject: gnas nas skrod to expel from a place: phyir skrod to drive out: 'gegs skrod to eject an evil spirit. bska ba = gar ba , SANST astringent; also thick. bskang mdos a slight frame work made of sticks and coloured threads as an offering to the gods in cases of sickness: lho yi phyogs su bskang mdos dang bsrung 'khor bzhag| place Rskao-mdos and amulets on the south side (Jig.). bskang rdzas a sacrificial ceremony (Schl. 360). bskang gso yi dam mkha' 'gro chos skyong rnams la bskang gso rgyas pa to make copious religious services to the tutelar deities, angels, and the guardian spirits of the ten quarters (Shil. 9). bskangs 1. kha bskang SANST full to the brim. 2. thugs dam bskangs , nyams pa gsos pa fill to the brim (Situ. 74). bskam "bskam bya'i dngos po " (Situ. 77). bskams past. dried, burnt: bskal mes mtsho bskams by the fire (at the end of the age) the lakes dried up (Oag. 9). bskal pa SANST a fabulous period of time; the various ages of the world, each of which has been presided over by its own human Buddha respectively: bskal pa chen po the great Kalpa; bar bskal the intervening or middle Kalpa; bskal bzang po SANST the happy or glorious period in which the Buddhas appear; bskal pa ngan pa the evil Kalpa, in which no Buddhas appear (J‰.). bskal pa bzang = bsod nams SANST virtuous; also virtue (Moon.). bskal pa shes = rtsis pa an accountant (Moon.). bskal me = bskal pa'i me the fire which will destroy the world at the end of the present Kalpa (Oag. 9). bskal bzang chos zhig mtshan n. of a religious work. bsku = byug pa , fut. bskus SANST rubbed (Oag. 9). bskungs = mi mthong bar spas pa concealed; hidden (Oag. 10.). bskum pf. of skum . bskum mkhyid the distance or measure between the thumb and the top of the forefinger drawn in; about one-half of the measure of a span: zheng sor gang yod pa rgyug mtho brgyad dang bskum mkhyid gang | (Rtsii.) its breadth was one finger (i.e., one inch), and length eight spans and one bskum-mkhyid. bskum khru about a cubit measure with the fingers drawn in a fist. bskum 'dom a measure of distance by stretching apart the two arms (with "fisted hands"); a little less than a fathom's measure. bskur sbst. sending, granting; dbang bskur to bless; to grant benediction; 'phrin bskur (Oag. 9). bskul v. skul ba 3, bskul brda' signal to call one to his business; signal to call workmen to their respective duties. bskul gzhung gzhung gi las ka bskul mkhan one who gets Government works executed: bskul gzhung rnam gnyis dang tshul mi 'dra ba . bskus pf. of bsku SANST anointed; stained or poisoned (Oag. 9). bskon pf. gos bskon to to be dressed (Situ. 64). bskor surrounded: 'khor gyis bskor surrounded by followers, admirers and attendants. bskos pf. rgyal por bskos (Situ. 74). bskyang du med = dpag tu med numberless; immeasurable (Zam. 10). bskyangs SANST protected; cherished; nursed. bskyabs SANST protected; srog bskyabs protected, saved life (Situ. 74). bskyams + = bskams : snod mi bskyams the vessel has not dried. chu bskyams water dried up (Situ. 74). bskyar = slar yang or yang yang again; again and again (Zam. 10). bskyar bzo repairing; mending of. bskyur cast out; exhiled; driven away. bskyur du bcug pa to cause any one to cast or fling anything away. bskyed 'dod SANST growth or growing; wish to grow. bskyed pa SANST, SANST, SANST 1. a production, generation, formation. 2. SANST, SANST. sems bskyed pa SANST to form one's mind; to have a conception of; also technically means purification of the heart as in SANST. bskyed pa bgyi 'o SANST to have a conception of. bskyed rim SANST the gradual development of ideas; powers of an occult nature. (EEE See also skyed rim 3 which is the incorrect spelling but which is the headword containing the principal definition.) bskyod nas = spos nas . bskyod pa SANST, SANST, SANST moved, agitated; ma bskyod pa SANST unagitated. bskyod pa yang ma SANST moving again and again, at paroxysm. bskyod med pa grangs SANST n. of an immensely great number. bskrad and phyir bkrad = phyir bton turn out, expel (Situ. 74): bgegs bskrad turn out a ghost or devil. bskrus pf. of skru ba , zas bskrus food cut up (Situ. 9). bskrun = bskyed 1. mang du btang ba to multiply. 2. par du bkod pa to print, set up in print (Oag. 9.): dge ba bskrun pa , lo tog bskrun pa . kha I: the second letter of the Tibetan alphabet, being the aspirate of ka. In sound it resembles SANST, the second consonant of the Sanskrit alphabet. 1. On registers it indicates the second, or number two. It is attached, often optionally, as an additional syllable to many words, especially in the colloquial: dgong kha the price; cha kha a thing. 2. It implies khag a part: kha gnyis su = khag gnyis su into two parts (divisions): kha gang one part. The sixth part of a tao-ka (Tib. coin) is called kha. 3. Origin, source, &c.: gser kha = gser gyi 'byung khungs the source of gold, gold-mine: tshwa kha salt-pit: tswa kha pasture-land, a place where pastures abound. 4. Time: nyi 'char kha ru dus gdab (Situ. 21) calculate time from the moment of sunrise; 'gro khar at the time of going; at the time when he was ready to start: mo 'chi khar chos la 'dun pa she at the time of dying became religious, &c. (Pag. 27): byon khar when he came; at the moment of arrival: yong kha at the time of coming; sa dang po thob kha ma = sa dang po thob ma thag as soon as he attained to the first stage, i.e., one moment before the attainment: yun ring gi kha nas = yun ring gi sgo nas by little and little; gradually (J‰.); re ba'i khar in the hope of; thabs kyi kha na just on the opportunity; "in the nick of time." II: 1. the front side: SANST face, mouth; also the surface or upper side. kha is the ordinary word for "mouth," while gdong is the commoner term for "face." Again, to express the surface as well as the front of any inanimate thing, kha is the usual form: brag kha la gangs rgya'o| icicles on the face of the cliff; skyil krung mdzad nas chu khar byon (Pag. 117) sitting in a cross-legged posture he moved on the surface of the water; 'o thug kha la 'od zer gyi ri mo mthong saw reflection of rays on the surface of milk-broth (Pag. 113). 2. SANST language; conversation; SANST word: rgyal po bud med kyi khar dbang du song nas the king having become powerless at (his) wife's word (Pag. 32). Syn. smra ba'i sgo ; za byed ; gsung bar byed ; zhal ; gtam gyi 'byung gnas ; rjod byed ; gdong ; bdud rtsi'i rten ; skad ; gtam (Moon.). III: a breadth or a square of cloth, &c. In its several inflected forms kha is often used as if it were a postposition governing the accusative case. These forms are kha na , kha ru , and khar , and take the meaning of "on," at," beside," &c.: me khar on the fire; khri kha na on the chair; phyogs bzhi kha ru all round. kha kyel ba SANST to kiss. kha krab pa to smack or cluck with the mouth. kha dkar po = snang ba gsal 1. bright: bkra shis pa . 2. auspicious; of happy omen; agreeable; pleasant looking; kha dkar gting nag outside white inside black, i.e., plausible. kha dkri neck-cloth, sometimes worn as a protection against cold; a kind of raw silk stuff of narrow breadth manufactured in Assam and largely imported into Tibet, where it is used as neck-tie and handkerchief: kha dkri bcas 'dra ba kha rer 'bru (Rtsii.) for each breadth (of cloth), which is equal to a Kha-ti, price in barley grain. kha lkug dumb; also of indistinct speech: ra yi mcher pas byis pa'i kha klug 'byed the spleen of a goat removes the dumbness of children. kha skad SANST oral account; tradition; narrative; colloquial language. kha skong SANST, SANST, a mouthful; completion; appendix of a book: kha skong ba 1. to fill up a void; to make up a deficiency. 2. to fill up the mouth with water, to rinse it. kha skor ba = slu ba or kha bskor ba to speak cunningly; to circumvent by speech. kha skyur pon 1. sour; of an acid taste. 2. olive; olive tree (in Sikkim) (J‰.). kha skyengs shame-facedness: mi zhig gis mi gzhan zhig la gsol ras ster gyi yod na|de mi gzhan zhig gi lag pa bzed nas de la ma ster na kho ngo tsha ba la kha skyengs zer|dpe la rkyan ma kha skyengs kyi mi bsod zer| If a man is about to give his garment to another man, and that other man having held out his hand, it is not given to him, he is ashamedóthat is termed Kha-skyeos. kha kha I: apart. separately: kha kha bsdad na kha mchu med if (you) sit apart there will be no quarrel. II: or kha kha mo bitter mouth; bitter taste. kha khebs SANST a veil; a cover: grwa pa rer kha khebs ras kha re (at every offering) there is a square of cloth apiece as a face covering to each monk. kha khor = tha 'khor border, edge; also the circumference. kha khyag = kha theg byed pa contradiction; denying one's liability. kha khyag pa same as kha theg byed pa , to deny having undertaken to do a thing; denying one's liability. kha khyer 1. lan kan ; stegs bu any shelf or box on which birds perch; also SANST an altar; a raised seat. 2. mtha' bskor kha the surrounding line or circumference of anything; the surrounding edge of a cloth, &c. kha khra v. blo kha khra or lo kha brag ; also n. for certain wild tribes of the border land of Tibet, namely the Aka and Mishmi tribes of eastern Tibet and Assam (Ya-sel. 38). (EEE Neither blo kha khra nor lo kha brag appear as headwords in the dictionary but see under kha brag 3.) kha khram defined as kha yi gYo rgyu bshad pa cunning talk, deceitful language. kha khram pa = gYo rgyu bshad mkhan one who speaks cunningly so as to cheat. kha khral I: SANST respect, regard; lit. tribute in language or in words. II: capitation tax or poll tax. kha 'khor the circumference of the mouth (Cs.); kha 'khor ba to surround. kha 'khyig ba to bind an animal's mouth; to gag; to strangle. kha 'khyoms to be agitated outwardly: rlung chen po des rgya mtsho'i kha 'khyoms the surface of the sea was troubled by that great wind (A. 16). kha ga po difficult (Sch.). kha ga ma or kha gang ma the square rug that is spread over a great man's cushion or seat. kha gang a quadrate, square; one sixth of the Tibetan coin called taoka, which is equivalent to one anna in India: kha gang ba adj. square. kha gang dgar smra ba to talk at random; to speak at pleasure (thoughtlessly). kha gab cover, lid. (Sch.). kha gyen phyogs SANST with the face upwards (in expectation); expectantly, eagerly. kha grangs enumeration. kha gru or mtha' gru the corner limit or sphere of a place, also of the mouth. The width of the mouth of a vessel or pot, also the opening of the mouth. kha gru yangs shing dkar 'bol rtsa med mchog that being broad in space, of white and soft appearance, and without grass, is best (Jig.). kha gling mtha' 'khob yul gi ming n. of a border country. kha gling sgra is defined as dmag gi sar 'byung ba'i dgra skad la the noise of the foe which arises in a battle-field (Moon.). kha 'gog pa one who cannot or does not speak; gagged (Moon.). kha 'gyur ba to change one's words or promises. kha 'grig pa = kha 'cham pa of the same opinion or disposition. kha 'gril the selvedge or loose tufts of thread on either edge of a cloth: gur gyi kha 'gril ras sngon po btang ba la the fringes of the tent being made with blue cotton. kha rgod ill or rough language; also a slanderer (Sch.). kha rgan privilege of old age (J‰.). kha rgyan SANST the betel-leaf which the Indians chew; literally the beautifier of the mouth. kha rgyal ba to win a dispute: bdud rigs kyi sems can kha rgyal the animate beings of the demon kind won the controversy. kha rgyug idle talk; unfounded assertion (J‰.). kha rgyud resp. zhal rgyud same as gtam rgyud oral tradition; also certain mystical doctrine not allowed to be written down. kha sgor the shoulder bone. kha sgy ur ba kha lo sgy ur ba to govern; to rein the mouth (of a horse); to lead, guide, influence other persons. kha sgrog kha sgrog nang ma la ja lung zheng byed yod pa . In this passage kha sgrog means shutting or binding up the straps of a trunk or leather box. kha bsgos advice. kha lnga pa seng ge the lion (Moon.). kha snga ba or kha sngas pa to anticipate or say something before hand; to speak out inconsiderately. kha cig or kha gcig 1. la la , SANST a certain person; kha shas also 'ga' re , 'ga' zhig . 2. some (J. Zao.): kha cig tu phur sgrar SANST "or as some call it a flying word"; kha cig na re someone said. kha cul or kha cur Kashmir; a Kashmirian. kha gcang clever talking, cf. kha sbyang po 3 eloquent; dexterous in conversation. kha bcud = cu gang n. of a medicinal substance (Sman. 149). kha gcod cover; in Ld. cork. kha bcol idle talk, prattle (Sch.). kha chag I: defect in the blade (of a knife or an axe), but kha chag sna ral = to get the mouth damaged and nose torn; kha thug po song the edge (of a knife, &c.) has become blunt; kha log song the blade has become turned, i.e., bad; kha mi 'dug the sharpness is wanting; gri'i kha or gri'i so (in Khams) the blade of a knife. II: abuse; ill language (J‰.). kha chad zhal chad agreement, covenant; a truce; kha chad = chad don special object or reason (Moon.). kha char = abbreviation of kha ba , snow and char pa , rain. kha chings the taming or appeasing of wild beasts. &c., by witchcraft. kha chu (zhal chab ) SANST, SANST spittle; also used colloq. for kha ba'i chu snow-water. kha chu phug n. of a place on the uplands of Kha-chu (Lon. ka 32). kha che a native of Kashmir; a Mahomedan; a person that has the command over much; principal or important things (kha che ba rnams ); n. of a mask in the religious plays of Tibet. kha che skyes kha che mchog v. gur gum 3 (Moon.), SANST or SANST saffron, the produce of Kashmir. kha che 'gron khang kha che za khang an inn kept by a Mussalman at Lhasa or in Peking; kha che mchog SANST the chief article, i.e., saffron, which the Tibetans obtain from Kashmir; kha che sha kha ma a kind of yellow flower resembling saffron which imported from Kashmir is largely grown in Tibet; kha che sha kha ma spor re re 'bru the cost of a sporof Kashmir sha-kha-ma flower is a bru of barley flour (Rtsii.). kha chems zhal chems , last will, testament: kha chems 'jog pa to make a will; kha chems rlung la bskur sent (his) last will to the winds (Behu.). kha chos hypocrisy; religion in talk only. kha 'chal SANST idle talk, prattle, talk as in a delirium: kha 'chal byed (he) prattles. kha 'cham = kha mthun . kha 'cham pa = kha mthun pa or kha thug pa to agree upon; kha 'cham khrugs = pho mo lhan cig tu gnas pa residing together as husband and wife; to live harmoniously (Moon.). kha 'che ba same as kha thal pa to promise; speaking sweet words meaning nothing or evil. kha 'jam gting khag = kha 'jam gting nag : kha nas snyan po zer gting la sems ngan pa soft and polite in language but evil at heart. kha 'jal ba to measure. kha 'jug pa to interfere; to meddle with; meddlesome. kha rje SANST, SANST the chief of the clouds; cloud-god. Acc. to Cs. great lord, mighty personage; good luck, good fortune; acc. to J‰. fortune, good wealth. kha rje khyu mchog = bsod nams SANST merit, moral virtuous (Moon.). kha rje can = bsod nams can possessed of moral merit; virtuous (Moon.). kha rje che very powerful; also high moral merit: 'o skol ming sring rnams med na de ring rang kha rje che aang if we brother and sister were not here, would you have been powerful today? (A. 18). kha nyan pa or kha la nyan pa to obey; kha nyan po obedient. kha nyung sparing of words; laconic (Sch.): kha nyung lag gtsang , kha mang po mi lab mkhan dang rkun ma ma rgyag pa is one who does not speak many words and who does not act the thief. kha nyog v. kha nog 3. kha mnyam skad mnyam of equal, i.e., same words or opinion: lto mnyam zas nas kha mnyam lab pa (you) eat together (you) should agree in speech. kha rnying old or second-hand articles. kha brnyongs sems la med pa'i kha la mdzes po bad at heart, but very polite in expression (Oag. 10). kha snyoms of same height; also of level surface: mtho dman kha 'dra 'dra snyoms pa they were equal in height; bsil ri kha snyoms pa'i khongs skyibs na in a sheltered corner or cleft of cool mountains of level surface (Ya-sel. 35.). kha ta or kha lta good advice; lesson; kha ta byed pa or 'jog pa to give advice; mi ngan pa la kha lta mi byed pa not to give advice to a bad man (Jig.). kha tam ga kha a , v. kha §ma ga 3 a club or staff with a skull at the top, the weapon of Siva, also carried by ascetics; a trident; kha tMa ga a Tantrik club or staff with a skull at the top, v. 3kha §ma ga 3, trident; the Tantrik staff with three skulls piled one above another at the top, the lowest one resting on a pot. This was originally introduced into Tibet by Padma Sambhava. kha tig bitter; bitter taste, v. kha ba 3. kha to shing is said to be same as gsal shing , a pointed stake used for the execution of criminals (J‰.). kha ton or kha 'don SANST, SANST a reading or reciting from memory with a loud voice; klog gam kha ton tu nas reading or saying by heart; kha ton du shes pa to know by heart; kha ton byang ba SANST (SANST) a clear recitation of prayer or hymns. Also explained as dpe cha lta ma dgos par blo la bzung ba'i chos 'don par byed pa to recite religious tracts from memory, without having recourse to books: gtsug lag blta zhing kha ton byed pa "by looking at scientific works to commit to memory" (A. 3). kha gtad pa same as kha sprad pa or ra sprad pa 1. to bring together personally; to confront; 'gro ma nus par rta rang kha gtad 'don pas (Yig.) not being able to go, (he) let the horse go towards you. 2. to turn one's face. kha gtam resp. zhal gtam oral tradition. kha gtugs pa = kha la 'o gtugs or kha la 'o byed pa to kiss. kha gtong ba to injure; to abuse; to call names. kha btags anything that is put on the face, i.e., presented or placed before a person for his acceptance; hence that ubiquitous article of Tibetan social intercourse, the presentation or salutation scarf. These scarves are of various descriptions. The longest and the best ones are presented to the great lamas, high officials, and to other personages; they carry respect according to their quality, colour and length. There are different sorts of kha btags (silk presentation scarves)ókha btags la phyi mdzod nang mdzod nyin bde ma|,bsod btags|,tshe lha mo| or aa she lnga spags brgyad spags bcu spags sogs sna tshogs yod|. kha stan a soft thin rug that is spread on a cushion; a cover for a cushion or couch. kha steng du above; besides; on; upon; at; towards: de'i kha steng du bzhugs he sat upon it (Pag. 64.). kha stong not yet having eaten anything; lit. empty mouth. kha stoms rgyab pa is defined as gcig gis gcig la don bdag med par kha ma legs pa lab pa , to revile one another for no purpose. kha §ma ga lha yi phyag mtshan , v. kha tam ga 3. kha thal = thug thal or thug rtsam rice or barley particles. kha thal ba = kha 'che ba to promise (Cs.). kha thi a kind of satin in variegated colours. kha thug = gdong thug : kha thug skong ba to fill to the brim; kha nang the inside brim; kha thug pa to meet in a contest, in concert with. kha thog top or surface; upon a thing = thog kha on the roof, on the upper flat. kha thor pustules in the mouth (Sch.). kha mthun v. kha 'cham 3. kha mthun pa = kha thug pa agreeing upon, unanimous; also together with: pho brang gi skye bo rnams kha mthun pas zhus pa in concert with the men of the palace they petitioned (Pag. 275). kha 'thab 1. regulating of stores by equalizing their quantities: yo byad sogs mang nyung 'dra 'dra byed pa la|rnying pa'i chad dang gsar sprod la 'thab byed pa| (Rtsii.). 2. kha 'thab pa = gYul sprod pa or dmag 'thab pa to fight; to give battle (Moon.). kha 'then btang ba = lon btang ba to send a reply, to reply; kha 'then pa (to pull the mouth) to stop a beast of draught. kha 'thor pa = so sor 'bral ba , gyes pa to scatter, to separate one from another; also disordered, confused, confusion: dpe cha kha 'thor ba a book, the leaves of which have become mixed up together; gnas na kha 'thor tsam zhig mchis at the place there were a few scattered ones only (A. 23); dud 'gro la byings gnas dang kha 'thor ba gnyis yod| among the beasts there are two classes: those that live secluded and those that are scattered (in abodes of men and gods). kha dag swept clean, cleared up, entirely gone: nor phyugs thams cad kha dag song his wealth and cattle have all disappeared. kha dig or kha ldig to stammer; kha ldig mkhan a stammerer. kha dug can SANST, SANST, poisonous mouth; having poison in the mouth. kha dum pa being in concert with; having agreed. kha dul po (soft mouth) manageable; tractable. kha dog or kha mdog = mdangs colour: skra mthon mthing gi kha dog tu gyur to| the hair became blue-black; kha dog gi gzugs SANST; kha dog mthun pa of one uniform colour: dge slong chos gos gsum kha dog mthun par gsol pa he wears the three garments of a monk of uniform colour. kha dog sgy ur ba to change colour; kha dog 'gyur the colour changes (J‰.). kha dog dkar po = dag byed or rtswa ku sha the cleanser, purifier; also a name for the dub grass (Moon.). kha dog ngan pa SANST of disagreeable or bad color. kha dog chen po metaph. = gser gold (Moon.). kha dog lta bu or kha dog 'dra ba in colour; like its colour. kha dog sna tshogs variety of colours; of different hues: kha dog sna tshogs mu tig rab yin no| an excellent pearl is of a variety of colours (Loo. ha 2.). kha dog pa small hole or narrow hole. kha dog mtha' yas pa variegated colours. kha dog gsum pa explained as shing ba glang rmig pa'i ming a name for the tree called the ox-hoof (Moon.). kha drag SANST mighty, haughty; kha drag pa loquacious, talkative. kha drang just before; straight on. kha dro in Khams and Amdo signifies bkra shis auspicious, of good omen or appearance. kha dro bo = kha 'phrod po agreeable, amiable, of pleasant company. kha gdangs pa SANST, SANST yawning; opening the mouth; gaping; widening; opening the mouth; gaping; widening the mouth: kha gdangs nas having opened the mouth widely. kha mdog v. kha dog 3. kha 'dar one who speaks too fast or too loud. kha 'dig cork, bung, stopple. kha 'debs = kha gcig tu mthun pa agreeing in an account. kha 'don v. kha ton 3. kha 'don byed pa to recite or mutter a charm or mantra. kha rda muttering, whispering: kha brda bzang po byed to mutter or speak auspiciously. kha brda conversation, talk, prophecy, prediction; it also signifies bshad pa bzang po good explanation or utterance: bstan pa dar bar 'gyur ro bya ba'i kha brda bzang po "may the doctrine (of Buddha) prosper" such was his righteous utterance (A. 146). kha brda' = skad cha verbal utterance: bu mo'i mig mthong yang ma mthong ba ltar byas nas kha brda' mi byed although he had beheld the girl's eyes, he acted as if he had not seen her and gave no spoken sign. kha sdams = kha ta or gdams kha advice. kha sdom pa = kha mnan pa to silence; to gag or stop the speech. kha Da ga á SANST the scimitar or sabre of the Hindus. kha na ma tho ba lit. kha nas ma thon pa not confessed, i.e., not come out of the mouth; SANST also SANST, a metaphysical term defined as sdig pa dang nyes pa'i ming , a name for sin and moral corruption. There are two kinds, viz., (1) rang bzhin gyi kha na ma tho ba sins which are committed naturally and semi consciously; (2) bcas pa'i kha na ma tho ba sins of overt violation of law or religion. mi khyim pa dang rab byung phal cher rang gi sdig pa nyes pa khong du spas na kha nas ma thon pas kha na ma tho pa zhes pa'o| Householders and monks in general, in keeping these sins and failings concealed, because they do not issue forth from the mouth, such are styled kha-na-ma-tho-wa. kha na ma tho ba mi mnga' ba SANST the sinless; kha na ma tho ba med pa SANST without sin or moral corruption; kha na tho'i gtam = gtam dang rjes su 'brel pa'i ming sinful or blasphemous speech. kha nag po = mun pa nag po darkness; also of gloomy appearance; morose; wicked (Moon.). kha nang yesterday morning. But kha nang du bltas SANST to look inwardly: kha nang bltas kyi shes pa ni rang gi sems la bzang ngan dge mi dge ji ltar 'dug legs par brtags te spang blang byed pa'o| the knowledge gained by introspection, which is carefully to examine how much of good or evil and virtue or vice exists in one's own heart, causes rejection (of evil) and acceptance (of good). kha nad mouth disease. kha nar can oblong. kha nas orally; by word of mouth; kha nas khu byug a cuckoo; also to cry or call like the cuckoo; kha nas zer ba to speak colloquially. kha ning last year. kha nim = ras gos sogs kyi kha mdog gnyis pa of cotton cloth, etc.; that having two colours (Rtsii.). kha nog or kha nyog clamourous; asking often and often for a thing, etc.: i 'phogs dang kha nog dang thog babs dang bcas rim pa gsum pa the three may be classed together, (namely) defilement, importunity, and being stricken by lightning (Rtsii.). kha nor song he has erred in conversation. kha mnan pa = kha sdom pa to obstruct the speech; also to coerce, to silence. kha pa the volume marked with the letter kha , the 2nd volume. Anything (book or article) marked with the letter kha . kha po sometime = kha speech, e.g., kha po dul mo mild speech and polished language. kha po che = kha rgyag pa or kha mang po talking much: rtsi ge sreg shor zer ba'i kha pho che a shrew called Rtsi-ge sreg-shor, who was very talkative (Rdsa. 31). kha lpags = khal pags lip. kha spu hair of the face; whiskers. kha pho boasting: kha pho che one who boasts much; also boasting much. kha phog verbal reproof. kha phor SANST; SANST a cup; a saucer. kha phyi the outer edge. kha phyin pa = gros mthun pa unanimity in a conference; unanimous vote. kha phyir lta = pha rol tu kha phyogs pa examining by appearances; also to look outside (Moon.): kha phyir bltas kyi shes pa knowing or judging things by their external appearance. kha phyis napkin. kha phye ba = kha rgyas pa SANST 1. to bloom or blossom; also well developed, full blown. 2. = kha 'byed pa SANST to yawn. kha phyogs = kha lta ba'i phyogs the direction of one's sight. kha 'phang ba = kha 'khyam dbyug pa to divulge; spread ill rumours (J‰.). kha 'phyur SANST a solid measure for grain like bre SANST; or 'bo . kha 'phrod po v. kha dro bo 3. kha ba I: SANST bitter; kha tig from kha ba and tig ta bitter, i.e., of very bitter taste: ro kha ba bitter taste; kha mngar bitter and sweet; kha mo bitter: chang kha mo beer that is very strong or of bitter taste. II: = gangs SANST snow: kha ba dung ltar gsal the snow (was) unsullied as shells; kha ba skye SANST, SANST, SANST snow-born or ocean-god; kha gong = kha ba'i gong ril snow ball; kha char snow and rain; kha ma char sleet; kha ba can SANST Tibet, the snowy country: kha ba can gyi yul the country of snow, or snowy country; nga yi dus ni lo brgya na kha ba can gyi mtsho bri nas| 100 years (after) my time the snowy lakes of Tibet becoming dry; kha ba ca Da ka a swallow, prob. snow-swallow. kha ba'i rtul SANST, SANST lumps of snow: kha ba'i phye ma SANST snow dust; flakes of snow; also camphor, SANST; kha 'bab or kha ba 'bab snow-fall, avalanche; kha ba'i ming can having the name of snow; kha ba'i 'od SANST glare from the snow, snowy lustre. kha ba dkar po n. of an important religious institution in Khams. kha ba ri pa = gangs ljongs pa a Tibetan; one residing in the snowy mountains (Yig. k. 6). kha bad I: the architectural ornament of a Tibetan house formed by the projecting ends of the beams which support the roof. II: the humidity of the air caused by snow (J‰.). kha bar byed = reg bzang of soft or pleasant touch (Moon.). kha bu or kha bub pa being turned downwards: bdag sdig pa'i gYang la kha bub tu lhungs I have fallen headlong into the abyss of sin (Pag. 185). kha byang SANST, SANST with the face downwards; learned, wise. kha bye ba SANST in bloom. kha brag forked rocks; any forked object; also as adj. lo kha brag , the mountainous wild country N. E. of Bhutan inhabited by wild tribes. kha bral SANST divorce, separation, especially of lovers or husband and wife. kha dbang eloquent: kha dbang chog able to speak powerfully, eloquent (Oag. 11). kha dbrag literally the mouth split: chu kha dbrag a river which is divided or branched out; lam kha dbrag a road which is branched into several paths; shing gi yal ga kha dbrag the branch of a tree which divides into several parts; rmig pa kha dbrag a hoof which is bifurcated or split. kha 'bar ma SANST n. of a goddess (Rtsii.). In the Hindu pantheon Jvalamukhi (she with a burning or glowing mouth) is worshipped s the goddess of cholera. kha 'bu ba the opening of the buds of flowers. kha 'bub tu nyal ba to lie with one's face downwards. kha 'bus pa SANST, SANST unblown flower, buds. kha 'byed ba = kha phye ba to open a cover or pasted letter or packed article; is also used of books. kha 'bri ba to make less, to diminish; to detract from (in quality). kha sbyang eloquence; kha sbyang ngo eloquent. kha sbyar or kha sbyar ba the mouth of a vessel or box closed or shut up: zangs chen kha sbyar rin chen sil mas bkang a covered copper vessel filled with precious things, etc. (G. kah. 77). kha sbyor thig le * = thig le 3 SANST, SANST n. pr. (Sch. Ta. 2, 275). kha sbyor SANST, SANST anything that is left after eating or has been touched by the mouth but not eaten; kha sbyor ba to kiss. kha sbyor bdun ldan = rdo rje 'chang the Tantrik Buddha Vajradhara (Moon.). kha ma 'cham = kha mi mthun discordant; kha mi 'cham does not agree or live in harmony. kha ma phye ba SANST an opening bud; one of the twenty-one hells in which sinners are punished, being bound with ropes. kha ma bye SANST a store or repository (Lex.). kha mi shes pa not knowing the language. kha mur bit (of a bridle). kha med silent; cannot reply: lab na kha med|bton na rgyu med| if asked there is no reply; if ransacked, nothing to produce (from one's pocket); kha med lkug pa|lce med dig pa| (the common saying is) "the dumb does not speak, the tongueless stammers." kha mo enchantment; irresistable influence. kha dmar lit. "red mouth"; a demon or preta; a ghostly apparition. This word is used in astrology and the medical works of Tibet to signify an affirmative prediction, good or bad. When such a prediction is realized it is called kha dmar phog , when otherwise it is called kha dmar tog . kha rtsang = kha sang yesterday forenoon: kha rtsang gi byis pa the boy that was here yesterday forenoon (A.); also the day before yesterday; khar sang gza' nyi ma last Sunday (J‰.). kha rtsod disputation. kha tsha bitter and acrid; hot in the mouth; pungent like pepper; acc. to J‰. (a) a very acrid sort of radish; (b) aphthÊ thrush, a disease of the mouth incident to horses, cows, sheep, &c.; (c) kha tsha ring nge ba daily warm food. kha tshar 1. fringes, such as the threads at the end of a web or cloth or rug, scarf or sash. 2. minor ingredients in a medicinal mixture: snan gcig gtso bo byas nas de la snan gnyan gcig cung zad btab pa la kha tshar btab zer| having made one drug the principal ingredient, on adding thereto another drug in less quantity, it is called adding the kha-tshar. kha tshub snow-storm. kha tsho boasting: kha tsho shin tu che ba a great swaggerer (J‰.). kha tshod the weighing: kha tshod blta phyir tshig gi lan smras pa (A. 6) considering one's expression with a view to reply to it. (tshig gang 'dra lab yong tshod lta ba ). kha tshon = kha 'grig , kha 'cham or kha mthun unanimous, of one voice or opinion. Generally used with gcod pa , meaning 1. as in thams cad mthun par dam par kha tshon bcad (A. 3), all unanimously and firmly agreed upon; lit. kha tshon colour; hence to be all of one colour in the face, i.e., to be of the same opinion. 2. = thag gcod pa a final decision or resolution: kun gyis rgyal srid spang bar kha tshon bcad (A. 15) they all resolved to forsake their kingdoms; mtha' gcig tu kha tshon chod dka' it is difficult to arrive at a final decision. 3. surface or width (J‰.). kha mtshul SANST muzzle; mouth; the lower part of the human face. kha 'tshangs pa = snod pa to slander; to curse (Moon.). kha 'tshog abuse: kha 'tshog chen po a great abuser, a reviler. kha 'dzin SANST the cuckoo. kha 'dzin byed pa to receive in a friendly spirit; to be kind; to assist (J‰.): also to govern; kha 'dzin par mngags pa sent or commissioned for governing (Dsam. 25). kha 'dzin gsum are the following three: sug snel SANST small cardamon, Convolvulus turpetthum; gur gum saffron; and pi pi ling long pepper (Sman. 450). kha 'dzum pa to shut the mouth. kha zhan of inferior quality or of low position: kha zhan pa'i sdug bsngal the misfortune of being of low birth (J‰.). kha zhur water-hen (Sch.). kha zhe mouth and mind: kha zhe mi mtshungs pa hypocrisy; hypocrite; kha zhe med pa unfeigned; sincere. kha zheng breadth, expanse, e.g., of the heavens. kha zhen = kha lab shan-pa modest in speech; also not able to speak well. kha zhes food, victuals (Cs.). kha zam kha che zam a kind of chintz from Kashmir; also a kind of cloth or silk stuff in variegated colours: bal zam chintz from Nepal. kha zas food, either in general or some particular article of food: kha zas la brkam par gyur he longed for food; kha zas gtsang ma clean food, or clean in (taking food). In Sikk. khabze sweet cakes, etc. kha zum pa to close the mouth or any opening. kha zur á or kha sur SANST the date fruit. kha zer ba SANST loquacious. kha gzar spoon or ladle. kha gzi or kha gze in W. rake in gardening; in Spiti a carrier's load; kha ze-pa a coolie (J‰.). kha bzang = tshig gi btang rag good speech; one who speaks pleasantly (Moon.). kha'i nyin SANST the day before yesterday. kha 'og lit. face downward; downcast; kha 'og tu bcug pa or chud pa to subjugate one, or to enforce obedience upon; kha 'og tu bltas te shi ba to die falling down head-long, i.e., with face downward. kha ya lit. being one's partner or match as to speaking, but in general partner, assistant; kha ya byed pa to assist: kha yi ya nga mi thub I am not his match, not able to compete with him; with regard to things, I am not equal to the task (J‰.). kha yig SANST the letter kha , a label; a letter or writing on the cover of any parcel or letter; an inscription. kha yel the spout (of a kettle or any other vessel): bum pa'i kha phyir 'phyang ba kha yel la mchu 'drongs pa drawing with his lips at the spout which hangs down outside the vessel (A. 23). kha yog a false charge (J‰.): ma nye pa'i kha yog byung (C.) he was unjustly accused (J‰.); ma nyes par gyod kha mchu dang mi kha byung ba sogs bdag la don med pa'i kha yog byung | unfounded accusations arise such as those coming by word of mouth and by implication, though one is guiltless. kha gYel wide mouth: lhun po yongs rdzogs dbyibs snod kha gYel ba ltar the shape of Sumeru resembled that of a vessel placed with its wide mouth upwards (i.e., like a pyramid on a point (Ya-sel. 35). kha gYogs = kha khebs cover of a vessel or basket (G. kah. 77). kha ra in W. for ka ra sugar (J‰.); trough; manger (Sch.). kha rag n. of a place in Tibet. kha rag sgom chung n. of a celebrated lama of the Kadampa School of Buddhism. kha ras neck-cloth; a towel. kha ri or kha ru v. khal ri 3. kha ru tshwa = tshwa nag po black salt used medicinally (Moon.): SANST, SANST, SANST a kind of salt (procured by boiling earth impregnated with saline particles); a particular kind of salt of fetid odour (used medicinally as a tonic aperient). It is black in colour and is prepared by fusing fossil salt with a small proportion of emblic myrobalan, the product being muriate of soda with small quantities of muriate of lime, sulphur and oxide of iron (M. Wills.). Kha-ra tshwa-yis drod skyed sbos-pa dao sgeg dao hgyio khrog bad rluo hjoms-par byed flatulence, accompanied with belching, rumblings, phlegm, and wind, is overcome by the medicinal salt. Syn. ru tsa ka ; snin tshwa ; bi TMa ngo (Moon.). kha re skyengs = kha skyengs pa or ngo tsha ba to be ashamed. kha reg pa to touch anything by the lips; to put one's mouth to a thing in order to eat or drink it. kha ro taste in the mouth. kha rog = kha btsum silent, without reply: de bas rna ba ma tsha kha rog sdod therefore remain silent with untingling ear! kha rog sdod cig be silent; do not speak. kha rog pa is also freq. kha rog te 'dug pa to remain silent. kha rog pa SANST a kind of drug, prob. sulphate of copper. kha rlangs SANST vapour from the mouth. kha la me 'bar n. of the King of the Yi-dag or Preta. kha la reg pa = metaph. zas to eat; do eat (K. g. kha 28). kha la sla te don la dka' easily spoken but difficult in meaning. kha lan mouth requital; thanks-giving; reply, especially angry reply; also requital for food received (J‰.): dad zas kha lan bsam ngan 'khrug when disordered with evil thoughts, the food of faith is my reply (Mil.). kha las byung sprung forth from the mouth. kha lin pa n. of a place in Tibet. kha le v. khya le 3. kha leb cover, lid. kha lo 1. = kha phyogs towards the mouth. 2. prow of the ship (Schr.); according to others the helm gru gzing . 3. acc. to Cs. and J‰. the glans-penis. kha lo sgy ur pa or kha lo sgy ur ba SANST, SANST; SANST, SANST, SANST; kha lo sgy ur mkhan one who steers; also a governor, a driver, a charioteer. See especially in narrative of early life of the Buddha in Dulwa. kha lo pa = kha phyogs pa SANST, SANST; kha phyogs sgy ur mkhan one who leads or guides; also a shadow. kha log pa to reply; to contradict: phyi la 'gro nas tshur kha log pa walking out he returned hither. kha sha the spotted deer (J‰.); elk (Sch.). In Sikk. the common deer of the Duars is called kha sha . kha sha yi ja khug a tea bag made of deer-skin. kha shags jest; joke in W. (J‰.). kha shas (sounded "kha-she") some; colloq. in C. kha shugs can or kha zhad can eloquent; kha shugs med pa one who has nothing much to say, same as skad cha lab rgyu med pa . kha shob colloq. lies; obscene talk; idle talk. kha shor breach of promise: kha shor song the mouth has run away, denoting inconsiderate talk (J‰.). kha shol ba SANST rinsing the mouth; sipping water and ejecting it. kha O á n. of a mountainous country in the north-east of India (Ta.); the Khasya Hills in Assam. kha gshags = kha rtsod using rough language; controversy, discussion, dispute; with rgyag-pa to dispute: 'dzub mo bsgrengs te kha gshags rgyag tu 'gro| pointing his fingers he goes to dispute (Rdsa. 17). kha bshad talk, gossip. kha sag mtha' 'khob kyi yul zhig gi ming n. of a wild country on the border of Tibet (Ya-sel. 38). kha sang v. kha rtsang 3. kha sangs explained as sems la gang shar ba kha nas drang po bshad to speak one's mind; to tell honestly what has occurred in the mind. kha sub a bribe: kha sub byin pa to offer a bribe. kha si n. of a wild hill tribe of India (of the Khasya Hills) (Dsam.). kha sing 1. the day before yesterday. 2. also = several weeks ago; some time back. kha sur v. kha zur 3. kha so 1. abbreviation of kha, mouth, and so so, teeth. 2. the edge, border of a thing: kha so la 'phang ngo | = kha khyer la 'phang ngo | flung to the border (Pag. 187): rdzings kyi kha khyer las 'ja' li byas = gru rdzings kyi mtha' la shan rgyab lined the border of the ship with iron plates (A. 18). kha sral chung ngu SANST deaf. kha slob = kha ton learning by heart; primer used by children in W. kha gsag v. kha bsag 3. (EEE the original had "v. kha bgag " with transliteration kha-bsag. The error in the Tibetan has been corrected.) kha gsar new, fresh. kha gsal or gsal kha a message; clear language; intelligible language: kha mi gsal ba obscure; not in clear terms or language. kha gso made full by adding something more to it: phud dang bdud rtsi kha gso filling with the best thing and nectar in oblation (Rtsii.). kha bsag = kha gsag SANST talkative. kha bsre ba to associate with one another, viz., in drinking and smoking together. kha bslang du turned upwards: kha bslang pa to lie with the face uppermost. kha bslus to tempt by false hopes and promises; to deceive by sweet words. kha hrag forked mouth or point; the bifurcated mouth or end of anything made of iron or wood: nub na shing gcig rtse mo kha hrag dang in the west a tree with forked top, &c. kha lhag remnant of a meal. khwa a raven: khwa skad shes pa'i rig pa SANST the science of drawing omens from the caw of a raven. khwa skrod nus pa = bya khwa ta ded thub pa SANST able to scare a ravenóused as attribute of Buddha; as long as a boy cannot drive away a magpie he is not considered ready (by his age) to get religious instructions. khwa ta the Tibetan magpie: khwa ta'i yis gdon nad sel bar byed|khwa ta'i sgro yis sgrib shing byed| the flesh of the magpie removes disease caused by evil spirits; the feather of the magpie prevents the patient seeing apparitions, ghost, &c; spotted magpie or khwa ta khra ba fuller name for the magpie. khwa ba = dpya ba rent or tax in kind: chos bzhin du khwa'am dpya 'bul paid rent or tax according to religious law. khag I: 1. means, resource; khag med = thabs med without means. II: a task, charge, business, duty, responsibility; of importance: khag khur = 'gan khur to take charge of a thing or person, to be responsible for anything, to be surety for anyone; khag 'khur ba to assume charge of; kha 'gel ba to place in charge; khag theg pa or khag rgyag pa to guarantee; become responsible: der 'tsho ba yong ba khag theg I warrant you will get something to eat there. khag theg or khag khyag in C. acc. to J‰. = bail; khag chen important. III: that which is divided off; a class, part, division, section (of a book or place); bcu khag the tenth part; tithe: khag gnyis la phog song | I have hurt myself in two places. yul lag a province, district; rgyal khag kingdom; dpon khag principality; dgon khag monastic estate or authority. sde dpon khag so so nas mtshan gcig mchod pa phul dgos pas the different divisional chiefs should make religious offerings (service) for one night (Loo. 'a 17); skyabs 'gro sems skyed kyi khag kho mo cag rnams we who belong to the class in whom the inclination (for religion) and to seek refuge has arisen (A. 19). khag po difficult, hard; colloq. "ka-le khag-po." las ka 'di ha cang khag po red| this work is very hard; lam khag po 'dug the way is difficult; khag po byung difficulties arose; khag po che ba to suffer from want. 2. acc. to J‰. bad, spoiled, rotten: mar khag po song the butter has become rancid (J‰.). khang pa = khang khyim SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST house, residence, home; a building; steng khang , 'og khang , bar khang upper story, lower story or ground floor, middle story; gzhung khang means also the principal or central room. A khao-pa is the opposite to phug pa , a cavern. bzo khang workshop; bang khang store-house, store-room; sgo khang entrance, vestibule; skor khang or more properly skor lam , passage running round a building or temple; shog khang paper house or a house where paper is kept or manufactured. In W. the scooping form or mould used in the manufacture of paper is so called. tshas khang flower bed (garden) (J‰.). In Buddhism khang signifies nang , inside, i.e., the heart: khang myags shing phyir 'dzag pa SANST inwardly being corrupt, the pus issues or drops from him; mya ngan gyi khang mourning house; also the body; khang gla house rent; khang chung SANST a small house; a house or room reserved for decrepit parents; khang chung pa an occupant of such; yang khang chung pa such a person of the second degree (if, during his life, his son enters into the same right) (J‰); khang chen a large house; khang chen pa SANST one taking his abode in a great house or mansion (Budh.); old, weak persons belonging to Gautama's family. Syn. gnas khang ; gnas gzhi ; 'jug pa'i gnas ; 'dug sa ; 'dug gnas ; khyim ; khab ; rten gzhi ; rten gnas ; bla gab can ; phibs 'og (Moon.). khang gnyer SANST, SANST the steward of a house; the house-keeper; the person in whose charge a house is kept. khang steng SANST the upper roof or terrace of a house. khang thog or khang pa'i thog SANST, SANST the roof or cover of a house; the top flat of a house. khang pa bkra ba SANST a painted house. khang pa btsan po a consecrated house where thieves or robbers cannot have access. khang pa brtsegs pa SANST a masonry building; also a storied house. khang pa gYo SANST the roof of a house: khang pa gYo ba to cover a house, to roof it; khang pa ral zhing grum pa or 'drums pa SANST a delapidated house; a ruined edifice. khang pa'i nang SANST, SANST the inside of a house; a room; an apartment. khang bu n. of a fabulous country; a little house, cottage. khang mig a room; a cell. khang rtsa the foundation of a house. khang brtsegs SANST upper house or a storied room, v. khang pa brtsegs pa 3. khang zhabs floor; flooring of a room. khang zhing = khang pa dang zhing kha house and the cultivated fields attached to it. khang bzang SANST residence; mansion. In Budh. SANST (SANST), SANST, SANST monument. khang bzo ba SANST mason; architect. khangs pa = rangs pa 1. delay. 2. distance. khad = 1. thag or tshar near. 2. litter barrow. 3. = ltar like, as khad snyams , v. 'khod snyams , equal, even; de ma khad = de ma thag not distantly; instantly; as soon as; without delay: dbugs chad ma khad du as soon as the breathing ceases; bu skyes ma khad cig a child born just now; 'phur la khad about to fly; 'gro la khad about to go; lhung la khad near to fall; slebs la khad as soon as (he) arrived; 'chi la khad when about to die: nub la khad pa'i tshe when the evening drew near; dbugs chad la khad pa'i dus when the ceasing of the breath approaches; zin la khad yod pa la as we were just about to seize him; khang du as far as: rting ma khad du as far as the heel (J‰.). khad kyis = dal bus or rim gyis SANST slowly, by degrees; khad kyis khad kyis SANST by degrees; in slow motion. khad pa the same as 'khod pa to stick fast; to be seized, stopped, impeded, v. 'khad pa 3. khan SANST bit; small piece (Cs.). khan da á SANST confection; a medicinal syrup; treacle or molasses partially dried; de la khNa Da bcos pa the candy made of it (J‰.). khan pa also khen pa , worm-word (Schtr.); to add (arith.) (Vai. kar.). khan man modest in Lh. (J‰.). khab I: = pho brang SANST, SANST resp. of khang khyim , a great man's residence; a castle; court; residence of a prince; rgyal po'i khab SANST metropolis; the capital of Magadha in Buddha's time; the modern town of Rajgir in Behar: rgyal po'i khab kyi mi rnams the courtiers; the people of Rajagpha. 2. wife, spouse; khab chen ma the first wife (who is high in rank): de la khab 'os pa ma rnyed nas as there was not found a wife worthy of him; 'di gnyis nga'i khab tu byung ba rmis so| I dreamt that these two would become my wives (J‰.); khab tu bzhes pa to take for a wife (Schtr.); chung mar khab pa to marry; to take one for his wife. II: SANST a needle: khab spu a bristle; a needle like hair khrab phra a small, fine needle; khab spom a large needle; khab mig the eye of a needle; khab mig tu skud pa 'jug pa to thread a needle; khab rtse SANST, SANST the point of a needle. khab btsun ma a married lady; khab 'dzin ma = khyim bdag mo SANST housewife; the lady of the house. khab ral also rtse ma khab ral SANST needle-case. khab le in W. difficult (J‰.). khab len rdo SANST load-stone; the metal that attracts a needle: khab len rdo yis mde'u 'byin klad rus rtsa nad sel the load-stone draws out arrow-heads and removes diseases of the brains, bones and veins. khab long SANST the magnet; lit. the needle-lifter. khabs n. of disease (J‰.). kham 1. colour. 2. a bit; a small piece of anything. 3. the point of a reed pen. 4. appetite (J‰.). kham kham ser kham kham or pale yellow: mdog ser kham kham snug ma'i mdog the colour was pale-yellow, i.e., the colour of a dry bamboo. kham khum uneven, explained as 'bar 'bur ram gnyer ma lta bu "in ridges, like a puckered skin." kham gang or kham gcig a bit; zas kham gcig a mouthful of food: za dus dum bu re bcad de kha la bcug pa'i tshad the measure of food in each piece that can be put in the mouth at once when eating; kham chung a morsel. kham star abbreviation of kham bu dang ltar ga i.e., peach and walnut. kham ldog faded colour, same as kham log , want of appetite; nausea, aversion, dislike (J‰.). kham pa 1. fox coloured; sorrel; brownish; kham nag dark brown: ral pa kham nag dark brown locks or mane. 2. porcelain-clay; china clay. 3. Tenacetum tomentosum, a very aromatic plant growing on the high mountains of Tibet. 4. a native of Khams in Eastern Tibet. kham phor + SANST, SANST a cup or saucer made of (burnt) clay; a cup made of dough, used in sacrifice as lamps (J‰.). kham 'phro mi bcad pa SANST, SANST refers to Buddha having enjoined that a monk must not eat a fruit or cake, etc., leaving any of it. He should not take more than what he can or should eat. kham bu apricot; peach; in Sikk. kham bu'i rtsi gu the stone of an apricot (J‰.): mnga' ris kham bu dried apricot imported from Ngari: kham bus skra sogs spu skyes chu ser skyem the peach dries the yellow humour of the body and promotes the growth of hair on the head (Med.); kham tshig the stone of an apricot or peach; phyu ru kham tshig che tsam the cost of a coral of the size of the stone of a large apricot. kham gYag 1. lit. the Bos grunniens or yak-bull of khams , which is of a brown colour: spu kha'i mdog ser kham yod pa la kham gYag zer| the colour of the hair (of an animal) when pale yellow is called kham gYag . 2. cherries, morels (J‰.). kham ran pa SANST a horse's bit that fits well. kham sa clay for making pottery. kham sang = chab sang , gcin pa , etc., resp. evacuation; purging; making water. kham ser of a slightly pale-yellow; colour resembling the colour of dried bamboo, v. kham kham 3. khams I: = dngas ga appetite. (EEE Thus in the original but no doubt a misspelling of angs ga and with the meaning of ro bcud which is not appetite. The mis-spelling of angs with dngas is very common.) II: SANST the health, condition, physical constitution of the body; also root; a constituent or essential part; that which constitutes the nature of a thing. Used colloq. as in kusho, khye'-kyi khams ta-sam? "Sir, how are you?" (Snd. Hbk.): khams zhes pa ir rang bzhin nam ngo bo la 'jug pa'i don can yin te rlung gi khams zhes pa'i khams de ni rlung rang gi ngo bo yin| III: the six elements, earth, air, fire, water, the heavenly ether, and nam-shes or the physical substance of the mind. For the last two, arterial blood and seminal fluid are sometimes substituted. Also there are the eighteen elements acc. to the Buddhists, namely, the five organs of sense, together with manas (mind); the six faculties or senses dependent on these and also the six ideas produced by these six faculties. Any one of the five properties or qualities of the elements observed by the organs of sense, viz., sound, tangibility, colour, flavour and smell, is also so called. khams bco brgyad kyi mig sogs rten dbang po'i khams drug dang mig gi rnam par shes sogs brten pa rnam par shes pa'i khams dang gzugs khams sogs dmigs pa yul gi khams drug dang bco brgyad do| The eighteen khams or Dhatu acc. to the Buddhist are:- I:- The organs themselves: mig eye; rna ba ear; sna ba nose; lce tongue; lus body; and yid the mind. II:- gzugs bodily form; sgra sound; dri smell; ro taste; reg touch; chos , SANST attributes. III:- The rnam par shes pa VijÒana or consciousness produced by the organs of sense, &c. The VijÒana of mig , of rna ba of sna ba , of lce , of lus and of yid , i.e., eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind. IV: empire; realm; territory; domain: yul khams political territory; empire, in a geographical sense (J‰.); rgyal ba'i khams kingdom: rgyal ba'i khams the province or sphere of the Buddhas, also of their spiritual influence: rgyal khams 'grim pa to roam over the kingdoms, the countries (J‰.): khams chen empire; also the earth. V: SANST world: khams gsum SANST, SANST the sensual world, viz.:- (1) SANST or SANST ('dod pa'i khams ) the phenomenal world; (2) SANST; gzugs kyi khams the world of astral forms; (3) SANST; gzugs med khams the spiritual world, i.e., the world of formless spirits. VI: n. of the eastern-most districts of Tibet, embracing some dozen semi-independent petty states, about half of which own allegiance to Lhasa, and the rest give joint allegiance to both China and Lhasa. khams and sgang are the two lower regions of Tibet; these constitute what is called bod chen or Greater Tibet. khams brtas pa or khams brtas byed pa one who draws omens: theg pa gsum gyi khams brtas byed ba (J. Zao.). khams chen po = dngul chu mercury; quicksilver (Moon.). khams angs pa = khams bde ba good health. When glass is pure shel dri ma med pa and clean it is called shes khams angs pa . A clear cloudless sky nas mkha' sprin pa med pa is said to be sems sgrib pa med pa the mind when it is free from defilement or sin. khams bde = nad med pa free from disease; health. Syn. sku gzugs bde ; nyer 'tshe med ; nye zhos dben ; gcong med ; snyun med ; nad bu med ; 'byung bzhi snyoms ; bro mi 'tshal (Moon.). khams bde dri sned smra ba dang rjes su 'brel ba| to inquire of one's health if he is well or happy (a complementary expression used on the occasion of meeting) (Moon.). khams bde ba or gzugs bde ba good health; healthy constitution; the happy state both of the body and the mind: rje btsun gyi khams bde lags sam is your reverence well? khyed khams bde 'am are you well? (J‰.). khams ldog pa = khams log pa want of appetite; aversion, dislike; khams rmya nausea; falling sick (Cs.). khams sna tshogs mkhyen pa'i stobs SANST the power of knowing the constitution of all sorts of bodies. khams mi nyag n. of one of the petty principalities in Khams. khams mi 'dra ba 'jig rten gyi khams mi 'dra ba different or dissimilar worlds. khams tshan this term is applied to the quarters in a monastery reserved for the accommodation of the monks of a particular section of people or of some special community or those coming from one particular locality. khams sas rest; health; comfort (Sch.); recreation; recovery; restoration of health. khams su gtogs pa SANST included in the constitution. khams slang = khams kyi sla nga a cooking pan made in Khams. khams sle better kind of coarse serge of the pattern coming from Yar-kand; blanket manufacture in Khams: snug sle khams sle bcas rnam pa re each piece of blanket costs, &c. khams gsum SANST the three worlds-heaven, earth and the nether world. khams gsum 'khor los bsgy ur SANST a name of the Kalachakra system (Moon.). khams gsum zangs khang gling n. of the temple in the grand monastery of Samye (Bsam-yas) built by one of the queens of King khri srong lde'u btsan (Loo. 'a 8). khams gsum la ma chags pa SANST is not passionately fond of or attached to the three worlds. khams gsos par to repair broken health. khar n. of a city in W. (S. Lam). khar bkrol * SANST (Schr.; Lebensh. 93). khar rkyang v. kha rkyang . khar gong steatite; soap stone; probably dkar gong (Sch.). khar chen bza' the Princess of Khar-chen, one of the queens of King khri srong lde'u btsan (Loo. 'a 8). khar ta ta n. of a city or seaport on the mouth of the Indus, Tata (S. Lam.). khar pa 1. n. of a demon of Puranic India who was killed by Krishna. 2. a compound of copper and zinc; bell metal. khar ba mgar SANST a maker of bell-metal. khar rtsang = khang sang col. yesterday forenoon. khar dzu ra á SANST; shing gi 'bras bu the date fruit. khar sa pa ni á or kha sar pa na SANST he that moves in the sky; gliding through the air; a name of Aval-okitesvara Bodhisattva; Virnu. khar gsel SANST the trident carried by mendicants of the sngags kyi theg pa Tantrik School. khal 1. primarily a load or burden in general: khal 'khyer ba to carry a burden; khal gyi steng la on the top of the baggage; khal 'gel la to load; khal 'bogs pa to take off the burden, to unload; lug khal a sheep load; 'khyer pa'i khal a coolie load. 2. a set weight or measure, said to equal 301b, used for dry goods, corn, salt, tea, &c. In Tibet 1 khal = 2 hbo = 20 bre; hence in Sikkim and W. khal gcig "khe-chik" has come to mean 20 or a score of anything; 'degs khal a weighing score; the weight of 20 points on the steel-yard called rgya-ma. 3. a caravan. khal kha the native name of Mongolia Proper, the country of Jenghis Khan, the Tartar conqueror khul kha kha ral bla brang lit. "the sacred enclosure of Khal-ka"; "the name applied to Urga in Northern Mongolia, where the incarnation of the Taranath Lama resides. The latter is sometimes styled khal kha rje btsun dam pa the venerable holy one of Khal-kha. khal khol stunned; insensible (J‰.). khal cag the best sort of wool for manufacturing shawls coming from the northern solitudes of Tibet. khal rjes = dos rgyab or khal ma rta , glang sogs kyi rjes those who conduct a caravan or follow the train of packed animals, such as pony, yaks, oxen, &c.; relay of packed animals: khams sogs thag ring pa'i dos rgyab khal rjes the relay of beasts of burden when proceeding on a long journey to Khams, &c. khal pa 1. wether; castrated ram. 2. sow-thistle, Sonchus. khal ban jug or pitcher to hold wine for 20 persons or a quantity measuring 20 bre : dmangs chang khal ban re gang rigs jugs of ale each sufficient for 20 of the vulgar folk of whatever class. khal ma any draught animal or beast of burden: khal ma rnams bzang la skyel ba to drive beasts of burden to the pasture; often contracted into khal: mi khal gnyis kyi gla the wages of both carriers and beasts of burden. khal ri = khal ru or kha ri or kha ru a measure of about 20 bushels. khas for kha yis instr. of kha . khas khyags = khas thegs or khag thegs to be witness; to give evidence. khas che = khas blangs promise. khas che ba SANST to promise; undertake: khas che ba'i dge slong SANST a Buddhist monk who has taken the vows. Syn. khas che ; phyogs bzung ; nges par mnyan byas ; yang dag thos ; bdag gir byas ; so sor mnyan ; gYar dam ; dam khas blangs bar 'os pa ; dam bca' ; khas len (Moon.). khas brjod = glu dbyangs song; singing (Moon.). khas nyen dbang chung = mi nyam chung a humble man. khas blangs = khas len SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST promise; consent, approval; knowledge; acceptance. khas zhan pa nyam chung humble. khas len rgan khur responsibility. khas len pa or kha lang ba SANST 1. to promise; to stand bail or security. 2. to presume; to arrogate; to accept, adopt with the mouth; to acknowledge, admit (J‰.). khi numerical figure 32. khi bi dza la á SANST n. of a city in the neighbourhood of the fabulous Sambhala. khi'u (khying or khi chung ) a small cutting-knife. khu numerical figure 62; also for khu ba (human or juice or sap), as in khu khrag sogs SANST, humour, blood, &c. khu gu uncle (Cs.). khu khrag SANST the mixture of the semen with the uterine blood by which process, according to Indian physiology, the fútus is formed (Med.). khu tu a hut, cottage, constructed of branches of trees (J‰.). khu thu chi the title of a Mongolian nobleman: sogs po'i khu thu chi'i chas thob obtained the robe of a Mongolian Chief. khu rdul khu rna water-spray: spring dang khu rdul thams cad rang sar dengs the water in all its particles issued fresh from the clouds (A. 149): nam mkha'i khams mi angs par byed pa snug pa dang rdul sogs the firmament of the sky was obscured by mists and fogs. In medical works the seminal fluid of the male is called khu and of female rdul . khu nu the districts of Kunawar and Bissahar on the Upper Sutlej, bordering Tibet and inhabited in the northern part by Tibetans: ku nu'i rgun 'brum grapes from Kunawar. khu rna v. khu rdul 3. khu po n. of a place and also of a Lama of that place (Deb.). khu ba = zhu ba ; SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. fluid, liquid: ltung bzad bkrus pa'i khu ba the liquid (water) which has washed a mendicant's bowl; khrus khu dish-wash; swill (J‰.); 'bras khu rice-soup (Cs.); rice-water (Schtr.); shing khu the sap of trees; rtsa khu the sap of plants (Cs.); sha khu broth; gravy; mar khu melted butter. 2. semen virile. Syn. zla ba ; thig le ; sa bon ; stobs ldan ; dbang por 'gro ; byang sems dkar po ; angs ma ; khams dkar po (Moon.). khu ba kun ldan = spos dkar shing the Sal tree, the dried sap of which is used as incense. Syn. sAa la'i shing ; sra rtsi shing ; spos dkar shing ; mchod sbyin spos (Moon.). khu ba ldan v. thar nu 3. khu ba byed = rkang mar marrow; to make a soup of; also to make an infusion or decoction of: snan dang sha sogs kyi khu ba byed pa| (Moon.). khu ba 'byin pa skyes pa'i thig le 'don pa to emit semen. khu ba ser po = skyer ba n. of a plant from which a kind of yellow dye is made in Tibet (Moon.). khu ba'i bdag nyid = skyes pa SANST meton. for a male person. khu ba'i 'pho SANST the discharge of the semen. khu ba'i dbang po SANST, SANST a kind of mercurial medicine. khu ba'i slob ma SANST = lha ma yin SANST the class of demigods on Mount Sumeru who fight with the Lha (Moon.). khu be n. of a place to the west of Lhasa. khu bo SANST uncle on the father's side, i.e., pha spun , father's brother, uncle; khu dbon also khu tshan uncle and nephew: pha'i spun aa khu'i rigs la khu bo zer father's brother is called A-khu or Khu-bo. khu byug SANST, SANST cuckoo. Syn. dpyid kyi pho nya ; nags na dga' ba ; 'dab ma'i thig pa ; na tshod gnas ; mig mdzes ; 'dod pa'i tA la ; gzhan gyis gsos ; ngag snyan ; dbang snyan ; gzhan la sems ; 'dod pa'i pho nya ; skad la lnga pa'i dbyangs ; sbrang rtsi'i sgra (Moon.). khu byug grags zla = zla ba bzhi pa the fourth month of the Tibetan year corresponding with the month of May (Rtsii.). khu byug mig I: eyes like those of the cuckoo; red eyes. II: shing ko lkSa SANST n. of a tree (Moon.). khu byug rtsa n. of a medicinal herb. khu mag purse, money-bag; colloq. for khug ma (J‰.). khu tshur SANST the clenched hands; fist. khu tshur gyis 'tsho = gser bzo ba a goldsmith; one who makes his livelihood by the use of his fist, i.e., hand-craft (Moon.). khu tshur bcings pa to clench the first; also to hold with the fist (Moon.). khu tshur bcings * SANST fist; closed hand (Schr.; Kalac. T. 131). khu tshur snun pa = khu tshur rgyab pa to strike with the fist or the half-closed fist (Sch.). khu 'od bza' n. of the mother of Bromston, the founder of the Lamaic hierarchy of Tibet. khu yu hornless; having no horns; also a corruption of the word khu-byug in colloq. Tibetan. khu ra snum khur cakes or pastry fried in oil butter (K. du. 327). khu lu 1. the short soft hair of the yak, also pashm wool in general. 2. In Lh. venereal disease; syphilis (J‰.). khu le 1. n. of place in Tibet: khu le rnam rgyal the Lama Namgyal of Khu-le; khu le'i cha ha bo gangs ri Habo Gang-ri, a part of Khule. 2. In the Dzang-lun the word is used to denote the pan in an ordinary pair of scales on which the weights are placed. khug or khugs 1. a corner or nook; a creek, bay, gulf, inlet; chu khug crook in a river: khug tu , in the inner recess of a cavity. 2. imp. of 'gug pa SANST, drawn or attracted by; gyen du khug called upward, i.e., to good luck or fortune; khug thub earned, acquired. khug khyog solitude; solitary place; a place with few men. khug rta khug ta or aa li khug rta SANST, SANST, SANST the swallow, Cuculus melanoleucus, a kind of swallow (Cs.): khug rta'i glo bas glo rtol gcod the lungs of khug rta suppress pulmonary diseases (Med.). Syn. char stod ; chung nyung ; sprin la slong ; sprin 'degs ; bzang mo ; thub pa'i bu ; sgra sgrogs ; char dga' (Moon.). khug sna or khug rna SANST, SANST fog, mist, haze (during a calm, especially in spring time): mentioned also as yan lag gi gdog brgyad kyi gcig "one of the eight varieties of causal concatenation." khug pa I: turning like a zig-zag; also bending like a thread that is trimmed; lam khug pa the twist of a road; skud khug pa entwining of a thread; dus khug pa returning to mundane existence at the expiration of each term of life. II: to find, get, earn, draw: nor khugs pa 'ang sring it is even possible that cash may be replenished; gnyid khugs pa to get asleep: srang gsum khugs it drew, i.e., weighed three ounces (J‰): khug pa bco brgyad "the eighteen turns," i.e., returns to life in the present kalpa. khug pa lhas rtsi * = rta nag 'gos lo tsAa ba (Schr.). khug ma SANST also SANST pouch; little bag; small sack; rgya khug Chinese bags made of leather; ske khug neck-bag; a bag with charmed objects or important letters hanging at the neck; a courier bag; glo khug bag carried at one side; dngul khug pouch for silver, a purse; bul khug pouch containing soda; me lcags khug ma tinder-pouch with flint; nu khug sucking bag for babies; rtsam khug a bag of barley flour; tshwa khug a salt bag; zhib khug little bag for flour; gYang khug pouch containing auspicious articles to draw good luck. khugs pa n. of a dynasty originated at a place called Khugs-pa: rgyal rabs khugs pa thugs rje chen po'i yang tig las gsang ba po dge is the n. of a historical work containing accounts of the succession, dynasty, etc., of kings narrated by Khugs-pa Thugs-rje chenpo (Yig. 9). khung I: hole, pit hollow, cavity, originally used, only of dark holes and cavities: khung nyal SANST that sleeps in a lair or hole; a snake; sna khung ; nostril; chab khung ; a sink; mchan khung armpit: armhole; gtor khung a sink; a gutter; mda' khung loop-hole; a hole made by an arrow; byi khung mouse-hole; brag khung a cleft in a rock; bso khung peep-hole; 'i khung or mig khung , te khung are used of any hole in walls, clothes, &c., caused by natural or artificial causes. II: rtsa ba root: de'i khung na'ang bod kyi sems can dang sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa from that root the living beings of Tibet and the religion of Buddha spread out, &c. (A. 128). khung drogs soot of an oven or chimney (Sch.). khung pa or khung po a large hole. khung bu = khung a small hole (Cs.); spu'i khung bu the passage of perspiration; hair-hole or cavity. khung bu can full of cavities or holes. khung rtsi or khung phu'u tsi Confucius, the first law-giver of China and founder of Confucianism. khungs origin, source: khungs skyel the act of making over the charge of any office or store in a faithful manner without anything missing, making use in full of that bought over as a loan, &c.: chos khungs dag pa pure and uninterpolated religious work; also pure religion: rgyud pa khungs dag pa of pure origin or lineage. The word khungs dag pa is also applied to articles of the best make and quality from well-known centres of trade: 'dir yod rmongs mi rnams nas khungs skyel thub pa'i snyan zhu 'bul the benighted people of that place petitioned stating the real state (of affairs). khungs thub pure and real, original; khungs med or khungs ngan pa having no good origin, i.e., mean, inferior: gtam khungs historical or traditional source; record; document: gtam khungs can yin the source of that speech is divine. bsgoms pas rnam rtog sa bon dang bcas pa spong nus pa'i khungs ji ltar zhe na| If asked what is the nature of meditation, it is the secret source of being able to abandon imaginative thoughts (rnam-rtog) together with their seed (Lam. ti., 43). khungs ma = dngos nas yod pa original and really existing or spus dag po of excellent quality, same as khungs gtsang ma 'ga' zhig la gzhi khungs ma nas 'byung ba'i rgyu mtshan some of pure descent had reasons arising from genuine grounds. khungs btsun well-founded; genuine; of undefiled origin: bon gzhung gang rung khungs btsun nas bshad pa as described in whatever Bon texts that have a genuine origin. khud coat-lap or any makeshift cloth; wrapper: gos kyi khud du dril te khur carried wrapped in the flap of his coat; khud du aside, apart; secretly; khud du 'jog pa to put; lay aside: khud du byas pa to have shown one's authority over a thing which belongs to many. khud pa pocket, pouch (Sch.): rdzas or skyel rdzongs SANST anything sent; a dowry; an article presented. khud ma side; edge (Cs.). khud ze for khud la gzad hold forth the lap of your coat! khun ti or khyen ti is stated to be used in Pur. for he or she (J‰.). khun pa SANST the uttering of any inarticulate sound; cooing; moaning; the rattling of wheels; rumbling of the bowels; to grunt (J‰.); to groan (Sch.). khum bu n. of a place in the confines of Tibet and Nepal (S. kar. 77). khum (khums ) crooked (J‰.). khums lag = skye lag , don bsgy ur yin diminished; changed: khyed kyi dad pa khums lag na if your faith be diminished (A. 85). khur or khur po SANST burden; load for men: bu der pha'i khur phog pa the father's burden having fallen on the son (Pag. 23): khur skyed pas 'tsho ba zhig one that lives by carrying loads (J‰.): khur shing wooden pole over the neck from the ends of which loads are carried; a milkmaid's yoke-pole is called khur 'dzin : khur khur po he who carries the bodily existence is Puo-gala; a corporeal being; khur gyis dub pa SANST one worn out by carrying loads; khur gyis non pa one drooping under a burden or load, also pressed down by responsibilities and sufferings: sdug bsngal mang po'i khur gyis non par 'gyur were pressed down by the weight of many miseries; khur gla SANST the wage for carrying a load: khur rngan . id. khur lci ba heavy load or responsibility: rgas te 'chi ba dang khur lci bas ngal being old, heavy burdens and death wore them out (Lam-rim. 74). khur brnyan pa = gYar ba SANST (from SANST) to borrow; to take loan of. khur thag = khur yongs 'dren thag or 'phyang thag the rope used in suspending loads from the ends of a yoke-like pole; rope to carry loads. khur 'degs byed giving over a charge or responsibility or load. khur 'dren pa SANST one who carries or draws a load; one who takes charge of. khur pa and khur mi a load-carrier; a coolie. khur 'phrog pa SANST the depriving of one's charge; the robbing of one's load. khur ba v. khur tshos 3. khur bor ba SANST he who has laid down the burden, charge or responsibility. In Buddhism khur bor ba or khur po bor ba , one who has laid down the five aggregates (skandha), i.e., he who will not have again to take corporeal existence; one of the perfections of Sravaka. khur blangs pa to take over charge: 'brel bshad kyi khur blangs pas having undertaken the task of expounding (Situ. 2). khur mang (khur mangs ) or khur mang pa , khur tshod SANST, SANST dandelion, or the (ba glang lce ) ox-tongue (as it is called in Tibet), used as a pot-herb and medicinal plant, a kind of edible herb: khur mang bad snug tshad pa la phan dandelion is useful in fever and brown phlegm. Syn. khur tshad ; ba glang lce (Moon.). khur tshos or mkhur tshos SANST; SANST the cheek, the ruddy part of the face below the eyes. Syn. khur ba . khur bzod pa SANST one who is able to carry a load, who has patience to carry a burden or responsibility. khur la mi 'jigs = sa gzhi the earth (Moon.). khur len the charge of : rdzong sdod mi 'dis lo zla tshes gang 'di tsam rdzong gi khur len byed pa the resident officer in the Jong about this date of the month and year took over charge of the Jong (district). khur bsam che ba one having a sense of responsibility: byed sgo gang ir khur bsam che ba dgos pa'i bkod general instruction for the necessity of a sense of responsibilities in an office. khul 1. jurisdiction; province; domain; district: gzhi rtse khul within the jurisdiction or province of Shiga-tse: lha sa'i khul all the places belonging to or within the town jurisdiction of Lhasa: de'i khul la 'dug is subject to him (J‰.). 2. also manner, state, or circumstance: yang ma shes na shes khul byas if you do not know, act the manner of knowing: med na yod pa'i khul byas if (you) have (it not), act as if you had: gcig phar tshur tshong phran bu rgyab khul byed kyi yod| I have been doing a little business in buying and reselling from one party to another. 3. a raven (in Kunawar). 4. the soft down of furs (Sch.). 5. khul mal small basket for wool. 6. very soft wool of Tibetan goat which grows next to skin, and also called khu lu or bal 'jam : khul sgy e mo made of the softest goat-hair or yak-hair: khul phying felt made of the softest wool of goat or yak. Syn. mngal zhabs ; mnga' 'og (Moon.). khul ma the bottom or the side of a thing (Cs.). khul rtse = ha cang or shin tu to great measure, lit. from the bottom to the top; hence entirely, greatly (Yig. 14). khul rtsid an abbreviation of the words khu lu and rtsid . khe numeral ninety-two (92). khe khye or khe ma 1. profit, gain; khe spogs ditto; khe tshong byed ba to trade; to traffic; to bargain; shes pa'i khe khye gain; advantage obtained by experience. 2. tetter; herpes; ringworm (eruption on the skin) (Sch.). khe gad n. of a place, the birth place of lo tsa ba 'khor lo grags pa (Loo. za 30). khe gan rtse n. of a monastery in China erected by the Chinese Minister Ka-thi-shee (Yig.). khe sgrub pa to make profit, to gain: khe brgyab pa to make a good bargain (Sch.). khe can with profit; profitable. khe nyen profit and loss; risk; also good and evil, i.e., yag and nyes . khe pa in Amdo = tshong pa tradesman; dealer; one who makes profit by selling or in business; tshong 'dus khe pa trader; middleman. khe brag mdo n. of a place in Kong-po, where the eighth incarnate Karmapa Lama was born. khe med unprofitable. khe ru 'gro ba to fall in price. khe le mon n. of a place in Mongolia (Yig.). khe slebs chen po very profitable yielding good income. khe gsum n. of a place in Tibet (S. kar.). khegs v. kha 3. khegs pa I: to obstruct; close: mngal sgo nges par khegs par 'gyur ro| (the medicine) will certainly obstruct the passage of the womb. II: mun pa i a general name for darkness, gloom or obscurity (Moon.). khengs gtam boastful words or language. Syn. dregs tshig ; nga ro (Moon.). khengs ldan ma = bu mo dar ma a youthful maiden (Moon.). khengs pa SANST, SANST 1. pride, haughtiness, arrogance. 2. pf. of 'khengs pa to fill; become replete with. 3. SANST puffed up, haughty, arrogant: khengs pa can SANST one who boasts; braggadacio. Syn. rengs pa ; dregs pa ; nga rgyal (Moon.). khen 'dra a kind of cotton cloth. khen pa 1. wormwood (Schtr.). 2. to lean; to repose on (erroneously for bkhan pa ) (Sch.). khebs SANST, SANST a cover, lid, coverlet: SANST an enclosure round the sacrificial ground; khebs kyi dra ba SANST a net (generally of iron) to cover anything; pang khebs a cover for the lap; apron; napkin; sga khebs a cover for the saddle; cog rtse khebs a table cloth; char khebs a rain cloak: thod khebs a cap; hood; gdung khebs a certain beam or board above the capital of a pillar; gdong khebs veil; cloth to cover the face; mdung khebs in W. apron. khebs 'gab pa to place a covering (over a thing); to cover. khebs sang ba to take the covering off. khebs pa = gYogs pa covering, veiled; khebs ma covering (Cs.). khem v. khyem 3. kher rkyang alone; solitary: mi kher rkyang gcig 'dug there was only one man, a solitary man. kher rgyag pa to defraud; to usurp (Sch.). khel sgo n. of a district, also that of a mountain: khel sgo ri la sdog rgyu khyod . khel ba 1. to load upon; = 'khel ba (J‰.). 2. rely upon; depend on; blo khyel ba , blo ches ba to have confidence in; brten khyel ba to be sure; to be certain; to be certain; to be certain of anything; absolutely certain: de ring yong brtan khel yin (his) coming today is absolutely certain. khes nyin the day before yesterday (Sch.). khes pa 1. to hit (the right thing): gnad la khes pa to strike the vital parts; to hit mortally. 2. one who makes profit or bargain by selling; a petty dealer, trader. kho I: numeral 122. II: the usual word for the pers. pron., 3rd pers., meaning he, she, or it. Although not an honorific term, it occurs in many authors in referring to both common personages and respected persons, especially in Milaraspa and even in much earlier works where kho often refers to kings and lamas. However khong is the proper honorific term of the 3rd pers. pron. In certain districts and in some popular writings mo is used instead of kho for "she," but it is considered a vulgar and illiterate usage. The plural takes cag or tsho e.g., kho cag , they, them; also kho tsho , commoner in W. In C. kho rang is the popular form for "he" or "she," &c. kho ti tea-kettle, prob. Chinese (J‰.). kho thag gcod pa to acquiesce in; hope for; be resigned to: bus rgyal srid 'phrogs pa'i lo rgyus thos nas 'phreng can gyis kho thag bcod (Pag. 45) hearing the account of her son having usurped the kingdom, Hphreo-can acquiesced in it. The word sems often precedes this phrase. kho mthing lha khang n. of a monastery in Lhobrag, South Tibet. kho na 1. only, solely, exclusively. 2. just, exactly, the very: sdig pa kho na sin only; dge ba kho na piety alone: skad cig kho na only for a moment; 'dod kho nas brel ba be separated even from desire: sems can kho nas bde bar 'dod tsa na as he intended only the welfare of beings: rang byed pa'i skyon kho nar yong (Pag. 134) it will be the fault only of one's own doing: rgyal pos 'dod pa kho na yin| that is just what has been wished for by the king (J‰.): snga ma kho na bzhin du just as before: 'di kho na yin par nges the very same (man): srin bu kho na 'dra ba just like a worm: tshul de kho nas by the very same process: de kho na SANST the state of being that; true state; real state; truth; reality; opposed to what is illusory or fallacious; essential nature; the real nature of the human soul as being one and the same with the supreme spirit pervading the universe; (in philosophy) truth, reality, a true principle. Syn. sha stag ; 'ba' zhig (Moon.). kho pa = kho cag or khong tsho they. kho po a tribal name in Tibet: nyag le la kho po dang kho dbra gnyis the nyag le tribe is divided into twoókho po and kho dbra . kho bo SANST I; myself; kho bo cag = nged tsho we: 'di la kho bos ngo mtshar gyur this produced admiration in me: lugs 'dir kho bo'i spro ba 'phel for this system my enthusiasm increased. In mi kho bo'i rnam shes the term would seem to mean "himself"óthe soul of man himself. kho bom the early Tibetan name for Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. In East Tibet Kathmandu is still called Yam-bu. kho ma = khom knapsack; wallet (J‰.). kho mo I; we (feminine). kho gYu the thrashing process, which is done by driving a number of oxen fastened together round a pole that stands in the middle of the thrashing floor. kho ra I: is evidently a corruption of kho rang , mi kho ra rang gi of the man himself (Oag.). II: (Cs.) also 'khor sa circumference; circumjacent space. kho ra khor yug 1. space; also fence; any surrounding wall (J‰.); also a ditch filled with water or moat round a city or a fort. 2. kun nas SANST from everywhere, from all directions; kho ra khor yug tu in a circle; in circumference (frequently in measuring) also roundabout, all round, e.g., to encompass: khor yug kun tu in the whole circuit, roundabout (J‰.): kho ra khor yug tu dpag tshad phyed pa extending over half a yojana or two miles all round. kho re 1. in Khams an expression of displeasure or anger towards a man: aa rogs Oh friend! is the opposite of kho re . 2. one of the early kings of Tibet, son of king Lde-cug mgon. kho ya che ba 1. a large space (Sch.). 2. dough made of rtsam pa (barley flour) and beer. kho lag = sku lus limbs, the entire body: kho lag yangs pa fully developed body or prominent limbs; kho lag yangs shing che ba dang dpal dang gzi brjid 'bar ba dang | his person being well-developed, was large and glowed with grace and brightness; i che ba la kho lag che ba zer anything that is large all over is called kho-lag che-wa. Also a generally well-developed shape is called kho-log che-wa. kho lag rdzogs = lang tsho dar ba youthfulness; full youth (Moon.). khog freq. for khong pa 1. the interior, inside. 2. for khogs or 'khogs . 3. also for 'gegs pa ; sha khog the carcass of an animal for meat: khog 'dzud khog pa phyed dang lhu gzugs sogs (Jig.) the entire body and one half of the carcass and the parts of the animal (slain). khog gcong chronic disease in the stomach or internal parts of the body. khog chud for khong du chud . khog pa 1. inside; the stomach: khog pa la lto zhu ba the digestion of food in the stomach. 2. the trunk of the body, containing the heart, lungs, liver, &c.: rus spal gyi khog the interior of the body of a tortoise. khog ma also rdza khog pot; earthen vessel generally used in Tibet for cooking rice, meat, broth, &c.: rdo khog a stone vessel or pot used in Khams for cooking purpose; khog chen large earthen or stone vessels for cooking the food of a large number. khog yangs or khog pa che capacious or large interior (Ya-sel. 48): khog shing the core of a tree; heart-wood. khog shugs a groan; a sigh. khogs pa 1. imp. of 'gog pa 3, ra de me tog za ma bcug par khogs shig stop that goat from eating the flowers. 2. to cough (J‰.). khong I: an honorific equivalent of kho he, she: khong gi thugs la in his thoughts; khong gi sku mdun du in his presence; rgyal po khong rang yin dgongs nas the king supposing that he himself was meant. Plural khong tsho they, them. (EEE No definition II. is provided in the original.) khong pa the interior of anything; the inside; also as adv. in the forms khoo-du, khoo-na, inside, within; also postp. khoo-na, into, within; khoo-nas out of. Certain phrases occur: khong du tshud pa to be anxious, to bear in mind; be impressed; khong nas smra ba to repeat from memory; khong du bsdu ba to collect in the mind; to impress on the memory; to learn (by heart); khong du ma chud pa not to appreciate (Hbum. 239 to 249): khong du ma chud pa med pa| not that it was not understood or appreciated (Hbum. 239 to 249) khong nas snying phung ba ltar as if their hearts had burst out; khong nas sdang ba SANST to be angry or indignant; khong nas phyung = nang nas phyung was taken out; khong pa'i drod la phan it helps the internal heat, i.e., digestion. khong 'khrug uneasiness; sorrow; anxiety. khong khro or khong khro ba SANST the state of becoming angry; passion; also inward wrath, malice; khong khro can SANST bitter; angry; malicious: legs ad gang yin de kun kyang khong khro gcig gis 'joms par byed even all the good that was done, by one angry outburst may be destroyed; khong khro spong ba to put away or subdue anger; khong khro za ba to conceive anger, take dislike; to be indignant; khong khro'i rnam 'gyur med pa free from the state of passion or anger (Pag. 130.). khong gang full inside; solid. Syn. tshod yod ; khog chud (Moon.). khong snying 1. the secret heart; the intention or design. 2. pith; core; shing gi khong snying the pith or inner wood of a tree (Moon.). khong snyom + = yid zhum pa of even temper. khong mar butter used in making cake-like offerings to the gods. khong snan ser po the yellow medicine from the intestines, i.e., bile or gall (Sman. 66). khong rtsil suet. khong 'dzin = khong khro anger; vindictiveness (Moon.). khong gseng secret holes in rocks. khong gseb the hollow (of a tree); the inner recess: sngon drang srong go ta ma'i chung ma bshol med ma zhes bya ba shin tu sdug cing yid du 'ong ba zhig yod pa shing gi khong gseb tu spas in ancient times the wife of Gautama the sage, Shol-med-ma by name, being very pretty and fascinating, was concealed in the hollow of a tree (Moon.). khongs the middle; the innermost; khongs su or khongs na in the midst: khoos-su htshud-pa to go into the midst; to understand; byed-sgo che phra zom-lus med-pahi khoos hgros yoo-wa the more and less important works, not leaving out the simpler ones, should be well studied. Hgro-wa rigs drug rtsis pahi skabs-su klu-ni dud-hgrohi khoos-su hdus when reckoning the six kinds of animated beings, include the Naga among the beasts; gser gling dang zang gling sogs kyang 'dzam gling gi khongs su gtogs Ser-ling, Zang-ling, etc., are included in the continent of Dzam-ling: de nyid kyi khongs su gnas so| (this) is contained, i.e., included in, that (J‰.): bsil ri kha snyoms pa'i khongs skyibs na in the protected cleft of the cool mountain where the snow is levelled (Ya-sel. 35). khongs pa SANST 1. highly injurious; violent; cruel; rough. 2. adv. crooked: khongs cha 'dug it is bent, curved, warped. khongs ril crippled. (J‰.). khod = ngos 3 1. the external appearance; outward look; surface: snyoms pas khod land of even surface; plains: so ngos snyoms pa even and regular teeth: las ka la khod snyoms po gyis in doing a work (business) be of even temper: zhal ba dang tshon btang rgyu la khod snyoms po gyis in plastering and in painting make the surface even: mi mang po'i bza' btung la khod snyoms po gyis in giving food and drink to many people make the distribution uniform: srab 'thug khod snyoms po fine and thick levelled into one. 2. v. 3'khod pa 3 and 3'god pa 3. khod khod grangs an average number (Ya-sel. 35). khon SANST sbst. anger; grudge; resentment; enmity: khon 'dzin pa or khon du 'dzin pa SANST to feel rancour, hatred; khon bzod pa forbear, endure, forgive; khon gug te sdad pa lit. to sit waiting out of vindictiveness to take revenge upon; khon 'bar in W. sting; the burning of anger or hatred in the soul (J‰.); khon pa las khon par gyur zhing getting more and more spiteful. II: a technical term in Tibet and Chinese astrology applying to one of the eight mystical signs or parkha of divination; khon pa one whose lot is cast in this division. khob fat; heavy; clumsy (Sch.). khob khrob the sound caused by the tapping of one thing upon another. khom wallet; leather trunk; felt or hide bag: gzigs khoms a great man's trunk: khom 'bog a bag usually made of leather for carrying apparel and other articles on a journey. khom pa 1. to have leisure, time to do a thing. 2. to be enabled to do a thing by the absence of external impediments (Schtr.): khom pa min I have no time; I cannot do it now; sdod mi khom no leisure to stay; nga khom I am versed in; mi khom not practised; mi khom pa brgyad SANST the eight obstacles to happiness caused by the rebirth in places or situations unfavourable to one's conversion to Buddhism. Such re-births are:- sems can dmyal ba SANST as hell beings; dud 'gro SANST as beasts, reptiles, flies, etc; yi ags SANST ghosts; lha tshe ring po SANST the gods who enjoy very life; mtha' 'khob mi SANST the border (wild) people; dbang po ma tshang ba SANST those who are defective in the faculties of the mind or of the body; log par lta ba SANST following false or heretical doctrines or theories; de bzhin gshegs pa rnams ma byung ba SANST the place where the Tathagata has not (yet) made his appearance. khor mo yug incessantly; continually (Sch.), v. khor yug 3. khor mor od pa continual and uninterrupted suffering (in the hell): dmyal bar skyes na tsha grang gi sdug bsngal la khor mor od pas chos byed du mi khom when born in hell, being subjected to torments in the miseries of heat and cold, the performance of religion is impracticable. khor zug an obsolete form of khor yug also nye 'khor SANST. khor yug 1. nye 'khor ; kun nas SANST the horizon; the outmost limit; the outer line or circumference; nyin mtshan kun tu at all times, day and night. 2. nyin mtshan khor yug gnyid med du bzhag kept them without sleep at all times, day and night (Yig): khor yug chen po SANST acc. to the Buddhists, the outer wall of the world; the greater horizon from the top of Sumeru. khor sa = kho ra 3. khol or khol bu abridgment; epitome; khol du phyung ba abridged (Cs.). khol mchu the mouth of a bellows. khol du = zur du in a corner; marginally. khol pa boiled (Cs.); boiling; bubbling (Sch.). khol po = gYog po SANST a servant; khol bran a slave; khol por rjes mu bzung ba to take; to hire for a servant: 'jig rten srid pa'i khol the world is a servant of the evolving principal. khol mo a maid-servant; a female slave; khol po sgog skya'i khur po can name of kind or vegetable medicine applied to wounds and sores, &c. (Sman. 350). khol bu a bit; a small piece. khol ma = skar khung SANST 1. a window; a hole in the wall or roof of a house to serve the purpose of a window or sky-light; acc. to Sch. an outlet for the smoke in a roof. 2. anything boiled: ja dang chu sogs bskol pa'i khol ma tea or water that has been boiled: dmyal ba'i khro chu khol ma the boiling or molten matter of hell: 'o thug khol ma boiling gruel. khol mo 1. gYog mo SANST maid servant. 2. a coarse sort of blanket usually given to slaves in C. (Schtr.). 3. mowed corn; a swath (J‰.). 4. among the herdsmen called Dog-pa, a bellows made of an entire goat skin. khos rgyud mis-spelt for khol rgyud a slave family or mean extraction: mag pa lo gsum khos rgyud min kyang skul rgyud yin though the son-in-law (elect) is not a slave (by birth) yet he should be made to serve (the bride's parents) for three years. khos imp. of gas pa to split: dgra bo'i mgo khos shig split the head of the enemy. khya 'i tse the running hand writing of Chinese. khya le or kha le as much as fills the hollow of the hand; handful, e.g., of water (Cs.). khyad pa I: seldom khyags pa 1. frozen. 2. the frost; ice; khyag thog khar on the ice; 'khyag pa'i bod yul Tibet, the country of frost; khyag la sbyar song it has stuck fast by freezing: khyag zhu ko ko acc. to J‰. in Tsang, mud caused by a thaw; snow water; khyag sran can hardened by frost; khyag rum or khyog rom ice; pieces of ice; floating blocks of ice. II: undertake; to be surety for: 'di khyod khur khyag gam mi khyag can you undertake to do this or not: bu lon sogs la kha khyag byed pa to stand as security for a loan, etc. khyad 1. different, distinction: gang btang na khyad med it is no matter which you give me; nga dang phrad pa dang khyad med it is quite the same as if they came to myself; sems la khyad byung a difference of opinion arose (J‰.). 2. something excellent; superior; khyad ches 'phags pa greatly exalted; bzo khyad an excellent work of art; bsgrubs pa'i khyad yong there will be some advantage in accomplishing it; khyad nor the principal or chief wealth; khyad don the principal sense or reason; advantage. 3. is added to an adj. to express the notion derivable from any quality: spom po thick; spom khyad thickness; yangs pa wide; yangs khyad width; goms pa accustomed; goms khyad a habit or custom. khyad khyud said to be grangs kyi ming , n. of a number (Ya-sel. 57). khyad chos superior or excellent doctrine; a good religious discourse, hence those who possess special qualification for miracles are called gzhan las khyad par du 'phags pa "in sublimity superior to others." khyad du = khyad par du or bye brag tu especially, particularly; also superior and excellent; khyad du gsad pa to contradict; also to do the contrary (out of pride or vanity); to despise: nga rgyal dbang gis dma' la khyad du gsad from pride he speaks ironically to the lowly. khyad par = khyad du 1. difference, distinction: nga dang khyod gnyis khyad par che between you and I there is a great difference; de dang khyad par ma mchis pa'i rten an image not differing from this; ming gi khyad par yin it is (only) a difference of name. 2. sort, kind: 'bras bu'i khyad par kun all sorts of fruit; ri ags kyi khyad par zhig a particular kind of game; yul gyi khyad par a particular place or province. khyad par bkod pa rgyal po'i pho brang an edifice of special design; palace of superb make. khyad par gyi 'ching ba SANST that which binds particularly, i.e., worldliness. khyad par can special; specially good; superior, excellent, capital: khyad par can gyi mdzad pa gnyis the two special achievements or exploits (Yig.): bla ma khyad par can cig an excellent spiritual teacher. khyad par du adv. particularly, chiefly, especially: khyad par du 'phags pa particularly eminent, noble: khyad par du sod par byed he scorns, despises, ridicules, vilifies. khyad par gnas = byang chub ljon shing the Bodhi or Pipal tree (Moon.). khyad bar lo ma excellent leaf; SANST n. of an individual (A. K.). khyad tshar can = ngo mtshar can wonderful; curious; strange. khyad gzhi the superior basis. A superior basis is alone possessed of khyad-chos i.e., virtues which cannot be found elsewhere. The god Brahma is called khyad gzhi tshangs pa the god of excellent basis, for Brahma is possessed of superior moral merits, resplendence, and longevity. khyab pa = rgyas pa SANST, SANST 1. to fill, penetrate; also to embrace, estimate, comprise: 'brum pa mang pos khyab pa full of, or quite covered with, pustules; mkhris pas khyab pa filled, impregnated with bile; sngon 'das pa'i bskal pa grangs med dpag tu med bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i pha rol tu unnumbered immeasurable kalpas ago; beyond what the mind is able to estimate. In grammar: capable of being joined to any word, inclusive of all; khyab che ba comprehensive; everywhere and nowhere; to be met everywhere; used also in the way of censure (J‰.). nam mkha'i mtha' khyab pa ni sangs rgyas kyi mkhyen pa'i ye shes the wisdom of Buddha encompasses the bounds of heaven; shes bya'i yul rnams ni nam mkha' mtha' dang mnyam pa'i khyab pa the domain of knowledge is commensurate with the very extremity of the heavens. 2. khyab song ba all-sufficing; all covering. khyab cha = bya ba duty, general business (of a man); work: lugs zuo-gi khyab-cha lhos med-du mcis am executing without relaxation the general duties of both parts of life (i.e., the spiritual and temporal) (Yig. 44.). khyab 'jug SANST the All-pervading One, i.e., Virnu. His several names are:- dga' ba'i dbang po go bin da SANST the Lord of Pleasures, Govinda; thig le drug pa 'gro ba'i tog ; tha gu'i lto can sred med bu ; gYo med glang rdzi skra can gsod the immovable Gopalaóthe killer of Kesi; mi yi theg pa dpa' bo brgyud , nye dbang dpal gyi be'us mtshan SANST the sign Srivatsa on the breast of Virnu; pad ma'i lte ba 'og dbang skyes ; dpal gyi lag pa gYung drung can ; dbyig gi lto ba nabs so skyes ; sbyor ba brgya pa dpal gyi bdag ; 'jug pa bcu pa mi'u thung SANST the dwarf; he of the ten incarnations; gom gsum gnn dang stobs ldan bsla ; mkha' lding rgyal mtshan 'khor lo phyag ; zla ba'i snying po pad dkar mig SANST the lotus-eyed; Virnu; ma 'dzag dang ni rwa gzhu can ; sna tshogs gzugs can khyu mchog lto . dga' ba brgya pa mthon po'i lha ; sbyin skyes dgra bo gos ser can ; me tog lto ba mkhar ba'i dgra ; mi yi seng ge khyab 'jug go SANST, SANST Virnu or Nrisioha. khyab 'jug rkang pa = river Ganges. khyab 'jug skyes = tsan dan sbrul gyi snying po SANST the fragrant sandal-wood tree. Snakes generally coil round its branches; images made of it fetch very high prices. khyab 'jug dga' ma = khyab 'jug chung ma SANST Virnu's lover or wife. khyab 'jug chung ma SANST Virnu's wife. Her different names are:- pad ma can , SANST; 'phrog byed yum , dpal mo , khyab 'jug dga' ma . khyab 'jug dregs pa'i gdong = snan chan aconite (Sman. 97). khyab 'jug gnas SANST a place of pilgrimage in Gaya, the temple where there is a footprint of Virnu. khyab 'jug gnon pa = spang rgyan lit. the ornament of grass or ston gyi me tog , an autumnal flower (Moon.). khyab 'jug bzhon pa the golden eagle on which Virnu rides: khyab 'jug gi bzhon pa bya khyung gi ming the different names of Garuda, the conveyor of Virnuóskya rengs nu bo the younger brother of the dawn; 'od srungs skyes SANST; mkha' 'grong dbang phyug , klu mthar byed SANST; gser gyi 'dab can , rdo rje'i mchu , 'dab chags seng ge , lta 'gro za , nye dbang shing rta , rnam dul skyes , skar mig bu , dug 'joms ldan , 'dul skyes , 'dab chags rgyal po , mkha' lding (Moon.). khyab 'jug gzer or khyab 'jug nad , also ra hu le ne , epilepsy, which is supposed to be sent or caused by the planets or the Hindu deity Virnu. khyab gdal spread out slowly and uniformly in all directions; to absorb all, as does Sunyata; voidity: khyab ni nam mkha' nyi 'od kyis khyab pa lta bu tshig gros gdal zhes pa sa thams cad khod snyoms par gdal ba lta bu chos thams cad la khyab pa'i stong nyid dang chos nyid la yang khyab gdal gyi sgra 'jug pa yod shes (Oag.). khyab bdag SANST the all-pervading lord. khyab 'dod wishing everything. khyab brdal = khyab gdal all absorbing; all-encompassing: snang ba dkar po'i khyab brdal du spel widely diffused like the sunlight. khyab par 'gro ba to move, covering everything in the way. khyab par 'dzin pa SANST to envelope. khyab byed = ru rta 1. n. of a vegetable drug. 2. met. the eye. 3. met. the sun. khyams 1. yard, courtyard; gallery (Cs.); = srang ga the hall of a house; impluvium; (khyams is termed sgo-ra in a poor house). 2. open; uncovered place in the upper stories of a house where people sit for airing or to enjoy light, air and sun. yul 'khor 'di na skyes bu ji snyed yod pa thams cad 'khor gyi khyams su 'dus shig bring to the courtyard all the people as many as there are in this country to be my followers (K. d. 210 to 214). khyams stod upper courtyard; khyams snad the lower courtyard. khyams pa khyams pa , khyar ba or khyal pa v. 'khyams pa 3 &c. khyams ra open space before a house or on the roof of a house used for airing, walking, or sitting; also playground. khyi in Tsang pronounced as kyi or kih, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST hound, dog; khyi mo a bitch; khyi rmug yong the dog will bite; khyi bos nas ma brdung "after calling a dog, do not beat him" is a Tibetan common saying to explain that it is not proper to beat or insult an invited person even if he be a bad person. Acc. to Sch. khyi rkang gnyis a bastard dog, a cur; prob. an inferior breed is meant. khyi yi lce yis rma rnams 'drub par byed the tongue of the dog causes wounds to heal; khyi yi rlig pas bu ro 'byin the testes of a dog draw out the dead child (from the womb); khyi yi klad pas phyi 'grib mig la phan the brains of a dog are useful for the cataract of the eye; khyi yi khrag gi mdze nad sel dog's blood removes leprosy: khyi yi sha yis chu nad skem par byed a dog's flesh dries up water, i.e., heals dropsy; khyi yi spu gzhob lhob skrangs gnon the burnt hair of a dog absorbs swollen ulcers; khyi yi brun gyis gnod 'jom skrangs pa zhi the excrement of the dog subdues evil spirits in one's body and soothes swellings; khyi thug chu yis kha yi rul rdol gcod the urine of a dog is a cure for ulcers in the gums (Sman.); khyi yi od pa the habits of the dog described by Masurakra are as follows: mang du zad pa voraciousness, cung zad cog contentment with a small quantity, legs par gnyid log always sleeping, myur bar sad easily wakeful, dpal la intrepidity, snying nye faithfulness, brtan pa firmness. khyi nyal rgyug lhong is a common saying, to cause a sleeping dog to get up by poking him with a stick, i.e., to rouse to action one who is silent. Syn. rdo rje'i mjug ma ; gso byed ; 'dod dbang ; seng ge'i rigs ; skye ba'i cha can ; rdzi gsang ba ; grong gi gcan gzan ; sha khyi (Moon.). khyi klung n. of a place and valley in Tibet. khyi dkar dung gi thag pa can n. of a vegetable possessing medicinal properties for healing wounds and sores (Sman. 350). khyi skad the barking of a dog. khyi khang dog kennel. khyi gu I: in W., bud (of leaves and branches, not of blossoms); the eye (of a plant). II: a puppy; a dog. khyi khyo n. of a place, also of a fabulous country to the east of Asia, prob. Kamschatka (J. Zao.). khyi ston jo yi n. of a Buddhist teacher of Tibet. khyi dam lit. dog's seal; a mark burnt in; stigma. khyi dug the poison of hydrophobia (Sch.). khyi mdud pa pairing of dogs. khyi pal jor in W., Blitum virgatam. khyi pul a dog kennel; dog-house (J‰.). khyi ang a jackal. khyi bru a vicious, biting dog (Sch.). khyi ra pa = rngon pa , SANST, SANST, SANST 1. a huntsman; one who kills wild animals by chasing them with dogs, &c. 2. ki ra ta SANST a tribe in Nepal who live by hunting. khyi sbrang a flea; lit. dog's fly. khyi mo * bitch or female dog: bud med de khyi mo dmar mo zhig tu song nas "the woman having transmigrated into a red bitch" (Mil.). khyi myong a rabid dog; also canine madness; hydrophobia. khyi tshang a dog-house. khyi 'tshed SANST the baker or seller of parched rice, millet, &c. khyi'u ka + the remainder of anything cut or chopped off. khyi'u'i khyi'u khyi phrug or khyi gu puppy; pup: khyi'u'i khyi'u dbyung ba'i tshul du SANST in the manner of a puppy being brought forth. khyi ra chasing, hunting, especially of a single huntsman, not of a party; in W. to go hunting: khyi ra la chags can one who is fond of hunting; sportsman. khyi la wa ri = seng ldan SANST the tree Acacia catechu; also Terra japonica. khyi shig SANST a flea. khyi shing a tree-drug which cures diseases of the lungs and the eye. It also expectorative (Med.). khyi so rgyab pa the bite of a dog: khyi so tab she the dog will biteóLadak dialect. khyig v. 'khyig pa 3. khyid breadth of the hand with the thumb extended to form a span. khyim 1. resp. khab SANST, SANST a home, residence, dwelling-place: khyim na at home; khyim du at home, in the house; khyim du at home, in the house; khyim bdag rin po che SANST the ideal householder (of the Buddhists). 2. SANST the signs of zodiac; khyim bcu gnyis SANST the twelve signs of the zodiac; SANST or khyim gyi 'khor lo the zodiac; SANST, lug the ram; SANST, glang the bull; SANST, 'khrig pa (husband and wife in union) the twins; SANST, ka rka Ta the crab; SANST, seng ge the lion; SANST, bu mo the virgin; SANST, srang the balance; SANST, sdig pa the scorpion; SANST gzhu (or bow) the archer; SANST, chu srin the sea-monster (capricorn); bum pa water-pot; water-bearer; and SANST, nya fish. Besides these there are mentioned twenty-four minor signs of the zodiac such as SANST, mi'u thung the dwarf; SANST, nye ba'i bum pa , 'brin gar , &c., which raise the list of the signs to thirty-six (K. g. da 129). Acc. to J‰. there is moreover a division into twenty-seven lower mansions much in use, v. rgyu skar 3. 3. double hours; the time of two hours; the time of the passing of a sign of the zodiac through the meridian (J‰.). 4. halo or circle round the sun or moon (Cs.). 5. symbolic numeral 21 (J‰.). khyim skyes SANST domesticated; indigenous. khyim skyong ba to have a household; to gain a livelihood (J‰.); to stick to home and look after it. khyim khol = skyes pa 'brus phyung ba an eunuch; also SANST a domestic slave; one belonging or related to a family. khyim gyi kun dga' ra ba = skyed tshal a grove or garden attached to a house (Moon.). khyim gyi gtor za chu'i bya gag a grey species of duck (Moon.). khyim gyi dag ra khyim gyi dag ra , dngas ra SANST yard, courtyard. The dag ra of a temple or tomb is called 'khor sa or nye khor . (EEE the dngas ra given in the original is a mis-spelling of angs ra .) khyim gyi nor bu (lit. the gem of the house) = sgron me or mtshan mo'i snang byed and 'bar ba'i ral pa a lamp, light (Moon.). khyim gyi gYabs SANST verandah or portico. khyim gyi sa rtsis Khyim gyi sa tsis household; house-keeping; farming. khyim nya a whale; a fish of the size of a house; a mythological fish (Sch.). khyim nye ba'i rin po che SANST the perfect ideal of a lay subject of a king and second only to the khyim bdag rin pa che . khyim thab or khyim thabs husband; frequently also wife; khyim thab la slong ba to give in marriage; to give away a woman for a wife; khyim thab mo wife; house-wife (Cs.); khyim thab las ma 'phyo ba SANST a devoted wife: bdag khyod dang khyim thabs bya'o| let you and me be married. Syn. khyo shug ; bza' tsho ; bza' tshang (Moon.). khyim dang khyim na house to house; each in his house. khyim du nyal = bya mchil pa the swallow (Moon.). khyim bdag SANST a householder; a master of the house; husband; owner of a house; a citizen. Very freq. in the older writings khyim bdag gi rigs shing sAa la chen po lta bu| SANST the house-holder class is like a great Sala tree. khyim bdag drag shul can a rough uncultured householder. khyim bdag dpal sbyin khyim bdag dpal sbyin zhes pa ni bcom ldan 'das kyi dus su byung ba'i khyim bdag zhig gi ming SANST n. of a householder who was devoted to Buddha (K. ko. ca 335). khyim bdag mo SANST a house-wife; also a female householder. Syn. brtul zhugs ma ; khyim 'dzin ma ; khab 'dzin ma ; rigs skyong ma ; rigs kyi ma ; khyim bdag ma (Moon.). khyim ldan v. rtsangs pa 3 a lizard (Moon.). khyim nas 'byung ba = theg chen byang chub ljon shing gi lo ma a leaf of the Bodhi-tree (K. d. na 327). khyim gnas bram ze'i rigs bzhi yi gcig la khyim gnas SANST acc. to Brahmanical religion, the worldly life, a house-holder's life (Ya-sel., 55). khyim pa layman; married man: khyim pa'i phyogs su sbyin pa to give away to a layman: phyis khyim pa'i tshul can gyi rnal 'byor pa a devout man or yogi who lives outwardly in the manner of a layman. khyim pa'i od pa can he who betakes to the life of yogi; gzhon nu gdong drug an epithet of Kumara Shadanana (Moon.): khyim pa'i lus su ma gyur cig do not revert to the life of a layman (Moon.). khyim pa rtag pa'i dpyad SANST the science of discerning the fit place for the residence (of a householder). khyim par gnas pa SANST, SANST one that abides in his house; one living in his house; a worldly man; he who lives as a layman. khyim phub living in divided families (K. d. sa 75). khyim bya SANST, SANST domestic fowl; cock; hen; poultry. Syn. zangs kyi gtsug phud ; mya ngan med ; zung gi sgra sgrogs ; tho rangs skad dza; mtshan mo skad ; bde legs can ; yongs zlum mig ; dga' byed ; 'phel byed ; nor bu'i mgrin can ; 'od kyi sde ; snga bar sgra sgrogs ; zangs zi can ; pags pa'i gtsug phud ; mtshan mo rig ; rkang pa'i mtshan cha can (Moon.). (EEE rkang pa'i mtshan cha can is a typographical error for rkang pa'i mtshon cha can ) khyim bya mtshal lu a very large species of fowl which is also called sde pho mtshal lu . The bile of this bird is believed to be a cure for poison. khyim bya'i od pa the four habits of the cock acc. to Masurakri are the following: tho rangs ldang dang crowing before dawn; 'thab pa dang ldan always fighting; gnyen la kha zas snyoms par byed dividing food equally with his friend; mo la rab gnon nye bar od always keeping the hen under control and chucking her. khyim tshang a family; a household. khyim mtshes a neighbour; khyim mtshes dud pa btang 'brel nearness of residence; neighbourhood so near that the smoke from the fire place of one house mixes up with that of another; khyim mtshes pa ; a male neighbour; khyim mtshes ma a female neighbour. khyim zhag a zodiacal day. khyim zla a zodiacal month. khyim la 'ong ba khyim la 'ong ba , gtong ba to get married, to be given in marriage on the female part (J‰.). khyim la zhen pa a lover of home; one attached to his home; home-sick. khyim sun 'byin pa SANST vituperating or blaming the secular state or a domestic abode. khyim so SANST homesick. khyim so sor bsgo ba SANST one who creates dissensions in a family. khyim gsar ma = bag ma or lag 'dzin ma , also lhan cig od ma a bride; wife (Moon.). khyu flock; herd: lug gi khyu a flock of sheep; rta'i khyu a herd of horses; gnag gi khyu a herd of cattle; bya'i khyu or tshogs a flock of birds. khyu gsags pa to collect or gather in flocks (Sch.); khyu skyong ba to keep; tend a flock or herd; company; band; gang; troop: mi khyu a company of men (Cs.); bu mo khyu a bevy of girls; dmag khyu a troop of soldiers. khyu nas 'bud pa to exclude from the flock or company; khyu sna 'dren pa to go before; to take the lead of a troop or of a flock; Bya ser-po khyu-re hgrogs mao-po yellow birds; many companions in each flock (A. 34). khyu mchog SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. chief; king; the bull; Virnu. 2. zla ba gsum pa the third month of the Tibetan year generally corresponding with April. Syn. dpyid tha chung SANST, SANST; nag pa ; sbrang zla ; myos byed ; dri zhim ldan ; yid srabs ; 'dod 'dus ; ming bzugs ; 'brug zla ; zla ba gsum pa , the third month of the Tib. year (Rtsii.). khyu mchog bgrod pa = bya mchil pa SANST a kind of swallow (Moon.). khya mchog rgyal mtshan = dbang phyug chen po SANST n. of Mahadeva (Moon.). khyu mchog can = zla ba brgyad pa or ston zla 'bring po the eighth month of the Tibetan year corresponding with November (Rtsii.). khyu mchog mtshan pa 1. SANST one with the marks or signs of a bull or one who carries the bull ensign. 2. n. of a drug called SANST (the plant Jastica genderussa), which is used for purifying the blood. khyu lto ba SANST with a belly resembling that of a bull. khyu 'dus pa SANST collected in a herd or flock; also heap, multitude; an aggregate. khyu ldan v. tsha ba med 3 SANST, the tamarisk (Moon.). khyu byug erroneously used for khu byug , n. of a large bird of sweet note, which, according to the Tibetans, migrates in summer to cooler regions and in cold weather returns to the warmer zones. In J‰. khyu byug ku hu probably signifies the note of the black Indian cuckoo. khyug v. 'khyug pa 3. khyug gyug glog gi 'od khyug khyug byed zig-zag flash of lightning. khyug tsam = tig tsam or hrib tsam or srib tsam a little; a little while. khyung I: herd, multitude. II: (Sch. also khyuo-mo) the garuda bird, mythical chief of the feathered race; the golden eagle: khyung skyug a kind of gem said to have been brought from the Sumeru mountain by Garuda and vomited by him: khyung skyug sogs nad kun 'joms pa'i mchog (the eagle's vomit) is the chief remedy against the effects of poisonous drugs: khyung gi sen mos klu nad 'joms the toe of an eagle is used as an antidote for leprosy. khyung phrug skyug pa'i bdud rtsi chag pa'i kha chu the watery substance vomited by locusts; a mystical expression (Mio. 4). khyung sngon skyes I: SANST the first-born of heaven; the one that was born before garuda; an epithet of Aruna, the charioteer of the sun. 2. = skya reng dawn. 3. khyung shog can the early morning which advances with the wings of an eagle; a name of Vajrapani Bodhisattva. II: nyi ma'i kha lo pa the charioteer of the sun (Moon.). khyung thur can = go cha or go khrab coat of mail (Moon.). khyung sder claws of an eagle (Med.; Cs.); (Garuda-claw) the n. of a medicinal root: khyung sder dkar mo the white species of this vegetable drug, so called on account of its resemblance to the claw of an eagle: khyung sder snag po the dark brown species of the root, in appearance like the claws of an eagle. Both these roots are used to neutralize snake poison, &c. khyung po many collected or assembled together. khyung dpyad a small round basket of reed (Cs.). khyung rtse dgon monastery in the valley of Panam in Tsang. khyung ril is said to be a large cylindrical basket, the same as kun-dum in Ld., v. rkon pa 3. khyud pa SANST to worship, adore. khyud mo 1. rta chas the equipments of a horse. 2. rim of vessel (Sch.). khyur po = ril po or sgang po entire; full. khyur mid pa to swallow; to eat the food without chewing, in the manner of birds, snakes and fish: khyur mid du song ste suffering himself to be swallowed. khyus wall side (in Tsang)? (J‰.). khye pa SANST wide. khye bo bu tsha children. khye ma n. of a disease (Med.; J‰.). khyed I: n. of a tribe in Tibet (Vai. kar. 150). II: pers. pron. thou, you; is the ordinary resp. form of khyod: khyed cag plur. of khyed , if generally used in addressing lamas, but seldom in addressing superiors, such as parents, uncles, and brothers is used to those senior in age, and sometimes contemptuously. khyed rang is common colloquially for khyed; khyed cag, khyed rnams , khyed tsho you or you all: dge tshul khyed gnyis you two novice monks; khyed tsho'i blo mnga' ltar yong it will be as you (all) think. khyen te in Purang he; she (J‰.). khyebs + = khebs cover. khyem = khem a shovel: khyem dang 'phen pa to shovel away; to cast out with a shovel; khyem gyi 'dab ma the blade of a shovel (J‰.): khyem gyi yu ba the handle of a shovel (Cs.); gru khyem , chu khyem oar; in W. lcags khyem iron spade; me khyem fire-shovel; wa khyem a scoop; khyem bu a spoon (Cs.). khye'u SANST, also SANST, SANST 1. a boy; an infant child. 2. a youth, esp. in Dzang-lun. khye'u kha = shing lo gsar du kha 'bus pa the tender shoots of leaves (Moon.). khye'u mthon pa khye'u mthon pa , khye'u bye ba the delivery of a child; child-birth. In Kahgyur and Tangyur khye'u btsas pa khyehu mtsas-pa = bu skyes pa the birth of a male child. khyer rkyang one who is specially authorized or responsible to make payment or receive deposits in money or in kind in a Jong or district: yong sgo che phra'i rigs rdzong sdod khyer rkyang nas bsdu ba all proceeds (collections) large or small should be collected by the officer resident in the Jong (Rtsii.). khyel bzhugs pa n. of a posture in yoga; a mode of sitting: 'dug stangs kyi ming or rtsog rtsog pur 'dug pa (Moon.). khyo or khyo bo a husband; khyo byed pa to act as a husband; also to take a wife: khyo-oahi khyo mi byed na if you do not marry me (J‰.). khyo ga husband; also emphatically man, as skyes bu nga hor pa khyo ga yin I, a Tartar, am a man (as distinguished from effeminate people). khyo ga po a hero. khyo 'dam ma = bag ma a bride. khyo pho husband: khyod kyi khyo pho de ci zhig lta bu what like is your husband (SÒio.). khyo med pa SANST, SANST a widow. khyo re to stand erect, upright (Yig. 51). khyo shug SANST husband and wife; a married couple; same as bza' tsho or bza' mi (Lish. kha 4). khyo shugs gnas SANST the place where a married couple pass their honeymoon. khyog thong (abbr. of khyo ga and thong ) in W. a young man; a youth (J‰.). khyog po crooked; curved; bent (Cs.); also cunning (J‰.). khyogs phebs byams SANST, SANST 1. a sedan chair, palanquin; also a scaffold (Cs.). 2. litter, bier (J‰.). khyogs * SANST a swing (Schr.; Kalac. T. 146). khyogs pa = theg pa vehicle or conveyance. khyong = skyong , or khong ba , in colloq. nyin khyong one day's entertainment. khyod pers. pron., 2nd pers., thou, youóis the ordinary form of address to inferiors or to equals: khyod kyi your, thine: khyod cag gi your, of you all: khyod tsho or khyod rnams you, ye: khyod rang thou, you, yourselfóvery common in the colloq. of C. in place of the simple khyod. khyod shugs SANST a pair; pairing, v. khyo shug 3. khyon SANST, SANST, SANST the measure or dimensions, area, extent, size; width; circumference; height: this term can be applied to things material or immaterial; shes bya'i khyon kun the whole extent of learning or knowledge; nam mkha'i khyon kun the extent of the void space or sky. khyon sgril altogether; all taken together: sdong ras khyon sgril gos snams cotton cloth for wicks all together (Rtsii.). khyon che ba SANST, SANST broad; very widely spread. khyon sdom all together; sum total; contents; acc. to Cs. narrow extent. khyon nas thoroughly; khyon nas mi sdig can an out-and-out sinner; khyod nas med pa not at all (J‰.). khyom khyom oblique; awry; irregularly shaped. khyor ba I: to move totteringly; to stumble; be dizzy; defined in a native author as shed med pa grod pa ltogs nas 'gro yod pa lta bu 'gro ba "moving as if one went with a hungry belly and without strength"; chang bzi ba'am rgas nas 'gro dus gom pa khyor to walk as an old or drunken person; tshad pas na nas kha khyor speaking irregularly as in a feverish delirium; shing gi snod khyor ba bobbing as a wooden vessel. II: as much as fills the hollow of the hand; khyor ba gang a handful (of anything); khyor ba do two handsful. khyol ba v. 'khyol ba 3, to be brought or carried or khyos ma . khra I: (tha) SANST 1. a cheat. 2. a kind of hawk or falcon; sparrow-hawk used for hunting: khra yi sgo ngas sa bon 'dzag pa bsrung the egg of the hawk is curative of the disease of involuntary discharge of the semen; khra yi mjug sgros mo nad sel the feathers from a hawk's tail remove female diseases; khra yi brun gyis skrangs pa rnag tu 'gugs the excrement of the hawk prevents accumulation of pus in a boil; khra mig gza' nad 'byung po'i gdon kun thub a hawk's eye overcomes all demons that produce apoplexy. Syn. 'dab chags dang ma ; ri bong za ; bya khra ; gYo ba (Moon.). II: n. of a tribe in Tibet (Vai. kar. 160). III: SANST 1. a lie, falsehood; also a liar. 2. n. of a Naga Raja (snake king). IV: or khra ma (tha-ma) a letter; skyes khra a letter with a present. khra khra (tha-tha) = khra bo party-colour (Oag. 10). khra khro can (tha-tho-can) defined as khong khro che ba'am zhe sdang che ba a passionate or wrathful individual. khra rgyu variegated colour: snum lag rked lhas la dkar po khra rgyu dgos shing . khra brgyan variegating an ornament (amulet or bracelet, &c.) with precious stones. khra sgrigs (tha-dig) khra rim bzhin sgrigs pa arranging in variegated colours with rows of turquoise, corals, pearls, &c. khra sna ke ru n. of a place near 'on in Tibet. khra pa a falconer. khra bo (tha-o) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. many coloured, with one predominating colour as in chintz; party coloured, as in the case of cattle and wild animals, such as a tiger or leopard, and in birds. In dkar khra , the white (dkar)is supposed to predominate. In dmar khra , red predominates. In the common saying stag gi khra bo phyi la yod|mi yi khra bo nang la yod| the tiger is party-coloured externally, but man is so internallyóthe meaning, of course, is that it is difficult to know a man even by the traits of his mind. 2. Acc. to J‰. a distinction is to be drawn between khra-wo and khra-wa, the first signifying only two-coloured or piebald, and the second party or many-coloured. We have not found this distinction ourselves. The significations of the various compounds of khra have all a reference to the peculiar effect produced on the eye by the blending of two or more colours together, especially when seen from a distance; so khra cem me is said of a rainbow, tinted meteor, etc.; khra lam me or khra lham me of a similar phenomenon; khra chem chem of a flight of birds: khra cham se khra chem me or khra chem se in C. = chem khra spring nge in Ld. Such compounds have also assumed the character of an adverb, as in khra me re , together; altogether. khra ma 1. a register, index. 2. a judicial decree. 3. a kind of grain, 'bru SANST. 4. acc. to Vai. so. = mkhyogs nas a kind of barley grain, growing and ripening rapidly within 60 days, v. gYo khram . (EEE the entry gYo khram is probably a mistake for gYo khra ma which means "deceit, sleaze". We have some doubt about the entry 4. altogether; the mkhyogs nas it likely means crookedness rather than a type of grain in which case gYo khra ma would suit.) khra ma gnyis sgrom in jewelery or lacquer work when there is a variegating with two colours. khra mar a kind of biscuit made in twisted cross ribs and painted red. These are given only to Government officials at state dinners in Tibet. khra rtse a kind of biscuit or pastry made in the shape of a grating. khra zur a species of eagle (Sch.). khra zla (tha-da) = zla ba gnyis pa or dpyid zla 'bring po the second Tibetan month corresponding with March (Rtsii.). khra ring a striped long scarf. This is also called bkra shis khra ring , the auspicious long striped scarf which is generally attached to flag poles:- lhag-par pho-brao rtse-nas khra-rio dao dar-phan duo dao rol-mo sogs sbro, moreover they exhibited from the top of the palace long scarves and pendant silk and played on trumpets and cymbals, &c. khra shig shig in dazzling array (J. Zao.). khra sems shes n. of a bird (K. ko. ka 3). khrag (thag) sku mtshal resp. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST blood: pang khrag blood of child-bed. zhang khrag or vulgarly dzang khrag signifies blood of the menses; gzhung khrag healthy and nourishing blood (Cs.); nad khrag bad or diseased blood. In Sikkim khrag is pronounced khyak. khrag gcod n. of a medicinal herb which stops bleeding (Med.): khrag gcod pa to stop bleeding; khrag chad pa cessation of bleeding: snying khrag 'khol la rag in W. I feel my blood throbbing, e.g., from ascending a steep hill. khrag 'dzag pa flowing of the blood, generally applied to menstruation; khrag chag pa clotted blood; gore (Cs.). Syn. rma skyes ; shar 'gyur byed ; sha yi sa bon ; mtshan bsnun skyes ; khyab gnas ; mi lhung ; lus skyes ; rma las 'bab pa (Moon.). khrag skem khrag skem , spang rtsi n. of a vegetable medicine very useful in stopping bleeding (Sman. 86). khrag khrig (thag-thig) SANST also SANST 1. one hundred thousand million, or an indefinitely large number (Cs.); this number has twelve figures; khrag khrig chen po SANST this has thirteen figures, cf. dkrigs pa 3. 2. in vulgar language khrag khrig is expressed as khra gi khri gi and means moving and oscillating about: de nas rdzings chen po khrag khrig tsam yang med par then (in) a large ship which did not even roll. khrag khrig snang ba = snig rgyu a mirage; an optical illusion (Moon.). khrag khrug (thag-thug) all in disorder; promiscuous; like a troop of fighting men, or like the loose leaves of a book when out of order (Zam.). khrag 'khrugs agitation; flutter; orgasm of the blood (Sch.). khrag khrog (thag-thog), v. khrag khrug 3. khrag ge khrug ge (thag-ge thug-ge) when two men do not agree with each other, there is said to be thag-ge thug-ge among themóa falling-out, disagreement. khrag rgyun SANST the running of the blood in the veins; circulation. khrag chags rta a blood bred horse, i.e., a real horse, opposed to a metaphysical one (Mil.). khrag 'thung 1. a class of terrifying deities of the Bon and Tantrik Schools. 2. skya ru ra SANST; Myrobalaum emblica (Sman. 304). khrag 'thung 'bu the worm that drinks blood. khrag 'thung srin bu a leech (Moon.). khrag ldan SANST tiger; shing dmar ram gsher shing n. of a red tree; the red pine called SANST; a species of mahogany (Moon.). khrag ldan ma described as bud med zla mtshan dang ldan pa a woman at her monthly period (Moon.). khrag por skye ba a botanical term applied to the leaves of plants (Vai. so.). khrag 'bab = chu bo si ta a name of the river Sita (Moon.). khrag ro clotted blood. khrag ling a clot of blood. khrag shas che ba plethoric (Med.; J‰.). khrag shor hemorrhage; bloody flux (Med.; J‰.). khrag bshal flooding after child birth; profuse menstruation: bu mo nad med pa'i pang rag ges rgyu gzer|khrag bshal gcod| it stops the flooding and internal spasms in the blood discharge of a healthy woman: rag = khrag . khrang (thang), v. mkhrang 3. khrad pa (the-pa) stretched out: khrad por sdod pa to sit with the legs stretched out (J‰.). khrab (thab) SANST shield; buckler; coat of mail. The coat of mail used in Tibet and Bhutan is generally made of iron rings or thin disks resembling the scales of a fish netted together. Two kinds of khrab are know in Tibet; one is called aa lung gi khrab which is made of iron rings or scales; byang bu'i khrab , that made of thin plates or iron foils. There are accounts of coats of mail made of silver and gold for the use of kings. The common quilted cloth armour used in Mongolia and China is called sring bal khrab . In Mongolia it is called dasa. khrab khrab (thab-thab) a weeper; one that sheds tears on every occasion (Sch.). khrab mkhan one who makes or wears armour. khrab can scaled; scaly; wearing a coat of mail. khrab byang gu scales or iron foils used in a coat of mail (Rtsii.). khrab byin lus kheb a coat of mail for covering the whole body (Rtsii.). khram (tham), khram , phra ma a false word; SANST a cunning man. khram kha (tham-kha) 1. lha 'dre bye brag gi khro ba'i kha dog khra khra spotted and party-coloured appearance of the wrathful demi-gods the Lhan-de (Oag.). 2. chart used in witchcraft or necromancy: lha 'dre'i rtsis kyi ming , khram kha la babs is explained: mi la gnod pa btang rgyu'i rtsis byas te gang la babs pa de la gnod pa byed pa'i rtags the sign or mark of one's ruin having been incident on the chart (of fate). 3. cross marks or lines cut into a piece of wood so as to cross one another as an ornament: khram kha'i shing a club-like implement, carved with lines, representing the attributes of a god and containing squares with mystic figures in them which serve as a means to make attempts of witchcraft to injure a person ineffectual; nyag khram a notch (J‰.). khram khrum fragments; baked fragments: sa phag la par brgyab nas me la bsregs pa de khram khrum brdungs te bskol (raw) brick containing prints or engravings thereon when burnt are said to be baked fragments. khram ldan SANST a tiger. khram pa (tham-pa) = phram ma SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. a liar; a swindler; artful person: slu bar byed pa'i khram pa for seducing or deceiving: khram sems can lying; mendacious (Cs.). 2. lively, brisk, quick, like boys, kids, &c. (the contrary of glen ba , slow, indolent, apathetic): khram-pa che in W. a wish of god-speed addressed to one going on a journey, such as Good success! May all go well! 3. modest; attentive to the wishes of others (J‰). khram pa gcod lit. means to get out of mishaps caused by the evil machinations of enemies; to make the evil-charms of enemies ineffectual. khram byed v. gYo can 3 or 3phra ma byed 3; lce gnyis pa ; double-tongued or double-dealer (Moon.). khram shing or khrims kyi khram shing a board on which the body of a culprit is stretched to flog him on the back (Oag.). khral (thal) SANST, SANST 1. tax; tribute; duty; forced service. 2. punishment; chastisement for sins; visitations: khral bkal ba to levy taxes: dngul khral tax to be paid in money: 'bru khral tribute paid in corn: til dmar khral tax to be paid in red sesamum. Syn. dpya ; sdud pa ; gYar khral ; sho gam ; khral rigs (Moon.). khral rgyug pa to perform forced service (Rtsii.). khral 'jal ba or khral skor ba to pay taxes or customs duty. Syn. khral 'bul ba ; dpya 'jal ba ; khral sprod pa (Moon.). khral sdu ba to collect taxes; pf. khral bsdus , pf. khral bsdus tshar , fut. khral bsdu bar bya . khral gsar levying of new tax: sngar med pa'i khral gsar bkal nas sde mi ser la sdug po gtang by levying fresh taxes to oppress the tenants. khral khrug (grangs ) n. of a very large number (Ya-sel.). khral khrul defined as ad lag lta bu chags song ba la yang zer applied to any broken things, such as furniture or utensils. khri I: (thi), khri khrag , khri grangs for number: SANST ten thousand; a myriad: khri bye ba SANST, SANST ten millions. II: SANST, SANST seat, chair, throne, couch; also frame, sawing jack, trestle; rgya khri an European chair; khri'u SANST 1. a bedstead or stool; a small chair or table; khri la bsko ba to raise to the throne; to place on the chair; khri la 'khod pa to preside; to occupy the chair; seng ge khri throne; a chair borne (in relief) by a carved lion for rulers and incarnate lamas; gser khri golden seat or chair; seat for royalty; sngas khri a contrivance to serve the purpose of a pillow; chos khri a professorial chair; pulpit; reading desk; table for books; school table; nyal khri resp. gzims khri bedstead. 2. mchod rten gyi bang rim the upper pedestal of a chaitya or Buddhist votive tomb. Syn. nyal khri ; rgyun khri ; 'dug khri . khri rkang can SANST a seat furnished with legs; a bedstead. khri kha = khri'i kha or khri'i steng in the chair: khri kha na on the chair or seat (A. 57). khri chen a great chair; a title of the abbot of Galdan monastery. khri chen ngag dbang mchog ldan * drin can ngag dbang mchog ldan (Schr. 17 A). khri chen ngag dbang snyan grags * n. pr. (Schr.). khri chen blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma * = blo bzang nyi ma'i zhabs (Schr.). khri snyan n. of a Buddhist physician of Lhasa; snan pa chen po dung gi thor cog can gyi sras the son of the celebrated physician named Duo-gi thor-can (Yu thog-pa) (Gyu. 33). khri snyan sa le skin of the black antelope; SANST a devotee sitting on it remembers the vows as well the duties of a Bodhisattva: khri snyan sa le zhig na gdan du bting spreading a skin of black antelope for a seat (A. 11.). khri stan chen po SANST a large couch or bed; khri stan mthon po SANST a high couch or bed (forbidden to the devout). khri gdugs the sun. khri ldan seng ge'i mdzod * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 44). khri phyed dang gnyis two thousand and a half; nyi khri twenty thousand. khri 'phang the height of a chair; a high chair (Cs.); also the official rank. khri min = btson khang a prison; jail (Moon.).; also khri mun a prison; dungeon. khri 'ur bya zhig gi ming n. of a bird (Ya-sel. 7). khri le ba fear, in C. (J‰.). khri shing I: or khri'u a chair. II: SANST a creeping plant; a creeper. khri srong lde btsan the celebrated King of Tibet who formally introduced Buddhist monarchism into Tibet, erected the great monastery of Samye, and caused numerous Buddhist sacred books to be translated into Tibetan. khri'i rkang pa chos pa SANST a bed furnished with legs or supports; fig. to discipline the mind so that religion may take hold of it. khri'i rkang rten SANST the legs of a chair. khrig khrig (thig-thig) 1. proper, suitable; not less nor more: khrig bsgrigs song it has suited well; it fits exactly. 2. quivering, as of the body with cold, or chattering of the teeth. 3. v. khrib khrib 3. khrigs (thig) gral khrigs pa 1. arranged in proper order or row without deviation from the right course or line: khrigs chags su bkod pa seated or arranged in proper order where men, women, the old and the young, the great and the low, all are put in their respective order; 2. also in reference to a priest conducting a religious service, his demeanour when he does not look this side or that side but is intent on his duties and ceremonial observances; he is then said to be khrigs chags su bkod pa . khrigs se plentiful, abundant; thorough; khrigs se gang quite well; khrigs se byed pa to treat; to entertain plentifully (Sch.). khrid I: (thi) instruction, tutelage; yon tan khrid pa instruction, teaching; khrid 'debs pa to give instruction; to instruct: khrid pas chog I am willing to give instruction; you may have lessons with me (J‰.). khrid zab po thorough instruction; slu khrid instruction to an evil purpose; seduction; khrid bshad pa to give instruction; to make admonitory speeches. II: or gral SANST row; order; serial order or arrangement: de ltar na byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i khrid la bzhi in the same manner there are four stages in the way to saintly perfection (Lam-rim. 4). III: pf. of 'khrid pa . khrid phrug (thi-thug) scholar; pupil (J‰.). khrib khrib (thib-thib) grangs kyi ming n. of a large number (Ya-sel.). khrims (thim), SANST, SANST, SANST law or right in general; the laws of a state; any particular law. There are two kinds of lawsókhrims la chos khrims dang rgyal khrims gnyis yod| state law and spiritual or religious law. The proverb says: rgyal khrims gser gyi gnya' shing |chos khrims dar gyi mdud pa lta bu yin| the state law is a golden yoke, but the religious law is like a silken knot: khrims kyi skabs su bka' khrims bca' for laws they pass decrees, statutes: khrims la gnas pa to be subject to law: 'phags rigs dang skyes bu dam pa rnams khrims la gnas pa yin| holy personages and the incarnate race are also subject to law. Syn. for laws state: lugs ; 'jig rten khrims ; yul chos ; khrims ; khrims lugs (Moon.). khrims khang court or place of justice. Syn. khrims rnga'i khang pa ; sgra ldan can ; khrims kyi ra ba ; dril sgrog sa (Moon.). khrims kyi kha lo pa khrims kyi kha lo pa , blon po a minister; a legal officer (Moon.). khrims bsgrags pa v. bka' btags 3, a proclamation or proclaimed order. khrims gcod = nyes pa gcod to inflict punishment (Moon.). khrims 'jags = khrims kyi don bzhin acc. to the meaning or spirit of the law (Oag.). khrims sbyor = khrims la skyal ba to deliver up to justice. khril (thi), v. 'khril 3. khris (thi), khris 'jogs pa peace, v. 'jugs pa . khru (thu) khru ma SANST one fourth of a 'dom or fathom; a cubit; rtse khru or the measure of eighteen inches, from the elbow to the extremity of the middle finger: khru gang tsam SANST about the measure of 15 inches from the elbow to the fisted middle finger is called bskum khru or cubit measure; khru 'jal ba to measure with a cubit measure (Cs.). khru ba (thu-wa), sometimes for 'khru ba , to wash. khru gzar a kind of stew-pan (Sch.). khru slog or khru rlog tilling the ground; acc. to Sch. a pit filled with corn: khru slog pa digging; breaking up the soil; gardening. khrung khrung SANST crane, grus cinerea; also the stork: khrung khrung rus pas chu 'gags sel the bones of the crane remove the stoppage of urine. When milk mixed with water is given to a crane it will drink the milk, leaving the water in the basin. The reason of this, according to K. d. da 110, is that as soon as the bill of the crane touches the milk it turns into curds, which are eaten up, leaving the water in the basin. Syn. mgrin pa rab ring ; mig snan mjug ma ; kru nya ca (Moon.). khrung khrung 'joms = dbang phyug gi bu chung ba gzhon nu gdong drug a name of Kumara the second son of Isvara (Moon.). khrud pa lus khrud pa to wash; cleanse out dirt or filth from the body (Oag.). khrun (thun) SANST, SANST height; length; extension (Cs.): khrun phang srid height and breadth (equal). khrum khrum (thum-thum) (Sch.): khrum khrum byed pa or khrum khrum brdung ba to pound in a mortar. khrums (thum) SANST n. of a constellation: khrums stod the name of the 24th constellation, SANST. Syn. bya mchu ; ri'i lha mo ; gnas ma ba glang rkang (Moon.). khrums stod kyi nya ba SANST the full moon of the month of SANST, July. khrums snad the name of the 25th constellation, SANST; acc. to Hindu astronomy the 26th lunar mansion, figured by a conch, and comprehending two stars, of which one is Andromeda. Syn. ze'u ; sprul 'ching (Moon.). khrums zla (thum da), v. zla ba brgyad pa SANST, SANST the eighth month of the Tibetan year. Syn. 'bugs pa ; bya mchu ; nor ldan ; khyu mchog can ; ba lang rkang bzang ; sprin bzang ; len pa ; bya'i zla ba ston zla 'bring po (Moon.). khrul (thul), khrul gtong ba to let fall; to drop (several things at intervals); mchi ma khrul bzhed to shed tears: zla khrul in W. intercalary month (J‰.). khrul po in. C. 1. cheerful; merry. 2. fornicator (J‰.). khrul ma 1. in W. crooked crank, handle (J‰). 2. a whore. 3. khu ba khrul ma rice-water or water in which millet is washed. khrus (thus) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, bath; washing; ablution. khrus kyi btul zhugs can = drang srong a Piri or sage who observes the vow of ablution: khrus byed pa'i ltung byed SANST faults committed while bathing: khrus byas gos gtsang gyon te dkar gsum zos having bathed put on clean clothes and take milk, curds and butter (Loo. ka 32). Syn. kun tu rgyu ; dka' thub can ; ngag bsdams pa ; dge bar slong ba ; nyon mongs thul ; dbang po thul ; smra ba cad pa ; gtsang bar gnas pa ; tshangs par od pa ; rig byed klogs pa (Moon.). khrus kyi rtsa ku sha the grass Ku-sha (Moon.). khrus kyi rdzing khrus rgyab sa'i rdzing a bathing tank. khrus khu water for bathing (J‰.). khrus khang brtsegs pa the making of a bath or bathing place. khrus mkhan SANST one who bathes; he that has bathed. khrus chal SANST washing materials, soda, soap, etc. khrus chu bathing water; water consecrated by a deity being washed in it. khrus dar scarf or good linen towel for the toilet; scarf of silk used in washing the images of deities (Rtsii.). Syn. bum dar so sor khrus btags ri (Moon.). khrus sder basin; washing bowl. khrus pa SANST, SANST washed; also washing. Syn. khrus bya ; 'khrud ; khru ba (Moon.). khrus bum SANST washing pot or jug. khrus ma khrud ma washings of rice or any other millet; also the remnant of water in which rice, &c., is boiled. khrus rdzas articles of washing or to wash with such as soap, etc. Syn. ldag chal ; khrus rtsi ; dag byed (Moon.). khrus gzhong SANST bathing tub; basin used for a bath. khrus ras SANST a towel; a bathing towel. khrus gsher bathing water. Acc. to J‰. this word (in Ladak) relates to a certain medical procedure or method of curing. khrus gsol ba resp. for khrus byed pa i.e., when applied to bathing places used by divine beings and great men: lha mi khang pa sogs la khrus byed la "gods or men taking a bath in their abodes and so forth," to administer a bath to another, especially as a religious ceremony, consisting in sprinkling with water. khre (the) millet: khre ni lci bsil ldan pas ma brtas byed|rus pa chag grum ges rnams sbyor bar byed millet, being both heavy and chilling, causes wounds to swell, but bones which have been dislocated or fractured it causes to unite. khre rgod wild millet; khre rgod 'khru ba gcod cing dug sel byed wild khre stops diarrhúa and removes the poison. khre rtse Chinese vermicelli (J‰.). khregs pa (theg-pa), v. mkhregs pa 3. khrem gnyer v. chu gnyer 3 (Moon.). khrel po shameful. khrems pa (them-pa) 1. irrigation; also to water gardens and cultivations; to sprinkle water. 2. n. of a book: byang khog khrems kyi lung rin chen 'od 'phro ba (Sorig. 81). khrel (thel)resp. thugs khrel 1. SANST a kind of millet. 2. SANST shame; diffidence; bashfulness; modesty. 3. piety acc. to J‰., especially in W. 4. in C. disgust; aversion. khrel gad a scornful laughter. khrel can possessed of shame; khrel can bashful (Cs.); also earnest, conscientious. khrel ltos pusilanimous; shamefaced. khrel gdong (lit. a face capable of shame) a bashful face. khrel 'dod can in W. ready to shame others. khrel ldan v. ngo tsha shes pa SANST modest. (EEE ngo tsha shes pa does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see ngo tsha 3 and related entries.) khrel ba to be ashamed; to provoke shame: khrel ba dang ngo tsha ba med he has no shame or modesty. khrel med pa khrel med ma SANST immodest, shameless. khrel yod SANST modesty; chastity; decency; khrel yod pa to be chaste: khrel yod par byed pa to behave chastely, with modesty. khres or (thes) khres po , (the-po) a load, burden: mi khres chung can a man with a small load (A. 10). khres po de'i nang nas from within that package: gzhung don gyi bsangs shing khres phyed half a bundle (or load) of fire-wood for the use of government (Rtsii.). Syn. khur pa ; khur 'dren pa ; rgyab kyis theg pa ; khur rtsa pa (Moon.). khres khres (the-the) unable to sit erect; falling down: mi gcig khres khres na ba gzigs nas snan pa la cis phan dris pas (A. 44) seeing a man very ill so as to be unable to sit erect, he asked the physician what would be of use. khro (tho) SANST a kind of bronze, of about same quality and worth as bell-metal ('khar ba ), but inferior to li. The kind of bronze called khro-nag or dark bronze is also called lchags khro on account of the predominance of iron in the compound. The kind called khro dkar , white bronze, has more zinc and zangs khro has more of copper in it than ion. The dark-bronze is largely manufactured in China; the white-bronze is much prized by the Tibetans. Huge bronze caldrons used in the great monasteries of Tibet for boiling tea are made of the white bronze; tshogs khro large bronze caldrons used in cooking tea, &c., for the use of the congregation in the monasteries of Tibet: khro nag gdon gzer srin dang dug nad 'joms dark bronze dissipates worm-spasms and poisonous complaints. khro rgyan ornaments made of bronze. khro'i khug til bronze pot to boil tea. khro chu 1. liquid or melted bronze; acc. to some author melted iron before it is cast. 2. n. for dngul chu quicksilver; (a mystic) term (Mio.). khro chu sdom pa to fill up joints, grooves, &c., with melted bronze; to solder. khro 'joms pa to suppress anger or wrath: gang zhig bsgrims te khro 'joms pa|de ni 'di dang gzhan du bde (Spyod.) he who can subdue his anger will be happy here and hereafter. khro nyams = rngam brjid or rngam 'jigs or rngom brjid to sit in an angry mood (Moon.). khro gnyer SANST, SANST wrinkles on the face and forehead expressive of wrath, indignation, anger; also indignant. khro gnyer can SANST she whose face is wrinkled with anger; also frowning. khro gnyer can ma * (Schr. 36 C.). khro gnyer med pa SANST free from frowning or anger. khro gnyer gzi brjid ldan pa n. of a medicinal root (Sman. 102). khro pa in W. for khro . khro gtum po furious with rage. khro ba (tho-wa) brtse ba SANST, SANST sbst. anger, wrath; also adj. angry, wrathful: khong khro ba smouldering wrath: khro ba bzod pa subduing or abstaining from anger: khro ba bzod pa nges bcom pa slar yang skye bar mi 'gyur ro anger having been subdued and inwardly suppressed, it will not grow again (K. d. ra 68): khro ba'i dug gi snan mchog tu bzod pa the chief remedy for the poison of anger is forbearance (K. d. ra 68): khro ba'i sems 'di gcig bcom na|dgra de thams cad choms dang 'dra if the wrathful mind be once subdued it is tantamount to subduing all the enemies one has. khro bar byed pa or khro bar 'gyur ba to be or to grow angry (Cs.); khros kyang slar mi khro bar bya though angry, to be as if not angry; khro bas lta = mig khro bas lta ba angry looks; to look back with anger (Moon.). khro ba ma SANST n. of a goddess. khro bo (tho-wo) SANST, SANST an angry spirit; a god or Bodhisattva in his assumed wrathful mood or manifestation. khro bo khams gsum rnam rgyal sprul bshad * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 276). khro bo chen po SANST an appellation of Mahakala, the Lord of Deathóthe terrific god or guardian of Buddhism. khro bo rta mgrin * SANST (Schr. 71 C.). khro bo stobs po che * SANST (Schr. 73 B.). khro bo bdud rtsi 'khyil pa * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 103). khro bo 'dod rgyal * SANST (Schr. 72 A.). khro bo rdo rje sa 'og SANST (Schr. 74 B.). khro bo dbyug pa sngon po * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 161). khro bo mi gYo pa * SANST (Schr. 58 C.). khro bo sne ba brtsegs pa * (Schr. 58 A.). khro bo gtsug tor 'khor bsgy ur * (Schr.). khro bo gzhan gyis mi thub pa * (Schr. 71 A.). khro bo gshin rje gshed * SANST (Schr. 71 B.). khro byed SANST, SANST frightful. khro byed ma SANST 1. a name of the goddess Paldan Lhamo. 2. bud med gtum mo SANST a fearful woman (Moon.). khro mig = mig gi rnam 'gyur or sdang mig an expression of the eye; angry eyes (Moon.). khro mo a female terrific deity or spirit. khro mon prison (Sch.). khrog (thog) in khrog brgyab pa to drink hastily; to gulp down: khrog chung pa yis khrag shor gcod pa'i mchog . Thog-chung is best for stopping bleeding. khrog khrog (thog-thog) 1. one who speaks irrelevantly and is not steady in his acts or words. Described as mi brtan po med pa kha chad tshig don la mi gnas shing skad cha mi 'dra ba mang po lab pas cha bzhag sa med pa smyo tshub byed pa'i mi| 2. acc. to J‰. in W. the sound caused by something falling heavily on the ground. khrog chung an herb with leaves resembling a saw in shape. khrog po botanical term, used of leaves standing round the stem scattered or alternately. khrog snan the raw unprepared substance of a medicine (Sch.): snan khrog is defined as snan ma rdungs pa sna tshogs la the unpulverized ingredients of a medicine. khrong nge (thoog-Òe) upright, straight, erect (J‰.). khrong po close-fisted, stingy (J‰.). khrod (thod) crowd, assemblage, mass, multitude; mi khrod a troop; crowd of men; ri khrod a range of mountain peaks; rtsa khrod a heap, stack, rick (of hay); nags khrod a dense forest; mun khrod thick darkness; dur khrod a cemetery; khrod du in the crowd; ri khrod = also a hermit. khron (thon) claw: khron kyis rko ba'i sde the class of gallinaceous birds (S. g.; J‰.). khron pa (thon-pa), SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST well; spring: khron pa'i chu well-water; also called dong chu ; khron bu , a little well: khron pa'i snying po SANST; khron pas rung ba SANST water in a well that has been made fit (by the priesthood) for drink. khron bu 1. a medicinal root; a vegetable purgative. 2. khron bus 'jam por sbyong byed grogs kyi mchog thron-bu acts as a gentle purgative. khrom (thom) a market place; a bazaar; crowd of people; multitude of persons; khrom chen a great crowd; tshogs pa'i khrom rnams the assembled crowed; pho khrom multitude of men; rgyal khrom a royal gathering: acc. to Cs. khrom chen po chief market-place, also principal street: khrom skor ba to wander about the market; to ramble through as if in a market; gsang sngags khrom du klog secret spells (magic formulas) are read in the market. khrom skor ma harlot; strumpet; street woman (Cs.). khrom thog chod a person well dressed, well equipped, and possessed of personal accomplishments; one above the crowd; above his fellows. khrom pa 1. n. of a province in Tibet; khrom po pa an inhabitant of Khrom (Thom). 2. a market vendor. khrom dpon officer who is charged with the supervision of a market. khrom me sparkling; glittering: zil pa khrom me sparkling dew drop. khrom dmar nag 'khyil ba a motley crowd; a throng, black and red intermingled. khrom tshogs (thom-tsho) the gathering of buyers and sellers, &c., in a market: sha khrom the section of the market where meat is sold; meat market; dpe khrom book market; rta khrom the section where ponies and horses are sold. khroms v. 'grem pa 3. khrol (thol), v. 'khrol ba 3 and 3'grol ba 3 1. a sound (J‰.). 2. SANST loosening; unfastening; that which is unfastened. mgo khrol zhes pa lug mgo sogs legs par btsos nas sha rus so sor 'gro ba by mgo-khrol is meant the separating of meat from the bones by the sheep's head having been boiled well. nang khrol the contents of a slaughtered animal, including the stomach, entrails, lungs, liver, spleen, &c. The expression rang gi nang khrol phyi la ston pa means "one's own blunders exposed to outward show": khrol gyis song (the ring) slid sounding (across the azure floor). khrol khrol (thol-thol) = khrol po bright, shining; khrol khrol byed pa = mig khrol le khrol le lta ba to stare at. khrol dong is said to denote a large hand-bell. khrol cha release (as of monks from a religious service or of school-boys from class work); acc. to Sch. the act of forgiving; pardon. khrol po I: (thol-po) 1. cheerful, merry; sparkling, glittering, dazzling. 2. fornicator. II: 1. sparkling: 'od khrol po brightness (on water when the sun shines upon it). 2. acc. to J‰. in W. distinct; intelligible. khrol ma , nas tshags a sieve for cleansing and sifting barley, grain, etc. khrol mo in W. brittle, fragile; opposite to mnyen po , tough. khrol tshags a sieve (Cs.); lcags tshags iron sieve. khrol log = khrog khrog in W. cf. 'khrol ba 3; also 1. kettle. 2. a sound. (EEE the headword in the original is khrol mo with a transliteration of khrol-log. It seems likely that the transliteration is correct, and that khrol mo is a typesetter's mistake (this headword appears two entries previous in the original).) khros pa thugs khros pa SANST, SANST enraged; wrath-seeming; appearance of wrath: phyag na rdo rje shin tu khros pa'i tshul bstan pa Chagna Dorje in a very wrathful form manifested himself: khros pa'i gar dance in wrathful mood. khros ma or khro ma the wrathful female deity or Rudrani; such female divinities as outwardly show themselves to be of terrific and frightful aspect. khros tshig angry words. Syn. rngan 'phyar or sun 'byin (Moon.). mkhan an affix which, annexed to substantives and verbal roots, answers in colloq. very much the same purposes as the Hindustani appendix wala; sa mkhan one who has to do with the soil; lam mkhan one who knows the way, a guide; shing mkhan a worker in wood, carpenter, joiner, &c. Affixed to a verbal root, signifies he who performs an action, whether only just now or habitually; yong mkhan comer; 'gro mkhan the goer; one who moves; bri mkhan the writer, one who has written it; aang mkhan (in Sikkim) one who speaks false hoods, a liar; shes mkhan he who knows; bstan mkhan the shower, explainer; 'dogs mkhan one who is binding, fastening; also with an objective case, nga'i bu mo 'dod mkhan such as are desiring my daughter; bsad mkhan the man who is killed or who kills; a murderer. In colloq. language mkhan seems to have entirely displaced the termination pa signifying in general the agent: gdung ma khyer mkhan gyi mi the men carrying the beam. Contrary to its original signification, it is even used to form the relative: sad mkhan gyi lug the sheep which was killed. mkhan rgyud = bla chen dang mkhan po'i rgyud the lineal spiritual descendants of Bla-chen and Mkhan-po, those through whom the vows formulated by them are handed down (Yig.). mkhan pa I: ferns of two species. The one growing in Tibet is called mkhan dkar , or the white fern; the other species belonging to the Cis-Himalaya is called mkhan nag black fern: mkhan-pa is deemed useful in healing fresh cut wounds; it is also applied to swellings. II: incense; frankincense: mkhan pa ba lu rnams gtsos pa'i dri ldan gyi spos sna tshogs the various kinds of incense in which the scent of such as khan-pa, Balu, etc., predominates (Rtsii.). mkhan po SANST, SANST a professor employed to teach; the head of a monastery. In Tibet the head of a particular college attached to a monastery, high priests who give vows to the junior or inferior lamas, and professors of sacred literature, are called mkhan-po; also learned men, who as such are endowed with the mkhan rgyud or spiritual gifts or descended heritage from their spiritual ancestors, are called mkhan-po. Again, learned men such as are sent to China as representatives of the Grand Hierarch are also styled mkhan-po. Besides these, those who serve the Grand Lama as his domestic chaplains, teachers or advisers, such as sku bcar mkhan po , who sits in company of the Grand Lama; gzims dpon mkhan po the chamberlain khan-po; mchod dpon mkhan po the domestic chaplain; gsol dpon mkhan po the steward in charge of the Grand Lama's tea and food; mkhan sde phyi ka outside khan-poóthose that enjoy this distinction but partially. Other designations of this kind are mkhan po la rnam pa bzhi ste :- (1) mkhan po chos kyis sdud la zang zing gis ma yin pa'ang yod the professor who conveys to his pupil instruction, not wealth; (2) zang zing gis sdud la chos kyis ma yin pa'ang yod the professor who gives riches but not religious instructions; (3) mkhan po chos kyis sdud cing zang zing gis sdud pa yang yod the professor who gives both wealth and religious instruction to his pupil; (4) mkhan po chos kyis kyang mi sdud cing zang zing gis kyang mi sdud pa yod the professor who neither imparts instruction nor wealth. mkhan bu pupil, scholar (J‰.). mkhan mo mistress, instructress (Cs.). mkhan rabs the succession of khan-po or abbots in a great monastery. mkhan rims the respective prospects of being elected abbot as depending on the different ranks of the expectant candidates; the order of the succession of abbots. mkhan slob for mkhan po dang slob ma the professor and his pupil; also (according to some) mkhan po dang slob dpon the professor and the teacher: bla ma mkhan slob kyi bka' the words or commands of the lama, abbot and teachers. mkha' SANST the heaven; the sky; generally nam mkha' . mkha' klong , mkha' khyab , mkha' dbyings the whole compass or extent of the heavens (Cs.). mkha' skyes heaven-born; a name for the year Fire-tiger me stag of the Tibetan calendar (Moon.). mkha' khyab SANST that which encompasses space or the sky: mkha' khyab ting nge 'dzin SANST the all-comprehending (all absorbing) meditation; n. of a Samadhi. mkha' khyim can SANST he whose abode is in the sky; the sun. mkha' mkha' ro * SANST (Schr; Kalac. T. 46). mkha' gos can clouds (Moon.). mkha' 'gro lit. "the sky-goer"; a god; a bird; arrow. Syn. lha rnams ; 'dab chags ; bya ; mda' ; bya khyung ; Da ki nI ; gtso mo (Moon.). mkha' 'gro ma a class, mainly of female sprites, akin to our witches, but not necessarily ugly or deformed. There are two kinds of khadoma:- those still in the world and those that have passed out of the world or are about to pass away from it. Of the latter or those called ye shes kyi mkha' 'gro ma , goddesses of wisdom, they are five kinds, viz., Buddha Dakini, Vajra Dakini, Ratna Dakini, Padma Dakini, and Karma Dakini. Of these Rdor-je phag-mo, Seo gdoo-ma, &c., have each a hundred thousand dakini followers. They are said to be possessed of supernatural powers and resemble fairies in their attributes. Among the worldly Dakini there are two classes, those belonging to the pantheon of the Brahmans and those devoted to the cause of Buddhism. In Tibet we read of tshe ring mched lnga the five long-lived sisters: bstan ma bcu gnyis the twelve nymph sisters who undertook to guard Buddhism, &c. Syn. 'gro ba'i sgron me ; srid pa'i sgron me , the lamp of the world, the light of the universe (Moon.). mkha' 'gro skyes SANST born of those that move in the sky. mkha' 'gro brda yig mkha' 'gro brda yig zhes pa snying ma'i gter yig la mkha' 'gro brda yig a form of Devanagari character used by the RÒio-ma sect in their mystical writings. mkha' 'gro gsang ba ye shes n. of a deified lady, who was, in her former existence, the wife of a king called (Ratna Dasa) dkon mchog 'bangs . She is adored in Tibet as the goddess of mystical learning. mkha' 'gro'i rgyal po = gser gyi bya gtsug phud can the golden bird (eagle) with a crest: bya 'di'i spu mdog bi DU 4 ltar angs shing gshog pa rnam par bkra ba yod zer the crest of this bird is in colour resplendent as lapis lazuli, and its wings are said to be chequered all over. mkha' 'gro'i dbang phyug I: SANST, SANST, SANST the lord of the sky. II: SANST khyab 'jug Virnu (Moon.). mkha' mnyam like the heavens; infinite; mkha' mnyam pa a name of Buddha (Moon.). mkha' rten SANST the firmament; sky supporting; a sort of ornament. mkha' lding SANST, SANST met. the eagle, the bird that soars on high. mkha' lding dkar po ngang pa i'i ming SANST, SANST a general name for the swan species (Moon.). mkha' lding rgyal mtshan khyab 'jug SANST, Virnu (Moon.). mkha' lding dbang po = khyung 3 the king of birds (Yig. k. 29). mkha' lding gshog pa v. mar gad 3 SANST, n. of a green gem (Moon.). mkha' od SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. that which has attained to the sky, a gandharva (celestial musician). 2. celestial enjoyment; residing in heaven: mkha' od du lus ma spangs par bgrod pa mkha' od kyi dngos grub the blessing of entering into a heavenly existence without losing one's present form: mkha' od du gshegs pa gone to the state of beatitude, i.e., to heaven. mkha' od pa SANST n. of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. mkha' od dbang mo an epithet of the goddess Dorje Phag-mo and of the abbess of the Yamdok Samding monastery: rje btsun mkha' od dbang mo'i zhabs pad rin po che'i drung du before the precious lotus feet of the venerable one who has attained the heavens (Yig. k. 20). mkha' dbyug SANST lit. sky-sticks; a bedstead. mkha' mig * SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 48). mkha' yi snye ma = rgyal mtshan 3 SANST the sacred ensign (Moon.). mkha' rol pa divine musician; that plays or moves merrily in the sky. mkha' la rgyu 1. SANST the moves in the sky. 2. bya a bird (Moon.): mkha' la rgyu ba to wander or move in the sky: mkha' la rgyu ba'i yi ags the Preta that moves in the sky: mkha' la lding ba to soar in the air. 3. ether, as the fifth element. 4. symbolical numbers; cypher, naught. mkha' gsang = mo mtshan 3 SANST the female sex (Moon.). mkha'i gos can SANST cover or dress of the sky; the night; mkha'i rgyal mtshan SANST the sky-ensign; mkha'i pags pa = the space; the void sphere; the skin or cover of the sky, i.e., darkness, gloom; mkha'i nor bu gem of heaven; the sun, moon, star. mkha'i zil ba = fog (Moon.). mkhar SANST, SANST a castle, a nobleman's seat or mansion; manor house; freq. a citadel; fort: mkhar dpon governor of a castle; commander of a fortress. mkhar kha n. of a place situated to the north of Gyan-tse in Tsang; the birthplace of Grub-chen Gtsao smyon He-ru-ka, one of the celebrated Buddhist Tantrik saints of Tsang. mkhar rgya'i khal contains 768 Dbus sho = 640 mgyur-sho. mkhar rnga SANST, SANST a drum; (according to some) a minstrel. mkhar chen brag dkar bon gnas so bdun gyi nang gcig gi ming n. of one of the 37 sacred places of the Bon (G. Bon. 38). mkhar chen rdzong n. of a fort near Tengri Nor. mkhar chen bza' mkha' chen bza' zhes pa ni slob dpon paV 'byung gnas kyi jo mo zhig gi mtshan one of the wives of Padma Sambhava (Loo. 'a S). mkhar nyag gi khal on the Tibetan steel-yard mkhar nyag gang of gold weight = 38 sho of Dbus plus 8 skar of gold. mkha' nyal that sleeps on space; a general name for gods and birds. mkhar rta n. of a place on the confines of Tibet and Nepal (S. kar. 770. mkhar ltag an abbreviation of mkhar rtse dang ltag rtse rdzong the forts of Mkhar-rtse and ltag-rtse. mkhar thog n. of Tibet. mkhar rdo (snan ) SANST n. of a medicine; a metallic substance in large grains; a sort of pyrites. mkhar lder SANST, SANST plate or dish made of bell-metal. (EEE The original has the transliteration "mkhar-sder" for the headword but the original Tibetan headoword, mkhar lder , was maintained since it fits correctly with the definition.) mkhar ba I: SANST, SANST bell-metal. II: (also 'khar ba ) in B. and C. staff, stick: mkhar gsil a staff of the Buddhist mendicant priests, the upper part of which is hung with jingling rings (J‰.): phyag mkhar resp. for mkhar ba . mkhar ba'i dgra SANST enemy of Kaosha an epithet of Virnu (Moon.). mkhar rtse n. of a rdzong , or fort in Phan-yul in Tibet. mkhar zam lha khang rdzong n. of a fort and town in Tibet. mkhar bzo ba SANST, SANST a maker of articles of bell-metal. mkhar ru'i spor gang one spor of Mkhar-ru measure is equal to one silver srao. mkhar srung SANST the guard or garrison of a fortress (Cs.). mkhar gsil metal cymbal. mkhal mdog kidney-coloured; dark red (Cs.). mkhal nad = mkhal ma'i nad disease of the kidneys. mkhal ma I: the kidneys: mkhal ma gang yin tsha grang nus pa mthun dang mkhal nad lgang ba rked pa'i nad la phan| the kidney (of cattle, etc. taken as food) equalizes the temperature, and is beneficial in kidney disease and also for ailments of the bladder and groin. II: said to be kind of fruit of two species used in kidney disease. mkhas grub (mkhas pa dang grub pa ) a Buddhist scholar who being learned has attained perfection. mkhas grub rje * = mkhas grub dge legs dpal bzang one of the chief disciples of Tsoo-khapa. mkhas mchog SANST a profound scholar; eminent among the learned. mkhas brtan SANST steady and wise; of reliable knowledge mkhas pa brten pa . mkhas pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST wise, learned, sagacious: snan pa mkhas pa skilful physician: chos la mkhas versed in religion: slob ma skyong ba la mkhas pa efficient in managing pupils. Syn. byang ba ; rig ldan ; rnam gsal ; rig pa can ; blo ldan ; skyon shes ; yon tan shes ; grangs can ; mdzangs pa ; snyan ngag mkhan ; shes rab can ; dam pa ; rig pa'i dpa' po ; go ba can ; kun rig ; brtan po ; sems shes pa ; thos ldan ; od ldan ; rnam par angs ; ring du mthong ba ; grags pa thob pa ; gsal ba'i sgo ; dus yig can ; kun shes ; dran pa'i dbang po ; blo bzang ; blo gros ; mig ldan ; kun gyis bkur ba (Moon.). mkhas pa can SANST wise; learned; skilful; experienced; prudent; shrewd. mkhas pa lta bu SANST, SANST, like a dexterous man; appearing skilful. mkhas pa snad pa SANST of inferior attainments. mkhas pa bzhin byed showing as one skilful, but not really so. mkhas pa'i mgul rgyan mkhas pa'i mgul rgyan si tu chos kyi 'byung gnas kyi sum rtags kyi 'grel pa n. of a commentary on Tibetan grammar called mkhas pa'i mgul rgyan by Si-tu Chos-kyi hbyuo-gnas. mkhas pa'i dga' ston zur mkhar blo gros rgyal po'i sum rtags 'grel pa mkhas pa'i dga' ston n. of a commentary on Tibetan orthogaphy (sum-rtag) by Blo-gros rgyal-po of Zur-mkhar. mkhas pa'i rgyan 'o phug pa krma rab rgyas kyi sum rtags n. of a grammatical work by Karma Rab-rgyas of Ho-phug. mkhas pa'i rang bzhin can SANST possessed of the nature of the learned; naturally wise or skilful. mkhas pa'i rigs SANST of the learned class: mkhas pa'i rigs las skyes born of the race of Dakra. mkhas par rlom pa (mkhas rloms ) SANST, SANST conceited person; a pedant. mkhas pas dregs pedantic: yon tan chen po rnams la mkhas pas dregs pa yod among the cultured there is much pedantry in learning. mkhas po or mkhas pa a learned man; sngon gyi mkhas po rnams learned men of former times. mkhas blun wise and foolish; wisdom and folly. mkhas ma = bud med blo ldan ma a noble, learned woman (Moon.). mkhas btsun learned and righteous; mkhas btsun bzang learned; conscientious and good. mkhas shod SANST, SANST most skilful or dexterous. mkhun pa (Sch.), v. khun pa 3. mkhur ba the cheeks: mkhur bar sha 'dzir chung yod longs od ldan a little fleshiness in the cheeks forebodes wealth (Mi.): mkhur tshos v. khur tshos 3, cheeks: rab dmar mkhur tshos nyi gzhon 'char kha'i 'od her very ruddy cheeks glow like the rising sun. mkho ba necessary; desirable; also vb. to want: nga la mkho ba med I don't want it. mkho ba'i yo byad indispensable things; necessary articles; nye bar mkho ba or nyer mkho requisites, wants, desiderata; most necessary things: snga mkho bzhin according as was wanted before; as heretofore. mkho byed colloq. kho-che, necessary things; what may be needed: khˆ-la kho-che yˆ-pe rik di dir nyo ma chok the kind which you wanted cannot be bought here. mkhos phab acc. to Oag. signifies a fancy for a thing; a liking for; also to wish, want something. mkhyid gang the measure with the fist made with thumb extended, about six inches: 'bebs bkum mkhyid gang (its) length when folded is one mkhyid (Yig. k.). mkhyud pa v. 'khyud pa 3 I: to keep, to hold, to retain; dpe mkhyud pa , dpe mkhyud can unwillingness to lend books (Cs.); dpe mkhyud byed pa to be unwilling to lend books. (EEE No definition II. is provided in the original.) (EEE the original has "'khyad pa hkhyud pa". Since the transliteration is clearly correct, the typographical error in the Tibetan has been corrected.) mkhyud ad 1. a sort of bag or vessel for carrying medicine. 2. sorcery, witchcraft (Sch.): pha dam pa'i mkhyud ad lta bu a little instruction or various subjects like the alms-bag of the saint Phadam-pa (which contained different medicines). mkhyud ad pa = snan pa a medicine man; a physician (Moon.). mkhyen v. mkhyen pa 3. rje btsun gyis thugs mkhyen gyi gzigs pa lags sam Has your reverence seen by your prophetic sight? sku mkhyen form of abject entreaty: I appeal to your honour's wisdom; gsung mkhyen to your's honour's sacred words; thugs mkhyen to your honour's heart; mkhyen mkhyen you know full well; you will understand: bla ma khyed mkhyen mkhyen O Lama, thou knowest all! mdzad par mkhyen mkhyen of your wisdom permit to be done! mkhyen mkhan very learned: chos gang la yang rgya mtsho lta bu mkhyen mkhan profound like the ocean in every (department of) religion. mkhyen rgya can possessed of much understanding; very learned: ye mkhyen = mngon mkhyen possessed of prophetic knowledge; fore-knowledge; thugs mkhyen knowledge of a higher kind; prophetic sight. mkhyen pa resp. for shes pa , rig pa , go ba 1. to know; also knowledge; thams cad mkhyen pa SANST all-knowing. 2. rnam shes = rnam mkhyen SANST, such terms though applicable to Buddha are now applied to the Grand Lama of Tibet out of courtesy or for the purpose of flattering them: mkhyen pa thogs pa mi mnga' ba whose knowledge has no bound (Lam-rim.); mkhyen pa'i ye shes superior wisdom; mkhyen pa'i yon tan attainments; accomplishments of a high order; mkhyen par gyur to| perceived, found out, discovered; bsam pa dag par mkhyen pas perceived the sentiments to be pure. mkhyen dpyod yangs pa wide and critical knowledge; wide discriminating wisdom. mkhyen an yangs pa (with) broad views and wisdom; wide prophetic vision or sight. mkhyen brtse omniscient mercy. mkhyen gzigs supernatural perception; attributes of a high incarnate lama or a Bodhisattva. mkhyen rab the wise; also shes rab SANST wisdom. mkhyen shing ngam = mkhyen nam did you understand it? mkhyen gsum :- gzhi shes , SANST, or SANST the knowledge of the subject; basic knowledge: lam shes knowledge of the way (to Nirvana); knowing the way. rnam mkhyen = rnam par shes SANST cognition of all things. mkhrang pa acc. to J‰. is the fourth stage of the development of the fútus. mkhrang po = hrang pa or sra bar 'gyur ba a robust, hard and sound constitution: lus kyi shed che ba la mkhrang po in the great strength of his body there is sound health (Oag). The soundness of one's constitution is ascertained by examining the urine deposited in a bottle; when it is natural the physician declares mkhrang 'dug or colloquially hrang gin 'dug it (the constitution) is sound, &c. mkhrang ba (thao-wa), or mkhrangs also khrang hard; solid; compact; sra mkhrang can 'gyur med firm; hearty; sound; of a robust constitution (J‰.). mkhrig ma (thig-ma) the wrist of the hand (J‰.); the part of the hand which (in women) is adorned with bangles. It is also called nor bu 'ching ba the part where jewels are bound. mkhrigs pa (thig-pa) sometimes for mkhrig ma . mkhris nad bilious disease. mkhris pa (thi-pa) SANST 1. the vesicle of the gall; the gall-bladder, as part of the intestines. 2. generally the bile itself; the bilious fluid: mkhris pa sna tshogs bsdus pa rma dang dug mkhris mig la phan a mixture of the biles of different animals is useful for sores; and the bile of poisonous animals is useful for eye-disease: mkhris pa'i gsal byed bzhi the four animal biles that are used in medicine:- (1) dom mkhris bear's bile; (2) ri bong mkhris pa hare's bile; (3) 'phyi ba'i mkhris pa marmot's bile; (4) nya mkhris fish bile (Sman. 175). mkhris pa can splenetic; a short-tempered person. mkhris ma acc. to J‰ = 'khris 3. mkhris tshad bilious fever; krang mkhris a feverish chill. mkhris rims applied to a fever in which the liver is congested. mkhris shas che mi la mkhras pa'i nad mang ba'i don one in whose constitution the bilious diseases predominate. mkhregs pa (theg-pa) SANST, SANST hard; that cannot be broken; cannot be divided; also fearless; and acc. to J‰. mgo mkhregs can obstinate, stiff-necked, stubborn. Syn. sra ba ; mi shigs ; mi 'jig ; mi phyed (Moon.). 'khang ba sems mi dga' ba lta bu 1. to hurt at heart or offend, also to irritate. 2. vindictiveness: khyod la 'khang tshig gcig kyang 'dug pas (Hbrom. 51) you use all manner of vindictive words. 3. bickering, quarrelling; 'khang mang many quarrels: dpon slob re 'khang 'byung there arose mutual differences between masters and scholars. re 'khang byed pa to make mischief (Mil.). 'khad pa especially in W. 1. to sit; to sit firm: rnga mong la 'khad pa to sit on the back of a camel. 2. to remain sitting; to stick fast; to be stopped; kept back (J‰); rkang pa 'khad de 'gyel ba to get entangled with the foot so as to fall: sgo 'khad 'dug the door sticks. 'kham pa = brgyal ba 3 to sink or fall down senseless; to faint away; to swoon. 2. to take into one's mouth (Sch.). 'khar = zhen pa 3 or 3chags pa 3 desire; passion; attachment (Oag.). 'khar sgong white pebbles called dkar gong in medical works: gYas gYon gnyis su 'khar sgong dang sran ma on both his right and left there were white pebbles and peas. 'khar ba I: 1. a walking stick, staff, clutcheon: chu shing gi 'khar ba thogs pa zhig dang 'phrad he met (a man) who carried a stick of chu-shio (water-tree) (A. 131). 2. SANST, SANST bell-metal: 'khar ba'i gYa' yis mig nad sel the rust (sulphate) of bronze, or of gong-metal, removes eye disease. 'khar ba is a compound of bell-metal with copper, &c.; 'khar ba'i chu molten, liquid bronze; 'khar ba'i me long a metallic mirror. II: vb. to adhere to; to stick to. 'khar rnga or rgya rnga 1. gong used in Tibet and China to call people to their work or lamas or religious service. 2. a drum of bell-metal, large bell-metal disk, producing when struck loud sound like that of a bell. 'khar gzhong dish of bell-metal. 'khar zangs a metallic kettle. 'khar gsil the staff carried by mendicant priests having a chaitya fixed on its top end, from which hang down sixteen rings: thams cad kyang 'khar gsil mdzes par bsnams pa (A. 22) they all grasped beautiful mendicant's staves. 'khar gsil gyi mdo (K. d. la 425) a tractate on the merit accruing from the use of the mendicant's staff. 'khal when spinning the thread stretched across is called hkhal, and that lengthwise is called sgrim; sometimes this word is spelt as 'khel (Dag-yig.). 'khal ba 1. to spin: bal 'khel ba to spin wool. 2. in W. to send; to forward things. 'khu 'khrig or 'khang ba denotes certain passions that disturb the tranquility of the mind, such as malignity and covetousness; acc. to Cs. to emulate, contemn, hate; also to long for; acc. to Sch. pride (J‰.). 'khu ba + 'gran pa SANST, SANST to vie with, contend; also wrathfully rebelling: zhe sdang du'ang bshad|don la rgyun du gnod pa'i sems 'chang | the real signification is always to harbour thoughts of doing mischief. Acc. to J‰. to offend, insult, injure; also injury. 'khu ba'i bsam pa = log lta 3 SANST a false creed; heresy (Moon.). 'khun pa 1. groan; a deep sigh, from suffering or disease. 2. on account of fullness of the stomach, beasts such as cows and buffaloes make this hollow sound at the time of chewing the cud: 'khun sgra khang pa khengs he filled the house with groanings: sdang ba'i dgra la gYag ltar 'khun he groans (or grunts) like a yak against a fierce enemy (J‰.). 'khum pa pf. khums (cf. skum pa 3), thos pa to comprehend; to shrink; yan lag 'khums pa to be contracted of the limbs; rkang lag 'khums pa contracted hands and feet: yur ra rang bzhin 'khum byed yin the ditch will get narrower of itself (J‰.). 'khums pa 1. shrunk, shriveled, contracted; fig. reduced; restricted; deprived of power: blo 'khums pa a contracted mind; an easily frightened heart; one who is much afraid of (Oag.): acc. to Sch. to practise; to impress on the mind. 'khur du thogs te taking up in the order to carry; taking on one's back; lag par khur byes in W. to hold in one's hand (J‰.); sems la 'khur ba to bear in mind; 'khur thag girth or rope; strap for carrying. 'khur ba sbst. pastry; vb. to carry, as in khur 'khur ba po , one who carries a burden; 'khur byed , 'khur bzhin pa carrying: mi theg par 'khur ba to carry very heavy loads; to carry what one is not able to carry. Khur-shog, bring it! Khur-song, take it away! 'khur tshos v. khur tshos 3. 'khur ra = snum 'khur bread or pastry baked with or in oil (Oag.). 'khul ba acc. to Oag. to subdue; to subject one by argument and language to service; acc. to Cs. to be uneasy about; khral 'khul ba acc. to J‰. perh. to force a tax, a rate, on a person. 'khegs pa pf. of 'gegs , to hinder, stop, shut off, debar: ji ltar bkag rung ma 'khegs pas although they prohibited, in whatever way, he was not stopped: nyes skyon 'khegs pa po one who has stopped evils and dangers: 'khegs byed one who stops. 'khengs pa pf. khengs , to be replete; to be full: khrag gis khengs yod pa was filled with blood; blo gros ma khengs te his mind not being satiated (J‰.). 'kheb pa pf. khebs , to cover; to spread over; yongs su khebs te being covered all over; kha thams cad khebs te being covered over the whole face; to overshadow (J‰.). 'khel ba , 'gel ba , pf. khel , gdeng 'khel ba , to put on; to pack on; to load: bcu thog khel ba when the ten storeys shall have been put on (erected). 'kho ba (cog. to mkho ba ) to wish; to want; to think useful, serviceable, necessary; to have occasion for: 'kho ste 'ong it will be of use; he will be able to make use of it: 'kho 'am mi mkho will it be useful or not, or in W. hkho-ce med I do not want it; I do not like it. 'kho bjed fit for use; useful (J‰.). 'khogs pa I: very infirm from ole age; decrepit; decayed. Gen. signifies rgan or rgyas 'khogs worn out by age: sngo khog , skya khog complexion blue or pale from old age. II: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST migration; wandering; fig. worldly existence. III: = glo 'gog pa 3 to cough (Moon.). 'khong ba (cf. sgong ba 3) to draw in one's limbs; to sit in a cowering position; to squat; to hide one's self; dpa' 'khong ba to be discouraged, disheartened (J‰.). 'khod fut. of bkod 3 = 3khod 3 1. surface; superficies; sa'i 'khod snyom pa to remove inequalities of the surface; to level; to plane; 'khod snyoms pa levelled; made even; plain; frequently bar gyi khod snyoms gaps were filled up, i.e., distinctions of rank, wealth, &c., were done away with. 2. a mill stone; ya 'khod the upper stone; ma khod the nether stone (J‰.). 'khod pa = sdod pa 3 to sit down; to sit; also to live, to dwell; to be set down; to be put: rgyal srid la 'khod pa raised to the throne; gnas su 'khod pa settled at a place; gral du 'khod pa seated in rank or order; steng du 'khod pa placed above; 'og tu 'khod pa place under. 'khon I: n. of an ancient family in Tibet: sa skya 'khon gyi rigs (hierarchs) belonged to the race of Hkhon (Oag.). II: zhe 'khon malice; dispute; war; spite (Oag.); 'khon nas from the state of dispute or war; 'khon med par honestly, without evil intentions; also without quarrel or dispute; 'khon zhugs pa to be spiteful or quarrelsome. 'khon pa also 'khon yod pa to bear a grudge or ill-will against a person; to be dissatisfied with a thing; also to be malicious, spiteful. 'khon po discord; dissension (J‰.). 'khobs bya ba'i 'khobs the sphere of one's doing or work (Zam.); also = khyab pa 3. Acc. to J‰. to be startled, agitated, alarmed. 'khobs shag not fitting to a place; become larger or smaller: 'khyags nas 'khobs shag cher cher song being frozen it does not fit, it having grown larger (Oag.). 'khob ba + = ngan pa 3 bad; wicked; low; barbarous; rough; rude; mtha' 'khob border; also border country; yang 'khob distant border land. 'khor I: an attendant who is inferior to a friend in rank and superior to a servant: 'khor gyi nang na 'dug kyang rung even if he be allowed to be among the attendants. II: for 'khor lo a wheel; me 'khor the fire-wheel; chu 'khor a mill or wheel turned by water; rlung 'khor wheel turned by water; rlung 'khor wheel turned by wind; lag 'khor a wheel turned by wind; lag 'khor a wheel turned by the hand; a millstone. 2. circle; circumference; the persons or objects encircling; that which surrounds (a certain point or place): lte ba dang de'i 'khor rnams the navel and the circumjacent parts; de khor la thereabouts. nye 'khor retinue, attendants; also waiters: 'khor dang bcas pas (SANST) with the attendants or suite; 'khor dgra bcos pas surrounded by the retinue of Arhats: 'khor du bsdus po gathered round as his retinue; also frequently the train of thoughts, reminiscences, &c., which the soul, when passing into a new body, cannot take along with it (J‰.). * III: SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 22). (EEE In the original, III. above is a separate entry. It has been included here to permit the proper functioning of the headword lookup feature.) 'khor kun tu grags SANST resounding in every company. 'khor kha zla ba dang zhag 'khor ba la return or each rotation (of a month, day, or year): mang ba'i rigs la 'khor kha'i lhag 'khyil yong gi 'dug pa those articles which are found in excess at the termination of the period should be sent round (Rtsii.). 'khor mkhan one who turns a wheel; a wheel that is turned; those who come and go with somebody. 'khor gyi dkyil 'khor SANST the circle of attendants. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "hkhor-gyi dkyil-hkhir" which is clearly a mistake.) 'khor gyi skye ba SANST dependants. 'khor gyi skye bo * SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 21). 'khor gyi 'khyams courtyard; an open space near a temple or a residential house where people assemble to witness a spectacle; also the passage round a temple or monastery for devotees to walk round for religious merit. 'khor gyi gtso bo the chief of the attendants or followers. 'khor gcig one attendant; 'khor rnams domestics; house-hold servants; lo 'khor a cycle of years: lo 'khor bcu gnyis or drug bcu a cycle of twelve or sixty years. 'khor nyan SANST the first of the seven musical notes. 'khor to n. of a tribe in Tibet (Vai. kar. 190). 'khor gtan = sgo'i them pa 3 SANST steps at the threshold or at the entrance of a house. 'khor du bsdus to enlist; to recruit; to take as one's followers. byang chub sems dpas sems can 'khor du bsdus nas don byed A Bodhisattva taking animated beings as his followers works for their good; or a Bodhisattva having brought animated beings into his followers, does work for the cause of men: 'khor 'dus pa 'dug all the attendants had collected together. 'khor pa or 'khor po male attendant. 'khor phag mo * (Schr., 53 A.). 'khor ba I: to turn round; to circumambulate, to walk all round; also to elapse, to be completed. 2. to be formed, perfected: khyag par 'khor ba med the frost has formed; zil pa 'khor dew has arisen. II: the world; rotatory existence; the round of transmigration within the six classes of beings: 'khor ba la skyo shas skyes to repent at having come into transmigratory existence. Syn. mi rig ; mngon chags ; sred pa ; 'jig rten ; yang srid ; gzhi 'dzin pa ; gtsug lag dang po ; thun mong chos ; sdug bsngal 'byung gnas ; 'khor ba (Moon.). 'khor ba 'khor mor to transmigrate in the world (Pag. 291). 'khor pa 'jig SANST the breaker or destroyer of transmigratory existence; the name of a former Tathagata. 'khor ba dang ldan chen po SANST (Schr.; Kalac T. 145). 'khor ba dong sprug = sems can thams cad sangs rgyas 'khor stong du 'gro ba la zer the passing of all animals to be followers of the thousand past Buddhas. 'khor ba las sgrol mkhan one who has been liberated from transmigratory existence; also one who liberates another from that state. 'khor ba'i khyim = btsun mo'i pho brang the residence of a queen (Moon.). 'khor ba'i dgra the enemy of the world, Mara. 'khor ba'i rgya mtsho the ocean of worldly existence: rnam rtog ma rig chen po ste|'khor ba'i rgya mtshor ltung bar byed| the Vikalpana (the wrong impression); thrown into the ocean of worldly business (Grub. da 76). 'khor ba'i 'ching ba the entanglements or ties of the world: 'khor ba'i 'ching ba drag po ste|sems can dmyal ba kun gyi rgyu| the strong fastenings to this world are the cause of the suffering in hell of all animated nature (K. la 114). 'khor ba'i sdug bsngal the miseries of the worldly existence. 'khor ba'i bla ma = 'dod lha dga' rab dbang phyug Cupid, the god of Love (Moon.). 'khor ba'i btson ra the prison-house of worldly existence. 'khor ba'i lam SANST the path of transmigratory existence. 'khor bar 'khor to come in and go out of this world very often. 'khor bar 'khor ba po one who transmigrates. 'khor bar 'khyams 'gro mchog wandering purposelessly in this world. 'khor ma tshags without interruption. 'khor mang can = shing ka dam pa SANST the tree Cadamba (Moon.). 'khor med , chad med uninterrupted: bka' drin 'khor med uninterrupted mercy (Yig. 42). 'khor zhag the date of return; the term or period for which leave is granted to monks or soldier at the expiration of which they are bound to return to duty. 'khor zug v. 'khor yug 3. 'khor yug I: SANST the horizon; the wall surrounding a city or fort; rampart: 'khor yug tu or 'khor mo yug tu within the limits of the horizon; everywhere; at all times. *II: SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 12). (EEE I. and II. constitute separate entries in the original; they are combined here to permit the proper functioning of the headword lookup feature.) 'khor gYa' latch. 'khor gYog SANST, SANST attendants and servants, companions and domestics: mdun 'khor waiting servant; valet de chambre; nang 'khor household servants; domestics: gtso 'khor master and servant: dpon 'khor the chief and his servant; ston 'khor the teacher and his pupils; drung 'khor a secretary or clerk; phyi 'khor servants outside the domestics. 'khor ral gcig ma * (Schr. 53 B.). 'khor legs pa good attendants. 'khor lo I: hkhor-lo and other weapons of war included in the following list of weapon or mtshon cha :- gYul du 'dzin pa ; tho ba ; rdung byed ; dbyug pa ; lcags bcings ; dbyig pa ; 'phang mdung ; shang lang ; gsor mdung ; tsa kra ; 'khor lo (Moon.). II: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST an orb, circle, disk; a wheel: 'khor lo chen por 'jug pa'i ye shes kyi phyag rgya SANST the symbol of entering into the great circle. 2. the round of life; orb or state of existence; srid pa'i 'khor lo SANST the chart or cycle of existence : lha dang mi rnams kyi 'khor lo bzhi the four states of existence of gods and men:- (1) mthun pa'i yul du gnas pa SANST residence in a place where there is agreement or which is agreeable; (2) skyes bu dam pa la brten pa SANST to take refuge with or shelter under good men; (3) bdag nyid kyi yang dag pa'i snon lam SANST perfect determination of one's self; (4) sngon yang bsod nams byas pa SANST moral merit acquired in a former existence: 'khor lo can (1) SANST one who is possessed of a disk; (2) sbrul a snake (Moon.); (3) v. bya ngur ba SANST (Moon.). (EEE bya ngur ba does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under 'dab chags 3.) 'khor lo bsgy ur , 'khor los sgy ur SANST an Universal Emperor. Syn. ma lus rgyal po ; rgyal kun 'dud ; lhag pa'i dbang phyug ; sa kun dbang ; yang dag rgyal po ; mi yi lha ; gnam bskos (Moon.). 'khor los sgy ur rgyal gyi btsun mo the wife of the Universal Emperor. Syn. mi yi lha mo ; bud med rin chen ; gnam bskos ma ; lhag pa'i dbang phyug ma ; 'jig rten btsun mo (Moon.). 'khor lo 'joms v. da dru 'joms 3, snan bzang lo , vegetable medicine for ringworm. 'khor lo dang ldan pa'i ri SANST n. of a fabulous mountain situated beyond the great ocean where the horizon touches the earth. At its centre it has an impenetrable golden hill called Vajra nabhi parvata. It is filled with fruit trees in consequence of which there are innumerable species of monkey living there (K. d. ra 282). 'khor lo dang 'khor lo chen po lha'i me tog (K. d. tsha 368) n. of a celestial flower; idem tsa kra dang tsa kra chen po . (K. d. zha 156.). 'khor lo dri med SANST n. of flower. 'khor lo gdong = phag pa 3 SANST, SANST a pig; one with a circular muzzle. 'khor lo 'dab brgya SANST n. of a flower. 'khor lo 'dra = dong ga 3. Syn. rgyal po'i shing ; sor mo bzhi pa ; lo ma bzang (Moon.). 'khor lo 'dra ba SANST, SANST like a circle; resembling a wheel. 'khor lo sdom pa SANST n. of Buddhist Tantrik deity. 'khor lo dbang sgy ur bon gyi ston pa zhig n. of a Bon teacher (G. Bon. 1). 'khor lo 'byed pa SANST one who can penetrate into the designs or machinations of others. 'khor lo rtsibs stong the fabulous wishing wheel which is possessed of one thousand radiating spokes: rgyal po'i mdun na gser gyi 'khor lo rtsibs stong yod pa in the presence of the king was the golden wheel with one thousand radiating ribs; rtsibs re re la zas sna re re bzhag nas 'dren pa la on each spoke, where it touched the felloe, there was placed a dainty dish; gang 'dod pa de mdun du bskor nas 'dren from the wheel was brought before him whatever he wished; mi 'dod pa de rgyab tu bskor nas 'jog pa that which he did not like turned away from him (A. 2). 'khor lo gYo SANST n. of a flower. 'khor lo'i rkang round foot; elephant; glang po (Moon.). 'khor lo'i mgon po the lord or chief of all: mkhas btsun bzang po'i dpal mnga' 'khor lo'i mgon po bka' drin mtshungs med dge ba'i bshes gnyen chen po'i zhabs drung du before the feet of Kalyanamitra who is the paramount lord possessing the grace of the noble, wise, and good, whose kindness is unequalled. 'khor lo'i mgrin as met. = rnga mong 3 the camel. (Moon.). 'khor lo'i mtha' SANST, SANST the circumference of a circle. 'khor lo'i rnam pa can described as stag gi sen mo zhes bya ba'i dri rdzas , a scent called "tiger's-claws." 'khor lo'i yan lag = ngang pa i'i ming SANST, SANST a general term for the goose species (Moon.). 'khor lo'i lus I: = bu shes tse amber. Syn. bya zas ; nya yi 'khor pa ; lus ngan mig (Moon.). II: = gdugs 3 an umbrella. Syn. char skyob ; tsha ba sgrib ; tshad skyob (Moon.). 'khor los 'gro ba , shing rta i dang bye brag wheeled; carriage or vehicle (Moon.). 'khor los sgy ur v. reg bzang 3 (Moon.). 'khor los 'tsho v. rdza mkhan , a potter; one who lives by turning the (potter's) wheel (Moon.). (EEE rdza mkhan does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under rdza 3.) 'khor sa SANST the path for circumambulation round a sacred building or other object; the positions of attendant demi-gods of a principal deity round his mansion. 'khor gsum man, horse and cow: chibs las gzhol te 'khor gsum drung du phul , alighting from his horse, he presented the three objects, viz., a servant, a horse, and a cow to him (A. 7). 'khor gsum rnam par dag pa the alms-giver, alms-giving, and the receiver of alms, when those three are of pure motives. 'khol ba pf. bkol , imp. khol 1. to make a person a slave; to bind as a servant; to cause to serve one. bran khol or khol po a slave; khol od kyi sdug bsngal the miseries of servitude; gzhan dag gis dbang med par bkol ba to be enslaved by others, without ability to help oneself. 2. acc. to Cs to save; to spare; to enjoy with moderation. 3. acc. to Sch. to become insensible; to be asleep; to get benumbed in reference to the limbs. In Med. 4. to boil (with pf. khol ): 'khol 'jug pa to make one boil; place for boiling (J‰.). 'khol thub pa explained in rang gis bsgo ba'i ngag la nyan cing las gang bskul ba thams cad sgrub par byed|sems kyang 'gyur ba med na bran gYig tu 'khol thub pa yin|de ltar ma byung na bran gYog tu gyur kyang 'khol mi thub par red| (Oag.) extracting voluntary service, i.e., if a servant obediently gives effect to the wishes of his master, otherwise, although the servant may be in his service, he has not rendered service. 'khol ma a female attendant (Cs.). 'khol mo SANST maid-servant. 'khos or 'khos ka worth, value, importance; also necessity: 'khos can important; mighty; of great influence; 'khos med uninfluential; 'khos su phab pa to draw as a blister or poultice; dngos po dga' tshang cig yod kyang snod kyi 'khos ka'am (A. 142) although there have existed some articles pretty complete, there was necessity for a vessel to receive (deserve) them; 'khos ka chung ba of less necessity; 'khos chung ba = las bya bar chung ba less active or less energetic (Moon.). 'khos bstun = 'os babs , don dang bsnun suited to one's intention or object; fitness; suitability. 'khos dpag according to the measure of one's ability. 'khos su phebs pa = logs su bzhag pa to put in opposition. 'khyags pa SANST, SANST, SANST vb. intrans. 1. to freeze either into ice or hard; to coagulate, crystalise: chu 'khyags rgyu yin the water will be freezing; bul tshwa kha ru khyag byung the soda has congealed on the salt-lake. In Sikkim khyek or khek = ice. 2. to feel cold, become numbed: 'khyags 'byung they felt cold (Moon.). 'khyags rum or 'khyags ram an ice-slip; also ice in blocks. 'khyam khyi a stray dog. 'khyams pa I: fig. to rove, wander: 'dod pas yongs su bslus pa yis|'jig rten 'khor lo bzhin du 'khyams| being completely deluded by desire, they rove the world as a wheel (K. d. za 380): 'khor bar 'khyams pa dang or bar dor 'khyams pa to rove (in the world or in the interval between death and regeneration) for no purpose. II: = don med du 'gro ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; pf. 'khyams par gyur 1. to ramble about; to wander purposelessly; to wander in a strange country. At certain seasons many monks wander about Tibet, Mongolia and China, vide Huc. SANST, SANST; rnam par 'khyams pa to wander about continually; to move about unceasingly: 'khyam du 'jug pa to cause to ramble or rove about; to become strayed, lost; wandering; vagrant; erroneous; erring; chu 'khyam pa inundation; flood. 'khyams po 1. erroneous; a vagabond. 2. n. of a disease. 'khyar ba to err, to go astray, to deviate from the right path: mi 'khyar erring or blundering man; khyi 'khyar a stray dog; yi ge 'khyar ba po one who makes mistakes in writing (a letter, &c.); skad cha la 'khyar ma bcug do not err in conversation. 'khyar dogs yod one should be afraid of making mistakes, of going astray; dpe 'khyar po a defective simile (J‰.). 'khyal ba = 'chal ba 3 irrelevant: ngag 'khyal ba speaking unconnectedly. 'khyal tshig irrelevant speech; speaking nonsense: gzhon nu 'dren par mi byed pa'i|'khyal tshig smra na khrims dang 'gal| if one speak misleading words which cause the youthful not to go straight, it infringes the law (or justice). 'khyi ba acc. to Sch. 'khyil ba . 'khyig pa to bind; to take prisoner. SANST, also in C., to strangle; suffocate; thag pas 'khyig pa po one who binds with a rope. Syn. 'ching ba ; sdom ; 'dogs ; gdags ; bcing pa ; bkyig pa . 'khyigs pa , pf. bkyigs bound. 'khyid pa + = 'byin pa to draw out; strain; also to roll, revolve: mig 'khyid pa to turn or roll one's eyes: 'khor bar 'khyid pa'i rgyu'i gtso bo ni ji ltar snang ba'i dngos po 'di dag la the chief of the causes of revolving in the world lies in how one appears outwardly (Lam. ti, 36). 'khyim pa = chu 'khor ba to whirl (as of water) (Moon.). 'khyims pa SANST, SANST, described as nyi ma dang zla ba sogs la 'od sgor sgor du 'khyims pa to be encircled with a halo, like the sun and moon; 'od 'khyims SANST nimbus; halo: 'ja' 'od 'khyims a rainbow encircling (him): na bun or snug pa 'khyims or dud pa 'khyims fog, mist, or smoke enveloped him (J‰.). 'khyir ba to turn round: dbu la gdugs bskor ba'i 'khyir pa (Oag.) to turn round parasol round in a circle over the head. 'khyil ba SANST, SANST, vb. intrans. to wind; to twist; to whirl round; skra hair (Moon.): chu rang shugs kyis 'khyil ba water of itself whirls round, i.e., turns into a whirlpool; dung dkar gYas 'khyil gYon 'khyil a white shell wound to the right or wound to the left; sbrul 'khyil ba to coil up like a snake; to being wound in the manner of a snake; chu chen po 'khyil 'dug much water has accumulated surrounding a place or inside a place forming itself in a whirlpool; 'od du 'khyil zhing as if wreathed with light; nya gser mig 'khyil ba yod the fish was revolving its golden eyes: mi mang po de ru 'khyil bar gyur te there many people having crowded together or assembled together: chu la 'khyil ldog med kyang sa gzhi 'ub tu bru although there was no swirl in the waters they dug deeply into the ground. Syn. 'khor ba ; 'jug pa (Moon.). 'khyil ba brgya SANST one hundred coils: 'khyil ldan SANST anything that is possessed of coils; wound together. 'khyil ba can = rna rgyan an earring. Syn. rna ba mdzes byed ; rna bar 'khyil ; snyan rgyan SANST (Moon.). 'khyis pa v. 'khyid pa 3, to evolve. 'khyu ba or 'khyus pa = kyog po 1. bent; not straight (Oag). 2. pf. 'khyus run away. Syn. yo ba ; bros pa (Moon.). 'khyug pa SANST; pf. khyug to run, move swiftly; said to imply myur ba'i don the meaning of rapidity; 'khyug po runner. glog 'khyug pa rapid motion of lightning: glog ltar 'khyug pa to run or move rapidly like the flash of lightning: 'khyug po 'khyu pa to run away swiftly: 'khyug tsam in or about a moment or in a flash: sku 'khyug tsam phebs pa your honour has come for a rapid visit: khyed rang de ring 'khyug tsam phebs rogs will you come here today just for a trice: 'khyug tsam gzigs see for about an instant: sems 'khyug the mind travels quickly. khra khyug pa to gleam; to twinkle with light; to shine in various colours: yid ni nyon mongs 'khyugs par 'gyur (Lam. ti. 35.) the mind moves (restless) with suffering; ser 'khyug ge ba glittering in yellow lustre; to glitter; to shine (of the rainbow). 'khyug yig running hand; current handwriting. 'khyud shar can in W. hasty; hurrying; careless. 'khyud 'thung = skyes ma thag pa as soon as born (Moon.). 'khyud nas ldong ba'i ma ning SANST one that becomes an hermaphrodite after being embraced. 'khyud pa I: SANST, SANST 1. to embrace; embraced: mgul nas 'khyud pa to clasp round the neck; to hug; to encompass by spanning. 2. to glide in or into (as serpents): mngal du 'khyug pa entering of the soul into new conception. 3. to be able: lang bar mi 'khyud unable to rise (from bed). The word is also illustrated as rtsig pa la rten nas 'gro ba lta bu to move supporting himself on a wall, &c. II: = 'khrig pa SANST, SANST sexual embrace (Moon.). 'khyur ba or 'khyur , fut. of bskyur , to be separated; divorced (Cs.): to stop; to put an end to. Acc. to J‰., to be deserted, bskyur bas 'khyar zhes pas being separated, he was, so to speak, bereft. 'khyus v. 'khyu ba 3. 'khyeng ba to be filled up, v. 'gengs pa 3. 'khyed pa 1. to be sufficient, to suffice, to be enough; to hold out; colloq. 'di khyed this is enough: mi khyed there is not enough. 2. in C. to gain (a law suit); to be acquitted (J‰.). 3. phyir khyed pa to bow without uncovering one's head, as a less humble way of saluting (J‰.). 'khyer ba SANST to carry away, to take away; sometimes, to bring: chu yis 'khyer carried away by water; le los 'khyer to be overcome, carried away by idleness. lde mig khyer take the key; khyer shog bring; khyer song carry off, take away; akin to the le-au and le-jao of Hindustani. 'khyer so 1. bearing; appearance; demeanour; neatness. 2. colloq. advantage; superiority; pleasantness. 'khyel ba Ld. to hit, to strike. 'khyog 'khyog bent, crooked (Oag.). 'khyog 'gro 1. = gza' spen pa the planet Saturn or gos sngon ; he in blue robe (Moon.). 2. = 'bab chu a stream; waterfall (Moon.); sbrul 'byog 'gro the snake because it creeps in a bent course (Moon.). 'khyog can or 'byog 'khyog tortuous. 'khyog ston pa to fly into a passion (Sch.). 'khyog pa pf. khyog , imp. khyog 1. to lift; lift up. 2. to carry; to bring: gsol ja khyog bring in the tea (C.). 'khyog po or khyog po crooked; bent: khyog po'i ri mo a crooked figure; a curve, flourish, crescent, &c.: nyas phar 'khyog tshur 'khyog the fish writhing hither and thither. 'khyog pa'i sa bon SANST crooked seeds. 'khyog po = drang po min ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST not upright; not straight, i.e., crooked. 'khyog po'i mthu can the bent-bill; a toucan. 'khyog po'i sde = po son cha , chang rtsi a kind of churn or mixer to make wine with. Syn. gong bu can ; gser gyi lag ; dbugs 'byin shing ; chang shing ; lag pa'i tshong dus ; khyos byed myos-byed. 'khyog po'i tshig = tshig gi gtang rag rough language; not straightforward (Moon.). 'khyog dpyang a lath or pole for carrying burdens (Sch.). 'khyog bral = drang lam straight road (Moon.). 'khyog 'bar me i'i ming blaze or flame (Moon.). 'khyog med = drang po or srong pa straight (Moon.). 'khyog bshad a crooked, out-of-the-way construction or explanation. 'khyogs or khyogs , SANST a palanquin; sedan chair; litter. 'khyong ba or 'khyongs , skyong ba dang skyongs pa'i don dang mtshungs to observe: nyin 'khyongs , dgon pa la sbyin bdag gis nyi ma gcig gi bsnyen bkur zhu ba 1. to observe a day's religious service in a monastery. 2. acc. to J‰. and Ramsay khyong in Ladak signifies to bring. 'khyom pa SANST, fluid hence fig. giddy or giddiness; also to reel; to be giddy: bzi 'khyom 'khyom rgyug dizzy with intoxication: yang shing sogs 'khyom dang 'khyor zhing 'khyog the trees being moved (by the wind) were bent (Oag.); so the words 'khyom and 'khyog are somewhat similar to each other. khyom khyom do ba in C. to reel, stagger: chang gi 'khyom pa 'dug he is staggering under the influence of beer; mtsho 'khyom dizziness; vertigo: lug glad mgo 'khor 'khyom pa gso the brain of a sheep (taken as food) cures reeling or dizziness of the head (Med.). 'khyor ba SANST to be unsteady; to miss, fail; not to hit (Cs.); to reel, stagger, from intoxication; to warp (of wood or wooden vessels): 'gro na gom pa 'khyor in walking his steps reeled (Rdsa.). 'khyol pa pf. 'khyol cf. skyel ba 3 to be carried; to be brought; to arrive at, come to, reach: mthar ma 'khyol bar lus song | on reaching the end, it was left (unfinished). 'khyos pa = 'phyos pa (Sch.). 'khyos ma same as skyas ma , a present, gift. 'khra ba (tha-wa), vb., pf. probably 'khras , to lean to; to incline towards (Cs.). 'khra sa a support to lean against; a prop; the back (of a chair): 'khra sar 'khras = rten la brten pa firm in support (Oag.). 'khrangs (thao) SANST hard; 'khrang ba , bkrang ba adj. hard. 'khrad pa (thad-pa), in colloq. Tib. to expel; turn out: bgegs 'khrad byed to expel the devil (from one's body). 'khrab pa (thab-pa) SANST, SANST pf. bkrab or skrab pa 1. to strike; to beat (in regular strokes, as in swimming and rowing); to thrust, stamp, tread heavily; bro 'khrab pa to dance in that manner. 2. to winnow; to fan. 3. to blink, twinkle, wink with the eyes. 4. to jest; to joke; to crack jokes. 5. to leap, jump (Sch.); jump for joy (Schr.). 6. to scoop out; to bail out (Sch.). 7. to fight; to combat in C. and W. (J‰.). 'khral 'khrul (thal-thul) = khral le khrul le (thal-le thul-le) confused; dazed; confounded; also as adv. mi cha bzhag med pa skad cha rnam pa sna tshogs lab zhing |sdod mi thub pa phar phyin tshur yong ad lag kyang tshags mi thub pa la zer yong | also applied to one who is confused in his ideas and speaks unconnectedly and ravingly, and being unable to sit moves up and down and cannot even preserve his own goods. 'khras (the) = sems chags sdod pa hopeful; also attached. 'khri (thi) reduction; discount. 'khri rkang said to be = rgyal mtshan , the Buddhist flag of victory. 'khri sgrub payment of stipulated revenue or dues: khral 'am bu lon sogs|rang gi mgo la babs pa ni 'khri ba| liabilities on account of rent or debt, &c. 'khri ba pf. 'khris , cf. dkri ba 3 cognate. 1. to wind; compress; entangle; hold fast: khyim thab kyi 'khri ba conjugal embrace; 'khri shing or 'khril shing a creeper; a creeping plant: khral 'khri ba dang bu lon 'khri ba to be tied by taxes and entangled in debt. 2. = chags pa mostly as a sbst. thrall; attachment, but as vb. also: rang don gyi 'khris pa to be attached to one's interest or advantage; bu med kyi to wife and children: 'khri ba chod = zhen pa dang 'brel thag chod fondness; attachment. zhen 'khris passionate attachment. 'khri 'bab assessment of revenue or rtsa chu shing gsum gyi 'khri 'bab , levy for the threeógrass, water, wood (to be supplied to privileged travellers or officials) (Rtsii.). 'khri shing = 'khril shing SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a creeping plant. Syn. yal ga'i ral pa . 'khri shing mchog ldan , shing bzang po zhig gi ming n. of a kind of tree. Syn. bri yang ku; bud med ming can ; sna tshogs sde ; 'byung po'i me tog ; sa la phyag 'tshal (Moon.). 'khri shing thogs med spos dkar shing gi ming a name for the Sal tree. Syn. sAa la'i ljon pa ; sAa la'i shing ; sra rtsi shing ; SANST, SANST (Moon.). 'khrig pa * 1. SANST (Schr.). 2. gnyis , mystic number signifying "two" (Rtsii.). 3. vb. to cohere; to stick together, become thick, intermingled: gnas 'khrig the sky is thick: 'od zer dang 'ja' 'od 'khrig pa beams of light and rainbow hues intermingled: 'khrigs gyur pa|snying rje'i ge sar 'khrigs pa| to become adherent being intimately mixed up with the saffron of mercy. 4. coitus; sexual intercourse: 'khrig pa od pa to perform such. 'khrig skad = 'khrig tshig amorous speech; obscene language; 'khrig thabs SANST amorous dalliance; 'khrig 'dod ma SANST a voluptuous women. 5. SANST the twins in the Zodiac. Syn. of No. 4. dbang po gnyis sbyor ; grong pa'i chos ; nye zungs ; lag bsdams ; 'dod pa od ; bshos pa ; she sbyor ; mi tshangs od ; gsang od ; nye reg ; dga' ; rmongs ; sbyor ba ; kun sbyor ; skye ba od ; dga' mgur od ; dga' ba rol ; 'khyud pa ; chags od ; 'dod log od ; log gYem (Moon.). 'khrig pa dang ldan bar smra ba SANST speaking of copulation or of sexual union. 'khrig pa 'byin pa to talk smut. 'khrig pa sped bya rog gi ming n. for the crow (Moon.). 'khrig pa'i chos rten pa to be given up to voluptuousness. 'khrig pa'i bsam gtan ma or bud med 'dod ldan ma a voluptuous or licentious woman (Moon.). 'khrig sped SANST, v. 'khrig pa sped 3. 'khrig ma or 'khrigs ma , lag pa'i SANST the wrist (of the hand). 'khrigs pa collected or assembled together, of sprin (clouds). 'khrid pa SANST, pf. khrid , pf. bkri SANST, to lead; to conduct; bring to a place; especially used in connection with animals and children, also of leading an army: bu tsha 'khrid byung | led out their children. 'khrims (thim), 'jigs skrag (Oag.) terror, panic, fear: 'bred nas 'khrims (Lex.; J‰.). 'khril ba (thil-wa) 'khri ba to wind, coil round (of serpents); draw close; embrace closely; to clasp round; 'khril mkhan an embracer; 'khril ldan a plant furnished with tendrils or claspers; kha 'khril ba in W. to speak imperfectly like children; to lisp, to stammer. 'khril ldem fig. very handsome and young; 'khril union. ldem waving; moving. 'khril shing = khri shing a climbing plant, a creeper. 'khris (thi) SANST, SANST near, neighbouring bank, shore, coast; also postp. 'khris su and 'khris na close to; very near; against: sbrel zla ba med pa rnams kyang srid skyong de'i 'khris su min pa zla yod ma gtogs rang nyid gcig por gzhung las mi byed| one should not singly (venture) to do Government work unless assisted by a colleague under the king (D. Shel. 12). Syn. 'gram ; rtsar ; drung (Moon.). 'khris 'dzin ra gan SANST brass. 'khru ba (thu-wa) = 'khrud pa SANST to wash; to bathe: 'khrur 'jug pa SANST, SANST causing to be washed. 'khru ba gcod pa SANST stoppage of looseness or diarrhúa. 'khru gzhi 1. diarrhúa. 2. 'khru sbyongs , 'khru nad , 'khru skyug SANST diarrhúa with vomiting. 'khrug * SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 121). 'khrug gos = go cha or go khrab war-dress; coat of mail (Moon.). 'khrug lnga pa the drumming to battle; stated (Moon.) to mean also gYul gyi sar 'byung ba'i sgra skad the clamour which arises on the battle-field. 'khrug pa (thug-pa) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. vb. pf. 'khrugs pa , cf. dkrug pa 3, 3bkrug pa 3 to be in commotion; commotion; to be disturbed; to be panic-stricken: 'khrug par mi 'gyur ba SANST will not become angry; get disordered: rtsa thams cad 'khrag tu bcug it made all his veins disordered (blood to boil). 2. to be angry; also to quarrel, fight, contend: de gnyis 'khrug nas the two quarrelling. Also as sbst. fight, disruption, row: 'khrug pa shor disorder arose; quarrel took place. 'khrug pa byed pa to show fight; to take up arms; to rebel: 'khrug pa byed pa'i dus su in times of war: dmag 'khrug = 'thab 'khrug war. mi 'khrugs pa a name of Buddha, who does not become agitated or ruffled at heart. 'khrug pa'i sa gzhi = gYul gyi sa gzhi or dmag gi sa gzhi battle-field (Moon.). 'khrug dpon = dmag dpon general; commanding in war. 'khrug long = skyo ngogs 1. contest, strife. 2. gYul sprod pa or dmag 'thab pa (Moon.). 'khrugs (thug) defined as sa lta bu gYo 'gul chen po byung ba , quaking, trembling, shaking (Moon.): 'khrugs mkhan in W. having small cracks, flaws, of potter's ware (J‰.): 'khrugs pa = sdang ba also khong nas ldang ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST was stirred up, agitated, confused, also rage, anger; greatly angry; passionate. 'khrugs tshad fever caused by overwork and fatigue. 'khrugs long SANST war, fight: 'khrug las work of dispute; quarrel. 'khrung ba (thuo-wa) or 'khrungs pa resp. for skye ba SANST, SANST 1. to be born: sku 'khrung ba = sku bltams pa to be born; also the birth of a great man, prince or lama: 'khrungs rabs = skyes rabs SANST birth stories or legends connected with one's birth. 2. to arise; come from: khyed rang gi thugs la 'khrungs pa'i tshig words as they may just arise in the mind of yourself; ting nge 'dzin 'khrungs pas meditation arising: snying rje thugs la 'khrungs pa compassion arose in his mind. 3. to come up, shoot, sprout, grow (of seeds and plants) (J‰.). 'khrungs rabs gsol 'debs reverence shown to a great lama or saint by enumerating the names of his supposed successive embodiments. 'khrud pa (thud-pa) SANST, pf. 'khrus , fut. bkru , to wash; to cleanse; to bathe; to wash off: gos dri ma 'khrud par byed the dirt of clothes should be washed out: nad la bshal snan btang nas 'khrud par byed in illness, by giving purgatives, one may be cleansed: 'khrud par byed cause to be washed. 'khrud ma the washings of plates and dishes after dinner, which are given to pigs, dogs, &c. 'khrun chod (thun-chod) = don dag thag chod finally deciding or determining any matter (J. Zao.: dmag dang kha mchu lta bu thag chod to decide upon a war or a law suit. 'khrun mtho ba = 'phang mtho ba of high rank. 'khrun ring + = skyus su ring ba lengthwise; in length. 'khrul I: (thul) or 'khrul pa SANST, SANST, 1. SANST, sbst. mistake; frenzy; madness; error; illusion; also adj. mistaken; deranged; deluded: 'khrul kyis bogs pa ma yin mistakes are not profitable; 'gro ba 'khrul pa the deluded beings (of this world); 'khrul ba to be mistaken; to be deceived: rang snang 'khrul par 'dug I have mistaken; it was a deception of the senses; snang 'khrul 'am 'khrul snang illusion; delusion: 'khrul snang can delusive; erring: as a syn. of nor ba : khyod cag 'khrul pa'i 'jig rten pa deluded children of the world! 2. to be insane, deranged. Syn. of snos pa 'khrul so occasion for making mistake; wrong way; peril. II: (thul) in the words mig 'khrul is a little different from 'phrul ; it applies to moral or intellectual mistakes as distinct from external blunders. In the same manner it differs from the word nor ba or nor 'khrul . nor ba applies to external or phenomenal blunders: nang gi sems ma 'khrul na phyi yi bya ba mi nor| if the inner heart does not err, one's doings in the outside world will also not be wrong; SANST ignorance: ma rig 'khrul ba'i dbang gis 'khor bar 'khyams by the influence of unrighteous errors (we) wander in the cycles of existence. 'khrul 'khor SANST machine; contrivance; artifice. Acc. to Cs. this is same as 'phrul 'khor . 'khrul 'khor * SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 12a.). 'khrul 'khor khyim v. btson khang 3 a prison-house (Moon.). 'khrul 'khor mkhan a juggler. 'khrul dga' (wrongly for 'phrul dga' ) lha gnas SANST n. of a celestial mansion. 'khrul snang v. 'khrul ba'i snang ba , illusive vision or exhibition. Syn. 'khrul pa'i sems , 'khrul pa'i yid (Moon.). (EEE 'khrul ba'i snang ba does not occur elsewhere in the dictionary but see 'khrul snang under 'khrul 3.) 'khrul byed ma bud med 'dod ma'i ming a woman that decoys others. 'khrul med v. nor med or 'chug med 3, unmistakeably; without mistake. 'khrul zhig , stong nyid rtogs pa'i bla ma 'am gang zag a lama or any person who meditates on the theory of emptiness (i.e., the voidity of all nature). 'khrul gzhi cause or basis of error; fundamental mistake. It is usually illustrated thus: If one mistakes a fine rope for a snake, the rope is the basis or cause of mistake, and 'khrul shes is the idea or notion of a snake conveyed to the mind by the sight of the rope: thag pa mthong nas sbrul 'dzin gyi shes pa skyes pa ni 'khrul shes yin te|de bzhin du bdag cag ma rig 'khor ba'i sems can rnams mi bden pa bden par bzung |mi rtag pa la rtag pa bzung |sdug bsngal ba la bde bar bzung ste 'khrul 'khor ba 'di yin| in the same manner we animated beings, deluded by Avidya, mistake falsehood for truth, the transient for the permanent, misery for happiness; hence this transmigratory existence. 'khrul yas (grangs ) a very large number. 'khregs = sra ba SANST very stiff or hard. 'khren pa (then-pa) = zhen pa desire; passion; to wish; to long for: 1. zas skom 'khran pa to wish for food and drink. 2. to look upon with envy; jealousy (J‰.). 'khro ba pf. khros to be angry. 'khrol ba (thol-wa), pf. and fut. dkrol , imp. khrol 1. to cause to sound; to make a noise; play: rol mo 'khrol ba to play on a musical instrument; dril bu 'grol ba to ring a bell. 2. vb. intrans. to sound; resound: kha rud dkrol the avalanche resounded; rgyu long 'khrog shing a rumbling in the bowels (Med.); spo 'khrog in the belly: 'khrog khrog roaring; rushing; buzzing (J‰.). 'khrogs dislocated: rgan mo bus tshig 'khrogs kyang 'gro snying 'dod the old women yet wishes to walk, though her knee has been dislocated (Rdsa. 17.). ga I: is the third letter of the Tibetan alphabet corresponding with Sanskrit SANST. It is pronounced as soft k when alone or when placed without a prefix at the beginning of a word or syllable. When used as a final letter it sounds as k or is often barely pronounced. If a prefix precede ga or if it carry a surmounting letter it sounds as a hard g. When use to represent a numerical figure it signifies the third, i.e., the ordinal III, and as such is generally used in marking volumes of books, &c. ga is sometimes used as an affixed particle of a word to complete it, as in yal ga the branch of a tree. II: in mystical language signifies born of a goat; also a he-goat: bsang skad la ra skyes yin (K. g. kha, 28). III: 1. in mystic Buddhism ga means the hidden entity or the essence of Buddha: ga zhes pa ni de bzhin gshegs pa'i gsang ba'i snying po ste|sems can thams cad la sangs rgyas kyi rang bzhin yod ces pa'o|| that which is styled ga being the hidden essence of the Tathagata, it may be said (ces pa ) that all sensate beings have the nature of Buddha (K. my. ka 207). 2. ga ni bgrod dang bgrod min yin as to ga it moves and it is also motionless: rken yag ga yin sgra yi ngo bo nyid "the cause is ga, the real nature or origin of sound" (Hbrom. 88). Again we read definitions of this sort: ga ni gang la gang gang chags med pa "that which belongs to no place anywhere is ga" (Hbrom. 88). ga khral tax, duty (on cattle, butter, &c.) (J‰.). ga ga a title of honour in W. (J‰.). ga ga tshil tickling: ga ga tshil byed pa , to tickle: sngon grwa pa bcu drug gis grwa pa gcig la ga ga tshil byas pas|rang dbang med par gad mo mang po shor nas rlung gyen du 'chugs te dus la bab bo|| in ancient time sixteen monks tickled one monk and from the excessive laughter he involuntarily sent forth, the mystic wind passing upwards inside him, his end came (K. du. ca, 228). ga ge mo + 1. n. of a certain place in Tibet. 2. che ge mo such a one; such a thing; such and such (Cs.). ga gon SANST 1. one of the two merchants whom Buddha met immediately after his six years' asceticism under the Bodhi tree. 2. ga gon gyi rgyal po SANST the king of a country in Southern India. 3. a melon (acc. Cs., Lex., cucumber; others; barley) (J‰.). ga 'grig a saddle; sga sgrig equipment of a riding horse. ga cen or ga chen some or a good many; good deal (J‰.). ga chad involuntarily; without cause, e.g., to weep (Med., J‰.). ga chad pa fatigued; very tired; yi mug ga chad pa|'u thug ga chad pa giving up in despair; being quite exhausted (D.R.). ga snyod SANST cummin seed, Nigella Indica. ga ta á SANST or SANST ga ta'i sde tshan a kind of Indian handwriting, evidently referring to the Gatha or Kaithi character, in which the original Magadhi used to be written. The Tibetan ga is ordinarily pronounced as K, hence ka ta or kaithi. ga da á SANST a club; a mace. ga dur an astringent medicinal root: rims dang glo tshad rtsa nad sel it removes remittent fever, diseases of the lungs and of the bowels. ga dor = gwa dor also go dor the tender growth of fresh horn in the three animals, rhinoceros, stag, and antelope: khwa dor gsum gyis rnag dang chu ser skem| the three ga dor dry up pus and yellowish discharges: sha ba'i ga dor the growth of a new branch on a stag's horn (Sch.). ga 'dras = gang 'dras (colloq. "g·nde") how? of what kind? what sort? ga na gang na SANST where? ga na ba and gang na ba , the same as a sbst., the whereabouts of a person, his place of residence: rgyal po ga na bar der song | he went here where the king was. ga na med (in W.) absolutely; at all events: ga na med bkal dgos it must be sent by all means: ga na med log ste btang yin| I shall give it back at all events (J‰.). ga Na pa ti á SANST lha chen tshogs bdag gi ming the name of the great God, called the Lord of the Multitude (Soag.). ga ba ta ba ri Ni á SANST [SANST small cardamom]. Also the n. of a flower (K. kon. ka 4). ga bur á I: 1. n. of several plants, probably Gentiana cherayta, Curcuma, Zerumbet, &c. 2. sting zil ga bur is a kind of stone like pho cong sting zil (Mio. 4). II: SANST, SANST camphor; shel ga bur crystal-like camphor; mang ga bur camphor resembling yak's lard in appearance; ga bur tsha ba rgyas pa thog 'bab gcod camphor, where the fever has increased, cures by lowering its height; rnying zhing shan pa'i tsha ba rtsa nad gcod it also cures long-standing fever and disease of the fundament; ga bur ti los glo rims tshad pa sel| the kind of camphor called Tilo cures inflamation of the lungs and fever. Syn. kha ba'i phye ma ; 'od dkar can ; nus ldan ; sprin gyi snying po ; zla ba'i thal ba ; ro'i ge sar ; shing gi snying po (Moon.). ga bur nag po defined as phag brun me la bsregs pa'i thal ba 1. the ashes of the burnt dung of pigs. 2. a secret name (Mio. 4). (EEE The headword in the original is given as ga pur nag po but this is an error. The transliteration "ga-bur nag-po" given in the original and the dictionary context confirms this.) ga bur 'dzin pa SANST meton. zla ba the moon. ga bra n. of a medicine; a twig; also the fresh shoot on a tree: ga bra rlung tshad rims nad sel bar byed| (this medicine) removes the epidemic fevers and the heat induced by rluo (wind). ga mu á from the Sans. SANST go; in mystical language go or go away! (K. g. kha 27). ga mo byi la n. of species of wild cat: ga mo byi las nyal nas byi'u 'dzin the ga-mo byi-la catches little birds by lying in wait (Rdsa.). ga tsam = ji tsam how much; how many; how long; interr. and correl., as much as, e.g., as much as you like. ga btson (in W.) an irruption of the skin (J‰.). ga tshod how much; colloq. "rin di ka tsˆ" what is the price; how much? In Sikkim gong-di ka-dzˆ-mo? (Snd. Hbk.). ga dzan ta SANST a precious stone used in curing infectious fevers and other diseases, also to relieve one from the influence of malignant spirits. ga zha = ga gzha' or ga sha more properly the last word, i.e., ga sha signifies bzhad gad a laughter, jest, joke: ga zha dang rtsed mo rtse they jest and play: de ring ga zha mi 'dug he is not in good humour, or in good spirits, today (J‰.); also "today there is no fun." ga zug (in W.) how, interr. and correl. (J‰.). ga gzi squinting (in W.). ga'u SANST an amulet; a brooch containing charms (v. gam 3). Syn. kha sbyar (Moon.). ga'u kha sbyar charm box the lids of a which are joined edge to edge: mi dbang khyer bzhugs shin tu dben pa ni|gnam sa ga'u kha sbyar lta bus mdzes| O Mi-wang (O king), thy residence is very solitary and so beautiful, as if the heaven and the earth kiss each other there, like the lids of an amulet (Hbrom. 89). ga'u le account book; list (of cases, also of cash and balance); also a short note kept on the margin: logs su in a separate place that is not in the body of a book, but on the foot or margin or corner, i.e., zur du of a book or note book: zla tshes grangs 'di tsam rdzong gi khur len byed pa'i bar la khrims shags 'di tsam byung zer ba'i 'bor che chung khyon bsdoms nas byas byung slar gyi ga'u ler 'jog pa since the date of the mouth, etc., of taking over charge of the Rdsoo (District office) as many criminal cases as may be, and the receipts large and small all bound together should be kept in the registration book (Rtsii; G. Sndg.). ga ya gu ri'i mdo á a Sutra delivered by the Buddha on the mountain of Gaya Gauri. (EEE The headword in the original is given as ga ya ga ri'i mdo but this is an error and that is confirmed by the transliteration "Ga-ya gau-rihi mdo" given in the original. In fact, the name is correctly spelled ga yAa gu ri'i mdo ) ga yig SANST the letter SANST g. ga ra kha tNa Du la'i rtsa ba á SANST excellent rice; the root of a kind of plant: ga ra kha tNa Du la'i rtsa ba dang rta dri dang til dang nas dang bu ram ro mnyam por byas nas zos na gzhon nu bar 'gyur ro by taking a confection made of equal quantities of the root of Garka Tandula rta-dri, sesame, barley and treacle, one becomes youthful (K. g. ca 45). ga ri for dga' ris , ga zha (in W.) dejected: ga ri mi rag I am in low spirits (J‰.). ga ru in colloquial gang du whither; which way; to which place; where? ga ru Da á SANST; = khyung the fabulous chief of the feathered race. ga re 1. in Lhasa very com. colloq. form for "what," sounded k·re. 2. where, whence: ga re 'di 'dra aa kyang rang drag byung | whence comes this oppression, over-powering (Rdsa. 10). ga ro rgya gar da yod pa'i yul zhig gi ming | n. of a place in India; the Garo hills (Dsam. 28). ga la 1. SANST whither: bcom ldan 'das ga la ba der logs su thal mo sbyor ba btud SANST with the palms of the hands joined he bowed in the direction where the Victorious One was. 2. = ji la for what; owing to what: ga la phan to what does this serve? of what use is this? ga la 'gro gin yin pa where are (you or they) going? ga la go li ka á SANST n. of an insect which subsists, it is said, by inhaling the air only (K. d. za 464). ga le SANST slowly, softly, gently. To a departing guest one says: ga le pheb "ka-le pe'p" go gently. To the host you answer: ga le bzhugs "ka-le shu"stay quietly, remain in peace! ga le shog come slowly or gently: gtam dpe la ga le ga le 'gro na bong bus rgya nag bskor nas yong | it is a common saying (in Tibet) that by walking slowly and slowly the ass can travel all round China. ga log (in W.) squinting. ga sha I: laughter: gad mo bgad , ga shar bcug to cause laughter. II: n. of a place in Upper Tibet (A. 20). III: v. ga zha 3 SANST a raiment used by Tantrik priests. IV: a string of beads; a necklace; a string of human skulls or bone-bits worn by Tantrik Lamas:- kha nas khrag 'dzag mi mgo'i phreng ba yi ga sha rab 'phyang mi bzod bdud dpung gi nga rgyal dregs pa 'joms pa khyod la bstod blood drops from her mouth, a string of human heads hangs down from her neck, to thee be my praise who hast subdued the intolerable pride and arrogance of the host of demons (Choi-g.). ga sha sgrog loud laughter; ga sha sgrog cing glu gar rol mo 'bul| loudly laughing they danced, sang, and made music (A. 11). ga shar 1. defined in these passages; phyogs gcig dpung pa la ; phyogs gcig mtshan 'og la ; gzhu dkar gcig ga shar gyon pa (A. 135). Girth or rope hung across the breast and the shoulder in order to draw or carry anything; also a dog harness; a shoulder-belt worn as a badge of dignity by constables and the like officers. 2. sgom thag the cord worn round the shoulder and the waist at the time of meditation. ga shar dang gsham thabs kyi mdzes pa (D.R.) Looking nice (on account) of (his) ga-shar and petticoat. ga shas = kha shas some; part; a few, com. in colloq. ga shed 1. prob. gang shed uncertain; not definitely known. 2. an approximate but uncertain direction, region or quarter: ga shed gcig la yod it is at a certain place; it is somewhere: zhib mo mi 'chad par ga shed du yud kyi song | without explaining minutely (i.e., the particulars), he proceeded instantly somewhere (A. 135). ga shel glass beads; glass pearls (Sch.). gA n. of a Dakini, a goddess (K. g. kha, 179). gwa pa the white mark or patch on the forehead of the kyao (the wild ass of Tibet). gag + 1. silver in bars, ingots small pieces, &c., uncoined (in W.). 2. wad; wadding (for loading muskets) (J‰.). gag pa = lhog pa or gag lhog is a swelling in the throat; a quinsy: nad mi dang dud 'gro'i ske dang mgrin pa la skrang nas rnag thon te drag yod| is a malady of men and animals in which the neck and throat become swollen, but matter issuing forth, it is eased; gag nas shi yod death occurs from obstruction. ir gag lhog ces ming so sor bshad kyang ngo bo gnyan nad du gcig rims nad kyi gras though the disease in general is differently expressed by the names gag and lhog, its real nature is but one among pestilential diseases and it belongs to the class of (SANST) fatal fevers. gag tshe = bya gag a water fowl (Cs.). gags SANST obstructed. gang ga chung I: a kind of flower which resembles a chorten (chaitya) in shape, growing in the sandy crevices of rocks in Tibet. It is used as an antidote against poison and also diarrhúa, gYa' gseb bye ma'i logs la skye|gang ga chung gis dug dang tsha 'khru gcod|. gang gA ga]… SANST the river Ganges; gang gA'i lha mo SANST the goddess of the river Gaoga. Its different names are:- yan lag brgyad ldan , 'chi med chab , nam mkha'i chu bo , drag po'i thod , dza hu'i bu mo (SANST), rgyun gsum pa , lam gsum 'gro , glang chen kha 'bab (SANST), 'jigs sde ma , khyab 'jug rkang pa , chu byin ma , skal ldan shing rta'i bu mo (SANST), lha yi chu bo (Moon.). gang gA 'dzin I: SANST an epithet of Siva. He who holds Gaoga on his head, i.e., from whose head the Ganges flows: mtho ris kyi gnas thams cad bskal pa'i mes bsregs pa'i skabs su lha mo gang gA lhung nas byung ba na nam mkha' la ral pa brkyangs nas ral pa'i steng du bzung bas so| when all the celestial regions were burnt by the celestial regions were burnt by the fire of the Kalpa, Gaoga as goddess appeared on this earth having fallen from heaven. Her locks were spread out in the sky and held up aloft by Siva (for which he is called Gaogadhara, the holder of Gaoga) (Moon.). II: rgya mtsho chen po the great ocean which holds the entire discharge of Gaoga (Moon.). gang what, which. gang gi dus when; at which time. gang gi phyir SANST, SANST for which; for the sake or reason of which. gang nyid SANST whichever; whatever. gang 'thad = gang 'grigs what (you) like; also what suits you? der tshe srog la bar du gcod pa byung na'ang 'u cag la khag mi 'byung ste gang 'thad gang rigs zhes gtso bo gcig gis smras pa| even if any accident happened to life there, to us no hardship occurring, we can do whatever suits us, so one Tso-wo expressed himself (Hbrom. 136). gang dag SANST some; gang dag gi phyir SANST for whom or what; for the sake of whom or what. gang dag nyid SANST whichever. gang dag 'dir SANST, SANST those two who are here; all those here; whoever present. gang du SANST, SANST where? where. gang du'ang SANST at whatever time; wherever; seldom; where. gang dran dran du bshad pa = brdzun bshad pa to speak at random; to say what occurs in the mind; to speak falsehood. gang 'dra SANST how, like what: gang 'dra mthong what have you seen? gang na SANST where? gang rnams kyi SANST of what; pertaining to what? gang mgo (in C.) bowl of a tobacco-pipe; gang mjug mouth-piece or tip of it. gang por in a lump, mass. gang ba I: = khengs pa SANST to fill; to make full; filled up; also piled up: gang ba'am brtsegs pa piled up or made full. Syn. tshan can ; khengs ; phyur bu (Moon.). II: SANST, SANST finished; completed; lung chus gang ba a valley filled with water: zla ba nya gang ba "the moon as full fish"; in the fullness of the crescent. gang ba med pa SANST incomplete. gang ba bzang po * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 181) completely happy or gentle; also n. of a serpent demon. gang ba'i zla ba * SANST (Schr.; Bull. 1848, 298); lit. the full moon; n. of a Bodhisattva. gang bu SANST, SANST fresh shoots of leaves; a pod or sheath; also cluster of buds. Acc. to Sch. flower bud: 'bru gang bu can grains which have husks such as wheat sesamum &c.: 'od zer gyi gang bur 'dril nas enveloping himself in a veil of rays; wrapping himself in a sheath of light. gang byed SANST whatever he does, has been doing, is doing. gang mos SANST 1. various; different sorts. 2. gang 'dod whatever is wished for. gang tsam a small quantity; not a considerable quantity. gang tsug yin = gang nas yin or gang na sdod mkhan yin ; khyed gang tsug yin gar 'gro dri pas he asked whence are you; whither are you going (A. 131). gang zhig SANST, which. gang zhe bstan pa SANST which has been explained, shewn. gang zag I: (zhal zag ) tobacco pipe, not the hukka, but a long straight sort, similar to the European smoking pipe, generally made of metal. II: SANST, SANST, SANST that which becomes full and then undergoes decay (Sam.); an animated being; a corporeal being that is subject to decay and destruction. 2. man, as an intellectual being; a person: gang zag gzhan gyis brda sprad pas another person describing it to you (opposite to what we know by our own perception and observation), hence a philosophical term for "self": bstan bcos la mkhas pa'i gang zag rnams learned or lettered men; men of science, especially in relation to religion: chos phyi bshol byed pa'i gang zag rnams men who postpone religion, not troubling themselves about it: 'phags pa'i gang zag rnams kyi rgyal po the prince of the reverend (band of) persons, i.e., Buddha: log lta can gyi gang zag inferior heretical people: gang zag phal pa or tha mal pa , common or vulgar people (J‰.). gang zag bzhi the four kinds of human beings or higher beings are:- (1) SANST; mun khrod nas mun khrod du 'gro ba that go on from darkness to darkness; (2) SANST; mun khrod nas snang bar 'gro ba that go from darkness unto light; (3) SANST; snang ba nas mun khrod du 'gro ba that go again from light into darkness; (4) SANST; snang ba nas snang bar 'gro ba that advance from light to a greater enlightenment. The term gang zag has sixteen different synonyms:- bdag ; srog ; sems can ; skye ba ; gso ba ; skyes bu ; shed bdag; shes las skyes ; SANST, SANST man; byed pa po ; byed du 'jug pa po ; tshor ba po ; shes pa po ; mthong ba po ; za ba po ; slong ba po (Moon.). These are all applied to signify an animate being. There are two kinds of gang zag , ordinary and extraordinary; the ordinary gang zag , literally means that which is subject to decay, from gang , what, and zag , decay. The Buddhist meaning is as follows:- (1) rang rgyud sdig pa nyon mongs kyis gang zhing yon tan dang dge ba'i rigs gsog mi thub par zag 'gro bas sems can phal ba'i gang zag one's own nature being filled (gang ) with sin he cannot acquire and retain virtue which zag leaks out or decays, therefore an ordinary living being is called gang zag ; (2) rang rgyud dge ba dang bzang po'i yon tan thams cad kyis gang zhing nyon mongs kyis skyon thams cad zag 'gro bas sangs rgyas gang zag Buddha is gang zag because his nature is full of all virtues or merits and sin has been thrown out of it or has altogether been destroyed; (3) rang rgyud la yon tan gyi rigs gang byung ba mi nyams par byed pa dang skyon gyi rigs byung ba rnams thabs kyi zags su bcug pa ni theg chen theg dman lam zhugs pa gang zag rnams sa de yang grub mtha' smra ba dang lta ba 'dod tshul 'thar pa tsam la theg chen gang zag when one's own nature retains whatever virtue it possessed undeteriorated and whatever faults there was in it have been thrown out from exertion, one has entered either the Mahayana or Hinayana path. Persons in such a stage, whatever doctrine or theory they may hold for salvation, belong indeed of the Mahayana. In gang zag of the ordinary kind his very nature is gang i.e., filled with deeds (las), sin, suffering, and misery; moreover, all virtue and talents having become exhausted, i.e., zag , his animated being becomes what is called Pudgal. In the strict sense of the words, a Buddha is also a Pudgala, though of the extraordinary kind, he on the contrary being full of virtues and talents and all defects, sins, &c., being exhausted in him. The following are the twenty gang zag (Pudgala) of the Sravaka School:- (1) SANST; rgyun du zhugs pa one having entered the regular course performs Samadhi (deep meditation); (2) SANST; de ltar thogs na srid pa lan bdun pa after having thus spiritually cultured the mind he has to pass into seven births in the world; (3) SANST; rigs nas rigs su skye ba after the second stage, his birth is ensured in his own state, i.e., if he is a god he is reborn as a god, if man he is reborn as man, but he never goes to any lower stage of birth; (4) SANST; lan gcig phyir 'ong ba (as such) he has only once to come to this world for doing good; (5) SANST; bar chad gcig pa he has only one interruption before full fruition; (6) SANST; phyir mi 'ong pa he will not come again to this existence; (7) SANST; bar ma dor yongs su mya ngan las 'da' ba he will attain to Nirvana not from this life but from the intermediate state or Bardo; (8) SANST; mngon par 'du byed pa dang bcas pas yongs su mya ngan las 'da' ba he escapes from misery save that a vestige of the Skandha still remains; (9) SANST; mngon du 'du byed par med par yongs su mya ngan las 'da' ba he attains to Nirvana, the Skandha being utterly destroyed, i.e., without the least vestige remaining; (10) SANST; gong du 'pho ba he will in his spiritual progress reach up to the Akanirtha heavens; (11) SANST; lus kyi mngon sum du byed he will obtain the body of supreme intelligence or knowledge; (12) SANST dad pa'i rjes su 'brang ba he will here have completely subdued the senses or passions; (13) SANST; chos kyi rjes su 'brang ba all his intellectual and moral faculties become so as to be directed effectually to all good works; (14) SANST; mthong bas thob pa having heretical views or having insight into religion; (15) SANST; dus kyis rnam bar grol ba getting salvation in time; (16) SANST; dus dang mi sbyor bar rnam par grol ba getting salvation not in proper time; (17) SANST; gnyis ka'i cha las rnam par grol ba getting salvation in time as well as without reference to time; (18) SANST; skyes nas yongs su mya ngan las 'da' ba entering into the state of Nirvana immediately after one's birth; (19) SANST; shes rab kyis rnam par grol ba fully delivered by means of absolute or transcendental knowledge; (20) SANST delivered by means of faith. gang ya a very large figure or number (Ya-sel. 56). gang yang SANST, SANST whosoever; whatever; any one. gang la SANST where; in whom. gang lo an empty pod, freed from the kernels (in W.) (J‰.). gang shar gang sems la bsam pa anything that occurs (in the mind); what is thought; a thought. gang su dag SANST whichever of those. gangs SANST 1. glacier; glacier-ice. 2. snow (usually kha). 3. the sclerotic of the eye (Sch.). gangs rgyud a chain of snowy mountains. gangs can SANST 1. one of the native names of Tibet. 2. abounding in snow; snowy; full of glaciers: gangs can las 'byung ba'i chu the water issuing from a glacier: gangs can gyi skad the language of Tibet. gangs can mkhas pa'i gtsug rgyan a complementary name of Tsongkha-pa, the great Buddhist reformer of Tibet whose religious name was rgyal ba blo bzang grags pa ; his other names were:- rje rin po che ; rje tsong kha pa ; gangs can shing rta ; shar tsong kha pa ; 'jam mgon bla ma . gangs can mgon po or an ras gzigs the patron saint of Tibet, Avalokitesvara, also styled:- 'jig rten mgon po ; thugs rje chen po ; 'gro ba'i mgon po . gangs can rgyal po King of Tibet; and in books occasionally applied to the Dalai Lamas of Lhasa. gangs can rgyal po'i bsti gnas as also chos 'khor dpal gyi lha sa used to designate Lhasa, the capital of Tibet (Yig. k. 31). gangs can chen po sometimes applied to mountainous region covered with eternal snow extending from Ladak to the Kailas range. Also the name of a fabulous mountainous region the chief peak of which is said to be about 1,500 miles round and filled with Yakra, Rakra and other demi-gods. gangs chen any great range of snowy mountains or a great glacier; n. of a village at the south-western foot of the Kaochenjunga mountain. gangs chen mdzod lnga (Kanchenjunga in Sikkim) lit. the five great repositories of snow. gangs chen chos rgyal the Grand Lama of Tibet; also the name of a guardian deity of Buddhism in Tibet; a name of Yama, the Lord of Death, who is worshipped in Tibet under the name of Dam-chen Chos-rgyal. gangs ljongs yul = bod Tibet. Syn. gangs can zhing ; gangs ri ra ba'i skor ba'i zhing khams ; gangs can sa lAa'i snan ljongs (Moon. and Yig. k.). gangs 'bab avalanche; it snows. gangs spal also called dkyil 'khor SANST, the snow lizard with circular marks on its skin resembling the common Indian lizard (Lex.); a frog of fabulous origin: the male frog is said to live on the top of the snowy mountains and the female frog in the abyss of the deep gorge below the mountain; when the sun passes over the tropic of cancer (karkata or crab), the male frog descends to the foot of the mountain and the female frog ascends there to meet him midway. Before meeting each other the male frog remains more powerful; but after they have united, the female becomes the stronger of the two (Sman.). gangs ri I: SANST, SANST snowy mountain or snow-mountainsóa common designation for many of the great ranges in Tibet; gangs nyi shu the twenty principal mountains of Tibet:- (1) thang lha , (2) ti se , (3) mang mkhar , (4) bu le , (5) star sgo , (6) pho la , (7) mkha' ri , (8) jo mo kha rag , (9) rdo rje , (10) gang bzang , (11) rtse rdum , (12) la phyi , (13) tshe ring , (14) sna nam , (15) te sgro , (16) 'od de gung rgyal , (17) yar lha sham po , (18) gsal rje , (19) ha bo gangs bzang , (20) tsa ri nga la'i gangs (kathao. ka, 168). II: shu dag dkar po n. of a vegetable drug (Moon.). gangs srag = gangs 'phred along or across the glacier. gangs srul an avalanche; a slip in the snowy side of a mountain; a snow slip. gangs thig n. of a stone or mineral substance resembling stone; it is said to be a cure for fever that is produced from the liver. gangs pa she'u the name of a celebrated lama and philosopher of the Kadampa School of Tibet. gnya ji ra lit. possessed of treasure or mdzod ldan ; an ornamental pinnacle on a temple, house or chorten constructed after the prescribed model given in Buddhist books. This is a Sanskrit word though sometimes Tibetanized, being written as 'gan 'ji ra . gad in gser gad 1. pure, genuine, unalloyed. 2. a rock. gad skyibs a rock cavern; a place of shelter under the cleft or nook of a rock: dngul gyi ljang pa de rnams gad skyibs shig tu bzhag kept the bars of silver in the nook of a rocky hill. gad kha SANST wide, broad; breadth; with breadth. gad mo SANST a laughing; laughter: gad mo dgod SANST utters a laugh; gad mo bgad byung I have laughed; gad mo bgad song he has laughed; gad mo rgod to laugh; gad mo shor byung laughter sprang forth; gad mo shor song idem; gad mos 'debs pa to laugh at a person; 'jig rten pa'i gad mo laughter of worldly-minded people: nga'i gad mo'i gnas this is to me an object of laughter; it is ridiculous to me (J‰.). gad rgyangs can SANST. bsdigs pa'i gad mo (SANST Ha Ha) loud laughter; sdig pa'i gad mo (SANST hi hi) coquettish laugh; dgyes pa'i gad mo (SANST he he) laugh of merriment or rejoicing; zil gyis gnon pa'i gad mo SANST a laughter of triumph; khro bo'i bzhad pa brgyad the eight laughs of indignation and wrath, &c. gad rgyal the walls of conglomerate rock through which mountain torrents have cut their way. gad snyigs dust; refuses; swept out: phyags mas gad snyigs phyags| sweep with a broom the dust, refuse, etc. (Oag.). gad dar sweeping, cleansing; gad dar byed pa cleansing; sweeping well a place; keeping it clean. Syn. phyag dar ; byi dor ; gad dar ; gtsang bar byed ; rdul 'phangs (Moon.). gad mda' la n. of a mountain; the lowlands at the foot of a Gad. gad mdal la tshun this side of the mountain called Gad-dala. gad pa I: or gad mkhan a sweeper; a cleanser; phyag bdar byed mkhan|gad ma chu ma sogs phogs dgos rigs| the class (of menial servants) requiring wages (such as) sweepers, dusters and water carriers. gad gtsang ma any place or object well dusted or cleansed. II: 1. a precipitous cliff of conglomerate such as often walls in the mountain rivers. 2. wide crack in a conglomerate rock. gad phug a cavern or cleft in a conglomerate rock: gzhung gis stag dkar gyi gad phug tu zhag lnga bzhugs meanwhile they halted for five days in the rocky cavern of Stag-dkar. gan = rtsar near: ded dpon de'i gan du song ste dris pa going near to the chief of the merchants (caravan), he asked. gan ( = gam in C.) signifying nearness, proximity; is used in such connection as gan du to, towards, up to: nga'i gan du shog come up to me; rgyal po'i gan du he went unto the king; khang pa'i gan du song he went towards the house; rgyal po'i gan nas phyin he came from the king; dog po gan du in W. close by the brook; chur gan du in W. hard by the water; rir gan pa one living close to a mountain or hill. gan kyal or gan rkyal SANST supine; lying on the back with the face upward: gan kyal du nyal ba to lie in that position: gan kyal du 'gyel ba to fall on the back. gan rgya = 'gan rgya vulg. gam rgya , a written contract; an agreement (Cs.). gan dar a silk handkerchief offered as a present in exchanging compliments on meeting (Sch.). gan Z £ dra á SANST, a kind of drug used in liver derangement. gan Z ri'i sngags á SANST a Buddhist mantra or charm which has the power of enabling one to move in space. gan Zo la á SANST, SANST the temple of fragrance; hall of worship built after the model of a chaitya with many doors. It is generally attached to a great monastery. In Tibetan it is called dri gtsang khang , the name being applied to the particular chapel where the image of Buddha is placed. The great temple of Buddha at Gaya was called Maha gandhola Caitya. phyi gan Zo la nang du lha khang byas pa its inside was a god's house or chapel and the outside a gandhola. gan ¥i á SANST a mineral substance used as a cure for leprosy. gNa Ta'i tog á or gan thi par na a medicinal plant. gNa Ti á SANST a piece of thick plank measuring about 6 feet by 12 inches either of white sandal-wood or of deodar, which when struck with a hammer or another piece of thick hard wood, produces a kind of ringing sound which is heard from a great distance. It is used on special occasions to summon the monks of a monastery to attend any special religious service, &c. gan gYog or gNa Ti the'u SANST the rod or hammer with which the ghanti (wooden gong) is struck or beaten. gaº pa si á (mystic) avarice; greed for gain (K. g. kha 26). gaºi á SANST in books the gong or bell to call monks to monastic services. gan mdzod = bang mdzod store-room, store-house. gab khung + defined as pus mo'i rgyab kyi sgy id khung the cavities behind the knee bones. gab sgra a belch (in W.) (J‰.). gab pa to hide; to conceal one's self: rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas 'di yon tan thams cad gab nas mi ston par gda' bas . This Rgyal-wahi hbyuo-gnas having concealed all his talents does not exhibit them (Hbrom. kha 2). Syn. yib pa ; spas pa ; gYogs pa ; mi mngon par bya ba (Moon.). gab phyung n. of a religious treatise on the occult doctrine of Buddhism. gab tse = gab rtse SANST or gab tshe a plan or table of points for computing the figures of divination in magical computations. In this connection, sa la gnas pa'i sa bdag gi rtsis refers to calculating the identity and deeds of mischief done by a local "god of the soil." Again bar snang la gnas pa'i bza' skar gyi rtsis refers to astrological calculations worked with the gab-tse. gzhan yang sku yi gab tse is a mystic chart used for bodily prognostics; gsung gi gab tse one for the speech; thugs kyi gab tse dang one for the heart. ir gab tse la sa yi gab tse gnam gyi gab tse bar gyi gab tse sogs kyi tha snyad mang po yod In the general term gab-tseare included many particular significations, that for the soil, that for sky, that for the intermediate space, etc. gab tshad slow, insidious fever; according to Sch. a hectic, consumptive fever. gab tshig SANST, SANST riddle; also mystical words or expressions used in magic to stupify one's enemies without killing them. Also the 16 ornamental mystical allusions employed to excite laughter in a play, etc., and to convey hidden meanings in an assembly, etc. The names of these are as follows:- kun tu tshogs pa'i gab tshig ; de bzhin du slu byed kyi rim pa dang bral ba'i gab tshig ; rab bcom gyi gab tshig ; mthun gzugs kyi gab tshig ; rtsub mo'i gab tshig ; grangs kyi gab tshig ; rab btags kyi gab tshig ; ming du 'dus pa'i gab tshig ; sgrib pa'i gab tshig ; mthun pa'i sgra'i gab tshig ; rmongs pa'i gab tshig; yongs phrogs kyi gab tshig ; gcig bsgribs kyi gab tshig ; gnyis ka bsgribs pa'i gab tshig ; yongs 'dres kyi gab tshig . gab yig 1. in the medicinal works of Tibet the names of certain drugs and medicines are written in words which are not ordinarily understood, having secret meanings assigned to them. 2. in figurative language, meanings of names and words which are not ordinarily understood. Such are called gab ming i.e., secret names. gab sa spas sa or yib sa hiding-place; place of concealment: gser mang po khur 'ongs pa la gab sa dang 'gro sa ni med we came bringing much gold with us, but we were without a hiding-place or a place to go to (A. 120). gam SANST near, v. gan 3. Syn. gam yo ; drung ; nye 'khor (Moon.). gam gum a number, grangs gnas (Ya-sel. 57). gam spangs panels or little boards beneath the cornice of a roof, often filled up with paintings (J‰.). gam bu ra á SANST in W. a citron; lemon (J‰.). gam 'brog a dairy in the neighbourhood of one's residence. gam 'brog rgyang 'brog bzang ba rtsa yi dge|. Near and distant dairy farms become thriving through the abundance of pastures (Jig.). gam 'dzin abbr. of gan rgya dang 'dzin , a receipt, acknowledgment; the letter of transfer, exchange, &c., for buying and selling or transaction of money business, &c.: gam 'dzin byed pa 'dod sbyar gyi bkod pa go brda' 'phrod nges certainly, the receipt and the deed of agreement should be satisfactorily explained (Rtsii.). gam yo + (gam gYog ) = nye 'khor attendant. ga'u SANST 1. a little box or case; when containing a talisman or amulet, it is worn suspended round the neck. gar I: or gar bro SANST, SANST, SANST dance; acting in a dramatic play; gesticulation; gar bas bskor surrounded by dancing girls or actors; gar byed pa to dance; glu gar rtsed mo byed pa to sing; to dance and play; gar zas the food given to performers; gar 'khrab mkhan gyi zas la for the food of those who perform dancing; gar la dga' ba very fond of dancing; gar la blta SANST attending a dance; witnessing a performance. II: the encampment of an army; camp. III: or ga ru or gang du whither; where; gar yang anywhere: gar yang skye ba growing anywhere: gar yang mi 'gro ba to go nowhere. gar med in W. at all events; by all means; ga na med or gar bab at random; haphazard (Sch.). gar gyi ltad mo SANST dancing entertainment or amusement. gar gyi dbang po = grub chen or rnam 'byor pa chen po a yogi or ascetic engaged in meditation: sku mchog gar gyi dbang po mdzes brjid ngoms shing your holiness the lord of the dancers (peacock), equal in beauty and splendour (Yig. k. 28). gar gyi gtso bo = glu gar gyi mkhan po or gtso bo teacher or director of a dance or dancing performance (Moon.). gar mkhan or bro mkhan SANST dancer 1. dancer, performer, e.g., even a Buddha or any saint dances when displaying miracles. 2. name of a god, acc. to Sch. Siva (J‰.). gar mkhan ma = gar ma SANST, SANST dancing girl. The thirteen modulations of voice or musical notes: (1) gar ma SANST; (2) rol rtsed ma SANST; (3) dal ma SANST; (4) myur ma SANST; (5) bar ma SANST; (6) tshig rdeg ; SANST; (7) bya ba'i dus SANST; (8) bya ba'i tshad SANST; (9) ta a (SANST) reality; (10) o M (SANST) flow; (11) M ni SANST compact; (12) la ya (SANST) absorption; adherence; (13) sAa mya (SANST) equality. gar 'cham the frantic dance of the lamas of Tibet which is chiefly observed by the rnying ma schools of Tibet. It is of two kinds phur pa'i rtsa 'cham the dance of the enchanted club, and 'khrub 'cham the dance of the lamas at the time of offering sacrifice. (EEE The transliteration of the headword in the original is given as "gar-cham" but it should be "gar-hcham"; the headword as shown is correct.) gar stabs dancing gesture or motion. gar pa SANST a dancer; also a dance. gar rgyab encampment; gar rgyab pa to encamp; also for gang rgyab , rdo mda' sogs gar rgya fling at him stone or arrow, etc., whatever (you can) (Hbrom. kha 6). gar cig + = gang zhig which one; whichever one. gar gdong btsan the famous general of King srong btsan sgam po , who visited the capital of China and induced Emperor Taitsung to give one of the princesses imperial in marriage to his sovereign, about 630 A.D. gar rdeb chus khyer gar rdeb sogs la lands, fields, houses, &c., that have been devastated by a river by the over-flowing of its banks, &c. (Rtsii.). gar nag name of a medicine. gar po I: in colloq. language the word dkar po is pronounced as gar po and also written as such. It is usual to pronounce dkar po as gar po in the vulgar language (Grub. tha 2). II: SANST also gar mo , thick; dense; condensed; not fluid. gar ba 1. bska ba SANST astringent. 2. strong; gar chang strong beer (J‰.). gar btsan 'phags pa name of a monastery and also of a deity in Tibet (Jig. 3.). grdza á or bi grdza , SANST, SANST n. of a tree or kind of wood shing (K. ko. ka, 3). gar zha the native name of the district called La-hul or La-hol by the Hindus (J‰.). gar log acc. to the Tibetans rapacious mountain tribes belonging to the far north-east of Tibet. tu ruSa ka zhes pa bod skad du gar log yin zhes li shi gur khang du bshad yod those styled in the Tibetan tongue Gar-log are described in the Li-si Gur-khang as Turushka. The gar log were a different people from the mgo log . gar log gi rgyal po la sku lus btang bas chos phyir srog kyang btong ba'i rgyal po yin|. In Atisa's biography it is mentioned that the King of the Gar-log in the first part of the 11th century, A.D., came from the Indian side and made the King of Tibet a captive when he was there on a visit to Purang. Probably they were the earliest Mohammedan invaders of Kashmir. gar sha the muscles of the thumb (Med.) (J‰.). gal + I: = nan pressing; gal gyis pressingly, urgently. II: importance gal du 'dzin pa to consider of importance; to esteem. Syn. gnad ; mdo (Moon.). III: 1. constraint; compulsion: nga la gal byung | in C. "I have been compelled" (J‰.). 2. trap; snare: in colloq. gal 'dzug pa to set a snare (J‰.). IV: v. gang la la 3. gal 'gag = gnad 'gag important; gal 'gag che ba very important. gal chung unimportant; insignificant; undervalued; slighted. gal che ba very important: tshe 'di dang phyi ma gnyis las phyi ma gal che ba of the two, this life and the future, the latter is of greater importance: don med 'khyams 'gro ba las yon tan bslab na gal che it is of greater importance to acquire accomplishments than to go roving about without purpose: bslab bya gal che ba important moral precepts. Syn. gnad che ba ; rtse che ba ; khag che ba ; gtso che ba (Moon.). gal te conj. if; in case of; implies a conditional possibility. It is placed as the first word in a conditional sentence while na , its complement, stands after the verb at the end; together they signify "if." gal te, however, is sometimes omitted, na still meaning "if." In colloq. expression gal te is seldom used; but "gal-shi" is a common substitute: gal te bde ba kun 'dod na|'dod pa thams cad yongs su spangs| if you wish to enjoy all happiness, you must entirely leave off all desire: gal te rtag tu mdza' 'dod na|pho nya nor gyi khe spogs dang |yid ches chung ma la blta ba|nyes pa gsum po spang bar bya| if you wish at all times to live in friendship (with the three Holies), you should avoid the three dangers, viz. of looking at your loving wife, thinking of profit, and confiding in an envoy. gal mdo = gal 'gag or gnad 'gag 1. really, essentially of importance. 2. n. of disease (Med.). gal po probably same as gal . gal po che'i bza' dpon the important, indispensable master of the house (family). gal ba to force, to press some thing on a person: mi la btson gal indoor confinement is forced on men (J‰.). gal bar byed pa btson btang ba SANST, SANST to be assiduous. gal bzung (lit. got hold of the important thing), = sun 'byin renunciation. gal ro in W. refuse; rubbish. gas v. 'gas pa 3. gi I: numeral for 33, v. affix instead of kyi after ga and nga ; for signification v. kyi 3. (EEE No definition II. is provided in the original.) gi gu the vowel signi for i. gi gu shel = gi gu sha , having a white speck in the eye; wall-eyed (of horses) (Sch.). gi lji big or ko tse big tanned skin of a kind of deer obtained from Mongolia and China (Jig.). gu ne ru á n. of an Indian yogini or female ascetic (K. dun. 38). gi wang and also gi hang SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a yellow pigment, an anthelminthic medicine; SANST n. of a concretion in the entrails of some animals, used for medicine. Acc. to the medical works of Tibet this concretion is formed in the liver of certain animals and seldom in men, and it resembles in appearance and size the boiled yolk of a hen's egg. There are also smaller ones. Acc. to some lexicographers this concretion is formed in two or three strata or folds. The best quality of gi-wao is that which is obtained from the an elephant, and those obtained from the ox called gorocana are of second quality. A kind of gi wang is also obtained from minerals and clay, and is of reddish-yellow colour. All these are supposed to be possessed of wonderful healing power. gi wang dang sgrang rtsis mig snan byas nas mig gnyis la bskus na sa gzhi la yod pa'i gte'i thams cad mthong bar 'gyur ro| (K. g. nga 308). Gi-wao mixed with honey, if applied to both the eyes as a medicine, will give one such a clear vision, enabling one to see all the treasures which are in the earth. gi ri ùna Z á n. of a mountainous country: gi ri £ Z'i yul gyi mtha'i ri khongs su kla klo'i rigs mi 'dra ba bcu yod par rgya gar pa dag la grags shing | it being known to the Indians that in the mountains skirting the country of Giribandha there are ten different La-lo tribes (Dsam.). gi ling a strong-bodied horse (Sch.). gi lin a fabulous animal. gi shang rgya n. of a tribe in Tibet. ging á SANST probably a little drum, or the beating of it as an accompaniment in dancing (J‰.). gim sgra snyan gyi gras zhig n. of a soft musical tone. (K. my. ka 293). gir mo Ld., the Indian rupee; in C. it is called gor mo or sgor mo . gis instead of kyis after a final ga or na . gu 1. numerical for 63 = 'u . 2. sign of diminutives, e.g., khyi gu a puppy; little dog. 3. extension; extent; room; space; gnas sa gu dog , lung pa gu dog , lam gu dog , sems gu dog po narrow-minded; a narrow place, valley or road; gu yangs pa spacious; roomy; wide; gu yangs pa 'dug there is much room here. gu yangs po = dogs po med pa spacious; capacious: sa cha gu yangs pa a spacious, wide place: sdod sa gu yangs pa a commodious residence: sems gu yangs pa a broad, generous heart. gu gu sha enamelled plates, cups, &c.; generally enamels on copper. gu gul á or gug gul , SANST, SANST, SANST a costly incense, one kind of which is white, another black. It is used in medicine and its smell drives away evil spirits. Syn. bum mkhan ; 'dre 'jigs ; nam mo 'dra (Moon.). gu gul shing á SANST, SANST, SANST Amyris galloca the plant from which the incense is obtained. gu ge n. of a province in the West of Tibet. Also n. of a section and school in the Sera monastery. The people of the province of gu ge are called go ge pa . gu tan also called Go-tan, the elder grandson of jen gis khan Jen-ghis Khan, who invited Sakya Pandita to Mongolia in order to introduce Buddhism there. gu ti in W. deaf (J‰.). gu Na mi tra á SANST a Buddhist monk about whom mention is made in the Phar-phyin section of the sacred books of Tibet. gu zul (for ral gu zul ma ) hair-pendants of precious stones of women in Tibet: mo rang gi ral gu zul phud nas phul taking off her hair-ornaments, she offered them (A. ka 102.). gu yar in W. slowly; gently; without noise (Sch.). gu yu SANST quick-silver. gu yog 1. bya'i rgyal po zhig n. of a king of birds (K. my. 18). 2. n. of the second son of Jengis Khan, who ruled over Eastern Mongolia. gu ru á SANST spiritual teacher; a teacher; father-confessor; bla ma , slob dpon . Often in Milaraspa. gu ru mtshan brgyad the eight manifestations of the Great Teacher; also the eight names of Padma Sambhava. gu rug 1. in Ld. a colt or foal of an ass (J‰.). 2. n. of a celebrated lama who was tutor to Rog Shes-rab. gu lang n. of a deity propitiated by mothers (in Tibet) for the well-being of their children. According to some this deity blesses mothers with children. gu ling 1. pure gold picked out from a mine. 2. also spelt gu gling , gold embroidered cloth or silk: gu gling gi chos gos gcig phul nas having presented a religious garment of embroidered silk (to him). gu le in W. for ga le slowly; softly; gently. gu shrI á Gu-shri said to be a corrupt form of the Chinese title of Kaushiri, which is conferred on Buddhist monks and religious men, but it is evidently the corruption of the Sanskrit title of gau-shri, the lord of religion or guna-shri: in Tibetan yon tan dpal , the blessed, learned or talented one. In Mongolian Kau-shri signifies a pandit or a learned man. gu shrI sog po Gusri the Mongolian, in Tib. called gu shrI bstan 'dzin chos rgyal , the Dsuogarian Chief, who conquered Tibet and established the supremacy of the Dalai Lama in 1643 A.D. over all Tibet; also an åleuth Mongolian who belonged to Gusri's banners. (EEE original edition has gu sri bstan 'dzin chos rgyal Gu-sri bstan-hdsin chos-rgyal in which both the Tibetan and the transliteration are mistaken. The Tibetan is corrected above.) gu su occurs in (Vai. kar.) a garment, dress (J‰.). gug gu bshan an oblation cup: gug gu bshan ni hor gyi ting las lod this name is now applied to enamelled cups made in China (Jig.). gug gul á v. gu gul 3. gug pa 1. dud pa , dad pas gug pa SANST bent as in reverence, to bend in salutation: gug bcas with humility, humbleness, modesty. 2. In W. to rub or scratch gently; to tickle. gug gug bend low: mgo lus gug gug gsum gyis phyag byas he saluted thrice, bending low his head and body. gug ge ba bent; bent downwards (of leaves) (Vai. so.), v. gug pa 3. gug srang weight of gold according to the standard formerly used in the province of gu ge , a Srao or ounce of gu ge : gser gug srang gsum brgya phul nas having presented gold of the weight of 300 ounces (of Gu-ge) (A. 79). gung I: an imperial title, belonging to the second class of nobility in China; it is second only to the distinction of Wang or Prince, and is very much prized in Tibet. The recipient wears a ruby button and three plumes of the peacock. II: SANST variously applied (1) to a species of leopard-cat found in Tibet which is smaller than the Himalayan leopard, and (2) to the broad-headed tiger of Central Asia, kharakula of the Mongols, which lives in the forests of the Amur and of North-Western China. The flesh of latter is used in paralysis, and also as an antidote against evil spirits. III: the middle; central; also generally the meridian; noon; midday; as well as, less frequently, midnight; nyin gung midday; noon; mtshan gung midnight. gung la in the middle: stod kyi gung nas thon taken or come out of the middle of Upper Tibet. gung du byed pa to divide through middle; to dissect anatomically; dbyar gyi gung la in the middle of summer; nam gyi gung la at the midnight hour; the middle watch of night. gung rgyal n. of one of the early kings of Tibet (Yig.). gung ja midday tea; also the religious service conducted in a Buddhist monastery at midday when tea is served to the congregated monks. gung gnyis the two middle times, midday and midnight. gung thang lit. central plain, n. of a part of Ngari Khorsum; n. of a monastery in Ngari. gung thang 'jam dbyangs n. of an incarnate Lama of Amdo, who became the high priest of Tashi Gomao monastery of Amdo and erected a lofty chorten-temple 360 feet high; and founded a monastery with a library containing 20,000 block-print volumes. gung thang rtsa'i ko ron the birth-place of Milaraspa the poet and saint. gung pa = 'bring po SANST the second of three brothers; the middle one. gung 'bab pa to take rest at noon on a journey; gung tshigs dinner (Sch.). gung 'dzug SANST also gung mo , the middle finger. gung ri gung btsan the son and successor of King khri srong lde'u btsan who reigned in Tibet about 733 A.D. gung la phug or gung dmar la phug carrot. gung sangs la 'gro ba to take a walk about midday, also generally to take a walk gung lon at noon. gud 1. slope; declivity (Cs.). 2. separation; solitude; seclusion (Sch.). gud du = logs su'am sger du aside; apart: yang jo bos phyag dar ston pa la gud du gsungs pa| again Jobo spoke to Phyag-dar ston-pa while alone in a solitary place (A. 5). gud du 'bor ba 1. to place aslant or to one side; gud du gshegs pa to separate (J‰.), disperse. 2. to buy dear, at a loss; synonymous with gun god ; in Lad. heavy or thick of hearing; gud nag quite deaf; deaf as a post. 3. gud du 'jug pa = logs su bzhag pa or zhan du bcug pa to humiliate; deprecate; to place in a false or inferior position. gud pa = 'gud pa . gud po dear; expensive, v. rgud po 3. gun loss; damage: nga la gun phog in W., I have suffered loss (prop. damage has come to me) (J‰.). gun khugs pa to make up a loss: gzhan kun na phar la nga rgyal gyi dregs pa btsongs pas nyin re tsam gyi gun khugs in all other places, on the other hand, they out of pride almost daily tried to replenish their loss (Hbrom. kha 33). gun dum a bottle-shape or cylindrical basket for fruit in Ld. (perhaps akin to rkon-pa) (J‰.). gun po in Ld. expensive; dear. gum ste = shi nas or shi ste having died or been dead: de nas yun mi ring bar bram ze gum ste then, not long after, the Brahman having died (Hbrom. 162). gum pa v. 'gum pa 3. gur SANST, SANST, SANST a tent; also a house made of hay or straw or grass; dbu gur a sleeping tent; bzhugs gur a tent used by a great man for his residence; gur yol the ceiling of a tent; gur khebs the cover or canopy; ras gur tent of cotton cloth; rgyal gur royal pavilion; dmag gur a military tent; gur mchog a magnificent tent; gur thag tent ropes; gur ber in W., or gur shing , the tent poles; gur thog the upper covering or outer-fly of a tent; thab gur hearth-tent; that which is used as a kitchen; gur gyi sham bu the outer canopy-like cover of a tent; the upper part of a double tent; gur phur the pegs or pins used for pitching a tent; gur gzhol the walls of a tent; gur glad gur-glad the top or crown of a tent; the passage for the smoke out a tent; gur 'gram lattice in the side of a tent; gur lcam stakes supporting the roof of a tent (Sch.). gur khang the imaginary pavilion or mansion of the gods, which is formed in the sky, canopied by rainbows, walled by rays of light, supported by diamond posts and carpetted with variegated clouds, for the use of the gods when they come to witness religious entertainments or performances of the pious on this earth. gur gyi mgon po a divinity of the Sakya-pa School. gur drag n. of Buddhist deity of the Sakya-pa School. gur nag those of the black tent, or the Black-tent Mongols; gur dkar the White-tent tribes of Mongolia; gcod gur the tent used by itinerant mendicants or Shamans. gur pa grwa tshang a Buddhist congregation at gyang tse . (EEE The original gives the headword as gur pa khra tshang with a wa-zur under the khra but this is clearly an error; the headword has been corrected to gur pa grwa tshang in accordance with the transliteration "gur-pa grba-tshao" given in the original and the meaning.) gur lpags a perforated skin; a hide full of holes (Sch.). gur ser the tribe of the Mongols who used to live in yellow tents. The Taranatha Lama of Urga (Tah Khureh) in Mongolia still uses the yellow tent. gur gum or gur kum SANST, SANST saffron, crocus, marigold, calendula, and similar yellow flowers (J‰.): gur gum mchin nad kun sel rtsa kha sdom saffron cures liver-disorders and contracts the surface of the bowels (Rtsii.). There are three kinds of saffron known to the Tibetans; bal po gur gum the saffron of Nepal; kha che gur gum the Kashmir saffron, which is the best, and pri yang ku or pri ya ka that is brought from distant regions (Spice-islands). Syn. tshim byed dmar ; 'dab brgya ba ; rdzing drung skyes ; me tog don can ; kun nas 'khums ; me tog nyi ma ; phra ma can ; kha che skyes ; dri zhim ; lus dmar ; me'i rtse mo ; bde byed ; 'thung byed ; mchog ldan ; dpa' po brtan pa (Moon.). gur gur in Ld. a small churn used for preparing tea. (J‰.). gur tig a kind of drug used for healing or drawing sores, &c.; rma gas rtsa tshad mkhris nad sel it inflames sores, cures bilious fever. gul gul a quaking; shaken as if by a strong wind: khro bo'i stang stabs mdzad pas yul chen po gcig gul gul byung skad| It is said that because they assumed the attitude of a wrathful deity, a great country trembled (as if by an earthquake). gul nag lit. the black gu gul or gul gul nag po , n. of a medicine. gus pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, sbst. humility, respect, reverence, devotion; also adj. respectful, devout; very common in the phrase, gus pas phyag 'tshal lo| saluted with reverence; ma gus pa unsubmissive, undevout; gus pa dang bcas pa SANST respectfully; with dignity and honour; gus par 'gyur ba to be respectful; to humble oneself (Cs.) lus ngag yid gsum gus pas phyag 'tshal lo| I offer salutation reverentially with the threeómy heart, speech and body: gus pa chen pos bsten par byin gyis rlobs| may the blessing be granted to maintain the greatest devotion. gus par bsgrim pa to behave with respect; gus pa nyan SANST to serve or attend respectfully; to listen with respect; gus par byed ba to regard. gus po in C. and W. expensive, costly, dear, v. gud po 3 or 3rgud po 3. gus so SANST becomes very dear; respects; worships. ge num. for 93. ge ba is an auxiliary particle signifying did (emphatically): ya so'i mche bas brang kha non ma so'i mche bas dpral ba na yar la lhag ge ba by the upper tusk he pressed on his breast, by his lower tusk he opened asunder up to the forehead (Hbrom. 139). ge ra n. of country: ge ra'i rgyal po zhes pa'ang byung 'dug also there was one, called the King of ge re (K. du. tha 281). ge ra lha pa name of Tibetan chief, said to have descended from the royal line of kings, i.e., from srong btsan sgam po , and belonging to a place called ge ra lha situated to the east of Lhasa on the Yaru Tsang-po beyond Chethang. ge sha a kerchief for the head hanging down behind from the shoulders. ge sar á I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST saffron, the corolla of a flower. There are three kinds of ge sar viz.:- na ga ge sar SANST, puSa pa ge sar SANST, and pad ma ge sar SANST (Mio.). Acc. to Cs. ge sar is a flower; it is said to grow in Nepal and is called pad ma ge sar ; acc. to Sch. pistil, but like ze 'bru it signifies undoubtedly the organs of fructification in general. II: n. of a powerful king ruling in Shensi in China, who on account of his martial valour was deified and raised to the position of the God of War. There are various accounts of him. The people of Kham in Tibet own him for their national war-god, while the Mongolians say that ge sar was a king of Mongolia. According to some authors, he lived in the 7th century A.D. According to the collection of heroic songs called the rgyal drung , king Ge-sar lived in the 8th century A.D. His origin is, however, lost in myth. ge sar gyi sgrung stories from the works called gling dang ljang Lio and Jao; also extracts from the fabulous history of Ge-sar. (EEE original edition has kling dang ljang which is clearly in error.) ge sar can SANST the lotus flower; the filament of a lotus. ge sar dmar po , klu shing Naga Vpkra (Moon.). ge É , gnas a secret abode-used as gsang skad (a mystic word) in the Tantra (K. ga g. 215). gegs = gags hindrance; stoppage; obstacle: gegs chags = bar chad interruption by an accident; danger; the tshom dang gegs sel ba to remove doubts and hindrances (Mil.); gegs byed bgegs a malignant spirit causing mischief or impediments; chos mdzad yongs la gegs byed pa to hinder effectually religious doings; sangs rgyas mi thob pa'i gegs bzhi four obstacles to the attainment of Buddhahood: thob pa'i grogs 'gro'm gegs su 'gro will you help me or hinder me in obtaining; 'grub pa'i gegs impediment to the attainment of perfection. gel pa + the trunk of a tree with a spiral top: gel pa ni shing phung ngam rtsa ba spom shing rtse mo rgyas pa the term gelwa is when the stem or thick roots of a tree grow into a branching top. gel shing SANST a log; a post. gin dar pa bya'i rgyal po zhig gi ming n. of a king of birds. (K. my. ka, 18). go I: 1. numerical sign for 123. 2. abbr. for dgu bcu in the nineties; go gcig 91; also go gnyis 92, etc. II: = in mystic language khyu mchog SANST, SANST, SANST the chief of a herd or company (K. g. kha, 28). III: 1. place; room; space (prob. = gu 3); in this sense it is used in mtshams med par , without intermediate space, i.e., close together, continuous: 'bru sna tsogs go mtshams med par skyes grain of every kind grew densely, luxuriantly: go mtshams med par gang ba closely filled. An important compound of go is found in go chod , the space is cut off, or filled, i.e., the matter is done with, settled; satisfaction has been made; colloq. also I have got enough; I am full: des rgyal ba'i go mi chod pa by this the victory has not yet been fully decided: thos bsam sgom gsum gyi go chod there is intermission of hearing; thinking; meditation: khyed la go mi chod pa'i chos doctrine not satisfactory to you: bu tshab nga ugs ci phyir go mi chod why should it not be sufficient that I be banished instead of my son? 2. place, position, rank, condition of life: pha yi gor in the place of his father; go nas according to; in proportion to (J‰.): gos rgas na when rank and dignity are grown old and gone; when the position in life has been lost: rang gi go 'dug that is my place; my business. 3. a way, a space, in the more general sense: sprin gyi go bar phye nas 'ongs have come parting the clouds: aa ma'i go na at the place of my mother; with my mother (J‰.). go ldog pa to change place, especially to turn to the contrary (Sch.); nad go the seat of disease (Sch.). go skabs SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST interval; leisure; space; opportunity; in the meanwhile: bar mtshams tshig grogs kyis dal ba dang khom pa dang dbang dang long yod med occasionally with companion words go skabs signifies slowly, at leisure, or in power; just at the time: bde bar bsdad pa'i go skabs med there is no chance of my sitting at ease: de phyir bdag la go skabs stsal du gsol (A. 16) therefore I pray for leave to avail myself of this opportunity. go skal the share or portion due to a person in accordance to his rank (J‰.). go khang , go cha'i khang pa arsenal (Schtr.). go khrab = go cha dang khrab coat of mail with helmet; armour, v. go cha 3. go gyon pa go cha gyon pa to wear a coat of mail, etc.; to put on war dress. Syn. go bgos ; gYul gyi chas zhugs pa ; ya lad bgos (Moon.). go gral or go gras rank; dignity (Cs.). go bgos pa SANST the act of equipping or arraying: = go cha gyon pa to equip with armour; put on harness, v. go cha 3. go ca v. go cha 3. go cha SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; SANST armour; harness; gear; implements; tools; bkra shis kyi go cha the implement of good luck; an amulet. Syn. ya lad ; mtshon skyob ; lus skyob ; lus bsrung ; lcags gos ; zhub can ; dra ba can ; 'khrug gos ; lcags kyi bgo ba ; khrab ; rmog ; mgo skyob ; rmog zhu ; lcags zhu ; rmog thur ; khyung thur can ; go khrab (Moon.). go cha gyon pa v. go gyon pa 3 or 3go bgos pa 3. go cha dang bcas * SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 139) with a ball. go cha'i skrag byed ma * (22 B.) (Schr.). go cha'i bskyad byed ma * (Schr.) (22 C.). go cha'i rta mchog * (Schr.) (21 A.). go cha'i rdo rje nyi ma * (Schr.) (20 C.). go cha'i rdo rje sems dpa' * (19 B.). go cha'i rnam snang * (19 C.). go cha'i pad ma gar dbang * (Schr.) (20 A.). go cha'i rmongs byed ma * (Schr.) (22 A.). go cha'i tsaºi ka * (Schr.) (23 A.). go cha'i gshin rje ma * (Schr.) (21 C.). go cha'i he ru ka nag po * (Schr.) (20 B.). (EEE The transliteration of the headword in the original, "go-chhi..." should be "go-chahi..."; the Tibetan headword is correct.) go chod po = phan thog po useful; serviceable. las don gang byed kyang bsgrub nus pa'am mthar phyin pa'i mi la go chod po zer the term go-chod-po is applied to a man who is successful or who accomplishes any business or duty successfully: mi 'di go chod dam will this man be of service? (A. 127). go snyod SANST cummin seed (Zam. 24). go dA ba ri á the Godavari river. thugs kyi gnas brgyad kyi gcig be ta'i yul gyi lho thag nye sar yod|'o ma'i chu mig sogs gnas ya mtshan can mang | Godavari, one of the holy rivers of Southern India, a place on its bank near Vidharva where there is spirit-symbol of Buddha. It contains a milky spring (Dsam. 36). go dam bAa á n. of a drug. Syn. yangs pa can ; ri mo can ; ba glang mig ; mchog sbyin ma ; dbang po bkra ba ; kMa ka chen po (Moon.). go bde ba simple; easy; that which is easily understood: go bde ba la bsam nas dper brjod na he uttered an example with a view to make it easily understood (Situ. 101). go 'dun + , defined as sna tshogs sam gang mos pa what you like of different kinds. go 'dris khyer ba = dga' bo nyes po byed pa to be friendly; intimate (A. 145). go Da * SANST; go Da 'phel byed n. pr. (Schr.) (Ta. 2, 82). go 'phang = go gnas rank; place; position: rnam mkhyen sangs rgyas kyi go 'phang thob par byin gyis brlobs may the blessing be accorded me to gain the rank of an omniscient Buddha (Mil.). go ba to understand; to perceive mentally: dang po paºi ta kun gyi go ba byung first of all it was understood by all the pandits. (EEE the original edition has pNa Ti ta for pandit which has been corrected above.) go ba can = mkhas pa a learned, clearheaded person; go ba can gyi mi rnams wise men. go bo or bya go bo a kind of vulture: go bo'i gre bas sha ma zhu ba dang |ma zhu ba'i rigs nams 'ju bar byed| the larynx of the vulture causes indigestible meat and different kinds of food which are not digested, to become digested (Sman.). go byed acc. to J‰. is a quality of the air. go bzlog = go log misunderstand; misapprehend; to attach a wrong meaning (Situ. 110). go yu á (Beng. SANST) areca nut: go yus mkhal ma'i nad sel so rtsi mchog areca nut is the best essence for the teeth and cures kidney disease (Sman.). go ra + = btson ra jail; prison. go rim order, arrangement: go rim dang mthun par cung zad bkod pas have arranged it so as to agree with the order of things, etc. (Situ. 101). go re + = rdzogs pa perfected; finished; completed. go re long + = mngag gzhug pa or rang dbang med pa spontaneously; as a matter of course; without power to exert one's self in any matter; necessarily (K. du. kha 175). go la , rgya nag ge sra rtsi'i rgyu se shing gi khu ba 1. a kind of gum, prob. acacia imported to Tibet from China; ashes which have burnt without ignition. 2. mgron bu mer bsreg ba'i thal ba lime of burnt shell or cowries. 3. the areca nut brought from the sub-Himalayan district or from India is called snan go la i.e., the globular medicine; rgya gar go yu the Indian areca nut, or mon go yul , areca nut from the sub-Himalaya; these two are called snan go la (Sman.). go la'i rlung nyi zla gza' skar rgyu sa'i rlung gi ming the wind which, acc. to Tibetan astronomers, keeps the sun and the stars moving in space: phebs tshogs kyang go la'i rlung 'khros ltar 'gog med du zhu your letters should also be without let or hindrance, like the wind which keeps the heavenly bodies always in motion (Yig. k. 87). (EEE The first example in the original reads "...sa 'i rlung ", which is apparently a typographical error and has been corrected above.) go le = ga le or dal po slowly. go Sa , o rgyan lam bar gyi grong khyer zhig gi ming n. of a town in the way to Udyana, prob. in Ancient Kabul (S. Lam. 17.). go log reverse; opposite to what was; back again; also for go sa log pa degraded; position changed as in the case of a superior officer subordinated, or an inferior officer promoted to a higher position:- dpon po gYog master made a subordinate or servant, or gYog po dpon , a servant raised to the position of a master; phan par smras pa la gnod par go ba lta bu to take a useful advice as intended for mischief; also sbyin pa go log opposed to charity or misunderstand charity; tshul khrims go log reversing, misinterpreting character or morality; bzod pa go log , brtson 'grus go log to misunderstand one's forbearance or industry; bsam gtan go log performance of the wrong Dhyana; shes rab go log perverse or distorted knowledge or wisdom; snying rje go log tired of showing sympathy or compassion; byams pa go log tired of loving. go sa = go gnam or go 'phang rank; office; dignity: bla ma mkhan po rgyal blon sogs kyi go sa lta bu la like unto the position of the lamas, professors, officers, etc. gu ta ma á = go'u ta ma , rigs rus kyi ming SANST n. of family in Ancient India (K. du. ta 133); n. of Buddha Sakyamuni. (EEE The headword in the original is ga ta ma but the transliteration "gau-ta-ma" and the dictionary context indicate that the reference is to gu ta ma and the headword has been changed accordingly.) gog in W. for gong po a lamp. gog thal ashes; burnt fragments. gog pa 1. to craw. 2. to crumble off; to scale off (of the plaster of a wall) (J‰.). gog po = zhig ral byung ba or nyams chag byung ba dilapidated; damaged; in ruins; worn out: lha khang gog po a temple in ruins: mchod rten gog po a chorten in ruins: kha cig gog po 'gog tsam na 'chi ba'ang yod there are some who even die worn out when they crawl about (as little children) (Khrid. 13). go bzlog lhan skyes * (Schr.) (30 A.). go la'i ri mo * SANST (Kalac. I. 52 58) a circle; circular. gong 1. price; value; also gong thang , gong tshad ; nor rdzas kyi rin gong gi tshad the price or valuation of things or property: gong dpyad pa to apprize; to fix a price: gong brgyab pa or gong sgrig pa id. In Sikkim: "di goo ka dzˆw mo?" what is the price of it?" (Snd. Hbk.). 2. = steng or sngon or thog ma also klad SANST, SANST the above; in space as well as in time (in Khams, e.g., it is used as a sbst. signifying elevated, alpine pasture grounds). gong dang mthun , gong dang 'dra bar , gong bzhin , gong mtshungs as above (mentioned); like the above or aforesaid similar to the above. gong 'khod stated above; gong du yod pa existing above; gong du gsal bar , set forth or elucidated above; gong gi the former; the above; gong gi de rnams those preceding; gong gi zhes snos pa the above statement that; snga gong bod kyi rgyal po the ancient or former Tibetan kings; gong gi bshad pa ltar as has been stated above; gong du over it; above; gong du 'phags pa SANST taken upwards; gone upwards; gone upward; improved; progressed; gong du phud placed in a position of dignity; kept on the top; gong du 'pho ba SANST spiritually developed, lit. gone upwards; gong du sbyor ba SANST ready; gong du mos pa the above mentioned; gong na on it; above; gong nas from above; gong nas gong du SANST more and more; higher and higher. gong pa SANST very much (Lex.); one above; the senior (one) = sgo gong du over the door; yab kyi gong du 'das died before his father; de'i gong du before that or that time; ma tshogs gong du before they assembled or congregated together. gong dkar rdzong n. of a fort and town on the Tsang-po, where convicts are generally sent for punishment. It is situated S. E. of Lhasa, in the district of Mal-gro. gong khri bdal 'od 'bar n. of a Bon saint believed to exist in astral form in the north-west quarter. (G. Bon. 1). gong po = gong bu SANST a meeting; assembly; fame; renown; globular. gong phud pa = gong du phud pa to lift up; to ride up. gong phebs or gong gi bka' phebs the instructions from higher authorities; also those arrived or received earlier. gong ba in W. collar: gong ba nas 'dzin pa to seize by the collar. gong bu SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a globular mass, lump, heap; gong bu can SANST clot; clotty; in lump; in heaps; gong bu so so SANST, SANST catarrh or cold; gong bur byas made into globular mass or lump. 2. agglomeration of atoms; dri ro reg gzugs bzhi ste rdul rdzas brgyad 'dus gong ba yin acc. to the Buddhist metaphysical conception that which produces the sensation of smell, taste, touch and sight is formed of the following eight atoms:- (1) rdul phra rab , (2) rdul phran (3) lcags rdul , (4) chu rdul , (5) ri bong rdul , (6) lug rdul , (7) glang rdul , (8) nyi ma'i 'od zer gyi rdul (Sorig. 7.). gong ma SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST superior; the former; the first-named; gong ma che or gong ma chen po the most high; rgya nag gong ma the Emperor of China; gong ma rnams the gods and superior beings. gong ma che drug , the six superior things of the bon po are the following:- gsang ba 'dus pa mysticism; sti Mra ; mi lus bsam legs ; ye shes nying po ; snang ba mdog can . gong ma chen lung rgyal po the Tibetan name of the fourth Manchu Emperor Kyun-luo is lha skyong rgyal po , the king protected by the gods. 'di man ju'i rgyal po bzhi ba ha cang mnga' thang chen po byung chos la shin tu dga' pNa chen dpal ldan ye shes gdan 'dren te chos zhus gtsug lag khang sku gsung thugs rten mang po bzhengs pa sogs rnam thar ya mtshan che lo drug cu rgyal srid bskyangs| He became very powerful, was devoted to Buddhism, invited the Pan-chen Rin-po-che called Tashi Lama Pal-dan Ye-se (friend of the first Governor General of India, Mr. Warren Hastings). He erected many temples and chaityas, and his life was a record of miracles. He reigned upwards of sixty years. gong ma mchod yon the Dalai Lama being the spiritual lord and the Emperor of China being the temporal lord: gong ma mchod yon gyi thugs rjer 'dir yang 'tsho khams bde zhing 'phrin las zhabs 'degs la lhod med du mchis by the grace of the Grand Lama and the Emperor (of China) here too I being in good health have been in the discharge of public service without relaxation (Yig. k. 18). gong ma bzhin = sngon ma bzhin SANST as before; as the above mentioned; like the aforesaid; as the previous one. gong ma'i gong ma SANST a superior's superior; also more and more; more in future. gong mo the upper one; lag pa'i gong mo SANST the middle finger. 2. the white grouse, but applied to various birds in Tibet of the Tetraonidú family: lha bya gong mo is the Crossoptilon Tibetanum, and gong gyag the Ithaginis geroffryoi, etc. (Snd. Hdk. pp. 170-1). byi'u co ka gnyis kyis gong mo la smras pa the two little Coka birds said to the grouse (Rdsa.). gong mo'i sha yis ro tsa ('dod chags )chu ser mo nad sel the flesh of the grouse stimulates the sexual desire and also cures discharge of whites: gong mo'i mjug sgro'i mo nad sel the feathers of the grouse cure female diseases: gong mo'i sgo ngas me lha'i gdon nad gso the eggs of the grouse cure illness caused by the demons of the fire-god. gong mo sreg a pheasant, Phasianus decollatus. gong zhu = gong du zhu 1. as stated or prayed above. 2. a paper lantern (J‰.); in colloq. Tibetan "gam-shu," a lantern. gong 'og = ltag 'og SANST upper and lower; gzhi gong folio; gong sku gzhogs a title of honour, signifying his highness, excellence, etc. gong rol du = snga rol du or sngon la , before, prior to: dmag ma byung gi gong rol du before the war took place. gong la above. gong sa SANST one in supreme authority or position; the sovereign. gong sa yas phyin pa = ya rabs gong ma those superior persons gone before; persons in superior or more exalted stations. god loss; damage; god 'gyur ba to suffer loss; nor la god loss of money and property; god kha , nor phyugs la nad sna tshogs byung nas shi ba loss in property or in cattle by disease and other accidents: sgom grub ci byas kyang god med there was no loss whatever whether he performed meditation or propitiation. god ma = 'jig pa SANST, SANST; fear, loss. gon the common gourd; pumpkin in W. (J‰.). gon pa (gyon pa ) to put on clothes, shoes, etc.; gon pa 'dra ba re re the cost of a set of anything to wear (Rtsii.); mgo la zhwa gon pa to put a cap on the head. 2. coat, clothing (Sch.). gon snam (gyo snam ) serge or broad cloth for making robes, etc. (Rtsii.). gon phying felt used for wearing. gon lham = gyon lham shoes to put on. gob non (spelling uncertain) in W. to tease; vex; irritate (J‰.). gom pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a pace; step: rkang 'gros to make a step; gom pa bor ba to pace: gom pa bdun bor ba to make seven steps (as a ceremony, which may also be counted equivalent to a religious pilgrimage, the actual performance of which is not possible). gom pa'i stabs any peculiar manner of stepping whether in procession or in dancing. gom 'gros walking in step like soldiers or a procession: 'gro na gom 'gros 'khyor in walking he missed the measure of the paces. gom stangs SANST the manner of pacing; walking in measured step. gom gsum SANST three paces; fig. the heavens, earth and the nether region. gom gsum pa one with three steps. gom gsum gnon khyab 'jug SANST, SANST a name of Virnu when he deceived Bali in his Bamana or Dwarf incarnation (Moon.). goms pa 1. SANST one practised in any work; skilled; wont; klog pa la goms pa practising or practised in the art of reading; goms pa can SANST one who is skilled or practised in any art, goms par byed pa SANST one who is skilled or accustomed; goms par byas pa SANST one who has practised or studied. gor or phyugs gor = nor nad murrain (A. ka 103). gor bu 1. SANST quadrangle. 2. SANST wisdom. gor ma rdo la zhe sa byas pa a term of respect for stone, or a general name for stone (Cs.); large and small pebbles; stones; rubble; boulder stones (Sch.). gor ma chag + = gor ma bkum pa , the tshom med or nges pa SANST, SANST certain; sure; indubitable: de 'byung ba gor ma chag go| his coming is quite certain. gor mo + = rdo , sdang ba'i sems la yang 'jug , gor mo is also applied to signify an irritable or angry temper. gor shi sha á SANST a kind of sandal-wood. gol ba v. 'gol ba 3. gos SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST cover; dress; garment. The common word for coat or clothing; there are seven kinds of stuffs for priests, &c.: bal gos woollen cloth; sha na'i gos cloth of flax; zar ma'i gos linen; du kU la'i gos silk cloth; ras bal gyi gos cotton cloth; ko tam pa'i gos jute cloth; nyi 'og gi gos European cloth, &c. gos kyi rgyu'i 'byung khungs bstan enumeration of the materials for cloth:- srin bu silk-worm; ra lug dang ri ags kyi spu dang pags pa sna tshogs various hairs and skins of sheep, goats and wild animals; shing gi shun pa bark or fibres; shing gi 'bras bu fruits; zar ma sogs fibres, etc.; ras bal sogs wool, cotton, etc.; du kU la'i ming silk cloth; satin, etc.; gos gsar new cloth; dri med clean cloth; gos so mo new or fresh cloth; dri ma can dirty cloth; gos rnying pa old, worn out clothes; zad pa or hrul po rags or ragged dress; stod gos SANST upper garment of Buddhist monks; bla gos = snam sbyar the sacred raiment containing thirty-two patches; stod gYogs upper cover; snad gYogs or snad gos lower garment; bnya tsa li ka an apron of five colours; 'doms dkras folds round loins like the dhuti of the Hindus; snad dkris the back folds of dhuti; snad sham under cloth or garment; mthang gos or sham thabs the petticoat-like clothes worn by the Tibetan monks; rgyan gos fine dressing clothes; rgyun gos i an everyday coat (J‰.); chos gos clerical garb or garment; pho gos male dress; bla gos an upper garment, a kind of toga; mo gos a woman's gown; gzab gos holiday or gala clothes; gos gyon pa to put on dress; gos 'bud pa to take off dress; gos brje ba to change dress or clothes; gos brtsegs pa to put one garment over the other; gos bteg pa to tuck up, by drawing the front skirts under the girdle; gos ldab pa to lay or fold a coat together. gos kyi khyim (SANST) SANST a tent; a diseased man's wardrobe; gos kyi gar SANST a bamboo or bar to hang or keep the dress; gos kyi chog shes pa SANST one who has enough of clothes; gos kyi gdang shing SANST a rope or string to hang clothes. gos dkar white dress; gos kyi dkar can SANST one dressed in white; the Goddess Sarasvati. gos skud yarn or silk thread. gos kha brgya tham pa one hundred breadth-measure of blankets. gos khums pa gos la gnyer ma byung ba SANST a cloth folded as to look like waves or wrinkles. gos gur a tent of cloth or satin; phyeng gur a tent of felt; sbra or re gur tent of yak-hair blanket or felt. gos 'gyed pa SANST the folds in the garment of a monk; one who folds clothes. gom grum a square rug made of Chinese satin. gos sgab skirt or flap of a coat or robe. gos sgam box; chest or press for clothes; wardrobe. gos sngon can SANST 1. one dressed in a blue dress; the sky. 2. phyag rdor SANST Chag-na Dorje Bodhisattva, stobs bzang la SANST the brother of Krishna said to be an avatara of Virnu. 3. gza' spen pa the planet Saturn. gos can SANST a kind of sandal. gos can * 1. SANST (Schr.; Lebensb. 86) a tablet; a piece of cloth. 2. gos can tsan dkar SANST satin. gos chen silk fabrics; Chinese satin, of which the different kinds known in Tibet are:- hor gos , thon thi , nor bu chab bdun ma , mdzod gos , skyin khab (Kincob) embroidered satin; jus , rgyan bzhi ma , rgyan drug ma , 'brug ris ma , 'brug brgya ma . gos chen po = du ku la'i ras silk-cloth (Moon.). gos mchog the finest satin or silk-cloth. Syn. gos bzang ; kun dga'i gos ; srubs med gos (Moon.). gos nyo SANST a purchased dress; a cloth fit to be purchased. gos rnying = gos rnying pa or bem po in Ld. dialect, an old coat or dress. Syn. zad po ; hrul po ; dug pa (Moon.). gos brnyan SANST a mendicant who puts on a ragged garment; a ragged dress. gos thung trousers. gos mtha' skirt of dress or robe. gos dug pa old cloth; ragged cloth; ragged cloth; torn cloth; gos dri ma can dirty clothes; gos dri med clean cloth. gos 'dug or chu gos bathing cloth. gos pa 1. SANST, pf. of bgo ba 3, to apply on; to paste or rub. 2. SANST a liniment. gos phyed phu lung sleeveless robe or garment (in Sikk.). gos phra SANST fine-silk; muslin. gos byed SANST gain; acceptance; performance; honour. gos bral SANST, SANST naked; without dress or cover for the body. gos sped pa SANST, SANST one concealing his mendicant's clothes. gos min SANST a roof; veil; film over the eyes; multitude. gos med SANST, SANST, SANST a devotee who has cut off worldly ties. gos dmar sde SANST classes of Buddhists who are dressed in red. gos tsam SANST satin. gos btsems nyes pa = gos sogs tshem ngan pa badly-sewn clothes. gos zhig pa SANST a wave, a plait or fold in a garment. gos zad po worn-out clothes. gos zas kyi 'tshos ma SANST a female mendicant clothed in suitable dress; one who lives doing nothing more than eating and dressing. gos zegs worn out clothes; old clothes (Rtsii. 5). gos yug piece of cloth or satin, enough for making a robe. gos lag colloq. (in Sikk.) "ko-lak," a coat; dress; clothes. gos ser can SANST a name of Virnu, one covered with a yellow cloth. gos lhod pa to let go a robe which has been grasped: gos nas 'jus par thong zer slu rin sprod zer srang gsum sprad de gos lhod sgo bcad one said: "see you are held fast by your clothes;" and he said: "fix a price for the ensnarement;" and three srang being allotted, the cloth was let go and the door shut. (G. Sndg.). gos po or gyos po SANST father-in-law; gos pos bsrungs pa SANST protected by one's father-in-law. gya num. used in the abbreviated form, in the place of brgyad cu 80; gya gcig 81; gya gnyis 82; gya gsum 83; gya bzhi 84; gya lnga 85; gya drug 86; gya 'dun 87; gya brgyad 88; gya dgu 89. gya gyu = gYon can SANST, SANST dissmulation; crookedness; intrigue; secret machinations: de nyid gya gyu med pa'i rnam pa yin pas he was a person absolutely free from deceitful intentions. gnod sems dang slu ba'i gya gyu sogs malice and beguiling intrigues, etc. gya gyu can SANST, SANST crafty, deceitful, fraudulent. gya gyu byed pa to intrigue; to plot. gya gyur 'gro that which goes not in the direct way; a frog; smoke; a snake; a river: gya gyur 'gro ba serpentine-motion; to move circuitously. gya ma gyu (meaning of rivers, &c.) quiet; calm; gently flowing along (J‰.). Of a man: cautious; scheming so that one not know what to think of him. gya nyes marvellous; inexplicable, of men, occurrences, &c. gya tho + = rna rgyan an ornament for the ear; an ear-ring. gya do SANST a breast plate. gya nog snang + SANST beautiful; of nice appearance. gya nog snang ba n. of a celestial mansion, the residence of the gods. gya nom pa + phun sum tshogs pa SANST, SANST, SANST; dbang thang che ba one in abundance; in plenty; possessed of wealth and power. gya pa or gya ba = nyams pa SANST spoiled; degenerated. Acc. to Cs. deformed; disfigured; having lost his or her former beauty. gya tsom + or gya rtsom SANST (to become dry?) acc. to Cs. haste; hurry; rashness. gya tshom + SANST; ma brtags pa momentary; unstable; without deliberation; consideration: gya tshom du 'gro bar mi bya'o| should not go all on a sudden, without deliberation. gya tshom can 1. SANST a bard of the Magadha tribe. 2. one in doubt. gyag pa + = brlag pa SANST destroyed; ruined; acc. to Cs. diminished, v. 'gyag pa 3. gyang or gying clay stamped into moulds, and frequently used as building material in Spiti, Ladak and other parts of Tibet; gyang skor earthen wall round an estate or village; gyang sgrom pisÈ mould. gyang tse pisÈ terrace; wall of dry earth in Ladak. gyang ra cattle-yards constructed of clay or mud. gyang rim pisË layer or one layer of pisÈ, i.e., as much as is stamped in at a time, about one ell in height; this frequently serves for a measure of the depth of the snow (J‰.). gyang ris fresco or wall painting: phug pa'i gyang ris sogs la in the frescoes, &c., of the caves (Ya-sel. 45). gyad SANST, SANST a champion; a man of great physical strength; an athlete: da dung gyad kyi rtsal 'gran let us compete once more in athletic dexterity. gyad kyi 'dzin stangs SANST, SANST, SANST the mode of seizing in wrestling; gyad kyi shugs the prowess or strength of a champion. gyad rdo 1. giant stone; a quoit. 2. n. of a tribe in Tibet. gyad gYung po * SANST, SANST, SANST (Schr.; Lebensh. 98) n. of a barbarous tribe. gyam a shelter; a recess in a rock, large and wide but not deep; brag gyam a shelter under a rock; gad gyam a grotto beneath a conglomerate rock; a shelter in the steep side of a rock; phong gyam or pha bong gyam a shelter under a beetling rock (J‰.); gyam bu a little cover or shelter (Cs.). gyar gyod probably gyod kha , god pa , loss, damage (J‰.). gyi for gi , after na, ma, ra, la, v. kyi 3. gyi gling Kulti, n. of a place. gyi ljang n. of place in Tibet. gyi than n. of a place and also of a tribe in E. Tibet: bar na ro 'je rag shi gnyis in the middle (country) are the two, viz., Ro-hje and Rag-shi; snad na mi nyag gyi thang gnyis in the lower country are Mi-Òag and Gyi-than (Yig.). gyi na ba 1. coarse; poor; miserable, of food, clothes, &c.: gyi na 'tsho ba a miserable, starving life. 2. unsteady; fickle (Sch.). gyi 'phyo in gcam yas bgrang yas gyi 'pho dang n. of a number inconceivably large (Ya-sel. 57). gyi na'i gYang = snyoms las pa or las ka cher ma thub pa state of inactivity, idleness: log chos thams cad gyi na'i gYang la bskyur threw all heretical doctrines into the abyss of inaction. , (A. 158.). gyi ling name of a good breed of horses from Amdo where there are twelve different breeds, gyi ling and gnam sa being the best among them (Jig.). gyi ling chu rta sngon po = dngul chu quick-silver (Sman. 118). gyi ling chu rta dkar po = 'dzin pa dkar po n. of a mineral medicine, probably mercury. (Sman. 447.). gyig caoutchouc; India rubber. gyig shing or gyig sdong caoutchouc tree (Sikk.). gying n. of a deity, prob. king kang . gying mo in W. gently slopping; gradually descending or subsiding. gyin v. kying 3. (EEE The transliteration for the headword as given in the original is gyio or gying . It is unclear whether gying or gyin is meant for the headword.) gyim bag amalgam; gyim bag gis 'byug pa to gild in the fire. (Schtr.). gyim shang rin chen spungs pa Gyim shuo Rinchen spuns pa n. of an astrological work. gyim shing + rol mo music, cymbal. gyis 1. instead of kyis , after the letters na , ma , ra , la . 2. imp. of bgyid pa , work honestly; behave well; do (so); drang pur gyis do it straight: gyis shig SANST do or let him do. gyu ba + = bkur ba to honour; to esteem. gyung ro v. gyong ra 3. gyur imp. and pf. of 'gyur ba . gyur du zin = gyur du chug . gyur na SANST, SANST if it so happened; if it became so. gyur pa'i rnam pa SANST anything changeable; subject to change. gye gu SANST crookedness; curve; hunch; hump; crooked back; gye gur gyur pa SANST double hump-back; met. a Bactrian camel. gye gor n. of a Bon-po deity. gye re n. of place on the Tsang-po, to the south-east of Lhasa: gye re lha pa n. of a very old noble family of Tibet. gyeng v. gyang 3. gyed pa v. 'gyed pa 3. gyen du up; upward; uphill: gyen du 'gro SANST, SANST going or flowing upwards; gyen du dzag climb up; gyen gyi dri SANST fragrance; sweet scent; fragrant; gyen du blta ba = yar lta ba SANST to look upwards. gyen rgyu gyen rgyu'i bu ga (kha dang sna ) the mouth and the nose through which the wind passes upwards or downwards; gyen rgyu'i mthu n. of a disease (Med.). gyen rgyu SANST that runs upwards; fire; names of the five vital (SANST) winds in the human body. gyen rgyug pa to gallop uphill; to pass upwards; to climb up. gyen chad in W. (opp. to man chad ) 1. the upper part of a country; bu rig gyen chad the Upper Purig (J‰.). 2. an ascent. gyen du 'degs pa to lift high; to praise. gyen du 'dren SANST drawing upwards; also marriage. gyen du brdzis pa SANST to turn up; to cock (a hat or cap). gyen du lus pa to keep above (water). gyen mig SANST, SANST the second of the seven lower regions under the earth. gyen gzar po a steep ascent. gyen bzlog pa SANST, to vomit. gyen la drang po in W. perpendicular; vertical. gyer v. dgyer ba3. gyer bsgom the kind of meditation practised by the Bon-po. gyer ling rta SANST a high breed horse, or pony. gyes = sa sor , v. 'gye ba 3. gyes brjes SANST raised up; magnanimous; noble. gyes pa SANST to analyse, resolve, separate; to split asunder. gyo dum = ka ra SANST, SANST 1. sugar. 2. potsherd. 3. brick tile (Sch.). gyo mo SANST 1. gravel; grit. 2. potsherd. 3. = gye mgo clay vessel. gyog pa crooked; curved: rkang gyog bent or crooked leg. gyog po left-handed; awkward (Sch.). gyogs for sgy ogs cannon; a large gun. gyong want; need; indigence: gyang 'khur ba to be reduced to want. gyong po SANST, SANST; = rig dka' ba crooked; rough; hard to understand; kha gyong po hard-mouthed (i.e., pulling at the reins); sems gyong po harsh; resembling a horn or hide that can hardly be made soft; an obstinate man (A. 134); skad gyong po imperfect language; tshig gyong po impolite words; dgra gyong a hard, cruel, dangerous enemy. gyong ba SANST; kha gyong che very rude; impudent (J‰.). gyong ru ba SANST rough. gyong ral + = sa zhag film of dirt, formed of dust and other substances, on the surface of water; scum. gyong ro dried body; a mummy (Sch.). gyod v. 'gyod pa 3. (EEE The original has the Tibetan headword as gyad but, with the transliteration "gyod" and the context, it is clearly a dropout error and has been corrected accordingly.) gyod kha remorse; quarrel; law-suit. gyod gzhi = 'khrug pa'i rtsa ba the basic or grounds of a quarrel or fight: tha ma chags sdang gi gyod gzhi the last is the ground of contention between lust and passion. gyon pa SANST, SANST, SANST to put on; to dress; to wear: gyon pa lus la gyon pa'i gos putting on the garment that one wears: gyon rgyu materials for clothing. gyon po = gnbs pa or na bza' SANST the garment or dress to be worn. gyol SANST green shoots of leaves or twigs; gyol po SANST a blue-necked jay. gyos po + I: SANST wife's father; father-in-law: gyos pos bsrung ba SANST protected by the father-in-law. gyos mo mother-in-law; the matron of a family; also any old lady of a family: gyos sgy ug parents-in-law. gra (da) one of the six early tribes of Tibet: bod mi mched pa se rmu ldong stong dang gra 'bru ste rus drug zer the six tribes:- Hbru, Gra, Stoo, Ldoo, Rmu and Se (originated from) the five Tibetan brothers (bearing the same names) (J. Zao.). gra rgyas thick and abundant (as of the mane on the neck of the lion, horse etc.): zho grod bkal dang gcan gzan gra rgyas 'dra (the land is well-preserved) as curds carried in a sheep's paunch or like the thickly-grown mane of wild animals (youth in good circumstance is also so described): kho gra rgyas po 'dug he is very bright and cheerful (Jig.). gra sgrig to make proper preparation or arrangement or equipment for any business, &c. gra sgri po everything put in order; also looking neat and clean. gra chags po 1. nice and smooth or glossy; very fine; fit and outwardly appearing nice. 2. appropriate; elegant; looking well (A. 126). gra dol abbr. of the two names of places called Lho-gra (Lho-da) and Nang-dol (Rtsii. 25). gra sdebs proper order, arrangement; also mi mang kha sdebs uniform deposition: mdun dang log gYas gYon gyi gra sdebs the arrangement in the front and of the right and left sides (Rtsii.). gra pad 1. n. of a great Lama who is said to have unearthed many Buddhist religious and medical works. 2. a net before the window to prevent passers-by from looking into the room. 3. carvings in wood; gro sogs gra pad kyi shing phug rigs films and hollowed pieces of wood with carvings, etc. (Rtsii.). gra phub gra dang phub the bristles of barley grain and its chaff: gro nas sogs brdung nas 'bru sog gnyis so sor phyi ba'i tshe gra dang kog pa gnyis 'dres pa la gra phub zer| gra phyi (da-chyi) and gra nang (da-nao) are names of two villages in Lho-kha (Rtsii.). gra phyi tshong 'dus n. of a great mart of trade in Lho-kha during the 11th century A.D. (A. 90). gra spug also called rgya nag gi spug cha a musical instrument of Chinese make, perhaps the cymbal: gra spug cha re re the cymbal each pair (Rtsii.). gra ma (ta-ma) SANST, SANST 1. awn, beard, bristle, the ears of cereals and wild grasses have: gro nas dang 'bras rnams skyes dus rtse rtsa ku sha lta bu yong ba de dag la 'bru gra ma can zer , "when the fruits of wheat and barley spring forth, to those which come in points like the Poa grass, the name of bearded grain is given." The term 'bru gra ma can , bearded, awned plants, is opp. to 'bru gang bu can , leguminous plants. 2. trellis-work, lattice. 3. a tree or shrub, probably the Tibetan furze, Caragana versicolor. gra ma nyams gra zur mi mang grung po rnam dag ni in the (irregular cornered) cell many learned and holy men lived (Jig. 36). gra ma che n. of a kind of ancient time; mi las skal gra ma che among men the blessed Gra-ma-che (Yig.). gra zur (da-zur) SANST the corner or junction of sides also called grwa . gra legs pa (ta leg-pa) or gra ma legs pa the hairs of wild animals such as tiger or leopard, &c., when thick and glossy are called gra-legs-pa. grwa I: (ta) 1. SANST angle; corner; side grwa ni phyogs ni kun tu yang Grwa is quarter or direction. 2. lap; lappet; extremity; gos kyi grwa coat-tail: lo tsAa bas chos gos kyi grwa nas bzung ste bshums pas kyang ma gnang though the Lo-tsa-wa wept seizing the lappet of his garment, yet he (Atisa) would not bestow it. II: a school; klog grwa a reading school (Cs.); sgom grwa a school for meditation; sngags grwa a school for mystical Buddhism (Cs.); 'dul grwa a training school; a seminary; snan grwa a medical school; rtsis grwa a school where mathematics is taught; yig grwa a writing school (Cs.). grwa khang SANST, SANST 1. top-house; a dome. 2. school-house, sometimes also monk's residence. grwa grangs (ta-dao) the number of candidate monks in a monastery. grwa thang (ta-thao) SANST corner or nook in a plain. grwa pa (ta-pa) SANST 1. a school boy; a scholar; disciple. 2. generally a monk pupil or novice belonging to a monastery. grwa dpon school master; chief ta-pa or monk. grwa phrug a little boy who reads. grwa tshang (ta-tshao) SANST school where monks are instructed in sacred literature; a section in a great monastery, where the monks belonging to one particular school of studies live together. grwa tshogs (ta-tshog) a congregation or convention of monks. grwa bzhir (ta-tshor) SANST in the four corners: the real meaning according to Tibetan authors in SANST, on the four sides of a house. grwa zur a corner room or monk's cell. grwa sa (ta-sa) a monastery; grwa sa chen po (ta-sa chen-po) great departmental school attached to large monastery; mtshan nyid grwa sa zhig a school where the Buddhist metaphysics is taught. gwa ti plate; dish in Ld. (J‰.). grag stong echo; described as brag cha lta bu stong nyid kyi sgra a name for anything of empty sound as an echo from a rock: skye med grag stong tshig gi nga ro sgrogs| an echo without any real existence proclaims a loud cry of words (A. 14); lo zhes bya ba grag stong snyan pa'i glu dbyangs| a low noiseless refrain is called lo (A. 146): khyed kyi grag stong bsgrags pa yis|kho bo'i blo gros gas par byas the echoes (or reverberations) of the sounds you sent forth have split my senses (Hbrom. kha 10). grag pa or grags pa 1. = sgra 'byind pa SANST the tone; pitch of a sound or voice. 2. fame; noise; rumour; talk. 3. the principal or most distinguished amongst several persons (J‰.). 4. occasionally = 'grag pa . (EEE 'grag pa is not defined in the dictionary 'grags pa 3 is meant here.) grags SANST hope; contempt grags pa I: 1. acc. to J‰. to bind or fasten up a load; so also in the colloq. 2. pf. of 'grag pa . (EEE 'grag pa is not defined in the dictionary; 'grags pa 3 is possibly meant.) II: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST glory; also fame, reputation, character by report; grags pa ngan pa notoriety; ill name; bad repute; rumour; report: de'i grags pa chen po byung the report of it spread, was circulated (in most cases it signifies good name, renown): snyan pa dang grags pas sa'i steng thams cad khyab pa the whole earth was filled with his fame and renown; snyan grags reputation. grags can 1. famous; renowned; beautiful; splendid; glorious; proud; haughty; grags chen SANST; of great fame; celebrated; renowned; well known. 2. SANST a merchant; grags snyan dkar ba SANST good name; pure fame; reputation; gras 'dod can ambitious; desirous of gaining glory, of being famous; grags ldan SANST, SANST one who is celebrated or possessed of fame: snyan pa'i grags pas phyogs rnams kun tu sgrogs (his) fame spread in all quarters (everywhere). grags pa rgyal mtshan * (Schr.; Ta. 31), lit. banner of glory; n. of a governor of Tibet. grags pa can = snyan grags can SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST illustrious; renowned; rgyang nas grags pa che ba of great renown; to celebrity, fame, glory; rnyed pa dang grags pa la chags pa greedy of gain and fame. grags pa thob pa = mkhas pa , a learned man. grags pa 'od zer * n. pr. (Schr.). grags pa'i bshes gnyen * n. pr. (Schr.; Ta. 2, 205). grags byin SANST one of the devoted attendants of the Buddha: bcom ldan 'das 'khor lnga sde dang grags byin dang 'char ka la sogs . grags ma Paldan Lhamo, also called dpal lha mo Dpal lha-mo, i.e., Shri-Devi. grags mu khyud SANST n. of a legendary king, the sphere or circle of whose fame was very wide. (EEE The headword in the original is given as grags mu khyad but this seems to be in error; the transliteration given for the headword, "Grags mu-khyud", confirms the correct spelling shown above.) grags 'dzin ma SANST the wife of the Buddha Sakyamuni. grags yas 1. SANST of world-wide fame; of boundless celebrity. 2. n. of number. 3. n. of a district in Khams. grang ba (tang-wa) also grang mo SANST, adj. cold, cool; colloq. partakes of the nature of a verb in such phrases as grang gi 'dug , he feels cold; grang ngo it is cold. In such phrases, however, it is common to insert the word gnam , the sky, e.g. (colloq.), nam tang-mo re, the sky is cold, i.e., "it is cold"; grang skyob SANST protection from cold; warm woollen clothes: grang ba dang dro ba zhes bya'i bya the bird called the SANST cold and warmth; this fabulous bird is a native of the forest called in Tibetan sgrib pa sngon pa'i nags , the primeval shady forest; its sight relieves one from the effects of cold or heat: grang ba ni dro bar gyur the cold will be changed into warmth; grang bas gzir frozen or congealed by cold; grang 'gro bar 'dug it will grow cold. Syn. lhags grang ; 'khyags ; lhags pa ; bsil ba ; bser ba ; grang reg ; grang ngad (Moon.). grang ba sel SANST warm; where there is no cold to remove. grang ba'i dus SANST, SANST the cold season. grang ba'i nad SANST, the cold fit of the ague; grum bu gout; rheumatism; arthritic pain; grang dro cold and warmth, temperature; grang shus byed pa to shiver with cold. grang ba'i gnas a cool place. grang klung lit. cold valley; n. of a large village under Kamba Jong on the other side of the Kangchen Juoga mountain. grang dmyal brgyad the eight cold hells, v. dmyal ba 3. grang gzhi disease induced by cold, gen. dispepsia. grang reg pho nya = bya skyung ka the jack-daw (Moon.). (EEE The headword transliteration in the original is given as "brang-reg pho-Òa" but that is incorrect; the Tibetan spelling given in the original and shown above is correct.) grang rlung SANST a disease allied to rheumatism, also cold in the stomach. grangs (daog) SANST number; lan grangs du mar a multiplied number, many times; grangs med par innumerable; grangs ma mchis par having no number or without number; numberless; grangs 'debs pa or rtsis pa to count; also an accountant; grangs brda symbolical numerals of certain nouns, which in some books are used instead of the usual numerals, for instance mig , the eye for "two" (Cs.) 1. SANST sign. 2. SANST astrologer. grangs kyi rnam grangs arithmetical enumeration; enumeration of the numbers used in the sacred books of Tibet as compiled from the work called (mdzod 'grel ) are:- (1) gcig one; (2) bcu 10; (3) brgya 100; (4) stong 1000; (5) khri ; 10,000; (6) 'bum ; 100,000; (7) sa ya ; 1,000,000; (8) bye ba ; 10,000,000; (9) dung phyur 100,000,000; (10) ther 'bum ; 1,000,000,000; (11) ther 'bum chen po 10,000,000,000; (12) khrag khrig ; 100,000,000,000; (13) khrag khrig chen po ; 1,000,000,000,000; (14) rab bkram ; 10,000,000,000,000; (15) rab bkram chen po ; 100,000,000,000,000; (16) gtams ; 1,000,000,000,000,000; (17) gtams chen po ; 10,000,000,000,000,000; (18)100,000,000,000,000,000; (19) dkrigs chen po 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. Next, the following are progressive numbers increasing by multiples of ten up to 60 figures: 20, mi 'khrug ; 21, mi 'khrug chen po ; 22, khyad 'byin ; 23, khyad 'byin chen po : 24, spang rten ; 25, spang rten chen po ; 26, ded 'dren ; 27, ded 'dren chen po ; 28, mtha' snang ; 29, mtha' snang chen po ; 30, rgyu rigs ; 31, rgyu rigs chen po ; 32, 'od mdzes ; 33, 'od mdzes chen po ; 34, dbang po ; 35, dbang po chen po ; 36, legs 'byin ; 37, legs 'byin chen po ; 38, rtogs 'gro ; 39, rtogs 'gro chen po ; 40, 'bying rdul ; 41, 'bying rdul chen po ; 42, rgya rtags ; 43, rgya rtags chen po ; 44, stobs 'khor ; 45, stobs 'khor chen po ; 46, brda' shes ; 47, brda' shes chen po ; 48, rnam 'byung ; 49, rnam 'byung chen po ; 50, stobs mig ; 51, stobs mig chen po . Up to this number there are Sanskrit equivalents; from 53 to 60 there are no Sanskrit equivalents, the Tibetans having introduced new names to replace lost originals. 53, byams pa ; 54, byams pa chen po ; 56, snying rje ; 56, snying rje chen po ; 57, dga' ba ; 58, dga' ba chen po ; 59, btang snyoms ; 60, btang snyoms chen po . These sixty numbers are used in astronomical and astrological calculations. grangs can SANST 1. a countless number. 2. mkhas pa or rig pa can SANST an intelligent man; a learned man (Moon.). grangs can pa SANST the oldest of the atheistic philosophical sects of the Brahmans, called Saokhya. grangs bcas 1. SANST the dawn, or the goddess of the dawn. 2. lit. "together with the number." grangs 'byams SANST numberless; countless. grangs mang cha [SANST, repeated four times]S. grangs med 1. SANST countless; numberless. 2. SANST a crawling; SANST white leprosy: grangs med kyi khyad par the distinction of being countless, numberless; grangs med can SANST supreme. grangs med gcig (the numberless one). In the work called MaÒjushri-mula Tantra ('jam dpal rtsa rgyud ) the following numbers are said to have been in use in Ancient India among the laity for worldly purposes:- From 1 to 10, i.e., gcig to ther 'bum , and 11, shu rngog ; 12, mchog nyal ; 13, skya 'phyis ; 14, bye ma ; 15, nub nub ; 16, mtsho yas ; 17, ldabs phyor ; 18, rdzi ,óall these being each a multiple of another by ten. In the work called phal po che the numbers vary after the eighth, i.e., bye ba ; such as khod khod , thad dgu , khrig khrig , thams thams and so on up to 128 places, increasing by multiples of one hundred. In the Lalita Vistara there are thirty-two numbers, also increasing in multiples of a hundred. grangs gsher to enumerate; count the number one by one. grangs su 'gro SANST goes into numbers; is counted: khrangs su bcug pa , put into numbers; counted: grangs su yang SANST even in number. grab rgyab pride; boasting (Sch.). grabs I: gshom byed ; gra sgrig 1. preparation; arrangement; measures; contrivance; grabs byed pa to make preparation for; 'gro ba'i grabs byed pa to prepare to go: gsod grabs yod pa'i tshe na just as preparations were being made for slaughtering them (Mil.). 2. defined as de ma thag nges par 'byung ba'i don "signifies the certainty about the time of immediate action": yong grabs 'dug was on the point of coming, or am just coming; brdung grabs byas byung was about to beat or strike; shi grabs byas byung was almost dying or dead; gsad grabs byas byung , was about to kill; thob grabs yin was about to get or gain; shor grabs yin is about to slip or run away; tshar grabs yod is about to finish; nang nang gnyis grabs mthun ne on mutual agreement. 3. deliberation: nged phyir grabs byed kyin 'dug they were deliberating about me (in W.). II: SANST place or object of reflection, thought, etc.: grabs yul lta bu , grabs gyis , ston mo lta bu . gram 1. chu nang gi rdo a kind of stone found in water (Oag). 2. gram pa swamp; marsh; fen (Lex.). 3. 'grem pa (Mio.). gram pa kham bu one of the places of pilgrimage of the Bon (G. Bon. 38). gram sa SANST stony. gral (dal) 'phreng ba SANST row, range, series; also a rope, cord; SANST, SANST, class, stratum. gral mgo or gral gyi thog ma the upper end of a row; the uppermost place; the seat at the head of a table; gYas gral the right hand row; gYon gral the left hand row; tshogs gral 1. the order or file of monks in a religious congregation; grwa pa mang po ya yo med par sgrig nas bzhugs pa many novice sitting in rows without being awry; bzhugs gral the order of seats, also the order or row in which lamas and chiefs, high and low, sit according to their position or rank in any public or social gathering; rten gral row of religious symbols; mchod gral row of offerings for the gods or offerings place in one or more rows; lha gral the order or row in which the images are placed in a temple; mi gral the row or order in which men are seated; gral gtam house-talk (J‰.); dbang gral the row of supplicants waiting for benediction: mched grogs dang dbang gral mthun dus su when you are sitting with your brethren (fellow-believers) in one row. gral sgrig or gral du sgrig pa to arrange in order, dispose in rows. gral tshes = tshes grangs date; a consecutive date. gral rim I: SANST line; row; file in which monks sit in any religious service or congregation: rgan gzhon gral rim the order in which the young and old sit; the right of seniority; grub thob rim gro gral rim bzhin the religious services of the perfected saints according to the order of seniority (Zam.). Syn. gral du sgrigs pa ; tshar du dngar ; phreng bkod ; lu gu rgyud ; khrig chags bkod (Moon.). II: (dal-rim) acc. to J‰. claim; title. gral skyong ba SANST a shadow. gral pa a beer-house customer (J‰.). gral ma a small beam; rafter (Cs.); gral bu gral phyam roof-laths; sticks which are laid close together and covered with earth (J‰.). gras class, order, series; rank, dignity; tribe (Cs.). gras pa 1. to bind, for dras pa . 2. (Bengali) SANST wooden beams or rails. gri (di) SANST, SANST, SANST, a knife, weapon; SANST sabre. Different kinds of weapons:- chu gri , gri thung , ral gri'i bu , gri gug , gri 'khyog po , dgra sta , sta ri , sta gri , ral gri'i 'khrul 'khor , gri sgur , sa rang . Syn. shang lang ; brdeg cha ; rjes su gcod ; lag skyong ; zla ba 'dzum byed ; gYul du 'dzin ; mtshon cha'i gzhi ; sgrol byed ; dpal gyi snying po ; gcod byed ; sha ma ka (Moon.). gri kha the edge of a knife. gri gu = khug cig niche; corner (A. 57). yang rdo rje gdan gyi gra gu na bud med cig again a woman in a niche of the temple, &c., at Vajrasana. gri gu chung SANST small knife. gri gug a short crooked sword. gri gum btsan po one of the ancient kings of Tibet, son of Srib-khri btsan, who was assassinated with a knife. gri non SANST n. of a disease. gri bya gag gi gshog pa lta bu SANST a knife of the shape of the wings of a cock. gri bya rog gi mchu SANST a knife of the shape of the crow's bill. gri mag v. grib ma 3. gri dmar (lit. the red knife) knife of superior quality manufactured in Tibet. gri'i so sharp edge of a knife. gri'i tse mo SANST the point of a scimitar or sword. gri'u a small knife. gri sha explained as skyes pa dang ma gri la shi ba'i sha flesh of an adult man who has been killed with a sword (this flesh being used in sorcery). grir rngam pa or grir bsod pa or grir 'gum pa to kill (or being killed) with a knife. grin pa (din-pa) prob. sgrin po 3 skilful; clever (J‰.). grib (dib) shade; defilement; stain or spot; filth; contamination, mostly in a religious sense: grib yong contamination, pollution will arise: ro grib defilement by or from a corpse; grib sel the removal of defilement; also one in whom there is no defilement; n. of a Buddha. zas grib unclean food or pollution of food; gos grib dirty clothes, or defilement in clothes; yugs grib or pollution of widowhood; bag grib or the defilement that is brought by different people assembled in a marriage; dmar grib or pollution of blood or anything slain red-handed; dam grib pollution by the breach of a vow; unchastity; 'khon grib defilement by quarrel or fight; bshan grib defilement in slaughter pertaining to butchers, or defilement from murder; mna' grib defilement caused by oath or by the barbarous custom of killing animals and swearing over their blood (prevailing among the Kham-pa tribes); nal grib defilement from incest. grib kyi phu shady valley, generally on the north side of a mountain range (cf. sribs ); grib phyogs the shady side of a hill or mountain, the side not exposed to the sun. (EEE The original reads "cf. sribs " but use the alternate spelling srib 3.) grib khrus the washing of defilement. grib can stubborn; refractory (J‰.). grib mdos offerings made to Bon deities for removing some defilement. grib gnon 1. SANST, SANST shadow, or 2. btsog pa'i grib defilement from unclean things, filth, night-soil, &c.: chos grwar grul bum grib gnon bsrungs in a religious school there should be protection against defilement from harpies (Zam. 2.). grib gnon gyi gdon a demon that defiles and poisons food; a harpy. grib ma shade; shadow; grib dang grib ma'i grol (Zam. 2) SANST; shing gi grib ma the shadow of a tree. grib ma sngon po'i nags forest of the dark-blue shade in the fabulous northern continent of Uttara Kuru. grib ma'i lam SANST the milky-way; also a path by the shady side of a mountain or in the valley. grib ma'i lus SANST, the shadowy body, i.e., body of defilements. grib sel the removing of pollution or defilement of any symbol, image, sacred books, or offerings by religious rites. grib so the quickly vanishing, at sunset, of the shadows of trees, &c.; grib so mngon par rab tu babs pa SANST hanging down, also lengthening of shadows before they vanish in the shade of night; grib so cher babs pa SANST long projection of shadows. grib srung guarding against defilement. grib bsangs cleansed or purified of defilement; purification of defilement. grib lhags cool shade (Sch.). grim pa to hasten; to hurry (Sch.). grim rtse acc. to J‰. a pair of scissors (in Sikkim sounded "kyimtse"). (EEE The headword is shown as grim rtsi but both transliterations and standard spelling indicate that it should be grim rtse .) grims pa SANST, SANST clever; skilful; dexterous; also careful; on the alert; rig pa grims pa to be careful; on the alert: grwa sa grims shig be attentive in the monastic school: ri khrod grims shig on a hill range take care. gril (dil) (cf. 'gril ba 3) a roll; shog gril rolled paper; a paper roll: shog bus gril nas bzhag byung kept rolled up in paper: gos gril a roll of satin or cloth; a garment folded up (Cs.). gril kha byed pa to make up a parcel. (Sch.). gru I: 1. a figure, corner, tip, anything with length and breadth; gru bzhi a figure with four corners, gen. a square; yul gru a country with certain dimensions, i.e., the division of a country in provinces or districts. 2. lustre; gru dmar a reddish lustre from precious stones. 3. a district of Tibet lying to the east and north of Dbus (Jig.). II: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST general term for boat, raft, vessel; also gru shan a boat, ferry. Syn. rtags gsum pa ; gru yi rab ; sgrol bar byed ; pha mthar sgrol ; seng ge can ; rta mgo can ; chu'i shing rta (Moon.). gru dkar (du-kar) a kind of turquoise. gru skya SANST that which falling on water strikes it; an oar (Moon.). Syn. skyod byed ; bsgral ba'i shing rta . gru kha or gru shan kha or gru btang sa landing place on the side of a river, etc.; a ferry. See maps in Survey Report of A. K.'s journey. gru khug the keel of a ship. (EEE the original has "the keel of a slip" but this is obviously a typographical error and has been corrected.) gru mkhan SANST navigator; a ferry man. gru ga 1. clew; hank. 2. n. of a country. 3. stone or paint of whitish-blue colour. gru gu 1. a thread-ball; yarn in round ball. 2. mtshon gyi gru gu n. of a village in Tibet (Jig.). gru gu rgya ra n. of a village in Kham (Loo. 27). gru gla passage money at a ferry; a boatman's fee. gru char 1. rains; rainy season: yul gru kun la khyab par 'bebs pa'i char , rains that fall over the whole country and produce a good harvest. 2. a fine, fertile rain (Sch.). gru ma (du-ma) angle; corner; convex or concave; also edge, border, brim. (Cs.). gru chod or grub zin SANST corner; angle. gru gsum SANST a triangle; gru bzhi ; a square; gru drang a right angle; gru yon or gru gYel oblique angled. gru bzhi n. of a stone: gru bzhis klad pa gso zhing chu ser 'dren the stone called Grub-bshi heals the brain and draws out pus. gru 'dren SANST, defined as gru nang du 'jug pa'i skye bo'i ming , person conveyed in a boat. People who journey by boat are:- mgron po guest; don mthun merchant, trader; gru la zhon boat passengers. gru pa ferryman. gru bo = gru gzings ship (J‰.). gru btsas + boatman's fee; gru btsas pa , chu la khral sdud pa po collector of a ferry. gru tshugs gru btong sa a ferry or ghat: de nas se dmar gyi gru tshugs la byon nas then he arrived at the ferry of Se-dmar (A. 91). gru tshums pa = kha tshums pa or kha rog sdod pa to sit silent, without speaking. gru 'dzin SANST, SANST 1. n. of a mountain in the south of India; also the residence of Avalokitesvara on the small island of Puto off Shanghai; n. of the residence of the Grand Lama at Lhasa. 2. an harbour. gru yi yan lag = gru skya an oar (Moon.). gru yi rab = gru shan a ship (Moon.). gru yi gshog pa = gru skya oar; the wings of a boat (Moon.). Syn. gru'i yan lag ; gYob byed ; skya ba (Moon.). gru yis sgrol SANST a navigator. gru las 'das pa SANST one who has made a voyage. gru shan = gru yi rab a ship; gru shan kha = grung btang sa starting or landing place of a ferry; gru shan pa ferryman; gru la zhon pa to go on a ferry-boat. gru mo (du-mo) the elbow; gre mo , kun ni , SANST the elbow, or ka u ni SANST, lag pa'i tshigs pa bar pa'i rtse tog the top most piece of the middle joint of the arm: gru mor kha §ma ka bzung ba holding a trident in the hollow of his elbow. lag pa'i gru mo is defined as nye ba'i dpung pa ; gru mo'i khug the hollow of the elbow joint: lag pa'i gru mo re jo bo'i pus mo'i steng na bzhag resting each elbow on the knees of the lord (A. 135). grug pa to break into small pieces; to crumble; to bruise; grug pa'i 'bras bruised rice (Sch.); grugs bu something broken. grung po I: (duo-po) = grung ba , skyang po , rig pa grims pa 1. very intelligent; SANST clever; wise; prudent. 2. meek; mild; gentle (Cs.). II: the corn seed that is not rotten (Jig.). grub I: (dup) pronounced rub, in the upper Himalayas and Shar-Khombu, signifying in Ld. all: grub shi song all are dead (J‰.). Rub-te: altogether, jointly. II: SANST; byed pa po dngos su med par rang rang gis grub pa anything accomplished or done by itself without any agent. grub mchog = grub chen a great saint; grub mchog ma SANST a female saint. grub thob SANST a saint, occurs in the following passage of (Zam. 2):- grub thob rim gro gral rim bzhin ; grub brnyes one who has gained perfection. grub mtha' I: 1. SANST, SANST, established conclusion; opinion; theory (Zam.): phyi nang gi grub mtha' ma 'chams par there being no conformity of doctrinal principles between the Brahmans and the Buddhists. II: = thar pa'i blo gros resolution for liberation from miseries; determination for obtaining Nirvana (Moon.). grub pa I: 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; pf. of 'grub pa 3 to accomplish. 2. grub par byed 'jug SANST, SANST a saint: grub pas btags pa SANST accomplished by a saint; grub pas bstan pa taught or preached by a saint; grub par gyur cig SANST be it ready, completely, perfect. II: zin pa SANST, SANST existing; success; ma grub pa not existing (J‰.): grub pa dang bde ba SANST the happiness arising from yoga or union with the supreme spirit (in Brahmanism) and with the eternal Sunyata or void in Buddhism: grub pa lus , the formed body; either the frame, the structure, the body, or more prob. an abbreviation of phung po lnga las grub pa'i lus , the body that is made of the five skandha (aggregates); grub pa'i don can what is necessary in the charms of necromancy for propitiation; SANST mustard. grub pa'i dbang phyug = grub chen great saint (Yig. k. 11). grub pa'i rang byon an ras gzigs the saint originated or existing by himself; the self-formed Avalokitesvara; lhun grub or lhun gyi grub pa SANST self-originated or self-formed: don grub or don thams cad grub pa SANST a name of the Buddha, in whom there is the fulfilment of every purpose; also the name of a magic spell or formula. grum pa the Tibetan badger: rlung sems 'dzin pa phyi ba dang grum pas kyang shes gsung he said both the badger and the marmot know how to suspend animation and rlungóa reflection upon the practices of Tibetan ascetics or nal-jor (A. 70): grum pa'i rgyu mas rgyu gzer 'joms the intestines of the badger overcome colic. grum po a maimed person; a cripple. grum bu (dum-bu) or grum nad also called trem , gout or rheumatism. sha grum , acc. to J‰. dreg grum podagra; a feeling of lameness in the limbs; rus grum gout affecting the bones; rtsa grum rheumatic pain in the muscles. chu grum , grum dkar , grum nag , seem to be varieties of small-pox. grul bum (dul-bum) SANST, SANST a class of vampire-ghouls feeding in cemeteries; grul bum ma SANST females of the above. grul bum can n. of a medicinal drug; an esculent root, Arum campanulatum (a cure for piles). Syn. rtsub mo ; ga gon ; aar sha 'joms SANST that which cures piles: bra bo rgod ; 'ded byed sdong po hded-byed spoo-po (Moon.). (EEE The headword in the original is transliterated as "Grul-bun-can" but this is probably a mistake and the Tibetan headword has been left unchanged.) grul bum zla ba'i nu zho can are the following three:- klu dug (nag ), gza' dug (dkar ), gnyan dug (kha ) (Sman. 350). grus po (du-po) a yak only two or three years old (J‰.). gre (de) SANST the eleventh of the twenty-seven constellations mentioned in works on astronomy. Syn. mtsho skyes ; rta chu ; 'tsho skyes (Moon.). gre skyes SANST born in the constellation of SANST. gre ga a sheet of paper (J‰.). gre sna n. of a place in the province of Koo-po in Central Tibet. gre ba (de-wa) = mgrin pa or glo yu SANST, SANST the fore part of the neck, the throat, both wind-pipe and the gullet; voice; gre ba bde mo a good voice; gre ba gags pa obstruction in the throat; hoarseness; gre ba dar ba a stertorous voice; gre bsal btang byed in W. to hawk; to hem; to clear the throat (J‰.). gre bo a species of demons; gre mo female demons of this kind. gre mag vulg. for gra ma awn of barley or of Poa grass. gre mog 'bu in W. ant; emmet (J‰.). gren occurs in gren gyi dong du bcings pa'i ri mo can (Jig. 32). gren tshag plaited wicker work in straight rows. gre'u + I: or dre'u , a young bear: co ros gre'u gcig phul bas Cho-ro having presented a young bear (A. 63). II: SANST pea, peas; mon sran gre'u a kind of pea growing in the Sub-Himalayas. gres ma 1. the flashing lightning (Schtr.). 2. dres ma a kind of plant: gres ma'i ge sar srin gsod glang thabs 'joms the pistil of dres-ma kills worms and overcome the diseases called glao-thabs. gro SANST wheat; gro skam dry wheat. gro ga (do-ga) or gro kha SANST, or shing stag pa'i pags pa white birch bark used for writing charms on; also acc. to J‰. used for ornamenting bows: rang yul du skyes pa'i gro ga'am shing shun nam ta la'i lo ma'am shog bu 'am ras dkar po la sngags 'di bris wrote these mantras on white cloth or paper or leaves of the palmyra or the bark of the birch which grew in their country (Surao.). gro dong the winter granary of wheat in Tibet; an under-ground cell where wheat is kept during the winter. gro tshag sieve for sifting wheat. gro ba or gro mo reddish grey. gro bzhin SANST the twenty-second or twenty-third constellation in the astronomical works of Tibet and India. Syn. 'phrog byed ; bon po ; bya spo (Moon.). gro bzhin gyi nya ba SANST the full moon in the month of July-August. gro bzhin gyi zla ba or zla ba bdun pa the month of Shravana. gro bzhin byed (do-shin-chÈ) hole under the ground where wheat is kept in winter (A. K.). gro yos (do-yo) parched wheat or corn. gro ril ball of dough, or lump made of moistened wheat flour. gro sog (do-sog) stalks of wheat, wheat-straw. gro ma (do-ma) SANST, SANST 1. the sweet potato of Tibet. 2. name of a herb (Vai. so.) [the grass Scripus Kysoor]S. rgya gro or rgya'i gro ma the potato introduced from India: gro ma mngar yang nus bsil tsha 'khru gcod the potato being sweet is cooling and stops diarrhúa. (EEE the original has rgya'i kro ma rgyahi gro-ma above.) (EEE the original has grom mngar , etc., above.) gro ma lung n. of a place in the north of Tibet (Ka-thao. 168). gro lung n. of a village in the province of Lho-kha. gro lo ma (do-lo-ma) gos chen a kind of satin; silk stuff. gro sa village in the district of Phenyul. gro ho (do-ho) phyag rgya rnams so a mystical word used in the Mahamudra Tantrik rites (K. g. ga 215). grog = grog ma or grog mo SANST, SANST ant; emmet. Syn. srin phran ma ; rgyu rgyu ra ; gshin rje'i bu (Moon.). grog sked waist of the ant; also narrow as that is. grog mkhar SANST ant-hill. Syn. brgya byin i bo ; ldan brtsegs ; grog ma'i tshang , grog ma'i mkhar (Moon.). grog po 1. SANST a deep ravine in which a torrent flows; the sides of such ravines are termed gad-pa, chu chen pos brus nas byung ba'i grog po'am|gad pa yang zer that which is caused by the erosion of great waters is also styled grogs-po or gad-pa. grog spu v. grog ma , ant (Oag. 52). (EEE The original inserts the phrase "to grog-sbu" immediately after the headword; it has been omitted here to avoid confusion as it appears to have no meaning.) (EEE The original reads "v. grog ma ," try the alternative spelling of grog 3.) grog tshang = grog ma'i tshang ant-hill. grog zhing I: or 'brog zhing cultivation in uneven narrow ground away from villages or gen. in wild places where cattle are pastured. II: rma dang gzer skrangs chu sri sel n. of medicine which cures obstruction of the urine; a kind of moss growing on the sides of chorten, and old walls, etc. grog gYang lateral gully on hill-side: grog chu , brook; rivulet, v. grog po 3. grog gzar a torrent pouring down a ravine. grogs SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a friend, companion, fellow labourer, assistant; paramour, also husband; kha grogs a seeming friend: a friend in words; a false friend; rting grogs or rnying grogs true friend, bosom friend, associate, companion, comrade, fellow; grogs khye playmate or play-fellow; dpung grogs , fellow combatants, comrades; 'dug grogs or bzhugs grogs fellow-lodger; dga' grogs , gtan grogs spouse; husband; wife; 'dod grogs or 'dod rogs sweetheart; mdza' grogs a lover; gzim grogs bed-fellow (not only concubine); dmag grogs ally, confederate (in war); las grogs colleague; journeyman; under-workman; tshig grogs an auxiliary word. [N.B.: In pop. works and colloq. language the word grogs sounded ro or rog is combined with verbs in the imp. To give a polite turn to any request; "nang-ro-nang" please give; "tˆn-rog-nang" "will you kindly show," etc. grogs ngan a bad friend. grogs dan SANST help or assistance. grogs 'dris mutual friendship. grogs po (tog-po) SANST, SANST, SANST friend; ally. grogs byed pa I: to befriend; to make friendship; to assist; to be friends. phan tshuln grogs byed pa to cultivate friendship; to be mutual friends. II: SANST, SANST assistance; aiding. grogs byed pa is synonymous with rogs ram ; in writing sometimes sdongs grogs is also used. (EEE meaning II above is rendered under the head grogs byed in the original but should be grogs byed pa by internal context.) grogs mo a female friend; also a mistress. zla mo ; na mnyam ma ; pho nya mo ; kun od mtshungs ma ; 'phrin skyel ma (Moon.). grogs bzang or grogs bzang po SANST, SANST friendship, also sweetheart. grong I: or grongs pf. of 'grong ba to die; grong 'jug resurrection bringing life to a dead body, translating the soul from one body to another: bstan 'gro'i don mdzad cing skal ldan gyi grong 'jug lan bzhir mdzad par grags shing having done service to religion, and living beings he is said to have four times performed the noble work of translating a soul from one body to another (J. Zao.). II: 1. SANST, SANST an inhabited place; a village; hamlet; also house; brgya grong a place of a hundred; stong grong thousand houses or households (J‰.); grong la 'gro SANST going or gone to the village: grong gsum mthar byed SANST he who has destroyed the three habitable spheres, the god Siva. grong khyer (doo-khyer) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a town or city; a place which is surrounded by a wall, originally a palace. That is called a country or yul where there are 100 lakhs of households, a place where there are 100,000 households is called yul 'khor or province. In a city (grong khyer ) which is gen. fortified there should be at least 10,000 households; a town with population less than 800 is called a grong in Sans. SANST. Syn. pho brang 'khor ; mi grong ; grong khyim ; lus can gnas ; dmangs 'dul gnas ; mur ga ti ; sa bskos ; od pa'i phur bu ; 'jigs med gnas ; mi bskyod gnas ; srung byed ; skyong byed (Moon.). grong khyer dgra SANST the enemy of the city, Siva. grong khyer 'jig SANST Indra. grong khyer rje = yul gyi bdag po or yul 'khor dbang sheriff, also the chief of a city; also rgyal phran a petty Raja (Moon.). grong khyer od met. for a crow. grong khyer dpal yon can * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 166). grong khyer me tog * SANST (Schr.) lit. the city of flowers; it is the same as Pataliputra or Patna. grong gi gcan gzan SANST met. for dog (Moon.). grong gi brjod pa SANST provincialism; country or rural language; grong gi nye 'khor SANST the suburbs: grong gi 'thab mo feuds and quarrels (among villagers.). grong gi bdag SANST, SANST the headman of a village. grong dra ba can SANST (grong mtha' la dra ba bskor ba ) a town surrounded with fortifications; grong gi dra ba SANST a circle or circuit of a village; fortification round a city: grong gi 'phreng ldan ma , SANST the village flower-woman: grong gi gtso bo the chief man in a town or village; a headman. grong grangs the number of houses in a village or town. grong mchog chief city; also scene; sphere. grong bsnyen a grong du mtshams bsnyen sgrub byed pa a lama who performs meditations or asceticism remaining inside a village or town; dben na mi bsten pa'i grong bsnyen dar ba dang one not performing the practice of asceticism by going to any solitude (Ya-sel. 21). grong gtam country speech or language. grong bdag = grong pa'i gtso bo the headman of a village or city. grong rdal = grong brdal SANST, SANST a large town (which is not enclosed by a wall) together with its suburbs. grong sde'i phra ma mkhan = dkrugs shing byed mkhan one who causes or excites brawls, feuds, etc., among village people or communities. grong pa a villager; one holding a house; a tenant. grong pa'i chos = pho mo 'khrig pa sexual union (Moon.). grong pa'i chos kyis ma gos pa = bu mo pho dang ma phrad pa virgin purity; a maiden not touched by a male (Sman. 289). grong dpon SANST, SANST, SANST the chief of a town or village. grong ba (dong-wa) in C. acc. to J‰. used for grang ba : cold. grong bar the middle of a village or hamlet. grong spangs SANST one who is liberated or has abandoned the life of a layman or householder. grong tshig SANST provincialism: grong tshig gis ma slad par = grong skad kyis ma 'dres par not mixed up with provincialisms. grong tsho large village; town; several hamlets taken together. grong mtsho mer mo n. of a village in the district of e in Lhokha: e lab kyi 'dab grong mtsho mer mo (Loo. za 30). grong gzhi an estate; farm (Sch.). grong yul country place (J‰.). grongs + (dong), v. 'grong ba resp. to die; rang gi shi ba la zhes byas pa is resp. for natural death. (EEE 'grong ba does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under grong 3.) grod pa or gsus pa belly; generally the paunch of ruminating animals; in colloq. language it is sometimes applied to the stomach or pho ba : mar grod butter kept in the dried paunch of a sheep. grod spom (doi-bom) a large belly; also the dried paunch of a bullcock to keep oil. gron can (don-can) disadvantageous; injurious. gron che very noxious (J‰.); gron med harmless; innoxious (Lex.). gron pa I: (don-pa) explained as 'gro sgo chen po , much expenditure; expensive; also to expend, squander: bod kyi nor mang po gron pa dang having squandered much wealth and men of Tibet: snag shog gron pa (Oag.) waste or expenditure of much paper and ink. II: explained by mi tshan che'am bzod che'am bsran che ba , applied to a great or illustrious family, to one who is very patient or for bearing, a thing that is very durable and hard. gron shas 'gro sgo item of expenditure; also the account of the distribution and lending of grain. grom pa rgyang n. of a place in Tsang which contained one of the twelve temples said to have been erected by King srong btsan sgam po (Ya-sel. 41). grol (dol) SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 5) release; deliverance. grol nyen (dol-Òin) the day when the annual assembly of the lamas dissolve. grol ston (dol-ton) a festival on the day when lamas relax after the term of the special devotions in over. grol 'dod SANST wishing to be emancipated or set free from transmigratory existence and misery, etc.; abbreviation of 'khor ba dang sdug bsngal sogs las grol bar 'dod pa . grol ba (dol-wa) pf. of 'grol ba , also sbst. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST deliverance; deliverance from worldly existence. grol ba can SANST 1. relating to emancipation; deliverance. 2. sbst. pearl: SANST that has been delivered from the oyster. Syn. mu tig ; na le sham (Moon.). grol bu'i lha lnga the five demigods or, perhaps, Naga demi-gods. grol med 'joms SANST the killer of Namuci; an epithet of Indra. gros I: = (doi) mol ba 1. advice; counsel. 2. = gtam speech; talk; bka' gros conference; committee. II: acc. to Cs. care, heed, caution. gros grogs (doi-dog) a consulting friend; anyone consulted with. gros can careful; cautious. gros gcam + 1. consultation. 2. = gros byed pa to consult. gros mthun par unanimously; by unanimous decree. gros dri sa (doi-di-sa) the place where advice may be asked; an oracle. (EEE The transliteration of the headword in the original is given as "gros hdri-sa" or gros 'dri sa . That spelling is possible but the Tibetan given in the original, shown above, is most likely.) gros 'debs pa giving advice. gros 'dri ba to ask (a person's) advice; to consult (with one). gros pa (doi-pa) adviser; counsellor; senator; also advice; gros byas pa (doi-je-pa) to have consulted; SANST consultation; conference; gros byed pa (doi-je-pa) SANST to consider; to deliberate; to resolve; decide after consideration, deliberation, etc. gros mi (doi-mi) consulting man; an adviser; sometimes in Sikkim the headman of a village. gros med without asking or consulting anybody; self-sufficient; careless; heedless. gros tshod (doi-tshoi) the real points or object of a conference: gros tshod 'dzin dang ya rabs od pa to catch the leading and salient points in a conference (Jig.). gros ya (doi-ya) a secretary; a councillor. gla wages; pay; fee or remuneration for any work done: dge slong brgya rtsa brgyad kyi 'tsho ba gla nas sbyar the maintenance of one hundred and eight monks was met from the fees (he received) (A. 61). gla ba SANST the musk deer, Moschus moschiferus, of which there are three varieties or perhaps even species in Tibet. Another species occurs in Amdo: Moschus Sifanicus; gla rna'i pags , gla ba dang rna ba'i pags pa the skin of the Nao antelope and the musk deer. Syn. dri bzang dbang po ; gla rtsi can ; sa lus ; rlung bsreg (Moon.). gla gor zho sha n. of a fruit. gla blangs pa has taken or received his wages for work. gla sgang SANST, SANST n. of medicinal herb; SANST Cyperus rotundus: SANST the root of Cyperus pertennis. gla rngan abbr. of gla dang rngan pa , wages and remuneration. gla pa or gla po or gla bu one who works on wages; a servant employed on a fixed salary; also a day labourer or hired workman; gYog gla SANST service money; salary. gla phor a kind of tree the wood of which is good in turning and for making plates and cups. gla phrug the young one of a musk-deer. gla mi SANST, SANST a servant; a hired workman. gla mo 1. a hired female servant. 2. musk-doe: gla ba'i nor bus sbrul sogs dug srung byed the jewel of the musk deer (the musk pod) is protection against snake poison, etc. gla rtsi SANST, SANST, SANST musk gla rtsi gro yi tshig ma 'dra musk is like burnt wheat-grains: gla rtsi 'jam mkhregs dri che bzang the musk that is slightly soft, tough besides being of strong scent, is good: gla rtsis dug srin mkhal nad gnyan tshad sel musk eradicates snake-poison, kidney disease, plague. Syn. ri ags lte ba ; sbrul skrag byed ; myos pa'i mtshan ma ; dri yi thod ; dri yi gos can ; ri ags chang ; ri ags rtsi ; gla ba'i nor bu (Moon.). gla tsi'i me tog n. of a flower, the Pedicularis megalantha. gla lto food and wages. glag or bya glag a bird described as resembling an eagle, but smaller than the vulture and larger than the hawk, of blackish chocolate colour; carries away kids and lambs. This bird is numerous in Mongolia, Central Tibet and Kham. Probably the lammergayer. glag khra mo a spotted species of eagle. glag pa + = lhag pa upper or back part or side: mgo'i ltag pa the crown or upper part of the head. Defined as gri dang sta ri'i ltag pa , the upper back part or blunt side of a knife or axe. glag pa lam n. of a place in Tibet (Deb.). glags SANST opportunity, occasion, possibility: glags 'tshol ba to seek for an opportunity: da glags rnyed par 'dug now the favourable time seems to have come; esp. opportunity of doing harm to another, of getting a hold on him (J‰.): glags rnyed par mi 'gyur he will not get an opportunity to do you harm. gzod glags med intolerable; insupportable: gso glags med there is no possibility of helping him; he is incurable (J‰): glags mi khel not able to do injury or some interruption to one's actions. glags pa + to go; be going; to proceed; to be on the point of. glang I: n. of a place in Tibet. II: SANST, SANST 1. ox; bullock. 2. one of the signs of the Zodiac, the Bull: glang gi mkhris pas sbyar dug mig la phog par phan the bile of the ox is useful when contagious poison strikes upon the eye: glang gi mcher bas rma dang dug la phan the spleen of the ox is useful in sores and poisons: glang gi mkhal mas mkhal tshabs sel the kidney of the ox removes kidney diseases: glang gi khrag gis dug byer sdud the blood of the ox (with food) draws out blood poison. Syn. 'gro byed ; 'dren byed ; stobs ldan ; bzang po ; khya mchog (Moon.). III: or glang thabs , also called gzer glang , colic, gripes, spasms in the stomach and similar affections (J‰.). glang thabs or glo bur , 1. sudden; suddenly: glang thabs kyi dgras ded pa was suddenly defeated by the enemy. 2. n. of a disease, prob. hysterical fit. glang khyim SANST, SANST a shed or fold where cows are kept; an ornamented gateway. glang khyu mchog SANST a bull; ox. glang khyu ba SANST a bull kept for breeding purpose. (EEE The headword in the original is given as glang khya ba with transliteration of "glao-khyu-wa"; the transliteration is correct so the typographical error in the original's headword has been corrected that shown.) glang glad 1. the brains of the bullock or ox. 2. in Tsang = soap. glang rgod a wild ox. This term is applied in Tibet to the buffalo (in Tib. mAa he ). glang chen = glang po che SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the elephant; elephant in rut: glang chen pags pas 'brum nag nad la phan the skin of the elephant is useful in black smallpox: glang po rjes su mthun pa'i rdzas so so'i ming i.e., the names of various apparatus necessary for an elephant are the following:- shram SANST; shrim ga ma SANST, glang po'i rgyan ; 'dogs pa'i ka ba ; aa la na ; SANST the post to which an elephant is tied; lcags kyu the conductor's hook; shri Ni , SANST; mchil ba ; bri kSa ka kSa ba ra Ta SANST or glang po'i thag pa . hka ko gdza dza SANST = 'bod pa zhis 'dug (Moon.). Syn. so ldan ; so gnyis ; lag ldan ; gnyis 'thung ; mang po 'thung ; myos bum can ; nags tshal dga' ; mche ba stobs ldan ; sa lud nyal ; thig le can ; 'khor lo'i rkang ; dza la ka ; myos rngul can ; dbyug pa'i rna can ; mchod rten byed ; stobs ldan . glang chen thal dkar the white elephant, or one having a white forehead; the chief of the elephants (Oag.): glang chen mkhris pas dug gis sha skam gso the bile of the elephant cures emaciation caused by poison, etc.: glang chen sha yis gdon nad sel bar byed the flesh of elephant (taken as food) cures the diseases attributed to devils (in W.). glang chen rtsi SANST the secretion of the elephant; also elephant musk. Syn. gi wang (in magic) or gab yig mystic term (Mio. 3). glang mjing yon a name of Prince sad na legs mjing yon , son of King khri srong lde'u btsan . He was so called on account of his prowess: mjing pa yon pa sku dbang che bas glang mjing yon du grags . glang to the Indian bull (Bos taurus Indicus). glang thang n. of a plain to the east of Lhasa. glang thug or glang 'og can a bull (not castrated): glang thug rwa cos mgo chag la phan the horn of uncastrated bull is useful in the fracture of the head: glang thug nag rwa cos mdze la phan par byed the horn of a black uncastrated bull is used in leprosy: glang gi rwa gzhob mchin pa'i tsha ba sel the ashes of a burnt bull's horn taken internally cures inflamation of the liver. glang dar ma 1. a youthful ox. 2. n. of the King of Tibet who persecuted the Buddhists in the ninth century A.D. glang 'ded = thong mkhan the husbandman, a rustic. glang po skyong = glang rdzi SANST a cow-herd; one who tends or looks after cows (Moon.). glang po mchog SANST the chief of the elephants, lit. a scent-elephant. Syn. glang po'i rgyal ; spos kyi glang po ; khya yi mgon po ; khya yi bdag po ; thal kar ; mche ba drug ldan ; gnyis 'thung dbang po (Moon.). glang po gtum po = glang po myon pa a wild, mad elephant (Moon.). glang po 'dod pas dregs pa = glang po rgod wild elephant; an elephant turned wild and mad for union with a she-elephant. Syn. chags pas myos pa ; lcags kyus gdul dka' ba ; gYo ba can ; glang po rgod ; glang po chang ges myos pa ; glang po che gtum po ; chang gis dregs pa ; glang bzi ; glang po smyon pa . gla po sna'i gling snad n. of a place within the district of Shiga-tse in Tsang. glang po shongs n. of a place (in Tib.); also one which was situated near the ancient city of Kapilavastu. glang po'i kha lo pa = glang rdzi conductor of an elephant (Moon.). glang po'i rgyal po = glang po mchog (Moon.). glang po'i stobs SANST n. of a very powerful giant-like king; spang rten mang 'dzin glang po'i stobs (Ya-sel. 57). glang po'i gnas = glang po che'i gnas the stable where elephants are kept (Moon.). glang phran = glang phrug a young elephant (\Moon.). glang bres SANST ox-manger; glang po'i bres elephant-stall. glang ma 1. a medicinal plant: glang mas mo nad dang ni tshad pa sel cures fever and female diseases. 2. a large kind of alpine willow. glang mo or lag ldan ma she-elephant: glang mo'i 'o mas rab tu brtan par byed the milk of a she-elephant is very sustaining: glang mo'i pags pas mo nad dang tshad pa sel the skin of a she-elephant cures female disease and fever. glang dmar a stallion ox: glang dmar thug po'i gson khrag dron mo yis|dug nad rtsa yi 'bros 'phrang sdom par byed| with the warm blood of a living stallion ox the circulation of poison in the blood can be neutralized. glang rdzi I: SANST a cow-keeper; a chief herdsman. II: SANST keeper of an elephant; keeper of cows; Krishna. Syn. glang po'i kha lo pa ; glang po skyong (Moon.). glang gYag dri ldan 1. gi wang SANST the musk-like, scented secretion in the brains or in the stomach of an elephant. 2. = dom mkhris bear's bile (Sman. 353). glang ri lung bstan n. of a Sutra in the Kahgyur, said to have been delivered by Buddha when on a visit to Li-yul. glang ru a bullock's horn; also a large forked stick used by the Tibetan soldiers to rest the musket on when firing. glang lung gnas khra mo n. of a place in Kham. glang shing = glang ma shing or mdzo mo shing a kind of tree growing largely in Tibet, the leaves of which are burnt as incense (gab ming mystical term) (Mio.). glang shu a kind of sore-hoof. glangs khams pa n. of a learned lama come from a place called Glao-Khams, who was invited by King khri srong lde'u btsan to his capital on account of the fame of his learning. glad or glad pa SANST the head; brains; cf. klad 3: glad la on the top, on the head; also used as postposition in the sense of over, close over: chu'i glad la close above the river or water. glad rgya = glad pa'i rtsa the veins of the brain. glad pa generally written as klad pa (Sch.), cf. lhad 3 or 3slad pa 3. glan pa also glon pa 1. to patch up; to mend; gos sogs la rdol bug yod pa = lhan glan pa to sew up or patch up torn clothes, etc. (Oag.); glan brgyab pa to sew on a patch. 2. to return; lan an answer to reply; rejoin (Lex.). 3. colloquial for glen pa . glan glen v. glen pa 3 dumb. glam pa + or rnam bu 'thug po a kind of thick blanket. glal ba 1. to yawn or gape: 'ga' dor 'gying ba'i brda' a relaxation of the body by stretching the limbs and yawning. 2. a terrific attitude or posture of sitting: sems ge rnam bskyings = seng ge glal ba a lion's attitude on his vanquished foe is called glal-wa. glas 'tsho ba one who subsists on salary or wages. gling I: SANST, SANST a kind of sacred grass. II: 1. SANST, SANST island; isolated place; limb or part of the globe; division of lands, large or small; continent, in fabulous Indian sense: gling gzhan nas skyes pa tshul byed mi 'dra ba SANST being of other continents they are of a different manner of birth. III: a large monastery; a monastery isolated in its greatness and separate from other jurisdiction. gling chen bcu gnyis the twelve continents according to Bon cosmography are the following:- (1) gYung drung bkod pa'i gling (shar ); (2) dga' ldan lha yi gling (gYas ); (3) 'dul ba khrims kyi gling (gYon ); (4) bdud 'dul sngags kyi gling (gYas ); (5) tshad med bya ba gling (lho ); (6) sbyin pa mtha' yas gling (gYon ); (7) mi gYo bsam gtan gling (nub ); (8) dge rgyas yon nyan gling (gYas ); (9) tshad med byams pa'i gling (gYon ); (10) gnod sbyin nor gyi gling (byang ); (11); yon tan rgyas pa'i gling (gYas ); (12) rin chen spungs pa'i gling (gYon ); or 'ol mo gling (dbus )Hol-mo glin (G. Bon. 5). The seventeen sub-continents attached to the twelve continent are the following:- (1) rgyal rigs rgyal sa 'dzin pa'i gling ; (2) rje'u bkod pa'i gling ; (3) drang srong 'gro 'dul gling ; (4) mya ngan med pa'i gling ; (5) brem ze gtsang ba'i gling ; (6) brem ze has mo gling ; (7) 'bri mig mtsho yi gling ; (8) dmangs rigs gdol ba'i gling ; (9) stobs chen gyad kyi gling ; (10) aa ba da ra'i gling ; (11) 'gro ba 'dul ba'i gling ; (12) khri dang 'thab pa'i gling ; (13) rgya lag 'od ma'i gling ; (14) rgyal mo mo khrom gling ; (15) mkha' 'gro mi rkun gling (16) mi'am ci yi gling ; (17) lha klu man Z spre'u gling (G. Bon. 6). gling ka a garden or pleasure grove. gling ngan dispute; quarrel. gling dkar rdzong n. of a district in Tibet. gling dar SANST n. of a kind of cloud. gling ldan ma , mtsho SANST, SANST a lake which contains islands. gling bu SANST, SANST a reed-pipe; a musical reed; flageolet; the common musical instrument of herdsmen, and consists of two pipes joined together; phred gling flute; piccolo-flute, mostly of metal; dge gling , generally written rgya gling a larger musical instrument like a hautboy, used in sacred ceremonies; rkang gling trumpet made of the human femoral bone. gling ma SANST the margin of a lake or river. gling yags pa n. of the chief priest of Galdan who was born at Glio-yags. gling log revolution; internal dissension: der 'bri khung pa la gling log chen po byung there arose much civil disturbance there in Dikhuo, i.e., among the members of the Hbri-khuo monastery. glu SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST song; ditty; also a tune; glu gar dang rjes su 'brel ba dag accompaniments of musical performance, etc.; £ ra ta , SANST; gar dag an actor; a stage-player; rkang pa'i stabs sgy ur falling of the feet at the music or cadence of the song; gar gyi gtso bo stage-master; rnga pa the drummer; rnga brdung drum beater; pheb rdob pa , SANST; thal mo rdob the clapper; gling bu ba trombone blower; gling bu mkhan the flute-player; pi wang guitar, violin; pi wa mkhan the violin player; glu ba the singer; gar mkhan dancer; 'gyur bag mkhan one who shows various appearances in different dresses such as the clown, etc. (Moon.). glu sgra time in singing. glu chung a little song; ditty. glu snyan len pa to sing a sweet song. glu dbyangs SANST singing; glu dbyangs kyi nges pa bdun the seven kinds of harmonical pitch or measures of the compass of the musical tones. These are:- bar ma SANST, drang srong SANST, sa 'dzin SANST, drug ldan SANST, lnga pa SANST; blo gsal SANST, 'khor nyan SANST. Then, too, there are various definitions of songs and modes of singing. Such are: rgyud dang mgrin las skyes pa'i dbyangs|'khor nyan glang po'i sgra lta bu|khyu mchog ba glang skad kyi spos|dri 'dzin (sna skad )skyes ni ra yi skad|drug skyes rma bya'i skad ltar sgrogs|bar ma khrung khrung sgra sgrogs bzhin|blo gsal rta skad lta bur 'tsher|lnga pa me tog ldan dus su|khu byug sgrogs pa lta bu'o||rtsed mo rlom par blang ba ni|lnga pa dang ni bar ma'i dbyangs|dpa' po drag po lnga pa dang ngo mtshar du, drug skyes khyu mchog de bzhin no||sa 'dzin pa dang 'khor nyan dbyangs|snying rje'i ro la blangs par bya|'thab mo 'jigs dang bcas pa la|blo gsal dbyangs ni blangs ba'o|. (EEE the text "drug ldan SANST, lnga pa SANST; bla gsal blo-gsal" in the original was corrected to blo gsal in accordance with the transliterated form and the explanatory text quoted beyond that.) glu dbyangs kyi khang pa SANST a stage; a place where singing is done. glu dbyangs mkhan a singer; one who sings or instructs in singing. Syn. glu len pa glu mkhan (Moon.). glu res alternate songs. (EEE The original has the Tibetan headword gla res but considering the transliteration "glu-res" and the context, it is an error and has been corrected.) glu len ma = glu mkhan ma a songstress. glud a thing given as a ransom; srog gi glud a ransom for life: kho'i glud du lug brgya gsod slaughter a hundred sheep as a ransom for him, glud la btang to ransom a scape-goat. glud tshab the ransom offered to some malignant spirit, consisting of one's effigy made of barley or wheat-straw, and its interior filled with grain, edibles, cloth, medicines, and precious articles such as gold, silver or coins, and then thrown in the direction from which the evil spirit is supposed to have come. There are several varieties of this kind of ceremony. glum or spang glum fresh fermented rice, barley, or wheat, used instead of malt in brewing beer. chang btsos phab btab bsnyal nas langs pa chang gi glum mam spang glum yang zer . gle a small uncultivated island; also a grove; same as tshal or gling ka . gle 'dams ma 1. one having the disease in which urine and fúcal matter pass together, i.e., by the rectum (K. du. da 413). 2. = SANST; mtshan med ma ning a hermaphrodite having neither the sign of male nor of female. glegs table; plate; board; any flat piece: sgo glegs gzhug go there was a door panel placed. glegs chab a buckle, clasp or ring attached to the thong. glegs thag a thong, &c., fastened round a book. glegs bam SANST, SANST a volume; a book; leaves placed between flat boards. glegs bu 1. a label; explained as chos gos la gling gling gru bzhi bcad pa'i gra bkag pa a square or rectangular piece of cloth or paper put as label containing the name of books, chapters, pages, etc. (Oag.). 2. a tablet. 3. bka'i eglegs bu or bka' shog a diploma; zangs kyi glegs bu copper plate or tableca. glegs ma v. glegs 3. glegs shing the wooden boards which in Tibetan book supply the binding. gleng ba or glengs pa SANST to say, converse, relate, describe: gtam du gleng ba or gsung gleng ba to relate a story: lam la ma thar zhes glengs nas as the word was sent, the road is not passable! gtam gleng ba ni bdag gis byas I have made this speech: gcig gleng gnyis gleng rim pas mched de btsun mo'i bar du gleng zhing the rumour spreading from one to another, until it came before the lady. chos kyi sgrog gleng byed pa to preach religious discourses; gros gleng council; consultation. gleng ba po or gleng mo mkhan a story-teller. gleng 'bum a hundred thousand stories; the title of a book in the Hdul-wa division of the Kahgyur or Tibetan Buddhist scriptures, which contains different stories on the behaviour of devotees, monks, nuns, &c., who adopted the Buddhist faith, and who violated the rules of monastic discipline laid down by Buddha. gleng mo or lab gleng , gleng brjod SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST talk; conversation; story; account. gleng gzhi or gleng bslangs pa SANST, SANST any subject; primary cause: gleng gzhi 'di la SANST in this narration. 1. narration. 2. the subject of a discourse (Cs.). 3. table of contents; index. 4. place, scene of a conversation or discourse. glen lkugs abbr. of glen pa dang lkugs pa , very stupid and idiotic: glen lkugs bkol od kyi sdug bsngal the misery of being stupid, of dumbness and servitude. glen pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST stupid, foolish, ignorant; a thick-headed fool; an idiot: byol song las kyang glen pa more stupid than a brute: khyod rnams re glen fools that you are each of you: glen pa gti mug can muddled ones. Syn. ldar ba ; glan glen ; mi gsal ba ; lto 'gengs ; le lo ba ; tha shal (Moon.). gleb pa pf. glebs , to make flat, plain (Cs.); leb mor gleb make flat. glebs pa + SANST to trample; to tread down; to press down by the feet (Oag.). glem pa to press, squeeze; to crush, squash (J‰.). glo or ldo , in Ld. resp. gzhogs , 1. the side, esp. of the body: glos phab pa to lie down on one's side. 2. a cough. glo dkar or 'thong ka SANST a small window in (the side of) a house to let in light. glo bkra n. of a country in Tibet (Jig.). glo lkogs pa SANST to cough; to clear the throat. glo skar = glo dkar or skar khung a small door or window. glo kha n. of a colour like the blood of the lungs; pale-red. glo khug a small money-bag attached to the sash or girdle of a Tibetan. glo 'gogs pa = glo 'khogs pa or glo rgyag pa to cough; to feel stifled (Moon.). glo 'grams SANST, n. of a disease. glo rgyas a disease of the lungs; asthma. glo gcong a disease of the lungs which increases during the night. glo dong wind-pipe (Cs.). glo rdog glo bur sudden (Oag.). glo rdol = rnag rdol excessive expectoration. glo spir n. of kind of shield: kul dkar phub ni rab la zho lnga ste|glo spir zho re phub skor zho phyed yin| the best Kul-dkar shield costs five sho and that of Glo-spir cost a sho for each disk on it (Jig.). glo phug place where things are keptóeither in a wall or a corner of house, &c.: byis pa des gser rnams glo phug cig na phar bzhag| that boy kept the gold in a nichÈ. glo ba SANST the lungs; glo ba bu lnga the five anterior lobes of the lungs; glo ba ma lnga the five posterior lobes of the lungs. glo bur SANST sudden; adv. glo bur du suddenly; all on a sudden; instantaneously: glo bur du mi mang po shi ba'i sdug bsngal the misery or calamity of many men dying suddenly. glo bur du 'ongs pa SANST one who has come all on a sudden; glo bur ba'i don the signification of suddenness. glo bur rgyal po a name of the King of Tibet about 900 years ago. glo bur nad a disease that arises suddenly. glo bur ba suddenness. glo 'bur SANST a projection; uprising: 'bur du sdod pa to rise up into sitting posture. glo spab wind-pine. glo la ba convulsions of the lungs; cough. glog SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST lightning; flash of lightning; sprin phan tshun 'thab pa las byung ba that produced from the concussion or collision of clouds. The names of different kinds of lightning are mentioned in the Kahgyur:- glog gzi brjid can the lightning with flash; glog stug 'od the lightning of dense lustre, sheet-lightning; glog mdzes phreng can the lightning of beautiful strings or zig-zags, &c. (K g. tha 115). The lightning that comes from the south is called skad brgya pa , that of a hundred rattles; that coming from the west is called 'od nyams pa , that of fading lustre; that which comes from the north is called rgyun gyi bdag po lord of streaming flashes (K. g. na, 324). Syn. 'jug pa brgya pa ; gzhi sngon skyes ; sprin gyi lcug ma ; gser 'od can ; lus phra ; bde 'thung ; skad cig 'od ; cig gsal ba (Moon.). glog ldan SANST full of lightning; flashed cloud. glong thang n. of a place in Tibet proper and also in Kham. glong thang sgron ma'i lha khang n. of a monastery and temple in Kham. glog pa SANST silver. glog pa'i nad n. of a disease mentioned in grammpar, but not found in the medical works. Acc. to J‰. glog nad is another name of the disease called lhog pa = cancer. glod pa = lhad pa to relax; to loosen bcings pa glod = bsdams ba glod slacken binding; sems glod pa to relax the mind, be at ease; glod la rgyun du bzhugs you may stay here always with easy mind; ma bzung ma glod bar without any regard to taking or giving. glon pa or glan pa 1. to return an answer; to reply. 2. to patch, mend. glos pa + or rmongs pa stupidity; ignorance. glos phab pa to lie on one side or on the side: lus kyis gzhogs phab nas glang nyal ba lta bu to lie on the side like an ox lying down. dgag pa fut. of 'gegs pa to hinder. dgag pa dang bral ba = dggs pa med SANST open; without let or hindrance; unobstructed. dgag phye v. dgag dbye byed 3. dgag dbye = dgag phye SANST stopped; obstructed. dgag dbye byed SANST one who stops or obstructs. dgag tshig or dgag pa'i tshig SANST word of prohibition; objection. dgang dka' ba khengs dka' ba , SANST hard to fill up. dgang ba fut. of 'gengs pa , to fill; fill up. dgang blug SANST a ladle to pour butter in sacrificial fire. dgang gzar SANST sacrificial spoon or ladle: sbyin sreg blugs byed kyi gzar bu dang skyog lta bu there are two kinds of spoons in homa sacrificial fire, one is large called Dgao gzar, and the other smaller blug-gzar, which is used to pour butter on fire. dgang gzar shing n. of a tree, the tree resembling tiger's feet. Syn. stag gi rkang pa ; tsher ma zhim ; sa 'tsho ; tshig mang (Moon.). dgang sla ba full to the brim; replete: snod du khengs ma khengs . dgab pa fut. of 'gebs pa . dgab bya garment; dress (Moon.). dga' ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. delight; happiness; joy. 2. vb. n. to rejoice; dga' ba yin pa to be pleased; dga' ba ma yin pa to be displeased; also dga' bar byed pa to make glad: mi dga'o was displeased: rab tu dga' nas rejoicing greatly. Syn. mgu ba ; rangs pa ; spro ba ; shin tu dga' ; yang dag dga' , yid rang ; dgyes pa ; mnyes pa ; tshim pa ; bde skyid ; yid bde ; sems snum pa ; rab dga' ; 'dzo ster ba (Moon.). dga' rkyang n. of a large numerical figure (Ya-sel. 75). dga' skyes SANST very pleased; glad. dga' skyo zul gsum the abbreviation of the names of the three places situated to the west of Lhasa, viz., dga' ba gdong , skyo mo lung and zul bo , in each of which there is a monastery. dga' grogs lover; spouse; wife; an intimate friend (Moon.). dga' dgu SANST intercourse; association; merriment; dga' dgur od pa SANST to perform conjugal rites; also to indulge in sexual enjoyment. dga' can gyi mdo the Sutra of dga' ba can in (K. d. la 421), which contains:- srog gcod pa'i nyes dmigs bcu (10); rdzun du smra ba'i nyes dmigs bcu ; (10); chang 'thung ba'i nyes dmigs sum bcu so lnga (35); ma byin par len pa'i nyes dmigs bcu (10); log par gYem pa'i nyes dmigs bcu (10). dga' ston SANST, SANST, SANST festival. Syn. mchod pa ; dus ston ; rgod ; nyer dga' (Moon.). dga' ston skyes producing mirth. dga' ston sbyin SANST an astrologer; water. dga' bde colloq. "gan-de," joy and happiness. dga' dar or dga' ba'i kha gtags a scarf presented for pleasing or consoling; a scarf of congratulation. dga' gdong n. of a monastery near Daipung which has an oracle and a divinity called Ga-dong Chokyong, whose duty it is to cause rain during a drought. dga' ldan I: SANST a paradise of the Buddhists; the residence of those sainted beings who enjoy beatitude, which is the peculiar privilege of the Mahayana Buddhists. It is presided over by the coming Buddha, now the Bodhisattva Maitreya. The gods residing in it are said to live 4,000 years, the duration of a day of which is equal to 400 human years; and the length of one's body is a furlong (Sorig.). mgon po byams pas lugs gnyis kyi rgyal srid mdzad nas theg pa chen po'i chos kyi dga' ba dang ldan pas na dga' ldan te|de na gnas pa rnams kyi lus kyi tshad ni rgyang grangs yin la tshe tshad ni mi lo bzhi brgya la zhag tu byas pa'i rang lo bzhi stong thub bo| owing to Lord Maitreyas' spiritual and temporal rule the celestial people are possessed of the joy of a righteous life. II: (pronounced Gandan) the great monastery of Gandan situated 35 miles N. E. of Lhasa, which was founded by the Buddhist reformer Tsong-kha-pa. It contains twenty-six divisions or wards for the residence of monks. grwa sa dga' ldan the quarters for the residence of the monks of Gandan are divided into two sections 1. called grwa tshang gong byang rtse which has the following divisions or khams tshan :- (1) har gdong ; (2) bsam glo ; (3) kre bo ; (4) tsha pa ; (5) gser khang ; (6) rdo ra ; (7) klu 'bum ; (8) brag nyi ; (9) spa ti ; (10) rgyal rong ; (11) go ba ; (12) kong po ; (13) mnga' ris (Loo. 'a 14). 2. called grwa tshang 'og shar rtse which has the following divisions or khams tshan :- (1) rdo khang ; (2) pho khang ; (3) lho pa ; (4) nyag re ; (5) co ne ; (6) the bo ; (7) zung chu ; (8) sog po ; (9) rta 'on ; (10) mnga' ris ; (11) cha pa ; (12) nyang po ; (13) gung ru (Loo. 'a 14). The name Gandan is generally fixed before the names of monasteries and institutions which belong to the Dgah-ldan-pa or Gelug-pa sect. dga' ldan khang gsar 1. formerly the residence of King Dpon-po Mi-Dwao: dpon po dbang gi pho brang near Lhasa (Loo. 'a, 18). 2. the residence of king Dgah-ldan Tshe-wao is situated to the back of the royal monastery of Tsho-mo glio in Lhasa: rgyal po dga' ldan tshe dbang gi pho brang de lha sa mtsho mo gling gi rgyab la yod| (Rtsii.). dga' ldan khri pa the lineal successor to Tsong-kha-pa in the ecclesiastical throne of the great monastery of Gandan. He is the chief of the ordinary non-incarnate lamas and occupies the third place in the hierarchical precedence of Tibet. dga' ldan chos 'khor gling n. of monastery in Higher Tibet. It is a very common name by which serval monasteries are designated. dga' ldan phun tshogs gling the monastery of Phuntso Ling situated to the west of Tashi-lhunpo in Tsang. It contains a large number of block-prints and religious works. It was (formerly) Lama Taranatha's monastery. gtsang bkra shis lhun po'i nub la yod|jo nang tA rAa nA tha'i dgon pa yin|sku gsung thugs rten dang |chos kyi par mang po yod|. dga' ldan pho brang also called sde pa gzhung the Government-house in Lhasa, also the Government of Lhasa (Rtsii. 14). dga' od SANST entertainment; merriment; also good behaviour. dga' spro can SANST possessed of cheerfulness and enthusiasm. dga' ba 'khyil ba 1. SANST the all-good; that exists by itself; the emblem of purity; purity typified. 2. n. of a gem. 3. the king's palace. Syn. gYung drung ; rgyal po'i pho brang (Moon.). dga' ba brgya pa (khyab 'jug gi ming ) one of the names of Virnu; one of a hundred joys (Moon.). (EEE The transliteration of the headword in the original, "Dgah-wa brga-pa", is incorrect; the Tibetan is correct and has not been altered here.) dga' ba can SANST cheerful; merry. Syn. dga' ba myong = 'khrig pa or khyim pa'i chos sexual enjoyment (Moon.). dga' ba dman pa sordid pleasure; one delighting in sexual pleasures; met. a cock. dga' ba bzhi the four pleasures or delights are the following:- (1) lkog ma mi bde glu la dga' ; (2) dmangs rigs stan mtho la dga' ; (3) dbul po gtong la dga' ; (4) zhing rgan po gzhin nu ma la dga' . dga' ba 'od 'phro n. of Atisa's residence at Nye-thang near Lhasa: jo bo'i gzims chung dga' ba 'od 'phro zhes pa'i gling | (A. 98). dga' ba'i grags pa I: SANST the Brahmana at whose request the Kashmirian poet Kshemendra wrote Avadana Kalpalata and several other Sanskrit poems. * II: SANST (Schr.; Bull. 184, 294). (EEE I above is mistakenly numbered II in the original.) dga' ba'i bu ga SANST the female organ. dga' ba'i dbang po SANST; khyab 'jug a name of Virnu (Moon.). dga' ba'i tshal = rgyal po'i skyed tshal royal gardens; also SANST the celestial gardens. dga' ba'i bzhin (yul ljongs ) n. of a place; shar phyogs the Orient, the East (K. d. ra 267). dga' ba'i ro SANST sexual enjoyment. dga' ba'i bshes gnyen * SANST (Schr.). dga' ba'i sa gzhi the female organ. Syn. mo rtags ; mo mtshan (Moon.). dga' ba'i slad SANST for the sake of pleasure. dga' bar byed = dga' grogs or mdza' grogs or khyo bo a friend; sweetheart; a husband (Moon.). dga' bas bcings SANST love-bound; bond of love. dga' bo * I: SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 69). dga' byed SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST Rama, the hero of the epic Ramayana; n. of a cloud. dga' byed snyan pa * SANST n. pr. (Schr.; Ta. 2 102), dear to or fond of Nanda (the delightful). dga' byed dgra sta can SANST the third accepted incarnation of Virnu; his other names are:- dpa' bo dza ma ; aag ni'i sras ; dbang chen ; rtul bzang skyes ; mtshon cha mkhan ; srid sgrub ; lus skyes ; gcod byed ; rdul can ma'i bu ; ngan spong skyes ; pha lad ; aa ga ni dga' byed (Moon.). dga' byed shing SANST the tree called i zhur shing . Syn. gdung byed ; lus ngan ; ku Ni; 'od ldan ; 'khyog po (Moon.). dga' 'byams SANST she who is full of enjoyment; a number. dga' ma SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the beautiful; a name of Rati, the wife of Cupid; dga' ma'i bdag SANST the husband of Rati. dga' mo SANST good; lovely. dga' tshang = yag po , bzang po and legs pa good; fine; handsome: de'i nang na dngos po dga' tshang cig yod kyang among them there was one article which was very pretty (A. 14). dga' tshad pa = sems dga' tshor byas pa to be sufficiently pleased (Khrid. 32). dga' bzhi pa SANST possessed of the four joysópiety, wealth, men and lands: chos nor mi sa bzhi 'dzom pa'i dga' bzhi pa . dga' yas SANST boundless joy or pleasure. dga' yi skye bar SANST born or grown out of joy or enjoyment. dga' rab rdo rje n. of a celebrated Lama of the Rdsog-chen sect of the RÒio-ma School (Grub. kha 13). dga' rab dbang phyug the Lord of Love, Cupid. dga' rings SANST met. for the hog ["long in copulation"; a dog]S. dgar 1. n. of a place; n. of a district in Tibet. 2. = dga' bar , rang dgar at pleasure, ad libitum; frq. ci dgar what is your pleasure; according to J‰. why? dgar ba SANST to separate; confine; place apart (men, cattle, goods): dgar bya'i phyugs cattle, to be penned in a fold. (Cs.). gnas nas dgar ba to banish from a place; to exile; dgar ba'i don du in special sense; in particular (Sch.). In W. "gar-te bor-ce" to set apart, exclude, shut out; to lock up; shut up; to lay up or by; to preserve (J‰); Dgar-rgya co-ce to store up. dgal ba fut. of 'gel ba . dgas pa v. 'gas pa 3; ser ga dgas pa to have cracks or be cracked. dgu 1. nine; dgu bcu or dgu bcu tham pa ninety. 2. as met. = many: dgus thabs gsags gathered by many efforts, with great difficulty. 3. also sign of plural: khams gsum skye dgu the people of the three worlds: mi 'di mi shes dgu shes pa 'dug this man says many things he knows not. mi shes dgu shes po| one who knows everything; zer dgu or smras dgu many talks; many things to say; skye dgu'i bdag po SANST the lord of all living beings; skye dgu'i bdag mo SANST, SANST the name of the step-mother who nursed Gautama Buddha; yod dgu those that are; the existing many or beings; nor yod dgu cog the goods that one has; property; bzang dgu the many good and brave; also lus 'dod dgur sgy ur ba to be changed, transformed ad libitum; ngan dgu thub pa one who can suppress the wicked; also to overcome every evil: mi byed dgu byed mi yong dgu yong according to Cs., J‰., if you do many things which ought not to be done, many things will take place which ought not to take place; shi ba yid kyi dgu la mi byed de not counting upon death among things to be thought of; dgu khri the chair or conveyance for the many, i.e., for the dead; litter; bier (J‰). dgu gling bcu gnyis the twelve continents inhabited by living beings. Here dgu would seem to act as mere plural sign. dgu gtor offerings made to evil spirits on the 29th day of the last month of the Tibetan calendar in the monasteries of Tibet. dgon pa rnams su lo re bzhin zla ba bcu gnyis pa'i nyi shu dgu la gtor ma 'phang pa la dgu gtor zer|de dus 'cham brgyab pa sogs ltad mo chen po yong |. dgu thub able to subdue the many; one full of resources; the all conquering one. dgu pa the ninth; having, comprising, measuring nine, e.g., khru dgu pa measuring nine cubits (in length, height, etc.); dgu bo SANST the ninth, the nine, those nine; lan dgu nine times. dgu phrugs or dgu sdebs a stage of meditation which is dependent upon the regulation of the breath; rlung sgom pa'i dus su dang po The first stage in the regulation of the breath in the art of meditative concentration. dgu ba 1. vb. to bend; to make crook. 2. sbst. the act of bending, stooping, bowing; inflection. 3. adj. bent; stooping. dgu rtsegs n. of a yellow flower (Cs.). dgu tshigs or dgu tshigs skya mo the milky-way constellation. Syn. nam mkha'i skye rags ; gnod sbyin kha rlangs (Moon.). dgu zi glang po sna n. of the enchanted sword of Gri-gum btsan-po; one of the early kings of Tibet who was assassinated (Yig. 58). dgu gzhung n. of a place in Tibet (Rtsii. 70). dgug pa v. 'gug pa . (EEE 'gug pa does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see 'gugs pa 3.) dgug byang urgent call; dgug gzhug = dgug shugs id. dgung SANST generally applied to midnight, but at times to noon as well. Sometimes is made equivalent to gung but properly speaking dgung signifies sublimity, loftiness and also profundity; and gung signifies the middle part, centre. nyin dgung mtshan dgung is sometimes written as nyin gung mtshan gung |. The direct sense occurs in ri mthon po dgung la snyegs pa , a high mountain rising aloft; dgung sngon nam mkha'i dbyings su = nyin mo'i dgung at noon, the middle of the day (Oag.). dgung khag division of time. dgung mkha' midnight sky. dgung char = char pa rain (Moon.). dgung snying a year; a year of one's life. dgung thig the meridian line; dgung thig gi dkyil 'khor the meridian circle. dgung du or dgung la gshegs pa gone to heaven, i.e., dead. dgung bdun seven nights; a week. dgung do nub this evening; tonight. dgung 'degs = gYo med par bzhugs par seated steadily without moving or leaning on any side; raised to the sky. dgung mo SANST the early night; evening; to time from 4 P.M. to 7 P.M. dgung zhag a day's halt; halt. dgung la reg pa touching, the sky; the meridian. dgung lo the age of a respectable or high personage: sku zhabs kyi dgung lo what is your honour's age? dgung lo mthon pa = rgan pa an elderly person, 61 to 72 years old (Moon.). dgung gseb or dgung dkyil the middle of the sky. dgun SANST; dgun ka the winter. dgun gyi rgyal mo * (Schr.; 84 C.). dgun nyi ldog the winter solstice: dgun nyi ldog gi thig or khor thig the line of the winter solstice; the tropic of Capricorn. dgun stod the first part of winter. dgun 'brum winter grapes. dgun snad SANST the after part of the winter season; dgun stod kha dus hemj time of snow in the beginning winter; dgun snad grang dus time of cold, about the end of the winter (Rtsii.). dgun tshigs = dgun dus winter time. dgun zla the mid-winter months, zla ba bcu pa , zla ba bcu gcig pa , zla ba bcu gnyis pa . dgun zla tha chung SANST the month of January-February. dgun zla 'bring po SANST December-January. dgun zla ra ba SANST January; lit. the beginning of the year. i.e., November-December. dgun sa SANST winter residence. dgum pa fut. of 'gum pa . dgur I: crooked: dbyibs dgur ba of crooked stature: sems kyis tshugs kyang lus kyis dgur ma tshugs although the mind may bend, yet do not let your body bend (Rdsa.): rgur zhig stoop down! sgur te writhing (with pain); mgo dgur ba to bend; to submit; to humble one's self; tshigs dgur a crooked back; lag dgur drawn bent hands. Syn. rgur ; sgur (Moon.). II: many; all; 'khor kyi dkyil 'khor yod dgur yang yod dgur signifies yod pa kun all or all of those existing. dgur 'gro a snake; one of a stooping gait. dgur po anything crooked; a crooked man; sgur po hump-backed; dgur mo a crooked women. dge ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST happiness, welfare, virtue; also adj. happy, propitious, virtuous: dge ba'i sems a virtuous mind; las dge ba virtuous and evil actions; dge ba'i rtsa ba fundamental virtues: dge ba'i rtsa ba rgya chen po gcig kyang bya dgos some mighty act of virtue should be performed (A. 65); dge rtsa skyed pa to conceive the idea of a meritorious act. There are two kinds of dge ba , zag bcas kyi dge ba and zag med kyi dge ba ; the former, called SANST or bsod rnams belongs to the world of desires and is subject to decay; the latter is indestructible, consisting of the enduring works of piety performed by saints belonging to the khams gong ma superior states of existence. There are two other kinds of dge-wa, viz.:- 'dus byas kyi dge ba and 'dus ma byas kyi dge ba , the former consists of works done for gain or happiness in this world; 'dun du byas pa'i dge ba consists in paying reverence to and worshipping the Tathagata and the incarnate saints. dge ba may mean fasting, abstinence, as in the phrase dge ba srung ba , to fast, to abstain from food. Also alms, charity; that which is done as a religious work. shi dge gson dge benevolences bestowed or given in one's life time when dying; dge ba 'dod par byed SANST wishes for prosperity; yang dge ba la 'jig rten pa'i dge ba dang |'jig rten las 'das pa'i dge ba yod| Dge-wa are of two kindsóthe worldly religious works, and the same for spiritual cultures; the former consists in phar shes pa , appreciating or regarding one's father or knowing him as such; mar shes pa knowing the mother, i.e., to be grateful to her; to regard as one's mother; dge sbyong du shes to venerate or revere one as a member of the Buddhist church; bram zer shes pa to respect or pay homage to a Brahman; rigs kyi nang na rgan pa la rim gro byed pa to pay respect to the elders of a family; in pa gtong ba to give alms in charity; dge bcu the observance of the ten virtuous act; 'du shes dgu dang the nine Samskara; dran pa bcu the ten remembrances. dge skyes charm; good appearance; n. of a goddess. dge skyon = skyon phran bu|skyon cung zad| slightly defective; a little fault. dge skyos or dge bskyos SANST a supervisor or director of monks in a monastery. A sort of provost-sergeant in the larger monasteries who keeps strict order and punishes transgressors. He is also called chos 'khrims pa in some monasteries. Rockhill calls this officer at Kumbum the Ge-kor. Syn. tse rgod (Moon.). dge rgan I: surety; moral bail; a monk that is made answerable for the moral conduct of another who is place under his care (J‰.). II: lit. an old man of the religious order. dge 'dun rgan pa ordinarily signifies a school master, tutor: 'jig rten dge rgan dang chos dge rgan gnyis both the spiritual teacher and worldly teacher. dge rgyas n. of a celestial region (B. ch. 6); one of the Rupa-dhatu or worlds of form. dge rgyas bye ma gling n. of a monastery near Samye founded by Hbroo-za, wife of King khri srong lda'u btsan . (EEE The original gives the king's name as Khri-soo dehu-btsan or khri song de'u btsan ). dge ngal ba = dge sbyong novice monk. dge bcu = dge ba bcu the ten virtues, which are as follows:- (1) srog mi gcod pa , (2) ma byin par mi len pa , (3) tshangs par od pa , (4) bden par smra ba , (5) tshig 'jam por smra ba , (6) ngag mi 'chal ba , (7) phra ma mi byed pa , (8) gzhan gyi nor la ham pa mi byed pa , (9) gzhan la gnod pa'i sems mi bskyed pa , (10) yang dag ba'i lta ba . Those are: not taking life; not to take what is not given; to observe purity of morals; to speak the truth; to speak gently, politely; not to break a promise; not to speak slander; not to covet another's property; not to do mischief or think of doing injury to others; to regard the purest doctrine. dge chu sacred water. dge chung one of the celestial regions. dge che med pa don dag chen po med pa without some important object or business: mgyogs par dge che med pas skabs dang od if there be nothing very important to be done quickly, work according to circumstance (D. Shel. 7). dge bsnyen SANST Buddhist devotee with only eight vows to observe. dge bsnyen chos 'phel the original name of 'brom ston rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas the founder of the Buddhist hierarchy of Tibet (Grub. ga 5). dge bsnyen ma SANST a female Buddhist devotee. dge bsnyen Zrma * = chos skyob 3 (Schr.). dge bton rkyen gsang , dge bton rkyen gsang gi mthun 'gyur legs spel bya rgyu rnams khyed rang la bkod mngags sngon yong ltar . dge ltas propitious prognostic. dge 'thud = dge ba 'thud pa an uninterrupted payment of allowances or endowments attached to religious offices or institutions; a connected series of pious actions or works; also the performance of some religious observances by several persons one following another: drung 'khor du yun ring bsdad pa 'tsho bar dge 'thud babs dang | the estimated permanent allowances to the Druo-hkhor (civil employees) for food and lodging (D. Shel. 4). dge drung lha khang n. of a monastery in Tsang. dge 'dun SANST the third component of the Buddhist triad or dkon mchog gsum may be rendered as "the priest hood," "the assemblage," or "the church." The term dge-hdun is composed or two words, dge and 'dun ; 'dun means 'dod pa desire: dge ba dang thar pa sgrub par 'dod pas na dge 'dun he is dge 'dun who longs for piety and emancipation: dge 'dun btsun pa rnams bsan du gsol| I beg the venerable body of monks would hear me. In this sentence dge-hdun has the general meaning of an assembly of religious folk. There are in particular two kinds of dge 'dun : so sor skye bo'i dge 'dun the ordinary clergy, and 'phags pa'i dge 'dun the sainted clergy. Four individuals of the former class collectively, i.e., when they assemble together, form what is called Saogha-ratna dge 'dun dkon mchog . An individual of the latter class, i.e., the sainted clergy, may singly from the Saogha-ratna. The Saogha of the Mahayana School differed from that of the Hinayana School. In the Abhisamaya of Maitreya, twenty classes of Saogha are enumerated as belonging to the Hinayana School. The Sravaka, Pratyeka Buddha, Bodhisattva and the Dharmapala, who protect Buddhism, are also included in the Saogha-ratna. dge 'dun la rag lus pa SANST belonging or subject to the church; dge 'dun la rung ba SANST suitable for the use of clergy. dge 'dun skyes = ri sho 1. n. of a medicinal plant; gab ming (Mio) mystic. 2. n. of a lama. dge 'dun gyi dus SANST belonging to the months following autumn when the lamas perform religious meditations, &c. dge 'dun gyi sde the clerical order or class of the clergy. dge 'dun gyi dben byed pa SANST one who produces differences or disunion among the clergy; to produce such disunion. dge 'dun rgya mtsho n. of the Dalai Lama who died in 1851. dge 'dun grub pa the founder of the hierarchy of the Dalai Lama. dge 'dun bsdu ba'i phyir for the purpose of assembling the clergy. (EEE The original has the headword transcribed as "dge-hdun bsdu-wah-phyir" which is clearly in error.) dge 'dun phal chen pa the clergy of the Mahasaoghika School. dge 'dun 'phel * SANST n. of a Buddhist saint; pr. (Schr.; Ta. 278). dge 'dun 'bangs * SANST n. pr. (Schr.; Ta. 127). dge 'dun bsrung ba * SANST n. of a Buddhist sage pr. (Schr.; Ta. 2, 104). dge ldan = dge ba can possessed of virtue or of piety; pious. dge ldan pa a name of the dge lugs pa sect of Lamas founded by Tsong-kha-pa. dge od religious acts; acc. to the Bon-po dge od consists in erecting tombs, images, caitya, painting of holy personages and printing of the sacred texts, making moulds of images of gods and saints, uttering mantras and, generally, acquiring moral merits. dge phrug pupil-monk; young boy trained as a novice monk. dge ba sbyong or dge sbyong SANST a religious ascetic. In this term are included all those who have taken the vows of renouncement, i.e., SANST; so both dge tshul and dge slong are within its signification; in the Southern School only the dge slong , i.e., the Bhikshu, can have claim to this title provided they live in conformity with the rules of the Vinaya. The qualifications of a dge-sbyoo are the following:- 'dul ba dang moral discipline; cang shes pa dang wisdom; tshul khrims kyi phung po yongs su dag pa dang purity of morals; ting nge 'dzin la 'jug pa shes pa knowing to perform Samadhi or meditation. (EEE The original gives dul pa dang as the first qualification, but this has been corrected to 'dul ba which is the correct spelling this case.) dge ba sbyom pa explained as dge ba byas pa don med par gzhan la sgrags , to trumpet or advertize one's acts of charity; dge ba mi sbyoms pa SANST to do virtue secretly, i.e., without any fuss or trumpeting or advertizement. (EEE The headword in the original is dge ba sbyam pa but all of the transliterated forms in the entry are "dge-wa byom-pa", hence the headword has been changed accordingly.) dge ba'i bdag nyid SANST fortune; good luck. (EEE the original has the headword transcription as "dge-wahi-dag-Òid" which is clearly in error.) dge ba'i gnas a place of piety; a pious man. dge ba'i dbang po snyan ngag mngon brjod sdeb sbyor gsum la mkhas pa one versed in poetry, Abhidhana, and in rhetoric like the great poet Kshemendra of Kashmir. dge ba'i rtsa ba skrun pa'i bskyed pa SANST one who has done some religious acts. dge ba'i las SANST good actions. dge ba'i bshes gnyen mgu bar bya ba SANST paying reverence, &c., to please a Kalyanamitra (a Buddhist monk-scholar). dge bar gyur cig SANST good luck to you. dge bral SANST devoid of virtue or piety. dge sbyong chen po SANST an epithet of Buddha; dge sbyong ltar bcos pa SANST in the manner of a religious ascetic. (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "Dge-sbyoo chena-po" which is clearly in error.) dge sbyong du khas 'che ba SANST one who has avowed to betake to the life of a dge-sbyoo or Shramana. dge sbyong byed pa SANST the performance of asceticism in the manner of a Buddhist Shramana: dge sbyong byed pa'i chos bzhi SANST, the four duties of a true shramana, which are as follows:- (1) gshe'ang slar mi gshe bar bya SANST do not curse others though you have been abused by them; (2) khros kyang slar ma khro bar bya SANST do not be angry with others though your have been enraged by them; (3) mtshang brus kyang slar mi bru bar bya SANST do not commit injury to others though your have been injured by them; (4) brdeg kyang slar mi brdeg par bya SANST do not beat others though you have been beaten by them. dge sbyong ma yin par SANST not being a Shramana. dge sbyor chos dge las byed pa one who has attained to a stage of holiness by religious devotion and works: mtshan dus dge sbyor gyi rgyun la cung zad gnas pa'i tshe at night when he was absorbed in the state of pious devotion (Ya-sel. 11). (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "bge-sbyor" which is clearly in error.) dge ma = btsun ma 1. a Buddhist nun. 2. SANST peace. dge tshul SANST generally a novice-monk; the first stage of a monk after he has taken the vow of Pravrajya or renunciation, when he has to observe thirty-six vows before he is qualified to be ordained as a dge slong as long as he is not admitted into the latter order he will continue as Shamanera though even to eighty years old. dge tshul ma SANST a nun young or old that has not yet taken the vows of ordination belonging to the order of Bhikruni. dge mtshan SANST, SANST lucky omen; also entertainment, amusement or amusing; dge mtshan can SANST bearing lucky marks. dge gzhon a young student who is studying under a tutor called rge rgan , who is responsible for his education, behaviour and moral training. He is required to attend, when necessary, his monk-tutor as a servant. When he is very young he is called dge phrug . dge gYog boy or youth attending upon a monk and who works with a view himself to enter the holy order. When he has passed the prescribed examinations for admission, he gets the position of a dge gzhon . dge lugs pa I: Tsong-kha-pa founded the monastery of dga' ldan rnam par rgyal ba'i gling situated on the hill called 'brog ri bo che , and resided there during the last part of his life. His school was called chos rje dga' ldan ba'i lugs and vulgarly dga' ldan lugs pa which term has assumed the form dge lugs pa (Grub. nya 1). II: one belonging to the sect of Dgah-ldan-pa founded by Tsong-kha-pa. dge legs or dge ba SANST, SANST piety; good and auspicious action. Syn. bde legs ; zhi ba ; myang 'das ; re skong ; gnam bskos ; sngon bsags mthu ; kha rje ; rab bsngags ; skal ba'i phul ; bsngags 'os ; yid bzhin 'grub ; bde pa'i 'byung gnas ; rab zhi ; legs ldan ; phun tshogs (Moon.). dge legs can SANST blessed; glorious. dge legs dpal bzang * = mkhas grub rje (Schr.; Org. 105, 5). dge legs bshes gnyen * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 211) a good counsellor; a pious Buddhist monk. dge shis SANST; dge ba dang shis pa piety and blessedness. dge bshes SANST a contraction of dge ba'i bshes gnyen a Buddhist gelong who has mastered metaphysics and the important branches of sacred literature. Monks, also ,who have got the titles of rab 'byams pa , rdo rams pa , &c., are by courtesy addressed with the title of dge bshes SANST; others who lead a pure life and are possessed of learning and good character are also generally addressed as dge bshes , i.e., dge ba'i bshes gnyen . dge srung * I: SANST n. pr. (Schr.; Ta. 2, 219). II: SANST (Schr.; Bull. 1848, 292). dge slong SANST, SANST a Buddhist monk who after finishing his probationary period in a monastery has been ordained into the highest order. He has to observe 253 vows. dge slong la don dam pa'i dge slong dang kun rdzob pa'i dge slong gnyis yod among gelong there are two classes: para martha Bhikru and Samvpti Bhikru. The following seven, i.e., Buddha and Bodhisattva, Pratyeka Buddha, Arhats, such saints as on account of their pious acts will not be born again or will be born only once, those who have attained to the stage of Srotapanna, i.e., gone on the path of Nirvana, belong to the higher class or Paramartha Bhikru. These or some of these while even they reside in human habitation, being possessed of divine knowledge and wisdom, continue in the class of Paramartha Bhikru. Ordinary gelong or Bhikru, such as wear the yellow garment, have shaven their heads and betaken to the life of Pravrajya or renunciation of all worldly concerns, and observe the vow belonging to the order, are called Samvpti Bhikru. dge slong du mi rung ba dge slong ma yin pa SANST one unworthy the position of a gelong. dge slong ma SANST an ordained nun; she has 364 vows or restrictions to observe; dge slong ma sun phyung ba SANST one who finds fault with or slanders a Buddhist nun. dge slong shing acc. to J‰. is a provincial name for (Cedrus deodara) Deodar tree. dge slob ma SANST a pupil monk; one who is preparing himself for being admitted into the higher order. dgeng la , more properly dgang la on; upon; in; at (in Ts., J‰.). dger ba = gYo ba to parch or fry (food); 'khur ba dger ba to fry pastry. dger 'bad = dge ba la 'bad to exert one's self in acts of piety; a pious man. dges pa = dgyes pa or mnyes pa or dga' ba delighted, pleased or cheered. dges pa rdo rje also written as dgyes pa rdo rje , name of the Tantrik deity he baâ : rnal 'byor gyi dbang phyug dges pa rdo rje zhal gzigs pa he saw (miraculously) the face of the deity Dges-pa Rdo-rje, the Chief of the Nal-jor (A. 28). dgo ba a species of antelope living on high mountains, Procapra picticaudata (Hodgson); colloq. "go-a" Mongol; gura. dgo ba ma , female of the above (Cs.): dgo bo'i rwa'i 'khru ba gcod the horn of the go-a taken as medicine cures diarrhúa. dgog du phyin pa + 1. SANST to become aged. 2. acc. Lex. lkog tu phyin pa . Syn. rgas pa (Moon.). dgog pa abstraction: dgog pa'i snyoms 'jug ces pa sat perfectly abstracted, being absorbed in meditation on the emptiness of all worldly things. dgong rgyu SANST, SANST opinion. dgong mo or dgongs mo SANST, SANST the evening; the junction of the day and the night; phyi dro nyin mo'i mtha' the evening which is the end of the day (Rtsii.); dgong ja evening tea; dgong zhog evening and morning. dgongs skor leave in general; also leave (from a superior official); suing somebody in a court to do him harm. (EEE The headword in the original is dgongs skar but this seems to be incorrect and has been changed to accord with the original transliteration of "dgongs-skor" which seems to be correct.) dgongs 'gal med pa = thugs khro ba med pa without incurring displeasure, or displeasing. dgongs bcad judgment; decision on any case or lawsuit. dgongs pa I: 1. vb. to think, reflect, meditate, consider. 2. sbst. the act of thinking, reflection, cogitation. thugs dgongs = thugs 'dod wish, consideration; mnyam pa nyid la dgongs pa to take one as his equal or as a match for him; dus gzhan la dgongs pa to think of or at other times; gang zag gzhan la dgongs pa to think of another person; don gzhan la dgongs pa to reflect on some other object or business; dgongs pa khrel ba resp. khong khro za ba to become angry; to take offence; bka' las nam yang mi 'da' zhing dgongs pa khrel ba never to be disobedient and to be angry (Ya-sel. 16): dgongs phyogs ma log na if his opinion does not change. II: SANST vb. to purpose, intend; usually with termin. of the inf. 'thabs par dgongs so| intended to fight. dgongs phyogs ri to be partial; to act with partiality. dgongs mo = dgong mo SANST night. dgongs 'brel SANST, SANST commentary. (EEE the headword is incorrectly spelled. It should be dgongs 'grel .) dgongs zhu to ask for leave or permission to do anything. dgongs zab serious consideration; as very important. dgod pa I: pr. tense, SANST, SANST to laugh; laughter. II: a jest; joke (Sch.); cf. bgad pa 3; bde ba la dgod kyin 'dug laughing, being in happiness; gad mo dgod kyin 'dug laughing a loud laughter. dgod yas (grangs ) SANST n. of a very large number. dgod ra dgod ra la 'khor rnams ma 'tsham par rtsod cing (Yig. 28). dgon dung + chu med pa'i sa phyogs a desert; a desolate wilderness where there is no water. dgon pa (pr. "gom-pa") or dgon SANST, SANST, SANST 1. wilderness; solitary place, waved-leaf fig-tree. Hence 2. a vihara; a monastery, a hermitage, so called on account of its original situation in earlier times in lonely places abounding in Bodhi trees. A gˆm-pa should be situated at least a thousand yards distant from a village or town (K. du. cha, 304). Later on these hermitages became converted into monasteries. Monasteries in later times assumed the size of large castles and collections of dwelling houses. Syn. chos kyi 'dun sa ; chos kyi tshong brdal ; klog grwa'i gnas ; mkhas pa'i 'byung gnas ; chos kyi phur bu ; 'dul ba'i gnas (Moon.). dgon pa pa SANST one residing in the wilderness, or in a hermitage or gˆmpa; dgon pa ma a female of the above. dgon gzhi landed endowments of a monastery; an estate belonging to a monastery for the support of its monks. dgol (prob. for dgrol 3) sna re bsdus kyang sna re dgol when some are collected, others disperse. dgos nges urgent necessity; urgently needed. dgos cha necessary objects; indispensables. dgos 'dod 1. necessary expenses; what is wished for as very necessary (Cs.). 2. dgos 'dod wishes and wants: dgos 'dod 'byung ba'i dpal a treasure out of which all wishes and wants are met. dgos pa I: (goi-pa) SANST, SANST, SANST implies necessity and what is due or desired; to be necessary; to be obliged or compelled; to want; to stand in need of; also where we use 'ought' dgos is generally used added to the verbal root, e.g., za dgos must eat: nga la dgos I want; I stand in need of: ci zhig tu dgos for what purpose did he want them? bzhengs ma dgos he was not obliged to erect. In commanding, the word is used to paraphrase the imperative of a verb: 'ong bar dgos come! i.e., you must come. In entreating, the respectful term is chosen: 'byong dgos should practise good works: nga la gYu dgos pa med I have no use for the turquoise, I do not want it. II: necessary; due; needful; useful; med kyang dgos pa'i khral bsdud a tax necessary to be paid; unrelentingly exacted: rang la dgos pa'i skal ba the portion due to you: dgos pa ci'i phyir for what purpose? dgos pa chung ba'i being of little use; dgos pa med not necessary: dgos pa yin it is requisite; mi dgos pa useless; unnecessary; mi dgos pa'i phra men pernicious witch-craft; dgos pa'i bslab bya useful doctrines; dgos byed useful: don dgos byed ci 'dug what is there in it of useful contents? dgye dgye = mgo rgyab phyogs su dgye ba to bend the head backwards. dgye ba to bend; to be curving or crooked; dbyibs dgye ba stooping; cringing; writhing: ma sdod rgyab phyogs su dgye ba don't wait, turn and go away: dgye dgye ba'i brang ma ston do not stretch or heave up the breast by bending or stooping backwards. dgur dgur gyi phyag 'tshal salutation by bending the head low. dgye bo SANST a bent man. dgyer ba or glu dgyer ba for glu len pa to sing chant; an expression of the Bon-po. dgyel ba or skyel ba to fall down, tumble down. dgyes pa (ge-pa) (elegant term) dga' ba SANST 1. to rejoice; to be glad; also cheerfulness: thugs dgyes pa the heart cheered: rje btsun bla ma dgyes pa'i 'dzum dkar can the reverend lama smiled with cheerfulness. 2. to be pleased to; to choose: jo bo 'byon pa la thugs dgyes par 'dug the Lord in walking is pleased, i.e., likes to walk. mi dgyes te sorrowful, sad, discomfited, dejected; angry, indignant. dgyes pa rdo rje the Tantrik god called Hevajra; his other names are:- dpal ldan khrag 'thung he ru ka ; dbyid rdo rje ; rdo rje gri gug ; rol pa'i rdo rje ; kye rdo rje (Moon.). (EEE the text above in the original read "dpal ldan khrag 'thung he ra ka " which clearly contains an error.) dgyes pa'i rdo rje rgyan kyi snying po * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 192, 275) n. of a Tantra work. dgyes zhal cheerful countenance: myur bar dgyes zhal dngos mjal zhu chog pa may soon be permitted to have an interview; may meet or see your cheerful countenance soon. dgyes su 'jug pa to bend; to double down (Sch.), v. dgye ba 3. dgra (da) also dgro bo SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST enemy; foe; 'chi dgra mortal enemy; sdang ba'i dgra the hating enemy, opp. byams pa'i gnyen , the loving friend; da dgra or da lta'i dgra present enemy; snga dgra former enemy; phyi dgra a future foe; more properly the outer enemy, i.e., an ordinary enemy, not the inner foe; also a foreign enemy. Syn. sdang byed ; 'khon 'dzin ; bshes mi byed ; mdza' bral ; mdza' med ; pha rol po ; phyir rgol ; las kyi rgol ba ; dgra zla ; 'gran zla ; 'khu byed (Moon.). dgra khang an enemy's house or camp. dgra gang = ba gam SANST; SANST a dome, a turret built on the top of a castle. dgra ngan SANST bad or ungenerous enemy; a name of the king of the Kaurava, son of Dhptarartra. dgra bcom pa SANST, SANST, SANST: dgra bcom tshar ba one who has subdued his enemy; one who has subdued his inner enemy (that brings on sufferings) and by practising religion becomes an Arhat of the Mahayana School. The Arhat of the Mahayana School is he who has attained to the first stage of Bodhisattva perfections. An Arhat of the Tantrik School is one who has attained to the fourth order in the five orders of the Tantrik School, i.e., rdzogs rim gyi rim pa bzhi pa . dgra bcom pa gsod pa SANST killing of an Arhat or Buddhist saint. dgra chas the equipments of war; weapons; arms. dgra 'joms SANST one who has subdued his enemy; subduing the enemy. dgra 'joms pa SANST, SANST killer or subduer of one's enemy. dgra nyams * SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 110) destruction of the enemy. dgra nyams par gyur cig SANST (let the enemy be destroyed or injuriously dealt with). dgra bo (da-o) enemy: gang zhig dgra bo dag la yang ||gYo med sems kyis phan byed pa||de la dgra bo thams cad kyang ||thal mo sbyar ba nyid du byed| to whatever enemy one does good with an unruffled mind, even to him all the enemies also will show reverence. dgra lha the war-god. dgra lha dpang bstod hymns to the war-god; religious service for the war-god. dgra sta SANST an axe the blade of which is semi-circular; a sector-like disk; a weapon of war. Syn. sta re ; dgra sta ; tho ba (Moon.). dgra sta can SANST, SANST, SANST frightful. dgra sta ba SANST one who holds the axe (such as Parasurama). dgra dag pa SANST giving pains; taking vengeance on an enemy. dgra rdel (Rtsii. 51.). dgra 'dul ba SANST to subdue an enemy. dgra bo gdung ba SANST, SANST one who has destroyed his enemy; lit. foe-paining. dgra byed pa , dgra ru ldang ba , lang ba to act in a hostile manner. dgra zon always on guard; careful. dgra zla (dgra bo'i zla bo ) SANST rival; opponent; adversary. dgra yi khyim * SANST, SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 137) the enemy's house. dgra las rgyal ba SANST, SANST triumphant over an enemy. dgra shags a substitute in cattle supplied for killing another's horse, yak or sheep, etc.: dgra shags lan ma thub na ming rang ma 'bod cig| if you cannot give a substitute do not call me by my name. (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "dgoa..." which is clearly in error.) dgra slong ba to search for one's enemy. dgra gsod dpa' bo dkar po = ga bur SANST camphor (Sman. 107). dgrad pa (da-pa) SANST spread. dgran zla (dan-da) = dgra bo or dgra zla enemy; adversary; rival; foe (Moon.). dgram pa (dam-pa) fut. of 'grem pa . me tog dgram pa SANST, flowers to be strewn; dgrams that which is to be arranged or set out. dgrar sems pa 'dzin pa to look upon one as an enemy. dgrong pa resp. of shi ba to die; da dgrong gin 'dug| now he is dying. dgrol ba fut. of 'grol ba SANST, SANST, to set free; also free-will; bcings pa dgrol a knot or tie loosened. bgags pa pf. tense of 'gegs pa , bgags su gyur ba'i (cha bzhag pa )rag lus pa settled or decided upon obstructing or hindering, opposing, etc.; lam sogs bgags pa SANST obstructed the road. (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "bgag-pa" or bgag pa which, given the context, is not the spelling intended.) bgad pa to laugh; a laugh; bgod mo bgad pa id. cf. dgod 3; bzhad gad SANST a smile; laughter. bgam pa + to eat; to gobble; to throw into the mouth. bgegs I: gegs a demon. bgegs la gang zag dang gang zag ma yin pa gnyis yod the bgegs are of two classes, those mortal and those spirit-like; these cause hindrance, obstruction. bgegs kyi rgyal po bi nA ya ka Ganesa, the remover of obstacles, the leader of the Gana-class of demons. II: SANST, SANST hindrance; obstacle; bgegs kyi rgyal po SANST is the chief of the evil spirits who are of 80,000 different kinds. Some cause heavy rains, hail storms, etc., to injure the crops; some bring on famine and so on. bgegs kyi bdag mo SANST a goddess. bgegs bag pa gnod pa'i 'dres sgrib pa la|'di lo bgegs bag pa min na chung ba'i 'jam pa tsam 'dug rung | (Rtsii.). bgegs byed pa SANST, SANST that which causes obstruction; to cause obstruction. bgegs sel ba ; skyon sel ba to remove obstruction, calamity, disease, epidemic, &c.: ngan lam zhugs mi yong ba'i ched du bgegs sel performed some religious ceremonies that no mishap may occur on the way, etc. (Rtsii. 65). bgo skal so so'i cha SANST, SANST, SANST portion; a kinsman or claimant. 1. sngon gyi las kyi bgo skal the portion or lot on account of one's former acts; also share, lot. 2. the doctrine of strict retribution. bgo skal la od pa (nang gis gang thob pa'i skal ba de la od pa ) SANST to enjoy one's own share. (EEE The original headword has sbyod pa but that is clearly in error for od pa and has been corrected.) bgo ba I: SANST clothes; clothing; bgo ba dang bza' ba food and clothes (J‰.). II: 1. to put on clothes, pf. imp. bgos ; lham rtag tu bgos always wear shoes. 2. subst. apparel, etc.: bgo ba ngan pa SANST. III: fut. of bgod pa 3. bgo bya dividend; the number or quantity to be divided. bgo re + = ba gam also the parapet on the roof of a house; a square turret or castellated room on the top of a castle: thog span bad dang khang pa gru bzhi'i dbyibs la'ang zer "it is applied to a building four-cornered in shape with an edge of crockets on the top." bgo bsha = bgo bsha' or bgo skal , SANST, SANST. bgo bsha' byed pa to distribute, allot, apportion. Often also bgo bsha' rgyab pa . bgod pa fut. bgo pf. bgos SANST, SANST to divide; nor bgo ba to divide property; to divide in ciphering a grangs number; to distribute shas shas su into shares; mi rnams la among people. bgod pa po the divider; bgor byed divisor. bgod yas SANST 1. protection. 2. n. of a number (S. Lex.). bgod ra apportionment; share: nang zan gtan sdod rnams la snyoms brdad yeng yong ba'i bgod ra byed divide everything (that is left over) equally among the permanent residents of the family, &c. (Rtsii. 61). bgom bya SANST way; road. bgoms pa SANST, SANST, also bgom pa , to walk, to step, to stride, to pace: 'them pa la bgoms pa stepped over the threshold. bgom 'gro ba to pace; to walk slowly. bgor supine of bgo ba . bgor ba or 'gor ba (Cs.); lam du 'gor to linger or loiter in the way; delay. bgyangs pa v. rgyong ba 3. bgyid pa pf. bgyis , fut. bgyi , imp. gyis . Is elegant form of byed pa SANST 1. to do; to act; to perform. 2. to make; to manufacture: gyis zer ba'i gzugs the images regarding which there had been said, 'make them,' i.e., the bespoken, ordered images (J‰.). las bgyid pa to do a work; bka' bzhin du bgyi'o| according to order, it will be done; nyes gnas bgyid pa to act the disciple; to be a disciple. mi la gnod pa bgyis I have hurt the man; I have done him harm; bu yod par gyis shig| make, bring it about, that a child be (born): rgyal po ma nor gyis shig| see that you do not let the prince escape; zhes bgyi ba the so-called (J‰.). bgyis SANST, SANST a deed, act. bgyer ba past. of 'gyer ba , ir sngags pas cho ga btang dus skad gdangs snyan pos 'don pa ejaculating; chanting: gsang sngags sgra ji bzhin par bgyer nas|chos log la 'god pa zhig byung | accordingly in the chanting of Mantra, there was some mistake (A. 66). bgrang SANST number; figure. bgrang rtogs n. of a very great number (Ya-sel. 57). bgrang 'phyes n. of a great number; bgrang 'phyos n. of a great number occurring in the passage bgrang 'phyos bgrang 'phyes la bsgres pa (Ya-sel. 57). bgrang 'phreng SANST, SANST rosary-beads. bgrang ba SANST to number, count, calculate: 'phreng ba bgrang ba bya should count the beads of his rosary. bgrang ba yang SANST even counting. bgrang bya what may be numbered; numberableóyears, time. bgrang yal SANST low; n. of a great number (S. Lex.). bgrang yol SANST that cannot be measured: bgrang yol gnyis dang mi 'jal gnyis (Ya-sel. 57). bgrangs pa SANST capable of being counted. bgrangs pa la 'das pa SANST that is past counting. bgrad pa = 1. gdangs pa to open wide; mig bgrad pa to stare; to goggle; kha bgrad pa to gape; rkang pa bgrad pa to part the legs wide; to straddle. 2. to scratch (Sch.), spelt more correctly 'brad pa (J‰.). bgram pa SANST separated; anxious. bgril ba to fall down; to drop down: gYang la bgril fell into the abyss (Situ. 74). bgrung ba or bgrungs , = angs su bcug pa to strain; to depurate; chu yi rnyog ma angs su bcug pa to strain the impurities out of water. bgrud pa pf. bgrus , fut. bgru to clear of husks; to shell; bgrus pa'i 'bras husked rice. bgre ba resp. rgas pa or bgres , SANST old; grown in age. Syn. na so rgas pa old; bgres po ; rgad po or rgan po (Moon.). bgreng occasionally for 1. sgeng ba ; 2. bgrang ba . bgreng phreng SANST a rosary to count the names of saints, Buddhas, &c. bgren pa (den-pa), v. bkren pa 3 (Sch.). bgro (do) SANST a song. bgro gleng pa = gros byed pa to argue, discuss: khong gi grwa pa mkhas shig lha rje la bgro gleng byed du byung ste one of his learned scholars having come to confer with Lharje (Deb. ga 8). bgro ba (do-wa) (pf. bgros ), resp. bka' gros with gleng ba 1. to argue, discuss, confer with, consider: zhes phan tshun du bgros nas thus mutually discussing; ji ltar bya zhes bgros nas deliberating what they should do. 2. to resolve, decide. bgro ba'i khang pa = glu dbyangs kyi khang pa SANST the stage; a music booth. bgrong ba = bgrang ba to count (J‰.). bgrod (doi) SANST 1. progress; gait (Schr.; Kalac. T. 25); going. 2. it also signifies the number 2 (Rtsii.). bgrod dka' ba SANST difficult progress; difficult to pass; bgrod dka' ba'i gnas SANST a wilderness; a place or desert which is difficult to traverse; bgrod dka' ba'i lam SANST a difficult passage; an inaccessible path. bgrod pa SANST, SANST, SANST 1. to walk; to get over; wander: bgrod la phan is useful in getting along. lam bgrod pa to travel over; to get through: chu bgrod par dka' ba a river difficult to cross. 2. declination; SANST; nyi ma lho bgrod the sun's going to the south; the sun's south declination; byang bgrod the sun's north declination; bgrod dus gnyis both declinations; bud med la bgrod pa to lie with a woman (Cs.). bgrod bya (doi-ja) SANST a road in general; met. a woman (Moon.). bgrod yas SANST walking; a mover (Lex.). bgrod lam 1. a road; passage. 2. met. the female organ (Moon.). bgros (doi) = bka' gros conference, consultation (Situ. 75); bgros ngan byas made conspiracy; holding unlawful conference: yang sang nyin khong gnyis kyis bgros ngan byas pas (Rdsa. 14) again yesterday both of them held evil conference. mgar the work or craft of a smith; gser mgar goldsmith. mgar khang or mgar sa smithy. mgar khri sgra dzi thun n. of a celebrated minister of Tibet. mgar od SANST the practice or craft of a smith. mgar ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST blacksmith; one of low caste. Syn. lcags bzo pa ; lcags mgar ba ; mtshon cha mkhan ; rdeg cha mkhan (Moon.). mgar rtsan gnya' ldom ba n. of the celebrated minister Gar of Tibet, who was sent to China to negotiate for the marriage of the daughter of emperor T'ang Tai-tsung with his master king srong btsan sgam po . mgal ba jaw-bone; ya mgal the upper jaw-bone; mgal ba or ma mgal the lower jaw-bone. In colloq. both jaws together are called ya le ma le . mgal chag a broken jaw-bone; mgal bud a dislocated jaw-bone. mgal dum SANST a large piece of wood split or cut, or half burnt. mgal pa or 'gal pa a billet of wood. mgal me SANST, fire-brand; torch consisting of long chips of wood. mgal me bskor ba SANST to whirl round a fire-brand. mgal me'i 'khor lo a circle of light produce by whirling round a fire-brand. mgu * SANST (Sch.; Kalac. T. 3). [satisfied]S. mgu ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. to rejoice; to be glad, joyful, content; mgu nas delighted: mgu ba'i lan ma byung did not receive a gratifying or satisfactory answer. 2. to exhilarate; to gladden; to make content. dga' dgu ba , dga' dgu rang ba , mgu ba bya ba SANST are frq. intensive forms to express joy or exultation in the older classics. Syn. dga' (Moon.). mgur 1. = mgu bar . 2. SANST throat; neck; that which comes out of the mgur is called a mgur ma , a song: rje btsun mi la'i mgur the venerable Mila's songs. 3. voice; mgur snyan pa sweet voice; harmonious voice. 4. song, air, melody; hence a religious song. Used as honorific form for glu , especially in Milaraspa, each of the doctrinal ditties in the work being preceded by the words mgur 'di gsungs so|, he uttered this song. mgur chu mchod rten gyi bum gdan the pedestal on which the cupola of a chaitya rests. mgur du gsungs pa anything sung or put into verse. mgur na spa = mgul rgyan ornament worn round the neck (Moon.). (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "mgur na-pa" for mgur na pa .) mgur 'bum the hundred thousand sacred songs; name of one of Milaraspa's two great works, which are both interwoven with numerous religious songs. mgur zho or se ba 24; of the weight of 24 rattee; a weight equal to 7 1/3 skar ma . mgur bsal ba 1. to deliver a song with emphasis. 2. to clear the throat; to hawk; to hem (J‰). mgur lha a god of hunting with the Mongol Shamans (Shr.). mgur lha mched bzhi the four brothers (sylvan gods) from whom the four great tribes of Tibet are said to have originated. mgul pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST neck; throat; resp. for mgrin pa ; mgul du 'dogs pa to tie, fasten on the neck, e.g., magic objects; rang gi mgul pa gcod pa to cut one's own throat; to commit suicide, suicidal; mgul pa nas 'khyud pa to fall on a persons's neck; to embrace; mgul pa nas 'dzin pa or 'ju ba to seize by the throat. Syn. ske ; mgrin pa ; mgur ; mgo rten ; mgo 'dzin ; resp. ri mo gsum pa ; dung 'dr'i mgrin ; bum pa'i mgul can (Moon.). mgul glu resp. glu , tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho'i mgul glu n. of a work of the second Dalai Lama Tshao-dbyaos rgya-mtsho. mgul rgyan SANST, SANST necklace; a neck ornament. Syn. mgrin pa'i rgyan ; mgur na spa ; ske'i rgyan ; mgul pa'i rgyan (Moon.). mgul sngon = mgrin sngon SANST, SANST 1. he with a blue neck. 2. a peacock. mgul ching dkar pa a white neck-cloth. mgul chung a small amulet worn on the neck. mgul dar or dpa' dar 1. a silk scarf tied round the neck as a badge of honour. 2. the shoulder of a mountain; gYon mgul na on the left slope (J‰.). mgul gdub SANST the neck-bangle or necklace worn by the Indians. mgul nad disease of the throat. mgul pa'i rgyan = mgul rgyan or mgrin pa'i rgyan (Moon.). mgul ring SANST a long neck. mge'u same as mgo'u v. mgo 3. mgo I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the head: mgo 'jog pas lus shes by the movement of the head the body is known; mgo la me bar ba lta bu SANST as if glowing with fire on his head. mgo rus SANST the head-bone; frontal bone; mgo bong bu lta bu SANST a head like that of an ass: mgo sgy ur slob slob bsdad 'dug he sat (at times) bending his head (Rdsa.). II: 1. summit, height, top: ri mgo kha bas gYogs the hill tops were covered with snow. 2. first place; principal part; mgo byed pa to lead; to command; to be at head of; dbu mdzad pa to inspect, look after, superintend, control: bu mo zhig gis mgo byed pa'i mi mang po a number of (labouring) people were superintended by a girl (the farmer's daughter) (J‰.). 3. beginning: gros mgo the beginning of a consultation. mgo 'dzug pa to begin: bod sdug pa'i mgo 'dzug that was the beginning of the misfortunes of Tibet; brten gyi skyid mgo de nas tshugs with this my constant good fortune commenced; lo mgo la at the beginning of the year; mgo nas from the beginning. 4. in grammar a superscribed r, l, s, e, i, ra mgo'i ka ; rka with r superscribed; de rnams bas phul sa mgo'i ka'o| these are the words beginning with ba sa ka (J‰.). III: SANST n. of a constellation (the 5th) consisting of stars resembling the head of an antelope. Syn. ri ags mgo ; mgo skyes ; snal po ; zla skyes (Moon.). mgo klad the brain. mgo dkyil colloq. crown of the head; vertex mgo skor imposture, deceit: bdud kyi mgo skor de nga mi 'dod I detest these diabolical tricks (J‰.). mgo skor ba to cheat, swindle, confuse; mi mgo ma skor do not cheat people. mgo dgu ba = dgur ba = dgu ba . mgo skya a gray head; mgo skya can a gray-headed person. mgo skyes v. mgo 3 III. mgo skyes dkar ba = rgan pa or rgas pa an old man; gray hairs (Moon.). mgo skyong or mgo 'dren a protector; patron. mgo skyob = rmog a helmet. mgo khra scald-head. mgo mkhregs can obstinate, pertinacious, stubborn, esp. in buying and bartering; selfish; bargaining; haggling. mgo rgyan SANST, SANST 1. head ornament. 2. n. of a place in Tibet. mgo lji yog pa SANST a heavy head. mgo nyal hair of the head. mgo nyog bewildered, confused; troublesome: da res kyi bya ba 'di mgo nyog work at these times is very troublesome (Rdsa. 26). mgo mnyam gsum the three things of simultaneous occurrence; they are:- (1) 'chi ba dran pa rgyud la skyes pa the thought of death arising in the mind; (2) tshe 'di blos thongs pa renouncing of worldly affairs; (3) chos byed pa to practise religion. The contrary of the three are the following:- (1) mi 'chi snyam pa the thought that one will not die; (2) tshe 'di la 'thams pa to remain attached to worldly affairs; (3) sdig pa byed pa commission of sin (Lo. 45). mgo bsnyung SANST stiff-neck. mgo btags zhu ba to seek protection under one who is superior to himself; to seek refuge under such. mgo rtag chod pa one who can give decided advice. mgo rten that on which the head rests, i.e., the throat or mgo 'dzin that holds the head; SANST the neck (Moon.). (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "mgo-rtan" which is clearly in error.) mgo stong a giddy-headed man; an idiot; one who cannot think for himself. mgo thug = 'dra 'dra an equal, a match, a rival. mgo thod SANST top or crown of the head; on the summit. mgo thon pa one who by his own ability can direct others. mgo 'thom pa confounded. mgo 'don pa = mgo 'dren byed pa to favour, preserve, make safe: dge bsnyen bzhi'i yo byad thams cad cad mgo 'don du bcug go| all the properties of four Upasakas he caused to be kept secure (A. 22). mgo na SANST headache. mgo nan , thog ma SANST first, foremost. mgo spug the head together with the meat of a slain goat, sheep or yak, &c. mgo ba SANST the head. mgo bo = yan lag mchog SANST the chief of the limbs of the body (Moon.): mgo bo gdugs 'dra zlum pa'i mi yi dbang por 'gyur he who has a round head resembling an umbrella becomes a lord of men. mgo bo i ther ba a bald-head. mgo mi bsgy ur SANST does not change his residence or head-quarters. mgo mo gYog head-cover. mgo snos pas go ba = cung zad lab pa tsam gyis go ba to easily perceive the meaning from a slight movement of the head. mgo tsog round protuberant head: yo byad gang rung gi mgo tsog tsog yod pa la on the heads of whatsoever things that may be round. mgo 'dzin SANST the head of an office, or work-leader. mgo 'dzug pa SANST to begin (a work or subject, etc.). mgo zla ba SANST, SANST November-December of Indian calendar. The eleventh month of the Tibetan calendar. mgo zlum or mgo reg SANST, SANST, SANST shaven head, also round bald-head; a Buddhist monk; mgo zlum gnas a place where the shaven heads reside; a monastery; mgo zlum pa a shaven head; a monk. mgo zlum lam nag = sgra gcan the sounding planet; a comet (Moon.). mgo'u chung SANST with a small or no head; the running-hand character of Tibet. mgo gYog pa = bslus pa or mgo skor to cheat, deceive; mgo gYog mgo skor gyi bslu khrid to rob one by deception or cheating. mgo rug = mgo gug gug byed pa to bend the head; to bow down the head: ja bur 'dren pa'i mgo rug byed pa he made obeisance presenting tea and treacle. mgo leng can SANST; shing a tree; = mgo 'dan pa shaking the head as a signal or from illness. mgo reg or mgo bregs Buddhist monk. mgo lhag phyed pa or mgo snyoms byed pa to make all equal; not to make any invidious distinction between parties; to deal evenly: thams cad mgo lhag byed par gyis zhes thus commanded, all behave fairly among yourselves (A. 115). mgon dkar yid bzhin nor bu * (Schr.; 77 A.). mgon po according to some grammarians the word mgon is an abbreviation of the words mgo 'dren pa ('dre being eliminated), signifying SANST protector, patron, principal, master, lord, tutelary god; so the word is applicable to Buddha, saints, and also ordinarily to any protectors and benefactors in general. When mgon po occurs as a proper name it denotes either Buddha or Avalokitesvara or Mahadeva. Among the mgon po are also classed Ganesa, the Dikpala or guardians of the world and of Buddhism, besides many other spirits who are represented as possessing four, six, and sometimes eight arms. This class of gods is also numerous in both the Tantrik and Bon pantheon. mgon po zhal bzhi phyag bco brgyad the Lord with four faces and eighteen arms. Sambhara (bde mchog ) of the Bon-po has three faces and six arms. In Buddhist India there were worshipped three Natha SANST, or mgon po , viz.:- (1) 'bab stegs mgon po the spirit invoked to inspire one by entering one's body; (2) nag po mgon po the black-spirit; (3) bram ze mgon po the Brahma natha, i.e., Brahmana's spirit (K. dun. 50). mgon po gri gug * n. pr. (Schr.). mgon po rta nag can phyag bzhi pa (Schr.). mgon po stag zhon * (Schr.; 87 A.). mgon po an ras gzigs = 'phags pa an ras gzigs SANST the patron Lord Avalokitesvara (Moon.). mgon po phyag drug pa * (Schr.). mgon po phyag bzhi pa * (Schr.; 81 C.). mgon po beng * (Schr.; 85 C.). mgon po bram gzugs * n. pr. (Schr.). mgon po mi pham pa * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 111) [invincible Lord]S. mgon po 'od dpag med SANST lit. immeasurable light; a n. of the 4th Dhyani-Buddha. mgon po zhal gcig * (Schr.). mgon po zhal bzhi * (Schr.). mgon po legs ldan * (Schr.; Org. m. 110, 20). mgon mangs many patrons or defenders of religions; many small pyramidal sacred erections (Cs.). mgon med SANST unprotected, helpless; mgon med zas sbyin SANST n. of a certain house-holder who accommodated Buddha in the Jetavana grove of Sravasti. He was the chief house-holder devotee of Buddha. mgon btsun phya'i grong khyer n. of a city in the paradise of the Bon-po. mgyogs 'gro horse, wind. Syn. rlung ; rta (Moon.). mgyogs 'gro'i brun met. for rta yi spangs horse-dung (Sman. 186). (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "mayogs-hgrohi brun", which is clearly in error.) mgyogs pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST adj. and adv. rapid, swift, quick; speedily: mgyogs po 'gro na rta dang glang chen chad||ga le 'gro na bong bus rgyal khams bskor| by quickly going the horse and the elephant become prostrate; by slowly walking the donkey travels round a kingdom. In modern works and colloq. mgyogs po as adj. and mgyogs por as the adv. are the commoner forms. mgyogs pa dri ldan la shing kun assafútida (Sman. 109). mgyogs por quickly, speedily, soon. mgyogs lam a straight, short way; rkyang mgyogs , v. rkang 3, a short-cut; su mgyogs a race; a running-match (J‰.). mgrin skyes = klu dbyangs song; music (Moon.). mgrin sngon SANST Mahadeva; he with a blue neck; the peacock. When the ocean was churned by the gods and the Asuras, there came out the sun and moon and then Lakrmi the goddess of wealth and fortune, and afterwards nectar was the result. Lastly came forth a pot of poison which would have destroyed the world. The God Mahadeva out of compassion for all living beings of the world, himself drank the potion, in consequence of which his neck turned blue. Syn. lha dbang phyug ; rma bya (Moon.). mgrin gcig tu with one voice; unanimously. mgrin bcu SANST a name of Ravana, King of Ceylon and the son of Pulasta. mgrin bcu'i dgra bo , rgyal po ra ma Na , King Rama (Moon.). mgrin thung ba a short neck, throat, or voice. mgrin ldan SANST the cuckoo or Indian koel. Syn. khu byug . mgrin pa (din-pa) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the neck; mgrin ring ba a long neck. Syn. gre ba ; mgur ; mgul pa ; mgo rten ; mgo 'dzin ; ske ; ri mo gsum pa ; dung 'dri'i mgrin ; bum pa'i mgul can the last three are used in polite language (Moon.). gre ba is a corrupt form of the Sanskrit word SANST griva (Lish.). mgrin pa can peaked mountain. mgrin pa btigs raised head (as if out of panic or alarm). mgrin pa rab ring = khrung khrung the stork (Moon.). mgrin pa'i rgyan = mgul rgyan or ske yi rgyan necklace (Moon.). mgrin pa'i sgra voice. mgrin pa'i phyogs SANST the mouth [the collar-bone]S. mgrin pa'i rtsa SANST the root or base of the neck. mgrin pa'i rlung SANST breath. mgrin dmar SANST red-throat; n. of a bird. mgrin mdzes SANST a handsome neck; mgrin bzang n. of the friend and general of Rama in his exile. mgrin bzang one with a loud, clear voice. mgrin bzang ma * (Schr.; 92 B.). mgrin bzang btsun mo 1. n. of a goddess. 2. = gi wang SANST n. of concretion found in the brain of elephants or stomach of cows (Sman. 94); a bright yellow pigment. mgrin sngon zla ba'i rtogs brjod n. of a Tibetan romance containing 133 block-print leaves, composed by Lama Blo-bzao Bstan-pahi rgyal-mtshan of Tshor-phu in Tibet. mgron I: (don) is also sometimes wrongly spelt as 'dron SANST, SANST feast, treat, banquet, entertainment, resp. sku mgron ; sku mgron 'bul ba to entertain; mgron la 'bod pa , resp. mgron la 'bod pa , resp. mgron du an 'dren pa SANST to invite to an entertainment; mgron du gnyer ba to regale, treat (K. du. tha, 87). II: in Buddhism signifies object of invocation; and any person invoked is called mgron pa . The latter are of four classes:- (1) dkon mchog srid zhu'i mgron the holy ones form the object of invocation in the world. The holy ones are:- Buddha, Dharma, Saogha, one's lama (Guru) and one's tutelary deity: (2) mgon po yon tan gyi mgron , the Natha who are a class of fearful deities, the celestial Dakini, the Dharmapala and the guardian gods of Buddhism; (3) rigs drug snying rje'i mgron the six classes of animate beings such as human beings, gods, demons, the animal kingdom, the Preta or ghosts, and the hell-beings; (4) gdon bgegs lan chags kyi mgron ; here the invoked are 360 demons called gdon and 80,000 evil sprits called bgegs . These do mischief to all living beings on account of their own misdeeds of a former existence. It is necessary to invoke such and to appease them by offerings. According to the Bon-po there are chiefly two kinds of mgron , i.e., objects of invocation:- (1) a person or deity invoked for worship; (2) a person invoked out of compassion (D.R.). mgron khang SANST a house for the accommodation and temporary board of guests, strangers, &c. mgron gyi 'phrin skyel bya bya skya ka the magpie (Moon.). mgron gnyer or mgron bu 'bod pa to invite or call a guest; mgron bu gnyer ba lit. the receiver of guests; an officer whose duty it is to introduce others to the king or to the great lamas of Tibet. He is also called yar gsal zhu mkhan , he who communicates the wished or mandates of a superior person to an applicant. mgron du 'gro ba to go to an entertainment; zas mgron a feast; ja mgron a tea party; chang mgron a treat with beer or wine. mgron po SANST, SANST one newly come; a guest. Syn. gsar du 'ong ba ; glo bur 'ong ba ; mgron du 'ong pa (Moon.). mgron po bos pa to call or invite a person. mgron bu thal ba name of a medicinal drug which is alleged to stop bleeding; it is useful in fracture and sores. 'gag 1. obstruction; stoppage; yid 'gag want of appetite; gcin 'gag also 'gag strangury. 2. a place or spot that has to be passed by all that proceed to a certain point: zam pa'i 'gag tu 'gag na rku ma 'dzin thub a thief may be arrested if you be on the look-out for him in the passage of a bridge; ri bo dpal 'bar gyi 'gag the place on Pal-hbar mountain where there is a narrow passage; sgo 'gag the door of the house because through it all that enter or leave have to pass; kha 'gag the mouth, through which everything must pass that is eaten; fig. thar lam gyi gnad 'gag the main point for salvation. 'gag gcig tu dril ba to unite; to be concentrated in one point (J‰.). 'gag skyor anything like a fencing that is put round a field or garden or a house to stop ingress from outside. 'gag pa or 'gags SANST 1. pf. form of 'gegs pa to stop, to cease; to be at a stand-still; mostly in the perfect form: kha 'gags the appetite is gone; the passions having been suppressed. 2. door -keeper, v. sgo 'gag 3. (EEE sgo 'gag does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under 3'gag 3.) 'gag pa med SANST free, unobstructed; the sky; also voidity or that which is in a simple or uncompounded state. 'gang v. rgang 3. 'gang (po ) the burden of an office, business, commission. 'gangs chen also 'gang chen important; very valuable; gdan 'gangs chen rnams bkol bde dang ngo rnor med , gnas 'gangs chen rnams important or chief places of pilgrimage, &c.; rten 'gangs chen very sacred symbols; ad lag 'gangs chen valuable things; don 'gangs chen important meaning or object. Syn. rtsa che ba ; drag pa ; yag po (Moon.). 'gangs mthun equal; phal cher mthun in thorough agreement; in harmony: lho gling gsum gcig tu byas pa'i tshad dang yang 'gangs mthun (it was about) equal to the area which the three southern places together occupy (Ya-sel. 19). 'gangs pa difficult, troublesome (Sch.). 'gan 'khur ba to stand security for; to guarantee; to take responsibility on one's self; 'gan bskyur ba to impose responsibility. 'gan dkris making over charge; making responsible. 'gan rgya = gan rgya agreement, covenant. 'gan can responsible. 'gan theg pa to undertake anything; to take charge of: rang don la phog na lus bong bus kyang 'gan theg when self-interest is concerned even the donkey understands his duty. 'gam pa to cram into the mouth, especially of dry edibles; phye 'gam pa po an eater of flour (Situ. 84). 'gal ba = mi mthun pa to contradict; to disagree; to mistake; 'gal spong ba = 'gal ba spong ba not to make mistake; to avoid errors; 'gal med without mistake. 'gal zla = 'gal ba'i grogs or mi mthun pa'i grogs an enemy: rang dang mi mthun pa'i 'gal zla rnams dang bsdongs nas having joined with such of the enemy as were not in agreement with one another (Khrid. 116.). 'gas pa to split, to crack, to burst apart. 'gud pa v. gud pa 3. 'gugs pa to summon; bring back; 'gugs pa po one who is called to; a waiter (Situ. 84). 'gum pa + to die (of natural death, of disease): de'i ring la lo rtsAa ba'i 'khor yang phal cher tshad pas 'gum at that time most of those of the attendants of the Lo-tsa-wa who were smitten with fever died (A. 65). 'gul ba to move, quake, shake; sa gYo = sa 'gul earthquake; 'gul ba po or 'gul byed shaker; fut. 'gul bzhin = 'gul gyin . 'gur zho same as mgur zho TMa ka brgyad la mgur zho gcig , one Mgur-sho is equal to eight tao-ka. 'gegs byed = khyo bo or mdza' grogs husband (Moon.). (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "hgeg-bye" which is clearly in error.) 'gems pa + = 'joms pa to confound; to subdue SANST; mgo 'gems pa po one who confounds or bewilders. 'gems par byed pa SANST repeatedly bites; acc. to Cs. another form for 'gum pa , to kill, to destroy (Sch.); klad pa 'gems pa to surprise; to over-throw an argument by reason; mgo gems stupid (Sch.). 'gegs pa SANST, SANST, SANST to hinder, obstruct, keep back or in; fut. dggs , pf. bkag : dgag pa la med dgag dang ma yin dgag gnyis yod|yin min lta bu preventing what is and what is not, etc., in Buddhist metaphysics. 'gengs pa pf. bkang , fut. dgang , imp. khong to fill up; also to satiate. 'gebs pa pf. bkab , fut. bgb , imp. khol , to cover up; to put on; to conceal. 'gel ba = 'gyel ba pf. kal , fut. dgal , imp. khol : 1. to load; to lay on a burden; khral 'gel ba to impose tax or rent; to commission; to charge with; to make, appoint, constitute; to put; to place on or over: gdung ma bkal ba a beam placed over it; to set or put on, e.g., a pot; to hang up; gos 'gel gdang a stand to hang clothes on; fig. 'chi bar nus pa'i thog 'gel dgos one must set on it the roof of being able to die, i.e., one must crown the whole edifice of life by being free from fear of death (J‰.); to impose a fine; to give punishment. 'gel brel old; 'gel brel na ldan the old, aged. 'gel gYag = khal gYag laden yaks. 'gel lugs the method of imposing fine or punishment. 'ges pa pf. bkas , fut. dgas , imp. khos , to split, cleave, divide; bkas shing (Lex.) cleft or chopped wood; dum bur dges pa to divide into pieces; to cut up or open. 'go same as mgo , origin, source; SANST 1. foremost; in front; dmag 'go commander of an army; mkhar 'go or rdzong 'go commander of a fort, of a district: chos kyi go sangs rgyas la thug the origin of Dharma (Buddhism) is traced to Buddha; chu yi 'go gangs la thug the source of a river is traced to the snows. 2. beginning; the first: 'gor in the beginning; ser ba'i 'gor the beginning of the hail. Syn. thog ma ; dang po ; rtsa ba (Moon.). 'go ltab pa apricots? 'go nan = thog ma beginning; first. 'go snam broad-cloth; also the superior kind of blanket. 'go pa the headman of a village. 'go dpon rector, director, headmaster, principal. (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "hgro-dpon" which seems to be in error.) 'go phib ga sub a cover; also a canopy or dome over a temple or tomb. 'go ba'i lha lnga the five superior demi-gods, which are the following:- (1) mo lha 'am zhang lha , (2) srog lha , (3) dgra lha , (4) pho lha , (5) yul lha . These are the inseparable companions of humanity, and rejoice when we do good actions and become sorry when we sin. There are several treatises on the rites to propitiate them. 'go pher = go chod pa useful: lo chung nas 'go pher from early years, i.e., from boyhood, he has been useful. 'go ba SANST, pf. gos , or 'gos , cf. bsgo ba 3. 1. to stain; to lose colour; to dirty, sully one's self. 2. SANST to infect with a disease; 'go ba'i nad , 'go ba'i rims a contagious or epidemic disease, a plague; 'go nad or 'go ba'i nad , reg dug dang rims , SANST an infectious disease; also a contagious disease. 'go ma beginning, origin, source. 'go mi headman. 'gog ku prob. derived from the Chinese, signifying the goddess of the elements. Acc. to the Chinese the fundamental elements are tree, fire, earth, iron, and water. Each of these is presided over by a goddess. 'gog pa I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST v. bar du bcod pa 3, 3'gegs pa 3. II: = 'jog pa SANST, SANST, SANST to keep; to place; to arrange; a deposit; pledge. III: pf. bkog, fut. dgog , imp. khog 1. to take away forcibly; to snatch, tear away, pull out; rtsa ba 'gog pa to pull up the root; 'gog pa po one who takes or draws out. 2. to take off a cover, a lid, a pot from the fire, in W. (J‰.). 'gog pa ri the hill on which the monastery of Gahdan is situated: 'gog pa ri nas rje bla mas dga' ldan gyi dung gter nas bton . (J. Zao.). 'gog od pa SANST = sems kyi rnam rtog 'gog pa to stop the arising of imaginations or fancies in the mind. 'gog byed SANST discipline, and from 'gog pa , there arise 1. zhi ba SANST peace; 2. gya nom pa = phun sum tshogs pa SANST perfected state. 3. nges par 'byung ba SANST firm conviction. 'gogs I: bkag pa (Moon.). II: SANST, SANST passing over; transit; crossing; getting over. 'gogs pa = 'gegs pa to prevent; to avert unfortunate events, as danger, fatal consequences; to suppress the symptoms of a disease by medicine; to drive back or away; to expel; e.g., spirits, ghosts; to repel people that are trying to land: bdud rnam pa lnga yis 'gog ste it having been averted by the five kinds of demons (D.R.). 'gong po rdo or pha wang long bu a kind of stone of liver colour, believed to be sacred to the God Damchen who rides on a goatóthe peculiarity of this stone being that it breaks in cube-like pieces (Sman. 404). 'gong ba = 'da' ba or snad pa SANST to bewitch, enchant; also to pass over, get the better of: 'di la su yis 'gong bar nus who can overpower this, i.e., who can enchant him; 'gongs nas SANST having crossed, passed over. 'gong ba po or 'gong po an enchanter; 'gong ba mo an enchantress, a sorceress. 'gong bo SANST a class of demons which bring disease on men and cattle. 'god pa pf. bkod , fut. dgod , imp. khod cf. khod 3. SANST 1. to design; to project; to plan (Sch.) 2. to found; to establish; to plan (Sch.). 2. to found; to establish; to lay out (a town); to build (a house); to manufacture; to form; to frame. 3. to put; to fix; to transfer into a certain state or condition; bde ba la 'god place in a state of happiness; thar pa'i lam la 'god puts into the way of salvation. sangs rgyas kyi sa la 'god pa establishes in the realm of Buddhahood. 4. to set or place in order: gral phyam bgod pa 'dra as the rafters of a roof are placed side by side (S. g.) mthar dgod pa to add, place at the end (Vai. kar.); bkod par mdzes pa beautiful as to arrangement; nicely ordered; brgyan dgod pa to arrange ornaments (tastefully); to decorate, adorn; to construct or adjust grammatical forms, sentences (Zam.). 5. to set down in writing; yi ge la 'god pa to record: ming ka ba la 'god pa to write name on a column; to compose, draw up, write a narrative, etc. Frequently to mention; to insert in a writing; to publish; to make known. 6. to rule; to govern (Sch.): byol song bkod pa'i rgyal po yin he is king over all subjugated animals (J‰.). The participle pf. bkod pa is also sbst.: (1) ground-plan; outline of a building; delineation; sketch; zhing bkod map; design; (2) form, shape, figure (Sch.); sample; copy; even of one's own body, e.g., where a person multiplies himself by magic virtue sprul ba (3) building; edifice; structure: bkod pa mdzes the structure is beautiful; (4) frame; form; bkod pa lus the structure of the body: nga'i bkod pa nam mkha'i rang bzhin my form of an ethereal nature. (EEE The original reads "cf. khod pa ", but just khod is given above to permit the hypertext link.) 'gom pa 1. to tread: bla ma slob dpon sogs kyi grib ma dang |bzhugs gdan na bza' sogs dang za btung sogs 'gom na nyes pa che treading on the shadows of lamas, teachers, &c., also on their chairs, seats or clothes or objects of food and drink, is sinful. 2. acc. to Sch. = 'gem pa , 'gum pa to pass over; 'gom pa = 'gro ba to go; going (by passing); steng nas 'gom zhes pas = gom pa brgyab nas 'gro ba to pass over a thing; leap over it. 'gom yug pa = phar 'gom tshur 'gom byed pa to cross or pass over from one side to another (Khrid.): rkang pas 'goms shing 'gro walks pacing with the feet. 'gor 1. in the beginning; 'go gral 'gor at the top or head of a row or order: chu 'gor at the source of a river. 2. supine of 'go ba . 'gor ba = thogs pa SANST, SANST to tarry, linger, loiter: lam du 'gor ba to linger on the way. Syn. gul ba . 'gor gzhi delay; 'gor gzhi med pa without delay. 'gol ba SANST; pf. gol 1. to part, to separate; vb. n. 'gol ba'i gnas a hermitage; 'gol po hermits, recluse. 2. to deviate; err; go astray. 'gol sa 1. the place where two roads separate so as to create doubt in the mind regarding the right path. 2. error; mistake. 'gos n. of a monastery, Ta., also n. of a tribe and of a minister of Tibet: blon chen 'gos kyis zhal che dga' gsum du bcad (Ya-sel. 4). 'gos pa 1. v. 'go ba 3: 'go ba'i nad 'gos yong it will catch contagion. 2. SANST a liniment; a medicine to be rubbed on; SANST anointed, besmeared. 'gos gzhon nu dpal * n. pr. (Schr.; Ta. 2, 60). 'gyag pa cf. skyag pa 3, to be sold, spent, expended (Cs.). 'gyang ba pf. 'gyangs ; SANST, SANST, SANST to be delayed, deferred, postponed; farthest: phyir 'gyang na if one defers it; lo mang po mi 'gyang bar not many years shall have passed; dus 'gyangs a long time after. 'gyangs med without delay (Yig. k. 26). 'gying pa SANST, SANST an appearance of greatness or of pride. (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "hgyios-pa" for 'gyings pa which might also be correct.) 'gying ba 1. to assume air or appearance of greatness; to sit lifting up the body in the manner of a lion. 2. to look haughtily; to look down upon; to slight a person; mi la 'gying ba also of things, to despise, contemn, neglect them. ltongs su 'gying ba seem to be an intensified form, meaning to scorn loftily; to look down on as from a summit. 'gying bag attitude; posture; gesture; also manner in reference to gzugs form, or dbyibs , appearance. 'gyings 'khar a staff consecrated to a fearful deity, or having on its top a head with wide yawning mouth or in some fearful attitude. (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "hgyio-hkar" for 'gying 'khar which might also be correct, but given the dictionary context the Tibetan headword as shown above is probably what was intended.) 'gyings pa v. 'gying ba 3. 'gyim pa SANST the circumference. 'gyu ba pf. 'gyus , to move quickly to and fro, e.g., as lightning, the quivering air in mirage, the motion and versatility of the mind, &c. 'gyur ba SANST, SANST, pf. gyur to| or gyur pa , imp. gyur cig cf. sgy ur ba 3. 1. to become; to grow, increase, change: dge slong du 'gyur ba to become a monk; rgyal por 'gyur ba to become a king; sbrum mar 'gyur ba to get with child; 'dun du 'gyur to reach the number of seven: khyod pas brgya 'gyur pas lhag par bzang ba yod there are those which grow a hundred times better than you; gsum 'gyur lta bur three times as such; da gnyis 'gyur tsam zhig one twice as large as that; 'gyur skad a changing voice. 2. sbst. change, alteration, revolution, vicissitude: dus bzhi'i 'gyur bas through the change of the fourth season; 'gyur rten bzhag pa to pay money in hand as an earnest that the bargain is not to be retracted. 'gyur du med pa SANST unchangeable, invariable: mthu stobs nad med pa|gzi rjid yongs su 'gyur ba| the total decay of strength, health and esteem (in old age); bdag gi sems ma gyur ma nyams pa my mind has not been altered nor weakened; dad pa 'di las ma 'gyur cig| do not depart from this belief. 'gyur du yod pa changeable, variable: pho mo 'gyur pa male changing into female and vice versa: sems 'gyur ba to change the mind; yod par 'gyur ba to become; begin to exist; to gain possession: srog la mi lta bar 'gyur pa'i dngos po 'di dag these acts of having become indifferent to life; cang mi smra bar gyur to| he became speechless. 3. 'gyur ba annexed to an infinitive may denote either the perfect or the future tense, the context deciding in very instance how it is to be understood: su zhig rgyal srid byed par 'gyur who shall have the Government? who shall rule? de rgyal por 'gyur bar shes so| they knew that this man would become king. ya mtshan du 'gyur ba to be surprised, astonished; gnas su 'gyur ba to come to a place; to arrive at: 'dod pa'i dngos grub tu 'gyur ba to be endowed with the perfect gift of wishing, viz., of having every wish fulfilled; gYos par 'gyur ba to become moving; to begin to move. 4. to be translated; bod du 'gyur ba to be translated into Tibetan; bka' 'gyur the translated word; 'gyur byung was translated. 'gyur ba'i chos changeable (and therefore perishable) things (Cs.). 'gyur bar 'gyur * SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 89) it will become. 'gyur byed a changer; one who brings about changes. 'gyur med SANST unchangeable; infallible. 'gyur tshig the translated words; according to some authors words that have been translated into another language: rgyud rang gi 'gyur tshig dngos gnas su 'jog| keep the original terms of the Tantra intact with their translation (Ya-sel. 38). 'gye = 'od SANST light; a whip. (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "hye" which is clearly in error.) 'gye ba pf. and imp. gyes 1. to be dispersed; to be divided, e.g., a river that is divided into several branches; rnam pa gnyis su (a ray of light) divided into two parts; to separate; to part: bem rig 'gyes dus body and soul part from each other. 2. to issue, proceed, spread, branch from: de dag las gyes so| they have proceeded from those (their ancestors). 'gyeg = gnad the sense; the real meaning; essence: bon thams cad kyi 'gyeg man ngag la thug pas the essence of all the Bon meets in the Man-oag. 'gyed 1. n. of a district in north Tsang: gtsang gi ru gnyis ni ru lag shang 'gyed (Loo. 'a 6). 2. alms in money or eatable things; 'gyed gtong pa to distribute alms. This expression is defined by Tibetan writer as tshogs la dngul lta bu mi re re la 'grems te ster ba to bestow silver and the like in an assembly, distributing to each man. 'gyed stobs SANST athletic feat; exercise of arms. 'gyed pa pf. 'gyes , bkye SANST, SANST, SANST 1. to divide (trs.), to scatter, disperse; 'od zer 'gyed pa to diffuse rays of light: sprul pa 'gyed sends forth an emanation; pho nya 'gyed pa to send a messenger; to dismiss; tshogs an assembly. 2. to institute, set going; 'thab mo 'gyed pa to start a combat; gYul 'gyed pa to fight a battle; gYul 'gyed pa po one who gives battle; in the dispute. 3. to give an entertainment, banquet; to hold a feast. 'gyed ma = phra men pa n. of a goddessóone that brings on division, dissension, or disunion. 'gyer ba or spong ba SANST to drop or let fall; to throw down; to quit, abandon, throw away (Sch.). 'gyel ba to fall; to tumble down: gan rkyal 'gyel fell on his back, face upwards; sa la 'gyel tumbled on the ground; rlung sogs kyis 'gyel ba to be thrown by the wind, &c.; nad kyis 'gro mi thub par 'gyel ba stricken down by illness so as to be unable to walk: rdo la thogs nas 'gyel ba he fell by stumbling on a stone; de'i tshe na kho mo 'khums te sa la 'gyel ba dang then I, fainting away, fell to the ground. 'gyes pa another form of 'gye ba ; phan tshun so sor 'gyes pa , to separate as under or between two parties. 'gyog thel = las dam seal; 'gyog thel chabs bcas properties under seal (Rtsii.). 'gyog pa to ascend; gyen du 'gyog pa po one who climbs up (Situ. 84). 'gyod pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST to repent; to grieve for. 1. lament, relent, not only for bad, but also for good actions, when the latter are attended with disadvantage. 2. sbst. regret: 'gyod pa bskyed pa regret arises at last; nga 'gyod pa bskyed pa I felt regret; nga 'gyod pa'i sems med par khyod la sbyin no| I gave it to you readily without regret. 'gyod pa rnam gsum the three kinds of regret are illustrated as follows:- (1) dgra byes su ma 'thul rang yul 'gyod not being able to defeat an enemy out of one's country, or dpa'o res byas gcig byung na sems ngo 'gyod to be sorry for an occasional defeat after one has behaved himself as a hero; (2) mthon gzhis su ma byas byes su ma byas byes su 'gyod to be sorry, when out on a journey, at not being properly equipped with provisions, etc; mgron nges kha gcig byung dus nga re 'gyod to be sorry on inviting an important person when there is no proper arrangement for his entertainment or reception; (3) rta pho gzhis su ma gso byes su 'gyod to be sorry for not having fed one's horse when on a journey; also rta shi sga khur byung dus nga re 'gyod to be sorry when the horse dies, one has to carry the saddle on one's own back; (4) lha chos gzhon dus ma byas rgas dus 'gyod to be sorry in old age for not having done religious works as a youth; (5) 'chi bdag bdud po de byung dus 'gyod "when that Devil the lord of death has come, he repents." 'gyod pa'i dri ma regret after a gift has been made; 'gyod med SANST without regret or repentance. 'gyod rmo ba to cause repentance; to make one suffer, feel, or pay for a thing: gnong 'gyod repentance proceeds from consciousness of guilt (J‰.). 'gyod tshangs byed pa to apologise: 'gyod tshangs byed par gnang ba to accept an apology. 'gyod zin pa having repented. 'gyod bshags confession and repentance. 'grags grags or grags 'grags SANST, very bright. (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "hgrags-gras" which is clearly in error.) 'grags pa I: (dag-pa) pf. grags 1. to sound forth; to utter a cry or sound, of men, animals, thunder, &c.; to shout: de'i rna lam du 'grags par 'gyur na if it should be shouted into his ear. 2. to be famous; to be called; zhes grags so it is called; so he was called; by this name he goes; under that name he is known. II: to bind, v. grags pa 3. 'grang ba (dang-wa) 1. to number; to count, v. bgrang ba 3. 2. to satisfy with food; to satiate; 'grangs rjes after having eaten one's fill; sha ba bsad pas mi 'grangs te not yet having enough of deer killing. 'grangs (dang) SANST fully fed; eaten to the full extent; filled up. 'grangs pa = grod pa 'gengs or gsus pa 'gengs bellyful, stomachful; lto ba 'gengs eaten to one's fill; also ngoms pa eaten to satiety; with tshim pa satiated; chog pa contented (Moon.). 'grad pa or bgrad pa to spread; to enter. 'gran (den) v. 'gran pa 3 SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST challenged; invoked. 'gran gyi do med = 'gran ya med without a rival; matchless; unequalled (applied to things). Syn. 'gran gyi do zla med pa ; 'gran zla med pa (Moon.). 'gran thub pa = 'gran nus pa or 'gran bzod pa to suffer rivalry; to stand rivalry. 'gran du 'jug pa 1. to place in opposition; to enter into competition. 2. in a general sense, to defend one's self; to make resistance (Rdsa.). 'gran do + = 'gran zla . 'gran pa (den-pa) SANST, SANST, SANST (1) to vie with, contend with to strive (for victory); phyug khyad rnam thos sras dang 'gran te to cope even with Vaisravana as to riches: bstod par 'gran let us vie with one another in uttering praise; 'gran pas chog let us now draw a parallel between (these two). (EEE No definition (2) is provided in the original.) 'gran tshig words of contention, bickering. 'gran zla (den-da) 1. rival, competitor. 2. equal match; 'gran zla dang bral ba unrivalled; matchless. Syn. 'gran ya ; 'gran gyi do zla ; 'gran do rival; match. 'gran sems 1. contention; emulation. 2. jealousy. 3. quarrelsome temper; spirit of controversy; 'gran sems gcog pa to stop; put an end to contention, rivalry. 'gram (dam) bank; shore; side; neighbourhood, as tsig pa'i 'gram the foot of the wall; chu yi 'gram river side or bank; me yi 'gram fire-side; dgon pa'i 'gram neighbourhood or a monastery; grong pa'i 'gram vicinity of a village; lam gyi 'gram roadside: lung pa chu yis gang na 'gram rdo skam po mi lus if the river fills the valley, a stone on its bank does not remain dry (a proverb). Often used as a postp. with or without du or la annexed: gzar po'i 'gram du at the brink of the precipice; mtsho'i 'gram la at the lake; close to the lake; 'gram du is also used as adv. meaning near; close by. 'gram dkyus = 'gram pa . 'gram ngogs SANST, SANST a bathing place; a shore. 'gram lcag a slap on the face; a box on the ear. 'gram pa SANST, SANST cheek (cf. khur tshos 3) lag pa 'gram pa la rten pa to lay one's hand on the cheek; as vb. to proclaim, publish. 'gram po SANST one living or residing in the neighbourhood; one possessing crushing teeth; a demon. 'gram gzhi foundation; basis; 'gram gzhi 'ding ba to lay a foundation. 'gram yig edict, proclamation, publication; lo rgyus gnas tshul gyi yi ge 'gram pa to publish accounts of biography or history, &c. 'gram rus cheek-bone; jaw-bone. 'gram gshog the hinder part of the jaw-bone (Sch.). 'gram so acc. to J‰. cheek-tooth; molar-tooth; grinder. 'grams pa to spread over; me tog sogs 'grams pa po one who spreads or scatters flowers, etc. 'di ni mi la 'grams pa this will be spread over the man; sa la 'grams pa to spread on the ground; phyogs phyogs su 'grams pa to scatter to the different quarters; lus la nad 'grams pa to infect the body with disease. 'grams tshad over-mastering fever. 'gras 'grus = gya gyu SANST serpentine, crooked, bent. 'gras pa (de-pa) phan tshun mi mthun pa 1. disagreement; difference between two parties. 2. SANST, SANST to hate; to bear ill-will; to have spite against. 'grig 'grig (dig-dig) 1. arranged properly; tshig 'grig 'grig pa to arrange words properly. 2. gelatine; jelly of meat (J‰.). 'grig pa (cf. sgrig pa 3) to suit, agree, correspond; to be right; stabs 'grig pa suitable occasion; rten 'brel 'grig pa good or auspicious coincidence; dus tshod 'grig pa the time suits; gral 'grig pa to make everything ready; kha 'grig pa unanimity in deposition; all of one expression or speech; blo sems 'grig pa to agree in opinion; kha mchu 'grig pa compromise in a law-suit or case (civil or in criminal). 'grib pa 1. SANST to grow dim; to get dark (Cs.) (cf. sgrib pa 3). 2. SANST loss; diminution; also to grow less; to decrease, to be diminished, to decay; mi 'grib mi lud pa neither to grow less nor to flow over; 'phel ba is opposed to 'grib pa ; bskal pa mar 'grib pa the kalpa (period) diminishes. 'grim v. 'grim pa 3 in lag 'grim lag 'grim gyis brgyus pas , passing from hand to hand. 'grim 'grul communication; also travellers, either merchants or pilgrims: rdo rje gdan du sog po'i 'grom 'grul chad the communication of the Tartars with Dorje-dan (Gaya) was interrupted (A. 19). 'grim pa 1. sometimes for 'brim pa . 2. pf. 'grims to march about, perambulate; to rove or stroll about; walk round; rgyal khams 'grim pa to rove over the countries; ri khrod 'grim pa to wander on a mountain range; chu dang lung la yang 'grim nas 'gro ba to go about crossing rivers and valley, &c. 'grim mod doing or accomplishing any work: la la ni las kyi dbang gis mngal sgo gzhan yang 'grim mod kyis mthar bde some in consequence of las (i.e., karma) entered the womb, others having accomplished good deeds, were happy enough to escape (here mthar = thar ) (Hbrom. kha, 24). 'grims (dim) or 'grims pa SANST, SANST inferiority; inequality or also less in quantity or quality; rig pa 'grims pa failing in intellect; growing foolish. 'gril ba (dil-wa) pf. gril (cf. sgril ba 3). 1. to be twisted or wrapped round, for 'khril (Sch.), to be collected, concentrated; to flock or crowd together; kun 'gril nas all in a heap; all together. 2. to be turned, rounded, made circular or cylindrical, e.g., a stick (J‰.). 3. to fall, drop down. 'gris (di), v. 'dris 3; 'gris ma thag tu snying gtam mi bshad cing immediately after acquaintance not expressing one's heart's words, (i.e., revealing one's secret) (Jig.). 'gru ba (du-wa) pf. grus 1. to bestow pains upon a thing; slob pa la 'gru ba to take pains in studying. 2. n. of tribe in Tibet: dbra' 'gru ldom gsum lga dang bzhi (Jig.). 'grub pa (dub-pa) pf. grub (Situ. 69) to be accomplished without any perceptible agent; to be made ready; to be finished; 'grub par 'gyur ro| will be finished: 'grub par 'gyur cig| let it be finished or performed; 'grub par 'gyur or 'grub yong will be finished, performed; 'grub pa mi srid it cannot be accomplished or done; ma grub par before accomplished or performed: ma 'grub pa rnams 'grub par 'gyur ro| let those deeds not yet effected be accomplished. lhun gyis grub pa spontaneously grown or produced, i.e., in a supernatural way: 'grub par shog SANST may it be accomplished! 'grub sbyor I: or 'grub pa dang sbyor ba anything accomplished and perfected (as a reward). II: is an expression occurring in almanacks relative to the proving true of certain astrological prognostics of good luck; similar to, but not identical with, rten 'brel . 'grum pa (dum-pa), pf. grum (cf. grum pa 3), to pinch or nip off (the point of a thing); to cut off; to prime, lop, clip the wings (J‰.). 'grul ba (dul-pa) = lam gyi mgron po a traveller, passenger; also a pilgrim: bod la da lo sog po 'grul pa mang po slebs byung |'gyed mang ja yag po byung | this year many Mongol pilgrims have come to Tibet; there were liberal alms-doles, and tea for many. 'grul ba 1. to walk; to pass; to travel; 'grul bar byed pa to cause to go; to send off, despatch, a messenger; 'grul ba po a walker, post, traveller, pedestrian; sbst. 'grul passage; the possibility of passing: gnya' nang gi 'grul chad pas the passage from Nyanang being stopped (by snow). 2. fig. to walk; to live, act, or behave. 3. to pass as good; to be current (of coins). 'grul zhud passage, communication. 'grus 'gog + = brtson 'grus assiduity, industry. 'grus pa (dui-pa) 1. pf. 'gru ba . 2. sbst. zeal, enthusiasm, diligence, endeavour; more frequently brtson 'grus (J‰.). 'gre ba (de-wa) (rigs lta bu ) SANST to roll one's self; sa la 'gre ba to roll on the ground; 'gre ldog or 'gre log byed pa to roll on the ground from pain or despair, &c.; also of horses, &c. 'gre ldog ldog pa to roll on the ground from pain, etc.; to wallow: rta sogs phar tshur 'gre log rgyab pa the horses, etc., roll hither and thither; sdug bsngal mi bzod pas 'gre ldog ldog byed kyin 'dug unable to bear pain they were rolling (on the ground) (Khrid. 39). 'greng ba (deo-wa) (cf. sgreng ba 3) SANST, SANST to stand: dong gi khar 'greng nas standing at the mouth of the pit; dngngs pa ltar 'greng bar 'gyur they started up as if afrighted. mi 'greng gsum three lengths of a man (J‰.). 'greng bu (deo-bu) also 'greng po sign of the vowel e "e." 'grem pa pf. bkram , fut. dgram , imp. khroms 1. to spread (as of grain, for drying), or 'grems pa (dem-pa) (chu lta bu ) SANST to sprinkle (water). 2. to put or lay down in order, e.g., beams, &c.; to spread out; to display; to scatter; to draw (a curtain). 'grel chung don gsal * SANST n. pr. (Schr.; Ta. 2, 200). 'grel pa 1. = 'tshol pa SANST, SANST to beg, supplicate. 2. to put in, arrange; tshig don 'grel pa the arranging or paraphrasing the meanings of words. 3. to explain, comment upon. 'grel bshad * SANST (Schr.). 'gres pa ex-officer; late officer. 'gro gling * SANST n. pr. (Schr.; Ta. 2, 222), n. of a country (prob. Tamil); of a lexicographer [prob. SANST]. 'gro sgo = 'gro song ba expenditure, cost; anything expended. 'gro lding I: n. of a country in the south of India, i.e., Dravira. II: SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 27). 'gro ba pf. song , imp. song , but negative form of imp. ma 'gro 1. to go, in all its significations, i.e., to go away, proceed to, walk, &c. 2. sbst. a living creature; that which moves; 'gro ba rigs drug the six classes of living things. 3. to live; be living; move; exist; to be. Syn. rgyu ba ; 'dong ba (Moon.). 'gro ba po = 'gro byed one who goes; goer; walker; traveller; passenger; pres. 'gro bzhin 'dug = 'gro gin 'dug proceeding; going; fut. 'gro bar 'gyur . 'gro ba rigs drug the six kinds of moving beings:- (1) lha the gods; (2) lha ma yin SANST the demons; (3) mi SANST humanity; (4) dud 'gro SANST beasts, etc; (5) yi ags SANST the ghosts; (6) dmyal ba SANST hell-beings. 'gro ba'i mgon po SANST an epithet of Avalokitesvara; an ras gzigs a name of Buddha, of Virnu (Moon.). 'gro myongs = 'gro nyong previously visited. 'gro las che = 'gro shes che or 'gro nyen che , adv. very probably; in all probability; also lam che alone is used: gso ba rig pa 'di bod na snan med pas nub nas 'gro las che the science of healing, there being no medicine in Tibet, may in all probability disappear (A. 35). 'grogs pa to associate with; to keep company; to be in the company of; to accompany: dam pa dag dang 'grogs par bcun try to associate with the holy ones. 'grogs pa po or 'grogs par byed associate; one who accompanies, goes together. Syn. rjes chags ; yongs sbyor ; yang dag 'grogs (Moon.). 'gro lugs (custom) manner. 'gron bu cho lo'i sa bon cowries; dice (Moon.). 'gro ma * SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 119). 'gro bzang ma * (Schr.; 92 A.). 'gro byed = glang po an elephant (Moon.). 'grol ba I: pf. bkrol , fut. dgrol , to unravel; to make loose; to set free; to unfasten; don du mdud pa 'grol ba to cut the knot; 'grol ba po or 'gro byed one who unravels, loosens; 'grol gyin 'dug is being set free; 'grol bar 'gyur will be set free. II: to escape, be liberated, be released from. The pf. here is grol . Generally used in the distinctive Buddhist sense of escape from the necessity of living, re-birth, etc. 'gros mi rta sogs kyi 'gro lugs gait; manner of walking of men, horses, etc.: nyi zla gza' skar la :- rang 'gros rlung 'gros gnyis re yod those that are self moving, such as sun, moon and planets, etc., and those that are moved; ngang pa ne tso'i 'gros can kun gyis bkur those whose manner of walking is like the goose or the parrot are respected by all: glang chen seng ge khyu mchog 'gros ldan mis|longs od mang po'i bdag po byed par 'dod| those that walk in the manner of elephant, lion or bull become rich and wish to be master of many people; khyi phag bong 'gros can gang sdug bsngal 'thob whosoever walks in the manner of dog, pig and donkey gains unhappiness (Mi.). rga ba pf. rgas SANST 1. to be old, aged; also sbst. old age. 2. to go down; to set (of the sun, etc.) (J‰.). rga wang krad kyi bat, flitter-mouse (J‰.). rga lo * (Schr.; Ta. 2, 252). rga shi SANST old age and death; rga shis gzir ba to suffer under the infirmities of old age. rgang also 'gang gzer ma hedgehog, the second term designating two species: Erinaceus auritus and Erinaceus amurensis, the latter found in Kˆkˆnur district. rgad pa = resp. rgan pa old; aged. rgad po = rgas pa also = bgres po an old man; a man gray with age. Syn. lang tsho yol ; na tshod yol ; lo mang khur ldan ; dbang po nyams ; 'khogs pa ; mgo skyes dkar ba ; bzhi pa'i gnas skabs ; sku na snin pa ; dgung lo mthon po ; rgan pa (Moon.). rgad mo an old woman. rgan rgon (rgad po rgan mo ) old man and old woman. rgan pa SANST, SANST an elder; senior. In Tibetan astrology a person aged between 60 and 72 is called rgan pa . rgan po SANST, SANST, SANST 1. an old man; elder. 2. the headman of a village. rgan po'i thig go ba vulture; also met. for rainbow (Moon.). rgan po'i thig le SANST met. an old man's son. rgan po'i las the work of an elderly man. rgan mo SANST, SANST, SANST an old woman; one infirm and worn out. rgan zhugs SANST those that are grown old; elderly people. rgan rabs SANST the venerable, aged. rgan rims SANST of the older class. rgan la nyan pa SANST to listen to the advice of the old. (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "rgan-la Òam-pa" which is clearly in error.) rgan song SANST has become old. rgal SANST, SANST; = rab a ford; chu rgas the ford in a river: rgal dka' ba difficult to ford or to cross. rgal pa or rgal ba pf. and fut. brgal , imp. rgol to ford (a river); to travel through; to pass over; to surmount a pass: rgya mtsho la gru gzings kyi rgal te after having crossed the sea in a ship; la brgal ba'i byang ngos the north side (face) of the mountain pass that has been crossed. rgal tshigs SANST, SANST the joints of the back; hip-joint; according to Sch. rgal tshigs = sgal tshigs the spine. rgal cig a lizard; bla ma rgal cig the chameleon. rgas rga ba old, ripe. rgas ka old age. rgas pa = rgad po SANST, SANST aged, old; exhausted; infirm; sbst. an old man. rgas pa bso ba an elixir (which has the property of giving the appearance of youth in old age); bcud len gyi skor (Mog. 90). rgas byed SANST that makes one look old and haggard. rgas byed ma SANST a women whose company makes a youth look old. rgas med SANST that never grows old, a name of the celestial beings. rgu = dgu many; dgu thub one able to overcome many. rgu drus a mixture of many ingredients healing sores, joining veins and removing pains in the intestines, as in rgu drus rma 'drub rtsa mthud rgyu gzer 'joms (Med.). (EEE The original gives the headword as rga drus , but given the transliteration (rgu-drus) and the context it has been changed here.) rgud pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. disadvantage; trouble. 2. to decline, to sink, grow frail: rgas pa dang na ba dang mya ngan dang sdug bsngal gyis lus sems rgud pa (his) body and mind become deteriorated from misery, sorrow, disease and age; dar rgud rise and decline. rgud po v. gud po 3. rgud mun = dbul phongs kyi mun pa a destitute person; destitute. rgun = rgun 'brum SANST grapes; rgun dkar the white species of grape: rgun 'brum glo nad sel zhing tshad pa ong the grape removes diseases of the lungs and cures fever. rgun skems wine or drink made from grapes. rgun rgod wild grapes; according to J‰. raisins in W. rgur po or sgur po SANST hunchback; one bent by age, v. dgur 3. rgur re rgur rgur byas nas sdad pa sit downcast, bending the head downwards. rgo sometimes for sgo . rgo ba = dgo ba a species of antelope Procapra picticaudata v. J‰. rgongs mo = dgongs mo in older writings the evening. rgod 1. adj. wild; bya rgod a vulture; a bird of prey; ra rgod wild goat; phag rgod wild boar; gYag rgod = 'brong a wild yak. 2. mi rgod lta bu like a wild man; a savage; a robber; a ruffian; mi rgod byed pa to rob (usually named together with murdering and lying). rgod skam ma a barren mare. rgod pa 1. to laugh. 2. = gYeng ba to grow weak, languid, or indolent. rgod bag can + described as yon tan med cing sems dbang mtho ba 1. a vain person pretending to be great and powerful, but devoid of wisdom. 2. = sems rnam par mi zhi ba the disturbed state of the mind (K. d. 'a 355). 3. weak; languid (J‰.). rgod byed SANST laughing; laughter. rgod ma SANST, SANST a mare. rgod ma skyes 1. a name of the physician of the gods. 2. born of the mare. One of the wives of the God of the Sun who, unable to bear the glare of his rays, ran away in the guise of a mare to the northern continent, Uttara Kuru. The sun followed there, and caused her to give birth to the celestial twins called Asvini kumara. rgod ma'i tshogs SANST a herd of mares. rgod yas a numerical figure. rgol v. rgol ba 3. rgol phyi rgol a posture of witchcraft against evil spirits: rgol phyi rgol gyi gdan bshams (A. 33) prepared the seat for a defiant attitude to suppress evil spirits. rgol ba = rtsod pa SANST, pf. and fut. brgol , to dispute, combat, fight, make controversy; tshig gis rgol ba to hold discussion, verbal disputation; dpung dang stobs kyis rgol ba to fight by means of troops and powers; rgol ba'i zhu don a challenge; a speech provoking a quarrel; phas rgol a quarrel or contest begun by the counter party (Sch.); phas rgol mi an adversary, opponent; snga rgol SANST the plaintiff in a law suit, but generally signifies an aggressor, assailant; phyi rgol SANST defendant; phyir rgol ba'i gnod pa is an external danger against which every one tries to protect himself and chiefly by charms and witchcraft; snga rgol and phyi rgol are also said to signify such students as hold religious controversies with one another. snga rgol is the party putting the question; phyi rgol is the party answering the questions. rgol tshig threatening words. Syn. o tshig ; bsdigs tshig (Moon.). rgya I: SANST seal, stamp, token, mark, sign; rgya 'debs pa to seal; to stamp: rgya gcog pa to break or open a seal; ri rgya lung rgya bzhug pa to seal up hills and valleys, i.e., to protect the living beings inhabiting them from being harmed by huntsmen or fisherman; an annual religious performance of the Dalai Lama, consisting in variety of spells and incantations for the safety of animals. Syn. the'u tse ; phyag dam ; dam phrug (Moon.). II: animal of the deer class, in appearance like the Nilgai, possibly the saiga-antelope. III: SANST, SANST a net, a trap; nya rgya a fishing net; bya rgya a fowling net; ri ags kyi rgya a net or trap to catch birds or wild animals. IV: 1. extent; size: rgya'i tshad ni ci tsam how much was its extent? rgya dpag tu med pa immeasurable in extent. 2. SANST a name for India but sometimes for China, which are both vast countries; also fullness, complete state, or perfection. rgya rim pa bdun rgyas btab pa there are seven kinds of mark used in dividing a volume; they are the following:- (1) tshig 'bru mi 'khrugs tshig gi rgya the sign or mark for distinguishing one verse from another, so that the verses may not be confused; (2) tshig rkang mi 'khrugs pa shad kyi rgya the marks or stops used at the end of a sentence or the line of a verse; (3) tshig don mi 'khrugs pa le'u'i rgya to mark the chapters: (4) sha lo ka mi 'khrugs pa bam po'i rgya the marks so that the lines may not be carried from one chapter to another; (5) bam po mi 'khrugs pa bam po'i grangs kyi rgya marks to shew the number of parts in each volume; (6) mtha' mi 'chal ba sne thig gi rgya the marks to shew the end of book, part or chapter; (7) glegs bam mi 'khrugs pa gdong yig gam an khyer gyi rgya the serial number used in marking the volumes of a collection. rgya gram a cross; the Svastika sign; rdo rje rgya gram a cross made of two Vajra, one placed upon another crosswise. rgya skad Indian or Chinese language. rgya skas a staircase, cf. skas ka 3. rgya skyegs SANST, SANST lac; a kind of resin; rgya skyegs kyi rnam 'gyur SANST a sort of lac of the colour of MaÒjirtha. rgya skyegs shing SANST, SANST, SANST a kind of tree the twigs of which are used to clean the teeth. (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "rgya-skyeg-shio" which is clearly a drop-out error.) rgya bskum pa to contract; to diminish in extent. rgya dkar large orb; disk: nyi zla'i rgya dkar shar the bright orbs of the sun and the moon appear (J‰.). rgya bskyed pa to widen, enlarge, extend, augment. rgya khams pa the Khampa tribes residing on the confines of China and Tibet. rgya khyi Chinese lap-dog. rgya khyon or rgya 'am khyon v. rgya 3. rgya gar said to stand for Rgya-dkar, because dkar become gar when joined to the word rgya SANST; Tibetan n. for India, the extensive country where the people dress in white. The different names for India are:- (1) 'phags yul SANST, Arya desa; (2) 'phags 'khrungs birth (place) of the Holy ones; (3) bsod nams sa gzhi SANST for Magadha; (4) sa'i snying po SANST. rgya gar phyag na * (Schr.; Ta. 2, 249). rgya gram v. rgya kram . (EEE rgya kram does not occur as a headword in the dictionary. rgya gram is actually the correct spelling, meaning two things that are in a crossed arrangement, such as crossed vajras, usually called "double dorje".) rgya grol SANST set free, liberated. (EEE the original has rgya grol gya-grol; it clearly should be rgya grol .) rgya brgyab pa or rgya btab pa to lay a net or trap. (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "rgya bgyab-pa" which is clearly in error.) rgya rgyu ra met. for grog ma the ant (Moon.). rgya sgo SANST a gate; a principal door or entrance. rgya sgy ur met. an ant (Moon.). rgya cang + ske rags spub can aab btab pa narrow, long money-bag made of net and securely joined to the sash. rgya lcog Chinese table. rgya chad partiality; invidious distinction. rgya che ba or thul che ba great, large, copious, diffused; ston pa rgya che ba a great master or teacher. rgya cher rol pa Tibetan edition of the Lalitavistara. rgya che lam SANST = rgya lam main road. rgya chen po = rgya che ba SANST large, copious, wide; sa cha rgya chen po an extensive country or large place; sems rgya chen po a generous broad heart; chos rgya chen po voluminous religious work; religious observances on a large scale. rgya cher bsngags pa SANST copious or abundant description. rgya jog or rgya 'jog a long table; a bench. rgya rtags 1. SANST mark, sign, signature, stamp. 2. (grangs ) n. of a numeral. rgya Tam the Indian rupee. rgya thel a kind of seal or stamp. rgya mthongs lit. wide view; a platform or open pavilion on the top of a house. rgya mda' n. of a district in upper Kong-po (Yig. k. 25). rgya 'dre or rgyam 'dre a quarrel. rgya nag SANST China, i.e., the great and extensive country where people dress in black. rgya rnams or rgya mi rnams the Chinese people. rgya sna ru in mystic language copulation (gab tshig don la 'khrig pa ). rgya spos SANST the chinese incense stick or Joss-stick. rgya phugs SANST a full covering. rgya ba = phan pa , bsam pa 'bad pa to be useful and of service; to exert one's self: sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa la rgya ba yin pas (A. 133) he was of great service to the religion of Buddha. rgya bo the beard; colloq. "gyan." rgya bod or rgya nag dang bon China and Tibet. SANST; also Ulterior or Chinese Tibet. rgya byin gzhu SANST rainbow. rgya ma a steel-yard. In Amdo the term rgya ma signifies secondary syphilis. rgya men me tog a flower used as medicine: rgya men me tog khrag 'khrug ro stod gzer la phan the flower Gyamen metog is useful in diseased blood and in pains in the shoulders. rgya mo a net; also a Chinese woman. rgya snug of the colour of the liver; purple. Acc. to J‰. violet colour. rgya rtsangs a kind of lizard (Sman. 322). rgya rtsi (sa rtsi ) a Chinese varnish: rgya rtsis rma shu 'bras skran rngo la phan rgya-rstis rma-shu hbras-skron rngo-la phan Chinese varnish cures sores, wounds, skin-irruption, itch, etc. (EEE note difference between Tibetan and transliterated spellings of skran above which are given as they appear in the original.) rgya brtson 'grus seng ge n. of the learned Tibetan Lo-tsa-wa who twice visited Vikramasila in Magadha with a view to take Atisa to Tibet. rgya tshwa = shin tu lan tshwa ba sal-ammoniac. Syn. ka po ta ; lce 'bigs (Moon.). rgya tshos vermilion. rgya mtsho SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the ocean; the sea. 2. dropsy. 3. it also signifies the number four: mkhas pa legs bshad kyis mi ngoms|rgya mtsho chu yis ngoms pa med| no amount of elegant sayings or writings is adequate for the learned; no quantity of water is sufficient for the ocean. rgya mtsho is a common personal name in Tibet. Syn. chu gter ; chu dag ; chu'i phung po ; rin chen 'byung gnas ; zla bas 'phel ; zla ba'i grogs ; pha rol mi mngon ; brgal dka' ba ; chu srin 'byung gnas ; chu srin bdag ; chu'i srin po'i grong che ; sin Z‡'i bdag po ; ga]… 'dzin ; ri yi 'od can ; ro ldan ma ; sa mchod ma ; dug can gnas ; nyal 'gro'i gter ; dal 'bab mdzod ; chu srel ; chu srin rgyal mtshan can ; zla ba'i ma ma . rgya mtsho dga' SANST the moon; rgya mtsho'i zla SANST reflection of the moon in the ocean; rgya mtsho pa 'am mchod gyi dpyad SANST a seaman or anything belonging to the sea. rgya mtsho spas pa * Samudra Gupta; SANST n. of ancient monastery found buried under sand by King Dharmapala, near site of which was founded the monastery of Vikramasila. rgya mtsho'i mching + = rgya mtsho'i mjings or klong dkyil the vast expanse of the sea. rgya mtsho'i dung phreng = tsha la billows; waves of the sea; also borax (Sman. 166). rgya mtsho'i rdo ba n. of a medicine. rgya mtsho'i wu ba v. rgya mtsho dbu ba SANST, a kind of medicine [(1) sea-foam, (2) cuttle-fish bone]S. (EEE The headword is a mistake. The letter "lba " is often confused for "wa " and that is what has happened here. The headword should be rgya mtsho'i lbu ba where lbu ba 3 means "bubble" and has the same meaning as the alternate spelling 3dbu ba 3. rgya mtsho dbu ba does not occur elsewhere in the dictionary but see separately 3rgya mtsho 3 and 3dbu ba 3.) rgya bzhi in W. is stated to be a kind of gtor-ma offering to demons and demi-gods as a substitute for animal sacrifice (J‰.). rgya gzeb acc. Sch. a large net; a large rake used in reaping. rgya yan = gYeng ba laziness; remissness: rnam kun rgya yan dus during the time I am found negligent (of religious duties) (Yig. k. 22). rgya yi 'bur + engravings on a seal; rgya yi 'bur = dam phrug gi ri mo the raised figures or inscriptions on a seal; phyag rgya in mystic rites the symbolical gestures of the hand or the fingers, to express certain charms and language. rgya yul the country of India or China. rgya ri SANST painted figures, etc; a portion of meat (J‰.). It also denotes a measure = half dum or one fourth of lhu. rgya rog = aag tsom beard. rgya lab talk, gossip. rgya lam high road, main way. rgya shug the juniper tree; a species of fir from China and the Himalayas; a species of jujube; rgya gar dang rong gi shug pa 'bras bu chung chung yod pa zhig (Khrid. 33); rgya shug gi 'bru SANST, SANST jujube, fruit. Syn. bya rgod sen mo ; 'bras zlum can ; dpal skyes ; sa stobs (Moon.). rgya shug 'khyil (rgya shug gi sdong po bzang po ) a species of juniper. rgya shubs or pus shubs light trousers worn by the Chinese. rgya shog Chinese paper. rgya shos = rgya tshos vermilion. rgya ser 1. gap, cleft, fissure; chasm in rocks, glaciers, &c. 2. a dog with yellow spots about the nose. 3. rgya ser pa a Russian. rgya sog or rgya sog le 1. a saw imported from India or China. 2. a Tartar of Turkistan. rgya srang a wide opening or passage; a street; a balance. rgya sran SANST ('bru ) a kind of pulse; gram. rgyag pa another form for rgyab pa 3, used esp. in C., to throw, cast, fling; mda' rgyag pa to shoot arrows; dgon pa zhig rgyag pa to found a monastery. Has, in general, all the significations of 3'debs pa 3. rgyags pa I: SANST provisions, victuals, food; 'tsho ba'i rgyags provisions for living; lam rgyags provisions for a journey; dgun rgyags provisions for the winter; rgyags zong merchandise to buy or barter victuals with. II: SANST, SANST, SANST; dregs pa arrogance, pride. Adj. arrogant and inebriated. There are eight kinds of rgyags pa :- (1) rigs bzang bas rgyags pa pride of high birth; (2) gzugs rgyags pa pride of appearance; (3) lang tshos rgyags pa pride of youth; (4) nad med pas rgyags pa pride of freedom from sickness; (5) nor gyis rgyags pa pride of wealth; (6) dbang yod pas rgyags pa pride of power; (7) bzo rig shes pas rgyags pa pride of technical knowledge; (8) mang du thol pas rgyags pa pride of versatile perception. rgyags pa'i dga' ston fat, stout (Sch.); also mighty, powerful, proud. rgyang = gyang 1. wall. 2. SANST distance. rgyang grags SANST the distance of about two miles; the reach of hearing. rgyang mchong btang gin moving forward by long leaps. rgyang thung ba near; mig rgyang distance of sight, i.e., the distance from which a man may be well distinguished. rgyang du lus pa lingering behind (Sch.). rgyang nas phog pa SANST ear shot; hit from a distance. rgyang pa used for brkyang ba , stretched: rgyang nas bzhag pa they laid him down stretched out (J‰.). rgyang phan pa or rgya pheng pa a sect of Hindu philosophers who were scorned by the Buddhists and called atheists; 'jig rten rgyang phan pa lit. the cast out by the world, i.e., the despised of the people, the Lokayata sect of Ancient India. rgyang ma distance; great way off; rgyang ma nas at a distance; from afar. rgyang ma nas grags pa che ba famous, celebrated; heard from afar, rgyang ma nas grags pa che ba famous, celebrated; heard from afar. Very common in older as well as in modern works. rgyang mig mi mthong mkhan short-sighted. rgyang tse ordinary pronunciation of rgyal rtse , the chief town in the district of Nyang in Southern Tsang. rgyang tshas not far from. rgyang ring po far, remote; rgyang ring po nas len pa taken or brought from a great distance. rgyang ring ba SANST, SANST, SANST delaying; procrastinating. rgyang bsrings pa lengthened to a great distance. rgyangs adv. far; rgyangs bkyed de moving far away, e.g., in order to increase one's distance from an unpleasant neighbour at table (J‰.). rgyangs te arriving as in haste: shel gyi 'khar ba zhig thogs nas khong gi rtsa rgyangs te byung | carrying a crystal staff he arrived near him (A. 138.). rgyangs shing also wrongly written as rkyangs shing = sku thang ri mo bri rgyu'i ras gzhi rgyong ba'i shing sogs dang mi sogs rgyang ba 1. castle. 2. the board on which the body of a culprit is stretched for flogging; the board or canvas on which cloth or pasteboard is placed for making a picture. (EEE The original has the headword in transcription as "rgyao-sio" for rgyang shing which is the usually the accepted spelling. However, in accordance with the definition given, the author clearly intended the Tibetan spelling given in the original.) rgyan I: colloq. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST ornament, decoration; rgyan gyis brgyan pa decked with ornaments; dbu rgyan the ornament of the head; a diadem; sems kyi rgyan a blessing; an ornament of the heart; yon tan dang 'dra lus kyi rgyan gzhan med||sems das dang 'dra lus kyi sdug bsngal med| no ornament of the body equals mental talents; the miseries of the body are not equal to anxiety of the mind (She. 13). Syn. chas ; legs byed ; mdzes byas ; rgyan byas ; bkod pa ; spras (Moon.). II: skugs 1. a stake or pledge at play. 2. lot; rgyan rgyab pa to cast lotsówithout religious ceremonies. (EEE rgyan gyis brgyan pa is given as rgyan gyi sa brgyan pa but the transliteration and the translation make it clear that gyis is required.) rgyan mkhan po * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 187) one versed in rhetoric. rgyan 'gyed pa SANST to lay a wager. rgyan mchog SANST earring. rgyan du 'char it proves a blessing for the heart; a moral advantage. rgyan drug SANST the six kinds of ornaments used by the Aryan people of India. rgyan 'dogs pa to adorn one's self. rgyan ne'u le can SANST ornament made in the shape of a weasel's head. rgyan pa = bzhag pa SANST adorned, bejewelled. rgyan po SANST throwing dice; also rgyan bzhag mkhan one who joins in a wager; gambler. rgyan pa byed pa to lay a wager. rgyan dor ba or bzhag pa SANST a dice-rogue; a gamester; one who throws dice. rgyan phran SANST commonly or slightly ornamented. rgyan byas v. rgyan 3. rgyan zla gam SANST a semicircular necklace. rgyab SANST, SANST 1. the back of the body; the back part of anything; rgyab kyi phyogs behind; rgyab kyis phyogs par byed pa to put to flight; rgyab khal a burden carried on the back; rgyab gur po haunch-back; rgyab sngas a cushion or pad for the back. 2. a load; bal rgyab a load or pack of wool; drel rgyab gsum three mule-loads. rgyab tu , rgyab na , and rgyab la are in common use both as adverbs and as postp., in the latter form governing the genit. case, signifying afterwards or after, behind, at the back, etc.: rgyab la rgyug run behind; kho'i rgyab tu nyal song they lay down behind him; dgon pa'i thog rtsig pa'i rgyab nas after building the roof of the monastery. rgyab tu zhon mounts on the back. rgyab rten SANST a back-support; something to lean against; a safe retreat; prop, support. rgyab rten pa to lean one's back against; to lean or rest on; to rely upon, confide in. rgyab rten byed pa to make a support; to back. (EEE The original has the Tibetan headword as rgyal rten byed pa but in accordance with the transliteration "rgyab-rten byed-pa" and the context, this has been corrected in this edition.) rgyab ston pa to turn one's back; to turn round. rgyab gnon confirmation. rgyab pa pf. and fut. brgyab , imp. rgyob , to throw, to fling; to hit, to beat, to strike; rdo rgyab pa to throw or pelt stones at; shing rgyab pa to put wood (on fire, &c.); 'o rgyab pa to kiss; phyugs nags seb tu rgyab pa to let the cattle run into the thickets. bzlog pa rgyab pa , also btab pa to clap; 'o ma rgyab pa to pour or mix milk; tshwa rgyab pa to salt (a curry or meat). rgyab phyogs pa to turn one's back to a person or thing; to leave it behind; to be indifferent. rgyab byed pa to protect; to back. rgyab 'bol , rgyab rten cushion for the back. rgyab dmag = rjes dmag re-inforcement; reserve. rgyab rtsis intend to make; hint. rgyab rdzi one standing behind working people in order to watch and superintend them. rgyab gzhung the spine, the backbone. rgyab yas , grangs SANST (or SANST) a number. rgyab ring SANST the long-back; met. a fish or a snake. rgyab log byed pa to turn one's back; to rebel; revolt. rgyab logs the back; back part; the reverse of a thing. rgyam tshwa = rgya tshwa SANST, SANST a kind of rock-salt (brought from Sind) used in medicine. rgyal 1. (skar ma ) SANST, SANST, SANST the eighth constellation in the Hindu and Buddhist astronomy. Syn. bla ma'i lha ldan ma ; sbyor ldan ma ; tshim byed ma ; grub pa ma ; rgyal snad (Moon.). II: 1. SANST. 2. the five penalties for theft. III: (used only in compounds) royal, victorious; also great, chief. rgyal kun 'dud = 'khor los sgy ur ba'i rgyal po a Chakravarti Raja (Moon.). rgyal dka' SANST, SANST, SANST invincible; the unconquerable. rgyal gyi mtshan mo SANST a December night; rgyal gyi zla ba SANST the month of December; rgyal gyis nya ba SANST the full-moon day of December-January. rgyal khang = rgyal po'i pho brang the king's residence; palace. Syn. rgyal po'i khab ; bsod nams khang pa (Moon.). rgyal khab chen po the main government; imperial government (Yig. k. 18). rgyal khams (EEE See under yul 3.) rgyal khrims = rgyal po'i khrims court law; the king's law: rgyal khrims gser gyi gnya' shing the law is a golden yoke. rgyal mkhan po SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 230) learned. rgyal rgyud royal family or lineage. rgyal rnga SANST drum of victory: rgyal rnga rab 'byams zhing kun khyab par bsgrags the drum of victory diffusing far and wide proclaims your fame all over the world (Yig. k.). rgyal chen sde bzhi = rgyal chen bzhi SANST, SANST; they are: (1) yul 'khor srung SANST, (2) 'phags skyes po SANST, (3) an mi bzang SANST, (4) rnam thos sras SANST. rgyal mchog * SANST, SANST n. p. (Schr.; Ta. 2, 3) victorious; subduer. rgyal mchog rin chen * (Schr.; 27 A.). rgyal 'dab SANST n. of a tree [a lotus]S. rgyal sde dkar chung * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 212). rgyal po I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST king, chieftain, ruler; rgyal por bsko ba to inaugurate a king; to raise (him) to the throne: rgyal po rang gi yul na bkur||yon tan ldan pa ku tu bkur| the king is honoured in his own country, the learned is everywhere respected; 'gro thang gi rgyal po the ruling deity of Do-thang: nga rgyal po mi 'dod I do not wish to be king: rgyal po mi thob na if I do not attain royalty. Syn. sa skyong ; sa gzhi skyong ; sa bsrung ; sa bdag ; sa od ; sa dbang ; dpung pa skyes ; lag las skyes ; rnam par skyes ; 'gro ba'i dbang ; skyed gu'i bdag po ; mi rje ; mi bdag ; mi'i dbang phyug ; mi'i dbang po ; mi'i 'dren pa ; gnam gyi rgyal po ; 'jigs sel byed ; dma' skyob ; i bor dbang bskur ; mi yi mgon po ; sa 'dzin ; sa 'tsho ; sa'i dbang phyug (Moon.). II: that which is excellent; something superior in its kind; ting nge 'dzin rgyal po Samadhi-raja, the excellent work on meditation. (EEE sa od in the Syn. above is given as os da in the Tibetan but sa-spyod in the transliteration; the transliteration is correct and the Tibetan has been altered accordingly.) rgyal po 'khun pa gros 'debs = dkar po chig thub n. of a medicinal root (Sman. 104). rgyal po 'khyil ba 1. a medicine. 2. SANST, SANST a kind of precious stone said to be brought from Viratdesa; a royal fillet. Syn. mu men (Moon.). rgyal po nges par 'tsho ba SANST supported by the king. rgyal po can royal; kingly. rgyal po 'joms SANST one who has killed the king; regicide. rgyal po snug po = gla rtsi musk (Sman. 333). rgyal po mtshon byed SANST the cock. rgyal po bzhin = rgyal po nang ltar SANST in the manner of a king; right royally. rgyal po bzhugs pa SANST the race of kings. rgyal po zas gtsang King Suddhodana; bcom ldan 'das kyi yab the father of Sakyamuni. rgyal po gYu sdong gser 'go SANST n. of medicinal plant (Sman. 77) [the plant Justicia Janderussa]S. rgyal po ra ma Na King Rama-chandra of the Ramayana. Syn. ra M‡'i bu ; dka' thub can ; tshul bzang ; dga' byed ; 'phongs skyen; shing rta bcu pa'i sras ; mgrin bcu'i dgra bo ; si ta'i bdag po ; 'dzam gling rgyal po ; dga' byed bzang po ; pho brang me tog can (Moon.). rgyal po rab snang described as bcom ldan 'das 'khrungs pa'i dus su byung ba'i rgyal po chen po zhig gi mtshan n. of a king who was born on the day Buddha was born. rgyal po sha ra ba SANST = bcom ldan 'das 'khrungs dus byung ba'i rgyal chen zhig gi mtshan . rgyal po gsang ba an gcig = shang dril dmar po n. of a medicine (Sman. 224). rgyal po'i sku bsrungs pa a king's body-guard. Syn. bsrung ma'i tshogs pa ; sku bsrungs pa ; ba tra'i sde ; bsrung ba (Moon.). rgyal po'i skyed tshal = rgyal po'i tshal or dga' ba'i tshal royal gardens; park (Moon.). rgyal po'i skyes bu = rgyal po'i mi SANST personage of the king's family; an official. rgyal po'i khab SANST the king's residence; palace; capital Rajagir in Magadha. Syn. khyad par bkod pa ; 'phel ba can ; bkra shis can ; bsod nams khang pa ; kun nas bzang ; ba gam can ; sa bdag khyim ; gYung drung 'khyil ba ; rgyal khang ; rgyal po'i pho brang ; rgyal po'i bsti gnas (Moon.). rgyal po'i khams = rgyal srid SANST kingdom. rgyal po'i rtags the signs of royalty, such as the umbrella, the chowry, etc.; royal paraphernalia. rgyal po'i gdung = rgyal sras the son of a king; a prince; a scion of the royal family; a royal descendant. rgyal po'i dpyad SANST, SANST present; tribute (to a king). rgyal po'i myu gu the son of a king; a prince. rgyal po'i slas + = btsun mo'i sdod sa the queen's apartments in a palace, also her attendants. Syn. btsun mo'i 'khor ; pho brang 'khor (Moon.). rgyal pos bkrabs pa = rgyal pos 'dams pa chosen, selected gain and loss; win by the king. rgyal pham victory and defeat; wining and losing. rgyal phran a petty king; a feudatory prince. Syn. rgyal rigs cha shas ; yul 'khor dbang ; yul gyi bdag po ; grong khyer rje ; sde dpon ; sa yi thig le 'dzin ; khams kyi rgyal po (Moon.). rgyal ba I: SANST v. neut. 1. to be victorious; to win; to conquer; to subdue; to overpower; nag po'i phyogs las rgyal ba to be victorious over the powers of sin, i.e., the side of darkness; gYul las rgyal ba to be victorious in battle; tshod lta ba las rgyal ba to pass an examination successfully; rtsod pa las rgyal ba to win a contest. 2. the number twenty-four. II: SANST 1. the act of conquering; victory. 2. the conquering party or person; he that prevails; the conqueror (opp. to pham pa the vanquished). (EEE pham ma given as pham pa but transliterated as pham-pa which seems correct.) III: SANST, SANST 1. the conqueror, most high, i.e., the Buddha. 2. the earliest known Buddha, Adi-Buddha; the conqueror of passions. IV: adj. victorious; superior; eminent; excellent: rnam par rgyal ba'i khang bzang the mansion completely excellent. rgyal ba can * n. p. (Schr.; Bull. 1848, 288). rgyal ba mchog gi skyed mdzad * (Schr.; Kalac. T. 21). rgyal ba gnyis pa the second Buddha of this age; an epithet which once belonged to Nagarjuna, now given to Tsongkhapa, i.e., rje rin po che , rgyal ba gnyis pa'i bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan srid rtser bsgrengs , he uplifted in the kingdom the banner of the creed of the second Buddha (Tsongkhapa) (Yig. k. 22). rgyal ba tshul khrims * one of the four great Teachers of the Bon religion (G. Bon. 35). rgyal ba tshe dpag med SANST (Schr.; 29 A.) n. of a Dhyani-Buddha. rgyal ba shAkya thub pa * ta 1 thAa mu ni (Schr.; 33 A). rgyal ba rin po che the "most precious Jina" is the ordinary title in Tibet of the Grand Lama of Lhasaóthe Dalai Lama. rgyal ba'i cod pan SANST n. of a famous king of Kashmir who reigned about the seventh century A.D. rgyal ba'i bstan pa = sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa the religion of Buddha; Buddhism (Yig. k. 10). rgyal ba'i thugs sras SANST the spiritual son of Buddha. rgyal ba'i an = lug mig me tog a flower resembling in appearance the eye of a Buddha and used in medicine (Sman. 421). rgyal ba'i dbang po SANST the chief Buddha; also an occasional appellation of the Grand Lama of Lhasa: rgyal ba'i dbang po thams cad mkhyen cing gzigs pa chen po the Gyal-wai Wang-po is the great seer and one who knows all things (Yig. k. 1). rgyal ba'i dbang po'i blo gros * SANST (Schr.; Bull. 1848, 94) one whose mind is devoted to the Lord Buddha. rgyal ba'i myu gu v. rgyal sras 3 SANST [a nascent Buddha.]S. rgyal ba'i rgyal tshab = rgyal ba rin po che'i sku tshab the Regent of Tibet who administers the country during the minority of the Dalai Lama; now called Rgyal-tshab Rin-po che or Bod-Rgyal-po (Pˆ-gye-po.). rgyal ba'i tshab the vice-regent of Buddha; a name of Maitreya Bodhisattva. rgyal ba'i gzhi SANST byang chub sems dpa' or Bodhisattva. rgyal ba'i 'od SANST, SANST the glory of Buddha; name of a Bodhisattva. rgyal ba'i sras = rgyal sras SANST; Bodhisattva, a Buddhist monk; an ordained Bhikru. rgyal ba'i lha * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 146). rgyal bar dka' * SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 22) one of the ten stages of perfection or SANST. rgyal bu SANST, SANST the son of a king; a prince; rgyal bu rgyal byed n. of prince in Kosala in Buddha's time. Syn. bsod nams stobs ; zil gnon bu ; rgyal rigs thig le ; rgyal po'i gdung ; rgyal sras ; nor 'dzin bdag po'i sras ; rgyal po'i myu gu (Moon.). rgyal byed ma SANST, SANST n. of a goddess. rgyal byed tshal SANST n. of the grove which was purchased by Anathpindada a merchant of Sravasti and where the Buddha resided for a long time. rgyal dbang lnga pa chen po * = kun gzigs blo bzang rgya mtsho'i zhabs (Schr.; 16 A). rgyal dbang paV = sangs rgyas gnyis pa or slob dpon rin po che an epithet of the saint Padma Sambhava given him by the RÒio-ma sects (Yig. k. 27). rgyal blon the king and his minister, also the state minister. rgyal mo SANST the queen; wife of the king. rgyal mo ka ra (snan ) a SANST, a coarse sugar used in medicine. rgyal mo rong = rgyal rong n. of a country on the confines of S. E. Tibet (Situ. 56). rgyal mo'i ga gon SANST n. of a place. rgyal tshab SANST 1. the Desi (Bde-srid) or regent of Tibet. 2. the would-be successor of a king; crown prince. rgyal mtshan I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the armorial flag or banner of victory of Buddhism; is the orthodox standard of the Buddhist. 2. used as a personal name of Bodhisattvas and individuals such as:- byang chub sems pa mi brjed pa'i rgyal mtshan , rtogs pa'i rgyal mtshan , yongs su rtog pa dang bral ba'i rgyal mtshan . 3. pho dbang . The Gyal-tshan or Buddhist banner is seen as a kind of decoration of cloth in various colours and of cylindrical shape erected upon a flagstaff or carried on a pole. It is also made in brass and wood. In Tibetan Buddhism the following are the rgyal mtshan , to combat with the powers of evil:- (1) tshul khrims kyi rgyal mtshan , (2) ting nge 'dzin gyi rgyal mtshan , (3) shes rab kyi rgyal mtshan , (4) ye shes kyi rgyal mtshan , (5) rnam par grol ba'i rgyal mtshan , (6) snying rje chen po'i rgyal mtshan , (7) stong pa nyid dang mtshan ma med pa'i snon pa med pa'i rgyal mtshan , (8) thabs kyi rgyal mtshan , (9) sems can med pa dang srog med pa dang gang zag med pa'i rgyal mtshan , (10) rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba khong du chud pas mthar lta ba dang bral ba'i rgyal mtshan , (11) rang gi sems yongs su dag pas sangs rgyas kyi byin gyis brlabs . rgyal mtshan grags SANST fame; ornament. rgyal mtshan ma * SANST (Schr.; 99 B) ensign of good fortune. rgyal mtshan seng ge * SANST (Schr.; Org. m. 111, 25). rgyal zla SANST the month of December. rgyal rabs genealogy of kings. rgyal rabs bon gyi 'byung gnas n. of a work on the origin of the Bon religion. rgyal rigs SANST, SANST, SANST the military caste of India; royal race; the race of a king. rgyal rigs skyes SANST born of the military caste, also of the royal family; resident of Magadha. rgyal rigs cha shas = rgyal phran a petty king; a vassal or feudatory prince (Moon.). rgyal rigs thig le = rgyal bu the son of a king; a prince. rgyal rigs mo SANST a lady of the military caste of India. rgyal rong v. rgyal mo rong 3. rgyal sa capital seat of Government, royal place; the place or position of a king. rgyal sras = rgyal po'i sras the son of a king or prince. rgyal bshes * SANST n. pr. (Schr.; Was. 55). rgyal srid SANST a kingdom; empire; state. rgyal srid rgyas pa SANST empire. rgyal srid rin chen sna bdun the seven different precious articles of royalty, viz.:- 'khor lo SANST the wheel; nor bu SANST gem; btsun mo SANST queen; blon po SANST minister; glang po SANST elephant; rta mchog SANST spirited horse; khyim bdag SANST house-holder; dmag dpon rin po che SANST commander in chief. rgyal srid srung ba SANST to defend a state against enemies. rgyas 'grel = rgyas par bshad pa'i 'grel pa comprehensive commentary: sum cu pa dang rtags kyi 'jug pa'i gzhung gi rgyas 'grel an elaborate commentary on the texts of Sum-cu-pa and Rtags hjug-pa (Situ. 137). Syn. 'phel ba ; rdzogs pa ; gang ba ; kha bye ba ; khyab pa ; che ba ; tshim pa (Moon.). rgyas pa I: SANST n. of a great sage of Ancient India, the reputed author of the Mahabharata; drang srong rgyas pa SANST the sage Vyasa. II: (prop. pf. to rgya ba ) 1. vb. to increase in bulk or quantity; to augment; to spread: ba yi nu ltar rgyas swells like a cow's dug; bstan pa rgyas shing the doctrine (of Buddha) spreading; to grow, develop. 2. adj. extensive, large, ample, wide, manifold, numerous, copious, complete, full; zla ba rgyas pa full moon; the adverbial form is frequent: rgyas par 'dod na if you wish to know it fully. rgyas par byed pa 1. to make bigger; to augment; to increase. 2. to describe, narrate, state at large. rgyas par bshad pa SANST elucidation; full explanation; don rgyas par byed pa to be very useful; to exert a beneficial influence. rgyas byed SANST the land of plenty; a name of India. rgyas byed 'byung po'i lag pa = dbang lag n. of medicinal plant growing below the limit of snow in the Himalayas and resembling the human hand in appearance (Sman. 416). rgyas byed ma SANST n. of a goddessóCornucopia, the goddess of plenty. rgyas shing * SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 110) thriving. rgyu I: SANST a kind of blanket. II: 1. matter; substance; material; rgyu ba superior quality: rgyu gtsang any stuff, wool or cotton, &c., when cleansed and washed for making cloth; also pure origin. rgyu sgog n. of a medical drug; wild garlic. chang rgyu ingredients for making beer: rgyu dge ba bsags pas thob pa yin the substance has been obtained by means of accumulated merits: nga la dgos rgyu chung I have few wants. bzo rgyu material to make or manufacture anything with; za rgyu med nothing to eat: da ltar rgyu zhig snang ngo an opportunity will presently offer itself (J‰.). 2. In W. arrangement; preparation. In a special sense material; stuff for weaving; warp; chain (J‰.). III: SANST 1. cause, namely, the primary cause as distinguished from rkyen the secondary or co-operating cause; the direct cause for any event; also reason, motive, main condition: mya ngan las 'das pa'i rgyur 'gyur it becomes the cause of passing out of misery, i.e., Nirvana; ngan song rgyu ru 'gro , rgyus with genit, by reason of; on account of; in virtue of; in consequence of; ci'i rgyus , why: rgyu med du = rgyu med par without any actual cause; spontaneously; without sufficient reason; without good cause; rgyu dang rkyen primary and secondary cause, which sometimes coincides with 'cause and effect'; rgyu dang rkyen de'i phyir , de'i rgyu , de'i rkyen gyis , de'i rgyu rkyen therefore; on that account. nye ba'i rgyu in medicine the three anthropological causes or conditions of diseases; the three 'humours,' wind, bile, and phlegm; ring ba'i rgyu the ultimate cause of diseases and of every evil, viz., ignorance; ma rig pa , skyed byed rgyu the creative cause; 'phel ba'i rgyu na lte ba the efficient cause of growth is the navel-string; rgyu byed pa to be the principal cause of; to lie at the bottom of a matter; rgyu skyed pa to lay the foundation of. There are six kinds of rgyu , i.e., rgyu drug :- byed pa'i rgyu , lhan cig 'byung ba'i rgyu , rnam snin gyi rgyu , mtshungs par ldan pa'i rgyu , kun tu 'gro ba'i rgyu , skal mnyam gyi rgyu . 2. attached to a verbal root rgyu often indicates the supine and, colloquially, the infinitive; 'gro rgyu 'dod wishes to go. Also forms a future tense when connecting the root with the auxil. verb. za rgyu yin will eat: nga'i drung du 'ong rgyu yin pa those that will come to me; de la rgyal srid gtad rgyu la when the government was to be entrusted to him; rta zhon rgyu med horses were not to be had (J‰.); dkon rgyu med that is not a very precious thing; there is nothing particular in that; gzhan pas legs rgyu med he is not more beautiful than others; ya mtshan rgyu med that is not to be wondered at. rgyu rkyen SANST reason; cause; acc. to J‰. connection: rgyu rkyen bshad du gsol please explain to me the connection, rgyu cha colloq. that which belongs to a thing; appurtenance; necessary implement, &c.; also property, rgyu 'bras cause and effect or consequence; gen. in a moral sense; actions and their fruits (las kyi rgyu 'bras ); las rgyu 'bras kyi chos the doctrine treating on this subject; the doctrine of retribution; the principal dogma of Buddhism; las rgyu 'bras la yid ches pa to believe on the doctrine of retribution. rgyu skar SANST, SANST "the moving stars." The constellations through which the moon passes in her revolution round the heavens are called rgyu skar lha mo nyi shu rtsa brgyad , the twenty-eight goddesses, moving-stars, believed to be the daughters of the four guardian-kings of the world. The constellations are thus named:- (1) tha skar Asrini (dbyug gu ); (2) bra nye Bharani; (3) snin drug Kpttika the Pleiades; (4) Rohini (be rdzi be-rdse); (5) mgo Mpgasiras (snal po ); (6) Ardra, lag; (7) nabs so Punarvasu; (8) rgyal Purya (rgyal stod = nam so ); (9) skag Asera (ba ); (10) mchu Magha (rta pa ) or rta chen with Regulus bright star; (11) gre Purvaphalguni or rta'u or rta chung ; (12) dbo Uttaraphalguni or khra ; (13) me bzhi Hasra or bya ma ; (14) nag pa Citra (or bya'u with Spica); (15) sa ri Svati; (16) sa ga Visakha; (17) lha mtshams Anuradha or lag sor ; (18) snron Jyertha, or lde'u (with Antares); (19) snrubs Mula, or srog pa ; (20) chu stod Purva asadha; (21) chu snad uttara asadha or phul ; (22) gro bzhin Abhijit; (23) byi bzhin Sravaoa gnyis ; (24) mon gre Dhanasta or mon dre ; (25) mon gru Satavisa or sgrog ; (26) khrums stod Purva-bhadrapada or (27) khrums snad uttarabhadrapada; (28) nam gru Revati or she sa Sesa. rgyu skar dus * Sch.; Kalac. T. 48). rgyu skar mu khyud SANST the moon which is surrounded by the constellations. rgyu skar mang po ri n. of a mountain; the fabulous north polar mountain (K. d. ra 342). rgyu skar lam the milky-way; SANST the starry path. rgyu gang for what reason. rgyu nges the certain or real cause. rgyu mnga' = rgyu mtshan cause; reason. rgyu can = rgyu ldan one who knows about a thing; well-informed. rgyu mthun cause sufficient to produce observed effect. rgyu ldan 1. SANST [a cave]S. a hill, also a fountain; a rich man. 2. = rgyu can . rgyu nad disease of the bowels. Symptoms are:- rgyu khrol causing much sound in the stomach; rgyu 'khril causing much griping in the stomach; rgyu 'gyings where the stomach or the intestines remain swollen and stiff with wind, etc.; rgyu 'gags obstruction of the bowels; rgyu gzer aching or pains in the stomach. rgyu spun the threads stretched lengthwise and crosswise to make cloth. rgyu ba SANST, SANST to go, walk, move, wander, range; chu la rgyu ba'i 'dab chags birds frequenting the water; kun tu rgyu ba to wander from place to place. This verb is generally used instead of 'gro ba in Sikkim. rgyu ba med pa SANST that does not move; motionless, still. rgyu ba'i brtul zhugs SANST the vow of walking. (EEE The headword transliteration of the original is mistakenly given as "rgyu-wahi btul-shugs".) rgyu byed SANST, SANST feet; that which moves. rgyu sbyin SANST met, the cloud. (EEE The transliteration of the headword in the original is given simply as "rgyin", which must be a mistake.) rgyu sbyor ba sbyin bdag an alms-giver; the maker of a gift. rgyu ma SANST entrails; intestines; bowels, more especially the small intestines; rgyu 'khrog pa the croaking of the bowels; rgyu sgrog the envelope of the lower intestine; rgyu stod the upper bowels. Colloq. rgyu-ma is also a term for "sausages." (G. Sndg.). rgyu med pa without cause; evidence devoid of (lakrmana) or characteristic. Syn. rgyu yis stong ; mtshan nyid bral (Moon.). rgyu mtshan SANST 1. cause; concatenation of events; circumstances; rgyu mtshan 'dri ba to ask after the cause: nga'i nang nas phye khyer ba'i rgyu mtshan shod tell me the circumstances of your fetching the flour from my house. 2. SANST token, sign, characteristic, proof, evidence; 'dug pa'i rgyu mtshan as an evidence of being (J‰.). rgyu mtshan rig SANST relating to proof or cause or reason. rgyu gzer SANST colic; [dysentery]S. zhes bya ba'i nad ni rims tshad i dang 'dra ba la|gnyan nad la babs na rgyu gzer zhes pa'o||ngo bo mchin tshad thung ngu babs pa la gnyan nad chu ser mkhris tshad bslang ba yis rgyu ma gzer zhing 'khru bas rgyu gzer yin|de la don 'khru snod 'khru stobs chen dang |rgyu gzer|rgyu 'khor|rgyu 'khrol|rgyu lkugs| We read of, also, rgyu gzer gcog pa'i tho ba gsum the three hammers to break the nails of colic. rgyu'i rgyun SANST the stream of cause. rgyu'i byed SANST that has become a cause; excuse. rgyu'i gtso bo SANST the chief or primary cause. rgyu'i rig SANST the science of reasoning. rgyu yang dag par bcad pa that has fully stopped or terminated the cause; the consequence. rgyu yis khyad par SANST the chief cause; the agent. rgyu rig chen po (grangs ) a number. rgyu la 'bras bu btags SANST to attach a fruit to cause. rgyu las byung SANST produced or originated from cause. rgyu lus kyi 'byung ba = gzugs khams the body; form. rgyu sa = (lam ) road, passage. rgyu srang track, passage, road: btsan gyi rgyu srang the road that is frequented by a Btsan (demon). rgyud I: SANST a string; chain; that which joins things together; a connection, whether physical or mental; ri rgyud chain of hills. II: SANST Tantrik treatise; ritual book for coercing deities and for other magical ceremonies. One of the large divisions of the Kahgyur is styled rgyud because it contains innumerable magical treatises. There are said to be four classes of Tantras, rgyud sde bzhi , namely, (1) bya ba'i rgyud , (2) od pa'i rgyud , (3) rnal 'byor rgyud , (4) rnal 'byor bla na med pa'i rgyud . In the Tangyur the collection of Tantras is named brgyud . rgyud pa I: vb. to tie, fasten, connect together. II: religious teacher; especially a teacher of mysticism. III: extraction; lineage; belonging to a family or race; family. Syn. brgyud pa ; rtsa 'khrid ; rigs 'byung ; rigs rgyud ; sa bon las byung ; gdung rgyud ; rus rgyud ; cho 'brang ; sha nye ; snag las skyes ; rigs (Moon.). rgyud pa gsum the three kinds of lineage are:- (1) gdung rgyud family; descent; personal; (2) sku rgyud descent (of the spirit in emanations, etc., as in the case of incarnate lamas); (3) slob rgyud spiritual descent (ministerial succession by disciples). rgyun continuity; always; at all times; continually. rgyun khri settled seat or throne; dus rgyun sa gnas gcig tu 'jog pa'i khri the chair which always remains in one place. rgyun khyongs always to protect. rgyun gyi myu gu = char zil rain-drops or dews (Moon.). rgyun bab tsha = char drag heavy rain (Moon.). rgyun gtan = dus rgyun at all times; the stream of time: rgyu gtan gzhung don yin nges rnams real business; transactions of a public character must always be reliable. (D. Shel. 7). rgyus pa sinews; tendons. rgyo SANST, SANST (a collq. and obscene term) sexual union; copulation. rgyo ba pf. brgyos , fut. brgyo , imp. rgyos , to have sexual intercourse; acc. to Cs. to deflower, ravish. rgyogs SANST; me rgyogs rdo rgyogs gun; missile. rgyong ba pf. brgyangs , fut. brgyang , seems to be a secondary form of rkyong ba , to extend, stretch, spread forth, distend. rgyor ba SANST to kill. lga this word in seldom used, its modern form being sga . 1. ginger fresh or dried; lga rlon fresh ginger. In medical works both lga and sga are used to imply sga snug , the brown ginger. 2. rus kyi ming n. of a tribe; dbra' 'gru ldong gsum lga dang bzhi the four tribes were Dbrah, Hgru, Ldoo and Lga. lga pho che = rgyam tshwa a mystical word; oxide of mercury; also signifies snan sga medicinal ginger. lgang nge marble white. skya lgang nge is stated to mean perfectly white (J‰.). lgang pa or lgang phug acc. to J‰. the urinary bladder (Med.). Syn. chu so ; lgang bu (Moon.). lgang pa relating to the bladder (Lex.). lgang bu urinary bladder; same as lgang pa ; acc. to. to J‰. husk, pod, shell. lgang bug = dri chu'i snod the bladder (Sman.). lga'u gsher = sga rlon fresh ginger. lgar ma mes po patriarch of the tribe of Lgar-ma; a tribal name: lga yi lgar ma mes po thob the tribe of Lga obtained the name of Lgar-ma mespo. lgo a common kind of fungus like the lycoperdon or puff-ball. lgam tshwa snan sga 1. ginger, v. lga pho che 3. 2. acc. to J‰. a kind of rock salt. (EEE the headword in the dictionary is given as lgyam tshva both in transliteration and in the Tibetan, but this is an impossible spelling. The word as presented in the dictionary is probably a mistaken spelling that was seen in a texty of 3rgyam tshwa 3 q.v. This whole entry is suspect.) sga = lga SANST, SANST, SANST 1. ginger. 2. saddle, resp. chib sga a saddle for a horse; chib sga bstad pa to lay the saddle on; to saddle; gYag gi sga a saddle for a yak. sga skya ginger: sga skyas bad rlung sel zhing khrag 'khyag 'ju ginger removes phlegm and wind and liquifies the blood. sga khebs saddle cloth; the leather cover or coating of a saddle. sga glo saddle girth. sga sgron pa described in Hbrom. as meaning: to saddle a horse. sga tig nag po the flower of a bitter species of ginger: sga tig nag pos dmu rdzing chu ser 'dren the flower of Sgatic used as a medicine draws out the yellow water of dropsy. sga thag ropes or straps used in adjusting a saddle. sga pa 1. a young horse just fit for the saddle. 2. gYag thod pa dkar po la sga pa (also ga pa ) zer a yak with a white forehead is called sga-pa (Rtsii.). sga phong bat; flitter-mouse (Sch.). sga snug also written snug sga , brown ginger. sga tsha the flower of ginger plant: sga tshas drod skyed rul gcod chu ser 'dren ginger flower (used) as a stimulant, cures sores and draws out pus. sga tshwa SANST pungent ginger. (EEE The transliteration of the headword given in the original is "sga-tsha". Given that the usual spelling for ginger is sga tsha , it seems that the Tibetan headword in the original might be mistaken; here, however, it has not been changed.) sga lag frame of the saddle; saddle-bow; saddle-tree (Cs.). sga ser SANST turmeric; yellow ginger; a spice used in cooking meat for the table. sga sha straps for fastening the travelling-baggage to the saddle, cf. sha stag 3. sgag thung n. of a small silk scarf used in religious services in Tibet. dbang ldan ma dang |sgag thung |srid bde ma (S. kar. 179). sgag pa SANST to ravish; to copulate; to embrace in sexual union. sgang 1. a hill-spur; the ridge or top of a hill: cog tse'i sgang la bzhag keep on the top of the table. 2. time; occasion: sang las ka byed pa'i sgang tomorrow at the time of doing work; da lta lto za ba'i sgang just now while taking food. 3. chu sgang a blister caused by manual work, by long marches, &c., cf. bsgang 3. Syn. steng ; mtho ba (Moon.). sgang kha = sgang khul 1. a hill-spur: sgang kha la yod the (village) is situated on a mountain spur. 2. full, entire: srog chags gcig bsad kyang sdig pa sgang kha re so sor yong even if (you) kill one living being there will be the full (amount of) sin in each separate case. sgang khul acc. to J‰. same as sgang kha . sgang gi ling a species of partridge. sgang mthon po a high hill. sgang ba pf. bsgangs , fut. bsgang , to grow or become full (Cs.): bud med na so sgang a full grown woman; marriageable girl. sgang bu full quantity; entire piece: nga rgyal sgang bu ral bar ma gyur tam has not his pride been entirely broken-down within (A. 11). sgang gshong SANST elevations and depressions on a hillside. sgangs SANST 1. bank or elevated place on the margin of a river. 2. n. of districts in S. E. Tibet. sgab 'dre a class of demon; a ghost that remains concealed: sngags 'chang lugs dang mthun pas sgab 'dre bskrad if the Tantrik priest properly performs exorcism, the ghosts are scared away. sgab pa 1. secondary form of 'gebs pa , to cover; covering: bya mas bu la sgab pa the covering of a young bird by its mother. 2. gos sgab skirt or lap of a coat; sgab thung a short skirt. sgam SANST, SANST, SANST box, trunk, chest; also the testes: sgam sgo mang a chest of drawers; lcags sgam an iron-chest; ko sgam a leather trunk; ro sgam or spur sgam a coffin. Syn. sgrom ; snod ; mdzod ; sgrom bu ; bang pa ; thab sgrom . sgam chung a small box. sgam pa = zab pa SANST deep; profound; mi sgam pa = mi zab pa shallow; not deep. sgam po adj. full or fully accomplished; one who is deep: rgyal po srong btsan sgam po , King Sroo-btsan who was Sgam-po, i.e., fully accomplished. Acc. to Sch. prudent, quiet: blo sgam pa = thugs shing tu sgam po he (the prince) was very profound. sgar defined as gur mang po phub nas bsdad pa pitching many tents (at a place); camp; encampment; dmag sgar a military encampment; sgar 'debs pa to encamp; to pitch a camp. sga snang respectable men. sgar ming (bso sgra ) watch-word; parole (J‰.). sgal a load that is carried on the back; load of beast of burden; rta sgal a horse-load; shing rta'i sgal cart-load; waggon-load. sgal rta pack-horse. sgal phyugs beast of burden. sgal 'phang ba to throw a load off; sgal 'bogs pa to take out a load; sgal bsrang ba to adjust or balance a load. sgal pa 1. the back of man or beast of burden; rgyab la 'khur nas 'gro ba = sgal pa la 'khur te 'gro the carrying a thing on one's back. 2. the small of the back; sgal 'dabs the lumbar region. 3. croup; crupper. sgal ba to carry a load (on one's back) or to cause a load to be carried on the back of a beast of burden; sgal 'gel ba to put on a load. sgal rma a sore on an animal's back caused by the load. sgal tshigs the spine in general; the backbone of a beast of burden. sgal tshigs nyi shu rtsa brgyad the twenty-eight joints in the backbone; mi yi sgal tshigs the joints in the human spinal column. sgal tshigs nyi shu rtsa bzhi there are twenty-four joints in the backbone of a beast of burden. sgal tshigs srang ba a beast of burden of which the backbone is straight, i.e., not bent by work. sgir mo sgor sgor SANST round; orb-like; globular. sgu adj. bent; sgu stegs 1. a foot-stool. 2. acc. to Sch. elbow; angle. sgu rdo sling-string, explained as 'ur rdo 'phan byed kyi thag pa the string that is coiled round a stone for flinging it; a sling. sgu phyogs (sgy e phyogs ) = mdun la 'khyog pa bent-forward: sgy e phyogs sgu phyogs shes pa shin tu gces those that are bent forward and bent round were valuable? (Jig.). sgu mo = 'ur rdo a sling. sgug pa SANST (in Pali SANST) to wait, pf. bsgugs , fut. bsgug , imp. sgugs (or sgugs shig ); mi yong rgyu sgy ug bsdad pa , to wait for a man's arrival; sgug par byed one who waits for; or sgug pa po a waiter; lam na sgug pa to wait on the road; sgug tu 'jgu pa to cause to lie in wait (for a person); to cause to way-lay. sgung in Ld. clap; crack; crash; report (of a gun) (J‰.). sgud po acc. to Sch. father-in-law; sgud mo mother-in-law. sgum mda' acc. to Schr. the butt-end of a gun; gun-stock. sgur v. dgur 3. sgur rgyab a bent-back. (EEE The transliteration of the headword in the original is "gur-rgyab" but this seems to be in error; the headword as given would be correct.) sgur po SANST, SANST bent; crooked back. Syn. sgur 'khyog ; sgu (Moon.). sgur ba SANST, SANST to become afraid. sgul skyod SANST agitation. sgul ba pf. bsgul , fut. bsgul (cf. 'gul ba 3) to move, agitate, put in motion: rgyud kyang ma sgul to he could not even move the bow-string: lag pas rdo bsgul to with his hand he shook the rock. sge khung sgo chung a small door; window. sgeg SANST grace, charm in the person. sgeg pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the grace or charm of youth: sgeg pa ni chags pas gzugs mdzes pa'i rnam 'gyur ston pa is the fascination arising at the appearance of a body of beautiful shape. 2. sensual enjoyment; flirtation. 3. acc. to Cs. to brag. boast; airs of coquettish girls (J‰.). Syn. rol pa ; 'jo ba (Moon.). sgeg pa'i rdo rje SANST, SANST n. of a Buddhist sage of Ancient India who visited Udyana (Ancient Kabul) and spread Buddhism there. sgeg ma n. of the goddess of beauty. sgeg mo SANST a dancing girl; a charming damsel. sgeg rdzas perfumery, pomades, &c. articles which (according to Buddhism) are incentives to sensual pleasures. sgeng la or dgeng la acc. to J‰. on; upon; perhaps a wrong spelling of the word sgang . sge'u 1. diminutive of sga , ginger. 2. v. sgog pa I:3 (K. g. ca 46). sge'u chung SANST garlic. sge'u gsher SANST ginger. sger private; semi-independent; sger du specially; privately. sger rta a horse for the use of a private party, not for a public officer. sger don one's own interest, private or special reason or object: sger gzhung med du ba gnam btang neither private nor public (but an independent family) sending forth smoke from house-fire. sger pa a private land-holder; gzhung khral chen po med par rang la mi ser yang yod pa las khral bsdus nas bsdad mkhan a land-holder who without paying a large tax a Government enjoys an estate is called sger pa , also one who holds land fee-simple; sger lha or sger gyis mchod pa'i lha special deity, i.e., a deity specially adored by a class of people or by an individual or by a particular family; sger khag semi-independent estate. sger gYog private servant, also one who does his own work; servant or employee of an independent party or estate which has no connection with the Government. sger lo , rang sger gyi zhing lo tog the produce of a private estate. sgo I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a door; an entrance or doorway; the aperture itself as well as the wood-work of the door; sgo bcad pa or sgo dgag pa to shut or close a door; sgo phye ba or sgo 'byed pa to open a door; sgo 'jug pa to put in a door; to hang a door; sgo rgyab pa to shut a door; sgo gtan pa acc. to Sch. to lock up, to bolt, to bar; sgo bkum pa or bskum , acc. to Cs. resp. to shut (a door); sgo bdung ba to knock or rap at the door; rgya sgo large, or the principal, door or entrance; sgo the gate or gate-way; phyi sgo the outer door; bar sgo the middle door; nang sgo the inner door; gsang sgo the secret or private door; mdzod sgo the door to the store-room; gnam sgo an aperture in the roof for light; sky-light; steng sgo the upper door; 'og sgo the lower or under door; mchod khang sgo the chapel-door; thab tshang sgo kitchen door; gnyer tshang sgo the store-house door; chab khang sgo the bathroom door. In Sikkim gom = door. II: often Sgo-mo, the admission to, the medium or means of, the passage of, knowledge or learning and, as such, the science itself, &c.; chos kyi sgo mo the service of Dharma (religion); rtsis kyi sgo mo the science of arithmetic of numbers; snin kyi sgo mo science of medicine: sgrol ma'i sgo nas gYul mdos gtong in the religious service of Dolmaóthe mdos for victory (in war) should be offered: sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa la 'jug pa'i sgo dam pa skyabs su 'gro ba as a door for entering the religion of Buddha, it is necessary to take refuge in the holy ones: theg chen la 'jug pa'i sgo byang chub kyi sems for entering the Greater Vehicle doctrine the means is a saintly heart (the purified heart of a Bodhisattva); yon tan 'byung ba'i sgo brtson 'grus the means of acqiuring learning is diligence and industry; nyes pa 'byung ba'i sgo le lo bag med pa being idle and immodest forms a way to the springing up of vice. sgo kun 'gro SANST in every way. (EEE The transliteration of the headword given in the original, "sgo kun-gro" is mistaken; the headword is correct as shown in the original.) sgo skyong SANST porter; door-guard. sgo skyor v. sgo spe 3. sgo khang or sgo steng SANST the entrance into a house; vestibule; porch; portal; also a small house on the gate. sgo khung opening of the door; an aperture in a door; sgo khang steng gi gsil khang the verandah room on the porch of a house. sgo khyi watch-dog. sgo 'khor hinge of a door or gate; the pivot on which the door turns. sgo glegs a small beam used to bar or bolt a door. sgo 'gram the space near the door. sgo rgyab the space behind the door or within the door. sgo sgegs SANST, SANST, SANST the board or plank of a door; the lintel; frame work on the four sides of a door [a bier, the bed on which a dead body is carried]S. (EEE note that the transliteration of the headword (sgo-glegs) fits with the spelling of an earlier entry sgo glegs 3 q.v. It seems that sgo sgegs is a mis-spelling of sgo glegs and that this entry should have been included under that earlier headword when the dictionary was originally being put together.) sgo nga SANST eggs, spawn; sgo nga can egg; producing or possessing or having spawn. sgo nga'i mdzod SANST the testicles. sgo lcags SANST lock of a door. sgo chor v. sgo spe 3. sgo snyod = go snyod sgo-sÒod cummin seed. sgo bsnyan n. of a Bon deity who has eighteen hands and holds eighteen different weapons of war, which are as follows:- (1) bteg pa'i mda' an arrow for shooting; (2) 'bugs pa'i mdung a spear to pierce with; (3) gcog pa'i sta re an axe to split with; (4) gcod pa'i gra sta a chopper to cut off; (5) 'thub pa'i ral gri a sword to cut into pieces; (6) bstim pa'i chu gri a dagger to pierce through; (7) 'chog pa'i tho lam a cannon ball for battering in; (8) 'bugs pa'i gsor chen a pin to bore through; (9) 'bral pa'i sog le the saw to separate or cut asunder; (10) dgra bo'i spu gra a razor-knife to cut the enemy; (11) bskor ba'i 'khor lo a disk to whirl round; (12) sgy ur ba'i ya lad an armour to ward off; (13) nyam thag gcod pa'i ka ma li a sword to cut off; (14) sreg ba'i gtar to ; (15) 'ching pa'i lcags sgrog iron chain to bind with; (16) dpal zer gyi chu khol boiling water; (17) 'od zer gyi me dpung a heap of glowing fire; (18) drag rtsal gyi thog mda' a thunder-bolt for chivalrous exercises. sgo gtan a bar or bolt of a door; sgo them threshold; also the headpiece of a door. sgo dar the scarf that is attached to the door at time of a marriage in Sikkim. sgo deb enumeration of persons; the counting of persons of a village or town, &c. sgo gdan zung can SANST a circular disk with string attached to it that is put on each side of the door to open it by the hand. sgo 'drig door-frame; window frame. (EEE The original gives a transliteration of the headword as "sgo-hgrig" which would be sgo 'grig . This is probably correct for the meaning given. Furthermore, we do not know of the spelling 'drig in Tibetan. Here, though, the headword has not been changed.) sgo ldang each side of the door. sgo nag the dark door, i.e., the door of the dark room where a dead body is kept before disposal (D. Shel. 8). sgo rnam a single board, i.e. of the floor. sgo pa SANST, or sgo dpon or sgo bdag 1. the door-keeper, porter; 2. also the headman of the village. Syn. sgo srung ; sgo skyong ; chab sgo ba ; sgo yi mel tshe mkhan (Moon.). sgo pur fore-skin; prepuce. sgo po also sgo bo outward looks; stature; bodily appearance (J‰.); skye sgo the face; countenance; skye sgo legs a beautiful face; zhan sgo an ugly face. sgo spang 1. lintel. 2. sgo yi them spang pa'i rnal 'byor pa yang yod there are even yogi who have only left the lintel and threshold of their home (and no more). sgo spe a projection of the roof of a house above the principal door of a house, under which one can sit or sleep, or where servants wait: do nub bi kra ma'i sgo spe'i 'og tu nyol (A. 130) tonight sleep under the portico of Vikramasila. Syn. sgo skyar ; sgo mchor ; sgo 'byar (Moon.). sgo phar , sgo rim mang po the name for a series of doors. sgo 'phar SANST, v. sgo glegs 3 [the junction of the leaves of a door]S. sgo ba pf. bsgo also bsgos , to say; to speak, mostly to bid; to order (used in old works, now become obsolete). sgo 'byar v. sgo spe 3. sgo 'byed a kind of grass used as a medicine in eye-disease (Sman. 353). sgo ma 1. panel or square of a door; the fold of a folding door. 2. = gtor rgyab skabs kyi sgo srung gi lha , the deity who guards the door on the occasion of offering torma; sprul pa ye shes kyi sgo ma bzhi'i ming the names of the four miraculous divinities (of the Bon-po):- (1) stag gdong dkar mo lcags kyu baq 'dzin , (2) phag gdong ser mo zhag pa , (3) seng gdong dmar po lcags sgrog ; (4) sbrul gdong ljang khu dril bu . sgo mo (1) a large door; a gate; castle-gate; town-gate; (2) the beginning: rtsis kyi sgo mo the beginning of a new epoch. sgo tsam a little (Sch.). sgo rtsa = sgo'i rtsa ba at the door; sgo rtsar , near or at the door. sgo mtshams door-junction; also the chink left between a door-post and the door, when the latter does not perfectly fit. sgo'i lcog SANST raised place or stools placed on either side of a door [a place where four roads meet]S. sgo'i them pa the threshold. (EEE the original has the Tibetan headword as sga'i them pa but, in accordance with the transliteration "sgohi them-pa" and the context, that has been corrected to the above in this edition.) sgo yi mel tshe mkhan v. sgo pa 3. sgo yig 1. inscription. 2. lampoon; label on the door; sign-board. 3. a magisterial advertisement fastened at the door. sgo ra ba = sgo srung ba a door-keeper; a door-guard. sgo lo 1. body. 2. face (J‰.). sgo bshad = sgo la bshad pa an inscription on the door; a signboard. sgo gsum the three media, i.e., of body (lus ), speech (ngag ), and the mind (yid ). sgo bsrungs ba = sgo ra ba SANST a door-keeper. sgog skya or skya sgog white garlic used in medicine; Allium nival Jacqm.; sgom sngon a blue species of garlic, very common in the Himalayas, perh. Allium rubellum (J‰.); sgog gcig ma garlic grown on a single root; sgog bcud gsum three species of garlic which have three different properties:- (1) tsong dmar red onion; (2) sgog skya the common white garlic; (3) sgog sngon the blue species of garlic. sgog ting mortar; sgog gtun pestle for bruising leek (J‰.). sgog tum or sgog rdog a number of garlic roots bunched in one. sgog pa I: SANST, SANST garlic; leek; allium; ri sgog Allium sphÊroceph a species of garlic growing wild in the hills of Tibet. Syn. kun dong ; ro ldan ; gunya dzun ; snye'u ; sge'u ; lha min khrag ; kla klo'i spos (Moon.). II: acc. to Cs. pf. bsgags , fut. bsgag , to make one swear; sgog po one that makes a person swear (J‰.). sgog gsil a single garlic root or seed. sgong I: also sgong nga an egg. In Sikkim "sgoo-do" (Snd. Hbk.). II: n. of a country, prob. kong po . sgong skyes = sgo nga las skyes pa SANST born of or produced from an egg. sgong spri the white of an egg or more properly the thin film which wraps the contents of an egg. sgong thog pa n. of a plant. sgong ba pf. bsgongs , fut. bsgong , imp. sgong (sa ) or sgongs shig SANST 1. to make in tea balls to eat; to make round balls of dough (Cs.). 2. to hide; to conceal (a thing) (Sch.). 3. sgongs pa'am sgor mo a laughing speech or exclamation. sgod yas n. of a numeral sam byed brang breng sgod yas (Ya-sel). sgob sgob unable; deficient; wanting in strength (Sch.). sgom see sgom pa 3. sgom chen 1. a Buddhist ascetic who remains absorbed in deep meditation. 2. species of fieldmouse, Lagomys badius, so called from its hybernating disposition. See Hooker's Himalayan Journals. sgom nyes pa = sems la bsam lugs nyes pa or nor ba , to blunder in meditation. sgom thag SANST meditating-cord; a long piece of cloth about four inches wide which is worn by the Yogi when he sits in meditation; it is stretched round the neck and under the knees while sitting. About the 10th and 11th centuries A.D., Buddhist ascetics used to wear it in the manner the sacred thread is worn by the Brahmans, passing round the right shoulder to the side below the arm-pit:- sgom thag chen po zhig ni dpung pa nas mchan du ga shar bcug let a large sgom-thag pass from the shoulders over the bosom (A. 11). Acc. to J‰. a cord or rope is slung round the body in order to facilitate the effort of maintaining an erect and immoveable posture during meditation, which expedient of course is scorned by the more rigid devotees. sgom sde n. of a section of the school of monks called ser byas grwa tshang of Tibet (Loo. za 16). sgom pa SANST, vb. pres. sgom gyin , or sgom bzhin , pf. bsgoms , fut. bsgom , imp. sgom or sgoms , resp. thugs sgom 1. originally to fancy, imagine; now to meditate, contemplate systematically (c. accus. and dat.); to have; to entertain; to reproduce (in one's mind), with the accus. termin. or with double accus. 2. sbst. sgom pa , has come to signify systematic meditation of the Buddhist saint. Four degrees of this meditation are to be distinguished, viz., lta ba contemplation; sgom pa meditation, properly so called (which requires gsal dang mi rtogs ma gYengs gsum i.e., that it be so performed in a clear and decided manner without suffering one's self to be disturbed or distracted by anything); the third degree od pa consummation; and 'bras bu fruition. sgom pa po = sgom byed , i.e., sgom mkhan an ascetic who meditates. sgom pa tshang the term used in Amdo to signify sgom chen , a Buddhist ascetic who meditates, &c. sgom bya and sgom rten the object of meditation. sgom 'brog 1. the wilderness or solitude where hermits dwell for meditation. 2. holly in Sikkim (J‰.)? sgom yan lag SANST a branch or form of ascetical meditation [lit. burning the limbs; it is a kind of penance in which the whole body is exposed to four heaps of fire in four quarters and to the sun on the head]S. sgom lam the practice of ascetical meditation, also sgom gyi lam , the way to Nirvana by means of meditation; sa gnyis pa dri ma med pa nas sgom lam la zhugs from the second stage of perfection free from defilement he entered on the practice of meditation. sgom shing SANST, SANST the stick on which the ascetic fixes his gaze while engaging himself in meditation. sgom gsum three kinds of sgom pa or mystical meditation, viz.:- (1) meditation performed in the three, four or six periods into which a day may be divided for that purpose thun sgom ni|las dang po dus gnyen po phar 'debs kyi dran pa yin pas|thun tshams phye la bsom po|; (2) ngang sgom ni |myong tshur 'debs kyi dran pa yin pas|'gro 'dug za nyal las od ci byas kyang 'bral med du ngang gis gnas so||sgom ni ci yang med pa la ngang dang ngang gis ngang thag bsring bsreng |; (3) klong sgom ni|nang sems mu thag chod pas|bsgom bya sgom byed kyi blo dang bral ba'o|. sgoms (lha lta bu ) SANST a deity thought of for propitiation. sgor a spindle in a turning-lathe (J‰.). sgor sgor round. sgor sgor 'khyil forming into an eddy or whirlpool (Oag. 12). sgor ba 1. pf. and fut. bsgar to boil down; to condense by boiling, e.g., bu ram sugar. 2. to turn on a lathe (J‰.). sgor med without interruption or break: (ris med lam 'gro ) to go on a journey without break, i.e., without having to turn back. sgor mo v. 1. sgongs . 2. SANST a ball, globe; also a disk; hence an Indian rupee is called phyi gling sgor mo ; bu ram sgor mo a ball of treacle; sgor thig a pair of compasses; sgor thig phye ba or byed ka semi-circular (Cs.; Schtr.). sgos = sger du or lhag par , specially, particularly, chiefly, &c.: in compounds and as adverb: private, separate, distinct; also as opposed to i, e.g., i gdugs a parasol for several persons; awning; shelter; sgos gdugs a parasol for one person; sgos skal share of a single person; individual lot. sgos khur yi ags zhig gi ming n. of a yi-dwag or preta. sgos pa to choose; to find the right thing (Sch.). sgos su or sgos adv. = khyad par du or sger du (opposite to ir ), particularly, especially. sgos kyi dpon a subaltern officer (Cs): sgos su bka' gdams kyi bstan pa rin po che particularly the precious doctrine of the Bkah-gdams-pa School (A. 124). sgy ig gu or sgy i'u a bag, purse: sgy ig gu chad po'i dbang du song nas our purse being in the way of breaking, i.e., at low ebb; dngul sgy ig purse to keep silver pieces. sgy ing ba pf. bsgy ings , fut. bsgy ing 1. SANST to yawn, gape. Syn. gying ba hgying-wa; glal ba (Moon.). sgy id 1. the hollow of the knee; bend of the knee; or sgy id pa knee joint; sgy id pa gcod pa , to lame the knee-joint; hamstring (a horse). 2. the calf (of the leg). sgy id skyur SANST idleness; langour: sgy id skyur ni bya ba gcig byed 'phro la gcig byed pa ni le lo ngan pa (Oag.) sgy id skyur is the vicious indolence of beginning a new work before he has finished the one he has in hand. (EEE the original has the transliteration "sgyid-sgyur" throughout this entry but the Tibetan spelling in the original as given above is correct.) sgy id skyur pa acute pain in the knee and leg, e.g., of a woman with child. sgy id khung the hollow of the knee. sgy id khyol one lame in his legs (Cs.). sgy id 'khril SANST (lit. raised knee, that is, squatting and doing nothing) langour; laziness. Syn. sgy id snyoms ; sgy id lug ; rmugs pa ; 'jas pa (Moon.). sgy id bu also sgy ed bu SANST a hearth, fire-place, consisting of three stones on which the kettle is placed; lcags sgy id iron trevet, tripod, cf. sgy ed po 3. sgy id lug pa SANST slothful; idle Cs. and Lex. yid zhum pa prostrate with fatigue or mental lassitude. sgy ir rkang gos dang gur sogs kyi mtha' la 'dril btang ba'i mtha' bcag the fringe that is attached to the border of robes or of tents, &c. sgy u = gYo sgy u craft; deception; pretext. sgy u can artful; crafty; cunning (Cs.). sgy u 'phrul SANST magical deception; sgy u 'phrul ma SANST the name of Gautama, Buddha's mother. sgy u ma SANST illusion; fancy; imposition whether natural or intentional; sgy u ma mkhan SANST a juggler; sgy u ma can SANST an imposter; one who plays deception; sgy u ma lta bu SANST like illusion; illusive; sgy u ma sprul ba to exhibit a false show (Cs.): ngas snang ba thams cad sgy u mar shes I know that all phenomena are only illusions. sgy u ma byed pa SANST, SANST, one dexterous in magical show; a magician; sgy u ma med pa SANST free from guile; guileless; sgy u ma'i nor illusive riches, hence general wealth: sgy u ma'i nor la chog shes med|zhen pas bsags kyang shul du lus|rang gis bsags kyang gzhan gyis od| the mind is not satisfied with the illusive wealth, though accumulated by desire it remains behind, and though acquired by yourself it is enjoyed by others. sgy u ma'i dpe bcu gnyis the twelve expressions illustrative of illusion:- (1) sgy u ma lta bu ; (2) chu zla the image of the moon in water; (3) mig yor scenes that appear in a vision; (4) snig rgyu mirage; (5) rmi lam dream; (6) sgra brnyan , echo; (7) dri za'i grong khyer castle in the air; (8) mig 'phrul ; (9) dbang po'i gzhu rainbow; (10) glog lighting; (11) chu bur bubble; (12) me long gi gzugs brnyan lta bu reflection or reflected image in a mirror. sgy u rtsal SANST art, skill, dexterity: sgy u rtsal gnas kyang drang por rgyur SANST though dexterous (artful) he was sincere. There are 64 arts, of which 30 are distributed in handicrafts, 18 in music, 7 in singing, 9 in dancing. sgy u rtsal sa = rgyal po'i skyed tshal the royal gardens where in ancient time kings used to try feats of arms, etc. (Moon.). sgy u lus 1. the immaterial body of the soul while in the Bardo. 2. the animal and human body in general. inasmuch as it is only an apparent body; a phantom, when considered from a higher philosophical point of view. sgy ug mo SANST, SANST, SANST mother-in-law; mna' sgy ug both daughter-in-law and mother-in-law: sgy ug mos bsrungs pa SANST watched by one's mother-in-law. sgy ur bkod strong advice. sgy ur ba SANST, pf. and fut. bsgy ur , trans. form of 'gyur ba . 1. to transform, alter, change (colour, one's mind); to correct; to translate; to revise. 2. to cast aside; to dissuade, divert; to turn; to cause to turn; 'khor lo sgy ur ba or skor ba to turn a wheel; skad sgy ur ba to vary or modulate the voice, also to hum a tune; to sing or whistle. 3. to govern, steer, control: rta'i kha srab kyis sgy ur , a horse's mouth by a bridle: 'dod chags ngan pas kha sgy ur he is governed by evil passions; kha lo sgy ur ba to govern; also a driver; kha lo shing rta sgy ur ba to drive a carriage; dbang sgy ur ba to have command, control of; to dominate; to command. sgy e (sgy ed snod ) SANST, SANST, a vessel [a sack; a Cathern bottle]S. sgy e sgur crooked (Sch.). sgy e sgy u sgy ur ba SANST bent forward and hump-backed. sgy e bo SANST 1. hump-back; acc. to J‰. 2. one of the lower classes of officials or noblemen. sgy e mo khug pa , SANST, SANST 1. sbst. a small pouch; ras sgy e a bag of cotton stuff. 2. adj. quiet, gentle (in Spiti) (J‰.). sgy e'u a small bag. sgy ed po SANST a small fire-place; hearth-stone. sgy ed bu SANST a make-shift fire-place. sgy en pa to be on the move. sgy el ba pf. and fut. bsgy el , transit. form of 'gyel ba , to throw down; to over-turn; to lay or put down (a bottle, a book); to thwart (the charm of an enemy); to kill (horses) (J‰.). sgy ogs SANST, SANST a warlike engine to shoot darts or to fling stones with; mortar; cannon: sgy ogs kyi 'phrul 'khor id.; sgy ogs rdo stone flung from such a machine. me sgy ogs and rdo sgy ogs = cannon: me sgy ogs now called dob in Tibet; rdo sgy ogs a stone-thrower is used in Bhutan. sgy ogs mda' * SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 128) catapult. sgy ong ba pf. bsgy ongs , fut. bsgy ong , perh. originally = sgong ba to hide. 1. to fill; to stuff (a sausage). 2. colloq. in W. to put into (pocket): gla phyir sgy ong ba to return the wages due to another person (Sch.). sgra (da) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. sound, noise, voice: sgra la zin pa'i sgra dang ma zin pa'i sgra gnyis yod there are two kinds of sound, viz.:- zin pa'i sgra i.e., sound that can be caught or heard and understood; ma zin pa'i sgra which cannot be heard or understood; indistinct sound; ming sgra a mere word. 2. word, syllable. 3. a language. sgra skad sound; voice; fame, sgra skad snyan pa sounding; sonorous. sgra bskyung ba SANST one who speaks few words. sgra brgya pa = 'brug SANST thunder. (EEE the transliteration of the headword in the original is mistakenly given as "sgra brya-pa".) sgra bsgy ur mar pa loo * = mar pa Mar-pa the translator and lo-tsa-wa. sgra sgrags pa (da-dag-pa) SANST the sound returned by the target when the arrow hits it. sgra sgrog par byed (da-dog-par ceh) SANST one who proclaims much; a great self-advertiser. sgra sgrogs SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the famous. 2. n. of the king of Laoka (Ceylon) with whom Rama waged war, described in the epic of Ramayan by Valmiki. sgra sgrogs pa (da-dog-pa) to produce sounds, noises, etc. (EEE The transliteration of the headword in the original is given as "sgra-sgrog-pa" which is likely correct. The Tibetan as given in the original (above) would be an unusual spelling. However, because of the surrounding terms in the original, it seems that this spelling of the entry was the intended one.) sgra nges par sbyor ba = tshig gi sgra dag par sbyor ba SANST the correct formation of words. sgra gcan SANST, SANST, SANST 1. n. of an Asura demon, who fought with the gods and drank nectar obtained by churning the ocean. 2. fabulous planet of Chinese and Brahmanical astrology which exercises malignant influences on the destinies of mankind; specially known by being at enmity with the sun and the moon, on whom it is continually wreaking vengeance. Eclipses are cause by Sgra-gcan swallowing the sun or moon. His different names are the following:- bsod rnams ldan ; mun pa can ; mtho ris snang byed ; bza'i na ba Bzahi rna-wa; mgo zlum ; lam nag ; zla ba'i dgra ; seng ge mo'i bu ; zla ba 'joms ; nye bar 'phar 'gro ; sha za ; sprin lam rnam rgyal ; bre nye skyes ; khams gsum rnam rgyal (Moon.). sgra gcan 'dzin SANST the only son of Gautama Buddha who, according to the southern Buddhists, was born on the day Siddhartha left the world. According to the northern Buddhists he was conceived in the womb of his mother Yasodhara long before the renunciation took place, and saw light six years after, on the day when Buddha finished his six years asceticism, on the bank of the river NairaÒjana; he was so named being born on the day when there was an eclipse. sgra gcan 'dzin bshes gnyen * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2-249) [friend of Rahula]S. sgra gcan lus 'joms SANST the god who subdued Rahu, the demon, by cutting him into two. sgra che far-famed, renowned; sgra chen SANST great; sound; sgra chen po SANST high loud sound; sgra cher grags pa well-known, famous; sgra nyan pa to hear; to hear sound; sgra nyams pa SANST sinking voice; low sound; sgra snyan SANST, SANST a well-sounding, agreeable voice; a guitar; sgra brnyan (brag cha ) SANST, SANST an echo. sgra tog sound made by the tongue striking on the roof of the mouth: kho bo mi mthong ba'i tshe sha khrag gi ro la rkan sgra tog pa la when I happened not to see him he by striking the roof of the mouth with his tongue signified the relish of meat, &c. (Hbrom. 118). sgra dag pa pure; clear-voiced. sgra don SANST meaning of a word. sgra drag po SANST sound made by a sudden blow. sgra ldan 1. noisy. 2. (bya rog ) SANST, SANST met. a crow. sgra ldar sounding; sonorous. sgra ba * SANST (Schr.) [speech]S. sgra 'byin pa SANST; skad 'don pa to resound, groan, cry loudly. sgra byung lo SANST [resounded]S. sgra byed sound-maker; sgra byed do SANST makes sound. sgra dbyangs SANST pleasing tone; harmony; euphony (A. K. 111-8). sgra dbyangs rgyal po * (Schr.; 46 B.). sgra dbyangs lha mo the Goddess Sarasvati. Syn. lha mo dbyangs can ma ; dbyangs can ma ; tshangs sras mo ; mtsho byung lha mo ; tshangs ba'i sras mo ; ngag dbang lha mo (Moon.). sgra sbyor ma a coalition or connection of letters. sgra mi snyan SANST of disagreeable voice. According to the fabulous geography of the Buddhists the northern continent which is said to be square in shape, and where a language is spoken not intelligible to the people of India. sgra med SANST soundless; voiceless. sgra med sprin SANST a cloud without thunder. sgra tsam SANST only a voice. sgra tshad (sgra dang tshad ma ) grammar and logic. sgra 'dzin = rna ba SANST that catches the sound; the ear. sgra'i skye gnas SANST, SANST the origin or root of a word. sgra'i rgyan SANST, SANST metaphor in rhetoric. sgra'i snye ma tender tones and half tones, &c.; also the name of a book (Oag.). sgra 'od zer gsum the three rays of sound which are incident on the soul in the Bardo: sgra yis dngngs so ; 'od kyis 'jigs so ; zer gyis sgrag go . sgra yi sde SANST (Schr.; Kalac. T. 124) [soldiers of the adversary]S. (EEE The translation given would fit with a spelling dgra yi sde . Alternatively, a translation of the headword as shown would be "classes of sounds" or other possibilities; the context would have to be known to translate this correctly.) sgra yi gnas * = rna ba SANST the ear. sgra rig pa SANST, SANST, SANST, the science of words; grammar [one versed in lexicography]S. sgra la mkhas pa SANST one versed in the science of words; a grammarian. sgra seng rig pa'i blo gros = 'jam dpal dbyangs SANST a Bodhisattva and God of Learning of the northern Buddhists. sgra gsal SANST articulate; intelligible. sgrags 1. together with; jointly. 2. of a place in Tibet. sgrags kyi dar phug n. of a sanctuary situated in a rock-cavern of Tibet (Deb. ga 44). sgrags kyi yang rdzong district in Lho-brag in S. Tibet. sgrang ba (dang-wa) pf. bsgrangs , fut. bsgrang , imp. sgrong 1. to enumerate; to reckon up separately. 2. to upbraid; to reproach. sgral ba (dal-wa) 1. to cut into small pieces, viz., the picture of an enemy whom one wishes to destroy (J‰.). 2. chu sogs las sgral ba to pass over or travel upon a river or sea. sgras mngon par go bar byed SANST by voice or sound he causes to be understood. sgrig (dig) or gral sgrig pa well arranged; good arrangement; v. sgrol 3. sgrig pa pf. bsgrigs , fut. bsgrig , imp. sgrig or sgrigs ; sgrol du sgrig pa , to arrange in order or row; to lay or put in order; to arrange, adjust; to put or fit together; to join (the separate parts); sgrigs par byed pa SANST to compile (books); to stitch close (books, &c.); SANST covers. sgrig lad defect in fixing gems on ornaments: mu med kyi sgrig lad 'ga' zhig byung 'dug rung even though there was some defect in fixing a sapphire (Rtsii. and Yig. 17). sgrig lam arrangement according to usage; custom: sgrig lam zhig song ba there was a custom. sgrigs imp. of sgrig pa . sgrin po (din-po) SANST skilful, clever, prudent, expert. Syn. mkhas pa ; sbyang bo (Moon.). (EEE sbyang po is given as ang po spyao-po in the original, but this is clearly incorrect.) sgrib (dib), nyi zla sgra gcan gyi sgrib pa , to eclipse; to cover over, v. sgrib pa 3 I. sgrib chag , dus rgyun gyi rtsis las mar 'grib cing chag pa reduction; anything below the average calculation; also discount. sgrib gnyis kyi dbye ba distinction between the two defilements. sgrib pa I: 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST sin; mental and moral defilement; the state of being obscured, darkened; obscuration. 2. SANST, [a roof, cover]S. ma rig pa'i sgo nga'i spugs kyi sgrib pa hidden inside the egg of ignorance. II: vb. pf. bsgribs , fut. bsgrib , imp. sgrib (sgribs ) to obscure; to cover; to darken, defile: nyi ma'i 'od zer bsgrib nas the light of the sun being obscured: sprin pas nyi ma sgrib pa the sun is covered by the clouds. 2. yongs su bsgribs SANST utterly obscured or covered. III: adj. dark; sbst. darkness; sinner. sgrib pa lnga the five kinds of moral obscurations are the following:- (1) las kyi sgrib pa , or 'dod srid kyi sgrib pa defilements or sins of passionate desires; (2) gnod sems kyi sgrib pa sins of an evil heart, i.e., of the wish to do evil of other; (3) rmugs rgod kyi sgrib sins of laziness and indolence; (4) gnyid kyi sgrib pa sins of sleep; (5) the tshom gyi sgrib pa sins of doubt. sgrib pa gnyis or sgrib gnyis the two kinds of moral and mental obscuration are:- (1) nyon mongs pa'i sgrib pa SANST defilement of misery that caused by habits, etc.; shes bya'i sgrib pa SANST the sin produce from the objects of cognition; acc. to the Mahayana doctrine these two sins vanish as soon as one has attained to the eighth stage of Bodhisattva perfection; acc. to the Hinayana these remain even when one has become an Arhat. Acc. to the Bon religion, sins which bring sufferings encompass the living beings of the three worlds, sins that appertain to knowledge only affect such saints, gYung drung sems pa and rig 'dzin sems pa , as belong to the tenth stage only. sgrib pa rnam sel n. of a Bodhisattva. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "Sgrib-pa sgrib-pa rnam-sel" but this seems to be an error of duplication.) sgrib shing (dib-shing) invisible by the power of charms or by certain articles of influence on men and devils: khwa ta'i sgro yis sgrib shing byed made invisible by the feathers of magpie. sgrim pa (dim-pa), pf. bsgrims , fut. bsgrim , imp. sgrim (sgrims ). 1. to hold fast; to force or twist together; to endeavour; (Cs.) to squeeze in, crowd in; (Sch.) to be confused: blo dang rig pa sgrim pa to be careful both in mind and intelligence, that is, not to forget any important point or say a foolish word in conducting a case; to bring all the intelligence into play; skud pa sgrim pa to twist the threads together that they may become a compact plait. sgril kha a piece rolled together: kha nyi shu rtsa gcig yod pa'i sgril a roll containing twenty-one pieces. sgril ba pf. and fut. bsgril (cf. 'gril ba 3 and 3'khril ba 3). to make a roll of; to roll, wrap up; to wind into a spool; thag pa dang shog bu sgril mkhan he who rolls up ropes or paper; ril bur sgril ba to roll or form into a pill; gang ltod pa sgril ba to roll up tightly what has got slack. sgris khrims rules or regulations of admission; sgris bcug pa to admit; to introduce. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "sgris-skhrims" but that is clearly in error.) sgrug pa (dug-pa) = 'thu ba , pf. bsgrugs pa , fut. bsgrug , imp. sgrug or sgrugs to collect, gather, pluck, pick up, e.g., wood, nuts, vermin, &c.: shing sgrug = shing 'thu ba ; shing cig sgrugs dang gsung nas having requested that some wood should be collected. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "srug-pa" but that is clearly in error.) sgrung I: (dung) n. of a Tibetan king of the Bon period. II: or sgrungs , described as sngon gyi lo rgyus bden rdzun sna tshogs , various anecdotes, true and false, of former times; sgrung mkhan one who narrates fables or stories (Cs.): sgrung rgyud the stories or fables that have come down to us; sgrung 'chad pa to relate fables, stories, &c.; sgrung gtam legends; tales of ancient time. sgrung lde'i gnam bon the heavenly or celestial Bon-po teachers who flourished before the time of King Di-gum btsan-po and his successors in the mythological period. sgrung pa a relater of legends. sgrung ba = sgrung bshad mkhan 1. one who relates fables or stories. 2. vb. pf. bsgrungs , fut. bsgrung , to mix; to invent; to feign (Cs.); sgrung babs the inspired story-tellers of Tibet, whose profession it is to narrate fables for a living; he puts a square cap on his head and goes on telling stories without pause. sgrun pa + (dun-pa), pf. and fut. bsgrun SANST 1. to resound; to reply in the same tone; to rival. 2. to compare; to emulate, vie, contend with (Cs.). Syn. 'gran pa (Moon.). sgrub pa vb. pf. bsgrubs , fut. bsgrub , imp. sgrub (cf. 'grub pa 3) SANST, SANST, SANST to complete, finish, perform, carry out, accomplish; to achieve, manufacture, attain to; don sgrub pa to attain to one's aim; to obtain a blessing, a boon; tshe 'di'i don sgrub pa to care for the wants of this life: to accomplish the ends of this life; rgyags phye sgrub pa to procure flour as provision for a journey; nor sgrub pa to gain riches; also to furnish with, to supply; lha sgrub pa to propitiate a god. Acc. to J‰. lha sgrub pa implies, in accordance with Bramanic-Buddhist theology, not so much the making of a deity propitious to man, as rendering a god subject to human power, forcing him to perform the will of man. Whilst the conatus, the labouring in this arduous undertaking is often called sgrub pa , the arriving at the wished-for end is designated 'grub pa . sgrub dka' ba SANST very difficult to propitiate, to perform, to execute. sgrub khang the house or place where one sits to meditate or propitiate a deity, or where the rites and ceremonies are observed for the same. sgrub mkhan SANST one who propitiates; a propitiator. sgrub gla = sgrub yon remuneration for propitiating (Moon.). sgrub 'chag building or making and dismantling or destroying; the term is defined in gsar ba sgrub rgyu dang rnying pa nas mar 'chag rgyu constructing a new one and breaking down the old one. sgrub rtags token; proofs of the attainment of perfection on accomplished saints. sgrub thabs SANST, SANST the method of effecting the propitiation of a deity, of obliging a god to make his appearance. There are two kinds of sgrub thabs : zhi ba'i sgrub thabs dang khro bo'i sgrub thabs gnyis the propitiation or coercion of gods in their mild aspect, and of those of wrathful aspect. sgrub thabs rgya mtsho * SANST (Schr.; Ta. 2, 330) the ocean of coercion. sgrub dang sun 'byin propitiating and discomfiting. sgrub nus SANST the power to perform or propitiate. sgrub pa dka' brgyad the eight gods who according to the rnying ma sect of Tibet are difficult to propitiate. They are the following:- 'jam dpal sku ; pad ma gsung ; yang dag thugs ; bdud rtsi yon tan ; phur pa 'phrin las 'jig rten 'das pa'i sde lnga|ma mo rbod gtong ; dmod pa drag sngags , 'jig rten mchod bstod (Grub. kha 11). sgrub par byed pa to cause ecstasy in meditation. sgrub po mchog SANST highest stage of consummation. sgrub bya SANST, SANST anything to be propitiated; a god. There are two kinds of deities, male and female, who having in view the good of all living beings do many kind services when invoked; they are manifested in aspects, calm and peaceful, or terrific and wrathful. For instance, the Goddess Dolma when she is propitiated is a mild deity and is called lha mo sgrub bya i.e., the goddess to be propitiated; the man who propitiates being called sgrub pa po , and the manner of exhorting her is called sgom tshul ; the propitiatory rites are called sgrub thabs . sgrub par byed pa includes the persons who observe the rites, who meditate on her and officiates at the service. When the goddess has been propitiated, i.e., bsgrubs , she appears before the devotee and grants him his prayer or wishes. sgrub byed SANST, SANST, SANST 1. he that accomplishes the propitiation or coercion. 2. a kind of bile. sgrub ran or sgrub ngan SANST cannot easily be propitiated or accomplished. sgrub le dbang le dang sgrub le . sgrub gshen a deity of the Bon to be propitiated; the Bon doctrine (J‰.). sgrub sla pa sgrub sla-wa SANST easy to perform, or easy of accomplishment. sgre ba (de-wa) 1. uncovered: chos kyi glegs bam sgre ba la bzhag mi rung a sacred volume should not be kept uncovered. 2. adj. gen. + sgre bo bare; naked; sgre mo , sa sgre bo = sa khod mi snyoms pa or sa gcer bu bare uneven ground. 3. vb. pf. and fut. bsgre to repeat; to put or place in order; to put together; to collate. sgreg pa (deg-pa) vb. pf. sgregs , sbst. SANST, SANST to belch; also sbst. eructation. Syn. gsud pa or gsus pa gyen bzlog eructation that rises upwards. sgreng sgreng firm and well-fixed: ltag rtsa sgreng sgreng rang med pa 'dis len . sgreng ba (deog-wa) = gyen du slang ba SANST, SANST vb. pf. bsgrengs , fut. bsgreng , imp. sgreng or sgrengs , cf. 'greng ba 3 1. to lift, hoist or rise up: dar lcog dang rgyal mtshan sogs gyen du slang ba fix or erect the house-flags and the sacred standard. 2. to stretch out. (EEE The original reads "cf. 'greng pa " but this is 1) a spelling error and 2) the correctly spelled 'greng ba is found as the target reference so the text has been changed accordingly.) (EEE The original has dar lcog dang rgyal mtshan sogs gyen du spang ba but this too is clearly incorrect.) sgren mo (den-mo) SANST; gos med gcer bu naked; without cover; destitute; bleak. sgren mo gsum (den-mo sum) the three denmo according to a Tibetan saying are the following:- (1) klung ni chu med sgren mo ste a valley is bleak when it is without water; (2) yul 'khor mgon med sgren mo a country without a protecting deity is destitute; (3) gal te ming po bcu yod kyang |khyo med bud med sgren mo'o| that woman who is without husband though she may have got ten brothers is denmo, i.e., destitute. sgres pa (deh-pa) n. of a numeral figure used in Buddhist astrology: sgreg pa shin tu brtan pa'o zhes bshad de 'di la grangs gnas brgya dang nyer brgyad 'byung zhing (Ya-sel. 57). sgro 1. a large feather, esp. quill-feather, used for an ornament of arrows, as a charm, etc.: sgro ldan feathered race; a general name for birds as being possessed of feathers; also an arrow. 2. sgro ba to elevate, exalt, increase (Cs.); to exaggerate (J‰.). 3. sack; bag; thal sgro a sack full of ashes (J‰.), v. sgro ba 3. sgro rkang (do-kang) a species of tall fir; the feather fir. sgro skur (do-kur) is an abbreviation of the expression; sgro 'dogs pa dang skur pa 'debs pa decorating with feathers and casting abuse, i.e., exaggeration and depreciation: nga ni sgro skur med pa'i dge slong yin . I am a monk (Bhikru) who neither flatters nor speaks ill of others. sgro khyim (do-khim) sgro khyim yangs la mgo bo bra lo can (Jig. 32). sgro ga (do-ga) 1. the little bubbles in sparkling beverages. 2. the ropes used to pack cloth; cord, fetter; lcags sgro iron fetters; lcags sgro lag pa sprel nas the hands chained together; lham sgro shoe-strap; lace; latchet. sgro gu (do-gu) string; strap for binding, fastening, strapping: sgro gu rten pa the steel point or blade of an arrow to which a feather is attached. sgro btags pa SANST vb. to make a false show; to pretend much; sbst. vanity; presumption: rnam par rtog pas sgro btags pa'i bdag nyid can yin (Lam. ti. 42) imaginary thoughts are possessed of the nature of vain and unreal assertion. (EEE The original edition has rnam par rtogs but this is clearly incorrect.) sgro 'dogs (do-dˆg) doubts; sgro 'dogs gcod free from doubts: bla ma dam pa'i gdams ngag gis nang gi sgro 'dogs gcod pa yin by the (upadesha) precepts of the holy Lama his doubts were dissolved (A. 77). sgro 'dogs ma chod his doubts were not cleared (A. 27). sgro phug n. of a place in Tibet. sgro phug pa n. of a celebrated Nyingma Lama who lived in Dophug: sgro ston gyi lha khang sgro phug tu brtsigs pa lags so| the temple of Do-ton was built at Do-phug (Deb. ga 6). sgro ba I: (do-wa) a leather or hide bag for keeping barley-flour, peas, etc. Those that are carried on horseback are called rta sgro ; small leather bags are called lag sgro hand-bag; gsang sgro or the mystic bag is a term for the scrotum. Syn. sgy e mo ; sgy e'u ; tshugs snod ; phad tshe (Moon.). II: sbst. 1. acc. to Vai. so, and Sch. the bark of a species of willow. 2. in C. Tib. the penis. III: vb. pf. bsgros , fut. bsgro , imp. sgro, to debate, discuss, chatter freely. sgro mdongs (dom-doog) a peacock's plumes or feathers (Hbrom. kha 11); a Chinese decoration used to adorn the hat worn by the chiefs and noblemen of Tibet, China, &c. sgrog (dog) strap, as in lham sgrog ; shoe-strap; lcags sgrog iron fetters or chain; brgyangs shing la sgrog . sgrog gdan (dog-dao) the triangular patch generally made up of satin on the pang gdan i.e., the bib which covers the front of a woman's petticoat. sgrog gdub (dog-dub) a bangle made of cord or straps also of jade. sgrog pa (dog-pa) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, pf. bsgrags , fut. bsgrag , imp. sgrag or sgrags to call, shout forth; to publish, proclaim, declare; sgrog pa po a declaimer, preacher; gsung sgrog pa to read the sacred words. Used in Mil., also, of birds sending forth their cries. sgrogs pa'am gsal ba SANST; chos sgrogs pa or chos kyi sgrogs gleng mdzad pa to preach; dril sgrogs pa to publish by ringing a bell. sgrog ril (dog-ril) button, round button; sgrog ril sgrog pa to button up (Schr.). sgrog rus pa (dog-rui-pa) SANST [a shelter for swans]S. sgrogs ldan SANST a river. sgrogs zhum (dog-shum) scream. sgrod pa (doi-pa) another form of 'grod pa as in phyi la sgrod pa to go outside; not much used. sgron bskal (don-kal) the enlightened age, opp. to mun bskal or the dark age. sgron chas the articles such as butter, oil, &c., for lighting lamps in a chapel during the eight holy days in a month. sgron te = phul te having offered: dgon mchog gsum la ras mda' zhig sgron te having offered to the Triratna (the three precious ones) a wick (Rtsii. 32). sgron deb the list of people able to give lamps in a town or on a large estate. sgron dregs lamp-black. sgron pa vb. pf. and fut. bsgron 1. to cover; to lay over, adorn, decorate; to light; to kindle. 2. n. of a kind of arrow which shoots like a meteor. sgron ma I: (don-ma) light, lamp, lantern, torch. The word sgron is used to various persons as a title of honour; gser snyan sgron is intended for royalty; zhal ser sgron the golden enlightener, term of address to great lamas; na bza' sgron is applied to the dress of royalty; gsol ba sgron to the food served to a prince; gsol ja sgron to his tea. + II: SANST (Schr.; Bull. 1848, 291). [light]S. sgron ma drug the six lamps used to signify the six religious discourses of Panchen Naropa generally called na ro chos drug . sgron me SANST, SANST, SANST a burning lamp; prob. a lamp as religious offering: lag na sgron me yod kyang ni|long bas lam ni mthong mi 'gyur| though a lamp be in his hand, the blind will not see the way (She. doo. 16). rin chen sgron me SANST the precious light; name of book. Syn. mtshan mo'i snang byed ; snum la dga' ; khyim gyi nor bu ; snum za ; 'bar ba'i ral pa can ; snang gsal ; mar me (Moon.). sgron me shing v. sgron shing 3. sgron gzhi kha n. of a large estate in the district of Lhun-tse in Tibet. sgron shing or sgron me shing the yew-leaf fir, Pinus picea; in Sikkim Pinus longifolia is so called. sgron shing pang rlung chu ser grangs ba sel sgron-shio removes mucous, wind, and cold in the stomach. sgrob (dob) haughtiness, arrogance, pride. sgrob che ba = nyams che ba one with great airs; bumptious, pretentious person: rdzong dpon 'ga' re sgrob che bas yul 'khor yong gi yod 'dug pa bcas (D. Shel. 7) Some Jong-pˆns are as over-bearing, as if the whole country belonged to their circuit. sgrob chen and sometimes sgrom chen are provincial words used to signify pretentiousness or self-assumption; sgro che ba = brdzu byas pa pompous: mi sgrob chen dang sgrom chen sogs brdzu byas pa'i don grong skad yin (Oag. 18) mi dob-chen and dom-chen etc. signify pretentiousness in provincial language. sgrom (dom) SANST, SANST a trunk or portmanteau; a box the inside of which is made of wood or wicker work and the outside lined with leather; a large leather box. [SANST may be regarded as the Pali form of Sanskrit SANST, a seat, an altar]S. mchod sgrom a chest to keep articles of religious service; thab sgrom a box to keep utensils, plates, &c., for cooking, generally covered with tanned tiger skin. Syn. sgam . sgrom bu a small box; smyug sgrom = gzheb ma a chest made of wicker work. sgrol dkar and sgrol ljang 1. are known as the White and Green manifestations of the Goddess Dolma or Tara, the two wives of King Srong-btsan sgam-po, being deified and worshipped as their incarnations. 2. names of females of frequent occurrence in Tibet. sgrol dkar kun blo ma , sgrol ma kun rgyal ma , sgrol ma rgyal bzang ma are other different manifestations of the Goddess Dolma. sgrol ba pf. and fut. bsgral . 1. to save, rescue, deliver; to set free; to liberate; chu dang sdug bsngal dang 'jigs pa dang 'khor ba las sgrol ba to save from the water, from the water, from misery, fear, and from transmigratory existence: sgrol ba'i ded dpon du 'gyur he becomes a guide to salvation. 2. to transport, carry; to cross (a river) by boat or ferry: 'khor ba bsgral ba'i gru gzings yin it is a boat that will carry you over the river of transmigration. 3. to remove, expel, drive away: 'dra rnams phyi'i rgya mtsho chen po la bsgral the demons were banished to the uttermost parts of the sea; bdud sgrol ba to expel the devil. sgrol ba po SANST the deliverer, met. for saviour. sgrol ba'i dbang phyug * SANST, SANST (Schr.; Bull. 1898, 295) the Lord of final deliverance. sgrol byed SANST, SANST a deliverer; met. for a boat, ship. sgrol ma (Dol-ma) SANST, SANST the Goddess Dolma, she that saves from transmigratory existence; one of the most popular deities in Tibet, and of whom there are supposed to be many sprul-ku or branch emanations. Some Sgrol-ma kyil-hkhor exhibit twenty-one different manifestations of the goddess. The several appellations of sgrol ma are:- oM mdzad ; rgyal yum ; mchog gi ma ; myur skyob ; 'jig rten dbang sras mo ; zhi ma phongs skyob ; legs byin ma ; chos kyi dpal mo (Moon.). sgrol ma ku ru kul le one of the twenty-one manifestations of the Goddess Dolma (K. g. nga 266). sgrol ma che SANST Maha Tara or the great Goddess Dolma. sgrol ma nyin zhi mtshan khro * (Schr.; 45 A) "Dolma, mild by day and wrathful by night." sgrol ma nor sbyin ma * (Schr.; 46 B) Dolma, the wealth-giver. sgrol ma dpal chen SANST Dolma, the most glorious. sgrol ma dmar mo * (sa lugs ) (Schr.; 46 A) the Red Dolma. sgrol ma zhi ma SANST Dolma in her mild aspect. sgrol ma yid bzhin nor bu * (Schr.; 46 C) Dolma the wish giving gem. sgrol ma ser mo * (46 C.; Schr.). sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs brgya rtsa SANST (Ta. 2, 156) n. of a book consisting of one hundred stanzas composed for propitiating the Goddess Dolma. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "Sgrol-mahi sgrub-thabs brya-rtsa" which is clearly in error.) sgrol sher abbreviation of the expressions sgrol ma 'don rgyu and shes rab rnying po . sgros (doi) manner; method; way; bshad sgros manner of explaining; gtam sgros way of speaking (Cs.); bla ma rnams kyi gsung sgros conference of the lamas; sgrogs bshad sgros the method of instruction which is to be proclaimed (Sch.). mchu sgros is same as mchu bsgrigs , mchu sgros bi± ltar , his graceful lip was like the fruit called Bimba. 1. edge, brim, lip (Cs.). 2. scar, also a mark from a wound (Sch.). (EEE mchu sgros bi± ltar has been incorrectly typeset in the original with mchu sgros bi ∂ ltar . The transliteration of mchu-sgros bim-ba ltar in the original and the context verifies the spelling that we have given.) brgad pa = bgad pa to smile; smile on. brgal pf. of rgal ba . brgal len , controversy, disputation. brgal dka' ba the ocean (that which is difficult to cross) (Moon.). brgal pa SANST [enjoined; asked; censured]S. brgol ba to disagree; to act in opposition; to be disposed to contrariety. brgya SANST one hundred; brgya mchod a hecatomb of 100 lamps; one hundred offerings; brgya stong SANST one hundred thousand; brgya tham pa full one hundred; brgya dod = grwa ba brgya tham pas sku rim byed pa'i gla yon la remuneration to one hundred monks for conducting a religious service; yang brgya mchod kyi dod dngul 'bru sogs , &c., remuneration in silver, grain, etc. for conducting the religious service of one hundred offerings; brgya 'dangs about a hundred; nearly one hundred. brgya pa SANST, SANST centenarian; one of hundred years of age. brgya po consisting of one hundred. brgya phrag SANST the hundred; a century; phran tshegs brgya phrag mi pham mgon (A. 21). brgya bam anything kept in groups of one hundred; brgya re re thum pa rgyab nas bzhag pa (Zam. 4). brgya byin 1. n. of a medicinal root; dug mo nyung a mystic word or gab yig (Mio. 3). 2. SANST one who has performed one hundred yajÒa (sacrifices); an epithet of Indra. Acc. to Buddhist mythology there are two Indras, the senior Indra rules over the gods, the senior Indra rules over the gods, the junior, riding on the great elephant called Airavata, keeps guard over the celestial regions, having in his immediate charge the quarters of the East. brgya byin skyes SANST Indra's son; born of Indra. brgya byin grong SANST the residence of Indra; the celestial metropolis. Syn. 'chi ba med ldan ; lta na sdug ; sum cu rtsa gsum ; khang bzang rnam par rgyal ba ; rnam par rgyal byed pho brang (Moon.). brgya byin i bo = grog mkhar ant-hill; also ant's foot. brgya byin spros ; aa ru ra Myrobalan arjuna the delight of Indra. (EEE Myrabalan in the original corrected to Myrobalan.) brgya byin ma = brgya byin btsun mo SANST the celestial queen; the wife of Indra. Her different names are:- 'chi med dbang mo ; lha'i btsun mo ; legs brjod ma ; dbang chen ma ; bu lo'i sras mo ; bde sogs ma (Moon.). brgya byin gzhu SANST 1. the bow of Indra, i.e., rainbow. 2. a kind of medicinal fruit. brgya byin lha yi dbang po'i ming the different names of Indra:- mtho ris 'dren pa ; mtho ris rgyal ; lha yi rgyal po ; 'jer 'jigs ; lha'i rnga can ; gtsang byed mgon po ; rdo rje can ; stobs ldan dgra bo ; lha yi bdag ; 'chi med rgyal po ; legs bris gtso ; grags ba'i mu khyud ; mchog sbyin brgya pa ; bde sogs bdag ; lha dbang ; legs skyob ; skabs gsum dbang ; rgan la nyan ; shis brjod nyan ; gnas kyi bdag po ; sprin la zhon ; bzod dkas rangs ; bzhin bsnyems bzod ; char 'bebs grong 'joms ; grol byed 'joms ; pu lo ma dgra ; gang po 'bod ; ha ri'i rta can ; snin pa gsod ; tshig mda'i mgon po ; mig stong can ; ko'u shi ka (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "Brgya-byin Lha-yi bwao-pohi mio" which is clearly in error.) brgya 'dzin SANST that contains or holds one hundred objects, etc. brgya las 'dam pa brgya tham pa las gcig 'dam pa . brgyag brngan n. of a Bon god who is also called lha bsangs . brgyags SANST victuals; provision, as in mtshams brgyags , lam brgyags provision for the journey. brgyang ba SANST, pf. brgyangs , fut. brgyang , imp. rgyongs or rgyongs shig 1. to extend, stretch out, set out or arrange; ko ba dang thag pa brgyang ba to stretch hide and rope; snod brgyang ba to set out a vessel; mchod me brgyang ba to put in array lamps as offerings. 2. to call a person from a distance. brgyad SANST eight. Symbolic Syn. bkra shis ; lha ; klu ; nor ; gdengs can ; srid pa ; lto ; 'gro (Rtsii.). brgyad bkag + = bka' bkyon pa SANST rebuke; reproof; reflection on one's conduct or act. brgyad bkug or skud pa brgyad sgril thread in eight-fold twists. brgyad bcu SANST eighty. brgyad chung n. of a kind of tea which is of inferior quality, largely consumed by Tibetans in general. brgyad stong pa SANST one of the abridged sacred scriptures of the northern Buddhists containing 8,000 slokas. brgyad ston SANST the festival on the eighth lunar day of the month. brgyad pa SANST 1. the eighth. 2. tshar bcad pa he who finishes or puts an end to; the destroyer. brgyad po consisting of eight; the eight. brgyad lhag lit. eight in excess (of one hundred); SANST a rosary which consists of one hundred and eight beads. brgyan pa SANST, SANST, SANST vb. to adorn, decorate; to provide with: rin chen rgyan gyis brgyan pa adorned with precious ornaments cf. rgyan 3; sbst. brgyal ba = myog ches byed pa SANST 1. to fall down senseless; to lie senseless; to sink down unconscious; to faint. 2. to howl, of a fox (Sch.); 'o brgyal te fainting with fatigue; brgyal bog pa laid prostrate and unconscious: thams cad brgyal bog pa bzhin all as if prostrate and senseless (A. 76). brgyas = lhan rgyas together with. brgyugs pf. of rgyug pa SANST, SANST used as sbst. a race; also running a race. brgyungs pa the marrow in the back-bone (Cs.). brgyud cf. rgyud 3 SANST, SANST, SANST, gcig nas gcig tu brgyud pa descent from one to another. 1. family, lineage, ancestors, offspring. 2. race, people, nation: bod kyi mi brgyud the Tibetan nation, people. rigs brgyud relations; gdung brgyud decendants; bla brgyud the succession or line of Lamas. 3. Tantras and mystic manuals, v. 3rgyud 3; chos kyi brgyud pa religious arguments and deductions. brgyud brgyugs a continuous succession (Sch.). brgyud can possessed of descendants; fruitful. brgyud pa 1. belonging to a race or family. 2. v. rgyud 3 and 3rgyud pa 3. brgyud pa rnam pa lnga there were five different schismatic successions among the Buddhists in Ancient India; they were the following:- (1) 'dul ba'i rgyud or SANST the generation observing moral discipline; (2) gsang sngags kyi rgyud or SANST the mystical succession; (3) rgya chen od rgyud or SANST the succession of abundant performances; (4) zab mo lta rgyud SANST [the profound succession]S.; (5) snying po don rgyud or the Occult race SANST (Grub. da 6). brgyud 'phel ba to increase the race or progeny; to multiply; to increase the family. brgyud ma 1. one belonging to a family; a scion; one well acquainted with the secrets, well informed; acc. to Cs. = brgyud can . 2. in W. fruitful; fertile. 3. brgyud ma rgyab pa to perpetuate family lineage; brgyud 'dzin SANST heir; successor. brgyud yas SANST n. of a numerical figure (Ya-sel. 56). brgyus pa SANST to make a string of; to stitch together. bsgag pa v. 'gegs pa 3 and 3sgog pa 3. bsgang or sgang = dngos gzhi point of time; moment; instant; conjuncture: lo gsar bsgang gi lhags pa a chilling gale on the opening of the new year; bya ba'i bsgang the proper time for doing a thing; 'bri ba'i bsgang the time for writing; za ba'i bsgang the time of eating. (EEE the original edition has lo gsar bsgang gi lhag pa but lo gsar bsgang gi lhags pa is correct as is shown by the transliteration lhags in the original.) bsgangs pa to form into; gong bu bsgangs made a ball of; gcig tu bsgongs collects into one. (EEE The original gives the headword as bskangs pa and the transliteration as "bsgangs-pa". The transliteration is clearly correct so the headword has been altered accordingly.) bsgar pf. of sgor ba . bsgugs pa pf. of sgug pa to wait (for one's arrival or return). bsgul bskyod tremulous; to shake and tremble: sems can 'gro 'dug dang bsgul bskyod byed the living beings move, stand and tremble (Khrid. 47). bsgul pa SANST to shake, tremble, quake, quiver. Gen. sgul ba . bsgo ba SANST 1. to direct, instruct, v. sgo ba 3. 2. to rub with; to apply on snum bsgos pa ; to stain, anoint; to infect with disease; bsgos pa pf. of bsgo pa to command, order; also bka' bsgos pa to give directions; issue commands; also the coercive bidding of the mystic exorcist towards an evil spirit. bag chags bsgos pa defiled with moral impurity (Oag. 19). Syn. khas blangs byed ; dul ba 'dzin ; tshig brtan pa ; bsgo ba nyan pa ; dbang du gyur ; bsnyen pa ; zhi ba ; dul ba ; nyer zhi ba (Moon.). bsgo ba bcag pa SANST to disobey; to disregard directions. bsgo ba rna la gzon pa = bsgo ba mi nyan pa not listening to instructions or directions. bsgo ba rnam pa gsum I: the three religious instructions or directions:- 1. dge 'dun gyis bsgo ba instruction issued by the church. 2. sdes bsgo ba those issued by a section of the church. 3. dge 'dun gnas brtan gyis bsgo ba directions emanating from the senior member of the holy order. II: 1. slob dpon gyis bsgo ba the order of the principal of a college or the superior of a monastery. 2. mkhan pos bsgo ba the command of the Khanpo (abbot). 3. dge 'dun gyis bsgo ba . III: 1. dge 'dun gyis bsgo ba the vows of the holy order. 2. gang zag gis bsgo ba vows of ordinary men. 3. so sor thar pas bsgo ba vows for individual emancipation in the ordinary way (K. du. 42). bsgo ba bzhin nyan pa or rjes su 'jug pa SANST to follow, do as directed. [One who acts as directed]S. bsgo ba la mi nyan pa bslab bya la mi nyan breach of religious discipline; SANST not to act according to instruction. bsgom pa SANST contemplation; = goms pa ; bsgom pa dang goms pa gnyis lam la sbyar na don gcig yin bsgom-pa and goms-pa in their application to road have one and same meaning. bsgom skyes SANST, SANST produced from contemplation, also reflection; bsgom pa byung ba SANST sprung from contemplation; bsgom pa la dga' ba delighting in contemplation. bsgoms pa pf. of sgom pa . bsgy ings pa = 'gying ba 1. SANST, SANST to yawn. 2. = spo ba . bsgy ur ba I: another form of sgy ur ba SANST, SANST to change; kha dog bsgy ur ba changing colour; gos bsgy ur ba to change clothes; to change the cover (like a snake); to translate; rgya gar nas chos sgy ur ba to translate books brought from India; tshig bsgy ur to translate words; don bsgy ur to alter the meaning; thad bsgy ur to change the direction; 'chol bsgy ur , lus bsgy ur to change one's body (miraculously); ming bsgy ur to change one's name; mdog bsgy ur to change the complexion or colour; spus bsgy ur to change the quality; bsngos bsgy ur i.e., to change one's intention; phyi nang bsgy ur to invert the object; chos lugs bsgy ur conversion; skad bsgy ur to change the language. II: SANST to multiply, increase. Syn. bsnun ; bsgres pa ; spel ba ; gsil ba (Moon.). bsgy us pa SANST muscle. bsgrag phrang (dag-theng) n. of a Jong in Tibet. (EEE the original gives the transliteration as Bsgrag-phreo. The correct Tibetan might thus be bsgrag phreng .) bsgrags (dag) (chos klog tshar ba ) SANST, SANST proclaimed; read or recited loudly. bsgrags pa sung; diffused. bsgrang pa 1. to enumerate, count up (Cs.). 2. to cause to grow cold. bsgrad pa = bgrad pa to open wide; mig bgrad pa to stare; rkang pa bgrad pa to part the legs wide; to straddle. bsgral SANST, SANST [cross; passable]S bsgral ba SANST to pass; cross over. bsgral ba'i shing rta a boat, also = gru skya an oar of a boat (Moon.). bsgral bya SANST, SANST met. a boat. bsgral yas SANST a numerical figure used in Buddhist astrology. bsgrigs (dig) SANST, SANST, SANST put in order, arranged, arrayed; bsgrigs pa SANST formed into string. bsgribs pa (dib-pa), pf. of sgrib SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST covered. bsgribs pa'i lung du mi ston pa SANST to abstain from obscure prediction: dge mi dge gang yang min pa la lung ma bstan : do not prophesy or predict what is not known either to be good or bad. bsgrims pa (dim-pa) (spras pa ) brtan brtan byas pa , v. sgrim pa 3 perverted skill; also chaotic acquirements; confused information. (EEE The headword in the original is given as sgribms pa bsgrims pa, which is an impossible combination. The transposed letters have been corrected here.) bsgrun pa skin to 'gran SANST, to rival, vie with; to reply to: bsgrin mi phod = 'gran zla byed mi nus pa cannot compete or be a match for. bsgreng = btsugs pa , rgyal mtshan lta bu SANST, SANST, SANST up-lifted; hoisted. bsgrengs (deng), pf. of sgreng , imp. sgrengs shig , bsgrengs bya'i rgyal mtshan , a flag that is to be hoisted (Situ. 77). bsgres (de) (bsgre ) old, aged; sku bsgres , de bgras mu yab bsgres (Ya-sel.). dbu chos bsgres rim aged respectable lama. bsgres pa SANST changed. bsgres yas a numerical figure used in Buddhist astrology. nga I: is the fourth consonant of the Tibetan alphabet. It corresponds to the Sanskrit letter SANST and sounds like ng in the English word "song." As final the pronunciation is therefore easy enough; but in its frequent occurrence as an initial letter the difficulty of sounding it properly comes in. As an initial nga must be pronounced as a nasal g. To acquire the sound, first say un-ga; and then, dropping the u, try to say the nga. II: 1. it represents the numerical figure 4. 2. stands for lnga bcu in consecutive numbers nga gcig 51; nga gnyis 52; nga gsum 53: nga bzhi 54; nga lnga 55; nga drug 56; nga bdun 57; nga brgyad 58; nga dgu 59. III: in mystical Buddhism is symbolical of the dissolution of all Samskara (combinations either phenomenal or material). nga zhes pa ni 'du byed thams cad zhig pa'i mtshan nyid do| "the term nga is the sign of the synthesis of all matters which phenomenally exist in a compounded state" (K. my. ka 207). nga ni 'dzin pa med pa'i sgo||'dzin bral thams cad grol bar ston| (K. g. wa 42) "nga is symbolical of the state where there is no cohesion; it explains that all that are without adherence (attachment) will be liberated." IV: SANST pers. pron., first person, singular I: nga mi rgan old man that I am; nga rgyal po srong btsan sgom po dang "I with srong btsan sgam po "; bla ma nga I the Lama. nga'i or nga yi my, mine: nga'i yid 'od my charming (wife), i.e., dearest; nga yi yin = bdag gi yin it is mine; mi nga'i rnam shes soul of me a man; nga'i 'di this my; nga'i rje btsun my venerable master. Colloq. the common form for nga is nga rang "I." nga kho na I myself; I alone. nga nged nga nyid , nga rang , SANST, SANST, SANST I myself. Syn. kho bo . nga cag nga tsho , nga rnams , are the several plurals of nga signifying we. ngas for nga yis by me, v. nga 3. nga rgyal SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST (lit. "I, the chief ") i.e., pride, arrogance: nga rgyal gyi sgang la yon tan gyi chu mi chags| "on the height of pride the water of merit does not accumulate"; nga rgyal skyed pa to be proud. nga rgyal gcog pa to break (another's) pride; to humble; nga'o snyam pa'i nga rgyal = the pride of assertion of self; lit. the pride of reflecting "I am." Syn. rgyags ; dregs ; 'phyar gYeng snyems ; mngon pa'i nga rgyal ; nga ldan (Moon.). nga rgyal can SANST, SANST, SANST; proud, boastful; rivalling. Syn. nga rgyal ldan ; dregs ldan (Moon.). nga rgyal las kyang nga rgyal supreme pride. nga phod n. of a district in the province of Kong-po (Loo. 'a, 16). nga ba = ya nga ba SANST 1. bad; dangerous; fearful. 2. rarely for ngan pa bad; dri nga ba a bad smell. nga med SANST lit. without self; without vanity; not thinking of one's self or self-interest. nga men chos po (he who is personified by worldliness), the name by which Mara, the lord of worldliness of the Buddhists, is known to the Bon (B. Nam.). nga ngur a species of duck, v. ngur pa 3, perh. Anas casarca. nga shi lit. I die; cry of fear with wonder; evidently a Bengali expression of wonderó"SANST or SANST I die, alas! I die." which Atisa introduced in Tibetanóaa tsi nga shi rgya gar na da dung ngo mtshar can gyi gtam yod| (A. 107) "Oh, I die from wonder! yet there are wonderful stories in India (to be told)." nga mo for rnga mo the camel: khur ba ngur skyer drangs shing nga mo mgyog| the camel, grunting with loads, travels quickly (Jig. 22). nga 'tsheng self-sufficient or self-sufficiency; pride; egotism (A. 90). nga yir med SANST want of selfishness: nga yir 'dzin pa = bdag gir 'dzin pa or gang zag bdag tu 'dzin pa the cognition of personality which may be styled the self or bdag . nga ra 1. noise; sound. 2. cold air: nga gangs kyi nga ras mi 'jigs I am not afraid of the air of the glaciers (Mil.). nga ra can 1. loud, noisy, roaring. 2. a crier, brawler, noisy fellow. II: rarified; cold. nga ra thang n. of a place in Tibet: spur zangs de kha phye bas skad ngar ra ra zer bas yul de'i ming yang nga ra thang du btags| (Jig. 65) when the lid of the copper coffin was opened, there came out from it the cry oa ra-ra; hence the name of that place became known as Na-ra-thao. ngar ra ra expression of extreme pain and suffering. nga ru n. of a place in Ancient Tibet, which Hod, one of the four sons of King Se-sbreg-pa, had chosen for his residence. (Deb. ga, 19). nga ro SANST 1. a deep voice; a cry; skad kyi nga ro drag zhan the pitch of the voice loud and low. 2. = visarga, i.e., Ha. dbyangs thung ba lnga'i mthar thig le nga ro yod pa dbyangs| at the end of the five short vowels, there being the visarga dots (they should be regarded as a) vowel (Ya-sel. 47). 3. seng ge dang stag gi ngar skad| the roaring sound of the lion or the tiger: stag gi ngar skad 'don pa ni||spre'u shing gi rtse nas lhung | the tiger's growl issuing forth, the monkey drops down from the top of the a tree; skad kyi nga ro chen pos bsgrags so| they proclaimed, shouting at the top of their voice; gdug pa'i nga ro voices foreboding mischief; kye hud kyi nga ro 'bod pa to raise woeful cries. (EEE the sign shown for the visarga in the original edition is Y, but this is the sign for terma; the sign for a visarga is correctly shown above.) nga ro sgrog pa 1. to roar; to rage. 2. the circlet used on the top of a letter to signify ma turns into nga , nya . na and ma before words beginning with any of these. nga ro byin pa SANST, SANST, SANST crying; bewailing; to cry or bewail loudly on account of pain or grief. nga la nu also nga las nu SANST n. of a mythological king who ruled as a Chakravarti-raja over heaven and earth and shared the celestial throne with six successive Indras. N. of an ancestor of Gautama Buddha: byis pas nu ma nga la nu gsungs pa la brten ming yang nga la nu zhes grags so| the child having cried "give me suck," was called Oa-la-nu (Pag. 14). ngag SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST speech; talk; word; ngag gi nyes pa sins committed with the tongue (in words); ngag 'jam po polite speech; gentle words; ngag sdom pa SANST or ngag bcad pa SANST silence, observed as a monastic duty or religious exercise; the vow of not speaking, i.e., of keeping silence for a definite time. Syn. tshig ; sgra brjod pa ; dbyangs can ; gtam ; lo rgyus ; skad smra ba (Moon.). (EEE ngag sdom pa above appears on superficial viewing to be ngag sngom pa in the original but a drop out in the original printing seems to have occured; the above rendering is correct.) ngag skyes SANST born or produced from speech. ngag 'khyal SANST, SANST, SANST delirium; unconnected speech; foolish talk; ravings (Oag.). ngag gi rgyal po SANST; 'jam dbyangs the Bodhisattva MaÒjusri ghora, who is believed by Buddhists to be the god of speech; ngag gi rgyan SANST a figure of rhetoric or speech; gen. amplification of an idea by the use of apt expressions; ngag gi phyag rgya SANST the symbolic speech or mode of expression by the configuration of the fingers; this is described as gsang ba'i brda skad bshad pa gtso bo mystical language in which expression by signs, i.e., with the configuration of the fingers, forms the principal feature; ngag gi dbang phyug , SANST the lord of speechóJam-yang or MaÒjusri ghora: ngag gi dbang phyug 'jam pa'i dbyangs la phyag 'tshal lo| salutation of Jampai-yang, the prince of speech (Situ. 3); ngag gi dbul one poor in spech; a dumb person; v. lkug pa 3 (Moon.). ngag 'gros manner of speaking or uttering words (Cs.). ngag rgyas pa SANST too much talking; full and detailed discussion. ngag rgyun SANST a discourse; also oral tradition, not recorded history. ngag 'chal = ngag 'khyal irregular or senseless speech. Syn. 'chal tshig ; cha med gtam ; klag cor ; bab col ; mu cor (Moon.). ngag snyan 1. = as met. the cuckoo. 2. pleasant voice or sweet language; one who speaks in sweet language. ngag gtam verbal message; also oral tradition. ngag bsdams pa SANST, SANST one who has controlled his speech or tongue. ngag 'dab or ngag gi 'dab ma (lit. the leaf of speech) SANST the organ of tasting; ro 'dzin the tongue, v. lce 3: (Moon.). ngag 'don pa SANST to express in words; to cry; to speak. ngag ldan SANST, SANST eloquent; possessed of (the power of) speaking. ngag byed SANST; the speaker. ngag dbang a title of learning given to some of the Grand Lamas of Tibet. Is also the first name of the present or 14th Dalai Lama of Lhasa. ngag dbang ye shes rgya mtsho the Lama who with the help of Lhabzao, King of the country round lake Kˆkˆnor, conducted the Government of Tibet for thirteen years (Loo. 'a, 16). ngag dbang lha mo SANST the goddess of speech; dbyangs can ma an epithet of Sarasvati (Moon.). ngag sbyor SANST arrangement of speech (Cs.). ngag ma SANST the speech itself. ngag ma tshang ba = lhug pa SANST 1. one of imperfect or defective or speech; a stupid person. 2. indistinct speech. ngag mi ldan a dumb person; also one who cannot express himself in clear language. Syn. lhug pa ; tshig mi gsal ; sems bem po (Moon.). ngag med SANST meditation; a state in which there is no use of speech. ngag tshab representation in writing: ngag tshab kyi rdo tshig the principal points in a representation or petition. ngag mtshungs SANST of uniform and consistent speech, i.e., where there is no contradiction, redundancy, or irrelevancy. ngag yid SANST the speech and the heart. ngag lam zhu ba to apply, or pray to, verbally. ngag gsher in vulg. kha gsher or gdong gsher , in Sikk. cross-examination; also deposition of the plaintiff and defendant in the presence of each other. ngag shor committing to words; a promise. ngag gsal SANST, SANST clear speech or lucid language. ngag lha mo SANST the Goddess of Speech. ngang I: = klong or dbyings SANST 1. the nature, being, idiosyncracy; the very essence of any person or thing. 2. sphere; province; domain: stong pa'i ngang = stong pa'i dbyings the essentiality of vacuity (Sunyata): nam mkha'i ngang the sphere of the void space: sems kyi ngang = sems kyis dbyings the natural constitution of the mind: thugs mnyes bzhin pa'i ngang la in a cheerful state of the mind (Thgr.); stong pa'i ngang nyid the very essence of vacuity itself (Glr.): ting nge 'dzin gyi ngang la zhugs pa to enter into the state of deep meditation: chags med kyi ngang la gnas par gyis| continue in that state of mind which is free from attachment, etc.: 'jigs skrag gi ngang nas 'chi ba| to die of fear or panic. II: character; disposition: ngang ngan or ngang rgyud ngan pa a naturally bad disposition; ngang rgyud bzang po a naturally good disposition (Sch.; J‰.). ngas gis adv. spontaneously; naturally; also, acc. to J‰. and Schr., slowly, gradually, gently. ngang can natural capacity; gtong pa'i ngang can SANST one who is naturally capable of renouncing or giving up; able to abandon. ngang nas is generally used like sgo nas . ngang bag yod naturally modest: ngang bag yod kyi sgo nas tshul khrims| his moral character in regard to his natural modesty (A. 53). ngang ma thung do not be short-tempered: kho bos mkha' 'gro ma la zhu yis ngang ma thung zer nas| when I had said to the kha-do-ma "pray be not short-tempered" (Hbrom. 93). ngang tshul natural disposition or temperament; ngang tshul bzang po 1. good conduct; a naturally good disposition. 2. n. of a Buddhist sage and author of Ancient India, included in the list of twenty-three sages (M.V.). ngang ring or ngang rgyud ring ba forbearing; long-suffering; of cool nature: don chen grub pa ngang ring |byed dgos| in accomplishing important business one should work with great patience. ngang pa SANST the male goose. ngang rkang SANST that which waddles. ngang skya SANST grey teal of Tibet. Syn. pad zlum mgrin . ngang sgro the quill of the goose. ngang ngur SANST the ruddy goose, really Tadorna rutila, the sheldrake. ngang pa gser ldan 1. the yellow or golden goose. 2. rta ngang pa gser ldan khyer shog gsungs| he said "fetch the horse called Oao-pa gser-ldan" (Yig.). ngang pa'i rgyal po the "king goose" and flamingo; also the plant Jasminum zambac. ngang pa'i nags a mythological grove called the swan's grove (as) situated beyond the Cuckoo's hill on this side of the ocean. It is filled with numberless flocks of ducks, geese and swans, with bills of coral, ruby, sapphire, and other precious stones. The lakes in that grove are filled with lotuses of the colour of glittering gold; and the grove extends over ten thousand miles (K. d. ra 272). ngang pa'i tshogs SANST a flock of wild geese. ngang mo SANST a goose. ngad I: nice smell; aroma fragrance: ngad yal the fragrancy, the aroma evaporates; sngo ngad aromatic herbs. Syn. bsung ; bsung ngad II: acc. to J‰. cog. to nga ra air; spos kyi ngad ldan pa the rising of an aromatic breeze; also vapour; kha ngad vapour from the mouth; also snowy vapour; chu ngad aqueous vapour. ngad can fragrant; also acc. to J‰. 1. fresh, cool. 2. rough, impetuous. ngad bzang good smell: phebs tshogs ga bur gyi ngad bzang yang nas yang du yod pa mkhyin| let the breeze of your letters laden with the aroma of camphor come again and again to me, i.e., pray write me often. ngan evil; mischief; misfortune; defilement: ngan chen po byas| it has done great mischief; esp. harm done by sorcery and witchcraft; ngan du brjod pa to revile (a person). ngan 'gro I: SANST going or about to go to the undesirable state, i.e., the state of the dammed, comprising those in hell and those wandering about in distorted forms. II: SANST 1. one who follows the dictates of his wife and is led by the nose by her in all his works. 2. SANST dissimulation. III: SANST lightning. ngan dgu all kinds of evil or mischief. ngan skyes SANST of low birth; also SANST lit. anything produced from the soil and manure; the planet Mars. ngan rgyu can one who does mischief, speaks ill of others; ngan rgyu can med one that does not speak evil of anybody (A. 139). ngan ngon SANST, SANST sordid, vile, mean, pitiful: ngan ngon tsam gyi dad pa or ngan ngon tsam gyi chog shes pa SANST to be satisfied with anything be it ever so little or poor; = 'dod pa chung ba unambitious. ngan rnyed SANST 1. scabby; itchy. 2. unchaste; libidinous. ngan thabs = phra ma or khram pa SANST, SANST vile language; mean, vulgar conversation; abuse. ngan 'debs pa to curse, execrate; mthu ngan 'debs pa to curse by means of witchcraft; cf. mngan 3. ngan na ba the bad. ngan pa I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST bad; miserable; poor; wicked; ugly; also a scoundrel, slanderer, rogue; the vile, vulgar, low, mean. II: 1. excrement; ordure; manure: ngan pa rgyab pas shin tu gsob par 'ong | by the use of manure the soil becomes very fertile. Syn. mi gtsang ma ; skyag pa (Moon.). ngan pa brjod pa SANST to blaspheme. ngan pa gnya' rengs a stiff-necked villain (Rtsii. 13). ngan pa dpung bsdebs conspirators; evil-minded men who intrigue, form a league to do mischief to others. ngan spong skyes = dga' byed dgra sta can or ngan spong bu Parasu Rama; rdul can ma'i bu the son of Rdul-can-ma (Moon.); an epithet of Sukra and also of the planet Venus (gza' pa sangs ). ngan bu + in earlier Tibetan the word ngan bu was used in the place of the modern expression phran or phran bdag , my humble or little self. ngan bya ba SANST reproached; deceived; cheated. ngan smra SANST, SANST notoriety; bad reputation; disgrace. ngan bzos ma byas pa SANST not reclaimed; made useless. ngan gYo = khram pa or phram SANST hypocrisy (Moon.); ngan gYo can or (gYo sgy u ngan pa can ) SANST 1. a hypocrite; a fox 2. of a low caste. ngan rings ma also ngang rings SANST procrastinating, delaying; always throwing a duty or anything to a distance. ngan rog = ngan rnyed . ngan lam = lang la shor ba 1. bad habit, indulgence in any kind of work, behaviour, or eating, of a degrading nature. 2. n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 2). ngan shi SANST death from starvation or from an accident or epidemic or plague, etc.; any person or animal that has died from starvation. ngan sel that which removes the defilement and purifies: ngan sel zhes pa rtsa ku sha||dur pa dang ni chu yi ming | oan-sel is a term for water and also for tufts of kusa and dub grass (Moon.). (EEE the original gives dur pa as shown above but it should at least be dur ba . The Sanskrit intended is dUƒ , durva.) ngan song SANST those actually gone to damnation. ngan gso to feed and foster persons or animals that have suffered from starvation. ngan hrul low and destitute; delapidated; decomposed: mi ser ngan hrul rnams thor skyon| "(agricultural) tenants who have become scattered and destitute" (Rtsii.). ngam dkar grey colour; not very white. ngam grog = gYangs SANST steep ravines with precipitous eroded bank, which are impassable and inhospitable in aspect. Acc. to Cs. a torrent; acc. to Sch. the bank of river grown ridgy and steep by having been gradually washed out by currents. ngag grog chen po SANST a poetic name of Tibet which is called ngam grog che , the country of deep ravines. ngam pa SANST 1. arrogance. 2. SANST a ravine. ngam mthong can SANST a proud, bumptious person; one who assumes the appearance of greatness. ngam dur can given to gluttony and drinking (J‰.). ngam ring n. of a district in Upper Tsang with a fort and monastery subject to Tashi-lhunpo. ngam ru n. of a disease (Med.). ngam shing n. of a snake-demi god of the nether regions. ngam shugs = rang shugs as a matter of course; by one's own force (of nature) or accord. ngam shod 1. = steng 'og upper and lower: de nas mched de ngam shod thams cad chur song | thence spreading over inundated the upper and lower parts (of the country) (A. 92). 2. n. of a place in Lhokhaóthe south-eastern district of the province of ‹ (Loo. 'a 5): ma shod snad the lower part of ngam shod (Deb. ga, 19). ngar 1. fore side; front side; ngar gdong front surface; forepart, esp. of the leg, the shin-bone, also knuckle; lag ngar forearm; rkang ngar lower part of the leg; rje ngar acc. to J‰. an appellation for both. 2. termin. of nga 'to one's self'; ngar 'dzin SANST; nga yir 'dzin pa = bdag 'dzin pride; selfishness; self interest. 3. ngar 'don pa to set on or against; to instigate. ngar skad the sound of the roaring of lions, etc. ngar ngar po hoarse, husky, wheezing, e.g., in old age (Thgy.); ngar glud hoarseness and phlegm (Med.); gre ba ngar ba a hoarse throat (Med.; J‰.); ngar ngar 'khun sgra a hoarse groaning. ngar snabs mucus of the nose. ngar pa stalk of plants (Med.). ngar ba 1. strength; vigour; hardness (of steel); gri sogs kyi ngar 'jam po the hard or soft temper of (the metal of) knife; etc. 2. cold; frost; cold wind (Mil.); (cf. nga ra 3) ngar ldud pa to steel; to temper. ngar can 1. strong; vigorous. 2. ductile; ngar ldan id., sems ngar ldan , strong-minded; ngar med weak; soft. ngar po grim; strong; ferocious, (of beasts) (J‰.). ngar blud sbst. 1. valour and strength: dpa' ba'i ngar blud kha ltas khyab par bya the valour of a hero is indicated in his face (physiognomy). 2. vb. ngar blud pa or ngar btang ba to temper and sharpen a steel-weapon or instrument. ngar 'bol strong in quality; ja'i mdog dmar po ngar 'bol po yod pa the red colour of tea is its strength. ngar ma 1. irritable, passionate, impetuous (Sch.). 2. strong powerful, e.g., a powerful protection (Mil., J‰.). ngar 'dzin v. ngar 3. ngal ba SANST, SANST fatigue; weariness; resp. sku ngal ba also yongs ngal SANST; thugs ngal ba or mnyel ba tired mentally; SANST, SANST, SANST to be fatigued, wearied; prostrate with exercise of the body. Syn. thang chad pa ; dub pa ; ngal dub pa (Moon.). ngal rken pa (nad ) SANST a kind of disease. [1. a kind of white leprosy. 2. weariness, languor]S. ngal chad pa to be prostrate by fatigue. ngal 'jug pa vb. a. to tire; to cause to be weary. ngal stegs I: a rest; a sort of wooden crutch to support a load on the back while resting in a standing posture. II: or ngal tshugs a bench or seat inviting repose. Syn. bsti ba ; sdod pa (Moon.). ngal dub pa intensive form of ngal ba , to be very tired. ngal phong fatigued; become tired. ngal med SANST not wearied; untired; untiring. ngal 'tsho refreshment. ngal gso ba lit. to cure weariness; to take rest: SANST, SANST, SANST rest, resting. ngal gsos SANST met. for an ascetic. ngi num. fig. 34. ngu 1. num. fig. 64. 2. v. ngu ba 3. ngu ba SANST, SANST to cry; to weep; pf. ngus , resp. shum pa|ngus pa'i mchi ma , tears that have been shed (Dzl.); ga chad ngus pa weeping without a cause; hysterical weeping (Med.); ngu ba po a weeper; ngu mkhan id. ngu 'dod SANST wishing to cry; going to weep. ngu bro was about to cry or weep. ngu 'bod 1. bewailing; crying or weeping loudly. 2. SANST n. of a hell: ngu 'bod chen po SANST the hell greater in suffering than Raurava. ngu rdza W. sbst. a loud crying; bawling out; lamenting (J‰.). ngu ru teal. ngu ru 'jug pa to cause to weep. ngu shur can acc. to Sch. a child that is continually crying. ngud mo a sob (Cs.; Schr.). ngug pa = ngur ba to grunt; to snore; to purr. ngur sgra can that which grunts; a pig; a yak. ngur pa SANST, esp. the red wild duck, Anas nyroca. Syn. shing rta'i lus ; 'khor lo can ; gnyis gnyis od ; mtshan mo 'bral ; 'dod pa ldan ; co ka ; 'dab chags gser ldan (Moon.). ngur pa chen po 1. sheldrake. 2. n. of a celebrated Lama of Tibet mentioned in the Moon (Deb.). ngur ba to grunt (of pigs and yaks). ngur ka as red as fire; fiery-red (J‰.). ngur smrig SANST is described as gur gum gyi mdog dmar ser reddish yellow; saffron-colour. ngur smrig gos the robe of an ordained monk which ought to be, but is not often so in Tibet, of orange-colour; he who wears the reddish-yellow; a Buddhist mendicant dressed in reddish-yellow clothes. (EEE the headword is gien in the original as ngur snag gos our smrig gos, the transliteration clearly being correct.) ngur smrig chen po = ngur smrig 'dzin pa SANST a great Buddhist monk; a monk who is great on account of his orange robe. (EEE the original gives ngur smrag 'dzin pa which is clearly incorrect for ngur smrig 'dzin pa given above.) nge num. fig. 94. nged SANST pers. pron. first person, sing. in C. for nga , I; nged kyi my or mine; nged rnams kyi our. nged nyid = nged kho na , nged rang I myself; we ourselves. nged gnyis we two; nged spun gsum we three brothers. nged rnams nged cag , nged tsho , nged dag are variously used for the plural of nged to signify we. nged rang I, or I myself. nges kha rag n. of place in Tibet (Deb. ga 25). nges pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST certain, true, sure, firm; also truth, reality, certainty: bdag la nges pa zhig stsal du gsol I ask you to communicate to me something certain, i.e., authentic news: 'chi ba nges death is certain (J‰.); rtsis 'phro la nges pa to be sure of a mathematical calculation, i.e., to hold it as a certain result. Syn. bden pa ; mi bslu pa ; rdzun po ma yin pa (Moon.). nges khyab SANST; = khyab bya'i yul phyi nang gang rgya che chung la the proportion of space inside a country to that which is outside, whether large or small; khyab byed gang gis nges par khyab pa that which is fully encompassed or covered over by another object is called khyab-byed. nges grol SANST, SANST = nges par grol , i.e., 'khor ba dang nad sdug bsngal las grol| liberation from the transmigratory existence, disease, and suffering. nges 'gro transmigration; nges par 'gro ngan song mtho ris dag zhing sogs su| return to another state of existence after death, either to hell or heaven, or to any non-earthly place. nges rgyal = nges par rgyal SANST certain victory; triumph. dgra bdud nyon mongs las triumph over enemies, the devil and misery, is described as oes rgyal. nges sgra SANST a real sound; sems la nges pa'i sgra thos pa any sound that has made an impression in the mind. nges sgrogs SANST emphasis; any proclamation; reading letters or sacred writings loudly that there may not be any mistake about them. nges cher med it is not quite sure; I do not know for certain. nges 'jug pa SANST assurance; to assure; dge ba dang sdig pa'i las sogs la nges 'jug pa to enter on good and bad actions. nges 'joms fully subduing an enemy, the devil, etc. nges brjod a true and authoritative expression; nges brjod kyi rig byed| SANST the Rig-veda; true sayings or revelations. nges nyam the certain fall or degeneration. nges thob SANST the real or certain gain; it is explained thus: 'jig rten kyi nor rdzas sam|go sa sogs sangs rgyas kyi sa lam| go 'phang sogs nges par thob| oes-par-thob is the gaining of wealth, honour, or sainthood, Buddha-hood, the stages to it, &c. nges dag SANST = nges par dag purification; cleansing; skyon dang dri ma sdig sgrib sogs dag pa sure cleansing of faults, defilements, stains, sins, etc. nges don SANST; = nges pa'i don or don dam pa certain and true meaning or import; also immediate or absolute knowledge of the truth. nges gdung SANST = nges par gdung pa anything that gives sure pain: sdug bsngal dang nyon mongs kyi me dang nyi mas nges par gdung ba misery and sufferings which like fire and rays of the sun burn with certainty. nges snang = dngos po mtshungs or 'dra ba similar things; also similarity in things (Moon.). nges pa can real; actual. nges pa nyid du in reality; truly; in truth; really. nges pa'i phung po SANST = nges pa thams cad all things perceivable and realisable: dper na gzugs kyi phung po zer na gzugs su gyur pa thams cad bsdus pa lta bu| for example, rupa-skandha signifies all that has been transmuted into bodily form collected together. nges par SANST, SANST adv. certainly; surely; really; to be sure. Syn. gor ma chag pa (Moon.). nges par kun sbyin SANST removal; nges par 'gro ba kun la sbyin pa'am| giving in charity to all living beings; yang rang gi dngos po kun nges par sbyin na| or consists in giving over one's properties to others. nges par skye ba sure produce or infallible results; for instance bslabs pa las yon tan nges par skye ba from study knowledge is the sure result; bsgoms pa las rtogs pa from meditation true thought (enlightenment) is produced; snon lam gyi dbang gis dag zhing du from the power of resolute will, birth in a happier state is ensured; las kyi dbang gis nges par skye by force of las (i.e. of Karma) one is born in the transmigratory state; rgyu las 'bras bu 'khor from cause fruit is evolved. nges par dga' ba perfect satisfaction; to be really pleased. nges par 'gugs SANST the act of bringing under one's own sure possession or power any wished-for property or person by the exercise of occult powers. nges par 'gyur ba = ma 'ongs pa SANST the future; that will be; that is destined to come. nges par 'gro ba SANST to go to certainty, i.e., to Nirvana or emancipation from the sufferings of the world. nges par rgyal ba to be completely victorious; to bring a certain thing or person under one's command or control. nges par brgal ba = mthar phyin pa SANST one who has arrived at a sure conclusion; one who has attained to an absolute state; one who has been saved or emancipated. nges par gcod pa lit. to cut sure; to make certain; SANST something that will certainly happen; nges par chod to prevent the occurrence of ominous events by means of mystical charms. nges par 'jug pa to establish firmly. nges par mnyan byas = khas blangs pa anything promised; an undertaking (Moon.). nges par rtogs pa or phye ste rtag pa SANST true investigation; same as legs par rtogs pa SANST, to arrive at the truth of a thing or in a wider sense to reflect on the true signification or import of a word or expression, as to whether the right conclusion has been arrived at, etc. nges par brtan pa SANST, SANST certainty; the state free from sin; the state of reality. nges par bstan pa SANST established religion or doctrine. nges par gnod mdzad lit. one who really does mischief; SANST an epithet of a deity of wrathful mien. nges par brnags pa = nges par bsams pa to be convinced of a thing or occurrence; conviction. nges par spangs pa SANST perfect renunciation. nges par byed pa to fix, settle, establish; to make certain. nges par 'byin pa SANST to be evolved; to draw or pull out. nges par 'byung bas brtan SANST = khor ba las nges par 'byung bas brtan| based upon the certain liberation from transmigratory existence; acc. to Schtr. deliverance from the round of transmigration. nges par 'byed pa'i cha dang mthun pa'i rim bzhi SANST the four distinct orders agreeing with the analytical stages of saintly perfection are:- (1) dro bar gyur ba SANST process of moral development; (2) rtse mo SANST the climax, i.e., reaching the crowning stage; (3) bzod pa SANST perfect patience; (4) 'jig rten pa'i chos kyi mchog SANST the highest worldly good. nges par sbyor SANST permanently-engaged or fully-employed. nges par 'dzin pa SANST holding firmly; to be convinced. nges par bzung SANST lit. held fast; brought under discipline. nges par legs pa SANST really blessed and good; deliverance from transmigratory existence; summum bonum. nges par sems pa to make up the mind; to form a resolution; nges par sems pa byed to ascertain. nges po SANST the certain, fixed; the inevitable. nges spel or nges par spel SANST real progress; rigs rgyud dang bstan pa nges spel advancement or spread of family and religion. nges 'bab SANST a veritable event. nges 'byung SANST one of the three principal ways to Nirvana that are called lam gyi gtso bo rnam gsum . It is described as 'khor ba la zhe log nas yid skyob| repentance caused by disgust at worldly matters. sems can kun la yongs pa'i rgyu mtshan zhus pas nges 'byung drag po skyes . Having inquired the whole of what would happen to all living beings, a strong aversion to matters worldly arose. (EEE zhe log above in the original should be zhen log ) nges med 1. n. of a number. 2. uncertain; undefined; homeless. nges snod SANST curse. nges tshig SANST, SANST lit. real term; real signification; real meaning. nges tshogs SANST many; a multitude. nges shes skyes birth of faith, also the growth of the knowledge of reality in the mind; full faith in the doctrine of retribution (Karma and Phala). nges gsal SANST elucidation. nges yam shung n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga 25). ngo I: num. fig. 124. II: SANST, resp. zhal ngo , face; countenance; air; look; the original. bdag gi ngo la gzigs nas when (she, my mother) shall have seen my face; rang gi phu bo rnams kyi ngo bsrungs dgos| you must watch the looks of your elder brothers. ngo kro n. of a capitation tax (Yig.); lit. tax on the face, i.e., head-tax. ngo dkar po a cheerful face. ngo bskyod pa to go or move personally. ngo lkog adj. public and private; open and secret. (EEE the original has ngo skog for the headword, this has been corrected to ngo lkog in accordance with the meaning and the transliteration oo-lkog provided in the original.) ngo khral SANST poll-tax. ngo grangs = dngos grangs individual number; enumeration of individual things. ngo che personal appreciation; recognition of one's service or kindness: lo tsAa bas dka' ba dpag tu med pa mdzad nas ngo che lags de zhus bas kyang ma gnang | (A. 103) the Lo-tsa-wa (on the ground of) having undergone immeasureable hardships, prayed for the acceptance of his request, but it was not acceded to. ngo chen (lit. the great self) a man of influence; ngo chen byed pa to intercede (only men of higher position being able to intercede); mi la ngo chen 'tshol ba to seek a great man to intercede; to seek intervention. ngo ltos = dpon gYog master and his servant. ngo stod praise to the face of a person; open flattery. ngo thog true; genuine; really. ngo thon pa = ngo so yod pa one in rank or position; to rise to dignity. ngo mthon pa + = nan gyis earnestly; pressingly; with persistence. ngo nag SANST 1. "black-face"; ngo nag par 'dug pa to sit with a gloomy face: ngo nag par 'gyur pa to grow sorrowful; to turn dark with fright, pain, etc. 2. n. of an Asura; ngo gngs te frowning or becoming gloomy with sorrow. 3. n. of one of the 28 "curious religious sects" of Ancient India, followers of which used to paint their faces black (M.V.). ngo gnong ba to be ashamed; unable to show one's face for shame. ngo sprod pa to identify; to point out; acc. to J‰. to lay open the features; to show the nature of a thing; to explain. ngo bo SANST, SANST essence, substance; intrinsic nature; rang gi ngo bos in itself; acc. to its own nature; by nature; naturally. Syn. dngos po ; rang bzhin ; rang gzugs ; ngo bo nyid (Moon.). ngo bo nyid v. ngo bo 3. sems kyi ngo bo nyid temperament; acc. to Was. character. ngo 'bab pa to be dejected; adj. discouraged; downcast; in W. bashful. ngo ma the original. v. ngo 3. ngo mi rtag pa unsteady; changeable; one who is vacillating; one who has no personality (Yig.). ngo mi chod pa = ngo mi phod pa or ngo mi bzlog pa SANST one who listens to or does a thing to please another which he would not otherwise have done; to be unable to refuse or oppose. ngo mi shes pa not knowing or recognizing; unknown; incognito. ngo mig in W. boldness; ngo mig can or ngo mig chen po bold; courageous; daring (J‰.). ngo med lkog med acc. to Cs. acting in the same manner in public as in private life; ingenuous. ngo tsha SANST, SANST, SANST shame; blushing of the face: ngo tsha byas pf. blushed; felt shame; ngo tsha ru 'jug pa SANST to put to shame. Syn. zhum byed ; mig dma' ; ngo dma' ; 'dzem mdog ; bag yod ; bag ldan ; ngo tsha shes ; khrel yod ; khrel ldan ; ngo tsha'i tshul can (Moon.). ngo tsha can one who has shame; is bashful. ngo tsha ba or ngo tsha shes par byed pa to feel shame; blush. ngo tsha med or ngo tsha khrel med shameless; immodest; impudent. Syn. log par spobs ; i brtol can ; dpral mgo stug po ; gdong chen can ; 'tsher ba med ; skyengs ba med ; mu cor tshugs med ; ngo mi bsrung ; gnong med (Moon.). ngo tshab = sku tshab a representative; a proxy (Yig. k. 53). ngo mtshar wonder ngo mtshar can SANST wondering; wonderful; ngo mtshar che amazement; ngo mtshar ba exciting curiosity; to be curious; to wonder. ngo rdzun rgyab pa to disguise; to put under a false garb; also to garble. ngo gYog or ngo ma dang gYog po = dpon gYog master (himself) and servant. ngo ru or ngor in the face; = ngo rang du in the face of; before the eyes. ngo log mkhan a rebel, mutineer; ngo log can seditious; faithless; rebellious. ngo log pa = ngo zlog pa to turn the face against; to revolt; to rebel against; to oppose. ngo shus a copy from the original. ngos shes pa SANST to know a person or thing; to recognize an acquaintance. ngo so joy; sometimes for ngo bso a high title or dignity: ngo so che bar 'ong you will have great joy; he will obtain high dignity; sbyin pa ngo so byed pa to make presents or give alms to another to his full satisfaction. ngo srungs 1. regard to the opinion of others; an aiming at applause. 2. body-guard: nga la dpon med gYog med ngo bsrung med I have no master, no servant, none to guard me (A. 7). ngo bos mthon po a high title or position; one in exalted position. ngo bsod bya ba to praise one to the face; to flatter; to eulogise. ngog n. of a place in Tibet where the monastery of Shong was founded by Lama Shes-rab-mchog of Myur (Deb. ga 4). ngogs SANST the bank of a river or lake; 'jug ngogs = chu ngogs a place on the bank of a river where people crossing it; land. Acc. to J‰. mountain side; slope; ghaut. Syn. 'gram . ngogs thob n. of a number (Ya-sel. 57). ngom 1. n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga 30). 2. satisfaction: ngom du rung ba zhig kho bos byed pa yin mod| I indeed accomplished something very satisfactory (A. 152). ngom pa pf. ngoms pa SANST, SANST; nor ngoms lta bu to satisfy one's self with gain; to be contented: ma ngoms I am not satisfied; ngoms tshad 'thung ba to drink one's fill. ngoms pa sbst. 1. SANST contentment; satisfaction. 2. oblation for quenching the thirst of the Yidag. 3. a hermit; a recluse in the wilderness who enjoys contentment; ngoms pa med insatiable: ngoms par 'gyur SANST his thirst will be quenched; his desire will be fulfilled. Syn. tshim pa ; chog pa ; yongs bsrung ; lag pa 'gebs pa (Moon.). ngor 1. v. under ngo 3. 2. n. of a monastery of the Sa-skya-pa School; n. of a district in Tibet. ngos SANST 1. side; margin; edge; surface; mdun ngos front side; lho ngos southern side or slope; ngos gcig one side. 2. = ngang in the state of: bde ba bzhugs pa'i ngos nas| while in the state of being happy; while prosperous; me long gi ngos = me long gi logs the surface of a mirror; sa'i ngos the surface of the earth. 3. basis or foundation. ngos rgyud = ngos brgyud personally. ngos 'byor rtags 1. a receipt or sign of having received a thing. 2. original sign or signification. ngos zin pa = dngos zin pa vb. 1. to be selfish. 2. = ngos long self interested: de bas rang skyon ngos long gsal por shod| there fore, clear of self-interest, confess your faults (Rdsa. 15). ngos yangs SANST breadth. ngos shus a copy from the original. ngos su openly; publicly; plainly. dngags snyan = ngag snyan 3 v. snyan dngags SANST poetry; a poem. dngng ba pf. dngngs SANST, to be out of breath; to pant; to feel oppressed e.g., when plunged into cold water, but especially when frightened and terrified. 2. to be frightened; to fear; to be afraid of: ces dngngs nas thus being affrighted. dngngs skrag SANST, SANST in colloq. great fear; panic. Syn. 'jigs skrag . dngngs pa SANST 1. fear dngngs par gyur to| he became frightened. Often pleonastically joined with skrag or 'jigs or with both. 2. = dri bral SANST pure; clean. dngan 'then pa misappropriation; not returning things taken away from another. dngar or dngar ba 1. nectar; sometime used for mngar sweet; dngar ro sweet taste. 2. tshar du dngar ba = gral bsgrigs to put in order; to arrange properly. dngud mo = ngud mo (Sch.). dngul SANST, SANST, SANST silver; money. The kind of silver called mchog can is imported into Tibet from Khorasan. The silver current in Tibet consists of ingots, Indian rupees, and a thin native coin, the chˆ-tang or tang-ka. dngul skam SANST oxide of mercury. dngul skud silver-wire. dngul sked silver-belt. dngul kha SANST silver mine; silver vein; dngul kha 'don pa to work a silver mine. dngul khug or dngul sgy ig money-bag; purse for silver coins. dngul 'gag a silver cup or silver slate. dngul rkyan goblet made of silver: dngul rkyan chang la dngul dam aa rag stod| silver goblet for beer and silver cup for arrack (Jig.). dngul chu SANST, SANST quick silver. Syn. 'ded byed ; 'phrog byed ; sa bon ; mes 'ching ; dngul byed ; dag pa'i khams ; khams chen po ; mtshal skyes ; rgyug byed (Moon.). dngul tig one of the six kind of bitters which are, viz.:- gser tig, zangs tig, dngul tig, lcags tig, sum bcu tig, gur tig, stated to possess wonderful healing virtues. dngul rta mig ma silver ingots in the shape of a horse-hoof, weighing about 165 tolas or rupees imported into Tibet from China. dngul dam wine-cup made of silver. dngul dul ma silver-ink (Sch.). dngul rdo SANST hÊmatite ore of iron; this term is also applied to a kind of stone on which silver is tested. (EEE the original has húmatite but hÊmatite is correct.) dngul phor wooden cup mounted with silver used by the higher classes in Tibet for drinking tea. dngul rmig bar or ingot of silver. dngul tshags silver-work on copper, brass, or iron; plating of silver on articles made of those metals. dngul bzo SANST silversmith. dngul 'o kha ma the purest silver imported into Tibet from China. dngul li one tenth of the measure called hon . dngul srang an ounce of silver; used as an equivalent of current money in Tibet, = to one Chinese tael. dngo 1. edge; also = chu yi ngogs shore; bank. 2. = gri yi so the edge of a knife; rta lcags kyi dngo | "edge of whip-cord"; lash of a whip (J‰.). 3. = gri ya handle of a knife (Cs.). dngom pa = dngom brjid brightness, splendour. dngom po = dngom can shining; bright (Cs.); dngom che very bright, cf. rngam pa 3. dngos (in Gram.) SANST 1. original; reality; real; very self; dngos dang sgy u ma reality and illusion; sangs rgyas dngos the real Buddha; lha dngos the real god (not the image); dngos is equivalent to ngo thog real; reality. 2. proper; genuine; true; positive (opp. to negative); dngos yod pa personally present. 3. gtso SANST chief, principal; dngos su in bodily form, e.g., to appear bodily: 'a yig dngos su med kyang | even though the letter 'a is not actually written there. dngos skyes personal present; le snam yug gi mtshon yig gsal gyi dngos skyes nyams med 'byor| one roll of fine serge, as specified in the letter, sent as a personal present has without damage arrived (Yig. k.). dngos grub SANST 1. the accomplishment or acquisition of the real thing sought for; gen. perfection or excellence; anything superior; acc. to J‰. honour, riches, talents, and esp. wisdom, higher knowledge, and spiritual power, as far as they are not acquired by ordinary study and exercise, but have sprung from within spontaneously or in consequence of long and continued contemplation. In Buddhism dngos grub seems to denote consummation of worldly as well as spiritual objects. Temporal acquirements are called thun mong gi dngos grub , general or ordinary consummation (in reference to material objects); the other is called mchog gi dngos grub , the supreme consummation, which is the attainment of Buddhahood, i.e., Nirvana. The following are the eight ordinary doos-grub or thun mong gi dngos grub as enumerated in the sacred books of the Northern Buddhists:- (1) ral gri'i dngos grub the enchanted sword made so by some mystical religious process; for instance, if any one touching it wishes to acquire any object, merit, power, etc., he gets it; (2) ril bu'i dngos grub efficacy of magical pills; by some religious charm medicated pills are made to possess wonderful healing properties; by their use one may become healthy and fine looking; (3) mig snan gyi dngos grub a medicine for the eye by the use of which one is able to see things in an occult manner; (4) rkang mgyogs kyi dngos grub the power of walking miraculously and swiftly, generally by the efficacy of some enchanted leaf or leaves; (5) bcud len gyi dngos grub the magical elixir by using which an old man of eighty may look like a young man of twenty; (6) mkha' od kyi dngos grub the occult process of miraculously vanishing bodily into the state of the gods; (7) mi snang ba'i dngos grub the power of miraculously disappearing from an assembly, etc., without being seen by anybody; (8) sa 'og gi dngos grub the power of passing through a wall, mountain, or earthly barrier, without any difficulty. dngos ngan = rid pa or sped pa SANST lean (in body); thin; emaciated. dngos 'jug the matter or the subject of work (Tsa-tika.). dngos rnyed real or substantial gain; also obtaining one's object; anxious: thoughtful. dngos dod the original text; the principal part of a work. dngos po SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. property in gold or silver; substance; belongings; goods; furniture; utensils; article; position: ngas dngos po dmar dmar ster ba yin| I have given cash, lit. red cash or gold: jo bo bud med dang 'brel ba'i dngos po gang yang phyag tu mi bzhes| (A. 50) the Lord (Atisa) does not touch (receive) with his hand any article connected with (i.e., belonging to) woman. dngos po med pa immaterial, unreal; also worthless, poor, hollow; dngos po mtshan SANST experience; dngos por byas pa = rten du byas pa SANST made material, substantial; dga' ba'i dngos po object or matter of rejoicing. 2. occurrence, events action. 3. in Buddhism subject matter; properties; virtue: dngos po la bzhi'am dgu 'am nyi shu rtsa dgu'i dbang du byas nas chos rnams bsdus tsam ngas gang du bstan pa de ni mdo sde yin no| I have compiled subject matters classifying them under four, nine or twenty-nine heads, that is Sautranta, wherein I have explained religious matters. (K. d ca 73). (EEE the original has gang du pstan pa de ni mdo but this is clearly mistaken for gang du bstan pa de ni mdo as corrected above.) dngos po sgrub pa to bring a thing about; to set it on foot or a-going; as a philosophical term, substance, matter; dngos por 'dzin pa the belief in the reality of the existence of matter, holding it as simple and absolute. In Buddhist ontology there are eight kinds of dngos po SANST or states:- (1) rnam mkhyen wisdom; (2) lam shes nyid knowledge of the ways and means; (3) thams cad shes pa nyid SANST omniscience; (4) rnam kun mngon rdzogs rtogs pa the contemplation of (the possibility of) bringing all things into perfection; (5) rtse mor phyin pa reaching the climax; the state of attaining to the highest point of moral excellence; (6) mthar gyis pa attainment to finality, i.e., emancipation; (7) skad cig ma gcig gis mngon par rdzogs par byang chub pa'i sbyor ba| to attain to the perfected state of enlightenment in an instant; (8) chos kyi sku SANST the supreme, spiritual existence. dngos po mtshungs v. nges snang 3. dngos po bzhi abbr. of bsod nams kyi dngos po bzhi the four articles of merit. dngos ma original; natural; natural productions (Cs.). dngos ming 1. the proper or real name of a thing. 2. the noun substantive. dngos med dngos po med pa SANST unreal; that was never born nor existed: chos thams cad dngos po med pa SANST (M.V.) all objects are unsubstantial, immaterial, not existing (Cs. and Was.). dngos gtsang lit. pure in substance; originally pure; of the first or superior quality. dngos 'dzin identification; also holding as one's own; possession of worldly objects: 'jig rten gyi yo byad dang ad lag rnams la bdag tu 'dzin pa| to hold as real and belonging to one's self things worldly which are unreal and therefore nobody's. dngos gzhi SANST, SANST, SANST the basis of a thing; the thing itself. dngos shugs abbr. of dngos bstan and shugs bstan honest belief in a doctrine and also apparent belief in it. dngos su in actual substance. dngos slob direct or personal discipleóAnanda was the personal disciple of Buddha. mngag pa pf. mngags , to commission, charge, send, delegate, i.e., a messenger, commissary, etc. mngag gzhug also mngag gzhug pa SANST, SANST a messenger, emissary, servant, slave. Syn. gYog po ; bran (Moon.). mngags pa can SANST a messenger; envoy. mngags bya byed one executing a mission; a commissioner. mngan + SANST mthu lta bu a curse; a necromantic injury; mngan bgrang ba enumeration of curses (Cs.). mngan pa to curse; to execrate. mnga' resp. for dbang might, dominion, sway, power; mnga' mdzad pa to govern, to rule; mnga' rnyes pa to obtain power; mnga' sgy ur ba to have mastered a thing; to understand thoroughly. mnga' brnyes pa = dbang thob pa to get authority, power, etc.; to be authorized, v. mnga' mdzad pa 3 (Moon.). mnga' thang power, might. Syn. bsags rgyab ; sngon bsags ; lhas bstan pa ; bgo skal ; sngon byas ; sngon gyi las ; lhas bskyob ; gnam bskyos ; chas bskyos ; skal ldan ; dbang thang (Moon.). mnga' thang can powerful; one in power. mnga' bdag SANST, SANST, SANST lord; owner; master; sovereign; an epithet of Buddha (M.V.). mnga' bdag kho re n. of a certain early king of Tibet (Loo. 'a, 7). mnga' bdag khri ral pa or Ralpachan, the famous king of Tibet who greatly patronized Buddhism and also extended the limits of his dominions to the borders of China proper. Under his orders Buddhist works were translated from Sanskrit into Tibetan. He reigned about the end of the 9th century A.D. (Deb. ga 41). mnga' bdag nyang n. a ruler of the province of Nyang; also grub thob zhig gi mtshan that of a Buddhist saint (J. Zao.). mnga' bdag 'od lde n. of a king of Tibet (Loo. 'a, 7). mnga' bdag lha lde bod rgyal kho re'i sras "the son of King Kho-re of Tibet" (Loo. 'a 9). mnga' ldan ma SANST a mistress, sweetheart, a secret wife. mnga' ba 1. vb. to town; to possess; also sometime resp. for yod pa to be; to have: rgyal po la sras gsum mnga' ste| the king having three sons: btsun po'i sku la bsnyung mi mnga' lags| your majesty is not unwell. 2. adj. (partic.) being owned by; belonging to. 3. mngan ldan pa having, owning, or being in possession of (J‰.). mnga' 'bangs = mnga' zhabs SANST a subordinate; a tenant; a subject. mnga' mdzad SANST lord, master; mnga' mdzad pa = dbang thob pa vb. to lord, rule over; also to own. mnga' 'dzin ma she who has assumed power; she who controls her husband. mnga' zhabs = mang 'bangs . mnga' 'og mnga' zhabs pa subject; subjection; also under the power of; within the jurisdiction or dominion of (Situ. 1). mnga' ris 1. = mnga' zhabs or mnga' 'bangs . 2. n. of the westernmost province of Tibet now known as Ngari Khorsum. It formerly consisted of three districts, Purang, Shangshung, Mao-yul, which were apportioned to the three princes of the royal family of Tibet, viz., bkra shis mgon , dpal gyi mgon , and lde gtsug mgon . From this circumstance the province came to be known by the name of Moah-ris (A. 63). Out of these three districts, Purang, GugÈ (Shangshuo), and Mao-yul, were afterwards formed, when the province of mnga' ris bskor gsum became an important part of Tibet. They are poetically described:- spu rangs gangs kyis bskor Purang surrounded by snowy mountains; gu ge gYa' yis bskor GugÈ surrounded by rocky cliffs; mang yul mtsho yis bskor Mao-yul filled with lakes. The whole country round the sources, and the upper courses of the Indus and the Sutlej, together with some of the more western parts is now called (mnga' ris 'khor gsum ) Ngari Khorsum. It also includes Rudok. mnga' ris kham bu apricots from Baltistan and Nga-ri. mnga' ris stag mo n. of a celebrated lama of mnga' ris . mnga' ris sha a kind of apricot grown in mnga' ris . mnga' gsol ba 1. to be installed in power; to be nominated or appointed to a dignity or position. 2. to praise; bkra shis mnga' gsol ba to wish auspicious success; to congratulate. v. jus legs pa 3. mngar ba = mngar mo SANST, SANST, SANST sweet; delicious; mngar gsum dkar gsum the three sweets and the three whites:- bu ram molasses; sbrang rtsi honey; and bye ma kar sugar (the three whites being milk, curds and butter). mngal SANST, resp. lhums SANST, SANST the uterus; the womb; also the side of the breast, whence Buddhas are generally born lest they be contaminated by the impurities of the womb. mngal skyes SANST all animals that are born of the womb. mngal grol ba SANST, SANST child-delivery; child-birth; to be born. mngal sgrib contamination of the womb or pollution caused from child birth. mngal chags or mngal du chags pa SANST, SANST 1. conception; the formation in the womb. 2. the fútus or embryo. mngal 'jug pa or mngal du 'jug pa SANST entering the womb (relative to a Buddha); his incarnating himself; his assuming corporeal frame. mngal thur a spoon used in midwife for extracting a dead child. mngal 'dzin pa or mngal du 'dzin pa to conceive; to be big with child. mngal nad SANST múnorrhagia; disease of the womb. mngal ba = kha mngal ba bad offensive smell from the mouth. mngal rlugs pa SANST abortion; mnga' rlugs par byed pa to force delivery or cause abortion. mngon pa I: SANST manifestation (this occurs in the works of the Tirthikas); conspicuous; visible; evident; manifest; clear; mngon par 'gyur ba to become manifest; to be verified, proved; as a vb. to be evident; to appear clearly: bden par mchis mngon that which is true is evident. II: = chos mngon pa mngon pa'i sde snod the Abhidharma Pitaka; the metaphysical-part of the Buddhist scriptures. At the beginning of the Abhidharma of the Mahayana School a salutation is made to Bodhisattva Jam-pal. mngon khyab SANST encompassing fully; covering all. mngon dga' 1. n. of a mythological garden and also world: shar phyogs mngon par dga' ba'i zhing khams "in the east there exists the World of Joy" (J. Zao.). 2. n. of a section of Shar-rtse theological school in the monastery of Gahdan (Loo. za 12). 3. tshong dpon gyi bu mngon dga' n. of a merchant's son who was devoted to Buddha. mngon dgongs SANST deliberation; design; premeditated plan. mngon 'gro ba a pioneer; vb. to proceed; to go away. mngon bcom SANST killed, slain, destroyed. mngon brjod SANST clear explanation of terms; one of the four parts of the science of words (SANST); a dictionary which is in two parts: (1) in which one meaning is conveyed by several terms. (2) in which by one word several meaning are expressed. mngon nyid SANST the state of being manifest; manifestation. mngon rtags proof; argument; sign or token of the truth of a thing. mngon rtogs or mngon par rtogs pa SANST practice, culture. 1. nyan thos kyi theg pa mngon par rtogs pa'i rigs| SANST those that by their power of discrimination have fully and clearly comprehended the doctrine of the Sravaka School. 2. rang sangs rgyas kyi theg pa mngon par rtogs pa'i rigs| SANST those that have fully and clearly comprehended the doctrine of the Pratyekya-Buddha School. 3. de bzhin gshegs pa'i theg pa mngon par rtogs pa'i rigs| SANST those that have fully and clearly comprehended the vehicle or yana of the Tatha-gata. 4. ma nges pa'i rigs| SANST those that have not been able to rightly comprehend any particular doctrine. 5. rigs med pa| SANST those who have not entered any of the schools. mngon mtho SANST; mtho ris dang lha dang mi comprises a god or a human being, (SANST) heaven; those of exalted birth or state. mngon du gyur pa SANST one of the ten stages of Bodhisattva perfection, to be made manifest. It is explained: = de kho na nyid mngon du gyur pas mngon pa ste the state in which the tattva (reality) is manifest. mngon du ldang ba or langs pa SANST, SANST getting up; (from one's seat out of respect to another person); removal from a place; going away. mngon du phyogs pa SANST lit. going to the front; moving forward; proceeding. mngon du byas SANST, made manifest. mngon du 'byin pa to disclose, reveal; to make known (one's wishes). mngon du 'ong SANST advent, arrival, coming in. mngon 'dod SANST, SANST, SANST to wish for; earnest desire. mngon no SANST is made known or evident. mngon pa pa a student of Abhidharma; one versed in that part of the Buddhist scriptures. mngon pa'i nga rgyal SANST self-respect; pride. mngon par adv. manifestly, openly; evidently; entirely; highly; greatly; very; mngon par skabs yod pa , SANST one who has leisure or opportunity to do an act of piety or a self-sacrifice; an ascetic; one who remains in an uncovered spot to practise religious austerity. mngon par bskyed v. rjes su 'dzin pa 3, remembrance; any thought dawning in the mind (Moon.). mngon par khyab pa SANST to cover or encompass well; well-accomplished. mngon par khro SANST sbst. wrath; terrible mien. mngon par mgu bar bya ba = mnyes par bya ba SANST to be rendered propitious; mngon par gyur pa become manifest, clear; mi mngon par gyur pa , SANST to disappear, vanish from the sight. mngon par rgyal SANST pride. mngon par rgyug pa SANST to follow with speed; to run after. mngon par sgrub SANST well-finished; well-accomplished. mngon par nges myang SANST enjoyment. mngon par chags v. 'khor ba 3. 1. the transmigratory existence (Moon.). 2. SANST fondness; attachment; the state of being very much attached. mngon par chal du bkram pa SANST to spread over; diffused. mngon par mchod pa SANST, SANST honour; to make reverence to a kind friend or to a noble or venerable person. mngon par brjod SANST, SANST, SANST full expression; elucidation. mngon par btud pa SANST to pay homage; to bow down out of respect. mngon par rtogs pa SANST, SANST 1. right discernment; right knowledge; a clear comprehension; mngon par rtogs pa dang ldan pa one possessed of right judgment and discernment; mngon par rtogs pa'i mtha' las byang ba , SANST one who has been purified and perfected by the thorough exercise of right judgment. 2. a hymn-like description (of a deity). mngon par bstod pa'i grags pa enlightening fame. mngon par mtho ba SANST exalted; become sublime. mngon par drangs SANST one who has been conducted to the path of deliveranceófrom the sufferings of transmigratory existence. mngon par 'du byed SANST 1. sublime associations, ides, views. 2. possessing origination, continuance and extinction: chos thams cad ni mngon par 'du byed pa med pa , SANST objects are not produced, they are without origination or extinction (M.V.). mngon par 'dud pa SANST bowing; bending reverentially. mngon par 'dul 'os pa fit to be brought under religious discipline. mngon par 'don pa SANST drawing out; bring out; exposing; dragging out. mngon par sde snod SANST, Abhidharma-pitaka, one of the three classes of Buddhist sacred writings, v. sde snod gsum 3. mngon par od = drag po'i las , SANST witchcraft; mystical measures for the suppression of an enemy. mngon par spro ba SANST enthusiasm; zeal for any work. mngon par phyogs = mngon phyogs . mngon par 'phags pa ('khor ba las ) SANST gone or come out of transmigratory existence. mngon par byang chub SANST highest state of a Bodhisattva; on the brink of the position of Buddha. mngon par dbang bskur ba SANST the initiation of monk into the order of gelong or Bhikru. mngon par sbyor SANST, SANST full application of meanings, words and expressions in reference to religion. mngon par byung ba SANST occurs (in Tirthika works) in the sense of manifestation. mngon par 'byung ba ('khor ba las ) SANST perfect renunciation; escape from worldly existence with the resolution to go to Nirvana. mngon par brtson pa assiduity, industry. mngon mtshan SANST an evident sign. mngon pa mtshan nyid pa (SANST) he who has clearly realized the true state of things has become Moon-pa. mngon par 'dzin SANST attachment; passionate love. mngon par rdzogs pa complete fulfilment; perfection in all accomplishments, virtues, etc.; mngon par rdzogs par sangs rgyas pa SANST fully enlightened; mngon par rdzogs par 'tshang rgya ba the attainment of perfect enlightenment, i.e., the state of Buddha. mngon par rab tu 'phyang SANST hangs down straightly or suspends (some ornamental fringes or silk cloth). mngon par rig pa'am snang ba cognition; knowing of. mngon par shes pa SANST prescience; resp. mngon par mkhan par SANST certain gifts of supernatural perception, of which six kinds are enumerated: (1) lha'i mig gi mngon shes SANST seeing anything clearly as if with divine sight. By the exercise of this power one can see (realize) the sufferings of all kinds of living beings; (2) lha'i rna ba'i mngon shes SANST divine hearing in a perfect manner. By the exercise of this knowledge one can hear the sound of bra mo ha (the smallest insect) and understand the different languages articulate and inarticulate of all living beings; (3) pha rol gyi sems shes pa'am SANST knowledge of another's heart; sems kyi rnam grangs shes pa'i mngon shes gzhan sems shes pa'i mngon shes knowing of another's thoughts; SANST serial knowledge of the heart; (4) rdzu 'phrul gyi bya ba shes pa'i mngon shes SANST knowledge of the four forms of miracle. By the exercise of this knowledge one knows the events of his former and future states of existence, and also the circumstances of his death and birth. By the exercise of one's miraculous knowledge it is possible to move one's body without being seen; (5) sngon gyi gnas rjes dran pa'i mngon shes| SANST the power of remembering the acts of one's former existence or life; (6) zag pa zad pa shes pa'i mngon shes pa SANST knowledge of the destruction of the passions. By the exercise of the knowledge of (zag and zad ) decay and destruction, one can quickly attain to the state of the omniscient (SANST) by purifying himself of all impurities of the heart. By the exercise of the power of knowing all living beings one can perceive as well the stages of their moral perfection or culture. mngon par shes pa drug dang ldan pa SANST possessor of the six kinds of fore-knowledge; an epithet of Buddha (M.V.). mngon par shes pa'i shes pa SANST fore-knowledge. mngon par sems SANST Samadhi; contemplation; reflection. mngon par sel SANST coagulated; congealed. mngon par song SANST involved; fully occupied; engrossed. mngon par lhag pa SANST, SANST a new-comer; new arrival; one just come. mngon phyogs = kha ltas pa SANST, SANST, SANST in colloq. 1. towards; forward; straight ahead. 2. moving towards; skye ba la mngon du phyogs pa proceeding to birth; 'chi ba la mngon du phyogs pa rushing on to death; sangs rgyas pa la mngon du phyogs pa moving towards the attainment of Buddhahood. mngon phyogs te SANST having gone on; proceeded. mngon phra dissimulation. mngon byed pa to be manifest; to make public; to make clear or manifest to one's self. mngon zhen SANST application; devotion. mngon rloms SANST having the mind directed towards; longing-for. mngon shes fore-knowledge. mngon shes can 1. v. bya skya ka (Moon.) the magpie. 2. one possessed of fore-knowledge; one who can read the mind of others. mngon sum SANST open, public, manifest; cognizable by the senses. Syn. mngon du ; dbang po'i yul (Moon.). mngon sum du 1. manifestly; adv. openly, publicly. 2. dngos su = e.g., bodily, personally; by one's own personal experience; mngon sum du skyes SANST, SANST really born, not of imaginary birth; mngon sum du 'dul bar 'os pa SANST proper to place under moral discipline; one fit to be brought under religious control. mngon sum phyogs min pa SANST not forward; unable to succeed; turned back; failed; unsuccessful in an enterprise. mngon sum min pa SANST beyond the range of sight; imperceptible; unknown; unintelligible. mngon gsal lucid, clear, evident; making known; manifesting, v. mngon par gsal . rnga SANST tambour; SANST a drum used in battle; SANST a large military drum beaten at one end; SANST drum; kettle-drum 'khar rnga , v. 'khar 3; rdza rnga a drum made of earthenware; rgyal rnga SANST the drum of victory; bag rnga SANST the drum of victory; bag rnga drum at a wedding: khrims kyi rnga bo che brdungs te having beaten the large drum for the Government edicts. rnga dkar or rnga ma dkar po a white hairy tail; rnga dkar po'i rlung gYab a fan of the white yak-tail or the chowry. rnga mkhan mower; reaper. rnga khri a stool on which the larger drums are set for being beaten. rnga sgra 1. SANST sound of the drum. 2. an epithet of Buddha Amogha Siddha; rnga sgra 'byin pa'i sgra zhes bya ba'i nags n. of a forest situated on the mountains Sprin-dkar rgyu-wa in the fabulous continent of Uttara Kuru. rnga rngog abbr. of rnga ma dang rngog , the tail and the crest-hair (mane) of a yak, horse or mule: rnga rngog thams cad la dar kha dog sna lnga btags pa to all their tails and manes scarves of five different colours were attached (A. 141). rnga lcags a drum-rod; gen. a bent rod used as a drum-stick. rnga chung 1. a small drum. 2. a small camel; a young camel. rnga dar a scarf tied to a drum. rnga pa a drummer. rnga dpon chief drummer. rnga lpags drum-skin. rnga ba vb. pf. brngas , fut. brnga , imp. rngos , to mow, to reap, to cut with the sickle; sbst. the seeding of corn, barley, wheat or paddy; btsas ma brngas pa the reaped corn. rnga bo che SANST fame; also large drum; a drum announcing fame. rnga ba che ba'i mdo a Sutra in the Kahgyur of a metaphysical nature (K. d. tsa 142). rnga bong 1. n. of an Indian sage who is said to have flourished a thousand years before Buddha. 2. n. for camel in W. rnga bran n. of an animal: zas ni rnga bran sha gsar dang his food was the fresh meat of oa-bran (Sman. 212). rnga dbyug drum-stick. rnga spug drum and cymbal. rnga ma SANST the tail; the hairy tail of a beast; rnga ma rgyas pa byed SANST puffing out the tail. rnga mu kun da a kind of drum. rnga mong or rnga mo SANST, SANST the camel; rnge 'u a young camel; the smaller species of camel: yul sa thag ring por gshegs pa'i sgra de thom pas|rnga mo dre'u stor ba ltar sdug bsngal chen por gyur te| hearing the news of his having gone to a distant country, he became greatly grieved, as if he had lost his camel or mule (Hbrom. 113). rnga mo ngud ka a srinbu, i.e., worm with a black head. In whatever place the worm was found on its back, that place suffered from visitations of various kinds of calamities, such as war, famine, disease, devastations and destructions (K. ko. cha 237). rnga ther serge cloth made of camel's hair. rnga bzo ba SANST a drum-maker. rnga zlum SANST, SANST kind of drum played at Indian concerts. rnga zor n. of a demi-god. rnga zlum can SANST species of flower [a kind of drum; the resin of Boswellia thurifera]S. rnga yu handle of a kettle-drum which is supported by a stick sometimes fixed on the ground but generally held by the hand. rnga yab SANST, SANST 1. lit. "the father of tails," i.e., a yak's tail, used for fanning and sometimes for dusting. 2. n. of a fabulous continent said to exist to the north of Jambudvipa. rnga yab mjug ma can a term for horses in general; lit. that has the yak's tail (Moon.). Syn. gYog byed ; bung pa skrod byed (Moon.). rnga gYog SANST a military drum. rnga ring long tail. rnga shing the wooden body of a drum; also the wooden support. rnga shong kettle-drum; music (Sch.). rnga gsangs or rnga bsangs a loud beat or roll of the kettle-drum (Sch.). rngad rngad yang yi dam lha ru rngad||bzhes yang ma dang mkha' 'gros bzhes|. rngan bgrang enumerating another's faults: pha las bu la rngan bgrang nyid dang mtshungs like enumerating the sins or mis-doings of a family, i.e., from father to son (Yig. k.). rngan can or rngan chen SANST, SANST jeering; disdain: (ngan pas rngan can byed du'ang 'ong ) the evil hearted also came to scoff at him (Hbrom. 37). Syn. brnyas pa ; tsho khyad ; khyod tsho (Moon.). rngan pa I: sbst. = sug pa remuneration for a service done; reward; fee; hire; wages; vb. pf. brngan to pay hire to: rngan pa sbyin pa or rngan pa gtong ba to pay wages or remuneration; sometimes to bribe; to corrupt. II: acc. to J‰. a kind of sacrifice in C. Tibet. rngan 'phyar ba to insult, defame. rngab pa 1. to be hungry: bkres rngab pa to be greedy; to have a craving appetite; acc. J‰. 2. cf. rngam pa 3 to crave; to desire earnestly. 3. in W. colloq. for 3rnga ba 3, to mow. rngab tsha ba oppressive: rgyal khrims ji ltar rngab tsha kyang even if the laws (of government) be oppressive. rngabs ra = 'jib ru a surgical instrument, made of horn, for drawing out blood by suction. rngam rngam 1. threateningly. 2. with dazzling splendour; rngam rngam rdzig rdzig byed pa anything tidy and very fine. rngam can 1. adj. rageful; avaricious; covetous; za rngam pa raging; gluttonous; ravenous. rngam brjid 1. expression or appearance of wrath. 2. = rngom brjid splendour; magnificence (J‰.). Syn. rngam 'jigs ; khro nyams (Moon.). rngam pa 1. to rage at; to be furious; to devastate; rngam pa'i nga ro a voice of terror. 2. to breathe violently; to pant for; to desire ardently; srog gcod pa la rngam pa to be blood-thirsty; rngam pa'i tshul gyis ravenously (devouring). rngam pa phag mgo n. of a deity with the head of a wild boar. rngam po che very frightful. rngam gsas the occupying of one's body by a god or spirit according to Bon-po notions; a woman when inspired riding on any demon is called gsas mo . rngams = dpangs height or depth; rngams su in height or depth; chu dkyil rngams su dpag tshad 'bum phrag brgyad| (Yig.) the depth at the middle of the waters was 800,000 yojana. rngams pa SANST wonder, surprize; pathos in music. rngams che dka' las che ba very difficult; causing much hardship. rngas (mal gyi ) SANST, v. sngas 3 pillow; a bolster. rngas 'bol SANST a stuffed cushion; a football. rngu = zug rngu pain. rngu chu colloq. for rngul chu 3 (Loo. 'a 5.). rngu ma or mig skyag SANST rheum in the eye. rngub pa + = nang du 'dus pa or 'jug pa , pf. brngubs or rngubs , fut. brngub , imp. rngubs to draw in; dbugs rngub pa to inhale; to breathe in. rngul or rngul chu SANST, SANST perspiration; sweat; rngal 'don pa to cause to sweat or perspire. Syn. chad skyes ; lus chu ; lus 'bab ; lus rngul (Moon.). rngul chu n. of a river in Kham. It is formed by the joining of the rivers rgyal mo rngul chu of Kham and Rdsa-khog Oag-chu of Sze-chuan. rngul ba vb. pf. brngul , to sweat, perspire. rngul gzan SANST [belonging to the armpit]S rngul gzan gyi gzan SANST. rnge'u or rnge'u chung , rnga chung 1. a little drum. 2. rnga mong gi phrug gu a small camel; a young camel. rngo skin disease causing painful itching which is contagious and affects dogs, sheep, and goats. rngo thog pa to be capable: rnga thogs lags Sir, I can do (it); rngo thog mi thog incapable or not able. rngo ba to be able (Cs.); rngo mi thogs not able; not competent; incapable. rngo bag can 1. a disease of the skin with painful itching. 2. acc. Cs. = rngam bag can . rngo yas n. of a number (S. Lex.). rngo len pa to roast; to fry (Sch.), v. rngod pa 3. rngog I: or rngog ma = ze rngog 1. the mane; rta rngog mane of the horse, &c. 2. acc. Lex. the hunch or hump of an animal. 3. acc. Cs. dre'u rngog a kind of stuffed seat; mattress; a thick-haired carpet (Sch.). II: n. of a tribe in Tibet to which belonged the celebrated Lo-tsa-wa Lama Roog Blo-ldan Shes-rab (Loo. 'a 9). rngog can or rngog ldan having a mane. rngogs chags a beast that has a mane. rngod pa pf. brngos , fut. brngod , acc. to Cs. and J‰. brngo , imp. rngod or rngos . 1. to parch (barley, wheat, or rice); to bruise; to roast; to fry, e.g., meat in a pan. 2. acc. to Cs. to deceive. rngob pa in Ld. to be able, v. rngo ba 3. rngom brjid (cf. rngam pa 3) splendour; stateliness; majesty; rngom bag can grand; majestic; terrible. rngom po bright; brilliant; majestic; shining. rngol bon the earliest stage of the Bon religion of Tibet known by the name of yung drung or Svastika, which flourished before the second century B.C.; said to have been introduced in Tibet during the reign of the seventh descendant of King gnya' khri btsan po (J. Zao.). rngos khyer one who has caught the skin disease called rngo . lnga SANST five: lnga ga or lnga ka all the five; each of the five; lnga brgya SANST five hundred; lnga bcu SANST fifty; lnga bcu nga gcig pa SANST the fifty-first; lnga cha SANST, SANST the fifth part or share. lnga mchod lit. the five offerings; but the term signifies the religious service with illumination on the anniversary of the birth of Tsongkhapa, the great Buddhist reformer of Tibet, which generally falls on the month of November, i.e., about the 25th of the 9th Tibetan month. It is observed in every house in Tibet. lnga stong SANST five thousand. lnga ston SANST the fifth festive ceremony generally observed. lnga tham a Buddhist monk who does not possess any knowledge of the ritual and the contemplative practice of Buddhism. lnga bdo lnga bdo snyigs ma ma rungs tshe (Hbrom. 25). lnga drug 'gro in Tibet when one borrows grain he has, as a rule, to give back one measure more for every five measures he had taken. This is called the paymentósix for five measures of agricultural loan. lnga ldan SANST n. of a city in ancient Kho-ten known in Tibet under the name of Li-yul. lnga sde bzang po the five early disciples of Buddha:- Kaundinya, Ashvajit, Varpa, Mahanaman, and Bhadrika, who first received his teachings (Yig.). lnga pa + SANST 1. the fifth; SANST the fifth day after the full or new moon, SANST. 2. n. of tribe in Tibet. 3. lnga pa ni mthang gos a name for a Buddhist monk's raiment. 4. the fifth path: lam lnga pa bcu sngon du song the ten have gone before on the fifth path (Yig.). lnga pa nyid SANST the fifth state, i.e., death. lnga po SANST the five. lnga pa'i don = rig pa'i gnas lnga pa the five sciences. lnga pa'i dbyangs snyan n. of a singing bird, v. 'jol mo 3. lnga pa'i lam = 'chi ba the way to the fifth state, i.e., death. lnga ba a flash (of lightning). lnga rtsen SANST or rtsen , a game played with five dice; SANST n. of the Yakra who is custodian of wealth; one of the eight generals of Vaisravana (Yig.). lnga tshigs = thun sum pa SANST 1. the third watch (of night or day). 2. ko sa la'i rgyal po gsal rgyal gyi sras lnga tshigs zer| n. of a son of Prasenajit, King of Kosala (J. Zao.). 3. yan lag lnga'i tshigs lnga the five joints of the five limbs. lnga rig = rig pa'i gnas lnga shes pa SANST one who is versed in the five sciences; a learned man; a scholar. lnga len SANST, SANST also 1. ancient name of a province in the north-west part of India, one of the 36 sacred place of the Buddhists (M.V.). 2. SANST five times. 3. phung po lnga len pa to be born, i.e., assumption of the five (skandha) aggregates; body. snga SANST before; soon; earlyóreferring mostly to time not place: 'da' ba ni ha cang yang snga ches so| deliverance takes place much too soon: nga ni them pa snga brgal yin I was the foremost, the first, (earliest) to cross the threshold (Glr.); bstan pa snga dar bar dar phyi dar gsum the first, intermediate, and the last propagation of the (Buddhist) doctrine (Glr.). sngon or sngon la is the ordinary adverbial form; gen. snga is used with postpositions or in compounds: snga mkho the olden time; snga snga very early; snga dus in bygone times. snga gung abb. of snga dro dang gung , morning and noon. snga gong 1. adv. before; previously; at first; a little while ago; just now (Mil.); sngo gong nas formerly; snga gong yab your late father (Glr.); snga gong bod kyi rgyal po the earlier Tibetan kings (Glr.; J‰.). snga dgongs morning and evening (Sch.). snga rgol SANST in a religious disputation, he who first begins the discussion; a plaintiff in a case. snga sngo v. sngo 3, vegetables; greens (J‰.). snga chad = sngon chad formerly; hitherto; till now; up to this time. snga chos = tshes grangs snga ma 1. earlier date. 2. the indistinctness: shog bu sngon po la bris pa sngo tshes skya chos intelligibility of the writing on blue paper with blue ink is here alluded to (Rtsii.). (EEE inelligibility in the original has been corrected to intelligibility above.) snga tog early crop; the first-fruit of the harvest. snga rting du earlier or later; not at the same time. snga ltas foreboding; prognostic; presage. snga thog early; in the forenoon. snga dro SANST, SANST, SANST early morning: snga dro 'dul ba to tame the mind in the morning lest evil may enter it later. snga na before, previously, betimes. snga nur phyir 'gyangs med pa early in the morning, not late in the day; without delay. snga pa 1. vb. pf. sngas to be the first; to come first; to be beforehand. 2. adj. ancient; belonging or referring to former ages; rgya nag gi rgyal po snga ba an ancient king of China. snga phyi abbr. of dus tshod snga ba dang phyi ba SANST, early and late; snga phyi med SANST not early not late; that has no beginning or end. snga phyi rgol abbr. of rnga rgol dang phyi rgol SANST, the plaintiff and defendant in a law-suit. snga phros early or first work; the earlier position of a work. snga ba = snga pa or snga bar = SANST dawn; very early in the morning: sang snga bar tomorrow early morning. snga ma SANST, SANST, SANST the former; the first-named; the earlier one; anterior in time and place; the first; the foremost in a series; snga ma bzhin SANST as before; as the one gone before; as the earlier one; snga ma'i dus in early times. snga mo earlier; bygone; snga mo nas long before; from former time. snga za breakfast; the morning food; food taken early in the morning. snga rol of old time; past ages; snga rol du before; in time past; gone before. snga lags = len po in Tsang a return visit or entertainment. snga sha = rta sga'i snga ru straps for binding things to a saddle; phyi sha the straps which go round the hind part, and called sha btags sga'i snga sha la nad rkyal dang (Lhamo bstod-pa). snga shas very early. snga shugs 'dren pa the accenting of the first syllable. snga sor SANST 1. before; in the first place; first of all; at first. 2. anciently; in olden times. Syn. sngar ; sngon du ; snga ma (Moon.). snga har a kind of tea. sngag pa also sngags pa , pf. bsngags , fut. bsngag , imp. sngog , to praise, commend, extoll; to recommend: 'gro bar sngags it is recommended to go; bstod bsngags pa praising; singing praise; bsngags pa po a praiser, commender (Cs.); bsngags par 'os pa worthy of praise; bsngags ldan praised; also n. of Buddha's horse; bsngags gsol thanksgiving. sngags 1. praise; encomium (Cs.). 2. SANST magical formula consisting mostly of strings of Sanskrit syllables in the recital of which perfect accuracy is required. These are used in invoking and coercing deities and demons, and are the equivalents of the famous mantras and dharani of Sanskrit Buddhism; sngags sgrub pa , sngags spel ba , to recite mantras; to pronounce charms or incantations; sngags kyi theg pa SANST the mystical or Tantrik doctrine of the Buddhists, v. theg pa 3; sngags kyi dag byed SANST clarified butter (used in the sacrificial fire); sngags kyi od pa SANST mysticism; the practice of the mystic cult. sngags 'chang SANST eon who ministers charms, a professor of mysticism; sngags 'chang ba or sngags 'dzin pa to carry dharani charms about one's self. sngags btu ba SANST extracts of mantra or charms. sngags sde gsum acc. to the Buddhist as well as the Bon-po = sngo rigs sngags the external or ritualistic science. 1. the external spells by which a god or goddess is propitiated or brought under one's power so as to obey the wishes; nang gsang sngags SANST the secret charms by the efficacy of which a Tantrik Bodhisattva either in his wrathful manifestation or in his milder form is propitiated. By dint of charms, he mysteriously unites with a female who having acquired similar perfections and merits like himself, is thus prepared spiritually for such union. Both having attained to the same degree of spiritual culture and sitting in each others embrace vanish, it is believed, into the state of Nirvana. This practice is called mkha' od . 2. gsang sngags secret written charms; gzungs sngags SANST charms which contain efficacious significations and are capable of over-powering or coercing spirits. These charms are generally inscribed on cloth, paper, or wooden boards. 3. rig sngags v. rig 3 spells. sngags pa SANST one versed in the Tantra cult of the Buddhists; one who practises mysticism. Syn. nus pa can ; mthu bo che ; sngags 'chang ; bsrung 'khor pa ; bstan bdag ; 'joms byed ; rdo rje 'dzin ; sngags chen (Moon.). sngags bon for sngags pa and bon po . sngags btsun mar gyi rkyal pa can n. of an ointment for wounds and sores (Sman. 350.). sngags rigs SANST Brahman. (EEE The original has Brahman.) sngangs = dngngs , v. dngng ba 3. sngags skrag = dngngs skrag panic; sudden fear. sngangs byed SANST very fearful, terrific; panic stricken. sngan for snga or sngon , sngan chad formerly; before; previously; opp. to now: 'char ka sngan la rdzangs Charka was sent previously or at first. sngan bu a medicinal herb. sngar SANST, SANST adv. of time, used for snga ru before; beforehand; previously; formerly; at first; sngar nas from before; sngar med pa what has not existed before, an innovation; sngar longs to get up first; one who has risen first or early; sngar gyi sgrig gsol to have or avail of former arrangement or system; sngar gyi yi ge snying pa rnams old or early records; the writings of antiquity; sngar ba the former; first mentioned; sngar gyi bas = sngar las kyang or sngar bas kyang than, before: rgyal bu sngar gyi bas kyang khyad par du 'phags pa tsam du gda' ba la| "the prince was superior even to those who preceded him, i.e., even he excelled his predecessors." Although sngar occurs almost exclusively as a temporal adv., it is used in the sense of a local postp. in the honorific expression an sngar , before his eyes, in his presence. sngar skyes = aa dze ; SANST an elder brother. sngar khyun ltar or sngar rgyun ltar as usual; in the ordinary course; as formerly. (The headword in the original sngar khyan ltar has been corrected to sngar khyun ltar on the basis of the transliteration soar-kyun ltar and the context.) sngar khrims early laws; previous punishment or conviction. sngar 'khyur = snga ma'i srol former custom or usage. sngar rgyas early diffusion or earlier propagation. sngar 'jags given as before; as before. sngar rjes can one follows or acts according to precedents; snga ma'i lam lugs srol the old or former customs. sngar rtogs = snga ma nas rtogs premeditated; thought of before; anything done after much consideration. sngar ltar as before. sngar 'thung anything that is to be drunk first; an early drink. sngar drangs (sngon 'dren pa ) SANST formerly invited. sngang gnod aggression; doing mischief without provocation. sngar ma sharp intelligent, quick of apprehension. sngar med rnyed SANST gaining or acquiring what one was without before; sngar med gsar sgrogs innovation; new introduction; sngar med gsar byung what did not exist before (in the usage, custom or institutions), but has been introduce. sngar tshim SANST early satisfaction; previous contentment. sngar bzhin as before, as usual. sngas resp. dbu sngas pillow; cushion; bolster: yo byad sngas su 'jug pa using their things as a pillow; sngas stan or sngas 'bol pillow; rgyab sngas a cushion for the back; sngas mal a couch of pillows. sngas pa v. snga ba 3. sngun adv. of time; in colloq. signifying previously; first; ago. sngur ba to snore (cf. ngur ba 3 also sdur ba 'then ). snge'u the kind of pulse or peas growing in the Sub-Himalayan regions called mon sran , v. gre'u 3. sngo I: or sngo dbags (zan sres ). II: a root signifying green; as sbst. plant, herb, green vegetable; sngo skyen early growth; when it is verdant. sngo skya pale-green. sngo khra painting on a blue body in variegated colours. sngo sga officinal herb; green ginger: sngo sga'i tsha bas mkhris tshad mgo nad sel the pungency of green ginger removes headache and congested liver (Sman.). sngo ljang bluish-green. sngo tog unripe fruits; green fruits. sngo dregs mire or bluish-green mud. sngo nag blue-black; deep-blue. sngo sne ornaments made of coloured glass-beads. sngo sprin = khrag rkang (mystic expression) (Mio.). sngo ba I: Cs. also sngod pa , pf. bsngos , fut. bsngo , imp. sngos to become green; sngo bo green; verdant. II: dge ba SANST, SANST 1. to bless; to pronounce benediction. 2. to design; to intend: nga la bsngos pa'i gYu the turquoise intended for me. sngo snan a medicinal herb. sngo rtswa green grass, as distinguished from skya rtswa , whitish-green shoots of grass. sngo tshod vegetables; herbs. sngo rdzab n. of a colour or paint. sngo yas n. of a number. sngo lo green leaf; the leaf of a plant (Cs.): sngo lo 'char ba 1. to sprout. 2. "to become notorious." sngo bsangs SANST pale or rather Greenish blue; sngo bsangs ma SANST the goddess Paldan Lhamo; the sky. sngo bsangs lus SANST pale-blue body. sngog pa prob. pf. bsngogs , fut. bsngog , imp. sngogs , to vex; to annoy; to cause petty irritation; to disturb from rest. sngon SANST, SANST, SANST, former; formerly; before; previously; sngon sangs rgyas SANST the earliest Buddha: sngon gyi rgyal ba zhugs bzhugs pa SANST when the first Buddha was still living; sngon gyi 'char gzhi former matter or subject; sngon gyi cho ga the preliminary ceremonies or rites; sngon gyi mtha' SANST, the end of a preceding one; sngon gyi mu SANST former boundary or limit; the starting point; sngon gyi dus sam tshe SANST or SANST former or olden times. This word has more commonly the temporal signification, whilst sngon la refers most frequently to place and position. sngon skyes SANST, SANST, SANST, the first-born; born before; the first-born of Brahma; a Brahman; an elder brother. (EEE Devanagari script in the original indicates brahmana.) sngon kyi rabs 1. SANST ancient history; legends. 2. former generation. sngon 'gro SANST, SANST one going before; precursor: sngon du 'gro , sngon du stsogs pa SANST the preamble or the introduction of a work. Syn. gna' bo (Moon.). sngon chad in former times; anciently: sngon med ma yin sngon chad ma grags pa not that it did not exist before, but it was not known formerly. sngon 'jug anything fixed to the fore; a prefix; a prefixed letter. sngon du or sngon la adv. and postp. before; formerly; at the head; in advance; in front of. Of the various forms of cognate meaning, this is the most usual and regular; sngon du 'gro ba to go before; precede; sngon du 'jug pa to put or place before; sngon du 'dren pa SANST one drawing before, leading; a guide; sngon du gnas pa placed or located in front; existing from before; sngon du byas SANST, SANST promoted; remunerated; honoured; visited; sngon du byas nas SANST being respected; sngon du bzhag pa = mdun du bzhag pa placed before. sngon dus SANST ancient time; olden times; of yore. sngon dran recollecting the events of former times; rjes yong sngon dran gyi tam stories of olden times (which have) come down. sngon nas form a former time. sngon po or sngon mo 1. v. sngo 3 SANST blue. 2. stale; old. sngon po bzhin = nam mkha' the blue sky, the nature of which is blue as of old; sngon por 'gyur (mi rung mi btub ) to go out of use; become old and useless. sngon phyug rich from the beginning; rich at first; formerly rich. sngon phyug par gyur was formerly rich. sngon bu vegetable; n. of a medicinal plant, Delphinium Cashmirianum: sngon bus chu ser nad rnams 'jam por sbyong . sngon byung SANST, SANST, SANST history; ancient account: sngon byung ba SANST anything happened before; early events; gone before. sngon byus SANST, SANST destiny; fate. sngon 'bum n. of a botanical work; 'the hundred thousand vegetables ' (Cs.). sngon sbyangs culture of a former birth; early development; sngon sbyangs kyi shugs by dint of culture in a previous existence. (Yig. 7). sngon ma 1. SANST, the former (when two persons or things are spoken of); sngon ma rnams the former (persons or things). 2. beginning; lha khang brtsig pa'i sngon ma lha sa la byas te| a beginning to build temples was made at Lhasa. Syn. snga ma ; thog ma ; dang po ; 'go ma ; gna' ba (Moon.). sngon mo SANST, the first; a vegetable. sngon mo chab 'dran (lit. the vegetable which draws out water). 1. n. of a medicinal plant which is largely used in dropsy. It grows on the plains as well as in the clefts of rocks in Tibet. 2. dar ya kan snug po (sngo snan )|tho dkar snug po gab yig (Mio. 4). sngon dmar can SANST 1. blue and red; purple. 2. an epithet of Siva. sngon tshe olden times. sngon bzhin as formerly. sngon yang bsod nams byas pa SANST merits of former existence (M.V.). sngon rabs SANST ancient history; former generation; sngon rabs kyi gtam traditions of antiquity. sngon rol = sngo rol by-gone time or period. sngon la bshad SANST previously stated; explained before or said before. sngon las SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST former actions; an accident; an event over which one has no control; from before. sngon bsags mthu power due to merits formerly acquired, v. mtho ris gnas 3 or 3dge legs 3. 1. virtue; pity. 2. paradise. (Moon.). brnga ba to reap. brnga yas brngo-yas n. of a number. brngad 1. = brang . 2. nas bsngod pa to crop barley. 3. 'drid pa SANST to tempt (Situ. 77). brngad pa to seduce deceitfully (a woman or man) (Sch.); also to draw out; to distill; to extract the juices of. brngad pa v. rnga ba 3. brngan pa + = mchod pa SANST to honour; to worship. brngab pa 1. acc. to Sch. = brngad pa . (2) acc. to Lex. rngab pa or rngams pa . brngams pa = 'dod pa che ba passionate (Situ. 99.). brnga' crops; brnga' bya'i lo tog harvest fit for the harvest (Situ. 75). brngas reaped; btsam ma brngas reaped the harvest (Situ. 77). brngas pa SANST tempted, entrapped. brngub pres. dbugs brngub , brngubs , past "du ba brngubs " (Situ. 75); brngub bya'i snan medicine to be inhaled. brngubs SANST drawn in (breath or water); 'thungs tshar ba drunk. brngul pf. of rngul ba 3. brngog pa to point out another's fault; seek out faults; also to search out a lost article. brngod 1. pf. brngod bya'i nas barley to be cropped (Situ. 77). 2. slu ba to seduce, deceive: bud med brngod pa to seduce a woman (Situ. 75). brngon SANST dividing (discover) pf. ri ags brngon to| hunted a wild animal (Situ. 77). brngon pa vb. pf. and fut. brngon 1. to pursue wild beasts; to hunt; to seduce bud med , esp. to sensual indulgence (J‰.); rngon pas ri ags la brngon a huntsman chases a wild animal. 2. sbst. SANST, SANST, SANST fowler; huntsman; SANST, SANST hunting; rngon pa mo a hunting woman; a huntress (Cs.): ri ags brngon to| to have been hunting game. bsngags ldan SANST, SANST n. of Gautama's horse on which he left his home. bsngags pa = bstod pa , snyan par brjod pa . 1. praise, eulogy; SANST, SANST praised; bsngags 'os SANST, SANST praise-worthy. 2. description. bsngal ba to be faint or exhausted (Cs.), v. sdug bsngal 3. bsngas pa to place the head or body upon a cushion; to recline. bsngo ba 1. SANST the end v. sngo ba 3. 2. a blessing, bdag gzhan gyi don du cf. 3sngo ba 3. 3. mouldy; rotten (Cs.). bsngogs pa = mtshang drus pa , pf. bsngag , imp. sngogs shig (Situ. 75). bsngos pa SANST, resolution: sngos pas bsgy ur ba SANST 1. to make a firm resolve to go the way of Nirvana or to do any act of piety. 2. final consequence of Buddhistic enlightenment, viz., showering of blessings on the afflicted. Compareó SANST (Bodhi) "Let whatever sufferings the world has, come to me! may the merits of the Bodhisattvas make the world happy!" ca the fifth letter of the Tibetan alphabet, corresponding in pronunciation to the Sanskrit SANST or to English ch in the word "child." Acc. to Tibetan grammarians, the Sanskrit SANST is equivalent to tsa, the seventeenth letter of the Tibetan alphabet. Thus Tibetans write the Sanskrit word SANST (moon) as tsan dra and not as can dra . 1. as num. fig. 5. 2. ca = lca excrement; alvine discharges: ca 'dor ba to discharge excrements (J‰.). ca cir bark (in Ld.) (J‰.). ca cus warped; distorted; awry (Sch.). ca co 1. = ki li ki la SANST, SANST clamour, noise, cry; the noise produced by many people talking with one another. 2. = bzhad gad , snying tshim gyi ca co exclamation of joy: da ca co ma zer now do not make such a noise! (Mil.) Ki-li ki-la, noise of laughter. 3. SANST chirping, twitter (of birds). ca co sgrogs SANST, SANST 1. expression of love in birds; a low or pleasing tone. 2. = phug ron SANST pigeon. ca co can shouting. bawling; talkative, loquacious (J‰.). ca co che klag cor che a babel; confused noise (as in a market) (Oag.). ca co med pa SANST, free from noise or chatter; without fuss; an attribute of Buddha (M.V.); one of the eighteen independent conditions of Buddhahood (Dh. sect. LXXIX). ca phyi = mi mthun pa disagreement; not in accordance with. ca ra ma ra raving; adj. irrelevant: skad cha ca ra ma ra lab kyi 'dug| he is speaking irrelevant things, talking unconnectedly. ca ra ra the noise produced by the falling of rain in high wind. ca ri in W. a bug (J‰.). ca re = car continually; always (J‰.). ca re nya re drippingly; little and little (A. 52.). ca le co le = cha le cho le irregular: khyed rang tshul khrims ca le co ler song ba min nam (A. 107) has not your conduct become irregular and slack? cag termination of plur. of pers. pron. as in nga cag we, khyed cag you, kho cag they. cag krum = chag krum 1. sbst. broken pieces (of glass or any brittle thing). 2. cartilage; gristle; sna'i cag klum bridge of the nose (J‰.). cag dkar = cag rdo in W. quartz (J‰.). cag ga care; vb. cag ga byed pa to take care of; cag ga dag po acc. to J‰. in colloq. careful, orderly, regular, tidy. cag cag crunching sound in eating: cag cag mi bya do not crunch so! cag cer re closely pressed or crowded in standing or sitting (in Ld.) (J‰.). cag cob = cag cag (Oag.). cag rdo v. cag dkar 3 in W. cang contraction of ci yang anything, whatever, everything: cang mi gsungs par gyur he did not say anything whatever; cang mi smra pa to say nothing. cang te'u also cang cang te'u SANST a kind of small drum; a hand drum. Those used by the Tantriks are made of a human skull; cang te'i brdung zhing beating a hand-drum (A. 32). cang rig = grung po wise, prudent; knowing everything. cang shes SANST one who knows all about (a subject); cang shes pa wise, well-informed, good; cang mi shes mkhan = ci yang mi shes mkhan one not knowing anything; blockhead, simpleton [SANST not well informed]S.; cang ma mthong did not see anything: khyod la bcar ba'i mdza' bshes cang ma mthong | I have never seen a friend who was intimate with you (Rdsa. 13). cang srid what; what is it? cangs po clever, skilful. can an affix signifying having, possessing, being provided with, corresponding to the English adj. terminations -ous, -y, -ly, -ful: tsher ma can thorny. Sometimes also = like, or ish: bon can Bon-like; khyod can you or one like you; hin du can a Hindu, Hinduish. yon tan can = yon tan dang ldan pa having or being possessed of merit, qualifications; skyon can = skyon yod pa faulty, with faults; tsher ma rnon po can having sharp thorns; seng ge'i mgo can having a lion's head. It is sometimes affixed to verbs: byed pa can doer: las ka can worker; sometimes signifies belonging to: bod can Tibetan, phyi ling can European. In C. is also used for the possessive pron. nga can , kho can my, his or her. can cil W. the green shell of a walnut (J‰.). can ce can cer , can ne , in colloq. ja phor 1. tea-cup (made either of wood or of china) (Oag.). 2. a small bowl or dish (Sch.). 3. continually (Cs.). can du + postp. c. accus. to; with: kho can du mi 'gro| I do not go to him; nga can du with me, in my possession. can bzhi rgyal po believe to be an incarnation of Padma Sambhava or Guru rin-po-che. can bzhi rgyal pos dgra bgegs ru dra sgrol| saves one from enemies, evil spirits and Rudra (Lh. kar. 35). cab cab + patting or clapping with the hands to express approbation. 'brom yang rngog la phyag cab cab mdzad nas| also bowing to and patting Roog (Hbrom. 116). cab cob (kha cag cag lta bu ) 1. the sound of tasting. 2. nonsense: cab cob smra ba| to talk nonsense. cam 1. slow (Cs.). 2. quietly, without any noise or fuss; cam me bzhag pa or cam gyis 'jog pa to place quietly; in Sikk. cam sdod keep silent or sit still. 3. in W. acc. to J‰. whole, unimpaired: sa (rtswa )cam me yod the whole store of hay is still left. 4. glistening, glittering cf. lcam me 3 (J‰.). cam pa ta lo in Tsang, the mallow (J‰.). cam pod in Ld. a bunch of flowers, sprigs, etc., a handful of ears of corn (J‰.). car 1. (Lex.) car re ; acc. to Cs. ca re continually, always; with numerals; gcig car at the same time, opp. to one after the other, successively (viz., doing or suffering a thing, sleeping, dying, etc.). 2. at once, on a sudden, opp. to gradually; lnga car all the five together. car mar always, continually (Sch.). car ras = 'doms ras a small apron to cover the privy parts. car re v. car 3. cal or cal cal noise (Cs.); cal gyug rumour, (false) report. chal col or cal col gtam idle talk, nonsense (J‰.). cas cus 1. phan tshun la 'chus pa distorted; to be obstinately perverse; twisted; awry. 2. acc. to Sch. = ca cus . ci I: num. fig. 35. II: SANST, SANST, 1. gen. used in books though not commonly in colloq.: what? ci'i of what? ci'i phyir or ci phyir why, for what, for what object? ci'i don du in whose interest, for what purpose? ci'i slad du why? de ci'i phyir zhe na this wherefore? why this? if so it is asked." ci'i 'bras bu what sort of fruit; the fruit of what? ci'i ri what king of mountain, hill; ci also like an adj. is placed after the word to which it belongs: rgyu ci las for what reason; on what account? 2. why? wherefore? bdag la des ci ma chog| why should not that suffice me"? ci mi sgrub why do you not procure; bsam na ci ma legs| I (you) considered, why would not that be a good thing? de 'byung na ci ma rung | if that happened, why should it not be desirable? 3. in conjunction with other words ci signifies how? 4. inst. of a note of interrogation, e.g., in ci gnang for gnang ngam , gshegs par ci gnang | "do you allow (me) to come"? (J‰.). In the colloq. of C. ci is almost invariably re-placed by gang both in the sense of "what" and "which"; whereas, properly gang means "which" only, and ci means "what." III: correlatively which, what; whatsoever; everything. ci as a correlative ought properly always to be written ji ; yet not even in decidedly correlative sentences is this strictly observed: ci byed na'ang | whatever I may do; ci bgyi bka' nyan te nged kyis bsgrub| whatever we may be bidden to do, we shall obediently perform. ci myur also ci myur zhig la as quickly as possible; also ci may = at any rate: an ci drangs he must be invited here at events (J‰.). ci ga what? colloq. ci dgar , ci dga' bar whatever one may wish; at pleasure ad libitum; ci ga ci yin nam what is it? ci gar = ci ltar in what manner, how? ci bgyi SANST a servant, valet; one who does what he is ordered to do. ci 'gro = gang drag whatever is good: phyogs thams cad nas khyed kyi rtsis su ci 'gro byed| from all sides, whatever is good is accredited (accounted) to you (A 133). ci cog = ci yod what or whatever is. ci brjod SANST what has been stated or told. ci zhig whatever; something; anything: ci zhig tu dgos pa for what purpose it is wanted. (EEE the original has the headword as ci bzhig but both the transliteration ci-shig and the context show that it should be ci zhig so the headword in this edition has been altered accordingly.) ci rnyed v. snyed 3. (EEE this is a frequently found mispelling of ci snyed .) ci ltar SANST like what? ci ltar gyur pa'i gtam byas so| "he related how it happened." ci ste but if; if however. ci sto what does it matter? ci drag what to do; what is to be done; what is the matter? ci bde ba SANST 1. what is well, good; what pleases; as it pleases them; as they like. 2. name of a section of Tantrik Buddhists in the monastery of Vikramasila during Atisa's time. ci 'dod pa SANST whatever one wishes; as much as desired; whatever (they) wish; ci 'dod pa bzhin thob pa to get according to what one wished [an attribute of a Bodhisattva (M.V.)] ci 'dra ba SANST like what? similar to what? ci 'dra mthong what have you seen? ci smra bar byed SANST what is there to say? ci tsam how much. ci tsug how? in what manner? ci mtshan SANST of what sex? ci zhes bstan pa whatever has been demonstrated. ci zer what does he say? ci zer brtag pa'i tshig the interrogative expression ci-zer (SANST) is used to signify:- co 'dri ; 'gog tshig ; 'gal ba brjod ; 'go len pa ; sad mda' (Moon.). (EEE ci-zer is given as ci-zar in the original but this has been corrected in accordance with the headword that it is transliterating.) ci'ang = ci yang (Situ. 125). ci yang = cang SANST whatever; anything; ci yang mi nus not able to do anything. ci yang med pa SANST nothing whatever; not any; one who has got nothing. ci yang med pa'i skye mched SANST [lit. realm of nothingness; one of the eight kinds of Vimokraósalvation. The sixth stage in which one perceives nothing. Comp. Maha-p. 30]S ci yang rung ba whatever is permissible, suitable. ci yin = ci ga what? ci yod SANST what has happened? ci rigs pa adj. SANST, adv. ci rigs par 1. in some measure; to a certain degree; in part; partly. 2. of every sort. ci ru whither: ci ru 'gro ba , gang la yang ma lta bar 'gro ba| to go without looking at anything. ci la SANST why? wherefore? ci la ci la why? for what? ci la ma rag par chas pa| gone without being obstructed; ci la yang SANST for whatever; ci la yod SANST why is this? whence? ci las SANST from what? ci shul las ci byas pa'i rjes| after whatever has been done. cir ci ru , termin. of ci 1. where to, etc. 2. with yang ; everywhere; in every direction; for any purpose; by all means; with a negative = nowhere. cir mi rtog = ci la mi rtog pa why not consider the matter or subject. cis instr. of ci by what? whereby?; ci yid ches par 'gyur by what am I to believe it? what shall make me believe it? whereby can I know it to be true? cis kyang mi skrag pa he is not to be frightened by anything. cis kyang and ci nang kyang used as adv.: by all means, at any rate: cis kyang 'gro na if you wish to go by all means, at all hazards; da cis kyang mi phan now nothing will help or be of any use; cis kyang bzhes pa zhu I beg of you at least to accept it; ces kyang slobs teach it to me at any rate! (J‰.). ci rgod wild millet. ci cir á = mgo la skra med pa without hair on the head; bald head. ci chib á = mthar phyin exhaustive; brought to perfection; to the farthest limit. ci tse SANST a kind of millet; a species of grain eaten by the poor. (EEE the transliteration of the headword in the original is ci-rtse. The Tibetan of the headword was left as in the original because of noting the next entry, ci tshe 3, which is a correct spelling q.v.) ci tshe = ci tse 3. cig modified form of gcig one, and changing to zhig after vowels or after nga, na, ma, ra, or la. 1. a; a few; a little; some: lug cig nyo nas nang du khrid song | having bought a sheep, they led it inside; mi lnga tsam zhig some five people. 2. when affixed to verbs it is a sign of the imperative mood. cung zad cig sdod cig wait a little while! lam ston zhig show the path! cig car or gcig bu 1. together; with one accord: cod pan be con cig car spang | he left off his crown and sceptre together (Zam.). 2. SANST quickly. cig car zhes = lan gcig ces once; equally; cig tshar = lan gcig SANST once; all at once. cig shos or gcig shos SANST the other; the latter; some other. cing I: = shing , or zhing , a gerundial particle, the initial letter of which is changed acc. to the rules obtaining for cig; corresponds to the English participle 'ing' and in used in sentences beginning with "when," "after," as," and is affixed to verbal roots and adjectives; in the latter case including the auxilliary verb to be: mostly concludes minor clauses and interposed participial sentences, never ending main clauses: bu mo gzhan de shing khar 'dzeg cing me tog thogs te the other girl climbing up the tree picked the flower: bros shing gab pas having hid themselves after running away; frq. also when co-ordinate ideas are in English connected by 'and' or 'but' sha la za zhing khrag la 'thung ba| eating flesh and drinking blood; che zhing legs pa| tall and well shaped; drod gnod cing bsil ba phan| heat is hurtful, (but) cold is beneficial. It is also used like the ablative of the gerund in Latin: nya gshor zhing 'tsho'o we live by fishing (J‰.). cin ci li a creeping plant (in Tsang). ci'u ri n. of a female demon (J‰.). cu 1. num. fig. 65. 2. inst. of bcu used in compound numerals for the tens, when the preceding numeral ends with a consonant: sum cu , drug cu , bdun cu , brgyad cu . cu gang 1. SANST bamboo-manna; substance secreted in the joints of bamboos and used in medicine both in India and Tibet. 2. kind of lime used in medicine (Cs.): cu gang glo tshad kun sel rma tshad gcog| breaks sores and cures inflammation of the lungs. cu li co li 1. in W. a fresh apricot (J‰.). 2. dried apricots. 3. a sort of wild-growing vegetable in Sikk. In W. cu li ta gir the pulp of apricots boiled down to a conserve and formed into cakes (J‰.). cug cug v. cag cag 3 (Sch.). cung 1. in C. gourd; pumpkin. 2. n. of a place. 3. = cung zhig a little: da khyod cung 'phyis pa yin| you are a little too late now; cung yo ba a little slanting (J‰.). cung zhig v. cung zad 3 a little. cung zhog a little (piece), a trifle. cung zad a little; slight, trifling; a little while: cung zad kyang mi nus = ci yang mi nus not at all able; cung zad khro ba a little angry: cung zad rgod a little smiling; cung zad kyi phyir even for the sake of a trifle: cung zhig phan nam blta I shall see whether it will help a little; cung zad cig sdod wait a little, a while; cung zad ma bde ba a little unwell; cung zad snyam pa'i nga rgyal my self-respect is (made) small. cung zad pa an epithet of a Nagaraja (M.V.). cung zad tsam some little. cung 'gag a brass plate or dish (Rtsii.). cung zho or zun cha gcong zhi a medicinal white stone alleged to cure diarrhúa (J‰.). cur colloq. without leaving any remnant; cur mid pa to devour it all up. cur ni á (zhib mo or phye ma SANST or SANST) 1. powder; in the work called Li-gur it is stated to have been derived from the dialect of Shao-shuo, but it is evidently Sanskrit. 2. meal, flour (occurring only in medical writings) (J‰.). ce num. fig. 95. ce cang v. ce ang 3. ce na its other grammatical forms: she na , zhe na , inst. of ces smra ba 'if one says so, asks so,' etc. ce ang = ce cang used for khyi ang SANST, SANST jackal; fox. ce ang ra ce sbyang ra yis nor phyugs nad rnams srung | the horn of the (fabulous) jackal is a protection against cattle disease; n. of a precious stone. ce tse (SANST, also SANST M.V.) SANST a kind of millet, Paspalum scrobiculatum. ce tse rgod = khre rgod wild millet (M.V.). ce 'u a read for sucking up beer. It is called tsug li in Sikk. ce 'o SANST certain. ce re or cer re staring (fixed-eyes): mig ce re lta gyin 'dug (he was) looking at it with fixed eyes (Oag.); ce re la lta ba looking with fixed stare: 'goms shing phyin mig ce re la ma mthong bar he paced forward with his eyes staring and open without seeing (it) (A. 73). ceng ke (gri dpa' tam ) a kind of long knife with thin but broad blade; lag ma longs pa'i ceng ke tsam la 'bru khal for a Ceo-ke about a little less than an arm's length the price is one khal of grain (Rtsii.). cem tse scissors (J‰.). cer bu n. of a place in Tibet (B. ch. 4). cer re = ce re . ces (its other grammatical forms: shes , zhes ) SANST so, thus; ces is generally used after ga, da, ba, as in bdag ces bya ba I, the so named; yod ces pa thus existing; thob ces so gaining; in ancient literature ces is regularly placed after words or thoughts that are literally quoted, and so continuing the sentence; the quotation itself is generally preceded by 'di skad du or 'di snyam du . In later literature ces and the introductory words are often omitted; in colloq. language always. Inst. of ces smras so| or ces gsungs so| so he said, thus he spoke, so has been said or spoken, so it is said; often only ces so| is used and in like manner ces pa for ces smras pa this word, this speech: ces pa la sogs pa "these and similar words". ces bya ba or ces pa the so-called, frq. after names; ces su rarely for ces . co num. fig. 125. co ga also written lco ga = brta ka in colloq. bye'u cog mo a small singing bird; the lark: co ga'i gre bas skad 'gags sel the larynx of Co-ga removes hoarse voice. co ga klad snan = 'bu su hang (mystic expression) (Mio. 4). co gras a colt one year old, when Tibetans clip its mane and tail for the first time. co to a tuft of hair on the head; co to'i tor ga hair plaited and dressed on the crown of the head: sngags pa'i mgo'i skra rdog rdog bsdams nas thor cog byed pa to make the hair of a sorcerer's head into thor cog it (the hair) is gathered into a tuft. co dir = 'ur dir . co 'dri ba + SANST, SANST 1. to blame, reproach, scoff at; to vie with. In K. du. this term is described as signifying to be jealous of, and as equivalent of khrel bgad byas pa , acc. to Oag. co 'dri v. ci zer 3 what does he say? 2. mgo bskor ba to deceive, to cheat (Oag.). (EEE The original has "v. ci zer ba " under 1. above, but this has been changed here to permit the hypertext link.) co ni n. of a district in Amdo. co re same as co ro ro, the cor-cor sound produced by straining fermented beer (Oag.). co le ba = tho re ba or tha re tho re a little; co le tsam = tho re tsam somewhat; rather: byang chub sems pa'i bslab pa la nyes pa co le tsam gyis gos| in his instruction of the Bodhisattva he was somewhat culpable (A. 52). cog + 1. all; also a plural sign; acc. to Schr. all (people): yod do cog all that exists: thos so cog all that has been heard; mthong ngo cog all that has been seen; yin no cog those that exist; gces so cog those that are valuable. 2. shing thags . cog cig car = thams cad mnyam du altogether: dus gsum rgyal ba yin na cog cig car 'dus the Buddhas of the three ages all assembled together (Ya-sel. 28). cog cog pa in W. grass-hopper; cricket (J‰.). cog pa to have leisure: cog na yong dgos if you have leisure you should come; de ring cog ka med today I have leisure. cog bu a small square tent to accommodate only one person used by anchorites of Tibet when they retire to solitary places for practising religious austerities. cog bu pa 1. one who lives in a lonely mountain cavern or in a small tent that accommodates but one man. 2. [SANST sitting and not lying down; one of the twelve ascetic practices]S. cog bur the manner of sitting up at night awake (Oag.). cog tse is a corruption of the Chinese word tsa wa tsi meaning a small dining table. It has been Tibetanized in cog brtsegs or cog tse, cog tse phag sug ma yang 'dir bshad do| (Jig.) (a small) table the legs of which resemble those of a pig is here indicated; cog brtsegs mi gang ma a table just suitable for one man to sit at. cog ro n. of a place in the district of Tsao-dkar in E. Tibet. cog la ma a mineral substance used for medicinal purposes. cong in colloq. shong 1. a musical instrument (Lex.); a bell (Schtr). 2. acc. to J‰. a precipice: cong la skyur ba to push down a precipice in order to kill (a man). 3. v. gcong 3. cong ci small bowl or dish (Sch.); v. can ce 3. cong cong jagged, indented, serrated (J‰.). cong ba (ngu 'bod cong ba ) to raise wailings, loud lamentations (at funerals); cf. gcong skad 3. cong mo in colloq. for lcung mo . cong zhi = cung zho SANST the Soma plant said to be useful in diarrhúa, in phlegm and fever; cong zhi'i chu juice or water of the soma plant. cong rong perh. = cong cong , cong rong tsher ma a kind of thistle. cor cor an onomatopoetic word expressive of effervescing; beer is described in fermenting as making the sound 'cor-cor': chang sgra cor cor zer nas 'chag pa| (Oag.) after the sound cor cor of fermenting beer has ceased, it must be strained. col le = ling nge or zing nge adj. hanging or dangling: yul de na ri brag nag po mang po col le yod pa| in that country many black rocky hills overhang (Hbrom. 117). col le ba v. thor re ba 3 or tha re tho re adj. lying irregular or promiscuously (Moon.). cod pan SANST, SANST, SANST, 1. tiara, diadem, crown worn by kings. 2. the crest of gallinaceous birds. Syn. dbu rgyan ; dpung rgyan ; zla ba can ; rtse gsum bgo rgyan ; rtse bran (Moon.). cod bNa sna tshogs dpal gyi gtsug SANST literally, handsomely-crested bird; n. of a king of birds (nam mkha' lding ) (M.V.). cor gang or cor cig a mouthful; a gulp. col chung childish prattle or babbling. gcags pa (A.K. 1. 24) 1. to apprehend; to grasp (with the understanding); to impress, gen. with yid la on the mind; nan gcags pa well-impressed; impressive; bka' nan gcags chen po gnang ba| to give a very thorough instruction; gcags po byed pa| to lay emphasis on. 2. relative to persons it may be synon. with chags pa , to love. gcang po clever; lively, sprightly; in W. also attentive to; regardful of; gang po drung po = gcang drung ldan pa clever and sagacious: gcang sbst. sagacity, cleverness; kha gcang clever words; clever speech (Cs.). gcad pa v. gcod pa 3 = gtub pa cut into pieces (Moon.). gcan gzan SANST carnivorous animal; beast of prey; the cat and the dog not being included in the term; gcan gzan tha ma the lowest of the beasts of prey; gcan gzan khro ba SANST ferocious, wild animals (Moon.). SANST literally signifies a warrior-beast. gcam pa I: = byas pa made: gros gcam = gros byas pa made a conference; talked over (Oag.). II: = byams pa loyal and loving: kong tse 'phrul gyi rgyal po la gcam pa'i tshig gshad pa'i mdo| the Sutra for expressing loving words to the miraculous king Kong-tse (D.R.). gcam bu + adj. artificial, not natural; artificial expression of feeling; insincere demonstration: gcam bu'i tshig smra ba speaking words of outward regard. Also humbleness, servility, flattery: gcam pu'i tshig a servile speech (Sch.). gcam bu pa = drang po mi byed mkhan| an obsequious, insincere person. gcam yas n. of a number. gcar ba acc. to Sch. cut out; put out; knocked out; cf. bcar ba 3 (J‰.). gcal ba to spread, display; lay out, e.g., precious stones, jewels, on a table, on the ground (J‰.); gcal du bkram pa having laid out. gci ba SANST 1. vb. v. gcid pa 3 to discharge urine; to make water. 2. gcin gci ba po one who is making water. 3. gci bya'i chu urine to be discharged. gcig SANST 1. the number one; gcig kyang one only; one and the same; dus gcig tu at the same time; at one time; dus cig na or dus gcig na once; one day. 2. one only: yab gcig my only father or ma gcig the only mother, the mother of several brothers or sisters but idiomatically the common wife of several brothers; shin tu gdung ba'i ma gcig my only beloved mother: ma gcig lab kyi sgron ma the venerable mother Lab-dron; gcig gis gcig or gcig la gcig , etc., one another, each other; mi gcig pa different (J‰.). gcig ka single, only, opp. to several. gcig car or gcig char alone, v. car 3. gcig cig certain; some one (J‰.). gcig gcig 1. one at a time; separately; alone. 2. of the same kind; not different. 3. adv. by one's self; only; solely. gcig cog SANST, SANST one principal; the leader; ring-leader. gcig chog all-sufficient (J‰.). gcig rjes (lam ) SANST a passage (for one man to pass); lit. fit for one foot only. gcig nyid SANST, SANST friendship; state of unity; the state of being one; one-ness; unity. gcig tu SANST 1. together with; into one; into one body; gcig tu sdu ba to unite; to collect into one. 2. at once; wholly; altogether. 3. only, solely; gcig tu gyur pa SANST be turned into one uniform state; cig tu nges pa SANST to be intent on one object; one object for certain; gcig tu bsdus nas SANST having agglomerated, abbreviated; gcig tu 'dus nas SANST having come together; being united; gcag tu 'dus sam phrad nas SANST having joined or being united together; gcig tu 'dzin pa the holding together or to hold together; phyogs gcig tu in one direction; in a certain direction; yul gcig tu in a certain place; snod gcig tu in one vessel; nang gcig tu in one house. gcig tu mdzes pa SANST 1. lit. one who can perfectly please. 2. n. of a Bodhisattva (M.V.). gcig tu yod SANST, all existing together; in one place. gcig tu sems pa 1. to be all attention (to any subject or person); to pay homage; to be respectful. 2. dad gus dang ldan pa| or phyag byed pa , gus pa to be possessed of faith and respect (Moon.). gcig 'thob 1. expectant (that he will get something). 2. SANST an actor; a bard. gcig du acc. to J‰. unity and plurality; gcig du bral not having these qualities (Was.). gcig nas gcig tu SANST from one to another; in succession; gcig nas gcig tu rgyud pa SANST lineal descent or lineal descendant; one unbroken line of succession; gcig nas gcig tu 'dus nas SANST become one or united by succession; gcig nas gcig tu bsdu ba to accumulate for each other; gcig nas rtogs pa SANST one who deliberates with undivided attention; gcig nas gcig tu zhen pa successive thoughts combining together. gcig pa 1. the first. 2. of one kind, not different or manifold; mi gcig pa different. gcig pu 1. SANST alone, single, only; gcig pus mi stong thub pa| to be able to cope alone with a thousand men; gcig pur lus pa forsaken, abandoned; to be left alone; bu gcig pu the only son. 2. gcer bu , rkyang pa bare, naked, single; in vulg. kher ma , khe rkyang Syn. re re ; rkyang rkyang ; zla med ; ya gyal (Moon.). gcig pu dben pa = lkog tu song ba| SANST residing alone in retirement; one of the conditions of yoga (M.V.). gcig pu ma SANST a woman without any husband, or living alone. gcig po 1. alone: rgyal po gcig po skyes pa yin| "the king alone is a man (one possessed of manliness)." 2. being one, or the one: ma gnyis la skyes pa'i bu gcig po| one son of two mothers, viz., claimed by two. 3. the one (J‰.). gcig po pa n. of a solitary mountain said to be one hundred yojana long and 500 yojana high; from which a great river (the Tsang-po) issuing flows eastward towards the ocean (K. d. ra 268). gcig byas SANST only. gcig min SANST except one. gcig tshig the singular number (Situ. 119). gcig la gcig med pa SANST mutual non-existence; absence of one thing in relation to another thingóa technical term of the Nyaya philosophy. gcig las 'phros pa'i lung SANST n. of a religious work. gcig shos the only one; the other, when speaking of two. gcid pa also gci ba pf. gcis , fut. gci , imp. gcis , to make water; to piss. gcin nad SANST disease of the urine, prob. spermatorrhúa. gcin pa SANST, SANST 1. urine; gcin gcid pa or gcin gci ba to make water. 2. tight, firm, unshaken. Syn. dri chu ; rgyun 'bab ; rab 'dzag (Moon.). (EEE the original has the headword transliterated as gcin-wa for gcin pa but this is in error.) gcin shor involuntary discharge of urine. gcin 'gag retention of urine (Med.). gcin snye SANST prob. gonorrhúa; also a disease of the kidneys in which urine is frequently and involuntarily discharged. gcin mang SANST diabetes. gcin yang = gcin mang making water again and again. gcin sri ba SANST pain or smarting in discharging urine. gci'u 1. = ce'u clyster-pipe; gci 'u'i snan clyster (Oag.). gcil ba to spoil; to destroy (Sch.). gcu gal = do gal che ba (adj. and sbst.) importance; important. gcu ti = cu ti . gcu dong screw-box. gcu ba = sgrim pa 1. to squeeze; to strain; to whirl; turn round like the twisting of a screw: phyi mig gcu ba zhig byas| (A. 131). he made a twist with his eyes. 2. to punish by striking; to correct. 3. = lcu ba , v. gcud pa 3; gcu skor in W. gcus bu screw gcu or lcu 'khor (Cs.). gcug difference, discord. gcug med = mthun pa without difference; harmony (Oag.). gcugs pa SANST planted, cultivated, acquired or gained; mdza' gcugs pa cultivated friendship; 'khon gcugs pa to sow or create discord, dissension: khon pa las khon par gyur pa| "from hatred to hatred, or hatred increased more and more"; mdza' ba las mdza' bor gyur pa| to improve friendship; to become more and more friendly; to increase intimacy: mi mthun pa las mi mthun par gyur pa| "from disagreement to disagreement, or the misunderstanding became more and more intense still." 5. = brtan pa firm: yid la gcugs pa| to be firm in the mind, i.e., yid gcugs pa . gcung po + = spun chung pa a younger brother (Oag.). gcud pa pf. gcus , lcus , fut. gcu or lcu , to turn; to turn round; to twist; to twine; to plait; to braid. gcud bor 1. adj. is explained in (Oag.) las ka hur thag byed pa dang ci byed nyan pa| "doing work with zeal and earnestness and also obediently." 2. gcud la 'bor ba acc. to Sch. to forsake; to cast out; to reject. gcun pa = 'jun pa to reprove (one's servants &c.); to subdue, tame (an animal) (Oag.); gcur zhing gcun pa to beat or press a thing until it is soft. gcur pa 1. pf. or 'jur ba (Oag.) bar do'i 'phrang ring gi mtha' la gcur| shuns the long narrow passage in the confines of the Bar-do. 2. a coarse sort of vermicelli. gcus pa to interfere; to meddle with (Oag.).: lag pa gcus pa id. gcus bu anything that is screwed in; what has got jammed in. gce ba to esteem; to hold dear; to love (Sch.). gcen + or gcen po or sngon skyes pa SANST, resp. for spun che ba , 1. an elder brother (Oag.): de nas gcen gsum gdan 'dren la phyin pas| then he came to invite the three elder brothers. 2. acc. to Zam. first-born. gce'u acc. to J‰. 1. clysterpipe = ce'u , gce'u kha mang a flageolet; a kind of musical pipe with many holes in it. gcer anything naked, i.e., bare and uncovered; gcer skyob a covering for the body; raiment. gcer sgrib lit. that which covers the nakedness of the body; met. clothes or dress. gcer ba v. bcer 3. gcer bu SANST, SANST, SANST 1. naked; gcer bur 'byin pa to make naked; to strip off. 2. = rkyang pa or gcig bu alone, solitary, without a companion, single. gcer bu pa SANST a naked person; n. of sect of homeless mendicants; gcer nyal mkhan of the Jaina sect of India; also a Hindu sanyasi. gcer bu gnyen gyi bu SANST n. of the founder of the Jaina heretical school, one of the six Tirthika teachers of Buddha's time (M.V.). gcer bu ma a naked woman; the Goddess Kali. gcer bu lag rdum (sa bdag ) n. of a mischievous armless demi-god. gcer mo or gcer bu ma SANST a woman who walks naked. gces gces pa = byams po byams po byed pa| to show more and more affection for one; to love very much. gces btus choice extracts, &c. (Cs.). gces pa I: 1. byams pa dear; beloved: nged kyi mi gcis pa a man dear to us; our beloved; gces phrug our darling child: 'jig rten 'di na rang srog yin| the dearest thing in this world is one's own life. 2. Also precious; very important; useful : shin tu gces pa'i yi ge lnga the five very important letters; 'khor bar gces pa rang srog one's life is most precious in this world; shes pa gces it is of importance to know. II: (brtson pa ) eager; diligent. gces par bya ba to esteem; to regard with affection. gces spres esteem; gces spres byed pa to hold dear; to love; to esteem; also to exert one's self; gces spres su byas pa exerted one's self; made exertion: mngon par shes med pas sngon sgrub pa la nan tan gces spres su byas par dka'| (Hbrom. kha 2) without fore-knowledge it is difficult for one to exert himself with assiduity to counteract a former life. gcog pa pf. bcag, imp. chog or chogs , to break; dum bur gcog pa to break into pieces; to burst asunder; to cleave; to split, blast; to violate (a promise, a vow, a law, etc.); to break out from: tha gu bcag pa yin te the rope having been broken. gcog rtsis reduced account; reduction, discount. gcong 1. a chronic disease; glo gcong chronic bronchitis; khog gcong chronic cough. 2. a defile; rong gcong a rocky defile. gcong skad 1. a low fine musical note or voice. 2. cry of sorrow, lamentations, wailing (Oag.). Syn. cho nge ; ye ge bral ; ma la ; nyer skad ; zer zer skad ; ngud mo (Moon.). gcong chen nad drug the six chief chronic diseases: (1) ma zhu ba'i nad ; dyspepsia; (2) skran ; (3) skya rbab ; (4) 'or nad (5) dmu chu dropsy in the chest or in the pericardium; (6) gcong chen zad byed phthisis (M. gu.). gcong ba 1. pf. bshongs to excavate, wash out, undermine through the action of water: thur du gcong bar ma gyur to| have not been undermined (by water). 2. to get faint, languid, wearied in mind. (J‰.). gcong med without illness. gcong zhi v. cong zhi 3. gcong rong is described in (Oag.): rong dam po bgrod mi thub pa| an impassable narrow defile. gcod rtogs (grangs ) SANST n. of a number; one versed in that chapter of arithmetic which treats of dividend. gcod pa pf. bcad , fut. gcad , imp gcod or chod SANST, SANST (Moon.) to cut, to cut asunder (khams tshad du into small bits); to cut off, chop off (the hands); to cut down, to fell (trees); to cut out (the tongue); to rend asunder; to break (a thread, a rope, chain, fetter). This verb has a very varied metaphorical use, and is especially employed to denote that the course of anything has been stopped or "cut off." Thus it can signify to cure (a disease); to suppress (a passion); to stop a road; to wake up from sleep; srog gcod pa to kill, to murder, to stop life, to obviate, prevent, avert; to avoid; to lock (the door); bar du gcod pa to throw obstacles in a person's way; to hinder, impede; frq. srog la bar du gcod pa de dag these life-endangering beings; to stop, to make a pause (in reading); to judge, condemn. Again we have rjes gcod pa to follow after; tsar gcod pa to search into; to investigate. gcod byed SANST teeth; SANST knife; hand; the king; executioner. Syn. mche ba ; gri ; lag pa (Moon.). gcod 'breg pa to make a brief abstract of the grounds of any complaint or application made to a court of justice: sa bon la yang gcod 'breg gi rigs sngon du byed pa gal che| (D. Shel. 7) it is of much importance previously to make some sort of abridgment; gcod 'breg gi khrims capital punishment in which the culprit is either maimed by cutting off his limbs or is beheaded. gcod mtshams the limit or point to be cut for a defined boundary of disputed land; an agreement or definite treaty. gcod lugs Tantrik or mystical system of Buddhism. gcod lugs bdud bzhi the four chief evil spirits according to the Tantras are:- (1) thogs bcad kyi bdud| devil that can be stopped or averted; (2) thogs med kyi bdud| devil that comes unhindered or cannot be stopped; (3) dga' sprod kyi bdud| devil of enjoyment and mirth; (4) snyems byed kyi bdud| devil of arrogance and pride. gcom for bcom that which is over-powering; haughtiness, arrogance. gcom skyungs + terror-stricken. gcor ba to spread, scatter, disperse (Cs.). gcor zla zla ba'i skor 'go 'dzin lugs , gcor 'go 'dzin lugs pa rang lugs (Ya-sel.). bcag or bcag pa , v. gcog pa 3 and 3'chag pa 3 1. SANST cut, ground or divided; shing bcag ; rdo bcag to split wood; to break stone. 2. sa bcag pa to cultivate; till ground (Situ. 77). bcag thag taking care of (one's body, property, chattels, &c.): ngag bkod ltar gyi bcag thag seng shor med pa byed| according to (my) verbal direction take care (of the articles, &c.) without mistake. bcags pf. of 'chag pa , subdued, disciplined, down-trodden: zhabs kyis bcags trodden on by his feet. i.e., brought under discipline (Situ. 75). bcang pa pf. bcangs , fut. of 'chang ba 1. to hold: lag tu bcangs held or carried in the hand (Situ. 77). 2. acc. to Sch. adj. comprising, comprehensive, extensive; bcang rgya chen po comprising much; bcang rgyar mdzad pa resp. to apply one's self; to bestow pains upon. bcad in tshigs su bcad pa cut or put to metre; poetry. bcad ka in W. a whole that has been cut into, or a piece cut off (J‰.). bcad brdar critical examination; cutting and rubbing (a thing) for testing. bcad ldan a kind of Chinese satin. bcad pa pf. of gcod pa , to cut; to separate; to decide; to distinguish, discriminate; to close (a road): rnam par bcad (A. K. 1-48) having rent or pierced, cut, separated, decided, distinguished, etc. zhib bcad investigate. bcad nas having cut. bcad pa'i kha na ma tho ba dang bcas pa SANST one of the disciplinary duties of Buddhist monk; lit. rejecting or getting rid of what is blamable. bcad po in W. something old. torn, worn out (J‰.). bcad 'phro = bcad lhag too few or too many (bcad and lhag ) faults in writing or printing. bcad bya what is to be cut (off); anything to be killed or slain. bcad mtshams = gcod mtshams also dpyad mtshams rules or laws, especially for monks in monasteries; decision, settlement, agreement. bcad lhug abbr. of tshigs bcad dang lhug pa , poetry and prose. bcabs SANST made secret, concealed; phyag bcabs salutation in secret; nyes pa bcabs concealed or hidden fault (Situ. 75); rang bcabs = rang gis spas pa or gsangs self concealed (Oag.). Syn. gsang ba ; spas pa (Moon.). bcam bcom trivial things; medley; hodge-podge (Sch.). bca' 'grig full equipment: bca' 'grig rta sga 'khor cha 'grig full equipment of horse, saddle, and retinue in full array. bca' sga SANST dried ginger. bca' 'phrang declivity; precipice (Sch.). bca' ba v. cha ba 3 sbst. a drinking or drink. bca' ba byed pa to give notice: bca' ba byed kyi 'dug par sleb pa dang | he arrived for the purpose of giving notice or information (Yig. 23). bca' yig letter of notice, official notice; regulation for public guidance. bcar ba I: 1. sbst. = nye ba near; adj. intimate: khyod las bcar ba'i mdza' bshes cang ma mthong | (Rdsa. 13) I have not seen a more intimate friend than you. 2. vb. to interview; sku bcar chog pa to be permitted to interview (a great man). II: 1. acc. to J‰. bcar ba = bcing pa , to squeeze, to press (in a press); to crowd, to throng. 2. to pull or force from; to wrest (Cs.). 3. acc. to Sch. logs su bcar ba , to prop sideways. bcar bzhugs pa to have a permanent residence. bcal ba pres. pf. of 'jal ba to weigh; to pay back; nor bcal estimated wealth; bre la bcal measured in a brÈ (Situ 75). bcal lung = gYog po a waiter for orders; a servant (Moon.). bcas and bcas pa also bcas te SANST, SANST, SANST a word used as a conjunction and as adj. It is annexed to nouns by means of the conjunction dang signifying together with, connected with, having, possessing, containing a thing: 'khor dang bcas pa to together with the attendants, with retinue or suite; frq. bu mo bod blon dang bas pas bskor te| surrounded by (ten) virgins together with the Tibetan ambassadors: btsun mo dang sras su bcas te| with his wife and son; gos dang bcas su with; having his clothes on; zhal 'dzum pa dang bcas te| with a smiling face; ser sna dang bcas pa| subject to avarice, 'khrul bcas infatuated, fascinated. When the form is bcas su the construction is adverbial, and the words introduced with it are to be taken adverbially as qualifying the proximate verb. e.g., bu mos thur ma dang bcas su me la mar blugs so|, the girl poured butter on the fire with her spoon. It is also used as kind of plural; also like la sogs pa , meaning "etc.," or "and such like." So, too, we read brgyags dang bcas bskyal lo| provisions and other necessaries are sent. bcas pa'i khrims Buddhist canon; religious regulations. bcas rang SANST 1. notification, information. 2. transgression: bcas ni sangs rgyas kyis khrims su bcas pa|rang ni rang bzhin gyis nyes pa| In bcas-rao, bcas is law or rule laid down by Buddha and rao is rao-bzin-gyi Òes-pa, i.e., natural corruption, hence it signifies transgression caused by violating the law of Buddha. bcing ba 1. bcio-ba and bcings pa are parts of 'ching ba SANST, to bind. 2. sbst. bond, fetters (whether of a material, moral or magical nature); zhags pas bcings tied with rope (Situ. 75). bcings thag = zhags pa SANST string or rope to bind with; fetter. bcings pa grol ba SANST lit. to untie what is bound; liberation; emancipation. bcin v. cin . (EEE cin appears only at one other place in the dictionary, at cin ci li 3, but it is unclear if this is the intended reference. It may be an error for the common 3gcin pa 3, q.v.) bcibs + pf. of 'chib pa , signifying bzhon pa , to mount or ride on a horse; chibs la bcibs rode on a horse (Situ. 75). bcir ba v. 'chir ba 3. bcil ba + pf. of 'jil ba (Rdo. 46) to abandon, give up; to bring under subjection: dbang po'i sgo lnga'i chags sdang gi od pa cung zad tsam yang phyir bcil te bsdams so| (Hbrom. kha 36) he brought himself under control by abandoning, at least to a certain extent, the passions of the five senses. bcu or bcu tham pa ten; bcu phrag a decade; bcu pa the tenth; bcu pa dang po the first ten (of a series); bcu po the tenth; bcu kha tithe levied as duty, hence customs-duty; bcu gyur ten-fold; bcu khag 'don pa to tithe; to take a tenth. Syn. stobs ; sor mo ; phyogs ; 'jug pa ; khro bo ; 'byor pa (Rtsi.). bcu brgyad bkar khongs n. of one of the state treasuries of Tibet. bcu gcig SANST eleven. Met. syn. bde byed ; bde 'byung ; dbang phyug ; drag ; byed pa (Rtsi.). bcu gcig zhal the eleven faced deityóa name for the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. bcu gnyis SANST twelve. Met. syn. nyi ma ; rten 'brel ; khyim (Rtsi.). bcu thebs tenfold; also a group or a batch of ten. bcu drug sixteen. Met. syn. mi bdag ; rgyal po (Rtsi.). bcu drug cha 1. one sixteenth portion. 2. = SANST the lunar crescentóeach of which is one sixteenth of the full moon. bcu drug bdag po 1. the full moon; bcu drug bdag po'i dkyil 'khor| the disk of the full moon: sku 'tsho bcu drug bdag po'i dkyil 'khor sgrib med du gsal| his healthy person shone like the spotless disk of the full moon (Yig.). 2. skyu ru ra SANST, SANST Emblic myrobalan. Syn. sgra mkhan ; sgra mkhas ; me bzhi skyes ; 'bar ba ldan ; sna tshogs gtsug can ; nyi ma'i rigs skyes ; mtho ris thob ; rig byed bdag ; lha yi bla ma ; lha yi slob dpon (Moon.). bcu gnyis mig ldan an epithet of Kumara or Sadanana, the youngest son of Mahadeva. bcu drug bde pa'i cha shas maiden of sixteen. bcu drug 'od ldan SANST a name of the planet Venus. bcu dpon a corporal over ten soldiers. bcu phog an allowance every ten days (given to very monk) in the state monasteries of Tibet. bcu ba = 'chu ba . bcu ban a mug for keeping wine or beer enough for ten persons. bcu bzhi fourteen. Met. syn. srid ; yid ; ma nu ; shed bu (Rtsi.). bcu bzhi ston SANST a festival kept on the 14th day, i.e., before the full or new moon. bcu gal = do gal che ba important; phying pa 'chag la khyi lag bcu gal med| (Rdsa. 21). gcu gsum thirteen. Met. syn. 'dod pa ; lus med ; myos byed ; gdugs ; rim ; sna tshogs (Rtsi.). bcug nas = lcugs nas SANST thrown or having poured into. bcug pa pf. of 'jug pa with, also, the special meanings of; to meddle; to interfere: nged kyi don la khyod lag bcug don med| you have no business to interfere in my affairs (Rdsa.). bcud SANST, SANST 1. sap, juice, moisture. 2. = snying po or essence: sa yi bcud the essence of the earth or soil, by which the produce of the field, medicinal plants and precious metals and stones, &c., are said by Tibetans to be produced; therefore this essence is the natural fecundity of the soil and is not the same as moisture or manure; zas kyi bcud the food nutriment which sustains life and also by which living beings thrive and grow; zla ba'i bcud the fructifying effect of the moon on the vegetable world which is compared to the nectar of the gods. 3. invigorating cordial; quintessence. bcud kyi ma v. lce 3 SANST organ of taste; SANST the tongue, lit. the mother of all taste. bcud skyes SANST agreeable taste bcud lnga pa = skyu ru ra SANST Emblic myrobalan. bcud lnga ldan pa = bung pa the bee; SANST a kind of poisonous insect. bcud can nutritious; bcud med not nutritious; also insipid. bcud brtul zhugs = bcud 'dzin that takes or holds the elixir or essence (Moon.). bcud ldan che SANST the nether world. bcud phra mo SANST lit. of mild taste; sweet. bcud sbyin = bcud 'dzin . bcud mo ldan SANST possessed of the essence; sweet, juicy, succulent. bcud snin pa ripe; ripeness. bcud 'dzin ma = 'bab chu cataract; cascade (Moon.). bcud len or bcud kyi len SANST the art of extracting essences for prolonging health and longevity, such essences as being of different kinds, viz.:- ting nge 'dzin gyi bcud len the elixir of meditation; me tog bcud len the elixir drawn from flowers, i.e., honey; rda'u bcud len the elixir drawn from pebbles, &c. Animate beings are metaphorically called bcud and this world 'jig rten is called bcud kyi snod the receptacle of life; animated nature. (EEE 'jig rten above is given as 'jig rte which is clearly incorrect.) bcud len grub SANST [a class of demi-gods]S. bcud len grub pa'i dngul chu SANST, SANST mercurial preparation for making an elixir of life. bcum pa = bskum pa also bzung ba 1. to become contracted; contraction rdzings kyi shar nub gnyis nas bcum ste| the east and west (sides) of the ship having contracted (A. 18). 2. pf. tense. of 'jum pa . 3. acc. to Sch. to use artifices; to chicane. bcur pa 1. to be flattened down (Sch.). 2. colloq. to bar, obstruct, block up by snow; obstructing a road; cf. 'jur ba 3 (J‰.) srang du bcur to (Situ. 77). bcus pa pf. of bcu pa (chu bcus ) SANST 1. to draw out water; to irrigate. 2. to distill (Situ. 75). bcer ba 1. to heap or pile up; to collect in one place: mkha' 'gro ma mang pos sngags kyi glegs bam mang po bcer nas| (A. 37) many volumes of Mantras having been collected by many Khado-ma. 2. to glare at: bcer te gzigs nas zhal nas 'di skad gsungs| having looked closely at them, he spake thus. 3. colloq. = bcir ba to squeeze; to press. bco for bcu in, bco lnga 15, and bco lnga 15, and bco brgyad 18. bco brgyad eighteen. Syn. nyes ; skyon ; khams (Rtsi.). bco lnga fifteen. Met. syn. tshes ; nyin ; zhag (Rtsi.). bco lnga mchod pa the religious service that is observed on the fifteenth of the first Tibetan month (February-March) at Lhasa when the Kinkhording, the grand temple of Buddha, is illuminated. bco pa a colt one year old. bco ba pf. and imp. bcos , prop. root of the fut. tense of 'chos pa , but in W. the usual word for byed pa , to make, perform; to prepare, manufacture, construct. It is employed in all kinds of phrases (J‰.). bcog pa to reduce, cut down: zla ba rer bcu zur bcog "every month makes it less by ten" (Rtsii.); bcog rtsis the account or calculation of reduction (of pay, allowance, &c.). bcom SANST success; victory; triumph. bcom bskyungs pa to speak in low voice or to keep silent (out of fright); 'phrog bcom robbery and acts of violence. bcom ldan victorious, blessed, triumphant (over enemies). bcom ldan 'das SANST the victorious one who, having subdued the host of Mara, has passed away from misery; epithet attached specially to the Buddha Sakyamuni, acc. to Sch. 'the victoriously consummated.' bcom ldan 'das rgyal ba SANST the blessed Jina, the conquerer of his (moral enemies). bcom ldan ral gri n. of a fancied Buddha. bcom pa pf. of 'joms pa SANST, SANST, SANST conquered, subdued, killed. Also broken down, dispersed; mngon bcom SANST fully subdued (A. K. 1-2). bcom rlag SANST, n. of an ancient city of India near Agra in the early times of Buddhism. bcoms pf. gzhoms , fut. 'joms , (Rtsii. 46). bcol dam taking care of things entrusted to one's charge; bcol dam bya , bcol dam zin , yag po bcol ba or dam po byas te . bcol ba pf. and fut. of 'chol ba 3. bcol ma a thing committed to a person's charge; a trust. bcol bzhog pa to entrust a thing to another's charge; bcol gtam byed bzhag pa| to settle about the trust; to entrust a thing to a person's charge (with an understanding): bcol ltogs = byus thog. bcos or bcos bu SANST artificial. bcos thabs 1. the method of curing. 2. doing a thing for the sake of appearances, or for form's sake; bcos su byed pa performing a show work: gzhi nas bsgy ur cing bcos nas gtan la phab bo| changing or modifying it radically, he published the artificial one (A. K. 74). 3. made or contrived by art; ma bcos artless; unaffected; genuine. bcos thabs med SANST no means of cure (disease) or mending matters. bcos pa SANST to refine; SANST, SANST to cure, remedy; healing or mending; SANST artificial, affected, feigned; mixed up: mkhas kyang bcos su med| he cannot be cured even by the wisest. bcos pa'i nags an artificial grove attached to one's residence. Syn. skyed mos tshal or khyim gyi tshal (Moon.). bcos pa'i ma ning one who is artificially made a eunuch. Syn. 'og med pa ; skyes pa 'brus phyung ba (Moon.). bcos bu'i ras a coloured cloth (Oag.). bcos ma sbst. and adj. anything artificial; anything fictitious, alloyed (metal or thing), counterfeit, mock, sham, not genuine. bcos ma byed pa SANST a section of the Tantrik school which practises mysticism. lca in Ld. for lci ba , excrement, dung, (of cattle) (J‰.). lca sga bca' sga white ginger, v. sga 3. lca ba 1. a sort of carrot (Cs.) 2. SANST a garment made for wool or felt: lca bas chu ser mkhal rked grang ba sel| felt cures watery discharges, kidney disease, and cold in the loins (Med.). lcag 1. whip, rod, switch, stick: rta bzang kyang lcag zhig dgos| even a good horse requires a whip; las la bskul lcag mdzad| to get work done, urging on is necessary; rta lcag horse-whip; glang lcag ox-whip; rnga lcag stick to beat a kettle-drum; lcag ngag willow-twig; osierswitch; spa lcag a cane or bamboo whip; tshig lcag sharp words for reproof, rebuke. 2. stroke, blow, cut; mgo lcag a blow on the head; 'gram lcag a smack on the cheek (Cs.); thal lcag slap on the face. 3. forepart of a coat of mail (Sch.). 4. a kind of daphne paper, v. re lcag pa 3. lcag rdo in W. flint; flint-stone; lcag 'bras whip-cord (J‰.). lcag lcig n. of a number: lcag lcig byang chem chem dang | (Ya-sel. 56). lcag thogs = 'brog pa lit. one who carries a whip (in hand) (Moon.); yak herd; also shepherd. lcag sil occurs in zur chas phul rgyu lcag sil . lcag pod + = chab mgo can gyi skye rags is described as a girdle made of plaited wire and interlaced scales resembling a chain. lcag 'breng = lcag dngo lash of whip. lcag tshan or rta lcag a whip in general; a horse-whip. lcag yu the handle of a whip. lcags I: n. of a place eight miles to the south-east of Tashi-lhunpo in Tsang. II: SANST, SANST, SANST 1. iron; lcags bton mkhan one digs out iron; rgya lcags Chinese iron; pho lcags steel; an inferior sort of iron; mo lcags a finer and ductile sort of iron; acc. to Cs. steel. 2. any iron instrument or tool, esp. lock (of doors), fetter, shackle: sgo thams cad lcags btab cing | having locked every door; gnam lcags a thunderbolt; also a flash of lighting just striking an object; me lcags a steel to strike fire with; a tinder-pouch. lcags kyi 'khrul 'khor 1. an enchanted iron-horse; the magic iron-horse, i.e., a name said to be given to the railways of India by the Tibetans. lcags kyi gar bu SANST iron-ball. lcags kyi tho lum SANST a lump of iron; a hammer. lcags kyi phung po zhes bya ba'i ri a fabulous mountain which extends eastward over a distance of 12,000 miles from the ocean and is filled with iron ore and iron-dust (K. d. ra 341). lcags kyi btsa' rust; lcags kyi btsa' yis mchin pa'i nad la phan| rust or oxide of iron is useful in liver disease. lcags kyi tsha tsha SANST red-hot particles of iron flying under the smith's hammer. lcags kyi tshogs rust of iron, scoria. lcags kyi gzhongs ring SANST iron vessel; iron-tray or bowl. lcags shal ma li ban SANST the wood of iron bristles; n. of one of the subdivisions of hell (M.V.). lcags kyi sil khrol SANST iron bells or rings tied to the necks of donkeys and mules, etc. lcags kyu SANST 1. iron pin to guide and punish elephants; fish-hook: lcags kyus gdul dka' ba an elephant that is difficult to tame or manage with the iron-pin. 2. n. of an officinal plant used to allay the effect of poison. lcags kyus sgy ur thabs SANST an elephant-driver, also the art of disciplining elephants. lcags dkar tin; tinned iron-plate. lcags skam iron pincers. lcags skud iron-wire; a thin wire made of steel. lcags kha iron colour or iron-grey. lcags khu iron wash: lcags khus mchin tshad mig nad shu ba sel| iron-wash (water containing oxidized iron) removes inflammation of the liver, and eye-abscess (Med.). lcags khyem SANST a spade. lcags khrol an iron caldron. lcags mgar = mgar ba SANST iron-smith; smith. lcags mgu or lcags kyi mgu tse an iron pot. lcags mgo = lcags skyog iron ladle. lcag sgor iron pan. lcags sgy id trevet; tripod. lcags sgrog ma iron-chain, shackle; n. of a Tibetan work printed at Narthang. lcags sgrol an iron pan; steel pan. lcags mchog or lcags mchog yid 'ong | (Moon.). 1. = gold. 2. iron of superior quality that came from Orissa. It is said that swords made of this metal were so sharp and hard that an elephant could be cut into pieces with them. The finest and hardest iron called mi-tshe-ri (mi tshe ri ) used to be obtained from the country of Lagmana. lcags snyigs = lcags dreg iron slag or dross of iron (Moon.). lcags tig n. of a species of gentian, v. tig ta 3: lcags tig rma tshad rims tshad sel| Gentian removes intermittent fever and also sores (Med.). lcags thum = lcags skyog SANST an iron ladle; any cooking utensil of iron such as a boiler or a saucepan. lcags dreg medicinal preparation of iron for weak and painful eyes: mig nad sbyongs dang gzer nad 'joms . lcags mda' SANST an iron arrow; an iron or steel probe; SANST steel pointed arrow; steel arrow. lcags mda' sgra can = lcags spubs can a kind of steel tipped arrow from which when flung a whizzing sound came forth (Moon.). lcags rdo = nyag rdo 1. flint-stones. 2. iron-stone or iron ore. lcags thag dross and slime of the intestines. lcags thab = lcags sgy id . lcags thal SANST oxide of iron obtained, red-hot iron being repeatedly dipped in the urine of cows, &c. mchin dug dmu rdzing skem pa'i mchog| iron-ash is the best remedy for liver disease, poison and dropsy. lcags ldel abbr. of sgo lcags dang lde mig door-lock and key. lcags spu n. of a place in Tibet. lcags 'phel n. of a district of Tibet to the north-east of Kashmir (Lam. 19). lcags spugs a match-lock made (formerly) in India. lcags dmar SANST copper. lcags mag tinder-case. lcags zhol n. of a weapon. lcags gzar SANST an iron spoon. lcags bzo pa = mgar ba iron smith, black-smith (Moon.). lcags gYa' rust. lcags ra n. of place on the confines of Tibet and China; a wall round a house, an estate, or a town. lcags ri SANST, SANST a strong wall. lcags shan iron-hoop; hasp; cramp-iron. lcags sol powdered coal: lcags sol mig ser rus zhen 'don par byed| powder of mineral coal (called in Hindi Surma) is used as a cure for the eyes. lcags bsro smoothing iron (Sch.). lcags slang a large iron pan for roasting or kiln-drying corn (J‰.). lcang skya 1. n. of a place in the province of Kham. 2. grey or pale white. lcang skya stag sgam a sort of trunk first made under the direction of Cao-skya Lama, with tanned tiger skin. lcang skya rol pa'i rdo rje n. of a celebrated lama born at Cao-skya in Kham and who became the chief-priest of the lamaic section of the Chinese Buddhists of Peking during the reign of Emperor Kyenlung, about 1770 A.D. lcang lcong = sang shong (Cs.) a craggy place; broken eroded country. lcang phyi'i nyang n. of place in Tibet visited by Atisa in the beginning of the eleventh century A.D. lcang ma 1. willow, Salix viminalis. 2. a general name for trees that are planted in the vicinity of villages; SANST the ratan, Calamus rotang. lcang ma brag n. of a place in upper Tibet. lcang rtsags n. of a place near Nam-shod in Tibet. lcang ra = lcang sreb a grove of willows, poplar and other trees. lcang ra rdzong n. of a district in Tibet. lcang rlom a flat basket made of willow twigs. lcang shing willow tree; willow wood. lcang shos the red willow (Sch.). lcang sil coolness, shade under willow-trees. lcang lung pNa Di ta a celebrated lama-author of Mongolia. lcang lo 1. willow leaves. 2. SANST braided hair; SANST a curl; lock of hair; SANST coiled hair, long plait of hair. Syn. skra ring po ; dbu lo (Moon.). lcang lo can SANST 1. the abode of Kuvera or Vaisravana. 2. n. of a village near Gyao-tse in Tsang. 3. SANST n. of a place in Ancient India, also of another on the fabulous Sumeru. lcang shes = cang shes the finest breed of horse in Tibet. lcam 1. a lady, a nobleman's wife; lha lcam a princess or lady of rank; lcam chung young unmarried lady of noble rank. 2. = phyam acc. to J‰. lath, pole, rafter, spar of a roof. lcam dkris SANST wrinkled; n. of an ornament. lcam dkris can possessed of wrinkles. lcam dral = mched lcam dral brother and sister. lcam pa + = brag lcam 1. n. of an officinal herb used for healing wounds: lcam pas chu 'gags skom dad 'khru ba sel| Lcam-pa removes obstruction of urine, thirst, and diarrhúa. 2. gentle; polished; lcam pa thugs rgyal chung ba mild and humble (A. 134). lcam po upright; in erect position lcam por adv. sku 'gying mi byed par lcam por gshegs pa| (A. 33) he walked in an upright posture without bending the body. lcam me 1. n. of a celebrated lady of Tibet who received Atisa with much hospitality (A. 5). 2. bright, glittering. lcam me ba shining, dazzling, variegated (J‰.). lcam mo an abbr. of lcam and sring mo ; acc. to some a sister. lcam legs snin n. of a mkha' 'gro ma or Dakini; rgyal po in dra bo Zi|lcam legs snan| King Indra Bodhi and the Lady Legmin (A. 40). lci ba SANST adj. heavy. substantial, weighty: khyed kyi skyes dang bka' stsam lci ba des| in consequence of your weighty presents and requests; kha na ma tho ba lci ba a heavy deadly sin: gYang lci 1. light and heavy, i.e., gravity or weight. 2. dung, esp. of cattle; ba lci cowdung; lci ba skam po SANST dried dung of cattle, &c.; lci rlon fresh dung or droppings of cattle; lci ba'i phung po SANST heap of cow-dung (dung in general). lci mda' n. of a place in Tibet; lci mda' zam pa bridge at that place. lcig lcig slightly moving: 'bu srin la sogs pa chang 'gag gi spang ma bzhin lcag lcig yod pa la| moving as little worms and insects do, like grain, &c., in fermentation. lcid sometimes written for lci ba , heavy. lcibs 1. gloves (Sch.); tsha lcibs pot cloth (to take or lift up pots from fire); mig lcibs or an lcibs eye-lids that protect the eyes; mig gi lcibs thor stye in the eye; nya lcibs fish-gills. 2. acc. to J‰. contrivances to facilitate the handling of different objects, as the handles of pots and vessels; the handles, loops, etc., of knives, scissors, pincers, and other tools. 3. a shield: rtog pa'i mda' 'phangs dar dkar lcibs kyi phyung | the arrow of illusive thoughts having been flung, a white scarf came forth as a shield of protection. lcu ba v. gcu ba 3. lcug mdal creeping plant (Moon.). lcug pa SANST a supple branch; lcug gu the tender twig or the bend of a twig; lcag phran twigs of a plant or creeper. lcug ma a root-shoot of a willow or of a poplar-tree; a rod, switch; lcug lcug byed pa , to bud repeatedly (Cs.). lcugs soft, pliable, not hard or tough: rgyal po 'di lcugs pa tshad dmar 'dzin| (Hbrom. kha 30) the king being susceptible, was seized with red fever. lcung ka = skyung ka colloq. jackdaw. lcung mo thimble (J‰.). lcud pa v. gcud 3. lcum or lcum rtsa a plant, the stalks of which are used as a purgative (Cs.); lcum rtsas dug tshad snod tshad bad kan sbyong the root of lcum rtsa cures poison fever, uterus fever, and phlegm, &c. lcum dkar a white species of the above plant. lce SANST, SANST, SANST the tongue; lce rkyang ba to put forth, to stretch out the tongue. Also met. a tongue: gri lce the tongue or blade of a knife; lce 'bebs pa'i glog| a tongue or flash of lightning; me lce tongue of fire; lce kyigs the frenum of the tongue (Cs.). Syn. ro 'dzin ; ro shes ; ro myang ba ; bdud rtsi 'dzag ; bcud kyi ma ; ngag gi 'dab ma ; smra ba'i babs stegs ; ljags ; smra byed (Moon.). lce brgya pa lit. he with a hundred tonguesóepithet of Varuna, the god of the sea; the sea, the waves being so many tongues, &c. (Moon.). lce bsgril ba SANST to stretch out or wag the tongue, to grasp or twist it round a thing as the cow does. lce chung SANST uvula: lce chung 'babs inflammation of the uvula. lce gnyis pa 1. lit. the two tongued, i.e., snake or parrot. 2. double tongued, deceitful; lce gnyis byed pa to be double-tongued; to have double dealings. lce snying med met. a thunder-bolt (Moon.). lce theb or lce 'dra a fleshy excrescence below the tongue. (Cs.). (EEE the original has exerescence but this should be excrescence as above.) lce bde a nimble tongue; a babbler. lce phyung ste zas mi za not eating food by licking (a prohibition to monks). lce 'bar ba = 'bar 'bar burning flame = thog (Moon.). lce 'bigs = rgya tshwa sal-ammoniac (Moon.). lce 'bur eruption on the tongue. lce med (spal ba ) SANST lit. without tongue; a frog (which is supposed to have no tongue). lce myang tshwa alum. lce rtsa or lce'i rtsa ba SANST the root of the tongue: lce rtsa can SANST a letter a letter pronounced from the root of the tongue; the gutturals, viz., ka, kha, ga, nga, 'a, ha, aa; the visarga before ka and kha, and also ra,i and li, are called SANST; lce'i rtse mo the tip of the tongue: lce'i rtse mo can a letter sounded from the tip of the tongue. lce rtse gYo ba SANST 1. to loll out the tongue and move it to and fro. 2. fig. the fickle or changeable one. 3. an epithet of the goddess of fortune. lce gzhung SANST the middle of the tongue; lce bzhar SANST a tongue-scraper. lce'i skye mched SANST the organ of taste (M.V.). lceg a coat of mail for horse (Sch.). lceb pa SANST 1. to kill one's self; to commit suicide: khyed de tsam du lceb pa la thug na| "if, for even that, you kill yourself" (Hbrom. 124); lceb byas pa committed suicide. 2. used of insects that fly into the flame. lcog (gang pa'i ) 1. SANST a pot; SANST the arched roof of a house, a turret on a house-top, a pinnacle. 2. n. of an aquatic plant, Trapa bispinosa. lcog ga the swallow, but, according to some authors, the lark. lcog rtse resp. gsol lcog a small very low table on which food and drink are served in Tibet; lcog khebs a cover for such a table, table-cloth; rgya lcog Chinese or European table; mdun lcog 'fore-table,' one before an image of Buddha or of some deity for placing offerings on. lcog rtse la n. of a mountain in Tibet the top of which is flat like a table. lcog ras piece of cloth put over iron helmet worn in war-dance in Tibet. lcog la brag khung n. of a rock-cavern on Chogla pass in Tibet. lcogs pa or lcog pa I: 1. to be agitated, shaken; to tremble. 2. me tog mgo lcogs flower shaking, waving its head (J‰.). II: 1. vb. to be able: de ma lcogs na if (he) is not able (to do that); ji lcogs kyi as much as possible; to the utmost (J‰.). 2. adj. able; shed kyis mi lcogs pa| feeble (in strength) failing in strength, weak; rig pas mi lcogs pa| ignorant, poor in intelligence. lcong = spal lcong a frog in its first stage of development; a tadpole (J‰.). lcongs undulating; an un-even place. cha I: the letter cha, which is the aspirated ca, resembling the Sanskrit SANST in pronunciation, though acc. to Tib. Gram. = tsha. As num. fig. = 6; cha pa the volume marked with cha signifying the sixth volume. II: 1. a part or fraction; SANST share, portion, anything divided; opp. to the whole; thus, phyed cha one-half, gsum cha one third, bzhi cha one-fourth, and so on; brgya cha one hundredth part; stong gi cha one thousandth part; bang mdzod gsum cha gcig one-third of the treasury (or its contents); dbu'i cha tsam cig gser gyis ma long bar there being still wanting a portion of as much gold as would about equal his head (Glr.); nam gyi cha stod the first portion of the night; nam gyi cha snad the second, the last half of the night. cha gnyis bsre ba to put together two parts; rang cha one's own share. nang par snga ba'i cha the following day's first part, i.e., the following morning (Mil.); sa cha (lit. part of the earth) a piece of land; territory; country in general. 2. = zung a pair; lham cha gcig a pairs of boots; had cha gcig a pair of shoes. cha sgrig pa to pair, to match, to couple, to arrange in pairs or proportionately; cha mthun pa proportionate, similar. cha ma yin pa not forming a pair or match; unfit, improper, discordant. ngag gcog pa ni cha ma yin not obeying; will not to; is out of place (Ta. 110, 11; J‰.). III: 1. news, intelligence, word, sound; skad cha topic; gtam cha 'dri ba to ask any news; brag cha echo returned from a rock. 2. prospect, auspices: khyim cha prospects regarding the household; dgra cha prospects or expectations as to one's enemies. 3. = cha ga things; gos lus cha a complete suit of clothes for a person; rgyan cha ornaments or articles of adornment; dgos cha necessary things, requisites; mtshon cha weapons; yig cha articles of writing, deeds, documents; ras cha cloth; lag cha implements, utensils, &c. IV: SANST 1. a sixteenth part of the month (Bull. 1848, 295). 2. SANST a particle (Kalac. T. 7). cha dkar n. of a district in Lhokha, in Tibet. cha dkar srang n. of the junction of several public roads in Chakar, cha dkar du cha dkar srang gi bal in Chakar the wool (sold at) Chakar cross-roads. cha rkyen share of destiny, of fate (Sch.). cha ga ('dab or mtha' ) hem, edge, border; gos kyi cha ga = gos kyi mtha' the border or edge of a robe. cha ga 'debs pa = cha ga btab pa , (gos lta bu ) to put a fringe to a robe, to hem, to turn in (the edge of cloth). ga cha ma a dress with linings on the edge of the sleeve, etc. pho gos sngon po cha ga ma re la (the price) for each blue male robe with turned back borders. cha ga med pa robe with plain edge. cha ga pa locust; also a grasshopper: cha ga'i mgo yis byang dug 'joms the head of a grasshopper applied on the sting of a hornet; ('bu byang khra ) removes its poison. cha grum a square rug. cha 'grig a complete set or suit of any furniture or clothes. cha mkhan fortune-teller, soothsayer (Sch.). cha can SANST consisting of a pair, forming a pair. cha cho a thing homogeneous; matched (Sch.). cha 'jog pa to stick to, adhere to any work; to come to a conclusion on any matter; to arrive at a definite settlement. cha nyams SANST, SANST impaired, degenerated, fallen down, grown worse. cha gnyis SANST two parts; SANST both or a pair; colloq. two pairs. cha gnyis bsre ba to mix or mingle two equal parts. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "cha-gnis sre-wa" which is clearly an error.) cha snyoms or cha mnyam parts (without difference in size, number or quantity); cha tsam or cha 'dra tsam in part, in some measure; cha ma 'dra ba or cha ma mthun pa partly, not equal, differing a little; cha tsam shes kyang even if one knows but a little (J‰.); cha rdzogs being complete in every part, entire, integral (Sch.); cha mnyam pa adj. even. cha gter SANST the moon, that which shines in crescent parts. cha de for cha yod pa de . cha bdag skyes v. chang 3 wine. cha 'dra tsam v. cha snyoms 3. cha ldan SANST possessed of some share; fortunate. cha phra SANST a miser. cha ba I: = brgyan pa or bzhag pa SANST vb. to adorn, bedeck, wear (S. Lex.). + II: SANST to go away, to start, to leave (a place): sleb tu cha ba'i tshe when they were on the point of arriving; cha bar = 'gro bar to go, going (A. 138). cha bu ornament worn in the ears. cha byed 1. dress, clothing; mi sdug pa'i cha byed can shabbily dressed; poorly clad; ragged: cha byed 'di bzhin byas he was (in this manner) dressed. 2. implement, instrument (e.g., a musical instrument, a surgical instrument) also external appearance of animals (J‰.). cha ma mchis (it has no equal, not another like it to form a pair) matchless (D.R.). cha ma mthun pa v. cha snyoms 3. cha ma 'dra ba v. cha snyoms 3. cha med pa to be companionless; to be left alone; to be without an equal. cha med gtam = ngam 'chal nonsense; irrelevant speech (Moon.). cha tse is said to be a Chinese word; = kha sten or tshig sten . cha tsam v. cha snyoms 3. cha tshang complete in all its parts; complete suit of ornament, dress, &c. cha tshad v. chag chad 3. cha tshan species, division, class (Sch.). cha tshogs (grangs ) n. of large number. cha mdzes SANST symmetrical. cha 'dzin pa 1. to select from among many; to pick one out of a number (for identification). 2. = rol mo a pair of cymbals. cha rdzogs v. cha snyoms 3. cha bzhag pa to rely or depend upon, to confide in; sbst. trust, confidence: gtam de la cha bzhag yod na if that information is reliable. To adhere, cling to; to follow, obey (laws): sangs rgyas kyi bka' la cha bzhag they adhere to the words of Buddha; rgyal po'i bka' la cha bzhag pa to obey the king's commands. cha yi rtse = yang rtse sublime. cha ra also mon cha ra Himalayan oak with pointed, ever-green leaves, a tree inferior to the English oak; cha ra phre'u the stunted or dwarf species of oak. cha ri = cha li or cha lu a coarse blanket made of yak's hair (J‰.). cha ri si nya ga a steel-yard. cha ru a peg to which to fix the ropes of a tent. cha lag = lag cha implements required for carrying on business. cha lang or spub chal pair of cymbals. cha lam = ha lam some; for the most part; rather. cha li v. cha ri 3. cha lu v. cha ri 3. cha lugs SANST (A. K. 1, 38) appearance, clothing, costume; colloq. artificial badge or mark of distinction. cha lugs ngan pa SANST disfigured; of bad dress. cha lugs mdzes pa finely dress; elegant manner of dressing. cha shas SANST, SANST, SANST shape; part, portion, share; lus kyi cha shas a part of the body, a limb; also shape of the body. cha shas ngan pa = cung zad ngan pa slightly bad; also of bad shape or parts. cha shas mche rtsig (ri ) SANST hill; heaved-up portion of the earth. (EEE note the discrepancy between the Tibetan of the headword and the form suggested by the transliteration in the original, cha shas mche gtsig .) cha shas 'phrog pa SANST a sharer. cha shas byed SANST particles. cha shas sbyang pa = gser , (sa ris rtsis kyi cha shas sbyang ba ) SANST gold. cha srol = lugs srol custom, usage. cha bsags pa lit. many parts or particles accumulated together (sa gzhi dang ri'i ming rdul gyi cha bsags pa ) 1. a term signifying the earth; a mountain. 2. SANST the capital of the fabulous Sambhala. cha har Chahar, n. of a Mongol tribe. chag 1. gram or other grain for horses, &c. chag phad the bag containing grain which is tied to the mouth of a horse or donkey from which it eats. chag gzhong trough, manger, crib (J‰.). 2. the fourth finger (Med.). 3. resp. for shoe, also for phyag lham . 4. = chag phebs pa incorrectly for phyag phebs pa signifying welcome (J‰.). 5. chag gang prob. for phyag gang the breadth of a fist. chag krum piece, fragment; chag krum la song it has gone to pieces (J‰.). chag skya ba (Sch.) having only one purpose, pursuing but one aim; unremitting, indefatigable. chag khongs = 'khor chag a basket for measuring grain. chag ga chog ge for phyag ga phyog ge things mixed up or thrown together. chag rgyag pa to doubt (Sch.). chag chag I: 1. with byed pa or 'debs pa to sprinkle: khang pa'i nang phyag rang rang chag chag byas te| having swept and sprinkled the inside of the house. chag chag legs par btab pa SANST well bathed or washed, also to cleanse a house or road with water. 2. chag chag gdab pa to starch, to stiffen (Sch.). 3. in W. to tread, to trample, e.g., the narrow path or furrows between garden beds. 4. to clap the hands (J‰.). II: colloq. anything broken. sder ma chag chag broken dish or plate. chag chad rent, break, rupture (Sch.). chag dum fragment, scrap, bit. chag 'ding doubtful, incredible (Sch.). chag pa 1. a large bunch of flower, ears of corn, etc. 2. pf. of 'chag pa broken; ma chags pa and esp. adv. ma chags par also chag med pa uninterrupted, unremitting, (J‰.); rgyun ma chag par without interruption; without breaking the continuity or course; gas chag med without a crack, flaw, or chink. 3. lam chag pa v. 'chag pa 3 II: chag shing wooden splint for a broken limb (W.) (J‰.). Syn. zhig pa ; 'thor ba (Moon.). chag po a broken vessel, pot, etc.; tsel chag po a broken dosser or pannier (J‰.). chag phad the bag containing grain tied to the mouth of a horse from which it eats. chag phebs for phyag phebs welcome. chag bu diminutive of chag pa a little bunch. chag brom in W. colloq. "chak-rum" ice. chag mo bunch; 'bras bu chag mo a fruit growing in clusters, like the grapes of the vine, the berries of the elder (W.) (J‰.). chag tse a small grain, e.g., of ground grits; chag tse can granulous (W.) (J‰.). chag tshang pa = thab kha pa or ma chen a cook (Moon.). chag tshad or cha tshad (Sch.). the right measure; dug ster chag tshad a sufficient quantity of poison administered to a person (Med.; J‰.). chag gzhong v. chag 3. chag lo n. of a celebrated lama of Tibet. chag lo mtsho dkyil yod par bzhed pa it was asserted that Chag Lo-tsa-wa had been into the middle of the lake (Ya-sel. 33). chag shing v. chag pa 3. chags pa I: 1. to be fond of to be attached to, to love; bu mo la chags pa to love a girl; skyes pa dang na chung gcig chags pa the mutual affection between a man and a maiden; yid la chags pa'i bu mo rnams my dearly beloved daughters (Pth.). 2. to cling to, e.g., lus dang srog la chags pa to body and to life; yul la to one's home, to one's native country; often to suffer oneself to be enticed by a thing, to indulge in; chags par mi bya 'jigs par mi bya ste allowing neither desire nor fear to have any influence upon himself (S. Lam., also J‰.). II: vb. 1. to be begotten, produced; ma chags pa not produced in the usual way of propagation, but rdzus te skyes pa , or lhun gyis grub pa (Pth.); frq. mngal du chags pa to be produced in the womb, as the fútus is; hence chags in compounds = animal; 'dab chags bird; gshog chags winged animal; srog chags living being. 2. to arise, spring up, originate, come forth; to come to light, to appear: sa gzhi la chags pa the growth or founding of (towns, monasteries, institutions, etc.) on the earth; zas la bcud chags pa the causing of nutrition in food; mi la nor chags pa the accumulation or growth of fortune to a person; shing la kham bu chags byung apricots had sprung forth on the tree; rab tu chags pa = rab tu 'byung ba to become a cleric; chags rab genesis, history of the beginning esp. of the world; chags tshul manner of being produced, peopled: thog chen po drug nam mkha' la chags 'dug pa mthong | I saw six large pinnacles appearing in the sky. III: 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST sbst. love, lust, passion for, affection, attachment: chags pa skyes so| he fell in love (Dzl.); chags pa od pa = 'khrig pa od pa to copulate: chags pa med na 'khor ba med if there is no attachment, there cannot be any transmigratory existence (D.R.). 2. SANST greed for gain, acquisitiveness. 'dod yon la sems chags the mind runs after the objects of desire. 3. formation, congelation, agglutination; khyags pa chags ice formed on water; chags pa med pa SANST without any covering, formation of film. chags pa'i bskal pa SANST the age when worlds are formed. chags skyod byed pa SANST the act of affecting or agitating the heart or producing sensation of pleasure in it. chags 'khri SANST fig. the creeping plant of love which entwines. chags sgo extenuation of fault; nyes pa can la chags sgo dang bug pa can la lhan pa to shield the faulty and to put a patch or lid over the place (hollow). chags can prov. SANST. 1. time in music. 2. passionate, lustful. chags chen ma SANST, SANST a musical air; a wife; young woman. chags 'joms one who has subdued his passions, a general epithet of Buddha (Moon.). chags gtam amorous conversation. Syn. 'khrig tshig ; chags tshig ; 'dod gtam (Moon.). chags rtags pa to remain for a long time at one place. chags ldan ma SANST a lustful woman. chags sdang passion for; passionate attachment. chags pa'i rgyal mtshan the male organ or penis. chags pa'i gdon can ma = bud med 'dod ldan ma a lustful woman (Moon.). chags par gyur pa SANST lovely, fascinating, charming. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "chags-par hgyur-pa" which would make the headword chags par 'gyur pa .) chags pas myos pa = 'dod pas dregs pa intoxicated with love or desire for any object (Moon.). chags od = 'khrig pa copulation; fornication. chags bya SANST an object of attachment; that which has been affected with love. chags byed or chags byed 'od dkar SANST an epithet of the moon (Moon.). chags bral * SANST, without attachment (Kalac. T. 3). chags bral can SANST one who is free from passion or attachment. chags tshig = chags gtam or 'dod gtam amorous conversation; talk of love. chags zhen hankering after wealth or worldly objects. chags zad SANST passionless, attachment exhausted. chang SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST fermented liquor, whether beer or wine. chang gi dbye ba different sorts of beer or wine:- 'bru chang beer from corn; nang chang barley-brewed ale; 'bras chang white rice beer; bu ram chang treacle beer; sbrang rtsi chang wine of honey, pulse, mead; me tog chang wine of certain flowers such as the SANST of Magadha; shing shun chang wine from certain barks of trees such as cinnamon; sdong bcud chang fermented juice of certain trees; rus chang beer of bones; slong chang proposal-wine, i.e., wine sent as a present to negotiate for the marriage of a girl; snan chang medicinal wine; rgun chang wine from grapes; dar ba'i chang wine of whey or curds; bsu chang present of wine sent for the reception of a guest or friend or an official; aa rag arrack or spirit. Syn. yongs 'bab ; cha bdag skyes ; dpa' mo ; lha min nying khu ; stobs bzang ; dga' ma ; bshol ldan mnyes ; myos byed ; dga' byed ; myos 'gyur ; dri mchog ; dri rab ; spos ngad ldan ; chu ma ; bshol ma ; mchog ldan ma ; ca co byed ; yongs su thobs ; gnod sbyin chang ; hA lAa (Moon.). chang skyogs SANST goblet for wine; also ladle to help wine. chang khang pot-house, tavern, place where wine and beer are sold. chang khyu 'tshog + khu tshur gyis brdung ba to beat with the clenched hand or fist. chang gi nying khu = nur rtsi or nying khu spirit; bdud rtsi snying po essence of nectar. chang gi phya dar the place where boiled barley, rice, etc. after being mixed with yeast, is spread for fermentation. chang gis gYengs to be drunk. chang gral the order or row of seats at a carnival. chang 'gag = chang snod vessel for keeping wine. chang rgyu the substance of which beer or wine is made. chang chung in colloq. = chang nge chung nge some few, also miscellaneous; acc. to Sch. a little. chang chem can an intoxicated person. chang nyams = met. thog (Moon.). chang rnying = chang rgan in Sikk. old beer or wine. chang bsnyal intoxicated. chang tig vessel for measuring wine. chang thub + a drinking being, i.e., one subject to decay and destruction. chang dad can a drunkard, tippler: chang dad che ba'i khyo ga 'chal po dang |khyo dad che ba'i bud med 'chal mo gnyis|khyom gcig nang du 'dzom na 'grig pa min| a husband of intemperate habits and an immoral wife can have no harmony if they dwell together in one home. chang dod silver or other articles with which wine or beer is exchanged. chang dregs or chang gis dregs pa = chang gis myos pa intoxication (Moon.). chang 'don = chang snod wine glass or cup (in Sikk.). chang gnas or chang 'thung gnas a place of drinking; grog-shop. chang pa stong ba erroneously written for 'chang pa stong pa SANST; lit. open fist, or an empty hand; fig. nothing to give in charity to the poor. chang spags dough of barley soaked in beer. chang phud the first distillation of wineóthe best beer or wine. chang phog allowance in beer. chang bu described in rtsam pa brdzis pa spar mor bcangs nas sor mo'i par 'don pa de ni 'byung po rnams ster bya yin| the dough of barley-flour squeezed or pressed within the hand and coming out between the fingers is given to the ghosts. Syn. rdog pa ; changs pa (Moon.). chang ma v. chang 'tshong ma 3 (Moon.) a woman selling wine. chang mal grog-shop, tavern. chang rtsi dry barm, less, yeast (of beer). chang tshang grog-shop; chang tshang las 'ongs pa come or coming from a grog-shop. Syn. chang mal ; chang khang (Moon.). chang tshang las 'ong ba a drunkard; one who is just coming out of a grog-shop. chang 'tshong ma barmaid. Syn. myos byed 'tshong ; chang ma ; chang byed ma (Moon.). chang 'tshong ma'i khang pa SANST lit. wine-selling woman's house. chang zas roast meat taken at the time of drinking. chang bzung for 'chang bzung SANST closed hand, fist. chang gYos or chang gis gYos SANST parched rice, barley, &c. taken with wine. chang ra SANST abbr. of chang and aa rag , beer and arrack; a drinking party. chang sa 1. a beer-house. 2. beer carousal: chang sa chen po byed pa to give or arrange for a great beer-drinking party. changs pa v. chang bu 3. chad I: time; phyin chad in after time, henceforth; sngon chad formerly, heretofore. II: 1. special promise, agreement or engagement; chad 'bul special presentation, special request, compliments at the commencement of a letter. kha chad oral, verbal engagement; lag chad pledge of faith by the hand (J‰.). 2. in compounds for chad pa punishment; lus chad corporeal punishment. chad don or kha chad a promise, contract; chad don byed pa to give a promise, make a contract; gtong ba'i chad don byed pa to agree about giving; chad don ltar byed pa to keep, fulfil, a promise. chad mdo or kha chad the purport or the main object; a promise or contract. chad pa I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. to open, to separate, liberate; to give out. 2. to promise, bind one's self. Syn. phyed ma ; dbye ba (Moon.). II: sbst. resp. bka' chad SANST, SANST punishment; lus chad corporeal punishment; fig. punishment with the rod. rgyal po'i chad pa king's punishment, i.e., punishment that the law inflicts on any person. ngal chad punished with fatigue, worn out. chad pa can = bca' can SANST, SANST a convict; one who has been convicted of an offence. chad pa'i tshar gcad pa or chad pas gcod pa SANST to convict, to sentence, to punish. Syn. dbyug pa . III: vb. to be descended from; to be born of or with; gen. with las or nas . chad pa sog pa to award punishment, to punish in any way. chad bas bcad pa to be visited with punishment. chad po 1. rent, torn, worn-out, ragged, tattered (J‰.). 2. a limited time, a term (Sch.). chad yig a written contract: chad mal gyi yi ge id. (Glr.; J‰.). chad lus pa not to obtain the things hoped for, to be disappointed (Sch.). chad so or chad sor = chad gsab 1. a limited time, a term. 2. a time-purchase (Sch.). 3. an agreement (Ta.; J‰.). chan I: (dpe la chan lta bu ) SANST a marginal note or foot-note to explain the meaning of a term or expression in the text. II: soap, mash, pulp, etc.; 'bras can rice-pap; nas chan barley-pap (J‰.). chan gri = tshem gri (lit. a tailor's knife); SANST a pair of scissors. chan pa = 'tshem gri scissors, shears: dge slong gi skra chan pas 'breg par mi bya'o| (K. d. tha 106) the hair of a gelong should not be cropped with scissors. chab I: [resp. and eleg. for chu ] water, in any form; but never used like chu to signify a river. dri chab scented water. snga chab or phyi chab water which at the beginning and close of religious meetings in the larger monasteries is passed round, and of which every one present takes a few drops on his tongue, as a symbol of purification in the place of full ablutions. an chab tears; zhal chab spittle; chab gsang urine. II: power, dominion, sway; chab 'og under one's sway: chab 'og tu bsdu ba to bring or collect under one's power or sway. chag rkyan brass can, brass teapot with a long spout for pouring out tea (J‰.). chab skya = dar ba whey. chab khung urinal, a privy. chab sgo door; chab sgo ba = sgo rag pa a door keeper. chab gtor = chu gtor SANST oblations to the dead; water religiously offered to quench the thirst of Yidag or Preta in the SANST. chag nag n. of an monastery in Kong-po in Eastern Tib. chab brom ice (J‰.). chab 'bangs = 'khor gYog SANST a servant; a subject; one owing allegiance. chab blug 1. a spittle pot. 2. acc. to J‰. a vessel for rinsing one's mouth with water. chab ma lid, valve; chab rtse or chab tse buckle, clasp. chab mig = chu mig a fountain, spring. chab rtse v. chab ma 3. chab tshod (lit. water-measure for time) a watch, a clock. chab gzhug a bath; also the bathing festival of the Tibetans in August and September. chab 'og pa a vassal, a subject; chab 'og gi rgyal po a vassal king, feudal chief. chab ril the vessel of consecrated water passed to monks of a congregation before dispersing. chab ril pa one who passes through water, v. chag brom 3. chab rom = chu 'khyags pa ice, frozen water. chab shog = bka' shog eleg. for an official letter, a diploma, etc. chab ser eleg. for chu ser matter, pus. chab srid + = rgyal srid dominion, kingdom, territory. chab gsang urine; chab gsang btang ba to make water. chab gsil ba to discharge urine, make water (Oag.). chabs cig + = lhan cig or mnyam du SANST, SANST together with, all together. cham headlong, full length; also completely, utterly. cham du + = gtan du always, continually; cham du 'bebs pa pouring continually. cham pa SANST a cold or catarrh; gre cham bronchial catarrh; glo cham catarrh in the lungs; sna cham nose cold (cold in the head); rims cham influenza. chams bzhag = cam bzhag , btang snyoms su bzhag pa| to be in a tranquil state; colloq. to keep quiet mi mthun pa rnams chams bzhag nas jo bo'i gsung bzhin mdzad pas| (A. 119) those who did not assent keeping quiet: it was effected according to the precepts of the lord (Atisa). char or char pa SANST rain. Syn. sprin bcud ; sbrang char ; chu'i sa bon ; sprin gyi me tog ; mkha' las bab ; rlung gi 'bras bu ; rgyun bab ; dgung char ; gru char ; lo tog gnyen (Moon.). char skyibs a shelter, pent roof, protection from rain. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "char-skyib", but the headword as shown is the usually accepted spelling.) char skyes SANST lit. rain-born; met. a frog. char skyob 1. protection against rain, also opp. to tshad skyob protection against heat (of the sun). 2. = gdugs an umbrella (Moon.). char skyor undecided (case or disputes). char khebs cover or dress for protection against rain, rain-cloak. char gyang , 'bras so ba'i char gyang rim pa gsum tsam re babs (Ya-sel. 33). char gyi zegs ma = char zil . char dga' lit. that delights in rains, khug rta (Moon.). char rgyun SANST incessant rain. char can 1. = char ldan . 2. lugs srol custom, usage (W.). 3. n. of a hero SANST (Baladeva) (Lex.). char bcug pa SANST; byed du bcug pa made to be done or worked out. char ches for char pa chen po . char gtogs pa v. cha 3, included in the division of; = khongs su gtogs pa or phyogs su gtogs pa . char ston met. the swallow. char dus the rainy season. char drag pa SANST lit. heavy rain; the month of heavy rains, corresponding with July. Syn. drag bab ; yongs lhung ; rgyun bab tsha (Moon.). char rdul = char zil . char ldan rainy; char ldan sprin dang dbyer dus la'o| in the summer season are rain clouds (Moon.). char sna rlung khrid an idiomatic expression signifying guided; lit. as wind leads the rain. char pa v. char 3. char sprin SANST rain-cloud; char sprin can cloud containing rain. char phobs SANST to cause rain. char 'bab mkhas pa SANST gen. a Tantrik lama; lit. one who is skilled in bringing down rain (by the efficacy of his charms). char 'bebs or char pa 'bebs SANST, SANST that causes rain; rain-cloud. char 'bebs grong 'joms an epithet of Indra (Moon.). char med thon pa = steng 'bar drought, rainlessness. char zhod good and beneficial rain: 'di lo char zhod legs par babs this year rain has copiously fallen. char zhod che stabs (idiomatic phrase) a matter of great importance. char zil rain drop, rain particles or drops. Syn. char rdul ; chu yi zegs ma ; rgyun gyi myu gu ; chu yi zer ; chu rdul ; char gyi zegs ma (Moon.). char bzang 'bebs pa * SANST n. pr. (Ta. 2, 271). char gYogs = char khebs house; cover or dress for protection against rain. char len the coping or water-tile of a wall (Cs.). chal resp. sku chal belly, abdomen (Cs.). chal chal the sound of falling oars. chal chil wavering, fluctuating (Sch.). chal chol v. 'chal 'chol 3 or 3'chal le 'chol le 3. chal du bkrams pa SANST scattered, strewn over, fully spread, wide-spread. chal mar brdal ba (vb. a.) to spread equally, uniformly. chas 1. thing; tool; requisite, etc.: bag mar rdzong ba'i chas things to be given to a bride as dowry; lcags chas iron tools or utensils; lto chas food; dmag chas military stores, requisites for war; 'tsho chas provisions; lag chas tools, instrument. 2. dress, garment; pho chas man's dress. 3. in a more general sense: appearance, form, shape: bud med kyi chas su bya ste appearance, form, shape: bud med kyi chas su bya ste appearing in the guise of a woman; hor chas byed he puts on a Tartar dress; bu mo'i chas su zhugs he has assumed a girl's dress; disguised himself as a girl. chas ka or chas kha SANST one's property, resources, requisites; all that one possesses or requires for his use. chas sgy ur ba to put on, to assume another's dress. chas chod SANST, SANST, v. brnyes pa 3. chas pa [originally the pf. of cha ba but always used as a separate vb.] 1. to set forth, depart: chas dgos par as it is necessary to depart (Thgy.); bod du chas so| they set out for Tibet (Glr.); dus gcig tu chas so| they departed together (Dzl.); chas su 'jag pa to send away, dispatch. 2. to prepare for, set about, to start; gsod par chas they started killing; 'gre bar chas pa las having made arrangements to depart (Dzl.): da phyir 'dong ngo zhes chas pas 'now we will return' they said, and they made preparations (Dzl.; J‰.). chas bzo = lus chas a full suit of clothes (for the body). chi num. fig. 36. chi ga in W. wallet, knap-sack (J‰.). chi li li onomatopoetic word for snuffing up scent by the nose; zhim zhim dri ma che li li khyer (Cs.). snuffing sweet odours that are borne; me tog dri ma che li li the perfumes of flowers are perceptible (Mil.; J‰.). chig used for gcig as the first part of compound numbers:- chig bcu 10; chig brgya 100; chig stong 1,000; chig khri a myriad, etc. chig rkyang acc. to Schtr. separate, single, one alone. chig rgyu nyis spun a kind of blanket in the weaving of which one longitudinal thread is crossed by two. chig thub pa 1. to be able to do a thing alone. 2. n. of a plant used in medicine (J‰.). chig dril rolled, wrapped, packed up in one parcel or bundle (Sch.). chig lab byed pa to talk to one's self, to hold a soliloquy (Schtr.). chig shad one stroke, or stop: don rdzogs tshigs bcad kyi mthar chag shad bya| at the close of each line of a verse (forming a sentence), put one stroke, i.e., full stop (Situ.). chings v. 'ching ba 3 SANST, that which binds. chings lnga the five binding things:- (1) khog dbug stong thun gyi chings (2) sa dpyad rnam 'byed kyi chings (3) 'brel pa 'bru 'grel gyi chings (4) bstus don gyi chings (5) lag len man ngag gi chings (Sman.). chid pa v. phyid pa 3. (EEE The original mistakenly has phyid ba for the look-up reference.) chib pa + 1. khyab pa SANST encompassing, covering all. 2. acc. to Sch. equal, uniform, suitable. chibs or chibs pa resp. term for rta a horse; generally a riding horse; saddle horse; chibs la 'chib pa riding on a horse, to get on horse-back; chibs las gzhol ba to dismount: chibs gzhol la gnang (C.) I beg you to dismount; khyed kyi chibs su 'bul I give it you for a riding horse (J‰.). chibs bskyod gnang ba (lit. to ride on a horse) = chibs bsgy ur gnang ba to start for a journey, to go to a place. chibs kha 'khrid pa = chibs kha bsgy ur ba to lead a horse by the bridle (Sch.). chibs kha thub pa to have the command of the bridle; fig. to be expert in ruling. chibs sga resp. for sga saddle. chibs lnga ldan also called sngags ldan , the horse on which Gautama Buddha used to ride. chibs lcag resp. a whip. chibs chas a horse's furniture, harness; (Cs.) the equipments of a horse. chibs chen a charger; the best horse in the stable. chibs rta a riding horse of a great man. chibs thur horse's head-piece. chibs dpon chief groom. chir á from the Hindi SANST, chintz. chil sgrog v. chu gnyer 3. chu I: num. fig. 66. II: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, &c. 1. water, the universal and common term in all senses. 2. a river; the general term. Syn. gtung bya ; gtung byed ; sgo kun 'gro ; sprin gyi me tog ; sprin gyi bcud ; dag byed ; ngan sel ; 'bru phan ; sprin gyi myu gu ; thur bgrod ; kun 'gro (Moon.). chu klung SANST a river is a term often occurring in books, but rarely in conversation. chu klung sna tshogs kyi ming the names of various rivers both real and mythical which occur in the sacred books of Tibet and according to Buddhistic geography:- (1) zab mo'i chu , (2) rab tu dang ba'i chu , (3) gtsang ba'i chu , (4) 'o ma'i chu , (5) rgyun 'bru'i chu , (6) zla ba rgyu ba , (7) 'o thug gi 'dam , (8) gram sag gi chu , (9) ngang ngur gyis gang ba , (10) ngang pa kun tu sgra 'byin pa , (11) dbyangs snyan pa , (12) sems 'gro ba , (13) 'u ru ru'i sgras 'bab pa , (14) rlabs 'byung ba ; (15) bde ba'i chu , (16) ka dam pa 'khod pa nyid , 17) nor bu'i mchu can rnams kyis 'dzin pa , (18) chu srin kurma mang ba nyid , (19) nya ro hi 'khor ba , (20) rus spal gyis gang ba ; (21) chu srin na kras bskor ba , (22) yid bde bar 'bab ba , (23) dbu ba'i phreng ba , (24) rab tu dga' bar gyur ba'i chu , (25) rlung mtshungs pa , (26) char dang char gyi rjes su 'byung ba'i chu klung , (27) dbyangs can gyi mdog tu 'bab pa , (28) dus su 'bab pa , (29) ring pa , (30) rtse mo'i ngang , (31) gser gyi chu , (32) dngul gyi mdog , (33) mu tig gi bye ma ldan pa , (34) ri bo la rgyu ba , (35) sprin 'khor ba , (36) mu sAa ra gal pa rgyan du byas pa (37) bi dru ma'i shing dang ldan pa , (38) dpyid dga' ba , (39) dbyar sprin rab tu dang ba'i chu 'bab pa ; (40) rtse mo 'jug par dga' ba , (41) gangs yod pa ; (42) nyi ma shar ba gyur pas mi reg pa , (43) myur ba'i chu , (44) rlabs rab tu 'jug pa , (45) aa tu pAa , (46) tsu lun da 'bab ba , (47) dri'i chu , (48) ke ta ka'i dris bsgos pa , (49) dbyar dga' ba , (50) Z‡na Z‡ mAa rAa , (51) nye 'khor na khyab pa , (52) dpag med pa 'bab pa , (53) rgyab nas klung kun tu gang rab tu 'bab pa , (54) dma' ba'i chu , (55) dga' bas 'jug pa , (56) sngon gyi du ba'i stobs , (57) sprin gyi 'gros , (58) dri za'i dbyangs can , (59) rnga'i sgra'i dbyangs can , (60) skad kyi dbyangs can , (61) klu yi bu mo mngon par dga' ba , (62) rig pa 'dzin pa rtse dga' bas gnas pa (K. d. ra 298). chu klung skyes rgyal byed shing gi ming n. of a tree called SANST [Sesbania ∆gyptiaca]S. chu klung mgon the lord of rivers. chu klung can a place which is intersected by streams, or where there are many rivulets. chu klung dag pa SANST lit. purified by bathing in a river; a Tirthika. chu klung bdag SANST the lord of rivers; the ocean. chu klung dmar SANST the red river, i.e., the river Sone. chu klung mtsho (mtho ris kyi mtsho ) the wide expanse of the heaven; an imaginary lake in heaven; the sea. chu klong the main, deeper channel of a river, v. klong 3. chu dkyil chu gzhung the middle of a river. chu rkyal a leather bag for water, a moshug (Cs.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "chu-rgyal" which is clearly in error.) chu skad the voice of water, the sound of rushing water. chu bskol pa boiled water, boiling water. chu skor or rang thag chu skor water-mill, i.e., self-grinding mill. chu skya = dar ba whey. chu skyar SANST a species of water fowlóthe spoon bill. Syn. nya 'bigs byed ; rgyal byed ; rkang gcig pa ; gangs spal ; mdza' mo ; chu can (Moon.). chu skyur 1. the bittern. 2. also n. of a plant. 3. acidulous mineral waters. 4. vinegar (J‰.). chu skyes SANST, SANST, SANST 1. lit. the water-born, the lotus. 2. the moon, the planets Neptune and Venus. chu skyes dkar SANST the white lotus. chu skyes sngon po SANST the blue lotus. chu skyes mngal SANST, SANST; = tshangs pa chen the great Brahma. chu skyes can SANST pond where lotuses grow. chu skyes bdag SANST the lord of the lotus, the sun. chu skyes rtsa ba SANST the white tuberous root of the lotus. chu skyod SANST met. the neck. chu khug a creek; bay, gulf. chu khur tu 'dzin SANST [1. "that which holds clouds," i.e., the sky. 2. "having clouds for a vehicle," an epithet of Indra]S. chu 'khur met. sprin pa cloud. chu khebs = char khebs cloak worn for protection against rain. chu khol [1. boiled water. 2. SANST the Hilsa or sable fish]S. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "ehu-khol" which is clearly in error.) chu 'khor SANST, SANST, SANST a whirlpool, an eddy. ["a water-goer," i.e., a heron or a leech]S. Syn. klong 'khor ; 'khyim pa ; zeg ma'i lte ; chu yi 'khor lo ; 'khor chu (Moon.). chu 'khor ba the turning of a water-mill. chu 'khyags ice, frozen water. Syn. chab rom ; 'khyag pa . chu 'khyil puddle, pool. chu 'khyogs pa SANST any tortuous or meandering river. chu 'khri shing = chu'i rba rlabs a wave. chu mkhris SANST water and bile ["the bile of water," i.e. fire]S. chu 'khrug = chu'i rba rlabs a wave; ruffle on the surface of water. chu gang full of water. chu gri SANST a small knife; acc. to Schr. razor. chu grog acc. to Sch. 1. rivulet, brook. 2. dish-water, rinsings (J‰.). chu glang nag po or chu glang nag po = rwa co can sdig pa rwa co (Sman. 108). chu gling SANST any islet in a river. chu mgrin can = chu srin SANST; SANST said to be the crocodile. chu mgo source or head of a river, a feeding spring. chu 'gags pa SANST stoppage or retention of urine. chu 'go rta ring one of the thirty-seven holy places of the Bon (G. Bon. 38). chu rgyan SANST the ornament of the water, i.e., the lotus flower. chu rgyun SANST the current or flow of a river. chu rgyus SANST sinews, ligaments and nerves; chu rtsa gland. chu sgang a blister. chu sgong the water-egg, po. for the moon which (mythologically) sprung out of the great ocean. chu sgra the murmur of a stream. chu bsgy ur ba = chu kha bsgy ur ba the change of the course of a river. chu ngan lam bzhugs = srol ngan pa byung ba (idiomatic expression) the introduction of a bad custom; following a bad usage. chu ngogs bank of a river or lake; pha rol ngogs the opposite side or bank, called also yur ba and chu rol ngogs this side of the river; bye ma ngogs sandy bank; bye thang sandy plain on the side or margin of a river. chu rngams = chu'i rba rlabs a wave (Moon.). chu bcud = lan tshwa table salt. chu lcag SANST water streaming down from rock [the tree Barringtonia acutangula]S. chu chag grain or grass, &c., given to cattle mixed with water. chu chu = la chu rhubarb; chu rtsa its root is used as dye and laxative in Tibet. chu chung du (chu stod kyi zla ba ) the sixth month of the Tibetan calendar, i.e., July. chu chung nI la (nor bu ) precious stone, a gem of fabulous properties like chu snying containing the essence of water, the finest pebble or crystal. chu nyal also chu nyog SANST a tank. chu nyung v. khug rta 3 SANST the swallow. chu nyul ba * = bul ba or 'gor ba . chu gnyer wavelets or ripples in water. Syn. mtshar gYo ; chil sgrol ; khrem gnyer ; rlabs kyi ri mo (Moon.). chu mnyam pa n. of fabulous sea situated beyond the ocean called klu'i dug bcom ; lit. (cure against snake-poison) (K. d. ra 335). chu rnyog ma can turbid or muddy water. Syn. ldam bu ; mi angs ; rnyog ma can ; 'dam rdzab ; 'byin ; 'jim pa (Moon.). (EEE In the list of synonyms, the Tibetan entry 'byin that appears in the original should be 'byin byed according to the transliteration that goes with it. (EEE In the synonyms, the original has mi dngas for mi angs , which is common spelling error.) chu snying 1. a precious stone; believed to possess fabulous properties such as the power of keeping off fire, and the effects of thunder and lightning. 2. salt. chu gting thung ba shallow water. Syn. gting gzhal nus ; sa le ba ; mi zab pa (Moon.). chu gting zab pa deep water. Syn. gting med ; zab ; gting dpag dka' ; 'og gzhi mi rig ; rab med (Moon.). chu gter * rgya mtsho chen po SANST the ocean; also symb. the number four (Rtsi.). chu gter mu khyud SANST an island. (EEE The original gives the Tibetan headword as chu gter mu khyad but the transliteration "chu-gter mu-khyud" is correct and the headword above has been changed accordingly.) chu gter zur * SANST a creek of the sea (Kalac. T. 135). chu rta mo n. of a medicinal plant called stag sha (Sman. 258). chu steng sbyin SANST the water-lily. chu stod SANST the month of July. chu stod kyis nya ba SANST the full moon of July. chu stod skar ma the constellation bre chu lha ldan ma SANST; SANST (Rtsi.). chu stod skyes (bza' mig dmar ) SANST the planet Mars. chu thags SANST water-mill. chu thig SANST drop of water, water-drop. chu thogs pa SANST to bathe in water. chu mtha' or chu mtha' rgya che ba the broad side or bank of a river. chu mthongs = nam mkha' . chu 'thor = chu'i zegs ma particles of water. chu 'thor gtam speaking and spitting together. chu 'thor ba SANST to sprinkle. Syn. chu sgrogs ; chur 'jug ; chu'i 'dab chags . chu dang zheng du ldan pa SANST a long wide river. chu dar a small prayer-flag stuck on the bank of a river, in order to avert inundations (J‰.). chu dug acc. to Sch. hemlock. chu bdag or chu yi bdag = chu lha the god of water (Moon.); also a fox. chu bdag skyes = chang dngos alcohol (Moon.). chu dro 'jam SANST tepid water, slightly warm water. chu dron or chu dron ma SANST hot or warm water. chu mda' a jet of water. chu mdo confluence of rivers. chu 'dod = skoms pa or kha skoms (Moon.) thirst; also thirsty. chu 'dren SANST lit. that draws water; a cloud. chu rdugs khyer water-fright; cattle being confounded by fright while crossing a river. chu rdul v. char zil 3 particles of water or rain drops (Moon.). chu rdo rounded pebbles found in brooks; a kind of crystal. chu rdo grang mo cool crystal (used for spectacles) (chu rdo grang mo'i dugs kyis khrag gzer 'joms ). chu ldur (rta'i chu rtsam ) flour and water mixed up together as the food of horses. chu ning years ago. chu rnag matter, pus (Sch.). chu phug a cavern in a rock at the head of a river or brook. chu phyag pa (lit. one who sweeps over water), i.e., a ferry-man (J‰.). chu phran a little river, a brook. chu 'phrad pa SANST a rudder, or a large oar used as such. chu ba a large gland of which there are sixteen acc. to Tibetan anatomy (J‰.). chu ba ldog pa a contraction of the sinews (Cs.). chu ban jug; water-pot. Syn. chu snod ; chu rdza ; nor bu can ; snod po che ; chu bum (Moon.). chu bal SANST, SANST, SANST water moss. chu bun white paint for the face. (Sch.). chu bum = chu ban 3. chu bur = chu'i lbu ba SANST (Moon.) 1. bubbles of water, also froth. 2. watery eruptions on the skin, vesicles, blister, occasioned by a burn. 3. acc. to J‰. boil, ulcer, abscess. chu bar can SANST n. of one of the cold hells. 2. acc. to Schtr. the eye. chu bo SANST, SANST 1. river: chu bo rnam pa bzhi'i rgyun bzhin rtsol pa mkhyin| like the streams of the four great rivers (let your letters) flow towards me (Yig. k. 13). 2. also signifies the number four (Rtsi.). chu bo chen po lnga the five great rivers of the continent of Godaniya (ba lang od ), which acc. to Buddhist cosmogony are the following:- (1) yangs pa can , (2) tsun tsum pa tI , (3) zla ba'i shug pa , (4) chu bzang po , (5) kun tu 'dres pa . The seventeen great rivers of the continent of Purva Videha (shar lus 'phags pa ) are:- (1) byem 'drem pa , (2) snga mre DAa , (3) chu gYo ba , (4) klu'i chu , (5) nags nas 'byung ba , (6) tsa ra tsa , (7) 'khri shing gis gYogs pa , (8) rtse mo la 'khor ba , (9) chu nag po , (10) lo ma thur du 'phyang ba , (11) du ba dga' ba , (12) ni tsu luq 'bab pa , (13) drang srong dga' ba sngon 'bab pa , (14) bzang po (these flow down from the mountain called rma bya'i tshogs kyi ri in Purva Videha), (15) rwa gsum pa , (16) ca co pa (17) rdo ba 'grim pa (K. d. ra 337). chu bo 'dra ba chu bo'i sta zur SANST; chu bo'i 'doms ? chu bo ga]… the river Ganges. chu bo ya mu na the different names of the river Yamuna: nyi ma'i bu mo , gdung byed ma , zhi ba'i sring mo , rtsod can , kA liq'i bu mo , gshin rje'i sring mo SANST. chu bo rab med SANST the great unfordable river of hell. chu bo ri n. of a monastery situated 32 m. S. W. of Lhasa on the top of a hill opposite the iron bridge over the Yeru Tsang-po. It is also called lcags jam chu bo ri . chu bo si tA the river Sita = the great Tsang-po of Tibet: brgyar gyes , zhags grol , dpung pas byin , srid sgrub ma , rtags su 'bab , khrag 'bab , dbyig gi khu ba , lag pa'i chu bo . chu bo sin Z‡ different names of the river Sindhu (Indus): rtsed 'jo'i chu bo , sngon gyi gang gA (SANST), zla ba skyes , ri bo'i bu mo , mang po byin , re bAa chu bo . chu dbus = chu gzhung the central course or main stream of a river. chu dbus pa * SANST Pali: Majjhantiko (Ta. 2, 9). chu 'bab SANST a hill-torrent; chu 'bab sgra the sound of a torrent. chu bya water-fowl, water-bird; chu'i bya gag the grey duck. chu 'byung (grangs ) a number (Ya-sel. 57). chu 'byed said to be the swan (D.R.). chu brug pa (char pa chen po babs te chu log rgyug pa ) SANST over-flowing of a river; any inundation (Zam. 5). chu lbag v. lbag bubbles. chu spur acc. to Sch. 1. drifted wood and the like; thin pieces of wood, chips, chaff, etc., floating on the water. 2. water-beetle (J‰.). chu sbrul a harmless water-snake said to abound in the hot-springs of Tibet. chu sbyin = SANST offerings of water to the yi-dag. chu ma 1. a water-carrier. gad pa chu ma sogs phogs dgos rigs| classes of men such as sweeper and water-carriers, &c., to whom allowance should be paid (Rtsii.). 2. cultivation which requires irrigation. chu ma rtsi a water-plant: chu ma rtsi yis chu ser dmu chu sbyong | chu-ma rtsi cures or dries pus and serum. chu mig SANST 1. spring, fountain. 2. n. of a vein. [3. SANST an acquatic plant, Commelina salicifolia]S. chu dmar po a sea of red water where the Naga people and the Asura fight together every day after taking their food (K. d. ra 334). chu snad skar ma the constellations of SANST are the following:- phul , sna tshogs , lha ldan ma (Rtsi.). chu rtsam water with flour; gen. the grain mixed with water that is given to horses. chu tshags SANST 1. a strainer, sieve. 2. n. of a demi-god of the nether world. chu tshags kyis rung ba SANST; a monk permitted to use filtered water, i.e., fit to use filtered water. chu tshags gru gsum SANST 1. a triangular filtering sieve [a leather water-bag]S. chu tshan any hot-string, large numbers of which occur everywhere in Tibet. chu tshub skya reng phyogs bzhir chu tshub skya reng gis bros te gang ltar song yang cha med par song ngo | (D.R.). chu tshwa salt from water. chu tshod SANST lit. the measure of time by a water-clock; the Indian hour, one-fifth of a khyim or 24 minutes. chu tshod 'khor lo SANST; SANST 1. the clepsydra or water-clock of Ancient India. 2. now = clock in general or watch. chu 'dzin 1. SANST the female organ. 2. SANST, SANST cloud. In Moon. we read rgya mtsho las byung ba'i chu rdol 'dzin pa'i phyir ro| it is so called because of its holding the particles of water that rise from the ocean. Syn. of 2. sprin pa ; nam mkha'i glang po ; tsha zer 'joms ; mkha' gos can (Moon.). chu rdza earthen water-jar. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "chu-sdsa" which is clearly in error.) chu zheng + SANST area; chu = dkyus ring thung ; zheng = kha zheng superficial area of a globe or circle. chu zheng 'gab pa SANST; SANST acc. to Schtr. proportionate, symmetrical; acc. to others, beautiful, stately. chu zheng mtha' SANST circumference. chu bzom a covered bucket for carrying water. chu zem SANST water-tub (J‰.). chu zla or chu'i zla SANST 1. the image of the moon in water, reputed to be deception of the senses by witchcraft. 2. the water-month, the first month (J‰.). chu gzar a large ladle (Cs.). chu'i skye gnas SANST (chu nang gi srog chags tshang ma ) water insects, worms, etc. (may also mean "fire"). chu'i 'khril shing creeping plants growing in water. chu'i 'khrul 'khor = chu 'dren mirage (Moon.). chu'i gad mo = chu'i lbu ba [SANST 1. cuttle-fish bone, considered as the petrified foam of the sea. 2. water-bubbles]S. chu'i sgur 'khyog SANST a pig. chu'i nya phyis SANST shell; also a snail. chu'i dra ba SANST (chu 'thor ba ) [the jujube-tree]S. chu'i dong = chu ngogs [SANST a well, spring or pool]S. chu'i 'dab chags water-fowl v. chu 'thor ba 3. chu'i rdo ba (chu nang gi rdo ) SANST [n. of a plant]S. chu'i 'dre log = chu'i rba rlabs waves (Moon.). chu'i dpal yon (chu phra ) SANST (rgya mtsho zla par rten nas 'phel ) flow and ebb-tide. chu'i rtswa SANST water-moss; (shu dag ) the rush. chu'i zhal ta pa SANST a woman who supplies water to a lady. chu'i gzhi SANST a lake; a place filled with fresh water. chu'i zegs ma particles of water; spray. Syn. chu 'thor ; nyar ma ; chu'i zer ma ; chu zil ; chu thig ; dba' rlabs skyes (Moon.). chu'i gzugs brnyan = snig rgyu mirage. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "chuhi gjugs-brÒan" which is clearly in error.) chu'i lo ma (gnyer ma ) ripples in water. chu'i shing rta (gru shan ) SANST met. a boat, ship. chu'i sa bon v. char pa 3. chu 'obs water-ditch (Sch.). chu yi 'khor lo whirl-pool, v. klong 'khor or chu 'khor 3. chu yi sngags pa a shell; met. a monkey. chu yi snying po 1. = chu yi ro salt (Moon.). 2. n. of tank filled with lotus flowers. chu yi thub pa or chu yi dbang po SANST the god of water; also animals living in water. However, in Tibetan mythology there is no general god or water. Irrigation streams and channels are under the protection of a special deity and the various large rivers have each a protecting river-god respectively; but if an universal chu'i lha is ever mentioned in books it must be a mere phrase of the author's fancy. chu yi phung po SANST; = rgya mtsho chen po the ocean. chu yi tsher ma the lotus plant, flower, etc. chu yi 'dzum dkar = chu'i lbu ba froth of water, also bubble. chu yi zegs ldan SANST that which contains particles of water; rain or cloud. chu yi zegs ma v. char zil 3. chu yi 'od phrug sngon po = dngul chu quick-silver. chu yi ro salt. chu yi lang tsho SANST the lotus. chu yi srin po'i grong che = rgya mtsho chen po the great city of sea monsters, i.e., the ocean (Moon.). chu rags dam, dyke (J‰.); same as chu long (Moon.). chu ri (lit. water-hill) a billow. chu rug n. of a medicinal root: chu rug rus pa'i tshad pa sel bar bya will remove inflammation in the bones. chu rlabs v. chu'i rba rlabs SANST wave, billow. chu las 'byung ba SANST a leech. chu lo n. of an aquatic edible plant. chu log floods (J‰.). chu lon dam, dyke. *chu lon gyi thub pa bdun (Ta. 2, 71) the seven rulers over irrigation channels and the watering of crops. chu shing SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the plantain. 2. acc. to J‰. drift-wood. [3. also the ratan plant]S. Syn. rtsa yi snying po ; rgyun rnams 'dzin ; nad kyi 'bras can ; 'chi 'bras can ; glang po'i lcug ma ; mdzod lus ; grol ba ; shing 'dzin (Moon.). chu shing dkar po [SANST, SANST white aconite, Aconitum ferox]S. Syn. gzhon nu can ; lo ma kha (Moon.). chu shing gi mkhar ba a stick made of chushio plant (Hbrom. 160). chu shing brla can ma lit. a woman whose loins resemble the plantain plant, i.e., a harlot, prostitute (Ya-sel. 54). chu shur n. of a district in Tibet. (Rtsii.). chu shur rdzong the Jong or fort of Chu-shur near Lhasa. chu shul SANST channel or drain for water [little drops of water adhering to a vessel after it has been emptied]S. chu shel SANST, SANST crystal. [SANST the "moon-stone" described by Sanskrit poets as having the power of emitting water at the sight of the moon]S. chu shel dbang gi dkyil 'khor = the crystal disk, i.e., the moon (Yig. k. 30). chu shel dbang po = zla ba the moon: sku 'tsho chu shel dbang por rab tu gsal zhing legs mdzad kyi 'od dkar yar rgyas ring nas| while the light of your good works has been increasing in brightness, your health has become resplendent as the lord of the crystal disk (Yig. k. 85). chu shel zhun ma lit. melted crystal; met. the moon (Yig. k. 18). chu gshong a ravine containing water (J‰.). chu ser matter, pus. chu so SANST 1. the bladder. 2. the external and internal urinary organs (J‰.). chu srang * SANST; chu srang gsum SANST (Kalac. T. 62). chu srin ke ke ru á n. of a crocodile; also that of a place in Ancient India (A. 20). chu srin rgyal mtshan SANST n. of king whose royal standard was a crocodile; an epithet of Cupid. Syn. chu gter (Moon.). chu srin chen po or chu srin sha kra SANST, SANST mythological monster-fish with body like a hill, and furnished with eighteen heads (K. d. ta 82). chu srin bdag said to be = rgya mtsho chen po the sea. chu srin rdo rje ri mo'i bran mo a goddess who rules over the forest of Kong-po and is believed to possess the power of stopping at will the course of the great river Yeru Tsang-po. chu srin sder mo medicinal herb useful in leprosy. chu srin byis pa gsod a river-crocodile which carries away and eats children (K. d. tha 24). chu srin 'dzin khri a throne supported on carved crocodiles. chu srib SANST gonorrhúa. chu srub = chu dkrug pa convulsed state of a lake by wind; ruffling or churning of the waters. chu srel = rgya mtsho chen po the ocean. chu srol dried-up bed of river. chu lhag a kind of tree. Syn. ri 'joms ; ra ba shing (Moon.). chu lha'i zhags pa SANST, SANST the snake-nooseóthe weapon of the god of water. chu lha'i shing SANST an Indian tree, the tree CratÊva roxburghii. chug imp. of 'jug pa ; gcen chen po rab tu 'byung du chug ces gsungs he said: admit the elder brother into the priesthood! (Hbrom. 36). chung 1. or chung ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST little, small, young, junior, inferior; chung tshes pas when he was very young; bu chung ba or chung ngu ; chung ba dpal gyi snying po yang rab tu byung ste (his) younger brother Srigarbha also having entered the Buddhist order; sras chung ngu the younger or youngest son; lo chung young in years; aa pha chung ba the junior father, i.e., the second joint-husband of one's mother; chung nas from infancy; chung grogs an early friend, a friend of younger days. Sometimes includes vb. to be as in snying ma chung cig be not small in courage! Syn. nyung ba ; nyung shas tsam ; tshod tsam ; nyung ngu ; chung ngu ; phra ; phra mo ; bag tsam ; zegs ma ; zer ma ; 'thor ma (Moon.). chung gri = gri chung a small knife. chung ngu * SANST small, little (Kalac. T. 141). chung ngun a very little part; cha stong la stong chung ngun yang zer (Yig.) one thousandth part is called stoo chuo-nuo. chung chung = tha chung very small, little. chung ches pa SANST a little more, yet still small in quantity. chung 'jug a kind of tea (Rtsii.). chung nyung v. khug rta 3. chung byed SANST slender [also fire]S. chung ma SANST, SANST wife, consort, partner; chung ma len ba to take a wife, to marry; mi zhig gi chung mar byed pa to be made man's wife, to be married; chung ma log gYem dad che spongs to abandon an adulterous wife (She. 1). chung ma'i spun zla brothers of one's wife (Moon.). chung zad = cung zad a little. chung ngus grol (dka' ba chung ngus 'khor ba las grol ) SANST to gain salvation with little asceticism; a state which precedes sainthood. chung lug a lamb. chung lung n. of a place in Tibet. chung sha = lug sha mutton. chung shos the smallest or the youngest. chung sug the limbs of a kid. chud pa SANST; = 'jug pa to get into, to enter, to put into, insert, etc.; thugs su chud pa resp. to impress on one's mind; khong du chud to comprehend or get into the mind fully; 'og tu chud pa to subject, to put under. chud ma gson = chud ma gzon not exhausted, exhaustless (Oag.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "chud-na-gson" which is clearly in error.) chud mi za ba or chud mi 'dza' ba inexhaustible, unwasteable; to be successful. chud 'dza' ba = chud za ba to be fruitless or unsuccessful (in any work or action). chud gzon pa to waste, make away with, to squander; chud zod pa to be wasted, become barren: chud zos la song tshar ba when it had been consumed, they went quite away. chun occurs in zhing chun one that is watering or taking care of fields, chas chun gardens, 'ol chun meadows (J‰.). chun gyi brag dmar one of the thirty-seven holy places of the Bon (G. Bon. 37). chun pa 1. to bunch or bundle together. 2. in W. the common designation of one that takes care of fields. chun po SANST, SANST 1. bunch, bundle; dar kyi chun po a bundle of silk scarves; a skein of silk. 2. a collection, pile, heap. 3. tuft, tassel, as ornament, etc. chun po can wreathed. chun 'phyang ba to wear a wreath or garland of flowers. chub pa accomplished, perfected as in byang chub sems dpa' kun chub par bya'o| a Bodhisattva is to be perfected in all matters. chum rice (in Sikk.). chum pa + SANST; = khrem pa to be frightened, also to shrink; 'jigs chum pa to crouch with fear. 2. = chags pa animals living on the surface of water; also chu'i byid pa a kind of cuttle-fish called Pilha (pi lha ) supposed to move on the surface of water and to pull down men and cattle when they swim. chur termin. of chu ; chur 'chi ba to be drowned. chur sgrogs or chur 'jug n. of a kind of water-fowl. chur 'dres = ma he SANST buffalo (Moon.). chur ba or chur ra SANST a kind of cheese or curd extracted from milk after boiling and evaporation: chur ra stobs bskyed khu ba 'phel gives strength and increases the seminal energy. chur mi lhung = ljon shing SANST a magic tree (Moon.). chur lhung SANST n. of a sage, the expounder of the Yoga philosophy. chus instr. of chu; chus gtong ba to gild, to overspread with liquid gold or silver. chus 'jig pa SANST destruction or devastation from water. chus bran pa , chus cung zad spangs pa to slightly wet or moisten with water. chus mi nyams pa thunder-bolt, v. thog 3 (Moon.). chus mi 'tshub met. fish (Moon.). che 1. num. fig. 96. 2. v. che ba 3 great. che ka acc. to Sch. chiefly; the plurality. che khyad size, greatness. che ge SANST a garland, wreath. che ge mo (in Beng.). SANST 1. such a one, such a person: lo che ge mo zhig la in such and such a year; che ge mo khyod such as you are; che ge mo skyabs mdzod cig let such a one protect (me or him). 2. = gang zag i a term for animated beings in general. che dgu the upper classes or races; dgu in che dgu signifies many and che the upper races: bal po'i che dgu thams cad kyis rta dang shing rta dang glang po che dang all the upper classes of Nepal possess horses, chariots and elephants (A. 148). che rgyu = che ba 3. che brgyud the descendants of the eldest son. che chung SANST 1. joint wife. 2. great and small; the dimensions or size. che che for chen mo chen po ; sngon du nyes dmigs che che rnams spangs first leave off the most serious moral faults (Behu 40). che cher rgan pa SANST, SANST growing older, becoming more and more an old man; che cher rgan mo SANST growing older, becoming more and more an old woman. che mchog SANST; SANST chief and great. (EEE The original gives the Tibetan headword as chi mchog but, in accordance with the transliteration in the original of "che-mchog" and the context, that has been corrected in this edition.) che brjod = bstod tshig or bkur tshig words of praise, eulogy (Moon.). che thabs arrogance, haughtiness; sde pa'i che thabs the arrogance of the Depa (chief of a tribe or place). che thabs can proud, arrogant, haughty. che don for chad don a missive to an inferior, an edict (J‰.). In a letter the word ched don expresses some special wish or object. che 'don the coming to full age, attaining the age of majority. che dbang po SANST witness in chief. che ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. often in compounds che : great, large, powerful. che alone often = very. In conversation chen po is the usual form and in Ladak chen mo both in books and in talk. 2. sometimes used as a vb. with perf. ches : de'i bsod nams ni snga ma bas mchog tu che'o| his piety is much greater than before (Dzl.). che btsan majesty, greatness in rank and power: che btsan dang snyan grags mi rtag pas (Khrid.) greatness and fame being transient. che zhe a female adorned with jewellery (K. d. ba 326). che bzhi + = dpang po a witness. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "che-gzhi" or che gzhi which is an alternate spelling.) che bzhag chung skyur ba to keep everything in proper order, e.g., placing larger or smaller things in their respective order. che re with lta ba to stare at, to look with fixed eyes (Hbrom. 105). che long = drags pa or drags rim SANST [sufficient, excessive, noble]S.: che long don tsam mthong bas chog shes rnyed| having perceived a sufficient meaning he obtained contentment. che longs 1. grown up, adult (J‰.). 2. many, much: ston pa'i mdzad pa las che long tsam bsdus na| if collected largely from the actions of the teacher (J. Zao.). che shos = che che ba SANST the greatest, greater than all others, chief (Moon.). ched or ched du SANST, SANST 1. postp. for, for the purpose of, with a view to, for the sake of, because of, on account of; ched du sbyin pa given for, made a gift on account of; ched du bya ba to be done on account of; lta ba'i ched du yin it is in order to see. 2. adv. on purpose, expressly. Syn. don du ; don la ; phyir du ; ched gnyer (Moon.). ched 'ga' + = res 'ga' some, a good number of. ched chen po a special thing, an important business. ched cher more and more; ched cher byed to increase: gnyid dang rmugs pa la ched cher ma byas par bu'i rjes su zhugs so| (Hbrom. kha 20) without indulging more and more in sleep and laziness, he followed the example of my son. ched brjod pa'i sde a class of Buddhist scriptures which includes four divisions:- (1) dbyangs snyan , (2) lung du bstan , (3) tshigs bcad , (4) ched brjod . ched gnyer v. ched 3. ched du brjod pa'i tshoms this expression is described as:- chos kyi don gyi snying po bsdus te tshigs bcad du bsgrigs pa (K. d. la 327, 400) the compilation of the substance of the Doctrine, and arranging it in verses. ched don = che don special signification, etc. ched pa = khyab pa SANST to spread over. ched spel ba (ched mngags gtang ba ) to send any special message (Yig.). ched so = ched don great object, special reason: lo rtsAa ba yang dang po'i ched so yod pas (A. 84) again the Lo-tsa-wa having a special reason for the first (course). chen po SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST great, large, chief; mi chen po a great man; bla ma chen po a great lama. Sometimes chen mo: gsung gi gzungs 'bum chen mo a huge jar containing magic spells. chen chung first wife and second wife (J‰.). chen snang SANST magnifier; seeing a thing larger than its real size. chen po 'gyur ba to become great, to increase, to grow up. chen po lnga lit. the five greats, i.e., void space. In Buddhism, the sky is so called as having the five attributes of greatness, viz.:- gzugs med it is immaterial, thogs pa med limitless, rtag pa eternal, mi 'gyur ba unchangeable, mi 'pho ba indestructible. chem or chem chem rattling sound like thunder; also any loud noise expressive of anger. Also chem pa to thunder forth: rab tu chem mo he made a thundering noise (D.R.). chems compounds: kha chem or kha chems resp. zhal chems , bka' chems farewell exhortation; last will, testament; sras la kha chems 'jog pa to deposit a testamentary disposal for a son (J‰.). chem chem n. of a number (Ya-sel. 56). chem me ba stillness, silence (Cs.); chem mer 'dug pa (Sch.) chem mer 'khod pa to sit still without speaking (J‰.). chems pa + ('phrin pa ) to inform, to deliver a message. chel pa defined as rang stobs kyis 'chun pa or thub pa able by one's own power or might (Oag. 26). ches 1. instr of che. 2. pf. of che ba as adv. kha zas ngan ches kyi as the food is very bad (J‰.); ches sgrin pa very prudent or clever (Sch.); ches dar bar gyur to| it spread very much (J‰.); ches dkon par snang it becomes exceedingly valuable or scare (Situ. 55). ches mgyogs v. ches myur 3 very quick, speedy. ches rgas pa rnying pa or rgas pa old, worn out. ches lci ba SANST very heavy. ches chung ba SANST much less. ches che ba (che shos ) very much: supreme, the greatest or highest. ches mchog SANST the supreme. ches nye ba SANST very attached; very intimate. ches 'thung ba to drink much. ches sdom pa to preserve one's vows very carefully. ches pa 1. pf. of che ba to be great, to increase: dmag dpung ches pa the army having become great; dbang ches pas being very powerful. 2. to believe, but only when preceded by yid (resp. thugs ): yid mi ches does not believe. ches mang or ches mang ba SANST, SANST rather large or too many. ches myur SANST very quick, rapid. ches bzhon pa SANST very youthful; also SANST very young or youngest. ches lhag pa SANST in much excess; a great deal in excess. cho 1. num. fig. 126. 2. substantial, of meaning; cho med (don med ) meaningless, for nothing, no object, in vain; mi cho med an empty-headed man. cho ga SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the way or method of doing a thing, e.g., of solving an arithmetical problem, of curing maladies, esp. used in magical performances. 2. prescribed rites and observances (in religious services, etc., cho ga la gnas pa observant of rites). 3. specially, any magical rite. 4. SANST behaviour; cho ga phun sum tshogs pa SANST of good character, possessed of good morals; cho ga nyams pa SANST of bad morals, fallen. cho ga bcu or the ten kinds of religious rites observed by the Buddhists of Tibet are:- (1) bzung dkyil 'khor cho ga rites of magical circles and figures painted on the ground and also on paper; (2) rim pa dbang gi cho ga rites of mystical initiation and religious service; (3) byin rlabs rab gnas kyi cho ga rites of consecration; (4) tshe 'das ro sreg gi cho ga funeral rites and ceremonies: (5) lho sgo sbyongs kyi cho ga the art of sleight of hand, etc.; (6) mnyes byed mchod pa'i cho ga rites for propitiation (of a deity or spirit); (7) mgron mchod gtor ma'i cho ga rites for torma offerings to a deity; (8) sku gzugs sAao'i cho ga the art of making casts of miniature images; (9) mchod sbyin chu gtor gyi cho ga offering of sacrificial fire and also of water to the manes of the dead; (10) bkra shis tshe'i cho ga rites to secure a happy and long life. cho ga'i ngang tshul can SANST one naturally of good behavior. cho nge or cho nges is explained as (mig chu gtong ba ) shedding of tears (Moon.), lamentation, wailing, esp. lamentations for the dead, dirge; cho ngas 'debs pa SANST throwing up lamentations. cho nge dir loud lamentations (D.R.). cho 'phrul SANST, SANST miracles. cho 'phrul gsum three kinds of miracles performed by the Buddha:- (1) rdzu 'phrul gyi cho 'phrul SANST magical and miraculous exhibitions; (2) kun tu brjod pa'i cho 'phrul SANST miraculous exhibition by speech; (3) rjes su bstan pa'i cho 'phrul SANST miraculous effects of teaching the doctrine. We read also of cho 'phrul gyi bsam rnams miraculous thoughts. cho 'phrul mchod pa religious service to commemorate the miraculous exhibitions of Buddha. cho ba to set on or incite; khyi 'di cho cho ba to set the dog at any one repeatedly (Cs.). cho babs skor = tshur yong babs revenue, income; 'bras khul cho babs skor the earnings or income from the state of Sikkim. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "chos-babs skor" or chos babs skor . It is possible that both the Tibetan and transliterated spellings in the original are incorrect.) cho 'brang + (rgyud or gdung rgyud ) (Moon.) family; extraction; especially the maternal relations, the mother's family or lineage. cho ma n. of a number (Ya-sel. 56). cho rigs father's lineage, descent by the father's side. cho ris SANST descent, extraction; chos ris ye nas btsun pa from the beginning or always of honourable descent. cho lo 1. a shrub from the dried leaves of which a yellow dye is prepared for the clothes of the lower classes. 2. SANST, SANST, SANST gambling dice; cho lo mkhan a dice-player (Cs.); cho lo rgyal lo| SANST, he excels in dice-throwing. cho lo rtse ba SANST, SANST to play at dice. cho lo ris diagram; a stamped mark or figure on a dice. cho lo'i skugs pa SANST, SANST to lay a wager in gambling and to exhort your side to win. cho los thul lo SANST one who has been defeated, i.e., has lost in dice-play. cho lo'i sa bon = 'gron bu (Moon.) a kind of shell; the cowrie used as a coin in India and also as a substitute for dice. chog see chog pa III3 below: it is generally used as a permissive particle after a verb: 'gro chog you can go; yong chog you may come; byas chog may be permitted to be done. chog pa I: SANST; rgyan pa adorned, ornamented (Lex.). II: SANST to suffice, to be sufficient: nged la de kas chog that is sufficient for us; rta de rnams tsam gyis chog pa yod| they had about enough of those horses; 'di chog pa ma yin| this is not sufficient. Adv. chog par sufficiently; chog par sbyin pa to give sufficiently; phyin pas chog gi it being sufficient (for the present) that I have come; thams cad la chog par gyur te| there was enough for all; chog par 'dzin pa to deem a thing sufficient; to be contented or satisfied with it. III: to be permitted, to be allowable. In books gen. with the instrumental participle: chang 'thung bas mi chog drinking beer is not allowed; phyir 'ong bas chog yong it will be permitted to come back (Mil.). In colloq. chog is annexed direct to the verbal root: mthon po lab mi chog talking loudly is not allowable; nang la 'gro chog you may go inside, or into the house. chog pa med pa appetite (dang ga or dang ga bde ba ) good appetite (Moon.). chog shes pa SANST contentment; to be contented or satisfied with. chong or mchong transparent variegated half-precious stone brought from India to Ld. and considered less valuable than gzi (cat's eye), perh. cornelian or sardonyx (J‰.). chod 1. a decision. 2. a partition wall; chod rgyag pa to construct a partition wall (Sch.). 3. v. gcod pa 3. chod pa I: 1. SANST to be cut off; bar la thag ring po chad pa to be separated by a long interval; lam sgo gnyis kha bas chod de both approaches being cut off or obstructed by snow; mi chod rdo rje a diamond that cannot be cut to pieces; an epithet of a firm unbending king. 2. to be decided, settled, fixed; gong thang dpyad kyi mi chod the value (of the stone) cannot be fixed, though one should attempt to appraise it, i.e., it is priceless, invaluable (J‰.) II: (sgrib pa ) SANST, SANST to cover over, put into shade; also a shade, cover. chod so bdog pa = kha chad yod pa also khas blangs pa to promise, to undertake to do a thing: slob dpon gnas brtan dang chod so bdog pa thugs la mnga' mod (A. 84) he indeed bore in mind that he had made a promise to the Sthavira the chief teacher. chon in W. 1. useless, to no purpose: rin chon song the payment has been useless, thrown away; gen. adv. chon la gratuitously, in vain, for nothing. 2. tent: chon thag tent-rope; chon phur tent-peg (J‰.). chom or choms robbery; choms kyis zas 'tshol ba to live by robbery; chom sgra = 'ur sgra a fearful rattling sound (resembling that of a thunder or a cannon), gen. made by robbers when invading a village or house to frighten the inmates out. chom pa to be finished, accomplished, in W. (J‰.). chom po or choms po SANST a robber; chom po rkun ma robber and thief, gen. chom rkun ; chom rkun gyi 'jigs pa fear of robbers and thieves. chol 1. inconstant (Cs.); dpyid chol fickle spring-weather (J‰.). 2. for cho lo in compounds, rus chol a dice made of bone; shing chol a wooden dice; dung chol a shell used in the place of a dice. chol kha 1. a country, province: dbul gtsang gnyis dam pa chos kyi chol kha| ‹ and Tsang were the countries of holy religion; mdo stod mi'i chol kha the province abounding with population; mdo snad rta'i chol kha ste i.e., mdo-smad, the province of horses; chol kha gsum phul lo| presented the three provinces (Loo 'a 13). 2. acc. to Sch. a hole made by a blow; a nest. chol 'gro ba or chol gyi 'gro = nyams 'gro ba or 'chal 'gro ba to be decayed, become degenerate (A. 70). chol zangs + (chab tog ) 1. bedpan; also a vessel to contain washings, &c; impure water. 2. acc. to Sch. a shallow shore. chos SANST 1. religious doctrine; religion; more especially the doctrine of Buddha. Generally speaking, chos, i.e., dharma, consists of all phenomena, all matter, and all knowledge of things worldly as well as spiritual. It includes shes bya all that can be known, gzhal bya all that is cognizable by the senses, yod pa all that exists, gzhi grub basis and material. 2. a particular doctrine, tenet, or precept; gsang ba'i chos shig an esoteric doctrine, a mystical doctrine; khyad chos for khyad par can gyi chos sublime or excellent religion; 'jig rten gyi chos brgyad the eight worldly doctrines or principles, viz.:- rnyed pa SANST gain, profit; ma rnyed pa SANST loss; snyan pa SANST fame, reputation; mi snyan pa SANST bad name, notoriety; snad pa SANST scandal, slander; bstod pa SANST praise; bde ba SANST happiness; sdug bsngal ba SANST misery or unhappiness. 3. system of morality, ethics (faith, exercise of religion). 4. any way, manner, method; a custom, usage. 5. is sometimes used to signify a thing, substance, property. The word chos is also explained as rang sems bcos shing 'dul bar byed na chos chos consists in placing under discipline a mind already formed. Chos or the religion of Buddha is again divided into two classes which are of scriptural and contemplative nature. The scriptural chos is collected in the three sde-snod or pitaka, viz.:- the Vinaya, the Sutra and the Abhidharma. The meditative chos consists of the three trainings viz.:- moral discipline, meditation and PrajÒa or the absolute knowledge of all things. The first three are studied and the last three are practised. The chos for the purification of sins have been also subdivided as follows:- (1) phar phyin drug the six transcendental moral virtues; (2) stong nyid bco brgyad the eighteen metaphysical voidities; (3) dran pa nye bar bzhag pa bzhi the four remembrances; (4) yang dag par spong ba bzhi the four renunciations; (5) rdzu 'phrul gyi rkang pa bzhi the four bases for magical transformations; (6) dbang po lnga the five powers; (7) stobs lnga five fortitudes; (8) byang chub kyi yan lag bdun the seven Bodhyaoga or attributes of Bodhisattva; (9) 'phags pa'i lam yan lag brgyad the eight subdivisions of the noble paths; (10) rnal 'byor gyi lam byang phyogs gsum bcu so bdun the thirty-seven northern paths of asceticism. chos kyi sku SANST the spiritual form or the existence (of a Buddha). chos kyi skye mched SANST 1. religious capacity, spiritual development. [2. the mind]S. chos kyi khyu mchog 'brong (rigs SANST) SANST (khyu mchog ni gtso bo|de'i rjes su 'brang ) following a leader. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "chos-kyi khyu-kchog hbroo" which is clearly in error.) chos kyi 'khor lo SANST comprises three:- (1) bden bzhi'i chos 'khor ('dul ba ), (2) legs par rnam par 'byed pa'i chos 'khor (theg chen gyi mdo dang rgyud ), (3) mtshan nyid med pa'i chos 'khor . The three are explained as the original, the amplified and the abridged yum (yum rgyas 'bring bsdus gsum ). chos kyi grags pa * SANST n. of a Buddhist philosopher (Bull. 1848, 287). chos kyi rgyal mtshan SANST n. of a Buddhist philosopher and author. chos kyi sgra SANST the loud recitation of religious formulÊ, or singing of hymns; preaching of a sermon. chos kyi ngang v. chos kyi dbyings 3. chos kyi chos nyid the natural properties of matter, such as me gyen du 'bar ba the property of fire to run up; chu thur du 'bab pa that of water to run down. chos kyi gting slebs pa = chos nyid mngon sum du rtogs pa reflecting on the virtues of matter and phenomena. chos kyi bston pa SANST recitation of the scripture; remembrance thereof. chos kyi 'dun sa dgon pa a monastery or convent. chos kyi rnam grangs SANST enumeration of scriptures. chos kyi 'phongs par 'gyur ba SANST to become irreligious, sacrilegious. chos kyi bar du gcod pa SANST to obstruct the course of nature. chos kyi bu SANST name of Yudhisthira the eldest of the five Pandava brothers. chos kyi dbang phyug SANST, described as sangs rgyas i'i mtshan (Moon.) an epithet applicable to the Buddhas in general. chos kyi dbyings SANST the sphere or purview of religion; chos kyi dbyings kyis klas pa (?) SANST [versed in the element of law or religion]S. chos kyi rtsa 'khor SANST met. the heart (Moon.). chos kyi rtsa ba SANST the root or the fundamental principles of religion. chos kyi tshong brdal met. a monastery (Moon.). chos kyi tshong dpon * SANST a divine; a priest; one whose profession is religion (Ta. 2, 53). chos kyi bzhon pa can SANST the conveyance of chos or dharma. ["one whose vehicle is dharma personified as the bull," i.e., Siva]S. chos skad book language. chos skyong SANST 1. the protector or defender of Buddhism; chos skyong chen mo the great guardian of Buddhism; the equivalent of pe dkar or Pe-har. 2. name sometimes given to the four Dikrajas or guardian kings of Buddhism. chos skyong i'i 'dzugs gtor offerings for the guardian spirits of the doctrine. 3. popular astrologers, votaries of Pe-har at Lhasa. chos skyong dregs pa lcam sring * (Org. m. 113, 32) a terrific female guardian deity. chos skyobs * SANST n. pr. (Ta. 2, 297); n. of an Indian Buddhist who taught Buddhism in China. chos khri book-shelves or table to keep sacred books upon; also the chair on which the priest sits while delivering a religious sermon; acc. to J‰. reading-desk, pulpit. chos khrims SANST religious or monastic discipline; chos khrims pa , dge bskos one who enforces discipline in a monastery. chos 'khor prayer-wheel. chos 'khor rgyal n. of the place where the first Dalai Lama was born, and where there is a large monastery which is generally visited once by the successive Grand Lamas of Lhasa. chos 'khor sgang n. of a place in Tibet. chos 'khor gnas n. of a place in Tibet. chos gos SANST the religious robe worn by a Buddhist monk. chos gos kyi sgrog ma SANST strings or bands for fastening a religious robe. [a basket for containing religious robes]S. chos gos kyi snod SANST a pocket in the upper garment of a monk; chos gos kyi gtur bu SANST the bag in which a monk puts robes. chos gos zlum por bgo ba SANST one dressed in a petticoat like robe; also to put on a such robe. chos grwa SANST a school for religious instruction, i.e., generally a class in a monastic institution where religious discussions are held. The school at Tashi-lhun-po is called grub pa'i chos grwa the school of religious attainments. chos grags * SANST (3 C). chos rgyal or chos kyi rgyal po SANST 1. a king who rules acc. to Buddhist laws. 2. n. of the lord of death gshin rje rgyal po . 3. also applied to a great personage by courtesy, and is a general epithet of Buddhas (Moon.). chos rgyal skyes SANST a name of Yudhisthira, the eldest Pandava; also that of Ajata-satru, the son of king Bimbisara. chos rgyal gyi sgrub yum bcas * (Org. m. 113, 33; Pallasiix, vii, 4. II, 9). chos rgyal nang sgrub * (80 B). chos rgyal phyi sgrub * (80 A). chos rgyal yab rkyang * (Org. m. 113, 34). chos rgyal gsang sgrub (80 C). chos rgyugs lessons, or tasks imposed by a teacher on his pupil. chos rgyud religious instructions descending to pupils and their sub-pupils, &c.; religious tradition, also creed; rje btsun gyi chos rgyud 'dzin pa rnams those embracing the religious traditions of his reverence; chos rgyud gcig pa one confessing ancestral religion. chos rgyud 'dzin pa (Ta. 2, 233). chos rgyun gyi ting nge 'dzin * SANST (Ta. 2, iii). chos can SANST pious, devout. chos can ring met. a donkey (Moon.). chos bcas ma met. a bride (Moon.). Syn. khyim gsar ma ; khyo 'dam ma (Moon.). chos chas the requirements of a religious service; also religious dress. chos mchog * SANST n. pr. (Ta. 2, 223); SANST a logician, author of Nyayabindu tika. chos 'chad pa to explain or set forth religion; chos ston pa to teach religion; chos kyi sgrog gleng mdzad pa to demonstrate or expound the doctrine; chos 'chad pa'i 'dun khang place where sermons are delivered; chos nyan pa to hear religious discourses; chos zhu ba to ask religious instruction; chos byed pa to act or live religiously or practice religion. chos 'chong pa SANST Lord of the faith, viz., 1. Buddha. 2. a title of honour given to distinguished scholars. 3. Tibetan exorcists who are believed to be coerced by a god or demi-god who has been invoked for the purpose of inspiring them. chos rje nag dkar the black and the white (Buddhist) exorcists. chos nyid = de bzhin nyid SANST, SANST 1. quality, nature. 2. existence, entity. chos nyid kyis rnyed pa SANST one who has acquired a religious disposition; also religiousness. chos nyid kyis 'thob ba SANST id. (EEE The original has the head word chos nyid kyis 'thob ba which should be chos nyid kyis 'thob pa according to both the transliteration in the original and the rules of grammar.) chos snyam sgrub pa po = chos dang snyam du sgrub mkhan one who, having acquired great proficiency in sacred literature, has become protected by mystic arts. chos rtol * (Ta. 1, 216). chos stegs = chos khri . chos ston an entertainment give in honour of a saint. chos thams cad SANST matter; all things; phenomena. chos thob SANST one who has become religious; a convert to Buddhism. chos mthun or chos mthun pa in conformity with religion, in harmony with Buddhism. chos dar ba to propagate Buddhism; also the place where Buddhism was introduced. chos drangs pa 1. righteous in reference to the laws of Buddhism. 2. justice, righteousness. chos drug SANST the six tenets of Buddhism. chos dred chos la zhe log pa one who is disgusted with Buddhism, i.e., has no faith in that religion. chos don du gnyer ba = chos 'dod pa SANST to be devout. chos 'dod the son of Cupid. chos 'dod pa SANST to be fond of religion; to delight in Buddhism. chos ldan or chos dang ldan pa SANST one who is devout. chos ldan zhing khams gen. used to signify bod yul Tibet, chos ldan zhing khams kyi rgyal po rin po che the precious majesty of the religious kingdom (Buddhist realm) (Yig. k. 59). chos ldan rab 'byor * SANST (Ta. 2, 90). chos sde a certain term for Buddhist monasteries in Tibet, where studies are not altogether neglected. chos sde chen po the grand religious institution or monastery (Yig. k. 66). chos rnams gang dag SANST n. of a kind of contemplation; and a literal translation of the first part of the Sanskrit formula ye dharma hetu, &c. chos snang ba'i sgo SANST the door or entrance to Buddhism. [the initiatory light of religion]S. chos pa a monk. chos spun a brotherhood formed by two devotees who before starting on a pilgrimage are blessed by a priest who casts lots on the occasion. chos 'phel * SANST n. pr. (Ta. 2, 103). chos blon a Buddhist minster, a minister well disposed towards Buddhism. chos 'bangs * SANST n. pr. (Ta. 127). chos 'byung works on the origin, growth, and development, of Buddhism. chos 'byung byin * SANST n. pr. (Ta. 2, 219). chos 'byung zhi ba * SANST n. pr. (Ta. 2, 252). chos sbyin , chos kyi sbyin pa religious gift, religious charity. chos ma a Buddhist nun. chos mi 'gyur ba nyid (stong nyid ) SANST that the nature of things in unalterable. chos min SANST, SANST un-Buddhistic, irreligious. chos min od pa = chos dang mi mthun pa'i tshul ngan any practice opposed to Buddhism. chos med SANST; gdol pa the un-civilized; a name for a Candala, the lowest class of men in India. chos myon religious frenzy, mad with religion; a religious bigot. chos smra ba SANST to preach Buddhism; to deliver a sermon. chos tshong ba SANST to trade in religion. chos rdzong n. of a monastery and of a fort in Nye-thang, near Lhasa. chos bzhi ba'i dbyangs * SANST n. pr. (Ta. 2, 213). chos gzhi endowment for the support of a religious institution. chos zhog priest-craft (J‰.). chos bzang 1. = chol bzang SANST good custom. 2. SANST Buddhism; piety; pious. 3. n. of an individual; a complimentary address for monks. chos bzang bskal pa * SANST (Kalac. T. 14) age of good fortune; the lucky age in which Buddhas appear. chos bzang sprin * or Sad-dharma megha (Ta. 2, 277). [one of the ten bhumis or stages of perfections]S. chos lugs 1. SANST, SANST usage. 2. a denomination, sect. chos shes par 'dod SANST inquiring after religious matter, wishing to know of religion. chos sems religious temper, piety. chos sems khang bu = ri khrod a mountain hermitage; a cave used by Buddhist recluses for meditation. chos sems can inclined to religion, pious. chos srid (chos kyi srid SANST) religious government: 'bangs rnams chos srid kyis skyongs the subjects were protected (governed) by religious government (Yig. k. 27). mchang gnas occurs in 'o na mchang gnas shig zhu zer ro| (A. 95). mchad pa SANST 1. tomb, sepulchre. 2. mchad par bya ba SANST greatness; also the magical power of increasing one's size at will. 3. acc. to J‰. SANST killed, slain; but mchad pa med pa = entire, perfect. mchan 1. a footnote, v. mchan bu 3. 2. SANST the side of the breast; mchan gyi bu bosom-child, darling; mchan gyi mchis brang bosom-wife; mchan du 'jug pa to put into one's bosom. mchan khug = mchan khung SANST armpit. Syn. mchan 'og ; mchan zhabs (Moon.). mchan bu 1. note, annotation, footnote in a book; yi ge'i mchan bu words or lines written or printed in smaller character than the original and inserted in the ma yig (main-work). 2. a helper, an apprentice (J‰.). 3. v. mchis 3. mchan zhabs v. mchan khug 3. mchan 'og v. mchan khug 3. mchi ba 1. eleg. for to come, to go, to appear: slad bzhin par mchi'o| I shall come later; skyabs su mchi'o| SANST go under the protection of, take refuge: 'bangs su mchi'o| I will obey (as a subject, servant) (Mil.); mchi lag = yongs lags yes sir, it will be or it will do. 2. to say, in the phrase zhes mchi'o| thus he said (J‰.). 3. v. mchis 3. mchi ma resp. an chab , mig chu SANST tears; mchi ma bku to shed tears; mchi ma skyem pa to dry tears; mchi ma 'phyi pa to wipe away tears; mchi mas brnang pa to be choked with tears, acc. to Sch. to sob violently. mchi ma bsnyil v. mchi ma bku ; mchi ma 'byin pa to shed tears; mchi ma'i thig pa SANST tear drops; mchi ma 'dzag or mchi ma lhung ba SANST to cry, to shed tears. mchig (gtun ) SANST stone for grinding spice, etc. mchig gu 1. a small mortar, a mortar. 2. a pestle. 3. the nether millstone. mchig skor ba to grind (Sch.). mchig ma the runner or upper mill-stone (Sch.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "chig-ma" which is clearly a dropout error.) mching bu 1. SANST glass ornaments, trinkets, v. 'ching bu 3. 2. n. of a place in Tibet. 3. a precious stone. Syn. of 3. nor bu mdzes bzang rol po ; rin chen 'gyur byed (Moon.). mchid or bka' mchid 1. resp. talk, discourse, speech (of an honoured person). 2. letter: bka' mchid phebs tshogs kyang lha'i chu bo'i rgyun bzhin stsol ba mkhyin| "pray let your letters come to me uninterrruptedly like the flow of the divine river (Ganges)" (Yig. k.). mchin pa (resp. sku mchin acc. to Lex.). 1. acc. to J‰. the liver. 2. n. of a fruit called mchin pa zho sha . mchin dri or mchin ri the midriff or diaphragm. mchin nad liver disease. mchin nan lit. liver-pressing, i.e., keeping the liver in order. mchin nan byed pa to breakfast. It is believed that taking food early in the morning keeps the liver in good order. mchin tshad liver-fever; lcags khus mig nad mchi tshad sel iron-mixture cures eye-disease and congested liver (Med.). mchims n. of a village near the great monastery of Samye; n. of a tribal family. mchims bza' princess of Mchims who was married to king khri srong lde'u btsan . mchil khra the sparrow-hawk. mchil mgo a fabulous stone, resembling a sparrow's head, supposed to possess marvellous qualities (J‰.). mchil pa + I: SANST 1. = lcags kyu 3 an iron hook; described as glang po'i rjes su mthun pa'i rdzas (Moon.) the thing which makes the elephant obey his conductor. 2. fishing hook; mchil pas nya 'chor ba to fish with a hook. II: 3bye'u 3 SANST the common sparrow. Syn. nyer chags ; khyam du nyal ; khyu mchog bgrod pa ; rgyab bkra ; mgrin sngon (Moon.). mchil ma (resp. ljags mchil ) spittle. Syn. kha chu ; zhal chab (Moon.). mchil ma'i thal ba particles of saliva: rgyal srid mchil ma'i thal ba bzhin du spangs he threw off his kingdom in the manner one throws out spittle (A. 11). mchil ma'i snod resp. (zhal bzhed ) SANST, SANST spittoon, spitting-box. mchil lud or mchil snabs mucous. mchil lham SANST shoe, boot: mchi lham gnyis 'dor ba to lose both the shoes; mchil lham mkhan shoe-maker, cobbler, seller of boots; mchil lham gyi yu ba the leg of a boot (Cs.): kar Sa pa Ni rdog ma lnga mchil lham zung cig rnams phul| he presented him with five pieces of Karrapana and a pair of shoes. (Yig.). mchis pa I: pf. of mchi ba (yod pa ) SANST, eleg. mchis lags pa to be, to be there, to exist: du mchis how much was there, how many were there? (Cs.). su la dam pa'i chos mchis pa whoever has the holy doctrine. II: pf. of mchi ba to come: lam ring po nas mchis te having come from afar. mchis brang + (lit. a house where one exists, resides) 1. a housewife, partner. 2. eleg. dwelling, abode, domicile; also when speaking of one's own dwelling: bdag gi mchis brang my humble residence, cf. pho brang 3 palace, 3bla brang 3 lama's residence. Syn. chung ma ; bag ma ; khyim bdag mo (Moon.). mchis mal bed, bedstead (Cs.). mchu I: SANST, SANST 1. the lips; ya mchu the upper lip; ma mchu lower lip. 2. beak or bill of bird, also called mcho tho in Sikk.: byi'u mchu rings dang ting ting ma zer ba gnyis yod "there were two, the bird called the long-beaked and the Ting-ting-ma" (Rdsa.). mchu la thogs te 'gro ba going off, carrying something in the bill. mchu bims ltar dmar ba the lips were red like the Bimba fruit. mchu rkang dmar lit. red bill and feet = ngang pa'i rgyal po a gander (Moon.). mchu can possessed of fine lips; mchu rdo beak, the bill of a bird; mchu non pa pointed beak; mchu med SANST one whose lips are very small, one who has no lips. mchu zheng SANST; = dkyud and kha zheng length and breadth. Syn. mchu sgros ; sgos dmar ; so yi gYogs ; so skyobs ; so sgrib ; so gos (Moon.). II: constellation called Magha in Sanskrit; one of the lunar mansions, v. rgyu skar 3. Syn. pha me lha skyes ; snyan ngag mkhan ; rta chen ; maM (Moon.); also tshigs brgya'i dbang po ; bcu drug 'od ldan (Moon.). mchu sde lnga n. of a chapter in the Mdo series of Buddhist sacred books. mchu ring + = dkyus su ring po long, lengthwise. mchu rings ('khrun ring ) 1. bya pu shud (Moon.) the long-beaked-bird, the hoopú, the crane. 2. phag rgod the wild boar; long-snout. 3. acc. to J‰. mosquito. mchu las skyes SANST born under the constellation of Magha. mchum po (mu tig ) pearl; also string of pearls. mche ba SANST, SANST, SANST tooth, generally canine tooth, the eye-tooth, fang; mche gug elephant's tusk. mche gtsigs pa SANST in W. to show one's teeth, to grin; mche ba can gyi sde the class of tusked animals, viz., the carnivora and the tusked pachydermata. mche sder mche ba dang sder mo teeth and claws of wild animals. mche ba gcig pa SANST a name of Ganapati, the son of the goddess Uma. mche ba ldad byed pa SANST to chew the cud, ruminate. mche ba stong ldan (nya yi rgyal po ) fish, said to possess one thousand teeth (Moon.). mche ba stobs ldan = glang po an elephant. mche ba drug ldan SANST n. of the king of elephants on whom Indra rides. mche ba'i sde * SANST n. pr. (Ta. 2, 212). mched (sku mched , mched lcam ) resp. for brother, also for sister; mched gnyis two brothers; sras mo lha lcam mched bzhi four princesses, sisters; de'i mched his brother, in reference to a king, prince, etc., esp. of gods; mched bzhi four divine brothers; mched grogs or grogs mched clerical brothers, politely addressed as brother. mched grogs mang po tshogs par where many clerical brothers assemble; mched grogs dam tshig gcig pa betrothed brothers, religious brothers (chos spun ); an intimate friend. mched po lnga the race that originated from the five early patriarchs of Tibet. mgur lha mched bzhi four brothers called:- mgur lha : (1) gnyen , (2) dmu , (3) klu , (4) tsha . mched zla ( = spun zla ) brothers; also brother and sister. mched pa SANST, SANST, SANST to spread, gain ground; to increase, multiply; the word mched pa is seldom used except of fire, plague, etc.: bdag gi 'dod chags gyi me mched pas as the fire of voluptuousness spread or increased with me; mar me gcig la gcig mched ltar as one kindles one light by another; gcig gleng gnyis gleng rim pas mched de as (the news) spread more and more passing from one to another. skye mched , v. skye 3, skyes pa'i mched . mched che min pa very widely spread, very largely. 'brum pa yang mched che min pa'i yang lci sna tshogs (Ya-sel. 17) also several cases of small-pox of virulent and light (types) were very widely spread. Syn. khyab pa ; rgyas pa ; che ru song ba ; mang du 'gro ba ; skye ba ; 'phel ba ; 'grim pa (Moon.). mcher pa (also spelt 'tsher pa ) acc. to J‰. the milt, spleen. (EEE original has "mult" but this seems to be incorrect spelling.) mchel SANST a support, help: lag pa'i mchel the hand stretched to rescue (A. K. 111, 21). mchog SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the best, the most, the most excellent of its kind; dkon mchog the greatest rarity, the Deity; v. also under dkon 3óshin tu mchog the very excellent or superior, sublime, exalted; chos mchog SANST n. of a Buddhist philosopher who wrote the SANST. mchog gi mchog = rab kyi rab , bla ma'i bla ma the most excellent, the best of the best, superior of the superior; skyes bu mchog the chief of great beings, also Buddha; mi'i mchog the greatest of men, a king, also Buddha: rkang gnyis rnams kyi mchog SANST the chief of the bi-peds, i.e., of men, any Buddha. nga ni 'jig rten 'di na mchog I am the highest in this world (says Buddha immediately after his birth). gsung mchong chief of the fundamental doctrine. gnas mchog po ta la Potala is the chief of (holy) places. ro mchog excellent taste or flavour, delicious. mkhas mchog rnams most learned men: mi mchog khyod thou best of men. mchog dman the great and the low; mchog dang thun mong the nobles and the commons; mchog dang phal pa the great and the vulgar. As adv. mchog tu SANST very, most (used with verbs). Syn. gtso bo ; che shos ; ches che ba ; phul byung ; chen po ; rtse mo ; rab ; bla na med ; gya nom pa ; dpon ; gong ma ; dang po ; phud du bskur ; rtse mor son ; legs pa ; legs gnas ; yang rab ; gong ma'i gong ma ; dpa' bo ; cang shes pa (Moon.). mchog skyong the chief protector. mchog gi rgyan = btsun ma the chief ornament; pure-born; a holy lady (D.R.). mchog gi lcug ma the principal of the women in a family (Moon.). mchog gi bdag the lord of the best; the principal among the nobles or lamas. mchog gi rgyal mtshan n. of a gem, v. bkra shis rtags brgyad 3 the eight auspicious objects. mchog gi dang po'i sangs rgyas the Supreme Adi-Buddha, v. dus kyi 'khor lo'i mtshan . mchog gi bdud rtsi SANST the best elixir; n. of a medicine. mchog gi ma the chief mother; epithet of the goddess Dolma (Moon.). mchog dga' or mchog tu dga' ba SANST, SANST great joy, ecstasy. mchog nyal (grangs ) SANST n. of a number (Ya-sel. 56). mchog tu bkrabs SANST the chosen. mchog tu 'gro ba to become great or attain to the position of the great, to be elevated to an exalted position. mchog tu gyur pa , id. mchog tu rgyan pa to be very well-dressed. mog tu phun sum tshogs pa to become very prosperous. mchog tu tsha ba'i dpa' bo * SANST (Kalac. Ta. 2, 162). mchog tu mdzes pa SANST very handsome, lustrous. mchog tu yid 'thad SANST exquisite, very pleasant. mchog tu ring ba very remote. mchog tu bsam pa well-thought of. mchog bdag met. the earth. mchog bde met. a fish. mchog 'dod SANST met. the sun. mchog ldan (grangs ) 1. n. of a great number. 2. gur gum SANST saffron (Moon.). mchog sbyin 1. SANST, SANST the god of water. 2. SANST quick-silver. mchog sbyin phyag rgya a gesture made in practicing magic, in conjuring up or exorcising ghosts. mchog sbyin ma = go dum pAa (snan bzang ) n. of a medicine (Moon.). mchog sbyor ba SANST to unite the principal ones, also to mix up the chief ingredients of medicines. mchog zung the model pair; the two most excellent amongst Buddha's disciples, Sariputra and Maudgalyayana. mchog 'od or mchog srid SANST n. of the celebrated Sanskrit grammarian who wrote during the reign of king Vikramaditya. mchog yas (grangs ) SANST n. of a great number. mchog shes = shes rab SANST wisdom. mchog sems 1. = byang sems a saint, purified soul, SANST. 2. SANST; chu lha the god of water, also called mchog sbyin . mchog srid SANST, SANST 1. n. of a great Buddhist sage who first composed the Pali grammar. 2. one of the nine sages who adorned the court of king Vikramaditya. mchog gsum = dkon mchog gsum the most precious ones: mchog gsum byin mthus 'dir yang phung khams bde here I am in good health by the grace of the three chief ones (Triratna) (Yig. k. 15). mchong = chong n. of a gem which is believed to have the property of curing paralysis. mchong ba SANST; pf. mchongs to leap up, to jump (into the water, etc.), also to bathe in water: seng ge mchong sa la wa mchong na rked pa chag when the fox jumps in the place where lions leap, he breaks his waist; chur mchongs te having leapt into the water. Syn. 'gengs pa ; brgal ba (Moon.). mchod pa (vb.) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. to honour, to worship, to revere, respect; to receive with honour. phyi'i mchod pa formal worshipping, i.e., to honour saints or deities by offering articles of food, flowers, perfumes, etc.; nang gi mchod pa to honour Buddha, Bodhisattvas, etc., in faith by meditating on their virtues. mchod par 'os pas mchod pa SANST because worthy of being honoured; (he) is honoured. 2. sbst. offering, oblation, libation; mchod pa 'bul ba to make offerings; rol mo mchod par 'bul ba to bring an offering of music; mchod pa sna tshogs thog te carrying along with them all sorts of offerings; mchod pa'i khyad par bcu the ten kinds of offerings; lha mchod offerings or libations to the gods; bla ma mchod pa offerings made to the lamas in order to honour them; 'bru mchod an offering consisting of grain; dus mchod offering presented on prescribed occasions; rgyun mchod daily or usual offering or religious service. 3. = dga' ston festivity, festive entertainment (Moon.). mchod kong small oil-burners generally made of bell-metal, brass, copper, silver or gold. mchod khri the chair or seat of the priest performing any religious service. Also mchod trestle, table, altar or frame for placing offerings on = mchod stegs , v. J‰. mchod khang SANST a chapel. mchod lcog a table or altar on which the offerings are put. mchod chas utensils necessary in making offerings. mchod mchog SANST a grand religious service; chief or principal service [n. of Indra]S. mchod brjod the invocations, praises, &c., of the deities and saints worshipped. mchod rten SANST, SANST lit. means "receptacle of offerings," but is the common term for a chaitya; in Tibet this takes the shape of small and tall masonry monuments of settled form crowned with the nyi zla (emblem of the sun and moon) and generally having in some cavity inside the ashes of a saint or other relics. mchod rten gyi 'khor sa SANST the walk or passage round a chˆrten for devotional circumambulation. mchod rten shing SANST lit. the tree which grows on the (brick) chaitya; or which is venerated on account of Buddha having attained to the state of Buddha under its shadow; C. byang chub shing the Bodhi or pipal tree. mchod rten byed met. an elephant (Moon.). mchod stegs offering-table, altar. mchod stod an offering with a hymn of praise (Sch.). mchod ston an entertainment, as sort of libation, given to the priests. mchod ldan SANST the sun (Moon.). mchod ldan ma SANST an epithet of Uma (Moon.). mchod sdong = mchod rten 1. SANST, SANST a stick [a sacrificial post]S. 2. offering-lamp (Sch.). 3. the wick of such a lamp (J‰.). mchod sdong can a kind of water-fowl (Moon.). mchod sdong chen po rgyal ba lta bal the great offering trunk or Bodhi tree. bstan 'gro'i bsod nams kyi mchod sdong chen por bskal brgyar gYo med du bzhugs| seated unmoved for a hundred Kalpa, as the worshipful Bodhi tree: by the good merits of all religious beings. (Yig. k. 20). (EEE The original has "rgyal ba lta ba la " which looks as though it has a type-setter's error in it.) mchod gnas 1. objects to which offerings are made. mchod pa'i gnas la gang zag dang rten gnyis|gang zag ni bla ma sangs rgyas dge 'dun sogs|rten ni sku gsung thugs rten sogs yin| the objects to which veneration is shown comprise two: persons and symbols; the persons are the assembly, Buddha, and the lamas; the symbols are images, the receptacles of what has been said, relics, and such like. 2. the officiating priest, the sacrificator. mchod pa po a sacrificer, one who gives an offering. mchod pa'i sprin SANST (mchod pa'i tshogs sprin ) ["a cloud of worship" described in the Bodhi. II, to be a magnificent mode of worship in which incenses, lamps, garlands of flowers, etc., are profusely used]S. mchod pa'i tshigs mchod pa 'bul ba la 'don rgyu'i tshigs bcad the Gatha or verses recited at a religious service. mchod par byed SANST worshipping, paying reverence. mchod par 'os pa (sbyin gnas or mchod gnas ) SANST worthy of veneration, worshipful; they are three such, viz.:- (1) slob dpon SANST the teacher or spiritual guide; (2) mkhan po SANST the high priest; (3) those who are elders or superiors. mchod phyir thogs SANST, mchod pa 'bul dus gos chen nam kha btags lta bu gru bzhi lag tu bzung nas mchod pa bzhag nas thogs pa the sacred raiment made of silk or a square satin scarf which is held in the hand while making any offerings to a deity; also an image or figure of a deity. mchod bya object of worship. mchod byed = 'bul ba offerings, libations. mchod 'bul the offerings in a sacrifice (Cs.). mchod sbyin SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a religious service where sacrifices of small figures are made. mchod sbyin lnga the five YajÒa (sacrifices) are:- (1) tshangs pa'i mchod sbyin klog 'don pa the Brahma YajÒa, which consists of recitation of the Vedas; (2) lha'i mchod sbyin ósbyin sreg byed the Deva YajÒa, consisting of burnt offerings to the gods; (3) mi'i mchod sbyin mgron 'ong mchod the human YajÒa consisting of hospitality to those present; (4) pha mes mchod sbyin mtshun tshim byed the YajÒa for ancestors consists in giving them (their souls) satisfaction; (5) 'byung po'i mchod sbyin gtor ma'o| Bhuta YajÒa consists in making torma offerings of cakes to the ghosts. Syn. sbyin sreg ; rgyud bdun pa ; mtho ris don ; aa Z ra (Moon.). mchod sbyin gyi rig byed the Yajur Veda of the Brahmans. (EEE The original has "Brahmans".) mchod sbyin can SANST an epithet of Indra. mchod sbyin 'joms SANST one who destroys a sacrifice; a Yavana, Mahomedan [an epithet of Siva as destroyer of Dakra's sacrifice]S. mchod sbyin 'dzin = mchod sbyin gyi las byed mkhan priests who recite the ritual at a sacrificial offering. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "mchod-sbgin hdsin" which is clearly in error.) mchod sbyin dgra bo = lha ma yin an Asura, a demon. mchod sbyin 'don ma SANST met. mother. mchod sbyin gnas = mchod sbyin byed pa'i khang pa the house or place where YajÒa sacrifices are performed. mchod sbyin spo = spos dkar lit. white incense, the resin of the Sal tree (Moon.). mchod sbyin od the performance of YajÒa. mchod sbyin phyugs gen. the object that is sacrificed in a YajÒa. mchod sbyin byas SANST one who performs a YajÒa sacrifice. mchod sbyin byed du 'jug pa SANST to make one perform a yajÒa sacrifice. mchod sbyin sbyar = bdag nyid SANST the self. mchod sbyin lhag SANST nectar. mchod me offering of lighted lamps in honour of a deity. mchod rdzas SANST, SANST the articles of YajÒa, particularly clarified butter, i.e., articles of religious service (mchod chas or mchod pa'i yo byad sacrificial utensils), requisites for festive processions in honour of deity. mchod shoms or mchod bshams the arrangements for a religious service and the placing of the offerings on the table before the deity to be worshipped. mchod tshig (bstod tshig or bkur tshig ) SANST words of praise to a deity or saint. mchod 'os 1. SANST met. the sun (Moon.). 2. worthy of worship, worshipful. mchod 'os gnas = gtsug lag khang a sanctuary or Gandhagpha (dri gtsang khang ) or Vihara (Moon.). mchod yon remuneration to a priest or lama performing any religious service. Syn. nye reg ; zhal bsil ; kha bshal ba ; yon chab ; 'thor 'thung (Moon.). mchod gYog one who serves in a religious or sacrificial service. mchod ro remnants of offerings consisting of cakes, etc., that have already been presented to a deity. mchor po sometimes also 'phyor po 1. pretty, handsome, neat, elegant; pho mchor po a handsome man; bud med mchor mo a pretty woman, esp. a smart gaily-dressed female. 2. in W. also vain, conceited (J‰.). 'chag constitutional walk; in colloq. is called lto 'ju ba constitutional walk for the digestion of food; in eleg. language of the lamas it is called rlung sangs 'gro ched "a walk for clearing the wind." ma nyal 'gro dang 'chag dang rtse ba dang | to play, to walk, and to move about, not lying down (A. 14). 'chag can in colloq. trodden, stamped; solid, firm, compact. 'chag pa I: pf. chag or chags 1. to break, be broken; snod chag pa a broken vessel; fig. nga rgyal chag pa humiliation, breaking one's pride; der 'byon stabs chag the opportunity of going there has been cut off; lam chag pa a beaten, practicable road. 2. to abate, beat down from the price: zhu chag med par there being no room for either asking or abating (J‰.). II: also chags pa , pf. bcags , fut. bcag 1. to tread, to walk, to move, esp. when speaking respectfully or formally: yab mes kyi zhabs kyis bcags pa'i sa cha the place where my ancestors did walk; zhabs chags pa'i phyag phyir 'gro follow me on my walk (J‰.); 'chag tu or 'chag su 'gro ba to take a walk. 'chag sa SANST (zhabs 'chag sa lta bu ) a place for walking in; 'chag sar 'chag pa to take a constitutional walk within a limited distance. 'chag par byed SANST takes constitutional walk after dinner; also the place for this purpose. 'chag sa'i bug pa an artificial cavern where a recluse takes rest or retires. 'chags pa = bshags pa 1. confession: sdig pa 'chags so| I have confessed my sins. 2. v. 'chag pa 3. 3. sometimes for 3'cheg pa 3 (J‰.). 'chang ba = 'dzin pa , pf. bcangs , imp. chong or chongs 1. to hold, to take hold of, to keep, to bear; also possession; SANST, SANST; lag tu 'chang ba to hold in the hand; sems la 'chang ba to bear in the mind, also to retain in the memory: zan gyis gsos pa'i khyi rgan gyis||nam zhig rang la 'chang ba mthong | one night I beheld the old dog which I had fostered with food laying hold on my own self. dbang po rdo rje 'chang ba'i lha the god Vajradharaón. of the ideal Buddha of the Gelugpa school acc. to the Tantrik section of it. tshul khrims chen po 'chang ba'i mchog a very good character is the chief of possessions. 2. to carry, to wear, to carry about with one, e.g., amulets, etc. 3. to have, to assume, e.g., the body of a goddess, of a Rakrasi (J‰.). 4. to bite or bark at. 'chang zungs handle, crook of a stick. 'changs pa in W. a (closed) handful, i.e., of dough; 'changs bu a clod (of clay), a snow-ball, etc., formed in the hand (J‰.). 'chad pa I: 1. pf. chad vb. n. to gcod pa ; like chod pa , SANST, SANST to be cut into pieces, to be cut off, to decay, to separate or break asunder: thag pa lta bu chad pa cut like a rope. 2. to cease, end, stop: dbugs 'chad kyin 'dug he is stopping for breath; to die away, to become extinct (of a family, a generation); to be consumed (of provisions, of bodily strength) (J‰.). II: pf. and fut. bshad , imp. shod SANST, SANST to explain; explanation, explaining: da lta 'chad it is now explained; chos 'chad kyin 'dug he is explaining the doctrine; yid la byos shig dang bshad give heed, and I will explain it to you; 'chad par 'gyur SANST; 'chad nyan pa to listen to an explanation (Sch.); 'jig chos gtam 'chad pa to teach the transitoriness of existence (Sch.). III: = shi khang SANST dead-house, a shed where the corpse is kept. 'chad mkhas pa = brjod bzang or lab bzang one skilful in explaining a thing; also a clever description. In Bon terminology 'chad pa = a convincing explanation, where there is no room for doubt. (EEE The original has lab 'bzang , which is clearly a spelling mistake.) 'chad 'dod SANST (ngag nas ) desire for explanation of any discourse. 'chab pa + pf. bcabs , fut. bcab , imp. chob , sped pa SANST to conceal, to keep secret. 'chab pa med pa'i sems a candid mind, open-heartedness (cog. to 'jab pa ). The word is also explained as rang gi skyon mi mngon par bya ba not to make evident one's fault, to hide it. 'cham pa I: = mthun pa (pf. bcam Lex.), also adj. and sbst., to accord, to agree, agreeing, agreement: srid la mi 'cham pas as they did not agree about the government. 'cham byed pa to make agree, to reconcile; kha 'cham pa to agree upon, to concert: blon po rnams kha ma 'cham nas the officers having disagreed (Pth.). II: gar 'cham , gar 'chams SANST to dance; also a dancer: khro 'cham pa who dances in frantic leaps wearing a frightful mask; gar 'cham a dramatic or stage dance (J‰.). 'cham po or 'cham pa po 1. a dancer. 2. mthun po harmony, concord: rgyal po phan tshun gnyis 'cham po byed kyi sdod pa byas the king sat between the two parties to reconcile them to each other (Yig. k. 52). 'cham dpon director of a dance, a stage-master. 'cham yig a book on dancing. 'chams SANST a dance, dancing. 'cha' in Ld., a cup-board (J‰.). 'cha' ba I: 1. pf. bcas (rarely 'chas ), fut. bca' , imp. chos to draw up, prepare, construct, adjust. gnas 'cha' ba to prepare a place, or abode; to settle. mal 'cha' ba to prepare a bed; dmag gar 'cha' ba to pitch a camp; skyil krung 'cha' ba to adjust in cross-legged posture; khrims ra 'cha' ba encamp, to establish a court of justice; rgyal khrims 'cha' ba to draw up a law, to give laws. 2. with dam to make a vow, to promise, assert; frq. yi dam 'cha' ba to promise by oath; blo gtad 'cha' ba to place confidence in. 3. with zhen pa or chags pa to be attached to. (EEE The inconsistent punctuation in the original makes it hard to distinguish the different tenses, but the above seems to reconstruct Das's intent. The original has "pf. bcas rarely; 'chas fut. bca' imp. chos ". Cf. tenses in bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo|.) II: to snap at, mangle; gcig la gcig 'cha' zhing za ba to maul and devour one another; shing 'cha' ba to gnaw at a piece of wood (J‰.). 'cha' rlom pa = kha la za rgyu la rlom pa one very fond of munching; a greedy person. 'char SANST rising, appearance (as of the sun). 'char ka SANST n. of an attendant of Buddha, who became a Bhikru. 'char skyems (blo gro lta bu ) habit. 'char ga the rising, the appearance. 'char sgo thought, idea, conception. sems can so so'i snang ba'i 'char sgo las from the thoughts that dawn (in the mind) of different animated beings (Ya-sel. 43). 'char stengs pa n. of a celebrated Lama of Charteng (Deb. ga 44). 'char ba (pf. shar ba ) SANST, SANST, SANST to arise, to start up, become visible, to shine: tshogs drug zhen med rgyun du 'char the six objects of perception free from fascination continually arise. gzugs 'char ba byed pa to cause an image to be reflected (in water); yid la 'char ba (thoughts) dawning or rising in the mind; grogs su 'char (they) appear as friends; rgyan du 'char it turned into an ornament, i.e., a blessing. 'chal SANST random talk or speech: 'di 'chal 'dug pas da rang re rnams 'gro| as this is meaningless talk, let us, every one of us, now go. 'chal 'chol or 'chal la 'chol le confused, pell-mell. (EEE The original's 'chal la 'chol le is unlikely; it is more likely 'chal le 'chol le .) 'chal gtam meaningless talk; byas pa med pa la bzung ba'i 'chal gtam meaningless talk where nothing practical comes out; 'chal gtam smra ba to rave, talk nonsense. 'chal pa I: (shes rab lta bu ) a kind of supernatural wisdom; 'chal pa'i shes rab SANST mischievous wisdom or knowledge; 'chal pa'i khrims SANST bad moral; immoral. II: or 'chal po lecher, fornicator; 'chal pa rnams kyi tshig obscene language (J‰.). 'chal ba 1. to lose one's wits, to be confused, to be in disorder. bslab pa 'chal ba to break moral discipline; to make confusion of the doctrine. 2. to hesitate, fluctuate in mind, be irresolute. 3. to fornicate, to commit adultery; bud med snad 'chal byed pa a woman that has lost her purity; a whore, harlot (J‰.). 'chal mo a whore (J‰.). 'chal tshig = ngag 'chal delirium, vain talk. 'chi * SANST death (Kalac. T. 109). 'chi gu = gtun bu sling, string-weapon. 'chi kha shi ba'i skabs the point of death, just when dying; 'chi kha ma at the time of dying; 'chi kha bar do rang grol n. of a religious work, which if read to a dying person his soul will not wander in the Bardo (the state between death and re-birth). 'chi rtags sign of death. 'chi rtags mtshan ma rang grol another work which is read when the sign of approaching death is perceived. It is read in order to hasten death so that after death the deceased may go to some ascertained place in the next world. 'chi ltas SANST, SANST forebodings of death; nyi ma'i 'chi ltas 'phel ba increasing the signs of the sun's death (by the approach of the eclipse) (Ya-sel. 51). 'chi bdag = gshin rje SANST Yama, the lord of death. 'chi nad a fatal disease. 'chi 'pho or 'chi = 'chi dang 'pho ba SANST, SANST termination of worldly concerns, death. 'chi 'pho ba = tshe 'pho ba to change one's place of existence, to transmigrate. 'chi 'pho med = skye 'chi med SANST not subject to change, without birth and death. 'chi ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST vb. to die: rang 'chi'o| I will seek death; 'chi ba yin he is about to die; 'chi bar byed pa'i chu water causing death; 'chi ba'i char gtogs SANST appertaining to death, relating to death. Syn. lnga ba'i gnas skabs ; lus zhig pa ; dus kyi chos nyid ; skal 'jig ; tshe 'gro ; blta ba'i mtha' ; til bcas khyor chu sbyin pa'i yul ; tshe 'da' ; tshe 'pho ; 'chi 'pho (Moon.). 'chi ba med SANST immortal, v. 'chi med 3. 'chi ba las rgyal ba SANST he who has conquered death; an epithet of Buddha. 'chi ba bslu ba SANST to deceive death, to ransom the life of a dying man. 'chi med SANST, SANST, SANST 1. SANST emancipation, immortality. 2. met. the raven which is famous for longevity. 'chi med dga' ba n. of religious work (Ya-sel. 60). 'chi med rnga or 'chi med rnga bo che , lha'i rnga bo che lit. celestial drum; n. of a Buddhist work (Yig. k. 20). 'chi med chab óchu bo gang gA a name of the river Ganges (Moon.). 'chi med mchod yon an epithet of the river Ganges (Ya-sel. 76). 'chi med ljon shing = lha'i dpag bsam gyi shing the celestial wishing-tree: sku 'tsho 'chi med kyi ljon shing rtsa ba brtan por tshugs shing may your health remain as steady as the celestial wishing-tree (Yig. k. 35). 'chi med bdud rtsi the immortal elixir of life, Ganges water: bka' mchid phebs tshogs 'chi med bdud rtsi'i rgyun bzhin stsol ba mkhyin| pray let your letters, communication, &c., flow like the deathless elixiróthe stream of the Ganges (Yig. k. 12). 'chi med bu mo a goddess. 'chi med mdzod SANST n. of a Sanskrit Dictionary composed by Amara Sioha. (EEE Original has Simha with a dot over the m, but Sioha is the correct Sanskrit transliteration for "lion".) 'chi med ril bu (tshe ril ) lit. life-pill; the life-giving pills. The abbess of Samding monastery and other sacred personages have such pills at their disposal. 'chi med dbang mo SANST the queen of the immortals; a name of the wife of Indra. 'chi med seng ge * SANST (Bull. 1898, 296). 'chig pa 1. = 'chi gu SANST a pestle. 2. said to = chos ma yin pa la dam du 'dzin pa to hold as holy that which is not Dharma (Buddhism) (K. d. 'a 355). 'ching bsgrigs an agreement. 'ching nyen pa to become connected or related by marriage: ba] la ru kho bo 'ching nyen gda' in Bengal I entered into marriage relations (A. 14). 'ching pa SANST bond, binding. 'ching ba I: SANST, SANST, SANST, (pf. bcings , fut. bcing , imp. 'ching or 'chings ) to bind, tie up, make fast to exorcise. II: sbst. any binding-material. 1. ribbon; mgul chings necklace, neck-cloth, neckerchief. 2. cord, fastenings, fetter, shackle: las kyi 'ching ba rnams SANST the fetters of Karma, also fig. for magic curse, anathema. 3. used in colloq. for cramp or convulsions. Syn. bkyig pa ; 'khyig pa ; bcing ba ; pf. 'chings pa = bkyigs pa ; 'khyigs pa ; bcings pa , signifying bstams pa (Moon.). 'ching byed = rnye or rnye thag (Moon.). 'ching byed ma a general term for women. 'ching ba sbyin ma a handsome women; maiden. 'ching bar n. of a village in 'phyong rgyas , in Tibet (Rtsii.). 'ching zab = gting zab or klong zab depth, profundity (Yig.). 'ching bu trinket; glass-bangle for feet. 'ching bu'i snod a glass vessel. 'chib pa or 'chibs pa , pf. bcibs , fut. bcib , imp. chibs , resp. to mount a horse or carriage; chib la 'chibs pa to ride, to mount a horse. 'chims phug n. of a holy place with a small temple near Samye. 'chims pa to be full, to get full (Sch.). 'chir ba evidently a form of cir ba to press, to squeeze. 'tshir ba has pf. btsir , fut. gtsir , to press, to wring, &c.; 'chir ba and cir ba being mere corruptions of the foregoing, though J‰. has them. 'chil pa sometime stands by mistake for mchil pa , a sparrow. 'chu ba I: acc. to J‰. 1. vb. n. to be twisted, distorted, pf. 'chus . 2. sbst. curvature, crookedness, distortion. 3. adj. as 'chus pa crooked; kha 'chus the mouth distorted. II: pf. bcus , fut. bcu , imp. chus 1. to scoop up or ladle water; chu mig la chu 'chu ba to draw water from from a spring; chu zom water bucket. 2. to irrigate, to water. 'chug said to = phyin nas slebs pa la having reached; arrived at (Yig.). 'chug med = nor 'khrul med pa without mistake (Rtsii.); 'chug med dgos rgyu sure necessaries; unmistakeable wants. 'chun or 'chun pa under one's control, hence 1. to be tamed, subdued, made to yield; stobs kyis 'chun retained by force; las kyis 'chun pa subdued or overpowered by hard work; 'chal sar 'chun entangled in vicious indulgences (Sch.). 'chum pa 1. to wish, to long for. 2. sbst. = ser sna covetousness (Moon.). 'chus pa = gyog po SANST awkward, acc. to Sch. also left-handed; acc. to Cs. curved, crooked. 'che ba (pf. bces , fut. bce , imp. ches ) to attest, to promise khas 'che ba resp. zhal gyis 'che ba id. 'cheg pa I: related to 'chags pa (pf. bshags , fut. bshag , imp. shog ) 1. to cut in twain, cleave, split; shing 'cheg pa to split wood; sog les 'cheg pa to cut with a saw (Cs.). 2. to confess, to acknowledge (J‰.). 3. to be afraid of. (EEE No definition II. is provided in the original.) 'chems pa + pf. bcems , fut. bcem , to chew (Med.; J‰.). 'cher pa (nang khrol ) SANST the spleen. 'chel ba + or 'chel pa = zhen pa or 'chad pa SANST desire, wish; acc. to J‰. and Cs. to believe, to give credence to. 'ches pa sometimes spelt as mches pa happy advent. 'chog pa SANST to smite; acc. to Sch. a wall. 'chog thog the sound of a falling article or thing. 'chong ba or 'chongs pa = 'chang ba SANST, SANST to be holding, keep fast. 'chobs shig + = gsongs shig made secret. 'choms pa = 'chams pa vb. n. to 'joms pa . 'chor nyan + = shor nyan , rang res rdza rtsigs las don 'chor nyan 'dug (Rdsa.). 'chor po occasionally for mchor po . 'chor ba I: vb. n. pf. shor 1. to escape, flee or steal away; also to flow out, ooze; rtsa khrag 'chor ba the blood exuding; bkrag 'chor without splendour, lustreless; nor 'chor the money has fled; sdom 'chor the vow is dissipated; me la 'chor ba to be consumed by fire; chu la 'chor ba to be carried away by water. 2. to come out, to break forth, frq. of fire; 'khrug pa shor a quarrel, a war broke out, also of water breaking through an embankment. 3. to go over, to pass, be transferred. II: vb. a., pf. bshor , fut. gshor , to pursue, chase, go after; ri bong rgyas hares by means of nets; nya 'chor ba to fish; 'chor sgeg a seducer; a swaggerer (Sch.). 'chol ba I: 1. adj. topsy-turvy, upside-down. 2. to mistake or deviate from an order; 'chol bar byed pa to put into disorder, to confuse, to confound. 3. pf. bcol to entrust, lay upon, to commit a thing to another's charge; to make, appoint; de la rgyal po 'chol lo| they appointed him king; btsun mo la rta rdzi bcol lo| they made the queen tend the horses; thab gYog 'chol zhig he may be employed as a scullion; dbang med du 'chol ba to make one powerless, to compel authority; bcol ba'i gnyer manager. las 'chol ba or (resp. phrin las 'chol ba ) to commission one with an affair or transaction; bang so yul de'i lha srung rnams la phrin bcol mdzad do| he entrusted the sepulchre to the tutelary gods of the country. 4. to be thrown together confusedly, e.g., of the loose leaves of a book: dge sdig 'chol bar 'gro virtue and vice are intermixed. 5. to rave, to be delirious, to talk confusedly whilst heavy with sleep (J‰.). 'chol ma acc. to Cs. 1. a thing committed to another's care. 2. a sly, crafty woman. 3. acc. to Sch. a dissolute woman (J‰.). 'chos pa + I: = bzos pa : 1. pf. bcos or 'chos , fut. bco , imp. chos , supine bcos su , to make, make ready, prepare; to construct, build, etc.: 'chos sam| am I to build? dres ma thag par 'chos pa to make ropes out of dres-ma grass, prop. to make ropes out of it. gzab 'chos pa to dress, to train one's self up (Sch.); gsar du 'chos pa to renew, renovate, repair (Sch.); ltung ba phyir 'chos pa to retouch, amend, correct, improve. tshul 'chos hypocrisy, a mere outward performance of religious rites and observances: tshul 'chos ma byas od pa to live without hypocrisy. tshul 'chos mkhan hypocrite. tshul 'chos pa or bcos pa acc. to Cs. an established rule or canon (J‰.). II: 1. adj. disorderly, dissolute, immoral. 2. sbst. disorderly conduct, dissoluteness: 'chol pa sna tshogs ad pa committing various acts of immorality. ja I: this the seventh letter of the Tibetan alphabet, according to the grammarians of Tibet, was not borrowed from India, its equivalent being unknown in any of the Indian languages of the seventh century, A.D., when the Tibetan written language was shaped by Thon-mi Sambhota. In sound it corresponds with the English J, but as an initial it is pronounced in C. as Jh. However when it is surmounted by any letter or has prefix preceding it, as in the words rje and mjal , it then resumes the sound of a pure J. II: 1. tea; word derived from the Chinese ca, signifying tea. The resp. form for ja is gsol ja . ja ko a hide bag for packing tea (Rtsii.). ja dkrug a twirling stick, the churning-piston. ja kha of the colour of tea; n. of a Chinese scarf of brick-red colour. ja khug a vessel or bag in which tea is kept. ja khra a large tea-pot made of copper, silver, &c., for serving tea to the congregation of monks at a religious service. ja rgyab "after tea." In Tibet and Sikkim table-talk commences after tea has been served. ja mchod libation of tea. ja 'thag or ja btag tea-grinder (in Tibet powdered tea is put in boiled water); grinding stone, used for kitchen purposes. ja dpon one who is in charge of tea-drinking meetings; head tea-cook. ja phud the first preparation of tea which is sometimes offered to the gods; first quality of tea. ja 'bing tea-pot, tea-kettle. This word, sounded cham-bing, is the common term used in C. ja sbyor a mixture of tea with butter and salt (Rtsii.). ja ma tea-maker, tea-cook, a cook who prepares tea and gruel, &c. (Rtsii.). ja tshags a sieve to strain tea (Rtsii.). ja yAa ju n. of a kind of tea (Rtsii.). ja yu another kind of tea (Rtsii.). ja ril in W. acc. to J‰. grinding-stone; also a skull. ja lag gnyis an abbr. of ja ma and lag bde i.e. one who prepares tea and another who serves it (Rtsii.). ja lung the handle straps of a leathern-trunk. ja shing tea-plant. In Tibet the tea-plant is styled rgya nad sel shing i.e., the plant which cures Indian or Chinese diseases, as being an antidote against malarial fever. ja sang plain decoction of tea: ja sang bcas pa'i chas thob| get plain tea with its accessories! (Rtsii.). ja sigs used in jo bo ja sigs ji snyed dang (J. Zao.). ja sun time when tea is served. ja sun can acc. to Sch. a cup of tea; as much as a cup of tea. ja ser yellow tea exported from Amdo into Eastern Tibet. ja hong + = btsod mdog or dmar ser SANST yellowish-red, acc. to J‰. ja 'od is yellow-red. jag SANST robbing, robbery; jag rgyag pa to commit robbery. jag pa SANST one who terrifies by shouts and gestures; a robber. mi ser jag pa'i grim sa yin it is a lurking place of husbandmen who rob, or who are robbers (Mil.). In this passage jag pa might be almost a verb "to rob." jag dpon captain of a gang of robbers; a brigand chief. jal n. of a place in Tibet; jal gyi phu the uplands of Jal (Deb. ga 41). ji I: 1. num. fig. 37. 2. the correlative form of the pron ci what. II: is used in expressions illustrating examples, comparison, measurement, dimensions, also extent of time. ji and ci are of same signification; but Tibetan grammarians discriminate their use as follows:- dpe dang tshad gzhal ba la ji thob|don la ci thob| in making comparisons and measurement use ji, in the case of direct significations use ci. ji skad SANST, SANST what, whatever, relative to words spoken: ngas ji skad smras kyang whatever I may have said; ji skad smras pa bzhin du byed pa SANST doing in accordance with what one has said. ji ga + = brtag pa when examined or searched into: ji ga skyes bu de ngo mtshar byed pa yin nam| (K. d. tsa 4) if looked into, is not that person really wonderful? ji snyam pa equal to what? ji snyed = ji tsam SANST, SANST, SANST 1. as much as; as great as. 2. whatever is or may be possible. 3. just about (so much). ji yod or gang yod what is, or as much as is (Dag. 8). ji lta or ji lta ba 1. SANST, SANST, SANST how, of what kind, of what nature. 2. sbst. quality, nature, condition (Cs.); ji lta = de nas SANST then. ji ltar SANST adv. as, in what manner; khos ji ltar zer pa bzhin du acc. to what he has said; ji lta ji ltar in as much as, in the measure of. ji lta ji ltar chog shes la in the proportion as one shall be contented. ji lta bu such as, like as. ji ltar de SANST = ji ltar yin pa de ltar , ji lta drangs SANST how to be taken? bla ma la gsol ba ji ltar drangs dgos in what manner should I convey requests to the lama? ji ltar 'byor pa SANST acc. to the measure of one's means or attainments. ji ltar yang = dper na SANST for example, thus. ji ste is said to = ci sta de nas SANST so and so. It also is a conjunction meaning but if, nevertheless. ji nas = ci nas ji lta ba or ji ltar also 'di nas as for instance; henceforth. ji nus kyis = ci nus kyis as much as possible; to the utmost, to the best of one's ability, as far as it lies in one's power. ji ma rung = ci ma rung e ma exclamatory phrase akin to ma la , kye ma , or kyi hud SANST, alas! ji tsug = gang 'dra how, like what? in what manner? skyabs gnas thugs rje can rnams ci tsug la song | (A. 128) "how the merciful ones, the refuge (of the helpless), have passed away!" ji tsam SANST how much? ji tsam nas as soon as, when; ji tsam byung how many have been got? ji zhig SANST; ci zhig , ji zhig ltar SANST seldom. ji bzhin how, like what? ji bzhin du accordingly. ji 'os + = 'tsham pa 1. in accordance with, conformity with. 2. gong 'os pa whatever is fit, is becoming (Dag. 8). ji srid SANST as long as; ji srid 'tsho ba'i bar du SANST all the life long; as long as one lives. jing the Chinese term for Buddhism which in Tibetan is chos , in Sanskrit SANST. ju num. fig. 67. ju thig denotes a drawing of lots by threads of different colours, whence a class of Bon-po is called phya bon ju thig can (J‰.). ju po a globular stone used for grinding spices = ja ril (J‰.); acc. to Moon. ju po = gtun , a pestle. ju ru ja a kind of tea (Rtsii.). ju shes a kind of satin. jun wang n. of a celebrated Tibetan chief under whose orders the sacred series of works called Kahgyur and Tangyur were engraved on wooden blocks at Lhasa (Loo. 'a, 17). jub phab a kind of tea (Rtsii.). jus strategy (J‰.). jus mkhas po = thabs mkhas pa one skilful in means, one full of resources. jus legs I: = byus legs SANST one who has conquered his enemies; a Buddhist saint of the Hinayana School. Syn. 'thab rtsod rgyal ; gYul legs pa ; dgra bcom pa ; dgra las rgyal (Moon.). II: 1. acc. to Sch. possessed of good manners, of propriety of conduct; decent, agreeable; jus bde sincere. 2. acc. to Cs. clever, skilled, able, experienced; zhing gi las la jus bde skilful in agriculture; dmag la jus legs pa dextrous in military matters. jus ma a sort of silk stuff (Cs.). je 1. num. fig. 97. 2. a particle, used for expressing the comparative degree of an adj. or adv., and esp. a gradual growing or increase, often with termin. case or la ; je che je che = che ru che ru grew larger and larger; chu phran mang po je che je che la rgyas nas song | many streamlets increased in size becoming larger and larger (Behu. 50). je mang 'gro (they) go on increasing in number; je gsal du song | it has become more evident; je nye je nye song ste going nearer and nearer; je mtho je mtho higher and higher; je bzang je bzang du 'gro ba to grow better and better. 3. progress: chos kyi 'dun sa 'dir je ci zhig mthong | (Surao. 5) whatever progress you observe in the advance of the doctrine in this place (association). 4. acc. to Lex. dbyangs sound, voice (J‰.). 5. acc. to Schtr. a hortative particle, often connected with a vocative. je kha a deed. je khyod acc. to Sch. now you, you first. je dang po the very first. je phra = phra ru phra ru thinner and thinner or finer and finer. je dbul ba = nyam chung du 'gro ba to grow poorer, become more and more destitute. je zhig = re zhig a little while, sometime. je ring = ring du 'gro ba growing longer and longer. jeng = 1. dang po or re zhig SANST, SANST the first or earliest. 2. SANST, SANST sound, voice. jo 1. num. fig. 127 = jo bo or jo mo . jo jo SANST elder brother (Dag. 8); = aa jo in C. and aa cu in Sikk. Syn. phu bo ; sngon skyes ; thog ma skyes ; nges 'dzin ; thu bo ; gcen po (Moon.). jo gdan = jo nang gi gdan sa the seat or headquarters of the Jo-nang-pa sect of Buddhism in Tibet. jo nang or jo mo nang n. of a place with a lofty Chorten and a convent situated about 100 miles to the N. W. of Tashilhun-po; the place where Phyogs-las Rnam-rgyal the founder of the Jonang-pa sect was born, and whence the name Jonang-pa was derived. jo bo SANST, SANST, SANST; rje 'u also rje rigs lord, master, noble, venerable; also one of the nobility. Syn. gtso bo ; mgon po ; mgo 'dren (Moon.). jo bo ja ma li n. of an image of Buddha in Yambu the ancient capital of Nepal. jo bo rje (lit. the noble lord) the Tibetan title of Atisa. jo bo phying dkar ba n. of a demi-god (Rtsii.). jo bo'i lugs kyi rta mgrin * (56c) the deity Hayagriva acc. to the system of Jo-wo. jo mo 1. SANST the female head of a household, a woman that governs as mistress of her own servants. 2. a cloistress, nun. jo mo kha nag snowy mountain in S. Tibet towards Bhotan. jo mo gangs dkar lit. the lady of the white snows, a Tibetan name for Mount Everest. jo mo lha ri the snowy mountain between Tibet and Bhotan ordinarily called Chumalari. jo rtsi varnish for wooden furniture. jo rtsi gser shog lustrous gold leaf for painting purposes. jo rdzong or jo mo rdzong n. of a fort and district in Tibet (Rtsii.). jo lugs sgrol dkar * (2A.). mjal ba resp. for 'phrad pa SANST; imp. mjol 1. to meet; to interview, obtain access to an honoured person, to wait on, to pay one's respects to a person: yab dang mjal 'tshal lo| I will pay a visit to my father; phyi myur du mjal du yong | I shall take the liberty of soon coming back; mjal par zhu ba to ask for an audience; mjal du mi btub cannot get in, cannot obtain admittance; mjal phrad dang dga' ba'i gtam mang po mdzad they exchanged many compliments and expressions of joy; gnas mjal ba to visit a sanctuary or a holy place; to go on a pilgrimage; gnas mjal pa a pilgrim. 2. go ba'i mjal ba SANST to understand, comprehend; don mjal ba to understand the meaning. mjal kha audience, access to a great man's presence, admittance; mjal kha gtong ba or gnang ba to give audience, grant interview; mjal phrad byed pa to have an interview with, to meet. mjal rten a present made at an interview with a great man. mjal dar the scarf that is presented on the occasion of an interview. mjal sna pa an introducer, master of ceremonies (Cs.). mjal phyag salutation. mjal mang a visit paid by many together, a grand reception (Cs.). mjal zhu a prayer made on the occasion of an interview or meeting. mjing pa = 'jing pa 1. SANST the neck (Dag. 8). 2. = rtsa mjing meadow (Schtr.). mjing bsnol explained as ske'am mgrin pa phan tshun bsnol ba gcig gis gcig la sos phrugs pa lta bu among birds or animals, for instance one hugging or embracing the neck of another to pick or tickle each other with the teeth; zur bzhir rma bya mjing bsnol mdzes par gyis| let the four corners be made beauteous with peacocks crossing each other's necks (A. 4). mjings zab v. klong zab . (EEE klong zab does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under 'ching zab 3.) mjug the back, the tail; what is behind, the hinder part, of anything, resp. sku mjug posteriors, backside, tail (Dag. 8). mjug skor ba colloq. to turn one's back (on another). With regard to time = the end: zla ba brgyad pa'i mjug la at the end of the eighth month; mjug la or mjug tu as adv. and postp. are colloquially in common use to signify: at the end of, at last, behind, after, with genit. of the verbal root; also aang ki mjug ma = the last, the last one. mjug sgro lower or inferior part, underpart, buttocks; tail-feather (SÒio.). mjug sgro can = rma bya SANST peacock. mjug bsngo ba to make a prayer after having done some act of merit. mjug bsngos (mthar phyin pa bsnyad ) SANST gone to the extremity; attaining thoroughness in any subject. mjug do the bone of the tail: lug gi mjug dos mkhal rked rlung nad sel (Sman.) the sheep's tail-end cures kidney, pains in the waist and disease caused by rlung . mjug rdum = mjug ma chad pa with short tail, tail cut off; an ill-conditioned improvident person who at the end disappoints or behaves ungratefully. mjug phod can = du ba mjug ring a comet (Moon.). mjug ma or 'jug ma SANST, SANST, SANST the tail, the posterior that hangs down; mjug ma sgril ba to wag the tail; fig. the further progress and final issue of an affair; the consequences; aang ki mjug ma the last. Syn. rnga ma ; zhu gu (Moon.). mjug rings * or du ba mjug rings SANST comet (Kalac. T. 49). mjug ring SANST one of the nine planets of Hindu Astronomy. mje SANST, SANST the penis (Dag. 8); in the Tantras it is called gsang ba'i rdo rje; mje langs pa or dbang po las su rung ba erection of the penis; mje mgo the glans penis; mje rlag the penis and the testicles. mje shubs the membraneous covering or the sheath of the penis (J‰.). Syn. pho rtags ; pho dbang (Moon.). mjed pa SANST suffering enduring, bearing patiently; acc. to Cs. obnoxious; ma mjed prop. free; gen. acc. to Buddhist ideas the world, the universe. 'jag pa pf. jags (Cs.); acc. to Sch. to establish, settle, fix, found; hence prob. bde 'jags and khris 'jags , 'jags khris prob. 'jags ring time of prosperity, of peace, of rest; a time without disturbances, war, epidemic, etc. (J‰.). 'jag skya v. 'jag ma 3. 'jag gdan a seat made of the grass called 'jag ma ; a cotton rug with its edges turned up with red cloth. 'jag ma SANST 1. a fragrant grass, Andropogon muricatus. 2. acc. to Sch. a coarse and thick grass of inferior quality used in roofing huts. 3. a blade (of grass); stalk (of corn); 'jag ma re'i steng na on every blade of grass; ku sha'i 'jag ma phon cig a bundle of blades of Kusa grass. 'jag rgod acc. to Sch. horse-tail, pewter grass, Equisetum (J‰.). 'jag ma'i rtsa also called 'jag skya SANST the roots of this grass. In Tsang 'jag ma is called khyem , 'jag ma being colloq. a word of C.; in Tsang we hear sa zhing phru rlog byed rgyu'i khyem a shovel with which soil is overturned (Rtsii.). 'jags v. under 'jag pa 3 1. = bzhag as thugs 'jags = sems 'jags remember, keep in mind: ring min ngos mjal zhus chog pa thugs mtshor 'jags pa mkhyin| pray bear in the ocean of your mind that we may meet before long (Yig. k. 26). 2. clay or mud (Dag. 8). 'jags pa in C. to give, to make a present, to formally present (Georgi's Alphabetum Tibetanum). 'jags ring = bde ba'i yun ring the time of happiness or prosperity. 'jang place in N. W. Tibet which once formed the kingdom of Hjao (J. Zao.). 'jang gyi rgyang mkhar one of the thirty-seven holy places of the Bon (G. Bon. 38). 'jang ba to devour, swallow (Sch.). 'jang tsha lha dbang the son of king khri lde gtsug brtan betrothed to the sister of the Emperor Juo, Juo the fifth of the T'ang dynasty. He died before his would-be spouse could reach Tibet. His father, however, married her as she would not go back to China without becoming a queen. 'jang so = sa mtshams . 'jangs zhabs n. of a place in Kham (Loo. za, 12). 'jangs sa tham n. of place in Kham (Loo. za, 12). 'jan po + a consort; properly 'jan pho = husband, and 'jan mo = wife. 'jab gdan a soft rug made of wool (Rtsii.). 'jab pa pf. prob. bzhabs , fut. bzhab . to sneak, slink, creep privily; to lie in wait, in ambush; tshe la 'jab pa to make an attempt on a person's life. 'jab bu ba = rkun po or rkun ma (Moon.) a thief; 'jab bus ma byin par len pa to steal clandestinely. 'jab tse a pair of scissors, nippers, tweezers. 'jab rtse kha a kind of rug made of sder ma (Jig.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "hjab-tse-kha" or 'jab tse kha ; the Tibtan spelling in the original is the accepted spelling.) 'jam pa SANST, SANST, SANST tender, soft, lovely, charming. Syn. mnyen pa ; 'bol ba (Moon.). 'jam klas SANST, SANST straight. 'jam mgon SANST; v. 'jam dpal 3. 'jam mgon chos kyi rgyal po the complimentary title by which Tsongkhapa is addressed in Tibet: 'jam mgon chos kyi rgyal po'i zhabs rten pad mo'i drung du| to the lotus feet of the king of the Doctrine, Jam-pal. 'jam mgon bstan pa'i srog shing Jam-gon the life-tree of the Doctrine. 'jam mgon bla ma an address of politeness to the hierarchs of the Sakya school. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "hjam-mgon bla-ma" which is clearly in error.) 'jam jus = rkyang jus a kind of silk scarf or satin. 'jam 'jam polite words: ngan pa la'ang tshig 'jam 'jam gyi snyan 'debs "polite language should be used even towards the meanest person." Also in C. softly, gently. 'jam ljang 'dab ldan a parrot or the bird with light green plumage (Moon.). 'jam gnyen ma a woman of fascinating speech. 'jam thabs gentle means, milder measures. 'jam pa'i rdo rje SANST n. of deity; a Bodhisattva. 'jam pa'i dbyangs * SANST, mi tri rje btsun (Org. m. 113, 35). 'jang pa'i rigs SANST humbler classes (opp. to rtsub pa ), soft, tender, smooth, mild, e.g., of cloth, hair; a meadow, a plain without stones or rocks, of fruit, the air, the character of person, a person's way of speaking. 'jam po 1. soft, gentle, not rough or cross; gyong po ma yin pa not stiff. 2. SANST, SANST mild; alum. 'jam pos len to draw out information or any secret from another by using fascinating speech or smooth language. 'jam por smra speak softly, gently. 'jam dpal SANST n. of the third Dhyani Bodhisattva, who is regarded as the deputy of the third Dhyani Buddha, Dzin-sten Jung-do. Is popular throughout Nepal and Tibet. His several names are:- 'jam dbyangs the soft-voiced; shes rab kyi lha the god of wisdom; brtan pa'i 'khor lo ; ral gri can ; zur phud lnga pa ; blo yi gter ; ngag gi dbang phyug ; seng ge rtsen ; smra ba'i rgyal po ; smra ba'i lha ; ye shes me long ; ye shes sku ; shas rab 'khor lo ; shes rab sku ; rdo rje rnon po ; ngag gi rgyal po (Moon.). 'jam dpal gnas pa SANST the residence or sphere in the heavens of Jam-pal. 'jam dpal grags * SANST (Bull. 1848, 295). 'jam dpal rgya mtsho n. of the eighth Dalai Lama of Lhasa who died in the year 1805, aged 46. From the birth of Tsongkhapa to the 20th year of the Dalai Lama Hjam-dpal rgya-mtsho 420 years elapsed (Loo. 'a 16). 'jam dpal rnga sgra * SANST, n. of a Buddha (Ta. 2, 279). 'jam dpal snying po the name under which Tsongkhapa is now believed to be known in the Turita regions. 'jam dpal gyi sangs rgyas kyi zhing gi yon tan bkod pa SANST n. of a Buddhist religious book giving description of the region where dwells MaÒjusri or Jam-pal. 'jam dpal gzhon nur gyur pa * SANST a manifestation of Jam-pal. 'jam dpal bshes gnyen * SANST. 'jam dbyangs SANST v. 'jam dpal 3 called also the principal Bodhisattva among nye ba'i sras chen brgyad the eight spiritual sons of the Buddha. 'jam dbyangs dkar po * a white image or manifestation or Jam-pal. A yellow ditto:- 'jam dbyangs dmar ser . 'jam dbyangs smra seng * wa gI shwa ra SANST Lord of speech. 'jam 'bras n. of medicinal fruit reputed useful in diseases of the kidney (Med.); 'jam 'bras mkhal ma'i nad ni sel bar byed . 'jam 'bras dbye pa v. SANST (Moon.), a medicinal fruit. [the tree Pongamia glabra]S. 'jam ma 1. = rje 'jam resp. for thug pa gruel, broth. 2. goddess of fortune. 'jam mo post-stage (Sch.). 'jam rtsi SANST a purging clyster; a mild purgative medicine. 'jam yas n. of a number (Ya-sel. 57). 'jam bslus mgo skor ba to deceive by sweet and fascinating language. 'ja' or 'ja' tshon SANST, SANST, SANST rainbow; also the colours of the rainbow; 'ja' tshon yal ba the vanishing of the rainbow; 'ja' 'od light or splendour of the rainbow; 'ja' lus the body of a saint vanishing in the rainbow or in the manner of the colours of the rainbow. Syn. dbang po'i mtshon ; brgya byin gzhu ; rlung gi rgyal mtshan ; rlung gi bal ; rlung gi 'bras bu ; 'od lnga pa ; gzha' tshon ; 'ja' ris ; rgan po'i thig ; lha rgyal mtshon cha ; sos ka bzhad ; dbang gzhu ; lha yi tshan ris ; dbang po'i shing bal (Moon.). 'ja' ba 1. also 'ja' mo acc. to Sch. lame, gen. zha bo ; 'ja' bar byed pa to make lame, to lame. 2. to bespeak, to concert, to confederate (Sch.). 'ja' ma laces or needle-work representing the colours of the rainbow; generally Chinese shoes are made with such laces. 'ja' sa or 'ja' mo edict, diploma, a permit (Cs.); said to be Chinese word Tibetanized. 'ja' ris v. 'ja' 3. 'ja' sa mnga' zhabs bzang po faithful servant of the king. 'jar ba acc. to Cs = 'byar ba to stick together, to cohere. 'jal ba pf. bcal , fut. gzhal , imp. 'jol (Rdo. 46) 1. to weigh. 'jal byed srang (a pair of) scales for weighing. 2. to measure: ring thung tshad 'jal ba to measure the length. 3. to appraise, to tax; to weigh in one's mind, to ponder more fully expressed by blos gzhal ba (SANST, SANST) to understand. 4. to pay; pay back, repay; bu lon 'jal ba to pay a debt; skyin pa 'jal ba to repay a loan; khral 'jal to pay rent or tax, esp. with lan; phan lan gnod pas 'jal or legs pa'i lan nyes pas 'jal to retaliate, return, repay, return evil for good; also in the way of a fine or punishment. In the Tibetan penal code khri 'jal i.e., payment in ten thousand fold is necessary for making good the loss of sacred life or objects; brgyad bcu 'jal in eighty-fold is compensation for the property of ordinary men. 'jal bya'i dngos po the articles or essentials of payment in purchase or of exchange in barter. 'jal kha the act or business of measuring; 'jal 'gro SANST measured. 'jal bar byed = tshad du byed or mnyam byed SANST paying in price; 'jal bas SANST dry or liquid measurement or weighment. 'jal byed SANST = 4 adhakas; a measure; a measure of capacity. 'jas pa v. sgy id skyur ba (Moon.). (EEE sgy id skyur ba does not occur elsewhere in the dictionary but see sgy id skyur pa 3 and 3sgy id skyur 3.) 'ji ba 1. or 'ji shig = khyi shig a flea, also lji ba . 2. acc. to Cs. = 'jim pa . 3. soft, smooth. 4. acc. to Sch. disgusting, nasty, e.g., of a filthy smell. 'jig rten I: = 'khor ba SANST 1. the transmigratory existence (Moon.); 'jig rten las 'das pa or 'khor ba las 'das pa passed out of the world. 2. symbolically the number three (Rtsii.). II: SANST receptacle of all that is perishable. 1. the external world, the universe; 'jig rten gyi lha the god of the world (who is also subject to death); 'jig rten las 'das pa one that has escaped from this world, emancipated, blessed; 'jig rten gsum the three divisions of the world: earth, the heavens and hades; 'jig rten gyi bya ba worldly things or affairs; 'jig rten dgos pa'i bslab bya useful maxims of life, moral rules; 'jig rten gyi chos brgyad SANST the eight worldly objects:- (a) rnyed pa SANST gain; (b) ma rnyed pa SANST loss; (c) snyan pa SANST fame; (d) mi snyan pa SANST notoriety or ill-fame; (e) snad pa slander or scandal; (f) bstod pa SANST praise; (g) bde ba SANST happiness; (h) sdug bsngal SANST misery. 'jig rten gyi mdzad pa lnga the five temporal acts of a Buddha:- Conception in the mother's womb, birth, youthful achievements, marriage, and reigning over the kingdom. 'jig rten las 'das pa'i mdzad pa lnga the five works leading to the passing out of the world of a Buddha: (a) rab tu byung ba (SANST) renunciation; (b) dka' ba ad pa (SANST) asceticism; (c) chos 'khor bskor ba (SANST) turning the wheel of Law, i.e., preaching religion; (d) cho 'phrul ston cing bdud btul ba subduing the devil (Mara) by exhibiting religious miracles; (e) sangs rgyas pa the attainment of Nirvana. 2. world, as a more general term: bde ba can gyi 'jig rten the Sukhavati or the world of bliss. There are two kinds of worlds:- (a) ma dag pa'i 'jig rten the impure or defiled world, i.e., the world of sin; (b) dag pa'i 'jig rten the sanctified world, i.e., the world of purity. Most Buddhists include our world, in the Madag-pahi Hjig-rten. The following five include the pure worlds or Dag-pahi hjig-rten: (a) bde bar gshegs pa bdun gyi zhing khams the worlds which have been sanctified by the presence of the seven Sugata Buddhas or the happily-passed-away Buddhas; (b) the worlds presided over by the Buddhas of the ten quarters and the five Dhyani Buddhas; (c) the world of beatitude called mngon dga' ba or mngon par dga' ba'i zhing khams ; (d) the world called paV can ; (e) De-wa-chan or the World of Bliss of the Northern Buddhists (Sorig.). Our present world is divided into two:- (a) phyi snod kyi 'jig rten the physical or inorganic world, (b) nang bcud kyi 'jig rten the living or animated world. 'jig rten khams SANST the world. Syn. sa rten ; bcud kyi snod ; gnas rten ; rang skyed ; sa bon (Moon.). 'jig rten khams kyi cha shas SANST part of the world. 'jig rten mkha' 'gro * n. of a nymph. 'jig rten mkhyen pa SANST the knower of the world, i.e., of all that happens on the world. 'jigs rten khrims = rgyal khrims the laws or institutes for governing (Moon.). 'jig rten gyi gtam worldly saying, common saying, proverb. 'jig rten gyi thad SANST worldliness; in the direction of worldliness, or usage, custom, etc. 'jig rten gyi bar SANST in the world a dark space, n. of a hell. 'jig gyi gtso bo the lord of the universe (M.V.). 'jig rten gyi tshul SANST worldly manner, according to custom, or usage. 'jig rten mgon po SANST the patron or protector of the world; an epithet of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara; also n. of the Buddha. 'jig rten 'jig pa SANST the destruction of the world. 'jig rten thams cad la mngon par mi dga' ba'i 'du shes SANST an aversion to the concerns of this world, being the outcome of adherence to the Doctrine. 'jig rten 'dul (sangs rgyas i'i mtshan ) SANST one who has conquered the worldóa general epithet of Buddha (Moon.). 'jig rten pa SANST, SANST a worldly man, a layman. 'jig rten dbang po = nyi ma also SANST, SANST the sun, the witness of the world. 'jig rten pha rol SANST the next world. 'jig rten byed po I: the maker of the universe, an epithet of lha dbang phyug chen po Mahesvara (Situ. 8). II: = lha tshangs pa a name of Brahma (Moon.). (EEE the above two entries were listed under separate instances of the same headword in the original.) 'jig rten dbang phyug SANST a name of Avalokitesvara (Moon.). 'jig rten dbang phyug yi ge bdun * the seven letters symbolical of Avalokitesvara (A. 24). 'jig rten mig = nyi ma SANST the sun as the eye of the world (Moon.); n. of a Piri, the founder of Lokayata sect of Indian atheists (Grub. ka 5). 'jig rten mes po (lha tshangs pa ) the ancestor of the world; an epithet of Brahma (Moon.). 'jig rten zla ba * SANST (Kalac. T. 74). 'jig rten las 'das ma a n. of the queen of the Noi-Jin demons (K. g. da 130). 'jig rten shing rta ma = 'bab chu a hill torrent (Moon.). 'jig pa I: = 'cheg pa SANST breaking down, destruction, ruin. II: 1. vb. act. pf. bzhig , fut. gzhig , imp. shig (Rdo. 46.) to destroy, to devastate, to devour, to abolish, to do away with, dissolve (an enchantment). 2. vb. n. pf. bzhig or zhig to be lost; undermined; to decay, perish: 'jig par shin tu sla (earthly good) may be easily lost again; 'jig pa zhig gsos byed pa to restore repair. 3. to suck, draw out moisture (Sch.), v. 'jib pa 3. 'jig pa can frail, perishable (Cs.); mi 'jig pa imperishable. 'jig pa'i bskal pa SANST the period of dissolution of the universe. 'jig pa'i ngang can SANST subject to destruction. 'jig bar lta ba SANST apprehensive of danger, fearful. 'jig tshogs lit. collection of the destructibles, i.e., the worldly things; SANST terrible. 'jig tshogs la lta ba the doctrine of regarding everything as destructible; described as lta ba nyon mongs pa lnga yod pa'i gcig one of the five schools of philosophy that aimed at freedom from misery, holding that worldly existence is comprised of five miseries; the doctrines opposed to it were:- (1) mi 'jig lta ; (2) mthar lta ; (3) lta ba mchog 'dzin ; (4) brtul zhugs mchog 'dzin ; (5) log lta . [The Sanskrit equivalents may be thus rendered:- (1) SANST regarding the body as permanent; (2) SANST pondering on death; (3) SANST false conception, i.e., denial of future existence; (4) SANST hesitation or doubt about truths; (5) SANST doubt about rules of conduct]S. 'jigs , ba ru ra a medicinal. fruit. 'jigs pa I: SANST vb. to fear, be afraid, be terrified. Frq. both in old and recent lit., also common in colloq. In books occurs with the instrumental case of the object: grong khyer 'jig par nus pa de dag gis 'jigs te fearing those who were able to destroy the city; but in later writings and in colloq. takes la: khro la 'byung bas lha mo la 'jigs par gyur to| because her anger was arising, he became afraid of the goddess (Mil.): nga khyed la 'jigs so zhes zhus I am afraid of you, thus he said. The form of the supine seems to be 'jigs su not 'jigs par and is in common use: 'obs kyi nang na sbrul gdug pas 'jigs su rung bas gang ngo | as it was proper to fear the poisonous snakes in the trench, they filled it (with water) (G. Sndg.). Intensive forms of this verb are very frq. in early lit., 'jigs being combined with either skrag or dngng or with both; esp. common in the Kahgyur treatises: 'jigs skrag par gyur grew afraid; 'jigs dngng skrag song | was sore affrighted. II: sbst. fear, apprehension, dread. Often with genit. case: rgyal po'i 'jigs pa standing in fear of the king; rku 'phrog 'jigs pa bral bas bde because free from fear of robbery, I am happy; zad pa'i 'jigs pa med pas bde when having no apprehension of expenditure, he felt happy. Syn. skrag pa ; dogs pa ; dngngs pa ; skyi gYa' ; skyi bun ; bag tsha ba (Moon.). 'jigs skyobs * me'i ... chu'i ... seng ge'i ... glang po'i ... chad pa'i ... klu'i ... mkha' 'gro'i ... mi rgod kyi ... (Schr.). 'jigs skrag fear, panic; also a terrible object: 'jigs skrag tu song | he has become frightened. 'jigs mkhan one who is frightened. 'jigs bcas SANST, SANST with fear, possessed of fear. 'jigs bcas lam a bad, unsafe road (Moon.). 'jigs chum pa v. chum pa 3. 'jigs ster * SANST (Kalac T. 152) [inspiring fear, causing danger]S. 'jigs sdang SANST fierce, terrible; also a term for wine. 'jigs sde SANST, SANST, SANST terrible, a name of the second Pandava, also Bhishma. 'jigs gnas 1. lit. a fearful place; a cemetery, where dead bodies are left or disposed of. 2. = 'byor ba SANST wealth, prosperity. Syn. dur khrod ; ro yi gnas (Moon.). 'jigs pa can 1. fearful, timorous. 2. dreadful, frightful (Cs.). 'jigs pa bcu pa = ma he SANST a buffalo. 'jigs pa med SANST fearless. 'jigs pa sel byed the remover of all fears; a king or ruler; also = rgyal ba a Jina, who removes all fears. Syn. mi'i mgon po ; sa gzhi skyong (Moon.). (EEE the original has "a kind or ruler". Based on the Tibetan headword, this should be "a king or ruler".) 'jigs par 'gyur SANST becomes frightened; 'jigs par byed SANST frightened. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "hjigs-par-hyyur" which is clearly in error.) 'jigs byed skyes SANST born of Bhishma. 'jigs byed bsdus pa * (Schr.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "Hjig-byed bsdus-pa" which is clearly in error.) 'jigs byed ma 1. n. of a princess of the Yakra or Noijin demi-gods. (K. g. da, 130). 2. = nyes pa'i lam the way to sin (Moon.). 'jigs byed ro langs brgyad skor gyi sgrub thabs * SANST propitiating eight fearful goblins (Schr.). 'jigs rung (or 'jigs rung ba ) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST fearful, loathsome; one of the names of the second son Pandu Raja. 'jigs sa dangerous quarters or place. 'jigs sa che a place where there is much occasion for being afraid. 'jigs su rung ba ma SANST, SANST, SANST n. of a goddess of fearful mien. 'jing I: a mineral substance applied on old sores. II: seems to mean the midst, as well as the expanse, the whole bulk; rgya mtsho yi 'jing the whole surface of the sea; lus 'jam 'jag po mtsho 'jing 'jug the smooth bodied Takshaka (snake) enters into the midst of the lake. 'jing pa also mjing pa neck, resp. sku 'jing 'jing kyog a wry neck (Cs.); 'jing khung the nape of the neck (J‰.); 'jing ltag the back part of the neck (Cs.); 'jig nub SANST (lit. sunk-neck) a short-neck (in a man). 'jings SANST, SANST the center, the pith or dbus , rgya mtsho'i 'jings = rgya mtsho'i dbus the depths of the sea; the centre of ocean (Dag. 8). 'jib 'thung lit. that drinks as soon as it is born = skyes ma thag pa an infant just born. 'jib I: or 'jibs pa pf. bzhibs also gzhibs , fut. bzhib or gzhib to suck, e.g., of a baby; mchus 'jibs pa to suck with the lips (Dag. 8). khrag 'jibs to suck blood; also to blister. II: or 'jibs pa , cf. zhim pa to relish, also to taste. 'jib rtsi acc. to Cs. a syrup, a medicinal plant. 'jib rtse chen po n. of a medicinal plant; it is said of it: kha yi nad dang so dang mchin pa'i tshad pa sel bar byed if cures inflammation of the liver and the teeth and diseases of the mouth. 'jim pa SANST mud, clay, also muddy water (Moon.). 'jim sku mud image or statue. 'jim skong a small cup of clay; a crucible (Cs.). 'jim gzugs a figure formed of clay. 'jim las pa one of the four classes of the rural people who make mud houses; those who work in mud, cultivators of the soil (Ya-sel. 55). 'jil ba 1. to shed blood. 2. pf. bcil , fut. gzhil to expel, eject, remove, turn off. phyir 'jil ba to banish out (noxious animals, vices, etc.). 'jil na shan á river mentioned in early history of India (K. my. kha 198). 'jil li = khri'u shing a chair, wooden stool; also = 'ja' ris colours of the rainbow: rdzings kyi kha khyer las 'jil li byas nas (A. 18) a seat was furnished him by his being carried on the deck of a vessel. 'ju ba I: vb. 1. pf. 'jus to seize, grasp, lay hold of, with la (Dag. 8): dpral ba'i mda' la 'ju ba grasping the arrow (that was) sticking in his forehead; gcig la gcig 'ju ba taking firmly hold of each other; lag pa nas 'ju ba to grasp by the hand (J‰.). 2. pf. bzhus , fut. bzhu to melt, to digest; zas 'ju ba to digest the food; 'ju sla ba easily digestible; 'ju dka' ba difficult for digestion; zos pa dang 'thungs pa dang 'chos pa dang myangs pa rnams legs par bde bar 'ju whatever has been eaten, drunk, or tasted with perfect ease (pleasure) becomes well digested. II: 1. digestion; 'ju ba la sgo the digestion is in order, is easy (Med.); 'ju stobs chung the digestive power is weak (Med.; J‰.). 2. = 'ji ba a flea (Sch.). 'jug I: , stabs to plant, fix, pitch; 'jug bde ba = stabs bde ba easy to plant or to fix. (EEE part II: is not listed in the original.) 'jug 'khrun chod pa to make the last settlement, settle a thing once for all. 'jug brgya pa = glog SANST lightning; banks margin. 'jug ngogs SANST n. of Virnu; chu rab a ford, where one may cross a river, also the margin of a river. 'jug ldog obstacles. 'jug sdud for mjug sdud insertion, also conclusion in a syllogism. 'jug pa I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST pf. and imp. zhugs 1. to go into, to enter; chu'i nang du 'jug pa to enter into the water; rgya mtshor 'jug pa to start on the sea; lam du 'jug pa to set out, start, to proceed on a journey. Gen. 'jug pa is used with the termin. case, but sometimes it occurs with la: rje bla ma'i byin rlabs ri la zhugs by the blessing of the reverend lamas I have entered the mountains (Mil. kha 278); bsam gtan dang po las byung nas|bsam gtan gnyis pa la zhugs and when they had emerged from the first stage of Samtan abstraction (i.e., dhyana), they entered into the second stage (Dzl.). In this passage, we find the termin. case employed: 'khyags na stong nyid kyi ra bar 'jug when I feel cold, I enter into the fold of the very Void (Mil. ka 92). dge ba la 'jug pa to betake to pious works; 'jug pa'i las works that are a consequence of having really entered upon the practice of virtue, positive good work; chos la 'jug pa = chos la babs to turn to religion, to be converted; bstan pa zhig la 'jug pa to adopt a certain religion, a certain doctrine. 2. almost analogous to 1. is another common signification: to begin, to set about. Here the vb. is always coupled to the participle by la: dgongs pa la 'jug pa to begin to think upon; ston pa la 'jug pa to begin showing; gcig la gcig rnam par brlag pa la zhugs pas having started entirely extermination one another (J‰.). II: lon pa sbst. the going into, the entering; the beginning; the first stage of a disease (Mog.); also can signify: SANST the incarnation of a deity. 'jug pa bcu SANST the ten incarnations of the Supreme Being (Virnu), viz., nya SANST the Fish; rus spal SANST Tortoise; phag SANST the Pig; mi'i seng ge SANST the Man-lion; mi'u thung SANST the Dwarf; sdug pa nag po SANST Krishna or rather his elder brother Balarama; dga' byed ra ma Na SANST Parasu Rama; rgyas pa ra ma Na SANST Ramacandra; sangs rgyas buddha; king gI rtse SANST Kalki. III: pf. bcug (perh. also 'jugs Lex.), fut. gzhug (Rdo. 46), imp. chug vb. 1. to put into, insert; to infuse, inject; to fix. mi zhig chos la 'jug pa to convert a man, to induce him to adopt a certain religion. 2. to appoint, constitute; also to manifest, place out, settle. 3. to command, induce. 4. to permit, allow, suffer. In last two senses with termin. case of root of verb. 'jug pa gcig = mgrin gcig of one opinion, of the same party; phyogs mthun; phyogs mtshungs ; bsam bya mtshungs (Moon.). 'jug pa'i gnas met. house, residence (Moon.). 'jug par 'dod pa to wish to take up any work. 'jug par byed pa to undertake. 'jug bya 1. road. 2. dwelling. 'jug rings (for mjug rings ) SANST comet. 'jungs pa + = ser sna che ba 1. avarice; avaricious (Dag. 8). 2. SANST a miser; 'jungs pa can avaricious. 'jud pa + and more frq. 'dzud pa a secondary form of 'jug pa cf. chud pa 3, 'chud pa . 'jud mthun ma + or 'jud 'thun ma = snad 'tshong ma SANST a prostitute, harlot. (Dag. 8); 'jud mthun byed pa to play the harlot. 'jun 'gar a tribe of Eleuth Mongols who invaded Tibet and destroyed monasteries circa 1645 (Loo. 'a 12). 'jun pa pf. bcun , fut. gzhun (cf. bzhun 3, 3zhun3 ) acc. to Cs., to subdue, make tame; to make confess; to make soft, to soften, to punish (by words or blows); to convert. thabs kyis 'jun pa po one who can tame by certain means or strategy. 'jum khyad = nyung du 'gro ba mar chag pa to diminish, to become less (Rtsii.). 'jum pa or 'jums pa pf. 'jum , fut. gzhum , imp. chum , prop. to cause to shudder, but is frq. as neut. vb. to contract; sha 'jum pa contraction of the muscles, shrinking (Sch.). (EEE The transliteration of the original is bjum for 'jum , but this is clearly a typographical error for hjum.) 'jur gegs n. of a kind of Yi-dag whose throat is so contracted that a drop of water can hardly pass through it to quench his ever-burning thirst. 'jur gyis suddenly, all at once: na bza'i phag na tshur dngul gyi maºla khru gang pa zhig 'jur gyis bton from the pocket of his robe he suddenly drew forth a silver mandal tray one cubit square (Hbrom. 14). 'jur ba (pf. bcur 3 q.v.) 1. to draw tight; 'jur bar 'gyur ba to be entangled; 'jur mthug wrinkled, as the skin is in old age; 'jur mig a wire-drawing hole or vice. 2. = 'dzur ba to evade, to shun, to go out of the way; 'jur med unavoidable (J‰.). 'jur bu the act of busying one's self in worldly concerns and thereby remaining tied to them, 'jur bus bcings pa'i sems nyed ni , glod na grol bar the tshom med (Lo. 40). 'jus seized, held by the hand, v. 'ju ba 3. 'je sometimes written for mje . 'jebs pa + or 'jems po well sounding, beautiful, handsome; also of sweet sounds; snyan 'jebs harmony, euphony (J‰.). 'jem pa also 'jems pa or 'jems po 1. dexterity, cleverness. 2. skilled, clever. 'jer 'jigs an epithet of Indra (Moon.). 'jo ba I: = sgeg pa SANST fascinating, charming, seductive. 'jo bgam phyos pa = 'jo bag can or 'chos pa SANST playful, coquettish. 'jo sgeg : 1. beauty, charm (Yig. 50). 2. a coquettish, alluring posture; 'jud mthun 'jo sgeg 'jog the harlot places herself alluringly (J‰.). 'jo ster ba = dga' ba giving delight, charming (Moon.). II: pf. bzhos , fut. bzho , imp. 'jos SANST to milk; mdzo mo 'jo ba to milk a yak cow. 'dod 'jo'i ba SANST a cow yielding all desires; a cow that gives milk at pleasure. 'jo mkhan one who milks a cow; also 'jo ba po . 'jo ba mo a milkmaid. 'jo ma a milch-cow. Syn. ba mo ; 'bab byed ; yongs 'jom (Moon.). 'jo sha and 'jo sha ka chen po are celestial flowers. = lha'i me tog flowers of the gods (K. d. zha 156). 'jog pa I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; pf. bzhag , fut. gzhag , imp. zhog : 1. to put, place, make a place for, settle; to assign: khyod kyis 'jog phod na nye gnas kyi las ka byed dgos (A. 95) if you can employ me I must do the work of an attendant. las su 'jog pa to set one a task, to employ one in a certain service; rdzun gyi dpang po kha cig la 'jog pa to set up some person as false witnesses; sems la 'jog pa to bear in mind; phyir 'jog pa to leave behind, to leave out, to put by, to lay aside. nor gsog 'jog med treasure and articles were not put by. gsog 'jog mkhan one who hoards up wealth. 2. to leave, to leave behind; lag rjes an impression; rang gi yul 'jog pa to leave one's own country; phongs par ma bzhag par so that it is not left to poverty; gdung brgyud 'jog pa to leave offspring behind, to propagate the species (J‰.). II: pf. zhogs , bzhogs , fut. gzhog , imp. zhog to cut, to hew, to square (a pen, timber, etc.), to carve, to chip (a thin piece of wood, etc.) (J‰.). 'jog po = 'jag po SANST n. of a species of Naga or Lu. rdo 'jog SANST Taxila, n. of an ancient city in the Panjab which was visited by Alexander the Great. klu rgyal dga' bo 'jog po Naga-raja Nanda Takshaka. 'jog byed n. of a bitter medicinal plant. 'jong 1. = lcong tadpole. 2. a hoe, pick-axe: 'jong chen , tog tse a large hoe, also pick-axe: bdud kyi tho chen 'jong chen gnyis the hammer and hoe are both of the devil (D.R.). 3. of egg-form (dbyibs sgo nga lta bu ) (Dag. 8). 'jong po also 'jong 'jong oblong, longish, oval, elliptical, cylindric, bottle shaped, etc; also applied to stature: tall; bjong nyams can oblong shaped, in relation to leaves, cones of firs, etc; lo ma 'jong stabs nyag ga can slips; leaves split into narrow slips. (Vai. so.); dbyibs 'jong an oval form (J‰.). 'jong tse = lcog tse a small low table (use as dining table for a single person in Tibet). 'jon dmar = zangs copper (K. du. 19). 'joms * SANST broken (Kalac. T. 144). 'joms pa pf. bcom , or bcoms also of zhom , fut. gzhom (Rdo. 46), imp. chom 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST to conquer, subdue, put down, suppress; nad 'joms to root out a disease; dmag la 'joms pa to defeat in a war; blo mun 'joms pa to keep down or suppress a wicked person; 'dod chags kyis kun nas 'joms ba to be quite overpowered by lust; rab tu 'joms pa 'di the following overpowering (charm); 'joms par 'gyur SANST will be killed, destroyed; bcom mo an exclamation: I am done for! (J‰.). 2. to oppress, tyrannize over, plunder: 'joms pa'i grabs byas pa la as they were on the point of plundering him. rgyal pos bcoms pa thams cad kyang grol bar mdzad do all who were oppressed by the king were delivered. From this verb is derived the well-know appellation of Buddha, bcom ldan 'das , meaning "he who, possessed of victory, has passed beyond." (EEE Original has rab tu 'jom pa 'di but this seems mistaken). (EEE Original has rgyal pos bcoms pa thams cad kyang grol bar mzad do , but mzad is obviously a mis-spelling of mdzad ). 'joms byed I: 1. a charm, a magical formula. 2. an exorcist who suppresses the vanquisher. Syn. mthu bo che ; rdo rje 'dzin pa (Moon.). MMa* II: SANST the conqueror; conquerable (Kalac. T. 153). 'joms byed bu the eldest of the five Pandava brothers (Moon.). 'jor = gzhor 1. hoe, grubbing hoe, mattock, pick-axe; 'jor lcags the iron of a mattock (Cs.). 2. the supine of 'jo ba as in 'jor gyis rko ba to turn up with the hoe; 'jor bu a small hoe. 'jol po a large mattock, spade; 'jor yu the handle of the hoe. 'jol ba I: 1. to hang down, gos lta bu as of a robe, garment. 2. occurs for 'byol ba to turn aside, to make way. II: a sbst. acc. to Cs. = 'jol 'jol or gzhol ba train, trail, retinue; 'jol gos or 'jol ber SANST a linen cloth, a robe or garment with a train; 'jol can having a train; thos bsam sgom pa'i 'jol khrab gyon put on the protecting robes of listening, reflection, meditation (Mil. ka 92). 'jol 'jol hanging belly or paunch J‰.; (gos lta bu mar nar nar ring po sa la reg pa like a flowing robe touching the ground while walking) (Dag. 8). 'jol le hanging; cf. phyang nge 3 or grod pa 'jol le hanging-belly, paunch. 'jol mo 1. a singing bird of very sweet note, said to be abundant in the juniper groves near Lhasa and in Lhokha: 'jol mo'i gre bas tshangs pa'i dbyangs lta bu skyed from the throat of the Jol-mo comes out a voice-like that of Brahma. In Snd. Hbk. mention is made of two species of Jol-mo: 'jol nag said to be a species of blackbird identical with Merula ruficollis, and 'jol khra a middle-sized piebald bird described as white in colour with yellow markings and with a daub of red behind each ear. Met. syn. lnga ba'i dbyangs snyan ; gre 'gyur mkhan ; dus tshigs kun 'gro (Moon.). rjang ma = rdzang ma 3 store-room (J‰.). rjid pa acc. to Cs. lean; gen. rid pa . rjib las in W. = service done in socage; compulsory service in the fields, on roads etc. (J‰.). rjud pa = rgud pa SANST, SANST trouble, danger, disadvantage (Dag. 8). rje SANST, SANST, SANST lord, master, superior, chief; mi rje chen po his lordship, his majesty; a title of rulers and chiefs. In Tibet this title is also applied to ministers and to officials up to the rank of mda' dpon (general) if appointed from among the hereditary nobles of the land. yul gyi rje mdzad nas having acted the part of a sovereign of the country. rje khri sgra spungs can one of the kings of Tibet (Yig.); rje khri thog the reigning king (of Tibet). rje dge 'dun grub Gedun-dub, the famous Lama of Lhasa who founded the monastery of Tashi-lhunpo in Tsang, and who was one of the most distinguished disciples of Tsongkhapa. Note: the title of Dalai Lama was not assumed until 200 years later. rje ngar SANST the loin; but acc. to J‰. the lower part of the leg. rje lcang skya rol pa'i rdo rje * or lcang skya rol pa'i rdo rje'i zhabs (18B), v. rol pa'i rdo rje 3. rje nyid SANST your lordship, reverence. rje thog rtsan n. of a king of Tibet (Yig.). rje ba pf. brjes , fut. brje, imp. brjes SANST to change, barter, to give or take in exchange: 'di dag gis brje'o| it may be changed for these; to shift, pass on; rje bya'i nor articles of barter. rje bo SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. lord, master, ruler, king: bod khams kyi rje bor gyur he became sovereign of Tibet; sa yi bdag po mi yi rje the lord of the soil, ruler of the people; rje bo dang bran master and servant; rje khol master and slave; rje blon king and minister; rje ci lags sir, what for, why? 2. a title of honour for dreaded persons or deities. Syn. gtso bo ; dmag 'dren ; mgo dpon ; dpon mgo (Moon.). rje 'bangs the king and his subjects. rje ma = gces ma acc. to Cs. a lady of rank; rje ma chung young lady. rje mo SANST mistress, lady. rje btsun SANST reverend, worshipful. This title is applied to saints, hermits, learned lamas, e.g., to Milaraspa, the author and peripatetic teacher. rje btsun dam pa blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan * Schr. rje btsun dpal * SANST honourable sir! (Bull. 1848, 301) Schr. rje btsun byams pa * or byams pa mgon po your beneficent reverence! (1A.) Schr. rje btsun ma SANST lady who has entered the order of ge-long-ma. Applied also to any very charitable or devout woman. bstan 'gro'i dpal mgon mtshungs med rje btsun ma sku zhabs mchog gi zhabs drung du to the feet of the venerable lady who in her devotion to the cause of religion and in beneficence is unrivalled (Yig. k. 14). rje btsun ma kA pa li tA ra * (54 A.) *rje btsun ma 'phags ma sgrol ma SANST titles of the goddess Dolma (Ta. 2, 151). rje rigs the caste of the nobility; rje'u rigs the caste of the smaller lords, i.e., gentlemen. Syn. brla byung (sprung from the loins); brla skyes (loin-born); sa reg , rje'u rigs (Moon.). rje rin po che the epithet by which Tsongkhapa is commonly know in Tibet. His real name was rgyal ba blo bzang grags pa in Sans. SANST. rje'u rigs v. rje rigs 3. rje sa = zhe sa deference, respect; zhe sa byed pa to show respect, to pay one's respect. rjed pa + SANST, pf. and fut. brjed 1. to honour, reverence; mchod cing brjed to honour and worship; brjed pa'i 'os venerable, worthy of honour. 2. SANST to forget; brjed du 'jug pa to make forget, to cause to forget: rang yul rang gis brjed de having gradually forgotten my native land (Mil.). rjed ngas can acc. to Lex. consulted; by J‰. SANST; forgetful, oblivious; Cs. gives instead of it rjed nges can . rjed chu draught of oblivion, water of forgetfulness. rjed tho list of notes, memorandum, journal, note-book, etc. rjed rdo prob. memorial stone (J‰.). rjed byang specification or list of goods, luggage, etc., which the Tibetans mark with letters of the alphabet. rjed byed or rjed byed kyi gdon 1. a demon that takes away the power of memory. 2. SANST epilepsy. rjed zas the meal of forgetfulness (Cs.); any food that produces oblivion. rjen pa SANST, SANST 1. stark, bare, naked; rkang rjen bare-footed, unshod; zhabs rjen par gda' ba to go bare-footed; gdong rjen du sdod pa to sit with unveiled face; mgo rjen with uncovered head; rgyab rjen pa naked back-side; rjen par 'don pa to strip perfectly; dmar rjen quite naked (Sch.); ral gri rjen pa a naked sword; sa rjen pa the bare ground, an uncovered ground; rjen ne ba undisguised, obvious to the understanding, manifest. 2. raw, not roasted or cooked; dmar rjen red raw meat; mar rjen butter not melted; nas rjen raw barley, not parched; also the meal of it; bra rjen buck-wheat meal (Sch.). 3. unripe (chiefly from J‰.). rjen raw; sha rjen 1. raw meat. 2. = yang na lus la gos med pa a naked person (Dag. 8). Syn. gcer bu ; rkyang pa ; sgrib med ; gYogs med (Moon.). rjen btags raw barley or peas ground, without being first parched. rjen phye unparched barley, pea, or wheat flour (Rtsii.). rjen rigs victuals that may be eaten raw (Cs.). rjen zas uncooked meal or victuals. rjes has primarily the signification of a mark left, an imprint made on the ground; and this meaning is more exactly expressed in such terms as rkang rjes , a foot-mark, the trace of one's foot and lag rjes the impression or mark left of one's hand, hence fig. an action or deed. 2. However, from this the primary sense of rjes there is derived the second and more ordinary signification of the word, i.e., that which comes after, that which follows, the consequence. Hence we obtain the most common usage of all, namely its use as an adv., signifying after, afterwards; and the postp. rjes su , rjes la , or simply rjes , meaning after, behind, &c. rjes su 'gro ba to follow; sha ba'i rjes la 'brangs song pursued after the stag. Also, conjunction de rjes therefore, consequently. 3. the hinder-parts. v. Pth. 270, line 6. rjes khugs pa SANST to recall or find out afterwards. rjes khrid SANST, SANST certainty, sureness. rjes dngos real. rjes gcod = gri knife (Moon.). rjes gcod pa SANST 1. acc. to Sch. to destroy, blot out, efface a track or trace; in Med. to eradicate the trace of a disease, to cure thoroughly. 2. to separate, disjoin. 3. In W. acc. to J‰. to follow a trace or track, to find or to come upon the track. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "rjes-cod-pa" which is clearly in error.) rjes chags SANST attachment, attached; compassion. Syn. rjes su brtse ; snying rje ; 'grogs pa (Moon.). rjes chags skye = bstod tshig or bkur tshig eulogy, praise (Moon.). rjes 'jug 1. a final consonant. rjes 'jug bcu the ten finals, i.e., ga, nga, da, na, ba, ma, 'a, ra, la, sa, which are affixed to others to form a syllable or word. 2. adj. following, subsequent; phyi rabs rjes 'jug thams cad all the following generations. rjes brjod SANST imitative words; a copy; also postscript, anything said or written afterwards; an after-expression. rjes snyegs pa to follow after (in Sikk.). rjes thog = rjes la afterwards. rjes thob pa 1. cessation of meditation to take food, but no more of it than is absolutely necessary for preservation of life. 2. SANST, SANST profit, gain. 3. to find the track. rjes mthun pa SANST (A. K. III. 38) To make similar, to adjust afterwards. rjes dran SANST remembrance, recollection. rjes gnang SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST permission, leave, consent. rjes pa v. rje ba 3. rjes dpag 1. SANST conjecture, guessing or guess. 2. consideration, deliberation. 3. acc. to Was. a syllogism consisting of three propositions. rjes 'brang SANST a follower, an adherent. rjes ma 1. SANST last, final; the final one. 2. sometimes for rjes . 3. the hinder part (Cs.). Syn. phyi ma ; rting ma ; phyi shos ; gsham ma ; mjug ma ; rjems su bgyid ; rjes su sgrub (Moon.). rjes med without leaving any traces, trackless; rjes med 'jig pa to destroy without trace being left. rjes 'dzin acquirements; accomplishments: rjes 'dzin rig pa'i yang rtse 'di nam yang mi nyams these acquirementsóthe summum bonum of knowledgeócan never fade. rjes bzung SANST the taking or receiving at last; a favour or kindness done (A. K. XXX 3). rjes shes SANST, SANST knowledge; knowing after. rjes su adv. afterwards. rjes su skyes = mthun par skyes , v. rjes skyes SANST a younger brother; also SANST a deed, act. rjes su khyod SANST a statue, representation; a figure representing some person or deity. rjes su 'gugs pa to recall; to summon; to order to do according to one's instructions. rjes su bgrod gone behind, followed. rjes su 'gro ba SANST to follow, go behind; to imitate. rjes su sgrub pa I: to recover, to re-acquire, v. rjes ma 3 (Situ. 110). II: SANST lit. doing after an order; following, obeying. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "rjes-su hsgrub-pa" which is clearly in error.) (EEE In the original, definition I. is a separate entry following rjes khrid , above. It has been moved here to allow the proper functioning of the dictionary.) rjes su gcod = met. a knife (Moon.). rjes su chags = rjes chags SANST attachment; SANST attached, fond of; rjes su chags bcas with love or fondness; also SANST with motion, or force. rjes su 'jigs = 'gyod pa a repentance (Moon.). rjes su 'jug pa SANST or SANST, SANST imitation; imitator; follower. rjes su rtogs par bya SANST should ponder on, consider, reflect upon. rjes su bstan pa SANST orders, ruling instruction; bka' lung or rjes su gnang ba precepts, instructions left (Moon.); in colloq. mgo 'dren byed pa to instruct a disciple in spiritual learning also to protect, patronise. rjes su thos SANST hearing afterwards, anything heard after. rjes su mthun pa SANST, SANST regular, harmonious; faith. rjes su mthun pa'i chos drug SANST six regular virtues:- (1) rjes su mthun pa'i bzod pa SANST resignation to natural consequences; (2) rjes su mtho ris SANST character; (3) rjes su mthong ba SANST disposition to view a thing properly; (4) rjes su gdung ba SANST remorse; (5) 'gyod pa SANST, SANST sorrow for good as well as bad acts; (6) rjes su 'dod pa SANST right ambition. (EEE The original has rjes su mthun pa'i pzod pa , which is clearly incorrect.) rjes su dran pa = rjes dran SANST subjects of recollection, which are six:- (1) sangs rgyas rjes su dran pa SANST the remembrance of the Buddha; (2) chos rjes su dran pa SANST the remembrance of the Dharma; (3) dge 'dun rjes su dran pa SANST the remembrance of the Saogha; (4) tshul khrims rjes su dran pa SANST the remembrance of religious duty; (5) gtong ba rjes su dran pa SANST the recollection of renunciation; (6) lha rjes su dran pa SANST the remembrance of the gods. rjes su ldan SANST practised, habituated. rjes su gnang ba v. rjes su bstan pa 3 to propound; to grant religious instruction. rjes su dpag or rjes su dpog SANST to weigh, to deliberate upon. rjes su od pa = rjes su 'gro ba or phyir 'brang (Moon.) to perform or practise. rjes su 'phrog pa SANST to deprive, to plunder, to rob, to snatch. rjes su byed pa = rjes su 'gyur ba SANST to do like another, to imitate; imitation. rjes su 'byung ba SANST feeling, thinking. rjes su 'brang ba * SANST going after; usage, custom (Bull. 1848, 291). rjes su 'brang ba SANST to follow. rjes su 'brel ba SANST to adore, to worship. rjes su mi mthun pa SANST discordant, in contradistinction to another. rjes su brtse ba SANST to pity; to favour out of compassion (Moon.). rjes su tshol ba SANST searching after; SANST imploring help, favour, etc. rjes su 'tsho SANST, SANST being supported or backed by another, maintained or favoured with sustenance. rjes su zhugs SANST involved with. rjes su mi 'dzin pa not retaining; not retentive. Syn. mi 'dzin ; de ngang 'gal (Moon.). rjes su 'dzin pa 1. SANST to follow (one in reading or on making a speech, etc.); to welcome or receive kindly. 2. to believe; to have the impression of, to retain. Syn. mngon par bskyed (Moon.). rjes su yi rang ba to rejoice in ecstasy. rjes su bshad pa SANST to explain; explanation, description. rjes su slob pa SANST teaching according to another's system. rjod pa pf. and fut. brjod , to say, to recite (dpe lta bu from a book); pronounce, utter, e.g., a charm or magic formula; to announce, promulgate (chos a religious doctrine); to enumerate, set forth, legs ba or nyes pa the good or bad qualities, actions etc.; to treat of a subject in writing. brjid = gzi brjid , dpal brjid glory, halo, splendour, lustre; brjid kyis brjid shines with still greater brightness. brjid can = gzi brjid can SANST lustrous, refulgent; very able and accomplished. brjid chags pa = bab chags pa or 'dra chags pa (Dag. 8). brjid non bringing another under one's power by the spell of speech, learning, or force of character; subduing one by will-power or by the fascination of one's charms, &c. yong sdud brjid non che shing (Rtsii.). brjid pa to shine, glitter. brjid pa'i 'gros = rkang pa'i 'du byed walking with a dancing gait (Moon.). brje SANST sbst. change, barter. brje ba to be absorbed in thought; brje ba byang chub kyi sems behaviour after the manner of a Bodhisattva whose self is lost in the thought of the well-being of others. As a vb. dngos po phan tshun brje ba to change, transfer, barter property. brje bo a making up, a compensation by barter; brje bo byed pa to exchange, to give an equal measure in bartering, e.g., of salt for barley, &c. brje mtshams taking over office, when a new officer takes charge of a post from an old officer (Rtsii.). brjed = bskud pa oblivion. brjed nga ba'i 'tshe ba the danger of forgetting. brjed ngas pa SANST one whose recollection (memory) has been robbed. zhes bya ba ni chos rnams la mi dran pa gang yin pa'o| "it signifies that which has been forgotten in reference to a religious discourse" (K. d. 'a 355). brjed tho memorandum. Syn. dran tho ; brjed byang (Moon.). brjed tho btags pa to keep a memorandum; mi brjed pa'i phyir tho kod pa to keep note with a view not to forget a thing: jo bo ngo mtshar can gyi gtam la dges pas brjed tho btags the lord (Atisa), being pleased with the wonderful account, took a note of it (A. 50). brjed pa SANST, SANST to forget. Stated by lamas to be the correct spelling of rjed pa . brjed pa med pa SANST without forgetfulness, oblivion. brjed sprod prob. mis-spelt for brjid sprod to give or make over charge of an office or duty. brjed byed SANST forgetfulness (Zam. 11). brjed byed kyi gdon demon who brings in forgetfulness (Mog. 77, 79). brjed sbyang ba to recall to the mind what has been forgotten and to retain it by exercise. brjes pa pf. of brje ba 3 q.v. brjod SANST, SANST (SANST Kalac. T, 101) speech, clear expression; a phrase, utterance. brjod kyis mi lang ba vb. to be inexpressible. re re'i mi nas brjod mi lang one cannot mention or enumerate each by its name: brjod kyis mi lang ba'i phyir mi bkod I do not write it down, because it is impossible to relate everything (J‰.). brjod nyams tshig = tshig bzang po med pa bad language, vulgar speech. brjod du med pa SANST 1. indescribable, inexpressible, ineffable; brjod du med pa las bsgres pa SANST recording what is unspeakable. 2. (grangs ) n. of a number. brjod do SANST said, described. brjod bde ba agreeable speech; also one able to speak with facility. brjod 'dod acc. to Schtr. a mere supposition. brjod pa yin SANST it is said, related, v. rjod pa 3. brjod par 'dod pa wishing to speak; also SANST to desire to talk of one's own self, conceit. brjod par bya ba SANST fit to be spoken; brjod par byed pa SANST to be speak; sbst. SANST a speaker. brjod bya = don meaning; SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST an expression, anything said; an attribute (Zam. 11). brjod bya can = don can possessed of meaning; explainable. brjod bya ldan SANST, SANST met. a child. brjod bya bral = brjod bya med pa SANST that cannot be said, or described. brjod bya'i rtags sign of expression; SANST begging back. brjod bya'i rab , brjod byed rab SANST fit to be proclaimed, praiseworthy. brjod mi bde ba one who is not able to speak well. brjod med 1. the unspeakable, the transcendental. 2. a speech not earnestly meant; empty words, mere talk. 3. grangs gnas n. of a very large number. dpag thag gnyis dang brjod med gnyis (Ya-sel. 57). brjod bzang = smra ba bzang or lab bzang good speech, also a good speaker; good delivery (Moon.). mngon brjod synonymy, explanation of words; imagery. mchod brjod praise, eulogy; acc. to Sch. invocation of a deity. che brjod complimentary expression, adulation. ched du brjod pa acc. to Schr. preface, introduction; acc. to J‰. in C. to approve, commend, sanction; acc. to Was. the title of a book called SANST, class of gatha delivered by Buddha out of joy. brjod yas (grangs ) n. of a large number. ljag ma fine satin generally spread on cushions used by the great of Tibet. ljag mo gling ga n. of a state grove in Tibet (Rtsii.). ljags resp. for lce SANST, SANST the tongue; lcags kyis chab 'dor ba to spit, to spit out; lcags chab spittle, saliva; lcags dbugs breath. lcags kyi dbang po SANST the organ of taste, the tongue. Syn. ro 'dzin ; lce (Moon.). ljags bsnyen pa = sngags bzlas pa to ejaculate charms or mantras. (EEE the transliteration of the headword in the original is mis-spelled; it is given as "ljags-bÒen-pa".) ljang also spelt, lcangs a place one day's journey to the west of Lhasa. ljang bkra shis dgon pa n. of an ancient monastery in Jang (Deb. 40). ljang gu green (light). ljang ja also called lnga ja pa ri green tea, exported from the Chinese district of Kang-tse Rapak situated on the confines of Tibet (Rtsii.). ljang dung in W. acc. to J‰. solid, not hollow; it also prob. signifies, bar-silver, i.e., silver beaten. ljang skya greenish-white. ljang khu also spelt ljang gu SANST, SANST green (Dag. 8). ljang khra party-coloured on a green base; different colours on green background. ljang nag SANST blackish-green. ljang dmar greenish-red. ljang ser greenish-yellow. ljang pa adj. 1. green, not ripe. 2. green corn in the first stage of its growth, green leaves of barley and oats. 3. silver-plate, pure silver: dngul gyi ljang pa de rnams gad skyibs shig tu spas they concealed the plates of silver in certain crevices of the cliff (A. 121). Syn. ma snin pa ; sngo sangs ; nges sgrib (Moon.). ljang bu the seedlings of rice, when they grow a foot high and are fit to be transplanted; greenness, verdure (grass, foliage, shrubs); lo ljang ba a green leaf, also having a green leaf. ljang ma = ljang bu . ljang mo a district in Lithang beyond Kham. ljan ljin SANST defilement, filth, dirt, dust, sweepings: bag chags dri ma ljan ljin khrus kyis bkru ba'i phyir for washing off by consecrated water the defilement and the mucus of lust (D.R.). ljab in W. flat, plain, even (J‰.). ljab ljab a large number. lji = lci sbst. SANST heaviness. lji ting heavy, depressed, as if pressed with a stone: ston pa'i thugs lji ting gis song nas jo bo la Stonpa's mind having become depressed, he said to the lord (A. 115). lji ba or lji mo adj. 1. SANST, SANST heavy, weighty. 2. a flea. lji med light, not heavy. ljid gnon also ljin non SANST oppressive. ljid can heavy; ljid che ba very heavy. ljid pa SANST heaviness, weight: gser dang ljid pa nyams pa dgos it must be weighed up with gold (J‰.). de dang ljid nyams pa of equal weight, equal in weight: lus thams cad kyi ljid phab he sat down with the whole weight of his body (Cs.); ljid ci tsam what is the weight of. ljur prob. for ldur 3. ljen pa to enter, to penetrate; blo la ljen pa to be perceived, understood; tshon ljen a dye or colour penetrating and remaining fixed in cloth, etc. (J‰.). ljong dar = mda' dong gi dar a scarf that is used to cover a quiver; ljong dar rer 'bru bre (bre ) of corn for each scarf (Rtsii.). ljongs 1. = gzhon a cultivated valley; snan gzhong or snan ljongs a valley of medicinal herbs. 2. a province or district; ljongs chen po a large country; kha ba can gyi ljongs SANST the snowy provinces. mu ge'i ljongs starving country, a poor country where food is scarce. nags ljongs woody district. ljongs mi rnams provincial people. ljongs su rgyu ba to rove about: slob dpon je tA ri ljongs rgyu byon pas when the teacher Jetari was roaming in the district (SANST), i.e., at a place around about his monastery after the summer recess (SÒio). ljong rgyur ba the time at the end of the summer confinement in the monastery when monks are allowed holiday to roam about in the country. (EEE Original has ljangs mi rnams which should be ljongs mi rnams , as per the transliteration in the original.) ljongs gsum 1. lho nub mtshams na spas yul 'bras mo ljongs on the south-western confines (of C. Tib.) is the hidden country of Hbras-mo-ljoos (Demojong or Sikkim). 2. nub byang mtshams na spas yul mkhan po ljongs on the north-west boundary (of C. Tib.) is the hidden country of firs. 3. byang shar mtshams na spas yul lung gsum ljongs on the north-east boundary (of C. Tib.) is the hidden country of the three valleys. (Kathao. 168). Note:- Huc's San-chuan. ljon pa an immortal paradise, or country of the gods. ljon pa'i nags a sublime forest. ljon shing SANST, SANST, SANST a tree; a magic tree in Dewachan. Syn. ljon pa shing ; yal ga can ; 'dab ldan ; rkang 'thung ; rkang pas 'thung ; rlan las skyes ; chur mi lhur ; rtse mo can ; mgo lding can ; yal ga 'dzin ; 'dab ma can ; phung po can ; 'gro 'gog ; 'gro med ; steng skyes ; sa skyes ; yal ga 'brel (Moon.). ljon pa lung n. of a district on Kong-po in South-Eastern Tibet. ljon pa ser po = thang shing SANST the deodara tree. ljon shing rtsa chas a branching magic tree (Moon.). nya I: the eighth letter of the Tibetan alphabet corresponds in sound to the Sanskrit SANST. The sound of this letter, when followed by u, may be heard in English in such words as neuter, new, &c. II: in general Buddhism this letter signifies shes rab wisdom, knowledge (K. my. ka 207); in Tantrikism: nya ni od dang bral ba'i sgo||bya ba med pas thams cad grol| Òa is the symbol of passive existence; being free from action it leads to Nirvana (K. gu. wa 42). III: symb. num. for eight. IV: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the general term for a fish; means also the egg-born, the fixed; rgyal po'i gsol nya the king's table fish; 'dam nya an eel (Cs.). Syn. sgong skyes ; mig mi 'dzum pa ; 'gro ldan ; rnam 'phyo ; sna tshogs rgyu ; gser gyi mig can ; chus mi 'tshub ; chur nyal ; rgyab ring (Moon.). V: acc. to J‰. 1. tendon, sinew. 2. in colloq. mark left by a blow, a weal; in W. nya langs the blow has left a weal. 3. acc. to Sch. a lock. nya bzhi the four muscles, viz., those of the arms and the calves of the leg. nya chu tendon, sinew; perh. also a large nerve in the nape of the neck. nya log a contraction or wasting of the sinews (Moon.). VI: SANST, SANST, SANST the day of the full moon; nya tshes a day in the increasing phase of the moon; zla ba'i nya drug la on the sixth day of the moon; nya gang the full moon; nya gang ba SANST full moon; filled with fish; nya rgyas (zla ba ) the full phase of the moon; nya ston SANST a festival observed on a full-moon day. nya nyer n. of a number gzhal gzhi 'phyong 'gyur nya nyer dang | (Ya-sel. 57). nya kyu described as nya 'dzin pa'i lcags kyu , iron hook for catching fish. Syn. nya 'bigs ; nya 'dzin ; lcags kyu (Moon.). nya rkyal the bladder of a fish (Cs.). nya skyogs = nya'i rna ba gills (Mio.). nya khra Probably Pandion haliaÎtus, the osprey; but in W. is the n. given to PolioaÎtus humilis, Hodgson, also of PolioaÎtus ichthyaÎtus; two species of grey fishing eagle. nya khrab can carp; nya khrab chen sturgeon (Sch.). nya dgra dkar mo = dkar ka ma a species of white crane, a fish-eating bird (Rtsii.). nya rgya SANST a fishing net. nya nyi ma dga' SANST lit. sun-loving fish, i.e., that basks in the sun. Syn. tshogs kyi srad bu ; dol (Moon.). nya rgyab coping, covering of the top of a wall; acc. to J‰. earth heaped up (like the back of a fish) on the top of the outer walls of a house. nya sgong fish-spawn, roe of fish. nya lcibs 1. mother-of-pearl, a kind of oyster. 2. fish-gills (Cs.). 3. n. of a medicinal root: nya lcibs mes tshig chu skyem 'tsho the root of Òa-cib heals scalds and blisters. nya lcibs kyi snin 'gyu head ornaments made of mother-of-pearl used by women of rank in Kham. nya lcibs khog par snin pa may be taken to indicate mu tig the pearl. nya lcibs pa phog gnam skyes lit. the sky-born pearl-seed. Acc. to the common belief, drops of rain falling in the mouth of river-mussels become converted into pearls. nya dol SANST, SANST fishing-net. nya dol pa a fisherman; such as those living on the southern shores of Yamdok Tsho. Syn. skyal chen ; nya 'ching ; dra ba 'dzin ; nya yis 'tsho ba (Moon.). nya dos a load of fish. nya phyis SANST mother-of-pearl; an oyster shell; it is believed that any food or drink kept in a vessel of mother-of-pearl never becomes poisonous. nya 'bigs fishing hook; nya 'bigs byed SANST, v. chu skyar 3 a kind of wild duck (Moon.). nya mid chen po n. of a sea-monster; chu srin nya mid chen por byas te mdun bkag | taking the form of the sea-monster called —a-mid, he obstructed our passage. nya rlon mid chen po yang mthong gsung | he said:- "we also saw the —a-rlon mid chen-po" (A. 16). nya mo a female fish. nya mo'i shul = nya'i sgal pa . nya tsher fish-bones (Sch.). nya zan SANST 1. n. of an aquatic monster, perhaps the crocodile. 2. an aquatic bird, a fish-eater. nya gshog the fin of a fish (Cs.). nya sag fish-scale. nya sog the saw-like fringe on the back of a fish. nya khrar a kind of brick tea. nya khri p. n. the youngest son of king gri gum btsan po . nya ga or nyag a steel-yard. nya bo body, figure (Sch.). nya ma I: acc. to Sch. mistress of the house, house-wife; hearer of a lama, without being a regular disciple (J‰.). II: 1. in the colloq. of C. a woman; the word occurs in the Gurbum of Milaraspa where it applies to a lady who helped the saint. 2. in Amdo colloq. the vagina. nya ma pho mo rnams hearers, male and female. nya mo gangs n. of a snowy mountain in Tibet to the north of Palpa in Nepal. nya bzung ma = bag ma a bride. Syn. dang po'i rdul can ma ; khyo 'dam pa (Moon.). nya ra care; nya ra byed pa to take care of, to provide for a person, to keep a thing safe; cf. gnyer kha . nya ra nyo re weak, fragile, frail. nya ri n. of a place situated to the north-east of Tashi-lhunpo. nya lhog n. of a disease. a sul defined in sems can gang rung gi rkang pa'i a yi sul the muscular ridges of the of the legs of any living creature. nyag 1. v. nya ga 3, nya gang one measure on the steel-yard = 4 sran and 1 skar = four and one-fourth ounces. 2. = nyag ma . 3. also nyag ga or nyag khram notch, indenture; lo ma phra la nyag ga can having multifold leaves, like those of caraway (J‰.; Vai. so.); nyag ga med pa not cleft, not indented. 4. of wool, nyag tu 'dren pa to draw out into threads, to spin (Mil.; J‰.). nyag rkyang obstinately; nyag rkyang btang ba = ma nyan par btang ba to send anything obstinately, not listening to any one. nyag skyag = kho na in Sikk. dialect: gnang chang skyal chog pa zhig nyag skyag btang dgos should only press the application to be permitted to send the Nao-chao (proposal-wine for marriage). nyag gcig = kho na alone, the only: skyabs kyi nyag gcig dkon mchog gtso the only refuge is (in) Dkon-mchog gtso (Hbrom. kha 28): sangs rgyas nyag gcig only Buddha (J‰.). nyag ma single; spu nyag ma or skra yi nyag ma a single hair. nyag nyig filth, dirt (Sch.). nyag nyug = sna tshogs various, of different kinds. nyag nyog 1. not clear, turbid; mixed with foul matter (as water mixed with mud). 2. confusedly, speaking irrelevantly; also contradicting one statement by another. nyag thag thread, chain (of gold or iron), cord for stringing turquoises (J‰.). nyag mthil scale of a steel-yard. nyag rdo the weight of a steel-yard. nyag shing the beam of a steel-yard. nyag pa notch, indenture = sna nyag notch or hole in the nose, or a notched nose (SÒio.). nyag phran + = mda' SANST an arrow; acc. to Cs. a beam, a pole. nyag mo acc. to Sch. a woman. nyag re 1. n. of a place in Kham (Loo. za 9). 2. single. nyag rong n. of a small principality ruled by a petty king in Kham. nyag le n. of a place in Tibet. nyang the district of Tsang of which Gyang-tse is the chief city. It is sometimes spelt myang signifying tasteful, sweet (on account of its water). So in Mil. ka 26: myang stod ri nang du bla ma dang mjal met with the lama in the mountains of upper Nyang. nyang grum the square carpet-rug manufactured in the district of —ao. nyang chu the tributary of the Yeru Tsang-po which, rising from the mountains in the district of Phagri, flows N. N. W. and falls into the Tsang-po near Shiga-tse. nyang chu skya mo a feeder of the —ao-chu. nyang stod upper —ang containing the town of Gyang-tse. nyang po I: n. of a place in Tibet visited by Atisa: nyang por yang byon he also visited —ao-po (A. 27). II: n. of a district in the province of Kong-po. nyang tsi brag a kind of yellow fibrous root largely exported from Tibet to China: nyang rtsi brag nyag re re 'bru a Òag "weight of Òao-tsi-brag is so much a piece, &c." (Rtsii.). nyang ro bsham po mkhar a small town in Tsang: nyang ro bsham po mkhar gyi ri rtse la on the top of the hill of —ao-ro bsham-po mkhar (Yig). nyang rong n. of a battle-field where the people of Tibet fought with one of their kings (Yig). nyang ka or nyang ge in Sp. a currant (J‰.). nyang non = nyams len espionage. nyan pa SANST, 1. imp. nyon to hear, to give ear to, to listen; sbst. hearing or a hearer SANST. nyan par byed SANST hears or does hear. nyan byed = rna ba SANST the ear. nyan zin SANST have heard. slob dpon gyi thad du chos nyan pa to attend to the religious instructions of the teacher; ngag or tshig nyan pa to listen to the word (of the teacher); kha la nyan pa to obey; bka' la nyan pa to obey the commands or orders, to yield; ngas ji ltar zer ba'i kha la nyan listen to my words as I speak. kha la nyan po or kha la nyan mkhan who is obedient; kha la mi nyan mkhan one who is disobedient. 2. to be able: 'gro ma nyan pas not being able to walk (on account of illness); in W. nyan yin yes, I shall be able. In this sense nyan is used also as a formative, added to the root of a verb, signifying capability, possibility, &c. gtsang po 'di rgal nyan 'dug the river is fordable. nyan thos pa SANST; chos nyan zhing thos lit. one who hearing the Dharma understands it; a follower of the Hinayana school. Syn. thub dbang gsung skyes ; thos sgrog pa ; theg chung skyes bu ; brtul zhugs dbang ; sbyangs pa'i yon tan la gnas pa (Moon.). nyan thos kyi sa bdun SANST the seven stages of perfection acc. to the Sravaka school: (1) SANST; dkar mo rnam par mthong ba'i sa the white illuminated stage; (2) SANST; rigs kyi sa the exalted stage of noble birth; (3) SANST; mthong ba'i sa the stage through sight; (4) SANST; bsrabs pa'i sa the fine or subtle stage; (5) SANST; 'dod chags dang bral ba'i sa the stage which is free from passions (desires, etc.); (6) SANST byas pa srung ba'i sa the finished or perfected stage; (7) SANST; brgyad pa'i sa the eighth stage. nyan thos bcu drug the sixteen chief disciples of Sakyamuni, i.e., the gnas brtan or Sthavira of the Sravaka school. nyan thos ma SANST a female hearer of the Hinayana school. nyan 'dod pa = gus pa SANST, SANST respectful, respectful service. nyan rna messenger, envoy, ambassador. Syn. pho nya ; gtam skyel (Moon.). nyan rna pa SANST to overhear; an overhearer. nyan pa mo a female listener. nyan po the birth place of a celebrated Lama called shAkya rgyal mtshan (Loo. za 10). nyam locust; also nyam tig acc. to J‰. a cricket. nyam nga or nyams nga SANST despair, anxiety, dread, fear (of a thing); nyams nga las thar ba to be delivered from anxiety. nyam nga ba = dogs pa SANST, SANST, SANST sbst. danger, fear, anxiety; also adj. anxious, fearful; vb. n. to be alarmed, to be in great anxiety: des na nyam nga ba'i 'khor ba'i dug can gnas su| so it is, in that pernicious sphere where the cycle of anxious care prevails (J. Zao.). nyam nga ba nyung ba SANST less risky, beset with danger. nyam nga med intrepid, fearless. Syn. snying stobs can ; 'jigs med ; stobs can (Moon.). nyam chung SANST weak, feeble. nyam chung dbang po SANST met. a fly, a bee. nyam thag pa SANST to be stricken, exhausted. nyam snang SANST a sudden flash; also a hint. nyam pa'i lam = lam ngan pa a bad, dangerous road (Moon.). nyam yos in Sikk. locust = the Tib. cha ga 'bu or cha ga pa . nyams or sems nyams resp. thugs nyams 1. thought, apprehension of ideas: sems la nyams su blang ba SANST to comprehend, to acquire the meaning or import of a thing; chos nyams su blang pa to commit religious instructions to memory and to comprehend their meaning. 2. the soul, mind, spirit, as an entity: nyams kyi grogs companions of the soul when in retirement (Mil.); nyams kyi chang wine of the soul, i.e., religious knowledge (Mil.); nyams skye or nyams shar a thought springing up in the mind. 3. manner, extent, degree, condition, state; nyams kyi tshad byed pa to try, to put to test, e.g., one's strength; thugs dam gyi nyams sad pa to try the degree of a person's devotion or spiritual progress (Mil.).; smras nyams pleasing, agreeable manner of speaking; byed nyams pleasing manner of doing or dealing; nyams dga' ba SANST pleasant, delightful, agreeable, charming; skyed mos tshal rab shin tu nyams dga' bar in the most delightful grove (A. 16). nyams dgu v. nyams thabs 3. nyams 'gyur SANST handsome, elegant, to be elegant, comfortable. nyams rgyud = nyams , nyams rgyud la sbyang ba intellectually skilled, well-versed. nyams chung 1. humble; faint, weak. 2. = bung ba a bee. nyams chen po pride. nyams brtas byed pa to strengthen, restore: nyams brtas he recovered, grew well, got up again (J‰.). nyams rtogs byed pa to inquire fully into any subject. nyams stong gsal v. gsal po . (EEE gsal po does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under gsal ba 3 II.) nyams stobs strength. nyams thag pa v. nyam thag pa 3 suffering, tormented, exhausted: nyams thag pa'i nga ro the cry of suffering, doleful cries; nyams thag pa'i nga ro 'byin pa SANST bewailing under agony, to utter cries of suffering. nyams thabs nyams dgu appearance, colour, figure (J‰.). nyams dang ba bright appearance. nyams bde ba SANST happy, comfortable. nyams 'dus met. SANST the male organ. nyams pa 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST injured, hurt, spoiled, damaged, impaired, imperfect. ma nyams pa uncorrupted, untouched, not weakened. 2. defiled, polluted. nyams par 'gyur ba to grow weak, become deteriorated, to degenerate. 3. sbst. degeneration: nyams pa gsum the three deteriorations or impairments:- (1) tshul khrims nyams pa depravity of morals; (2) lta ba nyams pa vicious principles; (3) cho ga nyams pa mistaken religious observances, rites, &c. (K. d. nga 52). nyams pa drug the six kinds of degeneration:- (1) bdag nyams pa degeneration in one's self; (2) gzhan nyams pa the fall of others; (3) lta ba nyams pa degeneration in religion; (4) tshul khrims nyams pa bad or deteriorated morals; (5) od pa nyams pa bad behaviour; (6) 'tsho ba nyams pa bad habits, living. Besides these qualities are others with which the word nyams pa is joined:- 'dul ba nyams pa , longs od nyams pa , bsod nams nyams pa , rigs nyams pa , rig pa nyams pa , tshe nyams pa shortened life; lus nyams pa of impaired health; yon tan nyams pa of impaired talents, loss of ability; dbang po nyams pa impaired faculties; bcud nyams pa degenerated vitality; nus pa nyams pa loss of energy, depreciation of ability, of efficacy, &c. nyams pa med pa SANST not damaged, unimpaired, uninjured, indestructible. nyams pa'i ma ning SANST impotent, useless. nyams par bya SANST, SANST to be languid or weary; to despond. nyams par byed pa SANST = nyams su 'jug pa . nyams po SANST injury, damage. nyams dpyod pa to investigate; examine minutely. nyams byed SANST that which damages. nyams 'bru ba to irritate, vex, provoke. nyams mi bde ba = khams ma bde ba bad health, unwell, ill. Syn. 'du ba 'khrugs pa ; nad pa ; na tsha byung ba ; na ba (Moon.). nyams zhib kyis spug don nges byung ba by minute inquiry to ascertain the real state of things or secret of any matter. nyams med SANST undamaged, that cannot be spoiled; also strengthless. nyams dams = dma' ru song ba degenerated. nyams myong experience; but acc. to J‰. enjoyment, delight. tshor ba'i nyams myong experience acquired through the medium of the senses. nyams snad pa SANST, id. nyams rtsal skill; dexterity. nyams mtshar ba wonderful, most beautiful. nyams bzhag pa is said to be = dran pa nye bar bzhag pa . nyams yod pa SANST to be in possession of. nyams len a memorial verse, a rhyme or verse for retaining things in memory (Mil.; J‰.). nyams len pa 1. v. nyang non 3. 2. to take the measure of, the dimensions of, to survey (in respect of land); inquiring into the state of any object, &c., to explore; to take an inventory, to ascertain or compute the state of any property. nyams su myong ba SANST to suffer, undergo, experience. nyams su 'jag pa to injure, spoil, render useless. nya'i tshir SANST a large fish. nyar 1. v. nya ra 3. 2. acc. to Cs. oblong; nyar nyar oblong. nyar nyer SANST n. of an immensely large number. nyar du li kha ra n. of a place lying between India and Tibet (Yig). nyar gdong = ngar gdong in W. shin, shin-bone (J‰.). nyar ma chu'i zigs ma particles of water, spray (Moon.). nyal ba SANST, SANST, SANST imp. nyol . to lie down, to sleep: nyal du song | he has gone to sleep; mal ting la on the bed; nyal 'dug go | he slept. Sometimes: gnyid du nyal ba to go to sleep; nyal bar 'dod wishing to sleep. nyal khri = mal khri a bedstead, couch, sofa. nyal gos counterpane, quilt, blanket (Sch.). nyal 'gro = 'bab chu a river, stream. nyal 'gro'i gter receptacle of rivers, the sea wherein all the rivers flow (Moon.). nyal thag bands or ropes stretched to sleep upon. nyal po SANST 1. a village. 2. coition; nyal po byed pa to practise cohabitation. nyal bu bastard, whore-son. nyal slong 1. SANST [understanding, intellect]S. 2. shes rab SANST wisdom, spiritual knowledge (Moon.). nyal sa = mal sa or gzims mal also gzims sa board to sleep on, a bed to sleep upon, a sleeping place. nyi 1. num. fig. 38. 2. num. used inst. of gnyis in compounds: nyi brgya two hundred; nyi khri twenty thousand, etc. 3. for nyi ma the sun. nyi skyes SANST, SANST, SANST a Brahman, son of the sun. (EEE The original has Brahmana for Brahman above, while the Devanagari script indicates brahmana.) nyi khud a lake in Nepal (J‰.). nyi khyim SANST, SANST a traveler, a son-in-law; also halo or circle round the sun. nyi khri the title of a book; the PrajÒa-Paramita containing 20,000 slokas. nyi dga' = lcam pa a mystical term (Mio. 4); a flower. nyi dkyil disk of the sun (Sch.). nyi gung noon, midday. nyi cha the sunny parts or flanks of a hill or mountain. nyi ston SANST the lotus flower; the tree Terminalia arjuna. nyi dros morning time, from 8 A.M. to 10 A.M., when the sun is warm and pleasant. nyi ldog the solstice; gdun nyi ldog the winter solstice; dbyar nyi ldog the summer solstice. nyi nub sunset. nyi ma 1. SANST, SANST, SANST the sun: nyi ma 'char the sun is rising; nyi ma shar the sun has risen, shines; nyi ma rgas or nyi ma nub the sun is setting or sets; nyi ma nub tshe bar until sunset (Sch.). 2. = nyin mo the day: nyi ma gnyis two days; nyi ma re re every day. Syn. tsha zer ; sna tshogs shing rta ; mi sbyin skyes pa ; pad ma'i gnyen ; dus kyi bdag po ; mun pa'i dgra ; 'jig rten mig ; dus la dga' ; 'gro ba'i sgron me ; bcu gnyis bdag ; lo yi shing rta ; kun mud dgra ; srid pa'i sgron me ; nyin mor byed ; snang byed ; 'od byed ; nam mkha'i nor ; rta ljang ; gza' bdag ; 'od stong 'bar ; 'od ldan ; mun sel ; nyin mo'i nor ; 'od gzugs ; 'od 'dren ; nyin mo'i 'byin ; bsrub byed ; 'od gtsang ; 'od 'gro rgyas byed ; mkha' 'gro ; rnam sgy ur 'gro lus ; gsal ba'i nor ; tsha ldan ; nges sreg ; 'od zer ldan ; 'od kyi rgyun ; phyogs snang byed ; gdung byed ; tsha byed ; rnam snang byed ; mun 'joms ; lus skyob ; 'dam skyes mtshan ; mchod ldan ; bdun gyi bdun pa ; phyogs bdag ; mchog 'dod ; char 'bebs ; 'dzin byed ; snang ba'i mu khyud ; snang ldan ; mig gzugs ; rnam gsal byed ; 'od 'gyed ; bsten bya ; bdud las rgyal ; ma zlums ; 'phrog byed ; rtsen pa ; phyogs dgod byed ; gtum pa'i 'od ; 'od kyi skra can ; sna tshogs 'od ; snang ba'i mdzod ; nor gyi mdzod ; rgyu ba'i brtul zhugs ; gza' bshes ; mchod 'os ; 'od kyi nor can ; pad ma'i lag pa ; rtag tu 'char ; rig byed 'byung ; las sna tshogs ; khyab byed ; nad med ; 'thung byed ; 'od kyi 'phreng can ; mig gzugs ; 'od snang ; 'od stong 'dzin pa ; khri can ; long ba'i kha lo pa ; lam ston ; srid byed ; shing rta mtho ; dbyig gi khu ba ; zlum po 'dzin ; dus kyi byed po ; nam mkha'i mig ; 'jig rten dbang po ; 'od phung po ; 'od zer gzugs mang ; nam mkha'i tog ; phyogs kyi ma khyud ; tshangs pa'i rta ; nam mkha'i thig le ; sna tshogs 'od ; rta bdun pa (Moon.). nyi ma gang shar sun-flower, Helianthus. nyi ma dga' 1. a name of Karna, the king of Anga. 2. n. of a medicinal plant. nyi ma snga dro early morning. nyi ma bcu gnyis twelve demigods who acc. to Chinese astronomy represent 12 divisions of the day (as of other periods) an are therefore called nyi ma ; they are byi ba (mouse), glang (ox), stag (tiger), yos (hare), 'brug (dragon), sbrul (serpent), rta (horse), lug (sheep), sprel (monkey), bya (bird), khyi (dog), phag (pig). nyi ma thang n. of a place situated to the west of Lhasa (Loo. za 4). nyi ma ldan pa'i ri n. of a mythological mountain believed to be situated 5,000 yojana beyond the Southern Ocean (K. d. ra 275). nyi ma nag chen and nyi ma nag chung are the names of two (sa bdag ) demi-gods. nyi ma phyi dro SANST, SANST afternoon. nyi ma phyi ma a future day. nyi ma phyed lhag SANST lit. more than one half of the sun, i.e., from early morning to the afternoon. nyi ma spas SANST one of the successors of Buddha in the Buddhist hierarchy of India. nyi ma bzang po SANST a good or auspicious day. nyi ma shar ba SANST sunrise. nyi ma lho byang bgrod the course of the sun to the south and to the north (of the equator). nyi ma'i kha lo pa the charioteers of the sun are:- skya rengs , bla med , 'od srung , khyang sngon skyes (Moon.). nyi ma'i khor yug the surroundings of the sun. nyi ma'i 'khor the attendants of the sun; they are:- gnas byed , dbyug pa can , dmar ser . nyi ma 'khyims pa SANST the circumference of the sun. nyi ma'i gung SANST when the sun is at the meridian, midday, noon. nyi ma'i gur khang the sun's pavilion, the halo of five different colours which surrounds the sun; nyi ma'i lding khang the floating castle of the sun; nyi ma'i khyim the sun-sphere. nyi ma'i rgyud SANST the descendants of the sun. nyi ma'i gnyen SANST relative of the sun, epithet of Sakyamuni. nyi ma'i rta bdun the seven horses of the sun are the following:- rlung , yid mgyogs , mdog lnga pa , thig le can , nges brjod , shin tu rgyal mtshan , ri bo 'joms . To these are occasionally added four others:- rtsen pa'i 'od , nam mkha'i gru , gser gyi dbyangs , nyi ma'i shing rta ral gri'i phreng (Moon.). nyi ma'i gdugs lit. the umbrella of the sun, i.e., the day (Zam. 13). nyi ma'i mda' an epithet of the god of love. nyi ma'i dpal SANST n. of a Buddhist author of ancient India. nyi ma'i bu SANST; spen pa the son of the sun, the planet Saturn. nyi ma'i bu mo the daughter of the sun, a name of the river Yamuna or Pakshu (Moon.). nyi ma'i btsun mo the wives of the sun-god are:- rgyal mo , legs 'dod , rdul bzang , 'od skyes ma , gshin rje kA lin dI , nam gru , ma nu sbyin skyed , skrag byed ma (Moon.). nyi ma'i gzugs brnyan the reflected image of the sun. nyi ma'i 'od the following are the names of the sun's rays:- 'od chags snang ba ; nam mkha' 'jal ; gdung byed ; tsha zer ; chu 'thung 'od ; mtshan mo 'joms 'od kyi char ; kun snang 'bar pa (Moon.). nyi ma'i 'od skor the circle of light round the sun. nyi ma'i 'od mnyam n. of a flower (K. gu. ka 446). nyi ma'i 'od zer the rays of the sun, sunbeam. nyi ma'i rigs skyes = nyi ma'i rigs 'khrungs born of the race of the sun; occurs as name of Buddha Sakya Sioha. (EEE Original has Simha with a dot over the m, but Sioha is the correct Sanskrit transliteration for "lion".) nyi ma'i rus SANST the race of the sun, a section of the warrior caste of India claiming descent from the sun. nyi ma'i lus SANST 1. body of the sun. 2. zangs copper. nyi ma'i lha mo SANST the wife of the sun-god. nyi mas bzhad met. a lotus (Moon.). nyi myur evening, a little before dusk; the hour of sunset. nyi tshe acc. to Sch. 1. the time or duration of one day, a very short time. 2. acc. to Lex. SANST direction; sphere, country. nyi tshe ba 1. ephemeral, single, simple. 2. n. of a class of infernal beings. 3. very small, minute (Grub. tha 2); nyi tshe ba culÊ (Lam-ti.). 4. animals that do not live more than a day, very short live animate beings. nyi tshod nyi tshod kyi 'khor lo SANST a sun-dial; also a wheel to ascertain time, a watch. nyi zer gyi rdul SANST the dust seen flying in the rays of the sun coming through apertures of a window; a mote floating in a sunbeam. nyi zla lit. sun and moon; but is the term designating the topmost ornament of a chorten, which takes the form of a ball superimposed on a crescent. This nyi-da ornament is also placed above the gyal-tshan or Buddhist trophy of victory. nyi zla dbang po n. of a Dakini (Loo. 'a 9). nyi 'og lit. below the sun; SANST the western limit; nyi 'og gi rgyal khams Aparantaka, the western continent or kingdom. nyi 'og gi gos SANST or dress of the ancient people from Bactria. nyi 'od SANST, SANST the rays of the sun, sunbeam, light of the sun. nyi yol a screen, awning. nyi sha fresh meat. nyi shar = snga dro sunrise, early morning. nyi shu (inst. of nyes cu ) SANST twenty; nyi shu tham pa the twenty; nyi shu tsam about twenty; nyi shu rtsa gcig twenty-one; rtsa gcig alone sometimes signifies twenty-one. In Sikk. and B. and C. Tib. nyi shu nyer gcig or nyer gcig is used to denote twenty-one. In the same manner the use of the abbreviated form nyer gnyis or rtsa gnyis for nyi shu nyer gnyis or nyi shu rtsa gnyis is common, and so on. nyig nyig in W. loose, slack, lax, not tight or tense (J‰.). nying khu SANST 1. the juice, essence of any substance, the pith or snying 3 (heart, soul) q.v. 2. spirit (of wine) SANST; chang lta bu'i nying khu [yeast, the froth of the liquor]S. nying sgo phugs the private or inner (hidden) door of a castle or palace: rgyal po dang lhan cig tu gnas par pho brang gi nying sgo phugs ma phyi zhing sgo nang nas bsdams te| while residing with the king, he fastened the secret door of the palace from within so that it was not to be opened (Hbrom. 162). nying to acc. to Sch. sure, trustworthy. nying gtor + = nges par certain, sure. nying sprul acc. to J‰. an emanation or incarnation. yang sprul an emanation of an incarnate being. nying mtshams sbyor ba SANST to be reborn, to be transmigrated in regular routine; the re-appearing of the soul after death in one of the four forms of birth, i.e., the linking of the limits of existence. nying lag SANST 1. minor or secondary members of the body, such as the forehead, nose, chin, fingers, ear, eyes, etc. The SANST or limbs of the body called yan lag are the head, arms, legs, &c. 2. a division, section, part, subdivision. N.B.: Sumpa includes the following in the nying lag ; lag pa , mig , brang , bus mo , sna , mgrin pa , rkang pa , rje ngar , rgyab , song tshigs , skra sen bgra ba po &c. Acc. to J‰. members of a second order, parts of the yang lag , i.e., of the limbs. nying slob = slob ma'i slob ma a pupil's pupil: nying slob gnyis te bcu la brten nas (A. 124.) the two nying slob depending on the ten (i.e., being supported by them). nying sha + one's own flesh; the expression nying sha nying gis za ba in the older form of Tibetan signifies rang sha rang gis za ba one eating his own flesh, i.e., ruining himself. nyid SANST, SANST, SANST 1. self, same, opp. to other persons; sku nyid your (honour's) self: nga nyid = nga rang I myself; ma nyid the mother herself; mi de ni rgyal po nyid yin no this man is you (yourself), O king! (J‰.). 2. the very, just, etc.: las byed pa'i gnas nyid la just where I am working; de'i drung nyid na close by, at the very spot; dus de nyid du at the very moment; mchod bya nyid that which is honourable in itself. 3. when added to adjectives it denotes abstract nouns, as in English the terminations: -ness,-ship, ty, cy,-y, etc., but it is chiefly limited to the language of philosophical writings (J‰.). 4. in the more recent literature it is used resp. for khyod thou, you; nyid kyi thy, your; nyid rang you, in W. 5. = kho na only: grangs kyi lnga nyid only the numeral lnga ; za nyid do the letter (za ) alone. nyid 'grul + a very low caste. nyin mo SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the day; the time lighted or illuminated by the sun. 'di na mdangs 'bar dang , gsal bar snang dang snang ldan dang , mun sel paV bzhad pa'i dus (Rtsii.). nyin dkar a white, a lucky day (Sch.). nyin skar the star that is visible during the daytime: mthun pa'i grogs ni nyin skar 'dra an agreeable friend is like the day-star (Hbrom. 55). nyin skyong the observance of a fast, rite, etc., for one day. nyin 'khyongs for one day, one whole day: mchod pa sna lnga brgya mtshar nyin 'khyongs kyi thob gzhi| 500 various and wonderful offerings as the allowance for one full day (Rtsii.). nyin gang all the day long, during the whole day; nyin gung noon; nyin gla a day's hire. nyin gyi ring la during the daytime. nyin cig one day, once; nyin cig bzhin du daily; nyin par during the daytime, by the day light; de'i nyin par on that day; de'i phyi nyin the following day, on the following day; tshes bco lnga'i nyin the 15th day, on the 15th day; bstan pa nyin par mdzad pa'i skyes bu a person who brings to light the faith. nyin chas = nyin re'i dgos ad the requirements of every day; daily necessities (Rtsii.). nyin ltar chos chas the daily needs for religious services. nyin mthar byed SANST; = mun pa darkness (Moon.), v. nyin mo'i sgo nga 3. nyin thung skabs nyi ma thung dus the period of short days; when the day becomes short. nyin par during the daytime, v. Pth. 268 b, line 4. nyin phyed 1. midday, noon. 2. half a day, i.e., six hours. nyin byed SANST 1. the sunóthe maker of the day. 2. mtshal vermilion (Sman. 355). 3. SANST saffron. nyin bral SANST without day, dayless. nyin sbrel the accumulated works of several days (Rtsii.). nyin med mtshan med without interruption during day and night, continually. nyin mo'i sgo SANST the opening of the day, day-break; nyin mo'i sgo nga SANST; the egg of the day, dawn [the egg or embryo whence day proceeds; hence darkness]S. nyin mo'i mtha' SANST the noon, the highest limit or climax of the day; nyin mo'i bdag SANST, SANST, SANST the lord of the day, the sun; nyin mo'i 'dren pa the sun, that brings on the day; nyin mo'i nor bu SANST the gem of the day, the sun; nyin mo'i bu the planet Saturn, the son of the sun. nyin mtshan SANST day and night. nyin mtshan mnyam pa SANST the time of the equinox; nyi ma dkyil 'gro 'phel 'grib mtshams when the sun passes over the meridian not causing increase or decrease (in the hours of the day). Described as 'phel 'grib med na thad kar 'gro when there is neither increase or decrease but the sun passes direct (over the head) (Rtsii.). nyin zhag 1. day; nyin zhag gsum three days. 2. SANST, SANST every day. 3. as a symbol num. 15. nyin zhag phrugs gcig a day of twenty-four hours; sngags ma yin pa'i pha rol tu phyin pa'i lugs nyin zhag phrugs gcig gi bya ba (A. 74). nyin rang = tho rangs day-break, morning twilight (Schtr.). nyin ring skabs nyi ma ring ba'i dus the time when the days become long. nyin re bzhin every day, daily. nyin lam a day's journey, daily march. nyin shad mtshan shad = nyin mtshan med pa without interruption, day and night (A. 150). nyil byed pa or nyil nyil byed pa , also nyil le byed pa to trickle down, fall in drops (of tears, etc.): legs pa'i shes rab bzhengs te an chab sran rdog tsam nyil le byas nas| (Brom. 25.) legs pa'i shes rab rose up and tear-drops like peas trickled down. nyis 1. instr. of nyi . 2. in compounds for gnyis as in nyis brgya two hundred, nyis stong two thousand, nyis 'gyur double. nyis rgyu chig pa serge cloth in which two threads cross, one stretched lengthwise (Rtsii.). nyis blta'i mi one who looks to the interest both of the State and of the Church; also one who serves two masters (D. Shel. 5). nyu num. fig. 68. nyu gu spang leb n. of a kind of worm (Rtsii.). nyu ti a pear (Ld.). nyug nyug pa to stand out, to project. nyug rum lit. the testes cut out; nyug rum or nyug rum pa = skyes pa 'bras 'phyung ba eunuch, one whose testes have been extracted (Moon.). nyug pa I: n. of a place in the province of Tsang. II: 1. to besmear, to rub gently; spos nyug pa to rub perfume; acc. to Sch. to stroke, to caress. 2. to touch; feel for. 3. to protrude, stretch out: chu nas mgo nyug pa to stretch one's head out of water; dbu nyug mdzad pa to look or peep out, to take a peep at. nyug rtsa me tog Carthusian pink (J‰.). nyung ba SANST, SANST not many, little, a few; minor; nyung shas tsam a very little quantity, a little. nyung skyon slight defect. nyung ngu SANST, SANST less, little, small: nyung ngu smra ba yin speaks little. Syn. chung ba , nyung du (Moon.). nyung ma turnip, turnip soup; nyung ma'i lo ma SANST turnip leaf, a fragrant gum resin; nyung rlon fresh turnip. nyung rum v. nyug rum 3. nyul ba to wander or rove about, to step gently or steal through, to creep. nyul mi a detective; sa nyul a spy. nye 1. num. fig. 98. 2. for nye ba near. nye skor = thog skor SANST those about (us), retinue, v. nye 'khor 3. nye skyon fault of partiality (e.g., in a Jongpon district chief or judge). nye skyon phyogs ltung lit. the inclining to one side. nye mkhon = nye ring (Cs.). nye 'khor SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. an attendant, one near or in waiting; relations, kindred, neighbour. 2. n. of one of the hells. 3. neighbourhood: kho rang gi nye 'khor gyi ldom bu ba a beggar belonging to his neighbourhood. 4. SANST (Upali) the disciple of Buddha who narrated the Vinaya pitaka. nye 'khor gyi mig n. of a great ocean lying between the continents of Godaniya and Uttara Kuru (K. d. ra 330). nye dga' SANST a king of the Naga. nye bsgy ur SANST trouble, misfortune. nye grogs fellow creature, neighbour (Cs.). nye Me a tribal name in Tibet, one of the three:- zhug pa , stong nye , nye Me (Yig). nye char 1. at present or very shortly: (Yig. k. 29). sa dbang ram pa las cha dpon 'khor bcas nye char phebs rgyu yin| the governor Rampa with his officers and chiefs will come very shortly. 2. at the close of. nye chos SANST, SANST time; usage; neighbour; near. nye ti a pear (Schtr.), v. nyu ti 3. nye dag relations (Cs.). nye du SANST, SANST kindred, relations: nye du'i nang na 'dug kyang rung SANST (he) is certainly fit to be among the kinsmen. nye dus now-a-days. nye 'dab SANST one's own people, friends or admirers. nye gnas SANST = (pho dbang ) 1. the male organ. 2. SANST disciple: khyed kyi nye gnas bgyi'o| I shall be your attendant, or I wish to become your disciple; nye gnas su mchi'o| I am becoming a follower. (EEE Original has nye gnas su mchi 'o , but the tsheg before 'o is an un-necessary placement and could be a typographical error.) nye tshan relative, kinsman. nye tshal or nye ba'i tshal SANST an artificial grove, garden. nye rig pa + 1. = 'khrig pa (Moon.) copulation. 2. = khrus byed pa to wash. nye rigs near relation. nye ba 1. SANST, SANST, SANST vb. to be near, to approach: dus byed du nye bas when he was near dying; zla ba tshang du nye bas (when she was) near the completion of the months, i.e., the time of giving birth to a child (J‰.); slob dpon phar phyin du nye bas when the time of the teacher's return drew near; zin du mi nye ste being not near having done; gnas der sleb tu nye ba'i tshe when he was near arriving at the place. 2. also as an adj. = near: lam ring gi gnyen pas khyim mtshes nye the neighbour is nearer than a kind man living far off; ka ba dang nye ba'i sar at a place near the pillar; thag nye ba near. ri thag nye ba zhig frq. in colloq. neighbouring hill, standing near, being closely connected with by consanguinity; nye ba rnams those who are near, near relations; mtshams med pa lnga dang de dang nye ba'i sdig pa the five worst sins and those coming nearest to them. 3. as an adv. the form is generally nye bar almost, near, nearly: de dag nye bar phyin nas when they had come near. Sometimes the form is nye ba na , as in zhag bdun de rnams nye ba na rdzogs te these seven days being almost ended. 4. as a postp. it requires dang to connect it with the word it governs: khang pa dang nye bar phyin pas rol mo dang gar byed pa thos nas when he came near to the house he heard music and dancing; 'gro ran pa dang nye bar babs it came near to the time of going. nye ba'i dga' byed ma = gnod sbyin mo'i gtso mo n. of the queen of the Noijin or Yakra demi-gods. nye ba'i rna rgyan SANST ear-ornaments beside the ear-ring. nye ba'i dbyangs SANST musical airs, musical notes to help in singing. nye ba'i ma ma SANST 1. a foster-mother, a wet-nurse. 2. SANST step-mother. nye ba'i ona Zo ha á SANST hortative expression used in exorcism. nye ba'i tshal = skyed tshal SANST a grove. nye ba'i ri mo can = thar nu SANST (Moon.) n. of medicinal plant. [the plants Salvinia cuculluta, and Croton polyandra]S. nye ba'i rin chen bdun the seven secondary adjuncts of royalty:- (1) lham shoes, (2) pags pa skin-rug, (3) gos dress, (4) mal couch, (5) tshal grove, (6) khyim house, (7) ral gri sword. nye ba'i sa SANST table-land, plateau, plains on or by the side of a hill. nye ba'i sar gyu = bsnyen SANST become intimate, near. nye ba'i sras chen brgyad SANST the eight chief spiritual sons of the Buddha described under that title are said to be:- (1) SANST; 'jam dpal dbyangs gzhon nur gyur pa ; (2) SANST; phyag na rdo rje ; (3) SANST; an ras gzigs dbang phyug ; (4) SANST; sa yi snying po ; (5) SANST; sgrib pa rnam sel ; (6) SANST; nam mkha'i snying po ; (7) SANST; byams pa ; (8) SANST; kun tu bzang po . nye bar bkod SANST appropriate arrangement, good design. nye bar mkho ba 1. of urgent necessity. 2. = nyer 'phel rapid increase or growth; it increases rapidly. nye bar 'khyud SANST devotee. nye bar gus SANST lit. humbly near; the Upanirhad or Vedic literature treating of Brahma. nye bar dgongs SANST tale, story, romance. nye bar brgal ba SANST, (SANST) to pass over. nye bar chags pa SANST, SANST 1. eclipse. 2. SANST quarrel. nye bar tshim tshogs SANST contentment. nye bar mchod pa SANST, SANST to honour, respect. nye bar mjal or incorrectly nye bar 'jal , v. sku sha 3. 1. health (Moon.); = sku 'dra , gzugs brnyan SANST, SANST, SANST. 2. image, likeness (Moon.). nye bar 'jog pa SANST lit. to stand near; to worship, to wait upon. nye bar bsnyen pa SANST service; to attend or take care of. nye bar rtogs pa SANST to inquire into; investigation. nye bar brten pa SANST enjoying, serving, honouring. nye bar bstan SANST advice, counsel. nye bar bstan pa to command, instruct (Moon.). nye bar gdung = one attacked with disease. nye bar 'dug pa SANST to fast on the prescribed days. nye bar gnang ba = bka' lung . nye bar gnas = bkur sti adulation, also flattery; nye bar od SANST supplication. nye bar gnas pa SANST to be near, in attendance (Moon.). nye bar od pa SANST to enjoy. nye bar phan SANST put together, constructed, produced. nye bar phan 'dogs SANST is fit for, suits. nye bar 'phar 'gro = sgra gcan SANST the demon who causes the eclipse of the sun (Moon.). nye bar byed = gus pa SANST service, veneration. nye bar sbyor SANST friendship, harmony; nye bar sbyor ma = sgrub pa SANST fulfilment, completion, conclusion. nye bar mi rig = nye bar mi 'gro or khas mi len . nye bar dmigs SANST prop. support. nye bar bzhag pa to make use of, to employ; dran pa nye bar bzhag pa SANST earnest meditation, v. dran pa nye bar bzhag 3; sangs rgyas la dkon pa'i 'du shes nye bar bzhag pa to apply to Buddha the notion of rareness. (EEE Original has dran pa nye par bzhag pa above, but this is clearly a misprint.) nye bar zhi SANST relief; it is also applied in reference to sdom brtson , me and bzod pa , to signify putting out, and forbearance (Moon.). nye bar len pa I: nye bar len pa'i phung po lnga the five upadana or vija or fundamental skandha are:- (1) SANST; gzugs kyi phung po ; (2) SANST; tshor ba'i phung po ; (3) SANST; 'du shes kyi phung po ; (4) SANST; 'du byed kyi phung po ; (5) SANST; rnam par shes pa'i phung po . The Sanskrit equivalents may be rendered as follows:- [(1) Form-group; (2) sensation-group; (3) names or idea-group, i.e., verbal association; (4) predisposition-group; (5) knowledge-group]S. II: to seize eagerly, to strive for earnestly, to aspire to; also nyer len pa . nye bar sreg par byed pa SANST [to set fire to, to burn]S. nye dbang SANST a name of Virnu. nye 'brel connection, kindred, relations. nye tshig SANST a secondary word which limits the idea contained in the principal word. nye tshe ba SANST provincial. nye tshe'i sangs rgyas SANST Pratyeka Buddha. nye'u small fish: bdag 'dr'i skye bo ma dag pa , nye'u skam la 'thon par gyur an impure man like myself will be a small fish cast out on dry land. nye zho 1. = phyogs ri partiality. 2. mishap. nye zho med pa + I: = nyes skyon med pa without defect, without mishap: nye zho med par slebs pa legs it is well that you have arrived without any accident (A. 12). II: SANST filled, complete; without damage. nye zhos dben = nad med pa or nad med without disease; healthy (Moon.). nye zungs = 'khrig pa copulation (Moon.). nye'u gyi + = bcud chor . nye gYog bya bar 'od pa lnga the five persons that are worthy of being served are: (1) pha father, (2) ma mother, (3) mkhan po teacher, (4) slob dpon spiritual guide, (5) nad pa a sick man. nye ring 1. near and far. nye ba nye ring near and distant relations. 2. distance: sgor nye ring ci tsam yod how far is it from here to the gate? 3. partial: rgyal po nye ring ches the king is very partial. nye ring med pa impartial. nye lam = thag nye ba'i lam close or shorter road. nye logs = thag nye ba SANST, SANST near, in the neigbourhood (Moon.). nye shing SANST n. of a tree the root of which is used in medicine. Syn. drang srong bshad ; 'jigs med 'dab ; dbang mchog ; mchog ldan ; mchog rgyal ma ; rtsa ba brgya ba ; bu mang ; srid sgrub bu (Moon.). nyeng byed pa to glance at an object by lifting up the head a little: pho brang gi sgor nyeng byas nas sprul pa'i lha phrug byon lags sam is it a child of the gods who has come and who has been obtained by just glancing at the door of the palace? (Hbrom. 123). nyed pa = mnyed pa . nyen SANST, SANST 1. perhaps = sickness, thinness (A.K. III, 20). gdung ba'i nyen SANST. 2. sbst. a relative, kinsman. 3. danger, liability, risk. This meaning is probably derived from nyan which in C. is invariable pronounced Òen and which signifies: capability, chance, etc. Like nyan also, it is annexed to verbal roots: dmyal bar 'gro nyen gda' there is a danger of going to hell; srog gi bar chad du 'gro ba'i nyen yod there is the danger of risking one's life. nyen kor seems to = thag nye ba near (Oag.). nyen skor = gnyen a relative; nyen skor zhig he is a relative, kinsman. nyen kha che tsam may become dangerous, full of danger; nyen can dangerous; nyen snar bskyod pa continually moving towards danger; nyen pa'i lam = lam nyan pa a dangerous road, a road which leads to danger (Moon.). (EEE Original has "a road which leads to anger", but this makes no sense in the present context.) nyen pa 1. = nyeg thag , v. nyag ma 3. 2. an enemy. 3. to be pained, pinched, pressed hard, e.g., by hunger; to labour, to drudge, v. 3bang 3. nyer 1. nye bar . 2. used in lieu of nyi shu in counting numerals from 20 to 30. 3. = mya ngan affliction, pain. nyer skad = gcong skad suffering, cry of suffering. nyer bskyod SANST suitability. nyer bskrun SANST, SANST said to = bdag nyid self. nyer 'khod SANST near. nyer dga' SANST delight. nyer dgu nyer bsgy ur SANST unlucky accident. nyer sngogs theme, task (Sch.). nyer nyer = nyer zhe in W. dregs, sediment (J‰.). nyer od SANST offerings; SANST or the five kinds of offerings to be made to the gods in worshipping them:- (1) me tog SANST flowers; (2) gdug spos SANST incense; (3) mar me SANST lamps; (4) dri SANST odours; (5) zhal zas SANST eatables, cakes (Ya-sel. 53). nyer byung SANST origination. nyer byed met. a tree. nyer spas nye bar spas SANST the Buddhist priest who was spiritual guide to Asoka. nyer tshad SANST, SANST, SANST personal danger (Moon.). nyer tshad med = nad med pa or 'byung bzhi snyoms without danger to health (Moon.). nyer tshad = sku 'dra , v. nye bar mjal 3. nyer zhi ba 1. bsgo ba bzhin nyan pa to listen to an instruction or direction. 2. nye bar zhi ba SANST alleviation, pacification. nyer len pa = nye bar len pa or rgyu'i rgyu the cause of a cause, the original cause (J‰.). nyer pa 1. acc. to Sch. to tan, dress, make soft. 2. acc. to J‰. in W. to snarl, growl. 3. to tarry, stay, linger. nyer ma in W. for gYer ma red pepper (J‰.). nyel ba to fall ill; become sick (Sch.). nyes pa I: SANST, SANST, SANST 1. sbst. any evil or misfortune or injurious occurrence: nyes pa thams cad de'i lus la 'du'o| all things noxious are massing together upon his body; lo nyes a year of calamities, bad harvest; lo nyes byung ba'i tshe when the harvest hand been bad; nyes pa gsum also gnod byed nyes pa gsum the three humours of the body, viz.: SANST rlung wind; SANST mkhris pa bile; SANST bad dkan phlegm. 2. moral fault, offence, crime; nyes pa'i skyon the failings of immoral acts; lus dang ngag gi nyes pa guilt of speech and bad action; nyes pa byed pa in reference to the body, = to commit a fault, a crime, to sin; but the word used for "sin" in the N. Testament and in the Christian sense is not nyes pa but sdig pa . nyes pa phogs lit. wages of faults, i.e., retribution, punishment. II: vb. to commit an offence: 'dis ci nyes te bzung | for committing what offence has he been seized; sngar ma sbran pa nyes so| not reporting earlier, you did wrong; gYogs pa nyes so| you have committed a fault by covering it; bdag nyes na if harm is done to me; khyed ci nyes pa smros shig tell me what has befallen you; mi dran nam ci nyes is she out of her senses; ci nyes na what is the matter (with her)? ma nyes pa'i 'gro ba innocent beings; ma nyes pa phyir byung | he came out again unhurt. The commoner verbal usage is with byed pa annexed. Thus, in their N. Testament translation, the Moravian missionaries invariably use nyes pa byed pa in the sense of to trespass, commit a fault. Syn. nongs pa ; skyon can ; nges bzung ; sdom 'ching ; khrims gcod yul ; mthong ba med (Moon.). nyes chad = nyes pa 'gel rgyu crime, also fine. nyes ltung a moral slip, trespass: nyes ltung gis phog he has met with a moral fall (Mil.). nyes pa khas mi len not to confess fault or guilt. nyes pa spom po SANST a great sin, serious fault. nyes par gnyan byas v. khas blangs 3 has been promised (Moon.). nyes dpyad snar od continually committing mischief or trespasses. nyes ad SANST bad habit, immoral conduct. nyes byas a wicked action. nyes pa byed pa'i sho gam pa a tyrant; oppressive tax-gatherer or ruler. nyes dmigs SANST, SANST reproach; punishment for faults: khyim gyi nyes dmigs ches cher bsams pa la considering the punishments of lay life to be great i.e., ever increasing (A. 11). In C. "nye-mig" is a term for punishment, penalty. nyo 1. num. fig. 128. 2. carrot (Cs.). nyo ti pear in Ld. (J‰.). nyo ba SANST, pf. and imp. nyos to buy, to obtain by payment; nyo pa a "buyer," of the bride at a Ladak wedding; nyo mkhan a buyer: gang byung mang byung la nyo le whether any or many wants arise he buys, i.e., a constant customer; nyo tho account, bill; nyos po anything bought, commodity to be bought; nyo 'tshong buying and selling, commerce, traffic; nyo 'tshong byed SANST to trade; nyo ba'i ched for buying. nyo lo inferior animals which cannot carry burdens: tha ma'i dre'u 'gems pa dang tho log gnyis pha shas chung bas nyo lo chung bar bshad stupid mule-colts and mules of the worst sort whether adult or small are said to be "little Òo-lo" (J‰.). nyog pa or nyog ma SANST soiled, dirtied, made unclean, e.g., of victuals; chu nyog ma muddy or foul water. nyog nyog pa confused, mixed up. nyogs bying (Sch.). too soft; nyog nyong soft, maudlin, weak. shas nyog can in W. for gces nyog can fondling anything (J‰.). nyod pa + = zas SANST food. nyon mongs pa SANST 1. misery, trouble, distress, any misfortune. 2. vb. to be troubled, in misery: tsha bas nyon mongs te molested by the heat; nyon mongs par 'gyur ba to get into trouble, to be distressed; nyon ma mongs sam had your not any trouble? prob. you had no troubles. 3. often has the technical meaning of misery as the result of ignorant clinging to existence and the world, and therefore, in the Buddhist sense, the misery of sin: nyon mongs pa las phan pa'i don med this does not avail for being delivered from such a misery; nyon mongs pa med pa free from troubles, perhaps also sinless: nyon mongs can gyis nya sha nyos the sinner buys the flesh of fish (J‰.). nyon mongs pa'i sa acc. to Buddhism (K. d. 'a 355.) the ten smaller cause of moral misery are:- khro ba wrath, 'khon 'dzin spite, ston pa ostentation, show, 'chig pa adherence to what is contrary to Buddhism, sgy u illusion, gYo deception, phrag dog jealousy, envy, ser sna covetousness, nga rgyal pride, lhag pa'i nga rgyal arrogance. nyon mongs pa'i sa chen bcu the ten greater causes of moral or mental misery:- ma dad pa want of faith; 'gyod pa repentance or regret; brjed ngas pa bartering, also vacillating; sems gYengs pa inattention or changing the mind; shes rab 'chal ba confusion or mental derangement; tshul bzhin ma yin pa yid la byed pa practising actions inaccordant with custom; log par mos pa irreverence; rgod pa laughing aloud; ma rig pa ignorance; bag med pa immodesty. nyon mongs med pa SANST, SANST free from pain or misery. nyon mongs tshig = le lo tshig words of idleness (Moon.). nyob nyob weak, feeble-minded (Sch.). nyor 1. = nyo bar . 2. a rectangle (Cs.). nyol imp. of nyal ba . nyos pf. of nyo ba : nyos mi a man who has been bought, a slave (Cs.). gnyags n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga 2). gnyan I: 1. n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga 2). 2. very powerful and at the same time fearful. II: 1. a pestilential disease, epidemic, infectious sickness, plague; mdze dang 'brum bu gnyan leprosy and small pox are pestilential diseases. The following diseases are mentioned under the term of gnyan pestilence (Sman. 108): gzer thug , nag po rgyug 'gyel , klad gzer , 'dzum kha rtseg , 'dzum ltag dgye , a log or byin log , pho glang , rna rtsa phus 'debs , ngam ru , gnyan srin , gnyan nad rkun po , gnyan 'bras , gnyan 'bur , lhog pa , gag pa . The four remedies prescribed in Tib. medical works for gÒan called gnyan gsod plague killers:- aa ru or langerstramia, btsan dug arsenic, shu dag and gla tsi must (Sman. 450). 2. a class of mischievous demi-gods (sa bdag ), also called gnyan khra the parti-coloured gÒan, gnyan ljang the green gÒan, and gnyan khra phyug po . III: a species of wild sheep, not the Ovis ammon but the Ovis Hodgsoni. Its range is throughout Tibet, but never in the Sikkim-Himalaya. In the Kuen-l¸n and Altan Tag ranges, both this species and the true Ovis ammon occur. gnyan thab pa certain medicinal roots so called on account of their curative virtues in plague, namely:- stag sha , mig can , lcags kyu (Mio. 2). gnyan 'dul pa root of a plant used in the disease called GÒan-gzer tsha-wa of which high fever and severe aching in the body are chief characteristics. gnyan pa or gnyan po SANST 1. cruel, fierce, severe: gnyan pa bon dang btsun pa chos the Bon religion is cruel and Buddhism is noble (Gyal. S.). lha gnyan rnams deities of terror; khrims gnyan pa severe justice, cruel laws; dam tshig gnyan pa rigid vow, a solemn oath. 2. wild, rugged, precipitous: gnyan sa a rugged country. gnya' ba (in composition, often gnya' only) 1. neck, nape: gnya' ba brtungs the neck is contracted or shortened. 2. = snying sde SANST partizan, one backing a side. gnya' ko hide or leather of a beast's neck. gnya' khobs screen to protect the neck attached to a helmet. gnya' khri btsan po the first king of Tibet who was carried in a sedan chair and was therefore called the "neck-chaired." gnya' gong du mi snol skad = gnya' . gnya' rgyab in C. castellations, parapet. gnya' nang a village on the confines of Tibet and Nepal, but belonging to the former. gnya' po + a witness, one that gives evidence; gnya' po byed pa to vouch for, to be surety for: bskyi gnya' byas he became surety for the loan. gnya' rtse the cervical vertebra with its projecting process (J‰.). gnya' tshigs spinal joints. gnya' rengs stiff-necked, obstinate: ngan pa gnya' rengs ser snug gtam 'di nyon (Rdsa. 28) Ser-smug, thou obstinate wretch, listen to this my word. gnya' rengs can stiff-necked, obstinate. gnya' shing SANST yoke (for oxen); gnya' shing 'dzin one of the seven fabulous mountains of Buddhist cosmogony so called on account of its standing out like the yoke of oxen. gnyal n. of a place in Tibet; gnyal pa a native of GÒal; gnyal pa grwa tshang the section of Daipung monastery where monks from GÒal are admitted (Loo. za 3). gnyi ga = gnyis ka SANST both. gnyi zer sometimes for nyi zer sunbeam (Lex.). gnyig tu SANST; = gcig tu into one, aimed at one, having only one object in view; but gnyig po mdza' 'dug seems to = the two loved as one. gnyid SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST sleep; gnyid du 'gro ba to fall asleep: gnyid ma thob I am sleepless; gnyid ma yong sleep has not come, I cannot find sleep; gnyid thum pa one come, I cannot find sleep; gnyid thum pa one uninterrupted portion of sleep; gnyid mthug por song | he fell into a sound sleep; gnyid srab light sleep, a slumber. gnyid kyi log pa SANST to fall asleep, to sleep: gang mya ngan mang po dang bral ba'i me de bde bar gnyid log par 'gyur| he who is free from misery will sleep happily; sbyor lam drod thob pa nas nyon mongs pa'i gnyid mi yong | (S. phreo. 288) he who has attained to the stage of Sbyor-lam will not fall asleep. gnyid can SANST sleepy, drowsy; gnyid chag SANST sleep interrupted, roused from slumber. gnyid du song has gone to sleep. Syn. gnyid bro ; gnyid 'dod ; gnyid gYur ba ; rab tu 'thibs pa ; mnal ; gzim ; gnyid khug pa ; rmongs pa'i grogs po ; mig 'dzum pa (Moon.). gnyid 'dod wishing to sleep. gnyid rdol somnambulism. gnyid ma byung ba SANST wakefulness, sleeplessness. Syn. gnyid med ; gnyid ma khug ; gnyid chag pa ; gnyid yar ba (Moon.). gnyid mo SANST, SANST asleep, in sleep. gnyid rmugs dazed, stupid with sleep: gnyid rmugs le lo rab spangs shing |rtag tu brtson 'grus 'bad par bya (Hbrom. kha 13) leaving off sleepiness and indolence, (you) should be always industrious. gnyid gYur pa to be overcome by sleepiness. gnyid lam = rmi lam dream. gnyid log 'dod pa to desire sleep, to be sleepy. gnyid sa bed, place of sleep. Syn. nyal sa ; mal stan ; mal sa (Moon.). gnyid sad pa SANST, SANST awakened, to awake; gnyid sad par 'gyur SANST to become awake. gnyil ba to be dessicated, to crumble away; to thaw. gnyis SANST, SANST 1. two: khyod dang nga gnyis bza' mi bya'o| we two shall marry each other; nga rang re gnyis either of us; phyi nang gnyis chos lugs gang bzang | which is the better of the two religious, Brahmanism or Buddhism? bram ze gnyis a Brahman couple (man and wife). 2. both: jo bo dang byams mgon gnyis both Maitreya and the lord (Atisa); khyod dang nga gnyis both you and I. gnyis ka SANST the two, both: gnyis ka'i don SANST the meaning of both; the interests of both parties; gnyis gnyis two each. gnyis kyi gnyis sprad pa SANST placed in two and two (in pairs). gnyis skyes SANST, SANST, SANST the "twice-born," i.e., a Brahman; used, also, of birds in general, and of human teeth. gnyis ga = gnyis ka both. gnyis dga'i khyim SANST met. for the female organ. gnyis brgyud = zangs copper. gnyis cha SANST half. gnyis gnyis od SANST, SANST said to be either the curlew or lapwing. gnyis gnyis zung pairing, also male and female living together. gnyis 'thung SANST met. for elephant; gnyis 'thung dbang po the king of elephants. gnyis ldab two-fold, double, twice. gnyis ldan SANST, SANST twice; also the second age, the age according to Brahmanical astrology in which two measures of virtue were left to humanity. gnyis ldan dus SANST the second age of the present Kalpa. gnyis pa SANST, SANST 1. the second. 2. having two, possessed of two, e.g., mgo gnyis pa having two heads, the two-headed; lce gnyis pa double tongued; gnyis pa rnams all the second ones; gnyis pa can SANST the second only. gnyis po SANST both, the two. gnyis med gsung pa an epithet of Buddha. gnyis su med pa gsungs pa SANST a propounder of the non-dualist doctrine; epithet of Buddha. gnyis 'dzin SANST holding to two; doubt, unsteadiness, wavering. gnyis 'dzin lta ba to look upon two things as differing, to think them different. gnyis shad the strokes put after a complete sentence (Situ.). gnyis su med pa SANST, SANST 1. matchless; identical: nga dang rgyal po gnyis su med| the king and I are not two indubitably, are the same. 2. n. of the Tantrik work of Sri Kala-chakra dpal ldan dus 'khor (Moon.). gnyis gsum zlos pa = skyor tshig or skyar ba'i tshig repetition (Moon.). gnyug ma acc. to Cs. 1. natural, opp. to bcos ma artificial, hence (Sch.) dngos ma . 2. innate, peculiar; sems gnyug ma peculiar mind; gnyug ma'i sems ; gnyug ma'i ye shes innate wisdom; gnyug ma'i don innate signification or worth; ma bcos gnyug ma'i ngang du 'dres dissolved into the uncreated primordial existence (J‰.). gnyung dkar rape seed. gnyul ba = nyul ba . gnye ba to woo, court. gnye'o = smye bo a wooer, courtier (J‰.). gnye ma (nang khrol ), SANST the coiled intestine (Zam.), the twisted part of the colon or great gut (J‰.). gnyen SANST, SANST, SANST, resp. sku gnyen kinsman, relation: byams pa'i gnyen beloved relation; gnyen la byams pa byed pa to love one's relations; gnyen gyi sgy ug mo mother-in-law by relation; as a degree of relationship; gnyen byed pa to marry, to become related by marriage; gnyen gyi phyogs friends and relations; gnyen gyi phyogs la 'dod chags chu ltar gYo attachment towards friends quivers like water, &c. (Lo. 24); pha gnyen relations on father's side; ma gnyen relations on mother's side; bshes gnyen SANST spiritual friend, generally a lama scholar who is versed in the Buddhist metaphysics. gnyen po helper, friend, assistant, esp. spiritually; rgyu gnyen po bzang bar byin gyis rlobs| bless, that it may become a good spiritual help gnyen po la ma ltos par without looking upon a spiritual adviser; bod 'dul ba'i gnyen po the spiritual discipliner of Tibet (Avalokitesvara); (applied to things) remedy, means, expedient, antidote; nad la gso bar byed pa'i gnyen po assistants in curing maladies (e.g., medicine, diet, etc.); de'i gnyen por as a remedy for; sgrub pa'i thabs mi shes pa'i gnyen por as a remedy for helplessness in acquiring a certain object, i.e., direction or instruction how to obtain it (J‰.). Syn. mthun phyogs ; yid bcugs ; mdza' bcugs ; zun ; 'khor med ; yid mthun pa ; mdza' bshes ; grogs po ; bdza' bas bcings ; blo nye ba ; rang phyogs (Moon.). gnyen can SANST used in polite language for gnyen . gnyen nye ba or gnyen nye mo SANST, SANST near relations, cousins. gnyen nye 'brel v. relatives by blood or marriage connection. (EEE The original seems to have omitted a reference after the "v." here. The reference may be to gnyen 3, which is where various kinds of blood or marriage relations are described.) gnyen sde , gnyen tshan , gnyen srid are words signifying relatives. gnyen 'dab v. gnyen 3. gnyen 'dun 1. relatives; pha yang ma yin gnyen 'dun min neither father nor relations. 2. acc. to Sch. concord, harmony, amongst kinsmen: gnyen 'dun zad pa yin| the harmony ceased. gnyen pa SANST kinsman: gnyen pas bsrung ba SANST preserved or protected by (his) kinsman. Syn. gnyen gshin ; gnyan 'dab ; snag gi gnyen ; nye 'brel ; mdza' bshes ; rtsa lag ; rigs rus gcig pa ; cho 'brang mtshungs pa ; nye du (Moon.). gnyen po SANST, SANST, SANST adversary, antagonist; adverse, in opposition. gnyen po chos dbyings gnyen por shar (Hbrom. kha 33). gnyen byed pa SANST marriage. gnyen 'brel ba to be related, connected by marriage or friendship. gnyen zla consort; companion by marriage: khyed rnams kyang nged rgya nag pa'i gnyen zla as ye (Tibetans) may enter into connubial connection with us (Chinese). gnyen zla ma rnyed kyis a match not being available; khyod dang gnyen zla min you are not a consort fit for me; also not related to you. gnyen yig friendly letter. gnyen ring po SANST distant relation. gnyen gshin v. gnyen 3. gnyen bshes relatives and friends: khyod la gnyen med bshes kyang med| you have neither relations nor friends. gnyer 1. meaning, occasion: de'i gnyer ci yod what was the meaning of that (A. 33). gnyer ka or gnyer kha attention, care; gnyer ka byed = do dam byed take care (of a thing, property or person), to supervise, to pay attention to: khyod rang gnyer ka byed lo gyis would you take care (or take charge of) (A. 115); yul sde'i gnyer kha med pas bde when I am free from the attentions of village officials I am happy (Mil.). gnyer ka gtad pa to commit a thing to a person's charge, to put a person in trust of. gnyer du gtad pa = blo btad pa to entrust, confide in. gnyer pa SANST a store-keeper; zhing gnyer farm-steward: so nam skyong zhing 'khor mkhas , gsog 'jog shes pa gnyer pa yin| (Gul.) he was the steward, wise in protecting agriculture and its surroundings and knowing how to collect and keep accounts. dkon gnyer keeper of precious (religious) objects; sku gnyer temple-minder; dgon gnyer the steward of a monastery; gzhi gnyer manager of an estate or farm; khang gnyer one in whose charge a house or house properties are left, house-keeper: ding rir bslebs nas khang gnyer la dris having arrived at Dingri, they asked the house-keeper; slob gnyer a student: slob gnyer gang du bgyis where did you study. gtad gnyer to entrust a thing. mgron gnyer (lit. receiver of guests but) practically a general manager or secretary under a king, minister, or landlord. Syn. mig gi chos can ; lde mig pa ; nang gi gru 'dzin ; sku gnyer or sku gnyer pa a keeper of images of gods, &c. (Moon.). gnyer ba or gnyer byed pa to tend, to take care of, to provide for; to seek for; to procure, to acquire. don gnyer ba to earn money, to take interest on money; don du gnyer ba to provide for, to strive to procure; yo byad don du gnyer ba rnams people who desire to have property; don gnyer exertion, effort, zeal; don gnyer chen po dgos great exertions are necessary; rgyu dang rkyen gnyis la don gnyer byed pa investigating both the primary and secondary causes; don gnyer can zealous, pains-taking. gnyer ma SANST wrinkles (of the face), a fold of the skin; gnyer ma angs SANST defined wrinkles; gnyer ma mang SANST with many wrinkles; gnyer ma rengs pa 'gyur the wrinkles have become settled or rigid, vb. gnyer pa to wrinkle; sna gong gnyer ba to knit the brows, to frown. khro gnyer SANST a frown, a severe, angry look; khro gnyer can with frowning looks; the goddess Dolma in her terrific, frowning manifestation is called sgrol ma khro gnyer can SANST. (EEE The original has gnyer ma dngas , which may be an error for gnyer ma angs .) gnyer ma khums pa , don ma grub the object not fulfilled (A. 65). gnyer ma can wrinkled. gnyer ma'i gdong lit. the wrinkled-faced; met. a monkey. gnyer tshang store or store-room; house where provisions are stored up: gnyer tshang gtong byed issuing of articles from the stores; one who issues such. gnyel ba = ngal ba SANST fatigue, also SANST tired, to get tired; acc. to some authors, the proper spelling is mnyel ba . gnyog pa to desire, wish earnestly (Cs.), v. snyog pa (J‰.). (EEE snyog pa does not occur elsewhere in the dictionary but see under snyogs pa 3.) gnyod strength, durability, stoutness; gnyed can strong; gnyod chung or gnyod med weak; lus gnyod chung a weakly body or feeble constitution (J‰.). gnyod ka + = 'khos ka importance, worth. gnyod ka chung = 1. unimportant, worthless. 2. generous or charitable. gnyos n. of a tribe in Tibet (Loo. 23). mnyan boat, skiff, wherry. mnyan pa boatman, ferry-man. mnyan pa nya yi ko bca' fish-skin (Sman. 350). mnyan yod SANST n. of a city in Kosala where Buddha resided for many years. Occasionally mnyan pa occurs erroneously for nyan pa to hear. mnyed pa pf. and imp. mnyes , fut. mnye 1. to rub, between the hands or feet, e.g., ears of corn. 2. to tan, curry, dress; ko ba mnyed pa to tan skin. 3. to coax (Cs.). mnyam SANST, SANST similar, equal, like (Moon.). Syn. 'dra ba or lta bu also de lta , de mtshungs . mnyam dkar ; mnyam skyes SANST colleague, brethren in the same work or profession. mnyam 'gyur bkal pa the age or Kal-pa next to terminate (D.R.). mnyam 'jog = mnyam par 'jog pa SANST, SANST contemplation, preserving the equanimity of the mind. mnyam nyid = phyam chad SANST, SANST impartiality, evenness, equality; justice. mnyam nyid ye shes the knowledge to be acquired by contemplation, i.e., by Samadhi. mnyam mnyam SANST level, very even; smooth. mnyam du 1. together, in company with. mnyam du 'gro ba going together. 2. in Moon. SANST yearly, annually. mnyam ldan bskal pa the Kalpa that is continuing (D.R.). mnyam gnas SANST residing together; also of equal position. mnyam pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. like, alike, equal, same: mnyam po yod they are alike, equal, not differing; lha dang mnyam pa yod they are like unto the gods. zlam po mnyam pa roundish; rigs mnyam pa of equal birth, rank; dus mnyam pa contemporary, simultaneous; mnyam par 'gyur ba to become equal, to be equal. 2. even, level, flat; lag mthil ltar mnyam pa flat like the palm of the hand. mnyam pa brjod pa SANST to invite impartially. mnyam pa med pa SANST uneven; unequally. mnyam par 'jog pa SANST to adjust for contemplation. mnyam par bzhag pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, to compose the mind to perfect rest for meditation. mnyam par byed pa to make even or level, to equalize; to divide equally; sems mnyam po imperturbability, evenness of mind; not to be affected by kindness or by the reverse. mi mnyam pa unequal, uneven. mnyam bral SANST unequalled, matchless. mnyam med v. mnyam bral 3. mnyam gzung SANST lit. receiving equally; finishing. mnye ba or mnye bzhin pa SANST, SANST to tan, to rub; mnye bar byas tanned, rubbed; mnye bar bya will tan or rub, v. mnyed pa 3. mnye 'bol cushion, a pillow. mnyen pa 1. resp. phyag mnyen pa SANST, SANST flexible, pliable, supple, soft. 2. = mnyen po SANST tender, soft. mnyen lcug soft and pliant or flexible. mnyen mnyel ba to make soft by tanning (Sch.). mnyen mnyes gshin pa to caress, to fondle (Sch.). mnyen par 'gyur ba to become soft. mnyen par byed pa SANST to make soft, smooth, flexible. mnyel ba + = ngal ba or thang chad pa to be tired, fatigued. mnyes SANST smoothened; made soft (like leather). mnyes pa SANST resp. for dga' ba , same as dgyes pa to be glad, to take delight in; also pleased, delighted: bla ma'i thugs mnyes pa the lama's heart was delighted. mnyes par byed pa to make glad, to give pleasure. mnyes byed SANST, SANST adoration, paying respect. mnyes gshin SANST, SANST, SANST loving, affectionate (A. K. 1-10). mnyes gshin pa = snying sdug beloved. Acc. to Sch. to love much; to be rejoiced at. mnyo fond; mnyo mnyo can in W. fondling, petting (phru gu la ) a child (J‰.). rnya ba n. of a place in Tibet. (Deb. ga 11). rnya lo or snya lo several wild-growing species of Polygonum (J‰.). rnyang rnying worn-out clothes, rags (Cs.). rnyang ba = bshal ba to rinse; in W. to suffer from diarrhúa. rnyang nad diarrhúa; rnyang pa or rnyang ma diarrhútic stool (J‰.). rnyan = gnyan the Tibetan argali (Ovis ammon). rnyab rnyab pa seize or snatch together (Sch.). rnyabs pa stretching out the hand to catch; khye'u yi lag pa me la rnyabs pa yis holding out the hands of a child to the fire. (EEE The original has the transliteration "sÒabs-pa" (snyabs pa ) for the headword and "rÒabs-pa" for the example. Both Tibetan spellings could be correct though given the current context, rÒabs-pa seems to be required.) rnyas sometimes used for brnyas pa . rnyas byed pa SANST to scorn, to look down on with contempt. rnyi SANST net, snare or trap for capturing wild animals or birds. rnyi 'dzug pa to lay snares; phur rnyi mouse-trap consisting of a flat stone supported by a little stick or pin (phur pa ) Syn. rnyi thag ; ri ags rgya ; ri ags 'dzin ; ri ags dra ba ; dra ba can ; ngan pa'i 'khrul 'khor bya dang ri ags 'ching byed (Moon.). rnyi thag v. rnyi 3. rnying v. rnying pa 3. rnying pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. old, ancient (of things, i.e., clothes). 2. muddy. gsar snying new and old; sngar gyi yi ge rnying pa rnams the ancient records; brda rnying the ancient orthography; lo rnying = na ning last year. (Wts.): drang srong rnying pa the old piri or sage. Syn. rgan po ; thar po ; sngon skyes ; sngon dus ma ; yun ring ma ; rnying ma ; thog ma ; rgas pa ; chos rgas pa (Moon.). rnying ba vb., pf. brnyings to age, wax old; gos brnyings worn clothes; lham brnyings old shoes; rnying bar 'gyur ba , rnying bar byed pa to wear out in a short time (J‰.). rnying ma 1. general term for the various unreformed red-cap sects of Buddhism in Tibet. 2. particular name for one of the oldest of these same sects. 3. = rnying pa , rnying ma de la rab gnas kyang mdzad he also consecrated that old one (A. 93); rnying ma'i gter gzhung the religious works which, it is said, were unearthed by Gter-ston-pa belonging to the Nyingma school of Tibet. rnying tshad old fever; chronic disease. rnying hrul worn-out, old and rotten (things). rnyings pa = rengs pa SANST worn-out; delapidated; cast off. rnyid pa pf. brnyid , brnyis , fut. gnyid . 1. to fade. 2. to grieve (vb. n.) (Sch.). rnyil + or snyil gen. as so rnyil the gums. rnyil ba v. snyil ba 3. rnyis pa + = rnyings pa pf. SANST, SANST to be worn out, become old, faded. rnyed pa I: 1. vb., pf. brnyid or brnyes , fut. brnyed . SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST to find, discover, acquire, meet with, get: de ni gang nas rnyed where did you get that? me rnyed du mi rung ngo it must be procured by all means; ma rnyed pa not finding; zas dang skom ma rnyed de having not found anything to eat or to drink; da ni re ba rnyed do now that my hopes are fulfilled; gri rnyed pas he found a knife (from J‰.). II: sbst. profit, gain, property, goods; rnyed pa mang po rnyed pa to gain much profit: rnyed pa dang bkur sti lhur byed pas dge sbyong nyams par 'gyur la|rnyed pa dang bkur sti 'di ni dge ba'i chos thams cad kyi bar chad pa'i rgyu yin no| (K. d. 'a 36) by exerting himself for gain and honour a gelong will be ruined; these riches and honours are the causes of interruption to all works of piety: bdag rnyed pa dang ldan na mi dga' if I am possessed of earnings, he is aggrieved. rnyed sdu ba collecting of riches; rnyed phrog pa to take booty, to plunder (Sch.). rnyed rlom pride of wealth or gain: za rlom 'cha' rlom rnyed rlom kho nas rgyu (Khpid. 125). (EEE The original has rnyed pa dang bkur sta in the first example, but obviously bkur sti is meant.) rnyed dka' ba SANST; rnyed par dka' ba difficult to find, rare. The five hardly obtainable things are (see K. d. ba 475):- (1) dal 'byor gyi mi lus the human body which is slowly prepared; (2) gla (Moon.) wages, remuneration for work done, rent; (3) sangs rgyas la dad pa faith in Buddha; (4) the conception of saintly ideas, i.e., the enlightened heart of a Bodhisattva; (5) sangs rgyas 'byung ba the appearance of a Buddha. rnyed bkur = thob nor riches and honour. rnyed 'dod = 'dod chags inclination for gain (Moon.). rnyog pa (cf. nyog pa 3) vb., pf. brnyogs , fut. brnyog to trouble, to stir up (Cs.); also adj. thick, turbid; chu rnyog pa muddy or dirty water. rnyog pa can : 1. = skyon can faulty. 2. dirty, turbid, troubled rnyog ma can , miry, muddy. rnyogs pa SANST, SANST dirt, scum, stain; rnyogs pa med SANST stainless, clear, purified, washed; chu rnyog med = chu gtsang ba pure water (Moon.). rnyogs tshad n. of a disease (J‰.). rnyong + = gal SANST trap, snare. rnyong ba pf. brnyongs , fut. brnyong , imp. rnyongs 1. to ensnare, trap (Cs.). 2. = rkyang pa SANST to stretch out. snya nang = gnya' nang . snya lo = rnya lo . snyag pa col. for snyeg pa . snyags = dbyangs music, harmony (J‰.). snyad 1. = rgyu rkyen reason; snyad med par without reason, pretence or provocation: jo bo sems can gyi don la bod du byon du 'jug pa'i snyad yin| (A. 62) the reason of Atisa's undertaking to proceed to Tibet was the welfare of animate beings. 2. snyad 'dogs pa = skyon brjod byed pa SANST; skyon med par skyon btags pa to impute fault where there is none, malicious accusation or imputation; stad 'dzug pa to bring an action against, to prosecute; snyad byed pa (with a dat.) to use a pretence or pretext. snyad pa pf. and fut., bsnyad , imp. stod to relate, to report; lo rgyus snyad pa to relate a story; rmi lam snyad pa to relate a dream; gtam snyad pa to state, inform, give notice; to rehearse. snyad med snyad dkris imputation without cause; false charge. snyan SANST, SANST, resp. for rna ba the ear: rgyal po'i snyan du thos it came to the king's hearing. snyan khung the ear-hole, hearing. snyan gyi gong rgyan SANST, SANST ornament worn on the tip or upper lap of the ear; snyan rgyan SANST an ear-ring; rna rgyan SANST ear-ornament. snyan sgrogs ma = bud med blo ldan ma (Moon.) a noble and generous lady. snyan ngag lit. speech which is agreeable to the ear. 1. SANST, SANST poetry as one of the four divisions of the science of words. 2. = pa sangs SANST the planet Venus. snyan ngag mkhan 1. SANST a describer, poet. 2. a learned man (Moon.). snyan ngag mkhan po SANST the planet Venus; the spiritual guide of the Asura demi-gods. Syn. gza' pa sangs ; ngan spong bu ; lha min bla ma (Moon.). snyan ngag mkhas dbang SANST chief poet; a complimentary address to the learned. snyan ngag ro ldan = tshig gi gtang rag lit. a humorous expression; but includes dge ba'i gtam a religious discourse. 'jam por smra soft language kha bzang sweet words zhi ba'i tshig conciliatory mild expressions; tshig bzang pleasant words legs bshad moral sayings (Moon.). snyan grags fame, reputation. snyan 'jegs polite and gentle (Yig. k). snyan brjod SANST graphic description. snyan gtod pa to give ear to: kye rgyal po bdag gi tshig 'di la snyan gtod cig O great king, do lend your ears to my speech (Hbrom. 136). snyan nang also called mna' nang n. of a district in N. Western Tibet. snyan pa 1. like grags pa SANST, SANST fame, renown, glory, praise: khyod kyi snyan pa phyogs bcur grags your fame has spread in the ten quarters, i.e., all over the world; de'i snyan pa rgyang nas thos his praises are heard far and wide; ces de'i snyan pa brjod cing thus speaking praisingly of him; ces pa'i snyan pa la rten nas relying on a rumour of this purport; ces snyan pa dang grags pa chen po byung so his praise and great fame arose; de'i snyan du to his praise, or to his hearing. 2. adj. wellsounding, sweet to hear; snyan par smra ba sweet expression, sweet and polite language; snyan par byed SANST that does pleasant things; snyan pa'i dpe can n. of a warbling bird, v. ka la ping ka 3 (Moon.). dge slong dbyangs rab tu snyan pa a monk having a well sounding voice; tshig snyan par with pleasant words; snyan skad melodious language. 3. vb. to praise, extol, glorify. 4. = gor ma chag SANST without interruption (Lex.). snyan phra zhu ba to slander, to backbite. snyan 'phrin 1. good tiding, gospel. 2. n. of a bird which lives very long (Moon.). snyan tshig SANST, snyan tshig gi rig byed SANST the third Veda of the Hindus. snyan tshig byung SANST grown out of the Sama-veda. snyan zhu petition, memorial; snyan zhu 'bul ba to present a petition. snyan shal the flap of the ear. snyan gsan 'bebs pa SANST invitation; to invite, to call attention to. snyan srab = nyan dad che ba credulous: rje'i snyan srab the king's credulity (Gyal. 2). snyan lhong ba to make dear. snyab pa to smack with the lips (Sch.). snyam pa 1. vb. to think, consider, imagine: bdag cag rin po che btang snyam mo we thought we should give up the jewels; nga lceb dgos snyam nas thinking I should commit suicide; yon tan dang ldan par snyam ste considering him to be possessed of talents. 2. sbst. thought, sense, mind, sensation: chos byas na snyam pa yong gin gda' we have thoughts of practising religion; 'jigs so snyam pa yod re skan I am far from any thought of fear; snyam byed , phan snyam byed kyang though one may imagine that it will help; skyug pa brdungs dkris snyam byed there arises a feeling like that of nausea, like that of being beaten, of being (tightly) wrapt up (J‰.). snyal yas (grangs gnas ) n. of a number; ya mad snyal yas 'dab 'deb dang | (Ya-sel. 57). snyi v. rnyi 3. snyi steng = gnya' neck; nape of neck. snyi po = snying po the heart. snyi phul corn of luxuriant growth; abundant harvest. snyi ba 1. a dwarf. 2. softness. 3. n. of a plant. snyi bo SANST adj. gentle, soft, delicate, tender. snyi ma for snye ma (J‰.). snyi shang ka 1 or snyi shang gur rta name of mountains in Nepal (J‰.). snyigs dus or snyigs ma'i dus SANST or SANST the degenerate age, or the age of sin. snyigs byed ma acc. to the Bon n. of the god of air (D.R.). snyigs pa degenerated, grown worse, v. snyigs ma 3. snyigs ma SANST, SANST, SANST 1. a whet-stone. 2. zas lta bu impurity in food, poison or defilement in food; impure sediment; mar gyi snyigs ma impurities in butter; angs snyigs 'byed pa to separate the clear (fluid) from the sediment; snyigs ma thams cad sel ba to clear out all the impurities. zhing snyigs ma SANST a yellowish sprout growing up on land. 3. tshigs ma a member between two joints. (EEE The original has dngas snyigs 'byed pa , but angs is meant.) snyigs ma lnga ni the five impurities are:- (1) tshe'i snyigs , SANST; mar 'grib the decrease of the duration of life; (2) lta ba'i snyigs ma , SANST; = phyin ci log tu kha gyur ba perversity in thoughts, religious disbeliefs, &c. 3. nyon mongs pa'i snyigs ma SANST; = dug lnga kha rag pa the five poisons; (4) sems can gyi snyigs ma , SANST; 'dul dka' ba difficulty to convert; (5) dus kyi snyigs ma SANST rtsod ldan degenerate ages or times. snying SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the heart, both met. and physically: snying 'dar zhing 'gul the heart throbs with fear; bdag gi lus kyi snying ltar gces as dear to me as my own heart. 2. SANST the disposition. snying dga' ba or snying bde ba gladness, cheerfulness; snying dang mig 'phrog pa to transport, to ravish (Sch.). 3. courage; snying ma chung zhig be not afraid! snying gdon gyis bslus the heart is infatuated by a demon. snying nas (i) heartily, zealously, earnestly, e.g., looking for or to a thing; with all one's heart, most earnest, devoutly, e.g., to say one's prayer; (ii) actually, really: khong snying nas mi 'bying pa yin really he does not sink. 3. for snying po, snying 'gems pa stupefied, confounded, depressed (D.R.). Syn. of No. 1. thugs ; sha yi mchog ; chos kyi rtsa 'khor ; kun skyed byed ; srog gi gnas ; sems kyi khang pa ; rnam shes rten (Moon.). snying kha SANST the heart; snying khar on the heart, at heart. snying khams the heart; acc. to Sch. courage. snying khu = nying khu 3. snying ga the breast: snying gar spu mang skyes pa bde bar 'tsho he will live to be happy on whose breast grows much hair (Mi.). snying dga' ba SANST heart's content, joy, cheerfulness. snying grogs SANST, SANST a sympathizing friend, a bosom friend. snying can courageous, spirited, bold. snying rtses pa v. snyi rje ba SANST mercy, compassion. (EEE snyi rje ba does not occur elsewhere in the dictionary but see snying rje 3.) snying chu bzhug in W. afflicted with dropsy in the pericardium (J‰.). snying rje SANST, SANST, SANST kindness, mercy, compassion: mi la snying rje sgom pa to meditate with pity for all men. snying re rje occurs in khyod bod rnams snying re rje I pity you ye Tibetans (A. 65). Syn. thugs rje ; brtse ba ; rjes chags ; rjes su brtse (Moon.). snying rje skad lamentation; cry of compassion. snying rje can SANST merciful, kind hearted; a merciful person. snying rje chen po , snying rje'i lha , are names of Avalokitesvara. snying rje chen po pad dkar SANST n. of a sutra in the Kahgyur, vol.cha, Mdo section. snying rje bral = snying rje med pa SANST devoid of mercy or compassion, merciless, cruel. The following ten acc. to Buddhism are included in the category of those who are called snying rje bral :- bshan pa butchers; bya gag 'tshong pa sellers of ducks; phag 'tshong pa sellers of pigs or pork; nya pa fishermen; ri ags kyi rngon pa hunters; bya pa bird-catchers; bong bu sogs la khal lci bkal te brdung mkhan drivers of donkeys and other beasts of burden who lading them heavily beat them; chom rkun pa robbers and way-layers; gshed ma pa muderers; ba glang gsod pa po slayers of oxen, etc. (K. du. da 204). snying rje mo 1. compassionate: you are compassion personified. Acc. to J‰. in khyod snying rje mo rang zhig 'dug you are much to be pitied. 2. colloq. dearest, most beloved, amiable, charming. (EEE A Tibetan example appears to be missing from the first definition.) snying nye ba 1. = mdza' bo , or nye bo , friendly, amicable, loving. affectionate. Figurative expression for it is yid kyi ze'u 'bru (Yig. k. 1). 2. dear and near relatives. 3. SANST money. snying stobs SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST fortitude; character; courage, spirit, virtue: mkhas shing mdzangs la gsal ba spro ba snying stobs che ba|le lo dang od pa ngan pa'i rjes su mi 'gro ba fortitude and enlightenment increasing in the wise and learned; they go not after evil deeds and indolence (Ld.; Glr.). snying stobs can SANST, fearless; possessed of fortitude, moral courage. Syn. dpa' po ; nyam nga med ; zhus pa mi mnga' ; stobs chen ; pha rol gnon (Moon.). snying stobs che SANST, SANST great soul, one of great fortitude. snying gtam confidential speaking, a secret: snying gtam yin gyi sems la zhog (Lo. 30.) put away in your mind talk which is confidential; brtse ba'i snying gtam the secret speech of kindness or of love; phan pa'i snying gtam useful admonition. snying stobs gter SANST; = snying stobs ldan pa SANST, SANST intrepid, one whose heart is stored with courage (A. K. 1, 18). snying du sdug pa or snying sdug pa charming, handsome; snying du 'bab pa = gzugs mdzes pa very handsome person, charming (Moon.); in W. liked, beloved, darling, favourite; snying sdug zhig 'dug he is a general favourite; snying ma sdug not handsome, not charming; acc. to J‰. bad people. snying bdom ornamental equipments of a riding horse, generally what is put on its breast (Rtsii.). snying 'dod pa to wish, to desire, to long for; za snying 'dod pa to long to eat, to be craving for food; 'gro snying 'dod pa ardently wishing to go. snying sdug a beloved one; a sweetheart (Oag. 29). snying nad 1. = snying na ba disease of the heart, but not often any physical disorder; heart-sickness; grief on account of injury suffered from others. 2. defined as sems la nag po zhag pa vindictiveness, to keep a grudge at heart: mya ngan sems 'khrugs yi mi bde zhing sto chag gnyid chag zhi sdang drag pos snying nad skyed . snying nad is caused by fits of anger, sleeplessness, starvation, despair and mental derangement from troubles, etc. The disease is of seven kinds:- (1) snying chu dropsy of the heart, (2) snying 'phyos , (3) snying nad kha le nag po , 94) snying 'thebs , (5) snying tshad , (6) snying gzer , (7) snying srin (Mog. 34). snying po I: SANST, SANST, SANST the pith, essence, heart; snying po ma yin pa med par gyur SANST far from being useless; useful. skad kyi snying po the substance of a speech; chos kyi snying po the essential part or purport of a work or the main substance of a doctrine; don snying 'byin pa to draw out a summary, the sum and substance (of a writing): sems can thams cad sangs rgyas kyi snying po can yin na if all living beings have the pith and essence of, i.e., partake of the nature of, Buddha; de bzhin bshegs pa'i snying po the spirit of Tathagata; byang chub snying po the spirit of the Bodhisattva, i.e., Buddhahood. srog gi snying po 'bul ba to offer one's heart's blood, to pledge one's own life. The five chief essences or sÒio-po of food are:- tshwa salt, shing tog fruits, bu ram treacle, sbrang rtsi honey, til dmar red sesame (Rtsii.). II: 1. me tog flower. 2. SANST the thunder-bolt. 3. SANST, SANST a heap, a plough. 4. SANST a kind of precious stone, sapphire. snying po mkhregs pa = snying po'i gzhi SANST the earth, that holds everything, all substances. snying re rje pity; to be pitied: 'di rnams snying re rje these people are indeed much to be pitied. As an adj. sems can snying re rje the poor creatures (J‰.); snying re rje ba'i sdig can the pitiable sinners. snying po can SANST, SANST substantial; also courageous. snying po che (snying chen po byas shing thugs sems mi sdug par bsam blo rgya chen po noble-hearted, intrepid, adventurous, enterprizing: snying po che brang 'og tu bcug pa'i so nam mdzad dgos pa yin O, noble-hearted (sire) you have been required to do husbandry bending on your chest (A. 127). snying po mchog SANST n. of a number. snying po theg pa'i yang rtsi n. of the chief works of the Anuttara mystics of Tibet and of Ancient India. snying po ldan ma SANST an article that is possessed of some real properties, or of intrinsic value. snying po bsdu ba SANST n. of a work composed by Atisa (A. 66). snying po med pa 1. SANST, SANST, SANST; = don med pa worthless, null, void, false, hollow. 2. n. of SANST the third Pandava, the hero of the Mahabharata (Moon.). snying po so sor (tsan dan dkar ) SANST, white species of sandal-wood; a yellow gem, a topaz. snying po'i khang pa = ri khrod a recluse's cell or hermitage in the midst of a group of hills (Moon.). snying po'i dben pa void, worthless; sbst. solitude. snying 'bab dri agreeable scent (Moon.). snying rtsa heart-vein; the veins connected with the heart. snying rtse the tip or apex of the heart; the focus of attention, i.e., when all attention is concentrated. snying brtse ldan snying rje can loving, affectionate (Moon.). snying tshim gratification, satisfaction, consolation; also pleasure felt at the discomfiture or death of an enemy or adversary; snying tshim 'debs pa to show such pleasure; also vb. snying re tshim pa to gratify or console; to become gratified. snying tshil the fat about the heart (Cs.). snying zhos sha n. of a fruit which in appearance is like the heart (Rtsii.). snying bzhos te smra ba + = snying gtam dang gsang gtam smra ba to speak out a secret or reveal a confidential thing. snying ri n. of monastery in Tibet. snying rus = thugs rus 1. assiduity, firmness of mind, perseverance. 2. courage. snying rlung 1. = khong khro longs pa anger, indignation. 2. low spirits, melancholy (Sch.). snying rlung drag po ldan become indignant. snying la khugs SANST upon the breast. snying la nyal = yid la nyal lit. that lies down on the mind; a name of Kama, the Indian Cupid (Moon.). snying la 'bab pa 1. SANST fully comprehending, appreciating. 2. SANST nectar. snyid pa prob. rnyid pa 3 (J‰.). snyid mo SANST younger sister of a woman's husband. Syn. khyo ga'i nu mo ; bdag po'i sring mo (Moon.). snyin pa snyin po , snyin te = snyi bo 3. snyim pa + or snyim po = thal mo SANST two handsful; a measure for liquids, as well as for flour, grain and the like, as much as may be taken up both hands placed together: jo bos 'gron bu snyim pa gang bsnams te byon| (A. 69) the lord carrying both hands full of cowries arrived. snyims = mdzes pa beautiful, handsome (Oag. 29). snyil = rnyil , snye ma'i phung po a bunch of ears of corn (Oag. 29). snyil ba or rnyil ba pf. and fut. bsnyil (cf. gnyil ba 3). 1. to push or throw down, to break down, to destroy (houses, rocks, etc.); phye mar snyil ba to reduce to powder (Schr.). 2. phyir snyil ba to expel, banish, exile (Sch.) (from J‰.). snyug pa also smyug pa , pf. bsnyugs , fut. bsnyug to dip in, to immerse (J‰.). (EEE The original's transliteration for the pf., "bÒugs", is probably incorrect.) snyug ma more frq. smyug ma reed, rush, bulrush. snyug gu reed-pen; snyug bzo wicker-work. snyug 'dzin lit. one holding the reed-pen, a writer. snyug 'dzin dbang po a chief clerk in Tibet; drung yig yi ge la mkhas pa one versed in writing: dpal ldan thu mi'i ring lugs yang dag par 'dzin pa stug 'dzin dbang po gang de'i drung du| to the chief writer who is well versed in the art of writing which was introduced by the noble Thu-mi (Yig. k. 49). snyug rum n. of a place in Tibet (Loo. za 3). snyug shing bamboo. snyug si dark yellow-colour; sgo snam snyug si broad-cloth of dark yellow colour (Rtsii.). snyugs duration, continuity, time (Cs.). snyugs chen continual (Oag. 29); snyugs srings yun tshad protracted, lengthened out (J‰.). snyugs sbrul a species of lizard (Sch.). snyugs su + = yun du in a long time. snyugs sring SANST lengthened or continual. snyung = snyun resp. for nad disease, illness, sickness: btsun pa'i sku la snyung mi mnga' 'am your honour I suppose is not unwell? snyung ba I: vb., pf. bsnyungs , fut. bsnyung 1. to make less, to reduce, to diminish; acc. to Sch. to disparage. 2. to be ill, sick, indisposed; thugs snyung ba'i mi people that are disagreeable, annoying to others (J‰.). II: sbst. the state of being ill; illness, indisposition. snyung bu awl, pricker, punch. Syn. rtse no ; ko ba 'bigs byed (Moon.). snyung gzhi = nad gzhi 1. illness, disease. 2. bskrad pa rgyag byed pa banishment; to expel, eject. snyun SANST illness, disease, sickness: sku la snyun gyis bzung he was taken ill. Acc. to J‰. snyun 'dri ba or snyun gsol ba are expressions of inquiry after a person's health. na dri zhu ba or snyun dri zhu ba to wait on, to pay one's respects (J‰.). snyun angs pa SANST cured from a disease, recovered from an illness, convalescent. Syn. nad sangs pa ; nad gsos pa ; nad kyis btang ba ; nad las grol ba ; nad las thar ba (Moon.). snyun pa 1. pf. and fut. bsnyun to be ill, to labour under a disease. 2. = nad pa , nad phog pa , nyams ma bde ba , 'du ba 'khrugs pa , khams ma bde ba . snyun med free from illness. snyun rmed + (snyun illness, rmed = dri ba ) to inquire, to inquire after one's health: jo bo la snyun rmed , 'di skad mdzad de (A. 75) thus inquiring if the lord was well. snye ma = snyi ma or dog pa SANST, SANST 1. ears of corn. 2. 'bru'i dog pa corn forming ears (v. ljang pa 3). snye dkar diseased ears of corn; snye mgo , snye ma ears of corn. snye thang , also written mnyes thang , n. of a village situated about ten miles S. W. of Lhasa city. It was at —ethang that the celebrated Atisa spent his last days and died. snye thang gling ga the large grove in neighbourhood of the monastery where Atisa resided. It contains the chorten or chait where his remains were interred. snye mdo n. of a village in Tibet (Deb. 43). snye phu n. of a small town in Tibet. snye 'phreng n. of a large grove in Tibet (Rtsii.). snye 'bol = sngas 'bol pillow or cushion to rest the head upon (Oag. 29). snye ma mig can ears of corn which have just got or formed grains. de gro'i snye ma mig thon now the ears of wheat have got grains. snye ma lus lcebs SANST the tree Pongamia glabra, used medicinally (Moon.). snye mo n. of a district situated between ‹ and Tsang (Rtsii.). snye mo 'phrang rdzong n. of a fort situated on a precipice in SÒe-mo (Rtsii.). snye ma'i phung po SANST a bunch formed of ears of corn. snyegs straight or stretched out (J‰.): lag pas snyegs with the hand stretched out. snyegs pa pf. bsnyegs pa , fut. bsnyeg , imp. snyogs 1. c. accus. to hasten or run after, to pursue; frq. also with rjes nas , rjes su , rjes bzhin du , phyi bzhin du . rang 'gro sa snyogs hasten towards your destination; bsnyeg tu 'dong pa or snyegs su 'dong ba to walk hastily, to make haste or speed (J‰.). 2. to overtake; snyeg ma nus pas not being able to reach. 3. c. dat. to hasten (to some place) ltad mo la snyeg hasten to the play; gnam la snyeg hastening up to heaven (as a flame). 4. to strive or struggle for, to aspire to; nor la snyeg to aspire to riches; sde chen la snyeg to aspire to the increase of territory; zhing khams bzang la snyeg to aspire to the region of eternal bliss. snyeg ma a pursuer (from J‰.). snyeng ba 1. to stretch. 2. also snyengs pa to fear (pf. bsnyengs , fut. snyeng ), resp. rgyal pos ma snyengs shig do not be afraid of the king (J‰.). snyed 1. the crupper attached to a saddle. 2. in ji snyed lta bu , 'di snyed cig or de snyed cig so much, so many, frq. used for how many: yon tan 'di snyed mnga' 'o| so many excellent qualities has he. ci snyed or ji snyed how much, how many? 3. after numbers: about, near: stong snyed about or near a thousand; stong ji snyed about a thousand also: how many thousands? (J‰.). snyed pa is mistake for rnyed pa SANST, SANST to gain, profit, acquire: snyed pa bla na med pa SANST the very highest gain or supremest state. snyen pa or snyen ma acc. to Cs. 1. come, go near, approach. 2. to gain, to procure. snyems chung 1. unpretentious, humble, affable. 2. sbst. poor, indigent. snyems pa 1. vb. pf. bsnyems to be proud or arrogant, to boast; nga rgyal snyems pas being swollen or puffed up with pride; mthu rtsal snyems pas proud of one's strength. 2. sbst. SANST; dregs pa pride, haughtiness; snyems pa can full of pride, proud. snyes v. snye ba . sngas la snyes (Oag. 29) reclined your head on the pillow; snyes 'bol pillow. snyo ba sometimes for smyo ba . snyogs pa or bsnyog pa (Oag. 29) 1. secondary form of snyeg pa esp. when signifying to wish earnestly, to crave for or implore; also kha snyogs pa id. lag pas chu snyogs pa to ask for water stretching out the hand. 2. = rjes su snyog SANST following; yar snyog mar snyog went up and down; now gone towards the uplands, then towards the lowlands. snyongs pa = byug pa SANST, SANST to apply (an ointment). snyod = go snyod caraway. snyod pa I: pf. bsnyod bsnyos , fut. bsnyod 1. to draw out and twist, as in spinning (J‰.). 2. acc. to Cs. to tell, relate. 3. snyad pa . II: to feed, to give to eat and to drink: 'o mas snyod cing stobs pa fed and strengthened with milk. snyon pa I: SANST 1. pf. and fut. bsnyon to deny, disavow (dishonestly); bsnyon byed pa to assert falsely. II: = smyon pa 3. snyon mongs = chags pa 3; dngos po dang byed pa'i khyad par (Oag. 29). snyob pa pf. bsnyobs , fut. bsnyob , imp. snyobs 1. to stretch forth; lag pa snyobs stretched out the hand (Oag. 29). What is given as food is always placed in the instr. case, while the animal or person fed takes the dative: btsun mo la nyung phug gis snyobs so| the queen was fed with turnips and radishes (Ld.; Glr.). 2. to reach by stretching one self out; to arrive at. snyom I: or snyoms las SANST, SANST, SANST indolence, unconcern, esp. religious indifference. II: or snyoms pa = 'dra 'dra khod snyoms pa very similar. snyom pa or snyoms pa SANST; gYer ba or gYel ba 1. weariness, lassitude, laziness, idleness; lus snyoms lci ba yin one is exhausted and dull; snyoms la ngul ba to be tired and exhausted. 2. nye ring med par 'dra 'dra byed pa impartial, to treat impartially, i.e., on equal terms rgyu dang mi rgyu snyom zhing nye ring med|de ring khyod kyi bzu dang dbang byos shig (Yig); mgo snyoms impartial. snyom par 'jug pa drug pa the six Samapanna sages are:- (1) rangs od kyi bu lhag od ; (2) sgy u rtsal shes yi bu ring phur ; (3) kun tu rgyu legs bzang ; (4) bram ze'i khyi'u rgyal ; (5) drang srong ma bcings pa ; (6) lteng rgyas 'od srung ral pa can . snyom po = snyom po'i las (Oag. 29). snyoms for snyoms pa SANST; snyoms du med without an equal. snyoms pa vb., pf. bsnyoms , fut. bsnyom 1. to make even, to level; sa la snyoms pa to level (with the ground), to demolish. 2. to equalize (different things), to arrange uniformly: zas snyoms pa to arrange (uniformly) one's meals, i.e., not cold and warm promiscuously; thams cad na snyoms na bdag kyang snyoms par mdzad 'tshal I wish to be treated fairly on a par with all others; kha la snyoms pa to regulate (a matter), to manage or direct (a business) justly, uniformly. snyoms pa SANST; dub pa fatigue, exhaustion. snyoms po equal, even, uniform (i.e., in every part equally thick) (J‰.). snyoms par 'jug pa SANST evenness or calmness of mind, equanimity. The nine Samapatti are as follows:- (1) SANST Having completely passed the form-group and crossed the aggregate of passions and not thinking of the varieties, he remains realising in his mind the infinite expanse of the sky, viz., that the sky is limitless. (2) SANST Having completely passed the infinite expanse of sky, he remains realising in his mind the infinite extent of knowledge, viz., that knowledge is unbounded. (3) SANST Having thoroughly passed the boundless extent of knowledge, he remains realising in his mind the realm of nothingness, viz., that there is nothing. (4) SANST Having thoroughly passed the realm of nothingness, he remains realising in his mind the region of conscious-nonconsciousness [M.V.]. In Tibetan we find these four thus expressed:- (1) de rnam pa thams cad du gzugs kyi 'du shes rnams las yang dag par 'das te thogs pa'i 'du shes rnams nub par gyur cing sna tshogs kyi 'du shes rnams yid la mi byed pas nam mkha' mtha' yas so snyam nas nam mkha' mtha' yas skye mched rdzogs bar byas te gnas so| (2) de rnam pa thams cad du nam mkha' mtha' yas skye mched las yang dag par 'das te rnam par shes pa mtha' yas so snyam nas rnam shes mtha' yas skye mched rdzogs par byas te gnas so| (3) de rnam pa thams cad du rnam shes mtha' yas skye mched las yang dag par 'das te ci yang med do snyam gnas ci yang med pa'i skye mched rdzogs par byas te gnas so| (4) de rnam pa thams cad du ci yang med pa'i skye mched las yang dag par 'das nas 'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched rdzogs par byas te gnas so| The other five are:- (5) thod rgal du snyoms par 'jug pa| SANST (6) mthar gyis gnas pa'i snyoms par 'jug par dgu| SANST (7) 'byung ba chen po mthun pa| SANST (8) 'du shes med pa'i snyoms par 'jug pa| SANST (9) phung ba med pa'i snyoms par 'jug pa| SANST. snyoms las byed pa to be lazy, indolent, indifferent. snyoms las can SANST, SANST adj. a lazy and idle person; an absent-minded person. snyoms las med SANST one who is not lazy or indolent. Syn. le lo can ; gyi na ba ; gtong snyoms can ; blo chud zos (Moon.). snyal ba pf. and fut. bsnyal (cf. nyal ba 3) to lay anything down; to bed a person, to assign him couch or bed; phru gu mal du snyol ba to lay a child on its bed; nyal du bzhag pa to lay or put down; me nyal ba to put the fire to bed, i.e., to scrape it together and cover it with ashes; spu snyol ba lit. to smooth down the hair, fig. to abate one's anger by the touch, i.e., as if to pat a cat or dog; lus ngag yid kyi zhe sdang zhi bar byed (Oag. 29) to pacify anger physically, by words and by the heart. brnya ba pf. brnyas 1. = gYar ba to borrow (Oag. 30). 2. = nyo ba to buy, to take on lease (Oag. 30). 3. to seize (by force), to usurp (Sch.). brnyas pa purchased, bought, borrowed. brnyas thabs arrangement to borrow, to take loan of; bzhan las brnyas borrowed from others; brnyan po'i brnyas interest for a loan, rent for a thing borrowed (Sch.). brnyang ba = 'khru ba 3. brnyad pa for bsnyad pa 3. brnyan pa = gYar ba to borrow: brnyan po'i gos borrowed dress. Acc. to Cs. a garment marked with the figures of the rainbow, also fig. borrowed, reflected. gzugs brnyan or snang brnyan SANST a reflected image, frq. also image, picture in general; even a little statue. rmi lam gyi gzugs brnyan vision, visionary image. sgra brnyan SANST returned sound, i.e., echo. mgo brnyan a mask, a fearful apparition. phyag brnyan servant (Cs.). brnyan tol = kha mchu 'dzugs to begin a case or lawsuit. brnyabs pa diligence, painstaking; to take pains (Sch.). brnyas pa I: v. brnya ba 3. II: SANST, SANST, SANST contempt; also to despise, contemn, c. dat., frq. ma brnyas shig do not despise; brnyas pa byed pa to treat contemptuously; brnyas bcos contempt, scorn. brnyas pa'i khyad du bsod pa SANST, SANST disrespectfulness, contempt. brnyas par byed one who is not respectful; one devoid of love and regard. Syn. dad med ; ma mos pa ; gus pa zhan ; dad 'dun bral (Moon.). brnyas snad scorn and slander. brnyas se (brnyas contempt se = slightly) adv. disrespectful, slightingly aa mes byang chub la yang brnyas se byas pas A-mes even had behaved disrespectfully to the Bodhisattva (A. 94). brnyings 1. pf. of rnying ba 3. 2. adj. old, worn-out. brnyes pa = bdud rtsi or mnga' brnyes 1. nectar, ambrosia, the food of the gods. 2. SANST vb. pf. of rnyad pa got, received. brnyongs + explained as sems la med pa'i kha la mdzes pa one promising but not meaning to keep his word; polite in speech but different at heart (Oag. 30), i.e., one suiting himself to or framing hie speech according to the circumstances of the moment; and hence, doubtless, comes the definition by Sch., convenient, suitable. bsnyad + pf. of snyad pa = bshad pa SANST 1. stated or related to others; rgyu mtshan la bsnyad having state the reasons (Situ. 7). 2. gzhan brnyad pa = to have oppressed the weak. bsnyad pa (grangs ) SANST n. of a high number. bsnyams pa pf. of snyams pa , phan tshun bsnyams pa reconciled, khod bsnyams pa made even, level (Situ. 75). bsnyal pf. of snyal ba 3; 'phred la bsnyol , thang bsnyal , mar sar bsnyal (Situ. 73). (EEE Original indicates that this is the pf. of snyol , but no such word appears in the dictionary. Apparently, snyal is meant.) bsnyal yas SANST n. of a numerical figure. bsnyigs pa 1. to return, restore, deliver up (Cs.). 2. sediment (J‰.). bsnyigs pa = rnying pa or nyams pa stale, old, less efficacious; lhung bzad bsnyigs an old alms-bowl, byin rlabs bsnyigs a benediction less efficacious (Oag. 30). bsnyil ba + pf. of snyil ba to throw down, destroy; squander: ri bsnyil (Situ. 75) the hills were thrown down. 'dod rgu 'bad med char du bsnyil ba to squander wealth earned without exertion (Yig. k. 2). bsnyil sdud pa SANST to waste amassed wealth. bsnyug pa pf. bsnyugs to become full (Sch.); skyu gang bsnyug a full draught; dmar khu bsnyugs (Situ 75), filled up with red fluid (i.e., blood). bsnyungs = nyung ba bsnyun slightly laid up (Oag. 30); SANST; nyung ngur byas pa made less, belittled, yo byad bsnyungs (Situ. 75). bsnyun + form of bsnyung = na ba to be ill, laid up; nad kyis bsnyun to or bsnyug gzhis bsnyun ill of or laid up with an illness (Situ. 75). bsnyul ba + to be rubbed (Oag. 30), also to wash. bsnyegs pa pf. of snyeg pa 3 go sa go 'phang bsnyegs pa (his) position and dignity raised. bsnyengs pa + = 'jigs pa SANST fear, also to be afraid of mi bsnyengs = mi 'jigs pa not to be afraid gnas su bsnyengs (Situ. 75). bsnyengs bral fearless, intrepid, = dpa' bo hero. Syn. nyam nga med ; zhum pa mi mang ; snying stobs can (Moon.). bsnyen pa = bsten pa or bsgrub SANST; bsgo ba bzhin nyan pa to serve as directed, as prescribed (Moon.). 1. to approach, to come near, c. dat. also drung du , kho bo'i drung du bsnyen cig come to me; gom pa re re bor zhing 'chi pa la bsnyen pa ltar as with every step we come nearer to our death; to join, to stick to a person. 2. SANST, SANST, SANST to propitiate a deity, to soothe or satisfy him. 3. to accept, to receive, admit; yi dam lha yi bsnyen pa btang ejaculated many mantras of his tutelary deity. bsnyen bkur I: bsngags pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST reverence, veneration, respect; bsnyen bkur byed pa to pay one's respect, esp. to the priesthood by various services. II: SANST; zhabs tog zhus pa to worship, to do religious service. dge 'dun la bsnyen bkur zhus (Oag. 30) venerated the clergy; also asked permission of the clergy to do some religious service. bsnyen bkur gnas SANST worthy of worship, veneration, adoration. bsnyen bsgrub SANST; = gsung bsnyen service and worship. bsnyen gnas SANST, SANST fasting, also one who fasts (as a religious duty). bsnyen gnas srung ba to observe fasting as a religious duty, abstinence; to fast, to abstain from food. bsnyen par dka' ba hard to propitiate. bsnyen par rdzogs pa SANST to be ordained, consecrated. bsnyen bsring = nye ring 3. bsnyems + = nga rgyal che ba SANST, SANST very proud, great pride, haughtiness; tshangs par bsnyems (Situ. 75). bsnyer ba to make grimaces or gesticulations (Cs.). bsnyer ma wrinkles; gdong gi dpral ba sogs kyi bsnyer wrinkles of the forehead, or of the cheeks, etc. (Oag. 30). bsnyel ba + resp. of brjed to forget; thugs mi bsnyel bar not forgetting, not forgetful; bsnyel med not forgetting, not minding; thugs mi skyo mi bsnyel dang rang yul lags pas 'byon pa zhu (Oag. 30) snyel gso ba to remind, to put one in mind of a thing. bsnyel ba med pa SANST there is no oblivion; or SANST there is no gladness. bsnyel ba'i brjed pa forgetfulness. bsnyogs = angs po med pa not clear, not sparkling; chu bsngogs turbid, dirty water (Situ. 75). bsnyod pa to give to one another: spags kyi skyu gang zas bsnyod (Oag. 3). bsnyon can = mi srid pa , gzhan la bsnyon to (Situ. 75). bsnyon tol = bsnyon can (Zam. 10). bsnyon dor = bsnyon can (Oag. 30). bsnyon med untrue or false; spugs 'byar bsnyon med ci yin la (D. Shel. 7). bsnyor ba to sort, sift, divide: nas sogs lag pas mar bsnyor separates the butter from the barley, etc., with his hands (Oag. 30). ta I: is the ninth letter of the Tibetan alphabet corresponding to the Sanskrit letter SANST; it has practically the pronunciation of an English t. II: 1. as a num. fig. it represents 9. 2. in Budh.: (a) ta zhes pa ni chos thams cad kyi sgo ste the letter called ta is a door of admission to all things (Bum. ga 283); (b) ta ni tha snyad med pa'i sgo|brjod pa med pas thams cad grol| ta is a symbol of that which is free from grammatical rules or pedantry; without being uttered it liberates all (K. g. wa 42). ta sde SANST the four letters classed under ta, viz., ta, tha, da, na. ta yig SANST the letter ta. ta ka ri (Hindi) scales for weighing (in Ld.) (J‰.). ta ku in W. 1. n. of a place and fort in N. China. 2. stick with a hook; a hooked-cane; a crutch. 3. crooked, contracted, crippled (J‰.). ta gar á SANST n. of a flower; also of a city in ancient India. ta gir in W. bread; esp. the flat bread-cakes of India (J‰.). ta ja a kind of Chinese tea imported into Tibet (Rtsii.). ta bag in W. tha bag , in Tsang a plate; ta bag skor skor a soup plate, a round deep plate (J‰.). ta ber in W. a fence of boards or laths (J‰.). ta mAa la á SANST, SANST n. of tree with a very dark bark and white blossoms, Xanthochymus pictorius; also the small tree Vitex negundo. Syn. dbang po'i chang ; nag po phung po ; mun pa 'dzin ; mtsho can ; dbang po can ; mtsho mchog (Moon.). ta ma la'i lo ma SANST lit. the leaf of Tamala tree, acc. to Lex. with flowers supposed to be very acceptable to gods as offerings from their devotees (Bum. ka 17). ta ma'i bcud or ta ma la'i bcud SANST the juice or elixir extracted from the fruit of Tamala. ta zig á for stag gzig Persia, i.e., the country of the Tajik people. ta zung SANST a flower. ta yas SANST a number in Buddhist astrology. ta ra nA tha * SANST n. of one of the historiographers of Tibet whose rgya gar chos 'byung "Rise of India Buddhism" has been translated into German. He was know by the name of jo nang ta ra nA tha or rje btsun ta ra nA tha Taranatha of the Jonang sect; his religious name was kun dga' snying po . He is supposed to be still undergoing re-births in the person of each successive chief of the lama of the Mongols who resides in great state at Urga on the Siberian border. ta ra ni á SANST a kind of flower (K. ko. ka 4); a species of rose, Rosa glandulifera (K. d. ba 126). ta ru ka á SANST or more properly tu ru ka Turkistan: zer gcig gis mtha' ta ru ka'i pho brang la phog pas (A. 19) one of the rays at length having fallen on the palace of Turkistan. ta re v. re3. ta la á SANST the palmyra tree, Borassus flabelliformis: ta la shing bcad na slar skye ba ma yin| if the palmyra tree be cut it does not grow again (K. my. ka 228). ta la la + SANST, = sgron me lamp, lantern; a meteor. ta la la'i mdo n. of a Sutra in the Kahgyur. ta la'i rkang pa can lit. one with palm legs, i.e., legs erect, i.e., a human being (Moon.). ta la'i rgyal po v. be ta shing 3 the cane, Calamus rotung; also acc. to some authors: nA ri kel (SANST) the cocoanut tree, "so called because of its being tall and majestic like the palm and more graceful than it" (Moon.). ta la'i 'dab palm leaf. ta la'i myu gu'am yal ga branch or stalk of the palm. tA le bla ma the name by which the Grand Lama of Lhasa is known in Mongolia and China. His Tibetan designation is rgyal ba rin po che which seems to be sounded throughout Tibet as "Gye-wa Rinpoche." The Mongol term, really spelt Dalai Lama, signifies "ocean lama." ta si gi sa a kind of satin (Jig.). ta hun red Chinese satin (Jig.). tA po thAa n. of a large and lofty chorten at Ribo rtse-loa in W. China. During the days of Buddha Kasyapa a certain king named Asvaka is said with the help of the demons to have erected in one night 84,000 caitya which all contained relics of past Buddhas. One of these is said to have been located at Tabotha near Ribo rtse-loa. tA ming (in Chinese tA great, ming n. of a family) the great Ming dynasty overthrow in 1643 A.D. by Shunte, the founder of the reigning Manchu dynasty of China. tA ming gYung lo rgyal po Emperor Yunglo of the Ming dynasty who greatly encouraged lamaism and sent an invitation to Tsongkhapa to visit China. tA tshwa also tA tshwang are two kinds of Chinese tea greatly used in Tibet. tA li ka á n. of a goddess; a mystic word for a dakini. tA li ka ni mkha' 'gro ma'o| Talika is a kha-do-ma fairy (K. g. kha 28). tA la'i phreng ba n. of a fabulous mountain situated five thousand yojana beyond the southern ocean. tA la'i phreng ba zhes bya ba'i ri ring du dpag tshad stong phrag lnga| (K. d. ra 275). tka Sa shi la á SANST; rdo 'jog the capital of the Panjab in ancient India, visited by Alexander the Great; the Taxila of the Greeks. The name Takrhasi-la frequently occurs in K. d. sha. (EEE The original gives the headword as tka sha shi la , but this has been modified based on the transliteration. A less unusual Sanskrit spelling of this word would be Takrhasila, which would usually be rendered in Tibetan with tkSa shilAa .) tag tag in W. the imitative sound of knocking. tag tag zer there is a knock (J‰.). tang through, v. tong and lteng 3 (J‰.). tang kun root used to allay inflammation of the heart and fever: tang kun snying gi tshan pa dug nad sel| tta kA la á SANST; = de'i dus or dus sbyor at that time; the occasion; a sequence of happy moments; acc. to J‰. the present moment. tan dur Ld., a hard cake or bread, resembling biscuit or rusk (J‰.). tab tab por 1. SANST suddenly: tab tab por mi gsung ba'i phyir ma tabs pa'o| he tapped so as not to speak suddenly. 2. v. tob tob 3. tar tar in Ld., smooth or even under pressure (as wrinkles or folds in cloth, paper, etc., are removed). tar bu (snin pa ) tsu ka ? tal pa or tal ma acc. to Cs. a moment. tal par or tal mar 1. instantly, immediately, quickly: tal par song go quickly, without delay; an sngar tal gyi byon went before him quickly. 2. acc. to Sch. completely, quite, thorough; quite, thorough; tal par gcod pa to cut quite through; tal mar 'bigs pa also tal 'bigs pa to bore through, to perforate. tal ba a tool with holes in it used by nailers (Sch.). ti 1. represents num. fig. 39. 2. not originally Tibetan, designating water; has found its way into Ld. in kha ti saliva (water of the mouth) and sna ti water from the nose. 3. v. i 3 J‰. ti ka á used for Ti kA (SANST) explanation, commentary. ti skag á SANST a bird, said to be the Indian mynah. ti sga + chopped meat (in Sikk.). ti ti £ á SANST n. of an insect, cochineal (K. d. za 462). ti trig á (byi'u ), SANST the francoline partridge, a small bird (Rtsii.). ti thug (acc. to Sch. gti thug ) bad, mean, silly (Cs.); obstinate, stubborn (Schtr.). ti nag heath-cock (Sch.). ti pu ri á SANST the modern Tippera in East Bengal; shar phyogs te bu ri'i yul gyi rgyal po zhig yin (he) was a king of the country of Tipuri in the eastern quarter (K. dun. 13). ti phu pigeon; acc. to Sch. ti phu mjug ring the long-tailed pheasant. ti byi n. of a giant sea-fish: ji ltar nya ti byi zhes bya bas snang ba'am 'od mthong bar dga' bas mi 'bying mi nub pa ltar just as the fish called the Tibyi liking to see light or rays does not sink below (K. my. kha 357). ti mu sa á n. of a plant (prob. SANST Benincasa cerifera): ti mu sa yis 'khru ba gcod par byed the plant Timusa (used medicinally) stops diarrhúa. ti tsa + 1. a mineral drug; ti tsa dkar po'i dud pas mig la phan the smoke of white Ti-tsa is useful for the eyes. 2. (acc. to Sch. = tu tsha ) an anvil. ti rtse or ti se n. of a three peaked mountain (fabulously described in Buddhist works) lying north of the Himalayas near Manasarovar lake. Beyond its northern flanks is the residence of Virudhaka the guardian king of the West. ti rtse zhes bya ba'i ri dpag tshad lca brgya ba gangs can ri'i byang ngos nas ring dus 'das pa na yod| the mountain called Ti-rtse five hundred yojana long is situated at a distance from and on the north of the Himavat mountains (K. d. ra 287). Under the name gangs ti se there is a long account in Milaraspa's Gurbum of a contest between a Bon priest and the author for jurisdiction over the mountain. In modern days Tise or Kailas is still an object of pilgrimage; and four monasteries stand on its flanks. During the past 100 years only two Europeans have reached the neighbourhood of this famous mountain; Moorcroft in 1812, and Lieut. Strachey in 1846. Its height in the main peak is about 22,300 ft. above sea-level. ti tsha 1. same as ti tsa , of which there seem to be two kinds, the white and the yellow: ti tsha ser pos rma 'drub mig la phan (Mog.). the yellow titsha absorbs sores and cures eye disease. 2. a musical instrument, constructed of metal (Sch.). ti rug the Indian rupee (in Sikk.). ti la á SANST sesamum. ti la ka nA tha á SANST n. of a Brahmanical sanctuary of Mahadeva near Nahri. ti lo pa á or ti Di pa SANST n. of an Indian Buddhist sage born in Chittagong, East Bengal, in the beginning of the 10th century A.D. His religious name was PrajÒa bhadra (in Tib. shes-rab bzao-po). He was called Tillipa or Tilopa by the Tibetans, on account of his having done the work of thrashing sesamum for oil. rgya gar gyi grub thob chen pa|bod pas ti lo pa zer|til brdung gi bya ba mdzad pas tiDi par grags|mtshan dngos pra É… £ dra ste shes rab bzang po|shar phyogs bang ga la'i tsa Ti M bo zhes bya ba'i grong khyer du bram ze'i rigs su 'khrungs shing | (K. dun. 31). tig 1. a fluid measure, five skyogs lnga or five dkar-tshad make one tig (Rtsii.). tig gang one tig measure. 2. in Sikk. the great hornet (J‰.). 3. to be sure; yang tig really; in fact, surely. tig ta á SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the stalks of a bitter plant Gentiana chiretta growing in the Himalayas, largely used as an antidote against fever and liver complaints: rgya tig bod tig bal tig gsum|tig ta rnam pa gsum zhes bya|tig tas mkhris pa'i tsha ba ma lus sel| (Mio.). there are three species of chiretta, Indian tigta, Tibetan tigta, and Nepal tigta; it cures all kinds of bilious fever. 2. n. of several trees and plants, viz., Trichosanthes disica, Agathotes chirayta, Terminalia catappa, the last growing in Tibet. tig po = brtan po or go chod pa steady, useful: kho bo la mi'i tig po mi bdog pas having not got an intelligent steady man (A. 123). tig men (in Ld. tig rtse ) ribands wound round the felt gaiters that cover the lower part of the legs (J‰.). tig tsha = ti tsa 3. ting or yon chab kyi ting 1. cups made of silver, bell-metal, brass, or copper to hold oblation water which are placed before the images of the deities in Buddhist chapels. 2. the sound of metal. 3. SANST a note of cadence introductory to a song, etc. jo bo'i zhal 'dzum nag ting gi mdzad nas a repellent smile of the Jo-bo having been signified by the sound of a ting. ting nge 'dzin SANST, SANST acc. to Was. SANST, intense contemplation, profound meditation, perfect absorption of thought into the object of meditation. (cf. bsam gtan 3) SANST, and 3sgom pa 3 SANST) ting nge 'dzin byed pa = ting nge 'dzin du 'jug pa to be absorbed in deep and devout meditation; ting nge 'dzin 'khrungs devout meditation took place; also meton. the faculty, the power of meditating (J‰.). ting nge 'dzin gyi dkyil 'khor SANST the mystic circle which is described on the place one occupies when meditating; a circle of meditation. ting nge 'dzin gyi rgyal po n. of Mahayana Sutra contained in the Kahgyur, Mdo section, marked ta-pa. ting nge 'dzin gyi zas kyis 'tsho ba living on the food of contemplation: bskal pa mang po'i bar du ting nge 'dzin gyi ro'i zas kyis 'tsho zhing sems rab tu zhi bas ci la mi chags par bde bar gnas so| he being happily not attached to anything, the mind being at peace by tasting the food of contemplation during great periods of time (K. d. dza 362). ting nge 'dzin dgu the nine meditations of a Bodhisattva, are:- (1) SANST, rin chen kun tu 'phags complete coming forth of jewels; (2) SANST, shin tu gnas pa well-established; (3) SANST; mi sgul ba unagitated; (4) SANST; phyir mi ldog pa not liable to return; (5) SANST; dkon mchog 'byung gnas abode or mine of jewels; (6) SANST, nyi ma'i 'od kyi gzi brjid brilliance like sunshine; (7) SANST, don thams cad grub pa successful in effecting all objects; (8) SANST, ye shes sgron me light of knowledge; (9) SANST, da ltar gyi sangs rgyas mngon sum bzhugs pa'i ting nge 'dzin no| meditation attained in presence of the future Buddha. ting nge 'dzin rnam gsum the three kinds of ting nge 'dzin acc. to Bon rules are:- (1) de bzhin nyid kyi ting nge 'dzin gzhi yi gnas lugs khyab gdal ; (2) rab tu snang ba'i ting nge 'dzin 'grol tshad med bzhi skyed pa'o|; (3) rgyu'i ting nge 'dzin yig 'bru gnas su dag pa la lha bskyed pa'o| (D.R.). ting rdzing a n. given to several species of shrew in Sikkim. ting ti ling acc. to J‰. a snipe (Ld.). ting ting 1. is an auxiliary (tshig grogs ) to another word to intensify its meaning (nus skyed byed pa to emphasize it); nag ting ting 3 intensely black, jet black. 2. acc. to J‰. clean, well-swept (Ld.; Ts.). ting ting ma n. of a small bird: byi'u mchu ring ma dang ting ting ma zer ba gnyis 'dug pas| there were two small birds, one called mchu-rio-ma (the long-beak) and another tio-tio-ma. ting ting shag or ting shags 1. a kind of cymbal. 2. little bell moved by the wind (Sch.). ting tu ka + = shing zhig gi ming a tree, prob. the tamarind (K. ko. ka 3). ting du ka á SANST n. of one of two trees Diospyros embryopteris or Diospyros glutinosa; a Karsa is said to = the weight of the Tinduka fruit. tib ril resp. gsol tib in W. = tea-pot; zangs tib copper tea-pot; rdza tib an earthen tea-pot (J‰.). tim pi goat's leather, kid-leather from India, dyed green or blue (J‰.). tim pi ca horse imported into Tibet from India. tim bi (Ts.) funnel. tir hu ta á modern Tirhut: yul yangs pa can nas shar phyogs su mi ring pa na tir hu ta zer ba'i yul yod at not long distance from Yang-pa-chan towards the east is the country called Tirhuta (Dsam.). til á SANST sesamum; til dkar white sesamum; til nag black sesamum; til gyi phye powered sesamum; til snyigs ma mixed sesamum; also an inferior quality of sesamum; til brdungs SANST thrashed or beaten sesamum [also a sesamum grinder]S. til mar SANST sesame oil, seed-oil. til ser can SANST, SANST, SANST n. of a medicine; the plant Cassia alata or Cardiospermum halicacabum (Moon.). tu 1. num. fig. 68. 2. an affix denoting the terminative case, generally used to express direction to, as represented by the English "into" or "unto;" it is joined to the final consonants ga, da, and ba, as in thog tu ; mjug tu ; rgyab tu 3; gseb tu ; also after what is called da drag as in the words:- kund tu; pha rold tu ; thard tu , cf. du , ru , su . tu ru ka á SANST the Turks, sometimes used historically as a general term for Mahomedans. tu tsa v. ti tsa 3. tug gis suddenly; as if by surprise: nags tshal gling la lam du tug 'phrad I suddenly met him on the way to the forest land (D.R.). tug ring or tug chum prob. = tug chem (Cs.). noise of a wooden rattle; also of the trotting of horses heard in the distance (Sch.). tub tug either, or: whether I be able (to do it) or not (Lex. and Sch). tur chung hardly any, nothing definite, little clearly: sems la re dogs tur chung yod in his mind he entertained hardly any hope or fear (D.R). tur tur á SANST 1. quickly, with haste, swiftly: tur tur byed pa = las myur du byed pa to do work quickly (Moon.). 2. also defined as snang ba la dkar khra dmar khra shar pa la appearing white spotted or red-spotten (to the mind or in vision). tur phog pa = lhong phog pa or cung zad thebs pa slightly affected. tur ba in W. Tib. to darn (stockings) (J‰.). tur men (Chinese) one at time in order or in a row. tur re clear, distinct; cog. to wal le : yid tur re 'dug it is clear to my mind; tur re bzung prob. watch it! have a sharp eye upon it! (J‰.). zhe sdang langs dogs tur re gyis take care lest an emotion of anger arises in your mind! tur gyis sad prob. he awakes, stirs, is evidently roused; tur re ba adj. (or abstract noun): rjed yeng med par tur re ba clear, firm with regard to perceptions, opinions, etc., without omissions or digression (J‰.). tu 4… £ ba ni á n. of image of Arya Tara in a temple situated on the bank of Godavari, and famed for its sanctity throughout India (Dsam.). (EEE The original reads Godavari, but this seems incorrect based on the dictionary entry for the go dA ba ri 3 river.) tul dri can (prob. rul dri can ) SANST putrid, of offensive smell. tul ba = dgod pa to laugh (mystic) (K. gu. kha 26). te SANST 1. num. fig. 99. 2. an affix denoting the gerund, and used after the final letters na, ra, la, sa; in subordinate sentences may be conveniently rendered by: when, after, as, etc.; and also used as a finite tense and in that case followed by 'dug or yod or sometimes without any auxiliary. May be also denominated a continuative particle. te gyer n. of a place in Upper Tibet. te por + = legs par SANST, SANST 1. excellent, noble, intense, strong. 2. acc. to Sch. very, really, actually: te bor drag pa (gros mi lta bu ) really good (adviser). Syn. shin tu ; dam pa ; sra ba ; drag pa ; tshab che ba (Moon.). te bor acc. to Sch. constantly, continually. te lo n. of a bird: te lo'i klad pas sbyar dug snying babs sel| the brains of the Telo cures (the effect) of poison applied and heart disease. te se 1. n. of a demi-god of the nether regions: sa bdag the se rgyal po'i sras the son of ThÈsÈ king of the Sadag demons. 2. v. ti rtse3. te'u (Ld. Glr.) (Schtl f. 25. b.); te'u ser po (Mil. 59, 4 of J‰. edition); te'u shing khri acc. to Sch. a square table. teg pa = 'thegs pa to pack up, put up; to put in or into: aam bag la teg put into your breast-pocket. tel pa acc. to Cs. an instrument for burning; lcags tel a burning instrument made of iron. ti liM ga á the modern Telingana, the birth place of the Buddhist sage and author Dignaga: dpal phyogs kyi glang po'i 'khrungs sa ti liM ga zer yod pa there is Tailinga the birth place of Sri Dignaga (Dsam.). to 1. num. for 129. 2. (styled rdzogs tshig ) an affix added to certain verbs when they terminate a sentence. to to ling ling W. an adverb denoting a swinging motion (J‰.). tog SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the top of anything, a top ornament; esp. the button on the cap of the Tibetan and Chinese dignitaries, as a mark of distinction; tog dkar SANST the name by which Gautama Buddha was known in the Turita heaven before his last incarnation. rgyal mtshan gyi tog the top-point of a banner; zhwa mo'i tog the point of a helmet or Chinese cap. In medical works tog signifies snying khu or snying po essence, pith. mdung tog the point of a spear. skabs tog = now, at present (in Ld.) (J‰.). tog ge ('bru shor snod ) wicker work vessel for grain, To ka ni SANST (Moon.). tog sgra or tog tog sgra any cracking or snapping sound. tog can SANST a pillar with a capital. tog til a bump or swelling from a knock on the head (J‰.). tog tse (also called 'jor or sa rko byed kyi 'jor ) SANST hoe, mattock; tog lcags the iron of the hoe. tog tse brkos po SANST, SANST one who digs soil with a hoe. tog tse 'tsho ba one who lives by hoeing. tog yu the handle of a hoe. tong tong byed pa to perforate; also to produce a whirling noise with a whip. tob ci more properly thob ci , a button. tob tob smra ba to talk confusedly (Sch.). to'u lo the polecat. tol ba 1. to arrive at, to reach: tol med slebs rgyu med he did not arrive and is not coming. tol lo v. rtol lo = phebs so arrived: nam thun cig la dka' thub kyi nags su mchod rten rnam dag gi drung du tol lo (Yig) in one watch of the night he arrived at Chorten rnam-dag (the Chaitya of purity) in the forest of Dkah-thub (i.e., Nirvana). Sch. quotes tol gcod pa = tal gcod pa . tra (srag ) SANST an ape. tram pa 1. hard, tough, stiff: sha tram tough meat; rus tram hard bone: rtsa tram tough muscle. 2. acc. to J‰. tram dkar , tram nag are different species of gout. tri = gzugs can SANST possessing form or body, anything that has form, a living being (mystic) (K. gu. kha 179). tri ked Ti ked . tri pa ti = zhu ba a prayer, a petition (mystic) (K. gu. kha 26). tri pu ri á grong gsum pa SANST the three cities, name of a part of Lan-ka (modern Ceylon); three strong cities of gold, silver, and iron, in the sky, air, and earth, built by Maya for a celebrated Asura, and burnt by Siva (Dus-ye. 40). tri ba SANST taking up; any object that may be accomplished by religious acts. tri ma a kind of bee the sting of which is very painful. It is said in Sikkim that an ox dies if he has received the sting of this bee seven times. The honey of this bee is claimed by the Raja of Sikkim as a due from his subjects. lha lcam 'di spang bu tri ma zhig gi lus blangs nas yod the princess is now living, having taken the body of the bee called Tre-ma (Khrid). tri mer á n. of sweet-scented flower (K. du. da 319). tri sha ku ni á 1. = rgyu mtshan gsum three reasons or signs. 2. n. of a holy place in Persia (Dus-ye. 39). tri shu la á SANST trident. tre tre ha (by the context) a dangerous disease of the stomach or a serious symptom of it (J‰.). (EEE J‰schke actually reads tre tre ho .) tre ba can coloured (Sch.). tre sam in tres sam snan phye ma gzhan phye ma'i ming (Lish.); tre-sam is a medicine in the shape of a powder. tre med dung mdzes n. of a king of Tibet of the Bon period (Yig.). tre shod gangs kyi ra ba n. of a place in Kham, the birthplace of the seventh head of the Karmapa sect (Loo. za 20). tron á SANST 1. gtsug lag khang du dge bskos la bsdangs nas las kyi grogs byed pa'i ming (K. du. ja 399) a monastic official; in old days an assistant superintendent of a Buddhist monastery whose position resembled that of the modern dge skos (q.v.). 2. diligence, industry (Cs.); tron byed pa to be diligent, to exert one's self. gtag gtong (Lex. w. e.) gtag gtong ba to disperse (Sch.). gtag pa any species of white flowering rhododendron, all of which kind are held by Tibetans to be of the male sex. gtag ma red-flowering rhododendrons, which are considered to be female shrubs. gtang rag thank, thanksgiving, and prob. also thank-offering, esp. rendering thanks to a deity; gtang rag byed pa or gtang rag 'bul ba to render thanks (J‰.). gtad (v. gtod pa 3) 1. in the direction of, towards: gYon gral du gtad phyin nas going towards the left end of the row. 2. = mnan pa SANST to press, urge, v. 3gtod ba 3 also 3gtad pa 3. 3. sbst. steadiness, firmness; gtad pa med it has no hold, no firmness; gtad med 'chal ba to vacillate, to waver, to be unsteady. gtad pa SANST; phul ba 3 to be made over, entrusted to. In Buddhism there are four kinds of gtad pa :- (1) blo phugs chos la gtad ; (2) chos phugs sprang la gtad ; (3) sprang phugs shi la gtad ; (4) shi phugs grog po stong par gtad (Lo. 14). gtad rabs bdun the first seven (Buddhist) hierarchs in succession to Gautama Buddha. Maha-kasyapa is said to have succeeded Gautama. Kasyapa entrusted the headship of the order to Ananda; Sanavastri succeeded Ananda; Arya Upagupta followed Sanavastri, who in his turn gave the charge to Arya Krishna. Dhitika succeeded Krishna and before his death appointed Arya Sudarsana to the Buddhist headship. Note:- This order of succession is partly founded on Bramanic tradition; and Buddhaghora gives a different series. gtad so a refuge, resource; also store of provisions; gtad so zhag pa prob. gted gsogs bzhag pa to keep a store of food. gtan I: a husband, a consort: gtan gyi rang 'gros ma shes na|don la gla med kyi khol po yin| (Lo. 28). II: 1. order, system. 2. put in order, arranged, reduced to a system. gtan la lha khang na gtan la phabs pa'i bo do nyal (A. 126). gtan khra gtan tshig gi yi ge khram dpyad mtshams agreement, stipulation, convention; also order or decision passed; a decree; gtan khra byed ris important decrees (D. Shel. 7). gtan khrims established law. gtan 'khel perfectly certain, quite sure. gtan gyi constant, continual. gtan gyi grogs husband, a friend or partner for life (Moon.). gtan gleng 'khel ba = las bya ba gang byed dgos pa de la cha gnas 'jog pa to adhere resolutely or come to a decision on work or business; to work steadily. rang sems gtan pa in a mystic sense: to regulate, to fashion, to train, to set right. gtan 'jag = dus rgyun gnas pa permanent, enduring, perpetually abiding (Rtsii.). gtan du ba = rtag pa , brtan pa to be or to make continual (Moon.). As an adj. SANST complete; gtan du always, continually, for ever; gtan du bzhugs pa living or residing continually. gtan la phab pa SANST to decide a question. gtan pa SANST door-bar. gtan phan SANST only, alone; absolute; absolutely. gtan phebs SANST explained by khrig khrig byas tshar pa gtan la phebs published after being thoroughly revised or completely got ready. gtan la 'bebs pa to put any matter into writing; to publish after the composition has been corrected; also to fix, to arrange. gtan med SANST perishable; SANST without duration or continuation. gtan tshigs (tshig dad don la 'gyur rgyu med pa ) 1. an expression of fixed meaning. 2. SANST = rtags ; rgyu mtshan not deviating from what has been first settled. 3. SANST, SANST, SANST proof, demonstrated conclusion. gtan tshigs med par smra ba to argue illogically; also irrational exposition. gtam = tshig lta bu or mol SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. speech, conversation, talk. 2. news, tidings, intelligence, account of anything; also report, rumour: de phul zer ba'i gtam rgyal pos thos nas when the king heard the report that it had been given; thag ring gi gtam accounts of bygone events; bdag gis gtam du thos nas as I have learned, have been told (J‰.); gtam gleng ba or gtam du gleng ba to converse, to discourse; ci ltar gyur pa'i gtam byas he gave an account of how it happened. gtam skyel ba = 'phrin skyel ba to send a message; also a messenger. gtam 'gal = skad cha mi brtan pa discrepancy in speech, contradictory language or talk. gtam rgyud SANST oral tradition, legend: de'i gtam rgyud the legend of him; byis pa na re gtam rgyud du bshad dam the boy said, has it been described in history? (Hbrom. 54). gtam ngan evil report. gtam can SANST, SANST met. the crow. gtam snyan SANST, SANST elegant saying; pleasant conversation. gtam snyan pa 1. good joyful news, glad tidings; gtam snyan byed pa to bring glad tidings. 2. pleasing conversation (Cs.); = snyan grags v. grags 3; snyan rgyud = bka' rgyud oral instructions of lamas. (EEE This entry has been moved from its position in the original dictionary (following snyan pa ) to here for the sake of correct dictionary usage.) gtam 'dres pa SANST mixed up stories, garbled accounts. gtam pa I: SANST the face. II: pf. gtams pa = khengs pa 3 to fill up, to make full: spu gri gtams pa quite full of razors; acc. to J‰. is frq. spelt bltams pa . 2. SANST to appoint, to commission (J‰.): gtams pa len dang gnya' po dang it is not proper (not safe) to take charge of property. 3. SANST to be surety for or security (K. du. da 200). gtam dpe proverb, common saying, maxim. gtam bsgrag pa to declare, to proclaim. gtam dris pa to make inquiry. gtam gzhon SANST strong or emphatic (speech). gtam gshags pa to make confession: 'di gnyis gnod dris mi len pa'i khar ru gtam gshags 'di 'dra bsam these two by avoiding the question of mischief appeared to make confession by the fact (Rdsa. 16). gta' ma a pawn, pledge; gta' mar 'jug pa to pawn, to give as a pledge (Cs.); mi gta' ma a hostage (Cs.). gtar ba or gtar kha byed pa has been described as sems can mi sogs la khrag dang me rgyab pa (Ya-sel. 9) to bleed or to blister human beings, animals, &c., in the way of medical treatment. rtsa ba la gtar bar byed pa or gtar ga 'debs pa = to let out blood from a vein. Colloq. gtar ka rgyab pa to bleed. gti khe a kind of louse (Sch.). gti thug = te thug acc. to Sch. insane, mad. gti ba + to question, to speak. gti mug I: SANST gloom, mental darkness, ignorance, stupidity. Seems to be also used in the physical sense of stupour or comatoseness: mtshan mo gti mug gnyid du song | at night I fell into profound coma. In a special sense it is a subdivision of the lowest of the three qualities of humanity, viz.:- SANST, SANST, SANST virtue, passion and ignorance. gti mug is symbolized by a pig in the Bhavacakra or srid pa'i 'khor lo (cycle of existence) and is placed at its centre along with the serpent and cock which are typical of anger and lust. gti mug bral SANST he who is entirely free from gti-mug; gnyi mug med pa'i dge ba'i rtsa ba SANST, gti mug shas che ba SANST stolid indifference, also stupidity. II: (as stated above) met. a pig (in mysticism) also as phag gi sna the snout of a hog (Mog. 11). gtigs pa to trickle down, to fall in drops, to drip. gting bottom; depth; = zhabs or mthil : chu la gting zab deep bottom of a river; mi la gting che ba in a man, great depth; dong dang gYang gzar po la gting ring with regard to the declivity, great depth. rgya mtsho'i gting dkrugs he turned up the bottom of the sea; gting du nub pa to sink to the bottom; gting zab po it is very deep; gting ring ba deep; gting nye ba not deep, shallow; rgya mtsho bas gting zab po it is deeper than the sea; gYang sa gting ring ba a deep abyss; chu bo gting zab po zhig a deep river. gting nas from the bottom (of the heart); kha dkar gting nag white above, and black beneath; gting can profound (fig. with regard to the mind), considerate; reserved, difficult to fathom; gting med shallow, superficial. gting don len pa to sound the heart or to know a secret design. gting drongs pa fathomed, penetrated, ascertained. gting rdo a stone or piece of lead fastened to a rope, and used as a plummet, or an anchor; also a heavy weight as a means for drowning delinquents. gting sdib socket; mig kyang gting la sdib his eyes also sunk in the sockets (Rtsii.). gting skyes n. of a district of Tibet immediately to the north of the Kanglachen pass. It is known under the name of Tio-kye-Jong or gzar gting skyes rdzong ; also we hear gting skyes pa a native of Ting-kye. gting dpag dka' ba SANST unfathomable, difficult to dive to the bottom of; hard to get at the bottom of one's heart (Moon.). gting phyin pa = dpyis phyin pa to examine or fathom thoroughly; mthar phyin pa SANST going to the bottom; probing the mind; also a perfect saint. gting gzhal nus fathomable; chu gting thung ba shallow water (Moon.). gting zab or gting ring ba SANST, SANST the deep recesses (of the mind). gtib pa or gtibs pa to be gathering (of clouds); sprin phung gtib pa thick clouds gathering; bdug spos sprin bzhin gtib incense passes along like clouds; mun pa gtib darkness envelopes. gtibs 'og occurs in khrims pa'i gtibs 'og nang nas phyir la lcur gyis phyung (D.R.) outside the subterranean obscurities of lawyers, entanglements are removed. gtim pa v. thim pa 3. gtu lum + = bzi ba drunkenness; also intoxicated, drunk. gtug pa pf. gtugs , also btug pa SANST, SANST cognate to thug pa 1. to reach, to meet with, to fall down to; to touch, to join. yi dam gyi thugs kar gtugs nas putting or pressing (his forehead) against the breast of the image (of his tutelary god); mi zhig gi zhabs la mgo bos gtug pa or only zhabs gtug pa to touch as suppliant a person's feet (or the skirt of his robe), to cast one's self at another's feet. 2. acc. to Sch. to sue, to bring an action against a person. gtug sbyangs pa to supplicate or pray (touching the feet of the king) 'phral du zhu thal med pa'i 'di gar gtug sbyangs su yong dgos dang (D. Shel. 7). gtun = SANST, SANST, SANST a pestle; also a stone ball or club; the nether mill-stone; acc. to Sch. rtun pestle. gtun khung excavation in a piece of rock or stone to serve for a mortar where grain is pounded with a pestle; gtun gyis rdung ba to pound with a pestle. gtun po a mortar (Cs.); gtun bu pestle; gtun 'os SANST mallet, a knocker. gtun shing a pestle made of wood to pound Indian corn or paddy (used in Sikkim). gtub pa pf. gtubs pa (Moon.) 1. to cut to pieces, to cut up; to chop; to mince; gtub ad a chopper (Sch.). 2. = btub pa to be able: phyir 'ong du btub pa'am shall you really be able to come back. mi btub pa to be unable, to be unwilling, to have no mind (to do a thing) (J‰.). gtum drag one who is fierce, powerful. gtum drag zhe sdang can met. for a bear. gtum pa = gdol pa SANST 1. the Hinduized savage people or wild tribes of the lands S. of Tibet. 2. SANST, SANST fierce, furious. 3. sbst. ferocity, rage; khro zhing gtum la snying po rje med infurious wrath, merciless; gdug cing gtum pa'i klu a Naga in a deadly rage; gtum pa'i sgra sgrog pa to roar furiously; khro gtum pa a furious with rage; gtum zhing rgod pa obstinate and wild; gtum can or gtum ldan cruel, fierce (J‰.). gtum pa'i 'od SANST, SANST the sun, v. nyi ma 3. gtum pa for btum pa or 'thum pa to veil, to cover; to wrap up, e.g., the head (J‰.). gtum po I: 1. SANST fierce; sbst. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST an Asura; an uncivilized Hindu tribe generally residing in the suburbs of a town. 2. v. ka ra bI ra (Moon.). 3. fierce-looking short-nosed man. II: SANST often gtum mo , in the more developed mysticism, the special internal heat which arises after protracted meditation when such meditation has been accompanied by the peculiar technical inner absorption of the breath. Milaraspa speaks of "the blessed warmth of the gtum-mo." gtum po rje n. of a fierce Bon deity (D.R.). gtum po nag po = bong nga nag po (Sman. 125) the black species of aconite or wolf's bane. gtum po 'bar the arising of warmth in meditation. The veins, viz., ro ma , rkyang ma and dbu ma are symbolically represented by (aa shad ), i.e., the second half of an aa , hence (aa shad gtum po ) the three veins meditation-warmth (Mil.; J‰.). gtum po rab snang SANST n. of a king of ancient India (Yig.). gtum ma SANST, SANST an epithet of the goddess Durga. gtum mo SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. a fierce or violent woman, a female of the Candala tribe, etc. 2. as an adj. violent, fearful; rlung gtum mo a violent wind, a hurricane. 3. mystic heat. gtum mo ma ma SANST, SANST Paldan Lha-mo, a fierce goddess. gtum mo'i cha shas SANST stick, club. gtum sras also gtum gsas n. of a female deity of the Bon (D.R). gtur bu + 1. chos gos kyi shubs , dra phad a Buddhist monk's religious wrapper. 2. bag. sack, wallet (Cs.). gtul ba to grind, to pulverize (colours, medicinal substances, etc.); cf. 'thag pa 3. gte pa gte ba , gte ma in C. acc. to Lex. gteng pa pawn, pledge, bail (acc. to Sch. a present). gter SANST, SANST, SANST 1. treasure, store-place; chu gter the repository of water, the ocean. In the RÒio-ma-pa School of Tibet there are Buddhist scriptures (generally spurious) called gter ma , the authorship of which is attributed to gods and holy lamas, also called zab gter; others said to have been mysteriously discovered or composed by learned lamas of that school are called dgongs gter There are different classes of treasures such as yon tan gyi gter the treasures of learning of which again are eight:- (1) brjed pa med pas dran pa'i gter treasure of learning always present in the memory and which cannot be forgotten; (2) blo rab tu 'byed pas blo gros kyi gter the treasure of learning which develops the mind; (3) rtogs pa'i gter (mdo sde thams cad kyi don gyi rnam pa khong du chud pas etc.) the treasure for meditation and reflection; (4) gzungs kyi gter , (thos pa thams cad kun tu 'dzin pas etc.) the treasure of learning to be retained in the mind as having been heard or understood, sometimes in the form of a formula SANST; (5) spobs pa'i gter (legs par bshad pas sems can thams cad tshims par byed pa ) the treasure of fortitude; (6) chos kyi gter (dam pa'i chos yongs su srung bas , etc.) the treasure of secret learning or scriptural knowledge; (7) byang chub gyi sems kyi gter (dkon mchog gsum gyi rigs rgyun mi gcod pas etc.) the treasure of a Bodhisattva's saintly heart, i.e., of unflagging faith in the three Holies; (8) sgrub pa'i gter (mi skye ba'i chos la bzod pa thob pas , etc.) the treasure of perfection, etc. (K. d. kha 325). gter kha a mineral vein, mine: nor gyi gter kha rnyed pa to find a mine (of precious metals or stones). gter dgu the nine oceans which are repositiories of treasures according to the Bon are:- (1) pad ma can the ocean of lotus or the repository of countless precious things, gems, pearls, etc.; (2) dung can the ocean of shells or mines of fossil, etc.; (3) pad ma chen po ocean or mine of precious things larger than pad ma can; (4) chu srin can ocean filled with crocodiles and other sea-monsters; (5) rus spal can ocean filled with turtles, etc., and other sea monsters; (6) rnga can ; (7) dga' ba can ; (8) sngon po ; (9) 'dzin byed (B.N.). gter chen 1. great store of hidden wealth, hidden books, etc. 2. SANST n. of an immensely large number. gter chen po'i bum pa n. of one of the eight auspicious symbols of the Northern Buddhists,óthe pot of treasure, i.e., the wishing-pot which yields whatever precious object is sought. gter ston a discoverer of hidden treasures, generally of sacred books which are supposed often to be kept concealed under rocks and ground for fear of being destroyed by heretics and unbelievers. Learned lamas are deemed to be expert gter-ston. gter blta shes pa SANST one who knows or can tell where treasures are hidden or where they can be found. gter bdag SANST a wealthy man; n. of the god of wealth, Kuvera, in Tibetan called dpal gter (Moon.). gter gnas the place where a concealed treasure is unearthed. Acc. to the RÒio-ma school, Buddhist sacred books have been unearthed in the following places in Tibet:- (1) glo bo dge ka ; (2) spu rna rdza ri ; klong thang sgrol ma ; (4) gYu phu rdza lhung ; (5) byams pa sprin ; (6) byang gter gter phran ; (7) 'bum thang rtsi lung ; (8) snying drung shangs brag ; (9) gtsang gi ri bo che ; (10) bal yul e yig gtsug lag khang ; (11) lho kha ; (12) gtsang gi ru mtshams ; (13) mon kha bum thang ; (14) dge rgyas has po ri ; (15) zha yi lha khang bi ma ; (16) jo mo gling gsum , (17) mchims phu kho mthing ; (18) srin mo spar rjes kho mthing ; (19) grom ba rgyang ; (20) pad ma shel phug ; (21) gnam skas mkhar chu ; (22) zangs yag brag ; (23) gangs par phug mo ; (24) gYa' ma spa gong ; (25) rdo bod mtshams ; (26) lho mon phyogs ; (27) dbu tshal gser khang ; (28) 'u yug gYag sde ; (29) mon kha spa gro ; (30) 'u shang rdo ; (31) khams kyi srin mo rdzong ; (32) ags po ldang la brag ; (33) mon kha chu phug ; (34) 'brin thang ko ro brag ; (35) shel gyi brag phug ; (36) stag tshang zab lung ; (37) bsam yas mtshams phu ; (38) yum bu la sgang ; (39) sha 'ug stag sgo ; (40) mchod rten dkar po ; (41) gYas ru gtsang 'gram ; (42) rtsis kyi lha khang ; (43) kong po bu chu ; (44) kong po phying lung ; (45) me 'bar mtsho ; (46) lho kong byang kong ; (47) dpyal gyi brag ; (48) khyung tshang brag ; (49) kha rag phug (Bkah-thao., 159). (EEE There are several bkah-thao mentioned in the sources but none as Bkah-thao per se.) gter bsrung spa ba to keep concealed a disease, one's learning, coveted treasures, etc: spas pa'i gter bsrung spa ba ltar skye ba dran pa in the manner of one who keeps his goitre concealed (A. 15). gter bsrung lit. one who guards treasures; local deities, such as Shibdag and Lu, who are supposed to be the custodians of hidden treasures, mines, etc. gto or gto bcos a magic ceremony for the purpose of averting misfortunes. gto rgyal ye mkhyen the supreme Bon deity resembling in his attributes mar me mdzad or Dipamkara Buddha in the Buddhist series (D.R.). gto bu dod de = thugs rje bzung nas taking compassion or having mercy upon (D.R.). gto bu bum sangs a disciple of Bon Sen-rab and the analogue of Ananda. gto'i bka' sgrom n. of a Bon work. gtog pa 1. like 'thog pa to grab, pluck, gather, tear out. 2. v. se gol 3. gtogs pa SANST (SANST) 1. to assign, classify. 2. to belong to, appertain to; belonging to: rgyal po'i gdung la gtogs pa yin you belong to the royal blood or family; de'i nang du mi gtogs sam am I not included in them? 'dzam bu'i gling la gtogs pa belonging to Dsam-buhi-glio (Jambudvipa). ma gtogs pa as adv. ma gtogs par not included, except, besides. gtogs 'dod pa acc. to Sch. to love, to like, to wish. gtong dgos mchod chas articles necessary for religious observances (Rtsii.). gtong sgo allowances in money or in kind for religious observances (Rtsii.); gtong deb a register for such, etc. gtong phod generosity; gtong phod can SANST one who is able to give; liberal; bounteous. gtong ba pf. btang , fut. gtang , imp. thong 1. to send, to let go, to permit to go, to dismiss: ci'i phyir bdag cag rnams kyis gtong why should we let you go? ma gtong do not let him go. 2. to let in, to admit; sgo nas gtong ba admit through the door; nang du gtong ba let in, to permit to enter. 3. to let have, to give: gur gyi kha 'gril ras sngo ba btang ba having given blue cotton for the fringes of the tent; snan gtong ba to administer medicine; gtong tshul the manner of dispensing, or giving away of medicine. gtong bas mdza' bshes 'phel bar 'gyur by generosity or friendship the number of friends increases. gtong ba'i ngang can SANST one who is able or has the heart to give away (many things, &c.) in charity; gtong sems liberality, bounty; chos la gtong ba to give a person to religion, i.e., to destine him for the priesthood (J‰.). In W. gtong ba is the common term for the verb to give; the pf. form btang being used as pres. tense. 4. to give up, abandon, forsake, leave. gtong lugs the manner of distributing, of giving away; also of forgiving. gtod pa I: = gtad pa 3 pf. btad or gtad , fut. gtad , imp. gtod or btod 1. to deliver up, hand over, to commit to another, to bestow, confer: dge 'dun la dbang gtad pa to confer important offices on the priesthood; gcig snying gcig la gtad pa to communicate one's feelings to one another. 2. to lean against or upon, to press on, to put against. 3. to direct, to turn: mi la mgo bo gtod pa to turn one's face towards a person, to take refuge or seek protection under some one; mi la mdzub mo gtod pa to point at a person with the finger, also in the way of threat; sgo nub phyogs bal po'i yul du gtod the door points south, towards Nepal; 'bem la gtod pa to take aim, to aim at; rna ba'i dbang po gtad pa to listen to, to give a person a hearing; thugs gtod pa to confide in a person. 'od zer la gtad nas gzigs pas turning after a ray of light, following it with the eye (chiefly from J‰.). rgyal po la mgo gtad pa to submit to the king's authority. rta rtsa khar gtod pa to place a horse in pasture. gtom pa to talk, to speak (Sch.). gtoms pa filled up, full, for bltams pa , gtams pa (Sch.). gtor ba = bkram pa cf. 'thor ba 3 SANST, SANST 1. to scatter, strew, spread over (Moon.): me tog gis gtor ro strewed flowers; nga la sa gtor mkhan he that threw earth upon me; sa la gtor ba to scatter on the ground. 2. to cast, throw (books into the water, a ring into the air); to throw out, e.g., spittle into a person's ear for healing purposes ('dor ba ); to cause to circulate the chyle through every part of the body; to waste, to dissipate (occasionally with the accus. of the vessel containing the substance thrown out): nu ma gtor a cow emptying its udder by discharging the milk. 3. acc. to Sch. srub gtor-wa to rend, to tear to pieces (J‰.). gtor ma SANST sacrificial objects, i.e., that which is strewn or scattered or given away. The gtor-ma offering may consist of zhal zas , gshos bu cakes (not cooked or baked) made of rice, barley flour, wheat, &c. and offered as an appeasing gift to gods, saints, evil-spirits, Naga demigods, &c., to avert dangers to the living and to guard against visitations of epidemics, plague, drought, famine, &c. Generally the torma is shaped into a conical form, the stuff of which it is made being cemented together with butter into a firm consistency. It is an essential that, after dedication, the thing offered shall be burnt or cast away. W.W. Rockhill in his "Land of the Lamas" gives an excellent account of one kind of torma offering (pp. 113, 114). gtor ma sbyin pa to offer a torma; gtor ma bsngo ba to devote something for it. sgrub gtor offerings made to a deity that it may give anything asked for; rgyun gtor usual or customary offerings; glud-gtor offerings made to ransom a life; bgegs gtor offerings made to avert the dangers caused by an evil spirit; chu gtor oblation of water offerings made to the manes of the dead, i.e., to Preta. Other terms are rtag gtor , thun gtor , dus gtor , mdos gtor , phebs gtor , 'phen gtor , brul gtor , dbang gtor , 'byung bzhi gtor , bla ma'i gtor ma , dmar gtor , tshe gtor , tshogs gtor , mtshun gtor , yi dam gtor , bzlog-gtor, lan chags gtor , bsruo-mahi gtor, all being offerings made to the guardian deities; these offerings are made of various designs and colours to suit the supposed fancy of the deities to be conciliated. gtor rgyab offerings of pyramidal shape and painted in red and white colours as if flames of fire were inscribed on them, and which are often burnt inside a human skull. gtor rgyu the ingredients of which a torma offering is made. gtor stegs trays and tables on which the torma offerings are placed. gtor dar scarves placed over offerings at the time of presenting them to the gods, &c. gtor gdan (in certain Tantrik rites) the grain placed on the ground, on which the offerings are put. gtor ma rgyas SANST, SANST one that delights in torma or, rather, in the offering when cast away, i.e., the crow. gtor ma bzhes nas SANST having accepted the offerings. gtor ma za SANST met. the crow. gtor ma zan acc. to J‰. oblation of the remnants of a meal to creatures of every description. gtor rtsam barley-flour for making torma offerings. gtor bzlog offerings to gods and spirits for averting epidemics, etc. gtor gsos cakes of the size of the thumb offered to gods and demons morning and noon. gtol + SANST a division of time. gtol ba acc. to Sch. to perforate, pierce; to discover, disclose, v. rtol ba 3. gtol bral bza' rgyu ma rnyed ci bya gtol bral tshe at the time when we were without resource having nothing to eat (Jig.). gtol med = cha med , rgyus med or thabs med unknown, a stranger; also strange; one without any knowledge of a place of thing; acc. to (J‰.) not known, dubious; pho'am mo'am gtol med do one who does not know yet whether will come a boy or a girl; ci bya ba'i gtol med not knowing what to do; gar thal ba'i gtol med not knowing where she had gone: bdag la gtol med I am without knowledge of it. gtos = bongs chod size, dimension: yi ags la lto ba ri bo'i gtos dang mnyam the belly of the yidag (Preta) equals the size of a mountain; rim gro gtos che ba homage or religious observances of great magnitude. btag pa v. 'thag pa 3 (btag par bya ought to be tied) btag bya'i rgyan an ornament to be worn. btags pa 1. v. 'dogs 3 bound, tied, as in khyi btags pa bound or chained the dog; rgyan btags pa ornament worn; kha btags pa anything bound to the face or placed in front of any one for acceptance. 2. ground, crushed; zhib btags reduced to fine power, to flour; snan btags medicine pulverized. btang pf. of gtong ba 3 and used in W. instead of the latter. btang snyoms SANST equanimity; even treatment of all things. 1. btang snyoms zhes bya ba ni|dgra la zhe sdang btang |gnyen la dga' gdung btang |sems can thams cad la nye ring dang chags sdang med par snyoms la btang snyoms zer| Btao-sÒoms is a word signifying impartial and equal treatment of friend or foe, i.e., to abstain from anger or affection for friends and relations, equal treatment to all living beings without either attachment or hatred. 2. acc. to J‰. perfect apathy. 3. acc. to Sch. perfect impartiality. btang snyoms can SANST indifferent, indolent, apathetic person. Syn. le lo can ; snyoms las can (Moon.). btang bzung SANST a species of flower; also n. of a mythical mountain. btang bzung chen po SANST a larger species of Muchilinda flower. btang yas (grangs ) n. of a number (Ya-sel. 56). btad pa = phul ba 3 SANST made over, entrusted, presented to. btab SANST, SANST sewn (Zam. 8). btab pa pf. of 'debs pa 3. btig pa pf. btigs pa acc. to Cs. to drop, to let fall in drops. rna bar snan btig pa to drop medicine in the ears, v. 'thig pa 3. bting ba 1. v. 'ding ba 3. 2. SANST spread, anything spread (Zam. 8); SANST, SANST; gdan bting ba to spread a rug. btu ba v. 'thu ba 3. btug pa v. gtug pa 3. btung ba 1. pf. of 'thung ba to drink. 2. SANST; (Zam. 8) SANST, SANST drink, anything for drinking. btung 'dod = skoms pa thirsty (Moon.). btungs pa + SANST; = bsad pa killed. btung snod drinking glass. btud pa SANST, SANST subdued, v. 'dud pa 3. btud nas SANST, SANST, SANST having bowed, paid reverence; adv. reverentially. btud mar in rapid or close succession (J‰.). btub 1. rung fit, becoming; convenient, practicable: phyi rol pa dang rtsod pa mi 'ong bas btub (A. 33) it is proper not to have controversy with outsiders (unbelievers); ma btub po it is not convenient. btubs pa SANST, SANST cut into pieces, v. gtub pa 3. btum pa pf. of gtum pa to wrap round, to envelope; hence in W. to shut (a book). btum phog acc. to J‰. bunch or knot produced by money and the like being tied up in the girdle. btul ba SANST, pf. of 'dul ba , also btul to ; bdud dang dgra btul ba to subdue an enemy, to vanquish the devil. btus pa 1. = bcus pa SANST, SANST extracted, quoted. 2. bdams pa or brtags pa SANST; rnam pa phye ba . 3. bsdus pa or mdor bsdus pa abbreviated, concise, taken in short, in few words (Moon.). bteg bteg byed pa to haul upwards: yar mgo zeng zeng byas , dar dkar gyi lcibs thogs te rgyal po'i dbu bteg bteg byas te (Hbrom. 125). bteg pa v. 'degs pa ; also used in the common saying:- bu aa phas bteg pa'i stag shar|bu mo aa mas bteg pa'i dman shar| "when the father maintains the son, a tiger is produced, when the mother the daughter a drudge appears. bton pa v. 'don pa 3. rta or, occasionally, rta po SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a horse; the feminine form for which is usually rgod ma a mare. rta 'dul ba to break in or train a horse; rta rgyug pa to gallop, to race; rta la zhon pa to ride on horseback. Horses are largely bred in Tibet, several of the Dog-pa tribes north of Lhasa devoting themselves exclusively to rearing horses. Both Shigatse and Gyangtse are famous horse-markets, and from the latter place numbers are imported into Nepal and Sikkim. rta yi rkan khrag rma la phan the blood from the horse's palate cures sores; rta yi mkhal mas mkhal tshabs sel the kidney of the horse removes kidney disease; rta yi mkhris pas rma la phan the bile of the horse is useful for sores; rta yi gre bas skad snyan thob the larynx of the horse improves the voice; rta yi phru mas mes tshig rma la phan urinary bladder of the horse is useful for scalds and burns; rta yi tshil gyis za phrug glang shu sel horse-fat dissipates itching and eruptions on the skin. Syn. mchod sbyin phyugs ; dpal gyi bu ; rgyab 'dzin ; rnga yab mjug ma can ; rlung gi shing rta ; rlung las skyes ; sin Z‡ skyes ; mgyogs 'gro ; 'dren byen ; rmig pa can ; blo gsal ; skal ldan ; myur 'gro ; rnam par gnon ; rgya mtsho skyes ; rtag tu za ; rngogs ma can (Moon.). rta ka or rtar ka = rmig lcags lit. hoof-iron, horse-shoe. rta rkya pa or rta skya pa one skilled in horsemanship. rta skyin lit. "the horse ibex"; is a curious large heavy animal peculiar to Tibet, but straying also into North Assam, the Budorcas taxicolor, known to sportsmen as the takin. Two species are recorded, one found by PÈre David in the ranges of Moupin on the Chinese border, the other occurring in the mountains of the Mishmi and Abor territory. rta bskrags a clattering train of horsemen. rta go rta'i khrab cha tshang coat of mail for a horse; de dmag dpon rnams kyi rta chas yin the horse equipment for generals (Rtsii.). rta gal saddle-bag. rta gral rta mang po gral sgrigs nas bzhag pa a number of horses kept in a row, prop. cavalry in martial array. rta gras = rta ra stable. rta bgad a horse-laugh; rta bgad kyis 'debs pa to set up a horse-laugh (Sch.). rta mgo a horse's head. rta mgo can = gru shan boat (Moon.). rta mgrin (Tamdin) SANST n. of deity with a man's body but having the head of a horse and which neighs fearfully to frighten beings who are mischievous to Buddhism. The Hindu analogue of Tamdin is Hayagriva, and shrines to this deity are not uncommon at the present day in Assam. rta sga or rta'i sga saddle; rta sga 'khor or rta sga 'khor cha 'grig the equipments of a riding horse (Rtsii.). rta sgam a large trunk or chest generally carried on horseback. rta sgo the entrance for a horse or pony, a gate-way. rta sgy el gen. connected with mi bsad the slaughtering of men and killing of horses. rta bsngags ldan bzang po n. of the horse on which Buddha used to ride when he was still a prince. rta can bram ze'i rigs n. of a class of Brahmans (Moon.). (EEE Original has "Brahmans".) rta lcag horse-whip; whip in general. rta chag dry fodder or provender given to horses, such as peas, corn, oats. rta chas = rta la dgos pa'i ad lag equipments of a riding horse, including the cloth that is wrapped round its breast. rta chung v. gre 3 SANST a constellation (Rtsii.). rta mchog SANST "the best horse," the ideal horse which makes its possessor a wealthy man; the mythological horse of Indra, a sort of Pegasus which partakes of divine properties. He is called Balahaka the prince of horses or in Tibetan rta yi rgyal po cang shes ba la ha ka Syn. cang shes pa ; legs 'gro ; rlung gi gshog pa can ; rlung las rgyal ; rnam par dul ; rigs ldan ; gyi ling ; rlung rta the horse of fortune or good luck (Moon.). rta mchog kha 'bab lit. "the down-flowing mouth of the best horse." This is the appellation of the Yeru Tsang-po or Brahmaputra during the earlier portion of its course in Western Tibet. Throughout Ngari it is know as Tamjo Kha-bab. The river is supposed to issue from a rock shaped like a horse's mouth, but in reality rises in a swamp in a mountain-locked valley 12 miles east of Gur-lha in West Purang. rta ljang SANST, SANST a grey-green horse or a horse the colour of which is grey-green like a leaf. rta gdong me SANST a great submarine fire which is believed to exist in the southern limits of the great ocean: rta gdong me dang dus mtha'i rlung lta bu (devastating) like the submarine fire and the wind at the end of time (Rtsii.). rta bdag brgyad an epithet of the god of wealth (Rtsii.). rta bdun pa SANST an epithet of the sun, whose chariot is said to be drawn by seven horses; also n. of Vanuna the god of the oceans (Moon.). rta nag (Tanag) n. of a district in Tibet situated a few miles to the north of Tashi-lhunpo in Tsang. rta nag gnas ga n. of a village in Tanag; rta nag rin chen rtse n. of a town in Tanag with a monastery called Rin-chen-tse. rta gnas a stable. Syn. rta khang ; mgyogs 'gro'i gnas (Moon.). rta rna the horse's ear, one having the ears of a horse. rta sna ri SANST one of the seven golden mountains of Buddhist mythology, so called from its shape being like the nose of a horse. rta pa SANST a horseman, a rider; rkang thang rta pa SANST infantry and cavalry (Ya-sel. 55). The terms signifying a horseman are: rta pa , rta la zhon pa , skyes bu can , rnam par gnon (Moon.). rta pa rta zhon in Ld. a balancing board, see-saw (J‰.). rta pa'i dpung cavalry (Cs.). rta lpags a horse's skin; n. of a medicinal herb. rta lpags lha ba 'dzin zhing chu ser skem . rta pho thal dkar a stallion of ash-colour (K. du. da 18). rta phrug foal, the young of the horse. Syn. thu ru ; rte'u ; rta yi bu ; rte thur ; rta phran (Moon.). rta babs SANST 1. a raised place or large stone generally kept at the entrance of a house or monastery or temple for alighting from a horse. 2. khang pa'i rta babs the pediment of large door-way; acc. to J‰. the arch of a gate-way. rta bel a horse's forelock. rta bres SANST a stable; manger. rta bon is described as lag pa'i nang phyog rba 'dra ba dri ngan pa nasty filth, such as that which occurs in fissures inside the hand. rta bon pa SANST a mare. rta dbyangs SANST a celebrated Buddhist sage who was converted to Buddhism, better known by the name of Viracharya for his heroic devotion to the cause of that faith. He wrote an epistle to king Kaniska, also a commentary on the Sautranta. dang po phyi pa'i paºi ta shin tu mkhas pa zhigrjes su aAa 4 de bas btul nas nang pa la bcug pas|slob dpon dpa' bo zhes sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa rgya chen po mdzad|mdo sde dran pa nyer gzhag gi don bsdus slob dpon rta dbyangs kyis mdzad pa|. At first (in the first part of his life) he was a learned Tirthika Pandit, afterwards he was converted to Buddhism, when being called Acharya Vira he greatly furthered the cause of Buddhism. Acharya Asva Ghosha wrote a commentary on the (Buddhist scriptural) work called Dran-pa Òergshug (D. Shel. 12). rta spangs horse-dung; rta spangs srin sel mkhris rlung skyug pa gcod horse-dung (strained) removes worms and bilious vomiting. rta dmag cavalry. rta rmig 1. a horse's hoof; rta mig ma or rta rmig gzugs silver ingots prepared in the shape of a horse-hoof, weighing variously from 125 to 156 rupees-weight. 2. SANST a plant the leaves of which resemble the horse's hoof; rta rmig rma gso rus sbyor rtsa sgo 'gags . [the egg-plant Solanum melongena]S. rta rdzi or rta 'tsho mkhan , one that tends horses; a groom. rnal 'byor pa gong 'og 'di kun yang rta rdzi dang also all the ascetics mentioned above and below with the horse-minder (A. 119). rta gtsang the pure horse necessary for the sacrificial purposes of the Vedic Brahmanas: rta gtsang mchod sbyin SANST the Brahmanical sacrifice of the horse according to the Vedic rites. rta zhun a good horse. rta bzang lcag bzhin (lit. as a whip is necessary to keep even a good horse in order) is said to be a common saying Tibet for one person sending his remembrances to another. rta zam lit. horse bridge, has a double meaning: first, a government post-station on the main roadway from provincial centres to Lhasa, the place where horses, &c., are changed; secondly, it is applied to the post-rider or government messenger himself. The best known tazam, or tajam as the word is often heard, are those situated on the great postal track which stretches from Leh, via Gartok and the north bank of the Tsang-po, to Shiga-tse and Lhasa. The proper term for the post-rider himself is rta zam pa ; however usage has contracted it into rta zam . rta'i bu SANST; rta'i nyin lam SANST a day's journey on horse back. rta'i 'u lag a compulsory service for the supply of oxen, mules, and horses. rta'i ra ba SANST an enclosure for horses, a stable. rta 'on n. of a monastic club for discussing metaphysical topics in the monasteries of Daipung, Sera and Gahdan (Lon. za 14). rta yi mjug ma (lit. the horse's tail) n. of a medicinal plant. Syn. gYo ldan ma ; zla ba'i lo ma ; 'dur byed skyes ; yal ga'i me tog ; mthon po ma ; 'gro ldan ; bong bo'i me tog (Moon.). rta la'i kong n. of mythological race in ancient India (Yig.). rta sha 1. horse-flesh. 2. the oblique abdominal muscles of the hips. rta shad curry-comb (Sch.). rta sre SANST a pie-bald horse. ["Having pie-bald horses"; an epithet of Marut or the wind-god]S. rta gsar a new horse, a horse not yet broken in or dressed (Schtr.); rta gsar sga pa a colt three years old newly broken and saddled. rta gseb a stallion: rta gseb sngon po'i spangs kyis khyi smyon nad la phan the dung of a stallion of blue colour is a preventive of hydrophobia. rta gsod = ka ra bI ra the oleander, Nerium odorum (Moon.). rtag pa SANST, SANST, SANST, also SANST, SANST, SANST 1. continuous, enduring, lasting, eternal. 2. perpetuity, duration to all futurity (a quality which, according to Buddhist views, can be ascribed only to absolute emptiness: stong pa nyid , Sunyata): rtag pa thams cad kyi mchog ni nam mkha'o the chief of all permanent things is voidity. mi rtag pa impermanent, not durable, perishable: de yang mi rtag tshul du gda' that, too, is subject to the law of perishableness; rtag pa re zhig ("tak-pa re-shi") is the common colloq. expression in C. for always, constantly (Snd. Hbk.). Syn. brtan pa ; ther zug pa ; gtan du ba ; rang bzhin gnas ; mi 'gyur ba ; gYung drung ; mi gzhig ; mi gYo ; gYo med ; gzhon me (Moon.). rtag 'khrus che always washed = assiduity. rtag chad lasting and transitory; an abbr. of rtag par lta ba dang chad par lta ba gnyis the theory of eternal existence or annihilation: rtag chad log pa'i lam zhugs khyod kyis 'dzems you have avoided the false doctrine of perpetual existence (Hbrom. kha 29). rtag snyoms la adv. uniformly, equally. rtag tu SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST always, continually, perpetually: rtag tu bla ma la skyabs su 'chi'o| at all times do I seek refuge in my lama (Buddha). rtag tu khol SANST a slave, perpetual servant: thabs mkhas blon po'i khol a servant of a resourceful minister (Hbrom. 152). rtag tu dga' SANST always cheerful, ever happy; an epithet of Mahadeva. rtag tu ngu 1. n. of Buddhist saint who used to weep when observing the miseries of mundane existence. He devoted all that he possessed to others and by his religious ascetism and study of the PrajÒa-paramita he attained to the position of a Bodhisattva (Hbum. pa 501). 2. n. of a medicinal flower on which dew is formed at all times on account of which it is said to be always in tears. It grows on high altitudes in Tsari the most easterly district of Central Tibet. rtag tu od SANST met. the fire, which is always at work. rtag tu ba eternal, perpetual; also acc. to Cs. perpetuity, eternity. rtag tu 'bab a name of the river Sita, the river of continual flow (Moon.). rtag tu 'byung of eternal or perpetual growth. rtag tu sbyin (rtag tu bgrod de ) SANST perpetually giving or yielding. rtag tu brtson SANST always assiduous, ever-applying. rtag tu za lit. that eats at all times, met. a horse. rtag tu lang tsho ldan ma she who is at all times youthful, an epithet of Draupadi SANST the common wife of the Pandava brothers. rtag lta = rtag par lta ba the doctrine of the immortality of the soul and of all things. rtag bde byed (lit. happy at all times) an epithet of rnam thos sras Vaisravana the god of wealth (Moon.). rtag sdod land-steward or over-seer. rtag sdod lha gsel the resident manager of the estate of Lha-gsel in Tibet (Rtsii.). rtag pa ther zug smra ba'i lta ba the doctrine of a Brahmanical sect in Ancient India: don rtag pa 'gyur med chen po la rang bzhin ma nges par 'dod pa'o| (they) did not believe in the great unchangeable and eternal principle (Theg. 33 to 39). rtag pa don mtshon pa'i lta ba the doctrine or view as to the eternity of matter and its attributes (Theg. 33 to 39). rtag par SANST adv. always. rtag par 'dzin pa to look upon what is transitory as lasting, and hence to be worldly-minded, a worldling; nyal ba la rtag pa steady in lying down, i.e., to be continually at rest. rtag po adj. lasting, durable, reliable. rtag ma SANST eternity personified, the eternal goddess; an epithet of Durga. rtag myos SANST an epithet of the god of love. rtag 'dzin can = rtag pa 'dzin mkhan he who holds that things are permanent. rtag zhi pa SANST is an epithet of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Siva. rtag res 'khor 1. SANST constantly recurring. 2. rtag re 'khor ba acc. to (Sch.) constant change. rtags 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST resp. phyag rtags sign, manual, badge, token, mark, characteristic, prognostic, &c. bzang rtags good sign or token; ngan rtags evil mark or bad sign; bkra shis pa'i rtags auspicious sign or mark; rtags brgyad or bkra shis pa'i rtags brgyad the eight auspicious symbols or objects, v. bkra shis rtags brgyad 3. We have in yong mi yong gi rtogs the sign of being or not being, sufficiency or insufficiency, &c. skye 'chi'i rtags the signs of birth and death; rtags byed pa to make a mark; rab tu byung ba'i rtags yod pa the badge or distinction of monkhood; one having the marks of an ecclesiastic; mngon rtags proof, clear evidence; rtags bcu = SANST ci rtags pa nas bzung on what evidence have they seized him? rtags pa zhig dgos a proof is necessary: rtags pa'ang mi 'dug there is even no evidence or mark. rtags can SANST, SANST having a mark upon it or marked, stained; also ominous. rtags can ma = snad 'tshong ma a harlot (Moon.). 2. = mtshan ma SANST gender; the organ of generation; rtags med SANST hermaphrodite. pho rtags male organ; mo rtags female organ. rtags 'jug the description of the distinction of the sexes; lung ston pa rtags kyi 'jug pa , zhes bya ba SANST, id., a grammatical treatise on the same (by Thon-mi Sambhota). rtags denotes also marks of grammatical distinction, such as terminations etc.: rtags 'jug pa using such marks, making grammatical distinctions. (EEE The original has bkra shis brgyad under 1. above but this is a mistake and the clearly intended bkra shis rtags brgyad has been inserted.) rtags thugs intimate connection. rtags dam phrug sign and seal (Yig. k. 2). rtags gsum met. an oar (Moon.). rtab pa acc. to J‰ = stab pa or bstabs pa to be in a hurry, to be confused, frightened, in a state of alarm (acc. to Zam. = brad pa ). rtab rtab po = 'tshabs 'tshabs confused, confounded with fear, perplexed: 'khor rnams rtab rtab por gyur te thams cad kyis bzlog all the attendants becoming panic-struck turned back (Khrid. 140); rtab rtab por song nas having become quite startled and confounded. rtab rtab la also rtab rtob la adv. helter-skelter, pell-mell; also in haste. rtab rtab por id. zhib ma bcad par rtab rtab por khrims gcod byed la dang mi rung it is not proper while perplexed or confused to come to a legal decision without minute investigation (Rdsa. 16). rtas pa v. brta ba 3. rtas gtsang gi mchod sbyin SANST the Vedic sacrificial ceremony in which horse's flesh is used for entertaining the invoked deities. rtig gi in Tsang for rte'u foal, colt. rting what is behind or after (with regard to space, but more particularly to time). rting du , rting na , rting la adv. and postp. afterwards, after: rting du bcos so they were made afterwards; byon rting la after their appearance; byung rting after he has come; de rting la after that. rting bskul earnest entreaty or exhortation (Sorig. 134). rting lcags a spur; rting lcags rgyab pa to spur, to prick with the spur. rting 'jug remaining part, remainder. rting pa 1. the end, extremity, lowest part, e.g., of a stick; gen. the heel of the foot rkang pa'i rtsa ba (Moon.). 2. phyi latter. rting bal hair of the foot of goat, sheep, etc. rting ma adj. and sbst. latter, the last; gtam gyi rting ma yin it is the end of a speech, conversation or discourse, this is my last and farewell speech; rting ma nyi ma the following day. Syn. phyi ma ; rjes ma ; rjes su bgyid ; rjes su sgrub ; gsham ma ; mjug ma phyi shos (Moon.). rtib pa pf. brtibs , fut. brtib , imp. rtib or rtibs to break or pull down (cf. rdib pa 3); in Sikk. to beat or thrash thoroughly. rtug pa mi gtsang ma SANST 1. human excrement; rtug skam or rtug skem dry excrement. 2. in C. wind, flatulency. 3. brtug or rtug v. under thogs pa 3. rtung ba pf. brtungs , fut. brtung also stung ba to make less, to shorten, to contract, e.g. a rope, a dress: gnya' ba brtungs his neck is contracted (J‰.). rtun v. gtun 3; rtun ril a trituration-bowl (Sch.). rtun pa diligence; rtun pa'i skyed pa to be diligent (Zam.); cf. dun pa 3. rtul po or rtul ba SANST blunt, dull, stupid; mtshon rtul a blunt weapon (Cs.); dbang po rtul po blundering; blo rtul weak intellect. rtul phod pa SANST, SANST, SANST bold, intrepid; also sbst. courage. rtul bzang skyes = rtul can ma'i bu the son of Rtul-can-ma, one of the ten incarnations of Virnu; a name of SANST; dga' byed dgra sta can . rte thur = rte'u SANST foal, colt; rte'u 'brang ba to bring forth a colt, to foal (Cs.). rten 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a hold, support, esp. in compounds: ka rten the plinth or base of a pillar (Cs.); rkang rten or zhabs rten a footstool (Cs.) 2. SANST, SANST in Gram. the case which denotes the place of a thing or person, the locative. 3. SANST that which holds, contains, or supports a thing: sku rten lit. the holder or receptacle of a person himself, i.e., an image of a deity, of a Buddha or Bodhisattva; gsung rten = yig 'bru letters, writings, holders of the doctrine, gen. consisting in a volume of the holy writings. thugs rten "the holder of the heart or mind" as manifest in a holy person. The term rten gsum is often applied to the foregoing three. gdung rten receptacle for the bones or relics of a saint; mchod rten a holder or depository for oblations, a chaitya; rig pa'i rten receptacle of the soul, i.e., the body (Schtr.); rig pa rten med pa , rten dang bral ba the houseless, bodiless soul: snying ni tshe srog sems kyi rten the heart is the seat of life and of the soul. Similarly rten is often a term for a temple or shrine: rten gyi gtso bo the deity in a shrine; again we have zhu rten resp. phyag rten a present, gift, offering, i.e., "the holder or support of a request." rten khebs SANST the cover for religious offerings. rten khri = mchod bshams a chapel or cabinet to hold images with accommodation for keeping offerings before them and for religious books (Rtsii.). rten cing 'brel bar 'byung snying po'i cho ga'i gzungs SANST n. of a dharani expressing the essence of the doctrine of relative existence or origination (K. gu. pa 288). rten chas things, articles. rten pa 1. vb., pf. and fut. brten , imp. rton to keep, to hold to adhere to, to lean on; 'khar ba la rten pa to lean on a staff; ka ba la rten pa to keep or hold against a pillar; lag pa 'gram pa la rten to keep the hand on one's cheeks, to lean one's head on one's hand in meditating; fig. to depend or rely on; brten pa'i bla ma the priest to whom one holds; snum la rten pa to keep to the fat, i.e., to eat much fat; 'khrig pa'i chos la rten pa to be given to sensuality. A frequent form of the vb. is rten nas : khyed kyis gsung ba la brten nas following, depending on your orders; nga'i nus pa la rten nas relying on my strength; hence brten nas is frq. used for in consequence of, with respect to, concerning, etc.: rkyen de la rten nas in consequence of that event; yul khyad par can la rten nas in connection with a noble object; lho phyogs la rten nas to be situated towards the south; 'od zer la rten nas gzigs pa to look after or pursue with one's eye a ray of light. 2. sbst. that which holds, keeps up; rgyal po'i rten pa'o these are the supports of king; brten pa rus pa'i gnas lugs bstan pa "the doctrine of the hold-giving bones" i.e., osteology. 3. adj. attached to, faithful (J‰.). rten pa'i rkyen dependent cause; rgyu chu la rten pa'i rkyen 'khyags pa the dependent cause of (the formation of) ice is water. rten 'brel is said to be a contraction of rten par 'brel bar 'gyur ba SANST 1. it is best defined not as causal concatenation but as the inter-dependent causes which have originated matter and all phenomena. These mutually contributory causes, however, according to Buddhist theory, properly centre in or spring forth from avidya (Tib. ma rig pa ) or the ignorant belief that all which seems to us to exist does so exist when it is really non-existent. 2. SANST omen; circumstances combining to found a judgment or prognostic; diagnosis. Milaraspa says of rten-hbrel: ir 'khor 'das kyi chos thams cad rten 'brel du go zhing understanding rten-hbrel to be the whole doctrine of transmigration in general. However, he deviates from the purer philosophy by averring that the co-operating cause at work in rten-hbrel is produced by the deep mysteries of za ma and man ngag (Mil. ka, 89). The doctrine involved in rten-hbrel is fully dealt with in Tsongkhapa's great work, the Lam-rim chen-mo. He sums up the argument thus: 'di kun ngo bos stong pa dang |'di las 'di 'bras 'byung ba yi|nges pa gnyis po phan tshun du|gegs med par ni grogs byed pa|'di las ngo mtshar gyur ba dang |'di las rmad du byung ba gang | | The certitude that all these things are in their very essence void and yet that from the one its fruit the other springs forth, the two uninterruptedly hither or thither mutually assisting each otherówhat can be more wonderful than this, and what has arisen more stupendous than it! rten 'brel gyi 'khol lo SANST the wheel illustrating the process of the working of successive existences and helpful in meditating on them and in methods for getting rid of their influences, etc. In the tractate rten 'brel gyi 'khor lo mi 'dra ba bco brgyad (A. 35) there are eighteen different descriptions of the wheel illustrating the cycle of Pratitya samutpada, the earliest one having been designed by Nagarjuna as contained in Tam. d. go 32. In it are contained indications of human destiny, luck, happiness and misery, which are drawn up in set formulas. rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba dang po dang rnam dbye bsnyan pa'i mdo the Sutra describing the relative existences and the distinctive features contained in them (K. d. ma 203). In it are described the science of divination, the art of drawing omens from different occurrences and signs. rten 'brel bsgom = rang sangs rgyas an epithet for a Pratyeka Buddha (Moon.). rten 'bral rtogs pa to investigate significant or ominous incidents and draw inferences therefrom; rten 'brel shes pa to know such, or one who knows them (e.g., a physician when treating a patient must try to find out the auspices). rten 'brel bzang good auspices; rten 'brel ngan bad omens. rten 'brel yan lag bcu gnyis the twelve inter-dependent contributories to the origination of all phenomena. Or, more fully:- The twelve inter-dependent elements which together contribute to the production of all phenomena; the twelve, however, being theoretically not simultaneous in origination but occurring in a certain sequence; each indeed being dependent on its predecessor, though not exactly evolved from it, because by a process of re-action the predecessor is also dependent for manifestation on its successor. Thus, while the succeeding contributories may be said to be evolved in a measure from the preceding ones, there is a mutual dependence which makes all the twelve co-ordinate also. The twelve inter-dependent originations in the Pratitya samutpada are:- (1) ma rig pa SANST ignorance; (2) 'du phyed SANST association or impressions; (3) rnam shes SANST consciousness; (4) ming gzugs SANST name and form; (5) skye mched SANST the six sense-organs; (6) reg pa SANST contact; (7) tshor ba ; SANST feeling; (8) sred pa SANST desire or hankering after; (9) len pa SANST sensual enthralment; (10) srid pa SANST procreation; (11) skye ba SANST birth; (12) rgas shi SANST old age and death. rten ma prop. support, pillar. rten dman pa subordinate; of lower position or order, junior; a ge-tshul is subordinate to a ge-long, a ge-nyen is inferior to a ge-tshul or Shramanera: khong rten dman pas lus kyi phyag ma mdzad par he being inferior in rank, i.e., in the religious order, he did not make salutation with his body (A. 56). rten gzhi 1. basis, foundation SANST. 2. = khang khyim 'dug sa residence, home (Moon.). rten gnas , id. rtog 1. in rtog khang SANST a room or place of amusement on the top of a house or building. 2. SANST for tog . rtog pa I: SANST, SANST sbst. 1. consideration, deliberation, reflection; rtog pa skye ba or rtog pa la 'jug pa to reflect on a thing, to indulge in musings. 2. scruple, hesitation: rtog pa skyes te to grow doubtful, hesitating. II: vb., pf. brtags or brtag , imp. rtog or rtogs SANST to consider, examine, search into, muse upon = bsam mno ba or mno bsam pa (Moon.): brtags na mi shes though one meditates (upon the soul), one cannot understand. To trouble one's head about a thing is considered a fault much to be guarded against, and the more so, as religious faith as well as meditation require the mind to be strictly free from distraction, and especially in meditation to be concentrated on a single object only: ma rtog ting nge 'dzin contemplation without any disturbing reflections. rtog ge SANST the act of arguing, reasoning; dialectics (Cs.); rtog ge pa SANST an arguer, disputer, reasoner (Cs.): rtog ge'i od yul ma yin pa SANST not being the object of controversy or arguing. rtog pa dang bral ba SANST without imagination, free from sophistication. rtog pa'i dgra SANST n. of a tree. Syn. rgyal byed shing ; chu klung skyes (Moon.). rtog par byed pa SANST to fancy, to imagine. rtog dpyod = bsam mno, or mno bsam (Moon.). SANST consideration; examination, trial: rtog dpyod med pa SANST without examination or reflection (A. K. 1-36). rtog dpyod gtong ba to identify, to discern to recognize as, e.g., mkhris par brtag it is ascertained to be bile, to be caused by bile. so sor rtog pa to identify as being different (J‰.). rtog med SANST simple, unsophisticated; also simplicity; singleness of heart. de la rtog 'jug mi byed it should not be interfered with; he does not meddle with that (J‰.). rtog med log shes = rtog pa log shes mistakes caused by wrong or false conclusions, such as while passing in a boat to maintain that the trees and houses on the bank of river are moving; in the same manner holding that all phenomena are permanent, &c. (Loo. pha 15). rtogs dka' ba'i gnas = shin tu btsan pa'i sa a very inaccessible and fearful place. rtogs 'gro SANST a number; rtogs 'gro chen po SANST a great number. rtogs brjod or rtogs pa brjod pa SANST lit. discriminative speech, the utterance of what is fully grasped; a common designation for the recital of the events of an ideal life, full of instructive lessons. rtogs brjod brgya pa SANST n. of a work contained in the Kahgyur (K. d. ha). rtogs brjod rin po che dpag bsam khri shing SANST the great work of the Kashmirian poet Kshemendra on the deeds of the Buddha, in 108 chapters, translated into metrical Tibetan by Shon-ton Lo-tsa-wa, and forming the 93rd volume of the Tangyur collection. rtogs deb = brjed tho'i deb yig a memorandum book (Rtsii.). rtogs 'dod can desirous of knowing or learning; inquisitive (J‰.). rtogs ldan SANST, SANST; = mkhas pa a sage, a general term to signify such. rtogs pa I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST sbst. thorough perception, infallible knowledge. It is stated that ordinary mortals are incapable of cogitating on the merits and qualities of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The true Rtogs-pa cannot be acquired in the first instance, the don (meaning of a thing) first must be understood (go ba rnyed pa ) and that may lead to the acquirement of knowledge by bslab pa SANST study; then comes reflection or meditation, and last of all is Rtogs-pa the full comprehension. Thus we can define rtogs pa as: 1. the true perception of all things in general, which leads to the attainment of the so so skye'i sa stage of ordinary perfection. 2. a true metaphysical development leading the way to what is called 'phags lam , that is, to Nirvana. This last is called mngon par rtogs pa or SANST, the clear understanding or perception, the same as stong pa nyid or metaphysical voidity or nothingness. Syn. khong du chud pa SANST; mkhas pa ; SANST, go ba ; SANST, rtags pa ; SANST, byang ba SANST. II: vb. to perceive, to know, to understand: dpyad na ma rtogs so| they did not understand; though they inquired into it; rtogs par 'gyur ba to obtain information; to convince one's-self of a thing; rtogs par byed pa to teach, demonstrate, to convince a person. ma rtogs pa stupid, ignorant; ignorance. sems rtogs self-knowledge. (EEE The original reads dpyad na ma rtogs sa in the first example but from the translation the typographical error is clear and has been corrected above.) rtogs pa 'khrungs pa SANST the growth of ideas, thought. rtogs pa chen po yongs su rgyus pa'i mdo a metaphysical work in the Kahgyur (Mdo zha 413); rtogs pa'i gter or mdo sde thams cad kyi don gyi rnam pa khong du chud pas rtogs pa'i gter another work in the Kahgyur (Mdo 325). rtogs od theory and practice. rtogs od byed pa to know and to practise; rtogs od la mkhas pa theoretically and practically religious. rtogs zhib thorough inquiry; investigation of minute details. rtogs yas (grangs ) SANST n. of a numerical figure. rtogs sla easily comprehended, or easy to understand. rtod pa = bkyig or 'khyig (Moon.). 1. vb. to fasten, to secure, tether (v. btod pa ); rtod brgyab pa to drive in a stake or peg (J‰.). 2. sbst. = rtod phur a stake in the ground for fastening a horse, a boat, etc.; a peg in a wall for hanging up things; rtod thag id. rton pa (brton pa or brtan pa ) SANST, SANST to place confidence in a person, to rely on, to adhere to, to act in accordance with. In connection with the meaning of rton-pa common sayings prevail among the learned of Tibet:- (1) bod kyi bstan bcas rnams su tshig la mi rton don la rton rely on the import of words, do not depend on their literal signification; (2) gang zag la mi rton chos la rton do not depend on the personality of teacher but rely on his doctrine; (3) drang don la mi rton nges don la rton rely on ascertained statements not on those quoted from memory; (4) rnam shes la mi rton ye shes la rton rely on absolute knowledge not on mere perception. Syn. yid rton pa ; blo bstad pa ; yid ches pa ; rjes su 'brang (Moon.). rtol in chos rtol acc. to Schr. the pith or marrow of a doctrine; rtol shes pa to know thoroughly (Schr.). rtol mo a cross back to the yak by breeding an animal three-parts of Indian parentage with a pure-bred yak. rtol ba pf. brtol 1. to bore, to pierce, to perforate. 2. to be present in or at; to reach: bris pa zhig yod pa mang yul du lus nas bod du ma rtol lo (A. 74) there was a manuscript which being left in Man-yul could not reach Tibet (i.e., be extant there). rtol ma rtol arrived or not arrived; yongs 'dus brtol acc. to Schr. SANST the coral-tree Erythrina Indica; also a tree of paradise. rtol shes = rang bzhin gyi shes pa prescience, intuitive knowledge, knowing without being taught: chos mang po rtol shes byung zer ro it is said he knew intuitively many religious doctrines (J. Zao.). lta 1. v. under ltar 3. 2. v. J‰. in loco. lta ba I: vb. pf. bltas , fut. blta , imp. ltos or blta resp. gzigs pa 1. to look, take a look at, espy. lta ba implies a special visual act, whereas mthong ba is the general power or habit of seeing, beholding, etc.: ci 'dra 'dug bltas pas when your have seen what it is like; chung mas khye'u blangs te bltas na|khye'u mtshan dang ldan bzang po zhig nas|rab tu dga' ste the wife, having taken the boy and looked at him, because he was a fine comely child, greatly rejoiced (Dzl.); bltas na mi mthong though you look (for it), you do not see it (Mil.); the imp. ltos shig look! in C. is often both written and spoken ltos shog and we even hear ltos dang "tˆ-tang" with the same meaning. blta na sdug pa pleasing when looked upon; also name of the chief city of Indra on the top of Mount Sumeru; lta ru song go there and look (at it)! phyogs bzhir phar lta ba to gaze all round; phan tshun du lta ba to look up and down; phyi mig or phyir lta ba to look back. Colloq. in the sense of to look at lta-wa is usually preceded by mig the eye: de la mig lta nas looking at it. 2. to look for, to search for; in this sense common in W., e.g., rta ma leb pas lta ba la song the horse has not come, go and look for it. 3. to view mentally, to consider, look into; also to examine, investigate: ngas ma bltas na if I did not examine it; rtsa lta ba to feel a person's pulse; phan nam blta ba to consider if it will be useful. su che blta let us see who is greater or taller; rting sor blta we shall see that afterwards; yang dag par lta ba to examine or search into minutely; chod lta ba is the expression most in use for to examine, to test, to try; du 'dug blta let us see how many there are; lta rtog byed pa to investigate closely. 4. a fourth and not unimportant usage of lta ba is to express a stage in mystic meditation wherein it means to be in the first or contemplative stage, during which one must be especially oblivious to all sounds and to all that is occurring around one, the sight and that limited to a single object being the only sense in action: khyi'i skad mchil pa'i sgra tsam du thos dgos ma rgyu|thos pa yod na lta ba min| there must not be attention to even so much as the bark of dog or the chirp of sparrow; if there is hearing, there is no contemplation (Mil. ka). II: sbst. 1. a look, the act of looking. 2. contemplation (mystical). 3. SANST opinion, doctrine, theory, philosophical system, school. rtag par lta ba the theory of perpetual existence or duration (of worldly things). ngan par lta ba = log lta a false opinion or heretical view (J‰.). lta ba ngan pa SANST jealous sight, spiteful or mischievous sight. lta ba nyams pa SANST of heretical views. lta ba'i rtul zhugs ma SANST having obscured vision or heretical views. lta bas mi ngoms not satisfied with a glance, i.e., wishing to look at it more; hence = gzugs mdzes pa a very handsome shape or person (Moon.). lta bas chog mi shes the sight of which is never enough, met. a very handsome person (Moon.). lta byed met. the eye (Moon.). lta log or log lta false statement; false doctrine, heresy; acc. to J‰. any irreligious impulses of the mind, perverse and sinful thoughts. lta bu I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST may be described as an adj., though often used in the manner of a postp. instead of ltar and lta . It is generally conjoined with the substantive vb. with the signification of to be like, to be as (another), to be equal to: bdag rang lag pa mang ba'i an ras gzigs lta bu ma yin| I myself am not like Chenrezig with many hands, or I have not myself many hands like Chenrezig; rgan gsum lta bu mkhas pa zhig one as wise as three village-elders (i.e., the village council); khyed la lab grogs gdams ka ston pa lta bu'i sgra lags so you have a voice like that of a companion giving advice; pha zhig lta bur gyur to he became (to him) like a father; ba'i dzi ma lta bu dang ldan te having eye-lashes like those of a cow (Stg.). II: = gzugs brnyan or sku 'dra a likeness, reflected image, image (Moon.). III: v. sku sha 3 (Moon.). lta nyul pa a spy, scout; lta nyul byed pa to spy, to explore, v. nyul ba 3. lta stangs 1. a glance or aspect, look; zhi ba'i lta stangs a mild look or countenance (Cs.); khro ba'i lta stangs an angry or fierce look (Cs.). 2. the magical and powerful look employed by Tantrik experts in order to control or subdue demons; lta stangs shig mdzad pa to cast such a magical magnetizing look. In the narratives ascribed to Milaraspa, frequent mention is made of his exercising this power. ltag pa 1. described as mgo thod pa'i rgyab 'bur 'bur the projecting parts at the back of the crown of the head. 2. the back part of the neck, the nape. 3. the upper or back part of any thing; gri ltag pa the back of a knife; khyim ltag the back of a house; sta re'i ltag pa the back of an axe; ltag spu neck-hair; mane of the horse, or that of the lion. ltag kor the bones of the neck. ltag khung = ltag 'og gi kong kong "the curved bones below the nape of the neck." ltag sgo the back-door of a house. As the cottages in Tibetan village mostly stand on hill-side, the back-door is also the upper door. ltag sgre + or ltag 'og = snga phyi'am anterior or posterior; gong 'og upper and lower. ltag gcod or ltag chod 1. decapitation. 2. acc. to Sch. changeable, fickle, inconstant. ltag mdud the hole in the occiput, the connection of the brain with the spinal marrow (J‰.). ltag sprod byed pa to transpose; to put in alternation: snan re mos byas nas gtong ba to administer medicines alternately or one after another. thod pa ltag sprod byas pa'i Da ma ru the hand-drum made of pieces of skull put in alternation; 'gal ba la ltag sprod zer it is described as bringing the necks together opposite each other. ltag 'big (mdun nas rgyab tu thon pa ) (Jig.) the piercing right through from the breast to the back of the neck. ltag ma what is uppermost, e.g., words written over other words. ltag rtsa = rgyab the back; ltag rtsa sgreng sgreng the back stiff and unbending (Rdsa. 29). ltang 1. a bale of goods carried on one side of a beast of burden, half a load; ltang gnyis two bales, or a whole load. 2. also = lteng in W. adv. through, quite through: phyi lta nas nang la ltang mthong 'dug one sees from the outside into the interior; ltar bug thong bore through; ltang thong te cha 'dug he is passing through, he does not make a stay here (J‰.). ltang phul occurs in bon sgo bzhi mdzod dang lnga yi slob bu mang po yis ltang phul nas zhal chems nos pa'i mdo ston pa lags (D.R. 300). ltangs ad pa explained as yag nyes zhib ad pa to minutely examine; whether a thing is good or bad, etc. (Yig. 16). ltad mo SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a sight, scene, spectacle; exhibition, musical entertainment; ltad mor 'gro to go to an entertainment, to some amusement; grong yul gyi ltad mo ma dran zhig do not remember or recall the scenes of a country life. ltad mo che SANST great display, entertainment: phan na re ya mtshan dang ltad mo che rgyu ci yod the father said, what is the cause of this grand display and prodigy? (Mil.). ltad mo khang a play-house, exhibition, stage, etc.; ltad mo mkhan or ltad mo ston pa show-man, actor, mimic, etc. ltad mo lta ba to look at a scene, to witness a play or scene: ltad mo lta ba'i sa a place where there is something to be seen for amusement; a theatre; ltad mo pa a spectator, a visitor: ltad mo la 'tshogs they came together to (a sight); an entertainment; ltad mo'i dge mtshan innocent amusement, entertainment. ltad mo sna tshogs different kinds of amusements and entertainments, as:- glang po ches 'gyed pa elephant fighting; dpung bu chung gis 'gyed pa a tournament; 'ur pa 'thab pa to scuffle; shing 'dzig climbing up; mchil ba 'thab pa bulbul fight; bya gag dang 'ur ba 'thab pa , ma hes 'gyed pa buffalo fight; phrag pa nas mchong ba to jump from upon the shoulder of one person to that of another person; rgyal mtshan gyi rtse mo dang stobs kyi mchog dang exhibiting the summits of the royal standards and the supreme power; dmag gi tshogs mang po dang a review of troops (K. du. da 501). ltan pa + = 'byor pa SANST, SANST joined together. ltab pa pf. bltabs , fut. bltab , imp. ltob to fold or gather up; to lay or put together; rkyang ltab pa to fold single; gnyis ltab pa to fold double. ltab byed pa to fold up; gsum ltab byed pa to fold or bend together three-fold (e.g., a corpse previous to cremation or anything else). ltab ma a fold, crease, plait (Cs.); ltab gri clasp-knife. ltab ma dgu rtsigs can one with nine folds piled one upon another, i.e., nine-thick (Sorig. 119). ltam ltem immaterial, ephemeral, unsubstantial, toy-like; the meaning may be conveyed by the words chang chung or snying po med pa col. chang nge chung nge and lus ngag gi : dge sbyor ltem thams cad ma rig pa'i rkyen gyis 'du byed yin te| (A. 51) Oh, Shramana, all those immaterial toy-like things are brought together (made phenomenal) by means of ignorance. ltams pa pf. bltams , fut. bltam 1. to be full, also gtams pa . 2. SANST resp. to be born; skyed pa'i yab dang bltams pa'i yum the father by whom one is begotten, and the mother by whom one is born (J‰.). ltar or lta la and sometimes simply lta , words akin to lta bu but more directly used as postp. governing accus.; and the first two, also, as adv.ólike, as, after the manner of; shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa ltar bcos pa SANST made like as the work PrajÒaparamita; ltar nyan nas having heard so, being told so; phyag byed pa ltar byed pa making a gesture like making salutation; sa bdag gis ni ko phub lta la sha mo khur nas the demi-god of the place was carrying a fungus as a shield; bse ru lta gcig pur lonely as a rhinoceros; thang zheg ltar rlabs rlobs undulating like a steppe. 'di ltar = thus, as follows; de ltar or de lta na like that, in that way. Colloq. 'dra or 'dra ba are generally substituted for ltar , etc.: de 'dra byed kyi 'dug he is doing so. ltar ltar or ltar ltar pa SANST the early stage of the embryo while it is being formed in the womb. ltas I: for ltos see; also ltas tshar or ltas zin has seen. Should be bltas . II: or snga ltas (similar to rtags ), SANST omen, prognostic, but generally used for a bad omen; ltas su 'byung ba SANST accident, a danger befallen; ngo mtshar ba'i ltas miraculous sign, prodigy, a miracle; bkra shis pa'i ltas a propitious omen; rmi ltas bzang po a good sign in a dream; dge ltas a favourable omen; ngan ltas or ltas ngan a bad sign; ltas kyi rig pa SANST the science of drawing omens. ltas pa SANST a diviner, astrologer. ltas su 'byung ba SANST meeting with an accident. lti ri pitcher (Sch.). ltig thung in C. a person of small stature, perh. a corruption of lte thung (J‰.). ltib pa to fall through (Sch.). ltir SANST full; ltir gyis gang ba full to the brim. ltir ba v. ldir ba 3. ltung SANST, fut. and pf. of ltung ba to fall, to fall down: shing kha nas ltung ste having fallen from the tree; mtho ba de ya mthar ltung ngo even what is high will eventually fall down: nyes ltung a moral fall, a sinful deed. ltung byed SANST a transgression, crime; ngan song du ltung fallen into damnation; ltung 'dod wishing to fall, to sin; also apt to fall. ltung ba SANST, SANST, SANST sbst. fall (ngan long du ), esp. moral fall; ltung bas gos pa stained with sin; ltung ba bshags pa confession of sin; ltung ba ma 'dres pa SANST not mixed with sin; ltung ba las bslang ba SANST to raise up from a slip into sin. ltung bar 'gyur ba'i chos acts or doctrines which cause falling into sin; unrighteous actions or unscrupulous principles; ltung med SANST sinless. lte ba or lte pa SANST, SANST 1. navel gla ba'i lte ba SANST; musk-pod of musk-deer: lte ba la ni nyed byed na|kha zas bza' bar 'dod pa'o| (K. gu. nga 50) if the navel be rubbed, there will be desire to eat food. lte ba zab zlum gYas 'khyil don grub bzang a navel, deep, round, or coiled to the right, is a good sign of success (M.). 2. navel-string, umbilical cord: lte ba gcod pa to cut the umbilical cord; khong rang gi lte ba gung thang du bcad pa his navel string was cut at Guothao, i.e., he was born there. 3. fig. = the middle of a thing or centre; dkyil 'khor gyi lte ba the centre of a circle or disk. mu khyud gsum gyi lte bar in the middle of three concentric circles or disks; rang thag gi lte ba the navel or axle-tree of a water-wheel; sa yi lte ba the navel of the earth, i.e., Gaya in Magadha. (EEE The work referred to as "M." under definition 1. does not appear in the ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3, although Med. ("Medical Works of Tibet") may be meant.) lte ba skyes SANST, SANST born from the navel is met. for bya rog a raven; also an epithet of Brahma (Moon.). lte ba 'khyil SANST n. of a medicine. lte ba bal can SANST (lit. in whose navel there is a store of wool) met. the spider (Moon.). lte ba gzhung rang the central place of government in Tibet, i.e., Lhasa. lte ba bzang one of the names of Mount TisÈ in Ngari (Moon.). lte le prob. the polecat. lteng ka 1. acc. to J‰ v. ltang 3. 2. = lteng rgyas n. of Buddha. 3. SANST pool, pond. 4. SANST n. of a disciple of Buddha. lteb pocket in the fold of garment: na gza'i lteb tu bcug nas byon (A. 72) putting (the gold) in the pocket of his robes he went on. lteb pa (cog. to ltab pa ) to double down, to turn in; mtha' lteb pa to turn in the edge, cf. sne mo . ltem rgyang whim, caprice. ltem pa the state of being full, e.g., a vessel full of water; full, over flowing; ltem po full; ltem ltem so full that it runs over (J‰.). lto 1. SANST food, victuals; lto bza' ba to eat; also to gain one's living; lto yang ma zos he did not eat his meal, i.e., anything. lug la lto ster feed the sheep; lto gYo ba to prepare food; lto nyo srog tshong he risks his life in order to procure food; gla lto wages and food; lto gos or lto rgyab food and clothes; lto rgyab skyid food, clothes and comfort; lto chung , lto ran acc. to Sch. a person temperate in eating. lto 'dun can an epicure, parasite (J‰.). 2. goat's beard (Tragopogon) used as a kitchen vegetable. lto klung bdb pa v. lto long btab pa 3. lto dkar SANST white-belly; an epithet of Rnam-sras or Kuvera. lto skur chod po btab pa to greatly slander, spread scandal (D.R.) lto skur chod bu btab pas id. lto 'gengs = glen pa a fool, an imbecile (Moon.); lto ba 'gengs pa SANST full-stomach; grod pa 'gengs chim pa satiated with food (Moon.). lto 'gro SANST 1. met. a snake. 2. symb. num. 8. lto 'gro dgra SANST an eagle; an epithet of the conveyer of Virnu (Moon.). lto ba = grod pa (Yasel. 36) SANST, SANST belly, stomach; lto ba mtshungs pa SANST of equal stomach or having a belly of similar size; met. brother. lto can = mda' or sgra ldan an arrow (Moon.). lto chas provisions. lto che ba = za phod pa SANST a large belly, voracious. Syn. gsus po che ; lto ba 'phyang ba ; lto ldir ba ; rked spom ; gsum rdzing can (Moon.). lto ba ldir globular, bulbous; gser gyi bum pa lto ba ltir a golden pot with a huge bulb (Hbrom. 9). lto snum pa rice-cakes with butter or any oily substance. lto 'phye SANST, SANST a snake, a reptile that creeps. lto 'phye chen po SANST a python; also described as sa bdag dbang che ba zhig demi-god, or huge god of the soil of the serpent-kind. lto spos SANST a swollen belly. lto yus can SANST conceited, selfish person. lto ras handkerchief, napkin. lto lan tsa or rto lan tsa thick cotton cloth used in India for spreading on the floor; evidently a corruption of the Hindi word SANST. lto long = lto klung , 'u bu 'phogs su btsun mos lto klung btab gsung bas (D.R.). ltogs 'dre a demon (Sch.); prob. the same as 'dre ltags . ltogs pa 1. SANST, SANST hunger: ltogs pa'i gzir SANST suffering from hunger; ltogs phyug hunger, i.e., poverty and wealth. 2. vb. to be hungry: ltogs so I am hungry (Cs.). ltogs pa 'bor ba to suffer a person to be hungry, to starve. 3. acc. to Sch. to regret: ltogs nyal ma byed do not always lie down in regret! ltogs par bzhugs pa resp. to be full of regret (?). 4. adj. hungry: sems can ltogs pa rnams the hungry animals; ltogs par 'gyur ba to grow hungry. ltogs gri starvation. In colloq. hunger: 'di dag ltogs gri 'am 'khyag grir 'chi ba 'am are these going to die from hunger or cold? ltong ka the groove at the lower end of an arrow to fit it on the bow-string. ltong ga 1. notch, incision, indentation; mda' stong the notch in an arrow. 2. a depression; ri ltong depression in a ridge of mountains; la ltong the indentation of mountain-pass (J‰.). ltongs summit (J‰.) (?). ltongs pa SANST a dunce, an unlettered person. ltob chas (lto chas ) food, provisions, etc. (in Sikk.). ltobs v. sdobs ; in gos sogs ltobs (A. 104). (EEE The original has "v. sdobs " and matching transliteration but this is likely in error. ltobs is the imperative for lteb pa3 q.v.) ltoms pa = dgos pa or 'dod pa : jo bo'i thugs dgongs la ltoms pa'i gnyer gcig (A. 104) the twenty-one objects desired by the Lord (Atisa). ltor a bastard, sras ltor a bastard prince (J‰.). ltor zhugs pa to be in the womb being illegitimately conceived; bastard conception: khye'u 'di ltor zhugs pa nas nad zhi bar gyur (K. du. da 261) from the time the child was conceived in the womb her illness was alleviated. ltol = rtol a calf bred by a yak-bull on a mdzo mo or female cross of a yak and cow (Rtsii.). ltos = 'khor 1. attendants. ltos bcas = 'khor bcas together with attendants (Yig.). 2. v. lta ba 3. 3. = gtos (Sch.). ltos pa vb. to attend to; to look at, on, or to. Is akin to lta ba and always governs the dative khyod de la ltos mi dgos pa zhig yin you need not attend to that; de la ltos na if I look at or consider this taking it for example; re re ltos pa med par gcig zung without looking at each, take one. ltos spags meat and rice cooked together (Sikk.). ltos med SANST, SANST, SANST continual, without interruption, in a continual stream or flow. sta is defined thus: sta zhes bya ba ni stod pa mi dmigs pa'i phyir chos thams cad kyi sgo'o| (Hbum. ga 283). sta gon = nyer bsngogs , or sngon du 'grig pa SANST preparation, early arrangement. sta gon byed pa to make preparation, to make arrangement for a person's reception: thugs thag bcad nas gzims pa'i sta gon byas pa'i tshe having decided what course to follow, when he was preparing to sleep (A. 67); 'tsho ba'i sta gon la bzhengs he rose up to make preparations for food (Mil.). sta gri pick-axe, v. sta re 3 (Moon.). sta rnon sde rnon occurs in the passage:- bdud kyi sta rnon sde rnon gyis (D.R.). sta bon occurs in the passage: de nas snying po sta bon la gnas pa ni rdzas kyi sta bon tshig bshad kyi bon (D.R.). sta zur = dpyi mgo SANST, SANST hip, hip-bone, e.g., as the seat of strength: sta zur yan chad from the hip upwards (J‰.). sta re = sta gri frequently sta ri SANST; SANST axe, hatchet. stag SANST, SANST the Bengal tiger, which is not, however, found in Tibet. In the far S. E. districts the thick-furred Chinese variety of tiger is said to be occasionally met with; but in general, to Tibetans, the tiger is only an animal of legend and literature, though actual tiger-skins are imported into the country. stag phrug a tiger cub; stag mo a tigress; stag tshang a tiger's den; stag ris the stripes on a tiger's skin; stag gi mche bas so yi gzer 'joms brtan a tiger's tooth overcomes toothache; stag gi spu yis sna khrag gcod tiger's hair inhaled as smoke stops bleeding from the nose; mgo lus gzer kun 'joms par byed and cures all pains in the body and the head; stag gi rus pas lta ba 'ju tiger's-bone softens disease of the bones (perhaps caries). Syn. dri snom ; nags kyi shwan ; 'tshe byed ; brtul phod ; ngar skad can ; gcan gzan khra bo ; lus bkra (Moon.). stag dkar lit. white tiger; n. of a demi-god belonging to the klu or Naga class and which is believed to be striped. stag khra po = phye ma leb khra po a marbled or striped butterfly (Mio. 4). stag gi rkang pa = dgang gzar shing n. of a tree or plant. Syn. tshigs mang (Moon.). stag gi sen mo SANST lit. the tiger's nail; n. of a sweet-scented plant. Syn. lag skyes ; sbrul gyi mtshon cha ; 'khor lo'i rnam pa can (Moon.). stag gras occurs in the passage stag gras srang gang zho bzhi skar gsum (Rtsii.). stag chas articles carried by travellers such as tinder-case, smoking implements, weapons, etc. (in striped skin bags). stag ldan SANST, SANST the plant Solanum jacquini (K. d. ya 214). stag dong = mda' dong quiver. stag dong gzig shubs a quiver for arrows lined with leopard's skin (Rtsii.). stag sde n. of a place in Tibet: nub na stag sde gzig 'phan gnyis to the west are two places called Tag-de and Zig-phan. stag rna SANST n. of the son of Tri-Sanku king of the Sudra class who by the force of his logic had induced a rich Brahman to give his daughter in marriage to his son Sardulakarna. stag pa the birch-tree; a large species occurs in Tibet. stag shun birch bark. Syn. gro ga ; gdugs khebs ; pags pa can ; yi ge gzhi ; re kha'i 'dab ; shun pa 'jam ; lpags pa mnyen (Moon.). stag 'bros pa'i sngags the charm to make a tiger run away, SANST (K. gu. ca 52). stag ma n. of a medicinal plant: stag ma'i me tog byang khog rnag skem mchog . stag rtse rdzong n. of an ancient fort situated to the east of Lhasa: stag rtse grtsigs pa bod kyi mkhar gyi dang po yin the walled fortress of Stag-rtse was the earliest fortress of Tibet (J. Zao.). stag tshang (lit. the tiger's den); a place in Tibet well known for being the birth place of stag tshang lo tsAa ba . stag tshang ra ba stod n. of a well-known hermitage situated in the mountains to the west of Lhasa (Loo. za 3). stag tshal ba (lit. tiger's grove) n. of a place in Tsang: jo bo de ci nas kyang an drangs dgos snyam nas gtsang stag tshal ba'i lo tsAa ba (A. 65) thinking that the Jo-wo (Atisa) should under any circumstance be brought to Tibet, the Lo-tsa-wa of Stag-tshal in Tsang, etc. stag gzig (sa bdag ) lit. "tiger-leopard." 1. n. of a demi-god residing in the nether world. 2. a corruption of the name Tajik by which Persia and the Persians are known to the Tibetans. stag ras a kind of chintz with stripes resembling those of a tiger. stag ri gnyan gzigs n. of an early king of Tibet (J. Zao.). stag rus n. of a clan or tribe in Tibet. stag lung n. of district situated to the north of Tsang (Loo. 'a 5). stag sha a herb growing in pasture land with leaves resembling those of the pea. stag shar a full grown youth. stag lha me 'bar lit. the tiger-god of burning fire, the chief Bon god who resembles the Buddhist deity SANST (bdud rtsi 'khyil ) in his attributes. stang zil there are three kinds of this stone, viz., the black, golden, and silver zil: gser zil dngul zil rus mdog 'byin . Also = ga bur camphor. stangs also stangs kha manner, style, posture: gom pa'i stangs manner of walking, gait: chu kha nas khro bo'i stangs stabs mdzad pas (A. 27) from the bank of the river he (with eyes fixed on a certain person as if to kill him) assumed the manner and posture of a wrathful deity. stad pa pf. and fut. bstad , imp. stod to load, to put on, to lay on; rta la sga stad pa to saddle a horse. stan resp. gdan SANST a seat, mat, anything to sit upon; stan las langs to get up from a seat; stan 'ding ba to spread a rug or mat on the ground; stan 'gebs ba to lay a mat on; khri stan a chair, also a rug or carpet spread on a bedstead; mal stan resp. bzhugs gdan a cushion or carpet to sit or lie upon; sa stan seat on the ground: stan rnam pa lnga'i steng du gdug par mi bya ste (a monk) should not sit upon the five seats intended for honourable persons. stan phrol occurs in dar zab stan phrol khri snyan sa le byin (A. 114). In the following passage the sense is fairly clear: 'jig rten pa'i dar kyi stan dang bral bcug la grub chen la 'os pa'i ri ags khri snyan sa le'i pags pa'i stan byin and stan byin = a seat of state. stab 1. v. rtab 3. 2. acc. to Sch. stab stangs pa to suffer; to tolerate; to yield. stab ka n. of place in Tibet. stab ka pa a native of that place or district (Loo. za 3). stab seng the sap of a tree; stab seng rus chag sbyor zhing rus tshad sel Stab-seo causes broken bones to join, and removes rheumatism. stabs I: compliments: stabs 'bul ba to present compliments (Yig. k. 47). II: (cog. to thabs also synonymous with stangs ) 1. mode, manner, way, measure: sing ge'i stabs kyis 'gro ba to walk in the manner of a lion; gar stabs manner of dancing, v. gar 3. 2. opportunity, byon stabs manner of walking; an opportunity for going; rings stabs su hastily, speedily; dkon stabs scarcity, dearth. Stabs may be used as a formative, converting the adj. into its related substantive. stabs khri bzung mon kheng n. of a king of Tibet (Yig.). stabs bder = zlum bder best compliments, felicitations. star for sta re 3 q.v. star ka or star ga , star kha SANST 1. the tree Diospyros embryopteris or glutinosa, the fruit of this tree. 2. a Karsa, a weight = the weight of the dry Tinduka fruit: star ka byed pa to be in weight a Tinduka fruit. 2. acc. to authors the black species of walnut. star ga'i shing the walnut tree; star skogs nut-shell; star sdong walnut tree. star ba pf. and fut. bstar , imp. stor 1. to file on a string, e.g., pearls; to tie, fasten to; star la rgyud pa id. 2. to clean. to polish. 3. (Sch.) to ornament. star bu or star zhun SANST the berries of Hippophae rhamnoides, a shrub very frequent in Tibet, esp. near river beds in the Indus and Sutlej districts of W. Tib. Syn. sprin gyi rwa can ; me ldan ma ; yul ga skyur (Moon.). sti ba pf. bstis , fut. bsti , imp. stis 1. to rest, to repose, to refresh one's self; sti ba'i gnas a resting place. 2. to honour; sti stang sbst. respect, reverence, honour; sti stang byed pa to honour a person, to show a person honour. sting bskul = zhabs bskul SANST service. sting ba pf. bstings , fut. bsting , imp. stings SANST to rebuke, scold, abuse. stib pa or stibs pa to offer (sacrifice) (J‰.). stim pa pf. bstims , fut. bstim , imp. stims , prop. vb. causative to 'thim pa , to enter, to penetrate, pervade, to be absorbed in: thugs chos nyid kyi klong du stim the soul is absorbed in the expanse of the spirit (chos nyid ). stu SANST the vulgar term for a woman's private parts. stug pa or stugs pa (mi gtsang ba ) SANST 1. ordure, excrement. 2. thickness, density. 3. a wind, flatulence. stugs po = thug po SANST, SANST thick, opaque, solid, dense. dpal stugs SANST really or solidly noble, an epithet of Buddha. stug po bkod pa'i zhing khams SANST = 'og min the highest of the Buddhist heavens. stud pa pf. and fut. bstud to repeat, to reiterate, to give, offer repeatedly (medicine, food, etc.): bstud na if it is repeated; sprid pa mang po stud cing 'ong repeated sneezing ensues; bstud nas na ba to be always ill (Sch.); cf. btud mar 3 (from J‰.). stun pa pf. and fut. bstun to agree; to be accordant with. stun shing SANST an iron-club. stub pa 1. in Ld. for btub pa (J‰.). 2. same as stubs pa SANST, to cut into pieces (sha lta bu like meat). ste (SANST) an affix for the gerund, inst. of te after ga, nga, and vowels, v. te 3. As ste contains the copula it may be added also to other words than verbs, e.g., khyod rigs che zhing mtho ba ste your are of high and noble extraction; like 'di lta ste it is also used for namely, to wit, videlicet (viz.), that is to say, esp. before translations of foreign words and names. After an enumeration of several things it serves to point back, or to comprise: zha, za, 'a, ya, sha, sa, ste drug ni the six letters zha, za, etc. gsum na ro gi gu 'greng bu ste the three signs as o, i, and e. da ste zhag bdun na as to the being now, in seven days, i.e., in seven days from today (Dzl.) (from J‰). As a gerundial affix ste or te is most correctly annexed to the present tense only, while nas forms the perf. or pluperf. gerund. ste po = ste'u an axe with its blade athwart the handle used by Indian and Tibetan carpenters; ste ltag the back of the axe; ste yu its handle; ste kha its edge. ste bzhog gtong ba to smooth, to hew with the axe (J‰.). stegs I: a bridge over narrow gaps or along precipitous paths, torrents, &c.; fig. the saints or sages by whose agency men are led out of this world to Nirvana: bla ma de rnams grub pa thob pa'i stegs zam la brgyud pa those lamas have spiritually descended by the connecting bridge of those who have gained sainthood (A. 42). II: also stegs bu sbst. a rest, support, upholder, shelf, etc.; chos stegs book-stand, bookshelf; 'dug stegs a board, stool, bench, to sit on (Cs.); gzhug stegs a board to place things on (Cs.); ja stegs or gsol stegs dining table (Schtr.); rkub stegs stool, portable resting stick for sitting on. la stegs a candle-stick. stegs bu 1. a turret where sparrows make their nests. 2. stegs bu ya tha occurs in stegs bu ya tha der gshegs mchod gnas kyi mgron la de rnams dgos so ; in the same work stegs bu ma tha occurs in stegs bu ma tha yi steng du khams gsum sems can snying rje (D.R.). steng SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST that which is above, the upper part, top, surface: steng gi nam mkha' the heavens above; steng gi phyogs the zenith; steng 'og above and below; steng 'og gi gdon the demons of the upper and nether regions; steng gi 'jig rten SANST the upper world; mtho ris the heavens; steng gi dbang po SANST an epithet of Virnu; steng skyes , ljon shing lit. that grows upwards; met. a tree (Moon.); steng skyob a canopy; steng khang upper story of a house, garret; steng khebs upper cover, cover. In Gram. steng 'jug and 'og 'jug a surmounting and subjoined letter respectively (Yig. k. 1). steng 'thung lit. that drinks or draw nourishment from above; fig. the water-lily. steng 'thung dkar po SANST the white species of water-lily. steng du and steng na adv. = upwards, etc.; and as postp.: above, on the surface, upon; also besides, in addition to. steng du 'dren SANST drawn upwards, promoted; also thrown upwards. steng du 'jog pa SANST to ascend, ascending, climbing; steng nas down from. steng 'phur dbang po an epithet of the god Mahadeva (Moon.). steng 'phur gsher ldan , zla ba SANST the moon (Moon.). steng 'bar = than pa drought, want of rain (Moon.). steng gYogs = bla gab SANST the upper garment of a religious mendicant; also = zhogs ma SANST the upper covering. sten pa pf. and fut. bsten , imp. sten 1. to keep close to, to adhere to, to retain, to depend upon; akin to rten pa 3 but c. accus.: bla ma mkhas pa sten pa to adhere to a learned lama; chos dam pa'i khong snan sten zhig keep to the internal medicine of the holy doctrine. 2. to side with; partake of; serve; sten byed pa or rab tu bsten pa to serve reverentially or respectfully (Moon.). stem pa pf. and fut. stems seems to occur in popular literature and in colloq. with the sense ofóto shut or fasten (a door), to block it with a beam or bar. stems curse, cf. byad 3. (?) ste'u ka ma SANST a kind of missile. ste'u stag SANST a sharp arrow, v. ste po 3. (EEE The original has "a searp arrow," which is undoubtedly a typographical error for the above.) ster ba pf. and fut. bster SANST 1. to grant, to give, to bestow: gsol ras chen po ster song gave remuneration or much bakshish; nang du 'gro ster to grant to come indoors. 2. in W. in a special sense: to give (zas lta bu ) to eat or to drink, to feed (animals, infants) (J‰.). Ster-wa is the common colloq. for to give in C. Tib. just as in W. gtong ba is always used. ster du 'jug pa to make or cause one to give; ster 'dod willing or wishing to give; ster ba'i ched for the purpose of giving, bestowing. ster sgo 1. aid, contribution; allowance, expenditure. 2. dowry, presents made by parent to daughter on giving her away in marriage. stes dbang + ways, or means stabs legs pa good manners. stes dbang gis by the power of fate (Schtr.). stes SANST force, motion (A.K. 1-48). sto n. of tribe in Tibet (Jig.). sto thag a rope (Sch.). sto ra W. a circle of dancers (J‰.). sto ba most frq. in colloq. phrase; cang mi sto ( = cang mi rtog ) it does not matter, it makes no difference, it is all the same. shi rung mi sto ba 'dug it does not matter if they die; shi yang ci sto ste what does it matter if they die? (J‰.). stong I: n. of a tribe in Tibet (J. Zao.). II: 1. or stong phrag SANST a thousand; stong phrag brgya pa SANST the Mahayana scriptures comprising a hundred thousand sloka. stong gsum 'the three thousands,' viz., (a) stong i phud kyi 'jig rten gyi khams ; (b) stong gnyis pa bar ma'i 'jig rten gyi khams ; (c) stong gsum gyi stong chen po'i 'jig rten gyi khams . 2. a fine for manslaughter to be paid in money or in goods to the relatives of the person killed; che chung gi stong byed pa to proportion this fine to the rank of the man killed (J‰.). stong dpon a commander over a thousand soldiers: deng sang mda' dpon zer "now-a-days he is called Mdah-dpon." seng ge'i rtsal ni dgu dang rab ldan zhing blo ldan 'phrul che khe nyen rigs pa dang |go bsra mtshon rno mi dpa' rta mgyogs pa'i mi de 'jig rten 'di na stong dpon yin| that man is commander over a thousand men in this world who, riding on a swift charger, has a sharp weapon and a coat of mail; he possesses the nine adroitnesses of the lion, is very intellectual and miraculously skilful as well as noble. stong khun n. of an ancient king of China the fame of whose wealth was known in India even in Atisa' s time. rgya nag stong khun rgyal po'i longs od dang 'dra ba yod gsung they say his wealth was like that of Tong-khung Emperor of China (A. 26). stong 'khor lo 1. a wheel with a thousand spokes (of fabulous properties). 2. stong 'khor zhabs drung n. of an incarnate Lama of the monastery of Stoo-hkhor near Koko Nor in Amdo. stong khyab nag mo = khro bo rgyas 'debs n. of a wrathful Bon deity. stong cha SANST empty, vacant. stong thun 1. n. of a mythological king. 2. a number (Ya-sel. 60). stong pa SANST, SANST, SANST, empty, void, hollow; clear, blank; barren, without substance: nang mig de stong pa red the room is empty; grub thob kyis sngags gsang rnams spel bas|'brum nad bcom gyis 'brum bu sel te bu mo'i lus stong ba byung ngo | secret incantations having been recited by the saint, as the small-pox was subdued, the pustules were removed and the body of the girl became clear. thang stong a desert plain; shog stong blank paper; brag stong a rocky desert; lung stong a desolate valley; mi stong pa a man without anything to carry; khang stong an empty house; sa stong ri stong a desert place with mountains only; snod stong pa an empty vessel; nam mkha' stong pa the void space (sky). Syn. gsog gsob ; ya ma brla ; snying po med ; 'bras bus stong (Moon.). (EEE The original has Tibetan shorthand of ...stong ba byungo | for the ...stong ba byung ngo | placed above.) stong pa la reg pa = med do nothing (mystic) (K. gu. kha 28). stong pa nyid = ye 'byams SANST, SANST emptiness, the void, vacuity; non existence, unreality, the false or illusory nature of all things or existence. Of this we read: chos kyi rang bzhin ma grub pa'i don it signifies that no object in this world is absolute, i.e., simple in its nature. In Budh. metaphysics there are described eighteen kinds of Sunyata or voidness:- (1) nang stong pa nyid SANST; (2) phyi stong pa nyid SANST; (3) phyi nang stong pa nyid SANST; (4) stong pa nyid stong pa nyid SANST; (5) chen po stong pa nyid SANST; (6) don dam pa stong pa nyid SANST; (7) 'dus byas stong pa nyid SANST; (8) 'dus ma byas stong pa nyid SANST; (9) mtha' las 'das pa stong pa nyid SANST; (10) thog ma dang tha ma med pa'i stong nyid SANST; (11) dor ba med pa'i stong pa nyid SANST; (12) rang bzhin stong pa nyid SANST; (13) chos thams cad stong pa nyid SANST; (14) rang gi mtshan nyid stong pa nyid SANST; (15) mi dmigs pa stong pa nyid SANST; (16) dngos po med pa stong pa nyid SANST; (17) ngo bo nyid stong pa nyid SANST; (18) dngos po med pa'i ngo bo nyid stong pa nyid SANST. stong byed expenses, expenditure. stong ma = stong dpon or stong sde , called aab phrug in Khams and in Oag-roo, a general commanding one thousand soldiers. stong zad la tshe skyel ba to squander, waste one's life. stong zil or stong ri zil also called gnyan dug pa Corydalis meifolia (J‰.) rims dang tshad rigs 'joms it subdues infectious fevers, etc. stong gshongs n. of a place in lower Takpo or Dwags-sman ( ags snan ) (Rtsii.). stong sob SANST hollow like chaff. stong sob chen po SANST very worthless; bloated; sponge-like. stongs grogs 1. adj. help, co-operation, assistance (Moon.): mi med yul du byon yang lha klus stongs grogs byed though he visited a place where there were no men, yet he was be-friended by gods and Nagas (D.R.). 2. sbst. a companion, a helper: chos mdzad rnams kyi stongs grogs yin is a companion of those who act religiously (Mil. kha 262). stongs pa 1. pf. bstangs , fut. bstang to accompany: cis kyang mi stongs pa 'chi I die without anything accompanying me. 2. to make empty; to be empty, to become waste or desolate: rang gi gnas stongs shing , rang shul stongs nas your own place becoming desolate; stongs su nye bar gyur to have become nearly empty; was almost spent or exhausted; mis stongs pa'i khang ro ruins forsaken by men; sa gzhir stongs pa to level with the ground, to raze, to demolish entirely [from (J‰.).] stongs bskal or sangs rgyas kyi stongs pa the period during which no Buddha appears; a state of unhappiness or mi khom pa , v. khom pa 3. stod SANST the upper, higher, fore, former part (of a thing): lus kyi stod resp. sku stod the upper part of the body; nam stod the first portion of the night. stod skor or stod khor SANST a waist coat. stod khung sde lnga the five sub-districts in the district of Toi-lung (Deb. ga 21). stod khog or stod po the upper part of the carcass (Sch.). stod khebs a sort of frill or ruffle of the lamas. stod gos over-coat, upper garment. stod 'gag doublet worn by lamas without sleeves. stod mnga' ris skor gsum three districts in W. or upper Tibet. stod ja SANST catechu, the resin of Acacia catechu (Tib. seng ldeng ). stod thung a short coat. stod phyogs the region about the Kailas mountains, in W. or upper Tibet. stod 'brel n. of a commentary written in upper West Tibet. stod phur = brtan pa SANST the polar star. stod snad SANST the upper and the lower part (of anything); also the dimensions; stod gYogs lit. covering the upper parts, but is explained as meaning 'og 'jug dang kha sbyar lta bu (to lie) as if the face were joined to one's lower parts; also as the lid fits to the lower part of a box. stod ra (for stod sgra ) flattering language or speech (Sikk.); stod ras cotton cloth imported into Tibet from the direction of Ladak (Rtsii.). stod lung phu rtsa gye mo district N. W. of Lhasa where is the monastery of Tshor-phug, chief seat of the Karmapa sect (Loo. za 2). stod lung ma Ni ldan skyog n. of a place in Tˆ-lung (Rtsii.). stod lung tshal bde a sub-district of Tˆ-lung of which the chief town is bde chen rdzong . stod lung mtsho snad part of Tˆ-lung: stod lung mtsho snad du byon pa'i dus su at the time of visiting Stod-luo Mtsho-smad (A. 27). stod le 1. a jacket. 2. the upper or higher part of a country. stod gser gold from upper Tibet. stod hor = stod sog the Tartars of Bokhara and Khoten (Loo. 'a 12). stod pa 1. vb., pf. and fut. bstod to praise, commend, laud; bdag stod pa SANST praising of one's self; rang stod can a self-admirer, self-flatterer; to extol, to glorify (men, gods, etc.), frq. stod cing bsngags pa to glorify and praise; stod tshig praise; stod bsngags mystic words of praise. 2. sbst. SANST praise, eulogy, compliments; complimentary phrases, e.g., in letters. N.B.- By native writers and teachers the verb in its simplest form is held to be bstod pa not stod pa . stod glu hymn of praise. stod par byed pa to praise, to extol; stod 'os laudable, commendable, worthy of praise. stod dbyangs the voice of praise. ston or ston ka 1. SANST the autumn: ston brgya mthong bar gyur cig may he live to see a hundred autumns! dga' bskyed 'bras ldan dus snga ba sha ra ta mda' sbyin ston ka'i ming sarata the arrow-gift was formerly the name of autumn the fruitful season when joy sprang forth (Rtsii.). ston gyi me tog the flowers of autumn. ston ka od SANST met. the swallow (lit. that pairs in autumn). Syn. ba mo byi'u (Moon.). (EEE the transliteration for ba mo byi'u is ba-mo byehu or ba mo bye'u , which is much less likely if not mistaken spelling.) ston kha = ston 3ka . ston thog = lo thog harvest, autumnal crop: ston thog sdu ba to gather in the harvest. ston dod = ston mo'i skal ba gser dngul 'bru sogs sprad pa the instalment of taxes in gold, silver or grain, payable in autumn just after the harvest time in Tibet (Rtsii.). ston zla tha chung SANST the month from the middle of October to the middle of November. ston zla 'bring po SANST from the middle of September to the middle of October. ston zla ra ba SANST from the middle of August to the middle of September. ston ljang n. of a district in Tibet containing the monastery of ston ljang bkra shis dgon . ston pa I: pf. and fut. bstan . 1. to show, indicate. A vb. much used in ordinary talk as well as in books; the person shown anything taking the dat. c. and the object he is shown standing in the accus., e.g., nga rang la bkra shis lhun po'i lam 'di ston gnang (or ston dang ) please shew me the way to Tashi-lhunpo; de dag gis jag dpon la srog rdzas gang yod rnams bstan no they shewed the robber captain the provisions which they had. Occurs often with only the proximate object: de ston rgyu nus na 'jig gyur ba yin pas if it can be pointed out it shall be destroyed; sangs rgyas kyis thar pa'i lam bstan par bya'o| Buddha will shew the path of emancipation. 2. to show, exhibit, display: de 'dra ba'i rdzu 'phrul ston rgyu yod miracles such as that should be shewn; ltad mo rtse ba [...] there was no limit to human life; (2) ston pa rnams bstan pantomime and frolics were displayed; khyod kyis dpa' ba gang bstan pa la kho bo mgu the bravery which you have shewn is exhilarating to me (Ta. 21. 13). 3. to teach, instruct, explain: bu mo la chos bstan te dad pa bskyes so| having taught the girl the doctrine, faith was born in her; dgos pa'i bslab bya bstan nas necessary precepts having been imparted. From this signification of the verb is derived the important sbst. bstan pa meaning that which has been taught, and hence, religious tenets and doctrine, and so the Buddhist religion itself in its doctrinal aspect. 4. to exemplify by overt action, to shew faith; to cause to undergo; to inflict: mi la sdug bsngal bstan pas having visited misfortunes on the man. (EEE [...] above indicates that there is obviously text left out in the original.) II: sbst. SANST, a teacher, esp. a religious teacher, commonly the founder or promulgator of a particular doctrine. Buddha is called ston pa , the teacher of Buddhism, and gshen rab mi bo is the ston pa or teacher of the Bon tenets. ston pa gang zag zla med pa|gcig pu tshig ni gcig gsung ste|gsung ba de ni nges lags pas| the Teacher is without an equal, he alone has said the word and what he has said is certain (K. du. da 197). ston pa'i bstan pa SANST the religion of the teacher (Buddhism). The ten teachers of the Bon located in the ten quarters are said to be the following:- (1) ston pa zhi ba 'od ; (2) ston pa 'khor lo dbang sgy ur ; (3) ston pa pad ma ye mdzes ; (4) ston pa mu la 'od rgyan ; (5) ston pa khyab brdal chen po ; (6) ston pa khyab pa bde mchog 'khor lo ; (7) ston pa gong khri bdal 'od 'bar ; (8) ston pa bde ba rgyas 'od ; (9) ston pa bde khyab bde lung ; (10) ston pa nor bu rin chen (G. Bon. 1). The succession of teachers ston rabs of the Bon are the following:- (1) ston pa mi 'gyur gtsug phud appeared in this world when [...] 'bum khri klog gi lce can appeared in this world when men lived a hundred thousand years; (3) ston pa khri pa'i rab brtson came into this world when men lived ten thousand years; (4) ston pa gto rgyal ye mkhyen appeared in this world when the duration of human life was five hundred years; (5) ston pa gshen rab mi po came to this world in the present Kalpa when the duration of life is one hundred years. The first attendants of ston pa gshen rab , the great Bon teacher, were the following:- (1) nam mkha'i ba dan can; (2) khyung gi ru mtshan can ; (3) rma bya'i ldim rgyang can ; (4) rgyod kyi 'phar 'dab can ; (5) che rgyal rgod zhu can ; (6) gcod pa khra slog can ; (7) drag po dpal slog bdud rtsi char slog can 'khor dang po'o| (D.R.). (EEE [...] indicates text left out in the original.) ston mun one belonging to the school of Hoshang Mahayana, the doctrine of absolute inaction. ston mo SANST, SANST festivity, feast, banquet, entertainment: ston mo 'gyed pa to distribute the dishes in a feast; dmangs gyi ston mo 'gyed pa to distribute the viands of the table to the common people (Mil.); ston mo 'dren pa to serve a feast; dga' ston festive entertainment, jubilee; rna ba'i dga' ston a feast or treat to one's ears; chos ston a religious feast, or feast of charity to the poor (including monks); dus ston a periodical feast; ming ston feast given at the name-giving ceremony of a child; rab ston a feast after settling some important business (Cs.). stob pa SANST pf. bstab (acc. to Cs. pf. and fut. bstob ) imp. stob acc. to J‰ to put into another's mouth, esp. food, to feed; also applied to a mare that shows the grass to her foal; nan tan gyis stob pa to press a person to accept a dish, etc. In a more general sense: lang ste stan stob par byed pa rising to offer one's own seat, to make a donation; also yo byad thams cad kyis stob pa to provide a person with every thing within one's power. stobs or stobs po SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the semen. 2. strength, vigour, force, prowess, fortitude. stobs can powerful; lus stobs bodily vigour, physical strength; snying stobs mental strength, more properly moral strength; 'ju stobs digestive power. stobs kyis is a post. p. by means of, through. stobs lnga SANST the five forces: (1) dad pa'i stobs SANST the force of faith; (2) rtson 'grus kyi stobs SANST force of energy; (3) dran pa'i stobs SANST force of recollection; (4) ting nge 'dzin gyi stobs SANST force of contemplation; (5) shes rab kyi stobs SANST force of wisdom. The five stobs acc. to the Bon are:- (1) byams pa chen po'i stobs strength of love; (2) ye shes chen po'i stobs strength of knowledge; (3) zhi ba chen po'i stobs strength of peace; (4) sbyin pa chen po'i stobs strength of charity; (5) yangs pa chen po'i stobs strength of generosity. stobs bcu SANST a Buddha is he who is possessed of the ten kinds of strength enumerated in the sacred books, viz.:- (1) bsam pa'i stobs SANST the power of reflection; (2) lhag pa'i bsam pa'i stobs SANST power of concentration; (3) sbyor ba'i stobs SANST power of acquisition; (4) shes rab kyi stobs SANST or SANST power of wisdom; (5) snon lam gyi stobs SANST power of resolute prayer; (6) theg pa'i stobs power of creed; (7) od pa'i stobs SANST power of accomplishment or bringing to pass; (8) rnam par 'phrul pa'i stobs SANST power of changing shape; (9) byang chub kyi sems dpa'i stobs SANST power of enlightenment; (10) chos kyi 'khor lo rab tu bskor ba'i stobs SANST power of setting the wheel of religion in motion. Again we meet with de bzhin gshegs pa'i stobs bcu or the ten moral virtues of a Tathagata; these are the following:- (1) gnas dang gnas ma yin pa mkhyen pa'i stobs SANST force of the knowledge of what is possible and impossible; (2) las kyi rnam par snin pa mkhyen pa'i stobs SANST force of the knowledge of the consequences of actions; (3) mos pa sna tshogs mkhyen pa'i stobs SANST force of the knowledge of the different dispositions of men; (4) khams sna tshogs mkhyen pa'i stobs SANST force of the knowledge of different elements; (5) dbang po mchog dang mchog ma yin pa'i stobs SANST force of the knowledge of the higher or lower mental powers of men; (6) thams cad du 'gro ba'i lam mkhyen pa'i stobs SANST force of the knowledge of the progress that leads everywhere; (7) bsam gtan rnam par thar pa dang ting nge 'dzin dang snyoms par 'jug pa'i kun nas nyon mongs pa rnam par byung ba dang ldan pa thams cad mkhyen pa'i stobs SANST force of the knowledge of all which concerns the origin of miseries of every kind and which will lead to equanimity, mystic meditation, complete emancipation and dhyana; (8) sngon gyi gnas rjes su dran pa mkhyen pa'i stobs SANST force of the knowledge of remembering afterwards former abodes; (9) she 'pho ba dang skye ba mkhyen pa'i stobs SANST force of the knowledge of birth and death; (10) zag pa zad pa mkhyen pa'i stobs SANST force of the knowledge of the destruction of afflictions. stobs kun stobs n. of number (Ya-sel. 57). stobs bskyed pa SANST the special qualities which Bodhisattvas only can acquire:- (1) dran pa'i stobs bskyed pa SANST memory; (2) blo gros kyi SANST intelligence; (3) rtogs pa'i SANST discrimination; (4) ngo tsha shes pa'i SANST shame; (5) mos pa'i SANST faith; (6) bsod nams kyi SANST virtue; (7) gzugs kyi SANST physical grace; (8) spobs kyi SANST self-confidence; (9) gzungs kyi SANST the recitation of religious charms; (10) longs od kyi SANST delightfulness; (11) lus kyi SANST bodily grace; (12) sems kyi SANST mental powers; (13) rdzu 'phrul gyi SANST magical knowledge; (14) chos ston pa'i SANST religion; (15) bdud tshar gcod pa'i SANST vanquishing evil spirits; (16) nan tan gyi stobs bskyed pa SANST assiduity (K. d. na 353). stobs bskyed gsum three producers of bodily vigour: khrus byas 'o ma chu od sha'aphral du stobs bskyed gsum yin no| (Can.) bathing, milk, the meat of the duckóthese three quickly produce strength. stobs chung a n. of the son of king Bimbisara (J. Zao.). stobs chen SANST a rammer, pile driver. stobs 'jig SANST; gshin rje'i gshed po (D.R.) an epithet of Shin-je the lord of death, acc. to the Bon cult. [Indra, the slayer of Bala]S. stobs ldan = lha min SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, very powerful; also SANST an epithet of Virnu, Asura or demon. stobs ldan bsnyems an epithet of Kama (Moon.). stobs ldan bu SANST, SANST the son of Bali. stobs ldan ma SANST a powerful woman, an amazon. stobs po che SANST title of a dharani for for causing rain during a drought (K. gu. ma 474). stobs mang po = met. iron; = gong bu , with syn. gser gyi dgra (Moon.). stobs mig SANST n. of a number (Ya-sel. 56); stobs mig chen po = stobs mchog SANST another number. stobs bzang 1. SANST n. of the elder brother of Krishna. 2. = chang dngos spirit, alcohol (Moon.). stobs bzang ma SANST, SANST n. of a medicinal plant (Moon.). stobs las SANST courage, intrepidity. stor ba = bor ba also bor stor ba to go astray, to be lost; bu stor ro a child has been lost; lus-dao srogs stor-wa to lose one's life; sems stor ba to lose one's senses; stor sa med it cannot be lost; ad lag stor ba to lose an article; bya ba od lam stor pa to be misguided, lose one's character: thar pa'i bgos skal nges par stor ba'i tshe (A. 9) when he was losing most certainly the good luck of emancipation; stor ba rnyed pas shin tu rgyas par 'gyur (Hbrom. 57) having regained the (thing) lost he will be very pleased. stor khung + 1. SANST a mirage. 2. defined as btsog chu thams cad dor sa , wa kha or dbo mchu a ditch where all impurities are deposited; also a gutter or drain. brta ba + fut. rgyas par bya ba pf. brtas pa to grow wide, expand; be copious, abundant. brtas byed pa id.; 'gyod pa bas big with repentance; bag chags brtas pa inflated with passion. brtag pa zhib cha (brtag pa ) SANST, SANST examined, v. rtog pa 3 SANST careful or minute inquiry or investigation, examination; rmi lam brtag pa examination of dreams; rin po che brtags pa la mkhas skilful in testing precious stones (J‰.). brtag pa zhus pa to make inquiry, investigation. brtag yas (grangs ) n. of a number. brtag dpyad = zhib dpyad examination, careful weighing of all the details of a case, deliberation: rtag dpyad med par byas na lugs nas 'gyod (Rdsa. 12) if anything be done without deliberation, one repents at the end. brtags = brtogs pa SANST 1. dextrous, skilful. 2. SANST fickle, lightning. brtad SANST a kind of formal curse, which consists in hiding the effigy and name of an enemy in the ground and imploring some deity to kill him: brtad 'jug pa to perform that ceremony (J‰.). brtad pa + = glo bur ba 1. new, recent; sudden. 2. haste, speed, (Sch.). brtan khel ba to be sure or certain of. brtan ldan SANST steadfast, quiet, steady. brtan pa I: or brtan po SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. adj. and abstract noun: firm, steadfast, safe. 2. firmness; brtan par gnas pa to last, hold out, abide, continue; brtan pa thob pa acquire firmness and durability; brtan par 'gyur ba to become firm. brtan gyi skyid a continued or abiding happiness; dbang brtan firm strength, their strength is holding out; brtan du 'jug pa to watch, keep, preserve carefully; dam bcas pa brtan par shes he knew his word to be inviolable; yi dam la brtan pas because he firmly kept his word; dus brtan gyi bde ba eternal welfare, everlasting happiness; dad pa brtan pa firm faith (J‰.). Syn. 'bad pa ; gnas pa ; bcugs pa ; mi gYo ba (Moon.). II: = rten byed ma or sa gzhi the earth; phyi snod 'jig rten gyi khams the physical or material world. III: SANST the fixed star, polar star. Syn. of III: gser phur ; stod phur ; rkang steng bu ; snang ldan shing rta ; lugs bzang skyes ; gza' yi rten ; rgyu skar tog ; gan rgyal bu (Moon.). brtan pa bzung an epithet of the Asura (lta min ). brtan pa'i chos SANST the enduring religion, i.e., Buddhism. brtan par byas pa SANST; firmly rooted or established. brtan po = mkhas pa , sems shes pa (Moon.); brtan po'i dreg pa (mystic); for rdo dreg (Mog. 11). brtan par byed SANST causes to be established; the establisher. brtan byed ma the goddess of earth; sa yi lha mo yongs su brtan byed ma the goddess of the earth who is thoroughly steadfast (D.R.). brtan 'tshol ba in brtan 'tshol na pha bzang gi bu mo 'tshol if you seek reliability, search for the daughter of a good father. brtan zhal a complimentary address or title of respect to a good and honourable man. brtan gYo SANST the animate and inanimate world; gYo ni nang bcud kyi sems can gyo signifies animated nature. brtan ma = 1. brtan pa'i phung po SANST the aggregate of stability (A.K. 1-28). 2. v. bstan ma 3. brtabs pa 1. = gus pa sgrim pa 2. = 'tshabs pa to be afraid of, to apprehend: sdig pa la brtags feared sin (Situ. 75). brtas ba 1. = yar bskyed pa grown up, anything full blown. 2. to be delighted: gsung bris zhib cha rten lha reg bcas gnang 'byor yid mchog tu brtas (Yig. k. 27) I received the note containing the particulars you have sent together with enclosure of silk scarf, and have been greatly pleased. brtun pa = brtson pa SANST assiduity, assiduous. brtun nges pa = gzu lum dang rang bzo rash and self-sufficient; brtun nges 'jug pa to be self-confident. brtum pa SANST power, prowess. brtul pf. and fut. of 'dul ba (Rdo rio. 45). brtul pa + or brtul po ba = sdus pa or 'jam ba SANST mild, gentle. brtul phod or brtul phod pa = dpa' po snyeng stob can SANST 1. a hero, champion; brtul phod khang abode of a hero, a tiger's den. 2. (gYul ngor ) to subdue an enemy in battle. brtul ba = nye bar sbyor ba or nye bar sgrub pa 1. conquer. 2. deportment, behaviour (Cs.). 3. diligence, painstaking (Sch.). brtul ma or brtul mo = SANST [not blunted]S. brtul ma'i bu SANST heaven. brtul zhugs SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. vow; acc. to Cs. manner, way of acting. 2. acc. to Sch. exercise of penance; brtul zhugs byed pa or brtul zhugs od SANST to perform such exercises, to do penance. 3. penitent. brtul zhugs can = drang srong SANST, SANST an ascetic; one who is penitent; a maker of penance; a sage. Syn. drang srong ; kun tu rgyu ; dka' thub od pa ; ngag bsdams pa ; gtsang bar gnas pa (Moon.). brtul zhugs dbang = nyan thos SANST any novice monk or disciple of the Hinayana school. brtul zhugs ma = khyim bdag mo or khyim bdag ma a house-wife (Moon.). brten pa SANST, SANST, v. rten 3. brtol = phug pa a cavern (Moon.). blta fut. of lta ba 3 we will see, let us see; also sbst. a view, prospect. blta na sdug pa SANST, SANST pleasant to look upon, n. of the city of Indra. blta ba'i ched for seeing. blta ba'i mtha' limit of sight; met. death. Syn. 'chi ba ; tshe 'da' ; tshe 'pho ; 'chi 'pho (Moon.). blta bya SANST visible. bltabs pf. of ltab pa , gos bltabs pa (Situ. 75). bltams pa pf. of ltam pa = 'khrungs pa . Syn. skyes pa ; btsa' ba ; btsas pa (Moon.). bltas pf. of lta ba 3. bltas nas concerning, regarding, as to; used as a postp. with la . bstang ba v. stongs pa 3. bstad = ngos or phyogs surface; direction: bsil ri phyogs la bstad on the side of a cool hill (Ya-sel. 38). bstan SANST demonstration, explication (Zam. 10). bstan dka' ba + hard to explicate (dpe SANST) a religious work or doctrine. bstan 'gyur a miscellaneous collection of literary works, both sacred and general, consisting of 225 volumes. Very few of the Tangyur treatises belong to Tibetan authorship; they are mostly translations into Tibetan from Chinese and Sanskrit texts. A fine copy of this collection is stored at the India office. bstan rgyas gling a monastery presided over by one of the four incarnate lamas of Lhasa from among whom by turn the Rgyal-tshab, i.e., the Regent of the Dalai Lama, is selected. The monastery stands in the northern quarter of Lhasa within the walls of the city; and the title by which the lama of Tan-gye-ling is known in Tibet is bde mo rin po che . bstan bcos SANST, SANST, SANST a religious commentary. bstan bcos las 'byung ba rnams SANST works relating to the Sastras:- (1) don med kyi bstan bcos ; (2) don med kyi bstan bcos ; (3) don dang ldan pa'i bstan bcos ; (4) thos pa ltur len pa'i bstan bcos ; (5) rtsod pa ltur len pa'i bstan bcos ; (6) sgrub pa ltur len pa'i bstan bcos ; (7) ngan gYo dang 'brel ba'i bstan bcos ; (8) brtse bral gyi bstan bcos ; (9) sdug bsngal spong byed kyi bstan bcos . bstan pa SANST 1. doctrinal teaching in general. 2. a single doctrine or a system of doctrines. sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa the doctrine or religion of Buddha; thub bstan for thub pa'i bstan pa id.; bshad pa SANST; sgrub pa SANST; yongs su bstan pa SANST (Intr. A.K.). v. ston pa 3. gnas lugs bstan pa explanation of the real state (of the body of illusion). bstan pa'i sgron me the lamp of religion, a spiritual guide, a complimentary title for a learned lama (Yig. k. 30). bstan pa'i mnga' bdag the lord of religion. dpal ldan na ro ta'i zab gsang bstan pa'i mnga' bdag mtshungs med dam pa'i zhabs drung du to the feet of his holiness Sri Narotaóthe matchless lord of the profound mystic doctrines (Yig. k. 10). bstan par bya ba = go bar bya ba SANST to make intelligible, to elucidate. bstan ma seems to be a name given to certain female subterranean spirits living in mountainous districts. One such, in the expanded history of Gautama, under the title of 'dzam bu gling sogs dbang chen gser gyi tshang ma'i lha mo , was, after his victory over Mara the devil, cited as a witness to his exploits. In both Milaraspa and Padma Tang-yig, we read of "the twelve bstan-ma" said to haunt the upper peaks of Mount Everest. Padma Sambhava constituted them protectors of the Doctrine in that region. Milaraspa speaks also of a gtso mo or mistress of the twelve bstan-ma whom he describes as khadoma able to raise mirages before worldly eyes. (v. Mil. kha, 262). In Rtsii. mention is made of: bstan ma'i gsol mchod the food offerings for the guardian deity of the monastery of 'bras spungs (Dai-pung) called bstan ma . bstan tsis a chronology; dates relative to the year of Buddha's death; bstan 'dzin a follower of Buddhism, a Buddhist; an adherent of a doctrine; bstan bzhig colloq. a destroyer of the doctrine, an obnoxious person. bstan yas SANST n. of a number. bstan srung 1. guardian of the doctrine. 2. a guardian in general. bstabs pa = byin pa SANST; byin len rgyas par btang ba|kha zas bstabs gifts having been freely dispensed, food was set forth (Situ. 75). bstar ba = byi dor legs pa 1. sweep, clean, cleanse; also adj. nice and elegant. 2. to appreciate; to be aware of (Lish.); bstar chog pa = nyams su len chog pa to be able to comprehend, appreciate (Yig. k. 45). bsti ba = ngal bso ba to take rest. bsti khang private house, sanctum. bsti gnas + 'byung khungs kyi mthil 1. the place of origin, source. Under this term are said to fall: sdod gnas residence; khyim home; bla brang lama's residence; pho brang palace; gtsug lag khang Vihara or monastery; kun dga' ra ba Arama grove or park where religious sermons are given; dgon pa , ri khrod hermitage, sanctuary, retreat of SANST. 2. snying po essence. bsti bstang + = zhe sa respect; lus kyi gus 'dud bowing, physically shewing respect. nga la zang zing gi bsti bstang gi ri mor gyis zhig (Ya-sel. 34). bsti mtshungs SANST a fellow religious student. bsting = bkrams pa SANST. (EEE The original has the Tibetan headword as bstang but, in accordance with the transliteration and the context, this has been corrected as above in this edition.) bsting tshig or bstings tshig SANST satire, irony; also reflecting upon conduct in polite language; censure concealed under sweet language. Syn. 'phya tshig ; tshig gis bstings (Situ. 75). bstir supine of sti ba 3. bstir med + = 1. bar med SANST one of the infernal regions. mnar med dmyal ba the hell of endless torments. 2. acc. to J‰. restlessness. bstu ba SANST to bring together discordant elements; to collect in one heap things unlike one another. The four entities which may be so drawn together bstu ba'i dngos po bzhi are:- (1) sbyin pa SANST; (2) snyan par smra ba SANST; (3) don la od pa SANST; (4) don mthun pa SANST. bstugs pa to make lower, to lower (Sch.). bstungs pf. thung ba 3, thag bstungs (Situ. 75). (EEE The initial portion of the definition, "pf. 3thung ba 3" is a mistaken entry. bstungs is the past for the verb stung ba ; thung ba is not a verb and has a different meaning. The remainder of the entry, quoted from Situ's large grammar, would be a correct usage.) bstud pa v. stud pa 3. bstun pa to be compared; thabs mkhas bstun gyis bslus pa dang he by skilful comparison imposed on them (A. 127); che chung mtho dman dang bstun were compared as to size and height and depth (Yig. k. 1). bsten yongs su nye bar bsten to attend, wait upon respectfully, to serve; SANST lit. being ranged quite closely together, quite huddled together; also sticking most closely (A.K 111-3). bsten 'dod gnas the object or person on which one wishes to rely. bsten pa 1. pf. of sten pa 3. 2. sbst. SANST, vb. v. 3sten pa3 confidence; = brton pa (J‰.). bsten bya SANST one to be served, waited upon. (EEE The original has the Tibetan headword as sten bya but, in accordance with the transliteration and the context, this has been corrected as above in this edition.) bsten 'os SANST fit to be respected or served. bstod pa 1. (phur pa la thag pas ra lug rta sogs btags pa ) to tether cattle such as horses, sheep, goats, etc.; thag pas bstod to tether with a string (Situ. 75). 2. eulogium, expression of praise, v. stod pa 3. bstod ras byed pa prob. bstod sgra byed pa , bstod pa to praise, to compliment; in colloq. = bstod ra or bsted sgra : mkhas btsun bzang gsum gyi bstod ras che bstod nas being greatly praised by the learned, noble, and good (A. 126). tha I: the tenth letter of the Tibetan alphabet and the second consonant of the dental class. It is the aspirated form of ta; and in English its sound might be found in the word "Thames." 1. num. fig. 10. 2. every thing, all, total (Sch.). II: defined as glen pa gti mug pa'i don signifying foolishness and mental darkness. III: In Budh. tha is the entrance to the cognition of all things, of matter and phenomena: (a) chos rnams gyi gnas dang gnas ma yin pa mkhas pa ston to| it demonstrates that all things are phenomenal (K. d. na 114); (b) gnas mi dmigs pa'i phyir chos thams cad kyi sgo'o| it is symbolic of the instability of all things (Hbum. ga, 283). tha ko n. of a fruit, a species of walnut. kham star , tha ko 'bras phye (Sam. k. 179). tha skar SANST 1. n. of a constellation represented in Buddhist astronomy by a woman on horseback. 2. n. of the goddess presiding over that constellation. Syn. rta ldan ma ; dbyu gu gcig pa ; gsal ba'i bu mo (Rtsi.). tha skar gyi bu gnyis SANST the two sons of Ashvini who are divine physicians. tha skar gyi zla ba the month of Ashvina (October). tha skar gyi nya SANST the full moon in the mouth of Ashvina. tha khab a large needle (in Lh.) (J‰.). tha ga na occurs in the work tha ga na'i mtshan brjod kyi 'grel pa la sogs pa gsang sngags a commentary on the description of the names of Tha-ga-na and other terms of mysticism (Deb. ga, 27). tha ga pa + SANST, SANST = thags pa 'thag mkhan 1. a weaver, one of the weaving caste in India. 2. in Tib. a term for the lowest class (rigs ngan ) of people. tha gi + = zhi ba SANST, SANST peaceful; mild aspect. tha gu SANST, vulg. thi gu a wreath, a short cord or rope; twine for making garlands; a chain or fetter. tha gu'i lto can SANST an epithet of Virnu on whose belly hang garlands (Moon.). tha gus lci under the weight of chains; bound by fetters or ropes: mi gzhi ngan pa'i zol sbyor tha gus lcis a man of wicked nature lies under the weight of the chain of fraud (Khrid. 9). tha gru SANST acc. to J‰. originally thag gru = rgya khyon 1. largeness, spaciousness; abundance, plenty. 2. acc. to J‰. extent, width, breadth: 'dzam bu gling gi tha gru kun la in the whole extent of Jambudvipa (Glr.). tha gru che ba = yangs pa or rgya che ba very wide, spacious; extensive. tha gru yangs pa very spacious, abundant (Moon.). tha rgyod obtuse, rounded off (Sch.). tha cad + or tha chad SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST base, sordid, vile (Sher. 5). Syn. tha ram ; tha shal ; ngan pa ; tha ma (Moon.). tha chung 1. the last month of a season, e.g., dpyid zla tha chung the last month of spring, opp. to ra ba the first month. 2. the youngest of three or more sons: spun dgu'i tha chung gnyis the youngest or last two of the nine brothers. tha snyad 1. = lag pa SANST the hand. 2. SANST seems to be used of a word when employed in some peculiar sense rather than in its strictly etymological meaning; for example, as a proper name. A derived or compounded word can only be called a tha-sÒad when the idea it expresses does not clearly appear on analysis; tha snyad ha go ba understanding the sense. 3. designation; metaphor; phrase; zhes tha snyad du grags so| so it is said to be styled. tha snyad pa'i bden pa conditional truth (J‰.). 4. SANST behaviour, practice, dealing, business; pecuniary transaction. tha snyad pa SANSY, SANST one who plays at dice; gaining at dice; one who lays stakes at play. tha snyad gcig pa 1. of the same nomenclature. 2. n. of a school of doctrine. tha snyad dbye SANST a writer. tha thor = thar thor a few here and there: 'tshe shing spen pa tha thor yod pa zhig there were a few scattered bristles of htshe-shio (Rdsa. 18). tha dad pa = ma 'dres pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST distinction, separated, not mixed up together. tha dad lnga the five kinds of distinctions are:- (1) ston pa tha dad difference in the teachers (founders) of religions; (2) chos tha dad difference in the doctrines taught by them; (3) dge 'dun tha dad difference in the classes of monks; (4) las tha dad difference or varieties in works; (5) lam tha dad difference in the ways, different methods or ways of reaching the goal (K. du. pa 88). tha dad kyi mkhan rabs the different sages or schools of sages (Yig. 3). tha dad bya ba ci yin SANST what are the various doings or causes? tha dad du separately, variously, apart: tha dad du 'du shes med pa SANST one of the eighteen chos ma 'dres pa unmixed theories of Buddha (M.V.). tha dad du dbye na if differentiated? also: synthetically, differentially. tha dad du mi 'jug pa = tha dad du mi gnas pa not differing, not being different, not admitting of differentiation. tha dad phreng ldan v. thar nu 3. tha na 1. polite inquiry at any time regarding a Buddhist monk's comforts while he is taking any meal, etc. This forms a part of the training in manners given to monks. 2. even, so far as, up to: tha na gzhad gad bya bar bsams te even having thought that (one) was laughing at. tha na srog chags grog spur yan chad even above the smallest insect, i.e., above the ants. tha pag v. thar dpag 3. tha pi thu pi confusion, disorder (Sch.). tha ba = rengs pa SANST 1. (sa sogs ) rigid, hard, compact, firm (J. Zao.). 2. = thu ba bad (Mil.). 3. = zhe sdang anger. tha ba ngan pa ltar SANST or SANST one of the stages of yoga (v. rnal 'byor yan lag ). tha be SANST a medicinal plant Terminalia tomentosa. tha 'bn cast-off clothes; rags thrown out; sgo bor tha 'bn hrul khrod nas from the heap of cast-off rags at the entrance of a house (Pag. 180). tha ma SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST vile, inferior, poor, humble. 2. = rjes ma or mtha' ma the last, lowest, uttermost; pho tha ma nor gyis phyug bya ba yin the lowest class of male is he who is rich in wealth (Hbrom. 51); the last of several things, with respect to number, time, or rank: gcan zan gyi tha ma the meanest of the carnivorous animals; 'phrad pa'i tha ma ni 'bral the end of every meeting is parting; gnyen gyi tha mas bskor he sees his relations for the last time around him; zas kyi tha ma za he eats for the last time (J‰.). tha ma la 1. adv. finally, at last. 2. postp.: at the end of, after = rjes la . tha mar to the utmost, at the end, lastly; tha mar dge ba SANST piety, auspiciousness: yon tan tha mar 'dug lastly, there was talent (Hbrom. 51). tha ma las SANST at the least, at all events, in any case. tha ma kha á tobacco: rdzas ngan tha ma kha zhes grags pa 'di ni , sngon sangs rgyas mya ngan las 'das nas lo brgya tsam song ba na byung | in ancient time about one hundred years after the Nirvana of Buddha, this evil drug called Thamakha appeared (Chu-bzao. ga 43). Mention is also made of tobacco in the writings of Macig Lab-don dated the 12th century A.D. tha ma ga also tha mag 1. is a Mongolian word = Tib. phyag dam the official seal, or a warrant containing it; also tablet with the seal of authority: dpon grags dar gyis se chen las tha ma ga lung las blangs zhing | the governor Grags-dar having received the warrant of official command from the Emperor Se-chen (Khublai-khan) (J. Zao.). 2. in W. tobacco. tha mal pa SANST ordinary, mean, coarse, vulgar, common, general, usual: tha mal par 'dug pa to live like the vulgar; tha mal pa ma yin that is no usual thing, no common or ordinary thing (J‰.). tha tshig = khas blangs dam bcas pa or kha chad tshig dan vow, promise, solemn word: ma gYel ma gYel sngon gyi tha tshig dgongs forget not, forget not, reflect on your former vows! sngon gyi tha tshig gnyan po nyer dgongs la in thinking closely on thy former rigid vows. In the common saying kha dpe la tha dam tshig the words tha dam-tshig signify solemn vow. tha ra tho re in W. wide asunder, wide; tha ra tho re bzhag pa to scatter, to throw loosely about (J‰.). tha ram + 1. SANST vile, mean: gshen rab la gsol ba|tha ram lcags kyis bsdam na he prayed to Gshen-rab that the vile ones should be laid under chains (Bon). 2. medicinal herb in Lh., Plantago major (J‰.) tha ram 'khru ba gcod par byed the herb tharam stops diarrhúa. 3. the breadth of a plain (Sch.). tha rams = gtams pa adj. full. tha ru the utmost limit (Schf.). tha long in W. a sort of red cloth (J‰.). tha shal SANST, SANST, SANST 1. modest, lowly; base, ugly. 2. a mischievous person, one who is inferior, crude, and mischief-making: gang zag mchog gi skye ba deng sang kham che ba'i tshul mi ston par tha shal ba'i tshul du bzhugs (Ya-sel. 11) now-a-days the incarnations of great and sanctified souls do not make show of greatness but live in modest and humble manner. skyes bu tha shal nyid a n'er-do-well. thag I: 1. n. of place in Tibet: thag gi rgya bor yang dag gi sgrub pa mdzad pa'i tshe at the time he was engaged in the acquirement of perfection at Rgya-bo in Thag (Deb. 5). 2. for thag 'gram the palate. thag 'gram = 'gram so SANST the human palate; swelling of the tongue. II: distance: thag ci tsam how far; ma thag only now, just now, gen. with a verbal root: sleb ma thag yin pa he that has arrived just now (Glr.); sngar bshad ma thag pa (the passages) that have been explained just now; as an adv. gen. ma thag tu or only ma thag frq., e.g., thos ma thag tu as soon as he had heard; de ma thag tu immediately (from J‰.). thag nye ba or thag nye mo SANST near; proximity; thag nye po ma byed do not be familiar, keep at a distance. thag nye sar sdad sit near, in the vicinity. Syn. nye log ; nye 'khor ; drung na mo ; glo ; tho 'khor (Moon.). thag ran fibre from the bark of plants or trees, &c., v. ran ma 3. thag ring SANST; distance; distant: thag ring po ma byed do not make it distant; thag ring gnyen las khyim mtshes brgya drag a neighbour is a hundred times better than a relation residing at a distance. thag ring thung , v. thung ba 3. Syn. 'gyangs ; rgyang ring ; bskal ; ches ring ba (Moon.). (EEE The original has "v. thung pa " but this is a mistake and has been corrected to 3thung ba 3.) thag ring po or thag ring mo far distant, a great distance; sa thag ring a far or remote country. thag ring po nas from afar, from a distance. thag gcod pa vb. a. (thag chod pa or thag chad pa vb. n. or passive) 1. to cut the cord, sever, disconnect; to abandon: bdag nye du dang 'brel thag bcad pas bde I am glad at having severed the connection with my family; 'gro ba'i re thag chad the hope of going has been given up. Acc. to Schtr. 'o thag gcod pa = to wean (a child); blo thag chod deliberation is cut off, the matter is decided or resolved upon. 2. to decide, resolve, determine: rgyal po bkrong bar thag bcad pa it was determined to murder the king; khyod gnyis nga la chung ma mi len thag chod pa na if you both positively refuse to give me a wife. thag chod pa byed pa to be sure, to decide, be certain: grongs par thag bcad pa as it is quite certain that he has died; yod thag chod there are certainly: chos dar 'ong thag chod it is quite certain that religion will spread; ltas pas thag bcad nas being immovable in contemplation. thag bcad pa is same as thag bcad zin pa SANST decided, finished. nga ni phyogs de la mi thig thag chod zer (Rdsa. 31). Syn. bzlas pa ; phyang chad (Moon.). thag chod certainty; surety, evidence: 'on kyang thag chod byed dgos but one should know for certain, one must be sure of it (Mil.); lta ba thag chod kyi rnal 'byor pa you, the ascetic (yogi), firm in meditation (J‰.). thag thag the noise made by the fingers on a door, etc., an onomatopoetic word; sgo la thag thag byed pa to knock on or at the door. thag pa or pa thag 1. SANST a creeping plant, root. 2. SANST a rope, cord; bal thag rope made of wool; rtsid thag rope of the long hair of the Yak; rtsa thag or phon thag rope of grass; lcags thag iron-chain, wire-rope; ras thag cotton-rope, bandage (J‰.). thag mig mesh of a net (Sch.); thag zo rope-work; rope maker's work; thag khra sbrul mthong ba lit. mistaking a spotted string for a snake; fig. to be helpless, to be very afraid of. thag pas btags gyur pa SANST to be attached or tied by a rope (A.K. 1-16). bdag cag gis snying thag pa nas skyong zhing bsrung | we shall watch, defending you in all sincerity (Surao. 124). thag pa gsum fig. the three fetters: (1) mi gYengs pa'i dran thag bsring to preserve an undisturbed or undeviated memory; (2) ma bcos pa'i ngang thag bsring for a long time to remain unagitated and without expressing pain; (3) mi skyod pa'i gzungs thag bsring to sit still for a long time unmoved (Bon.). thag gru = tha gru 3. thag 'gyangs = thag ring distant, remote; also late. sa gzhi thag 'gyangs kyi nad pa yun song gal che'i rigs important cases of long-suffering patients coming from a distance (D. Shel. 11). thag ma = 'jam pa or gnyen pa soft or fine (of cloth, woollens, etc.); thag ma skya ma rnam gnyis las of the two kinds of grey (woollens) of fine texture (Jig.). thag bzang ris an epithet of the lord of the Asura or lha min demi-gods. thags texture, web. thags kyi rgyu SANST any stuff with which to weave, warp. thags khri SANST weaver's loom. thags mkhan SANST, SANST 1. the spider, a weaver. 2. tsher thags a fence of thorny plants (Moon.). thags mkhan 'bu lit. the weaving insect; a spider. thags gru bu or gru gu balls of thread or yarn to weave with. thags thogs impediments (Cs.). thags 'thag pa 1. SANST to weave. 2. = thags 'thag mkhan a weaver. thags snal ma thread or yarn. thags spun SANST thread stretched cross-wise in weaving. thags bran byed pa to begin the warp (J‰.). thags ra weaver's yard. thags ran + = btags pa attached, tied, bound, fastened. thang I: = skad cig SANST, SANST a moment, an instant; thang gcig one moment, a very short time; thang 'ga' 'phrad pa SANST momentary; tshig thang one moment; bzhi thang four moments; thang tsam = yud tsam or yun tsam a little while. II: 1. a plain, steppe; but the Tibetan plain is never level and always of a basin-like or hollowed configuration. gram thang a fenny or swampy plain (Cs.). spang thang a green grassy plain, meadow; rtsa thang steppe; byang thang the northern steppes of Tibet, commonly called the Jang-thang. bye thang sandy plain or desert. 'ol thang ground covered with clover, pasture ground, grassy plain, (J‰.); shag thang a gravelly plain. 2. when used with the word rin , thang signifies price, value. It is also used pleon. rin thang id. rin thang can dear, precious; yong thang in W. income, profit; in C. = the measure of anything. lo thang the measure of produce, i.e., grain; also yearly tribute; lo thang gcod pa to fix yearly tribute; za thang (a person's) measure of food taken at each meal; capability of eating. 3. clear, serene: nam thang a cloudless sky, fine weather; bka' thang clear order or command; thang yig plain or clear decree or order. pad ma thang yig is the abridged collection of legends about Padma Sambhava. 4. thang in snan thang signifies potion, plain decoction, or moisture to be drunk after a medicinal pill has been taken; ja thang plain tea. rkang thang on foot (J‰.). thang ka or thang ga 1. a plain, a flat field, alluvial plain. 2. resp. zhal thang a portrait, a painting; thang sku or sku thang a picture or representation of a deity on cloth or paper. thang dkar 1. white-tailed eagle (Sch.). 2. a greyhound. thang skya (lit. white plain), a locality near Lhasa; yul der thang skya dgon pa zhes pa'i dgon pa zhig lha sa'i nub phyogs la yod to the west of Lhasa in that place there was a monastery called Thao-skya dgon-pa (Deb. ga, 18). thang khrag cedar used medicinally (Med.). thang rag colloq. of thang khrag . thang 'bru ceder nuts (Sch.). thang khrung 1. bastard (Sch.). 2. = thang chu . thang khrom SANST = thang phrom a medicinal herb of white and black species; bears the thorn-apple used for intestinal worms. thang chu gum. Syn. dpal gos (Moon.); tshi ba (Med.). thang chung gtsang po n. of a river passing by Thang Chung in Tibet (Deb. ga, 34). thang brang lit. a place in a plain, an encampment on a plain: nub mo chu srol cig tu thang brang btab nas bzhugs at night he stayed encamping in a (dried) water-course (A. 74). thang ma me sgron an epithet of a deity of the Bon pantheon resembling Maitreya in his attributes: ston pa gtso mchog kun bzang nas thang ma me sgron gyi bar bco brgyad byung between the chief great teacher Kunzang and Thao-ma me-sgron there arose eighteen (B. grub. 1). thang mar (lit. tree-butter or oil) a balsam; acc. to Cs. tar. thang tshwa salt obtained from a dry place, quarried salt: thang tshwas 'dre 'dul nyes pa gsum skyed rock-salt (collected from dry places) soothes evil-spirits and produces the three evilsóphlegm, bile and wind (Med.). thang gzhal = thang 'jam survey; map or plan of a place (Rtsii.). thang gzhi = rin thang price, market-price; thang gzhi chag reduction of the cost price: the market price abates (J‰.). thang po enduring, able to stand fatigue; able and hardy, strong, tense; fig. tight, firm, also tenseness: gzugs po thang ngam are you strong? nga gcod pa to tire, fatigue. thang chad pa or thang chod pa fatigue; to be fatigued, tired, wearied. Syn. ngal ba ; dub pa ; nyon mongs pa (Moon.). thang sha gcod pa to strain, to stretch: gde ba'i phyogs su thang sha chod exert yourself on the side of virtue (D.R.). thang lhod tight and loose; the fit of clothing. thang lhod med pa neither strict nor mild or relaxed. zhib cha thon rigs kyi thang lhod med pa'i cha 'jog cing (D. Shel. 11) as to arriving at detail, making the investigations without relaxation or strictness. thang ju n. of one the emperors of China of the great T'ang dynasty. thang the jung emperor T'aijung whose daughter was married to King srong btsan sgam po about the year 633 A.D. thang thung = chang chung inferior, unimportant; bzo rigs thang thung gi gnang cha included in the inferior class of artizans (Rtsii.). thang du 1. in the opinion of; cung zad dag pa'i re ba yod kyang la la'i thang du although little reliable hope remained, yet in the opinion of some (J. Zao.). 2. for thang yig tu . thang la + = bkram pa spread over. thang shing SANST, SANST, SANST, fir, pine; deodar tree. Syn. bcud 'dzin ; thang chu shing ; ljon pa ser po ; gsom shing (Moon.). thang sag n. of a district in Phanyul, W. N. W. of Lhasa (Loo. za 11). thang thang strained to utmost: sha thang thang to the utmost of one's muscles. thad 1. aside, in one direction. lus srog thad la btang nas leaving aside body and soul, e.g., sacrificing his body and soul (for the sake of his religion). de'i nub thad kyi situated on the direct west of it (A. 65); sha'i thad na chod cut off from the flesh only. 2. in C. entire, whole, untouched (J‰.). thad ka 1. the direction, straight forward. steng dang 'og dang thad ka thams cad du upward and downward, and in every direction; steng 'og thad kar straight upward and downward: jo bo bzhugs pa'i thad ka nas tshig rgyangs dang 'ur sgra from the direction where Atisa resided were noises and voices in the distance (A. 27); thad ka 'gro go straight on, in the direction of that which moves or walks horizontally, i.e., SANST. thad ka'i 'jig rten gyi khams SANST the animal kingdom; one of the twenty-four regions of the world (M.V.). thad kar each for himself (Glr.) (J‰.). thad kya or thad kar la 1. straight on; just so, in colloq. 2. = de 'dra like that, so. thad dgu n. of a number (Ya-sel. 56). thad du towards, in straight direction; over against, in presence of; exactly in the direction of a thing. thad drang straight, not bent or crooked: sgo gnyis thad drang phug sa gsal two doors directly opposite to one another illumined the inside space (Jig.). thad drang na directly ahead. thad do the remnant of the carcass of a sheep killed. thMad abbr. of thams cad 3 whole, all. than = lan a reply (esp. in the dialect of Upper Tibet); than bskur = lan bskur ba to send a reply: yang phyin zhing mar log nas than bya ba ma byung again having gone (there) and come down back, he could not send a reply (A. 15). than kor or than skor = rgyal phran SANST a vassal or feudatory chief; acc. to Sch. surrounding country. than thun a little (Sch.). than pa = char mi 'babs SANST rainlessness, drought, want of rain; also ominous: rgyal po de skom pa snyam byed na 'jig rten du than pa 'ong if the king (Cakravartti-raja) feels thirsty drought comes into this world (A. 26). Syn. gnam gyi 'jigs pa ; gnam gyi skyon ; char med steng 'bar ; tsha bas nyen ; mu ge bskyed ; zhod kyi bgegs ; gnam gyi nyer 'tshe ; gnam dmag (Moon.). than bya lit. the bird of drought, i.e., of ominous appearance and cry, defined as 'ug pa dang srin bya sogs ltas ngan gyi skad 'don pa'i bya the owl and other monster birds the cry of which prognosticates evil. thab or me thab 1. SANST resp. gsol thab fire-place, hearth; lcags thab iron-stove; thab shor the hearth is running over, i.e., the food placed on it runs over in boiling; lto thab a hearth to cool food; sbyin sreg gi thab an oven to burn sacrificial offerings; thab kyi sa tshig rgyu ma'i srin nad sel the burnt clay of a hearth purges intestinal worms (Med.). thab ka or thab kha SANST, SANST hearth, fire-place; thab ka tsam yod how many fire-places, i.e., house-holds, are there? (J‰.). de nas ban de mos jo bo'i thab kha bzos pas then the female BandÈ prepared a hearth for cooking food for the lord (Atisa) (A. 103). Syn. thab sgy id ; sgy id bu ; gYos thab ; me thab ; gYos sa (Moon.). thab ka ba or thab kha pa = ma chen a cook. Syn. lag bde ; 'dren thang ; chag tshang ba ; zas gnyer ; zas byed ; 'tshed byed ma ; zan ma ; gYos ma ; thab ka pa ; gYos dpon ; lag bde'i dpon (Moon.). thab khag different kinds of hearth: thab khag mang po yod pa la there were many kinds of hearths (Rtsii.). thab khang SANST kitchen, cook-house = thab tshang . Syn. tshang bang ; bsro khang ; gYos khang ; 'tshod pa'i gnas ; gsol khang (Moon.). thab khro a cauldron or large bell-metal vessel to cook food, tea etc. thab sgy id = thab ka hearth, a cooking tripod. thab sgrom a chest or basket wherein cook's utensils, etc., are kept, thab gdan cha cooking furniture, utensil, etc. thab bsu receiving a great man by waiting on the way he comes with cooking appliances, etc., to serve him with warm tea and cooked food. thab lha the deity presiding over the hearth. If milk or broth boil over, he must be appeased by casting butter in the fire; and, often, by more elaborate ceremonial, sometimes even by digging up the hearth. thab lha se shar (sa bdag ) n. of a hearth-god. thab thab flapping noise: shog pa thab thab lan gsum byas its wings thrice flapped (Rdsa. 17). thab thib (grangs ) SANST n. of a large number. thabs SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. opportunity, chance, possibility: mthong or 'grul thabs ma byung I had no opportunity of seeing or going; thab shig nyid rang nas mi 'byung na in W. if you offer no chance, if on your part it is not made possible; thabs mi thub I am not able, I cannot; gdan drangs pa'i thabs med there will be no chance of bringing (the princess); 'bros pa'i thabs med there is no chance of escaping; lam la gzhon thabs med there is no occasion for tarrying on the road. thabs bzhi the four resources are the following:- (1) dbung dang mthu brjid ldan pa'i thabs , (2) bang mdzod nor gyis gang ba'i thabs , (3) dbyen na bsdums par byed pa'i thabs , (4) bsdums na ngo srung byed pa'i thabs . 2. way, manner, mode: klog thabs way of reading; rkun thabs in a thievish manner, by theft; rgyal po'i thabs gtong ba to give up the way (of life) of a king, i.e., to renounce royalty. thabs gcig tu together, in company with; thabs gcig tu bzhugs so jointly sat down, stayed, resided in company; thabs gcig tu 'gro going together to a place. 3. means, measures: thabs byed pa to use means, to take measures; thabs kyis by (various) means; blo thabs 'tshol ba to contrive means. 'tsho thabs livelihood, subsistence; zhi ba'i thabs kyis by pacific means, amicably, in a fair way; thabs la mkhas pa or thabs shes pa SANST skilful, dexterous, clever, full of devices; thabs min a stupid man who has no resources, resourceless: da bod du 'gro thabs gyis shig now take steps, make preparations, for a journey to Tibet; de gson po'i thabs yod dam is there a means of recalling these men to life? 4. cho ga ritualistic observances, mystical operations; thabs kyis gzhan nor 'gugs pa drawn (gathered) another's wealth by (occult) means; thabs kyi rnam grangs enumeration of skilful means (K. d. pha 265); thabs kyi pha rol tu phyin pa SANST the supreme skilfulness in resources. thabs chag = aa la ma la a shift, makeshift, surrogate. thabs dang shes rab = thabs shes 1. ritual and divine knowledge. 2. acc. to J‰. the mystical union of art and science; acc. to Sch. of matter and spirit (cf. Was. 144). thabs rdugs = las thang med pa having no spirit for work or no ability to do any work; stupid, always blundering. thabs la mkhas pa SANST ready in contrivance; possessed of resources. thabs la mkhas pa'i mdo SANST n. of a sutra on skilful means in K. d wa 405. thabs lam SANST a resource. thabs shes ldan pa SANST possessed of resources (A.K. 1-4). thabs shes bdag nyid SANST = dpal dus kyi 'khor lo Kalachakra doctrine. tham ga or tham ka a seal, sign (Cs.); incorrect forms tha ma ga and tha mag , v. dam kha 3. tham tham or tham me ba uncorrected, scattered, dispersed. tham tham byed pa = 'tham pa (J‰.). tham pa (sometimes them pa ) complete, fullóalmost exclusively used as a pleonastic addition to the tens up to a hundred. tham lag + = man ngag SANST precept, moral instruction. thams cad SANST, SANST sbst. and adj. the whole, all; added to the singular number it gives a plural sense: rgyal khams thams cad the whole empire; lus thams cad na the whole body ails; bod kyi zangs thams cad all the copper of Tibet; de thams cad all those; thams cad kyis so so nas all of them one by one; thams cad kyi thams cad SANST or SANST all in all; everything out of the whole. thams cad skyobs (Visvabhu) the third of the six earthly Buddhas, who succeeded each other prior to the appearance of Shakyamuni. thams cad mkhyen pa = kun mkhyen 3 SANST the omniscient, the all-knower, an epithet of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The incarnate lamas of Tibet are also by courtesy addressed by this title. thams cad sgrol SANST 1. a general epithet of Buddha, lit. the deliverer of the universe. 2. Visvantara, name of a prince believed to have been Buddha Gautama in his last-but-one birth. thams cad rtogs = thams cad mkhyen pa SANST a general epithet of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. thams cad mthong SANST lit. the all-seeing; an epithet of Buddha. thams cad rnam par 'byed SANST renouncing or giving up every thing. thams cad pa SANST, SANST all. thams cad tshe SANST at all times; also frequently (A.K. 1-2). thams cad gzigs = kun la blta mkhan SANST epithet of Bodhisattvas of higher order like Avalokitesvara. thams cad yod par smra ba'i sde bdun the seven sections of the Sarvastivadin school of early Buddhism:- (1) sa ston pa Mahisasaka, (2) 'od bsrungs pa Kasyapiya, (3) chos bsrung pa Dharma gupta, (4) gos dmar can Tamra satiya, (5) rnam par phye te smra ba Vibhajya vadin, (6) mang du thos pa la sbyangs pa Bahusrutiya, (7) Mulasarvastivada. thams cad las 'das SANST passed beyond all, out of the reach of all. thams cad gsang ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po SANST n. of an mystical treatise containing metaphysical discussions on the nature of the soul, etc. (K. g. nya 207). thams pa 1. to lock together, to hold fast with the arms, either in love, or with anger. so thams pa lock-jaw. 2. to stick fast; bye ma thams su 'jug pa to stick fast in sand: jo bo'i sku rgyab kyi rtsig ngos la thams kyis song nas phri li li 'dug skad there was heard the cry of a lagomys mouse clinging fast to the wall behind Atisa's back (A. 106). tha'i shang lo'u kyun in Chinese = rab mchog the most excellent; or gtso bo bdag po the chief lord; epithets of the founder of Taoism (Grub. tha 14). tha'u 1. capsule (Vai. so.). 2. peach (Wts.). thar for thar thor 3. thar chung pa = khron bu a small well (mystic) (Mio-rda.). thar thor scatteredly, not together. Syn. tha re tho re ; thor re ba ; co le ba (Moon.). thar nu a kind of medicinal root used as a purgative: thar nus tsha grang nad kun sbyong bar byed cures all disease caused by heat and cold (Med.). Syn. re mo ; nye ba'i re mo can ; bde byed ma ; khu ba ldan ; tha dad phreng ldan ; bu'i phreng ldan ; char 'bab ; byi ba'i lo ma (Moon.). thar pa I: n. of a place near Dong-tse in Tibet. thar pa lo tsAa ba , nyi ma rgyal mtshan n. of a Sanskrit scholar of Tibet who belonged to Tharpa. II: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. freedom, salvation, liberty, emancipation, Nirvana, supreme happiness, escape: thar pa'i rgyur 'gyur it will be serviceable for (my) liberty (J‰.). thar med kyi dmyal ba hell from which there is no escape. 2. adj. free; thar bar 'gyur ba to become free; thar bar byed pa to make free, liberate, to save. Syn. byang grol ; zhi ba ; mya ngan 'das ; 'chi med ; rnam grol ; byang chub pa ; rdul med ; rdul bral ; yang srid med ; don dam ; nges legs (Moon.). thar thabs the means of release, liberation; btson nas thar thabs means to escape from prison. thar pa chen po'i mdo the sutra on complete deliverance of the soul (K. d. zha 328). thar pa'i blo gros = grub mtha' the inclination for liberation; the metaphysical conclusions of religion; n. of metaphysical work (Moon.). thar po old, worn out; rnying pa , rgas pa (Moon.). thar pa bzhon nu n. of a Bon. arch-devil (G. Bon. 22). thar dpag or thar 'bag a large plate, dish, platter. thar ba 1. to be freed, to be liberated, absolved. 2. escape, to get through, to be able to pass; chu la thar ba to get through water: zas mi thar the food cannot pass through. thar du 'jug pa to set at liberty, to acquit; tshe thar la btang ba to pardon (a malefactor), to grant him his life, frq. to let live (animals) (J‰.); rnam par thar ba to be saved, full released, gen. from any further transmigration. thar rtse n. of monastery; also that of the residence of the lama of Oor in Tsang (Loo. za 31). thar lam or thar pa'i lam SANST the way to Nirvana or emancipation. thar legs pa SANST purified; one who has acquired the means to escape sufferings. thar sa place of refuge, means of escape; thar sa mi 'dug there is no escape. thar song = thar po song 1. has become old, worn out (Rtsii.). 2. has been saved, has escaped. thal SANST the trumpet flower. thal ba I: SANST, SANST, SANST dust, powder, ashes; gos thal fire ashes; thug thal roasted barley dried and portable; bya thal dung of birds; thal gong burning embers. thal chu , lye, ash-water used instead of soda for making tea. thal chen ashes of the dead; also a sort of gray earth used for bedaubing the face in masquerades (Mil.; J‰.). thal thag (Ld.) bread baked in ashes; thal mdog ash-coloured; thal phyags broom, dusting rag (Sch.). II: = 'thal ba (Cs.) 1. to pass, to pass by, to step beyond; to miss a mark: rba thal thal 'ong the waves come flowing past (Mil.). 2. to elapse, be passed; to change or pass from: lo lnga bcu thal nas fifty years has been passed (Vai. so.); sngo ba las thal nas dmar zhing changing or turning from blue to red; sgrub pa la rtse gcig tu zhugs nas lo dgu tsam thal about nine year passed by, while he sat in meditation single-minded (Hbrom. kha 10-12). kha thal ba to be forward in speaking, bold. 3. to go or pass through: brag la yar thal mar thal to soar up and down before a rock; phar thal tshur thal du 'gro ba to pass actually through it (the saints not being subject to the physical laws of matter); to shine, to light through: thal 'byung du 'gro ba to go straight forward, to act without ceremony or disguise (J‰.). 4. to come, to get to, to arrive at: thal nas lo gsum thon three years elapsed since they arrived; pha ma gar thal ba'i gtol med where the parents have gone it is not known; bzang thal safe arrival; yar gyi bzang thal chen por 'gro ba to arrive at: to attain (a blessed state) in a pleasant and speedy manner. 5. to be over, past, finished, done; thal lo it is over, finished; drug cu thal lo the number sixty is completed; yal thal ba having disappeared, vanished; stor nas thal he is undone it is all over with him; rim gyis je nyung thal by degrees it vanishes or dies away; sngar chad tshig thal the former agreement is no longer valid (J‰.). thal thung different lengths, one object projecting beyond another; thal ches pa to exceed the due measure (Sch.). thal ka rdo rje SANST a medicinal fruit; is described as dbyibs khyi'i pho mtshan 'dra "in shape like a dog's penis." thal ka rdo rjes chu ser nad rnams sel Thal-ka rdorje relieves suppurations (Med.). thal kar I: or thal dkar a white elephant; glang chen thal dkar mche ba drug n. of the fabulous white elephant with six tusks; also the leader-elephant in a herd (Yig.). Syn. glang po'i rgyal po ; khyu yi mgon po ; glang po'i mchog ; spos kyi glang po (SANST) (Moon.). thal 'gyur SANST adherence; association; connected language. thal 'gyur pa one belonging to the Prasaogika school of the Buddhists. thal ches par 'gyur SANST absence of connection; absence of adherence. thal lcag a slap (on the cheek); thal lcag rgyab pa to slap on the cheek, to give a box on the ear. thal brdab pa a clap with the hands (out of joy or scorn). thal thal SANST a particular number. thal dres SANST n. of a medicinal flower of the lily species; also SANST; Anantamula. Syn. sa 'tsho'i bu mo ; mtha' yas rtsa ; sngo sangs 'khri shing ; klu yi lce ; me tog phra mo ; ba glang bsrung ; sngo sangs mtha' yas (Moon.). thal phyogs the party victorious in a metaphysical disputation. thal byi the grey or cat-squirrel. thal ba'i snying po SANST, SANST a kind of sandal-wood. thal bar 'gyur SANST connection. thal byung 'gro ba 1. to move or walk or rush fearlessly. 2. sbst. a hero. Syn. dpa' bo ; 'jigs med ; snying stobs can (Moon.). thal ma through and through (Sch.). thal mo the palm of the hand: thal mo sbyar ba SANST to fold the palms of the hands in devotion; thal mo snan pa to give a slap on the cheek, or box on the ear; thal mo thal bar byed SANST separated the hands that were joined to show reverence. thal la tshal n. of a place in nyag rong in Khams: nyag rong rtsibs kyi thal la tshal du rje 'bangs 'thab at Thal-la tshal in —ag-roo rtsibs the chieftain and his subjects fought (Yig.). thal tshang (gsang od ) closet, privy. thal tshwa a kind of salt, gen. burnt salt: thal tshwas grang sel pho ba spos pa 'joms burnt salt subdues cold and swelling of the stomach. thal yas (grangs ) n. of a number. thal le straight on; forthwith; (Hbrom. kha 10). tha'i dzi (Mongolian) the title by which the descendants of Jenghis Khan the great Tartar conqueror are known. According to Mongol law the fact of one's bearing the title of Thahi-dsi exempts one from taxation. thi num. fig. 40. thi gu rope, string: gnas nas gser gyi thi gu cig byung a golden cord descended from heaven (Yig.). thi ba SANST 1. sandpiper, but acc. to Sch. stock-dove; also = ti bo plover, lapwing. 2. = the ba in C. (J‰.). thig 1. = klad kor "0" or numeral for zero. 2. a line: thig 'debs pa SANST to draw a line; nag thi or snag thig a black line; tshal thig a red line; tshangs thig diameter. 3. also thig skor carpenter's cord or string to mark lines with any instrument used in drawing lines; skor thig a pair of compasses; gYa' thig slate-pencil, lead-pencil; also a line drawn with a lead-pencil (J‰.). thig skud SANST thread, yarn; also straight line. thig mkhan SANST sawyer. thig nag SANST 1. one of the eight hot hells where the damned are sawn to pieces, lines being drawn upon them, v. tsha dmyal 3. 2. black spot. thig tsam a little, about the size of a line, a drop. thig tshad proportion, symmetry (Cs.). thig tshad byed pa to proportion. thig shing ruler for ruling lines; also a level. thig pa v. thigs pa 3. thig ma cotton or woollen chintz, on which there are different designs. thig 'bum SANST the sea, ocean. thig le (khu ba SANST) 1. semen virile. 2. SANST, SANST; thig le lta bu'i rgyan or mdongs SANST star or mark tattooed on the forehead as an ornament; an eye on a peacock's feather. 3. the concentration of what is diffused; par-excellence; sa yi thig le SANST the chief or supreme person, king (A.K. 1-4); painting, mark, spot; theg le can spotted, concentred in spots; chos thig le nyag cig the best or concentration of all religions. 4. SANST, SANST [complete, special]S. 5. zero, naught (Vai. so.). 6. a phase of mystic contemplation in which the seminal fluid is supposed to be inwardly absorbed into the arteries; also, the mystic fluid, itself: ro rkyang gnyis kyi thig le 'phel ba yin the semen of the roma and kyaoma becomes increased (Mil.). snying kha chos kyi 'khor lo 'di thig les gang ba yin that globe of the doctrine, his heart, has been filled with the mystical fluids. 7. said to = zla mtshan the female monthly discharge. 8. as met. may = klang po . thig le mchog ma SANST n. of a celestial courtezan; centre of all religions in which finally all the sects must unite. thig le'i lus a leopard, snake (Moon.). thigs pa also spelt thig pa = zil ba 1. a drop (A.K. 111-26): thigs pa re re nas from every drop; in drops, by drops; char thigs rain drops; gser thig po a drop or globule of gold. 2. vb. to sprinkle or throw in drops. thing v. 'ding ba 3. thing shing SANST n. of a dye. thing gi mi rabs zhig gi ming n. of a line or succession of noblemen in Tibet (Yig.). thid yug a number (Ya-sel. 57). thib pa v. 'thib pa and gtib pa 3; thib thib very dark, dense; snug pa thib thib fogs thickening. (EEE 'thib pa does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under 3thibs po 3.) thibs po SANST 1. vanishing, disappearing. 2. SANST, SANST dark, dense, obscure, v. 'thib pa and gtib pa 3; byin rlab thibs thibs a blessing devolving upon a person. thibs mo dense, dark. thim pa (phag ma khugs la ) SANST, SANST, SANST to be lost (in some thing else), to melt down; to be dissolved being mixed up with another object; = 'thim pa gtim pa and stim pa ; gen. with la or nang du to disappear by being imbibed, to be absorbed; to pass into, to evaporate (of fluids); of a snake; to creep away, to disappear in a hole; frq. of the vanishing of rays of light, of a god, etc.; dran med du thim pa to pass or sink into unconsciousness. Syn. sim pa ; zha ba (Moon.). thim thim n. of a number (Ya-sel. 57). thi'u kwan thing mur n. of one of the Tartar Emperors of China belonging to the great Yuan dynasty. He invited the celebrated Karma Lama Rao byuo Rdorje to Peking (Loo. 'a 10). thil chung n. of a place in Tibet (Loo. 8). thil ston prob. for mthil ston pa to enter into the depth of a conversation or expression; to fathom a secret. thu 1. num. fig. 70. 2. spittle: thu bya ba to spit out of scorn or contempt at anybody (K. du. da 416). thu pa skirt of a robe, coat-flap (Khrid). thu ba 1. vb. SANST to pluck or collect flowers. 2. = thu lu btab pa . 3. thub pa able, powerful, capable of: ngan song gi gting rdo byed pa la mi las thu ba med (SÒio.) in measuring the bottom of perdition (with a fathoming stone) there is none more capable than man. 4. malicious, wicked, vicious: sdug bsngal thu ba a malignant suffering or severe accident. 5. vb., v. 'thu ba 3. thu bo 1. SANST chief, senior, an elder brother. 2. SANST, SANST quarrel, poison. 3. = thug pa SANST gruel made of barley flour. Syn. jo jo ; aa jo ; phu bo ; thog ma skyes ; sngon skyes . thu mo lady, mistress (Cs.). thu med aal than rgyal po a king of Mongolia who was famed for his patronage of Buddhism, althan in Mongolian signifying "golden." (Loo. 'a 11). thu re uninterrupted (Sch.). thu lu spittle; thu lu btab pa or 'debs pa to spit, to throw spittle; thu lu nag po occurs in Glu. 3 as = withered flower. thu lum a lump of metal; in W. acc. to J‰. a cannon-ball. thug postp. c. accus. until, up to; in reference to time and space da thug until now; zhag bzhi bcu thug for forty days; dgon pa'i kha thug over against the gompa, at the gompa. Adv. = only. thug sgra or thug 'choms great noise: da re thug 'choms dang 'a 'ur gyi sgra chen po byas now each made great noise and rattling sounds (Rdsa. 9). thug rnga (thug gYag gi rnga ma ) the hairy tail of a yak fixed with a flag on the top of a Tibetan house. thug tshom the flag staff with a silken flag, or a yak's tail and hay attached to the top of a post and fixed on the roof of a monastery or house in Tibet (Rtsii.). thug pa sbst. soup, broth; 'bras thug rice-soup; bag thug SANST meal-soup; barley-soup. thug pa 'grim pa SANST to make barley gruel; the cook who prepares such; rgya thug Chinese porridge, a sort of vermicelli-soup; thug thal = thug rtsam flour of barley for making gruel or broth. II: 1. to reach, arrive at, come to; c. dat. or termin: tshe'i mthar thug pa to reach the close of life; rus pa la thug to reach to the very bone; shi la thug tshe or 'chi bar thug pa la at the point of death; bzung la thug he was just on the point of seizing her. 2. to interview, to encounter; to meet, to light upon: thug phrad byed pa to have an interview with (Hbrom. kha 7); jag pa dang thug pa to fall in with robbers; gdong thug pa resp. zhal mjal personal interview. 3. colloq. to touch, to hit or strike against: lag pa mi thug yin I shall not touch it, I shall not come near with my hand (J‰.). thug chad agreement (Sch.). thug yas 1. not to be reached, endless (Cs.). 2. n. of a very great number (Ya-sel. 37). thug pa med par 'gyur SANST possibility of the fallacy of ad infinitum (Gram.). thug med las bsgres pa SANST chapter on the fallacy of ad infinitum. thugs 1. SANST, SANST the heart, gen. thugs ka breast, the heart: thugs kyi sprul ba the incarnation of a deity, originating in a ray of light which proceeds from the breast of that deity. 2. heart (in a spiritual sense), mind, soul, spirit, used resp. for sems ; thugs su chud pa = thugs su 'byon pa to be kept in the mind, in memory. 3. purpose, intention. In this sense it occurs in the well-known compound word thugs rje mercy, a favour. de ltar skye na skye ba don med thugs med du 'gyur if so born the birth will be useless and for no purpose (Lam. ti.). thugs rab = shes rab wisdom, good heart; thugs rus = snying rus assiduity, exertion; thugs shes pa resp. for yid shes pa to believe; to know one's mind. Thugs is used also like sems in the colloq. pleonastically when mental feelings are expressed: nyid rang mthong rgyu la nga'i thugs la dga' ba yod I am glad to see you; lit. "there is joy in my mind to see you." Syn. snying ; kun skyed byed ; rnam shes rten ; srog gi rten ; sems kyi khang pa ; sha yi mchog (Moon.). thugs gtong ba resp. bsam blo gtong ba to muse, meditate, reflect. thugs spro ba to be cheerful; to be merry. thugs dkar ba 1. white (clean) heart, sincerity. 2. there are 360 Bon gods called Thugs-dkar; and those who conduct religious rites to propitiate them are called Thugs-dkar-wa (Rtsii.). thugs dkar ye shes one of the seven Bon sages (G. Bon. 35). thugs bskyed = sems bskyed SANST 1. imbibing faith, an idea dawning in the mind. 2. kind remembrance: thugs bskyed gYo ba med pa sngar bzhin nas gsung mchid kyang yang yang yod pa mkhyin| also may it please you to write me often as heretofore without becoming unsteady in your kind remembrance of me (Yig. k. 25). thugs mkhyen resp. for mngon shes fore-knowledge. thugs 'khur che bzhes to accept responsibility: thugs 'khur che bskyed yod pa gzhir bcas at the bottom there having been engendered a sense of responsibility. thugs 'khrugs resp. for khong 'khrugs agitation of the mind. thugs dgongs resp. for dgongs pa consideration, thought, opinion, view. thugs rgyal resp. for anger, wrath, indignation: thugs rgyal bzhengs anger arises, is roused (J‰.). thugs ngan grief, sorrow, affliction. thugs ngal ba = sems ngal to be sorrowful; sorrow: sems gso thugs ngal ma mdzad cig be consoled, do not be grieved (Rdsa. 19). thugs rje lit. noble purpose or heart; generosity, pity, commiseration, compassion; a grace, favour, mercy, blessing: nga la thugs rjes gzigs pray, look graciously upon me; sa bon zhig thugs rje gzigs dgos pray, be so kind as to send me some seeds (J‰.). thugs rje can = snying brtse ldan gracious, merciful, generous (Moon.). thugs rje che ba , byams pa dang ldan pa merciful and loving (Moon.). thugs rje che is one of the common expressions of thanks and courtesy = our "many thanks," "you are most kind," etc. thugs rje chen po an epithet of Avalokitesvara; the all-merciful one, a Buddha. thugs rje byams ma an epithet of skye dgu'i bdag mo aunt and foster-mother of Gautama Buddha. thugs rje 'dzin pa to be compassionate, merciful; thugs rje mdzad pa to shew mercy, to behave kindly. thugs rje'i lha an appellation of Avalokitesvara. There are four gods bearing the name of thugs rje chen po in the Bon pantheon of the later period; they are called by their attributes:- (1) 'khor ba la rgyun chad med pa'i thugs rje chu bo 'dra ba mercy flows to all the world uninterruptedly like a river; (2) 'khor ba la ma zad pa'i thugs rje gzhi 'dra ba mercy inexhaustible as the basis of all things for the world of migratory existence; (3) kun la snyoms pa'i thugs rje nyi ma lta bu blessings to all living beings evenly like as with the sun; (4) dpag tu med pa'i thugs rje nam mkha' lta bu mercy boundless like the sky. thugs nyid = sems nyid 3. thugs thub resp. for thub tshod 1. self-sufficient, not caring; thinking no danger or injury will accrue from such and such action or steps, etc. 2. misappropriation of anything to one's self thinking that no notice will be taken: 'bras bre phyed thugs thub tu ad pas yi ags shin tu dbang chung bar skyes pa (A. 75) because he had misappropriated to himself half a pound of rice, he was born as a Preta of most insignificant power; thugs thub tu ad pa to work with self-reliance, being confident of one's own abilities (A. 75). thugs dam = yi dam 1. lit. holy opinion; advice. 2. oath, vow, solemn promise: thugs dam bca' ba to take an oath, to make a vow. 3. a prayer, a wish in the form of a prayer; = snon lam . 5. contemplation, the act of contemplating a deity (cf. sgom pa 3 and 3sgrub pa 3), meditation in general: thugs dam 'phel meditation increases, proceeds successfully; devotion. 4. a deity, a tutelar god or saint: thugs dam rdo rje'i skyabs rol nas 'phral yun kun tu mi 'dor zhing not expelling me at any time outside the protection of the dorje of my tutelary god. thugs bde happy, cheerful. thugs 'dun = thugs kyi 'dun pa or thugs 'dod . dngos mjal zhus chog pa'i thugs 'dun bcas brtse 'dor med pa mkhyin| let your affection to me not be cast aside that I may be permitted to have a gracious interview (Yig. k. 25). thugs nang gshin pa very affectionate, loving letters: thugs nang gshin pa'i phebs tshogs kyang go la'i rlung 'gros lhar 'gog med du zhu| I pray that your affectionate letters may also come to me unhindered as the motion of the wind (Yig. k. 87). thugs mug = yi mug despair. thugs brtse ba love, affection of the heart, compassion; resp. for snying brtse ba; frq. thugs brtse bar dgongs pa , gzigs pa to look upon compassionately, to remember in mercy. thugs su 'gro ba = yid du 'ong ba to think well of, approve of; to be agreeable; also adj. agreeable, pleasant, delightful; also sbst. pleasure, delight. thugs sras spiritual son; an appellation given to distinguished disciples of saints. MaÒjusri, Avalokitesvara, Vajrapani, etc., are spiritual sons of Gautama acc. to the Mahayana School. Among the Bon, Ha-sho, Mdo-sdud and other saints are the spiritual sons of Shenrab. thung nga three years old, of animals (Sch.). thung ba 1. short, low in size, of small dimensions: sdong thung ba a short stem. thag ring thung distance in general; gzugs kyi thung short in size, a dwarf. thung ba bzhi the four shortnesses of the members of the human body which are regarded as defects, viz.:- mgrin pa thung ba short neck; rkang pa thung ba short legs; rgyab thung ba short back; rje ngar the lower parts of the arm or legs (Mi.). thung ngu SANST diminutive, short; thung ngu 'gro ba to become shorter. 2. SANST; dus kyi thung ba brief in respect of duration, of time. Syn. dma' ba ; srid thung ; thung ngu ; mi mtho ; rtse dman (Moon.). thud (ka ba'i ) SANST 1. the hollow of a pillar. 2. coagulated milk, thickened milk with butter, a dainty with yak herdsmen of Tibet. mar dang phyur ba dang bu ram bsres nas zos pa ate pastry made of treacle and dried curds with butter; 'o thud milk-cheese; also a mess of rice, milk and sugar; thud leb lnga five cakes of milk cheese (Rtsii.). thud sgrom a box in which milk-cheese is packed for sale. thud shor ba lit. careless; erring, blundering; defined as las ka sogs khyug pa neglect of work, etc.; thud shor du ma song ba not to be negligent. thud thud n. of a number (Ya-sel. 56). thun I: = mel tshe SANST, SANST a period of three hours, the eighth part of a day according to Buddhist astrology. Acc. to J‰. a fixed length of time; as long as a man is able to work without resting; a shift of six, four or three hours. mel tshe thun 'khor the night watch is over; thun gnyis pa SANST, SANST the second watch (of day or night); thun tha ma la SANST in the last watch of night; thun dang po la SANST in the first watch (of night); thun bar pa la SANST in the middle watch (of night). nam gyi lung thun la at or about midnight. II: = mtshams 1. SANST, SANST, SANST the junction of the day and night, twilight and day-break: mtshams pa sgom chen rnams ting nge 'dzin lhod du btang ba'i thun bzhi yong there are four periods or junctions in which those called Tsham-pa Gom-chen can relax their meditation (Shil. 8). thun mtshams the day and the night; at sunset or at day-break. bdud rtsi thun mtshams SANST an auspicious conjunction of time. 2. state of abstraction and isolation, real or suppositional, of a lama sitting to meditate. Often even applied to the room where he is sitting. III: (prob. for mthun 3) in sorcery: bodies or substances which are supposed to be possessed of magic virtues, such as sand, barley, sesame, mustard, etc. thun gtor offerings made to evil spirits. thun dong a hole in which magical articles are buried or concealed in Shaman rites. thun mda' a magical arrow to shoot people or devils. thun brab pa to cast or throw enchanted articles, also to perform magical rites with them, also to slay people or evil-spirits. IV: one who collects; a gatherer (from 'thu ba ); shing thun one who picks up or gathers sticks; rtsa thun a gatherer of grass (J‰.); snye thun a gatherer of ears of corn (Cs.). thun zor reaping-hook, sickle (Sch.). thun ma SANST relating to the watch of the night. thun bzhi pa SANST the fourth lunar crescent, i.e., the fourth day after the full or the new-moon. thun bzhi'i rnal 'byor an ascetic who meditates or keeps the mind abstracted from worldly objects, &c., continuously during the four watches of the day; the meditation of a whole day. thun bzung ba to keeps the watch, i.e., not let slip the time without fully using it either in meditation or in the performance of any other work. thun gsum pa SANST 1. one who remains engaged in devotion three times during the day (twenty-four hours). 2. SANST the lunar crescent on the third day after a new or full moon. [3. night]S. thun pa = bsnun pa to cling to, to adhere. thun mtshams rtogs is a srin po or cannibal demon that longs for the gloom betwixt day and night to be able to search for prey. thun mtshams stobs SANST strong in twilight, a demon or Rakshasa. thun rwa an enchanted horn on which figures of scorpions, alligators, etc., are engraved for witch-craft. thun mtshon a weapon that is fixed or stuck on. thun ngang ma mo the mother of the arch-devil, said to = bdud khyab pa lag ring the long-armed devil. However lag ring is the demon who measured lances with Shenrab the Teacher of the Bon (D.R.). thun mong or thun mong ba SANST, SANST, SANST ordinary, general, common, usual; that which is done or happens every day. thun mong chos = 'khor ba transmigratory existence, worldly life, the works that one does in ordinary life (Moon.). The thun mong gi chos as specified in Buddhist works are:- (1) bsam gtan bzhi the four (Dhyana) kinds of meditation; (2) tshad med bzhi the immeasurable virtues; (3) gzugs med pa'i snyoms par 'jug pa bzhi the four kinds of sitting in abstraction in the formless state; (4) mngon par shes pa lnga the five kinds of fore-knowledge. Again thun mong gi rnal 'byor lnga = the five sorts of ordinary ascetics which are:- (1) nang nub chos od kyi rnal 'byor a yogi who meditates in the mornings and evenings; (2) sngon 'gro gtor ma'i rnal 'byor a yogi who propitiates a divinity by first offering him cakes; (3) bza' ba zas kyi rnal 'byor an ascetic who practises asceticism for getting food; (4) gtung ba skom gyi rnal 'byor a thirsty ascetic who practises penance for the sake of liquor; (5) od lam rgyun gyi rnal 'byor an ascetic whose behaviour is uniform at all times (Hbum. ga 78). Syn. i ; i ma ; i thog (Moon.). thun mong ba = thun mong 3. thun mong ma yin pa'i chos in Budh. extraordinary doctrines said to comprise:- dran pa nye bar bzhag bzhi|sangs rgyas kyi chos ma 'dres pa bco brgyad kyi bar ste|phar phyin drug sa bcu'i yon tan thams cad|. It is stated that they are called extraordinary because they can only be practised and comprehended by the Bodhisattvas of the ten stages and are incomprehensible to the followers of the Hinayana school. thun mong bud med = snad 'tshong ma a public woman (Moon.). thun mong sa unclaimed grounds, public gardens, a place for public sports and athletic exercises (Moon.). thun tshegs = phran tshegs . thub SANST; blo thub pa 1. capable; also sbst. a mighty one. kun thub one who is able to do everything, able to fight out all enemies (Yig. 124). 2. SANST a wise man, a sage, a saint in general. thub pa I: potential vb. with accus. or root of another verb: 1. to be able, to be capable of, to withstand, be equal to: dug gis ma thub cing as the poison could not do him any harm; ser khral gyis ni ser ba 'zoms thub can pa one able to keep off hail; gzhan gyis mi thub pa invincible; ngan dgu thub pa to be able to subdue all evil. mi yis thub par dga' is not easily borne by man, e.g., does not agree with him; ras rkyang thub pa to be able to bear a simple cotton dress; mal ting la nyal ma thub was not able to lie on his bed; tho rangs na la rtse thug 'byon mi thub yong I shall not be able to reach the pass-top tomorrow. 2. the common Tibetan epithet of Sakyamuni shA kya thub pa . 3. the mighty or capable one. thub chod SANST courage (A.K. 1-24). thub chod can = gdol pa SANST one of the fierce wild tribes of India that did not submit to the Aryas; the lowest of the Hindu tribes (Moon.). thub pa nyid SANST a sage. thub pa che SANST a great sage; an epithet of Buddha. thub bstan SANST the doctrine of Buddha: thub bstan dri ma med pa yun mthar gnas shing the stainless doctrine of Buddha enduring to the end of time (Yig. k. 27). thub pa drug the manifestations of Buddha in the six states of existence acc. to the Nyingma sect:- (1) in the abodes of gods, (2) in the world of demons, (3) in the land of men, (4) as Seoge Rab-brtan in the world of beasts, etc., (5) as Guru Vairotsana in the abode of the Yidag or Preta, (6) as Vikrama in hell. thub pa rab mchog Pravara muni; n. of a Tathagata. thub pa sangs rgyas SANST Sakyamuni. thub pa'i gnas SANST a hermitage. thub pa'i bu = khug rta 3. thub pa'i dbang po SANST an epithet of Buddha. thub dbang gsung skyes an epithet of a Sravaka, a monk of the Hinayana school (Moon.). Also theg chung skyes bu . thum or thum thum = 'bog thum anything packed in a bag, a parcel, anything packed or wrapped up: 'bru thang thum bcas together with a package of grained tea. thum ti = bstums pa anything cut into pieces. thum pa a while, a moment: mnal thum pa zhig byung took a nap for a moment. thum bu 1. a piece, bit: nor rdzas gzhan ma bzhes par thum bu 'di' dod gyis shig ces bsgos not accepting anything else, (but) this piece he would have; thus he expressed himself (Hbrom. 144). 2. = thom bu a large spoon, a ladle; rag thum a brass ladle; zangs thum a copper ladle. (EEE The original has ma ngzhes par in the first example, but this has to be a mistake for ma bzhes par .) thums = 1. thur ba spoon, ladle. 2. piece of cloth, linen (ras thum lta bu ); acc. to Cs. = thum pa . 3. cover, covering, wrapper of a book or a parcel, also the parcel itself. thums rgyab pa to put (a cover round a thing), to wrap up; thums can having a cover, packed. thur a slope; thur thur adv. down; thur lam down-hill road, a steep descent; thur du or thur la downwards; thur la rgyab pa to cast down into; thur la sink down; mgo thur bstan te head down or head over heels; thur 'grod that which runs downward, as met. water (Moon.). thur mgo 1. the tip of a spoon thur mgo tsam about the tip of a spoon, a spoon measure. 2. = thur mgo a halter; thur thag the rope attached to thur mgo; thur mtha' the end of that rope. thur po the lowest part, the lower side (of a hill): thur thur gyi thur po la at the very lowest possible point, in the bottom-most part (e.g., of a deep ravine between two hill-sides). thur sel that which clears the downward passage, a purgation; thur sel gyi rlung SANST the wind that passes downward, i.e., through the rectum. thur bu or thur ru foal, colt, filly (J‰.). thur ma 1. SANST a stick, chopstick; thur ma brgya pa an umbrella which is made on a frame work of (lit. a hundred) many sticks (Moon.). 2. spoon. 3. a whole class of surgical instruments (J‰.). thur zho a pair of scales. thur shing SANST pole, the stick with which loads are supported (being attached to its two ends). thur srang an ounce of silver (Yig.). thur srang gi zho la (Rtsii.). thul from 'dul ba used substantively: thul de min besides that way of converting (people) (J‰.). thul 'og tu 'jug pa to keep under one's power or control; to keep a tight hand over a person, to discipline one; dbang thul SANST (A.K. 1-8) on who has controlled his passion; zhing gi thul 'debs pa to clear land for tillage (Schl.). thul gyis suddenly, immediately: thul gyis byon he arrived suddenly (A. 43). thul pa acc. to Cs. = thul po dress made of the skins of animals, a fur coat or cloak; lug thul dress of sheep skin; ra thul dress of goat skin. thul ba 1. imp. thul cig SANST to restrain, tame, curb, check: ngas 'dre rnams thul nas the goblins having been subdued by me; las nyon mongs thul ba dka' it is difficult to check a sinful deed. As a participle: tamed, civilized; converted. 2. rolled or wound up. thul lu the common sheep-skin dress. thul le (Ld.) impressive. thus pa or 'thus pa 1. = 'grigs pa fit, appropriate: kha las thon tshad lab na thus yong ngam whether it will be appropriate if coming forth from the lips, i.e., expressed in words (Rdsa. 15). v. 'thu ba 3. the 1. for the mo and the tshom . 2. num. 100. the khyim v. the se 3. the chung the smallest toe. the ba pf. thes (Sch.) 1. to belong, appertain to; the mkhan belonging to a thing; ma the bar = ma gtogs par ; the reg relation of owner-ship: de la yab kyi the reg med to this my father has no claims. 2. to occupy one's self with a thing, to meddle with, to interfere. the pa or theb pa = gtogs pa pertaining to; to be applied to; to be of use: zhabs bskul zhu bar the pa tsam those who are fit to enter service (Ya-sel. 31). the bo n. of a place in Khams-Amdo (Loo. za 14). the mo resp. phyag the (originally the thumb or thumb impression) a seal, signet, stamp. the tse id. the tshom SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST hesitation; doubt, uncertainty, perplexity: the tshom skes doubt arises, or the tshom du gyur I am doubtful. the tshom zhig 'dri ba to utter a doubt. In Buddh: 1. don gyur gyi the tshom doubt regarding alteration of signification. 2. don mi gyur gyi the tshom doubt as to the meaning remaining unchanged. 3. cha mnyam pa'i the tshom equal doubt in reference to both (Loo. pha 15). the mi tshom not doubting, also = dog pa med pa without being afraid of, boldly: las 'bras bden rdzan la the mi tshom par sgrub pa nyams su blangs he practised (the rites) for the attainment of occult powers without being exercised by the thought of karma, retribution, truth and untruth (Hbrom. kha 3). Syn. som nyi ; nem nur ; 'phyang mo nyug ma nges ; yid gnyis (Moon.). the rtog scruple, doubt, uncertainty, hesitation. the tshom med unquestionable, certain = dog pa med pa doubtless: pha nor bu yis 'dzin pa the tshom med that the son should inherit the father's property is undoubted. the tshom za ba to doubt, to suspect, to be suspicious, doubtful. the tshom za ba rnams scrupulous irresolute persons. the tshom log ge groundless doubt, false scruple, or suspicions: da rung rtsad gcod cig byed rang byed dgos snyam the tshom log ge'i bsdad yod as groundless suspicions remain, make a further investigation should you think it necessary to be done (Rdsa. 12). the 'an (Chinese) = gnam heaven. the 'an nu or the yan nu (Chinese) = gnam mkha'i bdag po the lord of heaven (Grub. tha 16). the re col. straight, upright, firm, smooth, without folds or wrinkles: the re thing or the re then draw the (carpet) smooth (J‰.). the rang v. the'u rang 3. the rang mig gcig pa'i rgyal khams the fabulous kingdom of one-eyed giants, of cyclops; ther or the rang a class of demons (Yig.). the rel in W. incomplete, defective, unfinished. the le SANST black spots tattooed on the forehead of Hindu women of Bengal. the le lta bu'i rgyan is rendered: ornament resembling the eye of a peacock's feather. the se a king of the sa bdag demi-gods residing in the nether regions. the khyim n. of his principal wife. the se grum bu one of the minor chiefs of sa bdag demi-gods (Rtsii.). the le le evil-hearted, vicious: la la na re kong tse 'phrul gyi rgyal po mna' zan po the le le zer some said that the miraculous king Kong-tse was blasphemous and vicious (D.R.). theg pa I: 1. to support: dge 'dun rtag tu theg always supports the clergy. 2. to lift, raise, hold up. 3. to endure, to be able to carry: ji theg pa as much as you are able to carry; mis theg chad gcig as much as one man is able to carry; ma theg he was not able to hold him up: mi thog khur can unportable, not be carried; ya thog 'di kha ba mang tsam theg ma yong then cig gi tshi'i bzhin du theg mi thub the roof will not bear so much snow; it cannot be supported for the space of a moment; khong rnams kyi nan ma theg par not being able to stand their urgent demands; skyid theg sdug theg to be able to bear good fortune and ill fortune, cf. 'thegs pa , 'deg pa . 4. SANST, SANST any vehicle for transit, carriage, conveyance, even riding-beast: rta'i thig pa wa zhon pa he mounted on a carriage drawn by horses; theg pa lnga brgya bshams he procured or gathered five hundred conveyances (horses, elephants, chariots); theg pa'i bzhon pa one who mounts chariots. Not used in this sense in modern writings. II: SANST 1. a method of doctrinal religion and conduct, a vehicle whereby one may be conveyed to higher and higher stages of progress to Buddhistic perfection and so ultimately to Nirvana. Buddhism is supposed to be divided, primarily and also as a matter of history, into two great methods of observance and spiritual advance, these methods being designated theg pa (Sans. yana) or vehicles to carry you onwards. The first or earliest was the theg pa dman pa otherwise theg chung the Hinayana school or following, now generally estimated as the meanest because the easiest vehicle to go by. This school may be taken to have been now long since extinct. The second and later development, said to have been first authoritatively promulgated by Kanishka at the council of Kusana in Kashmir (about A.D. 78), is designated the theg pa chen po or Great Vehicle, otherwise the Mahayana school. A leading feature in this system was the introduction of the series of Bodhisattvas (byang chub sems dpa' ), and eventually of Dhyani Buddhas (ye shes sangs rgyas ) and Dhyani Bodhisattvas (ye shes sems dpa' ), into the curriculum of progress. As the Bodhisattvas are beings who have voluntarily and indefinitely delayed their own absorption into Nirvana for the sake of helping forward others on the thar pa'i lam or path of deliverance, so much the greater and more noble and beneficent is a system deemed which has included such principles as part of itself than that of the Hinayana or Lesser Vehicle which is destitute of the idea. The Mahayana in all other respects, likewise, is a more elaborate and intricate method of advance and therefore is, Buddhistically, considered the higher and better; while the Hinayana is held to be as crude and unsophisticated as it is frankly selfish. Historically, the Lesser or Lower Vehicle may be taken as the primitive curriculum of Doctrine and Practice as taught in the early period in Magadha and transported thence into Ceylon and even to Kambodia. Nevertheless, Trans-Himalayan Buddhism, as propagated from North India into Tibet, China, and Japan, has never known any other form than the Mahayana. Indeed all records of the prevalence of theg dman or Hinayana are so vague that theories invalidating its existence altogether as a practised sphere of Buddhism have been propounded. One theory allows to it only a paper existence set forth to contrast the greater glory of the Mahayana system, in the works of which system alone all first references to it occur. Another theory lately expounded by Professor Satis Chandra Acharya of Calcutta (see Journal Royal Asiatic Soc., Jan. 1900) endeavours to classify Brahmanism and Jainism with the doctrine of heretical Buddhists as together comprising the Hinayana system as referred to in Mahayana writing; and it is urged that Buddhist authors would naturally speak scornfully of the Brahmanism, etc., which had gone before as being a Hinayana, a less or lower means of conveyance to salvation. However, Professor C. Bendall, in a note on the last proposition, points to the matter-of-fact reference of the Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsang to the two systems as being both of them schools of solely Buddhist practice prevalent in his own day in the countries he visited, describing in particular some of the Ceylon Buddhists as of "the Little Vehicle." We may add, moreover, that nyan thos the well-known term for a Buddhist hearer or Sravaka is always defined in the Moon-brjod and other similar Tibetan treatises as a theg chung skyes bu or theg chung rnam rtsod , that is, a follower of the Hinayana school. 2. the word seems to have a second or more general technical meaning, signifying: doctrine in overt action, the practice of any doctrine, whether particular or part of a system or the whole system itself; also conduct. theg pa gsum the Three Vehicles. Although the great primary division of Buddhism is ordinarily set forth as only two-fold, the trinitarian tendency arises here, as elsewhere, and we read, therefore, of a set of three doctrinal vehicles also. These are:- (1) theg dman or nyan thos kyi theg pa Hinayana or Sravaka yana; (2) rang sangs rgyas or rang rgyal gyi theg pa Pratyekabuddha yana or Pradeshika yana; (3) byang chub sems dpa'i theg pa or theg pa chen po the Bodhisattva yana or Mahayana or Ekayana, "sems can thams cad kyi don gyi phyir rdzogs pa'i byang chub tu sems bskyed pa'i phyir for the good of all sentient beings so that they may imbibe faith in the doctrine of the all-perfect Buddhahood." Again, the Mahayana school has been further divided into departments which under Tantrik influence, have assumed the position of independent and even surperseding systems, deemed preferable to the generating source from which they took origin. The principal derivative of Mahayana origin is the Mantrayana (sngags kyi theg pa ) or Vajrayana (rdo rje theg pa ) which follows mysticism and deals in a measure with esoteric Buddhism. The Mantrayana is divided into two classes called rgyu'i theg pa (Hetuyana) vehicle of Cause and 'bras bu'i theg pa (Phalayana) the vehicle of Effect. Acc. to the Bon and also the Rdsogs-chen-pa sect of the —io-ma school there are nine vehicles (theg pa dgu ). Of these bzhi rgyu'i theg pa are the four subdivisions of the doctrine of Cause:- phyag theg pa , nga theg pa , na srid theg pa , 'phrul theg pa ; while bzhi 'bras bu'i theg pa = four subdivisions of the doctrine of Effect:- dge theg pa , drang theg pa , aa theg pa , ye theg pa ; and lastly is bla med or bla na med pa'i theg pa SANST which is common to both the series just mentioned. theg pa'i stobs SANST one of the ten spiritual strengths of a Bodhisattva so called on account of the superiority of doctrine, v. stobs bcu 3. theg chen thugs rje sems dpa' = sems tsam pa a follower of the Yogacarya school of Buddhism, an offshoot of the Mahayana School. theg mchog gling n. of a monastery within the suburbs of Lhasa presided over by an incarnate Lama. Seems to be identical with the Tshe-mchog Ling. theng kwan = dri med gzigs (Vimaladprti) n. of a celebrated Chinese Buddhist scholar well-versed in Sanskrit and who is said to have compiled 300 works. He lived during the reign of Emperor Ming huang of the T'ang dynasty and was greatly revered both by the people and the Emperor (Grub. da, 11). theng po or theng bu SANST lame, maimed in the leg; in W. limping, hobbling. thengs SANST time, times: thengs gcig SANST one time, once; thengs lnga five times; dbugs thengs cig la in one drawing of breath; at a stretch, without intermission (J‰.). then 1. explained as tshur 'don rgyu drawing out or pulling towards one: bcad khra bkod lugs bcas then 'khyer mi yong (Rtsii.). 2. = srib or hrib tsam SANST little while, a moment: cung zhig then tsam mdzod dang tshig gsum zhu pray do wait for a little while and I shall speak but three words (Rdsa. 22). then pa tax, duty, impost (Sch.). then med = sha tsha med pa (D. Shel. 8). theb 1. for them 3 full. 2. for 3thabs 3 (Glr.). theb mo or theb chen the thumb; theb chung the little finger, v. mthe bong 3. thebs I: series, order, succession (Sch.). thebs re byed pa to do successively; thebs pa , v. 'thebs pa 3. (EEE The original has thebpa sa for thebs pa ; obviously a typesetter's mistake.) II: 1. signifies yong ba coming out, issuing; thus kla thebs = klu sa steng du yong ba the coming out of snakes or nagas from underneath the ground. 2. = kha lta phyogs , sgra gcan thebs : = sgra gcan kha lta phyogs . thebs pa I: 1. to reach, arrive at: da res nga'i lag pa la thebs byung it has come to my hand. rna ba la thebs pa to reach the ear, to come to one's hearing: 'byon du ma bzhed na yang snyan du thebs par mdzod if you do not like to go, at least let it come to your hearing (give audience) (A. 128). 2. = 'dzom pa to collect, assemble: sde brgyad thebs = sde brgyad tshogs pa assembling together of the eight classes of demons. 3. to be taken, be captured, to fall into; rnye la thebs ma thebs whether an animal has fallen in the snare or not; rnyi btsugs nas thebs ma thebs having laid the trap, see if any fall in it or not. II: to adjust, to fit or cause to fit, to make appropriate, to make suitable: lan thebs pa to give a suitable or appropriate reply; lcags gzer thebs song a rivet or nail has been fitted into it; zas 'thung thebs song food and drink have been applied, fitted, distributed; sgo lcags thebs ma thebs does the lock fit or not? thebs rang = the'u rang or the brang a class of demon. them pa I: 1. SANST, SANST, SANST threshold; them pa 'gal ba to cross the threshold; sgo them door-still; ya them head piece of a door-frame, lintel; ma them sill, threshold. 2. rank, dignity. 3. series, set; them skas staircase, flight of steps, a ladder; them rim the several steps of a staircase; rdo them stone-stair; 'khor them winding stair (Cs.). II: 1. to be full, complete: zla dus them pa dang when the (specified) space of months was fulfilled; zhag gcig ma them pa la one day being still wanting; brgya them pa one hundred being full or the limit of a hundred having been reached. 2. in W. to be sufficient, enough (from J‰.). them deb registration or record of the thresholds of houses with a view to levy house-tax: mi ser sde grong them deb nang gsal a statement or list of tenants, villages and towns is set forth herein (Rtsii.). them bu closing, shutting up (Sch.). them rtsa = sgo them kyi rtsa ba (Lo. 8). them tshangs stopping, a stoppage. thems yig memorial (Sch.). the'u rang the rang a set of demons. ther bare, denuded; also ther ther unruffled, flat. ther 'bum (grangs ) SANST; ther 'bum la gnas bcu , i.e., 1,000,000,000. ther 'bum chen po SANST; = 10,000,000,000. ther ma a kind of serge-cloth resembling flannel; ras ther drill; bal ther shawl made of sheep's wool; snam ther very thick serge resembling blanket; le ther serge made of very soft goat's wool; ther spag (ther mthug pa ) a coarse kind of serge (Rtsii.); ther gzan a wrapper made of serge which the lamas wrap round their body; ther gzan dmar po red plaid shawl (Rtsii.). ther zug = ther zug pa or 'gyur ba med pa SANST constant, enduring, unchangeable. Syn. rtag pa ; brtan pa (Moon.). thel ba in W. = sleb pa 3 to arrive, cf. 3thal ba 3. thel ma leather strap (Rtsii.). thel tshe (thal kha ) seal, stamp; thel se = the tshe seal, stamp (Sch.). thes pa pf. to the ba 3 (Sch.). tho 1. num. for 130. 2. register, list, catalogue, index, memorandum: brjed tho btags keeping memoranda. tho 'bri ba to register, to make out a list or catalogue (Schtr.); sleb tho or 'byung tho account of receipts; song tho , bud tho , skyag tho account of expenditures; btang tho account of money or goods lent or sent out; nyo tho bill, account of goods purchased; lo tho or zla tho calendar, almanac; de'i lag tu phrin bor tho list of orders or directions given to one (lit. laid down on his hand); de'i rgyud la thob tho a list of things which his relations shall receive, i.e., inherit (J‰.); tho yig logs su bkod pa to make a separate list of things (Yig.). tho zur corner or marginal note; rtag par gnas rgyu'i tho yig list, catalogue, for reference. tho 'khor adj. and adv. near; sbst. neighbourhood. Syn. thag nye ba ; nye 'khor (Moon.). tho gar or tho dkar n. of a kingdom situated N. and N. W. of Kashmir, including Kho-ten. Tukhara, n. of a place and people in the north-west of India; J‰. suggests it is the Togarmah of the Bible. tho dkar gyi dmag mang po ram zlar drangs they brought Ramdar a large number of troops from Tho-dkar (Grub. tha 15). tho co jocular talk, nonsense-chatter; tho co byed pa to speak nonsense, meaningless words. This word and tho cho are evidently identic. tho cho snyen tshig ya sgra dang to speak with dissimulation; to speak gently by concealing one's anger (D.R.). tho phyi 1. in Pth. seems to signify the sky (J‰.); acc. to Schr. love. 2. dissimulation. tho tho prob. a Chinese word, signifying boundary demarcation; thus rgya mi tho tho is the designation of the boundary marks put by the Chinese between Nepal and Tibet. tho tho ri gnyan btsan the first historical king of Tibet; during his reign Buddhism was first introduced in Tibet: tho tho ri gnyan btsan gyi ring la dam pa chos kyi dbu brnyes shing | the commencement of the holy doctrine occurred in the times of Tho-tho-ri nyan-tsan (Deb. ga 2). tho rdo stone boundary: rdo'i tho tho bcug pa putting boundary marks of piled stones. tho ba = mtho ba a hammer; tho ba mgar ba'i blacksmith's hammer; SANST, SANST; tho bas rdung ba to hammer, to forge; rdo tho a stone hammer; shing tho a wooden hammer, mallet; tho chung a small hammer, the cock of a gun; a soldering stick. tho btsams pa pf. of tho 'tshams pa (Oag.). tho 'tsham pa SANST sbst. 1. contempt, scorn, a scoffer, also tho 'tshams pa (brnyas bcos byas mkhan ) (Oag.). 2. to scorn, scoff, jeer, sneer at, mock: sngan chad tho 'tshams pa bzod par gsol pardon our having sneered at you before. tho yor pyramid of stones heaped up as votive pile, a cairn. tho ri snyan shal another name of king Tho-tho-ri gÒan-btsan (Loo. 'a 8). tho rangs or tho rengs SANST, SANST, SANST dawn, break of day, early morning; tho rangs kyi dus su early in the morning; chiefly used in W. 2. the following morning; also adverbially: de dang mjal ba'i tho rangs on the morning after having met him (J‰). tho rangs snang ba tomorrow. tho re acc. to J‰. in W. tomorrow; = sang . tho re ba 1. acc. to Cs. = tho tsal . 2. SANST a few: pNa Di ta'i bshad lugs tho re ba zhig gsungs pas according to the manner of speech of pandits, he said a few words (A. 104). tho re tsam a little while, time (J. Zao.). tho lum = thu lum a kind of hammer with a knob at its head; lcags kyi tho lum me 'bar ba a red-hot iron hammer (Sorig). tho le 1. = nar nar ring po a projection; defined also as lag mthil brdung ba clapping the palms of the hand (D.R.). tho le 'debs pa to spit, c. la at or on (cf. thu 3). 2. a button. 3. tho le dkar po chalk (J‰.). tho le ring nam mkha' la 'od dkar por 'phros nas tho le ring gis song ngo | being diffuse as white light in the sky it was projected in a long column (D.R.). tho log hinny, offspring of a horse and she-ass; a flummel. tho 'di'i dre'u 'gems dang tho log gnyis two hinnies with the stupidest mule-colt of the lot (Jig.). tho sho legs n. of a tribe in Tibet (Yig.). tho hun a Chinese word, meaning pale-white or grey colour. thog (nam mkha'i ) SANST, SANST thunder-bolt, lightning; thog dang ser ba lightning and hail: thog ser gyi gnod pa damage done by lightning and hail. thog 'bab pa lightning descending, falling of a thunderbolt; thog rgyab pa striking with lightning; thog babs su 'byon pa to arrive, to approach quick or suddenly like lightning; thog gsad rus pas rgyu gzer dmar bshal 'joms par byed| by the touch of a bone of an individual killed by lightning, colic and diarrhúa are cured. thog gis gsod pa or thog bab ste 'chi ba dying from a thunderbolt; to be killed by lightning: theg chen po drug nam mkha' la chags 'dug pa mthong I saw six great lightnings burst asunder in the sky (A. 16). Syn. rdo rje'i char pa ; chu 'dzin skyes ; me char 'phro 'joms ; lce 'bar ba ; sprin gyi 'od zer ; chu las 'bar ; nam mkha'i tho ba ; lce snying med ; chang nyams ; sprin gyi me po che ; rdo rje'i zegs ; chus mi nyams ; gnam lcags ; sprin gyi zer 'phro ba ; ri 'joms ; 'bigs byed (Moon.). II: (khang pa'i thog ) a roof, a cover, top; thog 'bubs pa or thog 'gel ba to put a roof on a house; also fig. to finish an enterprise or task; thog rdzis gtong ba to roof, to finish a roof by beating and stamping down the earth or sods of which the covering consists; also fig. to impress (J‰.). thog dkar opening for smoke in a roof; ya thog ceiling; ma thog floor of a room; dgu thog having nine storeys or floors. The Òi-zla or crowning finial of a chaita or chˆrten is also styled the thog; so, too, architecturally, the apex or culminating point of any structure. The following forty-three terms are enumerated in connection with a storeyed house:-yang thog , chu skyob thog , dkar gsal , skas ka , skyang nul , khol ma , grong khyer sgo , rgya phibs , sgo khang , sgo glegs , sgo gtan , sgo drung , sgo mdun , sgo 'phar , sgo phibs , sgo mo che , sgo yi khyims , sgo yi khyams , glang rgyab , glang po'i sen , chab sgo , 'jug byed , rta 'bab , gtan pa , them skas , dra mig , mda' yab , snang ba'i khung , pu shu , phyi rol sgo , phred gtan , ba glang mig SANST, bya skyibs can , 'dzeg skas , 'dzeg pa'i rten , zhal zhal , ya gad , ya phub , yan lag gzhi mdo , lan kan , rlung sgo , sa bcings , srang mda' (Moon.). III: head, top, in a general sense: thog dren pa to be at the head, to lead; thog kha or thog khar on, upon, khyog thog khar on the ice; dmag thog tu at head of the army. thug tu and thog thog adv. up, up to, above; yang thog tu quite at the top. sems thog tu lji bar byung nas lying heavy, weighing heavily, upon one's mind. Also postp. c. gen. 1. on, upon, e.g., to lay on, to place upon: nga'i thog tu byung it smote right upon me (i.e., on my heart). 2. towards, in the direction of: ma'i thog tu towards (its) mother; bon chen de gnam mkha'i thog tu lding ste the Bon priest soaring towards the skies. 3. postp. c. accus. during, as long as, throughout; whilst (thog gen. without tu ) dgun thog throughout the whole winter; bgros thog during the walk; sngo thog , phi thog lit. during forenoon, during afternoon, as sbst. in W. morning, evening, or forenoon and after noon. 4. just upon, directly after: bzhos thog 'o ma milk just after being milked (J‰.). thog nas above, more than; lo lnga bcu thog nas ma lus they remained, e.g., lived, not more than fifty years (Ld.). IV: 1. fruit produce; dkar thog v. dkar ; zhing thog produce of the fields; lo thog year's produce; shing thog fruit, produce of a tree or other plant; gsar thog new produce, the year's crop; thog phud first fruit, as an offering. 2. in W. fortune, wealth, property; skyi thog common property, property belonging to the community or congregation (J‰.). 3. SANST lit. red fruit, n. of a plant and its fruit. Has these synonyms: gzugs can ma ; pi lu'i 'dab SANST; 'bras bu dmar ; 'dzin byed; bsil ba 'dzin ; gzhan rgyal ; thog gi lo ma (Moon.). thog rgyag = glo bur or 'ur rgyag suddenly; also any sudden rattling noise; fig. sudden accident or mishap at a time when nothing was expected. thog lcags meteoric iron, a thunderbolt (Moon.). thog rdo id. (Moon.). thog ri 'joms thunder, the chief weapon of Indra with which he strikes the mountains (Moon.). thog grangs pa 1. to be the leader of, to lead against, to lead forward, to conduct: shA kya seng chen dang bcas pas thog grangs kyis and headed by Sakya together with Mahanama (Yig.). thog thag 1. in the dialect of the Dok-pa herdsmen of Tibet = chos religion. 2. or thag thog during, as long as, whilst, quite: nyi ma gcig gi bar du thog thag during a whole day; lam thog thag gang ngo the road was quite full (of snow); bsubs pa'i thog thag la whilst they began to fill up 'di'i phan yon rtag tu nyin thog thag skad rgyun mi 'chad par the benefit of this will be permanent as long as the sun endures (Surao. 123). thog mtha' bar first and last, from beginning to end; at all times continuously (S. kar. 5). thog mtha'i rgyu rkyen the first and the last cause, the entire cause or origin. thog ma SANST, SANST, SANST 1. what is uppermost, the upper end, the foremost place, the top; gral gyi thog ma la 'dug go they sat down at the top of the row. 2. the first, earliest, ancient; also origin, beginning; thog ma skyes nas already at his birth, from his very birth; thog ma cho rigs mtho ba of noble birth, as regards his birth very high; thog ma nas from the very beginning; of itself (J‰.); thog ma med pa'i dus nas or dus thog me nas from eternity, from time immemorial. thog mar dge ba SANST blessing, good or prosperity at the beginning (of anything). thog ma'i lo ma fresh shoots of leaves. thog ma skyes I: SANST the first born (of brothers and sisters); the eldest brother. Syn. sngon skyes ; jo jo ; phu bo ; aa jo (Moon.). II: the first born (of Brahma), i.e., Brahmana caste of India. thog ma dang mtha' ma med pa'i stong pa nyid SANST one of the 18 kinds of emptiness (M.V.). thog ma'i mgon po = kun tu bzang po or rdo rje 'chang | (Yig. k. 26) SANST epithet applied to the Adi-Buddha. thog ma'i byed pa SANST first rites, duties, or business, to be done at the outset. thog mar 1. adv. at first, first. 2. postp. c. genit. before, at the beginning of. thog tshad or thog so (khang pa'i ) storey of a house. thog tsha dpa' bo n. of a section of the Sa-skya ruling family (Loo. za 30). thogs v. 'dogs pa 3 and 'thogs pa . (EEE 'thogs pa does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under 3'thog pa 3.) thogs pa 1. SANST, SANST to bear aloft; lag tu bsnams pa to hold up in the hand; nye gdugs thogs pa SANST a king; one over whose head an umbrella is held as a mark of honour. 2. SANST, SANST, SANST to strike, stumble, run against, to throw against or on, to be impeded, delayed: thogs pa dang bcas pa with obstruction or impediments. thogs pa med pa SANST, SANST unhindered, unobstructed; also two classes of devils, v. bdud bzhi . mi khyi gang la'ang thogs pa med du without being hindered by men, dogs, or any thing else. Syn. 'chang ba ; 'dzin pa (Moon.). (EEE bdud bzhi does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under gcod lugs bdud bzhi 3.) thogs pa med = thogs med , thogs brdugs med or thogs brtug med 1. SANST; v. preceding para., also = all-searching, all penetrating, all-pervading. 2. SANST Aryasaoga the founder of the Yogacharya school of Buddhism. He was called the sage of Achinta-puri Vihar, now called Ajunta, the cave and temples of which still bear testimony to the glory of his time; and is said to have lived 150 years. Acc. to some Tibetan authors he was the brother of the celebrated Vasu Bandhu (K. g. da, 450). thong 1. a plough. thong lcags SANST, SANST the iron of the plough share. 2. a trunk, box (A.K. 1-14); thong gos clothes in a leather trunk, also the lining of the inside of a leather trunk (Rtsii.). thong ka + or thong ga = brang or brang kha the breast: thong ga nas bzung byung they (fought) holding each other breast to breast. thong khor + = gar bu dense, thick; also sbst. density. thong pa 1. lug pho lo gnyis 'khor gsum la kha ltas pa a ram two years old just entering its third year. 2. acc. to Cs. a ram that is castrated, wether; ra thong a castrated he-goat; thong pa'i lo the years between childhood and manhood; juvenile years (Sch.). 3. SANST, SANST also thong po cf. khyog thong 3 a plough. thong pa'i 'chang bzung = zob par byed SANST to plough, to hold the plough. thong spu mane of the camel (Sch.). thong gshol SANST, SANST the plough share: thong gshol can one who ploughs, a tiller of the soil. thongs 'dzin a receipt: 'bud shing bcas la thongs 'dzin sgrub the fuel having been supplied take a receipt for it (Rtsii.). thod I: 1. postp. over or above; kha thod la = kha thog la up, upon; also as adj. higher, upper: bal po'i spu chol thod khyil shin tu che the windings of the higher ravines and gorges of Nepal of are very considerable (Jig.). thog khebs = steng khebs cover, outside cover, anything to cover over. 2. = zhwa SANST, SANST, SANST also bla thod or dbu thod crown of the head, ornament or covering for the head. ya thod , ma thod a loft in the rafters of the upper and lower storey of a house. (EEE No definition II is provided in the original.) thod rgal SANST, SANST; thod rgal che ba angry, wrathful. thod thod v. su 3. thod pa 1. SANST skull; skull of dead person, death's head; thod skam a dry skull; thod rlon a fresh skull; thod khrag a skull filled with blood; thod phor drinking cup made of a skull used by Tantrik lamas in propitiating spirits, ghosts, etc. 2. or thod dkris a turban, not however worn in Tibet. 3. SANST the forehead, brow: thod rtsa vena frontalis. thod rgyan SANST the ornament for the head. thod mo khor = thod le dkar a species of conch-shell which when burnt makes fine lime. thod mo khor gyi phye ma SANST lime-wash for walls of buildings. thod le kor or thod le skod said to mean alabaster (Oag.). thod le dkar SANST chalk; thod le dkar gyi phye ma lime wash or powder. thon 1. v. 'thon pa 3, 3'don pa 3 so; thon mtshams su at the time of, also time of coming out, at the time of his departure; khyad thon = khyad par byung ba turning out excellent, particularly good. 2. n. of a village at the foot of the Khambala ridge on the south side of the Yeru Tsangpo, famous for being the birth-place of Thon-mi Sambhota the father of Tibetan literature. thon pa a native of Thon, also a member of the family of Tho-mi Sambhota; bka' blon thon pa n. of a Tibetan minister born of the family of Thon-mi Sambhota (Loo. za 8). thon mi or thon mi sam £o Ta called also thu mi sam £o Ta , the minister of king srong btsan sgam po who resided for many years in India in order to study Sanskrit and on his return to Tibet framed the Tibetan characters and laid the basis of Tibetan literature about the middle of the seventh century A.D. thon ka greenish-blue: ljang sngon angs pa thon ka'i ming du 'bod (Jig.) bright green-blue bears the name of thon-ka. thon thi n. of a kind of Chinese satin shot with green and blue (S. kar. 179). thob v. thob pa 3, an exhortation as in gsol ba thob|sa bon thob , v. 3'debs pa 3. thob chu acc. to Schr. button (thob ci ). thob pa I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. vb. to find, to get, obtain; is practically synonymous with rnyed pa , which verb in the colloq. it has to a large extent superseded, though in certain parts of Central Tibet rÒed-pa is often heard. In W. and Sikkim thob pa only is in use both conversationally and in letters. In literature thob pa occurs in the sense of "to get obtain, procure, receive"; but not in the proper sense of "to find, discover" which is the special meaning belonging to rnyed pa . Thus in books a common phrase is dad pa thob song they obtained or acquired faith; da drag thob mthar at the end have got the da drag (in grammatical construction). thob pa dang 'brel SANST gaining [having a close adherence; closely connected; consequent on]S. 2. to become; rgyal po thob pa to become king; sangs rgyas thob pa to become a Buddha, to attain to Buddhahood; chos thob pa to be religious; sdug bsngal thob pa to be miserable, to be unhappy; thar pa thob pa to be saved, emancipated; bde ba thob pa to become happy, i.e., to attain to Nirvana. II: sbst. SANST gain, profit, that which has been got or obtained; the sum, result, of gain. thob nor in W. adj. that which is to be got or received (J‰.); thob kyis 'jal ba = thabs kyis 'jal ba SANST to draw or acquire somehow or other another's property. thob ga v. thob lo 3. thob kha ma = de ma thag also thob tha mag immediately, e.g., byon gyi thob kha ma la directly he had arrived (Moon.). thob rgyu colloq. lit. anything to be got, as income, profit, gain. thob rgyal 1. thob pa dang rgyal ba to gain and win; this expression occurs in the passage rtsa ba byung rgyal|rtse mo thob rgyal|'bras bu yog rgyal| where it signifies lam thob rgyu i.e., acquiring, finding, the way (to Nirvana), getting at the root or gaining the fruit in the phraseology of the —io-ma sect (Khrid.). 2. n. of a district with a monastery in Tsang: gtsang thob rgyal gyi thad kyi pha ri gtsang chu'i 'gram tu gtsang 'gram bye ma'i lha khang the temple of the River-bank Sands is situated on a hill on the further bank of the Tsangpo in the direction of Thob-gyal in Tsang (Loo. 'a 6). In Thob-gyal was born pNa chen bstan pa'i dbang phyug the Panchen Lama Tanpai Wangchug, who was the successor of the Tashi Lama Tan-pai Nyi-ma whom Capt. Samuel Turner had interviewed in 1786 A.D. 3. occurs in thob rgyal byed pa acc. to Sch. to despoil, pillage, plunder. thob cha a share, due; the share which one gets. Also thob nor . thob 'dod = chags SANST expectation, longing for. thob tshir lit. the turn of getting; may be taken as = claim, right, due: thob tshir nga la yod I have a claim, a right to it (J‰.). thob rim the order or turn of getting. thob yig repertory, index. thob lo = thob ga vanity, false show: kho yon tan thob lo he is conceited, he is not talented but he makes a show. bstan pa'i sgor zhugs pa de yang chos zhus lo thob lo tsam gyis he who makes show of religion, of having acquired it, while just entered at the door of its exposition (Khrid.). thob srol prob. = thob tshir right of succession. thob sha contest, scramble, e.g., for money thrown among people. thom bu v. thum bu 3 (in the dialect of Amdo) a large wooden spoon or ladle ordinarily called gzar bu : jo bo la gzhan dang ma snyoms par ma he'i zho thom bu re dang ka ra'i ngar mtho re ba lhag par 'dren regarding the Jowo as not like others he presented him with an additional spoonful of buffalo-cow's curds and a handful of crystalline sugar (A. 35); gtung thom bu gang khyer brought one spoonful of drink (A. 116). thoms pa v. 'thoms pa . (EEE 'thoms pa does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under 'thom pa 3) tho'u kwan the last emperor of China of the Ta-yuan or Tartar dynasty: krma rang byung rdo rje rgya nag tho'u kwan gyis gdan drangs Karma Rao-byuo rdo-rje was invited to China by (emperor) Thohu kwan (Loo. 'a 10). thor anything gathered into a single point; what is in a tangle drawn out fine. thor cog or thor cog ma or thor tshugs (also do ker ) SANST, SANST a plaited tuft of hair, toupet: thor cog dang sna lnga bcings he bound the tuft of hair with silk-string of five colours. thor khod or thor god n. of a Mongol tribe. thor god i khang n. of quarters in the monastery of Tashi-lhunpo where monks coming from thor god generally reside. mkhas pa'i dbang po thor god shes rab sbyin pa (Loo. 15) the most learned Shes-rab sbyin-pa of Thor-god &c. thod mgo 1. v. thur mgo 3. 2. the commencement of the dawn, of the morning. thod chags = tho yi nang la 'khod pa entered into the list; registered: rdzong sdod bsam pa che bas thor chags the resident official of a Jong generously put into the list (Rtsii.). thor to + = rtse mo the top point of hair, etc. thor pa also 'thor pa small-pox (Sch.), pimples, pustule; srin thor cutaneous disorders, pustules, pimples on the skin (J‰.). thor ba 1. v. 'thor ba 3. 2. 3thor pa 3. thor bu I: 1. acc. to J‰. denotes a whole class of diseases comprising dyspepsia as well as cutaneous disorders. dmar thor measles (Sch.); thor nag some kind of pimples or eruption on the skin (Ya-sel. 28). 2. single, separate (J‰.); phra mo thor bu pa separate little things, works, books, etc. (Schr.). thor mo the growing fat of cows, goats, etc., in consequence of sterility (Sch.). thor gtsug SANST; = gtsug thor or gtsug tor 3 a turban. thor tshugs SANST, SANST = plaited hair bound up on the head in a spiral. thor re or thar re thor re , 'brog bskyed bzhin du thor re (A. 119). thor re ba v. thar thor 3. thol ba 1. v. 'thol ba 3 pf. to rtol ba what has come forth, what has been raised, elevated (Sch.); thol byung arisen, begun suddenly. thos I: or thos rus n. of a clan among the ancient Tibetans (Yig.). II: (in Sikk.) = go ba understanding; thos chung of less understanding; thos par brjod to express intelligibly; thos pa bla na med pa SANST absolute comprehension; fully understanding or hearing, one of the six bla na med pa , v. bla 3. thos pa 1. vb. to hear; now used in the ordinary sense of hearing anything with one's own ears just as is the verb nyan pa ; but thos pa seems to have had originally the meaning of hearing something at second hand, i.e., from others. This signification it still bears also. Hence we derive the further meaning. 2. to hear of, to have word of, to understand: kal kA Ta'i phyi gling gi gtam thos sam have your heard of the English or Europeans of Calcutta? thos pa bzhin SANST, SANST, as reported. 3. SANST one of the 18 sciences or SANST; Veda, v. rig pa'i gnas . (EEE see also rig gnas for rig pa'i gnas .) thos grol or thos pa dang grol SANST set free (from the world as soon as he) heard (it); an abbreviated n. of a book called thos pa tsam gyis grol ba thob pa'i chos the work by the hearing of which one is instantly saved. It is read over deceased persons or to the soul of the deceased. thos pa legs SANST a follower of the Hinayana school (Moon.). thos chung of little experience; ignorant. thos sgrogs or thos sgrog pa 1. met. bya rog the crow. 2. nyan thos SANST a hearer; a follower of the Hinayana school (Moon.). thos rtul less read or imperfectly informed. thos ldan SANST learned man. Syn. mkhas pa ; shes rab can ; rig pa can (Moon.). thos ldan dbang the chief among the learned; complimentary address for a learned man. thos pa dga' n. given to the Buddhist saint Mi-la ras-pa. thos 'dzin = rna ba SANST hearing; also thos pa'i sgo the organ of hearing. thos 'dzin rgyan = rna rgyan SANST ear-ornament. thos lo hear-say; hearing (a thing) but not understanding: de ltar ma yin par go lo dang thos lor bzhag nas nyams su ma blangs na not being so, as if one pretended to have heard and to understand without really having taken into the mind (Khrid. 40). mthang SANST the lower part of the body; mthang gos SANST a vestment for it, a sort of petticoat (Cs.); acc. to others: a toga worn by the lamas. mthang sprad pa SANST mutual touching of the body, lying or sleeping together (as husband and wife): mthang sprad pa tsam SANST just on the point of embracing; mthang sbyar ba SANST embracing (for company). mthangs = kun all: mthangs kyis tshor ba perceived by all, heard by all. mtha' (cf. tha ma 3). 1. the end, whether relative to space or time; so = edge, margin, brink; termination, conclusion, limits: mtha' skor ba to go round the confines (of a place); mtha' 'gril skirts or edge of a gown or vestment tied up; mtha' las 'das pa exceeding all bounds, very great; rgyal po bzhugs pa'i mtha' la bskor to walk round him that sits on a throne (Glr.); las mtha' la ma log pa not returning to former works; to the last karma; de mtha' round that (mountain); mtha' dbus kun tu at the frontiers and in the interior, everywhere (J‰.); mtha'i rgyal khams border region; mtha' bzhi the four borders, i.e., all the surrounding territory, frq. mtha'i nor , the treasures of the border-country; mtha' 'dul ba to conquer or convert the people on the frontier; mtha' 'dul yang 'dul gyi gtsug lag khang the monasteries (founded) to convert the wild people of the border-land and also those beyond (Rtsii.); mtha'i dmag border-war, i.e., the invading armies (from China, India, Nepal or Khoten): dma' sa bzung na snyoms chung mtha' la 'bud if the lower lands are seized, tranquility will be reduced to a minimum (Rdsa. 22). 2. In grammar: terminal letters; na ma ra la zhes rnams mtha' can words ending in n, m, r, l; ga mtha' a final (ga ). 3. = 3cha shas 3. 4. apparently is sometimes used as adj. = the utmost, the last, e.g., rab mtha' las mya ngan las 'das having been delivered from misery and from the utmost prosperity (Khor-de). mtha' gcig tu 1. on the one hand; in part; in a certain degree and in some respects (J‰.). 2. keeping all on one side, or taking from one end or from one side (of a subject or question); bdag lta bus mtha' gcig tu bshad par sla ba ma yin it is not easy for one like me to explain only one side (Situ. 2); mtha' gcig pa = bsam bya mtshungs pa of one opinion, view or thought; unanimous. mtha' gcod pa 1. final sentence or judgment, a decision. 2. to adjudge, decide, come to a conclusion: mtha' gcod pa'i phyir in order to settle it definitely, to come to a conclusion, or decision. yang dag mtha' SANST the true end, the farthest limit. 3. the rest, remainder: re dogs kyi mtha' spangs having given up the last remnant of hope and fear. mtha' bzhir rgyas pa SANST one who expands even unto the four limits of the universe; an epithet of a Cakravarti Raja (M.V.). mtha' klas = mtha' med pa limitless, boundless. mtha' skor SANST all round; also as sbst. the whole circumference, the perimeter. mtha' khob or mtha' 'khob SANST border, outskirts, etc. mtha' khob mi 'am skye ba SANST any border-land occupied by uncivilized people; also one of the eight unhappy states, v. mi khom pa 3. mtha' 'khob yul SANST barbarian's country; also any country where Buddhism has not penetrated. mtha' gebs pa 1. = la phug gi lo ma a raddish leaf. 2. SANST rule, regulation. mtha' gru = rgya chen pa| SANST copiousness; spacious, extensive. mtha' grogs = phugs grogs or gtan grogs lit. friend to the limit of life, i.e., spouse. mtha' ngos SANST bashfulness, modesty. mtha' lcags the form of a mirror, etc. (Schr.). mtha' can SANST met. a branch. mtha' chags living at the border or edge; the border of a robe. mtha' gnyis lit. the two extremes, namely, rtag pa dang chad pa . In ancient India the sages held that there was either immortality or total annihilation, Buddha discovering the golden mean or middle path. mtha' gnyis spangs = ma ning a hermaphrodite, who is neither man nor woman (Moon.). mtha' gnyis su dogs pa = the tshom doubt. mtha' nyi the sun at the end of summer and winter. mtha' dag SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST several, sundry, all; = so so 3. mtha' dag min frq. mang tshig mtha' dag the plural sign mtha' dag (gram.). mtha' dam or mtha' dam tshig = the difference separating ruler and subject (Yig. k.). mtha' brdul n. of a number (Ya = sel. 57). mtha' snang SANST n. of number of twenty-eight figures; mtha' snang chen po (grangs ) SANST n. of number of twenty-nine figures. mtha' ber SANST a kind of lasso with which the body of an enemy is entangled. mtha' bral 1. the sky, space. 2. boundless; as with the ocean (Moon.). mtha' 'byams SANST n. of a very large number (Ya-sel. 57). mtha' ma SANST, SANST 1. the end; the outermost or extreme side or thing. 2. border, hem, seam, of dresses. deng mthong ba mtha' ma today we see (him) for the last time. mtha' mi SANST border people; barbarians. mtha' btsan pa = phugs brtan pa secure future, eventually for good. mtha' bzhi SANST the four limits of the globe; mtha' bzhir rnam par rgyal ba SANST one who has conquered everywhere. mtha' yas 1. SANST, SANST, SANST infinite, endless. 2. n. of the king of Kashmir during whose reign Kshemendra wrote the Avadana Kalpalata. N. of a king of Naga demi-gods (Moon.). 3. = sa gzhi the world. mtha' yas ma SANST the ocean, a name of the goddess Paldan Lhamo (Moon.). mtha' yas rtsa SANST n. of a vegetable medicine. Syn. thal bres snan ; aa ta pal (Moon.). mtha' ras piece-goods imported from border countries such as India, China, Kashmir or Nepal (Rtsii.). mtha' las 'das pa stong pa nyid SANST one of the eighteen kinds of emptiness (M.V.). mtha' las yas = chu mtha' rgya che ba 3 (Moon.). mtha' gsal wholly clear, illuminated. mtha' gseb = mtha' yi bar . mthar 1. adv. at last, lastly, finally, in conclusion; acc. to J‰. perh. also: to the very last, wholly, altogether. Also postp. after, behind; rgyal rabs sum brgya'i mthar after three hundred royal generations; sa mthar shing the progressive particle shing is (to be written) after a final sa. 2. or mtha' ru towards the end, at the end; frq. tshe'i mthar thug pa'i grangs the number of those that reach the natural end of life; mthar thug pa med pa not to be got through, inexhaustible; mthar phyin pa reached the extreme limit or mthar thon pa fully crossed or passed over the limit; as a sbst. a perfect holy person, a saint who has acquired all virtues and has gone to the farthest limit of learning or has acquired all that is knowable. mthar byed pa to end a work, to destroy, to put an end to, to demolish. mthar phyin or mthar zin pa SANST, SANST the sky. mthar byed SANST, SANST the lord of death who puts an end to every thing. mthar 'byin SANST going to the limit. mthar gyis gnas pa'i snyoms par 'jug pa dgu the gradually-acquired nine stages of tranquil posture. They comprise the states of bsam gtan bzhi the four Dhyana; gzugs med pa bzhi the four Arupa and 'gog pa'i snyoms 'jug . mthar skyel ba to carry out fully; to depose without reserve, to dwell upon a subject exhaustively. mthar gyis = rim gyis adv. by degrees, gradually, at length. mthar thug pa and shin tu mthar thug pa , mi rtog pa dang nying mtshams od pa med pa are attributes of the gods of the highest heaven (K. ko. ka 237). mthar thug pa = mur thug pa touching or carried to the limit as regards quality, good or bad. mthas klas v. mtha' klas 3. mthas gtugs pa n. of a place. mthing 1. SANST sky-blue, azure. 2. n. of a flower, used as a medicine for eye disease. 3. acc. to Cs. = indigo; mthing shing indigo-plant. 4. indigo colour (J‰.). mthing skya light blue. mthing kha blue colour. mthing ga n. of a bird of deep-blue colour (G. Bon. 12). mthing khra a kind of silk-scarf with white spots on a blue ground (Rtsii.). mthing gi (sngon gyi mi rabs ) n. of an ancient dynasty (J. Zao.). mthing rgyus a kind of stone used medicinally. mthing sngon n. of a blue-stone used in medicine, lapis lazuli (Med.). mthing ril acc. to Sch. wild duck. mthing hril SANST a smaller bird (J‰.) [the fruit of the marshy date tree]S.; mthing rdo = lcags rdo superior steel, of blush-red colour, highly prized in Tibet (Jig.). Syn. mig snan sngon po ; bya khyung rdo ; gsal ldan ; gsal pa can ; me tog mig snan ; ku shu'i khams ; dus kyi me tog ; me tog ze (Moon.). (EEE In the original, the Tibetan for the second synonym reads bya khyung but the transliteration gives bya khyung rdo , as shown above.) mthing zhun n. of a place on the Tibeto-Chinese frontier; mthing zhun gYu'i rdo ring on a hill of turquoise-stone (shone as it were) melted lapis lazuli (Yig.). mthing shing SANST monolith of turquoise. mthi'u v. mthe'u 3. mthil 1. SANST, sbst. the bottom, the lowermost part, the depths: phyi khung gi mthil zab mo la at the deep bottom of a marmot's burrow; gos rim gyi mthil the bottom or undermost of the pile of clothes. 2. the hollow part of anything, chiefly used of the hand or foot: lag mthil the palm of the hand; rkang mthil the sole of the foot; dper bab gyis na|thang lag mthil tsam la srog chags grog spur ji snyed yod la for a hasty illustration, there might be so many ants clinging to life on the flat palm of the hand (or, on the palm of the hand as on a plain) (Khor-de). 3. the centre, the principal or chief part, of a town; the principal place: gdan sa mthil the capital or the central place of a country where the government is located; also n. of the chief monastery of Tibet in Yar-lung, three days' journey to the east of Samye. mthu = SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST force or power of an inherent nature; innate energy; capacity, resource. Is a word chiefly use as denoting magic powers; but not invariably so. mthu dang ldan pa strong, powerful, efficacious; nag phyogs 'joms pa'i mthu the capacity of suppressing the powers of darkness; srog gcod pa spangs pas dngos po rnams bzang zhang mthu che ba'i sar skye bar 'gyur ro| because he has abandoned the taking of life, he shall be born in a land of great resources and fine natural productions. mthu med also 'thud med powerless, feeble, unable; mthus by virtue of, frq. mthu stobs or mthu dang stobs SANST, magic, witchcraft; mthu gtong ba , mthu 'debs pa to cast magic spells, to bewitch. mthu bsgy ings SANST roaring expressive of one's might and prowess mthu chen rnams SANST; mthu ser gtad gsum po rdzogs par bslabs conjuring, raising tempests, exorcising ghosts, these three I have learned thoroughly. mthu ba SANST (mthu sgrub mkhan ) an exorcist, one who practises witchcraft. mthu bo che sngags pa , sngags chen one versed in mysticism, in the Tantrik cult, an exorcist lama (Moon.). mthu mo che n. of a preta (yi ags ): yi ags mthu mo cher skyes was born as a powerful female preta (Khrid.). mthu rtsal = mthu stobs , mthu rtsa rmad du byung ba rkang mgyogs rlung dang mnyam pa gcig an dsngs brought in one who in walking was swift as wind and wonderfully skillful in feats of arms, &c. mthu yod pa = spad bzod SANST efficacious. mthug pa v. 'thug pa 3 SANST thick, dense. mthung byed v. gur gum 3 (Moon.). mthud pa v. 'thud pa 3. mthud med 'thud med . (EEE T'thud med appears as a sub-entry below 'thud ma 3 q.v.) mthun pa (cha snyoms 'dzin pa lta bu ) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST (blo lta-bu) SANST to agree with, to be accordant, to be on a par with: mthun par byed pa to make agree, to bring to agreement, reconcile; to be in sympathy with. kha mthun pa unanimous; gros mthun pa , grabs mthun pa to live in harmony, unanimous in judgment; chos lugs mthun pa accordant in form of religion. don mthun pa SANST merchants, men of one and the same avocation; phan tshun mthun pa mutual agreement. bya ba od lam mthun pa similarity or agreement in acts and behaviour. mi gzhan dang mthun par in harmony with other men; tshig mthun pa or tshig dang mthun par in conformity with one's words, expressions; yul dus mthun pa agreement in reference to time and place; lus mthun pa personal union as of husband and wife; zas od mthun pa agreeing in the habits of life, in the manner of food and drink, etc; rigs rus mthun pa of equal birth and extraction; las mthun pa of the same or similar profession, also persons whose karma is similar; sems mthun pa mental unity, of the same thought or mind, agreement; mthun pa'i sde SANST same or equal rank or class. mthun par skyes pa SANST similar extraction or birth. mthun par snang ba equal or similar culture or enlightenment. khrims dang mthun par khral 'jal ba paying taxes according to law; skad cha ma mthun par ci byed pa mi shes or ci byed dam mi shes the news being contradictory I do not know what to do; mi gnyis gcig dang gcig ma 'cham pas|khrims ma zhus te grogs po zhig gis mthun par byas so| the two men having disagreed, they did not go to law but a friend made them agree; yul pa rnams i tog gi nor gyi skor la mthun par ma thub pas dpon po phebs nas mthun bcug go because the villagers could not agree on question concerning their common property, the headman of the village came causing them to agree. It will be noted from certain of the foregoing examples that mthun par may be used as a postp. coupled to the word it governs by the affix dang . mthun par rtse ba SANST playing without disagreement. mthun pa'i rkyen or mthun rkyen necessary articles; also, as predicate, requisite, indispensable: zas skom sogs 'tsho ba'i mthun rkyen food and drink, &c., are the requisites of living; gos la sogs mkho ba'i mthun rkyen clothes, etc., are the articles of necessity which one must have; nad med pa nang mthun rkyen |sems bde ba gsang ba'i mthun rkyen health is a requisite of domestic happiness and a peaceful mind is necessary for inner enjoyment. glang po che gnyis la mthun pa'i rkyen rnams bkal te lading on the two elephants all the necessary articles (A. 22). bstan 'dzin skyes bu'i mthun rkyen bsgrub pa to have secured all things requisite for a religious man (Yig.). mthun rkyen byed = rogs ram byed pa to co-operate, to help, to be-friend (Moon.). mthun can in W. gentle, peace (J‰.). mthun 'jug pa or mthun par 'jug pa to cause to agree, to fit in, to bring in accordant elements (Yig.). mthun pa'i grogs friends of great mental affinity; mthun 'gyur gyi yi ge letter of recommendation. mthun pa'i dngos grub wished-for blessings. mthun pa'i yul du gnas pa SANST residence in a country of congenial characteristics (M.V.). mthun pa'i rlung favourable wind (for a vessel sailing). mthun sbyor friendship, relationship, favourable coincidence of time, circumstances, etc., particularly when matrimonial relationship is formed. Syn. mthun phyogs ; mdza' byed ; nye bar sbyor ; mtshams sbyor (Moon.). mthun phyogs SANST; = gnyen phyogs relations, friends (Moon.). mthun mong pa or mthun mongs SANST ordinary, usual; also = i pa general, common; also common property. mthun rtsis the astrological calculation to ascertain if a bride and bride groom will live in harmony or not after marriage. mthur also mthur mgo = rta'i mthur straps or rope for a horse's head to which another rope is tied to fasten him. mthun mda' or mthur thag a halter, rope tied to the muzzle of a horse, &c.: mthur mgo reins: mthur mda' mgo rgyan la yang rin po che'i rgyan du ma even on the halter and the head gear there were many precious gems (A. 141). mthus instr. of mthu , by magical power, by dint of (A.K. 111-16). mthus brtsir ba SANST to be subdued; gen. overpowered by witchcraft. mthe bo SANST; also col. mthe chen , mtheb mo or the bo the thumb. rkang pa'i mthe bo the big toe. Syn. sor mo the bo ; mthe bong (Moon.). mthe chung = mthe'u or sor mo chung ba SANST the little finger; the little toe. mthe bong = mthe bo 3. mtheb kyu 1. button. 2. a symbol resembling a finger which is placed with the torma (offerings made to gods and demi-gods, &c) (Rtsii.). mthe'u or mthi'u a little hammer. Also, the little toe. mtho (lag pa'i ) SANST 1. a span, from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the middle finger when extended. mtho re khru re tsam tu 'phar ba they increased each about a cubit and span measure (Hbrom. 163). mtho longs = mtho gang longs pa (Jig.). mtho 'jal ba or mtho gzhal ba to span, to measure by the hand with the fingers extended; mtho gang , mtho re tsam a span in length; mtho gnyis or mtho do SANST two spans. 2. v. mtho ba 3. mtho gong a little triangular receptacle into which the effigy of an enemy is placed, to whom one wishes to do harm by witchcraft (J‰.). mtho rgyab pa to give earnest money in W. (J‰.). mtho ngag = mtho bshad grandiloquence, high speech with little meaning. chos rgyal de'i dus kyi lta ba mtho ngag yin te the doctrines of the time of that Buddhist king were only high-flown theories (A. 77). mtho ba = sgang SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. sbst. elevation, prominence; height; also adj. high, lofty, elevated, raised. J‰. makes it primarily a verb: to be high. rigs che zhing mtho ba ste being of high and noble birth; de las mtho ba higher than that; rgyal mtshan de dag ya thog gi steng du mtho ba yin the sacred insignia are high up above the roof; po ta la'i mtho ba ni thog rim bcu gcig la 'thebs the height of Potala reaches to eleven stories; nga mtho na when I am high, when I rise in position. mtho ba gnon pa to lower what is high, to bring down, to humble, frq. ngas mgo mtho byas pas dma' dma' byung the more I was aspiring, the more I was brought low (J‰.). 2. for tho ba hammer; mtho ba tog stone used as a hammer (Cs.). mtho khyad height, highness. mtho od in W. haughty manner (J‰.). mtho dpang occurs in khang pa sogs dpang mtho ba . mtho bar brtsegs pa n. of a lofty mountain in the fabulous continent of Uttara Kuru where there are trees with leaves of gold, lapis lazuli, coral, diamond, ruby, etc., and trunks of silver. At night light is emitted from the leaves of trees, etc., to enable the gods and nymphs to make themselves merry and to revel, &c. (K. d. ra 309). mtho bar sems pa SANST to think highly of, to extol (one's own religion, doctrine, &c.). mtho bar bya ba to eulogise, to flatter, to praise, to exalt; = ches brjod pa , bsngags pa brjod pa , also as sbst. = bstod tshig , bkur tshig . mtho dman height: mtho dman mnyam pa of equal height; mtho dman can undulating; having high and low lands. mtho mtshams evil design, mischievous mind or intention, brewing mischief. ston pa la mtho mtshams zhing |bar du gcod par 'dod designing mischief to the teacher in the meantime he wished to injure it (Yig.). mu stegs byed de dag nang du zhugs te nang pa la mtho 'tshams (Hbrom. kha 31). Syn. mtho 'tshams ; gnod sems ; 'tshe byed (Moon.). mtho ris I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST heaven, paradise, the abode of the gods: ngan song gsum du skyes pa che mang zhing mtho ris su skyes pa ni nyung persons gone to the three spheres of damnation being very many and persons gone into bliss being few (Khor-de.). Syn. mtho ris rgyal srid ; lha yi yul ; sa bla ; steng gi 'jig rten ; dal 'dzin gnas bzang ; rol pa'i sa ; bde 'gro ; skyo med ; skabs gsum gnas ; lha yi 'jig rten ; lha yi grong ; sum rtsen ; 'chi med ; grub pa'i gnas ; nam mkha'i khyim ; bde ldan (Moon.). (EEE No definition II. is provided in the original.) mtho ris kyi yon tan bdun the seven attributes or advantages of paradise are:- rigs ldan noble birth, gzugs bzang fine form, longs od che great enjoyment, shes rab phun tshogs mental accomplishment and merit, dbang phyug ldan power and prosperity, nad med freedom from disease, shin tu tshe ring ba extreme longevity (Moon.). mtho ris kyi mtsho the lake of heaven. Syn. chu klung mtsho ; rtse ba'i mtsho (Moon.). mtho ris klung = lha'i chu bo the celestial river, the river of the Mandakini (or glacial streams). mtho ris dge ba worldly virtues, good, etc., (heaven being inside such world). mtho ris thob SANST the spiritual guide or teacher of the gods. Syn. phur bu ; sgra mkhan ; sgra mkhas ; lha yi bla ma (Moon.). mtho ris rnams = lha rnams the gods including the planet Rahu. mtho ris snan pa SANST the physician of the gods. Syn. tha skar skyes ; lha'i snan pa (Moon.). mtho ris snad 'tshong = lha'i snad 'tshong ma celestial courtezan (Moon.). mthong kha or mthong ga chest, breast; mthong ga nas 'dzin pa to seize by the breast (J‰.). mthong ba I: 1. to see, to view, in the broad sense of the term as an ordinary faculty; to look, to see, in a general way: mthong nas SANST having seen; mthong bar gyur SANST was seen; mthong bar byed pa to cause to see: mig gi nye mthong ring mi mthong | he sees only when the object is near, not when it is far (Sch.); mtshan mo na khyod kyis thag ring po thug la mthong ngam can you see to a far distance at night time? 2. to perceive or behold any particular object; bod kyi ri mthong ba'i ri an eminence from whence one can see the mountains of Tibet; mi gzhan gyis mthong sar a place where one can be seen by others; de bu mos mthong bar mdzad do| he made it visible to the girl, he made her see it; mthong ba zhig yod na if there is one that has seen it, if there exists a witness; de mthong ste shes seeing this, I came to know, i.e., from this I saw, I perceived; mthong thos dran reg frq. seeing, hearing, touching, remembering; acc. to J‰. thinking of (e.g., a form of prayer, or magic formula); colloq. mthong ba is usually coupled with mig , the eye, quite pleonastically: ya gi la ltos shig dgo ba gsum mig mthong nus look up there, your can see three goa deer. 3. to witness, observe (mentally). kye ma aa la la 'dzam bu'i gling du chos kyi 'khor lo gnyis pa bskor ba mthong ngo nyes ched du brjod pas so| O capital, capital, for the second time have I witnessed the Doctrine preached in the metropolis! thus designedly he cried. 4. colloq. to experience, to endure: sdug bsngal mang mthong ba yin has experienced many troubles. II: slight; in Budh. mthong ba la rnam pa gnyis te of two kinds: 1. mtshan mos mthong ba perception by inference: rgyang nas dud pa mthong ba zhes bya ste , yang dag par me ma mthong ste etc., by seeing smoke from a distance to hold that I have seen fire although really I have not seen fire, etc. 2. mngon sum du gsal bar mthong ba actual sight by personal observation (K. my. 437). mthong phyogs = lta phyogs explained as dbyibs 'dra bar mthong phyogs object of sight; a view, scene, aspect (Ya-sel. 41). mthong dug SANST ('sight-poison') evil eye (Sch.); envy, grudge, jealousy [a snake]S. mthong byed = mig 1. that which sees, the eye (Moon.). 2. a species of kite. mthong lam the true way 1. bden pa mthong ba'i lam the state or stage of perfection in which one perceives the truth, i.e., the reality of Nirvana: de ltar sa dang po rab tu dga' ba nas|mthong lam cho ba nyid bden pa rtogs te accordingly from the first stage of perfection or ecstasy he passes to the meditative stage called mthong lam where he perceives the true state of Dharma. 2. acc. to Was. (139): the path of obtaining the power of sight, a mystical state. mthong lugs the way of viewing a thing; notion, theory, opinion. mthong ba don ldan n. of an image of Buddha, the sight of which brought merit to any one (Yig. k. 21). mthong na dga' = gzugs mdzes pa very handsome, of beautiful form. mthong phul chung ba = mthong rgya chung ba , as in mthong phul chung ngam snyan khung zhan tiniest thing visible or faintest thing audible (D.R.). mthong ba bla na med pa = bden pa mthong ba SANST perceiving the supreme truth v. bla na med pa 3. mthong ba med pa SANST fatalist. mthong ba'i chos SANST actions of present life. mthong ba'i chos la myong bar 'gyur ba SANST (Karma) manifesting itself in the actions of this life. mthong ba'i chos la bde bar gnas pa SANST one of the stages in technical meditation. mthong bas spang bya that which is renounced when seen; mthong bas sgrol deliverance at sight. mthong tshor SANST explained by mthe bong gis ni srin lag la reg pa 'chi bar mi 'gyur ro (K. gu. nga 90). mthongs = mig gis mthong sa 1. SANST view, prospect, sphere; illuminated space: nam mkha'i mthongs rnams 'ja' tshon gur gyis gtams the expanses of sky were filled with rainbow canopies. 2. opening in the wall or roof of a house for the entrance of light or for egress of smoke: nga'i sngas khar mi reng dkar po zhig smyug khang gi mthongs phye nas byung ste on the side of my pillow there came a solitary white man opening wide the cleft-holes of the bamboo house (A. 129). khyams mthongs an opening to the sky in the middle of a building. rgya mthongs = mthongs . 3. mthongs kha platform on a flat-roof. mthongs ka silk ornaments, fringes on the borders of paintings (Cs.) mthongs che ba = rgya mthongs dome. mthongs pa 1. to lose one's senses; one who has lost his senses. 2. acc. to J‰. perh. = 'thoms pa . mthon ka or mthon ga also mthon ka chen po 1. SANST blue gem of great value; acc. to J‰. one of the five celestial gems. 2. SANST azure, sky-blue. mthon te SANST coming out successfully, surmounted, climbed up. mthon po high, elevated, exalted; deep, loud. Practically the same as mtho ba and in colloq. much more frq.; occurs also as mthon mo . Syn. mtho ba ; gzengs mtho ; rngams che ; dpangs mtho ; rtse mo ring (Moon.). mthon mthing 1. SANST; sapphire. 2. the high blue colour (of things). mthon po'i lha an epithet of Virnu (Moon.). mthor 'thung SANST washing the mouth with a potion of water. mthol ba or 'thol ba = bshags pa to confess, confession; from the word thal mo ; and is defined as lag pa gnyis thal mo sbyor ba'i don it signifies joining the palms of the hands in contrition: nyes na mthol bar mdzod if you are guilty make confession (Hbrom. kha 19); mthol bar 'os pa ni 'thol nas nyes pa dang zhag tu mi 'grogs pa one fit to confess not keeping company for a day with a sinner after he has confessed (A. 52). mthol bshags confession. mthol tshangs (cf. 'gyod tshangs ) confession, acknowledgment of guilt. mthol tshangs byed pa = mthol bshags pa to make confession, to confess, which acc. to Buddhism implies atonement and remission of sins (J‰.). mthos abbreviated form of mtho ris . 'thag a mill; mill-stone; colloq. 'thag gi anything pulverized in a mill; 'thag gi 'dug grinding or ground in a mill. 'thag pa pf. btags , fut. gtag, imp. thog 1. to grind, crush; rang thag gis to grind in a mill; rtsam pa 'thag pa to make flour of roasted corn, barley, wheat, &c.; phye mar 'thag pa to grind into flour, to pulverize. 2. to weave: snam bu 'thag pa to weave woolen cloth; 'thag pa po a weaver; dar 'thag bu mo the daughter of a silk weaver (Glr.); 'thag stan loom (Sch.); 'thag tu 'jug pa to cause cloth to be woven. 'thang gos = mthang gos SANST the under-garment or petticoat worn by the lamas called also sham thabs . 'thang sprad pa SANST bodily union as in conjugal relations. 'thang po lower parts of body: gzugs po 'thang po a bodily defect or personal deformity. 'thad liking, pleasure; good will; joy (J‰.). 'thad pa I: (yid la 'dod pa ) SANST 1. to be delightful; pleasant, agreeable, well-pleasing. mi 'thad pa = mi 'dod pa not agreeable, repulsive: gsung de kun shin tu sems la 'thad pa zhig byung all these sayings have pleased me very much. 2. (not governing a case) to please, to be acceptable, to be considered as good, to be (generally) admitted. mi 'thad par mthong | I see that (this reading) is not generally accepted (Zam.); zhes pa'ang 'thad do| it occurs also in this form; mi 'thad de wrong (Was. 294); to be fit, proper, suitable (from J‰.). sems zer ba mi 'thad la as it is not proper to call it soul, as it cannot fitly be called soul. 3. 'thad is a familiar word very frq. in W. almost the only word for dga' ba : sems 'thad de cheerfully, joyfully; 'thad rgyu med pa tsam zhig la as it was not agreeable (to him); 'thad 'thad 'dra yang | though apparently rejoicing. 4. at pleasure, at will: log pa 'thad let us turn back; rang nyid 'thad la voluntarily, spontaneously (J‰.). II: acc. to Sch. = 'than pa , 'thad ldan = 'than po 3. 'thad legs n. of a large numeral (Ya-sel. 58). 'than = nan tan pressure; urging. 'than 'dre a demon (Sch.). 'than po steady, persistent: mi 'than po a steady man, a resolute man (Cs.). 'thab pa SANST, SANST, SANST to fight; to quarrel, to dispute, to brawl. kha tshub dang 'thab pa to struggle with snow-storm (Mil.); 'thab pa med cing shi ba to die peaceably without a struggle; also used when quarrelling persons are reconciled (J‰.); kha 'thab verbal altercation. As sbst. also 'thab mo a fight, a battle; 'thab krol dispute, contest (Lex.). + 'thab krol can ni gnod pa'i rgyu sgrub pa one who quarrels is one who produces cause for mischief. 'thab 'khrug SANST fighting, war. 'thab ya antagonist: khyod kyis nga'i 'thab ya byed dgos you must be my rival in fight; bdud mo'i 'thab ya a fighting cantankerous female; gnas skabs kyi 'thab ya occasional rival; a rival for the time being; acc. to J‰. the antagonists of life, i.e., the family and relations a secular man has to struggle with. 'thab rags intrenchments, breast-work, ramparts. 'thab bral 1. thus explained: lha min gyi 'thab rtsod dang bral bas na 'thab bral te if one is free from troubles with the Asura, it is Thabdalósignifying that one of the heavens of the Buddhist theogony is free from strife. This region lies above the Trayastrimsa heaven. 2. acc. to Bon = mtshe ma 3. 'thab 'bu silk-worm. 'tham pa I: pf. 'thams SANST 1. to seize, to lay hold of, to clutch, to attach oneself to, to realise mentally. 2. to join together, to enlock: grogs su 'tham pa or grogs pur 'tham pa to unite in friendship; bya bar 'tham pa to join in any undertaking (J‰.). II: = o ba SANST blaming, scolding; to scold, to blame. 'thams pa + to clasp out of affection. grogs su 'thams pa to seal friendship under a solemn oath. 'thal ba v. thal ba 3. 'thas pa SANST 1. not straight forward, double-dealing. 2. hard, solid: sra 'thas sinewy, strong, robust (Sch.). 'thig pa 1. vb. n., pf. 'thigs to drop, to fall in drops, to drip from: khrag ma 'thigs par without any blood dropping out. 2. vb. a., pf. gtigs , fut. btig of cause to fall in drops, to distill, etc. (J‰.). 'thing slad + = snod pa slander, a term of blame or abuse (Cs.). 'thibs pa pf. thibs or gtibs to be covered, darkened: nad kyis lus sems 'thibs pa the body and mind being covered with disease; na bun bzhin du 'thibs par gyur to became darkened as with a fog; vb. n. ljon shing thams cad dga' ba'i tshal du 'thibs all the trees afford a delightful shade; bying 'thibs drowsiness overcomes me; shes pa 'thibs consciousness grows dim (J‰.). 'thibs po dark, close, dense. 'thibs sbst., a covering. 'thim pa fut. of thim pa 3: sa la 'thim yong | it would vanish into the earth; also would be absorbed in the soil. 'thu ba 1. adj. v. thu ba 3 2. vb., also 'thun pa , pf. 'thus , 'tus , fut. btu , imp. thus btu or to gather, collect, pick up: shing dang bur tse 'thu ba to collect wood and roots for fuel; thor cha 'thu ba to pick up things strewn about; thus mi an assemblage of men, council (Cs.). 'thug pa = mthug pa also 'thug po adj. and abstr. sbst. thick: pags pa 'thug po a thick skin; ko ba mthug po a thick hide; stan 'thub po a thick rug. mtha' 'thug thicker towards the margin or edge, gen. of woven stuffs, opp. to srab pa (J‰.); srab 'thub thickness in consistency, as of liquids; also adj. dense, strong: nags 'thug dense forest; gnyid 'thug po a sound sleep; bag chags 'thug po a strong inclination (J‰.). 'thung ba pf. btungs or 'thungs to drink, to imbibe fluid: ngoms pa 'thung ba to drink one's fill; 'thungs pa tsam gyis immediately after drinking; chu 'thung ba po one who will drink water; a water-drinker (Situ. 84); 'thung du rung ba drinkable; allowable to drink; 'thungs so they were engaged in drinking; have drunk; btung ba sbst. drink; btung ba 'thung to drink (any) liquid: bza' ba dang btung ba eating and drink; bza' btung food and drink; btung chu water for drinking; 'thung chu zhing chu legs na chu yi dge if drinking water and irrigation water be good, there is water prosperity (Jig.). 'thung byed SANST met. the sun (he that drinks, i.e., draws out moisture by his heat) (Moon.). 'thud pa = mthud pa to add on, make longer; to piece on, to prolong; thag pa chad pa mthud pa to add a piece to a string when a part of it has broken off; skye ba 'thud mi dgos he has no need of an additional re-birth. 'thud ma 1. assistance, help in general. 2. an added piece; prolongation: khur rtsa pa 'thud ma'i chad ka zung dang make an agreement for, engage, more coolies! 'thud med or 'thud shor med = chad lhag med pa without any omission or addition, i.e., to make or do a thing perfectly well. 'thun pa v. mthun pa 3. 2. a gatherer: shing 'thun a gatherer of wood; rtsa 'thun a gatherer of grass. 'thub pa pf. 'thubs or btub , fut. gtub pa , imp. 'thub to cut into pieces, to split: dum bur 'thub pa po one who cuts into pieces, a splitter (Situ. 84); sha gtub pa to cut meat into pieces, to mince; shing gtub pa to split wood in chips. 'thum pa a form of gtum pa , pf. 'thums or btums , fut. 'thum or btum , imp. 'thum or 'tum to cover or lay over, to put over, to coat; to wrap up, to envelop. v. gtum pa 3; gos kyis mgo 'thum pa to cover or wrap up the head with clothes. 'thums barren, sterile; addled (eggs). blo 'thums stupid. 'thur supine of 'thu for 'thu bar in colloq. shing 'thur 'gro = shing 'thu ba la 'gro goes collecting wood. 'thul ba 1. adj. volatile. 2. sbst. the subtle particles that are carried by the wind to produce the sensation of smell. 3. to raise, to spread; to smell of: du ba 'thul ba to raise smoke; dri ma bzang ngan 'thul ba to diffuse good or bad smell; ga pur 'thul it smells of camphor; rdul mi 'thul bar byas pa'i 'og tu after having laid the dust; la las bdug skos 'thul some persons were spreading perfumes (J‰.). 'thegs pa 1. to prepare for a journey, to pack up. 2. to depart; it prob. signifies the same as theg pa , to lift, raise, take up; cf. gzhi btag ces or 'degs pa to shift, to change (lodging), to remove; theg khug carpet bag, knap-sack. 'theng or 'theng ba SANST adj. lame (person or animal); to be lame, to go lame, cf. theng po 3; rkang pa zha nas 'theng bar gyur pa became lame the leg being maimed. 'then pa I: 1. to draw, to pull: thag pa 'then pa to pull a rope; gyen la 'then pa to pull up, hoist; mdun du 'then pa to pull towards; phar tshur 'then pa to pull this way and that way; phar 'then tshur 'then they pulled to and fro; nur gyis 'then pa pulling by jerks, by little and little; yol ba 'then pa to draw a curtain. 2. acc. to J‰. to stop, to stop short, to halt: 'then pa bzang it will be advisable to stop. 3. in W. also = rten pa to lean, recline upon (J‰.). II: acc. to Bon terminology is the line of a rgyal rgyud or dynasty, the term being thus applied because each member was metaphorically drawn up towards heaven by his ancestors. The eleven dynasties of Bon kings or gnam gyi 'then pa (lit. heavenly lines) were called (1) gnam 'then rje , (2) ye mu la 'then , (3) ma sangs la 'then , (4) mu la sangs gYen la 'then , (5) gYen sangs phya la 'then , (6) phya sangs 'ol la 'then , (7) 'ol sangs yum la 'then , (8) yum sangs rgod la 'then , (9) yum sangs 'od la 'then , (10) rlung sangs 'od la 'then , (11) 'od gsal mu la 'then which is also called dmu 'then (G. Bon. 23). 'theb = lhag pa overplus, extra, supernumerary: gos 'theb a supernumerary dress; khyod la gos 'theb yod na bdag la gYar rogs gyis if you have an extra dress please lend it to me; mal gos 'theb kyis 'thum pa to wrap up in an extra blanket; zhag gcig 'theb one day over, or too much (J‰.). 'theb pa acc. to Sch. to have too much (?). 'thebs pa pf. thebs a pass. form of 'debs pa 1. to be thrown, overthrown; seized by or with: nad kyis 'thebs pa seized with disease; 'thebs lcib instrument for holding fast cloth etc. in sewing. 2. to be opened out, be spread about: gsal 'thebs pa to be opened out clearly, made plain; sa bon 'thebs pa seed having been strewn; lcags ber gyis thebs pa'i sa sran hard soil which has been broken up with iron bars. 3. sometimes occurs as act. vb. instead of 'debs pa . 'thems pa 1. grangs tshang ba the completion of a specified number; sngags bgrangs nas 'thems completed counting the number of charms (mantra). 2. to shut in, comprise, cover, include, v. 'thams pa 3. 3. to suffice = 'khyed pa or ldang ba (J‰.). 'ther po or 'ther ba smooth and glossy: dril bu'i dbyibs 'ther 'ther surface of the bell well polished (Jig.). 'tho sometimes written instead of mtho a span. 'thog pa I: acc. to Cs. = gtog pa ; acc. to Sch. 'thag pa . II: pf. 'thogs , imp. SANST 1. to take, bear away, carry: bya khwa ta mchu yis 'bu srin sogs 'thogs pa the magpie carries away worms, insects, etc., with its bill; sha 'thogs pa po one who places or carries the meat; rol mo 'thogs pa one carrying cymbals (musical instruments, etc.) having cymbals in his hand (Situ. 84). 2. for thob pa to receive. 3. for 'dogs pa as phan 'thogs pa useful. 4. to name, to call (J‰.). 'thon pa (pf. and imp. thon pa ) 1. to go out, to come forth, depart; nang nas phyir 'thon pa to come from within; sa nas yar 'thon pa to issue forth from the ground: kun phyir 'thon te all having come out; chu pha khar thon nas when I emerged on the other side of the river. In W. colloq. is a common usage for 'ong ba to come, and 'byung ba to arise. 2. acc. to J‰. = to occur, as in tshong bas khur nas 'thon 'dug (these goods) occur as imported, are imported: rig pa can ming 'thon yin te his name occurs (i.e. goes forth) as one who is knowing, i.e., he is reputed sagacious. (EEE The first example under 2. above in the original clearly reads tshong bas khur rnas , but this is clearly in error.) 'thon mi 'bring po rgyal n. of descendant of king Lde-phrin btsan (Yig.). 'thob pa sometimes as a fut. of thob pa 3: 'thob pa dang 'brel ba SANST the accompaniment of what will be gained; result of gain or profit. 'thob pa med SANST not getting, not to be got. 'thom pa pf. 'thoms pa also thoms pa to be confused, puzzled, to grope, to be stunned. mgo 'thoms pa = mgo 'khor ba : mgo 'thoms nas his head being turned, puzzled; yi shes mig med mun par 'thoms being devoid of the eye of fore-knowledge he groped in darkness; mgo bo 'thom his head becomes dizzy, confounded (Hbrom. 15). Acc. to J‰. is now used in W. for to doze, slumber. 'thom yor idiot, or dumb-confounded: klen lkugs 'on long 'thom yor dang gsum the three miseries of idiots, dumbness, deafness and blindness (Khrid. 47). In. C. colloq. mi 'di 'thom 'thom red this man is very stupid or quite dazed. 'thor ba pf. btor , fut. gtor , imp. 'thor 1. prop. vb. n. to be strewn or scattered, SANST, SANST, SANST; chu 'thor to sprinkle water; 'bru 'thor ba to scatter grain: char pa 'thor 'thor 'bab pa 'dug the rain comes drizzling down. 2. to be dispersed, dessicated, to burst (of a gun): chu 'thor ba po one who throws or sprinkles water (Situ. 84). 'thor byed a parrot (Moon.). 'thor 'thung SANST libation = chu gtor (Cs.; Sch.). 'thor mtho SANST lofty peak. 'thol mi sped pa or bshags pa revealing, giving out, confessing; same as mthol ba SANST confession. da da is the eleventh letter of the Tibetan alphabet and the third letter of the third group of consonants. It is equivalent to the Sanskrit SANST, being more dental in its pronunciation than the English d. I: num. figure for 11. II: SANST, SANST 1. metaphorically it symbolises a gift: sbyin pa chen po byin pa ste|theg pa chen po yin pa'o| bestowing great charity is the Mahayana (personified) (K. my. ka 208). 2. the signification and virtues of this letter according to the fancies of mystic authors may perhaps be gathered from such statements as these: da ni stong dang bral ba'i sgo| len pa med pas thams cad grol the letter da is a symbol of being deprived of nothing; it takes away nothing, hence it sets free everything, i.e., gives salvation (K. g. wa 42); also chos thams cad kyi sgo ste|chos rnams dul ba dang zhi ba nyid du ston no| being the state of entrance to all Dharma (i.e., source of knowledge), it explains all matter and phenomena both in their passive and regulated or active states (K. d. na 114); dul ba dang dul ba'i gnas su yongs su nges pa'i phyir chos thams cad kyi sgo'o| as it fully makes sure the Vinaya (moral discipline) and the objects of Vinaya, it is called the entrance to all Dharma (Hbum. ga 282). III: now, to present, just, esp. before the imp. mood: da nang la song in C. just go home! in W. now go inside! In later works and especially in modern colloq. the da , now, is da lta , usually heard in colloq. as "tanda." Other combinations are da lta lam sang "tanda lamsang" at once; da lta 'phral du "tanda t'eltu" directly, immediately. 2. this time, the present: da lo this, the present year. da in da chog lta bu then, now, SANST. da ko sha n. of an island called the Sandal-wood island (Kathao. 121). da kha 1. now, just now, presently. 2. acc. to J‰. a horse-shoe: da kha rgyab pa to shoe a horse. da sgos = da lta or 'di skabs now, this time, this occasion. da ci 1. then what: da ci bsam then what do you think; blo nyes pa khos . da ci nas 'thung zin gyis gsungs nas gsol du ma 'dod (Khrid. 78). 2. what was, lately: da ci nas da lta phan la from lately until now. 3. sicklehook for cutting briars (J‰.). da cha in future, henceforward. da nyid or da lta nyid the present time; but just now; da lta nyid du instantly. da lta v. da 3 III. da lta ba or da lta yang even now: da lta yang bka' drin che even now he is very kind. da ltar for the present, at the present time; da ltar gyi bya ba or dngos po a person's experience or actions during the present period of his life; da ltar ba the present time, present; the present tense; da ltar byung ba SANST presence of mind; also, born grown for the current age or current times. da ste henceforth, from this time forward. Also da phyis . da dung or da rung still, still more; but in C. this latter form is in common use for dang and da dung thong give still more: da rung legs par gsung bar zhu please explain it once more; da rung yang again and again. In colloq. da de often stands for da-ruo. da drag 1. = da dga' mo red that is good. 2. a term used in grammar for the now obsolete da when second final after the letters na, ra, la, e.g., in kund or 'byord , changing the terminative du into tu, also no, ro or lo, into to. Thus in the place of kun no was formerly in use kund to , and for 'byor ro was written 'byord to ; now, although the final d is no longer used, a relic of its former use survives in the concluding particle to. da gdod = da dung still, still more (Oag. 25). da nang or da nangs 1. presently. 2. this morning; lately this day; da nang klags read just now. da tsug = da gang : da tsug byed now what to do, or what is to be done; aa pa nga shi ba 'dug da tsug byed snyam pa'i shes pa skyo zhing snying grang lhang gi 'gro . da gzod = da gzod go 'byung now (at last) I understand: khyod kyis da gzod don ldan du khas blangs now (at last) you have understood and accepted the real doctrine (Hbrom. 17). da 'ur = glo bur suddenly, instantly: mi yi khyu nas da 'ur bab fell suddenly from humanity (D.R.). da ran da lan = this time (in Sikk.). da rangs this morning. da re = de ring this day, today: da re thug 'choms dang 'a 'ur gyi sgra chen po byas yong ba ci yin| what is this terrible noise and confusion today (Rdsa. 17). da re or da res in W. means also: heretofore, sometime ago. da lam = deng sang now-a-days: da lam nub phyogs u rgyan gyi yul du now-a-days in the country of Urgyen in the west (Ya-sel. 11). da dru 'joms á SANST, SANST the plant Cassia alata, the root of which cures ringworm; several synonyms for this bulbous root, called ol in Bengal, are mentioned: rab mtho ; glang po dkar po ; 'khor lo 'joms ; sbyed 'jigs ; 'dor kha ba ; zhin shun can ; phug ron rkang ; pi √ ; 'od ldan 'khri shing ; dka' thub can ; te la ser can ; phag mo gdong ; skyob byed ma . Another species of Cassia is called stobs bzang ma . da nu ka ri á or da nu ska ri SANST, or SANST n. of a flower (K. d. tsha 368). da khri btsan po the name of one of the sons of king Mu-khri btsan-po. da chu = dngul chu mercury (Sman.): da chu rus pa chag pa sbyar bar byed Da-chu causes fractured bones to unite. da trig 1. n. of a vegetable medicine (prob. tamarind): da trig tsha grang 'khru ba gcod pa byed da-trig stops diarrhúa caused by heat or cold (Rtsii.). Syn. so brtsi ma ; sgy ur mo ; 'dab ma phra mo (Moon.). 2. in Bon terminology = devil: da trig ma sangs gsal zer 'bar the devil Masang exhibited radiant light (D.R.). da phrug or a phrug or da tse an orphan. da byid SANST a lizard of Ladak: da byid sha yis ro rtsa dang mkhal nad grang ba can la phan . Syn. sa 'dzin ; sa 'dzin skyes ; te'u le ba ; bdag skyes (Moon.). da ber v. ta ber 3, mda' ber . (EEE mda' ber does not occur elsewhere in the dictionary but see under 3mda' 3.) da 'u = rgya tshad Indian fever, typhus fever: de dus na rgya brtson seng na len dra na tshad pa da 'us thebs nas yod pa| at that time Gya-tson-seng was laid up with typhus fever at Nalendra (A. 71). da ra 1. SANST a class of headless ghosts. 2. = dar ba SANST buttermilk which is half or three-fourths water. da ra da á n. of a country to the N. W. of India. Prob. the modern Dardistan (K. d. 23). da lis á (prob. from SANST) same as ba lu'i me tog a species of dwarf rhododendron with fragrant leaves: da lis bad kan grang ba sel zhing tshe bcud len Dali cures phlegm, gonorrhoea, and gives longevity. a ba a plant yielding an acrid drug: a ba'i rtsa bas srin gsod rus 'dzer 'gog the root of da-wa kills worms and checks bony excrescences (Med.). a tshur vinegar of dwa-wa plant, which made into a gargle removes fetid smell from the mouth and heals diseases of the bone (Med.). a'i 'ching bAa dur a Mongolian king who reigned over Tibet for seven years (Loo. 'a 12). a las bAa dur the Mongol name of the son of king Mi-wao Phola Bsodnams Stob-rgyas. His real Tibetan name was Hgyur-med Rnam-Rgyal, and the Emperor of China conferred on him the title of Wang (Loo. 'a 18). dag 1. sign of the plural, eleg. for rnams ; often added to the pronouns de and 'di and sometimes to numerals; also in the combination dag rnams . 2. in translation of Sanskrit denotes the dual number: nga dag we two; khyed dag you two; acc. to J‰. often used for nga lta bu dag my equals. 3. in colloq: certainly, it is true: lags dag sir, it is so. dag kha is said to be used in Tsang for de kha 3 (J‰.). dag ga dog ge 1. uneven, also adv. unevenly; anything placed not quite on a level. 2. acc. to J‰. = dog dog . dag gu = phye ma powder. dag pa I: (prop. pf. of 'dag pa ) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. clean, pure; cleansed; dri ma dag pa purified (of dirt, defilement, stain, etc.); sdig pa dag pa purified of sin. 2. sublime, exalted, passionless. Also may occur as abstr. noun: purity: dag pa can possessing purity. dag ther ba or dag ther byed pa ; acc. to Sch.: to make clean, cleanse; dag ster (cher )mdzad pa id. dag par 'gyur ba to become clean, purified; dag par byed pa to make clean, to cleanse, to purify; dag par 'khru ba to wash clean; dag par byas SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST made clean, cleansed; rigs ma dag impure or defiled blood or caste; lus dang ngag dang yid kyi las yongs su dag pa| quite pure in the works of the mind, in word, and in body; dga par 'tsho ba to lead a pure virtuous life; snon lam dag pa a right and proper prayer; rnam par dag pa SANST, SANST quite pure, most holy, also the state of purity; mi dag pa impure; impurity, defilement; bkrus na mi dag pa med do| when they have bathed they are freed from impurity. 3. SANST, SANST, SANST bleached, bathed, washed clean, rubbed, dusted, swept out: dgong mchi mas dag pa his face washed with tears; dag pa yongs su dag washed completely clean. yang dag pa SANST, v. yang dag 3. (EEE (1.) No definition II. is provided in the original.) (EEE (2.) In the original, the note about yang dag pa stands as its own entry a few records down (between dag brjod and dag pa nyid ). It has been moved here because there is already an entry for yang dag standing in the proper alphabetical sequence, and having two entries with identical headwords would defeat the headword lookup feature of this new, electronic edition.) dag 'grel = dag cha'i 'grel pa a commentary on orthography. dag ci mint, aromatic plant, Mentha royliana (J‰.). dag brjod or dag pa brjod pa correct expression, right spelling. dag pa nyid SANST, SANST the state of being pure; purification. dag pa rig pa SANST; = dag pa shes pa pure consciousness. dag pa gsum the three requirements of purity in religion as explained in Tsongkhapa's Lam-rim Chenmo, viz.:- (1) slob dpon gyi ngag dag pa purity in the speech of a spiritual teacher; (2) slob ma'i rgyud dag pa purity in the innate nature of pupil; (3) bshad bya'i chos dag pa purity in the doctrine to be explained. dag pa'i dkyil 'khor the disk of purity, the immaculate orb, i.e., the moon: mdzes sku chu gter dag pa'i dkyil 'khor chu 'dzin gyis dben zhing the disk of purity, though like waters stored in a beauteous body, is yet deprived of all clouds (Yig. k. 15). dag pa'i khams = SANST met. for mercury, quick-silver (Moon.). dag pa'i mtha' or dag pa'i rab = yang dag pa'i mtha' . dag pa'i zhing the region of purity, the pure mansion; hence Dewachan the heaven of Amitabha Buddha where there is no impurity. dag byed I: SANST, SANST 1. water, air, the wind-god, fire, and the sacrificial grass kusha. 2. fair complexion (Moon.). II: also SANST, SANST 1. holy. 2. a holy river (as a purifier of dirt and sin). dag byed bzhi the four holy rivers, namely, Sindhu, Pukru, Sita and Gaoga: thugs rje'i ra gur nas mi dkyud pa'i bka'i bdud rtsi dag byed bzhi'i glung rgyun bzhin i bor stsol ba mkhyin| pray bestow the nectar of your commands upon my head from the canopied enclosure of your compassion like the streams of the four holy rivers which are never diverted (Yig. k. 6). 3. SANST, SANST white, bleached. 4. aa ru Myrobalana arjuna. III: correct spelling (in a composition); also any revision, correction. dag sbyor or dag pa'i sbyor ba holy combination; also exact coincidence (Shil. 6). dag ra SANST a species of garlic. dag yig orthography; sngon gyi dag yig or brda dag the earlier (now obsolete) orthography. dag las gYo = dag pa ma yin pa not holy, profane. dag shing SANST 1. small splinter of wood or bamboo for cleansing the teeth. 2. bark of a tree. 3. scale of a fish. ags bright, i.e., in reference to openness, cheerful appearance of a place: sa dpyad thog mar mdun rgyab ags srib bzhi in the selection of a site for building are four chief points, the frontage, back, openness and the shade (Jig.). ags stod the upper or higher portion of the district of Dwag-po in Tibet. ags stod lcang ra n. of a grove in the upper portion of the district of Dwag-po (Rtsii.). ags po the district of Dwag-po, situated between the S. E. of the province of ‹ and Kong-po, the birth place of the present Dalai Lama Lobzang Thubdan Gya-tsho. ags po bka' rgyud a section of the School of the Kah-gyu-pa which was powerful in Tibet before the supremacy of Dalai Lama was established in 1644 A.D. ags po zla 'od gzhon nu n. of celebrated lama of this school (Loo. 'a 9). ags phor wooden cups turned in Dwag-po. ags shog Daphne paper manufactured in Dwag-po. ags sle the striped woollen wrapper cloth manufactured in Dwag-po. dang I: dao is a peculiarly-used word taking the form and position of conjunction but really being a postp. or commitative case-sign of the meaning "with SANST." Thus lug dang ra mo dang mdzo is not properly "sheep and she-goats and yak," but "yak with she-goats with sheep." However, in such enumerations, the rendering "and" is legitimate, as well as in mere couplings, e.g., skra dang kha spu 'breg pa shaving the hair and moustache. Acc. to Thon-mi Sambhota, the father of Tibetan literature, this word has the following five significations:- (1) tshig snga phyi phyogs gcig tu sdud pa as a conj. for connecting a word with another following it. (2) so sor 'byed pa as an analytic term to separate one word from another:- dbang po rnams ni mig dang rna ba dang sna dang lce dang lus so the Dwao-po or the organs of sense are the eye and ear and nose and tongue and the body. (3) rgyu mtshan te rgyu mtshan nyid kyi don because of, on account of, by reason of: snan zos pa dang nad sos so because of having taken medicine the disease was cured; chos mang du thos pa dang lhag mthong 'phel lo on account of hearing many religious discourses his perceptive faculty increased; du ba mthong ba dang mer shes so by seeing smoke he could know (there was) fire. (4) dus brjod pa tshe skabs kyi don when, as soon as, occasion, opportunity: rgyu skar rgyal 'char ba dang yul du chas so he proceeded to the country when the constellation Pusya appeared; nyi ma la la shar ba dang chos ston drangs as soon as the sun rose on the mountain-pass he performed the religious service. (5) gdams ngag brjod pa'i don la 'jug go it is used to signify exhortation, advice or entreaty: legs par slob dang do learn well; kha ton gyis dang and read loudly (Situ.). This last usage, namely, the annexation of dao to the imperative, has become common with certain verbs in the colloq. being then used almost as a sign of the imperative. Thus ltos dang "toi tang" look, see! lto zos dang eat food. That "with" is the general signification is evident from many phraseological usages of dao:- in using mnyam du "in equality, on a level," dao connects that word with the consequent, e.g., kho rang khyod dang mnyam du 'gro dgos he must go with you; so with formative ldan pa signifying "possessed of," "provided with," e.g., nor dang ldan pa provided with wealth, wealthy; bu lnga dang ldan pa'i rgyal po a king possessed of (or with) five sons. More explicitly in its true sense does it occur with many verbs:- mi ser dang 'phrad pa to meet with the husbandman; jag pa dang thug pa to fall in with robbers; rgyal po'i sku dang mjal ba to salute the king's person; gzhan gyi yid dang mthun pa to agree with another's opinion; thams cad dang grabs mthun pa to be in harmony with all; sa bdag dang 'gal ba to be in opposition to or with the local god; dgra dang 'thab pa to fight with an enemy; kha tsub dang 'thab pa to struggle with a snow-storm; mAa Ni 'khor lo la bla ma dang rtsod pa byas made dispute with the lama about the prayer-wheel; ya mtshan la grub thob dang 'gran pa to contend in miracles with the saint; bud med dang nyal ba to lie with a woman; grong khyer dang nye ba near the town; de dang 'dra ba equal to that. Some particular ways of using dang are the following:- gser dang dngul dang lcags la sogs pa gold, and silver, and iron, and the other (metals); whence note that in enumerations dang is employed in different ways, arbitrarily, e.g., after every single noun or pronoun except the last one, or also after the last; it is used or omitted just as the metre may require it; or when a sum is mentioned, in the following manner:- 'byung ba bzhi ni the four elements; sa dang chu dang me dang rlung dang bzhi'o earth, and water, and fire, and air or esp. in col. language, thus sa dang gcig , chu dang gnyis , etc.-dang is frequent also in the sense of "from," especially with certain verbs which cannot indeed be used apart from it. Of these are 'bral ba to separated dang from, e.g., 'dod chags dang bral yin was separated from lust; also 'phral ba to divide dang from; again: khang pa dang ring ba far from the house. In general, however, las or nas is the sign of "from." A further employment of dang very habitual in the classical treatises is in the manner of a continuative particle at the end of subordinate and co-ordinate sentences; so it is annexed to the verbal participle which concludes the clause, but never in the older works to the root of a verb standing thus; it can often, of course, be rendered by "and" as if it belonged to the following clause, but not always so. One example of this very common usage will here suffice: de'i tshe na sbral gyis khyim bdag de dngng par byed pa dang |mi de dang lhan gcig tu khye'u gnyis skad 'debs te bros song thereupon the snake terrifying the householder, two boys together with that man, throwing up cries, escaped. Finally, the one conclusion derivable from the various usages of dang is that the word must be always technically regarded as belonging to the words or clause which may precede it and not to any word or clause subsequent; which thus negatives the notion that it is a true conjunction. II: a meadow. dang ga (col. = dang kha ) appetite: nga'i dang ga 'gag my appetite is gone; dang ga mi bde want of appetite (though wishing to eat, cannot eat); dang ga bde ba good appetite. Syn. lto che ; grod pa che ; dang kha bde ; tshim med ; tshog pa med pa (Moon.). dang du blang ba or dang len pa , to receive a command or missive with readiness, to do a work with earnestness: bka' rtsal dang du blangs pas tshul bzhin the behest he received as a work of first importance (i.e., considering it as the first of duties). dang du mi len does not accept; does not apprehend. dang po SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the first, earliest, with respect to number, time, rank: dang po'i sangs rgyas SANST the first or the earliest Buddha; dang po'i gtam de sum zer who spoke (raised) the first rumour? who was it that first got up the rumour? dang po'i nyin par on the very first day; na tshod dang po la gnas pa being still in the prime of life; dang po gnyis the two first. 2. the first beginning, out-set; also signifies aboriginal, fundamental: nyin mo'i dang po la at the beginning of the day; dang po nyid du in the first place, above all, at the very commencement; dang po nas from the beginning; las dang po pa a beginner; las dang po pa'i dus su as long as he is only a beginner; dang po dang tha ma the first and the last; dang po rgyu SANST the original or primary cause; dang po'i sgra preceding word; dang po sgra la brten sa rjes ma'i don shes he knows the meaning from the context. 3. as adv. dang por firstly, in the first place; at first; in the beginning; dang por bde happy from the beginning. dang po'i rdul can a bride (just passed out of virginhood) (Moon.); dang po'i rdul can ma a maiden; a girl at puberty. Syn. bu mo dar ma ; khengs ldan ma ; lang tsho can ma (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the Tibetan headword as dang po'i rtul can but the transliteration of the headword as "dao-pohi dul-can". The headword in this edition was altered to that shown above, which is the accepted spelling.) dang po'i bdag SANST [1. a noble man]S. 2. in Gram. SANST the first person. dang ba SANST, SANST 1. to be pure; to be clear; gen. as adj. pure, clear; 'bras dang ba cleaned or sifted rice. 2. sincere, single-hearted, guileless: sems can kun la rab dang ba truly sincere towards all creatures; dge sems dang ba a pure, sincere disposition to virtue (S. o.). dar ba nyid SANST devotion, purity of heart. dang ba'i gsal ba (kha dog lta bu ) SANST, SANST to be cheerful; of open countenance; of bright appearance. dang tse 1. n. of a kind of Chinese satin. 2. in W. a field-terrace (J‰.). dang zas ma za SANST do not eat with a doubt; also do not entertain doubt [a suspicious man]S. dang ra stable for cattle, in C. and W. (J‰.). dang la + 1. chu yi rdzing bu a tank, a pond. 2. acc. to Sch. a tract of land abounding in springs. 3. n. of a long and lofty mountain range in N. E. Tibet, running from long. 90∞ to long. 96∫ E. and keeping mainly to the 33rd parallel of latitude. Travellers to Lhasa from the N. E. must cross this range. It is Father Huc's "Tant-la". angs or angs pa 1. sbst. glare, lustre: angs mi 'dug it has no brightness or glitter; angs chen po very glittering. 2. force of language; also pronunciation (colloq. lab angs ); angs po nyid sbst. brightness, lustre, glare, clearness. 3. adj. sparkling, pure, clean, clear: chu angs pa sparkling water; sems angs unpolluted heart; khams angs pa (of the body) perfect health, looking bright; gnam angs a clear sky, fine weather; angs shel me long n. of a code called "the clear crystal mirror" or directions for the guidance of government officials. (EEE Original has lab dngas for lab angs .) angs ma = khu ba SANST juice, gravy; fig. relish, taste: zas kyi angs ma the relish of food (Moon.). dad pa SANST, SANST, SANST 1. sbst. faith, devotion. 2. vb. to believe, to have faith; acc. to J‰. a secondary form of 'dod pa to wish; hence in compounds: skom dad thirst, etc. Referring to this word Milaraspa remarks: dad pa dang 'dod pa gnyis nor dogs yod pas|de gnyis dang dad pa bya ba'i yul yang ma nor ba gal che as it is to be feared that dad pa may be mistaken for 'dod pa , it is important that these two and the object of one's dad pa or faith should not be confounded. The first is what may be called divine love, the second, i.e., 'dod pa , is love for one's wife, children, and worldly things. dad pa med pa'i mi rnams la , dkar po'i chos rnams mi byung ste| to men who are devoid of faith, holy thoughts (religious ideas) would not occur (Lam-rim. 25). de la dad pa thams cad zhig par mi 'gyur gyi|mtha' med pa'i srog thob par bya'o all believing in him shall not be destroyed, but shall obtain everlasting life. There are three kinds of dad pa , viz.:- (1) dang ba'i dad pa SANST sincere faith; (2) yid ches pa'i dad pa trust, full confidence; (3) phyir mi ldog pa'i dad pa unflagging devotion, unalterable belief. dad pa nyid sbst. SANST faith, love, devotion; dad gus reverence and faith: khong gi yon tan thos pa la brten nas dad gus sgom on hearing of his high virtues I meditated reverentially on faith (Hbrom. kha 2). dad pa log pa SANST impaired faith, want of faith [also, the man who is wanting in faith]S; dad pa phyir bsgy ur ba , dad pa nyams pa SANST change or modification of one's opinion, (regarding another person). dad pa byed pa to confide in, to believe; dad bzhin du in faith; dad pa 'bul ba offer of faith; dad pa mi phyed pa unflagging faith. dad gus ldan SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST faithful, loyal, devout, respectful. Syn. gus par byed ; gus ldan ; zhe sa byed ; mngon par ldang ; sten byed ; kun tu bsten ; rab tu bsten ; mos ldan ; dad ldan ; dad chags can ; dad pa can ; gcig tu sems ; dang ba ; mos pa ; gus pa phyag byed pa ; ban dA ru SANST (Moon.). dad dam 'pho med kyi 'dun pa love with unflagging faith and unflinching devotion; as in sa lam 'gyang gis bcad pas dad dam 'pho med kyi 'dun pa ched med la in a remote land though separated by distance his unfailing love and devotion remained undiminished. dad 'dun love, faith, devotion, reverence, veneration. dad 'dun med pa faithless, irreverent, unbelieving. dad pa gsum the three kinds of dad pa or faith acc. to Bon:- mngon 'dod kyi dad pa ; dad ba'i dad pa ; yid ches kyi dad pa ; but acc. to Buddhism, there are two kinds of dad pa (1) 'jig rten pa'i dad pa faith in a worldly sense; (2) 'jig rten las 'das pa'i dad pa faith in spiritual sense (K. d. na 310). dad pa'i rjes su 'brang ba SANST one of the stages of Buddhist monk who is Sravaka. dad pa'i gso sbyong bya bar gsol ba 'debs pa SANST to pray to perform the uporadha (religious fasting) in faith; dad pas mos po SANST one of the twenty stages which a Buddhist monk attains to in the order of Sravaka. (EEE The original has uposatha for uporadha above.) dan gong balls made of wood, cloth, stone, or glass, with which children play (K. du. da 146). dan ta n. of a fruit yielding a medicinal drug. dan nyeg in the dialect of Amdo: precious, important. dan thu li ka n. of a kind of grass which grows as quickly as it is cut (K. my. ka 228). dan da n. of a medicinal herb. dan da li in Ld. a sieve, gen. consisting of perforated leather or a wooden frame; ras dan dal a sieve made of cloth (J‰.). dan 'dra SANST n. of a medicinal fruit. [the castor-oil plant]S. dan bag or dam bag n. of hamlet situated below the great monastery of 'bras spungs or Daipung near Lhasa, about 4 miles to the W. of that city (Loo za 3). dan rog SANST Croton euphorbia; or rather its medicinal fruit: dan rog nang nad drag po sbyong ba byed croton heals serious internal maladies. dan Da u ta pa la á SANST n. of a medicinal plant: dan Da u ta pa la rtsa ba dang |ba yi mar dang btung byas| dus ldan dus la sbrum par 'gyur| from the root of the plant called Danda Utpala taken with cow's butter a woman will in proper time become pregnant (K. g. ca 44). (EEE It seems likely that the headword and its later instances should be spelled daº u ta pa la (or dNa Da u ta pa la but we have not been able to verify this name definitely.) dam bound fast: dam khas blangs par 'os pa fit or suitable to be bound by promise or under an oath, v. khas blangs 3; dam du bcing pa SANST well bound; also bound tightly. dam du bzung ba to hold tightly, hold fast; yid dam or thugs dam a solemn promise, vow, oath, confirmation by oath; dam la gnas pa to abide by one's own promise or words; dam nyams a violation of promise; a violator of promises; dam nyams kyi las rnams violations of duty. dam la 'dogs pa to exorcise demons, to bind them under solemn oath, etc. dam kha = the'u tse a seal; dam kha rgyab pa to seal, stamp. dam ga = tham kha (Cs.). dam phrug = phyag dam or the'u tse a seal (Moon.). dam bca' or dam bca' ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a promise, a vow; the act of promising; almost equivalent to what we might term a sacrament. dam bca' 'bul ba to give assurance; to make a promise; mi 'bab pa'i dam bca' a promise from which one will not shrink. dam can rdo rje legs pa in a Tankrik deity introduced by Padma Sambhava and mentioned in Pth. He is of the drag gshed or terrific class of deities and is usually portrayed riding either on the Tibetan imaginary form of lion or on a he-goat. He is known also as Rdor-legr. Probably the same as that in the next paragraph. dam chen chos rgyal is the tutelary deity of the Grand Lama of Tashi-lhunpo, and is supposed to be under a solemn oath to defend Buddhism against all infidels. dam bcas pa a promise made; to make a promise; dam srung ba to keep one's word or vow; dam bcas pa dang mi 'gal ba not to violate one's promise. dam dum 1. = phran bu or nyung nyung small; a little quantity or bit. 2. various (Sch.). dam pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. excellent, superior, the best. 2. steady or firm, tight. 3. holy, sacred; which is the most frequent usage of the word: bla ma dam pa byon byung a holy lama has come; dam pa ni mchog tu gyur ba yin he is a holy one who has become the very best; dam pa'i blo gros holy intention, pious inclination. 4. seems to be also used as term resp. for: the deceased, the late, e.g., yab dam pa de nyid he my deceased father; slob dpon dam pa de nyid the late teacher himself, etc. 5. also sbst. the good, the holy, holiness: dam pa rnams kyi of the holy ones. dam pa rgyal for skyes bu dam pa thams cad las rgyal . dam pa tog dkar n. of a Deva-putra; acc. to some Gautama Buddha bore this name in the Gahdan heavens. (EEE Original has Deva-puttra which is a mi-spelling.) dam pa mi ldan = dam pa ma yin pa . dam pa'i grib bsil dang ldan pa SANST possessed of the grateful shade of sanctity. dam pa'i chos or dam chos SANST holy religion, Buddhism: dam pa'i chos dang tshe 'di'i 'dun ma gnyis mnyam du 'grub pa su yang yod pa min both holy religion and worldly wishes there is none that can accomplish these two together (Lo. 7). dam pa'i chos pad ma dkar po'i mdo SANST n. of one of the well-know scriptures of the Mahayana school. dam pa'i gzugs brnyan the image of holiness. dam po SANST 1. strict, firm, strong, tight; adv. as in dam por 'dzin pa to hold firmly, to seize securely. 2. acc. to J‰. narrow. dam po ma yin SANST not strong-willed; not strict; relaxed; dam por byed pa or sra bar byed pa SANST making firm, tight, or strict. dam 'byar 1. = lugs srol custom, usage, official practice: lo gsar thob gzhi dam 'byar nang ltar the customary allowances of the new year, etc. (Rtsii.). 2. the affixing a seal; also a letter to which a seal has been fixed. dam tshig word of honour, a sacred or solemn vow; words or engagement made solemnly; dam tshig nyid promise solemnly undertaken. dam rdzas or dam tshig gi rdzas objects or articles of religious utility which one carries about; for instance, the bell and the dorje are the dam rdzas of a Tantrik lama or a Buddhist exorcist which he always carries with him: rnal 'byor ma la thugs dam mdzad pas de'i rdzas chang gcig spas pas because he consulted the holy opinion of the naljorma (female ascetic of the Tantrik school); her desideratum (dam rdzas ) which was beer was kept concealed (A. 61). dam srag rdzong described as being a district in Tibet (Rtsii.). dam sri a species of gnome mentioned in Pth. as causing plague and cattle-disease. da'u a kind of fever (typhoid): tshad pa da'us thebs nas being laid up with typhoid fever. da'u bu tsha = a'u bu tsha an orphan boy, orphan. dar I: SANST, SANST, SANST silk; also a flag: mjal dar lit. meeting-scarf, is resp. for kha btags silk-scarf presented on meeting; presentation scarf; rgya dar Chinese or Indian silk; dar dkar white or plain silk scarf; dar gos silk stuff or dress. 'phyar dar a hoisted flag; dar chung a small flag; mdung dar a silken strip attached to the top of a lance. dar skud SANST silk thread: gos med dar skud 'dra without dress; naked like silk thread (stark-naked). dar khra SANST painted or coloured satin; satin with figures on it; dar phon a coarse kind of silk; dar khru small square or triangular flag (made originally of silk); dar gyi lda lding SANST silk-lace or fringes: dar gyi lda lding mang po btags pa SANST decorated with a large number of silk fringes, lace, &c. dar zab SANST the finest satin, silk-stuff; embroidered silk kincob; dar zab spugs las byung ba (dang po las byung ba ) SANST the finest satin: dar zab gos things (gos chen gyi gdan ) zla ba'i snying po zhog (A. 4) let Chandragarbha sit on the satin-robe spread out. rin po che'i dar zab sogs an gzigs mang tsam large present consisting of the finest embroidered satin, etc. (Rtsii.). dar ri mo can SANST figured satin imported from China. II: ice, not glacial ice, but that on ponds, streams and lakes; dar chags icy formation, ice in formation: mtsho la dar chags btab an incrustation of ice has formed on the lake. dar zam ice-bridge. III: SANST youth; dar babs or dar la babs pa SANST; SANST youth; youthful age; also = skyes phran . dar phyed or dar yol SANST, SANST one past his youth, i.e., after the middle age, i.e., from the 49th to the 60th year in man. dar la SANST, (gos zhig ) SANST [a kind of satin cloth used for protection against frost]S. dar gyi 'bu or dar gyi srin bu SANST silk-worm. Syn. skud pa'i 'bu ; dar gyi 'bu (Moon.). dar lcog a flag-staff about 10 or 12 feet high (with inscribed flag) fixed on house-tops, piles of stone, or on votive cairns. Syn. dar po che . dar btags pa to bind silk scarves to the neck or throw them on the necks of parties to be blessed. dar thogs pa one with a scarf in his hand; dmag dpon dar thogs pa the general (when given command of an army) being presented with a silk scarf as a token of office (D.R.). dar 'thag mkhan silk-weaver; dar 'thag mkhan gyi bu mo daughter of a silk weaver. dar bu a kind of red cloth made of either coarse silk or cotton, manufactured in Amdo (S. kar. 174). dar bubs a whole piece of silk stuff rolled together. dar dpyangs or dar yug SANST a narrow ribbon-like piece of silk, a kind of silken ornament. 2. the silk carves or coloured cotton cloth attached to a flag-staff (Rtsii.). Syn. dar bu ; dar chung (J‰.). dar gcig = yud tsam or re zhig a little while, a moment; dar gcig lon pa na after a while; adverbially: for a little while, for a moment, directly, instantly, in a moment; dar tsam about a moment. dar ba vb. 1. to be diffused, grown up; to spread, spreading; ches dar ba to gain much ground, to increase exceedingly; dar du 'jug pa to extend, enlarge; dar gud spreading and decaying; increase and decrease; yul dar ba a growing place or country. 2. = dar ra (Beng.) SANST sbst. whey; milk from which butter has been churned out; dar ba'i chang wine made of fermented whey. Syn. chu skya ; chab skya (Moon.). dar bab ma = bu mo dar ma SANST a maiden; a damsel. dar babs = dar la babs pa youthful. dar rgyas gling n. of a Buddhist monastery in Upper Tibet. J‰. mentions this also as another n. for Darjeeling. dar sga the walnut-tree. dar dir SANST humming or buzzing; wailing, lamenting (J‰.). dar rdo = rdar 3rdo , gri sogs rdar byed a stone on which any steel implement is sharpened; grinding stone. dar Zi á v. ku sha 3 (Moon.). dar po an adult. dar po che v. dar lcog 3 sail; large flag fastened to a flag-staff: rdzings de yar dar po che rlung gis bskyod pa bzhin du 'dar ba dang and that ship quivered like as a flag when moved by the wind (A. 16). dar ma I: Dar-ma n. of a district in the province of Hphan-yul, with a small fort (Rtsii.). II: SANST, SANST, SANST, also SANST, middle age (in man or woman) after the 40th year. dar ma'i stobs the strength of full-grown man, that of an adult. dar ma'i lus SANST the body of a bull; youthful body (like that of growing bull). dar ma rin chen also called rgyal tshab rje the disciple and successor of Tsongkhapa; dar ma bsod nams n. of a disciple of Tsongkhapa (Loo. 'a 11). dar mo an abbreviated n. of a Tibetan physician called dar mo snan rams pa ; his work on medicine is still extant in Tibet. dar dmng pa raw-silk (Schtr.). dar snan = dar tshur alum. dar tsam = rib tsam or srib tsam or dar gcig a moment; very short time. dar btsag = ras btsag cloth used for sifting and filtering: gro zhib dar btsag grub pa nas dang 'dra sifted wheat is like barley (in price) (Rtsii.). dar rtse mdo Darchendo, otherwise Ta-chien-lu, situated in the south-easternmost corner of Tibet and practically out of all Tibetan jurisdiction. It is the transport place from whence brick tea is brought into Tibet. dar tshil 1. the fat of youthful growth. 2. acc. to Sch. grain. dar ya kan a medicinal herb growing in clefts of rocks: dar ya kan gyi byang khog chu ser skem mgo bo'i rus chag sbyor zhing lha ba 'dzin| dar yab a silk-fan. dar sham 1. the lower border of a silk dress (J‰.). 2. = SANST n. of a plant, prob. the plantain. dar shing 1. a medicinal fruit. 2. = dar lcog shing flag-staff. 3. shing rgyu legs pa a very fine wood (Jig.), prob. the satin-wood. dar sar byed pa to keep observances where religion flourishes. dar sang a thin satiny muslin used for door-curtains and screens by lamas and great personages to prevent the public gazing on any ceremony or entertainment. dar han a Mongol word signifying a man who is exempt from the duty of furnishing labour, &c., to the State, and also from supplying ponies, &c., to those who travel under official authority. dal SANST adj. slow, leisurely; dal rkang slowly walking; dal khom med pa = long med pa without leisure or rest: bya rog dang byi'u sogs kha dal khom med par the mouths of crows and little birds, etc., have little rest (Khrid. 45). dal gyis = ga le slowly, softly, gently. dal gyis 'bab pa SANST n. of the river Ganges in the Himalaya; any sluggish or glacial stream. Also dal-babs. dal 'gro or dal gyis 'gro SANST, SANST, SANST slowly or gradually moving; that moves in a prostrate position. Met. for the planet Saturn, the white swan, or a tortoise. ngal 'gro'i rgyun bzhin meandering, as great rivers of the plains which flow sluggishly: bka' mchid phebs tshogs kyang dal 'gro'i rgyun bzhin yod pa mkhyin| (Yig. k. 15) pray permit your instructions (letters) to come to me uninterruptedly, like the flow of a river. dal 'gros 1. a mode of dancing v. rkang pa'i 'du byed 3. 2. described as ga le ga le 'gro ba to walk or move slowly. dal rgyu slowly moving, sluggish stream. dal cig = lan cig 1. once: dal cig nga yong rgyu yin I shall be coming over once. 2. SANST a moment, cf. dar gcig 3 a little while. dal rten = mi lus the human body (which is very slowly evolved). dal thog 'jug pa to attack, disperse an enemy (Sch.). dal dag this term and dal rkang and dal 'gros occur in astrological calculations of gza' lnga the five planets (which term probably implies the planet Saturn). dal du phangs pa fig. to work or to study assiduously; not to be lazy or indolent: 'o na dal du phangs rig pa slobs zer he said: but then learn some science not to remain idle (A. 32). dal po SANST = dal sluggish, slow, relaxed; weak, with but little energy. Syn. lhod po ; shugs chung ba ; bul ba (Moon.). dal ba = khom pa SANST, SANST, SANST languor, ease, quietude, leisure; also the state of dalwa, and so the being at ease or in state of leisurely comfort or repose: thugs dal dus when at leisure, when the mind is disengaged or at ease, dolce far niente. ir mi khom pa'i gnas brgyad du ma skyes par dam pa'i chos bsgrub khom pa ni dal ba zhes bya generally, not being born in any of the eight states of restless existence, one who finds rest by religious practice is said to be Dal-wa (SÒio.). dal ba brgyad the eight states in which living beings are at ease and happy as being possessed of many blessings; they are: (1) chos byed pa'i mi a religious person; (2) dbang po tshang ba one who is fully developed both physically and mentally; (3) lta ba ma log not a heretic, i.e., one who is a Buddhist; (4) as a lha or god; (5) as a lha ma yin or Asura an antagonist of the gods; (6) an enlightened man (i.e., not a savage or wildman); (7) and (8) those not born in space or in any animated nature outside humanity. These are also called khom pa brgyad . The following are mi khom pa brgyad SANST; i.e., the states in which living beings have no ease or rest who suffer from continual work, and are therefore called restless ones or mi khom pa - (1) dmyal ba SANST hell-beings; (2) yi ags SANST those born in the form of pretas; (3) dud 'gro SANST those in the animal kingdom (humanity excluded); (4) yul mtha' 'khob SANST wild tribes living in the border countries, i.e., outside the pale of civilization; (5) kla klo SANST, or SANST lit. one of indistinct speech, i.e., Moslems; (6) lha tshe ring po SANST the gods who on account of desire to live long are born in spheres of the heavens where there is no opportunity of entering the state of Nirvana; (7) dbang po ma tshang ba SANST those who are defective in their internal or external organs; (8) lta ba log pa SANST those who are heretics or infidels, i.e., not Buddhists. In Sanskrit and Pali works we find SANST indifference with respect to the purification of heart, instead of (5). dal ba'i lha ldan ma SANST the lunar mansion in which there are five star-gods, a constellation appearing in the shape of chariot. Syn. bi rji ; skar ma snar ma (Moon.). dal bar dga' ba to like doing things slowly, not rashly. dal bu = dal ba SANST slow: dal bus 'gro ma SANST she who moves slowly. dal bus = khyad kyis slowly; gently. dal bon a sect of the Bon: dal bon lu gu gar dal khams dang chas pa dang the Dal-Bon came from the soft regions where the lambs dwell (D.R.). dal 'bab rnam gzhi the four great rivers which have issued from the glaciers are:- (1) SANST the Indus; (2) gang gA SANST the Ganges; (3) pkSu SANST the Pakshu: acc. to some authors, the Yamuna; (4) si tA SANST the Oxus; acc. to some authors the Brahmaputra: phebs tshogs kyang dal 'bab rnam pa bzhi'i rgyun bzhin yod pa mkhyin| (Yig. k. 28) may your letters also be like the flowing streams of the four Mandakini rivers. dal 'byor an abbr. of dal ba brgyad and 'byor ba bcu ; and when these eighteen conditions are complete in a Sattva, i.e., in an animate being, it becomes a human being: bdag ni dal 'byor mi dbang lus thob cing I having obtained the noble body of a dal-hbyor man (A. 3). dal 'byor rnyed par dka' ba humanity, i.e., the state in which the eighteen blessings are with difficulty acquired. dal sbyin ma SANST 1. n. of a festival. [2. night, giving relaxation or rest]S. dal ma = gar mkhan ma 3 a nautch-girl or dancing-woman (Moon.). dal mo quiet, calm; also the chine, loin (J‰.). dal mo = ga le slowly: khyod rang dal mo 'gro you walk slowly, proceed slowly. dal myur mtho dman gyi 'gros slow and quick, upward or downward movement (B.ch.). dal btsong dal tshong 1. one selling articles at his own residence, who has not to move here and there for their disposal; btsong is pf. of 'tshong 3. 2. in W. the people of mnga' ris skor gsum are not seldom forced by their rulers to take goods from them at fixed prices. When this is done underlings appear before the tents or houses with a quantity of goods (which nobody else will buy) and throwing them down tell the owner of the house or tent that he now owes so much to the Government for things received. This is called dal tshong orthogr. of dal not certain, but it appears to mean to spread, distributeóto spread trade by force. dal 'dzin = dal 'bab or dal 'byon SANST flowing in a low stream. dal 'dzin nga rgyal SANST the pride of Mandhara; the pride that I am more happy than another person; dal 'dzin lto dga' SANST the lover of Mandodari, Ravana; dal 'dzin gnas bzang the superb mansion of heaven. dal yams = nad rims ngan pa a pestilence of the worst kind, with the following symptoms:- gzer thung ; khrag nad ; ltag 'gyel ; cog 'gyel ; mkhris rims 3; etc. (Sman. 119). di num. fig. 41. di ki in mysticism = an assemblage; all or some brought in together (K. g. ga 215). di mar a certain worm or insect (Sch.). di ri ri the howling noise of the wind, the rattle of thunder; also buzz, murmur, hum, low confused noise as of crowds, of number of praying people, of wailing prisoners, of birds on the wing. (Glr., J‰). di hi = ra ro can 3 drunk (mystic) (K. g. ga 215). dig in kha dig or kha dig pa , v. dig pa 3. dig snyan SANST a pigeon. Syn. phug ron ; ca co sgrog ; 'phrul pa'i mig can (Moon.). dig pa SANST 1. to stammer, also kha dig pa a stammerer: skad cha bshad dus kha dig pa he at the time of speaking stammers (Ya-sel. 35); cf. 'dig pa 3. 2. staggering, intoxicated (J‰.). ding for ding sang 3. ding khri a descendant of gnya' khri btsan po , the first historical king of Tibet (J. Zao.). ding ding the sound of the drum; acc. to Schr. gad mo ding ding = laughing aloud (Ta. 158-4). ding phon n. of a superior kind of Chinese satin embroidered and worked with needle: gnam yol ding phon kho na byas pa rab the canopy or ceiling made only of Dio-phon satin is better (Jig.). Also ding gos id. (S. kar. 179). ding 'ur SANST a sound, noise. ding ri n. of an extensive table-land situated N. E. of the confines of Nepal in Tibet and where there is stationed a Chinese militia. It is commonly called Tingri Maidan. Is more than once mentioned by Milaraspa in his Nam-thar. ding sang SANST, abbr. de ring and sang today and tomorrow, hence just now, now-a-days; also written as deng sang . ding gsal 'od dpag mu rum spang khyab lam this passage was explained as: ston pas khyim spang rab tu byung ba'i le'u 'o| the stage wherein the teacher renouncing his home enters the religious life (D.R.). du I: 1. num. fig. 71. 2. terminative case-sign after final nga, da, na, ma, ra, la. 3. how many, how much: du yod how much is there? slebs nas zla ba du lon how many months ago was it that he came? sangs rgyas mya ngan las 'das nas lo du thal lags zhus pas (A. 93) he asked how many years have passed since the Nirvana of Buddha. Syn. ga tsam ; ci tsam ; ji tsam (Moon.). II: in mystic sense 1. = ro taste (ro also = dead body). 2. a woman of bad morals (K. g. kha 179). du du how much, how many each time? du ma SANST, SANST many; also various, several; zhag tu ma many days: du mar phye it divided itself into several (parts); lan du mang many a time, often. Occurs for "many" in Mil. Gurbum 79b. 2. and 182a. 3. du zhig about how much? du ru how much, what extent? rgyus med yul 'dir mgo bo 'thom|de phyir bod kyi yul 'di na|yul gyi sa dpyad du ru srid| (Loo. 'a 4) I am confused being a stranger in this country; for that reason the nature and extent of this country of Tibet (pray describe). du ku la'i ras á or du gu la'i ras SANST the finest kind of silk cloth manufactured in very early times in India. du pa tri ya á (mystic) a cloud (K. g. kha 28). du ba SANST smoke; du ba mthul SANST it smokes; du ba phyur ba byed smoke rises; hor du "Turk's smoke," signifying the Turkoman Lob-nor or nomad's tents each containing a stove from which smoke rises. du ba mjug ring SANST comet. Syn. phod can ; mjug phod can ; gtsug phud can ; sbrul can ; skag las skyes ; skra gnyis pa (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the Tibetan headword as du ba 'jug ring but the transliteration of the headword as "du-wa mjug-rio" is the correct spelling. The headword in this edition was altered accordingly.) du ba pa acc. to J‰.: in Spiti very poor people that pay but a trifling tax; proletarians ('smoke people') that have nothing but the smoke of their fire. du ba mi zad pa = dmyal ba n. of a hell (in the Bon mythology). du ba 'tshubs SANST hornet. du ba'i skye gnas 1. SANST fire (as the source of smoke). 2. acc. to Moon = sprin cloud. du ba'i tog SANST a comet. du zhag acc. to J‰. the smoke or vapour hanging over towns and large villages in the morning. du ru ka á 1. a kind of fir from the sap of which a resinous incense in produced; thang chu ni sbyin sreg la bzang (K. g. da 338) the resin is considered good for the sacrificial fire. 2. rgya du ru ka'i yul n. of a place in China inhabited by Musalmans (Loo. 'a 12). du hMa á grong khyer zhes smra ba'i lan no a reply saying "it is a town" (a phrase used in mysticism) (K. g. kha 27). du har nag po n. of a celebrated Chinese astronomer and mathematician (Rtsii.). dU pa kA ya á SANST 1. = mchod rten gyi sku an image either inscribed on or deposited in a stupa or chaitya. 2. a name of the great temple in the Daipung monastery near Lhasa. dug poison, which is of several kinds, viz.:- rang bzhin gyi dug i.e., natural poison, such as snake venom, vegetable and also moral poisons; gyur pa'i dug substances that have been converted into poison; are sbyar ba'i dug poisons applied and also made by mixture; mthong ba'i dug sight poison, poisons which are visible as such; reg pa'i dug poisons of contagion and infection, those of fatal or ruinous consequences. The four figurative poisons in Budh. are:- rig sngags log par shes pa dug a mantra or charm known in a wrong manner is poison; nad la btang snyoms byas pa dug indifference to an illness is poison; rgan pos gzhon nu ma bsten pa dug an old man's keeping company with a young woman is poison; dbul po nyin par nyal ba dug a poor man's sleep during the daytime is poison (Sh. doo.). In medical works: nyi ma tsha ba pags pa'i dug the hot sun acts as a poison to the skin; chang ni sha yi dug yin te beer acts as poison to the flesh; tshwa de rus pa'i dug yin la table-salt acts as poison to the bones. Again, we read of dug gsum ni the three poisons:- 'dod chags SANST [lust]S. zhe sdang SANST [hatred]S. gti mug SANST [ignorance]S. (A.K. 111-21). Acc. to the Bon there are five moral poisons:- (1) nga rgyal pride originating from an inordinate sense of one's acquirements; (2) 'dod chags love and lust originated from objects that fascinate the mind; (3) zhe sdang anger as the poison of the mind which embitters everything that would otherwise be charming; (4) phrag dog jealousy which does not allow the mind to bear the sight of another's prosperity; (5) gti mug = rmongs pa darkness of the mind. The five gods who acc. to the Bon can suppress the above five poisons are:- (1) gshen lha 'od dkar , (2) gar gsas btsan po (3) dgod gsas kham pa , (4) gsas rje mang po , (5) gnam gsas dbying rum . dug gis byug pa can whatever has been poisoned or besmeared with poison (as an arrow point) (Moon.). dug gi me tog 1. generally the plant Vangueria spinosa, the blue-lotus. 2. also SANST Linum usitatissimum. dug gi snan or dug snan aconite; poison used as medicine. dug gi snan pa SANST a physician or medicine-man using poisonous drugs in diseases. dug sngags poison charm; the following poison-charm is carried in amulet cases inscribed on cloth, paper, or birch-bark, as a protection against poison: aa tum pe le tum pe le pra tum pe nad te sun Ta Te ke pa Ta Te mu na ye sa ma ye da na te dan ti li ni li ni la ke she bAa li bAa la ko be o le Çnga ge le swAa hA (K. du. ca 116). dug can poisonous; dug can pa = thabs rdugs pa also = SANST the ocean; anything poisonous or mischievous; dug can mtsho SANST the ocean (which is believed to contain poison). dug bcom SANST an epithet of Buddha; one who has made poison ineffectual (M.V.). dug chags mischievous; colloq. mi 'di dug chags red "mi di duk-chak re," that man is very mischievous. dug 'joms SANST, SANST, SANST a kind of twining shrub used as an antidote against poison, Muispermum cordifolium. dug 'joms ldan SANST the golden eagle which Virnu is said to ride. dug gnyen an antidote to poison. dug ti in Tsang: so, thus, in this manner = nug ti (J‰.). dug pa or dug po old coat or garment patched up and mended (Moon.). Acc. to J‰. coat, garment, dress. dug 'phrog SANST poison-repelling, antidote against poison, n. of a species of tree, Aristolochia Indica. dug dmar = mtshan la me sgron lo . dug mo nyung or dug mo nyung gi shing nor medicinal fruit akin to Karaya: ka ku £ ya dug mo nyung gis mkhris sel tsha 'khru gcod or Dugma-nuo stops dysentery and cures biliousness. Syn. bcad skye ; spu can ; ri yi phreng ; be'u can ; shing skya . dug mo nyung gi 'bru SANST described as nas 'bras bzang fine-fruiting barley. dug rtsa (bong nag ) a species of aconite. dug rab 'joms 1. SANST, SANST the lotus; that which destroys the effect of poison. 2. SANST the poison-destroying, the tree Mimosa sirissa. dug rwa can SANST hornet or insect having a poison sting. dug lo 1. poisonous leaf. 2. SANST the banyan tree; Ficus religiosa. dug lo ljon pa'i mdo n. of a Bon religious work called "the tree of poisonous leaves." dug shog poisonous paper, or daphne bark paper of Tibet arsenicated to prevent its being eaten up by moth. dug sel 1. SANST that which neutralizes the effect of poison; an epithet of Mahadeva. 2. n. of a medical author of ancient India. 3. ku ru the fruit of Emblic myrobalan. dug ha lAa ta la á SANST, or SANST, SANST, a deadly poisonous drug. dugs I: inflamation; in medical works of Tibet are named two kinds of dugs , viz.:- bsil dugs inflamation from cold, and drod dugs inflamation from heat. II: 1. gentle warmth; acc. to Schtr. heat: tshad pa'i dugs kyis by the heat of fever; rdo dugs warmth from heated stone; lcams dugs spangs dugs warmth from the fresh dung of animals; yos dugs parched corn before it has lost its warmth. 2. revenge, grudge, rancour (J‰.). dugs pa vb. 1. to make warm, to warm. 2. to light, to kindle (J‰.). dung SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST any shell, the conch-shell (used as a vessel for offerings; or, when perforated at one end, for blowing as a horn); a horn, trumpet (to call the monks of a monastery to a service); dung 'bud pa to blow a shell; khrims dung trumpet used in courts of justice; chos dung church-trumpet, trumpet used in religious services; dmag dung war-trumpet; lings dung hunting bugle; rkang dung a trumpet made of a hollow thigh-bone; zangs dung a copper trumpet; rag dung a brass tube about eight feet long used as a trumpet; dbang dung a similar instrument but shorter and smaller in size; rwa dung a horn trumpet; dung gi tshogs a series of conch-shells. dung gi lag 'khor = dung 'khor the conch-shell ornament worn in Tibet on the wrist by the women; dung gi lag SANST an arm adorned with the conch-shell; dung skad the sound of the conch-shell trumpet; dung skad yin phyir rol cha kun las mtho a conch-shell on account of its sound is higher than all musical instruments (Loo. ha 2); dung chen large trumpets made of copper or brass used in religious services; the human skull; rkang dung the thigh-bone trumpet; dung chos SANST religious service with the music of the church shell-trumpets; also the damning of religious faith or inclination in the mind. Syn. sham ka ; chu srin gshed . dung gi thong cog can n. of a celebrated physician of Tibet who lived in the 4th century A.D.: snan pa dung gi thor cog can gyi lha tho ri dang de'i sras khri snyan gzugs can gnyis ka'i bla snan mdzad do| the physician Dungi-thor-chog-chan served as physician-lama to king Thori and his son Khri-sÒan-gzugs-can (Gyu. 33). dung gi ldem shing dkar po white-wood tree to make images, the wood resembling a conch-shell in appearance; prob. birch-tree (D.R.). dung gi sgra si mi si mi zhes bya ba'i rgya mtsho n. of mythological ocean situated beyond the great mountain of Rtsed-mohi Phreo-wahi ri (K. d. ra 330). dung skyong n. of a Naga Raja who resides in the ocean and protects the shells (Moon.). dung dkar rag gshog ma lit. white conch with brass wings; a conch-shell trumpet or vessel mounted with brass, with brass wings (Rtsii.). dung dkar gYas 'khyil SANST a conch-shell with its coil reverting to the right instead of to the left: gYas 'khyil gsung skad thos pas nad rigs sel|khyim du bcang na 'thab rtsod med cing mthun| the sound of the Dakrina vartta conch-shell cures various diseases and if one is kept in the house it removes quarrels, strife, and brings in harmony (Loo. ha 2). Syn. dung mchog ; rgyal po 'khyil ba ; bkra shis dung ; skye ba lnga pa (Moon.). dung gYon 'khyil the ordinary conch-shell of which the coil is from left to right; dung dmar SANST = dog can red conch-shell; conch-shell vermilion dyed; dung tsher ma can horned conch-shell or one with bristle-like excrescences. dung mkhan v. dung bzo ba . (EEE dung bzo ba is not found elsewhere in the dictionary. A dung mkhan is a maker of ornaments/jewellery from white conch. dung bzo ba would be artisanship concerning conches.) dung mchog v. dung dkar gYas 'khyil 3. dung rdo fossil-shell. dung mdog can possessed of conch-shell colour, conch-like colour; = mi thod pa the human skull (Sman. 348). dung 'bras SANST a kind of stone which joins fracture: dung 'bras rus sbyor dngul chu 'ching bar byed . dung mtsho dkar mo n. of a great white ocean abounding in conch-shells (J. Zao.). dung gYas 'khyil v. dung dkar gYas 'khyil 3. dung nge defined as 'dod pa or dad pa mngon sum skyes pa the growth of real attachment or regard; also sems dung nge or yid dung nge id. dung nge ba constant, continual (J‰.). dung can ma SANST n. of a Khadoma sprite. dung dung = byams byams 1. with byed pa = to yearn: chags ltogs kyang dung dung ma byed even if you starve, do not yearn after a thing; gnyen la sems dung dung byed pa he yearns for his relations. 2. staggering, reeling, loitering, wavering (Sch.). dung pan a Chinese word Tibetanized = a washing bowl, basin. dung phyur (grangs ) SANST, SANST, SANST acc. to Sch. and J‰. 100 millions. dung lung n. of sacred place in Tibet (Deb. 43): dung lung du mkha' 'gro ma'i sgra thos at Dunlung he heard the voice of a Dakini. dung lo ljon pa'i mdo n. of a Bon. religious work (B. Nam.). dung sems lit. white heart, sincerity, candidness: kho bo yang dung sems rdo rje'i ngos nas mi 'dor ba'i mol 'os yang kyang yang byed| (Yig. k. 88) I shall again and again sincerely hold intercourse with you on appropriate subjects so as not to be discarded. dungs pa a secondary form of gdungs pa love, dad pa dang dungs pa zhig skyes te some faith and love having grown. yid dungs = snying brtse ba loving, affectionate. dud pa I: 1. = gus pa SANST adj. humble, sbst. mildness, humility, also respect, homage. 2. vb. to lie, to knit, v. ddud pa . 3. pf. of 'dud pa to stoop, bend, to bow down. (EEE In the second example ddud pa is probably a mistake, but it is unclear what verb is meant. In the third example the original has ddud pa for 'dud pa , but this too is certainly a mistake.) II: (me yi du ba ) SANST 1. smoke. 2. SANST soot mixed with butter which is applied to the eye-lashes in the East. dud kha acc. to Sch.: (1) having the colour of smoke. (2) a family; household, as smoke-emitters. (3) chimney; dud grangs number of houses counted by the smoke coming out from each: khri bskor rnams kyi dud grangs the number of house-holds or families of ‹ and Tsang under the khri bskor rule. (Yig.). dud pa sngon the smoke preceding the flames; dud bal soot; dud rtsi id. dud 'gro SANST that which walks bending; opposite to man who walks upright; a quadruped, beast, and sometimes used as a general name for all animals except man. Dudo are of two kinds:- (1) byings na gnas pa those that live hidden, such as in the sea, underground, &c. 2. kha 'thor ba those that live scattered in the abodes of men and gods. dmyal ba dang yi ags kyi gnas su yang dud 'gro yod it is said that there are Dudo also in hell and in the region of the Preta (ghosts) (K. d. 'a 2). dud dmag 1. fight or dispute among householders. 2. soldiers recruited from among villagers. dud tshang = mi tshang a family, a household; dud 'tsho = grong tshe a village, hamlet; dud 'tsho khag bcu gnyis twelve villages or hamlets. dun pa (for bdun pa ) great diligence, assiduity; 'dun pa drag po very diligent; in W. (cf. 'dun pa 3 and 3rtun pa 3). (EEE The original has "and rtun ).", but rtun pa is clearly meant.) dub pa SANST or lus dub pa vb., pf. dub pa to be fatigued, to be tired; lus sems dub par ma gyur tam have you not become fatigued in mind and body (A. 23.); adj. tired, fatigued; also dub can ; sbst. fatigue; mi dub po untired ones; ngal zhing dub nas being fatigued: lus dang ngag yid dub he is tired in body, speech, and mind. dum 1. a small plate or vessel: dum gcig gtor mas bkang ba thogs nas one plate filled with torma offerings (A. 29). 2. a small quantity, a little, a bit: dum tsam sdod wait just a short while. dum pa 1. SANST some: dum pa ste it being a little, somewhat. 2. a division, or volume, in the dialect of Amdo: 'bum dum pa bcu gnyis the twelve volumes of the Bum (scriptures). dum po a large piece, a fragment. dum bu = dam dum SANST a fraction, small piece, a part, a quantity. dum bur gcog pa , gcod pa or byed pa to break, to cut to pieces: nor rdzas gang yod thams cad dum bu gsum la btang nas dum bu gnyis pha ma la thob , dum bu gcig bu la thob all properties and effects whatever there may be should be divided into three parts-the parents will get two parts and the son one part. dum bu can fractional; dum bu min SANST, SANST entire. dum bu gsum SANST three parts, triple division; dum bur gyur pa divided into parts; dum bur byed pa SANST to divide. dum brag n. of rock-cavern (Deb. ga 21). dum yang in Sikk. = las dbon head workman, one who supervises work. dum bu gsum v. dur byid 3. dur ba 1. to dispose of the dead, to keep a dead body. 2. dur or dur sa tomb, grave; dur du 'jug pa to bury, to inter, to put in the grave; dur rko ba to dig a grave; dur khung a grave, tomb. dur khrod SANST a cemetery or any place where the dead are disposed of (being buried, cremated, or else cut into pieces for distribution to birds, dogs, etc.). In the N. E. and E. suburbs of Lhasa are two large "dur-t'oi" or cemeteries, attended to by the notorious Rogya-pa or scavengers of the city, whose huts built of bones and horns stand in rows hard by. The different systems of dealing with the dead in East Tibet on the Chinese border, which in the main are identical with the methods in vogue at Lhasa, are fully described by Mr. W. W. Rockhill in his interesting work "The Land of the Lamas." Syn. 'jigs gnas ; sreg gnas ; ro yi gnas ; zhi ba'i gnas ; pha mes nags ; gshin gyi nags (Moon.). dur khrod chen po brgyad the eight great historical cemeteries of Magadha mentioned in Mahayana works: (1) gtum drag lies in a forest where the fragrant sandal tree abounded; (2) tshang tshing 'khrigs pa in a forest of Bodhi trees where the sacred fig-tree abounded; (3) 'bar 'khrigs pa in a forest where Jonesia asoka abounded. 4. keng rus can in a forest where the ba ru ra myrobalan abounded. 5. bkra shis tshal or bsil ba'i tshal (Shitavana) where the species of sandal tree kasaÒja abounded; (6) mun pa nag po the forest where the glomerous fig-tree abounded; (7) kI li kI lir sgra sgrog pa where the Arjuna tree abounded; (8) ha ha rgod pa where the banyan tree abounded. dur khrod pa SANST a Tantrik lama, one who resides in a cemetery for propitiating spirits. dur khrod ma SANST an epithet of the goddess Paldan Lhamo. dur rgyas SANST the food which is give to a dying man. dur sgam or dur sgrom coffin. dur rdo stones piled over one's grave or place of cremation. dur ang lit. "grave-wolf"; perhaps a species of hyena that digs out dead bodies to devour them. dur ba á 1. to hurry, hasten; dur te rgyug pa to run towards a place or object; in colloq. to hasten to: zas la dur ba to hasten to dinner; las la dur ba to hasten to work; cf. ngam dur can 3. 2. SANST, SANST a kind of grass with syn. nus pa stong ldan ; ngan spong skyes ; skyes ldan ; mtha' yas ; tshig brgya ba ; sa yi 'dab ; ljang ser can ; tshe 'phel rdzas (Moon.). dur ba dkar po 1. SANST the blue or white flowering durwa; Panicum dactylon. 2. SANST, SANST other white species of durwa. Syn. brtson 'grus brgya ba ; glang spu skyes ; bya yi mig . dur bas 'chi a scorpion. Syn. sdig pa rwa can (Moon.). dur bon (lit. the Bon of the cemeteries) one of the earlier sects of Bon-pa which originating in Shang-shung and Brutsha at last spread into the Tibetan central provinces during the reign of king gri gum btsan po , the son of srib khri btsan po Looam his minister under the instigation of the Dur-bon priests assassinated the king with a sword, whence he was called by the historians of Tibet gri gum btsan po the sword-assassinated king. (J. Zao.). dur bya SANST 1. also dur bya rgyab dkar Brahminy kite with white back (Moon.). 2. acc. to Sch. a paring-axe, a hoe. dur byid (snan ) SANST, SANST 1. the castor-oil plant, Ricinus communis. dur byid tsha grang nad kun sbyong bar byed the root of dur-byid ejects all diseases arising from heat or cold. 2. (acc. to Vai. so.) SANST Ipomoea turpethum [a plant of valuable purgative properties, commonly called TÎori, and distinguished into two species, white and black (Conculculus turpethum)]S. Syn. mda' 'joms ; tshangs gsum ; dor byed ma ; phur ma gsum pa ; kun rjes 'byung ; rdul can ; lo ma gsum pa ; dum bu gsum pa (Moon.). dur byed SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the plant Croton polyandrum. dur sbyang an inscription placed on a tomb. dur tshun dur tshod food offered to the dead (Cs.). dur mtshed a place for burying dead bodies (Sch.). dur yu = phyi rol out side, beyond, foreign (mystic) (K. g. kha 26). dur len (lit. that takes away from the cemetery) a sort of vampire. dul is perf. root of the trs. vb. 'dul ba 3 to tame, q.v. dul gnas or dul ba'i gnas place of conversion or of one's discipline. dul ba SANST discipline; dul ba legs SANST [good discipline]S. dul ba pa SANST a tamer, discipliner. dul ba lha SANST one of the early Buddhist sages and authors of India. dul ba 'dzin = bsgo ba la zhen pa obedient, holding to discipline; one who observes the rules of Vinaya (Moon.). 'dul bar 'dod SANST courage. dul ma 1. powered or pulverized by burning, grinding, pounding, etc.; gser dul ma gold-dust, also oxidized power of gold; snan dul ma medicinal powders. 2. acc. to J‰. a kind of water-colour made of pulverized gold and silver, for painting and writing. Really an erroneous form of rdul 3. dul mo tender-mouthed, tame, manageable, tractable (J‰.). dus SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. time in general, season. 2. = ran a certain time, the time or occasion for a thing to happen; right time, proper season: dus khyad par can tshes bcu nam byung ba'i nub mo srod kyi dang po la sku la dar nag gos ber gsol taking the 10th day of the month as the most appropriate time, when night came on, in the first hour of dusk he would equip himself with a black silk robe and a staff (Pth. 129). dus adv. for a while, sometimes; de'i dus su at the time; dus de tsa na at that time; de dus , dus der then, at this time; dus de nyid du in that very time; dang po'i dus nyid du in the very first time; dus su or dus dus su at times; dus 'ga' re sometimes, now and then; de dang dus mnyam du simultaneously with that; de nas dus re zhig gi tshe then on occasion; dus gcig na on a certain time, once: dus gcig tu or dus gcig la at one and the same time, together; dus phyi zhig na some future day. The statement that the time had arrived for anything is always phrased: it came down to the time dus la bab song ; the time will arrive: dus la 'bab yong it will descend to the time. dus or dus na after a genit. inf. or verbal root = when, after: zhag gnyis song dus when two days had, or will have passed; nga bu mo'i dus na yin te when I was still a girl; mgu dus med the time of merriment never arrives; btsa' dus te being the time of giving birth; 'gro ba'i dus 'debs pa to fix a time for going; dus da nas henceforth, from this time forward; dus kyi khyad par SANST special time, special occasion. dus kyi 'khor lo SANST 1. the famous Kalachakra system of Buddhism which introduce the worship of a Supreme Deity under the designation of Adi-buddha or thog ma'i sangs rgyas . It arose in the 11th century A.D. in Shambala, a city said to have been located near the river Oxus in Central Asia; and both Atisa and the historian Buston belonged to this cult. Under the appellation Tsakun Kurden it is popular with the Mongols. Varieties of the cult in India gave to Siva or to Ganes the position of Adi-Buddha. 2. nang dus kyi 'khor lo = sems can animated nature or living beings; gzhan dus kyi 'khor lo = nang gi bsgom meditation. 3. v. dus 'khor 3. dus kyi cha shas the divisions of timeósuch as lo year; zla ra ba season; zla month; ordinarily the year lo is divided into four seasons, each of three months; but according to the Vinaya school the seasons are six, divided in reference to the Uposatha observances, and are:- dpyid ka gnyis two spring months, sos ka gnyis two summer months, dbyar gnyis two rainy months, ston gnyis two autumn or harvesting months, dgun gnyis two winter months, dgun snad gnyis two deep winter months. Tibetans also divide the year into three season, counting dpyid sos spring and summer together, dbyar ston rains and autumn together, and dgun stod and dgun snad anterior winter and posterior winter together dus kyi chos nyid SANST met. death (Moon.). dus kyi rjes su 'gro ba SANST one who behaves or changes according to the occasion; a wind-cock. [also, it is phrase signifying benzoin or benjamin]S. dus kyi rjes su 'brang ba'i tsan dan SANST yellow sandal. dus kyi bdag po met. the sun, the lord of time (Moon.). dus kyi gnas SANST [revolution of the seasons; a year]S. dus kyi dbyid pa SANST [the staff of time, death]S. dus kyi byed po SANST, SANST the sun; the maker of time. dus kyi bar during; SANST [momentary]S. dus kyi me tog v. mthing 3 deep blue (Moon.). dus kyi btsi tshul the manner of counting time:- 120 of dus mtha'i skad cig pa (the smallest conceivable division of time) make one bya rdzogs kyi skad cig ma (se gol gtogs pa ); 60 of this latter make one thang ; 30 thang make a yud tsam ; and 30 yud make one zhag or day. Acc. to the system of counting adopted by Tibetan astronomers (skar rtsis pa ) four drawings of breath in an adult make one chu srang , 60 chu srang make one chu tshod , 60 chu tshod make one zhag (day and night); sixty years make one rab byung or cycle. dus kyi tshigs SANST [a summons by the angel of death]S. dus bkag pa explained as yod pa lag dang med pa dus . dus skabs v. skabs 3. dus skyes SANST, SANST = skyer shing prob. Berberis vulgaris called skyer pa or shing ser the yellow plant. dus 'khor SANST [the wheel of time]S. Syn. mchog gi dang po'i sangs rgyas ; thabs shes bdag nyid ; rdo rje sems dpa' ; e wMa yi ge rigs med pa ; shes dang shes bya'i bdag nyid mchog ; zhi ba sdoms la 'dus pa ; 'pho med ; thog med ; tha ma med ; rigs kun khyab dag ; byang chub sems ; rnal 'byor rnam pa ; rnam kun mchog ldan ; thog ma'i mgon po ; gnyis su med ; khams gsum 'khor los bsgy ur ba (Moon.). dus 'khor pNa Di ta n. of celebrated lama born in Mongolia who was recognised as an incarnation by the Emperor of China. He founded the monastery of Pad-dkar cho-glio now harbouring three thousand monks. dus 'gyur SANST; change of season. dus can SANST; n. of a flower, dus can chen po SANST n. of a flower (K. my. ka 20). dus gcig skyes pa'i ma bu = mgron bu bu ma (mystic) (Mio-rda. 4). dus chad pa med pa SANST in proper time, timely; time without interruption, continually. dus chen dge ba 'bum 'gyur the days when one work of merit done produces one hundred thousand merits; they are: the 8th lunar day of the month of Vaisakha when Gautama Buddha renounced the world; the 15th or full moon of the same month when he was conceived; the day when he became a Buddha; the day he entered Nirvana; the day of his preaching the Dharma; the day when he descended from among the gods. dus chen bzhi or dus chen po bzhi the great periods of time or Yuga. dus mchod SANST, SANST religious service observed at certain prescribed periods [a priest for performing a sacrifice]S. dus ston or dga' ston SANST a festival (Moon.). dus ston dgu the nine festivals observed by Buddhists:- dus ston chen po SANST great festival; btsas ston SANST birth festival; ral bu 'breg pa'i dus ston SANST the festival of cutting the hair; gtsug phud kyi dus ston SANST festival of forming the crest; lo lnga'i dus ston festival at the fifth year of child; lo drug gi dus ston the sixth year festival; gtsug lag khang gi dus ston the monastic or vihara festival; dga' ston SANST festive rejoicing. dus ston byed pa to keep a festival. dus btab pa to fix time (for meeting, etc.). dus btab ma = bud med 'dod ldan ma passionate woman (Moon.). dus mtha'i rlung = bskal pa 'jig pa'i rlung SANST the wind that will destroy the world. dus dang mi sbyor bar rnam par grol ba SANST one of the 20 stages a monk of the Sravaka school reaches [delivered at a wrong time]S. dus dus su at times, occasionally. dus 'das SANST, SANST, SANST; past time, past tense; time elapsed. dus ldan SANST n. of one of the 16 sthavira or gnas brtan ; also: goddess; sandal-wood. dus ldan ma a woman in menstruation (Moon.). dus na dga' ba zhes bya ba'i ri a mountain in the fabulous continent of Uttara Kuru (K. d. ra 315). dus rnam pa kun all times; with la , as adv. always, at all times (Moon.). dus babs appointed time; the natural course of events. dus sbyor SANST, SANST [the particular time in which a man is born]S. dus sbyor pa an astrologer. dus sbyor byed pa SANST [the hour on which a man is born]S. dus 'byor pa SANST junction of periods, time, &c. [the particular sign of the zodiac under which a man is born]S. dus ma yin par za ba SANST taking food untimely, i.e., not at the fixed or prescribed time or hour; dus min shes pa SANST one who knows the fixed times or seasons; a cock; an astrologer. dus me SANST lately said to = universal conflagration at the end of time. dus tshigs SANST season. dus tshigs kun 'gro = bya 'jol mo the jolmo bird (Moon.). dus tshigs gsar ba = dus 'gyur ba change of time, season; also fresh provision, produce of the year, etc. dus tshod 1. a division of time equal to two English hours: nyin re la dus tshod bcu gnyis in each day are twelve dus tshod . Acc. to the Chinese method each of these has a separate name attached to it, viz.:- (1) nam langs day-break, called yos rabbit; (2) nyi shar sun-rise, called 'brug (duk) dragon; (3) nyi dros morning, called sbrul (dul) serpent; (4) nyi phyed noon, called rta horse; (5) phyed yol afternoon, called lug sheep; (6) evening, called sprel monkey; (7) nyi nub sunset, called bya bird; (8) sa sros dusk, called khyi dog; (9) srod 'khor fore-night, called phag pig; (10) nam phyed mid-night, called byi ba mouse; (11) phyed yol after-night, called glang ox; (12) tho rangs dawn, called stag tiger. These twelve names are also given to the succeeding years of the 60 years cycle in various combinations with the names of five so-called elements, viz. earth, fire, water, wood, iron, v. lo 3. dus tshod nyes pa evil-hour, bad time = dus tshod nor ba wrong or inauspicious time or hour. dus mtshan SANST the king of Kalinga, a descendant of Chakravarti raja. dus mtshams SANST, SANST junction of day and night; period, epoch. dus bzhi the four seasons, viz.:- dbyar the summer; dgun the winter; ston the autumn; dpyid the spring time; also nang morning or day; nub evening or night; nyin daytime, and mtshan night. dus bzhi'i phang lo = 'khor lo 3 the four times wheel; a cycle of years. dus bzhi'i lha mo or rgyal mo the goddesses presiding over the four seasons:- dpyid kyi rgyal mo sku mdog dkar the white fair queen of spring; dbyar gyi rgyal mo sngon mo the blue queen of the summer season; ston gyi rgyal mo mdog ser mo the yellow queen of the autumn; dgun gyi rgyal mo sku mdog nag the black queen of the winter season (B.ch.). dus zing time of depravity (Sch.). dus yol ba SANST lit. time passed; too late. dus ring po SANST long delayed. dus rlabs SANST wave of time, i.e., ebb and flow of time. dus la dga' ba SANST, SANST that delights in time; an epithet of the sun (Moon.). dus log a year yielding no crops; a sterile year (J‰.). dus shes pa SANST an astronomer or astrologer; rtsis pa (Moon.). dus su skye ba mature; born or grown at the proper time. dus su thob pa to get at the opportune time or hour. dus su 'os pa SANST suiting the occasion, opportune; de dus su 'os pa SANST as suited the occasion. dus su rung ba SANST timely. dus gsum SANST the three times, viz.:- (1) snga phyi da early, after and now, described as ma 'ongs pa future, 'das pa the past, and da lta pa the present. dus gsum mkhyen pa SANST a general epithet of a Buddha. dus gsum mtshams SANST the three junctions of time. de I: SANST, SANST 1. that, that one; he, she, it; de bzhin like that; gang yin pa de that which is; de las kyang gzhan other than that; de'i phyir for that; de'i 'og tu under that, after that; de'i dus su at that time; sngon la song ba de he that has gone before. 2. de frq. stands in the place of the definite article- the: lug 'di khrid 'ongs pa'i shan pa de nga'i lham cag rku song the butcher who brought the sheep stole my boots; gzhon nu de na re the younger one said, or the youth replied; also sometimes in the plural: de khyed cag yin nam zhes smras pas he said- were you they or those ones (Hbrom. 55). II: (in mystic) a term for she; de zhes bya ba bud med yin the term 'de' is a woman (K. g. kha 179). de ka or de kha that, the very same; gang zag de ka nga yin that very person was I myself; de ka ltar just so; de ka yod (in answer to a question) indeed! that is so; de ka lags just that. de kha = de ka 3: de kha thun mong nas from those same public bodies. de khul = de khongs or de 'og that jurisdiction; also under that, included in that. de kho na SANST, SANST; cf. kho na 3; = col. 3de rang 3 the very same, that itself. de kho na nyid SANST; = stong nyid Sunyata, essence, nature; sems kyi de kho na nyid the essence of the soul. de kho na nyid btus pa SANST n. of a Buddhist metaphysical work: zhi ba 'tsho'i bstan bcos de kho na nyid btus pa zhes bya ba bod du bsnams nas byon he proceeded in the direction of Tibet carrying with him the religious work called Tattva-samuccaya by Santi-jiva (A. 33). de kho na nyid rtogs pa SANST to meditate on the real tattva or secrets of religion. de ga colloq. that, that one; precisely so, just so; de gar = de ru or der there, in that place. de nyid SANST, SANST that itself; de nyid smra ba SANST one who expounds the truth. de snyed = de srid SANST so many: mi ji snyed yod pa de snyed kyi skal ba dgos so many men as there are so many shares are required. de lta like that; so; is fig. in books, but in colloq. de 'dra is used instead: pha ni de lta ma yin te not being so with the father; de lta 'du shes pas SANST being known as that; de lta na like this; de lta bu SANST of that kind, quality, or manner; such; de lta bu byung bar brjod pa SANST history, oral account, narration of accounts; de lta mod kyi SANST, SANST yet; notwithstanding that; de lta yang SANST and yet; de lta la = 'on kyang 3 although. de ci'i phyir zhe na is a curious paraphrase, used chiefly in the older classical writings, but not quite disused still, to express the conjunctions "for" and "because" at the beginning of a consequent clause or sentence. It is sometimes varied to de ci'i slad du zhe na (K. nga 3, etc.), both meaning lit. "if asked, because of what is that." Curiously enough the Mongols have adopted in their sacred writings a similar phrase for the same conjunctions: tere dzagun-u tula kemebessu. de ltar = de skad SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST like that, accordingly; de ltar gyis shig SANST do accordingly; de ltar na SANST thus indeed; de ltar yang SANST yet. de thad = de phyir for that; also therefore: de thad rim par brtsi ba'i tshig therefore, the words to be put together or in order (Ya-sel. 34). de dang SANST by that very (thing); de dang 'dra ba SANST like that. de dus SANST that time; de dus su 'os pa SANST fit for that time. de de exactly that; that (emphatically); de de bzhin no SANST, SANST just according to that; yes, so it is. de don SANST for that. de ldan SANST truth. de 'dra is the modern and colloq. usage in place of de lta or de lta bu like that, similar, similarly; de 'dra mthong seen like that, seen so; de 'dra phangs SANST an interj.: such a loss! so great a damage! de 'dra ma SANST like that (applied to fem.). de na or de nas = ji ste 3 SANST, SANST therein, in that place; also thereafter, after that. de nas 'di skad SANST then for instance, then like this, then so. de ni that, that one, it, those indeed: de ni gnas ma yin it is not the proper place. de pa one of that place; but in C. colloq. = there, thither; de bas SANST 1. than that, gen. after a comparative. 2. also for de bas na therefore, consequently, now then. de po = rab tu 3, 3shin tu 3 well, excellent (Yig. k. 88). de pho a cock. de 'phral SANST immediately, at once. In colloq. in C. we hear da lta 'phral du "tanta t'el-tu" immediately. de 'phros = de lhag the remainder, excess thereof (Ya-sel. 48), the excess portion. de bas than that; de bas kyang SANST more than that. de ma one of that place, sect, religion, etc. (Cs.); de ma thag tu SANST at once, freshly, instantly; de ma thag pa SANST fresh, immediate; de ma lags = de ma nyid not that, not the same; de ma thag pa'i rkyen SANST immediate cause or dependence, v. rgyu rkyen bzhi (M.V.). (EEE There is no clear enumeration of rgyu rkyen bzhi in this dictionary but see under rgyu 3 (III) and 3rgyu rkyen 3.) de mo + = dgos pa 3 necessity. de tsam SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST so much, about that; de tsam na = de tsa na then, at that time, at about that time; de tsug so, thus: de tsug lags = de gang 'dra red how is it? how is that? what is it like? (Deb. ga 38). de tso = de dag or de rnams those: de tsho la ting nge 'dzin phun sum tshogs pa mnga' bas they possessed perfect contemplative skill (A. 124). de mtshungs = de 'dra SANST like that, its match, equal. de 'dzin SANST = acceptance. de bzhin nyid SANST, SANST, SANST identity, essence (Was.), lit. that-ness; de bzhin du SANST according to that, thus, so; acc. to J‰. = for it: de bzhin du gnang ngo he allowed it accordingly; de bzhin ngo shes nas perceiving it as such; de bzhin du sbyar ba = gong ma bzhin du sbyar ba to apply as before, to adjust accordingly; de bzhin byed pa SANST to do accordingly; de bzhin min SANST not accordingly, differently. de bzhin gshegs pa SANST lit. he who is gone or passed away like as did that other oneólike as did his predecessor; in other words, a Tathagata or evangelistic teaching Buddha. The Mongol synonym for the Tibetan term is Teg¸n chilen ireksen "came like him." Shakya-thubpa or Gautama together with the six preceding terrestrial Buddhas form the seven pre-eminent Tathagatas. But we read of "thousands of Tathagatas" in the later Mahayana writings. de bzhin gshegs pa'i snying rje chen po bstan pa SANST n. of religious work. de bzhin gshegs pa skye ba 'byung ba bstan pa SANST n. of a religious work. de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi ye shes kyi phyag rgya'i ting nge 'dzin SANST n. of a religious work (M.V.). de zug = de tsug in W. de'i chos can SANST, SANST possessed of that virtue; its attributes; of that quality. de'i rjes su phyogs pa imitating (considered as an inexcusable sin in a Budh. monk); following that; its follower. de'i mod la = de'i dus la or de'i ngang la or de'i tshe at that time, during that time: de'i mod la nam langs song bas in the meantime the night was over (Rdsa. 10). de 'og SANST then, thereafter. de 'ang = de yang 3. de yang SANST 1. this also, or that too; he also. 2. namely, to wit, viz.; is used before any specification or detailed statement. de yan for de yan chad also that, preceding it (Ya-sel. 35). de rag directly, immediately (Sch.). de rang = de kho na 3, de rang yin that is just the thing! exactly! to be sure (J‰.). de ring = da lta'i nyi ma SANST colloq. today, this day. In W.T. 'di ring is more frq. de ring byung ba SANST a fresh occurrence; today's outcome, produce, experience. de ru = der 3 into that, there, into that place, thither, that way. de la rag lus pa zhes SANST (bskos pa bzhin byed pa ) to do as directed, or as per design. de las SANST, SANST from; out of; from that; after a comparative: and, other than that: de las skyes grown or born from or out of that; de las ci gyur zhes what results from that? de las stsogs pa SANST [having these as their mouth-pieces, i.e., like these]S. de sho n. of tribe in Tibet. de sho legs n. of a king of Tibet (J. Zao.). de srid SANST, SANST as much as that; thus far; also that is possible. deg go + or non no used in yar deg po keep it above, put it up. deng also ding today; deng nas from this day forward; deng phyin chad henceforth; deng ge dus = da lta the present time or age. deng gsal 'od dpag tu spar khyab lam = ston pas khyim spang rab tu byung ba'i le'u deng gi char yang = deng sang gi dus na'ang even at the present time, even now-a-days (Yig. k. 14). deng phan = de nas phan chad henceforth, henceforward. dengs pa 1. or deng ba , pf. of 'deng ba 3 to go, to go away; so so'i gnas su dengs went to their respective places; rang sar dengs so went each to his own place; nam mkhar deng melted away into space, dissolved into air. 2. old, stale, worn. (EEE the original appears to have 'de' ba for 'deng ba (it is unclear) but the transliteration indicates 'deng ba , which is the correct spelling.) deng sang at present; for the present; now-a-days: deng sang lha rje the physician of the present day. der = de ru 3 SANST there; also as an adv.: then, at that time: der zad der bas that is all, there is nothing more (Cs.); der gsal as mentioned, as stated therein; acc. to that. (EEE The original concludes this entry with the definition of 3des 3, which in this Electronic Edition has been moved to its own entry.) des SANST, SANST 1. instrum. of de ; by that. des chog = de yis chog that is enough; that will do Sch. 2. for de bas , v. de 3, nga des chog that is enough for me (A. 128). des na de'i phyir SANST, SANST that then, on that very account then. (EEE In the original this definition is placed at the end of the entry for 3der 3 but as this is most certainly a typesetter's error we have moved it to its own entry.) de ba a medicinal herb: de bas rims sel rtsa mkhris mkhris nad sel the dewa, removing the communicating cause, dispels biliousness. de ba sa rAa n. of a learned Singhalese nun who with ten companion-nuns visited China and preached Buddhism there (Grub. ka 6). de bi ko Ta an ancient city in India, probably near the cave temples of Ellora and Ajanta. de'u + = chung ba small; adv. almost; chu bo gang gI 'gram na brag de'u zhig yod pa'i steng du (A. 59) one a small rock standing on the bank of the river Gaoga; rta chur mchongs te khu ston de'u shi skad the horse having leaped into the water, Khu-ston nearly died; de'u min na = tig cig min na but for a little; de'u min na phog did hit (him) almost; de'u tshig tsam = de'u min na lhung tsam but for that, he had almost fallen down (D.R.); de'u gYengs tsam = de'u min na gYeng ba (D.R.). de'u ra (vulg.) cung zad 1. a little, almost: nga de'u ra min na thog kha nas lhung ba yod were it not for a little, I had fallen down from the roof. 2. acc. to J‰. one day, some future time. ded 'dren SANST (grangs ) n. of a large numerical figure (Ya-sel. 57). ded 'dren chen po SANST n. of a still larger number than the above (Yasel. 57). ded pa driven, carried, moved, pursued; pf. of 'ded pa 3 q.v. ded dpon SANST foreign-trader, master, captain of a ship. ded dpon khang pa = tshong khang merchant's place, commercial building, shop (Moon.). ded dpon chen po SANST merchant; ded dpon dbyangs snyan = 'dod lha'i bu an epithet of the son of Kama (Moon.). deb SANST, SANST or yi ge'i mdzod library, archives, records; dngos po'i dkar chag a list or register of articles, &c.; deb khang chancery, government office (Schtr.); deb ther or deb yig register; documents, catalogues, anything recorded or put into writing or stitched together; lo rgyus sogs gcig tu deb pa to register all accounts or put them together in one book; deb ther mkhan keeper of the archives or librarian (Cs.). deb ther sngon po the n. of a historical work by Gshon-nu dpal. deb pa 1. accounts cast into one place or shape; lo rgyus sogs gcig tu deb pa to cast all accounts or records into one place. 2. acc. to Sch.: poultice, cataplasm, applied to sores and inflamed parts of the body. dem tsi a small, narrow bridge; foot-bridge (J‰.). de'u or de 'ur on any day, at some future time (Mil.). des pa + gya nom pa SANST 1. fine, brave, noble, chaste (Cs.). 2. = ngang rgyud bzang ba or gzhi bzang ba of good nature; (K. d. tsha 166). nges pa phun sum tshogs pa consummate. do 1. num. fig.: 131. 2. a pair or coupleóused only in counting, weighing, measuring, etc.: zho do de of sho two each. 3. this; do nub this evening, tonight: bdag do nub sang gi mi a man only for today and tomorrow (J‰.); do zhag ; do mod today. 4. also do mnyam an equal, a match; do bsdo ba adversaries, rivals; do bsdo ba rnams la dmag gis tshar bcad he exterminated his antagonists by war (Sorig.). do non pa the equalizing of the load, by increasing or lessening it on one of the sides (J‰.). do ma yin or do med = 'gran zla med pa match-less, unequalled: mi lus rin chen rnyed pa 'di| nor bu rnyed pa'i do ma yin| (Khrid.) the possession of this precious human body is not equalled by the gain of any gem. do ker + = thor tshugs 3 or 3thor gtsug 3 also written as thor cog luxuriant locks dressed neatly on the crown of the head, sometimes in fanciful designs as among the Burmese; Tibetan high officials of the lay class also dress their hair in a prescribed form. do gar kha in W. light-blue (J‰.). do gal importance, weight; important: rang la do ma gal gyi rnam pa'i 'gor ba dang matters that are important to yourself should not be delayed (Ya-sel. 4). do gal can SANST important; of weight consequence (Cs.); do gal che ba = khag che ba very important. do chod = go chod 3 intelligent and useful. do dam commission, charge, superintendence, care; do dam pa an overseer, authorized person; do dam byed pa to supervise, superintend. do po 1. or lag do an assistant, a servant. 2. a load, for a beast of burden, cf. dos 3 (J‰.). do phrug an orphan. do ba rdzong n. of a district in the province of Lho-brag in Tibet. do ba'i tog ma SANST; root of artichoke; also potatoe. do bo = dos po 3 a load (Rtsii.). do mod = 'phral du 1. quickly; do mod ting nge 'dzin gsal ba'i dkyil 'khor dam pa ru (place) quickly in the holy mandala of unsullied contemplation. 2. today, this day (Cs.). do zhag this day, presently: khyad par du'ang do zhag blon po 'di dag sngar bas dal ba and particularly today the ministers are more lazy than before (Hbrom. 41). do zla = 'gran zla 3 1. comrade, consort, fellow. 2. party in a law-suit. do zla phan tshun zhib byed pa carefully to investigate (the right of) both parties (Cs). do ya gcig lit. one of the two or of a pair; half a load. do ra 1. a stage; a courtyard where dancing is performed = 'tsham ra , bro 'khrab sa . 2. an enclosed pasture land; a lawn. do lo or rdo la : do lo bzhu shel sngon mos byas pa a necklace, a string made of pearls or precious stones (worn hanging down from the neck); an ornament hanging down from the shoulders (Jig.). do log a kind of worm: phyis ma srin bu do log tu skye'o in future life (he) would be born as the worm Dolog (Ya-sel. 7). do shal SANST, SANST, SANST necklace. Syn. phyang phrul ; se mo do ; brang gi rgyan (Moon.). do shal can 1. one wearing a necklace. 2. n. of the residence of Vaijayanta. rdo shal phyed pa SANST half-length string of pearls, &c., or half-size necklace. dog 1. clod, clump, lump, loaf: ka ra dog gcig a lump of sugar. 2. capsule; aar dza ka'i dog gcig capsule of the cotton plant (J‰.). 3. for dog pa narrow. dog pa I: 1. SANST capsule: me tog gi 'bras bu capsule of flower, i.e., flower seed in one pod. 2. dog bundle, skein, i.e., of wool, as much as one can hold with the hand; lag dog handful. 3. mgul brgyan lta bu as a neck ornament. 4. ear of corn dog pa'i snye ma ; me tog gi dog pa SANST flower shoots or buds; brang rtsi'i dog pa SANST buds containing honey in their capsules. II: also dog po or dog mo 1. narrow, narrowness: dog po mi 'dug it is not narrow; dog pa'i gnas la thar ba to get out of a narrow place; shin tu dog par gyur to fig. they were kept within narrow bounds (Glr., J‰.). 2. strict: khrims dog po strict justice, also hard punishment. dog po med not narrow, wide; khang pa dgo small narrow house; sa cha dog narrow-place; gos dog a robe that does not fit being narrow in dimensions. dog po or dog mo adj. dense, thick; dog por densely, thickly: zhing khams mtha' dag dog por khyab pa all the regions were thickly filled up, i.e., thickly inhabited (Yig.). don pa v. 'don pa 3 to bring out; kha nas don pa ejaculated; sgo nas don pa brought out by the door. dog ma + = mdun front, fore; also, resp. for sa (Lex.). dog le + = chu bsro ba'i snod acc. to J‰. an iron pan with a handle. dogs pa I: for 'dogs pa 3 1. SANST necessity, usefulness: phan 'dogs usefulness; phan 'dogs med pa useless, without usefulness. 2. fear, apprehension; gang dogs what fear! do not be afraid of; dogs pa skyes te fear having arisen; dogs gsal ba or dogs gcod pa = the tshom gcod pa to remove doubt or clear misapprehension: don phran yod pa zin bris kyi thog gang 'gab dogs gcod dgos pa'i rigs rnams zin bris byed in a draft containing matters of some importance the points should be written carefully to avoid all that may be misapprehended (D. Shel. 20). dogs pa med or dogs med SANST, SANST; without fear, fearlessly; re dogs hope and fear; dogs pa dang bcas pa SANST, SANST with apprehension; dogs pa'i nyam nga ba dread of suspicion. 3. = the tshom scruple, doubt; dogs 'gas in colloq. scrupulously, doubtfully; dogs mtha' the limit of doubt (A. 50); dogs zon scrupulous, also to take care, take heed, to be cautious: rgyal po yin kyang dogs zon dgos being a king he should be cautious. dogs slongs pa to raise scruple, doubt; also to make another apprehensive, doubtful (D. Shel. nga 20). II: vb. to fear, not in the violent sense in which 'jigs pa is used, but to apprehend or dread anything happening: ser byung dogs pa'i dus su at a time when he was apprehending that hail would come on; rgyal srid ma zin gyis dogs te being afraid (the prince) might not be able to govern; yum de ma mthong dogs pas fearing lest he should not see the sakti; bu mi'i mthong gis dogs nas dreading that his son might meet the view of the people; zhe sdang langs dogs tur re gyis be on your guard lest anger should arise; take care not to grow angry! (J‰.). dong = khung 3 SANST, SANST 1. a deep hole, pit, trench: dong brkos la sa de nyid du blugs na mi mnyam mo in refilling the earth into the hole excavated, it will not be even with the surface (K. du. da 113). me dong = SANST a firepit; acc. Sch. crater; sa dong a hole in the ground; chu dong a well, a deep cistern; dong nyal = a snake. 2. depth, deepness, profundity (J‰.). dong can deep, full of trenches; dong med not deep, shallow (Cs.). 3. v. 3'dong ba 3. dong ga SANST the tree Pterospermum acerifolium. dong ka'i me tog SANST flower of Karnikara. dong kas mchin nad sel zhing 'jam por 'khru the fruit of dooka is a cure for liver disease and is a mild purgative. Syn. me tog 'phreng ba ; lo ma bzang ; nad 'joms ; 'khor lo 'dra ; zhi byed ; sor mo bzhi pa ; rgyal po'i shing (Moon.). dong kha SANST [a kind of radish]S. dong kha'i 'bru SANST medicinal fruit. dong ste + = song ste 3. dong pa padlock; dong pa 'jug pa to put a padlock on (J‰.). dong po = 1. sdong po tube, any hollow cylindrical vessel. 2. spa dong a bamboo tube used as water or milk vessel in Sikkim, Bhutan, etc. mda' dong a quiver (generally made of bamboo). lcags dong iron tube; shing dong wooden tube. dong ba = 'gro ba 3, 3rgyu ba 3 1. to proceed, to go (Moon.). v. 3'dong ba 3. 2. SANST a quiver. dong mo or ldong mo a small churn for tea-making = gur gur 3 (J‰.). dong tse or dong rtse SANST 1. a copper coin in China. 2. piece of money of small value either in silver, gold, or copper; gser gyi dong tse gold coin. dong zil in W. Corydalis meÔfolia (J‰.). dong ze wasp, acc. to Cs. dod 1. definite; ma dod indefinite. 2. a substitute; an equivalent: de'i dod ci 'dra yod what is the equivalent, what shall we get for it? bu dod adopted son: nged kyi bu'i dod mdzod pray, suffer yourself to be adopted by us. skad dod verbal equivalent, the original of a translation, a synonym; dod du as an equivalent, as payment for, instead of, at, e.g., at a moderate price (J‰.); dod po one in the place of, a substitute, a representative; dod por byas = tshab byas represented, acted as a representative: ma snad gnyis dga' nas rnal 'byor pa dod por byas te de ba glang rdzi dngos ma yin yang dod po yin pas both the mother and son being pleased, substituted the yogi, though he was not really the cow-herd, but one representing him (A. 60). dod por byas te acting as a substitute (A. 59). dod pa = bsnyel ba 3 or 3dbyer ba 3 1. to project, to be prominent. Often with 'bur du; 'bur du dod pa elongated. gzugs su dod pa come out in relief; skye mchod dod pa a child in the womb just when its nose and ears are being formed. 2. thon pa to come out, float up: chus gang ba'i bar bar du gling rnams dod pa (Ya-sel. 36) there arose islets in the midst of the flooded place. don 1. particle signifying: more than, over; bdun bcu don gcig one over seventy; bdun cu don gnyis two over seventy; etc. II: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the sense or signification of anything; don go ba to understand the meaning; brjod bya'i don the meaning to be expressed; don 'grel ba to elucidate, explain the meaning; don rnyed par dka' ba'i yig 'bru individual letter, the meaning of which is not easily understood; don mi 'dug it has no sense; 'di'i don ci yin what does this mean? don dang ldan pa full of meaning; also one who is a sensible man; don bral tshig meaningless words, ravings; don de la soms do think over the meaning of this (Mil.); don la lta na col. in truth, in fact, really, surely, indeed! 2. reason, purpose, profit, advantage; object: song song ba'i don med going on is to no purpose; 'gro ba'i rang gi don lab tell me your reason for going; yong gi don gang byed byung ngam what has been his object in coming? don sgrub pa to gain one's object; don gnad rnams real reasons. 3. in a general sense: affairs, concern, business; rang gi don one's own affairs, one's own interest; gzhan gyi don interest of others; don mang bas on account of much business (Dzl.). 4. welfare, advantage, the good of a person; mi'i don byed pa to promote a man's welfare; 'gro ba'i don byed pa to work for the welfare of all living beings; phan pa'i don a useful thing; bde ba'i don a gift of fortune (J‰.). dngos grub mchog gi don the substantial benefit of the highest perfection. III: a document: chad don 1. a special request or object (in writing a letter to a subordinate or one in subordinate position). 2. a written contract, agreement; also a letter to an inferior person. nges don the certain or real meaning, also positive order or instruction. drang don the proper or plain meaning; distinct order or instruction. zhu don application, petition, request. tshig don literal meaning, grammatical signification. don gYeng ba to change or divert the thoughts from the three causes which disturb the mind. don kun SANST the interest or well-being of all; public good, cause, object, etc. don kun grub pa SANST 1. to accomplish or fulfil all objects, purposes; one who has done them. 2. the early name of Buddha Sakyamuni which was given him by his father. don kun sgrub pa SANST one who performs service for the good of the public, i.e., does public good. don gyi khog phub pa as in snying 'phrul gyi bang mdzod kyis don gyi khog phub (G. Bon.) to penetrate into the real import. don gyi i SANST general sense, ordinary meaning, common object. don grub = don kun grub 3 1. Amoghasiddha, v. 3don yod grub pa 3 post. 2. SANST assemblage. 3. common personal name in use in Tibet and Sikkim. don 'gal = don mi mthun pa contrary sense, opposite meaning, going against the purpose or interest of (Moon.). don lnga in anatomy the five functionaries of the human body: (1) snying the heart; (2) glo lungs; (3) mchin pa liver; (4) mcher ba spleen; (5) mkhal ma kidney. don can = don ldan 3 SANST 1. useful, meaningful, profitable, expedient. 2. enjoying an advantage. 3. having a certain sense. don gcod or don gcod pa (don thag gcod mkhan ) one commissioned, a commissioner; one specially appointed for the performance of a certain object: don gcod dmigs gsal 'gro dgos byung it necessitated the going of a commissioner (Rtsii.). don nyams pa = don du chung 'gro ba failure, ill-success; also the decrease of interest or importance (Moon.). don gnyer (chos lta bu ) SANST, SANST 1. prayer. 2. the care-taker of a place, the custodian of the property in a temple. don gnyis in Budh. rang gi don SANST for one's self, one's own affair; gzhan gyi don SANST another's business: de nga'i don mi 'dug gzhan gyi don yin that is not my but another's business. Acc. to the Bon don is of two kinds: (1) bdag don self-interest which is lhun grub inherent, and (2) don gzhan interest for others. mthar don the final interest for self emancipation. don snying or don gyi snying po the real object, the chief object of a petition or prayer. etc. don rtogs pa = don go ba to comprehend the meaning; also to reflect on the sense of a term or passage, or on any subject. don stong gi tshig a word of empty meaning, nonsense; a meaningless expression. don stong pa = don med pa or don ma grub pa SANST objectless; unfulfilled purpose; void of meaning; for nothing (Moon.). don med bzhin du without seeing the use of it, without understanding the purpose (with the genit. of the noun). don mthun lit. one having common interest or purpose to serve; originally a number of traders who would make a voyage to Ceylon for buying pearls, &c. gru nang du 'jug pa'i skye bo SANST merchant (generally those who make sea voyages), hence a boat passenger (Moon.). don mthun pa = don dang mthun pa 1. (tshogs ) SANST an assembly having a common interest. 2. SANST business men. don dag lit. good or pure intention = purpose, object, interest; commission, business, affairs. don dam 1. the true sense; subjectively: good, earnest; col. in. W. yangs ba man don dam yin it is not said in jest but in right earnest; objectively; don dam par dbyer med in truth, after all, upon the whole. 2. = thar pa emancipation, liberation (from worldly troubles) (Moon.). But don dam bden pa or don dam pa'i bden pa SANST = absolute truth, i.e., stong pa nyid SANST emptiness, voidity. don dam pa SANST [the highest truth]S 1. de kho na , [essence, the very truth]S. 2. yang dag pa'i mtha' SANST [the culminating point for all beings; voidness, vacuity, absolute non-entity]S. 3. de bzhin nyid , SANST; [that-ness, true essence]S. 4. ma nor de bzhin nyid , SANST [unmistakable truth]S. 5. gzhan ma yin pa de bzhin nyid , SANST [non-alternate truth]S. 6 stong pa nyid , SANST [emptiness itself]S. 7. chos kyi dbyings , SANST [the essence of existence]S. 8. chos mi 'gyur ba nyid , SANST [unalterable entity]S. 9. bsam gyi mi khyab pa'i dbyings , SANST [unthinkable entity]S. 10. phyin ci ma log pa de bzhin nyid , SANST [irreversible truth]S. 11. gnyis su med pa , SANST [non-separable]S. 12. gnyis su byar med pa , SANST [non-divisible]S. 13. chos gnas pa nyid , SANST [substratum of existence]S. 14. chos kyi dbyings kyi tshul ni gnas pa nyid do|. 15. de bzhin nyid 'di ni gcig pa nyid do|. 16. chos kyi dbyings 'dres pa med pa'am dbyer med pa , SANST [indestructible essence of existence]S. 17. 'di ni gnyis su med de gnyis su dbyer med cing tha mi dad de bcad du med . don du postp. c. genit. 1. for, for the good of. 2. for the sake of, on account of; c. genit. of inf. in order to, that. 3. rarely, in the place of, instead of, for. don 'dod pa (sprang bo ) a needy person, a beggar (Moon.). don ldan with some object or design; in Budh. abbr. of don chos dge ba dang ldan pa possessed of religion and piety; mi lus don ldan sgrub pa snying po mdzad make it essential to acquire while your are a human being (Rdsa. 23). don rnam pa gsum the three kinds of don , i.e., of significations: (1) tshig 'bru'i don the literal meaning or signification of a word; (2) don gyi don the meaning of a meaning, real import; (3) khams kyi don this includes de kho na'i mtshan nyid , yongs su shes pa'i mtshan nyid etc., the meaning of the root and also that of physical things and spirit, also khams kyi don la 'jig rten gyi khams , sems can gyi khams , etc. (K. d. ca 47). don dpyod sngon gnang the pioneer investigator; the first man who inquires into any subject or case; don dpyod pa an investigator, inquirer. = aa ru ra 3 SANST Arjuna. don med SANST; useless, in vain, for no purpose, silly manner: nyin par mar me phul ba don med do it is useless to light lamps in the daytime; 'grangs la ston mo byin pa don med do to entertain one who has eaten to the full is useless; skyes bu ngan pa bsten pa don med do it is useless to stick to a bad man or mean person (K. du. da 200). don med dkrog rkyen quarrel for nothing or without any cause. don med gtam SANST vain, idle talk. Syn. ngag 'chal gtam ; don stong tshig ; don bral tshig . don rtsa (don gyi rtsa ba ) the real meaning, reason; also result. don zhags seems to be a Tantrik manifestation of Avalokitesvara. don bzang ye shes snying po'i rgyud n. of a Bon work on mysticism. don yod grub pa SANST lit. one who does a real work successfully; n. of the fifth Dhyani Buddha, the ruler of the heaven situated to the north. In Tantrik ceremonial his is generally painted green and is often represented with a Khadoma fairy as his Sakti (Tib. nus ma ). Is styled don grub for short. dob dob 1. one who dresses tying his breeches above the knees, in the manner of a Bhutanese. 2. stuff, nonsense (Sch.). dom SANST, SANST the tawny bear, Ursus pruinosus of Blyth, found near Lhasa and elsewhere: dom gyi mche bas khrag shor gcod par byed the teeth of the bear (made into paste) stops bleeding; dom gyi klad pas mgo rma gso the bear's brains heal sores on the head; dom gyi sha yis gdon kyi nad la phan the flesh of the bear is useful in the diseases caused by evil spirits. dom mkhris bear's bile (it is used as a medicine). Syn. phug nyal ; mig snan lus can ; rab dkar snying ; gtum drag zhe sdang can ; sdig pa'i lto can (Moon.). dor a pair of draught cattle; glang dor a yoke of oxen (J‰.). dor ba pf. and imp. of 'dor ba to throw out, cast out; bya ba ngan pa dor give up bad actions or behaviour; dor bar gyur SANST left, cast out (A.K. 1). dor byed ma = dur byid snan 3. dor ma breeches, trowsers; dor thung short breeches; dor ring long drawers; snam dor breeches made of thick serge cloth; dor rta that part of the breeches which covers the privy parts. dol I: 1. nya rgya fishing-net (Moon.); nya dol pa a fisherman, cf. gdol pa 3. 2. W. stew-pan (J‰.). 3. in dol gcod pa to split, to cleave (Sch.). II: n. of a place in the province of Lhokha in Tibet: de nas dol du byon te sna bo la kha nas dung bus then arriving at Dol from Snabola kha he blew the conch-shell (trumpet) (A. 90). dol gyi gdong sna n. of a village in Dol (Deb. ga 34.). dol rnam rgyal rdzong the head-quarters of Dol (Rtsii.). dol pa a native or resident of Dol; dol pa rin po che n. of a celebrated lama of this place (Loo. za 2); dol bu ba the name by which that lama was usually called (Ya-sel. 37). dol bon a sect of the Bon (J. Zao.). dos or dos po = khur po a load that is carried by man or beast; khal dos load that is carried by a beast of burden; ja dos a load of tea carried in this manner; dos 'gel ba to load, to pack; dos 'bogs pa to unload. dos rgyab a guard in charge of loads, one in charge of loads carried by beasts of burden and walking behind; khams sogs thag ring po'i dos rgyab caravan-guard coming from Khams and other distant places (Rtsii.). dos che = 'bor che ba or pongs che ba (Jig.). dos drag = tsha drag 3 (D.R.) = ha cang brel tsha bo urgent, impatient; calling for inquiry. dos drag pa 1. hard compulsory service. 2. severe in exacting it, e.g., a feudal lord (J‰.). dos pa one who carries loads, a coolie; dos po = khur po 3 a load; dos dpon the leader of a caravan of such loads. dos tshad = dos kyi tshad the weight that can be carried by a man or beast. In Tibet 12 khal is the usual dos po or load for a cooly (Rtsii.). dra signifies (mystically) skyes bu a person, a personage (K. g. kha 179). dra ci or drang ci in Pur, a flat basket (J‰.); dra chung a small bag made of net cloth (Cs.); dra phad a bag of net-cloth. dra phyed 1. SANST half-necklace, half-chain. 2. half-lattice-work; a kind of silk ornament. dra ba I: 1. a tailor who cuts robes, shirts, etc. 2. to cut, clip, lop, dress, prune, pare with knife or scissors; also fig. pha'i ming nas dras te borrowing (a syllable) from the father's name; gos dras cloth cut out for a garment (Cs.): bzo rig pa ni dra ba dang drub pa dang in handicraft (he knew) tailoring, cutting and sewing (A. 34); dra ad scissors (Sch.). 3. a small copper coin used in the Western Himalaya; called also Dabu. II: sbst. 1. SANST necklace (of pearls, gold etc.), chain worn as an ornament. 2. SANST web, net, lattice, grate, net-work: lus la dra bar 'brel (the veins) are spread throughout the body like net-work (S. g.). dra ba'i thag pa rope or string of a net or trap. dra ba'i rkang ldan web-footed; a goose, duck, swan. rus pa'i dra ba the frame-work of bones, the skeleton; lcags dra iron lattice; rgya dra wooden rails, fencing; lcags kyi dra mig iron trellis; gridiron; 'od zer gyi dra lattice-work of rays. 3. SANST [a club]S. dra ba 'khrol ba = dra mig grol ba 3. dra ba can 1. SANST latticed, grated. 2. met. a spider. 3. = go khrab a coat of mail (Moon.). 4. = ku ba a gourd (Moon.). dra ba can ma (bud med blo ldan ma ) a clever and skilful woman (Moon.). dra ba dra phyed laced curtains or ornamental silken frills, hangings embroidered and with pendant strings: mu tig gi dra ba dra phyed de rnams btags nas having put on certain ornaments with pearls and pendant tassels (A. 141). dra ba 'dzin met. a fisherman, one who holds or uses fishing-net (Moon.). dra ma 1. = ya rabs 3 nobility, generally applied to the SANST Licchavi race of Vaisali. 2. experienced, practised, learned. 3. = rtsi shing a board or slate for counting and writing figures upon. dra ma sprul pa'i gling n. of a fancied continent or island. dra mig or dra ba'i mig the openings or "eyes" in a net-work or lattice. drag seems to be a root with two distinct significations: 1. advisable, better, best; where two or more courses offer, that which is the more or most expedient: 'gro na drag it is better to go; sdod na drag better to sit, to stay (Moon.); nga ci ltar byas na drag what course would be expedient? Also any improvement may be expressed by drag : drag song has improved, become better; khyed chos ldan du gshegs pa drag your entering into a religious life is better (A. 127); drag skyes growing better, is improving; is in the way of improvement (Yig.); colloq. better, that is better, well done. 2. vehement, forcible; and so, fierce, violent. In this sense is gen. applied to the powerful and violent aspect of certain Tantrik deities; other compounds of this root, however, are being more frequently employed. drag gis firmly; drag gis dad to believe firmly. drag sngags 'dus pa rdo rje rtsa ba'i rgyud n. of a Tantra used by the RÒio-ma sect (K. g. zha 349). drag can SANST, SANST strong, vehement. Term applied to terrifying deities. drag char SANST heavy rain, heavy rain or downpour. drag 'dzing n. of Indra's horse (Sorig.). drag tu = shugs che ba 3 or lhag par du adv. strongly, earnestly, vehemently, violently; moreover: gnas 'di nyid du bzhugs zhu zhes gsol drag tu btab pas he implored him to stay in that place (Hbrom. 106). drag tu 'then pa to pull violently, with great force. drag sdebs = mi drag pa rnams kyi gras rank or class of better people; higher class or order: las byed nang zan drag sdebs la zla tshes phog rtsis account of monthly allowance to the better or higher class of domestic servants and workmen (Rtsii.). drag nad a serious illness, gen. = dreg nad gout. drag pa 1. from the root drag and thus signifying: the better sort of persons, and so: noble, of noble birth, superior, respectable, of superior quality or order; mi drag pa a nobleman, gentleman, respectable man; ad la drag pa articles of superior quality; drag rigs nobility, gentry; drag par byed pa to raise to nobility; drag par 'gyur ba to become a nobleman. 2. vehement, powerful, severe; brtson 'grus drag pa 'bad pa to exert with assiduity; drag pa 'dud pa unbending, unwearied application; skad drag pa a powerful voice; khrims drag pa a severe punishment; snying rje drag pa yearning compassion. drag pa implies in fact possessing any quality in a high degree; dug drag pa very poisonous, virulent; poison. drag pa'i chos pa a performer of Tantrik rites and religious observances, in which fierce deities are either coerced or propitiated. drag pa'i thod described as chu bo gang gA'i ming SANST an epithet of the river Ganges (Moon.). drag po also drags po (A.K. 1-34), SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. fierce, terrible, fearful, violent; and is the term specially attached to deities in their aspect of anger as defenders of Buddhism; is thus synonymous with khro bo as used in that sense. 2. sbst. any terrific deity; a Bairava. drag po dbal slog can n. of Bon deity (D.R.). drag po'i mig SANST 1. n. of a fabulous animal. 2. species of tree, Elúocarpus ganitrus; the berry of this tree used for rosaries. drag po'i gtsug rgyan an epithet of the moon (Moon.). drag po'i shugs 'gro SANST that which moves with vehement speed, like a shooting arrow. drag mo 1. SANST a fearful woman, an amazon (Moon.). 2. SANST Rudra's wife, an epithet of the goddess Durga. drag rtsal can = drag po 3 acc. to the Bon, possessing the terrific attitude and powers of deities. drag rtsub bskal pa the rough or rude age, a name of this present period of time which is called snyigs dus bskal pa . drag tshang chong can acc. to the Bon: in whom are all manner of perfections, good qualities. drag zhan strong and weak, i.e., the relative force of sound; also the with respect to rank, superior and inferior or good and bad. drag shul fierce, also frightfulness; drag shul can SANST, SANST frightful, terrible, powerful, cruel; also one of the ten tones of music (M.V.). drag shul che , dpa' bo lta ba fierce, terrible; also like a hero, chivalrous, heroic: khyod ni gtum che la drag shul che thou art heroic and fearful (Rtsii. 30). drag shul od a mystical practice = od pa rtsub pa SANST. drag gshed is not, as J‰ has it, a single deity but indicates a group of fierce and redoubtable gods, of which there are said to be eight. See Gr¸nwedel's Mythologie des Buddhismus, 164. The Mongols style the drag gshed group Dokshit; and a special robe and hat are worn by exorcists who deal with the group. Each Dhyani Buddha, moreover, is held to have a drag gshed in his retinue. drag gsum the three fierce ones (the Bon trinity). drags = ches pa 3, 3lhag pa 3 or thal pa = excess; lto za drags na ma zhu ba'i nad yong eating in excess will cause the illness of indigestion; mang drags very much, in excess; as adj. much, strong, intense. drags byed SANST a braggadaccio, one who brags much. drang 1. a kind of beer (Sch.). 2. SANST honest, straightforward, upright. drang 'gro = mda' 3, SANST an arrow, a shot (lit. that which goes straight) (Moon.); drang gtam plain language; drang po SANST, SANST, SANST right, truthful, straight (ma khyog pa not crooked or bent), sincere, honest. drang lam short road, straight-road, straightforward, not deviating from the direct course; upright; las drang po good actions, righteous deeds; khrims drang po righteous judgment, justice. drag bzhag gi bzos sgo settlement, good arrangementóalso described as bzos sgo ni sngar phan thogs pa dang drin che ba la bzang lan byed pa to return good to one who has done kindness or good service before (Yig.). drang don ordinary signification; drang don dang nges don gyi khyad par the difference between the general and real significations; nges don (SANST) the sense or spirit of an expression or word: kun rdzob kyi cha nas drangs pa thams cad drang don du 'ong ba yin significations drawn from unrealities or phenomena are to come within the term drang don ; don dam pa'i cha nas drangs pa thams cad nges don a meaning derived from the spirit or spiritual sense is nges don , i.e., the certain or absolute meaning. (Behu. 37). drang por adv. straight; drang por 'jog pa to place, put straight; drang por 'dod pa wishing frankly; drang por smra ba to speak plainly, to be candid, to speak the truth. drang ba SANST, SANST 1. abstract noun to drang po 3. 2. pf. to 3'dren pa 3. drang srong SANST, SANST, SANST; rig byed klog pa a reciter of sacred hymns, an inspired sage; originally the authors or rather seers of the Vedic hymns; a saint; an anchorite. J‰. says: at present the lama that offers sbyin sreg is stated to bear this name, and whilst he is attending to the sacred rites he is not allowed to eat anything but dkar zas white food, i.e., milk, curds and cheese. The terms cognate to drang srong but not exactly synonymous with it are the following: thub pa , brtul zhugs can , dbang po thul ba , sdom brtson , kun tu rgyu , dge bar slong , pha rol 'dod pa , smra ba bcad pa , ngag bsdoms pa , mi smra ba , khrus kyi brtul zhugs can , gtsang bar gnas pa , dka' thub od pa , tshangs par od pa , nyon mongs thul , bden smra (Moon.). drang srong bdun SANST the seven sages; also the constellation of the Great-Bear. Acc. to Bon the seven are:- (1) drang srong khri lde 'od ; (2) lhang lhang btsug ; (3) thag yid ring ; (4) thugs dkar ye shes ; (5) dgung rum ye shes ; (6) 'od gsal 'bar ; (7) rdzu 'phrul ye shes (G. Bon.). drang srong rigs bcu ; ten kinds of Piri, acc. to Budh.: (1) sa la rgyu ba'i drang srong Piri that move on earth; (2) 'phur 'pho'i drang srong flying Piri; (3) rnam par rol zhing rgyu ba'i drang srong the Piri that walk in a dancing mode; (4) mkha' la rgyu ba'i drang srong Piri that travel in the sky; (5) lha yul du 'gro ba'i drang srong Piri that travel to the celestial regions; (6) rdzu 'phrul gyi 'gro ba'i drang srong Piri who move miraculously; (7) dngos khyab kyis 'gro ba'i drang srong Piri that can take an enchanted form; (8) snang bas 'gro ba'i drang srong Piri that can vanish in light; (9) bcud kyi 'gro ba'i drang srong Piri that can move as embodied forms of anything; (10) grub par du 'gro ba'i drang srong Piri who have attained to excellence. drang srong lhung ba SANST one of the 36 sacred places of Buddhists in ancient India, the site of modern Sarnath, near Benares, where Buddha first preached the Saddharma. (EEE In the original the headword for this entry is drang srang lhung ba but the transliteration indicates drang srong lhung ba , which is the correct spelling.) drangs v. 'dren pa 3. dran pa I: 1. Budh. dmigs pa mngon par brjod pa nyid de|sems rmongs pa med pa'o| (K. d. 'a 355) the state of the expression of SANST, i.e., dependence of a thing upon another, indicating that the mind is free from darkness. 2. SANST, SANST recollection, remembrance, memory: dran pa gsal po clear recollection; thugs dran med du thim pa to lose one's memory or senses; dran med du 'gyel ba to swoon, to fall down unconscious; dran 'dzin med pa being out of one's senses (with joy) (J‰.). 3. self-recollection, consideration: sems can smyon pa dag dran pa so sor rnyed insane persons regained the respective faculties of their minds; dran pa gzhungs pa quickness of apprehension, good capacity (J‰.). 4. SANST an epithet of Kamadeva. II: 1. vb. to think of, ponder; gen. to remember, recollect with yid la : dkon mchog dran pa to think of, to remember Buddha, Dharma and Saogha: sdug po yong ba de ma dran pa yin do not think of, do not trouble yourself about, future evils; bskyis par mi dran no I do not recollect having taken anything on credit (J‰.); dran pa tsam gyis as soon one thinks of it; quick as thought; rjes su dran par byed pa = dran du 'jug pa , also to be reminded of, to put in mind of; dran skul byed pa to recall to the mind. 2. to become conscious; dran par 'gyur pa to recover one's senses, to be one's self again; dran med pa unconscious; mi dran pa'i 'og tu after they had become insensible (J‰.). 3. to think of with love or affection, to be attached to, to long for. dran mchog rje dearest sir (J‰.). dran nyams pa SANST 1. unconscious, senseless. 2. = dran pa gsal po med pa faint recollection; weak-minded. dran pa nye bar bzhag pa bzhi SANST, SANST the four essential recollections, which are:- (1) lus dran pa nye bar bzhag pa SANST [the body is impermanent]S.; (2) tshor ba dran pa nye bar bzhag pa SANST [the evils of sensation]S.; (3) sems dran pa nye bar bzhag pa SANST [the evanescence of thought]S.; (4) chos dran pa nye bar bzhag pa SANST [the conditions of existence]S. dran tho memo, a note for refreshing the memory. dran dri abbr. of dran pa dang dri ba . dran pa'i ka ba = pho dbang or pho mtshan 3 the glans penis, the male organ. dran pa bcu or rjes su dran pa the ten remembrances, viz.:- (1) sangs rgyas rjes su dran pa ; (2) chos rjes su dran pa ; (3) dge 'dun rjes su dran pa the constant remembrance of Buddha, Dharma and Saogha; (4) tshul khrims rjes su dran pa the bearing in mind monastic vows of morality; (5) gtong ba rjes su dran pa remembrance to give away in charity; (6) lha rjes su dran pa remembrance of one's tutelary deity; (7) dbugs phyi nang du rgyu ba rjes su dran pa recollection of breathing in and out in the practice of yoga; (8) lus kyi rnam pa rjes su dran pa the remembrance of the various constituents of the body; (9) skye ba rjes su dran pa bearing in mind that one has to be reborn (in any of the six states of existence); (10) 'chi ba rjes su dran pa the remembrance of death (as certain and unavoidable fact) (Hbum. ga 93). dran pa 'joms SANST the subduer of Dod-lha, i.e., of the desire of procreation, an epithet of Buddha; also n. of an Arhat, &c. dran pa'i khron pa SANST the female organ of generation. dran pa'i dbang po 1. = mkhas pa 3 a learned man (Moon.). 2. SANST the faculty of recollection; memory as one of the five faculties, v. 3dbang po lnga 3. dran pa'i gzugs a handsome woman, a beauty (Moon.). dran pa'i shing rta SANST an epithet of Kamadeva or Dod-lha. dran po SANST, SANST awake, one in his senses, conscious. dran ma the mind, memory: dran ma bzang good memory; dran las SANST from memory, from consciousness; conscious state; dran had kyi zin pa sudden recollection; remembering all on a sudden. dran sha the meat of an animal that was slaughtered three days ago; the flesh of an animal after the third day of its death (consciousness is said to linger in the body until life has been extinct for three days; it is therefore that the human body is not dispose of until after the third day of death in Tibet). dran sems in W. love, affection, attachment (J‰.). dral 1. v. lcam mo 3. 2. v. 3'dral ba 3. 3. for 3gral 3. dral po (sran ma sogs dum bu kha shas la btang ba hral hral ) (Rtsii.) grain or peas that have been split by beating. dral ba SANST, SANST to split with blow; phan tshun dral ba to split asunder, splitting, rending; bslab pa dral ba one whose observance (of a religious study or vow) has been broken; dral gyis zhus pa'i rjes bzhin kho na ru scar or mark left on human body by striking (D.R.). dral tse a kind of courier or messenger (Cs.). dras gos sogs dras tshar ba cloth cut out for making a robe or coat, etc., v. dra ba 3. dri SANST, SANST, SANST odour, smell, scent; dri can sweet-smelling; dri ngan pa SANST bad smell, stench, offensive smell; dri med SANST without smell; odourless; bright (A.K. 1-2); dri med chu = chu gtsang ma water (Moon.). 2. SANST ordure, for dri ma . dri med rnam dag lha khang n. of a sacred shrine at Lhar-tse in Tsang (Jig.). dri med 'od rgyan SANST n. of work (Ya-sel. 34). dri med gshes gnyen n. of an Indian pandit who worked in the Buddhist propaganda in Tibet in the 8th century, A.D. dri med lhun po n. of a RÒio-ma lama (S. kar. 182). dri skye ma produced of smell, a kind of insect come into existence from dirt or gsher drod moisture and warmth. dri 'khor changing or fading of colour of a dress by use or age: gos gsar babs dang dri 'khor bcas rim pa gnyis pa (Rtsii.). dri mgyogs = spas dri SANST strong scent; incense; dri nga ba bad smell; dri nga ba med pa SANST odourless, free from bad smell. dri ngad vapour, exhalations; dri ngad 'jam pa SANST very agreeable scent; fig. virtue, laudable merit, qualification: tshul khrims dri ngad dang ldan pa zhes bya ba bi kra ma shI la the monastery of Vikramasila was so called, (its monks) being possessed of purity in morals (A. 61). dri nga'i 'dab chags met. the hoopoe (Moon.). dri lnga the five perfumes used in offerings to saints and gods. dri can lte ba = gla rtsi 3 a pod of musk (mystic) (Mio-rda. 3). dri chab scented water; scent, perfumery. dri chu = gcin SANST urine, also abbr. dri ma ordure and chu urine; chu water when written with dri conveys the meaning of urine. (EEE See gcin pa 3) dri chu gsil ba = chab gsil 3 or gcig gtong ba to make water, to piss (Oag. 68). dri chen = skyag pa 3 SANST ordure, filth, dung (Sman.). dri mchog dri rab SANST excellent smell, sweet scent, fragrance (Moon.). dri mnyam pa SANST of uniform smell as of incense-sticks of China. dri btul = dri ngan pa dul ba suppression of stench. dri dang 'phreng bas mchod pa SANST worshipping with offerings of garlands and frankincense. dri ldan 1. SANST having the smell of. 2. SANST a gander or ngang pa'i rgyal po (Moon.). dri ldan pa there are acc. to the Bon cult seven classes of scent:- (1) sa dri dang ldan pa mu zi lta bu earthy smell such as sulphur; (2) chu dri dang ldan pa 'ga' ti gzing lta bu ; (3) me'i dri dang ldan pa gsur dud lta bu ; (4) sha dri dang ldan pa gla rtsi lta bu fleshy musky smell; (5) 'bru dri dang ldan pa 'aM tri si lta bu ; (6) khrag dri dang ldan pa glang chen gyi khrag lta bu ; (7) ga bur lta bu (D.R.). dri ldan ma (sa cha ) SANST n. of a place in ancient India. dri snom pa pf. bsnams 3 = dbugs len pa to smell, to inhale an odour (Moon.). dri phog gen. dri ngan phog pa clothes soiled with spots and bad smell (Rtsii.). dri bral or dri ma bral free from bad smell; that which is not soiled; fig. = skyon med pa blameless, without any defect (A.K. 1-2). dri bral lhag bsam gyi spun zla = skyon bral sems dkar po'i kha btags a white scarf presented as a token of pure heart and good wishes. dri ma SANST, SANST, SANST filth, excrement, manure; sna dri nose mucus; dri ma kun zad nas after all impurities have been put off; dri ma dku or dri mi zhim pa SANST bad or offensive smell; dri ma 'gags pa'i nad the disease of obstruction of the bowels. dri ma can 1. dirty, sluttish (as to dress). dri ma dang bcas pa SANST with smell, stain or defilement. dri ma dang bral ba (dri bral ) washed, bleached, cleansed- dri ma med par byas and dri ma sun phyung ba signify the same. 2. SANST interlocutary month in the lunar calendar (Moon.). dri ma drug in Budh. the six sorts of defilement, namely:- (1) the feeling that I am superior to my spiritual teacher; (2) want of regard for religion and one's spiritual guide; (3) chos la don gnyer med pa neglect of religious observances; (4) sems phyi rol gyi yul la rnam par gYeng ba the mind wandering over external objects, in deviation from the observance of religious duties; (5) dbang po'i sgo lnga nang du sdud pa concentrating attention upon the working of the five senses; (6) chos yun ring drags pa sogs kyis skyo ba tiring of continued application to religion (Khrid. 6). dri ma ldan ma = bud med 'dod ldan ma a voluptuous woman (Moon.). dri ma 'phyi ba'i ma ma SANST a child's wet-nurse; a woman who attends to infants' cleanliness. dri ma mi mnga' SANST not touched or affected by filth; unblemished, throughly pure. dri ma med pa SANST 1. the third stage of Bodhisattva perfection or me tog gi dri lta bu pure as smell of flowers; SANST without defilement, an epithet of Buddha (M.V.). 2. SANST pure, holy, all-good; clean, cleanly. dri ma med pa'i dris lan rin po che'i phreng ba a treatise by Acharya Amogha (Tan. d. go 117). dri ma med par grags pas bstan pa'i mod SANST n. of a Sutra (K. d. pha 224). dri ma gsum the three impurities or filths:- bshang ordure, gci urine, rdul sweat (Sman.); fig. nyes pa'i dri ma also nyon mongs pa'i dri ma and kha na ma tho ba'i dri ma . dri mas nogs pa blemished, stained, spoiled. Syn. nag nog ; dri ldan ; dri ma can ; dri mas sun phyung ; dri ma gos (Moon.). dri gtsang khang SANST, SANST prob. SANST a sacred place, the principal chapel in a monastery. Syn. gtsug lag khang (Moon.). dri brtsung + = dri bsung good smell, fragrance. dri 'dzin skyes = sna'i rnam shes . dri zhib dkar clear and definite instruction or direction. dri zhim pa or dri zhim po 1. an agreeable smell, sweet fragrance; adj. fragrant. 2. = gur gum 3 SANST saffron. Syn. of 1. rnam nyid sbyar spos ; snying 'bab dri ; kun mos dri bzang ; bzhon pa can ; shin tu yid 'phrog ; ring nas 'gugs ; 'dod pa'i dri ; sna tshim byed ; 'bod byed ; ngad bzang ; ring du khyab ; legs par 'thul (Moon.). dri zhim byas SANST perfumed, scented. dri zhon SANST met. for wind (Moon.). dri za SANST lit. eaters of smells, a class of demi-gods supposed to originate from the zone of scents in Gandhamadna in Himalayas; are also celestial musicians. Acc. to J‰.: "the Dri-za are not only supposed to be fond of flowers and other fragrant objects, but also to visit dung-hills, flaying places, shambles, etc. The insects swarming about such place, the Tibetan believes, to be incarnated Dri-za." dri za ga bur nu zho can ; dbyi mong rigs gnyis names of two species of vegetable medicine black and white (Sman. 109). dri za'i grong khyer a mirage; explained as med pa gsal snang can du shar ba an illusory phenomenon appearing as a reality: |rmi lam ji bzhin sgy u ma bzhin||dri za'i grong khyer ji bzhin du||de bzhin skye dang de bzhin gnas||de bzhin du yang 'jig pa gsungs| (Buddha) has said that like as a dream or illusion or in the manner of a mirage are we born, live, and die (Theg. 44). dri za'i glu dbyangs SANST, SANST melodies of the dri-za musicians. dri bzang skyes lit. born of fragrance; an insect; the rose-bug. dri bzang dbang po musk-deer. Syn. gla ba ; kla rtsi can (Moon.). dri bzang khang pa SANST lotus flower (Moon.). dri'i sras po a kind of insect believed to grow from smell. Syn. spang spos ; 'byung po'i ral pa ; spu can (Moon.). dri'i bcud flower, lotus; the virtue or nutriment of dri scent, smell; substances like camphor, assafútida, &c. dri blang ba SANST to smell. dri la 'khor a bee, that which roves round or is attracted by fragrance. dri ba for 'dri ba 3 pf. dris ; = dris skad cha dri ba to ask, to make inquiry, to interrogate; also sbst. SANST, SANST question, inquiry. + dri ba rna la gzon pa = dri ba dngos su drang por mi bshad pa not asking to the point but in an artful manner; dri ba log pa to ask irrelevantly; wrong or contrary questions; dri ba 'dri ba to ask a question. dring 1. looking to; care, regard; dependance upon; = bltos pa or rag lus pa 3: gzhan dring mi 'jog ce na if you place no regard in others, if (you) do not care for others. 2. acc. to Cs. = 3drin 3. drin resp. bka' drin rarely sku drin kindness, favour, grace; drin can kind, gracious, benevolent; also benefactor; drin can pha ma the parents, the benefactors; (J‰.); drin dran pa vb., to acknowledge a kindness, to feel obliged: drin dran pas a I shall always feel greatly obliged to you; deng bka' drin dran cing being now full of thankfulness to him; drin rjed pa to forget kindness received, unmindful of obligations. drin che ba or drin chen very kind, great boon, the great or greatest benefactor. bka' drin che is a very frequent phrase of thanks equivalent to our "most kind of you," "many thanks"; it is often repeated twice and is a common expression of ceremonious thanks in letters. btsun pa tshe 'di la drin che shos rang gi ma yin the greatest benefactress for this life is one's own mother; bod la bka' drin che ba lags so| this turned out the greatest benefit for Tibet; aa ma drin chen kindest mother. drin gzo ba or drin du gzo ba to show one's self grateful; drin gzo zhing lan bya'o you shall not have done it for nothing. drin lan gratitude; drin lan pa to be grateful; drin lan du in return for kindness received; drin lan log pa ingratitude, ungratefulness: nam zhig drin lan log pa yis|tha ma sgom chen khrims la sbyor one night because of his ungratefulness, the hermit was punished at last (Rdsa. 19); drin lan bsam pa to be grateful. drin log pa or drin lan log pa lit. to reverse a favour, to return evil for good or for kindness; ingratitude: da ni drin log par 'jal nas nga la ngan byas pa now, having met with ingratitude, he did me wrong (Rdsa. 10). drib shil acc. to J‰. a corrupt form for dril bu gsil in Ld. = gYer kha3. drim stump, trunk of a tree or plant; pollarded (in Ld.). dri'u v. dre 3; prob. for drel phrug a young mule. dril 1. roll or rounded thing: shog dril a roll of paper. 2. for dril bu a bell. dril bu SANST a bell; dril bu pa one who rings the bell. dril bu sgra a member of the Sakya race whose daughter was married to Siddhartha (Yig.). dril bu gYer kha'i 'dra ba 'khrol ba SANST, SANST sounding like a small bell. dril khang bell-tower, belfry; dril sgra the sound of a bell. dril sgra las bsgrags pa SANST proclamation by ringing the bell; dril sgrog pa to ring the bell; to publish by ringing a bell; dril sgrogs = khrims khang 3 a place of justice (Moon.). dril lce the tongue of a bell, the clapper; dril chung SANST a small bell; dril stegs a bell stand; or a piece of cloth on which bells stand; the frame of timber in which bells are suspended. dril ba v. 'dril ba 3. dris pa v. 'dri ba 3. dris SANST, SANST asked, an interrogation. dris nas SANST having asked; yang dag dris well asked; asked carefully. dris pa gtan la phab [SANST decision of questions]S. dris pa'i tho SANST; = skad cha dris pa'i tho. dri bo an enchanter, sorcerer, magician; dri mo enchantress, witch (J‰.). dris ma SANST one who has asked; having asked. dris lan SANST answer to a question. dru gu a ball or skein of thread. dru bu a clew or ball; skud pa'i dru bu a ball of thread or of wool; dru bu 'dzings pa lta bu SANST like the clew of a thread mixed up or confused. drug 1. SANST num. six. 2. = bzang po 3 good. 3. symbolic of bro ba the kinds of taste which are six, also of the six quarters (mtshams ), i.e., the four cardinal points besides above and below; also that of the six ornaments or rgyan (Rtsii.). drug dkar a superior king of turquoise. drug brgya six hundred (600). drug sgra in Gram. the so-called article presenting itself in the following six forms; pa, ba, ma, po, bo, mo. drug cu or drug cu tham pa SANST the num. sixty (60); drug cu re gcig SANST num. sixty-one (61). drug cu skor the Vphaspati cycle or the cycle of sixty years. drug cha one-sixth, one-sixth part; drug stong six thousand (6,000). drug ldan ma SANST an epithet of the goddess Gauri (Moon.). drug pa or drug po SANST the sixth one. drug dmar a very fine kind of turquoise supposed to be one-sixth part red in tint. drug zho six khal (mule load) of barley grain for one zho (Rtsii.). drug sde SANST 1. the early disciples of Buddha:- dga' bo SANST; nye dga' SANST; nabs so SANST; 'dun pa SANST; 'gro mgyogs SANST; 'char ka SANST. 2. a class of dissenting monks who being of a discordant disposition often brought troubles to the early congregation of Sakyamuni. drug mdo back joint, spinal joint; hence drug mdo ba = rgyab kyi rgyud 'dzin follower. (Moon.). drung resp. 1. SANST, SANST, SANST adv. and postp. near to, beside, at, to; drung nas 'byin SANST drawn from near; pho brang gi drung gang na ba der 'dug nas having alighted on the place before the palace. But the ordinary form in which the word is found is as the postp. and adv. drung du SANST at, near to, in front of, before; rgyal po'i drung du to the king, before the king; drung du rtog pa to examine personally, face to face; drung du 'gro ba to go near or up to; shing gi drung du near or under the tree. 2. a title or address of honour generally intended for the sons of noblemen; sku zhabs drung your honour; aa ne drung honourable miss. 3. civil officer, official; drung chen , drung 'khor chen po high official; drung yig private secretary; drung dkyus ma an inferior official, a common clerk (Rtsii.); drung 'khor gen. lay-officials under the government of Tibet; drung gnas pa a companion, an associate; drung 'bring ba or drung 'khor 'bring pa a middle class official (Rtsii.); drung i civil officers in general. drung grags pa names of officials under Phag-mo Grub hierarchy. drung drag superior rank of officials: drung drag lan rgyar gal che ba dang sger du bka' drin bskyangs rigs those superior officials who are of much importance for public service and are especially favoured, etc. (D. Shel. 11). drung na mo SANST imminent, very near, close to, impending. Syn. thag nye ba ; nye 'khor (Moon.). drung nam mkha' bzang po (Loo. 'a 15) n. of a Government secretary of Lhasa. drung pa + or sku drung pa = sku mdun pa secretary, lit. one standing near, waiting in the presence of a great man, an aide-de-camp. drung po = 1. sbyang po or grung po 3 SANST clever, skilful. Acc. to J‰. prudent, wise, judicious, sensible. 2. sincere, candid. drung 'tsho ba private physician, physician in ordinary (Cs.). drung yig pa SANST a clerk, specially the clerk, specially the clerk of a superior officer, a writer. drungs root (of misery, sin, disease, etc., also that of a tree, etc.). drungs nas phyung SANST exterminated or destroyed from the root; radically cured. drungs pa 1. = drungs po bright, sparkling. 2. acc. to Cs. clarified, clear. 3. beer, resp. bzhes drungs beer for the use of a great man. drud v. 'drud pa 3 SANST 1. divested: pha yis stag bsad |bu yis stag ko drud| the father killed a tiger, the son pulled off its skin. 2. drud drud a pelican (Sch.). drub pa + or drubs pa v. 'drub pa 3 = btsems pa (anything) sewn. drum pa or chags drum passion; acc. to Sch. to have a strong desire, to long, languish, pine for. drus ma 1. in foal, as ba drus ma a cow about to bring forth. 2. millet (Sch.). dre acc. to J‰. a mule; prob. col. of drel . dri mo , mo dre mule; dre pho, pho dre mule. dre bo in W. the elbow (J‰.). dreg pa grime, incrusted dirt, soot: sgron dreg lamp-black; slang dreg soot on the frying-pan; dreg nad or dreg grum gout; dreg ldan SANST coating of dirt on anything; dreg byed rdo ba (?). dregs or dregs pa SANST, SANST, SANST pride, haughtiness, arrogance; khengs dregs id. dregs tshig = khengs gtam haughty expressions or words; boasting (Moon.). dregs ldan ma = khengs ldan ma a youthful female, a damsel who on account of the charms of her youth is proud. In Budh. fifteen kinds of pride are mentioned:- (1) tshul khrims kyis dregs pa the pride of moral purity; (2) thos pas dregs pa pride from much hearing; (3) spobs pas dregs pa pride of courage; (4) rnyed pas dregs pa pride of acquirements; (5) bkur stis dregs pa pride of honours; (6) rig gnas mkhas pas dregs pa pride of intellect; (7) dben gnas kyis dregs pa pride of residence in solitude; (8) sbyangs pa'i yon tan gyi dregs pa pride in attainments; (9) yo byad nyung bas dregs pa pride of having few necessaries of life; (10) gzugs bzang bas dregs pa pride of personal appearance; (11) longs od kyis dregs pa pride of wealth; (12) dbang che bas dregs pa pride of power; (13) 'khor gYog mang bas dregs pa pride in possessing many servants and retainers; (14) bsam gtan mngon shes kyis of dhyana and fore-knowledge; (15) lha klu sogs kyi bstod pas dregs pa pride from the praises of gods and naga. (K. d. wa 78 and Loo.). dregs byed met. for a devil. dred generally dred mo , indicates the red or snow bear (Ursus isabellinus); but is often indiscriminately applied to other species found in Tibet. dred po 1. a wild-man, a savage; one who is brute-like and irreligious. mi ru skyes kyang dge med dred por skyes though born as a human being, he has grown an impious savage (D.R.); acc. to Sch.: evasive, lazy; he quotes the passage: chos med dred po zol zog gYo sgy u can a savage without religion, full of deceit and cunning. 2. a yellow male-bear; dred tshang a bear's den. dred mo 1. one who has gone astray from a religious life; one who has abandoned a righteous life. 2. a yellow bear. dred mo species of bear peculiar to the mountainous plains of Amdo and the Kˆkˆ Nor region, the Ursus lagomyarius of Prejevalski. It preys upon lagomys and marmots, as described by "A.K." in his Report on a Journey in Tibet and Mongolia. dre'u SANST, SANST a young or small mule. dre'u rngog + ; dre'u'i rngog ma 1. the mane of a mule. 2. = stan khra bo a spotted seat, or cushion. 3. a kind of long-haired cloth. drel a full grown mule. drel gdang = drel ra stall for mule, the rope for tethering mules (Rtsii.). dres ma a kind of grass, of which ropes and shoe-soles are made in Tibet. dres ma ge sar the filaments of dres ma ; dres 'bru or dres 'brum the seeds of dres ma grass; dras shun rope made of dres ma grass (Rtsii.). dro 1. the hot time of the day. snga dro the morning from 8 A.M. to 10 A.M. phyi dro afternoon from 3 P.M. to 5 P.M. in India and Tibet. 2. acc. to J‰., lunch, a meal taken about noon; dro btab pa to lunch. dro has also the general meaning of any meal: nyi ma gcig la dro gsum in one day three meals; nga nyi ma gcig la dro lnga gtong 'dug "give to (the labourers) five meals a day" (said a rich man who was building a house). dro 'jam (col. tonjam) tepid. dro dod = comfortable accommodation (of travellers) under road-bill. dro ba 1. vb. and adj. to be warm; warm, as distinguished from hot. 2. = bro ba 3 of which it is an incorrect form. dro ba rnon po SANST very acrid taste; pungent. dro lug a sheep intended for food; dro sha meat intended for such a purpose. drogs (Sch.) packed up, made up into a pack or parcel. drong or drongs v. 'dren pa 3. drong ma a large basket or dosser provided with a lid and carried on the back. drod SANST 1. sbst. warmth; gos kyi drod warmth (derived from clothes); me drod warmth from fire. 2. animal heat. kha drod zung gcig a small piece of food = kha zas 3, prob. for kha drod enjoyment of the mouth (J‰.); drod can SANST possessed of warmth, warm. drod nyul + = blo'i gdeng tshad matching one's desires, in accordance with design, &c. drod phebs dus = dpyid ka 3 the warm season, i.e., the spring (Moon.). drod snan = drod skyed byed stimulant; drod snan bzang po gsum the three stimulant medicines are Piper longum, cardamom, and a smaller species of cardamom (Mio-rda. 3). drod 'ongs SANST the coming of the hot season, the summer. drod yal ba the vanishing or diminishing of warmth or heat. drod rig pa SANST the science of mysticism, occultism, charms. J‰. has: well-versed in measures. drod gsher SANST 1. sweat, perspiration. 2. acc. to J‰.: warmth and moisture. drod gsher las skyes pa SANST vermin, insect, etc., produced by heat and moisture. dron po col. for dro bo . dron ma or dron mo gentle warmth, gen. equalling dro 'jam , zan dron warm food; khrag dron mo warm blood. (Hbrom. 41). drol v. 'drol ba . (EEE 'drol ba does not occur elsewhere in the dictionary.) dros I: (Sch.) = dro 3, dros chen noon, midday; dros na when it is getting warm. II: sometimes written for 3bros 3. dros pa 1. SANST heated, grown warm, esp. of the ground by the heat of the sun or of men by warm clothing. ma dros pa SANST is the n. of a lake, i.e., of Tsho Mapham, the eastern one of the two Manasarovar lakes in S. W. Tibet; also a Naga king. 2. (gos lta bu ) cutting cloth to make a dress. gdag or gdags 1. fut. of 'dogs pa 3, SANST; ming gdags pa to attach or give a name; gdags gzhi the man about to be given the name; gdags chos the doctrine that one should be attached to (Rdo. 46). 2. acc. to J‰. day-light, opp. to sribs . 3. in Stg. gdags pa occurs frq. as a translation of SANST wisdom (J‰.). gdang or gdang bu (gos 'gel ba'i gdang ) SANST clothes-horse, rack; the rail on which a bird perches is called bya gdang . 2. a peg or nail for clothing. 3. skas kyi gdang bu the rail of a ladder; but acc. to J‰., the step of a ladder. gser gyi gdang bu la ra lpags nag po bkal nas yod| on a golden rack there was placed a black goat-skin (Hbrom. 142). gdang ba pf. gdangs pa SANST; kha gdang ba to gape, to open wide (the mouth and nostrils), to stretch; lag pa gdangs stretched apart the arms; bsnyung gzhi gdangs cured of disease. gdang yas n. of a numerical figure (grangs ): gYo ldeg phan phun gdang yas dang | (Ya-sel. 57). gdangs prob. = angs 3 (skad dbyangs lta bu as of the voice), or 3nga ro 3 1. the tone or pitch of one's voice (Situ. 54). 2. = gdangs snyan music, harmony, melody; gdangs byed pa to make music (J‰.) 3. resp. = 3dpral ba 3 the forehead (Cs.). gdangs pa 1. v. gdang ba 3. 2. = sos pa or sangs pa , also resp. for drag pa to recover (from an illness); bsnyung gzhi gdangs pa one recovering from illness, convalescent. gdan = stan 3 SANST, resp. bzhugs gdan a low seat, a divan, cushion, a bolster. gdan khri a throne, a high seat (Rtsii.); gdan lcog abbr. for gdan dang lcog tse a cushion and a small table. gdan cha a suite of cushions; seats (for the use of party including a great man, his attendants, etc.): thab gdan cha sogs sprod supply seats, fireplace, etc. (Rtsii.); gdan 'jag cushion-seat and small table, tea, etc. (Rtsii.); gdan stag 'jab a tiger-skin rug lined with satin placed on a stuffed cushion for the use of great men or respectable lamas; gral dang por gdan stag 'jab chang snod dngul phor che ba| on the first row of seats spread tiger-skin rugs lined with satin and (place) wine-glasses and large silver cups (Rtsii.). gdan 'degs pa to take leave, to withdraw, to depart; gdan 'dran pa = an 'dren pa to invite, to go to meet. gdan pa SANST one seated on a cushion, one occupying a seat, a chairman. gdan rabs a succession of abbots in a Buddhist monastery. gdan sa 1. place of residence; bla ma'i gdan sa the seat of a chief lama; dga' ston gyi gdan sa a place of festival. 2. situation, position, rank; gdan sa mthil the chief or central residence of a head or ruler; n. of the capital of the Phagmo-gru head-lama in Lhokha, the province to the south-east of Lhasa and east of Samye. gdab pa fut. of 'debs pa 3, but apparently is often considered as the pres. 1. to put, sow; sa bon gdab pa to plant seeds, grain (Rdo. 46). sde snod kyi chos thams cad lag len la gdab tu btub par mdzad| he was enabled to put into practical use all the religious instructions of the Pitaka classes (A. 10). 2. = 3'bul 3 or 3ster ba 3 to give, offer: na len dra'i rgyal po chen pos kyang |nor rdzas mang po bdag la gdab byas te even the Maharaja of Nalendra (the king of Magadha) having offered me a good deal of property and effects (A. 10). gdab yas (grangs gnas ) SANST a numerical figure (Ya-sel. 57). gdam ka or gdam nga = 'dam ga choice, election (Oag.). gdam ngag SANST, SANST, SANST advice, counsel. Syn. man ngag ; gdams pa (Moon.). gdams pa 1. technically fut. of 'doms pa to advise; but occurs as present: nga 'di gdams pa yin I advised this; rgyal po la gdams pa'i mdo the sutra which will advise sovereigns. 2. or gdams ngag sbst. SANST, SANST, SANST advice, counsel, directions: gdams pa zhig zhu we pray give advice; gdams ngag ston pa = ngas par bstan pa to give sound advice; gdam pa smra ba SANST to give advice, to counsel, to make suggestion. Syn. bka' lung ; man ngag ; gdams ngag (Moon. and Oag.). (EEE for 'doms pa see 'dom pa 3.) gda' ba is the elegant form of 'dug pa 1. to be, to be there; 'di na gda' lags or 'di na bzhugs gda' lags (sir) here it is. rtog tu gda'o it may be discerned, distinguished; phyin nas gda' he had arrived (J‰.); gda' zhabs mthil la chu reg tsam las mi gda'| the water did not reach above the soles of the shoes (Mil., J‰.). 2. it is also equivalent to the expression zhes gsung na to say, cf. mchi ba 3. 3. with the termin. inf. of another verb. expresses possibility of being or of doing. gda' gung = gda' zhi and gung tshigs the congregating of monks for midday meal or dinner. gdal ba encompassing, diffusing (Yig. 25). gdas pa + = smras pa said, stated. gding ba SANST, SANST 1. the rug or carpet which a monk sits upon and which he carries on his shoulders: chu bo ga]… la gding ba bting nas byon spreading (floating) his rug upon the river Gaoga he proceeded (A. 28). 2. as vb. another form of 'ding ba 3. gdu ba pf. gdus SANST 1. to stir up together, to mingle, mix up, to mix up drugs; thug pa gdu ba to make up into a broth. 2. to covet, to hanker after; rnyed la gdu love of gain (Zam.). gdu bu sometimes gdu gu SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST ring for the wrist or the ankle; dpung ba'i gdu bu = dpung pa'i rgyan chain-straps for the shoulder, shoulder ornament; gdu bu brgyan can ornamented with bangles. gdug pa or gdug po = bam rungs pa SANST 1. vicious, mischievous, deleterious, poisonous: gcan gzan gdug pa mischievous wild animals; gdug pa'i bsam pa propensity to mischief; gdug pa'i nga ro wild, hideous screams; gdug pa'i dri ma deleterious smell; gdug pa'i bdag nyid SANST a mischievous spirit; gdug od , ma rungs pa'i od pa bad behaviour. gdug ma = bud med gtum po a fierce, venomous woman (Moon.); gdug pa'i lha mischievous god. gdug rtsub ferocity, malice, spite. 2. used for dug 3 poison. gdugs = nyi gdugs SANST, resp. dbu gdugs 1. parasol, umbrella: gdugs dang rgyal mtshan dang ba dan bsgreng SANST; umbrellas, royal ensign, and flags were hoisted. Syn. tshad skyob ; tsha ba sgrib ; thur ma brgya pa ; 'khor lo'i lus ; char skyob (Moon.). gdugs kyi gud SANST the ribs of an umbrella. 2. any canopy or awning (J‰.). 3. eleg. midday, noon; gdugs tshod = nyin gung or dgung tshigs noon-tide, also noon-tide meal; dge 'dun thams cad gdugs tshod la 'du ba'i gral du in the row in which the clergy had congregated for the purpose of taking their midday meal (A. 133). gdugs dkar SANST white umbrella: gdugs dkar phyir bzlog chen mo|gdugs dkar mchog grub ma|gdugs dkar lha yul ma gsum| are the names of charms, which when recited keep off evils, diseases, etc., they are resorted to also to bring immunity from war, etc. (K. g. pa 212). gdugs khebs = shing stag pa the birch tree (Moon.). gdung honorific term. 1. bones or remains of a deceased person; sku gdung the remains of a lama, or those of a king; also a tomb wherein the remains of the dead are deposited. 2. SANST family, descendants: gdung 'dzin pa'i sras SANST the son who will continue the family; gdung rus lineage, family, blood or seed. Also gdung pa and gdung ma SANST beam; piece of timber; ma gdung principal beam; bu gdung cross-beam; gdung khebs beams projecting over the capital of a column (Glr.); gdung 'debs pedestal; gdung zam a bridge of beams or of poles; gdung shing in Sikk. the silver-fir Abies Webbiana. gdung rgyu = rgyud pa 3 or 3rigs rgyud 3 or rigs rus progeny, descendants: gdung rgyud yod his descendants still exist. gdung skyob umbrella. gdung rten funeral pyramid containing relics, cf. mchod rten 3. gdung ldan SANST kind, merciful, compassionate. gdung ba I: vb. pf. gdungs SANST, SANST, SANST; to be pained by physical causes, to be tormented, to be scorched: nyi ma'am nyin par tsha bas gdungs he was scorched by the sun or by the burning heat of the day (Oag.); me yi drod kyis gdung ba was scorched by the heat of fire; bkres skom dbul 'phongs sdug bsngal nad sogs kyis gdung ba| to be distresses by disease, misfortunes, destitution, poverty, thirst, hunger, etc. II: 1. to desire, to long for; zas la gdung ba to long for food; 'dod pas gdungs la 'jigs med ngo tsha med one who is consumed with desire has neither fear nor shame (Tsa-na-ka.). shin tu gdung ba'i ma gcig acc. to J‰.: my own dearly beloved mother. III: SANST 1. sbts. excessive desire, passion (for any enjoyment); lust; gdung ba zhi (sensual) desire subsides. 2. love; mos gus gdung ba dpag med skye immense veneration and love arises (J‰.). 3. yearning grief, distress, torment, pangs: gdung ba'i skad a plaintive voice, doleful cry; gdung dbyangs a song of longing grief; gdung ba med pa SANST, SANST unafflicted, without troubles or anxiety; gdung ba med par gyur SANST became free from sufferings. gdung bar byed causes pain, afflicts; gdung bar byed pa to make sad, to distress, e.g., gzhan gyi sems la the mind of others. gdung byed 1. as met. the sun, also = nyi ma'i 'od the sun's rays. 2. than pa drought (Moon.). 3. dga' byed shing n. of a tree (Moon.). gdung byed ma SANST an epithet of the river Yamuna. gdung ma v. gdung ba 3. gdub pa 1. gtub pa 3. 2. adj. frugal, temperate (J‰.). gdub bu v. gdu bu 3 SANST, SANST ring, bracelet; lag gdub or phyag gdub bracelet; rkang gdub SANST an ornament for the toes of the feet, foot-ring; sor gdub also gdub skor finger ring; gser gdub golden bangle. gdum po 1. = gtum po 3. 2. a piece = 3dum 3. gdul ba v. 'dul ba 3. gdul ba'i dngos po = snad pa'i dngos po the objects that are to be suppressed, which are five:- bsdigs pa threat, snad pa curse, bskad pa , slar bsdum pa , and spang ba (K. du. pa 44). gdul bya = chos kyis gdul bya to be disciplined by religion. gdul dka' ba SANST, SANST, SANST difficult to subdue, restrain, or tame. gdeg v. 'degs pa ; gdegs pa med pa SANST (Oag. 38). (EEE for 'degs pa see 'deg pa 3) gdeng also gdeng tshad SANST confidence, assurance, cheerfulness (Oag. 38). gdeng khel ba to repose confidence; adj. confident, certain; gdeng thob pa to become confident, to take courage, to be reassured; 'chi tshe gdeng ci yang med when dying he has nothing to rely upon; mi 'jigs pa'i gdeng a strong or fearless confidence; 'chi brod gdeng tshad med no joy at dying without steadfast assurance; blo gdeng implicit confidence, trust. gdeng ba pf. gdengs = 'phyar ba 3 to raise, lift: lag gdeng ba to raise one's hand; bya gshog gdeng pa a bird with its wings raised and spread (Ma.). mtshon cha gdeng ba to brandish a weapon, to flourish it (Oag. 37). gdengs ka SANST, SANST, SANST the expanded hood or neck of the cobra; gdengs ka byed pa resting on its lifted neck, standing in a proud posture; gdengs ka can SANST, SANST the fabulous hooded dragon with eight legs inhabiting the snowy mountains; a hooded snake; gdengs ka 'dzin hooded snake, cobra da capello; gdengs ka ldan SANST hooded snake, any hooded object. gdengs can dbang SANST Ananta Naga, the king of the serpents. gdengs can lha mo 1. Vasuki, chieftainess of the snakes. 2. the goddess with the dragon's tail = SANST skar ma skag the ninth lunar mansion; constellation of Scorpio. gdong or gdong kha the resp. form is zhal gdong SANST, SANST, the face, the front; seng ge'i gdong pa can SANST one with the lion's face, n. of a goddess; khyi'i gdong can = khyi'i mgo can a Bon god, one with a dog's face or head; phag gi gdong pa the pig-facedósuch are names of Buddhist and Bon deities of Tibet; gdong skya a pale face; gdong dmar redface, is the n. of cannibal hobgoblin with red face; gdong dmar bod kyi yul the country of red-faced demons, i.e., Tibet. gdong zlum pa chos dang ldan pa a round face indicates possession of religious nature; gdong skam mang po smra ba dang rku sems a dry hollow face indicates garrulousness and thievishness (Mil.); gdong khyi'i lta bu his face is like that of a dog. gdong gi phyogs the cheek. gdong gi rtse the snout (of a pig), the pointed part of the face. gdong sgy ur changing of complexion of the face out of shame or anger. gdong lnga pa = gtsug phud lnga pa SANST, SANST or "the five-tufted one," an epithet of Mahadeva. gdong chen can = ngo tsha med pa , i.e., a shameless person (Moon.). gdong drug SANST 1. the river Ganges which is said to have issued through six heads, i.e., has six sources. 2. SANST an epithet of Kartika, the son of Mahadeva. gdong chung dejected, disheartened; khrel med gdong chung mi byed par not being impudent and saucy. gdong la adv. in front, in advance: gdong stad just opposite. gdong yig = an khyer that which attracts the eye, e.g., address on the cover of a letter, front inscription, sign-board. gdong ring SANST long-face explained as |gang zhig mi yi rigs gyur pa||gdong ring gyen du mnyer ma can| (Tao. d. go 220). gdong la ded pa to push or press forward, to urge on, to haul a culprit before the judge; snang ba gdong ded pa to pursue one's course regardless of others (both in good and in bad sense) (J‰.). gdod or gdod ma = dang po 3 in early time; also SANST the first; and 3gzod ma 3 the beginning; gdong ma'i dus in the beginning, at first; gdod ma'i sangs rgyas SANST the earliest Buddha. rtsa ba gdod ma nas rnam pa dag pa = rtsa ba nas rnam par dag pa pure from the very root, i.e., in origin. gdod nas ma skyes pa SANST not born from the first; gdod nas dag pa pure from the beginning, primitive purity. As an adv. gdod kyi first, at first, previously, before; also da gdod = da gzod at the start. gdon I: or gdon bgegs SANST, SANST; an evil spirit, a demon causing disease. There are 360 kinds of spirits which do mischief to living beings; out of which eighteen are very powerful and dangerous; fifteen kinds are said to attack children of either sex. The names of some of the chief evil-spirits are: (1) lha'i gdon SANST, (2) klu'i gdon SANST, (3) lha ma yin gyi gdon SANST, (4) rlung lha'i gdon SANST, (5) nam mkha' lding gi gdon SANST, (6) dri za'i gdon SANST, (7) mi 'am ci yi gdon SANST, (8) lto 'phye chen po'i gdon SANST, (9) gnod sbyin gyi gdon SANST, (10) srin po'i gdon SANST, (11) 'byung po'i gdon SANST, (12) yi ags kyi gdon SANST, (13) sha za'i gdon , (14) grul bum gyi gdon SANST, (15) srul po'i gdon , (16) lus srul po'i gdon , (17) skem byed kyi gdon , (18) brjed byed kyi gdon , (19) grib gnon gyi gdon , (20) smyo byed kyi gdon , (21) gnon po'i gdon , (22) mkha' gro ma'i gdon , (23) nam gru'i gdon , (24) gshin rje'i gdon , (25) bya'i gdon , (26) ma mo dga' bar byed pa'i gdon , (27) kun tu 'gro ba'i gdon , (28) tsher ma gdon pa'i gdon , &c. Generally, all gdon are divided into three great groups, viz., steng gdon evil-spirits of upper regions, 'og gdon those of the nether world, and bar gdon those of the intermediate regions. Again steng 'og gi gdon the evil spirits of the higher and nether regions are called lha'i gdon . glu'i gdon steng gdon gyis 'chi ba = gza' phog pa death by epilepsy, which is believed to be the malignant influence of the evil spirits of the upper region; gdon gyis brlams pa or brlabs pa infatuated or possessed by evil spirits (Sch.); gdon 'jug pa the entering of demon into a person's body. II: 1. fut. of 'don pa (Oag. 37). 2. gdon mi za ba = the tshom med pa SANST certainty, surety (Oag. 38) as in de byung bar gdon mi za there is no doubt of such a thing having happened. As adv. gdon mi za bar = gdon mi 'tshal bar undoubtedly, indubitably. gdon bya = gdon bya'i 'don pa (Situ. 74). gdol pa SANST, SANST 1. a Tartar; the fierce, impetuous. Among the Mongols there is a tradition to the effect that India was the original home of the Mongol tribes. 2. the lowest and most despised class, a fisherman; in W. Tib. nya gdol pa . Syn. given in Moon.:- gtum pa ; gdol ba ; mi dge od ; nye tshe ; chos med ; sdig pa can ; rlangs po ; mi bsrun skye bo ; ma rungs pa ; thub chod can ; glang po (SANST). gdos = gdos bu gzugs can anything having material form; gdos bcas kyi phung po the aggregate of material forms, i.e., of matter; gdos bcas material, corporeal: gdos bcas su grub pa med these things are nothing material, they have no substance (J‰.). gdos pa = mnyan pa 3 1. a boat, a ship; gdos thag a boat-rope. 2. a mast. Syn. rlung gYor thogs pa ; gru'i dar po 'dzin pa (Oag. 38). gdos pa 'dzin pa = glu'i kha lo pa SANST lit. the holder of the boat, the steersman of a vessel. gdos bu + 1. gru gzings kyi 'phyar dar or rlung gYor the sail of a boat or ship; gdos bu btsug pa to set sail, to fix the sail on the mast. 2. balls made of tough or soft materials such as cotton or wool with which monks keep off sleep during the time of study or meditation. 3. acc. to Sch. an oar. gdos med or gdos bral immaterial, unsubstantial. bdag SANST 1. self, one's self; bdag dang gzhan la phan gdags phyir for the good of one's self and others (S. o.). 2. = kho bo I, I myself: bdag gis gtam gyi 'phro bshad kyis let me relate the remainder of my story, i.e., I will relate the remaining portion of my story (Hbrom. 116). Common in polite talk; also in personal narrative. bdag gi SANST mine, one's own, my; bdag gi sems la snad reproving one's own self; bdag gi lus ni nor bu dang decorated my own body with gems (K. du. 221). 3. the sbst. 4. the I, the ego = gang zag (Was. 269). 5. for bdag po master. 6. in natural philosophy, the element of solid matter; also met. for air. bdag tu rmongs pa SANST self-illusion; bdag tu lta ba SANST insight into self. bdag tu nga rgyal SANST egotism. bdag bstod self-praise: bdag la bstod cing gzhan la snad byed praising his own self and slandering others. bdag thob one's own share of property. Syn. bdag nyid ; zhing ; skyes bu ; gtso bo ; gang zag ; rang ; skye ba po ; shed bdag ; shed bu ; shed las skyes ; nyer bsgrun ; mchod sbyin sbyar (Moon.). bdag rkyen recognition of one's services by one's superior, with promotion, etc.; appreciation of merit by an official superior (Rtsii.). bdag skyes SANST 1. an epithet of Brahma. 2. born of one's self, i.e., a son. Syn. lha chen tshangs pa ; rang las skyes ; phru gu or bu tsha (Moon.). bdag gi ba med pa SANST without egoism, an epithet of Buddha (M.V.). bdag gi ma SANST n. of a goddess. bdag gir byas pa = khas blangs pa 3 1. promised, undertaken; bdag gir byed pa to undertake, to promise. 2. acc. to J‰.: bdag dang bdag gir 'dzin pa attachment to the I and mine. bdag rgyud = rang gi sems one's own mind or self: rje btsun aa wa Z‡ tI'i drung du 'gro|bsnyen bkur byed cing bdag rgyud 'dul du 'gro| go to the venerable Avadhuti and, propitiating him, enter into the disciplining of the mind (A. 13). bdag chen rin po che (sa skya gong ma ) the title of the head of the Sakya-pa school (Yig. k. 12-14). bdag nyid = bdag 3 1. I myself, thou thyself, he himself; bdag nyid la gson cig listen to me! rgyal po bdag nyid the king himself; kha cig ni bdag nyid the king himself; kha cig ni bdag nyid rab tu 'byung bar gsol some ask for the permission of becoming priests themselves; bdag nyid 'ba' zhig only for their own persons. 2. sbst. the thing itself, the substance, the essence: byang chub sems kyi bdag nyid yin I am the essence of Bodhi enlightenment; thugs rje'i bdag nyid dkon mchog gsum the precious ones constitute the divine mercy itself; sangs rgyas thams cad kyi dgongs pa thams cad gcig tu bsdus pa'i bdag nyid the sum and substance of all the thoughts of all the Buddhas concentrated in one expression (that is om mani padme hum). bdag nyid sgrog + 1. extolling of one's own self, advertising one's own doings, self-laudation. 2. met. the crow (Moon.). bdag nyid che = blo khog yangs pa 3 or blo che ba magnanimous, generous; one with broad views and principles (Moon.). bdag nyid chen po SANST a general epithet of all the Buddhas, a title of address for a king = rgyal po chen po your majesty! bdag nyid chen po'i sku tshe bskal pa khri khrag gi bar du brtan bar gyur let his majesty's life remain fixed through myriads of ages (Yig. k. 59). bdag nyid la brnyas pa + one weeping at heart for failing to practise religion, self mortification. bdag po SANST 1. lord, master, owner, proprietor; khyim bdag SANST a house-holder; thugs rje'i bdag po the lord of grace. 2. in grammar: an agent; bdag po'i sgra the word denoting the agent. 3. spouse, husband, companion for life. bdag po byed pa to take possession of, reign over; bdag tu byas pa'i bud med married woman. bdag po'i rkyen SANST [dominant or defining cause]S. bdag med SANST 1. Sunyata; voidity, emptiness, that which is not absolute, the quality of being not absolute. 2. unowned, forlorn, friendless, a vagabond. bdag med nor unclaimed property: nor bdag med byang kha'i 'brong |zas bdag med rgyal po'i bang mdzod the Dong, i.e., the wild yak, of Chao-kha (northern deserts of Tibet) is unclaimed property; the king's treasury (granary) is also public property. bdag med ma a woman who has obtained perfection; a woman that is not married; also a public woman. bdag mo chen mo SANST n. of a Buddhist goddess. bdag 'dzin SANST 1. selfishness; in Buddhism there are two kinds of bdag 'dzin atmagraha:- gang zag gi bdag 'dzin the conviction that a living being which in its nature is perishable is not so; and chos kyi bdag 'dzin to believe that everything, i.e., matter, is permanent and enduring (which in fact is not so). 2. the clinging to the I; the clinging to one's own self; egotism. Syn. dngos 'dzin ; nga yir 'dzin ; ngar 'dzin (Moon.). bdag bzung claimed property, property of which there is an owner or claimant; bdag bzung yod pa'i bud med a woman that is married, i.e., who is claimed for the wife of somebody; bdag la chags pa SANST self-attachment (Rtsii.). bdag las byung lit. the self-born one; an epithet of Kamadeva the god of sensuality (Moon.). bdag srung or bdag srung ba , 1. a hermit, one who watches his own actions, i.e., his self. 2. self-defence, self-preservation. bda' ba SANST 1. adj. delicious, savoury, well-tasting. 2. vb. to drive, to drive out = mgyogs myur ded pa to chase, to put to flight; las kyi rlung gis bdas nas being impelled by the wind of karma, i.e., in consequence of one's works or certain actions. 3. to bear away, along, or off, to hurry off; chu bos bdas pa'i gling land carried away by water (Cs.). 4. to call in, collect, recover; bu lon bdas pa to recover money lent, to sue for the recovery of a loan. bdar 1. for bda' bar . 2. = gla 3; thus skyel bdar = skyel gla fee or reward given to an escort, the charge of conveying a thing or person. bdar ba + or rdar ba 3 1. to adjust exactly or in a very accurate manner; bden pa bdar ba = drang por bshad pa to depose the truth. 2. to pray earnestly (in casting lots and in divination). 3. to grind, to polish, rub, file; lcags bdar a file; sa bdar a rasp, also sandalwood; phye ma phye mar bdar ba to grind to fine powder (Oag. 38); phye ma bdar to = zhib brdungs reduced to powder (Situ. 75); so bdar ba to brush the teeth; to grind the teeth; sbyong bdar exercise, practice. 4. to inspect; to examine closely: rang gi sems brdar sha chod examine minutely the working of your own mind; take it seriously to heart. 'dal ba bdal ba 1. to spread forth, to expand; nor bdal ba to give away riches, to lavish money, to scatter plenty (Situ. 75). 2. v. rdal ba 3. bdal 'bum n. of a Bon religious work zhes pa tsam bdal 'bum la bsdus te phyogs bcu'i sangs rgyas so (G. Bon.). (EEE The original gives the first definition as "...to expend" but this is a typographical error and has been corrected.) bdas pf. of bda' ba , rgyal pos grong rdal der ba glang lnga brgya bdas nas 'di rnams la rtsa byin to the suburbs of that city the king drove five hundred oxen and gave them grass (K. du. 261-306). bdug pa 1. vb. pf. bdugs to fumigate, to burn incense, to swing the censer; lha la spos kyis bdug pa to burn incense before a god; 'dre la gu gul gyis bdug pa to fumigate demons with the incense of gugul. 2. sbst. the burning of incense; frankincense: bdug spos 'thul odours of incense arise (J‰.). bdug shing = shug pa 3; Juniperus excelsa, called by the Hindus SANST or the deodar tree. bdung ba 1. pf. bdungs = bkug pa 3, gzhu bdungs = gzhu bkug pa bent the bow by pulling the string to shoot an arrow (Oag. 38). 2. vb. = 3rdung ba 3. bdud SANST the chief devil or antagonist of religion; the personified evil principle; the evil one. There are four bdud devils:- (1) phung po'i bdud SANST the devil originated from the aggregates, i.e., the constituents of the living being; (2) nyon mongs pa'i bdud SANST the devil ruling over sufferings and diseases; (3) 'chi bdag gi bdud SANST the devil of death, the messenger of the lord of death; (4) lha'i bu'i bdud SANST, (SANST) the lustful god or Cupid. The first two are classed under rnam par rtog gi bdud as devils of imagination or Vikapana, the last two are figuratively called mi ma yin pa'i bdud the demons that are not human beings. There is a second classification of the satanic principle:- (1) thogs bcas kyi bdud the avoidable devil; (2) thogs med kyi bdud the unavoidable devil; (3) dga' spro yi bdud the demon of merriment; (4) snyems byed kyi bdud the demon of pride. bdud dkyil 'khor thams cad rnam par 'jom pa'i ye shes kyi phyag rgya SANST n. of a mystical symbolic rite; bdud kyi dga' ma SANST the concubine of Kamadeva. bdud kyi sde SANST, SANST the troops of the Devil. bdud kyi bdag the arch demon. bdud kyi bu = 'dod lha'i bu the son the god of sensuality (Moon.). bdud kyi bu mo the damsels of Mara who are:- sred ma SANST, dga' byed ma SANST, and dga' od ma SANST or SANST (K. d. la 72). bdud rgyal SANST; SANST the conqueror of Mara, the archdemon. bdud 'thul or bdud 'dul SANST he who has subdued the evil one; an epithet of Buddha. bdud 'dul gdan SANST the grass Kusa (Moon.); a seat made of Kusa grass, sitting on which Buddha vanquished Mara. bdud sdig can = dga' rab dbang phyug 3 SANST, SANST Mara the sinner; also Kamadeva. bdud nag 'bar ba a god of the Bon pantheon resembling in his attributes mi pham mgon po MaÒjusri. bdud rtsi SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the food of the gods, nectar, the potion that confers immortality; chos kyi bdud rtsi the nectar of dharma, i.e., of the doctrine of Buddha. 2. a laudatory epithet of medicines; bdud rtsi lnga lums the fragrant juniper; an elixir prepared of a decoction of five holy plants, viz., ba lu a fragrant dwarf species of rhododendron, mtshe ma , kham pa , and 'om bu . N.B.:- Really only four, but according to the absurd method of numbering in Tibetan styled "five," because the whole taken together makes five. 3. Myrobalan, Terminalia, Citrina. 4. a polite word for wine. bdud rtsi ril bu SANST elixir-pill, nectar-pills. bdud rtsi'i khang pa = ri khrod a hermitage; a retreat in the solitudes of hills (Moon.). bdud rtsi'i sgo = kha or smra ba'i sgo the mouth (Moon.). bdud rtsi skyes producing nectar [the yellow Myrobalan plant]S. bdud rtsi gangs sham vegetable medicine growing on the snow-line in the Himalaya or in Tibet. bdud rtsi chos snan vegetable elixir used as an antidote against the attack of evil spirits. bdud rtsi snying po yeast. Syn. chang rtsi , nying khu , snying khu (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "bdud-stsi sÒio-po" which is clearly in error.) bdud rtsi thab sbyor SANST n. of a goddess. bdud rtsi bum pa ma n. of goddess in the Bon pantheon who resembles in her attributes the Buddhist goddess of the ocean. bdud rtsi dmar po n. of a demon. bdud rtsi snug po a cure for congestion of the brain. bdud rtsi char ldan SANST raining nectar, a. met. for the moon. bdud rtsi 'dzag = lce 3 SANST the tongue, the organ of taste (Moon.). bdud rtsi 'dzag pa SANST pouring nectar; also satire; sweet mellifluous tongue or language. bdud rtsi za SANST the gods who subsist on nectar. bdud rtsi zas SANST 1. ambrosial food. 2. SANST n. of an uncle of Buddha Gautama. bdud rtsi'i 'od (zla ba ) SANST met. the moon. bdud la skyengs pa ster mdzad ma = sa yi lha mo bstan ma (Moon.) the goddess of earth called bstan ma who keeps certain demons under terror. bdun SANST the number seven; bdun brgya seven hundred; bdun stong seven thousand; bdun cu SANST seventy, 70; bdun cu don gcig seventy-one; bdun cu pa SANST the seventieth; bdun gyi bdun pa SANST, SANST the sun, who has seven horses before him harnessed to his chariot (Moon.). bdun ldan n. of a perfumery, prob. a preparation consisting of seven ingredients. Syn. bsil 'dzin ; dbu ba ma ; lpags pa ; gsal ; dri ma med (Moon.). bdun pa = bla gos or chos gos the religious robe of the Buddhist clergy. bdun pa SANST, SANST the seventh. bdun po of seven parts: lus kyi bdun po the seven principal parts of the body; viz., hands, feet, shoulders, and neck. bdun phrag SANST a week, seven days. bdun btsas born in the seventh month, a seven-months' child. bde or bde ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. happiness, welfare, safety, piety, enjoyment, joy, bliss, prosperity. In Budh. there are two kinds of happiness: zag bcas kyi bde ba the happiness or bliss that terminates or becomes exhausted, and zag med kyi bde ba the happiness that is eternal and cannot be exhausted; the first being mixed up with the miseries of transmigratory existence, the latter remaining unaffected by any cause. |bde ba'i rjes la sdug bsngal zhing ||sdug bsngal rjes la bde ba ste| happiness is followed by misery and after misery comes happiness, the two revolving like as a wheel (Tsa-na-ka). A Tib. proverb is:- bde ba 'dod nas sdug bsngal 'ba' zhig sgrub par byed longing for happiness, one only brings on misery. bde ba thams cad dang ldan pa SANST possessed of all happiness; bde ba thob pa SANST to gain happiness; bde bar byed SANST that which makes happiness; bde ba'i sbyar ba SANST the requisites of happiness; bde ba myong bar byed what causes to enjoy happiness. bde ba'i khrus = chu; bde ba'i dga' ston SANST a merry festival; bde ba'i mchog SANST the god Sambara [a demon of drought represented as an enemy of Indra the god of cloud]S. bde ba'i lus SANST the human body; bde ba'i 'tsho chas or yo byad SANST [resting upon comfortably, a comfortable pillow]S. bde ba'i gzhi SANST [basis or seat of happiness]S. 2. bde ba to be happy or well; also adj. happy, pleasant, blessed, and even beautiful; also easy: nga bde ste as I am quite happy; bde'o he is happy; bde bar phyin pa gone to be happy or to a place of safety; bde bar gnas pa to live happily, in prosperity; bde bar gtong ba to let another be happy; khyod bde bar btang mi yong we shall not allow you to be quiet; bde ba'i 'byung gnas the source of becoming happy, the state of bliss, paradise; bde legs = peace and joy (Moon.). bde bar gyur cig or bde bar bzhugs shig be happy! farewell! lus dang sems mi bde bar 'gyur ba to be bodily and spiritually afflicted; mi bde ba'i bag med na fearless of adversity; mi bde bar 'gyur ba to ache (of parts of the body); mngal mi bde bar 'gyur ba to be unhappy in the womb, i.e., in travail, to suffer the pangs of child-birth; sems bde or blo bde or rnying bde cheerful, merry, glad; dga' bde peace, a state of peace; bde ba'i chos la gnas pa enjoying the quality of peace or peaceful happiness; zhi ba'i bde ba the happiness of rest, a happy tranquility; 'jig rten gyi bde ba la chags te loving the pleasures of the world; gnas skabs kyi bde ba a happy situation; mya ngan las 'das pa'i bde ba thob pa to attain to the happiness of Nirvana. go bde ba yong it will be easy to understand; bde mo yod he is well; mgo bde ba easy-going person; also well-qualified, well-adapted; kha lce bde ba with good organs of speech; lag bde ba one who has practice in working with his hands, skilled, clever; smra bde zhing knowing to speak well, being eloquent, well-spoken; nyams rtogs kyi smra lce bde a tongue skilled in speaking wisdom; lam bde mo the road is easy, may be passed without risk. As adv. bde bar happily, merrily; bde bar 'tsho to live happily, i.e., without illness. 3. good order, durability, strength; bde ba'i rtags dgu acc. to Bon the nine signs of bde ba durability:- mnan na 'bol elasticity, if pressed it springs up; bteg na yangs pa when weighed it is found light; bskor na 'khor ba when turned it revolves; bkug na mnyen pa when bending it, it is pliable; bzhag na sdod pa where placed it remains; bshig na nyil pa if broken it crumbles away; gtor na 'phro ba if scattered it diffuses; bsdus na 'dril ba if amassed or collected it mixes up, i.e., agglomerates; reg na 'jam pa it is soft to the touch. bde skyid SANST happiness, felicity. bde 'gro or bde bar 'gro SANST, SANST state of happiness, going to happiness; the kingdom of heaven. Opp. to ngan 'gro the state of unhappiness. bde 'gro can SANST heavenly, celestial bde 'gro mtho ris kyi lus thob pa to receive a heavenly or glorified body. bde can SANST happy. bde chen abbr. of bde ba chen po felicity, consummate bliss. bde chen pa SANST great happiness; one in great happiness. bde chas me or bde seng nge n. of a sect. bde mchog SANST is most important yidam or Tantrik deity of the Buddhists. He is the equivalent of Sambara or Samvara; and in Tibet is usually represented with three faces and eleven arms, standing on two crushed bodies and wearing armour and a necklace of skulls. This is his form as dpal 'khor lo sdom pa Pal-khor-lo Dom-pa; but he has several other forms and phases. The Chief Lama resident at Peking is held to be an incarnation of one aspect of bde mchog (Dem chog). Syn. 'khor lo sdom pa ; ri khrod pa ; dpa' bo rdo rje ; thod pa can ; zla ba'i cod pan ; mkha' 'gro'i dbang ; rdo rje 'khor lo (Moon.). bde legs 1. = dge legs 3 or mo ris gnas paradise. 2. SANST, SANST well-being, auspiciousness, blessedness; blessing. bde legs can 1. SANST auspicious. 2. = khyim bya 3 domestic fowl (Moon.). bde legs brjod pa benediction, expression of blessing: bde legs su gyur cig SANST blessing be to him. bde legs su gyur pa has become blest; SANST performance of religious ceremonies to bring blessings. bde 'jags prosperity, welfare. bde brjod felicitous expression. bde stong abbr. of bde ba dang stong pa nyid , happiness and Nirvana. bde 'thung met. for glog lightning (Moon.). bde thabs abbr. of bde ba'i thabs . bde ldan the heavens. Syn. mtho ris gnas ; mtho ris rgyal srid (Moon.). bde ldan dbang phyug SANST the lord of the Sukhavati heaven. bde ldan 'bras 'byung SANST the happiness of heaven. bde ldan ma lung bstan pa'i mdo the Sutra delivered at the request of Bde-ldan-ma queen of king Bimbisara (K. d. ba 395). bde od sensual enjoyment; also a privy (J‰.). bde ba can SANST Dewachan, the paradise of the Northern Buddhists which is said to be situated in the west and presided over by Buddha Amitabha. It is never mentioned in works of the pre-Christian era of Buddhism. bde ba can gyi zhing bkod pa SANST "the plan or design of the Sukhavati" (K. d. ja 306) is a work describing this heaven as being full of terraces, lotus-lakes, and players of music, together with swans, cuckoos and peacocks. The Tibetan version as given in the Kahgyur is longer than the Sanskrit text which Cowell, under the title of "the smaller Sukhavati-vyuha," has translated for Max M¸ller's Sacred Books of the East. The whole work is one of the latest Mahayana productions, probably as late as the 5th century A.D., and in some respects bears a curious analogy to the description of Heaven in the Revelation of St. John, of which the writer may have certainly had knowledge. bde bar 'thab SANST the son of Dhptarartra; the chief adversary of the Pandava brothers in the great war of Kuruksetra. bde bar 'byar pa SANST well-made, elegant, handsome. bde bar gshegs pa or bde gshegs SANST a general epithet of the Buddhas, one who has passed to Nirvana. bde bar gshegs pa'i dbang po = sa yi lha mo bstan ma the goddess of Earth (Moon.). bde byed 1. SANST, SANST, SANST an epithet of Mahadeva; also SANST saffron; a physician; the glans penis; thunder-bolt; the spring season; a crocodile. 2. n. of Buddhist author who wrote certain religious works (Grub. ka 15). Syn. for saffron: gur gum ; aa ru ra ; snan hong len ; snan pa ; pho rtags ; brgya byin mtshon cha ; dbang phyug ; klu i ; sos ka'i dus ; chu srin (Moon.). bde byed tshogs SANST [a class of fiends attending on Siva]S. bde byed gzhi thogs SANST, SANST n. of a deity mentioned in M.V. bde byed sras SANST the youngest son of Mahesvara. bde 'byung SANST source of happiness; an epithet of Mahesvara and of the city of Sambhala. 2. as a symbol: 11. bde 'byung dal ba'i tshogs SANST a cowry; also the followers of Mahadeva. bde blag SANST felicity, ease, contentment; bde blag tu in happiness, happily. bde gzar the time of war or internal dissension, disturbed state of a country (Shal-lce ch. 1). bde shes SANST or SANST felicitous knowledge. bde gshegs SANST an epithet of Buddha, one who has passed to eternal happiness. bde sogs bdag an epithet of Indra (Moon.); bde sogs ma the celestial queen, the wife of Indra (Moon.). bde' ba an antiquated form of bde ba. bder abbr. of bde bar . bden pa I: SANST, SANST, SANST true, sincere = bslu ba med pa guileless, not false or deceptive. Also as a vb. to be true: khyod zer ba bden no what you say is true, i.e., you are right; bdag gi nyes pa bden gyis it being true that I committed a fault; de bzhin du bden srid it might be true after all; shin tu yang bden that is indeed true! de bden par nges sam is it quite certain that this is true? II: 1. truth, right, in the abstract; but usually something true; true words, etc. bden pa gnyis SANST the two truths: (1) kun rdzob bden pa SANST the ordinary truth which concerns all things or phenomena; (2) don dam pa'i bden pa SANST the sublime truth. bden gnyis bstan pa'i mdo SANST the Sutra on the two-fold truth (K. d. pha 370). bden pa mthong ba SANST the perception of the truth; to discern, to know the truth; a degree of Buddhist perfection. bden pa bzhi or 'phags pa'i bden pa bzhi SANST the four noble truths; the four apparent realities: (1) sdug bsngal ba SANST misery; (2) (sdug bsngal ) kun 'byung ba (nyon mongs ) SANST the cause or origin of misery; (3) (sdug bsngal ) 'gog pa SANST cessation or prevention of misery; (4) sdug bsngal 'gog par 'gro ba'i lam SANST the path of salvation, i.e., the deliverance from misery. bden par 'dzin pa to believe to be true, to take for granted; bden 'dzin zhig na if the illusion is destroyed; "den-den" bden bden very true indeed! certainly. bden pa nyid truth, also stong pa nyid Sunyata. bden pa smra ba to tell or speak the truth; as an adj. veracious. bden pa'i ngag SANST 1. truthful speech. 2. as met. bya rog 3 the crow (Moon.). bden po a true, a just man (Cs.). bden bral 1. SANST south-west direction; bden bral phyogs SANST the south-west quarter. 2. void of truth, unjust (Cs.). bden smra SANST, SANST 1. an ascetic, a hermit (Moon.). 2. one who speaks the truth or preaches the truth. bden pa'i khrims strict justice; discipline of the truth. bden tshig or bden pa'i tshig = drang po'i gtam SANST 1. truthful expression, true words. 2. a solemn asseveration, often combined with a prayer. bden tshig sgrub one who has spoken nothing but truth during several births, and thereby has acquired the power of exhibiting miracles. bdog pa 1. attainments, effects, possessions, wealth: bdog pa rig pas nyer bsgrub shing having acquired all attainments by intelligence (Sh. doo.); bdog pa thams cad yongs su btang nas having wholly renounced all his possessions. 2. vb. to get or take possession of, to be possessed of, gen. with la, as in de la ras yug gcig bdog he is in possession of only one piece of cloth; khyod la 'di 'dra ba'i slob ma bdog gam have you such scholars? nor mi bdog pa poor, having no property (J‰). 3. to be; to be situated: dgon pa ni gang du bdog where is your monastery; bdag la phug pa bdog I have a cavern; thabs bdog gam mi bdog are there any means or not? bdo ba 1. = dar ba 3 to increase, to spread, diffuse; applied chiefly in reference to sin and evil. snyigs ma lnga bdo ba the increase in the five kinds of SANST degenerations; = rgyas pa abundance, exuberance. 2. acc. to Zam. SANST acute, keen. 3. with la , to hurt, to injure a person: dgra la bdo ba to hurt an enemy. bdo 'phro = rgyas pa'i sgang la on the increase, in the course of increasing, copious or full: da lta'i bde skyid rmi lam bdo 'phro la sad pa lta bu 'di la in such ways as this, awakening only to go on again, the dreams of present happiness are augmented (Khrid.). bdral pf. of 'dral ba 3 and signifies: disregarded, broken, not observed. mdag pa or mdag ma 1. = me mdag glowing embers, cinders. 2. a sort of large unburnt brick of mud or clay (Cs.); mdag ma'i dong a pit for keeping live coals (for the purpose of melting metals). mdang or mdang dgong yesterday evening; mda' sang SANST yesterday: mdang sang rang yong ba yin came only yesterday (Oag. 39) mdang sum last night: mdang sum bdag gi rmi lam na last night in my dream, etc. mdang ba or mdang ba'i gnas place of cremation, the place where the burning of the dead takes place (Sch.). mdangs SANST, SANST 1. colour of the face, fresh looks, healthy complexion; dmar ba'i mdangs ruddy complexion; mdangs can of fresh appearance; mdangs ngan bad-looking, dull complexion. 2. brightness, lustre, splendour. 3. resp. for dpral ba the forehead. mdangs 'phrog pa SANST or SANST faded lustre, the brightness destroyed. mdangs med dull appearance, not bright, ugly. Syn. mdog can ; bkrag med (Moon.). mdangs bzang 1. bright colour, good and cheerful complexion. 2. a hypothetical fluid, the most subtle part of the semen. mdan khang or mdan bkod pa (snan ) SANST a kind of poison used in medicine. mda' SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. an arrow: mda' rgyab pa to shoot an arrow. myug mda' an arrow of reed or bamboo; lcags mda' an iron arrow; dug mda' a poisoned arrow; dpral ba'i mda' an arrow lodged in the fore-head; me mda' a gun, fire-lock. 2. any straight and thin pole or piece of wood, e.g., the tube of a tobacco-pipe; lcags mda' iron rod, a ramrod, etc.; chu mda' a jet or shoot of water; skar mda' a shooting star or meteor. 3. sym. num. 5. 4. lung pa'i mda' the lower terrace of a plateau, also mda' chu the river or stream running through it. (J‰. in part.) mda' shubs a case or cover for keeping arrows; a quiver. Syn. nyag phran ; drang 'gro ; mi 'khyog 'gro ; sha ra 'bigs byed ; 'dab ldan mtshon ; sgro ldan ; stong can ; rtse mo can ; 'ben bsnun ; mda' mo ; lcags mda' sgra can ; lcags spubs can ; 'ur sgra can ; mtshon cha'i gtso ; dug mda' ; dug gi byug pa can ; lo sta ka (Moon.). mda' grong SANST, SANST [a quiver]S. mda' rgyal = mda' tsha zhan bsdur nas rgyal ba (Rtsii.). mda' rgyug = mda' tsha zhan gyi rgyug len pa (Rtsii.). mda' che or mda' bo che SANST a very powerful effective arrow [a lance]S. mda' gnam rgyud du 'phangs pa = mda' rtse mo gyen du bstan te 'phangs pa to shoot an arrow upwards, i.e., to the sky. mda' khung loop-hole, embrasure. mda' mkhan 1. SANST n. of a low caste in ancient India who used to live by hunting. 2. an archer, an arrow-maker. mda' rgyang the range of an arrow shot. mda' rgyud 1. the bowstring. 2. n. of a medicinal drug: mda' rgyud rtsa 'byed bu 'byin ma nad 'joms (Med.). mda' sgro the feathers attached to an arrow. mda' lnga (1) smyo byed kyi mda' ; (2) sred byed kyi mda' ; (3) kun tu rmongs byed kyi mda' ; (4) skem byed kyi mda' ; (5) 'chi byed kyi mda' . mda' lnga pa SANST an epithet of Cupid, lit. the holder of five arrows. mda' 'joms 1. SANST the great Tantrik Buddhist Sage who was abbot of Nalendra and from whom Nagarjuna derived his mystical knowledge of Buddhism. 2. n. of medicinal root = dur byid snan 3. mda' stong the notch at the end of an arrow which is placed against the bow-string. mda' bstan SANST [a deer]S. mda' dar a lance; a little flag fastened to an arrow with silk ribbons of five different colours, by hooking which arrow into the collar of a bride the match-maker draws her forth from among her maiden companions. Also an arrow wrapped in a scarf, with which the head of the bride is touched during marriage ceremony. mda' dong SANST, SANST quiver. mda' snod id. mda' dpon the commander of a troop of soldiers; an officer of high military rank next to the dmag dpon , who has command over one thousand men (Rtsii.). mda' lpags a gourd, v. ku ba 3 (Moon.). mda' phu n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga 11). mda' phyed byas pa SANST an arrow with a sharp semi-circular disk at the top-end. mda' mo che SANST = mda' bo che [an iron club or crow; a lance]S. mda' mo arrow-lot, a kind of fortune-telling by shooting of arrows. mda' zo a vessel made of wood, or wicker work, etc., with which barley and wheat are measured (Rtsii.). mda' yab = ba gam 3 1. balcony under the dome of a temple made in Chinese style. jo bo'i lha khang gi mda' yab sogs kyi mtshon pa'i rten bzhengs he constructed, i.e., caused to be made, the sacred symbols placed in the balcony of the Jo-wo lha-khang at Lhasa (Loo. 'a 17). 2. acc. Lex. = 3pu shu 3 parapet, railing. 3. a covered gallery on the top of a house. mda' yig 1. a kind of arrow point character which was used in Magadha on Buddhist statues. This character was brought into Tibet from Vikramasila in A.D. 1000. 2. letters which are conveyed by arrow-shot are also called Da-yig. mdung SANST, SANST lance, spear, pike; mdung ba or mdung brgyab pa to sting; to pierce with a spear. dngul mdung and gser mdung are the two frontal muscles (J‰.). mdung bskor ba to brandish, to whirl a spear; thag mdung SANST a spear attached to a sling. mdung khyim a shade for travelers made on the wayside by throwing a piece of cloth over three pikes or poles; a frame to lean spears against. mdung can ma SANST [a female worshipper of the Sakti principle]S. mdung thung 'dzin an epithet of Karttikeya youngest son of Mahadeva. mdung thogs or mdung pa 1. a spearman, lancer. 2. an epithet of Mahadeva (Moon.). mdung dar a lance with a little flag at the top. mdung rtse 1. a spear-head, top of a lance. 2. the religious trident. mdung rtse gsum pa SANST 1. epithet of Mahadeva, who holds the trident. 2. n. of a sect of the Tirthika in Ancient India who used to perform the rite of leaping over three pikes fixed on the ground (Theg. 33-39). mdung 'dzin SANST hornet. mdung bzo ba a maker of lances. mdung shing or mdung yu shaft of a lance. mdud also mdud pa a knot; sems can gyi aa la mdud the chin of animals; lus nang gi rtsa mdud the muscles of the body; chos mdud = srung mdud charmed silk knots used as protection against evil spirits; skra mdud knot of ribbons holding together the long hair of women in Tibet; thag pa'i mdud pa knot of strings, fig. ser sna'i mdud pa the bond of avarice (J‰.); mdud pa sgrol ba or 'grol ba to untie a knot. mdud pa 'grel pa 1. a commentary, a key to unknot difficulties. 2. SANST to untie a knot. mdud dor ba + = rgyan bzhag pa 3 to lay a wager. mdud 'dra a disease of the membrum viril, prob. paraphimosis. mdud pa snying pa wealth. mdud 'dzin ('phreng ba lta bu ) a string or wreath of flowers or of any other thing. mdun (gYar lam ) SANST, SANST the van, the fore-part, the front-side of thing; face or presence. mdun legs good frontage; sku mdun pa an aide-de-camp; mdun gyi nam mkha' la in the heavens before him, over against him. Usually occurs in the adverbial forms: mdun la , mdun na , mdun du , mdun nas , which all seem to have about the same meaning: in front, before ahead. In this sentence, for example, two forms occur with no varying meaning: khyogs khyer ba dang |mdun na me sgron thogs pa dang |skye bo'i tshogs chen po mdun nas mchi ba dang | having brought the bier and lifted up the burning lamp in front, a vast crowd of people went on at the head (K. d. nga 4); mdun du dmag mi phyin ste the soldiers approaching first. Also used as postpositions: bla ma'i sku mdun du in the presence of a lama; rgyal po'i mdun du before the king; khyod kyi mdun la in your presence. mdun jus = mdun byus conference, consultation. mdun 'jog a present. Syn. phul ba ; 'bul ba ; gus rdzas ; phyag rten ; zhu rten (Moon.). mdun du bsnur ba SANST to move forward, towards one's self. mdun bdar + = mdun du bgyis pa or mi mang po tshogs pa'i mdun in the presence of an assembly. mdun na 'don SANST, SANST a minister, a magistrate, a judge, a high functionary. Syn. blon po ; bka' dbang ; khrims kyi kha lo pa (Moon.). mdun ma SANST conference. Syn. mdun gros ; gros ; gros bcam ; gros byas pa (Moon.). mdun sa SANST, SANST society, committee, association: mdun sar bzhugs pa SANST to sit in committee. mdun so SANST punishment inflicted by court or king. mde'u = mda'i mde'u the pointed arrow-head made of steel in Tibet and Mongolia; the arrow head is made of various designs some with three points, others like a miniature pick-axe. mde'u be'u'i so 'dra ba SANST arrow-head like calf's teeth; mde'i byi'u snying ma SANST arrow-head like a birds heart; mde'u zur bzhi pa an arrow with four-bladed head. mdo I: 1. the lower part of a valley where it merges into the plain, the place where one valley opens into another; the point where two valleys, roads, or rivers meet; phu mdo upper-part and lower part of a lateral valley; yul gyi phu mdo the upper or higher part of a country and the lower part of it; lam mdo road-junction; chu mdo river-junction; lam srang mdo street corners; bzhi mdo a cross road; rtsa mdo where one vein crosses another vein in the body. mdo khams Mdo and Khams, indicates Amdo, the province of Tibet S. E. of Kˆkˆ Nor, and Kham. 2. acc. to Cs. mdo can prudent, mdo med imprudent. 3. conjunction or meeting place in general: brtag pa rtsa chu'i mdo ; zhi byed snan gyi mdo ; sbyong byed las kyi mdo ; 'jam rtsub dpyad kyi mdo (Sman-rtsa ch. II. 1). II: SANST 1. defined as don mang po 'dus pa'i yi ge a discourse where many significations are massed together in a few words; a Sutra. 2. short sentence or rule, axiom; hence mdo ru, mdor , mdo tsam sdu ba to contract, abridge, epitomize, to give only the main points; mdor bsdu na in short, in general, altogether, on an average. mdo sngob a benediction to the host for his entertainment (J‰.). mdo mdo byed pa occurs in chos 'jig rten gyi las bya ba la the gtogs byed pa|khyung mgo can la skor ba mdzad de|mdo mdo ci yang mi mdzad (A. 122). mdo sde SANST a collection of Sutras forming an important section of the Kahgyur. mdo sde pa or mdo sde 'dzin SANST one versed in the Mdo or belonging to Sautranta school of philosophy of Buddhism. mdo 'dzin pa SANST a carpenter [also a stage-manager]S. mdo mi dma' ba + = dbang mtho pa of high power or ability. mdo lam according to the teachings of the Sutras; is parallel to the term rgyud lam according to the Tantras. mdor bsdus SANST abridgement = bsdus pa or btus pa 3 (Moon.). mdor bsdu na SANST [briefly, collectively]S. mdor na SANST in brief. mdor bshad SANST akin to mdos a cross formed of two small sticks, the ends of which are connected by coloured strings, and used in various magic ceremonies (J‰.). mdo li á SANST; = khyogs 3 a sedan-chair, a conveyance for carrying sick, incapable, or old persons: phyag gYon nas brten nas mdo li la an drangs supporting him by the left hand he lifted him on a dooly (A. 70). mdog or kha mdog SANST colour; complexion; sku mdog the colour of the body; mdog legs beautiful colour; mdog mdzes nice colour, a rose (Cs.). mdog dkar = me 'og SANST white colour. mdog mtshungs pa = mdog mnyam pa or 'dra ba of uniform or same colour. mdog gser SANST gold; golden colour. mdog can = tsan dan dkar po 1. white sandal-wool. 2. SANST having a fair complexion. mdog ldan 1. (gser ) gold. 2. SANST camphor. 3. coloured cloth. mdog bu pa or mdog gcig pa SANST met. for the raven (Moon.). mdog sbyin SANST, SANST a species of sandal-wood. mdog mdzes SANST, SANST and mdog mdzes chen po SANST seem to be names of flowers (K. d. tsha 368). mdog gsal a species of gall (J‰.). mdongs SANST 1. appearance, the form of the face. 2. sometimes for mdangs white spot, blaze, or star on the forehead of a horse or cow. 3. the eye in a peacock's feather; mdongs mtha' can peacock (Moon.). Syn. byad ; bzhin ras (Moon.). mdongs ldan 1. peacock (Moon.). 2. = khyug . mdongs pa 1. = ldong ba blind (physically and morally): mig mdongs pa , mdongs par 'gyur ba to get blind, to be made blind. 2. = dpral ba forehead. mdongs gsol ba 1. = gzi brjid rgyas pa very bright, resplendent, refulgent (Oag.). 2. to make a prayer before the image of a deity. 3. to congratulate, to wish joy to another (Cs.). mdom or mdoms sometimes written for 'dom a measure ('jal byed ) equal to six feet [SANST a fathom or the space between the tips of the fingers of either hand when the arms are extended]S. mdos a tall thin pared stick or wand provided with small cross-pieces, and with strings of various colours fastened to the ends of the transverse pieces and stretched thence to the main upright stick; the whole evidently intended to be a rude imitation of the mast of a vessel with yard-arms and rigging. Several of these structures, each 3 to 5 feet in height, are planted in the ground on the hill-side just above the house where some sick person is lying; and various magical ceremonies having been performed over the sick person, the btsan or demons which were afflicting him, and which are reputed to have a great passion for the rigging of a vessel, are presumed to be expelled and to take refuge in the toy masts outside the cottage. The sticks with their coloured strings are presently cast away as glud down the ravine (Snd. Hbk.). There seem to be various names for the masts such as:- skyel ba'i mdos (Oag. 38); lha mo'i bskang mdos ; sgrol ma'i gYul mdos ; rgyal mdos ; btsan mdos . 'dag gu = skyo ma 3 pap, pulp; prob. = lde gu . 'dag pa = ldag pa 3 1. to lick off, as in lce yis zho 'dag pa to lick curd with the tongue; to clear, or wash away, to wipe off (dirt, blemishes, and even bad thoughts). 2. in C. = 3'jim pa 3 a mixture of clay and water. Sch. moreover gives this meaning: "cleaving, adhesive, sticky." 'dag pa sbyang ba to make a mixture of soil and water; 'dag pa sbyar ba covering or stopping up with clay, e.g., the chinks of a wall or door. 'dag pa'i phye ma powdered clay. 'dag sbyar 'bul ba to present clay, etc., i.e., to cover the chinks of the cell of a meditating lama sitting mtshams la as an act of piety. In Pth. 'dag pa is mentioned as a kind of plastic art, and evidently signifies to mould, to model, to shape (J‰.). 3. = 3ldag pa 3 (Cs.). 'dag rdzas or more properly 'dag pa clay, dry or wet. 'dang v. 'dad 3. 'dang gi pa á (from SANST or SANST the paddy-pounding implement) n. of an Indian Buddhist saint: slob dpon klu'i sa , 'dang gi pa ; Z ri ka pa the teachers Naga bhumi, Dao-gi-pa, Dharikapa, etc. 'dang ba 1. (pf. 'dangs pa ) = langs pa or 'grig pa 3 to be right, to suit, &c.; ras gos 'dang cloth just enough for making a dress or robe, just as much as is required, etc. lto za rgyu 'dang food to be just enough. 2. acc. to Sch. to come to, to arrive at; cf. also brgya 'dangs pa tsam about or nearly one hundred. 'dad resp. sku 'dad , or 'dang a funeral repast. 'dab 1. a train (of persons): 'khor 'dab retinue (Cs.) 2. fold: gnyis 'dab = lan gnyis twice or two-fold. 3. SANST, SANST or lo 'dab a leaf, yal 'dab SANST a twig with leaves. 4. a feather. 'dab skyes feathered, bird-born. 'dab skyod SANST met. a bird (Moon.) [prob. a crane]S. 'dab brgya SANST, SANST the lotus. 'dab brgya pa 1. = rma bya 3 the peacock. 2. = 3gur gum 3 SANST saffron. 'dab can leafy; feathery; as met. a bird. 'dab chag two-fold fall in the value of a coin or anything; if for one rupee four pounds of butter can be had in one market and again in another market not more than two for the same price it is said of it 'dab chag song (Rtsii.). 'dab 'phar = a two-fold increase in price. 'dab chags SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST birds, the feathered race. 'dab chags sna tshogs various kinds of bird; 'dab chags rgyal po SANST the king of birds, the eagle, the mythical Garuda on whom Virnu rides. 'dab chags dang ma said to be the hawk and = ri bong za the eater of hares, i.e., the largest species of hawk. 'dab chags mche ba can = bya ma byi'u the flying-fox bat (Sman. 330). 'dab chags tshe ring = bya tshe ring the long-lived bird. 'dab chags seng ge the most powerful of all birds, an epithet of Garuda. 'dab chags gser ldan (bya ngur ba ) SANST [a kind of curlew or plover]S. 'dab stong SANST, SANST the thousand petals or the largest species of lotus. 'dab ldan mtshon the feathered weapon, met. an arrow. 'dab 'deb a large numerical figure: ya mad snyal yas 'dab 'deb dang (Ya-sel. 57). 'dab bu che one of the names of Arjuna, the third of the Pandava brothers. 'dab ma SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. wing: 'dab ma sprag pa to shake the wings (Cs.) 'dab ma gYob to clap the wings. 2. leaf, corolla, petal; lo 'dab large leaf; 'dab ma thams cad rgyas pa SANST all the leaves fully come out, the flower in full blossom; 'dab ma brgyad pa eight-petaled = bya shing rta mo (Moon.). 'dab snum SANST a smooth fresh leaf, v. Schl. Budh. 248. 'dab ma'i phung po a heap of leaves; 'dab ma'i shing rta SANST a chariot or conveyance made of leaves. 3. fan. 4. flag (Cs.). Syn. of 2. lo ma ; 1. sgro gshog (Moon.). 'dab ma skyob (bya ) SANST that which is protected by wings; the feather-protected, a bird. 'dab ma bskyod that which moves with or by wings. 'dab ma 'jig pa SANST withering of leaves, the winter season that kills the leaves of trees. 'dab ma bdun pa SANST, SANST n. of a flowering tree ["the seven leaved," the tree Alstonia]S. 'dab ma phra mo SANST lemon, citron = skyur mo (Moon.). 'dab ma yangs SANST Sal tree with broad leaves. 'dab ma'i thig pa met. for cuckoo (Moon.). 'dab ma'i mdzod (kun da shing ) SANST [Jasminum multiflorum.]S. 'dab bzang 1. SANST fine looking leaf. 2. a species of bird of the fine plumes. 3. = so ma ra dza flax (Moon.). 'dab bzang ma'i bu SANST the son of Suparna [Garuda bird.]S. 'dab zur can SANST a species of sandal-wood tree. 'dab yas (bre la shar ba'i grangs ) SANST a measure for grain smaller than bre or drona. 'dabs rarely 'dab the side, lateral surface (chiefly of the body); surface; mchin 'dabs the surface of the liver; sgal 'dabs the lumbar region; nags 'dabs na = nags na in the wood (J‰.). 'dam SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST mud, mire, swamp; earth and water together: 'dam bag muddy clay or plaster; 'dam skyes SANST, SANST lit. that is grown in mud, lotus plant; 'dam skyes dmar SANST the red water-lily; 'dam skyes mtshan SANST met. the sun (Moon.). [lit. "marked by a lotus"; signifies also, a king, an epithet of Brahma]S. 'dam ka 'dam ga or 'dam nga SANST choice, option. 'dam ka byed pa to choose (whether today or tomorrow) (Zam.). 'dam khrod = 'dam spag gi khrod a swamp or a number of swamps (Oag. 32). 'dam gnas SANST [one who gives help to a cow in the mud.]S. 'dam pa = 'doms pa 3 to pick out, to mark out, to choose: 'dam ring choosing, brooding over in one's mind a long while; dgra bo yan pa mi gtang 'dam ring thabs kyis gdul not losing sight of your enemy, constantly watching, put him down as soon as an opportunity offers; zhe sdang 'dam ring long grudge (J‰.). mang po'i khrod nas 'dam pa to select from among many. mi gtsang po 'dam pa such as choose impure things, i.e., lascivious characters. 'dam pa ser skya said to = glang po'i pi pi ling (Moon.). 'dam po = log pa 3. 'dam bu ka ras n. of a medicinal root: 'dam bu ka ras glo mchin rtsa tshad sel dambu removes inflammation of the lungs, liver, and blood-vessels. 'dam bu SANST a reed for thatching, writing; acc. to Cs. sugar-cane. 'dam bu lte ba SANST [the navel or joint or a reed]S. 'dam bu'i nya a species of eel living amid reeds (Moon.). 'dam bu'i tshal skyes SANST an epithet of Karttikeya the youngest son of Mahadeva. [lit. 'reed-born,' Karttikeya is fabled to have been born in a thicket of reeds]S. 'dam bu'i sa bon SANST [the plant Curcuma zerumbet.]S. 'dam bu'i tshan mo SANST [the plant Nelumbium speciosum.]S. 'dam bu'i tshal n. of a place beyond Suvarna-bhumi (ancient Pegu); it is located: rgya mtsho chen po brgal ma thag tu gser gling ljon shing gi nub phyogs soon after crossing the ocean to the west of the groves of Suvarna-bhumi (A. 20). (EEE This record was located out of place in the original (following dam rdzas ) so has been moved here to its correct location for proper usage of the dictionary.) 'dam rtsa an aquatic creeper; grass growing in swamps and marshy soil. 'dam rdzab swamp, cess-pool; the filth of which makes water impure and dangerous to health: rgyal srid mi gtsang 'dam rdzab chen po yin the unclean, or badly governed kingdom is (like) a filthy swamp (A. 7). 'dam rdzab la 'bying ba to sink into a swamp. 'dam shod sdar mo one of the thirty-seven sacred places of the Bon (G. Bon. 37). 'dam seng the lion of the swamp, i.e., the frog. 'dam gyi seng ge skad po che the cry of the lion of the swamp is loud (Sman. 108). 'da' ba (pres. and fut.) pf. 'das pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. to pass away; to go beyond; to surmount, get the better of; mya ngan las 'da' ba to pass away from sufferings, i.e., to attain to Nirvana; mya ngan las 'da' khar at the time of death; at the time of entering into the state of Nirvana. 'da' dka' ba SANST difficult to pass over, to spend time; 'da' kha the point of death; 'da' khar 'di rnams gal che ba yin gsungs these are of importance at the time of (one's) death, he said (Deb. ga 16). The following are examples of the use of 'das pa the past tense: 'das pa'i sangs rgyas the past Buddha; an epithet of Dipamkara Buddha. 'das pa'i char gyur pa SANST; SANST; 'jig rten las 'das pa passed away from this world; 'das pa'i dus the time that has passed away; zla dgu 'das nas after an elapse of nine months; lha las 'das pa'i spos incense surpassing that of the gods; grangs las 'das pa surpassing the number, i.e., numberless, innumerable; blo'i yul las 'das pa surpassing the understanding; inconceivable; brjod las 'das pa unspeakable, indescribable; nyi zla 'das nas when the sun and moon have disappeared (for a time). 'das pa'i tshig the perfect tense; bcom ldan 'das "he who, sated with conquest, has passed beyond," i.e., Bhagwan or Buddha. 'da' ga or 'da' ga ma (chu 'phreng lta bu ) the hour of death (Cs.); 'da' ga ye shes SANST knowledge of the hour of death (title of a book). 'das mchod (lo mchod or dus mchod funeral ceremonies (J. Zao.), religious ceremonies observed at death; the death anniversary of deceased parents and lamas: bla ma gser gling pa'i 'das mchod bzang po re ma chag par mdzad he kept well each death anniversary of Lama Gser-glio-pa without a break (A. 49). 'das po the deceased, defunct, the late. 'das log ghost, apparition; the reappearance of a deceased person, which re-appearing is possible only within forty-nine days from death. 'dar pa or 'dar ba SANST (sbst.) quaking, shivering; one who shivers. Also as vb. SANST, SANST to tremble, shudder, shiver, quake: lus 'khyags nas 'dar the body freezing shivers (Oag. 39); grangs bas 'dar ba to shiver with cold; 'dar bar 'gyur ba to tremble. 'dar yam wavering, doubting, undetermined. Syn. gYo bar byed ; 'dar bar byed (Moon.). 'dar yam byed pa to doubt, to waver. 'dar zhum zhum tremulous, quaking with fear: 'dar zhum zhum 'brun rtsig rtsig bsdad 'dug the mice quaking with fear and depositing dung squatted down (Rdsa. 31). 'dar 'dar SANST trembling. 'dar bu SANST ague, throbbing. 'dar shang a high-sounding vibrating drum used by Bon priests in necromancy: bdud thams cad kyang 'dar shang khyer nas even all the demons carrying drums. 'dal ba 1. to sink down: 'dal 'gro ba to be absorbed, sunk, as ink sinks in bad porous paper or in blotting paper. 2. dal pa , chu 'dal still-water, also water moving slowly. bad 'dal being left exhausted on the road, sinking under fatigue (J‰.). 'di 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST this; also in colloq. very commonly = the: me mda' 'di ga pa red where is the gun? 'di su yod who is this? Where the plural of a noun is indicated, the plural sign is annexed to the demon. pron., e.g., nga'i mjug la rta 'di dag khrid shog lead the horses after me! zla ba 'di la in this month; da lo 'di la in this year; dus tshod 'di la a this (particular) time. 2. when applied in reference to distance it signifies nearness; rang gi sdod sa ri 'di la my residence in this (near) hill; lung pa 'di la in this valley or country; 'grub pa po 'di the respective performer (of an incantation) (J‰.). 3. such a one: bdag ming 'di zhes bya ba I, and such and such a one; ngas khyod la 'di dang 'di lta bu zhig sbyin no I give you such and such a thing. 'di is often redundantly joined with the possessive pron. bdag gi gos 'di this my cloth; bdag gi nor 'di this my wealth; sa che 'di na 'di las gzhan pa gang (Yid. 162) in this great country who else is greater than this? 'di ji snyam du sems SANST what think you of this? sangs rgyas 'od srung gi gtsug lag khang yod pas 'di sos (underneath this mound of sand) there is the monastery of Buddha Kasyapa, restore it; 'di yod pas 'di 'byung SANST that having existed this arose; 'dis 'di rnams btung SANST they will drink these. 'di ka rang just here, just now (J‰); also this very same. 'di ko this one (So-rig. 15). 'di skad = 'di ltar 3, de bzhin SANST thus, accordingly. Used chiefly with the verbum loquendi and quotations; but 'di skad byed par gyur cig SANST [do in this way]S. 'di skad do = 'di ltar zer ro or 'di ltar bshad do has said so; rgyas pa'i tshig gis zhu ba 'di skad do has thus fully expressed in respectful language; or, he prayed with inflated words thus (A. 21). 'di skyes pa'i phyir 'di skyes SANST [this is produced on account of that being produced]S. 'di ltar SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST so, in this manner, thus: ci'i phyir khyod 'di ltar gyur in what manner have you become so, how did you get into this condition? 'di ltar ro it was to this effect, of this purport; nga 'di ltar yin such as this I am; 'dus byas chos rnams 'di ltar blta compounded things must be regarded thus; the word di ltar should usually be accompanied by a snap of the fingers (se gol or skad cig ma ). 'di ltar gyur cig SANST, SANST be it so, let it so be. 'di lta ste , (dper na ) SANST, SANST for example, for instance, to wit, such as, viz. 'di dang phyi or 'di phyi the present and the future (life.). 'di dus SANST, SANST today, this time. 'di nas from this place, from this time; as yet, still. 'di nas de thug from here to that, from here to there. 'di pa SANST man of this place; this man; 'di pa'i gdong from this man's face, i.e., from the lips of this man. Colloq. 'di pa is a common word for here; kha-sang di-pa lep-song he arrived here yesterday. 'di phyi sdeb pa or rje ba to exchange this life for the future one, i.e., tshe phyi ma blos btang ste 'di'i don sgrub pa doing the concerns of this life, having cast out from the mind the thoughts of the future (existence). 'di bya 'di byed instructions to do this and that (idiom.); to be earthly minded. 'di tsug yin in W.: how is this? 'di rang yin it is he himself: tshe dang ldan pa 'di tsug yin how is the venerable monk himself? (A. 132). 'di ru here, into this place, at this place. 'di ru shog come hither! 'dir SANST here; = 'di na SANST at this place: chos kyi rgyal po 'di lhags sam has the Dharma Raja (with his retinue) come here? (A. 23). 'di mur = 'di na here (Yig. 83). 'di rigs these; of this kind. 'dig stopper, stopple; also kha 'dig pa to stop up, to close with a stopper; 'dig ril musket-ball, cf. dig 3 (J‰.). 'ding ba pf. bting , fut. gding , imp. things , to spread on the ground (a mat, etc.); to lay out, to sprinkle, strew (grass, hay); sbst. bting ba in W. a small carpet on which lamas sit; mal bting bedding, pillow, or blanket; 'ding rgyab pa acc. to Sch. to weigh in one's mind, to consider; to suspect. 'du ba I: pf. 'dus pa SANST, SANST; SANST 1. to collect, accumulate; mi nor longs od 'du ba to collect men, wealth and fortune. 2. to come together, to assemble, (of men and animals). II: 1. to get married, to unite, to join one another: khyo shug tu 'du ba to unite as husband and wife. 2. in a special sense in philosophical lang.: to unite (opp. to 'bral ba to separate), e.g., the soul uniting with an organ of sense, like sdeb pa : 'dus byas composed of two or more ingredients; 'dus ma byas consisting of one thing, simple, elementary; only the primordial is eternal, everything compounded is perishable; frq. 3. 'dus pa 3 to consist of or in; gnyis su 'dus so consist of two things; snang srid sems su 'dus te gda' the inner, i.e., the visible world comprised in the soul. 'du khang SANST properly the hall of congregation for members in a monastery, but is a term often loosely assigned and is applied even to the ordinary ante-chamber of a temple. 'du khang du 'du ba to assemble in the congregation-hall. 'du 'khrug 1. = khams 'khrug pa or 'byung ba 'khrug pa lit. distemper, disorder in the constitution; hence illness, ill-health. 2. tumult, riot, uproar (Cs.); 'du 'khrugs pa invalid, one laid up. 'du gnas SANST; SANST [house, the world]S. 'du 'phrod + or khrod or = tshogs pa 3 assemblage, congregation, crowding together. 'du 'dzin SANST [company]S. 'du byed SANST, SANST, SANST that which is or seems to be compounded, as opp. to the simple and elementary; anything pertaining to either body, speech or mind that can be analyzed. Is thus particularised: sems kyi 'du byed metal associations, thoughts, ideas, etc.; lus kyi 'du byed material or physical compounds; ngag gi 'du byed phrases, epigram, sententious expressions etc. (K. d. wa 243). It is one of the five Skandha. Acc. to Budh. there are eight Du-je or Samskara which are necessary to the state of Samadhi (i.e., contemplative asceticism):- (1) 'dun pa [SANST love]S. (2) rtsol ba [SANST exercise]S. (3) dad pa [SANST faith]S. (4) shin tu sbyangs pa [SANST watchfulness]S. (5) dran pa [SANST memory]S. (6) shes bzhin [SANST intelligence or reflection]S. (7) sems pa [SANST confidence]S. (8) btang snyoms [SANST indifference to pleasure and pain]S. 'du ba snyoms pa = nad med pa good physical constitution, health. 'du tshogs a crowd, many people assembled together: skye bo'i 'du tshogs grong khyer spos ldan 'dra the concourse of men was like the city of Gandhavati (A. 2). 'du 'dzi entertainment of many people in one place with food and drink or with amusement, also noisy talking at the time of entertainment: nga rgyal med phyir bdag gis 'du 'dzi spangs being free from pride I have left off attending entertainments (A. 6). Also = noise, bustle, din: 'du 'dzi med pa'i dben pa 'di this solitude which is free from noise; 'du 'dzi la gnas pa to live in the midst of the bustle of worldly affairs. Acc. to the Bon there are sixteen kinds of 'du 'dzi . 'di 'dzi can SANST = a hermit, a retired man. 'du shes SANST, SANST 1. consciousness. Moreover, in the opinion of the author of this dictionary (though not in that of the editors), this word practically signifies the soul, with the difference that according to Buddhists it is not an absolute simple entity: SamjÒa conveys the idea of a collection of perceptions to form one compound entity, i.e., to form such consciousness as in capable of being analyzed. 'du shes ni yang dag par shes par byed pa'i mtshan nyid de|'du shes or consciousness is said to be the sign of perfect knowledge; chos rnams so so'i ngo bo'i mtshan nyid ldan par shes pa de 'du shes yin no| that is SamjÒa which comprises the knowledge of the nature of all different things, i.e., matter in its differentiated state (K. d. 'a 354). 2. notion, conception, image, feeling, thought: nor la rtag tu yod pa'i 'du shes skyed pa the up-rising of the idea of constant possession of earthly good; lus la gru'i 'du shes 'jug pa to unite with the human body the idea of a ship, to represent the body as a ship; skyo ba'i 'du shes byung there arose the feeling of discomfort; khra ba'i du shes spang ba the giving up of the idea of anger; dge ba'i phyogs la 'du shes cung zad kyang ma gYos no thoughts, no inclinations, tending to virtue, arose (in him), virtuous emotions never stirred in his mind; chags pa'i 'du shes can entertaining thoughts of sensual pleasure; 'du shes slar rnyed pa to recover from a state of insensibility. As one of the five phung po or skandha the term is translated by idea (Burn. I. 511), by perception (Kˆpp. 1-603). The three terms 'du shes can , 'du shes med pa , 'du shes med min may be rendered; having the faculty of thinking, having no faculty of thinking, neither thinking nor not thinking (latter part from J‰.). ['du shes or SANST samjÒa signifies 1. denomination, name; 2. knowledge derived through names, verbal association]S. 'du shes gsum 1. chung ngu SANST [little, limited]S. 2. chen por gyur pa SANAT [great, extensive]S. 3. tshad med SANST [unlimited, infinite]S. (M.V.). 'du shes kyi rnam pa SANST the 15 subject of SamjÒa necessary to full meditation on mi sdug pa are:- (1) rnam par bam pa'i 'du shes SANST; (2) rnam par 'bus 'jigs pa'i 'du shes or 'bu can gyi 'du shes SANST; (3) rnam par rnag pa'i 'du shes SANST; (4) rnam par dmar ba'i 'du shes SANST; (5) rnam par sngos pa'i 'du shes SANST; (6) rnam par zos pa'i 'du shes SANST; (7) rnam par 'thor ba'i 'du shes SANST; (8) rus pa'i 'du shes or rus gong gi 'du shes SANST; (9) rnam par tshig pa'i 'du shes SANST; (10) lus tha dad cing 'du shes tha dad pa dag , dper na mi rnams dang lha cig go SANST; (11) lus tha dad la 'du shes gcig pa dag , dper na tshangs ris kyi lha dag dang po byung ba'o SANST; (12) lus gcig la 'du shes tha dad pa dgdper na 'od gsal ba rnams so SANST; (13) lus gcig la 'du shes gcig pa dgdper na dge rgyas kyi lha rnams so SANST; (14) 'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched SANST; (15) 'du shes med pa'i sems can rnams SANST. 'du shes med pa'i gnas an imaginary place situated in the direction of 'bras bu che ba (Bon). 'du shes med pa SANST; [without consciousness]S. 'dug pa 1. to sit; to remain, to stay: 'dug 'dug phral ba min stay, stay! don't be in a hurry. 2. carries all the meanings of our verb "to be" in its usage both as an auxiliary verb and as a substantive verb. It is employed to express presence, e.g., kho khang la 'dug he is in the house; also existence and identity, e.g., de su 'dug who is that? bu mo la bu tsa gnyis 'dug the woman has two sons; also as copula to connect a noun or phrase with its attribute, e.g., chang 'di yag po 'dug this beer is good. As an auxiliary 'dug is conjoined with other verbs under varying circumstances. If annexed to the simple root, the present tense is usually indicated: sprin rnams 'da' la nyi 'od skye 'dug when the clouds pass away, sun-light appears. Added to the termin. inf. it expresses intention or compulsion: snga drol skyod par 'dug he is to set out in the morning. As an auxiliary 'dug seems to be annexed to all the gerundial and participal forms of other verbs, i.e., with the forms in kyi or gin or gi and those in nas , bas , te , and zhing ; making with the first set a periphrastical pres. tense, e.g., sa la nyal gyi 'dug he is lying on the ground, and with the second class usually an imperfect tense. In the case, however, of its use with gerunds of the second class we observe often that the sense of "it seemed" or "it was as if" is implied. Thus, 'dug commonly occurs as the auxiliary of verbs in narratives of visions, illusions, etc., and also where a certain doubtfulness or want of exactitude exists. We shall proceed to quote two passages from Milaraspa which sufficiently illustrate the latter usage and which, further, are examples of the whole participial or gerundial forms with 'dug:- nyin cig 'dod lha rigs drug gi lha rnams gsal por mthong bas|gong mas 'og ma la bdud rtsa'i char 'babs shing 'duglha rnams ngoms shing tshim nas 'dug pa la|bdag gi ma skom grir 'chi zhing 'dug pa cig mthong | one day when the deities of the six classes of gods of lust were clearly visible, those which were uppermost were, as it were, showering down rain of nectar on those below. When the deities had satisfied their thirst and were contentedly sitting together they saw one of their number who was apparently dying yet was free from thirst. de nas 'bad de bsgoms pas zhag bcu bzhi song tsa na|mtshan gang bdag gi lus 'di nam mkha'i khams tsam du song nas 'dug i gtsug nas rkang mthil yan la 'gro ba rigs drug gi sems can rnams 'dug pa la|phal cher 'o ma 'ba' zhig 'thung gi 'dugl la skar ma las 'o ma bzhos nas 'thung gi 'duggng nas byung cha med pa'i 'ur ding gi sgra chen mo dus rgyun du 'ong zhing 'dugnm langs nas sgom thag bkrol bas med par song | then, because he applied himself assiduously to meditation, when 14 days had elapsed it seemed as if his body the whole night had been even up to the skies, and it was as if there were sensate beings of the six classes of living creatures from the crown of his head to the tops and soles of his feet and for the most part they were drinking only milk; some indeed having obtained milk from the stars, were drinking it, and loud sounds of cymbals were continually coming up without his knowing whence they arose; but when night had lifted, having cast aside his meditating bonds, they vanished. Finally, it should be pointed out, how common in the colloq. is that form of the present with 'dug added to the gerund in kyi , gi , etc. In fact this form has almost superseded the ordinary present tense; although 'dug in these cases seems to be confined to express the 2nd and 3rd persons, yin or yod being substituted in the 1st person: kho-rang do-gi-dug he is going; oa-rang do-gi-yin I am going. 'dug khri a chair, a raised platform to sit upon. 'dug gnas or 'dug sa = khang khyim residence, home (Moon.). 'dug stangs = 'dug lugs manner of sitting: seng ge'i 'dug stangs the manner of a lion's sitting. The different postures of sitting are:- (1)rdo rje skyil krung ; (2) skyil mo krung ; (3) bzang po'i 'dug stangs ; (4) rgyal po rol pa'i stabs ; (5) ngal gsor gnas pa ; (6) tsog tsog pur 'dug pa ; (7) 'khyil bzhugs pa (Moon.). 'dug 'dug 1. (in the dialect of Khams) = tshab tshab byas pa . 2. = sdod sdod sit, sit. 'dud pa pf. and fut. btud SANST to bend, to make a bow; zhabs la 'dud pa to bow at a person's feet (Oag. 39); rna ba 'dud to incline one's ears to hear; rab tu 'dud pa SANST salutation. 'dun or go 'dun = sna tshogs 3 several kinds, divers, various. 'dun khang + 1. = bang mdzod 3 or 3mdzod khang 3 store-house, treasury, repository. 2. = 3sdod sa 3 residence, abode (Moon.). 3. SANST, SANST parlour, council room. 'dun pa SANST, SANST, SANST 1. longing, craving, wish, supplication; 'dun pa zhes bya ba bsam pa gang yin pa'o| what is called 'dun pa is whatever arises in the mind (K. d. 'a 355). 2. a courtier; a sycophant, flatterer, one who waits upon royalty to contribute to his pleasures and amusements: rgyal bu la 'dun pa dag na re to the prince the courtiers said (Hbrom. 145). 3. vb. to long for, crave, to hanker after: nyan pa la mi 'dun par they not having any desire to hear, dge 'dun one who is devout or is earnest in virtue or religion; also dge ba la 'dun pa to yearn for or strive after virtue. 4. one of the six early disciples of Buddha called Sadvarga (M.V.). Syn. 'dod pa ; dgongs pa ; mos pa (Moon.). 'dun ma 1. council, conference, committee: 'dun ma mi 'grig pa the committee did not agree; gzhan rnams na re srin po res gtam re smras na 'dun ma mi 'grig others said; if each srin po speaks independently the conference cannot settle (anything) (Hbrom. 136); 'dun mar bsdus they called a council together; dge 'dun a congregation or association of religious persons, the Buddhist priesthood. 2. advice, counsel: 'dun mngan pa a bad advice; 'dun ma 'debs pa to give advice; 'dun ma byed pa to take a resolution (J‰.). 3. companion, associate: gtan gyi 'dun ma phugs kyi bsam blo permanent companion, i.e., wife, and the consideration of the future. 'dun sa meeting place, assembly; association, society. 'dun sar 'khod pa posted, appointed to a position (A.K. 2-73). 'dum pa 1. sbst. concord, peace, treaty, concordat. 2. vb. to bring to reconciliation, to reconcile one's self to, to be reconciled with; 'thab pa 'dum na if contending parties are reconciled with one another; rtag tu mi 'dum mo they are constantly at variance; 'dum byed pa , mthun par byed pa to make treaty, to come to terms, to come to agreement. 'dum khra agreement, contract. 'dum bde ba = stabs bde ba (Yig.). (EEE An explanation of this phrase is given under 'jug 3.) 'dum bu seems to indicate the three se rgod 3, 3skyed pa 3, 3'om bu 3 which also are called gYu 'dum , gser 'dum , mchong 'dum (Mio-rda. 2). 'dur thick and clammy (Sch.). 'dur ba to trot, to run in a trot; 'dur gros a trot; 'dur gyis song went trotting. lcags kyi spar mo zhig 'dur gyis jo bo'i phyogs su song bas trotting along with a whip in his grasp went to the side of Atisa (A. 106). 'dur 'dur = 'gro stangs (Oag. 39): 'dur 'dur rgyugs nas bdag gi mdun du slebs came running in a trot before me (Rdsa. 31). 'dur phye drag pa very fine flour; 'dur phye zhel pa course flour (Rtsii.). 'dur bon = dur bon 3 the class of Bon who chiefly practise necromancy (Yig.). 'dul ba I: vb., pf. btul or thul , fut. gdul , imp. thul ; 'dul byed , 'dul bar bya should or ought to be converted, 'dul bar gyur ro have become converted. 1. to subdue, conquer, vanquish; sometimes even to kill, to annihilate. 2. to till, to cultivate, waste land. 3. to tame, bring under right discipline; and so, Buddhistically, to convert. This last is the most important and frequent sense of the word. 'dul ba'i rigs pa those fit for and predestined to conversion; 'gro ba nga'i 'dul bya yin the beings are to be converted by me; bdag khyed kyi 'dul byar shog cig may we become your converts! u rgyan gyi yul khams thams cad gdul byar dus la bab pas the time having arrived that all the regions of Urgyan should be converted. II: SANST discipline, taming, conversion, etc. But the word is especially applied as the title of the first section of Kahgyur which is equivalent to the Vinaya. In Budh. 'dul ba la SANST zhes pa SANST zhes pa rnam par steng ba ltu , ltung ba ston cing nges par byed pas 'dul ba zhes pa SANST zhes pa rnam par nges pas 'dul ba zhes gsungs te also ltung dang 'byung dang ldang ba dang |nges par 'byung dang gang zag dang |bcas pa dang ni rab dbye dang , rnam par nges phyir 'dul ba nyid (J. Zao.) "Hdul-wa is called Vinaya and Vipatti signifies complete falling (into sin); and that which demonstrates that fall by making sure of it is called Vinaya. It is stated by Vinishcaya that is by Rnam-par oes-pa that Vinaya is observed. That state of moral discipline, i.e., Vinaya, because of its certain action, fully distinguishes between sin, origin of sin, anger, or passion, and is so called on account of its certainty." Vinaya is subduing of the external foe as well as of the inner sufferings. Buddha is reputed to have delivered the Vinaya-pitaka scriptures consisting of 21,000 sermons; but at any rate only thirteen volumes have been translated into Tibetan. In the Tibetan Dulwa or Vinaya there are three hundred and forty four chapters and 104, 800 sloka. At the beginning of each chapter is the following heading which distinguishes it from all other pitaka:- thams cad mkhyen pa la phyag 'tshal lo Salutation to the omniscient! The section of the Dulwa treating of lung gzhi is called 'dul lung ma mo (Rda-rÒio.). 'dul ba smra ba SANST (A.K. 1-12) [one who propounds the doctrine of Vinaya-pitaka]S. 'dul ba po a tamer, discipliner. 'dul ba dang 'gal ba SANST [transgressing the laws of moral conduct]S. 'dul byed SANST [virtue of self-restraint]S. 'dul byed skyes SANST an epithet of the Garuda bird. 'dul ba'i sde SANST the Dulwa or disciplinary part of the Kahgyur. 'dul ba'i gzhi SANST the main principles of the Dulwa. 'dul ba 'dzin pa SANST a Buddhist monk who observes the rules of Vinaya. 'dul 'dzin mtsho sna pa n. of a celebrated lama of the bka' gdam pa sect of btsho sna in Tibet (Loo. 'a 9). 'dul gshen drug the six Bon ascetics or saints corresponding to the thub pa drug 3 of the Nyingma School who preside over the six states of animated being. 'dus chung rdzong n. of the chief town in the district of 'dus chung (Rtsii.). 'dus pa 1. a pf. as well as bdus of 'du ba 3; 'dus so = tshogs so assembled. sangs rgyas kyi zhing sna tshogs nas 'dus pa SANST assembled from different Buddhist mansions. 2. sbst. SANST, SANST, SANST 'dus pa'i nang na 'dug kyang rung although he may have entered the assembly or council; also = he may sit or have a seat in the council. 3. SANST typhoid fever accompanied by many complications. 'dus SANST [aggregate]S. 'dus chung n. of a district of Gtsao in Tibet. 'dus pa rin po che'i rgyud n. of collection of Tantrik works of two classes (D.R.). Again spoken of as double in form and of a secret quality:- 'dus pa rnam pa gnyis , gsang ba 'dus pa (SANST) lugs gnyis yod . These two systems are mentioned frequently: 'phags lugs dang ye shes zhabs lugs kyi chos skor tshol la shog 'dus pa rnam pa gnyis let the two classes of Tantrik collections be searched out; let some one be sent to India to fetch the classes of Tantrik works (A. 64). 'dus pa = 'byung ba 3 SANST [to become]S. 'dus dbang n. of a district in Gtsao (Rtsii.). 'dus dbang rdzong n. of the chief town in the district of 'dus dbang . 'dus byas SANST, SANST compiled, brought together; revised. 'dus byas kyi chos things or matters which are compounded are the following:- 'dod pa'i khams SANST things corporate; gzugs kyi khams SANST objects having shape and dimensions; gzugs med pa'i khams SANST formless or etherial objects. dran pa nye bar bzhag pa bzhi dang |yang dag par spong ba bzhi nas sangs rgyas kyi chos ma 'dres pa bco brgyad kyi bar ste are included in the compounded things; while ideas such as 'dus ma byas are SANST, SANST [not compounded, incorporate, uncaused]S. 'dus ma byas kyi khams things that are absolute and simple, which being never born or compounded, are not subject to dissolution or annihilation; such are so sor brtags pas 'gog pa dang |nam mkha' dang |mya ngan las 'das pa rnams so| (K. d. 91) states of the cessation of desires, metaphysical voidity, and deliverance from sufferings. 'de gu v. lde gu 3. 'de ba v. lde ba 3. 'deg pa or 'degs pa pf. bteg or btegs , fut. gdeg , imp. theg ; SANST, SANST, SANST, 1. to lift, raise, hold up, hoist; yar 'degs pa to raise up, nga su yis 'deg who will raise me; ra ro pa gdeg yong will lift up the drunken man; rdo che yar btegs pa yin the big stone has been hoisted; grags pa'i go sar 'degs pa to raise to a high rank, to raise to distinction. 2. to weigh: rgya ma la 'degs pa on a steel-yard; srang la 'degs pa to put on the balance; zhib btegs weighed accurately; 'degs khal a bushel by weight (Cs.). 'degs dpon one who weighs or measures things in the stores (of a merchant or landholder or monastery); 'degs tshod weight, weighment and measurement. 'degs mtshon = 'bul rten or gzigs rten 3 token or present sent with a letter, gen. a presentation scarf: 'degs mtshon lha reg bcas tshes bzang por phul presented on an auspicious date with a silk scarf as a souvenir (Yig. k. 27). 'degs shing a yoke; a bar or thick stick placed on a person's shoulders for carrying goods or water-buckets. 'degs gshor weighment and measurement: phar sprod tshur len gyi 'degs gshor la skyon byung na ma gtogs unless there has been fault in the weighment or measurement (of articles) in receiving or taking away, i.e., in bartering (D. Shel. 8). 'deng ba pf. 'dengs , imp. 'deng to go, depart; to vanish: bdag cag gnyis kyang pha ma'i khyim du 'deng let us both go to our parent's house (Hbrom. kha 19); rdzing bu yod pa dben zhing nyams dga' ba'i sar gos 'khrud du 'dang | they went to wash their robes at a delightful solitary place where there was a tank (Hbrom. 49); 'deng brda sprad kyis give the signal of march; nga'i phyir 'deng brda sprad kyis zer nas phyin pa'i tshe at the time of his arrival do give the signal of marching instead of me (A. 48). 'dengs tshod = lngangs pa'i tshod or langs pa'i tshod also 'dangs pa'i tshod measure of sufficiency, i.e., being just what is wanted: gzan pa'i 'dengs tshod gtong lugs kyi rtses gzhi the account regarding the payment of allowances or food according to the requirement (Rtsii.). 'ded pa or ded pa , the prefix 'a being sometimes dropped, pf. and imp. ded . 1. vb. n. to follow, to come out in succession, to succeed: rim pa bzhin re re nas 'ded pa to follow one after another, i.e., in succession; chos khungs btsun pa gang nas 'ded pa from where the immaculate monk followed out (A. 20); chos kyi rgyud pa 'ded pa to succeed or follow a particular school or sect of religion. 2. SANST to drive, pursue: 'ded du 'jug pa causes to move on; rlung gis gru 'ded the wind drives the boat, rgod ma 'ded pa a horse pursuing a mare, i.e., to be in the rut; phar 'ded pa to chase out, drive out; yar 'ded pa to drive upwards; mar 'ded pa to chase down; 'ded mi a driver, the pursuer of a fugitive. bu lon 'ded pa to urge a debtor for payment. Other phrases are ma ded , bu ded , grogs ded , dgra ded . 'ded sbyangs clever in making collection of rents or debts: lhag byas byung gi chad rnams 'ded sbyangs babs kyi gzhi the measures of excess and the budget of skilful collection (D. Shel. 8). 'ded byed = dngul chu 3 quick silver, mercury (Moon.). 'ded byed sdong po v. grul bum can 3 n. of a poisonous vegetable drug (Moon.). 'debs a puncheon (tool). 'debs pa pf. btab , fut. 'debs , imp. thob , supine 'debs su to cast, to throw; to strike, hit; to offer (Rdo. 46). In the colloq. rgyab pa 3 usually takes the place of this verb; and also, occasionally, 3rgyag pa 3. sa bon 'debs pa to throw seed, gsol ba 'debs pa to make a request, to offer or make prayers; skur pa 'debs pa to slander, cast or make reflection; gur 'debs pa to pitch a tent; sgar 'debs pa to encamp; rlung gis 'debs pa to be beaten by the wind; gdon gyis 'debs pa to be harassed, possessed, by a demon; nad kyis 'debs pa to be attacked with an illness; sngags kyis 'debs pa to pronounce a charm against a person or thing; ngo sprod 'debs pa to comment upon, to explain; gros 'debs pa to give or thrust advise; lan 'debs pa to reply, to answer; snon lam 'debs pa to express one's wish with force, to offer up a prayer; gsal 'debs byed pa commonly to remember well; gsal 'debs su shes pa to have distinct recollection of thing; rtsis 'debs pa to compute, reckon, to cast up accounts: de'i rtsis btab bdag la med I do not take that into account; lus la gzer 'debs pa knocking nails in the body; rgya 'debs pa to fix or attach a seal: chus 'debs pa to sprinkle water; tshwa sha thug pa la 'debs pa to put salted meat into the gruel; sngar btab pa'i chu gdong du (pitching) in the same dell where they had encamped before (Dzl.); dgon pa 'debs pa to found a monastery; dus 'debs pa to fix a time (J‰.). 'dem pa to prove, to examine (Sch.). 'der prob. for lder 3. 'do for mdo 3; 'do yod having substance, not hollow; prudent, clever. 'do chung a good breed of pony, prob. those imported from Amdo; 'do chung nya rlon chab la lding pa 'dra the breed of 'do chung goes smoothly as fish swimming in water (Jig.). 'do chen another Amdoan breed: 'do chen ri bong gyen du rgyug pa 'dra the 'do chen horse gallops up-hill like a hare. 'do ba vb. = zla ba 3 to say, to repeat; ma 'dos par unspeakable. 'do le a sedan, chair, the Indian dooli. Is mentioned in Pth. 'dogs pa 1. to bind, fasten, attach, to tie round, to tie to (opp. to 'grol ba 3), pf. btags , fut. gdags , imp. thogs . go mtshon lus la to buckle on the armour; glang chen 'dogs pa'i ka ba SANST a pillar to which an elephant is tied; rgyan 'dogs pa to attach an ornament; rgyan bzang po btags pa adorned with fine ornaments; mi la skyon 'dogs pa to charge a person with fault; sgro 'dogs pa v. 3sgro 3; thugs la 'dogs pa to interest one's self in or for, to take care of: khyod thugs la mi 'dogs pa 'di ci yin mi shes why he does not interest himself in your behalf I know not; thugs la btags so you have taken great care of me, a phrase frq. used where we should say: I am much obliged to you (J‰.); dam la 'dogs pa to bind under oath; phan 'dogs pa v. 3phan pa 3; phru gu la ming 'dogs pa to give a name to a child; khyi yi ming ci skad gdags how is the dog to be called? In Gram. 'dogs pa = to subjoin, affix: ya btags y subjoined to another; ra btags r subjoined to a letter; la btags the letter l subjoined to another letter; snad 'dogs gsum the three subscribed letters ya, ra, and la. 'dogs can 1. having a letter subscribed. 2. an open syllable with a vowel-sign, as go, de, mdo, etc.; 'a 'dogs consonants with the letter 'a subscribed, i.e., syllables with the vowel elongated by the addition of the letter 'a. 'dong ba + pf. and imp. dong or 'dong to go, to proceed; so sor 'dong ba to separate, to disperse: mi ngal bde blag 'dong bar shog may you without fatigue proceed happily! rgyal po'i thad du 'dong ba going direct to the king; phyi rol tu 'chag cing 'dong ba to take a walk outside; lcags kyi mkhar sgo brgya'i nang du 'dong he passed through one hundred iron portals of the fort (D.R.). 'dod pa I: vb. to desire with the mind, to wish, to be willing; zas bzang po mi 'dod does not wish for dainties, delicious food; mi za 'dod tshul byed he betrays repugnance to eating it, also: he feigns not to like this food; sbyin par 'dod par 'gyur he grows willing to give; mi 'dod par 'gyur ba he becomes disinclined; to feel no longer inclined; nyan par 'dod to wish to listen; ci dang ci 'dod pa whatever you may wish; rgyal po 'dod pa to wish to be a king; 'dod na if you wish; 'dod par bya ba will be agreeable, pleasing, obliging, flattering (Cs.). khyim 'dod I wish I were at home: me dang nyi ma 'dod I am longing for fire and for sunshine; rang 'dod zhen pa self-love; rang bzang 'dod self-complacency, vanity (I am alone good); kong jo 'dod pa la slebs they came on order to ask for the Chinese princess, i.e., to make proposal for her marriage; sangs rgyas 'gyur 'dod to aspire after Buddha-hood; na 'dod pa one that wants to grow ill, that does not take care of himself; 'dod par byed pa to make willing, disposed, persuaded to it; mi 'dod pa to be not willing, not liking; btsogs pas kun gyis mi 'dod pas as she was detested by all on account of her slovenliness. mi 'dod pa and ma 'dod pa as adj. = not wished for, disagreeable; mi 'dod pa'i las unpleasant work, hard drudgery; mi 'dod pa'i rlung adverse winds. 'dod rnams SANST utensils for religious service in a temple. II: SANST, SANST 1. lust, sensual desire: 'dod pa kun zad de after all desires have ceased; 'dod pa rnams la chags pa to indulge in one's desires or passions; 'dod pa od pa to practise cohabiting; 'dod pa'i dus 'debs pa to agree upon the time for cohabiting (J‰.). Is sometimes used as our word "love," but mostly with the sensual idea. 2. any wish or desire: 'dod pa che ba an ardent wish; 'dod pa gsum gnang na if three wishes are granted; 'dod pa thob pa to get one's wish fulfilled; 'dod pa dang bral ba to be separated from the object of one's desire, to be free from desires. 3. supposition (Ta. 45-21). 4. Kama, the god of lust. 5. num: 13 (J‰.). 6. an object of sensual pleasure, a mistress. 'dod pa lnga the five gratifications: (1) that of sight, desire for beauty, etc.; (2) that of hearing, i.e., desire for music; (3) that of smelling, i.e., desire for sweet scents; (4) that of touch; (5) that of taste, i.e., desire for sweet and delicious food. 'dod pa bcu gsum the thirteen celestial courtezans:- (1) glog gi 'od can ma ; (2) thig le mchog ma SANST; (3) ril 'jog ma SANST; (4) pad dkar ma SANST; (5) lag bzang ma ; (6) dga' ba'i shing rta ma ; (7) rab tu myos byed ma ; (8) skra 'dres ma ; (9) legs rgyan ma ; (10) mu nyang skyes ma ; (11) aa lam bu Sa ; (12) chu shing brla can ma ; (13) skad legs ma . Syn. khu ba ; sa bon ; khu byug (Moon.). 'dod khams I: SANST, SANST the world of sensual pleasures, the world of Brahma. It is situated below Paranirmana-vasa-vartin and immediately above the purgatory of the Buddhist cosmogony. 'dod pa'i yon tan 'khrig pa dang khams zas la 'dod chags dang ldan pas na 'dod khams su brjod do (So-rig.). 'dod khams kyi lha brgyad the eight classes of gods of Kamaloka are:- (1) sa bla SANST; (2) bar snang la gnas pa SANST; (3) rgyal chen bzhi'i ris SANST; (4) sum cu rtsa gsum SANST; (5) 'thab bral SANST; (6) dga' ldan SANST; (7) 'phrul dga' SANST; (8) gzhan 'phul dbang byed SANST; Kamaloka is described in the Buddhist works of Tibet as consisting of 44, 36, and 20 regions. In the first the constituents are 22 ngan 'gro unhappy states and 22 bde 'gro happy states, the former consisting of eight hot hells, eight cold hells, two (nyi tshe ba and nye 'khor ); two (yi ags bying gnas and kha 'thor ), and two (dud 'gro bying gnas and kha 'thor ); the 22 happy states comprise the human beings of the twelve continents and the ten states of Asura headed by the demon Rahu. The 36 'dod khams are:- the 16 hot cold hells, with the spheres of Preta and Asura, making 18 unhappy states and 18 bde 'gro happier states which include residence in the twelve fabulous continents and six islands. The 20 'dod khams are:- eight hells of the animal kingdom, the two ghost worlds, the four continents and the six spheres of gods (Loo. pa 16 and 17). 'dod mkhan one who sues as a lover, a suitor, one wanting (a particular thing): nga'i bu mo 'dod mkhan mang po 'dug there are many suitors for my daughter. 'dod dgu lit. all wishes, i.e., the desires in general, the word dgu here signifying many: lus 'dod dgur sgy ur pa to transform one's body at pleasure. 'dod dgur ldan pa SANST [freedom of transformation possessed by gods; occurs in the Saokhya works of the Brahmans]S. 'dod rgyal conceit, self-assurance: rgyu mtshan med pa'i rang 'dod kyi rgyal ba one thinking much of himself without cause (Situ. 119). 'dod rgyu 'dod pa'i rgyu nor longs od objects of desire; wealth, prosperity, etc. 'dod 'gro ma = snad 'tshong ma a prostitute, harlot. (Moon.). 'dod chags SANST, SANST passion, carnal desire, lust: 'dod chags zhe sdang gti mug ste|des bskyed las ni mi dge ba'o| with the growth of carnal desire, anger, and blind passion, arises sin or vice (Lo.). In Budh. 'dod chags is of four kinds: (1) gzugs kyi 'dod chags bodily or physical wants; (2) dbyings kyi 'dod chags the desires of the intellect; (3) reg pa'i 'dod chags sensual desires; (4) rnam par grol ba ma yin pa'i rtse ba'i 'dod chags moral desires other than those for perfect emancipation (K. d. wa 14). Syn. mngon zhen ; mngon 'dod ; brkam chags ; zhen pa ; sred pa ; chags pa ; rnyed 'dod ; 'dod spro ; yid kyi shing rta SANST; re ba ; thob 'dod (Moon.). 'dod chags kyi rtse ma in mystic phraseology is defined as = bya pho'i ze ba dmar po the red crest of the cock (Moj. 111). 'dod 'jo = 'dod 'jo SANST a wishing cow, a cow that yields milk at all times. 'dod gtam = chags gtam 3 or 3chags tshig 3 words of love, amorous conversation (Moon.). 'dod thag nye ba an expectant impatient person; one expecting that his wishes would be soon fulfilled. 'dod thag ma nye not impatient, not sanguine, not thinking that his object would be soon fulfilled: 'dod thag ma nye bar ri bo bags kyis 'dzegs slowly and patiently he ascended the hill (A. 131). 'dod ldan SANST, SANST, SANST 1. lustful, passionate. 2. SANST n. of a flower; 'dod ldan chen po n. of flower (K. my. ka 20.). 'dod gdungs SANST one smitten with love, love-stricken. 'dod dus SANST, SANST the spring season. 'dod don 1. desire, object of desire: 'dod don sna kha mang na gang yang mi grub (brtan mchod ) if the objects of desire be divers, not one is fulfilled. 2. v. 'dod chags dang ldan . (EEE The phrase 'dod chags dang ldan is not expounded on elsewhere in the dictionary but see under 'dod chags 3.) 'dod nog can = 'dod pa che ba 3 very ambitious, with many desires. byis pa 'dod nog can the boy wishful of many things, who knows not his mind (A. 139). 'dod pa'i dbang phyug Kamadeva = 'dod lha dga' rab dbang phyug 3 (Moon.). 'dod pa'i myos bum the intoxicating bowls of lust = nu ma 3, lang tsho'i mtshan the swelling breast of a youthful woman (Moon.). (The original copy is unclear. However, although it seems to read "bowls of dust" but "bowls of lust" fits the Tibetan.) 'dod pa na od pa SANST [walking or doing according to one's desire; a class of gods living in the world of desire]S. 'dod pa ldan 1. wishing; a lustful person. 2. = bya ngur pa (Moon.). (EEE bya ngur pa does not appear as a headword in the dictionary but see under mtshan mo 'bral 3 and 3shing rta'i lus 3.) 'dod phyogs the objects of one's desires: 'dod phyogs sna tshogs various articles of desire (Ya-sel. 40). 'dod bya SANST copulation, the act of cohabiting. 'dod dbang = met. a dog. 'dod byed 1. = dngul chu 3 quicksilver. 2. SANST as met. water, frolicsome. 'dod bral 1. met. a snake. 2. SANST passionless, free from desire. 'dod me 1. met. a he-goat. 2. the fire of lust. 'dod od ma = snad 'tshong ma 3 prostitute, a voluptuous woman, a libidinous woman. 'dod rtse na SANST as met. the cuckoo. 'dod gzugs abbr. of 'dod khams dang gzugs khams (Ya-sel. 55). 'dod zhen = brkam pa SANST passion, selfishness. 'dod log desire for sexual enjoyment, lewdness, wrong desire: 'dod log od = 'khrig pa copulation, gen. illicit connection, adultery. Syn. grong pa'i chos ; 'dod pa od ; mi tshangs od ; chags od ; log gYem (Moon.). 'dod le defined as nad pa 'khun pa lta bu . 'dod gshis bskyangs pa one who acts according to his will, a libertine; to act according to one's own wish. 'dod sred passion, eager desire. 'dod sred can avaricious, greedy. 'dod pa ni rul lta bu SANST rotten or putrid desire. 'dod pa ni dri nga ba SANST desire of a bad smell. 'dod pa rnams ni kun tu 'bar ba SANST the (his, her) burning desires injure everywhere or everything. 'dod pa rnams ni gsod pa SANST desires which kill, killing desires. 'dod pa rnam par gYo ba fickle desires. 'dod pa od pa v. 'dod od 3. (EEE In the original, the transliteration for 'dod od is given as "hdod-pa shi". It might be that the entry is meant to be "v. 3'dod pa bzhi 3 which is one enumeration of desire that occurs in Buddhist texts and which would make sense in the headword context. However this is conjectural.) 'dod pa la 'dod chags SANST carnal desire, lust. 'dod pa la 'chums pa SANST one who restrains his desire or increasing desire. 'dod pa che ba one who has many desires, discontented: 'dod pa che ba'i mi la bde ba med|bde 'dod na 'dod chung chog shes bya the man who has many desires is unhappy; if you wish for happiness limit your desires and be contented (Pha-chos 80). 'dod pa 'jo ba SANST [that which yields all that is desired]S. 'dod pa nyid SANST desire itself, desirousness. 'dod pa od pa = 'khrig pa 3 sexual union (Moon.). 'dod pa'i kha lo pa n. of a celestial courtezan (Moon.). 'dod pa'i 'khri shing an epithet of the wife of Kamadeva. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as hdod-pahi khri-shio which is clearly a dropout error.) 'dod pa'i tA la the cuckoo as dpyid kyi pho nya the messenger of the spring (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "odod-pahi ta-la" which has two errors. The original Tibetan is the correct spelling.) 'dod pa'i dri = dri zhim po 3 scent, perfumery (Moon.). 'dod pa'i pho nya SANST 1. dbyangs snyan music, sweet sounds. 2. semen virile. 3. the cuckoo. 'dod pa'i rtsod ldan SANST desire for dispute, debate, contention [eager]S. 'dod pa'i tsher gnas SANST [lustful life]S. 'dod pa'i gzugs can SANST, personification of sensual love. 'dod pa'i yon tan lnga SANST [five sensual pleasures, viz., the pleasures arising from the five objects of sense]S. 'dod pa'i yon tan wished-for goods, earthly goods and pleasures, whatever is gratifying to the senses. 'dod pa'i rim SANST lust-fever. 'dod pa'i lha 1. SANST a tutelary deity. 2. 'dod lha SANST the god of love or illicit desire. However, mention is frq. of six classes of Dod-lha or gods of desire, e.g., nyin cig 'dod lha rigs drug gi lha rnams gsal por mthong bas|gong mas 'og ma la bdud rtsi'i char 'babs shing 'dug one day the gods of the six classes of gods of desire being distinctly visible to a great distance, the rain of nectar began to descend from those above on those below (Mil. Gur. 191). 'dod lha dga' rab dbang phyug Kamadeva or SANST the god of sensual love whose other names are: yid las skyes ; gzhan las ma skyes bdag las byung ; dran pa'i shing rta ; snying la nyal ; 'gro rtsen ; chu srin rgyal mtshan can ; 'khor ba'i bla ma ; stobs ldan bsnyems ; yid la nyal ; sdom pa'i dgra ; me tog gzhu can ; mda' lnga pa ; dga' mo'i bdag po ; zhi mthar byed ; lus med ; gzhan 'phrul dbang byed bdag ; me tog mda' can ; dka' thub dgra ; myos byed ; sbrang rtsi'i kha lo pa ; yid srubs tshangs bcom ; nya yi tog ; rtse dga'i bla ma ; yid las byung ; dga' rab dbang phyug ; nyi ma'i mda' ; 'gro ba'i shing rta ; bdud sdig can ; 'dod pa'i lha ; khyab 'jug bu . (Moon.). 'dod lha'i chung ma'i ming the several names of the wife of Kama: bdud kyi dga' ma ; sgeg 'gro ma ; 'dod chags 'khri shing (Moon.). 'dod lha'i bu rnams the sons of Kama, who are:- lag pa brgya pa , sna tshogs tog , tshangs pa'i blo gros , ma 'gags pa , ded dpon dbyangs snyan , blo bzang po , mig bzang blo gros , mi gYo ba , blo gros rtse gcig , bsod nams rgyan , chos 'dod , seng ge'i sgra sgrogs pa , blo gros ngan pa , tshangs spong , glog lha (Moon.). 'don pa pf. bton , fut. acc. to Cs. gdon , imp. thon 1. to cause to go out or to come forth, to expel, throw out, eject, to take out (from a box); to dismiss; to drive forth: mchi ma 'don pa to shed tears; skad 'don pa to utter, to ejaculate, to pronounce two consonants as two distinct sounds; bsngags 'don pa to pronounce a magic formula; klog pa dang 'don pa la goms shing practising reading and pronouncing (reciting); chos 'don pa to read in monotone a book; zhal 'don du mdzad pa (Ta. 95-11) resp. = kha ton byed pa to read by heart; thugs la 'don pa to read silently. gzhan gyi srog 'don pa to pull out another's life, to kill him. 2. fig. to elevate, to raise: khri thog tu 'don pa or rgyal sar 'don pa to raise to the throne; chos mtha' ru 'don pa to arrive at the end and scope of religious knowledge (Mil.) 3. in W. to take, to taste, to eat or drink; 'don yin nam would you like a taste of that? 'don khang dining-room; 'don gir for ta gir ; 'don rag for aa rag brandy (J‰.). kha 'don Kha-hdon in kha 'don cho ga sogs 'don rgyu yod pa rites &c. to be performed by reciting by heart (Rtsii.). 'don dmag troops that are drawn up, i.e., have been arranged for battle. 'don dmag gsar bsgrigs re-arrangement of troops for battle. 'don sha ston 'jal the realization of meat-tax in the autumn (Rtsii.). 'dom or 'dom pa a lineal measure, four cubits or six feet in length, a fathom: shing 'dom do a piece of wood two fathoms long; 'dom gang one fathom; 'dom gang gru bzhi mda' gang tsam a fathom square, about the length of an arrow (Hbrom. 41). 'dom gyis 'jal ba 1. to measure by fathoms (Cs.). 2. sbst. a strong jail or dungeon. 'dom nus pa = 'dom kha thub pa , bu na ba las rang nyid 'chi ba 'dom nus pa tsam du snying brtse zhing (Khrid.). 'dom pa or generally 'doms pa , pf. gdams or dams , fut. gdam , imp. 'doms 1. to induce, to admonish, to exhort: bag med pa rnams la 'doms pa to exhort wicked persons; brtson par 'doms pa to exhort, to be diligent (Ta.). 2. to assemble, to come together. lha rnams doms shing tshim nas the gods having come together and appeased themselves (Mil.). 3. = ston pa bshad pa to demonstrate, explain; gdams ngag 'doms pa SANST, SANST to explain precepts or advice; demonstration, explanation (Situ. 51). 4. to select, to choose: khyod rang gang 'dod na gcig 'doms choose one, whichever you wish. 'doms private parts: 'doms kyi spa ba = 'doms kyi mjug ma SANST the penis, the male organ; rnga ma 'doms 'og du 'jug pa colloq. to take to one's heels; 'doms lpags foreskin, prepuce; 'doms ras SANST a small apron to cover the privy parts (Cs.); 'doms dkris the dhuti worn by the Hindus and particularly by the natives of Bengal (Moon.). [SANST, SANST, a chequered cloth for playing at draughts on, etc.]S. 'dor met. the sun. 'dor kha ba SANST n. of a medicinal drug (Moon.). [the plant Cassia alata or Tora]S. 'dor ba pf. and imp. dor SANST, SANST to cast forth, to throw out, to eject; to reject, to fling away; to sweep off or away; to give up. blang 'dor or 'dor len rejecting and taking, deciding for or against; khyod gsang sngags kyi od pa 'dor ram mi 'dor zer would you abandon or not the practice of secret charms, he said. gom pa 'dor ba = gom pa bor ba to fling forth one's steps, to stride on; 'dor bya SANST, SANST any thing forsaken or to be abandoned. 'dor byed SANST 1. one who forsakes or abandons. 2. met. blood. 3. SANST; i zhur gyi shing the spyi-shur plant of Tibet (Moon.). [the tree Terminalia tomentosa, or Marsilea quadrifolia]S. 'dol pa a kind of plant used for fire-wood in Tibet (Rtsii.). 'dol sa fertile ground or soil (Sch.). 'dra or 'dra ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; 1. a comparative term, which may be used after the manner of a verb, an adj., or a postp. meaning: to be like; equal, similar; like, as, just as. When used in the postpositional manner = like, as, etc., it is then syn. with ltar or lta bu , and in the colloq. has completely supplanted the latter. As a verb it has a pf. tense 'dras which in colloq. is the commoner post., e.g., 'di 'dras like this, so, such. It gen. takes dang as mi dngos la mi dang 'dra zer mi rung you cannot tell a real man that he is like a man; spre'u la mi dang 'dra ba zer rung as to the monkey it is right to say that it is like man. But often dang is omitted: lha 'dra ba = lha lta bu like a god; bong bu 'dra ba = bong bu lta bu like a donkey; 'dra ba 'di dag these equal things, these images, = sku 'dra ; khyed gnyis 'dra bar 'dug you two resemble each other very much; ring thung mnyam la 'dra ba equal in length; bud med du 'dra ba'i nang na amongst those who are woman-like; 'di yi gzi byin tshangs pa dang 'dra ba his brightness is equal to (that of) Brahma; gzhan gyi don la'ang rang gi 'dra bar sems pa esteeming other's advantage as high as our own; thams cad la bu gcig pa dang 'dr'o he behaved to all as to an only son; gzhan yang de dang 'dra ste gnang ba med others shall allow it just as little as he himself; sangs rgyas dang 'dra bar bya ba'i phyir in order to become equal to Buddha; gnas 'dri 'dra a place such as should be enquired about; skra 'dra ba yod dam whether there is anything like hair (left)? thed ro 'dra rnyed he found the remnants of a carcass or something like it; ro dang 'dra ba as much as dead; 'di 'dras 'ur ma rgyab cig don't make such a noise; gang nas bltas kyang 'dre yin pa 'dra from whatever way you look at him he is like what a demon is; rung ba dang 'dra na if it appears feasible; sder dgos pa 'dra it seems I shall be obliged to give it; da lan khyod nus pa che che 'dra bzhin byung ste as your strength this time at last seems to be rather great; mi 'dra ba dissimilar, unequal, different: khye'u chung ngu kha dog mi 'dra ba lnga 'khrungs te there issued forth five little boys each of a different colour; sngar dang mi 'dra ba'i bde happiness not equal to that which was before; chos pa la mi 'dra bar not like or not befitting a priest. 'di 'dra ba or de 'dra ba such, so; ci 'dra ba , ji 'dra ba of what kind, of what like; ci 'dra cig legs par ston dgos you must tell me minutely how she looks, what kind of appearance she has? phug ci 'dra cig 'ong what will be the upshot? where is this to end? nga ji 'dra bar de bzhin 'gyur he becomes just what I am; gang 'dra how? what like? In W. mtshogs takes the place of 'dra or ltar . 'dra 'dra colloq. 'dran 'dra (danda) match, rival, the two alike; sha or lcags dkar gyi rgyu 'dra 'dra la tig rtse zer something similar to the substance of tin is called zinc. 'dra mi 'dra like and unlike; equality, likeness, similarity: 'dra mi 'dra lta ba to examine the likeness. 'dra bar bzhengs image or likeness of a person or thing; a statue; anything drawn to resemble an original. Syn. sku 'dra ; gzugs brnyan ; 'dra ba ; 'dra 'bag (Moon.). 'dra bo 1. as if: the tshom zer bcug pa'i 'dra bo as if he was made to doubt. 2. likeness, copy. 'dra shus = ngo shus 3 exact or true copy. 'drangs 1. v. drangs pa 3. 2. v. 3'grangs 3. 'drad v. 'brad 3 (sen mo dang sder mo 'brad pa ). 'dran = 'gran ('dran zla byed pa to rival). 'dral pa = ral ba3; pf. dral 1. to break, violate; dam tshig 'dral ba to break a promise; khrims 'dral to break or violate law (Oag. 39). 2. to tear to pieces, to rend asunder; to rip open (an animal): dra ba 'dral ba po one who tears asunder a grating or lattice (Situ. 84). 'dri ba pf. and imp. dril or 'dris , SANST, SANST to ask, to ask for, enquire after or about (a thing): gros 'dri sa a place for asking advice, oracle; pha ma'i gtam 'dris enquired after his parents; dri ba 'dri ba to ask a question. The honorific form for this verb is zhu ba which is used to signify an inferior enquiring of a superior, whereas when the latter asks anything of the former 'dri ba is the verb employed. However, 'dri ba is also sometimes found where one would expect zhu ba to be used; thus in Tangyur, mdo, xciii, 131, we read: dge slong gis dris shing rgyal ba bcom ldan 'das thams cad gzigs pas de la gsungs the gelong having enquired, the conqueror Bhagavan because he sees all replied to him. Again in Pth. we find: sangs rgyas 'od dpag med la rgyal pos dris pa the king enquired of Buddha Amitabha. 2. sometimes occurs for 'bri ba . 3. SANST address. 'dri byed SANST interrogation, inquiry. 'dri thos information. 'drid pa + 1. = slu ba 3 to entrap, delude, deceive. 2. v. 3'brid pa 3. 'drim pa incorrectly for 'brim pa 3. 'dril ba pf. dril 1. to roll down, to be rolled along or down; to be joined, entwined or wrapped or enveloped; 'od zer gyi gang bur 'dril ba to be wrapped into a covering of light; blo sems gcig tu 'dril te whilst our minds were flowing down together; yul pa rnams kha 'dril te ngo log pa the country men uniting together (forming a league) conspired against (me); ri bo ngos la 'dril rolls down the slope of a hill. 2. vb. a. like sgril ba to wrap up, to coil, to roll about: ras kyis 'dril ba to wrap up in cotton cloth; dar sna lnga yis 'dril ba to wrap up in five sorts of silk; zangs kyis 'dril ba covered or sheathed with copper; rdo thal pho ba'i bad kan 'dril shig amalgamate the gastric mucous with stone-ash. dril bas wrapping it together, in short, to sum up all; ljags 'dril ba to roll about the tongue, moving it to and fro (Sch.). 'dris pa SANST, SANST, SANST to be well acquainted with; to be known intimately to; to be accustomed to: 'dris ma thag tu as soon as you are acquainted with, immediately after acquaintance; 'dris ma thag tu snying gtam ma bshad cig do not express your heart immediately upon becoming acquainted (Jig.); 'dris pa mi an acquaintance, a sympathizing friend. 'dru ba v. 'bru ba 3: khung bu 'dru ba to dig a hole, ditch (Oag. 30). 'drugs pa 1. = dkrugs pa 3 to stir up, agitate. 2. to fall into small pieces; to crumble (away) (Sch.). 'drud pa pf. and imp. drud 1. to drag, haul or pull along: sa la 'drud pa to drag on the ground; thag pa 'drud pa to pull at a rope. 2. to rub: lus 'drud pa to rub the body; shing 'drud pa to polish wood, to plane wood; pha til kyis 'drud kyi 'dug is striking a match. 'drub pa + pf. and imp drub or drubs 1. = 'tshem pa 3 to sew. 2. to embroider; 'tshem 'drub needle work; 'drubs su bya ba = skud ris SANST needle-work or sewing. 3. to heal up: rma 'drub the wound is healed. 'drul ba pf. drul 1. = rul ba 3 to rot, to grow putrid. 'dul bar gyur ba to become putrid, to become decomposed. 2. = 3lhung ba 3 to slip down, to fall down: khro bo gzhan gyi phyag cha 'drul ba zhig tu mdzad de (A. 17) making the weapon of another angry deity to fall down. 'dre SANST a general term for a demon, or evil spirit; shi 'dre the ghost of the dead; gson 'dre a goblin possessing a living man; bya 'dre bird-goblin; za 'dre a word for "owl" (J‰.); 'dres 'khyer carried off by goblins; 'di mi yin nam 'dre yin is this a man or is it a demon? 'dre 'dul ba to subdue or suppress evil spirits. 'dre dkar a class of demons whom the Bon worship with a view to keep off other mischievous spirits; 'dre bkol n. of a disciple of Padma Sambhava (Deb. ga 46). 'dre skrod pa to cast out evil spirits; 'dre pho a male devil; 'dre bu a young devil; 'dre mo a female devil; 'dre me bud the fire-blowing devil, the will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fatuus (Schtr.); 'dre dmag a troop of demons, a goblin host. 'dre 'jigs SANST lit. the devil's fear, a fragrant gum resin the smoke of which is a terror to ghosts and evil spirits. 'dre 'jigs thang chung = gu gul nag po (mystic) (Sman.). 'dre rje baâ (khyung po rdo rje ) n. of a celebrated physician of Tibet who was born of the family of Byu-thog-pa. He was physician to king Guo-sroo guo-btsao. (Gyu. 2.). 'dre ldog SANST [a plunderer]S. 'dre pang kha n. of a medicinal fruit = sgong thog 3 (Vai. so.). 'dre shig lit. 'devil louse,' = bedbug. 'dre ba I: pf. and imp. 'dres , acc. to J‰. vb. n. to bsre ba 3 1. to be mixed up with, to blend together; to go together: phyogs gcig tu 'dres mixed together, miscellaneous; 'dres mtshams the limits of conjunction; tshig gzhan ma 'dres par without mingling other talk with (the conversation); kha dang snying ma 'dres a man with whom outer word and inner feelings do not blend; chos dang chos ma yin pa 'dres a medley of religion and irreligion. In an absolute sense: od pa 'dres te mu stegs par gyur to identifying himself with overt practices, he became a Brahmanist; dud 'gro 'dres pa an animal of mixed breed, a cross, mongrel; ma 'dres pa unmixed, pure, unadulterated; ma 'dres par without confounding or mixing up together, sharply discrimination (partly from J‰.). II: (rig pas 'dre ba ) 1. to discriminate by intelligence. 2. to interfere with; to have intercourse with, to engage in: rang sems bla ma 'dres pas bde through your, the lama's intercourse with my soul, I am happy (J‰.). 'dreg pa (v. 'breg pa 3), pf. 'dregs pa : to excise, to shave the hair, to pare nails, etc. 'dreg mkhan SANST, SANST; a barber, one who crops hair. Syn. of latter term: skra mkhan ; zla 'dzin; mtho ris grags ; mthar gnas pa ; 'breg pa (Moon.). 'dreg mkhan gyi lag cha SANST; the implements of a barber. 'dred pa = blo sems sun pa 1. to be sick of (at heart), to be disgusted or annoyed. 2. to slide, glide, to slip (J‰.). 'dren chas defined as ad lag phar tshur spor ba the removal of things from one place to another (Rtsii.). 'dren thang = ma chen 3 a cook (Moon.). 'dren pa I: pf. drang or drangs , fut. drang , imp. drong or drongs 1. to draw, to pull: shing 'dren pa to haul wood; thag pas ro zhig 'dren pa to drag a corpse by a rope; rma bya'i sgro rnams drangs bum pa la bzhag nas the feathers pulled forth from the peacock were placed in the sacred jar. 2. to conduct, to draw along, to invite: lam 'dren pa to guide in a journey, a guide; log 'dren pa to mislead, to take to the wrong way, i.e., to the state of unhappiness and hell; yul du dmag 'dren pa to conduct an army into a country; nang la bgrod mkhan drangs nas yod invited the wayfarer indoors; to invite is usually rendered by an or gdan 'dren pa ; an ma drangs par 'gro ba to go uninvited; an 'dran pa also = to call up a spirit, to invite or draw up a deity: las kyi bum pa shar sgor bzhag mdun du bla ma yi dam an drangs mchod nas stong nyid bsgom having placed the vessel of fate at the eastern entrance, the lama (standing) in front made offerings to the tutelary deity he had conjured up and meditated on the very void. Sometimes, also, the form an 'dren pa must be merely literally rendered, e.g., gsol du gzim thung an 'dren te drawing to his eyes a little sleep at dinner, or closing his eyes for a short nap when eating. Other usages of 'dren pa may be quoted: kha mchus 'dren pa to suck; sna 'dren pa to guide, lead, e.g., chu sna 'dren pa to conduct water, to irrigate; zhabs 'dren pa to disgrace, to bring shame to, to insult; blo 'dren pa or yid 'dren pa to persuade, to induce; gdan 'dren pa to appoint; also to go to meet; to invite. II: SANST, the chief, lord, husband, guide: bla ma ni nga'i 'dren yin the lama is my guide: 'dren pa gtso SANST the chief leader, a husband. 'dren ma = 'dres ma 3 SANST complex. 'dres pa SANST; SANST, SANST to be mixed; a mixture: chu dang 'o ma 'dres pa a mixture of milk and water. sdig dang dngos bu lta bu'i 'dres pa a mixture as of sin and property. Syn. 'khrugs pa ; 'chol ba (Moon.). 'dres rnyog disorder, confusion; sde tshan 'dres rnyog med par no disorder in the chapters and sections of the book (Rtsii.). 'dres par gyur SANST become mixed up. 'dres ma SANST medley, mixture, anything mixed up together: sna tshogs 'dres ma 'dra like different sorts mixed up together (Oag. 39). 'drog pa 1. to wince, shrink, quiver, shudder (from fear); rta 'drog pa the shying of a horse; 'drog can shy, skittish, easily frightened. 2. 'drog slong ba take by surprise, to deceive by cunning, to outwit (J‰.). 'drong pa (yid la song ba ) to believe, confide in: khyod nas gnas tshul zhib gsal bsring 'byor yid la 'drong zhing the detailed clear news obtained from you being reliable. 'drongs pa = 'dren pa 3. 'dron skyong gi bu Kasyapa Piri, the son of 'dron skyong the keeper of light. 'drobs pa SANST straight. rda ba one of the thirty-six border-countries of India (Ya-sel. 38). rdang v. gdang 3. rdab pa to fold, pile one upon another; clapping one hand against another, v. rdeb pa 3. rdab sgra sound of clapping of the hands, clap (Rtsii.). rdar ba to sharpen, grind: gri rdar ba to sharpen a knife, v. bdar ba 3. rdal = thar thor 3 scattered, separated from each other as houses are in the suburbs of a town: grong rdal the suburbs of a town (Oag. 40). rdal ba = 'gram pa , pf. and fut. brdal , imp. rdol , also gdal ba , bdal ba to spread, stretch out, to include: rdzing gi zhabs byems brdal the bottom of the pond is strewn with sand; dam chos thang mar rdal ba la now when holy religion (Buddhism) lies before you as if it were spread out in a plain, i.e., when it is accessible to all; khyab rdal comprehensive; all-embracing: sems nam mkha' lta bu khyab rdal the mind is all-embracing; sos rdal slowly, not in a hurry (Sch.). rdig for yo byad nang gi rdig kun all the utensils and furniture of house. rdigs pa to beat (Sch.), prob. = rdeg pa 3. rdib pa pf. rdibs , to crumble, to fall to pieces, collapse, cave in: khang pa rdib pa the house breaks down; thog rdib pa the roof gives way (Oag. 40). Also to get dinted, battered (like tin vessels by a blow or knock) (J‰.). rdu ba a thistle (Cs.). rdug pa pf. brdugs , fut. brdug 1. to conquer, to worst: klu rnams kyis lha ma yin thub cing rdug par byas te the Nagas having overcome and worsted the Asuras. 2. to devastate, wreck, undo: der thabs brdugs pas as all the resources were destroyed; rdugs = glags ma rnyed pa destitute, wrecked (Oag. 40); u rdug pa or 'u rdugs a wreck, one shattered by indiscreet actions, entangled with debts and vicissitudes, a destitute person; phu rdugs a bewildered person. rdung a small mound, hillock (J‰.). rdung ba = bdung ba 3, pf. brdungs , fut. brdung , imp. brdungs or rdung 1. to beat, to strike, to drub; tho bas rdung ba to beat with a hammer; seng ldang gi rnga bo che brdungs shing having beaten a large drum of lion acacia (Pth.); rdungs shing beat him, strike him; sgo rdung ba to knock at a door. 2. to break to pieces, to smash, to beat out (bra bo buckwheat with a stick); steng rdung a pestle; bro rdung ba to dance; gzhu rdung ba to bend the bow (v. Sch. on Dzl. 162-11); rdung mkhan = rdung pa po a beater, striker, fighter, fuller. rdung gtag prob. a drubbing, a sound thrashing: rdung gtag byung I have got a thrashing (J‰.); rdung byed = dbyug po a stick, a striker; rdung 'tshog pa = brdung ba to cudgel, a cudgelling (Oag. 40). rdum maimed, limbless: lag rdum armless; mjug rdum tail-less (Oag. 40); rkang rdum a maimed foot; rwa rdum a mutilated horn; rdum po, rtse med pa , mgo med headless, without the top; rdum byed pa to mutilate; anything mutilated, maimed. rdul SANST, SANST, SANST 1. dust, motes, particles of dust in the air visible in the rays of the sun, pollen: khu khrag gi rdul rab thams cad all the particles of the procreative fluid (Vai. so.). 2. the subtle components of impalpable or intangible things (such as smells, heat, cold, etc.); perhaps molecule, monad. rdul gyi snying po SANST [the essence of dust; camphor]S. rdul gyi thig le SANST [mark of dust]S. rdul thul dust arises. rdul mi thul bar byed pa 1. to lay the dust, minutest particles. 2. a woman's menstrual discharge. rdul phra rab SANST or rdul phra rab cha med atom, indivisible particle. rdul phran or rdul 'phran mo SANST the minutest particle; rdul du rlog pa = rdul thal bar rlog pa to crush or pound a thing until it is reduced to powder; glang rdul a mote in the dung of an ox, a small particle of cowdung; rdo rje rdul diamond-powder; rdul dmar SANST, SANST vermillion powder. rdul tshub a whirling cloud of dust. rdul tshon paint-powder, coloured stone-dust, used in ceremonies for making figures drawn in the sand more visible (Rtsii.). rdul gzan a blouse, a travelling-cloak against dust, a god wears it (Vai. kar.). rdul can 1. dusty. 2. = dur byin . 3. SANST in menstruation. rdul can ma'i bu the son of Rdul-can-ma, Parasurama (dga' byed dgra sta ). rdul bcas ma = bu mo gzhon nu ma young girl, a maiden, damsel, young woman (Moon.). (EEE In the original, the headword for this entry is "la bcas ma rdu", which is simply a typesetting error.) rdul 'joms [SANST destroyer of dust; water]S. rdul ldan 1. SANST a bee. 2. SANST night. rdul 'phyang SANST [reduced to dust]S. rdul bral SANST (A.K. 1-61) = thar pa salvation, emancipation (Moon.). rdul ma SANST dust. rdul mun snying stobs acc. to dus 'khor lo (Kalachakra): rdul ni sems yul la 'jug pa'i rang bzhin|mun pa ni shes pa yul la mi phyogs par kun tu rmongs pa|snying stobs ni shes pa yul la gsal bar 'jug pa dang myur du 'jug pa'i rang bzhin yin par bshad pas so (Rgyan. 11). rde in compounds for rde'u . rdeg pa or rdegs pa , rdegs or brdegs , fut. brdeg , imp. brdegs or rdeg : 1. to beat, strike, smite; rdig cing od pa SANST to commit rape; to force cohabitation; me long la brdeg cing beating the looking glass in anger; rdeg 'chog gi sdug bsngal torment of corporal punishment, the ill fortune of getting a beating. 2. to push, thrust, knock, kick; phul rdeg byed pa to give a blow with the fist (Sch.); rdeg cha mkhan = mgar ba blacksmith (Moon.); rdeg chos a dance; rdeg chos pa to dance. brdeg seems to occur also as pres. tense; also in combinations: btsan thabs kyi brdeg 'chag gnang nas giving thumpings and rendings of a violent kind (Mil.). rdeb da ru (Vai. so.) incorrectly for SANST; deodar, species of cedar. rdeb pa for sdeb pa 3. rdebs pa acc. to J‰. prob. the original form, but of rare occurrence, for rdab pa 3: pf. brdabs , fut. brdab 1. to throw down with a clap, to fling or knock down: lus sa la rdebs pa to prostrate one's self; rtas rdebs thrown by a horse. 2. to throw to and fro, to toss about: mdo bo rdebs shing 'dre ldog pa to roll on the ground as ponies do, to wallow. 3. to stumble: chal rdab pa or rdab chal ba to slip and stumble (Sch.). rde'u or rdel po diminutive of rdo , 1. small stone, pebble. rde'u bskyur ba bzhin like a little stone thrown on the ground (Glr.). 2. the stone, calculus in males, mo rde in females; rde'u chags pa the concrescence of a calculus; rde'u 'don pa the removing of stone (Cs.); rde dkar a white pebble (Cs.); rdel khra a coloured pebble (Cs.); rdel 'gram (lit. the spreading of little stones) the counting with pebbles (Cs.). 3. a musket-ball or bullet. rde'u bcud len the enchanted pebble; anciently in India the Buddhist sages used to enchant pebbles with the pretence of subsisting on them when performing contemplative feats. rde'u chang bran pimples on face from excessive drinking. rde'u par a bullet fount or bullet mould. rdo SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. a stone, a boulder. 2. main or real point (in a memorial, complaint or application). 3. a weight, for weighing things by a balance. dngul rdo a stone containing silver, silver ore; sprin rdo prob. a topaz; sbra rdo asbestos; me rdo fire-stone, flint; zur rdo corner-stone; gser rdo gold ore, stone containing gold (Cs.); rdo spom a boulder; rdo rtsig a stone wall; rdo zam stone bridge; rdo'i rnam gyur formed of stone; rdo'i thub pa a stone image of Sakya-thubpa; rdo'i bu mineral formation; rdo zo ba stone-worker, quarry-man; rdo gzhogs a cut or squared stone. Syn. rdo ba ; sped ; gor ma ; btsog po ; ju po ; gtun (Moon.). rdo dkar (shel gyi rigs a kind of crystal) SANST, SANST a white stone, acc. to Sch. alabaster. rdo dkar po chig thub a mineral medicine (Moon.). rdo klad a stone resembling a sheep's brain in appearance, and used as a remedy for diseases of the brain. (Sman.). rdo skyur another mineral medicinal substance (Sman.). rdo skyes SANST; bitumen = brag zhun 3 (Moon.). rdo bcud bitumen (mystic) (Mio-rda). 4. rdo skran a kind of steatite or soap-stone (J‰.). rdo kha vein in a stone; also = rtsa ba bzung sa what is fundamental in the points of an argument; the basis of the complaint in a suit; the subject matter. rdo kha med pa'i skye rgyus kha thag ring rigs (D. Shel. 6). rdo khog 1. a hollow or natural cavern in a rock. 2. acc. to J‰.: a stone-pot SANST. rdo mkhan 1. SANST stone-cutter, or worker. 2. SANST the thunder. rdo mkhris (rdo snan ) gallstone (Moon.). Used, it is asserted, as a medicinal application: rdo mkhris rma yi rtsa kha sdom par byed (Sman.). rdo rgyud various kinds of soft stones, as serpentine, soap-stone, chalk, etc. rdo rgyus 1. a medicinal stone (Moon.). This mineral cures swellings of the veins and sprains and contraction of the muscles (Sman.). 2. oath in contracting friendship to make it lasting. rdo 'chang a stone of such a size as can easily be held by a man as a weapon. rdo 'jog SANST Taxila, n. of a sacred place of Buddhists; the ancient capital of the Panjab when Alexander the Great invaded that region. rdo mnyen a soft kind of stone, alabaster. rdo snying or rdo yi snying po 1. = lcags SANST, SANST iron, lit. the pith of stone. rdo yi snying pos mchin pa'i dug sel iron removes the poison of diseased liver (Sman.). 2. SANST mar gad acc. to Sch. jasper [emerald]S. rdo thal (rdo snan ) (Moon.) stone-ashes (Cs.), calcined stone (J‰.), quicklime (Sch.), chalk (Schtr.). But v. rdo thal pho ba'i bad kan 'dril bshig (Sman.). rdo thal byugs pa to rough-cast, to plaster. (EEE The phrase rdo thal pho ba'i bad kan 'dril shig is described under 'dril ba 3.) rdo don = don gyi snying po (Rtsii.) purport, substance of any prayer or application. rdo dreg (brag zhun lta bu a kind of pitch) (Moon.) not as in J‰. the dirt on stone. rdo dreg dug dang tshad pa rnying pa sel pitch eradicates chronic inflamation and poison (Sman.). rdo snum rock-oil, petroleum; rdo snum lcags mna' sho oiled iron used as horoscopic dice. rdo spos solid incense: rdo spos 'du ba'i nad la phan par byed is of use in some constitutional diseases (Sman.). rdo 'phangs pa'i mdo n. of a sutra in the Mdo section of the Kahgyur ra 426 describing the miraculous feat of Buddha in throwing missiles performed by him in the country of the Malla. rdo ba is another word for rdo a stone: rdo ba char 'beb so sor nad byung sel|dgun gyi dus su sa thams cad rdo ba ltar gyur in winter time the soil becomes (hard) like stone (Khrid.); rdo bar gyur pa SANST converted into stone, turned into fossil. rdo sbrags explained as spe ser nyi ma thang gi bla ma (Oag. 53). rdo tshad a bar of silver bullion of about 4 pounds in weight. rdo tshig = tshig brtan pa firm expression or word (Oag. 40). rdo zhun bitumen, mineral pitch. rdo zho lime (both quick and slaked). rdo gzhod SANST [a mallet for breaking small stones]S. rdo gzong = rdo ba 'joms byed (Moon.). rdo yi rgyal po bzhi the four kings of stone, viz.: tortoise-shell stone:- spal rgyab dkar po ; chib thub dkar po ; snug po . rdo yi zas can = phug ron 3 SANST met. a pigeon (Moon.). rdo ring or rdo rings a stone pillar, obelisk or monument, or an ornament of buildings. There is a famous Do-ring near the chief temple of Lhasa with an inscription recording a victory of the Tibetans over the Chinese. rdo rus thug to the last extremity (Sch.). rdo sol coal (Moon.), mineral coal. rdo rje 1. SANST, SANST, SANST; rdo yi rje or rdo yi rgyal po lit. the prince of stones, and said, primarily, to be SANST = mi phyed pa or mi bshig pa infallible or indestructible, also unchangeable, hence holy, venerable; but is best known as Indra's thunder-bolt or sceptre. With the Northern Buddhists a supposed model of this sceptre has long been in use as a ritual instrument of the Tantrik priests, held by them during prayer in their hands and moved about in various directions; it is used as a symbol of durability and of power. The vajra or dorje is, moreover, a common symbol in representations of deities in whose hands it is there placed. In Tibet the standard shape for all dorjes is a huge golden one in Sera monastery near Lhasa, which is alleged to have a miraculous origin and is carried in procession on a certain day annually through the streets of Lhasa. rdo rje mkha' 'gro SANST heavenly females, a class of celestial deities who in their attributes resemble superior fairies. They appear to have played a very important part in later Buddhism. bde mchog rdo rje mkha' 'gro'i rgyud le'u lnga bcu is the n. of a treatise (in K. phal. nga). rdo rje 'khor lo an epithet of Sambhara (bde mchog ) a chief Tantrik deity of the Buddhist pantheon (Moon.). rdo rje gling lit. place of the ritual sceptre, n. of a monastery formerly belonging to Sikkim from which the important hill station of Darjeeling derives its name. It once stood on the Observatory-hill at Darjeeling. rdo rje rgyal mtshan SANST, SANST; the standard of Victory, a fuller name for the Buddhist folded flag or emblem of conquest. [Having a vajra for an ensign; n. of the demon Naraka]S. rdo rje rgyal mtshan gyi bsngo ba (in K. phal. pa). (EEE The original reads "in (K. phal. pa)", but this is probably a punctuation error.) rdo rje rgya gram the fixed unchangeable posture of sitting cross-legged, v. rgya 3. rdo rje gri gug an epithet of Heruka called dgyes pa rdo rje he who holds a scimitar in his hand (Moon.). rdo rje bcu'i snying po lit. the essence of ten vajra, n. of a Sutra. rdo rje gcod pa SANST; title of a religious book most extensively used among the Northern Buddhists. rdo rje chos bdun = rnam snang chos bdun the seven venerable sermons of Vairotsana (K. phal. ma). rdo rje 'jigs byed SANST is a tutelary deity of the drag gshed 3 or terrifying type, held to be a manifestation of the Bodhisattva Jampal (MaÒjusri) who under this guise assumes the character of Shin-je the lord of death. Among the Mongols this tutelary deity is very popular under the title of Ayol ghakchi. A ritual for placing a person under the protection of Dorje Jig-jye occurs in the Kahgyur. rdo rje bcom SANST killed by the Vajra of Indra (A.K. 1-42). rdo rje chos kyi glu hymns of Buddhist Tantrikism: go so ma pu rir rdo rje chos kyi glu bsgy ur te (A. 66) having translated Tantrik hymns at the monastery of Kusumapuri. rdo rje mchog n. of a bird (K. ko. ka 2). rdo rje 'chang SANST is the Yeshes Sems-pa or Dhyani Bodhisattva evolved from the 2nd Dhyani Buddha mi skyod pa (Sans. Akshobhya). Has been chosen to be the ruling deity in the Tantrik system under the appellation of phyag na rdo rje or, in brief, Chhak-dor. Syn. lag na rdo rje ; rigs kun khyab bdag ; rigs brgya'i bdag ; nges pa lnga ldan ; kha sbyor bdun ldan ; gsang sngags rgyal (Moon.). rdo rje nyi ma SANST; lit. the venerable sun; n. of sutra [also, of a Buddha]S. rdo rje snying zhus le'u gcig n. of a sutra (K. d. tha). rdo rje snying po rgyan gyi rgyud a Tantrik sutra descriptive of acquiring perfection (K. g. ta 134). rdo rje snying gzungs (see K. g. ka). rdo rje snying po rdo rje lce 'bab pa n. of a dharani (K. g. cha 93) used as a protection against epidemics, enemy, evil spirits, also to stop rain, to cause rain to fall, to make abundant harvest, etc. rdo rje dril bu n. of an Indian Buddhist sage (K. dun. 20). rdo rje gdan SANST; SANST, SANST; described as 'phags yul gyi lte ba the navel of India, namely Gaya, considered the holiest of all places in the Buddhist world (Moon.). In Pth. (folio 124, etc.) occurs a story of the destruction of Gaya by fire. rdo rje gdan pa 1. an epithet of Buddha (Moon.). 2. names of three Indian sages of Vajrasana (Gaya) (K. dun. 43). rdo rje gdan bzhi'i rgyud a Tantra treating of the twelve signs of the zodiac, of the symbolic hand gestures (lag brda ston pa ), of the Khadoma, of the use of rosaries, etc. (K. g. nga 57). rdo rje bdud rtsi'i rgyud le'u bcu gcig n. of a Tantra in the Kahgyur (K. phal. ca). rdo rje gdengs pa'i rgyud another Tantra (K. phal. ja). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "...gcu-..." which is clearly in error.) rdo rje nag mo SANST n. of a Tantrik goddess. rdo rje rnam 'joms kyi gzungs n. of a special dharani or mystical sentence (K. phal. ma). rdo rje rnon po an epithet of the Bodhisattva Jam-yang, an aspect of Jampal or MaÒjusri (Moon.). rdo rje pad ma SANST, seems to be some Bodhisattva. rdo rje pha lam SANST, SANST a diamond believed to be formed of stone derived from earth and water and said to be of four qualities corresponding to the four castes of men in India (Moon.). Syn. nor bu'i mchog ; rdo rje'i rigs (Moon.). rdo rje pha lam ni thams cad phigs shing gcog nus kyang |rus spal gyi khog pa dang ra rus chog go (K. my. ka 228). rdo rje pha lam thog kun bzlog par byed (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "Rdo-rje phal-lam thog kun brjog pao-byed" which has three errors in it. The original Tibetan is correct.) rdo rje rnam 'joms kyi bshad rgyud n. of a Tantra in the Kahgyur (K. phal. ma). rdo rje gnam lcags mchu lit. the thunderbolt lips, n. of Tantra (K. phal. ma). rdo rje phag mo SANST a popular goddess of the Karmapa sect who is said to have frightened and vanquished the enemies of Buddhism by manifesting herself in the form of a sow. Her spirit is continuously transmitted incarnate in each successive abbess who presides over the monastery of Samding on the shore of Yamdok lake in Tibet. rdo rje phur pa the vajrakila, a religions instrument the upper part of which is of the shape of a dorje and the lower a phurpa or mystic dagger. rdo rje phur pa rtsa ba'i rgyud to enchant a phurpa for suppressing evil spirits (K. g. nga 288). rdo rje phreng ba Vajra mala, n. of a Tantra (K. phal. ja). rdo rje dbyings kyi dbang phyug ma an epithet of dbyangs can ma the goddess Sarasvati (Moon.). In later Buddhism, she is the Yum or Sakti of the Bodhisattva Jampal (MaÒjusri) and is popular among the Mongols under the designation of Egeshikt¸ Eke. rdo rje mi pham me ltar 'bar ba rmongs byed kyi gzungs is a dharani in (K. phal. ma). rdo rje me lce n. of hell where flames of fire issue resembling the point of the dorje (Ya-sel. 43). rdo rje rtse dgu pa lit. a dorje made with nine points; n. of a religious work which was unearthed by Pad-ma glio-pa, a dorje made of meteoric metal with nine points being found with the book: pad ma gling pa'i gter byon gnam lcags kyi rdo rje rtse dgu pa gcig (S. kar. 193). rdo rje 'dzin SANST an epithet of a terrific deity who is guardian of mysticism and preserver. Often confounded with the Dhyani-sattva Dorje Chang or Chhak-dor of the Tantras. Syn. phyag na rdo rje ; brgya byin gsang sngags kyi sgrub pa po (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "Rdo-rje rdsin" which is clearly in error.) rdo rje 'dzin pa an exorcist, a Tantrik priest. Syn. sngags pa ; sngags 'chang (Moon.). rdo rje lu gu rgyud ma'i rtog pa a mystical work used by the blue-dress Bon exorcists of Tibet (K. phal. ma). rdo rje sa 'og gi rgyud le'u bcu gsum pa a mystical work in thirteen chapters called the nether Tantra (K. phal. tha). rdo rje sa gsum du rtogs pa'i rgyu le'u lnga pa (K. g. tha 343) a Tantra of Vajrapani to meditate on the three stages of Bodhisattva perfection. rdo rje sems dpa' SANST 1. an eternal and unchangeable being who is Adi-Buddha of the Nyingma school. 2. a Tantrik form of Akshobhya, the 2nd Dhyani Buddha, which was introduced to followers of the Dorje Vehicle by Padma Sambhava and stated by him to be president of the Eastern Heaven where he sits on a white lotus. Is often represented clasping a female as his Yum or Sakti. rdo rje sems dpa'i sgy u 'phrul dra ba thams cad kyi me long zhes bya ba'i rgyu (K. g. wa171) n. of a Tantra used by the RÒio-ma sect. rdo rje legs pa an epithet of the tutelary deity Dam-chen who under the present Dalai-Lama's rule occupies the position of a chief guardian of Buddhism in Tibet (Rtsii.). rdo rje slob dpon SANST; sngags pa'i mkhan po (Rtsii.) professor of the Mantra section in a monastery of the Tantrik school; also the lama of a monastery who is in charge of the Tantrik ritual. rdo rje'i skyil krung mystical posture, the posture of sitting cross-legged. rdo rje'i mchu can SANST, SANST 1. an epithet of Ganapati, also that of Garuda the eagle-kingówho carries Virnu on his back. 2. bya pho rog the raven. 3. = SANST a tutelary deity, sometimes held to be identical with gshin rje gshed or Yamantaka, a Tantrik development of Yama the lord of death. rdo rje'i 'jim pa or rin po che'i 'jim pa mortar composed of pulverized cement of marvelous properties. rdo rje'i mjug ma met. a god (Moon.). rdo rje'i tshig lit. the precious or holy word; truth; the word of Buddha, held to be free from deception, unchangeable, of profound sense, and hard to comprehend. Syn. snying po'i tshig ; mnyam pa'i tshig ; bden pa'i tshig ; me phyed pa'i tshig ; brtan pa'i tshig (K. d. na 118). rdo rje'i zegs = thunder (Moon.). rdo rje'i rigs kyi snying po = rgyud 3 SANST mysticism, mystical charms: rdo rje'i rigs kyi snying po'i rgyal po 'di dag these princes of charms will bless the soul (Surao. 12). rdo rje'i gtun a knocker made of precious stones. (EEE The original gives the Tibetan of the headword as rdo rje'i mtun which cannot be correct. The transliteration of the headword as "rdo-rjehi gtun" follows the accepted spelling so the headword has been altered accordingly in this edition.) rdo rje'i thog kyi rdo rje'i rgyud le'u gnyis pa n. of the second chapter Hevajra Tantra (K. phal. nga). rdo rje'i tshe a very long life, immortality: zag med rdo rje lta bu'i tshe la mnga' brnyed pas he having obtained life like the undecaying dorje. rdo ra 1. = rdo rje ra ba enclosure with a railing or wall made with posts or pillars with capitals of the shape of the dorje or with dorje on their tops (such is the shape of the wall which surrounds the monastery of Samye in Tibet). 2. = circle of dancers (J‰.). rdo lAa kha n. of a place in Nepal (Dsam.). rdog 1. an item, any single thing or single piece as in 'bru rdog a grain of corn; phreng rdog the bead of a rosary, sran rdog bdun seven peas. 2. a root. 3. just about: phebs rdog just about to start, on the tip-toe of starting (Yig. 4). rdog tsam rdog tsam only a little bit: spu gris rna ba dang mjug ma'i rtse rdog tsam rdog tsam bcad with razor cut just a little of the hair of the ear and from the tip of the tail (Rdsa. 3). rdog tshig = rdo tshig 3 the main point, subject-matter: sngon du skyid sdug snyan zhu'i rdog tshig ltar (Rdsa.) according to the main points of my first petition, my state, i.e., the circumstances under which I laboured, was. rdog dkar ba = rtog dkar ba for do dam pa 3 supervisor, overseer: rdog dkar ba la rtsam khal lnga the allowance of five khal of barley flour for an overseer (Rtsii.). rdog 'gril ba = ha cang zhib rtsis byed pa to enumerate exactly, scrutinize carefully; formed into minute grain: nyung dkar las rdog 'gril ba even more-fully grained than white mustard seed. rdog thon pa to go out together. rdog pa any action with the foot, but chiefly a footstep; a stride or pace: rdog pa 'bor ba to step, to pace, to walk (Cs.); rdog pa rgyab pa to stamp on the ground with the feet, to kick. rdog po or rdog ma = rdog 3 each; also one of the two loads placed on the back of a pack horse or any beast of burden. khur po gcig the load a man can carry on his back. rdog zho the price or charge of articles at one sho each. rdog leb a flat piece (Rtsii.). rdongs pa v. sdong ba 3. rdob pa = 'phul ba 3 to give, offer. rdom chang colloq. 1. many persons who drink wine together. 2. colloq. for a stone rdo 'chang . rdor imp. of rdar ba : gri chung rdor sharpen the knife! (Oag. 40). rdol pa for gdol pa a cobbler. rdol ba pf. and fut. brdol ba , to come forth, to make its appearance, to come up (as of a plant); to be revealed: gter ston gyis bris chos kyi gsang gnas rdol nas the hiding-place of the books having been revealed by the treasure-finder; to come out, percolate (as of water from a vessel or rock), to let in water: ja 'bing gis chu rdol 'dug the tea-pot runs or leaks; mi nad rdol zhing disease breaking out among men. rdol chos = rtsing chos (Oag. 40). rdol bug = rdol pa'i bu ga leak or hole in a vessel: lcags kyi lhung bzed rab tshad rdol bug med pa bsnams pa he carried an iron mendicant's platter without any holes in it (A. 22). rdol gzer an instrument for boring metal (Sch.). rdos pa 1. adj. swollen, bloated, like to burst: lus rdos che ba very corpulent body. 2. vb. n. to break, burst, flow out: lbu ba rdos pa the bursting of a bubble. dbugs rdos pa to pant. lda gu discourse, speech, conversation (J‰.); lda gu can talkative (Cs.). lda gu lab pa to talk. lda man a couple of small kettle-drums one hanging in front, the other behind, the latter being beaten by a second person that follows the bearer (J‰.). lda ldi SANST, SANST string (of beads or flowers); a wreath made of pieces of silk, etc. (mchod rdzas an gzigs ); ornament of silk or cotton of various colours, a fringe or tassel hung from the ceiling of a temple or chapel. ldag pa pf. bldags , fut. bldag , imp. ldog to lick: khrag ldag pa to lick blood; lces ldag pa to lick with the tongue. ldang 1. = 'gram du near, at: sgo ldang du bris written at the entrance or threshold. 2. v. ldang ba 3. ldang ba pf. ldangs or langs , imp. ldong SANST 1. to rise, to get up; to flow (as smoke); 'gyel ba las ldang ba to get up from a fall; ldang bar 'gyur SANST [raises up]S. ldang bar byed pa to raise up; bstan las ldang to rise from his seat; nyal las ldang ba to rise up from a lying position; stan las ldang ba to rise up from a seat; sa yi bdag po 'ongs tshes ci mi ldang when the king arrived who would not rise up? (A. 6); dri ngan pa phyogs bcur ldang an offensive smell is rising (spreading) in every quarter; me lce rnams mgyogs su ldangs byung the flames quickly rose up; me ro ldang the smothered flame breaks out again; dgra ru ldang ba to break out into hostilities (J‰.). 3. = 'dang pa to suffice, to be sufficient, enough: bgo bgos na ldang pa if divided into shares it will suffice; tshad ldang sufficient quantity. ldangs lugs = langs lugs the manner of rising: = brtod phur 'don pa'i ldangs lugs dang gcig (Khrid. 47). ldad pa 1. = lhad pa 3 to contaminate, debase, adulterate; alloy; debasement: rgyal po la ma thengs gzhan la song na rigs ldad pas if (she) cohabited with another person, leaving the king, it would debase the dynasty (A. 60). 2. = ston mo funeral anniversary or festival: lug gi lo la jo bo'i ldad chen po mdzad in the year of the sheep they performed a memorial anniversary for Atisa (A. 117). 3. vb., pf. and fut. bldad to chew; skyug ldad pa to chew the cud, to ruminate; sngo skyo mar zwa tshod bldad nas having chewed the nettles into a green pulp (Mil.). ldan or ldan pa 1. possessed of, belonging to, having; is defined in Situ. 48 as gang zhig gang la yod pa ston shows whatever belongs to what. It is used as formative whereby sbst. are converted into adj. and sometimes into other sbst., and in gen. the sbst. is connected with ldan pa by the conjunction dang . Ex. brag dang ldan pa rocky, contr. brag ldan ; dga' ldan joyous, blissful. Often is conjoined to several nouns at once: phyugs lug rta ra mdzo rnams dang ldan pa'i rdzong dpon a Jong-pon possessed of yak, goats, horses, sheep and cattle. 2. sbst., also mdan pa , cheek; ldan pa'i so cheek-tooth, molar tooth; ldan lcags a blow or box on the cheek, a box on the ear (Cs.). grog ldan the cheek or side of a ravine (J‰.). ldan pa lnga the five possessions: (1) dang ba'i sems dang ldan pa possessed of a sincere heart; (2) gus pa'i lus dang ldan pa possessed of respectful (humble) person; (3) snyan pa'i sgra dang ldan pa possessed of an agreeable voice; 4. gtsang ba'i zas dang ldan pa possessed of clean and pure food; (6) mdzes pa'i rgyan dang ldan pa possessed of beautifying ornaments. ldan grol an abbr. of tshul khrims dang ldan pa rtog pa dang grol ba (Khrid.). ldan pa po possessor; one that has, that is able, a man of ability (Cs.), one that is possessed of qualifications or talent. ldan ma n. of a district in Kham (Loo. 'a 6). ldan mo 1. ldan pa mo a female-possessor or owneress. 2. a female ibex. ldan tshad = yod tshad acc. to J‰.: 'dus tshad . ldan yul n. of a village in Tsang near Tanag (Deb. ga 45). ldab ldib idle talk, tittle-tattle: brjod pa ldab ldib ma yin par (Situ. 90) there being no inaccurate or irrelevant speech; bsrab pa'i tshas mi choms shing tshig ldab ldib tu smra speaking tattling words and not subduing unbridled proceedings (Khrid. 47). ldab ldob 1. indistinct and incorrect expressions. 2. indolence, dullness, drowsiness (Cs.). ldab pa pf. bldabs , fut. bldab , imp. ldob pa to fold up; gos sogs ldab pa to fold up clothes, etc. 2. acc. to Cs.: to repeat, to do again; skyar ldab repeatedly, afresh, again, anew; gnyis ldab twice, for the second time (Sch.). ldabs phyor n. of a great numerical figure: mtsho yas ldabs phyor rdzi zhes gnas (Ya-sel. 56). ldam khu = chu rnyog can dirty water, water sullied with impurities (Moon.). ldam ldam or ldam pa very slothful (Cs.). ldam ldum mean, pitiful (Cs.). ldam ldem dubious, uncertain, (used of things) (J‰.). ldar ba to be weary, tired, faint: ldar ldar du 'gyur ba languid. lda'u mgo dkar n. of the minister of king Rula-skyes (Yig.). ldi ri ri = 'u ru ru dang 'brug skad the rattling of thunder, v. ldir ba 3. ldig pa pf. ldigs to quiver, shudder, to wriggle; kha ldig pa to stammer. ldigs creaking sound, sound expressive of labouring or groaning under a heavy weight; sdig pa'i phung po ldigs kyis byung a mass of scorpions were wriggling (A. 27). lding ba to float, to be swimming, to be suspended, floating, soaring (in the air): bya nam mkha' la lding ba the bird soars in the sky; lding bskor floating in a circle in the sky (as of birds); the circle made by birds when floating or flying in circles; rgod po des lding bskor lan gsum rgyab nas 'di skad zer ro (Rdsa.) the vulture thrice circling in the sky said this. lding skyogs a large copper ladle (Rtsii.). lding kha v. lting kha . lding khang a bower formed by over-hanging shady trees, a natural arbour: shing gYu lo rgyas pa'i lding khang | a bower of trees full of green (turquoise) leaves. lding khug a small silken bag worn as an amulet or talisman on the breast: dar gyi lding khug du ni bcug put it in a silken amulet bag (D.R.). lding dpon an officer over fifty soldiers (Rtsii.). lding 'og one under or subordinate to a lding dpon ; lding tsho militia of fifty soldiers under a lding dpon (Rtsii.). lding zangs a large copper caldron (Rtsii.). ldang se or lding si in Ld., adv. quite, very, very much (J‰.). ldib pa vb., pf. bldib 1. in Sch. = ldig pa 3. 2. not clear, unintelligible; kha ldib pa = ldab ldib stammering. ldim in W. the crash of a falling tree, the report of a gun. ldir ba 1. also ltir ba to be distended, inflated; lto ldir a big belly; lto ldir can big-bellied. ldir ldir full to the brim, eaten to the full (of a greedy boy or beast). 2. to rush, to roar (of wind); to roll, of the thunder; 'brug ldir it thunders; ldir bzhin like thunder; ldir sgra a thundering, roaring noise; ldir tsha ba thundering (J‰.). (EEE The original gives the Tibetan headword as ldar ba but from the transliteration and the rest of the entry this is clearly incorrect and the headword in this edition has been altered accordingly.) ldu gu = gdu ba 3, 3gdu gu 3. ldug pa or ldugs , pf. ldugs or blugs (usual form), fut. blug , imp. blug or blugs , col. blug pa : to pour out or into, to sprinkle, to strew; to cast, to found (metal), cf. blugs . ldud pa pf., fut. and imp. blud , col. blud pa to give to drink, to water (cattle, etc.); dug ldud cing mi 'chi he does not die by a poisoned draught; btung ba ldud he gives (him) to drink; bu tsha la 'o ma ldud give milk to boy; rta la chu ldud pa giving water to a pony. ldum 1. vegetables, greens or edible roots in general. 2. in W. lettuce, salad. ldum nag black species of lettuce: ldum nag dom mkhris rma gso rtsa kha 'dzin| black lettuce with bear's bile applied on a sore heals it and also acts as an astringent on the rectum. ldum po or ldum ldum 1. for dum po 3. 2. for zlum po round: ldum la 'gril ba made round, rounded off. ldum bu 1. = bsod snyoms alms, also begging for alms: 'khor dang rta khol gcig pur ldum bu slobs (A. 14). 2. any stalked plant. ldum ra or sdum ra garden in general, kitchen-garden, vegetable garden, an artificial grove. In W. fruit garden, orchard (J‰.). Syn. skyed tshal ; khyim gyi tshal ; bcos pa'i nags ; me tog ldum ra flower garden (Moon.). ldur ldur 1. the noise of boiling water, or any fluid boiling. 2. roaring, rushing (Sch.). ldur phye also chu ltur peas or barley-flour boiled in water for cattle (Rtsii.). lde 1. a prefixed tribal title which some of the early kings of Tibet had assumed. 2. treasury, store-house. lde kha belonging together, of the same species (Sch.). lde khu SANST coloured medicinal syrup; sweetened medicine (Rtsii.). lde gu or lde'u 1. mixture, syrup. 2. ointment (J‰.). lde chung junior treasurer in a monastery or government treasury; lde chen senior treasurer. lde snol nam n. of one of the early kings of Tibet (Yig.). lde 'phrul nam gzhung btsan n. of descendant of king Ze-lde one of the early kings of Tibet (J. zao. 148). lde ba 1. one who is in charge of the key of treasury, i.e., a treasurer. 2. vb. with pf. bldes or ldes , fut. blde , imp. ldes to warm one's self, to be warmed at or by: me lde ba to warm one's self at the fire; nyi ma lde ba to be a warmed in the sun. lde mig 1. the key of a store-room, any key; padlock. 2. introduction to a book; index or key. lde mig pa = gnyer pa 3 (Moon.). lde'u acc. to Cs. 1. = sde'u SANST a kind of peas. 2. v. lde gu 3. 3. = ku ku a riddle. ldeg pa (pf. bdeg ) to quake, shake, tremble, e.g., of the palace of the gods (Dzl.). ldeng ka = lding ka v. lteng ka 3 a pond. ldeng rgyas n. of a mountain on the border of India. ldeng min colloq. (also ldang min ) insufficient. ldeb pa 1. = ldeg pa 3 (Cs.). 2. to bend round or back, to turn round, to double down or over. ldebs pa 1. = logs the side: khang pa'i logs the inner wall or the inner side of the wall of a house (Situ. 99). ldebs ris = logs bris paintings on the inside of a house; rus pa'i 'bur po'i ldebs by the side of the protuberance of the bone. 2. enclosure, fence (Sch.). lde'u sgang n. of a place in Tibet: mkhan po lde'u sgang pa the learned teacher (professor) of lde'u sgang (Deb. ga 43). ldem 1. v. ldem bo 3. 2. a statue, image, idol, (standing upright) (J‰.). ldem pa contrariety, opposition, irony. 2. adj. inconsistent, unstable, variable (Cs.). 3. vb. also ldem ldem pa (Sch.) to move up and down, to vibrate gshog sgro ldem pa the flapping of wings. ldem ldem flexible, supple, elastic, pliant (J‰.). ldem ldem gYo ba to shake flexibly, i.e., bending but not breaking. ldem brjod pa to utter a double entendre; also to speak a parable. lder = ldebs 3, skya lder la on the side of a wall, on a wall; ri'i lder the side of a hill, hill-side. ldem po + 1. drang po min pa not straight, dishonest, crooked-hearted. 2. riddle, enigma (cf. tshod bya 3); mi ldem , bya ldem , bem ldem an enigma, an allegory, applied to men, to birds, to inanimate beings. ldem po'i ngag or ldem gtam parable, allegory. ldem tshod pa or ldem chod pa 1. to solve a riddle. 2. = SANST a plot, a concealed and deceitful design; acc. to Sch. a mysterious opinion. ldem por dgongs pa to design a plan: of which are four kinds:- (1) gzhug pa la ldem por dgongs pa SANST [plan of appearing or descending]S.; (2) mtshan nyid la ldem por dgongs pa SANST [plan with regard to tokens or characteristics]S.; (3) gnyen po la sdem por dgongs pa SANST [a plan regarding the opposite side]S.; (4) bsgy ur ba la ldem por dgongs pa SANST [a plan respecting change or transformation]S. ldeng sku or lder tsho 1. an idol or statue made of clay. 2. an image painted on the wall. lder ba 1. toughness, clamminess (Cs.). 2. potter's clay. lder bzo 1. image, statue, figures modelled of clay. 2. clay: lder bzo'i ldebs a clay-inclosure or wall. ldo the side of anything. ldo ldo for a few days, for a short time: phar gar ldo ldo bzhugs he resided for a few days at places where he pleased (A. 123). ldog skyen pa SANST [being dragged back]S. ldog pa I: pf. and imp. log , vb. n. to zlog pa SANST, SANST 1. to come back, to return, to go home. 2. to send back. Syn. phyin ci log pa ; go log pa (Moon.). II: 1. in a specific religious sense: v. 'bras bu bzhi 3 frq.; dgrar ldog pa to come forward again as an enemy, to renew the war (J‰.). 2. to change, to undergo a change (as to colour, smell, etc.). 'gyur ldog and ldog 'gyur changeableness, inconstancy, fickleness. 3. to turn away (vb. n.). las from; blo ldog pa to change the mind from; ngo ldog pa = ngo log pa to rebel. The partic. as adj.: de las ldog pa'i (thing) opposed to that, contrary (to it); Sch. has also ldog phye ba distinguished, different (from each other), and ldog pa reciprocal, mutual, each separately. ldong one of the six early tribes of Tibet descended from the four sons of the monkey patriarch, the six being: se , rmu , ldong , stong , gra , bru which are also called mi bu gdung drug the six descendants of the (first) man (J. Zao.). ldong kha the cover or lid of a tea-churner (Rtsii.). ldong ba = mig long ba , pf. ldongs , 1. to become blind, to be infatuated. 2. adj. ldongs pa = mdongs pa blind, infatuated. ldong mo = dong mo 3 resp. (gsol ldong ) a tea-churner. ldong ros SANST; rdo snan a kind of mineral medicine; also a yellow earth used for painting walls of houses. Syn. ba na ri skyes ; bal yul skyes ; yid 'bod ma ; gar mkhan ma ; go lAa ; klu lce ; ma no ha (Moon.). ldong lha n. of a mountain in Tibet, presided over by a demi-god of the same name (G. Bon.). ldon pa to give or pay back, to return = klon pa 3 or 3glon pa 3; lan ldon pa to reply, to give an answer. ldob pa to apprehend quickly; to be witty, to be quick in repartee (Cs.). ldobs pa = spobs pa 3. + ldobs skyen pa = shes sla ba quick perception, understanding readily. ldom pa alms, anything given to a religious beggar. Syn. ldom bu ; bsod snyoms ; (Situ. 137). ldom bu + v. ldom pa 3. ldom bu byed pa to ask for alms, to beg as a religious mendicant. ldom bu pa a religious beggar, mendicant. ldom sa alms-house, house where beggars receive food. sdang ba 1. = zhe sdang SANST, SANST, SANST; pf. sdangs to hate, to be angry, wrathful: yab yum 'khor dang bcas pas sdang bar byed do the parents together with those about them became displeased (Hbrom. 49); mi dga' zhing sdang ste being displeased, he grew angry; rgya nag mis phyi gling thams cad la sdangs byung the Chinese hated all foreigners. 2. sbst. anger, hatred, malice: bsam pa che rnams yang dag mthong nyid na sdang ba'i dug chen gdung bas gsos pa yang and immediately perceiving in very truth thoughts the most stupendous, those afflicted with the potent poison of malice were healed (Tan. Mdo ge 130.). 3. adj. angry, malicious, hostile: sdang ba'i dgra an angry vindictive enemy; sdang ba'i sems wrathful mind, hatred, enmity, hostility; sdang ba'i sems ldan SANST having a vindictive mind. sdang ba thams cad 'jig pa (or colloq. bshig pa ) to disarm hostilities or hostile feelings. sngar sdang ba the former hatred, old grudge. sdang ba'i rtags the signs of hatred or ill-feeling are: sbyin pa mi gnang ba not giving alms or charity; mi mthun par byed pa to cause disagreement; mthun par mi byed pa not being accordant, or in harmony; nyes od mischievous, behaving viciously, etc. (K. du. da 203). sdang byed an enemy, foe. Syn. dgra ; 'khon 'dzin (Moon.). sdang bu v. gdang bu. (EEE For gdang bu see gdang 3.) sdad grong freehold house; a resident owner; opp. to house occupied by an agricultural tenant (Rtsii.). sdam pa v. sdom pa 3 SANST abstinent, self-restraining, bound; lag sdam pa handcuffed; thag pas sdam pa bound with a rope. sdar ma (blo chung ba , snying chung ba ) timid, timorous, trembling: sdar ma sna tshogs gos gyon dang though a timid person may put on various clothes, &c. (K. du. da 198). sdig pa I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST sin, moral evil. Acc. to Tibetan explanation, the word is derived from sdigs pa to sting or torment, the sinner being pained in body, speech and mind by the misery resulting from impious acts, &c.: mi dge ba'i las byas pa'i 'bras rnam par snin pa'i sdug bsngal gyis lus ngag yid gsum la sdigs par byed pas na sdig ósdig pa la yid ches pa to believe in sin; sdig sgrib = sdig pa dang sgrib pa sin and defilement, contamination of sin. sdig sgrib thams cad sel ba to cleanse from every defilement of sin. sdig can sinful: sdig can shan pa the sinful butcher; sdig to ba or sdig pa bsags pa a sinner, one who has accumulated sin; sdig lta'i mtshan nyid can SANST one having sinful looks, a suspicious character; sdig sdug SANST, sin and suffering. sdig pa 'joms pa to conquer sin, as something hostile to man (J‰.); kha na ma tho ba'i sdig pa a grievous sin; sdig pa rnam par sbyangs SANST [one whose sins have been entirely washed off]S. sdig pa od pa to practise sin; sdig pa byed pa to commit sin. sdig pa bshags par byed pa expatiation of sin by confession and repentance for which four kinds of stobs or powers are necessary: (1) rnam par sun 'byin pa kun tu od pa'i stobs ; (2) gnyen po kun tu od pa'i stobs ; (3) nyes pa las ldog pa'i stobs ; (4) rten gyi stobs ósdig pa'i grogs a companion in vice, an associate in crime: sdig pa'i grogs po rnam spang shing |bud med zhags pas ma bcings pa|lha rnams kyi nang du 'gro avoiding evil companions and not being bound by the snares of women, associate with the gods (K. d. 'a 31); sdig pa'i chos can SANST possessed of vicious propensities. II: a scorpion; of which three kinds occur in parts of Tibet, but mainly known by reputation only. sdig pa'i phung po a large number of scorpions in one place: jo bo'i mdun du sdig pa'i phung po ldigs kyi byung a heap of scorpions were quivering in front of Atisa (A. 27). Syn. spang bya ; nyes ltung ; bzang las byol ; dams byed ; sdig blta ; ngan 'gro'i lam ; tshar 'gro ; ngan 'thung ; dge ba'i 'gal zla (Moon.). sdig pa'i lto can SANST a bear. sdig blon a wicked officer; an officer or minister who is not devoted to Buddhism but favours the Bon cult. sdig tshig SANST lit. words of sin, but also implies words of repentance. sdig srin (snan ) SANST the crab. sdig srin a log mkhal nad chu sogs 'dren the crab draws forth paralysis, kidney disease, and dropsy (Med.). Syn. 'phrog byed mig ; rkang mang po ; spal chen (Moon.). sdig pa rwa can SANST scorpion. Syn. dur bas 'chi ; mar gyis nyams byed ; lus mi sdug (Moon.). sdig phug ma species of bird of Tibet (Rtsii.). sdigs pa pf. bsdigs , fut. bsdig , imp. sdigs ; also sdi ba , pf. bsdis , fut. bsdi to point towards or at, to point out; to threaten to sting. sdigs ri bya ba SANST, mda' rdo phang skabs , when shooting an arrow or flinging a stone to threaten to strike somebody: thugs rje chen pos sdigs ri bya ba'i phyir|rgyal bu'i steng du thog gcig phab na if the merciful one for the purpose of threatening cast a thunderbolt on the prince (A. 13). sdigs mo byed pa to assume a menacing attitude, to threaten tauntingly (J‰.). sdigs mdzub SANST index-finger, the forefinger of the right hand the pointing of which may be a sign of a threat. khro bo'i sdigs mdzub the sign of threat made by the hand in which the thumb and the middle finger are brought to touch each other at the centre of the palm, the pointer remaining outstretched. gYas na 'khor lo ral gri dgra sta rdo rje dang gYon na sdigs pa'i sdigs mdzub po shin tu 'jigs pa'i bdag nyid can (the figures of) the dorje, battle-axe and sword being formed in a circle to the right, and the index-finger of myself, who am greatly afraid, pointing to the left (Tantra in Tangyur on "Mode of coercion of Yidags, Grul-bum, and Srul-po"). sdings sa cha khod snyoms pa SANST 1. a level eminence, a levelled place, flat surface, table-land: lha sdings the eminence where gods dwell; klu sdings the plateau where the naga reside; dngos grub sdings the plain where enchanted things are obtained or where one's wishes are fulfilled. 2. acc. to J‰. a cavity or depression; spang sdings an undulation on a grassy plain; ri sdings a depression on a mountain ridge. 3. acc. to Cs. middle part, heart, core. sdib pa 1. (Sch.) = ldib pa 3. 2. = 3ltib pa 3 (J‰.). sdu SANST [also]S. sdu gu for sdug gu = mdzes pa SANST beauty, beautiful. sdug as adj. unhappy, miserable. sdug pa I: SANST, SANST adj. attractive, agreeable; comely, nice; dear, loveable: lta na sdug pa SANST nice-looking; mdzes shing yid du 'ong ba lta na sdug par gyur to became beautiful, pleasing and comely, to the sight: bdag gi bu nang gi sdug pa la the most beloved of my sons; nga'i bu sdug my dear son; sdug par 'dzin pa to love, c. dat., gen. with regard to parental love; sdug par 'gyur ba to become dear to a person, to be endeared to; mi sdug pa not nice; disgusting, disagreeable: mi sdug pa'i rma shu ldan pa'i bla ma a lama covered with disgusting sores; mi sdug par byed pa to disfigure, pollute, profane. Syn. 'dod pa ; bde ba ; 'phangs pa ; snying sdug pa ; mdza' ba (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration for the last of the above synonyms as "mjah-pa", but mdza' ba is the correct spelling.) II: vb. to be afflicted, downcast, depressed, prostrated: sems shin tu sdug song the mind was very much afflicted; also as sbst. SANST, SANST, (sems sdug pa ) sorrow, misery, distress; bod sdug pa'i mgo 'dzugs the beginning of the misfortunes of Tibet; nged la sdug pa'i re mos bab our turn of being visited by affliction came; sdug tu mi yong 'dug gam are you not in distress? sdug khur byed pa to undergo hardships, to bear affliction, to suffer; sdug mi theg you cannot endure hardship; bde sdug or skyid sdug lit. happiness and misery, good and adverse fortune, but gen. ill-luck; sdug sogs byed pa to accumulate misery upon one's self; gzhan sdug gi sdig pa the sin of having done evil to others; sdug 'bab pa to be in mourning (Cs.); sdug srung ba to mourn (Cs.); sdug can colloq. fatiguing, worrying. sdug khang a darkened room, a chamber of mourning; sdug gos a mourning dress (Cs.). sdug gu (also written sdu gu ) engaging, pretty, winsome: bud med sdug gu thams cad all pretty women. sdug gu ma or sdug ge ba the state of being pleasing (J‰., Cs.). sdug bsngal calamity, misery, distress, affliction. sdug bsngal brgyad the eight miseries enumerated in Buddhist works:- (1) skye ba'i sdug bsngal ; (2) rga ba'i sdug bsngal ; (3) na ba'i sdug bsngal ; (4) 'chi ba'i sdug bsngal ; (5) sdug pa dang bral ba'i sdug bsngal ; (6) mi sdug pa dang phrad pa'i sdug bsngal ; (7) gang 'dod pa btsal te mi rnyed pa de'ang sdug bsngal ; (8) mdor na nye bar len pa'i phung po lnga sdug bsngal ba'o|. sdug bsngal ba to be unhappy; the state of unhappiness; sdug bsngal byed pa to bewail, bemoan; sdug bsngal du 'gyur ba to become melancholy. sdug bsngal 'byung gnas = 'khor ba (Moon.). Syn. sems sdug ; sems gYengs ; sems khong chud ; yid nang chud ; yid mi bde ; sdug po ; rab tu tsha ; yid gdungs ; mya ngan ; gdung ba (Moon.). sdug mthug accumulated calamities. sdug 'dre a demon (Sch.). sdug pa nyal ba = 'gog pa 3 SANST (K. ko. ka 236). sdug po wretched, savage, unamiable; evil; sdug po byed pa to do evil; sdug po btang ba to do evil to a person; to molest, trouble, injure any one. sdug byed = kun 'byung ba SANST (K. ko. ka 236). sdug zhwa a mourning hood or cap. sdug sems = byangs snying SANST; affectionate. sdud 1. SANST [folds, wrinkles]S. the folds of a garment; sdud kha string for drawing together the opening of bag; drawing hem. 2. Cs.: synthesis; 'byed sdud analysis and synthesis. 3. v. sdud pa 3. sdud pa I: SANST, pf. bsdus , fut. (used likewise for the pres. tense) bsdu , imp. sdus , vb. a. to 'du ba 1. to collect, gather, mass or range together, to assemble, to put together, to compile; to brush or sweep together. dbang du sdud pa to bring under one's power, to subject, subdue; ji snyed rigs rnams drug bsdus te as many as six kinds being massed together; dad ba'i stobs kyis bltas nas mig sdud mi shes pa by the power of faith was unable to control the eyes from looking (A. 151). 2. to unite, join, condense, add together, contract: dmag rnams 'khor du sdud pa adding the troop to his retinue; khyo shug tu sdud pa to unite in matrimony; an gsum sdang mig khro gnyer bsdus shing ljags 'dril che ba me stag 'phro a tiger will issue forth with a great fiery tongue lolling out and having three eyes united together with scowls and frowns (Tangyur treatise for "Coercion of Tamdin"); de yang bsdu na if one shortens it still more, if it is further abridged; bsdus yig abbreviation, abridgment; bsdus 'grel an abridged commentary. yi ge drug gis bsdus pa comprised of six letters. bsdus khu or gdus khu a preparation by combining together several ingredients. II: = bsdu ba'i dngos po bzhi the four virtuous collections or confederacies: sbyin pa charity, i.e., giving alms, &c. tshig snyan pa polite language; don mthun pa common uniform interest; public weal; don od pa working for an end (K. du. pa 43). sdud len abbr. of khral sdud pa dang len pa collection and realization: rdzong gzhis kyi sdud len byed pa'i yong sgo (source of) income from the realization of revenue of a Jong (district) (Rtsii.). sdud srang = khral sogs sdud rgyu'i 'degs byed the weighment or measuring of revenue, etc. (Rtsii.). sdum pa 1. vb., pf. bsdums , fut. bsdum , imp. sdum or sdums to make agree, to bring to an agreement, to reconcile, to conciliate; sdum par byed pa to bring to harmony or terms; sdums byed pa reconciliation gang zhig shin tu sdums byed pa|lha rnams kyi nang du 'gro who is eager to make peace will join the gods, will become a god (K. d. 'a 31). sdums mdzad intermediary: jo bo kyang rgyal po gnyis gyi sdum mdzad nas the Jowo also becoming the reconciler of the two kings (A. 58). sdum pa po or sdum mkhan conciliator, pacifier, peacemaker; res 'khrugs pa res bsdum pa mang du byung ngo they often at one time were at odds, at another they were at peace with one another. 2. sbst. a treaty, agreement. 3. = khang khyim a mansion, house; gzim sdum (resp.) bed room. + sdum thabs = khyim thabs family life. + sdum mtshes = khyim mtshes neighbour. sdur ba pf. and fut. bsdur to make comparison, compare: rig pa go sdur byed pa to compare attainments among scholars; nyams sdur byed pa to compare different texts; rtsal dang stobs sdur ba to try feats of strength; sdur len exercises. sdur blang in Tsang: amber (J‰.). sde I: SANST, SANST section, class, community, race, tribe; part, portion: bon sde Bon community; sde chen la snyeg pa to aim at an extension of territory; pha rol gyi sde 'joms pa to conquer hostile tribes; sde sder bgo ba to divide into classes (Cs.); mdo sde Sautranta class; rgyud sde Tantra class; chos sde religious class or section, hence a monastery: sde btsugs he founded a section i.e., a monastery. sde bco brgyad the eighteen sects into which the four earliest schools of Buddhism were divided:- I: 'phags pa thams cad yod par smra ba'i sde| SANST; (1) gzhi thams cad mod par smra ba'i sde| SANST; (2) 'od srungs pa'i sde| SANST; (3) sa ston gyi sde| SANST; (4) chos srung sde| SANST; (5) mang du thos pa'i sde| SANST; (6) gos dmar sde| SANST; (7) rnam par phyi ste smra ba'i sde| SANST. II: 'phags pa kun gyis bkur ba'i sde| SANST; (8) sar grogs ris kyi sde| SANST; (9) srung ba pa'i sde| SANST; (10) gnas ma'i bu'i sde| SANST. III: dge 'dun phal chen pa'i sde| SANST; (11) shar gyi ri bo'i sde| SANST; (12) nub kyi ri bo sde| SANST; (13) gangs ri pa'i sde| SANST; (14) 'jig rten 'das smra ba'i sde| SANST; (15) btags par smra pa'i sde| SANST. IV: 'phags pa gnas brtan pa'i sde| SANST; (16) gtsug lag khang chen gnas sde| SANST; (17) rgyal byed tshal gnas pa'i sde| SANST; (18) 'jigs med ri gnas sde| SANST. (EEE No definition II. is given in the original.) sde bzhi the four classes of Buddhists (the earlier schools). tshangs pa'i sde bzhi four kinds of acquirements; 'dod yon sde lnga la longs od pa enjoys or prospers in five evil objects or desire; sde tshan bzhi pa thar pa ste the fourth section of attainments in salvation; lha srin gyi sde brgyad the eight classes of spirits. sde skor district (Glr.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "Sde-dkor" which is clearly in error.) sde dkrugs disturbance, dispute, general misunderstanding: phung gzhi sde dkrugs 'di 'dra byas they engaged in disturbances of this kind, as being innate to the body (Rdsa.). sde 'khrug pa in yul sde phan tshun 'khrug pa the fighting between the neighbouring states or countries; a general revolt of a people (Ya-sel. 18). sde dgon central monastery abbr. of sde and dgon pa (Yig.). sde brgyad SANST the eight kinds of demon in three series, each of eight:- I: (1) 'gong po , (2) the'u brang , (3) nga yam , (4) sa bdag , (5) yul lha , (6) snan , (7) btsan , (8) klu . II: (1) srog bdag , (2) ma mo , (3) gshin rje , (4) bdud , (5) gnod sbyin , (6) dmu , (7) dgra lha , (8) 'gong po . III: (1) gza' mchog byi tri pa tra , (2) ljang sngon drag po , (3) du ba mjug ring , (4) 'bar ba ra tsa , (5) sgra gcan 'dzin , (6) byi nu ra tsa , (7) rAa hu la , (8) khyab mjug chen po (K. thao. kha 37). sde can n. of an ancient sage in India (Ya-sel. 53). sde chen bya gag an epithet of Karttikeya the youngest son of Mahesvara (Moon.). sde dum subdivision of a district; a small community or section of a larger community (Loo. 'a 13). sde snod gsum the Tripitaka or the three baskets, viz.: the three classes of the sacred writings:óVinaya pitaka ('dul ba'i sde snod ) treating of moral discipline; Sautranta pitaka (mdo sde'i sde snod ) the aphorisms, general religious discourses; Abhidharma pitaka (mngon chos or mngon pa'i sde snod lung gi bstan pa , the metaphysical and dogmatical instructions. yon tan thams cad 'di gsum du 'dus all virtues are embodied in these three (Lam-rim. 4). sde pa SANST 1. one in charge of a sde or district, a district officer; formerly the chief or governor of a province was called Depa. sde ba gzhung = the central government or the government of Lhasa. 2. (ka sde lta ba SANST) a letter of a certain phonetic class, or the phonetic class itself; sde pa bzhi pa the fourth phonetic class, the labials in Gram. 3. sde pa signifies also a class of demons. 4. SANST, SANST [leader of an army]S. sde pa don yod n. of the famous Rin-chen Pung-pa of Tsang who founded the Rin-spuos Joo in Tsang (Loo. 'a 13). sde pa gtsang pa the powerful chief who had established his sway over Tibet in the beginning of the 17th century. He was killed by the Zungarian chief Gushi-khan in 1643 A.D. (Loo. 'a, 13). sde dpon a petty chief ruling over a district. Syn. rgyal phran ; yul gyi bdag po (Moon.). sde tshan SANST; section of written characters e.g., phonetic class = sde , a particular kind of writing as nA ga ri sde tshan character (Glr.). sde mtshan pa SANST 1. an astrologer. 2. SANST [collection, multitude]S. sde gzar civil dissension, lawlessness, anarchy: sde gzar chen po great revolution, civil war. sde bzang SANST; good or well disciplined brigade. sde yangs = khyams court, court-yard (J‰.). sde rab tu pham byed n. of a king of Sravasti (K. my. kha 342). sde srid SANST 1. province, kingdom (Cs.). 2. ruler, governor, administrator. Is the name especially given to the Regent who administers the government of Lhasa during the minority of a Dalai Lama. sde srid phag mo grub n. of the rulers of Tibet who administered the government of Tibet during the hierarchy of Pag-mo-gru in the 15th and 16th centuries A.D., the chief among them being Byao-chub Rgyal-mtshan born of the family of Chos-sgyal Sne-gdoo (Loo. 'a 13). sde srid sangs rgyas rgya mtsho the famous Regent of Tibet who conducted the government of Tibet for 13 years after the concealed death of the first Dalai Lama, and better know by the name of Goo-sa loa-pa chen-po (Loo. 'a 12). sdeg par gza' SANST [reproach, reviling]S. sdeng khag charge, responsibility. sdeb pa pf. bsdebs , fut. bsdeb , imp. sdebs 1. to mingle, mix; to make unite, to conjoin; to fasten together: phyogs gcig tu sdeb pa to mix together certain things and setting them apart; phan tshun bsdebs combined one with another (Oag. 42); dras su sdeb pa sewed together. 2. v. nt.: to join, to unite, dang with, also la : sems mig dang bsdebs nas lta|rna ba dang bsdebs nas nyan the soul sees by joining the eyes, it hears by joining the ear; to join company, to associate, to hold intercourse with (Mil.). 3. to exchange, barter; to change (money). 4. to make poetry, to compose verses (J‰.). sdeb sbyor 1. SANST [the doctrine of the udgatri priests contained in a chapter of the Sama-veda]S. 2. SANST metre in general, metrical science, poetry (J‰.); yi ge'i sdeb sbyor orthography (Schtr.); sdebs sbyor dbye ba SANST metrical distinction; sdeb sbyor gyi bye brag SANST a metrical narrative; sdeb byor gyi bral SANST, SANST metrical line; sdeb sbyor bsdus pa SANST metrical collection or extracts. sdebs SANST together, in conjunction [a number of stanzas grammatically connected]S. sdebs blangs (tshang len pa ) in gong gi dgos cha sdebs blangs to take up together the above mentioned necessaries (Rtsii.). sdebs tshogs assembling of different people or classes of people in one place: nyin ltar bzhugs gral sdebs tshogs they daily assembled being dated in rows (Rtsii.). sder ma (resp. gsol sder ) SANST plate, dish, platter, saucer; li sder a plate or dish made of bell-metal lcags sder iron-plate; ka sder or dkar sder porcelain dish; zangs sder copper dish; sder gang a plateful. sder sbyad kyi zhal lta ba SANST a superintendant of plates, &c. (M.V.). sder mo = sder kyu acc. to Sch.: claw, talon; sder mo rno a sharp claw; sder can furnished with claw; a hawk; sder med without claws; sder 'dzin byed pa to seize with the claws (Cs.). stag gi sder a tiger's claw. sder chags animals provided with claws; sder chags dbang po is met. for the lion (Moon.). sdo kham belonging together (Sch.). sdo ba pf. sdos or bsdos , fut. bsdo , imp. sdos 1. to risk, make venture, used with dang or la : bdag gi lus sdo ba to risk my body; rang gi srog dang sdo ba to risk my own life; dgra la bsdos (Situ. 76) made a venture against an enemy; lus srog bsdos pa his body and life; lo tsAa bas dka' ba dang bsdos lus srog thed la btang nas byon thugs la btags the Lo-tsa-wa undergoing hardships and risking his life and body made up his mind to proceed (A. 65). sdong po SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. trunk or stem of a tree. 2. the stalk of a plant; pad ma'i sdong po the stalk of the lotus; sdong po pang pas mi 'khyig pa tsam zhig skyes pa mthong ngo | the stalk from which it was seen to be growing was such an one as could not be clasped by the out-spread arms; sdong po khog stong a hollow log or stalk (Vai. so.). sdong po'i sde the class of stalked plants (Cs.). 3. is the common word in the C. colloq. for a tree, also shing sdong po a tree; shing sdong rkang gcig a tree of single stem or trunk (Glr.); shing sdong khong rul a tree rotten at the core; star sdong trunk of a walnut tree; shug sdong stem of a juniper tree; tshil sdong a tallow candle; khyags sdong an icicle; mchod sdong (1) = mchod rten , (2) = sdong rkang or sdong ras a wick. sdong dum or shing sdong bu dum dum stump of a tree. sdong dum tshig pa the burnt stump of a tree: yi ags sdong dum mes tshig pa 'dra ba mang po 'dus nas many ghosts of the appearance of burnt stumps of trees having assembled together (Khrid. 40). See also in Dzl. legend of a prince who was born in shape like a tree-stump and so called sdong dum . sdong po can SANST, SANST possessed of a stalk, a lotus flower. sdong po gcig n. of a species of gentian = nags kyi tig ta (Moon.). sdong po lnga or dam pa'i chos kyi sdong po lnga the five plants of Budh.: (1) thabs la mkhas pa full of resources, or skillful in means; (2) shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa perfection in knowledge or transcendental wisdom; (3) sems can yongs su snin par byed pa maturity in animated existence; (4) dam pa'i chos yongs su 'dzin pa dang rjes su chags pa perfect acceptance of Buddhism and following it; (5) khong khro ba dang bral bas btang snyoms pa freedom from anger is enjoyment of equanimity (K. d. na 327). sdong phran SANST shrub, plant. sdong ba or sdongs pa pf. bsdongs , fut. bsdong to accompany, to join with, to enter into partnership (used with dang ); khyod dang nga sdong ste 'gro you and I will go together; dga' ba'i sems kyis bsdongs te 'gro'o will go accompanying one another cheerfully (Hbrom. 49.). It is to be noted that bsdongs pa seems to be often used as pres. tense. sdong bu SANST stick, staff: me tog lta bu'i sdong bu ni biDU4 the flower-like staff was lapis lazuli; acc. to Cs. 1. a small trunk. 2. stalk. 3. wick. 4. SANST, SANST [1. the stalk of a pot-herb. 2. an arrow]S. sdong bu ring = ku ba gourd (Moon.). sdong bu'i snan SANST, SANST n. of a medicinal plant. sdong zla = zla grogs friend, associate. sdong ras a cotton wick (Rtsii.); sdong shing , sdong rkang a wick of wood, of pith. sdod = ngal bso ba SANST, SANST respite, relaxation. sdod pa SANST, SANST pf. and fut. bsdad 1. to sit; dal bar sdod pa to sit still, to be at ease. 2. to stay, to stop, to wait: thog mar der bsdad for the present I will stay here yet a little longer (Mil.); nyal nas bsdad 'dug pa to lie down and to continue lying (Mil.), re zhig ma bsad par sdod cig wait a little yet before beginning to kill (Dzl.); skad cig kyang sdod pa'i long med par without time to stop even for a moment; sdod par byed SANST to be seated, to cause to sit. 3. to be at home, to live, to reside, to settle at. bka' sdod attendant, waiting servant. sdod rogs a sweetheart, mistress, a concubine. sdod lugs = stong nyid (acc. to RÒio-ma school). (EEE The final example in the original reads "sdod lugs = stong nyid " see stong pa nyid 3.) sdom I: SANST, SANST the spider: sdom sdig sogs 'bu srin gyi rigs spiders, scorpions, insects and worms, etc. (Rtsii.); sdom mo SANST a she-spider; sdom nag po black spider: sdom nag po rkang lag gsum brgya drug cu la dpral ba na mig gcig yod pa kha bcu drug a black spider with 360 arms and feet having one eye on its forehead and sixteen mouths (D.R.). Syn. thags mkhan ; dra ba can ; lte ba bal can ; spre'u 'dra (Moon.). II: summary: i sdom general summary, contents; dpe'i sdom a table of contents, index in gen., introductory remarks, introduction. sdom pa I: SANST, SANST vb., pf. bsdams or bsdoms , fut. bsdam or bsdom , imp. sdom or sdoms 1. to bind, fasten; to tie up, bind up: khro chus sdom pa to fasten by melted metal, i.e., to solder; so sdom pa to press the teeth together, to gnash; rtsa kha sdom pa to close an opened vein. 2. to stanch, to stop, to cause to cease: rtsa khrag shor ba sdom pa the stopping of the bloody influx; to bind, constrain, render harmless; nyes pa sdom pa to neutralize an evil (Sch.). 3. to make morally firm, to confirm; od pa sdom pa to make firm one's moral conduct. 4. to add together, to cash or sum up: rgyud bzhi bsdoms pas le'u 154 all the four Tantras taken together have 154 chapters; yongs su bsdus pa la taking all together (A.K. 1-14). II: sbst. SANST; obligation, engagement, duty; phan tshun la on either side; sdom pa chags pa SANST; sdom pa'i dgra SANST; sdom pa len pa (Glr.) or sdom pa 'dzin pa to enter into an engagement, to bind one's self to perform a certain duty; sdom pa srung pa to be true to one's words, to keep one's engagements; nga la sdom pa med I have renounced my vow; I have no vow (Glr.). sdom pa gsum = the three vows: (1) so thar gyi sdom pa the vow of an ordinary Buddhist for self-emancipation; (2) byang sems kyi sdom pa the vow of a Bodhisattva for universal liberation; (3) gsang sngags kyi sdom pa the Tantrik or mystical vow. We find also dge 'dun gyi sdom pa priestly vow; sbyin bdag gi sdom pa the vows of a Danapati (almsgiver); snan pa'i sdom pa the vows of a physician. (K. du. pa 42). sdom byed 1. one that binds by duty, etc. 2. an astringent medicine (Cs.); sdom byed kyi phyag rgya a mystical posture in yoga signifying perseverance: de nas sdom byed phyag rgya bkrol bas klu de yang rang yul la song then being released by the mystical posture of sdom byed , the naga returned to his own country (D.R.). sdom tshig a summary in a few words. sdom la summarily, in brief, in short. sdom gzer rivet of a pair of scissors or tongs (Sch.). sdom pa'i dgra an epithet of Kamadeva (Moon.). sdom bu (kong bu ) a ditch, ravine; a ball; a round tassel. sdom brtson SANST, SANST a professional sage, an ascetic: chos khrims ltar na sdom brtson gyi tshul nas according to the custom of lama ascetics in conformity with religious rules. Syn. kun tu rgyu; gtsang bar gnas ; khrus kyi brtul zhugs ; smra bar bcad pa (Moon.). sdom gcod pa = gzim 'gag pa a waiter, valet; sentinel (D. Shel. 11). sdom 'ching = nyes pa fault, guilt (Moon.). sdor a general term for spices, butter, lard, or oil, which give seasoning to food; that which gives relish to food; seasoning, condiment; esp. thug sdor that which makes soup tasteful, delicious, viz.: meat; tshod sdor grease used to roast vegetables, greens, &c. (Rtsii.); tshwa sdor salt and meal; ja sdor = mar butter, for the tea-soup of Tibetans. brda or brda' SANST, SANST 1. any sign, gesture; lag brda signal with the hand; mig brda signs by the eye. chags pa 'dod pa'i brda mang du bstan nas making many wanton gestures. 2. call, signal: tshogs brda call by the beating of the drum, sounding of the trumpet or the ringing of the bell, for assembling at an entertainment; gzim brda summons to bed; phebs brda proclaiming arrival by beating drums or by firing guns. 3. sign, symptom, token, inference: mi rtag 'gyur ba'i brda'o| it is an indication of their impermanent condition (Pth.). brdar as a symbol, symbolically; brda phrod pa , sbyor ba , 'grol ba to explain, describe, represent (with accus., and prob. also with genit.); yin lugs kyi brda 'grol ba to explain the essence or nature of things, metonomically: de'i brda ci lags what may be the symbolical meaning of it (Mil.). 4. mystic phrase or keyword. 5. word in gen. 'bod pa'i brda verbal interjection (Lish.); dris pa'i brda rnying an obsolete word being asked; brda sgy ug pa an interpreter (Sch.); brda'i bla ma is stated to be a lama who instructs verbally esp. with regard to the spelling of words; brda yang mi 'dra sna tshogs gyur there came also into use various spellings (Zam.); brda rnying old orthography; brda gsar new orthography; bod kyi brda'i bstan bcos a grammatical treatise on Tibetan words; tshig brda = tshig, tshig brda yis 'grol ba to explain words (Mil., J‰.); brda'i phyag homage with words, also mutterings expressive of respect in bowing down: brda'i phyag bcu gnyis btsal nas having made twelve prostrations with words of respect on his lips (A. 37). brda dkrog alarm, warning, notice of danger. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "brda-bkrog" which is clearly in error.) brda skad symbolical language, sign-expression. brda chad language, evidence; me long gi brda chad the language or evidence of the mirror. brda ston pa SANST to unravel an enigma. brda 'dum shes SANST signal of danger. brda spral ba openly or clearly to explain; explanation of a sign or symbol. brda sprod (brda' sprod ) SANST 1. explanation of words; ming don brda sprod n. of a dictionary of mystical and technical terms. 2. orthography. 3. as vb. = ra sprod pa to verify evidence or terms. brda' sprod pa'i bstan bcos n. of a grammatical work. brda' shes (grangs ) SANST a numerical figure; brda' shes chen po SANST a number of higher value than the preceding. brdab pa pf. brdabs 1. to fold, to place together; thal mo brdab folded the palms; snod brdab puts one vessel on another, one box or vessel placed in another; gdan brdab a rug folded; gos brdab pa to keep clothes in proper folds, or to fold up clothes; lag pa brdabs folded arms or hands (Situ. 75). 2. to fall down, go down, to sink; res rgya mtsho'i gting du brdabs pa ltar byed do at one time (the boat) seemed as if it was going down to the bottom of the sea (A. 16); chang bzi nas brdabs song being drunk he fell down (i.e., folded up). brdabs sigs oppression, tyranny; giving trouble to the subjects (Yig. k. 3). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "brdabs-bsigs" or brdabs bsigs which would not normally be the way to spell this phrase but could be correct when the past construction was needed.) brdar ba pf. form of bdar ba 3: mtshon brdar to sharpened the weapons (Situ. 75). brdar btags pa SANST symbolical. brdal ba SANST; v. bkam pa 3 [creeping down, gently gliding]S. brdas a pf. of 'ded3: rjes su brdas (Situ. 75). brdung or brtung ba pf. brdungs (Oag. 40). (EEE The original provides no further information. See the next record, brdung ba 3.) brdung ba v. rdung ba 3. (EEE This record has been moved from its incorrect position in the original, following brdog pa , to permit the proper functioning of the dictionary.) brdung ma (sgog pa lta bu ) a beating, pulverisation). (EEE moved from its incorrect position in the original following brdeg 'chos to here for proper usage of the dictionary.) brdeg cha = mtshon cha weapons, sword, etc. SANST a javelin (Moon.). brdeg 'chos SANST 1. falling down, fall. 2. a dance. brdeg pa SANST 1. altern. form and fut. of rdeg pa 3 also seems = beaten to death. 2. = za ba to eat, eating. (EEE moved from its incorrect position in the original to here for proper usage of the dictionary.) brdog pa = bzas pa eaten up. brdugs pf. of bdug pa 3 and bdug pas brdugs seems to be an intensive form (Situ. 75). brdul ba 1. to deceive, to cheat (Sch.). 2. to swing, brandish, flourish. gYab mo brdul ba to swing a fly-flap (J‰.). brdeg pa 1. SANST to strike, bang: 'phrul 'khor btsan thabs kyi brdeg 'chag gnang nas the machine giving bangs and cuts of a violent character. 2. SANST to eat. brdeg cha = gri 3. brdeg 'tshog pa (brdung grabs byed pa ) 1. to threaten to beat, prepare to beat. 2. to tumble down as if falling down under intoxication; to slip, to slide, to lose one's footing. brdos pa (gzhan la ) SANST [run towards, attacked]S. bldags pa SANST [licking]S. bldad explained by: glang dang ra lug rnams kyi so yis bldad is the chewing the cud by oxen, goats and sheep. bsdams pa v. sdom pa 3. bsdam mo a knot, a tied bandage. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "hsdam-mo" which is clearly in error.) bsdam ra = bkag sdom dam po byed pa (Rtsii.). (EEE This phrase is not explained elsewhere in the dictionary but see under bkag sdom 3.) bsdar ba Sch.; in mdun du bsdar ba to hope, to expect or wait for a favour. bsdigs SANST object to fix the eyes on, either to steady the vision or in mystic contemplation: 'jigs tshul gyis bsdigs (Situ. 76); = dmigs pa 3. bsdigs tshig a catch or quibble in a dispute = rgol tshig or rgol ba'i tshigs (Moon.). bsdu ba pf. bsdus pa , fut. bsdu to collect. bsdu ba sbst. SANST or bsdu yig 1. union of words and syllables under certain grammatical rules, collection, gathering; bsdus te bsdoms nas having abridged; bsdus don SANST precise meaning; bsdus pa las gyur pa , rdul phra rab kyi gzugs a form compounded from atoms. 2. co-operation, partnership, fellowship. bsdu ba'i dngos po bzhi the four essentials of partnership or co-operation:- (1) mkho ba sbyin pa ; (2) snyan par smra ba ; (3) 'jig rten don mthun pa ; (4) gdul bya'i don la od pa . bsdus pa'i sdom SANST conglomerate mass; dbang du bsdus pa brought under one's control or power (Situ. 76). bsdus bzhom SANST a hell, perdition. bsdums pa = bar bsdum byed pa treaty, intermediation, reconciliation. bsdur ba SANST to compare [party representative, party fighting]S. bsdogs pa to compose, prepare, make ready: lham gyi bsdogs pa ; nyer bsdogs pa id.; sta gon bsdogs (Situ. 76). bsdongs te together, in company with (Oag. 42). bsdoms = bsdu yig 3 (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "bdoms" which is clearly in error.) bsdos (see ante sdo ba 3) risked. na I: na 1. the twelfth letter of the Tibetan alphabet, corresponding in sound to Sanskrit SANST or English n. 2. num. fig.: 12. II: as a symbol na signifies steadiness, brtan pa or mi gYo ba ; and, further, it signifies dkon mchog rab tu brtan pa to have steady faith in the Buddhist Trinity (K. my. ka 207). Again in the Tantra, na means futurity or ma 'ongs pa (K. g. kha 179). Also na ni chos rnams kyi ming dang gzugs yongs su shes pa ston no na explains the knowledge of the name and forms of all things, i.e., matter. In mysticism na is used to denote skal ngan SANST bad luck (K. g. kha 179). III: or na ga 1. meadow, pasture land; na ma nang skye it grows on meadows (Vai. so). 2. na old name of the province of Gar in Upper Tibet (A. 148). 3. sbst. = na tshod or na so (resp. sku na ) age, stage of life; na tshod rgas pas of advanced age (Vai. so.); na so gzhon te being young; na tshod kyi dbye ba the different ages or stages of life (J‰.); na chung maiden, virgin: na chung bzang mo bcu ten beautiful girls; na mnyam = lo mnyam of equal or same age, contemporaneous; na phra ma SANST a young maiden. IV: the locative case-sign added to substantives, and to be translated: in, on, at unto: gYas na on the right; gYon na on the left; lo rgyus na in a book of history; de na there, in that place; dus gcig na at the same time, at a certain time; de'i tshe na at that time, then. 2. added to verbs, either to the inf. or more frq. to the verbal root, when it implies the construction of a gerund and is best rendered by "on" his doing so-and-so, or by "when" he did or was doing such a thing, etc. 3. added, as J‰. points out, to the instr. of substantives and verbs: rgyu des na for that reason, therefore; ci'i rgyus na for what reason, why, wherefore; de bas na hence, thus, so then, accordingly, very frq. khur bas na because they carried (Glr.); also added to the terminative case: ji ltar na|gcig tu na|gnyis su na in the first place, firstly, etc., (Dzl.); slad du na on account of. V: the next meaning of na as given in the work smra sgo is:- dmigs gyis 'byed dang rgyu mtshan dang |rgyu mtshan don gyis bstan pa dang |las dang ched dang rten gnas dang | This definition refers in fact to the use of na as a conditional conjunction when it is placed after the verb of the clause if affects and is rendered by "if." Frequently but not always the word gal te is put at the beginning of such clause, and gal te with na together = "if." In Situ. 22 there is give an elaborate explanation of na as conditional particle:- 1. dmigs gyis dbye ba'i don du byar applied to show how a thing is comprised or on what it depends, for instance dngos su na if in reality or substantially; mdor bsdu na if taken together. 2. rgyu mtshan gyi don du sbyar ba applied to express reason or conditional existence: 'di yod na 'di byung this having existed, that arose; me yod na du ba byung fire existing, smoke came out. 3. as a suppositional particle: 'dir shing yang med na shing skam pa ji ltar yod| if there exists no wood at all how can there be dry wood? 'dus ma byas yin na mi rtag par rung ngam| if matter is not composite can there be impermanency? 4. although: 'di sngon du sdig pa od pa zhig yin na dge pa la yid 'jug byed do| although he was formerly a transgressor he is now applying his mind to piety; 'di sngon nor gyis dbul ba yin na|da ni dbul po ma yin no although this (person) was poor formerly, he is now no longer poor. 5. applied to prayer = if indeed: bdag byang chub thob na ci ma rung |sems can thams cad bde ba dang ldan na snyam mo| if indeed, I obtained saintly enlightenment, I should think that all living beings were happy! 6. applied to express doubt: sa bon ni btab na|'di las myu gu 'byung ngam mi 'byung if I sow seeds would seedlings (at all) come out of them? (Situ. 21). na is also used with nam : nam dus la bab na when the time comes, frq.; nam 'gro na when I go, was going, shall go. We have not space to illustrate the usage of na with gal te the latter word merely serving to show where the conditional clause commences. na ka á SANST n. of a Buddhist sage at whose request the poet Kshemendra wrote his famous poem Avadana Kalpalata. na kra á SANST a sea-monster of egg-born species, possibly a crocodile, an alligator. na kha n. of a place in Tibet: na kha pa grub chen thar pa'i rgyal mtshan the saint Thar-pahi Rgyal-mtshan of Nakha (Loo. za 18). 2. = spang green-sward, turf. na khi (snan ) SANST, SANST [1. the plant Marsilea quadrifolia. 2. pearl oyster]S. na ga pasture land, green meadow. na ga pha ni SANST n. of a medicinal plant. na gi á SANST n. of a medicinal seed of the size and appearance of a pea, prob. a cubeb (Rtsii.) [lit. mountain-born]S. Syn. nya phyis dung ; rmig pa ; ko la'i 'dab ; mi rgan sen mo (Moon.). na gu chang á = spang rtsi green sward, pasture land. na gu le SANST [the plant Vatica robusta.]S. na chung ma = na phra mo SANST a virgin, a young woman, a damsel. Syn. bu mo gzhon nu ; lang tsho dang po ; phyogs med ma ; nor ldan ma (Moon.). na mnyam ma = grogs mo SANST a female friend, a mistress (Moon.). na ti ka n. of a place in ancient India (K. du. da 328). na ning SANST last year, preceding year [previously, before, in front]S. na ba 1. to be ill, sick; also the state of being ill, illness, sickness; na ba gso ba to cure sickness (though nad is more in use); na ba dang 'chi ba disease and death; skye rga na 'chi , v. skye ba 3 I. 2. sbst. = nad pa a sick person; rgas pa dang na ba old and sick people; na ba pa na ba ma an invalid (male and female) (Cs.); na mkhan one laid up with disease, na mo female patient (Mil.); na ba mkhan a sickly person, an invalid (Cs.); na ba can sickly; na ba med healthy (Cs.); na thog after falling ill (Sch.); rna ba na ba ear-ache; lus thams cad na my whole body aches; so na na if the tooth aches; nan na na it aches on pressing (S. g.); klad pa na ba la (good) for the headache, for disease of the brain; na 'phreng complication of diseases or fits of na ba generally. na tsha = illness: na tsha med pa'i mi la snan mi 'phrod| medicine is not congenial to one who is not ill. na ba ma li ka á SANST the flower Jasminum sambac. na ba tsa ti ka á SANST n. of a bird (K. ko. ka 3) [a young sparrow]S. na bun SANST, SANST fogs, line of thick mist which hangs over the sides and tops of hills. byin rlabs kyi na bun the fog of blessings. Syn. snug pa ; khug rna . na bun bu mo a kind of worm. na ma abbr. = na name for sdod gar the province of Gar in upper Tibet and ma for the lake Ma-pham (Manasarovara) (A. 148). na mo SANST praise, glory, adoration [bowing one-self down]S. na mo gu ru praise to the teacher! frq. in Milaraspa. na mo che n. of a place in ancient India: de nas rnal 'byor pas na mo cher spags pa dang (A. 114). na tshod SANST age; na tshod mnyam pa SANST of the same age; na tshod ldan SANST youthful, young. na tshod gnas 1. = khyu byug the cuckoo. 2. = bya rog raven (Moon.). 3. a name for aa ru ra SANST and skyu ru ra SANST Myrobalana embelica. na tshod gnas pa lang tsho dar ba SANST a youth (Moon.) [a youthful maiden]S. na tshod yol passed youth, one whose youth is over; but acc. to Rtsii. an old man between 60 and 72 years of age. na rdza SANST [sprinkled]S. na bza' (namza) SANST, SANST dress, clothes, covering. Also the cloth coverings of an idol. na bza'i lteb tu = na bza'i gseb tu in the fold of the dress: khyi'i bu chung snying rje gsung na bza'i lteb tu bcug nas byon saying poor pup! having wrapped it up in his garment, he proceeded (A. 13). na bza' sgron or na bza' 'bul offering of raiment. na bza' gos drug the six kinds of clothes used by the Bon priest are the following:- snad gos , snad 'og , snad sham , stod gos , sad zhu , sad lham ; an additional one is 'ding ba . na 'un acc. to Bon = na bun 3: gYo ba'i rlung bskyod na 'un yal ba 'dra| agitated by the blowing wind like vanishing mists (D.R.). na ya ko Ta á SANST n. of a village in Nepal. na ra n. of a place in the 10th century A.D. in Southern India. (A. 40). na ra kMa á SANST = dkyil 'khor 3 SANST; (mystic) (K. g. kha 28). [1. hell. 2. a sort of mystical diagram framed in summoning up a divinity, etc.]S. na rag á = rdo rje dmyal ba Vajra Naraka eternal hell, or dmyal ba mnar med the hell of ceaseless torture. na ram n. of a medicinal plant used for diarrhúa. na ri ki la á SANST cocoanut: na ri ki la'i chu la skyes ma'i dbang po cung zad bzhag nas su ra su na'i phye ma byin na skyes bu'i dbang po'i shu ba'i nad sel ba byed do (K. g. tsa 48). na re = he (someone) says or said. It hardly occurs in old classical literature, but is frq. in later literature, especially in Mil. and Pth. na la da á n. of sage (K. du. da 121). [Prob. the same as Narada SANST the divine sage who was produced from the forehead of Brahma]S. na la tse á n. of the sister of Dasanana the fabulous king of Ceylon: de nas srin po da sha grI bas|lha dang mi 'dul 'dod pa'i don ched du sring mo na la tse ma hA de ba la btsun mor 'phul lo| then the Rakrasa Dasagriva for the purpose of conquering gods and men gave his sister Nalatse in marriage to Mahadeva (K. g. zha 317). na li á bowl, basin, an iron or china dish (J‰.). na lin á = lha yi me tog n. of a celestial flower (Hbrom. ka 17) [prob. the same as Nalina SANST a lotus-flower or water-lily]S. na len dra á SANST the great monastery of Nalanda in Magadha, which was a Buddhist seminary; also name of a small monastery in Phenyul in Tibet. na le sham SANST 1. pearl. 2. snan SANST, SANST [pepper; a small tree with fragrant blossoms, called Mesua roxburghii]S. Syn. grol ba can ; mu tig (Moon.). na le sham dkar po SANST [a particular drug or medicinal substance said to be fragrant, but bitter and slightly pungent in taste, and of a greyish colour; it is produced in grains about the size of pepper-corns]S. Syn. gnyis skyes ; 'phrog byed ; gdugs can ; gdung can ; ser skye (Moon.). na le shag Sal, (S. g.); = shi kru n. of an acrid medicine. na ro 1. the o, or the vowel sign for the letter o o in the Tibetan alphabet; also called sna ru . 2. SANST [disease]S. na ro mkha' od ma a dakini who is taken to be the tutelary goddess of the Sa-kya sect, and said to be an emanation of variant type from Dorje Phagmo. na ro ta á or Narotapa; Tib. na ro pa a celebrated Buddhist sage of Nalanda in Magadha who guarded the northern gate of the monastery of Vikramasila. Born of Kashmir Brahman parents he became a pandit before his conversion to Buddhism, and wrote a learned treatise on the subject of subduing the Tirthika in disputation. Being miraculously told by a Khadoma that he should receive instructions in Buddhism from Tilopa and meditating for twelve years he obtained the occult powers called mchog gi dngos grub . He returned to the life of an anchorite about the 70th year of his age leaving the Buddhist ministry to Dipamkara SrijÒana (Atisa). (EEE Original has Brahman for Brahman above.) nA á = man (mystic) (K. g. kha 28) [the word nA may be derived from the Sanskrit np (man), in the nominative case, singular number]S. nA ga á SANST the Indian term for klu 3 q.v. nA ga ge sar á SANST also called SANST [probably Michelia champaka]S. Syn. gser ming can ; tsam pa skyes ; bung ba dga' (Moon.). nA ga ta lAa pa á SANST n. of a lake in one of the fabulous cemeteries of Buddhist India. nA ga ri á the civic language, or the language of the civilized people, the character in which modern Sanskrit is written. nA go pa á n. of a Buddhist Indian ascetic who used to put on scarcely any clothes, and called the naked saint; while in Konkan in S. W. India he was found lecturing in the harem of a king who consequently caused his limbs to be cut off. It is said that the saint bearing the pain with indifference caused the king's limbs to be cut off by some occult agency. He resided in a hermitage in the Vindhya mountains (K. dun. 54). nA ma á SANST = zhes bya ba named, so-called. na ri kro ra á a very delicious fruit (K. d. ra 20). nag po SANST, SANST black; dark, gloomy; kha mdog nag po SANST, SANST, SANST black colour, black or dark appearance. ber phyi nag po nang dkar a garment outside black, inside white (Rtsii.); mi nag or mi nag pa 1. a layman who has entered the state of religious enlightenment, but is still in the darkness of a worldly life. 2. a married man. nag can a wicked man, a murderer; a person guilty of a crime (Sch.); mi nag can dong nas thar pa a criminal released or escaped from prison. nag khra paintings in various colours on a black plain or basis. nag gi zhing SANST a bower [an uncultivated field]S. nag 'gro SANST [1. walking in the night. 2. fire, that which causes a path to be black in moving]S. nag rgya n. of a tribe in Ancient India: yul ser skya'i rgyal rigs nag rgya rnams Rajputs who lived in the neighbourhood of Kapilavastu (Yig. 28). nag chags black cattle, horned cattle (Sch.). nag chu acc. to Tibetan writers the upper course of the Irawadi: byang gi nag chu , shag chu , sog chu , gsum khams mdo stod kyi sar 'dus pa la khams kyi rngul che zer|de tsha ba rong sogs brgyud kha lhor bltas nas mu khams dang |de nas aa wa'i yul du 'bab pa'i 'gram na|aa ma ra pu ra dang |mon sha wa dang |aa wa zer ba'i mkhar btsan po gsum yod|de nas ra khang gi yul gyi shar dang |pho ron gyi nub brgyud|sa yi ku'i yul gyi lho nub kyi char rgya mtshor 'bab bzhin yod pa la|rgya gar pa rnams gyis i ra ba ti zer| the Rivers Nag-chu of the north, Shag-chu, Sog-chu, these three joining at place in upper Kham-mdo form the river called Ngul-chu which flowing through Tsha-wa Rong in a southward direction enters Mukham and thence passes by Ava, Amarapur, Mon Sowa, &c.; the Indians call it Airavati (Dsam. 33). This statement, however, is not borne out by the investigation of modern explorers who have proved the Irawadi to rise not in Tibet but in the northernmost ranges of Burmah itself. nag chu kha pa people living on the banks of the river Nag-chu who are notorious for their thievish propensities. nag chung or nag po chung chung ólogs gcig glegs bam nag chung kha cig 'dug (A. 37). nag chen a heinous crime; a great sinner. nag ta mAa la á n. of a tree, the black Tamala (K. ko. ka 3). nag ting black indeed (ting is a tshig grogs or auxiliary word added for emphasis to the principal word nag so too we have snug ting ting deep purple, sngo ting ting very blue. On the other hand chab chab expresses a meaning contrary to ting ting as in dkar chab chab and ser chab chab . Similar expletives are lhab lhab in dmar lhab lhab or shig shig in khra shig shig , and so on). jo bo zhal 'dzum nag ting gis mdzad nas the Lord smiling with an expression of suppressed displeasure (A. 76). nag thum or nag thom or nag hu re jet black (Sch.). nag nog SANST [touching]S. nag nog can not clear; fig. polluted, stained with sin. nag nog dri mas nogs pa covered with dirt, dirty, dingy. nag pa SANST (skar ma ) the thirteenth constellation. nag zla ba SANST [March-April]S. nag pas nya SANST [the full-moon day of March-April]S. nag pa'i tshogs [SANST variegated]S. nag po khyab 'jug n. of Virnu (Hbrom. 41). nag po 'gro shes = yi ge go bde ba bris pa a clear legible writing, writing very clearly (Rtsii.). nag po 'gro bsher was explained to J‰. as illustrating a sentence by comparing it with similar passages. nag po chen po 1. SANST the god Mahakala, or the lord of death; acc. to the later treatises, he is the wrathful manifestation of Chenraisi or Avalokitesvara. By propitiating Mahakala, one can get a charmed sword, elixir medicine for eye-disease, pills of wonderful properties, also the power of walking with miraculous swiftness (K. g. nga 291). 2. an epithet of the king of the Naga. nag po chen po'i tshogs SANST; attendants on Mahakala. nag po dri ldan mu zi nag po black sulphur (Sman. 447). nag po od pa n. of one of the Mahasiddhas or Grub-chen: longs longs grub thob nag po od pa seb kyi yod arise, arise, the sage Kprnacharya is coming (K. dun. 27). nag po shu ti a kind of grain or seed which cures "the disease of thirst" (skom nad ). nag phyogs SANST [black, sin]S. nag po po sdig pa'i phyogs , chos lugs ngan pa'i phyogs the side of irreligiousness; evil, sin, crime, etc., also the side of perverted religion, also those who behave contrary to the practices of the Buddhist religion; generally a Mleccha, an outsider, phyi rol pa and kla klo etc. nag ma a kind of vegetable medicine: nag ma'i thang chus rnag 'bigs chu ser 'dzin . nag mo SANST a black woman, a woman in general; the goddess Kali. nag mo'i bu'i ming the names of the sons of Kali:- bum pa can ; nag mo skyes ; mthar byed ; mun pa'i dbang phyug ; sde bzang ; dus kyi phyi ma ; bum sgra bsgreng ; gcod byed (Moon.). nag mo khyo med n. of a female sa bdag or goddess of the soil. nag mo lnga len SANST, SANST one of the names of Draupadi, the joint wife of the five Pandava brothers (Moon.). nag mo can SANST, SANST [a yellow fragrant wood considered as a yellow species of sandal-wood; saffron]S. nag mo'i 'bras SANST [1. a tower. 2. a consequence]S. nag mo'i khol or nag mo'i 'bangs Kalidasa the great Indian poet. nag tshang 1. = me khang 3 SANST. 2. n. of a Dok-land lying to the northwest of Sa-skya monastery, and S. of the Yeru Tsangpo (Loo. za 13). nag tshig a point, dot. nag tsho lo tsAa ba (tshul khrims rgyal ba ) the Tibetan scholar and traveller who twice visited Magadha and resided for three years at monastery of Vikramasila for the purpose of bringing Atisa to Tibet about 1000 A.D. (Loo. 'a 9). nags SANST, SANST a forest: mi med nags solitude, lonely forest (A.K. 1-4); nags tshal a grove; nags klung SANST dense forests; nags khrod pa SANST or SANST a succession of thick woods on steep hill-sides. The names of the forests in the mountains called SANST of Uttara Kuru are the following :- I: (1) grib ma sngon po zhes bya ba'i nags ; (2) bya nges par gnas pa zhes bya ba'i gnas ; (3) zab mo zhes bya ba'i nags ; (4) sprin dkar po zhes bya ba'i nags ; (5) rnam par 'bab pa zhes bya ba'i gnas . II: (1) gser dang ldan pa ; (2) dngul mthon por brtsegs pa ; (3) myos pa sgo nga las skyes pa'i ngos ; (4) mnan na nem la btegs na 'phar ba óthese exist in the mountains of Uttara Kuru called ri ags kyi dgra 'dul ba'i ri . The following forests are said to exist in the mountains of Purva Videha:- (1) thig le gsum pa ; (2) mgrin pa 'gag pa ; (3) dga' ba'i ri'i nags . Also (1) gser gyi dpal 'bras kyi shing gi nags ; (2) ka pi te tha'i nags ; (3) sin du bAa ra'i nags ; (4) grub pa'i nags ; (5) tsU ha'i nags ; (6) ku ra ra'i nags ; (7) gson pa gson pa'i nags ; (8) daq'i nags SANST (K. d. ra 320). nags kyi rgyal SANST ['king of the forest,' the lion; the plant Verbesina scandens]S. nags kyi gcan gzan gdug pa can = to'u lo the polecat (Sman. 108). nags kyi tig ta a wild bitter medicinal plant, a species of chiretta. Syn. rig pa'i rna ba ; gnas gcig 'dzin ; legs ldan ; ro ldan ; sdong bu gcig ; sdig pa'i bran mo ; 'jom byed ma (Moon.). nags kyi spal pa acc. to J‰.: a tree-frog; a species of frog living in dense marshy forest: nags kyi spal pa'i sha yis ni|ro tsa mkhal nad grang bar phan (Med.). nags kyi shwa na = stag gzig a tiger-leopard (Moon.). nags kyi hir wild-boar. nags kyi lha SANST sylvan god, nymph (A.K. 1-4). nags khyi or nags kyi khyi wild dog Cuon alpinus. Syn. 'phar ba ; ri ags gsod (Moon.). nags mngon par dga' ba n. of a city in the fabulous continent of Pascima Godaniya. nags nye ba SANST, SANST a grove. nags ldan SANST [a peacock]S. nags la lus = khyug 3 SANST [fond of the forest, the Indian cuckoo]S. nags na dga' ba cuckoo. Syn. khyu byug ; ngag snyan (Moon.). nags byung SANST = nags tshal skyes ['forest-born,' an elephant, a kind of grass]S. nags ma officinal plant used in fractures. nang I: SANST, SANST the space within a thing, the interior, the inside; colloq. and late literature: indoors, a house: nang la song go home, phug pa'i nang kun the whole interior of the cavern (Mil.); gzhong pa'i nang the interior of the basin; dong gi nang the interior of a pit; khang pa'i nang phyag dar byed pa to sweep the inside of a house (Dzl.); nang tshang the whole family (J‰.); nang gi bye brag phye ba to differentiate, to specify; the inner distinction. Also nang gses specification as in: bod yul gyi nang gses gtsang in the specification of the provinces of Tibet Tsang is included. Other ex.: nad pa'i nang du 'jug pa to go into the room of a sick person (Vai. so.); de'i nang du drangs te inviting into their houses (Mil.); nang na , nang la , nang du postp. with gen. = in, into. within; also as adv. = inside: nang du rtsi gu yod the kernel is inside; nang nas from within; nang las from among; rdzing gi nang na khrus byed pa (Dzl.) to bathe in a pond; chu'i nang du zhugs pa (colloq.) to go into the water; grong khyer de'i nang dang phyi rol na in the town and out of it (Dzl.); sna'i nang nas byung it came out of his nose (Dzl.). II: = nang mo the morning (J‰.); nang med la col., frq. suddenly; nang med nor rnyed pa to become rich unexpectedly (S. g.). nang has also a special mystical sense = esoteric. nang khong skems SANST consumption. nang khrol bowels, entrails, intestines; also any separate part of them (J‰.); nang khrol drong ba spasmodic contractions of the bowels; nang khrol bzhag = mnyam bzhag. nang 'khor domestic attendants and officers, such as gsol dpon , gzim dpon , etc.: nang 'khor ba la yang gsung mi gtong ba he does not even say anything to his domestic attendants (A. 95). nang gi khang pa inner apartment, also room of the house. nang gi mchod sbyin SANST sacrifice of animals, an offering. nang gi byed pa SANST; = sems nyid the mind, the heart (Moon.) [the internal sense-organs]S. nang gi khrims or nang khrims a private law, precept or doctrine not intended for the public; private punishment or chastisement. nang gi gru 'dzin = gnyer pa store keeper, one in charge of stores (Moon.). nang gi sbyin pa denotes personal sacrifices, the surrendering of parts of ourself, e.g., a member of the body, opp. to outward property. nang gi rigs bzhi the four original races (of Tibet) which are:- stong , ldong , se and rmu (Yig. 7). nang gog v. ther 3. nang 'gal ba or nang du 'gal ba (dngos su nang 'gal bar 'gyur ) a general term for the inner contents of the body (Ya-sel. 39). nang ngor shar ba 1. for snang ngor shar ba perception: mig shes kyi snang ngor shar ba perception by the sense of the eye. 2. to enlighten: der sangs rgyas kyis yul de klu'i nang ngor byin gyis brlabs nas there Buddha having blessed (sanctified) that country for the enlightenment of the Naga (A. 40). nang gcig = sdod gcig also nyin gcig one day, one morning: nang gcig khang pa'i thog mtshams jo bo bzhugs pa'i thad ka | one morning he went towards the edge of the roof of Atisa's residence (A. 27). nang cha = nang khrol intestines. nang chags su in one's self, in one's own mind (Sch.). nang chen one great in orthodoxy: sa skya'i nang gi mi chen a great man under the hierarchy of Sakya. nang chen sper gshig n. of a place in Khams (Loo. za 26). nang mchod 1. mystical religious service; also offerings made to deities in such a service, the most important offering being sanctified beer poured from a human-skull-cup into the cups of devotees who drink it as something efficacious against evil. 2. a sort of potion consisting of the ten impurities, viz., five kinds of flesh (including human flesh), excrement, urine, blood, marrow and byang sems dkar po (semen) all mixed together, trans-substantiated by charms into bdud rtsi the potion of immortality, a small quantity of which is tasted by the devotees with the lama at their head. This drink is considered of great importance by the mystics who seek to obtain gifts of witchcraft; hence every offering is sprinkled with this potion. nang rje minister of the interior, home-minister (Sch.). nang ltar (col. for bzhin du or ltar ) according to, in conformity with, like, as, c. genit. or accus.: bka' nang ltar according to order or command; bdag gis bshad pa nang ltar according to what I have said; khrims yig nang ltar according to law; zhu yig nang ltar acc. to my written petition; bka' shog nang ltar according to the orders (of Government). nang 'thab byed pa = nang 'khrugs byed pa to stir up civil war, internal feuds. nang dag pure or clean within; the interior being cleansed; nang don the intrinsic meaning, the true sense; nang don rtog pa to investigate, to study, the real meaning. nang nang gi nang nang nas = nang gi , nang nas from among, out of: de'i nang nas len dgos must be taken out of these; mdzod la yod pa'i gzer gyi nang nas kha cig khur shog bring some of the nails which are in store. nang du yang dag 'jog SANST [complete absorption]. nang na lci ba SANST [becomes heavier, greater]S. nang pa I: SANST [humiliated, defeated]S. II: a Buddhist, opp. to phyi pa non-Buddhist, Brahmanist. nang pa sangs rgyas pa he who has from sincere belief accepted Buddhism by formally taking refuge in the Buddhist Trinityóas thus defined by Tsongkhapa: dkon mchog gsum la snying thag pa nas yid ches zhing skyabs su 'gro ba'i gang zag de ni nang pa sangs rgyas pa yin no| (Lam-rim. 92). nang pa'i cha lugs the Buddhist way of dressing; nang pa'i chos Buddhist religion; nang pa'i lta ba Buddhist philosophy; nang pa'i bstan pa Buddhist doctrine; nang pa'i ston pa the Buddhist Teacher; nang pa'i nang gtsang |phyi pa'i phyi gtsang | a Buddhist is inwardly clean or pure, a Hindu outwardly. nang par 1. in the morning SANST (Dzl.). 2. the morning esp. the following morning: nang par kyi skal ba the allowance, the ration for the following morning (Glr.). nang po an intimate, a bosom-friend (Sch.). nang blon dbang po lnga acc. to Bon. the five external organs of sense: nose, ears, tongue, eyes and the skin (D.R.). nang byan chud pa + = don thams cad rang dbang du 'du ba ste gzhan la 'dri mi dgos pa| one who has mastered all meanings and does not require to ask others for explanation of the same. nang ma 1. confidential, private. 2. SANST house-wife, chief lady of the household (Yig. k. 3). nang ma'i bka' bris private or confidential writing or correspondence (Yig. k. 27). nang ma'i bka' tshogs , nang ma'i bka' mchid confidential instructions, confidential correspondence; nang ma'i gsung mchid private advice = nang lugs gsum mchid . nang mi SANST [near relative or friend]S.; members of household, inmates (Dom.). nang mig room, apartment. nang me lit. morning-fire for preparing breakfast [SANST the interior fire, digestive force]S. nang dme (span nye ba rnams nang chag tu bsad pa ) a murder of one's own brothers, relations, etc. (Ya-sel. 18). nang mo the morning; in the morning; nang re dgongs re every morning and evening; da nang this morning: da nang ni gang nas byon where do you come from this morning? (Mil.) da nang gi 'tsho ba this day's meal; nang nub in the morning and evening; nang nub nyi phyed gsum la in the morning, in the evening, and at noon. nang tshags = nang lugs . nang bzan pa clerks or ministerial officers who receive allowance in kind or money; also domestic servants who receive food for the work they do: nang bzan las byed kyi 'khor the working attendants who receive allowance in food (Rtsii.). nang yangs pa SANST magnanimous, broad-hearted. nang rig pa the esoteric science or learning; nang rig pa'i bon sde gsum the three esoteric divisions of the Bon are:- (1) drag po'i klu 'bum nag po ; (2) 'dul ba'i klu 'bum khra bo ; (3) gtsang ma'i glu 'bum dkar po . These three Bon scriptures are said to have been brought from the land of the Naga when they were delivered to the sage Yeshes sÒio-po (D.R.). Also SANST, science of the soul or mind. nang rim SANST [the interior cloth, cloth used for a turban]S. nang sel dissensions, discrepancy. nang gsal 1. clear inside, inner light; lucid; also elucidation. 2. = du kU la'i ras SANST (Moon.) [attired in coloured cloth or woven silk]S. nangs lit. tomorrow when the night is over; but practically signifies the day after tomorrow (K. du. nya 313). nangs par adv. on the day after tomorrow. nad SANST, SANST; SANST, SANST disease, illness, sickness; with vbs. signifying to be stricken with any sickness nad is always put in the instr. case. skad cig mgo la nad kyis reg SANST (A.K.) [was attacked for a moment by headache]S. nad kyis 'debs pa or thebs pa to be attacked by a disease, to be taken ill; nad kyi 'bras bu can lit. that contains the germ of disease; nad kyi snan remedy for illness; nad rkyen byed the causes of illness or diseases (such as) chu mang 'thungs shing stan srab dang |nyin par gnyid log mtshan gnyid med| drinking of much water and lying on a hard bed, sleeping in the daytime, and keeping up at night. nad go seat of a disease (Sch.); nad can SANST ill, sick; nad can ma = sbrum ma a pregnant woman; nad theg pa = gun theg pa to suffer sickness or loss (Rtsii.). nad bdud mgo gcod n. of a demi-god of the Naga class. nad sna tshogs kyis btab SANST laid up with a complexity of diseases. nad pa 1. a sick person, male or female. In colloq. frq. 2. adj. ill, sick. Syn. nad kyis btag po ; nad phog pa ; na ba ; zug rngu mnar ba ; na tsha byung ba ; khams ma bde ba ; 'du ba 'khrugs pa ; nye bar gdung ba ; nyams ma bde ba ; blo 'tshal ba ; snyun pa ; sku ldem pa (Moon.). nad po = nad pa 3. nad bu = nad illness, disease; nad bu can sickly. nad med 1. nyi ma the sun (Moon.). 2. SANST healthy, hale. nad med pa SANST, SANST, SANST healthy, sound, not diseased; nad med par byed pa to heal; also SANST one who makes well, physician; nad med pa thob pa or rnyed pa to get well, to recover one's health. Syn. nad bu med ; nyer 'tshe med ; gcong med ; 'byung bzhi snyoms ; nye zhos dben ; bro mi 'tshal ; khams bde ; snyun med ; sku gzugs bde (Moon.). nad tsha SANST; fever, disquietude. nad zhi ba SANST alleviation of or recovery from a disease. nad gzhi the primary cause of a disease. nad gYog pa SANST an attendant on a patient; medical attendants: nad gYog rnams kyis zhi bar bya ma nus (K. du. da 261), the medical attendants were unable to alleviate it; nad gYog byed pa to nurse. nad sangs pa recovery, the state of being cured. Syn. nad gsos pa ; zug rngu bral ba ; nad kyis btang ; rnam 'gyur med ; nad las grol ; snyun angs pa ; nad las thar ba (Moon.). nad sel a general name for medicine (Moon.). nad gso thabs medical treatment, the method of healing. Syn. gso dpyad ; snan gyi bya ba ; nad gso ; 'tsho thabs ; tshe'i rig byed (Moon.). nan derived from non pa 3 occurs as abstr. noun = urging, pressure, importunity: khong rnams kyis nan ma thegs par| not being able to resist their importunity (Mil.); nan gyis with urgency, pressingly; nan kha urgency, pressure. nan tan sbst. SANST, SANST, SANST 1. earnestness, application, exertion; assiduity: sgrub la nan tan gces su bya exert yourself willingly for the attainment of perfection (Hbrom. kha 1). 2. adv. certainly, positively; earnestly, ardently; nan tan du byas pa accomplished, practised with earnestness; nan par bya'o| = brtson par bya'o| do earnestly, should be done with exertion. Syn. 'bad pa ; brtson 'grus (Moon.). nan tar very much, all the more; altogether. nan tur + SANST observing, scrutinizing as secret agent = nan tan 3. nan ltar SANST [interminable. epithet of heaven, the ocean, etc.]S. nan thur = nan tan 3 or 3nan tur 3. nan zhag in W. Tib. late, recent. nab nub n. of a great number: skya 'phyis bye ma nab nub dang nab neb khrig tham yal yal dang (Ya-sel. 56, 57). nabs so SANST n. of the sixth constellation in Buddhist astrology. nabs so skyes one born under the constellation of Punarvasu, an epithet of Virnu (Moon.). Syn. sbyin ma'i lha mo ; rgyal stod (Moon.). nam I: SANST sbst. the night: nam langs te or nas the night rising, i.e., at day-break. nam gyi gung thun la the hour of mid-night. II: adv. of time: when: khyod nam yong when did you come; nam 'gro when will you go? rgyun du nam 'chi cha med sgom always keep in mind that when death will come is uncertain; dus nam zhig gi tshe nas since what time? since when? (Mil.); relatively: nam 'gro ba'i dus byed pa to appoint the time when one is going to start (Dzl.); nam zhig sgy u lus 'jog pa'i tshe when he shall lay aside his phantom-body (Mil.). nam yang with a negative, in sentences relating to the past or the future, = never: sngon nam yang ma thos (that) has never been heard of formerly; mkhan po'i phung po nam yang stor mi yong the body of the abbot will never decay. Used, also, with imperat. chos dam pa nam yang ma spong never renounce the holy doctrine. In colloq. "nam-yang" = nam yang . nam mkha' SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the sky, space above and around the earth; the various heavens which acc. to Mahayana lore lie to the west, north, east, and south. However, there are two classes of akasha, one is sky or heaven, the other is a metaphysical conception which may be expressed just like the point in geometry. Syn. acc. to (Rtsii.) kun 'gebs ; bya lam ; rtag sdod ; kun gsal (SANST); lha rtse rol pa'i gnas ; lha lam ; sprin lam ; rgyu skar lam ; mtha' med ; mi gYo ; mi 'da' ; gnam ; lus med ; go 'byed ; me zhal lam ; lha yi rdzing ring ; khyab 'jug gnas ; chu sgrogs ; chu mthongs ; bar med mkha' ; mi 'gyur ; bar snang ; kun 'gro ; mtha' bral ; kun khyab ; nam mkha' (Moon.). nam mkha' rgyal mtshan the celebrated chief of Rin-spuos Jong in Tsang (Loo. 'a 15). nam mkha' mjal = nyi mi'i 'od sunlight (Moon.). nam mkha' lding the king of birds, the eagle (K. g. da 127). Of its other names are:- 'od bzang ; 'dab dkar ; rkang med 'gro ; 'dab 'gro ; 'dab bzang skyes ; 'dab med skyes ; yid ltar mgyogs ; glu rnams 'jigs ; rnam 'bud bu ; £ ra a dza ; bya chen po ; 'dab ldan mchog (K. g. da 127). nam mkha'i dkyil SANST [the vault of the sky]S. nam mkha'i ske rags = dgu tshigs the horizon (Moon.). nam mkha'i khyim the heavenly mansion in a mystical as well as in astrological sense. Syn. mtho ris gnas ; mtho ris rgyal srid (Moon.). nam mkha'i khyon occurs in nam mkha'i khyon dang kho bo'i blo gros gnyis| both the expanse of my own mind and the area of the heavens (Yid. 83). nam mkha'i gos can + = snad tshong ma a harlot; SANST a celestial courtezan. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "nam-mkahi gos-can" which is clearly in error.) nam mkha'i glang po "the bull of the heavens," met. cloud (Moon.). Syn. nam mkha'i ta ma la (Moon.) also (Yig. k. 59). nam mkha'i chu bo the heavenly river, epithet of the river Ganges (Moon.). nam mkha'i snying po SANST lit. the essence of the sky or void, n. of a Bodhisattva: nam mkha'i snying po'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa the 108 names of Bodhisattva Akasagarbha (contained in K. g. pha 63). nam mkha'i snying po'i mdo SANST n. of a Buddhist work of the northern school which contains the enumeration of the attributes of Bodhisattva Akasagarbha (K. d. wa 377). nam mkha'i mdog gis 'dul ba'i bzod pa'i mdo in K. d. zha 137. nam mkha'i rta (lit. heavenly horse); general name for birds (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "nam-khahi-rta" which is clearly in error.) nam mkha'i thig le as met. the sun (Moon. also Yig. k. 59). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "nam-khahi thig-le" which is clearly in error.) nam mkha'i tho ba (lit. the hammer of heaven) thunder (Moon.). nam mkha'i lding SANST; rnam mkha'i dbugs SANST ['sky-breath,' wind]S. nam mkha'i nor or nor bu = the sun and moon (Moon.) lit. the gems of heaven: sku mchog nam mkha'i nor bu'i mtshan dpe'i dkyil 'khor yongs su angs shing | (Yig. k. 70). nam mkha'i me tog SANST 1. the flowers of the sky, i.e., nothing. 2. = go thal (bya go bo'i brun ) the excrement of the vulture (Sman. 243). nam ga yid la 'dod SANST [lit. bodiless one, Kama]S. nam gang SANST the new-moon, (lit. the night of full darkness). nam gung midnight. nam gyi cha stod SANST the first half of the night; nam gyi snad cha SANST latter part of the night. nam gru 1. SANST the twenty sixth constellation in Buddhist astrology: sum cu so gnyis gru yi dbyibs it is shaped as two elliptical groups of thirty-two stars. Syn. gso ba'i lha mo ; shes pa rgyas byed (Rtsii.). nam glu skyes 1. SANST [the river Yamuna, daughter of the sun]S. 2. an epithet of the wife of the sun. nam gru ma 1. n. of a Yakra princess (K. g. da, 130). 2. SANST river Nerbudda in South India. 3. SANST [n. of a constellation or lunar mansion]S. nam mjug 'chad ka or nam gzhug 'chad ka SANST the end of autumn and beginning of winter: nam gzhug 'chad ka'i me tog ldum ra ltar like a garden of flowers of the days preceding the winter season (A. 6). nam stod or nam gyi cha stod the first half of the night. nam thang n. of a kind of serge of great breadth which the Tibetan monks wrap round their bodies (Rtsii.). nam phugs SANST [time]S. nam phyed midnight. nam 'phang od as met. = vulture (Moon.). nam snad or nam gyi cha snad the second half of the night. nam zhod heavy and continual rain: snga lo'i nam zhod mjug ring (Jig.) the comet (indicating) the heavy rains of the last years. nam zla = dus tshod time, season. nam zla dus bzhi the four seasons; da nam zla ston shar now autumn has set in; frq. nam zla 'das the favourable season has passed (Mil.); nam zla dus tshod dgun kha shar now the time or season of winter has set in. nam ring a long night. nam langs SANST day-break: nam langs sad dus nyin mo'i sgo the beginning of day is at the termination of the night (Rtsii.). nam so a corrupt form for nabs so . nam srod = sa sros the hours of night between 9 and 12 P.M., in India. Acc. to J‰. darkness of night: nam srod bying song ba'i tshe as it was almost quite dark (Mil.). na'i ljongs n. of a place in Tibet. (Yig.). nar I: v. na 3 I and II 2, also 3na kha 3 (J‰.). II: long and slender like a rope or string; as adv. straightway: dkar po nar gyis byung came out straightway white (Hbrom. 93). mchi nar te thon tears flowed forth continuously. nar nar or nar ra ra in a line, row, or file: thag pa nar nar 'then pa to pull a rope steadily; chu nar nar blug pa to pour out water continuously. nar ma adj. continuous, without interruption (Sch.); also nar mar adv. = rgyun du continually, always (Jig. 51). nar mo nar nar mo oblong; kha nar can having the shape of a rectangle; gru nar can rhombic, lozenge-shaped, cf. snar ba 3 (J‰.). nal 1. n. of precious stone: nal gyis dug tshad sbyar dug sel . 2. incest; nal grib pollution, fornication. nal phrug bastard-child: pha 'di yin med pa'i bu a child of unknown parentage. nal bu SANST [child of an unmarried woman]S. nal ba n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, g.). nal byi 1. unnatural offence = phos pho la sbyor ba a vicious practice very common among the monks of the monasteries of Tibet and Mongolia. 2. n. of a poison tree (Pth.). nal byed or nal ma incestuous action, fornication. nal le in Tsang = a bastard-child; nal lu in W. nal bshams to impute base birth to one who is not a bastard: nal bshams zhes phra ma bcug they falsely calumniated him as a bastard (J. Zao.). nas I: sbst. barley, acc. to J‰. in three varieties: mgyogs nas (Ld. yang ma ) or drug cu nas or khra ma early or quick barley, ripening in about 60 days; ser mo late barley, the best sort; che nas a middling sort. In Kahgyur Mdo ra 266, nas la rnam pa drug :- (1) spun pa dad bcas pa dang ; (2) spun pa med pa dang ; (3) rnam par 'dres pa dang ; (4) mngar po dang ; (5) mdog nag pa ; (6) mdog skya ba'o . nas kyi zhing barley field or cultivation; nas kyi so ba SANST barley-cake; but in W. so ba is a species of barley; nas rnga ba to cut barley; nas chang SANST beer brewed out of barley; nas phye barley flour; nas 'bras bzang = dug mo nyung gi 'bras bu (a medicinal millet) (Moon.). nas tsan SANST [half-ripe barley]S. II: 1. a case-sign representing the ablative and usually to be rendered: from. It is to be distinguished from las in that the latter = from out, or from among. nas may in certain instances = by, e.g., srab skyogs nas rta 'di 'jus he grasped the horse by the bridle; kho la ming nas brjod accosted him by his name. 2. as a gerundial affix, indicating usually the past tense in contrast to the affix te which forms a gerund of the present tense. J‰. seems in error in deeming nas to belong properly to pres. as well as past significations. Thus kho la mig lta nas = "having looked at him," and not: "looking at him." The importance of the difference would be evident if the sentence ran on: thad ka la song "went straight on;" as the present signification would imply that as the person went on he kept on looking, instead of the looking action being now done with. 3. where nas is used to connect the root of a verb with yod 3 or 3'dug 3 either the pluperf. act. or perf. pass. is indicated: zas nas yod has been eaten; zhugs nas yod pas as they had begun. ni I: 1. is a particle of no intrinsic meaning which is chiefly employed in lengthy and ambiguous sentences to single out the leading subject, or even the object, for the sake of perspicuity. It is also used for the purpose of laying special stress on word or set of words at the opening of a sentence, in three ways as Tibetan grammarians put it: (1) mchog tu dgar ba to set apart as the chief or most important, e.g., khyab 'jug ni lha rnams kyi nang nas brtul phod pa'o| it is Virnu who is the most heroic among the gods. (2) dman par dgar ba as emphasis to show inferiority: rigs rnams las ni gdol ba'i rigs tha chad do| in caste the Sudra is the lowest. (3) tha dad pa tsam du dgar ba where emphasis is given to distinguish one from another: mthing ga ni snga sangs las gzhan no| dark-blue is different from pale blue. The particle ni is also generally placed when the subject is twice mentioned: lha rnams las gdong bzhi dang ldan pa ni tshangs pa| among the gods the fourfaced is Brahma; mchod sbyin brgya'i bdag nyid ni brgya byin no| the lord (the performer) of hundred yajÒa (sacrifices) is Indra (Situ. 39). Furthermore, we find it stated that where it may be necessary bstan pa la 'jug pa "to signify pressure," ni is twice repeated with the subject: khyod ni gnyen dang khyod ni bshes thou art friend, thou art relation, i.e., thou art both friend and relation. Other examples of the use of ni may be given: spang bar bya ba ni spangs what is to be abandoned has been abandoned; chub par bya ba ni chub what is to be accomplished, do accomplish. ni is also used kha skong du to complete a sentence: sdom pa thams cad ldan par ni possessed of all the vows (abstinence, etc.) (Situ.). Lastly, in poetry ni is constantly introduced for not purpose but to make an additional syllable in a line. II: as a num. fig. = 42. ni ku SANST [the areca or betel-nut tree]S. ni kSa Ta á n. of a mountain, B. ch. II. ni'u li á SANST a weasel. Acc. to Sch. ni 'i li = the great buzzard or mouse hawk. ni ya ma á n. of a tree (K. ko. ka, 3). ni ru ha rgyab pa á to inject medicine through the rectum (Sman. 245). ni ro Z á SANST cessation, obstruction, stoppage. So, in mystic ritual = char 'bab pa bzlog pa stopping of rains by magic or by the efficacy of charms (K. g. kha, 26). ning 1. col. for ni 3. 2. for 3rnying 3? v. 3na ning 3, zhe ning (J‰.). nid du zhi lo Zi á n. of a tree (K. ko. ka, 3). nim pa á SANST n. of a plant: nim pas tshad pa gsod dang skom dad dang |yig 'chus dang lpags nad me dpal sel| by nimpa is removed erysipelas with nausea, increasing thirst, and deadly fever. Syn. shing kun 'dres ; yongs su bzang ; dri bcas ; 'chug byed ; 'jam po 'joms ; sa skyes ; aa rka'i lcug ma ; aa rka'i shing (Moon.). nim pa kha SANST [the bitter of Neem or Azadirachta Indica]S. nu 1. num. fig.: 72. 2. v. nu bo 3 and 3nu ma 3. nu rgyas ma as met. = cow. Syn. ba ma ; 'bab byed ; 'o 'phel ; bzhon ma (Moon.). nu tog the nipple of the teat. nu gdan cow's udder (Cs.). nu ba [pf. and imp. nus to suck (Cs.), nu bo or nu ba po , mo a suckling (Cs.); nu khug suckling-bag] (J‰.). nu bo + SANST, SANST, SANST [youngest or younger brother]S. bu spun chung a man's younger brother. Syn. phyis skyes ; gcung po ; rting skyes ; tha chung (Moon.). nu 'bur SANST the nipple; also nu 'bor . nu ma I: SANST 1. mammary gland, female breast, bosom. 2. blind nipple of males. 3. dug, nipple of cow's udder. Syn. brang skyes ; dkar 'dzin ; 'o ma 'dzin ; logs skyes ; lang tsho'i mtshan ma ; 'dod pa'i myos bum ; nu ma ; na sor ; nu tog ; nu ma'i rtse (Moon.). (EEE Definition "II:" is not provided for this entry.) nu ma gnyis ma women in general; nu ma 'thung ba SANST breast-sucker, an infant; nu ma bsnun pa'i ma ma SANST wet-nurse. nu ma mtho ba SANST heaving breast. nu mo + SANST sister; = bu mo spun chung ba a younger sister. nu ma zung SANST a pair of breasts. nu rin the price of milk; the money-present which a bridegroom has to make to the bride's mother for the trouble she took in suckling her (Sikkim and Ladak). nu sor the nipple. nud pa to suckle, = snun pa 3 (J‰.). nub SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the west: nub kyi phyogs rol the western direction; nub phyogs su towards the west; nub byang N. W.; nub kyi of the west, western; nub kyi phyogs skyong = the guardian or keeper of the western quarter, the god of water, Varuna; nub byang phyogs skyong the god of wind who keeps the north-western quarter. 2. = nub mo or mtshan mo night; do nub this night; this evening, tonight. nub kyi thig le the moon (Yig. k. 11). nub kyi ri SANST western mountain; nub tu gnas resident of the west; nub nas 'ongs come from the west; nub phyogs bdag SANST the lord of the western quarter; nub phyogs pa occidental, western. nub pa I: sbst. one of the west, an inhabitant of the west, occidental. II: SANST to go down, to set, of the sun or moon; to sink, to collapse, decline: nub par byed pa to cause to sink, to decay or decline; nub par gyur disappeared, vanquished; nub po SANST [disappearance]S. nub glang od SANST [lit. the cattle-feeding land in the west, n. of the western continent]. nub mo v. nub 3 the evening; also in the evening, at night. num [SANST sounding, thundering; SANST sounded]S. nur nur po SANST the embryo in utero. nur nur ma denotes the embryo in the second week. 2. oval, oblong; = mer mer po 3 (J‰.). nur pa = ring du song elongated, stretched; also = SANST [fit to come out]S. nur ba 1. to change place or posture, to shift, to move by degrees, be displaced. 2. to be impressed; to yield, to give way, be dessicated; cf. snur ba 3 and 3bsnur ba 3. nur rtsi or + nur rdzis spirit of wine, naptha. Syn. chang gi snying khu ; bdud rtsi snying po (Moon.). nus mthu SANST power and ability [experience]S. nus ldan SANST, SANST, SANST [able, competent]S. nus ldan chen po 1. very powerful, efficacious. 2. SANST [a species of amaranth]S. nus pa I: power, ability, capability, force,óthis word is used as a synonym for mthu 3 and 3stobs 3; also nus mthu occult powers when applied to nag phyogs 'joms pa or necromancy, and hence nus pa can = sngags pa or sngags 'chang or mthu bo che: nus mthu ma thob sngags pa rlom sems can the proud shaman who is not possessed of supernatural powers to suppress evil spirits. Is applied to dkar phyogs skyongs pa the protection of the good and virtuous. Of course nus pa = power and capability in a general sense also: ci nus kyis to one's best ability. II: the common potential verb, to be able. Is gen. annexed to the root of another verb, as in 'ong nus is able to come, can come; lto za nus can eat food; nus pa su che ba lta let us see who is more able, who can do more (Mil.); rtsig pa'i nus pa yod dam med whether or not he has been able to build. This vb. is much more frq. in literature than in ordinary talk, being usually now replaced by such verbs as 3thub pa 3 and 3'tshugs pa 3 the former being more common in W. Tib., the latter used in Lhasa and Tsang. III: pf. of 3nu ba 3 (J‰.). nus pa can SANST [able]S. (A.K. 1-20). nus pa stong ldan = rtsa dur pa the dub-grass; Panicum dactylon (Moon.). nus byed SANST [able]S. nus ma SANST is the female energy and vulgarly the female companion or concubine of a deity or even of a Bodhisattva; = yum in Tantrik mythology. nus med SANST impotent [incapable, powerless]S. ne 1. num. figure: 102. 2. for ne'u 3. ne thang or ne'u thang meadow, grass-land, sward. ne ne mo 1. an address of courtesy to a respectable woman. 2. SANST aunt, the father's sister, or the wife of a mother's brother (J‰.). ne ma meadow, green-sward (J‰.). ne rtsa ma pa n. of a place situated to the south-west of the birth-place of Dignaga, in the neighbourhood of Aurangabad, etc., in Southern India (Dsam.). ne tso SANST, SANST 1. parrot: ne tso sangs rgyas 'dzin na re|de ring ngo mtshar ltad mo mthong | said Buddhadhara, I have today seen a strange sightóa parrot (Mgrin.). 2. n. of minister of the king of the Rakra (Moon.). Syn. of 1: mthor byed ; yid gzhung ; kun tu 'gro ; lce gnyis pa ; skad gnyis pa ; 'khyog pa'i mthu can ; tshig 'jam ldan ; 'jam ljang 'dab ldan (Moon.). ne we a mason's trowel: ne we rgyag pa to plaster, to rough-cast (J‰.). ne re or ner ner in W. sediment, settlings, dregs (J‰.). ne le 1. SANST a species of harrier-hawk, prob. Circus melanoleucus which occurs in Tibet. Syn. 'ol ba (Moon.). But in one author is stated to be equivalent to bing kyur ma the kite (Rtsii.). ne gsing alpine pastures, grass on mountain tops or in high valleys: gnas 'dir bde bar rtag tu byon|ne gsing me tog sna tshogs bkra do always come here, this place is diversified with different flowers and pasture lands (Hbrom. kha, 16). nen pa W. col. for len pa to take, to lay hold of, seize; to take off (J‰.). nem nur + SANST doubt, suspicion. Syn. the tshom ; also the tshom za ba ; yid gnyis (Moon.). nem nem pa 1. to cave in or sink down: rnem rnem byed pa or nems it sinks a little, gives way. 2. denotes a nodding, waving, or rocking motion (Mil.). nem bu doubt, error (Sch.). ne'u le [ichneumon, Herpestes pharaonis represented in Bal. as a fabulous animal, cat-like and vomiting jewels] (J‰.). ne'u ljang = ne gsing 3. ne'u ldang + one of equal or same age, a contemporary; acc. to Sch. ne'u ldang = a friend. Syn. na zla ; na mnyam ; lo mnyam . ne'u ldangs protector, defender (Sch.). ne'u gsing = ne gsing 3 SANST [green grass, abounding in green, verdant]S. ner ba to drop gradually, to lower itself, subside, sink. no 1. W. for nu bo 3. 2. num. fig. 132. no kro gong á n. of a small town in Assam near Gharagaoo (Dsam.). no no in Ladak a title of young noblemen; no no chen mo the eldest of a nobleman's sons, no no bar pa the second, chung se the youngest. In Khams is a favourite playful address to youngsters. no pi ka á n. of a religious service; propitiatory rite: no pi ka la sogs pa sgrub thabs mang po bsgy ur (Deb. 27) he translated many works on propitiatory rites such as Nopika, &c. no yon in Mong. = dpon po chief, lord. no yon hu thug thu a Mongol chief saint, or incarnate lama. nog SANST cervical vertebra; hump of a camel (Sch.) [the hump on the shoulders of the Indian bull]S. nog can humped-back; gen. cattle. nogs pa = phyis pa SANST rubbed, cleansed, cleaned. nogs thub capable of being cleaned. nong ba pf. nongs 1. to grieve, upset, to cause pain, to ail: de'i dus na an chab shor shor 'jog aa ti sha ci nongs zhus pas| at that time tears having flowed down, "Atisa what has upset you" he asked (A. 49). 2. to commit a fault, to make a mistake, to commit one's self: ci nongs what has been done amiss? bdag ma nongs par 'di ltar gnod pa bgyis| I have thus been injured without any fault (Dzl.). nongs pa = nyes pa fault, crime: da kho bos nongs pa rnams bshags now I have confessed my faults (Hbrom. kha, 15); nongs pa mi byed pa not to commit a fault or crime; nongs po bzod par gsol ba to ask for pardon for a fault committed; nongs pa can culpable, blameable. nod pa or mnod pa pf. mnos 1. to keep, take, obtain, receive. 2. to receive instruction, directions, favours, from a superior, esp. a priest (Dzl., Glr.). non pa 1. = zhon pa SANST to mount. 2. a not uncommon variant of the more correct form gnon pa to press, force, compel, coerce; also to suppress, keep under e.g. lag pas phru gu non gyi 'dug pressing down a baby (in its basket) with the hands; bsngag gis btsan rnams non pa to subdue evil spirits by mystic charms, v. gnon pa 3. nom occurs in khang par sleb pa na nom nyug byed par brtsams shing (Surao 3). v. nom pa 3 2. nom is the equivalent in Mongol for chos the Buddhist doctrine, and is sometimes incorrectly written in Tibetan as no mo . The Mongol Nom-un Khan, answering to the Tib. chos kyi rgyal po king of the doctrine, and often transliterated in Tib. as no mun han , occurs as the designation of the head of one of the Ling monasteries of Lhasa, who is held to be an incarnation of a Mongol saint. The AbbÈ Huc refers to this personage as the Nomenkhan. Like chos in Tibetan, the word nom in Mongol also = a religious book. nom pa 1. = srid SANST enjoyments. In Amdo, all articles, substance, properties (moveables) are called nom pa . 2. pf. noms , to enjoy, partake of; to be satisfied. 3. acc. to Sch.: noms tug byed pa to lay hold of. cf. snom pa 3. nom nom act of sifting, also of polishing, = nyab nyab or byab byab : phra mo la 'dzim chen po la nom nom 'jug pa 'ong (Behu. 50). nor or nor rdzas SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. primarily = any property or possessions; but, eventually, has come to mean rather more especially: wealth, riches, money; nor la god pa to suffer a loss of prosperty; nor kun one's all, all one's goods, etc; nor can rich, wealthy; nor la lta ba to care for money, to be avaricious; no skyi ba to borrow money; nor sog 'jog pa to accumulate riches. 2. In Sikk. = cattle: nor 'khrig pa the pairing of cattle; nor dpon acc. to Derg. chief neat-herd; nor rkang grib pa the reduction in the number of cows, falling off in the number of cows. Syn. rdzas ; yo byad ; longs od ; zang zing ; dbyig ; dkor ; ka ca ; 'byor ba ; dngos po (Moon.). nor skal inheritance, hereditary portion; share of property: nor skal rnams funds, capital (Mil.). nor skyong or nor skyongs 1. a kind of bird (K. ko. ka, 13). 2. = phyag mdzod treasurer, keeper of the treasury, watch dog (Moon.). nor gyi nya ba SANST [a security for money]S. nor gyi bdag SANST [master of wealth; the god of wealth]S. nor gyi dbang po SANST, SANST [lord of wealth, surety]S. nor skyong ze 'bru SANST n. of a medicinal fruit. nor rgyas 1. abundance, plenty. 2. SANST the snake-goddess who holds the earth on her head (A.K. 41-47). nor rgyun ma SANST n. of a goddess. [Also, the earth]S. nor gnyer = phyag mdzod treasurer (Moon.). nor char 'babs n. of a gem of Indra (Moon.). nor 'dzin dbang mo SANST the wife of Kuvera, the holder of treasure. nor nyan pa (colloq. and idiom.) anything that is useful. nor dang 'dra ba SANST counterpart, parallel, equivalent to wealth. nor dad che ba nor la 'dod pa che ba greed for wealth, avarice: grogs po nor dad che ba spongs avoid that friend who has greed for wealth (She.). nor bdag 1. = nor gyi bdag po SANST the lord of riches; also = Vaisravana, the god of wealth. 2. money-changer, usurer. nor bdag po heir; nor bdag mo fem. of it; also n. of a goddess. nor 'dus in Pur. the gathering of taxes. nor ldan ma SANST as met. the earth. Also a youthful damsel. nor ldan brtsegs = grog mkhar ant-hill (Moon.). nor sdong = nor gyi sdong bu . nor gnas pa phyag mdzod treasurer, store-keeper (Moon.). nor rtse na SANST playing with wealth; one rolling in wealth. nor ba 1. to err, to make a mistake, to be in error: lam nor song he mistook the way; dkon mchog la gzung na mang por nor mi yong if he lay hold on God, he will not greatly err. Colloq. tshul di nor-ki-du'-ga mindu' is this the wrong way of doing it or not? 2. SANST an error, a mistake. nor 'khrul or nor so a mistake; nor so can blundering (Vai. kar.). Syn. 'phrul ba ; log shes ; log pa'i blo gros ; shin tu 'khor (Moon.). nor bu SANST 1. any gem or precious stone; sometimes applied fig. to any precious object: nor bu can adorned with jewels, set with precious stones; nor bu skar mdog brilliant, gem of star-like brilliancy; nor bu dga' 'khyil n. of a gem of the value of one hundred and twenty ounces of gold; nor bu dgod 'dod spungs 'jom SANST the gem which brings to its owner all that he wishes for; nor bu sngon po SANST sapphire; nor bu gser po a topaz; nor bu chab bdun ma n. of a superior quality of satin. nor bu thob SANST stone from which gems are obtained; nor bu ljang SANST emerald. Syn. mar gad ; mrgad (Moon.). nor bu 'dra SANST gem-like; imitation stones, glass trinkets. nor bu pa or nor bu mkhan a jeweller, a connoiseur of gems. nor bu 'phreng ba a rosary or chaplet composed of precious stones; nor bu bi tsu la ta n. of fabulous gem. 2. a common personal name for men in Tibet and Mongolia. nor bu bzang po SANST n. of a Buddhist house-holder; an epithet of SANST Jambhala the god of wealth. Syn. rmug 'dzin (Moon.). nor bu bzang po'i gzungs SANST n. of a dharani or mystic sentence which when regularly recited brings wealth (K. g. tsha, 1). nor bu'i mgrin can met. for domestic fowl. Syn. khyim bya ; zangs ze can ; pags pa'i gtsug phud (Moon.). nor bu'i 'od n. of a mountain. nor bu rin po che SANST a mythical precious stone; further described as nor bu rin po che rin thang med pa the priceless gem in which lies the chief wealth and prosperity of the Chakravarti Raja. nor bu bsam 'phel the gem which increases one's wealth according to the desire (Moon.). nor blo gros bdag or nor gyi blo gros bdag a king. Syn. rgyal po ; 'jigs sel byed (Moon.). nor sbyin SANST Kuvera. nor sbyin ma = nor rgyun ma SANST an epithet of the wife of Indra, the queen of heaven (Moon.). nor mi nyan pa (idiom.) useless things, any thing that does not come of use (Rtsii.). nor rtsen = nor bdag Vaisravana. nor 'dzin = sa gzhi SANST the earth. nor 'dzin bdag po'i sras son of a king, a prince, = rgyal sras (Moon.). nor 'dzin dbang mo a title of queens and princesses; also a complimentary title for a young lady of great personal accomplishments: yid 'phrog lha sras nor 'dzin dbang mo mchog gi zhabs drung du her charming and precious highness the princess (Yig. k. 49). nor 'dzin bu mo = the daughter of the earth, an epithet of Sita (Rtsii.). nor 'dzin gYang mo a goddess of the soil (Yig. k. 85). nor 'dzin gser mo in Tantrik mythology deemed to be the nus-ma or female energy of the tutelary deity Kyewa Dorje. nor rdzas wealth, chattels. nor las rgyal SANST an epithet of Arjuna the third Pandava. nor las 'das SANST [extravagant]S. nor gsar 1. fresh wealth, one who has newly become rich. 2. SANST [good fortune; Mars]S. nol ba 1. = mi gtsang btsog pa adj. unclean, dirty; unchaste. 2. to agree, to come to terms (Cs.). nos pa 1. = len pa to receive, to accept, to obtain: rang rang dang 'tsham pa'i sdom pa rnams nos take vows that agree or suit you (Hbrom. 117). 2. v. nod pa 3. 3. = dpags pa to judge, appraise, measure [SANST, SANST pressing out]S. Ç gro Z á = byang chub ljon shing SANST; the peepul or bodhi tree. shA kya grong khyer dag tu sngon Ç gro Z kun rang gnas in the pure city of Sakya, the unique abode of the bodhi tree (Tangyur Mdo ge. 230). gnag pa = nag po black, bu mo skra snum la gnag pa a girl with her greasy hair black (Hbrom. 109); gnag spag sooty (Sch.); nag phyugs black cattle, esp. the yak; gnag khyu a herd of cattle, cowherd; gnag rdzi a keeper of cattle, cowherd; sems la nag pa black-hearted, scowling, impious; phyi tshul 'jam 'jam 'dra yang nang rmu rgod las zhe gyong ba gnag pa (Rdsa. 14). gnang ba I: resp. form of ster ba 3 pf. gnang or gnangs , imp. gnong 1. to give, grant, only used when a person of higher rank gives or is asked to give; to concede what has been asked; rgya Tam cig nga la gnang rogs gnang please give me a rupee! mchog gi gtum mo gnang nas bsgoms meditative warmth of the highest kind having been conceded, he became wrapt in meditation. 2. to allow, permit, approve of, assent to: gshegs par gnang ngo | he accepted the invitation, he promised to come (Dzl.); rta 'di'i slad du mdzad par gnong zhig | allow me to send for the horse (Dzl.); bdag gis sbyin pa zhig byed kyis gnong zhig | allow of my making a donation (Dzl.); de bzhin du gnang ngo | yes, I permit it; blon por gnang ngo he appointed him his minister; ma gnang ngo he forbade, refused; chos byar mi gnang ba'i khrims bcas| he published a prohibitory law concerning the exercise of religion (Glr.); bka' ma gnang he declined to grant it; byon du ma gnang he refused to come. gnang ba'i tung bar byas SANST [1. invitation, entreaty. 2. application of perfumes]S. (EEE No definition II. is provided in the original.) gnang skyed present, reward, grant. gnang cha remuneration or gift. gnang rten a present sent in a letter or with a letter (Yig. k.). Syn. 'bab rten ; 'bab mtshon ; gzigs rten ; 'bab stegs ; 'degs mtshon ; zhu 'degs ; mtshon byed ; 'degs rten (Moon.). gnangs the day after tomorrow; sang gnangs tomorrow and the day after tomorrow; gnangs su on the day after tomorrow; sang 'gro gnangs 'gro yod pa yin tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I must be off (J‰.). gnad SANST [vital part]S. 1. the essence or pith: don dang snying po bsdus pa the purport, the essential point, the point of view; chos kyi gnad the essence or pith of religion. gnad che important, of great import or meaning. ngos kyis dri ba zhib brtags kyis nyan pa gnad che it is of great importance to attend personally (to every point), and to inquire minutely into a matter (D. Shel. 7). gnad 'grol ba to explain the main point (Mil.); gnad don the proper meaning, the pith of the matter; gnad 'gag = don dag very important or salient point, object, purpose: don du dngos gzhi lam thams cad kyi gnad 'gag mthar thug pa de yin pas| (Khrid. 188). 2. in anatomy: the heart; gnad bdun = the seven important parts of the body. 3. in mysticism: the seven points to be observed in the disposition of one's body when sitting in systematic meditation. Also lus ngag yid gsum gyi gnad are other attitudes and conditions imposed on a lama when mtshams la , i.e., when seated in meditation. gnad du phog pa SANST piercing the heart, wound the feelings. gnb pa pf. gnbs 1. = bzhes 3; gos gyon pa to put on clothes. 2. v. 3mnab pa 3 (J‰.). gnam = nam mkha' 1. SANST the sky; gnam gyi go la SANST the sphere or dome of heaven; gnam rdo hail. 2. the air, atmosphere, weather: gnam grang mo 'dug the weather is cold, it is cold; de ring gnam thang yong the weather will be clear today; gnam rlon pa red the air is damp. gnam bskos or gnam gyis bskos pa 1. the title by which the Tibetans address the Emperor of China. 2. = 'khor los sgy ur ba'i rgyal po SANST Emperor of the universe (Moon.). gnam bskos 'jam dbyangs gong ma bdag po chen po the supreme sovereign MaÒjughora, the lord by heaven appointed (Yig. k. 55). gnam gyi khri bdun the seven earliest kings of Tibet who traced their origin to the skies:- (1) gnya' khri btsan po ; (2) mu khri btsan po ; (3) ding khri btsan po ; (4) so khri btsan po ; (5) mer khri btsan po ; (6) srib khri btsan po ; seng khri btsan po (J. Zao.). gnam bskos ma the empress of the universe, an epithet of the queen of a Chakravati Raja (Moon.). gnam kha for nam mkha' 3 = also azure, sky-colour. (EEE The original reads "for gnam mkha' ", but nam mkha' is meant.) gnam khyi nag po lit. black dog of the sky; a deity of the sa bdag class. gnam gang the new moon. gnam gyi skyon drought, want of rains (Moon.). gnam gyi nyed 'tshe id. Syn. char med ; than pa ; steng 'bar (Moon.). gnam gyi 'jigs pa dangers brought by the skies, i.e., from rainlessness; these are drought, famine, danger from excessive heat. gnam gyi bya khyung 1. demi-god of the sa bdag class. 2. the Garuda. gnam gyi bye ma lung sand banks of Gnam, n. of village near Samye, i.e., in the Yarlung district: lam pa gser phug tu dgung gcig mdzad nas gnam gyi bye ma lung du byon (A. 120). gnam gyi she mong bya as met. the raven. (Moon.). gnam grangs ngar chen = 'dod pa'i rgyal po the god of love, Kamadeva. gnam grum pa = sgra drag pa SANST very rough and thundering sound. gnam rgyan = bla re 3 SANST, SANST n. of an evil spirit (Moon.). gnam lcags SANST; resp. for thog the thunder: gnam lcags rigs kyis bgegs 'joms smyo byed thub with a kind of thunder was able to suppress evil spirits. Syn. brgya byin mtshon cha (Moon.). gnam chod pa mystically = legs pa good (Bon.). gnam rta gyi ling a good breed of horses brought to Tibet from Amdo and Mongolia: gnam rta yi ling seng ge gyen mtshon 'dra (Jig.). gnam stong the day of the new moon, the thirtieth day of the lunar month. gnam gdong po n. of a place in Tibet. gnam lde 'od srung n. of one of the early kings of Tibet (Loo. 'a, 7). gnam sdod = gnam byon SANST celestial, resident in heaven [1. 'having the clouds as fostermother,' fostered or watered by the clouds or by Indra, as corn, land, etc. 2. mother of the gods, Aditi]S. gnam pa + = dri ma ngan pa bad smell, stench. gnam po + = drang po SANST honest, straight. gnam mtsho phyid mo is the large lake lying about 120 miles to the N. W. of Lhasa, commonly known by its Mongol name of Tengri Nor and styled Nam-tsho Chyidmo by Tibetans, i.e., "the frozen sky lake." It was first surveyed and mapped by the native exploring agent of the Indian Survey office, Nain Singh, in 1874. Since then it has been visited by Mr. and Mrs. St. George Littledale and Mr. Fletcher (in 1895). The map of Du Halde, founded on the Jesuit Fathers' notes, however, represented this lake approximately in its actual position. The Jesuits did not personally visit it, but marked it down from Chinese information. gnam mtsho rdo ring the long stone or monolith of Nam-tsho; one of the thirty seven secret holy places of the Bon, situated on a rock on the shores of lake Tengri Nor (G. Bon.). gnam mdzod n. of a demi-god of the sa bdag class. gnam zer + 1. lit. the heavenly nail or pain, n. of disease. 2. wooden bench or seats kept in the felt tents of Mongolia. gnam yas the name of a castle in Tibet (Glr.). gnam ri srong btsan king Nam-ri Sroo-tsan, father of king srong btsan sgam po (Loo. 'a, 5). gnam lo gsar tshes the new year's day (Rtsii.). gnam gshed n. of a sa bdag . gnam so + = drang po straight. gna' or gna' ba , but in colloq. usually styled "na-po," a large wild sheep found all over Tibet from Ladak to the borders of China, and often styled in sportsmen's books, the burrhel. It is the Ovis nahur, and is not so large as the Ovis ammon or the Ovis hodgsoni: gna' ba'i mjug spus rma la phan the hair of the tail of burrhel sheep is good for sores; gna' thug spu lis dug sel chu rnag skem the hair of the male burrhel sheep cures poison (probably removes poison from ulcers) and dries pus in sores. gna' ba adj. former, ancient. gna' dus = thog ma or sngon chad ; gna' nas ma mthong never seen before. gna' bo SANST; = sngon ma'i dus former or ancient time, of yore; gna' mi man of ancient time; gna' rabs men who lived in olden times, the ancients (Cs.). gnas SANST, SANST, SANST; SANST; SANST; 1. a place, locality, spot or piece of ground; and hence, also: an abode, dwelling-place; also a temporary lodging: gnas gtong ba or shom pa to give shelter to, to lodge, a person; gnas med par 'gyur ba to become homeless; gnas po , colloq. "na-bo" a landlord, inn-keeper; gnas tshang a lodging house; gnas mal sleeping place; gnas su song ngo they returned to their place, their home; skye gnas birth-place. 2. a holy place, place of pilgrimage; a monastery: gnas nas dbyung ba to turn out of a monastery, also excommunication. gnas spe ba id. 3. a clerical dignity or religious personage; gnas sbyin pa to confer priestly status on a man. 4. object, heading, point: gad mo'i gnas an object of laughter; ngo tsha'i gnas that which ought to be an object of shame (Schtr.). 5. division, section; sphere, province: rig pa'i gnas lnga the five classes of science. gnas appears also to mean any definite division of places, things, or beings: and even: sort, varietyóalmost equivalent to rigs , but not technically the same. Thus the following definitions are termed gnas rnams :- (1) lus tha dad cing 'du shes tha dad pa dag dper na mi rnams dang lha cig go | SANST [varieties of bodies obtain various names, such as the gods are different from men.]S. (2) lus tha dad la 'du shes gcig pa dag dper na tshangs ris kyi lha dag dang po byung ngo | SANST [varieties of bodies obtain the same name, such as the Brahmakayika and Prathamavinibptta are both called gods]S. (3) lus gcig la 'du shes tha dad pa dag dper na 'od gsal ba rnams so| SANST [the same sorts of bodies assume different names such as the various (64) classes of the Abhasvara deities]S. (4) lus gcig la 'du shes gcig pa dag dper na dge rgyas kyi lha rnams so SANST [the same sort of body assumes the same name such as the Shubhakptsua class of the gods]S. So, likewise, these spheres of external existence are classed as gnas : (1) nam mkha' mtha' yas skye mched| SANST [the infinite expanse of the sky, the first of the Arupa Brahma loka]S. (2) rnam shes mtha' yas skye mched| SANST [unlimited realm of knowledge, the second of the Arupa Brahma loka]S. (3) ci yang med pa'i skye mched SANST [source of nothingness, the third of the Arupa Brahma loka]S. (4) 'du shes med 'du shes med min skye mched| SANST [the sphere of knowledge and non-knowledge, the fourth of the Arupa Brahma loka]S. (5) 'du shes med pa'i sems can rnams so| SANST [the knowledgeless animated beings, the 11th or 13th of the Rupavacara gods]S. gnas sum cu so bdun the thirty-seven holy places of the Bon, out of which there are thirteen in Dbus-ruóthe Central Division of Tibet:- (1) gnyan , lo , and ral ; (2) 'dam shod snar mo ; (3) 'phan yul grab dkar ; (4) mal gro ra ba ; (5) chun gyi brag dmar ; (6) has po ri thang ; (7) lha yer ba ; (8) snam gyi re gad ; (9) gnam mtsho rdo ring ; (10) stod ras lung gsum ; (11) skyid shod lung nag ; (12) ru rgyang sha mtha' ; (13) mgon gon rgyal mo . Seven in the Gyon-ru districts:- (1) 'ol kha shug gcig ; (2) nyang yul shing nag ; (3) dbye lung gang bar ; (4) kong yul bre sna ; (5) klu shod thang dmar ; (6) yar lung sog kha ; (7) mal gro mtshon shod . Eight in the Gyas-ru or Yeru districts:- (1) 'u yug sa nag ; (2) shangs kyi pong tshal ; (3) brud kyi mkhar gdong ; (4) rta nag gyang phu ; (5) 'jang gi rgyang mkhar ; (6) ltag phu gros lhas ; (7) gtsang gi gyer yug ; (8) lang zang lga brag . Nine on Ru-lag:- (1) nyag stod stag tshal ; (2) chu 'go rta ring ; (3) mkhar chen brag dkar ; (4) mtsho nga bris chung; (5) gnyan rtse thang shod ; (6) tram pa kham bu ; (7) rag pa thang zlum ; (8) mang mkhar mdo phug ; (9) lha yul gur thang (G. Bon. 37, 38). gnas bcu gcig the eleven gnas or physical states as mentioned in the medical works of Tibet: (1) rtsa ba mdo yi gnas ; (2) grub pa lus kyi gnas ; (3) 'phel grib nad kyi gnas ; (4) bya ba od lam gyi gnas ; (5) 'tsho ba zas kyi gnas ; (6) sbyor ba snan gyi gnas ; (7) cha byad dpyad kyi gnas ; (8) tha mal nad med gnas ; (9) ngos bzung rtags kyi gnas ; (10) gso byed thabs kyi gnas ; (11) bya byed snan pa'i gnas . gnas chen lnga the five great holy places of the Northern Buddhists of Tibet:- (1) dbus rgya gar rdo rje gdan the central one, Vajrasana in Magadha; (2) shar ri bo rtse lnga in the east Utai-shan in China; (3) lho ri bo po ta la in the south Potala; (4) nub o Di ya na or ur rgyan yul Udyana in the west; (5) byang sham £ la Sambhala in the north. sku yi gnas brgyad the eight places made holy by the relics of Buddha: (1) Preta puri (Tibet); (2) Griha devata; 3. Saurartra (Guzerat); (4) Suvarna dvipa (Pegu and Burma); (5) Nagara; (6) Sindhu (Sind); (7) Maru; (8) Kuluta (K. g. kha, 69-76). gnas skabs SANST, SANST temporal state or life [opportunity, condition]S. gnas skabs las gyur pa produced from circumstance [SANST accidental]S.; gnas skabs tshe yi bar gcod mi 'byung zhing danger to my temporal life not occurring. gnas skyes ma SANST [1. habitable. 2. night]S. gnas khang spangs pa SANST [one who has forsaken his home]S. a mendicant, a Buddhist monk. gnas nges med one whose residence is not fixed, a mendicant ascetic; a vagabond; one of uncertain residence, not residing in one place. gnas ngan lan SANST [depravity, wickedness]S. gnas gcig 'dzin = nags kyi tig ta a species of wild gentian used in medicine (Moon.). gnas bca' ba SANST [fit to be a shelter]S. gnas bcas SANST, SANST n. of an ancient city in upper India sacred to the Buddhists [Some identify it with modern Oudh or Ayodhya; others maintain that it is same as Sogdiana or the land of the Scythians. PataÒjali who flourished in the 2nd century B.C. in referring to the conquests of Alexander the Great and in illustrating a rule of Panini's grammar writes "SANST the Yavana (Alexander) besieged Saketa"]S. gnas chung sgra dbyangs gling n. of small monastery situated to the south-east of Daipung monastery near Lhasa, where resides the great oracle of Na-chung Choi-kyong, a personage said to be the incarnation of Pe-har Gonpo, and who forecasts the place of re-birth of each successive Dalai Lama (S. kar. 181). gnas chen (also gnas rtsa chen or gnas 'gang chen ) a very important place, a very sacred place (Rtsii.), a great resort of pilgrimage, a great sanctuary. gnas mchog principal place of pilgrimage, a very holy place. gnas snying n. of an old monastery in Tsang situated near the road to Gyan-tse from Phari (Loo za, 10). gnas ta la n. of a place in Tibet. lnga pa gnas ta la'i nye skor du 'khrungs pa dge legs bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan no| (Loo. za, 25) the fifth named, Dge-legs bstan-pahi Rgyal-mtshan was born in the neighbourhood of Gnas-ta-la. gnas rten = 'jig rten , sa rten the earth, the world (Moon.). gnas brtan 1. SANST lit. firm in his place, an elder, a Buddhist monk of the Sthavira School. 2. SANST [arrived at the tenth decade of life, above ninety year old]S. But chiefly we read of gnas brtan bcu drug the sixteen famous Sthavira or elders who severally preached Buddhist doctrine in the various mythical islands and continents of the Buddhist cosmogony. A very late tradition asserts that they were invited to China by the Princess Wun-shing Konjo daughter of Emperor Than-ju. gnas pa I: 1. = sdod pa , to sit; to be placed, to exist, to be in force, to continue to exist; khrims gnas pa the law being in force; mi gnas pa evanescent, unsteady. 2. to reside, dwell, stay: mngal na gnas pa'i khye'u the boy dwelling in his mother's womb (Dom.) 3. to remain, continue, adhere to, e.g., a doctrine or opinion: dge ba bcu la gnas to persevere in the ten virtues; byams pa'i sems la gnas pa to remain, to continue in love; chos la gnas pa to abide in religion, one abiding in religion, a clerical person. II: religious exercise, monastic function: gnas pa 'debs pa to perform such; gnas pa dgu the nine devotions of a Buddhist:- (1) ston pa la gnas pa devotedness to the creed or teacher; (2) chos la gnas pa devotion to religion; (3) dge 'dun la gnas pa devotion to the church; (4) slob dpon la gnas pa devoted regard to the teacher; (5) mkhan po la gnas pa attachment to one's own professor or teacher; (6) bla ma la gnas pa loyalty to the spiritual guide; (7) gnas la gnas pa attachment to one's own station; (8) gang zag la gnas pa attachment to an individual; (9) yul la gnas pa attachment to one's own country (K. du. pa, 60). III: 1. = ldan pa 3. 2. = 3bstan pa 3 SANST, SANST [to teach, having been taught]S. gnas byed = nyi ma'i 'khor lo 1. the orb of the sun (Moon.). 2. SANST a saint, sage. gnas byed ma SANST as met. = a cow, also a woman (Moon.). gnas ma SANST residence; also a resident. gnas mo hostess, land-lady, frq. mistress. gnas gtsang ma'i ris SANST n. of a class of gods whose abodes are very clean and pure. gnas tshang v. gnas 3 1. gnas tshul state of things, affairs; condition of life bodily or spiritually; news. gnas tshe'u SANST [a tank]S. gnas gzhi = brtan gnas homestead, permanent residence; estate: ma ga Z'i skor na gnas gzhi yang bsam gyis mi khyab within the province of Magadha there were numberless homesteads, residences of monks, estates, monasteries and villages, &c. (A. 59). Syn. khang khyim ; gzhis ka (Moon.). gnas zab n. of the city of the Asura situated at foot of Sumeru. gnas bzang SANST a good and happy world. gnas bzod = sems bde pa contentment, easiness at heart. de bas nged gnyis gnas bzod gang bder 'gro for that reason let us both with a heart full of ease go to a happy place (Rdsa.). gnas lugs has been described as chos thams cad kyi rang bzhin gnas tshul the natural state of all things, material and phenomenal. gnas lugs rtogs pa the knowledge of the essence of all things, the knowledge of all things, or in a Buddhist sense, of the non-existence of all things: gnas lugs kyi don phyin ci ma log pa rgyud la 'khrungs so (A. 28) in his mind arose the right unperverted meaning of the state of all things. gnas bsrung gen. a local god or spirit entrusted with the duty of guarding a holy place or sanctuary against an enemy, be he god or man. In W. earnest-money, pledge, security (J‰.). gnas srung po an epithet of rnam sras or Vaisravana who is the guardian of all Buddhist sacred places. gnubs n. of a lo-tsa-wa of the RÒio-ma School who translated Tantrik manuals into Tibetan (Khrid. 23). gnong + consciousness of guilt, gnong mi bkur ba = nyes pa khas mi len pa (Lish.). gnong ba 1. to feel ashamed: nga ngo yang gnong pa yod I also felt ashamed (A. 68). 2. = nyes pa 'gyod pa to feel remorse = zhe gnong sems 'gyod pa to be conscience-stricken. gnod pa I: SANST is thus defined: mi phan par tshur ngan pa byed pa'i lha 'dre mi sogs men, demons and evil spirits who are bent on evil here and useless. yum gyi bla shing gi rtsa ba na gnod pa 'ga' ru gda' at the root of the sacred tree of the sakti there were some demons (Hbrom. 106). II: SANST, SANST 1. evil, mischief, injury, harm, damage: rkang pa la gnod par 'gyur gyi dogs pas fearing lest his feet should be hurt; gnod par 'gyur ba'i dgra a dangerous enemy; gnod pa byed pa or skyel ba to do harm, to inflict injury, to hurt. gnod pa byung ngam (modern) = sku gzungs bde'am are you well? 2. to injure, to cause illness. gnod bsnyen = kun 'byung ba (K. ko. 235). gnod pa = sdug bsngal ba 3, gnod zad pa = 3'gog pa 3. gnod pa zad par sgom pa = 3lam 3. These terms are used in mystical language. gnod sbyin SANST a set of deities or demons believed, in Tibet, to haunt mountains and especially mountain passes. They are poisonous to travellers unless propitiated at a pass-top. Many mountain ranges in Tibet are named after Noi-Jin demons. gnod sbyin kha rlangs lit. the mouth vapour of a yakra demi-god; = dgu tshigs (Moon.). gnod sbyin rgyal po the king of the Noi-Jin demons who guards the northern quarter of the world. gnod sbyin gyi sde dpon chen po rnams kyi ming the names of some of the Noi-Jin chiefs are:- Rnam thos-sras (Vaisravana), Hbrog-gnas, Yul-hkhor sruo (Dhritarartra), Hphags-skyes-po (Virudhaka), Mig-mi-bzao (Varupakra), Bzao-po, Gao-wa bzao-po, Rmoos-byed hdsin-pa, Chuhi dwao-po, Lag-brgyad-pa, Loa-rtsen (K. g. tha 113). gnod sbyin chang met. for alcoholic spirit (Moon.). gnod mdzes SANST [n. of a demon slain by the Hindu goddess Durga; he was son of Gaveshthin and grandson of Prahlada]S. gnod sems or gnod pa'i sems SANST mischievous wish, ill-will: gnod sems log lta dag skyong bar mi byed khrims dang 'gal it is against duty to harbour evil-mindedness and false religion (Hbrom. kha 4). Syn. gnod byed ; 'tshe byed nyes byed (Moon.). gnon pa pf. gnn or mnan , fut. mnan , imper. non cig to press, compress, force down; to subdue, suppress, keep down: phan chen las sha khu ma lud pas bu mos kha gab gnn ste yod that the broth might not boil over from the cauldron, the girl pressed down the lid; bgegs dri za lha 'dre rnams mnan pa'i gzungs sngags a dharani which will suppress demons, driza and imps; gnn mgo n. of a mountain, "the head forced down," situated in Nepal, a few miles S. W. of Kinchinjunga. 'dre mnan pa , 'og tu mnan pa to press down. mnan na nem la bteg na 'phar ba zhes bya ba'i nags n. of a forest in the fabulous continent of Uttarakuru (K. d. ra, 304). gnob v. mnab pa . (EEE The Tibetan of the original reads mnab pa 3, but the transliteration indicates 3mnob pa 3. It is uncertain which word is meant and both are valid.) mnag pa = gnag pa 3. (Sch.). mnd mnd falsehood, calumny (Sch.). mnab pa + or mnabs pa = gos gyon pa to put on: na bza' mnab pa put on clothes (Situ. 65); v. also nabs 3. mnab btsal + n. of a kind of pastry, biscuit or cake. mnab rtsal 1. mean, worthless (Cs.). 2. nourishment, food. mnab rtsal gyi bu the child of an indigent person (Cs.). mnam pa 1. to smell: mnam zhing SANST having smelt (A.K. 1-2); dri mnam pa = dri ngan pa bad smelling. 2. to smell of (most frq. signification). mna' SANST, SANST, SANST oath: mna' 'bor ba or skyel ba to take an oath, to swear; lha dpang du btsug nas mna' byed pa to swear by the gods (Glr.). There are two kinds of mna' oath, viz.:- mi mthun gnod pa'i mna' oath to do mischief to an enemy; and mthun pa grogs kyi mna' oath to remain faithful to friends (Gyu. 86). Syn. (to swear) bro bor ba ; dbu mna' bzhes pa ; dbu bsnyung ba (Moon.). mna' ma SANST a son's or grandson's wife; but the word is also used for the bride of one's younger brother. mnar ba 1. sbst. torture, torment, excruciation pain. 2. to suffer, to be tormented: nyes med gtso bo rgyal po'i 'jigs pas mnar the innocent lords had to suffer in consequence of the kings' fears (Pth.); las kyis mnar ba to suffer in consequence of former actions; rang nyid mnar byed you cause yourselves to suffer torments; mnar med SANST n. of one of the eight hells the torments of which are excruciating (B. ch. 5); mnar med gzigs one who has seen the hell of unceasing torment. mnal resp. for gnyid 1. sleep, mnal gzim pa resp. for gnyid log pa to go to sleep; mnal du pheb pa or 'gro ba to fall asleep, to sleep; mnal thum pa a short nap, slight sleep: mnal thum pa zhig byung ba'i rmi lam na in a dream while he indulged in a short sleep (A. 44). mnal lab the talking in one's sleep. mno ba + = sems pa , pf. mnos to think over, ponder, imagine: de nga la zer ba yin mnos nas thinking it had been said to me. bsam mno gtong ba = bsam blo gtong ba to consider, to think carefully upon. mno shis lnga pa (grul bum gyi rgyal po zhig gi ming ) n. of a Kabandha Raja, king of the headless spirits (K. g. ma, 523). mnog pa + = rtsa chung pa of little importance; slight, moderate; mnog chung insignificant, trifling, of little value. zas mnog moderate fare, frugal diet (Sch.). mnong ba v. gnong ba 3; mnong med = ngo tsha med shameless (Moon.). mnod pa = rnyed pa 3; v. 3nod pa 3. mnol ba to grow feeble, to be reduced, weakened; mnol ba yin have been weakened (Pth. 193). mnol grib weak and dull, or obscure; mnol rig weak intellect. rna ba SANST, SANST the ear: khyod la 'on can byung na rna ru mar blugs if you have become deaf pour butter into the ear. rna ba'i me long the drum or tympanum of the ear; rna ba tsha do not disturb or vex by frequent prayers or clamour: de bas rna ba ma tsha kha rog sdod therefore don't vex, sit silent (Rdsa.). rna ba'i dga' ston a treat for the ear (Glr.); rna ba'i dbang po gtod lend me your ear, listen to me (Mil.); rnar snyam pa pleasant to the ear, tickling the ear; rna ba 'dud pa , v. 'dud pa 3; rna ba bya ba , rna ba byo ba , rna ba blag pa , all = to listen. rna ba 'on pa deaf, to be deaf; rna ba'i las the function of hearing. rna khung ear-hole: 'chi ba'i rna khung du brjod pa to cry into a dying man's ears. The common word for the ear in colloq. is rna mchog sounded "namchok;" in W. aam mchog vulg. rna rgyan or ear ornaments are in universal use in Tibet; but the vulgar word for earring is not rna skor or rna 'khor (sometimes used in books) but e skor "e-kor." Syn. sgra 'dzin ; snyan ; thos 'dzin ; thos pa'i sgo ; sgra yi gnas ; nyan byed (Moon.). rna rgyan gcig pa he who wears only one earring, as epithet of rnam sras or Vaisravana, the god of wealth; also = a Tibetan layman. rna sgrang + = mda'i mde'u a bullet, a buzzing arrow. rna can SANST the first born of Kunti before she was married to Pandu (Moon.). rna cha 1. = rna rgyan ear ornament (Yig.). 2. = nyi ma'i gur khang the halo encircling the sun, the canopy of the sun (Moon.). rna cha gdub skor SANST [earring]S. Also rna 'dub id. rna theg can on who can hear patiently; bzod pa sgom pa'i rna theg can one that is able to listen to all with patience; particularly one who is meditating on the merit of patience. rna spangs or rna spags SANST ear-wax. rna ba gon pa n. of place prob. east of India (K. d. ra, 267). rna ba brgyad pa one possessed of eight earsóan epithet of deities with four heads; Brahma, (Moon.). rna ba can as met. the Sal tree = spos dkar shing (Moon.). rna ba bye pa ri n. of a hill in the land of the Yidag or Preta: sngon gro bzhin skyes rna ba bye ba ri yi ags kyi yul byon (Khrid. 41). rna ba'i bcud = ka la ping ka SANST or the Indian koel (Moon.). rna ba 'dzin SANST the holder of the helm of a boat, a pilot. rna mdzad = rna rgyan n. of a kind of ear-ornament (Rtsii.); rna ba mdzes byed id. rna ru + = 'khrig pa copulative union of the sexes (mystic). rna lung the ear or handle of a vessel (Cs.). rna slags SANST [capable of being heard]S. rna shal or rna gshog ear-lap, tip of the ear (Med.). [SANST a vessel]S. rna slan a fur-cover for the ears worn by Tibetan ladies (J‰.). rnag SANST matter, pus, suppuration; rnag snin pa pus grown mature. rnam 'dren pa to draw out pus; rnam khrag matter and blood; rnam can containing pus, purulent: rnam par rnag pa to form pus, to ulcerate (Cs.). rnag 'brum abcess (Sch.). rnag gzan a kind of damned creature, prob. a preta which subsists on pus and mucous. rnags in colloq. = ready money, cash (J‰.). rnang ba pf. brnangs to be come choked, be stifled, grow constricted: brnangs te 'chi ba dying by choking; dbugs kyis rnang shing (his) breath stopping short; lkog ma bskrangs nas de'i skad kyis brnangs so his throat having become swollen his words were stifled; zas kyis rnang te the food choking him; mya ngan gyis rnang te stifled by his grief. rnam pa I: 1. a piece, a part, a section, distinct part, ingredient: lus kyi rnam pa phra rags rnams the subtle and the coarse ingredients of the body (Vai. so.); rnam pa kun tu or thams cad du in every respect, to all intents and purposesóthis phrase is used whenever people of rank are addressed: rnam kun thugs rje mgo 'dren bka' drin mtshungs bral most honoured patron, altogether incomparable as to grace and goodness. 2. adj. different, distinct, individual, respective: 'od zer rnam pa bzhi four (separate) rays of light; jo bo rnam (pa )gnyis the two lords respectively; bdag 'dir tshogs bu mo rnam pa lnga we five individual girls here assembled (Mil.); cho 'phrul rnam pa bco brgyad the eighteen different wonderful feats; zhal zas rnam pa separate dishes of food; rnam pa thams cad mkhyen pa'i ye shes gzugs ni kha dog dang dbyibs kyi rnam pa'o omniscience is that in which both colour and form are individually included (Vai. so.). 3. division, class species: dpung rnam bzhi the four species of troops; rnam pa sna tshogs different sorts; rnam pa bzhi of four different kinds. 4. manner, way: rnam pa rna tshogs kyi sgo nas in manifold manner, variously, frq.; rnam pa thams cad in every way; rnam pa drug tu (the earth shakes) in six ways; i.e., directions. 5. effect, result, consequence; de la mi dga' ba'i rnam pas from vexation at it; bser ma'i rnam pas in consequence of the cold wind (Mil.). 6. shape, aspect, form: rnam pa dang bcas pa SANST assuming individuality, personified outward appearance, figure, shape (A.K.); lcags kyu'i rnam pa in the shape of a hook (Vai. so.); ston pa'i rnam par sprul he assumed the form of the teacher (Ta.); chos sku'i rnam par 'gyur ba to appear in a spiritual form (Glr.); lus 'di ni ro'i rnam par 'gyur this body turns into a corpse; and so in most cases with regard to the whole appearance [in substance (from J‰.)]. 7. time as an unit: rnam pa kun SANST atoms of all things; time without end; rnam pa kun tu at all times, perpetually (Moon.). blo ngan 'di las bar che ba med|de phyir rnam pa kun tu 'di spang bya there is no greater danger than an evil thought, therefore it should be avoided at all times (Lo. 26). II: in Budh. that which is cognizable, can be measured, or conceived is called rnam-pa; that which is incomprehensible is rnam-pa med-pa (K. d. ga, 45). rnam par or rnam full, complete, all; fully, completely, to the uttermost: rnam par bkod fully arranged; rnam par mkhas pa thoroughly wise, fully acquainted with; rnam par 'khor quite dazed; rnam par gtong ba resigning all, thoroughly giving up; rnam par ltams pa quite full, full to the brim; rnam thar complete escape, emancipation, and hence: memoir, life, biography. For other compounds and examples, v. separate headings. rnam bkra or rnam par khra SANST variegated, piebald. rnam skrag ('khrugs ) SANST [very agitated, overcome]S. rnam skyes or rnam par skyes a king. Syn. rgyal po ; sa dbang (Moon.). rnam skyed to procreate; procreation. rnam dkar rtse (Nangar-tse) n. of a small town with a fort situated on the western shore of lake Yamdok on the highroad from Gyang-tse to Lhasa. rnam khro SANST, SANST wrath [shameless anger]S. rnam mkhas ma a clever, wise woman (Moon.). rnam mkhyen omniscience; the term in later lit. has been applied to Buddha: dus 'das ma 'ongs da lta dang |phyogs bcu 'jig rten gyi khams dang |sangs rgyas dang |sems can gyi gnas tshul tshang ma dus mtha'i skad cig ma gcig la gzigs pa'o|de 'dra 'zigs thub pa'i rnam mkhyen ni sangs rgyas kho na'i rgyud la yod do| (Gser-phreo 68) the omniscience to be able to see things in that manner exists only in the nature of Buddha. rnam 'khor or rnam par 'khor ba SANST [mistake, flurry]S. rnam grangs SANST 1. specification, enumeration: rgyal po'i rnam grangs enumeration of the names of kings. rnam grangs dpag yas (kha grangs mi 'dra ba mang po ) many different individual things, great variety of numbers (Rtsii.). mtshan rnams gyi rnam grangs the component parts of names according to their etymological value (Ta. 69, 3-3). 2. treatise, dissertation, a paper chos kyi frq. Syn. of 1. gnas skabs ; rim pa ; sprul pa ; rnam pa (Situ. 45). rnam grol or rnam par grol ba SANST emancipation, complete escape from re-birth. rnam grol yon tan bstan pa'i mdo a Sutra in K. d. la, 199. rnam gling or rnam rgyal gling 1. n. of a monastery in the town of rnam gling rdzong in the Shang district of the province of Tsang (Rtsii.). 2. n. of a Bon work (G. Bon. 4). rnam 'gyed n. of a fabulous number: thams cad rnam 'gyed snying mchog (Ya-sel. 57). rnam 'gyur I: SANST, SANST change (for the worse) in illness; affliction of mind: rnam 'gyur mi mnga' ba SANST without anything affecting the mind, the mind in its serene, calm state; rnam 'gyur can one whose mind has been affected, changed for good or bad; rnam 'gyur med pa convalescent; recovered from illness. Syn. nad sangs pa ; nad las thar ba (Moon.); without disturbance in the mind or anger; also change from the normal state of the mind. II: 1. form, figure, shape; yi ge'i rnam 'gyur the form of letters (written or printed) (Glr.). 2. behaviour, demeanor; lus ngag gi rnam 'gyur (Vai. so.); of a sick person, rnam 'gyur mdzas pa mimic gestures or performances, mummers' dance. 3. graceful carriage of the body, strutting walk; pride. rnam rgyal or rnam par rgyal 1. SANST complete victory; a common appellation of persons, deities and monasteries: rnam rgyal chos sde the Dalai Lama's personal monastery on Potala at Lhasa. 2. = aa ru ra gser mdog mystic. 3. as met. = ku ba gourd (Moon.). rnam rgyal shing 1. one of the names of Arjuna the third of the Pandava brothers (Moon.); a name of Radanana the youngest son of Mahadeva (Moon.). 2. = rgyal mtshan SANST, SANST; the standard of victory (Moon.). Syn. rgyal byed shing ; chu glung shing (Moon.). rnam rgyal bum pa 1. a consecrated water pot supposed to contain an elixir of life which Buddha Amita Ayura holds in his hands; any vessel containing charmed water; rag dang zangs dmar gyi rnam rgyal bum pa the consecrated water-pot made of brass or red-copper (Rtsii.). 2. n. of sanctuary in Yarlung. rnam rgyas SANST copious, abundant. rnam sgeg ma a coquettish woman. Syn. 'gram ser ; skye bo'i skra can (Moon.). rnam sgy ur 'gro lus as met. the sun (Moon.). rnam sgom SANST; met. night. rnam gcod and yongs gcod , SANST [relinquishment, leaving; a full pause consisting of two dots]S. rnam bcad can a passage or sentence at the end of which two dots, one above another, are put is called Rnam-bcod-can (Ya-sel. 47). rnam 'jig SANST sadness. rnam 'joms rtsa ba (snan ) n. of a medicinal root. Syn. mngar ba ; skar chen ; skar ma'i dri ldan ma ; 'o ma dkar po ; bur shing dri ; rnga mo ; grags ldan (Moon.). rnam 'joms bashfulness. rnam gnyis sbyar spos = dri mi zhim pa bad smell, stink (Moon.). rnam rtog or rnam par rtog pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. cogitation, actual perception, thought, reflection. [SANST reasoning or confutation; SANST disputation]S. It is variously stated by Tibetan sages:- rnam rtog thams cad spang bya yin pas that all cogitation is to be avoided (Grub. da, 76); sems la bzang ngan gang shar ba la rnam rtog zer all that occurs in the mind, i.e., thoughts good or bad, is called Rnam-rtog. 2. unreal conclusions, imagination, aberrations of the mind. 3. in philosophy: obscuration, viz., of the clear and direct (nihilistic) knowledge of truth by reasonings in the mind of the individual, error (Was. 305). 4. in pop. language disgust, distaste, rnam rtog skyed pa to feel disgust (J‰.). 4. SANST doubt, scruples, misgiving; yid kyi rnam rtog dpyod pa to remove doubts from the mind (Oag.); rnam rtog can or rnam rtog ldan doubtful, hesitating. rnam rtog mi mnga' ba = rnam rtog med pa doubtless, unquestionably. Syn. kun rtog ; yid gzhung ; yid kyi las ; sems kyi longs od ; yang dag rtog ; yid la byed pa ; rtog dpyod ; rtog pa ; dran pa ; bsam mno (Moon.). rnam thar v. rnam par thar ba . rnam thar sgo gsum the three doors of SANST emancipation: (1) stong pa nyid Sunyata SANST [void]S. (2) mtshan ma med pa SANST [unconditioned]S. (3) snon pa med pa SANST [passionless]S. rnam thos or rnam par dos 1. n. of a sa bdag or demi-god. 2. = shes rab can one possessed of wisdom, spiritual knowledge (Moon.). rnam thos sras the king of the Noijin or mountain deities who guards the northern quarters (Moon.). Is also, in a way, amalgamated with Kuvera or Vaisravana, the god and guardian of wealth, whom he is sometimes identical with and sometimes differentiated from. He is furthermore classed with the drag gshed deities and also placed in the Yamantaka group. His Mongol designation seems to be Bisaman-tegri, while in Japan he is styled Bishamun. Syn. byang phyogs bdag po ; rgyal po'i rgyal ; dpal gter gsang bdag ; gter gyi bdag ; mi'i chos ldan ; ngal bsos po ; 'od yangs tsha bo ; e le'u brgyud ; nor sbyin 'dren pa ; gnod sbyin rgyal ; nor gyi bdag ; dbyig char 'bebs ; byang phyogs skyong (Moon.). rnam dag or rnam par dag pa SANST; 1. very pure, thoroughly cleansed, frq. 2. n. of the chaitya on the site of which Buddha cut off his locks with his sword and for the first time renounced the world and the pleasures of royalty. rnam dul or rnam par dul = rta mchog SANST the king of horses which possesses a wonderful power of hearing (Moon.). rnam 'dud skyes SANST; SANST an epithet of the mythical khyuo bird (Moon.). rnam angs or rnam angs = mkhas pa a learned man (Moon.). rnam gdung ma or rnam par gdung ma n. of a very useful and important medicine. Syn. skad cig ma ; sde tshan bu mo ; phra mo'i 'bras ; lcang lo ma ; mtshan khung ma ; sa skyes ma ; yul bzang skyes ; rab tu pad dkar ; pad dkar skyes ; yangs ma ; me'i rtse ; mtha' yas pa ; kun tu shugs ldan ; rgan po 'joms ; yan lag mnyam ; 'gram nag ma ; ser byed ma ; nya mig can ; zla ba'i 'khri shing ; pa Tu'i 'dab ; gsal ba'i lo ma ; gangs can ma ; tshangs ma ; zla ba'i snye ma (Moon.). rnam 'dud SANST n. of one of the seven golden mountains of the Buddhist cosmography which are situated round Meru (Glr.). It is so called from its crest being slightly bent (So-rig.). rnam 'dren or rnam par 'dren pa SANST [spiritual preceptor]S. 'gro ba rnams 'khor ba las rnam par 'dren pa one who leads to Nirvana (S. kar. 6), an epithet of Buddha; saviour. rnam 'dren chen po = rnam 'dren the great leader, an epithet of the Bodhisattvas who are incarnated for the purpose of conducting men along the path of Nirvana (Yig. k. 3). rnam snang gangs chen mtsho n. of a lake in Tibet (B. ch. 10). rnam snang byed met. the sun. rnam bsnun SANST manifold; [various, many]S. rnam par dge ba'i dus = dus bzang po good times, auspicious time or moment, favourable time. rnam par rgyal byed SANST n. of the celestial palace of Indra (Moon.). rnam rgyal ma SANST n. of a goddess who is generally represented as possessed of 3 faces and 8 arms. In one of her right hands she holds an image of the Dhyani Buddha Amitabha, and from a left hand golden cords to which is attached the mystical syllable Hri wrought in silver. She is, it seems, identical with the goddess gtsug gtor rnam par rgyal ma or Ushnisha-vijaya, a popular deity in Japan. rnam par ldan pa SANST [gone away]S. rnam par 'dud bending down most humbly, to bow respectfully. rnam par gnas SANST to rest, repose; residing at a place comfortably. rnam par gnon 1. met. a lion. 2. horse in general (Moon.). 3. hero; intrepid, fearless. rnam par snang mdzad also rnam snang 1. Vairocana the chief of the five Dhyani Buddhas or ye shes sangs rgyas . Is usually as an effigy painted white in colour and is asserted to preside over the uppermost paradise situated in the zenith of the terrestrial skies. The Mongol designation is Mashi gheigulun dzo-kiakchi. 2. = zla ba the moon. rnam par spros pa med without enthusiasm, or zeal. rnam par 'bab pa n. of a forest in the hill of Samkasa in Uttara kuru (K. d. ra, 299). rnam par byas SANST shape, form (A.K. 2-95 v.). rnam par tshig SANST [solvent]S. rnam par bzhag pa SANST establishment; good arrangement. rnam par gYeng ba very attentive [SANST throwing away, casting away, postponing]S. rnam par yangs pa = rgya che ba wide and spacious (Moon.). rnam par rig pa = rnam par shes pa idea, notion; often = SANST [principle]S.; also SANST [knowledge]S. rnam rig tu bkral pa 'explained in the sense of the idealists' (Schf.). rnam par rig byed SANST science, knowledge. rnam par rol ba SANST, SANST enjoyment, merriment. rnam par shes pa SANST 1. etymologically: perfect knowledge, consciousness. 2. in philosophy: one of the five phuo-po or "aggregates." Is also used for: soul of the departed. By other authorities it is stated rnam par shes pa is of two kinds, phenomenal consciousness or snang ba'i rnam par shes pa and dngos po so sor rnam par rtog pa'i rnam par shes pa consciousness of external things, or that which distinguishes one from another (K. d. ca, 100). Nine kinds of Rnam-shes also are given:- (1) kun gzhi rnam par shes pa SANST [abode of knowledge, self-consciousness, the "ego" or "I"]S. (2) len pa'i rnam par shes pa SANST [momentary acts of knowledge]S. (3) nyon mongs pa can gyi yid kyi rnam par shes pa| SANST [image-receiving knowledge]S. (4) mig gi rnam par shes pa| SANST [visual knowledge]S. (5) rna ba'i rnam par shes pa| SANST [auditory knowledge]S. (6) sna ba'i rnam par shes pa| SANST [smell-knowledge]S. (7) lce'i rnam par shes pa| SANST [taste-knowledge]S. (8) lus kyi rnam par shes pa| SANST [tactual knowledge]S. (9) yin kyi rnam par shes pa| SANST [internal-sense-knowledge.]S. rnam par snun pa [SANST flowing, issuing forth]S. rnam dpyod SANST, SANST, SANST discrimination, discernment, judgment. Syn. blo gros ; shes rab (Moon.) (Yig. k. 88). rnam dpyod can = blo gros can SANST one who judges well, a judge (Oag.). rnam dpyod dang ldan pa sensible, possessed of judgment (Situ. 2). rnam dpyod mtshungs med lhag bsam skyes bu des| by that generous person who is without an equal in discretion (Yid. 47). rnam par spros pa med pa SANST without (religious) fervour or zeal; not unreal or magical. rnam phug pa'i grub mtha' n. of a metaphysical and doctrinal treatise of one of the non-Buddhist schools of Magadha written by Rnam phug-pa (Theg. 33-39). rnam phyar or rnam phyar lnga the five modes of reproof (Yig.). rnam phye rnam phyed , = rnam par dbye ba 1. SANST distinction, division, section: rnam par phye ste SANST dividing, having divided or differentiated. 2. = rnam byed 3. rnam 'phyo as met. fish. rnam 'phyo'i bdag po the king of fish, who is possessed of a thousand teeth. Syn. nya yi rgyal po ; mche ba stong lda ; so mang ba ; khri can (Moon.). rnam byed SANST, SANST, SANST [providence; fortune]S. rnam dbye SANST; SANST case or cases in Gram. [division, separation; also, case-endings.]S. rnam snin or rnam par snin pa SANST, SANST lit. fully ripened, become mature. In Budh. the fullness of one's sin. sdig pa'i rnam par snin pa to suffer the effects of one's sins. rnam mrdzes or rnam par mrdzes pa 1. very handsome, beautiful. 2. = skyur rtsi chen po the large species of lime (Moon.). rnam bzhag SANST arrangement, order in reference to place, position = gnas lugs (J‰.). rnam gzigs or Vipasyi, the n. of the first of the six temporal Buddhas who preceded Sakyamuni:- rnam gzigs mar me rin chen gtsug|grangs med gsum gyi tha mar byung Vipasyi, Dipamkara and Ratna-chuda appeared at the end of the age called Asaoklya. The Mongol appellation of the Buddha Rnam-gzigs is Babashi. rnam gYeng SANST unsteady, vacillating, wavering, restless, = sems gYeng a changeable mind: rnam gYeng la dga' ba'i grogs the friend who is fond of change (Hbrom. kha, 5). rnam gYeng pa one who is not of fixed purpose, always vacillating (Yig. k. 26). rnam gYo explained by bu med kyi nyams 'gyur fickleness, an attribute of the fair sex (Moon.). rnam rab ags po grwa tshang n. of a monastery situated to the west of Lhasa (Loo. za, 4). rnam rig byed = shes rab SANST wisdom (Moon.). rnam shes or rnam par shes SANST the mind, memory, intellect; knowledge. rnam shes can = shes rab can or mkhas pa . rnam shes tsam pa SANST one who is possessed of only the VijÒana. [n. of a sect in India and China who maintained that knowledge alone was real.]S. rnam shes rten SANST the heart the basis of consciousness. rnam sras gan mdzod n. of the repository of precious articles (gold, silver, precious stones, etc.) belonging to the De-wa Zhung (sde-pa gshun) or central government of Lhasa (S. kar. 178). rnam gsal 1. SANST light; enlightened person (Moon.). 2. SANST lightning. rnam gsal byed SANST the maker of light, sun (Moon.). rnam srol = lugs srol tradition, custom: nga shi yang khyod kyis pha mes kyi rnam srol skyong bar snang in the event of my death your ancestral tradition (or customs) should be preserved (A. 128). rnam par lhung ba SANST entirely fallen (morally). rnam lhun grub rdzong n. of a Jong in upper Nyang (nyang stod ) in Tsang. rnams 1. (mang tshig ) the word or particle denotive of plurality: lha rnams the gods, klu rnams the Naga demi-gods, mi rnams men, etc. 2. In Bal. the usual sign of the plural, but in col. language little used. May be annexed to adjectives and even whole phrases: che rnams those which were large, the big ones; snga rnams those in front; lug khyu de myang nas khyid 'ongs rnams those who had brought the flock of sheep from Nyang; gang yod rnams whichever they were; mjag la song rnams those that went behind. rnar 1. abbr. of rnam par 3 also abbr. of rnam par thar or 3rnam thar 3. 2. for rna bar in the ear. rnal I: or rnal ma = gzhi (Oag.) basic or fundamental state, also = yang dag or ngo thog normal condition; real, actual; rab tu byung ba'i rtags tsam las|lta ad rnal ma dang mi ldan pas with the exception of the sign of ordination he was not possessed of real theoretical learning (Yig.). sems rnal du gnas pa = sems bde bar gnas pa the mind come to a state of happiness, i.e., being in peace, or was in a tranquil state; phyi nas rnal du gnas pa thob SANST it again got to its original condition (A.K. 1-16). chos rnal ma byed pa = chos ngo thog byed pa performing real religious practices, to practise religion from the heart. II: 1. rest. lus rnal du gnas par gyur to his body obtained rest; esp. tranquility of mind, composedness, absence of passion: rnal du phebs pa = sngar ltar gzhi brtan par 'gyur ba to become steady in its nature as before; rdzings chen po rnal du phebs nas the large boat has arrived at the tranquil state (A. 18); sems rnal du mi gnas par his soul having no rest (Ta.). 2. seems to be related to mnal , but in this form used in the sense of a dream or dreamful sleep (also a meditative trance): rnal ltas signs of a dream; rnal ltas bzang po good prognostics of a dream (Yig.). der rnal sad pa dang rmi lam 'di rnams dge 'am mi dge dgongs te rtog cung zhig skyes pa as soon as the trance was over, then reflecting were these dreams and testings of visions auspicious or inauspicious, a maze of doubts arose. rnal 'gongs SANST [crossing]S. rnal du bkod pa SANST 1. put in the way of ascetical practice. 2. endeavours. rnal 'byor SANST; SANST the realization of the happy state of meditation. rnal 'byor pa or rnal 'byor SANST; SANST; 1. lit. one who adheres to contemplative tranquility, a hermit, an ascetic given up to meditation, a yogi. 2. n. of one of the earliest Tibetan disciples of Atisa (Khrid. 56). 3. acc. to Sch., personal, visible. rnal 'byor ma SANST a female hermit or ascetic; but hardly known in Tibet in modern times. However, the lady-abbess of Sam-ding on lake Yamdok is usually accorded this distinction. rnal 'byor rgyud SANST [n. of a class of writings about the different Tantrik postures of yoga]S. rnal 'byor od pa SANST the practice of systematic meditation, but more especially an expert in the art. rnal 'byor rnam pa said to be = dpal ldan dus kyi 'khor lo SANST, i.e., the Kalachakra cultus (Moon.). rnal 'byor rgyud kyi rtsa rgyud = de kho na nyid bsdus pa SANST the substance of yoga-tantra and mula-tantra classes of writings, contained in K. g. ja, 213. rnal 'byor rgyud kyi bshad rgyud rdo rje tse mo is contained in K. g. nya, and gives explanation of such mystic letters and terms as oM aAa hUMa swAa hA phTa , etc. rnal ma'i rgyud the real passage to Nirvana. rnil + = so'i snyil the gums. rnur ba pf. brnu ba or brnur ba to pull forward or out of the way v. snur ba 3. rno ba SANST 1. sharp, pointed; shin tu rno ba SANST very sharp, rno med dull, blunt; rno phyung ba to sharpen; rno 'bigs auger, instrument to bore holes in wood or iron, etc. (Rtsii.). rno byas sharpened knife. rno byed a horn (Moon.); rno 'don pa , rno len pa to get sharp, to be sharpened; rno phyung a n. of females and males. 2. rank in taste, acrid, strong or penetrating (smell). 3. sharp, clever, shrewd, preceded by blo , sems , or rig . rnon po SANST sharp; sharpness (A.K. 1-48): rnon po byas SANST, SANST sharpened; rnon mang du byas SANST acute meditation. sna SANST, SANST; the nose but in the colloq. the usual term seems to be sna ku "na-ku" and in the W. sna mtshul pr. "namtshul" is the common word. sna chu discharge or mucus from the nose; sna chen po a big nose, used also to designate a government commissioner or magistrate, just as the English slang term "beak" is vulgarly applied. sna skad whine, nasal twang; sna gug flat nose; sna sgang the bridge or top of the nose; sna bug nostril. sna kun nas dma' ba SANST acc. to S. = flat-nosed. sna seems to be often used to designate a peak or projection from a mountain; also a promontory in a lake. Also, the tip or end of any thing: thag sna tip of a piece of string. sna yi brtag pa the prognostics of the nose: sna ring rno ba mchog yin la a long aquiline nose is the sign of shrewdness and of superior intellect; sna rtse spom mthug sdig la od a thick obtuse nose indicates viciousness (in a man); sna gong leb 'khyog sdug bsngal mang a flat and crooked nose is an augury of much misery (Mi.). II: sort, kind; part, portion; with tshogs or tshogs pa = various, all sorts of: spos sna tshogs kyis 'debs pa (Dzl.); to strew all sorts of spices over......; rnam pa sna tshogs every kind, sna mang (Lex.), sna dpag tu med pa (Glr.); sna tshad of every sort; rin po che sna bdun seven kinds of jewels; dar sna lnga five sorts of silk; also sna alone is added to substantives, inst. of sna tshogs 3 or = 3rnams 3: shing sna'i dud pa smoke from different sorts of wood; 'bru sna snin pa the ripening of corn (Glr.); sna gcig single; chos sna a portion of the doctrine (Schf.) (from J‰.). sna khrid (lam pa khrid pa ) SANST, SANST guide, leader. sna gong trunk, proboscis (Sch.). sna can ma SANST the wind. sna bcag pa to procure sanction for anything through the kindness of a superior official: sna bcag tshan na rjes nas las de byed chog the work may be undertaken after sanction has been obtained, etc. sna chen po 1. chief official, judge. 2. n. of a place in Magadha (Yig.). Syn. blon po ; khrims kyi kha lo pa ; gzhung lugs 'dzin pa (Moon.). sna 'ju piece of wood bent in the shape of a ring of which the nose-string of yaks is attached (Rtsii.). sna rtog nostril; sna rtog che zhing so rna ba the nostrils were large and the teeth were pointed (Hbrom. 117). sna bstad pa to be confident of, rely on; also as abstr. noun: trust, confidence. sna thag 1. SANST; SANST a rope passed through the nose of a beast of burden to lead it by. 2. proboscis, sna thag or sna mchu sring ba to stretch it forward (Pth., J‰.). sna thung ba = sra thung ba short-tempered, also one who loses his spirits very easily (Moon.). sna dri prob. = snabs 3 (Med.). sna drangs leader, conductor: shing rta dkar po gsum gyi sna drongs la for the conductor of the three white chariots (A. 4). sna 'ded pa 1. sngon du 'gro mkhan one who goes before; a fore-runner, pioneer. 2. = dang por 'gro ba to precede, go before. sna 'dren leader, commander; sdug bsngal gyi sna 'dren one that causes misfortune, author of it (J‰.). sna 'dren pa to lead, conduct; to head an expedition. sna drangs = 'go byas nas having taken the lead of (A. 65). sna nam Samarkand in Bokhara: sna nam rdo rje bdud 'joms n. of a certain Buddhist sage who belonged to Samarkand (Deb. ga, 2). chab srid sna nam la ster nges it was settled that the kingdom should be given to Nanam (Ya-sel. 14). sna snem lazy: sna snem ma 'dug cig do not sit here so idly, without any object! (Sch.). sna phu n. of a place in Tibet (Loo. za, 28). sna ba or sna pa or sna bo = gtso bo leader, a guide: gom gsum tsam la'ang sna bo dgos for about every third step a guide was necessary. sna ba 'dzin (evidently rna ba 'dzin 3) SANST ship-commander, boat-man. Syn. mnyan pa ; gru yi kha lo pa ; gru mkhan (Moon.). sna babs the glanders (Sch.). sna bum SANST [ink-stand]S. sna bo la kha on the top of the mountain of Sna-bo situated between Gyang-tse and Rong cham-chen de nas dol du byon te sna bo la kha nas dung bus nas then arriving at Dol he caused a trumpet to be sounded from the top of sna bo Nao peak (A. 90). sna bon certain Bon charms which are uttered by the leader of a marriage procession in Tibet (D.R.). sna sbyong sna snan snuff (Med.). sna sbrang = snabs lud mucus. sna ma 1. (Cs.), the blossom of the nut-meg tree? 2. v. sna 3 compound. SANST [1. n. of a plant Cissampelos hexandra. 2. badly clothed]S. sna ma or sna ma'i me tog SANST n. of a flower [Jasminum grandiflorum]S. sna snad n. of a place in Tibet, lower part of the place called sna . sna tse the top or point of the nose; and sna rtser skyor ma rdebs pa ni|thugs bde mi bde 'di ba'o is a mystic phrase of the Khadoma spirits (Mkhah-brdo.) (K. g. nga, 70). sna tshang = sna tshogs tshang ba complete in varieties. sna tshogs 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, v. sna 3 II. 2. = kun all. sna tshogs 'gengs SANST [1. the earth. 2. that fills or supports the universe]S. sna tshogs rgyu = nya fish (Moon.). sna tshogs bsgrub = SANST [Brahma]S. sna tshogs sgrub byed SANST [maker of all things, Visva-karta]S. sna tshogs can SANST the water bird [a wild cock]S. sna tshogs tog SANST n. of the son of Kamadeva (Moon.). sna tshogs rta can an epithet of the god of wind (Moon.). sna tshogs 'thung SANST [as met. all-drinking, the sun or moon or fire]S. sna tshogs mdog = ba bla [SANST lit. variety of colours; the plant Curuma amhaldi or zerumbet]S. Also = gar gyi brgyan stage dress (Moon.). sna tshogs mdog can sgra gcan gyi mjug ma the comet's tail (Moon.). sna tshogs rdo rje the Visvavajra or four-fold dorje which the Yum or Sakti of Don-grub the fifth Dhyani Buddha bears in her hand. sna tshogs sde SANST n. of a medicine (Moon.). [the plant Cassia alata or Tora.]S. sna tshogs mig ldan ma n. of a Noijin goddess (K. g. nga, 130). sna tshogs gtsug can SANST the spiritual guide of the gods, Vphaspati (Moon.). sna tshogs 'dzin = sa gzhi as met. the earth (Moon.). sna tshogs shing rta = nyi ma SANST the sun (Moon.) = SANST ['having a variegated car,' the sun]S. sna 'dzom pa = sne 'dzom 3. sna ro or sna ru 1. = na ru the sign of the vowel o o (Situ. 12). 2. snuff-bottle made of the horn of yaks or of goats. sna len pa 1. to give shelter or lodging. 2. hospitality. snag a tribal name. snag tsha SANST ink. snag bum an ink-pot; sna smyug pen and ink; snag tsha dang smyu gu id. snag smyug ma 'dzom ste ci rnyed kyis bris pas yi ge mi gsal tsam yod both pen and ink together being not available he wrote with what he had, consequently the writing was not clear (legible) (A. 100). snag tsha 'byar byed glue, gum. Syn. 'byar rtsi ; 'byar byed ; sbyin (Moon.). snag las skyes born of the family of Snag; gen. family extraction. Syn. rgyud pa ; rigs rgyud ; 'dug rgyud (Moon.). snags pa = 'bags pa defiled, polluted. snang ba SANST, SANST, SANST sbst. 1. brightness, light, lustre, glare. bar snang "the light between," i.e., the atmosphere, the light of heaven, the sky: bar snang las char babs te rtsi shing gi 'bras bu lo thog thams cad dus gcig tu snin te rain descending from the heavens the fruit of the fruit-trees and all the crops matured together (Pth.). snang ba yod pa'i dus su when there is light, when it is light; fig. rgyus kyi snang ba the light of doctrine (Dzl.). Syn. snang byed ; snang gsal ; gsal ; mngon par gsal ba ; 'od zer ; 'od 'bar ; sgron me ; rab gsal (Moon.). 2. an objective appearance or thing seen, an apparition: mi mang pos ded pa'i snang ba 'byung ngo there is an appearance as of being pursued by many people; rmi lam gyis snang rnams appearances in a dream. 3. SANST, a visual seeing, one's sight: bdag rang gi snang ba ma dag pa yin my faculty of vision, my sight, is dimmed (J‰.) (more frq. intellectually) a view, opinion; sangs rgyas kyi snang ba la in the view of Buddha; and hence: 4. thought, idea, notion, conception, c. genit.: 'di thams cad rang gi sems kyi snang ba yin all these things are only conceptions of your mind, your fancies; 'khyags pa'i snang ba 'byung (Mil.); 'kres snang ye med par gyur to he was even without a thought of hunger (Mil.); chos la snang ba sgy ur turn your mind to religion! (Mil.); snang ba 'gyur ba to change hearts, to repent, conversion. snang ba bde ba pleased, cheerful, happy (Pth.); col. gnyis snang the arising of two ideas in the mind; gnyis snang gi rtog pa hesitation, irresolution, wavering; mthong snang perception, both physical and mental: mthong snang gi sprul pa phantom, apparition; rang snang 'khrul ba an illusion of fancy (Thgy.) (J‰.). 5. attainments, intellectual illumination. II: vb. 1. to emit light, to shine, to be bright; snang bar byed pa to fill with light, to be enlightened, to illuminate; snang bar 'gyur ba to be filled with light, to be enlightened, e.g., by the light of wisdom (J‰.); shin tu mi snang ba'i mun pa darkness entirely devoid of light (Dzl.). 2. to be seen or perceived, to show one's self, to appear; snang ba thams cad or phyi snang ba gang 'byung every thing visible; phyi snang ba'i yul all that is an object of senses (Mil.); da lta rgyu zhig snang ngo now an opportunity shows itself (J‰.). lus mi snang yang gsung snang ba ma chad pa byung although the body had become invisible, yet the voice continued to appear and was heard without interruption (Ta. 127. 11); to have a certain appearance, to look (like), chad pa ltar snang ba as if it had been suddenly cut off (Vai. so.); snum bcas snang ba (to look) greasy (S. g.); 'phrul du snang ngo it looks like sorcery (Glr.) (cf. 'phrul 3); mi snang ba invisible, mi snang bar byed pa to disappear frq.; btsun ma rnams mi snang ba dang as their wives were not to be seen, were not present (Dzl. 53, 17); mi snang bar 'gyur ba to become invisible, to efface the traces of a thing (J‰.). (EEE In the original, both the Tibetan and the transliteration for one of the above examples is given as snum bcas snang pa , but this is clearly an error for snum bcas snang ba .) III: = 3yod pa 3 Lex.; in Amdo: snang mi snang = yod med or 'dug mi 'dug is or is not, khyod la rtsam pa e snang I believe you have not barley-flour? nga la rtsam pa mi snang I have not barley-flour; zhes phal skad la snang so it occurs in vulgar language, zer ba snang it is said, dicitur (Ta. 34, 14); prob. also: to be in a certain state (of health), in a certain condition, etc.; in C. da lta gang snang gi yod dam how are you now (?) what have you been doing now? (J‰.). snang chags shifts of work from serfs or mi-ser according to their respective turns (Rtsii.). snang chung unimportant and of little use: snang chung rigs zhu ba min cig not mentioning those that are unimportant (Rtsii.). snang brnyan 1. kha la mdzes pa very handsome outwardly (Oag. 33). 2. = sku 'dras reflected image, image. snang dag (nang rtags ) colloq. the inward man, the heart, the soul; snang dag ma btang ba not to care at all, to be indifferent. snang ldan SANST as met. = the sun; snang ldan shing rta = skar ma brtan pa SANST the polar star (Moon.). snang gYel can forgetful, lazy. yon tan med cing snang ba mtho ba of no attainments yet high in appearances. snang ba dkar po = zla 'od moon-light (Yig. k. 15). snang brgyad pa'i rab klung an epithet of the river Gaoga: gsung mchid kyang snang ba brgyad pa'i ral klung bzhin stsol ba mkhyin| pray let your kind letters flow (to me) like the Gaoga (Yig. k. 36). snang ba can SANST manifest, present in all its glory (A.K. 111-21). snang ba mched pa SANST [increase of light]S. snang ba thob pa to obtain light [SANST obtained light, enlightened]S. snang ba mtha' yas SANST the fourth Dhyani Buddha Amitabha in his first form of existence, i.e., in his dharmakaya or chos kyi sku . In his sambhoga stage he is designated tshe dpag med ; and in the third or nirmana stage 'od dpag med . His present earthly incarnation as 'dod dpag med is the Panchhen Lama of Tashi-lhunpo. snang ba gdong red pa + to take up undertake a work without much deliberation. snang ba nas snang bar 'gro ba SANST to go from light to light. snang ba nas mun par 'gro ba SANST [going from light to darkness]S. snang ba med pa SANST [not possessing light, not bright]S. snang ba'i bdag po SANST [the lord of rays, the sun]S. snang ba'i dbang po = mig the eye (Moon.). snang ba'i mu khyud SANST; [the lustrous halo round the sun]S. snang ba'i mdzod the repository of light, i.e., the sun (Moon.). snang bar mdzes ma n. of a great Yakrini, a she-demon (K. g. da, 130). snang byed SANST as met. the eye, the sun, light. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "snah-byed" which is clearly in error.) snang byed gnyis pa the second luminary, the moon (Oag.) (Moon.). snang byed zung the two luminaries, i.e., the sun and the moon. snang byed 'od byed as met. = the sun (Moon.). snang med v. nang med . (EE nang med does not appear as a headword in the dictionary but see under nang 3 II.) snang tshad v. the measure of light. snang tshul the outward appearance, of a landscape; scenery (Mil.); appearance, opp. to essence, gnas tshul 3 (Was. 297). snang tshe = nyam snang SANST [illumination, exhibition]S. snang mdzad brightening, illuminating, also, illuminator. snang zer can ma v. snang zer ldan ma 3. snang zer ldan ma = 'od zer can ma n. of a Bon deity, one refulgent with light, radiant (B. Ch. IV). snang 'od n. of a flower (K. d. kha, 12). snang ru sgang n. of a place in Tibet near stod lung (Loo. za, 3). snang shas thoughts, fancies. snang gshan n. of a Bon priest of great mystical learning (Jig.). snang sel khrab gyon n. of Bon deity of sa bdag class, who wears a coat of mail. snang srid SANST the visible, external world. snang gsal shining, bright, brilliant; chos kyi snang gsal sgron me the clear bright light of religion, also a lamp, light; syn. sgron me mar me (Moon.). snad pa pf. bsnad , imp. snod to wound, to hurt, to stab: lus snad nas being hurt in the body; nga'i rta snad 'gro my horse might be injured; snad kyis dogs te afraid of hurting him (J‰.); of horned cattle: to butt (Sch.). snabs SANST mucus of the nose: snabs phyi ba to wipe one's nose, snabs phyis pocket-handkerchief; snabs lud snotty nose, snotty fellow (Sch.). Syn. snabs lud ; ngar snabs ; sna lud ; sna yi dri ma . snam I: 1. n. of a place in Tibet; snam kyi re gad one of the thirty-seven sacred places of the Bon (G. Bon. 37). 2. snam SANST smelt. II: or snam bu woollen cloth of various kinds, a blanket. kong snam woollen cloth manufactured in Kong-bu; gos snam English broadcloth; dbus snam woollen cloth from Central Tibet and Lhasa. snam dkar SANST white or woollen blanket. snam bu spu can hairy cloth, frieze; snam yug a whole piece or roll of woollen cloth. snam ras woollen and cotton cloth (Mil.). snam phyi á privy, latrine. Syn. chab khang ; phyis khang ; gsang chod (Moon.). snam phrag = aam phrag in vulg. language: breast pocket. snam brag = snam phrag or aam phrag the bosom, also the breast pocket. In colloq. am-b·k. snam 'byar SANST [a pair or couple; the aquatic plant Trapa bispinosa]S. snam sbyar a sort of loose mantle for priests (Cs.). snam gzhogs resp. for side (J‰.). snam logs á also snam phyogs , may signify respectfully the whole bodily person of a deity or lama, usually, however, it indicates the sides only; also specially = zur dang rgyab side and back. The following passage occurs in a Tantrik ritual of the Tangyur: gur dang bla re lha snam phyogs skyong gtor ma so sor dgram having sprinkled separately the torma offerings protecting the back and sides of the god and each lama, together with their canopies. snar thang n. of a village and monastery about six miles to the south-west of Tashi-lhunpo. The monastery contains a printing press and a huge stock of wooden blocks embossed with the text of the Kahgyur and Tangyur encyclopúdias. snar thang rig pa'i ral gri n. of the great abbot of Snar-thao who arranged the cutting of the text of the two collections of sacred books in block-type or xylograph (Loo. 'a, 10). snar po or snar mo or snar = ring po or ring mo long, lengthwise. snar ba to shake or move to and fro: khyis mjug ma snar ba a dog wagging its tail; also v. bsnal ba 3 to extend, protract. snar ma SANST 1. the third constellation or lunar mansion containing five stars and represented in the figure of a chariot; the wife of the moon. 2. SANST [sandal, incense]S. Syn. bi rdzi ; dal ba'i lha ldan ma ; skye dgu'i bdag po . snar ma skyes SANST [Balarama; the planet Mercury]S. snar ma'i bdag po = zla ba SANST, SANST the moon (Moon.). snal ma SANST [thread, silk thread, woollen thread, etc., knitting-yarn, yarn used for other purposes; also for warp, abbyarn] (J‰.). snun pa = rdung ba or btsug pa SANST beating, sticking in (A.K.). snun par byed SANST [puts together]S. pf. and fut. bsnun 1. to prick into, e.g., a stick into the ground, to thrust a weapon. 2. to suckle: nu zho snun pa (Pth.) id. 3. to multiply (Vai. so., Lex., Sch.). snub pa pf. bsnubs , fut. bsnub , imp. snub or snubs vb. a. to nub pa med par bzo ba to do away with; to cause to perish; gen. fig. to suppress, abrogate, annul, destroy, annihilate, a religion; srol bsnubs abolished the custom. snubs n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 2). snubs gnya' to re rtsug lo n. of the son of king Tore sroo-btsan (Yig.) who was prince of Snubs-gÒah. snubs mtsho gling dgu'i bla do n. of a place in the lake country of Yam-dok (Deb. ga, 42). snum SANST, SANST oil, grease; snum kong a little bowl for oil; snum khur cake cooked in or seasoned with oil, a kind of pastry baked in suet; snum can or snum bcas or snum ldan fatty, oily, greasy; snum dri a smell of fat. snum can shing SANST [n. of several medicinal plants = Asteracantha longifolia, Tribulus lanuginosus etc.]S. snum pa or snum po SANST 1. smooth, shining and of fine texture: snum bag polished. 2. fat, grease, any oily substance (or snum rtsi ); oil: snum zad kyi mar me a lamp, the oil of which is consumed; rlan snum raw fat, zhun snum melted fat (Cs.); sol snum cart-grease, composed of pulverized charcoal and fat (Glr.). 3. fertile, with luxuriant pastures C. (J‰.). 4. n. of a clan (A. 80). snum za oil-burner, a lamp. Syn. sgron me ; mar me (Moon.). snum zan ma one who eats dainty dishes; a glutton: khyod la'ang gces phrug snum zan ma'i bags (nyams )shig yod (may be) you have some petted child with the disposition of a glutton (A. 127). snur ba 1. pf. and fut. bsnur to push or move, to move out of its place, to remove, to shift W.; to drag up, pull in. 2. Sch.: to cut into pieces, to fracture, to crush, zhib mor into impalpable powder. snag tsha snur ba or tshon snur ba . 3. to abridge. 4. v. bsnur 3. sne or sne ma 1. extremity, end of a thread or string, the selvedge or hem of a piece of cloth: thag sne the end of a rope. sne 'khor to warp, to get twisted (Sch.). sne skog chaff of barley, wheat, etc. (Rtsii.). sne gdong rtse n. of a town with a Jong styled sne gdong rdzong the fort of Nedong-tse (Loo. 'a, 14). sne 'dzom = sna 'dzom pa n. of fragrant plant burnt as incense: bas ngal sa shing sne 'dzom dgos for (the cure of) cow-itch I must have the Ne-dsom plant, the Ne-dsom plant is necessary (Rtsii.). snem pa to shake, to cause to move slightly: bsnem bya'i sa gzhi a quagmire a bog, Siberian tundra. sne'u gling kha n. of a grove near Lhasa sne'u gling khar do dam pa gnyis two over-seers at Neuling-kha (Rtsii.). sne'u stan = bu tsha child, boy. sne'u rdzong n. of a small fort on the bank of the Kyi-chhu on the opposite side to Hbras-spuns (Daipung) (Loo. 'a, 14). sne len resp. (mthong bzos ) attention to guests, hospitality, reception given to guests: byang pa yon bdag rnams sne len mthong bzos bdag rkyen dgos pa ri rtsa ba yin pas (D. Shel.). sne shod n. of a village in Khams (Loo. za, 28). sne sel tsam du mchis = las bya ba 'thud ma shor tsam du mchis am in the due discharge of my duties (Yig.). sner slebs officials (who succeed each other by gradual promotion). gzhung gi sner slebs rnams kyis mnga' 'bangs mi ser la nye ring dang | (D. Shel. 7) the government officials should not show partiality to any among the subjects of the state. sno ba acc. to Cs. = snur ba or reduce to small pieces, to crumble (J‰.). snog zan + cake, biscuit, etc.; in vulg. khab zas "khab-ze" for kha zas 3. snod I: 1. sbst. SANST, SANST, SANST a receptacle, that which holds anything, a vessel, basket. Syn. yol go ; snod ad (Moon.). sde snod SANST a receptacle of doctrine, the doctrinal basket, sacred writings; sde snod gsum SANST the Three Pitakas or three classes of sacred works. phye snod a vessel for meal or flour; chu snod water-pot, pitcher; bu snod uterus, womb; snod kyi khyed pa SANST [a small pot]S. snod kyi steng upper part of a vessel, also its cover or lid. snod gsum or dbang po rab 'bring mtha' ma'i snod the three qualities of the organs of the sensesóbest, intermediate, and the last. II: J‰. says that in the ascetic language snod denotes man, as far as he is susceptible of higher and divine things; a man is called snod yongs su dag pa a very pure and holy vessel; snod ldan slob ma = a disciple eager to be instructed (Mil.); snod ma yin insusceptible of religion. Also in metaphysics phyi snod = the external world, or rather inanimate nature. snod kyi skyon gsum = the three defects of humanity: 1. snod kha spub pa dang | 2. kha gyen du bzed kyang mi gtsang ba dang | 3. zhabs rdol ba'o to be thus interpreted:óone who at the time of sermon does not attend to it is as a vessel of which the mouth is shut up; on hearing if one does not get at the right meaning, but misunderstands, it is like a spittle-pot full of unclean things or thoughts; if one attends to a sermon and understands it, but does not act accordingly, that is like a vessel which is upset. snod bcud the world of inanimate and sentient beings. snod chen SANST [road, bathing place]S. snod ma SANST [circular, coiling]S. snod rung ba SANST [1. receptacle. 2. a vessel for roasting or frying]S. snon pa pf. and fut. bsnan 1. to add on, expand, augment; to put a tip on or point to (e.g., an arrow): gnyis bsnan te two being added to them (Mil.); mang du snon pa to augment by a great number; rgyab snon adding on the back, i.e., confirmation; dmag tshogs snon ma reinforcements, auxiliary troops; rtse mo snon adding or putting on a pinnacle; snon mdar aAa 4 de ba'i lha khang la rab gnas mdzad consecrating the temple of Aryadeva with a pointed arrow. 2. to revive, strengthen. snob zog can curious, inquisitive (J‰.). snom pa I: pf. bsnams , fut. bsnam , imp. snom or snoms to lay hold of, grasp, take up, pick up, to seize on; phyag tu snom pa to grasp with the hand: theg pa sna tshogs mkhyen pa'i brdar rdo rje dril bu phyag tu bsnams pa having taken up in his hands the dorje and bell as a sign of his knowledge of the various vehicles (Pth. 128b.). phyag gYas pas Da ma ru 'khrol zhing gYon bum pa bsnams nas with his right hand he played the damaru and with his left held the sacred water-flagon. II: akin to snum pa to smell: dri ma snom zhing smelling the scent; snom byed met the nose. Prob. this vb. is very near in sense to that of I. in that it signifies: to catch up by means of the nose, i.e., to smell or take up a scent. snor ba pf. and fut. bsnor to confound, intermingle, stir up sediment: steng 'og snor ba to confound or mix up the upper and lower (contents, etc.). snol ba pf. and fut. bsnol 1. to adjust, place together, fit together; to close up exactly, interlace. 'tham snol ba to seize and wrestle with or embrace and wrestle with; to embrace (Cs.); lta snol ba to interchange looks; 'o snol ba to kiss each other; phan tshun snol ba to unite both the parties. rkang pa snol ba to join the legs. 2. to wrestle, to pounce upon; to contend with. snrubs SANST the nineteenth constellation or lunar mansion. Syn. rtsa ba ; sog pa ; gru so (Moon.). snron SANST the eighteenth lunar mansion. Syn. lde'u ; gdu bu ; lha dbang ldan (Moon.). snron gyi zla ba the month of May-June. snron gyi nya ba the full moon of that month. brnag nus = bzod pa patience (Moon.). brnag pa + pf. brnags 1. to cogitate, deliberate; reflect upon: yid la yang yang bsam pa to think over and over again. yid la brnags turned over in the mind, thought over (Situ. 76 and 137). 2. to be concerned about, to strive after,.........zhes gcig tu brnags pas striving after that one thing. 3. to flow over with, be replete with; and hence, to be burdened with mentally as well as physically. brnang ba another form of rnang ba to be choked with; defined in Oag. 43 as zas kyi 'gags nas had chi shor ba obstruction of food in the gullet, which neither goes down nor comes out (also A. 134). brnan = nan tan brnan or nan gyis brnan to pressed, urged upon (Situ. 76). brnan pa + to be eager for; to be on the alert, be attentive to: 'bri glog brnan pa to attend while a person is reading or writing; chos la brnan pa to be eager for religious instruction, lto la brnan pa eager for food. brnab sems SANST; SANST; SANST desire of gain, covetousness (A.K. 6-17). brnab sems tshig rtsub bcas pa dang |mngon par nga rgyal log par smra speaking falsely or boastfully together with rough words and avarice (are of no good in this world) (K. d. 'a, 346). brnab sems can a covetous person. brnogs pa 1. SANST = spas pa to be hidden, concealed. 2. = bsdams pa bound, tied tightly (Oag. 43). bsnang ba v. rnang ba 3. bsnad pa v. snad pa 3 = mtshon gyis rmas pa to cause a wound with a weapon. bsnan pa v. snon pa 3; mang po du mas kha long bsnan to augment by the addition of a great many a great degree revived me (Oag. 43). bsnam par bya SANST [met. a bull, excellent]S. bsnam zin SANST [the soul, an individual]S. bsnams = thogs pa 3 pf. of 3snom pa 3 q.v. bsnar ba = rkyong ba 1. to stretch, to extend in length, to lengthen, to pull out, e.g., a piece of India rubber. mjug ma ring por bsnar ba to stretch out and trail the tail (Oag. 43); mjug bsnar to it stretched out its tail (Situ. 76). 2. to have in its train, to drag after: nyon mongs bsnar the consequences of sin. v. snar ba 3. bsnal ba to spin, out, to protract (Cs.). bsnun pa 1. v. bsgy ur 3 (Rtsii.). 2. = SANST snad pa offended, hurt in the mind, [to wound in the heart]S. 3. = SANST mtshod cha mda' sogs 'bem la bsnun pa hit or pierced with weapons like arrows, etc., the target. 4. = ster ba , nu ma bsnun to give suck (Oag. 43). bsnun sbst. [SANST a moving to and fro, shaking; SANST, SANST beating; SANST piercing; SANST piercing, a needle]S. bsnur 1. pf. of snur 3. 2. has been explained as dus tshod myur du btang ba . bsnubs pf. of nub pa 3 or 3snub pa 3. bsnems pf. of snem 3: nem par bsnems (Situ. 76). bsnom pa apparently, in two passage met with, is to be differentiated from snom pa , and = to cut, to shape, to carve: rdo gru gsum bsnom pa'i steng du bzhugs sat on a stone which was shaped or cut at the corners, i.e., on a triangular stone (Yig.); snal ma bsnom cut threads. bsnor = nar nar 3: gong 'og bsnor (Oag. 43). bsnol v. snol 3, thu ba bsnol = thu ba gong 'og byung ba upper and lower flaps of a garment joined (Oag. 43). Again, we find: gnyen nye ba phan tshun bsdad pa = phan tshun bsnol to friends and relations mutually attending or associating (Situ. 76). bsnos = 'dres pa 3, 3brdzis pa 3 and is illustrated thus: snan thams cad 'dres po 'dres por spag ltar bsnos as all medicines are beaten together and thoroughly commingled in a paste (Situ. 76). pa I: the thirteenth letter of the Tibetan alphabet and the first of the labial group. II: as a syllable is called bdag po'i sgra , the wood or particle expressive of ownership or possession. As an affix it is found added on to many roots, to verbs, nouns and adjectives, sometimes affecting the meaning of the root, sometimes making no difference and merely affixed from custom. As a general rule (but, it must be noted, not invariably so) it is changed to ba after a vowel or one of the three consonants nga , la , and ra . When pa is attached to the roots of verbs it is the sign of the infinitive and participle as in 'khad pa , stongs pa , yod pa , med pa ; in the language of common life, however, it is frq. used for the finite tense, and for par . Affixed to the names of certain places or things, it denotes the person that deals therewith as in rta pa horseman, chu pa water-carrier, lha sa pa one of Lhasa, se ra pa a monk of Sera. In such instances some writers use ba instead of pa , which is wrong; it is not correct to say lha sa ba or se ra ba . Combined with names of places, pa designates the inhabitant (bod pa inhabitant of Tibet); with numerals, it either forms the ordinal numeral (gnyis pa the second) or it may imply other enumerations, i.e., bu mo lo gnyis pa a girl of two years, khru gang pa measuring one cubit, sum cu pa containing thirty, viz., letters, as in the Tibetan alphabet. As already said, with sbst. it may have no particular signification (rked pa , etc.), or may serve to distinguish different meanings (rkang marrow, rkang pa foot) or be a peculiarity of dialects. In certain expressions pa or ba stands, it would seem, incorr. inst. of pa'i or ba'i : gso ba rig pa science of medicine, grub pa lus structure of the body; dam pa chos holy doctrine (of Buddha) (J‰.). In Budh. pa mystically expresses don dam pa the pure sense of all things (K. d. tsa, 321 and Hbum. ga, 282). Again in K. my ka, 207, pa, signifies fallaciousness. pa sde SANST letter of the P series, i.e., pa , pha , ba , ma . pa gor n. of a place in the district of snyan mo in Tibet (Deb. ga, 4). pa car or gos chas lta bu SANST, SANST [SANST a small piece of cloth worn over the privities; SANST the end of a lower garment gathered up behind and tucked into the waistband]S. pa ta ha á SANST (rnga'i bye brag cig ) a kind of drum (K. du. da, 502). pa ta W. a cross (J‰.). pa tan á ancient capital of Nepal called ye rang in Tibetan works (Dsam. 3). (EEE The transliteration in the original indicates a spelling of pa Tan .) pa ta lo tan n. of a great river running from east to west and to the north of Monkori (S. lam. 40). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "Pa-tba lo-ta-na". The lost wazur is seen above the original entry at the top of page 776, so pa a lo tan is probably the intended spelling.) pa tu sha á a tree (S. lam. 38). pa to or pa to la a medicinal plant and fruit: pa to la ni (sngo snan )ro zhim skran nad sel|zhu rjes mngar bas yig 'byed par byed (Med.). pa tra á or pAa tra 1. SANST figures, pictures of various designs; srid pa tra (srid pa ho from Tib. srid pa the world and ho from the Chinese hwo a picture) astrological chart. 2. a gelong's begging-bowl = lhung bzed . 3. n. of a gem, precious stone. pa tras sbyar dug brtag dang srung bar nus wearing a patra can protect one under the (judicial) ordeal by poison. pa tru á n. of a great river flowing by the city of Mabhubandha "the natives of which are very good-natured and honest, in consequence of which there is no fear to travelling in that country and there Buddhist monks get alms easily" (S. lam. 36). pa Na á SANST the sixteenth part of a rupee. pa na sa á SANST [the jack-fruit tree]S. (K. d. 201). pa snam also called dpal gnam n. of a district with a forth called Penam Jong on the Penam Nyang Chhu midway between Tashi-lhunpo and Gyang-tse. pa ben in W. = a strip of wood, a ledge, border. pa ma le pang n. of a place in Tibet (Yig. 7). pa tse a masak of leather bag for water, etc. pa tshab n. of a Tibetan district and of a resident officer of the district: blon sran zhang pa tshab rin chen sde (A. 102). pa tshab kyis na bza' ang thul sra cig phul Pa-tshab presented him with a cloak lined with leopard-skin (A. 63). pa wa sangs v. pa sangs 3. pa yag pa a medicinal herb = snug chung 3: pa yag rtsa bas glo gso glo rnag 'dren|lo mas rma gso 'bras bus snying nad sel (Med.). pa ra kha in W. cross (a straight one) (J‰.). pa ra sha á n. of a sweet of delicious fruit (K. d. 201). pa ri in W., pAa ru in C., box, cylindrical or oval, high or flat, of wood or metal (J‰.). pa ri da á Kshatriya race (mystic) (K. g. kha, 28). [Evidently the SANST of ancient times mentioned in the Mahabharata, Manu-Samhita, and Virnu-purana]S. pa ri tsi tra á n. of a tree and of its flower (K. my. kha, 345 and ka, 20). pa ri dzAa ti ka á SANST the flower of paradise (K. du. da 310). pa ru sha ka á SANST [Grewia asiatica from the berries of which a cooling beverage is prepared]S. pa la sha á SANST 1. the tree Butea frondosa: pa la sha'i sa bon dang mnyes nas byugs te|sbrang dang |mar gsar ba'i btung ba dang tsi tra dmar pos mo gsham du the tshom mi za'o (K. g. ca, 51) used in YajÒa (sbyin sreg gi yam shing du rung ba ) (K. g. da, 327). 2. [Also its leaf.]S. pa lAa sha pur á the sea-port Balasore situated on the west shore of the Bay of Bengal (Dsam. 34). [The ancient capital of Magadha or Behar where the tree Butea frondosa grew in abundance]S. pa sha ni á Indian gold formerly imported into Tibet (Rtsii.). pa shu á = ri ags wild animal (mystic) (K. g. kha 28). pa shu pa ti shwa ra á n. of sacred place in Nepal much frequented by Hindu pilgrims; in Tibetan called also gu lang dbang phyug (Dsam. 5). [SANST the lake of Pasupati]S. pa shu li ka á = khyim house (in mystic rituals) (K. g. kha, 26). pa sangs or pa wa sangs 1. Friday. 2. SANST, SANST, SANST the planet Venus. Syn. lha min bla ma ; snyan ngag mkhan po ; ngan spong bu ; mchu las skyes ; lha min bdag po ; ngan spong 'dzin ; ngan las rgyal ; tshigs brgya'i dbang ; bcu drug 'od ldan ; dkar po ; khu ba (Moon.). pa sangs slob ma = lha ma yin SANST the demons who war with the lha or petty gods (Moon.). pa shi prob. (pa ka shi ) a Tibetan lama of the Karmapa sect who visited China to preach Buddhism. In Mongolian pag shi or bakshi = a teacher. pka ti á SANST 1. [line, row]S. 2. rgyal mtshan SANST ensign of victory, royal standard (mystic) (K. g. kha 26). pag zan barley-meal. pag sometimes incorrectly for spag barley dough. pag gu (Dzl.); pa'u in Lh. brick; phibs pag roof-tile (Cs.); wa pag gutter-tile (Cs.); rdza pag or so pag (Glr.); sa pag (Glr.) (J‰.). pag tshir burnt brick; unburnt brick. pag pu mkhan mason, pag rtsig brick wall, in W. a row or layer of bricks; frq. used as a measure: kha pag tshir gnyis yod the snow is as deep as two layers of bricks (J‰.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "pag-rtsir" which would be pag rtsir . It is likely that both spellings are wrong; the spelling should be pag rdza .) pags pa or pags po SANST, SANST, SANST (cf. lpags 3) 1. skin, hide: pags pa rjes pa changing of skin (as of snakes); pags pa shu ba to skin; pags pa'i gos skin of fur clothing, fur-cloak; pags tshag robe or cloak lined with lambskin. 2. rind or peel of fruit, also the bark of trees; pags shun bark. pags pa nye ba'i rig po che SANST the most precious of all skins said to be obtained from the body of an ocean-monster; it is presented to a Chakravarti Raja by sea-going merchants and is generally five miles in length, possessing the property of never getting wet (K. d. za, 147). pags pa can = stag shing birchtree (Moon.). Syn. rus pa'i gzeb ; sha khrag sgrib ; sha khrag 'dzin . pags pa'i gos can an epithet of Mahesvara who dresses in tiger-skin (Moon.). pags pa'i nad skin disease, ten kinds of which are enumerated in the work Man-rgyud ch. 61:- sha bkra , glang shu , 'dzer ba , za kong , shu ba , srin thor , rngo shig , rngo kha , khye ma , rngo gYan pa . pags pa'i myug gu or pags pa'i me tog hair of the skin (Moon.). pags byi'u 1. a species of plant. 2. = pha wang bat. pags pa'i gtsug phud khyim bya domestic fowl. pang or pang pa the lap or the bend between legs and bosom: ma yi pang du bu tsha nyal the boy sleeps in the mother's lap; pang par on the bosom; shing pang pa gang armful of wood (Mil.). pang khebs or pang gdan apron (Jig. 24); pang khrag the blood flowing off during child-birth; pang gYog ma midwife, wet-nurse. pang pa SANST [to abandon]S. pnya tsa li ka á = kha dog sna lnga SANST the colours of the rain-bow, five different colours: pnya tsa li ka'i gos gsol rgyal pos bsnams he wore a robe of five different colours which was seized by the king (A. 2). (EEE The headword should be written paêlika.) pad dkar ma = lha'i gzugs 'tshong ma a celestial courtezan (Loo. ma , 5). pad dkar mig SANST [lotus-eyed, an epithet of Virnu]S. pad bkod pad ma bkod n. of a district of Southern Tibet. pad gling a Buddhist sanctuary consecrated to Padma Sambhava; shar lho mtshams na spas yul pad ma gling on the south-east boundary is the hidden country Pad-ma-glin, i.e., Sikkim (K. thao. ka, 168). pad sdong SANST, SANST [a species of reed, consisting of reeds]S. Also lotus silk. pad pa in C. and in Sikk. = srin 'bu pad ma SANST, leech. = pagm pa SANST inquiring, inquiry (Lex.). pad ma á SANST, SANST; SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the sacred lotus. Syn. 'dam skyes ; chu skyes ; mtsho las skyes ; 'dab stong ; 'dab brgya ; chu yi rgyan ; sbrang rtsi'i rgyal mtshan ; sbrang rtsi 'dzin ; dpal gos ; dpal gyi 'dab can ; dri bzang khang pa ; chu'i lang tsho ; ge sar can ; ze'u 'bru can ; nyi mas bshad (Moon.). pad 'dab lotus leaf (Ya-sel. 42). pad ma ka ra á SANST an epithet of Padmakara or Padma Sambhava (Yig. k. 83). pad ma ku she sha ya á SANST a mythological lake on the side of a mountain of same name (K. d. ra, 319). pad ma dkar po á SANST, white lotusóS. Lex. pad ma dkod á n. of the south-eastern district of Tibet. pad ma skyes SANST lotus-born, born of or from lotus [Brabma]S. pad ma ge sar á SANST the pistil of the lotus flower. Syn. pad ma'i ze ba ; pad ma'i skra ; ge sar (Moon.). pad ma caná 1. an epithet of the wife of Virnu. 2. epithet of Avalokitesvara (Moon.). pad can ma SANST, SANST a lotus flower; a woman of personal and moral accomplishments. pad ma can gyi mtsho á lotus-lake; mtsho pad ma is the name of a small lake in the little kingdom of Mandi in Kangra district, Panjab. Syn. las bkang ; pad ma'i rdzing bu ; pad ma ldan ; pad ma can ; chu yi snying po ; bzhad ldan ma ; pad ma'i mtsho ; pad ma 'byung gnas (Moon.). pad ma chen po 1. SANST n. of a Buddhist king of ancient India (Yig. 15). 2. n. of one of the cold hells. [According to the Virnupurana, sect. iv. chap. 24, pad ma chen po or Mahapadma was a king of Magadha, and was fifth in descent from the famous Ajatasatru. He was the founder of the Nanda dynasty and is described in the Virnupurana as being a very cruel man exercising authority over the whole of India. He is said to be a Sudra king who destroyed the Kshatriya rulers]S. paV pAa Ni á SANST a form of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, who under this aspect appears with a spray of lotus in one of his left hands. He was originally sprung or born from a lotus. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "Padma-pani". The Tibetan as shown is correct.) pad ma 'byung gnas SANST is the Tibetan name of the great master of magic who came into Tibet from India 860 A.D., Padma Sambhava. He was the inventor of much of the Tantrik ritual and eclectic mythology of later Buddhism; and he even devised female companions for the Dhyani Bodhisattvas whom he designated, from the analogy of the Sakti in Hinduism, as the Yum companion to the Yab or Bodhisattva. Throughout Tibet Padma Jungnas may be asserted to be much more popular than Gautama the Buddha; and as Guru Padma, Urgyan Padma, and Lopˆn Humkara, his votaries are full of belief in his present might and powers of assistance. pad ma ma SANST ['marked or symbolized by a lotus,' a king, Brahma]S. pad ma dmar po SANST red lotus flower (S. Lex.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "pad-ma-dmar" which omits the needed "po ". The headword in the Tibetan is correct.) pad ma tshu chen po n. of an Indian sage (K. dun. 17). pad ma rab bzang ma á n. of a Tibetan female saint (Moon.). pad ma ye mdzes n. of a Bon teacher (G. Bon 1). pad ma rAa ga á SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a red gem, the ruby. [SANST a gem or precious stone brought from the Himalayas and the Indus, described as being of four sorts: white, pale-yellow, red, and dark-blue]S. It is of seven kinds:- mu la rMag ; bi dza ya ; M'u ri ; dza li ha ri ; pad ma rka ta ; bu spa rka ta ; gu me ta (SANST) (Moon.). pad ma rAa gas nad dang gdon kun sel the ruby removes illness and all evil spirits (Sman.). Syn. rin chen dmar po . pad ma sam £ ba á the Indian Buddhist saint, slob dpon of the 'brug lugs = pad ma 'byung gnas 3 v. above. pad ma'i skra SANST pistil of the lotus flower. pad ma'i skyil krung SANST (lha rnams kyi bzhugs tshul ) the manner of sitting of the gods (Ya-sel.); and so, too, that adopted by a lama sitting mtshams la , i.e., in meditation. pad ma'i skyes gnas SANST, SANST an epithet of Brahma (Moon.). pad ma'i khrag (bad med kyi mngal khrag ) the womb-blood of women (Sman. 2). pad ma'i cha lag SANST [a lotus fibre]S. pad ma'i gnyen as met. the sun (Moon.). pad ma'i lte ba 1. SANST an epithet of Virnu (Moon.). 2. SANST the seed-ovary of the lotus flower (Moon.). pad ma'i gdan SANST; lotus seat [Brahma]S. pad ma'i bdag po SANST the sun. pad ma'i gdan can SANST Indra. pad ma'i sdong po SANST lotus-stick; SANST a fine lotus stalk. pad ma'i an SANST; lotus-eyed [n. of a future Buddha]S. pad ma'i 'byung gnas pond or lake where lotus grows (Moon.). pad ma'i rtsa ba or sdong po SANST the lotus-root or stalk [lotus fibre]S. Syn. chu skyes rtsa ba ; chu yi tsher ma ; pad rtsa li ; pad shing rtsa ba ; rkang pa ; ngar pa ; yu ba ; pad sdong (Moon.). pad ma'i ze ba = ge sar 3. pad ma'i ze 'bru the anther and ovary of the lotus. Syn. sa bon mdzod ; pad ma'i lte ba (Moon.). pad ma'i lag pa the lotus-armed, met. the sun (Moon.). pad ma'i sa mtshan SANST ['symbolized by a lotus,' a king, Brahma]S. pad zhwa a kind of mitre-shaped cap which was worn by the Buddhist saint Padma Sambhava: dbu la pad zhwa gsol ba he put on a mitre-shaped cap (Khrid. 106). pad zlum mgrin = ngang skya SANST the white, goose, wild swan (Moon.). pan grub (pand¸b) for pandita and grub-chan, also a learned Indian sage. pNa chen á an abbr. of pNa Di ta chen po , a title first given to the Kashmirian Buddhist sage Sakya Sri who visited Magadha and Orissa when the Mahomedans under Baktyar Ghilji conquered Behar; he was present at the sack of the monasteries of Odantapuri and Vikramasila in 1203 A.D. and from there retired to Tibet. The title of Panchen Rin-po-chhe is now enjoyed by the lama-head of Tashi-lhunpo monastery who is titular ruler of the province of Tsang. He is believed to be an incarnation of Subhuti the third great disciple of Gautama Buddha; and also is an incarnate emanation of the Dhyani Buddha Amitabha. pNa chen ......dpal ldan ye shes the third Panchen Rin-po-chhe to whose court Warren Hastings in 1772 sent George Bogle. This lama made a grand progress from Shigatse to Peking; and died in 1779. pNa chen blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan the first Panchen ruler of Tashi-lhunpo. pNa chen blo bzang ye shes dpal bzang po the second Panchen Rin-po-chhe (Loo. 'a, 9). He died in 1737, aged 75 years. pNa chon blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma the fourth Panchen Rin-po-chhe to whose court Captain Samuel Turner was sent in 1781 by Warren Hastings and who was then an infant. pNa chen chos kyi grags pa bstan pa'i dbang phyug the Panchen Rin-po-chhe who invited Sarat Chandra Das to Tibet in 1879 and 1881. He died of small-pox in 1882. pNa chen blo bzang thub bstan chos kyi nyi ma the sixth and present Panchen Rin-po-chhe, who came into the position as an infant in 1883. pNa chen ir ti ni á SANST, the title by which the Panchen or Tashi Lama is known in Mongolia. pNa Di ta á a Sanskritist or Indian scholar, a title often introduced into Tibetan literature: rig pa'i gnas lnga la mkhas par gyur na pNa Di ta'i ming the title of pandita is given to one who has become versed in the five sciences. pNa Di ta Z na shrI mi tra á the eldest of the nine sons of Atisa's elder brother who succeeded to the throne of Bengal and became known by the name of Dhana sri-mitra. pNa Di ta smri ti á the Indian Buddhist pandit who visited Tibet shortly after Buddhism was persecuted by king Langdarma but finding no encouragement at Lhasa he resided at Tanag in Tsang and earned his subsistence for some time by tending sheep (J. Zao.). pNa Di ta'i zhwa á the kind of mitre-shaped cap which Atisa and Tsongkhapa used to wear: thams cad kyang pNa Di ta'i zhwa nga rgyal med pa gsol ba they all wore the pandit's cap without showing vanity (A. 22). pNa zhwa rtse ring the conical mitre-shaped cap worn by the lamas of Tibet during any religious service: de dus bAang gal yi tsa Ti ga bo'i grong khyer gyi pNa Di ta bi har pa'i gtsug lag khang du mu stegs pa'i rgol ba zhig byung ba'i tshe rgan mo zhig gi kha la nyan nas tsher ma lta bu'i rtse can gyi zhwa gyon nas rtsod pas rgyal ba las pNa zhwa rtse ring dar ro (J. Zao. 108) at that time on the occasion of a religious disputation that was held in the monastery called Pandita Vihara in the town of Tsa-ti-gao (modern Chittagong) of Baogala, a Buddhist pandit listening to the advice of an old woman wore a cap pointed like a thorn. From his victory in the controversy, the use of the pointed mitre-shaped cap spread about. pan pon not considered perfect in dignity, as for instance the lamas of Lahoul that are married (J‰.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "pan-bon" (pan bon ) for pan pon .) pan mtha' SANST [traveller, wanderer]S. pANa tsi ka á and pANa tsi ka chen po (SANST and SANST) are the names of Noijin chiefs (K. g. ta, 21). pa'u rtse (Chinese) a kind of tea (Jig. 22). par I: any artificial mould: blugs par casting mould; rde'u par bullet-mould; shing par block-print; printing forms, a stereotype plate cut in wood; par rko ba to cut types on boards; par rgyab pa , par du 'debs pa to print, to stamp; par rko mkhan or par rko pa cutter of type; par khang printing office; par mkhan printer; par rgyab text; par snag printing-ink; par ma a printed work, book; par gzhi printing boards; par gYog a printer's assistant; par shog printing-paper. (EEE The transliteration for blugs par is given as "glugs-par" for glugs par , which is incorrect.) II: sign of the adverb; combined with verbs it represents the supine. par tang = gdan grum rtse a square carpet used for sitting upon. par pa ta á n. of an officinal plant used in intermittent fever. par po so brgyad the castle in which Gshen-rab's father lived (G. Bon. 11). par bu SANST [breadth]S. (Zam. 4); acc. to Sch. = pa tra 3. par tsa so ti in W. a kind of cotton cloth (J‰.). par shig á SANST n. of a flower (K. d. ba, 126). par sig 1. Persia (Dsam. 2). 2. SANST [a strap, strip of leather]S. pal kha = 'thu 3 SANST [vein or any tubular vessel]S. pas 1. as in de yin pas that being so, de min pas that not being so, being without it. Combined with verbs, it signifies: by, in consequence of, because; also: as, since, when. 2. sign of the comparative; after vowels, however, and the final consonants da , ra , la , bas , stands in its place; 'bras ljong bas bod yul grang ba yin Tibet is colder than Sikkim; za mkhan pas mtshams mkhan dge ba lags so the meditator is (spiritually) happier than the eater. pa spa lI á SANST long pepper. pi 1. = dur khrod cemetery (mystic) (K. g. kha, 179). 2. num. fig.: 43. pi ka li á = dpe cha 'jog sa'i sho ka li shelf to keep books, book-shelf (Rtsii. 28). pi rto pa á SANST; n. of an Indian Buddhist who is said to have visited Sambhala (K. dun. 47). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "pi-to-pa", pi to pa .) pi pa shan á n. of a great river in ancient India (K. my. kha, 198). pi ppa la á prob. the peepul tree; pi ppa lAa ya na SANST; n. of an individual in A.K. pi pi 1. acc. to Schtr., Sch. fife, flute. 2. in W. nipple, teat. 3. in W. icicle. pi pi ling SANST Piper longum: pi pi ling gis grang nad ma lus sel the Piper longum (fruit) cures all kinds of cold. Syn. lus 'phags skyes ; yul dbus skyes ; grogs rnyed ; drod snan ; drod skyed byed ; zegs ma ; gYo byed ; sreg byed ; sna ring (Moon.). pi pho 1. abbr. of pi pi ling and pha ba ril po = Piper longum and black pepper. 2. v. pi shi . (EEE The only other reference to pi shi in this dictionary is under rlung 3 II.) pi tsu lAa la á n. of a gem (S. kar. 182). pi wang SANST, guitar; ko na pi wang a kind of guitar. bi wang mkhan = pi wang pa SANST, SANST one who plays on the guitar (Moon.). pi wang rgyud SANST 1. [a musician]S. 2. SANST [a lute]S. pi wang rgyud mang SANST a guitar with many strings; pi wang rgyud gsum a three-stringed guitar. pi rag (nor bu ) n. of a gem or precious stone; pi rag dug dang 'byung po'i gdon kun bsrang the precious stone pirag is a protection against poison and evil spirits. pi rI nA á SANST; = snying nyid (mystic) (K. g. kha, 27). pi ling and pi ling 'phar ma are names of two sa bdag demi-gods. pi lin da'i bu á SANST the son of Pilinda, one of the disciples of Gautama Buddha, who used to exhibit miracles. pig mo v. pus mo 3 (J‰.). pin ta ra ta á n. of a commentary: yo ga tsa 4 dang de'i pin ta ra ta la sogs pa bsgy ur he translated the Yogacarya works and their commentaries, etc. (A. 66). pir pencil, pen, brush; byug pir large brush for house-painting; bcad pir small brush for artistic painting, also lead-pencil. Syn. 'bri byed ; bris smyug (Moon.). pir ba to crush, to grind (to powder) in Ladak = mnyed pa 3. pu ba 1. = gnon pa to press, pressing (mystic) (K. d. kha, 179). 2. num. fig. 73. pu ga'i 'bras bu SANST areca nut eaten by the Hindus. pu ti á pu Tis gYogs pa n. of the great ocean to the South of India on the coasts of which people subsist chiefly on fish (K. d. ra, 273). pu ta na n. of a city: lho phyogs pe ta la'i yul du grong khyer pu ta na zhes bya bar bram ze'i khyim du skyes te| he was born in the house of a Brahman in the city of Putana in the country of Petala in Southern India (K. my. kha, 246). (EEE Original has Brahman for Brahman above.) pu to po á n. of a learned lama: man ngag tu gsung chen po mdzad nas|pu to po song having composed a large book of maxims, Putapo went away (A. 135). pu ti á or po ti a manuscript book. pu sta ka á SANST a volume, book. pu na ka á n. of a flower (K. g. ka, 466). pu na kha the winter capital of Bhutan. pu byi v. spu byi . (EEE Although spu byi does not appear elsewhere in the dictionary, see separately under spu 3 and 3byi 3.) pu tse (EEE No further information is provided in the original.) pu tshe bran (Cs.); husks of barley (J‰.). pu rangs a district in the S. E. of Ngari Khorsum, of which province it is a division; it is situated to the north of the districts of Kamaun and of Western Nepal. pu ru sha á SANST an officer in Tibet = blon po a minister, official. pu le ra ma la ya á n. of a country in ancient India. (EEE The transliteration of the headword in the original is "Pu-li-ra Ma-la-ya", or pu li ra ma la ya which is a commonly accepted spelling of the name.) pu ling ga á SANST n. for the masculine gender. pu lu hut, built of stones, like those of alpine herdsmen in W. (J‰.). pu lo ma'i dgra á SANST an epithet of Indra (Moon.) [Indra destroyed his father-in-law Puloman in order to avert his imprecation consequent on the violation of his daughter]S. pu lo'i sras mo (pu lo ma'i sras mo ) SANST the daughter of Pulo, an epithet of the wife of Indra (Moon.). pu shu I: = 1. spang bar SANST [gradually tapering]S. 2. SANST [secretly]S. II: 1. = yang thog , spang bar upper story, second flat of a building also = gsil khang SANST the top of a house. 2. pu shu'i stengs SANST [top of a building]S. pu shud (bya ) SANST 1. the hoopoe bird: pu shud sha yis gdon nad zhi bar byed the flesh of Pu-shud soothes apoplexy or illness caused by evil spirits. The colloq. term for the hoopoe in C. T. is pu-pu ku-shu. 2. = yang thog or bsil khang the turret or open airing room on the top of a house. Syn. of 1. mchu ring ; sgro'i gtsug phud can ; dri nga'i 'dag chags (Moon.). pu shel tse (snan ) SANST [the fragrant root of the plant Andropogon muricatus; the root is a cure for vomiting]S. (klu snan gras ). Syn. nag dbye ; bya bas ; 'khor lo'i lus ; nya yi 'byor pa ; lus ngan mig (Moon.). pug ta [shelf, partition in a box] (J‰.). pug ma in Purig = collar-bone. pung pa or phung pa in C., W. an unshaped vessel of clay or wood for water, beer, etc., but seems not to be the same with bum pa 3 (J‰.). puNa Da rI ka á 1. n. of a gem (precious stone). 2. n. of a celestial flower; puNa Da rI ka'i phreng a garland of pundarika flower (Situ. 137). 3. SANST white lotus. (EEE The correct transliteration is puºrikMa , "pundarikam" though this will normally be used as puºrika (pundarika). This word has many, incorrect transliterations in common usage.) pun nag SANST [n. of a tree, Rottleria tinctoria, from the blossoms of which a yellowish dye is prepared]S. pur resp. for ro dead body; pur rgyal SANST ghost-land, a name for Tibet which is called the kingdom of the dead. pur Na ktsa tsha á n. of a place in Ancient India. pur Na giri á in Tib. gang ba'i ri 1. the Indian Gosain belonging to Joshimot who resided for many years at Tashi-lhunpo and accompanied Panchen Rin-po-che Palden Ye-ses to Peking. It was he who carried letters to Warren Hastings and founded the monastery of Bhot-Bagan opposite Calcutta on the Howrah side of the Hughli. He was killed by dacoits who had robbed him of the large quantity of gold he had amassed during his residence in Tibet. 2. n. of a Buddhist holy place in the Swat Valley. u rgyan gyi byang na yod situated on the north of Udyana (Dus-ye. 38). puSa ka ra SANST n. of a medicinal plant the flower of which resembles in shape a lamb's foot: puSa ka ra mu las pad kan tsha ba sel the root of pushkara cures phlegm and fever. pus 'khyud + = sgom thag the string or cloth tied round the body of a Naljor by which he ties himself when meditating (Pag. 76). pus mo SANST, SANST the knee; the shank or lower part of the leg from the ankle to the knee. [pus mo sa la 'dzug pa to kneel]J‰. pus mo sa la btsugs te thal mo sbyar nas zhus so he kneeled down with the palms of his hands joined and petitioned. pus mo gYas pa'i lha nga sa la gtsugs te SANST [fixed the right knee-joint on the ground]S. pus mo'i gnas SANST [the knee joint]S. pus mo'i lha nga SANST [knee-pans]S. pus tshigs = pus mo'i tshigs the knee joint. rgan mo pus 'khregs kyang 'gro snying 'dod though the old woman had a stiff knee she wished to go away (Rdsa. 17). pe = thug pa gruel-broth (mystic) (K. g. kha, 179). pe kar or pe dkar (also spelt dpe dkar or dpe har ) = dkor bdag rgyal po the spirit-king or chief of the custodians of monastic properties. His principal shrine stands in the Nechung grove near Lhasa. He is greatly adored all over Tibet; and it is said that he was brought by Padma Sambhava from the monastery of Odantapuri in Magadha and bound under solemn oath to protect the great monastery of Samye. pe kar gling , dkor mdzod the temple of Pekar in Samye in which the monastic treasures are kept: gzims chung yang pe kar gling gi dkor mdzod| (A. 91) his small room was also in the treasury of the temple of Pe-kar glio. pe sgang n. of a place in Tibet: zhag sa pe sgang du byas he halted one night at pe sgang (A. 90). pe te hor more properly pa ta hor , the country to the east of Yarkand which was a great place of the Northern Buddhists. pe tsam little, small, a little (Sch.). pe tso white cabbage in C. (J‰.). pe ra a flat basket (J‰.). pen pa pincers (in Sikk.). po I: 1. n. of a place in the confines of the country of Gesar and Tibet (G. Bon. 4). 2. n. of a clan in Tibet (Jig. 21). 3. for po bo 3. II: 1. the particle styled bdag sgra signifying the agent, as in ston pa po a demonstrator, explainer, thos pa po a hearer. 2. sign of nouns, designating concrete nouns and the masculine gender, in contradistinction to abstract nouns with pa or ba , and to feminines with mo : connected with a numeral, it supplies the definite article: lnga po the five (just mentioned); gnyis po the two, both, (J‰.). po ta la (lho phyogs ri bo gru 'dzin ) 1. SANST or SANST the residence of Avalokitesvara and Arya Tara on a hill situated in an harbour somewhere in the Indian Ocean; acc. to the Chinese Buddhists an island in the China sea off the coast of Shanghai. 2. = rtse po ta la or rgyal ba rin po che'i pho prang the residence of the Dalai Lama at Lhasa (Rtsii.). The buildings stand on a three-peaked hill in the north-western suburbs of Lhasa. po tang gi á = gsong por smra ba (mystic) (K. g. kha, 27). (EEE gsong por smra ba does not appear as a headword in the dictionary but see under gsong po 3.) po ti = pu ti small book. po tog v. mtho po tog (J‰.). po bo grandfather (both in the father's and mother's side); po mo grandmother. po lon shan n. of a high mountain in China. po son cha SANST a shrub sesbana grandiflora. Syn. gong bu can ; lag pa'i tsheng dus ; gser gyi lag ; dbugs 'byin shing ; 'khyog po'i sde ; myos byed ; chang shing (Moon.). pog SANST [the resin of the plant Boswellia thurifera]S. pog ta (Mong.) = rje sir, lord. pog phor = spos phor (pog = spos 3) incense-burner, perfuming-pan. pod acc. to J‰. = pon , pon to , v. phon 3, phon to . por 'dzod n. of a tribe in Tibet (J. Zao.). pol in Tsang is said to be a sort of fever. pra I: 1. a small turquoise, in W. seldom larger than a lentil, for wearing on ornamental rings. 2. v. tshom 3. II: also pra mo 1. lot; sign, token, prognostic: pra ngan pa bad sign; pra phab pa = rtags pa byed pa to draw prognostics from a charmed mirror: rje btsun sgrol ma'i pra phab pa nas prognostics were drawn from a mirror consecrated to Dolma (A. 57); pra rtags , me long la rab gnas byas te bzang ngan gang yang shar ba'i rtags pa the mirror having been consecrated any good or bad signs will appear on it; ting nge 'dzin gyi pra rtags ngan the ill-omen of Samadhi (D.R.). pra kirya á SANST [1. the plant Guilandina bonduc. 2. the tree Pongamia glabra]S.; v. ka rnya dza 3 (Moon.). pra ga √o ti sha á SANST n. of a mountain said to be situated beyond the mountains of Susrimo Parvata which is inhabited by the gods and where the Asuras cause the former constant terror. K. d. ra, 283). [It is identified by some writers with Pragjyotisha, or the province of Assam]S. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "praga dsyo-ti sha", pra ga ào ti sha which is clearly in error.) pra chal or spral chal jest, joke, nonsensical talk; pra chal byed pa to make sport, to play the buffoon; pra chal slong ba to cause merriment (J‰.). pra ti po tang gi á is explained as gsang por smra ba'i lan reply to an enquiry given in a mystic language. pra dun rtse lha khang one of the twelve Buddhist temples said to have been erected by king srong btsan sgam po , this one being in the north of Tibet. pra pa ta á = gru boat (in mystic language) (K. g. 27). pra phab pa [1. SANST, n. of a prince. 2. SANST figure, shape, image]S.; pra phab bzhin SANST likeness, image. pra ba 1. SANST, pra ba'i me tog SANST [the flower of the tree called ∆schynomene grandiflora]S. 2. SANST [hardness, the plant Teronia elephantum]S. pra tshil = sbrang tsigs ma bee-wax. pra li a tailless rodent, Lagomys badius or some kindred species. pri yang ku á or pri yang gu SANST [Panicum italicum, a medicinal plant and perfume described in some places as being a fragrant seed]S. pi yang ku yis pho mchin tshabs sel|lo ma sdong po me tog 'bras bu tshang ma dgos . Syn. bud med ming can ; sna tshogs sde ; 'byung po'i me tog ; dzam bu skyes ; 'khri shing mchog ldan ; sngo sangs can ; sa la phyag 'tshal (Moon.). prog or ze prog the crest of a cock (Cs.). prog zhu or phrog zhu SANST, SANST = cod pan ornamental helmet, the kind of crown worn by Vaisravana the king of the north. Syn. mgo rgyan ; dbu rgyan (Moon.). dpag measure: dpag med or dpag yas measureless, immeasurable. dpag thag measuring string or tape; dpag pa SANST fathom; dpag byas SANST measurable; dpag bral SANST, SANST n. of a number. dpag 'byams id. dpag tshad SANST acc. to Cs. 4,000 fathoms, hence a geographical mile; dpag chen a distance of 5,000 fathoms. dpag shod or dpa' n. of a village in Kham belonging to the estate of kun bde gling , i.e., to one of the four great Ling monasteries of Lhasa (Loo. za, 16). dpag bsam SANST thought, imagination, wish. dpag bsam 'khri shing SANST or SANST the wishing tree, the tree of cogitation; n. of a fine poetical work written by Kshemendra on the exploits and glories of Buddha. This work occurs in full in the Tangyur, in the 93rd vol. mdo section; the text and a synopsis of the whole work in Tibetan have been published under the editorship of Sarat Chandra Das, C.I.E., by the Asiatic Society of Bengal. dpag bsam ljon pa SANST the wishing-tree; one who is very charitable and gives alms to all beggars. dpags 1. parched barley meal made into sop or balls by soaking in tea or soup. 2. = nos pa 3 SANST [to accumulate]S. 3. = gting depth. 'brog pas nga la dpags shig yod in me said the herdsman there is some depth (of mind) (A. 142). dpang or dpang po 1. a witness, one able to attest or bear witness; also, a surety: dpang byed pa to bear witness, to attest, v. mna' 3; rang sems dpang du 'dzug pa to be sincere, to be conscious of speaking the truth (J‰.); dpang pos lkog rngan za ba de (rgyal khrims rlung la bskur ba yin causes the ends of law to be thrown to the winds) the witness that receives secret gratification (Gser-phreo 16). dpang du 'gyur ba to be witness of bden dpang witness or proof for the truth of a thing; rdzan dpang false witness (Schtr). mi dpang C., one who is a defendant's advocate; mi dpang (or dpang po ) byed pa c. genit. or dat., to defend in a court of justice (J‰.). dpang por dris pa asked to be a witness; dpang 'pher ba to become witness. dpang blo gros brtan pa n. of a learned Lotsawa of Tibet. dpang dma' ba low; dpang mtho ba high. dpangs SANST height, dpangs su in height. dpa' or dpa' ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. sbst. bravery, strength, courage; also adj. brave, strong, courageous; dpa' khums weak, strengthless, feeble. dpa' rgyas pa = dpa' ngar ba very powerful, heroic, chivalrous. dpa' mnga' (stobs yod pa ) strong, powerful; dpa' ldan brave. 2. in W. taste, agreeable flavour. dpa' skong ba = nga rgyal 'joms pa to humiliate, to humble, break the pride: gzhan gyi bsam pa ma rung ba dag dpa' skong ba'i phyir du dpung bzhi'i dmag bshams te (Hbrom. kha, 318). dpa' can 1. brave. 2. beautiful. 3. W. savoury (J‰.). dpa' dar scarf presented to one who has distinguished himself by valour and success in any undertaking. dpa' gdam = gri ring long knife, a sword. dpa' pa a medicinal plant with root resembling that of a radish. dpa' po heroic. dpa' po dul an epithet of Bhimasena the second Pandava (Moon.). dpa' po dza ma an epithet of Parashurama (Moon.). dpa' po lag pa SANST [the fragrant oleander]S.; n. of a medicinal plant and flower (Moon.). dpa' ba SANST, SANST an ascetic; a steady person; v. ante dpa' 3. dpa' nyid steadiness, valour. dpa' bo SANST, SANST 1. an intrepid chivalrous person, hero, a fearless strong man, a demi-god. 2. brave, heroic: rta mgrin dpa' bo brave Tamdin! according to some dpa' bo chen po is same as bong nag aconite: dpa' bo chen pos dug dang tshad sel . dpa' bo brtan pa = gur gum saffron (Moon.). dpa' bo mthing gi gtsug phud can = bya rog mig , bya rog nor bu , dkar po yar 'dren re skon , etc. (Sman. 350). dpa' bo ser , an officinal plant of bitter taste. dpa' bo'i rgyud ; SANST, SANST of chivalrous spirit, heroic and noble birth. Syn. stobs chen ; gyad mi ; pha rol gnon ; zhe sdang gtum pa'i dpung pa can ; rnam gnon can ; gYul ngor brtan ; tshim pa med ; thal byung 'gro ; 'jigs med ; bsnyengs bral ; bag mi tsha ; zhum pa mi mnga' ; nyam nga med ; gYul na brjid ; snying stobs can ; brtul phod pa ; chu gang can ; mi 'gong ba ; 'thab chos sbyang (Moon.). dpa' bo brgyud an epithet of Virnu (Moon.). dpa' bo'i 'dug stangs the manner of sitting of a lha or minor god (Ya-sel.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "dpah-pohi-..." which is in error.) dpa' byed SANST [hero]S. dpa' mo 1. heroine, also name of a Yakra queen (K. g. da, 139). 2. v. chang 3. dpa' rab n. of a country that was ruled over by king Udayi ('char ka ) (K. d. 133). dpa' rlabs dang bcas pa SANST [having violent waves; the ocean]S. dpa' shod = dpag shod 3. dpal I: SANST, SANST n. of a medicinal tree [the tree Gmelina arborea]S. Syn. kun nas bzang ; lo ma mngar ; sbrang rtsi'i 'dab ; lo ma bzang sprod byed ; dpal gyi lo ma (Moon.). II: 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST glory, splendour, magnificence, abundance; prosperity, talent. skyed pa'i dpal la longs od pa enjoying the utmost happiness (Glr.); as an epithet, or part of the names of deities, e.g., dpal ldem a deity incarnated in the Sikkim mountain peak of Pandim; 'gro ba'i dpal welfare of all living beings. kun gyi dpal du 'gyur ba or shar ba to be the salvation, the saviour of all being (Glr.); dpal skyed pa . gzhan gyi rang gi dpal to work for the elevation of others or for one's own. 2. nobility: dpal gyi gnang ba privilege of nobility; dpal gyi gnang shog diploma of nobility; dpal gyi gnang shog pa one having a diploma of nobility (Cs.). Syn. yon tan ; gzi brjid ; gnyen longs od (Moon.). dpal skyes = rgya shug 3 (Moon.). dpal skyong SANST [the lord of fortune, n. of Virnu; also a king]S. dpal khyad = dpal 3 (J‰.). dpal 'khor btsan n. of an early king of Tibet, the son of king Gnam-lde Hod-srun (Loo. 'a, 8). dpal gos á 1. SANST lotus flower (Moon.). 2. SANST [dwelling with Sri, n. of Virnu]S. dpal gyi be'us mtshan another epithet of Virnu (Moon.). dpal gyi dum bu tsan dan dkar po SANST white sandal-wood. dpal gyi phag pa SANST ['the divine boar,' a n. of Virnu]S. dpal gyi bdag SANST another epithet of Virnu (Moon.). dpal gyi 'dab ma can as met. = lotus flower (Moon.). dpal gyi bu met. horse (Moon.). dpal gyi be'u SANST noose of love, n. of a gem [a particular mark or curl-hair on the breast of Virnu]S. dpal gyi ri SANST [n. of a mountain mentioned by Bhavabhuti in his Malatimadhava]S. Also a mountain in Southern India where Nagarjuna is said to have spent his last days absorbed in deep meditation. Also a mountain with a monastery in Tsang, opposite Dong-tse, built by an incarnate lama of the Nyingma school. dpal gyi lag pa SANST; an epithet of Virnu (Moon.). dpal gyi lag ldan ma or dpal stug = zho curds. dpal mgrin SANST another epithet of Virnu (Moon.). dpal mchog dang po'i rgyud n. of a book (in K. g. nya, 294). dpal gtum po n. of a spirit-king of very frightful appearance (K. g. ca, 1). dpal gter or dpal ster an epithet of Nam-sras or Vaisravana (Moon.). dpal stug SANST majestic. dpal sde'i rdzong n. of a small fort and Jong situated on the north margin of Yamdok-lake a few miles to the south-east of Khamba-La and on the road to Lhasa from Gyaotse (Loo. 'a, 14). The Jesuit missionaries who visited Tibet in the 18th century A.D. on their way to Lhasa passed this place and called the great lake after the name of the fort. dpal sde zhabs drung n. of a Nyingma sage of Yamdok district, a great expert in Tantrik ritual and author of the work 'khyed chos . By his influence with the lake-deities the Jong-Gar Mongol invasion of this district was repulsed and 1,000 Mongol soldiers drowned in the Yamdok Tsho. dpal rdo rdze 'jigs byed kyi rgyud SANST n. of a book in K. g. ja, 46. dpal rdo rje gdan SANST the ancient name of Buddha Gaya in Behar: dpal rdo rje gdan gyi shar phyogs na yul chen po bang ga la (A. 26) to the east of Dorjedan is situated the great country of Bangala. dpal 'dab SANST. dpal ldan SANST, SANST; adj. glorious; also as sbst. one possessed of glory, abundance, wealth, property, talents, &c.; is a common title by which every Buddhist is privileged to be addressed. dpal ldan ma SANST possessed of glory, and charms, noblewoman. dpal ldan khrag 'thung = dgyes pa rdo rje an epithet of a wrathful Buddhist deity of the Tantra class (Moon.). dpal ldan dus 'khor SANST an epithet of the Adi Buddha (Moon.). dpal ldan 'bras spungs SANST 1. n. of an ancient Buddhist monastery in Orissa (near modern Katak). 2. The great monastery of Daipung near Lhasa (S. kar. 180). dpal ldan ma SANST; 1. polite term for the female sex. 2. n. of a Yakrini, queen of the Yakra demi-gods (K. g. da, 133). dpal ldan snad rgyud pa = rgyud snad grwa tshang n. of the Tantrik section of the Gahdan monastery (Loo. 'a, 17). dpal ldan lha mo is a goddess of terrific aspect famous for her bloody and licentious deeds, but at the same time a constant and redoubtable championess of Buddhism. She is the analogue of the Indian goddess Srimati Devi; and by the Mongol Tartars is known as Ukin Tegri. In all large Tibetan temples Paldan Lhamo is to be found presiding over the khro bo or wrathful deities. Her several names are:- lha mo u ma ; lha mo dmar mo ; tsa muNa Di ; lha mo par Na sha pa ri ; ri khrod lo ma ca ; lha mo dkar mo dung skyong ma ; spas pa'i thal mdog ma ; khro gnyer can ma ; mi pham khro gnyer ro langs ma ; nag mo re ma ti ; srin po dmar 'dab ; phur ba'i lha gser can ; srid pa gsum gyi blo 'phrog ma ; ya mtshan 'phrul gyi gshog pa can ; dpal lha mo nag mo ; dpal ldan 'phyi ma ; yag sha re ma ti ; srid gsum rgyal mo ; rdo rje glog ma sprin ; 'dod pa'i khams kyi dbang phyug ma ; lha mo man dzu ; dmag zor rgyal mo ; lha mo dmag zor ma ; rgyal mo lding bzang . dpal 'dab SANST [the plant Premna spinosa, the lotus.]S. dpal be'u SANST love noose. [1. Virnu. 2. a particular mark or curl of hair on the breast of Virnu.]S. dpal byed SANST [the third of the Pandava brothers.]S. dpal 'byor 1. glory, effulgence, grandeur: 'od kyi dpal 'byor glory of light (A.K. 111-36). 2. W. strawberry. 3. is a common personal name for men. dpal 'bras SANST wood-apple (K. d. ya, 427). SANST several plants such as Momordika mixta. dpal spas SANST n. of a householder who at the instigation of Kshapanaka laid a foul plot to kill Buddha who miraculously frustrated his designs and converted him to Buddhism (K. d. ma, 417). dpal sbyin SANST; = Kuvera. dpal mo SANST, SANST she that has sprung from the ocean of milk, in certain Tantras set down as the Yum or Nus-ma (sakti or female energy) co-operative with Spyan-ras-gzigs (Avalokitesvara). dpal gtso SANST bolder. dpal yon [1. SANST fortunate. 2. the fruit of Diospyros embyrobteris.]S. dpal gsang ba'i snying po n. of a book in K. g. wa, 139 much used by the Nyingma school. dpal gsang ba 'dus pa SANST n. of a Tantra which is considered as a standard Tantrik work of the Northern Buddhists. dpung 1. SANST host, great number; as vb. to collect, assemble, pf. dpungs . 2. = dmag tshogs (Moon.) force, troops, army; dpung bzhi or dpung tshogs bzhi SANST are the following four kinds of troops:- rta'i tshogs cavalry; glang po che'i tshogs elephant; shing rta'i tshogs chariots; rkang bu chung gi tshogs infantry. dpung gi dkyil 'khor = dmag dpung army, troops (Moon.); dpung gi mgon po = dmag dpon commander, general (Moon.); dpung gi gnyen friend, protector, defender, assistant; dpung gi tshogs , dmag dpung army; dgra dpung hostile army; dpung grogs or dpung rogs allies. dpung rgyan or dpung pa'i rgyan [SANST, SANST a bracelet worn on the upper arm]S. dpung par bdags byed an ornament for the arm; rin chen dpung rgyan arm-ornament made of precious stones (A.K. 1-10). dpung 'jum pa (Sch.) to contract the arm. dpung gnyen SANST [last resort]S. dpu ldan = ri SANST mountain. dpung gnon reinforcement. dpung pa 1. SANST, SANST the shoulder; the upper part of the arm. dpung 'go = dpung pa'i 'go or phrag shoulders (Moon.). dpung pa rkang shoulder-blade; dpung pa rgyas pa SANST fleshy shoulder; dpung pa lag pa upper and lower arm (Cs.); dpung khar on the shoulder; dpung pa dang dpyi gnyis both the shoulders and hips (S. g.). dpung pa'i bu SANST [arms or pertaining to arms]S. 2. SANST, SANST a heap, anything piled up together. dpung pas byin an epithet of the great Yeru Tsangpo of Tibet (Moon.). dpung bu chung = rkang thang dmag mi infantry (A. 149). dpung la skyes = lag las skyes born of the hand, n. of a king (Moon.). dpung bzang gis zhus pa'i rgyud n. of a Tantra in which there are descriptions of mystic vows, the method of preserving one's vows, manner of meditation and that of ejaculating charms (K. g. tsha, 40). dpung gYos reinforcement of troops, also sending of troops to fight. dpus bsgy ur ba sbyad lag 'tshong or brje ba to exchange or dispose of articles: gzhung du dkon nges rnams ma|gtogs dpus bsgy ur gnang with the exception of very rare articles it would be necessary to sell off on Government account (D. Shel. 11). dpe = nye bar 'jal ba SANST, SANST, SANST 1. sample, specimen, example, pattern: dper na for instance; de dper byas nas taking this for a sample (Zam.). 2. way of doing anything, method: rgya yul nas rtsis kyi dpe blangs it was from China that methods of reckoning arose; dpe ci ltar according to what method, plan, example; mthun pa'i dpe a way that may be followed, a good example. 3. a parable, analogue, simile, illustration. 4. a book: ka dpe , ka kha'i dpe A-B-C book, primer; phyag dpe resp. for dpe ; yum dpe , original of a book; bu dpe copy of a book; dpe tho list of books; dpe shubs book-cover; dpe rtsom pa to write, to compose; dpe bshu ba to copy a book; dpe bshus copied manuscript; dpe 'tshem pa to stitch a book; dpe mjug end of a book. dpe ka a little book (J‰.). dpe khang library; book-seller's shop. dpe khri a table to put books on, a bookstand. dpe mkhyud + fond of books. dpe rgyug or dpe rgyugs book-lesson. dpe sgra in W. speech (J‰.). dpe cha SANST in colloq. is the common word for book. dpe brjod SANST (Moon.) 1. example, comparison: dpe brjod pa'i tshul gyis SANST by way or means of example; dpe brjod byed pa to compare, to cite an example. 2. paradigm, example in Gram. (J‰.). dpe byad SANST proportion, symmetry, beauty (J‰.). [In the Lalitavistara it occurs as meaning "secondary marks of perfection."]S. dpe byad can well-proportioned; dpe byad bzang po brgyad cu the eighty physical perfections of Buddha (snying rgyan 336). dpe med n. of a city in ancient India (Jig.). dpe med pa SANST incomparable, unique, unexampled; an epithet of Buddha. Also personal name. dpe yas (grangs ) SANST n. of a number. dpen pa + is used for phangs pa or yid 'ong SANST charming, very handsome; useful. dper na or dper SANST, SANST for example; v. sub. dpe 3. dper mtshon = dper bzhag pa setting example. dper yang SANST [even comparison]S. dper brjod pa fit for being an example. dpog pa pf. dpags , fut. dpag , to measure, to apportion, to fix: dpag tu med or dpag tu med pa immeasurable dpag bral , dpag yas immensely large, very much; thugs dpag med infinite grace; thugs dpag mdzad pa to show mercy, tshad dpog pa to fathom; gting dpog med pa fathomless; don dpog ma dpog meaning comprehensible or not. dpog 'gro = chu brgal 'gro ba (in the dialect of Amdo) to cross a river. dpog mi thub pa = brgal mi thub pa unfordable, a river or lake that cannot be crossed over. dpod rtsom an elegant composition that is added to a letter to make the meaning of the writer clear, pathetic, or forcible (D. Shel. 20): gal che dpod rtsom byung rigs . dpon or dpon po SANST, SANST, SANST chief; master, lord; overseer of working-men, foreman, leader. dpon pos gYog po ma 'dod na|gla ster nas gtong dgos| if a master does not want his servant, he should pay his wages and dismiss him; gYog pos dpon po ma 'dod na|gla bzhag nas 'gro dgos| (dpe gtam ) if the servant does not like his master, he should give up his wages and go away. khrims dpon is the title of the second judge at Lhasa; rtsi dpon chief accountant; gar dpon chief administrative officer of the districts of Gartok and Rudok in W. Tib.; stong dpon leader of a thousand soldiers; mda' dpon in C. modern word for general, and 'degs dpon the same as stong dpon (J‰.); i dpon a general manager in a monastery: mi de 'jig rten na i dpon yin etc., etc., that man in this world (is fit) to be i dpon who is noble in birth, wealthy, magnanimous, who is anxious for his personal gain, very modest in his speech, etc. mi dpon prefect; rtsig dpon master mason; rdzong dpon , colloq. Jong-pon, district administrative officer who possesses civil and quasi-military jurisdiction; ru dpon commander of 250 troops; slob dpon SANST school-master also title of the more learned lamas; gsol dpon kitchen steward who arranges the food of a Grand Lama or of the head lama of a large monastery; gsol dpon chen po chief steward of the food of the Dalai Lama of Lhasa, who is assisted by four sub-stewards. dpon skya SANST [an honourable and distinguished man.]S. dpon 'go = mgo dpon chief governor, ruler, lord (Moon.). dpon po v. dpon 3. dpon mo SANST mistress, chieftainess: nga'i dpon mo yin she is my ruler. dpon med free (Cs.). dpon yod standing under master or mistress. dpon tshang physician (Schtr.). dpon gYog master and servant: kong jo dpon gYog Princess Kongjo and her suite (Glr.). dpon rabs genealogy of kings, chiefs or governors: dpal phag mo grub pa'i dpon rabs the genealogy of the dynasty of Phag-mo-grub (Jig.). dpon sa bla ma = rdo rje bla ma the high priest; a hierarch (D.R.). dpon slob 1. for dpon po dang slob ma 1. title of the petty feudal governors ruling in Bhutan. 3. = dpon dang gYog (Rtsii.). (EEE For 3. see dpon gYog 3.) dpor ba pf. and fut. dpar to dictate (Cs.). dpya tribute, tax, duty: dpya 'bebs pa to impose a tax (Ta. 21, 11). dpya khral = gzhung khral government revenue: gzhung gi bzhes sgo dpya khral gyi srol 'dzugs| he established the custom of raising revenue for Government (Loo. 'a, 27). dpya 'jal ba = khral 'jal ba or khral 'bul ba or khral sprod pa payment of revenue (Moon.); dpya bla skyes SANST [revenue, tax, toll]S. dpya ba á = 'phya ba 3. dpyang ba to dangle, to let down, to make hang down, vb. a., pf. dpyangs , imp. pyangs also dpyongs ; dpyang thag , 'phyang thag cord or rope, by which a thing is suspended; hence fig. thugs rje'i dpyang thag gcod pa (Thgr.); thag pa rom po dpyong cig let down a thick rope; dpyang thag rtsed pa to swing (one's self); dpyang dar scarf attached to pillars in a temple or monastery or to flagpoles, etc. (Rtsii.). dpyad and its compounds, v. dpyod pa 3. dpyal n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 14). dpyas pa explained as gzhan 'phyas pa dang |skyon btags pa to throw blame upon another, to impute guilt to another person. dpyas po fault, blunder; dpyas can faulty, blameable; dpyas med faultless, blameless (Cs.); dpyas 'dogs pa to blame (Ta.). dpyi SANST the belly; (also rkang pa'i dpyi mig lta bu acc. to Cs. = i ) hip; dpyi zur , dpyi rus hip-bone; dpyi mig socket of the hip-bone perh. also vulg. = hip (J‰.); dpyi mgo = sta zur hip. dpyid 1. = dpal grace (Yig. 64). 2. SANST, SANST, also dpyid dus the spring season. dpyid kyi pho nya SANST the messenger of the spring, the cuckoo; dpyid zla months of spring; dpyid zla tha chung SANST the month of March-April; dpyid zla 'bring po SANST April; dpyid zla ra pa SANST February-March. dpyis SANST the last, the end, conclusion: dpyis phyin pa to bring to an end, finish; tshig don mthar phyin pa to arrive at the final conclusion as to the meaning of a word or that of any object or business. Syn. mthar phyin pa ; 'phya pa (Situ. 41). dpyo ba to change (Sch.). dpyong ba perh. primitive form of dpyang ba (J‰.). dpyongs explained as dpyi tshigs mi bde zhig rkang pa brgyangs bskums dka' pa| difficulty in stretching or contracting the legs from pain in the hip-joint. dpyod pa pf. and fut. dpyad pa to investigate, to examine into, to test by reasoning; dpyad byed pa to test, make an examination of; to diagnose medically; dpyad na on examination; rtog dpyod pa to examine anything; brtag dpyad investigation, inquiry; bye brag tu dpyad pa ste separately examining it; ri dpyad gzigs pa to inspect the mountains (Glr.); sa'i dpyad bzang bar shes pa to know that this inspection will turn out favourably (Glr.); snan dpyad byed pa to treat medically: dpyad ma la bya then the mother (not the child) must be placed under medical treatment (J‰.); snan dpyad la mkhas pa skilful in medical science (Dzl.); dpyad mtshams minute rules, also close inquiry; dpyad gzhi grounds for inquiry, also elements on which an investigation can be based, i.e., the evidence; dpyad pa'i yul an object or a subject of examination; dpyad shes pa to ascertain, to come to a conclusion upon: rgyal blon rnams gyis dpyad mi shes pa de snan chen pos thag bcad that which the king and his ministers do not unravel must be decided by means of powerful drugs (i.e., by the test or ordeal of poison). rnam dpyod = blo gros . dpyod ldan = mkhas pa learned, discreet, possessed of judgment: dpyod ldan dgyes pa bskyed pa'i legs bshad elegant description full of well-judged thoughts (Yig. k. 49). dpyod pa pa 1. SANST in ancient India a sect of philosophers. 2. one bringing on a reconciliation between two parties; an arbitrator. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "dphod-pa-pa" which is clearly in error.) dpyod la n. of a Tibetan minister: blon po dpyod la nga la nyon O minister Dpyod-la, do listen to me (Hbrom. 110). dprag chags in mig dang dprag chags dprag chags me tog u dum wa ra (D.R.). dpral ba SANST the forehead, the brow: dpral ba yangs la gnyer ma gnyis yod na|lo ni drug cu tham pa 'tsho ba dang | he who has two wrinkles on the expanse of his forehead will live sixty years, etc. dpral mgo stug po = ngo tsha med pa lit. a thick-headed, a shameless person; shamelessness (Moon.). dpral mig SANST the third eye, the eye of knowledge [one who has got an eye on his forehead, n. of Siva]S. dpral ril SANST a sectarial mark or circlet on the forehead; dpral gYu = mdun gYu the turquoise that a Tibetan woman wears on her forehead; dpral gYu gser sgong pa a turquoise mounted on gold and overhanging the forehead (Rtsii.). dphral ba ngan pa W. luckless person. Syn. rgyan gnas ; mig 'dzin (Moon.). dpral ril SANST, SANST [character, a mark on the head]S. dpri SANST cream also gen. porridge made of milk and rice. dprul dprul in dprul dprul la gtong ba to hang one's self (J‰.). lpags pa the outer skin or fur of an animal; a leathern strap; also less frq. the bark of a tree. When this word is joined to another word the surmounting la is sometimes dropped: stag lpags tiger's skin, shun lpags bark, peel, wa lpags fox skin. lpags ldan ma SANST, SANST [covered with hides of skins; also, the n. of a river which flows through Bundelkhand into the Ganges, the modern Chambal]S. lpags pa mnyen of soft skin, a name for the birch tree (stag pa shing ) (Moon.); lpags pa gser mdog SANST; the golden bark; lpags pa'i las can SANST dealer in leather, a shoe-maker. lpags pa'i 'dab chags can bat, the skin-winged animal. Syn. pha wang ; lpags bye'u (Moon.). (EEE The headword in the original is lpags pa'i 'dab chags but the transliteration, which appends can to the end of it is correct and so used here.) spa 1. rgyan chas ornament, equipment; that which beautifies. 2. SANST bamboo, cane: spa 'khar , spa lcag , spa dbyug walking-cane. 3. hair-dressing; spa mkhan pa one who is skilled in dressing hair. spa lo (1) = spobs pa ; (2) (drung 'khor gyi skra phyi bor rdog rdog byas te psdam pa ) the hair dressed and tied in a round ball on the crown of the head of the civil officers of Tibet. drung 'khor spa lo pa skra 'khru bar skra ja re dgos (D. Shel. 11) hair-tea, i.e., tea, &c., served to officials on every occasion of their dressing their hair. spa kong = gzil gyis gnon pa , spa kong ba to frighten (Gyal.); SANST showing to tongue to frighten. spa skor hoop of a cask (Schtr.). spa gro n. of the seat of the Governor of West Bhutan called Paro (Loo. 'a, 6). spa gong ba yul yul du gyur jealousy, envy. spa gong bar gyur = yid bsad par gyur [SANST incurs blaming, SANST becomes sad or sorry]S. de lha'i bu bsod nams chung ba rnams kyis mthong ba na spa gong bar 'gyur| when the sons of gods of lesser merits should see that, they will become envious. spa cu gang SANST [bamboo manna]S. spa chal or spra cal (sdod mi tshugs ) SANST restless, cannot remain in one place. spa ti n. of a section of the monastery of Sera; spa ti mi tshan gtsang pa section or community of Pati in Tsang (Loo. za, 16). spa til match, v. pha til (J‰.). (EEE pha til does not appear as a headword in the dictionary but see under 'drud pa 3.) spa dong or spa ldod little cask, made of bamboo; in Sikk. vessel made of bamboo to carry milk or water. spa pa = drag po 3 (3byin chags pa 3) SANST. spa 'brum n. of a fruit: spa brum mkhris pa 'gram dang gzhang 'brum sel . spa ma juniper, Juniperus squamosa; and some other small species. spa tshab n. of a place in Upper Tibet (Yig. 8). spa yi snyas SANST [a small stake]S. spa ra n. of a village to the north-west of Lhasa (Loo. za, 12). spa ri n. of a kind of cotton cloth (Rtsii.). spa rengs (phag ) pig, hog. spag SANST; barley paste balls, barley meal moistened with butter or tea. rtsam pa'i lto barley food; spag ltar bsnos or brdzis mixed in dough (Oag. 43). spag pa 1. to sop up with meal or bread, to soak up gravy (J‰.). 2. = bsnos pa , [SANST to accumulate]S. spag phor a bowl made of wood or metal to hold barley meal. spags pa 1. = spo ba to shift, to transfer one's self: gzhan du spags remove elsewhere; gzhan du spo ba to go elsewhere (Situ. 99). 2. pickle, pottage, sauce, gravy: lto spags sha dang tshod ma . spang 1. board, plank, colloq. spang leb ; also a slab, slate, flag; spang sgo board or panel of a door (Cs.); spang khri bookstand (Schtr.). 2. soft springy turf yielding to the feet. spang po = a boggy marshy flat, a moss; also chu spang (Cs.). spang skong mtsho the well-known Pang-kong Lake on the Tibeto-Ladak frontier, stretching due east towards the immediate north of Rudok. It comprises three oblong sheets of water connected by narrow necks, together making a fine lake over 100 miles in length. spang skong phyag rgya'i mdo a Sutra occurring in K. d. za, 1-50 and containing an enumeration of the epithets of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, etc., and also the method of confession of sins. It is said to have fallen from heaven on the roof of the palace of king Lha Thothori. spang kha = spang a marsh (Rdsa.). spang khebs an apron, a piece of cloth that covers a lady's breast: an chab kyis spang khebs cog tse bangs pa with her tears she wet her apron and the small table before her (A. 128). spang rgyan n. of an autumnal flower that grows along with grass. There are three kinds of it: (1) spang rgyan dkar po white species (dug dang gre nad sel which cures poison and affections of the throat); (2) spang rgyan sngon po the blue species; (3) spang rgyan nag po the black species; 'brum nag tsha dbal 'joms which cures black pox and inflammatory fever. Syn. ri bo'i rna rgyan ; kun tu gas ; khyab 'jug gdan pa ; gzhan las rgyal ; gzhan gyis mi thub ; ba glang rdzas ; ston gyi me tog (Moon.). spang ba 1. v. spong ba 3. 2. SANST re-adjustive, elastic, spongy. spang bar bya SANST [fit to be left out]S. spang spos SANST 1. the plant Nardostachys jatamamsi. 2. SANST the tree Nauclea cadamba. Syn. spu can ; dka' thub can ; 'byung po'i ral ba ; dre'i sras po (Moon.). spang bog piece of turf, sod; spang ma SANST blue vitriol. spang ma SANST, SANST verdure, green colour; a pot-herb: spang mas chu ser skem zhing ling tog gcod|skra skyed pho mtshan nad sel nad kun skyug . Syn. spang ma'i mig snan ; rtsa can mgrin ; sngon po ; rma bya can ; spang ma drul ma ; bcos pa las byung (Moon.). spang zhun verdigris (Sch.). Also = tshon ljang kha green paint (Rtsii.). spang leb SANST [1. a shield. 2. one who observes a particular religious penance peculiar to Buddhists, viz., rubbing the feet backwards and forwards on the edge of a sword made red-hot]S. spang leb khang SANST [the stand on which a Buddhist priest keeps his cap]S. spang se n. of a bird (Rtsii.). spangs SANST 1. pf. of spong ba 3 to abandon; spangs te giving up. Sometimes intrs. of dpangs . 2. n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 33); spangs mi phag mgon po n. of a celebrated Lama of Tibet born at spangs (Deb. ga 33). spangs mtho ba SANST high, elevated. spangs po SANST [renunciation of everything, freedom]S. spangs bya SANST, SANST anything very bad, worthy of being abandoned. spad only in pha spad father and children; cf. the more frq. ma snad 3 Lex (J‰.). span spun brothers, relatives (Cs.). spabs 1. = rdul brtsigs pa . 2. in rna spabs ear-wax. spam = mdzos pa or legs pa beautiful, nice, good: rang byung mi shes bzhag na spam (Rdsa.). spar also spar mo "the grasping hand," pan, claw; SANST a handful, as much as may be contained in the closed hand. spar gang id.: dge bshes ston pas gdung lhag spar gang bskur pas the Kalyana mitra (Buddhist scholar) sent one handful more of the relics (A. 122). spar mos rgyab pa to strike with the paws; spar shad 'dren pa to scratch; spar mos snam pa to clutch, grab at. spar kha mystical marks on tortoise-shell from which the Chinese are said to have derived their knowledge of divination. spar brgyad the eight diagrams of Chinese divination represented by the names of elements and certain other thing: li = me fire, khon = sa earth, dva = lcags iron, khen = gnam sky, kham = chu water, gin = ri hill, zin = shing tree, and zan = rlung wind. spar phu place in Tibet; spang phu pa a celebrated lama of Phar-phu (Loo. za, 29). spar ba 1. vb. v. spor ba 3. 2. to raise, increase, advance, promote; excite, incite: rnam shes gong du spar ba to lift up the soul; go sa spar ba to advance one's dignity or rank; me spar ba to excite or poke up fire. spar ma [a low-growing shrub of very hard wood Mil. nt.] J‰. spi ti is one of the Himalayan hill-states, lying, W. N. W. of Lahul; greatly elevated and very sparsely populated. spig rdzong n. of a place in Tibet. bu mo'i spig rdzong . spu SANST, SANST; syn. lus por skyes 1. hair: spu yi khung bu kun nas from every pore of the hair (Moon.). mgo spu hair of the head; kha spu the beard; gdong spu hair of the face; mchan spu the hair of the arm-pits; 'doms spu or (spu ngan Cs.) the hair of the private parts; brang spu hair of the chest; ba spu the little hairs of the skin; spu zing , SANST, SANST explained ba spu langs pa (Moon.). spu bring zhes byed pa or spu ris 'byed mkhas knowing how to judge cases on their own merits, i.e., not mixing up the facts of one case with those of another, i.e., as the hairs of the body remain separate and not mixed up together (D. Shel. 10). spu kha 1. n. of a kind of cotton cloth (Rtsii.). 2. colour, colour of horses and other animals. spu gu dor n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 21). spu gri SANST, SANST razor [SANST = Saccharum spontaneum]S. spu gri gang ba n. of one of the hells full of razors over the edges of which sinners walk with bleeding feet. spu ja n. of a kind of tea; but perhaps = skra ja , v. under spa 3. spu bsnyal ba + = khro ba zhi ba pacification of anger. spu snyol = khro ba skyung ba suppression of anger or nyes pa bshags pa to confess guilt (Zam. 24). spu thag a rope made of hair (Rtsii.). spu nag a term for the hairy-cattle i.e., yak, yak-cow (Rtsii.). spu spa da ma (spu sdug spel ma can ) n. of a fabulous place in the abode of the Asura (K. d. 'a, 15). spu phrug or spu hrug a kind of hairy blanket, also serge (Rtsii.). spu gtsang ma v. spus 3. (EEE The original reads "v. spas " but this makes no sense. A suspected dropout is confirmed by the transliteration "spus".) spu rangs the Purang district in S. W. Tibet. spu ra SANST a knife. spu ring nya seems to be a fish (Moon.). spu ring po SANST [the vulva; an elephant.]S. spu rengs with bristles on its body, as met. a wild boar (Moon.). spu long SANST, SANST [bristling of the hairs; glad]S. (A.K. 1-54) = ba spu langs pa (Moon.). spu 'o brag n. of a place and rock-cavern in Tibet: spu 'o brag thog tu byon he visited the top of the rock of Spuho-brag (Jig.). spu shel amber; but spu shel rtse SANST [Indian spikenard, Nardostachys jatamansi; the root of Andropogon muricatus]S. spu hrug a durable serge made of soft hair or wool worn by all classes in Tibet. spug (rin po che ) [SANST, SANST a kind of gem]S. spung ba pf. spungs pa , imp. spungs 1. to heap, accumulate, pile up; sa rdo spungs pa heaped earth and stones; 'bru sogs spungs pa accumulated grain, etc. 2. to fill up: snod du blug nas kha spungs putting (anything) into a vessel to fill it to the brim. rin chen spungs pa where precious things have been accumulated together or are heaped up; a heap of precious stones; n. of a town in Tibet. spungs adj. (mang po , tshogs ) SANST many. spungs pa can SANST [broad, expanded]S. spud a hanging ornament, embroidery, equipment (Moon.); spud pa ornamented, decorated. spun also spun zla SANST 1. usually a brother; also, in general sense, brethren and even of both sexes, i.e., children of the same parents; also of the same fathers but of different mothers; kho ma cag spun gnyis we (his) two sisters (Dzl. 180, 17); nged spun gsum we (his) three brothers (Glr.); khyed bu mo spun gsum you three sisters; pha spun brothers and sisters of the same father; ma spun of the same mother (J‰.) SANST, SANST [brothers of the same parents]S. spun skya or spun zla'i bu the son of one's brother. Another meaning of spun zla or snyam zla spun seems to be: the joint-husbands of a woman; two men of different parentage having one common wife. 2. brethren in a figurative and more general sense, as comrades, member of one religious section in a monastery, persons with the same tutelary deity, sets of ninepins, series of brass cups all alike, etc., etc.; acc. to J‰. also: cousins, brothers and sisters by marriage. spun pa = husks of winnowed grain, corn-waste after brewing. spub pa pf. spubs , to reverse, to turn upside down: kha spub pa to turn the mouth, face, or the top of a thing upside down; thur du spub pa to plunge head-long downwards. spur or pur also sku spur , resp. for ro , dead body, corpse: spur byangs pa C. to burn a dead body; spur khang house for keeping dead bodies, or rather in most cases, the place of cremation; spur sgam or spur sgrom coffin; spur thal ashes of the dead body (J‰.). spur rgyal an ancient name of Tibet. Acc. to some historians Tibet was called spur rgyal , i.e., the kingdom of the dead, and as such it was known to the Buddhists of India who believed that a heaven was located on the snowy peaks of Himalaya, while somewhat below it was the intermediate region between heaven and earth called Bardo where the soul of the departed rested before entering a new destination. King Yudhisthir the model of piety before being conducted to heaven was made to visit this region. Hence in all probability he had a glance at Tibet or the terrestrial Pretalok. The Tibetan history of the term is that king Gri-gum btsan-po had made the town of Spuho-brag his capital and was called the king of Spu, i.e., Spur-rgyal and from that circumstance Tibet became known as Purgyal or Bod-kyi Rgyal Khams (Yig.). spur ba [vb. a. to 'phur to make fly, to scare up, to let fly; dus spur ba to pass time quickly; stong spur exaggeration, bombast] J‰. spus 1. quality or property of a thing; pleasant characteristic: snam bu 'di spus yag po 'dug this blanket is of good quality; spus kha = spus ; spus cha id.; spus cha dngog gtsang articles of good quality; rta spus kha yag po 'dug the horse is of fine quality; spus lta ba to examine the quality of an article before purchasing it; spus gtsang pure; spu med ill-looking, of inferior quality; spus 'bring middling; spus zhan pa id.; spu phrug spus zhan Purug serge of inferior quality (Rtsii.); spus rab superior quality; spus legs best things, articles of the best quality (Yig. k. 85). spe n. of a place in Tibet. spe thub n. of a village in the province of Ngari Khorsum in W. Tibet (Loo. za, 16). speg shing some part of a cart (Cs.). spen dkar tamarisk-blossom; the plant itself being styled spen ma . spen tog or spen tog rgyan a kind of muslin with variegated figures embroidered on it like tamarisk foliage, also called spa zam kha pa and imported into Tibet via Buxa Duars (Rtsii.). spen thog , or khang pa'i spen pa roof made of pen-ma stems (Yig.); spen pad a border formed of the brushwood of tamarisk on the roofs of monasteries. spen mdog a kind of country chintz with figures of tamarisk, imported into Tibet from Bhutan and Assam (Jig.); spen phor eating bowl of tamarisk-wood (Rtsii.). spen pa SANST, SANST 1. the planet Saturn. Syn. nyi ma'i bu ; dal bar 'gro ; nyi skyes ; tshangs skyes ; rjes su skyes ; 'od zer bdun pa ; mi bzad mig ; gshin rje'i bdag po ; dpye ba'i bu ; 'khyog 'gro ; gos sngon (Moon.). 2. = gza' spen pa Saturday. spe'u turret on a castle or gate. spel ba 1. to augment, to increase, nor spel to increase the wealth, bkra shis spel ba to increase one's welfare; rkang 'gros spel ba to breed cattle (Dzl.). spel ba la SANST; to the increase, for increasing; spel zin increased. 2. to diffuse: chos spel ba spreading or propagating religion, spel rgyas par or sgrog par byed pa to blaze about (Sch.). 3. to multiply (arith.) (Rtsii.). 4. to conjoin, unite together, compose: bcad lhug spel ma a composition of poetry and prose. spel gos clothes of various colours (Cs.); chos dang 'jig rten spel ma religion and worldliness mixed up together (Yig. k. 1); spel tshig a combination of verses, poetry and prose; spel mar gnas pa to keep different or many things together; spel mar byed pa to mix (Lex.). (EEE The headword in the original is spal ba but the transliteration, "spel-wa" confirms the suspected dropout which is corrected here.) spel gzhi n. of a village in Tsang (S. kar. 178). spo I: the height, the summit (of a mountain): brag dmar spo mtho nas from the height of a red cliff or rock; rdo rje gdan gyi spo la on the top of Vajrasana. spo or spo yul 1. a district S. E. of Kong-po and N. of Dza-yul (Loo. za, 16); spo ba name of the tribe inhabiting that district. The district is sub-divided into Spo-stod and Spo-smad (Po-tˆ and Po-me). 2. = po bo or spo bo grandfather, an address of courtesy for old respectable men. spo to 1. the yellow woollen cap of Tibet worn by lamas when travelling. 2. bullock C. 3. n. of a village in Phan-yul (J‰.). spo thang rtsi rtsi zhig gi ming , n. of rat in the story of the Hermit and the Rats (Rdsa.). spo ba [SANST to remove residence, SANST throw out, deposit or pledge]S. pf. and imp. spos (vb. a. to 'pho ba ), to alter, to change: gnas spo ba to change the place of residence, to remove, to shift; also to transplant; ming spo ba to change name; gos spo ba to change one's dress; to dismiss, to alter, to mend, correct W. (J‰.); spo sa a place newly occupied by nomads (Sch.); spo ba cha dkar n. of an insect that eats up corn (Rtsii.). spo bo grag thog the palace of the chieftain of Po-Yul situated on a rocky hill (Yig. 65). spo 'bor sgang one of the six provinces of Mdo-Khams, called also Sgao. spo re v. spor 3 (J‰.); sdod sa spo re byed pa sometimes changing his place of residence. spo ser dkon mchog bkra shis gling n. of a place and monastery in Lhobrag, the birth-place of Marpa the Lotsawa (Loo. za, 28). spog pa pf. spags , imp. spogs to carry elsewhere, to remove: 'di khyod rang spogs song ngam have you removed this. spogs gain, profit, khe spogs id.; spogs byed pa to make profit, tshong spog chud pa , tshong spog la 'gro ba to gain money by traffic (Dzl.); skyed spogs interest (of money); spogs su gtong ba to give money on interest (Cs.). spong ba or spang ba [SANST, SANST, SANST = cessation, abandoning]S. pf. spangs , fut. spang , imp. spong or spongs ; to abandon, renounce, leave, deliver up; to reject, throw out: snan dpyad mi byed par spong na if he abandons him without discerning the proper medicines; spong blang 'dzin pa zhig pa the cessation of every inclination and disinclination, or also, of every interest in choosing or rejecting (J‰.). me tog rnying pa sbrang mas spong byed cing |nags tshigs gyur pa ri ags spong bar byed the flower that is not fresh is quitted by the bee, the forest that is burnt is forsaken by wild creatures (Can.). spong thag one who has renounced every thing; also a destitute person (Deb. ga, 10); spong ba pa SANST; a renouncer, a Buddhist monk. spong bya that which should be given up, i.e. a fault. spong byed Vriji, an ancient town in Magadha. spong byed pa SANST; belonging to the district of Vriji. [Major Cunningham has identified the ancient town of Vriji or Wajji with modern Tirhut and the adjoining districts. The people of Vriji or Wajji are called Vrijika or Wajjians. The great monarch Ajatasatru of Magadha is described in the Mahaparinibbana sutta to have built a fortress at Pataligrama (Pataliputra) with a view to subdue the great and powerful people of Vriji. These people were divided into eight clans such as Licchavi and others whose capital cities are said to have been respectively at: (1) Vaisali, (2) Kesariya, (3) Janakapura, (4) Navandgarh, (5) Simrun, (6) Darbanga, (7) Puraniya, and (8) Motihari. If the bearings and distance recorded by Hwen Thsang are correct, it is almost certain that the capital of Vriji in the 7th century must have been at Janakapur. Amsuvarman, king of Nepal and a contemporary of Hwan Thsang, belonged to the Licchavi branch of the Vriji people. The Vriji conquest of Nepal is assigned to Newarit who preceded Amsuvarman by 37 reigns. It is also curious that kings of Tibet and Ladak also trace their descent from the Licchavi branch of the Vriji race. It is indeed found in the Pali annals that Ajatasatru who ascended the throne of Magadha in 551 B.C. drove most of the Vriji people out of India. It is therefore not altogether improbable that the powerful people of Vriji being driven out of India founded the kingdoms of Nepal, Tibet, Ladak, etc., in the centuries immediately preceding the birth of Christ.]S. spong 'bor also called spam 'bor n. of a section of Daipung monastery. spod spice (such as pepper, ginger, onion, garlic, etc.): spod 'debs pa to season; spod can seasoned. spod pa 1. hermit, spod khang hermitage Sch. 2. vow, spod pa nyams pa one that has broken his vow (Sch. J‰.). (EEE This entry is a mistake altogether. The entry clearly has spod pa throughout and the incorrect spelling is confirmed by the transliterations. Nonetheless the correct term is spong pa meaning a renunciant one who has abandoned (the literal meaning of spong pa ) everything for a hermits life. A spong khang is theh a hermitage and spang pa nyams pa is to lose one's reclusiveness with its implied good-religious-practitioner status.) spobs pa 1. self-reliance and wisdom (K. d. pha, 263). bod ston thams cad spobs pa med cing ngo mtshar du gyur nas the Tibetan religious teachers who were not self-reliant and wise became wonder-stricken (A. 77). 2. SANST courage, self-confidence; fitness, propriety (Yig.). 3. vb. to dare, venture: 'ju bar mi spobs pas spobs pas not daring to take hold of (Pth.); spobs par byed pa to enable, empower, authorize; spobs pa can SANST, SANST daring, bold. spobs pa zhan adj. [SANST not daring]S. less intelligent; spobs pa zhan pa one less intelligent and wanting in courage. spobs pa'i blo gros gyis zhus pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra (K. d. kha, 323). spobs pa'i gter n. of a religious work, lit. the mine of wisdom; legs par bshad pas sems can thams cad tshim par byed pas spobs pa'i gter (K. d. kha, 325). spom 1. = mang nyung average. 2. n. of a place in Khams: snom mda' the lower part of Pom in Khams (Yig.). spom spod = sdebs spod , bsdoms sprod the delivering altogether, making over entire charge or responsibilities (Rtsii.). spom 'bor = spong 'bor n. of a section of Daipung monastery (Loo. za, 16). spom yor superfluity, over-flow: spom chen po diffuse (in words), prolix, long-winded; spom yor chad pa to be succinct. spor spor re 1. small pair of scales. 2. n. of a medicinal plant: spor gyis rims rnying gzer dang srin nad sel Por removes chronic fever and worms. spor thang = nag rtsis the black-art, the art of divination. It was introduced into Tibet from China during the Thang dynasty (Grub. tha, 5). spor snum oil or butter to burn in lamps (Rtsii.). spor ba spar ba 1. pf. and fut. spar to elevate, raise: rdo rje spor ba to lift up the mystic sceptre. 2. v. dpor ba 3. spos SANST, SANST; sbst. incense; fumes, perfume; bdug spos id.; byug spos sweet-scented water or ointment; spos sbyor ba , spos sgrab pa also rgyab pa to burn (incense); spos 'byug pa to cover (with) perfumed ointment. spos sbyor rin po che'i phreng ba SANST n. of a work on the preparation of incense-sticks by Nagarjuna (Tan. d. go, 28) in two chapters; the recipe is as follows: sran phyed ri ags lte ba'i dri|ga bur po do|kha che yi gur gum dag ni srang phyed yin|na gi srang gcig kha ru bhang |ba kha drag srang gi spang spos nyid|srang bzhi si la zhes su brjod|ze'u de yi nyis 'gyur nyid|gu gur dag kyang de dag mtshungs|gong gi rdzas rnams zhib par brdung or bdung |gu gul dag rab tu sbyar|gar sla'i tshad ni sor mos bzung |spos phyor rin che'i phreng ba zhes bya ba|slob dpon glu sgrub kyis mdzad pa|kha che pNa Di ta'i zhal snga nas dang |lo o rin chen bzang pos bsgy ur ba'o||. rgya spos , brag spos , spang spos different kinds of exhalation or miasma. spos dkar = bdug spos or gu gul dkar po (Rtsii.) frankincense, or a fragrant gum obtained from the Sal tree. spos kyi rgyal po SANST nutmeg. spos kyi glang po SANST; glang po mchog the chief or the prince of elephants (Moon.). spos dkar SANST [the resin of the plant Shorea robusta.]S. spos dkar shing SANST the Sal tree; [SANST, SANST, SANST a tendril, the plant Premna spinosa]S. spos kyi reng bu 1. a single incense-stick (Rtsii.). 2. pastil, long thin straw covered with an odoriferous substance, which generally consists of pulverized juniper and sandal-wood, combined with musk and the like; they are made by the lamas, and frequently presented to travellers as an offering of welcome (J‰.). spos glang 1. SANST the royal elephant which in ancient India used to pick out a person as king in the place of defunct royalty. 2. SANST ['always exuding ichor'; an elephant in rut; n. of Airavata, and of Ganesa]S. spos ngad ldan = chang beer, also very delicious and fragrant wine (Moon.). spos chags or spos spams a bundle of incense sticks. spos bAa la'i shing SANST [a kind of fragrant herb, Andropogon schúnanthus]S. Syn. skra can ; skra bzang ; byang gi skra ; lha yi skra can ; ngo tsha'i lus ; nags gnas ; shing la gnas ; chu yi mig can (Moon.). spos siÑ SANST; a Turk, Tartar. spos shel amber (Loo. ha). ang kyi generally ang ku "chao-ku" the wolf, Lupus Tibetanus, which is of amber colour; but there is another species which has not, so far, been differentiated scientifically and which is jet-black. The black wolf occurs not infrequently in Ngari Khorsum, near Lake Ma-pham. ang thul raiment or cloak made of wolf's skin: pa tsha bas na bza' ang thul gcig phul Pa-tsha-wa presented him with a wolf's skin cloak (A. 66). ang nag black wolf; ang mo she-wolf; dur ang the hyÊna. ang khu la kha (lit. the wolf's peak) n. of a hill N. of Lhasa on the road from Sera towards Phan-yul. ang khrig n. of a tribe (J. Zao.); ang khrig ye shes a celebrated Lama of that tribe. ang grung or ang po very clever and dextrous: dpa' rtsal dang ang 'dzom rnams kyang (A. 102) (Khrid.). ang ba skilful, expert; ang glen the clever one and the dunce. ang dug pa or ang tsher the thistle, or a kind of thistle (J‰.); ang tshir bad kan nad rnams gyen du 'dren the root of a thistle draws out complaints with phlegm. angs pa = 'jus pa SANST [support]S. seizing, catching hold of. ad v. od pa 3. Also ad bya SANST [enjoyed, eaten]S. (A.K. 50-137). ad dngos for ad lag dngos po = yo byad things, articles. an SANST, SANST; resp. word for mig the eye; an lcibs the eye-lid; an rtseg puckers about the eye, crow-feet; an kyug or an khug eye-brow (Cs.); an dkyus v. dkyus 3. an log mdzad pa to look backward, to glance behind; an bskyangs mdzad pa to protect, to preserve the eyes (Sch.); an lnga SANST the five eyes: (1) sha'i an SANST the flesh eye, the one with which we see; (2) lha'i an SANST the divine eye with which one can see what other mortals cannot; (3) shes rab kyi an SANST the eye of knowledge or wisdom; (4) chos kyi an SANST the eye of religion; (5) sangs rgyas kyi an SANST the eye of the Buddha, the most perfect sight (Rnam. 69). an pa observation, inspection. an snga before, in the presence of (a dignitary): an snga'i grwa pa rnams the scholars in his Reverence's presence. an sngar , sku mdun du as adv. and postp. in front, in the presence of: rgyal po'i an sngar khrid pa to lead another before the king; de lha'i an sngar mi dgug go nas gsol to he said that he would not stay in the presence of the deity (K. du. da, 261). an bcu gnyis SANST one with twelve eyes [an epithet of Karttikeya and of the sun]S. an chab tears, an chab 'byin pa to shed tears; an chab 'chor ba to let the tears flow; also to shed tears; rgyal bu an chab shor ro the prince shed tears (J‰.). an ltos resp. of mig ltos , ( = lad mo ) imitation: bka' gdams pa'i an ltos kyi dge lugs phyogs la tshul rgol ma byung in the Dge-lugs-pa sect which was an imitation of the Bkah-gdams-pa sect there arose no schismatic differences (Loo. 'a, 12). an bltar ba or an brdar = gzigs rtogs phul ba to offer for inspection or for revision. an bltar zhu rgyu ba to submit or ask for inspection: phyag bris rnams an brdar zhus submit the letters for approval (i.e., for revision) (Rtsii.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "spyan-ltar-wa", an ltar ba .) an drug acc. to the Bon there are six glances or visions, viz.: bon gyi an ; ye shes kyi an ; rig pa'i an ; thugs rje'i an ; sprul pa'i an ; shes rab kyi an (D.R.). an drangs or an 'dren pa SANST; v. 'dren pa 3. an drangs nye ma SANST [invitation, inauguration]S. an pa + 1. = bya ra ba to give heed, attention, take care. 2. eye-witness. 3. inspection. 4. overseer, inspector. an 'bebs = an bltar inspection: legs nyes kyi gzigs rtogs zhus pa to ask for inspection of a work or thing to ascertain its quality and defects; also to display articles of merchandise for sale (Rtsii.). an ma = mig ma or mig-ma SANST the eye. an mi bzang SANST [lit. one with eyes of uneven number]S.; one of the four guardian kings of the world, the keeper of the western quarter of the world. an dmar = SANST one with red eyes; = mig dmar an epithet of the planet Maogala, Mars. an dmigs 'the object of vision'; any object, mental or visual, which an ascetic employs for the purpose of concentrating his mind in the process of systematic meditation. an gzigs 1. costly offerings dedicated to the gods (Mil.); also applied to presents of food offered to men (Mil.); an gzigs 'bul ba to make presents gen. of curios or precious articles. 2. wild animals, horses, camels, etc., that are presented to a nobleman, king, minister or a lama (Rtsii.). an ras penetrating vision, observation: thugs rje'i an ras kyis gzigs pa to behold with one's merciful eye (Yig. k. 13). an ras gzigs byang chub sems dpa' SANST; the 4th Dhyani Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the patron saint of Tibet, the vice-regent of the Dhyani Buddha Amitabha. He is incarnated perpetually in each successive Dalai Lama of Lhasa. His colloq. n. in Tibet is Chenrezi and the images of this being generally represent him as having eleven faces, each differently coloured, and with from 6 to 1000 arms. In Mongolia he is styled Nid¸ber Udzekchi. His other Tibetan names are:- 'jig rten dbang phyug ; 'jig rten mgon po ; thugs rje chen po ; gru 'dzin bdag ; phyag na pad mo ; snying rje'i lha ; bcu gcig zhal . The Mani Bkah-hbum, in chap. 2., mentions that an ras gzigs was doubly evolved on earth; first appearing from a ray of white light which issued forth from the left eye of Amitabha, and secondly being born as a youth of 16 from out of a lotus-bud. an ras gzigs zhes bya ba'i mdo a Sutra on Avalokitesvara (K. d. ba, 404). an ras gzigs kyi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad gzungs sngags dang bcas pa the one hundred and eight names of Avalokitesvara together with mantras and charms, etc., (contained in K. g. pha, 218-457). an lam du in the observation; also = an sngar near, in the presence of. an gsal rgyab SANST [laughing-eyed, n. of a Buddha]S. an gsum pa SANST; the three eyed one; an epithet of Mahesvara. i SANST, SANST, SANST 1. adj. common, the public, ordinary, general, relating to all; as sbst. the lot, those in general. As adv. ir , ir du or i na , also ir gyis generally, in general; frq. used in contradistinction to khyad par in particular, singly. 2. In the colloq. i = all; or sgra i general meaning or general expression (J‰.). i khyab that covers all; a minister that has general jurisdiction over the public, one who rules over several districts together. i khyab mkhan po a high official at Lhasa who ranks next to the four Kalons in the Dalai Lama's council; seems to be also a sort of lord chamberlain in the his court duties. Another important officer, who resides in the far east of Tibet, is known as gnya' grong gi i khyab the Chyi-khyab of Nya-rong. He is placed in lieu of a Jong-pon to administer the petty lordships inhabited by the 18 tribes of the Hor-wa who people the banks of the Nya-Chhu, just W. of Ta-chien-lu. i blugs SANST holy water-pot which the lamas keep near them with a view to sprinkle the heads of their devotees. i sgos general and special. i ti n. of a kind of yoga (meditation) performed by the Dzog-chen sect; described as his own invention by Urgyen Padma in the Padma Tang-Yig. i tor + or i gtor 1. v. i bo 3. 2. acc. to Lex. = i thog the property of a particular community of institution, common property. i brtol + or i gtol also i brdol signifying ngo tsha med pa SANST [impudent, shameless, daring]S. also = mu tsod SANST, SANST [scurrilous, foul-mouthed]S. i brtol byed pa to be impudent (Cs.); i brtol gtam shameless talk, impertinent language. i ther = i gcer v. i bo 3. i don (thams cad kyi don ) the interest of all, public welfare (Rtsii.). i sde bzhi the four sects among the Bons: (1) bka' lung ldan bshad kyi sde , (2) brag dgon dka' thub sde , (3) dur khrod nyan thos bog bu'i sde , (4) shing drung ma rig pa'i sde (D.R.). i pa or i dpon head, chief, leader, superintendent. i phud rgyal po one of the five mythological kings of the world; i phud rgyal po the universal king. i bo 1. SANST, SANST, SANST; crown of the head, the top: shing gi i bo = shing gi rtse mo the top of a tree. i bor 'khur ba to carry on the head; i bos phyag 'tshal ba to bow down bending the head; zhabs i bor len pa with one's own head to touch the foot of a superior person; de'i i mo nas byug nas pouring over his head, i bo nas dbang skur ba anointing the head; i cer or i gcer bald, baldness; i gtor a turban or pagri; i dpon or i pa head-man, over-seer, chief. 2. the end of a piece of cloth: dar yug gi i bo . 3. n. of a king of China. i bo skyes (1) an epithet of king Mandhata, a legendary ancestor of Gautama Buddha; (2) = skra SANST hair of the head (Moon.). i bor dbang bskur = rgyal po , SANST; a king, one on whose head has been sprinkled sanctified water; a man of the Kshatriya or warrior caste of India (Moon.). i ma = thun mong v. i 3. i zhur gyi shing SANST, n. of the tree Terminalia tomentosa. Syn. sAa la ser po ; kun za me tog ; dga' byed ; me tog rtsa lag ; 'tsho byed shing ; 'dod byed (Moon.). i gzugs gcig tu bsdus pa , aggregated body; amassed into one body. i blugs vase; SANST a golden pitcher or vase. i zum = i mdun can SANST [combined]S. ing skor gsum three scriptures of the Bon the originals of which disappeared after they had been delivered, but were published: 1. steng lha yul du bsgrags pa'i skor , 2. 'og klu yul du bsgrags pa'i skor , 3. bar mi yul du bsgrags pa'i skor (D.R.). ing ba pf. ings , imp. ing or ings , being the vb. a. to 'bying ba , to vanish, to be lost, to sink, to lower down, dip under chur into water. in in colloq. dam rtsi gum, glue, paste; is sometimes incorrectly written as sprin or spin . in skol ba to manufacture glue; in skud pa to spread glue on; ko in glue made of hides; nya in fish-glue; bag in ; paste compounded of flour and glue; rwa in glue made of horn; sha in meat-jelly, also slime; in chu gum, resin. shing gnyis gas pa'i bar gyi in chu the gum (or resinous juice) that has come out of the interstice where the two trees were cleft (Rdsa.). Syn. dri in ; go ba ; 'byar rtsi ; 'byar byed ; snag tsha 'phel byed (Moon.). ir = i la , adv. v. i 3. (EEE The original gives the headword as ar and the transliteration of the headword as "spyir" which is clearly the correct spelling so the headword in this edition has been altered accordingly.) il po SANST; a hut of grass or straw: rtsa'i il po thatched hut; il bu id.; il pa fem. il ma hut-dweller. ug pa pf. ugs , imp. ug or ugs ; to expel, to drive out, to banish; yul nas ug out of country; yul gzhan du , Glr., mtha' la , mthar into the neighbouring country, over the frontier (J‰.). ugs pa SANST exile, banishment; ugs shig , imp. turn him out! o ba = gshe ba , to abuse, revile; to blame, to scold; chung ma rtag tu o zhing as my wife is always scolding; ces os so thus they spoke in a blaming way (Dzl.); o ba mdzad SANST cursing, blaming; o tshig = rgol tshig words of blame, censure (Moon.). ong ba = dpyang ba 3 (J‰.). od pa SANST, SANST, SANST, pf. ad , 1. to practise, perform; but signifies rather the completing or completion of an action than the process of performance, and thus is better rendered: to accomplish, to perpetrate; to succeed in. mi dge ba de dag od na if one perpetrates these sins; bdag ci ad pas 'dir skyes what I did, I am reborn here. 2. to bring into subjection, over-power, coerce, e.g., demons deities, etc., to make subject. mnga' 'og od pa'i 'bangs subjects brought under control; sdig pa 'ba' zhig la od pa utterly subject to sin; sa 'og od subject to earth; mkha' od subject to heaven. 3. to make use of, to employ, to enjoy: ba glang nyin par to use an ox during the day (for ploughing) (Dzl.); yun ring dus su bde bar ad kyang even if one has long enjoyed well-being; logs od pa , to enjoy, to use, have the benefit of; bud med la od pa to cohabit with a woman (Dzl.); log par od pa to violate (a woman); dga' mgur od pa , very frq. to enjoy a woman. 4. to arrive at the third stage of mystic meditation, to complete or consummate meditation, very frq.; sems la tsal od meditative exercises. II: 1. tshul SANST, SANST 1. a deed, perpetrated action; a practice, the accomplishing of any action. 2. an object attained, thing done, esp. the third stage of mystic meditation or "consummation," which implies expertness and that the end aimed at has been gained: lta od ya bral te contemplation and consummation being disentangled one from the other. 3. duty; also conduct, mode, manner: od lam also od tshul behaviour; ngan or nyes od bad actions, bzang or legs od good actions (Cs.); od pa zhib pa 'the strict monastic walk'; od pa rtsing ba rude, rough, in manners (Glr.); od pas skad cig kyang mi tshugs of an extremely variable conduct. de yang dang po rnal 'byor gyi od pas chags can gyi gdul bya yid dang ba 'dren pa'i phyir moreover because it was the duty of a Naljor first to draw into purity of disposition such of the sensual as were destined for conversion; od pa rgya che SANST magnanimity, noble behaviour. od pa mi gsal ba SANST [awkward practice]S. od pa yang ngam = las kyi mtha' grub bam (asks the question) whether you have accomplished all that you had to do? od pa'i phun bu = grong khyer a fortified town, a city (Moon.); od babs rtse mthun generous conduct; od pa manners. od ldan accomplished, courteous, polite; od mi ldan ill-mannered, rude, uncouth. od pa bsdus pa'i sgron ma n. of a work written by Atisa. byang chub bskrub pa'i thabs yon gsung nas od pa bsdus pa'i sgron ma mdzad de (A. 11). gsang sngags kyi od pa a mystic cult of the Buddhists; in which there are three stages: spros bcas , spros med , shin tu spros med . od pa pa (brtul bzhugs od pa'i rnal 'byor pa ) a Yogi, one who practises mysticism. od byed ma SANST a woman. od med SANST [a religious mendicant, a naked devotee]S. od yul SANST, SANST sphere of activity: mthong ba'i od yul range of vision: od yul ma yin pa SANST [a place which is not fit for thinking upon]S. od yul ma yin pa'i gnas rnam pa lnga , according to the Dulwa, the five places with which one should have nothing to do:- (1) rol mo'i gnas the place of music; (2) snad 'tshong ma'i gnas a public house; (3) rgyal po'i pho brang 'khor gyi sgo the palace gate; (4) rigs ngan gyi gnas the residence of low persons; (5) chang 'tshong ma'i gnas grog-shop kept by a woman, a brothel (K. du. pa, 56). on + or on pa resp. form of byon pa : tshur on come here, pray come (Oag.). om pa = snod pa slander, also vb. with pf. oms to boast, to exhibit with ostentation; sbst. oms self-praise, boasting (J‰.); oms dang bcas ma bya'o you must not be boastful. os pa + = bka' bkyon pa SANST to reprove, to remonstrate with. spra (ta) (K. du. da, 111) a species of monkey with black face, and a tail as long as its body, the langur; (spra dang spre'u yang rtsal che ) the larger and smaller species of monkey are very agile; spra mo ; spra phrug young langur; the gray species is called spra dkar white ta. spra chal = 'gyur byed SANST [changeable, moving about, trembling]S. spra thog a medicinal herb: spra thog rims dang rdo dug sel bar byed . spra ba 1. vegetable-tinder. 2. also spra ba spra cha , ornament, decorations. 3. vb. pf. spras , imp. spros to adorn, to decorate; rgyan gyis with ornaments. spra ba'i me tog SANST [species of tree, Aeschynomene grandiflora]S. spra tshil SANST [1. boiled rice. 2. bee's wax]S. spra tshil byugs pas rmen bu sha bkra sel . sprang po SANST a beggar; rdzus ma'i sprang bo a sham beggar; sprang rgan an old beggar; sprang pan low beggar; sprang shog coarse and inferior paper. sprang po 'u bu'i rgyal nag a kind of rope; also n. of a demon (lha 'dre ) (Deb. ga, 14). Syn. slong mo pa ; mu lto ba ; lam pa ; lag rkyong ; don 'dod pa ; colloq. slong mkhan (Moon.). sprad kha register or list of things or of revenue received (Rtsii.). sprad pa I: 1. to give, bestow, deliver, confer; resp. term for gnang . lag pa ru sprad pray hand over! 2. SANST monkey. II: used for 'phrad pa to meet, to come across: phas pho nya sprad pa the father met the envoy (K. du. da, 261). spras 1. n. of a place in 'phan yul in Tibet. spras kyi bra'i thang birthplace of To-wa Rin-chen gsal (a pupil of Bromston in Hphan-yul (Loo. za, 2.). 2. = rgyan ornament (Moon.). spras pa 1. SANST, SANST; SANST; variegated, bedecked. 2. enumerated: kho bos bcos ldan 'das kyi mtshan gsum bcu so gnyis spras I have enumerated the thirty-two names of Buddha (Surao. 4). 3. = bsgrims pa also bkod pa SANST. spri SANST cream. spri sti mrdza ya si chen n. of the emperor of China during whose reign Buddhism was introduced into that country, acc. to Chinese accounts (J‰.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "Spri-sti Mar-dsa-ya-la Si-chen" for a spelling of spri sti mrdza ya la si chen .) sprig ka gan Z á 1. n. of a bird of the land of Asura (K. d. 'a, 15.). 2. [SANST a kind of mixed scent = the scent of the plant Trigonella corniculata]S. spring ba ( = btong ba ) pf. springs to send a message, to give information, to send word; spring tidings (Dzl.); rgyal po la lan bdag gis spring ngo I shall send a reply to the king (K. du. da, 261-306); rgya gar du sngon gyi slob dpon rnams la yi ge springs pa he despatched a letter to his former teachers in India; zhes spring ngo so I sent him word; springs bskul SANST [servant, messenger]S.; springs yig letter, epistle. sprin or sprin pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, a cloud: sprin gyi gseb nas from between the clouds; rgya bal gnyis na mu ge sprin bzhin du 'khrigs famine enfolded like a cloud both India and Nepal (Pth.); nam mkha' la sprin 'thibs darkening the heavens with clouds; 'ja' sprin cloud tinged with rain-bow colours; lho sprin a southern cloud; sprin phung , sprin tshogs an accumulation of clouds; sprin gyi pho nya SANST the cloud messenger, Maghaduta, a Sanskrit poem by Kalidasa. Syn. du ba'i skye gnas ; mkha'i rgyal mtshan ; chu yi bzhon pa ; tsha zer 'joms ; ka dam pa can ; nam mkha'i gling ; rlung gi shing rta ; mkha' gos can ; sgra ldan prma Ni ; nam mkha'i glang po ; mkha' la rgyu ; chu 'dzin ; nam mkha'i ta ma la ; glog ldan ; chu sprin pa (Moon.). sprin dkar po rgyu ba n. of a mountain in Uttara kuru (K. d. ra, 305). sprin dkar po zhes bya ba'i gnas a grove in the mountain of Samkasa in Uttara kuru (K. d. ra, 299). sprin skyes SANST as met. = thunder. sprin gyi glang po an epithet of Airavata the elephant of Indra (Moon.). sprin gyi rgyu the sources of rain, vapour and humid air. sprin gyi bya = chu bya gag (Moon.). sprin gyi snying po = ga bur SANST, SANST camphor. sprin gyi rdo ba SANST [hail, thunderbolt]S. sprin gyi me tog snow flakes [SANST lit. "cloud-blossom"; water or hail]S. sprin gyi me po che met. the thunder (Moon.). sprin gyi myu gu water (Moon.). sprin gyi rwa can or star bu shing (Moon.). sprin gyi shugs can n. of an angel, Devaputra (K. g. ma, 523). sprin gyi sgeg met. peacock (Moon.). sprin gyi lhug ma = glog lightning (Moon.). sprin mgo me long = sog pa'i me long (myst.) (Mio. 4). sprin bcud as met. = rain. sprin chen char 'bebs cho ga a religious service for rain to fall. sprin chen snying po i.e., Maha meghagarbha, seems to be the n. of a Bodhisattva or else of a demon. sprin 'degs SANST [the bird Cuculus melanoleucus]S. khug rta , sprin la slong (Moon.). sprin la dga' as met. a peacock. sprin la slong = khug rta SANST [the bird Cuculus melanoleucus]S. (Moon.). sprin dag pa fog [SANST frog]S. sprin ldan ma SANST [enveloped in clouds]S. As met. = peacock. sprin dmar SANST [1. plants such as Trichosanthes diúca, Luffa acutangula, etc. 2. a moonlight night]S. sprin rtsa ba SANST the root of long pepper. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "sprin-stsa-wa" which is clearly in error.) sprin gsar SANST met. ink. spribs pa to be hungry (Sch.). spris or spris ma scum, congealed grease floating on gravy or soup; also cream; 'o ma'i spris id. spru ba or spru ma hellebore; spru dkar white species of it. spru bas gnyan tshad srin dang |mdze nad 'joms shing khrag shong gcod hellebore cures plague, fever, worms and leprosy, also stops bleeding. sprug pa I: = phyi ba SANST splitting, opening, blowing. + II: 1. = zad pa , SANST wasting, consuming. 2. pf. and imp. sprugs , to shake, to shake off, to beat out, e.g., dust; rdul tshub to raise, whirl up dust; lus sprug sil byed pa to shake one's self (used of horses). 3. to bestir one's self, to bustle. sprugs bsigs SANST [falling asunder]S. (EEE In the original, definition II. stands as a separate entry following sprugs but it has been moved here in this edition to permit the proper functioning of the dictionary.) sprugs SANST residence in a foreign country. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "sprug", sprug .) sprul sku SANST an incarnate being, generally a lama; a personage in whom the emanation from some deity or by-gone saint is present in an occult manner. A lama thus possessed is styled a Tulku and usually occupies some high office to which only the particular individual into which the emanation has passed can succeed. Mongol equiv. is Khubilgan. sprul sku gsum the three incarnate beings:- rgyal sras rin po che of 'on , sems dpa' rin po che of lo , and mthong ba rin po che of stag lung who are known as the three incarnate beings of Tibet, and are said to have appeared in Tibet for a series of years. sprul pa 1. SANST a phantom, a disembodied spirit, a ghost from the Bardo; emanation; yang sprul emanation of the second degree, i.e., one emanation going forth from another; nying sprul or gsum sprul an emanation of the third degree (Pth.); sprul pa 'gyed pa to let emanations go forth; sprul pa mkhyen pa to be an adept in the art of producing miraculous apparitions (J‰.). sprul pa sprul byed SANST the inventor, the transformer, maker; also anything made or invented. thams cad sprul par 'dug pa these were all metamorphoses, mocking phantoms (Glr.), sprul pa'i rgyal po phantom king. 2. a miracle-worker. 3. SANST (sgy u ma lta bu "as if an illusion") to appear to change, to transform one's self, to cause illusions, to alter an object by magic. sprul pa'i thabs the power of miraculous transformation; jugglery. sprul pa bcu the ten sublime illusions workable by Bodhisattvas are:- (1) sems can rnam par sprul pa evolving animate beings; (2) zhing rnam par sprul pa creation of astrological mansions; (3) chos rnam par sprul pa invention of religious doctrines; (4) lus rnam par sprul pa formation of bodily famine; (5) rmi lam rnam par sprul pa dream-illusions; (6) od yul rnam par sprul pa illusions as to some sphere of activity; (7) ye shes rnam par sprul pa exhibition of feats of fore-knowledge; (8) mngon par shes pa sprul pa appearance as of transcendental learning; (9) rdzu 'phrul rnam par sprul pa exhibition of miracles; (10) stobs rnam par sprul pa exhibition of feats of strength. sprul po 1. phantom. 2. n. of a Kinnara Raja (K. g. ma, 523). sprul yang gsang or rta mgrin yang gsang a mystical form of Bon divinity (D.R.). Syn. sgra can rAa hu (Moon.). spre or spre'u SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, monkey in general. spre'u'i gnas SANST the abode of monkeys, n. of a particular forest in Mysore. Syn. yal ga'i ri ags ; gnyer ma'i gdong ; 'phar 'gro ; rgyug mchong ; sa'i mjug ma ; rlung gi bu rgyud ; mi dang 'dra ; ma rga ra (Moon.). spre gzhug re ral (mystic) SANST, SANST, [ape, monkey]S. sprel slag one of the thirty-six border countries of ancient India (Ya-sel. 38). spro ba ('od zer lta bu ) SANST [to expand, to get air, to receive scent]S. pf. spros (acc. to J‰. is the transitive of 'phro ba 3 = to make go out, to disperse, to spread); gen. however intransitive: 1. to go out, to proceed, to spread, of rays of light, of the wind; fig. to enlarge upon, by way of explaining, gcig las spros pa (Was. 115), enlarging (proceeding) from the number one in an ascending progression of numbers; 'od zer lta bu sprul pa rnams spros so emanations had been diffused like rays of light. 2. to feel energy for, incline towards; to delight in, rejoice at: bya ba gang la yang spro ba chung feel little inclination for doing anything; spro bar 'gyur ba to get cheerful, to be merry (Mil.). 3. SANST, SANST sbst. joy, energy, cheerfulness: spro ba skyed pa to feel joy, pleasure (Dzl.); spro sang ba great joy; spro shi ba 'not to be joyful,' lit. the dying of joy. spro ba 'phel ba (blo sems ) SANST, to encourage, inspire, incite; increase of pleasure, enthusiasm: lugs 'dir kho bo'i spro ba 'phel in this sect my enthusiasm increased (Vai. so). spro rim pa to increase or become more and more by degrees. spro bsrings , SANST, [consoled]S.: rgyal bus btsun mo'i spro bsrings| the prince consoled the queen (Yig. 18). sprog ma spros kyi sprog ma little box for frankincense (J‰.). sprog zhu v. phrog 3 (J‰.). sprod deb pa to give accounts of articles, money, etc., making over of an office or duty: sprod deb tu gsal ba'i skam chas (Rtsii.). sprod da lta phral du SANST adv. presently, immediately; lit. existing time. sprod pa secondary form sprad pa 3 the vb. a. of 3'phrod pa 3 1. to bring together, to put together, to make to meet: nga'i bla ma la sprod do we will bring you together with our lama (Mil.); so also resp......gnyis zhal sprod mdzad pa ; in another passage de dang zhal sprod du bzhugs shing prob. means sitting exactly opposite to one another; bdag cag sprod cig bring about a meeting between our two parties! gYul or thab mo to meet in a battle; ral kha Ma., to put the edges of the swords together; mtheb sprod pa to put the finger to the bow-string. 2. to deliver a letter, message (Pth.); spar mor , lag tu to put into one's hand; to set, to put, to propose. 3. to pay (cf. 3'phrod 3), phyir sprod pa to repay. 4. ngo sprod pa to explain, don dang sprod pa = brda sprod pa to explain, to describe v. 3brda 3 (extracted from J‰.), sprod 'tham mo SANST [technicality]S. sprod de SANST [having come out]S. sprod dpang witness of receipt of things and of loan given. sprod 'os worthy or fit to be given. (EEE In the original the first line begins "secondary form sprad ..." but here pa has been added to permit the hypertext link.) spros pa 1. = SANST [creation]S. (A.K. 111-1). 2. (du ma ) SANST, SANST [expression, exhibition, illusion]S. spros pa 1. pf. of spro ba 3 2. business, employment, activity; spros pa can busy, employed, occupied; spros id.; chos kyi and 'jig rten spros pa spiritual and secular business (J‰.). 3. occurs in kun rdzob kyi chos rnams spros pa 'am spros bcas SANST, SANST, SANST [not expanded, real, honest, pure]S. spros med pa or spros bral the state of an absolute inactivity (Pth.): mnyam gzhag tu don dam pa spros pa thams cad dang bral ba (A. 78). spros med snyan zhu an indifferent application or prayer. don dam pa'i chos rnams spros med dam spros bral the formal piety and the absolute piety. In the first a devotee has to make offerings, recite mantras, etc.; in the latter he has only to meditate doing nothing more for the attainment of Nirvana. spros gzan the allowance that is given by miser and other tenants towards the maintenance of men and horses kept for service of the Government (Rtsii.). pha I: 1. the fourteenth letter of the Tibetan alphabet corresponding in sound to SANST of the Nagri alphabet, and heard in a measures in the ph of uphill, loophole, etc. 2. num. figure: 14. II: mystically: 'bras bu dmigs su med pa'i phyir chos thams cad kyi sgo'o| it is a symbol of all things its effects not being dependent on imagination (Hbum. ga, 282, 283). III: SANST, SANST, SANST father; the colloq. form being aa pha , in W. also aa ta . Also = male: pha glang bull, pha rta stallion, pha phag boar, pha ra he-goat, buck. pha spad = pha dang bu father and son or father and daughter; pha spun brothers by the same father; pha ma parents, father and mother; pha rjes bu a posthumous child or one born after its father's death (Sch.); pha nor patrimony; pha ma la gus pa respect to parents; pha ma gcig pa brothers and sisters born of same parents. pha bzang gi bu son of good parentage, extraction; pha tsan dan (lit. father as sandal-wood) pure blood, blue blood. pha shul bu 'dzin inheritance; heritage (lit. father's effects and estates the son inherits). pha yang or pha yar step-father, foster-father; pha yul father-land, native country: pha yul la chags pa (sred pa ) love of one's country. pha bsad pa SANST murderer of one's father; pha'i gdongs po SANST patrimony; pha'i pha SANST in colloq. grand-father; pha'i bu SANST son, worthy son; pha'i ma SANST grandmother, her mother mes mo ; pha'i longs od la phan pa SANST one who enjoys his paternal fortune, enjoying a father's property. IV: beyond, farther on; pha ga the opposite side; pha gar adv. on or to the opposite side; chu pha gar thon nas having gone to the opposite bank or shore; pha gi yonder, there (opp. to ha gi just here); pha gi nas from there or yonder; pha gi longs stand there; pha gi'i ri de that mountain yonder; pha gir there, thither; pha ngos = pha rol , pha mtha' the other end, the other boundary; pha mtha' med without boundary, endless (Cs.); pha phyogs C. = pha ga ; pha tshad or pha zad a space, a distance; de nas pha zad cig na a bit further on; de nas pha zad 'gro ba from there going on some distance; pha tshad cig tu 'don nas stepping a little space aside (J‰.). pha dam pa sangs rgyas an Indian who visited Tibet and founded the Shi-byed-pa Tantrik school. According to legendary accounts he paid seven visits to Tibet in one of which he is said to have to miraculously proceeded to China. The chief of his disciples was the famous ma gcig lab sgron who founded the monastery of Sao-ri Khamar on the Yeru Tsang-po in Lho-kha. Phadampa founded the monastery of Dio-ri slao-gor:- des bzhengs pa'i dgon pa lab phyi'i byang shar la yod the monastery founded by him is to the north east of the (snowy mountain of) Lab-phyi (now called Mt. Everest) (J. Zao.). pha ma'i don SANST the interest or welfare of one's parents [the food or oblation offered to the spirits of deceased ancestors]S. pha ma'i mdo Sutra on the subject of the duties of a son to his parents, etc. (K. d. la, 266). pha ming the friends and relations of a bride; pha ming nas bu mo gtong skabs the friends and relations of the bride at the time of sending her away; btsun mo'i pha ming bos so he invited the relations of his wife's side (J‰.). pha mes SANST 1. paternal ancestors: pha mes shi ba'i don du for the defunct ancestors (Vai. so.); pha mes skabs SANST of the time of one's ancestors. 2. (so ma ) SANST [eternal]S. pha mes nags any cemetery. Syn. dur khrod ; ro yi gnas (Moon.). pha mes pa SANST [belonging to ancestors]S. pha tshan paternal relations; pha'i sde father's kindred, also class. blan rnams bdud kyi pha tshan chen po yin (A. 7) the ministers are great as paternal relatives of the devil. pha tshan che of noble extraction or birth: rgyal po pha tshan che the king was of noble pedigree (A. 29). pha gzhi ancestral property, heritage. phar 'dzin pa SANST [one who knows his ancestors]S. phar mi 'dzin pa one who does not know his ancestors. pha khol SANST [obstacle]S. pha gu [Sch. 1. wall; edge, border; 2. tile] J‰. pha ting in W. sweet dried apricots; in C. mnga' ris kham bu (J‰.). pha mthar sgrol as met. boat. (EEE The original gives the Tibetan of the headword as pha thar sgrol , but the transliteration of the headword as "pha-mthar-sgrol" is correct so the headword has been changed accordingly.) pha thel = pha rol 3, adv. pha thel du : da lta rang pha thel du sgrol (A. 30). pha nor patrimony; also burnt brick. pha ba dog dog (sdug 'bre'i thang khug ) (Oag.) puff-ball, bull-fist (Vai. so.). pha bi + = pha rol 3. pha bong (in Ld. pha long ) a large boulder or block of rock; a boulder-like mass: khro chu'i pha bong bzhi rgya mtsho'i gting du bskyang yang although four massive lumps of bronze were cast to the bottom of the sea as anchors (A. 92). pha bong long bus rtsa nad rus chag sbyor (Med.). pha bong ka n. of a monastery situated on a huge rock north of Lhasa (Rtsii.). pha rtse = phar skyal ba (Yig. k. 88). (EEE Although phar skyal ba does not occur elsewhere in the dictionary, see pha 3 IV. and 3skyal 3.) pha tshe = rgyab khug a bag, a sack, alms-bag carried by mendicants; thang ga (sku thang )pha tshe tsam zhig la dus gsum gyi sangs rgyas inside a bag there was a picture of the Buddhas of the three ages. pha wang SANST, SANST, SANST a bat of any speciesóthe general term: pha wang sha yig skyug pa gcod the flesh of bat stops vomiting. Syn. lpags ba'i 'dab can ; pags byi'u ; khyim du 'gro ; bya rog dgra bo ; mtshan dus rgyu ba (Moon.). pha rag 1. breeding-buck. 2. v. phar ba 3 (J‰.). 3. n. of a section in the Daipung monastery (Loo. za, 16). 4. n. of a place in Khams. pha rang 1. also phe rang from Feringhi a man of European race. 2. vulg venereal disease (J‰.). pha ri 1. in Lh. a coarse covering or carpet. 2. for phar phyogs kyi ri the mountains on the other side; yonder mountain. pha rol 1. the other, SANST, SANST, SANST; also defined as rang las gzhan pa other than self, one's neighbour; pha rol gyi len pa to take away a neighbour's property; pha rol gyi rdzas another's property or things. 2. an outsider, an enemy, the opposer; the enemy of man's peace. But more frq. occurs as pha rol po . 3. SANST that beyond, the next world; pha rol sar phyin SANST gone to the next or other world (A.K. 111, 20). 4. for pha rol tu adv. beyond, outside, abroad: khyed ni pha rol 'gro ba'i tshe rta med grogs med rkang thang gcig bur rgyu when you go out abroad you walk on foot alone without a companion or a horse (A. 7); pha rol tshu rol this side and that side; pha rol 'khor further bank or side; pha rol 'khor ba SANST; the enemy's designs, machinations, enemy's advice [SANST the further and the nearer bank or shore]S.; pha rol gyi go ba the space or sphere beyond; pha rol gyi dus SANST time after death. pha rol gyi dmag tshogs SANST the enemy's troops; pha rol gyi zla dang mthun par byas te SANST [acting in obedience to the enemy]S. pha rol bgrod SANST [being on the other shore]S. pha rol lnga ba'i lam SANST the way to the fifth stage of humanity, i.e., death, the five stage being the following: byis pa boyhood, lang tsho youth, dar ma adult age or manhood, rgas pa old age, 'chi ba death: 'dir gnas gus pa'ang pha rol lnga pa'i lam du ma gyur tsam (Yig. k. 80). [SANST may also be interpreted as the state of being dissolved into the five elements at death]S. pha rol 'jig rten SANST [next existence or the other world]S. pha rol tu beyond, to the other side; chu sogs gyi pha rol tu to the other or the further side of a river, etc. pha rol tu phyin pa to get to the other side; in Budh. crossing to the other side of this life, etc., i.e., to Nirvana. Gen. as sbst. = SANST [lit. absolute transcendental virtue]S. pha rol tu phyin pa lnga'i mdo the Sutra on the five transcendental virtues, viz.: sbyin pa SANST (charity), tshul khrims SANST (morality), bzod pa SANST (patience and forgiveness), brtson 'grus SANST (industry and assiduity) and bsam gtan SANST (meditation or Dhyana). To these five virtues is added PrajÒa (shes rab ) wisdom. These six are called phar phyin drug , or pha rol tu phyin pa drug the six transcendental virtues. In the later development of the Mahayana doctrine ten Paramita were formed by the addition to the above six of the following four: thabs (means or resource), snon lam (prayer or prani-dhana), stobs (fortitude or moral strength), and ye shes (divine knowledge). pha rol tu kha phyogs pa to go beyond, to look beyond or outside, to go against, to act in opposition to, also to contradict. pha rol brten SANST [the excellent refuge]S. pha rol ltar mi snang (chu mtha' rgya che ba ) (Moon.) the limit of the wide expanse of water is very distant. pha rol gdung SANST [enemies tormented; a conqueror; n. of a king of Magadha mentioned by Kalidasa in his Raghuvamsa]S. pha rol 'dod pa one who thinks of the next world or existence, a Piri. Syn. drang srong ; dgo ba slong (Moon.). pha rol brdungs SANST [subduer of enemies, a victor]S. pha rol na ago, on the other side, beyond. pha rol gnon a hero, a warrior who vanquishes the enemy. pha rol gnon pa = pha rol rtul ba SANST to vanquish the enemy. pha rol brnogs hidden adversary. pha rol pa one living on the other side, an outsider, a foreigner; pha rol po an enemy, foe; pha rol po'i rgyal po the hostile king; pha rol po'i dmag hostile army. pha rol mi mngon the ocean. Syn. rgya mtsho chen po (Moon.). pha rol bslu ba SANST deceiving others by jugglery [magic, illusion]S. pha logs = pha rol 3. pha la á 1. SANST fruit (J‰.). 2. n. of one of the old families of Tibet from among the representatives of which generals are appointed. They have estates in Tsang and Yarlung and generally reside at the Gyankhar castle near the town of Gyan-tse. pha la tshang the family of Shabpe Phala in Tsang. pha lam or nor bu pha lam SANST a diamond. pha lad an epithet of Parasurama (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the headword as la lad and the transliteration of the headword as "pha-lad". Considering the ka-kha positioning, and the Sanskrit name, the transliteration must be correct and the headword has been changed accordingly.) pha li shield, buckler. phag that which is hidden or secret, that which lies in between; a hidden part, interstice: sgo phag nas bltas pas having spied from the crevice of the door; bag ma'i phag tu nyal slept in the embrace of the bride (Jig. 26). phag lam secret path. phag pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a boar, hog, pig. Syn. grong phag ; bshang ba za ; phag pa chung ngu ; SANST (Moon.). phag pa'i sna the pig's snout; phag gi gdong a pig's face; pho phag male hog not castrated; mo phag sow. phag krum = phag sha pork: der khag so sor 'bras dang phag krum khos gal che shes (Yig.). phag khyu a herd of swine; phag mchu a hog; phag mche boar's tusks; phag pa'i mchog is said to be: boar's tail; phag ze hog's bristle. Syn. sa slog ; sa 'joms ; mang du skye ; nags hi ra ; ngur sgra can ; mchu ring ; spu rengs ; 'khor lo'i sna can ; mche ba can (Moon.). phag mgo a mineral medicine (rdo snan ) a stone: phag mgos rus pa gso zhing chu ser 'dren (Med.); byi tshe phag mgo dang me cha la sogs pa (A. 4). phag gung n. of a district in Tibet (Rtsii.); phag gung rdzong the chief town of Phag-gung district. phag gru or phag mo gru n. of a district in the province of Lhokha. phag mo gru pa n. of a celebrated lama who founded the monastery of Gdan-sa mthil (Loo. 'a, 5). phag rgod SANST wild boar. phag mo 1. SANST a sow; rdo rje phag mo SANST Dorje Phagmo the diamond sow, a Buddhist goddess believed to be incarnated as the abbess of the monastery of Samding in Central Tibet. 3. SANST [a kind of plant]S. v. rdo rje 3. phag zhag (lit. hog's day) it occurs twelve days after the summer solstice when if it rains the water becomes bad and poisonous (Rtsii.). phag zho weight of 31 zho (Yig.). phag zur gser gyi phag zur gsum gyis . phag sha pork. phag rags ramparts, intrenchment. phag ri and phag ri rdzong n. of a fort and frontier station of Tibet situated on the confines of Tibet, Bhutan, and Sikkim (Rtsii.): nub kyi phyogs na phag ri lung to the west is Phagri-lung (Kathao. ka, 118). phag lang pa = myu gu shing reed-bamboo (in mysticism) (Mio-rda. 4). phag sug ma a kind of small table used as dining table by Tibetan lamas and noblemen, with legs resembling those of a pig. cog tse phag sug ma (J. 27). phag phag [the name given in Pur. to Codonopsis ovata, the thick roots of which plant are cooked like turnips or ground and baked] (J‰.). phang for 'phang 3 1. phang bu or phang ma spindle (Cs.). 2. in mtsho ma phang seems to be equal to mtsho ma pham . 3. v. 3pang 3. phang kheb = pang kheb . phang mkhan = (rigs ngan ) weaver's caste. phang lo = 'khor lo SANST [a wheel]S. phang ba SANST, SANST, pf. probably phongs pa , to save, to spare, to use economy: srog phang ba to spare one's life; mi phangs te 'bul ba to give without stint; phang sems careful disposition; phang sems can thrifty, frugal (J‰.) [SANST = lap, embrace, SANST = the hip, lap]S. phang phung = lang ling or 'bar 'bur bit by bit, piece by piece; also = rdog rdog patched (Yig.). phang phung du = lang ling du adv. in patches (Yig.). phang ma 1. = phang bu . 2. a medicinal plant (Med.). (EEE phang bu does not appear as a headword in the dictionary but see under phang 3.) phangs pa I: SANST loss: aa kha phangs pa alas so much loss! 'bor bar phangs mod brtse bas ma dor bar alas, to abandon it would be indeed a loss, affection would not forsake it (A. 11). phangs mod (vulg.). 'phro lhag the excess of anything, anything that is thrown out when not required. II: SANST [n. of a Brahman whom Buddha met on his way to Benares]S. (EEE Original has Brahman for Brahman above.) phTa is a very powerful and efficacious ejaculation used in mantras for the destruction and suppression evil spirits. In Milaraspa the writer expounds this mystic syllable thus: "Outwardly phat is the condensation of the items of Discriminative Perception, or their amalgamation when those items have been too minutely subdivided and scattered; inwardly, phat is the revival of one's sinking soul; rationally, phat is the classification of things according to their primary nature." phad (snod ) 1. a large bag or sack or hair or cotton cloth: phad mthil the bottom of a sack; phad gang a full sack; a sackful; phad stong an empty sack; phad bu a small handbag to contain trifles such as tea-cups, saucers, etc.: phad bu'i thum thum zhig khur (Lam-rim. 139). phad tse a sack made of yak-hair or yak-tail hair. phad snam sacking; phad tsha very coarse sack-cloth (J‰.). 2. sting in the tail of a scorpion [also SANST = curl, lock]S. phan I: a tassel, fringe, hanging ribands, etc. II: postp. until; phan la id. Also in the combination phan chad or phan chod postp. = beyond, further than, as far as, until: da lta phan chad up till now; de phan cad ma 'gro C. do not go any further than that place. phan tshun SANST, SANST to and fro, over and across, hither and thither; one another. phan tshun [SANST splitting, junction, SANST, following, connection, SANST, SANST, SANST each other, one another]S. phan tshun 'grogs pa to hold to one another, to associate. phan tshun rgyud pa to twist, to string together. phan tshun du 'gro ba to walk to and fro, there and back; phan tshun du phul ba to push hither and thither; phan tshun mthun pa'i btam words of mutual friendship (Glr.); phan tshun gcig gis gcig la yi ge gtong ba , phyag byed pa , gnod pa byed pa| mutual correspondence, mutual greetings, mutual encroachment; phan tshun sdur ba sdebs pa to compare with one another, to mix one with the other (Zam.). ma pham gyi 'gram phan tshun du on each of the two shores of lake Ma-pham, (Mil.); phan tshun thor ba to scatter, to disperse. phan tshun grogs 'dris bzang po'i mthun between friends accustomed to one another there is good agreement; phan tshun sprad to exchange mutually, mutual exchange. phan dil round open metal pot of all sizes, a degchi, the common cooking vessel in Tibet and India; phan chung a small cooking vessel. phan phun n. of a very large numeral (Ya-sel. 57). phan phun du gyur pa = mi mthun pa to disagree, not to be in accord or agreement. phan pa 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST to benefit, to be of use, to be useful: de ni bdag la mi phan that is of no use to me; bu 'dis nga la phan par dka' this son will hardly be useful to me (J‰.). phan pa and phan pa yin pa adj. useful: phan pa'i don a useful thing, valuable possession, frq.; bdag nyon mongs pa las phan pa'i don med after all it is of no use to me in my misery (Dzl.); bslab bya phan pa'i tshig a wholesome instructive word (Glr.); phan pa'i gros useful advice (Dzl.). 2. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST (A.K. 1-20) use, utility, benefit; force, victory, ability; phan thub also phan thogs useful, profitable, phan thub pa to be useful; phan 'dogs pa to befit, suit; phan yon serviceable, of good effect, comfortable; a comfort, blessing; merit. phan pa'i sems benevolence, readiness to help; phan btags pa and phan thogs pa the administration of medicine to a sick-man: phan btags pa'i las byas pa has done a useful work. Where medicine does no good it is said of it: phan thogs ma byung . phan yul and phan pa incorrectly for 'phan yul and 'phan pa 3. (EEE 'phan yul does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under 3'phan po 3.) phab = chang rtsi SANST, yeast (Moon.). In Baltistan phabs . phab pa to bring down (steng nas mar phab pa ), v. 'bebs pa 3 perf. phab , fut. dbab , imp. phob . (Rdo. 46). pham rgyal = pham pa dang rgyal ba . pham mthing pa can n. of a Buddhist of Nepal: de bal po pham mthing ba can du 'phangs na byo (A. 87). pham mthing ba n. of two Buddhist priests of Nepal (A. 86). pham pa pf. of 'pham pa 3, q.v. pham phab + = zas lhag ma'i gsol ras gnang ba to give to some one the remainder of a dish which one has not been able to eat. pha'u = pag 3. phar I: [sbst. exchange, interest of money W.] J‰. II: adv. away, beyond, out, further; phar 'gro ba to go off; phar 'khyam pa to roam onwards: 'di nas phar away from here; phar mi mchi'o I do not go away; phar song go away! Often used in conjunction with tshur hither, when = hither and thither. phar 'gre tshur 'gre rolling about on the ground (sa la phar tshur 'gre ba ). phar ngos the other or opposite side: phar ngos ring ba ma yin skad gcig yengs la song (D.R.) pha la or phar phyogs = phar beyond, further side. phar kan = pha rol 3 or pha phyogs : sri chu phar kan jag pa'i yul yod (A. 27). phar kha = pha rol the opposite side (of a valley, river, etc.). phar kha lta = gzhan du phyogs or phyin ci log (Moon.). phar kha na = phar kan 3. phar 'dzug and tshur rgol 3 = 3snga rgol 3 and phyi rgol . (EEE phyi rgol does not appear as a headword in the dictionary but see under 3rgol ba 3.) phar phar indirectly; also eventually, later on: phar phar la de'i nye tshan gyis ha go indirectly his relations came to know. phar phyin abbr. of pha rol tu phyin pa , v. pha rol 3. phar zad = pha zad . (EEE pha zad does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under pha 3 IV.) phar la 1. beyond: lo gcig phar la after one year. 2. over there: shing gi rtsa ba na phar la over there at the foot of a tree (Hbrom. 106). phar log tshur log SANST topsy-turvy, upside-down; all confused together. phar ba the lesser wild dog, Cuon primúvus; phar ang Pallas's wild-dog, Cuon alpinus. phal ga á SANST the river of Gaya anciently called NairaÒjana (Nilajan) mentioned by the Chinese traveller Thang-zing under the name of 'phags chu . phal pa = dkyus ma 3 SANST, SANST common, usual, ordinary; that which suits or is fitting for: phal pa las phags par bzang ba a more than ordinary beauty (J‰.). mi or gang zag phal pa common people, i.e., so so skye bo ordinary people, not uncommon or incarnate in origin; shing phal rnams common trees (Mil.); phal pa'i skad the language of common life, opp. to chos skad book language; phal btang = mi 'os tsam unfit, unsuited, also SANST very common. phal che ba or phal po che SANST a host, a troop, mass of people; mi rgod phal po che zhig a troop or set of monsters (wild men). phal po che SANST a class of Mahayana Sutra comprising six volumes containing brief accounts of gods, demons (Yakra), the sun-god (nyin mo'i lha ), the moon-god (mtshan mo'i lha ), etc.; and also of the formation, dimensions, duration of the world; of the different Buddhas, Bodhisattvas; also of how and what to pray for, etc. phal chen sde pa the Mahasaogika school of Buddhists. phal cher SANST 1. usually, mostly (A.K. 1-24). 2. mang po , shas che ba SANST, SANST many, majority. phal chan W., broad, wide, e.g., a broad valley; phal med narrow. phal ku shMa = skye ba birth, (mystic) (K. g. kha, 28). phas instr. of pha , by the father; phas spun children of one father. phas kyi dgra SANST [hostile, opposed, enemy]S. phas rgol ba , phas kyi rgol ba SANST an enemy; of the opposite side, of the counterparty (J‰.). phas pham pa bzhi the four fundamental sins:- SANST or impurity, SANST or stealing, SANST or killing, SANST or frivolous and irrelevant talk. phi [1. num. fig.: 44. 2. W. for phyi 3, phi pa for phyi pa ] J‰. phi ling or phyi gling pa a foreigner, one of the outer continent, i.e., a European. The common term for an Englishman. phig phig 1. adj. jelly-like. 2. a kind of jelly. phing 1. a kind of vermicelli made of pea flour and brought from China. 2. earthen-ware cup. phing gis n. of a mountain in South China where some of the finest tea is produced (Jig. 16). phing pa or phing ba for phying pa 3. phibs dome, canopy. phibs 'og 1. under a canopy or dome of a house. 2. khang khyim 'dug sa residence, house (Moon.). phir ba in W. to fall down (J‰.). phu the upper part of a sloping valley; the higher ground. phu chu river coming from above; phu chu'i rgyun the upland stream. phu lhags higher situated and colder places or districts, opp. to rgya shod open lower and milder parts. phu gras an elder brother (J‰.). phu thag gcod pa is described as don ma nor bar rtogs pa to reflect on the real meaning, not to make any mistake about the real meaning of a thing: phu thag ma chod na the tshom yod there is doubt where there is no arriving at the real meaning (Rtsa-ti. 2). For derivation of phrase v. J‰. phu thag ring thung occurs in phu lung gsum gyi phu thag ring thung de|mdo lung gsum gyi gtsang chab mthong bas shes|. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "phi-thog-bcod-pa" which is clearly in error.) phu thung or phu dung a sleeve; with short sleeves; phu dung rtse sleeve-edges; phu (dung )yod one with sleeves; phu med sleeveless (shirt or robe); phu rung sleeves: nang par bza' phu rung chen po can zhig yod (A. 120) in the morning there was a fellow wearing long sleeves. phu lung = phu dung a sleeve. phu dud + honour, respect, esteem; phu dud byed pa or phud du kur ba to show honour, respect; phu dud pa = gus pas 'dud pa to bend or bow down respectfully. phu na n. of a sacred place of the Bon somewhere in ancient Persia (G. Bon. 4). phu nu + the elder and the younger brother, or brothers; phu nu ma or phu nu mo SANST sisters; elder sister in modern Tibetan = aa lci . phu nu mos bsrungs pa SANST [protected or supported by one's sisters]S. phu bo = aa jo or jo jo a man's elder brother; phu bo yin pas yab yum gyi gang stsal ba'i bu mo 'grogs (Hbrom. kha, 35). phu ba [pf. of 'bud pa to blow; col. used for the latter] J‰. phu mo a kind of plant growing in the glens of high mountains. phu rtsa gye mo n. of a village in Stod-luo situated N. W. of Lhasa, the birth-place of Hbrom-ston Rgyal-wahi hbyuo-gnas: 'brom ston rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas skyid shod stod lung phu rtsa gye mo na (Loo. za, 2). phu ron = phug ron : phu ron gyi khya a flock of pigeons. phu langs pa (in the colloq. of Amdo) to be irritated, enraged. phu phu an expression of disapproval. jo bo'i thugs ma bde ba'i dus su phu phu gsung when Atisa was unwell (hearing it) he said phu-phu (A. 115). phu phu mi bya SANST do not blow wind with the mouth. phu shud the hoopoe. In colloq. pu-pu-kushu. phu se mouse, souslik and similar rodent quadrupeds (J‰.). phug skya = phug ron skya pigeon-hued, of a light blue colour (Sch.). phug can (nags ) SANST woody, wild. phug nyal SANST = dom a bear. phug thogs pa SANST [quivering, vibrating]S. phug pa SANST, SANST recess in a rock, a cave, cavern; in colloq. "tak-phuk" brag phug ; phug tu into the hollow; gad phug cavern in a steep river-bank formed by conglomerate; dben phug the solitary cavern of an anchorite. phug is also loosely used to designate the dwelling place of solitary meditative lamas, whether actually in caverns or not. Syn. dbug ; brtol ; bug pa byas (Moon.). phug pa lhun grub rgya mtsho n. of a celebrated author born in Lhokha. He wrote commentaries on the works of Pad-dkar, Sha-luo, and Gsal sgrom. phug ma dust, chaff: 'bras dang nas sogs kyi phug ma chaff of rice and barley, etc. (Jig.). phug ron SANST, SANST, SANST a pigeon. Syn. skad cig 'dod ldan ; co co sgrog ; rdo yi zas can ; rgya phyibs gnas ; 'cha' dig snyan ; 'phrul ba'i mig can (Moon.). phug ron rkang SANST, SANST n. of a medicinal plant. [SANST the plant Cassia alata; SANST = the heart-pea Cardio-spermum halicabum]S. Syn. phag gdong ; phag mo (Moon.). phugs 1. occurs apparently as a fut of 'bigs pa (Rdo. 46). 2. the extreme or uttermost part, the extremity; that which is innermost; phugs kyi blo prob. = ultimate design; phugs su , phugs na in the end, eventually, ultimately; phugs ci 'dra cig 'ong how will it end? what will be the final issue? (J‰.). phugs ma mthong bar 'phral rtsod (Hbrom. 120). phugs lon a provident fore-seeing person. phugs su bros SANST escaped to the interior (of the house or country); sunk down, set (as of the sun). phugs ma SANST (interior]S. phung dung ma (gos ) SANST waist-coat. phung pa = brlag pa spoilt, blown out, destroyed, lost, etc. phung krol = 'thab krol [SANST useless]S.; also = nyes pa mang po'i rtsa ba SANST the cause or root of many evils and faults. phung kha (med par 'gro ba ) gyong dan phung kha rang gis blangs (Khrid. 137). phung 'dab to back-bite (Sikk.). phung ba v. 'phung ba 3. phung gzhi destruction: phung gzhi sde bkrug 'di 'dra byas they brought about such dissension and destruction (Rdsa. 24). phung la dad caused to be killed or spoiled. phung song destroyed, ruined, upset, fallen. phung po I: 1. SANST (rtsa lta bu'i ) bundle (of hay, straw &c.). 2. (srog chags ) SANST [a herd]S. 3. (chu lta bu'i ) SANST. II: 1. symb. num. 5. 2. SANST a piled-up hill or peak, a mound: bya rgod phung po'i ri SANST the vulture-peak hill; phuo-po also = any heap; many things brought together or collected under a certain name or head. III: SANST the bodyóthe philosophical term when regarded as a bundle or agglomeration of component parts: sems can gyi phung po chen po all animated nature and beings like the Sravakas, Pratyeka-Buddhas, Arhats including the Bodhisattvas; such as have for the first time conceived faith in Buddhism and those who have attained that stage from which they will not return to this world being included in this very comprehensive term (Hbum. ga, 77). nyams pa'i phung po lnga SANST the five aggregates that are subject to destruction:- (1) gzugs kyi phung po SANST the aggregate of form comprising the organs of sense, viz., taste, smell, sound or hearing, sight, and form which is not perceptible (rnam par rig byed ma yin pa'i gzugs ); (2) tshar ba'i phung po SANST comprising happiness and misery and indifference of either of them (bde ba , sdug bsngal , btang snyoms ); (3) 'du shes kyi phung po SANST comprising rtog bcas SANST and rtog med SANST; (4) 'du byed kyi phung po SANST which includes (a) mtshungs ldan 'du byed comprising sems (the mind) and sems byung thams cad all that have grown therefrom, and (b) mtshungs ldan ma yin pa'i 'du byed ; (5) rnam par shes pa'i phung po SANST the aggregate of consciousness comprising all knowledge conveyed to the mind (Loo. pa, 9). There are also mi nyams pa'i phung po lnga the five aggregates not liable to destruction: (1) tshul khrims kyi phung po| SANST; (2) ting nge 'dzin gyi phung po| SANST; (3) shes rab kyi phung po| SANST; (4) rnam par grol ba'i phung po| SANST; (5) rnam par grol ba'i ye shes mthong ba'i phung po| SANST. Besides these there are moral and physical aggregates such as skyon gyi phung po| SANST faults: dge ba'i phung po| SANST virtues; sdig pa'i phung po| SANST sins; yon tan gyi phung po| SANST attributes and talents; chu yi phung po| SANST water; me yi phung po| SANST fire; etc., etc. Altogether there are 84,000 chos kyi phung po SANST (Ya-sel. 272), i.e., conceivable aggregates of mental, moral, and material substances. (EEE The original has da geba'i phung po| as the second "moral and physical aggregate," which clearly contains a misplaced tsheg.) phung po can = SANST ljon shing v. ljon pa 3 a tree (Moon.). phung po ri bo che n. of a monastery situated on the top of a hill in Tsang; in its neighbourhood there is a Bon monastery (Deb. ga, 22). phung po gsum gyi lam ston pa SANST the instructor of the way (regarding salvation of the three aggregates), an epithet of Buddha (M.V.). phung po gsum pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra also called byang chub ltung bshags the confessions of the sins of a Bodhisattva (Yig. 13). phung por byas SANST [heaped]S. phud 1. v. 'phud pa 3, pf. phud . sbst. that which is taken forth from the rest; a specimen; also a first taste or experimental trial. In common life, especially a sort of first fruits offering, a portion selected and offered to gods or driza. thog phud or lo phud an offering of the first fruits of harvest; srus phud offering of ears of corn wound round a pillar of the house; rdo phud , sa phud an offering of stones or earth when a house is built; these materials being used for manufacturing images of gods (Glr.) (J‰.). 2. phud du bskur ba = i bor bskur ba or gtsug tu bskur ba to carry a present on one's head, to offer respectfully (Moon.). phud pa 1. pf. of 'bud pa thrown out cast out; turned out, dismissed (servants, etc.). 2. hair-knot, tuft of hair. phun gling abbr. of phun tshogs gling a great monastery of the Jonang-pa sect in Tsang (Rtsii.). phun chag bundle, tuft (Glu.). phun tshogs or phud sum tshogs pa SANST adj. [possessed of the three:- grace, glory and wealth], perfect, complete, sublime; also as sbst. mass of merits, perfection, quintessence, all that could be desired; frq. = heaven, paradise. phub SANST armour. 1. shield, plate or breast-plate: ko phub a leather buckler; phub shubs the cover of a shield; phub gyi me long the centre of the shield (Cs.). 2. canopy, a projecting moulding; khyim phub a roof constructed like a canopy; gdugs phub an umbrella. phub pa = 'bub pa to probe into, to penetrate into the meaning, to get at the sense: gtam gyi khog 'di rnams phub la 'dul ba 'dzin pa la zhu na (A. 126) if one enquires of the Hdul-wa Hdsin-pa in order to get at the meaning of these expressions. phub ma SANST 1. chaff or chaff-dust with particles of the husk. phub ma'i me SANST a kind of torture which a penitent undergoes by burning his body with the glowing fire of rice-chaff. 2. gleanings, stubble, straw-ends. Syn. lkogs pa ; spun pa . phur pa 1. any peg, staple, or large nail whether of wood or iron; but usually = a metal three-sided dagger, not in any way pointed, used by exorcists and lamas in their ceremonial, wherewith theoretically they stab demons. The shaft of this instrument usually comprises the heads of three deities capped by a projecting representation of the horse-headed Tamdin. Usually, for the smaller or more ordinary implement the term is not phur pa but phur bu . 2. adj. and adv. piercing, piercingly: mig phur tshugs su lta ba to look at one with a piercing glance of the eye; lha la gsol ba phur gtsug tu 'debs pa to implore a god very earnestly. phur chung thogs pa zhig byung nas one with brandished dagger having risen up (A. 131). phur 'gyur pegs to which tent ropes are tied in pitching a tent (Rtsii.). phur ba 1. = mnye ba or bsrub pa (Moon.), v. 'phur ba 3 to scratch. 2. Sch.: to emboss. 3. n. of a disease (3mgo ba 3) (J‰.). 4. SANST [strung, tied, connected]S. phur bu 1. SANST, SANST; drang skar ma an epithet of Vrihaspati the spiritual teacher of the gods. gza' phur bu Thursday. 2. v. phur pa 3. Syn. lha yi bla ma ; sgra mkhan ; blo ldan ; me bzhi skyes ; tshig bdag ; sgra mkhas ; lha'i slob dpon ; sna tshogs gtsug can ; rig byed bdag ; gre skyes ; 'tsho byed ; smra mkhas ; bcu gnyis 'od 'phro ; rigs skyes ; mtho ris thob ; 'bar ba ldan ; rtsub ldan ; shin tu gsal ba'i gcud ; tshig ldan ; mig ldan ; dpyod ldan (Moon.). phur bu lcog n. of a small monastery situated in the neighbourhood of Sera toward the east (Loo. za, 17). phur ma 1. = 'bur ma SANST relievo work, embossment; also a vessel made of a leaf doubled over in funnel shape. 2. fine medicinal powders, anything volatile. phur ma gsum pa a medicinal root. phur mong (acc. to J‰., phur mo ) a medicament: phur mong srin gson gnyan lhog nad gdon 'joms . phur mong sgang n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 14). phul 1. phyag lta bu a handful, also phul gang . 2. SANST, SANST [best, issued]S. phul tu phyin pa SANST, SANST [finished, perfect, accomplished]S. reached the climax, i.e., attained highest point, victorious, to have got the better of an argument; mkhas pa'i phul tu phyin par gyur to he became a great scholar (J‰.). phul du byung ba SANST attained excellence. phul byung or phul tu byung ba = khyad du 'phags pa SANST, SANST accomplished, perfect, eminent; the Tibetan translation of the personal name of Atisa. phul ba SANST, SANST [represented, delivered]S. 1. pf. of 'bul ba v. 'phul ba 3 and 3'bul ba 3. 2. an offering, a present. Syn. 'bul ba ; phyag rten ; skyes ; rnam gzhag ; gus rdzas ; mdun 'jog ; zhu rten (Moon.). phul ba'i btung phor SANST [a drinking plate]S. phe 1. W. Sikk. for phye SANST powder, anything pulverized. phe phe zhib mo SANST fine powder. 2. num. fig. 104. phe sha is an exclamation; occurs in the passage phe sha e ma ngo mtshar rab tu che (D.R.). pheg rdog SANST [a musical instrument, a tabor]S. pheg rdob 1. = pheb kyang even when come. 2. SANST [a small drum, or tabor, or a kind of cymbal]S. SANST is a long drum used by the Indians as a musical instrument. pheb rdob pa SANST a minstrel. pheb pa 1. pf. phebs , resp. term for to come, to arrive, to go, depart. Is in very frequent use in C. ga le pheb a farewell salute to a visitor: "go gently!" phebs par smra ba SANST to ask to come, to invite. phebs tshogs instructions, or anything that is sent as a favour: phebs tshogs kyang dal 'gro'i klung bzhin yod pa mkhyin| pray, may your letters also come like the stream of a river (Yig. k. 69). phebs bsu ba or phebs gso ba to go and meet a person in the way for his reception. pher ba to be able, to be capable of, equal to: khyed rang snying khams kyis pher na 'dong go, if from your heart you can do so (A. 65); gzhan la dbang bskur ba'i slob dpon pher ba byung he was able to consecrate others (Deb. ga, 23). pher ba also = serviceable; an equivalent. mi pher ba incapable, not serviceable, = mi phan pa pher yod (Khrid. 28). gung blon chen po pher ba tsam gyis mkhyen pa mnga' ba yin pas (A. 84). pher po one who is clever in conversation, correspondence, or diplomatic business, etc. (Yig. 13). pho 1. an affixed particle or perhaps adj. signifying: male, paternal: bya pho a male fowl, cock-bird; wa pho male fox. 2. also sbst. a male; and occasionally, a father (not however commonly): pho mo male and female; pho mchor po handsome man. Applied to animals seems generally to indicate castrated males; but pho rtags = the male organ of generation, and pho mtshan id., pho dbang virile power. pho glang SANST, SANST [the lungs, the bladder]S. pho rgod pa SANST [raising, elevation]S. pho che ba = khengs pa SANST noble, exalted. pho nyid SANST [coming after, successive]S. pho thag che ba + 1. = khengs pa che ba and khur che ba (Moon.). 2. = lta ba mtho ba . pho bo = spun rgan pa elder brother (Yig. 11). pho bo ldong n. of a clan (Yig. 7). pho ma = ma ning pho hermaphrodite of the male class (Moon.). pho mo man and woman; male and female. pho mo med no difference of sex exists; pho mo lhag cig tu gnas pa terms signifying cohabitation. pho mo byang thang mtsho a large lake in Tibet on the Bhutan frontier lying between long 90∞ and 90∞ 30¥E. at an elevation of 16,050 ft. pho rmongs the penis. pho rtsed sna dgu the nine different sports or feats of man as mentioned in Rtsis-len. (EEE "Rtsis-len" is not listed in the ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3; it may be a mistake for "Rtsii." or "Rtsi.", or it may refer to a work that Das has failed to provide a reference for.) pho tshod acc. to J‰. = pho so : pho tshod mngon shes ma byed cig do not boast of prophetic sight. pho mtshan SANST masculine gender; the male organ, the penis. In the Dulwa pho mtshan is termed yan lag gi rnam pa and its work is called las su rung . Syn. 'doms kyi spa ba ; me ha na ; he ma na dpyad ; dran pa'i ka ba ; pho dbang ; chags pa'i rgyal mtshan ; dbang po ; myos byed lcags kyu ; mtshan gtun shing ; 'doms kyi mjug ma (Moon.). pho yan and pho rang , also pho hrang = an unmarried man. pho lha 1. tutelary deity of a man's right side (J‰.). 2. Cs.: sir, as polite address. pho yig the male letters of the Tibetan alphabet which are ka , ca , ta , pa , tsa , &c.; among the thirty letters the first of each group being regarded as a male letter (Situ. 60). pho yong bza' n. of one of the queens of king khri srong lde'u btsan (Loo. 'a, 8). pho lha ba or pho lha thal che or tha'i rji the family descended from king Miwang Pholha Thaji, originally occupying the village of 'dus chung in Tsang (Loo. 'a, 12). pho shan explained as skyes pa drag pa (Rtsii.). pho so one of position; pho so thon pa = mgo thon pa one who has made himself prominent, distinguished. In W. pho so can proud, haughty. pho nya or pho nya ba a messenger, deputy, envoy: pho nya gtong ba , pho nya mngag pa to send, despatch a messenger. Also, a spiritual messenger or angel: bde ba can gyi pho nya the angel of paradise; gshin rje'i pho nya the messenger of death; rgyal po'i pho nya ambassador, envoy. pho nya mo 1. SANST, SANST female messenger. 2. gen. a grogs mo mistress, female friend (Moon.). pho nya gzig gi slog pa can a lit. messenger wearing a leopard's skin = brag spos (Sman. 350). Syn. nyan rna ; bya ma rta ; gtam skyel ; 'phrin skyel ; bang chen ; bang phyin (Moon.). pho brgyad and pho drug a silk scarf for presentation (S. kar. 179). pho ba (resp. sku thog Cs.) 1. SANST colloq. the stomach. 2. second cavity of the stomach or the reticulum of ruminating animals (J‰.); SANST [the receptacle of undigested food, the stomach]S. pho ba ljid pa to overcharge the stomach, to clog; pho ba shol ba to purge, to cleanse; pho ngan a weak stomach; pho ba bzang a good, sound stomach (J‰.). pho drod (lit. warmth in the stomach) digestion: pho drod med pa'i mi la zas mi 'ju one in whose stomach there is no heat will not be able to digest food (Sog-dpe.). pho ba gdags (SANST) [immediate]S. pho ba ril (also pho ba ris or pho ris ) black pepper. Syn. na le sham ; pho ba ril bu . pho brang SANST palace, family castle; pho brang 'khor = grong khyer a town (Moon.). pho brang 'bum 'dugs n. of a palace built by king Gnam-ri sroo-btsan where under royal order medicinal drugs were assorted for use in Tibet. sgang tog pho brang palace of the Sikkim raja. (EEE The original gives the first example as bo brang 'khor , but the transliteration, "pho-brao-hkhor", is undoubtedly correct.) pho brang yum bu kla sgang the most ancient stone structure of Tibet built by the first king and said to be still kept in some state of preservation by the Dalai Lama's government (J. Zao.). pho brang me tog can the capital of king Rama. chos rgyal pho brang ancient capital of Tibet in Yar-lung in Lhokha now in ruins (Rtsii.). pho btsog or btsog pa 3. pho tshos 1. SANST [inference, estimate, measurement; one's own estimate of himself, etc.]S. mthong chos su rang bzo dang pho tshod kyis sa lam gyi yon tan (Khrid.). 2. rouge for the cheeks of ladies. pho rog colloq. for bya rog the raven, said to possess the power of foreboding; consequently omens are drawn from its cry. pho rog mig (lit. the raven's eye) n. of a medicinal herb (Vai. so.). pho len byed pa transferring of Jongpons from one district to another: rgyal po gong mas bkod bzhag mdzad pa'i rdzong sgo rnams pho len byed pa the transfer of Jongo officers who were instituted by the former kings (Rtsii.). pho log SANST a disease of the stomach resembling cholera if not cholera itself [spasmodic cholera]S.: lo tsAa ba bal por pho log gis shi ste the lo-tsawa having died of cholera in Nepal (A.). pho long SANST [a kind of jasmine]S. pho long hel = pho dbang (J‰.). (EEE pho dbang does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under dran pa'i ka ba 3 and 3rgyal mtshan 3 3.) phog 1. v. 'phog pa 3 2. wages, pay, salary; lo phog yearly pay, zla phog monthly salary, nyin phog daily wages; phog dpon an officer at Shigatse who pays and looks after the maintenance of the Tibetan troops on the Himalayan frontier. 3. pension, gratuitous support. phog rgyar allowance in meat, each pound being called rgya ri (Rtsii.). phog bzan or phog bzan pa officers or servants with allowances either in money or in kind; any allowance (Rtsii.). phong v. 'phang ba 3; phong ba (Glr.) for 3pang ba 3. phong gyur ba SANST [afflicted]S. phongs pa SANST, SANST 1. poor, needy, destitute: zas nor gyis phongs pa destitute of food and wealth; chos dang rig pas phongs pa devoid of religion and intellect; sems can nyams thag phongs dgu the poor and miserable creatures (dgu being here sign of plural). 2. poverty, misfortune. phongs pa'i dus SANST, SANST [time of danger, evil, calamity]S. (A.K. 1-40). phod ka (or phod kha ) = 'cham gos kyi rigs a kind of stage-dress of the lamas; masquerade garment with long sleeves: sku la za ber gos phod ka bsnams pa he put on a cloak and stage-robe (Khrid. 106). phod can SANST; comet. Syn. mjug phod can ; du ba mjug ring (Moon.) phod ca gza' . phod pa = nus pa , thub pa SANST 1. to cope with, to be able, to coerce: 'bral mi phod pa ltar yod na yang although he was scarcely able to part with; lta mi phod I cannot bear to see that. 2. to withstand, be a match for: zas zhim gos bzang su yis phod who can resist good food and fine clothes? phod pa can bold, daring (Cs.). phon + or phon pa 1. = tshogs pa SANST, SANST bundle, truss, sheaf. 2. = chun po bunch, cluster, umbel; tuft, tassel (J‰.); dar phon , skud phon (Cs.). phon chen a good deal = mang po much, many (Rtsii.). phob v. 'bebs pa 3. phom pa + = bum pa a pot, jar. phor rnyi trap, net to catch birds: de'i sang nub phor rnyi legs pa gcig gtsugs pho bzhag pas next day at evening he laid a fine trap (Rdsa. 10). phor pa SANST; drinking cup or vessel; lcags phor iron cup, dngus phor silver cup, gser phor golden cup, shel phor glass cup, pag phor barley flour-bowl, in phor glue-pot; phor phyis cloth for wiping a cup. phor ru = phor pa . phol in W. any blister caused by burning. phol mig 1. a circle, disk. 2. a bad sore, ulcer, boil. phol ta = phen te . phol ba + = rtogs pa 3. phos 1. = pho yis . 2. pf. of 'bo ba 3. 3. v. 3sha 3. phya a lot, luck, chance, fortune, good luck: phya rgyab pa to cast lots; phya bzang phya ngan good, bad fortune or prognostics (Cs.); nor phya , khyim phya prognostics relative to property, family, etc., by casting dice; phya dang gYang lot (good luck) and blessing; phya dang gYang 'gug pa to call forth good luck and blessing, to secure it by enchantment (J‰.). phya ken tse one who pretends to know the issue of fighting between gods and demons; a Bon necromancer (D.R.). phya mkhan = mo btab mkhan fortune-teller. phya tshan the foeces of any infant, new born colt, calf, etc., that died immediately after sucking milk, and used as an augury: phya tshan gyis dug nad sel . The expression phya'i gto ad occurs in gshes rab kyi ri rab kyi rtse mor phya'i gto ad la gshegs so (D.R.). a 'phrin nor bu mchag rgyal (gYang 'gugs kyi dpe ) n. of a Bon work to hear which brings good luck and fortune (Rtsii.). phya ra door-curtain of yak-hair cloth. phya le ba + = khod mnyam pa fine, smooth, refined, pleasant: phya le ba ma yin pa = khyod mi mnyam pa not smooth-going, rough. phya sangs 'ol la 'then n. of a son of Gyen-saos phya-la hthen (G. Bon. 23.) phyag SANST, SANST is the resp. word for lag the hand; and from the use made of the hand in salutation by orientals, the word has also come to mean: salutation and reverence. phyag gong back of hand, phyag ngar the wrist, phyag mtheb the thumb, all resp. terms. phyag dang po la at the first salute; phyag grangs med bcas with unnumbered compliments; phyag byed pa , phyag mdzad pa to pay one's respects, to salute; brkyang phyag salutation by prostrating the body on the ground; bskum phyag salutation by bending the body and touching the ground with the head: phyag phebs welcome! phyag pheb gnang gcig is form of welcome by a host on arrival of a guest; phyag phebs zhu gnang id.; phyag gyeng 'gyel or phyag gyang 'gyel suddenly falling on the ground (like the falling of a dilapidated wall) to make salutation: slob pa sha stag yod pa'i dkyil du phyag gyeng 'gyel ba bzhin du mdzad do in the midst of his pupils he saluted (him) by falling down on the ground (A. 23). phyag mkhar (resp. for mkhar ba ) handstaff. phyag 'khur W. = phyag rten 3. phyag rgya SANST, SANST [the clenched fist, seal]S. 1. resp. for rgya a seal; phyag rgya 'debs pa to seal, to confirm by a seal. 2. a sign or manual gesture; the manner in which the hand and fingers are held by Buddhist saints and lamas when performing certain religious ceremonies or mystical rites; also, symbolic devotional ceremonies by Tantrik priests. lus kyi phyag rgya when making offerings to a deity, term for the peculiar gestures and signs of the hands and fingers. These are different in exhorting, or threatening or in binding a deity to perform some religious duty in the names of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas; and those who are adepts in such mystic signs are said to be able to exercise great power over spirits. It is believed that sngags , phyag rgya and ting nge 'dzin (mantra, mudra and samadhi) are equally efficacious when they are properly uttered or performed. ngag gi phyag rgya the mudra of speech consists in using mystical language and signs; yid kyi phyag rgya the mudra of the mind is meditation on the deity. phyag rgya chen po I: SANST is said to be a figurative designation under the Madhyamika doctrine, indicating a mode of attaining Nirvana by highly mystically-developed devotees while indulging in sexual embrace; the woman so embraced is called gsang yum (private sakti). Likewise this sexual ecstasy is termed phyag rgya ma or las kyi phyag rgya SANST, SANST. II: is described in both Sutra and Tantra. 1. phyag rgya'i dbye ba bla na med|chos dang las dang dam tshig dang phyag rgya chen po zhes brjod do the special meaning of Mahamudra is Anuttara, the supreme and absolute doctrine; it is described as the knowledge of Dharma Karma (its practice) and the vows. 2. according to the Tantra: phyag ni stong pa'i ye shes te|rgya ni 'khor ba'i chos las grol|chen po zung du 'jug pa ste Phyag signifies the knowledge of Sunyata, while Rgya conveys the meaning of liberation from worldliness; and chen-po signifies both these important functions being brought together. This occult Buddhism was first taught in India by Padma-vajra (the senior), Saraha, Nagarjuna, Ri-khrod dwao-phyug, Maitripa, etc., and afterwards it was taken into Tibet by the Tibetan sages such as Marmije, Sgam-po, Phag-gru, Sakya Pan-chen and others (J. Zao.). phyag rgya ma SANST [a posture of the hands or feet in the practice of Yoga or meditation]S. But v. preceding paragraph. phyag rgyas mnan pa to overcome evil-spirits by gesticulations; phyag rgyas 'grol ba to set them free, by dissolving the charm (J‰.). phyag cha any manual tool or implement, resp. for lag cha . phyag chas instruments (symb. of attributes) carried in the hand, or used in performing religious dances, cf. phyag mtshan 3. phyag mchod for phyag dang mchod pa byed pa salutation and worshipping. phyag brnyan + = 'khor gYog SANST attendants, retinue. phyag snyigs = phyag gdar , gad snyigs 3 (Oag. 38). phyag rtags 1. resp. for lag rtags sign of the hand, impression of a blackened finger in the place of a seal. 2. in Sikkim: hand-token, i.e., a present (J‰.). phyag rten = phul ba , zhu rten SANST present, souvenir with letter (Moon.). phyag brten SANST [orders, instruction, message]S. phyag dam a seal. Syn. dam phrug ; the'u tse (Moon.). phyag dar pa a sweeper, duster; phyag dar gyi phung po or phyag dar khrod SANST dust-heap; phyag dar gyi khrod kyi chos gos or na bza' vestment or cowl of a mendicant monk patched with rags gathered from rubbish heaps. phyag dar legs par byas pa SANST [rendered clean or pure, swept well, cleansed well]S. phyag bdar = gad dar byed pa SANST clearing from dust, dusting, making a thing clean: byi dor gyi las the work of cleansing, sweeping, dusting (Oag. 38). phyag deb occurs in an 'bebs zhus pa phyag deb la (Rtsii.). phyag rdor or phyag na rdo rje also called lag na rdo rje SANST the Bodhisattva Dorje Chang or Vajrapani in his wrathful manifestation, the chief of Tantrik deities. Syn. gsang ba'i bdag po ; gsang ba 'dzin ; lag na rdo rje gsang ba'i rgyal ; rdo rje dbang phyug ; rdo rje cang ; mthu stobs bdag po (Moon.). phyag na rdo rje gos sngon can (gnod sbyin drag po chen po rdo rje me lce ) n. of one of the most terrific manifestations of Vajrapani; his body being said to be then 260,000 yojana high. In his right hand he carries a flaming pointed vajra (thunderbolt), in his left hand he holds the king of eagles; eight huge snakes coiled round his arms and feet serve him for bangles; six thousand tiger skins sewn together form his garment. He prostrates himself before Buddha and prays that he may gain perfection. phyag na rdo rje'i mdzad brgyad pa|gzungs sngags dang bcas pa one hundred and eight epithets of Vajrapani together with Dharani (contained in K. g. pha, 73). phyag na pad ma á SANST an epithet of Avalokitesvara (Yig. k. 5). phyag dpung resp. for arm. phyag dpe resp. for dpe cha a hand-book, book in general. phyag spal + 1. = btson khang prison house. 2. resp. = phyag gong 3 (Cs.). phyag phyi = zhabs phyi attendant, man-servant; phyag phyi byed pa to be a servant. phyag phyi la or phyag phyir 'breng ba to be a follower (of a lama); train of servant, retinue (J‰.). phyag phyig 1. a very large numeral; phyag phyig zal zug sal sal (Ya-sel. 57). 2. SANST [remnants of food, a small portion]S. phyag bris resp. hand-writing, manuscript; but gen. = a letter: brtse ba'i phyag bris your kind letter, your friendly correspondence. phyag 'bul resp. gift, present. phyag 'byor = phyag son 3. phyag ma SANST broom, duster, mop. phyag snan 1. resp. for snan 3. 2. = 3phyag rten 3. phyag tshang = ma chen SANST a cook: gYos kyi bstan bcos kun la mkhas|de ni phyag tshang yin par bshad he who knows the science of cooking is said to be a cook (Can.). phyag 'tshal ba SANST bowing down, profound salutation (A.K. 1-2). The erroneous Budh. etymology is: phyag = sweeping out all defilements and 'tshal ba = begging for virtue and blessing; in making prayers or reciting mantras one should bend his head respectfully and then prostrate himself on the ground (Spyod. 17). phyag 'tshal lo SANST I salute. phyag mdzod one in whose hand the treasury is; a treasurer. Syn. mdzod pa ; nor gnyer ; bang mdzod pa ; nor skyongs ; nor bsrungs ; nor gnas pa ; mdzod 'dzin (Moon.). phyag rdzas resp. for nor rdzas 3. phyag zhabs resp. for rkang lag (Schtr.). phyag 'os SANST worthy of salutation, worshipful. phyag ra prob. for phyag gra privy, water-closet. In W. also phyag sa . phyag lan reply, the return for a salutation, reciprocal greeting. phyag las = phrin las resp. for las work, business. phyag las khom + resp. for ra ro ba 3. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "phyas-las-khom" which is clearly in error.) phyag len resp. for lag len practice, exercise, also ceremony. phyag sen resp. for sen mo nails. phyag son = phyag 'byor receipt of cash, cash in hand (Yig. k.). phyag srol law, regulation; tradition (J‰.). phyag lham a kind of slipper which the Buddhist monks in ancient India were permitted to wear: dge slong gcig yan chad phyag lham 'bring mig ma gsol ba only the dge slong and those above him may wear slippers with a hole at the centre (A. 22). phyang nge ba 1. hanging down; (acc. to Cs., 'jol le ba ). 2. SANST slender, slight-made; acc. to Sch., straight or stretched (J‰.). See 'phyang ba 3. phyang chad = thag chad certain, sure, decided. phyang phrul SANST necklace; pendant ornaments (Moon.). phyang yar = 'phrin las 3. phyad par lung ston pa SANST [uncurtailed explanation or exposition]S. phyad phyod or phyad de phyod de adv. descriptive of uncertainty of movement, e.g., not going by the straight path: rta la bzhon nas phyad phyod lang long du 'gro zhing riding on a horse going this way and that way. phyad phyad awkward gambols, clumsy attempts at dancing (J‰.). phyad pa also 'phyad pa constant, firm, persevering. phyad par always, continually, perpetually. phyan pa + = rgyun par yang yang 'khor continually revolving; uninterrupted revolution. phyam SANST; also phyam stegs the resting beam of a staircase or ladder. Also: prop, bracket, mortice: phyam sngas the transverse ledges on which rafters of a roof rest. phyam gyi sbyi rten SANST projecting bracket. phyam phyad = mnyam nyid state of evenness; equality. phyar ba to let float, hoist (a flag). Syn. sgreng ba ; slongs pa (Moon.). phyar kha blame, affront, insult. phyar phyur (grangs ) SANST n. of a large numeral (Ya-sel. 56). phyar gYeng can ('du 'dzil dga' zhing rnam gYeng che ba ) given up to enjoyment of worldly happiness. phyal + = sku yi lto ba belly, stomach (Cs.). phyal phyang nge or phyal mo prominent or hanging paunch. phyal phyel n. of a large number: phyal phyel khyad khyud zar zer dang phyi bkan du nyal ba (Ya-sel. 56). phyal phyol SANST [bowing down]S.; phyal le ba = mnyam level, prostrate. phyi 1. adv. behind, backwards: phyi bkan du nyal ba to lie on one's back; phyi 'gro rgyab pa C., to retreat, to walk backwards quickly; phyi na behind; phyi nas from behind; but see also under 3. below. phyi 'gro ba to walk behind; phyi lcag a back-hand blow; phyi mig lta ba to look behind, also phyi mig a backward look; phyi rting the heel. 2. or phyi la after, afterwards, adv. of time; snga phyi earlier and later, also former and latter; phyi 'phel subsequent increase; dus phyi bzhin na at a later period, sometime afterwards (Dzl.); de'i phyi nyin la on the following day (J‰.). 3. also phyin na , outside; phyi'i the outer; phyi yi so nams husbandry, farming (Glr.); phyi yi rgya mtsho the outer sea, the ocean; phyi yi mi people from abroad, foreigner strange people; phyi yul foreign land; mgron nam phyi mi dag 'ongs na (when) either guests or strangers have come; phyi nas nang la zhugs so came indoors from without; phyi dgra foreign enemy; phyi rgol SANST adversary, antagonist (in a lawsuit or controversy); phyogs phyi ma id. phyi thag in future, eventually, afterwards, in remote future (Hbrom. kha, 8). phyi thag ring po = tshe phyi ma future life: phyi thag snying po ma mthong gnas 'dir bsdad| resided here not having seen anything that would profit (him) in the next life (A. 6). phyi than a threat, menace. phyi dar later development: phyi dar gyi dus period of later development or diffusion: phyi dar sngar dang earlier introduction of Buddha and its later development. (EEE Thus in the original, but probably "Buddhism" is meant instead of "Buddha".) phyi dro or phyi ro SANST; colloq. "phi-ro," the evening: phyi dro snga dro'i dus drug tu during the six times between morning and evening (Zam. 4). phyi bdar byed pa is explained as gang snyigs sogs phyags nas gtsang ma bzos rgyu to make clean by sweeping away whatever is filthy (Oag. 38). phyi nang 1. the outside and inside; phyi nang bsgy ur to turn inside out; phyi nang gnyis ka snin pa ripe both as to the outside and inside. phyi pa'i phyi gtsang |nang pa'i nang gtsang Hindus clean outside, Buddhists pure inside;-so say the Buddhists of Ladak. phyi nang gtsang pure as to thought and action; phyi nang bar gsum the three inner outer and intermediate (provinces, etc.). 2. inside: phyi nang du rgyangs te calling in from outside: lcam por gshegs pa zhig phyi nang rgyangs te calling inside one who had gone on to the roof (A. 113). phyi nang min SANST [not in the interior, i.e., an outsider]S. phyi nas 1. in future, in time to come, later on; from outside. 2. = rjes nas again, subsequently (A.K. 1-6). phyi nas gdung = 'gyod pa repentance (Moon.). phyi nur = phyi 'then (Yig. 83). phyi nur med pa or phyi nud med pa without fail. phyi phyag byed pa to request for the last time; to bid farewell, to take leave. phyi 'phrod SANST [the evening]S. phyi ba 1. in colloq. "chi-phi" the large marmot found throughout Tibet. 2. v. 'byi ba 3. phyi pur a kind of ornament, similar to phan 3. phyi ma see also phyi mo 3 1. SANST later, subsequent, following: snga ma ma zhu phyi ma za ba not having digested the first (meal), to eat additional quantities; phyi ma rnams the later ones, the modern; nyal ba'i phyi ma the last going to bed. 2. SANST, SANST the posterior. phyi ma phyi ma each following one, every one consecutive in a series (J‰.). phyi ma'i mtha' SANST [western border, extreme end]S. phyi ma'i dus SANST, SANST [future or after-time]S. phyi mo 1. grand mother. 2. SANST [small particle]S. 3. late, as adv. or adj. also, last, the latest, as sbst. phyi mor 'gyur ba to have become late; phyi mo rnams those who came last; colloq. kho rang rtag pa re zhig phyi mo slebs he always arrives late. In W. and Sikkim sounds "phi-mo." phyi bzhin or phyir bzhin adv. and postp. after; phyi bzhin 'gro ba , 'brang ba to pursue; also a follower; phyi bzhin phyin pa , 'ong ba , 'gro ba to go after, etc. phyi bzhin phyi bzhin = rjes rjes su (Moon.). phyi bzhin 'brang ba'i dge sbyong SANST [an attendant Sramana, one resembling a Sramana]S. phyi rabs the later generation, posterity. phyi rig pa'i bon sde gsum the three sutras of Bon in reference to their outer doctrine:- (1) kyi gto 'bum nag po| (2) rin chen gyi kun 'bum khra'o| (3) gtsug lag gi dpal 'bum dkar po . These three are said to have been delivered by Shenrab on the top of Sumeru mountain to king Koo-tse Hphrul. phyi rim in Pali SANST outer-zone. phyi rol the outer side, outside. mal gyi phyi rol the outside of the bed (Glr.); phyi rol na ótu , ónas are adverbs equiv. to phyi na , phyi ru , phyi nas outside, out of doors, from without; also occur as postp. on the outside of, etc. In mysticism: gdon bgegs phyi rol tu 'dzin pa to believe goblins and demons to be really existing in the outer world. phyi rol pa'i dbang po lnga the five external members of the body which are: lag pa hand, rkang pa the legs, 'pho ba the belly, 'doms privities, ngag the speech. phyi rol gyi don yod par smra SANST [a class of Buddhist philosophers who maintained that the external world was real]S. phyi rol pa or phyi pa a non-Buddhist, more particularly a Brahmanist; phye rol pa'i or phyi pa'i chos the doctrine of the non-Buddhists. phyi lag nag nang 'brel ba to have confidential conference, to discuss any matter without letting the public know it. phyi leb a felt rug (Rtsii. 46). phyi shos SANST behind, later, latest. Syn. rjes ma ; rting ma (Moon.). v. phyi ma 3. phyi bshol = phyir log rgyab pa (Ya-sel. 31). phyi sa = mi gtsang ma SANST excrements: mi gtsang phyi sa phyi rol dor unclean things and ordure throw out (Zam. 4); rjes su phyi sa za ba dang afterwards (it was their lot) to eat dung (Dug. 10). phying pa (bal gyi ) SANST, SANST [the quantity of wool necessary for making a blanket]S.; felt much used by Dokpa nomads of Tibet for tents and carpets. phying 'dud pa to make felt, to mill (Sch.); phying gur felt tent, a Dokpa hut; phying stan felt-carpet. phying dkar ba n. of a place in Tibet; jo bo phying dkar pa n. of an image of Buddha of that place (Rtsii.). phying bya stag rtse rdzong n. of a district in Lhokha near Rphuo-rgyas (Loo. 'a, 14). phyid after, following; phyid nyin the day after tomorrow (Cs. J‰.). phyid pa 1. = 'dang ba to suffice, to be sufficient: lto gos mi phyid food and dress were not enough, did not suffice; tshe phyid pa to suffice life, to sustain life. 2. to freeze, become frozen: byang gi mtsho rnams phyid byung the northern lakes have become frozen. phyin pa 1. (SANST, SANST to go), set out: lam du phyi yul du phyin pa gone on a journey; pha rol tu phyin pa gone to the country, gone of other side of the sea, done thoroughly: gal te khyim du phyin pa na if I go into the house (A.K.). 2. to reach, come to, arrive at: mi la 'di ru phyin nam zhes 'dris so has Mila arrived hereóthus they asked; chu de shing gi steng du phyin nas paV'i me tog lding song when the water had reached above the tree the lotus-flower floated. mthar phyin pa to reach the end, to complete; also a perfected one, a saint: sgom pa gsum mthar phyin pa'i brdar as a sign of having completed the three stages of meditation. phyin 1. that which is to arrive, what is subsequent: phyin chad later, hereafter; phyin chad sdom bound over for the time to come; phyin chad de ltar ma byed cig henceforth do not act like that; da phyin chad from the present moment, from henceforth; de phyin chad since, since that time, ever since. 2. for phyi outside (J‰.) phyi rtseg pa med de as there was no wall outside; phyin dgra a foreign enemy (Glr.); phyin las outside business, foreign affairs. phyin ci log pa SANST, SANST, SANST that which is false or deceptive or mistaken; phyin ci log gis bslad de corrupt, depraved by perversity (Dzl.); phyin ci ma log pa it is a fact; bden pa lta ba phyin ci ma log pa correct view, opinion (Pth.); blo phyin ci ma log pa with a never-erring mind (Mil.) (J‰.); sems phyin ci log pa perverted mind; lta ba phyin ci log pa false view or doctrine; phyin ci ma log pa incontrovertible (K. d. ca, 47). phyin ci log brjod blasphemy; syn. snad pa'i tshig ; bskur ba 'debs (Moon.). (EEE The original gives phyi ci log gis bslad de as the first example, but phyi must be a mistake for phyin .) phyin phyod (grangs ) n. of a numeral. phyir adv. again, back: phyir 'deng ba to return [1. adv. back, towards the back, behind; phyir 'ong ba to come back, to return (Dzl.); used in a special sense rel. to re-birth: lan gcig phyir 'ong ba once to return (to this life); phyin 'dug pa to remain behind, at home (Dzl.); phyir 'jog pa to leave behind, at home, to lay aside, to lay up (Dzl.); again (rursus), phyir lang ba to get up again, after having fallen; phyir ldog pa , log pa to come back again, to return; phyir ldog pa'i lam the way back, the return (Dzl.); phyir mi ldog pa the not taking place of relapses, the prevention of them (Lt.); phyir zlog pa to bring back, to draw off, to divert from; phyir sos par 'gyur ba to return to life; phyir sangs nas having recovered (Dzl.); phyir ma la smras pa he replied to his mother (Dzl.); phyir log skyon pa to make one ride backward with the face to the horse's tail. 2. postp., e.g., behind, after: nga'i phyir e 'gro (Pth.) will you follow me?] from J‰. II: SANST outside, forth, out; phyir la from an interior to an exterior place, phyir bskrad pa to cast out; kun phyir 'thon te all coming forth; phyir 'byung ba to come out; phyir skyur ba to cast out, phyir bstan nas turned inside out (the lining of a coat) (Glr.); khang pa las phyugs phyir bdas drove forth the cattle from the house; phyir mar me bzhag yod placed the lamp outside; sgo phyir ma gtong ba not to let out at the door (J‰); phyi la khyi btang let out the dog. phyir rgol outside aggressor, foreign foe; phyir 'jil ba to expel; phyir 'srings sent off. phyir mched pa to reveal a secret, to spread or let out confidential news or information. phyi nang gi gzhung don gal che rnams rang gi bu spun pha ma mchis brang sogs nye 'brel su la yang phyir mched mi byed the important policy of the state whether of public or private interest should not be revealed to one's own son, brother, parents, wife, and near relations, or to any whomsoever (D. Shel. 13). III: or phyir du 1. SANST, SANST postp. because of, on account of, by or through: ci'i phyir khyod 'di ltar gyur through what have you become like this (Dzl.); ci'i phyir why, wherefore; nga rang kho pheb pa'i phyir slebs song I have come because he came; gnod pa'i phyir du because of having done you harm (Mil.). 2. for, for the sake of, in order to, for the purpose of: yas nas phub pa'i phyir rgod kyi rtse rgyal btsugs the plumes of vultures were stuck up in order to roof him in overhead (Pth. 128b.); gdul bya dang ba 'dren pa'i phyir with the object of attracting converts; dgos pa'i phyir because it is necessary. IV: adv. afterwards, subsequently. phyir bcil bar byed pa = bgegs byed pa to obstruct, to put hindrance to. phyir bcos pa or lan gdab pa = lan 'debs pa to reply, return; SANST [remedy]S. phyi drang ba SANST [against the hair or grain; disagreeable, hostile]S. phyir phyogs = phyir log SANST [having the face turned back; disinclined towards; regardless of]S. dam pa'i yon tan dang bral te chos las phyir phyogs being devoid of holy virtues he turns his back on religion (Khrid. 17). phyir phyogs pa = kha phyir lta ba to look back or forth (Moon. A.K. 1-12). phyir 'bur ba SANST [to confound]S. phyir 'brang ba = rjes su yong ba or rjes su od pa to follow, to imitate, to go to imitate, to go in the foot-steps (Moon.). phyir mi nur ba SANST [not to change place with]S. phyir mi 'ong ba SANST [that will not have to come back; the Anagamins are those who will not have to be born in the world again]S. phyir mi 'ong ba la 'jug pa SANST [one who has attained to the state of anagami]S. phyir 'ong ba SANST [to come back]S. phyir lan 'ong zin gyi ngo shus copy of a reply that has come afterwards. phyer lan 'ong zin gyi ngo shus true copy of a reply received (Yig. k.). phyis 1. = da gzod and da sdod (Moon.) adv. of time and place: late, last; at the back, behind, to the rear. Often with na : phyis na byung nas having come later, or at last; phyis na 'o dod 'byung bas because cries for help were arising in the rear. phyis nas afterwards, later, hereafter; phyis shig na at a later time, dus phyis shig na id. Occasionally used like a postp., e.g., mig bltas pa'i phyis after he had beheld, after having seen. phyis lam khegs pa to prevent the recurrence of a fault, guilt, mistake or irregularity (D. Shel. 10). 2. sbst. rag. scrap of cloth: lag phyis rag for the hands, sna phyis nose-rag. phyis skyes younger brother or sister. Syn. nu bo ; gcung po (Moon.). phyis bcos SANST amendment, reparation. phyis chos rgyun = rjes su chos rgyun : phyis chos rgyun dang bar ma'i mdzad chen the later development of religion and the intermediate great deeds (Yig. k.). phyis bu + = snod a vessel. phyis 'byung = rjes su 'byung rgyu anything that will happen afterwards; after consequences (Rtsii.). phyis 'byung ji byed what to be done when a thing happens afterwards, i.e., to provide for a contingency (Yig. k.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "phyis-byuo", or phyis byung .) phyug or phyug po adj. rich: phyug po rnams kyi nor phrogs nas|dbul po rnams la sbyin par bya|| the wealth of the rich being taken away from them should be distributed to the poor. phyug po rab 'bring tha gsum there are three classes of rich people:- (1) rab chos kyi phyug po the best who are rich in righteousness (religion); (2) 'bring mi yis phyug po the intermediate who are rich in men (friend, relation flowers); (3) tha nor gyi phyug po the last are those who are rich in possessions. phyug mo a rich lady; phyug khyad riches, wealth, opulence; phyug par 'gyur ba to grow rich; phyug dbul rich and poor; phyug dbul med no difference between rich and poor (J‰.). Syn. nor ldan ; 'byor ldan ; yo byad ldan ; rdzas ldan ; nor gyis phyug pa ; dbang phyug pa ; phyug po ; khyim bdag ; gtso bo ; dpon 'go ; dpon mgo ; mgo 'dren ; rje bo ; phyug chen ; lhag 'byor ; yang dag 'byor ; 'drin pa ; jo bo ; mnga' bdag ; mgo dpon ; nor dbang (Moon.). (EEE The English for number (2) in the original does indeed say "(friend, relation flowers)"; this is probably a typesetter's mistake for something like "(friends, relations, followers)".) phyugs SANST all beasts that can be domesticated or subjugated by man; camel, horse, yak, cow, sheep, goat, etc., gen. translated "cattle": phyugs skyong herdsmen; phyugs kyis phyug rich in cattle, cattle-wealth (Moon.). phyug dang mtshungs SANST brute-like: chang gis kun tu gYengs pa'i yid|mi de phyugs dang mtshungs pa yin (K. du. nya, 51) the man whose mind is under the influence of wine is like a brute; gang zhig gzhan don mi sems pa|de yi od pa phyugs dang mtshungs whoever does not think of other persons' interests, his behaviour is similar to that of beasts (Can.). phyugs deb = phyugs rtsis a register or account of cattle. phyugs bdag = dbang phyug chen po SANST Mahesvara (Moon.); phyugs 'dul taming of beasts, breaking in horses and mules, domesticating animals (Behu. 174); phyugs gYang mo cattle which have lived a great many years (Yig. 8). phyugs phyung + = gzhon nu ma a youthful maiden. phyung ba = bton pa or dbyung ba (Moon.). 1. really perf. of, but sometimes used instead of, 'byin pa (Rdo. 46) to cast out, throw away; banish. 2. to be in excess, to be more than what is required or can be accommodated in a vessel (Yig. 28). 3. sbst. the excess or overflow of a thing in a vessel (Rtsii.). phyur bu 1. hay-rick, shock of sheaves, heap of sticks (J‰.). 2. the solid substance obtained from milk devoid of butter: phyur skam dried curds (Rtsii. 49). phye I: 1. flour, meal, flour of parched barley = rtsam pa . 2. for phye ma dust, powder, etc.; phye 'thag pa or phyer 'thag pa to reduce to flour. rgyags phye flour as provision for a journey = rtsam pa , also parched meal; lcags phye iron filings; rdo phye stone reduced to powder, small particles of stone; spos phye , tsan dan gyi phye ma fumigating powder, sandal-wood powder; bag phye wheat flour or barley meal; brag phye small fragments of stone produced by stone-cutting; shing phye saw-dust; gser phye gold-dust (from J‰.). II: occurs as pf. and imperat. of 'byed pa 3 q.v. phye gtor SANST offerings made of barley-flour to spirits (Jig. 36). phye ma SANST powder, dust, v. phye 3. phye ma leb a butterfly (Yig. 36). phye leb ser khra n. of a vegetable medicine: phye leb ser khras so sron a log 'joms . phyed SANST half; nam phyed midnight, zla phyed half a month. phyed ka SANST one half (A.K. 40). phyed krung = skyil krung drawing in one leg and stretching out the other. phyed skyil ba to sit in a cross-legged posture but not exactly in the manner of Buddha: rtog pa med par phyed skyil lus gnad bcas with the real body seated in a cross legged posture but not meditating (A. 11). phyed glid peninsula. phyed ma partner to one half: 'di'i nang na nga'i phyed ma zhig kyang yod de as I have still a partner in this business. phyed pa = 'gyur ba to change, changing; mi phyed angs pa a mind that does not change and remains firm (Yig. 42). phyed po that which has changed. phyen = 'og rlung dri ma (vulg. in Sikk. and W. pronounced as phen) wind, flatulence: nam phyed phru gu dra phyen btang at midnight the child let go a wind (Dag. 4); phyen shor song a wind has escaped (J‰.). phyem red the whole afternoon, e.g., 1 P.M. to 3 P.M. (K. d. tha, pa, 396; ba, 48). phyo phyo is defined as khyi la rbad pa to incite or set on a dog. phyogs 1. SANST that part which borders on another greater part, the base, the side, the outskirts; with reference to any placeóthe direction or quarter in which it lies from the speaker: phyogs su SANST towards, in the direction of; mngon phyogs pa SANST in the front, ahead, the front side; mngon phyogs te SANST; phyogs gang nas from whence? phyogs der there, thither, in that direction; ltag pa'i phyogs su towards the nape of the neck (Vai. so.); in colloq.: phyogs la towards, in the direction of; phyogs gcig la together, at one time; phyogs gcig pa also phyongs zhan one-sided, prejudiced. 2. phyogs is also used figuratively to signify a man's side, part, interests, benefit, party; the benefit of anything in general: chos phyogs su gtong ba to spend for the benefit of religion; gzhan la phyogs 'dzin pa to take the part of another, to embrace another's interests; phyogs su in favour of, for, in behalf of, for the benefit of: gtan grogs phyogs su shi lcebs byed pa to die or to undergo death for the sake of a close friend (Mil.); phyogs mtha' ultimate end or use; phyogs ris the part or side of a person or faction; phyogs phyi ma an enemy's party or side. 3. the cardinal point, quarter or direction; phyogs bzhi the four points of the compass; phyogs bzhir on every side, in all directions; all round (a person or place); phyogs bzhi nas from all sides, frq.; steng phyogs the zenith; 'og phyogs the nadir. sa phyogs locality, region, country: khyed kyi sa phyogs your neighbourhood or your country. phyogs kyi mu khyud = nyi ma the sun (Moon.). 4. about, lately: gsum phyogs about 3 o'clock. 5. symb. numeral = ten. Syn. nyi ston ; kun khyab (Moon.). phyogs kyi glang po 1. SANST [A famous Buddhist logician born in Kanchipur in the Deccan. He is the author of Pramanasamuccaya and Nyaya-bharya, and was a contemporary of Lha-Tho-tho-ri of Tibet. He is described in the Hindu works on Nyaya philosophy as being a man of extraordinary genius]S. 2. SANST the eight mythological elephants which guard the "quarters" of the world are:- (1) sa srungs bu ; (2) pad dkar can ; (3) gYon phyogs ; (4) sa mos ; (5) gsal byed ; (6) me tog so can ; (7) kun grags ; (8) cha mdzes . phyogs kyi gos = gcer bu , gos med SANST naked, uncovered (Moon.). phyogs kyi gcod pa'i bgegs bzhi the four obstructors on one's four sides or towards the four points of the compass:- (1) 'byung bas gcod pa ; (2) khams kyis gcod pa ; (3) lha 'dres gcod pa ; (4) dgra yis gcod pa . phyogs skyang SANST the guardian of a quarter of direction. phyogs skyong rgyal po the guardian kings of the four quarters. The second of the four great kings of the world:- (1) sa 'dzin rgyal po ; (2) phyogs skyong rgyal po ; (3) rigs drug rgyal po ; (4) 'dzam gling rgyal po . lha chen po phyogs skyong ba bcu the ten great gods who guard the ten sides of the world. phyogs gos can SANST an epithet of Mahesvara. phyogs glang SANST n. of a great Buddhist philosopher who was contemporary with Kalidasa. See phyogs kyi glang po 3 I. phyogs snga ma SANST [1. northern or left side. 2. second part of an argument, reason pro, the reply]S. phyogs can n. of a Piri (Ya-sel. 53). phyogs bcu SANST the ten quarters, all sides; all directions; v. above. phyogs bcu mun sel n. of a work in Tibetan which is considered as an indispensable traveller's manual (Rtsii.). phyogs cha'i rtog pa hesitation or scruples arising from feeling an interest in a thing. phyogs thams cad all quarters: phyogs thams cad nas khyed kyi grogs su ci 'gro byed from all quarters (they) come to your help (A. 61). phyogs mthun = sa mtshungs appropriate, suitable, adequate (Moon.). phyogs bdag as met. the sun (Moon.). Also = SANST [1. the lord of the earth. 2. the guardians of the eight quarters.]S. phyogs 'dra ba also phyogs mtshungs similar. phyogs snang byed SANST the illuminator of the quarters. phyogs med impartial; without country; a vagabond: gnas nges med du paqi ta phyogs med du byed pa zhig yin zer he is said to be a stranger Pandit who has no fixed residence (A. 134). phyogs med ma 1. SANST a prickly medicinal plant [Solanum jacquini]S. 2. a young woman, a girl just budding into youth (Moon.). phyogs mtshams the limits of quarters; boundary. phyogs mtshams ma a queen of the yakra (K. gu. da, 130). phyogs bzung = khas blangs promise; to promise. phyogs bzung pa one who has become a party to, one engaged to a party. phyogs ris inclining to one side, partiality: nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i grub mtha' kun phyogs ris sdang shugs med pa'i dpang por 'os pa all the established doctrines of the orthodox Buddhists are impartial and unhostile evidences. (Loo. 'a, 14). Vide phyogs 3 2. phyogs las gol ba = lam nor ba to mistake the right way, to go amiss: rang gzhan gyi don chen po'i phyogs las gol ba'i ma bzhin du mchis (Yig. k. 10). phyogs lhung 1. SANST partiality, phyogs lhung na|rang gi lugs chags pa dang |gzhan gyi chos lugs la zhe sdang pa'o if one is partial and prejudiced one becomes bigotted and regards another's religion with intolerance (Lam-rim. 23). 2. = chags sdang 3. phyogs pa 1. SANST to go aside, diverge, to turn; vb. n. chos la to turn to religion (Schtr.); phyir phyogs pa to turn aside; phyir phyogs par byed pa to divert from, to dissuade from (Ta. 12, 14.); 'chi khar phyogs pa turned to dying = nearing death; 'khor ba la rgyab kyis phyogs pa to turn one's back on worldly transmigration. mngon du phyogs pa 2. to become visible, to make evident, to face or front: lho ngos su mngon du phyogs pa'i brag las 'byung ba growing from a rock facing the south side (S. Lam.); na de mngon du do phyogs par bya ba'i phyir in order to bring this meaning to light, to express it clearly (Gram.). 3. to be openly or evidently attached to, strongly turned towards: rgyud la to a Tantra or treatise. 4. SANST [adj., sbst. attached to, following; a partizan, an adherent] J‰. phyod pa to be thorough, to carry through: phyod che ba very pushing; mgyogs po 'gro nas sa lam phyod pa by proceeding quickly a long journey is accomplished. phyor 1. SANST n. of a numerical figure (S. Lex.). 2. in kha phyor ba for mchor speaking vainly. phyol yas a numerical figure. phra I: acc. to J‰. all these expressions phra rgyag pa , phra rgyab pa , phra 'god pa , phra 'debs pa , phras spra ba signify to insert an ornament of jewels, to stud with jewels, etc.: rin chen sna tshogs kyis phra bkod pa bedecked with different kinds of precious stones and metals. phra med the displaced precious stones such as rubies, sapphire, turquoises, picked out from ornaments (Jig. 10). II: or 'phrab 1. fine, thin. shin tu phra ba in reference to the doctrine of Buddhist subtleties; phran gzugs kyi phra ba skud pa lta bu a body as slender as a thread; sked phra ba a thin or slender waist. nyag phra = nyam chung a poor, humble man. 2. = zhib mo SANST, SANST [minute, atomic]S. = skyo ma SANST [the act of whispering into the ears; treason, disunion]S. phra mo thin, little, small: sems can phra mo rnams animalculÊ; na phra mo little as to age, trifling, slight; rnam rtog phra mo slight scruple; dzun phra mo a little lie; phra mo tsam slender. phra zhing phra ba subtle, extremely fine; phra zhib SANST very fine, minute, exact; phra zhib 'thus 'dems all the minute details, complete details. phra rgyas = nyon mongs SANST misery, because it first comes in insignificant form and then assumes more dangerous shape and important dimensions. phra dog envy. phra phab pa to cast a horoscope, to predict good or evil by interpreting reflections of any thing on a mirror; phra men magical forecasts. dri med zla ba'i phra phab na dus gsum gyi dngos po ji ltar 'gyur ba mkhyen if the image of the immaculate moon be thrown on a mirror, from it can be drawn the essential condition of an object in the three times, i.e. past, present and future (A. 34). phra gsas gzhon nu an epithet of 'jam dpal dkar po of Bon mythology (D.R.). phra ma 1. SANST one of the four sins of speech, calumny, slander, &c. phra ma gsol ba to calumniate, slander; phra ma zhu ba id. (J‰.). dge slong rnams kyis phra ma'i tshig 'rjod mi rung it is not right that a gelong should speak words of calumny. 2. = mtshon byed SANST a weapon of two tongues or points, [two-tongued one, i.e., snake]S. 3. SANST a needle. phra ma'i nad n. of a disease. phra mo'i zhing SANST [a field of Panicum miliaceum]S. phrag 1. intermediate space, interstices, a crevice, ravine. phrag tu in between, in the interstices, and as postp. betwixt; snin phrag v. snin ma 3 (J‰.). 2. phrag is also used as an auxiliary particle after cardinal numbers, to signify a collective body: brgya phrag a hundred, stong phrag a thousand, 'bum phrag a hundred thousand, bdun phrag a week, zla phrag a month. phrag pa = dpung pa'i 'go (Moon.) 1. SANST, SANST sbst. the shoulder: phrag pa la 'gel ba to load on the shoulders; grogs po'i phrag pa la 'dzeg pa to climb on the shoulders of a friend; phrag pa gnyis kyi sha the flesh of both shoulders. de skad ma yi tshig gis bya gshog rlabs shin tu che ba yas spun zla phrag pa la khyer nas at the moment the word was uttered the bird without greatly increasing the flappings of its pinions carried both the brothers on its shoulders (Tan. d. ga.). phrag dbyung = ring 'gag or stod gos shawl worn by the lamas as an upper covering or wrapper leaving one shoulder bare; phrag pa gYas right shoulder or arm phrag pa gYon left shoulder or arm. phrag mig SANST the crab; n. of a kind of spirits having eyes on their shoulders. 2. vb., also 'phrag pa , to envy, to grudge (Cs.). phrag dog SANST, SANST (A.K. 1-24), envy, jealousy; phrag dog gi brag bsod nams myu gu mi skye on the rock of jealousy the tender shoots of merit will not grow. phrag dog gi dri ma the defilement of envy; phrag dog can SANST jealous, envious, grudging. (EEE The headword in the original is brag dog , but the transliteration, which is "phrag-dog", is correct.) phrang v. 'phrang 3. phrad btsan n. of a place in Tibet (Rtsii.). phrad (yi ge'i tshig ) 1. a particle added to words or letters to show relationship to another word in a sentence: phrad kyi sbyor tshul shes par bya dgos pa it is necessary to learn the proper application of these particles (Gram.). phrad gang 'thob lta dgos pa (a beginner of grammar) must see what particles should be applied (Situ. 118). rnam dbye phrad SANST the signs of cases, as kyi , la , etc. 2. = bsten SANST. phrad pa is a form of 'phrad pa ; SANST, SANST grogs dang phrad meeting a friend, collision; rlung dang rlung phrad pa wind rushing upon wind. phrad po for khrad po (Vai. so.). phran or phran bu = phra mo 1. SANST a little, a trifle; trifling. 2. part of the body. 3. knives and other small instruments used in surgery (J‰.). phran chung humble or little self (common in letters); phran tshegs (vulg. phran rtseg ) = phran bu . Also as adj. small, insignificant: 'dul ba phran tshegs kyi gzhi the minutiÊ of religious discipline (J‰.). phran tshegs 'grim pa SANST [practising in small degree]S. phran tsho we, our humble selves. phral 1. present time, just now: nga'i yul las phral na in my country at present (Hbrom. 104). phral du adv. = da lta , SANST freshly, recently. 2. described as: so sor kha bral ba enumeration; separation. phri ba v. 'phri ba 3 or 3sbrid pa 3 to diminish, reduce. phrin = 'phrin news, tidings, intelligence: phrin phar bskyal ba dang phyir bskyal ba communicating news, sending it out and abroad. phril vulg. for hril used by the herdsmen (Dok-pa) of Tibet: mtshan phril = mtshan hril whole or full night. phru gu v. phrug 3. phru ba + = (col. rdza ma ) earthen pot, pan, stew-pan. Syn. zan rdza ; mi tha ra ; bco rdza ; gYo snod ; khog ma (Moon.). phru ma + 1. the womb; also explained as meaning: phru ma gson por lpags pa bshu ba lta bu (Khrid. 46). 2. = pho brang a palace, castle; also = dmag sgar military encampment. phrug 1. (or phrug gu or phru gu ) child; the young of any animal, khyi phrug a pup. Syn. bu brgyud ; bdag skyes ; lus las 'phel ; brang skyes ; khye'u ; bus pa (Moon.). phrug gu skye ba to beget children, to bring forth a child; phrug gu chags pa pregnancy, a pregnant woman (Moon.); phrug gu gso ba to rear, to bring up a child; phrug gu shor pa a miscarriage, abortion; phrug gu'i dus infancy, childhood; da phrug orphan; nal phrug bastard; tshong phrug the merchants of a caravan in their relationship to their leader (J‰.). 2. fine cloth or woollen stuff: snam phrug woollen cloth; spu phrug fine strong serge of which the robes of Tibetan great men are made. phrugs or phrugs gcig one day with the night, a period of twenty-four hours: nyin zhag phrugs gcig gi bya ba the work of one full day (day and night) (A. 74); sdom gsum ldan pas nyin zhag phrugs gcig la nyams len ji ltar bya ba how one with three vows should observe (practise) them day and night or within 24 hours (Shil. 6). phrugs ma SANST [a period of three hours]S. phrum in phrum rus = cartilage, gristle (J‰.). phrum gsar in phrum gsar stobs bskyed khu ba 'phel a fresh phrum yields vigour and increases the semen; phrum phrum = rdog rdog . (EEE rdog rdog does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under phang phung 3.) phre'u = skye rags phra bo a fine sash; acc. to Cs. = phra mo . (EEE phra mo does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under phra 3 II.) phreng = rim pa SANST, SANST, SANST order, line, row, stratum. phreng po n. of a place in Tibet. phreng po zhi ba n. of the Lama of that place (Loo. za, 4). phreng ba 1. v. 'phreng ba 3. 2. SANST, SANST, SANST order, row, many in a line or order. Also SANST a garland, wreath; further = SANST, rosary, string of beads. phreng du bsgrigs pa (sdeb sbyor gi gral lta bu ) arranged like the order in chandas rhythm. phreng thag SANST a rope, garland; phreng ldan ma a cascade ('bab chu ) (Moon.). phreng ba ma SANST [a female garland-maker]S. phreng ba gsar SANST a Nepalese. phreng thogs an epithet of the god of love, Kama (B. ch. 5). phreng ba can 1. n. of the king of swans (Moon.) 2. SANST, SANST [a garland-maker, gardener, or florist]S. phred derivative from 'phrad pa to meet; and signifying that which meets or crosses over another, that which is aslant something else: phred la across, at an angle to, phred du id.; phred lam a path (horizontal or inclined) leading along the side of a mountain; phred gtan bolt or bar of a gate (J‰.). phro yas (grangs ) SANST n. of a numerical figure (S. Lex.). phrog pf. of dphrog pa , fut. 'phrog (Rdo. 46); but ordinarily dphrog is considered to be the fut. phrogs shig , imp. of 'phrog pa . phrob v. 'phrob 3. phrol or 'phrol , imp. of 'phral ba 3. phros v. 'phro ba 3. phrom n. of a country situated to the north-east of Yarkand and north of Tibet where Buddhism flourished in and before the 10th century A.D.; but thereafter it became desolate, though traces of its existence are occasionally discovered by travellers. This country in the 6th century A.D. is said to have been under the rule of king Gesar; acc. to Bon: byang phyogs ge sar phrom gyi yul in the north the country of Phrom of Gesar (G. Bon.). phrom sgrag prob. khrom sgrag public, known to all, trumpetted. 'phag pa pf. 'phags , to rise up, to be elevated, to raise oneself, be uplifted or raised, to ascend: khyed kun 'phags pa'i byi rlabs yin (I) am the divine instrument of your elevation (your elevation-blessing), he who will effect your ascent to heaven or deification (J‰.). slar bod nas 'phags nas da lta yan chod du however, from (the time of his) coming up from Tibet till now. (A. 135). 'phags pa is the equiv. of the Sanskrit Arya SANST sublime, exalted, raised-up: phal las 'phags par bzang ba a more than ordinary beauty (Dzl.); gzhan pas 'phags par gyur to he far excelled others (Dzl.); khyad 'phags or khyad par du 'phags pa distinguished, transcendant, glorious: yul las khyad 'phags rgya gar yul India, the most glorious country; nor sna khyad par 'phags pa brgya'i 'bul ba an offering of a hundred of the most costly kinds of jewels (J‰.). 'phags pa is a common prefix to the names of great deities and Bodhisattvas, e.g., 'phags pa an ras gzigs Arya Chenraisi, 'phags pa sgrol ma Arya Dolma or Tara. Buddha Sakya-thubpa is also par excellence 'phags pa , and this epithet standing alone always indicates him and may be used in lieu of his full name. 'phags skad or 'phags yul skad the language of the Aryas; the Sanskrit language. 'phags skyes po SANST one of the four Dikpala or guardian kings of the Faith; the guardian of the south. 'phags 'khrungs the birth place of the venerable ones; SANST the Buddhist name of India. Syn. rgya gar yul ; yul dbus ; bsod nams sa gzhi ; dbus 'gyur 'chang (Moon.). 'phags chen po SANST the celebrated, the illustrious. 'phags mchog or 'phags pa'i mchog SANST the most exalted, the most holy. 'phags mchog sems dpa' = 'phags pa'i dge 'dun the venerable body of saints. 'phags pa klu sgrub SANST v. klu sgrub 3. 'phags pa khye'u snang ba bstan pa the Sutras delivered by Buddha to a number of infants whereby, though left in a lonely house in the wilderness, they were not disturbed by wild beasts, etc. (K. d. nga , 421). 'phags pa dgyes pa SANST [the noble and graceful]S. 'phags rgyal SANST the city of Ujjayani (modern Ujjain in Malwa). 'phags pa can acc. to Bon, a name of the Kamaloka. 'phags pa thogs med SANST the founder of the Yogacharya school of Buddhism. He was high-priest in the Achintapuri monastery (Ajanta caves). 'phags pa zung gi mdo'i chos rnam grangs the enumeration of names in the Sutra of the two venerable ones (K. d. nga , 342). 'phags pa shing kun SANST a celebrated Buddhist sanctuary in Nepal. 'phags pa lha SANST the chief disciple of Nagarjuna who succeeded him in the rule of Nalendra. 'phags pa'i bskyod pa SANST [appeased]S. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "hphays..." which is clearly in error.) 'phags pa'i dge 'dun SANST the holy Buddhist church comprising monks, saints, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, etc. 'phags pa'i nor bdun the seven riches of a Buddhist saint:- (1) ma rig pa rgyud la skye ba ; (2) rang don du skyabs su 'gro ba ; (3) gzhan don du sems bskyed pa ; (4) tshe rabs kyi sdig pa bshags pa ; (5) phyi nang gi mchod pa 'bul ba ; (6) dad 'dun kyi gsol ba 'debs pa ; (7) mthar phyin du sngon gdab pa . The treasures of the saints, the wealth of the holy personages are: the wealth of faith, of pure morals, of modesty, of sensibility to Dharma, of attentiveness, of charity, of wisdom (K. d. pa, 55). 'phags pa'i tshogs SANST the assembly of the venerable. 'phags pa'i lam yan lag brgyad SANST; the eight accessories to the noble path of Nirvana:- (1) yang dag pa'i lha ba ; (2) rtogs pa ; (3) ngag ; (4) las kyi mtha' ; (5) 'tsho ba ; (6) rtsol ba ; (7) dran pa ; (8) ting nge 'dzin (K. du. ka, 164). [The equivalents in Sanskrit and English are:- (1) SANST right view; (2) SANST right thought; (3) SANST right speech; (4) SANST right action; (5) SANST right living; (6) SANST right exertion; (7) SANST right recollection, and (8) SANST right meditation]S. 'phags ma SANST the venerable lady or female saint. 'phags yul ( = bsod nams sa gzhi SANST) a Tibetan name of India. 'phags rigs the noble and venerable brotherhood or order. Syn. rigs chen ; rigs bzang ; skyes bu mchog ; skyes bu dam pa ; tshangs par od pa ; khrims la gnas pa ; nags na gnas pa ; dge slong (Moon.). 'phang also 'phangs , SANST height: 'phang du , 'phangs su in height; also adv. with dignity, with sublimity; dkon mchog gi dbu 'phang snad pa to lower, to detract from the sublimity of the most Precious (J‰.). 'phangs nas byon proceeded in a dignified manner, went on with cheerful confidence. 'phang mdung SANST a sling-hook or spear-head to which a string is tied and, being held fast, the spear-head is flung at a fish or bird. 'phang phung n. of a very large number: 'bn bcad 'phang phung khye'u tshang 'bang tshong . 'phang ba fut., and 'phangs pa pf., of 'phen pa 3. 'phang ma n. of a plant the fruit of which is used in medicine: 'phang ma'i 'bras bu snying tshad mo nad sel . 'phang lo = 'khor lo , SANST 1. a wheel, a cycle: 'phang lo tsam gyi go san (B. ch. 14). shing rta'i 'phang lo lta bu like the wheel of a vehicle; dus bzhi'i 'phang lo ltar like the cycle of the four seasons (Yig. 243). 2. a spindle; 'phang shing a weaver's spindle. 'phangs pa 1. shaken, thrown, cast out ( = bskyod pa 3), pf. of 3'phen pa 3 (Moon.). 2. frq. for phangs pa to spare, to save (Dzl.); 'phangs med gtong sems ldan liberal, bounteous, without restriction (J‰.). 'phan SANST thrown, cast out v. phan 3; 'phan byed pa to throw. 'phan pa + = nyams pa 3. 'phan po or 'phan yul (lha sa'i nye 'dab phyogs su yod pa'i yul zhig ) n. of the nearest alpine valley north of Lhasa. 'phan yul grab dkar one of the thirty holy places of Bon (G. Bon. 4). 'phan zel a kind of onyx: 'phan zel med pa'i mchog gi snying po (Sorig.); 'phan zel rin chen blta the onyx is to be looked on as most precious (Situ. 71). 'pham pa pf. pham to be defeated, subdued, vanquished, worsted; to succumb: rgya nag rnams bod pa las pham pa yin the Chinese were conquered by the Tibetans; 'pham par 'gyur ba or 'pham 'gro ba in C. to be defeated or worsted; 'pham par byed pa to cause defeat, to conquer; rgya rnams 'pham par byas he conquered the Chinese (Glr.); mi la ras pas bon chos kyis pham byas te Milaraspa overcoming the Bon religion by the doctrine of Buddha; mtsho ma pham the Ma-pham or Manasarovar Lake, so called because Milaraspa proved "unconquerable" there. yid pham pa down-hearted, dejected; yid pham po a low-spirited, dejected woman (J‰.). mi 'pham invincible: mi 'pham mgon po or mi 'pham chos kyi rje is an epithet of Jampal Bodhisattva. 'pham rgyal abbr. of 'pham pa dang rgyal ba victory and defeat in a battle or law-suit: 'khrug pa 'pham rgyal rim gyis 'ong victory or defeat are the respective consequences of a dispute. 'phar a panel, small plank. 'phar 'gro 1. = spre'u monkey, that which walks jumping (Moon.). 2. increase, advance. 'phar ba I: or phar ba SANST hill-dog, wild-dog, Cuon primúvus. Syn. nags khyi ; ri ags gsod ; mtsha' ; dpa' bas mtshan or dpal bes mtshan (Moon.). II: SANST (vb. n. to spor ba ) 1. to leap up, to fly up, to bound, to throb: rtsa 'phar the pulse is beating; sa la 'phar ba to fidget, to be restless (J‰.). 2. to be raised, elevated, promoted, advanced: go sa 'phar ba to be officially promoted; gong 'phar to increase or raise the price; yar 'phar ba to ascend forward; 'phar kha promotion, augmentation of position and pay in service: bstan don la 'gos sogs la deb nang la 'phar kha skabs thob brtsi (D. Shel. 10). 3. = bskyod pa to flutter, to move to and fro (A. 16). Syn. don 'phel ba ; rgyas pa ; mtho bar 'gyur ba ; dar ba (Moon.). 'phar ba mgo dgu n. of a malignant devil of the sa bdag class. 'phar chag abbr. of yar 'phar ba and mar chag pa . 'phar ma SANST = lhag pa or lhag ma excess, more than what is ordinarily required in worldly or religious matters; 'phar ma gtong ba refund or to pay up the excess (Rtsii. 60). 'phar ma'i dza dngul in colloq. special allowance or reward, extraordinary allowance (D. Shel. 10). 'phal ka á = ri mo (SANST) a figure or a painting. 'phal ga incision, indentation, notch (Cs.). 'phig pa or 'phigs pf. of 'bigs pa . 'phug pa occurs for 'bugs pa as in mig 'phug , etc. 'phung ba pf. phung to degenerate, to decay, to be in declining circumstances, to wear away. bod yul 'phung ba'i las a deed for the ruin of Tibet; those circumstances which brought ruin or decay; 'phur bar 'gyur ba to be ruined, to become decayed; 'phung bar byed pa , 'phung la sbyor ba , 'phung bar gtong ba or 'phung bar 'jug pa to ruin, to undo; 'phung dkrol the decay of fortune, ruin, degeneration. 'phung gzhi cause, occasion of decay. 'phungs pa SANST concourse of many people. 'phud pa to transfer, lay aside, to put apart: nang nas phyi la 'phud pa to remove a thing from inside (a house) to outside (of it). 'phub pa to set up, pitch: gur 'phub pa to pitch a tent: khyim 'phub pa to set up or erect a house. 'phur ba SANST, SANST; pf. phur 1. to fly; also, to fan, to flap to and fro: phur gyis phur ba to flutter. 'phur 'gro bird (Moon.); 'phur byed SANST flying. 2. = mnyed pa to rub with the hand, e.g., linen in washing; to scratch softly (J‰.). 'phul and 'phul can in Gram. the letters which are either prefixed or affixed to a basic word or letter are called 'phul ; e.g., in the word 'phul , phu is the basic while 'a and la prefixed and affixed to it for the formation of a word are called 'phul . A word that is so formed is called 'phul can , a term distinct from 'phul yig a prefix, i.e. one of the prefixed letters ga , da , ba , ma , and 'a . bas 'phul ka'o words with the initial ka and the prefix ba ; das 'phul med these receive no da as prefix; sa ra la rnams 'phul tshul ni the manner in which prefixes are joined with words beginning with sa , ra , or la . 'phul ba 1. = 'bul ba 3 to give, phar 'phul ba to give away (in charity). 2. SANST, SANST to press, to drive, to push, knock: gru mo'i 'phul rdeg cig byed pa to jostle with the elbow (Mil.); phyir 'phrol ba to turn out. lag pas phar 'phul ba to push out with the arms (J‰.). Syn. of 2. 'ded pa ; bskul ba ; sdigs pa ; gzir ba ; gnad du bsnan pa (Moon.). 'pheg v. pheg 3. 'phen pa pf. 'phangs , fut. 'phang , imp. phong , SANST; to throw, to fling; nam mkha' la 'phen to fling into the air (Dzl.); 'khor bar 'phen pa to throw into the orb of transmigration (Mil.); phyi rol tu 'phen par dgos so it must be thrown away or outside. mda' 'phen pa to cast an arrow; 'phen mi shes pa one that does not know how to shoot (J‰.). 'phen thag = zhags pa SANST a sling (Moon.). rgyang 'phen pa or 'jig rten rgyang 'phen pa SANST a philosophical sect of Ancient India, who were thorough atheists and whom both Brahmans and Buddhists condemned. (EEE Original has Brahmans for Brahmans above.) 'pher ba SANST [to raise]S. 'phel gtam = spel gtam harangue, speech, sermon, discourse. 'phel ba SANST, SANST pf. phel 1. to increase either in number or in size, to become more or larger: shing gi 'og la me tog phel byung the flowers under the tree had multiplied; gtum mo'i bde drod 'phel the pleasant warmth of mystic heat increases; gangs kyi phug las nga ra 'phel the air-blasts from the caverns of ice grow stronger; 'phel 'grib nad prob. diseases arising from an excess or deficiency of humours (Vai. so.). 'phel ka increase, development. 2. = brtsegs pa SANST [to collect together]S. As sbst. accumulation, collection, excess; = dar ba . 'phel ba can = rgyal po'i pho brang SANST palace, king's place (Moon.) [the upright post of a house]S. 'phel byed 1. = khyim bya domestic fowl (Moon.). 2. SANST growing, rising. 'pho ba pf. 'phos , imp. phos shig SANST, SANST to change place, go, move oneself away, migrate; myur du 'phos shig depart quickly! 'pho can gyi bde ba transitory happiness; 'pho 'gyur med pa'i rnal 'byor a yogi who is not subject to change; 'pho byed pa to move or shift anything: gur 'pho byas shifted the tent. tshe 'pho ba = tshe rabs brje ba SANST change of existence, 'chi 'pho ba or shi 'pho ba to exchange life, to die; 'pho skyas byed ba to remove from one place to another, transfer, change one's place: lung stod cig nas cig tu 'pho skyas lan dgu byas pas nine times he removed from one upland to another (Deb. ga, 54). 'pho ba grong 'jug = gdam ngag gis 'pho ba the translation of a soul, by the efficacy of gdam ngag or charms, from one body to another just vacated by death. 'pho bya = rnam shes the soul or VijÒana; 'pho byed = gdam ngag a charm, mantra. 'pho med thog ma tha ma med = dpal ldan dus 'khor SANST; the doctrine of Kalachakra Buddhism, which affirms neither a beginning nor an end in respect of the transmigration of the soul from one body to another (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "hpho-med thog-med-tha-ma-med" 'pho med thog ma med tha ma med which is could equally be correct.) 'pho lan 1. filling up by a newcomer of an appointment caused by the removal of or retirement of an officer: las tshan dga' ba yin na 'pho lan dang sa rigs nang chas la (D. Shel. 10). 2. taking over charge of office-accounts, &c., by an officer from a retiring official (Rtsii. 21). 'phos SANST death (A.K. 1-42), passing over; migration: ngang pa de dag go rim ma zhig par khye'u gsal ba ga la ba der 'phos shing gnas so those swans (in their turn) without break in their order, migrating wherever the boy Gsal-wa was, took up their station (Hbrom. kha, 35). 'phog pa pf. phog to strike, both in the figurative sense and materially: to affect, influence, to touch gnad du the main point; also, to hit (that which is aimed at). to impinge upon, fall upon. thugs la phog pa it struck his heart; mi'i sems la phog pa it affected the man's mind; zas sogs nad la phog pa the food, etc., affected the disease; kho la gza' yis phog song he was struck with epilepsy; 'bem la rgyang ring nas mda' phog song the arrow hit the target from a long distance. 'phog thug pollution in the case of a god, naga, demon, etc., but seems to be a proper name here:- gtam lo rgyus 'dra yod de 'phog thug che mi zer (Hbrom. 54). 'phong SANST archery; 'phong mkhan archer; 'phong od SANST archery. 'phong gi slob dpon SANST instructor in archery; 'phong gi spong sa or 'phong sa archery ground, the place from which arrows are shot at the target. 'phong gi dbye ba lnga or 'phong rkyen the five distinguishing features in archery: (1) rgyang ring nas 'phog pa to hit from a great distance; (2) mi 'tshor bar 'phog pa to hit without perceiving it; (3) tshabs che bar 'phog pa to hit with great force; (4) gnang du 'phog pa to hit at the main point, or object; (5) sgra grags par 'phog pa to hit at an object with a sound. 'phongs lcag = rta lcag a horse-whip (Moon.). 'phong tshos sitting-part, posteriors (Vai. so.), 'phong la skyon pa (Sch.) the riding of two persons on one horse (Sch. J‰.). 'phongs skyen 1. an epithet of king Rama (Moon.). 2. a good skilful archer (J‰.). 'phongs nas khrag 'dzag SANST [a stream of blood]S. 'phongs pa SANST 1. pf. 'phongs or phongs to be poor, indigent, unfortunate; with instrum. to be bereft of, to lose; rgyal po sras kyis 'phongs nas the king having lost his own son (Pth.). 2. adj. poor, unfortunate, dejected, disheartened (J‰.). 3. also phongs pa sbst. poverty; v. 'phong tshos 3. Syn. dbul po ; bkren po (Moon.). 'phod pa = phod pa 3 (Cs.). 'phon po a bundle, a bunch: de gnyis ka spen ma'i 'phon po re re'i steng du over each of the two respectively a bundle of tamarisk (Rdsa. 24). 'phob pa = 'bebs pa 3 (Sch.). 'phos v. 'pho ba 3. 'phya ba SANST, SANST, pf. 'phyas to blame, censure, chide. Also: to abuse, deride: 'phya gleng or 'phya ba'i gleng mo a scoffing or satirical discourse or story, etc. rnying ma'i gter byon gyi lugs rnams rnam par ma dag pa'i 'phya gleng the sectarian theories of the RÒio-ma gter-byon were satires on purity (Ya-sel. 58). 'phya tshig = snad pa'i tshig words of slander, curses (Moon.). 'phyag pa pf. 'phyags to sweep: phyags mas 'phyags pa swept with a broom. 'phyang ba pf. 'phyangs , to hang down, to be suspended; to hang on to (skra lta bu ) SANST, SANST; 'phyang bar gyur hanging down (A.K. 1-38); 'phyang bar ldan SANST flowing (A.K. 1-14) [a support or prop]S. dar sngon pa'i ke sha 'phyang ba a handkerchief of blue silk hanging down (from the hair); 'ju zhig 'phyang ba to cling to, to take a firm hold of (Thgy.); 'phyang thag sounding-line C. 'phyang 'phrul or 'phyang 'phrul gyi rgyan SANST, SANST suspended ornament; 'phyang ma SANST a wife, one clinging to her husband; any ornamental pendants, hangings, &c. 'phyang mo + = the tshom doubt, hesitation. 'phyangs SANST, SANST [a talkative one, a singer, a cuckoo]S. 'phyad in Sch. = pyad ; 'phyad can n. of a place (B. ch. 4). 'phyan pa + 1. in za zi'i 'khor lor 'phyan bzhin par SANST (Yig. 122). 2. acc. to J‰. = yan pa to ramble, to range, roam about, wander, stray from; 'phyan te 'gro ba to go wandering about. 'phyar (khang pa'i mda' yab kyang zer ) SANST the roof of a house. 'phyar kha blame, affront, disgrace (Sch.): 'phyar kha btang ba to use abusive language, to insult a person (Yig. k.). 'phyar pa SANST [sprinkling]S. 'phyar ba imp. 'phyor and phyor 1. to hoist, lift up; to hold aloft: sdig mdzub to lift up the finger (Mil.); dar 'phyar ba to hoist a flag; rta rlung 'phyor cig hang up the inscribed flags; 'phyar dar or dar 'phyar a flag. 2. (Cs.) to show, to represent, to excite, to waken; 'phyar ba byed pa to assume an alluring attitude. 'phyar ka can tempting, graceful, charming (J‰.). Syn. bkrab pa ; nges 'byed (Moon.). 'phyar ba can n. of a cemetery (Bon. ch. 5). 'phyar gYeng 1. = 'jog sgegs engaging, winning behaviour (J‰.). 2. 'phyas 'dogs pa back-biting, doing mischief, maliciously. 'phyi ba I: a marmot; colloq. 'phyi 'bigs "chhi-pik" or "chhi-pi," also called sgom chen on account of its hibernating during the winter like Buddhist monks who practise the state of suspended animation; = phyi ba . II: pf. phyis or 'phyis 'gyangs pa SANST; to be late, to be belated, to come too late; gal te 'phyis na if I have come too late; da khyod cung 'phyis pa yin you have come just a little too late (J‰.); 'phyi dgung chu la skya ba cab cab byung | late at night there was the chap-chap sound of the oars on the water (A. 67). III: = 'phyid pa to wipe, to wipe off; to remove, eradicate: mig las rdul 'phyi ba to wipe out dust from the eye; chibs ngang pa gser ldan 'phyi ma phram te|mdun du phyung (Yig. 14); skra 'phyi ba to pull out the hair; rlig pa 'phyi ba to remove the testicles (Sch.). 'phyig pa = 'khyig pa to bind (Sch.). 'phying sang the designation in the older writings of a minister of state of Tibet = the modern bka' blon 3. 'phyid pa 1. to suffice, be enough. 2. = 'phya ba or 'dangs pa . 'phyil ba for 'khyil ba to wind, to twist, the hair (Vai. so.) (J‰.). 'phyug pa or 'phyugs pa = nor ba to mistake, to be mistaken; = chug pa to miss: lam 'phyug pa to mistake the road; chu chod 'phyug pa to mistake the hour. 'phyugs po = nor mkhan the mistaker, one who commits a blunder; 'phyugs med without mistake or blunder: 'phyugs med yin khrul yin pas ma nor ba dgos pa 'dug those that are free from blunders should not be mistaken by those who have erred (Rtsii. 11). 'phyur ba 1. to ascend, to mount, to rise up, of smoke; to overflow, inundate, of rivers, lakes, etc. 2. Sch. to heap up, to accumulate. 'phye ba + pf. 'phyes to crawl, to creep, like snakes; 'phye ba chen po SANST; n. of a naga demon. 'phye bo 'phye mo a crawler, a cripple: dman rnams rtsa ba zos pa'i 'phye bo bzhin de ring sang la longs od dang lhan cig yongs su zad par 'gyur the most degraded with be utterly consumed together with their possessions, like cripples who have fed upon roots, on this day or the next (Tan. d. ge). 'phyen v. phyen 3 flatulence. 'phyo ba pf. 'phyos pa 1. SANST to move, throb, be agitated: sems nyid 'phyo zhing bla ma snying nas dran his heart throbbing remembered the lama (Rdsa. 24). [2. to soar, to float, in the air (Thgy.). 3. to flow forth, heave, smell, of fluids; 'phyi dar ba to undulate. 4. to range, roam about, gambol: rtse zhing 'phyo ba (the deer) gambols and skips; (Mil.); ri la 'phyo dgu the wild animal of the field Sch. 5. snying 'phyo (Sch.) 'the heart is swelling, courage rising'; shes pa 'phyo (Med.) consciousness gives way, is wavering, flitting] J‰. 'phyong 'gyur a large number: gzhal gzhi 'phyong 'gyur nya nyeng dang (Ya-sel. 57). 'phyong rgyas (Chongay) n. of a district of Lhokha in central Tibet (Rtsii. 35.) 'phyong rgyas sde pa the Governor of Chongay. 'phyong po khe ru n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 24). 'phyong ba 1. = skyong ba to protect. 'phyongs rgyas pride. 2. SANST [to lay aside, abandon]S. (Lish.). 'phyon ma a harlot, prostitute (Moon.); 'phyon mo byed pa to whore, to commit fornication; 'phyon ma'i bu = snad 'tshong ma'i bu a prostitute's son (Situ. 91). 'phyor ba 1. = phor ba to rave: kha 'phyor ba to speak deliriously. 2. v. phyar ba 3, also chor ba ; 'phyor po for mchor pa hence 'phyor dga' dandy, fop (J‰.). 'phyos ma 1. gifts to friends and relations. 2. purchase-price of a bride (J‰.). 'phra ba pf. 'phras to kick, to strike with the foot, struggle; 'phras rgyab pa id.; rtas 'phras rgyab yod kicked by a horse; shi 'phras death-struggle. 'phra shags 1. shaving clean; having shaved his beard (A. 95). 2. a kick: 'phra shags byed pa or rgyab pa to kick; de'i nyin bar 'phra shags byas nas ma zin during that day it having kicked about was not caught (A. 92). 'phrag pa = dkrog pa to stir up, to spur (a horse, etc.). 'phrang = gu dog po , or khrang a narrow passage which is difficult to pass: pha rol 'phrang la gshed mas khrid pa'i tshe when the messenger of death will lead one along the narrow path to the beyond (A. 9). lam 'phrang difficult pathway, a foot-path along a narrow ledge on the side of a precipice; bar do'i 'phrang the narrow passage across the abyss of the Bar-do (the state between death and rebirth); bar do'i 'phrang sgrol a prayer for escaping the isthmus of the Bar-do. 'phrang gyur ba = sems chags par 'gyur ba to be attached affectionately: de ma thag tu rje la 'phrang gyur kyang (A. 10); rgyal bus 'phrang ba'i tshig 'di slar gsol pa (A. 11) prayed again in the touching words of the prince. 'phrang 'phrul something hanging down (Sch.). 'phrad pa pf. and fut. phrad (phan tshun 'phrad pa ) to interview; meet together; de dang 'phrad do you shall meet him (Dzl.); de ni nga dang phrad mi thub him I cannot admit (Dzl.); bdag dang 'phrad par shog cig may it happen to me (Dzl.); byis pa'i ro zhig dang phrad do he found the dead body of an infant (Dzl.); 'phrad tshams (Sch.,) intersecting lines of two plains, corner, angle (J‰.). 'phrab pa = 'phra ba 3 and 3'khrab pa 3; 'phrab byed pa to flutter, of a bird wounded by a shot. 'phral or phral (bab bcol ) adj. and adv. the present, imminent, immediate, temporary; just now, immediately, this instant; 'phral la and 'phral du immediately, suddenly; colloq. 'phral 'phral la id.; da lta 'phral du 'tanta thel-tu' at once, this instant (Snd. Hbk. 93.); 'phral la nyid du = ipso facto, at once by that very circumstance: me yis rgyas pa lan gsum spro reg pa rngo ba rnam dag kyang 'phral la nyid du thal bar byed the fire springing up three times and increasing, those who were able to touch it, it caused to develop complete purity forthwith; 'phral la khro ba'i dug the poison of sudden anger. 'phral dang phugs what is going to happen immediately and at a later period, 'phral phugs gang la bzang that is good both now and in the more distant future; 'phral dang yun du now and in time to come; 'phral sog 'jog med pa not having laid up anything for present use (Mil.); 'phral gyi 'dug tshugs ngan pa a poor temporary dwelling, or also: a common ordinary dwelling (J‰.); phral yun present and future: phral yun bde 'bras la bsam thought of the present and future. phral rkyen immediate disaster; phral dgos immediate necessity; phral phugs the present and future; 'phral bde present comfort; 'phral sbyar SANST sudden coincidence; accidental meeting. As adj: 'phral skad = phal skad the common dialect, the colloquial language, the language of the common people or of common daily life: zhes 'phral skad la snang so you hear it in the language of the common people; sngar 'gro myong myong ba 'phral skad shes pa zhig la one who has been (in India) and knows the language of the people (A. 67). phral grig finished, ready, prepared. 'phral ba pf. phral , fut. dbral , imp. phrol acc. to J‰. vb. a. to 'bral ba and signifies: to separate, to part (with the word dang signifying "from") rtags dang phral he deprived them of their insignia (Glr.); srog dang 'phral ba to separate from life, to put to death (Glr.); also, without dang , = to cut, divide: zug tu 'phral ba to cut (cattle) into quarters (Mil.); lto ba phral ba to split open the belly. 'phri ba pf. and imp. phris , fut. dpri , vb. a., to diminish, to take away from: 'phri med rtsa chag tu 'jags pa dang gang yang khag 'phri med par gnas pa (Yig. k.). 'phrig pa to doubt, be undecided about; 'phrig tshud pa = sems la nges pa to be assured of. 'phrin 1 = phrin (yi ge dang lan gtong ba ) correspondence. 2. news, tidings, intelligence, message: 'phring bzang po good tidings, favourable accounts; phrin bkur mkhan messenger; 'phrin spring ba to send word, information, 'phrin khyer ba to bring tidings, intelligence. 'phrin skyel ba = gtam skyel to send a message; to give orders, communicate orders. 'phrin bzhag pa = mngags bzhag pa to make a verbal request, to leave orders. rgya gar nas byon na nga la skad thongs zhes pa'i 'phrin bzhag go he left a message (to the effect): do inform me when you have arrived from India (A. 66). 'phrin skyel ma = grogs mo SANST a mistress, a female friend (Moon.). 'phrin yig letter, epistle. 'prin lan answer to a message. 'phrin las SANST, SANST, SANST 1. resp. for las affair, business; deed, work: de 'dras 'phrin las kyi phyir du with regard to such matters. 'phrin las rnam bzhi the four kinds of religious service, enumerated as zhi rgyas dbang drag gi phrin las milder worship, abundant service, religious service to obtain power, and terrific methods in coercing deity by charms. 'phrin las 'chol ba , 'phrin bcol byed pa to commit a thing to another person's care; in reference to gods, to recommend to their protection or blessings (Glr.). 2. efficiency, power (Mil.). 3. personal n. in Tibet. 'phrin las sras acc. to Bon. incarnate being. 'phrin 'gan pa = 'phrin bskur ba or lan bskur to send a reply (Oag. 9). 'phru ba 'phru ma v. phu ba 3, etc. (J‰.). 'phrug pa pf. phrugs SANST to scratch one's body: 'phrugs tu 'jug pa SANST begins to scratch. 'phrul (occasionally only occurs as 'phrul ba ) black art and magic, of an illicit and irregular character rather than the orthodox performances, though not always so. 'phrul can or 'phrul gyi has the adjectival sense of transformed, illusionary, magical: 'phrul gyi stobs magical power or force; 'phrul gyi chibs ngang pa transformed into the form of an ochre-coloured horse. cho 'phrul orthodox magic rite; rdzu 'phrul subtle miracle, magical tricks; rnam 'phrul (abbr. for rnam par 'phrul ba ) sorcery of an undesirable type: skye gzhan la yang 'dod pa'i rnam 'phrul sorcery which even lasts after another re-birth; mig 'phrul optical illusion; 'phrul pa po magician, illusion-worker. 'phrul 'khor in modern times is used to designate any machine turned by a wheel, but is really: magic circles; which are of three series:- I: dgra'i rdzong 'joms pa'i 'phrul 'khor magical circles to lay siege to an enemy's fort and to capture it; subdivided into seven kinds:- (1) rdo'i 'phrul 'khor the magic circle of stone, discharging of missiles to capture a fort situated on a plain; (2) gru'i 'phrul 'khor the magic circle of boats to capture a floating fort; (3) 'bru mar gyi 'phrul 'khor the magic circle of fire (burning grain and butter) to blockade a fort situated on a hill; (4) gri gug gi 'phrul 'khor the magic circle of a sabre to besiege an enemy's fort with swords; (5) rlung gi 'phrul 'khor the magic circle of wind for the purpose of blowing away the top of a fort situated on a hill; (6) rdo rje gur kyi 'phrul 'khor the magic circle of a Rdo-rje tent made of iron-sceptres, to break through or demolish the ramparts of a fort; (7) lcags mda'i 'phrul 'khor the magic circle of iron arrows, to kill war-elephants equipped with coats of mail. II: rang gnas bsrung ba'i 'phrul 'khor magical circles intended to defend one's own place: (1) ral gri'i 'phrul 'khor the magic circle of swords which remain concealed under the ground for the purpose of protecting a king's palace; (2) the magic circle of chariots on which the warriors sit. III: dgra las rgyal nas bde bar od pa'i 'phrul 'khor magical circles of triumph for enjoying peace and prosperity after conquering an enemy: (1) the king's superb mansions to view the arrival of his forces; (2) arrangements for sights, entertainments and amusements; (3) magic wheel for water-sports, etc. (Dus-kho. 330). 'phrul gyi 'khor lo magic wheelóin ancient literature merely a fantastic attribute of gods, etc. (J‰.). 'phrul dga' SANST n. of a heavenly abode where the gods enjoy prosperity and happiness by their own merits and miraculous efforts (So-rig. 34). 'phrul cha = go cha miraculous dress, i.e., coat of mail: 'phrul cha la sogs pa thogs nas being equipped with coat of mail, etc. (D.R.). 'phrul thur catheter (S. g., J‰.). 'phrul snang delusion, mockery; miraculous; n. of the famous temple of Buddha at Lhasa built by king srong btsan sgam po at the instance of his Nepalese wife, the daughter of king Amsuvarman. 'phrul ba 1. (by its form intrs. to sprul pa ; acc. to Cs. both are identical in meaning) = 'phrul rnam par 'phrul ba du ma many transformations, magic tricks. 2. = 'khrul ba to be mistaken, to err, to make blunders. 3. to separate, sort, discriminate, the good from the bad, truth from falsehood (J‰.). (EEE The original has "by its form intrs. to 'sprul ba ". This is an error of understanding, 'phrul ba not being a verb and as well, the spelling given of the supposed transformation is impossible. Nonetheless the transliteration confirms the spelling of sprul pa 3 which is the cognate verb.) 'phrul pa'i mig can = phug ron a pigeon. 'phrul za lha'i sgron ma n. of a Bon goddess; 'phrul za snan mo btsun another Bon goddess (D.R.). 'phrul bshen the miraculous Bshen-rab founder of the Bon religion (Jig. 26). 'phre ba pf. 'phres to incline, to lean against, to put down, to lay down; 'phre byed pa id. 'phreng or 'phreng ba 1. to fasten, be fastened to, be affixed to, be arranged (especially in a settled and orderly manner): sems la 'phreng ba to fasten or bear in the mind. 2. as sbst. an array, consecutive placing, regular order; SANST, SANST (A.K. 1-4) mang po gral la bsgrigs pa = gcig gi rjes su gcig 'gro ba a great number of things arranged in order, also one after another often in rapid succession; mun sel sgron me'i 'phreng tshar du dngar the lamp-lights which remove darkness are in fine array; rgya mtsho'i rlabs 'phreng the array of the waves of the sea. 3. a chain, wreath, file, series, string of anything: me tog gi 'phreng ba a wreath, a garland of flowers; gangs ri'i 'phreng a chain of snowy mountains; nags kyi 'phreng ba a circle of woods; shing rta'i 'phreng ba bdun seven sets of chariots (Pth.); yig 'phreng a row of letters, a line; 'phreng ba 'dogs pa to bind a wreath; 'phreng rgyud mkhan a seller of flower wreaths, garlands. Syn. for garland: me tog mkhan po ; 'phreng ldan ; me tog gis 'tsho ; me tog can ; me tog rab tu sog byed ; me tog od byed (Moon.). 'phreng ba a string of beads, rosary; mu tig 'phreng ba rosary of pearls. 'phred or 'phred la adv. across, transversely, by the transverse way, by the oblique passage. 'phro 1. progress, continuation, process; 'phro la in progress, in process; 'phro bzhag pa to lay the continuation aside, to put if off; 'phro thud pa to continue again, once more. 2. = lhag ma , rgyun remainder, continuity: 'phro lus song a remainder, the rest, is still left. 'phro skye n. of a great number (Ya-sel. 57). 'phro ba pf. 'phros vb. n. of spro ba 1. gen. with las from, to proceed, issue, emanate from, to spread, diffuse; sku 'od zer 'phro ba a body from which rays of light proceed, a body sending forth light (Cs.). 2. to proceed, to go on, continue. 'phro 'chad pa or 'phra gcod pa to discontinue, cease from, halt: bya ba ngan pa 'phro chod discontinue evil doings! 'phro blangs resumption of an unfinished work: jo bos 'phro blangs te rtsod pa byas pas jo bo rgyal (A. 32), the lord having taken up the controversy (where it was left by his predecessor) came out victorious. 'phro ma chad pa = rgyun ma chad pa without interruption, keeping the continuity: mi rabs bdun du me 'phre ma chad pa the fire was not put out during seven generations (A. 2). 'phro bshol = mtshams bzhag postponement, putting off. pan Ti ta gdan 'dren pa'i phro bshol the invitation of the pandit was postponed (A. 127). 'phrog (fut. of phrog acc. to Rdo. 46), pf. and imp. phrogs , fut. dbrog to rob, run away with; to deprive of; appropriate, embezzle: bu mo'i kha las rna rgyan rnams phrogs song ravished the ear-ornaments from the girl's face; sems nyid 'phrog pa to take another man's heart, to run away with his affections, to captivate him (J‰.). 'phrog tu 'byung ba to be lost. rab tu 'phrog byed pa SANST (A.K. 1-42). 'phrog pa'i rdzas booty, stolen goods. 'phrog byed SANST as epithet variously applied: 1. the sun, the wind-god, the lord of death, Indra, the sky, wind, the 21st constellation Shravana. 2. myrobalan, white-pepper, mercury. 3. lion, a hero (Moon.). 4. symb. num. 11 (Ya-sel. 54). 'phrog byed gtam SANST met. the cuckoo. 'phrog byed dbang po = the lion: 'phrog byed dbang po bdun gyis btegs pa'i nor bu'i khri 'phang mngon mtho'i drung du to him who sits on the exalted throne of gems borne by seven lions (Yig. k. 4). 'phrog byed mig SANST, SANST, as met. = the scorpion (Moon.); acc. to S. Lex. = spal pa the frog [also, a crab]S. 'phrog byed yum an epithet of the mother of Virnu (Moon.). 'phrog byed sa bon SANST [yellow orpiment]S. 'phrog yas SANST n. of a number. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "phog. yas" which is clearly in error.) 'phrod offering (of present) = sprod pa resp. 'bul ba ; 'phrod bzhes (salutation) good health (Yig. k.). 'phrod bsten pa recruiting of health when convalescent by a change or by resorting to mineral springs, etc. 'phrod pa 1. pf. phrod vb. n. to sprod pa to be given, bestowed, offered delivered. 'phrod 'dzin receipt, quittance; ngos 'phrod pa to recognise know, perceive. nor 'phrod presents: nor 'phrod khyed rang dang mjal kyang 'di ltar (A. 127). 2. = phan pa or mthun pa adj. fit, proper, suitable, agreeing with, congenial to: pho bar 'phrod agreeing with the stomach; mi 'phrod zas unwholesome food; mi 'phrod pa not acting (when medicine has not the desired effect) C.; rje btsun la sa cha 'di 'phrod dam is this place agreeable to your reverence? 'phrod pa nyer brgyad or gza' dang skar ma 'phrod pa'i ming rnams SANST, SANST the astrological terms for harmony of influence in the destiny of a person: (1) kun dga' , (2) dus dbyig , (3) dul , (4) skye rgu , (5) gzhon , (6) bya rog , (7) rgyal mtshan , (8) dpal be'u , (9) rdo rje , (10) thob ba , (11) gdugs , (12) grogs , (13) yid , (14) 'dod , (15) 'gal me , (16) rtsa ton , (17) 'chi bdag , (18) mda' , (19) grub , (20) mdung , (21) bdud rtsi , (22) gtun shing , (23) glang po , (24) stag myos , (25) zad pa , (26) gYo , (27) brtan , (28) 'phel (Rtsi.). 'phrob pa = 'phrab pa 3 (Sch.). 'phrol ba = 'phral ba 3 (Sch.). 'phros (from 'phro ba 3 q.v.) = lhag lus residue (Situ. 114), excess of what is actually required, remainder, balance; 'phros 'os kyang 'tshal grant me that residue, let me have the remainder (Yig. k.). ba the fifteenth letter of the Tibetan alphabet sounded variously according to position or from usage as b, p or w. I: 1. an affix sounded as wa for use of which v. ante under pa 3. 2. in Budh. ba is symbolical of the primordial which is simple and absolute, i.e., 'dus ma byas pa eternal and unchangeable; ba also represents sangs rgyas kyi stobs bcu the ten moral powers of Buddha (K. my. ka, 208), and further demonstrates the doctrine of Buddha in the Dharmartha for the salvation of mankind (K. d. na, 114). 3. in mysticism, ba is held to signify sha meat and also za ba to eat (K. g. kha, 179). II: also ba mo SANST a cow; ba glang a bull; ba cu (colloq.) a cow; ba 'jo SANST a herdsman, cow-driver; ba phrug calf; ba rmig a cow's hoofs; ba rmig gi chu the water collected in the impression of a cow's foot on the ground, to denote a very small quantity of water (Dzl.); ba nyal mdzo grod (las mi byed par ba 'dra ba nyal sdad de lta mdzo lta ba za ba ) (Yig. k.) to idle away time doing no work; compared with a cow which lying down chews the cud and does nothing more. Syn. 'jo ma ; 'o 'phel ; 'o mo 'ching ; 'bab byed ; lus ldan ; zho srung byed ; ba mo ; nu rgyas ma ; yongs 'jom ; bzhon ma ; grus ma (Moon.). ba glang skyong ba SANST; a low caste in India whose profession it is to tend cattle (Ya-sel. 55). ba glang ldan n. of a Yakrini of Rohita who, having invited Buddha with his followers to her place, in honour of this visit caused 500 vihara to be built miraculously (K. du. pa, 298). ba glang od SANST n. of a fabulous continent to the west of Jambudvipa, and so called because cows feed on the lands and form the main wealth of the people (K. du. na, 286). ba glang mig + 1. SANST a small opening in the wall of a house for light and air. 2. n. of a medicinal flower and of millet (Moon.). ba glang rdzas = spang rgyan me tog (Moon.). ba glang bsrung = thal dres snan , uta pa la 3 (Moon.). (EEE thal dres snan does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under 3klu yi lce 3.) ba glang lce = khur mangs . (EEE khur mangs does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but khur mang 3 appears to be an alternate spelling.) ba brgya SANST a spider's web. ba ka á SANST n. of a tree (K. ko. ka, 3). ba ku la á 1. n. of a Preta (K. my. kha, 288). 2. n. of a flower (that of Mimusops elengi) which becomes full-blown when smelt by a woman who has the scent of wine in her mouth (Yig. 41). ba kan sel n. of a medicine which cures phlegm. ba dkar 1. white. 2. lime, lime-stone (Schtr.). ba gam SANST, SANST a dome on the top of a house: gser gyi ba gam a golden dome (A.K. 1-4); ba gam 'od tshogs the glittering dome; bdud rtsi'i ba gam the celestial castle (Yig. k. 2). ba gam acc. to J‰. is a certain part of the timber work of a roof, something like pinnacle, battlement; ba gam can = rgyal po'i pho brang king's palace also ba grus ma SANST milch-cow (Moon.). ba car SANST [a piece of cloth to cover the secret parts; the hem of a lower garment]S. ba Di yAa la á = flax. Syn. sha Na'i me tog ; dril bu'i sgra ; stobs can (Moon.). ba ti in Sikkim and the West: dry grain-measure equal to four pounds. ba ti ka a small long measure, one seventh of a barley-corn. ba tu ba n. of a country mentioned in Bon works (B. Ch. 4). ba thag 1. cob-web, or thread which is drawn from the spider's body. 2. root, stalk of fruit (J‰.). ba da na á = gdong the face (mystic) (K. g. kha, 26). ba da ra á jujube fruit = rgya shug (Ya-sel. 43). ba de a tree: ba de'i 'bras bus tshi gus bu rtse byed . ba dan sen po a demon of the Naga class. ba dan SANST (A.K. 111-28) acc. to Lish an ensign with pendent silk strips; acc. to J‰. a kind of dagger set upright, a semblance of which often attends apparitions of the gods. ba dan 'dzin ma (Beng) SANST flagholder; carrier of a standard. ba bde rnam 'dzom n. of a village in the neighbourhood of Stod-luo (Rtsii.). ba ti la n. of a tree (Lao. Yig. 36). Syn. ma no ha ; ldong ros (Moon.). ba nu a mineral medicine: ba nus chu ba rgyas pa'i nad rnams sel (Med.). ba spu SANST, SANST, little hairs of the body; ba spu can hairy, covered with hair; ba spu med bald. Syn. lus skyes ; pags pa'i myu ga or gu ; pags pa'i me tog (Moon.). ba spu langs pa SANST hair standing on end (out of fear). Syn. spu zing ; spu ldangs ; spu gYo ba ; spu long ; ba spu'i rnam 'gyur (Moon.). ba spu'i khung bu SANST pore; ba spu ldang SANST, joyful. ba bla (pron. babla) SANST, SANST yellow arsenic; yellow orpiment: ba blas rmen ngan rul pa gcod yellow arsenic is an antidote against indolent sores and ulcers. Syn. sa 'og phreng ba ; sna tshogs mdog ; ba glang so ; gar gyi brgyan ; ba spu lhung ba ; byi bla'i mig (Moon.). ba 'bog W. clod, lump of earth. ba men SANST (Moon.) the gayal wild-ox (Bos gavúus). Acc. to Tibetan accounts the Gayal are indigenous to the Chittagong hill tracts and are also abundant in the forests of Pemakod where it has been with some success domesticated and yields good milk, but the Sanskrit name given in Moon. evidently refers to the yak-cattle of Tibet and Higher Asia. In Lam. gangs ri ba men is often mentioned and is certainly the yak of Tibet. ba mo 1. a cow (Moon.). 2. hoarfrost. Syn. of 2. nam mkha'i rlangs pa ; rdul gyi chu ; mkha'i zil pa (Moon.). ba mo'i byi'u SANST [the bird Cuculus melanoleucus, according to the legend living only upon rain-drops]S. Syn. ston ka od ; lan cig dga' ; tsa ta ka'i rgyal ; char mtshon byed ; char rta ; dga' ba'i sil snyan ; tshangs spas (Moon.). ba tsi ger gling á n. of an island: kha che'i dge tshul gcig gis ba tsi ger gling zhes grags (A. 55). ba tshwa 1. described loosely as rgya mtsho'i chu sea-water (Ya-sel. 40). 2. impure soda incrusting the ground near salt lakes. ba tshwa can = tshwa sgo can SANST; salty, briny; ba tshwa can gyi mtsho a lake of soda-salt; ba tshwa'i skyur rtsi muratic acid (Cs.). ba â bo Zi á n. of an Indian Buddhist, born in the country of Malaya, who visited China accompanied by his pupil Amogha Vajra during the reign of Emperor Ming Hung of the T'ang dynasty (Grub. 7). ba yi nu ma 1. cow's dug or teat. 2. = rgun 'brum grapes (Moon.). ba ra po Ta described as ri ags kyi gras a wild animal of the deer class (K. d. za, 374.). ba ri n. of a solitary monastery on the top of a hill in Tsang (Deb. ga, 35). ba ru ra SANST a species of myrobalan [the plant Terminalia belerica]S. ba ru ra yis bad mkhris chu ser sel (Med.). Syn. ta ga ; ba £ ; ri li ; kar Sa'i 'bras bu ; mig gi rtsa ba ; mig can ; tshim byed (Moon.). ba re nang n. of a place in Tibet (Yig. 98). ba la ka á SANST a tree [Sida cordifolia]S.: ba la ka dang tsan dan dang (K. g. tha, 210). ba la sha á n. of a Tirthika king: de'i tshe ba la sha mu stegs can gyi rgyal po'ang sangs rgyas mya ngan las 'das nas zhag bdun gsum lon nas gdod tshor te (K. my. kha, 526). ba la ha á SANST [cloud]S. cang shes ba la ha is a tamchok or wonderful horse of Indra famous like Alexander's Bucephelus. ba lang like ba glang also lung bong , a bullock: ba lang skyong ma a woman tending bullocks; ba lang bgrang v. ba lang dbang phyug below. ba lang gi mkhris SANST [bullock's bile used as medicine by Hindus]S. ba lang gi 'gros SANST cow's foot-mark holes; ba lang gi phrug SANST, SANST [a young elephant]S.; ba lang kha zho sngon pa n. of a wild animal of the deer species (K. ko. ka, 2); ba lang khra bo a spotted or parti-coloured bullock; ba lang dbang phyug a herdsman, keeper or tender of cattle; ba lang sna SANST tobacco leaf; lit. bullock's nose; ba lang mig SANST [a cowkeeper]S. ba lang rmig pa SANST [1. bullock's hoof; 2. the plant Asteracantha longifolia]S. ba lang rmig rjes SANST [cow's foot]S. ba lang tshogs SANST [a cowshed]S. ba lang rji SANST [a cow-keeper]S. ba la sangs gYen la 'then n. of the son of mu sangs la 'then (G. Bon. 23). ba lu SANST species of fragrant arborescent plants (rhododendrons) growing in the Himalaya and Tibet the bark and leaves of which are used as incense by Tibetans; its flowers are called da li (Lish.). ba lu ka n. of an aquatic insect (K. du. tha, 241). ba ling ga Na'i shing á SANST [a species of creeper]S. Syn. shing kun can ; ngan dga' ma ; seng mo snod ldan ; 'jug byed . ba sha ka á SANST [the plant Justicia ganderussa]S. Syn. rta yi so can ; seng ge'i gdong ; gnas can ma ; rtag tu khro ; seng ge can ; khyu mchog ; snan pa'i ma (Moon.). ba shu W. a virulent boil, ulcer (J‰.). ba so 1. a large village in Tsang (Loo. za, 9); ba so chos kyi rgyal mtshon a celebrated lama of that place. 2. ivory, tusks of elephant: ba so mkhan worker in ivory. ba hi ka á a bird (K. my. ka, 18). ba hwa here ba = 'dus ma byas pa simple, not compounded, and hwa = 'dus byas therefore mi rtag pa transient and unsteady (K. my. ka, 208). £ á = khur lci ba khyer ba carrying heavy burdens, hence it signifies a Bodhisattva of Mahasatta who is capable of carrying heavy moral responsibilities, i.e., the burden of the anuttara samyak-dharma on his shoulders (K. my. ka, 208). £ ke ra kuTa á n. of a town in the country of Tamal (Dsam.). £ ga na á = mkha' 'gro ma a fairy, in mysticism (K. g. kha, 26). £ dra la á = £ dra la'i phye ma (K. g. ca, 45). £ ra ta á king Bharata (from whom the Pauranic name Bharat Varra has been derived); the second step-brother of king Rama. £ ra ta lhag par gnas pa zhes bya ba'i gling n. of a continent (K. g. ra, 342). £ ra na á an Indian Buddhist pandit who with his colleague Matanga visited China during the reign of Emperor Han Mingti, and first introduced Buddhism there about A.D. 61. (Grub. da, 7). £ len tra á SANST the country Varendra (North Bengal): shar phyogs £ len tra na mu stegs kyi lha rten mang po yod in the eastern quarter in Bhalentra there were many Buddhist images and symbols (A. 60). £nga ga la á Bangala (modern Eastern Bengal): £nga ga la pa thams cad dmag tu sbran nas (king Deva Pala) summoning all the Bangala-pa into war (A. 60). £‡ = 'dres mixed (mystic) (K. g. kha, 179). bra Ç da ºi á n. of a medicinal (vegetable) drug: bra Ç da ºi dang |byi tang ka dang |ru rta dang |nA ga ge sar dang |go la byin zhing |rgyal mtshan byugs nas 'dod pa byas na bud med dbang du 'gyur ro (K. g. ca, 49). bag I: 1. = cung zad a little, slight: snum bag chags pa a little oil was on it (A. 133). 2. a primary signification of this word seems to be: a narrow space; fig. bag dog pa to be straitened, in necessitous circumstances (K. d. 'a, 337). acc. to J‰. attention, care, caution, relative to physical and moral evils or contaminations; bag med inattentiveness; ra ro dang po bag med pa the beginning of intoxication is the disappearing of attention; as adj. or attribute: careless, unrestrained, fearless; mi bde ba'i bag med fearless of misfortune (Dzl.). Seen also below under bag med . II: meal (generally of barley, the staple food of the Tibetans) bag phor bowl to keep barley flour; bag phye barley flour; bag skyo thin pap or porridge of meal; bag zan thick pap, dough; bag dron warm porridge; bag sbyar paste; bag sbyin lute, putty, a compound of meal and glue; bag leb or bzhes bag C. cake or bread. bag skar or bag skar rtsis astrological calculation regarding good and bad luck at the selection of a bride. bag khag brick of tea weighing 6 lb. (Rtsii. 70). bag 'khums pa 1. = blo chung ba timid, also little-minded (Moon.). 2. acc. to Sch. to be afraid of. bag glu marriage songs, i.e., those sung on the occasion of a marriage by women. bag chags SANST, SANST, SANST habit, inclination propensity: tshe sngon ma'i bag chags SANST; the habits or propensities of a former life. bag chags bzang good propensities. bag chags gsum acc. to the Bon, the three vices of mind, body and speech (B. Nam.). bag chags rang grol n. of a religious work of the RÒio-ma school. bag dro ba in easy circumstances; also, a cheerful state of mind (A. 149). bag ldan modest, discreet, temperate, careful; one possessed of self respect: bag dang ldan par gyis shig behave honestly (Hbrom. 106). Syn. bag yod ; khrel yod ; ngo tsha'i tshul can ; ngo tsha shes pa (Moon.). bag phebs = spro ba (sems lhod po blo bde ba byas nas ) with a cheerful mind; without care, anxiety or fear. Adv. bag phebs par = spro bar at ease, leisurely, without any hurry: khyed rang rnam pa bag phebs par gzims you gentlemen sleep without any anxiety or fear, i.e., being at ease (A. 130). bag pa as a verb. to be afraid, to be apprehensive of, to be anxious; bag 'bebs pa to drop, abandon, cast away all fear. bag tsha ba = snying la tsha langs byed pa 1. to be afraid, panic-struck; to be convulsed out of fright: bag tsha ba ci yang ma byung ba'i bar du in the meanwhile there arose no apprehension or cause of uneasiness whatever (A. 27). 2. sbst. fear, timidity, anxiousness; bag tsha med pa fearlessness (J‰.). bag mi tsha intrepid, fearless; as sbst. one who does not become affected by threat, fear, or danger; a hero, an intrepid person. bag yod = bag ldan a prudent person; one who is pious, law-abiding, temperate, dutiful, discreet and conscientious in his dealings: rtag tu bag yod mi rnams la|'jig rten kun gyis phyag byas shing all the world bows to those who at all times possess self-restraint and honesty (K. d. 'a, 113). bag med SANST impious, dishonest, immodest, impudent, indiscreet, etc. bag med dgra yi mchog yin pas|bag med rnams la chags mi byed|shin tu bag med lha rnams ni|yang dang yang du dmyal bar lhung (K. d. 'a, 107) a dishonest and impudent person is the chief of all enemies, do not be attached to such a man; the immodest gods again and again fall into perdition; bag med pa zhes bya ba ni gang gis dge ba'i chog mi bsgrub cing |nyon mongs pa'i nang du song te|sdig pa'i las mi spong ba'o he who not performing works of piety falls into misery and does not give up works of sin is called bag-med-pa. bag med pa'i gnas , SANST [place of mistakes]S. bag yod pa SANST [absence of mistake, carefulness]S. reverence, fear, self-respect, self-control; as adj. chaste, careful, conscientious; bag po adj. = bag yod pa (Cs.). bag yangs sbst. SANST [a striking]S. as adj. intrepid. bag ma SANST newly married wife, a bride; bag po bridegroom; bag gYog ma a maid-servant who waits upon a bride; bag rogs = bag gYog attendants on a bride at the time of marriage; bag log the return of the bride accompanied by her husband for the first time after marriage. bag mar btang ba , SANST given in marriage; bag mar blang ba = mna' mar blang ba SANST to take as wife, to marry; bram ze zhig gis bu mo zhig bag mar blangs a Brahman took a girl for his wife. (K. du. da, 261). Syn. bag gsar ; dang po'i rdul can ; khyo 'dam ma ; lag 'dzin ma ; lhan cig od ma ; nya bzung ma ; chos bcas ma ; khyim gsar ; mchis brang (Moon.). (EEE In the original the synonym is given as lhan cig ad ma with correct transliteration "lhan-cig spyod-ma". The meanings for the word with corrected spelling are "wife", "woman head of the household".) bag tsam nyung tsam or cha tsam , SANST; a little; nor bag tsam re each a little money (Mil.); dang ga bag tsam bde the appetite is growing a little better; bag tsam pa slight, insignificant, trifling (J‰.). bags + = rims slowly, gradually, one after another, by degrees; bags kyis = rims kyis : bags kyis ri bo bags kyis 'dzegs climbed up the hill slowly, i.e., by degrees (A. 131). bags kyis gzhol = chu klung . bang SANST 1. foot-race: bang rgyug pa to run a race. bang mchong 'gros or rkang pas 'du byed movement or gesture of the feet in dancing (Moon.); also = gom pa chen po rgyab pa making long strides, or paces in running (Moon.). 2. courier: bang gtong ba despatching a messenger, also running. bang khri shelf: bang khri gsum brtsegs a shelf in three steps or tiers (Rtsii. 55). bang chen or bang chen pa = 'phar ma , SANST [one going down, descending]S. swift messenger, courier: gzhung don gyi bang chen mi sna sogs la song khra bkod pa (Rtsii.). Syn. pho nya ; nyan rna ; 'phrin skyel ; bang phyin (Moon.). bang ba or bang mdzod store-room, store-house, corn magazine, also treasury; bang khang id.; bang phud the first-fruit offering from the barn (J‰.); dbus bang cup-board, press (J‰.). Syn. mdzod khang ; 'dun khang ; longs od gnas (Moon.). bang mdzod pa = phyag mdzod pa 3. Syn. mdzod pa ; mdzod 'dzin pa (Moon.). bang rim = khri 'phan SANST the steps of a chorten; terrace-steps: dbang phyug gis rang gi mdun nas ri rab kyi bang rim la gnas par byed do from the front of Isvara to the first terrace step of the Sumeru they are made to reside (phyi grub , Theg. 33). bang so or bang po a tomb, monument, but esp. graves of kings, royal monuments or tombs. bangs po = rlon pa wet, moist (Moon.). bad [1. moisture, humidity W. 2. edge, border: bad ni gser the edge is of gold Sch.]J‰. bad ka C. a plant similar to mustard yielding oil (J‰.). bad ti ka á n. of a bird (K. ko. ka, 3). bad sa n. of a tribe or class (K. du. cha, 333). bad kan SANST mucous, phlegm: bad kan 'joms that which removes phlegm. bad snug = bad kan snug po convulsions, choleraic cramps (Mog. ch. 5). bad sa la'i rgyal po 'char byed la gdams pa'i mdo the Sutra on the instruction given to Hchar-byed the king of Badsala. Buddha perceiving that the time had arrived to convert the king of Badsala proceeded to that country with his attendants and followers. The king about this time was proceeding to invade the city of gzham gser can ; and, meeting Buddha on the way, became annoyed and asked what business that wicked man (alluding to Buddha) had in shooting arrows at him, the arrows rising in the air miraculously and sounding the following verse:- zhe sdang gis ni sdug bsngal bskyed|'dir yang sha thang 'thab dang rtsod|phyi mar dmyal ba'i sdug bsngal 'byung |des na zhe sdang 'thab rtsod spang | (K. d. 337). But listening, the king perceived the truth and become converted to Buddhism. bad sa la'i rgyal po 'char byed kyis zhus pa'i mdo the Sutra delivered at the prayer of Hchar-byed king of Badsala. In this the story is told of the illicit connection which Buddha was said to have had with queen Syama, a story set afloat by queen Anupama the daughter of Madhu. When the malicious design of the enemies of Buddha was perceived by the truth having been brought to light, the king with his wife became firm believers in the religion of Buddha (K. ko. ca, 350). ban skya á (ban = ban de a Buddhist monk or priest, skya = a layman) ir ban skya thams cad skyabs 'gro la bkod pas compelled all the priests and laymen in general to take refuge in Buddhism (A. 103). ban klang + = ba klang ox, bull. ban bun 1. = dza re dzo re little by little. 2. = na bun , snag pa . ban Z á or £na Z 1. = thod pa skull, cranium; prob. SANST (a skull used in Tantrik rites as a vessel for drinking water or wine). 2. n. of a great mountain situated to the north of the snowy mountains of Kakari, and filled with medicinal plants and minerals; a kind of animal which can at will transform itself into a lion having eight feet lives there. (Lam. 36). ban de á SANST worshipful, venerable, a Buddhist monk or priest. ban rgan an old or elderly priest; ban de rgan pa or ban sprang and sprang ban a mendicant monk; ban chung pupil in a monastery. ban de'i mkhris pa (ngang pa dmar ser gyi mkhris pa ) the bile of the brown-duck (mystic) (Mog. 111). ban Z‡ ka á SANST, SANST a youth, n. of a red flower [SANST the plant Terminalia tomentosa]S. Syn. rtsa lag can ; gzhon nu ; nus ldan ; rtsa lag 'tsho ; me tog dmar ; lang tsho can (K. d. ca, 75). ban Z‡ dzi ba ka á SANST n. of a red and brilliant flower [a shrub bearing a red flower, Pentapetes phúnicea]S. ban ta n. of a tribe in Nepal (Dsam.). ban bon for (ban de and bon po ) Buddhist priest and Bon priest (Ya-sel. 18). ban zon byed pa = rig pa 'grim pa also dogs zon byed pa to be alarmed; to take heed. ban gzan the shawl or serge-cloth wrapper used by Tibetan lamas or ban de (Rtsii.). ban lham shoes worn by Buddhist priests (Rtsii. 51). bAan tA sha ka á SANST n. of a bird (K. ko ka, 3) [one who eats what is vomited]S. bab and babs , v. 'bab pa 3. babs pa = len pa taking, assuming; mi lus babs pa (Yig. k.). bab col = ngag 'chal want of consideration in speaking and acting, = SANST, gzu lum hastiness, rashness: sdig pa bab col du byed pa to sin recklessly, without heed or regard. bab col goms pa SANST (A.K. 910) [sudden practice.]S. bab col smra ba = rdzun smra ba speaking falsehood, also insincere speech. bab lhing considerateness and discreetness in any work or proceeding; bab lhing gang che'i thog having carefully weighed the circumstances; on full consideration of a subject (Yig. k.). bab mal = zhag po sdod sa also called sa tshugs which really signifies a halting stage after a day's march, lodging for one night, place of one day's halt; zhag re zhag gnyis bab mal brtsis pa'i sar at a place calculated for staying at after one day's or two day's journey (A. 157). bab mo or bas mo in Ld. soft, mild; also chaste, modest (J‰.). bab bla SANST sulphate of arsenic. bab sa SANST landing place; also settlement, colony (J‰.). babs stegs = 'bab sa a place of landing, a landing. babs 'brel = zung 'brel , joint, combined; conjointly, in connection; also in harmony with, in accordance with: don mthun de min nged la che 'don babs 'brel dgos except, but for that, we should require an order according to the circumstances (Rdsa. 16); mchod yon gong ma sogs babs 'brel mtshungs pa'i bka' shog dang an official authority (jointly) from the Church government (mchod yon ) and the Emperor of China (gong ma ), etc. (D. Shel. 7). babs 'os suitable or fit for, opportune: babs 'os kyi mthun rkyen rtsal rgyu assistance according to what shall be suitable or needed (Yig. k.). bam or bam pa stale, mouldy, decaying. bam po that which has been gathered together, what is put or grouped into one; and, hence, frq. a section or subdivision of a book, a number of chapters taken together; a series of pages; a set of slokas; glegs bam that which is gathered between boards, i.e. a book or MS. bam ril 1. defined as mi ro gtsang ma skyon med fresh human corpse without any part injured or decayed. 2. that which is weakened or worn out by much usage. 3. mould in W. (J‰.). bam ro a made-up effigy to represent the dead bodies of supposed enemies of Buddhism, gen. used in Tantrikism. bar 1. SANST, SANST intermediate space, that which lies or comes between, that which intervenes (used as adj. or as sbst.): bar gyi bskal pa SANST the intermediate age; bar gyi tshig mi mngon par byas SANST omitting the intermediate word or particle, or making it elliptical; brag gi gseb tu mu men gyi bar zhig a wedge of lapis-lazuli in between the rock; chu bar isthmus, neck of land; stod snad bar gsum upper, lower and middle country; bar gyi sder chag a lizard, as an amphibium partaking of two natures (J‰.). But bar most commonly occurs in the sense of a postp. or of an adv. when it usually takes such forms as bar la , bar na , bar du = betwixt, between; also, up to, until, as far as; during: chu kha'i bar du zam pa btab pa yin between the river banks a bridge had been placed; zhag bdun gyi bar du during seven days (he had not eaten any thing); da lta'i bar du till now; da tsam gyi bar du ; da bar until now, hitherto; de'i bar du or de bar till then, up to that time; lan gsum gyi bar du at three (different) times; frq. with verbs: rtse mo la thug gi bar du till even touching the top. With a negative, bar du etc. is equivalent to: as long as, ma thob ba'i bar du as long as it has not been obtained, i.e., until it is obtained; kho ma shi bar du till or up to his death (Mil.); ma bsleb bar du as long as we have not reached, attained to. bar nas from between: gur gnyis kyi bar nas from between the two tents. bar byed pa to interpose, intercede, mediate (J‰.). bar skabs SANST space of time, meanwhile. bar khang 1. acc. to Sch. a building between two other houses. 2. central house or room. bar khyi n. of a demon (sa bdag ) of the naga class. bar khra a kind of tea of middling quality (S. kar. 179). bar gos a sort of waistcoat. bar gyi mtshams the intermediate space or zone (Oag.). bar gyi kha khyer SANST [a portico or veranda]S. bar gyi lding gnyis n. of a dynasty which reigned in Tibet, of which there were only two kings, viz.:- gri gum btsan po and spu de gung rgyal (B. Nam). bar dga' 1. = re 'ga' occasionally, at times. 2. some, several; several times, now...now... (J‰.). bar gras = 'bring gi gras of the middle class, quality, or size. bar zhib barley flour of second quality (Rtsii.); bar gYu = gYu 'bring turquoise of second quality; bar sha second quality meat (Rtsii.). bar chod bar chad or bar gcod SANST that which interferes, cuts in between something else; any hindrance, accident, impediment, untoward occurrence, interruption: srog gi bar chad du 'gyur meeting with an accident, to perish, to be lost; bar chad sel ba to remove impediments; nga la bar chad med par without meeting with an accident (Mil.); bar chad rtsom pa to meditate evil, to brood mischief; bar chad ma tshugs par not having played me a roguish trick (J‰.). Whilst bar chod indicates usually any interruption in a worldly business caused by any accident, disease, etc., it means also a change of mind or a hindrance by sin, etc. Again, when a Buddhist who has been for years observing the rules of Vinaya and suddenly betakes himself to the practice of the Tantrik rites but fails and becomes a fallen monk, this change, of religious practice has been to him a Bar-chad. Syn. ge gos ; bgegs ; sgrub ma 'jug ; bar du gcod (Moon.). bar chad med par SANST, SANST continuously, uninterruptedly. bar du SANST; in colloq. dbar du between. bar du dge SANST [good or propitious in the middle.]S. bar du gcod pa'i chos SANST [intervening or obstructing objects.]S. bar du gcod pa'i bgegs bzhi the four obstructions, to good work, etc. which bring calamities on men: (1) lus kyi bar chad danger to one's body such as are diseases; (2) sngon gyi bar chad bdud the danger of devotion to religion is the devil bdud ; (3) tsho'i bar chad rkyen faults are the dangers to life; (4) bsod nams kyi bar chad las the danger to merit (D.R.). bar do also bar ma do the intermediate state between death and rebirth, of a shorter or longer duration, ordinarily under 49 days; lit. bar between and do two, i.e., between the two, so the present life is a state of Bar-do inasmuch as it lies between the past and future existences. There are according to the work called Tho-sgrol six varieties of the Bardo: (1) skyed gnas bar do ; (2) rmi lam bar do ; (3) bsam gtan bar do ; (4) 'chi kha bar do ; (5) chos nyid bar do ; (6) srid pa bar do . Acc. to RÒio-ma Bkah-gter system there are seven stages of Bardo: (1) rang bzhin skye gnas kyi bar do ; (2) chos nyid srid pa'i bar do ; (3) zung 'jug sku bzhi'i bar do ; (4) rang rig ye shes kyi bar do ; (5) dus mtshams rang bzhin gyi bar do ; (6) 'phyugs med rten 'brel bar do ; (7) 'khor 'das gnyis kyi bar do . Acc. to the Bkah-rgyud-pa school there are five stages in the Bardo:- (1) skye gnas brgyud pa'i bar do ; (2) snang ba skye shi'i bar do ; (3) ting 'dzin lam gyi bar do ; (4) rmi lam gnyid kyi bar do ; (5) 'chi ba srid pa'i bar do (Ya-sel. 186). bar 'dum = bar bsgrig agreement or treaty between belligerents: bar 'dum zhig thub re hoping to be able to bring about an agreement. bar sdom SANST [the suppression of the breath or voice]S. bar snang SANST, SANST atmospherical space, the illumined space; steng gi bar snang la in the heavens above, in the air; bar snang gi phyogs illuminated region above. Syn. gnam ; gnam mkha' . bar pa the middle one, gen. the second son or brother in a family. bar pa ra tsa ka n. of a sect of the Tirthika in ancient India: bar pa ra tsa ka rnam par gYeng bar gyur pa thams cad dang (K. ko. kha, 137). bar bar du at intervals, from time to time, now and then. bar ma SANST 1. the middle tone in music. 2. or dbus ma , SANST the middle one of three things; stong bar ma'i 'jig rten the world of the middle thousand (B. ch. 7). 3. = gar ma or gar mkhan ma a dancing woman or girl (Moon.). 4. rked pa the waist or middle zone of the body (Moon.). bar ma pa middle one; bar ma'i 'jig rten SANST the middle world; bar mi umpire, mediator, intercessor. bar med SANST without interval. bar med mkha' the heavens. bar mtshams or bar gyi mtshams any interval. bar mtshams med SANST, continual, often. bar gYen dgu explained: zla nyi skar gsum dang |sprin gzhag dal gsum dang |zer mo rdzi dang gsum ste dgu'o (B. Nam.). bar lag pa a go-between, agent. bar lam = da lam nye lam in the meantime, presently, at present (Yig. k. 39). bar shig n. of a flower (K. d. kha, 12). bar gsar rdzing khang n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 43). bal SANST, SANST wool; bal kyi woollen, bal dang ldan pa woolly (Vai. so.), bal sed pa the first coarse plucking of wool, bal rmel ba the second of the finer wool, bal sing ba the third, of the finest W.; bal dkar fleece; bal skud SANST woollen thread. bal skye mould on fermented liquors. bal gos SANST; one of the 41 clothing stuffs prescribed for the use of a Buddhist monk (S. Lex.); bal 'gor (modern bal sgor ): bal 'gor bzhi dang nas sran khal brgyad las med pa there were only eight loads of barley and peas and four balls of wool (A. 103). bal can SANST [a woollen blanket, spider]S. bal tshon sna lnga wool-yarn or thread of five different colours; bal zam cotton-yarn of red and white colours (Rtsii.); bal sle = bal gyi sle'u a kind of woollen serge-cloth of very small breadth manufactured in Tibet: bal sle rnam pa a piece of bal-sle (costs so much) (Rtsii.). bal thod the hair that is tied to the skull cap used by Bon-po priests in exorcism (Jig. 26). bal thod can a class of Bon exorcists who wear tufts of wool on their forehead: bal thod can gyis phyug gYang 'gugs the Bon exorcists wearing hair on their brow invoke good luck (Jig. 26). bal pa dza or rtsa dres ma (dri med 'od ) SANST [n. of a Bodhisattva]S. bal po or bal yul SANST 1. Nepal, the Indian state lying S. of the Tibetan districts of Purang and Kyirong. 2. a native of Nepal. bal chol a cymbal imported into Tibet from Nepal (Jig. 18); bal tMa Nepalese coin (Loo. 'a, 18); bal dril bell manufactured in Nepal; also a kind of cotton cloth manufactured in Nepal; bal mda' match-lock manufactured in Nepal and imported to Tibet (Rtsii. 50); bal po gur gum SANST Nepalese saffron; bal po se'u shing SANST pomegranate tree; bal bod Nepal and Tibet; bal spug or bal po'i spug chal kind of cymbal manufactured in Nepal (Rtsii.). bal mo a woman of Nepal. bal bza' the Tibetan name of the Nepalese wife of king srong btsan sgam po , a daughter of king Amsuvarman; n. of a Tibetan lady who had obtained sainthood. bal yul skyes SANST n. of a medicine. Syn. ldong ros ; go lAa ; ma ho na (Moon.). baD + and baD chen po names of heavenly flowers (K. d. zha, 150). bal li á n. of a celestial flower (K. d. tsha, 368). bal lhog = gnyan nad plague, or cancer (Ya-sel. 28). bas mtha' 1. grong khyer zad pa'i mtha' SANST the suburb of a town, i.e., the limits where a town terminates. bas mtha' nye ba SANST, SANST touching or near the suburbs; bas mtha'i gnas mal SANST place of residence in the suburbs. 2. border county (Sch.). bas pa 1. occurs in lieu of byas pa the pf. of byed pa , mostly in the sense of a thing being quite done or accomplished. 2. = mi khrel ba immodest. bas mo v. bab mo 3. bi kra ma shI la (sometimes wrongly written as bi kra ma la shIl ) n. of a monastery at Magadha founded by king Dharmapala on the bank of the Ganges. It became the chief seat of Buddhist learning after the glory of Nalanda had waned; and Atisa was high priest there for several years till he proceeded to Tibet. It was destroyed by Baktyar Ghilije in A.D. 1203 about the time Sakya Sri Pandita of Kashmir visited it (A. 61). bi kra ma bu ri á (sometimes wrongly written bi kra ma la bu ri ) n. of a place in East Bengal situated in the neighbourhood of the place where Atisa was born: bi kra ma pu ri zhed pa yod (A. 2). bi chu SANST moss. bi chung = bya chung (in Sikk.). bi dru ma á SANST n. of a precious stone (K. d. ra, 320). bi dru ma 'dra ba n. of a mountain inhabited by venomous naga whose poisonous breath renders the sea water warm at all times (K. d. ra, 030). (EEE The "K. d. ra, 030" may be a typographical error for "300".) bi nA ya ka á a class of malignant spirits called bgegs in Tibetan, also the name of their king. bi pa SANST [receiving, accepting]S. bi ma la á n. of an Indian Buddhist saint who had confided his mystic lore to Lo-tsa-wa Rin-chen mchog Rma and who is very much respected by the RÒio-ma school (Deb. ga, 3). bi pa kA ya á n. of a fabulous phantom who appears in the sky at times to receive the homage of the naga demi-gods (Dus-ye. 39). bi ¥ or bin Z , in Tib. also ri bo 'bigs bye , chain of hills in central India in a cavern of which the Buddhist sage Acharya Dignaga performed his ascetical meditations. (EEE The transliteration in the original gives "Vin-dhya", or bin ^ (bix ) as the spelling of bin Z .) bi dza pU ra á n. of an ancient city of southern India which is mentioned in the Kahgyur under the names of 'bras bus gang |sa bon gyi gang |mdog mdzes (Moon.). bi rdzi a species of shrew (in Sikk.). bi ri 'a mdo n. of a place in Ulterior Tibet or Amdo (Yig. 8). bi Sa á a poison. bi hA ra á SANST a Buddhist monastery where monks receive instruction in sacred literature. bing pa ta á n. of a treatise on Shabda-vidya the science of words: sgra'i tsher ma zhes pa la bing pa ta la sogs the work Bing-pata called: thorns of words, etc. (A. 82). bim pa á or bim pa (written in the 'bum and brda rnying etc., as the Sanskrit equivalent of sku gzugs and 'bi 'bi ): 1. Lama Shoo Blo-gros bstan states that bimba is flower of rgya skyegs . 2. Momordica monadelpha a cucurbitaceous plant with a red fruit. bim pa'i mchu SANST; a lip red like the fruit of Bimba. bi'u SANST a calf; in Sikk. a snake. bi'u phrug SANST and bi'u ras dmar po SANST [linen cloth dyed with red colour.]S. bir ba kun ti ma li is a mystical expression. bil ba á SANST, SANST wood-apple. The wood-apple tree is also called chu ldan mgo but this seems to be incorrect. Syn. dpa' 'bras ; cha ldan mgo ; rab mchod mig (Moon.). bI rdza á in Tib. dpa' bo skye n. of a town situated to the south of Vajrasana (Dus-ye. 40). bu 1. sbst., resp. sras , SANST, SANST; son, boy, common in C. bu chu shing gi yor ma in Tibetan proverbs: a son that is not worthy of his father. 2. SANST child; offspring; bu-phrug children; bu chen ma SANST a pregnant woman, one big with child: bu chen sa skya pa'i bu chen shar nub gung gsum (Yig. 2). bu 'khrid (puti) a common title generally given by parents in Tibet to the first born daughter with a hope that she would bring in the train of birth a bu or son to her parents. bu ga I: or bug 1. SANST hole, aperture, opening: ba spu'i bu ga pore, passage of perspiration (Dzl.); sna bug nostril; bu ga 'dzin full of perforations; bu ga dgu the nine orifices of the body (2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, mouth, urethra, anus). 2. symbol, num. 9 (J‰.). bu gu = bu tsha chung chung little boy. bu gling n. of a park or grove in Lhasa belonging to the State (Rtsii.). bu brgyud SANST, SANST, SANST, descendants, issue, generation. bu chu lha khang one of the twelve Buddhist sanctuaries erected during the reign to srong btsan sgam po (Loo. 'a, 6). bu ta ka = gtor ma offering to the earthly gods and spirits (K. g. ga, 215). bu ston (rin chen grub ) a celebrated lama the author of voluminous works who edited and put into present form the Kahgyur and Tangyur encyclopúdias. It may be said that a more deeply-read and a more voluminous writer then Buton has not at any time appeared in Tibet. He lived over seventy years strenuously exerting himself for the spread of Buddhism, and spending the last days of his life at Shalu, a large monastery situated about twelve miles to the S. E. of Tashi-lhunpo, where he died about the beginning of the 14th century A.D. bu de tshe SANST life. bu dod foster-child, adopted son, nged kyi bu dod mdzod deign to be adopted by us (Mil. J‰.). bu gdung a small cross-beam (Mil.). bu rdo (Sch.) idle talk, tittle-tattle. bu nad child-bed: bu nad log the child-bed terminates unfavourably (Pth.). bu snod uterus, womb. bu dpe true copy: lnga sras kyi 'khrungs rabs la yang mi 'brel ba 'dra rung zhal lung bu dpe'i rigs dang (Ya-sel. 11). bu mo rarely bu mo ma , 1. SANST, SANST, a daughter. 2. a girl, maiden, virgin: bu mo gtsang ma or gsar ma or gsar pa a girl that is still in a virgin state; bu mo dar ma a youthful maiden, a young woman. Syn. dar ma ; myos ma ; me tog gsar ; khengs ldan ma ; dregs ldan ma ; lang tsho can ma ; rtse dga' ma ; dang po'i rdul can ; rdul bcas ma ; dar bab ma (Moon.). bu mo gzhon nu ma a young girl, maiden, damsel. Syn. ma 'ongs rdul can ; na chung ma ; phyogs med ma ; lang tsho dang po ; nor ldan ma ; grong pa'i chos ma gos (Moon.). bu mo'i bdag po SANST bridegroom, son-in-law [also, a lotus]S. bu snad family, children. bu tsha SANST, SANST son, boy; often familiarly sounded as potsa or putsa. bu tsha 'phel SANST increase of family. bu tshas 'brel ba to cohabit (J‰.). bu tshab = bu dod 3. bu 'dzin ma SANST [a daughter]S. bu rdzis SANST [guard of a young child]S.; a nurse that looks after children (Oag. 59). bu yug snow-storm. bu ram SANST molasses, raw brown sugar; treacle: bu ram sgor ba to boil down raw sugar (J‰.). bu ram dang tsha ba'i mar khu 'thungs na glo dang dbugs bdug pa sel bar byed do sugarcane juice and hot melted butter drunk while warm relieves coughing and removes hard-breathing (K. g. ca, 47). bu ram ka ra SANST treacle; bu ram gong bu loaf sugar. bu ram gyi khu ba SANST; [diluted sugar]S. bu ram skra , an epithet of Arjuna the 3rd son of Pandu (Moon.). bu ram chang , SANST spirit from sugarcane juice or from treacle; bu ram shing SANST the plant from which sugar is extracted, sugarcane plant; bu ram shing gi khu ba SANST, sugarcane juice. bu ram shing gi las kyi mtha'i bstan bcos la sogs work on the exploits of Ikshakus, etc. (A. 35). bu ram shing pa SANST n. of the progenitor of the solar race, an epithet of Sakya-sioha Buddha who was born of that race. bu la ma skyes me tog = 'om bu snye ma (mystic) (Mio. 4). bu la ha ri 1. a kind of fine leather generally of calf or kid which is japanned black or red and is used in lining boxes, &c. bu la ha rir bzos pa'i khom ya gcig (Rtsii.). 2. n. of a monastery on the Ganges in the Monghyr district said to be still resorted to by Tibetan pilgrims. bu slob = slob ma scholar, disciple, follower of a clerical teacher; also = slob phrug a pupil. bu lon (cf. bun 3) advanced money, debt: bu lon khyer ba or bu lon byed pa to contract debts; bu len 'jal ba or sprod pa to pay a debt; bu lon pa a debtor. bug pa á = ser ka SANST a crack, hole, cavity: bug pa byas bored holes. Syn. bu ga ; khung bu ; paV'i mig ; rlung 'byung ; sa mthongs ; khong stong (Moon.). bug zhol v. spugs 3 (J‰.). bugs gcig = nyin zhag phrag gcig a week, seven days: nyin zhag bugs gcig gi chos thob he received a week's instruction (Rtsii.). bugs long an entire carcass: tshag sha che ba'i skam po bugs long gcig entire dry carcass of a sheep, goat or yak. (Jig. 29). bung ba = sbrang ma 3 SANST, SANST, SANST (Moon.). 1. a humming and stinging insect, such as a bee, etc.; bug lcag sting, and also the wound caused by it. 2. acc. to Cs. a bright black stone: bung ba ltar nag black either like a bee or like this stone. bung ba skrod byed = rnga yab bung ba can ma SANST the female bee; also a chowry to drive away flies (Moon.). bung ba'i rgyal po SANST prob. the queen-bee though the masculine gender is used. (EEE The original has sprang ma for sbrang ma , but the transliteration, "sbrao-ma", is correct.) bung bu SANST [a discus-bearer]. bungs [mass, heap, bulk; bungs chen a large heap; dri chu'i bungs che a great quantity of urine (Mio.); bungs byed pa to heap one upon another, pile up]J‰. bud 1. (chu'i ) any darkening of the air through dry matter, a cloud of dust, dust-storm: bud kyis btab wrapt in dusty mist. 2. = thon bab turned out, expelled: tshogs nas bud do turned out of the assembly of monks or congregation (Yig. 3). bud stong destitute tenants or subjects, also where a family has been entirely expelled (Rtsii.). bud Z ba na n. of a forest situated to the east of Vajrasana in Buddha-Gaya (Dsam. 17). bud Z á = sangs rgyas 3. bud med SANST, SANST, SANST a woman; defined as mtshan ma phyi la ma bud pas bud med ces pa yin one that cannot be dispensed with or forsaken; acc. to others, one that cannot be left outside the house at night is called bud med , and hence = woman. bud med chung ngu a female child; bud med gtum mo a violent hag; bud med sdug pa a fair woman (Dzl.); bud med tshad ma one who is bullied by his wife; gtso bo'i bud med SANST a lady (A.K. 122). bud med kyi rnam 'gyur womanly expression and beauty:- 'jo sgegs ; rnam 'gyur ; rnam gYo ; rol pa ; bskul ba ; zur gyis ston pa (Moon.). 2. = mdza' na mo a concubine, mistress. Syn. mi mo ; skra can ma ; mtshams ldan ma ; sbyor byed ma ; 'ching byed ma ; ni gnyis ma ; 'dod ldan ma ; byed pa'i gzhi ; gzugs can ma ; dga' ba'i gzhi ; zur lta ma ; dga' ma ; skyed ma ; 'dzin ma ; 'o 'dzin ma ; lus ldan ma ; stobs med pa ; skye bas dman ; lan bu can ; gnas byed ma (Moon.). bud med grub pa thob pa female ascetics that wear human bone ornaments, or Buddhist women who are said to have obtained sainthood; those of Indian origin:- sukha sid Zi , ma cig grub pa'i rgyal mo , dge slong ma dpal mo , etc. Tibetan nal-jor-ma:- rgya bza' , bal bza' , ye shes mtsho rgyal , bdag med ma , ma cig lab sgron ma , bsod nams brgyan ma , ma cig zha ma , bsod nams dpal 'dren , pad ma mtsho , lha rtse dpon mo , shing bza' rnal 'byor ma , pad ma rab bzang ma (Loo. aa, 3). bud med dga' bral (skyes pa 'brus phyung ba or 'og med ) a woman who is devoid of enjoyment and happiness, a barren woman; a hermaphrodite of the female sign. bud med 'gyur ba lung bstan pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra in which is described how women can be changed into men (K. d. ba, 326). bud med mchog SANST, SANST a very handsome woman with personal accomplishments. [1. a prostitute. 2. one who goes about in the dark]S. Syn. yan lag mchog ldan ma ; lus mchog ma ; lus bzang ma ; lus phra ma ; mig bzang ma ; bzhin bzang ma ; mtshan ldan ma ; paV can ; sgeg mo ; snad rgyas ma ; rkyed med ma ; yid 'ong ma ; yid 'phrog ma ; 'ching ba sbyin ma ; mig gYo ma ; mig mdzes ma ; ri ags mig can ma ; gYon mig ma ; zur mig ma ; snin legs ma ; sdug gu ma ; mchog gi lcug ma ; myos gsal ma ; mig yangs ma ; zla zhal mdzes ma (Moon.). bud med 'dod ldan ma any voluptuous or unchaste woman; with following syn.: chags ldan ma ; myos pa'i phreng ldan ma ; rig myur ma ; dus btab ma ; mngon 'gro ma ; dben 'gro ma ; 'dod 'gro ma ; 'khrig pa'i bsam gtan ma ; 'khrul byed ma ; chags pa'i gdon can ma (Moon.). bud med rdul SANST, SANST the menses. bud med blo ldan ma = a noble and magnanimous woman; with syn.: rnam mkhas ma ; sbyod ldan ma ; mkhas ma ; shes rab ma ; tshigs ldan ma ; snyan sgrogs ma ; shes ldan ma ; dra ba can ma (Moon.). bud med sbrum ma SANST a pregnant woman. Syn. phru gu chags ; mngal ldan ma ; sems can zhugs ; srog chags ldan ; lus lcim ; lus mi bde ; mngal chags ma ; glang mo'i 'gros ma (Moon.). bud med zla mtshan dang ldan ma SANST a woman in menses. Syn. bud med chos ldan ma ; dus ldan ma ; dri ma ldan ma ; me tog ldan ma ; rked nad can ma ; khrag ldan ma (Moon.). bud med log par od pa SANST an adulterous woman, who is said in her manners to resemble a hen. bud shing = me shing fire-wood, fuel, also dried dung used as such; bud shing bshag pa to split or chop wood. bud shing bcu pa (mar me ) SANST a torch, a light; lit. flambeau consisting of ten pieces of wood. bun abbr. of bu 'on : interest on money lent. bun skyod SANST stretched and hanging. bun tho or bun yig 1. debtor's account-book. 2. bond or obligation; bill of debt. bun gtong to lend money on interest: bun gtong gi 'dzin pa ci yod rnams dngos gzhi yong deb tu gsal whatever receipts there are should be clear in the cash account list (Rtsii.). bun bdag money-lender, banker. bun bun piece-meal, dispersed (Sch.). bun dzan ti = kun tu mdzes very handsome (mystic) (K. g. ga, 215). bun re (Sch.) a small matter, cf. ban bun 3. bun long chu bun long long byed whirling up and down, an expression used of boiling water; bun long gi snang sras troubled, impure, sinful thoughts (J‰.). bun lob some large number: bun lob lam lom dang (Ya-sel. 57). bubs = yug 1. an entire piece of cloth rolled up; gos bubs cotton-cloth (Cs.). 2. in a general sense: whole, something entire (Sch.); bubs ril prob. whole, entire, bubs ril bus the whole body as opp. to separate parts (J‰.). bum sku acc. to the RÒio-ma School = state of unchangeableness like that of the Vajra (Yig. 14). bum pa SANST, SANST water-bottle, flask; bottle-shaped ornaments in architecture, e.g., on the chorten; mchod bum vessel used in sacrificing. The water pot required in Buddhist religious services is of two kinds having the following characteristics; a large belly, long neck hanging down (mchu 'phyang ba ) and contracted legs: (1) las bum SANST, and (2) rnam rgyal bum pa SANST. The former has no mchu or beak, the latter when provided with mchu is called tshe bum the jar-of-life, i.e., it contains water consecrated to the Dhyani Buddha tshe dpag med (Amitayusha). bum khebs the cover for a water-pot used in Tantrik religious ceremonies (Rtsii.); bum dar the scarf that is wrapt round the jar containing sacred water (Rtsii.). bum tshags gce'u can SANST [sonorous]S. bum rdzas : byin rten dang snan sna gang 'dzom bum rdzas nyer lnga twenty-five articles (comprising consecrated objects and various sorts of medicines) required to be kept in the sacred-pot which contains the consecrated water (Rtsii.). bum pa skyes SANST, SANST n. of a Piri, who was born in a water pot. In ancient times the Piri Rgyal-wa while practising asceticism caught a glimpse of an Apsara-goddess and, as if embracing her, in a dream discharged seed which preserved in a water-pot produced the Piri. This was the famous Vasishtha the pot-born (Moon.). bum pa can SANST, SANST [a kind of lotus, the Premna spinosa.]S. bum pa'i 'khrul 'khor = zo chun khyud (Moon.). bum pa'i mgul can resp. form of mgrin pa neck (Moon.). bum pas sgrol SANST [1. a pitcher. 2. the back of the neck]S. bum bu + = bum chung small water-pot generally used in religious ceremonies. bur upright bolt or fastening to a door, thog bur upper bolt, yog bur lower bolt (J‰.). bur rting or bur ting a kind of bell or gong in temples (J‰.). bur ltang balls of molasses packed in goat skin: bur ltang re gtum pa'i ko bar re'u'i pags pa'i bzhi cha gcig (Rtsii.). bur thud pastry or cakes made of dried milk, molasses and butter: bur thud che chung (Jig. 29). bur thung khugs = blo bur du suddenly (Sman). bur tse various species of Eurotia, largely used in the W. by travellers as fuel. bur shing for bu ram shing | bul I: or bul tog soda occurs in Tibet as a white powder on the ground, generally near the margins of lakes though not exclusively so. It is used as a medicine, and also added in small quantities to bring out the quality and flavour of tea. II: or bul po = dal po , ga le 1. slow, dilatory, lazy: 'gro bul te slow in walking, making but tardy progress (Dzl.); mi bul mi myur neither slow nor quick (A. 60). 2. = sul valley, ravine: rgya dang 'dra ste ri yi bul a valley of the mountains resembling (the plains of) India (A. 143). bul 'gros = rkang pa'i 'du byed a kind of movement of the feet (in dancing). bul ran pa neither very quick nor slow in walking: rta mgyogs bul ran pa zhig a moderately-swift horse (Hbrom. 118). bus pa + = byis pa 1. SANST boy, lad. 2. v. 'bud pa 3 (J‰.). be I: 1. num. fig.: 105. 2. W. for bye 3 (J‰.). 3. for be rdo ; be zhing an oath (Jig. 62). be ge v. beg ge 3. be ci = byis pa a little boy, lad or lass: be ci zhig gis i bor jo bo'i phyag par ma'i ri mo (A. 88, 86). be chon SANST, SANST (Zam. 3) club with an ornamental hammer, knob, dorje, or human head-like figure on its top which the gods generally carry in their hands to fight with the Asura. be con 'chang SANST 1. an epithet of Virnu, and also of Yama the lord of death (Moon.). 2. n. of a goddess (J‰.). be ljang = re ral (mystic) (Mio. 4). be ta 1. SANST; cocoa-nut, be ta'i shing the cocoa-nut tree. 2. Tibetan name of bi da rba SANST Bedar, the birth place of Nagarjuna (Dsam.). Syn. 'bras bu rtag ; bras bu'i phung po ; sa 'tsho 'dab ; ta la'i rgyal po ; mi mo rtse ; gshol ldan (Moon.). be tur = mthing shun sulphate of copper. be mdung a spear or javelin made of oak-wood (Jig. 32). be rdo v. be 3 quoit, the discus of the ancients. be no + = 'dzin pa . be sna lag chen n. of a sa bdag demon of the naga class. be snabs a mineral substance. be rdzi = skar ma snar ma . (EEE skar ma snar ma does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but it is mentioned under skye dgu'i bdag po 3 and 3dal ba'i lha ldan ma 3.) be sa ra ka á a species of very small insects (K. du. tha, 204). be rag a long and more or less broad band worn as a head-ornament by all Buddhist women of Ladak, nuns excepted. It is fastened to the hair and is studded with one to five long rows of turquoises which forcibly suggest serpents and serpent-worship in general. In a case in which a woman was ordered by the court to give up her berag to the complainant at once, she refused to do so saying that this could not be done as long as (in that year) the irrigation of the fields lasted, evidently because of the water-supplying klu or nagas. be ri n. of a district in the jurisdiction of Chamdo in E. Tibet (Loo. 'a, 15). be ri don yo n. of a petty chief who favoured the Karmapa school and helped Deba Tsangpa in the war with the åleuth chief Gusri Khan, but was killed by him (Loo. 'a, 15). be log a great-grand father (J‰.). be'u SANST a calf: dpal be'u SANST n. of a gem; also the emblem of love and affection represented by a noose. be'u bum lit. calf's pot, i.e., cow's dug from which the calf sucks milk; fig. that which yields nourishment to life, met. spiritual life, hence, scriptures. be'u bum sngon po the ancient book on religion and religious history of the Kadampa school compiled by Dge-shes Dol Rin-po-che (Loo. za, 2). beg ge = be ge measles (Sch.); also called sib bi . beg tse 1. n. of a goddess who when propitiated protects her devotees. 2. hidden shirt of mail. beng 1. smaller beams of a house which support the roof. 2. a stick, cudgel, club (J‰.). bed 1. dearness, advantage: bed ma chod proved of no use, no advantage; tshwa la drug cu bed yod pa'i skabs su at a time when salt was sixty times dearer (than barley) (Glr.); bed chod = longs od in Mil.; bed chod tshod bcad de to be temperate, to keep moderation in the indulgence of the appetites (J‰.). ben a large pitcher; chu ben water-pot. bem or bem po = gos rnying be (Moon.) 1. SANST in the dialect of upper or western Tsang = old, worn-out, as of patched clothes. Also applied to the body, and defined as rnam shes med pa'i dngos po "an entity deprived of all sense." lus bem rig gnyis kyi so mtshams su on the boundary between the physical matter of the body and the soul (Mil.). snon lam btab pa'i mthu las sems med bem po'i rang bzhin by the power of his prayer was deprived of sense like his own worn-out self (Ya-sel. 10); bem po ltar lkug = lkug pa stupid, senseless like a log of wood or physical matter. bem rig bral ba without body and soul: 'chi ba rnams la bem rig bral ba the dead are without body and soul. 2. a receptacle, box, bag, etc. (J‰.). bem chag = dkar chag list of contents: rgyal rabs kyi bem chag tu 'byung bas de dag tu blta bar should refer to those occurring in the list of contents of the Rgyalrab (Hbrom. 251). ber 1. resp. sku ber , = zla gam cloak of thick woollen cloth used by the lamas of Tibet, in winter; ber chen a full cloak; tshem ber a cloak made up of many pieces (Pth.); ber thul gown of a priest, sacerdotal cloak without sleeves, with gos chen for a ber-thul fur-cloak. 2. burning, sharpness, acridity, any biting, stinging quality: 'jibs snan gyi ber byung ngo a stinging or burning of the blister arose. ber can sharp, pungent, keen. ber ka = ral ga a branch; ber ma , ber lcag a stick or staff; spa'i ber ma cane, bamboo stick (Mil.); ber ma lcag a switch. Syn. dbyug pa ; 'khar ba ; 'khar dbyug (Moon.). ber ser can an aquatic grass (Sman. 109). bel a leather bag. bel lpags = be'u'i lpags calf-skin (Rtsii.). bes SANST the cheek. bi dU 4 á SANST malachite or chrysolite. There are three descriptions of Vaidurya stone; (1) bi dU 4 ser mnya dzu ri ; the yellow lapis-lazuli called MaÒjuri; (2) bi dU 4 ljang su ga ta the green lapis-lazuli Sugata; (3) bi dU 4 dkar su Ç the white lapis-lazuli called the white Sunya. bi ra tsa na á SANST 1. n. of the first Dhyani Buddha. 2. a learned lo-tsa-wa who flourished during king khri srong lde'u btsan 's reign and who first translated the Hbum from Sanskrit (Yig. 35). £e ka á SANST; toad, corrupted into spe ka : mi gcer bur 'dzings pa rugged naked person, £e ka'i tshil gyis mig snan byas na| if the fat of the toad is made into eye-salve, etc. (K. g. ca, 56). £i ka tse lcam bral n. of a sylvan nymph who undertook to protect Tibet and defend Buddhism (Deb. ga, 2). £i ra á a gem: £i ras gdon rigs kun bsrung gzer ba 'joms Bhaira gem is a protection against all classes of evil-spirit and removes pain. bo 1. num. fig.: 135. 2. affix, to designate certain adj. or nouns. bo tog pa = ba long ba ; acc. to J‰. ankle, ankle-bone. bo de nyal ba = skyid po nyal ba to sleep well: lha khang na gtan la phebs pa'i bo de nyal nas phyung nas rgyal po'i mnga' ris su khrid| (A. 126). bo Zi á = byang chub SANST 1. enlightenment, divine wisdom or knowledge. 2. = byang chub shing the Indian peepul, Ficus religiosa. bo Zi rtsi rosary used to count the recitation of the names of Bodhisattvas, probably made of a kind of peepul wood. bo dong n. of a place in Tibet situated to the north-west of Tashi-lhunpo in Tsang (Deb. ga, 2). bo dong phyogs las rnam rgyal also called 'jigs med grags was one of the celebrated lamas of Tibet; and is said to have written one hundred volumes. He belonged to the Jonang-pa school and founded the monastery of dpal mo chos ldings monastery (Grub. ja, 14), also establishing his control over the monastery of Sam-ding in Yamdok lake-district which is presided over by Dorje Phagmo the incarnate Vajra Varahi. bo ba SANST to expand as a bubble; to overflow or fall out of a vessel on account of over-filling; 'o ma bo bas the milk bubbled over (A. 80). bo shog thu n. of a province in Mongolia, also of its king: gnam sa'i dbang phyug dga' ldan bstan 'dzin bo shog thu rgyal po to the ruler of heaven and earth the king of Bo-shog-thu a votary of the Gelugpa school (Ya-sel. 17). bog to Tib. rendering of Mongol term for a prince or chief; = rje lord or sir (Loo. 'a, 10); ser can bog to the yellow turban worn by the lay people of Tibet. bog to mu tan n. of the prince of Mongolia who entertained the Dalai Lama Bsod-nams Rgyam tsho with great pomp when he visited that country at the invitation of king Thu-mad Altan Khan for the purpose of introducing Buddhism there (Loo. 'a, 11). bog ri + acc. to some, bog te , = ba gam 3. bogs benefit, profit, advantage. bong in size, sized; in capacity, in bulk, generally with che or chung annexed signifying "large-sized" or "small-sized"; also with thung : bong thung short in stature; bong chod , bong tshod full sized. bong pa , SANST [a clod]S. bong khra a species of falcon. bong gu colloq. for bong bu . bong nga SANST, SANST the wild aconite, of which seven species grow in the Himalayas. bong nga dkar po the white species of aconite: bong nga dkar pos rims dug mkhris tshad sel white aconite cures contagious bilious fevers. bong nga dmar , SANST the red species of aconite: sha dug btsan dug sel (Med.); bong nag also called btsan dug or snan chen the black species of aconite which is called a great medicine: bong nag dug yin zil gzer rnams 'joms (Sman.). Syn. bong dkar po ; slar dug ; shin tu dug ; nye ba'i dug ; dmar po rwa can ; 'od dmar can ; byed ldan snang ba ; snan chen (Moon.). bong bu I: SANST, SANST; the ass, donkey; bong pho or pho bong a he-ass; bong mo or mo bong she-ass; bong phrug colt or foal of an ass; sgal bong bres SANST an ass's fold; bong bu pa an ass-driver. Syn. rna chen ; skad chen ; shugs 'gro'i pha ; chos can ring ; pho rtags or cha ba ; byin pa gtsang ; bzod pa'i mu khyud ; grong du 'dren ; mgrin bzang (Moon.). II: small insects: rgyas pa'i bong bu sugar mite, lepisma; bong (bun )nag dung-beetle (Cs.). bong bu phye mar = lhog dug pa , lce tsha (mystic) (Mio. 4). bong bu'i od pa the characteristics of an ass: khal gyis bkab na 'degs pa dang when laden with a burden he carries it; grang dang tsha bas mi bskyod pa dang is not affected either by cold or heat; rtag tu chog na shes pa ste when he has had enough, he always knows it (Masurakri). bongs thung = mi'u thung a dwarf (Moon.). bongs tshod SANST [sharpness.]S. bod or bod yul SANST, SANST Tibet; bod kyi yul the country of Bhot or Tibet which comprises bod chung little Tibet including ‹ and Tsang, and bod chen greater Tibet including Mdo-smad (Amdo) and Mdo-stod (Kham). bod 'bangs Tibetan subjects: bod 'bangs bde zhing lo phyugs legs pa the Tibetan subjects are happy having good crops and cattle (Rtsii.). bod 'brog herdsmen of Tibet living in the northern solitudes tending their cattle (so expressed in Loo. 'a, 5). bod kyi stag mo ske ring can = sre mong (Sman. 108). (EEE For sre mong see sre mo 3.) bod skad SANST Tibetan language; bod skad du bsgy ur bcug translated into Tibetan. bod kha ba can SANST the ancient name of Tibet which before the spread of Buddhism was called Doo-mar-can-gyi yul the country of the red-face cannibals, i.e., of savages (Yig. 9). bod chams Tibetan leather tanned and painted in Tibet: bod chams rnying ma legs shos la|srang re byas pa'i lo rgyus as to the price of the best Tibetan leather there is information of its fetching one srang a piece (Jig. 21). bod dud (lit. Tibetan-smoke), i.e., Tibetan husbandmen engaged in agricultural pursuits, or having settled life; so called from smoke coming out of their huts. bod pa or bod mi a Tibetan. bod bse cups and plates and buckles made of rhinoceros skin, generally by Dokpa Tibetans (Jig. 21). bon 1. the ancient religion of Tibet which was fetishism, demon worship, and propitiation by means of incantations. The word chos which ordinarily means religion is used as the antithesis to bon . Bon now signifies the kind of Shamanism which was followed by Tibetans before the introduction of Buddhism and in certain parts still extant; of this there were three stages, namely:- 'dzol bon , 'khyar bon and bsgy ur bon . The duration of the first extended from the time of gnya' khri btsan po the first historical king of Tibet, down to the reign of king khri sde btsan po ; the second from the reign of king Digum tsan-po (gri gum btsan po ) to the formal introduction of Buddhism under king song btsan sgam po ; and the third stage from king Srong-tsan's time down to the time of Tsongkhapa. bon sku kun tu bzang po the supreme deity according to Bon, opp. to chos sku kun tu bzang po Dharmakaya Samanta Bhadra; bon skyong a guardian deity of the Bon, opp. to chos skyong Dharmapala. bon sgo bzhi mdzod lnga the four schools of Bon (treasures) (1) chab dkar drag po sngags kyi bon , (2) chab nag srid pa rgyud kyi bon , (3) 'phar yul rgyas pa 'bum gyi bon , (4) dpon nas man ngag gi bon , and the five classes of sacred works called gzhi gtsang mo 'tho thog i rgyug mdzod . We have also bon sde gsum the three subdivisions of the Bon scriptures. bon po a follower of Bon tenets. bon pa + = bzlas pa to express, to mutter. bon 'byung rtsis chen n. of a Bon religious work resembling the phal po che yi mdo of the Buddhists. bon ri n. of a mountain in Kongpo sacred to Bon people: kong yul bu chu lha khang gi shar phyogs bon ri sogs bod kyi gnas du ma many Tibetan holy places such as Bon-ri situated to the east of Buchu lha-khang of the province of Kongpo (B. grub. 2). bon lung 'od dkar = 'phags pa SANST the venerable (B. Nam.). bor ra phyags nyil blug sa SANST 1. a sack of corn, holding about 30 khal (J‰.). 2. bag for sweepings and dust, dust-bin. bol or bol gong the upper part of the foot or boot. bol gar = bul ha ri . bol po SANST v. 'bol po 3. bos v. 'bod pa 3 to call. bya I: the fut. root of byed pa 3; v. this and the sbst. 3bya ba 3. II: SANST, SANST any bird or fowl. khyim bya the domestic fowl; bya sgro a feather; bya 'dab wing; bya spu bird's down; bya tshang or bya mal bird's nest; bya skon or bya rgya a net or trap to catch birds. Syn. sgong skyes ; gnyis skyes ; mkha' 'gro ; mkha' od ; mkha' la rgyu ; 'dab ldan ; 'dab ma'i shing rta can ; yan lag drug pa ; nam mkha'i rta ; mkha' nyal ; sgro ldan ; me yi mgrin ; 'phur 'gro ; mkha' bgrod ; lus mgyogs ; 'dab skyod ; 'dab chags (Moon.). bya ka dam pa SANST the bird called cadam-ba-goose. bya ka la j ka v. ka la na da ga . bya ku ra ra SANST; v. ku ra ra 3 [an osprey]S. Syn. rgyang grags thos ; sgra sgrogs ; sgra 'byin chen po (Moon.). bya ku NAa la SANST or ku lAa la SANST [Phasianus gallus]S. Syn. 'dab chags rab ; bya ldan (Moon.). bya dkar v. chu'i bya gag . (EEE although chu'i bya gag does not appear as a headword in the dictionary, the phrase does appear beneath the following headwords: khyim gyi gtor za 3, 3chu bya 3, 3rkang ring 3, 3gzhon nu 3. See also 3bya gag 3.) bya rkang SANST a place in Magadha where Gautama had resided some time. bya skyibs (cha-kib) SANST clefts in rocks where birds take shelter, rocky overhanging crag with ledge beneath, men and animals taking shelter in such large chakib or rock-harbours. brag gdong nag po zhig gi bya skyibs su in the bird's shelter under a black rock; bya skyibs su byas pa formed into a shelter for birds (A. 11). bya khang or bya'i khang pa a bird's cage. Syn. SANST, SANST bu ga'i dbyangs (Moon.). bya khyung SANST; an eagle. bya khyung rdo = mthing blue mineral colour (Moon.). bya khra SANST peregrine falcon. bya khrung the crane. bya ga rgang M ga ti Syn. nam mkhar sgeg ; dbyangs ldan ; bkra ba'i skad 'byin (Moon.). bya gag SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a species of bird: bya gag gi lo bird year. de nas bya gag gi lo la thar par gshegs then he proceeded to Tharpa (Nirvana) in the year called bya-gag, i.e., the bird year (A. 93). Syn. ku ku sgrogs ; sa gnas ; khyim bya (Moon.). bya glag the white-tailed eagle. bya go bo the lammergayer. Syn. byin za'i lto ba ; 'chi ba'i 'bangs ; zla 'od sgra can (Moon.). bya rgod = rgyal SANST vulture, bird of prey; bya rgod phung po'i ri SANST vulture-hill of Magadha, a resort of Sakyamuni. Syn. rlung od ; mkha' la 'khor ; ring 'phur ; nam 'phang od (Moon.). bya rgod spos the plant Delphinium Brunonianum, the same as Delphinium moschatum; bya rgod sen mo = rgya shug ; bya rgya a net or trap to catch birds. bya thal = bya rgod brun vulture's droppings (Mio. rda. 4). bya rgyud SANST a ritual in mysticism. bya sgrungs or bya skad title of a book of satirical fables, in which birds are introduced as speaking. bya snying = bya rmyen . bya bsnyangs = bsgy ings pa SANST vb. yawning, gaping. bya da li pa á an Indian Buddhist saint, a pupil of Virupa (K. dun. 12). bya 'dab khang pa'i bya gdab a balcony. bya 'dre a kind of winged demon. bya po cock, the male of the domestic fowl: bya po dang po , gnyis pa , etc., the first, the second cock-crow (C.). bya po tsi tsi (Med.) a medicinal plant, stopping the monthly courses; in Lh. applied to Impatiens sulcata. bya spu non pa to pat on the back; to keep in order, not to disturb any arrangement: bya spu non gyi rgyab skyor patting on the back in the way of encouragement as if gently touching the plumes of a bird (Yig. k.). bya spos = skrar ma 'gro bzhin n. of a constellation. bya pho a male bird, a cock; n. of a medicinal plant used to stop excessive menstruation. bya ma rta = bang chen or bang phyin a messenger (Moon.). (EEE The original has the Tibetan headword as bu ma rta which is incorrect. The headword has been corrected in accordance with the transliteration "bya-ma-rta" and the alphabetical context.) bya ma byi the fruit-bat or flying fox. Syn. bya ma byi'u ; gcod byed ; nye bar 'dzin byed (Moon.). bya ma leb any butterfly. bya rmyang ba = brkyangs shad byed pa stretching one's self after fatigue, lying prostrate: seng ge 'di tshang nas byung ste bya rmyang byed this lion coming out of his den stretches his body. bya tshe ring the white crane, a species of bird said to live one hundred years. Syn. lhad bkod ; gnam gyi she mong bya ; snyan 'phrin ; 'dab chags tshe ring (Moon.). bya wang the bat; acc. to J‰. night-hawk, goatsucker, caprimulgus. bya bzhon 1. one who rides on a bird, an epithet of Virnu and Karttikeya the former riding on the eagle, the latter on the peacock. 2. an egg (in Bal.) (J‰.). bya ze crest on the head of birds, tuft (of feathers) of birds. bya 'ug pa the owl (general term). bya'i gdon a malignant spirit which kills birds; a disease of birds (Mog. 77). bya'i 'phur tshul flying of a bird: gyen 'phur ; thur 'phur ; thad ka 'phur ; rab tu 'phur ; bya yi 'gros (Moon.). bya ri snyegs SANST [a species of bird, the Gracula religiosa]S. bya rog SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the crow; in W. the raven. bya rog od pa the characteristics of a crow: mi mngon 'khrig dang , rngam pa dang , dus su gnas na 'cha' bag yod pa dang , yid mi ches (Masu rakra). Syn. khwa ta ; thos sgrogs ; grong khyer od ; na tshod gnas ; gzhan gso ; rab dga' ; tsher ma'i tshang can ; brgya byin skyes ; lan cig skyes ; mdog gcig pa ; rdo rje'i mchu can ; 'khrid pa sped ; dga' bas rgyu ; lte ba skyes ; lha gtor za ba ; bdag nyid sgrogs ; bden pa'i ngag (Moon.). bya rog dgra bo SANST, SANST [a bat, an owl, a cricket]S. = pha wang 3. bya rog chen po the large species of crow, the raven. Syn. ka ko la ; 'chi ba bslu ; mgrin nag (Moon.). bya rog mchu SANST [a fragrant powder, a kind of gem.]S. bya rog nyung ba a medicinal plant: bya rog nyung mas rma gso 'bras nad 'dul . Syn. tha dad phreng ; bum nges ; u du mu ra'i 'dab ; pad ma mchos ; nad med lam skyes ; shin tu od ; 'dab byed rtsub mo ; yan lag dmar ; mdzes ldan nyid (Moon.). bya rog lto SANST, SANST [a vegetable substance used in medicine, described as sweet and cooling, allaying fever, removing phlegm, etc; it is said to be a root brought from Nepal or Morung]S. bya rog gdong 1. SANST a kind of sandal-wood. 2. SANST the crow's face. bya rog stobs ldan important medicinal root. Syn. sde brgyad 'bras zhim ; lang tsho gnas ; so so'i phreng ba (Moon.). bya rog nor bu SANST a medicinal fruit said to be useful in consumption: bya rog nor bu star bu ru rta dang (Smanr. 222). bya rog u dum wa ri kA á SANST [the glomerous fig tree.]S. Syn. snying med ; dris gang ; rje ngar 'bras (Moon.). bya lam as met. the sky (Moon.). bya lo pa one born in the bird-year of the Tibetan calendar. bya shing rta mo Syn. shing 'joms ; 'dab brgyad pa ; mgrin ring (Moon.). bya shor ba bird of prey. Syn. 'tsho ba'i tha chad ; bya rnyi ba ; bya rgya ba (Moon.). bya ba 1. sbst. SANST that which is to be done; any action or deed; a duty: 'jig rten gyi bya ba and chos kyi bya ba secular and religious works; bya las one's duties; bya ba od lam behaviour, conduct, doings. 2. fut. infin. of byed pa to do, or to call; esp. in the phrase zhes bya ba thus to be called, so to be styled (placed after personal names). bya rgyu zad pa all efforts or measures exhausted, nothing left to be done. bya rgyal thabs zad all resources failing, bereft of help. bya snyam pa = bya bsam pa : shA kya thub pa'i 'khor gyi thog ma zhig bya snyam pa yin (A. 60). bya btang (bdag 'dzin blos btang ) relinquishing one's interest or possessions either in a spiritual or a temporal sense. bya sla ba easy to be done. bya ga or byag pa pliancy, nimbleness, agility of body; byag mkhan rope-dancer (J‰.). bya dga' SANST favour, boon, royal favour, recognition of services with rewards and presents: blud mi 'dod pa'i steng du bya dga' chen po yang ster besides not demanding ransom from you he would even confer on you great rewards; rgya gar gyi sprang po la bya dga' khas blangs te bod la phan thog pa'i paºi ta yod dam med 'drir btang bas offering rewards to mendicants of India he sent to inquire if there were pandits who would be of service to Tibet (A. 64). bya bral met. night, lit. free from work, cessation from work. Syn. mtshan mo ; 'du 'dzi bral ba (Moon.). bya bral pa = bya btang ba one free from business, an ascetic. bya ma bum pa a teapot-shaped vessel used in sacrificing. bya ma byar skyag dandelion. bya mo lab = mchod rdzas articles for religious service. bya ra sbst. watch, superintendence, attention: zhag gsum gyi nang bar u pa si ka'i bya ra mdzad he watched the conduct of the upasaka for three days (or it may mean that he did the duties of an upasaka for three days) (A. 83). bya ra gtogs in: bstan pa la thos bsam gyi bya ra ma gtogs pa mi 'grul does not move without doing some service to religion in reference to study (A. 126). bya ra ba = an tshab SANST sentinel, watcher. bya sa n. of a monastery near Chethang (rtse thang ) on the Yeru Tsang-po: dang por bya sar phyag phebs he first visited the monastery of Chya-sa (A. 93). bya sa ko khar the ferry at bya sa the place where people cross the Tsang-po by means of ko ba hide boats. byang SANST, SANST the north: byang phyogs SANST the northern direction, byang gyi byang phyogs kyi northern; byang ngos north side, byang thang the Jang-thang or grassy undulating plains of North Tibet; byang pa an inhabitant of the north. byang gi phyogs skyong the guardian of the north, an epithet of Vaisravana. byang sgra mi snyan SANST the fancied continent of the north where men enjoy unvarying health and fabulous longevity. byang phyogs nor 'dzin khyon gyi rta mchog , = bul tog a kind of soda obtained from the northern deserts of Tibet (Sman); byang dbang n. of a superior quality of satin (S. kar. 179). byang 'brog the herdsmen of the northern solitudes of Tibet (Loo. 'a, 5). byang chub SANST; byang = purified, all sins and defilements washed out, and chub = perfected, all attainments and accomplishments having been acquired. byang chub sems dpa' SANST one having perfect spiritual enlightenment, i.e., a Bodhisattva; byang chub sems ma fem. of byang chub sems dpa' . There are two classes of byang chub sems dpa' : one those belonging to the school of Hinayana, i.e., Sravakas and Pratyeka Buddhas; and the other those belonging to the Mahayana school or the proper Bodhisattva. The name bla na med pa'i byang chub , i.e., Anuttara Bodhisattva is given to those who having attained to the position of a Bodhisattva of the Mahayana school are neither subject to decay nor dependent on anything (K. d. ga, 451). General names of a Bodhisattva are: sems dpa' chen po SANST; blo ldan SANST; gsal mchog SANST; rgyal ba'i sras SANST; rgyal ba'i gzhi SANST; rnam par rgyal byed SANST; rgyal ba'i myu gu SANST; rtsal ldan SANST; 'phags mchog SANST; ded dpon SANST; grags chen SANST; snying rje can SANST; bsod nams che SANST; dbang phyug SANST; chos dang ldan pa SANST; rgyal ba'i thugs kyi sras SANST; chos las 'byung ba SANST; zhal nas skyes SANST. The special attributes of a Bodhisattva are: ting nge 'dzin Samadhi or contemplation; stobs bcu SANST the ten kinds of moral strength; mi 'jigs pa Vaisharadya or moral intrepidity, etc. byang chub sems dpa'i chos ma 'dres pa bco brgyad the eighteen unmixed virtues of a Bodhisattva:- (1) ma bstan pa'i sbyin pa can rnams SANST; (2) ma bstan pa'i tshul khrims can rnams SANST; (3) ma bstan pa'i bzod pa can rnams SANST; (4) ma bstan pa'i brtson 'grus can rnams SANST; (5) ma bstan pa'i bsam gtan can rnams SANST; (6) ma bstan pa'i shes rab can rnams SANST; (7) bsdu ba'i dngos pos sems can thams cad sdud pa rnams SANST; (8) yongs su bsngo ba'i cho ga shes rnams SANST; (9) thabs mkhas pas sems can thams cad kyi od pa'i dbang gis theg pa'i mchog gis 'byung ba ston pa rnams SANST; (10) theg pa chen po las ma nyams pa rnams SANST (not fallen away from Mahayana); (11) 'khos ba dang mya ngan las 'das pa'i sgo ston pa rnams SANST; (12) zung snol zhi'i rgyud la mkhas pa rnams SANST; (13) ye shes sngon du 'gro bas mngon par 'du mi byed cing kha na ma tho ba med par tshe rabs thams cad du mngon du zhugs pa rnams SANST; (14) lus dang ngag dang yid kyi las kyi mtha' dge ba bcu dang ldan pa rnams SANST; (15) sdug bsngal gyi phung po thams cad bzod pa'i lus len pas sems can kyi khams thams cad yongs su mi gtong ba rnams SANST; (16) 'gro ba thams cad mngon par dga' bar ston pa rnams SANST; (17) byis pa dang nyan thos mi bzod pa ji snyed cig gi nang na yang dge ba mang po'i rin che'i shing dpag pa SANST; (18) chos thams cad kyi thams cad sbyin pas dbang bskur ba thob par bya ba'i phyir sangs rgyas kyi chos btsal bstan pa la phyir mi ldog rnams SANST. Again, we read of byang chub kyi yan lag 'dun the seven secondary virtues of a Bodhisattva, viz.: dran pa , chos rnam par 'byed pa , brtson 'grus , dga' ba , shin tu sbyangs pa , ting nge 'dzin , btang snyoms (K. d. pha, 257). byang chub sems dpa'i tshogs chen po dang yang thabs cig SANST [with a large retinue of Bodhisattvas.]S. yang dag byang chub SANST complete enlightenment; yang dag rdzogs pa'i byang chub sems a soul that has attained to the most perfect development spiritually. byang chub pa = thar ba SANST or salvation (Moon.). byang chub ljon shing SANST, SANST, SANST; the Indian fig-tree, Ficus religiosa. Syn. mchod rten shing ; khrad par gnas ; glang po'i zas ; shing gi dbang po (Moon.). byang chub snying po SANST the sacred heart of the Bodhisattva, i.e., the place where Buddha attained to Nirvana, Vajrasana now called Gaya. byang chub lam sgron the great work of Atisa which was written in Sanskrit during his residence in the golden monastery of Thoding or Tholing in W. Tibet, still an important establishment. byang chub lha khang n. of a sanctuary in Kong-po (Jig. 3). byang grol (abbr. of byang chub sems dpa' ) SANST, SANST immortality, emancipation, salvation. Syn. thar pa ; rnam grol ; 'chi med (Moon.). byang dar a kind of white silk scarf presented to guests at the time of meeting or parting (S. kar. 179). byang rdo monument or prop. inscription stone (J‰.). byang pa 1. v. byang 3. 2. medicinal plant: byang pas rtsa yi nad rnams sbyong bar byed . byang sems dkar , dmar white and red species of medicinal plants which are used to stop seminal discharge, etc. tshad ldan bcud len mchog|thig le 'dzag sdoms rma dang dmu chu la phan (Med.). byang sems dkar po the seminal fluid, the animal seed. byang sems ldan pa'i lha bu gzhon nu = cong zhi soapstone, or perhaps pumice stone (Sman.). byang ba 1. = sangs pa (Yig. 38). purified; = zhib pa powdered (S. Lex.). 2. sbst. mkhas pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST wise, learned, skilful, clever. byang bar 'gyur becomes purified; byang bar 'gyur becomes purified; byang bar ma byas has not been made clean. byang bu 1. coat of mail made of thin circular scale-like iron rings (Jig. 31). 2. an inscription written on a board. Acc. to J‰. direction, label. byang bying grangs n. of a number: lcag lcig byang bying chem chem dang (Ya-sel. 56). byang mi 1. north-man. 2. nothing, not at all, by no means: byang mi gsung said nothing. byang zhwa lcags kyi byang dgus bzos pas zhwa mo iron helmet (Rtsii.). byangs = byang : rab byangs well cleansed or purified. byad SANST 1. shape, aspect, outline; and, hence, countenance: byad kyi bkrags mdangs brightness, radiancy, beautiful complexion; byad gzugs SANST well-formed. 2. (Cs. also byad ma ) enemy: byad ma rme sha can a wicked demon, (Vai. so.). 3. = mnan gtan suppression, imprecation, malediction. 4. any article, piece of furniture; in compounds, yo byad , cha byed . byad byur [SANST a fragrant grass, Cyperus]S. byan á or bya na = zas kyi kha bsgy ur ba'i lan tshwa . bya na may be salted curry or byan is prob. a corrupted form of bynya dzan SANST. byan po a cook. byan mo a housewife, a woman who cooks food; acc. to Sch. a divorced woman; and byan tshud pa 'to allure, entice, seduce.' byab pa pf. byabs pa 1. to cleanse, wash, wipe: nang thams cad la byab pa to clean the whole house. 2. to seize, clutch: ra lug byab nas aa lce wa mos za seizing the goat and sheep, the fox eats them, alas! byams pa 1. sbst. SANST, SANST kindness, love, affection, byams sems id. Also adj. kind, loving, benevolent, used of the love of parents to their children, of the beneficent to the needy, but not in the contrary order, nor of love to inanimate objects (J‰.). byams dgongs kindness, consideration, gracious treatment; byams pa'i gnyen kind and beloved friend: tshur 'ong byams pa'i gnyen beloved friend do come here. 2. SANST; the loving one, i.e., the coming Buddha, or Maitreya; also styled:- ma pham mgon po ; sa bcu'i dbang phyug ; ma pham pa ; dga' ldan bzhugs ; dga' ldan bdag ; byams chen mgon po (Moon.). An enumeration of his one hundred and eight names is to be found in K. g. pha, 21. His name with Mongol Buddhists is Maidari; and the Pali synonym is Metteyya. byams chen chos rje shAkya ye shes n. of the founder of the great monastery of Sera near Lhasa (Loo. 'a, 11). byams pa gling (Chambaling) n. of a great monastery and Chorten in Gra-nang in Lhokha where there is a huge image of Maitreya. Every year in the month of June a great fair is held at Chambaling (Loo. za, 7). byams pa chos 'khor ma n. of the chief image of the Maitreya Dharma cakra which king Kpikri during the time of Buddha Kasyapa used to adore (Lon. 'a, 5). byams pa 'jug pa zhes pa'i mdo a sutra on the advent of Maitreya (K. d. ba, 440). byams pa nyer gcig twenty-one Champa deities of the Bon pantheon which according to some find form in the sgrol ma nyer gcig the twenty-one manifestations of the goddess Dol-ma or Tara (D.R.). (EEE The original reads "twenty-one Champa duties..." which is a mistake for "deities.") byams pa mi 'gyur n. of an ancient castle built by the royal father of king srong btsan sgam po situated to the east of Lhasa (Loo. 'a, 5). byams pa dang ldan pa loving and affectionate, one who is possessed of these qualities. Syn. yid la gcags pa ; pha lta bu ; pha yi chos ldan ; ma dang sring mo lta bu ; byams ldan ; thugs rje che ba ; bka' drin can ; rjes bzung ; brtse bas skyong ; brtse ldan ; brtse bas 'dzin ; byams brtse ; mnyes gnyen ; byams pa chen po (Moon.). byams pas zhus pa'i chos brgyad the eight religious discourses delivered to Maitreya at his request on the following subjects: bsam pa , sbyor ba , gtong ba , yongs su bsngo ba la mkhas pa , byams pa , snying rje , thabs la mkhas pa , shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa la nges par byung ba (K. ko. cha, 203). byams pas zhus pa'i mdo a sutra spoken by Maitreya (K. ko. cha, 41). byams sprin n. of a place with a monastery in the district of Skyid-groo (Kirong) north of Nepal (Loo. 'a, 6). byams bzhugs sitting like Maitreya, i.e., after European fashion on a chair with his legs hanging down, opp. to thub bzhugs sitting cross legged like Buddha. Maitreya when appearing in this world as a Buddha will change the usual mode of Buddhist sitting. byar = bya bar , supine of byed pa ; byar med 1. not to be done. 2. sbst. inactivity, inaction. In Buddhism, apathy, indifference: byar med kyi ngang la gnas pa to live in the state of inaction. byas deb (las bya ba gang byas pa'i deb ) register of work and duties (of officials, etc.). (Rtsi.). byas nas SANST having done, performed. byas pa pf. of byed pa ; 1. SANST [done]S. byas na , SANST, when done. 2. a doer: byed pa byas pa a doer of deeds, as the first grade of holiness. byas pa can SANST [one who has done]S. byas pa chud za ba SANST [destruction of what has been done; is a technical term of Indian philosophy adopted to establish the doctrine of rebirth by showing that it is an absurdity to maintain that any act done by me will be destroyed, and that I shall not enjoy the fruit of it]S. byas pa tshor ba SANST [grateful]S. byas pa shes pa or byas pa gzo ba = byas shes pa infra. byas chos conscience (J‰.). byas zin pa a work done, finished or completed. byas shes pa SANST, SANST to be grateful; gratitude, thankfulness: byas shes bka' drin gzo bar bya for kindness done you should be grateful (A. 129). byi 1. anything that is devoid of hair and plumes or from which the hair has been taken off. byi byed pa rarely byi ba to ravish, commit a rape; byi chad punishment for it. byi byas = byi shor or gzhan gyi bud med la od pa adultery, fornication (Shal. ch. 14). byi bo = 'chal po a lewd person. byi tang ga also called byi dam ga SANST n. of a medicinal fruit [Erycibe paniculata] very effective in killing worms and improving digestion. Syn. don yod 'bras bu ; sna tshogs 'bras (Moon.). byi thar dur porcupine, hedgehog. byi dar a silk stuff (Vai. so). byi sdings whole, entire. byi nu ti n. of a place in ancient India: de'i tshe yul byi nu ti'i rgyal po mi 'jig pa zhes pa'ang at that time (seven days after the death of Buddha) the king of the country of Byinuti called Abhaya (K. my. kha, 526). byi dor also byi bdar SANST, SANST, SANST the wiping, cleansing; the act of cleaning; byi dor byed pa to clean, to sweep out spiritually, to cleanse one's thoughts (Mil.); byi bdar byed pa to dress trimly, to make one's self smart; byi dor can one who keeps neat and clean and is fond of living so: grong khyer gnas na bu mo byi dor can (A. 5). byi po or byi pho an adulterer, a lewd person (K. du. da, 284). byi ba = rtsi rtsi SANST, SANST rat, mouse. Syn. rkun mo ; 'bigs byed ; pri Sa'i mig ; rko byed ; bug pa byed ; ri brag la gnas pa ; shing gi byi ba ; dri ma can (Moon.). byi ba snug chung n. of a mouse in the fable Rdsa-byi. byi ba'i lo ma v. thar nu 3. byi tshe n. of a monster: byi tshe phag mgo dang me cha la sogs pa (A. 34). byi tsher a medicine for external application: byi tsher rims dug mkhal ma'i tsha ba sel (Med.). byi bzhin (skar ma ) SANST n. of the 21st constellation or lunar mansion. Syn. ngag nyan ma ; tshim byed pa ; bya ze (Moon.). byi bzung the bur of the burdock plant (J‰.). byi ze = thabs manner, way, method. byi 'u 1. shrew-rat. byi 'u thang khyams field-shrew: byi 'u thang khyams lta bur mi song ba'i mgo 'dren guided the men who went like a field-shrew (Yig. k.). 2. a sparrow. byi'u la phug and byi'u sgog are medicinal plants. (EEE According to the rules of Tibetan grammar, the particle 'u (and others, too) can be directly joined to the word-part with which they are connected or they can be separated from it by a tsheg. It is equally correct to write byi'u 3 or its alternative form 3bye'u 3.) byi ru wrongly written for byu ru 3 q.v. byi rug a kind of plant. byi rug rma yi 'bu bsrung srin sol sel . byi la 1. SANST, SANST cat. Syn. zhum bu ; zhi mi ; aa li ; (Moon.). 2. n. of a demon (sa bdag ) of the naga class. byi la'i rgyal mtshan is an appurtenance of gods, resembling a flag with a cat's head at the top (J‰.). byi lam pha mgo = byi lam sngon mo n. of a monster of the naga class having a pig's head. byi shang dkar mo n. of a medicinal plant, byi shang dkar mos glod tshad phyi skran sel . (EEE The original gives the headword as phyi shang dkar mo but with correct transliteration of byi-shao dkar-mo. The headword has been altered accordingly.) byi shor v. byi byas 3; SANST [calumniated]S. bying rdul SANST n. of a number. bying phab a kind of tea (Rtsii.). bying ba SANST, SANST hidden (A.K. 1-18), sunk in water, etc., v. 'bying ba 3. bying bying thu lu a species of small beetle. bying ma a kind of woollen stuff like serge: bying ma spus 'bring 'dra ba 'dom re the cost of each fathom's length of middle quality of chingma (Rtsii.). byings 1. depth of the sea: byings na gnas pa animals that live hidden in the deep sea. 2. hidden, concealed; sunk in water: rnam par byings SANST quite submerged, foundered (A.K. 1-16). 3. or byings pa , = all, in general (like kun i ). byin 1. pomp, splendour, magnificence, byin che grandeur; byin can magnificent, splendid, brilliant, byin med without display. 2. also byin rlabs a blessing, a bestowing of blessings, byin bab received blessing; bcom ldan 'das kyi byin gyis by the blessing or the miraculous power of Buddha (J‰.). byin gyis rlob pa SANST to bless: sems can gyi sdug bsngal zhi bar byin gyis rlobs grant thy blessing, that the misery of beings may be assuaged (Mil.); log 'dren bdud kyis byin gyis brlabs heretical teachers sent and fitted out by the devil (J‰.). There are four kinds of Adhirthana or blessings: (1) bden pa'i byin gyis brlabs SANST [blessing of truth]S.; (2) gtong ba'i byin gyis brlabs SANST [blessing of charity]S.; (3) nye bar zhi ba'i byin gyis brlabs SANST [blessing of tranquility]S.; (4) shes rab kyi byin gyis brlabs SANST [blessing of wisdom]S. byin rlabs can blessed, holy. byin rlabs zhugs pa to suppress evil by means of blessing, also to exorcise spirits. byin lcags a kind of tea (Rtsii.). byin chags pa SANST charming, fascinating [also, playful, tender]S. byin rten (byin rlabs kyi rten ) the object of sanctity, symbol of blessedness, sacred charm or medicament; saintly relics. byin pa 1. (rkang pa'i ) SANST calf of the leg: byin pa na ba pain in the calf. 2. pf. of sbyin pa 3. byin pa'i mtha' SANST the limit of charity. byin po ordinary; most, all; 'khor byin po most of the servants or attendants (A. 71); lo gcig gsung nas 'khor byin po rnams bzlog mentioning (he would stay in Tibet) one year, he sent back most of his attendants (A. 71). byin phabs good ordinary tea (Rtsii.). byin phul hollow on the inner side of the thigh (Cs.). byin za'i lto ba = bya go bo a kind of vulture with plumes (Moon.). byin lan SANST thank-offering. byibs seems to have a pres. form byib pa or 'byib pa = bkab pa or gYogs pa enveloped, hidden (Moon.). byi'u sbyang a small bird (Rtsii.). byi'u me zan (lit. the fire-eating bird) n. of a fabulous bird from the excrement of which gold is said to be obtained: rgya mtsho'i 'gram gyi brag ri chen po la|byi'u me zan zhes bya'i brun las from the dung of the so-called fire-bird on a large rocky precipice of the sea-shore. (Jig. 16). byil ba to pat: mgo bo la byil byil byed pa to pat a person's head (Pth.). byil mo naked (Sch.). byis pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST little child, young boy: mo byis little girl; byis pa od pa SANST childish or boyish behaviour. byis pa rda bdud n. of a (sa bdag ) monster. byis pa'i skye bo SANST 1. a plain young person not initiated or married. 2. one who is ignorant of the doctrine of Karma and Phala, and who does not receive what is necessary for his spiritual culture. byis pa'i brtul zhugs SANST childish resolution, or vows; byis pa'i rang bzhin SANST puerile childish nature; byis pa'i lam SANST childish ways. byis pa gso ba la de'i nyer od dang |de'i nad dang |gdon gso ba gsum in bringing up a child there are three things to be watched nyer od la :- to see whether it will be lucky on its navel string being cut, to ascertain the diseases to which it will be subject owing to faults of the parents, to protect it against the twenty-four dangers from evil spirits. byu ru SANST, SANST coral (Zam.); byu ru rgya mtsho'i 'gram gyi bye ma la|nyal thabs su ni skyes yin zhes grags byi ba'i rwa yin zer ba blun skad yin| it is said that coral is grown in sand on the sea-shores; it is foolish talk to say that it is the horn of a species of rat (Loo. ha, 2). byu ru ja n. of a kind of tea (Rtsii.). byu ru'i mchu can = bya skyang ka the bird with a coral-like bill. Syn. nor bu'i 'khri shing ; nor bu chen po ; dpal me tog ; lus dmar 'dab ; gser can 'dab ; rin chen sdong po (Moon.). byug pa = 'byug pa 1. to apply a salve, to anoint. 2. SANST, SANST, SANST medicinal ointment, also pomade. byug spos scented ointment or oil; byug dmar the coloured butter that is used to paint cakes, biscuits, &c., for temple-offerings (Rtsii.). byug ris 1. a painted image, a figure done in paint or colour. 2. acc. to J‰. = gram a place in a certain succession or row; byug ris zhog make room, leave a place empty (Sch.). byug gser gold that is used in gilding, golden paint. byugs pf. of 'byug pa 3. byung 1. v. 'byung ba 3. (EEE No definition 2. is provided in the original.) byung rgyal du smra ba + = rdzun smra ba to speak falsehood, to utter an untruth. byung tshul history, story, particulars of any event: nga'i byung tshul de ltar gda' that is my history (J‰.); byung rabs history, historical events; byung shag must have occurred or happened; also, it is hoped that such a thing has happened, v. 'byung ba 3. byub an abbrv. of byang chub 3. byur + = mya ngan ill-luck, misery, shame; byur sdud ma = chags sgo slong mkhan ma a woman who does shameful actions (Khrid. 51). byur po 1. = ltas ngan ominous sign, ill-omen; mi lus byur po che mi lus phal pa'am a human body is an ill-fated object, it is very mean (Khrid. 19). 2. acc. to J‰. = vulg. byur byur = khengs pa SANST, heaped, a heaped measure of corn or meal; byur byur gyur pa became heaped up, accumulated. byus 'gro ba to be successful, to succeed (Yig. 19). byus che = gnad chen byu very important, (Ljaos.). byus dpon a commander-in-chief who is successful in administration and diplomacy (Ljaos.). bye = phye 1. powder. 2. = bye'u little bird; bye gling bird's nest; bye phrug a young bird; bye brun bird-dung (Vai. so.). bye dkar = bye ma ka ra refined sugar; also for shel kar crystalline sugar or sugar candy (Rtsii.). bye stag = dmig bu (mystic) (Mio-rda. 4). bye na nab nub SANST [a javelin, measuring-rod]S. bye ba I: ten millions; bye ba phrag gsum dang sa ya phrag drug thirty-six millions; bye ba sa ya eleven millions. II: SANST [disjunction]S. bye brag 1. = khyad par SANST special, particular; opp. to i general, common. 2. difference, diversity: kho bo dang sangs rgyas bye brag ci yod what difference is there between me and Buddha? bye brag 'byed pa to find, to show the difference, c. genit. (J‰.). bye brag med pa not different; yul gyi bye brag a part of the country, province. bye brag dngos med = snang ba mtha' yas an epithet of Amitabha, the Buddha of immeasurable light (D.R.). bye brag can different (Cs.); bye brag tu = khyad par du especially; bye brag tu rtogs par byed pa SANST, SANST anything done with reference to the original root or signification of it; bye brag rtogs byed chen po name of the work Mahavyutpatti (Tan. d. kho, 223-377). bye brag pa SANST n. of a school of philosohers, the Vaiserika school, which was founded by Kanada. The philosophers of this school maintained that the seven categories such as substance, quality, etc., were each eternally distinct or sui generis in nature. bye brag pa'i lta ba the philosophical doctrine of the Vaiserika school. phyi'i phung po lcams dang skye mched la rdul phra rab tu lta'o|de yang dang po 'dzin pa'i bzung nas rdul dang phra rab bgrangs te 'di ni 'jig pa'i rgyu can no|'di ni stong pa'i bag la zhi|cang med steng pa'i ma la gnas pa'o (Potopa on the heretical doctrines: Lo. 9). bye brag smra ba SANST [a class of Buddhist philosophers who held that the external world and knowledge were both real]S. bye ma SANST, SANST sand, a sandy place or desert: gser gyi bye ma'i dkyil na in the middle of a plain of golden sand (Glr.); gang ga'i klung gi bye ma tsam as much as there is sand in the Ganges (J‰.). bsam yas dgon pa'i phyogs bzhi nas bye ma spom zheng can 'byung widely-extending thick sands appear all round Samye gompa. bye nag black sand; bye chab sandy water, water standing on sandy ground; bye spung heap of sand; bye tshub sand-storm. bye stongs margin of a lake or river which is free from sand; sandless bank. bye stobs sand-bank: de nas khu ston gyi 'gor rnams bye stong na yang byung ba then Khu-ston's followers arrived at the margin which was not sandy (A. 95); bye thang = bye ma'i thang sandy plain (Moon.). bye ma ka ra (Beng.) SANST, SANST brown sugar, moist sugar. bye ma nyu gu a kind of worm or insect abounding in sandy plains (Rtsii.). bye ma lung n. of a district in the neighbourhood of the snowy mountain gnyan chen thang lha , the birthplace of the 7th Karma hierarch named chos rje dbang po of the red-cap school (Loo. za, 30). bye ma dmar SANST, SANST vermillion (S. Lex). bye ma seng ge n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 23). bye ma sgo la n. of a sandy hill in stod lud (Toilung) (Rtsii.); bye ma'i lha khang n. of an ancient monastery situated on a mountain over-hanging the Tsang-po and opposite to thob rgyal in Tsang (Loo. 'a, 6). bye shel sugar and sugarcandy. byed sgo = work; byed sgo khyar khyor du gnas pa to leave a work half done or unfinished; byed sgo phra zhib detailed works (minute and important work); byed sgo rim sel performing duties methodically and continuously (Rtsii.). byed sgo phra zhib all works small or great, i.e., minute details. byed 'jol ngan pa to work badly or wrongly (Yig. k). byed 'jol 'dzab che performing work with zeal, also in an efficient manner (Khrid. 130). byed lte ba = las don byed rgyu dngos gnas the basis of works or of anything to be done (Yig. k). byed pa I: pf. byas , fut. bya , imp. byos or byas , also sometimes byed cig . 1. to make, to manufacture: rdza las tsha tsha nyer gcig byas nas sgrol ma'i dkyil 'khor la de dag gsol lo having made 21 sacrificial cones out of the clay, he offered them on the mandala of Dolma; khyod kyis bag leb byed kyi 'dug gam are you making bread? 2. to make, cause, force to do anything, to bring about either with root or termin. inf. of another vb.: bu tsha brun de za bar byed making the boy eat the dung; sel bar byed causes to be removed; (also with sbst.) mya ngan byas brought about misery, zug che byed de causing great pain; but not used as we should in such phrases as "to make a noise" ('ur rgyab pa ), "to make water" (gcin gtong ba ), etc. 3. to do, perform, to act: khyod gang byed kyi 'dug what are you doing? las ka byed pa to perform a task, to work; bya ba byed pa id.; bsam ltar mgyogs par byas na if it is done quickly according to your intention; de 'dras gang la byas why did you do so? ci ltar byed na legs what is it best to do? snan gyis las byed rgyu yin nam will the medicine operate? byed pa byas byas pa one who has accomplished that which was to be done; 'os par byas nas having acted or behaved properly. byed pa under this head seems also to be used in an obscene sense and can stand for "to copulate," much after the usage of od pa : bud med byed pa id.; byed pa'i gzhi as met. = a woman; byed pa'i yan lag "the member for doing," as met. = mo dbang the female organ. 4. as a pleonastic addition to verbs or verbal roots for the sake of emphasis or by custom: smra byed pa to speak, gsos byed pa to cure, shing blug byed pa to put wood on (the fire), dad pa byed pa to believe in, 'gyod pa byed pa to repent, byi byed pa to ravish, etc., etc. In this way, also, byed pa added to a derived noun is often preferred to the simple verb from which the noun is derived: kun ma byed pa is preferred to the simple, ku ba to steal, 'gying bag byed pa is preferred to 'gying ba to look down upon, despise; etc. It is moreover, important to note in this connection, how helpful this auxiliary use of byed pa can become in differentiating the active and passive senses of a verb, especially the participle; thus rdung byed pa = he who is beating, while rdung bya ba = he who is to be beaten, and rdung byas pa him who was beaten; so, too, gsod byed or gsod byed pa a killer, he who kills, and gsod byas pa him who has been killed, the killed; with many other like examples. bya or bya'o as an auxiliary also carries the sense of "should" and "must": de rnams kyi skyod pa bcug par bya'o they must not be allowed to depart. Lastly, should not be forgotten the idiomatic use in certain phrases, as in rdzun byed pa to tell a lie, nye mo byed pa (lit. "to make near") to love, be attached to, kha mchu byed pa (lit. "to operate the lips") to bicker, to quarrel. A lengthy list of such phrases may be found in Snd. Hbk. p. 77-78. N.B.:- In West Tibet the use of this verb is largely superseded by another, namely, bco ba to make, to do. The honorific forms of byed pa should be also noted: mdzad pa used in addressing or speaking of superiors and bgyid pa in polite conversation betwixt equals. II: to style, to denominate; to tell, to mention; used almost exclusively in the pf. and the future tenses: zhes byas pa thus was it mentioned; sngar byas pa bzhin according to what has been said before; byed kyang though saying. The fut. inf. in this sense is in common use after the mention of a person's name for the first time, also after the names of places; and the verb is then usually preceded by the adv. zhes "thus" or "so": yangs pa can zhes bya ba'i grong khyer du in the city of Vaisali thus to be styled; nga'i bu mo swed ma zhes bya ba kha rtsang shi song 'dug my daughter Sved-ma so-called died yesterday; mi la ras pa'i mgur 'bum zhes bya ba bzhugs so the Hundred Thousand Songs of Milaraspa, so to be designated, is (herein) contained. Also, more generally, even in the plain verbum loquendi: bla ma de phebs song zhes bya ba'i sgra mang po'i skad byung ngo there arose the sound of many voices which said 'the lama has come,' tshol byed zhig bya ba'i lung byung nas an order being given which said: 'go, make search.' III: SANST, SANST, SANST sbst. 1. also byed mkhan and byed pa po the person that does a thing, the doer, performer etc., author: bstan bcos byed mkhan the author of the work. 2. byed pa SANST the doing, dealings (with noun in the instr. case): de 'dra ba mi rigs pa rgyal pos byed pa such wrong being done by the king, such unjust dealings of the king; byed pa nyung ba SANST less doing, or little to be done; in the genit. case:blo yi byed pa dbyings su spos hide the working of your understanding in the heavens; byed pa lam du 'khyer ba'i lta ba (Theg. 39). byed pa'i rgyu SANST instrumental cause; byed pa'i tshig SANST verbal-term or expression, a verb. byed pa'i yan lag (1) the female organ. (S. Lex.). (2) effort, endeavour; byed pa med pa SANST, effortless. byed lugs or byed stangs manner of doing, working; method in work (Rdsa. 10). byed srol = byed lugs (Rtsii.). IV: diagrams; byed pa bcu gcig the eleven astrological diagrams. They are: gdab pa ; byis pa ; dge ba ; til brdung ; khyim skyes ; tshong pa ; bSa Di ; bkra shis ; bzhi mdo ; klu ; mi sdug pa . byed pa can 1. = SANST skra hair. 2. SANST [produced from or belonging to any doer or maker]S. byed pa po = rgyur smra ba'i lta ba the doctrine of the Hetu-Vadin sect of the Tirthika (Theg. 33). bye'u mchil pa = khang bye'u swallow, also: sparrow (Hbrom. kha, 163). bye'u la phug a medicinal herb (Cs.). byer ba = bral ba or so sor bral ba 1. to separate, disintegrate; byer ba to destroy, nag po'i tshogs rnams byer te 'gro go dispersing the troops of enemies or sins (Hbrom. kha, 125). song ba byer cig , imp. let them go, let them disperse (A. 19). 2. in medical works = gram pa . byes place of occasional residence opp. to home or place of permanent residence; foreign country; abroad. byes su 'gro ba to go abroad, to travel; byes pa foreigner, stranger; traveller; byes lam = 'grul lam travelling road, road on which to travel. byo = bza' ba dang btung ba min devoid of food and drink (mystic) (K. g. kha, 179). byo ba 1. to pour, to transfer water or anything else from one vessel to another vessel, hence fig. communicating or imparting instruction: bum pa gang byo fill up a pot with water; jo bos kyang yon tan bum pa gang byo'i tshul du len pa yin the lord also had received (from him) as it were one vesselful of learning (A. 40); snod gcig nas gcig tu byo ba bzhin du thugs su chud communication of ideas is like pouring from one vessel into another (A. 47). 2. to hear, listen to (J‰.). byon pa SANST v. 'byon pa 3; byon du re nas SANST; expecting or awaiting his arrival: bod ston rnams byon du re nas ci mgon mdzad (A. 86). byor = nar nar 3 (Oag. 48). byol ba to mistake, to blunder, to err; to go astray. 2. v. 'byol ba 3. Syn. nor ba ; 'chol ba ; zur ba (Moon.). byol song SANST, SANST (lam byol bar 'gro bas byol song ) lit. one gone out of the way, hence all animals other than man, particularly the quadrupeds. byol song rgyal po the king of beasts, the lion; byol song i yi sde rnam pa gsum the three classes of beasts in general, viz., those living in water, those moving on the earth, and those moving in space such as birds, flies, etc. byor song bas glen pa more stupid than a brute (Mil.). bra nye SANST constellation I., the first lunar mansion [second constellation in the Hindu astronomy]S. Syn. gshin rje mo ; sgeg mo (Rtsii.). bra da ra á n. of a tree (A. 38). bra ba I: sbst., does not indicate the marmot, but is the more formal n. for animals of the lagomys genus, small rodents, tailless and living in burrows. aa bra and rja bra are colloq. terms for two species of the genus. bra mkhar = bra tshang burrow of the lagomys. II: vb. to have or to be in great plenty: rang gis za ma bra btung ma bra gon ma bra she allowed herself no abundance of food, drink or clothing (J‰.). bra bo SANST buck-wheat of white and black species; bra bo'i zan SANST buck-wheat meal. bra phye buck-wheat flour; bra sog buck-wheat straw serving as a poor sort of fodder during the winter (J‰.). bra rtse gYag n. of a kind of animal; said to be a species of hedgehog (Rtsii.). bra lo can (sgro khyim yangs la mgo bo bra lo can ) (Jig. 30). brag a rock, crag; brag rdo id.: brag rdo'i drod dugs grang ba sel bar byed warmth in the rock being kindled, the cold was removed; brag cha echo from a rock; brag lcam pa rock vegetation; brag phug a cavern, very frq. brag rtse rocky peak, rock-top; brag rong a narrow ravine. brag skya bo'i ri n. of a mountain supposed to exist beyond Ratnadvipa the island of precious things, situated in the western quarter (K. d. ra, 282). brag skyabs a harbourage for birds under the cleft of a rock. brag skyes = bra SANST [1. rock-grown. 2. a fragrant resin, benzoin or storax]S. brag rgyab 1. lit. behind the rock. 2. n. of a village beyond Hphan-yul (Loo., 13). brag sgog a species of garlic growing in the clefts or rocks: brag sgog rtsa bas grang nga srin 'jom garlic roots suppress gonorhúa. brag ca + = brag cha . (EE brag cha does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under brag 3.) brag nag la n. of a mountain in stod lung tshur phug (Rtsii.). brag pa = khong khro anger, malice. brag dbon n. of a place in Tibet (Loo. za, 8). brag spos an aromatic substance used for incense: brag spos rma rnag 'drub . brag spras = skye ba rgyu gcod (Mio.). brag rtsang rock-lizard. brag zhun SANST, SANST fossil pitch or bitumen, found for instance in Lower Lahul between rocks in solid pieces like unmelted pitch [stone-lac, red chalk]S. brag zhun tshad pa'i nad rnams kun la phan|khyad par pho mchin mkhal nad sel bya'i mchog| Syn. don phan ; rdo skyes ; lAa dza tu ; rdo ba'i nad (Moon.). brag gYab n. of a place in Khams: brag gYab zhib dpyod du thon skabs lags it is time for starting political investigation in Tag-yab (Yig. k. 26). brag ram n. of a place in Tibet (Yig.); also, a kind of mineral substance incrusted on rocks: brag ri las byung ba'i dri bzang po'i bcud rdzas fragrant mineral substances obtained from rocky hills: dus rjes 'brang ; rdo'i me tog ; rgan po ; brag skyes ; bsil ba ; zhi ba (Moon.). brag shig a rock-mite or tick. brag shod described as a wild animal roaming on rocks (Rtsii. 64). brang I: SANST, SANST the chest, the breast: brang dkyil middle of the breast, pit of the stomach; brang rgyan or brang gi rgyan necklace which hangs on the breast (Moon.). brang gdan a bib or apron worn by Ladaki women; brang bur middle convex part of the rdo rje or Buddhist sceptre; brang gi rgyan SANST, the ornament worn on the breast; brang ldan ma a young woman with fine bust. brang ze = phrang sha the breast flesh of goat, sheep or yak (Rtsii.). II: 1. dwelling-place: bla brang lama's residence; 'brang sa or bzhugs brang residence; gzim brang night-quarters, halting place, whether under a roof or in the open air; pho brang king's residence, a palace; also a monastery is called dkon mchog gi pho brang . 2. = sgar camp, encampment: thar brang bdb pitched his tent, encamped. 3. = nags wood, forest: brang la reg pa residing in the woods (mystic) (K. g. kha, 28). brang khang + dwelling house, quarters or rooms of one's residence; dge tshul des jo bo bzhugs sa'i brang khang du yin nas the Sramanera was residing in the central room of the lord's residence (A. 56). brang skyes 1. SANST lit. what grows on the breast, i.e., the teats; also a son, child. Syn. bu tsha phru gu (Moon.); nu ma ; 'o ma 'dzin (Moon.). 2. n. of mythological being called rgod ma kha 'the mare's face,' born out of the breast of Piri Urva, who wished that a child should be born to him without his having to keep female company. So, when feeling heat in his breast, he scratched it and a child came out, which child in the shape of a mare full of burning flame (volcano) resides in the great ocean south of Jambudvipa! She causes the tides. (K. d......). (da lta yang mtsho rlabs 'phel 'grib las mkha' la rta gdong me'i 'od 'byung ba la mtsho rlabs su grags ). brang breng n. of a number: bsam byed brang breng sgod yas dang (Ya-sel. 56). bran SANST, SANST a servant, a slave; also = 'bangs a subject. bran gYog house servant; bran bza' cultivator, tiller of the soil; bran po and bran mo male and female servant. bran du skul ba to engage as a servant: bran du khas blangs so they engaged themselves as servants; lus ngag yid gsum bran du phul te devoting heart, mouth, and body to his service (Pth.); nang nub lto gos kyis bran du khol morning and night I am a slave to food and clothing (J‰). Syn. gYog po ; zhabs 'bring ba ; mngag gzhug pa ; gzhan gsos ; bcal lung ; khol po ; zhabs tog pa ; gzhan skyes ; gzhan gyis bskyangs ; yongs su od ; bsgam bya ba ; rtse rgod byed pa'i gnas ; bka' nyan ci bgyi (Moon.). bran ka n. of a powerful local demon whom Atisa is said to have subdued (A. 102). bran pa SANST to moisten, to saturate with water (A.K. 1-36). Sometimes spelt brang pa . bran lha 'khor bu n. of a sa bdag monster of the naga class. brab pa or brabs pa (pf. of 'brab pa ) cast, thrown (Oag. 48). bram cha one of the thirty-six border countries (Ya-sel. 38). bram ze á SANST, SANST, SANST a Brahman; in Nepalese Baje [one who knows Brahma, i.e., possesses divine knowledge]S. bram ze la ming bram ze|rigs bram ze|sgrub bram ze gsum yod a Brahman has his Brahman name, his Brahman caste, also his three Brahman duties to perform. Syn. thog mar skyes ; kha las skyes ; sngon skyes ; gnyis skyes ; skye gnyis pa ; tshangs byung ; tshangs rigs ; tshangs pa'i bu ; rta can ; slar brjod ; sa yi lha ; bzhi mdo ba ; mgrin skud can ; rigs kyi thu bo ; rgyal mtshan can ; dbang bcas ; shin tu byung ; rgod ma skyes . (EEE The original gives all the above instances of Brahman as Brahman.) bram ze'i las drug the six practices of a Brahman are:- (1) mchod sbyin byed pa SANST the performance of YajÒa; (2) byed du 'jug pa SANST causing such to be performed; (3) bstan bcos klog pa SANST reciting or reading of the holy works; (4) klog tu 'jug pa SANST causing them to be read secretly; (5) sbyin pa len pa SANST the receiving of alms or presents; (6) len pa la mkhas pa SANST sagacity in receiving such. (EEE Original has Brahman for Brahman above.) bram ze chen po'i gdams pa prob. the upadesha cos zab mo deep metaphysical precepts (A. 91). bram ze rnams kyi cha byad the dress, requisites, etc., of the Brahman:- tshangs skud the sacred thread, gYang gzhi ri ags lpags pa the skin of an antelope, bgrang 'phreng rosary for counting; i blugs anointing; dbyug dbyig pa his b‚ton, etc. (Moon.). bram ze pa an adherent of Brahmanical doctrine; bram ze mo a female Brahman. bram ze rig byed 'don pa'i sgra the voice of a Brahman reciting the Veda being taken as a sign of good luck. (EEE The original gives all the above instances of Brahman as Brahman.) bram ze tsa na ka n. of an Indian minister the author of works on ethics and political economy, of which only one is extant in India, but of which several are preserved in translation in the Tibetan Tangyur: 'jig rten lugs kyi bstan bcos bram ze tsa na kas mdzad pa dang (A. 34). bram ze li bi ka ra á SANST n. of an Indian Brahman who taught Sanskrit to Thon-mi Sambhota early in the seventh century A.D. (Situ.). (EEE The original has Brahman for Brahman above.) bram ze'i rigs gsum the three classes of Brahmans: 1. nags gnas SANST those residing in wilderness as ascetics; 2. khyim gnas SANST those living as house-holders; 3. dka' thub SANST those that acquire mystic powers (Ya-sel. 55). (EEE The original has Brahman for Brahman above.) bra'o SANST buck-wheat. bral v. 'bral ba 3. bri v. 'bri ba 3. brid pa v. 'brid pa 3. brid mkhas or snang ba brid mkhas skilful in imposing upon (Khrid. 113). brin po = rgyug po or bsgrim po seems to signify: a rush or run upon anything, a demand; also adj. brisk. brin po byung there being a full market for articles of sale, when they are sold well, it is said brin-po byuo; su la'ang ma brin nga mkho yod whomsoever else may not be wanted, (still) there is need of me (A. 142). brim or brims , v. 'brim pa 3. bris v. 'bri ba 3. bris rnying = yig rnying old writings, records, old manuscripts: bris rnying phal cher la yang de ga yong gi 'dug such things occur even in the older writings (Ya-sel. 38). bris 'bur the art of painting and carving images. bris ma a written book, a manuscript book. bru one of the six earliest tribes of Tibet (J. Zao.). bru ba v. bkres pa 3. (EEE The original has v. "'kre ba " but this is an impossible spelling. bru ba is cognate to 3ltogs pa 3 which is cognate to bkres so the text has been altered accordingly.) bru ba tsha = bkres 3 SANST hunger and thirst. bru tsha also bru zha n. of a country N. W. of Tibet; also that of a tribe in Tibet (Loo. za, 5). We have in the Kahgyur encyclopúdia certain treatises in incomprehensible syllables asserted to be in the Bru-tsha language. gri gum mtsan dus zhang zhung dang bru sha'i dur bon dar zhing mtshon khrab dar te| during the time of kind Digum-tsan the sect called Dur Bon of the Bon religion of Shao-shao and Bru-tsha greatly spread (over Tibet) when the use of weapons and shields was also introduced (J. Zao.). brug pa to flow, to stream out, to gush forth; as sbst. current, flow, flux (J‰.). brug gYos a number (Ya-sel. 57). brud kyi mkhar gdong one of the thirty-seven holy places of the Bon in Tibet (G. Bon. 38). brun = skyag pa dirt, dung, excrement. brub pa or brubs pa = bcug pa ; but is pf. of 'brub pa to put in; dong brubs = dong la bcug pa to put in a hole (Oag. 49). yid brubs la yang (So-rig. 2). brul small chips, bits, crumbs: bag brul crumbs of bread; shing gi bu mo'i lag pa nas bzung ste drangs pa las ji tsam zhig nas shing brul gyi phung por gyur to being pulled by the hand, after a while the wooden girl turned into a heap of wooden chips (K. du. kha, 508). brul ba vb. to be scattered, crumble, fall to pieces, to be shed. brus v. 'bru ba 3. ®·Ma hri a charm of great efficacy: ®·Ma hri yag sha zhes pa thos|de nas rlung dmar thams cad zhi the Yakra having heard this charm "bhrum hri," thereupon all the red mystic wind (within him) was soothed (A. 18). (EEE The original gives yag sha though ykSa in the example would be the more usual spelling.) bre or bre bo SANST, SANST, SANST a measure of dry things as well as fluids, about two pints; originally a measure of as much as may be contained in a cow's foot-hole. gser phye bre gang one bre measure of gold-dust; bre do two bre ; an drangs nas lha khang bre tsam zhig la rab gnas mdzad having invited him he consecrated a miniature chapel the size of a bre measure (A. 90). bre ba a grain measurer, one who measures with the bre . bre ko basin for washing C. (J‰.). bre kha'i mig can as met. a mouse (Yig. k.). bre ga or bre gu a plant producing small hairy berries which are used for medicinal purposes: bre gas glo dang mkhal ma'i tsha ba sel bre ga cures ailments of the lungs and heat in the kidneys. bre phul SANST [head, helmet.]S. bre bo SANST [expanse, breadth]S. bre mo = 'chal gtam foolish talk, talking nonsense or jokingly. bregs pa = bcad pa SANST, shaved clean; cut, sheared. v. 'breg pa 3. breng ba 1. = cung zad a little. 2. v. 'breng ba 3. bred pa = sems sun pa to be alarmed, depressed at heart, to be dejected; also = ngo tsha ba to be ashamed; bred pa ltar byas acted as one who has become alarmed (A. 134); na len dra yi rgyal po bred gyur nas the king of Nalendra having become alarmed (A. 8). brel ba vb. (as J‰. points out, not the same as 'brel ba ) 1. to be employed, busy, engaged, to have business or work in hand: nged mkhar las kyis brel nas long mi 'dug being engaged in building, we have no time to spare; 'dod kho nas brel na if one is entirely taken up with lust or pleasure; brel bas on account of much business. 2. akin to 'bral ba to be deprived of; and hence = to become poor, to be without, to be in want, destitute of, c. inst, case: longs od kyis brel ba being devoid of wealth, (means); cis kyang mi brel bar byas so they did not let him want anything. Other forms: phongs brel te ; brel phong med cing ; mi brel bar not sparingly, scantily, niggardly (J‰.). 3. sbst. business, affair, concern: de'i nyin par brel ca zhig yod zer nas saying that he had a certain business that day (A. 95); brel dbang pressure of work, business: brel dbang gi lus bzhin 'dug na if it was left on account of pressure of business (Rtsii.). bres 1. or bres kyu a manger; rta bres manger for horses. 2. vb. pf. of 'bre ba to spread out; bres su bcug pa = bkram pa to spread. gdugs dang dar gyi yol ba bres su bcug ste having spread out an umbrella and a silk curtain (A. 150), bla ri bres pa der there where the upper hills are stretched out (Sman-bla, 6). bro 1. SANST, SANST dance; entertainment, amusement. bro mkhan SANST a dancer; zhabs bro mdzad pa to dance as a manifestation of gladness and mirth; bro gar SANST dramatic performance, drama, play. 2. an oath. bro brdung dgon pa n. of a monastery in Kham (S. kar.). bro ba + I: or bro ba 'bor ba = mna' skyel ba to swear, to take an oath: dbu bsnyung dang bro bor ro they swore by their head. II: 1. to taste, to get enjoyment of; gnyid kyang mi bro bas not even tasting of sleep; kha ro skya ba bro one has an astringent taste in the mouth. 2. in C. to desire, to wish, = 'dod pa . blo bro ba id. 3. sbst. taste, savour, flavour: lan tshwa kha zas kun gyi bro bskyed salt imparts flavour (or taste) to every kind of food; bro lta ba to try the taste of; bro ba med tasteless, insipid (Cs.). bro 'tshal ba + = nad kyis thebs pa a sick man, one laid up with illness. bro mi 'tshal ba = nad med pa a healthy person. Syn. nad pa ; nad phog pa (Moon.). bro ma v. gro ma 3. brog zhu wrongly written for prog zhu 3. brog lbur SANST, SANST ant-hill. brong = bsdod SANST [enticing]S. brod = bro ba taste. brod pa joy, eagerness. dga' brod cheerfulness C.; 'chi brod readiness to die (J‰.). brob v. 'brab pa 3. bros v. 'bros pa 3. bla that condition which is above or higher than something else or than things in general. Is used with reference to the actual local position of an article, e.g., bla gos upper garment; bla gYu a turquoise worn or the forehead; but is chiefly employed in the moral or metaphysical sense, e.g. bla srog the higher life or life in bliss, bla thabs supernal methods, lofty or excellent means, bla khyim "the house above," the abode where the souls of men rest or dwell after death (Jig. 26). Hence may = as sbst. anything blessed or supernal such as a superhuman gift and power. So Schmidt renders bla as "life," "soul," and J‰schke has "blessing." As an adv. occurs as bla na above, high up. 2. also takes a verbal form, somewhat curiously, by annexing 'o , when it signifies: is above, is better, is superior; in such cases invariably preceded by yang or kyang meaning "even" or "indeed": ngas tshe 'phos kyang bla'o it is better that I should have even passed from life; de'i mgul la rdo chen po zhig bcings nas rgya mtsho na bskyur ba yang bla'o it were preferable that a large stone had been bound on his neck and he were cast into the sea. Moreover, bla appears occasionally to assume the gerundial form: dge slong mkhas pa zhig yang bla'i|skye bo dge ba yang legs so though indeed a learned monk is to be preferred, a virtuous person is also good. bla skyal (mi zad pa ) SANST [succession]S. bla mkhyen phe'u (sa bdag gi bla ma gcig ) n. of a demon, exorcist. bla gab = steng gYogs 1. upper cover of a thing; also raiment covering the body as a shawl; gzan gos upper garments as the shawl or wrapper used by Indians and also by Tibetans to wrap round their body. bla gab phrag pa gcig tu gzar ba SANST to throw the shawl over one shoulder; bla gab med pa SANST without any upper garment [one who remains in an open space for practising religious austerity]S. 2. roof of a building; also = thog kha upper floor of a house. bla gab med pa'i gtsug lag khang SANST a temple without roof; bla gab can sbst. a residence, a roofed dwelling. bla gos SANST upper garment which is of two forms: rab byung gi bla gos that worn by a Buddhist monk, and the other khyim pa'i bla gos the upper covering of the body used by lay folk. bla col SANST [frivolous talk]S. bla thang = stod snad SANST upper and lower; also = phyi nang within and without. bla rdol = rdzun pa a false speech, inconsiderate talking (Situ. 24). bla rdol du smra ba = rdzun smra ba to utter an untruth, to lie. bla dar a little flag on the house-top on which benedictions are inscribed. bla ags 1. SANST (rnam grangs ) [denomination]S. 2. in Gram. 'a primitive word, an abstract noun' (Sch.). bla na above, over, on the top. bla na med pa SANST having nothing higher over it, the uppermost, the very highest, e.g., byang chub , shes rab and the like, frq. bla na med pa'i lam SANST the highest path or supreme way to salvation. bla brang formerly a lama's residence, but now in Tibet, especially in Tsang, = Grand Lama's residence and place of business called Labrang Gyal tshan thon-po. bla bres v. bla re 3. bla ma SANST, SANST the upper one, the higher one; and hence, an upper monk or lamaóa term sometimes loosely applied to all fully-qualified inmates of a monastery, but is more correctly the designation of the head ge-long only or, in large monasteries, of the chief teachers and more learned monks. Some have seen a close connection between the word bla-ma and the Hindu terms Brahman (one who possesses divine knowledge) and Brahma (the highest deity of the Hindus); believing the Tibetan appellation to owe its origin to one of those Hindu terms. To show the importance of the lama a well-read Buddhist once remarked: bla ma med pa'i gong rol na sangs rgyas bya ba'i ming yang med previous to the lama even the name of Buddha did not exist; and skal pa stong gi sangs rgyas kyang bla ma dag la rten nas 'dug also the 1000 Buddhas of 1000 ages depend on the lamas. Another made the bla ma greater by explaining that bla meant soul or life and ma mother, hence = life-mother, the all sustaining mother of the universe! Again rgyal ba thams cad ye shes klong du gcig pa "in the ocean of wisdom all the Buddhas are one," was said when one man tried to explain what Buddhism was. In its more general sense the term bla ma is defined as: he who presides over a large number of pupils and who has got past sins and defilements (Loo. ba, 8). bla ma gang ni yi ge gcig|ster la phyag ni ma byas pa|khyi yi skye gnas brgya bab nas (Can.) he that has not saluted his lama who has taught him even one letter will after undergoing a hundred births as a dog, etc. bla ma dngos SANST, position of spiritual chief, also the lama personally. bla ma mchog , also bla chen , the chief lama, supreme lama. bla snan pa physician lama: bla snan par bskur (So-rig 134). bla chen mkhan rgyud the line of lamas and mkhan-po learned professors (Jig. 36), also the initiation or vow introduced by Lachen from Amdo shortly after the revival of Buddhism after the persecution by king Laodarma. bla mchod or bla ma mchod pa a yearly festival solely in honour of the lamas; bla ma dang mchod gnas the entire body of the sainted lamas (Bodhisattva), &c., who are most worshipful. bla gnyan (1) = nyer 'tshe SANST danger; (2) = bla ma bka' gnyan po a lama whose commands are very strict and severe. (EEE The original has Brahman for Brahman above.) bla ma'i lta ldan ma SANST; the lunar mansion called Purya (Moon.). bla med = bla na med SANST supreme. bla med rnams la SANST to those who are supreme; also: to the followers of the Anuttara school of Buddhism. bla mtsho a lake which is the abode of gods and nagas, like the lake of Muleding in the province of Chos-khor-rgyal. cha gcig rgyal po la gtan nas bla mtshor bsngos (A. 72). bla 'ur = glo bur immediately, of a sudden: bla 'ur zhal zas gsol te immediately taking his food (Surao. 4). bla 'og 1. = steng 'og above and below, inferior and subordinate. 2. abbr. of bla ma'i 'og or bla brang gi 'og under the lama or the Labrang. bla rabs hierarchy, hierarchical succession: rab la phag mo gru ba'i bla rabs the succession of the Phagmodu Lamas was the chief (Yig. 3). bla ri = bla srog gnas sa'i ri the hill on which one's soul rests after death or in its passage to the Bardo. bla re SANST canopy. Syn. gnam rgyan ; bla bres (Moon.). bla shing explained thus: mi'i bla srog gnas sa'i shing sdong rgyal po'i bla ri bla la sogs pa (Hbrom. 106) the tree of life, i.e., that on the existence of which depends the vitality of a person. Thus, the Bodhi tree at Buddha Gaya was the bla shing of king Asoka; and when by the foul incantations of a Chandalini that tree began to wither the emperor is said to have begun losing his vitality. blag occurs in the compounds: bad blag , btso blag , etc., v. blag pa 3. (EEE The original has bad blag as above but this is certainly a mistake for 3bde blag 3 q.v.) blag pa pf. blags SANST (S. Lex.). 1. = nyan pa to attend to, to hearken to; to lean towards, to permit: rna ba blag pa = rna pa gtad pa to incline one's ear to, to listen to. 2. mchi ma blag pa to shed tears (J‰.). blag pa med pa [SANST one who remains in open space to practise religious austerity]S. blag sha n. of a tree (K. ko. ka, 3). blang ba v. len pa 3. blangs pa SANST, SANST 1. received, took, accepted (A.K.). 2. SANST, quoted, taken from a book, etc. blad pa 1. = rig pa mi gsal ba thick-headed, dull, stupid. 2. or sos blad pa to chew, a secondary form to ldad pa . blan pa = lan blan pa to give a reply; blan gtab pa to retort, to answer. blar 1. abbr. of bla mar . 2. used incorrectly for slar 3. blu ba pf. blus to ransom, to redeem, a pawn, pledge, or security; also in mystical ceremonial; chos dang sku 'dra blu ba to buy back an image or a book. bla rin price paid for the redeeming of persons or animals; ransom. As a means of gaining moral merit or of obtaining relief in sickness, a price is given by wealthy persons to butchers or fishermen to rescue from death animals or fish about to be slain or caught. This bla rin is also termed srog blu . blu rin la btang polite expression used to indicate selling an image or any property belonging to a lama or great personage or anything of a sacred nature. blug kong = 'dod ldan (Moon.). blug pa (pf. blugs , fut. blug , imp. blug or blugs ) 1. to pour into a pot, to fill. 2. v. ldud pa 3. blugs sku molten image; blugs par casting mould; blugs ma cast metal, statues, relievo (cf. 3'bur ba 3); dgang blugs , a large spoon to fill with, ja blugs urn-shaped teapot; i blugs v. 3 i bo 3; mar blugs oil-pitcher; blugs gzar ladle with a long handle to pour clarified butter in the sacrificial fire. blud pa 1. = ldud pa to pour out: mi la ja blud pa to pour out tea to a man; rta la chu blud to pour out water into a pail or bucket for a horse. 2. to offer: btsun mo la myos pa'i chu blud offered intoxicating drink to the lady or queen (Hbrom. 52). 3. sbst. release, ransom, esp. in religious ceremonies where effigy of a sick man is offered to demons to effect a cure, i.e., the effigy is the substitute or ransom for the man; also in other rites, etc.: 'chi bdag gshin rje rgyal po la blud dang gtor ma 'di 'bul gyis let this ransom and torma be offered to king Shinje the lord of death! 4. SANST; remainder, anything left. blud byin = rin byin giving the price of, the worth: rab 'bring dgu'i yang rab bdun rnyed nas de rnams kyi pha ma la blud byin te having obtained the best seven out of the may good and tolerable things he presented them to his parents (A. 67). blun pa or blun po SANST adj. dull, foolish, stupid; sbst. fool, zany. blun po'i lugs foolery, fool's opinion, expressions frq. used in scientific works to define antagonistic views (J‰.); dge ba mi byed pa'i mi ni blun po yin the man who does not do works of virtue is a fool; blun po chos la mi dga' zhing fools do not take delight in religion (K. d. 'a, 351). blun gtam = lkugs gtam foolish talk (Moon.); blun po gling the fool's park, n. of grove near Lhasa (Rtsii.). blun po nyid SANST stupidity, foolishness; blun tshig = blun gtam . blus v. blu ba 3. blus ma anything ransomed. blo SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST (A.K. 1-2), the mind, the heart, together with the primary mental operations; is the general word, though the terms sems or yid are alleged as more correctly = mind, rig pa intellect, shes pa consciousness, but all are put as synonymous to blo . Acc. to Moon. blo signifies a broad heart (sems yangs pa ) also bdag nyid che a generous self or soul, magnanimity. It should be particularly noted that blo is placed, often pleonastically, before a large number of verbs denoting mental operations of all kinds. This will be illustrated in subsequent articles subsidiary to the present article, e.g., blo gtod-pa to rely upon. We merely append bsam pa yangs pa blo'i 'gyur ba sna tshogs so so'i ming or the enumeration of the terms which express the different states and functions of the mind, which with illustrate the comprehensive application of the term blo :- blo 'brid gtam 'gal , yid brtan med , bag med , shes bzhin med , dgongs pa , 'dun pa , bsam pa , brgyal ba , dran pa nyams , snying stobs , brtul phod , gYul ngon brtan , bar du song , brjed pa , bskyed pa , mi brjed , 'dzin nus , dran pa bzang , rnam par mi dpyod , bab chol , gzhig brtag pa , rnam pa dpyod , nges par rtog , nges par sems , brtag dpyad , rnam dpyad , rnam par phye , skyon 'dzin , skyon la rtog pa , yid kyi rnam 'gyur , myong ba , nyams myong ; tshor ba , brtag pa , go ba , rtogs pa , khong du chud pa , rig pa , shes pa , kun tshub bo , dgongs can , don gzhan len , 'gyod pa , rjes su gdung , rjes su gcags , phyi nas gdung , rang skyon 'gegs , 'chab par grags (Moon.). The rendering of blo in the foregoing paragraph may be considered adequate in that it is a definition which is intended to embrace the mind and all its direct operations. We shall, however, for greater perspicuity, proceed to embody in the present paragraph the differentiation of meanings which J‰schke has attached to the word. He distinguishes: (1) the intellectual power in man, understanding: blo rno ba talented, gifted; blo chen po of great mental abilities C.; blo gsal te of a clear understanding: shes pa'i blo sagacity, intelligence, judgment; blo rgya comprehensive intellectual power; glo myur zhing being of quick comprehension, sharp; blo rab -'bring -dman pa of sound, moderate, weak intellect or mental faculty Mog. (the last expression is frq. used in modestly speaking of one's self); blo bag narrow-minded, weak in intellect; khyod ni blo nor ro you are mistaken; blo-na hbab 'I understand' (Sch.). (2) thought, memory: blo shed memory; chos dang yi ge la blo 'jug pa to direct one's thoughts to religion and to learning; blo la sbyor ba to impress on the mind, inculcate; blo bzhugs pa what is retained by, treasured up in, the memory; blo la bzung ba to learn by heart (Glr.). (3) sentiment, disposition, desires: blo-dkar sincere disposition; blo la 'dod pa to desire; blo 'dun pa interest, concern, blo can inclined to, byed pa'i blo can de he that has a mind, is disposed to sacrifice (Dzl.), rang bde bar 'dod pa'i blo med par without any regard to his own welfare (Thgy.); blo nye ba friendly, amiable; blo mang fanciful, fickle; blo ma bsad pa or blo ma rdzogs pa wishes unfulfilled; blo dman mean-spirited, low-minded. blo skyel ba to depend upon, to rely on (J‰.). blo khel ba worthy of confidence, trustworthy: blo khel zhing bsgy ur gong na med being reliable, there was no changing of opinion (Khrid. 188). Syn. yid ches pa ; blo gdud pa (Moon.). blo khog che = blo khog yangs broad-hearted, generous; confident, intrepid, undaunted. blo gel ba to hope (Sch.). blo gros = shes rab (Moon.). SANST, SANST, SANST wisdom; sense, understanding, intellect; blo gros kyis shes bya what is to be discerned by the understanding; blo gros dang ldan pa or blo gros can sensible, judicious; blo gros ldan pa tshig gcig gis tshig brgya dag ni shes par 'gyur to know one word full of wisdom is to know one hundred ordinary words (K. d. la, 1, 367). blo gros gyi gter (K. d. kha, 325), blo gros rgya mtshos zhus pa'i mdo (K. d. na) are sutras. blo gros ngan pa one whose views have become perverted; blo gros chung ngu of little understanding; blo gros chen po SANST; of much sense, of an excellent understanding; blo gros brtan pa of strong commonsense; blo gros zad pa SANST understanding exhausted. blo gros med unintelligent, injudicious; blo gros mi zad pas bstan pa zhes pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra (K. d. pha, 24). blo gros mi zad pas zhus pa'i mdo (K. ko. tsha, 299). blo gros rmongs pa an obscured understanding; blo gros zhan pa of inferior intellect. blo gros bzang po SANST; n. of a fabulous mountain situated to the north of northern ocean (K. d. ra, 288). blo gling = blo gsal gling n. of a section of the Daipung monastery (Rtsii. 7). blo dgos sel khyad the question of the fulfilment of one's plans or intentions (Yig. k). blo rgya chung = blos ma lcibs pa not magnanimous, of contracted views, illiberal. blo rgyas pa = blo brtan pa . blo ngan = sems ngan bad hearted, evil minded (Pag. 300). blo chung ba timid, vacillating, wavering, not of fixed purpose. Syn. spobs pa zhan ; zhum pa ; mi brtan pa ; srab pa ; bag 'khums pa (Moon.). blo chud zos SANST an absentminded negligent person; lazy. blo gtod pa to rely on, confide in: blo gtod thub pa grogs kyi mchog (A. 114). Syn. yid ches pa ; blo khel ba (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the source of these synonyms as "(Mood.)", which is no doubt a typesetter's error for Moon brjod.) blo stobs 1. courage. 2. in W. generosity, magnanimity. 3. fortitude. blo dogs sel ched for the purpose of removing one's doubts or fears. blo gdeng hope, confidence, assurance: bdag gi blo gdeng su la 'cha' in whom am I to place my confidence. (J‰.). blo 'das = stong nyid Sunyata (acc. to RÒio-ma school). blo rdor according to the Chinese an ounce or srang weight of gold: se ba sum cu drug la blo rdor one blo-rdor = 36 se-wa (Rtsii.). blo ldan ci j the heart of a rabbit; cowardice, timidity (Sman.). blo ldan ma a wise and virtuous woman (Moon.). blo sna mang ba Glr. 1. having many various thoughts, being restless, flighty, giddy. 2. W. disposition, turn of mind. blo phugs innermost heart; dkon mchog gsum la blo phugs gtor (Hbrom. 41) to give the innermost heart to the Three Holies i.e., to have faith in them. blo pa 1. vb. to be able = phod pa : khyod ma blo na if you cannot. 2. sbst. = blo frq. used by Mil. for the sake of the rhythm (J‰.). blo ba SANST wisdom (S. Lex.). blo bur = glo bur SANST sudden, suddenly: khyed de ltar gyi dad pa blo bur yin thy present faith is but just sprung up. blo bur du 'ongs SANST, SANST comes all on a sudden; a guest. blo 'byongs pa in rtogs pa la rtog pa bsnan te mnyam pa nyid la blo 'byongs pa byung (Hbrom. kha, 32). blo ma SANST [1. the anus. 2. intelligence]S. blo mang ba v. blo 3 (3), one who thinks many things at a time but does very little. The Tib. proverb says: blo mang ba'i don mi 'grub|bya ba mang ba'i las mi 'grub| one who wishes to do many things cannot fulfil any; the work of one who has many plans is not accomplished. blo rtsa gsar rnyed resuming a question after much deliberation (Yig. k.). blo gtsang = shes rab can a wise and learned person. blo bzang (noble-minded) is a very common personal name throughout Tibet and Mongolia, often sounded: Lob-sang. Is a name which has been borne by several of the Dalai Lamas and is attached to the present ruler of Lhasa. blo bzang grags pa SANST the name of Tsongkhapa by which he is known all over Tibet. blo bzang po a name of the son of Kamadeva the god of love (Moon.). blo zlog pa to subtract, to draw off, divert, dissuade from (J‰.). blo yi gter = 'jam dbyangs an epithet of MaÒjusri, also of Sarasvati (Moon.). blo yo ba prob. blo gYo ba a wavering weak mind: gang gis rtag tu chang bsten pa|de yi blo ni ma brtan zhing |blo yo ba la chos med de whosoever is continually addicted to beer, his mind becomes unsettled and his vacillating mind has no religion (K. du. nya, 51). blo brlug = grogs po mi brtan pa a fickle-minded friend (Oag. 64). blo bshas occurs in sbyin bdag dad can bstan don lar rgya can gyi rigs blo bsha' mi yong ba'i ched (Yig. k.). blo lhags = sems gang shar as it occurs to one's mind, according to one's own sweet will: blo lhags don med gyi don dang work which is foolish and suggested according to one's wishes (D. Shel. 7). blos ma lcibs pa + = blo rgya chung ba extremely little-minded. blong ba = yi mug or sems rmugs a dull person, thick-head, unintelligent. blon + Lex. = gros advice, counsel: blon 'debs pa or 'bebs pa = chos ston nam gros 'debs pa to give advice, to counsel; to give religious instructions; acc. to Cs. to make arrangements. blon po SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a state-officer, generally of high rank: gsal tshig blo ni phun sum tshigs|lugs kyi bstan bcos dag la mkhas|ngag 'jam od par byed pa ste|rgyal po'i blon po de 'dras bya one of clear mode of expression and cultured mind, learned in works of ethics and political economy, of polite language and behaviour, should be the king's officer. The concerns of a blonpo-minister are four according to the code of political duties: sku yi rim gro nang gi kha gso dang |phyi yi chab srid bskyang dang 'bangs tshigs che religious services of the sacred images, attending to the domestic affairs of the sovereign, state business, and the welfare of subjects (D. Shel. 14). bka' blon SANST high officer of state, minister, particularly at the present day the four ministers (laymen) who with the Desi or Gyal-tshab form the privy council of the Dalai Lama of Lhasa; khrims blon minister of justice, officer of justice; chos blon (opp. to bdud blon ) an orthodox minister who observes the religion of Buddha; i blon chief officer; phyi nang bar gsum gyi blon po high officials whose duty it is to look to political concerns, household affairs, and the welfare of the subject; dmag blon military officer, yul blon civil officer. Syn. bka' dbang ; gros kyi snod ; blo ldan ; khrims kyi kha lo pa ; mdun na 'dun ; sna chen po ; gzhung lugs 'dzin pa (Moon.). dbg pa or dbg sa v. dbog pa = gos pa 3 covered: skyon gyis dbags covered: with fault, guilty, implicated in crime (Oag. 51). dba' 1. an expression of approval, well done! khyod rang dba' drag byed pa yin you have done well! 2. a billow, wave. dba' klong or dba' rlabs waves, billows (Moon.). dba' klong 'khrug (mtsho ) SANST n. of a large lake. dba' rlabs skyes = chu'i zegs ma sea-foam, scum on water (Moon.). dba' rlabs can ma = 'bab chu a hill-torrent, a rapid mountain stream (Moon.). Syn. rba klong ; chu'i rba rlabs ; dba' skya whitish waves; da ba' chub (Moon.). dpa' khri gzigs the first Tibetan who entered monastic life by renouncing the world when the order of Bhikshu was introduced into Tibet under king khri sring lde'u btsan (So-rig. 117). dbang occasionally dbang ba , SANST, SANST 1. power, ability, capability; position of power: dbang dge 'dun la gtad he granted great powers to the priest-hood; bsdad dbang med it is not in my power to stay; sdod dbang med par not being able to wait; rang dbang med du or rang dbang med par involuntarily; dbang med du mchi ma 'chor du 'jug pa to cause one involuntarily to weep; dbang med du 'chol ba to make a person powerless, dbang du 'gyur ba to get into another's power, to be overpowered; dbang du gyur pa became subjected; dbang du sdud pa to bring under one's power. Ten mystic powers of Bodhisattvas: tshe la dbang ba SANST power over the length of one's own life; sems la dbang ba SANST power at one's own pleasure to enter into any meditation; yod byed la SANST to shower down provisions for the support of creatures; las la dbang SANST to mitigate their punishments for sins; mos pa la dbang ba SANST to change one object into another according to pleasure; skye ba la SANST to effect one's own rebirth into the external world, without danger of being infected by its sin; snon lam la dbang ba SANST to see every prayer for the welfare of others fulfilled; rdzu 'phrul la dbang ba SANST to exhibit wonderful feats for bringing about the conversion of others (into Buddhism); ye shes la dbang ba SANST to understand all writings, on religion; chos la SANST to convey the publication of religion to all creatures at the same time and in every language (K. d. za, 170) and (K. d. dza, 51). phyi nang gsang ba'i dbang bskur ba to convey to one the power of snang ba mtha' yas or Amitabha, namely, consecration; which is of four kinds:- (1) bum pa'i dbang consecration by the religious of the pot of life; (2) gsang ba'i dbang mystical consecration; (3) shes rab ye shes kyi dbang consecration by divine knowledge; (4) tshig gi dbang consecration by holy words or expressions. dbang skur ba v. skur ba 3 SANST, SANST to consecrate, anoint with royalty, &c. dbang gis postp.: by, by dint of, by means of, in virtue of, in consequence of, e.g., las kyi of former actions nga rgyal gyi dbang gis from or in consequence of pride. dbang bskur ri also called dga' ldan dbang bskur ri a hill east of Lhasa so styled because king srong btsan sgam po was consecrated with water obtained therefrom (Loo. 'a, 5). dbang kham dkar po = khu ba the semen virile (Moon.). dbang gi rgyal po = yid bzhin nor po SANST the fabulous wishing gem (Yig. k. 62). dbang sgo gsal pa'i cho ga the rites or religious observances for making an object or person fit to be consecrated or ordained; dbang gral the row of those that are ordained or consecrated (J‰.). dbang sngon SANST the sapphire. dbang chen SANST met. running-water; also the god of water, also Indra; an epithet of Parashu-Rama (Moon.). dbang chen ge khod a Bon deity opp. to phyag na rdo rje Vajrapani of the Buddhists. dbang chen grong = 'bab chu cataract or hill-stream (Moon.). dbang chen ran pa = gshed nag (Bon). dbang chen sde n. of a legendary king said to have been Buddha in one of his pervious existences (Pag. 300). dbang chen ma an epithet of the queen of Indra (Moon.). dbang chen mtshan = rgya mtsho chen po the great ocean (Moon.). dbang rta brgyad = rta mchog brgyad the eight miraculous horses near Lake Mapham seen in a vision by the son of Emperor Chehu Wang who first dreamt of the birth of Buddha in a realm to the west (Loo. 'a, 2). dbang rten lnga the five organs of power:- nam mkha'i rten the heart; rlung gi rten the lungs; me'i rten liver; chu'i rten the bladder; sa yi rten the spleen (D.R.). dbang thang 1. might, = mnga' thang . 2. SANST, SANST, luck, destiny, fate, the destiny of any creature consequent on former action. dbang thang med pa may imply: having no particular destiny (J‰.); dbang thang che ba = skal ba che SANST, SANST [great fortune]S. dbang thob pa to get power, to be powerful: shang po'i bu snan chen po blon por bcug na dbang thob par 'gyur ro (K. du. da, 261) if you appoint Sman-chen-po the son of Sao-po he will rise to great power. dbang du gyur ba to be subservient to, to be obedient to = bsgo ba bzhin nyan pa to listen to or act as directed or ordered; dbang du gyur pa SANST subdued, brought or come under one's power (A.K.). dbang du byed pa = dbang du sdud pa (Moon.). dbang du shor na used as postp. c. genit. = with respect to, as regards, in reference to, as concerning; dbang du song na id. dbang 'dus n. of a district in Tsang; dbang 'dus rdzong n. of the fort of that place (Rtsii.). dbang ldan 1. mighty, powerful. 2. a king sprung from the patriarch king of Tibet Ye-smon rgyal-po (J. Zao.). 3. a village in Tsang famous for carpet manufacture. 4. sym. fig.: eleven (Ya-sel. 54). dbang ldan gyi phyogs or dbang po'i phyogs SANST the north-east quarter. dbang ldan ma a kind of presentation scarf (S. kar. 179). dbang ldan me tog n. of a flower and also that of a world of Bon mythology (G. Bon.). dbang ldan me tog me 'od gsal a fancied world believed to exist to the west of this world (G. Bon.). dbang po I: SANST powerful, the mighty one, a ruler, lord or sovereign, esp. divine rulers and Indra. rgyal ba'i dbang po SANST supreme Jina or conqueror; thub pa'i dbang po SANST the highest or the greatest of the sages. dbang po'i dgra the Asuraóthe enemies of Indra (Moon.). II: 1. SANST the organs of sense. dbang po'i rim pa gsum SANST are: (1) dbang po rtul po SANST [dull sense-organs]S. (2) dbang po 'bring po SANST [sense-organs of middle power]S. (3) dbang po rnon po SANST [sharp sense-organs]S. dbang po lnga the five organs of sense: mig eyes, rna ba ears, sna nose, lus body, and lce tongue; also dbang po'i sgo lnga five immaterial transcendental senses of Buddha which are in unison with his five powers or stobs lnga . In natural philosophy six organs of sense frq. are mentioned, SANST being added as the sixth; medical writings also treat of dbang po dgu or dbang po sgo ngag , v. bu ga 3. 2. the male genitals = pho rtags (Moon.). 3. intellectual powers: dbang po rnon po of acute intellect, dbang po rtul po of dull intellect; dbang po nyams the senses are weakened, become dull (Med.); dbang po gso ba to gladden, strengthen, revive, the senses (Mil.). dbang po'i yul = mngon sum SANST the sphere of cognition; anything of the senses, evident or clearly perceived. dbang po bkra ba = go dub bAa n. of a medicine (Moon.). (EEE The transliteration "go-pdub-ba" suggests a spelling of go pdub bAa , which is unlikely.) dbang po lnga (1) the faculty of faith (dad pa'i dbang po SANST); (2) the faculty of assiduity (brtson 'grus kyi dbang po SANST); (3) the faculty of memory (dran pa'i dbang po SANST); (4) the faculty of concentration for contemplation (ting nge 'dzin gyi dbang po SANST); (5) the faculty of knowledge or learning (shes rab kyi dbang po SANST) (K. d. pha, 254). dbang po nyams pa 1. = old, decrepit. Syn. rgan pa ; rgas pa ; rgad po (Moon.). 2. skyes pa 'brus phyung ba one devoid of the procreative power. dbang po thul ba SANST one who has brought his passions under his control, a Piri, an ascetic (Moon.). dbang po'i gnas female genitals (Moon.). dbang po byed po symb. fig.: 12 (Ya-sel. 54). dbang khrid a manuscript letter of charms: dbang khrid phun bu dgos gnas che ba (Yig. k.). dbang po'i lag pa (lit. Indra's arm) a plant the viscid aromatic root of which resembles the human arm in shape. dbang po'i shing bal as met. = the rainbow or the colours of the rainbow (Moon.). dbang po'i gsal a lamp, a light (Oag). dbang por 'gro = thig le khu ba semen virile, seed. dbang phyug SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST adj. mighty. dbang phyug gzhan las che ba is he who is greater than the rest. Acc. to Buddhist mythology there are two dbang phyug (Isvara) the greater one the lord of the world is called dbang phyug chen po (Mahesvara) and resides on the top of mount Kailas, the lesser one guards the eastern quarter. The several names of Dwao-phyug are:- gtsug na zla ba ; mig gsum pa SANST; dbyig ldan ; bde 'byung ; gYon gyi lha ; phyugs bdag ; mdung thogs ; rtse gsum cad ; nam mkha'i skra can ; gang gA 'dzin ; grong gsum mthar byed ; srid pa 'jig ; mi yi khu ba ; dran pa'i dgra ; gsang ba'i bla ma ; srid srung 'dzin ; khyu mchog rgyal mtshan ; 'byung po'i mgon ; pags pa'i gos can ; mi bzad mig ; mgul nag mgrin ; khro bo can ; dpal mgrin ; gtsug phud rgyal ; mtshan 'chang ; 'byung po'i dbang po ; mgrin sngon ; dgra po lha chen (Moon.). The eight attributes of dbang phyug chen po are:- phra , yang , rab thob , rab 'don ; mchod 'os , dbang phyug ; dbang du bsgy ur , 'dod dgur bsgy ur . dbang phyug pa opulent, rich, wealthy. Syn. phyug chen ; 'byor ldan ; sa yi dbang phyug SANST (Moon.). dbang phyug ma SANST the wife of Mahadeva, an epithet of the goddess Durga. dbang 'byor ba SANST [lordship]S. dbang med SANST [disobedient, out of power or control]S. dbang gzhu = dbang po'i gzhu the rainbow: rnam dkar mdzad od mdzes pa'i dbang gzhus brgyan pa (Yig. k. 60). dbang yod force, violence (in Sikk.) dbang yod kyis by force. dbang yod bshed violence: dbang yod bshed 'khyer to carry away by force or violence (Yig. k.). dbang yod bshed khyer ba to take money by force, to levy blackmail. dbang lag SANST n. of a medicinal root resembling the human hand in shape: dbang lag 'bru bcud khu ba dam chi'i gzhi (Rtsii.). dbang sras mo an epithet of the goddess Dolma (Moon.). dbab pa fut. of 'bebs pa SANST, ye shes lta bu [devotedness]S. dbar = bar between two, dge 'dun gnyis kyi dbar du po ti re a book (to be placed) between every two monks, e.g., when a number of monks read together every two of them take leaves from one book placed before them (Rtsii.). dbal I: 1. SANST pinnacle, spire: me dbal tongue of flame [top, summit, point, e.g., of a mchod rten (Glr.); the point, or the grooves of the phur pa or exorcising dagger] J‰. 2. = sha nyams , me'i drod . II: for bal 3 in Amdo dialect (Rtsii.). dbal gyi khro bo chen po n. of a Bon god (D.R.). dbal po mdung rtse can another Bon god (D.R.). dbal ba prob. fut. of 'bal ba . dbal tsha ba this word is used to signify sharpness, brightness; and also spiritedness in a horse, etc.: me lce 'bar ba'i klong shin tu dbal tsha ba khor yin (Khrid. 34); dbal gsar pa id. dbal gsas an epithet of Padma Heruka of the Bon pantheon who has nine heads and eighteen arms. dbal gsas me 'bar = pad ma kI la ya n. of a Bon deity. dbal gsas me 'bar a Bon deity = paV kI la ya (D.R.). dbu resp. for mgo the head; also, = the beginning, commencement; dbu thod a crown or royal cap. mi ma yin mang po byung gsung nas dbu na bzhes ril gyis gYogs saying that there were many present who were superhuman, he entirely covered his head with his clothes (A. 87). dbu mdzad in an assembly of priests he who first begins to recite the sacred names of Buddha, &c., so that others may follow him, is called dbu mdzad (in colloq. umdse or omdse). Hence the leader of any craft or performance is called bdu mdzad , which now forms a complimentary title of address for master-carpenters, tailors, painters, smiths, weavers, etc., similar to the Hindustani title sirdar. dbu mdzad pa to be the head, the principal person, anywhere. dbu skor ba resp. of mgo skor to cheat, deceive. dbu skra resp. for skra the hair of the head. dbu skra li ba + = skra zang zing ma langs pa hair that has been well arranged, not in disorder. dbu bgyis = gtso bgyis the chief or leading things; the principal possessions. chos rgyal khu dbon gyis dbu bgyis pa rnams (A. 126) all the principal possessions of the Dharma Rajas, uncle and nephew. bla ma yi dbu bgyis mi nor thams cad yongs su rdzogs all the chief things, men and properties of the Lama, were fully exhausted (A. 128). dbu rgyan SANST, SANST, SANST ornament of the head, diadem, tiara. Syn. gtsug rgyan ; gtsug gi rin po che ; gtsug gi nor bu ; i bo'i rgyan ; cod pan ; phrog zhu ; rtse phran ; mgo rgyan (Moon.). dbu rngas a pillow. dbu sngas sbrel remaining together of a teacher and his pupil: de nas lo bcu gnyis su dbu sngas sbrel nas theg pa chen po then for twelve years the teacher and his pupil remaining together worked for the Mahayana (A. 48). The expression sngas sbrepa implies the remaining of husband and wife together in one place at night. dbu can a letter furnished with a head or head-line at the top (called matra in Sanskrit); hence the name of the Tibetan printing character yi-ge dwu-can. dbu chen head man, chief craftsman; also high officer. dbu chos or dbu mdzad title for the chief instructor in a monastery who begins every religious service and is the chief discipliner: dbu chos la skal 'phar gcig one share more for the dbu chos . dbu rje reverence, reverend, title of lamas (J‰.). dbu rnyed pa the beginning, a commencement; also: to be commenced. dbu snyags rgyab pa obstinate assertion, persistent application (Yig. k.). dbu bsnyung bzhes pa or dbu snyung dang bro 'bor ba resp. to swear by one's head. dbu mna' bzhes pa = mna' skyel ba or dbu bsnyung ba to swear (Moon.). dbu mthun drung du the resp. form of zhabs drung du in the superscription of letters to high lamas. dbu pNa abbr. form of dbu zhwa pNa chen rna ring the tall conical cap worn by the lamas during a solemn religious service, said to have been introduced from the Pandit Vihara of Chittagong in East Bengal about 900 A.D. (Yig. 118). dbu phreng = chu'i lbu ba bubbles on water (Moon.). dbu 'phangs or dbu rmog a helmet. dbu ba = wu ba SANST foam, froth; dbu ba can frothy; dbu ba brdos pa SANST; [" a mass of foam," an empty idea]S. dbu ba 'phyur byed SANST it froths. bdu ba rdos (1) bubbles of water; (2) hard breathing. dbu ma 1. the principal or central artery of the body. 2. the middle course or doctrine, which endeavours to avoid the two extremes of total annihilation and immortality, also dbu ma'i lam , the Madhyamika doctrine; dbu ma pa an adherent of the middle-course doctrine (Sch.); dbu ma snang ba n. of a work on Madhyamika philosophy; dbu ma rin po che'i phreng ba a work on the Madhyamika philosophy by Nagarjuna (A. 66). dbu ma'i lta ba the Madhyamika Darsana of the Buddhists: dbu ma'i lta ba bsgom pa dang he meditated on the middle path doctrine (A. 51). dbu med the running hand used in letters, the headless character. dbu rtse the top or pinnacle of a temple or monastery. dbu rtse thang seems to be: the courtyard of the great monastery of Samye in front of the grand temple of Buddha: byang chub chen po de dbu rtse thang nas gzigs pas he saw the image of the Maha Bodhi from the central court yard (A. 91). dbu yu ma male yak and yak-cow devoid of horns: rwa co can mas phar gtsug par|dbu yu mas tshur gtsug pa (Yig. k.). dbu ru or dbus ru the district of Lhasa: dbu ru gYu ru'i bar gyi ri rgyud 'di tsam gda' about so much regarding the mountain chains situated between the districts of U-ru and Yu-ru (A. 47). dbug a cavern; a hole, cavity (Moon.). dbugs breath; also may = rlung magic air or wind: srog dbugs rgyu ba the moving of the life-wind (Rtsii.); nang dbugs the wind or air that moves the bowels and moves in the veins. Most commonly = respiratory breath, respiration: dbugs rngub pa dang 'byin pa to respire, to inhale and exhale breath; skye 'gro thams cad kyi dbugs len pa to take away the breath of all beings; dbugs thung short breath; dbugs rdzang ba or brdzangs pa shortness of breath, asthma, as a complaint of old age (Thgy.); dbugs lheb lheb byed pa to pant for breath (J‰.); dbugs kyi cha tsam 'gyang med as quickly as possible, i.e., within the fraction of a breath, not delaying even for the time required to draw a breath (Yig. 18). dbugs chad stopping of the breath, losing breath; dbugs theb rel in one breath (Sch.); dbugs 'dren SANST [confidence]S; dbugs rdub SANST [taking breath]S. dbugs 'byin bdag an epithet of the god of wind (Moon.). dbugs med srog as met. an egg, which is believed to have life but has not the power of breathing (Mam.). dbung + = dbus SANST the middle (S. Lex.). dbub pa v. 'bubs pa 3. dbur termin. of dbu : at the head, at first: tshogs dbur phebs pa to preside at an assembly (generally of priests). dbur stod = dbus ru stod upper ‹: dbur stod du skyid chu'i chu phan tshun gnyis kar chos nyan mang du 'tshogs pa la (Deb. ga, 45). dbur ba [also 'ur ba or yur pa to smooth, shog bu paper, ras woollen stuff, gshal a pavement]J‰. dbul fut. of phul 3 acc. to (Rdo. 46). dbul po = sprang po , SANST, SANST, SANST poor, indigent (A.K. 51-7 v.). dbul po lag stong 1. a poor man whose purse is empty. 2. n. of a (sa bdag ) monster. dbul ba 1. fut of 'bul ba 3. 2. adj. poor, indigent; also, sbst. poverty, want, penury, dbul ba sel ba to relieve want (Glr.); dbul phongs SANST poor, a poor man, pauper; poverty. dbus SANST, SANST, SANST the middle, the centre. Is, particularly, the name given to the central province of Tibet wherein Lhasa the capital is situated, being known colloquially as ‹. dbus 'gyur seems to be another name for this province or for the city of Lhasa itself; dbus su skyes signifies one born either in Magadha or else in Lhasa; dbus skad the polished speech of Lhasa, Samye, and Yarlung; dbus gtsang , sounded ‹-Tsang, indicates the two provinces of those names conjointly. dbus kyu a kind of pastry (cake) made of the flour of the millet called rgya ra 'bru with milk and sugar and butter. dbus chu the river of Central Tibet called skyid chu on which Lhasa is situated; it falls into the great Yeru Tsangpo. dbus ma 1. = bar ma SANST the central. 2. SANST the central dancer; dbus ma pa SANST the central one, one of the Madhyamika school of the Buddhists. dbus gtsang ru bzhi (acc. to Loo. 'a, 4), a name of Tibet proper which comprises the two divisions of dbus , viz.:- the valley of the Skyid chu called Dwu-ru Skyid-shod and Gyas-ru Nam-shod, i.e., Lho-kha; and the two divisions of Tsang:- Gtsao-ru lag-shao hgyed and Gye-ru —ao-chu-gshuo the valley of Nyang. dbus zho = one ounce of silver or 20 se ba (Rtsii.). dben 1. SANST, SANST difference, disunion: dge 'dun la dben SANST one who causes dissension among the members of the congregation. But most frq. 2. SANST, SANST solitary, lonely; separate, separated; secret: dben khang retreat, lonely abode, hermitage; dben 'gro ba = bud med 'dod ldan ma a voluptuous woman who lives alone (Moon.); dben gtam secret or confidential talk; dben gnas SANST, SANST [secret place or event]S. dben pa 1. a solitary place, retirement; abst. n. solitude, loneliness; in Tibet solitudes of mountains are generally implied. 2. SANST one who being disgusted with the miseries of a worldly life has retired into solitude. dben pa can SANST one who lives in a solitary place, a hermit, recluse; solitude, loneliness. dben pa 'di na in this solitude; dben bar 'gro ba go into solitude; dben pa'i gnas sa solitary place, esp. recluse's cell; dben gnas chen po brgyad kyi sa earth got from the eight great hermitages, sacred places of pilgrimage in India; snying po med pa = snying po dben pa (J‰.). dbo the eleventh constellation or lunar mansion called Uttaraphalguni. dbo zla ba the 11th month of the Tibetan calendar corresponding to SANST of the Hindus (S. Lex.). dbo yi nya pa the full moon of the 11th month. Syn. phyi mo ; nyi ma'i lha ldan ma (Moon.). dbo ba v. 'bo ba 3. dbon po (pr. ˆmpo or ˆmbo) nephew of a lama or a chief of Tibet; in the case of an abbot or lama of a monastery the dbon po is from his brother's side and is generally appointed to supervise the monastery; hence the supervisor of a monastery is generally styled dbon po . 2. SANST grandson; dbon sras id. dbon ma grand-daughter; mes dbon ancestor and grand-child (Glr.); 3. a certain sect of lamas, clad in red, shorn, and married. 4. a lama skilled in astrology, who for instance, when a person dies, performs those ceremonies that serve to avert harm from the survivors (J‰). dbor n. of a place in Tibet; dbor pa a native of Dwor (Loo. za, 18). dbol ba or rdzing dal ba to draw up water from a tank. dbyangs 1. a vowel, dbyangs yig id., SANST, SANST, SANST; dbyangs lnga the five vowels are: aa a, i i, u u, e e, o o, (Situ. 59). dbyangs med SANST, SANST [an indicatory letter or syllable which is often elided but which marks some peculiarity in the inflection of the word to which it is attached]S. 2. a metrical rhyme, melodious song, tune, melody. dbyangs sgrogs as met. = a fly, a bee (Moon.). dbyangs 'then pa in singing to keep time; dbyangs ldan ma a songstress with musical voice. dbyangs can ma SANST the goddess of learning of both the Hindus and the Buddhists; her different names:- tshangs pa'i sras mo ; dbyangs ldan ma ; sgra dbyangs lha mo ; smra lha mo ; rgya mtsho'i lha mo ; mtsho ldan ma ; zla ba'i sring mo ; sher lha mo ; ngag dbang lha mo ; blo yi gter ; rdo rje dbyings kyi dbang phyug ma (Moon.). dbyangs snyan SANST, SANST the cuckoo; the divine singer or songstress; Gandharva. Syn. khu byug ; lha yi glu mkhan ; dri za (Moon.). dbyangs sped = gtam dang rjes su 'brel ba (Moon.). dbyar also dbyar ka or dbyar kha the short summer of Tibet; dbyar dus summer season; dbyar dgun med par without distinction of summer and winter, i.e., at all times. dbyar skyes 'summer born'; dbyar khang the residence of Buddhist nuns. dbyar char summer-rain. dbyar gyi rnga gsang = as met. thunder: dge bcu'i khrims kyi dbyar gyi rnga gsang stong ldir ba thousand drums of thunder proclaiming the religion of the ten virtues (Yig. k. 59). dbyar gyi thig pa drops of summer, i.e., rain (Yig. k. 13). dbyar ston (dbyar gyi ston ma ) the summer festivals or entertainments (Rtsii.). dbyar gnas 1. SANST summer-residence in religious confinement. 2. the solitary summer-fasting of the monks; dbyar gnas su ma zhugs pa SANST one who has not kept up the summer vows or lent. dbyar gnas las nyams pa SANST; id. (S. Lex.). dbyar pa 1. the word is sometimes incorrectly used for gYar pa to borrow. 2. poplar, various kinds of which are found in Tibet. It is cultivated in Tsang and ‹, but grows wild in Yarlung. dbyar ba = dbyar zla ra pa SANST the month of April-May. dbyar rtsa dbyung 'bu (lit. like grass in summer but worm-like in winter) a kind of grass which grows abundantly in Tibet, particularly in Kham. Its root is believed to be a good medicine for diseases of the bladder, and is dug up in the month or November for use. In December the root contracts until it looks like a kind of worm. dbyar zla 'bring po SANST May-June. dbyar gsum SANST the three months during which Buddhist monks remain confined for religious contemplation (S. Lex.). dbyi (pronounced yi) the golden lynx. There are differentiated by natives three species of lynx in Tibet:- (1) dbyi dkar or dung dbyi the white lynx; (2) dbyi nag or lcags dbyi the black or iron-coloured lynx; (3) dbyi dmar or zangs dbyi the red or copper-coloured lynx. dbyi lpags skin of lynx (Rtsii.). dbyi mo the female of this animal; dbyi phrug a young lynx; dbyi tshang lair of the lynx. gYu'i ldem mdo dang |na bza' dbyi dkar dang a robe of white lynx with clasps of turquoise (G. Bon.). dbyi gu SANST a small stick, of dbyig pa 3. dbyi ba to rub or wipe out any letter, figure, or mark immediately after it has been written; also in gen., to blot out, to efface. dbyig or dbyigs = nor SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; more esp. a precious stone of liver colour. nor dbyig wealth (Dzl.); dbyig mang much wealth; dbyig med poor. dbyig gi khu ba a name of river Sita (Moon.); dbyig gi char 'bebs an epithet of Vaisravana (Moon.); dbyig lte ba one of the names of the Kailas mountain gangs ti se (Moon.). dbyig gu SANST hiccough. dbyig ldan SANST an epithet of Mahesvara (Moon.). dbyig pa SANST a walking staff, a wand or stick = dbyug pa . dbyig pa gcod pa SANST to cut a stick. dbyig pu [Sch. 'implement for cleaning, scouring, polishing']J‰. dbyig ma an epithet of the goddess Gauri (Moon.). dbyings SANST space, expanse; sphere, more especially indefinite mystic spheres or regions as well as the celestial sphere or space; also that which is massed in indefinite compass: dbyings su in space, en masse; dbyings stong empty space; bar do'i dbyings su lding ba floating in the region of the bardo; shes bya ngo bos stod pa'i chos kyi dbyings bstan pa consciousness itself having indicated the sphere (or extent) of the doctrine praised; phung po lhag ma med pa'i dbyings su in the region where nothing of the Skandha is left remaining (Sch.). Acc. to Bon there are eight dbyios or spaces:- (1) mu med pa gYung drung gi dbyings| (2) 'byam yas pa gYung drung gi dbyings| (3) kha gting med pa gYung drung gi dbyings| (4) dpag tu med pa gYung drung gi dbyings| (5) dog pa med pa gYung drung gi dbyings| (6) bdal ba chen po gYung drung gi dbyings| (7) zad pa med pa gYung drung gi dbyings| (8) 'gyur ba med pa gYung drung gi dbyings (D.R.), (B. Nam). dbyin pa or dbyin byed pa to incite, instigate, set on. dbyibs 1. SANST, SANST, SANST shape, figure, form: bya dbyibs can bird-shaped; shing rta'i dbyibs dang 'dra shaped like a cart; skyes pa'i dbyibs la ngos bzung ba to learn the nature (of plants) from the shape in which they grow (J‰.). 2. symmetrical dimensions; dbyibs kyi gzugs SANST [orderly or symmetrical shape]S. dbyibs cad SANST symmetrical; dbyibs mdzes pretty shape, pretty looking, nice; dbyibs legs of good shape, handsome figure. dbyibs su or yibs su SANST [situation]S. dbyu gu zla ba the ninth month of the Tibetan calendar (called also thar skad zla ba ). snye thang du shing pho rta'i lo'i dbyu gu'i chos bco brgyad la at Nye-thang in the wooden-horse year on the eighteenth day of the ninth month; rta lo dbyu gu'i tshes gcig nas brtsams te commencing from the first of the ninth month of the horse-year (A. 157); dbyug gu'i tshes the 18th of the 9th month of the Tibetan calendar (A. 156). dbyug pa 1. SANST, SANST a stick, cudgel, staff: dbyug to can wielding a stick: dbyug pa rgyal pa to beat with a stick. 2. = chad pa SANST punishment. 3. chu tshod a division of time of about 20 minutes, also a fraction or proportionate part of weights or measures. 4. vb. with pf. dbyugs to swing, brandish; to throw, cast, fling (J‰.); dbyag las 'jog pa to throw away; dbyug dbyug byed pa to swing to and fro. dbyug rdo sling W. dbyug pa can 1. pha khol one carrying a stick in his hand. 2. an epithet of gshin rje rgyal po , the lord of death. 3. nyi ma'i 'khor an attendant of the sun (Moon.). dbyug pa'i rna can as met. = an ox or bull (Moon.). dbyug 'dzin SANST epithet of Virnu. dbyung pa SANST (a form of 'byin pa Rdo. 46) to turn out, banish, expel. Generally speaking should be considered fut. of 'byin pa . phyir dbyung ba to turn out; gnas nas dbyung ba to banish or remove from a place, particularly to deport from a monastery. dbye ba (acc. to Rdo. 46, prest. of phye pa ) 1. = so sor dbyer byed pa to make distinction, to differentiate; dbyer byas pa anything made distinct or classified. Acc. to J‰. fut. of and in C. secondary form of 'byed pa . 2. sbst. distinction, distinctive feature; also kind, class, species: legs nyes kyi dbye ba gsal gyur the distinction between good and evil cleared or explained. dbye gsal clear distinction. 3. = thang SANST. plain, expanse, extent: dbye du = thang du in extent. dbye ba'i bu SANST an epithet of the planet Saturn. dbye lung gang bar one of the thirty-seven sacred places of Bon pilgrimage (G. Bon. 38) (Moon.). dbyen pa = dbrag , SANST difference, dissension, discord, schism. dge 'dun gyi dbyen pa byed pa to create discord; dbyen 'byed pa to make a difference, to discriminate (J‰.); dbyen byed (gYo can dang ldab sig byed pa ). dbyen bsdums mchod rten n. of a chorten. dbyer med or dbyer mi phyed pa SANST, SANST inseparable, not to be distinguished. dbyes magnitude, size, dimensions: dbyes che ba = yangs pa or rgya che pa SANST wide, spacious, broad: dpral ba'i dbyes che broad forehead. dbra n. of a Tibetan tribe (Yig. 7). dbrag = bar du chud pa intermediate space, interstice; ravine, glen, defile, in C. dbrad pa v. 'brad pa 3 to scratch. dbrab pa rta lcag dang zwa tshod kyis brgyab pa to flog with whip and nettle, v. 'bral ba 3. dbral ba (pags pa lta bu ) taking off or flaying = phral ba ; v. 'bral ba 3. dbri ba v. 'bri ba 3, diminished, reduced, grown less. dbres pa or dbre btsog dirt, filth. dbrog pa 1. = brjed pa to forget, forgetfulness. 2. = bsres pa SANST [revolution, exchange]S. 'bag mask, effigy, likeness, figure; 'dra 'bag id.; resp. sku 'bag or zhal 'bag ; 'dra 'bag gyin mi masked persons; 'bag 'cham religious dance or masquerade; 'bag 'bug disguised, not straight in make: 'bag 'bug med pa'i mi chung little man who was free from crookedness (A. 142). 'bag 'bog 1. uneven (of bed or place to lie upon). 2. in W. a slight elevation, hillock (J‰.). 'bag pa = nyams pa 1. vb. pf. 'bags , fut. dbg to defile or pollute one's self; to soil, make filthy: bud med dang pollution with women; 'bag pa 'dod chags la 'bag pa defilement through lust; snod la 'bag pa unclean as to a vessel. 2. C. to take away, to steal, to rob. 'bags lhag [rest, remainder, remnant (of food) Mil.]J‰. 'bag rag [spider, 'bag rag gi tshang cob-web Sikk.]J‰. 'bang ba pf. 'bangs to love, to regard: 'bangs par bya ba rnams 'bangs par byed pa love those who are worthy of being loved or regarded (J. Zao.). 'bang SANST lover (A.K. v. 61-8 ch.). 'bangs 1. SANST, SANST; also chab 'bangs a subject or dependent; Tib. proverb has: 'bangs ngan pa'i dpon po byed pa las|dpon bzang po'i gYog po byed pa dga' it is much better to serve a good and noble chief than rule over bad subjects. 'bangs su byed pa to reduce under one's dominion; 'bangs collectively = the people, the subjects. 2. servant, one who serves: 'bangs mo SANST a maidservant, a female subject; 'bangs mo'i bu SANST son of maidservant [an abusive expression meaning "a low wretch."]S. lha 'bangs SANST polite expression for servants employed in a temple; dge 'dun 'bangs SANST the servants attached to the clergy or the church; sangs rgyas 'bangs n. of a king. 'bad pa 1. sbst. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST endeavour, earnestness, exertion (A.K. 1-46). 'bad pas zhugs pa to begin with energy (A.K. 1-12). 2. vb., imp. 'bod , to endeavour, to try, to exert one's self, make effort: thog gi steng la rdo spom yar 'phyar 'bad nas having endeavoured to hoist up the stone-block on the roof. 3. to cultivate, rear, take care of: zhing or sa gzhi 'bad pa to cultivate the ground, rgun 'brum to raise grapes dud 'gro 'bad pa to breed cattle. 'bad ba can SANST assiduous, painstaking, industrious; 'bad med pa SANST; without exertion (S. Lex.). 'bn khra a fine cotton cloth: 'bn khra yug one roll of Ban cloth (Rtsii.). 'bn bcad n. of a number: 'bn bcad 'phang khye'u tshang (Ya-sel. 57). 'bab pa pf. bab or babs , imp. 'bob or bobs 1. to move downward, to descend, to come down from, to alight; to fall down: gnam las kha ba 'bab snow falls from heaven. Constantly used in connection with rivers: chu phran lab cha rgyab ste thang la 'bab the rivulets are descending babbling on to the plain. In stating the arrival of a certain time or occasion 'bab pa is generally used with the sense of "it has come down to the time of": sa ga zla ba la babs so the Nirvana month has arrived; shi ba'i dus la 'bab 'ong the time of death will arrive; 'gro ran la babs the time of going has come. In W. 'bab also = tax, taxation; khral 'bab fixing of rent or tax. 'bab chu = chu klung river, rivulet, brook; also rain. 'bab stegs access or descent to the water, steps leading to a bathing-place (J‰.). 'bab chu bzhi 1. the four rivers are:- (1) gang gA glang chen kha las 'bab SANST Gaoga has issued forth from the mouth of a bull (acc. to Tibetan authorities it has descended from the mouth of an elephant); (2) sin Z‡ seng ge'i kha nas 'bab the Sindhu springs forth from the mouth of a lion; (3) The Tsangpo issues from the mouth of a horse and is therefore call Tamchog Khabab; (4) The Sutlej is called Rma-bya kha-hbab (rma bya kha 'bab ) because it is supposed to come out of the mouth of a peacock. 'bab ldan = 'bab chu river, stream. thugs nang dge ba'i phebs tshogs kyang 'bab ldan gyi rgyun bzhin yod pa mkhyen pray permit your holy instruction (letter) to come here like the flow of a river (Yig. k. 27). 'bab phyogs low place or ground, i.e., the direction of a river's flow. 'bam in rkang 'bam a disease of the foot; 'bam pa rot, decay; also as disease: lupus. 'ba' seizure, distraint; or rather the liability of paying higher interest, payment not having been made at the appointed time (J‰.); 'ba' 'gan = 'gan rgya agreement, contract (subject of lawsuit) (Yig. k.); 'ba' gan an agreement. or 'ba' thang n. of a place in Khams (Rtsii.). 'ba' gzhu bow that is made of very strong bamboo growing in Hbah (Rtsii.). 'ba' cha sediment, lees, remnant: snum brdung ba'i ro tho the remnant of mustard when oil has been extracted or pressed out; 'ba' cha khal red 'bru the cost of load of bah-cha is a Khal (Rtsii.). 'ba' dar a kind of scarf: dbu mdzad chos khrims sogs kyi chos ja 'ba' dar rgyab rnon bka' shog bcas 'di mdun nam nyin thugs rje che ba zhu (Yig. k.). I beg that you would kindly send by the hand of this (man) as quickly as possible tea for religious service and hbah-dar scarf for the omdse lama and church governor, etc. together with a letter of confirmation. 'ba' po and 'ba' mo are wrongly spelt for dba' ba and dba' mo magician, sorcerer, or witch, of the Bon religion. 'ba' ba 1. to bleat. 2. (in Sikk.) to bring, to carry, 'ba' shog bring it hither! 'ba' song take it away; hbah-khen a coolie. 3. to commit adultery C. (J‰.). 'ba' bo hole, cave, cavern, 'ba' bo can hollowed out, excavated (J‰.); 'ba' byi parched paddy beaten out and used by Indians as food instead of cooked rice; a cake of parched rice or maize meal, frequently eaten with tea C. (J‰.). 'ba' zhig only, solely, alone: gser dang dngul 'ba' zhig gis gang filled with gold and silver alone (J‰.); sdig pa 'ba' zhig sin only; dge ba 'ba' zhig = dge ba sha stag virtue alone. 'ba' shag + or 'ba' skyogs (in modern Tib.) a large ladle of wood made in Bathang (Rtsii.). 'ba' sa ka (ri ags zhig ) n. of a wild animal (K. d. za, 374). 'bar ba or rab tu 'bar SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; vb. n. to spar ba 1. to catch fire, to become ignited, to blaze; also, in reference to the passions, frq. to glare, burn with wrath: 'bar ba 'bar du rung ba combustible; kho nga la mang po 'bar 'dug he is very angry with me or he quarrels much with me C.; kha 'bar quarrelsome, brawling, mang du 'bar du byung ba las while she was brawling (Mil.); zhe sdang 'bar ba to burn with rage. Also 'bar ba has other figurative meaning, as: 2. to burst forth into bloom, to blossom; to blaze forth into fame, to become notorious, etc. 'bar ba ldan an epithet of Vphaspati the teacher of the gods (Moon.). 'bar ba'i ral pa can = sgron ma lamp, light (Moon.). 'bar 'bur (mtho dman ) SANST high and low, uneven or undulating ground. 'bal gro a mixture of peas and wheat (Rtsii.). 'bal ba 1. = thog pa SANST to throw about, to pluck out the hair (used only with skra ). 2. to part or arrange the hair, as is customary with the monks and nuns of certain sects; in Khams this style being the national costume. skra 'bal can n. of an Indian religious sect. 'bal 'bol shaggy (Sch.). 'bi 'bi small lumps of clay that are cast into moulds to make miniature chorten, images, etc. 'bigs pa or 'big pa pf. phigs , fut. dbig , imp. phig or phigs 1. SANST, SANST to pierce, pierce into, bore: rdo rje yis ni rin chen dbig the diamond will pierce what is precious; shing la bug pa 'big pa to bore holes into wood; chu 'gags 'bigs it removes stangury (Med.). rgya 'bigs or rgya phigs a spire or a gilt pinnacle on a temple or royal tomb; 'bigs ldan the thunder-bolt of Indra (Moon.). 2. in C. seems to be used vulgarly for: to lie with (a woman). 'bigs byed SANST 1. (ri bo 'bigs byed ) n. of a chain of hills extending eastward from Rajputana to Behar dividing Hindustan into Aryavarta and Dakrinavarta, i.e., Northern India and Southern India: de las nar mdA zhes pa dang |rlabs ldan zhes pa dang |shugs ldan zhes pa dang |nag po 'khyim la zhes pa dang |ro a chen po zhes pa'i chu klung chen po rnams 'babs pa'o (K. d. na, 272). 2. = mda' an arrow, i.e., that which pierces through (Moon.). 3. thog a thunderbolt, which pierces the mountains, &c. (Moon.). 4. = ku ba gourd (Moon.). 'bigs yo SANST the Vindhya range of hills; 'bigs byed lha mo a constellation SANST [a meteor]S. 'bib or 'bibs pa = 'bub 3 or 3'bubs pa 3 (Sch.). 'bir ba to tremble, shake, quake: ci zer 'bir ba what was said to make him tremble (A. 134). 'bu SANST, SANST a worm, insect, any small vermin; 'bu srin or srin 'bu a caterpillar; 'bu ring in W. a snake (J‰.); 'bu pad a leech; 'bu skyogs dung snail, 'bu skyogs dung 'dras srin sel dmu chu skem . 'bu dkar a preparation of wheat flour, sugar-beer (Rtsii.) also kyur 'bur id. (Rtsii.); the blackish-red preparation of this is called 'bu smyag . 'bu rkang brgya pa centipede. Syn. yan lag brgya pa ; rkang brgya pa (Moon.). 'bu khang n. of a much-worshipped deity in Nepal: 'phags pa 'bu khang dang gnyis su med (A. 124). 'bu phra mo fly, flea, etc. Syn. mdung can ; skye ba phra mo ; skra can ; nye ba'i lce can (Moon.). 'bu ba pf. 'bus to open, to unfold, of flowers, esp. with kha as kha 'bu ba (J‰.). 'bu snug v. 'bu dkar 3. 'bu ras a coarse sort of raw silk imported into Tibet from Assam by traders from Bhutan. 'bu su hang a medicinal herb. Syn. lha mo'i 'khri shing ; lha'i phreng ba ; ser snam ; dbyar gyi rgyan ; yang ba ; rgya mtsho'i thug pa ; byi ba'i chang ; spri ka (Moon.). 'bu su hang gis rma 'drub glo tshad sel Med. 'bugs pa SANST, SANST pf. phug to hollow out, bore; to pierce, sting; to bite; khyis nga'i rkang pa phug song the dog has bitten my foot; nan zhan ri khrod na rgya nag mi yis sgang sar 'bugs te nang rnams byed 'dug in the Nan-shan mountains Chinamen, hollowing out hill-ground, make dwelling-places. 'bungs = 'dzoms pa . (EEE For 'dzoms pa see 'dzom pa 3.) 'bungs pa to concentrate one's force or energies; but v. supra 'bad pa 3: chos la 'bungs apply yourselves to religion with industry. chos la 'bungs na mtho dma' dgra ru langs if you apply yourself to religion assiduously, the high and the low will rise against you as enemies (Rdsa. 22). 'bud pa pf. bud vb. n. (limited perh. to W.) 1. to fall from, drop, fall down; to fall off (of leaves); to fall through. 2. to go away, to leave, escape, to disappear, to be lost: nyi ma 'bud song the sun has gone down; lde mig bud song nyin mang nas the key has been lost many days ago. II: pf. phus , fut. dbu , imp. phu 1. vb. act. and n. to blow, either with the mouth, or to be blown by the wind; me phu cig blow up the fire! rlung gis dpe cha'i shog bu rnams 'bud yong the wind will blow away the leaves of a book; dge slong gis rgya ling phus nas the monk having blown the trumpet; rlung gis spun ma bus pa ltar like chaff blown off by the wind (Dzl.); dbugs nas 'bud pa to breathe upon; lus kun bus ltar skrangs the whole body became bloated (Mog.); hbud-hduo (Vai. k.) = dung trumpet, also: bellows; 'bud shing fuel, firewood (Rtsii. 16). III: [pf. imp. phud , fut. dbud trs.: 1. to put off, pull off, take off C., hat, coat, ring, etc.; to throw down: phud bzhag go threw down. 2. to drive out, expel, cast out, chase away, with the accus. of the person and place, yul out of the country; yul phud an exile (Schtr.); to set free, to set at liberty, to allow to pass W.; to lay out, to spend. 3. to pull out, tear out, uproot. 4. to take away, to subtract from] (J‰.). 'bun or bun pa 1. = bu lon debt. 2. to itch; za bun the itch, an itching W. (J‰.). 'bub pa [pf. bub , imp. bubs 1. to be turned over upside down: kha 'bub tu nyal he lies with his face undermost; kha 'bub tu bzhag or bor it is placed with its top inverted, turned over; lag 'bub byed pa to fall on the hands. 2. fig., to be overthrown, destroyed, spoiled, with regard to meditation (Mil.)] J‰. 'bubs pa [pf. imp. phubs , fut. dbub to put on a roof, or some thing for a roof; thog 'bubs pa to make or construct a roof; gur 'bubs pa to pitch a tent; gru phubs corner pavilion S. g.] J‰. 'bum SANST, SANST one hundred thousand; 'bum tsho id.; rgya'i dmag 'bum tsho lnga 500,000 Chinese soldiers (Glr.); 'bum phrag gcig a hundred thousand. sku 'bum the 100,000 images, the n. given to the famous Kumbum monastery situated about 25m. S. W. of Sining-fu in the Kˆkˆ Nor district, the name being derived from miraculous figures alleged to be present on the leaves of an aged lilac tree. Accounts of this monastery are given by Huc, Rockhill, and Kreitner. It was founded by Tsongkhapa. 'bum lnga the five sacred books of the Bon enumerated in mangs rtsa ba'i mdo bsdu are:- (1) kham brgyad mtan la phab pa'i 'bum ; (2) ye gshen bkod pa don gyi 'bum ; (3) gYung sa bcu lam gyi 'bum ; (4) rnam dag tshul khrims sa 'dul ba'i 'bum ; (5) dge rgyas tshogs chen rdzogs pa'i 'bum (D.R.). 'bum thang n. of a place in Mon-yul (Sikkim) south of Tibet. 'bum thang skyer chu'i gnas n. of a sacred place in Mon-yul where Padma Sambhava is said to have performed ascetical meditation. 'bur ba 1. to rise, to swell up, become prominent: spang la brag ri 'bur ba gcig a single rocky hill rising from the green-sward; 'bur du rko ba to emboss, to work in relief (Glr.). 2. to spring up, come forth, bud, unfold. kyong 'bur gold and silver ornaments in relievo on some other metals. glo 'bur paintings and sculptures; 'bur rko mkhan , 'bur bzo pa an engraver; 'bur swelling, a boil, etc. 'bur ka the slight protuberant places on doors where handle rings are fixed. 'bur skyong an undulating country with risings and depressions; gzhan yul gyen thur 'bur skyong sogs 'gros bang (Rtsii.). 'bur 'joms byed pa to reduce elevations, to smooth uneven ground; fig. to prostrate an opponent in disputation. 'bur dod a statue, an image in relief. (Jig. 10). 'bur po : protuberance, tumour. 'bul ba (given as fut. of phul ba in Rdo. 46), pf. and imp. phul , fut. dbul 1. SANST, SANST, SANST a resp. term for: to give, proffer; to send, when the person receiving is considered to be of higher rank: khos snyan gyi gser rgyan lha lcam gyi phyag tu phul he gave the golden ear-rings into the hands of the lady; 'dir nyid rang gi tshes gsum gyi phyag bris shig kyang brdzangs 'dug pas|sang dang de skor yig lan phul rgyu yin lags your letter of the 3rd instant has been sent here and a reply to it (de skor ) shall be despatched tomorrow; chu stag gi zla ba dang po'i tshes bzhi la rdor gling gi gzhung par khang nas phul sent (or dated) from the Government printing office at Dor-ling (Darjeeling) on the 4th day of the 1st month of the Water-Tiger (year), i.e., on the 12th February 1902; phran chung gi bu yis sku nyid la dbul ba'i 'bras 'bo bzhi 'bul gyi yin lags I am sending (you) 4 bo measures of rice which your humble servant's son will give your honour. 2. sbst. present, offering. Syn. phul ba ; dbul ba ; stobs pa ; stabs pa (Moon.). 'bul chas articles for presenting to government, to high officials and to lamas of monasteries, etc.: gzhung du 'bul chas kyi dngos po sha stag yin are only presents to be made to government (D. Shel. 8). 'bus pa 1. to blow (of flowers), to open, kha 'bus pa v. 'bu ba 3. 2. = 'bur bar prominent (J‰.). 'bus shing a coppice of young trees. 'ben SANST, SANST 1. target, goal: 'ben snying po yod pa la mda' rnon po phog if the target be good the sharp arrow will hit well (Hbrom. 97); 'ben 'dzug pa to set up a target; 'ben la gtod pa to aim, to take aim; 'ben sa the place where the target is to be set up; specially, the central part of the target, the mark. 'ben bsnun = mda' or mda' mo an arrow (Moon.). 'ben gzar a field for cultivation: 'ben gzar ya yo med cing khod snyoms pa the field being level and smooth without unevenness (Jig. 10). 'bebs pa SANST, SANST, pf. phab , fut. dbab , imp. phob causative to 'bab pa 3 1. to cause to descend, cause to fall down; and, hence, to cast down, throw down: lto ba sa la 'bebs pa to cast one's self on the ground (Dzl.); mig sna rtser 'bebs pa to cast one's eyes down on the tip of the nose. 2. to assign, settle, fix, lay down, establish: used in a variety of phrases: gnas 'bebs pa to take up one's residence in a place; dpya 'bebs pa , with la , to impose taxes; skyon 'bebs pa to assign a crime to a person; blo yul phyogs 'di ru 'bebs pa to fix one's thoughts on a place; gtan la 'bebs pa to give permanency, to fix, to regulate. 'bebs chags = bzhag pa SANST keeping, laying a thing down or away. 'bem v. ben 3. 'bel gtam or 'bel ba'i gtam = yang dag pa'i gtam SANST holy discourse, sermon, a speech on some sacred subject. 'bel po temperate, saving, economical; 'bel po 'dug there has been economy, frugality has been exercised; 'bel med extravagant; 'bel du 'jug pa to enjoin temperance, frugality (Sch.). 'bo a dry measure generally used for grain and salt, contains 5 bre = 10 pints. 'bo bre is colloq. term for a measuring vessel. 'bo kha ba one who measures grain, etc.: 'bo kha ba rnams kyi 'gan tshig gtsang mar phul don the case of the contract or agreement which the grain measurers executed (Rtsii.). 'bo ba pf. 'bos or pho , fut. dbo : 1. to pour out or forth, to spill out: ma 'bo ba byung nas there being no spilling (Glr.); 'o ma pho bas milk having been poured out. 2. to swell up, to rise: 'bos pa'i nas swelled barley; sran ma phos pa tsam as big as swelled peas. 3. to sprout, shoot forth, of wild growing plants, sa 'bo 'dug the ground is verdant C.; also: the ground swells, heaves. 'bo ja a kind of tea (Rtsii.). 'bo Zi tsi wrongly written for po Zi rtsi rosary (Rtsii. 48). 'bo le = lhod po without much hurry, at ease, easily, leisurely: 'bo le kra ma la ru (bi kra ma shI la ru ) sgrol bar bya we shall be able to take you across the river Ganges slowly and easily (A. 130); skyibs zhig tu 'bo le gzims la zhugs began to sleep quietly in a sheltered corner (A. 130). 'bog 1. a kind of upper-garment, pho 'bog for men, mo 'bog for females (Cs.). 2. in W. a square cloth for wrapping up and carrying provisions. 3. small hillock (J‰.). 4. n. of a wild animal: ri ags zhig gi ming (Rtsii. 54). 'bog chol v. spug chol 3. 'bog tho or zhwa mo 'bog tho a soft felt hat with a broad brim trimmed with long hairy fur. 'bog pa pf. bog or phog , fut. dbog 1. to be extracted, uprooted, pulled out; to be dislocated, unhinged: tshigs 'bog pa W. 2. to unload (opp. to 'gel ba ), khal rnams phog the loads were taken off. 3. to grow loose, to come off, to drop off, leaves from a tree C. (J‰.). 'bogs pa 1. to sink down, to fall to the ground, esp. in a fainting fit; to be submerged, immersed; 'bog yun ring na prob.: when the fainting fit has lasted a long time; smyo 'bog madness, insanity; smyo 'bogs 'byung insanity arises; chu la ('gru 'bogs pa lta bu ) 'bogs pa SANST to wade through water. 2. pf. phog , fut. dbog , imp. phog to bestow, impart, gdams ngag counsel, advice, directions, khrid bslab pa instruction. 'bong ba roundness, rotundity, 'bong 'bong round; loose, slack, incoherent (J‰.). 'bod pa SANST, SANST pf. and imp. bos 1. to call, to cry out to, to invite: sdod cig ces bos song he exclaimed, wait! mi zhig la 'bod ba to call to a man; mdun du 'bod calls to the presence; nang du 'bod calls indoors; ma bos par 'ong ba to come uninvited; 'bod grogs pa to bawl out, to cry out repeatedly; ngu 'bod = ngu ba to weep. 'bod du 'ongs SANST, come to invite, to call, a guest. 'bod byogs SANST [1. invitation. 2. fight. 3. name.]S. 'bod byed that invites = dri zhim po sweet smell, fragrance (Moon.). Syn. sbron pa ; skad gtong ba (Moon.). 'bod sgrogs = sgra sgrogs SANST n. of the king of Laokaóthe chief hero of the epic Ramayana (Moon.). 'bobs 1. imp. of 'bab pa : mar 'bobs shig . 2. SANST not exactly a stocking, but a soft warm stuffing of the stockings. 'bobs zon SANST half sock, foot-tie. 'bor supply, great or small. 'bor steng nas gcag pa ya lhag (Rtsii.); 'bor che good supply, abundance, plenty: 'bor mi chung ba dgos rgyur dang |'bor ma nyung tsam yod 'dug pa there was not a small quantity, the requirement being not less (Yig. k.). 'bor ba pf. and imp. bor , 1. to throw, cast, fling: ri ngos las rdo zhig 'bor casts a stone down a mountain side; zam pa'i 'og tu 'bor ba to precipitate a person from a bridge (Dzl.); phyir 'bor ba to cast out; bor stor or bor dor ba to throw away, pour away, chu water in C. 2. to leave, forsake: khyim thab 'bor ba to forsake a husband or wife; yab kyis bor ba'i tshe shi song when I was left behind by my father he died (Pth.); de bor la thong let that alone, give it up; 'bor bar phangs mod brtse bas ma dor bar considering it a great loss out of love he did not abandon it (A. 11). Occurs, also, in certain phrases, as bro ba 'bor ba to make oath, bsam pa 'bor ba to conceive an idea, to think of a plan. In W. 'bor ba appears to be a common substitute for 'jog pa to put down, to place. 'bor spungs grain heaped together in one place: khyon bsdoms 'bor spungs thog (Rtsii. 19). 'bol po = 'jam po 1. soft, smooth, yielding, elastic; both to the touch and disposition of mind; 'bol le shig ge sdod pa to sit, to remain quiet, tranquil (Mil.); 'bol gdan a bolster, mattress. 2. abundant, plentiful: chu lud 'bol dkon bzhin according to the abundance or scarcity or water and manure (Rtsii.). 'bos 1. (spas nas mi gsal ba ) concealed, latent, hidden. v. 'bo ba 3. 2. sbst. boil, bump, tumour (J‰.). 'byang ba pf. byang to clean, cleanse, purify: sdig sgrib 'byang bar 'gyur his sins and defilements will be cleansed. 'byang khyad C. custom (J‰.). 'byang rtsi gum, glue (Moon.). 'byam pa pf. byams or 'byams to flow over, to spread about. As sbst. hbyams may = stong nyid SANST, SANST 1. state of being void, metaphysical emptiness. rab 'byams (1) knowledge of the metaphysics, divine learning; (2) SANST [passing away, retreat]S. 2. acc. to Cs.: widely diffused, far spread. rab 'byams pa a man of profound learning, a doctor of Buddhist philosophy; as a degree might equal the European D.D. 'byams klas = mtha' yas SANST to the furthest limit, i.e., limitless, infinite: rgya che ba unlimited, de bzhin gshegs pa'i sku 'byams klas the spiritual image of Buddha is inconceivably great. 'byams (another word altogether) the finest breed of mule: dral rab kha 'grig spu rtsub 'byams kyi ming du 'bod the best breed of mule of which the mouth is tractable and the hairs are rough (bristle-like) has the name 'chyam' (Jig. 25). 'byar ba 1. SANST, SANST; SANST, SANST; v. 'byor ba 3 [connected]S. 2. in 'byar ba shing sag nad rnams byed pa sdud par byed . 'byar bag SANST [a feather, a tail]S. 'byar bag can SANST one possessing a tail. 'byar ma SANST, anything joined or connected with something else. 'byi ba pf. byi , also phyis , vb. n. of phyi ba , to be wiped off, effaced; Cs. to fall off, of the hair (J‰.): skra dang spu 'byi bar 'gyur the hair of the head and body will fall off. 'byig ma an idol standing on a bare ground, i.e., having no stand of lotus flowers underneath the feet (Jig. 12). 'bying ba pf. bying 1. to sink in, to sink down: chu dang 'dam la 'bying ba to sink in water and mud, i.e., in swamps. 2. to grow faint, languid, remiss: rig pa bying ba bser ba to lift up again one's fainting soul (Mil.); sems bying ba drowsiness, indolence, depression of spirits (J‰.). 'bying rgod or 'bying rmugs langour or distraction: bying rmug med pa'i sgom meditation free from distraction (J‰.). 'byid pa = 'drid pa (Oag. 51). pf. byid or phyid 1. to glide, to slip; to disappear, to slip away: mi tshe 'byid pa human life passes away. 2. = 'dang ba or skyel ba : lto gos 'byid pa to earn a living. 'byin pa SANST, SANST, pf. and imp. phyung , fut. (in C. also present) dbyung 1. to take out, to remove, cause to come forth; to draw out, pull out, a thorn, etc.; mig 'byung ba de dag those whose eyes are to be put out. 2. in a more gen. sense: to let proceed, to send forth, to emit; to sound forth; to release: lus la khrag to draw blood by scratching one's self; mchi ma 'byin pa to shed tears; skad 'byin pa to shout; sdug bsngal gyi skad phyung uttered lamentations; skad chen po 'byin pa to cry aloud; gnas 'byin pa or gnas dbyung ba to banish, to cast out, throw away. 'byin brdul chen po (grangs ) SANST [1. the dust of the great Nimba tree. 2. n. of a number]S. 'byin byed ('dam ) 1. mire, mud in which the feet sink. 2. that which is drowned or sunkóor caused to sink (S. Lex.). 'byin byed = chu rnyog ma can dirty water, water containing mud and other impurities (Moon.). 'byug pa (tshon 'byug pa ) pf. and imp. byugs 1. to wet, moisten, smear, spread over, anoint: sha skam la tshwa byugs pa salt meat; gdong sol snum 'byug pa to daub one's face with coal-salve (Glr.); lha rten spos dang 'byug pas covering the little temple with spices and ointments; gser 'byug pa to gild (Pth.). 2. to stroke, to pat: mgo la 'byug pa a person's head (J‰.); tshon 'byug pa po a painter, one who applies or rubs paint on any thing (Situ. 85). 'byung ba I: SANST, SANST 1. vb., pf. imp. byung (intrs. of 'byin pa ) to come forth, arise, spring up, to emerge, to appear: 'khor ba las 'byung ba to be set free; to go forth, set out: nga rang 'byung 'chod pa la 'gro I shall set out for the purpose (of conducting) religious service (A. 71.). phyi rol tu 'byung ba to come out into the open air; to make one's appearance (Dzl.); srod la byi dur glog ma sprin byung nas slob dpon gyi dgongs pa gshig at dusk there came forth moles and lightning and clouds and the teacher's train of thought was dissipated (Pth. 127); gnam du chu 'bab pa'i skad 'byung zhing a noise of falling water arising in the air; nga la rmi lam bzang po byung I have had an auspicious dream (Mil.); not always intrs. in practice: de dag las bzlog pa'i yon tan 'byung dgos pa'i phyir as it will be necessary to produce the means of repelling these others; ra ma bzi ba byung de he who is found not intoxicated (Glr.); ngan pa byung it proved to be a failure (Mil.); de nas byung it derived its origin, it arose from that; 'bras bu 'byung ba'i shing trees on which fruit is growing; khye'u zhig byung 'dug by that time a boy had come forth; gnyis su byung they became two, they split in two (systems of doctrine); rab tu 'byung ba to become a priest. ro 'di rnams la ci byung ba yin what has happened to these corpses, what is their history? (Glr.); bla ma la yang byung lags sam did it also happen to the lama? 2. as an auxiliary indicating the past tense, the pf. byung is very common, and in C. has largely re-placed the use of song in that sense: bla ma phebs byung the lama has arrived. Also occurs as the past of the sbst. vb.: khyi de dkar mo byung the dog was white; de'i tshe kho la kha zhi ba zhig byung he had a mild look then. 'byung rkyen snyan zhu the petition about the causes, consequences. 'byung khams bzang ba or phung khams bzang ba = deng dus 'byung khams bzang zhing (Yig. k. 87). II: 1. in the mystic language of the four guardian kings of the world (Caturmaha raja kayika deva) signifies sdug bsngal misery, mundane sufferings. Also, 'gog pa = kun 'byung ba bspegs pa = lam way, method (K. ko. ka, 235). 2. sbst. a coming forth, an originating, the state of being, 'byung nyid the true state of a case. 3. an element, of which are usually four: 'byung ba bzhi'i gnod pa damage done by the four elements, i.e., by fire, water, wind and earth; 'byung ba bzhi'i lus the physical body; 'byung bzhi snyoms the even state of the physical constitution, i.e., good health (Moon.). 'byung khung 1. = chu mig SANST a spring, fountain. 2. = 'byung khams origin. 3. SANST ablative case in Gram. 'byung khungs kyi khams a mineral; 'byung khungs kyi khams kyi bcud a mineral elixir. 'byung don chen SANST growth, power of growing. 'byung gnas SANST, SANST, SANST source of anything, place of origin; primitive source: yon tan thams cad kyi 'byung gnas source of all accomplishments; 'byung ba'i gzhi the basis of all elements; phan bde thams cad 'byung ba'i gzhi the primordial source of all happiness is good. Also 'byung gnas = body, constitution of the body. 'byung po 1. a being, a creature: 'byung po kun SANST all that has come into existence, all beings (Cs.); 'byung po chen po the great being, Buddha (Cs.). 2. SANST a demon, evil spirit, a general name for all 'dre , gdon , and 'gegs , which are of eighteen classes. 'byung mo female sprite. 'byung po can SANST [1. belonging to evil spirits. 2. elemental.]S. 'byung po 'dzin SANST ["the nurse or mother of beings," i.e., the earth.]S. 'byung po srung a talisman, a preservative against evil spirits. 'byung po'i rgyal po the king of the evil spirits; their names are:- mdung can , gtun shing can , gshol 'dzin , 'gugs byed , yang dag 'gugs byed , gnya' drag 'khor , etc. (K. g. tha, 117). 'byung po thams cad dang bar byed pa an enchanted gem which cleanses from all diseases particularly the attacks of evil spirits. It is said to have been discovered by Jivakaóthe physician of Buddhaóin bundle of wood which he had purchased at a cost of five hundred karrapana (K. du. ga, 11). 'byung po'i dga' ma an epithet of Durga, the wife of Mahesvara (Moon.). 'byung po'i mgon SANST an epithet of Mahesvara (Moon.). 'byung po'i gnas SANST ["lit. the abode of beings," i.e., 1. Virnu, 2. Siva, 3. the body (as the abode of the elements).]S. dbyung po'i ral pa = spang spos a kind of vegetable incense growing in grassy places. Syn. spu can ; dri'i sras pa (Moon.). 'bye ba (also frq. phye pa ) pf. and imp. bye ; intrs. of 'byed pa 1. to open: sgo bye nas nang la zhugs the door having been opened, he entered the house; mngal kha bye nas when the mouth of the womb has opened. 2. to divide, separate, resolve: ska sla gnyis su byi it resolves into thick and thin matter (Med.); dum bu stong du dbye bar 'gyur it separates into a thousand pieces (Glr.); bye brag ma bye ba'i bar du as long as the separation has not evidenced itself (J‰.). 'byed pa (acc. to Rdo. fut. of phye ), pf. and imp. phye or phyed and phyes , fut. dbye vb. a. 1. SANST, SANST to open; to place apart; to unloose: sgo phyes nas 'jog pa opening the door keep it open; fig. chos kyi sgo rnam par 'byed pa ; long ba'i mig 'byed pa to open a blind man's eyes; to open again what had been shut or stopped; dang ga yi ga 'byed pa to restore the appetite; ba phyed the open b, b pronounced like w, Gram. 2. [to separate, to keep asunder, to disentangle, W.; to disunite, to set at variance, de dag phyad dbye pa'i phyir in order to set them at variance, to create enmity between them Stg.; to part, separate, byang khog stod snad mchin dres dbye ba ste the cavity of the chest and the abdomen being separated by the diaphragm (S. g).; to divide, classify: rigs kyi sgo nas dbye na if they are classified according to the different species (Lt.); sems can rnams las kyis rnam par phye the beings are severed by their deed (beings are born as different species in consequence of their Karma); kha phye ba to open, to separate, e.g., when hands, that were laid in each other, are separated again Glr.; kha phye ba to open, to begin to bloom] from J‰. 'byed pa po SANST the divider, one who divides or disjoins or separates. 'byed dpyad 1. the diagnosis of diseases and their treatment. 2. (Sch.) 'tongs, pincers.' 'byem pa with byed pa 'to act with promptness, determination and good success' (Sch. J‰.). 'byer ba SANST 1. sbst. flight. 2. vb. pf. byer to escape by flight, to flee in different directions: tshong 'dus byer nas mi 'dug ste the market-people having fled, and nobody remaining (Pth.); nad byer song the sickness was dispersed. 'byo ba pf. phyo or phyos , imp. byo byos , to pour out, to pour into another vessel: chu 'byo pa po one who transfers or pours water from one vessel into another (Situ. 85). 'byog pa pf. byogs , to lick: bldag lces 'byog pa po one who licks, a licker (Situ. 85). 'byong ba pf. byang 1. to be cleansed, purified, v. byang ba 3. 2. to be skilled, well-versed, be full of: rig byed la 'byor ba versed in the Vedas; las ka 'byong po skilful work (Oag. 5-2). 'byon pa pf. and imp. byon , to come, arrive (resp. verb): phug tu byon nas having come to the cave; gtsug lag khang la bskor ba mdzad du byon no he came to make circumambulation at the temple. Also = to proceed, to go; to set out. Is a common vb. in modern polite talk. 'dir 'byon (polite expression) come here. 'byor a spade in C. T. (Rtsii.). 'byor pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST that which is received, acquisitions, acquirements; goods, treasures, fortune: 'byor pa zad mi shes pa dang ldan pa one possessing inexhaustible wealth, bde ba dang 'byor pa joy and treasures; 'byor pa bcu ten good things; gzhan gyi 'byor pa lnga five goods or benefits acquired by others. rang gi 'byor pa lnga five acquirements for one's ownself. 'byor ba nyid du phul gave receipt, given as soon as it was received; 'byor bar byed pa'i mthu SANST power to produce fortune or wealth (A.K. 2-92). The goods or benefits accruing to one's self are: 1. rang nyid mi yi skye ba blangs pa to have been born as a human being; 2. sa tshigs chos tshogs kyi yul dbus su skyes pa to have taken one's birth in Magadha, i.e. in the central country; 3. dbang po tshang ba to be in the enjoyment of sound bodily development, i.e., to be suffering from no want of organs of sense or limbs; 4. las kyi mtha' ma logs pa freedom from doing wrong actions; 5. dam pa'i chos la dad pa yod pa to have faith in the holy religion. The perfect sublime benefits or SANST rnam par 'byor pa (A.K. 111-9) are as follows:- (1) sangs rgyas 'jig rten du byon pa the advent of Buddha into the world; (2) dam pa'i chos gsungs pa the preaching of the holy religion; (3) bstan pa gnas pa the continuance and stability of the religion of Buddha; (4) bstan pa la zhugs pa being a believer and member of that religion; (5) 'tsho ba mthun rkyen sgrub pa'i sbyin bdag gYog pa being a patron of that religion so as to contribute to the maintenance of Buddhism. 'byor pa can = nor ldan SANST, SANST wealthy, possessing riches (Moon.). 'byor ldan = rdzas ldan possessing properties, rich, opulent (Moon.). 'byor pa yod kyang gtong ba med na though having wealth if it is not given up in charity (Sher.). 'byor thon abbr. of tshur 'byor pa and phor thon pa receipts and drawings; income and expenditure: drung 'khor don gcod kyi rigs 'byor thon gyi dbus pa'i phyag 'bul zhu dgos 'gar 'thogs med par 'phral du gnang zhing (D. Shel. 10). 'byor ba also 'byar ba I: intrs. of sbyor ba 1. to stick, adhere to; to take, contract, of diseases: 'byor nad a contagious disease or infectious malady; sems la 'byar was borne in mind, was remembered. 2. to be prepared, be ready, to have at hand, distinct from sbyor ba to prepare, make ready: sha ma byor nas there being no meat prepared; 'phral du 'byor ba ma yin that is not at once procurable (Dzl.); ci ste 'byor bar mi 'gyur na but if he has not such a thing at his disposal (J‰.). 3. to agree, acquiesce, consent together. II: (resp.) to come, to arrive, to be received: lha sa la 'byor arrived at (reached) Lhasa; yi ge lag tu 'byor ba the letter is come to hand, has been received. 'byor ma SANST milch cow; 'byor rab or rab 'byor SANST one of the wisest and most learned of Buddha's disciples. 'byol ba pf. and imp. byol , fut. (and prest. in C.), dbyol = nur ba to give or make way, lam 'byol ba = to turn out of the way, to step aside; 'byol te 'gro in walking I make way (to people) (J‰.). 'brang v. brang 3. 'brang rgyas a woman's breast, teat; (gtor ma zlum po ) offerings of meal in the shape of a bowl to spirits (Rtsii.). 'brang gces pa ( ad lag rtsa che ba ) valuables, luggage: khyed rang gi 'brang gces kun tshol la skyibs shig tu 'bo le 'bo le gzims la bzhugs sought for all your valuables and sat down to sleep at ease in a sheltered nook (A. 130). 'brang ba pf. 'brangs , imp. 'brong or 'brongs 1. to follow, to go after; with a pleonastic rjes su or mjug la often prefixed: re re'i rjes su 'brang followed each other; chos kyi rjes su 'brang ba to follow, be devoted to religion; 'jig rten gyi rjes su 'brang ba to follow after worldly pursuits; skyon med dbang pos dkon mchog gsum 'brang zhing (A. 3) following the Tri-Ratna while in the full exercise of one's senses; rjes 'brang SANST, SANST a follower; rab 'brang ba SANST, one acting according, following, imitating (A.K. 1-24). 2. to bring forth, give birth to (of animals). 'brad pa = 'drad pa pf. brad , imp. brod , 1. to scratch, to scrape, to tear with the claws: bzhin la spar mos 'brad scratched with its paws his face (Hbrom. 113). 2. or zhe 'brad pa to be wrathful = also sems mi dga' ba: khyod rgyal po'ang 'brad dam zer saying has your king also become displeased? (Hbrom. 55). 'brab pa pf. brab , imp. brob 1. to catch at suddenly, to snatch away. 2. to beat, to scourge, tsher lcag gis with thorns. 3. to throw out, to scatter (J‰.). 'bral ba so sor 'bral ba SANST, SANST; pf. bral , brol ; to be separated from, disconnected: 'bral bar mi phod bu mo khyod thou my daughter from whom I am not able to part (Glr.); lha od ya bral te contemplation and consummation being disentangled from one another; mdo sde dang lag pa mi bral zhing as the sacred writings (Sautranta) never came out of his hands. Usually 'bral ba is preceded by dang as in: skom pa dang bral bar gyur to he got rid of his thirst; nad dang bral bar gyur to he recovered from his illness. 'du ba yod na 'bral bar 'ong what was compounded matter is dissolved in its being. 'bral med = 'bral bar med pa SANST inseparable, indissoluble (J‰.). 'bras shing 'bras mo resp. bsang 'bras SANST rice; 'bras kyi srus husked rice; sha 'bras rice mixed with small pieces of meat, 'bras so ba rice not husked; 'bras dkar mo white-rice, bras dmar red-rice (the inferior and cheaper sorts) (Cs.); 'bras sil in C. boiled rice, served with butter, sugar, etc., 'bras chan cooked rice; 'bras thug sngon 'bras chan bre gang in pa la btang ba zhig bod na rgyal po byed (A. 62) formerly one who had given a pound of cooked rice in charity became by virtue thereof king of Tibet. Subjoined are names of different kinds of rice as mentioned in the Kahgyur:- shA li dmar po , pa tang ga , shA ri ka , sU rna ka lo ha bAa lAa , ros 'phrog pa , skya bo lcags kyi stobs , rab tu dga' bar byed pa , dung gi mu tig , kun tu bi na ta , dman po dzu la ka , phya ma po , aa rdzu na , pan jo ka , skam po ru ha , rgya mtsho kun tu ru ha , gnyis su , 'phel ba , sam ha sa , rab tu tsha ba pa , gra ma med pa , rtsub pa rab tu tsha ba , yAa pa ka , thams cad du skye ba , sing ha ta , sdig pa med pa , kha dog chen po , thams cad du lags par skye ba , rab tu tsha bar byed pa , dri ru ha , spral gyi gcod pa , kas mar ya ru ha , ri las skye ba , rtag tu skye bdag tshigs pa med pa , thams cad la skye ba , kA ling ka , ka ling ka chen po , he ma ston po , dung chen po , rnying sla ba , bAa hi ni ro , she Ni , aad gu skye , sen Z pa ka , kA la bAa ha , pras bu , bi Msa , rab tu spin byed , i dag li ka , tshad ma pa , bya bid Z , mi 'dod pa , lhan cig tu rnam par 'dres pa , bud Zi la , nyi ma'i dbang , dri ma med pa , mAa ga Z'i , rgya mtsho wu , be la ru ha , snyoms par pan tsa ka , spun pa med pa , rab kyi mchog tu gyur pa , dron po , rgya nag gi dang gur gum gyi mdog , dri ma dang bcas pa , rab tu 'bral pa , 'jing ka'i sems , stobs can , khang ka khNa Ni ka , rnam par 'dres pa , 'dud rtsi 'gram pa na rgyu ba , gro'i mdog (K. d. ra, 265). 'bras kyi khrag SANST vermilion, (mystic) (Mio. rda. 3). 'bras mchog = ku ba the gourd (Moon.). 'bras ljongs (Denjong) (lit. the country or valley of rice) the native or Tibetan name of Sikkim which is also called 'bras mo ljongs Demojong or 'bram mo gzhong Demoshong. 'bras stong = ste long SANST [unsubstantial]S. 'bras sna gsum (aa 'bras , sra 'bras , 'jam 'bras ) (mystic) (Mio. rda. 2). 'bras spungs or 'bras dkar spungs (lit. heap of white rice) SANST the ancient name of Katak the chief town of Orissa; in its neighbourhood existed a large Buddhist monastery called Sridhanya Kataka after the model of which the great monastery of Daipung near Lhasa was built. The Lhasa monastery is an immense establishment said occasionally to harbour 7000 inmates, of whom many are Mongols and Siberian Buriats. It stands 4 miles west of the city. Under this head we may quote from a Tibetan state document recently issued an extreme specimen of abbreviation: se 'bras dga' gsum gyi slob dpon the teachers of the three monasteries Sera, Daipung and Gahdan. 'bras phyi = 'bras rtsam rice-flour (Rtsii.). 'bras tsha rice-porridge (Rtsii.). 'bras zan SANST cooked rice; 'bras so ba SANST, SANST, SANST [cooked rice, parched rice]S. 'bras zlum can = rgya shug the Indian deodar (Moon.). 'bras ril unmilled or unbroken rice, paddy. 'bras sil rice cooked with butter and mixed with sugar, rice-pudding (Rtsii.). 'bras bu fruit, in every sense of the term, both fruit the produce of a tree or plant, and fig. the fruit, effect, or consequence, of any course, conduct or action and thence can also mean the reward or the retribution of such behaviour; rgyu 'bras cause and effect: dang don las rgyu 'bras sna tshogs gsung zhing having enumerated the various instances of the causes and effects of derived knowledge. In the common meaning of tree-fruit, we have 'bras bu shing a fruit tree, 'bras bu snen 'bras ldan or 'bras bur bcas fruitful, productive; 'bras bu gsum the three chief fruits, viz., aa ru ra the fruit of Terminalia chebula, ba ru ra the fruit of T. bellerica, and skyu ru ra that of Phyllanthus emblica. 'bras bu med pa barren, unfruitful. 'bras bu also occurs in the fig. sense mig 'bras bu apple of the eye; and again to indicate a tumour or a swelling as the result or fruit of inflammation or pain. Furthermore 'bras bu constantly stands technically as the fruit or reward resulting from passing successively through the three stages of ascetical meditation, esp. in Mil. Ethically we find: sdig 'bras the effect of sin; bdag po'i 'bras the fruit of lordship; las kyi 'bras bu the results of Karma, etc. Again the various graded results of progressive perfection, of which four are distinguished: (1) rgyun du zhags pa SANST he who enters the stream (that takes from the external world to Nirvana); (2) lan gcig phyir 'ong ba SANST he who returns to this world once more; (3) phyir mi 'ong ba SANST he who returns no more, being a candidate of Nirvana; (4) dgra bcom pa SANST the Arhat, the saint who has vanquished all moral and spiritual foes. In the Kahgyur the five stages are mentioned:- (1) slab pa'i 'bras bu the fruit of education (moral, mental, etc.); (2) mi slob pa'i 'bras bu the results or fruit not consequent on education; (3) rang sangs rgyas gyi 'bras bu the precedence gained by a Pratyeka Buddha; (4) phyir mi ldog pa'i byang chub sems dpa'i sa'i 'bras bu the precedence of a Bodhisattva who has entered the stage from which he will not move out; (5) thams cad mkhyen pa'i ye shes kyi 'bras bu the final stage of omniscience to which a Buddha attains. 'bras bu rtag par 'dod pa'i lta ba a doctrine in which the fruit of one's Karma is always desired. rgyu mi rtag ste sems dngos por med|'bras bu rtag gru phyu 'am dbang phyug yod nges zer ba'o| (Theg. 33). 'bras bu yongs can SANST not barren, a woman who gives birth to many children, fruitful. 'bras bu la rgyu btags pa SANST [to regard an effect as a cause]S. 'bri ka rta na n. of a medicinal plant for sores and ulcers (Sman. 351). 'bri khung also called 'bri gung n. of a district situated to the north-east of Gahdan (dga' ldan ) in Tibet. 'bri chu n. of a great river described in a modern native work as "rising from the snowy mountains in the south of the province of Thurpan in Thogar whence it flows across the byang stod or upper north towards the S. E. of Tibet; then, turning its course directly southwards, it enters the provinces of Hdan-khog and Sde-dge (Derge) and Hbah (Bathang) and then passing by the Chinese province of Yunnan, occupied by the Musalmans, crosses Yavana and the country of the Laos. It is called lan tshang kyang by the Chinese, Kaswokha by the Indians" (Dsam. 32). In Tibet it is gen. called the river of khams sde dge Kham Dege (Loo. 'a, 5). 'bri ta a form of medicine, prob. a kind of extract; 'bri ta sa 'dzin a medicinal herb, an emetic (Med.). 'bri ba I: pf. and imp. bris to write, to draw, note down: dkyil 'khor zhig 'bri ba to describe a circle or other figure; nga rang gis yi ge zhig 'bri yong I will write you a letter; gter chos spang du gal rung |'di ni bris pa tsam gyis kyang |sangs rgyas bstan pa 'phel bar 'gyur would that wherever the treasures of religion have been abandoned, as soon as these words have been written down, the precepts of Buddha might come to be spread! yi ger bris pa'i gter treasures which have been noted down in writing. phyag bris polite word for: a letter (except when mentioning one's own epistle which one should always style yi ge ); 'bri smyug writing-reed, pen. II: pf. not bris but bri , to diminish, grow less: rlung drod 'bri zhing meditative warmth decreasing; chu rdzing bu'i kha bri song the water of the pond had diminished. 'bri £o n. of a mountain situated southward beyond the ocean, in which reside the species of venomous serpents called Takrako. The finest species of sandal-wood called Gosirsa and Hurianacandan grow there (K. d. ra, 277). 'bri mo SANST female yak; rgod 'bri or 'brong 'bri wild female. 'bri mog a kind of herb the root of which is used in Tibet as a dye for cakes, etc., giving a purple colour to these offerings made to spirits (Rtsii.). 'bri sa thod dkar the mother of king srong btsan sgam po (Loo. 'a, 5). 'bring SANST middle, middling, moderate; 'bring zhig tolerable, something moderate, of middling quality; tshad ma or thig tshad 'bring po the middle line; bzang ngan 'bring gsum good, bad and middling; rab 'bring tha ma gsum highest, mediocre, inferior: gang zag blo rab kyi rab 'bring tha ma gsum mchog gi sa la sbyor bar mdzad he caused to stand fast in the highest positions those human beings of the monastic classes who mentally were first-rate, middling or inferior. rnal 'byor 'bring po one that is moderately advanced in contemplation; adv. 'bring gis middling, moderately; 'bring mi tsho 'o na gang yin nam who then are the middle class men? (A. 122). 'bring ba in zhabs 'bring byed pa bring tsam SANST ordinary, of middle quality. 'brid pa SANST 1. to caress: lo lnga'i bar du 'brid par bya| (a boy) should be caressed up to the fifth year of his age (Can.). 2. pf. brid to beguile, impose upon; blo 'brid pa id. 'brid de nod pa las (as she) wanted to seduce him deceitfully. 'brim pa 1. pf. brims to distribute, deal out, hand round; 'brim pa po . 2. sbst. distributor, dispenser, waiter at table. 'bru SANST, SANST, SANST 1. a grain of anything; also: corn, seed: bye ma 'bru re'i steng na on every grain of sand; 'bru 'thag pa to grind grain. 2. a particle, piece, letter: yig 'bru gcig a single letter; tshig gi 'bru a syllable; 'bru don the meaning of a letter, the object of one's application or prayer (Rtsii.). 3. (collectively) grain, corn, in gen. 'bru'i khal a load of grain; 'bru sna der mi 'khrungs no kind of grain grows there; 'bru grims tea in grains and loose tea: 'bru grims snug po mtho re'i snyegs tsam yod (Jig. 22). 'bru rgod wild grain; 'bru 'jal grain-measure. 'bru bcud gsum the three-kinds of millet-sesame (Sman. 3). 'bru sna so so different sorts of grain:- 'bras dkar , 'bru dkar , pa ta la , nas , chu ma , tse mo dkar , gro , yid bzang , yid legs , sran chung , bkra shis can , muA nag po , nags skyes , sran dkar , nas kyi 'bri shing , maA tshogs can , 'phrog byed spubs , tsa na ka , rnams sran ma i , yungs dkar , don grub , zas , gtsang , 'byung po 'jigs byed , yungs nag , tshogs ma can , tsha ba'i snum can , bad khang , ske tshe , kSu Z , mngon skyes , rgyal mo , nag mo , lha min , zangs kyi gtsug phud , ya ba ka , nges spubs , yungs dkar rgyal po , khre , khre rgod , pri yang ku , mon sran , gre'u rkang brgyad pa , ti la , te la , til skyes , zar ma , aa ma , khyu ma . 'bru phan as met. (lit. that which benefits grain) water (Moon.). 'bru snin pa terms for the ripe or ripening of corn. 'bras 'bru mature or fruited grain or corn. rangs byed , snin pa , lo thog , ston thog are described as stages of growth. 'bru rnams kyi ngar pa dang snye ma la sogs pa dag gi ming terms for the stalks, plants and ears of corn. 'bru ba or bru ba , pf. and imp. brus , to pry into, scrutinise; to probe, and fig. to inflame and irritate: mtshang 'bru ba to spy out faults, also to irritate, mtshang 'bru ba'i tshig irritating words. 'bru ma = yi ge dbu chen the capital or printing letters of Tibet. 'bru tsha v. bru tsha 3. 'bru zun a superior kind of carpet or rug: gdong gral dang por 'bru zun grum ljag ma (Jig. 27). 'bru la sgang n. of a place in Tibet (Loo. za, 9). 'bru shal 'bru sha , v. bru sha . 'brug I: (nam gyi 'brug SANST, SANST thunder, lightning, whirlwind; skad chen 'brug loud thunder. 'brug skad mang ba'i sprin pa la char pa med|skad sgra che ba'i bu mo la bag ston med (Mongol. proverb) the clouds that are accompanied by thunder seldom rain. So, the girl that has a loud voice seldom gets married ("has no wedding feast"). Syn. sprin gyi sgra ; dbyar skyes rnga ; sgra brgya pa ; rdo rje'i sgra ; gnam lcags sgra ; thog babs ; lhan cig 'don pa'i 'brug sgra (Moon.). II: the mythical winged dragon, creature which gives its name to one of the members of the series of twelve animals in calendar cycle. gYu 'bru sngon po blue-dragon (Glr.). 'brug skad or 'brug sgra SANST, SANST the cry or sound of the dragon; thunder. 'brug gi mche bas so yi gzer 'joms the dragon's tusk cures toothache. 'brug rgyab chung a kind of Chinese satin with embroidered figures of dragons on it; 'brug rgyab chen mo satin with larger figures of dragons. 'brug sgra can SANST possessing the voice of thunder; n. of a son of Ravana king of Laoka. 'brug sgra'i gar as met. = rma bya peacock (Moon.). 'brug rje also called nang lha n. of a sa bdag or demon monster. 'brug pa (Dukpa) 1. a native of Bhutan (Jig. 26). 2. the thunderers or the sect of Buddhists inhabiting Bhutan; often also styled in Tibet lho 'brug pa ; is one of the Nyingma or unreformed schools. The Hbrug-pa school of Buddhism originated from the lamas Glio-ras Pad-ma Rdo-rje and Chos-rje Gtsao-pa Rgya-ras-pa. The latter according to the advice of his spiritual teachers founded the monasteries of Kloo-rdol and Hbrug and agreeably to the inspiration of his tutelary deity founded the monastery of Ralung. At the time of erecting the second monastery, a great thunder storm took place from which circumstance it was called 'brug . The monks of Hbrug monastery became famous for their learning and spread Buddhism in the wild mountainous country of Bhutan founding monasteries there; whence from that time Bhutan came to be known as the country of Hbrug (D˚g.). The Bhutanese still follow the teachings of Gtsao-pa rgya-ras-pa (Grub. nga, 17). 'brug bar the middle sect of the Hbrug-pa school. 'brug snad the lower or later sect of the Hbrug school; also = lower Bhutan. 'brug mo SANST [1. an ewe. 2. Nardostachys jatamansi]S. 'brug zhabs or 'brug zhabs drung seem to be the proper terms for the ecclesiastical ruler of Bhutan known in Indian official circles as the Dharma Raja of Bhutan. 'brug gzig ('brug gzig rus pas khyi rma lhog bubs 'joms ) a species of leopard found in Bhutan the bones of which are used as antidote to cancerous sores and dog bites. 'brug yul or lho 'brug the country of Bhutan, occupying the Himalayan region east of Sikkim and west-north-west of Assam. 'brug gYas SANST [agitation]S. 'brug shing n. of a plant: 'brug shing 'bras bus char 'bebs klu nad sel the fruit of duk-shing removes illness caused by lu brought forth by the rain. 'brud pa = 'drud pa , to rub; also: to fill up: khung bu 'brud pa po (Situ. 85). 'brub khung = hom khung SANST the sacrificial fire-pit used in Tantrik religious rites: 'brub khung ni sngags pa'i hom khung (Oag. 51) fire-pit in which the Ngagpa lamas burn clarified butter in sacrificial ceremonies. 'brub pa gen. with chu to over-flow, to gush forth (Mil.); chu 'brub to flow over. 'brubs su bya ba (skud rig ) SANST needle work. 'brum any berry on trees or shrubs: rgun 'brum grape; se 'brum hip (fruit of wild brier) in Sikk., in W. = pomegranate. 'brum pa or 'bram bu SANST a pock or pustule. 'brum nad small-pox, the commonest and most dreaded of all diseases in Tibet, transmission of which into India by traders via the Sikkim passes has only lately been in any way checked by fumigating bales of merchandise and by ordering compulsory vaccination of incoming traders at Yatung near of Jelep Pass. The colloq. term for small-pox is "lhandrum." 'brum bu 'joms SANST n. of a tree the bark of which is used in small-pox; 'brus bu phra mo SANST [a species of leprosy]S. 'brum lha mo the goddess who causes the disease of small-pox. 'brum pho lha n. of a district in Tsang where Pholha Thaiji was born (Loo. 'a, 16). 'brus pho lha pa bsod nams stobs rgyas the full name of governor Pholha Thaiji. (EEE The original transliterates this name as both "Phola Thaiji" and "Phala Thaiji". There is no variation in the Tibetan spelling.) 'brus instr. of 'bru also an abbr. of 'bras bu . 'bre n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 2). 'bre ko de lung another place in Tibet (Loo. za, 2). 'bre ba pf. and imp. bres to screen off, to spread over, to envelop. 'breg pa pf. breg or bregs , imp. brog or brogs to lop off, prune; amputate: ske 'breg pa to cut off at the neck; pho mtshan 'breg pa to excise the membrum virile; most frq. in reference to the hair, to cut off, to shave: skra dang kha spu 'breg mkhan one who shaves the head and moustache. 'breng dpal gyi blo gros n. of a Buddhist saint of Tibet (Deb. ga, 2). 'breng pa SANST leather or hide strap; 'breng zhags SANST [bound, connected]S. 'breng hril = ko thag ril 'grim pa straps or ropes made of hide thongs twisted together (S. kar. 179). 'breng ba frq. for 'brang ba 3. 'brel pa SANST connection, union, conjunction, but only in certain applications. 1. connection between cause and effect, used also for effect, consequence, efficacy: snon lam gyi 'brel pa the efficacy of prayer (Mil.); 'jog pa to apply, make use of it (Mil.). 2. the vascular and nervous system conjunctively, the two systems in their totality. 3. genitive case, the sixth case of Tibetan Grammarians, 'brel pa'i sgra the termination of it: kyi . 4. a small quantity, a little, a bit: zas kyi 'brel pa zhig dgos I want a little bit to eat; chos kyi 'brel pa thob pa to snatch up a little bit of religion (J‰.). 'brel ba I: vb. intrs. to adhere together, to combine, to become connected, to meet togther: rtsa dang rus pa tsam 'brel ba connected only by veins and bones, nothing but skin and bone (Dzl.); rkang lag gi sor mo rnams kyang bya ngang pa'i sor mo ltar 'brel ba her fingers and toes adhered together like the toes of a goose (Pth. 127, b). bod dang rgya'i 'brel tshul the connection with, or the intercourse between Tibet and China; 'brel gtam gossiping at meeting (on the road) (Mil.). de dang lus 'brel ba to cohabit with him or her (Glr.); lhan du 'brel ba las bu skyes they having cohabited, a child was born (J‰.). 'brel med , SANST unconnected. 'brel med du smra ba , SANST unconnected talk, irrelevant speech. 'brel 'tshungs pa , SANST [a fellow religious student.]S. 'brel zab pa SANST [together, in company]S. 'bro go (acc. S. Lex. 'bro go SANST) n. of a medicine said to resemble mare's dung [Scripus kysoor]S. 'bro gos bad kan snug ser pho nad sel . 'bro lo tsAa ba n. of Lo-tsa-wa who was a native of 'bro (or Dˆ.). 'brog (nags ) SANST, SANST solitude, wilderness, uncultivated land, esp. summer pasture for cattle in the mountains. 'brog skyong ba , to attend to a mountain dairy; 'brog khyi herdsman's dog, a huge fierce mastiff; 'brog dgon , SANST (A.K. 111-20) monastery in the solitudes of mountains generally kept up by the Dok-pa. 'brog stong , open pasture lands on the tops and slopes of mountains. 'brog snam a coarse blanket made and used by the Dok-pa people: 'brog snam gyi gos gnyis brtsegs gyon pa he was dressed in two-fold clothes of Dok blanket (A. 130). 'brog pa (Dok-pa), SANST, SANST herdsman, shepherd, etc., particularly the nomadic Tibetans who live in tents on the moors and upland valleys of Tibet, tending cattle and earning a subsistence therefrom. They are found all over Tibet, keeping each tribe or section to its own grounds; and are in various ways much superior to the husbandmen and cottagers of the country. They export wool and pay taxes in butter to the Tibetan Government. 'brog phrug , a herdsman's child, a boy tending cattleóin W. now used as a nickname; 'brog mi , a herdsman; 'brog mo , SANST a female Dok-pa; 'brog zhad rude, rough, boorish; 'brog zhad snon pa to be rude, etc. (Sch.). 'brog lhas SANST a fold for cattle. Syn. phyugs skyong ; ba lang bgrang ; rkang bzhi'i nor ldan ; phyugs kyis phyug ; phyugs ldan ; ba ldang dbang phyug ; ba 'jo ; 'jo mkhan ; lcag thog (Moon.). 'brong (dong) = gYag rgod SANST 1. wild yak (Poúphagus grunniens); lho khar stag dad byang kha'i 'brong the yak of Jang-thang; 'brong 'bri wild yak-cow, 'brong phrug a yak-calf, 'brong ko a wild-yak's skin or leather. 2. v. 'brong ba . (EEE 'brong ba does not occur elsewhere in the dictionary; it is probably a mistake for 'brong pa 3.) 'brong khyags la the well-known Dong-khya Pass, the top of which is 18,420 ft. altitude, giving access from the Lachung valley in the extreme N. E. of Sikkim into that part of Tibet which lies at the northern head of the Chumbi valley. The name signifies "frozen wild-yak pass," being so called from a troop of yak having been once overtaken by a storm on the pass and having been there found frozen to death. 'brong pa + = nye bar bsten pa , SANST attending to, to wait upon, to serve. mtho ris bu mos 'brong zhing being attended to by celestial damsels (Bshes-sprio). 'brong tse n. of a prosperous large village with a monastery and an ancient palace four storeys high belonging to the family of Shape Phala. It stands about 10 miles N. N. W. of Gyang-tse, on the Nyang river (Loo. 'a, 8). 'brong bza' n. of the fifth wife of king khri srong lde'u btsan (Loo. 'a, 8). 'brom an ancient family in Tibet in which was born 'brom rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas Bromston the founder of the sovereign hierarchy in Tibet in the beginning of the 11th century A.D. 'bros pa pf. 'bros or bros , fut. 'bros or 'bros par 'gyur , to run away, to escape; phyir bros pa ran away, fled from, took to flight; phan tshun 'bros pa to run hither and thither; 'bros pa'i gnas or 'bros sa place of refuge; fig. mig khung du bros his eyes are sunk (J‰.). 'bros su 'jug to make one run away; to drive away. The perf. bros must not be confused with bros the perf. of bro ba to smell. In Tangyur, mdo, xiii, 130, occurs a sentence with both verbs: mi yi gzugs kyis rab tu bros de nas phan tshun 'bros byed pa . rba or dba' , waves. rba klongs and rba rlabs id. (EEE The id. here refers to the previous entry, rba 3.) rba rag n. of a place in Tibet: rba rag rnams nged kyi gnas yin zer (A. 117). rba mi rag for rba yul gyi mi drag the better class of men in Rba; rba mi rag slu mi mes rkang pa dgu na rba'i thun skyogs 'phen pa (D.R. 11, 12). rbad 1. a large species of eagle. 2. W. crutch = pang ka . 3. rough and hoarse; rbad sgra a harsh voice; cf. rbad rbod 3. 4. quite, wholly: rbad gcod pa or rbad tser gcod pa to cut off entirely, to extirpate (J‰.); rbad skyogs residue, residuum, dregs, husks, etc. (J‰.). (EEE The original has "drugs" for "dregs" above, but this is likely an error and has been corrected here.) rbad pa imp. rbod , to set on, incite: ri ags la khyi rbad pa to instigate a dog against wild animals and incite a demon to do mischief to an enemy. Also = mthu btang ba to send some calamity or disease by means of witchcraft, etc.: ma mo'i rbod gtong brings down visitations of the Ma-mo fiends. rbad rbod thick, dense, close: skra rbad rbod thick hair, (J‰.). rbab a rolling-down, also rbad , e.g., rdo rbab loose stones rolling down; rbab zhi bas after the rolling of detritus had ceased (Mil.). rbad SANST; v. rbad pa 3. lba ba 1. SANST wen, goitre. 2. large knots in, or excrescences on, trees; on account of their speckled appearance often turned into drinking-bowls or cups. lbu ba also dbu ba , SANST a bubble, foam, froth, scum; chu lbu id.; lbub can or lbu ba ldan SANST, SANST frothy, foamy, frost-covered; lbu bcas nyung producing little scum; lbu ba bsal ba to scum or skim off (Cs.); grogs chu yi lbu ba dang 'dra a friend is like water bubbles (J‰.); lbu ba 'phyur byed it sends up bubbles. spa v. spa ba 3. SANST secret, hidden; also spa gsang secret and concealed. spa dkar a kind of linen cloth (Rtsii.). spa rtir lining of tea-pots, tea-cups, etc., with brass or gilt (Rtsii.). spa thag rope made of twisted cane. spa ba 1. a common form of the vb. sped pa 3 to hide, q.v. 2. or more fully 'doms kyi spa ba sbst. the privy-parts. 3. n. of a place in Khams (Loo. za, 17). spa tsha the residue of mustard seed after oil has been pressed out. spa tshang oil-presser's house, the hut where oil is pressed out, as in Gyangtse. spa lu mig byil an insect (Rtsii.). spag pa pf. spags , imp. spogs to saturate, stain; to defile, pollute: dri mas spag pa polluted with dirt; dri bzang gis spags pa saturated with perfume (Rtsii.). spang ba 1. v. spong ba 3. 2. malt from which beer has been brewed; spang skom id. dried. spangs 1. dung of large animals, such as horses, yak, deer of large size; especially also rta spangs , bong spangs dung of horses and asses; fresh dung of cows, yaks, &c., is more correctly lci ba or lce ba . spangs lud dung manure; spangs skam dung dried for fuel. 2. SANST wet, flowing: char pas spangs wet with rain. spangs glum = chang gi glum wet malt (Rtsii.). spangs rtsam the refuse barley when beer has been brewed out of it. spab a species of bird (Rtsii.). spab ca a certain number or quantity of trading articles, e.g., of paper, a quire, a bundle of matches, etc. (J‰.). spam pa pf. spams , imp. spoms , to place together, to collect: phyogs gcig tu spam pa gcig tu spam pa to keep together in one place; smyug ma spams pa 'dra like reeds laid together (Vai. so.). spar ba v. spor ba 3. spar mo v. spar mo 3. spar yas SANST n. of a number. spal 1. a province of southern Mongolia: byang gi sar gyi mtha' la yod (G. Bon. 4). 2. muscles: lag pa'i spal the soft muscles of the palm of the hand. spal pa SANST, SANST a frog; also erroneously SANST the crab. spal chung or spal lcong a young frog, tad-pole (Cs.); spal chen a lizard; spal nag toad (Rtsii.). spal pa can SANST [a kind of tree, Sesbana grandiflora.]S. spal ba lag pa the root of a medicinal plant: spal pa lag pas dri chu 'gag pa sel the plant sbal-pa lag-pa cures obstruction of urine. spas or spas pa SANST, SANST, SANST secret, confidential; spas tshig words that are suppressed, concealed (Moon.). spig a kind of wild animal (Rtsii.). spid pa 1. corrupt form of sprid pa 3. 2. in Tsang, for spud pa bellows, instrument for blowing a fire. spu gu 1. hollow, cavity; the narrow interior of anything, a tube. 2. a hollow stem or reed: pad ma'i spu gu bzhag gyur te|mi gtsang 'dam der ji ltar 'gro having dwelt on the stem of the lotus how could you go into that mire of filth (Hbrom. kha, 28). spu ba v. lbu ba 3. spu ba can SANST [unhurt, safe]S. spu la kha 1. the japanned or coloured leather imported into Tibet from China. 2. the sable, Mustela zibellina (J‰.). spug or spug po the inner-most part of a house where treasures are kept; gter spug or mdzod kyi spug treasure-safe. spug chol or spub chal large bell-metal cymbals; there are three kinds of spug chal in use in Tibet. (1) hor spug cymbals imported from Mongolia; (2) rgya spug Chinese cymbals; (3) bal spug cymbals manufactured in Nepal. spug pa to penetrate, to perforate, to pierce into: spug rtsa lon pa = nang gi rgyu rkyen ha go ba to understand the secret of any matter, to penetrate into the real object or import of anything (Yig. k.). spugs = shubs SANST (rtsa lta ba'i ) hollow stalk, a tube; hole, excavation, interior space: khung bu'i spugs tubular cavity, conduit, sewer, in C.; spug tu nor spa ba to hide treasures in a recess. spugs = sang seng hole for inserting the handle of an instrument; shangs kyi spubs gnyis the pair of nostrils. spugs grol ba = nang grol ba SANST [expanded, blossomed]S. brag bla klu spugs a shrine in Lhasa on the side of Chag-po Ri where is a cave sacred to nagas. spugs dam or spugs 'byar = spugs kyi phyag dam the royal seal: ya ma bral ba'i sgrub 'chag srol rgyun spugs 'byar brnyon med ci yin la i 'gre ltar gnas chug zer ba dang (D. Shel. 7). spugs rtsa SANST the pulse; spugs rlung = spung slung SANST [the act of tasting]S. spung spung many in one place, a heap; spung spung 'chi ba zhig byung many people died in one place (A. 151). spungs che SANST [unassailable]S. spud hrar n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. 41). (EEE Given the context, it might be that spud hrar is a mistake for spung hrar .) spud pa = pags pa dbugs 'byin pa (Moon.). SANST; skin-bellows, used in blowing the hearth. Tibetans always using dried dung of cattle for fuel, the bellows is an indispensable article, and usually consists of two skin-bags squeezed together so that the compressed air passes through a tube into the fire (J‰.). spud pa 'bud pa to blow or work the bellows. spud mchu the tube or iron-mouth of a bellows. spun pa 1. v. spun pa 3. 2. SANST bark of trees, the peel of fruit, pod or husk of grain (K. d. gi, 16). spun gter 1. = don med pa or snying po med pa meaningless, without, substance, hollow, vain (Lish.). 2. a small building in the style of a monument, in which sacred writing are deposited (J‰.). spun rtsis a very high rate of interest, fifty per cent. spub khong a hollow ball. spub chol v. spug chol 3 = 3rol mo 3 (Jig. 18). spubs 'bras the nutmeg. Syn. spubs skyes ; spubs can (Moon.). spur pa or spur 'khyog the beetle: spur 'khyog byang pa'i dug 'joms chu 'gags 'chigs . spur ma chaff, husks. spur ma'i me chung ngu SANST, SANST slow fire kept up with chaff (S. Lex.). spur len n. of a kind of gem. spur len mig gi rab rib nad la phan the bur-len gem is useful in cataract of the eye. spur long , SANST [a topaz]S. (S. Lex.). gser gyi spur long (D.R.). spe ga = spe kha lus kyis rtsal sbyong physical exercises, athletics, etc. spe ba to scuffle, to wrestle; sbe-kha = aab tang rtsid pa or rdab re byed pa trial of strength between combatants (Rtsii.). spe ser a place situated to the S. W. of Lhasa with a monastery, formerly the seat of Lama rngog ston legs pa'i shes rab (Loo. za, 4). speg pa + SANST lean, lank, thin. Syn. dngos ngan pa ; sha chung ba ; skem pa ; rid pa (Moon.). sped pa or spa ba , pf. spas , imp. spos , to hide, conceal, cover: gter du sped pa to conceal as a treasure, mdzod du sped pa to hide in a store-house; yi ger bris pa'i gter spas kyi and treasures which had been recorded in writing became hidden (Pth. 128). dpung gi tshogs tshal du sped to conceal troops in a wood; sa'i 'og tu sped hide in the ground; yon tan gnyer du sped par byed assiduously conceals his excellent qualities (Hbrom. kha, 41). sped ma 1. any property or article that is hidden not made public; concealed treasure that has come to light. 2. SANST the veiled woman, n. of a wife of Buddha, which name is also translated as sa 'tsho ma . spo the upper part of the belly; spo tshil fat from it; spo rkun pa pick-pocket C. (J‰.). (EEE The original has spa tshil for spo tshil above.) spo khwa chi (Mongol term) an ambassador, envoy: rgyal po khri pa'i zhabs phyi dang spo khwa chi sogs mgo mi the leading men, such as the orderlies of the reigning king and the ambassadors (D. Shel. 10). spo ba pf. spos = 'bo ba to swell up, to distend: lto ba spos the belly is swollen, turgid; spo 'khrog pa to wheeze from inflation (J‰.). spogs pa v. spag pa 3. spong ba 1. pf. spangs , fut. spang to steep in water, to soak, to drench (J‰.). 2. = spong ba to abstain from. spod gtong send for! or SANST, one who has been sent for. spod pa a tassel, tuft (J‰.). spon pa + = za ba to eat. (EEE The headword in the original is spon pa , with the transliteration "sbon-pa". The transliteration is correct and the headword has been revised accordingly.) spom po or spom pa = rags pa of large dimensions, big bulky, thick; considerable; also = zheng che ba very broad: chen po spro dga'i tshor ba spom po thob he obtained considerable satisfaction and great encouragement (Yig. k. 88). spom phra dimensions, size, breadth; spom phra mnyam pa of equal thickness (Ya-sel. 35); nyam med 'byor ba yid sbro'i tshor ba spom por brtas (Yig. k.). spom dga' ma n. of a Buddhist nun on account of whose misconduct Buddha had to enjoin restrictions for the guidance of nuns (K. du. ta, tha, ta). spom pa'i rnam pa can SANST (S. Lex.). [1. bulky. 2. the grass or reed Saccharum cylindricum.]S. spor ba pf. and at times pres. spar 1. to light, kindle, inflame: 'khor lo'i phyogs bzhi nas me spar te kindling the fire all round the circle. 2. to transfer, transfuse: phar tshur spor ba to remove from one place to another. spor lo Anemone polyantha in Lh. spos pa a swelling in the bone (S. Lex.). sbyang ba v. sbyong ba 3. sbyangs pa SANST, SANST washed, used; also (yon tan lta bu ) practised, disciplined. sbyangs pa'i rdo ba SANST washed and cleaned stone. sbyangs pa'i mon nan la gnas pa = nyan thol (Moon.). One who remains satisfied with qualifications acquired by practice or study; a term signifying Sravaka; sbyangs pa'i yon tan SANST talents or qualification kept up, used or practised [ascetic practices]S. sbyangs tshags filtered, purified by filtration. sbyar pa n. of a species of poplar. sbyar ba a secondary form of sbyor ba : snan sbyar ba to mix up or prepare medicine; shog po sbyar ba to paste paper; tshig don sbyar ba to attach, apply meaning to words. sbyar ka byed pa = bskyis pa to borrow. sbyar thug SANST, [misery]S. sbyar du rung ba SANST [full or complete knowledge]S. sbyar ma SANST mixture, anything mixed or joined together. sbyar spom SANST pomade, perfumery. sbyar ba 1. (tshig mtshams lta bu ) SANST, SANST joining together, sbyar ba las byung ba = SANST; 2. = sgrub pa SANST [in collection, in ascent]S. 3. (zas lta bu ) SANST mixing up ingredients, as in food, medicine, etc. sbyar ba'i chang wine or beer prepared from two or three ingredients; sbyar ba'i dri incense or incense sticks made of two or three perfumes. sbyig pa to tie, knot: thag pas sbyig pa . sbyin pa I: vb. pf. and imp. byin 1. to give, bestow, make a present of: rin la byin no he offered as a price ma byin par len pa to take what is not given. 2. to add, to sum up (Vai. kar). Syn. ster ba ; gtong ba (Moon.). II: sbst. SANST gift, present, alms; sbyin pa byin cig|de nas khyed la yang sbyin pa thob par 'gyur ro bestow gifts, then shall gifts be obtained by you (N. T., St. Luke vi 38). sbyin pa rnam pa bzhi the four kinds of gift or alms:- (1) zang zing gi sbyin pa of goods; (2) chos kyi sbyin pa of moral and religious instructions; (3) mi 'jigs pa'i sbyin pa of protection; (4) byams sogs sbyin pa presenting affection, love, etc. sbyin gter a charitable person; sbyin gtong distribution of gifts, sbyin gtong chen po byed pa to make gifts to a large number of people, also of valuable things to monasteries, etc. sbyin du mi rung ba'i dngos po lnga the five articles which are not fit to be presented and should not be made gifts of:- mtshon arms, chang wine, dug poison, bud med women, chos ma yin pa anything that is not dharma (K. du. pa, 78). sbyin pa ri phar phyin SANST charity carried to its furthest limit, i.e., unlimited charity; sbyin pa'i rang bzhin SANST [full of charity]S. sbyin bdag SANST a patron, more especially a dispenser of gifts, a layman manifesting his piety by making presents to the priesthood. sbyin gnas = mchod gnas SANST the objects worthy of gifts, i.e., beings to be worshipped by offerings are:- lha a deity, Bodhisattva, Arhat, etc., rje btsun a Buddhist saint or sage or object of reverence, mchod pa'i 'os worshipful objects, yon gyi gnas religious symbols, image, caitya. sbyin pa rnam bcu the ten possessions of the Buddhist which he should be ready to bestow:- (1) rin chen precious things such as gold, silver, gems; (2) yo byad furniture, utensils etc.; (3) zas articles of food; (4) ba glang his ox; (5) rta horse; (6) glang chen elephant; (7) bu mo his daughter; (8) sa gzhi land; (9) 'dod pa'i chung ma (this may be his mistress); (10) rang gi sha his own flesh. The instances of the last two items are where a Bodhisattva performs acts of Dana-paramita (as found in legendary stories) and are therefore considered as not applicable in ordinary lifeóso in the Vinaya a woman is prohibited as an article of gift. The case of one's body forming an object of gift, which is the outcome of sin (kun nas bslangs pa ), is applicable to only a Bodhisattva who has no business to remain in the mortal tenement (Lam-rim. 221). sbyin pa po SANST giver, alms-giver, offerer of a gift. Syn. gtong phod ; dpal sdug ; sbyin rlabs can ; shin tu sbyin byed ; rab tu 'god ; rab ster ; sbyod po ; gter med mchod sbyin ; ris med ster (Moon.). sbyin pa'i 'os objects of charity:- skyabs gnas rgya chen supreme objects of refuge; yongs su dbul bya those who are poor and destitute; bsngags 'os those who are praise-worthy, mchod bya respectable friends, parents, etc., bkur 'os respectable persons (Moon.). sbyin pa'i pha rol tu phyin pa'i mdo the Sutra on Dana Paramita (K. d. ba, 122) delivered by Buddha at the request of the Bodhisattva Mahasattva ri'i phug dang |ri'i sul dang |gseb dang |snan zlongs na seng ge'i mchog rnam par bskyings shing nga ro rnam par sgrogs pa lta bu'i mi'i dbang po'i gtsug gi nor bu zhes pa (this Bodhisattva's name is unusually long). sbyin ma'i lha mo SANST the goddess of gifts; a lunar mansion. sbyin sreg SANST, SANST burnt offerings as made by Tantrik Buddhists; sbyin bsreg mkhan SANST the offerer of such; sbyin sreg gi rdzas SANST clarified butter, articles necessary for burnt sacrifices. sbyin sreg gi yam shing SANST first wood necessary for the offering. sbyin sreg dga' ba SANST [lit. "one fond of oblation" i.e. fire]S. sbyin sreg mchod sbyin rnams gyi mchog (K. du. kha, 190) Homa is the chief of all fire-sacrificials. Syn. shing bu ; bud shing ; tshim byed shing ; yam shing ; hom shing ; byin za'i shing ; zhugs kyi shing ; phra mo shing ; sbyin sreg shing (Moon.). sbyong ba pf. sbyangs , sbyang SANST, SANST 1. to clean, remove by cleaning, clear away; like 'dag pa SANST, washing off esp. sdig pa sbyong ba to wash off or purge sin; 'khru sbyongs curing diarrhúa (Lex.); dang sbyong byed kyi shes rab the knowledge how a man may be purified by his own doings. 2. to take away, to subtract: de rnams thig mtshams sbyang ste (Vai. kar.) 60 being subtracted. 3. to exercise, to train, blo one's mind, kha one's mouth, hence kha sbyang eloquence (Mil.); sngon yon tan sbyangs pa song ba'i mthus by dint of formerly cultivated abilities (Glr.); da rung sbyang dgos that must be practised still better: rtses sa sbyang ba to learn mathematics (Pth.); bshar sbyang byed pa to accustom, familiarize. sbyong thar = sbyong brdar byed pa to perform magical practices (Rtsii.). sbyong ba sbyong snan SANST [a priest skilful in offering oblations]S. sbyong byed gnyis = thar nu and dud byid (Sman. 450). sbyong rims = 'khru nad diarrhúa which is of four kinds, rgyu lkugs , rgyu 'khor dang rgyu gzed and rgyu 'khrog ). sbyor ba I: = sdeb pa 3 (Moon.). pf. and fut. sbyar 1. to affix, attach, fasten together; to put close to, to apply: sems la sbyor ba to impress on the mind: res 'ga' ni khye'u chung lo brgyad pa za ba slag kha sbyor gsol sometimes he as a little boy eight years old would fasten to his mouth a covering of fur lined with silk; sku 'dru'i gzugs la dbu de sbyar nas having fastened the head on the body of the image. Also fig.: kho pa la sdug sbyar gyi bsam pa bor te conceiving the idea of bringing trouble on them. dbang po gnyis sbyor ba to unite the two sexes; char yib byas nas bsdad tsa na gnyid du song ba'i rmi lam du slob dpon paV byon nas sbyor ba mdzad cing dbang bskur te having taken shelter from the rain, on sitting down she fell asleep; but in a dream the teacher Padma came and having connection with her bestowed seed. 3bya ba'i sgra ma sbyar yang 3 also without the word bya ba being added. 2. to conjoin, connect, combine (used with dang ) kha dang kha sbyar yod joined mouths, kissed; dmag gi ched du bod mi rnams dang rgya mi rnams sbyor ba bya'o for the purposes of war the Chinamen should unite with Tibetans. It is in this sense of the word that we find a sort of adverbial use of the forms sbyor la and sbyor dang signifying 'along with him,' 'together with him', 'as well': ngas bu mo btang zhing sbyor la ra lug song I sent the girl, and the goats and sheep went along with her; bla ma 'di ru phebs te sbyor la phyag bris de khyer song as the lama was coming here, he brought the letter with him. II: 1. to prepare, get ready, adjust, accommodate one's self to (and thus, as we see, practically identical in meaning with sbyor ba I.): theg pa rim pa de dag dang thad kar sgo bstun pa'i sbyor ba gang dma' ba rnams bcad nas rnal 'byor gong ma'i lam la sbyor bar mdzad do next, in order to harmonise the direct way of entrance and those series of vehicles, he caused to be prepared for progress the higher Naljor ascetics without neglecting those that were of the lowest degree of steadfastness; brag phug der lto zas sbyor byung in that cave they made ready the victuals; sku yi 'bangs kyis yig chad dang sbyor ma byung your subjects have not complied with the agreement. 2. to establish, confirm, make steadfast, settle; gang zag blo bar ma'i rab 'bring tha ma gsum de'i lam la sbyor ba dang he confirmed in the right way those human beings of the middle classes who were intellectually superior, mediocre, and inferior, respectively; res 'ga' khyad par gyi sbyor ba 'di ltar yang mdzad de in making people steadfast on several particular occasions he would act like this. III: SANST, SANST sbst. 1. rab thob in study or religious observances; assiduity, application. 2. union, connection, conjunction with something else; hence, the joining together of letters, the mingling of drugs in medicine, the linking of subjects into a set or pair, the pairing of animals, also coition and sexual union of human beings. 3. coincidence, agreement, harmony, parallelism, analogy: gza' skar 'phrod pa'i sbyor ba auspicious coincidences, the conjunction of the stars and planets for harmonious connection (marriage). 4. = gral 'grig pa arrangements, plan, preparation: mtshan mo gsod pa'i or ba byas pa la (A. 67) at night when they had made an arrangement to kill. sbyor ba bzhi the four preparations are:- tshogs bsags pa accumulation of merits; sdig pa sbyong ba the purification of sins; chos sbyong mchod pa worshipping with recitation of Buddhist scriptures; gdon la gtor ma ster ba the offering of torma to evil spirits. sbyor klog spelling of words and reading (Situ. 55). sbyor brgya pa an epithet of Virnu (Moon.). sbyor drag SANST [in medicine, excessive union or mixture]S. sbyor ba nyer bdun the twenty seven sbyor ba coincidences in astrology: (1) sel ba ; (2) mdza' bo ; (3) tshe dang pa ; (4) skal bzang ; (5) bzang po ; (6) shin tu skrangs pa ; (7) las bzang ; (8) 'dzin pa ; (9) zug rngu ; (10) skrangs pa ; (11) 'phel ba ; (12) nges pa ; (13) kun 'joms ; (14) dga' ba ; (15) rdo rje ; (16) grub pa ; (17) shin tu lhung ba ; (18) mchog can ; (19) yongs 'jom ; (20) zhi ba ; (21) grub pa ; (22) bsgrub bya ; (23) dge ba ; (24) dkar po ; (25) tshangs pa ; (26) dbang po ; (27) 'khon 'dzin (Rtsii.). sbyor byed ma 1. a woman in general. 2. a prostitute (Moon.). sbyor ldan ma = skar ma rgyal constellation Purya (Moon.). sbyor rtse or sbyor ra rtse n. of a village situated to the south of Lhasa (Yig. k. 10). sbra or sbra gur SANST (rtsid pas btags pa ) also called phya ra'i gur the black yak-hair tent in which the Dok-pa people of Tibet live: stod lung zheng ba'i nang du sbra gnyis phub ste (A. 120). sbra thag yak-hair tent-rope; sbra snam yak-hair blanket (Rtsii.); sbra pa inmate of yak-hair tent; sbra yol curtains made of yak-hair; sbra shing frame work of a yak-hair tent. 2. = zha chen SANST [a cage]S. sbra lha n. of a sa bdag monster. sbrag pa = mnyam du bdams pa , pf. sbrags ; to lay or put a thing over or by the side of another: thams cad phyogs gcig tu bsdams pa'i sbrags means putting all things together on one side (Oag. 53). sbrags ma 1. a hay-fork. 2. conjunction, combination: sha dang pags pa sbrags ma flesh and skin in combination; dpon chen phun tshogs pas bla dpon sbrags ma byas Phun-tsog the great chief joined the head lama (J. Zao.). Syn. sbrag ma ; mthun mong , also gnyis sbrel ; zung sbrel . sbrags n. of a village in Lhokha on the Bhutan border (Rtsii.). sbrang for sbrang rtsi SANST honey; sbrang dong honey-comb; sbrang chang honey-beer (Oag.); sbrang rgyas an offering of honey to the gods, in Sikk. sbrang skyabs = sbrang yab SANST mosquito curtain. sbrang gi ro residuum of honey after having been clarified; also wax. sbrang char = 'jam char SANST slight rain; meal. sbrang ldan SANST [1. n. of deity. 2. a large creeper, Gaertnera racemosa]S. sbrang bu SANST flies, bees, etc.; their several names:- sbrang byed ; sbrang gi sbrang ma ; sbrang ches nyung ; sa ra sU SANST; sha sbrang ; nags kyi sbrang ma ; za byed sbrang bu ; tshangs ma ; dug rwa can ; ba ra Ta ; sbrang gshog can ; dar dir sgrogs ; dbyangs byed ; sgra byed ; dbyangs sgrogs (Moon.). sbrang byi the marten (Sch.). sbrang ma = bung ba SANST the honey-bee; sbrang bug bees' nest; sbrang tshang beehive, honey-comb. Syn. ra yig gnyis pa ; me tog 'thung ; sbrang rtsi'i brtul zhugs ; sbrang rtsi myang ; sbrang rtsi skyong ; sbrang rtsi 'dod ; sbrang rtsi'i dri myang ; ge sar od ; rdul nyal ; me tog 'thor ba ; me tog zas can ; me tog 'jug ; rkang drug ; ßing ga ; ® ma ra ; nyam chung dbang po ; gsum sgra ; bcud 'dzin ; bcud sbyin ; bcud brtul zhugs ; mi gnas 'khor 'gro ; ge sar 'dzin ; rdul 'chang ; ri skyes ; spos ngad ldan ; ro myong ; me tog myang ba ; me tog la rtse ; mchog tu dga' ; sbrang rtsi od ; sbrang rtsi 'ded ; sbrang rtsi'i zas can ; sbrang rtsi skyes ; sbrang bu ; bung ba (Moon.). sbrang shing SANST (Hindi mowa) n. of a tree from the flower of which wine is distilled in India. Syn. legs pa'i shing ; sbrang gnas can ; 'od zer mdangs can ; sbrang rtsi yi tog ; bu ram me tog ; mngar ba 'dzin ; shing ring ; sbrang rtsi'i ljon pa (Moon.). sbrad pa = 'brad pa 3 q.v. sbram largeness, bulk: sku lus sbram la shin tu gsum as to his bodily bulk the belly was very corpulent (A. 11). sbram bu unwrought gold, bar-gold: sbram bu zho re re yod had each a sho of unwrought gold (A. 20). sbrid pa 1. or sna nas sbrid pa to sneeze: sbrid pa 'byung glo sbrid when coughing I am seized with a sneezing. sbrid byung snan SANST drugs which produce sneezing. 2. to become numb, torpid: yun ring po bsdad nas rkang pa sbrid pa by long squatting the legs become numbed. sbrud pa pf. and imp. sbrus , fut. sbru , 1. to stir with one's hand, to poke up (fire). 2. to knead rdzi ba (Cs.). sbrum pa SANST, SANST, SANST pregnant, big with young; sbrum par 'gyur ba to conceive, to become pregnant, frq. sbrum par tshod nas feeling pregnant (Pth.); phru gu sbrum byung bas having conceived, being with child (J‰.). sbrur khra (or spur khra ): spur khras khyi dug 'joms par byed the worm sbur-khra is a cure for hydrophobia. (EEE In the original spur khra is given as the main headword and sbrur khra is the alternate spelling. These have been switched in the Electronic Edition to preserve the dictionary order of the original.) sbrul SANST, SANST, SANST; SANST a serpent, snake; sbrul 'bros par 'gyur ba'i sngags the charm to make snakes run away; o hi li hi li ha phuYphuYózhes pa 'dis sa la mngon par sngags nas gtong nas sbrul 'bros par 'gyur ro (K. g. tsa, 52) this charm when muttered and wind blown on the ground by the lips, with cause a snake to run away from a particular place. sbrul 'khyil snake's coil; sbrul gyi gdengs SANST, SANST a snake's hood; sbrul gyi mche ba SANST fangs of a snake. sbrul gyi gdub bu SANST a bangle, one made in the shape of a snake's coil. Syn. mig gis thos ; gzar bu mgo ; nyal byed gnyid mi sad ; rkang spas ; 'khyil ba ; logs rangs ; sa la 'phye ; gdengs can chen po ; lto 'phye ; lag 'gro ; lto 'gro ; gya gyur 'gro ; brang 'gro ; 'khyog 'gro ; kun 'gro ; nga glang sna ; thig le'i sna ; 'khor lo can ; rlung zas can ; 'phel ka can ; lce gnyis pa ; ngan pa'i zas can ; khung du nyal ; dug gi mtshon can ; dug 'dzin ; gdongs can (Moon.). sbrul gyi mtshon cha = stag gi sen mo zhes bya ba'i dri rdzas n. of a vegetable incense called 'tiger's nail' (Moon.). sbrul can = du ba mjug ring a comet (Moon.). sbrul gnyer can = shu dag (Sman-bsdus. 443). sbre said by some to be the sre mong SANST weasel; but acc. to Sch. the stone-fox. sbre bo = re bo or re ba a coarse material manufactured of yak's hair for tent coverings (J‰.). sbreng ba pf. sbrengs : to rattle, make shake, vibrate; to play an instrument (J‰.): gzhu rgyud sbreng ba to jerk the bow-string; bum pa'i chu sbreng ba to shake the water in a bottle. sbrebs pa + = skems pa SANST dry, thirsty. sbrel po 1. a joint (D. cel. 7). 2. an old officer (Rtsii.): 'brel dang mtshungs pa'i don gcod pa sbrel pos bden . sbrel ba to stitch together (paper), to sew on, to fasten on; to bind together, to attach; lcags sgrog lag pa sprol nas having one's hands shackled together. sbrel zla joint official, colleague, comrade: pher yong che chung la ma bltos pa'i sprel zla'i rigs la dri ba dang (D. Shel. 12); sbrel zla can having an assistant. sbres (Cs.) frozen, stiff, hard. sbron pa = 'bod pa pf. sbran , 1. to summon, to call, to announce to; sbron du btang ba to inform, warn; grub thob cig ngas ngo ma shes khong rang gis tshur sbran they summoned hither a hermit whom I was not acquainted with. 2. to sprinkle, to squirt upon. ma I: ma 1. the sixteenth letter of the Tibetan alphabet, having the sound of the Sanskrit SANST or of the English m. 2. Represents the numerical fig.: 16. II: SANST, SANST, SANST 1. mother; colloq. aa ma ; ma'i rum womb, matrix; rang gi ma gcig pa'i sring mo full sister by the same mother; ma dben pa'i sring mo half sister, step-sister, by another mother (J‰.); ma khu mother and uncle (J‰); ma chung mother's younger sister. ma chen a mother's elder sister, or father's principal wife (Cs., J‰.); ma gYar step-mother. 2. The original of any document or book is termed the ma gzhi or aa ma while the copy of the same is styled the bu son or bu dpe : ma bu mthun pa 'bri ba to copy accurately comparing the original with the copy. Even a railway engine is called aa ma because of the carriages or children following it: aa ma gcig po song answered a Tibetan woman at Darjeeling when asked whether the train had left. III: in mysticism: ma ni chags pa med pa'i sgo|rtog pa med pas thams cad grol (K. g. wa, 43). ma zhes bya ba ni bdag gir bya ba|mi dmigs pa'i phyir chos thams chad kyi sgo'o| ma is symbolic of the want of attachment, or the very opposite of what is ordinarily meant by that feeling. It being devoid of thought, i.e. not being comprehensible, tolerates all (Hbum. ga, 283). Further, we find: ma zhes pa shin tu sdom pa gnyan pa bcas pa theg pa yongs su mya ngan las 'das pa chen po'o (K. my. ka, 208). IV: a root = below, opp. to ya : ma gi the lower one, ma mchu lower lip; ma rdo = rmang rdo foundation stone; ma rabs people of low extraction; mar down; ma ri downwards (Sch.); ma gi la below, down there; ma gi nas from below, out of the valley. V: 1. the letter ma is both a negative and a prohibitive particle, and is described thus: ma zhes pa'i yi ge ni dgag pa'i sgra te ma so-called is the sound which hinders or stops. ma shes did not know; ma mthong not see, not seen; ma ngal not tired; ma yin occasionally contr. into min , is not; ma lus nothing left; when ma is used in the imperative sense, the root of the present with ma is used: ma 'gro do not go (or colloq. mandro); ma is not used with the fut. and pres., but is changed into mi : rjod par mi bya'o it shall not be sounded lab mi thub cannot speak; mi de dgrar mi slang they should not make the man their enemy. With the preterite ma is heard always: ma song he did not go, ma byung did not appear; and with the present tense also in conjunction with the words yin , lags , mchis , red , and rig pa . 2. ma ma occurs as a particle added to various roots of sbst. and sometimes, though not always, indicates the fem. gender. ma ka ra á SANST a crocodile. ma ko ta ka á SANST; shing skam gyi gseb na gnas pa'i srin bu a kind of worm living in dry wood (K. d. za, 455). ma bkrus = ma byon pa not arrived at, not happened. ma rko a country situated to the south of Dhana-sri the people of which are said to be naturally mild and also prosperous (Dsam.). ma skyang a wild mountainous district of Tibet inhabited by herdsmen situated towards the west of Lhasa; also n. of a celebrated lama (Loo. za 3). ma skyes SANST, SANST; unborn, not grown, primeval. ma skyes dgra SANST one of the names of Yudhisthira, the eldest of the Pandava brothers. Also the son of Raja Bimbisara, king of Magadha. ma kha seems to be Mecca. ma khal amount in bushels of grain lent out (J‰.). ma khongs su on the mother's part, on the maternal side. ma khom pa = mi dal ba without leisure, unrelaxed; suffering uninterruptedly, perpetual suffering (Yig.). ma ga Z 1. SANST a cock. 2. the ancient name of the county including Behar, Benares, Allahabad, etc. ma gar ma SANST [the fibrous root of a water-lily]S. ma gal 1. act. to J‰. in W. a poplar tree. 2. the bark of a medicinal plant: ma gal glo ba'i nad dang 'brum pa sel magal cures disease of the lungs and also small-pox. ma gi = ma phyogs down below, downward, yonder: mi ma gi ci zhig la chags nas rab tu mi 'byung the man having become attached to something below cannot be admitted into the religious order (A. 31). ma gi nag po kun la rgyug pa = gla rtsi musk (Sman. 109). ma gus pa SANST, SANST disrespectful; disregard. ma gus pa'i tshul SANST disrespectful feelings, dishonourable profession. ma mgal = kha'i ma le : ya mgal ya le the upper row of teeth; ma mgal ma le the lower row of teeth (Oag.). ma 'gab = mi rung ba or mi chog pa rough, rude, wild; also that cannot and should not be done: khrims sa stong par 'jog pa ma 'gab cing (D. Shel. 9). ma rgad á SANST emerald. ma rgas pa not old; SANST shelter. ma sgo = rgyal sgo the principal or main gate, the royal entrance (in Sikk.). ma sgrungs ma rtsigs undissembled impurity, unmitigated uncleanliness: kla klo'i od pa ma sgrungs ma rtsi gas rnams the behaviour of a savage is unmixed uncleanliness. ma nges or ma nges pa that which is indefinite in all respects; not reliable, uncertain; ma nges pa gnyis SANST two kinds of doubtfulness; ma nges pa bzhi SANST the four kinds of doubtfulness or uncertain objects. ma bcos not artificial or contrived; ma bcos pa SANST natural. ma bcad = ma dbyi SANST unshaken; uncut, unhappened. ma bcos pa SANST (dry ground). ma chad without falling or, being tired or diminished. ma chen the cook in high lamas' or better-class families; ma gYog the assistant cook; bde ba ma chen chief cook in a monastery of large size. ma brjod = mi 'byung not come to pass. ma nyams pa not impaired, in full strength; also SANST, SANST, SANST unblamable, uncorrupted, entire. ma gnyis pa SANST lit. born of two mothers, an epithet of Ganapati the elder son of Mahadeva (Moon.). ma tang ga á the Buddhist Arhat of the sect of Kasyapa who first carried Buddhism into China (Grub. da, 7). ma tu lung ka á n. of a plant: ma tu lung ka'i khu ba bu ram dang 'tungs nges par byas na zug rngu sel bar byer do the juice of Matuluoka mixed with molasses would remove pain from the body (K. g. ca, 47). ma tu mya ngam gyi yul n. of a desert in the neighbourhood of Jalandhara (Dus-ye. 39). ma gtogs pa = ma gtogs except, besides, not belonging to; zhing ma gtogs par kho la nor gzhan yang mang po yod besides fields he has also plenty of other riches. ma tri ma tris la 'dzu a form of prayer of the Bon, corresponding to the om mani pad-me hum of the Tibetan Buddhists (J‰.). ma brtag par smra pa + (rdzun smra ba ) false speech, untruth. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "ma-rtag-par-smra-wa" which is clearly in error.) ma tha = tha na neutral, neutrality: ma tha yang kha rog mi bzhugs par gsungs spoke not remaining silent even if he was neutral (A. 94). ma thal restraint in speaking, in running, racing, etc. khyod kyis de drag cang ma thal lam have you been unassuming in power, rank, etc. (Rdsa. 21). ma thal bar gyur SANST not gone beyond, not exceeded. ma thu ra á = bcom rlag the city of Mathura in ancient India. ma them sgo'i them pa 'og the lower steps at the threshold of a door, below the steps (Hbrom. 53). ma thogs pa SANST, [without delay, let, or hindrance]S. ma mtha' = nyung mtha' the last of it; at last. ma dad pa SANST regardlessness, absence of faith. ma drug pa or ma drug gi bu SANST he who had six mothers, an epithet of Karttikeya the youngest son of Mahadeva. ma dros pa or ma dros mtsho SANST; the lake Manasarovar otherwise known as mtsho ma pham , one of a pair of large lakes lying at the foot of the Kailas group, N. of Lipu-lek pass in West Purang. ma dros gnas SANST, SANST the lives in water = ngang pa swan, goose (Moon.). ma gdan 1. ground, basis, foundation; ma gdan gyi ri mo ground-plan (J‰.). 2. the original from which a copy is made. 3. mchod theb kyi ma tso the capital for merchandise. ma bdug pa not fumigated; incense not yet offered. ma 'dris pa unacquainted, not intimate, stranger; to place confidence in or trust an unknown party and to do service to the wicked; ma 'dris pa la yid san dang ma rungs pa la sten pa dang are signs of boyishness (K. du. da, 199). ma 'dris pa'i mdza' bshes unacquainted friends; ma dris = ma zhus SANST (unworthy of inquiry); ma dris pa SANST improper; unquestioned. ma 'dres pa 1. SANST unscattered. 2. = tha dad pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST [undivided, absolute, unmixed]S. ma rdu W. thorn, prickle, ma rdu can thorny, prickly. ma rdo (rgya ma la 'degs pas rdo ) weight or weighing stone. ma sdams pa SANST unrestrained; not found. ma na nu ga ma = 'gog pa 3 etc. (K. ko. 237). ma na nu na ya (mystic) = kun 'byung ba . ma na hu á a kind of stone with which tobacco pipes are made in China. ma ning SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. hermaphrodite, without sexual distinction. 2. eunuch, unable to beget: ma ning phag mgo can a pig-headed eunuch; SANST jealous eunuch; ma ning zla byed pa SANST eunuch-guard. 3. barren, childless (Vai. so). ma ning yi gi the letters of Tibetan alphabet which are said to pertain to no gender, viz.:- kha , cha , tha , pha , tsha . pho ma ning ; mo ma ning ; 'gyur ba ma ning ; bcos pa'i ma ning ; ral gu can . Syn. mtha' gnyis spangs ; mtshan gnyis ; mtshan med (Moon.). ma nu á 1. SANST 2. n. of a mineral drug (rdo snan zhig ) (Moon.). 3. SANST the mind (yid ): ma nu 'khun pa (prob. a corruption of SANST) grumbling (without any cause). ma nu ta ka (snan ) n. of a medicine; SANST a kind of plant. ma nu spos dkar (snan SANST) camphor. ma nu sbyin SANST an epithet of the wife of the sun v. nyi ma'i btsun mo 3 (Moon.). ma Ni á SANST (jewel); abb. for yi ge drug the mystic six syllables of the Tibetan Buddhists: oM ma Ni pad me hUMa ma Ni 'khor lo prayer-wheel; also ma ni chos 'khor The long piles of stone are simply called ma Ni in W.; but elsewhere "mendang." ma Ni bka' 'bum á n. of a religious work, the authorship of which is attributed to Avalokitesvara by the RÒio-ma sect (J. Zao.). But usually ascribed to Srong-btsan Gampo. ma Ni pAa tra á SANST pure leaf-gold: gser ma ni pAa tra snyim pa gang phul presented one handful of pure gold-leaf called mani-patra (A. 37). ma Ni £ dra á (nor bu bzang po ) n. of a rich house-holder who was devoted to Buddhism. ma Ni ma á = rol mo musical instruments like cymbals; ma Ni ma la zho drug byed pa yin the cost of a pair of cymbals is six sho (Jig.). ma dpyad = ma gzhal SANST immeasurable, that cannot be examined. ma spobs = ma bsam pa without thinking, not hearing or keeping in mind: kho mos 'ong bar ma spobs kyis bdag yul gzhan du 'gro 'am (Hbrom. 49). ma phang or ma pham = ma dros pa lake Manasarovara, or rather the eastern one of the pair of lakes bearing that name: de nas pu rangs nas phar byon te ma phang gi drung du dro btab pas thence proceeding from Purang he halted near the lake Maphang for breakfast (A. 74). ma pham pa SANST the unconquerable, an epithet of Maitreya, the coming Buddha (Moon.). ma 'phags not risen, not exalted = ma nogs or ma phyis SANST without consideration. ma bu SANST mother and son: ma bu phrad pa meeting of mother and son. ma bu rtsal gsum three comprising: ma ókun gzhi khyab gdal the universal basis, bu órig pa'i ye shes intellectual knowledge, rtsal ósgra 'od zer sound and light, the activity of nature. ma bu'i 'du shes the associations of mother and son. ma byas pa = ma phrad pa SANST [receiving the fruit of what was not done by one's self. The argument of ma byas pa SANST "coming of not-done work" is advanced to silence those who do not believe in the doctrine of rebirths, for they cannot explain why an infant who has not yet committed any misdeeds is often found to suffer physical pains]S. ma byung did not appear, the act failed, did not answer the purpose: ci yang ma byung nothing happened, nothing came out of it. ma byung ba SANST not happening. ma 'byar ba SANST analysis. ma ma 1. SANST, SANST a midwife, children's nurse. There are four kinds of nurses:- pang na 'tsho ba'i ma ma SANST nurse who carries the child in her lap; nu ma bsnun pa'i ma ma SANST nurse who gives the child suck from her breast; dri ma phyis pa'i ma ma SANST nurse for cleaning the child's body; rtse grogs kyi ma ma SANST; nurse for playing with the child (K. du. ka, 5). rje'i btsun mo la sras 'khrungs par gda' bas|ma ma bzang mo btsal ran gda'o zhes zer ba the king's lady having given birth to a son, he said that it was time to send for a good nurse (Hbrom. 52). 2. = rgya mtsho the ocean: ma ma rnyog pas dben cung rgya mtsho angs pa . ma mi 4 n. of a wild tribe inhabiting the easternmost hills of Assam and the Himalaya and to the east of the Miri people. The males are dwarfish and crooked, the women are pretty-looking. They are fond of meat and salt, and also of human flesh (Dsam.). ma mun abb. of ma rig mun pa . ma mo 1. (lug ) SANST, SANST, rtsa ba root, foundation, the origin (J. Zao). 2. SANST [a certain medicinal plant]S. ma mo 'dzin SANST [holder of the matrika or the mystic diagram]S. 3. an ewe that has brought forth a lamb. 4. grandmother. 5. a kind of wicked demon; ma mo dga' bar byed pa'i gdon n. of a fearful demon (Mog. 77-79). ma mo'i ma SANST [mother of a mother, an epithet of Parvati]S. ma mos bzhin = ma 'dod bzhin as if not liking or wishing (Khrid. 68). ma myos pas 'dul bar 'os pa SANST, SANST not stupid, modesty. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "ma-myos-bshin" or ma myos bzhin . This is possibly the intended spelling; it fits with the latter example and could have the correct meaning. At the same time, the spelling as given could also have the meaning given so the headword has been left as it is and the reader will have to decide.) ma snad mother and son (or daughter): de'i re mos ba glang rdzi ma snad gnyis yod pa'i bu la bab nas (A. 59). ma snad ma or pang chos sems n. of a Buddhist nun (Ya-sel. 31). ma rmos pa'i lo tog wild crop, crop grown without being cultivated; also maize (Yig.). ma snin pa v. ljang pa 3. ma tshang ba med pa SANST not incomplete [not impaired]S. ma tshos pa = rjen pa unripe, raw (Moon.). ma zhu not melted, not said; ma zhu pa'i nad or mi zhu ba'i nad indigestion. ma gzhi = don gyi rtsa ba subject matter: ma gzhi de gang nas byung whence has that subject matter arisen? ma gzhi'i thad having regard to the chief subject, or subject matter. ma zug pa = sems la dran pa to remember, recollect (Hbrom. 129). ma zlums SANST met. the sun. ma 'ongs pa the future. ma 'ongs rdul can (bu mo gzhon nu ma ) a maiden, a girl just entering the age of puberty (Moon.). ma yi ma grandmother = aa phyi or phyi ma ; the grandmother's mother being called yang phyi . ma yags bya to console, give consolation to one who is in grief: de'i dus na yab yum gum nas dge bshes la ma yags bya snyam pa la he thought of consoling the Dge-bshes whose parents had died. (A. 101). ma gYog v. ma tshen . ma gYos without hesitating, without wavering, remaining firm; khyod kyis ma gYos rgyal srid skyong being firm do you govern the kingdom (Hbrom. kha, 17). ma ran = Morrung an aboriginal tribe living. in the Himalayan Terai and East Nepal districts (Dsam.). ma rabs the lower class of people, the vulgar. Syn. so so skye bo ; phal pa ; rigs ngan ; dmangs rigs ; dman pa'i rigs ; gYung po ; rigs med ; mtshon cha ba ; tha shal ; tha chad (Moon.). ma ri = de tsam mi thob an expression to signify that you will not get so much. ma rig pa SANST ignorance. ma rig pa zhes bya ba ni khams gsum pa'i chos mi shes pa'o not knowing the things and phenomena of the three worlds constitutes Avidya (K. d. 356). Syn. mi shes ; ma rig ; nga yir 'dzin ; dngos 'dzin ; bdag 'dzin ; rig min ; ma rtogs ; ma nges ; ma go ba (Moon.). ma ru or rme ru n. of a castle and monastery in the N. E. quarter of Lhasa. ma ru rtse 1. n. of a medicinal fruit which cures the disease of worms: ma ru rtse yis srin nad sel bar byed . 2. n. of a county (Pth.). ma rung pa = gdug pa SANST, SANST, SANST [mischievous]S. ma rungs pa untractable, coarse, furious; SANST cunning, sly, deceitful (Moon.). ma re = re ba ma byed do not expect, be hopeless. ma reg or ma reg pa = ma thug pa not touching or untouched: chu'i dkyil 'khor la ma reg pa'i bar snang the intermediate space which has not touched the clouds or sphere of water (Ya-sel. 39). ma rengs pa v. ma rangs pa . (EEE ma rangs pa does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see rangs pa 3.) ma la 1. moreover, furthermore, presently, just now: ma la bdag gis mu stegs can rnams la mtho tsam snyam mo now I consider the Tirthikas (Brahmans) of about a span measure, i.e., very unimportant. 2. in kye ma ma la call of compassion, or fatigue. kye ma kye hud SANST oh, alas. (EEE The original has Brahmans for Brahmans above.) ma la mkhan in Ld. snake-charmer, conjurer. ma la ti á SANST n. of a flower [Jasminum grandiflorum]S. (K. g. tsa, 82). Syn. sa yi rkang pa ; brgya 'jigs ; rtsa rtse shing (Moon.). ma la ya á SANST; bsil ba cool, cool breeze. ma la ya tse in Ld. a small lizard (J‰.). ma la yar skyes á SANST; tsan dan dkar po white sandal-wood. ma la yar gnas mo SANST an epithet of Durga the wife of Mahesvara (Moon.). ma lag 1. active, quick. 2. in Ld. somersault; colloq. : ma lag log byed pa to perform a somersault, play the tricks of a mountebank, to roll on the ground with legs turned up, as do horses, etc. ma lam = mar lam high road, broad passage W. (J‰.). ma lus = kun ril gyi SANST all, entire (A.K. 1-2). ma lus rgyal po SANST a universal king. ma legs pa SANST bad, unfortunate: rgyal po gzu lum od pa ma legs a rash and hasty action in a king is unfortunate; khyim pa la lo tog ma byung na ma legs it is bad for a house-holder if the harvest fails (K. du. da, 201). ma lem á in Sikk. for SANST garland = 'phreng ba . ma sha ka á SANST, SANST the small red seed-bean of Nepal; a berry used for weighment of gold and silver. ma sha'i 'dab ma á SANST [SANST a plant Hemionites cordifolia]S. ma shes dgu shes = ma dran dgu dran &c. ma su ra kSa á a great ethical writer of Buddhist India, a translation of whose works in Tibetan is to be found in Tan d. go, 203. ma gsan tshul (thos kyang ma thos par 'dr'o ) conniving at ignorance (of information); hearing anything to show as if one has not heard it: zhabs 'dren du 'gro ba'i gnas tshul byung na yang ma gsan tshul dang if any shameful or humiliating news arrived still to assume not to have heard it (D. Shel. 7). ma ha ling ka a kind of shoes used in India during Buddha's time (K. my. ka, 175). ma he á SANST buffalo; ma he mo female buffalo: me he rwa cos 'od nad sel bar byed the horn of the buffalo cures the disease of shunning the light (K. my. ka, 68). Syn. 'jigs pa bcu pa ; rdul ldan mig ; chur 'dres ; sa nyal ; rta yi dgra ; gshin rje'i bzhon pa ; rol pa can ; khyu mchog ; mig dmar (Moon.). ma hA kA ra á 1. = SANST a great figure. 2. = phyugs chen po (mystic) (K. g. kha, 28). ma hA nI la á SANST n. of a precious stone (K. d. ya, 136). mAa tri ka á n. of a wild animal (K. d. 374). mAa shA tu shA á sang shA ma|sa rba da tra bi ra tri| is a mystic formula for Vaisravana [let blessings be to me, O all-giving hero!]S. mAa si ta á said to be the n. of a Mahomedan teacher born in Mecca, so perhaps Mahomed (S. Lam. 34). mag pa SANST, SANST son-in-law. mag mal bed-clothes of bridegroom, also the bed-room of the bridegroom. In W. the word mak-mal as in Hind. = velvet. mang dkar n. of a place in Tsang (Deb. ga, 26). mang bkur rgyal po or rgyal po mang po bkur ba the first king of the world who was elected by the common consent of the people. mang skyes as met. pig, wild boar; that gives birth to many young ones (Moon.). mang khur ma a presentation scarf of superior quality (Rtsii.). mang ga lam á SANST well-being; = bkra shis auspicious, good. mang gu ra n. of a fish of red colour about a span in length. mang ge mo long age, long since (Cs.). mang sgar 1. a military encampment. 2. n. of a fort in Maoyul: de nas bzangs gzhon nu 'bar 'bar gyis mang sgar du an drangs (A. 88). mang ja tea given to the assembled monks on the occasion of a religious service. mang du = phal cher SANST, SANST plenty, enough, a compound of mang and du being used exactly like mang po ; mang mang du = mang po mang in great quantity or in large number: slar yang mang mang mdzad pa dang again they did it more and more (Hbrom. 52). mang du thos pa SANST, SANST a Buddhist monk who has heard many sermons and has read many sacred books; such learned man has five qualifications: (1) phung po la mkhas pa , (2) khams la mkhas pa , (3) skye mched la mkhas pa , (4) rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba la mkhas pa , (5) de'i gdam ngag dang rjes su bstan pa gzhan la rag las pa ma yin (K. d. ka, 166). mang po SANST, SANST, SANST adj. much, many; also used as adv. for mang por as in: khrag ni mang po rab zag cing bleeding profusely (A.K. 269). mi mang po many people, most people; 'khor mang po the numerous retinue; chu mang nyung ltos look at the water, whether there is much or little of it; gcig sgy ur ba la mang nyung med if you multiply by one, you will get neither more nor less (Vai. so). mang po gcig tu byas pa multitude, collection of many articles, many made as one; mang po rnams SANST many; mang po mang po SANST abundant; mang po 'dzin SANST much. mang po'i dngos pa the common or public property. mang por adv. much, mostly. mang pos bkur ba or mang bskur ba SANST honoured of many (J. Zao.); mang pos bos SANST called or invited by many. mang ba 1. many, much, a good deal = mang po . 2. vb., pf. mangs , to be much, to increase, become more or many: dgra mangs pas as the enemies had become very numerous (Dzl.); snan dpyad mangs pas phan rgyu med by increasing treatment he will not grow well (Mil.); ma mang cig be it not much, let it not grow too much; lha sa la phas rnams 'brug rnams las mang gi yod at Lhasa there are more Nepalese than Bhutanese. mang bar adv.: bu mang bar 'gyur ba to have children abundantly; bu mangs rich in children. mangs tshig a term for the plural number. mang 'dzin n. of a very large number: spang rten mang 'dzin glang po'i stobs (Ya-sel. 57). mang bza' khri lcam Queen Mao Za-thi-cham, one of the Tibetan queens of king srong btsan sgam po (Loo. 'a, 6). mang yul old n. of a district in upper Tibet bordering Nepal; its chief town being Kirong (skyid grong ). mang srong mar btsan one of the early kings of Tibet, the son of king Guori-guo btsan (Loo. 'a 5). mad + = bden true: thugs mad = thugs bden what you think is true. khyed mad gsung zhing as you are speaking the truth; mad pa = bden pa truth. mad par truly, true: lha btsun pa'i gsung de rnams shin tu mad par 'dug all those sayings of Lha-btsun-po are very true (A. 128). mad po the truth or adj. true: ma nyes pa'i bden tshig mad po smras kyang though you speak as truths true words which are not harmful. mad ta li ka á n. of a flower (K. ko. ka, 4). man in W. colloq. for ma yin . man ngag 1. = gdams ngag SANST religious advice; instruction; direction. There are different kinds of Man-oag: man ngag la rdzas kyi man nggsngags kyi man nggsnan gyi man nggbsgom pa'i man ngga'adon pa'i man nggbzo byed pa'i man ngag segs yod . Moreover, we meet with man ngag phran bu , a little advice, man ngag zab mo deep instruction, etc. 2. acc. to J‰. in later writing, and in the mind of the common people, it coincides with sngags . Syn. tham lan ; man phad (Moon.). man ngag rgyud n. of the standard medical work of Tibet. man cad or man chad also man chod adv. and postp. below, downward, inferior to, under: srid rtse man chad subject to, below heaven; lha sa man chad the countries under Lhasa, bla ma man chad those below the lama, rgyal po man chad all officers or people below the king; lte ba man chad chu nang du nub he was immerged in the water below his navel. Inst. of man chad also man : pus mo gong man lit. below the parts above the knee, i.e., higher than the knee; rmang bting ba man rab gnas mdzad pa yan la from the foundation up to consecration. man chad often = since, from, henceforward from: da lta man chad hereafter from now. Finally, be it noted, this postp. does not require the gen. to connect it with the governed word or phrase. man ne or mun ne 1. mi 'thom 'thom a stupid person, dull man, half-wit. 2. in Ld. turbid, muddy, dingy, dim, dusky, as to water, lights, etc. (J‰.). man phad = man ngag 3. man tsi a kind of silk cloth; blue and red spotted scarf of Chinese silk. man dzi 1. in W. a charpai bedstead. 2. a tripod with long curved feet for sacrificial purposes. 3. = SANST a raised seat or platform. man dzi ra á SANST a mineral: man dzi ra yis rus pa'i tsha ba sel the mineral mandsira removes inflammation of the bone. man dzu pu spi ka á SANST species of flower (K. ko. ka, 4). man dA ra á SANST, SANST, SANST the tree of heaven, celestial flowers (K. d. kha, 12). man da ra ba á or man da ra ba chen SANST a tree of paradise, e.g., mentioned in the phag bsam khri shing . man shel SANST crystal; glass. ma º la á I: SANST 1. Tibetanized transcription of the Sanskrit term, but generally styled in Tibetan dkyil 'khor , a sacred circle actually drawn on the ground or formed of grain, rice, gems, powder, etc., and used as a ceremonial offering to deities; also an offering consisting of jewels, precious things, etc., placed on a circular tray and made to a deity, incarnate lama, or any holy personage. 2. a circle or disc metaphorically expressed. II: a name connected with some of the states situated to the south west of Orissa; they are called SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, etc. (Dsam.). 2. the n. of the modern city of Mandalay in Burmah is the Pali form of Mandala. mar I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; 1. resp. gsol mar butter; zhun mar or mar khu melted butter or clarified butter; 'bri mar butter of cow-yak; mdzo mar butter of jomo yaks; mar gsar SANST fresh butter; mar rnying pa old butter, which is often kept many years in Tibet and is considered a luxury by native epicures. 2. oil: rtsi mar oil from the stones of apricots, etc.; 'bru mar oil from oleaginous seeds, rape-seed oil, etc. mar gyi snyang khu churning cream. mar gyi rgya mtsho SANST the ocean of ghee; mar gyi gang SANST n. of a medicinal fruit; mar gyis nyams byed (sdig pa rwa can ) a scorpion which is killed by oil (Moon.). mar skrog or mar skrog ga butter packed in skin in two-pound balls (Rtsii.); mar thang (mar gyi thang gzhi ) the price of butter (Rtsii.); mar 'don SANST, SANST churning out butter from milk; mar spor (mar nyag gang gi bzhi cha gcig ) quarter of a Òag measure of butter = half a pound (Rtsii.); mar pur butter and treacle (Rtsii.); mar btsos anything (pastry, etc.) that is cooked or fried in butter; bzhes spro mar btsos khur ba cakes and biscuits fried in butter (Rtsii.). Syn. dkrogs skyes ; bsrubs skyes (Moon.). II: lower, down, downwards, adj. and adv. mar rkan the lower palate; mar 'grib pa SANST degeneration, dwindling, falling down, decreasing. III: termin. case of ma a mother; mar gyur 'gro ba regarded as a mother; mar 'dzin id. IV: n. of a place and clan in Lhobra in Tibet, the birth place of the celebrated Marpa lo-tsa-wa; mar pa a native of Mar. mar rkyang revenue paid in butter only; the people of the Dok nomad tribes in Tibet who are all herdsmen pay revenue in butter only (Rtsii.). mar gad á SANST the emerald. Syn. nor bu ljang ; mkha' lding gshog pa ; rdo'i snying po (Moon.). mar ngo (opp. to yar ngo ) SANST the dark half of a month, the decreasing phase of the moon. mar gtor or mar rkyang gi gtor ma offerings to evil-spirits and to manes of the dead consisting of butter only (Rtsii.). mar nag = snum SANST; oil, gen. mustard oil, sesame oil, etc. used for mchod me or lamps lighted before gods and saints in a chapel. mar me = sgron me lamp, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a lamp, lamp-stand: jo bo yer par bzhugs dus na thigs pas mar me bsad pa la at the time the lord resided in Yerpa his oil lamp was extinguished by water dropping (from the roof) (A. 34). mar me mdzad SANST the enlightener, the illuminator, an epithet of a past Buddha ('das pa'i sangs rgyas mar me mdzad ); also that of SANST or dang po'i sangs rgyas mar me mdzad the earliest Buddha. mar me mdzad bzang po Dipamkara Bhadra, a Buddhist saint born in Western India (K. dun. 41). mar me mdzad dpal ye shes = SANST the Buddhist name by which Atisa was known in India. mar yul the low country, i.e., in the valley of the Indus; name given to la ags (Ladak). mar yags pa = mar gsar , v. mar 3 I. mar la at last, at the end, ultimately, finally: de'i nang na mar la|the tshom thams cad spang bya zhing (Hbrom, kha, 1). mal I: 1. n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 21). 2. SANST, SANST bedstead, place of rest, couch: mal gyi 'og tu under the bed dgongs mal resp. for night-quarters; mal bde ba a quiet sleep (Sch.). mal khrag can an adulterer or an adultress. mal khri SANST, SANST (Beng.) SANST sofa, bedstead; nyal sa'i khri bed-frame, bed-stead (Moon.); mal gos or mal cha SANST bedding, bed-clothes; mal stan id. (Moon.). mal stan gyi zhal ta pa SANST [chamberlain, one who looks after the requisites of the bed-chamber]S. Syn. nyal sa ; gnyid sa ; gzim mal ; mal ltan ; sngas ; rgyab 'bol (Moon.). II: the place where a thing is, its situation, site, trace, vestige: shing rta'i mal rut, wheel-mark, track; mal gcig tu mi 'tug pa prob. to be unstable, changeable, fickle. mal gro (Maldo) n. of a district to the south-east of Lhasa (Loo. 'a, 4); mal gro gung mkhar fort of the town of Mal-gro. mal gro mtsho shod one of the 37 holy places of the Bon (G. Bon. 38). mal gro ra ba one of the 37 holy places of the Bon. (G. Bon. 37). mal la mul le or mal le mul = bal la bul le 1. in Ld. luke-warm (J‰.). 2. eating without properly masticating one's food like an old man who has no teeth. mal li ka á SANST n. of a flower: Jasminum zambac. Syn. sa yi rkang pa ; brgya 'jigs ; rtsa rtse shing (Moon.). mas 1. instr. case of ma by the mother: mas bsrungs pa SANST watched or guarded by the mother. 2. sometimes used for snad the lower part, gen. however with the terminative meaning downward, towards the lower part. mas 'jab straps to fasten below a khom 'bogs (leather trunk). mas btang ba SANST to move downward, to purge gently. mas mtha' the lower part or feet of an image; mas mthar id.: mas mthar mu tig che chung snyoms pas spras in the lower part of the image small and large pearls were uniformly studded (Yig.). mi I: negative adv. not; used with the pres. tense and in all cases where ma is not used. J‰. adds that in the cases of simple verbs the place of the negation is always immediately before them, in compound forms gen. before the last of the component parts, as in 'byung ba mi 'gyur ba , unless indeed logically it belongs to the first, in which case often ma instead of mi is employed. This rule, however, is not strictly observed, so in Glr. 70: de dang nam du yang mi 'bral bar gyis shig and immediately after in skad gcig kyang ma bral bar gyis shig do never part with it (J‰.). II: SANST, SANST, SANST a manóthe ordinary word, sometimes varied to mi po in certain dialects. mi dkar zhwa nag lit. a fair man wearing a black hat, an innocent man charged with guilt: mi dkar zhwa nag gYogs nas a fair man being under the cover of a black cap, i.e., being guilty (Rdsa.); mi rkang gling bu trumpet made of human thigh-bone; mi skyag (mi'i brun ) human ordure (Moon.). Syn. shid ldan ; ma nu'i bu ; gang zag ; shes skyes ; sprin mgrin ; ta la'i rkang pa can ; rkang gnyis pa ; yid skyes ; shid bu ; skyes ldan (Moon.). mi skye ba = mi 'grub pa SANST, SANST what is not produced [non-production, non-origination]S. mi skye ba'i chos can SANST [that which does not grow or is not produced]S. mi bskyod 1. SANST, SANST unmoved, most steady, unshaken. 2. = gcin urine (Moon.). 3. a very large number; mi bskyod chen po or mi 'khrugs chen po SANST a still larger number. Syn. mi 'khrugs pa ; mi bsgrul ba (Moon.). mi skyod pa is the 2nd Dhyani Buddha, equivalent to Akshobhya of the Sanskrit Buddhists and to Ul¸-k¸de-l¸kchi of Mongol Buddhists. In Tantrik images he is painted blue and clasps in his arms a Yum or Sakti female. mi bskyod rdo rdze also called mi 'gro gsung byon n. of the image of Buddha which was carried to Lhasa by the Nepalese wife of king srong btsan sgam po of Tibet about 630 A.D. It is now kept in the Temple of Ra-mo-chhe at Lhasa (Loo. 'a, 6). mi bskyod gnas = grong khyer a city or fixed habitation; opp. to nomadic residences. mi kha mi yi kha thoughtless and irresponsible advice of the people, common talk: yul sde'i nang nas mi kha sdud in the whole neighbourhood one is an object of gossip; defaming talkówith or without ngan pa . mi khal = mi khur the load that can be carried by an adult person. mi khengs pa che ba = mi 'gar po SANST, an arrogant person, a conceited man. mi khom pa SANST uninterrupted uneasiness, want of leisure. mi khom pa brgyad SANST the eight states of perpetual uneasiness or the states where there are no opportunities for doing religious works, viz.: sems can dmyal ba SANST those in the hell; dud 'gro SANST animals other than humanity; yi ags SANST the ghosts; lha tshe ring po SANST the long-lived deva; mtha' 'khob mi SANST men living in the outskirts of towns and cities, also borderland-savages; dbang po ma tshang ba SANST those that are defective or wanting in the organs of sense; log par lta ba SANST those holding false doctrines; de bzhin gshegs pa rnams ma byung ba the people among whom no Tathagata has appeared. mi 'khyongs or mi 'khyongs pa = mi lcogs pa or mi thub pa not able to attempt for want of leisure: rang don mi 'khyongs gzhan don ya re mtshan (Rdsa.). mi 'khrugs SANST 1. unshaken. 2. another n. of the second of the five Dhyani-Buddhas, v. mi skyod pa 3. mi 'khrugs pa'i zhing gi bkod pa'i mdo the Sutra on the paradise of Akshobhya which is situated to the east of this world (K. ko. kha, 111). mi gang tsam a man of an average goodness or qualification, mediocre person. mi gu = mi zhum . mi glen pa = dig pa [a corruption of SANST fie!]S. a fool, stupid person. mi dge od = gdol pa one of low rank such as a fisherman. mi dge ba SANST = sins. The ten sins are: (1) srog gcod SANST; (2) mi byin len SANST; (3) 'dod log SANST; (4) rdzun SANST; (5) phra ma SANST; (6) tshig rtsub SANST; (7) ngag 'chal SANST; (8) brnab sems SANST; (9) gnod sems SANST; (10) log lta SANST. mi dge'i gnas a place of sin; mi dge'i las impious action. mi 'go headman. mi 'gong ba 1. = mi skrag pa , not afraid. 2. mi 'da' ba not to go beyond, not transgressing. 3. mi zhum pa undaunted. mi 'gyur unchangeable, steady. mi 'grub = mi skye : 1. not self-produced or born. 2. SANST does not cause to turn back. mi 'greng = mi langs pa as in sngon gyi las dbang las lha rnams ni mi 'greng bdun tsam gis mtho la in consequence of their karma of a former (existence) the gods obtained the stature of seven times the human height (Khrid. 53). mi rgod wildman, savage; robber. mi rgyud generation, genealogy. mi ngas intermittent fever, infectious disease. mi mngon pa SANST, SANST; king, a ruler. mi bsngags SANST undescribed, indescribable. mi lcogs or mi lcogs pa = mi thub pa or long med having no opportunity or leisure for doing a thing; mi lcogs pa la khas len mi bya one having no leisure should not promise to do (any work) (Jig.). mi cha ba + or mi 'cha' ba = mi shes pa . mi chung ba and mi che ba are names of heavens in the Bon cosmogony (B. ch. 6). mi che dgu rim dgu the classes of great men in their order: mi che dgu rim dgus gtam de thos nas hearing the account of the various classes of great men (A. 148). mi chom ma = mi rji ba SANST 1. not new. 2. n. of a tribe. mi chos 1. = mi yi chos lugs the customs and usages of common men or householders (L. kah. 28). 2. a house-holder: lo tsAa ba'i gdung mi chos kyi drung du byon nas visiting a householder belonging to the family of the Lo-tsa-wa (A. 66). mi mchog SANST as met. a king, the best of men. mi 'jigs pa SANST in de bzhin gshegs pa'i mi 'jigs pa bzhi the four intrepidities or fearlessnesses of a Tathagata. mi rje king, chief, ruler, governor; mi rje mdzad pa to be king, to reign. Syn. rgyal po ; mi yi dbang po (Moon.). mi mjed SANST; a. = bzod pa enduring sufferings; b. for SANST [the suffering world]S. stong gsum 'jig rten der gnas pa'i byang chub rnams nyon mongs kyi dbang du 'gro ba'i dkon pa because the Bodhisattvas residing in the three thousand worlds seldom suffer from miseries (Loo. ba, 8); mi mjed 'jig rten zhing 'dir nyon mongs pa bzod pa'i sems can 'byung ba'i phyir zhes it is so called because the animated beings (with the exception of the Bodhisattvas) living in this world endure sufferings (Oag.) (K. d. cha, 310). mi nyag n. of a province of Kham, often called khams mi nyag Khams Mi-Òag. mi nyams pa nyung du ma song ba undiminished: dga' ldan pho brang gi chab srid mi nyams pa dar rgyas kyi ched du dmigs we quite imagine that the kingdom of Dgahldan Phobrao will not collapse but flourish (Rtsii.). mi nyams pa'i sa SANST uneven land, the land that does not fall in value or turn bad. mi nyid humanity, honesty; mi nyid can humane (Cs.). mi nyed pa SANST [crushing]S. mi snyan pa 1. discordant, grating; skad ni mi snyan pa zer ba to utter discordant cries; (J‰.). 2. offensive, insulting: gang zhig bdag la rtsod cing mi snyan brjod he who in a dispute says to me insulting words. mi snyan par zer ba dang du len pa to put up with offensive remarks. (EEE This entry has been moved from its position in the original dictionary (following snyan pa ) to here for the sake of correct dictionary usage.) mi gtong bar sgom pa SANST uninterrupted meditation; one who meditates unobstructed. mi ltung infallible [also 1. a bear. 2. star.]S. mi stes pa + = ma legs pa 3. mi sdub = mi rung ba (Sikk.). mi thad = mi zad pa SANST, SANST inexhaustible; excellent, or exceeding the usual. mi 'thad = ma 'grig sa unfit, ma yin or mi yong ba it would not do, mi 'thad par 'gyur ro it will not be pleasant, will be unfit (Ya-sel. 34). mi thig = mi 'dzul or mi the : nga ni phyogs de la mi thig thag chod zer he said: I am quite certain that I shall not move, slip, in that direction (Rdsa.). mi mtho not high, low. Syn. dma' ba ; rtse dman ; thung ba (Moon.). mi do chod = mi go chod : do chod zung 'brel ba (Rtsii.). mi dran = myog SANST senseless, unconscious state, forgetfulness. mi gdung ba n. of a heavenly mansion (B. ch. 6). mi bdag the king; mi bdag dga' SANST lit. the king's delight, i.e. SANST sandal-wood, perfume. mi bdag mchog SANST 1. the king. 2. a kind of duck or goose. mi bdag gdugs the royal umbrella; also the chief's wife, queen, lady; mi bdag ma queen. mi 'da' = nam mkha' heaven, the sky (Moon.). mi 'da' ba SANST [not passing over or beyond, not transgressing]S. Also mindah Sikk. colloq. = a gun. mi 'dod pa 1. unpleasant, unwished for. 2. SANST, SANST injury, insult. mi 'dra ba = mi gcig pa , SANST dissimilar, different: lus kyi rnam 'gyur mi 'dra ba the different movements and gestures of the body (Yig.); mi 'dra bar snin pas rnam par snin pa dangers and sufferings on account of falling into different or dissimilar unhappy states. mi rdul as met. = blood. mi ldog pa = mi byon pa SANST not returning, not coming back. Syn. phyir mi ldog pa ; go ma log pa ; phyir mi log pa ; phyin ci ma log pa (Moon.). mi sdud (tshur sdud mi thub pa ) unable to turn the eyes from the object of one's love or affection: rgyal bu mthong nas chags pas (mig ) mi sdud seeing the prince, from love he was unable to withdraw his eyes from him. (A. 5). mi sde the laity, lay class: mi sde lha sde priesthood and laity. mi gnas pa = mi brtan pa unsteady, not remaining at a place steadily. mi gnod pa not injurious; SANST [unbarred, unobstructing]S. Syn. mi 'gog pa (Moon.). mi sna 1. race of men, class of people. 2. (pho nya ) messenger, delegate. mi snang ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST [vanishing, gone away, invisible]S. mi mthong ba mi mi snang nas kun tu bltas not seeing him, the man having vanished, he looked on all sides (K. du. da, 261). (EEE The following entry for mi snang ba was moved from its incorrect position in the original (following snang ba ) and joined with this entry here for correct usage of the dictionary:) SANST (A.K. 111-21) [to vanish or disappear]S. mi sprug (mgo lta bu ) SANST not agitated. mi spong ba SANST one who cannot give up attachment; unable to renounce or abandon. mi phams mgon po = byams pa mgon po an epithet of Maitreya Bodhisattva. mi pham pa SANST the n. of the second of the Sthavirasóunconquerable, invincible. mi phog exemption from a particular duty or tax in lieu of another or on some condition (Rtsii.). mi phyed n. of the 16th member of the sixteen gnas brtan or Sthaviras. mi phyed pa'i dad pa single-hearted faith: dkon mchog gsum la mi phyed pa'i dad pa yod pa he had unflagging faith in the three holies (Hbrom. 48). mi 'phrod pa unfit, disagreeable, not suitable, unsuited. mi bya ba (without action) = SANST salvation, freedom from sufferings: mi bya ba zhes pa ni mya ngan las 'das pa'o (K. d. wa, 26). mi byed mthu med or mi byed ka med cannot help doing (idiom.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "mi-byed-thu-med" which is clearly in error.) mi dbang SANST a ruler, a king. mi ma tears (Sch.). mi ma yin SANST lit. one that is not a human being, a spirit; mi dang mi ma yin pa thams cad all those who are men and those who are not: dur khrod kyi mi ma yin pa rnams the ghosts of the grave-yard (not the souls of the dead); mkha' la rgyu ba'i mi ma yin the ghosts that move in the air (Mil.); dkar phyogs kyi mi ma yin rnams good spirits or genii; mi ma yin gyi cho 'phrul apparitions of ghosts (Mil.). mi byon = mi thub pa and mi yong incapable: mi shes mi byon kha po 'brug las che (Rdsa. 31.). mi sbyin skyes pa SANST, as met. = the sun (Moon.). mi med = nags wilderness, wood, forests. mi mo SANST = bud med a woman. mi mo'i glu woman's song; mi mo 'o ma nu zhu can a sucking-child (Sman. 350). mi mos pa devoid of faith or regard; for dad 'dun med pa . Syn. dad med ; dad 'dun bral ba ; gus pa zhar ; ma gus pa (Moon.). mi dma' ba SANST [unbending, not humble; not bowed down]S. mi rmun po SANST heavy, dull [1. bearing burdens; 2. an ox.]S. mi snad pa = bstod pa SANST, SANST [praise]S. zla rogs dang 'khor rnams kyis mi snad pa praised by his companions and followers (D.R.). mi snos par byas te SANST not having said [having made an elision of]S.; bar gyi tshig mi snos par byas te SANST [having made elision of the middle word]S. mi smra ba one who observes the vow of keeping silent, not speaking at all; a sage (Moon.). mi gtsang khrod cess-pool, heap of filth: mi gtsang khrod kyi srin bu bzhin like worms of accumulated filth (Hbrom. kha, 20). mi gtsang ba SANST, SANST human flesh, ordure; remnants of food fit to be thrown away. mi gtsang gi mchod sbyin SANST a sacrifice in which human beings may even be slaughtered. mi rtsom pa SANST inactivity. mi tshangs pa SANST not observing purity of morals; not practising austerity or celibacy. mi tshangs (par ) od pa SANST 1. leading a worldly life and keeping female company: chos gyi rgyal srid mi 'dzin pa'i |mi tshangs od na khrims dang 'gal if the power of religion is not made one's own and an impure life is practised transgression of the law follows (Hbrom. kha, 49). 2. = 'khrig pa copulation (Moon.). mi tshad 1. = mi brtan po : sngar nas yul 'di'i mi tshad srang tshad yin (Rdsa. 27). 2. = ma zad (Yig. 98). mi 'tsham pa (mi 'os pa'i khrams gcod ngan pa byas pa ) cruel, oppressive, unfit, unbecoming (Rtsii.). mi 'tshol ba + = mi shes not knowing, not inquisitive or searching. mi 'dzag pa SANST not trickling [firm, imperishable]S. mi 'dzin pa the five irrelevances which should be avoided; they are these:- (1) tshig 'dzin pa la don mi 'dzin pa when correct words do not convey the right meaning; (2) don 'dzin la tshig mi 'dzin pa when the meanings and the words used do not harmonize; (3) brda' ma 'phrod par 'dzin pa to misapprehend an expression or meaning; (4) gong 'og nor nas 'dzin pa to comprehend without reference to the context; (5) log par 'dzin pa to seize on the wrong meaning. mi gzhig = rtag pa 3 (Moon.). mi zad pa = shas che SANST hardened, obdurate; sharp; unexhausted: zad mi shes sdug bsngal mi zad pa rtsub pa tsha ba SANST. mi zim bu spun dgu the nine sons of Mizim the blacksmith: mi zim bu spun dgus brdangs pa'i gri the swords manufactured by the nine blacksmith brothers (Yig. 63). mi bzang = mi 'dod bad-luck, inauspicious; = SANST misfortune. mi bzang mig 1. SANST frightful mien or frightful-eyed. 2. mi bzad mig an epithet of the planet Saturn or gza' spen pa (Moon.). mi gzar SANST not steep [not active or striving]S. mi bzlogs pa SANST unavoidable, that cannot be averted, or prevented. mi'am ci 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST an ugly people, a Mongolian. 2. an epithet of Mahesvara who is believed to have been a Tibetan of the Kailas mountains. mi'am ci yi gdon n. of an ugly evil spirit (Mog. 77). mi'am ci mo SANST an ugly woman, prob. a Mongolian woman [a woman with the head of a mare, or of a female gandharva]S. mi'i chos ldan SANST [possessing the characteristics of man, worldly]S. mi'i 'tsho ba SANST human being, human existence, life. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "mi-yi htsho-wa" or mi yi 'tsho ba with the same meaning as the Tibetan.) mi'u = mi'u thung SANST a little man, a dwarf (Ya-sel. 54.). mi yi theg pa an epithet of Virnu (Moon.). mi yi bdag mo = btsun mo a lady, a queen (Moon.). mi yi 'dren pa = rgyal po king; also bla ma priest. mi yi bu child of man, mortal being. mi yi dbang phyug = rgyal po , SANST king. mi yi yi ags a Preta in human shape (Tan. d. go, 220). mi yi yul or mi yul human world, lower world, opp. to the regions of gods or the infernal regions. mi gYeng ba = snyoms las med SANST indefatigable, untiring, not idle, unwearied. mi gYo (lit. that never moves) as met. = the sky (Moon.); mi gYo ba SANST; SANST, SANST, met. a mountain. mi gYo ba'i rgyud n. of a Tantra in ten chapters, which contains an account of the causes which produce untimely death, diseases, murrain, and other visitations. mi rabs mankind, generation; mi rabs mched gsum earliest of Tibetan tribes sprung from the first patriarch (J. zao.). mi rigs humanity, human kind, race of man. mi ring ba (lam lta bu ) not remote, short distance, used in reference to time or place. mi rings pa SANST not in haste. mi re ngo re respectively, one by one, one after another. mi re shong tsam = mi re chud tsam only accommodating one man, very narrow. mi rang or mi hreng a man walking on foot without any load to carry: de nas bal po rdzong la 'gro tsa na mi rang zhig dang phrad on reaching the capital of Nepal he met with a solitary traveller (A. 129). mi la 1. = gtum fierce, frightful, (J. Zao.). 2. an abbr. of either mi la ras pa Milaraspa or mi la bzhan pa'i rdo rdze (Loo. 'a, 9). Milaraspa is known in Tibet as the author of two popular works describing his wanderings in the Himalayas and South Tibet. He was a peripatetic ascetic and poet who worked miracles and delivered instruction to his votaries in verses composed for each occasion. His autobiography and his so-called 100,000 songs have been translated from Tibetan into Mongol. A full account of these writings may be read in the Nineteenth Century Review for October 1899. mi lag a servant (J‰.). mi lus the human body. mi shes SANST; = ma rig ignorance. mi shes pa ignorant (Moon.). mi ser = 'bangs com. term for: agricultural tenants, husbandmen with lands held subject to payments but from which they are non-ejectable. mi srid = mi 'byung SANST [impossible, not becoming.]S. mi srun pa SANST evil, mischievous. mi slob pa SANST [1. "no longer a pupil," i.e., an Arhat]S. 2. not necessary to train again; already disciplined. mi gsal 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST not clear. 2. SANST a barbarian or Mlechha. mi gsal brjod pa SANST speaking indistinctly or like a drunkard or a Mlechha. mi gsod se shar (sa bdag rgyal po'i sku srung ) n. of a guard of the sa bdag demi-gods. mi bsrun skye bo bad men, wicked persons: mi bsrun skye bo gdul bar bya (Sh. doo. 1). Syn. mi mi rung ba ; sdug pa ; ma rung ba ; gdol pa (Moon.). mi hreng v. mi rang 3. mi lhung = blood (Moon.). mig SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the eye; khab mig the eye of a needle, lde mig the eye of a lock, i.e., the key; hole in a hatchet or hammer in which to insert the handle. Acc. to Budh. there are five kinds of eyes or sight viz.: sha'i mig SANST the ordinary eye (of flesh); lha'i mig SANST divine eyes; shes rab kyi mig SANST the eye of wisdom; chos kyi mig SANST the eye of religion; sangs rgyal gyi mig SANST the all-seeing eye of Buddha. mig lcibs eye-lid; mig chid pa inflammation of the eyes through cold or snow-blindness, C. mig phyid pa id.; mig chu SANST tears; mig dzag pa blear-eyes (Schtr.); mig chu gtong ba to shed tears. mig chu bur lta bu SANST round eyes, one whose eyes resemble bubbles. mig che ba or mig yangs pa SANST generous-minded, liberal; mig che med pa = ham pa chen po med pa free from greediness or envy (A. 145): mig che med par gyis , phrag dog med par gyis do behave without jealousy. mig nag seng nge = mig nag hrig hrig lta ba to look hither and thither (Rdsa. 10); mig nad disease of the eye; mig ne'u lta bu SANST one whose eyes are round like those of an ichneumon; mig nor pa SANST squint-eyed; mig rno = mig gsal po clear sight, sharp eyes (Hbrom. kha, 120). mig po = mig (Cs.); mig po che SANST a large eye; mig sprin cataract; mig phyin ci log SANST [inverted-eyed]S. mig 'phrul = mig 'khrul SANST optical illusion; mig 'khrul mkhan a showman (Cs.); mig bu = long khrid one who leads a blind person; mig 'bur goggle-eye; mig 'bras SANST, SANST the apple of the eye; also, eye-ball: bdag gi mig gi 'bras ltar gces na yang although she is as dear to me as the apple of my eye. mig 'brum can SANST [cutaneous eruption in the eyes]S.; mig rtseg the wrinkles of the eye-lid; mig tshil rheum or else fat growing in the eye; mig 'dzum SANST twinkling of the eyes; mig 'dzum pa SANST eyes closing with sleep, getting sleepy (Moon.). mig zur SANST a glance; also, corner of the eye. mig zlum po SANST; = mig gor gor round and globular eyes (Ya-sel. 55). mig rig rig timidly, anxiously looking to and fro, hither and hither (J‰.); mig ring can = mig rgyang can long sighted; mig ris artificial eyebrows (Cs.); mig rus eye-bone (Cs.); mig slobs the act of accustoming the eyes to anything: mig slobs ngan pa skye you habituate yourself to a faulty look, i.e., downward, to what is earthly (J‰); mig rlo SANST to eye one obliquely with envy or jealousy [the hook or eye at each end of a pole or beam for holding the strings of a balance]S. mig log seeing with up-turned eyes (mig gis mig log ): sngon mi dpon btsan po gzhan la mig log kho na lta ba zhig yod pa in ancient times there was a king who used only to look at others with upturned eyes (Khrid. 17). mig long mo sham SANST a blind barren woman. mig ha chang che ba very large eyes. mig hrig hrig gazing with terrified eyes (Rdsa. 10). Syn. lta byed ; 'dren byed ; lha'i sgron ma ; gzigs byed ; mthong byed ; an ; gsal byed ; khyab byed ; snang byed ; snang ba'i dbang po9 (Moon.). mig skyag the impurities of the eye. Syn. mig rnag ; rngu ma ; mig dri (Moon.). mig bskra ba a certain magic trick. mig khung holes in a wall or roof of a house for purposes of light. mig 'khrul v. mig 'phrul . (EEE mig 'phrul does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under mig 3.) mig gi rkang SANST [1. the eye of the family; 2. an earthy concretion of a milk-white colour formed in the hollow of the bamboo and known by the name of bamboo-manna]S. mig gi skyes bu SANST [a person with beautiful eyes]S. mig gi gru SANST corner of the eyes. mig gi dga' byed SANST [good-looking]S. mig gi rgyal mo SANST (lit. the queen of the eye) the pupil or iris. mig gi skri kha SANST [the eye-line]S. mig gi chos can = gnyer pa or lde mig pa treasurer, store-keeper. mig gi bdud rtsi handsome person or graceful appearance or look. mig gi nor bu'i khyim the socket of the eye. mig gi rnam 'gyur the different movements and gesticulations of the eye: mig 'dzum ; zur mig ; yon por lta , khro mig , sdang mig , gdangs mig , mig bgrad pa , snin bsdus , snin 'khyog , snan ma bsgy ur , khro gnyer , bzhin sdud , khro bas lta . (Moon.). mig gis rnam par shes pa the occult sight by which one can see things which are not visible to the ordinary eye: blon po mig gis mngon par shes pa dang ldan pas sa 'og gi gter thams cad mthong ba zhig yod there was a minister who could see minister who could see mines that lay buried underground being possessed of occult vision (A. 63). mig gi phreng ba zhes bya'i ri n. of a fabulous mountain in Purva Videha (K. d. ra, 339). mig gi dbang po SANST the sense or organ of sight. mig gi rdzi ma SANST eye-lashes, [a ray of light, an eye-lash]S. mig grogs one's sweet-heart (Cs.). mig 'gran disapproval, defined thus: las bya ba gang rung mig gi mthong snang la mi 'gro ba (Rtsii.). mig sgy u mirage: sos ka'i thang la mig sgy u ba bzhin like the mirage on a plain in the hot season (J‰.). mig sgy ur ma = mkha' 'gro ma a female sprite, a fairy. mig sngo ce re = mig che re lta ba : gshed mas ral gri thogs te drung du slebs kyang mig sngo re ce re lta ba las (Khrid. 43). mig can SANST (A.K. 1-4). 1. having eyes. 2. having seeds or grains, fructifiedóof ears of corn (J‰.). mig stong can SANST he with a thousand eyes, an epithet of Indra. mig thung short-sightedness (Cs.). mig mdongs pa or mig mdongs par 'gyur ba to get blind, be blinded, to be deprived of sight (Dzl.). mig 'dres pa SANST to keep, to guard, to care for, to look after, to minister to; to serve. mig ldan 1. = mkhas pa or shes rab can a learned man, a wise man (Moon.). 2. = phur bu (Moon.). 3. = mig can a needle. mig ldan ma SANST [endowed with the faculty of seeing]S. mig 'ben a target (Yig.). mig spom pa large-minded, generous, liberal. Syn. ster 'dod pa ; lag pa yangs pa (Moon.). mig ma mkhan = rigs ngan low caste, low-born. (Moon.). mig mangs (rtsed mo ) SANST, SANST chess-board; mig mangs rtse ba to play at chess; mig mangs ris su bris pa chequered, painted or in-laid work after the pattern of a chess-board (J‰); mig mangs kyi thul lo SANST defeated in chess-play. mig mi 'dzum SANST (lit. not winking, looking steadily). 1. a general epithet for the gods, who according to the Buddhist idea never shut their eyes (so also nya fish). 2. an epithet of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. 3. n. of a prince (Ya-sel. 34). mig mi bzang SANST one of the guardian kings of the world; an epithet of Siva, i.e., he having an odd number of eyes. mig dma' = ngo tsha med pa shameless (Moon.). mig dmar SANST, SANST, SANST the planet Mars; also Tuesday. Syn. bkra shis ; lus dmar ; sa yi bu ; 'od zer dgu ; chu stod skyes ; rtsibs ldan ; sa 'byung ; mkha' steng 'gro ; dmag dpon ; mig dmar (Moon.). mig rmo SANST dice for teaching letters or figures. mig snan SANST, SANST, SANST eye-medicine [antimony as an application to the eyes]S. mig snan sngon po = mthing deep-blue (Moon.). mig snan bcud , SANST [black pigment or collyrium applied to the eye-lashes or the inner coat of the eye-lids]S. mig snan mjug ma = khrung khrung the stork (Moon.). mig snan lus can = dom SANST [1. a bear (Moon.). 2. a term used in addressing a flamingo; fair-eyed]S. mig btsums pa'i ri n. of a fabulous mountain situated beyond that ocean which is called glog gi phreng ba . Here is a cavern where very handsome women are born at sunrise with propensities of a former life and on account of their Karma enjoy the prime of youth at midday and die at night (K. d. 270). mig bzang blo gros an epithet of the son of Kamadeva. mig bzang ma 1. a very handsome woman who has beautiful eyes (Moon.). 2. n. of a Yakra nymph (K. gu. 130). mig ya an epithet of Vaisravana who has a third eye on his forehead. (Moon.). mig ser 1. SANST jaundice. 2. envy, jealousy; mig ser can envious, jealous. ming SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST designation, name: khyod kyi ming gang zer or khyod la mig ci zer what is your name? de'i ming yang med such a thing is not known at all, such a thing does not exist; dgra bshags len ma thub na mig rang ma 'bod cig do not call me by my name if I cannot accept atonement from my enemy (Rdsa. 14); then pa'i ming a word for drawing (pulling) (Gram.); rjes grub kyi ming a surname; rus ming a family name (Cs.); dngos ming real name, the name of an object; kho la ming gang btags what name did you give him? de la ming ci 'dogs what is it called? khral gyi ming tsam las med this tax exists only nominally. ming rkyang a single syllable or name; ming grogs one's namesake (Cs.); ming gi dge slong SANST priest only by name; ming gi mdzod dictionary, treasury of words; ming ngan bad name; ming can 1. SANST having a name, having a reputation, being well spoken of. 2. n. of a medicinal plant, a flower; ming can gnyan lhog skrangs 'dzoms gzer snan mchog ming can nag po = lug mig nag po (mystical) (Mio. 4). ming cig SANST [deserving, becoming]S.; ming chen SANST fame, reputation. ming rjes su brtags SANST ascertained the meaning of the word; ming mtha' final letter of a word. ming don brda sprod dictionary of Sanskrit, Tibetan and mystical terms in five chapters by Vairochanaóa block-print published at the monastery of Dgah-ldan Phun-tshog glio. ming Zi name of Emperor of the great Han dynasty of China: chen po hAn gyi ming di hI rgyal po'i yung phing gi lo brgyad par rgya yul du bstan pa'i dbus bsnyes so in the eighth year of Yung-phing who was the Emperor Mingdhi of the great Han dynasty, China obtained the central doctrine (dbus brnyes ) of Buddhism (Grub. da, 3). ming po SANST a brother (born of the same parents); sisters so born are called sring mo : ming pos bsrung ba SANST cherished or protected by the brother. ming sring brother and sister, abbr. of ming po and sring mo . ming sring = spun brother and sister born of the same parents. ming tshar (zas med pa ) starvation. ming gzhi basic letter gen. the first letter of the root of a word, in contradistinction to the second, the third, and the prefix letters. ming gzugs SANST [name and form; the whole external world is comprised under the name ming gzugs ]S. mid pa 1. SANST; zas rgyu lam the passage for food to the stomach, the gullet. 2. vb. more fully: khyur mid byed pa to swallow, to gulp down, devour: mid pa'i za ba SANST to eat devouring, to eat without masticating food. 3. a fish of the Sizopygopsis genus. min very common in colloq., also in modern writings, as abbr. of ma yin is not: dpe cha 'di der min 'dug the book is not there. min pa or ma yin pa to be without, to be not, min pa nyid not at all (A.K. 1-2). min par except SANST (A.K. 111-41). min nam probably, is it not. min 'dra not of the same kind or of same appearance, dissimilar; yin 'dug min 'dug is it (so) or is it not? 'dug gam min 'dug (colloq. "du-ka min-du") id. (Note: mi 'dug which is often sounded min-duk should be always written for min 'dug ). min las che or min la che an expression of doubt = is only doing, doing nothing but: da ni drin log par 'jal nas nga la ngan byas pa min las che now behaving ungratefully he is but doing me mischief (Rdsa. 10). min par except, besides: de ma yin par shing the other trees except this one; sangs rgyas min pa sus kyang mi shes besides Buddha no one knows it, no one knows except Buddha; ngas yun gcig min pa mi bsdad I have been sitting down only this moment; de min rnams those excepted. min da for mi zla help-mate. mir termin. and mis instrum. case of mi : mis go ba to the understanding or perception of humanity, also SANST [non-perception]S. mir gyur pa SANST turned or became man [the human course]S. mir chags pa SANST to desire to become man; mir od pa human habits. mu 1. sometimes for mu zi sulphur. 2. = gras a kind or species: 'di yi mu yod dam is there one of this kind? 3. = mtha' border, boundary, limit, edge, margin, end, skirt: zhing mu la gnas pa residing on the border of the field; mu la skye grows on the edge; mtha' med cing mu med there is neither limit nor end; thar par lam la mu med phyir it is because there is no limit to the way of Nirvana (Ser.). 'khor lo'i mu la on the circumference; mu ltar or mu nas = bzhin du in C. mu kha = tshos mkhan (mystic) (K. g. ga, 216). mu khyud , the rim, the circumference, a hoop. mu kham pur n. of a place anciently situated on the confines of Nepal to the north of the cities of Kapilavastu and Malladesa (modern Balia). mu khyud 'dzin ri SANST, SANST n. p., one of the seven fabulous golden mountains surrounding Sumeru, and it is so called: mu khyud du gyur pas because it lies on its verge or circumference (Sorig. 8). mu khyud bdal ba'i mtsho one of the great lakes of Tibet mentioned in G. Bon. 7. mu khri btsan po the eldest son of king khri srong lda'u btsan (Loo. 'a, 8). (EEE The original gives the king's name as Khri-Sroo lde-btsan or khri srong lde btsan ) mu ge SANST, SANST 1. famine, mu ge chen po byung nas shi song died, there being a great famine. mu ge bskyed = than pa , char med (Moon.) that which causes a famine, drought, want of rain. mu ge'i bskal pa bar ma the age of famine. 2. in W. desire, appetite: mu ge can eager for food. mu gyen n. of a fine breed of horses imported from Kham and Amdo (Jig.). mu cor SANST, SANST impudent, audacious. mu co tsha impudent, rough, rude in speech, one who speaks without regard to another's feelings. mu cor smra ba SANST to talk nonsense, also = rdzun smra ba to speak falsehood [talkative and scurrilous]S. mu cor tshugs med = ngo tsha med pa or skyeng pa med pa without shame, immodest (Moon.). mu cho ldem drug the six Bon teachers like the six manifestations of the Buddha who bring the beings of Hell under moral discipline (D.R.). mu tig á (derived from mu ka ti kA SANST signifying grol ba can what has been set free) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a pearl: sangs rgyas byang sems nya ru sprul pa yi|khog pa'i nang nas mu tig dmar po byung |de la rka ta mu tig ces su grags| (Loo. ha, 2) the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas having transformed themselves into shellfish, red pearls were produced in their stomachs which came to be known as Rakta Mutig. There are seven kinds of pearls mentioned in Tibetan works, some of which are fabulous, others real, wa lu , ga dza , si ka mu tig , ram pa mu tig , sa rba mu tig , snad kyi mu tig and rma lu mu tig . It is said that kinds of pearl are obtained from the brains of elephants and cobras; also a peculiar kind of pearl from the leaves of a tree growing in southern India. mu tig skye gnas or mu tig 'byung gnas as met. the ocean. mu tig can á one of the Tibetan kings; chab srid sna nam la ster nges snyam ste mu tig btsan po la gsol bas having decided to make over the kingdom to Snanam he petitioned Mutig Tsan-po. mu lto ba = sprang po a beggar, destitute person (Moon.). mur stegs = mur 'dug SANST one at the end or limit; SANST [1. a sacred place. 2. an aggregate of three things, such as virtue, wealth and pleasure]S. mu stegs pa also mu stegs can SANST a heretic, one who argues on religion, a schismatic [lit. one creating a passage through the circuit of life, or one indulging in pilgrimage; also, one who holds extreme views and does not follow the middle doctrine of Buddha; hence, a non-Buddhist, such as the followers of Brahmanism or Jainism]S. mu stegs can gyi ston pa drug the six heretical teachers of Buddha's time:- (1) 'gro ba skyong gi bu rdzogs byed 'od srung ; (2) gnag lhas kyi bu kun tu rgyu ; (3) smra 'dod kyi bu mo'i bu yang dag rgyal ba can ; (4) mi 'pham skra'i la ba can ; (5) ka ta'i bu nog can ; (6) gnyen bu gcer bu ; these six Tirthika teachers were known as the six Tarkika (rtor ge drug ) (K. du. ka, 33-43). The sixth of those is asserted to have been the founder of Jainism. mu thi la n. of a precious stone. mu mtha' boundary, limit; mu mtha' med pa unlimited; also mthar thug med pa not going to the limit i.e., not thorough. mu 'thud = rgyun 'thud . mu rdo = chu yi rde'u pebbles from water (mystic) (Mio. 3). mu ni á = thub pa (a spiritually powerful one), saint, ascetic, anchorite; Sakyamuni, the sage of the Sakya race. mu mu (gnas gcig ) n. of a Buddhist sacred place, said to be somewhere in the east part of India, prob. in Bengal (Dus-ye. 38). mu med boundless, limitless; mu med par vaguely. mu men SANST n. of a precious stone resembling sapphire (Moon.). mu men dmar po red mumen in (Vai. so.) [mu men also = an earth-worm]S. mu tsu kun da á SANST [1. n. of a tree. 2. n. of an ancient king, son of Mandhata. Having assisted the gods in their wars with the demons he got as a reward the boon of long and unbroken sleep; and the gods decreed that whosoever disturbed him should be burnt to ashes by fire from his body. Krishna, in order to destroy Kalayavana, enticed him into the cave where Muchukunda was asleep and the letter being thus roused cast upon Kalayavana an angry glance which reduced him to ashes]S. mu tsha lga one of the six early tribes of Tibet called mi'u gdung drug (Yig. 61). mu mtshungs pa SANST [a fellow religious student]S. mu bzhi the four limits: (1) skyed 'gag birth and death; (2) rtag chad immortality and annihilation; (3) yod med existence and non-existence; (4) snang stong light or phenomenon and voidity (which is chaos). mu bzhin = skabs su in the course of (Yig.). mu zi SANST brimstone, sulphur: mu zi can containing sulphur, sulphurous; mu zi rdo brimstone. mu yal some large number (Ya-sel. 59). mu ye sangs gsal mthing nam tig gshen rab kyis 'phrin las bco brgyad pa don bstan pa'i le'u chapter on the elucidation of the meanings of the eighteen mercies of Gshen-rab (D.R.). mu ran = mtha' bskor SANST. mu rug btsan po one of the sons of the king srong btsan sgam po (Loo. 'a, 8). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "mu-rug htsan-po" which is clearly in error.) mu la 1. together, in a heap. mu la bzhag kept together, mu la 'gro goes together. 2. = khongs su within the province, sphere of: de ltar gtsang gi mu la lo gcig bzhugs skad do accordingly within the province of Tsang he resided one year (A. 89). mu sangs = nam mkha' the sky (mystic) (G. Bon. 1). mug chu gum or btsog gum a kind of wild ass (Jig.). mug pa 1. a moth; mug ma id. also mun ma ; gos mug clothes-moth, bal mug wool-moth, mug zan moth-eaten, destroyed by moth. 2. vb. with yid or thugs , to despair; blo mug pa a gloomy doleful way of thinking (Sch.). mun nying country situated to the east of India including Bhamo (Dsam.). mun pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST dark, obscure; obscurity, darkness, gloom, cognate terms differentiated as adj. and sbst. respectively in a native work. The adj. has the syn.:- sgrib pa ; mi gsal ba ; 'thibs pa ; khebs pa ; mi snang ba ; mi mngon ; ltar mi snang ; kun khebs (Moon.). The sbst. (night or darkness of night) has the syn.:- ldongs byed ; snang med ; nyin mthar byed ; na mo'i sgo nga ; mkha'i pags pa ; rab rib ; snag rus ; mtshan mo'i gos ; mun 'khrigs ; mun nag ; she mun (Moon.). mun song become dark; mun khung dungeon, prison; mun khyab SANST entire darkness, darkness enveloping every thing; mun khrod darkness, gloom; mun can ma SANST night. mun pa bzhi acc. to the Bon the four kinds of darkness are: (1) ma rig pa'i mun pa the darkness of ignorance; (2) 'khor ba'i mun pa worldly darkness; (3) dbang po'i sgo'i mun pa the darknesses of passions; (4) ri grib kyi mun pa physical darkness such as the shade of a mountain. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "mun-pa-shi" which is clearly in error.) muº rI á SANST n. of an aquatic plant; se bAa la dang , dza lo ka dang , spal pa'i tshil gyis rkang pa dag mnyes nas chu shing gi lo ma dkris nas mds 'bar ba'i steng du tshig par mi 'gyur ro (K. g. ca, 356). mun nag = mun pa 3. mun pa nas mun khrod 'gro ba SANST the worst stage of men when they go from darkness to still greater darkness. mun sprul lie, untruth, falsehood; acc. to J‰. ignorance, stupidity: mun sprul du smra ba = rdzun smra ba to speak falsehood. mun tshub SANST darkness, gloom. mun sel mgon po = nyi ma the sun (Yig. k. 88). mun sro furiousness, passion. mun gsel ma SANST full moon night [also the dawn]S. mun dza skyes ma á = lha'i gzugs 'tshong ma'i ming n. of a celestial courtezan (Loo. ma 5). munya dza'i yul the country to the north of the Kailas mountains; byang phyogs na hor munya dza'i yul in the north (of Tibet) the country of Tartar MuÒza (Sorig. 20). mur = zhor ; mur la = zhor la or ngang la mur lan gsal = ngang la lan gsal (Yig. 93). mur gong the temples; the bent sides of either eye. mur 'gram SANST [the frontal bone or cheek]S. acc. to Sch. jaw, jaw-bone. mur ja = ja ljang ja pa ri green China tea (Jig. 23). mur thug + = mthar thug thorough, complete, to the extremity, till the end of. mur dum or mur zlum in Ld. dull, of knives, hatchets (J‰.). mur 'dug = 1. mu stegs (Sch.). 2. gills of a fish (J‰.). mur ba to gnaw, to crush with the teeth, to bite asunder; rus pa mur ba to crunch bones. mul po SANST [a petitioner, beggar, suitor]S. mul thug the fist (J‰.). mus name of a village in Tsang (Loo. za, 7). me fire, the fire, resp. zhugs (in C.) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; me gsum three kinds of fire: lho phyogs rta gdong gi me the volcanic fire of the Southern ocean called Baravanal; nyi ma'i me the fire generated by the sun; bsreg bya za ba'i me fire which devours (Moon.). me 'bar the fire burns; me shor fire breaks out, me mched pa fire spreads; me shi ge red the fire is going out; khang pa mes bsregs the house is burnt down. me spor ba frequently also me spar ba and me 'bud pa , to blow up or light a fire; me gso ba to stir, poke, trim the fire; me rgyab pa to set on fire. me skam gun-cock; me skyogs shovel for burning coal; me lcags steel and tinder pouch; me lce a flame; me thab hearth; me mdag burning embers; me bo a large fire, me bo che a conflagration; me gzhi an anvil; me gzho a singe on cloth or hair, a brand-mark; me 'obs trench or line of fire; me yal a spurt or flame of fire; me ro cinders, extinct embers; me len ember nippers; me shel burning glass or crystal. Syn. 'bar byed ; bi shwa na ra'i bu ; chu yi skye gnas ; rtse mo can ; 'khyog 'bar ; shing 'phel ; zad min ; lus ma bsrung ; sbyin sreg lag pa ; nod las rgya ; 'od kyi shig rta ; du ba'i dog ; rlung gi grogs po ; lam nag zhugs ; gtsang byed ; dag byed ; gtsug phud can ; 'bar ba'i lce ldan (Moon.). me skyes 1. SANST, SANST [born of fire; any illuminating substance; the number six]S. 2. SANST iron. me khang a house or enclosed space for the consecrated fire. me mgal 1. fire brand: me mgal gyi 'khor lo the circle made by a fire brand when quickly swung round 2. half burnt fire-wood, a piece of wood which has been partly burnt (Oag. 15). me rgan a learned man: grub chen me rgan ngag dbang blo gros (Loo za, 34). me cha = me lcags flint byi tshe phag mgo dang me cha la sogs pa (A. 34). me mnyam rlung fire-wind, burning wind. me cu ru di n. of an open town in India during Buddha's life (K. du. tha, 135). me tog SANST, SANST, SANST any flower: me tog mngon par bkram pa the flowers conspicuously spread out or displayed; me tog kha 'bus pa the flower opens, blossoms, begins to blow. me tog gi rna can SANST [a flower ear-ring]S.; me tog gi phur ma SANST the sheath or calyx of a flower; me tog gi phreng ba chaplet, wreath of flowers; me tog mkhan po SANST a garland maker; me tog rdul SANST [the pollen or farina of a flower]S.; me tog ldan = dpyid ka spring and nyi zla gza' yis bzung ba (Moon.); me tog ldan dus id. (Moon.). me tog ldan ma a woman in menses (Moon.); me tog lam SANST ['path of the menses,' the vulva]S. me tog sgron lit. the flower-lamp; one of the names of tshe spong bza' wife of king khri srong lde'u btsan who was mother of princes Mu-khri btsan-po, Mu-rug btsan-po and Mu-tig btsan-po (Loo. 'a, 8). me tog glang sna SANST [the plant Sanserviera zeylanica]S. me tog chang SANST wine made of the Mowa flower in India (Moon.). me tog don can id. me tog nyi ma = gur gum SANST saffron (Moon.). me tog ting bzhi viz.:- ting li phyin ; ting sag kyu ; ting mu la ; ting mu sa (Mio. rda. 2). me tog phra mo the lily (Moon.). me tog mig snan = mthing 3. me tog gzhu can SANST, SANST [lit. holding a bow of flowers, an epithet of Kamadeva, god of love]S. me tog zas can SANST as met. bee. me tog lug mig or lug mig me tog SANST a kind of flower resembling a sheep's eyes, a species of Pedicularis. me tog lug ru also a species of Pedicularis. me stag also me tshag spark, sparkle, a bit of live-coal in the ashes. Syn. mkha' skyes ; rab 'phro me'i zeg ma ; zhugs kyi dum 'phrug (Moon.). me da ka = chu SANST water (mystic) (K. g. 26). me du ra á = me ^ SANST [fit for a sacrifice, fat]S. me mda' SANST a gun; colloq. mendah and mindah. me na ka + SANST 1. = lang tsho ma a maiden, a youthful woman. 2. n. of a celestial courtezan (Yig. k. 37). 3. the daughter of Vrishanasva. me na ko + SANST n. of a mountain range situated beyond the river and mountain called Ti-rtse-rwa; where have been living from eternity the Asura and a class of women whose faces resemble those of horses (K. d. ra 287) [According to some authors Mainaka was situated in the southern extremity of the Indian peninsula from which Lanka (Ceylon) could be seen; but most Hindu writers agree that Mainaka was an offshoot of the Himalayas]S. me na ya á prob. Mithila. me nur = ma mdag ; me snod or me phor coal-pan, chafing dish, fuming-pan. me ne n. of a place in India (Dsam. 21). me pung me bum cupping-glass, cup (J‰.). me dbal SANST; [a cutaneous disease, a sort of dry spreading itch, erysipelatous inflammation]S. me 'bar ba lta bu SANST [resembling a glowing or flaming fire, a plant with red blossoms]S. me sbyin skyes SANST, SANST as met. the gods = me sbyin bu SANST- sngon pha Mu ri dang |ma mkSa btson gnyis la bu mo sbyin pa dang |me sbyin bya ba gnyis yod pa'i sbyin pa'i bu lha ma yin dang |me sbyin gyis drang srong kA O pa'i grang ma byas pa las lha skyes pas so . me mur = ma mdag SANST one of the hells; mi mur gyi 'obs SANST an oven, a fire-pit or trench. me mur = sdug bsngal in the mystic language of the demons Asura, i.e., bdud kyi lha rnams kyi skad la . We meet with, also:- me mur gnod = kun 'byung ba ; me mur 'dor 'dod = 'gog pa 3; me mur sgrol = 3lam 3 (K. ko. ka, 235). me tsa or me btsa' = sa yi ste ba and sa gnad che ba (Sman) any important place excellent in position and free from the depredations of malignant spirits, and on such places Buddhist viharas are enjoined to be erected: de'i phyogs kyi me btsa' dang sa brtag la dang big bdb pa dang (A. 153). me 'dzin SANST, SANST keeper of fire [1. competent. 2. a kind of sacred fire]S. me zhal lam as met. = the sky. me gzhong or me slang SANST a bowl made of burnt clay or iron in which fire is made [a portable fire-place]S. me bzhi the 12th constellation called SANST. Syn. rig byed ; bya ma 'don (Moon.). me bzhi skyes 1. SANST. 2. an epithet of Vphaspati (Moon.) [Bphaspati or Jupiter is so called because he was born when the moon was in the mansion of Prakphalguni or Purvaphalguni (the eleventh constellation)]S. me'i rtse mo = gur gum saffron (Moon.). me yi mgrin a general name for birds (Moon.). me ri fire mountain, volcano. me ris the barbarous modern Miri tribe inhabiting the forests in the upper valley of the Dihong, their chief village being called Miri-patam. me long SANST, SANST, SANST 1. a mirror, or looking-glass: las kyi me long the mirror in which one's Karma is reflected. me long is frq. as a title of books, of the history of kings, e.g., rgyal rabs gsal ba'i me long lit. a bright mirror of royal pedigree. 2. plain surface, flat body length and breadth. 3. sample, model, reflection, specimen. Syn. kun mthong ; kun gsal ; rang mthong ; bzhin (gyi )snod ; ma gu ra ; gzugs brnyan skye gnas ; gzugs 'char byed ; byi dor mel tshe (Moon.). me long can SANST mirror-like, n. of a prince in ancient India; a lake resembling a mirror, hence one of the historic doors of the great temple of Buddha at Lhasa is called sgo me long can . me long lung ring the Bon designation of Persia which is called bde ba can gyi zhing khams Sukhavati or the Land of Bliss (G. Bon. 4.). me shel 1. SANST [sun-stone, sun-crystal; a kind of crystal cool to the touch but emits fire when exposed to the rays of the sun]S. 2. SANST the sun. me slang = me gzhong 3. me bsrub SANST, SANST, SANST [the wood of Ficus religiosa used for kindling fire by attrition; fire-flint, the plant Premna spinosa]S. me ha ra n. of a heretical sect and work among the Hindus. lha chen shang dkar gyis byas pa'i me ha ra la sogs pa phyi rol pa'i bstan bcos mang po mkhyen he knew many Sastras of the outsiders i.e., Hindus, such as Mehara, &c., of Mahadeva Sankara (A. 34). me lha SANST, SANST, SANST the god of fire [a general name for gods or deities; gods are supposed to eat the sacrificial offerings through the help of fire which is called the mouth of the gods]S. Syn. 'od kyi nor can ; nor las skyes ; byin za sregs ; sbyin sregs za ; gser gyi thig le ; gser khu ba ; 'bar ba'i sgra can ; rta dmar can ; sna tshogs 'od zer ; 'od bdun pa ; mchod sbyin skyes ; rig byed skyes ; tshangs dbang sras po ; ra la zhon ; shar lho'i phyogs skyong (Moon.). me lha mo SANST the quarter of fire, south-east: shar lho me lha'i phyogs su thab tshang bya make (your) cooking-hearth in the south-east corner of the house which is the quarter of the god of fire (Jig.). me lha'i chung ma the wife of the god of fire. Syn. me lha'i dga' ma ; char sdig can ; me ma ; legs byin ma . me lha'i rta the horse of the god of fire. Syn. bzhon pa myur 'gro ; dmar mo ; gser tsen shing rta ; ra (Moon.). med pa the negative form of yod pa and red pa = to be not, not to be, to be without, not to have, to be non-existent: nga la bu rnams med I have no children; kho mkhas pa med zhig he is one void of learning; stobs med strengthless; bde med unhappy, uneasy, unwell; med par 'gyur ba passes away, is dissipated; skabs med without occasion, no opportunity. cha lag med kyang dgos pa'i khral though without goods a necessary tax; bla ma la bzhugs grogs med pa lags sam has your Reverence no fellow-resident in your house? mi brnangs pa skyug du med pa mid du med pa a man about to be choked, being able neither to vomit nor swallow down; bdag cang dbul du med we are not able to give anything; med mi rung gi bu tsha the sons and grand-sons that are to get anything (as a heritage); khyim der med du mi gtub pa or mi rung ba indispensable in the house; blon po rnams 'gran sems med par gyur to the ministers lost their litigiousness, i.e., gave up quarrelling; zas brim du med par gyur to the distribution of the dishes became impossible; med par byed pa to annihilate (an enemy), to put an end to (a quarrel) (Glr.); med par without or 'instead of ': rgyu med par without cause; rgyal po med par instead of the king, sngar gyi lus med par instead of the former shape; nyin mtshan med par continually making no difference between day and night; med ma not without, some, a few; med mo a penniless woman. med pa pa = gnod sems or gnod pa byed pa a mischievous person (Moon.). men an ornament, piece of finery (Mil.). men rtsi (Chinese) a coloured silk handkerchief. men hri a kind of fur; men hri dmar po'i slog spags a fur-coat of red men-hri (is mentioned as the vesture of the gods). mer 1. termin. of me 3: mer sreg za to eat after baking in fire. 2. in zhe mer langs pa i.e., skyug bro ba vomiting; fig.: anything that is scorned also that is repulsive in appearance or offensive to sight. 3. adj. anything kept in heaps in a place, heaped or piled up: ja btsoms mer gyis bkang quite filled with strained or purified tea (A. 141). mer ba 1. sloppy, pappy, thin; also: expanded, distended, full: mer pa id. mer gyis gang full to the brim; mer mer anything full to the brim. mer mer po expanded, fully-blown. 2. mer mer ba adj. shimmering, permeating. 3. mer mer ba = nur nur po adj. to define the shape and consistency of an embryo, oblong, oval. mel tshe SANST 1. watch-man, sentinel, watcher; mel tshe byed pa to wait upon; to keep watch over: mel tshe byed cing glu dbyangs mchod par 'bul attending upon him they made him offerings of (entertained with) music and songs (A. 13). 2. a watch or period of 3 hours at night. mel btse ba SANST [servant, attendant]S. mel tshe ba SANST one who remains awake to give watch; one awakened; mel tshe ba SANST the night. mes po SANST, SANST grand-father, forefather, ancestor: sangs rgyas thams cad kyi i mes kun tu bzang po yang mes Kun-tu zao-po the common spiritual ancestor of all the Buddhas; pha mes kyi dus forefather's time, yab mes kyi dus in our grandfather's time i.e., the time our ancestors; zhes or gzhi mes great grand-father; 'jig rten mes po SANST an epithet of Brahma (lha tshangs pa ) (Moon.); mes po 'phangs brtson n. of a patriarch of Tibet, the great ancestor named 'phang brtson who went to Kham and back (Deb. ga, 12). mes po'i ral klung an epithet of the river Ganges; mes po'i ral klung bzhin stsol ba mkhyin| (Yig. k. 14) pray send your favours to me continually like the river of patriarch's locks. mes dpon ancestors (both spiritual and ordinary) (Yig. 83). The mes dpon rnam gsum in Tibetan history or three ancestral rulers are: king srong btsan sgam po , khri srong lde'u btsan and khri ral pa can . mes 'ching = dngul chu mercury, quicksilver (Moon.). mi tri love, friendship. mo I: SANST a woman, a female opp. to pho ; also, occas. = she, her: mo na re she said; mo gos woman's gown, petticoat; mo brgyud female line of descent; mo byis (Mil.) mo dbyis C. a girl, female child. mo rta a mare; mo rtags feminine gender, female organ; mo dbang female organ; v. also mo mtshan 3 below; mo rigs womankind; mo lus female body. II: a lot: mo 'debs pa to cast lots, always a religious ceremony performed by lamas. mo mkhan or mo rtsis pa a sooth-sayer; mo pa a fortune-teller: mo pa 'dre mthong ba a sooth-sayer who pretends to be able to see a ghost. mo bon abbr. of mo pa and bon po fortune-teller and Bon-po priest: mo bon rdzun chos ma bshad cig fortune-tellers and Bon priests should not preach false religion, should not impose upon people (A. 18). mo ma SANST, SANST a female fortune-teller [also, a female mendicant]S. III: an affix which when attached to nouns indicates the feminine gen. but not so, as a rule, when appended to adj.: gnas mo a landlady, bu mo a daughter, a girl, rgan mo an old woman; but chen mo = great, masc. or fem, and legs mo = fine, good, masc. or fem. mo khab very fine needle. mo gos = mo yi gos woman's garment: mo gos sngon po dang thig ma 'dra ba'i cha ga ma rer 'bru khal the cost of a woman's fringed garments of blue-colour and with spots is one load of grain (Rtsii.). mo gos gro kha (bud med gro kha sa nag khra lta bu ) black-spotted garment worn by the poorer classes of women in Tibet (Rtsii.). mo na za á n. of a celestial courtezan. (Moon.). mo ma ning or ma ning mo a female hermaphrodite (Moon.). mo mtshan SANST, SANST female organ, female genitals. Syn. skyes gnas ; gnyis dga'i khyim ; chu ma ; nyer gnas ; mo'i rang bzhin ; mtshams min rten ; brjod bya'i phyogs ; skye 'dzin ; dga' ba'i bu ga ; dran pa'i khron pa ; dbang po'i lam ; bu gnas grong khyer ; srid pa 'phel byed ; myos byed lam ; rlangs par byed ; paV chos 'byung; byed pa'i yan lag ; gsang ba'i 'khor lo ; mi zad lam ; e gsang ; mkha' gsang ; me tog lam ; rdul gyi lam ; rmongs byed ; mo rtags ; mo dbang (Moon.). mo yig or mo yi yi gi feminine letters (acc. to the Tibetan Grammar) are ga , ja , da , ba , dza , wa , zha , za , 'a , ya , sha , sa (Situ.). mo ra á n. of a kind of bird (K. d. ka, 2). mo rang or mo reng 1. single, unmarried woman: gdong ngan gyi khyo bas mo rang skyid happier is a single woman than one with a husband of ugly face. 2. a poor, destitute female, one who did not get a husband. 3. pron. she herself. mo rab (bud med mchog ) a noble woman of great accomplishments and character; mo rab kyi grogs de dpon du bsam the friend of the noble lady is considered a lord or nobleman. mo shel a cool mild crystal opp. to pho shel crystal which affects the eye when used as spectacles. mo gsham or mo bsham SANST, SANST barren: bu tsha skye rgyu med pa'i mo rang ma a barren woman (Jig.); [also an unchaste woman, a helpless woman]S. mo gsham yi ge the letter which are said to be barren: ra , la , ha , aa , (Situ. 59). mo gsham shing a tree that neither produces fruit nor flower (Moon.). mo la ko n. of a large country or island to the south (prob. Malacca) (K. ko. ra, 272). mog pa dark or faded colour: bkrag med mog po byed also mog por snang pale lustreless appearance (Hbrom. 18-kha, 40). mog ro acc. to J‰. of horses, yellowish-brown; but in C. = mog sha semi-aquatic mushroom. mog mog (mo-mo) 1. SANST; also mog mog po dark-coloured. 2. small meat-patty, meat-balls in a cover of paste generally cooked in steam. mong gol a Mongolian, form sometimes occurring, but in Tib. usually sog po . mong rtul = blun po dull, stupid (J‰.). mong lo W. for long mo knuckle, ankle-bone (J‰.). mod pa 1. to be (in an emphatic sense), to be indeed; is sometimes superadded to yod pa or used alone, sometimes with other verbs: zhes smras mod kyi though indeed you may say so. yod mod = byung mod . kho bo la the tshom thams cad spangs nas sgrab pa la nan gces spras su byas pa med mod kyang (Hbrom. kha, 2). dpag du med mod kyi though indeed it is immeasurable; 'de ma yin mod 'on kyang nevertheless it is not this one, 'gro ba yin mod (although not invited) yet after all you must go. 2. mod po = mang po many, much, abundant: shing mod po wood is plentiful; shing tog mod po abounding in tree-fruits; longs od mod par 'gyur he become the owner of great wealth; de mi byed na dgra mod if you omit to do this, you will have many enemies; nad mod plenty of diseases; sti bstang gi khri yas shin tu mod kyi although they abounded in compliments. mod the instant, momentóoccurring only in the following combinations: lang ba'i mod , da nyid la at the very moment of rising; de'i mod la the moment after; gen. mod la instantly, immediately: mod la angs so he immediately pulled it out; khra yang mod la phyin te immediately after there came also the hawk; mod las skyes pa born on the instant with, born with; and thus may = ldan pa possessed of. mon SANST general name for the different tribes living in the cis-Himalayan regions and who from remote antiquity have lived by hunting. [Kirata means one who constantly walks on the extreme boundaries. The term was known to the ancients; Arrian making mention of the Kirrhadae who used to bring musk from the Himalaya to sell to the Indians]S. mon pa a native of Kiranti which includes Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan but particularly the hill tract between the Kosi and Teesta rivers. mon ko a fabulous mountain inhabited by goblins and women with horses' faces and Naga maidens very handsome and fond of music (S. Lam. 39). mon rta dbang the Ta-wang Raj a small principality lying amid the mountains immediately adjoining the eastern border of Bhutan, and of which little is at present known. It is inhabited by a barbarous semi-Tibetan race engaged in trading operations between Tibet and Assam, and can be reached from the latter country via Odalgiri. mon mkha' 'gro kling n. of a monastery in Mon Tawang. mon gyi ras gzan a kind of cotton wrapper manufactured in Mon Rta Wao. (Rtsii.). mon cha ra the ever-green oak; also its acorns: mon cha ra yis tsha grang 'khru ba gcod ever-green oak acorns stop diarrhúa. mon gru SANST the 23rd lunar mansion or constellation. Syn. chu lha mo ; sgrog snad (Rtsii.). mon dar SANST, SANST [raw silk stuff, a silk-petticoat or trowsers]S. mon dre SANST the 22nd lunar mansion or constellation. Syn. bya gzhug ; sgrog stod ; thob ldan (Rtsii.). mon pa gro the town and province of Pa-ro the seat of government of West Bhutan (Deb. ga, 21). dpal gro mon la the town of Paldo or Paro in Bhutan. mon rdzu nag po n. of a people said to live somewhere in the region towards Kamaschatka and supposed to possess tails resembling those of dogs and to wear dog's skin (J. Zao. 146). mon zha in W. popularity, respect, reputation; mon zha thob he is highly respected; mon zha can beloved, popular (J‰.). mon yul SANST, SANST; the sub-Himalayan regions extending from Kashmir to Assam. But mon yul gyi ban de said to be: a monk from Nepal. mon lug SANST, SANST [a species of grass, Cyperus rotundus]S. Syn. sprin ming can ; gla rgang (Moon.). mon sran Indian pea; mon sran na gu SANST a species of kidney bean; mon sran dkar bu SANST [a kind of bean, Dolichos catjang]S. mon sran gre'u SANST [Phaseolus radiatus]S.; mon sran rde'u SANST [Phaseolus mungo]S. mon sran zlum po SANST brinjal. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "mon-sran hgrehu" which is in error.) mon sle or mon gyi sle'u a kind of striped many-coloured shawl made of the soft wool of goat and yak but with cotton intermingled. mo'u dgal á SANST n. of a family-clan descended from the sage Mudgala (K. du. ta, 133). mo'u dgal gyi bu á (SANST) the famous Maudgalyayana one of the two earliest disciples of Gautama Buddha; his former name in Tib. was pang nas skyes . He at first was initiated in the Tirthika school of yang dag rgyal but afterwards he found out his mistake and became a follower of Buddha who made him one of his highest and most powerful disciples. His Pali appellation is Moggallana; and the Mongol Buddhists style him variously Motagalwani, Molontain, Motgalun Kh¸beg¸n, and Eb¸r Etse Tˆrˆgsen ("he that encircles the bosom"). See also Gr¸nwedel's Mythologie des Buddhismus. mor termin. of mo 3 = mo la . mor span a fine kind of satin (S. kar. 179). mol ba + 1. = gtam smra ba , gros byed pa to converse, confer upon. 2. to say. to speak, used as bsgo ba and bka' rtsal ba are in earlier Tibetan, and as gsung ba occurs in later literature and in C.; hence it is often to be rendered by 'to order' (J‰.). mol mchid = gros , gsung rgya conference, consultation: mol mchid kyang rim pa gyis in conferring about any subject do so systematically (Yig. k. 87). mos pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. sbst. [implicit faith, devotion, adoration, satisfaction]S. 2. mostly as vb., to be pleased, to be pleased with, to crave for, to be inclined to; 'gro bar mos so I took a fancy to go there; mos pa dang 'dod pa desiring and craving for (are the origin of all the misery of sin). mos pa zlog SANST [removes the objects of desire]S. 3. to respect, to esteem, to venerate, to adore: khyod gang la mos whom do you adore; mos nas 'bul ba yin I offer it from veneration, i.e., I shall take nothing for it; frq. joined with gus pa : yid mos gus drag pos with fervent veneration; dad mos devotion. mos pas od pa'i sa bzhi SANST the four stages of perfection in devotion:- (1) snang ba thob pa SANST [attainment of light]S. (2) snang ba mched pa SANST [increase of light]S. (3) de kho na'i don gyi phyogs gcig la rjes su zhags pa SANST [entrance into the essential truths]S. (4) bar chad med pa'i ting nge 'dzin no SANST [uninterrupted meditation]S. mos od pa a pious man, a devotee (Ta. 109-7). 4. = brtan pa steadfast, firm. Syn. dad gus dang ldan pa ; gus ldan ; kun tu bsten ; gus pa ; gcig tu sems ; dad pa can (Moon.). mos ldan devoted, respectful, unflagging. Syn. gus ldan ; dang ba ; dad chags can (Moon.). mya ngan SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST trouble, misery, affliction; mya ngan gyis gdung ste afflicted by sorrow; mya ngan ci yang med without any uneasiness whatever; mya ngan byed pa to lament, to wail. mya ngan sel SANST [remover of griefs, consoling]S. mya ngan bsang ba SANST [alleviating griefs, consoling]S. mya ngan bsal the time of mourning is at an end. Syn. sdug bsngal ; sdug po ; sems gYengs ; yid mi bde ; gdung ba ; yin nang chud (Moon.). mya ngan med or mya ngan med pa 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST free from misery, sorrows and sufferings. 2. a n. of Asoka, the Buddhist emperor of India; 3. and hence, also = the tree of that name in India. mya ngan 'tshang free from misery; SANST the Asoka tree belonging to the leguminous class, with magnificent red flowers. mya ngan las 'das pa chen po'i mdo SANST a separate section of the Kahgyur encylopúdia in two volumes relating to the passage of Sakyamuni Buddha out from this world into Nirvana, his obsequies, and the general mourning for his demise. Is known briefly as the Myao-hdas. mya ngam SANST a fearful sandy desert. mya ngam gyi snig rgyu SANST mirage; mya ngam thang SANST a desert. mya ngam byed SANST bud; a hell. myags pa = rul ba putrid, decomposed; to cause putrification; Sch. has myag pa to chew, pf. myags . myags par byed pa = myag pa ; rul can myags pa decomposed, putrified (J‰.). myang 'das or mya ngan las 'das pa SANST, the Tibetan synonym for Nirvana, the state of existence which is not only free from misery, sufferings and sorrow, but which is also void of all feelings and sensations whatever whether delightful or loving or virtuous. But later Buddhism, apparently shrinking from the awful nothingness of the orthodox definition of Nirvana, has occasionally endeavoured to assimilate Nirvana to Jewish and Christian ideas, making myang 'das equivalent to mtho ris gnas or paradise, the state of the dge legs righteous (Moon.). So, too, we read:- mya ngan 'das pa zhi ba bde ba'i mchog|rnam rtog bdag tu 'dzin dang nyon mongs med|ngan song gsum sogs bkres skom grang dro dang |skye rga na 'chi la sogs sdug bsngal med|'khor ba mi rtag sdug bsngal gtan zad nas|las su gzhan don 'ba' zhig od byed cing |mthu dang rdzu 'phrul bsam gyis mi khyab po the state of Nirvana is supreme peace and bliss; it is freedom from illusive thoughts, egotism, and sufferings; there is nothing of the three states of the damned, the sensations of heat and cold or hunger and thirst in it. Misery and transient transmigration having been exhausted, the emancipated one works for the good of others and achieves miracles inconceivably great. (K. d. ma, 336). The states of Nirvana have been differentiated: (1) phung po lhag ma dang bcas pa'i mya ngan las 'das pa SANST [conditional Nirvana]S. (2) phung po lhag ma med pa'i mya ngan las 'das pa SANST [unconditional perfect Nirvana]S.; (3) mi gnas pa'i mya ngan las 'das pa SANST [unlocalised Nirvana, i.e., the state in which the limitations of time and space vanish away]S. Syn. thar ba ; thar ba ; 'chi med ; rdul bral ; don dam (Moon.). myang 'das mchod rten v. mchod rten 3 1. n. of the chorten or caitya built on the site of Gautama Buddha's death and cremation. 2. the style of caitya-tombs built after that caitya. (EEE The original reads "v. chod rten ", but the transliteration gives mchod-rten, which is the accepted spelling, and so the Tibetan has accordingly been modified here.) myang ba v. myong ba 3 SANST, SANST, SANST to taste; tasteful: myang bar 'dod pa wishing to taste; myang bya SANST as met. = the tongue. myang rtsi n. of an officinal plant: myang rtsi spras kyi chu 'thung rims tshad sel . myang ral n. of a village situated towards the west of Sera monastery (Loo. za, 20). myang ro n. of a village in Tsang (Deb. ga, 8). myangs SANST [united]S. myad pa the older form of the word mad pa = gdan pa truth. mying the older form of the word ming name. myu gu or myug = zhal lu SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST [1. reed, rush, flag [sprout, coral]S. an erroneous form of smyu gu 3. 2. relations, particularly those who are of the same blood. myu gu gsar SANST [1. a new shoot or spring. 2. the plantain tree or banana tree]S. myu gu'i tshal a grove of reeds. myug pa or myug myug pa 1. mgo gug tsam byed pa to slightly bend the head. 2. to run, roam, stroll about (Sch.). 3. to show ostentatiously, to boast about v. dmyug pa 3 (Cs.). myur ba 1. to hurry by, to pass on swiftly: dus myur ba time quickly runs away. 2. adv. quickly, also myur ba myur ba = phral phral du very quickly, in colloq. lam sang at once, without delay; myur myur ba seng ge tshang du 'gro ba byed do the lion goes to its den very quickly. myur ba'i 'bru SANST [SANST? music, a particular note]S. myur skyob 'jig rten she who quickly protects the world, an epithet of the goddess Dolma (Moon.). myur du adv. quickly, speedily, soon; myar du 'gro ba to go quickly; ci myur as speedily as possible. myur du btsa' rtags symptoms of immediate parturition (J‰.). myur ma = gar mkhan ma a dancing woman (Moon.). myur tsam SANST, SANST, SANST quick [wavering, quickening]S. myul ba (nyams len pa'i phyir 'khyams 'gro ba ) to roam about, to do the work of espionage, to examine closely, to search into, to scrutinize. rgyal khams myul ba to explore (a country). myo ba v. smyo ba 3. myong ba pf. myangs , fut. myang 1. SANST to enjoy, to taste, perceive; to lick; to undergo; bro ba myong ba to taste; mthong myong ba to have seen before; thos myong ba to have heard before; myong bar byed pa to feel; myong bar byed do enjoyed, causes to enjoy; myang bas zhim po tshor nas perceiving the relish by tasting; ro myong ba to relish, to enjoy the flavour; mtho ris kyi longs od myong ba to enjoy the bliss of paradise; khyod chos kyi zas myong bar bya'o I shall make thee enjoy the food of religion; sdug bsngal myong ba to taste distress, to get into trouble; gnas skabs gzhan du myong bar 'gyur ba'i las rnams works which cause one to undergo another state of existance (Thgy.); rang gi byas pa rang gi myong ba yin your own doings are your own sufferings (J‰.). 2. is an auxil. of the pf. like byung ; btsal ma myong I have never yet sought; mthong ma myong I have never yet seen; sngar 'gro myong ba 'phral skad shes pa one who had gone there before and is acquainted with the language of the people (A. 67); myong ba than thun or myong ba sna zin having experienced, having perceived (gen. by mystic meditation). myon ham can a vain conceited person who pretends to know much more than he really is acquainted with. myos SANST, SANST, SANST excitement, loss of control, sensual intoxication [a kind of grass, Poa cynosuroides; the wood of the Ficus religiosa used for kindling fire by attrition]S. myos pa = chang gis bzi ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST to become intoxicated, intoxication from wine, to be maddened, become demented: snying myos pas myo 'dug being deranged, he is demented (Moon.). myos pa'i ca co noise made by intoxicated persons. myos pa'i phreng ldan ma (bud med 'dod ldan ma ) an excited indecent woman (Moon.). myos pa'i mtshan ma that which excites lust, i.e., musk (Moon.). myos bum can as met. = an elephant (Moon.). myos byed 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST Kamadeva, wine, intoxicator; a cloud. 2. the number thirteen (Rtsii.). myos byed khang pa , chang 'tshong ma'i khyim or chang khang wine-selling woman's house, a brothel (Moon.); myos byed 'khri shing SANST the penis; myos byed lcags kyu SANST id.; myos byed 'bring SANST the male organ or sex; an intoxicator, a drunken man. myos byed 'tshong = chang tshong ma a wine-selling woman; myos ma a youthful girl, a damsel = bu mo dar ma ; myos gsal ma a youthful, accomplished woman (Moon.). dmag 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, troops, army, soldiers; rkang dmag infantry; rta dmag cavalry; yul dmag a sort of militia or reserve who in Tibet are occasionally mustered; dmag mi a soldier, v. frq. dmag gi yan lag bzhi SANST the four kinds of troops: glang SANST elephant, shing rta SANST chariots, rkang thang SANST infantry, rta dmag SANST cavalry (Moon.). dmag gi gtam SANST talk of war or fighting; dmag gi sngon du rgyu ba pioneer force, or scouts of an army; dmag gi rjes su 'brang ba ally or follower in war; dmag chas ammunition, equipment. dmag sde chen po sde gcig SANST; an army consisting of the following:- 10,000 elephants, 30,000 chariots, 100,000 warriors, 1,000,000 cavalry, 36,000,000 infantry (Yao-ti. 18). dmag sde chen po rnam grangs acc. to a Kalachakra writer the following is the enumeration of forces: brti = rta pa bye ba dgu dang |rkang thang dung phyur gcig dang bye ba lnga ; three SANST Patti = a Senamukha (SANST); three Senamukha = one Gulma (SANST); three Gulma = a Gana (SANST); three Gana = one Vahini (SANST); three Vahini = one Ppitana (SANST); three Ppitana = one Camu (SANST); three Camu = one Anikini (SANST); ten Anikini make one Akrauhini (SANST); this last includes an army of elephants and chariots numbering 21,870. (Dus-ye. 343). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "dmag-sde chen-pohi rnam-grangs" or dmag sde chen po'i rnam grangs which is correct and has the same meaning as the other spelling.) dmag dpung SANST, SANST, troops, army; also dmag tshogs id. Syn. dmag tshogs ; ru pa ; dpung tshogs ; dmag ; dpung ; dpung gi dkyil 'khor ; dmag gi 'dzigs ; yan lag bzhi pa'i sde (Moon.). dmag dpon SANST, SANST general, commander. Syn. dmag gi 'dren pa ; ral gri'i gnyen ; ral gri'i rgyun 'dzin ; dmag gi 'go pa ; dpung gi khyu mchog ; sde'i gtso bo ; dpung gi mgon po (Moon.). dmag rum = mun pa thibs pa darkness: khams sum mun pa'i dmag rum sel mdzad pa the destroyer of the darkness of the three worlds. (Yig. 9). dma' or dma' ba , adj. low, short; mean, humble, inferior. sa cha dma' ba low place, rigs dma' ba low status; rig pa dma' ba inferior intelligence or intellect; blo gros dma' ba mean in mind. dbus dma' mtha' gnyis mtho na if (in pregnancy) the middle parts of the body are low and the sides high (J‰.); sbst. lowness. Also, as vb., dma' ba with pf. dams , = to be low, degraded, inferior. dma' dma' 'byung ba to fall lower and lower; chang zas dma' ba'i dus su in times of scarcity, when eating and drinking is low (Pth.); W. dma' 'bebs pa dishonour, profane, to humiliate. dma' skyab the protector of the humble, a king (Moon.); dma' 'dod inclination to go down, tendency to meanness. dmangs = phal pa the populace, mob, common folk; dmangs ming can id. dmangs chang beer that is given to the common people at entertainments (Rtsii.). dmangs kyi ston mo a banquet or treat for the public; dmangs phal pa the vulgar, of the common people; one of the common people; dmangs 'dul gnas = grong khyer a town or city (Moon.); dmangs mo SANST a woman of low caste; dmangs rigs SANST, SANST the lowest class or caste in India, people of degraded rank in Tibet. dmd abuse, cursing. dman SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST vulgar, mean, inferior, of the lowest order or quality. dman is even sometimes used for skye dman a woman, common in colloq. as "kyemen"; dman chung ba'i rigs the class of young woman (Yig. 56). dman pa low, in reference to quantity or quality, little; dman lhag log either too little, or too much, or badly constituted; bsod nams dman pa having few merits; blo dman pa having little sense (Glr.); dman chung = lang tsho ma a young girl (Yig. 87). dman pa'i rigs SANST the lowest people in India who are very wild and fierce; dman ma = rnying pa old, stale, not fresh: bcom ldan 'das la phul ba yi , me tog dman ma re re la to each withered flower that was offered to the Blessed One (K. g. pa, 290). dman mdzes ma a beautiful woman; dman shar a maiden, a growing girl. dmar 1. one of the thirty-six border countries of India (Ya-sel. 38). 2. profit, gain, good success; dmar chung a small profit (Mil.). dmar po I: adj. successful: thugs dam dmar po byung ngam did it go on well with your meditation, instruction, dmar khrid finishing instruction in religion, and in medical science (J‰.). II: red; mdog dmar red coloured; dmar po rgya mtsho the red ocean, the colour of its water being red for many thousand miles it is so called (K. d. 343); dmar po rwa can as met. = donkey (Moon.); dmar po srin skyes SANST, SANST, a red dye produced by an insect, Amyris agalloch. dmar ba red or sbst. redness: dmar ba'i an red eyes; sna dmar ba red nose. dmar khe pa a butcher, executioner (Mgyur. 246); dmar khra red stripes, as painted on Red-hat monasteries; dmar grum , gdan grum ze dmar po square piece of red coloured rug (Rtsii.); dmar rgyan piece of raw-meat in Tantrik offerings made to spirits (Rtsii.); dmar ljang greenish red; dmar rjen naked; dmar cham myur po fresh baked cakes the natural colour of which has not been changed (Jig. 29); dmar mdangs brightness, ruddy complexion. dmar sdor (thug sha dang tshigs skabs kyi sha ) minced meat or meat for broth (Rtsii.); dmar mo red, also red cow; dmar smyug blackish-red; dmar mtshan footnotes written in red ink; deb la mar mtshan 'bebs notes in a book written in red (Rtsii.); dmar 'tshod copper-coloured, dmar zang scarlet-red; dmar yol red china ware as opp. to dkar yol ; dmar rung pa adj. naked, also a naked person, frq. dmar ru mgo nag SANST [a small shrub, Abrus precatorius bearing a red and black berry, which forms the smallest of jewellers' weights]S.; dmar bshal dysentery, bloody flux (J‰.). dmar ser (1) nyi ma'i 'khor the disk of the sun, also the halo surrounding the sun (Moon.); (2) reddish yellow, honey-coloured: dmar ser mig SANST the lion-eyed. zhwa dmar pa a monk of a red-hat sect. dmig pa 1. Lex. and Cs. a hole. 2. kind of lizard, also the pangolin: de yis ro tsa 'phel|dmig bu'i sha srin nad dug la phan . Also dmig bu or skya leb a kind of worm, i.e., "insect which has no wings" (Rtsii.). dmigs SANST, SANST, SANST 1. imagination, frame of mind, the mind on one point. dmigs kyis dbye ba SANST discernment; dmigs can ingenious, skilful in contriving W. 2. sbst. SANST, SANST, SANST [consciousness, idea, attainment, perception, acceptance]S. dmigs gtad object on which a mystic concentrates his vision or his mind in order to induce meditation; sometimes the object is a thing actually before him, sometimes a mental object, sometimes purely fanciful or impossible as the horn on a hare's head or the child of a barren woman. A meditator who can become absorbed without any such assistance has reached a high state of proficiency, v. Mil. ka 82, b. 2. Sometimes erroneously dmigs ste . dmigs ston pa or dmigs pa zhig ston pa to give an idea of, to make a suggestion. dmigs pa 1. as vb. to fancy, to imagine, to construe in one's mind. don dmigs pa to intend a benefit or profit for another person (J‰.). 2. sbst. thought, idea, fancy SANST; dmigs pa'i rten prob. a thing only supposed, an object imagined (Thgr.). dmigs pa med pa'i snying rje in Mil. is acc. to J‰.: the pity which the accomplished saint, who has found everything even religion to be vain and empty, feels towards all other beings, in as far as they are still subject to error and mistakes, opp. to sems can la dmigs pa'i snying rje and chos la dmigs pa'i snying rje the tender sympathies called forth by the sight of beings that are really suffering and of those defective in morality; dmigs thams cad brjed nas forgetful of all the beautiful fancies, schemes, and airy notions. dmigs pa las 'das pa|bsam pa'i yul las 'das pa beyond the range of thought or imagination; dmigs pa'i smra SANST excration, reviling; dmigs bu , long khrid pa SANST a support, gen. a blind man's leader (Dzl.). dmigs med SANST independent, not depending: gmigs med tsong kha pa Tsongkhapa who was free from all worldly obstacles, i.e., perfectly independent, in which sense all Bodhisattva are independent. dmigs 'dzin dependent, depending on a support. dmigs gsal or dmigs kyi gsal clear to the mind: sger du byed 'os kyi dmigs gsal byung na ma gtogs unless it is clear that the work should be done privately or confidentially (D. Shel. 12). dmu or dmu rgod 1. n. of the earliest tribe of Tibet, the men who first inhabited Tibet (J. Zao.). 2. a malignant spirit, a kind of evil-demon that causes dropsy in those on whom his malignant eye falls; one of the nine spirits called 'gong po : 'od srung bzhi po 'di dag ni byang chub sems dpa' dmu rgod do O, Kasyapa these four are the spirits which trouble the Bodhisattva (K. ko. cha, 213); ma 'ongs pa na sems can dmu rgod dad pa in time to come even beings like Dmu-rgod will have faith in Buddhism (Hbrom. 2). dmu chu SANST dropsy; which is brought on by evil demons; dmu chu can one who is suffering from dropsy. dmu mdo demon of the disease of dropsy etc. (Rtsii.); dmu rdzing can SANST dropsy, dropsical. dmun pa = blun po SANST an idiot; also, acc. to J‰., darkened, obscured. dmur ba v. mur ba 3. dmul ba v. 'dzum pa 3. dmus long = long ba SANST one who is born blind: mig stong ldan pa'ang dmus long lta bur byas (J. Zao.). dme ba = btsog pa v. rme ba 3. dmod pa 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST cursing, subduing. vb. (acc. to Cs.) to curse, execrate, accurse; dmod pa byed pa sbst. imprecation, execration, malediction; drang srong gis dmod pa bor ba'i lo bcu gnyis the twelve years on which a curse had been pronounced by the saint (Dzl.). 2. to swear, to affirm, to confirm a treaty by an oath (J‰.). 3. to address a prayer of conjuration, lha la to the deity (Glr.). dmod mo (opp. to snon lam ) malediction: bdud kyi dmod mo dbang che yang although a devil's malediction is very potent (D.R.). dmod tshod SANST abuse, insults. dmyal ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. hell, purgatory, perdition; dmyal bar 'gro going to hell; tsha dmyal brgyad the eight hot hells; grang dmyal brgyad the eight cold hells. nye 'khol ba'i dmyal SANST the hells of preliminary or lighter punishment which are situated in the neighbourhood of the greater hells:- tsha dmyal gyi mtha' skor du me mur gyi 'obs dang | fire-trench situated round the hot hells; ro myogs kyi 'dam| the mire of putrid corpses; spu gris gtams pa'i tshal| the forest of razors; ral gri lo ma'i nags tshal| the wood of swords; lcags kyi shal ma li| the iron-bristle trees; chu klung rab med sogs the river Vaitarani the fordless Styx, &c.; nyi tshe nye 'khor ba'i dmyal ba hell of temporary punishment which does not last more than a day. 2. vb. to cut up, to cut into pieces, meat at dinner (Dzl.). dmyug pa to show; dmyug dmyug pa or dmyug pa byed pa to show repeatedly, to boast (J‰. and Cs.). dmyugs pa to drain off: nya rgyas nya steng du bston pa . to sift out fish with a fishing net (Oag. 53). rma I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST wound, a scar, a kind of leprosy with red spots and insensibility of the skin: nga la rma byung I was wounded or I have got a wound; rma gso ba to heal a wound; rma'i lha ba a wound growing worse. rma skyes SANST pus, matter; also blood; rma rjes scar, cicatrix; rma rnying an old wound; rma snan or rma rtsi medicine or salve for a wound; rma nad SANST sores and ulcers: rma-nad are of two kinds (1) lhan skyes constitutional such as gzhang 'brum piles, me-dbal, sur ya , rmen bu , rlig rlug , rkang 'bam , mtshan par rdol ba ; (2) those which one contracts from accidental causes klo bur rkyen . rma mtshan scar; rma ro scurf, scab; rma las 'bab pa = khrag blood (Moon.); rma shu a festering, suppurating wound; rma shul scar; rma'i than skor SANST the cleansing or dressing of a sore. II: sometimes signifies beauty, good luck, etc. rma bya can SANST verdure, green, a meadow. rma bya (prob. Mabja) 1. n. of a large village situated to the South West of the district of Saskya visited by Sarat Chandra Das in 1882. rma bya myong ba'i seng ge n. of a Lama of learning who belonged to Mabya (Loo. za, 3). 2. lit. the mottled or spotted bird, the peacock, commonly called SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, S. Lex. rma byi mgrin n. of a gem; rma bya'i rgyal mtshan can SANST 'symbolized by a peacock,' an epithet of Durga (Moon.); rma bya'i mjug a peacock's tail; rma bya gtsug SANST a peacock's crest. rma bya'i 'tsho ba (lit. the food of the peacock = btsan dug hemlock (Sman. 427). rma bya'i tshogs zhes bya ba'i ri a fabulous mountain said to exist in the continent of Purva Videha, the people of which possess blue necks (K. d. ra, 338). A mixture of rma bya'i mkhris pa the peacock's bile with the juice of Bhrio-gi raja cooked in cow's butter when taken through the nose will change the colour of the hair to deep black (K. g. ca, 48). Syn. sgeg ldan ; mgrin sngon ; gtsug phud can ; mjug sgro can ; legs bris sgro ; rab gYo ; gar mkhan ; 'brug sgra'i gar ; rgya mtsho skyes ; rna rgyan can ; shing la rtse ; brtan pa dregs ; sar 'gro ; bkra ba'i 'og pags can ; mdongs ldan ; 'brug sgra'i rjes ; (sgeg or snyeg ); mdongs mtha' can ; sen mo'i gar ; gtsug ldan ; sprin la dga' ; 'brug sgras mngal 'dzin ; lag 'gro za ; sprin gyi sgeg ; 'dab brgya pa (Moon.). rma bya chen po SANST n. of a deity (Dom.); one of the five tutelar deities of the Buddhists; n. of Tantrik work glorifying the goddess Mahamayuri. rma khams or smrar khams n. of a petty state included in Khams (Yig. k. 18-28). rma chu n. of the great river of N. E. Tibet which, rising in various ranges S. W. of Barong Tsaidam and Shang, flows past skar ma thang lake and skya rengs and then making a detour round the mountain of spom ra flows due east keeping some 40 miles to the south of lake Kokonor; whence entering the province of Kansu it becomes the Hoagho or Yellow River of China. A Tibetan author says it is called Kathan-gol in Mongolian, the Tibetan equivalent of which term is btsun mo klung the river in which a certain queen had drowned herself (Dsam. 32). rma chen spom ra n. of the great genius of the gzhi bdag class, the lord of the peacocks, who resides in the snowy mountain of spom ra of the province of Amdo. rma tsho kun gzhi one of the Tibetan pupils of Atisa: dge 'dun rma tsho kun gzhi 'di nged kyi yin pas (A. 16). rmang 1. (khang pa'i gzhi ) ground, base, foundation; rmang 'ding ba to lay foundation of a house etc.; rmang rdo the foundation stone. 2. a dream: rmang lam = rmi lam dream, vision; gsol ba btab pas rmang lam du bi kra ma shI la'i drung na having presented his request, in a dream he saw the front of Vikramasila (A. 69). rmang rmang = gzhi gzhi also implies so sor different (Hbrom. 131). rmang tsher also snar tsher 1. pincers (generally made of silver or iron) to pluck out hair; acc. to Cs. instrument for cleansing the nostrils. 2. a rake (Sch.). rmad = mchog excellent, very good. rmad byung or rmad du byung ba become excellent, marvellous, admirable, grown excellent: bskal bzang rmad du byung ba dus kyi char 'dir in this portion of the marvellous age (Yig. k. 2); ngo mtshar rmad du 'gyur ba to wonder, to be surprised at (J‰.); 'di kun ngo bos stong pa dang |'di las ngo mtshar gyur pa dang |'di las rmad du byung ba gang all these are in their nature voidówhat is more wonderful than this and what can be more sublime! (Lam-rim). rmad du byung ba'i sde the orders or classes of Buddhist dignitaries such as Sravaka, Bodhisattva, etc. (J. Zao). rman pa wounded. rmar snyung n. of a section in the monastery of Sera (ser snad kyi khams tshan (Loo. za, 17). rmas pa + 1. = dris pa to ask, to inquire. 2. mention is sometimes made of a verb rma ba with pf. rmas to wound. rmas ma an animal that has been wounded but not killed. rmi ba pf. rmis to dream. rmi lam (resp. mnal lam ) SANST a dream; rmi lam lta bu SANST vision-like, to see in a dream; rmi lam na rmis pa SANST dreamed in a dream; rmi lam med pa SANST dreamless; rmi lam za zi a troubled dream; rma lam mthong ba = rmi ba to dream; rmi lam bshad pa to interpret dreams (Cs.); rmi lam mthong ba'i gzungs n. of a dharani on dreams (K. g. cha, 56); rmi lam mi bzang ba a portentous ill-boding dream (S. g.). rmig pa SANST the hoof of an animal: rmig pa kha brag rmig brag a cloven hoof; rmig pa khra brag can cloven-footed; rta rmig a horse's hoof; rta rmig ma a silver ingot shaped as a hoof ( = 130 rupees); gYag rmig a yak's hoof; rmig lcags horse-shoe; rmig zlum an undivided hoof; rmig gzer horse-shoe nail, hob-nail. rmigs pa lizard of a small kind (J‰.). rming = rmang 3 (J‰.). rmu = dmu 3. rmu rgod pa the lowest class of people in ancient Tibet. rmu thag 1. a cord to which little flags are attached on roofs of convents, houses etc. 2. a rope by which the ancient kings and queens of Tibet were reputed to ascend into heaven there to live with their ancestors. rmu li a place in Kham province (Loo. 17). rmug pa pf. rmugs pa 1. to bite; occasionally used with so the tooth: khyis kho la so rmugs song the dog bit him. 2. to sting, of bees, etc. W.; to gall, e.g. the feet by friction of the shoes W. 3. to bark in W. (J‰.). rmugs pa rarely rmu pa 1. a dense fog: rmugs pa'i na bun id.; rmugs pa can foggy; nyin mtshan du yul rmugs pa the place is foggy day and night. 2. befogged mentally, stupid, inert, languid, sluggish; yid rmugs pa depressed and melancholy (Hbrom. kha, 22); rmugs thib pa dense fog covering, enveloping. rmugs 'dzin SANST 'the chief of waters,' the sea, that holds the vapours. rmur ba to growl and bite each other as dogs do. rme ba (lus kyi ) also dme pa sbst. spot, speck, mark, a natural mark as a mole, birth-mark; any blemish or impurity: rme gtsang med or gtsang rme med making no difference as to clean or unclean food (Mil.); rme grib moral defilement; adj., rme po stained, defiled, mouldy, spotted; rme'u zan unclean food: brgya ma lan gcig gi rme'u zan de kha na khyis khyer ba zer ro (Behu. 67). rme bad n. of a very old monastery in Lhasa in front of which a stone monolith was erected bearing the inscription of a treaty between the king of Tibet khri ral pa can and the Emperor of China (J. Zao.). rme ru n. of an ancient monastery in the N. E. quarter of the city of Lhasa. rmeg pa + = rtsa ba root, also = gtan order, series, row; rmeg med pa = gtan med pa disorder, not regulated; bstan pa rmeg par gyur la the religion became disorganized (J. Zao.). rmed (rta sga'i rmed ) crupper attached to a saddle. rmed pa pf. rmes 1. = gtam dri ba to ask, to inquire: bod na nor gyi bdag po lta bu yod ces bka' rmed pa na if you asked if there are rich people in Tibet. 2. SANST, to plough and sow: rmed du 'jug pa to cause to be ploughed and sown (J‰.). 3. to study. rmen ngan + = ltas ngan bad sign, ill-omen, foreboding. rmen pa or rmen bu = sha ro chags (A. 44) a goitre; also an induration caused by a sore or wound: phyag gis sub byas pas rmen pa yang med par gsos pa rmis he dreamt that by simply having covered it with the hand the induration was healed (A. 44). rmen bu'i nad an indurate sore or ulcer or a swelling on the skin. rmel ba or snel ba 1. to pluck out; bal rmel ba = bal khel ba to pluck out hair. 2. to summon, to call, to invite. rmo ba SANST, pf. and imp. rmos , to plough: zhing rmo ba to plough fields; ma rmos pa'i lo tog a fabulous kind of grain in the mythological age said to grow without cultivation; also, maize. rmo mkhan ploughman. rmo ma 1. = rgan mo an old woman. 2. SANST father's mother. rmo yas 1. SANST n. of a number. 2. steel helmet; also, perhaps, full coat of mail (Moon.). rmog = go cha or go khrab a helmet; khrab rmog coat of mail and helmet (J‰.). Syn. rmog thur ; tshem zhu ; rmog zhu ; dmag zhwa (Moon.). rmog cog n. of a place in Tibet (Loo. za, 32). rmog brtsegs ma n. of a heretical sect (Ya-sel. 45). rmong ba ( = ma khom pa ) pf. rmongs 1. to be obscured; also, as subs. obscurity, chiefly in spiritual sense; blo ma rmongs pa or rmongs med a mind lively, unimpaired; kun tu rmong shes che ba general obscuration of mind; rmongs par 'gyur ba to become obscured, darkened; rmong bar byed pa to obscure, to darken, also to confound, perplex. 2. to be puzzled; to become dizzy. rmang chen po'i khang pa SANST [a refuge of utmost ignorance or delusion]S. rmong spu hair of the abdomen and the pudenda: ra thug rmong spus lhog pa 'joms the belly-hair of a he-goat heals cancer. rmongs = 'khrig pa copulation (Moon.). rmongs pa I: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. a fool, stupid person, ignorant or untrained person. rmongs brtul = blun po fool, idiot. 2. adj. obscured, stultified (Stg.). Syn. blun po ; glen pa ; lug ltar lgugs pa ; ma shes pa ; ma bslabs pa ; mi mtshon pa ; mi rig pa ; mun pa ; ldongs pa (Moon.). II: = rmongs pa SANST delusion: kun rmongs SANST [confusion, ignorance, alarm]S.; ngan rmongs SANST, SANST stupid, deceitful (A.K. 1-14). rnams rmongs te SANST enticed, infatuated, fascinated. rmongs pa'i grogs po = gnyid log 'dod pa desire to sleep, falling asleep (Moon.). rmod sngags = dmod sngags or ngan byed kyi sngags charms for causing mischief to others. rmod pa to plough: rmod glang a ploughing ox; rmod lam furrow (Sch.). rmon pa 1. the act of ploughing. rmon pa rgyab pa to plough (Cs.). 2. a plough-ox; rmon dor or rmon pa dor SANST a yoke of oxen. rmyang ba or rmyeng ba to bend towards; to stretch one's self, to stretch forward the neck as if to hear anybody speaking or whispering: bya rmyang byed pa to stretch, to yawn (Cs.). rmya ba + 1. sickness, nausea; khams rmya nausea (Lex.). 2. = nyams pa to degenerate, grow worse, decay. sna = dma' ; sna 'bebs pa to humiliate, cast down, humble; sna 'bebs tshig SANST a humiliating word or phrase expressing an insult. sna khams = snar khams n. of a district where a Jong-pon from Lhasa with the designation Ma-kham thal-chi holds office (Loo. 'a, 5). sna ra = kha'i spu SANST beard; sna ra can bearded; sna ra nyung scanty beard. sna sa SANST [suitable]S. snag a sort of medicine of an astringent taste; snag rgyu black pepper. snag rum = snan nag SANST dark, darkness; to keep up or light a lamp in darkness: snag la sgron me bteg pa (Situ.); mun pa'i snag rum dense gloom. snad 1. that which is lower than some other place or thing; a comparative adj.: the loweróusually opp. to stod the upper; both terms being often attached to place-name to differentiate two near localities, e.g., Jang-stod upper Jang and Jang-smad lower Jang. snad la downwards, lus kyi snad the lower part of the human body. snad zhing che ba stretching forth the lower parts. lus snad lnga sa la gtug pa to bring the five lower parts of the body, the belly, the knees, and the points of the feet in close contact with the ground, i.e., to prostrate one's self (J‰.). 2. with regard to time the latter part, the second half, of the night. 3. children, in relation to their mother gen. preceded by ma or bu thus: nged ma snad I and my mother (Mil.); rgan mo ma snad gsum the old woman with her (two) sons, three; also of animals: rgod ma ma snad gnyis the mare and her foal, the two (Dzl.); nad pa de'i bu snad the sick man's family; bu snad rnams my wife and children (J‰.). snad rgyas ma = bud med mchog a woman in full sense (Moon.). snad 'chal degradation, shamelessness, prostitution; snad 'chal byed pa to indulge in dissolute habits, to practise smad hchal. snad 'dogs a subscribed letter, the letters ya , ra , la and wa are subjoined as in kya , kra , kla , kwa (Situ.). snad 'tshong ma SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a prostitute, harlot, a self-willed or unchaste woman. snad 'tshong ma'i gnas a prostitute's house, a brothel. Syn. thun mong bud med ; rtags can ma ; 'byon ma ; gYel ma ; ngan rol ma ; res ma ; 'dod od ma ; 'dod pas rtsen ma ; gzugs 'tshong ma ; sbyor byed ma ; tshogs can ma (Moon.). snad 'tshong ma'i gtso mo a chief courtezan. Syn. skye bo'i tshogs can ; res ma'i gtso ; grong pa'i chos ldan ; lcug ldan ; gzugs kyi snye ma ; lus bsgy ur ma ; skye bos bskur ma ; 'dod pa'i kha lo ba (Moon.). snad gYogs nether integuments, breeches, trowsers; snad gos under-garments, snad dkris snad sham lower garments, petticoats. snad pa I: or snad pa'i tshig blame, reproof, reproach, disgrace, contempt. Syn. phyin ci log brjod ; log 'dren tshig ; log smra ; log sgrub ; skur pa 'debs ; gshe ba ; snod pa ; brgyad bkag ; mtshang rgod ; 'phya tshig ; skyon brjod pa (Moon.). II: vb. to lower, make low: gdong snad pa to lower one's eyes, to be abashed; sems snad pa to humble one's self; thugs snad pa to be lowly, meek (Dzl.): ma ga Z nyams snad pa'i tshe when Magadha had been brought low, had decayed in its prosperity. 2. to abuse, revile; to blame, to chide: tshig ngar bas 'phags pa la (to abuse) the venerable man with base words; dkon mchog gi dbu 'phang (to degrade) the highness of the excellent, to blaspheme the doctrine (Glr.). 3. to dishonour, violate, ravish: bu mo'i lus (Pth.). snad ra abuse, reviling language: snad ra ma gtong do not slander or blaspheme. snad rigs low or inferior class, lower race. snad 'dul the regulations of the Dul-wa (Vinaya) as observed in Kham-Amdo and introduced from there into Tsang and ‹ by Lama Lo-chen, sometime after Buddhism had been suppressed in Tibet Proper. stod 'dul the regulations of the Vinaya as introduced by the Kashmirian pandit Sakya-Sri into Tibet, having come from upper Tibet, i.e., the Ladak side (Yig. 3). snad mdo khams spang drug the really only five districts of the lower Do-Kham province: skyu ra , rab , spo 'bor , dmar tsha sgang , and zal mo sgang : sngan snad mdo khams sgang drug la bya rnams ma gtogs med pa'i bya yi yul zer anciently there being nothing other than birds in lower Khams-Sgao-drug, it was called Bya-yul or the land of birds (Jig. 4). snan I: benefit, use, good (resp. of phan pa ) bstan dang 'gro la snan pa'i ched for the good of religion and living beings; snan brtags pa = phan 'dogs to be useful. Sch. has: snan sems a beneficent mind, a mind intent on doing good. II: SANST, SANST the common term for: medicine, physic, drug: ri'i snan 'thu ba to gather medicine plants on the mountains (v. Huc's Travels, vol. 2). sngo snan vegetable medicine.óthung snan liquid medicine, etc.ókhong snan medicine take internally;órin chen snan metallic and organic drugs: gser , dngul , zangs , lcags , gYu , mu tig , nya lcibs , dung , byu ru , mu men &c.órdo'i snan medicinal stones, snug po spal rgyab , dkar po spal rgyab , rdo dkar chig thub gangs thig , khab len pa , be snabs , mnya dzir etc.ósa snan mineral medicine such as soda, salt, saltpetre, sulphur, etc.; shing snan barks, roots, medicinal herbs, leaves and fruits. rtsi snan medicinal oil, lard; skyug snan emetic; zhi snan soporific potion; bshal snan purgative. srog chags snan animal medicine, &c. lde gu electuary, syrup; snan bkus te bor ba SANST a medicine well purified. snan sna different medicines, also various spices mixed up together; snan khrog medicinal ingredients not yet pounded or mixed up (Rtsii.). snan gyi bya ba the effect of medicine; snan gyi sbyor sde medicinal compounds; thang decoction; phye ma powder; ril bu pills lde gu syrup, snan mar ; thal snan liquid mixture; snan chang tincture or wine; rin po che'i sbyor ba sulphates or carbonates of metallic medicines. snan sku an image made of the six medicinal metals, namely, gold, silver, copper, iron, brass and zinc (Rtsii.). snan gyi ljongs a country rich in medicine is plants; is used as met. for Tibet. snan rta the vehicle in which medicine is taken: snan rta gsum the three vehicles which are two kinds of molasses and sugar; bu ram dkar snug rlung sel ba'i rta white and brown molasses are the vehicles of removing flatulence. snan dbang or snan gyi dbang po SANST met. = the moon believed to be the presiding deity of officinal plants. snan bla SANST; Man-la the Buddha presiding over the healing art; who is often figured in temples and who at Lhasa is the presiding deity of a famous medical college built on the Chagpo Ri in the south-west suburbs of the city. His analogue with the Mongols is styled Otochi. snan bla'i mdo rgyas bsdus two Sutra of the Bhai-shajya guru one abbreviated and the other extended (K. g. tha, 433). snan rtse incorrect spelling of mang tse a kind of yellow silk scarf, with red spots impressed on it, manufactured in China (Rtsii.). snan yug = snan rtse'i yug a roll of man-tse scarf. snan tshos a kind of dye (Jig. 14). snar or snar kyang ready money, cash; zong min snar money and not goods. snar khams = snar 'degs , anything fried or preserved in butter; nya skam snar 'degs dried fish preserved or cooked in oil (Rtsii.). snal po = skar ma mgo SANST (Moon.) [lit. "deer-head," the fifth star]S. sni gu (old Tibetan) = smyi gu a reed-pen. snig rgyu SANST mirage, visionary illusion, reflection. Syn. gya gyu'i ri mo gYo ba'i 'od ; khrag khrig snang ba rgyang ring chu ; ri ags sred skyed 'chir 'jug pa ; bar snang chu rlabs (Moon.). snig bu small lizard v. rmigs pa 3 (J‰.). snig ma or smyig ma = smyug ma reed; bamboo. snin dkyus = mig gi rdzi ma SANST (Moon.) the outer corner of the eye. snin 'khyog ma = bud med gtum mo (Moon.). a fierce, frowning, fretful woman. snin grol la or snin grol gyi lam la 'god pa to lead to conversion and salvation (Glr.); rnam par snin pa SANST v. rnam pa 3 (J‰.). snin grol gling the monastery of Mindoling, a famous establishment the head-quarters of the Dukpa and Dzogchen sects, situated 35 miles N. E. of Lake Yamdok and 8m. S. of the Tsangpo. The constitution of this monastery is peculiar. It has two head lamas, one of whom is vowed to celibacy and rules the monks, while the other is permitted to marry and if he has two children one succeeds to the celibate headship and the other to the non-celibate position. Should the lay-head die, however, without children, the sworn celibate is then expected to marry the widow in order to raise up heirs to succeed to the government. In case of a total failure of heirs, war, famine or other dire calamities are to be looked for. snin drug the Pleiades, or the third lunar mansion, having fire as its regent; this constellation, containing six stars, is represented as a flame or else as a razor or knife. The stars represented as nymphs are said to have acted as nurses to the god Karttikeya. snin drug zla ba October-November or the month of Kartika in which the moon standing near the Pleiades is full. Syn. mang po skyes SANST, SANST; ma drug bu (Moon.). snin bdun or sne bdun also byang gi skar ma spun bdun the seven brothers of the North who move round the star gser phur , otherwise the Great Bear. snin pa SANST, SANST, SANST 1. ripened, ripe; developed, perfect: 'bras bu snin no the fruit is ripe; snin par 'gyur ba or snin 'ong ba the growing to maturity of an animal or germ. 2. vb. to become ripe, to ripen: snin tshor quite ripened. 3. to be converted; also as sbst. conversion: snin pa'i bskos rnams those destined for conversion. snin ma SANST 1. the eye-brow; also snin phag . 2. a girl who has reached maturity; snin ma'i dbus SANST the breast of a youthful woman: snin ma'i dbus su reg pa na nga yi snying sdug grogs po'o|; snin legs ma SANST with good eye-brows, a handsome woman (Moon.). Syn. rdzi ma ; snin dkyus ; mig gi grwa ; min dbrag (Moon.). snin tshwa = kha ru tshwa 3. snu one of the six early tribes of Tibet (Jig. 6). snug or snug po purple or maroon colour, the colour of clotted blood; snug khu brownish purple dye; snug khog a dried carcass of sheep; snug chung a medicinal plant; snug thung cakes of wheat or other flour mixed up with treacle prepared in disks of a foot diameter for distribution among the monks. snug ma stale meat which is getting rotten (Rtsii.). snug rtsi or snug tshos purple-red dye made from the root of a plant (Macrotomia) with which cakes and flour offerings intended for spirits and sacrificial utensils are painted. snug phur a dagger-peg made of acacia wood (Rtsii.). snug phyur purple-scar produced from bruises or from the effect of a blow on the skin: bla ma'i sku yang snug phyur gyis skrangs nas 'dug the lama's body was swollen from bruises (A. 57). snug ma bu khur n. of a country of cannibals (Yig. 8). snugs pa SANST, SANST indolence. sne khab prob. an incorrect spelling of snan khebs an under-garment worn by Buddhist nuns so that their religious robes may not be defiled by menstrual discharges (K. d. da, 424). sne ba SANST white or black mole or spot in the skin. sne bdun = colloq. for snin bdun . sne ba dgu (rtsis kyi ) 1. rme ba . 2. the nine astrological diagrams or figures in geomancy of the Tibetans used in imitation of Chinese astrology; out of these, three or the 1st, the 6th and the 8th are white being symbolical of the element of iron; the black and blue i.e., the 2nd and the 3rd diagrams represent the element of water; while the fourth which is blue represents wood and the fifth figure being yellow represents the element of earth; 7th and 9th representing the element of fire. sne sha can = bshan pa a butcher (Dag. 16). sno ba pf. and imp. snos , occasionally used for: to call, to name, to remark, assert. sno sno SANST mother's mother. snod pa 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST slander, blame, declamation, contempt, invective, abuse, reproach, curse. Also, vb. with pf. snad to blame, disparage. 2. said to be synonymous, also, with om pa to boast, shew off one's self. Syn. kha ngan ; tshig ngan ; kha 'tshangs pa ; ngan brjod ; smra ngan ; gnod tshig ; snod tshig ; nyes od ; sun byin ; zhum byed tshig (Moon.). snon pa SANST, SANST, SANST benediction; to bless, to wish, to desire (others to be happy and prosperous); skyid pa gzhan la nga mi snon for other happiness I do not wish (Mil.); more frq. with termin. of the infinitive = to pray for. snon pa med pa SANST passionless, not fixed on; snon pa'i gnas the object of a wish or prayer (Cs.); yid snon frq. a wish, desire, prayer: ring po nas 'di lta bur yid snon byed par gyur te having long ago entertained this wish (Stg.); yid snin 'os worth-wishing, desirable; snon 'jug a wish and its accomplishment (J‰.). snon 'grin or snon 'dren (grogs po blo dkar ba a sincere friend or associate (K. du. da, 27, also Oag.). snon drin SANST praised, lauded. snon lam SANST, SANST, meditation, prayer, supplication; as a prayer it seems to be rather for the enjoyment of the fruit of one's merits and seldom for a favour or a necessity undeserved. snon lam btab byas te SANST after having made a prayer or supplication (A.K. 1-16). snon lam log par 'debs pa to pray for an undesirable object such as the ruin of an enemy, the performance of an unrighteous action, etc. snon lam bla ma n. of the chief lama of the monastery u cum ching monastery in Mongolia. snos drag loud voice. smyang ba + = brkyang ba . (EEE brkyang ba does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under rkyong ba 3.) smyan I: = nye gtam pa match-making, intermediation between a disagreeing pair; smyan byed pa a match-maker, an intermediator in settling a marriage; dge slong gis smyan byed mi rung a Buddhist monk should not be an intermediator in marriage (K. du. na, 159). smyan byed pa (bag ma'i ) doing the work of a match maker. smyan byed pa to act on such business. (EEE No definition II is provided in the original.) smyan ka + = gnyen ka . smyar ba = snar 3. smyi gu (pron. nyi-gu) a pen, of any kind. smyi gri SANST a pen-knife. Also in W. smyug gri . smyig ma + or smyug ma SANST cane, bamboo; a pen of reed; smyug ma 'jog pa to make a reed-pen. smyug thogs writer, one who carries a reed pen to write with. Syn. srin can ; spus ldan ; gling bu shing ; 'bras bus 'chi ba ; rlung 'bud can ; rlung gi sgra sgrogs (Moon.). (EEE The Tibetan in the original reads bspus ldan for the second synonym, while the transliteration reads "sbus-ldan" or spus ldan . The spelling given is most likely correct.) smyug khrog 1. tube of bamboo; pen-case. 2. = gur gur a small churn (Cs.); snag khyim a house constructed of bamboos; smyug mkhan a worker in bamboo and cane; smyug sgam a chest made of reed or bamboo; wicker work box. smyug gdugs an umbrella made of split reeds or bamboos; smyug sder dish or flat basket constructed of reed or cane; smyug phon = smyug ma chag pa chag pa bzhag pa split bamboo or chips of it [Rtsii.]; smyug phran reed; smyug ma mda' rgyu reed-bamboo of which arrows are made. smyug tshigs knot, node, joint, of reeds (Rtsii.); smyug 'dzin , drung yig a clerk, lit. a reed-pen holder, scribe, writer; smyug zebs wicker-work box resembling a trunk (Rtsii.); smyug bshad comb made of bamboo used in Sikkim; smyug slom plate made of wicker-work (S. kar. 179)óin Sikk. dialect called spa slom . smyu gu a pen; not used in C. smyug gling (musical) reed-pipe. (EEE The original gives the Tibetan headword as smyug glang with the transliteration of the headword as "smyug-glio" which is clearly correct. The headword in this edition has been altered accordingly.) smyug tshal spug n. of a holy place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 44). smyugs + = bcug nas 3. smyung ba nye bar gso ba to fast, to observe a scant diet (Med.); often in a religions sense. smyung gnas = zas spang leaving off food, the act of fasting as a religious observance. smyung gnas kyi cho ga SANST the practice of fasting on prescribed days and also of keeping silence according to the rules of the Dulwa. smyur pa to stretch one's self after sleep (Sch.). smyur ba = bsnur pa SANST to be quick, expeditious, in a hurry, to hasten. smye pa + = zhen pa 3. smyo ba (nad ) = myo ba SANST, SANST, SANST; pf. smyos pa to be insane, inflamed with insanity; ci 'ang mi dran par smyos so not recollecting anything they became crazed; smyos 'dug he is mad; smyo byed a narcotic. smyo 'bog temporary delirium; one speaking while half asleep, hysteria: smyo 'bog yod pa langs nas 'phro la slu being attacked with delirium he was left behind (A. 32). smyong ba = brkyang ba . (EEE brkyang ba does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under rkyong ba 3.) smyon pa SANST, SANST intoxicated, insane, frantic, mad; mi smyon pa madman; khyi smyon pa a mad dog, glang chen smyon pa an infuriated or mad elephant. smra ba pf. smras , imp. smros , to speak, to utter, say: snyan par smras song spoke pleasantly; rab tu smra te speaking well; cang mi smra bar gyur to they grew speechless, did not know what to say; phan tshun smra ba to converse, ring nas smra to speak from a distance, lan smra to give a reply, slar smra ba to speak again; ces smras so thus he said; 'di skad smra ba saying these words; smra ba mang po loquacious, voluble; smra bcad dumb; med par smra ba to deny it altogether; smra ba chad par gcod pa to be cut off from speaking, to have impeded speech; smra ba pa spokesmen, a speaker. Is heard as an elegant form in C.T. smra 'dod SANST, SANST [desired to be spoken, desideratum]S. smra ba'i rgyal po SANST the king of speech, an epithet of the Bodhisattva Jam-yang 'jam dpal dbyangs (Moon.). smra ba'i sgo SANST opening or commencement of speech, an exordium. smra ba'i sgo (lit. the door of speech, the mouth); n. of a grammatical work by Sakya Pandita Kun-dgah Rgyal-mtshan (Deb. ga, 29). smra ba'i babs stegs as met. = SANST the tongue (Moon.). smra ba'i lha = 'jam dpal that is SANST the god of speech (Moon.); smra ba'i lha mo SANST Sarasvati the goddess of learning (Moon.). smrang ba + or smreng ba = smra ba to speak. smrang tshig speech, word, also, esp. mystic speech; smrong gsol ba to beg a word, to beg leave to speak. smre ba 1. = sdug bsngal misery, distress. 2. = ngan par smra ba to speak ill (of others); smre sngags bewailing; sngags 'don pa to utter lamentation. tsa is the seventeenth letter of the Tibetan alphabet, and acc. to Tibetan grammarians represents the Sanskrit SANST ca. 1. num. fig.: 17. 2. in mystic Budh.:- tsa zhes pa bsgom pa'i don te the letter called tsa implies contemplation; sems can thams cad gdul ba ni bsgom pa'i don ces pa'o such contemplation is a converting influence for all intelligent beings (K. my. ka, 207). tsa ko ra SANST a partridge, Perdix rufa: me tog ku mu da'i bcud 'thung ba'i bya the bird that subsists by drinking honey from the lilies (K. ko. ka, 8). Syn. tsa ko ra ; zla 'od 'thung ; 'od la dga' (Moon.). tsa kra bAa ka á or 'khor lo'i rkang pa SANST red-goose, Anas casarca. tsa tu ka á SANST a mystic word conveying the meaning: zungs shig ces smras pa yin no he said do hold it, do bear it (K. g. kha, 27). tsa na an idiomatic term = while: de ltar bsam tsa na while so thinking; der slebs tsa na in the event of arrival there, while arriving. tsa na ka á 1. SANST acc. to Tibetan authorities, n. of an ancient king of India whose works have been preserved in translations of the Tangyur: tsa na ka'i rgyal po'i lugs kyi bstan bcos le'u brgyad pa (Tan. d. go, 172), Chanakya's Rajaniti Sastra in eight chapters. Acc. to Indian authors he was prime minister of Chandra-gupta who reigned at Pataliputra. 2. SANST chick-pea, Cicer arietinum; tsa na ka'i 'bru the grain of chick-pea. tsa nas from the time, slebs pa'i tsa nas from the time of arrival, since coming. tsa phu gang zhur mo n. of a place in Upper Tibet, the birth place of the Karmapa hierarch Rao-byuo rdor-je (Loo. za 29). tsa big v. tsha big 3. tsa ma'i snying po á SANST a kind of cake. tsa mun dza = so ma ra tsa flax, or jute. tsa ra (also rtsa la ) flogging, whipping as a criminal punishment; tsa ra gnad seems to indicate a severe castigation in public; tsa ra bcad pa to be flogged; tsa ra gnad 'phrod btang ste having been handed over to a severe flogging; bsam pas chod nges kyi nag pa byung na ma gtogs zhus tshad la tsa ra ma thal ba byed (D. Shel. 7). tsa ra ka á 1. = mnyam par 'gro'o go together or smoothly (mystic) (K. g. ga, 215). 2. n. of a religious school of the Tirthika people in ancient India: lam tha dad par gyur pa tsa ra ka dang |'jig rten rkyang 'phan pa those who held different or opposite views were the Charvaka and the Lokayati Schools (K. ko. kha, 137). 3. SANST, n. of an Indian medical and surgical work. tsa ri (also spelt rtsa ri ) famous sacred place far to the S. E. of Lhasa (Deb. ga 44). tsa ru á 1. in W. = curled, frizzled, as hair and similar things. 2. meat-offering to the manes of the dead (J‰.). tsAa ru na ya SANST lit. fine eyes, a deer or antelope. tsa la á = rlung wind (mystic) (K. g. kha, 26). tsa sha á or tsa sha ka SANST the Indian jay, Coracias Indica. tsag ge in W. the black mark in a target (J‰.). tsag sgra di ri or tsag sgra 'don pa also shag shag 'don pa to make a clucking sound by touching the roof of the palate with the tongue: gcig gis gcig la ston zhing tsag sgra di ri byas nas ngo mtshar che one looking to another made sound by clicking with the tongue to express his wonder (A. 151). tsang kun n. of a sa bdag king, a monster; tsang kun 'phye bo the crawler, n. of another sa bdag . tsan cu á SANST a grain from which oil is extracted (K.du. nga , 346). tsan dan á SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. Sirium myrtifolium, sandal-wool, used for images of gods, perfumes, medicines; tsan dan ngan pa = ku tsan dan SANST inferior sandal-wood (Moon.). 2. fig. something superior in its kind: pha tsan dan phu nu mi lag tu song the elder and younger sons of a distinguished father perform menial services (J‰.). Syn. ma la ya dza ; ma la ya skyes ; dri'i snying po ; dpal gyi dum bu ; bzang po'i dpal ; tshim byed gos can (Moon.). tsan dan jo bo n. of an image of Buddha made of sandal-wood alleged to have been taken from Gaya to Bactria in the third century B.C. and from there to China at the end of the first century A.D. It is now kept in the temple of Tsandan-sse in Peking and was there seen by the compiler of this dictionary in 1885. tsan dan sbrul gyi snying po SANST; SANST, SANST lit. snake's heart sandal-wood, so called on account of snakes' attraction to it and because they often remain coiled round the tree (Loo. 'a, 6). Is the finest sandal-wood growing in the Malayan mountains and valued even by the gods for its fragrance. Syn. stong gsum rin gyis gzhal du med pa'i shing ; til 'dab can ; sa mchog ; ba glang mgo ; go shir Sa ; rma gsos ; skyed can ; khyab 'jug skyes 'a; 'phrog byed tsan dan ; rna ba nag po ; dus rjes 'brang ; sngo sangs ; ha ri tsan dan ; lag 'gro'i snying po ; tsan dan mchog (Moon.). tsan dan dmar po SANST, SANST red-species of sandal-wood; tsan dan dmar po'i 'bru SANST the seeds of red-sandal-tree. Syn. me tog don can ; sa trMag ; til mar can ; 'dab ma'i lus ; tshos byed snum ldan ; sa'i tsan dan ; rka ta tsan dan ; lus dmar ral gri (Moon.). tsan dan ser po SANST, SANST the yellow species of sandal-wood. tsan rdzus ma imitation sandal-wood (Rtsii.). tsan sdong sandal-wood tree. tsab tsub SANST = rtsab rtsub or tsab tsob in a hurry, tsab tsub can hasty; tsab tsub mi bya don't be in a hurry! tsab ling hastily, in a hurry (Sch.). tsab hral ba = kun tu ca co 'don pa to clamour, to raise a cry (K. du. ta, 114 also in ya, 33). 2. loose, dissolute course of life (Sch.). tsabs ru 1. sour curds. 2. a kind of salt = tsabs ru tsha (J‰.). 3. a tube of horn (Sch.). tsam SANST, SANST, SANST we extract from J‰. for convenience: [mostly affixed as an enclitic, = snyed 3. 1. as much as, 'di tsam as much as this, = so much, so many; mi 'di tsam gsod pa to kill so many men Glr.; de tsam so much; also emphat.: chos de tsam zhig bshad nas after having given you so much religious instruction; by way of exclamation: ci tsam how much! W., ci tsam byas how much have you done! ji tsam , de tsam how much...so much (as much as) Cs. 2. denoting comparison, as to size, degree, intensity, like, as-as, so-as, so that: ri rab tsam like Sumeru (in height) Cs.; yungs 'bru tsam as big as grain of mustard-seed; pus mo nub pa tsam even to sinking in up to the knees (knee-deep); nyi ma 'grib pa tsam so much that the sun was darkened; mtha'i rgyal po mnga' dbang du 'dus pa tsam byung he became so (powerful), that he could also subdue, or could have subdued, the neighbouring kings (Glr.). 3. denoting contingency and restriction: perhaps, if need be, almost, only, but, all but: tshab rung tsam mo (Vai. so.) this may perhaps be used instead, this may, if need be, supply its place; btang na nas mkha'i bya yang zin pa tsam gda' if I let him loose, he might almost catch a bird in the air. rtags yod pa tsam la = rtags dang yod pa la to every one that has the mark; rtsa dang nus pa tsam nothing but muscles and bones; cha tsam shes kyang if one knows but a fraction of it, but a little bit; sems tsam mo they exist only in our fancy; tsam du denoting extent, degree, intensity; as far as, about so far, nearly up to, even to, till, so that: lam phyed tsam du about half way. Frq. with verbs: ba spu langs pa tsam du skrags he was so frightened that his hair stood on end; dum bur bcad pa tsam du sdug bsngal gyis gdungs te tormented by a pain as if he were cut to pieces; bus ma mthong ba tsam du dga' ste as glad as a child is when beholding its mother again; sometimes tsam la stands for tsam na and tsam du : sgrib tsam la in the shade] J‰. tsam gyis instrum: ngan ngon tsam gyis chog shis pa content with everything poor as it may be; tsam du added to the inf.: smras pa tsam du as soon as it had been said. tsam yang with a following negative = not the least: mos pa tsam yang ma byed pa to pay not the least respect; nyi ma dang zla ba tsam yang ltar med neither sun nor moon is to be seen at all (J‰.). 4. tsam also = about, just about: lnga bcu about fifty. rtog tsam in C. = a little, a few; somewhat, rather. tsam na acc. to J‰.: about a certain time, at the time when, when: nam phyed tsam na about midnight; de tsam na then, at that time; esp. with verbs = 'when,' 'as': khyim du phyin tsam na when he came home. Inst. of tsam na it is very common to hear tsa na :- byed gin yod tsa na as he was just doing it; gnyid sad tsa na when he awoke; zla ba brgyad song tsa na when eight months had passed. tsam pa 1. adj., about or of the size: mi tshad tsam pa man-sized, about the size of a man. 2. flour from parched barley. 3. n. of a country to the east of Kashmir, the native state of Cham-ba on the Ravi (S. Lam. 17). 4. the ancient Bhagalpur. 5. the ancient name of Cambodia. tsam pa ka SANST the magnolia; Michelia champaka, the fruit of which is called ka li kA : tsam pa ka yis tshad pa 'dzoms par byed Campaka (as a medicine) remove fever. Syn. he ma puSa pa ; bsod nams bsung ; mchog thob ; gser kyi me tog can ; me tog rgyal (Moon.). tsam pa ka'i yul one of the 96 provinces of Sambhala (prob. the Greco-Bactrian Empire situated to the north-west of Kashmir) (Dsam.). tsam po whatsoever, such, such, an one as: mi tsam po yongs kyi sems la 'jug I shall enter into the soul of whatsoever man I meet with. Cs. has besides: tsam po ba a comparing. tsam po pa one who is contented, has no ambition, no desire to improve himself; a mere one, i.e., one in the possession of only one thing: mi lus phal pa'am|tsam po pa zhes bya he possessed the mere body not the intellect, so he was called Tsam-pa-po the mere one (Khrid. 19). tsam tsom or tsham tshom = the tshom doubt. khyed tsham tshom byed kyi 'dug you are in doubt (about it). tsar ma n. of a place in upper Tibet or the monastery of Tsar-ma in Li-yul (tsar ma'i gtsug lag khang ). tsar pa Ti pa á n. of an Indian Buddhist saint (K. dun. 5). tsi num. = 47. tsi tra ka á SANST several plants, esp. Ricinus communis called drod snan rgyal po the prince of the digestive stimulants, and termed in China: bu pan la (Sman. 57). tsi stag a purgative medicine. tsi ti ä la á 1. leprosy. 2. acc. Cs. tsi tsi dzo la and acc. to Sch. tsi tsi dzo pa signifying cancer. tsi dzi tsha , a kind of leprosy: nad tsi dzi tsha las thebs pa he was laid up with tsi-dsi tsha disease (Yig. 35). tsi na SANST; China or the eastern country. tsi tsi 1. mouse; tsi tshung any shrew; thang gi tsi tsi field-shrew; sa yi tsi tsi id. 2. a kind of millet grown in China: tsi tsi kun 'ge'u gsol he took (ate) a quantity of tsi-tsi millet with ginger (A. 90); tsi tsi gsil yang rlung bskyed khong pa rtsub though tsi-tsi is cooling, yet it produces wind in the stomach. tsi li tsim a species of fish (Moon.). tsi lu kA kSa á n. of a Sthavira (but not one of the sixteen) who visited China and preached Buddhism there: slob dpon dus 'phag|gnas brtan tsi lu kA kSa (Grub. ka, 5). tsita ta á (mystic word) the heart. tsin da ma Ni á (yid bzhin nor bu ) SANST the chintamani, a yellow gem of fabulous virtues with seven shades of colour appearing in it at different hours of the day (Moon.). It adorns the crown of the king of the Nagas (Yig. k. 12). tsin Zi li kra ma n. of a border state of Magadha: rgya gar mtha' 'khob tsin Zi li kra ma zhes bya ba na chos blon gcig gis lha khang brtsig pa'i in the barbarous border-country of India called Tsin-dhili-kra-ma a Buddhist minister erected a temple. tsu num. fig. = 77. tsu ta á SANST, SANST n. of a gem. tsu tas grib gdon rmi ltas ngan pa bzlog the gem tsuta removes the malignant influence of evil spirits and stops disturbing dreams. tsu ta rkang gcig pa'i rgyal khams n. of a fabulous kingdom of the class of Asura who have only one leg (Yig. 6). tsug = ci ltar adv. interrog. and correlat., how, as, in what way: de tsug byos shig do it so! de gar 'gro tsug byed where she is going, and what she is doing? In W. com. in the form zug , ci zug for ci tsug , etc. (J‰.). tsug byas = gang 'dra byas how it was done, how he did it: chu bo gang gA la sogs la tsug byas cha med it is not known what or how much he did in the river Ganges, etc. (A. 137). tsun da SANST n. of a goddess not often referred to: khye'u dang bu mo gtsang ma lha mo tsun da dang |sgrol ma dang byang chub sems dpa' dri med zla ba'i bra phab nas . (A. 34). SANST, the smith from whom Buddha took his last meal. tsun Z'i rgyud n. of a Tantra: tsun Z'i rgyud dang |rdo rje gtsug tor dang (A. 36). tse gur 1. a small tube. 2. a dose, little: tse gur btang ba the repeated administration of medicine to a patient (Sman.). tse po or tsel po a basket or pannier carried on the back; in W. cag tse a wicker basket, myug tse a cane basket, rtse lung string or strap for carrying it. tse tsi = tsi tsi millet (Cs.). tse re 1. song, tune. 2. = tshe re . tse lu á prob. SANST a disciple: dge tshul de lkog tu khrid nas tse lu khyed rang yon tan ci yod gsung (A. 56). tseg tseg byed pa or tseg tseg zer ba to rustle, to make a noise like dry hay or dry leaves. tseb tseb sharp-pointed, of needles, thorns, etc. (J‰.). tsem tse = chem tse small scissors. tser tser byed pa to shake, quake, tremble. tsel po = tse po a basket. tse I: num. fig. = 137. II: or tso ra (dri rdzas kyi ming ) a medicinal plant which yields incense. Acc. to J‰. = in Kulu a sweet-scented white lily. Syn. srin mo ; gtum mo ; nor 'phrog ma ; bde byed bu ngan ; tshogs bzhad (Moon.). tso la ka á SANST n. of a country in southern India: dpag tshad lnga bcu pa'i yul ljongs zhig lho phyogs su yod (K. d. ra, 272). tsog pu or tsog tsog pu SANST the posture of cowering, squatting, crouching: tsog tsog pur byed nas sdod kyi 'dug he is squatting down; jo bo mtsho 'gram du bzhud nas|tsog pur bzhugs pa'i the lord having gone to the edge of the lake Manasarovara sat crouching (A. 74); tsog pu mi nus he cannot even cower, of one very sick. tsog pu pa SANST one cowering or sitting down. tsong vulg. o tsong SANST the onion. tsong kha lit. the onion-bank, n. of a district in Amdo in Ulterior Tibet where Tsongkhapa the founder of the Gelug-pa school was born. tsong kha pa lit. a native of Tsong-kha, but the term now signifies the great reformer himself whose real name was blo bzang grags pa . tsong tsong on a level, even, straight. tsob tsob sdod pa to sit in different groups, not in rows. tsor mo a five-finger pinch (Cs.). gtsag pa 1. SANST [SANST a goad, a long whip]S. 2. vb. to thrust in, poke; pierce, prick: khrag gtsag pa to bleed with an instrument, gtsag pa po one who does the operation; gtsag bu = khrag gtsag pa'i lag cha (Situ. 81) an instrument (lancet) for bleeding. gtsang 1. n. of a central province of Tibet of which the chief city is gzhi ga rtse (Shiga-tse) adjoining which stands the grand monastery of Tashi-lhunpo (bkra shis lhun po ) the seat of the Tashi Lama. It was anciently divided into two districts called Rulag and Shao-hgyed (Loo. 'a 5). gtsang snam woollen cloth manufactured in Tsang (Rtsii.). 2. = gtsang ma clean, pure. gtsang khang SANST, SANST temple, sanctuary. gtsang gi gyer yug one of the 37 holy places of the Bon (G. Bon. 38). gtsang 'gram byang chub lha khang n. of a monastery situated on a mountain-top overhanging the Tsangpo in Thobgyal in Tsang (Jig. 3). gtsang chag rdel zhib a stone used to cure obstruction of urine (Med.). gtsang chu SANST any fresh water or river. In Sikk. applied to the river Teesta. In Tibet the Tsangpo is also called Tsang-chu: gtsang dbus gnyis kyi chu 'dris pa lo hi ta 'am chu bo si ta yang zer ba'i gtsang chu ste (Loo. 'a 5). gtsang mchod = gtsang po'i mchod pa (Yig. 116). gtsang nya river-fish, fish from the Tsangpo. gtsang po any river, but usually a large one; esp. the great river of Tibet flowing through the heart of Tibet from west to east and called the Yeru Tsang-po. This river is believed to enter Assam as the Dihong where it presently joins the Brahmaputra just below Sadiya. "Rising from the eastern range of Kailas (gangs ti se ) and receiving the waters of the streams coming from Bhao, Nags, Tshaos, it flows eastward past Lhar-tse and Phun-tsho-ling and then being joined by several tributaries such as Skyid-chu, Myao-chu and others in Lhokha, Yarlung, Kongbu, etc., it enters the mountain gorges in a southernly direction" (Dsam.). gtsang spra SANST purity, gen. external purity in living; gtsang spra can SANST possessed of cleanliness, clean, pure; gtsang sprar od pa SANST moral purity, pure conduct. gtsang spras = gtsang ma pure, and mdzes pa handsome: dka' thub od cing gtsang spras nags 'di bsten by practising asceticism with his purity of living he adorned this grove (A. 6). gtsang ba 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST vb. to be clean, pure. Also sbst. cleanliness, purity; and adj. clean, pure. Also sbst. cleanliness, purity; and adj. clean, pure. Most frq. as sbst. with negation: mi gtsang ba impurity, foulness, filth, human ordure. mi gtsang ba rnam pa sna tshogs kyi phung po heap of all kinds of filth, mass of corruption, sometimes applied to the human body. Occurs as SANST, the pure; an epithet of Buddha (M.V.). gtsang bar gnas pa one who leads a = religious life; khrus kyi brtul zhugs can (Moon.), gtsang bar byas SANST washed, cleansed, stainless; gtsang bar byed pa to cleanse, purify, by sweeping or by dusting. gtsang bu screen, parasol (Sch.). gtsang byed 1. SANST, SANST, SANST. 2. a hog. gtsang byed mgon po SANST; an epithet of Indra (Moon.). gtsang ma SANST, SANST pure, clean; sanctified, celestial: gtsang ma byung SANST it has become clean and pure. In colloq. tsangma is the com. word for "clean," opp. to tsog-pa dirty. gtsang ma gtsug phud = dge tshul a novice-monk of the Bon religion. gtsang gtsong steep, rugged, mountainous (J‰.). gtsab pa to detach with a crowbar (J‰.). gtsa' 1. rust, blight: lcags kyi btsa' rust of iron; lo tog la btsa' zhugs pa the corn has been spoiled by blight. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "btsah" which is clearly in error.) gtsi ba pf. gtsis 1. to delight in, set store by, be fond of: 'dod yon la gtsi ba zhig gis by one who was very fond of pretty things, earthly goods and pleasure. 2. vb. to invite, summon, call, appoint (Sch.). gtsigs 1. prized, of importance; gtsigs su che very important; gtsigs che bar byed pa to prize, value; ma gtsigs unimportant; gtsegs che ba = gces pa adj. and adv. affectionate, dear, lovely. 2. in Mil. gtsigs la 'bebs pa to subdue, to force, compel, also with supine, 'bang 'gyid par gtsigs pa to compel to obey. 3. in Sch.: gtsigs pa'i blo quick comprehension, retentive memory. gtsigs pa 1. = mche ba rnam par gtsigs pa to show one's teeth, to grin. 2. SANST [Ficus glomerata]S. gtsir ba to press out, extract; snum sogs gtsir to press out oil. gtsug SANST, SANST crest, the crown or top of the head; i gtsug crown of the head; gtsug tu 'ching ba to fasten on the crown of the head; gtsug rgyan head ornament, gtsug gi nor bu or gtsug nor fig. = most high, supreme, pre-eminent: gtsug gi nor bur gyur pa = mchog gyur pa became chief, supreme. gtsug gi rin po che SANST jewel worn on the head or on the crown (Moon.). gtsug tor SANST, SANST head-cover, head-dress, crest, etc.; but chiefly = flame-shaped tuft or growth on the head of a Buddha; gtsug tor chen po (gsang ba grub pa'i mdo ) a Sutra on mysticism (K. d. cha, 404). gtsug tor rnam par rgyal mo'i gzugs rtog pa dang bcas pa rim pa gsum pa a dharani about the goddess Vijaya (K. g. pa, 188). gtsug ldan as met. the peacock (Moon.). gtsug na nor bu SANST n. of a mythological king, believed to have been a former incarnation of Buddha (A.K. ch. iv.). gtsug na me 'bar n. of a yakra (L. Kah. 26); gtsug na zla ba SANST an epithet of Mahesvara who decorated his forehead with the moon obtained from the churning of the ocean (Moon.). gtsug phud SANST, SANST, SANST = skra hair, the crown of the head, gser gyi gtsug phud SANST n. of a king of fabulous origin (A.K. 14-5); gtsug phud rgyal mtshan 'chang an epithet of Mahesvara (Moon.); gtsug phud lnga ba SANST = the lion; gtsug phud ldan SANST a peacock; anyone with a crest. gtsug phud tshul khrims , one of the four Bon sages (G. Bon. 35.); gtsug phud 'dzin SANST peacock. gtsug lag + defined as: gtsug lag ces pa ni|'phags pa'i gtsug nas bton|zhu byed lag tu bzhag pas brjod (Vai. kar. 144) that which has come out of the head of the most holy, i.e., the result of his intellect, and has been placed in the hands of the inquirer; hence sciences, sacred literature, etc.; gtsug lag rnam pa bco brgyad the eighteen separate sciences; also, seems = sde snod Pitaka class. gtsug lag gi rig la yang mkhas pa yin te he was learned even in the learning of the Pitakas (A. 34). gtsug lag bzhi the four sciences: (1) yi ge'i gtsug lag the science of letters; (2) sgra skad kyi gtsug lag the science of language and words, i.e., grammar; (3) rnam par rig byed kyi gtsug lag the science of supreme enlightenment; (4) 'jig rten pa'i gtsug lag the science of worldly object and usefulness (K. my. ga, 423). gtsug lag kun gyi ma mo + the alphabet, lit. the mother of all sciences. gtsug lag khang SANST, SANST a monastery, a temple; but in the present day most commonly applied to the chief hall of worship and assembly in any large monastery. In this sense a Tibetan remarked lately to one of the editors: gtsug lag khang du tshon dog gi ri mo mang po rtsigs pa la yod pa red in the congregation hall there are many coloured pictures on the walls. In Lhasa com. appellation of the Cho-khang or chief temple of that city. Syn. gan Zo la ; dri gtsang khang ; mchod 'os gnas ; lha khang ; lha yi gnas gzhi ; kun dga' ra ba ; 'du khang ; dkon mchog gsum gyi pho brang (Moon.). gtsug lag dang po = 'khor ba the world, the wheel of transmigratory existence (Moon.). gtsugs pa 1. = bkam pa to plant, sa la gtsugs pa to put in the ground; lo tog sogs gtsugs pa to plant crops (Oag. 56). 2. to bore out, scoop out, excavate (Sch.). 3. = bkram pa . gtsub pa pf. btsubs to rub; gtsub shing SANST wood to make fire by friction. gtsubs pa = bsrubs pa to churn. gtse ba pf. grtses , v. 'tshe ba 3. gtseng ba = gtsi ba 3 (Sch.). gtser ba 1. = 'tshe ba 3 (A. 97); gnod pa gtser ba (Situ. 81). 2. 'tsher ba disagreeable, offensive to the ear, not pleasant. gtso bo 1. = SANST or bdag nyid self, and even: the soul. 2. SANST, dpon mgo chief, lord, master; gtso bor and gtso cher adv., especially, chiefly, principally; rkang gnyis kyi gtso bo the chief of men, Buddha (Dzl.); rten gyi gtso bo the chief of all symbols, the principal one in a shrine, the deity to whom a shrine is consecrated. gtso bo as a title = sir, Mr.; blon po gtso bo drug po the six (gentlemen) ministers (J‰.). 3. = bzang po excellence in reference to dngos po substance, reality, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST Also, = mchog or rin po che . gtso bo nyid SANST superiority, excellency. gtso bo tshogs SANST, SANST, the highest in perfection, the most excellent of its kind; gtso bor or gtsor byed pa , len pa to place foremost, to consider the first or most excellent. gtso ma or btso ma 1. refined, pure, without any alloy or mixture of base metal: gser gtso ma unalloyed purified gold. 2. hemp (Sch.). gtso mo lady; the most distinguished, the noblest (of females): bu mo gtso mo the most beautiful girl; gtso mor 'os pa zhig a girl of the worthiest and noblest appearance (Mil.); gtso mo mdzad pa to be mistress, resp. (J‰.). gtso mo rgan gser dngul dung skra can old lady with hair adorned with gold, silver, and shells. gtsod or btso Hodgson's antelope, with straight horns standing close together and at a distance imparting the appearance of a single horn; hence Huc's appellation of it as the unicorn. It is the cho of provincial Tibetans, and occurs throughout the country from Ladak to the borders of Kansu and Szechuan. gtsod ma female cho; gtsod phrug the young cho. gtsod tshogs thol "plateau of antelope herds," n. of elevated table-land in GugÈ province lying between the courses of the Sutlej and one branch of the Indus; styled in maps Cho-chho Thol. btsag SANST, SANST red ochre. btsag thang , btsag ri , btsag lung plain, hill, valley, of red earth. btsag yug mineral substance of several colours, generally = red ochre. btsag yug mgo nad rus tshad sel| red ochre (applied) cures headache and inflammation of the bones. btsag pa v. 'tshag pa 3; also = btsags ; tshags kyi btsags (Situ. 76). btsags bu in 'bras snin pa la btsags bu sdod pa 'dra bar song (A. 29). btsags ma fine wheat or barley flour that has been well sifted or passed through the sieve (Rtsii.). btsag mo a certain beverage, = rtsab mo (J‰.). btsang ba pf. btsangs ; to press forward or into, squeeze one's self in: gseb tu btsangs pushed one's way, into the assembly, in between the crowd (Situ. 76). btsan or btsan pa 1. a species of demon, inhabiting a given locality and sometimes entering into a person visiting the place for a brief period and causing thereafter serious illness. 2. strict, secure, binding: bka' btsan strict orders, rdzong btsan a strong Jong or fortress (Oag. 55); dga' ba la yun ring |skyid pa la mtha' btsan pa to be long in merriment and secure in comforts and happiness; btsan par mdzad pa to enforce strictly; ngag btsan a firm promise; btsan sa = dben gnas a safe, inaccessible retreat where no robbers or enemies can easily penetrate (Hbrom. kha 3); also place of purity and eminence, exalted position: da res tshe 'dir btsan sa zin pa zhig ma byas na (SÒio.) if here in the present life I have not held an exalted position, i.e., unless I have betaken myself to the pure and sanctified life. rdzong btsan po = rdzong dam po a strict and strong Jongpon. btsan dgon pa n. of a monastery in Gsao-phu (Deb. ga 45). btsan po 1. puissant, mighty, powerful, strong, violent: btsan dug a virulent poison. 2. early name for a king. It is said that while Tibet was under the early monarchy the laws were enforced with the greatest severity and rigour, and because the kings administered them so well they were called btsan po (Oag. 55). btsan po no mon han one of the incarnate lamas of Gser-khog monastery in Amdo whose position as a holy man was recognized even by the Emperor of China. He wrote the geographical work called Dsam-ling gye-she ('dzam gling chen po'i rgyas bshad snod bcud kun gsal me long ). btsan po ya med = bong nga nag po the black species of aconite (Sman. 109). btsab pa pf. btsabs to cut small, to chop, to mince, in C.; btsab stan chopping block C.; zhib por btsab pa to pulverate, to reduce to powder; rus pa btsabs pounded the bones (Situ. 56). btsam pa or btsams pa v. 'tsham pa 3. btsa' ba 1. pf. btsas to be born to, to bring forth: chung ma la bu btsas a son was born to his wife; bu btsa' ba'i thabs mi thub she was incapable of the chance of bearing children (Dzl.). 2. resp. to watch, to look on, espy. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "btsa-wa" which is clearly in error.) btsa' ma ripening of corn in autumn in Tibet; harvest; btsa' ma rnga ba to harvest. btsal ba v. 'tshol ba 3: nor btsal to seeks for wealth; gzhan la btsal nas rnyed having sought elsewhere, he got it (Situ. 76). btsas pa v. btsa' ba 3. btsas ston SANST festivities and religious ceremonies at birth. btsas ma 1. also rtsas ma harvest, btsas rnga ba to reap the harvest; ston dus su btsas ma brngas reaped in the autumn season (Situ. 124). 2. wages, pay; gru btsas ferry-toll. btsir ba v. 'tshir ba 3. btsugs 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, obtained; planted, established. 2. sgreng SANST raised. 3. bskrun pa SANST reared, grown, produced. btsugs shing a tree that has been planted; srol btsugs established a custom (Situ. 76). gtsud pa = btsug pa to put, insert: snod du btsud put into a vessel (Situ. 76). btsun pa 1. respectable, noble, (of race, family). btsun pa'i bud med a noble lady, a lady of rank. 2. SANST, SANST, SANST; in rje btsun reverend: btsun pa rnams the ecclesiastics, priests; even btsun pa khrims med wicked priests. Gelong and Getsul who are of pure morals and learned are called btsun pa . Buddha is also called btsun pa the reverend one. btsun pa bcom ldan 'das bdag cag dang bcom ldan 'das kyi an sngar bsam pa nges par dam btsa' bar 'tshal te (K. d. dza, 304). btsun pa'i grwa khang SANST a monk's cell. 3. creditable, honourable, faithful in observing religious duties, frq.: mkhas btsun bzang gsum learned, noble and goodóthree qualities; tshig btsun pa creditable discourse. Mil. even says of his cane: spa cho ris ye nas btsun pa de this cane of quite a serviceable quality (J‰.). btsun chung a boy monk. btsun po = btsun pa , rgya rje btsun po the noble Emperor of China btsun por byed pa to reverence (Cs.). btsun mo honorific term for a woman of rank, a queen: btsunmo-daopo chief wife. btsun ma is applied to designate a Buddhist nun; and sometimes the nunnery itself is designated btsun pa . btsun mo dung gi thor tshugs can = re lcag pa (Sman. 77); btsun mo rin po che the ideal beauty who is fit to be the wife of a Cakravarti Raja (K. d. za, 43.). btsun mo'i skyid tshal SANST a lady's grove or pleasure-garden; btsun mo'i khol po a lady's attendant or slave, eunuch; btsun mo'i gnas SANST the zanana; btsun mo'i 'khor the attendants of a lady or queen; btsun mo'i srung ma the guards of a lady: zhar ba zha po ma ning dang |rgad po rgan po bsdams|'di dag btsun mo'i srung mar ni|rgyal po'i nye bar sbyar bar bya (Can.). Syn. rgyal rigs chung ma ; rgyal rigs ma ; mi yi bdag mo ; dbang bskur ma ; pho brang 'khor ma ; 'dron pa mo ; sa od ma (Moon.). btsun mo chu lcam the wife of the Bon patriarch Saos-po who gave birth to eighteen sons and daughters (G. Bon. 23). btsun mo dpal mo 'od zer can Srimati Prabhavati, n. of the mother of Dipaokara SrijÒana or Atisa (A. 26). btsun mo'i pho brang female sanctum, a lady's mansion. Syn. pho brang 'khor ba'i khyim ; sa od ma gnas ; srung ma can ; dag pa'i mtha' can ; kun nas 'gegs ; gtsang gnas ; btsun mo'i khang pa (Moon.). btsum pa SANST to wink with the eye; also mig btsums pa (Oag. 56); pf. btsums (Situ. 76). btsengs pa SANST interchange, barter, shift. btsem pa pf. btsems : gos btsems sewed the clothes. btses pa pf. of 'tshe 3: gnod pas btses troubled by danger or mischief, troubled by persecution (Situ. 76). btso or btso ba 1. to dye. 2. (chang btso ba ) distilling; also refining, v. 'tshod pa 3; btso ma or btsos ma a purified substance, gser btso ma purified gold. btso lag mkhan also btsog lag mkhan colloq. = tshos mkhan SANST dyer; hence: SANST a bleacher, washerman (Moon.). btso ma SANST warm, boiled. btso rdza a kettle, cooking pan. btso zan , residuum of cooked wheat and millet (which is thrown away as refuse or given to cattle): skyug nad can la btso zan byin pa lta bu zhig 'ong ba yin it would be like one suffering from nausea and taking tso-zan as food (Khrid. 32). btsog pa 1. SANST sbst. dirt, filth; fúcal matter: dge sbyong dang bram ze dag gi 'tsho bar rung ba dkar gsum mngar gsum spags pa dang btsog pa dang ma 'dres pa the food suitable for Buddhist monks and Brahmans such as the three white foods (milk, butter and curds) and three sweets (sugar, treacle and honey) should not be mixed up with dirt or filth (Hbrom. kha 21). btsog po adj. filthy, dirty. 2. rdeg btsog pa = to pelt mud at, to cast filth (Oag. 55). btsong acc. to (Oag. 56) = tsong onion: btsong sgog gnyid 'phel zas len bar rlung 'joms onions and leeks increase sleep and overcome flatulence on taking food. btsod SANST = lcug phra ring pa a creeper; syn. dri bzang rtsa ba ; chu'i lcug ma ; yang dag lus ma ; dpag tshad 'dab ; spal pa'i lo ma ; li brgan ; bkra ba'i 'dab ldan (Moon.). btsod 'bru seeds of this plant. btsod zhing plantation of madder, field wherein madder is grown. btson or btson khang SANST prison, jail. In Mil. btson dong is used. btson lto provisions for a prisoner, which, it seems, are supplied by the friends of a prisoner in Tibet; certain kind-hearted people also furnishing funds for the same. In Tibet the state does not give food to those whom it imprisons. btson pa a prisoner; nyes pa byas pa'i btson zhig a convicted criminal; btson du 'dzin pa or 'jug pa to take prisoner, to put into captivity; btson nas 'don pa to set free from imprisonment; bzang btson hostage, fig. people that are snowed up (J‰.); btson rdzi or btson srung jailer; btson rar bcing SANST imprisoned in the jail. Syn. btson ra ; khri mun ; 'ching ba'i khyim ; til mar ra ba ; 'khrul 'khor khyim ; dud khang (Moon.). btsol ba pf. 'tshol ba 3. btsos SANST, pf. of tshos ; tshos kyis btsas dyed coloured. btsos ma SANST any thing dyed. btsos pa cooked, boiled (Moon.). rtsa I: SANST, SANST, SANST 1. vein, artery, ro ma , rkyang ma , dbu ma the three principal arteries, which are however of a mystic nature; rtsa yi 'khor la lnga pa muscles. It is mentioned in Kahgyur that there are 1072 smaller and larger veins in the human body. 2. intestine, bowels: rtsa la rgyug pa'i snan drug the six medicines which move the bowels. 3. the pulse: rtsa lta ba to examine or feel the pulse. Tibetan physicians always feel the left wrist of a male patient using their right hand to do so, but feel the right wrist of a female patient using their own left hand. They also examine the pulse or circulative force in other parts of the body. rtsa chus in C. rtsa 'dus cramp. Syn. SANST 'bab ldan ; rus pa 'ching byed (Moon.). II: particle connecting the tens with the units: nyi shu rtsa gcig one and twenty, i.e., twenty is the principal number and one is over it; again, after brgya and stong where also dang rtsa is not unusual: stong gnyis dang rtsa bdun = 2,007. rtsa khrid = rgyud pa lineage or rus rgyud family extraction (Moon.). rtsa ltung rgya cher 'grel pa n. of a Buddhist Sanskrit work on the principal sins or moral corruption (A. 136). rtsa phung n. of a place in Tibet (Bon. ch. 5). rtsa ba 1. the root, both actually of plants and fig. of other things; rtsa ba drug six (medicinal) roots, viz. ra mnye carrot, rtsa ba , nye shing , aa sho , gan Z , gze ma , rtsa ba nas 'byin pa to pull out with the root, to eradicate, extirpate; rtsa nas phyung pa SANST, uprooted, fully extinguished, destroyed from the root. rtsa ba nas bton pa drawn out with the roots, = rtsad nas phyung or drung nas phyung (Moon.). rtsa ba nas has also come to be used in the C. colloq. with the vb. in the negative as = never, but only with the present and future tenses: nga yang skyar rtsa ba nas 'gro rgyu med I shall never go again; "tanda khorao nga-la tsa-wa-ne lep-kyi-ma-re" he never comes to me now. 2. origin, primary cause, source, also gzhi rtsa , e.g., 'khor ba'i gzhi rtsa gcod pa to cut off the cause of transmigration, to deliver a soul from transmigratory existence; rtsa brdar gcod pa or rtsad gcod pa to examine closely, to investigate thoroughly. nyon mongs kyi rtsa ba gsum are the three primary moral evils, viz.: 'dod chags , zhe sdang and gti mug . rtsa bral without origin, without beginning or end, unlimited; dge ba'i rtsa ba SANST a virtuous deed, as a cause of future reward; rtsa ba'i nyon mongs pa original sin, 'sin inherited from former births' (Sch.); rtsa ba'i rgyud SANST an original treatise; rtsa ba dang 'grel ba a commentary of the original work; rtsa ba'i ma the PrajÒa-paramita the real mother or producer of all Buddhas; rtsa ba'i rang bzhin the real nature; rtsa tshig original words, original of a letter or document. In the sense of "really," "in its very essence," "from the very root or core," rtsa ba is prefixed to certain adjectives as an augmentative. Thus in describing great sanctities as the Dalai Lama, the Panchhen Lama, etc., they are said to be; rtsa ba chen po essentially great, rtsa ba dam pa really holy, etc. This augmentative is said to be not applicable to laymen however lofty their rank. Also, in gen. rtsa chen = very great. rtsa ba nas bzhar ba SANST to shave or scrape entirely away. rtsa sgy e place in Tibet in the neighbourhood of which Hbrom ston-pa Rgyal-wahi hbyuo-gnas was born: dang po byang phyogs rtsa sgy e'i phyogs su bltams first he was born in the direction of Rtsa-sgye which is towards the north (A. 136). rtsa ba lnga + the five cardinal virtues said to be the roots from which the Mahayana doctrine springs: (1) byams pa chen po love; (2) snying rje chen po compassion, mercy; (3) dge ba'i rtsa bas mi ngoms shing dge ba'i rtsa ba thams cad ngas yongs su bsngo ba; (4) nyes pa brdul bas 'chags pa ; (5) theg pa gzhan mi 'dod not wishing to imbibe faith in any other school of Buddhism. rtsa ba mang = klu shing SANST lit. the tree of numerous roots. (Moon.). rtsa lag = gnyen po SANST relation, friend: bstan pa'i rtsa lag skyes mchog dpal ldan bla ma dam pa rnams la phyag tshal lo adorations be to those holy men the noble lamas who are the friends of the doctrine (A. 1). The enemies of Buddhism are called bdud kyi rtsa lag friends of the evil one; those who believe in Buddhism are called bstan pa'i rtsa lag friends of religion. rtsa lag byed = khyo bo a husband (Moon.); rtsa lag med without relatives; rtsa lag 'tsho on that supports his friends and relatives. rtsa gsum kun 'dus the assemblage of the three principal ones in mysticism: (1) sku the deity represented in the bla ma or Guru; (2) gsung the scripture existing in the yi dam , or tutelary deity; (3) thugs the spirit, represented by Khadoma (Khrid. 4). rtswa gen. though incorrectly, written as rtsa , SANST, SANST grass, herb, small plant. Also = hay, dry grass, straw. rtsa khang SANST thatched house; rtsa sngon SANST green grass; rtsa can covered with grass, grassy; also, n. of a town in ancient Magadha; grong khyer rtswa can la sngon rgyal po ku sha can zhes bya ba stobs mnga' thang shin tu che ba zhig gi pho brang byung zhing in the city of Tsachan (Kusa) formerly there was the palace of a very powerful king called Kusachan (K. du. da, 592); rtsa mchog SANST the best or holiest of grass, hence the sacred Kusa grass; rtsa mchog grong SANST the town of Kusa where Buddha died (Moon.); rtsa thag or rtsa yi thag pa grass-rope (Rtsii.); rtsa thun grass-gatherer; rtsa dur £ or dur ba (Moon.) fine green sward grass called SANST; it is included in bkra shis rdzas brgyad or eight auspicious objects of the Hindus; rtsa gdan grass-mat on which Brahmans generally sit. rtsa gzhon nu fresh shoots of grass; rtsa zan SANST; rtsa'i gzegs ma , SANST (A.K. 2-55) [a fragment or piece of grass]S.; rtsa bzod pa in ri kha ba can la rtsa bzod pa zhes pa zhig yod|gal te bas zos na mar gyi snying po 'byung ngo in the Himavat mountains there is a kind of grass which if the cow eats she yields the best milk for making butter (K. my. kha, 129); rtsa'i khang pa a straw-house, a house thatched with straw, rtsa kha'i zil pa the dew on the grass blades; rtsa 'dam = 'dam rtsa marsh-grass, grassy swamp, the grass belonging to the government of Lhasa growing in the swamps of Rkyao-thao Naga in the N. W. environs of Lhasa. (EEE The original has Brahmans for Brahmans above.) rtsa 'byo n. of a large number (Ya-sel. 57). rtsa phud one of the thirty-six border countries (Ya-sel. 38). rtsa ba'i sde the four earliest divisions in the Buddhist society: (1) thams cad yod par smra ba SANST; (2) phal chen sde ba SANST; (3) mang pos bkur ba SANST; (4) gnas brtan pa SANST. rtsa dbu ma SANST. rtsa mi principal man. rtsa med ma SANST without basis. rtsa rtse abbr. of rtsa ba 3 and 3rtse mo 3 (Jig. 29). rtsa yi snying po = chu shing the banana plant (Moon.). rtsa ra punishment under law given in a court of justice. rtsa len pa SANST [a small fine]S. rtsa shes primitive wisdom. rtsa bshad pa SANST lit. he who has explained the fundamental doctrine; an epithet of Naropa the Tantrik sage who lived in the tenth century A.D. rtsa gsum pa SANST [the three headed, a demon of fever]S. rtsags a celebrated lama of the Rdzogs-chen sect of the RÒio-ma school (Deb. ga 19). rtsang (tsher ma lta bu ) a kind of thorn, bramble. rtsang pa rgya rgan v. rtsangs pa 3. rtsangs pag the skin of a lizard. rtsang rtsang n. of a sa bdag monster. rtsangs pa SANST; SANST, SANST the chameleon, a kind of lizard; rtsangs pa'i mjug ma rked la bcings na khams 'ching bar byed do if the tail of the chameleon is tied round the body one's health is preserved (or is protected against influence of evil spirits) (K. g. ca, 49). Syn. bkra ba ; skyin gor ; rtsa yid byid ; sog le can ; ral gri can ; mdung can ; khyim ldan ; mig snan rtsa ; nyin so ba ; gshol ldan ; rgyal ba chu bo (Moon.). rtsad I: = rtsa ba root, rtsad nas gcod pa to root out, to eradicate. II: track, place of being, actuality; chiefly occurs in phrase rtsad gcod pa to track out, search after or into, inquire for: rtsad ma chod unable to trace one's whereabouts; rgyal bus bos kyang med|btsal kyang med|kun tu dris kyang |rtsad ma chod do (A. 46) he was not found when called by the Prince, could not be found though sought for, and though asked for everywhere he could not be traced; khong na ning nas rtsad bcad byas pas since last year he was being inquired about (A. 66); khyod min pa rtsad gcod pa rang ma byung (A. 125) except you there was none to search him out. rtsab pa or rtsab rtsab , v. tsab tsub 3. rtsab mo SANST, SANST acidulated rice-water. rtsab rtsob SANST fickle, unsteady, not firm: rtsab rtsob tu song 'dug he has become very fickle. rtsabs pa 1. (gris sha lta bu zhib tu btub pa (Oag. 56) vb. to chop or cut into small pieces like meat. 2. ferment, barm, yeast, prepared from barley-flour; rtsabs khur a sweetish sort of bread, made up with it; rtsabs mo a beverage brewed from roasted meal (rtsam pa ) and water, and made to ferment by adding butter-milk, esp. liked in winter; also called btsag ma (J‰.); rtsabs ru tsha a kind of salt in appearance like burnt treacle: rtsabs ru tsha yis drod skyed spod pa dang |sgreg dang 'gying khrog 'joms par byed . rtsam pa SANST parched barley ground into meal, the staple food of Tibetans in country places and eaten in large measure by both dwellers in town and country. Is usually sopped in soup or tea into pasty balls. rtsam khug bag containing flour of parched barley (Moon.); rtsam gnyer keeper of parched barley-store; rtsam phog wages or allowance in parched barley flour, given to monks and menials in Tibet (Rtsii.); rtsam zhib the finest parched barley flour which is taken by the highest class of officials (Rtsii.). rtsam shing = lcum rtsa (mystic) (Mio. rda. 3). rtsar = rtsa na or 'gram du near, close to. rtsal = stobs (Oag. 56) skill, dexterity, adroitness: lag rtsal can a skilful, practised hand W.; sgy u rtsal magical dexterity; stobs dang sgy u rtsal strength and dexterity (Glr.); rtsal gyi mchongs gymnastic feat; rtsal 'grang pa to vie in skill; rtsal sgrub , business-like and expert. rtsal che ba or rtsal po che ba SANST, SANST 1. very powerful, prowess; adroit as a gymnastic wrestler, etc.; also sbst. athlete, juggler, etc., (Dzl., J‰.). 2. = dung a conch shell trumpet (mystic) (Mio. 3). rtsal mthon pa , efficient: mngon par rtogs pa lam gyi rim la rtsal thon pa versed in the metaphysical work Lam-rim; also one who is an adept in the ascetical meditation on Nirvana (A. 118.). rtsal ldan SANST skilful, expert, adroit; rtsal pa SANST powerful; rtsal sbyong bodily exercise, nimbleness, agility; bang rtsal sbyong nimbleness in running; shog rtsal sbyong agility in flying; rtsal sbyong ba to practise, or improve one's skill (Mil.); rtsal med unskilful; rtsal shor all skill is gone (J‰.). rtsas ma v. btsas ma 3. rtsi 1. varnish, paint = tshon rtsi ; nag rtsi black paint, dmar rtsi red-paint; gser rtsi gilding, dngul rtsi silvering. rtsi khra ma , appliances of painting (Rtsii.); rtsi sgam , paint-box (Rtsii.); rtsi sob fading paint colour or varnish (Jig. 21). 2. all fluids of a certain consistency, such as the juice of some fruits, certain secretions, etc.: rtsi shing fruit-tree; sbrang rtsi honey, juice collected by bees; gla rtsi secretion in the bag near the navel of the musk deer; nad kyi rkyen rtsi a medical draught, potion; bdud rtsi nectar; dkar rtsi white-wash. rtsi khu or rtsi gu fruit-stone, also the kernel. rtsi bcud = sbrang rtsi lit. juice-elixir; honey (mystic) (Mio. 3); rtsi bcud snying po butter churned out of milk. rtsi bo che or rtsi chen = shing kun asafútida (mystic) (Mio. 3). rtsi ma Mi n. of a medicine which is said to possess the virtue of making all poisons including snake venom ineffectual: rtsi ma Mi zhes bya ba dug thams cad zhi bar byed pa yod de|dug sbrul rtsi de'i dri tshor ba tsam phyir ldog par 'gyur ro there is a medicinal oil called rtsi-ma ghi which destroys all poisons; a venomous snake at its smell will go away (Hbrom. ca, 312). rtsi'i rgyal po lit. the prince of medicinal oils or sap; n. of a kind of tree, prob. the Garjang from which a medicinal oil is obtained (K. d. tsha, 117). rtsi'u n. of a plant, = SANST (Vai. so.) [Panicum italicum]S. rtsi ba (or grangs su rtsi ba ) pf. rtsis or brtsis , fut. brtsi , imp. brtsis 1. to count, to reckon, compute: phyin pa'i zhag gang 'di bkra shis can rtsis nas having computed which day would be auspicious for setting out; chu tshod kyi dus brtsis gnang please reckon the time by the clock; 'debs re re la gdan sa rtsi zhing counting the seats on each side; bu tsha'i grangs su brtsi rgyu dgos the number of boys ought to be reckoned. 2. to estimate, consider, in general judgments: yon tan la skyon du rtsi ba to consider good qualities as faults; rdung rtsi he may be reckoned to strike, i.e., he is very likely to strike (in C.); rgyu brtsis pas having considered the cause. rtsig ge = byi ba a mouse. spag phor gyi steng na rtsig ge snug chung bsdad on the flour bowl sat the mouse Smug-chuo (Rdsa. 4). rtsig rtsig , squeaking of the mouse. (EEE The original has "bowel" but since spag phor means "bowl" the typographical error has been corrected.) rtsig pa vb., pf. brtsigs or rtsigs , imp. 1. to build, to erect: rtsig pa brtsigs built a wall (Situ. 70); legs par rtsig shig build it well! sgo rtsig pa to wall up a door. 2. sbst. a wall; masonry, stones, horn, etc. piled up: rtsig pa la ri mo de dag tshon mdog brgyabs pa yin those pictures painted on the wall; lha sa'i phyogs bzhir rtsig pa can de lha sa mthil zhes zer the walled portion of Lhasa is called Lhasa Thil. rtsig gu = rtsig pa ; rtsig ngos side of a wall, face of a wall; rtsig rdo stone for building; foundation stone; rtsig dpon master-mason, architect; rtsig bzo ba SANST brick-layer, mason. rtsig rlag the house-martin (Rtsii.). rtsigs ma grounds, tea-leaves, sediment, the turbid matter of a decoction; and thus in gruel made of barley the fluid portion is called angs ma and the thick sediment is called the rtsigs ma of the gruel. rtsing po SANST (zhib po ma yin pa ) adj. and sbst., gritty, coarse; unrefined, rough, rude; coarseness: zhib rtsing or rtsing zhib abbr. of rtsing po and zhib mo (Rtsii.) fine and gross; rtsam pa rtsing po coarse barley flour; rtsing phye coarse meal, grits; od pa rtsing ba rude manners or behaviour (Glr.); rtsing chos coarse doctrine, a religion which has become mixed up; rtsing thud coarse sort of cheese. rtsid pa or spu rtsub po SANST, coarse hair; gYag gi rtsid po the rough long hair of the yak; rtsid thag a rope manufactured of yak-hair; rtsid stan saddle-cloth of yak-hair; rtsid gur tent covering made of yak-hair; rtsid phyar SANST, yak-hair rope; rtsid phyir felt. rtsid bu a kid: rtsid bu chu mi 'dod pa the kid that does not like water (Lo. 7). rtsib or rtsib ma SANST; a rib rus pa'i rtsib ma id. (Oag. 56) rtsib ma'i bar nas from between the ribs; rtsib logs gYas gYon all the ribs of the right and left side (Dzl.); rtsib logs na ba pain about the ribs; rtsib khyim a hut made of the ribs of larger animals such as yak, camel, etc.: rtsib khyim phub na mchog tu bzang ba yin (Yig. 25) it is exceedingly good to set up a house with ribs (probably for the use of Tantrik priests). It is also stated that a house built with trusses laid like the ribs of a yak or camel from the ridge piece is considered safe and good. rtsib 'bigs (SANST) SANST n. of a great number. rtsibs ma SANST 1. the spoke of a wheel, frq.; in ornamental designs the rtsibs ma are often fanciful figures, supplying the radii of the circle. 2. the sticks or ribs of a parasol, canopy, etc. (Glr.); the spars of a felt-tent, the ribs or stretchers of a hide boat (Schtr.). rtsibs kyi mi khyud that which composes the rim of a wheel; also = SANST n. of a king of the past Kalpa who is said to have had a thousand sons destined to be born as the one thousand Buddhas of the present age (Yig. 16.); rtsibs ri spurs of mountain radiating from a nucleus. rtsibs logs SANST side. rtsis SANST, SANST, SANST 1. counting, reckoning, enumeration: rtsis las 'das pa innumerable. 2. account or accounts: rtsis byed pa or 'debs pa to make account; rtsis rgyab pa to calculate, to compute, rtsis su sbyar ba accounts added up; to count together, to sum up (Dzl.); rtsis dag an account cleared or settled; rtsis kyis or rtsis byas nas ngo shes pa to find by computation; rtsis khra or rtsis kyi khra ma table of figures or accounts (Rtsii.); rtsis mkhan SANST a computer, accountant. rgya dkar rtsis nag rtsis or rgya nag rtsis Chinese astrology. 3. estimation, esteem: rtsis po chen po byed pa to value, to make much of, lus rtsis po che one that makes much of his own body by indulging and adorning it (Thgy.); de la bla lhag tu rtsis su byed he respected her beyond measure (J‰.). rtsis khang a government account office; rtsis khang phun tshogs bkod pa n. of the accountant-general's office at Lhasa, this being the central office whither all the Government accounts of the various districts of Tibet are rendered and there audited. rtsis 'khris making over or returning the articles of dress, official robe, weapons, hat, etc., to government treasury taken as loan by an officer of the state for his personal use during the time of his incumbency, also his replacing them by new ones if he has damaged or lost the old ones: rtsis 'khris mtshon pa'i rigs sprod len dus bkol byed kyi babs dang mthun pa'i zad pa rnams lo ba byed (D. Shel. 11). rtsis 'jog pa = cha bzhag to reckon up. rtsis rta government ponies lent to certain officials. rtsis pa also rtsis mkhan SANST accountant, chronologist, astrologer. Syn. lo shes pa ; dus shes pa ; bskal pa shes pa ; skar dpyad pa ; bza' skar mkhan ; ltas mkhan ; ltas shes ; mtshan mkhan pa ; grangs shes ; grangs rig (Moon.). rtsis dpe SANST account book; an astrological or astronomical work. rtsis dpon a treasury officer and inspector of jong-pons' accounts; they go on tours of inspection, e.g., the tsi-pon stationed at Shigatse visits periodically Gyang-tse, Khamba-jong, etc. rtsis gzhi phyogs bsgrigs n. of the standard work on the subsidies, pensions, allowances, &c., that the government of Lhasa makes. This work has been largely quoted in this compilation its abbreviation being noted as "Rtsii." rtsis gzhi nor bu'i bang mdzod another account code of the government of Lhasa. rtsub pa I: SANST vb. to revile, abuse, as in ngor rtsub pa . 2. a javelin. Syn. brlang ba ; zhe gcod (S. Lex.). II: SANST, SANST 1. adj., uneven, rough, rugged, coarse: rong rtsub rugged ravines; also applied to anything of a stinging pungent or acrid taste, such as onions and similar strongly-tasting things. rtsub 'gyur tshal SANST thicket, wood, forest. 2. = zhe gcod SANST rough in temper, biting (in remarks) = brlang po (S. Lex.). rtsub po rtsub mo SANST, SANST adj. rough, rude, wild. rtsub mo'i reg bya SANST an officinal thorny plant (Moon. also K. d. ya, 214). rtse or rtse mo SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the uppermost place or rank; point, top, peak, summit. khang rtse house-top, gri rtse point of a knife; la rtse "lap-tse" summit of a mountain pass; tog rtse in colloq. = a little, a few (opp. to mang po ); zhwa rtse ring hat with high crown or conical top; rtse gtsil ba to break off the point, to blunt. 2. any point, or particular spot, point as an object of thought: rtse gcig tu lta ba to look at one particular point; also adv., to look steadily: rang gi grib ma la rtse gcig tu byed pa to sems rtse gcig tu byas pa'i ting nge 'dzin la zhugs te having entered into meditation he concentrated his mind on one particular object (of thought); tshe 'di'i rtse gcig this life's only aim, (J‰.); rtse rgod SANST [a sharp-pointed knife]S. 3. sometimes = edge. rtse mchog SANST [in the front]S. rtse chung the arteries which pass from the head on either side of the neck. rtse thang a large town, often known as Chethang, situated on the south bank of the Yeru Tsang-po just where the Yarlung Chhu flows in, in lat. 29∫ 14¥ N., long. 91∫ 43¥ E. Is accounted the third largest town in Tibet and has many Chinese traders resident in it. rtse phran a crown, a head-ornament. Syn. prog zhu ; mgo rgyan (Moon.). rtse mo SANST, SANST top point: khab kyi rtse mo the point of a needle; rtse mo gug a bent point; rtse mo nyid pointedness. rtse mor 'gro ba SANST to advance, to come or move forward reaching the climax; rtse mor song reached the climax, gone to the top, attained to the highest perfection. rtse dman = dma' ba low; also, apparently, = thung ba short (Moon.). rtse zhing dga' ldan pa SANST jolly, fond of play. rtse gsum SANST, SANST a trident; the weapon made use of by tshogs bdag (or Ganesa), by mgon po phyag drug pa (or Mahakala), and by dpal 'khor lo sdom pa (a form of Samvara). rtser 'gro or rtser rgyas = mchog SANST, SANST principal, chief, superior. rtser phyibs + = mthar phyin perfected, thorough, finished. rtser bzhugs pa SANST sitting at the top, mounted high. rtser son SANST, SANST, SANST in front. rtse ba pf. rtses , SANST or rtsed mo rtse ba to play, frolic, disport one's self, take recreation, play games: mig mang rtse ba to play at chess; rtse bra gtong ba to skip about; rtse zhing dga' ba , rtse dga' od pa = to divert one's self, to take recreation; tshal gyi nang du rtser song they went on a pleasure party into the garden. Seems to be used also in obscene sense: 'di dang rtse bar bya'o I mean to enjoy her. rtse mkhan player, gambler, gamester; rtse dga' ma a skipping playful joyous maiden; rtse grogs or rtsed grogs playmate; rtse rgod mirth and laughter; rtse ma frolic, playing; rtse sems can giddy, mirthful, light-hearted. rtse 'jo play; theatrical performance, any amusement in dancing, singing, and playing. Syn. rol rtsed ; rtsen pa ; bro gar ; zlos gar ; 'chams pa 'dod (Moon.). rtse zhwa the hat worn by Rtse-druo (chief clerk or secretary) of the government. rtseg pa pf. brtsegs 1. to amass; to be avaricious: Z rma pAa la an 'drongs na gser la ma rtseg cig do not covet (also, do not count upon) gold if Dharmapala is to be invited here (A. 64). 2. to arrange, to lay one thing on another, to pile up: khang pa rtsegs pa an upper storey of a house, an apartment built on another; balcony on the roof of a house; rgya gram brtsegs pa'i mchod rden a chaitya which has been built upon two dorje placed on the ground like a cross or with a cross on the top. 3. to pulsate, to gasp; successive action, automatic movement: dbugs rtsegs pa , gyen du dbugs rtseg pa short-breathed, panting, gasping, from fright, etc., or as a sign of approaching death. rtsegs pa SANST row, stratum. rtsegs pa'i sngon SANST the green or moss growing on the side of a wall which is exposed. rtseg log + = phran tshegs ease, less trouble; = sred zhen che ba , earnest desire or longing for; one very eager in love. rtseng ba pf. brtsengs , fut. brtseng , imp. brtsongs or rtsong , to tuck up, truss up. rtsed pa also rtsen pa , = rtse ba play; rtsed rtse ba to frolic. Syn. rol mo ; rtse ba ; rtsen pa (Moon.). rtsed mo 1. SANST play, game: dga' ba'i rtsed mo byed pa to engage in mirthful sports; glu gar rtsed mo byed pa to sing, dance and play. 2. any toy; byis pa'i rtsed mo child's play, children's toy. rtsed mo can playful, sportive, merry; gYeng rtsed play, amusement, diversion (J‰.). rtsed skyod = rtsed dga' SANST merriment; rtsed grogs kyi ma ma SANST, SANST a nurse employed to play with an infant or child, to keep it engaged and sooth it; rtsed dga' merriment; rtsed dga' ma , SANST a darling, she who gives delight. rtsed 'jo or in colloq. rtsen 'jo public amusement, popular pleasure, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; rtsed 'jo'i chu bo SANST river Narbadda, according to some, SANST, a name of the Indus (Moon.). rtsed ma the disagreeable feeling in the teeth produced by acids, Sch. (J‰.). rtsed aam a shivering, cold shudder (J‰.). rtsen SANST playing, making sport or diversion; enjoying (A.K. 111-4.): sems kho rang gi thog tu rang lugs su rtsen enjoying himself after his own fashion to the very utmost. rtsen min Chinese name for the Yoga-carya school. rtsen pa 1. as met. the sun (Moon.). 2. v. rtsed pa 3 SANST jocund and careless. rtse'u SANST [1. a thorn. 2. a shower]S. rtse'u chung = mjing pa'i rtse'u the veins of the neck: rgyal po nyid kyi rtse'u chung la zos pa'i tshe (Khrid. 116). rtsog pa 1. v. brtsog pa . 2. (skyugs bro ba ) SANST, SANST. 3. = sngon 'gro ba SANST pioneer, one gone ahead or going on ahead. rtsod pa I: vb., pf. brtsad to contend by words, to dispute, wrangle; rtsod cing ma snyan brjod pa to use bad language in quarrelling; rtsod pa chen po a contention, great quarrel; tshad ma'i rtsod pa a metaphysical debate or discussion; rtsod pa rnams , phugs ma mthong bar 'phral rtsod (Hbrom. 120); rtsod gzhi the basis or the subject of disputation. rtsod pa smra ba to provoke, quarrel by words; rtsod pa zhi bar byed pa'i chos bdun the seven virtues or qualities for putting an end to quarrelling. rtsod can = chu bo ya mu na an epithet of the river Yamuna (Moon.). rtsod ldan one who is frequently quarrelling, a quarrelsome person. Also = snyigs ma'i dus SANST the present age which is full of disputations; rtsod mkhas pa clever in disputation; earnest, zealous; rtsod dus SANST, SANST also = SANST, SANST a province in ancient India bordering the Indian Ocean south of Orissa. rtsod pa'i shing SANST, SANST (ba ru ra ) [the plant Terminalia bellerica or the tree of strife, being supposed to be the favourite haunt of imps and goblins]S. rtsod pa la zhugs pa one involved in dispute, litigation, controversy, etc. rtsod pa lhur len pa'i lta ba inviting controversy or rushing into fight or disputation. rtsod byed ma = SANST (Moon.). [the tree Pongamia glabra]S. rtson or rtson ma in Purig = nausea, vomiting (J‰.). rtsom pa vb., pf. brtsams or rtsoms , imp. rtsoms 1. to begin anything, to set about an undertaking, to start: 'bros par brtsams pa being about to run away; chos las brtsams te rtsod do it was about religion that our dispute began; ngo log brtsams pa las beginning, stirring up an insurrection; de nas brtsams te beginning, from here, from that time rtsom par mdzad to begin to do a work (A.K.). 2. to practise, to accomplish: gso ba'i las ni brtsam mo so he will not accomplish the business of healing. 3. to compose, to draw up, in writing: bstan bcos rtsom mi the writer of a religious work, author; rtsom par or rtsom pa la mkhas pa a clever writer, an elegant composer; chad rtsod rtsom gsum gyi bshad grwa a school in which religion is taught and explained combined with disputations and written compositions. 4. as sbst., SANST, a beginning, commencement, a doing, undertaking: rtsom pa dang po the first beginning. rtsol ba = 'bad pa SANST, SANST 1. vb. to endeavour, to take pains; khyod kyis rtsol ba'i dus la bab now you must exert yourself; srog rtsol ba acc. to Sch.: to draw breath; dbugs rtsol ba to take fresh courage. 2. sbst. zeal, endeavour, exertion: rtsol ba skyed pa to use diligence (J‰.); rtsol sgrub perseverance in the acquisition of wealth or learning (spiritual or worldly): 'bad rtsol dang rtsol sgrub ji ltar tsam byas kyang however enterprising you be in the acquisition of worldly things (Khrid. 51). rtsol ba can SANST one who takes great pains; rtsol bar adv. diligently, zealously. brtsags pa + = sdig pa sin. brtsad pa or brtsam pa , v. rtsod pa 3 and 3rtsom pa 3 (Situ. 76). brtsam gyur las work that has been undertaken; brtsam pa commencement, an undertaking; brtsams pa (bya ba ) SANST commenced, commencement. brtsal SANST care and assiduity; brtsal ma thag tu byung ba SANST that which comes just out of careful work, outcome of care and assiduity. brtsal pa 1. SANST [prohibited]S. 2. = skyugs pa SANST vomiting, nausea. brtsas = rtsed mo brtses (Situ. 76). brtsi arithmetic, reckoning; brtsi yas (grangs ) SANST uncountable, innumerable; brtsi yas las bsgres pa SANST. brtsigs pa = rtsigs pa : rdo'i brtsig pa stone wall. brtsigs pa SANST [1. ugly. 2. n. of a god]S. brtsis pf. of rtsis pa : grangs brtsis (Situ. 76). brtsu ba + = bsu ba , to welcome and receive (a guest). brtsub SANST. brtse chen most affectionate; loving; parents: brtse chen byams pa'i thugs rje'i nye bar 'dzin pa bkrin 'khor med mchog gi zhabs sen zla tshe gsar ba'i dung du (Yig. k. 87). brtse ba 1. vb. to love, usually preceded by snying or thugs ; brtse bas out of love, kindness, e.g., gnang ba to give something out of love; brtse ba'i tshig words of love, kind exhortations. 2. sbst. love, affection, kindness, mercy: brtse ba can affectionate, loving, kind, SANST, SANST, SANST (Moon.); brtse ba ma SANST the beloved one, or spouse; brtsi ba med pa SANST, SANST, SANST ruthless, unkind, unmerciful, ungracious; brtse ldan SANST, SANST kind, gracious, loving, affectionate, merciful: brtse ldan yid kyi ze'u bru gsar pa (Yig. k. 86). brtse ldan sems kyi me long a complimentary address to a friend; brtse ba'i phyag bris your very kind or affectionate letter; snying brtse ba resp. thugs brtse ba loving, affectionate; brtse bas skyong = byams pas skul ba affectionately exhort or treat (Moon.); brtse bas 'dzin = byams pas 'chang (Moon.). brtsegs pf. of rtseg pa 3 q.v.: khang pa lta bu gong nas gong du brtsegs built up one storey upon another; steng du brtsegs piled or built upwards (Situ. 75); brtsegs pa one above another or piled one upon another; a masonry wall. brtsengs or brtsangs a short robe or dress (Oag. 57). (EEE The original has the Tibetan headword as brtsengs with the transliteration as "brtseos". The headword has been corrected in accordance with the transliteration and the context.) brtsems pa is a form of the pf. of 'tshem pa 3. brtson 'grus SANST industry, diligence, assiduity; brtson 'grus chen po SANST great industry; brtson 'grus rtsom pa to use diligence, to show energy, zeal, etc.; brtson 'grus drag po intense application; brtson 'grus can zealous, assiduous, diligent; brtson 'grus nyams te having lost one's energy, zeal having diminished (J‰.); brtson 'grus byed pa to be industrious. brtson 'grus bzang po SANST n. of a Buddhist sage mentioned by Kshemendra in his introduction to Avadana Kalapalata. brtson pa 1. vb. to strive, to aim at, to exert one's self for: tshogs pa la in the accumulation of merits, learning, or wealth. 2. subst. SANST endeavour, effort, care, exertion; bya ba la brtson pa alacrity, readiness to act; brtson pa lhod par SANST one who has relaxed his industry or zeal in any work. 3. adj. = brtson pa can or brtson ldan diligent, assiduous, studious. stsal 1. = dngos grub SANST dngos grub kun stsal . 2. in bka' stsal = resp. said, commanded, ordered; also used alone: bgyid du stsal commanded to do. stsel ba = sel ba 3. stsogs pa SANST [a neighbour]S. stsol ba = gnang ba to give, grant, to bestow, confer; also, to restore: stsal du gsol please grant, etc.; bdag gi lam rgyags stsol cig pray, give me provisions for the journey; bka' stsal ba = bka' gnang ba to command, to give expression to; dngos grub stsol ba to bestow spiritual gifts and miraculous abilities. bstsags pa + = gsags pa SANST, SANST accumulated, hoarded; earned. bstsal pa + any message; also = he spake, commanded; he bestowed. tsha the aspirate of tsa , and the eighteenth letter of the Tibetan alphabet; acc. to Tibetan grammarians it corresponds with the Sanskrit SANST. I: 1. num. fig.: 18. 2. for tsha ba 3. 3. when tsha is preceded by a tshig grogs qualifying word, as in bod tsha Tibetan salt, it is not correct to write bod tshwa though tshwa singly signifies salt. II: in Budh. 1. = the general protection that the Tathagata extends to all living beings against worldly miseries (K. my. ka, 207). 2. tsha ni 'da' ba med pa'i sgo|'bral ba med pas thams cad grol (K. g. wa, 42). Tsha represents the state from which there is no passing away, also that which being indissoluble delivers all. III: n. of a tribe of Tibet (J. Zao.). tsha skor = tsha bo'i skor grandchildren. tsha kha target, the black spot on it where an arrow should hit; the object aimed at (Rtsii.). tsha khang place where tsha tsha are kept. tsha kho n. of a place in rgyal mo rong the mountainous country to the east of Khams and bordering on China (Loo. za, 6). tsha khru diarrhúa. tsha ga pa locust, called tsha ga 'bu in Khams which acc. to J‰. = tshag tshag grasshopper. tsha grang temperature, the degree of warmth of anything. tsha grang gal mdo sunstroke, the diagnosis of this disease whether it is based upon heat or cold so as not to mistake the origin of disease being very difficult (Mog. ch. 13). tsha sgang one of the six Sgao provinces of Khams (Rtsii.). tsha gcig ma thick blanket, quilt C. (J‰.). tsha lcib v. lcib . (EEE The usual spelling is tsha lcibs and lcibs 3.) tsha chas lunch: tsha chas dgong chas lunch and the afternoon meal (Rtsii.). tsha ja the tea that is taken as soon as midday-halt is made by travellers for refreshment: lam 'grul zhig gis tsha ja gcig bskol ba la bang (Khrid. 17). v. tsha phog 3. tsha ting or tsha lding morning time between 8 and 9 A.M. tsha drag (brel ba che ba ). 1. very busy, making haste, hurrying about; tsha drag tu quickly, without delay. 2. any article of food made saltish. tsha gdung 1. SANST afflictions from disease; sufferings from fever. 2. SANST, SANST shade, umbrella. tsha gdung can the spring season; fire. tsha nad v. post tsha ba'i nad 3. tsha sna anxiety, solicitude; tsha sna can W. solicitous, careful, attached; tsha sna med mkhan W. indifferent, unfeeling, callous (J‰.). tsha phan tse C. dresser, kitchen table. tsha phog the midday-halt; travellers in Tibet and upper China halt for their morning meal a little before noon. In such countries travellers begin their day's journey after taking a cup of tea early in the morning, sometimes an hour or two before day-break. tsha ba I: 1. vb. to be hot; so ga la nyi ma'i 'od zer rab tu tsha bas since in summer the rays of the sun are very hot. 2. sbst. heat: tsha bas gdung ba to be tormented by the heat of the day (S. g.); tsha ba'i dus su during the heat of the day, at noon; tsha ba ni bsil bar gyur to the heat changed into coolness; tsha bas rmya ba to lose one's appetite in consequence of great heat (Sch.); tsha ba nyid SANST heat; tsha ba ldan SANST possessing warmth, hot; tsha ba med = gdung ba med without heat, or warmth, cool; tsha ba tsam SANST slightly warm. tsha ba'i ma SANST pungent. tsha bas nyen drought, want of rain. 3. adj. warm, hot. In C. colloq. the adj. used takes the form tsha po : gnam tsha po byung it has become hot. 4. n. of the 6th hot-hell. tsha ba sgrib parasol, umbrella, that shades from the heat of the sun. Syn. nyi gdugs ; tshad skyob . tsha ba shing SANST a medicinal tree, Terminalia catappa. Syn. lan bu can ; char sprin can ; lha mtshungs ; sprin la rdeg ; brgya byin 'bras bdag ; 'o ma can ; ing gu dI (Moon.). tsha ba'i nad fever, the different kinds of which are: (1) gal mdo , (2) ri thang mtshams , (3) msnin tsha ba , (4) rgyas tshad , (5) stongs tshad , (6) gab tshad , (7) snying tshad , (8) snyogs tshad , (9) 'grams tshad , (10) 'khrugs tshad , (11) rims tshad , (12) 'brum , (13) rgyu gzer , (14) gag pa , (15) lhog pa , (16) cham pa (Sman.). tsha big big a comfortable warm place of residence. tsha ba len a popular medicinal plant. Syn. pi tsu la ; 'dzam po 'dzin ; dpal gyi lo ma ; ku mud can ; bum can ; rkad 'bras ; ke Da4 (Moon.). The white species is called tsha ba len dkar po : Syn. bcud skya ; 'byung po 'jug (Moon.). The red species byu ru tshogs can (Moon.). Another species: Syn. khyu ldan ; dbus 'gyur ; 'chang ma ; tshogs can ; ma dang ldan . The yellow species is called phreng ldan and yid bzang skyes , mtshon mo'i me tog and gser me tog . tsha bo SANST resp. dbon or sku tsha C. 1. grandchild, grandson. 2. nephew, brother's son. 3. yang tsha great grandchild; acc. to J‰. yung tsha great-great grandchild; gzhi tsha any descendant. tsha mo SANST; 1. grand daughter. 2. niece. tsha dmyal brgyad the eight hot hells (1) yang sos SANST; (2) thig nag SANST; (3) bsdus 'joms SANST; (4) ngu 'bod SANST; (5) ngu 'bod chen po SANST; (6) tsha ba SANST; (7) rab tu tsha ba SANST; (8) mnar med (M.V.). tsha tsha SANST miniature conical figures, moulded of clay and used as offerings, placed in large numbers on the ledges of chortens: nad pa la snan dpyad|tsha tsha gtor ma phul administer medicine to the sick and offer tsha-tsha as torma offerings; kha nas me yi tsha tsha 'phros from his mouth proceeded cones, figures of fire (Pth.). tsha tsha'i zhag rust. Syn. lcags kyi dregs pa (Moon.). tsha gzhug the stage of remission in fever, also convalescent state after fever has left. tsha rag = tsha drag 3. tsha ru lamb-skin. tsha la also called dar tshur a salt which is mixed with ordinary rock-salt to colour it white, also a salt purifier tsha las rma 'drub khrag 'ju sbyang bar byed| tsha lu 1. red; bya po tsha lu red-breasted cock. 2. v. tshal ba 3. tsha lum a sweet orange grown in Sikkim. tsha le borax; tsha le'i skyur rtsi boracic acid (Cs.); tsha le byed pa to solder. tshwa salt, in such words as bod tsha , rgya tsha , kha ru tsha the subjoining of wa zur ( a ) to the letter tsha is not necessary but sometimes it is done to avoid mistakes. tshwa kha ru for kha ru tshwa black-salt. tshwa kha salt-pit, salt-lake; tshwa khug salt-bag; tshwa sgo place where salt is found; tshwa sgo can soil that owing to an admixture of soda or magnesia is not suited for any kind of vegetable produce; tshwa tshil salted fat; tshwa dmar also called tshwa dmar brag tshwa a kind of red rock-salt. tshwa ya also tsha ya = tshwa rdog po gcig a grain of salt crystal: mi 'grub bya ba bong thong la tshwa ya bkal gsung (A. 120). Syn. lan tsha ; dpyid dus chags ; 'gyur rnon po ; chu yi ro ; chu yi snying po (Moon.). tshag = gYag the yak; tshag sha yak beef, tshag skam dried beef of yak; tshag mgo yak's head; lug mgo bzhi la tshag mgo gcig for four sheep's head one yak's head in exchange (Rtsii.). tshag po = tshag a yak; tshag bug a carcass of yak without the head and inner contents (Rtsii.); tshag rlon = tshag sha rlon fresh beef of yak (Rtsii.); tshag lag the front leg of yak (Rtsii.); tshag lug , gYag and lug yak and sheep; tshag sug the lower parts of the legs of slaughtered yak (Rtsii.). tshag sha dried flesh of larger animals of cattle, etc., gen. that of the yak. tshag tshig or tshag tshigs 1. the larger and smaller joints of the arms and legs. 2. acc. to J‰. dark spots or speckles on wood, etc., as in Mil.; = freckles in C. tshag tshe bruised barley or wheat. tshag zhwa skull-cap lined with lamb-skin; tshag zhu a robe lined with kid or lamb-skin; bod ston rnams tshag zhu ber chen gyon pa la chibs (A. 87) the Tibetan lama-teachers, dressed in robes lined with lamb-skin and woollen cloaks, rode (on horseback). tshags 1. a cap. gos tshags coat and cap (Dzl.). 2. = tshag ma sieve; tshags kyis btsags sift with a sieve; ko tshags a sieve made of leather, the one most in use; ras kyi tshags to sift or filter with a piece of cotton rag; khrol tshags = tshag ma Lex.; nya tshags weel, for catching fish C. 3. thin-split bamboo, for making baskets Sikk. 4. Sch.: the right-sort, a choice article: tshags bzang byas nas having made a good choice. 5. as tshags byed pa or tshags su 'jug pa or tshud pa to save, spare, lay up as provision for the future: tshe phyi ma'i grabs ci yang tshags su ma tshad I have not made any provision yet for the future life (Mil.); gnyer byed pa gser tshags gyis shig (A. 69) take care of the gold, keep it in your charge; yi ge'i tshags a stop to divide a sentence; tshags dam po strict care, vigilance; dense and strong, as of stuffs; so tshags dam zhing the teeth standing close and firm (J‰.); tshags lhod po SANST loose, not compact; tshags bu = 'bru tshags sa'i snod a vessel in which the grain, &c., passing through a sieve is deposited (S. kar. 180). tshags tshud pa to be sure of a thing, lag tu tshags tshud pa to test a thing properly by the hand (Yig. 98). tshang SANST, SANST, SANST habitation of any kind whether for men or for beasts, birds, or insects; abode, dwelling, den, nest. gnas tshang habitation, inn, lodging-house; tshang 'cha' ba to build a nest, to establish a house-hold; grwa tshang monastery or college, the dwellings of the monks in large monasteries; thab tshang kitchen also tshang bang . tshang zla fellow-students, comrades. tshang ngu a nest, a cradle; tshang la gnas a small bird or child that is in the nest or cradle; mi tshang . tshang rngam = 'jigs stang SANST fearful. tshang nag + a woman to whom no son has been born, a mother of girls only (in Sikk.). tshang ba vb. pf. tshangs 1. to be complete, full, entire: zla ba dgu tshang ba nas when the nine months were full, completed; zla ba tshang du nye bas towards the end of the months of pregnancy (Dzl.); rgyal po gcig (gis )ma tshang ba la as one king was still wanting, the number not being yet complete (Dzl.); tshang nas yod they are complete (in number) (J‰.). 2. adj. complete, entire; or having things complete: yon tan de tshe tshang ba'i bu mo a girl in full possession of all these qualities (Pth.); kha dog lnga tshang ba having all the five colours complete (Glr.); dbang po ma tshang ba one of imperfect faculties; tshang skam perfectly dry; tshang 'grig complete arrangement of everything (Rtsii. 68); tshang po forming a whole, full; not one less or left out. tshang ma 1. whole, entire, perfect (the usual adjective form): bya phrug tshang ma zhig a perfect young bird, i.e., perfectly-developed (Dzl.). 2. often = all, for thams cad . tshang mang + 1. v. ka ko la 3 (Moon.). 2. = thab tshang kitchen. tshang tshing = stug po'i nags (Moon.) a dense copse, a thicket; acc. to Sch.: a wild, dismal place; tshang tshing srid pa'i gnas the horrible existence in the external world (J‰.); tshang tshing mi zad gang zhe na|bud med rnams kyi od pa'o if it is asked: what is most horrible in this world to be afraid of, (let it be answered) it is the behaviour of women; bsam gtan nags mes yang yang du ni|nyes ba'i tshang tshing mang po bsregs byas kyang all the many woods of worldliness have been repeatedly burnt by the wild-fire of Dhyana (contemplation). tshang ya double-barrelled gun in W. colloq. tshang ra 1.SANST the hinder part. 2. v. 'tshang ra 3 a sheep-fold. tshangs = gtsang ma purity, pure; tshangs par od purity of life, gen. in reference to perfect abstinence from female company; tshangs skud holy thread that Brahmans wear. tshangs skyes 1. an epithet of the planet Saturn SANST (Moon.). 2. a term for birds in general (Moon.). tshangs 'khor SANST the second of the first Dhyana heavens v. bsam gtan dang po (M.V.). (EEE bsam gtan dang po does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under bsam gtan 3.) tshangs bcoms SANST an epithet of Kamadeva (Moon.); being pierced by an arrow called kun tu rmongs byed Brahma became enamoured of his own daughter, so he was called the vanquished of Cupid (Moon.). tshangs pa I: adj. purified, clean, pure, holy: tshangs par gyur cig become clean, be pure! (Dzl.); mthol ; tshangs par od pa , tshangs pa'i od pa , tshangs par mtshungs par od pa to be clean, chaste, holy, to do what is right, to lead an honest upright life. mi tshangs par od pa SANST to lead an unchaste life. II: SANST; SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST Brahma, of whom are two, the greater one being lord of the Sahaloka dhatu, the junior one presiding over the stong dang po first thousand of worlds and riding on a swan guards the SANST or upward direction. The different epithets of Brahma are; rang byung ; bdag skyes ; gser mngal can ; pad ma'i skye gnas ; chu skye mngal ; skye dgu'i ma bdag po ; lha las rgan ; mes po ; gdong bzhi ; lte ba skyes ; mi mjed bdag po ; dbyid kyi snying ; rna ba brgyad pa ; rig byed gdong ; 'jig rten byed po ; sna tshogs byed ; rig byed snying po ; rig byed dbang ; mngon skyes ; ngang pa'i shing rta ; dga' ba brgyad pa ; mig brgyad pa ; rig byed rnam byang ; sbyin byed ; rig byed dran po (Moon.). It is stated in Moon. that the body of Brahma was so lofty and large that Virnu looking upward and Mahesvara looking downwards were unable to see his extremities. tshangs pa khyad par sems kyis zhus pa'i mdo the Sutra delivered by Buddha at the request of Bodhisattva Tsaos-pa khyad-par-sems (K. d. pa, 35). tshangs pa chen po SANST n. of the 4th Dhyani heaven. tshangs pa'i drang srong SANST the highest of class of Brahmanical sages, a Brahmanical saint. tshangs pa'i bu 1. Brahmana. 2. = a poison (Moon.). (EEE i.e., 1. Brahman.) tshangs pa'i bu ga SANST = mtshog ma the cranium. tshangs pa'i dbyangs SANST the voice of Brahma, the intonation with which the Veda is read by the Brahman [prayer-sound]S. (EEE Original has Brahman for Brahman above.) tshangs pa'i sras mo an epithet of the goddess Sarasvati (Moon.). tshangs pa'i shing SANST [the Indian mulberry tree]S. Syn. tshangs byung ; tshangs pa'i mchod sbyin shing ; skul byed ; gso byed ; 'gro byed ; nyer sbyor shing ; rim pa can ; tshangs pa'i dA ru ; tshangs shing (Moon.). tshangs pas byin or tshangs byin Brahmadatta, the Buddhist king of Benares who was greatly devoted to Buddha and his religion. tshangs pas byin gyis zhus pa'i mdo the sermon that was delivered by the Buddha at the request of king Brahmadatta of Benares (K. d. pa, 16). tshangs sbyong an epithet of the son of Kamadeva (Moon.). tshangs od ldan 1. one who assiduously preserves his religious vows. 2. an epithet of Kumara (gzhon nu kA rti ka ) (Moon.). tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho the second sovereign Dalai Lama or the sixth hierarch of that line (Loo. 11). tshangs ma SANST, SANST. tshangs mtsho 1. Manasarovara, Brahma's lake; 2. SANST [a woman of high rank]S. tshangs rigs Brahman caste traditionally originated from Brahma (Moon.). (EEE The original has Brahman for Brahman above.) tshangs ris the first mansion of the first Dhyani heaven. tshad or tshad pa 1. measure, size, measuring in general; yul gyi tshad pa measure or extent of a country; dus kyi tshad pa measure of time, its duration; tshad can having a measure, dimensions; tshad 'jal ba = tshad zhal ba to measure; thig tshad 'jal ba SANST, SANST taking measurement. tshad du longs pa = tshad du slebs measurable; to be proper measure or dimension, to fit: zhes pa tshad du longs pa yin te so in measure it fitted (A. 29). chung gi tshad la according to the size, in size (Glr.); mi tshad size of a (full-grown) man; sku tshad size of body, resp. stature. tshad du v. frq. = up to, as far as, as much as: stobs gyad stobs po che'i tshad du phyin te his strength was equal to that of a powerful athlete; kham tshad du gcod pa to cut even into bits; ngom tshad du 'thung ba to drink one's fill. mnan tshad direction how the pulse is to be felt (or pressed); khyed rnams kyi chos bslab tshad according to your view of religious studies (Mil.); tshad du skyes pa grown up, full-size, as adj. (J‰.). As vb. tshad du byed pa or tshad 'jal ba to measure (J‰.); za btung la tshad gcod pa to observe the proper measure in eating and drinking; tshad las 'da' ba , thal ba to exceed the proper measure; yid pham pa la tshad las 'das pa yong the dejection will increase to an excess (Mil.). 2. sometimes we find tshad apparently = all: sna tshad various, of every kind, of all sorts (Glr.); 'dir ldom bu ba byung tshad all the beggars that show themselves here (Mil.); mi yongs tshad all the people that have come; snang tshad chos skur shar all that happens appears as chos sku (Glr.); gsung tshad all that is ordered, proclaimed (Sch.); tshogs tshad all the people assembled (Sch.). 3. enough, esp. with a negation: 'dra ba mi tshad not having enough of the comparisons, not resting satisfied with them. tshad kyi dbye ba SANST differentiation in the measure. tshad pa SANST 1. heat, in gen.; tshad gdung id.; tshad pa byung tshe when it grows hot; tshad pas gdung ba to suffer from fever, to be tormented by the heat; tshad pas or vulg. tshad pa nas phog pa to be struck by the heat, to receive a sunstroke; also to be taken ill with dysentery. tshad skyes = rngul sweat, perspiration (Moon.); tshad skyob = gdugs an umbrella (that protects from the sun's heat) (Moon.). 2. morbid heat of the body, fever, tshad pa zhag gnyis ma tertian fever (Schtr.); tshad pa'i nad fever, but also dysentery (J‰.). tshad pa'i shing = rtag pa shing the birch tree. tshad 'bu grasshopper, locust (Sch.). tshad ma SANST, SANST, SANST the measure, a rule, model, argument; tshad ma rig pa or gtan tshigs rig pa the science of Pramana i.e., evidence. tshad ma zhes pa ni mi bslu ba perfect measure, proof, evidence, so that there may not be any deception (Ya-sel.); nor 'khrul med pa without mistake. tshad ma mang por smra ba las byung ba gnyis :- (1) de lta bu yod ces grags pa SANST [tradition]S.; (2) mthangs (kun )kyis tshor ba SANST. tshad ma mkhan or tshad ma pa dialectician (Cs.); tshad ma 'grel ba commentary to a logical work (Cs.). tshad ma sde bdun title of the work on logic by Acharya Dharmakirti slob dpon chos kyi grags pas mdzad pa'i tshad ma sde bdun dang the seven classes of Pramana by Acharya Dharmakirti (A. 33). tshad mar rung ba'i zla grogs SANST [help of authorities]S. tshad med dge SANST = the second mansion of the third Dhyani heaven. tshad med 'od SANST immeasurable light; n. of the second mansion or stage of the second Dhyani heaven. tshad med gsum the three immensely great and important virtues:- byams pa SANST love; snying rje SANST compassion, mercy; dga' ba SANST joy. The term seems also to comprise the virtue of btang snyoms or SANST indifference both to pleasure and pain. tshad zla = spun zla a brother: tshad zla gcig yod pa kho tshong byed du 'ongs pa'i zhor la I had a brother who on the occasion of having come to transact business (A. 50). tshad yangs pa spacious, commodious in reference to houses, &c. (Hbrom. 131). tshad yas SANST, SANST [1. a particular high number. 2. a loom, weaver]S. tshan 1. a party, a band: tshong pa tshan gcig dang bsdebs nas byon pa la he proceeded in the company of a party of traders (A. 47); gru bas 'gron po tshan gcig bsu nas song the boat proceeded taking a party of passengers (A. 67). 2. or tshan mo adj. hot, warm; chu tshan hot water, warm water, zan dron tshan mo warm food; tshan zug in W. fever; tshan ro hot, the sensation of heat. 3. = tsha bo descendant, relation: pha tshan cousin by the father's side; ma tshan by the mother's side C.; pha tshan = pha spun ; khu tshan = khu bo . 4. series, order, class, sde tshan id.; bzhi tshan a set of four, class of four things; drug tshan du sdebs pa to put together in groups or sets of six (Mil.); don tshan a certain class of ideas (Schf.). 5. as termination of certain collective nouns: gnyen tshan , nye tshan kindred, relations nye tshan bdud kyi bshol 'debs yin relatives are devil's procrastinators. 6. nang tshan part, of a country, district (Ta. 90, 20). 7. or tshan po many, a number of: tshan grangs a great number or variety of things (Yig. 127); skye bo tshan po nobleman, a great man (A. 127); tshan po che a great many, good deal: ngas kho la dmag brgyab nas bzlog na ni skye bo tshan po che phung la if by fighting I make him retreat, a large number of men will get into misery (A. 27). tshan can not scanty. tshaºo = phreng ba garland, rosary (mystic) (K. g. kha, 26). tshab a deputy, representative, proxy: kho la tshab yod he has got a representative; in reference to a thing, equivalent, substitute; des tshab rung it may be replaced by this; tshab rung tsam mo this may perhaps be used as a substitute (Vai. so.); tshab byed pa to represent, supply the place of; tshab sgrub pa to give a substitute for, to replace a thing. sku tshab or tshab po representative of a superior, delegate, commissioner, agent; rgyal tshab viceroy, regent; especially applied to the regent who rules Tibet in the minority of the Dalai Lama, who is also styled rgyal po bu tshab adopted child, foster-child; mi tshab acc. to Schtr. negotiator, mediator; hostage; tshab 'jug substitute; replacing: tshab 'jug ming rdzus cha 'jog mi byed a representative under a false name should not be put (Rtsii. 61). tshab tu instead of, in the place of: mar me'i tshab tu instead of a lamp, for a lamp; tshab tshub 1. with byed pa to be ruffled, disturbed, agitated: sems tshab tshub byed pa to become agitated in mind. 2. = sa sros or sa rub dusk: nub gcig nam tshab tsub tsa na one evening as soon as it became dusk (A. 137). smyo tshab tshub = temporary insanity, occasionally becoming mad. tshabs an intensive usually conjoined with tshe = very great, very much: sdig pa tshabs che bar 'dug it proves a very great sin; mgo bo 'khor tshabs che na when much dizziness supervenes, tshabs chen or tshabs can deeply, dangerously; 'gal tshabs can sinning heinously. rku ma tshabs che ba a daring robbery; rkun ma tshabs chen a desperate thief or robber; na tsha tshabs chen a serious illness or disease; skad cha tshabs chen very bad news; mi tshabs chen an unscrupulous man. tsham tshum or tsham tshom doubt, hesitation, shrinking; tsham tshum to feel doubt, hesitate, draw back. tsham tshum can or tsham me tshom me doubtful, wavering, undecided; tsham dam a shrinking attitude; tsham tshom med pa SANST courageous, intrepid, daring. tshar 1. occasion, instance; tshar gcig = lan gcig once (Moon.); tshar gnyis twice; tshar gcig la = srib gcig la in one moment. 2. rosary, a garland. tshar ba = rdzogs pa or las grub pa (Moon.) to fulfil, to finish; as sbst. = fulfilment, accomplishment, doing a work completely; tshar phyin = nges byung to have done a thing thoroughly, to go to the furthest limit; tshar tshar = rdzogs rdzogs bar du to the stage of completion; tshar khad = rdzogs la khad (Moon.). tshar zin SANST finish, completion. tshar gcod pa to annihilate, to completely destroy, to put an end to: phar rgol tshar gcod ma byed pa not putting an end to controversy (Hbrom. 39). tshar bong n. of an officinal plant: gre ba'i tsha ba glo nad sel cures disease of the gullet or lungs. tshal SANST, SANST grove, a garden, park; nags tshal id.; me tog gi tshal flower-garden; tshal yang rtsa herb-garden. skyid mos tshal pleasure-grove; tshal nye ba'i rin po che is the ideal of a garden the possession of which gives to a Cakravarti Raja many peculiar advantages, in consequence of which it is called, fig. SANST; bidUr ya'i tshal the grove where lapis lazuli is found in abundance, shing ta la pa tin tu ka'i tshal thickets of the tree called tala patintu-ka; bya myos pa'i tshal , bya tan da pa'i tshal and khu byug gi tshal are said to exist in the abodes of the four guardian kings i.e., the Catur Maharaj Kayika deva (K. n. of d. 'a, 71). tshal chos lung rdzong a fort in the district of Tshal situated to the west of Lhasa (Rtsii.). tshal pa 1. a native of Tshal 2. = dum bu a piece, chip, splinter; a patch. tshal ba pieces: ri rab tshal bar gshags nas having torn mount Sumeru into pieces. (A. 17); ras tshal pa a piece of rag; tshal ba brgyar gas it was torn in a hundred pieces. tshal bu small chip, a bunch of flowers, a lock of hair (J‰.). tshal bog pa = dro btab pa to make a morning-halt on a journey for taking a meal. tshal ma vulg. for dro zas breakfast: tshal ma za ba to eat breakfast, tshal ma za ba rnams breakfast companions. tshal ma'i lam or tshal lam or tsha lam half-a-day's journey, as Tibetans generally travel till midday as one morning's journey. tshal se n. of a village in the district of Stod-luo mtshur-phu (Rtsii.). tshas 1. used in W. for tshal a garden; tshas skyor garden-bed, tshas mkhan gardener. 2. of a woman in child birth (J‰.). tshi gu or tshig gu = tsi gu SANST the kernel or nut contained in a stone-fruit; kham bu'i tshi gu the stone of an apricot; tshi can stone-fruit. tshi ba in C., filth, viscous sticky matter, esp. clammy dirt, e.g., in the wool of sheep; tshi dam po solid dirt; tshi ba can sticky, clammy, filthy. tshig SANST, SANST 1. a word; a remark, a speech: 'dri ba'i tshig an interrogative word; tshig sgrig pa to connect or arrange words; the order in which words are to be placed; da ltar gyi tshig the present tense; tshig la mkhas pa skilful in selecting words (Cs.); bden tshig truth, brdzun tshig falsehood, tshig gi mtshon cha word which hit at the heart, i.e., which give pain or offence (Rtsii. 7). tshig grogs an auxillary word, a helping word; tshig rgyan SANST word used to emphasize. Acc. to Buddhists words are of seven kinds:- (1) rgyu'i tshig , SANST; (2) 'bras bu'i tshig , (3) rgyu dang 'bras bu'i tshig ; (4) dpe'i tshig SANST; (5) smra ba'i mi rigs pa'i tshig ; (6) speg rten kun jil ba'i tshig ; (7) yid bzhin gyi tshig (K. my. kha, 345). tshig kyal ba spong ba SANST abstinence from speaking unconnected or irrelevant expressions; tshig kha skong ba SANST [a further enumeration]S.; tshig 'khrun chod pa = tshig thag chod pa to speak definitely, to give definite orders; tshig gi mjug SANST the last word, the conclusion of an expression; tshig gi gtang rag SANST thanksgiving, words of thanks; tshig gi bdag one who is skilful in speaking, a speaker, an orator; tshig gi phrad SANST [accidental occurrence; a grammatical term for adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions]S. tshig ngan SANST rebuke, unpleasant words or expression. tshig ngan smra ba to insult, abuse; tshig ngan smra bas gnyen dang 'khon speaking unpleasant words produces quarrels with friends; foolish speech; tshig 'chal , tshig 'chal smra bas kun gyis 'phya lightly speaking brings on scoffing, makes one ridiculous. tshig 'jam ldan as met. = a parrot (Moon.). tshig ldab redundancy; one who repeats the same word or expression twice over or more (Moon.). tshig sdud pa SANST combination of words, compound word. tshig bla ags SANST [denomination]S. tshig 'bru sbyor ba SANST, SANST to put together letter and syllables: tshig 'bru bzang po . tshig mtshams la sbyar SANST [the syllable after which the separated part of a compound word occurs]S. tshig rdzun untruth, falsehood, lie; tshig rdzun smra bas don mi 'grub by speaking untruth one's object is not gained, it is lost. tshig gzhi basis of a word, expression or speech. tshig gzhi also = tshig gi rtin or rtsa ba the chief items or articles in a treaty or agreement or document (Rtsii.). tshig zur gnyis su sbyar SANST [a secondary sense hidden in the obvious one]S. tshig nyams = lkug pa a dumb mute person; one who cannot express himself well (Moon.). tshig rtabs SANST [refuted, disallowed]S. tshig tha dad SANST [answer]S. tshig dor ba = mi gshe ba SANST indecent language. tshig mda'i mgon po an epithet of Indra (Moon.). tshig rdeg as met. = gar mkhan ma a dancing girl (Moon.). tshig ldan 1. an epithet of Vphaspati the teacher of gods (Moon.). 2. one who is skilful in speaking. tshig rtsub SANST harsh words, rude or rough language, unpleasant expression: tshig rtsub smra bas dgra bo 'gugs by speaking a rough word (one) invites enmity. tshig rtsub smra ba spong ba SANST abstinence from using rude or rough expressions (M.V.). tshig gu á = tshi gu a stone or kernel of a fruit. tshig pa 1. to burn, to give intolerable pain. ji ltar 'tshed pas tshig pa yang |me yis kyang ni gdung bar bya (K. g. ka, 369). 2. subst. anger, wrath, rage. tshig po adj. burnt, over-baked; sha bag leb sogs tshig pa burning of meat, bread, etc. tshig mar butter added to anything that is being roasted that it may not be singed (Rtsii.). tshig ma a sinew, tissue. tshigs 1. sometimes rus tshigs SANST a joint, knuckle; tissue or muscle between two joints; tshigs zug pain in the joints; tshigs 'bud pa to put out of joint, to dislocate, to sprain; tshigs 'jug pa to reduce a dislocated joint; tshigs khebs ornament worn above the wrist or elbow, also finger ring. sog tshigs knot of a stalk of corn or straw; smyug tshig knot of a cane (Cs.). 2. anything that connects, a joining, junction, link; also interlude: dus tshigs or tshigs skabs that which joins times of occupation, i.e., a holiday; rgyu tshigs 'bras bu conjunction of cause and effect; tshigs ldan pa reasonable, logical; tshigs ldan ma an intellectual reasonable woman. 3. metrical division, or rather, metrical connection, train of verses; and hence, simply, a verse: tshigs bcad pa to compose verses; tshigs su bcad pa brgya pa SANST; a poem of one hundred sloka by Acarya Vararuchi (Tan. d. go 180); tshigs su bcad pa'i mdzod ces bya ba'i legs bshad n. of poem by Acarya Suryagupta (Tan. d. go , 180); tshigs su sbyar ba to compile verse. tshigs od SANST [a Brahman]S. (EEE The original has Brahman for Brahman above.) tshigs ma SANST sediment, residue, dregs, husks, chaff. tshigs bzung ba the ceremony of Bdun-tshigs bzuo-wa at the forty-ninth day of a person's death. tshigs ro = tshigs ma 3 (J‰.). tshing ga (snan ) SANST n. of a medicinal drug. tshin = China (Grub. tha, 1). tshim pa med = dpa' po hero, champion (Moon.). tshim pa SANST, SANST to be contented, satisfied, satiated, consoled; also, as adj. frq.: yid tshim par gyur he was satisfied, bu mo la with the girl; tshim par byed pa to satisfy, tshim pa'i ngag 'jam po the soothing speech which appeases. tshim byed skyes SANST [the lunar motion]S. tshim byed ma a name of the lunar mansion Purya (Moon.); acc. to some = seng ge the lion of the zodiacal sign. tshim byed dmar = gur gum saffron (Moon.). tshim med = dang ga bde ba 3 or grod che (Moon.). (EEE grod che does not occur elsewhere in the dictionary but see under 3grod pa 3.) tshir in order, course, succession, in turn. tshir ba v. 'tshir ba 3. tshil = zhag or snum zhag fat (not melted), tshil lu id.; lug tshil mutton-fat, phag tshil pork-fat, bacon; khog tshil , grod tshil suet, lard; spo tshil bacon-fat; spra tshil wax (J‰.). tshil khu liquid fat, melted fat (Pth.); tshil gong SANST, the fat of the breast; tshil can or tshil ldan fatty, fat. tshil chen human fat (Sman); tshil med lean; tshil mar melted fat or lard (Rtsii.); tshil ro remains of lard after melting. tshis 1. acc. J‰.: prob. secondary form of rtsis . 2. = so nam gyi las work of husbandry. 3. tshis su = grogs su in friendship: thams cad nas khyed kyi tshis su ci 'gro byed (A. 133). tshu as J‰. remarks, the contrary of pha , a root signifying hitherward, on this side; tshu kha this side (prob. for tshur kha ); tshu bi one of this side, pha bi one of the other side (Cs.); tshu rol = tshun chad this side (opp. to pha rol ); tshu rol na adv. on this side, postp. with genit. tshu rol tu this way, to this place; tshu rol nas from this side; tshu rol pa one on this side, one belonging to this (our) party; tshu rol bgrod walks on this side or this way. tshu'u [prob. Chinese, for the Tibetan skyud ru , acc. to some = vinegar, acc. to others: a pulpy product prepared from various kinds of fruits mixed with vinegar, sugar, and spices, and having been left to ferment is used as a condiment]J‰. tshug sa v. next para. tshugs = snang ba SANST, the shape or form of an image or statue, constructive form: sku yi tshugs legs pa (Jig. 13) the appearance or form of his person (or of an image) is good; tshugs pa med SANST ill proportioned, ugly. tshugs pa 1. = sa 'dzin pa stage or station; rgya tshugs Chinese mail stage; tshigs khang or tshug sa caravansary, or merely a level open place near a village, where travellers may encamp, or where public business is transacted. 2. vb. to do one harm, to hurt, to inflict, mostly with a negative: bar chad ma tshugs par without having hurt me (Mil.); nga la mes dang nad kyis mi tshugs pa fire, disease, etc. can do me no harm (J‰.). tshud pa 1. = 'tshud pa : yun ring du lam du tshud par gtsug lag khang (A. 126). 2. to dig; tshud mo mkhan = rkos mkhan a digger, excavator. tshun = tshu or tshur here, on this side: sa mtshams tshun la this side of the boundary. When with chad or cad or with la signifies: within, by, up to, so far as; post. c. accus.: rabs bdun tshun chad within seven generations; sang gi nyi ma phyed tshun la by noon of tomorrow (Glr.); bu dang bu mo tshun chad including the children, not even the children being excluded (J‰.). tshub ma or 'tshub ma a storm: kha tshub a snow-storm; bu tshub gust of wind, lha 'dre'i bu tshub whirl-wind; fig. phrag dog gi tshub ma a violent fit of envy; sems tshub trouble of mind (Cs.); tshub cheb = rlung tshub a gale, hurricane: phu ston dpon gYog byed stongs na tshur tshub mang nge byung (A. 95). tshur hither, to this place, hitherward (opp. to phar thither), tshur shog come hither, come here! tshur 'ong ba to return home (Pth.), tshur la nyon listen here, to this (J‰.); tshur ka or tshur kha on this side, this side of the river-bank, declivity, etc.; tshur logs a returning, tshur phyogs this direction. tshur rgol plaintiff (Yig. 16). tshur mo or mtshur mo SANST, paint, pigment: nag tshur black-pigment; a mineral found for instance in Nubra used for dying black; ser tshur yellow-pigment, dmar tshur red-paint. tshul SANST, SANST 1. method, manner, fashion, way of doing anything: khong kyis gang yang tshul du 'dod yong in whichever way you may desire; khos gang bcol rnams go chod byung ba'i tshul du rngan pa thob dgos he shall be rewarded according to the manner in which he has fulfilled those duties which were entrusted to him; skad cha mthon po zer tshul yod this way of speaking is high flown speech; tshul bcos pa to put on a manner, to assume a style, also = to mimic; tshul bcos mkhan a hypocrite, mimicker. tshul ma = btsun mo a nun, btsun mo dang tshul ma a nun who is of good character (J. Zao.). gnas tshul and snang tshul being and appearing, philosophical terms for reality and semblance; gtong tshul the way of giving, i.e., a certain quantity given, a dose; tshul de kho nas by that very same way of proceeding; hence tshul gyis = in consequence of, by means of; snang smras pa'i tshul the character of his last speech (Dzl.); rgya bod kyi 'brel tshul the mode of intercourse, relations, between Tibet and China (Glr.); phyag gi tshul du in a way as if he were saluting (Mil.); gus gus kyi tshul du byed pa to make gestures of reverence; glang chen gyi tshul gyis (Buddha came down) in the shape of an elephant (Glr.); dad pa'i tshul gyis because of faith (Pth.). 2. way of acting, conduct, duty, course of life: snga ma'i tshul your former conduct (Mil.); de lta bu'i dge ba'i tshul de thos nas hearing such an example of virtue related (J‰.). Also = proper way, right method: tshul dang mthun pa orderly, regular; brgya la tshul mthun re tsam 'byung na if but once in a hundred cases something sensible is uttered; tshul med irregular, unjust; tshul las nyams growing remiss in one's conduct. 3. species, kind: nad tshul species or kind of disease; zas tshul species of food (J‰.). 4. joined to the root of a verb in W. = when: mthong tshul when or as he saw. tshul khrims SANST, SANST religious or moral behaviour; moral law; regular duties, monastic vow, moral observances: tshul khrims kyi dri ngad dang ldan pa one possessed of high and pure moral conduct; tshul khrims can bound by monastic or moral vows (Sch.); tshul khrims kyi pha rol tu phyin pa SANST the highest moral purity (v. pha rol tu phyin pa 'dug 3); tshul khrims kyi phung po SANST aggregate of moral laws; tshul khrims kyi bslab pa SANST one of the three kinds of bslab pa (M.V.) [higher morality]S.; tshul khrims 'chal ba SANST immorality; tshul khrims 'jig pa to break one's vows or moral purity; tshul khrims nyams pa SANST one who is immoral; tshul khrims gter an epithet of Buddha (Moon.); tshul khrims las byung SANST [of good moral disposition]S.; tshul khrims las byung ba'i bya ba'i dngos po SANST virtuous action relating to morality; tshul khrims srung ba to keep vows, to guard one's conduct. Syn. tshangs od ; tshangs par od ; gtsang bar od ; legs par od ; sdom pa (Moon.). tshul min skye ba'i tshig the words of an unscrupulous man, expressions or assurances of a dishonest insincere man (Moon.). tshul bzhin pa 1. adv. tshul bzhin du mannerly. 2. SANST one who assumes fine airs, shows himself as if very great or high. tshul bzhin min irregular, improper. tshe I: 1. sbst. time, in a gen. sense, but rarely heard in colloq. phyin pa'i tshe at the time of starting. Hence tshe is often used in mod. lit. as = when: yod pa'i tshe when it is, when it was; gang gi tshe at which time, when, de'i tshe at that time, then; definite time is rendered by dus not by tshe . II: SANST life, but chiefly in an abstract sense, srog being the proper term for physical life; nevertheless we find tshe ring long life, tshe 'di this, the present life, tshe phyi ma a future period of life; nga'i tshe la bar chad 'ong my life is in danger. mtha' med pa'i tshe is the proper term by which to render: "eternal life." 'de phyi abbr. of tshe 'di and tshe phyi ma . tshe snga ma an earlier period of existence, a former life relative to the transmigration of souls (J‰.). tshe skabs SANST; v. skabs 3. tshe gcig lus gnyis a worm which is used as a curative in plague: gnyan nad 'joms par byed . tshe mchog gling n. of a palace with a monastery and park situated on the southern bank of the river Kyi-chu near Lhasa, the residence of one of the four incarnate lamas of Lhasa (S. kar. 180). tshe gnyis pa of an amphibious nature (Cs.). tshe ltogs a poor starving vagrant, beggar W. (J‰.). tshe mtha'i mdo n. of a Sutra in which the length of life in the six states of existence is explained (K. d. la, 218). tshe 'pho ba ci ltar 'gyur ba zhus pa'i mdo (K. d. la, 228) Sutra on the transmigration of the soul, etc. tshe dang ye shes SANST longevity and spiritual knowledge. tshe mdangs = byad mdangs healthy appearance, fresh complexion. tshe mdo tshe gzungs the dharani for longevity (K. g. pha, 200). tshe 'da' as met. = death (Moon.). tshe ldan or tshe dang ldan pa 1. SANST, SANST an address of veneration such as venerable, his holiness; a general title of address for monks who observe the rules of Vinaya as well as for Bodhisattvas, Arhats, etc. Applicable to living men and used in writings; the title for dead persons being tshe las 'das pa . 2. SANST, SANST a plant. tshe pad the shrub Ephedra saxatilis, with red berries which are said to be roasted and pulverized to give greater pungency to snuff (J‰.). tshe dpag tu med pa SANST eternal life, immortality. tshe phyi ma SANST, SANST next or after life. tshe 'phag lha khang n. of a temple in the court-yard of the great Ramochhe shrine in Lhasa. tshe 'phel rdzas = dur ba rtsa the Kusa grass (Moon.). tshe 'pho death (Moon.). tshe 'phos pa SANST transmigration. tshe dbang a sa bdag monster. tshe tshad duration of life (J‰.). tshe tshe = ra a goat (Moon.). tshe mdzad (Vai. kar.) an appendage of certain gods made like a plate with fruit. tshe rabs SANST duration of each rebirth: tshe rabs kyi bla ma a lama always reborn as a lama. tshe rabs brje ba = tshe 'pho ba SANST transmigration. tshe rabs thams cad du mngon du zhugs pa SANST one of the 18 unmixed attributes of a Bodhisattva (M.V.). tshe ring or tshe ring ba 1. long life: tshe ring ba'i rgyu ni gnyis te the causes of longevity are two (abstinence from taking life and giving food and drink abundantly to all about one's self). rgyal ba dang tshe ring bar shog cig victory and long life be to you! 2. common as a personal name. tshe'i rig byed SANST the science of preserving and prolonging life; tshe yi rig byed pa a physician. tshe re 1. each life; tshe re la in each life or period of existence. 2. = tsher ka . tshe lo the period of existence, or of human life particularly. Also = a year. (EEE The original has the Tibetan headword as tshi lo which is in error. This has been corrected for this edition in accordance with the context and the transliteration in the original of "tshe-lo".) tsheg 1. the point separating syllables, also nag tsheg . nga yig ma gtogs yig shad bar|tsheg med de sogs shin tu 'bad it should be particularly noted that the syllabic dot is not used between a letter and the stop called shad except in the case of the letter nga (Sum-rtag). 2. crack, short sharp sound, snapping noise: tsheg rgyangs or tsheg sgra a distant sound such as that of fire burning wood: jo bo bzhugs pa'i thad ka nas tsheg rgyangs dang 'ur sgra from the direction where the lord resided a distant and cracking sound arose (A. 7). tsheg tshom the sound made by mice: sngon med pa'i tsheg tshom dang tho co'i sgra chen po zhig byung (Rdsa. 9). tshegs or tshegs pa SANST, SANST trouble, toil, difficulty; dka' tshegs id.; dka' las med pa without trouble. rkang tshegs che much clattering of feet; phran tshegs little troubles or difficulties. tshegs med SANST without trouble: jo bos tshegs med par tshar bcad the lord finished it without difficulty (A. 33); tshegs med du shes knew without difficulty, learnt easily (Hbrom. kha, 3). tshegs kyis = 'phral la or myur du quickly, soon; tshegs kyis bsgrub speedily executed (Situ. 46). tsheng bar byed pa SANST [to be bent or turned away]S. tshem a piece of sewing; tshem po or tshem pa a tailor; tshem po 'grol the seam opens, comes loose; tshem med without a seam; tshem bu any sewing, what has been stitched, quilted; tshes bu mkhan = gos bzo ba a milliner or dressmaker (Moon.); tshem bu pa a tailor. tshem tshem SANST a patched cloth. tshems SANST, SANST 1. resp. of so a tooth. 2. = lhag ma remainder, addition. tshems pa 1. anything sewn. 2. to have the disadvantage, to come off a loser, not receiving a fair share (J‰.). tshims med in Tsang: nothing left, without a remainder: tshems med yig cha bzhin gtong dgos should send (the letter) as per draft without any omission (Rtsii.). tshims lus = lhag ma lus pa without remainder; tshems lus med nothing left. (EEE The original has grtong dgos in the example above, but this is obviously a mistake for gtong dgos .) tsher 1. shug tsher . 2. = tshar a separate time; tsher tshir prob. many times, repeatedly (J‰.). tsher ka also tshe re or tshi ri sorrow, grief, pain, application (J‰.). tsher ma SANST 1. a thorn, prickle, brier: tsher zug song I have run a thorn into (my hand, foot); tsher ma 'don pa to pull out a thorn; nya tsher a fish-bone. 2. any thorn-bush, bramble, etc. tsher dkar or tsher star buckthorn, Hippophaú rhamnoides (J‰.); tsher thags thorn-hedge. tsher ma skyes SANST jack fruit. tsher ma gdon pa'i gdon is a frightful and evil spirit (Mog. ch. 77). tsher ma'i tshang or tsher ma'i tshang can 1. also tshigs mang n. of a thorny plant. 2. = bya rog a crow, the bird of which the nest is made of thorns (Moon.). tsher tsher ma n. of a kind of bee, also of a fly (Rtsii.). tsher lum yellow raspberry in Sikk. (J‰.). tshes SANST, SANST 1. day of the month or date, always indicated by the cardinal number, as in tshes gcig etc., or by placing a numeral below the word tshes . tshes bcu mchod pa religious service on the 10th day; tshes bcu'i 'cham yig programme of the religious dance performed on that occasion; phyag bris tshes gsum la phul letter sent or written on the 3rd date; tshes dge ba = tshe bzang po auspicious day: gzigs rten lha reg bcas tshes dge bar phul presented on an auspicious date with a silk scarf for acceptance (Yig. k. 16). tshes gcig , SANST the day after the new moon, which is always the first day of a new month; zla mthong , zla gzhon nu , zla tshes phyogs kyi dang po id. (Rtsi.); tshes bco lnga the day of the full moon; tshes bdag = the moon (Moon.); tshes bzang po = tshes dge ba : tshes bzang por phul ba'i zhu yig the letter that was written on an auspicious date (Yig. k. 13). tsho I: 1. the plural termination, chiefly of pronouns, khyod rang tsho you, you all, ngid tsho we, khong tsho they, 'di tsho these; also is affixed to numerals: 'bum tsho 100,000. Is occasionally affixed to nouns: grong mi tsho the townsmen, khyed rnal 'byor pa tsho ye ascetics! tshong pa tsho body of merchants. 2. In Ladak tsho taken alone is used for: a caravan: tsho ni zhag gnyis gsum la sleb yong the caravan (from Yarkand) will arrive in a few days. II: = bkrag mdangs complexion: zhal gyi dkyil 'khor tsho the colour of the disk of his face (Jig. 12). tsho ba = lus rgyags fat, corpulent, also corpulency. Acc. to J‰. fat, greasy: tsho 'dug mi 'dug or bud ma bud is it fat or not? tsho khu fat gravy; tsho ldir unwieldy with fat. tshogs SANST, SANST 1. an assemblage, mass, group (implying, however, acc. to Cs. as compared with tsho , a larger number of individuals not at once to be estimated): tshogs sdu ba to call an assembly, 'gyed pa to dismiss it; tshogs 'du an assembly meets, 'gye it dissolves; dpung gi tshogs , dmag gi tshogs army frq.; yul tshogs village community, country-parish (J‰.). sna tshogs several or various kinds. 2. accumulation, multitude, of things; tshogs gsog pa to accumulate merit; tshogs ma bsag pa'i mi a wicked, godless person; dge ba'i tshogs accumulation of virtues: chos zab mo la yid ches pa la tshogs dpag tu med pa gsogs dgos to imbibe faith in the profound doctrine, the accumulation of immense merit is necessary. tshogs kyi dbang phyug SANST; v. tshogs bdag 3. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "tshogs-hyi-..." which is clearly in error.) tshogs kyi gtso bo SANST lord of the horde; the leader of a herd of elephants, leader of the assembly, president of a meeting. tshogs kyi srad bu = nya rgya a fishing net (Moon.). tshogs khang a shop; the hall of assembly or congregation. tshogs 'khor SANST sacrificial offerings arranged in a circle as an oblation. In Tantrik ceremonial the term indicates the sitting together of a Tantrik lama and his female associate with a mandala offering to gods. When such a ceremony is performed Dpah-mo (the woman) that associates with the officiating saint called Dpah-wo is supposed to possess saintly attributes. When the man performs this ceremony alone it is called dpa' bo'i ston mo or hero's performance; in the case of the female it is called dpa' mo'i ston mo the heroine's performance. In this ceremony as well as in others of a Tantrik nature, a kind of mystic language called mkha' 'gro gsang ba'i brda is used; a few technical terms of which will illustrate its nature:- chang = ma da na ; sha = ba la ; 'dug pa = aa ; ma = aa tsa ; 'gro ba = khe Ta ro shrAa ba ; 'ong ba = phreng ba na ; rus rgyan = ni ruMa shu ka ; skal ldan = ka linya dza ra ; thod pa = paV £‡ dza na ; dri chen = bzhi mnyam ; dri chu = gla rtsi ; khu ba = ga bur ; bzang po = sha ka ; chu = £ ha ka ; yan lag = sgro ; 'grangs pa = ho ; chags bral = rje ; chags pa = dmangs rigs ; nyin mo = ra also gzhon nu ; mtshan mo = lug or bu mo ; nyi ma phyed = bya ; dbang po sbyor ba = kun tu ru ; nu ma = 'bras ; brla = ka tam pa . tshogs dang ston mo'i dus su rtsod pa bya mi rung (K. g. ka, 432). tshogs gral 1. row of people in an assembly. 2. row of offerings. tshogs can SANST, SANST, SANST; tshogs can dga' SANST. tshogs can ma or tshogs pa'i bud med , SANST, SANST a prostitute (Moon.). tshogs chen ma id. (Dag. 8). tshogs mchod SANST prescribed religious ceremony; tshogs mchod gser sbreng the annual religious service conducted by the assembled priests at Lhasa in January-February under the auspices of the church Government during the Mon-lam season (Loo. 'a, 17). tshogs gnyis 1. SANST [two pursuits of life; viz.: religion, and wealth]S. 2. = ye shes kyi tshogs SANST the accumulation of learning and bsod nams kyi tshogs SANST the accumulation of moral merit. tshogs rnyed SANST; tshogs mthun pa SANST; tshogs ldan SANST, SANST. tshogs gtam speech addressed to a meeting (Cs.). tshogs drug rang grol a celebrated lama of Amdo ordinarily known by his second name Lama Shabkar, and believed to be an incarnation of Milaraspa. His incarnation still exists in Amdo. tshogs bdag SANST an epithet of Ganesa (Moon.). tshogs gdan the carpet on which the assembled priests sit at a religious service in the hall of congregation (Rtsii.). tshogs pa vb. to assemble together, = 'dzom pa . tshogs pa can SANST, SANST harlot, courtezan. tshogs pa'i dbang gis SANST; tshogs par dbyung ba SANST; tshogs par mi dbyung ba SANST. tshogs phor 1. large tea bowl which every monk in a monastery carries in his breast-pocket, to drink tea while conducting any religious service, or reciting the sacred hymns. 2. SANST, SANST, SANST, = 'dus pa or khyu a troop, herd. tshogs zangs cauldron in which tea is boiled for the assembled priests at a religious meeting. tshogs bzang SANST [excellent]S. tshogs langs on occasions such as succession to a position of dignity, also when a lama is ordained, etc., two other lamas called Kalyana Mitra are required to get up from the assembly to recite a religious discourse; and this is called tshogs langs . tshogs sha meat that is offered to the spirits (Rtsii.). tshogs bsags SANST, SANST acquirement of merit, virtue; also = dge ba virtue itself: tshogs kyi rang bzhin ni zag bcas zag med gang rung gi dge ba dang |nges tshigs ni sam £ ra zhes pa rgyun mi 'chad par yang yang sgom pa thob pas na tshogs (J. Zao.). tshogs gsog accumulated merit. There are sixteen kinds of tshogs bsags merit-accumulations:- (1) tshul khrims kyi tshogs bsags pa ; (2) thos pa'i ; (3) shes rab kyi ; (4) de bzhin gshegs pa la mchod pa dang rim gro bya ba'i ; (5) dgon pa la gnas pa'i ; (6) ji ltar thos pa'i chos ston pa'i ; (7) tshangs pa'i gnas pa bzhi'i ; (8) dga' bar 'gyur ba'i chos kyi ; (9) dge ba bcu'i las kyi lam gyi ; (10) lus dang ngag dang sems kyi rgyan gyi ; (11) sbyangs pa'i yon tan dang yo byed bsnyungs pa'i ; (12) 'dod pa chung ba dang |chog shes pa dang rab tu dben pa'i ; (13) phung po gsum pa'i tshogs kyi rnam gangs yongs su bsngo ba'i ; (14) zhi gnas kyi ; (15) lhag mthong gi ; (16) dge ba'i rtsa ba thams cad kyi (K. d. na, 323). tshong SANST, SANST, SANST (Cs. = zong merchandize) trade, traffic, commerce: tshog gi khe profit, gain; tshong gi gun loss in trading; tshong brgyud pa to carry on trade (Sch.). tshong skad commercial language, business-like style, terms of trade; tshong pa or tshong mkhan a trader. tshong pa bzang po drang po an honest, pious merchant is called don mthun pa SANST. tshong pa ha cang khe mang po za ba dang |srog gcad de chos sbyin byas pa rnams merchants who make high profit (at the expense of others) and people who make animal sacrifices, i.e., perform yajÒa by killing animals are born as pretas and entering the human body cause ravages over the animal kingdom (K. d. za, 447). tshong zong or tshong pa'i zong SANST, goods, any articles of merchandize. tshong zla = tshong grogs or tshong rogs a partner in trade. tshong khang = goods-store, magazine, shop. Syn. tshong khyim ; ded dpon khang pa ; nor bu'i mdzod ; rgya mtsho'i khyim ; rlung yor can ; tshong zong ra ba ; zong 'grem gnas (Moon.). tshong grogs commercial friend, correspondent (J‰.). tshong rgyu'i dngos po goods, articles of merchandize. Syn. tshong zong ; tshong zog (Moon.). tshong cad bill of purchase, deed of sale. tshong chang pledging in beer after a bargain has been struck. tshong 'dus SANST, SANST market-place, market, tshong 'dus sa id. tshong brdal + khrom (tshong nor rnams bkram pa ) the commercial place or circle; that quarter of the city which is chiefly inhabited by merchants. tshong pa'i lam SANST, SANST, SANST [traders' path, traffic]S. tshong spogs proceeds of trade. tshong spogs byed pa tshong spogs la 'gro ba to engage in commercial speculations. tshod I: SANST 1. measure, proportion; acc. to J‰. the right and just measure; tshong 'dzin pa or bzung ba to appraise, to guess correctly, to measure out, to estimate, to tax; rang gi tshod mi 'dzin he overrates himself, he does not know his capacity; zas chang la tshod 'dzin pa to be temperate in eating and drinking. tshod lta ba , and tshod len pa to try, prove; to spy, to sift, examine. chu tshod water-clock, in W. also = an hour. tshod cig a part, fraction, esp. in point of time. tshod 'jal ba to measure; tshod med intemperate, immoderate, impudent. tshod blta ba = nyams tshod blta ba to watch, to spy: tshod blta ba'i phyir du rgyal bu la smras pa for the sake of trying him he said to the prince (Hbrom. kha, 26). 2. estimation, supposition, conjecture, guess: nga'i tshod la according to my estimation. tshod zin pa to guess rightly, to come within the guess, to turn out as guessed (Yig. 1). 3. affixed to adjs. serves to form abstract nouns, thus:- rnyed par dka' tshod the difficulty of obtaining, 'jig par sla tshod the facility of destroying, phan 'dogs che tshod the greatness of the advantage (J‰.). tshod can or tshod ldan 1. moderate. 2. punctilious, strict, grave: byas pa bzo zhing chud zos med pa dang |grogs la bzang zhing rang mdo mi 'tshor ba|smra mkhas kun gyi 'dzangs tshod rig pa yi|mi de 'jig rten 'di na tshod can yin (S. phreo.). tshod shes or tshod bya a riddle: tshod shes smra ba to propose a riddle; mi tshod riddle about men; bem tshod riddle about inanimate objects (Cs.); tshod shes pa SANST, SANST one knowing the exact time or measure, to keep measure; and adj. = moderate, temperate; tshod mi shes pa not keeping to measure, intemperate. tshod ma sngo tshod or skyu rum SANST, SANST gen. cooked vegetables, greens; tshod ma gYung skyes cultivated vegetables. tshod dor meat or butter that is added or mixed with the vegetable that is being cooked: sgom chen tshod dor zhan pas rlung langs pa yin nam did the hermit become angry on account of the inferior quality of the meat cooked with the vegetables (Rdsa.). tshon SANST, SANST colour, colouring matter; tshon mdog frq. in C. colloq. = id.; tshon rtsi paint, rtsi tshon ; tshon sna brgya variety of colours, hundred different colours. tshon rtsi dkar pos 'bri ba to mark with white paint; tshon 'byug pa to paint; tshon sbyor ba to prepare colours, to dye. tshon gyis 'tsho ba = ri mo mkhan a painter (Moon.). tshon can SANST = dngul silver (S. Lex.). tshon chen SANST [saffron, Carthamus tinctorin]S. tshon po 1. fat, plump, well-fed: lug tshon po a fat sheep, phag tshon po a plump pig. 2. resinous (J‰.). tshob for tshab 3 (Sch.). tshom pa 1. also tshom po or tshom bu a bundle, bunch; rnga ma nag po'i tshom pa btags pa attaching a bunch of black yak's tail; phra tshom a border or trimming set with jewels or pearls. 2. vb. (pf. tsoms ) to doubt, hesitate; to be timid, bashful, shy; to be ashamed C. (J‰.). Also, sbst. doubt; timidity, etc. tshoms te being surprized (Ya-sel. 425). tshom pa = the tshom : 'di ga rang 'thad pa 'dug pas tshom pa mi 'tshal lo (Ya-sel. 33). tshom tshom or tsham tsham = the tshom doubt. tshom bu 1. = tshom po , me tog gi tshom bu bunch of flowers (Pth.). 2. the placing of precious stones and other things on the top of a Kyil-kor or circle of offerings; offerings placed on circular trays piled one above another, each being filled with grain, etc. sil ma rnams tshom bur bkod de jo bo la phul he presented the gold pieces to the lord placing them on the top of the circle of offerings (A. 68). tshoms also tshoms skor 1. a court-yard; khang pa'i tshoms the courtyard of a house. 2. a place of worship, a chapel; tshoms chen reception room or hall of lamas and chiefs in Tibet. tshom rngams 1. = 'jigs nyams also khro nyams byed pa fright; angry or wrathful attitude. 2. noise, din, clatter (J‰.). tshor ba 1. to perceive, to feel: gzhan gyis mtshor bar rku ba to steal unperceived, contrary to robbing forcibly; sbrum pa tshor nas feeling herself with child; bod du 'byon pa la mi dga' ba rnams kyis tshor gyis dogs he was afraid lest those who did not like him to go to Tibet, might perceive it (A. 126). tshor ba po SANST one who feels the objects that produce a sensation. tshor ba med SANST void of feeling. 2. one of the five phung po or skandha. 3. in W. is commonly used for thos pa to hear. tshor la a (flying) report, rumour (J‰.). tshos SANST 1. paint, dye, colouring matter; tshos rgyag pa or rgyab pa to dye, to colour (Sch.); tshos song it has lost colour, it is faded; tshos kyi khu ba liquid paint, = tshon rtsi (Glr.); tshos byed pa to paint, colour; rgya tshos a red pigment from India, being red lac obtained from rgya skyegs an insect, as well as from the resin of a particular tree. 2. v. khur tshos 3, also 'phong tshos . tshos mkhan (1) SANST a dyer, painter; (2) SANST a washerman, bleacher. tshos pa SANST ripe, well cooked Syn. snin pa ; thul ba ; yongs su tshos (Moon.). tshos 'ching SANST, SANST [white]S. mtsha' lu 1. also rta tsha lu , acc. to Sch. a horse with white-feet. 2. v. tsha lu 3. mtshags or tshags = bdzags . (EEE This entry is dubious. bdzags not a valid Tibetan letter combination; 'dzag pa 3 is meant. We do not think it acceptable to equate tshags = with 3'dzag pa 3.) mtshang SANST that evil which is hidden in a person's heart or disposition, pent-up faults, secret sins; and hence irritation and suppressed wrath; mtshang 'dru ba to dig out the evil of a man's nature; and hence, not only to expose his faults in a direct manner but to cause him to expose them: so, in colloq.: to irritate, provoke; also, to expose any one's sins, pick out faults: mthon po nga rkyal can gyi mtshang ma 'dru do not irritate the arrogant and lofty. mtshan I: SANST, SANST, SANST resp. for ming name, esp. the new name which every one receives that takes orders; bla ma'i mtshan the lama's name, religious name; mtshan gsol ba to give a name, also to assume a name or title. II: or mtshan ma 1. SANST mark, token, badge, symptom: don med pa'i mtshan ma yin it is a sign that it is fruitless (Vai. so.). mtshan ma 'debs pa to make a mark, to mark with paint; btsun mo la ma 'jigs shig byas pa'i mtshan ma byin nas making a sign to the queen, signifying: do not fear! mtshan mas mtshon pa to represent a thing by a sign or mark Lex.; mtshan dang bcas pa having characteristic Buddhist virtues. mtshan dang dbyibs as to limbs and shape (Dzl.); bkra shis pa'i dge mtshan propitious signs, some special (good) quality; mtshan ma rtog pa to prove, to examine signs; mtshan mar sgom pa to take as an omen; mtshan mar ma bzung do not regard it as an (evil) omen, be not surprised or alarmed (Sch.); mtshan don SANST, SANST property, quality, symptom, indication; nad pa gsos pa'i mtshan nyid the sign or indication that the patient will recover (J‰.). mtshan ldan pa or mtshan dang ldan pa possessing favourable signs or some special good moral qualifications. mtshan ldan bla ma a holy Lama. mtshan ldan ma SANST a woman of good appearance and virtues (Moon.). mtshan pa marked: 'khor los mtshan pa being marked with the figure of a wheel (J‰.). 2. shape and peculiar characteristics of separate parts of the body or lus kyi mtshan , especially as marks of beauty; skyes bu chen mtshan sus cu rtsa gnyis the thirty marks of a great man. 3. the sex, sexual sign, etc. pho mtshan SANST male, the masculine gender; also castrated horse, sheep or yak, as having the sign of the male; mo mtshan female, the feminine gender; the vagina; mtshan dbye the distinction of the sexes; mtshan ma can possessing signs of virility; mtshan ma med having no gender; mtshan zug painful affection of the genitals. mtshan ma bzang po and ngan po good and evil signs, symptoms, prognostics. mtshan mkhan or mtshan ma mkhan po SANST sooth-sayer, astrologer, drawer of omens. Syn. rtsis pa ; gza' skar mkhan ; ltas mkhan (Moon.). mtshan grang and dgu mtshan prize, crown of victory (J‰.). mtshan brjod pa calling upon the name of a deity, enumerating its characteristics and attributes. mtshan nyid 'the sign,' the essential characteristic, sometimes even implying the innermost essence of a thing, whilst, on the other hand, it is also used merely for 'mark' in general; chos kyi mtshan nyid stong pa , the real character of Dharma, i.e., all things or matter is emptiness. mtshan nyid pa the metaphysical school of Buddhism in Tibet, the principal object of whose study is to ascertain the literal sense and original spirit of Buddhist doctrine; mtshan nyid mkhan po professor of mental philosophy in the greater lamaseries, such as in Daipung, Sera, Tashilhunpo, etc.; mtshan nyid bral = rgyud med pa (Moon.). mtshan nyid la ldem por dgongs pa v. ldem por dgongs pa . mtshan nyid gsum the three marks or characteristics in the doctrine of 'perfection' of the Mahayanists: (1) kun brtags pa'i mtshan nyid SANST; (2) gzhan dbang gi mtshan nyid SANST; (3) yongs su grub pa'i mtshan nyid SANST (A. 78). (EEE ldem por dgongs pa does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under ldem po 3.) (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "mtsan-..." which is clearly in error.) mtshan rtags = mtshan ma (Vai. kar.). mtshan gzhi 1. the cause of a sign or symptom (J‰.). 2. = mtshan nyid can gyi dngos po óand, thus, man is the mtshan gzhi of his own mtshan nyid . mtshan bzang good name, reputation. mtshan shes = ming ngan notoriety; bad reputation, shame or disgrace: lhan rgyas snyan bsun lags rung rang re|dpon 'bangs mtshan shes mi yong tsam though this petition may appear unpleasant to your excellencies, yet that no bad name may occur to the ruler and the subjects, etc. mtshan mo SANST, SANST, SANST night, the darkness of night: de'i mtshan mo in that night; mtshan gang the whole night; also adv. all night; mtshan mo byed pa to keep watch during the night (Sch.); mtshan mo bde bar nyal ba dang at night when (we) sleep well (K. d. wa, 340); mtshan la at night; mtshan 'khyongs dinner, entertainment with food, etc., given at night: 'di nyin mtshan 'khyongs pa'i thob kyin 'dug (Rtsii.). mtshan dkyil or mtshan gung midnight; mtshan rgyu = mtshan od SANST, SANST animals that move about at night with a view to kill, etc.; mtshan stod the first half of the night; mtshan stod kyi rmi lam a dream of the forenight; mtshan dus night-time; mtshan dus rgyu ba "night-roamer" met. for a fox (Moon.). mtshan phyed midnight; one half of the night. mtshan mo stegs SANST [tin, lead]S. mtshan mo 'bral = bya ngur pa SANST ruddy goose (Moon.). mtshan mo bzhad SANST, SANST the water lily (Moon.). mtshan mo bzhad = kun mu da SANST; mtshan mor rdol ba'i nad SANST fissure of the anus (Mog. 70). mtshan mo'i gos as met. = darkness (Moon.). mtshan mo'i lpags pa SANST the night's skin or cover, i.e., darkness. mtshan mo'i phreng SANST, SANST; v. 'jam 'bras 3 (Moon.). mtshan mo'i 'od can = cong zhi 3 (Sman. 355). mtshan mo rig as met. = khyim bya the domestic fowl, cock, etc. (Moon.). mtshan shing W. 1. torch of pine-wood. 2. pine-tree. mtshams SANST, SANST; SANST junction, limit, intermediate space, interstice, border, boundary line: rgya gar dang bal po'i mtshams su on the border between India and Nepal (Glr.); sa mtshams (colloq. san-tsham) frontier of country; de nas 'doms lnga brgya'i mtshams nas at a distance of 500 fathoms from that place; bar mtshams na yod it lies in the middle space; ri thang mtshams su at the junction of the mountains and the plain; chu 'gram mtshams su (between the waters and the river's bank) close to the edge (Vai. so.). ces pa'i tshig mtshams nas when these words were uttered, at these words (Ta.); sgo'i mtshams nas sleb (he or it) enters through the chink of a door. mtshams zhu or mtshams kyi zhu ba "pray fill in what is left out" or "accept what should intervene," an expression gen. occurring in modern letters to wind up the complimentary phrases of the introduction and passing over to the proper business of the letter. 2. (phyogs mtshams lta bu ) SANST the points of the compass: mtshams bzhi the four cardinal points of the horizon; mtshams drug denotes the four cardinal points together with the zenith and nadir; byang shar mtshams la in the north-east direction. 3. demarcation, partition, break, pause, stop. mtshams 'bye ba to split, make partition; mtshams gcod pa to make a line of demarcation about one's person, whether it be by a magic circle or by retiring to a solitary cell for the sake of religious meditation, the seclusion lasting sometimes for several months, during which time the scanty food is silently received from without through a small aperture: mtshams la bzhugs pas being in meditation. ad mtshams rules, instructions, defining the extent and limits of a person's duties. mtshams bcad SANST, SANST [bounded within limit]S. mtshams mtha' SANST [a boundary line]S. mtshams kyi mtha'i ri a mountain range lying far beyond (Bharata) India (K. d. ra, 342). mtshams kyi byed po = rkun ma a thief, robber (Moon.). mtshams 'dri ba = khams 'dri ba inquiry after one's health (Yig. k. 10, 13). mtshams ldan ma SANST a general met. for women (Moon.). mtshams sprin the clouds which skirt the horizon morning and evening. mtshams sbyor 1. SANST, SANST, SANST; = mthun sbyor , mdza' byed (Moon.) adherence, contact. 2. the Sanskrit dipthongs, e, o, au. mtshams sbyor pa and mtshabs sbyor ma a bawd, or procuress. mtshams sbyor ba 1. to close interstices, to stitch up, to sew together (Mil.). 2. to occupy a certain space, to enter the womb, to embody one's self in human flesh. 3. to take a resolution, to form a plan, to conceive an idea, to settle in one's mind, like 'god pa . mtshams sbyor med pa SANST [unrivalled]S. mtshams mi sbyor ba SANST [a technical term in grammar indicating that certain words under certain circumstances are not subject to the rules of Sandhi]S. mtshams med pa 1. adj. SANST, SANST, SANST without interstices, go mtshams med pa continuous. 2. sbst. acc. to Was. 'where nothing is to be interposed between a deed and its consequences, where the consequences are not to be averted,' a deadly, capital sin. mtshams med pa lnga the five inexpiable sins are:- (1) ma bsad ma SANST matricide; (2) dgra bcom bsad pa SANST the killing of a Buddhist saint; (3) pha bsad pa SANST parricide; (4) dge 'dun gyi dbyen byas SANST causing division or disunion among the priesthood; (5) de bzhin gshegs pa'i sku la ngan sems kyi khrag phyung ba SANST to cause a Tathagata to bleed (M.V.). mtshams tshigs = tshad byed pa words of approval while a work or any business is being done: mtshams tshigs dgos a word of approval is necessary (Rtsii.). mtshams lan gnang skyes present sent in return for the sanction to one's prayers (Yig. k.). mtshar ba 1. = mdzes pa handsome, fine, beautiful, mtshar sdug dang ldan pa very handsome and bright, of metals, etc. 2. wonderful, marvellous, gen. with ngo ; e.g., rton ngo mtshar can a wonderful image; ngo mtshar mchod pa a marvellous, extremely rich offering; ngo mtshar che ba marvellous things, events, miracles; mi srid ngo mtshar che impossible! most wonderful! gtam shin tu ngo mtshar che the account or narration is very strange! ngo mtshar wonder, surprise, astonishment: ngo mtshar skye ba , ngo mtshar du 'dzin pa to be seized with wonder, to be surprised. mtshar dga' remuneration, reward, wager. mtshar po = mtshar ba 3 (Moon.). mtshar gYo = chu gnyer 3 (Moon.). mtshal 1. or rgya mtshal (tshon ) SANST, SANST Chinese vermilion, used inst. of red-ink for writing. 2. or sku mtshal resp. for khrag . 3. n. of a place in Tibet. mtshal dkar or tshon mtshal dkar po white paint (Rtsii.). mtshal skye = dngul chu a preparation of quick-silver, mercury (Moon.). mtshal par a printing with red ink. mtshal aang vermilion of the best quality (aang being for aang ki dang po the first quality) thob gzhi mtshal aang ltar sprod bde'i tho kod par (Rtsii.). mtshal gung thang n. of a town eight miles to the south-east of Lhasa in Mtshal (Loo. 'a, 11). mtshal bde a district with a Jong situated to the S. E. of Lhasa (Rtsii.). mtshungs or mtshungs pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST similar, like, equal: snga ma dang mtshungs like the former; bdud rtsis mtshungs nectar like; bdud dang mtshungs devil-like; lha'i sdug bsngal dang cha mtshungs pa'i steng du besides their sharing all the imperfections of the gods (Thgy.); dus mtshungs pa a contemporary (Mil.); sems dang mtshungs ldan pa manifestations of the mind, those outward signs by which the mind manifests itself as existing (Was.). mtshungs pa rnam pa bzhi the four kinds of parallels: yi ge mtshungs pa similarity in writing; gsungs mtshungs pa uniformity in speech or expression; chos mtshungs pa similarity in religion; sku mtshungs pa similarity in person or appearance (K. d. ca, 166). mtshungs par or phyongs mtshungs in such a manner, accordingly. mtshungs bral SANST, SANST unequalled, unrivalled, incomparable; mtshungs med matchless, unequalled, unparalleled: bstan pa'i mnga' bdag mtshungs med dam pa'i zhabs drung du at the feet of the lord of the doctrine who has no equal. (Yig. k. 10). mtshungs zla ma mchis pa = 'gran zla bral ba without a match, having no equal: lha dang bcas pa'i 'gro ba yongs kyi skyabs mgon mtshungs zla ma mchis pa the lord protector of all living beings together with men and gods, who has no equal (Yig. k. 2, 25). mtshun + SANST, SANST the ancestors, also the tutelary deities of a family from the time of its ancestors. Acc. to Cs.: meat for the manes of the dead: mtshun gtong ba to bring an offering of such to the dead, mtshun gtor SANST = bali offerings for appeasing the hunger and thirst of the dead who are supposed to be still in the Pretaloka or ghost-land; mtshun lha gsol ba to worship the old tutelary deities of a family. mtshur phu a place in Stod-luo a couple of day's journey from Lhasa where a large monastery of the Karmapa sect exists (Loo. za, 8). mtshul pa 1. the root or the backs of the nostrils: mtshul pa 'gags the blocking of these by mucus. 2. SANST gen. sna mtshul the lower part of the face, nose and mouth, the muzzle of animals; kha mtshul face (J‰.). mtshe an evergreen grass which does not grow more than a cubit in length and is burnt as incense also mixed with snuff in Tibet (Rtsii.). mtshe skyong a medicinal earth: mtshe skyong gyur dug sha dug gri 'gags sel . mtshe ba'i mtshon hog, wild boar. mtshe ma 1. (bu tsha lta bu ) two, a pair (Rtsii.); twins: bu mtshe ma gnyis dus gcig na 'khrungs so twin sons were born simultaneously. 2. n. of a celestial mansion (Bon. ch. 6). mtshed or dur mtshed place for burying the dead, also a tomb or chorten on the cremation groundóSANST. mtshe'u = mtshe phran , SANST a pond, tank; small lake. mtsher pa 1. = ngo thog . 2. the spleen (Moon.) but usually mcher pa . mtsho 1. symb. num.: 4. 2. SANST a lake, a sheet of water: mtsho dkyil du in the middle of the lake. mtsho 'khor an assemblage of lakes; mtsho 'gram shore, bank of a lake. mtsho rlangs vapours of a lake; mtsho las skyes = chu skyes the lotus (Moon.); mtsho'i bya SANST; the bird of the lake, i.e., the goose, ngang pa (Moon.). mtsho sngon n. of a sa bdag monster. mtsho sngon po the Blue-lake or Lake Kokonor. In the middle of the lake there is an island with a hill, on the top of which is situated the sanctuary called Tsho-sÒio where a number of Buddhist devotees reside (Loo. 'a, 16). mtsho mda' SANST [a blue lotus flower]S. mtsho ldan ma = dbyangs can ma 1. SANST the goddess of learning. 2. = ljon shing dzAa ba ka the tree called Javaka (Moon.). mtsho ma pham Tibetan name of lake Manasarovara (Loo. 'a, 9). mtsho dma' ba gYu yi mNa Da la n. of a glacial lake of turquoise colour and of round shape near Ra-sgreo (Rtsii.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "mtsho-dmaha-wa gyuhi man-da-la" which results in the equally correct mtsho dma' ba gYu'i mNa Da la for the headword.) mtsho rdzong n. of a Jong in Kong-po: "kong po mtsho rdzong la song ba'i " (Deb. ga, 36). mtsho yas SANST n. of a number, "mtsho yas ldabs phyor rdzi zhes gnas " (Ya-sel. 50). mtsho rlabs tide; mtsho rlabs 'phel 'grib flow and ebb tides. mtshor 'bab or mtsho la 'bab streams descending from mountains and flowing into a lake, also rivers that flow into the sea (Moon.). mtshog pa v. 'tshog pa 3. mtshog ma or mtshag gseng 1. the hair of the head, only for a length of three inches from the root. 2. = tshangs pa'i bu ga 'spot or tender part of the head,' vacancy in the infant cranium. mtshogs in W. = mtshungs similar, like, equal (J‰.). mtshon 1. the forefinger; mtshon rtsa the pulse felt by the fore-finger; mtshon gang a finger's breadth; mtshon gang mar a finger's breadth lower. shing mtshon pa zhig a handful of sticks (J‰.). 2. or mtshon cha , SANST any pointed or sharp cutting instrument, a sword; mtshon thogs pa to seize a sword, mtshon cha weapons; mtshon gyis 'jig pa to destroy, to conquer with arms; mtshon cha rnam pa bzhi the four kinds of weapons: sword, spear, dart, arrow; mtshon khrag blood drawn by cuts or stabs (used for sorceries); mtshon gyi dru bu an attribute of the gods, resembling a ball of thread (Vai. so.). mtshon rtsi gcig SANST n. of a weapon with one point, like an arrow or spear. mtshon cha mkhan 1. an epithet of Parasurama (Moon.). 2. = mgar pa blacksmith (Moon.). mtshon cha pa n. of a low caste tribe of India (Moon.). mtshon cha'i gtso = mda' arrow (Moon.). mtshon cha'i gzhi = sword knife, etc., (Moon.). mtshon bsnun skyes as met. = khrag blood (Moon.). mtshon pa 1. v. SANST leader; also, showman. 2. vb. to set forth, bring forward, shew, quote, exhibit: khyod kyis mtshon pa gyis shig gsungs nas he having said do you point it out (A. 56). 3. sign, symbol, point: ba gnon gyis mtshon pa rnams 'phral gsal the marks of approval or confirmation were distinct and clear (D. Shel. 7). mtshon bya meaning; mtshon byed illustration. 'tshag pa 1. vb., pf. tshags or btsags , fut. btsag , imp. tshog (trans. to 'dzag pa ), to cause to trickle, to strain, filter, press out: chu 'tshags pa po (Situ. 85); 'bru mar tshag pa to draw off oil, dmu chu tshag pa to tap (a dropsical person). 2. adj. thick, fat, obese (J‰.): lus 'tshag bzang ba a body or constitution that is healthy and sleek. 'tshang or mtshang = skyon 1. fault, error, offence, sin, de 'tshang du che that is very wicked, a great offence; mi'i 'tshang a man's fault, mi la 'tshang 'bru ba to spy out another's faults, to upbraid him with a fault. 'tshang gung n. of the only nunnery now existing in Lhasa. 'tshang ba vb. pf. tshangs , fut. btsang 1. to press into, to stuff, puff out: nang du 'tshang pa pressed into, stuffed inside; khri nang tshangs can a stuffed seat; dbugs khar 'tshangs pa out of breath, puffed by pursuit; dbugs stod du 'tshang ba or stod 'tshangs breathing hard, getting out of breath. 2. enlarged, complete, made full: mi mang po 'tshang ba many people assembled together; las ka la 'tshang ba to be competent for work or efficient in doing work; 'tshang rgya ba = sangs rgyas pa or 'tshang rgya bar 'gyur become sanctified, perfected; 'tshang rgya bar 'dod pa to aim at Buddhahood; mngon par 'tshang rgya 'gyur SANST will become a perfect Buddha (A.K. 1-18). 'tshang ra a place where many people assemble. 'tshab pa 1. (skyin pa ) pf. 'tshabs , imp. tshob , to repay, to re-place; skyin pa 'tshab pa po one who pays back, a liquidator of debts; (Situ. 85). 'tshabs = tshab sgrub tshar ba liquidated. 2. pf. tshabs pa , imp. tshobs = rtabs pa resp. to be afraid, to be in awe of. 'tshab 'tshub confounding, sems 'tshab 'tshub mental hurry, confusion, perplexity; 'tshab 'tshub mar gnas pa to tarry in fear, to hesitate in apprehension also: rlung 'tshab 'tshub confused wind, as dust, leaves of trees, &c., are when driven about by a whirlwind. (EEE The original has 'tshab 'tshab mar gnas pa but this should be as corrected above.) 'tsham pa or 'tsham po = 'grig pa , mthun pa appropriate, becoming, fit, suitable, in accordance with: de dang 'tsham pa in conformity with it; rang blo dang 'tsham pa agreeing with one's mind, according to one's wish; tshe chung dang mang thung 'tsham pa in size and quantity just what is wanted or suitable; gang la gang 'tshams whichever suited; ma 'tshams pa unsuited or ill-suited. 'tsham tshod 'dzin pa to hold or take appropriate measure or amount, i.e., sufficient: bod yon tan la 'tsham tshod 'dzin pa'i blun po dang gcig di po ka ra btsun po yin (A. 33). 'tsha' lu v. mtsha' lu 3. 'tshar ba 1. = tshad longs pa or 'dangs pa up to the mark, sufficient; in proper measure. 2. to be finished, completed, spent; esp. as an auxiliary to denote an action that is perfectly past or completed. 'tshal ba imp. 'tshol 1. to beg, desire, beseech, ask; when preceded by a verb the latter stands in the term. inf., or as the mere root and more esp. the perf. root: yab dang mjal 'tshal lo I desire to meet my father; bltas par 'tshal te wishing to look; thugs la bzhag 'tshal I beg it may be borne in mind (Glr.); gsung 'tshal I beg you to speak. Occurs as an intimation of willingness: de ltar 'tshal lo yes, we will do that; pha la nor ma 'tshal tam has he not asked the money from his father? gum yang ci 'tshal why does (the king) desire to slay? 2. as eleg. form = to eat: byi bas 'tshal te eaten by mice (Dzl.); 3. to offer, shew, set forth: ngo 'tshal ba = ngo shes pa to understand, to know. 'bad 'tshal ba to shew diligence (J‰). bro 'tshal ba to have a cold (Mil.); phyag 'tshal ba to greet, salute. 'tshal ma = tshal ma SANST; kho bo rang gis 'di rnams ma zad bar du 'tshal ma mi zhu until I have eaten up these I shall not ask for (more) food (A. 87). 'tshal ma 'tshal ba = zas za ba to take one's meal; 'tshal ma nar ma = rgyun par zas bro ba continually eating. 'tshig pa SANST to burn, to destroy by fire; to glow; grong khyer mi dang bcas pa 'tshig he burned the town with its inhabitants (Pth.); rnam par 'tshig pa to burn entirely, completely (Dzl.); tshig song has been burnt. 'tshim colloq. for tshem 3; and 'tshis bu for tshem bu . 'tshir ba to extract, wring out, squeeze forth, to press out oil, extracts, etc.; nan gyis 'tshir to press hard; 'o ma 'tshir ba to milk; btsun ma la yang thugs gtsir chung bar gyur to also the queen's mind was much depressed (J‰.). til 'tshir ba po an extractor of sessame oil (Situ. 85). 'tshugs pa pf. tshugs (intrs. of 'dzugs pa ) 1. to go into, to enter upon, begin, commence: stod pa 'bul ba la tshugs he began to praise, to flatter. 2. to pierce, penetrate by boring, to thrust in, to establish one's self, to settle: rtsa ba ma tshugs it has not taken root; 'brog 'tshugs su ye ma 'dod they had no longer any mind to establish themselves in this alpine solitude; brtan gyi skyid mgo de nas tshugs this was the beginning of my lasting happiness (Mil.); tshugs pa as partic. or adj. = firm, steady: rkang lag ma tshugs te sa la 'gyel to his limbs not remaining firm (in consequence of a paralytic stroke), he fell to the ground (Dzl.); sa gcig tu mi tshugs pa not being able to settle in one place, flighty, inattentive. 'tshud pa pf. tshud to be put inside of, to go into, to enter, to get into; khong 'tshud pa to comprehend. 'tshub pa pf. tshubs to toss about, to swirl, to entwine; to be choked, suffocated. 'tshum pa SANST [a protuberant belly]S. 'tshur nag n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 32). 'tshe ba pf. btsees SANST, SANST to cause mischief or danger to, to damage, injure, persecute: mi la 'tshe zhing gnod pa byed pa to do mischief and cause damage to a man (Mil.); gcan zan la sogs pa'i 'tshe ba dang bcas pa (a place) haunted by beasts of prey and other noxious creatures; 'phra shags rgyab pa'i rta 'tshe can gyi 'dra ba like a vicious horse which kicks about; 'tshe byed , SANST wild animals, such as leopard, tigers, etc. 'tshe med SANST not doing mischief or injury; piety (S. Lex.). (EEE The perfect form following the headword is given as "btshes btses". Since btshes is an impossible spelling (tsha cannot take a ba prefix by the rules of grammar) and since elsewhere, btses pa 3 is given as the perfect form of this verb, the Tibetan has been rendered according to the transliteration.) 'tsheg pa pf. tshegs to repay a loan or a kindness (Moon.). 'tsheng pf. 'tshengs to be satisfied, content, happy, gratified: snying 'tshengs pa the mind was contented; tsha tsha mang po btab nas nga la bu mo nga'i 'tshengs my daughter by casting many tsha-tsha gratified me (A. 90); ci tsam brtson pa de tsam bas kyang 'tsheng however much the exertion so much the more the satisfaction; phan gnod med pa na shin tu 'tsheng ba yin if there be no further mischief it is very satisfactory (A. 16). 'tshed pa = btso ba to cook: zas 'tshed pa po one who cooks (Situ. 85); 'tshed pa'i gnas a kitchen (Moon.); 'tshed byed ma = thab kha pa a cook (Moon.). 'tshem pa pf. btsems to sew: gos 'tshem pa to sew or make a robe; 'tshem skud thread for sewing; 'tshem khab needle, 'tshem srub W. seam. 'tshem med without a seam; also = without interruption. 'tsher ba 1. to neigh. 2. = mtsher ba to grieve, to sorrow, and sbst. grief, sorrow, resp. thugs 'tsher ba to be grieved, also to be afraid, to fear C. (Mil.); repentance, shame: 'tsher ba med not penitent, shameless. 'tsher can sorrowful, anxious. 3. to shine, to glitter; 'od 'tsher ba sbst. lustre, brightness. 'tsher sa abandoned pasture land, land left by nomads for a new spot; a place which has been abandoned on account of inconvenience, discomfort, sickness, etc. 'tsho ba I: pf. and imp. sos 1. to live, to be alive, be living: yon tan gyis 'tsho ba to earn livelihood by talents rku 'phrog gis 'tsho ba to live by theft and plunder; ring du for a long time; lo brgya tsam du sos he lived even a hundred years: 'tsho'i bar du for life, life-long, chos kyis 'tsho ba to gain a livelihood by religion; srid 'tsho ba to pass life, to continue in a state, to exist; 'du 'dzi'i nang du 'tsho mi phod do in the throng of the world I cannot exist (Dzl.); 'di ma byas na mi 'tsho'o if we did not do this we should not remain alive. 2. to last, to be durable, of clothes, etc.; to retain its virtue, efficacy, of laws, doctrine, etc. 3. pf. bsos or sos , fut. gos to feed, to graze; to nourish, lus the body, to sustain, srog life; phyugs 'tsho ba la 'khrid pa to lead the cattle to pasture (Pth.). 4. to heal, to cure, nad ; tsho mdzad 'life-giver,' i.e., physician. II: also 'tsho 1. sbst. life: 'tsho ba'i tshad SANST duration of life; mi zhig gi 'tsho ba bshol ba to prolong a man's life (Dzl.); 'o cag 'tsho'i rje the lord of our lives, viz., the king (Glr.). 2. livelihood, sustenance, support, maintenance. 'tsho skyong fostering, maintaining, tending (cattle); 'tsho khams = phung khams mortal frame, the constitution which requires keeping up; 'tsho chas subsistence, livelihood; 'tsho rten livelihood, maintenance, support; 'tsho thabs medical treatment, the means of healing, way of subsistence; 'tsho thabs pa = snan pa a physician, medical man. 'tsho ba ma SANST a woman that nourishes. 'tsho ba gsum the three kinds of physical and spiritual existences: 1. tshe life. 2. bsod nams merit. 3. las Karma or work. 'tsho ba gsum zad the decay of the three vital essentials:- 1. that called tshe zad pa ; 2. that of merit bsod nams zad pa ; 3. that of work las zad pa (Sman.). 'tsho ba'i snying po n. of a medical work by Atisa: jo bo nyid kyis kyang 'tsho ba'i snying po zhes bya mdzad (A. 35) the Jowo himself also wrote work on medicine called Htso-wahi SÒio-po. 'tsho ba'i yo byed SANST necessaries of life. 'tsho byed 1. medicine. 2. or 'tsho byed pa = snan pa a physician (Moon.). 3. SANST the moon, also gza' phur bu SANST the planet Jupiter; 'tsho byed kyi zhus pa n. of Sutra on medicine called Jivaka-puripuchha. 'tsho byed ma SANST n. of a goddess. 'tsho byed gzhon nu SANST n. of a celebrated physician devoted to Buddha and who cured king Bimbisara of piles (Yig. 35). 'tsho byed shing = i zhur gyi shing SANST, SANST 1. n. of a medicinal plant. 2. SANST the life-tree i.e., any chosen tree on the existence of which depends the life of a person (Moon.). 'tshog chas = ad lag goods, effects, necessaries; also provisions, provender (J‰.). 'tshog pa pf. btsags , fut. btsog , imp. tshog 1. to hew, chop, strike; to inoculate; 2. vaccinate, to find fault with, to blame, censure, teaze (Sch.). 'tshogs pa pf. tshogs 1. to assemble, to meet together; khyed 'dir tshogs ye that are here assembled; mi mang po tshogs pa'i mdun du before many assembled people (Dzl.); 'byung lnga tshogs pa the five elements meeting; 'tshogs rten gyi zas chang food and drink to entertain the people assembled (Glr.). 2. to unite, to join in doing something, to combine, to make common cause (J‰.). 'tshong ba SANST to barter, to sellóa vb. in very common use; dri 'tshong ba'i gnas place where perfumes are sold; 'tshong ba'i tshad for the purpose of selling; 'tshong bar byed making sale, causes to be sold. 'tshod pa pf. btsos , fut. btso , imp. tshos 1. to boil, to cook in any way, to bake: 'tshod gyin 'dug colloq. it is cooking (anything) is boiling; btsos gyin yod has been cooking, has been boiling; 'tshod par bya should cook, or to be cooked. 'tshod snum oil for frying food-meat, vegetables, &c. (Rtsii.); 'tshod mar butter used in making pastry, cakes, etc. (Rtsii.). 'tshob pa or 'tshobs pa to be a deputy, to represent, to be substituted for; rigs 'tshob pa to be the first-born male in a family, to represent a family (Dzl.); 'tshob par byed pa to substitute, to put in the place of another (Dzl.); gdung 'tshob po resp. for first-born (J‰.). 'tshor ba v. tshor 3 (na zug lta bu ). 'tshol ba pf. btsol , imp. tshol , to seek, to look for, to make search; thabs 'tshol ba to seek for an opportunity or means; zas 'tshol ba to look for food; 'tshol 'gro ba to search for livelihood. 'tshol sgrol byed = gser gold (S. Lex.). Syn. yongs su 'tshol ba ; rjes su 'tshol ba (Moon.). 'tshos zin anything thoroughly cooked or boiled. Also = quite ripe. dza is the 19th letter of the Tibetan alphabet corresponding in sound to the Sanskrit SANST. Acc. to the Tantra: dza ni ma byung ba yi sgo| Dsa is the beginning of that which has not grown or been born (K. g. wa, 42). Dsa also = bya ba and byin pa religious rites and almsgiving (mystic) (K. g. kha, 179). dza ti á prop. dzAa tI 1. the nutmeg. 2. n. of the flower Jasminum grandiflorum. Syn. of 1. su ma na ; spubs skyes ; spubs 'bras ; spubs can ; spos kyi rgyal po . Syn. of 2. yid bzang skyes ; 'dab bdun pa ; gzhon nu'i 'phreng ; mAa la tI ; sna ma'i me tog (Moon.). dza na ma SANST shadow, shade. dza pa á or dzab ti 1. = 'dzab Tibetanized form of SANST; is a mantra or Sanskrit charm. 2. recitation mentally. dza ba á and dza bAa shing = SANST [the China rose, Hibiscus rosa sinensis]S. Syn. rdo rje'i me tog ; til me tog ; rnga ma me tog ; dza bAa ; dza bAa shing (Moon.). dza ya á I: SANST; = rgyal ba victory. II: 1. Sch.: 'muddy deposit, green slime in the water.' 2. in C. the markings of wood, speckled and variegated in consequence of disease in the tree. 3. n. of an ancient king of China (J‰.). dza ya si pa ta á the name by which the site of Kapilavastu the birth place of Buddha is now known: ser skya'i grong zhes grags pa yod pas yul de la deng sang yongs grags su dza ya si pa ta ste rgyal ba'i gnas zer (Dsam.). dza yan ti'i rtsa ba á (SANST) the root of the Jayanti tree (K. g. tsa, 51). dza yi phal = dza ti nutmeg. dza lan tra á dza yan Z ra SANST n. of a province in the Punjab, now Jallundur (J‰.). Formerly the kingdom of Jalendra comprised Kashmir, Panjab and a part of Kabul; and was ruled by king Kanirka and his successors (J. Zao.). dza sgs (Chinese) = rdzong dpon a prefect, a district magistrate and collector (Yig. k. 1). dza hu'i bu mo á SANST an epithet of the Ganges phebs tshogs kyang dza hu'i bu mo'i rgyan bzhin stsol ba mkhyin| pray let your letters come to me like the flow of the Ganges. dzAa ti dza la n. of a Buddhist female saint: o rgyan gyi byang phyogs na gdol pa'i bu mo dzAa ti dza la zhes bya ba|on the north of Orgyan there lived Dsati-dsala who was a girl of the sudra caste (K. dun. 38). dzAa ri khaº á n. of an Indian province: ma ga Z dang mi ring ba'i lhor dza ri khaº zer ba'i yul chen po yod| there is a large province to the south and not far from Magadha called Jari khanda (Dsam. 35). dzam bu SANST 1. gold; the fabulous fruit of the Kalpadruma, the wishing tree of the gods; gold leaf is compared with the leaf of that tree, gold yielding almost all that man requires for his living. 2. acc. to J‰. = "The rose apple tree Engenia, which figures also in mythology." dzam bu ka á SANST, SANST the jackal. dzam bu'i gling á or 'dzam bu'i gling SANST the ancient Buddhist name for India: lho phyogs kyi gling 'di nyid dbyibs gru gsum|shing klpa bri kSa ste dpag gsm gyi shing gi lo ma chu la lhung ba'i tshe dzam dzam zhes pa'i sgra 'don pas dzam bu'i gling zhes brjod this southern continent is triangular in shape; and is called Dsam-bu-glio from the jam-jam sound made by the falling from heaven of the leaves of the kalpadruma wishing-tree into the river Ganges (K. d. ra, 343). dzam bu'i gling gi byang phyogs na yod pa'i yul 'ga' zhig gi ming tsam the names of some of the countries situated to the north of Jambudvipa are:- SANST; nya pa lin da SANST; dpa' po'i sde SANST; sus tha la SANST; dar do SANST (Dardistan); bzang por od pa SANST; sgra mi snyan pa SANST; bzang po pa SANST; gan Z ra SANST (Kandahar); sha kA SANST; (Sogdiana) ri Si kA SANST; ma ti SI ka SANST; rgya nag 'khor dang bcas SANST (China with her surrounding appendages); rgya nag gzhan SANST; khAa rAa SANST; pa ra ba rAa SANST; kun ta'i 'bras bu pko Tu SANST; kam po dzAa SANST (K. d. ra, 286). dzam bu'i gling gi phreng ba Jambu-mala n. of a country to the north-west of Jambudvipa or Dzambuling situated near the Sumeru mountain. Beyond that country lies the country of glog gi phreng ba , i.e., the string of lightning Aurora Borealis (K. d. ra, 270). dzam bu nad á the river Yeru Tsang-po of Tibet which brings down gold with its sands; also the head-waters of the Yang-tsi-kyang the river of golden sand. dzam £ la or dzam lha the Tibetan Pluto or god of riches. His different epithets are:- sngon gyi gnod sbyin , chu'i thu ; chu yi dbang po ; chu la gnas ; nor bu bzang po ; rmugs 'dzin ; nor gyi dbang phyug (Moon.). dzam £ la nag po a manifestation of Dzambhala in black; dzam ser = dzam £ la ser po the same deity in yellow aspect. dznyA á É… zhes bya ba na ye shes dmigs su med pa'i phyir chos thams cad kyi sgo'o| (Hbum. ga, 283). ã á SANST 1. rnyog ma bral ba'i sgo|dri ma dag pas thams cad grol Dsha is the symbol of what is free from defilement; being immaculation typified it liberates all (K. g. wa, 42). 2. ã ni kun nas nyon mongs pas 'ching ba ni nags thibs po dang 'dra ba'o| dsha signifies that entanglement in endless misery is like a dense forest (K. my. ka, 207). É… na kA ya in mysticism = ye shes kyi sku spiritual image or body, the spirit. dzi num. fig.: 49. dzi na mi tra á SANST n. of a Kashmirian Pandit who translated certain of the Buddhist scriptures into Tibetan and died in Tibet. dzi li ä la á cancer; acc. to some authors it is gnyan nad or plague; acc. to others a fearful kind of burning leprosy: dzi li ä la'i nad rgyu chod stops the progress of the disease dsi-li dswala (A. 19). dzI ba ka á SANST honey, nectar, ambrosia; that which gives life and also keeps up life (mystic). Syn. mtsho ldan ma ; sbrang rtsi ; rwa can ; lus 'thung (Moon.). dzu num. fig.: 79. dzung dzung n. of the third son of Emperor Dsung of the Han dynasty who succeeded his father on the throne (Yig. 54). dze num. fig.: 109. dze ta ri á SANST n. of a Buddhist saint of Bengal (K. dun. 45). dze Ta'i tshal á SANST the grove in Sravasti in which Buddha had resided for many years and where the first Buddhist monastery was built under the auspices of Anath-pindada. dze tse in C. vent-hole for the smoke, a chimney (J‰.). dzo num. fig.: 139. dzoki or äo ki vulg. for yo gi or rnal 'byor pa 3. mdza' ba 1. to be amicable, to love as friends or kinsmen do: mdza' ba rnams a loving married couple (Dzl.); mi mdza' ba thams cad all hostile malignant (creatures or powers) (Dom.); mi mdza' ba rnams sdum pa to reconcile those that are at variance with each other; bram ze mdza' zhing shes pa he had a Brahman for his intimate friend (Dzl.). 2. as adj. = mthun pa or nye ba intimate or near. 3. as sbst. = friend, relation, one near or dear. Also: affection, friendship; also mdza' byed . mdza' gtsugs pa to cultivate friendship. mdza' bshes = grogs grogs che SANST, SANST; also parents, brothers, cousins, relations, friends; frq. in conjunction with nye du or khyim mtshes (Glr.). mdza' lha'i grogs po = lhag pa (Moon.). mdza' grogs in C. = khyo bo husband, wife. mdza' gcugs v. gnyen phyogs . mdza' bar byed = khram pa 3 or 3phra ma 3 (Moon.); mdza' bas bcings v. gnyen phyogs . (EEE gnyen phyogs does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under 3gnyen 3.) (EEE The original has Brahman for Brahman above.) mdza' bo = snying sdug sbst. SANST, SANST love husband, friend: mdza' bo la la shing bal 'dra|mdza' bo la la lhun po 'dra|mdza' bo la la sa gzhi 'dra|mdza' bo la la phreng ba 'dra some friends are like cotton (adhering firmly), some friends are like Mount Meru, other friends are like the earth (steady), others are like a string of beads easily separating. Syn. snying 'dod ; yid mthun ; yi gcugs ; mdza' gcugs ; bag phebs ; snying nye ; yid nye ; blo nye ; sems mthun (Moon.). mdza' mo 1. a mistress; also a female friend. 2. v. chu skyar 3. mdzangs pa 1. sometimes written as 'dzangs pa SANST, wise, learned; also = mkhas shing . 2. = dpa' bo a hero, a champion (Moon.); mdzangs pa'i khang the house of a hero, the house where heroes exhibit feats of arms, etc. mdzangs ma a woman. mdzangs ma 'bras kyi snye khur n. of a vegetable medicine used to heal sores and wounds (Sman. 350). mdzad pa 1. imp. mdzod is the honorific form for byed pa in all its significations, whenever the person acting is the object of respect: khyod kyis de ring las ka ga tshod mdzad song how much work have you done today? mdzad du gsol pray do it, let it be done. 2. = SANST, SANST deed, achievement, working, behaviour; the act of doing, the thing done; mdzad pa bcu gnyis the twelve deeds (or prop. incidents) of a Buddha's life; mdzad brgya the hundred acts of Buddha Gautama (J. Zao.). mdzad pa po the doer, maker, composer, etc.; mdzad od deed, action; deportment, conduct, like od lam , course of life, way of acting; mdzad 'phrin good deeds or services: mdzad 'phrin gong 'phel du bzhugs spro yod pa ni bka' drin che that you have been doing excellent works and flourishing more and more is a great mercy to us (Yig. k. 4). mdzar ra mdzer re in Ld. = pitted with small-pox, pock-marked; warty, blotchy, v. mdzer pa 3 (J‰.). mdzug gu colloq. a finger v. mdzub mo 3. mdzug gu 'dzugs sa where a finger can be thrust in; place or thing pointed out definitely, as it were by the fore-finger: bla ma dang slob ma la mdzug gu 'dzugs sa the object which both the lama and his pupil can point to (A. 156). mdzub mo SANST, SANST (vulg. mdzug gu or mdzub gu ) 1. finger, esp. fore-finger: mdzub mo bsgrengs te kha gshags rgyags la 'gro raising your fingers go on merrily; gzhan skyon mdzub mos slong to point to others' faults with the finger (Rdsa. 17, 23). The different fingers are: mtheb mo or mthe mo the thumb; mdzub mo or sdigs mdzub the fore-finger; srin lad or par mdzub or kan ma (Med. J‰.) the middle-finger; srin mdzub or ming med the fourth finger; mthe pa or the'u chung or mdzub chung in C. the little-finger. 2. toe; claw. mdzub ker ókyer orókyang a stiff finger; mdzub brkyangs an extended finger; mdzub skyis finger-ring. mdzub khrid lit. leading by the finger; a pointing with the finger, hint, intimation, direction: blo the tshom sel ba'i mdzub khrid byas| he made an intimation that removed every scruple of the mind (J‰.). mdzub gang a measure equal to the space between the tops of the thumb and the fore-finger; mdzub mo med pa one without fingers; mdzub rtse tip of a finger (Cs.); mdzub tshigs joint of a finger. mdzub zha lit. the finger-cap, a thimble. mdze SANST leprosy, believed to be caused by Lu or water demons when they get offended from any cause, and is therefore also called klu nad . It is described as of thirty-six kinds. mdze klad the brains of the head of one who has died from leprosy: mi gtsang mdze klad khyi na rnag khrag la as to what is unclean, there are the brains of a leprous person, dog's-flesh, pus, etc. (A. 12). mdze rgod a very dreadful type of leprosy mdze rgod 'brum bu sna tshogs (Ya-sel. 11.); mdze can 'joms pa'i jag pa = ru rta a kind of spicy root used in medicine (Sman. 109). mdze rmog a kind of helmet (Jig. 31). mdzer pa or 'dzer pa 1. = zer ba or skad 'dzer ba to speak. 2. a knot, excrescence of the skin, wart, etc.; also, a knag or knot in wood; mdzer mal knot-hole in wooden boards. mdzes pa also, colloq. "dse-po," handsome, fine, charming. mdzes pa bzhin 'dug appears very nice; bu mo mdzes po sweet daughter! ri bo nags tshal du ma mdzes pa| a mountain beautified by numerous woods; fig.: od lam mdzes pa| conduct outwardly fair (Dzl.); mdzes bkrag lustrous; beautiful and bright: bzhin ras kyi mdzes bkrag nyams pags pa'i gnyer ma mang bas| the lustre of his countenance had faded, the wrinkles on his skin were many (Khrid. 48). mdzes sku lit. handsome body, idiomatically: fine health: mdzes sku zab bzhes kyi ngos being in excellent health (Yig. k. 48). mdzes dga' delightful; mdzes chos [one who naturally indulges in pleasure]S.; mdzes ldan ma a handsome woman (A.K. 111-13); mdzes sdug = mtshar sdug very handsome, beautiful (Moon.); mdzes byas ornament, jewellery (Moon.); mdzes sbyin , the finest sandal-wood perfume; mdzes ma a pretty girl, a beautiful damsel; mdzes ma mchog a charming young woman or girl (A.K. 111, 30). mdzes mdzes pomp, extravagance, debauchery; mdzes legs kind act, good behaviour (Rtsii.). mdzo SANST, SANST breed between the yak-bull and the common cow; 'bri mdzo is the hybrid of a common bull and a yak-cow. mdzo mo female of hybrid birth, the jomo or common dairy beast in Tibet; mdzo dkar , white dso; mdzo rgod wild cattle; mdzo sgal load for a mdso to carry; mdzo pho a male cross of yak and cow; mdzo phrug a young dzo, a calf of a dzomo; mdzo mo shing a tree the wood of which resembles the red-sandal-wood; and being largely imported into Tibet from China, is used in dying the garments of the lamas of Amdo. mdzo tshwa n. of a medicinal salt: mdzo tshwas khrag 'dzu rma yi chu ser skem . mdzod SANST sbst. treasury, store, depository, treasure-chest; mdzod du 'jug pa , sped pa to secure, to hide a thing in a safe place; mdzod nas 'don pa to take it out. dkor mdzod treasury of a monastery or that of a Buddhist sanctuary. bang mdzod corn-magazine, granary; dbyig mdzod a safe for valuables; gser mdzod gold treasury; phyag mdzod "chandzo" treasurer in large monasteries; ming gi mdzod a treasury of words, dictionary; mdzod khang = bang mdzod (Moon.); store-room, larder; mdzod khang pa , SANST a storekeeper. mdzod jus a kind of fine satin (S. kar. 180); mdzod btags finest silk scarf for presentation (Yig. 38); mdzod gos , the finest satin or lit. the satin robe that is generally kept in the treasury or box, only used on grand occasions (S. kar. 178). mdzod pa SANST; treasurer. Syn. mdzod 'dzin pa ; phyag mdzod ; bang mdzod pa (Moon.). mdzod spu SANST; = mig gi rdzi ma (Moon.) snin mtshams kyi mdzod spu a circle of hair between the eye-brows in the middle of the fore-head, one of the particular marks of a Buddha, from which he sends forth divine rays of light (J‰.). mdzod spu can SANST [1. a woollen blanket; 2. a spider, a ram.]S. mdzod lus = chu shing plantain plant (Moon.). mngon mdzod SANST Abhidharmakora v. mngon chos kyi mdzod , comprising the lung gi mdzod and the rtogs pa'i mdzod the first giving an index of all the subjects of Buddhist Scriptures, the second an account of the doctrines of the Sravaka, Pratyeka Buddha, Bodhisattvas and Buddhas. nam mkha'i mdzod the treasures which are the privileges of such Buddhist saints as have attained to the eighth stage of perfection. (EEE mngon chos kyi mdzod does not occur elsewhere in the dictionary but see under sde snod gsum 3.) mdzol bu 1. a menagerie, house where wild beasts are kept. 2. grief, dejection; a snare, a trap (Sch.). 'dzag pa I: pf. gzags or zags , fut. gzag to drop, drip, trickle; leak, run out: sna khrag sna chu 'dzag blood, water, dripping from the nose (Med.); mchi ma 'dzag pa dropping of tears; 'o ma 'dzag pa de las 'byung milk is trickling from it (Vai. so.); 'dzag 'dzag pa to trickle constantly, to spirt, to flow out; mtsho zhabs nas zags te med par song flowing off at the bottom, the lake became empty or "as not" (Mil.); bzhin zags te the face dripping (with perspiration); kun la snying btse mchi ma gzag he is shedding tears of universal pity (Dzl.); sor bar nas 'dzag nas| letting (ashes) fall through between her fingers (Mil.). II: in the language of the Brahma Kayika-deva: 'dzag pa = sdug bsngal pa ; kun tu 'dzag byed = kun 'byung ba (K. kon. ka, 236). 'dzang 'dzong = gtsang gtsong (J‰.). 'dzangs pa 1. acquiring of wealth greedily, avaricious hoarding of wealth. 2. = zad pa spent, consumed, exhausted, construed with nor , of rare occurrence (J‰.). 'dzad pa pf. zad to go down, dwindle, to be consumed, to come to an end = zad pa 3 q.v.; nor 'dzad par 'gyur riches will be spent or run down. phar 'gro tshur 'gro dang yam yom rnams la 'dzad in going out and coming in and in wavering to and fro, it is consumed (A. 137). bsags pa'i nor 'dzad the gathered wealth comes to an end (Pth.); snam zad kyi mar me a lamp the oil of which is exhausted (Glr.); khyod kyi bsod nams zad pa'i tshong phrug rnams| ye poor children of merchandise whose stored-up merits are now at an end (Glr.); rgyags las zad that which has been spent for provisions (Mil.); brla'i sha zad kyang yang ngo through the muscular part of the thigh had been consumed, (I) was easy; thabs zad helpless (Glr.); tshe yongs su zad pa las whilst life is consuming itself (Do.); tshe zad kar at the hour of death; dug lnga'i las la zad pa med the effects of the five poisons never cease; 'dre la zad pa med of devils there is no end (Mil.); zad med or zad pa med pa zad mi shes pa incessant, endless, everlasting, interminable. 'dis zad with this it comes to an end, i.e., this is the only thing besides which no second is existing; 'dis don gnyer zhing 'tsho bar zad na as this is the only means of making a living (Dzl.). The form zad de is frq. used at the end of a phrase to signify: "and none besides," "it is only," "and no more," etc. Hence, we may render: mthong ba kho mo kho nar zad de| as I am the only person that has seen; mthong ba zad de this is limited to seeing, this refers only to sight (Dzl.); gnyis ni ming gcig pa tsam du zad pas| as the two have only one name. So, too, the frequent ma zad de with the termin. case = not only: srig 'dor ba 'di 'ba' zhig tu ma zad de| having lost his life not only this time (but often before) (Dzl.); der ma zad kyi not only that, i.e. still more, further yet. 'dzan dka' + = sbyor dka' (Lishi), difficult to obtain or to acquire. 'dzab pa 1. to count on the beads, to mutter charms; to pronounce sngags or magic sentences. 2. or 'dzabs pa mischief, danger. 3. vb. to strive, endeavour; to be studious, to give diligence (J‰.). 'dzab can a blackguard, dangerous person; rkun ma 'dzab chen a dangerous thief, daring robber. 'dzam bu v. dzam bu 3 SANST, the rose-apple tree, engenia: 'dzam bu'i sa bon dang |bI dza pu ra ka'i sa bon dang |sha ri Sa'i sa bon dang btags nas ra'i 'o ma la btso bar byas nas mar dang bza' bar byas na zla ba phyed du ltogs par mi 'gyur ro| the seed of rose-apple, the seeds of Vijapuraka and Sharisa, cooked together in goat's milk and taken with butter will enable one to fast for a fort-night (K. g. ca, 48). 'dzam gling rgyan drug the six ornaments or gems of Dzambuling or Jambudvipa:- (1) 'phags pa lha SANST Aryadeva; (2) 'phags pa thogs med SANST Aryasaoga; (3) kun mkhyen dbyig gnyen SANST SarvajÒa Vasumitra; (4) slob dpon phyogs kyi glang po SANST Acharya Dignaga; (5) slob dpon chos kyi grags pa SANST Acharya Dharmakirti; (6) slob dpon klu yi dbang po SANST Acharya Nagendra. (EEE Note that Dharmakirti's name is listed in the original as Chandrakirti. This does not agree with the Tibetan nor with the accepted listing of the six ornaments.) 'dzam gling rgyal po SANST the king of the earth, an epithet of the king of Ayodhya ('thab pa med pa ) (Moon.). 'dzam gling mchog gnyis the two great personages of Jambudvipa viz.:- the Buddha and Nagarjuna. 'dzam bu gling SANST see dzam bu'i gling 3 above. 'dzam bu gling or 'dzam gling is the more frq. spelling. (EEE The original reads "see dzam bu gling above" but the earlier entry is as shown here and so has been amended here.) 'dzam bu chu bo'i gser SANST gold from the river of the golden sand, which is used by a Chakravarti Raja: deng sku'i zo mdog 'dzam bu chu bo'i gser khams ltar bzang zhing |. 'dzam bu nA dA gold from the river of golden sand: 'dzam bu nA dA'i sa 'dzin ltar gsal angs brjid cing |. 'dzam bu'i rgyal khams kingdom of Jambu (modern Jummoo), the south-eastern part of Kashmir. 'dzam bu'i rgyal mtshan can = sa gzhi (Moon.) an epithet of the earth. 'dzam bur a gun, cannon (J‰.). 'dza' the interest or premium paid for the use of money borrowed (J‰.). 'dzar a bob, tassel, tuft (J‰.). 'dzar ba 1. taking dinner at midday. 2. pf. bzar , fut. gzar , to suspend, to hang up, to fling across or over, to put over one's shoulder. 3. to dress carelessly or in a loose manner, to huddle on clothes or rags. 'dzi ba 1. to be busy about, to be engaged in, to be taken up with, absorbed by anything. 2. to abstain from, to be abstinent, temperate (J‰.). 'dzing ba to dispute, quarrel, contend with, wrestle, struggle with. Syn. 'khrugs pa ; 'thab pa (Moon.). 'dzings pa gen. with skra rarely with mgo , bristly, rugged, shaggy; of beggars or of infernal monsters (J‰.). 'dzin 1. SANST the act of laying hold or seizing, seizure, grasp, gripe, a catch. When preceded by nyi or zla it indicates an eclipse of the sun or moon, in accordance with the notion of the sun and the moon being seized by the dragon Rahu. 2. a holder, keeper; a receptacle; rdo rje 'dzin the holder of the vajra (thunderbolt), chu 'dzin (water-holder) a cloud; ro 'dzin the tongue. 3. a bond, obligation, contract, agreement, a bargain, a treaty; yig 'dzin a written agreement; phrod 'dzin a receipt. 'dzin pa pf. bzung or zung , fut. gzung ; often takes the form zin pa ; also occurs as bzung in all tenses: 1. to lay hold of, to seize, to grasp; frq. requiring nas attached to object seized, e.g., lag pa nas to grasp a person's hand; mgo nas taking hold of the head; mi nas 'dzin pa to catch a man, frq.: chung mar 'dzin pa to take as wife (Glr.); lag na ral gri to hold a sword in one's hand (Glr.); bzung bas mi zin though grasped it is not held. 2. to uphold, support: bdag gi gdung brgyud 'dzin pa'i rgyal bu| a prince upholding my race (Glr.); nang pa'i chos bzung bas as he upheld the Buddhist faith. 3. to realise, comprehend, grasp, conceive, by the mind: dbang po rnams kyi nus pa zad pas yul mi 'dzin pa'am gzhan du 'dzin pa| "to perceive things not as they are, or not at all, in consequence of weakened senses" (Thgy.); with reference to mind or memory: sems la 'dzin pa ; yid la 'dzin ; blo la 'dzin to be taken in or grasped by the soul, mind and understanding; thugs rjes zin pa to be kindly affected towards a person; thugs ma zin pa to be not graciously inclined (Mil. nt.); bu mos zin pa taken in love by a girl (Pth.); ri khrod 'dzin pa to choose the solitude of mountains; dman sa 'dzin pa to grasp humility, to choose lowliness (Mil.). 4. to consider, hold, estimate: nga la dgrar 'dzin te considering me an enemy (Dzl.); phar 'dzin pa , mar 'dzin pa to esteem, respect one, as a father, as a mother (Stg.); med pa la yod par 'dzin pa to consider the not existing as existing (Thgr.); gnyis su 'dzin pa to consider as two, to find a difference between two things which according to Buddhist philosophy are one and the same; dngos por 'dzin pa to believe in the reality (of a thing) (Mil.). 5. SANST; sbst. comprehension, holding; capacity; the seizing; he that seizes, holds, occupies: rigs sngags 'dzin pa the holder of a magic sentence, etc. 6. the dispenser: khrims 'dzin pa the dispenser of law or justice, punishment. 'dzin 'khris in skyid sdug rtag pa med pa la re dogs kyi 'dzin 'khris mi byed par (Khrid. 28). 'dzi' stangs SANST fist [clenching the fist, a handful]S. 'dzin dam a sealed receipt or acknowledgement (Rtsii.). 'dzin pa che ba = dus po che an auspicious time (in reference to influence of the planets). 'dzin byed = skam pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST pincers (Moon.). 'dzin ma 1. SANST, SANST, SANST earth as a receptacle of all things. 2. SANST a mid-wife. 'dzin ma 'dzin SANST a land-holder, a chieftain, one who rules over a country. 'dzin tshag pa to supervise, to superintend: rdzong sdod gzhis gnyis nas 'dzin tshag (Rtsii.). 'dzin yas SANST, SANST n. of a great number. 'dzim pa wrongly used for 'dzin pa 3. 'dzir ba (las pas 'dzir ba ) to trickle off, to let drip (from the fingers). 'dzu ba pf. 'dzus to catch at, to seize on. 'dzugs pa occasionally zug pa SANST, SANST; pf. btsugs or zugs , fut. gzugs (trs. to 'tshugs pa ) 1. to thrust or stick into, push down, to set a plant in the ground, to set down, to set up a pillar, to raise (a standard). mi la phor pa to place a drinking-cup before a person; mdzub mos btsugs thrust in the finger; pus mo'i lha nga sa la 'dzugs pa to set the knees on the ground, to kneel down; zhabs 'dzugs kyi dga' ston feast given when a little child begins to plant its feet, i.e., to walk (Glr.). 2. to establish, found, settle; to introduce: srol 'dzugs pa to settle a custom and, hence, in a general sense, to begin, or set about any business, with or without mgo ; rgol ba 'dzugs pa to offer resistance (Pth.). 3. intrs, to bore or force itself into, to penetrate, to take hold of, to permeate; mostly fig.: snan ma zug the medicine has not taken hold yet, does not work; zla la khyed gyis mi zug you do not cling or stick to a companion (Mil.). 4. to sting, like nettles, to prick, tsher ltar like a thorn (Mil.); lo ma zug par byed the leaves sting (Vai. so.); zug rgyu med pa not smarting (Vai. so.). 'dzugs gtor the annual offerings of torma to spirits (Rtsii.). 'dzud pa pf. btsud also zud , imp. tshud , (trs. to 'tshud pa ) to put, to lead, to guide, to induce; to insert: sdig pa la 'dzud pa to seduce into sin (Pth.); 'dzud de = SANST; 'dzud 'dzud pa to put or insert into; snod du 'dzud pa po one who puts into a vessel (Situ. 85). 'dzub mo for mdzub mo 1. SANST, SANST a span, the top of the forefinger to that of the thumb. 2. SANST the forefinger. 'dzum or 'dzum pa = bzhin ras SANST, SANST a smile: byams pa'i 'dzum gyis with a friendly smile; 'dzum byed pa to smile; 'dzum dang ldan smiling (Pth.); 'dzum skyong ba to preserve a friendly countenance, to be always mild and gentle; 'dzum skyong in a special sense, the exhortation given to a daughter on her marriage to treat visitors with a friendly smile; also fig., an engaging appearance; ngo 'dzum a smile: aa ne'i 'dzum dkar nag bltas I watched whether the smile of my aunt was friendly or unfriendly (Mil.); ngo 'dzum nag ste looking forbiddingly; 'dzum kha a smiling mouth; lha mo 'dzum kha ma a smiling goddess; bu mo dang po lha phrug 'dzum kha mo at first a girl is a smiling young goddess (Khrid. 51). 'dzum ltag dgye a smile between the teeth, a sardonic smile, a grin (Cs.). 'dzum pa I: SANST pf. btsum or zum , fut. gzum , imp. tshum 1. to close, to shut, yet, as J‰ points out, only in certain applications, such as to close one's eyes, to shut one's mouth: mig mi 'dzum par lta zhing to have one's eyes immovably fixed upon (Dzl.); also pad ma'i kha zum bzhin just as the lotus-flower closes; rma kha mi zum zhing (Vai. so.) if the wound will not close. 2. to smile: 'dzum bag can (of a child) sweetly smiling (Mil.). (EEE No definition II is provided in the original.) 'dzum mul or 'dzum dmul SANST a laugh, a smile; 'dzum dmul gyis shor a smile escaped; 'dzum dmul ba to smile; 'dzum mul mul to smile by drawing in the lips but not breaking into laughter: kha skyengs nas 'dzum mul mul cang mi smra ba log song (Rdsa. 21). 'dzum mu le as if to break out into a laughter: ma de dga' drag 'dzum mu le mud nas (Rdsa. 17). 'dzur ba pf. bzur , fut. gzur , to give way, to draw back; (of a horse) to shy: lam nas 'dzur ba to step aside in a path; las la 'dzur ba to shun work, to evade labour (J‰.). 'dzul ba to glide, steal out or away, sgor 'dzul ba to slip out or through the door; chu la or chur 'dzul ba to glide into the water, i.e., to dive. khung du 'dzul ba po that which enters a hole or slips down into its den so as not be seen or captured (Situ. 85). 'dzus 1. v. 'dzu ba 3. 2. a corrupt form of 3'dzul 3. 'dzeg pa SANST, SANST to climb up, to ascend, to walk up; ri la 'dzig pa to ascend a hill, shing sdong po la 'dzeg pa to climb up a tree; gyen du 'dzeg pa po one who ascends, walks up a steep incline (Situ. 85). 'dzeg par byed climbs up. 'dzeng whet-stone, hone (J‰.). 'dzeng ba 1. to fight with projectiles; to throw stones. 2. to stick or jut out, to project, to be prominent. 'dzed pa pf. bzed , vulg. bzed pa , to hold out or forth. 'dzem pa = zon byed pa to shrink from, to shun, avoid: chang la 'dzem zhig give up or abstain from wine; mi dge ba la 'dzem pa to shun evil; ngo tsha la mi 'dzem pa insensible to shame, shameless; 'dzems shig = spongs shig do abandon, give up! phyogs ngan la 'dzem pa to dread going in an inauspicious direction; gza' skar ngan pa la 'dzem avoids going on a journey or doing anything at an inauspicious hour when the malignant stars are in the ascendant; grib la 'dzem pa to keep off from pollution or defilement: phra zhing phra ba la yang 'dzems shig aang gsung (A. 29). 'dzem mdog = ngo tsha shes pa , shamefaced, bashfulness, modesty (Moon.); 'dzem pa can or 'dzem bag can bashful modest (Cs.); 'dzem pa med immodest, shameless; khrel 'dzem modesty. 'dzer = glu dbyangs music, singing (Moon.). 'dzer pa I: SANST fleshy excrescence in the body (Hbrom. kha 18). 'dzer dum a round excrescence of the body, stump-like (foot or hand). + II: or 'dzer ba 1. = zer pa to say, to speak. 2. to be hoarse; 'dzer po hoarse; with skad id.: skad 'dzer 'dzer du ngu ba to weep with a hoarse voice (Pth.). 'dzog pa SANST the fist; to fold the fist. 'dzong 'dzong 1. jagged, pointed, conical. 2. oblong, cylindrical in C. (J‰.). 'dzob brdung = brdung 'dzog . 'dzom pa or 'dzoms pa SANST to come or approach together, to meet, to interlace: lam 'dzom pa the crossing of two roads; rgya lam la 'dzom pa to meet in a journey; kun 'dzom all meeting, where all meet; n. of a mountain pass on the road to Lahul from Spiti (J‰.); rnam pa sna tshogs 'dzom pa coming together of various things; mi mang po 'dzom pa crowd, crowding in one place. 'dzom po abundant, swelling, profuse, fertile; rtsa chu shing 'dzom po abounding in grass and water and wood, fertile C. mthun rkyen 'dzom po successful through a favourable concurrence of circumstances; tshos sna 'dzom po variegated, many coloured (J‰.). 'dzol pa any error, mistake, etc. de la 'dzol pa gsum byung he fell into three errors (J‰.). 'dzol ba 1. = nor ba to mistake: lam 'dzol ba to go into the wrong way, to miss the right way; bya ba 'dzol ba to blunder in working. 2. to shake about, to stir; to intermix, to confuse: phrin gong 'og 'dzol ba to deliver a message confusedly making a mess of it (J‰.). rdza SANST clay or earthenware; gen. rdza sa = clay. rdza bum a clay pot or jug. rdza in comp. is used for rdza ma as in chang rdza beer-jug, chu rdza water-pitcher. rdza kong , clay oil-burner (Rtsii.); rdza kor earthen bowl, little dish; rdza khang pottery; rdza khung clay-pit; rdza khog = sa'i khog ma , v. rdza ma 3. rdza mkhan SANST potter; rdza mkhan gyi 'khor skor ba to turn the potters' wheel; rdza mkhan gyi rigs , SANST the potter caste (in India); rdza chen a large earthen pot or vessel (for cooking purposes). rdza pag a tile, or burnt brick; rdza phor earthen cup or dish; rdza bo an earthen vessel. rdza rnga SANST kettle-drum made of burnt clay: rdza rnga dang zos rnga la sogs pa rol bar dam bcas (Hbrom. kha, 107). rdza rnga chen po SANST the large kind of kettle-drum. rdza chu n. of a river in Khams said to be the head-waters of the Salwin: khams kyi rdza chu ni byang gi dung 'bud sgra'i ri brgyad nas thon te chab mdo dang tsha ba sgang gi shar dang 'ju sogs brgyud yun nan du 'bab pa the river Rdsa-chu of Kham issuing from the mountain range of Duo-hbud-sgra (conch-shell-trumpet sound) of the north flows through Chhamdo, Tsha-wa-gang, Jang, Ju, etc., and entering the Chinese province of Yunnan passes through Burmah near Prome, emptying itself into the ocean (Dsam. 32). rdza bra in C. is a species of lagomys, a small tailless rodent. rdza ma SANST pot (unglazed, urn-shaped,bellied vessels of various size both for cooking and holding water, butter, and the like). rdza ra SANST; and rdza ma mo SANST. rdza gsong SANST, SANST [a frying-vessel]S. rdzang chest, box, for various stores = bang ba (J‰.). rdzang ba v. rdzong ba 3. rdzangs pa = mi mngags pa or gtong ba 3. rdzangs tho a list or register of messages and messengers to be sent to different Jongs or subdivisions of Jong for the collection of revenue: yong sdud pa rdzangs tho nang ltar la 'gor rgyun gyi lam chas provisions for delay according to the register of messengers (should be given) by the collector (Rtsii.). rdzab = 'dam or 'dam rdzab mud, mire. rdzab dong bog, slough. rdzab rdzub 1. = rdzun po falsehood. 2. sham, emptiness: rmi lam rdzab rdzub can an empty dream (Cs.). rdzab rdzob = 'dam bag mire, marl. rdzas I: 1. (nor rdzas lta bu ) SANST, SANST an article, thing, material, object ( = dngos po SANST substance): rdzas dkar ser por mthong white objects appear yellow; rdzas kha sang yod pa de ring med the thing of yesterday is today no more (Mil.); mi gtsang ba'i rdzas an impure thing; de'i rdzas requisites for this purpose; especially for sacrifices, sorceries, etc., hence also used as identical with magical agency (Var. so.). 2. SANST possessions, property, riches: rdzas las 'byung ba'i bsod nams the blessings accruing from a right application of rdzas wealth; srog rdzas provisions, victuals (Pth.); rdzas gang yod pa rnams all his property (Mil.). 3. in philosophy: matter; real substance, realities (Was.). bsrung rdzas charms, talisman. rdzas ldan = 'byor ldan one possessing property, a rich man (Moon.). (EEE No definition II is provided in the original.) rdzi + I: = rlung or rdzi rlung SANST, SANST the carrier of smell, i.e., the wind. rdzi phyogs min contrary or adverse wind; bsil ba'i rdzi cool breezes; phu rdzi or stod rdze a wind blowing from the uplands; lung rdzi or mdo rdzi a wind blowing at open places where rivers meet; dri rdzi ldan a fragrant breeze, a wind bringing odours of flowers; rdzi char rain with wind; rdzi char drag po rain storm; rdzi rig lit. getting a scent of, perceiving, understanding; rdzi rig nas nag tsho la gsung byon pa perceiving it (also noticing it) word came to Nagtsho (A. 137). rdzi shes pa to smell, snuff, snuffle, knowing or perceiving by smell. rdzi gsang ba as met. a dog. II: or rdzi bo SANST, SANST herdsman, shepherd, cattle-keeper; rdzi pho a male keeper; rdzi mo a female keeper; phyugs rdzi a herdsman; rta rdzi stable-keeper; gnag rdzi neat-herd, ra rdzi goat-herd; khyi rdzi dog-feeder, bya rdzi person attending to poultry. rdzi skor shepherd's hut. Sch. has also: dpe rdzi index, register. rdzi ma SANST 1. eye-lashes. 2. SANST a pot. Syn. mig gi snin ma (Moon.). rdzi ba pf. brdzis or rdzis , fut. brdzi , imp. brdzis or rdzis , 1. to pound, stamp, to knead; to tread down; gal te tsher ma brdzis na if I should tread upon a thorn. 2. to oppress, to distress (J‰.). rdzi'u 1. shepherd, diminutive of rdzi bo . 2. fin of a fish (Sch.). rdze'u tshos + the preparing of dishes for a noble or lama. rdzig rdzig = rngam rngam with lab pa , to address one harshly and threateningly. rdzing or rdzing bu , SANST, SANST a pond, e.g., for bathing; rdzings chen a large pond (Cs.). rdzing drung skyes = gur gum saffron SANST (Moon.). rdzings = gru rdzings or gru gzings a ship. rdzu = khram pa or phra ma (Moon.) SANST pretence, false air or show, also falsehood; yig rdzu a letter filled with falsehoods, a lying epistle. rdzu bag feigned smile; rdzu bag byed pa = rdzad kyi ngo 'dzum byed pa . rdzu ba pf. brdzas or rdzus , fut. brdzu , imp. brdzus or rdzus to give a deceptive representation, to make a thing appear different from what it is, to change into, to change (one's self), to be changed: srin por rdzu ba to change into a Rakrasa; to disguise one's self; rnal byor par rdzub as a yogi or meditating ascetic; rdzus te skye ba , v. skye ba 3; sha ru rdzu ba'i rgyu ma entrails feigning to be flesh, looking like flesh (J‰.). rdzu 'phrul SANST a miracle, a magical illusion, an apparent marvel, the power to cause which is considered the highest manifestation of moral acquirements; also = any delusion, miraculous appearance or transformation, etc. rdzu 'phrul ston pa to exhibit miracles; rdzu 'phrul 'jig pa to destroy the illusion by seeing through it (Mil.). rdzu 'phrul ni rnam pa gsum miracles are of three kinds:ó (1) mos pas bsgy ur ba ónam mkha' sa'i khams su mos nas sa'i steng du 'gro ba ltar 'gro ba ; (2) lus kyis 'gro ba ó chos nyid kyi khyad par las gyur pa ste bya rnams lta bu'i ; (3) yid ltar mgyogs pa to move according to one's wish, a faculty applicable to Buddha alone (SÒio-gyan, 220). rdzu 'phrul gyi rkang bzhi SANST the four Riddhipada, acc. to SÒio-rgyan, 220:- 'dun pa'i ó, sems kyi ,óbrtson 'grus ó, dpyod pa'i rdzu 'phrul kyi rkang pa ; but acc. to Mahavyutpatti:- (1) 'dun pa'i ting nge 'dzin sbyang ba'i 'du byed dang ldan pa'i rdzu 'phrul gyi rkang pa SANST. (2) sems kyi ting nge 'dzin sbyang ba'i 'du byed dang ldan pa'i rdzu 'phrul gyi rkang pa SANST. (3) brtson 'grus kyi ting nge 'dzin sbyang ba'i 'du byed dang ldan pa'i rdzu 'phrul gyi rkang pa SANST. (4) dpyod po'i ting nge 'dzin sbyang ba'i 'du byed ldan pa'i rdzu 'phrul kyi rkang pa'o SANST. When applied in this sense the term hdsu-hphrul becomes identical with chos 'phrul . rdzu 'phrul can SANST gifted with magic powers, miraculous. rdzu 'phrul phra mo gtso bor byed pa'i lta ba the school or philosophical doctrine of a sect in ancient India (Theg. 33). rdzun also brdzun a falsehood, lie, fiction, fable; rdzun tshig id.; mi bden rdzun that is falsehood and not truth (Glr.); rdzun smra ba , rdzun gsung ba , rdzun byed pa to tell a lie; rkyal ba rnams kyis rdzun gsung ba mi srid it is impossible that Buddhas should lie (J‰.); rdzun 'khrab an adroit liar and deceiver; rdzun ma a lie; a liar. In C. colloq. "kyak-ds¸n" = a lie. rdzub = rdzus stag deceit, imposture: rdzub byed pa to make false assertions (Ta.); cf. rdzab rdzub 3. rdzus skyes or rdzus te skyes pa SANST of miraculous birth. Thus Padma Sambhava is said to have been born from the lotus flower; the people of Uttara Kuru are said to be so born; [one of apparitonal birth]S. rdzus stag = gYo sgy u : ta re long gi rdzus stag ma byed cig (A. 136). rdzus ma something counterfeit, feigned, dissembled: rdzus ma'i mkhas pa a master of dissimulation; rdzus ma'i sprang po a disguised beggar (Glr.); mu tig rdzas ma imitation pearls. rdze ba pf. brdzes or rdzes , fut. brdze , imp. brdzes or rdzes 1. to tuck up, truss up (clothes), to cock a hat; to turn up, the upper lip (J‰.); skra gyen du brdzes pa the hair bristling (Do.). 2. to threaten (Cs.). rdze'u dimin. of rdza ma a small pot, pipkin (J‰.). rdzogs the finishing, completion: rdzogs la khad not fully finished, stopping short of completion; ye shes yongs su rdzogs most perfect and fully accomplished; the Buddha. Syn. zin la khad ; tshar la khad (Moon.). rdzogs khung small window in the wall of a house to see outside objects: sgo spe'i rdzogs khung zhig na mar rgya brtson 'grus seng ge'i skad cig (A. 130). rdzogs chen or rdzogs pa chen po SANST 1. most perfect or complete SANST. 2. one of the principal sects of the RÒio-ma School of Tibetan Buddhism; and much followed in Sikkim as well as in Derge in East Tibet. Its tenets are of the Atiyoga type. rdzogs pa 1. vb. to finish, to fulfil, to complete, to terminate: las rdzogs pa'i mtshams su just where the road terminates; mdzad pa yongs su rdzogs nas having accomplished all his deeds (Glr.); bka' ltar rdzogs yod it has been carried out according to the order; rgyal blon 'khor bcas dam pa'i chos la bcug pa'i le'u rdzogs so the chapter concerning the king, his officers, and retinue having embraced the holy doctrine is (here) finished. 2. adj. SANST, SANST complete, full, copious, perfect: ston pa dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas the most perfect teacher Buddha. 3. grub pa , SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST accomplished, executed, termination, finis. Syn. tshar ba ; grub pa ; zin pa also rgyas pa ; 'phel ba (Moon.). rdzogs pa'i byang chub SANST Bodhisattva, the stage of a saint immediately before he attains to Buddhahood. rdzogs par adv. perfectly, completely, fully: rdzogs par bsnyad pa to report fully; rdzogs par shes pa zhig one thoroughly conversant (Mil.); rdzogs par bslab pa to learn thoroughly (Mil.); bsnyen par rdzogs pa or bsnyen rdzogs mdzad pa SANST, to be ordained into full order of Bhikru. rdzogs tshig v. slar bsdu ba 3 the terminative particle or word in a sentence. rdzogs rim SANST one of the Tantrik or mystic rites of the RÒio-ma School. rdzong (in colloq. often jong) a castle, fortress; in modern times = headquarters of a district magistrate and revenue officer; rdzong dpon the district revenue officer in Tibet. rdzong skyel a through pass-port or road-bill from the jurisdiction of one Jong-pon to that of another. rdzongs pa pf. brdzangs or rdzongs , fut. brdzang or rdzong to forward, send off, to despatch, to take along with: mdzes pa'i bu mo khyod la bdag gis brdzangs nas|bzhi brgya rtsa bzhi'i nad rnams 'joms pa'i snan yang brdzangs a girl who is beautiful has been sent by me to you, and medicines for subduing the 404 diseases have been also despatched (Glr.). gzhan du brdzangs sent elsewhere; snod du brdzangs poured into a vessel (Situ. 76). bu mo brdzangs pa to give one's daughter in marriage. rdzob po or rdzob ma vain, empty, spurious, void. brdzis pa 1. = SANST bsnos spag dang 'dam . 2. in mnan pa rkang pas brdzis (Situ. 76). zan brdzis (Oag. 43). brdzu byas = sgrom che ba a large box or chest (D. Shel. 18). brdzun a lie. v. rdzun 3; brdzun can false, counterfeit; brdzun du smra ba falsehood, lie. brdzung tshig false statement: kun tu bde skyid ldan pa'i mi|brdzun tshig spangs shing steng bus la the man who is happy and in comfort can give (in charity) and avoid lying (Tan. d. 'o, 220). brdzus = sprul : khro bor brdzus transformed into a wrathful deity (Situ. 76). brdzus skyes SANST miraculous birth or growth. brdzus te skyes pa'i sngo = tsa aa wa , SANST or SANST, a medicinal grass called A-wa (Sman. 330). brdzus shing = sprul-shio transforming (A. 60). brdzes SANST [removed]S. ral pa brdzes = ral pa gyen du brdzes or gos chas brdzes (Situ. 70). wa the twentieth letter of the Tibetan alphabet corresponding in sound to the English W.; and is considered by Tibetan grammarians to be of purely Tibetan origin. It seems that the early scholars who visited India for studying Buddhist literature had their lessons in Sanskrit from Bengali pandits who could hardly have distinguished the difference between SANST and SANST, but in later periods when the scholars of Higher Tibet and Tsang studied Sanskrit under the pandits of Western Magadha, Benares, Nepal and Kashmir, they found that the equivalent of the letter SANST wa existed in the letter ba and belonged to it in the manner that the Bengali letter represents both SANST and SANST of Devanagari. Owing to this circumstance, it is said, the letter wa fell into disuse. I: a gutter trough or pipe gen. made of wood in Tibet; wa kha the mouth of a gutter; wa chu the water falling from a gutter; wa mchu spout or beak of vessels. II: in Tantrik Budh. is a symbol of that state which has neither a cause nor a consequence: wa ni rgyu rkyen med pa'i sgo (K. g. wa, 43), and conveys the notion of extreme lightness, and subtilty; in the Sutras it is also symbolical of rig sngags the occult science or mysticism which it is said was needed for the diffusion of Buddhism (K. my. ka, 208). III: SANST, SANST the fox of Tibet, which is of several varieties and probably includes three distinct species. The vulg. n. is wa tse . wa skad the barking of the fox; wa skyes SANST fox-born, a sly, timid person; a Tibetan proverb says: wa skyes dpon du bskos gyur kyang khyad pa wa yi phyogs su sdang if a coward became appointed as chief or ruler, he would particularly play the part of a fox. wa gro bluish fox; wa gro gro a grey fox (Sch.); wa brgyal the fox yelps, also the crying of the fox or the jackal when it becomes rabid: wa brgyal sogs kyi ltas ngan the bad omen of the cry of foxes, etc. (Ya-sel. 28). wa ti á n. of a sanctuary in Nepal containing the image of a Buddha called wa ti bzang po the good Wati. 'phags pa wa ti dang gnyis su med exactly like (not different from) Phangs-pa Wati (A. 24). wa ba goitre, of which several kinds are mentioned; khrag wa bloody goitre, tshil wa a swelling from fat; also 'dus wa and gYang wa the last being called the goitre of good luck (MÒg. 33). wa ba can one having goitre (K. g. wa, 344); wa tsha a kind of medicinal salt applied on goitre. wa tshas wa ba 'dzoms shing sha lhag 'ju this salt absorbs goitre and removes any fleshy excrescence. wa brag dkar n. of a place in Tibet (Loo za, 3). wa brag dkar ba n. of a learned Buddhist monk born in Wa-brag dkar who was a pupil of the sage Potopa. wa dza pAa na á n. of a place on the way to Urgyen, i.e., to Udyana (S. lam 17). wa ra a kind of tea which is brought to Tibet from the direction of Ladak, etc. (Jig. 23). wa ra na si also written bAa ra na si SANST, the Indian name of the city of Benares in the neighbourhood of which Buddha first preached his doctrine. wa rin Da á SANST Varendra Bhumi of Bengal (Dsam.); modern North Bengal. wa ru na SANST n. of the god of water; that of a kind of plant; also of a naga (Moon.). wa le or wal le or wal le ba clear, distinct, plain; de'i don thugs la wal le yis byung nas lan btab its meaning having become clear to him, he replied (A. 34). wa lung (the fox-valley) a district in East Nepal inhabited mainly by Tibetans lying just where the river Arun coming from Tibet enters the Himalayan gorges to join the Kosi river. wa si a kind of apple (Sch.). wa seng ge brag n. of rocky precipice with a cavern in it (regarded as a holy place) in Mdo-Khams (Deb. ga, 35). wang a Chinese title of high order akin to our title of baron, and is conferred upon the greatest personages of China, also upon the khans of Mongolia and the regent of Tibet. In Tibet Phola, the first regent viceroy who was invested with the title of Thaudiji, was created Wang and was called king Mi-wang. wang khyi n. of a (sa bdag ) monster; wang shing dmar po is the general of the king of the sa bdag monsters. wang tsun the first Chinese envoy sent by one of the early Chinese Emperors in search of the holy religion of Buddha to India: bang chen pa wang tsun rgya gar du grub mtha' tshol bar btang the messenger Wang-tsun was sent to India in search of a holy doctrine (Grub. da, 4). wrga á n. of a tree regarded as very holy which existed in Buddha Gaya (prob. the name by which the famous Bodhi tree was known): mi ring bar byung chub kyi shing du grags pa|wrga ni sdong po gcig kyang yod (Dsam.). wal gyis = wal le . wal le drag po 'tshal n. of a fancied world supposed to exist to the south of this world (G. Bon.). wi num. fig. = 50. wi pa a n. of a place (Bon. ch. 5). wing dzung n. of the younger brother of Jung-jung the 5th Emperor of the great T'ang dynasty. wu num. fig. = 80. wu rdo 1. v. 'ur rdo a sling. 2. pumice stone Sch. (EEE 'ur rdo does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under 'ur 3.) wun shing kong jo (a Chinese name which translated into Tibetan = chu nang gi pad ma the lotus within the water) is the princess Wun-chung Kon-jo who married king srong btsan sgam po of Tibet in the first part of the seventh century A.D. She is adored in Tibet as an incarnation of the goddess Dolma (Loo. 'a, 6.). we num. fig.: 110. wen ¥i n. of a famous Chinese Emperor of the S¸i dynasty who greatly favoured Buddhism (Grub. ra, 5). wer ma a class of Bon minor deities: lha bsangs nang du wer ma gsum brgya drug cu ces dang |thugs dkar gsum rgya drug cu ces pa rnams ni bon po'i lha yin in the group of secret gods there are 360 deities called Wer-ma and also 360 called Thugskar who are Bon gods (Bon. N.). wo num. fig. = 140. wo ti a corruption of the term Bodhi. wo ti bzang po SANST n. of the celebrated image of Buddha located at Kirong (skyed grong on the Nepal border) (Yig. 2). zha the twenty-first letter of the Tibetan alphabet, for which there is no corresponding letter either in English or in Sanskrit. Its pronunciation somewhat resembles that of "s" in the word leisure, but generally in C. it is sounded very much like the letter sha . zha dkar (gsha dkar or bsha dkar ) tin. zha sgre + = rna med earless. zha 'chag (ma sgrub pa or ma 'grig pa ) incomplete, imperfect or defective: rkang 'gro lag 'don gyi khral rigs sgrub 'then la zha chag rigs ra shan remission of taxes paid by doing work (Rtsii.); i 'gre zha 'chag ma byung rjes 'gro chug zer ba byed (D. Shel. 8). zha nye or zha ne SANST the metal lead; zha nye nag po SANST black lead: zha nye dug 'joms sha ro gcod par byed lead is used to remove poison and to cure putrifying flesh. zha nye mtshon a leaden sword; zha nye'i gting rdo a sounding lead, plummet (Pth.); zha nye'i bdar SANST [1. black salt 2. Cyperus rotundus]S. zha nye skyes = dngul chu quicksilver; zha shog tin foil, thin plates of lead; zha dkar shog tin foil. zha ne ma pounded dry cheese (Rtsii.). zha ba lame; also = a lame person, but in colloq. zha bo = cripple; rkang lag zha can having a maimed foot or hand; khyod ni yan lag dang 'dra ste|de ltar song na ni zha ba dang 'dr'o you being (to me) like my limbs, if you thus leave us, I should be like a lame person (Hbrom. kha, 5). zha 'bring a corrupt form of zhabs 'bring = zhab phyi an attendant, a servant. zha la a corrupt form of zhal pa plastering on walls: rtsig pa la zha la brgyab plastered the walls. zha la khang n. of one of the cells of the Dalai Lama at Potala in Lhasa (Rtsii. 17). zha lu (gtsang zha lu ) n. of a district in Tsang a few miles to the S. W. of Tashi-lhunpo with a large monastery, the seat of the famous historian and chronologist Bu-ston Rin-po-che better known as Buton (Loo. 'a, 5); zha lu pa a native of Sha-lu; zha lu lo chen = Buton the author. zhwa or zhwa mo SANST, SANST resp. dbu zhwa a covering for the head, a hat, cap; zhwa gon pa or gyon pa to put a cap on, 'bud pa to take it off (by way of salutation); rgya zhwa Chinese cap, sog zhwa Mongolian cap; dgun zhwa winter-cap, dbyar zhwa summer hat (light felt-hats adapted to the warmer season); phying zhwa hat or cap made of felt; zhwa gos for zhwa mo dang gos cap and robe: zhwa gos sogs gyon put on your cap and robe (Rtsii. 51). zhwa tog the top ornament of a hat prob. a button or a figure; zhwa thul the semi-circular red patch that is put on the back of a priest's winter cloak (Rtsii.); zhwa snam the woolly felt of yellow or red of which the caps of the lamas are made in Tibet (Rtsii.). zhwa gzhol the brim of a cap or hat. zhwa dmar wearer of the red-cap, n. of the followers of the RÒio-ma, Karmapa, and Sa-skya-pa sects of Tibetan Buddhists. zhwa ser yellow-cap, the ordinary name of the Gelug-pa sect, the reformed Buddhist school of Tibet now dominant all over Higher Asia and N. W. China. zhwa ser bstan pa'i bdag po a complementary title or address to a great lama of the Gelugpa sect of Tibet; zhwa ser bstan pa'i gsal byed the illuminator of the doctrine of the yellow-cap sect, a title of the Dalai Lama of Tibet. zhag 1. clot of blood, film on tea that is cooling down or any film that is formed on liquids generally, as on milk when it is allowed to cool after being boiled. zhag khrag clotted blood. 2. a day, but not in contradistinction to night, and is said to be of three kinds: (1) khyim zhag one thirtieth part of the time required by the sun to pass over the sign of the zodiac; (2) nyin zhag the period from sunrise to another sunrise; (3) tshis zhag the division of time in proportion to each increase or decrease in the lunar crescent. The day period as distinguished from the night is nyin mo not zhag . zhag grangs the date; zhag gcig a day, and adv. once; zhag 'ga' nas a few days ago; zhag du ma lon par after many day; zhag nas zhag tu from day to day; zhag bdun seven days, a week; zhag bdun phrag zhe brgyad forty eight weeks; zhag mal or zhag sa or zhag sdod night's lodging, temporary quarters. 3. fog, smoke, dry vapour, filling the atmosphere in autumn (J‰.). 4. also zhag rtsi = tshil khu fat or grease in a liquid state, also fat melted and congealed again W.; fig. the fat of the country, fertility, yul la zhag med the country is barren (Ma.); zhag can greasy, oily, zhag med lean; zhag por a cup, or vessel for grease, the pot in which the greasy portion of the buttered tea that is poured aside at the time of taking tea is kept. zhag po in C. colloq. = a day. zhags grol = chu bo si tA the river Sita (Moon.). zhags pa SANST; SANST a sling rope with a noose for catching birds, wild horses, and antelopes, etc.: chags pa'i zhags pas drangs gyun cing SANST having been drawn in (ensnared) by the lasso of love (A.K. 1-14). zhags thag or zhags dbyug a noose; zhags rgyab pa or phen pa to throw or fling the noose at an object or animal. Syn. 'phen thag ; bzung thag ; bcings thag (Moon.). zhags pa can = chu lha SANST Varuna the god of the sea whose chief weapon consists of a rope with a noose (Moon.). zhang ka ma n. of a place in Tibet; zhang ka ma pa n. of a great Lama of that place. zhang or zhang po , vulg. aa zhang , uncle by the mother's side, mother's brother. Syn. ma yi spun zla ; ma yi skra nye ; ma yi tshang mtshungs (Moon.). zhang n. of a district of Tsang N. of Tashi-lhunpo. zhang rgyal ba'i yon tan n. of a celebrated Lama of Tibet belonging to Shang (Deb. ga, 3); zhang rtags a kind of long knife manufactured in Shang (Jig. 31). zhang blon mu men ga sha can (mystic) = stag sha tiger's flesh (used in medicine) (Sman. 350). zhang tsha bya n. of one of the 36 border lands of Tibet (Ya-sel. 38). zhang zhung the ancient name of the province of Guge in Ngari Khorsum, W. Tibet; and comprised the district bordering to the west of lake Mansarowara where the Bon religion was first promulgated and where Shenrab its founder was born. It is therefore called zhang zhung bon yul Shang-shung the land of the Bon (J. Zao.). zhang zhung bzang li thig snan the princess of Shang-shung who was married to king srong btsan sgam po (Loo. 'a, 5). zer gcig gis zhang zhung rgyal po'i gur nag la rgyab one flash of lightning fell on the black tent of the king of Shang-shung (A. 19). zhang rom n. of a lama of Atisa's time (A. 102, 104). zhad = tshod the right conjecture or guess: dge bshes ston pa la nga 'chi ba'i zhad du 'dug gsung he said that the lama teacher knew by guess the time of my death (A. 114). zhan or zhan pa weak, feeble, the opp. to drag po . khams zhan pa of a weak body, of delicate health; also applied to sounds. In colloq. is used as opp. to legs pa well-looking, handsome. zhal rgyab col. for zhal rgyab bka' gros zab pa mdzad pa lta bu consultation, conference (S. Lex.). zhabs 1. SANST, SANST honorific term: foot, feet: blon po zhig gi zhabs la 'dud pa to bow down at an officer's feet; sku zhabs = "kusho" a title of respect. zhabs drung du to the feet of......, or to......, in directions of letters: phul byung mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug mtshungs bral chen po'i zhabs drung du to the great matchless rich power of kindness and knowledge Phul-Jung. zhabs rdzen par gshegs pa to walk bare-footed, zhabs 'degs pa to hold up or support the feet (of another), i.e., to help; de'i zhabs brkyangs pa'i sgy id pa'i 'og na beneath the knees of the stretched legs of that image (A. 44). zhabs 'bam gout of the feet, rheumatic swelling in the feet (Ya-sel. 11); zhabs bro dance, zhabs bro mdzad pa to dance to music zhabs ma a woman's drawers, under-coat; zhabs zung SANST pair of feet (Yig. k. 13); zhabs su ldan pa SANST possessed of feet, a stanza; zhabs sen nail of the toe, zhabs lham or zhabs chag shoe or boot of a great man. zhabs rting heel; zhabs stegs foot-stool. 2. the bottom, lower end or part: mtsho'i zhabs la at the bottom of the lake; zhabs kyu (in Sikk. pronounced as chab-chu) the hook at the foot of a letter signifying the vowel u in Gram. zhabs kyi pad mo = zhabs stegs footstool (Yig. k. 1). zhabs bskul ba = dran gsos btang ba to refresh one's memory, to remind: bka' slob kyi rigs la zhabs bskul zhu ba to submit reminder to high officials, to refresh their memory on any subject (Ya-sel. 31). zhabs bskul zhu ba to urge, to exhort. zhabs gras or zhabs skas in colloq. = servant, attendant. zhabs gla = gYog gla wages, fees such as doctor's fee, etc. (Sorig. 133). zhabs bcags (Sch.) 1. partic. of zhabs 'chag pa . 2. = zhabs chags 3. 3. ground, territory (J‰.). (EEE zhabs 'chag pa does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under 3'chag pa 3 II.) zhabs chags or zhabs phyag resp. shoe, boot, slippers. zhabs tog = bkur sti (SANST, SANST the heel of the feast) fig. service; gus pa'i zhabs tog worship, homage (Pag. 5); zhabs tog la 'dir 'ongs na 'ong (Hbrom. kha, 15). zhabs tog pa gYog po che rigs a servant of the better class or higher rank, an official; rgyal po'i sku gsung thugs kyi zhabs tog dispenser, benefactor. zhabs tog byed pa to render services; also, to feed, treat, provide, offer. zhabs rten 1. footstool (Cs.) 2. boot (Sch.). Syn. rkang stegs ; rga khri (Moon.). zhabs thog (seems to be merely another form of zhabs tog ) service, service rendered to superiors, i.e., to priests, convents, kings, governments. zhabs drung 1. mode of address in letter, v. zhabs 3 2. a servant, government-servant; zhabs drung rin po che the proper title of the Dharma Raja or spiritual ruler of Bhutan (Yig. cha, k. 10). zhabs 'degs service, in col. = zhabs phyi : 'phrin las zhabs 'degs la lhag bsam dkar ba mchis I am discharging my official duties with zeal and earnestness (Yig. k. 3). zhabs 'degs pa one who serves as a servant. zhabs 'dren shame, disgrace; mi'i zhabs 'dren pa to bring shame upon another, to be a disgrace to him. zhabs pad lit. the lotus-footed, is the ordinary title by which the Kalons or chief ministers of Tibet are known. zhabs pad la = zhabs drung du also zhabs pad khri drung du to, at, in addressing letters to high or sacred personages; fig. for zhabs tog byed pa to render service to a great man, to serve him; to be a scholar, pupil. zhabs phyi resp. for gYog po servant (male or female), in the widest sense of the word, servant to an individual, as well as minister of the state or the church. zhabs phyi byed pa to serve (frq. in colloq.), to render any service; zhabs phyir 'brang ba or zhabs 'bring ba to follow as a servant; zham 'bring pa , zham rin or zha 'bring = zhabs phyi servant (Moon.). zham cha prob. for zha mchu the beak or pipe of the bellows through which the wind rushes when blown. zham ring = sku mdun presence of a great man: zham ring du bcar ma thub unable to wait upon, could not interview (Ya-sel. 5); zham ring pa = sku mdun pa personal attendant, a private secretary, officer in waiting, an aide de camp (Ya-sel. 16). zhar ba (fem. zhor ma ) decrepit, defective = yan lag ma tshang being not in full possession of one's members: mig zhar one-eyed, half or totally blind; lag zhar having only one hand, halt; so in a similar manner rkang zhar . zhar chag med pa = chag skyon med pa without break, deduction or defect; zhar chag med pa 'bul ba to present a non-defective article (Yig. k. 52). zhar ltas the winking with one eye; zhar byung SANST occasion [adherence, association]S.; zhar ma byung pa SANST [connected with, consequent upon]S; zhar zhor = in religion or religious observance there being no imposition or mockery: chos zhar zhor lad mo ma yin par . zhar la 1. = 'following, succeeding' (Schtr.). 2. = zhor la on the occasion of, in connection with: glang po blta ba'i zhor la na SANST on the occasion of inspecting the elephant (A.K. 1-10). zhal honorific term = face, countenance, presence; also, mouth: zhal du gsol ba to offer to the mouth, to eat, drink; rgyal po'i zhal nas gsungs the king spoke; zhal gyi sgo the orifice of the face, i.e., the mouth; zhal la mi nyan pa to be disobedient; zhal gyis bzhes pa 'che ba to promise; khas len pa to give assurance of; zhal bgrad pa and zhal gdang ba to gape (Sch.); zhal 'byed pa to open the mouth, zhal 'dzum pa to smile; zhal dkar resp. for dkar yol plate or drinking vessel of porcelain; zhal dkod lit. verbal instruction-order, direction; zhal dkyil the face, presence (zhal gyi dkyil 'khor SANST moon-faced): zhal dkyil mjal zhing gzhung gi bdud rtsi la longs su od chog pa (Yig. k. 25) that I may be permitted to come into your presence and enjoy the nectar of your instruction. zhal placed before any ordinary noun makes of it an honorific appellation:- zhal skom or zhal skyem drink for a holy man; zhal skyogs cup or goblet for honoured person; zhal khebs veil cover of an image of Buddha, also the veil that is put over frightful deities and obscene images; zhal ltos food for honoured men. zhal khrid oral or personal instruction (Mil.). zhal 'gyur ba to look askance, looking obliquely or turning the face sideway: yang rdo rje gdan gyi ma ri'i gtsug lag khang na zhal gyur ta ra'i lha khang zhes bya ba yod again in Mari Vihara of Vajrasana there was the temple of the goddess Dolma looking askance (A. 58). zhal rgyan moustaches; zhal rbad resp. for kha rbad boasting (Situ. 127); zhal tshul or zhal tshus = zhal zas pastry, cakes, etc. zhal tshom resp. for aag tshom beard. zhal zag tobacco-pipe = gang zag ; zhal bzhugs when he lived, when he was alive: sangs rgyas zhal bzhugs pa'i dus su when Buddha was living (Sorig. 87); zhal bshus = bshus true copy (Situ. 23); zhal bzhed resp. of mchil ma'i snod ; zhal zas resp. for kha zas biscuit, cake, etc.: zhal zas dkar rgyan mar white biscuit painted with butter (Rtsii.). zhal ngo face, presence: tshogs chen zhal ngo lieutenant of the Dalai Lama who waits upon the president of the annual Buddhist grand congregation at Lhasa held in January and February and gen. selected from among the officials of the monastery of Daipung. The term zhal ngo was formerly also applied to an officer over 50 soldiers inferior to a captain (Yig. 41). zhal dngos bodily, in one's own body or person: sangs rgyas zhal dngos kyi 'khrungs yul the place where Buddha was born bodily not miraculously; zhal dngos su mjal bar yod he is to be seen in person. zhal bsil 1. water to wash a great man's face; washing the face (of a great man). 2. = chab blug washing bowl (Yig. 55); zhal gser skron resp. for offerings of golden lamps to Buddha; zhal gso = khabs bab or kha gsab snon po (Rtsii.). zhal snga = an snga in the presence of. zhal snga nas = sku mdun nas in the presence of, before: da khyed kyi zhal snga nas pa ºi ta dang khyad med (A. 131). zhal lce bcu drug pa the code of laws in sixteen enactments in four sections: (1) zhu bzhes bden rdzun gyi zhal lce ; (2) bzung bkyigs khrims ra'i zhal lce ; (3) nag can khrag gcod kyi zhal lce ; (4) dran 'dzin chad las kyi zhal lce ; (5) hor 'dra za rkang gi zhal lce ; (6) bsad pa ltong gi zhal lce ; (7) rmas pa khrag gi zhal lce ; (8) snyon ham mna' dag gi zhal lce ; (9) rkus pa 'jam gyi zhal lce ; (10) nye 'brel 'bral 'dum gyi zhal lce ; (11) byi byas byi rin gyi zhal lce ; (12) nam phar tshar gyi zhal lce ; (13) mtha' 'khob kla klo'i zhal lce|. These thirteen enactments together with dpa' bo stag gi zhal lce the code of military regulations in three chapters make up the sixteen enactments which are in force in Tibet. zhal chad v. kha chad 3. zhal che judgment, decision; zhal che pa judge, magistrate. zhal chems resp. of kha chems will, testament (Moon.). zhal ta 1. or zhal sta , audience, inspection; turn, service: brtse bas zhal ta gracious audience (Sorig. 134); zhal ta byed pa to serve, to inspect, review, superintend; to visit, the sick and to take care of them; zhing la zhal lta byed pa to guard the field. 2. resp. for kha gdams direction, instruction, counsel, advice: zhal ta zhib rgyas zhu ba to ask for accurate and detailed instructions; zhal ta pa a page, waiter; zhabs phyi waiting-man, servant in a convent; zhal ta ma waiting woman, chamber-maid. zhal blta ba (1) older form of zhal ta ba one waiting for what drops from his master's lips. bcom ldan 'das dge slong ci lta bus zhal ta ba gyis pa lags O Bhagavan will what attention the Bhiksu listen to thy sermons; (2) = zhal lta byed pa to serve. zhal mthun resp. for kha mthun (Ya-sel. 91). zhal gdams order, direction; instruction, advice: 'jig rten la dgos pa'i zhal gdams gsungs so he imparted to her useful maxims (Glr.); zhal gdams bris mkhan author, in as much as all printed books are considered to be sacred and the authors are looked upon as semi-divine. zhal bdag in large religious meetings, a lama who walks about with a wand in order to preserve good order; a verger (J‰.). zhal 'debs = kha gsab a free-will offering or present; subscription to any religious movement. zhal 'don resp. for kha 'don 3. zhal po = dkar yol (A. 156). zhal phor = resp. for kha phor tea cup. zhal bu a small cup: tho rangs gyi dus su skyo tshag bser ma mi skye ba zhal bu do drangs at dawn they served me with two cups of pap, that air might not be generated (in the stomach) (A. 156). zhal byang resp. for kha byang title, superscription, inscription: khri lde srong btsan dus kyi zhal byang brag la brkos the inscription of the time of Khri-lde-sroo-btsan was engraved on rock (Situ. 23). zhal gzigs 1. an inscription. 2. an apparition: bzhugs zhal gzigs shing appearing in a sitting posture (J‰). zhal yam a joke: lo tsAa ba sbyongs bya ba'i zhal yam(sa )yang gsung skad the Lo-tsa-wa also jokingly said (A. 84). zhal ba 1. also zhal bgyid pa , to plaster with lime or cement, to plaster or overlay with anything, e.g., with butter: sko la zhal bgyis te plastering the door with clay (Glr.); zhal ba mkhan one who plasters a house or makes a floor with pebbles, etc. 2. zhal la clay, lime-wash, cement. zhi gil chaff and other impurities removed from the grain by washing. zhi ba 1. to be peaceful or calm; to be pacified, be appeased; to settle, to be allayed, assuaged etc.; zhi bar 'gyur ba to become pacified; zhi la song became quiet, held their peace; zhi bar byed pa to still, soothe, appease, mitigate; zhi byed a composing draught. 2. SANST to be wise, more particularly with reference to affections: to be dispassionate, not subject to any mental emotion. 3. SANST, SANST; rag zhi SANST, SANST (A.K. 111-26). Sbst. rest, tranquility, calmness; adj. tranquil, calm; zhi ba'i tshig good words; soft, mild language, polite expression. rtag zhi ba SANST; eternal peace; one possessing that, a Buddha; zhi mthar byed SANST lit. he who puts an end to all peacefulness, an epithet of Kamadeva (Moon.); zhi gnas for zhi gnas kyi rnam grangs enumeration of the stages of Dhyana (v. K. d. pha, 261); acc. to J‰. an absolute inexcitability of mind, and a deadening of it against any impressions from without, combined with an absorption in the idea of Buddha, or in the idea of emptiness and nothingness. zhi gnas ma SANST night, mid-night (S. Lex.). 4. = thar pa mtho ris (Moon.), Nirvana, heavenly repose; zhi bar gshegs pa to go to rest, to die, to enter the state of eternal peace. 5. the mild deities, or mild aspect of such, as opp. to the khro bo or drags po the wrathful and terrific forms. zhi ba mchod pa SANST Nandi the personal attendant Mahadeva; zhi ba 'thung SANST [to drink out of pitchers, n. of a ceremony]S. zhi ba spas pa SANST Buddhist saint born at Jalamandala in India, of Kratriya parents (K. dun. 55-70). zhi ba 'od n. of a Bon deity; zhi ba 'od kyi zhing khams a fancied world of the Bon situated to the east of this world; zhi ba 'od ma 'jas skya another such world further east of it (D.R.). zhi ba'i gar the dance of the peaceful spirits, also the ordinary dance (Hbrom. 94). zhi ba'i grong hermitage, the mountain retreat of saints. Syn. ri khrod ; sgom pa'i gnas (Moon.). zhi byed n. of the Tantrik Buddhist sect founded in Tibet by the sage called Phadampa. It was so called because: sdug bsngal thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i sngags it was intended to destroy all misery and sufferings by the spell of its Mantras (J. Zao.). zhi ma sieve of cane or wood; zhi ma phongs skyob an epithet of the goddess Dolma. zhi mi or zhim bu = a cat (colloq.). zhi bzhag = khong khro anger, wrath. zhig 1. = cig 3. 2. v. 3'jig pa 3. zhig po + = stong nyid rtogs pa'i blo 'am gang zag the mind or person contemplating the Sunyata, i.e., emptiness or voidity. zhig mer a dense throng or crowd (J‰.). zhing I: = bdag nyid SANST self (Moon.). II: 1. SANST field, ground, soil, arable land, cultivation: zhing chung 'dzin pa one who cultivates a small field, a small farmer; thang zhing fields on level land, ri zhing field on hill-slope. zhing kha = zhing : zhing kha'i bu mo the girls in the field (Mil.); zhing rmo ploughs a field; zhing 'debs pa to till, to sow a field. zhing rgod rough, uncultivated field; zhing ngan SANST a barren bleak field; zhing pa husbandman, farmer; zhing bya or zhing gi bya ba husbandry; zhing mu boundary of a field, land mark. zhing las dang 'brel ba'i bya ba dag the names of farming operations:- (1) rmo ba ; (2) rko ba ; (3) phrul rlog pa ; (4) bong ba ; (5) sa sgong ; (6) sa bon btsugs pa ; (7) bskrun pa ; (8) btab pa ; (9) gtab pa ; (10) bskyed pa (Moon.). zhing chu or zhing chu ma SANST irrigation, irrigated field or cultivation: 'thung chu zhing chu legs na chu yi dge (Yig. 6). zhing gi drug cha one sixth of the produce of the field which is the king's due from the cultivator. III: a continuative particle annexed to verbal roots at the end of subordinate sentences, and sometimes used to connect co-ordinate verbs. Occurs in place of cing being used after the finals: nga , na , ma , ra , or la . IV: SANST, SANST sphere, body, in a religious sense: zhing khams holy or spiritual sphere; bsod nams kyi zhing dang 'phrad pa to enter the field of merit, to turn into the path of virtue (Dzl.); gdul bya'i zhing du gzigs te seeing him in the land of conversion. zhing bcu the ten spiritual spheres; sangs rgyas kyi zhing the kingdom of Buddha, the land where Buddhism prevails; so also 'dul ba'i zhing the sphere of conversion, heaven, paradise, i.e., one of the heavens inhabited by the Buddhist gods, or even the state of Nirvana. zhing la pheb pa = bde bar gshegs pa to go to bliss, i.e., to die. zhing bkod or zhing gi bkod pa design or plan of mansion or residence of the gods, of a Buddha or of a Bodhisattva; also = map; zhing khams SANST the sphere of a Buddha's or Bodhisattva's conversion. zhing sa 1. ground, soil, arable land. 2. any province: zhing sa chen po or zhing chen a large province; rgya nag zhing chen bco brgyang the eighteen great provinces into which China is divided. zhing shis pa = rgyal khams bkra shis pa a prosperous and peaceful kingdom (Yig.). zhing shes pa SANST; one who knows husbandry; an agriculturist. It is also used technically to signify the soul or conscious principle. zhib 1. = also zhib thal powder, fine flour, also flour in general: zhib khug bag of flour; zhib btags ground into powder; zhib phor box or bowl for flour. 2. fig. that which is minutely subdivided, details; zhib cha exactly, accurately, precisely; zhib bkod details, detailed list or information; zhib chen full of details; one who inquires into every detail, or particulars; inquiring, inquisitive (Rtsii.); zhib bltas or zhib cha blta ba looking into the details: skor thang mtho dma' zhib bltas kyis (Rtsii.). zhib dpyad pa to inquire, to investigate; zhib dpyod inquest, inquiry, investigation: brag gYab zhib dpyod du thon skabs lags about to proceed to institute inquiry into the matter of Tag-yab (Yig. k. 26); zhib dpyod pa one who inquires after the particulars of a matter, an investigator. zhib pa adj. accurate, exact; subtle, fine. zhib par or zhib tu adv. precisely, exactly, thoroughly. zhib ma [1. a winnowing basket; 2. a demon who was enemy of the god of love]S. zhib mo SANST, SANST [1. particle; 2. niggardly]S. zhib sher minute examination or comparison of details; zhib sher byed pa to compare closely: rdzong du yong sgo bsdu rgyu yod pa'i rigs rnams deb yig de dkar chags nang ltang zhib sher byas should minutely examine all the collections of a Jong by comparing them with the contents of the register (Rtsii. 20). zhib lhan gam bcar ba to present the explanation of details; to interview with a detailed statement. zhib lhings deliberation, deliberate consideration (Yig. 61). zhib lhug = zhib rgyas minute details (Yig. 93). zhib shing = khron bu 3 (mystic) (Mio. rda. 3). zhim po sweet, well-tasting, nice-flavoured, nutty: zhim po mgron po la ster give the sweet food to your guests; zhim po mi 'dug it is not nice; zhim pa sweets, delicacies. zhim thig la a medicinal herb the fruit of which is used in eye-disease: zhim thig les mig gi ling thog len par byed cataract of the eye is removed by the medicine called shim-thig-le. zhim bu colloq. = zhi mi cat. Syn. grong gi spre'u ; ku º‡ la ; lus bskums ; bshang ba sped ; rnam grol mig ; 'bar ba'i mig ; byi bla ; byi za (Moon.). zhil ma = kon bu or skun bu 3. zhu mkhan 1. a petitioner. 2. a metter [SANST the areca or beetle-nut tree]S. zhu dag improvement, correction, revision, examination; the word was also stated by a lama from Lhasa to mean "exercise and practice" in a language or in any subject of study: khyod la zhu dag lhag pa dgos you require further practice. zhu dag byed pa to mend, improve, correct, revise; rang rgyud zhu dag byed pa to examine and reform one's own character or disposition. zhu dag mkhan reviser, corrector, censor (Cs.); zhu che revisor or comparer of the translation with the original Sanskrit texts; zhu chen gyi lo tsAa ba a great revisor or commentator (of Sanskrit writings). zhu 'degs = gzigs rten a present accompanying a petition. zhu ba I: pf. bzhus or zhus , fut. gzhu , = sim pa 3 (Moon.). 1. to melt: bzhu bya'i gser gold to be melted; zhu ba'i khams whatever is melting or fusible; zhu'o it melts; 'od du zhu nas dissolving into light. 2. to digest: zhu byed kyi snan digestive medicine; ma zhu ba undigested; zas ma zhu ba undigested food; ma zhu'i nad indigestion, sufferings arising from it; ma zhu 'ju ba to decompose what is undigested (J‰.). II: 1. pf. zhus , a vb. used chiefly in addressing one's superiors and also in politeness between equals, signifying: to ask, to request; to beg, to petition: kho rang gis bla ma la nang du 'chib par zhus pas he having begged the lama to come indoors; also signifies constantly: to say: blon pos rgyal po la zhus the officer said to the king. gus pas zhu ba to speak or pray respectfully; to prefer a suit or petition, don dag zhu mkhan one who explains his object; gnang bar zhu byas pas having said 'I beg you will permit', (Glr.)óhere byas pas comes from bya ba to speak, say. sngar mthong ba'i dngos po dag zhu'o I will ask of him the things lately seen, nga la gang dag zhu ba de legs so it is very right of you, thus to ask me about everything (Do.); rgyal po'i drung du mi lam zhus pa he related the dream before the king (Pth.); de la mkhan po zhus they besought him to be their abbot; gnang ba zhu ba to ask permission. 2. sbst. a request, desire, petition; inquiry, question: zhu ba 'bul ba to make an application, to apply; zhu khra a petition, application. zhu gleng an address or petitionary letter; zhu gleng byed pa to address, accost; zhu rgyu the subject of a petition or suit. zhu ma spobs pa = zhu ma nus pa or zhu phyogs ma bde ba unable to pray or to memorialize; zhu yig , zhu ba'i phrin yig a petition: bla dpon sogs la 'bul rgyu'i yi ge memorial or petition presented to superiors and magistrates, &c. (Yig. k. 1); zhu lan answer to a petition = yig lan (Yig. k. 10); zhu log a feigned, false, designing suit. zhu log phul ba to backbite, to petition, accusing one falsely or maliciously. 3. v. J‰. for information concerning wide use of impera. of zhu ba in W. colloq. as polite or resp. addition to most sentences. zhu snga = zhu ngo . zhu rten = zhu yig gi rten SANST the present which is sent with a letter either as a sign of compliment or respect or as a necessary appendage to a request or as a necessary appendage to a request. Syn. phyag rten ; gus rdzas ; mdun 'jog (Moon.). zhu re 'then khyer discrepancy, disagreement in statements (Rtsii.). zhu don drift, subject of a petition; in a general sense = zhu ba request, suit, communication etc. zhu don pa = don dag zhu mkhan a pleader, advocate: kha mchu sogs kyi zhu don pa la la'i rigs an advocate in a dispute is advisable on certain occasions (D. Shel. 7). zhu 'phrin resp. for yig lan , zhu lan a reply: zhu phrin gyi sgo nas bden pa thob perceived the truth (i.e. became converted to Buddhism) by means of his replies (Yig. k. 1). zhu ba po or zhu po petitioner; zhu mkhan applicant, complainant, questioner or inquirer; zhu ba po brgyad the eight interrogators of Buddha were: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST (Yig. 37). zhu skyog in W. = crucible, melting spoon. zhu mar colloq. for sgron me lamp, light: zhu mar gsal la ags pa zhig bsnams te bltas pas having taken a bright shining lamp he looked (Rdsa. 13). zhu ru n. of a place in Dwag-po (Deb. ga, 37). zhu bzher n. of a tribe, or clan in Tibet: khong gi yab stag gsum zhu bzher (A. 80). zhugs resp. for me fire; acc. to J‰. the fire lighted for cremation. zhugs ling SANST, SANST burning embers. zhugs pa 1. = 'tsho ba SANST, SANST to cherish. (with blo la ) to entertain in the mind. 2. (chos sgo lta bu ) SANST, SANST to be converted to a religion, to imbibe faith. 3. SANST, SANST to be involved in. 4. = zhen pa SANST desire. zhung zhung with byed pa to nod or bow repeatedly, of a pigeon (Mil., J‰.). zhud pa 1. = gud pa or nyams pa emaciated, to be reduced, to fall, to be or grow worse, to dwindle. 2. to twine, to twist, óto spin (Cs.); zhud 'khor a spindle, distaff. 3. to hang up, to suspend in Ts.; zhud thag = dpyang thag suspending cord. zhun ma also zhun pa that which is melted; gser zhun ma SANST melted gold (A.K. 1-IV.); gser shogs zhun ma'i phung po heaps of melted gold and other metals (Glr.); zla ba zhun ma mtsho la gsal ba ltar like as the melting moon (its quickened reflection) clear on the lake (A. 5). zhun mar SANST melted butter which is repugnant to the Chinese but much liked by Tibetans. zhun thar bcad pa to scrutinize, make critical examination: skabs skabs su bla ma'i drung du gdams ngag gi zhun thar legs par bcad at times he went to the lama for critical explanation of religious precepts (Deb. ga, 45). zhun thar bcad pa to join together white-heated iron by beating again. zhun thigs sparks flying from red-hot iron. zhun mo melted, whatever melts easily (Cs.). zhun gzung n. of a number (Ya-sel. 57). zhub pa = go cha , go khrab or lcags gos coat of mail (Moon.). zhum pa 1. = SANST, SANST, SANST cowardly, timid, apprehensive. 2. sbst. dread, dismay, faintheartedness; also, laxity, slackness: sems zhum nas as I continued dismayed (Dzl.); dkon mchog gsum la zhum pa med par bkur bsti byed pa to honour the three precious without flinching; zhum zhum med SANST [sticking to]S. zhum pa med par energetically, with zeal, without relaxation or indolence: slob ma rnams ni zhum par gnas the pupils were living idly (Ya-sel. 17). 3. resp. for ngu ba to cry, to weep, lament; ngo tshas shin tu zhum SANST (A.K. 1-34). zhum pa mi mnga' fearless, intrepid; of great mental fortitude; a hero. Syn. dpa' po ; snying stobs can ; 'jigs med (Moon.). zhum bu = zhi mi 3. zhur snout, muzzle, trunk (J‰.). zhul = nyung ba or mar chag pa grown less, reduced: pad kha cung zad zhul the mouth of the lotus was slightly contracted (Yig. 11). zhus sna the head or leader of a deputation, the chief leader among joint memorialists; ring-leader; yang rngog gis zhu sna mdzad nas dbu ma'i chos zhus pas again Ngog becoming the chief inquirer received lectures in the Madhyamika Dharma (A. 98). zhus pa v. zhu ba 3. zhus lo nominal inquirer: de yang chos zhus lo dang thob lo tsam gyis bstan pa'i sgor zhugs par mi 'gro then even he did not go to learn religion nominally and to acquire it in name only (Khrid. 18). zhe disposition, mental choice or bias, the inmost part of the mind or heart, inclination: zhe bkon pa a hating mind; zhe rkam pa covetous; zhe gyong mischievous, had-hearted: rmu rgod la zhe gyong zhing gnag pa (Rdsa. 14). zhe 'gems pa = sems 'joms pa to lose spirit, to be depressed, depression of the mind: kha smras pas rogs kyi zhe 'gems (D.R.). zhe sgrug pa is said to mean: to be waiting for an opportunity to find fault: ngan pa zhe sgrug gcig la gcig gnod byed the wicked waiting for an occasion to do mischief to each other (Rdsa. 23). zhe gcod pa to lose courage, to resign an intention, and zhe bcad resignation, as a Buddhist virtue (J‰.); zhe gcod pa'i tshig = tshig rtsub rough or rude expression; cruel words, mortifying language. zhe thag pa sincerity: sems bskyed de zhe thag pa nas dgra bcom par 'gyur bar bya snyam na if thinking that one should become a saint (Arhat) by sincerely imbibing faith in Buddhism (Surao. 123). zhe dug damage, destruction; zhe dug byed pa to cause, to inflict misery or damage. zhe 'dod = rang 'dod 3 (Situ. 25). zhe 'dras pa SANST [obstructed]S. zhe sdang ( = vulg. tshig pa ) anger, rage, indignation. tshig pa za ba to be angry, zhe sdang bskyed became, got angry; zhe sdang shas che ba furious, indignant. zhe sdang gtum pa'i dpung pa can a hero, champion. Syn. khro ba ; 'khrug pa ; ma rungs pa ; mig rus mnan pa ; brlang po'i sems ; sna thung ba ; gdug sems ; spro thung ba ; gtum pa ; mi bzad sems ; mnar sems (Moon.). zhe sdang gi tshil bu = sbrul gyi tshil snake's fat (mystic) (Mog. 111). zhe nag pa in C. a blackguard. zhe ma khrel ba in sems 'di lha 'dre mi gsum gyi zhe ma khrel ba gcig dgos pa la (Behu 259). zhe mer ba loathsome, offensive; contemptuous. Syn. skyug bro ba or skyug log (Moon.). zhe bzhag = khong khro vindictiveness, malice (Moon.). zhe log = zhen log . zhe sun angry, cross, ill-humoured, vexed (J‰.). zhe na = zen na if it is said or asked; occurs rarely except in the phrase de ci'i phyir zhe na = because ("if it is asked: because of what, that"). zhe sa 1. SANST, SANST reverence, respect, courtesy, politeness: zhe sa dang bcas pa with reverence, respectful; de'i dus su mis phyag dang zhe sa mi shes pas because at that time people knew little of compliments and courtesy; zhe sa byed pa to show homage or respect; rnam gyur mdzes pa'i zhe sa 'bul ba to arrange mimic performances in honour of some person. 2. complimentary or honorific language: rna ba zhe sa snyan the complimentary word for rna ba is snyan . Syn. dad gus dang ldan pa ; mos pa ; gus pa ; gcig tu sems ; phyag byed pa ; gus par byed pa (Moon.). zhe hor po ta la Jehor, the city in China where emperor Kyenlong built a palace and monastery for the Dalai and the Tashi Lamas (Loo. 11). zheng SANST, SANST also zheng kha breadth, width; zheng can broad; zheng kha chen po wide, spacious; zheng med of small width; zheng phra mo , or zheng chung narrow; zheng du in breadth. zheng shing or zheng glengs writing desk or table. zhed pa to fear, to be afraid: bzhed nas full of apprehensions (J‰.). zhen pa 1. to desire, to long for, to be attached to, to have attraction for, (used with la ): khyed la zhen cing chags I love you ardently; bod 'bangs nga la zhen che zheng dga' ba rnams the people of Tibet that are affectionately attached to me (J‰.). 2. SANST, SANST, SANST yearning, attachment, love, longing for; greediness, covetousness; zhen log disgust, aversion; zhen pa log pa = 'dod pa log pa to be disgusted with: rgyal srid tshogs la zhen pa log nas 'ongs has come being disgusted with his kingdom, i.e., betaken to a religious life (A. 11). zhen kha or zhe kha = zhen pa . zhen khris or zhen chags adhesion, longing for; zhen don resp. bzhed don object of desire; zhen pa dor = blos btang forsaken, given up altogether; zhen med or zhen pa med impassive, without desire; zhen 'dzin inclination, passion, attachment. 3. vb. to last or endure, be durable. zher po mean, pitiful, coarse (Cs.). zhel = spus tha mas worst quality (Rtsii.); bad, mean, inferior; rab 'bring zhes sogs (Ya-sel. 4) superior, middling, inferior, etc. zhes = so thus: zhes bya ba so to be styled. zhes pa = also thus: zhes pa brjod nas having so or thus said. zhes mtshungs similarity in appearance, shape, or colour (Rtsii. 40). zho I: 1. resp. gsol zho SANST curds, curdled milk; zho dang sbyar ba SANST, mixed with curds, a mixture of curds; zho 'dgs mixing up or curdling of curd; zho long zhig fetch some curds; zho bsngal ba to place milk to curdle. zho skya whey, residue of milk after butter has been churned out; zho kha chu id.; zho ga chu SANST [the liquid part of curdled milk]S.; zho grod curds, whey kept in the stomach of a freshly slaughtered sheep or goat (a practice of the Dok-pa herdsmen and others) (Jig. 7). zho chang or zho dang chang curds and beer; zho nyes chang nyes : khyod dang nga'i bla ma'i gdung gis zho nyes chang nyes bsrung bar 'dod (A. 116); zho ska ba SANST thick curd; zho 'thung ba a new born child (Moon.). zho spri or zho spris SANST curd sweetened with sugar or honey: stobs bskyid ro tsa rtsa chad ma thud (Med.). 2. milk in gen., esp. ma'i nu zho mother's milk; zho 'thung dus na during the time of sucking; zho spangs zas za'i dus na after the child has been weaned; zho bzho ba to milk milk. zho skrog pa = zho bsrubs pa to churn milk or curds for butter (Situ. 76). Syn. rab chags ; pags mkhregs (Moon.). II: a small gold weight = a little more than one half of a tolah or rupee; gser zho gang one sho of gold, a coin; gser zho gsum brgya three hundred sho of gold; zho dang srang the table of exchanging sho and srao:- ma ru lnga five maru = one maraka, 16 mAa Sa ka = one karra, 4 karra, = one srao (Moon.). zho gang a full sho = ten skar-ma. zho brgyad zho the gold of the weight of a sovereign; zho cha SANST the colloq. term for a pair of scales for gold and silver weighing; zho sha pay, wages, contribution; zho shas 'tsho ba one who subsists by the wages he earns; according to Schtr. a soldier, any officer that receives pay. III: a small spot, speck: sen zho speck on the finger-nail, so zho speck on the tooth (J‰.). zho rdo dmar po a mineral drug (Rtsii.). zho rmun occurs in Jig. 30: mar bzhu'i sdod bzhi zho rmun rgya phor gang | zho khang place in Tibet (Rtsii.). zhog imp. of 'jog pa . n. of a place in upper ‹ to the east of Lhasa (Loo. za, 12). zhogs = snga dro morning, forenoon: zhog ja or snga zhog ja = snga dro'i ja morning tea (Rtsii.). zhong lower, nether: zhong khang pa the lower part of the house; zhong rtse the lower and upper part (J‰.); zhong zhong deepened, excavated, hollow, uneven (Cs.). zhod very heavy, abundant: char zhod che very heavy rain; 'di lo phan char zhod ches pas because of much rain this year's harvest is good (Ya-sel. 28). zhod gyi bgegs drought, want of rain, rainless. zhon pa SANST 1. to ride, also = 'dzegs pa to climb up, zhon nas or zhon te SANST having mounted (A.K. 1-8); rta la zhon pa to ride, on horseback; gzings la zhon rode in a ship (Tan., d. 93); shing rta la zhon song travelled in a carriage; rta la zhon nas lho phyogs su 'gro ba to ride southward, to travel on horse-back towards the south; bzhon pa zhon pa to mount a horse or sit in a carriage; zhon du 'jug pa to let mount or to cause one to be conveyed. In colloq. "ta shˆn-ne do-wa" = to ride. 2. conveyance: rgyal bus zhon pa las babs nas phyag byas (Yig. 18) the prince dismounting from the conveyance bowed down. zhon khal colloq. for zhon rta and khal rta riding pony and pack horse (Rtsii.). zhom pa = sna zhom pa SANST. zhor incidental; zhor la incidentally v. sbyor la . zhor bcog to do a thing incidentally; nang bzan las byed kyi zhor bcog byed the domestics (should) perform labour occasionally, i.e., they should help the workmen (Rtsii.). (EEE sbyor la does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under sbyor ba 3.) zhol 1. that which is below in situation, or hangs beneath, or is subject to. 2. a village or collection of abodes below or belonging to a monastery and situated in its neighbourhood or placed at its base; thus, at the base of Potala in Lhasa is a large group of houses and huts styled the shol or sde zhol of Potala. zhol khang lower flat or storey of a house (Yig. 19). zhol 'gro SANST the lower or sub-issuant stream, n. of the river Ganges just where it issues from the glaciers; also any glacial stream: phebs tshogs kyang zhol 'gro'i rgyun bzhin yod pa mkhyin| pray let your communication be also like the exuding stream of the river Ganges (Yig. k. 16.); zhol 'gro'i klung = chu bo gang gA the river Ganges (Yig. k. 45). zhol 'bab = dal 'bab SANST flowing or falling down slowly (Yig.). 3. the under or descending hair, the beard: zhol med = 'og zhol med pa without beard (Rtsii. 50.); zhol ma zhol mo a long haired goat (Mil.); zhol pho a huge yak-bull, which has masses of hair beneath its belly, zhol chen id. gzha' one of the thirty-six border countries (Ya-sel. 38). gzha' ba 1. to sport, joke, play, bawl. 2. to believe, trust, confide in. 3. in wa gzha' la mkhas pa . gzha' ma a kind of helmet: rmog la li la gzha' ma gzha' li dang the helmets are of various kinds, shah-ma and shah-lima (Yig. 31). gzha' li helmet made of bell metal (Yig. 31). gzha' tshon = 'ja' rainbow. gzha' gsang = gYung drung 'phrin las the Swastika sign; also, grace, blessing (Bon.). gzhag pa v. 'jog pa 3, especially ting nge 'dzin la mnyam par gzhag pa = to remain absorbed in contemplation. gzhang the anus; gzhang 'brum piles, hemorrhoids (Mog., ch. 64). gzhang 'brum rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs the Dharani charm for curing piles (K. g. pa, 256). gzhang 'brum can SANST one suffering from piles. gzhad wrongly written for bzhad 3. gzhan SANST, SANST, SANST, adj. and sbst. another, the other, another one, gzhan kun all others, gzhan mi the other man or men; gzhan yod min is there another or not? gzhan pas lhag par more than the other; slob ma gzhan dag the other pupils; bu mo gzhan pas che rgyu med she is not taller than the other girls; gzhan rgol ma nus others were not able to resist them (nobody could do them any harm) (J‰.). gzhan skyes pa "born another's" = a slave (Moon.). gzhan skyon SANST, another's fault or defect; rang skyon mi mthong gzhan skyon mdzub mos slong not seeing one's own faults but raising the finger towards other's faults. gzhan gyis rgyas or gzhan gyis gsos SANST, nourished or fostered by others, met. the cuckoo (Moon.). gzhan gyis mi brdzi (gzhan gyis gnon mi thub pa the irrepressible; also = dpa' po'i khang pa a hero's residence (Moon.). gzhan gyis zin v. gzhan dbang 3; gzhan rgyud SANST; v. 3gzhan dbang 3. gzhan bsnyems bzod an epithet of Indra (Moon.). gzhan dag shes pa one knowing the secret of others, also the knowing of it; gzhan dang ma 'dres pa exclusive, not mixing with others. gzhan la 'dul ba ston byed kyang |rang gis 'dul min od par byed (K. ko. kha, 347) he teaches morality to others but himself behaves immorally. gzhan shas or gzhan kha shas a few others: gzhan shas shig la byin rlabs shig bya (A. 114). gzhan du elsewhere, to another place: 'gro ba to go gzhan du elsewhere = to go away, to start; gzhan du ma sems shig suppose or believe nothing else, do not think that the matter can be otherwise, frq. used like: of course (J‰.); gzhan du phyogs = pha rol tu kha phyogs pa to go beyond one's boundary or jurisdiction; to go over to the enemy (Moon.). gzhan don SANST the interest or good of others: sngon la rang don ma grub par gzhan don mi 'grub unless (your) own interest has been first served you cannot look to other's interest (Behu. 249). gzhan dring 1. SANST self-sufficient. 2. = 'gran zla ; gzhan dring med pa = 'gran zla med pa without a match, unrivalled; gzhan dring mi 'jog = gzhan la dring mi dgos pa SANST not necessary to ask others. gzhan gdung 1. rkun po thief, robber (Moon.). 2. SANST, oppressing others, tyranny; gzhan gdung can an oppressor, a tyrant. gzhan nas 1. from some other place; gzhan nas 'grub tu med it cannot be accomplished from any other quarter, by any body else (Mil.). gzhan nas gzhan du to deviate from the right path, to go further and further away; bden pa'i tshig mi mkhyud cing gzhan nas gzhan du bsgy ur not firmly embracing the true word he was running amiss (K. ko. cha, 211). 2. adv. otherwise, else, on the other hand W. gzhan snang = 'khrul snang 3 (Yig. 17). gzhan snang aa lung = gzhan sems 'dzin pa (Yig. 111). gzhan pa = gzhan another, the other. gzhan 'phrul or SANST; gzhan 'phrul dbang byed SANST n. of a celestial region of the Buddhists, the residence of Kamadeva (Moon.). gzhan dbang SANST dependent on others. mtshan nyid gsum gyi gzhan dbang seems to imply the Sambhogakaya, e.g., in longs sku gzhan dbang dang chos sku yongs grub bo (A. 18). Syn. gzhan rgyud ; pha rol dbang ; rang dbang med ; bdag dbang min ; 'dzin pa can ; gzhan gyis zin ; rang dbang bral ; gzhan dbang song (Moon.). gzhan 'byor lnga acc. to Budh. the five benefits or wealths which have accrued to others from the Buddha:- (1) the advent of Buddha; (2) his preaching the Dharma; (3) the establishing of his doctrine; (4) its promulgation and continuance rjes 'jug ; (5) the abstract pity and grace of Buddha for the suffering world (Khrid. 13). gzhan snod SANST a slanderer, cynic; SANST the slandering others; gzhan snod byed pa to slander others: bdag bstod gzhan snod byed cing 'thab rtsod byed praising self and slandering others produces quarrels. gzhan yang SANST, SANST moreover, besides, furthermore [and yet, also]S. gzhan la rag la SANST dependent; gzhan la rag ma las from dependence on others. gzhan las rgyal SANST 1. victorious, triumphant over another. 2. a flower = spang rgyan me tog (Moon.). gzhan sems yid gsos meton. khu byug the cuckoo. gzhab pa 1. to rub or touch with the hand. 2. to lick (Sch.). gzhams pa incorrectly for bzhams pa 3. gzhar yang = nam yang SANST, SANST seldom, scarcely; also = slar yang po again afterwards; gzhang yang mi never (J‰.). gzhal ba a form of 'jal ba SANST, SANST to weigh; srang la gzhal bar nus kyi though one could weigh it with a pair of scales (Glr.); gzhal dgos kyi rdzas articles that should be weighed; liable to duty, to custom (J‰.); gzhal dkar ba = 'jal dka' ba (Yig. k. 10). gzhal 'khor and gzhal thag ; gzhal thim ; also gzhal phul SANST; gzhal 'phyos SANST; gzhal gzhi , gzhal yal ; gzhal lad , gzhal sangs ; all seem to be names of numbers (grangs gnas ) (Ya-sel. 57). gzhal du med pa chu bo n. of a fabulous river: byang sgra mi snyan gyi nam mkha' ring ba zhes bya ba'i yul ljongs las 'das nas yod (it) is situated beyond the country called Nam-kha-rio-wa in Uttara-kuru (K. d. ra, 327). gzhal du med pa las bsgres pa SANST the immeasurable; gzhal med or gzhal du med pa SANST, SANST, SANST that which cannot be measured or weighed, imponderable, immensely great or much (Pth); gzhal med khang SANST the inconceivable castle. gzhal tshad measure, scale, standard (Sch.). gzhal yas or gzhal yas khang = gzhal med khang SANST the castle in the air, superb mansion, castles in which the gods are supposed to live; lha gnas gzhal yas khang the heavens containing the superb mansions of the gods; ngo mtshar lha'i gzhal yas khang the wonder-residences of the gods (A.K. 1-4). gzhas play, sport, jest, joke (Sch.), glu gzhas sportive song. gzhi or gzhi ma SANST; 1. that which gives origin to a thing, that from which it arises, ground, basis, foundation, original cause, exciting cause; dge legs thams cad 'byung ba'i gzhi the primitive source of all happiness; gzhi skye med without origin or birth (Mil.). sa gzhi place, ground, locality; soil: khyim gyi sa gzhi , zhing gi gzhi , tshong khang gi sa gzhi land for erecting a shop, etc. (K. du. da, 499); ma gzhi the main point or thing, principal thing, rtsig gzhi foundation of a wall, gzhi sems nyid , gzhi chos nyid the cause; kun gzhi the spirit, the primeval in a special sense; the innermost essence, inherent nature. 2. = rtsa ba SANST, root or seed; nyung gzhi turnip root or seeds, la phug gzhi radish seed; 3. ngos SANST, SANST, (gnas lta bu ) ground, floor, gzhi ma gru bzhi a square floor; steng gi gzhi the upper or top surface (Glr.). 4. SANST residence, abode, home: gzhi 'dzin pa to take up one's residence in a place (Mil.); gzhi 'bebs pa to settle, to establish one's self in a place; gzhi ma rab cig phog nas bzhag go he assigned to him a nice dwelling place and established him there (Glr.). 5. (slab pa lta bu'i ) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST axiom, proposition, contents, tenor; basis, support. 6. also zhe , a definition of time or of relationship: zhe ning two years ago, gzhi mes great-great-grand father, gzhi mes po great-great-grand mother, gzhi tsha great-great-grandchild. 7. SANST, SANST. gzhi dgon monastery attached to a hamlet or village, usually very small and harbouring but a few monks. gzhi sngon skyes as met. = lightning (Moon.). gzhi can 1. = nags forest, wilderness. 2. having a basis, foundation. 3. SANST having a floor. gzhi chen SANST. gzhi ches = gal ches very important: bstan pa'i bya ba gzhi ches pa dang the works or duties of religion are very important (A. 126). gzhi ji bzhin pa a recluse, 'who stays where he is' (Burn. 9-130). gzhi mthun pa SANST, [same predicament, common substratum]S. gzhi deb = ma deb the principal register: skor thang gzhi deb zur gsal the accounts are clear marginally in the chief register (Rtsii.). gzhi bdag 1. a local deity or rather monster, generally of the Naga class, who when offended sends diseases or other calamities upon a particular village or province or on an individual. He is required to be appeased by offerings when incensed. 2. lord of the soil; may also denote a king or nobleman (J‰.). gzhi pa = brtag pa 3. gzhi ba SANST [a dweller]S. gzhi ba 'thung = skyes ma thag a child just when it is born (Moon.). gzhi bo + = gzhi ma basis. gzhi byed or gzhis byed possessed of capital: lha sar gzhi byed kyi tshong pa at Lhasa the merchants who have capital (Rtsii.). gzhi byes acc. to J‰.: native and foreign; at home and abroad. gzhi = one's home or place where always resident, byes place of temporary residence, lodgings: gzhi byes thams cad lhan cig tu dge 'dun gyi kun dga' ra bar byin (A. 25), he presented all dwellings at home or abroad, for the accommodation and pleasure of the clergy. gzhi ma SANST, SANST; = kun gzhi SANST; SANST [substratum, abode, residence]S. gzhi ma byed SANST, SANST; [receptacle, subject]S. gzhi med = stong pa nyid Sunyata, emptiness, the void; also stong pa nyid rtogs pa'i blo or gang zag the mind or the individual who meditates on the doctrine of Sunyata. gzhi 'dzin pa SANST = 'khor ba the world, the transmigratory existence (Moon.). gzhi ras cloth which is spread on a table or on the ground for the placing of offerings, etc. (Rtsii.). gzhig pa 1. fut. of 'jig pa . 2. or gzhigs pa to make minute inquiry of every point; to investigate, to examine: gal che chung la gzhigs pa'i thon gsal all matters important and otherwise should be cleared up by minute investigation (D. Shel. 7); bsngo zhus sogs la gzhigs pa'i deb gsal bzhig dgos (D. Shel. 11). 3. = bshigs : khru gang sogs sgor mor gzhigs na chig 'bum 'khrul pa med (Ya-sel. 36). gzhib 'thung = skyes ma new born (child). gzhib pa + form of 'jib pa = sos bca' ba , lce 'jib pa . gzhibs pa to put or lay in order (J‰.). gzhir bcas colloq. = yod bshags of a certainty, as a matter of course (Yig. 48). gzhil a form of bcil 3. gzhil ba + 1. fut. of 'jil ba 3. 2. = 3bcom pa 3, 3'joms pa 3 or bshibs pa or 3bsgribs 3 (Oag. 61). gzhis ka 1. one's native place, country. 2. home of an agriculturist, his fixed dwelling and the field about it for cultivation, homestead: gzhis gnyer the manager of a farm. 3. an estate, a town. (Rtsii.) gzhis khag separate estates, individual estate; gzhis khag gi thon skor the income, proceeds of an estate (Rtsii. 26); gzhis 'og one under or belonging to an estate, the tenant or farmer in an estate. gzhis dgon = grong dgon the one monastery in a village or town (Rtsii. 13). gzhis rtse abbr. of gzhi ka rtse the town Shiga-tse in Tsang (Rtsii.). gzhu I: n. of a place in Tibet situated to the north-west of Lhasa; it is also called snye mo gzhu . II: 1.SANST, SANST, SANST bow, for shooting: gzhu bcos he constructed a bow (Glr.); gzhu 'geng ba bend a bow; gzhu 'then pa or 'gugs pa id. (Cs.), gzhu brdung ba SANST; gzhu 'bud pa to unbend (the bow) (Cs.). 2. bow or arch in architecture: gzhu lugs su 'bub pa 'to arch in the form of a bow' (Cs.). gzhu mkhan bow-maker; gzhu rgyud bow-string. gzhu sgra SANST; the buzzing of the string of a bow. gzhu can SANST a bow-man, gzhu ldan furnished with a bow; gzhu mchog SANST, SANST, the bow-end, gen. 'the two ends of a bow;' gzhu mchog 'dzug pa to set the string to a bow. gzhu 'doms a cord, fathom, as a standard measure, opp. to any arbitrary measure: gzhu 'dom gang one bow or fathom measure (Bon. ch. 9). Syn. mda' 'phen byed ; mda' za ; mda' zas can ; mda' bskyo ; mda' rten ; mda' lto ba ; mda' snun byed ; gnam ru (Moon.). gzhu ba to strike, lash, lcags kyis gzhu ba to whip. gzhu ru n. of a place in Tibet: gzhu ru nye ba zhig can phyin he went to a place near Shuru (A. 81). gzhu las skyes = lha ma yin Asura demon (Moon.). gzhug = mjug 1. end, extremity: gzhug gu , gzhug chung rump or ventlet of a bird; gzhug ma the tail of it; gral gzhug the end of a row; lo gzhug la at the end of the year (Mil.); mngag gzhug house-hold servants. 2. fut. of 'jug pa 3. gzhung I: 1. the middle, centre: chu'i gzhung the middle, or the main channel of a river; mtsho'i gzhung the middle part of a lake; klad gzhung spinal marrow; lce gzhung the middle of the tongue; gzhung pa the middle finger; gzhung nas in a direct way, opp. to zur nas (J‰.). 2. government, executive: sde pa gzhung Tibetan government; rgya gzhung Chinese executive; rgya gar gzhung Indian Government; gzhung khra government order, official document; gzhung tog government employ or service; gzhung ba government tenant; gzhung pa a government officer, one holding lands directly under government, gzhung ma the middle part of Lhasa, containing the government offices; gzhung tshong pa government agent who sells or purchases any article (Yig. k. 52); gzhung sa government, government place, court (Yig. 30). gzhung sa dga' ldan government centre at Gahdan; gzhung gser crown gold. gzhung bsrings observing of the prevailing custom, usage or law (Yig. 86). 3. SANST, SANST, SANST literary work, original text (A.K., Yig.): gzhung bsgrigs pa to compile or compose texts. gzhung ba pf. gzhungs , to attend, to be heedful; attention, gzhungs pa heedful; Sch. has; 'sincere, orderly,' and for the current phrase yid gzhungs pa he gives; 'a quiet and prudent mind or behaviour.' gzhung lugs 1. SANST the established laws of government. gzhung lugs 'dzin pa SANST minster of state; government officials who hold offices under of Government. 2. = gsung rab che ba'i rigs the original precepts, texts or scripture: gzhung lugs ji tsam zhig thugs la mnga' ba how much knowledge of Buddha's precepts he possessed! (A. 20). gzhud pa incorrect for bzhud pa Sch.: 'to go, to walk, to put into.' gzhun fut. of 'jun pa 3. gzhun po best of its kind: gser gzhun po SANST the purest gold; ston thog gzhun po a capital crop. gzhur brtag pa + = zur za ba a little faulty, defective. gzhe ning for gzhes ning 3. gzhe ra parsley in C. colloq. gzheng for zheng 3. gzhen or gzhen pa 1. the act of remembering or reminding: gzhen bskul ba = dran bskul ba to remind a person, to refresh the memory. gzhen btad pa or gzhen btab pa = gzhen 'debs pa to admonish, exhort (J‰.). 2. gzhen pa to light, kindle, inflame (Sch.). gzher pa + = bsten pa 3. gzhes SANST the time after or before: gzhes rnying the day after tomorrow; na ning gzhes ning the year before last. gzhes pa 1. to be well, to prosper: 'tsho zhing gzhes pa enjoying life, passing it in prosperity (Yig. k. 2). 2. acc. to J‰. is resp. for to sit, stay, wait: cung tsam cung tsam gzhes shig wait a little. gzho ba incorrectly for bzho ba v. 'jo ba 3. gzhog pa 1. v. 'jog pa 3. 2. early morning: khyod sang gzhog pa shog you come tomorrow morning. gzhog stegs arch, playful, sportive: gzhog stegs zhes pa ni kun tu rtse ba'o being playful at all times is termed gshog-stegs (K. du. ta, 14); gzhog stegs sgeg pa to look in a coquettish manner. gzhog 'drid kyi tshig + imparting hints by movements of the lips. gzhogs one half of the body, the side of the body: gzhogs gYas gYon the right and left sides; gzhogs su side ways (Sch.). gzhogs slong ba SANST; or gzhogs slong byed pa to speak aside or indirectly; gzhogs snos SANST [indication]S. gzhogs snos byed pa to prejudice a person against another insidiously. gzhong pa SANST, SANST wooden trough or tub: khyi gzhong trough for feeding dogs and other animals; rta gzhong a manger. gzhong thogs n. of a yakra demon who resides on the seashore at the foot of Sumeru. gzhongs + = ljongs valley, basin of a river; also yul gzhongs . gzhongs od pa = ljongs rgyu ba gen. a monk who frequents small towns and villages moving among the country folk. gzhon pa SANST, SANST adj. young, the younger one; rgyal po sku na gzhon pa the youthful king; bdag gzhon pas as I am still young (Dzl.); gzhon pa 'ga' zhig some young people (Mil.); gzhon dus bu med who in their younger years had no children. gzhon bde alacrity, youthful activity (in working): gzhon bde rkang yang gcig (Rtsii. 34). gzhon nu = na gzhon pa SANST, SANST a youth; gzhon nu tsho SANST the youths, an epithet of the youngest son of Mahadeva. gzhon nur gyur pa SANST became a youth, turned young. gzhon nu mgrin ldan = chu'i bya gag (Moon.). gzhon nu ma SANST virgin, maiden, youthful girl. gzhon nu'i tshe na phas bsrung la|lang tsho'i tshe na khyos bsrung zhing |rgan mo'i tshe na bus bsrung bas|bud med rang dgar gnas ma yin a woman is never free and independent, while young she is protected by her father, in youth she is under her husband's care, and in old age she is guarded by her son (Can.). gzhon nu can = chu lha'i shing 3 (Moon.). gzhon nu gdong drug Kumara the son of Mahadeva who is possessed of six faces (Moon.). Syn. byis pa'i od pa can ; bcu gnyis mig ldan ; snin drug bu (Moon.). gzhon ma'i tshogs = bu chung ba'i tshogs . gzhon rabs the youthful or rising generation; the younger classes. gzhon sha chags = an adult (Yig. 11). gzhob 1. or me gzhob a burn, scorch, or singe; a mark from burning; gzhob tu 'gyur ba to be singed, seared (Pth.); nga'i lus sems gzhob tu thal my body and soul were seared, deeply afflicted. 2. in W. = a crash, e.g., of a tree breaking down (J‰.). gzhom pa 1. a form of 'joms pa : rab tu gzhom med gyur SANST (A.K. 1-22). dgra gzhom pa = dgra bcom pa , also bdud gzhom pa he who has vanquished the devil. gzhom du med pa = nyams pa med pa undepressed, never dejected: bsam pa ni nam yang gzhom du med pa his spirits were never depressed. (Ya-sel. 31). gzhom med steady, = also constant, perpetual, eternal (Moon.). 2. pf. gzhoms to be split, cracked, bruised, dinted: gzhoms shing bral ba having become cracked, came apart (Yig. k. 3). gzhor v. 'jor 3. gzhol ba 1. = SANST to flow down; to alight, dismount: chibs las gzhol te having dismounted from his horse (A. 7); dbyar gyi rnga bo che'i sgra gzhol nas as the sound of the summer drum i.e., thunder) comes down (Yig. k. 10). 2. = gnas pa SANST to remain fixed, absorbed in: ting nge 'dzin la rtse gcig tu gzhol bas he was absorbed in deep meditation. 3. dma' ba SANST, to be low, open out to: gdan sa byang skyabs pa lho gzhol ba his residence was protected on the north and was open to the south (A. 70) (So almost all the housed and monasteries in Tibet are built with the south open and the north protected by hill-side or even by walls.). gzhos for bzhos , v. 'jo ba 3; snying gzhos te smra ba to speak in confidence, or secretly, to communicate a secret. bzha' ba = gsher ba or brlon pa SANST wet, moist (Zam. 9). bzhag the inner parts of the body. bzhag pa SANST 1. v. 'jog pa 3. da ni kha tshems yod na bzhag re ran it is time to leave a testament if you have any (Rdsa. 16). 2. to tear, wear, of cloth, etc.; to burst, crack, split C. (J‰.). bzhang 'tshong ma a prostitute, harlot (Dag. 8). bzhad 1. n. of a place in Tsang (S. kar. 178). 2. also bzhad pa SANST a swan; bzhad dkar a white swan (J‰.); bzhad ldan ma 'a pond with swans swimming on it.' Syn. mgrin ring ; chu'i ming can ; sgra 'byin ; rdzing bu'i mtshan ; bya long (Moon.). bzhad pa 1. (nga ro'i sgra ) SANST the noise of joy or that of promise (S. Lex.). 2. (me tog lta bu ) to blossom, to develop (Yig. 48). 3. SANST to laugh, smile: bzhad kha ma a girl with a smiling face (Mil.); bzhad gad mkhan SANST buffoon, jester; bzhad mo smile, laughing, laughter: bzhad mo bzhad pa to laugh; bzhad pa mo , bzhad ldan ma or SANST n. of a goddess. 4. a swan. Syn. for bzhad gad a jest: bde 'byung ; ku re ; kyal ka ; rol rtse ; 'jo sgeg ; gYer bag ; rtse 'jo ; rtse dga' ; gad mo 'byin ; ga chad ; rgod ; kun nas rgod ; yid rgod ; 'dzum ; bar mar bzhad ; byis pa'i rtsed mo (Moon.). bzhab pa v. 'jab pa 3: dal bus bzhabs (Situ. 76.). bzhams pa to stroke, to coax, caress. bzhams bsgo byed pa (dran bskul dang bkod pa ) to remind of, to recall to mind. bzhar ba to shave or shear; skra bzhar ba to shave the hair: skra bzhar to he has shaved or sheared his hair. bzhi SANST four; bzhi pa the fourth; bzhi po the four; bzhi bcu "shib-cu" forty; bzhi brgya four hundred; bzhi stong four thousand; bzhi cha one fourth part, a quarter; bzhi ga the four, all the four: gling bzhi ga'i zheng tshad the breadth measure of the four continents, also of the four pieces (Ya-sel. 39). bzhi gling the quarter of a slaughtered sheep or goat, one-fourth part of a circle, a quadrant (Rtsii.); bzhi mnyam SANST (nang khrol ) the intestines. bzhi mdo = lam 'dzom (Moon.) where four roads meet, crossing of two roads: bzhi mdo rnams dang skyed mos tshal rab dar (A. 4). bzhi sde grwa tshang one of the earlier monasteries of Tibet. It is said that four Buddhist monks coming from four different places to Lhasa founded there a monastery which became known by the name of Bshi-sde grva-tshao. bzhi pa'i gnas skabs the fourth stage of life, i.e., old-age from sixty upwards. Syn. rgas pa (Moon.). bzhi ba bsgrub pa'i mdo any sutra containing different studies each arranged under four heads or classes; for instance under the heading of mngon par 'phags pa'i chos bzhi are:- (1) tshul khrims mngon par 'phags pa ; (2) thos pa mngon par 'phags pa ; (3) byams pa chen po mngon par 'phags pa ; (4) snying rje chen po mngon par 'phags pa (K. d. wa, 87). bzhi zur (bzhi cha gcig ) SANST one fourth part or share: zla ba gsum pa'i nang ru snug khog 'debs na bzhi zur chag (Rtsii. 8, 5). bzhi shad four strokes to imply a full stop |||| óor rather two at the conclusion of a period and two at its beginning: don tshan chen mo rdzogs pa dang |le'u'i mtshams su bzhi shad dgos (Situ.). bzhin I: = gdong SANST, SANST, SANST sbst. face, countenance, bzhin bzang handsome countenance or face; also, a polite address to gentlemen; bzhin bzang ma lit. the fair face, an address for women in gen. a polite address to ladies (Moon.): kye bzhin bzang dag ye much respected gentlemen, gye bzhin bzang ma ye good ladies; bzhin bzang ma de dag langs te the fair ladies having risen, &c. bzhin ras the appearance, bzhin ngan ugly face, ugly countenance. II: as, like, according to: kha ba can gyi mi rnams 'dul don du|khyod kyi bya ba od lam 'di bzhin gyis for the purpose of converting the men of the snowy land let your actions and deportment be like this. bzhin du postp. gov. accus. annexed to nouns and verbs = according to, as while, in (doing, etc.); J‰. point out that joined to verbal roots bzhin serves to form with them a partic. pres., and bzhin du a gerund: thugs ma nyes bzhin pa'i ngang la in a rejoicing frame of mind, in a joyful mood (Mil.); khri la bzhugs bzhin du while sitting on the chair (Dzl.); mdangs 'gyur bzhin whilst his colour changes (Dzl.); mi shes bzhin du shes so zhes zer though not knowing it he says he does know. Also = because of, on account of: yab yum gnyis kyi thugs la 'phreng bzhin du 'jig rten mi chos la phan pa'i bslab bya gal che ba dpag tu med pa mdzad nas and because the hearts of both her father and mother were attached to her, they made it of immeasurable importance that she should be taught whatever was useful concerning the world, men, and religion (Glr.). de bzhin du = de ltar ; de de bzhin no yes, that is so, just so; de bzhin nyid SANST truth, reality, substance, essentiality (J‰.). nyin re bzhin (du ) daily, per day, nyin gcig bzhin du id.; nyin re bzhin gyi mdzad pa his daily doings; bzhin zangs kyi mdog ces bya ba'i ri n. of a fabulous mountain said to be situated at a distance of five hundred yojana (K. d. ra, 289). bzhin ma embroidered cloth, cloth of gold: der gser bzhin ma gcig gis phyag rten ni it, with cloth overlaid with gold, as a present (A. 131). bzhibs pf. of 'jib pa 3: khu ba bzhibs (Situ. 75). bzhu burnt, v. bsregs pa ; nang pa'i dge slong rnams kyis thab bzang gi spur me la bzhu nas mchod rten byas so the Buddhist monks built a chorten on the burnt relics of Thab-zang (Pag. 304). bzhu 'dul defined as: me la bsregs nas 'dul ba anything reduced to ashes by burning (Rtsii.). (EEE For bsregs pa see sreg pa 3.) bzhu shel a kind of pebble or crystal (Jig. 19). bzhu ba v. zhu ba 3 and 3'ju ba 3 to melt, to digest. bzhugs pa resp. for sdod pha and 'dug pa , SANST, SANST 1. to sit: bzhugs su gsol please to sit; gdan la bzhugs seated on the rug (Situ. 76); bzhugs 'dug has been seated, bzhugs so seated, bzhugs shig do sit. 2. to dwell, reside; bzhugs pa'i pho brang castle for residence; bzhugs pa'i rten a small temple in which a deity resides (Dzl.); bzhugs grogs fellow-lodger. 3. to remain, stay, exist, live: 'jig rten du bzhugs to be in the world, to live on earth. 4. (of books) to be recorded in, to be contained; is always annexed to book titles: rdze btsun mi la ras pa'i mgur 'bum zhes bya ba bzhugs so the hundred thousand songs of the Reverend Milaraspa, so to be styled, is herein contained. bzhugs gral the row of seats on which men of rank sit on any ceremony or occasion (Rtsii.). bzhugs stangs manner of sitting: lha rnams kyi bzhugs stangs the manner of sitting of the gods. bzhud pa resp. of 'byon pa to start, depart, go away; SANST; lam du bzhud gone away on a journey (Situ. 76), go away: phar bzhud pray, go away! opp. to tshur byon . rgya gar du slob gnyer la bzhud pa he proceeded to India for study (A. 61). lha gang du bzhud kyang |bdag khrid mdzod gcig O Lord wherever thou goest take me with thee (Yig. 19). bzhun 1. energetic, zealous; gYog bzhun very active in work; bslab bya la bzhun very attentive in study (in the observance of moral discipline): bdag gi lus gzhon zhing bzhun pa 'di sha khrag drod ma yal bar sbyin par bya'o (Hbrom. 113). 2. v. zhun 3 (J‰.). bzhur ba 1. to strain, filter: mar khu bzhur to he strained the melted butter (Situ. 76); zhug pa bzhur nas bzhes take the broth after straining it (Oag. 76). 2. = gzhur ba and bzhar ba . bzhus pa v. zhu ba 3. bzheng ba pf. bzhengs resp. for slong ba to raise, erect, set up, to manufacture, compose: tshug lag khang brgya rtsa brgyad bzhengs la having erected 108 temples. bzhengs pa resp. of lang ba to rise, to get up: sku , sku bzhengs gnang pray, get up (from bed, etc.); ma bzhang ma bzhang don't get up, please; stan las bzhengs rises from the seat (Situ. 76). bzhed pa I: = gsungs pa , Di ta sa'i snying po dang lo tsa bas bzhed pas (A. 27). bzhed tshul = gsungs tshul manner of speaking: dgongs tshul mkhas pa mtha' dag bzhed mi mthus mang bas (Ya-sel. 38). II: (dgongs pa bzhed lta bu ) 1. vb., resp. SANST, SANST, SANST to wish, desire: bka' gdams chen po rnams kyi bzhed pa'i spas pa'i gter the hidden treasures that were desired by the great Kahdampa sect (A. 25); rgyal po gzigs bzhed dam does your reverence wish to see the king? (Dzl.); rgyal po nang du 'byon par bzhed pa la as the king wished to enter (Glr.); rta ma bzhed na if you do not wish for the horse (Mil.). 2. to propose, maintain, state, assert; also, sbst.: proposition, statement, view. 3. to accept, take: bzhed zas food for acceptance. bzher = brlon pa SANST wet. bzhes pa 1. vb., resp. for len pa , to take, receive, accept; to seize, confiscate; esp. to accept or take food at meals: ji bzhes pa bzhes shig please take whatever you like; bzhes na if he would take it, if it should be to his liking (Mil.). Instead of lon pa in: dgung lo bcu gnyis bzhes pa he attained the age of twelve years old. las ka'i khur bzhes take up the burden of work, responsibility (Oag. 61). 2. sbst. food, meat bzhes pa 'dren pa to offer, to serve up meat; bzhes khrung for chang beer colloq. (Rtsii. 62); bzhes gro cakes; bzhes sgo resp. of za sgo also yong sgo bzhes chang = bzhes khrung beer: bzhes chang legs pa gar nges bcu ban re (Rtsii. 4). bzhes ldan col. = bkol ldan the kind of sweet prepared on new-year's day in Tibet with molasses, cream, butter malt-beer, etc. (Rtsii.). bzhes spro ("she-to") cakes, biscuit, etc. bzho ba , pf. bzhos pa to milk (a cow), also = SANST milch cow. bzhog pa to cut at, to chip; shing bzhog pa to cut, hew, make wood smooth with the hatchet, split wood (Situ. 76): lag pas bzhogs split with the hand (Oag. 61). bzhong used for gzhong 3. bzhon pa SANST, SANST riding-horse, carriage, vehicle, conveyance in general; bzhon pa shom pa to equip a riding horse, to order the horses to be put to (Dzl.); der bran mo des bzhon pa bzang po zhig la sga skon te the maid servant putting a saddle on a good riding-horse (Hbrom. 50). Syn. khyogs ; lam 'degs ; theg pa ; rgyu byed ; mgyogs byed (Moon.). bzhon pa can = dri zhim pa sweet smell, scent (Moon.). bzhon ma cow, ewe, or she-goat, that is yielding milk; a gen. term for such cattle. za is the twenty-second letter of the Tibetan alphabet; no letter corresponding to it exists in Sanskrit, and according to the Tibetan grammarians it is peculiar to the Tibetan language. In olden times and in the frontier-provinces to the present day it was and is sounded like the English z; but in Lhasa and Tsang it is now pronounced like the English s, but always low-toned. za rkong v. rkong 3. za khang an eating-house, restaurant: aa ni za khang n. of a large restaurant in Lhasa of some note. za khu or za khu'i nad the morbid discharge of seminal fluid, semen pruriens. za 'phrug itching. za 'khrug = za 'phrug . za grogs a woman; (in the dialect of Amdo called 'dug grogs ) wife, mistress: skyad tshe'i za grogs de spangs pa min the mistress of happier days should not be forsaken (Khrid. 51). za 'gram pa = 'gram pa the cheeks (Moon.). za chag nettle. za dam n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga 33). za 'dod = ltogs pa 1. hunger, greed; hungry. 2. extortion: mi ser drag zhan su la 'ang snyad 'dogs za 'dod kyi rigs mi byed not any kind of extortion or false accusation or deception should be used against the tenants (Rtsii.). za 'dod chen po very corrupt; corruption, bribery. za phyi aa ya n. of a medicinal drug: za phyi aa yas dam chu rma la phan . za ba 1. or bza' ba food, meat, victuals. 2. vb., perf. bzas , zos , imp. zos , to eat. za bar 'dod pa SANST desire for eating; za nus par byed SANST is able to eat; za ba'i tshod the time of eating, the hour of taking meals; za ru 'jug pa to cause to eat, begin to eat; to entertain with food; za ba'i dam tshig one who takes his meal at a fixed hour, in the case of a Buddhist monk before noon; SANST za ba 'gog byed = lam . za ba'i rtsab = kun 'byung ba . za ba sel ba = 'gog pa (K. ko. ka, 235). za rlom eating unfairly and cheating others of their share also 'cha' rlom (Khrid. 125). za 'bor , abbr. za ba and 'bor ba 3 (Rtsii.). za byed 1. = me fire. 2. kha month. 3. srin po cannibal demon, n. of a fish. 4. rdo rje SANST Indra's chief weapon (Moon.). za ma 1. = zas food, victuals: za ma zas nas 'gro rgyu yin will go after taking food. 2. bud med woman (Moon.); acc. to S. Lex. SANST a hermaphrodite. 3. = dus tshod time, za ma zhag dang zla ba lo sogs te|lan cig 'chi bdag bad kyis khyer ta re (Hbrom. kha 18). 4. SANST a basket, in Tibetan only fig., mostly as a title of books, but also used in connection with mysticism. za ma tog , SANST, SANST, SANST a basket or casket: za ma tog bkod pa'i mdo SANST, n. of a religious treatise describing the good services done by Avalokitesvara to all living beings, including the account of Balahaka the miraculous cloud-horse and of the significations of the mystic formula om mani padme hum; besides an enumeration of the names of Bodhisattvas, Nagas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras, etc. (K. d. za, 313). za za mo SANST. za zi 1. (zas sgo and 'gro sgo ) food and other necessaries of life: aa ti sa la dge slong bcu tham pa'i za zi'i phyir du to Atisa for the provisions and other necessaries of living for ten Bhikshu. 2. = zang zing or rab rib or za ri zi ri not clear, obscure and confused, troubled: rmi lam za zi a confused or troubled dream, snang ba za zi an obscure dim light. 3. troublesome chattering (Sch.). za ra the latter part of the afternoon, v. rdza ra 3 (J‰.). za ru = shing skyogs a wooden ladle. za 'og glossy silk cloth: za 'og gi gos a garment made of silk; za 'og dgu brtsegs khri a seat formed of nine silk cushions piled one upon another. za lung n. of a place in Tibet; za lung pa a native of Zalung (Deb. ga 43). za hor á 1. prob. corrupt form of the word Sahor signifying a city or town. Acc. to some, the present Mandi, a small principality under British protection in the Panjab between the rivers Byas and Ravi, where there is a sacred lake celebrated as a place of pilgrimage from which the Brahmans residing there derive a considerable income. 2. (ham pa chen po byas lto za ba ). (EEE The original has Brahmans for Brahmans above.) zwa nettle, stinging nettle; frq. in Mil; zwa khu nettle-soup. zwa phyi aa yi , a species of nettle used in medicine: za phyi aa yis dmu chu rma la phan . Syn. ba spu rno ldan ; reg bya rtsub ; tsher ma'i spu long ; zwa tshod (Moon.). zag rdzas = bshang gci fúces and urine (Sman. 332). zag pa 1. = ma dag pa impure, stained, defiled; sin. zag pa ma sog aang (colloq.) do not accumulate sin. zag pa med pa'i las works spotless or without sin. 2. sbst. depravity = the Sans. asava. In Budh. the four kinds of zag pa are:- (1) 'dod pa'i zag pa sins produced from desires and passion; (2) srid pa'i zag pa the worldly sins; (3) ma rig pa'i zag pa transgressions through Avidya; (4) lta ba'i zag pa transgressions caused by false doctrine or religion (K. d. ga, 451). 3. sometimes for gzag pa from 'dzags pa . 4. SANST misery, affliction, sorrow: zag bcas dang zag med ces pa ni 'jig rten pa dang |'jig rten las 'das pa'i don dang ma thun par 'dug (Hbum. ga 94-97). zag med bliss, ease: zag med kyi bde ba exhaustless bliss, happiness which never terminates; zag bcas burdened with misery and sin; zag bcas kyi las gsum the three sinful works; zag bcas kyi mngon par shes pa fore-knowledge about worldly affairs. zag pa med pa SANST that does not flow out, is not exhausted [passionless]S. zag byed pa to make water. zags pa SANST fallen. zang zang 1. of a place in Lhobrag a south-easternly province of Tibet. zang zang lha brag one of the 37 holy places of the Bon (G. Bon. 38). 2. = zang zing 3 or 3zing zing 3 or 3gzir ba 3. zang zing = nor or rdzas 1. matter, object: zang zing chung zad tsam gyi phyir even for the most trifling matter (Stg.): phyi rol gyi zang zing external goods, earthly possessions (opp. to internal, spiritual gifts) (Dzl.); sha yi zang zing SANST meat, fish, animal food; also zang zing by itself = SANST or animal food (S. Lex.). zang zing dang bcas pa a meal or food which partly consists of animal food; zang zing med pa SANST purely vegetable food, a meal in which there is nothing of meat or fish. 2. adj. disarranged, confused. zang yag SANST n. of a fabulous numerical figure: sngo yas zang yag 'phro skyi dang (Ya-sel. 57). zangs I: 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST copperópure unalloyed copper being considered very valuable; images of Buddha and Bodhisattva made of pure copper are called nor bu dzAa kSim = SANST; also a compound of gold, silver, copper, zinc, or of mica, quicksilver, tin and lead is also called SANST gser dngul zangs dang lcags dkar dang |rdo shel zha nye dkar nag dang dngul chu brgyad po bzhu btul gyis bcos mi ã kSim zhes su grags (Moon.). gser zangs = copper gilded with gold; zangs kyi btsa' verdigris. 2. a kettle; zangs su skol ba to boil in a kettle; zangs khol ba a boiling kettle; 'khar zangs bronze or brass kettle, lcags zangs iron kettle; zangs bu small pot (J‰.). zangs mgar = zangs mkhan copper smith; zangs can (zangs kyi chu snod ) a water pot or vessel made of copper; zangs chung a small cooking vessel of copper, a small degchi; zangs thal SANST copper oxidized; zangs thib copper tea-pot. zangs mdog lit. copper colour; zangs mdog dpal ri n. of a hill in Laoka which was of the colour of copper and where Padma Sambhava is said to have retired for the purpose of disciplining and converting the cannibals of that island into Buddhism. zangs rdo copper ore. II: thogs pa med pa unhindered; unobstructed; jag pas ma mthong bar zangs kyis thon te zo mo'i byin rlabs unseen by the robbers he escaped unobstructed, being blessed by the goddess. zangs zhun molten copper: dmyal ba'i gnas su skyes te zangs zhun khol ma (Khrid. 34). Syn. zangs ma ; zangs dmar ; kla klo kha ; ljon ma ; lcags dmar (Moon.). zangs kyi mdog ces bya ba'i ri bo a fabulous mountain situated on the southern bank of the river Sita and containing numberless rock-caverns (A. 38). zangs kyi gtsug phud or zangs ze can (Moon.) SANST domestic fowl, the cock with its crest of glowing copper (A. 121). zangs dkar n. of a district in Nga-ri (situated to the South-west of Ladak) (Loo. za 16); zangs dkar pa a native of Zangs-kar; zangs dkar lo tsAa ba n. of a lama of Zangs-kar who was well-known for his learning. Alex. Csoma de Kˆros studied Tibetan under one of the incarnations of the Zangs-kar lotsa-wa in the phug dal dgon pa . zangs gling = zangs kyi gling bu 1. copper musical pipe (Moon.). 2. SANST n. of an island, prob. Java or, perhaps, the island of Ceylon. zangs ldan a species of juniper the leaves of which when dry become of copper colour and are used as incense in temples. This tree grows abundantly in Rwagreo (Radeng) (Rtsii.). zangs dmar copper-red. zangs tsi = tsha la 3 or dar tshur (mystic) (Mio-rda.). zangs ze can = khyim bya the domestic fowl (Moon.). zangs ri lit. copper hill; n. of a district in Lhokha, with a monastery called Zangs-ri Kha-mar visited by the compiler of this dictionary in the year 1882. zangs ri bkra shis mthong snon n. of the Jong of Zangs-ri (Rtsu.). (EEE "(Rtsu.)" is almost certainly a typographical error for "(Rtsii.)". Alternatively it might refer to a different work not given in the list of ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3.) zad pa 1. pf. of 'dzad pa SANST, phye zad pa SANST, exhausted, consumed, spent. yogs zad pa = SANST (A.K.). 2. also zad par = kun , thams cad , tha dag SANST, SANST all, the whole world, universe (Moon.), adv. exhaustively; zad mi shes pa , SANST exhaustless, that cannot be consumed or expended. zad pa zad pa , SANST [destruction of passions]S. zad po = gos rnying pa old cloth, rags (Moon.). zad ma SANST [1. a thrower, archer. 2. night]S. zan 1. SANST, SANST cooked food; food in gen.: zan za ba to take food, to eat; zan dron warm food, zan chang meat and drink; zan btsos pa boiled food; zan zos has eaten his meal; fig. lkog zan za ba to take unlawful interest (Sch.). 2. also kham zan porridge of flour and water, made thick, boiled or not, warm or cold; in C. this pap is generally made of parched barley flour if possible with tea; 'bras zan rice pap, 'o zan milk-pap. zan khrus a cup in which dough-balls are made of barley flour with tea or whey (Rtsii.). 2. fodder, provender, v. bzan 3. 3. subst. eater, as second part of a compound: sha zan meat-eater; nya zan fish-eater; phag zan pork-eater (J‰.). zan ching a n. of the Chinese princess married to king srong btsan sgam po : thang thi cung rgyal po'i bu mo zan ching zhes pa rgya bza' ko nga jo an ras gzigs dbang srong btsan sgam po'i btsun mor bod du byon (Loo. 'a 10). zan snyig SANST a mistake. zan pa (gdams ngag lta bu ) SANST, SANST advice, suggestions. zan po v. gzan po 3. zan ma 1. = rtsam pa parched barley ground into flour, the staple food of the Tibetans. 2. a cook. zan rdza cooking pan, pot. Syn. phru ba ; rdza ma ; mi tha ra (Moon.). zan za yun the time of taking food, i.e., gen. breakfast: phar kha mi gcig zan za yun 'gro dgos par 'dug it was necessary for one to go to the other side of the river (or to yonder place) at breakfast time (A. 47). zan zos a meal in general: zan zos nas khrus byas having taken the meal, he washed (K. du. da, 261). zan yang (Chinese) = lugs gsum triple style of architecture; the monastery of Samye is called Zan-yang because built in Chinese, Indian and Tibetan styles: gangs can yul gru'i rgyan gcig bsam yas zan yang mi 'gyur lhun gyis grub pa'i gtsug lag khang bzhengs (Loo. 'a 7). zab silk, fine Chinese satin, v. dar zab ; zab skud silk cord; zab 'bol silk covering for a bolster; zab pa rich figured silk dress. (EEE dar zab does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under dar 3 I.) zab bgrang (grangs ) n. of a number: zab bgrang dga' rkyang gzhung 'dal dang (Ya-sel. 57). zab pa 1. pf. zabs to make deep, to deepen. 2. adj. and sbst., SANST, SANST dense, deep, depth: blo zab a profound mind or understanding; zab zab byas kyang zab mo rang mi 'dug although people call it deep, it is not deep (Sch.); don zab pa of deep meaning or signification; rgya mtsho zab pa deep sea; zab dbyangs SANST, SANST a deep voice, a musical tone. zab pa gsum the three prized depths in the human body:- if one's heart is deep, one's voice deep (agreeable), and one's navel sunken (Mil.). zab po or gen. zab mo adj. deep in all its significations actual or fig.; accomplished, profound in learning and wisdom, deep. zab sbyor well fitting, complete costume; zab mo zhes bya ba'i nags n. of a forest in Uttarakuru in the mountains of Sankasa (K. d. ra, 293). zab bzhes = brtan bo firm, steady, also in excellent order or condition; zab la zab snang ba , SANST [deep and profound manifestation]S. zab lag can = chu rtsa aquatic grass (mystic) (Mio. rda. 3). zab lam the profound doctrine of Buddhism as explained in the Tantras. zab mo'i sgom khrid a term of Buddhist mysticism; also = dbu ma'i lam the Madhyamika or the middle-path doctrine. zabs 1. = mthug po SANST thick, thickness. 2. depth: zabs su 'dom bcu'i dong a pit ten fathoms in depth. zam 1. = rgyud line, continuity, succession: bla ma sangs rgyas nas brgyud pa'i gdams pa zam ma chad pa a sign which has come down uninterruptedly from the lamas and Buddhas (A. 35.). 2. velvet cushion, gen. woollen rug: mdos gdan bal zam nag po bzhi sgrigs (Rtsii.). 3. = rim or rigs series or set; kind, sort: rin po che dang zab sogs an gzigs zam mang tsam (Rtsii.). zam ma chad pa = rgyud ma chad pa uninterruptedness, continuous succession: phan 'dogs kyi sprul pa zam ma chad pa zhig byung there arose a succession of useful incarnate beings (A. 125). zam pa SANST, SANST a bridge, of various kinds: lcags zam iron bridge; stegs zam la brgyud pa hanging bridge on supports (A. 35.); lcug zam suspension-bridge of twisted canes; 'dren zam draw-bridge; rdo zam natural rock-bridge; shing zam wooden bridge; zam pa'i ka ba or rkang pa the piers of a bridge, spang leb , spang sgo the boards, planks, mda' yab or lag rten parapet, gzhu thog arch of a bridge; zam grong bridge-village, village having a bridge over a stream. rgyal zam gen. large bridge; zam chung a little one. zam bu lung n. of a holy place consecrated to Padma Sambhava in the district of Shang in Tsang (K. thao. 168). zam zim (grangs ) a number. zam zo soft cushion of velvet-like cloth: zam zo rgya ras rab la kha bcu zho (Rtsii.). zar 1. n. of a district in Tibet about fifteen miles to the north of Tashi-rab-ga, the latter being the first Tibetan outpost beyond the Kangla-che-mo pass. There is a Jong-pon over the two districts of Zar and Ting-ke (Loo. za, 3). 2. supine of za ba ; zar 'jug pa to begin to eat. 3. a pitch-fork, hay-fork, dung-fork. zar babs acc. to Sch.: tassel, gold-brocade. zar bu Glr., Mil. a tassel. zar ma 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST sesame: zar ma'i snum mngar lce la kha zhing dro (Moon.). 2. fibres; zar ma'i ras SANST zar-ma fibres, a kind of muslin manufactured from. zar ma'i gos SANST robe made of zar-ma linen. zar zer SANST n. of a number: phyal phyel khyad khyud zar zer dang (Ya-sel. 56). zar ri zir ri adj. unimportant, not significant, confused: rmi lam zar ri zir ri an unconnected or confused dream. zal 1. = spu mdog colour of hair: ba glang dmar zal the red colour of an ox. 2. in Ld. any small uninhabited river island. zal thon = rdog thon 3 (Yig.). zal mo sgang one of the six districts of Kham included in sgang drug (Jig.). zal zug (grangs ) n. of a number: phyag phyim zal zug sal sal dang (Ya-sel. 57). zas SANST, SANST, SANST food, nourishment, provender; zas ngan bad food; zas od food and exercise; zas 'dod pa la zas give food to whoever is in need of it; zas la bsko ba SANST distributor of food; zas spangs pa SANST fasting; zas dron mo SANST warm food; zas mchog ster ba to treat with the best food, to entertain with dainties; zas legs pa SANST a good eater; zas su ci za what does it eat as food (Dzl.). In Budh. there are four kinds of food: (1) khams kyi zas SANST material food (bem po ) necessary for sustaining the body, including khams zas rag pa meat ad drink, khams zas phra mo the finer foods, such as nectar, sweet smell, etc., which are enjoyed by the gods of the Kamaloka, and also the food which the child in the womb assimilates, etc.; (2) reg pa'i zas SANST sems byung sems pas 'phen byed kyi las bsags par byed pa'o|'phen byed kyis 'phangs pa'i rnam snin gyi phung po rgyun ring du gso bar byed pa'o (Loo. pa, 25.); (3) yid la sems pa'i zas SANST; (4) rnam par shes pa'i zas SANST. Here is an aphorism on food: zas mchis na ni srig mchis|srog mchis na ni lus mchis na ni chos kyi lam yang mchis so| (K. d. zha, 331) food sustains life, life existing the body will remain and if the body exists the way to religion will also exist. zas kyis 'phongs pa one who is destitute, has nothing to subsist upon. zas kyi 'tsho ba rnam par dag pa zhes bya ba'i mdo a Sutra in which the good of taking one meal a day, clean and well prepared food, etc., and giving such to the clergy, are set forth (K. d. ma, 153). zas tshod the due measure or proportion of food: zas tshod ma zin the portion was not the measure of one's usual allowance. zas za nyes pa = zas za lugs nor ba or zas za mi shes pa not knowing how to eat properly (D. phi, 10). zas legs par za ba to take meals, the manner of doing so properly, esp. for the guidance of priests (K. d. ta, 33). zas bsod good food, rich pastry; zas lhag residue of food; zas dkon scarcity, dearth. zas dkar SANST white food, milk, curds, etc.; an epithet of Buddha's uncle. zas skom meat and drink, solid and liquid food: zas skom la 'dod pa che ba one very fond of dainty dishes and drink. zas gnyer cook; superintendent of the department of cooking. Syn. ma chen ; thab kha pa (Moon.). zas phul du byung ba cornucopia; abundance of food and drink. Syn. gya nom pa ; phun sum tshogs pa (Moon.). zas byed = ma chen cook (Moon.). zas gtsang ma SANST lit. clean or pure food, the name of Buddha Gautama's father (Moon.). bdud rtsi zas SANST, bre bo zas SANST, zas dkar SANST were the names of Buddha's three uncles. zi 1. num. fig.: 52. 2. in W. something of a very small size or quantity. zi ma green scum, floating matter on water. zi zer or za ri zi ri or zi ri za ri : ri ags lta bur zi zer dang bcas yid rab gtod la su mi gus (Sorig.). zi ra caraway seed of Central Asia. zi ra dkar po SANST the white species of caraway: zi ra dkar pos glo ba'i tsha ba sel . zi ra nag po SANST the black species of caraway which looks like go snyod common caraway: zi ra nag pos mchin pa'i grang ba sel ; zi ra nag po the black species of caraway. zi ri ri droning of bees, the wind, etc.; rlung zi ri ri the howling or whizzing of the wind. zi ru col. for gzer bu 3. zi la zi lang : rin chen zhu ba'i khams a composition metal, generally of gold and silver. zi las rma shu reg dug 'joms par nus|. zi ling n. of a Chinese town in Kansu situated about 80 miles to the E. of lake Kokonor, and usually known as Sining. It is a great emporium for the exchange of merchandise between China and Tibet: zing zam a kind of thick velvet-like cotton cloth manufactured at Sining (Rtsii.). zi ling stong 'khor a province of Stoo-hkhor in lower Kham (Loo za, 24). zi hun (Chinese) a kind of Chinese satin of pale white colour (Jig. 20). zing cha breach of peace, quarrel, dispute (Yig. 16). zing shig = zing cha|. zing zing bristle-like: tsher ma zing zing , mgo yi skra zing zing the bristle-like hair; acc. to J‰. zio-zio = zang zing 3. zing tig a kind of gentian: zin tig gnyan lhog gza' nad srin la phan . zin thun + = zin bris or chos thun rough draft; also note, memorandum: zin thun dang khrid du 'os pa rnams la drafts which are fit to be adopted or approved (A. 155). zin pa 1. SANST, SANST to commit to memory, retain in the memory, to learn; subst. a retentive memory. 2. = 'dzad pa esp. in pf. tense, to terminate, to be at the end, to conclude, be exhausted, be consumed; zin pa'i phung po perishable mortal body. 3. = grub pa SANST, SANST to be finished, terminated: rtse ba zin pas as the playing has ceased, or: as he has done playing (Dzl.); zin pa med pa'i las endless working, unceasing labour (Mil.). 4. is used in older writings as a perfect affix like tshar , denoting that the action is complete and finished: rtsigs pa de mar rdung zin the wall has been beaten down. zin la khang = rdzogs la khad (Moon.). zin phung nag po n. of a malignant spirit or sa bdag monster. zin bris = reg zig a receipt, quittance; bond (of obligation), bill of debt (J‰.). zim bu finely-divided, minute, fine, thin, slender: char zim bu mi drag po zhig bab a fine drizzling rain was falling; zim zim or zing zing very fine, hair-like. zir mo a slide, glissade; also sliding motion. zil or zil ma brightness, splendour, brilliancy, glory: zil che ba = gzi brjid che ba great splendour, brilliancy, lustrous (A. 149). zil can brilliant, resplendent; zil gyis gnon pa SANST, SANST, SANST; smra ba ngan pa rnams zil gyis gnon pa'o (J. Zao.) they suppressed the evil speeches by their lustre; zil dngar = zhim po sweetness, or adj. delicious; zil chags po = gzi brjid che ba very lustrous, brilliant; rgya mtsho lta bur zil chags pa rnams gral gyi dbu la those glorious like the sea were seated at the top rows (A. 133). zil gnon SANST, SANST defeat, discomfiture (Zam. 13); zil gnon bu a prince, king's son. zil pa dew, dew-drop = thigs pa : rtsa la zil pa chags pa dew-drops on grass (blades); zil pa dkar po hoar-frost. zil pa nag po dew-drop. zu num. fig.: 82. zug or zug pa SANST, SANST, SANST disease, affliction, pain, torment, physical and mental; distemper, illness, complaint: khyi zug pa distemper in dogs. zug rngu = snyung zug SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST pain, aching, uneasiness: bdag gis khas ma blangs na rgyal po 'di nyid shin tu mya ngan gyi zug rngu zug par 'gyur if I did not promise (to go to Tibet) this king would be greatly afflicted with sorrow (Hbrom. 112.); lus ngag yid gsum gyi zug rngu the three sufferings of the body, speech, and heart:- sems kyi sdug bsngal mental sufferings, ngag ma dag defective speech, and lus la nad bodily diseases. mya ngan zug rngus sdug bsngal zhing afflicted by the grief of sorrow; nad kyis gzer zug sufferings from disease; sdug bsngal gyis zug rngu affliction from sorrow (Yig. k. 98); zug rngu mnar ba one laid up with disease, tormented by sufferings; zug rngu'i tsha reg gis ma gos pa (na tsha med pa ) untouched or unaffected by the pains of diseases, free from illness (Yig. k. 98); zug rngu bral ba free from illness, fully recovered from disease. zug pa 1. = 'dzugs pa . 2. v. zug 3. 3. sbst. a building, erection. zug phyung SANST tusk, a bracket projecting from a wall. zung SANST, SANST, SANST two, a pair, couple: zung du ma mchis not occurring in pairs (Vai. so.). zung gi sgra sgrogs (Moon.), lit. that jointly crow, the domestic fowl, the cock and the hen; zung nga pair of doors; zung gcig one pair. Syn. phrugs ; gnyis ; cha 'grig pa . zung chu or zung cu (Chinese) meaning: zung a province, chu or cu a local governor. zung mchog the model pair, the two principal disciples of Buddha, i.e., Saribu SANST and Maugal-gyi-bu (SANST); zung du skyes lit. that grows in pairs, an orange; zung 'brel connection, junction, or union: zung 'brel 'dod na if one wishes both things to be united (Glr.); zung 'brel du adv. one with the other, jointly; unitedly; rgya bod zung 'brel China and Tibet united; chos yon zung 'brel the church and the state jointly, or priest and devotee jointly. zung gzug = yel 'chos SANST, SANST, SANST technical term of practical mysticism, the forcing of the mind (sems ) into the principal artery, in order to prevent distraction (of mind) (J‰.). zungs imperat. of gzungs 3: lus la zungs hold or bear on the person! yid la zungs bear in mind, remember! zun v. gnyen phyogs . (EEE gnyen phyogs does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under gnyen 3.) zum pa 1. SANST, SANST, SANST to close, shut up: kha zum pa to shut the mouth; mig zum gyur cing SANST his eye being closed; me tog zum pa the flower closes. 2. in W. for bzung ba , v. 'dzin pa 3; zum khab a pin, brooch. zur 1. side, margin, corner, edge: gad zur edge of a steep river-bank or precipice; chu zur margin of a river; chu zur pa one that lives on the bank of a river; ri zur ledge of a hill; ka ba zur brgyad pa octangular pillar; zur bzhi four corners; zur du bkol ba to stow in a corner, fig. to save, hoard; 'deb tho zur la bris so written on the margin of the register; zur phyin pa gone to a corner, retired; zur bzhugs pa one who has retired from public life; zur bcag pa or zur chag SANST having a broken edge, damaged by being knocked about; zur chag sgra faulty words and grammatical forms, corrupted word. zur chas (sger gyi yo byad ) private property or things. zur du , zur gyis indirectly, incidentally: zur du lab pa to speak indirectly or by hints; zur gyis mtshon pa to note, point out by hints or insinuations (Schf.). 2. outline: 'di dag zur tsam bsdu ba yin gyis this is merely a brief outline, extract, sketch (J‰.). 3. = bud med a woman (S. Lex.): zur gyis ston pa bud med kyi nyams 'gyur (Moon.) a gesticulation of a woman dancing, etc.; zur lta ma term signifying women in general (Moon.). zur skyog ge to sit in a bent posture: rtsig ge snug chung yang zur skyog ge bsdad 'dug (Rdsa. 14). zur gyi mtshon SANST shape. zur rdo corner-stone of a building: bzo pa rgan gyis zur rdo bzhag the old or elder mason laid the cornerstone (Jig. 7). zur pa = zur bzhugs pa one out of office, a non-official; a private individual. zur spo ba to remove to a corner; any thing not brought to prominence, shelved; thrown into a corner. zur ba bent angular. zur phud lnga pa SANST 1. n. of a Gandharva Raja: dri za'i bu zur phrad lnga pa la brgya byin gyis gus pas smras pa (Pag. 297.); and also that of a Kinnara Raja (K. g. ma, 523). 2. an epithet of the Bodhisattva Jam-yang or Jam-pal, the hair of his head being arranged in five knotted locks (Moon.). 3. one of the Naga guardians of the church-treasury at Sam-ye is also called: dkor bdag klu zur phud lnga pa (S. kar.). zur ba to push. zur 'bul (yi ge lta bu zur du 'bul ba ) a private note. zur ma = zur 3. zur mig = sgeg chos SANST, SANST a side-look; slight attention: zur mig bcas SANST with side long look, looking side-ways; zur mig lta ba to look askance, ogle. zur mig ma SANST a sly woman, she with looks cast side-ways, a handsome woman (Moon.). zur mo pain, for zug vulg. (J‰.). zur tsam SANST slight mention, a hint: zur tsam gyi go pa SANST one who perceives from a slight hint or sign; zur tsam bsdu ba to abridge, to shorten; zur tsam bsdus pa compendium, abridgment (S. Lex.). zur gsos privately nursed or brought up, educated by strangers. zul ma in W. cornered, angular. zus = zug 3. ze 1. num. fig.: 12. ze ka ze'u 1. hump. 2. decorated pad or cushion (J‰.). ze ba SANST a precious stone. ze 'bug the maw or fourth stomach of ruminating animals (J‰.). ze 'bru or ze'u 'bru SANST, SANST the anthers of a flower; ze'u 'bru can a flower having anthers; used also in letters as a term of endearment to women, especially to one's wife. ze ma the eye-lashes. ze mo incorrectly for sre mong the weasel (Rdsa. 29). ze tshwa saltpetre (S. g.); ze tshwa can containing saltpetre, nitrous: ze tshwas rde'u rdo skron ba shig par byed nitre absorbs stone and fetid matter in the bladder. ze tshwa'i skyur rtsi nitric acid. zeg ma'i lte ba = chu 'khor a whirl-pool, eddy (Moon.). zegs ma SANST, SANST particles of water, spray; the term is also applied to zil pa on grass blades. bdud tsi'i zegs drops of nectar. zeng in thu ba gYas zeng gYon zeng byas pa the skirts of the coat on the right and left side folded back or tucked up (Mil.). zed 1. sbst. a brush; byab zed dust-brush (Cs.). 2. edge in C. 3. adj. broken-off, damaged, injured; zer langs chink, crack, rent. zem 1. awe, fear; zem 'jog pa awe with respect, to regard one with cheerfulness and respect: ngo srug gzhan dbang du gyur pa'i zem 'jog shar tshe (D. Shel. 8). 2. a cask, a piece of a willow tree hollowed to hold liquids; zem mthil the bottom of such vessel. zer 1. SANST a shaft of light, beam, ray; zer chen or 'od zer chen po = glare (Yig. 72) v. gzer 3. 2. talk. 3. for zer mo n. of a small animal. zer ba to be named, called; to say; common in later literature, and colloq.; khyod la ming gang zer what is your name; de ga re zer yin what is it called; khyod kyi gtam de rnams gzhi che pa 'dug zer bas|yang blon pos zhus pa because he said those remarks of yours are of great import, the officer furthermore said. zer ro he said; zer bar 'dug pas so having said or spoken; yin zer bsnyon byas so saying 'it is' she told a lie (Glr.); and so frq. zer where in earlier literature zhes would be used; zer na if I may say so, so to speak, as it were (J‰.). zer mkhan he that is saying; zer dgu cog kyang mi bden te although there were many speaking, there was no truth (spoken) (A. 55.). zer ma = zegs ma a drop (A.K. IV-11). zer zer skad = gcong skad (Moon.). zel ma small chip; shing zel wood-shaving (J‰.). zer mo ra mgo SANST, SANST [quick, swiftly going or passing]S. zo 1. imp. of za ba . 2. sbst. resp. sku zo = lus kyi khams physical constitution, sku zo mdog legs pa good appearance, fair complexion; zo bzang ba one of good complexion. Also figure, delineation, representation. 3. mould: zo chags showing mouldy spots; zo mar old, mouldy butter; zo sha mouldy meat (J‰.). zo chun also zo 'chun , water-mill to pump out water for irrigating fields: 'khor ba zhes bya ba de rdza mkhan gyi 'phang lo'am|zo chun gyi khyud mo'am (Khrid. 33). zo ba pitcher for milk, a pail, bucket. zo lag pitcher or vessel holding milk at milking; also a vessel for porridge (Rtsii.). zog 1. = khram pa or phra ma (Moon.) deceit, fraud, falsehood; sgy u zog religious deceit; chos zog priestcraft (J‰.). 2. goods, articles of merchandize, i.e., tshong zog (Moon.). zog po or zog ma adj. deceitful, false, dissimulating: btsun mo zog ma 'di this deceitful lady; yab chen zog ma ma bgyid mdzod my lord do not play the hypocrite (Hbrom. kha, 19, 43, 112). zong = zog SANST described as tshong rgyu'i dngos po (Moon.) articles of merchandize, goods; zong min snar not goods but ready money; rgyags zong goods taken by travellers to be bartered for provisions; snan zong drugs; tshong zong merchandise (Cs.); zong rnams rnam pa sna tshogs goods of all kinds; zong gis 'tsho ba = tshong pa merchant, trader, lit. one who exists by trade (Moon.); zong 'grem gnas warehouse or shop (Moon.). zong mchog lit. the chief of all merchandise, as met. gold (Moon.). zong gdan goods as compensation paid for one's life: zong phud gtsang lugs la zong gdan zong phud phan tshun snyoms (Rtsii.); zong pa trader; zong dpon = tshong dpon a chief merchant, a leader of a caravan (Moon.); zong zog merchandise: zong zho ad lag gi gong sha zong zho la khal bzhi byad cing (Rtsii.); yul wa ra Na si zhes bya ba 'di mi sna dang |zong zog dang bzo sna mang | in the place called Varanasi abound a variety of people and of articles of merchandise (Hbrom. kha, 37). zon also dogs zon caution; heed, care; zon byed pa to be cautious, to take heed, to mind: zon sdig pa spong mi shes not knowing how to leave off sin take heed of it; zon med heedless; zon grabs precaution, preventive measure (Sch.). A Tibetan proverb says lab lugs mkhas na kha yi zon|rgyu lugs mkhas na rkang pa'i zon if skilful in conversation one takes care of his tongue; if one knows how to walk, one guards the feet. zon pa that which guards the foot, i.e., shoes. zom I: worn out, decrepit, worm-eaten, damaged by use; zom skyur byas rotten and cast out (Rtsii.); zos lus med pa without anything left out as damaged (Rtsii.); zom khog dull-witted; zos skyon of books, records, etc., spoiled, old and worm-eaten: rtses su 'gro phyogs ma log ngos zos skyon med par tshad mar bcad brdar chod gos (D. Shel. 8). II: 1. SANST point, top, peak: rdo rje'i zom point of the dorje; ri rab gyi zom the summit of the Rirab; ri bo nag po zom gyi lho phyogs na to the south of the peak of the black mountain; ri bo'i zom du 'gro going to the top of the hill (A. 11.); spur de 'phyong rgyas grang mo grang chung gi zom la spas they buried the corpse on the summit of Tsang-mo Tang-chung of Hphyoo rgyas (Yig. 65.). 2. a cave; brag zom rock-cavern. III: a wooden cask or cylindrical vessel in which milk is kept; zos chen a large barrel (Jig. 28.). zor also zor ba 1. supine of zo ba or bzo ba . 2. sbst. reaping-hook, a sickle, a knife, esp. the weapons employed in combating the evil spirits in the gtor ma (offerings), such as knife, sword, sling, bow and arrows; zor bas rnga ba to shear with a knife or sickle; zor lce sickle-blade; zor bu = zor chung a chopper. zor ma 1. wide, spacious, roomy. 2. SANST; (zor ma'i glu dbyangs ) hymns, religious songs: blon po rig pa can rnams kyis zor ma'i glu blangs pa the wiser ministers sung songs of a religious character (A. 146). zol = bslu ba khram pa , SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST cunning, false. gYul gyi zol gyis gshags byas te having decided the battle cunningly. zol po SANST [an impostor; a rogue]S. zol bya SANST; zol byed SANST [pretext]S.; zol byed pa SANST, SANST [a pretender]S.; zol med = bslu med SANST without pretext; zol zog = gYo sgy u deceit, fraud, imposture, false-hood. zol tsho v. 'dzol ba 3. zos v. za ba 3. zos rnga (shing la bzos pa'i rnga ) (Hbrom. kha, 107). zla skyes 1. = skar ma mgo SANST the constellation called Mpgashira (Moon.). 2. SANST = lhag pa the planet Budha; lit. the moon-born. 3. an epithet of the river Sindhu (Moon.). zla gam 1. SANST semi-circular; semi-circular disk, the appearance of the eighth phase of the moon. 2. the cloak which the monk of the Gelug-pa sect wears at a religious service only (Rtsii.). zla dum = zla gam 3 SANST (S. Lex.). zla 'dres composite or mixed friends, a company of different countries: kha che bal po'i rigs bod pa'i zla 'dres med zer ba dgos (D. Shel. 8). zla sdud or rdzogs tshig reduplication of a verbal termination, same as slar bsdu (Situ.). zla ba I: 1. sym. num. 1. 2. = khu ba juice; semen. 3. = mdzes pa handsome, beautiful (Yig. k. 1). II: a lunar or calendar month; dus kyi zla ba temporal month, zla ba gcig one month; zla ba tsam about a month; zla ba phyed tsam SANST about one-half of a month; zla ba la skyes pa SANST one month old. zla phyed SANST, SANST half of a month, i.e., a fortnight; zla phogs monthly salary or wages. zla ba tshang du nye bas towards the expiration of the months (of pregnancy). zla dus them pa dang at the expiration of those months (J‰.). Is often in letter-dates shortened to zla . III: SANST the moon; gnam gyi zla ba the heavenly moon; zla gang the full moon; zla nag the new moon, thus defined: gnam lo gang shar gyi yang bzhi mar bzhi zla nag yin . Note: at this time no works for the dead or for the living should be undertaken. zla ba'i dkyil 'khor the orb of the moon. zla ba kham pa = zla gam half moon, i.e., the first or the last quarter; semi-circle. zla ba kham pa lta bur bzhag go they are placed round in a circle; dbyibs zla gam lta bu yod it is semi-circular in shape. zla ba nya SANST the full moon; zla ba nya pa or nya gang zla ba the full moon (Yig. k. 26.); zla ba 'dzin the eclipse of the moon. Syn. ri bong can ; rgya mtsho dga' ; tshe bdag ; bsil byed ; bsil zer can ; chags byed 'od dkar ; bdud rtsi 'od ; drag po'i gtsug rgyan ; ga bur 'dzin ; bsil ldan 'tsho byed ; rgya mtsho skyes ; mtshan mo'i bdag po ; mig gsum 'dzin ; mig gsum pa'i gtsug gi nor ; snar ma'i bdag po ; ri ags mtshan ; ri bong mtshan ma ; sgrib byed ; rdul gyi thig le dkar po ; shar gyi thig le ; gnyis skyes rgyal ; gza' yi ma khyud ; ri bong 'dzin ; rgyu skar mu khyud ; rgyu skar gtso ; rgya mtsho mar gsar ; kha ba'i 'od ; srid byed ; ri ags sna 'dzin ; bdud rtsi spro ; grib ma'i lus ; rta dkar chu skyes nang can ; steng phur gsher ldan bi ku shra ; pad ma'i dgra (Moon.). zla ba gcig pa = rkang stegs met. a foot-stool. zla ba 'dzum byed as met. a sword (Moon.). zla ba gzhon nu v. ka ko la 3 (Moon.). zla ba 'joms SANST the planet Rahu, sgra gcan (Moon.). zla ba yar gyi ngo or zla ba yar ngo SANST [enlightened half of the month]S. zla ba chu shel SANST the finest crystal gem. Syn. zla 'od ; zla ba nor bu ; mig la phan ; bsil ba'i char ldan ; dbus nas 'dzag ; man shel ; nor bu dkar po (Moon.). zla ba shol intercalary month. Syn. zla theb ; zla lhag . zla ba'i grogs as met. the great ocean (Moon.). zla ba'i gling SANST a small island in the delta of the Ganges where Chandra Gomi the Buddhist sage and grammarian was exiled by order of a king of Varendra; it now forms a part of the district of Bakerganj in Bengal. zla ba'i dgra SANST the enemy of the moon = sgra gcan (Moon.). zla ba'i cod pan an epithet of Sambhara the chief Tantrik god of the northern Buddhists (Moon.). zla ba'i thal SANST [one who has only the dust of the moon; a plagiarist]S. zla ba'i thog ma SANST = skar ma nag pa the constellation Chitra (Rtsii.). zla ba'i dri = ku mu da (Moon.) SANST [water-lily]S. zla ba'i bye ma v. ka ko la 3 (Moon.). zla ba'i bla mkhan lama astrologer who calculated the evils, &c., that the sa bdag are capable of doing to men. zla ba'i dbang po Somendra the son of the great Kashmirian post Kremendra who added the 108th Pallava to the Avadana kalpalata. zla ba'i ma ma (lit. the mother of the moon), = rgya mtsho chen po the ocean (Yig. k. 63). zla ba'i tsang kun n. of a sa bdag monster or evil spirit. zla ba'i gtsug phud lit. the moon-crest = chu bya gag . zla ba'i ri bo n. of a fabulous mountain equal in glory and height to Sumeru situated beyond the mountains called mig btsums pa (K. d. ra, 291). zla ba'i lag = 'bab chu (Moon.) river, stream. zla ba'i sa rgyal are a class of (sa bdag ) spirits. zla ba'i sring mo lit. the sister of the moon, an epithet of Sarasvati (Moon.). zla bas dga' = ku mu da SANST, SANST (Moon.) [water-lily]S. zla bas 'phel v. rgya mtsho chen po 3 (lit. that is increased or heaved by the moon), met. the ocean (Moon.). zla bas bzhad tshal = ku mu da'i tshal SANST parterre of lily plants (Moon.). zla bu SANST the son of the moon = lhag pa . zla bo 1. = grogs po SANST helper, assistant, co-operator, friend; husband, wife, concubine, mistress; also; help, assistance: zla bo byed pa to accompany, assist; rkun zla a thief's accomplice; sku zla "kunda" resp. husband and wife; 'gran zla rival, competitor; zla gzan a woman whose husband is dead (lit. who has eaten him). zla bo med pa single, single-handed; zla mo SANST a female friend, concubine (Moon.); zlas dbye or zlas phyeb SANST pair, couple, combination, viz., of a thing and its reverse, hence zlas phye ba reverse, contrary. zla med 1. SANST, SANST matchless. 2. friendless, without help, single, celibate; alone: cha med yul du zla med gcig pur lus in a strange country (I) was left alone, friendless (Rdsa. 23). Syn. gcig bu ; rkyang rkyang (Moon.). zla mtshan SANST, SANST menstruation, monthly course of women; zla mtshan med pa SANST one without menses. Syn. rdul ; me tog (Moon.). zla mdzes an epithet of Sarasvati; the Kunda flower. Syn. dbyangs can ma ; me tog kun da (Moon.). zla zhal mdzes ma term for a beautiful woman (Moon.). zla'u SANST = grogs po 3 colloq. 3rogs po 3. zla ral gyi dpe SANST [counter example]S. zla shun SANST. zlug pa or zlugs pa 1. = blugs pa to pour into, to cast, put in: snod du zlugs pa to pour into a pot or vessel. 2. pf. bzlugs to send word, report, inform. zlum pa or zlum po SANST, SANST adj. round, circular, dbyibs zlum pa roundish in shape (Glr.); bulbous; zlum por rtsig pa to erect a round, cylindrical wall, e.g., for a monument. dge 'dun dbu zlum zhabs rjen clerics bare-foot, and with their heads shaven and thereby looking globular; zlum skor SANST circular: maºla re kha zlum skor gnyis rim du byas made two concentric circles. zlum po la = leb zlum dang ril zlum nar zlum| Syn. ril po ; zur med . zlum po 'dzin = nyi ma the sun. zlam phu se a mole-like animal (J‰.). zlo ba to summon, call; v. zla ba 3. zlog pa pf. zlogs , fut. bzlog (is trs. vb. to ldog pa ) 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, to cause to return, to drive back, repulse, expel, to send back; esp. to send to fetch something. 2. to cause to turn, divert, to turn sems the mind or intention; blo zlog pa to alter the mind; gnyen gyi gdung sems zlog dka' it is hard to give up the love of kindred (Mil.); de'i thugs slar zlog tu gsol we beg you to dismiss the thought of it (Dzl.); zlog thabs can bcu the ten means of turning aside or diverting others such as:- (1) nyi ma zlog thabs can ; (2) zla ba zlog thabs can ; (3) me zlog thabs can ; (4) chu zlog thabs can , etc. zlos = sngags tshig SANST a charm, spell (S. Lex); zlos pa to repeat such; zlos gtam recitation. zlos gar or zlod gar SANST, SANST drama, dramatic performance, dance, one of the four branches of Sabda Vidya, the science of external expression. zlos gar mkhan SANST an actor, dancer [also a mistress]S. zlos gar is divided into five parts:- (1) mdo 'dzin pa sutradhara; (2) rol mo music; (3) chas zhugs dressing in different and fantastic ways; (4) bzhad gad comic representations, laughing, etc.; (5) zlos gar the dance itself. The term zlos gar properly, however, signifies the interlude when songs, etc., are repeated, after each kind of dance has been performed: ngag gi sgra brjod du ma zlos zhing gar byed pas na zlos gar (Loo. ba, 6). zlos gar gyi khang stage, theatre; zlos gar gyi bstan chos SANST dramatic works; zlos gar byed pa to dance, zlos gar slob pa to teach or learn dancing. gzag pa v. 'tshag pa 3 and 3'dzag pa 3. gzags pa 1. v. gzabs pa 3. 2. to magnify, multiply (Sch.): ril ba'i zags pa or lhung ba (Oag. 62). gzangs ring = tsher ma ra mgo . gzad n. of a district in Lhokha (Deb. ga, 14). gza' 1. SANST a planet, the name being usually restricted to the following viz., nyi ma SANST the Sun, zla ba SANST the Moon, mig dmar SANST Mars, lhag pa SANST Mercury, pa sangs SANST Venus, phur bu SANST Jupiter and spen pa SANST Saturn; the ascending node snra can (SANST) and the descending node mjug ring (SANST) are added to make nine planets gza' dgu . 2. the respective days of the week thus enumerated:- gza' nyi ma SANST Sunday; gza' zla ba SANST Monday; gza' mig dmar SANST Tuesday; gza' lhag pa SANST Wednesday; gza' phur bu SANST Thursday; gza' pa sangs SANST Friday; gza' spen pa SANST Saturday. 3. SANST dangers, troubles, gen. attributed to the influence of malignant stars or planets. These planetary disturbances are of different kinds:- bla gza' , srog gza' , gshed gza' , ma gza' grongs gza' , bu gza' , dgra gza' , glung si dar gza' (Vai. kar.). gza' gdon SANST, SANST unforeseen danger, evil, trouble. gza' nad epilepsy: gza' phog id. gza' skar mkhan astronomers and astrologers. Syn. rtsis pa ; skar dpyad pa (Moon.). gza' khyim 'the place,' or more correctly the house, of a planet, the constellation in which a planet stands (Cs.). gza' dug nag po an officinal plant used in apoplexy. gza' bdag = nyi ma SANST, SANST the chief of the planets, the sun. gza' rong = rdza rong a gorge or valley or plain filled with boulders. gza'i rna ba an epithet of Rahu or sgra gcan (Moon.). gza'i yum SANST a religious work treating of planets (Rtsii.). gza' yi rten SANST the fixed star, the polar star: gza' thams cad kyi steng na gYo ba med par gnas pas Zrub ste brtan pa it is called Dhruva or the fixed, because it remains steady above all the planets (Moon.). gza' yi mu khyud as met. = the moon (Moon.). gzan described as grwa pa'i bsnams rgyu'i gzan a plain shawl gen. of liver or orange colour which a Buddhist monk wraps round his body. gzan pa 1. food in general, but most frq. hay etc., food of cattle. gzan du skyur ba (lit. to deliver over for food, i.e., a body to demons), to scorn, slight, despise; gzan rgyag provender for animals and provisions for men. gzan shing grass for horse and donkeys and fuel for men: gzan shing sa rim gyi lam khrims (D. Shel. 40). 2. to devour, consume, pick out; to worry, mostly in fig. sense: tsher ma zhabs la gzan the thorn worries the foot (Mil.); adj. gzan pa and gzan po worn-out, thread-bare; sems la gzan it gnaws at the heart (Mil.); srog la it preys upon life; rna za la gzan in C. it deafens the ears = sun 'byin pa . gzab 1. careful, well-behaved, attentive and polite: bya ba od lam gzab pa in behaviour and work careful; mgron po la gzab gzab byed pa attentive and polite to guests. gzab lhings (chab brtan po ) careful, cautious (Yig.). 2. gzab pa , v. gzabs pa 3. 3. elegant, smartly robed. gzab sprod byed pa to dress neatly and cleanly, to be well dress; but if over and above good dress one wears jewellery he is said to beógzab mchor byed pa too gaudily dressed. gzab ma or gzab yig (elegant writing), Tibetan capital or printing letters (Grub. tha, 3.). gzabs pa (also gzab pa and gzags pa ) imp. gzobs , to use care, diligence: lo gcig zas od gzabs pas by a careful diet continued for a year (Mog.); de las gzobs beware of it, be on your guard against it (J‰.). gzar 1. a rug to spread on the floor (Yig. 23). gzar chen a broad rug. 2. peg, hook, wooden nail, for hanging up things; gzar slang id. gzar thag = 'phyang thag (gos bkal ba'i thag pa Situ. 76), a string or rope that is stretched on walls, &c., to hang clothes on. gzar po or gzar ba adj. steep, rugged, precipitous: ri gzar po steep and rugged hill; brag gzang po precipitous rock; ri gzang gyi ngos steep declivity or cliff; ri gzar chu waterfall, cascade on rocks. gzar bu SANST, SANST, colloq. "saru" a ladle, gen. of wood: gzar bu 'phyar lifting up a ladle for a blow (Mil.); dgang gzar and blugs gzar two long spoons or ladles used at burnt-offerings (Schl. 294). skyogs or lag skyogs are used as synonyms of gzar bu but generally a ladle made of metal is called skyogs . gzal pa = bkas pa SANST a rent or split; anything split. gzas pa 1. to set about, to be on the point, to prepare for; generally used with termin. case of infin. mood. rko bar gzas so prepared, began to dig out. 2. to brandish, = brdeg par brtsams pa to begin to wave. gzi 1. SANST shine, brightness, clearness, splendour; in W. looming in mist, a mirage. 2. SANST n. of a precious stoneóonyxóvariously coloured, brown, gray, streaked with three, five or seven lines. 3. v. under gzir ba 3. 4. = 3bzi 3. gzi khyim a corrupt form of the word SANST; gzi can shining bright, gzi mdangs red sunset, afterglow. gzi brjid SANST, SANST, SANST 1. brightness, beauty, a fair healthy complexion; = mdangs or joined with it, frq.; majesty, e.g., of deities, etc. (Dzl.). 2. honour, esteem, celebrity. gzi brjid skyes SANST as met. = gold. gzi brjid can SANST bright, beautiful, majestic; gzi brjid chen po SANST, SANST, brightness. gzi byin = gzi brjid : gzi byin nyams pa looking poor, emaciated, worn out; gzi byin can bright, shining; gzi 'od bright gloss or lustre (J‰.). gzig SANST the yellow leopard. gzig gos he who wears a leopard's skin, an epithet of Mahadeva. gzig mjug = gzig slog n. of a sa bdag monster. gzig mo 1. female leopard; 2. acc. to J‰. porcupine, prob. for gzig mong . gzig shubs leopard-skin case for a bow (Rtsii.). gzig ris spotted leopard's colour; a kind of spotted chintz resembling a leopard's skin. gzig slog = gzig mjug . Syn. khyi'i gshed ; thig le'i lus (Moon.). gzigs pa 1. SANST hon. form of mthong ba and lta ba , to see; also, to see to, regard: 'ongs par gzigs pa seeing that he had come; 'ong bar gzigs te seeing him coming; gzigs shig SANST behold! rab tu gzigs SANST behold carefully. rnam gzigs SANST observing well, observation; gzigs par zhu please to look (Glr.); gzigs pas mi 'dug when he looked (for it), there was nothing to be seen; sku tshe la gzigs dgos your honor's life must be regarded (Dzl.). 2. equivalent to: to give, grant; sa bon zhig thugs rje gzigs dgos have the goodness to give some seed, prob. only breviloquence for sa bon zhig gnang bar thugs brtse bar gzigs shig (J‰.). 3. = thugs rjes mercy, grace. 4. to accept, to take; to buy. gzigs rten = 'degs mtshon a token or object for acceptance, as an enclosure in a letter, hence resp. for present, gift: gzigs rten lha reg bcas tshes dge bar phul offered as a present together with a silk-scarf on an auspicious date (Yig. k. 26). gzigs stangs lit. manner of seeing; gen. looking with eyes fixed steadily on an object. gzigs byed as met. the eye (Moon.). gzigs mo resp. for ltad mo a view, spectacle, sight: me tog de la gzigs mor byon pa las as he came for a look at the flower (Pth.). gzing for 'dzings pa 3 (Glr.). gzings a ship; gzings chen po large sea-going vessel; gzings chen po zhig byas te having equipped a large vessel; (Glr.); gzings chung = gru gzings a small vessel; a boat; gzings pa ship-master, captain (Cs.). gzims rkyong resp. for rkyong tse candle, lamp (J‰.). gzim pa pf. gzims pa to sleep, to fall asleep: da lta gzim ran 'dug zer ro now it is time to go to sleep, he said; da gzim gzim now sleep! rgyal po gzim pa las whilst the king was sleeping (Glr.). gzims khang or gzims shag lit. dormitory, sleeping room or place, but gen. = bzhugs sa place of residence, dwelling, habitation: gnas brtar dad pa bla mas jo bo'i gzims khang byed zer nas shig brtsigs (A. 100). gzim khebs a quilt (J‰.); gzim khom cloak-bag; gzim khri bedstead; gzim gur sleeping tent; gzim 'gag door-keeper, porter; gzim cha bedding, bed-clothes; gzim chung resp. a dwelling, a house for retirement: sku'i gzim chung la bca' yong I will attend at your abode; gzim chung pa chamberlain of the Dalai Lama's abode; gzim thul sheep-skins for night quarters; gzim gnas lodging, place for spending the night; gzim phrug page, boy-servant of a great man; gzim mal = gzim sa , bedstead with gzim cha or mal cha bedding on it; nyal sa'i or mal sa'i khang mig bed-room. gzir ba = mnar ba to suffer, to be afflicted; to be harassed, troubled: nad kyis gzir ba troubled by disease; 'dod pas gzir nas SANST overpowered by lust, overcome by brutal passion; gdung pas gzir tormented by longings (A.K. 1-14). gzir SANST, SANST [pain, transgression]S. gzil in gzil bun pa = spu zing byed pa (J‰.). gzu dpang witness, mediator (Sch.); an honest and truthful witness. gzu ba = ka ba a post, but gen. a pole to which an animal for sacrifice is tied; a lever, bar; gzu rngas a prop (Cs.). gzu bo straightforward, upright, honest: thugs gzu po honest mind; gzu bor gnas pa to be impartial and straightforward, to be on the side of honesty (Cs.). gzu lum or gzu lums 1. obstinate, or bslab pa la mi nyan pa not listening to any instruction or order (Situ. 11); also = bzo can selfishness. 2. acc. to Lex. = bab col SANST and SANST hence signifying rashness, impetuosity, and therefore: gzu lum byed pa to act rashly. Sch. has: disobedience, pride (J‰.). 3. gzu lum can is said to = rdzun can lying, liar; gzu lum du smra ba = rdzun smra ba speaking falsehood, telling lies. gzug 1. the tenth part of the carcass of a slaughtered sheep. 2. pain, v. zug 3. 3. peak, point, pinnacle: la'i zug top of a mountain pass (J‰.). gzug pa to be able to bear, to sustain (J‰.). gzugs SANST 1. symbol for 1. (Rtsii.) 2. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the body, the outward form of anything: phyi rol gyi gzugs rnams external forms, the forms of the sensible word, the impressions that are made on the eyes (Var. so.). mig gis gzugs rnams mthong the forms (of things) are seen with the eyes; lus gzugs shape of body, stature, frq.; gzugs kyis 'tsho ba (snad 'tshong ma ) that makes her body the means of livelihood, a prostitute, harlot; gzugs kyi snye ma SANST n. of celestial courtezan (Moon.). Other forms of same import, v. below. gzugs dka' SANST "difficult, tortuous body," met. a frog. In metaphysics: form, body, as one of the five skandhas, v. phung po 3. In letters and in polite enquiries after health gzugs and sku gzugs are always employed: nyid sku gzugs bde mor bzhugs sam are you (is your body) quite well? So, too, in conversation, the colloq. term gzugs po "suk-po" being used: sku'i gzugs po gso gi yin nam are you getting better? 3. in physics: body, matter, substance: gzugs can , gzugs su snang ba composed of matter, material, substantial; gzugs can ma yin pa , gzugs su mi snang ba , gzugs med immaterial, unsubstantial; gzugs med pa'i skad a ghost-like voice (Mil.); gzugs khams SANST the range of the material world; gzugs sgy u 'phrul du byas pa SANST; gzugs na od pa SANST [walking in the world of form]S. gzugs yod pa having form. Metaphysically gzugs kyi skye mched "the sense of form" is possessed of colour which is chiefly of four kinds, but is secondarily of eight kinds; the four colours being:- white, yellow, red and blue, while the secondary form-colours are:- those of clouds, smoke, dust, mist, sun's rays, shade, light, and darkness. The eight dbyibs gzugs forms are:- gru bzhi or lham pa square; zlum po globular; phya le ba ; phya le ma yin pa ; ring ba ; thung ba ; mtho ba ; dma' ba . gzugs can snying po the earliest patron and friend of Buddha who ruled over Magadha when he had renounced the world for the life of an anchorite; being the son of king Mahapadma by his queen Bimba he was called Bimbisara. (K. du. ka, 5). gzugs can ma 1. SANST the fair sex, a general term of women; also SANST prostitute (Moon.). 2. thog gi lo ma SANST (Moon.) [the Indian fig tree]S. gzugs brnyan 1. = snang brnyan SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; image, reflected image, reflection. 2. = grib ma SANST a shadow. gzugs pa v. 'dzugs pa 3: gzer 'dzugs pas gzugs (Oag. 62). gzugs bu SANST simile, metaphor (S. Lex.). gzugs ma SANST [1. graceful. 2. silver]S. gzugs mang 1. SANST many shapes, one of various shapes. 2. = spos dkar shing the Sal tree, from the gum of which a resinous incense is made burnt both by Brahmans and by Buddhists in performing religious ceremonies (Moon.). (EEE The original has Brahmans for Brahmans above.) gzugs med shapeless, without form; ethereal, spiritual: gzugs med pa'i sa bzhi the four spiritual stages of existence: (1) nam mkha' mtha' yas skye mched SANST [infinite expanse of the sky]S. (2) rnam shes mtha' yas skye mched SANST [boundless region of knowledge]S. (3) ci yang med pa'i skye mched SANST [realm of nothingness]S. (4) 'du shes med 'du shes med min sgy e mched SANST [realm of conscious non-consciousness]S. (M.V.). gzugs mo a species of antelope said to live on the higher regions of the Himalayan range between 9 to 18 thousand feet above the level of the sea. Syn. gzugs mo byi thur or byi dur ; sgro byed ; rlung bzhon ; ri ags rna ba (Moon.). gzugs 'tshong ma = snad 'tshong ma a harlot, prostitute (Moon.). gzugs mdzes pa SANST, SANST one of handsome body, one who has personal accomplishments. Syn. yan lag mchog ldan ; gzugs bzang ba ; lus mdzes pa ; lus mchog ldan ; sdug gu ; snying du sdug pa ; yid 'ong ; yid dga' ; snying po ldan ; mdzes sdung ; mtshar sdug ; legs pa ; snying du 'bab; yid du 'thad ; shin tu mdzes ; shin tu sdug ; mtshar bo ; yid 'phrog ; yid dkar 'ong ; mig tu mdzes ; mthong na dga' ; lta bas mchog mi shes ; lta bas mi ngoms ; gzhan dang thun mong min pa ; mig gi bdud rtsi ; ming la mngar ; yid tshim pa (Moon.). gzung ba 1. a form of the perf. of 'dzin pa : gzung nas SANST having seized. 2. interest, inclination, bias: gzung 'dzin bral being free from interest, unbiased, apathetic; (3) SANST, SANST, SANST attribute, capacity. gzung ba'i sems capacious mind. gzung ste 'dug = bskor te 'dug held, surrounding, embraced. gzung ldan ma SANST [retentive]S. gzung gzer peg on a wall. gzungs SANST, SANST that which seizes or holds; and hence, a spell, a mystic charm. gzungs rten a prop, support (J‰.). gzungs zhan loose, weak, without a hold. gzungs zad weakened, debilitated, esp. of women by loss of blood (Cs.). gzungs sngags SANST, SANST the well-known dharani or magic sentences, lit. "spell-holders," a sentence written in Sanskrit the possession or recitation of which secures: dran pa ma nyams pa unimpaired memory, rtog pa ma gYengs pa undiverted or uninterrupted reflection, blo gros ma rmongs pa unobscured intellect, and shes rab mngon du byed pa great intelligence (K. d. ma, 381). gzungs kyi gter n. of a dharani called more fully: thos pa thams cad kun tu 'dzin pas gzungs kyi gter (K. d. kha, 322). gzungs grwa lnga or gzungs chen sde lnga n. of a work on the five classes of Buddhist charms contained in the Tantra Section of the Kahgyur; these five classes being (1) stong chen rab 'joms ; (2) rma bya chen mo ; (3) so sor 'brang ma ; (4) bsil ba'i tshal chen po ; (5) gsang sngags rjes su 'dzin pa . gzungs thob pa , SANST; one who has obtained spells. gzungs thag SANST a string made of five coloured threads and attached to a Dorje (Rtsii.). gzungs bde ba SANST. gzungs bsdus = mdo mang a collection of Buddhist religious works. gzungs phyi SANST n. of a number (S. Lex.). gzungs yas SANST another number (S. Lex.). gzungs ring = sngags ring : thugs rje chen po'i gzungs ring de bzlas shing (A. 32). gzud pa fut. of 'dzud pa 3. gzum pa v. 'dzum pa 3. gzur gnas a witness. Syn. gzu bo ; dpang po ; gnya' bo (Moon.): 'di phyir bsam blo thengs pa'i gzur gnas kyi bgyi ba dgos shing (D. Shel. 12). gze ba 1. abode, nest, dwelling-place. 2. quick. gze ma more fully gze ma ra mgo SANST, SANST, SANST, a thorny plant, the thorn of which resembles the horns of goats: gze ma ra mgos gcin sri grum bu mkhal nad sel . Syn. reg par dka' ; chu med skyes ; reg bya ngan ; ngu byed ma ; rgya mtsho'i mtha' can ; mtha' rnyed dka' ; yAa sa (Moon.). gze ru for gzer bu a little nail (J‰.). gze re weak, reduced. gzeg or gzegs = nyag ma SANST little grain, atom, particle; gzeg cha chung a small particle. gzeg zan SANST n. of the founder of the Vaiserika philosophy, eater of particles of grain gen. of rice; gzeg zan pa followers of the Kanada school. gzeg mo byi the hedgehog. gzengs pa + or gzengs mtho ba height, loftiness, sublimity, gloriousness, wide-spread, spacious. Syn. brkyang ba ; gzi byin ; gzi brdzid che ba (Moon.). gzengs bstod pa 1. = yon (Moon.) gift, blessing. 2. belauding, praise, panegyric, encomium. 3. vb. to praise, extol, glorify. Syn. mtho bar bya ba ; che brjod ; bsngags pa brjod ; mchod tshig ; legs smra ; legs brjod ; bstod tshig (Moon.). gzed pa 1. to carry: gzan phrag par gzer carries one's shawl on the shoulders. 2. to spit on a stake or spike. gzed ma gen. gzeb ma , also gzebs any small wicker-work basket or wicker enclosure. gzeb 1. a tent. 2. SANST a cage, aviary. gzem pa = 'dzem pa to do a thing gently (J‰.). gzer SANST, nail small or large, spike: shing gzer wooden nail, lcags gzer iron nail; gnam gzer thunderbolt, lightning; lag zer gyag pa = acc. to J‰.: driving red hot tacks into the finger-ends, a kind of torture in C.; gzer gyis 'debs pa to fasten by nails. Fig. that which fixes or nails in the memory, mental help, mnemonic verse (J‰.) gzer mig n. of a Bon religious work, lit. a key to memory (G. Bon. 4). nyi gzer or zer nail of the sun, a ray, a sunbeam; 'od zer ray of light; gzer nad pain, ache, illness; gzug gzer id., mgo gzer headache, rgyu gzer gripe, colic, pho gzer stomach-ache, rtsi ba gzer pleurisy, so gzer tooth-ache (Cs.); gzer gYa' ba SANST colic, feeling severe pain or aching as if caused by driving a nail in the body. gzer snan ser po = ming can ser po (Sman.). gzer ba 1. to bore into, drive or knock in, e.g., zer a nail. 2. to feel pain, to be suffering: chang 'thung gzer beer-tippling produces pain (J‰.). gzer bu = gzer chung a little nail, a tack. gzer ma = cha phra mo a minute particle. gzo ba to remember, keep in mind = the col. drin lan 'jal ba to show gratitude: de dag gi byas pa gzo ba'i phyir from remembrance taken of their kindness; byas mi gzo ungratefulness; drin gzo ba ; drin gzo ba'i sems gratitude, drin mi gzo ba ingratitude; drin gzo can grateful (J‰.). gzong or gzong bu chisel, engraving-tool, puncheon (J‰.). gzod + 1. = the first, the earliest (time): gzod ma nas = dang po nas from the first; gzod ma'i dus earliest time: gzod ma nas zhi ba = stong pa nyid Sunyata, that which has been existing from the first or the beginning, gzod ma nyid nas = dang po nyid nas . 2. now, this moment (opp. to da ci before, a little time ago) (J‰.). gzon pa to attend to, to take in, listen to: bsgo ba rnar gzon pa a precept wasted in the ear, it entered at one ear and went out at the other; rna ba la gzon pa to attend to, listen to; bslab bya la mi nyan pa not to attend to the course of moral discipline. gzob pa quick, sharp, clever; gzob gzab pa very nice (A. 156). bzang 1. medicinal spices; bzang po drug the six drugs or medicinal spices. 2. = glang an ox SANST (Moon.). 3. SANST whatever is good. 3. an agreement, treaty: bzang sgrig an agreement of peace. bzang po good in every respect, fine, nice, right, of good quality; but is considered rather a bookish and formal term, the colloq. words being usually yag po and in W. rgyal ba or rgyal la though bzang po occurs in many collocations. bzang ba is another form. The latter also occurs as a verb: to be good, esp. in colloq. of certain classes of society: 'di ni de nas bzang gi 'dug this is better than that. bzang ngan good and bad, good and ill; bzang nang 'bring gsum good, bad and middling; bzang ngan 'byen pa to discern between good and evil; bzang 'dod self-complacency; bzang po'i 'dug stangs the manner of sitting of the good and great. bzang po'i blo gros = blo bzang SANST good-hearted, generous, noble-hearted; bzang po'i tshul SANST good morals, good-behaviour. bzang khyi the Tibetan lap-dog. bzang mkhan + = gos bzo ba a tailor. bzang gos Chinese satin of the measure of a gentleman's robe (Yig. k. 4); bzang gos bum ldan ma Chinese satin displaying the figures of water jars (Yig. k. 3). bzang ldan n. of an Indian king of ancient time (Yig. 12). bzang po drug v. sub. bzang 3. bzang po ma n. of a Yaskrini queen (K. g. da, 130). bzang po'i nas = dus mo nyung gi 'bras bu (Moon.). bzang po'i dpal SANST, SANST white sandal-wood. bzang mo SANST 1. an address of politeness to a lady = good lady or noble lady! (Moon.). 2. = khug rta (S. Lex.). bzang btson v. btson 3. bzangs only in khang bzangs which Vai. so. explains by: khang pa brtsegs pa a storeyed house, but applied only to the abodes of gods; in W. also the cubical part of a chorten is so called (J‰.). bzad pa for bzod pa 3; mi bzad irresistible, which term comprises drag po , drag shul , mi sdug pa , zhe sdang , khong khro , etc. bzan for zan food of animals. bzab pa v. gzab pa 3. bzabs abundance, plenty: zhabs thog bzabs pa abundant food, good service (Situ. 76). bza' fut. of za ba to eat; is used to indicate members of a family as eaters or fellow-boarders; bzang tsho mang po'i pha ma parents that have a large family (Mil.); bza' drug a family, a company at table, of six persons; bza' dpon the head of a family; bza' mangs nang na among a numerous house-hold (J‰.). Also = spouse, wife, as "fellow-eater"; but in old literature = princess, queen: rgya mo bza' (commonly rgya bza' ) Chinese queen of king srong btsan sgam po ; bal mo bza' the Nepalese queen of the same king. bza' zla partner, wife; bza' cha = bza' cha'i skor or rigs household business or affairs. bza' gtad bza' ba'i gtad so store of provisions; bza' gtad med pa not having such a store. bza' ston dman pa SANST [bad food]S. bza' ba = zas 3 SANST, SANST (Moon.): bza' btung abbr. of bza' ba dang btung ba food and drink, eating and drinking. bza' mi a house-holder with family, gen. SANST husband and wife; bza' mi byed pa to become husband and wife, to marry each other. khyod bdag gnyis bza' mi bya'o we will marry each other; bza' mir byin gyis rlob pa to give the nuptial benediction, to unite in wedlock, to marry; dbul po bza' mi gnyis a poor married couple (Glr.). Syn. khyo shug ; dzAa yAa pa ri ; khyim thab ; bza' tsho ; bza' tshang (Moon.). bza' med ill-fed, lean (Mil.). bza' tshang = bza' mi ; also bza' tsho . bza' tshod curry, any condiment to eat with rice. bza' shing fruit-tree. bza' shing gi ra ba SANST orchard, a grove of fruit-trees. Syn. 'bras ldan nags ; rab angs btung ba ; mchog gi tshal ; dpal gyi kun dga' ra ba ; ngal gso'i 'dun sa ; skyo sangs gnas (Moon.). bza' shug = khyim shug . bzar sometimes for zar 3 or bzar ba as in 'dzar ba phrag par bzar (Situ. 76). bzar thag SANST [a kind of bee]S. bzar bu SANST [a ladle, a spoon]S. bzas pa v. za ba 3 and 3gzas pa 3: zas bzas (Situ. 76). bzi ba to become drunken, to get intoxicated, stupified: gzhan rnams blta bas|phor pa chen po chang gis bkang ste|'thung ma zin dogs nas khrog rgyab pas|bzi zhing skyugs te chang bo 'dug go because the others were looking on, having filled a large bowl with beer and fearing not to finish drinking it, they gulped it down, whence being intoxicated, they vomited and poured away (the rest of) the beer (Glr.). ma bzi ba byung nas not having become intoxicated, not got drunk; bzi bar byed pa to intoxicate, to make drunk. In C. colloq. ra is usually prefixed to bzi ba : "ra si duk" he is drunk. bzung thags = zhags pa string with a noose (Moon.). bzung ba I: pf. of 'dzin pa and also used as primary or present tense: to lay hold, to take, to capture: bzung nas SANST, SANST; SANST, having taken, seized. Syn. 'dzin pa ; len pa ; blang ba ; mngon par sbyor ; mngon par 'dzin ; khu tshur bcings ; yang dag bzung (Moon.). II: is used as an adv. in the form of bzungs te , e.g., de'i nub mo nas bzungs te from that evening (prop. beginning with that evening), ever since that evening (Mil.); tshes brgyad nas bzungs te nya'i bar du during the time from the 8th to the date of full moon. bzur 1. v. 'dzur ba 3. 2. in 'phrang las bzur . 3. = las ka la byol (Oag. 63). bze re also bze , pain; bze re byed pa to inflict pain, to torment, to be angry with (Cs.); bze re can or bze re chung = bzod bsran chung short-tempered, impatient and fretful, or offended easily; bze re che ba = bzod bsran che ba very patient, good tempered, having the power of endurance (Moon.). bzed in comp.: lag bzed a hand-basin; snod bzed (Situ. 76) basin, bowel; lhung bzed beggar's bowl, alms-pot carried by Buddhist monks. bzed zhal 1. (or zhal bzed Cs.) spittoon. 2. acc. to J‰.: cup into which people skim off grease from tea. Syn. tshol zangs ; mchil ma'i snod (Moon.). bzo = las , sgy u rtsal (Moon.). 1. work, labour, occupation; trade, handicraft; workmanship: bzo gnas kyi rig pa mechanical art; rin po che'i bzo jeweller's art, gos bzo trade of a tailor; thag bzo rope making; lham bzo trade of a shoe-maker, also a shoe-maker; bzo mkhan a worker, artizan; bzo khang workshop. 2. also zo , = dbyibs figure, image, picture, resemblance, appearance (J‰.). bzo rgyu working materials (Glr.); bzo blta form, fashion, e.g., style of a house, its architecture; look, shape, make. bzo pa artist, mechanic; dngul bzo pa silver-smith. bzo dpon overseer, foreman. In art acc. to Budh. there are three classes: lus bzo art in reference to the body; art in reference to speech; art in reference to the mind; the first comprising writings, drawing, painting and all that comes under handicraft, the second the art of reading and composing works including the labours of study, and the third the work of the intellect, i.e., thos , bsam , sgom gsum what is heard, what has been thought and what has been contemplated. Of arts ten kinds have been enumerated in Buddhist books.:- (1) weaving, the art of making cloth; (2) the art of trafficking; (3) state-craft; (4) the art of letters; (5) the art of figures, that is counting, palmistry, divination and drawing from omens; (6) blo gros kyi bzo the art of designing; (7) making statues, figures in relief, sculpture, engraving etc; (8) bskyed pa'i bzo the work of growing or rearing etc.; (9) snam bu bya ba'i bzo manufacturing woollens &c.; (10) sbyor ba'i bzo the art of mixing up or compounding. bzo bkod a design; also directions to workmen: bzo bkod byed gyur sprad pa (Rtsii.). bzo ba pf. bzos to make, to manufacture C. khyod ga re bzo gi 'dug what are you making? bzos sgo income, earnings, proceeds; shing bzos made of wood (Situ. 76). bzo ba po SANST, SANST a craftsman, manufacturer. bzo bo id. bzo bo sna tshogs SANST various workers. bzo bo sna tshogs can SANST; the divine architect, the maker of the world. bzod pa 1. SANST to suffer, bear, endure; to resist: mig na ba ma bzod nas not being able to bear the pain in his eyes (Dzl.); lus 'dis na mi bzod in this body one cannot be patient; sangs rgyas kyi thugs rje che bas ma bzod nas Buddha in his mercy not suffering this, but checking the mischief; bzod thabs (or bzod glags ) med par 'byung ba or 'gyur ba not to be able to bear... any longer, frq.; mi bzod pa or bzad pa adj. unbearable, intolerable, also irresistible (J‰.). 2. to forgive, pardon; sngon chad tho 'tsham pa bzod par gsol to pardon our former tricks is what we beg (Mil.); rta la ma skyon pa bzod par bzhes 'tshal that I did not request you to mount, this I beg you to forgive (Mil.); 3. in asceticism: perseverance, steadfast adherance to the four truths, constancy in pursuing the path that has been entered upon. bzod 'jug pa to make or cause to forgive; bzod ldan forbearing, patient, forgiving. bzod pa sran unwearied patience. bzod dkas rangs or bzod dka' rengs SANST an epithet of Indra. (Moon.). bzod mnga' ba SANST [enduring much; n. of a Buddha]S. bzod ldan ma = bzod ma SANST the earth (Moon.). bzod par phyin la gsum the Kranti paramita which are three:- (1) gzhan gnod pa byed pa la ji mi snyam pa ; (2) rang gi rgyud la sdug bsngal byung ba la dang du len pa ; (3) chos la nges par sems pa la mos pa shin tu gnas pa'o (K. d. ra, 68). mi bzod pa want of patience and forgiveness or vindictiveness is productive of five troubles:- (1) dgra mang du 'gyur ba increase in enemies; (2) increase in sufferings and uneasiness of the mind; (3) 'bye ba mang du 'gyur multiplication in breaches and increase in misunderstandings; (4) 'gyod pa bzhin du ngus byed par 'gyur ba causing one to weep according to one's repentance; (5) shi ba'i 'og ngan song du skye bar 'gyur ba after death it takes one to the state of damnation (K. d. ra, 68). bzod bsran one who is able to meditate upon or exercise himself in the virtue of forgiveness or patience (Oag. 76). bzob pa 1. assiduity: mchod cha la gzob pa yin he was assiduous in religious observances (A. 156). 2. v. gsob pa 3. bzom pa or chu bzom pa portable water-cask. bzos sgo 1. = bkur bzos or bkur bzos kyi bsngags praising or expression of respect to one who does good service to the state: phan tshun la rgyun gtan bzos sgo dgos rigs yin kyang (D. Shel. 9). 2. earnings, profit. bzos pa SANST fed, anything eaten up. bzla ba v. zla ba 3. bzlas pa SANST to mutter: sngags bzlas pa to recite charms or mantras (Zam.). bzlos brjod = sngags bgrang ba recitation of spells softly; the soft, yet audible pronouncing of spells etc., bzlas brjod byed pa to mutter over (Glr.); mu stegs pa'i bzlas brjod Brahmanical spell-muttering. bzlugs pa + = zhus pa or dris pa to inquire, to ask of: rna bar bzlugs pa to pour into the ear, i.e., to ask (Situ. 76). bzlum pa SANST, SANST made globular, rounded, v. zlum pa 3. bzlums pa = bsdums pa 3; dbyen bzlums . bzlo ba = smra ba 3 SANST, v. 3zlo ba 3. bzlog the opposite, the reverse: phra ba las bzlog spom po the contrary of thin is thick, of fine is stout (Lex., J‰.). bzlog pa = log pa SANST, SANST, SANST; also = bshig pa SANST, SANST; gYul bzlog to avert war, to make the enemy run away from battle (Situ. 76). bzlog pa phun gsum tshogs SANST [full of hindrances]S. bzlog phyogs SANST [carrying away, subtraction]S. bzlog dka' SANST (A.K. 1-12) [unobstructible]S. bzlos v. zlo ba 3. bzlos pa byung ba to challenge enemies and thereby commence quarrels and feuds: bzlos pa byung ba'i gcod 'breg la sa bon phul (D. Shel. 7). bzlos rtsod pa to revive old feuds, quarrels and fighting: khrims kyi bzlos rtsod gcod rgyu dgos rnams dang (D. Shel. 7). 'a is the twenty-third letter of the Tibetan alphabet. It does not correspond to any letter either in English or in Sanskrit. Csoma transliterated it by h and so, too, has the author of this dictionary; but colloquially as an initial it often takes the sound of w. It is phonetically different from the vowel aa which is regarded by the Tibetans as a consonant. Grammarians have, however, utilized it in denoting the prolonged quantity of the three short vowels a, i, and u by subjoining it to them, especially in transcribing Sanskrit words in Tibetan; thus the Sanskrit ma-ya is written mAa yAa . 1. num. fig.: = 23. 2. a phonetical form of nga , thus 'a cag = nga cag we; v. also 'u cag 3. 'a ti wa with log = to turn a somersault, to tumble over, to roll (J‰.). 'a na for 'o na 3. 'a na yang although. 'a ma but, yet, well: 'a ma ma rjed cig but do not forget! 'a 'ur = 'a re 'u re described as 'ur sgra da re thug tshoms dang 'a 'ur gyi sgra chen po a loud sound of ha-hur or a loud whirring noise. 'a la gzi chen n. of a learned lama (Deb. ga, 9). 'ang like yang and kyang described as tshig rgyan and sdud sgra ornamental and conjunctive terms corresponding to the English ever, soever. Properly 'ang occurs only after vowels, but colloq. also after consonants, e.g., nam 'ang . 'ang ke a mystical character, frq. occurring in certain finial ornaments or flourishes called sbrul mgo . 'an bu prob. = ngan bu : 'an bu 'ang sang nas mtshams byed par zhu 'tshal (A. 123). 'ab pa (khyi lta bu ) to bark, to make at a person or animal. 'ab 'ub not definite, nothing conclusive, not in shape: da re yi bya ba 'di 'ab 'ub mi 'dus pa gcig byas byung the present business has been something indefinite and undigested (Rdsa. 26). 'am SANST or, else, or else (A.K.). 'ar pa C. a lot; 'ar rgyab pa = rgyan rgyab pa to cast lots, to lay wager. 'ar po or in Tsang: 'ar can angry. 'ar 'ur v. 'ur 'ur or 'ur sgra . (EEE neither of the above words occurs as a headword in the dictionary but see under 'ur 3.) 'ar yang also, too, likewise (Sch.). 'ar lhung du ma rgyag = dgra'i lag tu ma shor tsam having just not fallen into the hands of the enemy, had very nearly fallen into the hands of the enemy; another example: 'ar ma shi ba tsam yod we are still lingering, not quite dead yet (Yig. 98). 'al 'ol = chab chob or 'a la ma la confused, unconnected, irregular: de thams cad la 'al 'ol min in all those there was nothing irregular (A. 156). Also = 'dra min . 'u cag 1. = nged tsho pers. pron. we; also 'o cag, 'o cog , 'u bu cag . 2. chimney W. (J‰.). 'u thug = thabs zad resourceless, helpless, ill, one in straitened circumstances, destitute. 'u dum or 'u dum me edge cut, blunt; a bald head, also a beardless face: mdun du cog tse zhig yod pa de'i steng na rdza nas ser skya rnab 'u dum me in front there was a small dining table on which from an earthen vessel (came out the rat named) Ser skya rna-wa hu-dum-me with edge-cut ears (Rdsa. 14). 'u dum btsan a name of king Langdarma who was beardless and bald-headed (Loo. 'a, 8). 'u bu or 'u bu cag = 'u cag 3. 'u zi n. of a kind of tea (Rtsii.). 'u yug n. of a place in Tsang (Deb. ga, 29). 'u ru ru a whizzing sound: rlung 'u ru ru the noise of wind, me 'u ru ru that of fire under a breeze. 'u yug sa nag á one of the thirty-seven sacred places of the Bon (G. Bon. 38). 'u lag [compulsory post-service, the gratuitous forwarding of letters, luggage and persons, the supply of the requisite porters and beasts of burden, sometimes of water, fire-wood and cooks, to help travellers proceeding under official authority or road-bill: mi la 'u lag skul ba to impose such services by exacting porters, etc. 'u lag 'gel ba or 'u lag skyel ba to forward by 'u lag ]J‰. 'u shang rdo rje lha khang n. of a large Buddhist monastery (Loo. 'a, 8). 'u su coriander seed: 'u sus pho ba'i bad kan tsha ba sel coriander removes phlegm and disorders of the stomach. 'ug pa 1. in Sikk. tim pom SANST, SANST, SANST the owl. 'ug mig an albino. 'ug rgan the great horned owl; 'ug gu chung the little owl. 2. occurs for yug po oats. Syn. of 1. bya rog dgra ; nyin mo 'jigs ; sna ring ; sna 'khyog ; 'phrog byed mig ; mtshan mo od ; brgya byin bshad ; mtshan mo za ba ; steng gi sna can ; bya rog 'jigs byed (Moon.). 'ug pa lung pa a celebrated RÒio-ma who was also called lha rje zur po che (Deb. ga, 5). He was born in a place called 'ug pa lung | 'ug sings v. sings po 3 (J‰.). 'ung = 'di in provincial colloq. so 'ung nas = 'di nas from here, hence. 'ud 1. (skad cha chen po lab pa ) swaggering, bragging, bombast, fustian (Cs.); 'ud cher smra ba to swagger, brag. 2. = yud a moment: 'ud kyis in a moment, instantly, suddenly. 'ub pa = 'du ba , acc. to J‰. to collect, to sweep or take up together in one's hands: pang pas 'ub kyis bsdus te with the arms gathering all into one heap. The pf. 'ubs pa = 'dus pa in modern Tib. 'ubs kyis 'dus collected all together; wholesale collection; joined with the doer the expression should be in the present form. 'ub kyis bsdus pa (he) collected them all together. 'um bu or 'om bu a bush of the tamarisk species. 'um bu glang mkhar also called 'om bu gla sgang n. of the earliest historical palace in Yarlung built by the Tibetans for the residence of their first king gnya' khri btsan po . It was visited by the compiler of this Dictionary in 1882. 'ur any noise, whether loud or low, gen. a prolonged sound not a sharp report: rna ba'i bu ga bkag pa'i tshe 'ur 'ur zhes pa'i sgra the humming in the ears produced by blocking them (Vai. so.); rna ba la 'ur 'khrog there is a buzzing in my ear; 'ur ma rgyab don't make a noise! 'ur rgyag = glo bur 3 or 3thog rgyag 3 or 3la 'ur khol 3. 'ur sgra = 'ur noise especially of a tempest, sound in the air: rlung la gshog pa med kyang bar snang 'ur sgras gang though the wind has no wings yet it fills the sky with sound; 'ur sgra can arrow that flies buzzing (Moon.). 'ur ting a brass basin, used to make a noise by striking on it. 'ur rdo a sling: 'ur rdo 'phen pa to throw with a sling. 'ur ba 1. = dbur ba sbst. a humming insect, beetle (Sch.). 2. vb., to be noisy, chattering: dga' grags 'ur ba shouting with joy (Mil.). 'o 1. sbst. a kiss SANST; 'o byed pa to kiss, kha la 'o byed pa to kiss the mouth, 'o gtong ba id. 2. v. 'o ma 3. 3. pers. pron. we, v. 3'u cag 3. 4. dem. pron = this. 5. interj. 'o oh, yes! 'o lags so oh very well! 'o yong ngo C. well! it is all right. 'o skol = nga cag , rang cag , bdag cag pers. pron. we: 'o skol gyis 'khol ba thog ma med pa nas sdig pa la ci ma byas what have we not done in respect of sin in the cycle of transmigration which has no beginning (Behu. 132). 'o brgyal resp. fatigue, weariness, trouble, want, any kind of hardship; 'o brgyal yong lugs getting into difficulties. More frq. as vb.: 'o brgyal ba to be fatigued, khyed cag rnams 'o ma brgyal lam are you not fatigued? (J‰.). 'o re brgyal = 'o brgyal ba or thang re chad . 'o snyig 1. sour cream (Sch.). 2. birch-tree. 'o dod lamentation, wailing, cry for help: 'o dod 'bod pa to lament loudly, to call for help; 'o dod pa one that seeks help, a client, a plaintiff, more in pop. language (J‰.). 'o na or 'on kyang now then, well; 'o na zhes pa bsdus pas 'on ho and na combined become hon (Situ. 125). Is used esp. to introduce a new thought or proposition in speech; now, what shall you do in that case? 'o phran n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 32). 'o byams pa to be loving: bde bar 'dod cing 'o byams pa (Kani kahi sprio yig.). 'o ma milk (in colloq. wo-ma): 'om 'dzag pa the milk trickles down; 'o ma 'jo ba to milk; 'o ma snyol ba to let milk curdle; 'o ma srub pa to churn milk (Cs.); 'o thang milk-meadow, the plain on which Lhasa now stands, in former times said to have been a boggy and sedgy lake; 'o thug milk soup, rice and milk cooked together as porridge; 'o thud cheese; 'o 'thung = zho 'thung sucking-child, baby; 'o 'dod SANST the woman's breast, the teats; 'o spi or 'o sri cream. 'o ma 'ching as met. = cow (Moon.); 'o zo a milk-bucket. 'o 'dzin can ma women in general (Moon.). 'o ma dang mtshungs par 'jug pa zhes bya ba'i yul n. of a continent beyond the sea of milky water (K. d. ra, 293). 'o ma 'phel or 'o 'phel cow (Moon.). 'o ma 'dzin SANST; 1. the udder, teat. 2. SANST the sugarcane plant. 'o ma zi zi the seeds of Abrus precatorius used as beads for rosaries. 'o ma shing milk-fruit tree. Syn. 'o ma can ; 'bru yi bdag po ; rgyal po'i zas (Moon.). 'o ma'i mgrin pa can a new-born child. Syn. btsas ma thag pa ; skyes ma thag pa (Moon.). 'o ma'i chu zhes bya ba'i rgya mtsho n. of a fabulous sea the water of which is white like milk, situated beyond the ocean to the north of Rirab or Meru (K. d. ra, 293). 'o ma'i dbyugs pa SANST plantain, banana. 'o ma thang n. of an extensive table land at the foot of Kharula pass on the road from Ralung to Nangar-tse Jong. 'o mtsho 1. milky sea or lake. 2. used fig. for sincerity, true heart (sems dkar ba ) (Yig. k. 1). 'o zho with rgyab pa to laugh at, to jeer. 'o yug for 'u yug 3. 'o yo also 'o yo , a puppy. 'o lags 1. a leader in conversation or in a deputation to a great man, mouth piece. 2. yes sir, just-so. gang la 'ang ma chags par lan du 'o lags kyi not inclining to any party or showing attachment in reply (he said) yes, sir! (A. 129). 'o se in colloq. wose, a mulberry. 'og 1. SANST, SANST, SANST root signifying below or with reference to time, after, opp. to gong . 'og tu or 'og la (colloq. wo'-la or wak-la) postp. under, below, beneath; de'i 'og la under that. 2. adv., down, underneath; 'og tu lhung fallen down, 'og can possessed of what is beneath, i.e., not castrated; 'og med castrated; 'og phyung an eunuch, one whose testicles have been drawn out, taken out; 'og 'jug pa or 'og tu 'jug pa to put underneath; lding 'og the division of soldiers under a Dio-pon or captain; bcu 'og a body of ten men under a corporal. 'og gi phyogs skyong = sa yi lha mo bstan ma the goddess of earth called Bstan-ma (Moon.). 'og grab immediate arrangement or preparation (Yig. 83). 'og rngu n. of a place in Khams. 'og tu kha phyogs pa 1. one looking downward. 2. SANST a hump-back. Syn. 'og tu phyogs ; khu bub ; 'og tu lta (Moon.). 'og tu rgyu a thief. Syn. rkun po ; rkun ma (Moon.). 'og rdo an anvil (Sch.). 'og ldan 1. = 'og can an uncastrated animal. 2. n. of the tree otherwise called dga' byed shing (Moon.). 'og na (in W. yok-na) 1. adv. underneath, below. 2. postp. c. gen. under, after. 'og nas adv. from under, from below: 'og nas 'khyud pa SANST to embrace below and not by the neck; 'og nas 'ongs come from below. 'og ma SANST adj. the lower, later, following one. Said to = dman pa , i.e. de'i 'og ma the one following after that, the second in turn, one below or under another person, subordinate, inferior (Moon.). 'og min 1. SANST otherwise 'og min zhing SANST is the eastern heaven wherein the astral body of the Bodhisattva Dorje Chhang resides and which region is presided over by the Dhyani Buddha Akshobhya (mi skyod pa ) who is enthroned there in the Ogmin heaven on a white lotus-blossom. 'og min bzhugs SANST; a resident of the Ogmin or Akanishta heaven. 2. SANST opp. to the nether world; that which is not inferior or under any. 'og gzhi SANST the lower stratum, substratum: ('og gi rtsa ba gtsag sa ; 'og gzhi chu'i dkyil 'khor (Ya-sel. 39). 'og gzhi mi rig = chu gting zab pa deep-water (Moon.). 'og rol tu = 'og tu . 'og las = 'og nas . 'og len pa explained as ci zeng brtag pa'i tshig a term or expression by which to ascertain what one is about to say (Moon.). 'og shal crop, craw of birds (J‰.). 'ong ba 1. SANST pf. 'ongs , imp. shog , to come: ma 'ong ba mthong nas when he saw his mother was coming; nang du 'ongs he came into the house; phyir 'ong ba to return, to come back; 'di ru shog come here; 'di ru ma 'ong don't come here; mi gnyis nga'i drung du 'ong rgyu yin pa two men that were about to come to me; 'ong ba'i lam du when coming, when being on their way; ti se la sgom du yongs pa yin we have come to the Ti-se for meditation; bu mo sum brgya bsgrigs pa'i tha mar yang mi 'ong |dkyil du yang mi 'ong |gYon gral nas bsgrigs pa'i drug gi gong du 'ong | of the 300 girls paraded let not anyone come from the last rows and let not any come from the middle, but let those come who are in the six upper rows on the left side; khyer 'ongs so they came to bring, they brought them; khrid 'ongs so came leading, conducting, they brought hither. With reference to time: ma 'ongs pa not yet come, i.e., future, ma 'ongs don du for the benefit of those not yet come, i.e., of posterity; rang la sras 'ong ba'i gsol ba btab po she prayed that a son might come to her. 2. to be suitable, practicable, to do: bstan pa gcig la ston pa gnyis mi 'ongs pas as two teachers for one doctrine will not do; yul du log pa mi 'ong bas as a journey home will not do; 'o yong ngog ; las la 'ong ba'i bar du as long as he was fit for work. 3. when connected with verbs, it serves to indicate futurity, like the English auxiliaries "shall" and "will,'' and is then usually spelt and sounded as yong ; frq. as fut. aux. in C.: 'gro ba mi yong bar 'dug I am not about to go, shall not go, there any more. Also with the supine: srog dang bral bar 'gyur du 'ong it will even come to his dying, it will be his death; zos su 'ong he will even get so far as to eat......; shi bar 'ong he will die; still more free are those forms in which the gerund or the bare root is used; gnang ste 'ong he will assent to it, allow it; gcig min kyang gcig yin te 'ong it is not the one, it will be the other; sleb yong he will come (Mil.), and in C. is always annexed to mere root of vb.: yid ches mi yong they will not believe it; nga rang sang nyin nyo yong I shall buy it tomorrow; also the subjunctive mood shes na nga gsod 'ong bas as I should be killed if she heard of it. 'ongs pa SANST sbst. the arrival, advent (A.K. 1-14). 'ong mol occurs in Ld. for 'ol mo (J‰.). 'od SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST light, shine, brightness, glow; also as adj. 'od sbro light, the ordinary term esp. in the C. colloq. and is pronoucned wˆ-tro: "tanda lamsang nam wˆ-tro yoo" it will soon be light. 'od spro ba to emit light; 'od bkye ba to spread forth light; nyi 'od sun-light, zla 'od moon-light, skar 'od star-light (Cs.); rgyal ba'i 'od SANST (A.K. 1-4) [one bright like the Jina or Buddha; n. of a Bodhisattva]S. 'od med or 'od med mkhan without brightness; 'od kor or skor a luminous circle, a lantern; 'od dkra SANST of variegated luster [an epithet of fire]S; 'od zhags bright; 'od zer a ray of light, v. post. 'od kyi char rain of the light, sun light; also occurs as an epithet of the sun (Moon.). 'od kyi tog SANST [1. the flag of light; 2. the sun]S. 'od kyi sde as met. the domestic fowl (Moon.). 'od kyi 'phreng can as met. = the sun (Moon.). 'od dkar 1. SANST white light. 2. symb. num. = 1. (EEE The original reads "syn. num. = 1" but this is likely a typographical error.) 'od dkar can SANST, SANST 1. = zla ba the moon. 2. ga bur camphor (Moon.). 'od skyes ma an epithet of the wife of the sun. Syn. rgyal mo ; legs 'dod ma ; skrag byed ma (Moon.). 'od brgya'i 'byung gnas as met. = zla ba the moon (Yig. k. 19). 'od lnga pa that with five colours, the rainbow. 'od lngas yongs su bskor ba = nyi ma'i gur gang the tent-like mansion of the sun (Moon.). Syn. 'ja' or 'ja' mtshon (Moon.). 'od can 1. n. of one of the heavens occupied by the Asuras. (Bon. ch. 5). 2. symbol for 12 (Ya-sel. 5). 'od bdun pa an epithet of the god of fire (me lha ), who is described as possessed of seven fiery tongues or attributes:- (1) nag po ; (2) 'jigs par byed pa ; (3) yid mgyogs ; (4) legs phan ; (5) du ba'i mdog bzang ; (6) me stag can ; (7) sna tshogs 'od . 'od ldan 1. SANST, SANST, SANST the sun (Moon.). 2. n. of the chief city of the Asura, the city of Rahu (Sorig. 30). 3. SANST, SANST a passionate person, one very lustful. 'od ldan 'khri shing SANST, SANST n. of an officinal plant [Cardiospermum halcacabum]S. Syn. aa ru Na ; pi√ ; gri^ (Moon.). (EEE The word gri^ is rendered with a normal letter na under the Sa in the original but this is an invalid letter combination. The spelling given above reflects the transliteration given in the original which is more likely correct.) 'od snang ba = SANST met. the sun (Moon.). 'od dpag med kyi zhing gi bkod pa'i mdo the Sutra on the plan of the mansion of Amitabha (K. ko. ka, 334). 'od dpag med SANST immeasurable light, the Nirmanakaya (sprul pa'i sku ) manifestation of the 4th Dhyani Buddha. This is his form, also, in the heaven of Dewachan. 'od phung po = the heap or accumulation of light or lustre; the sun (Moon.). 'od gtsang as met. the sun (Moon.). 'od mdzes 1. SANST n. of one of the kings descended from Mahasammata the first monarch of this world. 2. SANST n. of a number (Yig. 13). 'od zhugs = SANST [the sun]S. 'od zer SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST ray of light (A.K. 1-10). 'od zer gyi phreng ba n. of a submarine volcano situated in the eastern ocean (K. d. ra, 270). 'od zer dgu pa SANST an epithet of gza' mig dmar SANST or the planet Mars. 'od zer can ma SANST, n. of a goddess. 'od zer can ma'i gzungs a dharana the recitation of which saves one from the dangers of snake-bite, wild beasts, etc. (K. gu. pa, 144). 'od zer bdun pa SANST, SANST an epithet of the planet Saturn (Moon.); 'od zer ldan = nyi ma the sun (Moon.). 'od zer bsgrub pa or 'od zer rab tu bkye zhes pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra containing, besides other matters, a description of the different rays which issue forth from the person of a Buddha (K. ko. kha, 304). 'od zer gzugs an epithet of the sun (Moon.). 'od yangs tsha bo a n. of Vaisravana (Moon.). 'od srung sangs rgyas 'od srung Kasyapa Buddha, he who immediately preceded Buddha Sakyamuni, being the temporal Buddha who presided over the preceding age or kalpa. He is the Kassapa of Pali Buddhism and the Gashib or Gerel of the Mongols. 'od srungs skyes SANST an epithet of Garuda or the khyung bird (Moon.). 'od srungs pa the charioteer of the sun (Moon.). 'od gsal SANST; SANST 1. a celestial region, also the name of a heaven in the Bon mythology. 2. supernatural enlightening of the saints: 'od gsal gyi ngang nas gzigs te beholding by means of prophetic light (J‰.). 'od gsal ba SANST, SANST lustre, brightness. 'od gsal dmu la 'then = rlung the windóacc. to Bon mythology the wind being the son of the god sangs 'od la 'then (G. Bon. 23). 'od bsrung byin as met. = sa gzhi SANST the earth (Moon.). 'od ma SANST; the bamboo, that species used for making arrows, etc.; 'od ma tshal SANST bamboo grove. 'od ma'i dkris SANST [Piper nigrum]S. 'od ma'i myu gu SANST the young shoots of bamboo. Syn. rtsa yi rgyal mtshan ; rtsa yi tog ; pags pa'i snying po ; shun pa mkhregs ; las shing ; smyug rgod ; nas 'bras can (Moon.). 'on 1. a small measure. 2. = 'o na or 'on te . 3. n. of a place in Tibet (S. kar. 200); 'on rgyal sras rin po che n. of a celebrated Lama of Hon. 'on kyang SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST but, yet, notwithstanding; 'on kyang kha cig ni SANST but some; 'on yang occasionally used for it (Mil.). 'on cig + (tshur nga la phrod or khyer shog cig ) give me or fetch me one; also = byon cig . 'on tang + = 'on kyang 3. 'on te SANST, SANST nevertheless, yet. 'on pa SANST deaf, also to be deaf; 'on pa pa , 'on pa po , 'on po a deaf-man; 'on pa mo , a deaf woman; 'on log deaf and blind. 'on sangs = 'on seng scout, spy: sa mtshams kyi rigs 'on seng sogs theg pa khur blangs byed (Rtsii.). 'ong seng with byed pa to pay attention, to watch, to spy (J‰.). 'ob or 'obs SANST 1. ditch, trench, pit (Dzl.); me 'ob SANST fire pit; also fig. the fire pool of passion (J‰.). 'obs phyogs SANST the fire-pit quarter. 2. v. yob 3 (J‰.). 3. n. of a hell (B. ch. 5). 'obs or 'obs mthong dkar described as a wild animal of the bear species; it is of fire colour with a white face (Rtsii.). 'om bu or 'um bu the Tibetan tamarisk found growing in most parts of Tibet abundantly, especially in the plains of Yarlung. Acc. to the general belief of the people of Yarlung the name 'om bu gla sgang was give to an ancient palace of Tibet built by king Nya-thi-tsan-po on account of the abundance of Hom-bu trees in its neighbourhood. 'or I: n. of a village in the district of snye thang near Lhasa where Atisa spent the last days of his life: snye thang 'or gyi mchod sdong na bzhugs he resided in the monastery of Nyethang (A. 70). II: 1. dropsy of the skin vesicles. 2. an eddy, whirlpool. 'or 'ga' + 1. = res 'ga' someone. 2. adv. seldom, occasionally. 'or cig = bor cig keep it, put it by; leave it. 'or che = thugs rje che in the dialect of Amdo equiv. of our: many thanks: tshe dang ldan pa 'or che (A. 134); 'or che = 'ur che , or mi shom cha ba . 'or pa = spor ba to remove from one place to another, to transfer: mi hra'i gtsug lag khang du 'or pa dang having transferred to the monastery of Hor-pa (A. 137). 'ol SANST, the flax plant; clover; lucerne. 'ol kha or 'ol dga' n. of a district in Lokha: 'ol khar dge slong gnyis la dbang bskur mdzad (A. 27) he ordained two monks at Holkha. 'ol kha shug cig one of the 37 holy places of the Bon. (G. Bon. 38). 'ol dga' stag rtse rdzong the Jong of Holga, where the late Dalai Lama 'phrin las rgya mtsho was born (Loo. 'a, 14). 'ol mdud = ol mdud the fore-part of the larynx. 'ol pa SANST a species of kite numerous in Tibet (Moon.). 'ol i = rags tsam 3 (Yig. 71). 'ol od = tshad tshad byed pa SANST, SANST. 'ol mo or 'ol mo lung ring a place in upper Tibet where the Bon doctrine is asserted to have been first spread; n. of the paradise of the Bon. 'ol tshod a guess, any random estimate (Situ. 41). 'ol yang + = dpe yang . 'os pa also 'os = 'grigs pa [1. vb. and adj. to be worthy, suitable; becoming appropriate, with termin. inf. in later times and vulg. with the root: in par 'os it is becoming, it is meet to give; 'di gzigs par mi 'os it is not fit to be seen; yis snin 'os to be wished, desirable; phyag bya bar 'os par 'gyur he becomes adorable; stod 'os to be praised, laudable, praiseworthy, bkur 'os deserving honour Cs. thams cad la phog 'os pa'i chad pa the punishment condign to all; rarely with genit.: kun gyis bkur zhig mchod pa'i 'os (Mil.) he is deserving of universal honour and respect, rje'i 'os min he was not worthy to be a king. gtso mor 'os pa zhig the one that is the most deserving of being mistress, i.e., she that has the gentlest appearance, that is most of a gentle woman; grogs su 'os pa he is worthy to be his colleague ni.f. (Mil.). 2. more particularly in colloquial language: right (for the rigs pa and mi rigs pa of earlier literature); mi 'os pa'i od pa byed pa (Glr.) to entertain illicit intercourse; rdzas 'os pa a lawful, mi 'os pa an unlawful or discreditable matter (Schtr.); 'os ci yod what other means or way is there? 'os i ba to finish (a thing) for the most part.] taken from J‰. 'os 'tshams sgrigs tsam or dgar mo yong tsam tolerably fit, just fit (Rtsii. 13). ya is the twenty-fourth letter of the Tibetan alphabet corresponding to the English y or Sanskrit SANST. It is subjoined in certain cases to other letter, its form being then changed. I: 1. num. fig.: 24. 2. (a) ya'i sgo ni chos thams cad ji lta ba bzhig khyi phyir ro the symbol of ya is for the purpose of showing what the nature of all things are (K. d. tsa, 321). (b) ya ni chags pa med pa'i sgo|dgos pa med pas thams cad grol it is a symbol of the want of attachment liberating all that is uncovered i.e. naked (K. g. wa, 43). 3. = chung ba nyid or chung ma nyid smallness, littleness (mystic) (K. g. kha, 179). II: an equal: dgra ya an equal enemy; do ya a pair; gnyen ya a relation, a friend. Often with gcig , one of two things that belong together as forming a pair, also one of two opponents: mig ya gcig long ba blind of one eye; lham ya gcig one of a pair of boots, an odd boot; lag pa ya gcig tu gser thogs|lag ya gcig tu bu mo khrid de| in one hand holding gold, with the other leading his daughter; stong pa dang gsal ba gnyis ya ma bral bar emptiness and clearness being inseparable from each other; kha'i ya v. kha ya 3; ya med do med unequalled, matchless; 'thab ya adversary, antagonist; ya zhar one-eyed. III: is a root signifying: above, up, etc., in contradistinction to ma which = below, down. ya gi or ya gi la = up there, yonder, as opposed to ma gi la down there, or ha gi la just there, over there; ya gi tshur up here: ya gi tshur chu 'thung chog tshang ma yod all is drinking water up here (Snd. Hbk. 146). ya kha = ya so yod pa having the upper teeth, the upper teeth; ma kha = ma so yod pa having the lower teeth. ya khyer = lhag ma remainder, excess; ya mgal = kha'i ya le upper jaw; ma mgal = kha'i ma le lower jaw (Oag. 15.). ya mgu the upper cover of the vessel from which water is poured or sprinkled in making offerings of torma to spirits; ma mgu the lower part; also, of a case or box. ya ga 1. col. the good one, the better one of the two. 2. bad reputation (Cs.). ya gangs a large numeral: khrab khrib ya gangs cho ma dang | (Ya-sel. 56). ya gad + 1. = rkang rtegs footstool, footstep. 2. = skas ka or skas 'dzeg a flight of steps (K. du. ca, 236). ya gyal 1. = gcig pu or rkyang rkyang alone, single, solitary (Moon.); esp. one of several: lnga drug gi nang gi gcig ya gyal zer one among many is called yagyal (Situ. 24); rnam pa lnga nyid yod par gsungs pa'i ya gyal du gyur it happened to be one of five members described as existing (Sorig. 3). 2. n. of a place situated towards the north of Lhasa where there is a palace of the Dalai Lama (J. Zao.). ya nga or ya nga ba 1. repentence. 2. anguish, fright, shuddering, with genit. or accus. of that which is the cause of it; ya nga ba'i dmag tshogs a formidable host; ya nga'i gegs terrible danger (J‰.). ya 'chang n. of a place in upper Tibet (Jig. 7). ya zu a kind of Chinese tea (Rtsii.). ya ta for ya btags when the letter ya is subjoined to another letter. ya ti = dkyil 'khor SANST a mystic circle (K. g. kha, 28): bder gshegs mchod pa'i ya stegs the mystic circle for worshipping Sugata (Buddha), the mystic enchanted circle by means of which Nirvana is reached: pha rol phyin pa'i ya stegs (D.R.). ya tog SANST 1. a tower. 2. a market. ya gdung SANST mental suffering. ya thod the upper part of the fore-head (Jig. 31). ya mtha' = thog ma the beginning; the first stage: gdengs can gyi gnas kyi ya mtha' the first stage of Bhogavati or the region of the snakes (Ya-sel. 39). ya 'degs = yar 'degs (Yig. 98). ya po 1. = 'gran zla a rival, an adversary (in a law suit). 2. butcher; executioner. ya pad or sku 'dr'i yas kyi pad ma fig. of lotus flower inscribed on the top of an image; ma pad = mas kyi pad the lower lotus (inscribed or in relief) (Jig. 4). ya ba kSa ra á saltpetre. ya ba ti á = gshin rje'i 'khor an attendant of the lord of death. ya bral adv. solitary, separate; not going hand to hand: thabs dang shes rab gnyis so sor song ba| resources and knowledge are separate, i.e., they do not go hand in hand; chos dang gang zag ya bral du 'gro gsungs he said that religion goes apart from, is not a necessary and inherent virtue of, humanity (Khrid. 15). ya ma bral occurs in several combinations as follows:- ya ma bral ba = kha ma 'thor ba opp. of to disintegrate, not to separate one from another or disunite: 'dzin bdag ya ma bral ba to keep intact, the hold of one's self (D. Shel. 7). ya ma brla = snying po med pa SANST, trifling; ya ma la po unsubstantial, hollow, worthless. ya ma zung (in col. cha min ya min ) without proportion or symmetry, incongruous, not fitting together, e.g., two shoes of different pairs; also of religions, languages, customs, that have sprung from heterogeneous elements. ya mad n. of a great number (Ya-sel. 57); SANST, SANST [also n. of a Piri]S. ya med single; ya med btsong ba = ro btsong ba . ya man ta ka á 1. SANST the transliterated Sanskrit epithet of Shinje the lord of death. 2. discrepancy in expression or statements. 3. a term expressive of wonder in the Sikk. dialect. ya tshad opp. ma tshad : ya tshad skyel thung mdzad nas (A. 83). ya mtshan SANST, SANST, SANST strangeness, curiosity, amazement, wonder; also, a miracle, supernatural occurrence: rgyal po ya mtshan chen po skyes te the king greatly wondering; ya mtshan gyi gnas so it is a thing to be wondered at; de tsam ya mtshan rgyu med that is not very astonishing; tshig de lta bu sbyar ba la ya mtshan du bzung when the words are so framed, or joined it is considered as something wonderful (K. du. da, 261). ya mtshan can SANST wonderful; ya mtshan che very surprising or wonderful. Syn. ngo mtshar che ; dge mtshan ; rmad byung ; ltad mo che ; skyo sangs nyid (Moon.). ya mtshan can gyi lta ba SANST curious doctrines, also the doctrines of heretical teachers: mdo sde las ya mtshan can gyi lta ba dgu bcu rtsa drug bshad la in the Sautranta ninety six-curious doctrines of philosophical sects have been mentioned (Grub. ka, 6); of these thirty names are mentioned in the Vyutpatti:- (1)mu stegs byed pa SANST; (2) mu stegs can SANST; (3) sgy u rtsal shes kyi bu ring du 'phur SANST; (4) rangs byed kyi bu lhag od ; (5) dpyod pa pa SANST; (6) bye brag pa SANST; (7) grangs can pa SANST; (8) 'jig rten rgyang 'phen pa SANST; (9) gzigs gzan pa SANST; (10) kun tu rgyu SANST; (11) snan pa SANST; (12) ya mtshan can SANST; (13) zhi ba pa SANST; (14) phyugs bdag pa SANST; (15) thod pa can SANST; (16) gos med pa SANST; (17) gcer bu pa SANST; (18) zad byed pa SANST; (19) mchod 'os pa SANST; (20) brtul zhugs chen po pa SANST; (21) rangs byed kyi brtul zhugs pa SANST; (22) sha ru'i brtul zhugs can SANST; (23) ngo nag SANST; (24) rma bya'i brtul zhugs can SANST; (25) brong ba dkar po SANST; (26) dbyig gu gsum pa SANST; (27) dbyig gu gcig pa SANST; (28) dbyig gu gnyis pa SANST; (29) glang ru'i brtul zhugs can SANST; (30) skra 'bal ba SANST (M.V.). ya bzher a tribe in Tibet: de'i nang sdas pa|de'i nang nas ya bzher (A. 30). ya zigs n. of a large village situated to the west of Kalzang zampa on the high road from Tsang to Lhasa near lake Yamdok. ya yud with 'debs pa = dbang btang rgyu to empower, to confer authority (spiritual as well as temporal): pho ya yud gcig dang ma gdong na|dman mdzes ma gcig dang ga nas 'phrad . ya yo in colloq. = khyog po or kyog kyog crooked, awry; = yon po SANST; ya yo rgyu SANST leaning towards. ya yo med without crookedness, straightforward. ya ra lhab in ya ra lhab kyi nang du (A. 127). ya rabs respectable class of persons, high class people: ya rabs rigs bzang blo gros ldan|rigs rgyud khungs ldan gyi ya rabs (Yig. k. 1). ya lad SANST, corselet and helmet, mail, armour: ya lad bgos SANST equipped with armour; ya lad gyon put on the coat of mail! ya sha esteem, = zhe sa . ya sher a kind of very fine satin of variegated colours (S. kar. 179). yag pa small mattock, hoe; cag yag iron hoe, shing yag wooden hoe (J‰.). yag po in colloq. used instead of bzang po good, right, nice: yag po 'dug it is good or nice; sometimes, vul. even like a vb. yag gi 'dug id. yag yag n. of a great number: lag yag thim thim slom nyal dang | (Ya-sel. 57). yags present made to a bereaved person as a token of condolence: the present of condolence. ma yags bya snyam pa la (A. 10). yang 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST = mod kyi SANST but, but yet; again, once more, and, also, further, then (occurring as first word in a sentence): yang blon pos zhus pa|gcang pa la rnam pa mang thereupon the officer said: of quick-wittedness there are many sorts. yang yang or yang dang yang du also yang skyar yang , again and again; used, also, like aur in Hind.: yang chung still smaller; 'di ci gang las yang dga' ba zhig byung that was still more pleasing than anything before; yang sgos still more in detail. 2. and, also, too (not as first word in sentence, unaccented, the accent on the preceding word); after the final letters ga da ba or sa yang becomes kyang , and after vowels often 'ang : nga yang or bdag kyang SANST I too; bu che 'ang my eldest boy too; bsod nams dang yang ldan pa having merit besides; yang ...yang óbothóand; 'di yang de yang both this and that, phyi rol yang nang yang both outside and inside; followed by a negative, neither-nor; yang singly with a negative = not even: kar sha pa ni gcig kyang mi sbyin no I shall not even give a single cowry for it; yang with a comparative (as above) still: sngar bas kyang lhag par still more than formerly; khye'u de yang tshe 'das so so then the boy died, ring por ma lon par smra yang shes so within a short time he was also able to speak; snga chad kyang even before this. 3. yang also occurs joined to a verbal root, and then = although: thams cad 'dus kyang though all without exception be gathered; btsal yang ma rnyed although they were seeking, they did not find. yang dkar white-wash = (dkar rtsi yang dkar gtong rgyu'i dkar rag the lime used in white-washing (S. kar. 180). yang ge or yang gi used in colloq. for yang po (it is) light. yang sgos = khyad par du especially, particularly. yang nga dkar po n. of a sect of the Bon-po school. yang tsar = yang tig really, in fact (Situ. 132). yang lci abbr. of yang dang lci ba light and heavy = subst. the weight: yang lci lta ba to examine the weight. yang 'jug the second of two final letter, viz., sa after ga , nga , ba , ma . In the archaic words bstand , gyurd , stsald , da is a yao-hjug but in modern literature is not used; in the words grangs , legs , rdzogs the letter sa is a yao-hjug and is in general use. yang rje chos kyi rgyal po (EEE See yab rje chos kyi rgyal po 3 below.) yang snying = yang tig snying po abbr. = real substance or principal object, essence. yang tig = dngos gnas ngo thog exact, true, real (of price, &c.) (Rtsii.). yang steng n. of a monasteryóthe bla brang yang steng situated on a rocky precipice in the neighbourhood of Phagri Jong (Loo. za, 9). yang thog = bsil khang the highest storey of a house, also = SANST a dome. yang dag or yang dag pa SANST actual, real, the very; also adv. really, verily, in reality, indeed; as adv. occurs either as yang dag par or as simply yang dag . Various examples follow:- yang dag dga' really glad, indeed delighted (Moon.); yang dag rgyal lit. one who has been absolutely victorious, SANST emperor; yang dag rgyas pa SANST copious, abundant, plenteous, indeed; yang dag rgyug SANST that which indeed blows, the wind. yang dag 'grub pa thob or yao-dag hgrub-pa-thob SANST, thorough accomplishment or attainment; yang dag 'gro a thoroughfare, free passage in every direction. yang dag 'grogs lit. perfect company, i.e., sexual union. yang dag sdom , SANST, perfect abstinence or suppression; yang dag chags SANST very attached, real love or affection; yang dag mjal SANST full interview; yang dag bsnyen SANST, close proximity; yang dag par gzhengs stod transcendent glorification. yang dag rtog SANST reflection, imagination; consideration, sound deliberation. Syn. rnam rtog ; bsam mno ; mno bsam (Moon.). yang dag rtogs = khong du chud SANST perfect comprehension. yang dag thos pa SANST to be well informed, one who is well informed, who knows much, who has heard much, &c. Also = SANST promising. yang dag gnas stability. yang dag pa'i mtha' = chos kyi dbyings SANST the end of religion, the essence of virtue (Gser-phreo 47). yang dag pa'i 'bras bu SANST the actual result, outcome, real fruit. yang dag par sdom pa SANST, SANST to restrain completely, effectually; yang dag par bsdam SANST [restrained]S. yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas SANST the most perfect Buddha (M.V.). yang dag par spong ba bzhi the four acts which should be entirely abandoned:- sdig pa mi dge ba'i chos ma skyes pa mi skyed pa'i phyir 'dun pa bskyed|sdig pa mi dge ba'i chos skyes pa rnams spang ba'i phyir bdun pa bskyed do|dge ba'i chos ma skyes pa rnams bskyed ba'i phyir bdun pa bskyed do|dge ba'i chos skyes pa rnams gnas pa dang phyir zhing 'byung ba dang nyams par mi 'gyur ba dang yongs su rdzogs par bya ba'i phyir bdun pa bskyed do (SÒio-rgyan. 127). (1) SANST; (2) SANST; (3) SANST; (4) SANST; (M.V.). [The substance of the Sanskrit expressions is as follows:- (1) exertion to retain meritorious conditions already existing; (2) exertion to produce such not yet in existence; (3) exertion to put away sinful states already existing; (4) exertion to prevent such arising.]S. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "yao-dag-par spoo-wa-gshi" which is clearly in error.) yang na SANST or, either...or; yang na ni and again. yang nas yang du adv. well; again and again, continually, repeatedly: rten 'brel mtha' dag la yang nas yang du mkhyin|phebs tshogs ga bur gyi ngad bzang yang nas yang du yod pa mkhyin| as you know fully the doctrine of dependent-origination, pray let the camphor-like fragrance of your favours come here continually (Yig. k. 36, 51). yang sprul = sprul pa'i sprul pa the further embodiment of the karma of a lama once recognized as an incarnate being. yang po also yang ba light (i.e., not heavy), lightness, also fig. 'jam zhing yang ba what is soft and light, commodious and easy, weak (J‰.). yang ma = ma'i ma grandmother; yang mes po grandfather's father, i.e., great grandfather; yang mes mo great grandmother. yang rtsal 1. = lus rtsal yang po light physical exercise. 2. very high skill, consummate art (J‰.). yang rtse'i klong chen = mkha' 'gro snying thig n. of a Bon religious work (D.R.). yang tsha great grandson: bu yi bu = tsha bo, de'i bu = yang tsha . yang yang 'ong ba 1. = skor ba to walk round, to circumambulate (Moon.). 2. to come often. yang ra 1. n. of a place in Tibet. 2. = chos kyi 'khor lo skor ba religious circumambulation. yang le shod n. of a rock-cavern where the sage Padmakara performed meditation (Dsam. 7). yang sos SANST the first of the eight hot hells where the soul suffers continually from the torments of heat. yang srid = 'khor ba transmigratory or recurring existence, the world (Moon.). yang srid med = thar pa emancipation; freedom from transmigratory existence (Moon.). yang slob pupil's pupil. yangs pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST wide, broad, extensive: thang yangs pa a wide field or plain; yangs ldan or yangs shing rgya che ba large and spacious; sa cha yangs pa wide open country, a spacious place; rig pa yangs pa intellectual, very intelligent; yangs dog breadth, area; abbr. of yangs pa dang dog pa being wide and narrow (Rtsii.). yangs pa can SANST 1. n. of a city in Magadha, acc. to Csoma on the site of modern Allahabad. 2. n. of a monastery in northern Tibet called byang yangs pa can in which there is a sku gdung or relic-tomb of Tsongkhapa (Loo. 'a, 16). yangs pa'i grong du 'jug pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra on going into the city of Vaisali (K. d. la, 255); and if this Sutra is recited at the threshold of a town or house all evil-spirits frequenting the same will depart. yangs pa'i mig SANST 1. with large eyes, a handsome woman. 2. n. of a goddess (K. my. ka, 14). yan what is uppermost; man yan below and above (Cs.); yan na above, in the beginning, in the first place; yan la , yan chad la , yan chod or yon chod la adv. or postp. above, in the upper-part; lte ba yan steng la yod de standing in (the water) up to the navel; sta zur yan chad above the hips; lo brgyad yan chad above eight year's old. yan Z shen hung zhi one of the early emperors of China under whose orders works on medicine were composed (Grub. tha, 8). yan pa 1. = gzhan pa the other, another: yan pa gcig nga la gnang give me another. 2. adj., free, vacant, unoccupied, ownerless, of places and things that are common property, like the air, rocks and stones etc; khyi yan pa a dog without a master, vagrant dog; gral yan la yod there are yet places unoccupied; of fields: untilled, fallow-ground; rgya yan the external world: rgya yan gyi gnyen po a helper from the external world; sems rgya yan du ma shor bar byos take care that the mind be not distracted by outward things; yan du 'jug pa to suffer (the sheep) to wander, go ownerless. yan lag SANST, SANST, SANST; 1. member, limb, element: yan lag lnga SANST the five members: arms, legs and head; yan lag 'dun the 7 members or elements of religious service, i.e.: phyag 'tshal ba profound salutation, mchod pa 'bul ba offerings to a deity, worshipping, sdig pa bshags pa confession of sins, dge ba la rjes su yid rang ba to delight in virtue, chos 'khor ba skor bar skul ba to exert one's self to preach the Dharma, mya ngan las mi 'da' bar gsol ba 'debs pa to dedicate all accumulated moral merits to the attainment of Buddhahood and dge ba ci bsags pa thams cad sangs rgyas thob pa'i phyir du bsngo ba to pray for not passing Nirvana. yan lag brgyad eight subjects treated in the medical works of Tibet are: lus body, byis pa boy, mo nad female disease, gdon evil spirits, mtshon symptoms, dug poison, rgas old age. ro tsa earned desire, yan lag skyon can an injured or defective limb; yan lag skyes = pho mtshan the male organ (Moon.); yan lag nyams pa weak in the limbs, decrepit = zha ba . 2. appendage, contributory; fig. branch of a river, branch of a tree; also with reference to books: section, appendix, supplement (J‰.). (EEE The fourth element of 1. above is given in the original as dge ba la jes su yid rang ba , but this is incorrect and the correct spelling is given here.) yan lag brgyad ldan = chu bo gang gA river Ganges, she that is possessed of eight attributes: bsil pa coolness, zhim pa sweetness, yang ba lightness (digestive), 'jam pa softness, angs pa clearness, dri ma med pa freedom from impurities, 'thung na lto bar 'jam pa on drinking soothing to the stomach, mgrin pa sang dang bde ba'o makes the throat clear and free. yan lag ngan a pilferer, a thief; lit. one who has a mischief-committing limb, i.e., pilfering hand (Moon.). yan lag mchog SANST as met. chief of the limbs, i.e., the head (Moon.). yan lag mchog ldan = gzugs mdzes pa a handsome person; yan lag mchog ldan ma a very handsome woman (Moon.). yan lag nyams pa lame, decrepit, one who is defective of limbs. Syn. zha bo ; grum po ; 'phye bo ; gyol po ; yan lag ma tshang ba ; 'theng po (Moon.). yan lag med pa SANST an epithet of Kamadeva. yab SANST, SANST 1. resp. for pha father; rgyal-po yab yum denotes the king as father and mother to the country (Glr.); yab rgyal po'i thugs gso ba'i phyir du| for the purpose of healing the mind of his royal father (Mgrin. 122). yab mes paternal ancestors. 2. yab also specially signifies the male personage in the yidam groups of Tantrik Bodhisattvas each clasping his yum or female helper. yab sras father and son or, in a spiritual sense, master and disciple; yab sras mjal ba'i mdo| the chapter on the interview of the Buddha with his father Sudhodana (K. ko. nga, 80). yab rje chos kyi rgyal po sa skya gong ma chen po (Yig. k. 11) a title which one of the early Sakya-pa hierarchs had assumed. (EEE The original gives the headword for this entry as yang rje chos kyi rgyal po , which is incorrect. The transliteration of the headword in the original is correct, however, so it the headword has been amended and the entry has been moved here to its proper location in the dictionary.) yab gzhi 1. the estates granted to the parents of the Grand Lamas of Lhasa and Tashi-lhunpo (S. kar. 181). 2. = pha gzhi resp. for heritage of landed property. yab pa or gYab pa 1. to lock up, to secure, keep safe: yab cha things kept securely, under safe keeping; yab yob pa to hide, conceal (Sch.); gYab or yab sa covered place, cache, shelter. 2. in C. colloq. to skim off from the surface of a fluid. 3. in W. to move to and fro, hither and thither, to fan, v. gYob pa 3 (J‰.). yab mo or gYab mo 1. the act of fanning waving; also, anything waved to and fro, as a fan, punkah, or beaten as a cymbal. gos kyi yab mo byed pa| to beckon by waving with one's coat. 2. attracting, provoking: 'phung gzhi'i yab mo byed pa to bring on a calamity. yab ring po portico, veranda, e.g., of a monastery. yam pa la n. of a great river (K. my. ka, 68). yam bu n. of the ancient capital of Nepal, the modern capital Kathmandu being also called by this name. yam me ba = colloq. 'tsham po , ha lam 1. moderate, middling, not severe, tolerable; bka' babs yam me ba re mdzad nas passing a moderate sentence (A. 122-123). 2. adv. blunderingly, coarsely, roughly, rough-hewn. yam yom also ya me yo me or ya nge ye nge doing anything uncertainly, purposelessly or nonsensically: phar 'gro tshur 'gro dang yam yom rnams la mdzad he was moving this way and that (A. 134); yam yom la lus te falling or remaining in doubt (A. 126); yam yom byed pa to totter. yams or yams nad epidemic or infectious disease, one being called yams nad and the other dal yams slowly or steadily infecting disease. yar akin to tr. ya = upwards, above, higher; yar lag gzigs pa to look upwards; yar 'gro mar 'gro byed pa to travel up and down; yar mar 'chag pa resp. to walk up and down; yar la khyer shog bring or fetch it up! yar nas mar la from top to bottom; yar 'thon pa to come up again, from a depth; yar lang ba to rise, get up; yar 'phel ba to increase; yar rgyu one rising in rank and office, &c. yar rgyu dkyil 'dzin sa stan gos 'bol gsum (Jig. 27) a rising middle class man should (in the order of precedence) get the silk cushions placed one above another on a rug. yar ngo the part of the mouth in which the phases of the moon increase: yar ngo'i zla ba ltar gong nas gong 'phel du rgyas it increased (in prosperity) like the waxing moon (Sorig. 248). yar snyog mar snyog = yar 'gro mar 'gro moving up and down, also phar 'gro tshur 'gro walking this way and that way: gsang phu dang rwa sgreng mar snyog byed pa la dro zan 'khyer mi dgos par gda' in journeying from Gsao-phu to Rwa-sgreo and back they did not require provision for a morning's halt (A. 123). yar bstod = gyen du 'degs pa (Moon.) raising up, extolling; yar 'thud mar rtsis an average account, taking the maximum and minimum figures. yar klungs (also written yar lung ) an extensive valley forming the principal district of the province of Lhokha of which the chief city is Chethang (rtse thang ) on the Tsang-po; is reputed the most fertile district of Tibet and contains many monasteries and residences of some of the chiefs and nobles of Tibet. The seat of Government of the earlier kings of Tibet was in the valley of Yarlung: yar klungs yul bzang zhing the province of Yarlung being fine (in climate and produce) (A. 93). yar klungs gnas gsum rten gsum the three holy receptacles and three sanctuaries of Yarlung (i.e., six) viz.: (1) shel brag a monastery of the RÒio-ma sect situated on the top of a high hill over-hanging the Tsang-po; (2) Tanduk-Dolmai lha-khao an ancient monastery containing a sacred image of the goddess Dolma founded by king srong btsan sgam po ; (3) Tag-chen bum-pa a small monastery in the neighbourhood of which are one hundred and eight tombs of former kings and queens, testifying to the existence of the custom of burial of the dead before the introduction of Buddhism into Tibet; (4) ras chung phug a small monastery on the site of the cavern where Lama Ras-chuo-pa was wont to perform ascetical meditations; (5) zangs ri kha dmar a monastery on the bank of the Tsang-po founded by the celebrated Ma-chig Lab-kyi Donma; (6) tsan dan gYu'i lha khang monastery situated in a grove of firs and containing a sandal-wood image of Buddha and a turquoise image of the goddess Dolma; the roof of the temple being painted green. All these places were visited by the author of this Dictionary in 1882. (EEE In the original, the king's name in (2) above is mis-spelled as Sroo-dtsan sgam-po.) yar ba = 'thor ba , in colloq. to disperse, scatter, send adrift; also, to ramble, to be scattered (Sch.). yar 'brog Yamdok pastures, country of yar 'brog khri skor khyad chos la (Loo. 'a, 5) Yar-hbrog which was included in the Thikor noted for religiousness of its denizens. yar ma ('bri dang mdzo mo ) a barren yak-cow; also a cross-breed cow (Rtsii.). yar mo thang or gYar mo thang n. of a district in the province of lower Amdo and Khams (Loo. 'a, 5). yar mo sna bzhi n. of a district in Lhokha (Yig. 62). yar lung = yar klungs . yar lung dar rgyal dgon n. of a monastery in Yar-lung (Loo. za, 19). yar lung sog kha one of the 37 sacred places of the Bon (G. Bon. 28). yar log a layman when he enters the order of monks late in life, opp. to mar log when a monk reverts to the life of a householder (Sorig. 270). yal ga C. colloq. "ye-ka" SANST a branch, bough, twigs. yal ga skyur = star bu'i shing (Moon.) walnut tree. yal ga lnga SANST the five branches, i.e., the five branches of the tree of the Mahayana doctrine:- (1) in pa SANST charity, i.e., giving alms, help and protection; (2) tshul khrims SANST moral discipline, purity of morals; (3) bzod pa SANST tolerance and forgiveness; (4) brtson 'grus SANST assiduity and industry; (5) bsam gtan SANST contemplation (K. d. na, 327) Syn. mgo ling ; shing gi brtul zhugs ; sding po'i sor mo (Moon.). yal ga can SANST a notable tree. Syn. ljon shing ; 'dab ldan ; 'dam ma can ; mgo lding can ; rtse mo can (Moon.). yal ga 'brel v. ljon shing 3 tree (Moon.). yal ga 'dzin v. ljon shing 3 tree (Moon.). yal ga'i ral pa = 'khri shing a creeping plant (Moon.). yal ga'i ri ags = as met. monkey (Moon.). yal gas lhag SANST. yal 'phyong large numeral. yal ba 1. diminution, decrease, lowering; disappearance, suppression. 2. to shrink, subside, cause diminution; to be displaced. yal ma yol repentance, regret, and wonder that advantage was not taken of a certain opportunity: kun kyang thugs rjes ma bzod yal ma yol even all not appreciating, there was much regret (A. 157). yal yal [Cs. 100,000 octillions] the 47th number enumerated in the phal chen : nab neb khrig tham yal yal dang (Ya-sel. 57). yal yal chen pa a million (J‰.). yal yol 1. = yal le yol le relaxation in attention, carelessness. 2. n. of a number: yal yol khral khrul thud thud dang | (Ya-sel. 56). yas 1. = bral or med devoid of, less than; without: mtha' yas without end, endless; bgrang yas numberless; dpag yas measureless, unfathomable, gzhal yas immeasurable, incomparable. 2. from off, from above: yas 'bab pa to come down from above; yas kyi the one above, the upper one; yas nas from above C. 3. in Budh. yas zhes pa ni mi bde ba mi dmigs pa'i phyir chos thams cad gyi sgo the word yas signifies the state in which there is no unhappiness (Hbum. kha, 283). yas 'jab the kind of red or brown coloured leather with which wooden boxes or trunks are lined in Tibet (Rtsii.). yas phyin or yas phyin pa n. of a certain large estate in Tibet: gzhis khag las phyin gyi khang zhing (Rtsii.). yas bsu mas skyel or sa bon yas bsu dang rjes su btab pa la mas skyel early sowing and late sowing of grain (Rtsii.). yi 1. num. fig.: 54. 2. in some combinations inst. of yid . yi ga = dang ga appetite, taste: yi ga 'gag the appetite is lost; yi gar 'ong it is grateful to the taste; yi ga 'chus pa repulsion felt in swallowing food: zas od gdon gyis 'du ba 'khrugs nas lce dang snying la zhen pas yig 'chus par 'gyur (Mog., ch. 45). yi ge SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. any letter of the alphabet; explained as ming tshig gnyis kyi rtsom gzhir gyur pa'i yi ges don mi ston|skad gyi gdangs| the representation of sound forming the basis of the composition of both names and words; but such letters of not indicate the meaning of words, ming gi ngo bo tsam ston pa'o and generally show merely their nature (Loo. pha, 17). Acc. to Tshad-ma Rnam-Hgrel we have another definition: yi ge zhes pa'i ngo bo ni skad gdangs kha na yin pa|yi ge rnam pa'i skad 'jug pa'i don bshad pa yod|and, again we read: yon tan kun gyi gzhi ni yi ge yin| letters are the basis of all acquirements. yi ge dbu can the Tibetan printed letters, dbu med the headless current hand-writing, of which there are again different kinds:- dpe yig the very carefully-formed character used in copying books, 'khyug yig the running hand and often rather illegible writing, and 'bam yig a formal large hand. yi ge klog pa'i brang khang SANST; yi ge 'god pa SANST, SANST, SANST the arrangement of letters in a book or letter. yi ge drug pa SANST the six-syllable (prayer), the Om-ma-ni-pad-me-hum; yi ge bslab pa to learn one's letters; yig rtsis writing and cyphering. 2. written letter or note, any written document; dge sdig gi yi ge register of virtues and iniquities; yi ge'i lan a written answer (Glr.); yi ge'i shubs (in recent years) = an envelope; yi ge 'bri ba to write a letter, yi ge spring ba to send off a letter, yi ge thob pa SANST one who has obtained a written order or document, to receive a letter; yi ge sleb a letter arrives; yi ger 'bri ba to put into writing; yi ger bris 'jog pa to dictate; yi ge pa = drung yig SANST, SANST a writer, a copyist; yi ge shing SANST a writing board; yi ge'i gzhi the substance on which a letter is written. yi chad = thang chad 3 or 3sems skyo ba 3. yi ags (acc. to Bon = zas yid la btags pa or yi btags those that always think of food) SANST, a class of spiritual beings of the Buddhist Bhavachakra or cycle of existence, condemned to suffer torments of hunger and thirst in the ghost-world, a grade of punishment little less severe than the full torments of hell. They are usually represented as giants with huge bellies and very narrow throats hardly fitted to swallow the tiniest particles. The different kinds of Yi-dag or Preta are: (1) gul bum SANST; (2) sha za SANST; (3) 'byung po SANST; (4) srul po SANST; (5) lus srul po SANST; (6) smyo byed SANST; (7) skyem byed SANST; (8) brjed byed SANST; (9) grib gnon SANST; (10) srin po SANST; (11) rnam gru'i gdon SANST; (12) bya'i gdun SANST. [(1) headless demon; (2) ignis-fatuus; (3) ghost; (4) a female demon causing disease in children; (5) a goblin; (6) insane devil; (7) a leaping demon; (8) a demon causing forgetfulness; (9) the shadow; (10) a malignant spirit; (11) the star Revati; (12) causer of destruction to birds]S. Again, these Preta are divided into four classes according to the nature of the torments they are destined to undergo for the expiation of their sins:- (1) zas skom la phyi'i sgrib pa yod pa those that are outwardly obstructed from the use of food and drink. When these wretched beings go the springs, lakes, or tanks to drink water they are chased by hosts of demons armed with javelins and spears; and the water appears to them as repulsive and foul as pus. (2) zas skom la nang sgrib yod pa those that are inwardly obstructed from eating and drinking; although great is their appetite and hunger when they get food and drink they cannot enjoy them on account of their gullet becoming exceedingly contracted. (3) me lce phrang ba can zhes bya ba those that are called fire-flame wreathed Preta who, as soon as they take food or drink, become changed into flames of fire. (4) ljan ljin za ba those that subsist upon mucous, ordure and urine, etc.; some of them eating their own flesh and blood when they fail to satisfy their hunger by eating filth. Acc. to Mdsod-bgrel, the Pretas have an abode in the interior of his earth five hundred yojana below Rajgriha in Magadha. In reference to giving water to the Preta, Atisa remarked: yi ags 'jur gegs pa zhes pa chu thig pa gcig la gzhan mi thob those called Preta devoid of the power of digestion cannot obtain other than a drop of water. yi ags kyi yul SANST, SANST the subject of the Preta, the land of Preta. yi ags kha 'thor ba'i gnas the places where Pretas live in a scattered manner such as neighbourhood of human habitation, table-lands, &c. (B. ch. 5). yi ags bdag po SANST the lord of the Preta. yi dam 1. or yid dam lha SANST, SANST, SANST tutelary deity, a deity whom a person chooses to be his guide and protector. Of these there are a large number, of varying form, being frequently Tantrik phases or aspects of such well-known gods are Tamdin, Dzambhala, Mi-gyowa, and the goddess Palden Lhamo; also there are yidam forms of the Bodhisattvas Jampal and Chenraisi, with or without their female or nus ma companions. Acc. to J‰. a man chooses a tutelary deity either for his whole life or only for some particular undertaking, and with such he enters into an intimate union by meditation. 2. = dam bca' SANST resp. thugs dam oath, vow, asseveration, promise: yid dam la brten pa SANST firm adherence to one's word; yi dam bca' ba to lodge a vow. ( The original has "Panden Lhamo" under 1. above.) yi phya dung nge for yid phya dung nge = sems skyo ba to repent, to regret. 'khor ba'i sdug bsngal nas dus rtag tu yi phya dung nge (Khrid. 29). yi mug pa for yid mug pa = sems rmongs pa to be unhappy, displeased; sorry, sad, dejected: 'di 'dra yi mug pa las mi 'dug is not a deed so unfortunate as this (Rdsa. 22); mna' ma la yi mug par gyur te having become displeased with the daughter-in-law (A. 77). yi rangs pa (for yid rangs ba ) = dga' ba (Moon.) SANST (A.K.) joy, cheerfulness; to be delighted, pleased: 'khor rnams yi rangs the attendants being joyful (Pag. 297). yig in compounds for yi ge ; sku yig letter, circular epistle; chad yig contract, kha yig address (of a letter); bargain; 'chams yig dancing-book, rules for religious dances; lam yig passport, permit to travel; yig cha records, notes; yig phreng a line of a book or Ms.; drung yig clerk, copyist; yig phran = yig chung (Ya-sel. 11) a note, a small letter. yig tshang mkhas pa dga' byed chen mo n. of the keeper of the official records of the Government of Lhasa; also name of a book which contains the abstracts or register of official records (Yig. 3); yig 'dzin a receipt in writing; written contract; yig 'dzin bzhag pa to enter into an agreement. yig lhag interpolation in writing; also mistakes in facts, grammar, &c.: skyon mtha' dag sel zhing yig lhad ma zhugs pa entirely free from defects without any foreign matter inserted in it (Ya-sel. 34). yig bskur correspondence, epistolary guide containing the different addresses and customary phrases used in writing letters; yig bskur rnam bzhag a popular work on correspondence, complete letter-writer. yig bskur ba to correspond. yig mkhan one who is versed in the art of reading and writing. Syn. yi ge pa ; bris pa mkhan ; yi ge'i mkhan po ; smyu gu can (Moon.). yig drug or yi ge drug ma the six lettersóOm, ma, ni, pad, me, hum (Rtsii.). yid I: resp. thugs SANST the intellect, the mind, esp. the powers of perception and imagination, said to be distinguishable from blo which indicates rather the heart, mind, will, disposition, than the mental talents; but the two words are often confused and used interchangeably. Thus yid in yid du 'ong ba agreeable, clearly signifies a sentiment or disposition. yid bzhin gyi nor bu SANST a jewel or talisman that grants every wish; yid kyi agreeable, to one's mind: yid kyi mtsho a pretty lake; nga'i yid la mi 'bab it does not please me, I do not like it; yid la shar kyang ro mi myong though you may fancy it in your mind, yet you do not perceive the taste; yid la byed pa , 'dzin pa to comprehend, perceive, remember, mind, take to heart; yid kyis byed pa to do a thing accordant with one's mind or fancy; yid kyi ze'u 'bru anther of the heart, beloved, dearest (Yig. k. 1); yid kyi zla ba gsar po = grogs po friend, beloved friendólit. the newly risen moon of one's heart; grongs po yid kyi zla ba gsar pa gang de'i drung du to him who is my dearest friend (Yig. k. 51). yid kyi phyag rgya SANST chief meditation, i.e., the concentration of the mind on the attributes of deity (Moon.). yid kyi las = rnam rtog or bsam mno ba imagination, thought, operation of the mind (Moon.); yid kyi shing rta SANST desire, wish, expectation. yid kar 'ong or yid kar 'ong 1. gzugs mdzes pa very handsome. 2. without impurity, pellucid; pure water. Syn. rnyog med ; gsal la angs (Moon.). yid skyo repentance, heart-trouble. Syn. sems skyo ba ; yid 'byung ; skyo shas (Moon.). yid 'khrul ba acc. to Sch. 'mental suffering'; acc. to J‰. to be uneasy, troubled, harrassed; yid 'khrul ba to be mistaken. yid 'gyur gyi myong ba = bsgom pa'i nyams skyes pa . yid can = sems can or yid ldan living beings (Yig.). yid chad pa = yi chad pa or ngal ba in sems yang skyo zhing yid chad pa zhig byung (Rdsa. 21). yid ches pa to believe, to rely, to depend upon; belief, confidence, faith, trust. khyod la chung zhig yid ma ches pas having become a little distrustful towards you (Mil.); yid ches par bya phyir SANST for inducing belief. Syn. of sbst. gtan la phebs ; gdon mi za ; nges pa ; dogs med (Moon.). yid nye = sems nye , mdza' bo friend, intimate (Moon.). yid gnyis = nem nur SANST doubt, hesitation. Syn. the tshom za ba ; ma nges ; som nyi (Moon.). (EEE The original gives som zhi as the third synonym, but gives the transliteration as "som Òi". The transliteration is correct.) yid bcugs or yid gcugs SANST = mdza 'ab friendly, affectionate towards friends or relatives (Oag.). yid gtungs misery, suffering. Syn. sdug bsngal ; yid nang chud ; yid mi bde (Moon.). yid btags for yi ags 3. yid brtan confidence, reliance; yid brtan dka' ba not to be depended upon, hardly to be believed; yid brtan pa SANST trust, faith; yid brtan khel confident, confidence; yid brtan par bya ba ma yin pa objects on which no reliance can be reposed and not to be considered as safe. ske tsam nub pa'i chu dang rta dang ni|blang po che dang spre'u dang sbrul nag dang |spu 'greng ba dang gdong gnyer gang ba dang |kha spu nyung la yid ni brtan mi bya| (K. du. da, 203). yid mthun pa v. gnyen phyogs . (EEE gnyen phyogs does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under gnyen 3.) yid dang 'thad pa SANST, SANST favourable: rgyal chen yid dang 'thad pa yin the great king is well-disposed (K. du. da, 202). yid du 'thad well-favoured, = gzugs mdzes pa handsome body (Moon.). yid dogs shar ba = the tshom skyed pa to doubt (Ya-sel. 31). yid ldan humanity, = yin can ; yid ldan ma (gnod in mo'i gtso mo ) n. of a Yakrini princess (Moon.). yid dpyod SANST examination of the mind, investigation into the mental faculties. There are three distinctions in it:- (1) rgya mtshan med pa'i yid dpyod ; (2) rgyu mtshan ma nges pa'i yid dpyod ; (3) rgyu mtshan ltar snang la brten pa'i yid dpyod (Loo. pha, 15). yid 'pham pa to be cast down, dejected, depressed. yid 'phyo (grangs ) n. of a great number: sang thal thid yug yid 'phyo dang (Ya-sel. 57). yid 'phrog SANST very handsome, charming, very beautiful (Moon.). yid 'phrog pa to prepossess, to fascinate, charm. yin 'phrog ma a charming woman with both personal and mental accomplishments (Moon.); also n. of a Yakra princess (Moon.). yid 'byin pa to be discontented or weary. yid 'byung SANST an epithet of Kamadeva (A.K. 1-34). yid dbyung ba SANST to be depressed in mind, anxious, disquieted. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "yid-byuo" which could also be correct.) yid mos tshal 1. a grove of lilies = ku mu da tshal (Moon.). 2. = ku mad tshal fascinating; also = yid 'dzin pa agreeable, pleasing to the mind, pleasant (A. 126). yid myos fuddled, tipsy (J‰.). yid snon wish, desire; yid dga' ba SANST, SANST [glad in heart]S. v. snon pa 3. yid snon can a blessed heart, blessed. yid tshim pa = gzugs bzang ba of charming appearance, of form that gives satisfaction to the mind (Moon.). yid 'tshim par 'gyur ba to become satisfied, contented. yid gzhung 1. = rnam rtog illusive or unreal thoughts, imaginary thoughts (Moon.). 2. as met. = a parrot (Moon.). yid gzhung can or yid gzhung ldan deluded. yid gzhungs 1. SANST prudent, acute, perceptive, v. gzungs 3. yid gzhungs pa a prudent man, a man of analytic powers (Moon.). 2. = sems drang po honest, straight-forward, upright: blo gsal thabs mkhas yid gzhungs shes pa bkra clear in mind, clever in resources, straightforward, of varied knowledge. yid bzhin = yid bsam SANST wish, thought. yid bzhin grub heaven, bliss. yin bzhin kun 'byung as met. the ocean; also a gem; sku 'tsho yid bzhin kun 'byung (Yig. k. 83). yid bzhin nor bu SANST the wishing gem (A.K. 1, 46); fig. of the fulfilment of one's desires (Yig. k.): yid bzhin nor bu 'chang bas bsam pa 'grub by laying hold on the Chintamani gem one's wishes are fulfilled; yid bzhin dbang gi rgyal po SANST the prince of all wish-fulfilling gems (Yig. k. 2). yid bzhin ma ma as met. = the great ocean (Yig. k. 31). yid 'ong or yid du 'ong ba 1. handsome. 2. charming, delightful, pleasing, agreeable. yid 'ong ma a handsome woman, a beauty (Hbrom. kha, 13). yid 'ong ldan an epithet of the river Gandak: chu klung ga º ka 'am yid 'ong ldan zer ba yod pa|de brgal na yangs pa can gyi grong khyer du phyin pa 'gyur there is the river called Gandaka or Yid-hoo ldan after crossing which (you) would enter the city of Yaos-pa-can (Dsam. 13). yid yal SANST [a house]S. yid rang ba = yi rang ba 3, 3dga' ba 3 (Moon.). yid la brjod pa SANST [debate in the mind]S. yid la byed pa 1. SANST imagination, fancy. 2. vb. to take to, to be pleased by: yid la byed pa zhes bya ba ni chos rnams la 'jug pa yin no (K. d. 'a, 355) what is called yid la byed pa implies the fixing of the mind on things. Syn. of 1. rnam rtog ; bsam mno ; mno bsam (Moon.). yid las skyes lit. mind-born, an epithet of Kamadeva the god of love. Syn. yid las 'byung ; yid srubs (Moon.). yid log pa to be tired or weary of. yid bsad pa = sgy id lug pa SANST, SANST [sad in mind]S. yid bsam = yid bzhin 3. yid srubs 1. = 'dod lha SANST an epithet of Kamadeva the god of love. 2. hor zla gsum pa the 3rd month of the Tibetan calendar (Moon.). 3. a refractory stubborn mind (J‰). yin pa 1. = the vb. to be; and is used to express direct affirmation or with a negative particle direct negation, and also to connect any attribute with its subject. Thus: yin zer ro he said, it is, ma yin is not; kho rang 'jig rten pa yin he is a layman; khyod su yin who are you? nga rang gtsang gi mi zhig yin I am a man of Tsang. In books it will be found that yin is employed to express both the first and the third persons, sing., and pl., and sometimes, though not so commonly, the second person chiefly indeed interrogatively: khyod de'i bu yin nam are you his son? Colloq. however in C. yin seems to be rarely if ever used with the second and third persons, 'dug being resorted to with the second and (occasionally) third persons and red "re" reserved for the third person; thus a Lhasa man would say: nga rang tshem pa yin I am a tailor, but would use kho rang tshem pa red to express: he is a tailor, and khyod tshem pa 'dug for: you are a tailor. But in books phyin pa yin would commonly = he has gone. 2. yin is often found in the past sense: de'i tshe blon po de ni sangs rgyas shAkya thub pa'i sprul pa yin the officer of that period was an emanation of Sakya-thubpa; rgyal po de ni 'dud po 'dzum med de yin that unsmiling demon was that king (Glr.). yod pa yin = has been. 3. as J‰. points out, this vb. is only used to connect the attribute and not to express presence or existence, yod pa and not yin pa being employed in such cases; e.g., "I am in the housed" cannot be turned nga rang khang pa la yin but must be rendered with yod . 4. in addition to its use as substantive vb. yin occurs as auxiliary vb. joined either to the participle or to a gerund. Joined to the participle it may indicate either the present or past tenses: 'gro ba yin I am going; tshong ba yin I have, or he has, sold; phyin pa yin has departed; khyod la lam mkhan yod pa e yin did you have a guide? de'i nang na su yod pa yin who is within that? ci byung ba yin what has become of him? de dus ci byas pa yin what had you been doing just then? Also, may have fut. sense: shi ba yin I shall die; ngo su shes pa la bskur ba yin she shall be given to whomsoever knows her; 'gro ba yin mod indeed you will have to go now (J‰.). Combined with the gerund in gyi or gyin it forms in the colloq. a narrative present incessantly resorted to, but the yin seems here again reserved for the first person: khyod da lta klog gi 'dug ga are you reading now? nga rang klog gi yin I am reading. Annexed to the supine in rgyu it forms a future tense frequently heard in talk and met with in the later literature: nga rta de nyo rgyu yin I shall buy that horse; sku'i gzim chung la bca' rgyu yin will attend at you honour's abode. In the fut. 3rd person red is generally the auxiliary. 5. In metaphysics the terms yin log and min log are hotly discussed; yin log signifies yin pa las log pa what is contrary to what is is ma yin , and in the same manner what is opposite to min log , i.e., yin pa las log pa is yin that which is. Besides these, expressions like yin pa yin pa yin pa , mi yin pa ma yin pa yin pa , ma yin ma yin pa , etc. also form subjects of discussion in scholastic controversies. yib v. char yib = skyibs eaves, shelter: char yib byed pa to take shelter from the rain. yib ma something hidden. (EEE char yib does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under skyibs 3.) yib pa to hide one's self. Syn. gab pa ; bag la nyal (Moon.). yib shing an officinal plant used for wounds and sores (Sman. 345). yu 1. num. fig.: 84. 2. in yu byed pa to culminate (J‰.). yu ga or yu khu oats, or a similar kind of grain. yu gu shing an officinal tree yielding a remedy for wounds and sores: yu gu shing gis rma 'byor dug tshad sel . yu gur yu ge ra n. of a country and people; the part of Mongolia situated to the north of Amdo. yu nga n. of a place in Hphan-yul (Rtsii.): yu nga dpal 'byor gling chief town with fort and monastery in Hphan-yul (Rtsii.). yu ja a kind of Chinese tea. yu tang an ancient monastery in Nepal: bal yul grub pa'i gnas chen po yu tang lhun gyis grub pa'i btsug lag khang chen po (K. g. ga, 191). yu thi ka á SANST n. of a sweet scented flower (K. ko. ka, 4) [Jasminum auriculatum]S. yu ba 1. = srog shing the life-tree. 2. a stick; that part of anything which the hand can grasp. yu ba ldan SANST one with a stick; gri yu haft of a knife; debs yu handle of an awl; lham yu leg of a boot; yu ba can SANST provided with a handle, yu med without a handle (J‰.). yu bo an ox or yak having no horns. yu mo 1. any hornless female cattle; also, esp. a hind, female of stag (Pth. 192a). 2. n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 36). yu bu cag + = rang re and bdag cag we, ourselves; also acc. Cs. = 'u bu cag . yu ma or yur ma weeds. yu ma yu ba or yur ma yur ba to weed out, to remove weeds from a garden or cultivation (Rtsii. 54). yug 1. a piece of cloth or stuff; gos su ras yug gcig las mi bdog ste as they had but one cotton cloth for their clothing. yug snam piece of serge-cloth. 2. for yud in Mil. yug pa old word = rkang pa the leg with the foot. yug po defined as phub ma dang rtsa zhib 'dres ma chaff and hay-dust mixed together. yug yug rgyab pa to wag (like the tail of a cow); to whirl round. yugs pa 1. = byugs pa to anoint, rub, daub with; imp. yugs zhig . 2. sometimes for yugs pho 3. yugs pho a widower; yugs mo a widow. yugs sa or yugs za mourning for a deceased husband or wife, and the state of uncleaness consequent on it, the duration of which varies according to the circumstance under which the first or second spouse had died, and also in different provinces; yugs sa pa widower; yugs sa ma or yugs sa mo a widow; yugs sa mo'i bdag po one who has married a widow. yung ba SANST, SANST 1. turmeric; yung ba'i mdog turmeric colour, yellow. In Sikk. it is called sga ser . 2. n. of a place in Hphan-yul (Loo. za, 3). Syn. of 1. gser 'joms ; mdog mchog ; mdog mdzes pa ; ser mo ; gseng ldan (Moon.). yung ma = nyung ma turnip. yungs kar (yungs dkar ) SANST, SANST white mustard; yungs nag also called pad gangs black mustard. yungs 'bru mustard-seed, grain of mustard: yungs 'bru tsam as small as a grain of mustard. yungs mar SANST oil of mustard. yud 1. = skad cig an instant, a very small portion of time stated to be a space of time varying from 8 second to 1Ω minutes. 2. acc. to Stg. khu fol. 53 yud is a space of time of longer duration, 48 minutes; acc. to Schtr. in Bhotan = chu tshod 24 minutes. 3. a black or coloured stripe on woven fabrics; yud can striped black or white in W. (J‰.). yud kyis = mgyogs po adv. quickly, instantly: 'ong zer nas yud kyis song saying I will come (he) quickly vanished (A. 131). yud du in a moment, yud tsam = hrib tsam (or srib tsam ) a moment, about a moment: gang mos kyi phyogs la yud tsam zhig la 'phur (Rdsa. 22). yud yud , = skad cig skad cig momentarily, only a moment. yun SANST any certain space or length of time, yun ci srid du how long? yun 'gor ba to delay, to take long to do a thing: yun 'gor yong gi yod 'dug pa bcas 'phral du (D. Shel. 7). yun thung ba a short time, of short duration; yun ring (A.K. 1-34) a long time; yun ring po , yun ring por or yun ring du during a long time. yun ring po nas a long time since or past: yun ring po sdad stayed or remained for a long time; yun ring 'tsho long-lived; yun ring ma late, old, stale. yun nen Yunnan, a province of China. yum 1. resp. for ma , SANST, SANST mother. btsun mo yum , yum btsun mo the queen-mother. 2. the nus ma or "female energy" of a deity or Bodhisattva, but in Tantrik ceremonial usually thought of and represented as a female companion or concubine of the deified personage. yab yum the symbolical representation of the procreative and generative faculties; and in Tantrikism a male deity clasping a female deity in his embrace or both standing together. 3. SANST a title of the third and latest part of the sacred writings, which contains the Abhidharma, or metaphysical portion of Buddhist Scripture, i.e., the collection of sacred writings colloq. called Bum; they are divided into 'bum rgyas , 'bum 'bring , 'bum bsdus pa the detailed, the middling, and the abridged compilation: dus gsum gyi rgyal ba thams cad skyed pa byed pa'i yum gtso bor nyam pa dang (A 21), he chiefly studied yum (the Matrika) that gives birth to all the Buddhas of the three periods. yum chen sa trig er sangs the counterpart of the PrajÒa Paramita, shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa , in the Bon religion yum mdo , = shes rab snying po the PrajÒasara. 4. when a copy is made of a sacred or royal writing or edict, the original from which the copy is made is styled the yum . yum sangs rgod la 'then the son of Hol-saos yum-la hthen (G. Bon. 23). yum sangs 'ol la 'then n. of the son of yum sangs rgod la 'then (G. Bon. 21). yum blo bzang chos mtsho n. of the mother of Dalai Lama Kalzang Gya-tsho (bskal bzang rgya mtsho ) (Loo. 'a, 11). yum pa only in W. to strew, salt on food, ashes on the snow (J‰.). yur ba 1. to irrigate; to arrange irrigation canals: bar dbus gtsang ru bzhi yur ba 'dra (Yig. 9), the four provinces of ‹, Tsang, Ru, and the land intervening are like an irrigated area. 2. sbst. aqueduct, conduit, water-course, irrigation channel; spubs yur a covered, subterraneous canal (Cs.); yur ba'i chu water conveyed by a canal (J‰.); yur po che SANST a large trench, channel, canal, yur phran SANST a small channel; ma yur mother channel or feeding channel. yur ma the act of weeding, yur ma yur ba to pull out weeds; metaph. to purify the mind, cleanse the heart, e.g., by disburdening one's conscience (J‰.). yul 1. primarily signifies: a country in general, an inhabited land; secondarily, the country districts as opposed to the metropolis, provincial parts, a province: yul gyi skad provincial dialect, provincialism; yul gyi mthil , mchog chief place capital; yul chen po brgya one hundred countries, such as Sing-gala (Ceylon), Thogar (Bactria), Li (Khotan), Balpo (Nepal), Kashmir, Zahor-Urgyan (Udyana), Magadha, rgya gar gyi yul India; rgya yul China (or India), bod yul Tibet, sog yul Mongolia. 2. a place; and sometimes even a village. Whenever yul precedes a word, it is to be understood, as relating to the place (situation), yul ba ra na si in Benares. skyid yul a happy place, sdug yul a wretched place; 'brog yul country consisting of steppes, where cattle abound or where they are kept. 3. a sphere, region, whether physical or metaphysical; the object or objects of perception by means of the senses; phyi'i yul drug the provinces of the six senses, i.e., forms (the external appearances of bodies), sounds, etc. yul mi 'dzin pa , gzhan du 'dzin pa to perceive things either not at all, or not correctly; brjod pa'i yul las 'das pa is stated to imply: exceeding the limits to speech, unspeakable; bsam bya'i yul las 'das pa = bsam gyis mi khyab pa frq. unimaginable, inconceivable, = SANST, subject; yul can yid la skyes SANST a business man, one who has nothing else but business to think upon; yul dpon = SANST a business man; yul dbang byed SANST the senses. rgyal khams 1. kingdom, e.g., of Nepal, China, Tibet, country. 2. habitation. Syn. yul ljongs ; yul khams ; yul 'khor ; rang byung skyes ; yul gyi gnas (Moon.). yul 'khor SANST tract of SANST country, province: mi khyim 'bum phrag gcig yod pa la (Moon.) a country which contains about a hundred thousand habitations. yul 'khor skyes SANST (Moon.) [several plants such as Solanum jacquini, etc.]S. yul 'khor skyong SANST met.: a ruler; yul 'khor skyong gis zhus pa'i mdo Sutra in (K. ko. nga, 427) containing an account of Buddha's life, beside the legendary account of prince Punya Prabha. yul 'khor ldan SANST = (in theatrical language) king's brother-in-law. yul 'khor dbang = rgyal phran , rgyal rigs cha shas a king, a potentate (not an emperor) (Moon.). yul 'khor 'dzin = ngang pa'i rgyal po (Moon.) king of geese, SANST one of the four guardian kings of the world. yul 'khyar immigrant, any people who on account of poverty leave their country and emigrate to other lands (Rtsii.). yul gung thang district of Gungthang in western Tsang, the birth-place of Nag-tsho Lo-tsa-wa Tshul-khrims rgyal-wa, who brought Atisa to Tibet. (EEE In the original this entry follows gung thang . It has been moved here to its proper alphabetical sequence.) yul gru a district, place, village, town. yul dgugs pa to confiscate property, to resume lands: yul dgugs kyi rigs la gnas dus nas lo lnga tshun don pa'i mgo gtsang bsnyon rgyal phran| yul brgyad the eight organs of bodily sensation and perception. yul ngan tempest; also public calamities, such as famine, murrain, etc. yun ngan gyi tsub ma the turmoil of the tempest. yul ngan 'bod as met. = bya skyung ka the jackdaw (Moon.), lit. that which invites public calamities. yul can suited, proper, being in its place, fulfilling its purpose (Cs.); acc. to Was. that which is treated objectively. yul chas = yul lugs or yul khrims a country's usages, the customs or laws of a country. yul ljongs SANST an inhabited tract where lands are cultivated. yul thang local price: nyos tho bkod par rin gong so so'i yul thang mthun pa 'dug (Rtsii.). yul sde 1. district. 2. a village or groups of villages under circle headman or governor. yul phu bla mkhar ordinarily called 'om bu la sgar the ancient palace of king gnya' khri btsan po in Yar-lung (Yig. 63). yul phyung ba one banished, one exiled. Syn. 'or cig ; ma 'dug ; ma sdod ; songs shig ; phyir bskrad ; dbyang ; phud (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "yol-phyuo-wa" which is clearly in error.) yul phyogs region, neighbourhood. yul dbus SANST the central country, i.e., Magadha. yul dbus skyes 1. a native of Magadha, one of the middle country. 2. = pi pi ling (Moon.) piper longum. Syn. rgya gar yul ; dbus 'gyur 'chang (Moon.). yul med improper, not in its place (Cs.): rang snang yul med bstan du gsol what has no place in my mind, that I beg you to teach me. yul tsho a village, a cluster of hamlets; properly a number of villages classed together and placed under a local headman. yul gzhis v. gzhis 3. yul bzang 1. fair weather (Cs.). 2. country with goodly climate, food and water. yul yod pa = yul can 3 (Cs.). yul lugs manners and customs of a country, usage of a country. Syn. lugs ; khrims ; rigs pa (Moon.). yus 1. boastfulness, swollen with pride, exultation, fervour; also making the most of things: yus che ba exultant, very proud, one who thinks much of himself: an 'dren gnyis pa btang bas khong yus che ba dang invitation was twice sent (to him) but he being proud (A. 120); yul kyis brnangs unable to utter a word, the gullet being choked with exultation; aa ti sha nges par snang snyan nas bdag yus kyis brnangs te (A. 134). 2. charge, blame, accusation, false accusation: bu'i khor ba dang rkan mo yus gsol (A. 5) as soon her son returned (from his journey) the old mother laid accusations to her son against his wife. yus te + = bden te SANST it being true, in fact, in truth. ye from the beginning, from eternity, utterly, perfectly, highly, quite; ye stong void or empty from the beginning: ye stong lhan grub zag med la|gang la gang 'dzin zhen pa khrol . (Hbrom. kha, 32). ye dag quite clean, clean from the beginning; ye dzogs quite perfect. ye nas , from the beginning, from eternity: ye nas lhan kyis grub self existent from the beginning, ye nas bzang po altogether good; ye nas ma zhig par 'dug he has not hurt at all; ye nas mi byed dgos that is not to be done by any means. ye 'byams = stong pa nyid emptiness. ye 'brog accident, danger caused by a gdonóevil spirit. It occurs in phral rkyen glo bur ye 'brog kyang sel mi thub pa 'dug (Sorig. 13). ye ma byed pa = gtan nas ma byed pa does not at all do: rings rings blo ma babs pa ye ma byas par (A. 132); ye ma song = rtsa ba nas ma song was not at all good; khyed kyi sngar kyi chos lam du ye ma song your former religious course was not at all good (A. 83). ye mi snang not at all conceived or seen: ngag chags lta bu phyi nang med par ye mi snang (Ya-sel. 15). ye med , long ye med pa = ma khom pa restless, continually at work, leisureless: nges chos ma zhus par long ye med pa'i dus su yang gsung (A. 29). ye'i = nga'i in the dialect of Lhokha. ye'i nya mo grog gi = nga'i nya mo grog gi ye snon rgyal po the earliest legendary king of Tibet who was born in a shell: dus gi sgo nga de la dbang po yan lag nyeng dod pa las khye'u zhig byung ba ni ye snon rgyal po sto (J. Zao.). ye snon nag po one of the four earliest tribes of Tibet (J. Zao.). ye re = lan gcig or tshar gcig once: gsang phub chen pos ra sgreng du ye re byon tsa na (A. l23); rwa sgreng du ye re byon he once visited Rwa-sgreo (Radeo) (A. 123). ye rang or Yera SANST; SANST n. of a city, next in importance to Khobom (Kathmandu), in Nepal. ye shes SANST the perfect absolute divine wisdom; also occasionally ye mkhyen . This is inherent to all great saints and divine beings. ye shes lnga the five kinds of divine wisdom:- (1) chos kyi dbyings kyi yes shes SANST; (2) me long lta bu'i ye shes ; (3) mnyes pa nyid kyi ye shes ; (4) so sor rtogs pa'i ye shes ; (5) bya ba nan tan du grub pa'i ye shes . In sooth ye shes is of two kinds: (1) ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes which comprises don dam pa'i chos thams cad all spiritual knowledge; (2) ji snyed pa mkhyen pa'i ye shes which consists of kun rdzob pa'i chos thams cad all apparent or unreal things. rang byung ye shes = the self-originated wisdom. ye shes mthong phung ba po one of the five infallible aggregates of divine knowledge; rnam par grol ba'i ye shes the knowledge which leads to Nirvana. ye shes sku and ye shes me long are epithets of MaÒju Sri or Jampal (Moon.). ye shes rgyal ba n. of a great Lama of the Bon (G. Bon. 35). ye shes snying po = SANST. ye shes phyag rgya'i mdo a Sutra in the Kahgyur vol. (ta, 370). ye shes gtsug phud one of the successors of Gshen-rab in the Bon hierarchy of Tibet. ye shes tshul khrims one of the four saints (G. Bon. 35). ye bsher gtsul phud n. of a predecessor of bshen rab the founder of Bon religion (G. Bon. 12). (EEE The original gives the headword in Tibetan as shown and the transliteration as "ye-bsher gtsug-phud". It is likely that the correct spelling of the headword is ye bsher gtsug phud in accordance with the transliteration's spelling.) ye sang dkar po 1. n. of a tribe in Tibet. 2. n. of a Bon deity (J. Zao.). ye su asserted to be a Chinese Buddhist teacher said to have been born in a miraculous manner: rdzus skyes su grags pa'i ston pa ye su ste 'jeg rten mgon po bya ba zhig gis (Grub. da, 2). yegs pa rough, shaggy, hairy. yeng yeng disposing things properly, putting those of one size or kind together, those different separately, &c. (Rtsii.). yeng ba = gYeng ba 3. yed po prov. for yag po 3. yen amply plentifully: zas dang od lam yen la gtong bar bya food and exercise should be amply provided for (J‰.). yer pa 1. n. of a place. 2. in phyag tu yer pa zhig mdzad nas raising one's hand with the palm turned upward, as a gesture of offering (Mil.). yer pa lha ri n. of a sacred mountain in Yerpa about ten miles from and to the east of Lhasa (J. Zao.): yer par yang phyag phab he also visited Yerpa (A. 27). yer khen Yarkand; it is stated in the biography of the first Dalai Lama that the people of Yarkand had become his subjects. yer ba 1. = gnyid ma khug pa not asleep. 2. = 'thor pa to sprinkle. yer re or yer re ba pure, clear, genuine, unadulterated; sngo yer re a pure blue; dkar yer na a pure white, in C. (J‰.). yer shong n. of a place in Khams (Loo. za, 19). yel yel = yer yeng ; mdangs yel yel clear, light, bright, said to be equivalent to sems dga' yel yel . yel 'phyos = zung 'jag . yes mas in colloq. = yas mas ancestors (Sch.). yo num. fig.: 144. yo ga á SANST = rnal 'byor systematic religious meditation; yo gi or yo ga pa = SANST an ascetic who practices meditation; yo ga ma = yo gi ni SANST a female ascetic. yo ga ca 4 SANST = rnal 'byor od pa a system of Buddhist philosophy developed by Aryasaoga; also n. of a metaphysical work dbu ma rin po che'i phreng ba dang |yo ga tsa rgya4 dang (A. 66.). yo gur n. of a country (Bon. ch. 4). yo tan the scarf presented as a token of one's consent to any order or proposal or suggestion; the scarf of assent (Yig. 23). yo ba adj. and sbst., aslant, sloping, awry, crooked; obliquity, slope, slant; kha yo the mouth crooked; yon po 1. adj., awry yo srong ba or bsrang ba to make the crooked straight. 2. crafty, distorted, perverted, deceitful; yon dpyod wrong interpretation, false judgement. 3. sbst. crookedness, deceitful dealings. Also gYo . yo byad 1. SANST, SANST, SANST; nor rdzas chattels, household furniture, necessaries; yo byed bsnyungs pa less furnished; 'tsho ba'i yo byed necessaries of life; mchod pa'i yo byad requisites for sacrificing; yo byad 'byor ba to procure the needful articles to make preparations (Dzl.); yo byad kyi 'bral ba to be in want of the needful (J‰.). 2. often used for nyo byad "nyop-che" articles to buy or for sale. yo byad ldan a man of property. Syn. 'byor pa can ; rdzas ldan (Moon.). yo 'bog n. of a medicinal tree the bark of which is taken as a decoction in fevers of all kinds. yo lang or yo langs cf. as used in dmag mi 'go byung sogs don du sgrigs cha yo langs zhu dogs 'dug (Rtsii.). yog for 'og below, downstairs; yog khang the ground floor, cellar, yog po or yog shing a 1. pole or stick for stirring the fire. 2. v. gYog po . yog rgyal a fruit for all classes; 'bras bu yog rgyal (Khrid. 97). yog gcin one that wets his bed (Sch.). yong ba 1. to be patient, to be capable for, equal to, to suffice, etc. 2. = 'ong ba 3. yong nge colloq. = that will do, that is enough. yong chad appointed time and place of coming. yong subst. yield, produce; yong sgo income; yong deb account book in which is entered the income or receipts; yong sdud collection (of revenue), income, proceeds; yong khul (yong gi yod pa'i srol ). yong sdud pa collector of revenue: yong sdud pa rdzong tho nang ltar the collector according to the register of rent (Rtsii.). bka' rgu yong sdud pag dbus gzhung gi sner slebs rnams kyis (D. Shel. 7); yong rtsis register of income, book of receipts (Rtsii.). yong ye = nges par adj. certainly, surely; defined as rnam pa kun tu and as rnam pa thams cad kyi thams cad du everywhere, in all, ever before, at all times. yongs all, whole, complete, entire: ga yongs kyi rje lord of all the black-haired, i.e., of laymen; yong 'du tshal gyi pho brang the palace in which all wish to meet. yongs dkris SANST [circumference]S. yongs skyob (zangs ) copper (S. Lex.). yongs bskor SANST [a full circle]S. yongs khul all together, every thing included, inclusive of all (Rtsii.). yongs khebs SANST [a roof, a cover]S. yongs khyab SANST [surrounded]S. yongs gang snod SANST [a full vessel]S. yongs grub (for yongs su grub ) 1. SANST perfected, accomplished; the absolute, what is independent and complete in itself (Was. 202). 2. independence, self-sufficiency, one of the three lakrana or characteristics of the deity or of Buddha according to the Yogacarya school of Buddhists; longs sku gzhan dbang dang chos sku yongs 'grub po the Sambhogakaya manifestation is subject to other's influence but the Dharmakaya (the spiritual) is complete in itself (A. 78). yongs 'gro SANST darkness. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "yoos-hdro" which is clearly in error.) yongs gcod SANST [limit, beginning]S. in the mystic language of the dge rgyas kyi lha this word = sdug bsngal ba 3; whilst yongs gcod 'byung = kun 'byung ba , khyim mtha' = 3'gog pa 3 and rtag tu rnam dag = 3lam 3 (K. ko. ka, 36). yongs 'jom a term for ba cow (Moon.). yongs 'joms SANST, SANST [an iron beam]S. yongs rtogs SANST full consideration; exhaustive inquiry, careful discussion on any subject; fully understood. yongs gdung SANST, SANST [great heat, affliction]S. yongs 'dud SANST met. a tree. yongs 'dus sa rdol 1. n. of a celestial region said to be somewhere to the north where the five kinds of 'dod yan are detained (Bon. ch. 6). 2. = dpag bsam shing , i.e., Kalpadruma the wishing tree of the gods its root being in the abodes of the Asura and its trunk hanging over the celestial regions so that the gods may enjoy its fruits. yongs 'bab v. chang dngos SANST essential spirit. (EEE chang dngos does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under chu bdag skyes 3.) yongs sbyor = 'grogs pa friendship, company (Moon.). yongs 'dzin designation given to the tutor or spiritual and philosophical instructor superintending the childhood of the highest incarnate lamas. Thus the instructor of the present Panchhen Lama of Tashi-lhunpo is styled: the Yong-dsin Lho-pa. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "yoos-bdsin" which is clearly in error.) yongs bzang can 1. a term for shug pa juniper. 2. SANST (Moon.) the tree of paradise growing on the lofty peaks of the Himalaya. yongs zlum mig lit. the round-eye, as met. the domestic fowl, the cock (Moon.). yongs su 1. adv. SANST wholly, completely, altogether; yongs su dag pa immaculate, fully purified, quite clean; yongs su spang ba SANST to give up entirely; yongs su bslad de quite lost in perverseness. 2. generally, universally: zhes yongs su grags so SANST so he was universally famed; yongs grags kyi bu chen bzhi four disciples of universal fame. Compounds:- yongs su dkris ensnared, entangled, all round; yongs su bkag SANST wholly forbidden, stopped; yongs su bkrus SANST well washed; yongs su brkyang SANST completely stretched out [following]S.; yongs su skor SANST [completely surrounded]S.; yongs su skyobs pa wholly protected, saved; yongs su skyo ba SANST to repent sincerely, repentance, regret; yongs su bgreng SANST [binding, counting]S.; yongs su gyur pa SANST wholly changed [matured]S.; yongs su mgu ba SANST to be very joyful; yongs su 'gul ba SANST, SANST to be very much moved [trembling, swimming about]S. yongs su 'gebs pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST to cover completely; yongs su 'gems SANST [enlightening]S. yongs su 'gog pa SANST to stop completely, pull out, take away entirely [obstruction]S.; yongs su rgol SANST to dispute hotly, yongs su rgyas pa SANST [flooded]S.; yongs su rgyud SANST [succession, regular series]S.; yongs su sgrogs byed SANST [resounding]S.; yongs su bsgy ur SANST entirely changed. yongs su bsngo ba to make full prayer basing it on ones merit and faith; yongs su gcod SANST, SANST cut off entirely; yongs su 'jug pa SANST to put in all; yongs su brjod pa SANST to speak without reserve [abused]S.; yongs su nyams pa SANST to lose all inherent strength: lha'i stobs yongs su nyams song the power of the (local) god is gone; yongs su mnyen par byed pa SANST to make very soft, pliable, smooth; yongs su gtong ba SANST, SANST [abandonment]S.; yongs su rtogs pa = shes rab can (Moon.) a wise man, one possessed of divine knowledge. yongs su rtogs pa las byung ba having arisen from quite reliable information of SANST [attained to decision]S.; yongs su thob SANST [furniture, shaving]S. yongs su bsnun SANST thoroughly pricked [loosened]S. yongs su sbyin pa SANST to give, bestow freely, [devotion, exchange, deposit]S.; yongs su rmongs SANST wholly obscured; perplexed. yongs su snin SANST lit. quite ripe [digestion]S.; yongs su rdzogs par SANST the whole completed. yongs su dag pa SANST absolute purification, the state of Nirvana; also, purification by righteousness, purity of one's doctrine. yongs su dag pa gsum the three perfect purities, viz.: dge ba'i rtsa ba yongs su dag pa ; snon lam yongs su dag pa SANST [pure meditation or prayer]S.; lta ba yongs su dag pa SANST [correct insight]S. (K. d. nga, 51). yongs su 'dogs pa SANST to fasten well [distribution, gift]S. yongs su 'dri SANST [investigation, enquiry]S. yongs su 'dren = SANST; yongs su 'dren pa SANST [a guide]S. yongs su od 1. = bran gYog servants, slaves, etc. 2. the honeymoon of a Brahman (Moon.). yongs su od pa SANST, SANST complete enjoyment, also (dad pa lta bur ) showing respect or faith. yongs su dbang SANST as met. = the lion. yongs su dbul bya signifies one who makes gifts, lavishes alms on the poor and liberally assists the clergy (Moon.). yongs su snod = mi mos pa SANST disrespectful, an infidel (Moon.). yongs su tshang ba complete, full in all its parts, not fractional. Syn. kun tu ; ma tshang med ; dum bu min ; mtha' dag (Moon.). yongs su gzir ba SANST [to oppress]S. yod SANST, SANST, SANST all that exists, existing; matter, all that comes within cognition or perception. Syn. gzhi grub ; gzhal bya ; shes bya ; chos rnams (Moon.). yod dgu an emphatical expression = everything, all matter without aught left out; lhag ma ma lus pa ste 'dod rgyal gyi sgra matter, substance, all that exists, everything (Oag.). Syn. yod do cog ; mtha' dag (Moon.). yod thang that existing; acc. to Sch. thoroughly clear; yod thang gang po all that exists. yod do cog = yod tshod thams cad , as in sems can yod do cog la 'chi ba'i gnas las thar ba ri gcig kyang med (Khrid. 21). yod pa SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. to be, to exist; to be present anywhere. As J‰. points out, this vb. may be used always in place of yin pa although the latter may not always re-place yod pa which is more than the mere connective of the attribute to the subjects. However yod pa is in the full sense an auxiliary vb. as well as possessed of its substantive verbal use. kho rang ga la yod where is he?ó yin can not be here employed; nga'i lag pa khom yod my hands are at leisure, I am unoccupied; 'di pa su yod who is here? As an auxiliary with gerund: zos nas yod he was eating; ngas dpe cha klog gi yod I am reading a book; phyin pa yod he has gone. The negative form of yod is med : kho rang khom med he is not at leisure. In the C. colloq. the interrogative form is generally not yod dam but yod pas "yˆ-pe": 'di nas dgon pa de thag ring po yod pas "di-ne gˆmpa te tha' rio-po yˆ-pe" is that monastery far from here? 2. to have, to be in possession of, to possess (any quality or piece of property); used with dat. of person having or owning: khyod la khyi mang po yod you have many dogs; kho la blo zabs yod pa red he has a crafty mind; rgyal po la 'dod pa chen po yod pa 'dug the king seems to have yet a great wish; rgyal mo'i gYog mo zhig yod pa a maid-servant whom the queen had; in a like manner without a case: gri zhig yod pa de the knife which he had about (him); khrin ma 'dom bcu dgu yod pa a well having depth of 19 fathoms; yod par 'gyur fut. of yod pa shall or will have; khri gdugs kyang yod par gyur cig the throne should also have a canopy; yod par byed pa to beget, produce, effect; bu yod par gyis shig get her to have a child. In C. red pa is very commonly conjoined quite pleonastically to yod in this sense: khyod las ka'i don la snying rus yod pa red you have zeal for the work; nga la nyo byad yod pa ma red "oa-la nyop-che yˆ-a-ma-re" I have no things to sell. yod pa nyid SANST existence (Cs.); yod min SANST [1. non-existence. 2. the plant Guilandina]S.; yod min nyid non-existence. yod med SANST, SANST being and not being. yod med go bzlog snang optical illusion when one imagines one sees what is not existing, or the reverse. yod tshod yin there is probability of its being, existing; acc. to J‰. it has the semblance of being. yon SANST (rim gro lta bu'i ) a present given to priests for religious services or as alms. zas yon a gift consisting of food; yon priest and mendicant friars (Buddhists), yod 'bul ba to bestow a gift, to bring an offering; yon 'bul 'os SANST, SANST worth of a present; yon du 'bul ba to present as a gift; snan yon a physician's fee (Cs.). Syn. mchod pa ; brngan pa ; me tog (Moon.). yon khar da + = yang dag ma yin pa profane, not very pure, not holy. (EEE The original gives the headword as yon khyer da with a transliteration of "yon-khar-da". The headword in this edition has been changed to match the transliteration.) yon gyi gnas pa = in gnas or mchod gnas an officer or sacrificer (Moon.). Syn. yon sogs 'gyed pa'i ming ; brims pa ; bkram pa ; nye bar 'gyed ; 'grems pa ; gtong ba ; in pa ; byin pa (Moon.). yon bsngo ba = rnam par 'gyur (Moon.); yon bsngo ba med pa la bsngo ba mdzad pa (A. 80). khyil ma la bsnyan gnas dang yon bsngo ba (A. 155) the prayer that one who offers makes that by the virtue of his gifts he may gain the position of a Bodhisattva. yon chab oblation, water that is daily offered in a set of five, seven, or nine small brass cups to Buddhas, saints, and gods. yon bdag SANST 1. a priest who performs a sacrifice. 2. a householder who employs priests to perform sacrifices. yon tan SANST, SANST, SANST; yon tan chen SANST; SANST good quality, excellence; taste, effect, virtue, valuable properties, e.g., the virtues of plants; also accomplishments, attainments: yon tan slob pa to learn something useful; property, quality, in gen., e.g., the different tastes and effects of medicines; also mystic or fantastic properties (Glr.). yon tan kun ldan SANST, SANST one possessed of all sorts of accomplishments; mkhas pa yon tan kun ldan te|rlom sems med par zhi zhing dul he who is learned and is possessed of all accomplishments is peaceful, disciplined, and free from boasting (Leg.); yon tan rgya mtsho SANST the ocean of talents, the most talented, an epithet of Buddha (M.V.); yon tan can SANST learned, wise, talented; yon tan med SANST, SANST not talented; yon tan rin chen me tog kun tu rgyas pa n. of a Bodhisattva. (K. ko. ca, 437). yon tan shes talented, one who has useful knowledge. yon po 1. v. yo ba 3 (J‰.). 2. = drang po min pa also 'khyog pa crooked, not straight (Zam. 11). Syn. kyog po ; yon kyog ; gcu bo ; mi drang ba ; 'chus pa ; sgy ur ba ; 'khyog po ; kyag kyog (Moon.). yob = 'ob 1. (sgo'i yob ) the steps at the threshold. 2. stirrup; yob gong instep of the foot. yob tu rkang pa bcug riding on saddle-horse, lit. putting the feet into the stirrups (Hbrom. 30); yob thag stirrup-leather; yob mthil the footing. 3. trench, ditch. yob pa v. gYob pa 3. yob yob + = rkang pa the foot (Lish.). yom pa vb. to swing, totter, tremble, to be unsteady, swinging, etc.; the swinging; adj. yom po . adv. yom yom rolling, swinging. yo'u chang n. of one of the Emperors of China (Grub. tha, 15). yor po or yor yor ba also thom yor shaking, tottering, trembling; also oblique, slanting, in C. yor shing = 'om bu a species of tamarisk (in mystic talk) (Mio. rda. 4). yol n. of a place in Tibet: de nas dge bshes yol gyis zhus pas khyod snying rje che ba yin pas khyod la in (A. 103) (Deb. ga, 19). yol go or yol ma a cup or vessel of precious stone or metal (Yig.). Acc. to Schtr., earthenware, crockery; dkar yol china-ware, porcelain, frq.; yol gor cup, bowl. yol sgo = yol go . yol ba I: SANST, SANST, SANST sbst. curtain: yol bas 'brel ba to stretch a curtain over; yol ba then pa to draw a curtain; yol ba gcod pa to close the curtain (of a door); dar yol silk-curtain; ras yol calico-curtain; sgo yol door-curtain. II: vb. 1. to have past, be done: nyi ma phyed yol mid-day is past; srod yol song the evening has past; nam phyed yol ba has gone by midnight, nyi ma yol la khad the sun is nearly down, has nearly set; nyi ma la yol ba the sun has passed over the hill-top; dus las yol ba to be past, of time, youth etc.; rlung dang char dus las yol bas wind and rain setting in and ceasing at the proper time. 2. also = gYol ba in C. yos (nas lta bu ) parched corn, mostly barley and wheat; 'bras yos parched rice. yos 'thag = rtsam pa btags pa or rtsam 'thag parched barley, rice or wheat made into flour: 'di kun yang rta rdzi dang yos 'thag yin (A. 119). Syn. rngos pa ; bcag pa ; yos bkra ; mdzes 'i rma can (Moon.). yos or yos bu = the rabbit or hare, but is found so used only in the calendar or in astronomical calculations: yos bu'i lo dpyid zla 'bring po'i tshes brgyad la rdo rje gdan he visited Rdorje gdan in the second month of the spring of the hare-year (A. 93). gYag SANST, SANST (tsa ma ra ) the Tibetan yak, Bos grunniens; is very abundant throughout Tibet, especially in the north-east, but does not seem to penetrate further north than the Akka Tagh range or the Kokonor region. In Tibet, the male is called gYag and the female 'bri mo ; pha gYag (sometimes called gYag rgod ) uncastrated yak-bull which is very wild and fierce; gYag rgod or 'brong wild-yak; gYag ru horn of a yak; gYag rog zhol chen a long-haired shaggy yak. gYag rnga sbst. the tail of the yak: tshul khrims kyi yan lag gYag rnga bzhin du bsrung ba (idiomatically) to preserve one's morals as the yak takes care of its tail (A. 150); hence gYag rnga ba to carefully preserve. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "byag" which is clearly in error.) gYag sde n. of place in the district of snye mo gYag sde rdzong (Rtsii.). gYag rmed (dam cheg na rma 'tshos khal mi brtan )? (Blo-sbyoo. 7). gYang 1. SANST, SANST; syn. dpal ; a . 2. happiness, blessing, prosperity: gYang chags blessing comes (from), growth of prosperity; gYang shor prosperity vanishes; gYang skyob , gYang 'gugs sacrifices and other ceremonies to secure prosperity; gYang khang a house furnished with rich furniture, precious things, and equipped with all accompaniments of prosperity; gYang sgro ba or gYang sgam a chest containing treasures; gYang dar kind of white scarf indicative of prosperity, wealth, and long life: gYang dar khab tags gcigs (Rtsii.). 3. gulf, abyss. gYang skyo ba + immodest behaviour, shameless conduct, = co 'dri ba ; also, to slight. gYang dkar as met. a sheep. Syn. lug ; gYang mo ; bal ldan (Moon.). gYang khug the bag in which auspicious articles (SANST) are kept. gYang spru'u = gYang ti jade: dkar po 'dug na gYang sbru'u zhes zer if it is white the jade is called yang-du (Jig. 16). gYang ba SANST, SANST [a cow's foot or hoof]S. gYang bum or gYang rten gyi bum pa the auspicious pot in which sacred gold ornaments, gold coins, and other precious things are kept. It is generally consecrated by a lama with spells sacred to the god of wealth (Dsambhala) and the goddess nor rgyun ma ; the top of this pot being covered with a kind of silk scarf containing figures of the Dorje: gYang bum gyi khebs sna tshongs rdo rje 'bri ba'i kha btags gcig (Rtsii.). gYang tshe for gYang 3 and 3tshe 3. gYang gzhi 1. an orgie in Tantrik mysticism for which a stuffed human skin is said to be required (Rtsii.). 2. SANST the whole skin of an antelope on which religious men sit; to J‰. a skin couch, also a covering in general. (EEE The original gives the Tibetan headword as yang gzhi but the transliteration of the headword as "gyao-gshi". The headword in this edition has been corrected accordingly.) gYang rong a precipice descending into a deep ravine (Yig. 67). gYang lug the effigy of a sheep made of butter used at religious ceremony of gYang sgrub 'the calling in of blessings.' gYang lugs SANST a mantle; skin of an animal used for clothing. gYang shod bong ra n. of a place in Kham (Loo. za, 28). gYang sa SANST, SANST [a deep cavern, a precipice]S. ji tsam mtho bzhin gYang sa che high as you stand, so deep is the gulf. gYang sa las 'dzin pa to snatch from the abyss, to save (Thgy.); 'di ni gYang sa kho nar rgyug SANST this only runs into rocky precipices (A.K. 2-62). gYang lha a deity of the Shamans dispensing happiness (Sch.). gYan pa SANST, SANST a cutaneous eruption akin to itch, which is said to invade any part of the body and to be combined with a copious discharge of matter; acc. to J‰. hereditary and not contagious: gYan pa phrugs na bde 'gyur ba|de bas gYan pa med na bde|de bzhin 'jig rten bde|'dod ldan bde|de bas 'dod pa med na bde if the gyan-pa eruption is scratched there is a little sensation of relief but if indeed there was no itching there would be happiness. So worldly happiness is a temporary relief but happier still would one be without itching desires. gYab pa pf. gYabs , 1. to signal, to beckon: 'bod pa'i phyir gYab pa to signal for calling one; lag pas gYabs (Oag.), waved the hand (to call somebody). 2. projection of a roof, khang pa'i bya gYab projection of roof where birds take shelter; brag gYab a piece of rock projecting under which people take shelter from rain; ras gur gyi gYab sheltering tent. 3. fan: bsil gYab the swinging fan; gYab dar silk fan. gYab mo sbst. a call by signal from the hand or by the waving of a scarf. gYam = zhar 3; gYas rgyug = zhar la rgyug pa (?). gYam pa slab of stone, roof-slate, for gYa' spang . gYa' SANST rust, lcags gYa' oxide of iron; zangs kyi gYa' oxide of copper, verdigris. gYa' dag pa freed from rust; to clear, polish, e.g., a mirror. gYa' kyi ma a small high-alpine Saussurea, the flower of which plant is an antibilious medicine. gYa' thig 1. a line drawn on a slate with a lead-pencil (J‰.). 2. a slate-pencil or lead-pencil, also gYa' smyug . 3. bolt or bar: gYa' rgyab pa to bolt, to bar; gYa' phye ba to unbolt, unbar. gYa' 'drul ba to be mouldy, to get rusty, to get covered with foul extraneous matter (Sch.). gYa' spang 1. slate. 2. oil of vitrol; in C. verdigris. gYa' spang skyes one of the generic names of the Sakya-pa hierarchs (Loo. za, 30). gYa' ba to shudder, to itch; also defined as za 'phrug lang ba itching of the skin; gzugs po gYa' ba'i nad scratching the body for relief (Ya-sel. 28); gYa' sgog itching in the body; mchan 'og dang lus za phrug langs pa itching in the arm-pit, &c. gYa' pa rusty (J‰.). gYa' bzang n. of a place in Tibet (Loo. 'a, 5). gYa' bzang khri dpon n. of one of the Governors of Tibet under the hierarchy of Hgro-mgon Hphags-pa of Sakya (Loo. 'a, 13). gYa' rug pa = hen len a medicinal herb, Picrorhiza (mystic) (Mio. rda.). gYa' shing the maple. Syn. bdag spad ; mi gsal ; aa ^ º ; skyes ma ; rab tu char 'bebs ma ; drang srong brjod ; shi ±i rtse ; (SANST, SANST); nags kyi mi 'dra (Moon.). gYar = kha , gdong and mdun , i.e., mouth, face and front. gYar khang = sku gzugs human body, person. gYar khams = sku khams or sgy u lus body, person. gYar khral + = khral , sho gam or dpya (Moon.) tax, revenue, rent, but generally capitation tax. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "gyar-kkhral" which is clearly in error.) gYar dam + sometimes incorrectly written for yal gam to avow, promise, undertake. Syn. dam bcas ; khas blangs pa . gYar 'dren pa = an 'dren pa to invite, to call one to one's place. gYar po 1. anything borrowed, taken as a loan, a loan: lus 'di 'byung bzhi'i gYar po yin this is a loan of the four (constituent) elements (Hbrom. kha, 108). 2. credit for what has been lent or advanced. gYar ba to borrow, to hire: pho brang nas mar me gYar te having borrowed a lamp in the castle; gnas tshang gYar ba to hire night-quarters; khang pa gYar mkhan tenant, lodger; gYar byed pa = gYar ba . pha gYar step-father, ma gYar step-mother, bu gYar adopted child (J‰.). gYar mo thang pa n. of a medicinal flower: gYar mo thang pas skrangs 'joms rma la phan (Med.). gYar tsha + = ngo tsha shame, bashfulness. gYar len + = khas len promise. gYar lam + 1. = mdun front-side or before one's presence. 2. = rmi lam dream (K. d. tha, 197). gYal SANST yawning, gaping. gYas pa SANST, SANST the right hand or side, lag pa gYas ma the right hand; gYas na on the right (hand), gYas su to the right, gYas nas from the right; mig gYas the right eye; lag gYas the right hand; gYas phyogs la to or on the right-hand side; gYas logs la id.; gYas gYon right and left; gYas gYon la lta ba to look all round to the right and the left. One of the two provinces into which Tsang anciently was divided is gYas ru the right-hand division, the other is gYon ru the left side division or banner (Loo. 'a, 4). gYas brkyang gi 'dug stangs a sitting posture in which the right leg is stretched forth (lha rnams phyag dang zhabs brkyang bskum gyi bzhugs tshul ) (Ya-sel.). gYas khag gYon dkris one hiding or covering the fault of another, one defending another. gYas 'khyil , SANST invariably reverting to the right side (coiling to the right-hand side; as conch shell with rings) reverting to the right hand side. gYas len gYon 'jog lit. taking by the right hand what the left gives or places into it, i.e., to re-arrange papers, records, etc., also furniture. ngo thog gYas len gYon 'jog gis mtshon pa'i rtsis kyi rigs gen. to present or to help a person with things taken as a loan or on credit from another party (Rtsii.). gYi = dbyi the Tibetan lynx; gYi ang lynx and wolf. gYi yi sha ni gdon gyi nad la phan the flesh of lynx cures disease caused by evil spirits: ber gnyis , gYi sbyang bzhi , khrab bzhi two sacerdotal cloaks, four skins of lynx and wolf, and four bucklers (A. 101). gYigs pa sbst. eructation; also as vb. to belch, eructate: gYer ma za ba sogs kyis kha nas gYigs byed pa to eructate from eating capsicum, etc. (Oag.). gYid ston SANST [1. a subordinate feeling. 2. a secondary flavour]S. gYu SANST, SANST the Ladak and W. Tibet turquoise. Syn. bo ro dza ; rin chen rgyal po ; rdo yi rgyal po (Moon.). The finest turquoise are obtained from a mine in the neighbourhood of the Gaos-can mountains of Ngari Khorsum. Those of inferior quality come from India and elsewhere. There are asserted to be at least five varieties of this precious stone called zil gnon gYu ang , gYu gru dkar , gYu gru dmar , bar gYu , and gYu mchin kha (Loo. ha, 1). gYu kha the turquoise colour; gYu kha lcags kha gnam kha gur gum ka turquoise-colour, iron-colour, sky-colour and saffron-colour (Yig. 20). mdun gYu the front turquoise the head-dress of females; phra gYu little turquoise-stones; gYu'i frq. for gYu mdog turquoise-blue; gYu mtsho a glacial-lake, a blue glittering lake. gYu bcal ma = gYu khra spotted turquoise: gser gru bzhi gYu bcal ma gYu byil gzi sogs (Rtsii.). gYu thog pa n. of an ancient noble family in Tibet from which one of the four state ministers or ShapÈ are generally selected by the Government of Lhasa. Their palace stands near the gYu thog zam pa a bridge in Lhasa. gYu thog yon tan mgon po n. of a celebrated physician and author of medical works who flourished during the reign of king khri srong lde'u btsan . He is said to have thrice visited Magadha from Tibet in order to study Sanskrit medicinal works at Nalanda. A block-print biography of this worthy consisting of 149 leaves exists in the Government library at Lhasa in which work it is stated that he lived to the age of 125 years. It is also mentioned that the gods and demons presented him with an immense quantity of turquoises and other precious stones heaping them on the roof of his house, hence he was called by the name of gYu thog pa . (EEE The original has the phoneticization Thi-sroo dehu-btsan in place of khri srong lde'u btsan above.) gYu drug sngon mo = 'brug the dragon symbolical of the thunder; and hence signifying thunder: 'gung thon mo'i gYu 'brug sngon mo 'di gzugs med kyang stong gsum skad kyis gang | gYu drug stod n. of a place in the district of Nyang in the province of Tsang (Deb. ga, 33). gYu ldan vegetable incense of the colour of turquoise (Rtsii.). gYu bur = gYu khra : dar zab gos dang gYu bur mdzes pa dang (A. 12). gYu byil = gYu and byu ru turquoise and coral. gYu mtsho one of the names by which lake Yamdok is known in Tibet (J. Zao.). gYu mdzod sngon po n. of a demon (sa bdag ) who presides over time to make it auspicious or inauspicious. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "gyu-mdsod soon-mo" or gYu mdzod sngon mo which would be a female demon instead of the male indicated by the headword's spelling. Which is correct or whether both are correct is not clear.) gYu rung for gYung drung 3. gYu lo 1. an epithet of a disciple of Gshen-rab who was a counterpart of Maudgalyayana (Bon.). 2. turquoise leaf; gYu lo bkod pa'i bdag mo an epithet of the goddess Dolma (Yig. k. 61); gYu lo bkod pa'i zhing the celestial mansion of the goddess Dolma (Yig. k. 61). gYug pa in lag pa gYug pa for lag pa dbyug pa to flourish or brandish the hand. gYung = mdzo gYung 1. the cross between cow and yak. 2. n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 22). gYung drung SANST, SANST the Sanskrit Svastika or Tibetan gYung drung , the mystic cross SYMB "is only a monogrammatic symbol formed by the combination of the two (Pali) syllables SYMB su, and SYMB ti = svasti, which term is a compound of su, "well" and asti, "it is" meaning "it is (fatalistic) well" or "so be it," implying complete resignation under all circumstances, not the meek resignation of the Christian bowing to the chastening of the Almighty." (Cunningham's Bilsa Topes.) Latterly it is thought that the swastika or gYung drung derived its shape from the SYMB the sun and thus may be connected with sun-worship. If that is so, the SYMB would help to explain the perambulation of holy objects of the Bonpos which leaves the honoured object to the left not as with the Buddhists to the right. The Buddhists seem to believe that the sun moves round the top of Sumeru leaving it to the right. But in that case the shape of the gYung drung must originally have been reversed in form. This sign is used by the Bonpo in the place of the Buddhist Vajra (rdo rje ): ma dros mtsho ru gYung drung brnyes they found the swastika cross on the lake Manasarovara (Zam. 4). gYung drung 'khyil ba = rgyal po'i pho brang king's palace (Moon.). gYung drung dgon Buddhist monastery, Lama Yurru in Ladak (Cunn.); gYung drung can SANST an epithet of Virnu (Moon.). gYungs drung ltung bshags n. of a Bon religious work on confession; its Buddhist counterpart being byang chub ltung bshags gYung drung pa the follower of the Gyuo-druo or Bon religion. gYung drung tshul khrims n. of a Bon sage (G. Bon. 35). gYung drung sems dpa' the counterpart of a Bodhisattva in the Bon religion (G. Bon.). gYung po + or gYung pho SANST, SANST (S. Lex.) a low caste people of India. gYung ba = phyir phud pa 1. to outcaste; to cast out. 2. one of very ugly and repulsive appearance, a cadaverous-looking person. 3. acc. to J‰. tame, opp. to rgod pa wild. gYung mo (rigs ngan mo ) 1. SANST a woman of the lowest caste in India. 2. acc. to (S. Lex.) SANST; and to J‰. SANST libidinous woman. gYur or yur 1. = gnyid sleep, slumber. 2. v. gYul ba 3 (J‰.). gYur za or gYur za ba SANST, SANST [dependence, support]S.; a tree bent under the weight of its flowers or fruits (Rtsii. 17). gYul ba or gYul kha byed pa to fight, make battle; also gYul as subst. SANST, SANST, SANST, battle, fight, war; gYul gyi chas zhugs pa = go cha gyon pa to dress in coat of mail, to be in full armour. gYul 'gyed pa SANST, SANST to give battle, gYul gyi sa gzhi SANST a battle field. gYul ngo SANST, SANST a battle, fight; acc. to J‰. an army facing the enemy and ready for battle; gYul ngor SANST; gYul ngor brtan pa SANST the eldest of the Pandava brothers, one fearless and sturdy in fight, a hero (Moon.); gYul ngor zhugs pa or gYul du zhugs pa to go to battle; gYul ngor son SANST [skilful in making war, a hero in battle]S. gYul gyi sar 'byung ba'i dgra skad so so the different kinds of war cry: glang po'i dpa' sgra ; 'bru mang po ; shing rta'i bskyod shugs ; sprin gyi sgra ; rta sgra gsang mtho 'tsher ba ; aa hang skyes bu'i dregs sgra ; 'khrug rnga pa ta ha yi sgra ; zab mo'i nga ro kha gling sgra ; lhab lhab pa dan bskyod pa'i sgra ; mar mar sgra ; glag cor ca bo'i sgra 'dres pa (Moon.). gYul dkrug , occurs in gYul dkrug pa'i 'khor lo (Gyu. 10). gYul bskrad pa'i 'khor lo (Gyu. 10). gYul kha SANST, SANST 1. a threshing-floor. 2. = gYul 'thab war, a battle. gYul 'khrug pa SANST disorder, an up-rising in a country. gYul thang ('bru'i ) a threshing floor SANST [a multitude of threshing floors; the plant Anthericum tuberasum]S. gYul du 'dzin as met. = a knife or sword. gYul na brjid = dpa' bo a hero, a champion (Moon.). gYul sprod pa to do battle, to fight, strive, struggle. Syn. 'khrug pa ; 'dzing ba ; gYul gshom pa ; rgol ba ; 'thab rtsod ; mngon par nyid ; rdeg gsod ; 'khrug long ; kha 'thab pa ; gYul 'gyed pa ; 'thab pa (Moon.). gYul bzlog pa to avert war, also, to rout an enemy, to make the enemy run away or retire: gYul bzlog pa'i 'khor lo a wheel which can subdue an enemy and bring victory (Gyu. 10). gYul las = ston las (Oag.). gYul bsrung a sentinel or military sentry, watch-guard: gYul bsrung ba'i 'khor lo (Gyu. 10). gYeng ba 1. SANST, SANST to swing, waft, to flow, agitate, to move a thing softly to and fro: chus gYengs te moved by the waves to and fro.; yul khams su gYeng ba to flow over a country, with floods or hostile armies, etc. (Ma.); dpe rnams gYeng ba to turn over books. 2. (sems lta bu ) to agitate the mind, to turn off the attention, to disturb the mind: rgyal po an gYengs pa dang the king looking away, directing his attention to something else; sems bdud kyis gYengs the soul is disturbed by the devil; ma gYengs pa undisturbed, attentive; rnam par mi gYeng ba or gYengs pa to be quite attentive, not to be disturbed by any thing, inexcitable, a character in which Buddha excels and which all must strive to attain to. 3. sbst. as gYengs pa diversion, pleasure, recreation; jest, joke: gYengs 'dod kyi kha khram ma yin these are no falsehoods spoken in jest (Mil.). gYengs byed SANST fig. a pig. gYen 1. gYen sbyor ba to calumniate. 2. n. of a royal family: gYen sangs phya la 'then a son of king Bala saos-gyen-la hthen (G. Bon. 23). gYem pa or log gYem 1. = 'dod log or 'dod pa log par gYem pa fornication, incest, adultery. gYem byed pa to commit adultery, fornication. 2. SANST false dealings, acting wrongfully. gYer kha or dril bu gYer kha ma small bell attached to the neck of a Lhasa lap-dog as an ornament. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "gyer-kka" which is clearly in error.) gYer snyom pa SANST [weary, drowsy]S. gYer pa = gYer ba 3: mi bdag gYer pa'i lugs bzhin du SANST [in the manner of a proud king]S. (A.K. 1-32). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "ggyer-pa" which is clearly in error.) gYer po + SANST an expert, one who is well versed in any subject. Acc. to J‰. adj. wise, prudent, circumspect. Syn. mkhas ngas ; mkhas pa ; grims pa . gYer ba 1. v. gYel ba 3. 2. passion, misbehaviour: byi dor mi gYer ngos (Yig. 48). gYer bag = snang gYel can light, luminous body or space. gYer ma SANST guinea pepper, Capsicum. gYer mo thang n. of a place in Kham (Ya-sel. 17). gYer shing pa n. of a medicinal plant: gYer shis pa yis 'brul pa'i tsha ba sel . gYel 1. = msnyos las SANST, slumbering; indolence. 2. n. of a place in Kongpo (Deb. ga, 45). gYel pa + = 'dod pa gcig an urgent wish; a passion. gYel ba 1. to be idle, lazy, slothful; gYel ba med par incessantly, continually, busily. 2. in thugs gYel ba to forget. gYel ma = 'phyon ma a harlot, prostitute (Moon.). gYo or gYo sgy u , also gYo skyu , craft, cunning, deceit (J‰.); gYo bkol id.: bya byed thams cad kyang sdig pa'i gYo bkol 'ba' zhig las mi 'dug pas (Khrid. 45). gYo khram = gYo sgy u dang khram both deceit and cunning. gYo 'gul quaking, trembling, shivering. gYo 'gul chen po great quaking. Syn. gYo zhing 'gul ; 'dar zhing ldeg ; yom yom ; shig shig ; sig sig ; yongs su 'gul ; 'khrugs ; kun tu 'khrugs (Moon.). gYo can SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST crafty, deceitful; a deceiver, cheat: gYo can ; mi yis bden ci yang mi zer (Rdsa.). Syn. dbye byed ; khram byed ; dbyen byed ; sgy u can ; gcugs mkhan ; phra ma byed ; slu byed ; lce gnyis pa ; gya gyu can ; ma rungs pa ; sgy u ma mkhan ; gYo sgy u can (Moon.). gYo thon = mang po thon pa what is found in excess (Rtsii.); also as vb. gYo thon pa to be in excess, to exceed; = yong ba or 'phel ba excess. gYo ldan 1. = gYo can 3. 2. a hill-stream, a stream. 3. met. a woman (Moon.). gYo snod a cooking pot or vessel. Syn. phra ba ; rdza ma ; khog pa ; mi tha ra (Moon.). gYo ba pf. gYos = mi brtan pa 1. to move, to remove; to wave, waver, to be unsteady. mi gYo ba SANST not moving, not agitated, as met. = a mountain. gYo ba'i mig can SANST, a woman with rolling eyes; gYo med pa SANST unmoved, steady. 2. sbst. moveableness, mobility: yang zhing gYo ba nyid being of light or easy mobility. gYo ba can ('dod pas dregs pa ) an elephant that is mad for coupling (Moon.). gYo ba pa SANST [defeat; intercourse]S. gYo ba'i sdong po = spos dkar shing the Sal tree the gum of which is used as incense (Moon.). gYo byed 1. SANST that moves or quakes fig. = rlung the wind (Moon.). 2. SANST the crow. gYo byed mgon = rlung lha the god of wind (Moon.). 3. gYo byed pa to cheat, to deceive; also one who cheats: gYo byed pa'i nyo tshong gis|gang zhig gzhan gyi nor 'phrog pa (K. d. ya, 135). gYo med 1. honest, without deceit or cunning (Moon.). 2. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST immoveable, constant, unvarying, firm: gYo med glang rdzi lit. the firm cow-herd, an epithet of Virnu (Moon.). Syn. rtag pa ; brtan pa ; mi 'gyur ba ; mi zhig ; mi gYo ; gzhom med (Moon.). gYo mo SANST a low woman. gYo ru one of the two early divisions of the province of ‹: dbus na dbu ru gYo ru gnyis (Loo. 'a, 4). gYog 1. service, work nga la gYog yod = nga la las ka yod I have work, I have business, I am busy; mi'i gYog byed pa to serve, be in men's service, to obey. 2. SANST, SANST; = khol po man-servant; dpon gYog master and servant, master and attendants; nad gYog service at sick-bed, a nurse, one that attends sick persons; gYog po dang yang gYog dang nying gYog servant, servant's servant, and the servant again of the latter. ma shi'i bar gYog po one who is bound to serve till his death, a life-servant; pha che bu rabs kyi gYog po a slave whose son and grandson are bound to serve. drin gyis bskyangs pa'i gYog khor gyis attendants and retinue who have been kindly protected (Rdsa. 19); gYog gla SANST, SANST pay, salary, wages; gYog nang zan a house-servant, a servant who gets his food and wages or at least the former from his master's house; gYog rigs those in service = drung 'khor officials. gYog pa pf. gYogs 1. = sku la bkab pa (Moon.) SANST to cover, to strew over or upon: bu gos kyis gYog pa to cover a child with a garment; mgo la rdza ma gYog pa to cover one's head with a pot (Glr.); also rdza ma'i mgo la dra bas gYog pa to cover the pot's mouth with a wire-grate (Glr.); phyi'i pags pa gYogs pa the external cutaneous covering (in the embryo) (J‰).; ri mgo kha bas gYogs the hill-tops were covered with snow (Mil.). 2. to pour out or off. gYogs = khebs a cover (Moon.); SANST cover, covering; mgo gYogs covering for the head, cap; also fig. for self-delusion, self-deception (Mil.); steng gYogs , stod gYogs upper-garment, mantle; snad gYogs lower garments, breeches; gYogs can anything covered, having a cover; gYogs ma , dress, covering (Moon.). gYod in C. the large intestine (J‰.). gYon SANST, SANST the left hand or side; gYon na on the left, to the left; gYon du towards the left; gYon logs nas from the left side; gYon brkyang or gYon brkyang gi 'dug stangs SANST a sitting posture the left leg stretched forth; it has been described as: lha rnams phyag dang zhabs brkyang ba sku ma gyi bzhugs pa'i tshul (Ya-sel.). gYon gyi lha SANST [a sage, author of the fourth Mandala of the Rig-veda]S. gYon can 1. = byi la a cat. 2. = bdud a demon, devil (Moon.). 3. gYon can SANST, SANST crafty, perh. also fornicator. gYon sbyo ba + = co 'dri sdang bar byed pa . gYon ma 1. the left hand (J‰.). 2. a woman: bud med sgeg chos can a woman who is possessed of seductive virtues; gYon mig ma a term for a handsome woman (Moon.); a woman of captivating locks. gYon lam = lam ngan pa bad road or path; also bad behaviour (Moon.). gYob pa pf. gYobs to move about, to swing, flutter: gshog pa gYob pa to flutter the wings; rkang lag gYob pa to strike out with the arms and legs. yob byed = gru skya (Moon.) 1. an oar. 2. rnga yab a fan, the fan of yak-tail to drive away flies. gYom thog described as bang khri sogs la thog yod pa (Rtsii.) any structure with step-like plinth, steps one above another of an altar. gYor = sbyong kha byed SANST [1. a heap. 2. a crooked device]S. gYor che colloq. a good deal, great quantity: sa dbang ram pas gtsos rgya mi dpon khag bcas gYor che phag rir byon (Yig.); gYor ma bzo , colloq. a great many, very many; cognate expressions for which are:- gYor ma bzo ma yin pa'i , gYor ma bzo tshabs chen (Rtsii.); babs dang mthun pa'i zad pa rnams lo ba byed cing |gYor ma bzo tshabs chen dang tshabs pa ngo thog bsgrig (D. Shel. 11). gYor po n. of a place between Ta-nang and Dol-phyi and Dal-ngan in Lho-kha. gYor ba [1. v. gYur ba . 2. v. gYar pa . 3. v. yor 3]J‰. (EEE gYur ba and gYar pa do not occur as headwords in the dictionary but see under 3gYur 3 and 3gYar 3.) gYor mo (gru yi dar po che ) 1. a sail. 2. rgya mtsho'i gYor a wave, billow. gYor yol a sail; gYor shing a boom or mast. gYol ba v. yol ba 3. gYos I: 1. prov. for gYas , in gYos skor circumambulation from left to right so that the right so that the right side is towards the person or object that is reverentially to be saluted (J‰.). 2. v. gYo ba 3. II: (lto bcos pa ) cooking food; gYos byed pa to cook: sbra gur gnyis phub nas dkar po la sku gdung bzhugs nag por gYos mdzad nas dgung gcig pitching two felt-tents, in the white one (he) kept the remains, while in the black tent they cooked their food and slept one night (A. 120.). gYos khang kitchen, cooking house, the place where the food for the general body of monks is cooked; dge slong i'i me khang (Oag. 69); also gsol khang or thab tshang (Moon.). gYos thab = thab ka , also gYos sa a hearth; gYos sbyor utensils, &c., necessaries for the kitchen: gYos sbyor yang dag shes (Jig. 26). ra 1. is the twenty-fifth letter of the Tibetan alphabet and is always pronounced rather strongly. 2. num. fig.: 25. II: in Budh. ra demonstrates the state of all matter as being fine as an atom or even more inconceivable than an atom (K. d. tsa, 321); in Tantrikism it represents a state which is free from rkyen (co-ordinate influence) (K. g. wa, 43); in mysticism ra = khyo med mo a widow or one who is without a husband (K. g. kha, 179). III: SANST a goat; ra mo a she-goat; ra lug gi ra ba SANST goat and sheep fold; ra kyar bag made of goat's skin. ra skyur = rtsab mo (mystic) (Mio. rda. 4). ra skyes a gelded he-goat; ra gu or colloq. ri gu a young goat, kid; ra rgod wild goat; ra thug he-goat; ra ther serge or shawl made in Tibet with the fine wool called khu lu growing next to the skin of the Tibetan goat: ra ther zhes pa ra spu'i rting bal la bzos ba'i ther ma (Jig. 23). ra snam thick serge made of goat's hair; ra lpags goat's skin, kid leather; ra spu = ra'i spu goat hair; ra pho a gelded he-goat; ra slog a coat with goat's skin lining; ra lug smaller cattle, i.e., goat and sheepóin enumerations of domestic cattle the ra or goat always precedes the lug or sheep. ra sha goat's flesh, goat-mutton. Syn. tshe tshe ; aag tshar ; aag tshom can ; wa 'phyang ; dri 'dzin ; skyes sgra can (Moon.). ra kSa sprul the apparitonal Rakra goblin, an epithet of the Tantrik god rta mgrin dmar po the red Hayagriva (Bon.). ra gan in comp. rag brass: ra gan gyi bum pa brass vessel: ra gan gYa' yis mig nad sel the rust of brass cures eye disease (Med.). Syn. ri ri gA ; dri med ; gser can ; rtsibs brtsibs ; bzhu bya (Moon.). ra gur = ra ba an enclosure with rail, wall or fencing; rdo rje ra gur an enclosure made with walls or pillars having Dorje figures on them (Yig.)óthe monastery of Samye has such an enclosure around it. ra rgyab pa (more properly ro rgyab pa ) the common term applied to the scavengers and corpse-disposers in Lhasa and also in Shiga-tse. ra sgog a species of garlic: ra sgog rtsa bas grang sel drod skyed mgo srin 'joms . ra sgreng also written as rwa sgreng , an ancient monastery of Tibet founded by Hbrom-ston-pa in the beginning of the 11th century A.D.: byang ra sgreng zhes bya ba sbrul pa'i gtsug lag khang the miraculous monastery called Radeng in the north of Tibet (Rtsii.). ra chod = thag chod definite arrangements, settlement of an affair (D.R.). ra ti gub ta á n. of an Indian Buddhist sage (K. dun. 55). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "Ra-ti gup-ta" or ra ti gupa ta . The name is correctly written as "rtiguä".) ra mda' I: or ra mda' pa 1. = zla or grogs friend, companion, assistant, helper. 2. = rogs ram help, assistance: ra mda' 'tshol ba (Oag. 35) to seek help, to ask for aid. ra 'degs pa or ra 'dren pa to help, to assist (Sch.). II: pursuing one who is running away, chasing. ra sdong the weeping willow. ra ¥ á ordinarily called Rada a province near Baogala (Bengal): ra ¥'i yul du re zhig mu stegs rgyun chad|thams cad sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa zhugs once there was a break in the continuity of the Tirthika religion, for everyone in Rada embraced the religion of Buddha (k. dun. 14). ra 'dra a kind of stone or mineral substance: ra 'dras rus nad mig nad skran la phan . ra sna 1. n. of a medicinal herb (Vai. so.). 2. = sgron shing fir-tree. ra sprod pa to verify, to prove. ra phrod pa found correct, proved proof, verification. ra ba = lcags ri SANST, SANST 1. [a basin for water round the root of a tree]S. (A.K. 1-2). 2. enclosure, fence, enclosed wall, frq., esp. in W., also the space in a fence, wall etc., khang pa'i ra ba yard, court-yard, pen, fold etc.; ra bas skor ba to enclose with a fence; smyug ma'i ra ba bamboo-fence, bamboo-hedge, etc.; shing gi ra ba wooden fence, fence of boards; tsher ma'i ra ba thorn hedge, thorn fence; kun ra or kun dga' ra ba SANST an open ground with bushes or trees here and there enclosed by a fence, a park; khrims ra a yard or open space before a court of justice where culprits are punished, acc. to J‰. a place of execution; lcang ra a grove of trees, willow, poplar, etc. rdo ra (1) stone wall enclosure. (2) circle of dancers. brtson ra prison-enclosure or jail-house; lug ra sheep-cot, sheep-fold. ra ba ti á n. of a Kashmirian Buddhist monk who is said to have possessed miraculous powers and foreknowledge (Khrid. 73). ra ba stod n. of a small monastery situated in the upland tract of snye thang near Lhasa, where Lama Kloo-rdol Rin-po-che resided for a long time (Loo. za, 3). ra ma á 1. SANST goat, she-goat: ra ma lug goats and sheep. 2. as metaph. mixture, medley of, e.g., when both dbu med and dbu can characters are carelessly used in writing a letter or anything else. ra ma ga bur á SANST, SANST, SANST a species of fragrant grass [a species of mountain-palm, the date tree]S. Syn. lha skyes ; se re ; su ra ; shin tu dri bzang ldan ; 'bra go ; gnas can ; tA lI ; kha dzU ri ; rtswa yi shing ; 'phreng ba'i rtsa ; sa yi rtsa ; sha d rtsa ; gzhon nu (Moon.). ra me shwa ra á = dga' ba'i dbang phyug SANST, described as lang ka'i gling 'gram na yod a holy place situated near the island of Laoka (Ceylon) (Dus-ye. 38). ra med infallible, certain, sure; = lhad med without alloy, or free from any foreign bodies or impurities. ra mo che n. of the sanctuary built on a plain in the north quarter of Lhasa by the Chinese wife of king srong btsan sgam po in about 633 A.D. and containing the image of Akshobya Buddha which was carried from Nepal under the orders of srong btsan sgam po 's Nepalese wife, the daughter of king Amsuvarman. ra mo sha SANST a hornet. ra bzi ba in C. = to be drunk, get intoxicated. ra yi shing SANST; SANST a species of sandal-wood, a fragrant wood. ra yig SANST, SANST the letter ra when surmounting another letter is so called. ra yig gnyis pa SANST = sbrang ma a name for the bee on account of its horns, resembling the double na ro u (Yig. k.). ra rtsigs khang pa n. of a castle in Tibet in which Atisa was at one time accommodated when travelling in Tibet: ra rtsigs khang pa zhes bya bar bzhugs te (A. 93). ra ri 1. a term for fault, defilement and dirt (i.e., skyon , dri ma , dreg pa ); ra ri med pa faultless, stainless. 2. acc. to Sch.: neither high nor low. ra res = res mos one by one; by turns. ra ro 1. intoxication, drunkenness. 2. intoxicated (Sch.): ra ro dang po bag med pa the first stage of drunkenness makes one devoid of the senses, shameless; ra ro gnyis pa glang po che smyon pa dang 'dra drunkenness in the second stage resembles a furious elephant; ra ro gsum pa shi ro 'dra the end (of it) resembles a corpse. ra ro ba in W. to be intoxicated, drunk. ra ro bar byed pa to make drunk (Dzl.); ra ro ba las sangs te having come to one's self again after a drunken fit, being sober again (J‰.). ra lung n. of a village two days' journey east from Gyang-tse in Tsang where the Buddhist Saint Hgro mgon Gtsao-pa Rgya ras founded the monastery of Ral˚o (Loo. za, 28). ra shul the remnants or traces of an old pen or enclosure. ra sa lit. goat's-land; the ancient name of Lhasa which, since the famous image of Buddha was brought from China and kept there, became converted into Lhasa, the letter Ra (ra) being naturally changed into Lha lha which signifies a divine being, i.e., Buddha. ra sa 'phrul snang (the miraculous temple of Rasa) old n. of the great temple of Buddha now called the Cho-khang or Kinkhording dkyil 'khor lding at Lhasa built by king srong btsan sgam po at the request of his Nepalese wife. The historical image of Buddha in this temple representing him as a prince, which is said to have been taken from Magadha by the Chinese about the first century B.C., was presented by emperor Thaijung T'ai-tsung to his daughter who was married to king srong btsan sgam po . The princess kept it in the temple of Ramochhe but in the 10th century it was transferred to this temple. The spot on which this temple was built being found auspicious by astrology was selected for a site by the Nepalese princess, but being a low place it was raised with earth carried it is said, by goats, hence its name ra sa . (EEE The first instance of the Tibetan king's name is spelled Sroo-btan sgam-po in the original, or srong btan sgam po .) ra sa ya na á SANST chemical preparation of mercury for medicinal purposes (Sman.). rAa ma á n. of an insect (K. g. za, 462). rAa dzAa ka á = lce tongue (mystic) (K. g. kha, 26). rAa sa ri á n. of an ancient city in Sind in India (S. Lam. 35). rAa hu á = sgra gcan the planet Rahu. rwa SANST 1. also rwa co , horn of yak, cow, etc. 2. met. a mountain peak: rwa mnyam par gyur pa zhes bya ba'i ri (the mountain of equal and even peaks), n. of a mountain in the fabulous continent of Uttara Kuru (K. d. ra, 301). rwa gsum pa n. of a three-peaked mountain said to be situated five hundred yojana beyond the south of the mountains which border the southern ocean; on its side is the kingdom of the lord of death (K. d. ra, 277). 3. sting, e.g., of the scorpion. rwa gzhu can or rwa gzhu 'dzin one holding or using a bow made of horn. rwa can 1. SANST horned animals, like cow, buffalo, antelope, stag, etc. 2. SANST a species of conch shell which has horny projections or thorns (Moon.). rwa ags mnga' gsum an abbreviation of rwa sgreng , ags po and mnga' ris . Also abbrev. of rwa ba stod , rwa ba snad , ags po , and mnga' ris grwa tshang the four sections of the monastic college in Tashi-lhunpo (Loo. za, 13). rwa tshwa a kind of mineral salt resembling ra ru phye ma : rwa tshwas pho long snod kyi grang ba sel . rka ta á 1. as met. = blood, red. 2. saffron, minium, cinnabar (Mil.). rag 1. sbst. v. ra gan brass. rag skud brass wire; rag dung a brass trumpet: rag dung 'di yang lha btsun pa'i thugs kyis shes the brass trumpet was also an invention of lha btsun pa (A. 75). rag 'gag = cung 'gag or ther bag a small brass plate; rag stegs a small brass-tray on which tea-cups are placed when tea is served (Rtsii.). rag dung (also called lo pNa an 'dren gyi dung ) long brass-trumpets resembling a telescope in shape and size (A. 75). 2. subject, subservient, dependent: khyod rgyal srid byed la rag go . In W. for dregs pa can proud, haughty, and also for grags can glorious, splendid. rag chung shing SANST the olive tree. Syn. ko le ; skyur shing (Moon.). rag rdo a mineral substance rag rdos mig nad rab rib sel bar byed Rag-rdo cures eye disease and removes dimness of vision. rag pa 1. vb. W. for reg pa to touch, feel, and in a more generalized sense = 'tshor ba to perceive, to scent, taste, hear, see. 2. adj. dark-russet, brownish, of horses, rocks, etc. (J‰.). rag pa thang zlum one of the 37 sacred places of the Bon (G. Bon. 38). rag ma n. of a village in Tibet mentioned in Mil. rag tse stone in fruits in W. (J‰.). rag lus pa = cha bzhag pa adj. dependent on: as vb. rag lus pa to depend on: sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa dge 'dun la rag lus the doctrine of Buddha is dependent on the Buddhist clergy; de khyod kyi nus pa la rag lus that depends on your strength (Mil.); dbugs rngub pa sems la rag lus breathing depends on the soul; 'tsho ba gzhan la rag lus shing as they depend on others for their living; rkyen gyi stobs la 'ang rag lus pa dependent on co-ordinate influence (Yig. 18). rag sha á or ra kSa 1. SANST berries which are used for beads of rosary: rkSas gdon 'joms is a protection against frightful deities. drag po'i 'phreng ba a rosary made of this fruit sacred to the god Rudra. 2. rag sha SANST a Turk or Tartar. (EEE The Tibetan in the first example clearly reads dkSas gdon 'joms which is clearly in error and the appropriate correction has been made.) rag shi 1. n. of a country and its people. 2. spirit, or liquor, that is distilled from the Mowah flowers. rags 1. dam, mole, dike, embankment; also chu rags and chu lon . rags mdzad pas da lta yang lha rje zer skad (A. 90) having constructed the embankment, it is still called Lha-Je Rag. 2. any construction of similar shape; phag rags (also) phag ra intrenchment, breast-work; phug rags stack, rick of straw; shing rags stack of wood (J‰.). rags pa I: 1. SANST, opp. of phra or zhib SANST; coarse, thick, rough, unrefined: lus kyi rnam pa phra rags rnams the more delicate and the coarser component parts of the body; rags pa'i dbang du byas na reckoned roughly; rags rtsis by a rough estimate; rags pa'i mi rtag pa dang phra ba'i mi rtag pa the perishableness of the corporeal mass and of the subtle parts; yan lag rags pa SANST grosser parts or visible limbs; of Buddhas it is said that they appear rags pa'i tshul gyis , bodily. 2. to work, mould, form, sketch, etc., roughly. II: few, short: so so'i byung tshul rags tsam bshad pa la to give a brief account of the origin of the different ones; dpon gYog rags pa re khyed gdan 'dren du for inviting a few including master and servants (A. 127). rags rim tsam zhig = che rim a few principal ones: yon tan rags rim tsam zhig gsungs pa'o he described a few of his chief talents or qualities (A. 16). rang rang nyid SANST, SANST, SANST; rang gi SANST, SANST; 1. ourself, one's self, self: ma rig pa'i dbang gis phugs ni rang kho na phung bar byas so (Hbrom. kha, 120) by ignorance (Avidya) one's own future, of itself was destroyed; rang gi phyogs SANST one's party or side; rang 'du ba self evolved; rang byung self-sprung, very frq.; rang 'byung one's own accord: nga rang 'byung mchod pa la 'gro ba I shall go to the worship of my own accord (A. 7). rang gnyis sdeb la snying tshim rgyag la 'gro let us two go together for our heart's satisfaction (Rdsa. 17). In colloq. rang is generally added to all the personal pron. without any reflective meaning; thus, nga rang and kho rang are much more commonly used than merely nga and kho indicating in C. simply "I" and "he". Again rang alone may stand for the pronoun I, etc.; rang cag , rang rnams plur.; rang gi my, thy, etc. Other examples: chung ma de rang gi lus la chags pas that wife fond of herself, in love with herself (D.R.); des rang gi ma yin par rig nas he perceiving that it was his own mother; rang la rang gis skra bcad de shaving one's own head (Dzl.); rang bas ngan pa worse than self; rang las che ba greater than one's self; rang la bu med na if a man has no son of his own (Mil.). In compounds; rang sems one's own soul; rang rig rang gsal rang bde gsum one's own intelligence, perception and happiness; rang srog rang gis gcod you will take your own life (Glr.). 2. just, exactly, precisely, merely, the very: de rang the very same; de rang yin exactly so! it is just so! snga mo rang quite early in the morning (Mil.); nga dang phrad pa rang gis by the mere meeting with me (Mil.); mi rang just a person, a person travelling all alone; mo rang she, she alone; also, an unmarried woman. rang gi ngo bo SANST one's own nature constitution or inner shape. rang rkya thub one who is so learned, clever or skilled that he needs no help or advice or instruction from another party: nyams len rang rkya thub nges su zhun thar bcad pa de yin (Khrid. 153). rang skyur also written rang bskyar SANST (K. g. ca, 47). rang skyed = 'jig rten or gnas rten (Moon.) as met. = the world. rang skyes 1. SANST extraction, race, family. 2. SANST = as met. khrag blood. rang kha resp. rang zhal lit. one's own face, one's own promise or word. rang khongs or rang khul one's own jurisdiction, country, territory. rang ga ba = don dag med pa or btang snyoms purposeless, indifferent, without any object in view. rang gir byed pa SANST to own, to make it one's own, to accept; to take in. rang grub natural, not artificial or produced by men, self-evolved or formed. rang dga' pa an unmarried man (Sch.). rang dga' ba free, independent. rang dga' ma = khyim bdag ma (Moon.) a house-wife. rang rgyal 1. = rangs sangs rgyas . 2. rang rgyal gyis 'gro ba to live after one's own option or pleasure (Sch.). Self-will(ed), obstinacy. rang rgyud SANST [self-reliant]S. = rang rang gi rgyud pa individual temperament, independence. rang cha = rang rang gi cha one's own share, portion or side (Ya-sel. 41). rang stobs kyis bgrod as a met. = rkang dmag (Moon.) infantry, foot soldier. rang stobs gshen rab = rang rgyal a class of Bon who aim at resembling Buddhist Pratyeka Buddhas. rang 'thag mill, water-mill; also = rang ma flour pounded in a water-mill. rang thag bcad pa self-settling, one who does not consult another in any work but decides himself. rang mthong pride, self-complacency, self-sufficiency: rang mthong ma byed be not self-sufficient; rang mthong che ba ltas ngan yin pride, self-sufficiency is a bad omen. rang don one's own affairs, one's own profit, self interest; rang don byed pa to look to one's own advantage, to be selfish. rang 'dod SANST doing according to one's own wishes, selfishness, v. rang rtsis 3. rang 'dod pa self-willed; also SANST a libertine; rang 'dod ma SANST a woman that acts freely according to her own wish. rang nang SANST innerself, the mind. rang po = pho rang a celibate, an unmarried man. rang babs = as it occurs to one's self. rang byan chud pa + = rtsa rlung rang dbang du 'du ba . rang bu 1. Cs. single, alone; rang bur adv. singly, alone, without a consort. 2. Cs.: a single life. 3. acc. to Schtr. one's own child. rang byung also rang byon also rang byung tshang pa SANST an epithet of Brahma (Moon.); v. also rang 3 supra. rang byung rdo rje n. of the 3rd Karmapa hierarch (Deb. ga, 45). rang byas = rang gi don self-interest: rang byus mi shes gzhan byas bzhag na spam (Rdsa. 25) understanding one's own worth it is much better not to judge of other's merits. rang byon = rang byung self-evolved or rang bzhin gyi byon pa SANST self-grown or born of itself: rang byon lnga the five images contained in the Cho-khang temple of Lhasa which are believed to be self-grown (Loo. 'a, 6). rang dbang independence, liberty: gnas la rang dbang med they are not masters of the place, i.e., they are not free to choose the place; in the same sense: gar skye rang dbang med as to where one is to be born one has no choice. rang dbang thob pa to become free, an independent person; rang dbang can free, independent. Syn. rang rgyud ; rang dbang can ; bdag dbang can ; bdag gir ba ; nga yin pa ; rang gir byed ; rang dgar od ; rang dga' ; gzhan gyis ma bzung ba (Moon.). rang dbang med SANST one not master of himself, one dependent on another; a subject, a vassal. Syn. gzhan dbang song ; bdag dbang min ; rang dbang bral ; pha rol dbang (Moon.). rang 'byor lnga the five self-acquired privileges: (1) the privilege of being born as a sanctified human being; (2) to be born at a central place, like Magadha or Lhasa, where there are opportunities to learn Buddhism; (3) to be perfect in the development of the physical organs or limbs and in that of the inner faculties; (4) las kyi mtha' ma log pa not to do any work in a perverse manner, i.e., attaining the end by proper means; (5) to have faith in the religion of Buddha (Khrid. 11). rang mo = mo rang a woman herself or that has not taken a husband but lives a spinster. rang rtsis self-complacence; also, the opinion which one has of one's self: rang rtsis dang rang 'dod ma che zhig do not be self-complacent or grow selfish. rang tshugs = rang thub also rang sdod pa 'am gtan pa one capable of doing a work independently: gang gis rang tshugs mi thub pa|de ni gzhan gyis skyong bar byed he who is not confident of his abilities will be protected, i.e., ruled, by others (Hbrom. kha, 17). rang tshod zin pa one who knows his own capabilities (Rdsa. 21). rang gzhan = khong dang nga he and myself. rang bzhin = ngo bo or ngo bo nyid (Moon.) SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST nature, natural disposition, state or constitution, natural temperament: rang bzhin gyi mdzes pa by nature beautiful; rang bzhin las gzhan du 'gyur ba to change one's natural constitution (Vai. so.); rang bzhin bskyur perversity, changed nature; 'bab de ltar che ba'i rang bzhin gyis as a natural consequence of so heavy a snow-fall (Mil.); rang bzhin gyis of itself, by itself, rang bzhin nas from its very nature, naturally, spontaneously; 'byung ba lnga'i rang bzhin can gyi lus 'di this body having the nature of the five elements in its constitution (Vai. so.); rang bzhin bzang = bshis bzang innate goodness, one who is by nature good (Moon.); rang bzhin gnas = rtag pa or brtan pa (Moon.) steady, constant, perpetual. rang gzugs = ngo bo or ngo bo nyid also dngos po (Moon.). rang bzo 1. fabrication, one's own design; reform, innovation; an innovator, one who does not care to follow the established custom or law; a reformer: mthong chos su yang rang bzo dang pho tshod kyis sa lam gyi yon tan (Khrid. 51). 2. self-determination opp. to a punctilious adhering to tradition (J‰.). rang bzor smra ba = rdzun smra ba to speak falsely, to lie. rang rig SANST natural intelligence; consciousness, self-cognition. rang rigs SANST a kinsman. rang re 1. each, each respectively: rang de'i sna thag rang res bzung each may lead himself, may be his own guide. Also rang rang = each. 2. we: rang re'i sgo drung na at our own door (Mil.); rang re rnams we ourselves, one and all. 3. polite way of address = you. rang las tha dad different from self. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "rxo-..." which is clearly in error.) rang gshis = rang bzhin or ngo bo ; in colloq. = rgyud dag (Yig. 28). rang shugs la of itself, spontaneous; rang shugs kyis spontaneously. rang sa or rang so one's own place: rang sa 'dzin pa or rang so bzung ba to maintain one's own place or station; rang sar or rang sor bzhag pa to leave (a thing) in its own place, fig. = to leave undecided, to let the matter alone (Mil.). rang sar 1. unto one's own place or position, thams cad rang sar gyes all proceeded to their own places (Hbrom. kha, 19). 2. = rang shugs kyis spontaneously: thams cad 'phreng zhing rang sar mchi ma 'byin all out of feeling spontaneously shed tears (A. 15). rang sangs rgyas SANST Pratyeka Buddha, i.e., a Buddha who has obtained perfection by his own exertions, and by concentration of the mind, but who does not gain enlightenment by promoting the welfare of other beings. This class of Buddhist saints is of two kinds:- (1) bse ru lta bu SANST; (2) tshogs dang od SANST. Syn. rang byang chub ; bse ru'i rgyal ba ; nye tsho'i sangs rgyas ; rten 'brel bsgom ; rang zhi don gnyer ; rkyen gcig rtogs ; rang rgyal (Moon.). rang ba pf. rangs , = dga' ba or mgu ba , to be delighted, cheerful, joyous; to rejoice: sems mi rangs par discontented, yid rang ba or yi rang ba rejoicing, delight; yid ma rangs shing mi mgu bar gyur te having been very much dissatisfied; ma rangs bzhin du unwillingly, reluctantly. rangs pa 1. SANST rapture, ecstasy, ravishment (Moon.). 2. in nyin rangs par for tho rangs kyi dus su early in the morning. rangs po + 1. = tshang ma all, whole, entire. 2. acc. to Sch.: rough, raw, unpolished. ra nya dza ka á as met. = ku ba SANST a gourd (Moon.). rad pa in W. for bgrad pa . rad rod 1. v. rod po 3. 2. uneven, any uneven place containing ditches, &c. ran = rtswa a kind of grass (K. du. cha, 346); said to be shave-grass, Equisetum arvense (J‰.). ran pa ran ma SANST, SANST 1. to be the time or right moment for anything, to be proper, just right, even; adv. ran par moderately, ran par sro warm yourself moderately, zad tshod ran par za ba to eat moderately; 'di tsam ni ran no this is about the proper measure (Dzl.). 2. SANST the time, opportunity; lto za ran pa time to take food; bu tsha skye ran 'dug the time of child-birth has arrived; in C. colloq. da lta 'gro ran 'dug "tanda do ren du'" now it is time to go; shi ma ran pa shi ba to die an untimely death; bag mar gtang ran pa dang when it was time to give her in marriage (Dzl.). rNa ma SANST; thags kyi ran ma weaving of cloth or sewing. rab I: a ford; rab med without a ford. chu bo rab med the river Vaitarani which cannot be forded or passed over; n. of a river in Orissa. II: 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; mchog best, highest, superior, excellent, pure; rab 'bring tha gsum the three, the first, the intermediate, and the last; thebs na rab if rightly understood, that will be the best; frq. for: it is right, that will do. 2. much, plentiful: rab skra'i 'og nas also with a full head of hair (you may be a holy man) (Mil.). rab dkar very white, rab dkar snying = dom SANST a bear (Moon.). rab dkar lha rdzas = kha btags a special small white scarf used for presentation to great men in Tibet (Yig. 88). rab dga' SANST ecstasy, joy; rab gyur SANST excellence. rab 'gro ba SANST, SANST to walk or move well, gently (Moon.); rab 'gro byed pa SANST to move or walk freely, i.e., unhindered. rab rgyas SANST, SANST fully blown; rab grogs pa SANST well-known; rab bsgrags proclaimed. rab bsngags (1) SANST the mystic SANST Om, the sublimest praise for the deity. (2) SANST praise. (3) = mtho ris gnas , dge legs (Moon.) the heaven, the state of beatitude. rab mchog SANST excellence, the excellent one. rab mchog mig SANST, SANST = dpal 'bras (Moon.) wood-apple. rab bkram 1. SANST, SANST well scattered or spread over. 2. n. of a very large number; rab bkram chen po SANST n. of a still larger number. rab skyed SANST as met. = pha father. rab skyes mang SANST that breeds many; met. a sow. rab bskyed SANST growth, development. rab dkrus SANST washed clean, cleansed, sanctified. rab bskrad banishment, expulsion; turning out from a place as in the case of an evil spirit. rab 'khyams SANST wandering, moving freely. rab 'khrugs = rab gdug pa SANST, SANST very wicked, very wrathful. rab rgyags = rab myas . rab tu adv. very, exceedingly, especially; fully, thoroughly (with adjectives and verbs) rab tu sdom lock (the door) well; rab tu khros par gyur te became very angry (J‰.). rab tu bags absolute prohibition; rab tu brkyang ba SANST quite stretched out. rab tu 'byed pa = rab bskyed pa to analyse, but in Ta. 96 it is equivalent to SANST treatise, dissertation. rab tu grub pa or rab tu grags pa SANST famous, celebrated; rab tu 'jig pa SANST easily destroyed, perishable; rab tu 'joms pa SANST quite subdued; rab tu 'thibs pa = gnyid log 'dod pa to be sleepy, also wishing to sleep or fond of sleep; rab tu dang ba very pure, pellucid; rab tu 'dud pa SANST, SANST saluting reverentially. rab brtag SANST discrimination, rab 'og the second in rank, next in value. rab sim pa SANST ecstasy, delighted. rab gsal or rab tu gsal ba SANST, SANST 1. very clear, illuminated, quite evident. 2. sbst. a small balcony or gallery, freq. seen in Tibetan houses. 3. illumination, cheerfulness. 4. n. of a legendary king, supposed to have been Buddha in one of his incarnations (A.K.). rab tu skor ba SANST to turn round and round, to deliver a sermon, preach over and again; rab tu ston pa SANST elucidation. rab tu bsten reverence, veneration. Syn. dad gus dang ldan pa ; mos pa (Moon.). rab tu gnas pa 1. SANST to consecrate new images, pictures of deities and temples, houses; rten rab gnas med pa la rab gnas mdzad (A. 80) he consecrated those images that had not been consecrated before; rab tu gnas pa mdor bsdus pa'i tshe ga'i rgyud a Tantra containing the rites and ceremonies of consecration of images, symbols, &c. (K. g. nya, 288). 2. SANST fully establishing, founding. rab tu 'byin pa = rab tu 'byung ba 3. rab tu 'byung ba SANST to enter the priesthood, to embrace religious life as a profession; more particularly: to leave one's home for the homeless life of an ascetic by embracing the religion of Buddha; to take vows of purity and celibacy and to religiously follow the rules of moral discipline as laid down in the Vinaya scriptures of Buddha (for further explanation see Lam-rim. 96); slob dpon chos 'bangs las being ordained by a spiritual teacher. rab tu byung ba = rab byung SANST renounced perfectly; he that has taken orders, clerical person; rab byung is also the name of the first year of the cycle of sixty years; rab tu byon nas = rab tu byung nas having been initiated, ordained: dge bshes lo tsAa ba ni dbang 'di rab tu byon nas (A. 30) the Kalyanmitra (learned monk) Lo-tsa-wa having been initiated in this sacred cult. rab tu myos byed ma SANST n. of a celestial courtezan (Loo. ma, 5). rab tu tsha ba = sdug bsngal or yid gdungs (Moon.) 1. misery, heart-burning grief, sorrow. 2. SANST, SANST very hot, burning; n. of a hell (Bon. ch. 5). rab tu tsha byed as met. = khyo bo husband (Moon.). rab rtogs SANST, SANST perfect reflection; or SANST full consideration; rab rtogs nas SANST thinking well. rab brtan sprin grol an epithet of the elephant on which Indra rides, Airavata (Moon.). rab mtho n. of a medicinal plant SANST, SANST, that kills ring-worm [the plant Cassia alata or Tora]S. Syn. dra dru 'joms (Moon.). rab snang n. of a king who is said to have seen the light on the day Gautama Buddha was born, the son of king Ananta Nemi or mu khyad mtha' yas (K. du. ka, 5). rab nyams pa SANST ruined; downfall, destruction. rab gnas me tog SANST pomelo-flower: skyur rtsi chen po'i shing gi me tog (Moon.). rab gnon n. of a city of the Asuras situated at the foot of the great Sumeru mountain (Sorig. 30). rab byed SANST, SANST dissertation, description. rab od SANST habit, custom. rab spras = rab tu brgyan or shin tu mdzes well-adorned, very handsome: rgyan cha sna tshogs gyis rab spras adorned with different sorts of ornaments (A. 4). rab dben pa SANST spiritual turn of mind, retiring mind; retirement. rab 'byams SANST deeply read, profound scholarship. rab 'byams pa a diploma resembling in a manner the degree of Doctor of Divinity which the Buddhist priesthood confers on monk students of sacred literature (Rtsii.); rab 'byams rgya mtsho a degree of divinity in the Buddhist church (Bon. ch. 10). rab 'byor and rab 'byor chen pa SANST, SANST, the disciples of Buddha who were astute in asking questions of him for the elucidation of doubtful points, etc, They are generally the inquirers who provoke Buddha's discourses (K. g. da, 119). rab sbyar SANST; anything put together, a composition. rab sbyor SANST, SANST coincidence; also co-operation, application. rab 'joms SANST, SANST the god of wind; rab 'joms byed SANST, the lord of death. rab mang 1. SANST many, a large number. 2. SANST as met. the earth. rab 'dzag SANST as met. = gcin urine (Moon.). rab zhi perfect peace; = mtho ris gnas heaven, also = dge legs piety and righteousness (Moon.). rab zhi rnam nges cho 'phrul kyi mdo a Sutra contained in the Kahgyur (K. d. ta, 179). rab bzang SANST the excellent one; n. of an individual; also Buddha in one of his incarnations (Pag. 302). rab yas SANST a fabulous great number. rab rib also as hrab hrib SANST, SANST mist, dimness, glimmer: skra ma rab rib the faint glimmering of a star (J‰.). Also = mun pa or mun nag and mi gsal ba darkness, dimness, faintness (Moon.). rab rib med pa SANST free from darkness. rab rib dag pa to get rid of dimness so as to see everything well defined: 'bras chan la rab rib dag pa lta bu yin gyis (A. 76) when the mental darkness vanished in (cooked) rice-food, &c.; rab rib can gyi skra shad mthong ba'i rgyus the cause of darkness combed out hair appearing [in the story related by Atisa of an old woman who on account of her mental delusion used to see combed-out hair mixed up in her food] (A. 77). (EE The original gives the alternative spelling as hrab hrab , but the transliteration, "hrab-hrib" is correct and the text has been amended.) rab sad or rab hu sa rab SANST full awakening or understanding. rabs race, generation, lineage, succession of family or kings, class of people: rabs chad nas the succession having been broken; rgyal rabs royal family or lineage; mi rabs human race; ya rabs the higher class of people, noblemen; ma rabs the lower class, gdol rabs fisherman-class; bla rabs hierarchical or lamaic succession; skyes rabs genealogy. ram n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 9); a ram pa native of Ram; Sa-dwao Ram-pa, chief of Ram, is now one of the four kalons or state ministers of Lhasa. ram pa in W. = quitch-grass (J‰.). ram pa dug 'byed a medicinal root which is an antidote against poison. ram bu a glee, song, catch, roundel; 'degs pa to join in singing, to take part in a song; ram bu bteg explained as glu len grogs byed mkhan a helper in a song, a joiner in singing. ram tshos indigo plant, indigo dye (Jig. 14); but. v. rams 3. ram gyis + = snam bum . rams 1. (sngo tshos ) SANST indigo; rams kyis mig dang mes tshig rma la phan indigo is useful in eye disease, sores, and also in healing scald. rams shing indigo plant; also the wood-apple tree. Syn. grong skyes nag po : rul ba can ; 'tshed byed ; rams kyi shing (Moon.). 2. joined with such words as sngags drung when it expresses one having a monastic degree. In Tashi-lhunpo drung rams pa is the lowest degree for proficiency in Buddhist literature; sngags rams pa = doctor in mysticism. ram ma á (SANST) country between Tipperah and Arrakan in Burma, the ancient Chittagong. The name survives in the modern small town called Ramu. ral is evidently applied from the vb. ral ba (to tear) to its common signification, as a noun, = a rent, cleft, gorge; phru ral gnyis a sloping valley dividing into two parts at its upper end; ral gsum a n. of Lahoul on account of its consisting of three valleys. ral ka v. ral gu 3. ral klung a fancy name for the river Ganges: phebs tshogs kyang ral klung bzhin stsol ba mkhyen your letters may come (uninterruptedly) like the flow of the Ganges (Yig. k. 19). ral kha v. ral gri 3. ral khur can an epithet of dbang phyug Isvara, also = seng ge the lion (Moon.). ral ga acc. to Sch. = yal ga 3. ral gu 1. ornaments, precious stones such as turquoise, coral, &c., used in adornment of the hair. 2. diminutive of ral : cleft, chink, fissure. ral gu can = skyes pa 'brus phyung ba an eunuch, a hermaphrodite who generally is seen wearing lengthy locks (Moon.). ral gu zul bunches of pearl and coral in strings which the women of Tibet wear as pendants on their locks: mo rang gi ral gu zul phud nas phul she presented me with the jewelled strings from her locks (A. 102). ral gri SANST a sword, spear, rapier, hunting knife, dagger: rab gri'i 'dab ma or lce blade of a sword; ral gri'i so edge of a sword; ral gri'i shubs scabbard of a sword; ral gri pa acc. to Cs. a fighting man; ral kha = ral so sword-edge; ral kha sprod pa to join blades together, to fight hand to hand (J‰.). ral gri can an epithet of MaÒjughora, or 'jam dbyangs (Moon.). ral gri nye ba'i rin po che SANST the enchanted sword considered as a secondary gem of miraculous properties (K. d. ra, 335). ral gri'i rtse SANST the sword-point; ral gri 'dzam a broad-bladed knife (Rtsii.); ral gri'i bu = gri chung a small knife (Moon.); ral gri'i 'khrul 'khor the magical flourish of an enchanted sword (Moon.). (EEE The original has ras gri'i rtse for ral gri'i rtse above; it has been changed here in light of the context.) ral gri'i rgyun 'dzin or ral gri'i gnyen = dmag dpon a general or commander. ral gri'i lo ma can sugarcane plant the leaves of which are sword-like in appearance (Moon.). ral gcig ma SANST n. of a goddess in the Buddhist pantheon. ral gcod a meddler, one who interferes in public business and thrusts his opinion in public concerns and acts in a high-handed manner; ral gcod byed pa to interfere, to meddle: sbyi yi khrims la ral gcod mi bya zhing in the administration of law for the public he should not interfere (Jig. 35). ral lcang a weeping willow-tree, but according to J‰. a particular willow planted at the birth of a child and under which a lock of the child's hair is buried when it is seven years old in Ld. ral pa = skra SANST hair, locks of hair, clotted hair, long hair, curls; mane (of the lion). ral ba'i gdengs ka = long hair. ral pa can 1. n. of a Tibetan king who distinguished himself by his devotion to the Buddhist clergy, allowing the lamas to sit on his long pig-tail. 2. SANST one with clotted hair. 3. n. of a hill-torrent in Kambachen, Nepal. 4. mythological island inhabited by cannibals situated beyond the red-sea (chu dmar po'i rgya mtsho ) (K. d. ra, 355.). ral pa 'dzin SANST a Tantrik Buddhist priest. ral pa'i khur can SANST an epithet of Mahadeva. ral pa'i tshogs can one wearing a number of locks of locks of clotted hair; ral pa ldan = ral pa 'dzin SANST one having clotted hair. ral med SANST (chu rlabs ) wave, billow. ral ba = dral ba and hral ba to tear; also, to be torn, rent, cleft; also as sbst. = anything torn, such as torn clothes etc.; mtshon gyis ral bu lacerated, slashed, cut to pieces by any weapon. ras SANST, SANST sbst. cotton cloth, cotton: ras yug chen large piece of cotton cloth; ras spom pa strong cotton cloth; lag ras , phyis ras handkerchief, napkin, bathing towel; thod ras turban or pagri; ka shi ka'i ras Benares muslin. kha ras 1. cotton cloth to tie round the mouth to protect the face from effects of cold. 2. adj. hard snow that will bear a man (J‰.). ras bal SANST raw cotton; ras rkyang cotton cloth; ras skud cotton thread; ras khug a small bag made of cotton; ras khra chintz; ras 'ga' a strong cotton fabric brought from Sikkim; ras bcos bu calico; ras thag bandage, cotton rope; ras bubs a whole piece of cotton; ras bris inscription on cloths. ras 'bras the cotton fruit: ras 'bras sna nad sel bar byed the cotton fruit is a cure for nose disease. ras ma a small piece of cotton, worn-out or old cotton clothes, rags; ras gzan in C. a long loose cotton wrapper or shawl which Buddhist monks use particularly during religious services; ras slag a furred garment lined with cotton cloth; ras lhe n. of a kind of cotton cloth (S. kar. 179). ras pa a person wearing only cotton clothes; Milaraspa was so called from his wearing only cotton clothes or, acc. to his own assertion, a single cotton garment: hence = Tibetan sgom chen who dresses as an Indian Buddhist ascetic. Ascetics used to dress in cotton cloth, it being considered luxurious to use woollens and silk raiment. ras bal shing the cotton plant. Syn. rgya mtsho'i mtha' can ; mchu can ; srad bu'i me tog can ; rwa can ; drang srong khyu mchog (Moon.). ras ros = yo byad sna tshogs different kinds of furniture, utensils, &c.: ras ros thams cad mngon par gsogs shing having collected different kinds of furniture, utensils, &c. (D.R.). ri I: or ri bo SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a mountain, a hill. rir or ri la on the mountain; ri yi ngos SANST a mountain slope; ri thang mtshams su at the foot of the mountains or hills; rir gan pa one living in close vicinity to a mountain, in W.; gangs ri snowy mountain, glacier; nags ri or shing ri a hill covered with wood; brag ri a rocky mountain; spang ri a hill covered with grass (J‰.). nub ri western mountain prob. Western Ghauts of India. Syn.: rtsa ra ma ni ; phyi ma'i ri ; chu ldan sa 'dzin (Moon.). shar ri eastern mountain (prob. Eastern Ghauts of India): nyin mo'i rtse mo ; thog ma'i ri ; rtse dge'i ri ba (Moon.). Syn. mi gYo ; sa 'dzin ; sa gzhi 'chang ; sprin 'dzin ; mgrin pa can ; 'gro med ; gyen 'phyur ; spo mtho ma ; sa skyob ; chu skyob ; sa phur ba ; sprin gyi so can (Moon.). II: = so tooth (mystic) (K. g. kha, 26). ri po ta la 1. the hill on which the palace of the Dalai Lama at Lhasa stands. 2. n. of a mountain in the South of India on which the fancied residence of Avalokitesvara and the goddess Tara has been located by the northern Buddhists. Acc. to the Chinese Buddhists this mountain is situated in the island of Puto in the China Sea about hundred miles off Shanghai. ri ka sha SANST n. of a flower: ji ltar skams las skyes pa'i me tog gi nang na me tog ri ri ka sha mchog tu gyur pa ltar (K. my. kha, 59). ri sked = shel crystal. ri skyes ma also rir skyes or ri la skyes lit. born in the mountain; SANST the daughter of Himalaya, but acc. to Tibetan authors: one of the names of Draupadi the joint wife of the five Pandava brothers (Moon.). ri skyes dkar mo an epithet of Uma (Moon.). ri kha ba can SANST the snow mountains of Himavata. ri skyegs v. skyegs 3. ri khyi = ang ki hill-dog, wolf (Moon.). ri khrod SANST a chain of mountains, group of hills; but most commonly = a recluse's cell or cavern in the hills. ri khrod pa , often simply ri khrod "ri-thˆ," SANST, one who live in mountain solitudes for the purpose of religious asceticism, meditation, etc. Syn. chos sems khang bu ; bsam gtan khang bu ; bdud rtsi'i khang pa ; zhi ba'i grong ; snying po'i khang pa ; sgom pa'i gnas (Moon.). ri 'gems n. of dorje or thunder-bolt which rends hills and mountains asunder. ri rgya for ri bka' rgya a prohibition to kill wild animals or game in the hills; ri rgya klung rgya bsdam pa ibid. ri rgyal or ri'i rgyal po a very high mountain, the mountain Tise, which is generally called the king of mountains. Also styled: ri dbang lhun po ; ri rgyal lhun po (Yig. k. 62). In most Tibetan works ri rab or Sumeru is mentioned as ri'i rgyal po ; but names like mi mjed can , rtse mo brgya pa , sna tshogs brtsegs and rig sngags 'chang also occur as kings of mountains in K. g. tha, 116. ri sgog a species of garlic growing on the mountain slopes of Tibet, hill-garlic (Moon.). ri chen po lnga the five great mountains of the western continent of Godaniya are:- nA Te TAan ; rwa gsum pa ; nor bu'i rta babs ; pa rwa brgya pa and rtsub pa . ri chen bzhi the four great mountains of Jambudvipa are: ma na da ra , 'bigs byed SANST Vindhya, ma la ya SANST Malaya, and gangs can SANST, Himalaya. ri chen po drug the six great mountains of lus 'phags pa the eastern continent or Purva Videha:- logs chen po ; nags kyi phreng ba ; rma bya'i tshogs ; ri ags kyi khrod ; rgya mtsho gyen du 'gro ; mig gi phreng ba . ri 'joms = thog brgya byin mtshon SANST a thunder-bolt. It is stated that in ancient time hills and mountains used to walk and thereby cause immense mischief to all classes of living beings that inhabited this earth. Indra in mercy to them made all the mountains crippled by hurling down the thunder upon them. The mountain Mina (Mainaka) is said to have only escaped by plunging itself into the sea (Moon.). ri stong v. stong pa 3. ri thang mtshams the Terai, the low plain at the foot of a mountain; also n. of a kind of fever difficult to cure, which is generally caught by those who travel in the countries on the confines of the Indian plains and the Himalayas, the Terai fever (Mog., ch. 14). ri ags SANST, SANST, SANST large game generally of the deer and antelope species. ri ags 'ching byed trap or net or strings and rope laid to catch wild animals = ri ags dra ba , ri ags 'dzin , rnyi thag (Moon.). ri ags nyi shu rtsa lnga n. of the twenty-five wild animals said to be found in the forests of the mountains called sprin dkar rgyu ba'i ri and ngang ngur sgra sgrogs in Uttara Kuru:- rnam par bkra ba'i be nA ; rin po che sna bdun gyis brgyan pa'i lus 'dul ba zhes bya ba'i ri ags ; ku rang gA ram ; ma kA ; ra kA 'dod pa ; shin tu dga' ba ; sam pAa bi na ; rtse gYo ba rnams 'dzin par byed pa ; khor yug gi mig ; kar ke ta'i lte ba ; gser gyi rwa ; logs dngul gyi logs ; rlung gi shugs ; shing gi rtsa ba na rgyu ba ; chu'i sgra 'bab par lha bar byed pa ; nags phreng bar 'grang ba ; bi du ma'i lus ; laE'i logs sam ; lto lding ba ; bar pAo tA ; shang shA rAa nA ; pags pa nag po ; rtsa ba'i 'od ; lang tsho la bab pa ; shin tu 'jam pa ; and dkar po'i tshogs (K. d. ra, 306). Syn. sa lus ; sa 'dres pa ; khri snyan or khri gnyan ; rlung gi srog ; lpags pa'i skye gnas ; lpags pa'i 'byung gnas ; 'phrog byed (Moon.). ra ags ku rang ga SANST dress. Syn. ka ta lAe (SANST); gser mdog can ; rin chen lpags pa'i 'byung gnas (Moon.). ri ags kri ^ SANST the black antelope. Syn. kri ^ sAa ra ; mi mdzes ; gzhung nag (Moon.). (EEE The word kri ^ sa ra in which there is a na below the Sa has been amended to its correct form (kri^sAar ) above following the tsheg placement scheme of the original.) ri ags kyi dgra 'dul ba zhes bya ba'i ri n. of a mountain in Uttara Kuru (K. d. ra, 303). ri ags kyi khrod ces bya ba'i ri n. of a mountain in the continent of Purva Videha, the wild animals of which are the following:- bi ne yAa ; nye 'khor gyi grib ma la dga' ba ; ba ltas pas 'bros pa ; ku rang gA ; lam bzang po ; phrag dog klu skyes ; ba glang gi rna ba ; glang po 'thung ba ; byis pa mchog ; grib ma la dga' ba ; ri bong lug ; rnga mo'i lus ; mjug ma nag po ; mgo dkar po ; rma dang bcas pa ; sprul gyi lce ; rang gi sa brgya pa ; spom pa ; spubs kyi mgrin pa (K. d. ra, 338). ri ags pa a hunter. Syn. rngon pa ; ri ags mthang byed ; ri ags gsad pas 'tsho ; ri ags dgra (Moon.). ri ags kyi gnas SANST deer-grove said to be the site of Sarnath near Benares where Buddha first preached his religion. ri ags skyes ma SANST n. of one of the Buddha's wives (Yig. 18). ri ags rgyal po SANST met. the king of brutes, i.e., the lion (Moon.). ri ags mgo SANST n. of a lunar mansion the 5th constellation (Moon.). ri ags chang SANST musk. Syn. ri ags lte ba ; ri ags rtsi ; gla rtsi (Moon.). ri ags lte ba = gla rtsi SANST = ri ags myog SANST (Moon.). ri ags sna 'dzin as met. = zla ba the moon (Moon.). ri ags mig can ma a handsome woman whose eyes compare with those of the deer (Moon.). ri ags sham £ ra SANST sham £ ra ; mchog med (Moon.). ri ags ru ru SANST or ru ru sgra sgrogs the species of deer that cries "ru-ru." ri ags pa lang rna ba SANST stag with ears resembling those of the cow (Moon.). ri ags pri Sa ta SANST the spotted deer, = thig le khra bo can (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "ri-dwags pp-ra-ta" for ri ags pri Sa ta .) ri ags sha ra £ SANST. Syn. gyen mig can ; seng ge mjoms ; nags na od ; shrdu la ; steng rkang can ; sha ra £ ; seng ge rkang pa brgyad pa (Moon.). ri ags mtshan ma SANST as met. = the moon, believed to carry a deer or to have one pictured in her orb. ri ags gsod the wild dog. Syn. 'phar ba ; nags khyi (Moon.). ri ba = the worth; to estimate the worth of a thing. in dngul srang gang ri ba and gser srang gang ri ba , etc., worth an ounce of silver, an ounce of gold, etc. ri bo'i rgyan = spang rgyan me tog (Moon.). ri bo'i bu mo SANST lit. the daughter of the mountain, an epithet of Uma; also a name of the river Indus (Moon.). ri bo 1. = ri 3. 2. sym. num. 7. ri bo khrung khrung SANST mountain crane or else the bustard. Syn. kra nya ca , phreng ba can (Moon.). ri bo gangs can the Himavat (Himalaya) mountains. Syn. kha ba'i lhun po ; gangs ri dbang ; dka' bzlog bla ma ; me na'i bdag ; ki la sha ; ri'i rgyal po ; bsel ri ; gangs ldan (Moon.). ri bo gru 'dzin SANST the residence of Avalokitesvara. ri bo dga' ldan the Gelugpa school (Yig. 73). ri bo dge lugs the yellow-cap school of Tibet (Loo. 'a, 11). ri bo spos ngad ldang SANST. Syn. yongs 'du can ; spos kyi ngad ldang (Moon.). ri bo tsan dra ka la SANST n. of a mythical mountain full of medicinal plants, etc., situated in the outer range of the snowy mountains skirting the country of Sambhala (S. lam. 41). ri bo btang bzung SANST Muchilinda mountain. ri bo chen po bcu the ten great mountains which surround the continent of Uttara Kuru:- sang kA she ka (SANST); rwa mnyam pa ; ri ags kyi dgra 'dul ba ; sprin dkar po 'dzin po ; mtho bar brtsegs pa ; phreng ba'i nye 'khor ; dus na dga' ba ; kun dga' ba 'dzin pa ; yid kyi rjes su mthun pa ; pad ma ku she sha ya dang ldan pa (K. d. ra, 274). ri bong the hare or rabbit. ri bong mtshan can SANST or ri bong 'dzin SANST as met. = the moon (Moon.): sngon byang chub sems dpa' ri bong gi lus byin par btang bas (Moon.). In the later post-Christian legends of the Buddha it is related that the Bodhisattva (Gautama) when born as a hare gave up his body vicariously. Indra out of wonder and curiosity carried him up to heaven for the purpose of showing him to the gods, and kept him on the orb of the moon that human beings might see him at all times. Since that time the moon became known as the holder of the pious hare. ri bong gi rwa the horn of a hare which is an impossible thing but which certain writers such as Milaraspa are fond of speaking of as if real for the purpose of drawing fanciful comparisons. Similarly mo sham gyi bu the son of a barren woman signifies a nonentity of the same kind. ri bong rwa can the horned rabbit which is a rarity (K. du da, 199). ri bong za as met. = bya khra the hawk (Moon.). ri bor gyi grong mountain village. ri bya skyegs grouse. Syn. myos byed thur ma ; thur brjed ma ; mig bkra ma ; rkang bkra ma ; brjed pa'i snye ma ; mtshon byed SANST; gtum mo (Moon.). ri brag = brag ri rocky precipice. ri 'bog spur, hillock. ri tshig = bden tshig truth (Shal. ch. 11). ri rdzong mountain fortress, fort. ri zhol gnas 1. residence on the plateau or plain at the foot of a mountain. 2. n. of an animal which is said to subsist on air (K. d. za, 4 64). ri yi snying po as met. = lcags SANST iron (Moon.). ri'i rgyal po chen po bcu the ten kings of mountains acc. to Phal-chen. ge , 231 are:- (1) kha ba can (Himavata); (2) spos kyi ngad can ; (3) rnam par 'dal ba ; (4) drang srong ri ; (5) gnya' shing 'dzin ; (6) rta rna ri ; (7) sa 'dzin ; (8) khor yug ; (9) dpal can ; (10) ri rab . (EEE Phal-chen. does not seem to be listed in the ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3.) ri yi sras mo SANST, SANST an epithet of Uma, the wife of Mahesvara (Moon.). ri yi phreng = dug mo nyung SANST the Kalika plant (Moon.). ri'i rus spal the hill-tortoise is mentioned as one of the three things to be obtained along with certain minerals from the hills viz.: rdo ba'i bu , ri'i rus spal , khyim gyi rdo (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "rihi-rus-spal" which is clearly in error.) ri yi 'od can = rgya mtsho chen po the great ocean (Moon.). ri bo che n. of place with a famous monastery on the Ngul Chhu in Khams (Loo. za, 28). Visited by Capt. Bower and Dr. Thorold on their adventurous journey across Tibet in 1893. ri bo de shan n. of a hill at Ribo-rtse-loa in China: ri bo de shan rtse la 'jam dbyangs bzhugs (Ya-sel. 61). (Bodhisattva) Jam-yang resides on the hill called Riwo Deshan. ri bo rtse lnga n. of a mountain with five peaks in China which is sacred to Jam-yang of the Tibetan Buddhists: ma hA rtsi na'i yul 'phags pa 'jam dpal dbyangs bya 'dul zhing ri bo rtse lnga (Loo. 'a, 9). ri bo rin chen spungs pa n. of a hill sacred to the Bon in Kongpo situated to the east of the monastery of bu chu lha khang (Grub. 2). ri bo'i bu mo a name of the Indus (Moon.). ri bya rkang n. of a Buddhist sacred place in China (Yig. 20). ri brag pa = 'brog pa herdsman (A. 73). ri me'i lha mo n. of a goddess; ri me'i lha mos bsnyen bkur dgu pa yin Ri-mehi Lha is to be universally reverenced (Loo. za, 4). ri tshag mountain-yak (Rtsii.). ri zhum wild or hill-cat. ri zhol the lower zone of a mountain. ri yi snying po as met. = lcags iron. ri mig or ri'u mig SANST checks or squares or enclosures made by lines crossing each other. ri mo 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a picture, drawing, drawn or daubed figures. 2. line, figures, stripes: stag gi ri mo phyi la yod|mi'i ri mo nang la yod (dpe ) the stripes of a tiger are on the outside but the stripes of man (fig. his wickedness) lie inside (his heart); lag pa'i ri mo the lines or figures on the palms of the hand or on the fingers. ri mo can , ri mo ldan marked with figures; ri mor byed pa to represent by means of figures and colours, to paint. ri mo mkhan SANST, SANST painter. Syn. ri mo pa ; bkra byed ; tshon gyis 'tsho ba (Moon.). ri mo can = go dum bAa n. of medicinal herb (Moon.). ri mo dmar ser can as met. = the peacock. ri mo gsum pa (Moon.), the neck, throat, and voice. ri mor byed pa SANST to honour, venerate. ri rab SANST the centre of the world and king of mountains, the fabulous Sumeru or golden mountain; also called ri rab lhun po , gser gyi ri , ri rgyal , ri bo mchog rab , rin chen rngul brtsegs lha'i ri bo . ri srib or srib ri the hill side not exposed to sun, the shady side, generally the north and north-western sides of a mountain. ri gu colloq. for ra gu young goat, kid. ri 'or ba people living in the neighbourhood of mountains and forests, also hamlets on mountains with few residents. ri pa men who live high up in solitary places and do not mix with the general people much, simple people &c.; also animals like mice which burrow high up in the mountains are called ri pa| ri brags pa a hill-man (A. 70): ri brags pa de nang par 'di 'phrog tu 'ong the hill-men will come to rob this tomorrow. ri byi 1. mountain rat. 2. a corruption of the word ri shi a sage, and applied to the name SANST. ri byi'i khyim the residence of Agastya is mentioned as being made of Ketaka gem (J‰.). Syn. ri shi ; kum £ sa £ ya ; ri 'dar ; ri 'phan ; chu lha'i bu ; bum skyes rgyal po ; khyor chu can ; lho phyogs bdag po ; mdangs gsal ba ; mdza' bo'i bu (Moon.). ri sho n. of a medicinal plant: ri shos mkhris gyur nad kun gyen du 'dren . rig pa I: vb. 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST to know, to understand = shes pa ; with the termin. of the inf.: to know that, to perceive, to observe anything to be of a particular shape or likeness; rig nas knowing or having known; khros par rig nas perceiving that he became angry (Dzl.); pha la rig par gyis let your father know it, inform your father of it (Tar.); zlog tu rig par byed (it or he) teaches how to avert, prevent, etc. rig mkhan one who knows or has capacity for learning; acc. to J‰.: a knowing person, a learned man. rig rgyud source of learning, intelligence, character. rig sngags a spell, charm, magic formula; rig sngags mkhan a person skilled in charms, an exorcist. rig can or rig ldan a learned man, an intelligent person; rig gnas learning; a science. 2. v. sgrig pa 3 (J‰.). II: 1. in Buddhism = SANST, so so yang dag pa rig SANST = ordinary Samvid which is of four kinds: (1) SANST; (2) SANST; (3) nges pa'i tshig so so yang dag par rig pa SANST; (4) spobs pa so so yang dag par rig pa SANST comprehension, prudence, talents, natural gifts. rig pa dang ldan pa talented, rich in knowledge, learned; rig pa gsar ba new information, disclosures, knowledge; also, news: log gi rig pa bsgregs na if false knowledge has belched (up) (Ta. 174, Schf.). 2. science, learning literature; nang gi rig pa the orthodox or sacred literature; phyi'i rig pa the heterodox or profane literature (Cs.); thun mong gi rig pa literature or science common to both religions (Buddhism and Brahmanism). rig pa'i gnas and rig pa any single science (philosophy, medicine, etc.) 3. the soul as an entity; rig pa lus dang bral ba the soul separated from the body; rten dang bral ba the soul separated from her abode. rig gnas bcu the ten sciences, che ba lnga dang chung ba lnga of which five are the higher and five minor ones. The latter are:- gso ba rig pa the science of healing or medicine; sgra rig pa the science of words or language; tshad ma and gtan tshig rig SANST dialectics; bzo rig pa mechanical arts. But nang don sde snod gsum rig pa SANST spiritual knowledge of the Tripitaka forms the higher science. Acc. to the work called Kosalahi-rgyan (ko sa la'i rgyan ) the word rig gnas comprises both art and science; under these being placed medicine, and astronomy, besides the arts of painting and writing, with the following crafts:- mgar ba (smith), sen ma 'breg mkhan (barber), shing bzo (carpentry), spas tshong mkhan seller of frankincense, brtsig mkhan mason, btso la mkhan dyer, tshem bu ba tailor, gur mkhan tent maker, chang 'tshong ma barmaid or beer-selling woman, bshan pa butcher, and the sellers of and workers in precious stones. rig gnas bco brgyad the eighteen arts and sciences mentioned in Mdsod comprise:- rom mo , 'khrig 'thab , so tshis , grang can , sgra , gso ba , chos lugs , bzo ba , 'phong od , gtan tshig , sbyor ba , rig gi bcas pa , thos pa dran pa , skar ma'i dpyad , rtsis , mig 'phrul , sngon rabs , sngon byung brjod . In the dus 'khor lo or Kalacakra system eighteen Rig-gnas are differently enumerated. (EEE In the original, the transliteration of the second of the above is "hkhrig-hbrag" or 'khrig 'brag .) rig pa can = rig ldan intelligent, sagacious. Syn. ang po ; grung po (Moon.). rig pa mchog gi rgyud is a Tantrik mystical work believed to enable one to distinguish the mischief done to a person by human beings from that done by evil spirits. rig pa mda' bsnun n. of a Bon religious work (G. Bon. 4). rig pa po SANST the knower. rig pa mi gsal ba = glen pa an idiot, a fool. rig pa 'dzin pa v. rig 'dzin 3. rig 'dzin ma a complimentary address for a Buddhist nun similar to the form rje brtsun ma (Yig. k. 70). rig pa'i rna ba = nags kyi tig ta (Moon.) a species of wild gentian. rig pa'i rgyal po'i gtso bo rnams designation of the chief gods of learning:- gtsug tor ; mngon par 'phags pa ; mngon par mtho ba ; gdugs dkar ba ; 'dab ma mtha' yas ; 'dab ma brgya pa ; rgyal ba'i gtsug tor ; rnam par rgyal ba'i gtsug tor ; mngon par 'phags pa'i gtsug tor ; bkod pa'i gtsug tor ; don yod zhags pa (SANST); rta mgrin dkar po; mgrin pa mtha' yas ; mgrin sngon (SANST). rig pa'i rgyal mo the goddesses or queens of learning:- sgrol ma ; sgrol ma bzang po ; gar mkhan ma ; khro gnyer ma ; 'gro ba mtha' yas ; 'dzin rten 'gro ma ; gos dkar mo , &c., also rma bya chen mo (SANST); nor sbyin ma ; dpal ldan ma ; bkra shis byed ma (K. d. da, 112). rig pa ldan pa'i gnas = dpa' bo'i khyim the residence of a hero (Moon.). rig byed 1. accomplished, acquired knowledge: nga rig byed glu mkhan ma yin te I am not an accomplished singer. 2. instruction, a book conveying knowledge, a scientific work: bzo'i rig byed a technological knowledge (Glr.). 3. SANST the (four) sacred writings of the Brahmans. 4. in Rtsis.: symb. = four. (EEE "Rtsis." is not listed in the ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3; it may be a mistake for "Rtsii." or "Rtsi.", or it may refer to a work that Das has failed to provide a reference for.) rig byed bzhi the four Vedas viz.:- (1) snyan ngag , (2) nges brjod , (3) mchod sbyin , (4) srid bsrung . rig byed klog pa = drang srong SANST a piri, a sage, one versed in the Vedas (Moon.); rig byed cha SANST the branches or divisions of the Vedas. rig byed bdag SANST an epithet of Vphaspati, the teacher of the gods (Moon.). rig byed skyes one of the names of Draupadi the joint wife of the five Pandava brothers (Moon.). rig byed gdong SANST an epithet of Brahma. Syn. rig byed snying po ; rig byed dbang ; rig byed rnam byang ; rig byed dran po (Moon.). rig byed 'don ma an epithet of Uma, the wife of Mahesvara (Moon.). rig byed lha mo an epithet of the goddess Kurukulli of the Buddhist pantheon. She is believed to bestow peculiar power on her devotees and therefore is called dbang sdud kyi lha mo (Rtsis.). (EEE "Rtsis." is not listed in the ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3; it may be a mistake for "Rtsii." or "Rtsi.", or it may refer to a work that Das has failed to provide a reference for.) rig byed gsang bar smra ba'i lta ba the Tirthika doctrine Darsana (Theg.). rig myur ma a libidinous woman, a voluptuous woman (Moon.). rig 'dzin or rig pa 'dzin pa SANST comprehension of a science with ease; also = a clever person; but usually rig 'dzin (like rig 'chang ) denotes a kind of spirit to whom high degree of wisdom is attributed by the Tantras. The names of the Rig-dzin or Vidyadharas:- bde ba la chags pa'i shug gri ; 'gor ba med par 'gro ba ; nam mkha'i stobs sprid rab tu 'byed par byed pa ; nyi ma'i lam du legs par rgyu ba ; ri ags kyi 'gros ; bu rwa ; shin tu dud pa ; ku sha ka Y; ri rnams la kun tu chags pa ; rtag tu myos pa'i dri ; nam mkha' la rgyu bar byed pa ; mASa Da'i dang na gnas pa ; ci mi sha'i phug na rgyu ba ; rtag pa'i shugs ; chang gi btung ba can ; ri rab lhun po la gnas pa ; kun tu khyab pa'i zhen pa ; rtag tu dga' ba ; me tog gi 'phreng ba 'phyang ba ; sa gzhi la rgyu ba ; sngags gsang ba pa ; dad pa'i shing rta ; glang po'i shing rta ; glog 'khyug par byed pa ; ma ha ya na gnas pa ; ke ta ka'i phreng ba mchog dang ldan pa . All these spirits are alleged to reside in the magical forest called sprin dkar po rgyu ba'i ri'i chu'i sgra kun nas sgrogs and to spend their time in perfect enjoyment with women who are equally accomplished (K. d. ra, 307). rig 'dzin ku mAa ra shrI n. of an Indian Buddhist who was well versed in the Vedas and the sciences. He carried with him to China the famous image of Buddha made of sandal-wood called Candanaprabhu or tsan dan jo bo (Grub. da, 16). rig shes = rig pa 3 and 3shes rab 3. rig rig in mig rig rig byed pa to stare with revolving eye-balls, to look about, esp. in a timid or an anxious manner, (Mil. J‰.). rigs in Budh. 1. = rus SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST breed, culture, also spiritual descent. The word rigs is so called, as we are told: dang po de las byung ba dang |bar du de yi bya ba byed|tha mar de yi rgyud 'dzin phyir (K. g. wa, 44) first, for having originated from that; secondly, for doing works belonging to that; lastly for holding lineage to that! rigs can of noble birth. 2. = rigs rus race, lineage, relationship, and family; ma'i rigs su nye ba a relation by the mother's side; rigs kyi bu or bu mo noble or honored sirs! honoured madam! a respectful address, which is applied to Buddhist monks and saints. 3. in a special sense SANST, caste, class in society, rank: mi rigs the human race, mankind. 4. = skor class (Moon.) kind, sort, species: gro'i rigs gsum yod the are three sorts of wheat; skad rigs gos rigs mi 'dra ba different kinds of language and costumes; rgyal chen rigs bzhi the four classes of great kings; sangs rgyas rigs lnga'i zhing khams the sphere of spiritual culture and enjoyment of the five classes of Buddhas; rigs kyis or rigs la by the day, by days, daily (Glr.). 5. some, divers, certain: nad rigs la mi 'dzem ni if one is not on his guard against certain diseases. 6. custom, routine: rigs 'kre customary work. rigs kun khyab bdag 1. = dus kyi 'khor lo SANST the Tantrik system of Buddhism called Shri-kalacakra (Moon.). 2. = nges pa lnga ldan an epithet of the Dhyani Bodhisattva rdo rje 'chang (in his mystical manifestation). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "rtgs-kun..." which is clearly in error.) rigs kyi thu ba = bram ze'i rigs (Moon.) Brahman caste. (EEE The original has Brahman for Brahman above.) rigs kyi ma = rigs skyongs ma or khyim bdag mo SANST a housewife (Moon.). rigs skyongs ma id. (Moon.). rigs rgyud or rigs brgyud = rgyud pa rus rgyud or gdung rgyud (Moon.) race, lineage, extraction, family (Cs.); rigs brgyud 'dzin male issue: rigs brgyud 'phel bar 'gyur ba the rising of a numerous progeny (Dom.). rigs brgya'i bdag = rdo rje 'chang or Vajradhara. rigs ngan low extraction of birth; mgar ba bshan pa sogs such as blacksmith, butcher, etc. rigs ngan dpon du sko ba to raise a child of low extraction to the royal dignity (Glr.); rigs ngan gyi gnas the quarters generally in the suburbs of cities and villages occupied by low class people. rigs lnga SANST five older orders of monks: Pratyeka Buddha gotra, Tathagatayana gotra, Aniyata gotra, and Agotra (rigs med ) (Moon.). rgyal ba rigs lnga the five Dhyani Buddhas; rigs gsum mgon po the three protecting lords: Chenresi or Avalokitesvara, Chhakdor or Vajrapani and Jampal or MaÒju Sri. rigs chen = 'phags rigs of high birth, noble extraction; also, of holy birth, i.e., incarnate beings; = skyes bu dam pa (Moon.). rigs nyams pa degenerate: rigs nyams dge slong a fallen monk, a monk disgracing his position or profession. rigs mnyam pa = rigs mthun pa SANST of equal rank or caste. rigs mthun id., opp. to rigs mi mthun pa . rigs ldan 1. SANST, SANST noble birth. 2. = rta mchog an epithet of Uccaishrava, the horse of Indra; a horse of good breed (Moon.). rigs ldan ma SANST (Moon.). rigs pa 1. vb. to have the way, manner, custom, or quality of: mgo phyir 'byung ba'i rigs so that is head should come out was a matter of course. 2. SANST, SANST necessary, proper, suitable, right, suited to the purpose: da ri zhig snang ba'i rigs now a mountain ought to appear (Dzl.); bzhag pa'i rigs sam would it not be proper to keep it? rigs kyi dus bab bo it is right time (Dzl.); mi smra ba'i mi rigs so it is not right to be silent; snad par mi rigs so it is not right to abuse. 3. possibility, capable or capability: 'ong rigs 'dug pas because it is possible for him to come; dran pa'i mi zin rigs la if there should be any chance of his not remembering (Thgr.); ngan song du 'gro sa'i rigs la as there is a possibility of going to hell; gdul ba'i rigs pa those capable of conversion (Dzl.); lhar skye ba ni rigs pa ma lags his being born as a deity is not befitting, or also: not possible, not probable (Dzl.). mi rigs pa wrong, not right, unbecoming, improper, etc., to do badly; rigs pa min pa unbecoming, improper. rigs byung = rgyud pa or gdung rgyud extraction, descent; scion: sa bon las byung grown of the seed (Moon.). rigs med 1. SANST the fourth Pandava, one of the five orders of the Buddhists v. rigs lnga 3. 2. mongoose. rigs med pa SANST the Kalachakra system of Buddhism (Moon.). rigs bzang an ascetic, a hermit; khrims la gnas pa one abiding by law, a holy man, one belonging to the holy order (Moon.). rigs bzhi SANST the four castes of Ancient India: bram ze , Brahman, rgyal rigs Kretriya, rje rigs the gentleman or trading caste, gdol ba'i rigs Sudra caste. (EEE The original has Brahman for Brahman above.) rigs gsum the three classes of beings: SANST or lha rigs the gods, SANST or mi rigs the human race, SANST klu rigs the serpent demi-god race. The three Bodhisattvas who protect these three are called rigs gsum mgon pa . rigs su 'gro as met. = rol mtsho the ocean. ring gag also stod gag jacket or waist-coat without sleeves worn by Buddhist nuns. ring nge ba = ring se : kha tsha ring nge ba in Mil. nt. = every day warm meals. ring thung 1. long and short. 2. length, relatively. ring du bskul SANST as met. = that calls from a distance, i.e., a cock. ring du khyab perfume, sweet smell, scent. Syn. dri zhim pa ; dri zhim mo (Moon.). ring du mthong ba SANST to see to a distance; fore-seeing, considerate; also as sbst. = a wise person. Syn. mkhas pa (Moon.). ring nas 'gugs that attracts from smell; also = sweet scent. Syn. dri zhim po (Moon.). ring 'phur that soars or flies to a great height or distance = SANST n. of a star. ring ba 1. length of space or time; ring khyad id.: dus kyi ring ba length of time; gzugs kyi ring ba the distance of space, length of body, etc. ring nas SANST from a distance; da dung yul las ring ste as he is still at a distance from the place: gnas 'di grong khyer dang ring bas because this place is far from the town (Dzl.); mi ring ba na at no great distance. 2. or ring po and ring mo adj. long, with respect to time: tshe ring po a long life, adj. long-lived; ring min = ma 'gyangs pa without delay, shortly, in a short time. ring min ngo mjal zhu chog pa thugs mtshor 'jags pa mkhyen mkhyen (Yig. k. 26) may it please you to keep in the ocean of your mind remembrance that I may be permitted to meet you within a short time. yun ring po nas from a long time, a long time since; ring por ma lon par or ring po ma lon par soon afterwards; ring por ma thog par not delaying or being detained for long; mi ring bar after not long, in a short time; de nas mi ring bar not long after that; rig zhig a long time; rig zhig lon pa dang after a long time (Dzl.). ring zhig tu adv. a long while, for a long time; ring zhig tu ma 'ongs pas as he did not come for a long time (Dzl.); ring zhig na after or during a long time (Glr.). ring la resp. sku ring la c. genit. = during, at; nyin gyi ring la in the daytime, during the day; 'dir bzhugs ring 'tsho chas provisions for the time of his stay here. ring ba lnga the five objects to be long admired: arms, eyes, breast, nose, knees (shanks) (Mi.). ring mo skyes SANST, SANST n. of a very useful medicinal plant (Moon.). ring lugs SANST doctrine; one's sect, religious order, or school; old custom. ring bsrel SANST (Zam. 11) also called 'phel gdung , small very hard glittering particles said to be found in the burnt ashes of certain (not all) holy lamas: sangs rgyas gsum gyi ring bsrel shrI ra la sogs pa (J. Zao.) the relics of bodies of the three Buddhas, etc. ring bu + = 'brel med or rkyang pa single, simple, solitary, unconnected; also = prose. rings rings pa hurry, haste; or rings pa as vb. = myur du byed pa to make haste; ma thogs rings pa'i tshul gyis da tshur sbyon not delaying do now come here in haste; rings par rgyug pa to run fast; rings rung though you be in a hurry; rings pa'i bsod snyoms gifts of charity requiring haste; rings stabs su most speedily (J‰.). rings pa'i tshul in an gsum bla ma'i thugs kar rings rings pa'i tshul gyis gzigs pa the three eyes cast looks quickly upon the lama's heart (Khrid. 189). rid pa = dngos ngan a rotten thing; emaciated. rin SANST, SANST, SANST the price, value, charge: rin gcod pa to fix, to determine the price; rin rtog pa to ascertain the price, to estimate the value; rin 'bebs pa to abate, to lessen the price (Cs.); rin 'bab pa rin 'bri ba the sinking or falling in value; rin can valuable, dear, costly; rin med worthless, also: free, gratis; rin gong or rin thang or rin ched price, cost. rin cen + or rin po ce for rin chen 3 or 3rin po che 3. rin che ba 1. of great price, value. 2. = du kU la'i ras (Moon.). rin chen 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST gem; precious, precious thing, gold, wealth, (in metal). rin chen che or rin chen dang po = gser gold: sku 'tsho rin chen dang po'i rang khams gsal zhing your health being glowing as gold its natural glitter (Yig. k. 39); rin chen gnyis pa = dngul silver (Yig. k. 4). rin chen dra ba can gyis zhus pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra delivered by Buddha at the request of Rin-chen-dra-wa-can (K. d. pa , 232). rin chen snying po SANST the earth that has precious gems in its bowels; rin chen brdar phye dust (from rubbing) of gold, silver, copper and iron (Rtsii.). rin chen sna gsum the three different Ratna or gems in Buddhism: Buddha or the supreme teacher; Dharma, the doctrine embodied in the scriptures that protects all living beings; and Saogha the church (comprising all the past Buddhas, Bodhisattva, saints and the priesthood) which leads to salvation. rin chen sna bdun the seven (really six) different precious articles believed to be the extraordinary treasures of a Cakravartti Raja: the precious wheel, the precious elephant, the precious gem, the precious wife, the precious minister and the precious general. rin chen 'byung gnas SANST, SANST the earth, also the ocean; n. of a Bodhisattva. rin chen bzhi 'dren great rivers like the Indus, Ganges, &c., which carry the four kinds of precious metals (Yig. k. 16). rin chen zla bas zhus pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra delivered by Buddha at the request of Ratna candra. (K. d. pa, 258). 2. symb. seven (Rtsii.). rin thang SANST price, value; rin thang can valuable; rin thang che SANST dear, costly; rin thang thal invaluable, priceless (Yig. k. 3). rin thang kun = 'gron bu SANST the cowry or the current coin of ancient India. rin po che = nor bu , rin chen , SANST, SANST 1. precious, the title which the Lamas of Lhasa and Tashi-lhun-po receive when they are recognized as the embodiments of the souls of their predecessors and are installed in the hierarchical office. 2. sbst. gem, jewel, gold, silver, etc. rin po che'i gdugs SANST the jewelled umbrella, one of the eight auspicious articles in the possession of royalty. rin po che sna lnga the five different kinds of precious articles: gold, silver, turquoise, coral and pearl (Rtsii.). rin po che dang ldan pa zhes bya ba'i ri n. of a submarine mountain of the Eastern ocean:- dpag tshad stong du gyur pa in dra la dang |nI la chen po dang |rdo rje dang |bi dU 4 dang |mu sAa ra ga rba dang |aa rga dang |pad ma ra ga dang |su ku ma ri kA la sogs pa rin po che rnam pa sna tshogs kyi nyi bar mdzes pa yin te (K. d. ra, 269). rin po che'i grogs po zhes bya ba'i ri n. of another mountain situated beyond the island of mother-o-pearl (mu tig gi shu ka ti'i gling ) (K. d. ra, 330). rim po che'i sgrom SANST a chest made of gold or silver and studded with precious stones. rin po che'i gling SANST n. of a fabulous island (K. d. ra, 343). rin po che'i phung po zhes pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra in (K. ko. cha, 261). rin spungs or rin chen spungs pa n. of a town in Tsang the chief of which once ruled over Tibet. It has a fort or Jong (Rtsii.). rin shas nyos SANST bought with money or price. rin di 1. bad. 2. a musket-ball (J‰.). rib colloq. of srib = yud tsam a short times, a little while. rib ma (also, colloq. "dibma") fence, hedge, enclosure to protect fields from the cold winds, intruders, etc. (J‰.). rim gro = sku rim SANST, SANST, SANST any religious service conducted in a temple or chapel, daily, monthly, etc.; also honour, homage, shown more esp. to gods, saints, and priests; special personal rites and other ceremonies. rim gro bla na med pa SANST extraordinary religious service; rim gro'i gnas place of religious service; rim gras thar bar 'gyur he will yet be cured by religious ceremonies; de'i rim 'gro la as a ceremony for him (the sick person) (Mil.); zang zing gi rim gros by offerings in goods, cattle, etc. (Mil.); rim 'gro chen po byas he arranged a great sacrificial festival (J‰.). rim gro ba or rim 'gro pa attendant, attending servant, aided-de-camp; in modern Tibetan the term comprises such high household officials as gsol dpon , gzims dpon , &c. Ananda was Buddha's rim-gro-pa; and the priest conduction the fixed daily or monthly religious services in a temple or sanctuary is also called rim gro pa . rim pa SANST, SANST, SANST 1. order, series, succession; rim pa bzhin du or rim bzhin in a row or line, in row, by turn; rim par successively, one after another, gradually; rim gyis or rim pas by degrees: rim gyis gzhol to come down by degrees; rim pas dang po mchog yin phyi ma dman by degrees the first become chief and the last lowest; bya ba thob rim bzhin byed pa to do business by turns, each taking a certain share of work (Glr.). rim pa gzhan du ar SANST to put the succession in another (branch). 2. separate order or succession, the place in a row or file, constituent part or member of a series, an item; a folding part: de'i mi brgyud rim pa lngas rgyal sa bzung five members of his line occupied the throne (Glr.), sgo rim pa bdun a seven-fold door (Dzl.); dngos po bzang ngan gyi rim pa items of good or bad articles; grangs kyi rim pa numerical order, serial number. rim 'bebs pa to degrade, bring down gradually (Yig. k. 1). 3. order, method: rim pa min pa SANST without method, disorderly; rim pa 'das pa SANST out of order, changed, irregular; rim pa rig pa knowing the order or method; 'chad par 'gyur ba'i rim pa rim pa 'dis by this method which will be explained immediately (J‰.); rim bral disorderly, irregular (J‰.). 4. degree, stage: go sa'i rim pa degree in rank or dignity; yon tan gyi rim pa degree in talents or attainment; chos dang sa lam gyi rim pa stage in spiritual and saintly perfections. 5. time multiple: rim ldabs , nyis rim double; rim gcig = lan gcig once, one time. rims or rims nad SANST infectious disease, plague, ngan rims epidemic; rims mi zad pa SANST typhoid fever; rims gtong ba to send, to cause a plague; rims drag po virulent contagious disease; rims med pa SANST free from epidemic or plague: dus gdon gnyis kyis ma skad rims mi 'byung plagues, epidemics, are caused by nothing but the season or by demons; dris phog nas rim gyis 'gos pa'i phyir rims nad ces ming because infection has set in gradually by the action of filth the disease has got the name Rims-nad (MÒg. 23). ril + or ril po 1. = thams cad all, the whole, the entire thing (opp. to a part): zla ba ril po the entire month; ril bo'i lhag ma the remainder of the whole (Vai. kar.); bubs ril lus the whole body; ril gyis gYogs pa entirely covered, completely enveloped, or wrapped up (Sch.); dbu na bzan ril gyis gYogs covered his head entirely with his shawl (A. 86). ril mid pa to swallow a thing entire; de dag dang ril gyis mchi'am phyed dang mchi ba bka' stsol cig tell me whether I am to come with all, or only with one half (of them) (J‰.). 2. ball, globule: ril por 'dzin pa SANST accepting as a food-ball. 3. dung of sheep, rabbits, mice, etc. Also ril ma . ril 'jog ma (lha'i snad 'tshong ma ) n. of a celestial courtezan (Moon.). ril ting (gtor ma gtong rgyu'i ril bu dang |ting shag gnyes ) balls or globules made of flour as offerings to the gods, spirits, etc., also the sacrificial water cup. ril por adv. wholly, entirely: rtag pa dang ril por 'dzin pa to consider a thing lasting and complete. ril ba 1. or ril mo round, cylindrical; sran ma ril mo peas are round (Vai. so.). 2. sbst. SANST, SANST a round, globular object, such as a round lump of butter, etc.; ril ba'i i blugs a bottle, narrow in the middle, a gourd-bottle (Sch.). Also = chab ril or chab glug water-pot to keep water for rinsing the mouth of monks; zangs kyi ril ba i blugs ma ga Z'i bri gang shong ba a copper cylindrical pot used as a jug to contain one drona of Magadha (A. 22). ril bu small ball, globule, pill; ril bur bsgril ba sran ma tsam formed into a pill of the size of a pea (J‰.). ris 1. sbst. (apparently derived from 'bri ba to draw) any figure, form, design. ris su , in figure, ris su 'bri ba = ri mo la 'bri ba to draw; ris su 'bri ba la sogs pa'i bzo'i bstan bcos treatises on figure-drawing building, etc. (A. 34). pad ma ris the figure of a lotus flower (Glr.); mig mang ris su bris pa designed like a chess-board; skya ris the blank parts of a picture (Cs.). 2. acc to Cs.: part, region, quarter, hence mtho ris heaven, dbang ris share of power or territory; mnga' ris n. of a part of Tibetóthe western province; 3. SANST party: phyogs ris partiality; Cs. has also: rang ris one's own party, gzhan ris another's party. ris can partial, prejudiced. ris chad impartial: ris chad blo yi mi khom rnam pa brgyad eight uneasinesses of an impartial mind (Khrid. 16.). ris bral = nye ring med pa or phyogs ris med pa impartial, lit. not considering one near to his side and another distant from it. ris med impartial, indifferent, hence also a hermit, because he ought to feel indifferent to every thing (J‰.). ris gza' sym. num. = 7, derived from the number of the greater planets together with the sun and moon (J‰.). ru 1. a horn, = rwa ; gYag ru yak's horn, ra ru goat's horn, lug ru ram's horn. 2. = cha a division, part, section: dmag gi ru a brigade; rdzong 'og gi ru khag phyugs lug sogs the cattle, sheep, goat, &c., of each division under the Jong (Rtsii.). rus gsum byas pa'i ru gcig one part out of three parts. Also ru is equivalent of the Chinese term usually translated "banner": gYas ru right wing or district, or "banner"; gYon ru left "banner" or wing, dbu ru central division. More especially ru dar banner, military ensign of triangular shape used in Tibet; ru dar 'phyar ba to display, to hoist the banner. ru sna division or wing of an army; ru dpon commander of a regiment or wing; ru mtshon a lance with a flag attached to its top, colours. ru nga hatred, grudge, malice; ru nga can spiteful, malicious. ru rta SANST acc. to Cs.: a kind of spicy root [a sort of medicinal plant used as a remedy for the disease called takman; Costus speciosus]S. Syn. 'od 'bar ma ; dbyug pas mtshan ; khyab byed ; snin ldan (Moon.). ru thog or ru rdog n. of an important fort as well as of a district in Tibet lying to the east of Ladak, about 15 miles beyond the east extremity of the Pao-koo Lake. ru bti á SANST; one of the commanders of the Kaurava armies who fled from the battle field of Kurukretra and took shelter in Tibet (J. Zao.). ru pi (in Sikk. rubi) SANST. ru po = ram in W. (J‰.). ru ba 1. = re gur a tent-covering made of yak's hair; ru ba pa a person living in such a tent; ru ba'i tshogs a number of such tents, a tent-village (J‰.). 2. = 'brog pa herdsmen of Tibet. ru ma curded milk, used as a ferment, in C.: 'o mar ru ma blug 'dra as when sweet and curded milk are put together. ru yong bza' the princess of Ru-yong who was married to King srong btsan sgam po and built the temple of Brag-Cha Klu-phug Lhakhang (Loo 'a, 6.). ru ka kSa á SANST a kind of berry, prob. smaller species of SANST, of which the rosaries used by Tantrik lamas are often made. ru ru á 1. a kind of deer (K. d. za, 177). 2. species of fruit-tree. (J‰.). ru leb 'flat-horn,' occurs in sha ba ru leb the Cervus Wallichii, and in 'brog gi ru leb the stag discovered in Central Tibet by Dr. Thorold and afterwards named Cervus Thoroldi. rug gi = phral du or myur du soon, quickly: rug gi dmyal bar 'gro yang mi 'gyod (Behu. 70) they do not repent even if they have to go to hell quickly. rug ge adj. and adv. gracefully, finely: thams cad rug gi bsdad 'dug they all sat gracefully; zhing snum rug ge the field had a smooth elegant appearance. rug pa vb. to bend; rug byas = sgur byas bent; ja pur 'dren pa'i mgo rug byas pa las from having bent down his head in serving tea and molasses (A. 141). rug rug byed pa = bsdus pa to collect together: thams cad mnyam du rug rug bgyi put all things together pell mell. rug ma n. of a town in the country of Sindhu (S. lam. 35). rung khang + a polite term for bake-house or kitchen, generally such as belong to the clergy; also store-room for keeping clothes, furniture, and utensils permissible for the use of monks. rung chu water for washing the mouth (of a monk) before taking food and after he has finished his meal: tha na byan len dang dge rung chu yan chad ma 'dres par 'byed mkhyen (A. 35). rung ba (cognate to nyan pa , chog pa ) 1. vb. to be fit, capable for, suitable, right, and adj.: SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST proper, fit, etc., gang byas kyang rung whatever has been done is proper; idiom for: you can do what you like. tshig 'di 'jigs su rung this word is calculated to terrify, is terrible; btsong du rung it is saleable, vendible; slob dpon du mi rung he is not fit to be a teacher; gzhan du mi rung he is good for nothing else, but also in the sense: he is too good for any thing else (Glr.); grub rung du yod pa one that is able to perform it; mi rnyed mi rung it must be procured by all means; mi byas mi rung it ought to be done; med kyang rung can also do without (him); de'i tshe gtang du rung ngam mi rung would it not be as well to let him go at that time; ci ltar yid shes su rung how can one believe you? (J‰). 2. J‰. mentions several other phrases with rung : lus 'di ci rung why should we care so much for this our body? Esp. ci ma rung , preceded by na or (rarely) by yang , why should not......?, i.e., O that! would that! 'di bdag gi yin na ci ma rung would that this were mine! nga'i bu mo min na ci ma rung I only wish, she were not my daughter! would it were not my daughter! In C. colloq. and in later writings rung = "although" after a verbal root: de tsam bsdad rung though I have been sitting so long (Mil.); mi dgos rung though it is not necessary (Mil.); shes rung mi shes pa ltar byed pa to plead ignorance although one knows the thing (Mil.); ci la thug rung whatever may happen to me, = at all events, at any rate; ci yin rung though it may be; log yin rung min rung whether it be an erroneous (opinion) or not (Mil.). shi rung gson rung though I live or though I die; gang yang rung ci yang rung whosoever he may be, whatsoever it may be. ma rung ba , ma rungs pa (1) pernicious, dangerous, atrocious, as enemies, beasts of prey, malignant gods and spirits, etc. (2) spoiled, destroyed, ruined: ma rung bar byed pa to destroy, etc., ma rung bar 'gyur ba to be destroyed, etc., (J‰.). ru dra kSa á SANST; = drag po'i mig malignant eye, "evil eye"; in Tibet it is gen. called ra ka . (EEE The original gives the Tibetan headword as ru 'dra kSa and the transliteration of the headword as "ru-dra-kra", the latter being correct. The headword has been altered accordingly.) rud = snyil a slip, that which has slipped down; a falling or fallen mass, as: kha rud snow-slip, avalanche, chu rud deluge, inundation, flood (by the rupture of an embankment and the like), sa rud land-slip, descent of a mass of earth; rud rud po disintegrated, loosened; acc. to Lex. SANST, = rough. rub chu the large mountains district of Rupchhu in the south of Ladak. rub pa 1. to rush in upon, to attack, assault: phyag zhabs kun nas rub rub 'jus te rushing in upon him from every side in order to touch hands and feet (Mil.); bzan la rub pa to pounce on the prey, to fall upon the food (Glr.); kha rub byed pa to out-cry, to bear down by a louder crying (J‰.). 2. to join in an affray; mi kha shas rub nas mi gcig la brdung ba a number of people joining together to assault one man; kho nga rub yong (they) will jointly come upon me. 3. to close, shut: kha rub pa = kha zum pa to shut the mouth, to be silent; in colloq. kha rub sdod = kha rog sdod sit quiet, shutting the lips. rub sho currant W. (J‰.). rum or rums 1. womb, uterus, = mngal but less frq.: rum mi bde ba sensations of pain during pregnancy; rum su 'jug pa SANST to take birth, to enter into the womb. 2. darkness, obscurity, also mun pa'i rus gen. snag rum . 3. n., Turkey, the Ottoman, Empire, the site of which is but vaguely known to the Tibetans, though some commodities from thence find their way to Lhasa; rum pa a man from Turkey, a Turk; rum sham Syria (J‰.). rul ba = zhig pa 1. adj. broken, putrid. 2. vb. to go bad, to get rotten, to turn rancid, etc. rul bar 'gyur ba to become putrid; 'o ma rul song the milk has gone bad, has become putrid. rul byed skyes lit. that which revives a rotten thing; n. of a medicinal fruit (Moon.). 3. to thaw (of snow). rul po for hrul ba (Cs.). (EEE For hrul po see hrul ba 3.) rus pa or rus I: = rigs SANST, SANST lineage, family: ming dang rus ni 'di ltar ro their name and lineage are such; rus gcig pa a kinsman. rus gcig pa gsod pa murder of a kinsman: rus gcig pa gsod pa po la dme pho rigs ngan yin the murderer of his kinsman is a detestable sinner, is low born. rus mtho ba high extraction; rus dma' ba low extraction. rus rgyud = rgyud pa or rigs rgyud or gdung rgyud extraction, descendant, race (Moon.). II: SANST, SANST bone; rgyab rus back-bone, the spine; rus chag fracture of the bone (Med.); rus pa'i dum bu small bones of which the Tibetan anatomy enumerates 360. mi rus human bone; sha med rus pa bare-bone, skeleton, i.e., bones when stript of flesh and skin; rkang rus bone of the foot; mgo rus bone of the skull; ka ne ru ka = yal ga'i rus pa bones of the limbs; na la ka the bones of the legs (Moon.). Also, fig. snying rus courage; energy, perseverance. rus pa chags pa = snying po the pith, i.e., the meaning and sense (A. 147). rus chod precision, accuracy, thorough correctness: rgyal po rtsi rgya dang yig rigs nas bya ba byed dgos la yi ger rus chod cing as the king has to conduct affairs by means of correspondence and accounts the greatest accuracy in letters is essential. rus chang (rus pa las btsos pa'i chang Moon.), beer made of fermented bones. rus pa'i rgyan SANST, ornaments of terrific deities and for magicians, made of human bones which are suspended from the girdle; rus pa'i rgyan drug the like ornaments fastened to six different parts of the body, viz., the top of the head, the ears, the neck, the upper arm, the wrists, and the feet. rus pa'i snying po = SANST the marrow of the bone; lit. the pith of the bone. rus pa'i gzeb = pags pa the skin (Moon.). (EEE The original reads "= bkras pa ...", but the transliteration, pags-pa, indicates the correct word.) rus pa'i zong = mgron bu SANST cowries, bones or shells of exchange. rus 'bol ba 1. morbid symptoms. 2. the stone of the apricot and other stone-fruits C. (Vai. so.). rus krang a skeleton. (EEE The headword in the original is rus rka∞nga , but rka∞ is not a valid Tibetan letter-combination. The bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo| gives rus krang as the spelling of this word, and the headword here has been altered accordingly.) rus pa spa n. of a celebrated lama (Deb. ga, 33). rus tshad or rus tshod (?). rus mdzod po ti bse ru n. of a work upon genealogy (J. Zao.). rus shing 1. Sch.: firmness, perseverance, repentance. 2. the spinal column. rus spal SANST, SANST, SANST tortoise; rus spal mo SANST, SANST the female tortoise; rus spal che ldan SANST the sea or lake turtle (S. Lex.). gser gyi rus spal or ma hA gser gyi rus spal the fabulous golden tortoise from the figures upon whose breast the Chinese are said to have derived their knowledge of divination and astrology. The chart of divination used by them for drawing omens, &c., is drawn on the figure of a tortoise and is called srid pa ho ho or hwa being Chinese for a picture or chart). Syn. yan lag lnga pa ; dam du 'dzin ; bul 'gro ; yan lag lnga spas pa ; glog 'thung ; 'gram rkyong ; khog pa can ; ngan pa'i shubs ldan (Moon.). rus spal ser po n. of a sa bdag demon. re 1. for re ba , also for ra'i . 2. each, every, single, a single one, some (person or thing); one to each, one at a time; re re one by one, every, everybody, each: mi re rta re zhon each man riding on a horse; rang la bu re med na yin pham pa re yong gi 'dug , dejection sometimes arises or despair comes from having no son; yud re or yun re for a moment, = yud tsam about a moment; lan re lan gnyis once or twice. re tsam seems to signify: just about: mi brgya re tsam zhon chog pa (a horse) sufficiently (large) for being mounted by about a hundred men; lo re tsam ma gtogs with the exception of about one year. ras gos rkyang re a single cotton garment; bcu la phur pa re gtad nas handing to each of the ten a phurpa; lag na dong tse re re yod in each of his hands there was an ingot; nyin re la sems can khri re bsad he slaughtered every day 10,000 animals. mi re lug re bsad each man killed one sheep. nyung re a little at a time; re re gnyis gnyis one and all, one with another, indiscriminately (Mil.). re zhig somebody, something; some, a little; re zhig also = (with or without dus ) a little while: re zhig sdod wait a while! re zhig cig na after a little while. 3. in such forms as mor ra re , mchis sa re or gyur ta re it may be rendered by such an adverb as: certainly, indeed, undoubtedly. 4. occurs as a particle mostly put between two closely connected words for the purpose of giving the compound word a verbal signification; thus snying rje signifying compassion, can be split into two with the particle re between them and then it means: to take pity upon snying re rje ; in the same manner 'o brgyal fatigue becomes 'o re brgyal = was fatigued. In like manner we have nyams re dga' , blo re bde , skyug re log ; zhe re 'jigs ; yi re mug ; and don re chung (J‰. chiefly). re skan also ordinarily re kan , = seldom, by no means, never: yong re skan that can seldom happen; tshim par 'gyur re skan they can by no means be satisfied with it. re skong or re ba skong lit. fulfilment of hope = heaven, blissful state. Syn. mtho ris gnas ; dge legs (Moon.). re skon n. of a bitter medicinal herb: re skon khrag skem snug pa rtsa tshad sel (Med.). re kha á SANST; = ri mo line, figure, drawing, picture, painting. re kha'i 'dab = sdag pa shing birch-tree (Moon.); re kha can = ri mo can (Yig. k. 55). re 'khang offence: re 'khang 'byung ba to become offended and abusive. re 'khon frequent quarrel: mi nang snga dgong re 'khon pa quarrel in one's house both morning and evening. re gur goat's hair tent; castle of hope. re ba I: SANST 1. sbst. hope; re ba dang bcas pa SANST harbouring hope, hopeful; re ba skong ba or re ba sgrub pa SANST to fulfil a hope; rnyed pa to get fulfilled, to obtain, what one has hoped for, re ba ltar gyur it has arisen as well as one could wish; re ba dang ldan pa hoping, full of hope, re ba med pa hopeless, despairing. 2. vb., to hope: thams cad mthong du re'o all hope to see. II: goats hair; re ba nag mo a kind of cap made of black goat's hair; re bo acc. to some = sbre bo sack-cloth, a kind of cloth of yak's hair, a tent. re gron hope; reliance; re ltos hope, expectation: gzhan la re ltos byed pa to depend upon another, to repose hope on another; bros dang gab sa skyabs dang re ltos thams cad zad nas ci bya gtol med pa'i skabs (Khrid. 8) at the time when all hope of refuge, protection, of hiding himself, or running away had been exhausted, he did not know what to do. re gron med pa = re ltos med pa to be hopeless, disappointed; also disappointment. re rgyang sha mtha' one of the 37 sacred places of the Bon (G. Bon. 37). re lcag pa a mezereon with white blossoms growing in the South Himalayas, of which paper is made; or the shrub Daphne and its bark (Ya-sel. 28). re tA á an epithet of the goddess Dpal ldan Lhamo. re dogs hope and fear. re dogs can = re ba dang dogs pa'i sems yod mkhan one possessed of hopes and fears; re dogs med being without hope and without fear. re thag chod pa = kho thag pa gcod pa to be disappointed; despair, disappointment. re lde a kind of buckler manufactured in Tsang (Jig. 32). re snam woollen cloth or blanket made of goat's hair. re mos or res mos turn, series, or more accurately: the turn or change of the series: nged la sdug pa'i re mos bab then the turn of misfortunes came upon me. re rma + as a met. = bud med woman. re zhig v. re 3; = re shig SANST ('gyangs cha ) a short while: gang 'tsham zhig re zhig nas khob khrob rdan tshom zer shortly there was khob-thob noise of something being struck. re ral n. of a vegetable medicine: ldum bu re la , aa bo brag spos , gsum la rim bzhin rgyal po btsun mo blon po re ral gsum zer . re re singly; each......each. re shig used for re zhig 3. re sa = re ba'i gnas place of repose of one's hope: ngas khyod rang las gzhan re sa med I have none to repose my hopes other than you. reg pa 1. = thob pa or thug pa to attain to, to reach: mtha' thug sangs rgyas kyi sa la ma reg bar du until attaining to the perfect state of Buddha (Buddha-bhumi). 2. but chiefly: SANST, SANST vb., to touch, to come in contact with: reg na bde ba , SANST pleasure in coming in contact with; lag pas mgo la reg touched (his) head with the hand. In W. very common under the form "rag-ce." 3. to feel, to perceive; esp. in W. where it sounds: rag-ce. 4. sbst. reg , SANST connection; reg dug (poison that has entered the body by contact) contagion, hence venereal disease, syphilis. reg bya 1. what is felt, or may be felt, anything palpable or tangible, reg bya mi tshor what may be felt is felt no longer. 2. feeling, sense of feeling: pags pa reg bya grang la whilst the outside of the body appears cold to the touch; reg bya rtsub rough to the touch (J‰.). reg zin 1. touch. 2. = zin bri 3. reg zegs + = zin bris draft. reg bzang SANST n. of a medicinal plant. Syn. skyes ma ; tshos byed ma ; mchod sbyin ma ; 'khor los sgy ur ; tshigs drug pa ; mdud pa drug pa ; dri yi rtsa ba ; bde ldan ma ; pa To la ; sa bdag 'bras ; gsal ba ; rigs ldan ; kha bar byed (Moon.). regs pa + = bregs pa 3. reng ba also rengs = gyong po stiff, congealed, tense, rigid; rengs par byed pa to make hard or stiff: jo bos sgrol ma'i bskyed rim gyis rengs par byed pa yod Jowo by his series of rites for propitiating the goddess Dolma made it (the thief's body) stiff (A. 136); rma'i reng sbyangs to remove the stiff parts of a wound (Vai. so.). reng bu (spos kyi reng bu ) 1. pastil for fumigating: reng bu khyer te 'byon nam would you proceed carrying a pastil of fumigating incense? (Jig. 28.) 2. separate, not belonging to anything else (Sch.). rengs = khyengs pa SANST. rengs po 1. rigid, coagulated. 2. alone, single (Sch.). red pa 1. auxiliary and substantive vb., very common throughout Central and Eastern Tibet where it largely replaces the other auxiliaries. It rarely occurs in books, though occasionally in Mil. It is most often used in the 3rd person and never in the 2nd person: kho rang ga ba 'gro ga red where is he going? 'di ni khyod gyi khyi ma red this is not your dog; nga rang shes kyi ma red (pronounced always: oa-rao shin-gi-ma-re') I do not know. Often annexed to yod pa in common talk in the form yod pa red (sounded: yˆ' a-re'): kho rang la bu kha shas yod pa red med pa red "khorao-la pu kha-she yˆ'a-re me' a-re" has he any sons or not; "dindÈ yˆ'a ma re" is it so or not? 2. = grub pa ready, accomplished, done: red mda' a spent arrow. reb reb pa 1. hazy, something misty or glimmering before the eyes. 2. to be in a great hurry, to be very zealous (J‰.). rem pa 1. = the vulg. colloq. rig pa sgrim pa to be cautious, careful. rem nas langs he rose carefully (Rdsa. 28); de re rem zhig rem zhig grogs po gnyis ye two friends be careful this time (Rdsa. 25). 2. vb. and adj., (to be) strong, vigorous, durable, powerful, of men and animals. rems = 'bras run out; diffuse. re'u = ra phrug kid, young of a goat; re'u mig lit. kid's eye; squares of chess board. rel tshar the skin of a kid (Rtsii.). res 1. inst. of re 3. 2. change, turn, time, times: res 'jog byed pa to change places alternately (Jig. 7); da ngid byed pa'i res la bab lte it being now our turn of acting (Dzl.); res byed pa with verbal root, to do a thing by turn with another person. chang la 'thung res byed pa resp.: skyems la gsol res mdzad pa to vie with one another in drinking beer (Glr.); res mos byed pa to work by turn; rim gyis phyin pas grong khyer gcig na rgyal po res mo byed pa (A. 59) having travelled gradually he found in a town that the kingly office was performed by turn; res mdze sprang kun la bag chags ngan gsungs by turns he explained to all the lepers and beggars that attachment (to life or worldly things) was bad (A. 106). 3. = mtshams mtshams la or res 'ga' at times, at intervals, occasionally: res nam mkha' la 'khyer ba dang (A. 18) at times carried (it) to the sky. res che re chung now great, now small, or partly great, partly small; res yod res med at one time is there, at another not (Cs.); res dga' at times cheerful, = 'or dga' or bde dga' . res 'ga' SANST; v. res 3 2. supra. res gcig once, once upon a time. res mos v. re mos 3. res gza' an occasionally appearing star, a changing (wandering) star, a planet (Cs.); res 'grogs zla skar the stars with which the moon is successively in conjunction (Sch.). res po 1. = res mo 3. 2. old, v. 3bgre ba 3 (J‰.). ro I: = bro ba or bcud , also ro bcud ; sbst. SANST taste, flavour, savour: kha ro tasty thing; ro myong ba to taste; ro med pa = bro ba med pa SANST insipid, tasteless. ro la drug ste there are six different kinds of taste:- mngar ba sweet, skyur ba sour, kha ba bitter, ska ba astringent, tsha ba acrid, lan tshwa ba salt. The medicines are also divided into six classes such as mnga' ba'i mngar ba sweet of sweet, mngar ba'i skyur ba sweet with but a little sour. ro brgya dang ldan pa'i zhal zas food (for great men) consisting of one hundred different tastes i.e., of the most exquisite and manifold flavour (J‰.). ro mchog ldan pa SANST tasteful, of great relish (S. Lex.). ro 'jam po SANST flavoury, flavour. II: = ro ma residue, remains, sediment: tshag ro (or 'tshag ro ) that which remains in a sieve or filter, husks, etc.; ja ro tea-leaves left in a tea-pot; tshil ro the remains of fat after having been melted; gal ro , ro ro , so ro rubbish; skud ro the ends or threads in a seam. III: 1. physical body, especially a beast's body: ro rgyab back; ro stod the upper part of the human body, chest and back (Hbrom, kha, 82); ro snad the lower part of the body; ro snad sbrul du 'khyil ba the lower part of the body like a serpent (J‰.). 2. more frq. dead body, corpse, carcass: mi ro a dead man, rta ro dead horse; ro'i nyal sa the place where a corpse is laid, the cemetery; ro sreg pa to burn a corpse. ro khang (1) the house or place where a dead body is kept before being carried to the cemetery for disposal; (2) SANST place for burning or burying the dead, a favourite spot for conjurations and sorceries of the Tantrik lamas. ro rgyab pa lit. one who carries a corpse on his back for disposal to a cemetery, hence the scavengers in Tibet are called rogyab-pa; but the word is ordinarily pronounced ra-gya-pa. ro sgam a coffin; ro drangs nyes pa defect in the performance of a funeral; ro yi gnas SANST the place where dead bodies are disposed of; ro bug grave, tomb; ro bum a structure resembling a mchod rton in which the ro stod the upper half of the body is placed in upright position; SANST food offered to the manes of the dead. ro ras cotton cloth for wrapping up a dead body before cremation; upon it incantations are frequently inscribed against demons and malignant spirits; ro langs SANST the soul of the dead roving on earth, also (evil) spirit, or goblin that occupies a dead body. ro ldan SANST 1. grapes. 2. garlic. = sgog pa ; gU nya dzu na (Moon.). 3. chireta, gentian (Moon.). ro ldan ma as met. = rgya mtsho chen po ocean (Moon.). ro bzang ma n. of a Yakra princess (K. g. da, 130). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "go-bzao-ma" which is clearly in error.) ro ma 1. anything from which the juice or spirit or essence has been extracted. 2. = rtsa grass. ro btsong ba in Sikk. to importunate; persistence. ro 'dzin SANST as met. the tongue. ro myang SANST 1. relish, taste; also delicious. 2. = sbrang ma , bee. ro myang ba 1. to taste, to relish. 2. as met. the tongue, lce or bcud kyi ma (Moon.). ro'i gser = ga bur SANST camphor (S. Lex.). ro nye = ra nye or zha nye lead. ro tsa ka á SANST, and ro tsa ka chen pa SANST, are celestial flowers (K. d. zha, 156). ro tsa or ro gtsa' sexual instinct or power, carnal desire, lust (Med.). ro tsa skyed pa to procreate, to increase the carnal appetite by medicine (Cs.); also: to feel it; ro tsa ba , voluptuousness, sensual, lustful (Mil.). ro tshan gsum a kind of officinal plant: ro tshan gsum gyis dug nad 'joms . ro hi ta á 1. n. of river that flowed between the towns Serskya and Lha-bstan. (J. Zao.) 2. a species of ibex said to possess three horns. ro hi ta ka á n. of a place in ancient India. rog po 1. C. black, cf. bya 3 and 3pho rog 3. 2. W. = rag pa reddish, yellowish-brown, of rocks. rog ge ba shining dimly with a face glowing gloomily as it were Mil., nt. (J‰.). rog po 'joms skyes a medicinal herb. rogs vulg. for gross friend, companion, associate; rogs med gcig pa friendless and quite alone. rogs ram or rogs byed pa to help, assist; grogs byed pa help, assistance. rong = bting deep gorge, defile, narrow passage, cleft in a hill, also valley; rong khung abyss, deep hole; brag rong dell or chasm between rocks; a ravine, 'og klu yul rong mi dog gam is not the nether region of the Naga an abyss and very narrow? (Hbrom. 163). rong byams chen n. of a district in the mountainous country situated in the north of Tsang where in a monastery a huge image of Maitreya Buddha was constructed by Lama Sems-dpah chen-po Gshon-nu rgyal mchog (Lon. 'a, 16); rong zom n. of a lama of Rong (Deb. ga, 28); rong rong rtsol mo an epithet of the devil (G. Bon. 8). rong yul the country of ravines; gen. Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, etc., are so called. rong mi , a man coming from Rong; rong rta , rong lcang a horse bred in, a willow growing in, Sikkim or Bhutan. rod pride, haughtiness (in Tsao). rod pa + or rod po , 1. = gos dress. 2. stiff, unable to help one's self. rod lci ba id. (J‰.). rol deep, abyss, chasm: rol shin tu mi zad pa'i nang du skyes la they are born in a very intolerable abyss (Sorig. 19). rom po (for spom po in Sikk. and C.) thick, big, stout, massive, plump; deep, of sound; opp. to phra mo . rol rnyed SANST playfulness. rol rnyed ma 'phrog pa the ravishment of rol rnyed ma (prob. SANST) n. of a dramatical work about which, Atisa remarked rol rnyed na phrogs pa dang gnod sbyin aa sha pa bsad pa'i (A. 30). rol rta 1. Sch.: the near horse in a team, the right-hand horse. 2. the act of playing with cymbals and with wind instruments. rol gnas SANST a stage, a place of enjoyment; a pleasure grove; heaven. rol pa 1. = sprul pa 3, v. 3rol ba 3. 2. SANST playfulness; snyegs pa the coquettish airs and gestures of youthful playmates (Moon.). 3. = longs od pa or tshogs za ba to enjoy, amuse oneself with women; also drinking, and merriment. rol pa'i 'gros musical gait, dancing to music = rkang pa'i 'du byed (Moon.). rol pa'i mtsho bdun the seven lakes of which the waters move in gentle waves as if they were dancing to the music of the wind. rol pa'i rdo rje SANST an epithet of the Tantrik god dgyes pa rdo rje SANST Heruka (Moon.). rol pa'i sa as met. = mtho ris gnas the celestial regions (Moon.). rol ba = rtse ba dang bzhad pa SANST 1. to amuse or divert one's self; to play and laugh. In rgya cher rol pa , i.e., the Lalitavistara and in rol pa bkod pa or lalita nyasa (the name of a certain kind of contemplation), rol-pa is used for SANST, acting or playing on the stage of this worldly existence. 2. to take, taste, eat, drink: srin mo khrag la rol pa witches or ogresses revelling in blood (Mil.); rol pa'i stabs su bzhugs pa there he sits, or to sit with revelrous mien. 3. = sprul ba to practise sorcery, to cause to appear in magical form; rnam par rol pa = rnam par spral pa . ye shes rol pa'i khye'u lnga is used for: ye shes kyi sprul pa incarnations of the divine Wisdom. rol mo 1. SANST rol mo'i sgra SANST the sound of music: rol mo byed pa to make music; rol mo od pa musical profession. 2. music, musical instrument, rol mo'i cha brgyad = the eight divisions of music. rol mo'i gnas or rol mo'i sa the place where music is performed, a theatre; rol mo mkhan musician, esp. = sil mkhan a cymbal player (Moon.). rol mo'i sgra mtha' dag n. of the different kinds of musical sounds or notes: (1) sgra cha phra ba kA ka Di SANST; (2) mi gsal snyan pa Z… na SANST; (3) shin tu mtho ba tA ra'o SANST; (4) sa ma a ni (SANST) cha lang gcig ; (5) pheg dang pi wang baD rgi SANST; snyan pa'i sngags ni zab mo'i dbyangs|rnam par spro dang zhan pa ni (Moon.). In the same Tibetan work we find some curious definitions of what are termed rol mo'i sgra so so'i 'byung khungs bstan pa the sources of the different musical sounds, which are specified in the following way:- pi wang la sogs rgyu yi sgra the violin, etc. emits sound from (striking) the strings; rdza rnga la sogs spubs kyi sgra drums etc. give sounds from beating the skin placed upon a hollow vessel; gling bu la sogs bu ga'i sgra the pipe, flute, etc. yield sounds through the passage of holes; sil snyan sgra ni cha lang sogs the sound of cymbals, etc., is by the falling of one disk of metal upon another at intervals (Moon.). Again rol mo'i spong sa is the school-house or place where music is taught. Furthermore we hear of rol mo'i bye brag bco brgyad the eighteen accompaniments of music:- gar mkhar , bro , rnga bo che , rdza rnga , rnga phran , rdza rnga chen mo , mkhar rnga , ba wang rgyud gcig pa , rdza rnga kha gcig pa , lcags kyi sil khrol , mkhar ba'i sil khrol , pi wang rgyud gsum pa , rnga mu kun da , sil snyan glu dbyang sa bstun pa , phag rdob , rol mo'i sgra , pi wang and gling bu . rol mo'i dbye ba the different kinds of musical instruments:- (1) cang te'u the damaru; (2) mDu ; (3) sil khrol ; (4) daºi ma SANST drum; (5) bal rnga Nepalese drum; (6) mkhar rnga kettle drum, fort drum (Moon.). rol rtsed ma SANST a dancing girl; a coquettish woman. rol furrow; rol kha gtong ba to begin ploughing in spring. rla sometimes for bla 3 (J‰.). rlag or rlag pa = bor ba or stor ba 1. destruction, loss or ruin; bcom rlags SANST n. of a city in ancient India which was destroyed by the Yavanas, hence termed the ruined city; rlag par gyis pa to be destroyed, ruined. 2. = 'phung ba med par gyur pa to become bodiless. rlangs pa SANST vapour, steam; exhalations; kha rlangs breath, vapour from the mouth; chu rlangs steam, watery, vapour; rlangs chu 'don pa to distill. rlangs 'phyad pa byed pa to steam. rlangs po = gdol pa SANST, SANST the lowest social grade (Moon.). rlan SANST 1. moisture, humidity; rlan spang ba to avoid the wet; rlan can moist, wet, humid; rlan med dry. rlan steng nyal ba to sleep in the wet (Lt.). 2. SANST a liquid; rlan rlon id., rlan rlon chang the liquid (called) beer. rlan sa 'dab ma'i gos can one dressed in leaves of trees (Yig. k. 25.). rlan skyes or rlan las skyes a general n. for insects or animals generated in moisture (Moon.). rlab pa or rlabs pa to remove, to clear away (Sch.). rlabs SANST, SANST wave, billow, ripple: rgya mtsho'i rlabs large wave; rlabs po che or rlabs chen SANST, SANST, a large wave or billow; rlabs kyi ri mo = chu gnyer (Moon.) ripples on water; rlabs phreng series of waves or billows one following another in rapid succession. Syn. chu rlabs ; dba' rlabs or rba rlabs (Moon.). rlabs yas SANST n. of a great number (S. Lex.). rlam pa v. rlom pa 3; also we find: rlam khyer . rlig pa SANST resp. gsang rlig testicles. rlig pa 'byin pa or rlig pa 'phyid pa to castrate, emasculate (a man), to cut or geld (an animal); rlig pa phyung emasculated; rlig med castrated; rlig skrangs swollen testicle; rlig sgong SANST the testes; rlig can having testicles, a stallion; rlig gcig pa having only one testicle; rlig bu or rlig shubs the scrotum; rlig rlugs pa or rlig spos pa swollen testicles (Oag. 64). Syn. sgro ba ; spubs ; 'bras bu ; mdzod (Moon.). rlings entire, all; rlings gyi entirely, altogether. rlid a closed leather bag (Sch.). rlid bu 1. a whole, a lump or mass (Sch.). 2. = rkyal , a skin or leather bag; gen. dud 'gro'i rlid bu the entire skin of an animal. rlibs pa = rkya che ba large, wide, spacious. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "rlibs-bu". This is probably a typographical error of mixing the first half of this entry with the last half of the previous entry ("rlid-bu".) rlugs pa 1. = spos pa (Oag. 64), swollen: rlig pa rlugs a swollen testicle. 2. acc. to Cs.: to purge; mngal rlugs par byed pa to cause abortion; rlugs byed pa a purge procuring abortion (J‰.). 3. in Tsang: to cast, to overthrow, to pull down; for lug pa . rlugs ma anything cast forth, or ejected; the casting out, effusion; acc. to one Lex. excretion of undigested food (J‰.). rlung I: SANST, SANST, SANST; lhag pa breeze, wind: rlung lo ma la reg the wind touches the leaves; rlung gis bskyod (a thing) is moved by the wind, blown away by the wind; rlung chen po , rlung drag a high wind, a gale. But among the common people of Central Tibet rlung in the simple sense of "the wind" seems to be almost unused except in certain compound words, such as rlung rta , 'og rlung flatulence, etc. Alone it is know chiefly in the mystical sense; lhags pa being in C. the colloq. word for: wind, breeze. rlung dmar = rlung chen po (lit. red-wind) storm, tempest, high wind, gale at sea: rlung dmar thams cad zhi nas the tempest having subsided (A. 16). rlung tshub whirl-wind, storm with rain and sleet. Syn. nam mkha'i srog ; nam mkha'i dbugs ; ma mos 'phel ; nam mkha'i stobs ; gYo byed rdul gyi kha lo pa ; 'gro ba'i ngang tshul ; 'gro ba'i srog ; dri bzhon ; dri len ; dri'i shing rta ; gnas med rtag 'gro ; kun 'dul rnga ; bsil byed reg ldan (Moon.). II: In the mystical physiology of Buddhism is set forth as one of the three humours of the body (nad nyes pa ) and is supposed to exist in nearly all its parts and organs, circulating in veins of its own, producing both the arbitrary and the involuntary motions, and causing various other physiological phenomena. When deranged it is the cause of many diseases, esp. of such complaints the origin and seat of which are unknown, rheumatism, nervous affections, etc. This rlung or humour is divided into five species, viz.: srog 'dzin which is the cause of breathing; gyen rgyu faculty of speaking; khyab byed cause of muscular motion; me mnyam of digestion and assimilation; thur sel of excretion. In mysticism, as J‰. remarks, rlung 'dzin pa seems to be = dbugs bskyang ba and to denote the drawing in and holding one's breath during the procedure called gtum mo which is as much as to prepare one's self for contemplation, or to enter into a state of ecstasy (Mil.); rlung gi dkyil 'khor SANST, a kind of subtle meditative performance. rlung gi nad diseases caused by rlung which are:- rlung la rengs , ce ang mgo , gzugs 'khums , pi shi rtsi , sran mi 'thing po , snad kyi rtsa dkar gyi rlung (Sman. 7). rlung gi mi yi rang bzhin the nature, constitution and appearance of one who is affected by an evil conjunction of rlung (K. g. da, 262). rlung gi rgyal mtshan = 'ja' mtshon , the colours of the rainbow (Moon.). rlung gi bal = as met. 'ja' mtshon the rainbow (Moon.). rlung gi bang yod pa zhes bya ba'i bya a fabulous bird which can fly one thousand miles in a moment and is said to live in the forest called grib ma sngon po'i nags (K. d. ra, 297). rlung gi bu SANST one of the names of the second Pandava brother (Moon.); also is an epithet of Hanumana the monkey general of Rama. rlung gi bu rgyud as met. = monkey (Moon.). rlung gi 'bras bu 1. = 'ja' mtshon the rainbow (Moon.). 2. as met. = char pa or sprin gyi me tog rain (Moon.). rlung gi bye brag 'ga' zhig gi ming i.e., the names of the different winds:- (1) rlung sprin gyi phring ba can , rlung 'jig byed , rlung 'chags byed , rlung kun tu 'jog byed , rlung rnam par 'thor , rlung dus ldan , rlung dmar , rlung 'jig rten 'dzin (K. g. tha, 114); (2) bser bu 'bigs byed rlung , rlung gnon ma la ya rlung , rlung nag , rlung dmar , drag po'i rlung , £e ram £ (SANST) 'thor rlung , mtho ris rlung or ku the ra (SANST) (Moon.). rlung gi mtshan nyid drug the six qualities of wind:- rtsub pa , yang ba , grang ba , sra ba , phra ba , gYo ba (Hbum. 17). rlung gi shing rta lit. wind-chariot 1. = rlung las skyes born of the wind, a figurative name for a horse (Moon.). 2. = sprin cloud (Moon.). rlung gi gshog pa can (lit. having wind wings) a term for the swiftest horse; the kind of horse to which this compliment is given in Tibet is generally called gyi ling (Moon.). rlung 'khor ba SANST weather-cock, an instrument that is turned by the wind. rlung gnyis 'thung as met. = rnga mong camel, dromedary (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "rluo-bÒis-hthuo" which is clearly in error.) rlung rta (lit. the wind-horse); the horse of fortune or luck, generally inscribed on flags with charms and allowed to flutter in the wind. But the long perpendicular flags attached to poles themselves are also styled "lung-ta." rlung nag (lit. black-wind), dust storm, a storm whirling up clouds of dust. rlung spa sun 'byin one of the seven different winds of the human body; the names of the remaining six:- rlung dag gi rjes mthun , rlung rmi lam 'khrul ston , rlung bzod med , rlung lces brjod pa mi bzod , rlung ro bro khrid byed , rlung mchun pa 'jigs byed (K. d. za, 367). rlung ad lit. that pairs while floating on the wind = bya rgod vulture (Moon.). rlung ma 1. col. wind. 2. n. of a Yakra princess (K. g. ta, 30). rlung gYab a fan. Syn. bsil gYab ; bsil ba stob (Moon.). rlung la dga' ba (lit. that which delights in wind) = as met. the camel (Moon.). rlung lha SANST, SANST the god of wind. rlung lha'i zhon pa the conveyance of the god of wind (Moon.). Syn. rlung gi dbang phyug ; dbugs 'byin bdag ; sna tshogs rta can ; gYo byed mgon ; longs od mdzes pa ; stobs kyi lha ; nub byang phyogs skyong (Moon.). rlung las rgyal SANST n. of the king of the horses, he that can win in the race with wind. Syn. rta mchog ; cang shes pa (Moon.). rlung gsos (chu rlabs ) a wave (S. Lex.). rlung bsrag the musk-deer. Syn. gla ba ; gla rtsi can (Moon.). rlung sangs 'od la 'then the son of yum sangs 'od la 'then (G. Bon. 23). rlubs 1. = dma' ba SANST low. 2. acc. to J‰. in C. = a corner, hole, place for hiding a thing; gos kyi rlubs the pocket in a robe (Lex.): khung bu'i rlubs . 3. acc. to Sch.: ditch, pit, pool, abyss: me'i rlubs fire-pool. rlubs pa 1. a cover; also as vb. to cover, hide; gos kyis rlubs pa to hide under a robe. 2. = lugs pa 3. rlag po foolish, stupid, of a little child (J‰.). rlog pa pf. brlags , form of pres. and fut. brlag , imp. rlog or rlogs , 1. to destroy; break down, turn up; as in sa rlog pa , rdo rlog pa , zhing la rlog brgyab pa'i gnas skabs (SÒio.). thal bar or rdul du rlog pa to reduce to powder, to destroy entirely. 2. fig. to pervert, to infatuate; nyes pa'i dri mas yongs su brlags te quite corrupted by the filth of sin (Dzl.); chung mar 'dzin pa'i bsam rlags tsho those infatuated by thoughts of marriage (J‰.). rlon pa I: 1. = Mongolian nos thang adj. SANST wet, moist, damp; colloq. "lˆm-po"; tshang rlon quite wet, wet through; of meat, vegetables and the like = mtshos pa uncooked, as in 'o rlon milk not boiled; also = ma snin pa unripe as in shing tog rlon pa , also used in sha rlon pa raw meat. 2. vb. with pf. and fut. in brlan = spang ba to make wet, to moisten, e.g., chus or char pas with water or with rain; brlon to made wet (Situ. 76). Syn. rlon can ; gsher pa ; bangs pa ; thag can (Moon.). II: to answer, with lan ; also glon pa , ldon pa , blan pa , zlon pa (see J‰.). rlobs as in byin gyis rlobs with pf. brlabs , fut. brlab , imp. rlobs , v. byin 3. rlom pa 1. = ham pa sbst. SANST conceit, vanity. 2. vb. with pf. brlams to be conceited, to be proud of, to glory in, to boast of, used with termin. case: bder rlom pa to boast of one's good fortune; gcig tu rlom pa to be proud of being one with. 3. to love, to adhere to, to be attached to. 4. to covet: gzhan gyi nor la to hanker after another's property; rlom sems skyes 'dug covetousness has grown up. brla SANST the thigh: brla sha SANST, SANST muscular part of the thigh; brla skyes born of the (Brahma's) thigh, = rje rigs ; brla byung (Moon.) the Vaisya or the gentleman caste of India. brla brnyan + = snon pa augmenting, growth, increase. brlag pa 1. v. rlog pa 3 forsaken, abandoned. 2. = med par byas pa , demolished; dgra brlag killed the enemy (Situ. 76). 3. = bshal ba SANST to wash off (S. Lex.). brlang po + SANST = rtsub po rude, coarse, roughness in conversation: brlang po'i tshig rough words, abusive language; rtsub brlang ba ma yin pa refraining from abusive language; brlang po rnams byed pa to make use of such language. brlang od = rtsub od rough behaviour, misconduct; also described as rtsub tshig bya las gang yin brlang od du ma song ba'i snyoms star che ba (D. Shel. 11); brlang od byed pa to be rude or rough in manners. brlang mo = bud med gtum mo a fierce woman, an amazon (Moon.). brlan pa 1. another form of rlon pa 3, = gsher pa or 3spang ba 3: chus brlan to (Situ. 76); brlan sgy es met. a tree. 2. = bsdus pa or phyogs su gtogs pa to collect or put aside. brlab pa v. rlob pa 3. brlam pa v. rlom pa 3. brlams pa = bskyod pa , tremulous, trembling; 'byung pos brloms quivering with a demon, described as mi'i khog pa la gdon zhugs pa the occupation of one's body by an evil spirit (Situ. 76). brling ba SANST, SANST excellent (Zam. 12). Also = brtan pa firm, steady: rang bzhin brling la shes rgya che he is wise who is naturally steady. brling po firm, secure, safe (both of men and things). brling log confused, disorderly, not to be trusted (Sch.). brlug pa = mi brtan pa (Oag. 64) unsteady, not firm. brlubs v. rlubs 3 (gos kyis gYogs tshar ba ) covered with clothes. la I: 1. is the twenty-sixth letter of the Tibetan alphabet, corresponding with the English l and Sanskrit SANST. 2. numeral: 26. II: 1. a mountain pass, la rtse the summit of a pass, la zur the edge or side of a pass, la'i gyen the ascent of a mountain pass, la'i thur the descent or declivity of a mountain pass. la rgal ba also la rgyab pa to cross a pass. 2. candle, wax-candle, wax-light, taper (from the Chinese lah wax) in C. III: la ni blang ba med pa'i sgo|yon tan med pas thams cad grol La in mystic Buddhism is symbolic of the state of non-receiving, i.e., of absolute repletion (K. g. wa, 43). zhes pa nyan thos kyi theg pa can ni 'gyur ba mi gnas pa ste|theg pa chen po ne brtan pa nyan thos kyi theg pa spong zhing bla na med pa'i theg pa chen po la brtson pa'o La signifies that a believer in the doctrine of (the less developed) Sravaka is changeful. The Mahayana doctrine (fully developed) being steady, giving up the Sravaka doctrine one should be assiduous in the Mahayana doctrine (K. my. ka, 208). IV: postpos. or case-sign 1. denoting su , ru , ra , du , na , tu all being said to possess la don , i.e., signifyingóas to, to, on, in, at, into, up to, by, from, toward. don la = as to the meaning; shar phyogs la (su )'gro go eastward; mtha' la (ru )'khyol brought to the end; mtha' la phyin = mthar phyin arrived at the limit, attained to perfection; rgya gar la (du )'gro goes to India; 'og la bsnan pressed down; mdun la (na ) rgyu running or moving in front; lag la (tu ) bzung catch in or by the hand. gar lta ba la looking where to or at what; sgron me thogs at or towards the lamp-light (Situ. 19); sa la 'gre ba to roll (one's body) on the ground; sa la 'gril ba to fall to the ground; nam mkha' la 'phag pa to rise to heaven, nam mkha' la 'phur ba to soar or fly in the air, me la at, on, in, the fire, ri la on the mountain, chu la in, into, to, on, the water, shar la towards the east, eastward, bod la in, to, Tibet; from, as: gnam la kha ba 'bab snow falls from heaven, rta la 'bab he alights from his from his horse, brag la mchongs he leaps from the rock, lus la khrag 'byin pa to draw blood from the body. 2. tshe skabs , i.e., with reference to time: srod la bdud btul at dusk vanquished the demon, zhag gsum pa la on the third day, lo nyi shu pa la in the twentieth year, zla ba gsum la within three months. Phyag dao-po la at, during, the first obeisance. 3. to signify: dgos tshad necessity; de'i tshad la or de'i tshad du purpose of; also to signify de nyid state of, nature of:- lhar (la ) gsal manifested as a god, gcig la (tu ) gyur became unified, mang du 'phel multiplied, became many; gzugs la (su ) grub assumed shape (Situ. 19). Also = relying on, keeping to: de la rten nas depending on it; also: relative to, with respect to, in consequence of: de la dga' ste glad, rejoicing at it; sdig pa la 'dzem pa being afraid of sin; ma byung ba 'di la gdams ngag gsol to he asked advice with respect to this not having been properly done. In introducing a new subject: rgyal sa mi nyag la shor ba'i lo rgyus la now, as to the fact of the kingdom having been transferred (gone) to MiÒag; in headings of chapters, etc., e.g., gling bzhi'i ming la concerning the names of the four parts of the globe, che chung gi tshad la with respect to size. 4. in all relations mentioned above, la is added, to the inf., the partic. and to the root of a vb. wherever the verb will at all admit of it; and besides it is used as gerundial particle in a similar way as te : (a) after the inf. lha rten zhig yod pa la as there was in that place an idol-shrine or symbol; also to be translated by: although. (b) added to the root: mthong la ma btags (though) having seen it, yet he did not fasten it. In C. when la is added to adjectives it signifies yin pa la being: skra dang kha spu ser la ring ba (A. 31) his hair and beard being yellow and long; lus mi sdug cing thung la dbyangs snyan pa ugly as to his body (and) of small stature, (but) having a fine voice. In sentences containing two imperatives la = and: shog la ltos shig come and look! la ka the top of a mountain; la ka mthon por on the summit of a lofty mountain (Hbrom. kha, 18). la khyi mo the mountain-weasel (J‰.). la gor + SANST = mgyogs pa , myur ba quick, swift. la rgya (pronounced largya) government order (gen. prohibiting the killing of wild animals and birds in a mountain tract). la gcan pa + (la la khral sdud pa po ) a collector of duties on a mountain pass. la cha SANST shell-lac, sealing-wax. la thig a drop of sealing-wax on which the seal is pressed. la nyung for la phug and nyung ma radish and turnip. la nye a mark (Sch.). la nye ba vulture; lit. a bird that lives about the summits of mountains. la ta or la da kind of yarn imported to Tibet from Assam and Bhutan. la Ta a country of the Tupurka (Turks) towards the west of India (Dus-ye. 39). la stong mountain-pass solitudes, v. stong pa 3. la thog = la rtse the summit of a mountain-pass. la thod turban, pagri or cloth which the Indians wrap round their head (Jig. 13). la du á SANST, SANST (zas ) a kind of pastry made in Tibet; a medicinal food in which radish preponderates. la ags also called mar yul la ags Ladak, province in the valley of the Indus between mnga' ris and Balti, inhabited, by Tibetans and formerly belonging to Tibet. la pa sha la pa shag a kind of upper garment without a girdle (Cs.). la po 1. a pass over a lofty mountain; also a high peak. 2. buttermilk, boiled, but not yet dried into vermicelli (chur pa ). la pen occurs in mi lpag gi la pen . la phug SANST the radish; in Tibet a large round white root, not long and forked. Syn. hi la (SANST); mu tsi ka (SANST); 'dab gsum pa ; legs 'bab ; ngang pa'i rkang ; gtun shing ; ta la'i rtsa ba can (Moon.). bod la phug the common radish; rgya la phug a reddish species of an acidulous taste; gung la phug also called la phug ser po carrot. la ba SANST, SANST blanket, night-covering; = lca ba a kind of cloak. la bo che + n. of the high mountain situated to the back of the great monastery of Samye: bsam yas la bo che la byon pas 'dod pa che bar yang grags (A. 97). la ma acc. to Sch. a certain herb. la ma sro the raspberry in Kunawar. la mo 1. quickly: la mo shog come quickly. 2. n. of a village situated to the east of Lhasa: der la mo byang chub lbag zhes pa'i lha khang zhig kyang yod (Loo. 'a, 18). la lcogs pa + = la sogs pa etcetera. la rdzas or colloq. lab rdzas , a cairn or votive pile in the form of a chhorten on the tops of hills. la zlas pa = thag bcad pa to settle, decide finally; SANST final settlement. la zlo ba = mtha' bgags pa to put limits to, to settle finally. la 'ur = 'phral du , mgyogs par quickly, hastily: la 'ur khyod kyis bros la gshegs do quickly, pass out or run away; la 'ur mya ngan 'das na rung it is proper to pass out of misery soon, i.e. to die; khal thams cad la 'ur khol (A. 137). la 'og n. of a place in Mon-mtsho-sna (Loo. za, 20). la 'ong a candle or lamp in Sikkim. la gYogs retribution: las kyi la gYogs dang la 'khor gsungs (Rdsa. 17) he said that retribution of one's wicked actions visits one. la ã lu á a kind of herb, SANST [the blushing herb, the sensitive plant, Mimosa pudica]S. la dzAa lu dang |sha ra pung ka'i rtsa ba 'bras khu grang mos btags nas byugs par bya'o (K. g. ca, 48). la la = 'ga' zhig SANST, SANST (A.K. 134) or kha cig some, a few; acc. to J‰.: partly, what-what; la la zhig SANST certain; also as a singular, somebody, someone. la la phud SANST a medicinal herb; la la phud kyis pho nad grang ba sel the medicine la la phud heals dyspepsia and gonorrhúa. Syn. drag shul dri ; tshangs pa'i snying po ; yol ba can (Moon.). la lo la mor = rim gyis rim gyis gradually, by degrees; sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa la lo la mor 'jig pa'i rtags yin gsungs he said that it was a sign of the gradual decay of the religion of Buddha (A. 49). la so abbr. of la rtse top of a mountain-pass, and la la bsdad pa'i so ba . la sing abbr. of Ladak-pa and Singpa the latter being the Tibetan name for a Sikh native of Punjab (Yig. k. 13). la sogs SANST, SANST, SANST = gtso byas pa , mtshon pa , 'go byas pa = this being the principal one, others following it. C ba or la wa SANST woollen blanket or cloth; skra'i C ba a kind of hair cloth; C ba nag po a dress made of black-blanket: C ba nag po zhig ni sku la gsol (A. 11) he wore a black cloak (or blanket) round his person. C ba pa n. of a Buddhist saint who had done many miraculous deeds. He used to wear only one piece of blanket as his raiment, hence was called La-wa-pa (K. dun. 22). lag 1. v. la ga la 3. 2. SANST, SANST the fifth lunar mansion or constellation. Syn. nag mo ; drag mo ; drag shul can ; dmag dpon dgra (Rtsii.). lag pa resp. phyag , SANST, SANST, SANST the hand, arm: lag pa nas 'ju ba to take or seize by the hand; lag pa'i rgyab the back of the hand; lag pa'i mdun the palm of the hand; lag pa'i sor mo SANST the fingers. lag pa ma skyog do not move about the arms; lag pa ma sbrel do not join hands; lag pa'i srad bu or lag pa'i rgyan bangle ornament worn on the arms; lag pa kha sbyar ba SANST joining of the palms of the hands together as in devotion. lag pa'i yal ga as met. the fingers, lit. the branches of the hand. lag tu len pa to take in hand, to exercise, to practise, e.g., sgom pa meditation; tshig don lag tu len pa to study and practise the import of a word. As metaph.: mtsho lag arm of the sea, gulf, bay, gling lag or yul lag tongue of land; gling lag 'brel isthmus, neck of land C. Is used fig. for power, authority: mi'i lag tu 'gro ba to get into a person's power, to be at his mercy (Thgy.); lag nas 'phrog pa to snatch out of a person's hand, to deliver from another's power (Glr.). lag pa'i rnam 'gyur the different forms and configurations of the hand:- se gol gtogs pa thal mo brdab pa to bow touching the ground with the palms of hands; thal mo sbyor ba to twirl with the fingers joining the palms of the hands in devotion or out of respect; khyor ba , the hollow of the snyim pa ; khu tshur bcangs pa the clenched hands for boxing; khyid fist, mtho span, khru cubit, 'dom fathom measured by the stretching of the arms; brda ston pa to signal by the hand (Moon.). Syn. yal ga lnga ; 'dzin byed ; gzung byed; brda ston byed ; sug pa ; 'jug byed ; 'bab byed ; gcod byed ; dpung pa'i 'dab (Moon.). lag skyogs = gzar bu ladle (Moon.). lag rkyong = sprang po beggar, destitute person (Moon.). lag skyong as met. knife (Moon.). lag khug pouch, hand-bag (Rtsii.). lag gi bla + one who does general menial service to the congregation of lamas in a monastery. lag gram one sitting with his cheek resting on his hand (as if in sorrow); acc. to J‰. leaning one's head on the hand. lag mgo lag mgo tsam 1. both hands put together in shape of a globe or ball. 2. a glove with only a thumb, a mitten C. (J‰.). lag ngar the fore-arm (the part of the arm between gru mo elbow and mkhrig ma wrist). lag bcang in: gnyis gnyis khud dang lag bcang (B. ch. 8). lag cha utensils, tools, instruments; objects carried in the hands, e.g., royal insignia at a festival procession (Glr.); 'khor gYog lag cha dang bcas pa thong zhig send the servants with the things (wanted for the journey)! (Glr.). Syn. SANST; lag pas grol ba ; mtshon cha (Moon.). lag rjes 1. impression or mark of the fingers. 2. a work which immortalizes a person's name: lag rjes 'jog pa to leave such a work behind (Glr.). lag nya = byin len ma byas par len pa receipt of a thing without acknowledgement; ster mkhan med par len pa to take what is not given, hence lag nya sbst.: a grasp, a snatch (J‰.). lag nyal = rdo rje thunder bolt. lag rtags 1. resp. phyag rtags sign, manual sign or mark made with the hand as a seal of verification, impressed on a legal document, but often only with the finger dipped in ink. 2. any small object, e.g., a needle, which the deliverer of a letter has to hand over together with the letter; present in general (J‰.). lag stabs = lag len 3. lag thog cash payment; in cash, ready money; = lag yod (Rtsii.). lag mthil SANST the palm of the hand. lag dam 1., hon. phyag dam , a seal. 2. lag dam po in C. close-fisted, stingy, niggardly. lag dar acc. to Lex. = handkerchief; prob. the same as lab dar W. col. grater (J‰.). lag deb note, note-book, hand-book; gzhis khag gang yin gyi lag deb a register or note of all the different shi-kha farm-estates (Rtsii.). lag bde 1. person that pours out the tea at a tea-carousel and serves food to the monks of the monastery (Rtsii.). 2. resp. phyag bde , = ma gYog cook, one who serves in the kitchen or at table: lag bde bde blag can mang pos gus pa'i 'dod gsol byed pa dang (A. 141). lag bde dpon po chief cook or table server. lag 'don a vassal or subject paying his landlord in money or kind, opp. to rkang 'gro who performs his services as an errand-goer or a porter (J‰.). lag rdum = lag chad pa Mil. having a mutilated or crippled hand (J‰.). lag ldan SANST, SANST having a hand or trunk, hence as met. = elephant; lag ldan ma = glang mo she-elephant (Moon.). lag ldan ra ba elephant stable, place where elephants are kept (Moon.). lag brda sign of the hand; signal made by the hand, beckoning. lag bsdams = 'khrig pa sexual embrace (Moon.). lag na rdo rje or lag rdor otherwise phyag na rdo rje or phyag rdor , is another aspect of the Dhyani Bodhisattva Dorje Chhang. In Tantrik ceremonial is often known as and depicted as "the green-robed Lag-na rdo-rje." lag na gzhong thogs holding a basin in hand, n. of a deity. lag nor property in hand, also property that has not been sold or mortgaged. lag snod = lag tig a hand pot or vessel to measure milk or arack. lag pa brkyang ba an epithet of the son of Kamadeva (Moon.). lag pa'i chu bo = chu bo si ta a name of the river Sita (Moon.). lag pa Na or lka sa Na SANST; = Lakrmana brother of Rama the hero of the Ramayana. Syn. mtshon byed ; mdzod 'dzin ; sprin dgra rgyal ; bshes gnyen bzang ; mdzod ldan (Moon.). lag sprod cash payment (Rtsii.). lag dpon work-master, overseer, esp. builder (J‰.). lag bubs v. 'bub pa 3. lag ber walking-staff (J‰.). lag mangs many-armed; certain of the gods are represented as possessed of many arms, and one reason assigned is that they may therewith seize evil demons. lag bris 1. a letter, autograph. 2. the marks or lines in the hand. lag dmar the red-handed, the executioner, hangman (J‰.). lag rtsis SANST the lines or marks in the hands; palmistry. lag btsug a shoot, a scion. lag 'dzin a receipt, an acknowledgement (Rtsii.). lag 'dzugs seeds or plants sown or put into the ground by the hand; transplanting; it is also called phur 'dzugs (Rtsii.). lag bzang gis zhus pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra delivered by Buddha at the request of lag bzang (K. kon. ca, 277). lag bzang ma n. of a celestial courtezan (Loo. ma, 5). lag gzungs balustrade, banister, railing. lag gYog pa companion, assistant, associate. lag len resp. phyag len , also lag tu len pa and lag stabs = practice, practical knowledge: sems la gang shar lag len 'bus yong ngam (Rdsa. 15). chos kyi lag len the practice of religion; khrims kyi lag len the practice of laws, rtsis kyi of mathematics. lag las skyes as met. = rgyal po king (Moon.). lag sor SANST handful of water or rather mouthful of water. lags Sir, your honour, sku zhabs rtse drung lags his honour the Chief Secretary; bla ma lags your lama reverence! This word, however, though, taken in modern times in this sense, is really only the pres. form of the vb. in next para, and merely = it is. lags pa 1. resp. and eleg. for yin pa and 'gyur ba to be; lags so ; so it is! yes to be sure! bla ma khyed ci skad bya ba lags O Lama what is your name, sir? de khyed lags sam is it you, Sir? dge slong de su lags who is this reverend monk? (Dzl.); a lama asks: btsal le ( = btsal lam ) have you looked for it? and the disciple answers: btsal lags yes, I have! (Mil., J‰.). 2. = bzang ba good. lags mod dam = min nam is it not; lha de ltar lags mod na my lord, if it is not so (K. du. da, 261). lags ma lags = red dam ma red yes or no. lags mo in W. clean = legs pa 3 (J‰.). lang ka á SANST Ceylon; lang ka pu ri city of the Rakrasa (cannibal demons); lang kar gshegs pa'i mdo the Laokavatara Sutra which was translated both from the original Sanskrit and from the Chinese version into Tibetan (K. d. ca.). lang ka'i bdag po SANST the lord of Laoka, the king of Ceylon; the guardian of the south-western quarter. Syn. ra ba Na (SANST), lho nub phyogs skyong ; mgrin bcu pa ; gdong bcu pa ; srin po'i rgyal po (Moon.). lang ba 1. (also: long ba ), pf. langs , imp. long or longs to rise, to get up; da longs get up now! langs so he has arisen; langs te sdod pa to get up and stand, (not to move on); nam langs te night having passed away. 2. pf. longs to come up, to arrive at, to be equal, to reach. lan dka' SANST. lang tang or lang thang SANST a species of Hyoscyamus: lang thang rtse yis srin nad sel bar byed the seeds of Hyoscyamus are a cure for worms. Syn. Z‡ stu ra ; me tog snying can ; gser ming can ; smyo byed ; gdul dka' (Moon.). lang tsho SANST, SANST youth, youthful age; lang tsho la babs pa entering early manhood; de'i lang tsho la ma chags pas not being enticed or led away by their youthful appearance (Glr.); lang tsho rgyas pas grown up to adolescence (J‰). lang tsho rgyas pa youthful, i.e., the period between the twenty-fifth and the thirty-sixth year of age (Rtsii.): lang tsho can or lang tsho ldan adolescent, youthful; lang tsho can ma SANST youthful maiden, = dar bab ma (Moon.); lang tsho ma SANST maiden, a youthful woman; lang tsho'i mtshan ma = nu ma SANST the heaving breast of a maiden (Moon.); lang tsho brtan byed = skyu ra ra Myrobalan emblica, lit. that which preserves youth (Moon.). lang tsho dang po a girl just entering into youth, but still in her virginity. lang tsho dar ba adult age, full manhood or womanhood, the period of enjoyment of life. Syn. na tshod gnas pa ; rig pa tshang ba ; sgy u rtsal od pa ; bde ba ; rgyags pa ; kho lag rdzogs (Moon.). lang tsho yol past youth, old-man (Moon.). lang ling moving along gently. Acc. to J‰. lang ma ling in Mil. seems to be a word descriptive of the rising of a cloud, or the soaring of a bird of prey. lang long languid; irregularly assembling or coming; lang nge long nge 'tshogs pa la 'khor phun sum tshogs coming from different directions his complement of retinue became full (A. 124). Also occurs as lang nga long ngo . lang shor habit; habituated. lad pa acc. to Cs. weak, faint, exhausted, of men and animals; blunt, dull, (Sch.); also rotten, decayed (J‰.). lad mo imitation, lad mo byed pa to imitate, to mimic, to say after another: snon lam 'di skad bdag gi lad mo gyis say after me the following prayer (Thgr.); bya ba thams cad lad mo yin|lad mo'i nang gang mkhas yin all actions are imitations; among these imitations some are skilful (Khrid. 193). lan 1. time, times: lan gcig once, one time. Also dus lan gcig once, one day, both as to the past and the future: rgyal mo smra ba lan cig the king issues his command only once, i.e., he does not change his words; bu mo gtong ba lan cig yin marriage is given to one's daughter only once (Tshig.). lan cig skyes = bya rog lit. that gives birth to its young only once; a met. for the crow (Moon.). da lan this time; lan gnyis twice, lan bcu ten times, etc.; lan bdun (nam ) gsum seven times or three times; bskor ba lan mang du byas te circumambulating round it many times (Mil.); bzhi lan gnyis la brgyad song twice 4 are 8. 2. as reflective and contrary attribute: retaliation: lan byed pa , lan 'jal ba to reply, return, retaliate, repay; phan lan gnod pas or legs pa'i lan nyes pas to return evil for good. 3. SANST rejoinder, answer, reply: lan thob to get a reply; lan smras pa , SANST expressed in reply, replied; khyod kyi gsung ba de'i lan du as answer to your majesty's question (Glr.); lan 'debs pa frq., also klon pa or ldon pa to answer; lan lga ltag pa to give a reply. lan khan 1. railing, fence, enclosures. 2. = pu shu 3, 3stegs bu 3, or 3mda' yab 3 (Oag.). lan skyar = lan retribution, return. lan gus = phyi mi (Chinese) an outsider, foreigner. lan gyog vulg. for lan chags 3. lan cig phyir 'ong ba SANST returning to the world or transmigrating only once = a stage of perfection in the Hinayana system. lan gcig phyir mi 'ong ba SANST not coming or transmigrating more than once. lan chags misfortune, adversity, calamity, as supposed punishment for what has been done in a former life; every unlucky accident, that happens to a person without his own fault, being looked upon as a retribution for former crimes. Thus lan chags denotes about what Non-Buddhists would call destiny, fate, disaster (J‰.). lan ta ka n. of a drug: lan ta ka yi mgo yis rma gso ro tsa mchog (Med.). lan bu braid, plait, tress of hair (Cs. curl, lock of hair). Syn. lan tshar ; skra lhas pa (Moon.). (EEE The original gives lan char but the transliteration, lan-tshar, is correct and the word has been amended.) lan pa sbyil bu n. of a place in C. Tibet: de nas lan pa il bur zla ba gcig bzhugs (A. 132). lan bu can as met. = a woman (in general) (Moon.). lan bu ma a shoddy made of stuff mixed with inferior materials (Jig.). lan bu lhas = SANST. lan bon + = lan slon . lan tsha or lan dza corruption of SANST; Hodg. n. of a style of writing in use among Nepalese Buddhists. It is a kind of ornamental writing used by calligraphists for inscriptions and titles of books from (J‰.). (EEE Thus in the original; a word seems to be missing from the definition.) lan tshwa 1. SANST; met. chu yi bcud salt as table-salt. 2. SANST, brackish salt; lan tshwa kha zas kun gyi bro ba skyed salt gives relish to every dish. lan tshwa chu salt-water: 'dod yon thams cad lan tshwa'i chu bor shes (A. 5). lan tshwa zhes bya ba'i rgya mtsho n. of a sea seven thousand yojana wide containing submarine mountain-ranges inhabited by huge porpoises, sea-monsters, crocodiles, Naga, Shukti (SANST), also furnished the white Vidruma coral reefs, &c. (K. d. ra, 343). lan lon = lan ldon . lab bdar also lab brdar , v. la bdar . lab pa to speak, talk, tellóis a common word in colloq. of all classes: da 'dras ma lab don't talk like that; ha cang mgyogs po lab kyi red he speaks very quickly. lab ga talk; lab grogs = lab zla companion, intimate friend; lab sgra noise of tattle, talk; lab gtong ba to talk, to chat; rgya lab a great deal of talk, rgya lab can talkative; lab rdol talking unbecomingly (Sch.); lab zla a pleader, a helper in speaking for one's defence: bdag cag lab zlar mi rigs we do not require a helper in speaking (Hbrom. kha, 134). lab bzang = gtam bzang good speech, eloquence (Moon.). lab tsam pa acc. to Sch.: to speak while dreaming, to be delirious. lab gzhi = gleng gzhi basis of speech, a discourse: sngar nas rang lab gzhi zhig yod from before there has been a cause (basis) of this talk (Rdsa. 25). lab rtse (incorrectly for la rtse 3) a heap of stones in which poles with little inscribed flags are pitched and gods are invoked to help travellers. lab son (is abbrev. for: la phug sa bon ) radish seed. lam 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST a road, the way; passage, course, track; lam chen , rgya lam , stong lam high-way, thoroughfare, public road, main-road, high-road. In Budh. lam la rnam pa gnyis te there are two ways towards salvation:- (1) rtag pa SANST the perfect road, which is open to the Buddhists; (2) mi rtag pa SANST; the imperfect-road i.e. the ways by which the Tirthika seek to enter the state of beatitude (K. my. k. 435). lam thag ring po a long way; and as adj. = distant, remote; lam la 'khor ba to wander about on the road, to rove; gyen lam an up-hill road, an ascent, thur lam a horizontal or a sloping road that leads alongside a hill; gri lam the way of a knife, i.e., a cut, slit, slash. 2. way, space or distance travelled over, journey. lam du on the road, on the journey; bal bod kyi lam the journey from Nepal to Tibet. So lam du may even = when: khrus la 'gro ba'i lam du when he went to bathe (Dzl.). 3. SANST fig.: way or manner of acting in order to obtain a certain end: rgya che lam SANST the broad way, dge ba'i lam SANST the path of virtue; lam gcig nyid SANST, one way without variety or variation. thar (pa'i )lam the way of deliverance, viz., for Buddhists, from the cycle of transmigrations. The six classes of beings are sometimes called the six ways of rebirth within the orb of transmigration. For "the way of deliverance" the following are synonyms:- lam po che ; kun 'gro'i srol ; lam bzang ; 'grod bya ; 'gom bya ; 'jug bya ; rgya ba'i sa ; sgrol ba'i sa ; 'gro bya ; bshul lam ; lam dam pa ; legs pa'i lam ; mchod par byed pa'i lam ; 'khyog bral ; drang po'i lam ; ma nor lam ; rgya lam (Moon.). We may here add lam brgyad the eight pure ways of all Bodhisattva:- (1) pha rol tu phyin pa'i lam ; (2) bsdu ba'i dngos po'i lam ; (3) mngon par shes pa'i lam ; (4) tshad med pa'i lam ; (5) yan lag brgyad pa'i lam ; (6) sems can thams cad la sems mnyam pa'i lam; (7) mi skye ba'i chos la bzod pa rab tu thob pa'i lam ; (8) rnam par thar pa gsum gyi lam . lam ka = lam 3. lam ka na or lam khar by the road-side (Dzl., J‰.). lam mkhan a guide both in the ordinary sense and fig.: lam gol pa to go on the wrong way, to go astray, to mistake the right path. lam rgyud the stages of moral and spiritual existence. lam rgyud lnga the five classes of beings, cf. 'gro ba 3. lab rgya bzhi mdo the crossing of two roads or when four roads meet. Again we have: lam rgya gtso bo rnam gsum the three principal ways:- (1) nges 'byung SANST the way of passing out to the state of beatitude; (2) byang sems lam SANST the way for the attainment of Bodhisattva perfection; (3) yang dag pa'i lta ba SANST the doctrine of perfection whereby is the entrance into the state of Nirvana. lam bgrod SANST a traveller; a fore-runner. lam gyi 'tsho ba SANST one who subsists by begging, or by clearing roads in Tibet. lam rgyags provisions for a journey. lam chas = lto chas requirements or provisions for a journey. lam rgyus pa = lam mkhan 3. lam ngan pa a bad road. Syn. nyam nga'i lam ; nyen pa'i lam ; 'jigs bcas lam ; kol ba'i lam ; gYon lam ; nyes pa'i lam (Moon.). lam chen = rgya lam 3. lam rtags the signs of the way being nearly accomplished, i.e., the acquirements and perfections of a saint (Mil.). lam rtog pa 1. = nyul ba 'dod (Moon.), wanderer, rover; an explorer. 2. to reflect on the way to Nirvana. lam ltar bcos pa SANST an artificial doctrine, a false representation. lam thog mi khal a traveller's journeying and his luggage: dus thog 'di 'gro med rigs la lam thog mi khal gyi 'khri sgrub (D. Shel. 8). lam mthun a pedlar or one of similar profession. lam mthun pa fellow-passenger, gen. merchants who journey all together. lam du 'jug nyes pa = lam du 'gro rgyu nor ba to go astray, to miss the proper way, to take the wrong path. lam 'dren pa = lam sna pa a guide. lam bde ma a good, easy road. lam pa 1. sprang po a beggar, street-boy (Moon.). 2. police-officer stationed on high roads for seizing thieves or fugitives; toll-gatherer. 3. traveller, wayfarer (Cs.). 4. bell-wether sheep, in W. 5. signifies num. fig. 12 (Ya-sel. 54). lam pa kam n. of a country situated to the west of India (Dus-ye. 39). lam po or lam po che or lam chen po 1. highway; also a place for practising magic. 2. way to heaven. lam tsam colloq. = ha lam about as much, also = 'grigs tsam as much as will suffice. lam 'dzom pa crossing of roads, junction of roads. Syn. lam 'dres ; lam 'dom ; sum mdo ; bzhi mdo (Moon.). lam yig passport, road-bill. lam ring po long way, difficult way, tedious road. Syn. bgrod dka'i lam (Moon.). lam log erroneous (J‰.). Also SANST, wrong ways, perverse ways, i.e., heretical doctrines. There are mentioned twenty-two heretical doctrines all of which are opposed to the doctrine of Buddha (K. d. na, 323). lam lom n. of a large number (Ya-sel. 57). lam shog way bill, a passport. lam sangs at once, immediately,ócommon in C. colloq.: khyod lam sangs shog come at once; lam sangs ma 'gro zhig do not go immediately. Also da lta lam sangs in C. lam sun par byed SANST condemning a religious doctrine; one who so condemns. lam se = ha lam (Ljaos.) about; probably. lam sog pa col. a difficult, dangerous road. lam srang a lane, narrow street. lam gsum 'gro SANST (chu bo gang gA ) an epithet of the river Ganges (Moon.). lar = yang or slar yang afterwards, again, yet: lar byis pa kha sngon po 'di grags na gzhu 'chag ther cing (A. 19). lar rgya usage, the local custom of a place; phyi nang gi lar rgya the internal and external usage of a country (Yig. k. 87). las I: sbst. col. las ka leka, hon., phyag las 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, any action, act, deed, work: las la dbang ba SANST to have control of one's own acts; byi dor gyi las the act of sweeping; las bzang or las dkar a good work, virtuous action; las ngan or las nag a bad action; lus dang ngag dang yid kyi las actions, words, thoughts (Dzl.). las ror ma song ba = las ka 'phro ma lus pa a work that has not been left unfinished: dka' sbyad thams cad las ror ma song ba zhig bya gsung (A. 138). las la 'jug pa'i sngon 'gro dag gi ming terms signifying preparation, equipment or pioneering operation, also introduction to any work, are:- sngon 'gro ; nyer bsdogs ; sta gon ; gshom pa ; rtsom 'gro 'dzugs pa ; 'ju ba ; zug pa ; tshugs (Moon.). las la zhugs pa incumbent, one holding an office; las gzengs good or distinguished service or work. las su bsko ba SANST to employ, to appoint to any work; las su bskos ba employed, employment. 2. = karma or the nett effect of actions in one life as transmitted to and exemplified in the next life; retribution, reward or punishment for human actions, frq. (cf. las rgyu 'bras 3); las kyi me long mirror of fate, mirror foreshadowing future events; las kyi bum pa a certain vessel used in religious ceremonies supposed to ascertain karma las ma zad pas because the measure of his deeds was not yet fulfilled. Under this head las is also used in the particular sense of: good actions, merit; and an accumulation of las is an accumulation of merit such as shall shape favourably the next period of existence. II: 1. a postp. or case-sign used in analogy to nas , or for nas , with the meaning: from, from among, out of: chu las nya 'khra rnams dren song drew piebald fish out of the water. 2. used like bas = than. 3. a participial sign or continuative particle annexed to the infinitive form of the final verb of a subordinate clause, to be rendered: when he had done etc., so-and-so, after saying, eating, doing, etc., so-an-so. 4. other uses as follows:- zla ba lnga las mi sdod I shall not stay longer than five months (Glr.); ras yug gcig las mi bdog ste possessing nothing but one piece of cotton cloth (Dzl.); nga las med there is none besides myself; brnyas 'khyer ba las mi yong in the end you will probably do nothing else but despise me (Mil.); gsa' gcig las rje btsun ma mthong we saw nothing but a snow-leopard, your reverence we did not see (Mil.); mi phan zhing gnod pa las med it is good for nothing, it only does harm Mil. las dang 'brel ba dag gi ming that which relates to work or is directly connected with its performance. Syn. ring du byed ; yun du thogs ; 'dres par od ; ci 'grub byed ; nus ldan ; mthu ldan ; stobs ldan ; nges byed ; bya ba byed ; gzhung byed ; 'grus par byed ; 'dren par byed (Moon.). las ka 1. the colloq. word for: work, labour, a task. 2. acc. to Sch. and Wts.: dignity, rank, title. las kyi sgrib pa thams cad rnam par sbyong ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs n. of a dharani contained in (K. g. ma,) the recital of which cleanses all kinds of defilement. las kyi sgrib pa rnam par dag pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra contained in K. d. ma , 251. las kyi sgrib pa rgyun gcod pa'i mdo another Sutra contained in K. d. ma , 474. las kyi cho ga rites or religious observances for counteracting the effects of evil karma. las kyi 'jug pa SANST, moral works, good real work or employment. Syn. rtogs brjod ; rtsa ba'i las ; las su byas (Moon.). las kyi rtags or las kyi mtshan ma SANST the sign of work; fig. the plough. las kyi mtha' SANST completion of a work, efficiency; de ltar bzo dang las kyi mtha'i brtan bcos la mkhas pa and so he was versed in works treating of technical arts and agriculture (A. 37). las skal retributive fate. las khungs any post or office, also an official. las mkhan gser gyi rgyal mtshan can = yu gu shi (Sman. 350). las gla wages for work (Moon.). las rgyu 'bras for las dang rgyu dang 'bras works, their causes and their fruits. There is a division into bsod nams ma yin pa'i las rgyu 'bras sinful deeds; bsod nams kyi las rgyu 'bras virtuous actions; mi gYo ba'i las rgyu 'bras ascetic or mystical works. las sgo = byed sgo business; also the place from where articles of trade are brought: lho yi ras sgo byang gi tshwa kha dang the places of trade of the south and the salt-mines of the north of Tibet (Jig.). las sgo'i thabs shes the manner of doing business. las ngan SANST, SANST; mean profession or work; evil or wicked action or work: las ngan can de 'phos gyur te nyag phran 'phangs ltar dmyal bar 'gro (Mgrin. 107) the doer of wicked actions when fallen goes straight to hell like an arrow shot forth. las stod n. of a place in upper Tibet (Deb. ga, 9). las can 1. laborious, industrious 2. having acquired merit, worthy (Mil., J‰.). las rtags Sch. dignity, rank, title incident to the office held. las thog pa acc. to Sch.: a person employed, an official, a functionary. las dang po pa SANST, the first workers, a pioneer. las sna tshogs an epithet of the sun (Moon.). las sna tshogs can SANST the divine architect. las pa corrupt form of lus pa in rag las pa etc. (J‰.). las pa 1. SANST workman, labourer (Cs.). 2. in Spiti: vice-magistrate of a village. las dpon superintendent of works; overseer of workmen. las od works, actions, way of life: byang chub kyi las od skyed to lead a holy life (Pth.); las 'phro blessings following meritorious deeds, prosperity in consequence of good works; good luck, fortunate events. Syn. stobs chung ba ; sgrub las pa ; nyam chung ba ; 'khos chung ba (Moon.). las myur du byed pa'i ming "terms signifying the quick performance of work," viz.: myur du byed ; mgyogs pa byed ; rtab rtab ; tur tur ; rdzogs la khad ; zin la khad ; tshar la khad (Moon.). las tshan 1. office, post, service: las tshan du 'jug pa to put into office, to appoint; las tshan nas 'don pa to put out of office, to dismiss. 2. official, functionary (J‰.); las tshan pa id. las 'dzin pa one holding an office, one having work on his hand. las su bya ba the second case of Tibetan Grammar, the dative case. las gsum the three works: lus kyi las physical works; ngag gi las works of speech, reading, writing, speaking, etc.; yid kyi las mental or intellectual works. Besides these there are three other works mentioned: chos kyi las spiritual work; chos ma yin pa'i las irreligious work; mthun pa'i las agreeable work (K. du. pa, 41). Also dge ba'i las righteous work; mi dge ba'i las unrighteous work and lung ma bstan pa'i las works for doing which there is inspiration. las che in C. used for expressing probability as also in W. mthong las che he will probably have seen it; ngas 'di 'bor las che as possibly I may put this yet aside; khyod ni mi la las che you are not Mila, are you? (Mil.). li I: SANST bell-metal; li 'gag a small plate made of bell-metal; li sku an image of bronze; li dkar , li dmar ; li ser , li snug are the different kinds of bronze with which cymbals, bells, gongs, etc., are made in China and Tibet (Loo. ta, 3). li khra ; a compound made of gold, silver, zinc and iron cast together; li thur bronze spoon. li ma a metallic compound containing more gold and silver with which images are generally made (Jig.). II: apple, = sli in C., (J‰.). li ka n. of a tree: sdong bu dang yal ga bcad kyang de ma thag phyir skye bar 'gyur (K. my. ka, 228) (the tree) of which when a branch is cut a new one immediately comes out in its place. li ka ra or li kha ra SANST a medicinal sugar. li ka ra shing 'phel SANST ancient Malda and Dinajpur districts where sugarcane used to grow luxuriantly during the Buddhist period. li khri SANST, SANST vermilion, acc. to J‰., Lish.: red-lead, an orange-coloured powder. Syn. sin Z‡ra ; bye ma dmar po ; drin 'dzin skyes ; zha nye skyes ; rdul dmar ; phye ma dmar po ; dmar ser tshon (Moon.). li ga dur SANST, SANST a drug. Syn. grong bcu pa ; stobs las skyes ; yongs su skyong (Moon.). li gi skyes = bya rog the crow S. (Lex.). li thang n. of a city and province in easternmost Tibet bordering China, where there is a large Buddhist monastery noted for containing blocks of the one hundred and eight volumes of the Kahgyur. li thi incorrectly for lo tho or le'u tho calendar, almanack. li dong ra n. of a medicinal drug. li ba squinting, squint-eyed (Sch.), li ba mig squinting eyes. li tsa byi SANST n. of a noble family of Magadha in Vaisali &c. to which the Tibetan kings traced their origin (J. Zao.). li ma log + = drin lan log 'jal evil return for good done. li yul SANST Khoten, old n. for a Buddhist country beyond northern Tibet. li ye tse n. of a Chinese Buddhist teacher (Grub. da, 2). li shi SANST cloves. Syn. lha yi me tog ; dpal gyi ming can (Moon.). lig bu mig SANST; Sch.: malachite: lig bu mig gis mgo nad rus tshad sel the medicine Lig-bu mig cures headache and pains in the bones. lig shi wer á SANST nutmeg; sna ma'i me tog mace and nutmeg flower. ling (Chinese) a red flag (Rtsii.). ling ga + 1. rtags sign, mark. bu ling ga (SANST) = pho rtags masculine gender; SANST = mo rtags feminine gender (Situ.). 2. membrum virile, SANST; ling ga can = mi pho the mala sign or organ. 3. the effigy of the devil or that of an enemy which is burnt in the YajÒa (sbyin sreg burnt offering) in order thus to kill him by witchcraft (J‰.). 4. in Lhasa the designation popularly given to all larger gardens, the walled enclosures of private houses in the suburbs of that city. ling nge = lis ling reeling, dangling, waving, floating in the wind (Mil.); ling nge ba rocking; sprin zhig ling byung bas a floating cloud arose; rkang lag phra ling nge 'dug pa an infant struggling with hands and feet (Pth., J‰.); rnal 'byor ma gar thabs su ling nge ba zhig (A. 135) a female yogini in dancing mood came reeling along. ling tog or ling thog a film or pellicle on the eye (Med.). ling ba any entire piece; ling po or ling whole piece; ling gcig of one piece; ling bzhi four pieces or parts (of a slaughtered sheep or goat or yak). Often = rnam pa ; gser gyi ling ba a piece of unwrought gold: lo tsAa ba rgya btson 'grus seng ge zhes bya ba de la gser ling ba srang bcu drug yod pa zhig (A. 65). ling tshe gratings, lattice: ling che dgu a lattice with nine squares or rectangles in it. ling ling = often ling nge swinging, waving, &c. lings 1. banished, forsaken, abandoned; lings kyis bskyur to cast out entirely. 2. a hunting or a chase in which a number or people are engaged; dmag lings a general chase, all men of a village taking part in it; lings la 'gro ba to go a shooting, a hunting; lings khyi a hound; lings khra hunting falcon, hawk. lings gtong ba to get by hunting, to hunt down (J‰.); lings btang ba what has been got by hunting, game shot or caught (J‰.); lings 'debs pa Sch.: to hunt. lings pa I: hunter, huntsman; lings pa mo huntress (Cs.). II: Sch.: quite round or globular. lib all at once, suddenly; altogether. lu 1. = bu mo a girl (mystic) (K. g. kha, 179). 2. knag, knot, snag, = 'dzer pa . 3. num. for 86. lu kang an incorrect form of lugs kong crucible for melting gold and silver (Sch.). lu gu lug gu lamb; diminutive of lug ; lu gu rgyud a rope to which the lambs are fastened, or strung; hence, any loop, chain or rope connected or knotted with another (Yig. k. 13). lu ba 1. vb. to throw up phlegm, to clear the throat; glo lu ba to cough. 2. sbst. SANST; a cough. lu ma 1. green grass growing in swamps. 2. acc. to J‰.: a pool containing a spring; ground full of springs; lu ma can rich in springs. lu hi ta n. of a group of hills situated on the bank of the river Patwalotana where grow wild the red Salu rice, Mudga, Man bru-wa, &c. (S. Lam. 37). lug (phyugs ma ) SANST, SANST a sheep. lug ltar lkugs pa stupid, innocent like a sheep (Moon.); lug khog the carcass of a slaughtered sheep (Rtsii.); lug khyu flock of sheep. lug snyid or lug-thao a wether (Sch.); lug thug ram: lug thug gi rwa dbyibs like a ram's horn (Vai. so.), rgya ru lug thug a Saiga ram (J‰.); lug rdul the dust raised by a flock of sheep. Syn. e Da kA ; lto 'phyang ; bal ldan ; gYang dkar bal can or gYang kar ; gYang mo (Moon.). lug khyim SANST the sign of the Zodiac called the Ram. lug gi lo the sheep-year, n. of a year of the Tibetan cycle of twelve years: lo grangs dang sbyar na lug gi lor gsal lo (A. 91) if referred to chronology, it was in the year of the sheep. lug gi gshed as met. = ang ki wolf (Moon.). lug gal or lug sgal sheep's load, the bags put on the back of sheep. lug ngal ba = lug chung ba name of a medicinal herb. (Vai. so.). lug pa I: 1. or lug rdzi sbst. shepherd, keeper of sheep. 2. to huddle heads together like timid sheep, to be sheepish in behaviour (J‰.). (EEE No definition II is provided in the original.) lug bal sheep's wool. lug mig also called rgyal ba'i an n. of a flower: lug mig me rtog dug dang rims tshad sel the flower of lug-mig cures poison and plague. lugs 1. the casting, founding, of metal: lugs su blug pa to found, cast. 2. = tshul way, manner, fashion, mode, method: bod kyi lugs su gyis shig do according to the fashion of Tibet; nga'i lugs kyis bon byed dgos you must live according to our, i.e., the Bon fashion (Mil.); bsam gtan la yod pa'i lugs su byas he feigned meditation i.e., shewed as if he was in meditation (Glr.); 'di yin pa'i lugs su byed they speak, act, make it appear, as if it really were so (Ta.); nga rang gi lugs kyi mkhar las my way of building (Mil.). 3. opinion, view, judgment, style of proceeding, khyed rang gi lugs la according to you, if we followed your advice (Mil.); chos lugs religion, i.e., a certain system to worship and faith, phyi nang gnyis chos lugs gang bzang which of the two religions, the Brahman or the Buddhist be the better one (Glr.). 4. SANST established manner, custom, usage, rite (from J‰.). (EEE The original has Brahman for Brahman above.) lugs gong a crucible. lugs zug = lugs gnyis : chos lugs and 'jigs rten lugs ; lugs bzang , SANST good manners or morals. lugs ma a cast: rgya gar lugs ma an image cast in India (J‰.). lugs bzang skyes = skar ma brtan pa SANST; the fixed star or the polar star (Moon.). lugs zlog = lugs ldog 1. contrary to custom or usage. 2. SANST special order: mar ngo lugs ldog 'char tshul (Ya-sel. 48). lung I: holder, carrying sling, bent handle, strap of a vessel, basket, etc., different from yu ba a straight handle, hilt. II: 1. SANST or bka' lung a precept, injunction; but hardly so imperative as a command; used of words spoken by secular persons commanding respect: phas nang ba'i lung thob nas having obtained his father's permissive injunction (Dzl.). 2. = gsungs pa spiritual exhortation, admonition, instruction: lung gtong ba to admonish, enjoin; lung gi rjes brang those who follow the precepts of the saints; lung ston pa also lung du ston pa to instruct, to give spiritual precepts, also with regard to supernatural voices, etc. (Mil.); esp. to prophesy, predict. lung bstan pa SANST precept, inspired command, prophecy, three or four kinds of which or of Vyakarana are mentioned in Buddhism: (1) SANST 'go gcig tu lung bstan pa ; (2) SANST rnam par phye ste lung bstan pa ; (3) SANST dris na lung bstan pa ; (4) SANST (M.V.). lung bstan prophecy, precept, injunction: lha'i lung bstan bshad pa to communicate precepts of the god. lung thag a strap or rope by which anything is suspended or held. lung thang = lpu ba 'dzin (Moon.). lung 'dren pa to cite, quote, an authority (Ta.). lung dbyug pa gsum gyi phreng ba n. of a religious work (A. 36). lung 'bogs pa = lung nod pa to give instruction; also SANST precepts given; lung phog pa one who has received instruction, one who is inspired. lung tshags pa a collected mind (Oag.). lung rigs here lung is the command of the saints and rigs pa is the learning of the sage. lung rigs dang man ngag ji tsam gyi bdag po yin he is the master of precepts of the saints and the learning of the sages (A. 20). lung pa 1. = yul ljongs a district, a valley; ri lung mountain and valley; lung chen a large valley. lung pa'i phu the upper part of a valley; lung pa'i mda' the lower part of a valley; lung pa'i dbus the central portion of a valley. 2. furrow, hollow, groove, e.g., on the surface of a stick (Mil.), or of the liver. 3. one's country, native place: nga rang gi lung pa 'brong rtse yin my native place is Dong-tse. lung stong a desolate, a solitary valley, as a fit abode for hermits. lung bzhi = mtha' bzhi SANST the four borders or limits. lud manure; lud 'grem pa ; to spread manure (on the fields); lud khu dung-water; lud dong dung-hole; lud phung dung-hill; lud 'bu grubs, etc. in a dung-hill (J‰.). lud pa SANST sbst. phlegm, mucus: lud pa lu ba to cough and throw out phlegm. lud 'bod pa = glo 'gogs pa or 'khogs pa (Moon.) to cough out. lum pa = 'ong ngo zhes brjod pa saying that one is come or coming (mystic) (K. g. kha, 27). lum pa glong ga n. of a grove in the village of Lumpa in Tibet (Rtsii.). lum bi á lum bi ni SANST n. of a queen, and that of a grove called after her, situated in the Nepal Terai where Buddha is said to have been born. lums (snan dpyad ) a bath used as a medical cure; chu tshan gyi lums a hot-bath; bdud rtsi lnga lums a bath in which the infusion of plants is used five; brtsings pa'i lums fomentations. lus also lus po SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the body, the physical frame, also the constitution; is also to be used in reflective sense: lus sa la brdab pa to prostrate one's self on the ground, lus ston pa to show one's self, to appear. lus gnyer mas gang ba the body is full of wrinkles; lus kyi dbang po SANST the sense of feeling, in as far as it resides in the skin and the whole body of man (Med.). lus kyi phyag rgya the configurations of the body and particularly of the hand and the fingers in making salutations to deities. lus kyi ma lnga the five principal parts of the body which must be touched to the ground in making salutation to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. These are the forehead, the palms of the two hands, the two knees: de nas lus kyi ma lnga sa la phab pa zhes bya ba then what is called the prostrating to the ground the five principal parts of the body (Khrid. 191). lus kyi gYas the right side of the body is SANST (aa pa sa byam ); lus kyi gYon the left side of the body is called sa byam (SANST). Syn. (resp. sku ); phung po ; thob byed ; rnam 'dzin ; gzugs ; khog pa ; tshogs ; 'dus pa ; zag phung ; nyer len ; dbang po'i skye mched (Moon.). lus kyi reg pa SANST copulation (S. Lex.). lus kyi rlan as met. = rngul ma sweat, perspiration (Moon.). lus kyis 'thab = lus kyi rgyol (Moon.) fighting with the body. also = rkang dmag a foot soldier. lus kyi 'byung ba the devil of the body, i.e., Kama or lust (S. Lex.). lus krab tiger or leopard (Moon.). lus dkar lit. white body; = ngang pa'i rgyal po (Moon.) the king of the evil spirits. lus skyes 1. SANST born of the body, met. a son; also = khrag blood and ba spu hair. 2. dga' byed dgra sta can an epithet of Parasu Rama (Moon.). lus skyob 1. = go cha SANST coat of mail, armour (Moon.). 2. = as met. nyi ma the sun (Moon.). lus bskums = zhim bu cat (Moon.) lit. that can contract its body. lus rgyags corpulence, a fat body. lus ngan 1. ugly body, an epithet of Vaisravana (Moon.). 2. = dga' byed shing 3 (Moon.). lus ngan po SANST, SANST a yakra demon. (S. Lex.). lus dang gyi phyogs SANST the quarter of the ugly-bodied beings, the place where the yakra demons reside [the northern quarter]S. lus can SANST that having a body, a living being: lus can kun gyi gson ni|chu yi chu bur 'dra ba yin the life of all bodied living beings is (momentary) like a bubble of water (K. d. ya, 65). lus can kun gyi yid du 'ong a favourite of every body; lus can gnas = grong khyer town, city (Moon.). lus gcig pa SANST of one body; SANST an epithet of the planet Budha (Moon.). lus lcim = bud med sbrum pa a woman with child, a pregnant woman (Moon.). lus chas the entire clothing of the body comprising dress, hat and shoes. lus chen 1. = as met. rnga mong camel (Moon.). 2. epithet of the planet Rahu: lus chen po'i nang na lha ma yin gyi rgyal po sgra gcan 'dzin mchog tu gyur pa ltar (K. my. kha, 59). lus mchom ma = bud med mchog a handsome woman (Moon.). lus nyams chung ba a lean body. Syn. sha srab ; sha med ; skem pa ; nyams chung ; stobs med ; rid pa (Moon.). lus 'jigs med = lus brtan pa fearless body, firm body. lus gnyis pa of composite body = tshogs bdag an epithet or Ganapati whose body comprises those of man and elephant (Moon.). lus rdol che = lus che ba huge, body, giant; gigantic (Oag. 40). lus deng = bdud the devil, the demon Mara (S. Lex.). lus ldan given as met. = ba or 'jo mo cow, a milch cow (Moon.). lus ldan ma as met. a woman, a goddess (Moon.). lus pa in C. also las pa , to be left, to remain behind or at home: bod du zla ba gnyis lus pa to remain in Tibet for two months; nang la lus pa yod has been left indoors; gnyen du lus pa to remain uppermost; lus par byed pa (Pth.), lus su 'jug pa to leave behind, to leave a remainder. ma lus par entirely, wholly, without any left; acc. to J‰. surely undoubtedly, at any rate. lus phra 1. fine or subtle body = glog lightning. 2. lus phra ma SANST lit. slender body fig. bud med woman (Moon.). 3. = rked pa the waist (S. Lex.). lus 'phags pa SANST holy body = the eastern continent according to the Buddhist cosmogony; a name of Mithila or ancient Tirhut. lus bongs bulk of the body; lus bongs che SANST bulky, corpulent, tall. lus byad form of the body. lus 'bab as met. = rngul ma sweat (Moon.). lus 'bod pa coughing, to cough. Syn. glo 'gogs pa or 'khogs pa (Moon.). lus spas SANST the secret parts of the body. lus ma remainder, balance, residue. Syn. rjes lus ; phyir lus ; lhag lus . le khag = le tshan or le'u different sections or chapters. le 'khon for le lo and 'khrug pa idleness and fighting or quarrelling; also = snying nad (Yig. 83). le brgan or leg rgan . 1. poppy, opium; le brgan me tog the poppy flower. le brgan rtsi'i khu ba dang |'bras kyi chang kha nas khrag 'dzag pa 'chad par 'gyur ro the juice of the poppy plant, taken with rice-beer stops haemorrhage from the mouth (K. g. ca, 46). 2. diapered design of warm fabrics; thus in Mil.: le brgan dmar po'i gdan a flowered carpet; le brgan 'jol ber (Pth.) a flowered dress with a train (J‰.). le na the soft downy wool of the Tibetan goat growing next to the skin and below the long hair, the shawl wool; fine woollen-cloth, Malida cloth of Kashmir. le ma 1. v. le'u 3. 2. the striped broad sheets of cotton and wool manufactured in Sikkim and gen. worn by the Lepchas. le lag appendix, supplement, addition (Cs.). le lan rebuke, reprimand, blame, and le lan pa , le lan bda' ba to blame. le lam mkhan for las lam mkhan . le lo or le lo nyid SANST, SANST indolence, laziness, tardiness; le lo ma byed cig don't be lazy! le lo can SANST, SANST sleepy, lazy, slothful, also = btang snyoms can indifferent (Moon.); le lo ba = glen pa a fool, a stupid fool (Moon.); le lo ma SANST a lazy woman; le los 'gros rkang pa'i 'du byed slothful motion, walking very slowly out of laziness. legs pa or legs mo SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. good, serving the purpose, useful, proper, praiseworthy; legs pa nyid SANST goodness, excellence; adv. legs par well, duly, properly. legs par 'ongs po you are welcome; lo legs pa a healthy happy year; ci ltar byas na legs which is the best way of doing? nus na shin tu legs so if you can do it, very well; also legs so very well; well done! legs legs so excellent, capital. 2. neat, elegant, graceful, beautiful C. 3. legs mo in Sikk. = good, in W. as adv. well, duly, properly, like legs pa . legs dga' mo SANST she who is always cheerful. legs 'gro that goes gracefully, an epithet of the king of horses. legs bsgoms well thought of, carefully considered. legs brjod SANST (1) = legs smra full description, well said (Moon.); (2) = legs bshad SANST elegant saying. legs par skyes SANST well or auspiciously born or grown; legs par bgo cha SANST well-dressed; legs par grub SANST well-accomplished, successful; legs par bsnyen rdzogs SANST fully ordained; legs par mchod pa SANST adored, worshipped; legs par mnyam bzhag SANST well-preserved, well arranged; legs par brtags pa SANST well examined; legs par phan pa SANST doing good service, to be useful; legs par phan byed SANST to benefit, a benefactor; legs par 'phel = nor 'phel prosperity, increase of wealth or happiness (Moon.); legs par 'jug SANST growing up well. legs par 'joms to suppress or vanquish fully; legs par bsdu byas SANST fully acquired, well qualified. legs par 'dus SANST well collected, gathered carefully. legs par brtsams pa SANST good beginning; legs par zhim delicious; legs par bzhangs = sku sha ; legs par 'ongs pa SANST welcome; legs par rab tu sad SANST very accurate or correct. legs brjod ma SANST an epithet of the celestial queen, the wife of Indra. legs nyes kyi rgyu dang 'bras bu bstan pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra in which the fruits of good and bad actions are explained (K. d. aa, 304). legs pa'i skar ma n. of a Bhikshu who had served for about twenty years and committed to memory twelve volumes of Sautranta works and is said to have attained the fourth stage of Dhyana (K. my. kha, 288). legs bshad elegant description or writings; moral lessons. Cognate terms:- tshig bzang elegant saying; dge ba'i gtam moral maxims; snyan ngag ro ldan also a humorous poem (Moon.). legs par song SANST one who has happily passed away. legs su snon pa SANST benediction, blessing. legs gso = colloq. zhig gso , repairs: bsam yas chos 'khor chen po'i legs gso'i zhabs 'debs la 'bad rtson khul du mchis (Yig. k. 3) I am engaged in assiduously superintending the repairs of the great monastery of Samye. legs gsol resp. thanks, acknowledgement, gratitude, in C. len ka ra n. of a place: gzhan yang len ka ra zhes bya ba (A. 57). len pa I: (rarely long ba , lon pa ) pf. blongs (rarely longs ), fut. blang , imp. lon (Cs.), long or longs (Dzl., Mil.), blangs (Cs.) 1. = nod pa SANST, SANST, SANST to receive, get, obtain, gnas ngan len pa to obtain an inferior place viz.: for being reborn (Thgy.). lan pa'i gro SANST the cause of receiving or getting [material cause]S. 2. to accept, what is offered or given; opp. to 'dor ba ; also to bear, to suffer patiently, to put up with. 3. to seize, catch, lay hold of, grasp, e.g., one that is about to leap into water (Dzl.); to catch up; to catch, to take prisoner; to carry off, e.g., the arms of killed enemies; ma byin par to take what is not give, to steal, to rob; len pa 'dra it is as if it had been stolen from me (Glr.); chung ma len pa to get or take a wife, frq., also to procure one for another person; srog len pa = 'phrog pa to deprive of life, to kill (Mog.); to fetch it! to take possession of, to occupy (by force of arms) (Glr.) (J‰.). II: n. of a place in the district of Pempo in Tibet (Loo. za, 3). len pa bzhi in Budh. the four kinds of len pa taking are mentioned: (1) lta ba'i len pa ; (2) tshul khrims dang brtul zhugs mchog tu 'dzin pa'i len pa ; (3) bdag tu smra ba'i len pa ; (4) 'dod pa'i len pa (K. d. ga, 451). leb rgan SANST, SANST [saffron]S. leb rgan SANST, SANST. leb mo (Cs. also leb po ) Hind. SANST, flat, mon sran leb mo Indian flat, pease lenticular; leb can flat, level; leb leb flat like the top of a table, level. leb ma , leb thags lace, bandage, ribbon (Cs.), dar skud kyi leb thags lace of silk thread; bag leb a flat loaf of bread C.; shing leb or leb shing a board, plank; rdo leb a slab of stone, cf. gleb pa 3 (J‰.). le'u SANST, SANST, SANST; division, section of a speech, a chapter of a book. Syn. cho ga ; cho ga zhig ma ; sa rga ; skabs ; rab byed ; rab byed tog pa ; dum bu ; rab byed tog pa ; dum bu ; rab 'byams ; 'dus pa ; brtag pa ; rab tu brtag pa (Moon.). lo I: a year (1. SANST, SANST, SANST, khyim zhag gi dbang du byas zhag po 360 i.e., = 360 khyim zhag zodiacal days 2. = 365 nyin zhag solar days). 3. = 371 tshes zhag lunar days. lo'i dang po = lo'i thog ma beginning of the year; lo lnga bcu pa , lo lnga bcu lon pa fifty years old, of fifty years; bu mo lo gnyis ma a girl two years old; lo dang lo , lo re re bzhin or lo re bzhin , annually, yearly; lo'i thog ma beginning of the year; lo'i cha shas divisions or parts of the year; lo nas lo ru from year to year; snga lo , last year; 'das lo past year; 'di lo or da lo this year; phyi lo in C. and sang lo next year; lo 'khor te after one year had passed; sras kyi lo 'khor te when the prince was one year old (Glr.). The names of the twelve years of the smaller cycle are those named after the following twelve animals: byi mouse, glang ox, stag tiger, yos hare, 'brug dragon, sbrul serpent, rta horse, lug sheep, sbre ape, bya hen, khyi dog, phag hog; and these are combined with the names of the 5 elements each twice reiterated to make a cycle of 60 years. Thus the year 1903 is called chu yos lo the water-hare year, and yos lo pa is a person born in that year etc. 2. for lo tog ; for lo ma ; also for lo tsAa ba . 3. prob.: talk, report, rumour, saying, added (like skad) to the word or sentence to which it belongs: che ge mo shi lo zer ba thos tsa na when a rumour is heard that some body has died (Thgy.); bshad lo byas kyang khram pa yin though he may get a name (in the world) by his learned discussion, he after all is a liar (J‰.). 4. num.: 146 (J‰.). II: is also used to signify displeasure, disapproval, unwillingness as in 'di skad lo , zer lo , thos lo , thob lo , sgom lo , shes lo etc. III: n. of place in upper Tibet: gcig an snga'i phyir byon nas lo na bzhugs (A. 119). IV: interpretation; pNa Di tas kyang chos ma bshad , lo tsAa bas kyang lo ma tsAas (A. 96). (EEE The original has pan Di tas under IV. above but this is an error and has been corrected.) lo rgyus = gnas tshul SANST story, account, history; lo rgyus can SANST news, containing a history; lo rgyus yod ibid. lo chags Cs. 'every second year.' lo chung young; also for lo tsAa ba chung ba junior or lesser Sanskrit scholars of Tibet. lo chen = lo tsAa ba chen po a great scholar of Sanskrit in Tibet. lo tog or lo thog SANST the produce of the year, the harvest, crop; lo tog rnga ba to reap it, to gather it in. lo tog mchog tu bde ba = spos dkar shing the Sal tree (Moon.). lo tho an almanac. lo thog = ston thog 3 or 3lo tog 3. lo du thal how many years have passed, elapsed: sangs rgyas dgongs pa yongs su mya ngan las 'das nas lo thal lags how many years have elapsed since the Nirvana of Buddha (A. 93). lo dong a kind of quiver manufactured in the Lo country (Rtsii.). lo 'dab = lo ma leaves of trees which fall every year. lo 'dod = 'dod lo or 'dod pa tsam yearning: lo 'dod dang re ltos gang yang mi bdog pas (Hbrom. kha, 13) he had neither yearning nor hopes whatever, the earthly-minded sinner. lo nag in every ten years there occurs one black-year in which it is not auspicious to do any good work; the year 1891 was lo nag and 1909 A.D. will also be a lo nag . lo phyag annual rent (Yig. k. 52); acc. to J‰. an embassy sent every year to a suzerain to renew the oath of allegiance. lo phyugs legs pa a good harvest and healthy cattle. lo ma or lo 'dab SANST a leaf. lo ma med SANST leafless; an epithet of the goddess Paldan Lhamo who when practising asceticism would not eat even a single leaf. (EEE The original has "Pandan Lhamo" which is in error.) lo ma lnga the five leaves, fig.: generally those of the Mahayana Bodhidruma, the Bodhi-tree of Mahayana doctrine, the leaves of which are:- tshul khrims pure morals, thos pa hearing and comprehending, i.e., studing the sacred literature, khyim nas 'byung renunciation, dgon pa la gnas residence in a solitude or wilderness and latterly in a monastery, 'phags pa'i rigs chog shes pa to be content in the holy brotherhood (K. d. na, 327). lo ma kha = chu lha'i shing Varuna tree, the tree of the god of water (Moon.). lo ma gyon ma'i gzungs n. of the dharani of a goddess who used to dress in leaves of trees believed to be efficacious in epidemics (K. g. pa, 147). lo ma bzang = dong ga : dong ga'i 'bras bus mchin nad sel zhing 'jam po 'khru (Moon.). lo ma gsum pa = dur byid snan 3 (Moon.). lo ma'i 'khri shing a creeping plant. Syn. glu yi 'khri shing ; mu tig 'bras ; so rtsi (Moon.). lo mo n. of place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 33). lo mang khur ldan an old man, one who is under the weight of many years (Moon.). lo mar a year's supply of butter. lo tshan annual produce, harvest. lo yi shing rta as met. = nyi ma the sun (Moon.). lo legs = lo thog legs SANST the year in which there has been a good harvest. lo shug kha silk or satin of the colour of juniper leaves (Jig.). lo shes = rtsis monastery account; also astronomy (Moon.). lo bshad = lo tho 3 (Cs.). lo ka á SANST; = 'jig rten world. lo ke shwa ra , 'jig rten dbang phyug epithet of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. lo tsAa á or lo tsAa ba the well-known title given to the Tibetan translators of Sanskrit works. lo pNa = lo tsAa ba and pNa Di ta Indian pandit and Tibetan Sanskritist. (EEE The original has pan Di ta , which is one of several common but mistaken ways of transliterating paºita .) lo hita SANST the river Brahmaputra in part of its course through East Assam. Also lo hin Ta ra Lohin-tara: lo hin Ta ra rin chen khungs (A. 87) the river Lohintara the source of treasure. (EEE The river's name is spelled lo hin ta ra the second time it occurs.) log pa I: vb., pf. and secondary form of ldog pa 3, q.v. 1. to return, to go back: yul du (Glr.); log pa 'brad (Glr.), log la 'dod do (Glr.) let us turn back, phyir log pa'i lam the way back. 2. slar to come back, to come again. 3. to turn round, to be turned upside down, to tumble down. ngo log pa to revolt, rebel. ngo ldog pa to turn away one's face, always used fig. for to turn one's back on, to apostatize: 'khor ba'i ngo ldog na if you mean to turn your back to the land of the cycle of existences, log po byed pa to revolt, to rebel; log pa rtsom pa to plot, to stir up an insurrection (Glr.), log pa mkhan a rebel (Glr.) (J‰.). II: adj. SANST, SANST, SANST reversed, inverted, irrational, wrong; log pa'i lam , lam log pa in Mil. = a wrong way; log po la zhugs pa to rush into error, to turn to what is wrong. lta log or lta ba log pa , v. infra 3log lta 3. chos log pa a wrong faith, false doctrine, heresy; grwa log , jo log col. an apostate monk or nun; log par and (col.) log adv. wrong, erroneously, also: back, again. log par sems pa to think evil, to have suspicions (about a thing), often = lta log skyed pa to sin (J‰.). log ge ba [seems to be nearly the same as log pa , adj.; the tshom log ge ba'i ngang la prob.: entertaining irrational doubts or scruple; bar rim log ge ba an inverted bang rim 3, q.v.; log ge ba la khyer he took it back again Mil.] from J‰. log sgrub heresy, heretical observance; dang od ngan pas log sgrub (Rdsa. 19) by bad behaviour one falls into heresy. log lta (log par lta ba ) or lta log SANST, SANST heresy, heretical doctrine, and is of two kinds:- yod pa 'jig pa and log par shes pa . The first one denies rebirth, the effect of charity, of self sacrifice and of doing good, also of wickedness and wisdom. The second one asserts that happiness and misery are divine gifts and there is no consequence from good or bad actions and no retribution (K. d. za. 127). Again we read: ir sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa las phyi rol du gyur pa'i lta log can rtag chad du lta ba rnams te (Khrid. 10) the doctrine which holds that all things are permanent or that every thing is perishable is considered heretical on account of both being contrary to the doctrine of Buddha. Syn. log rtog ; 'khru ba'i bsam pa (Moon.). log thang a kind of linen (Rtsii.). log 'dren bgegs kyi rgyal po SANST an epithet of Ganesa (Moon.). log pa dud 'gro'i od pa can n. of a religious sect in ancient times who used to imitate the habits of beasts and so degrading themselves would perform a kind of austerity or penance with the hope of obtaining salvation (Theg.). log pa cha 'dzin gyi od pa a kind of severe ascetical penance performed by certain religious sects in ancient India in which the ascetic used to expose himself to vultures, sometimes burying himself in a trench that they might devour his living body; other ascetics used to burn a part of their body under a slow fire (phyi rol grub mtha' ). log pa nyid du nges pa to hold an erroneous notion as something positively good: log pa'i blo SANST misapprehension, mistake, blunder. log pa'i blo gros = nor ba or 'khrul pa (Moon.) to blunder, to err, to make mistake. log par sgrub to wrongly perform a thing. log par spobs = ngo tsha med pa shameless; also shamelessness, effrontery, shameless boldness (Moon.). log par 'tsho ba to live by crimeóperverse means and actionsóby vice, to live in sinful manner. It is of five kinds:- tshul 'chos ; kha gsag ; gzhog slongs ; thob kyis 'jal ba ; rnyed pa las rnyed pa sgrub par byed these should be avoided by the religious (K. du. da, 503). log par bzhugs pa to embrace or hold heretical views: log par bzhugs pa'i dgra the enemy of heretics (Yig. k. 10). log par lhung ba SANST downfall, perversity. log od perverse conduct, a sinful life. (EEE The original has two entries of this same headword. The first is given as a sub-entry four entries back from here and simply says to see this, the main entry. For the proper functioning of the dictionary that first appearance has been removed; a note has been made of its existence.) log snon can one who wishes or prays to do evil and what is perverse. log smra or log par smra ba falsehood, slander, perverse speech, blasphemy. log smra ba'i nags tshal fig.: the wilderness of the perversity of speech (Yid. 2). Syn. log sgrub ; log 'dren tshig ; skur pa 'debs pa 'phya tshig (Moon.). log gzhal + = drin lan log 'jal ingratitude, ungrateful return for a service done. log gYem fornication, adultery; log gYem dad che ba one given up to adultery, an adulteror, chung ma log gYem che ba spongs forsake that wife who is given up to adultery (She.). log shes = nor ba or 'khrul ba (Moon.) error, blunder. log sred can one who delights in vicious actions and sin, has no faith in religion, and blasphemes the sacred Buddhist religion, &c. (K. my. ka, 113). logs 1. the side of anything, SANST, SANST; ri logs a hill-side: bla ri'i logs thams cad la'ang rtsi shing nags tshal rgyas pa (Hbrom. kha, 147) all sides of the Lari mountain have been overgrown with dense forest of fruit-trees (berry trees); rtsig logs the side of a wall, mdun logs fore-side, front-side, rgyab logs back, back part of a thing; sa'i logs surface of the earth. 2. direction, side, region: rkang pa'i logs nas from the region of the feet, up from the feet (Sch.); gYas logs the right side, gYon logs the left side frq.; tshur logs this side, phar logs the other side, on the other side. logs la aside, apart, logs la bzhag pa to put aside, to put out of the way, to clear away. thag pa'i snye ma logs gcig the other end of the rope; logs ngan the left or lower side (of a cloth). 3. = sdebs wall. logs skyes = nu ma SANST the udder, the female breast (Moon.). logs bcas SANST. logs chen po'i ri n. of a mountain in the continent of Purva Videha (K. d. ra, 337). logs na yod pa to be distinct, separate, to live by one's self, to be solitary (Schr.). logs pa other, additional: rgyags logs pa spare-provision (J‰.). logs su elsewhere; separate, apart, aside. logs su bkar ba or logs su dgar ba to lay aside. Syn. gud du ; gzhan du (Moon.). long or long ye = khom pa leisure, spare-time, vacant time, long ye med pa = ma khom pa , ma lcog pa not able, not enabled (A. 28) no time. long yod du re la nam zla 'das whilst you are always hoping to have time (enough), you allow the favourable moment to pass away (Mil.); nga slar rgya gar du log nas jo bo la gdams pa zhur 'gro bas long mi yong (A. 65) on returning to India I had no time to go to the Jo-wo for religious instruction. long ka long kha , long ga SANST intestines, entrails, guts. long ki (Chinese) a kind of red cloth manufactured in China (Rtsii.). long po stod n. of a district in the province of Kong-po. long ba pf. and secondary form of ldong ba , as vb.: 1. to be blind, and as adj.: blind, blinded, also as sbst.: a blindman. long po , long ba po a blindman (Cs.). 2. also longs pa = len pa 3 (Glr.) or 3lang ba 3. long bu long mo or long po ankle-bone. long long uprising in waves, bulging out. longs imp. of long ba : rise up, awake, get up! nang nas longs shog let him come out from in side or from his house; da lta longs la lam du bzhugs now get up and wait in the way (A. 129). longs od SANST, SANST 1. attainment, enjoyment, esp. with regard to sensual pleasures and eating and drinking: longs od sha la byed they enjoyed themselves on meat, longs od shing de las byed they lived on the fruits of this tree; longs od pa to cohabit, enjoy sensually. 2. plenty, abundance: bza' btung gi longs od dpag tu med pa bsag they had collected an enormous quantity of food and drink; longs che ba great riches; wealth, property, longs od kyi bdag por gyur he became owner of the property (Dzl.); mchod pa bya ba'i longs od med he was not rich enough to bring an offering (to Buddha) (J‰.). 3. = nor rdzas or 'byor pa SANST, SANST wealth, fortune. longs od ldan = longs od can prosperous, possessed of health, prosperity and happiness; longs od gnas = bang mdzod treasury, repository (Moon.). longs od rdzogs pa perfect happiness, full enjoyment both materially and spiritually. lod pa or lod po = lhod pa 1. = relaxed. 2. = le lo can lazy, careless. lod rigs the poor class of cultivators who are unable to raise a good crop (Rtsii.). lon 1. news, tidings, message: lon bzang good news, lon spring to give notice, send word, send a message; lon skyur ba to give a reply; lon zhig khyer la shog let me know, send me word. lon pa 1. reached, arrived at; khyod lo du lon to what age have you reach, or what is your age. lo ci tsam lon how old are you? bcu drug lon I am sixteen years old. 2. to elapse, to pass, in a general sense: lo mang po zhig lon pa dang after many years had elapsed (Dzl.); ring zhig lon te after a long time, ring por ma lon par after a short time. los I: 1. in truth, indeed: mgon skyabs ngar los yin he is indeed the lord protector and refuge. 2. khyod 'gro thub yong ngam can you go, could you go! los thub yes, I can. 3. true, certain los kyang bden it is sure and true; certainly it will come to pass. ( No definition II is provided in the original.) sha I: 1. is the twenty-seventh letter of the Tibetan alphabet corresponding in sound to Sanskrit SANST. It is pronounced like sh in the words shin, sharp, etc. but palatal; acc. to J‰. in C. it is distinguished from zha only by the following vowel being sounded in the high tone. 2. num. = 27. II: In Budh. various significations are attached to this letter:- chos rnams la zhi gnas yongs su rdzogs par bya bar ston to (K. d. na, 114) it exhibits to all things the state of perfect peace. Again we have: sha zhes bya ba ni zhi gnas dmigs su mid pa'i phyir chos thams cad kyi sgo'o (Hbum. ga, 283). So, too: sha zhis pa zug rngu rnam pa lnga yongs su spangs pa'o (K. my. ka, 208) sha explains the perfect avoidance of the five kinds of miseries. III: SANST, SANST 1. flesh, meat: sha la dga' zhing sems can gyi srog gcod being fond of meat cuts off the life of animals. sha chung ba = dngos ngan pa SANST thin, emaciated; gYag sha yak's flesh, lug sha mutton; sha 'tshod pa to boil meat, sha rngod pa to roast meat; sha bcud gsum the three kinds of flesh which are possessed of different peculiar properties: (1) sha chen tshon po human flesh; (2) sram gyi sha otter's flesh; (3) 'phyi ba'i sha the flesh of the marmot (Sman. 3). sha 'khrig pa sexual instinct. 2. surface of the body, sha yi gong bu SANST [a lump of flesh; a senseless person]S. sha yi ri mo spots, stripes, etc. on the skin (of an animal); sha dkar white or fair complexion. sha bkra n. of a cutaneous disease Med. [a kind of white leprosy]S. 3. for sha ba , the stag. 4. SANST muscle, nu sha thoracic muscle (J‰.). Syn. khrag skyes ; khrag las gyur pa ; lus zungs gsum pa (Moon.). sha kon for sha 'khon (Vai. so.) grudge, resentment, hatred. sha skad the cawing or croaking of a raven; the cry of the stag. sha khug bag in which powdered dried meat is kept by travellers during a journey in Tibet and Mongolia. sha khog the body of a slaughtered animal, without the skin, head, and entrails, che sha flesh of a large animal, chung sha that of a smaller animal. sha khyi rngon pa'i khyi a hound, a hunter's dog. sha khra SANST [bile]S. sha khrag flesh and blood, meton. 1. for body: sha khrag gsal ba a sound body 2. for: children born of the same parents. sha 'khon = 'khon 'dzin or khong khro anger, fury, enmity, an enemy; sha 'khon zhugs bearing grudge against a person, harbouring enmity, v. sha kon 3. sha gos colloq. for sham gos lower garment. sha 'gugs SANST lit. curled flesh or body [the flower of the tree Butea frondosa]S. sha rgyags fat meat; sha rgyags pa colloq. corpulent; sha rgyas healthy corpulence. sha nyams rgyas health and ill-health; sha nyams rgyas shing rgyags pa becoming healthy after illness or loss of flesh in the body, also healthy corpulence. Syn. 'tshag bzang ; nyams rgyas ; sku sha 'byor po ; stobs bcas ; stobs ldan (Moon.). sha sngon can n. of a heretical lama of Tibet who wrote many treatises explaining the Buddhist tenets wrongly and performed Buddhist religious rites in a reversed manner and who afterwards became a convert to Bon. He was called sha sngon can gyi bon and belonged to the bon khra bo sect (D.R.). sha can SANST, SANST [a fibrous root; a medicinal plant commonly called Katki]S. sha chen SANST human flesh (Sman.). sha rjen za SANST, SANST [carnivorous, a goblin]S. sha nye near blood-relation, descendant. Syn. rgyud pa ; rigs rgyud (Moon.). sha dus the mouth January when meat is cured and rent paid in meat collected by Government and land-lords in Tibet (Rtsii.). sha phing 1. (Chinese) a kind of tea (Rtsii.). 2. meat cooked with phing (a kind of vermicelli extracted from peas). sha bo = dgra enemy; = sha 'khon thams cad kyang dgra mi sha bo mthong ba lta bur (SÒio.); tshe 'dir yang dgra mi sha bor gyur pa rnams kyang (Khrid. 27). sha mo 1. mushroom. 2. is described as = lug gi tshang ra sheep-fold (Rtsii.). sha med SANST fleshless, emaciated; also, name of a hell. sha 'bu a maggot. sha bur in W. boil, abscess, ulcer; mark left by a lash, weal (J‰.). sha sbyang is described as gteg byed kyi nya ga (Rtsii.). sha sbrang SANST flesh-fly, blue-bottle-fly (J‰.). sha ma á 1. n. of a kind of singing bird like the linnet (K. ko. ka, 2). 2. the placenta or after-birth, the bag or pouch in which the embryo is formed and which comes out immediately after the delivery of the child: hence, also, a wet nurse or SANST. 3. = lha yi gos raiment of the gods (K. my. ka, 7). sha rmen fleshy tumor, a lump in the muscular flesh. sha tshan dmar po a tumour resembling a weal or a wart. sha rtsi = sha mdog complexion, colour of the skin: bram ze'i bu mo sha rtsi ser ba (Hbrom. kha, 34) the Brahman's daughter of fair complexion. (EEE The original has Brahman's for Brahman's above.) sha tsha 1. affection; sha tsha med (Jig. 35) without affection; acc. to J‰. = a friend; sha tsha can amicable, attached. 2. hot meat. sha tshe = gsha' dkar nickel silver (Jig. 16). sha mtshan = sha stags (Moon.) SANST [lucky or unlucky marks on the body]S; sha mtshan gyi dpyad SANST [knowledge of lucky or unlucky marks on the body]S. sha 'dzer wart; sha 'dzer can one having warts in his skin. sha za or sha zan SANST 1. prop. flesh-eater, carnivorous animal. 2. gen.: a class of demons. sha za mo and sha za chen po are two kinds of such loathsome demons, the names of others of which are as follows:- pI lu , nye ba'i pI lu , pI lu bzang po , pI lu mtha' yas , bsam pa , bsam pa ma yin pa , gdung ba bzang po , za byed , gzi brjid bzang po , mi bzad po (K. g. da, 126). sha za'i gling n. of a cannibal-island situated beyond the island of horned cannibals: srin mo ral pa can gyi gling (K. d. ra, 335). sha za srin po SANST cannibal hobgoblin. sha zug or sha gzug = zug 3. sha zong SANST [dry flesh, one who eats flesh]S. sha gzig bdu SANST a kind of disease [white leprosy]S. sha 'ug stag sgo n. of a sacred place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 43). sha yi mchog SANST; as met. = srog gi gnas the heart, the seat of life (Moon.). sha yi lus bcud met. = khrag blood. sha yi sa bon SANST id. (Moon.). sha li ho ta á a religious instruction of the Tantrik class: nang gi gsung rab dus kyi 'khor lo|sha li ho ta gdags pa|mngon pa mdzod 'dul ba sogs (Ya-sel. 224). [Salihotra was a celebrated teacher of the science of horses in India]S. (EEE In the original the word is spelled sha li ho ra in the example, which is likely a typographical error.) sha lan revenge by death for killing and the like. sha log warped, oblique, aslant in W. (J‰.). sha log = sha log log bloated. sha bshags is explained as lug sha phyed bshags (Rtsii.). sha srab = sha nyams (Moon.). sha lhag excrescence on any part of the body which, acc. to some, is a sign of wickedness. sha la gYu ri = 'bam po (mystic) (Mio. 4). sha shang n. of a large number, a numerical figure (Ya-sel. 56). sha ka a kind of game (Vai. so.). sha ka ma more fully kha che sha kha ma saffron from Kashmir, in C. sha ka shi la á n. of a precious stone, or gem: sha ka shi las gdon kun srung bar byed is a protection against evil spirits. sha gang n. of a place in Tibet; sha gang lo tsAa ba n. of a celebrated Lo-tsa-wa of that place (Deb. ga, 1). sha pho ru rta (snan ) SANST [medicinal plant Costus speciosus]S. sha chu = gong mo SANST the white Crossoptilon grouse (Moon.). sha ta á as met. = brgya hundred. sha sta = klu (Vai. so.). sha stag only, simply: rdzun po sha stag = rdzun po rkyang rkyang only false, falsehood pure and simple. sha dag mere, merely, only: khye'u sha dag btsas te only sons being born; mi dbul 'phongs pa sha stag as they are all of them poor people; bden pa mthong ba sha stag tu byon to they all came to the knowledge of the truth (J‰.). sha ra pa á n. of an Indian saint (Loo. za, 3). sha ra 'bigs byed á SANST as met. = mda' arrow (Moon.). sha na á SANST hemp, Cs.: flax; sha na'i ras SANST fine linen; sha na'i gos a garment made of fine linen. sha pos a thick blanket in Ld. sha ba ri á SANST a hunter; a hunter-tribe. Syn. rngon pa ; ri ags pa (Moon.). sha ba ri pa á n. of Buddhist Tantrik saint, a pupil of Nagarjuna (K. dun. 6). sha rag dried apricots with little pulp and almost as hard as stones. sha ra sho re (cf. gsher pa ) in W. moist (J‰.). sha rar á SANST a kind of sugar, refined sugar (Cs.). sha shan a kind of Chinese tea. sha la yu ring (sha la yu ring rma rnams 'drub pa'i rtsi ) (Med.). shA ri'i bu á SANST the famous early disciple of Buddha. sha ka byAa ka ra Na á n. of a Vyakarana or Sanskrit grammar by Acarya Chandra Gomin. shA kya lag na be con SANST the Sakya who carries a club in his hand (Yig. 17) [n. of the father-in-law of Buddha according to the Lalitavistara]S. shA kya = phod pa SANST n. of a race to which the last Buddha belonged; prob. the Sacú of the ancients; the common names by which Gautama Buddha is universally known:- shA kya thub pa = Sakyamuni; shA kya'i gtso bo SANST; shA kya'i rgyal po SANST; shA kya seng ge SANST; shA kya'i bya SANST; shA kya dus legs section of the Sakya race. shA kya ye shes also called rdzi byams chen chos rje the lama who founded the monastery of Sera near Lhasa (Rje-nam. 353). (EEE The second name is spelled shA kyi' gtso bo in the original but this a mistake and has been amended here.) shwa or sha 'od 1. blood. 2. = chu log overflowing of rivers and lakes, in Amdo dialect. shwa na mo = mkha' 'gro ma SANST, a class of nymph: rta mgrin sha na mo bzhis bskor ba'i sgrub thabs mdzad nas bran ka btul lo (A. 102). shwa ba or sha ba the large stag of Tibet with ten to twelve points on each horn, including under this name some three species. Syn. rwa bcu pa ; (pra Sa Z ra ); shwa ba (Moon.). sha ba rna ba n. of a country in the east of India the inhabitants of which have ears like those of the deer (K. d. ra, 267). shwa bo sgang n. of a district in Kham (Loo. za, 3). shwa sa na á (mystic) a class of Brahman (K. g. kha, 26). (EEE The original has Brahman for Brahman above.) shag ti á SANST; spear, lance, pike, of sword, also trident (Cs.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "shak-ti" which is in error.) shag in shag ter gas broke, it burst asunder (Sch.). shag shag SANST pendant, hanging, projecting. shags = kha shags 1. joke, jest, fun: shags che pa byed pa to rally maliciously, to turn into ridicule with sarcasm; ngan shags a bad joke. 2. cause of contention, object of a dispute or a quarrel, matter in dispute, quarrel in gen. (J‰.). shag ma SANST stone or rock, gravel; shag ma can gravelly; shag thang a plain abounding with gravel. shag rad rocky ground; shag rug gravel; shag sa earth mixed up with pebbles, stony sterile ground (J‰.). shang a kind of tambourine used by the Bons during their religious services (Loo. 'a, 5) v. gshang 3. shang kar á SANST 1. n. of a religious sect in ancient India. Also n. of a Tirthika teacher who held:- rnam par mi rtag bden pa'o|'dus byas rnam par mi rtag bden pa ni|phyu 'am dbang phyug bden pa'o (Theg. 33). 2. an epithet of Mahesvara. shang kha á conch shell; zhang zhung gi yul shang kha'i spubs 'dra the country of Shangshung (Yig. 9). shang thag = dkyus ring ba (Jig. 25) warp, the longitudinal threads of cloth; length. shang lang = gri gug sabre, sword knife (Moon.). shang shang SANST; SANST 1. crane (S. Lex.) (Zam. 5). bya chen po mi tsam a bird of the height of man that subsists on poisonous drugs, &c., a fabulous creature with wings and bird's feet, but otherwise like a human being; shang shang te'u acc. to Cs.: pheasant or partridge. 2. n. of a flower: shang shang 'di rgya gar na med this Sangsang flower is not found in India (A. 105); shang shang shug pa'i nags khrod mdzes charming is the forest of Sang-Sang and juniper (A. 140). Syn. dzI wMa dzI ba ka ; dug 'tsho byed ; shang shang dre'u (Moon.). shang shongs = mtho dma' high and low; any undulating surface. shangs I: or shangs sna SANST; resp. the nose; shangs khung nostril, shangs rtse tip of the nose. bag chags ngan gsung nas shangs skyor pa (gnyer ba )ltar saying that attachments are bad he knit his nose (i.e., brow) (A. 106). II: n. of a district of Tsang situated to the north of Tashi-lhunpo (Loo. 'a, 5). shangs kyi zhong tshal one of the 37 holy places of the Bon (G. Bon. 38). shangs rnam gling a town with a monastery in Shang under a Jong-pon (Rtsii.). shangs rtsa gser n. of a place in Shang (Deb. ga, 11). shad 1. = drang po straight, perpendicular. 2. mark of punctuation resembling a perpendicular-stroke, also rkyang shad or chig shad Is a diacritical sign of about the value of our comma or semi-colon; nyis shad the double perpendicular-strokes dividing sentences, or, in metrical compositions; bzhi shad the four-fold shad at the end of sections and chapters; tsheg shad the dotted shad , an ornamental form of the ordinary shad put after the first syllable of a line; shad byad pa 'then pa to make a shad (Sch.). (The original has tsheg shed for tsheg shad above, but the e is probably superfluous.) shad pa or gshad pa and gshod pa to comb, to curry, (a horse), also shar rgyag pa . Also: to brush, to stroke, to rub gently with the hand in W. (J‰.). shad-ma curry-comb, horse-comb (Sch.). shad yar = ya ru a yak-calf one year old: shad yar gyi pags pa a skin of a yak-calf (Rtsii.). shan 1. union, mounting, lining of: skad gnyis shan sbyor two different languages joined together, n. of a Sanskrit and Tibetan vocabulary; shing gi snod la lcags kyis shan rgyab a wooden vessel mounted with iron bands. 2. small-boat; shan pa a ferry-man in C. 3. snow-leopard, in W. (cf. gsa' 3). 4. difference, distinction: shan 'byed pa to distinguish, decide, differentiate: gzhan gyis shan mi byed pas as no body else is able to decide it. shan shor affected by company, union, or companionship. shan pa I: 1. wrongly spelt for bshan pa , a butcher; sdig can shan pa sinful butcher; shan khang slaughter-house, butcher's shop, shan gri butcher's knife; shan grib sinful ignorance of slaughtering an animal. 2. master or rower of a boat, boatman (J‰.). II: 1. = nyes babs pa , fault rgyal po'i gnas mal bslad pa'i shan bab kyis by the fault of polluting the royal residence (A. 144). 2. SANST, SANST, SANST, ugly, frightful, shan ti pa á n. of an Indian Buddhists teacher (K. dun. 45). shan di la á or shan da ti la SANST; n. of a race (K. du. cha, 333). shan dmar a wild animal of the deer class, called: ri ags zhig (K. ko. ka, 2). shan ja a kind of Chinese tea. shan dung the Chinese provinces of Shantung (Grub. tha 4). shab n. of a district between Sakya and Shiga-tse; shab sgo lnga n. of a place in Tsang: de nas shab sgo lnga nas byon pa'i tshe (A. 88) then at the time of proceeding from Sh·b-go-nga. shab shub 1. whisper, whispering; jocular saying or speech, a joke; shub par smra ba to whisper in the ears. 2. acc. to J‰. a lie, falsehood, shab shub byed pa to lie, to cheat; shab shub can deceitful, fraudulent, crafty. sham = gsham the lower part of a thing, also that of a country; sham pa a low-lander (opp. to gzhung pa and stod pa ). gsham du adv. and postp.: below, at foot: rang le'u sham du 'chad they will be treated of in their respective chapters at the end; de'i sham du under it, underneath that. sham gos = sham thabs under-vest, under garment; sham thabs SANST, SANST, resp. sku sham , a cassock-like garment worn by Tibetan monks. sham ma a man or woman of Lower Ladak. sham thabs sngon po can a Tirthika Pandit who preached a perverse system of Tantra and used to wear a blue petticoat: phyi rol pa zhig lags sam sham thabs sngon po can bya bas he was an outsider (i.e., non-Buddhist) called the blue robe (A. 66). sham £ la á n. of the Buddhist Utopia, probably the capital of the eastern Greeks, i.e., of Bactria, where Buddhism of the Mahayana School in the first century before and first century after Christ flourished. The Tibetans of the fifteenth century A.D. in their anxiety to find it on this earth are alleged to have identified it with the capital of Spain. Sambhala in Tibetan is bde 'byung often spoken of as a country in the northwest of Tibet, fancied to be a kind of paradise. sham £ la'i lam yig Journey to Sambhala, n. of a book written by Panchen Palden Yeshe of Tashi-lhunpo. shar SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. the east; shar phyogs eastern direction or quarter; shar nas 'ongs come from the east; shar du gnas resides in the east, a resident of the east; shar pa inhabitant of an eastern country, an oriental. shar gyi thig le the sun (Yig. k. 14). shar gyi ri bo SANST, one residing in the eastern hills, one of the early sects of Buddhism. shar lus 'phags pa Purva Videha, n. of the eastern continent of Buddhist cosmogony. shar lho south-east. 2. termin. of sha óshar into the flesh. shar gyi gnam dmag = than pa or char med drought, rainlessness. shar gyis forthwith, straight (A. 68); shar rgyag directly, straight away, at once: shar rgyag rgyugs run at once (Ljaos.). shar 'gyur byed as met. = blood (Moon.). shar rgya mtsho chen po seems to be the Pacific ocean, the great ocean extending to the east of China (Yig. k. 14). shar sgo me long gling n. of a place (Rtsii.). shar kha n. of a place in Tibet. shar kha dpon po the chief or ruler of Shar-kha; also name of a celebrated Lama of that place who was known by the name Pandan Shar kha-wa (Yig. 3). shar ja tea imported to Tibet from Amdo (Jig. 22). shar ras a kind of cotton cloth formerly manufactured in Bengal and Assam (Yig. 21). shar pa 1. = 'dus pa SANST collected, gathered, risen; also: a young man, grown-up youth. 2. SANST Udayi the rising one; n. of a king of the Litsabyi race shA kya li tsa bya'i rigs rgyal po shar pa'i bu nas bzungs (Loo. 'a, 5). shar po 1. W. adulterer, on the part of the husband (J‰.). 2. a youth. shar ba 1. SANST rise, dawning. 2. pf. and secondary form of 'char ba ; nyi ma shar , sunrise, sems la shar dawning in the mind. 3. n. of a tribe. 2. n. of king Utthanapada, son of king dmag brgya ba , SANST; thes king was a contemporary of Buddha. shar ma (bud med dar ma ) 1. SANST a full-blown female; acc. to J‰. grown-up girls (collective noun). 2. Sch.: a strip: shar rgyab pa to sew in long stitches. shal dkar a kind of white silk scarf used for presentation to gods; it is described as kha btags snyan shal dkar po (Rtsii.). shal ba a harrow; shal shal ba to harrow (Sch.). shal ma stony ground; mountain side consisting of detritus; shal ma can full of sharp stones (J‰.). shal ma li á SANST a tree of hell the leaves of which are sharp and pointed resembling swords, and when hell-beings try to climb up this tree it immediately changes the direction of its sword-like leaves and points towards them to pierce them. shas 1. part, cha shas id.; 'bras de las shas gcig part of this rice; shas shas su bgo ba to distribute, ...among (J‰.). 2. some, a few; zhag shas some days; 'ga' shas frq. in colloq. as "ka-she," shas shig gnang or kha shas shig nang please, give me some, a few (A. 105). shas che or shas che ba 1. = mang po SANST, SANST, SANST. 2. SANST = mi zad pa a good deal, the greater part of; much. 3. stobs che or drag po SANST very strong, acute, powerful: zhar mthun shas che zhing (Ya-sel. 19). ti mug shas che bar 'gyur ba to become very dull or stupid; shas cher , shas ches or shas chen in an eminent degree, in an exceedingly great measure: shas cher mi 'byung did not grow very powerful or strong. shi ba = gum pa or srog dor ba SANST, SANST, SANST pf. and secondary form of 'chi ba . 1. vb. to die, to expire, to go out (as light, fire); shi 'dug is dead, died. 2. partic. and adj. SANST, lifeless, dead, deceased; shi ba'i ro SANST corpse, dead body; shi ba sos par byed par gyur one already dying still recovered; shi ba'i lus the body of the deceased (J‰.); shi ba'i 'du byed SANST the associations of the dead, funeral observances; shi ba'i phyogs SANST the quarter of the dead, the south, in which quarter the lord of death dwells; shi ba'i zan = gshin zas the food of the dead, i.e., SANST; also: food given to lamas, &c., at funerals. shi ki ma = 'chi kha ma SANST; sbst. dying, death: shi ki ma ru in dying; shi ki ma yod = 'chi kha ma yod he is at the point of death, he is at death's door. shi ka á SANST n. of a king who mourned at the death of Buddha (K. my. kha, 526). shi ka ko la á n. of a place in Orissa on the seaside (Dsam.). shi khan Di la á SANST a peacock (K. ko. ka, 3). shi ri kha º á (snan ) a kind of medicine: shi ri kha º dang bu ram zos na gnyid du 'gyur ro Siri khanda and molasses taken together induce sleep (K. my. kha, 341). shi ri sha á SANST n. of a tree, its flower and fruit (K. du. nya, 276) [Acacia sirisa]S. shing tog shi ri sha zhes bya ba skar ma pa sangs mthong na 'bras bu sor lnga skye bar 'gyur (K. my. kha, 341) the fruit called Sirisa grows five fingers' in breadth on the appearance of the star (planet) Sukra. shi rig W. clinking, jingling (J‰.). shi rog in W. a sort of early barley. shi la á wrongly for shI la SANST = khrims , tshul khrims moral behaviour. shi la dru á = skyer pa 3. shig 1. for cig after a final sa . 2. = (to be) able: da khyod kyis mi shig zer ro now you have said that you would not be able (to do that work) (A. 60, 136). 3. SANST, SANST louse; mi shig common louse; lug shig sheep-louse, tick, khyi shig flea, lha shig or 'dre shig bug; shig bsal ba to clean from lice; shig can full of lice. shig ge ba acc. to J‰. 1. standing or lying close together, close-bonded. 2. trembling, tottering, wavering; with mig looking this way and that, looking about, perh., also, rolling (the eyes)] (J‰.). shig geg = lhod pa SANST relaxed; also relaxation. Also: shigs se as in lhod shigs shigs , lhod de , shigs se (A. 150) having relaxed; da khyod kyis mi shigs zer 'o na khyed la thabs yod dam (A. 66) now you said you would not relax, but you have some resources. Also = rocking in Mil. shing I: gerundial particle for cing after a final sa . II: 1. SANST, SANST, a tree, shing sdong id., in col. shio-dum; rtsi shing a berry tree or fruit tree, rtsi ljon shing a leafy tree; skam shing a withered tree. 2. SANST wood, timber; made of wood; shing zhig some wood; khang zhing timber, timber-wood, bud shing fire-wood, fuel, skam shing dry-wood. shing ka ku £ á SANST the Arjuna tree. Syn. dpa' bo'i shing ; srid sgrub shing ; phyogs grub (Moon.). shing ko ki lAa kSa á SANST the tree of cuckoo's eye [the plant Asteracantha longifolia]S.; with syn.: bur shing ; dri ldan ; khyu byug mig ; bur shing srung (Moon.). shing ka peta tha á (SANST) SANST; the Kapettha tree. Syn. ka ped ; skyur rtsi ; so nyams byed ; da Z pha la ; zho 'bras can (Moon.). shing ka da ± á SANST the Cadamba tree. Syn. tshogs can ; stobs bzang ; dga' ba'i shing ; rdul stobs can ; 'bras mang ldan ; gshol ldan ; dga' byed ; shing bal can ; chu skyar can (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the Tibetan headword as shing ka da ∂ but this is a mistaken way of inscription of the Tibetan. The headword has the correct transliteration of the headword of "shing-ka-da-mba" and the Tibetan in this edition has been written accordingly.) shing kA shim ba la the (SANST) Kashimbala tree. Syn. srid pa brtsegs pa ; ro tsa na ; snang byed phung po (Moon.). shing rkun ma'i me tog SANST; lit. the thief's flower tree. Syn. chom rkun me tog ; skra can ma ; dung can ma (Moon.). shing kun SANST, SANST asafútida, used as medicine and as a spice: shing kun srin 'joms grang nad snying rlung sel asafútida cures worms, cold, and wind in the heart. shing sngon = i zhur 3 (mystic) (Mio. 3). shing sku or shing gi sku 'dra any wooden image. shing skya nar SANST the Patala tree. Syn. 'dod pa'i pho nya ; mdzod tha ma ; me tog rtsa nag ; lus ngan mig ; zangs kyi me tog (Moon.). shing skya SANST = dug mo nyung (Moon.). shing kir ti a carrying-frame for packs, etc. shing gi ba thag creeping parasitical plants. Syn. rtsa ba ; ral pa ; rmang ; rtsa phran ; ba thag (Moon.). shing gi srin bu SANST; wood-eating worm, moth; a writer. Syn. rtsa 'bu ; shing zan ; yi ge pa (Moon.). shing gi mig SANST, SANST [1. squint-eyed. 2. the plant Shorea robusta]S. shing gi me tog kha phye blossoming, the flowering of a tree. Syn. spubs grol ; rgya grol ; go cha grol ; rnam dbye ; rnam phye ; rnam par bye ; rab tu shar (Moon.). shing gi rtsa ba SANST the root or foot of a tree. shing gi rtse mo the top of a tree. shing rgon wood-pecker; shing rgon khra bo the spotted wood-pecker; shing rgon mgo nag black wood-pecker. shing rgyal 1. a tree of extraordinary height or circumference, a giant-tree. 2. = chu lha SANST the water-god. shing mngar SANST, SANST liquorice; shing mngar lo nad rtsa nad sel bar byed liquorice cures disease of the lungs and that of the bowels. shing mngar ldan pa SANST, SANST [an aromatic plant, Anethum panmorium]S. Syn. mi sI ; zhi ba dkar ; gdugs dkar ; me tog brgyad pa mngar ldan ; gnas su skyes ; ra ba skyes (Moon.). shing bcud = bu ram molasses (mystic) (Mio. 4)ó shing bcud gnyis : bu ram and sbrang rtsi molasses and honey (Sman. 3). shing chas 1. wooden utensils, implements. 2. tools for working wood. shing ta la SANST palm-tree, shing ta la mgo bcod na sngon por mi rung |skyer mi rung (K. du. da, 352) it is stated that the palm tree will neither grow nor thrive if its head is cut. shing ti ka ka á SANST. Syn. 'dab ma shing ; til can ; snod ldan ; dpal ldan (Moon.). shing tog or shing thog fruit of a tree, fruit. shing tog rgyal po = snying zho sha a sour fruit used for medicinal purposes; in appearance it is like the heart (Sman.). shing tog bil ba prob. SANST, SANST = the wood-apple. It is mentioned as most holy among the fruits of India and is particularly sacred to Mahadeva and valued for its medicinal properties. It is one of the bkra shis rtags brgyad eight auspicious objects. shing rta mo n. of a kind of bird; sems can gyi zas la gegs byas pas na bya shing rta mor skye'o (Ya-sel. 7). shing rta (lit. 'wooden horse') SANST, SANST, SANST any chariot, waggon, cart, or wheeled conveyance; fig. = theg pa , vehicle of the doctrine, e.g., shing rta chen po Mahayana school of philosophy; shing rta 'khor lo wheeled carriage, chariot; gYul gyi shing rta or yan lag brgyad war chariot, of two sub-divisions:- rgyal byed sna tshogs shing rta triumphal chariots, and ljongs dang skyed mos tshal dag du rtseb la me tog shing rta SANST flower chariots, i.e., light conveyances drawn by horses which were used by the rich and by royalty. shing rta'i khang bzang chariot, the body of a waggon; shing rta'i mda' the pole, beam, shaft of a cart; shing rta'i 'phang lo chariot-wheel, shing rta'i rjes the track of a car or cart. Syn. for shing rta :- lam bgrod ; yongs bskyod ; rnam par 'dren ; sgra ldan ; rta can ; gnya' shing 'dzin ; theg pa ; 'khor los 'gro ba ; pha rol legs 'gro (Moon.). shing rta'i kha lo pa SANST conductor of a vehicle, charioteer. Is mentioned especially in the early history of young Gautama as recorded in the Dulwa. Syn. mgo 'dren ; sna khrid ; shing rta'i gnyen ; gYas sdod ; kha la sgy ur ba (Moon.). shing rta'i gnya' shing SANST the yoke attached to a chariot to which draught animals or horses are tied. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "shio-rtahi gÒan-shio" which is clearly in error.) shing rta bcu pa SANST n. of the king of Ayodhya whose son was Rama, the hero of the epic Ramayana. shing rta bcu pa'i sras son of Dasaratha, i.e., king Rama, the vanquisher of Ravana king of Laoka (Moon.). shing rta ma = 'bab chu a river, stream (Moon.). shing rta mo a toy-bird cut out of wood or sculptured (mystic) (Mio. rda. 4). shing rta'i lus = bya ngur pa SANST, SANST the choka bird, a species of duck (Moon.). shing ba glang rmig pa the bull's eye-flower. Syn. kha dog gsum pa ; bur shing dri ; tsher ma zhim ; sa'i tsher ma ; nags kyi rwa rtsi ; sa'i 'gyur byed (Moon.). shing byang chub or byang chub ljon shing SANST, SANST the peepul tree. Syn. mchod rten shing ; khyad par gnas ; pib pa la ; klang po'i zas ; shing gi dbang po (Moon.). shing 'bras bu med pa a tree without fruit. Syn. me tog 'bras med ; nags dman pa ; 'bras bu med pa ; mo gsham shing (Moon.). shing 'bras bu snin nas 'jig pa tree that dies after its fruit has ripened, such as the plantain. Syn. chu shing ; e raº ; smyug ma bamboo etc. (Moon.). shing rma bya'i gtsug phud SANST, SANST; the peacock's crest tree [a species of grass, cyperus rotundus]S. Syn. rto rgod sgron me ; rma bya lo tsa (Moon.). shing mya ngan med SANST. Syn. chu la gar rtsi ; dga' ba sbyin byed ; rkang mdzes ; tsha bas gang ; tsha ba 'dzin ; dang 'khrungs (Moon.). shing dmar = ne tso sna (SANST) parrot's nose; red-tree; but acc. to Lex. = SANST, a parrot. Syn. spal pa'i 'dab can ; khrag ldan ; bcad cing gar byed ; tshu lus ; 'gro 'dzin ; ka TAa ] ; me tog mgul ring ; gsher shing (Moon.). shing tsha 1. SANST, SANST, SANST. 2. cinnamon; shing tsha'i lo ma SANST, SANST cinnamon leaf. Syn. pags 'dab ; shun pa ; lus mchog ; yan lag mchog ; 'gro lding skyes ; cho ga can ; reg byed gdong (Moon.). shing tshal a forest; clip, shaving, splinter. shing tsher 'bras can SANST, SANST jack-fruit tree. Syn. gtsug phud ldan (Moon.). shing gzhong a wooden basin, tray, trough; tub. shing 'dzin = chu shing the plantain plant (Moon.). shing gzong SANST an implement that "eats up" wood, or bores in wood, a gimlet [1. a carpenter's chisel or adze. 2. the Indian fig tree]S. Syn. shing za ; shing 'bigs (Moon.). shing bza' aa chos n. of the mother of the great Buddhist reformer Tsongkhapa (Loo. za, 18). shing bzo pa carpenter. Syn. shing mkhan ; shing 'jog pa ; shing rta byed ; shing gshog mkhan (Moon.). shing yan lag SANST thorn (S. Lex.). shing yongs 'du sa brtol SANST the wish-fulfilling tree. Syn. gser shing ; gser gyi gdong can ; ku med lo ma ; 'dab zung ldan ; rnga yab can ; phun tshogs 'phel ; sa brtol ; sa 'joms ; dpag bsam shing (Moon.). shing lo leaf of a tree, also twig. shing lo ma bdun pa SANST [seven-leaved, the tree Alstonia]S. Syn. of latter: mi mnyam 'dab ; rgya chen shun pa ; yangs pa'i shun ; ston gyi me tog ; dug lo can ; lha yi bza' shing ; 'dab bdun pa (Moon.). shing lo gsar du kha 'bus pa fresh shoots of leaves. Syn. thog ma'i lo ma ; zha lu skyes ; gsar skyes ; khye'u kha ; dang por 'khrungs ; steng du 'thon ; gsar pa gsar pa ; myu gu (Moon.). shing shA la ma lI = SANST. Syn. shing bal 'dzin ; grol ba ring ; 'tsho che brtan (Moon.). shing shi ri sha á SANST [the tree Acacia sirisa]S. Syn. me tog 'jam (Moon.). shing sha mi á SANST [the Sami tree]S. Syn. sha ku'i 'bras ; zhi ba (Moon.). shing shi lu SANST a species of tree. Syn. shi lu dkar po ; bad kan 'joms ; 'khor mang can ; bsil ba (Moon.). shing shun SANST, SANST the bark of trees: perhaps, cinnamon. shing shun gyi chang wine extracted from the bark of a tree, cinnamon wine. Syn. shing lpags ; shing skogs (Moon.). shing sAa la SANST the Sal tree. Syn. rnam 'joms ; dri 'gyur ; 'dab ma mtho ; brtan ma (Moon.). (EEE The original has the Tibetan headword as slong sAa la which is incorrect. In accordance with the context and the transliteration in the original "shio sa-la", the headword in this edition has been corrected to that above.) shing seng ge'i mjug ma (lit. the lion's tail tree). Syn. 'dri byed lo ma ; tha dad 'dab ; rjes kyi 'dab ma ; rkang ldan ma ; rnga ma'i 'byor ba ; cha shas grub ; bum ldan (Moon.). shing sidza dzu SANST, SANST (lit. thunder-bolt tree). Syn. rdo rje shing ; kun tu 'o ma ; sidza dzu (Moon.). shing srin SANST wood-moth, a kind of worm which eats up wood; shing srin brun excrement of wood-eating moth which is said to cure disease of worms. shing ser = skyer pa shing (Moon.) the yellow tree, berbery. shing bza' rnal 'byor ma n. of a celebrated female saint of Tibet (Moon.). shing u dum wa ra SANST, SANST [the glomerous fig tree]S. Syn. bdud 'joms ; mchod sbyin yan lag ; gser 'o ma ; dzan bu'i 'bras (Moon.). shing sed a file or rasp (J‰.). shing aa rka pa« 1. SANST [the plant Calotropis gigantea]S. 2. the white species of this is called SANST. Syn. nyi ma'i ming can ; nyi ma'i shing ; sna tshogs gzugs can ; ma gas pa ; nor ldan ; rma las 'o ma can ; yid mos (Moon.). Syn. of 2. rab tu gdung ba ; dka' thub ; zhi ba'i me tog ; phyugs bdag dga' ; shing gcig ; spra ba pa su (Moon.). shing aa pa ma rga SANST a kind of tree. Syn. rtse mo can ; rma bya can ; lam bral ; 'og gi lam ; bong bu'i snye ma ; kI sha'i 'dab ; SANST (Moon.). shing aa ti muka ta SANST [a tree called Harimantha]S. Syn. sna tshogs shing ; 'dzag byed shing ; mu khyud shing ; shing rta'i shing ; snod shing ; shin tu grol ba can (Moon.). shing e rNa Da SANST [the castor oil plant]S. Syn. stag gi mjug ma ; dri za'i lag pa ; sor mo lnga pa ; snying pos stongs ; rlung gi grogs ; ri mo can ; glang po'i rna ba (Moon.). shing e la ba lu ka á SANST [the fragrant bark of Feronia elephantum]S. Syn. lug skyes ; gser gyi bye ma can ; dri rdzas (Moon.). shid SANST funeral ceremony, religious service done in honour of, or for the memory of, the dead. shid zan SANST, food given at such funeral ceremony or occasion. shid sa 1. burying ground or cemetery. 2. a fruitful field = gshin sa (J‰.). gshid gshid ma , gshid ston , gshid zan all signify gshin zas or dad zas funeral repast, of which everybody may partake; shid chos funeral religious ceremony. shid srang the kind of steelyard in use in ancient times (Loo. 'a, 9). shid bu prob. Siva; shid bu ser skya n. of a Brahman sage. shid bu ser skya'i rgyud rnams kyis tshor nas the followers of Kapila Siva having become irritated (A. 139). (EEE The original has Brahman for Brahman above.) shin tu 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST very, greatly, esp. before adj. and adv. 2. SANST really, indeed: byang chub sems dpa'i sprul pa shin tu yin he was realy an incarnation of a Bodhisattva (A. 68). 3. or shin tu ba = phul tu phyin or te por . shin tu khro SANST fierce, terrific; shin tu dga' ba = yang dag dga' ba very pleased, great joy (Moon.). shin tu 'khor ba = nor ba or 'khrul ba to be blundering, mistakeful. shin tu mchog excellent, very good (Moon.); shin tu mo'i yi ge very soft letters, very feminine letters (Sum-rtag). shin tu dug = bong nga aconite; wolf's bane (Moon.). shin tu byung n. of a class of Brahmans (Moon.). shin tu mi bzad ma n. of a Yakra princess (K. g. da, 130). shin shun can = snan po (Moon.). shin tu mi srun pa = sdug bsngal ba the language of the gods of Turita heaven. shin tu lan tshwa ba = rgya tshwa the Indian table salt; very saltish (Moon.). shin dzi tA á SANST n. of a fruit (K. d. ya, 202). shib pa to whisper (J‰.). shib shi lu lu or ru ru in Ld. = the fruit of the dog-rose. shim pa (sa lta bu ) mixed up. shim mi shim has been explained as sna tshogs 'dres pa composite, different things mixed up together (Rtsii.). shim sha pa a kind of tree or wood (Cs.). shir or shir shir with 'thon pa 1. to gush out, to stream forth with a noise (Cs.). 2. a musical note (K. my. ka, 293). shil ba W. to drip through (J‰.). shil li [a gauze-like texture W.; shil shil , 1. id. 2. Cs.: a cant word denoting the noise of anything]J‰. shis or shis pa in bkra shis SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST good luck, fortune, glory, bliss; shis mdzad SANST, auspicious, foreboding good. shis pa brjod pa or shis brjod SANST; SANST benediction, words of blessing; de 'byung na shis if that happens, it will be an auspicious sign; shis pa'i ming a name foreboding good, ma shis pa'i ltas an omen foreboding ill (Vai. so.); bstan pa'i shis acc. to Schl. 232 denotes the religious plays performed in convents. shis pa pa one blessed, shis pa yin pa to be blessed, shis par 'gyur ba to become blessed, shis par byed pa to make blessed, to bless; bkra shis v. bkra ba 3. shu n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 9). shu ston zla grags n. of a celebrated lama of Shu. shu dag dkar po = gangs ldan also called chu dag or cha thag SANST a medicinal drug: shu dag nag pos ma zhu drod skyed gag lhag sel (Med.). shu mo za pulse. shu ba 1. sbst. a kind of blister-like irruption on the skin; rma shu SANST, an abscess, ulcer, sore. shu ba thon an abscess rises, shu ba na gives pain, shu ba phan the abscess heals; shu thor the abscess becomes absorbed. 2. SANST scab, scurf, scald (J‰.). 3. a vb., with pf. bshus or shus , fut. bshu , imp. bshus or shu : (1) to take off, pull off, peel or strip; gzhan gyi gos shu ba to take off a person's clothes; pags pa shu pa "pags-pa shu-wa" (colloq. to give a good beating). (2) to copy, dpe a book, resp. zhal shus byed pa ; dpe bshus copied (J‰.); 'dra bshus a true copy. shu ni ka ra na á n. of a city situated to the south of Kalapa the capital of the fabulous Sambhala (S. lam. 41). shu £Ma á SANST = bde legs happiness and good: shu bam stu bde legs su gyur cig happiness and good be (to all). shur she na á n. of a tract in the neighbourhood of Mathura, not far from Agra. shug [1. a thrust, push, knock; shug phul ba to shove (by a more gentle motion) C. 2. in comp.: khyo shug v. khyo 3; shug bza' wife, consort, spouse Schtr. 3. W.: old, but still fit for use. 4. shug shug la colloq. for shub bur softly, gently, e.g., 'gro ba to walk, to tread, etc.] from J‰. shug gu colloq. for shog bu 3. shug pa (also called sangs shing the incense-tree) acc. to J‰, the high, cypress-like juniper-tree of the Himalaya mountains, (Juniperus excelsa). It covers large mountain tracts and is considered sacred, and much used in religious ceremonies; its berries being burnt as incense. shug 'bras the berries of Juniperus squamosa, a low shrub and similar to the English Juniperus cummunis. shug dud the smoke or perfume of juniper-incense. Syn. SANST; lha yi shing ; brgya byin rkang 'thung ; yongs bzang can ; 'od zer 'dab can ; thang shing mda' 'dzin ; bdug spos shing (Moon.). shug gtsang in Kham dialect: silk of four hues, i.e., white, yellow, red and green colours (Rtsii.). shug tshod a sort of mistletoe, Viscum oxycedri, growing on juniper and gradually killing it. The leaves have a slightly sour taste and are used for culinary purposes W. (J‰.). shugs 1. = ltes dbang SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST velocity, force: rlung gi shugs the force of the wind, chu yi shugs velocity of water, me yi shugs consuming power of fire. 2. inherent strength, power, energy: dad pa'i shugs energy of faith; byams pa'i shugs ardour of love; dga' ba'i shugs kyis by the power of joy. rta yi shugs power or strength of a horse; glang po che'i shugs elephant's strength. gcin gyi shugs dgag mi bya the impulse to make water must not be suppressed (Med.); 'di dag sngon gyi in shugs yin these are (the outcome of) the power of former alms; thugs rje'i shugs kyis by the power of grace; shugs kyis = rang shugs kyis spontaneously, of one's own accord. shugs la gshol btab to oppose or try to dissuade one from an undertaking or adventure or from any work, also obstruction to progress of any work: mi re re tsam gyis shugs la gshol btab (A. 126). shugs sgrogs pa to speak or address in loud and forcible language. 3. a groan: shugs dir ba was explained as skad sgra dir ba to groan loud from pain: bdud khong dag thang chad nas shug dir gyis song ngo shugs nar or shugs ring deep sigh, groan; shugs nar byed pa or 'byin pa to sigh, to groan: shugs ring nar nar 'dug he heaves a deep sigh (J‰.). shugs skad = shugs sgra 1. a whistling. 2. calling out loudly or with emphasis; a voice of strength in pulling or in lifting up any object (J‰.). shugs pa [a small whistle which in sounding is put quite into the mouth]. shugs che ba SANST powerful, very strong; great velocity or motion. shugs 'gro mule, horse. shugs 'gro'i pha (lit. father of the mule) an ass, a donkey (Moon.). shugs 'phyo (grangs ) SANST n. of a number. shung ba pf. shungs 1. to snore. 2. to hum, to buzz, e.g., of a large beetle (J‰.). shud pa 1. pf. fut. bshud to rub, e.g., one thing against another C. 2. to get scratched, excoriated, galled (cf. shun pa 3). 3. shud byed pa to steal silently away, to sneak off unperceived (J‰.). shun pa = pags pa SANST, SANST bark, rind, peel, skin; shun kog = shun pags the last expression being also used of the skin of animals (Lex.). shun pa rjes pa SANST to cast off or change skin as snakes do. shun pa can SANST having bark, skin or rind; acc. to Lex. = nya khrab can scaly fish. shun ldan = shun pa can . shun pa 'jam = stag pa shing (Moon.) birch tree; soft bark. shun pa dri zhim = klu shing 3 (Moon.). shun gling khar n. of grassy swamp of Tibet (Rtsii.). shun gdong dkar a place in Tibet (Rtsii.). shun gsang bde a district with a Jong in Tibet (Rtsii.). shub pa pf. and imp. shubs , to speak in a low voice; shub byed pa to whisper: shub tsam ma smras na if you had not spoken even whisperingly (D.R.). shub bu a whispering; shub bus zlo ba to recite in a low voice; shub bur smra ba to speak softly, to whisper in one's ear; shub bus snod pa to reprehend in a whisper: sems la 'thad pa'i gleng mo shub bu an agreeable low-voiced talk (Jig. 26); shub shub a whispering. shubs (dngos pa'i shubs ) case, covering, sheath, envelope, paper bag, etc.; shubs med SANST without a case, unsheathed; rkang shubs resp. zhabs shubs stocking, sock, gri shubs knife-sheath, lag shubs , resp. phyag shubs a glove. shum pa pf. bshums or shums , fut. bshum , imp. shum or shums to weep, shudder: ma shum mdzod do not weep! ngu shum weeping, lamentation. grang shum byed pa to tremble or shiver with cold, to shudder. shur bu 1. = ske rags ring po SANST, girdle, belt. shur bu phre'u = ske rags thung ngu short belt or sash. 2. acc. to Cs.: sore, ulcer. 3. In Tsang = dumpling of flour. shul 1. an empty place, a place that has been left, that is no longer occupied; mi sdod pa'i shul deserted residence, the place which was once inhabited; khang pa rnying pa'i shul ruins of a house; rang shul stong nas your own place becoming empty (by your quitting it). 2. SANST a way, a track, narrow passage: rgya gar nub phyogs su byon pa'i shul dkar rmi lam du in his dream the track for travelling to Western India (appeared); chu 'gro ba'i shul dry channel or passage of water; shul thag ring a long way. shul lam = shul and acc. to Cs. also = manner, method. shul med trackless; = lhag med without remainder or excess, without any trace of a thing; me shul the extinguished cinders left by a fire. 3. property left by a deceased person: shul tshang ma yog po la thob his servant got all the property left by his master; pha shul paternal inheritance, patrimony; pha shul 'dzin pa son inheriting his father's property, the heir. 4. or shul du behind: mi shi ba'i shul after a man's death, zhan pas bsags kyang shul du lus (wealth) earned by earnest desire remains behind. shul pa 1. one inheriting a property or occupying the place of one gone away or dead. 2. backbone, back, posteriors (Cs.). shul byi the Tibetan polecat. shus ma anything copied, a copy (Cs.). she 1. also she stag , she dag , mere, only, nothing but (Cs.). 2. num. = 117. 3. she khag = 'brog khag , a tribe of Dok-pa: she khag gi sbra tshad the measure of Dok-pa herdsmen's yak-hair tents (Rtsii.). she gcod immodest and unwarrantable conduct, acting not according to one's wish: 'dod mthun ma yin par she gcod kyi bzung 'khrid byas mi chog should not arrest a person who may be disagreeable unwarrantably (Rtsii.). shen = ce na 3. she pa incorrectly for shes pa . she bam + 1. = bka' shog official order or document, diploma. 2. = tho yig = acc. to Cs. register, list, a contract. she sbyor = 'khrig pa sexual union, copulation (Moon.). she mong divine predestination, divine protection; nature, fate, destiny; power, origin of power or authority; strength (J‰.). she rul fetid, putrid (Sch.). shed I: vb. = na re says, said; is analogous to smras pa : brag rgyab pa'i rgan po gcig shed an old man (or village-head) of Brag-rgyab-pa said (A. 66). 2. = yid the mind; byis pa shed ma bye ba a boy whose mind is not developed and cannot understand what is good and what is injurious, i.e., cannot distinguish between good and bad. II: 1. = stobs , SANST strength, force: dpa' zhing shed che a mighty hero; shed 'bri strength decreases, begins to fail, shed gsos strength is restored, shed nyams strength is impaired; shed skyed pa to grow strong. sher chung weak, feeble, frail, gen. in reference to lus body. 2. the patriarch Manu of the Hindus. III: the approximate direction, region, quarter: nyi ma'i 'od shed na below the sun, i.e., between the sun and the horizon (J‰.). shed mthun honourable sir, noble lord; polite address among exalted persons, such as kings, ministers or leaders (K. du. nya, 285). shed bye ba SANST intellectually developed, accomplished, sensible, having the power of judging or discriminating. shed ma bye ba undeveloped; = brda don mi 'byed pa unable to distinguish, open, explain (a sign or riddle). shed dbye mkhas pa one clever in discrimination, in distinguishing one thing from another. shed bdag 1. also gang zag = SANST self. 2. one having power or authority, a lord, ruler. shed bu SANST, SANST, SANST son of Manu, man, human being. In the beginning of this Kalpa (age) a celestial being on account of the exhaustion of his merits fell down from heaven to this world; he was called shed bu Manu (So-rig. 84). shed las skyes or shed bu las skyes SANST, SANST man, humanity, progeny of Manu. shed bu ser skya a tribe (A. 66). shed ma 1. sbst. = shed 3. 2. adj. = shed can (J‰.). shi'u'i khyu ru flock of lambs and kids (A. 15). sher phyin abbr. for shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa SANST, the title of a division of the Kahgyur. sher phyin bdun brgya ba'i mdo n. of a Sutra in (K. ko. cha, 307). sher ba pf. bsher to compare, to confront (Cs.). shel SANST, SANST, SANST crystal, glass; is also the term used by Mongols and Siberian Buriats. sreg byed (shel ) burning glass; 'od gsal (shel) glittering or reflecting glass, nyi ma sbyangs pa'i rdo (shel ) sun-purifying stone, dag pa'i rdo ba cleansing stone or crystal, rdo dkar po (shel ) white transparent crystal (Moon.) also called rang shel or rang byung shel natural crystal, as distinguished from bzhu shel artificial or melted crystal, i.e., glass; spos shel amber; chu shel SANST a magic stone supposed to have the power of producing water or rain (J‰.); shel phreng a string of crystal or glass-beads; shel bum glass-bottle; shel mig or mig shel spectacles; rgyang shel SANST telescope; shel zla lit. crystal disc, the moon (Ya-sal. 59). shel dkar 1. = shel plain glass. 2. n. of a place in Tibet. 3. sugar (Rtsii.). shel grong n. of a village situated to the south-west of Lhasa (Rtsii.). shel ta a kind of gum. shes pa I: vb. = rig pa resp. mkhyen pa 1. to be cognizant of; to know, perceive, apprehend: bzang bar shes pa to know a thing to be good; shes pa po SANST, knower; shes pa med does not know, brtags na mi shes when (the soul) is searched for, it is not to be perceived or apprehended; shes nas dad pa to know and to have faith in or regard for. mi shes pa dag those who do not care for knowing (a thing). sus she who knows, who can tell, ci shes what (do you) know, ci yang mi shes or mkhyen a know-nothing, ignoramus, dunce; mi shes dgu shes pa knowing (even) the unknown things, knowing everything; cang shes clever person; shes par 'gyur he will know; ngas rtsis shes I understand counting. 2. to be able, in a general sense, gang shes pa to one's best ability, to the utmost of one's power; ji nus gyis khrag gi gong 'gul shes pa a clot of blood could only quiver (showing life in it). With a negative: smra mi shes pa not being able to speak, dgye dgu mi shes pa they cannot be bent or curved. II: 1. = knowledge, wisdom; the knowing (about a thing). 2. = rig pa SANST, SANST, intelligence, science, learning, shes pa la zog tu lta ba to look upon science as a (sort of) cheating. shes pa or knowledge ordinarily is of two kinds: (1) dbang shes pa knowledge communicated by the organs of sense, i.e., physical; (2) yid shes pa knowledge of the soul: yid shes kyis dus thams cad kyi yul 'dzin pa yin no this is in reference to all times past, present and future (Chos Moon., 73). In Budh. metaphysics knowledge is also of ten kinds:- (1) chos shes pa SANST; (2) pha rol gyi sems shes pa SANST; (3) rjes su rtogs par shes pa SANST; (4) kun rdzob shes pa SANST; (5) sdug bsngal shes pa SANST; (6) kun byung shes pa SANST; (7) 'gog pa shes pa SANST; (8) lam shes pa SANST; (9) zad pa shes pa SANST; (10) mi skye ba shes pa SANSTó [knowledge of (1) objects in general, (2) other's thoughts, (3) succession, (4) illusion, (5) sorrow, (6) origination, (7) cessation, (8) paths, (9) destruction, and (10) absence of origination]S. shes sgo lit. the door of knowledge i.e. science, learning. shes sgo med pa without learning; shes sgo zhan poor in learning. shes rgya talent, wisdom. also = shes rab che ba great wisdom, powerful intellect (Khrid. 28). shes pa bkra = rig pa rno ba SANST versatile intellect, excellent wisdom. shes pa rgyas byed SANST = skar ma nam gru one of the lunar mansions. shes dang shes bya'i bdag gnyid mchog = dpal ldan dus 'khor the Tantrik system of Kalachakra (Moon.). shes ldan 1. SANST one possessed of wisdom and learning: shes ldan dag sus shing Ç gro Z 'di'i tshad dang po ji tsam pa mthong ye wisemen, whatever of the size of this nyagrodha tree had you seen? (K. du. ga, 310). 2. possessed of consciousness: all living beings. shes ldan ma an accomplished and intellectual woman (Moon.). shes pa'i bu mo = shes gsal mo the daughter of Dakra, an epithet of Uma, the wife of Mahesvara (Moon.). shes bya SANST what may be known or ought to be known, shes bya kun every thing worth knowing, all the sciences. shes sbyor (dud 'gro la ) that has consciousness only; a beast, an animal. shes bzhin SANST conscious, state of knowing. shes yong Ts. = shes rgya (J‰.). shes mdzod (slob dpon ) a professor, teacher. shes rab SANST absolute or sublime wisdom, intelligence, or understanding. But in Budh. absolute wisdom is of three descriptions: (1) thos pa las byung ba'i shes rab SANST; (2) bsam pa las byang ba'i shes rab SANST; (3) bsgoms pa las byung ba'i shes rab SANST [(1) wisdom in listening, (2) wisdom in thinking, and (3) wisdom in meditating]S. We have also shes rab dgu , the nine kinds of knowledge, mentioned in certain Buddhist works:- che ba'i shes rab ; rno ba'i shes rab ; myur ba'i shes rab ; rnam par grol ba'i shes rab ; shin tu zab pa'i shes rab ; rgya che ba'i shes rab ; mtha' yas pa'i shes rab ; pham pa med pa'i shes rab ; yang dag pa'i shes rab (K. my. kha, 223). Another definition shes rab zhes bya ba ni chos rnam par 'byed pa yin te|gang gis chos rnams rab tu rnam par 'byed pa byed pa'o that by which all things are known, or brought into cognition is called shes rab . Again there seem to be three additional kinds of shes rab besides those already mentioned: (1) gnas lnga rig pa kun rdzob rtogs pa'i shes rab ; (2) gnas lugs rig pa don dam rtogs pa'i shes rab ; (3) sems can gyi don bya tshul rtogs pa'i shes rab (K. d. 'a, 355). Syn. nyal slong ; legs rtogs ; kun tu rig ; blo yi byed pa ; rnam rig byed ; kun chub ; don sems ; spobs pa ; blo gros ; rnam dpyod (Moon.), snang ba (K. d. wa, 26). shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa SANST the having arrived at the other side of wisdom or divine knowledge, i.e., attainment of perfect spiritual enlightenment and knowledge; n. of the section in Kahgyur collection of Buddhist scriptures treating of philosophical aud doctrinal matters. shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag gi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs pa'i rgyan one of the five treatises said to have been composed by Aryasaoga under inspiration from Maitreya Bodhisattva (Tan. d. ka). shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i tshul brgya lnga bcu pa n. of a treatise in which both Sutra and Tantra are mixed up (K. g. nya, 466). shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa sgo nyer lnga pa n. of a Tantra containing twenty-five explanations of the mystic word OM (K. g. Ta, 247). shes rab kyi lha v. 'jam dpal 3. shes rab brgya pa SANST n. of a work containing a hundred wise or elegant saying by Nagarjuna (Tan. d. go, 165). shes rab can SANST one possessed of fine intellect, a wise and learned person. Syn. go can ; shes can ; mngon par mkhyen pa ; rnam mkhyen ; nges ldan ; nges par shes ; rnam par shes ; legs par shes ; rgyu mtshan rig ; rig pa can ; shes ldan ; bshes gnyen can ; bslabs shes can ; yid gzhungs pa ; kha byung ba ; goms pa can ; dge ba can ; rnam par thos ; bstan bcos rig ; grags ldan ; rgya cher grags pa can ; blo gtsang ; yongs su rtogs pa also an legs shes ; mang du thos pa (Moon.). shes rab 'chal SANST an erratic stupid person. shes rab ma = shes ldan ma 3 (Moon.). shes rab lha mo = dbyangs can lha mo the goddess of wisdom and learning (Moon.). shes rab sdong bu SANST an ethical work by Nagarjuna (Tan. d. go, 165). shes rab yongs su 'phel ba'i rgyu n. of a Sutra treating of the means of improving and increasing spiritual knowledge (K. gu. cha, 207). shes rab yongs su nyams pa'i rgyu n. of a Sutra in which are explained the causes which deteriorate spiritual culture (K. ko. cha, 208). sho I: SANST, SANST die, dice; sho gdan = sho stan dice-board or a piece of cloth on which dice is thrown at the time of playing; sho rtse ba dice-play, to play at dice. Syn. sho ; cho lo ; rgyan po ; sho rgyab ; za rgyan ; rtsed rgyan ; cho lo 'gyed (Moon.). II: [1. the white willow of Spiti and other Himalayan districts. 2. other plants rgya sho , lug sho (Vai. so.)] from J‰. III: 1. blast, blight, smit, mildew. 2. for sho gam . 3. num.: 147. sho skyam n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 39). sho gam = khral SANST (Moon.) customs duty, tax; sho gam lci ba high duty; sho gam len pa to take toll, to levy a duty; sho gam bzla ba to smuggle, to circumvent or defraud a customs officer (J‰.); sho gam pa or sgo la khra tsha sdud pa po SANST; collector of tolls, receiver of customs, toll-gatherer: sho gam pa'i bya ba byas did the work of a tax-collector. sho tsha = rgya thur a pair of scales to weigh gold and silver; acc. to J‰. a kind of steel-yard. sho be + = rdzu tshig falsehood, lie. sho mang a medicinal plant: sho mang rma yi tshad bsel bar byed (Med.). sho ra = shor ba 3. sho re 1. = kha shor a thoughtless promise. 2. colloq. for zhal ral hare-lip. 3. a defect, flaw, notch, gap; also damaged, spoiled (J‰.). sho lo ka á SANST Sanskrit verse of two, or four lines, etc. sho bsgrigs well arranged: dkar dmar sho bsgrigs byas pa cloth of red and white colours arranged in the form of a chess-board (Jig. 13). sho mdo abbr. name of a district in Kham called sho pa mdo (Rtsii.). sho zo = zo ba grain measure for barley, corn, flour, etc. (Rtsii.). sho sa also called sho mo sa a kind of bean the leaves of which are cooked with Tibetan gruel to add flavour to it; sho sa dang nas 'dra and barley are alike (in price). (Rtsii.). shog imp. of 'ong ba : shog cig come! let him come; 'bras bu tshur shog gi yid snon nga la med I do not wish that fruit should come to me from without; khyer shog carry it away; bskyal shog fetch it; khur shog bring hither, (with song inst. of shog ; take away!); shog zer ba to say come, to invite, nged la shog kyang mi zer we are not so much as invited. (J‰.). shog pa 1. SANST wing, shog ldan SANST a bird, one having wings; shog rkyang ba to spread the wings; mjug shog tail feather. 2. fin of fishes. shog bu SANST paper, a sheet of paper; rgya shog China paper; bod shog Tibet paper; dar shog silk-paper; ras shog cotton-paper (also paper of linen rags); shing shog bark-paper, pags shog parchment; mthing shog , nag shog dark blue or black paper for writing on in gold or silver; mgo shog resp. dbu shog the first or the title page of a book; gser shog gold-leaf, thin film of gold; dngur shog silver-leaf or paper; shog khang paper house, paper-maker's farm; shog gang a full sheet of paper; shog grangs page number; number of leaves in a book. shog las pa paper manufacturer (Rtsii.). shog shing the daphne plant, the plant from the bark of which paper is made. Syn. chu grogs ; ston ka ldan ; 'dam bu can ; bya yi zas (Moon.). shong 1. = sdings the ridge of a mountain (Lex.). 2. also gshong or gshongs SANST a pit, hole, cavity, excavation; a valley: chu shongs cavity filled with water; spangs shongs valley with meadows, low ground overgrown with grass; sna'i bya gshog gi gshongs the cavities near wings of the nose (J‰.). 3. n. of a place in Tibet; shong ston rdo rje rgyal mtshan the famous poet and Lo-tsa-wa of Tibet who translated the Kavyadarsa, the Avadana kalpalata and other Sanskrit works into Tibetan verse. shong bu furrow, shongs bu 'then pa to make furrows (J‰.). shong shong rough, rugged (Sch.). shong ba 1. SANST to hold, contain, to have room in or on: mi shong that is not to be got in, there is no room for it; zangs kyi ril ba i blugs ma ga Z'i bre gang shong ba (A. 22) a copper globular pot (for anointing) that would hold one bre' measure of Magadha. 2. = chud to comprehend, hold in the mind. 3. pf. bshangs , fut. bshang , imp. shongs , to empty, remove, carry or take away (J‰.). shod I: imp. of bshad pa or 'chad pa : gtam shod describe it. jo bo'i chos ma spa bar shod (A. 122) preach or explain the lord's teachings without reserve. shod sgra explanatory word or word explained. II: SANST, SANST the lower, the inferior part of a thing; steng shod upper and lower; rtse shod top and bottom; rgya shod (Vai. so.) a lower tract of land, with milder climate, opp. to phu lhags elevated cold region, shod du to or toward the bottom, down, downwards (J‰.). shon a form of dance; the turning to left in pantomimic dancing of women (Ya-sel. 13). phyogs bzhi na 'bangs thams cad rtse bro gar shon sogs bsam gyis mi khyab pa (Ya-sel. 13) in the four directions (on all sides) the subjects were making sports, dancing and performing pantomimic plays, etc., on an inconceivably large scale. shob = gzhob 1. smell of singeing 2. = gshob a fib, falsehood, lie; shob smra ba to tell a lie; gtam shob shob smra ba to tell a lie, gen. in joke. shom pa pf. bshoms or shoms also bshams , fut. bsham , imp. bshom or shom to prepare, make ready, arrange, put in order; dpung gi tshogs shom pa to make armaments; mtshod pa bshams made preparations for a religious service (A. 69). shoms ra preparation, arrangement, fitting out; shoms ra bgyis pa = gral bsgrigs byas pa to have made arrangement. shom ra state, pomp, splendour, with byed pa to show off, to dress smartly, shom can stately, grand (J‰.). shor v. sho ro 3. shor ba to be fled, to be lost, to escape, slip. bros shor ba run away; rkun ma jag pa la shor ba taken away by thieves or robbers; bu lon la shor ba lost in consequence of debt. shol = lhag po SANST excess, additional; sometimes wrongly for gshol ; shol gyi rka SANST furrow of the plough. shol tshogs SANST; cultivators, husbandmen. shol ba 1. intercalation, insertion (Cs.); zla shol intercalary month. 2. prest. tense of bshol ba . shol po a species of willow. shos 1. almost always in conjunction with gcig the other, of two, e.g., bud med gcig shos the other woman. 2. = SANST or SANST a termination indicating the comparative or superlative degree; rgan shos the oldest or elder; de phan mkhas shos lta bur gnang hence forth do behave as the wisest or the cleverest person; chung shos the younger, the youngest; btsun mo lnga brgya'i chung shos the youngest of the five hundred ladies; ring shos the longest, the tallest; yun ring shos of the longest duration, tshe nga shos , the most long-lived; drin che shos the kindest, the principal benefactress (or benefactor); nad che shos rgas nad 'thebs pas because one is suffering under the chief disease, viz., old age (J‰.). shos bu = gtor ma offerings of cakes, etc.; shos khang offerings made in fanciful designs of temples, castles, etc., gen. by the Bon priests. shra ba Na á the ear (mystic) (K. gu. kha, 27). shrI SANST = dpal glory, magnificence; magnificient, splendid, grand. shrI ri (Tib. dpal ri ) SANST is a mountain in the south of India where Nagarjuna resided in the last stage of his life. shrI khNa Da , = dpal gyi dum bya wood-apple preserve. shrI khNa Das drag po sbyong bar byed tames, i.e., propitiates Rudra the fearful one. gsha' = yin lugs becoming, worthy, fitting, suitable. gsha' ma = yang dag pa or skyon med pa 1. stainless, righteous, upright, honest, good; blo gsha' ma an upright, true heart; ma gcig dga' ma lit. the pious lady; n. of a Buddhist sanctity of Tibet. 2. = sha stag only, merely, mere, nothing but (J‰.). gsha' dkar SANST tin, cf. zha nye 3; gsha' dkar rma gso dngul chu 'ching byed yin tin (used as a medicine) heals ulcers and renders mercury harmless. gshag pa 1. distinction, difference; to distinguish (one from another); to differentiate. 2. v. gshog pa 3 (J‰.). Syn. gsheg pa ; dbye ba ; gses pa (Moon.). gshags right, justice: gshags 'byed pa to investigate the righteousness (of an action); bka' gshags court of justice; bka' gshags lhan rgyas the chief court of justice or council of the kalons at Lhasa. gzhung gshags byed pa justice or investigation done by government; shi gshags pa inquest, inquiry into the death of a person. gshags rgyal ba = gtam rgyal ba (Moon.) to win in discussion; kha gshags 'gyed pa to hold controversy. gshang a musical instrument, a tambourine especially used by the Bon-po; gshang 'khrol ba to play on the tambourine. gshang ba = bshang ba 3 (Sch.). gshang gshong rough, rugged places or tracts (Cs.). gshad pa 1. = shod pa to comb. 2. = 'chad pa to explain, relate (J‰.). gsham SANST 1. the lower part of a thing; gsham gsal 'bru don = 'og tu gsal ba'i yi ge'i don bzhin , according to the meaning of the letter or writing specified below; gsham du adv. and postp. down, under, below, beneath; also adv. further down, more towards the end, in the course of; de'i gsham beneath or under it. 2. barren: mo gsham a barren woman, rgod gsham mare, pa gsham cow (J‰.). gsham ma posterior, later, one following. Syn. rjes ma ; phyi ma ; rting ma (Moon.). gshar the form of writing called byad med (Grub. tha, 3). gshar ba to move one after another as soldiers or cattle do, to follow in succession as in measuring grain. 'bru bre la gshar ba to measure grain by the brÈ. gshas ma Sch. = gsha' ma 3. gshig v. gshib pa 3. gshin pa + 1. = mthun pa agreeable, gracious, also good, fine: thugs nang gshin pa'i phebs tshogs kyang go la'i rlung 'gros ltar 'gog med du zhu (Yig. k. 87) I pray that you would send me your kind letters uninterruptedly like the wind which encircles the globe; zhing gshin pa a fertile field; sa phyogs gshin pa a rich, fine country; gshin par rmo ba to plough well. gshin sa , fertile field or land. zhing btab sa mnyen po fertile field, cultivation, also mi nang mthun pa a happy home where there is harmony. 2. SANST, SANST; ghost, the dead; anything that is dead. gshin mo a dead woman; gshin gyi nags cemetery, cremation ground. gshin rje SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the lord of the dead, the god of the lower regions, a ruler who is regarded as the judge of the dead. Syn. chos kyi rgyal po ; be con 'chang ; 'tshe ba'i dbang phyug ; pha gshin bdag ; mtshun la rol ; mtshun gyi lha ; mtshungs 'jug ; ya mu na'i spun ; 'chi bdag ; dus 'dzin ; nyi ma'i bu ; dbyug 'dzin mthar byed ; lnga pa'i bdag ; gsod byed ; ma he'i rgyal mtshan can ; lho yi phyogs skyong (Moon.). gshin rje'i 'jig rten SANST the world of the lord of death; it is situated in the south beyond the three peaked mountains (rwa gsum pa'i ri ): de las 'das par gyur nas nyi ma dang zla ba'i 'od zer yang nyams par gyur nas thams cad kyang mun pas kun tu bsgribs pa'o when one has passed beyond that, one finds himself at a place where the rays of the sun and the moon have faded and everything is covered with gloom (K. d. ra, 278). gshin rje ma hA kA la one of the most powerful sons of Mahadeva who carrying in his hand a huge club of the size of Sumeru mountain keeps the Asura in perpetual terror (K. g. zha, 317). gshin rje'i chung ma the wife of Yama is dud pas 'gebs . gshin rje'i grong the city of Yama is yang dag 'gog . gshin rje'i mdun pa the minister of Yama is nyi ma can . gshin rje'i yi ge pa the writer of Yama is sna tshogs spas SANST, SANST. gshin rje'i gYog po the servants of Yama are gtum po SANST and gtum chen SANST (Moon.). gshin rje'i bu 1. the son of the lord of death. 2. as met. = grog ma ant (Moon.). gshin rje pho rog n. of a (sa bdag ) demon. gshin rje phyogs SANST the quarter of the lord of death, the south. gshin rje'i sring mo (chu bo ya mu nA ) the sister of the lord of death; an epithet of the river Yamuna. (EEE The original has "(chu bo ya mu na )" above which is in error.) gshin rje gshed nag po black lord of death, a terrible deity; gshin rje gshed nag po'i rgyud a Tantra to propitiate the back lord of death (K. g. ja, 29). gshin rje gshed dmar po = 'jigs byed dmar po n. of a tutelary god the Red Bhairava: gzhan gyi mi thub bcom ldan gshin rje'i gshed dmar la (A. 17). gshin rje gshed dmar po'i rgyud n. of a Tantra on exorcism and also for making enchanted medicines, swords, etc. (K. g. ja, 71). gshin rje'i grong SANST the city of the lord of death. gshin rje'i gdon n. of a fearful evil spirit (Mog. 77). gshin rje'i bdag po SANST = the planet Saturn (Moon.). gshin rje'i ba dan SANST the flag or standard of the lord of death. gshin rje'i gzhon SANST buffalo. Syn. ma he (Moon.). gshin rje zas 'phrog n. of a (sa bdag ) demon. gshin 'dre the soul of the dead regarded as a ghost or spectre. gshin 'bras the convulsive motions, the writhings of a dying creature (J‰.). gshin rdzas = bsngo rten goods and effects belonging to a deceased person which are given to the church to bless his soul. gshin zas = ro zas food prepared for and offered to the dead; acc. to J‰. food presented to the lamas when a person has died. gshin pa (phan tshul gnyis gshin lta bu ) mutual agreement, concord, harmony. gshin pho = shi bo . gshib pa or gshibs pa or bshibs pa = bsgrigs pa anything arranged, arrangement. gshibs bya'i gral a row or file (of men) that has been marshalled or drawn up (Situ. 82). gshim pa or gshin pa ground down, crushed. gshis also bshis = tshul or lugs ; also = bzhin . 1. nature, temper, natural disposition: rang gshis yin = rang gshin yin (Yig. 15) it is his or their nature, their natural disposition; gshis kyis by the very nature of the case, naturally, quite of itself. 2. the person or the body: gshis thams cad du 'byug go they anointed the whole body (J‰.). gshis lugs + 1. = stong nyid Sunyata. 2. = gnas lugs disposition (Yig. 51). gshung ba to rebuke, to blame, reproach; shub bur dmod pa byed pa dang skyon brjod pa to blame in a whisper, i.e., behind a person's back and to find fault with. gshungs pa = snod pa a curse, rebuke, censure. gshe ba pf. gshes , to abuse, revile; gshe yang slar mi gshe ba even when one is reviled, (one should) not revile in return. gsheg v. gshog pa 3. gshegs pa the honorific form of the vb. to go away, to depart; the one form representing both pres. and past tenses, but mostly used in past sense: gone, proceeded, one going, or gone; bde bar gshegs pa gone to happiness, beatitude; also happily gone or passed away, i.e., entered Nirvana. de bzhin gshegs pa SANST, gone to the state of SANST or SANST, i.e., to Nirvana, is the remarkable epithet for a Tathagata or past Buddha, meaning lit. "gone like that," or "gone like those other ones," i.e., he has departed as did the other blessed ones in whose footsteps he trod. rang gnas su gshegs pa gone to one's own residence or abode. zhing la gshegs pa is the term used when a Dalai Lama dies; slar gshegs pa to return, to come back, to die; sku gshegs pa resp. died, when speaking of kings, great lamas and saints and Buddhas. gshegs bskyes parting present, gen. a cup of beer or tea at the time of parting; gshegs mgron parting feast or treat. gshegs gtor offerings of cakes, &c. to the gods when they are asked to return to their own abodes. gshegs pa'i go cha = snying stobs brtson 'grus fortitude and assiduity (A. 136). gshed = shed approximate direction, somewhere; thereabouts; gshed min whereabouts not known. do nub chom rkun ye mi 'ong ba yin gyi gsungs nas ga shed du song having said that tonight probably there would not be any theft or robbery he went away in some direction (A. 130). gshed ma 1. SANST, SANST executioner, hangman; gshed ma sko ba to engage a hangman, i.e., to pay a murderer; fig.: phan tshun gcig gi gshed gcig gis bya ste one destroying the other, one becoming the murderer of another (Vai. so.). gshed ma pa a murderer, executioner. 2. the angel of death who takes away life (Rtsii.); gods of vengeance, those that torment the condemned in hell. 3. a mean person who is capable of doing the vilest act; gshed ldan SANST the vile one. gshed dmar spu Til = gshid rje gshen dmar n. of a Bon deity (B. Nam.). gshed po dur 'debs n. of a demon. gshen n. of an ancient family of Tibet, cognate to Sakya. gshen rabs the founder of the Bon religion, his full name being: bon gshen rabs mi po ye gshen the omniscient human descendant of Gsen; sgrub gshen the Bon doctrine opp. to dam chos or Saddharma of the Buddhists. gsher ba I: = rlan pa or rlon pa 1. moist, damp, wet; also gsher ba , gsher pa , and gsher po 'gyur ba to get thoroughly wet, to be drenched, to be moistened; gsher bar byed pa to make damp, to moisten. In C. gsher ba seems to mean "damp," and spang ba = "wet." 2. ( = chu) SANST, SANST, water, liquid. gsher bcas SANST cloud. gsher pa'i 'bras SANST modesty, bashfulness. gsher 'dzin as met. = chu water (Yig.); also = a cloud or that which holds moisture or vapour. II: vb. 1. to ask for, beg for: sher te thob song I got it by asking for it; gsher lan pa to interrogate, to question, to try (judicially); as partic. and sbst. = the examining or criminal judge. gsher dpang a judge (Yig. 29); gsher 'bod mi sna a bailiff, who calls for the attendance of the plaintiffs and defendants, &c. in a legal suit (Rtsii.). 2. = gshor ba to measure. gsho ba pf. gshos 1. to pour away the same as bsho ba ; chu gsho ba = chu pho ba to pour out water. gsho mo in W. a lever (J‰.). gshog pa I: lus 'degs byed sbst. SANST what lifts the body, the wings; also spelt shog pa . Syn. gshog sgro ; sgro ; 'dab gshog ; 'dab ma ; 'gebs byed (Moon.). II: pf. gshags , bshags , fut. gshag , imp. gshog 1. to cleave, to break through; shing rnam par gshog pa to split wood entirely, tshal pa bzhir gshog pa to split into four pieces; dum bur gshog pa to cut into pieces; gangs bshog pa to break through the ice; lam bshog pa to hew a path, in C. 2. to confess sdig pa , a sin, nyes pa , a fault, ltung ba gshog pa to confess a fall, and thus to expiate it. sdig bshags atonement, expiation; sbrul bsad pa'i sdig bshags su as an atonement for having killed a serpent; mthol bshags = sdig bshags : mthol bshags la sha khog 'bul ba to offer a killed animal (a sheep) as an atonement; sdig bshags snon lam penitential prayer (J‰.). gshog thogs n. of a place in Tibet (B. ch. 4). gshong also gshongs , SANST narrow place, deep valley: gshong gshong mang po many defiles or ravines. gshongs zhing fields for cultivation on flat slopes or in valleys. snad mdo khams sgang gsum gshongs zhing 'dra Amdo, Kham and Gang, these three are cultivated valleys (Yig. 9). gshong bu = sgang bu also chu'i snod a vessel for water. gshod pa to comb (Cs.). gshob = shob 3. gshom pa = shom pa 3: gYul gshom pa to make preparations for war or battle. gshor 1. = yur ba or yur ba'i gshor passage for water, a water-channel. 2. = rwa co la bzos pa'i skyogs a ladle made of horn, also = snyung bu a punch or pricker. gshor ba I: vb., in C. also gsher ba , pf. bshar 1. gsho bsgrig nas 'gro ba to move or go in a file gen. one following another, to proceed in procession; also to tell off, as beads of a rosary (passing through one's fingers), hence chos brjod bshar sbyang mang po byed to read prayers, recitations, etc. = gsho bsgrigs 'gro ba to go one after another in a row or file. 2. to measure, to weigh: gser la ra gan gshor ba to weigh out brass for gold; gshor bre a measuring vessel. 3. to chase, run after: ri ags 'chor ba to chase a game; nya gshor ba to fish. II: adj., also gsher ba rough, bristly, shaggy, (J‰.). gshol = thong or thong gshol SANST, SANST, SANST plough, the plough in Tibet consisting only of a crooked beam called gshol mda' SANST (without wheels) and the share called gshol lcags or thong lcags . gshol mda' 'dzin one of the seven fabulous mountains mentioned in the Buddhist cosmogony (Sorig. 8). gshol ldan = be ta'i shing , or nA ri ke la SANST, the cocoa-nut (Moon.). gshol po poplar-tree (J‰.). gshos pa v. gsho ba 3 and 3bsho ba 3. bsha' I: 1. or bsha' ma = yang dag pa or ha cang yag po , apportionment, service: nged kyis 'brom ston la bsha' ma ma byas I did not render any service to Bromston. 2. innundation, flood (A. 101). II: = bsad pa with pf. bshas to slaughter, to kill. lug bshas slaughtered a sheep; bshan pas lug gi khog pa bshas the butcher has opened the belly of a sheep (Situ. 76). bshas ra a slaughter house: lha sar bshas ra byas so he made Lhasa a slaughter house, i.e., massacred many people at Lhasa (J. Zao.). bsha' ma cattle or live-stock kept for slaughter, v. gsha' ma 3. bshags pa = SANST to explain, lay open; bshags par bya ba SANST anything to be explained or laid open. bshang ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST alvine discharges: bshang ba dor to discharge ordure; bshang ba 'byin pa to operate on the bowels. bshang ba spas pa SANST a cat, lit. that which discharges ordure secretly or covers it. Syn. 'dor bya ; khyab ldan ; phyis ; lto snyigs ; dre chen ; rnam snang (Moon.). bshang lam SANST, SANST, SANST the anus. Syn. 'og sgo ; thur lam ; 'og lam ; bshang ba'i sgo ; gsang khung ; rkub ; 'phongs (Moon.). bshang seng SANST species of catechu tree. bshangs pa leaky; spubs bshangs a leak-hole, full of crevices (Situ. 76). bshad pa 1. SANST, SANST, SANST to explain, to declare, prove, enunciate: chos bshad pa to expound religion, to preach; 'chi ba dang 'drar bshad he must be set down for dead (Vai. so.); bshad nyes pa defective explanation or debate, wrong explanation; bshad bya the subject to be explained; bshad sbyar SANST subject of discourse, a discourse written down. bshad yam an explanation or lecture in which too much is said or written and conveying little sense with a view to deceive (Situ. 44). kha bshad brgyab lecture, address verbally, dpe bshad to explain a book; to recite instances, examples; legs par bshad pa to elucidate (Situ. 76). 2. = gsung ba to tell, to relate; bshad pa'i tshul method of narration; lo rgyus bshad to narrate a story. bshan pa a cruel person, a butcher, v. shan pa 3: bshan pas sha bshas the butcher slaughters flesh (Situ.). bshan bu a butcher's son (Hbrom. kha, 27). bsham ma SANST deception, defrauding. gshar ba v. gshar ba 3 SANST = 'ded pa to weigh, weighing; bres bshar ba to measure with a bre. bshal ba 1. = brlag pa SANST destroying; destruction, ruin. 2. SANST to wash, to wash out or off, to cleanse by washing, to purge: kha bshal washing the mouth, snod bshal washing or cleansing a vessel; chus bshal bathing or washing with water (Situ. 76); bram ze rnams bshang gci dang bkru bshal byed the Brahmans wash the passage of excrement and urine with water; lto ba bshal ba to purge the bowels. bshal thag = 'khrud ma water with which vessels have been washed. 'khor ba'i bshal thag spangs ba yin have washed out of this transmigratory existence (Khrid. 50). bshal nad diarrhúa, indisposition from looseness of the bowels, flux, etc. bshal byed laxative; bshal snan purgative medicine. (EEE The original has Brahmans for Brahmans above.) bshig pa pf. bshigs , v. 'jig pa 3 SANST, SANST, to destroy, break, upset: bstan bshis pa to subvert religion; khrims bshig pa to infringe justice; khang pa bshig pa to dismantle or break down a house; mkhar bshigs destroyed the fort. bshib pa to arrange evenly, with pf. bshibs ; = bzhibs or bsgrigs : mnyams por bshibs arranged evenly or properly; good arrangement (Situ. 76). bshu ba v. shu ba 3. bshug ba + = bslang ba , SANST; acc. to Cs. to sell; gcig gis gcig la bshug pa to barter, to exchange; nor bshugs to exchange property (Situ. 76). bshung ba + = dma' babs pa 1. to bring down, degrade, fall off, fall down. 2. = snad pa to curse. bshud pa 1. to take off, to scratch, rub: sder mos pags par bshud , with its talons scratched the skin (Situ. 76). 2. to purify by fire; bshud me purifying fire (Sch.). 3. to put into the scabbard, to sheathe (Sch.). bshum pa v. shum pa 3, pf. bshums pa , resp. of ngu ba , to shed tears, to weep. skyobs 'shums cried for help (Situ. 76). bshe'u (cf. bsha' 3, 3shwa 3) inundation, flood (J‰.). bshur ba to singe: mer bshur to scorches with fire = me la spu bshur btang ba to cause hair to be singed (Situ. 76). bshul + = lam journey, road; bshul kar = lam du on the road; rgya gar nub phyogs su byon pa'i lam bshul kar rmi lam du in a dream while he was proceeding on a journey in Western India (A. 31). bshul ka journey, way (A. 10); bshul kha = lam kha road: spad nas bal yul bshul kha nas afterwards travelling secretly on the Nepal road (A. 85). bshul ring long way or journey. bshus pf. of shu ba pags pa bshus = flayed, the skin taken off, but in dpe bshus = copied a book (Situ. 76). bsher v. sher ba 3: gtam gsher to compared one's speech or what one has said (Situ. 76). bshes pa 1. = mthun pa , gnyen pa to be in accord or harmony with, to be friendly; to be acquainted with. 2. in gnyen bshes a relation, relative, friend; ngo bshes , an acquaintance, mdza' bshes intimate friend: gnyen bshes la phan gtogs par sems so they are intent on being of use to their relatives; khyod la gnyen med bshes kyang med you have neither relation nor friend; bshes rnams la mi rten not to depend on friends. bshes gnyen SANST a friend; dge ba'i bshes gnyen SANST friend to virtue, pious or holy friend, spiritual friend or adviser; bshes kyi khe 'dod pa to profit by friendship, make a profit out of religion; bshes mi byed pa an enemy; 'khon 'dzin vindictiveness; bshes med friendless, guideless: long ba bshes med thang stong du 'khyams pa lta bu like a blind man roaming in the wilderness without a guide (Khrid. 101). bsho ba + = 'khrig pa 1. copulation; (or gab tshig mystic term.) to lie with, to have sexual intercourse with: de dang bshos pas bu skyes after having slept with him, she bore him a son; to engender, to generate, to beget: phag rjis bshos pa'i bu the son begotten by the swineherd (J‰.). 2. to pour out: chu bsho ba to pour out water. 3. to vomit. bshog pa v. gshog pa 3. bshong sa = dma' ba SANST a low place, ravine. bshod pa v. bshad pa 3 SANST, representation, rumour, report. bshor po C. liberal, munificent (J‰.). bshor ba v. gshor ba 3, to chase: ri ags bshar to chased game (Situ. 76); ri ags bshor du phyin went to chase wild animals (Hbrom. kha, 15). bshol = zla bshol delay, putting off; bshol btab pa to obstruct; shugs la bshol btab pa raised strong objection (A. 110). bshol ba to wait, defer, delay: las la phyi bshol rgyag pa to put off, postpone doing work. bshol 'debs or bshol 'thebs pa = bshol ba : bshol ma thebs the could not be kept back, diverted from his purposeó relatives are called bdud kyi bshol 'debs the devils' obstruction, i.e., hindrances on the way of deliverance. bshol ma v. chang dngos SANST = spirit, wine. bshol ldan mnyes = chang (Moon.) SANST wine. (EEE chang dngos does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under chu bdag skyes 3.) bshos 1. pf. of bsho ba 3 q.v. 2. resp. for zan food, victuals, provision of the table: bshos la gshegs pa to go to dinner; dge 'dun la bshos gsol ba to treat the priests to a meal; lha bshos food offered to the gods. bshos 'dren = SANST; lha la phul rgyu'i bshos 'dren as met. food offered to the gods (Zam. 9); bshos 'dren du byon pa'i dus su an nam mkha' la he looked towards heaven at the time of going to dinner (A. 101). bshos bu offering-morsel, e.g., small pieces of butter offered to the gods or to the ghosts. sa I: the twenty-eighth letter of the Tibetan alphabet corresponding in sound to the Sanskrit SANST and English S. 2. represents the num. fig. 28. II: in Budh. 1. sa zhes pa chos rnams mnyam zhing khyad par med par ston no the letter sa illustrates the equality of all things, i.e., matter, i.e., the want of difference in them (K. d. na, 114). 2. sa ni yang dag gsang ba'i sgo|nges pas thams cad grol bar byed sa is the symbol of perfect secrecy or occultism, it liberates all by certitudes (K. g. wa, 43). 3. In Tantrikism what is called sa applies to purity of promise, i.e., to holy vows, signifying nothing else: sa zhes bya ba gzhan mi 'gro|dam tshig can zhes pa yin (K. gu. kha, 179). III: 1. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the earth, soil, land, earth as elementary substance; sa brko ba digging earth, excavation; sa chu me rlung earth, water, fire, air; sa las 'phags SANST come out from the earth or from the ground; sa nyung zad cig a small quantity of earth; rdza sa clay, argillaceous earth, shag sa flint and earth; also for ore, metal (like rdo ), gser sa gold-ore, dngul sa silver-ore Cs.; khyim sa sweepings, offcourings; the ground, sa la 'dug pa to sit on the ground, sa la ltung ba to fall to the ground. 2. = gnas place, spot, space; sdod sa or bzhugs sa residence, dwelling house, skye sa birthplace, one's native place; yod sa the place where a person or thing is; nga la gros 'dri sa cig yod I have a place where to ask advice. 3. occasion, opportunity, possibility: lus la reg sa med one cannot get near him; rje khyod kyi gshegs sa de na med you cannot go to that place, Sir! (Mil.); nor gyis blu sa med you cannot ransom yourself by money. Also with respect to men: nga gzhan la zer sa (zhu sa re sa )med I cannot address myself to anybody else with my words (requests, hopes). 4. position, step, grade: chung ma che sar bsrung he took and treated his second wife in the place of the first, i.e., he showed the second the honour due to the first. 5. degree, stage, state; sa bcu SANST the ten stages or degrees of saintly perfection (from J‰.). sa kun dbang or sa kun la dbang ba'i rgyal po = 'khor los sgy ur ba'i rgyal po SANST Chakravartti Raja, emperor of the universe (Moon.). sa kra or sa khra 1. map, plan; sa kra 'degs so = sa'i thig tshad blang ngo drew out, i.e., took a plan of the ground (A. 61). 2. = mgron khang accommodation, place for travellers, rest house; seems to be a corrupt form of the Sanskrit word SANST entertainment house for pilgrims generally; gzhan yang mgron po glo bur ba bcu gnyis kyis sa kra dang besides accommodation for twelve occasional guests (A. 119). sa dkar as met. = dkar rtsi white colour, white-wash; lime, chalk. sa rko ba = phag pa SANST a pig; to dig ground. sa skam dry ground, steppe (Sch.). sa skor tour, travel, journey. sa skya SANST grey earth; n. of an ancient city with a great monastery in Tibet; the grand monastery of Sakya in upper Tsang. sa skyes 1. = shing , ljon pa SANST a general term for tree; lit. that grows from the ground. 2. = lha yi glu mkhan a celestial singer; gza' mig dmar SANST, the planet Mars (Maogala). sa skyong SANST; rgyal po king, governor. Syn. sa bsrung ; mi rje (Moon.). sa skyong dbang po an emperor, a great king (Yig. k. 59). sa skyob = ri hill, mountain. sa bskos = grong khyer a town or city (Moon.). sa khams = sa yi khams the element of earth. sa khu water mixed with clay; sa khu byugs pa made dirty by earth, dust, etc., soiled with clay. sa khong SANST the interior of the earth. sa khong na yod pa'i gser the gold that is in the bosom of the earth, i.e., still in the mines. sa khyad = sa cha land, place dwelling place (Rtsii.). sa khyab lit. covering the earth; one whose power extends over the land, hence = sa bdag ruler, king. sa khyon the earth's extent or compass, area (Cs.). sa khra = sa kra map; sa khra 'degs = sa thig tshad blang ngo draw a plan of the place (A. 61); khyed rnams kyang jo bo'i sa khra bzhag nas you also having left the Jo-wo's place (A. 123). sa khra bo SANST [ashamed]S. sa khral ground-tax, land-rent. sa khri 1. = sa yi khri (Moon.), a seat or chair made of earth. 2. = sa cha a place. sa mkhan = lam mkhan one who is well acquainted with a particular place or country; a guide. sa mkhar a castle the walls of which consist for the most part of earth (J‰.). sa gyong tough-soil, hard ground. sa dga' and sa dgyes = SANST the lily (Moon.). sa dgra the enemy of a country, i.e., in many cases nothing but a demon (J‰.). sa mgon SANST, SANST a hind, a landlord [n. of Adi-Buddha]S. sa 'gul = sa gYos earthquake (Moon.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "sa-hdul" or sa 'dul which is obviously in error.) sa 'gro = rma bya peacock, lit. that which walks on the ground. sa rgyal rje blon bcu gcig n. of a (sa bdag ) demon who moves with ten frightful attendants and carries mischief wherever he goes. sa phyogs place, region, tract: 'jigs pa'i sa phyogs an unsafe place or region (J‰.). sa brgyad the eight stages of saintly perfection, acc. to the Sravakayana school, viz.: rigs kyi sa ; brgyad pa'i sa ; mthong ba'i sa ; bsrabs pa'i sa ; 'dod chags dang bral ba'i sa ; byas pa rtogs pa'i sa ; nyan thos kyi sa (rnam bshad snying po rgyan 137). sa sgong mound, heap of earth (Moon.). sa sgre = sa thang SANST [a bare ground]S. sa sgrog SANST [the esculent white water-lily]S. (Moon.). sa ngos clay, face of the earth. sa sngon blue clay, blue earth. sa bcad = mdor bshad 1. a synopsis, a division; = le'u a chapter. 2. = rim pa or go rim order, arrangement (Yig. k. 1). sa bcu (also called sangs rgyas kyi sa ) SANST, SANST, the ten stages of saintly perfection of a Bodhisattva according to the Mahayana school:- (1) rab tu dga' ba SANST beatitude; (2) dri ma med pa SANST spotless purity; (3) 'od byed pa SANST enlightenment; (4) 'od 'phro ba can SANST illumination; (5) shin tu sbyang dka' SANST unconquerable; (6) mngon du gyur pa SANST salvation; (7) ring du song ba SANST far reaching; (8) mi gYo ba SANST immoveable; (9) legs pa'i blo gros SANST righteousness; (10) chos kyi sprin SANST spiritual cloud. sa bcu pa SANST one who has passed all these ten stages or is in the tenth stage. sa bcu'i dbang phyug SANST; = byams pa mgon po an epithet of Maitreya Bodhisattva who has passed through all the ten stages of saintly perfection. sa bcud = mu zi SANST; lit. essence of the earth, i.e., sulphur (mystic) (Mio. 4). sa bcud ser po = mu zi sulphur (Sman. 443). sa cha in colloq = place, country, land. sa chen po SANST a large place, the whole earth; a high degree, e.g., the eighth stage also SANST one in that stage. sa mchog SANST chief place; a holy land. 2. SANST [a sort of yellow sandal-wood]S. sa mchod ma = rgya mtsho chen po SANST ocean (Moon.). sa 'chag khungs myul (sa bdag ) n. of a demon. sa 'ching SANST lotus. sa 'jo = glog 1. lightning. 2. SANST as met. a hog (Moon.). sa 'joms = phag rgod SANST that which digs a hole, wild boar (Moon.). sa snying khu SANST [the inner fluid of the earth]S. sa gtam pa = ri hill. sa rten = 'jig rten the world. sa stan = sa gdan a rug, a floor-carpet (Jig.). sa steng surface of the Earth, the higher regions of the Earth. gling bzhi'i mi the people of the four continents, beasts, the gods of the four Maharaja kayika, and the gods of the thirty-three (Trayastrimsa) heavens all live on the surface of this Earth. sa steng sa SANST the space or region above the surface of this Earth. (EEE The original has Trayatrimsa for Trayastrimsa above.) sa stong bleak arid tract, desert, terms that are synonymous and analogous to it are:- dgon dung ; ma ru ; (SANST); mya ngam thang ; brlan bral ; skams pa ; 'brod dgon pa ; byo mog ; gseg ma ; so phag can ; bye ma can ; gtsang shod (Moon.). sa stobs 1. SANST, SANST, SANST; [water-lily]S. (Moon.). 2. = rgya shug 3 (Moon.). sa stobs mig SANST [n. of a prince]S. sa thams cad dbang pa or sa thams cad rig pa SANST a monarch. sa thal 1. dust. 2. n. of a number (Ya-sel. 57). sa thul to prepare the soil, soil made ready to receive the seed. sa thel nag pa 1. n. of a (sa bdag ) demon. 2. a deity of the Horpa tribe (J‰.). sa mthil the central region on the globe; SANST [the surface of the earth]S. sa dang po the first stage of saintly perfection. sa dug lit. earth-poison; evaporation damp or acting like poison on those sleeping on the bare ground. sa do (v. do po 3) half a load of earth, a sackful of earth, being half a donkey-load. sa dong pit, hole in the ground. sa dra Ta. 184 and 187, diploma, patent (Sch.). sa bdag sa'i bdag po = rgyal po SANST, SANST, SANST; SANST 1. king, master or owner of land, sovereign. 2. demons gen. of the Naga class (Moon.); god of the ground of any locality supposed to be a jealous and angry being, of terrific appearance, to whom on many occasions offerings are brought. sa bdag khyim = rgyal po'i pho brang king's residence, palace. sa mda' 1. mouse-trap, also a large trap for catching leopards and other animals. 2. a fabulous plant (J‰.). sa mda' chu sgro ma a sharp pointed arrow having a feather at its end which is shot to pierce the earth and also through water (Rtsii.). sa rde = u tshugs , persistence, sa rde btsugs nas = u tshugs byas nas having urged, insisted upon; sa rde gtsugs nas bdag la rgyal srid kyi 'byor pa (they) persisted on my getting the wealth of the kingdom (A. 59). sa rdo a stone of earthy formation; earth and stones. sa rdog = lcags iron (Moon.). sa ldan 1. = ri or shing a hill; tree. 2. = rgyal po SANST a king, a landholder. sa sde n. of a work (Ya-sel. 43). sa nag po SANST 1. black earth or soil. 2. n. of a place in Tibet; Sa-nag-pa a native of Sanag. sa gnas 1. = ku sha the sacred kusa grass of the Hindus and of the Buddhists (Moon.). 2. district, region, country, landscape: snyams dga' ba'i sa gnas a lovely place or landscape. sa gnas bsrung sdom la le 'khon med pa mdzad dgos in short, the guardian of the district should make it free from feuds. sa gnod sbyin SANST [a kind of demi-god living in mountain caverns and attending on the god of wealth]S. sa gnon pa SANST invading or subduing a country, conquest. sa rnam n. of a place in Tibet (Rtsii.); sa rnam pa a resident of Sa-nam. sa rnam lhun grub rab brtan the full n. of the Jong which is ordinarily called Sanam Jong (Rtsii.): sa rnam pa la khyed rnams kyang jo bo'i to the Sanam-pa, you all also of Jo-wo etc. (A. 123). sa sna lnga soil of five different places or kinds. sa snod 1. earthen pot. 2. SANST [a kind of jasmine]S. sa pa one belonging to Sa-kya; inhabitant of the earth, of our globe (Sch.). sa pNa = sa skya pNa Di ta Sakya Panchen (Yig). sa dpyad = sa brtag or sa yi brtag pa discrimination of land, ascertaining the suitability of land for building sites, &c. (Ya-sel. 33). sa od 1. SANST a land-animal, possessing the earth, man. 2. sa od pa SANST, SANST king, ruler, governor. sa od dam pa a pious king or ruler (Yig. k. 36). Syn. rgyal po ; sa dbang ; mi dbang (Moon.). sa od ma = btsun mo lady, queen; sa od ma gnas = btsun mo'i pho brang the queen's apartments or palace (Moon.). sa od rin po che 'phrul gyi me long n. of a quasi-religious work on the selection of sites for buildings, founding of monasteries, &c. sa pag SANST brick, dried in the sun. sa phug SANST, SANST cavern, cave; sa phug chung ngu SANST cell, a small cavern. sa phung earth-heap; sreg pa ma bu gnyis sa phung gcig gi 'og na 'dug the two partridges, mother and son were under a mound of earth (Rdsa. 16.). sa phur bu = ri SANST a hill, mountain. sa phra rabs can SANST; matter, atom, atomic particles of earth; the earth. sa bon SANST seed: sa bon 'debs su bcug caused to sow seeds. Also = khu ba the semen virile. sa bon las byung born of the seed, = rgyud pa ; gdung rgyud (Moon.) extraction, progeny. sa bon gyi tshogs the aggregate of seeds, which are:- rtsa ba'i sa bon ; thog gu'i sa bon ; 'gas pa'i sa bon ; sa bon gyi sa bon . sa bon rul pa SANST putrid or rotten seeds. sa bon skyed = 'jig rten , sa rten the world, earth. sa bon skyed ma SANST [bringing forth seed; the earth]S. sa bon nyams SANST fruitless. sa bon mdzod = pad ma'i ze 'bru anthers of the lotus (Moon.). sa bla = mtho ris gnas SANST heaven (Moon.). sa dbang = rgyal po kind, ruler, governor of a place (Moon.). sa dbang chen po = rgyal po chen po a great ruler, governor: sa dbang chen po'i gang bzhed mtha' dag 'bad med lhun grub du byung bar mdzad (Yig. k. 61). sa 'bol bulging soil, soft earth. sa 'byed SANST, SANST a hoe. sa 'bri abbr. of sa skya (Sakya) and 'bri khungs (Di-kh˚ng) two monasteries of Tibet (Loo. 'a, 12). sa ma rdo or sa min rdo min neither earth nor stone, conglomerate. sa man te gsum acc. to L.Sh. three different countries called Sa, Man and Te: de'i dus su sa man te gsum gyi 'khrug pa at that time the dispute among the three states of Sa, Man and Te (A. 86). (EEE Although "L.Sh." is not mentioned explicitly in the ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3, it does not refer to the li shi gur khang which is elsewhere referred to as "Lish.") sa mal SANST the bare ground used as a bed; [also = death-bed]S. sa mi gsod produced no unpleasantness or unhappiness (A. 123). sa min (Sch.): 'white sand.' sa mos = ka mu da or Utpala, sa mos tshal SANST group of lily plants (Moon.). sa snug dark red earth used in medicine: ma smyag tsha grang 'joms shing rgyu rtsi bsrung Med. sa dmar red earth; sa dmar 'bong n. of small monastery called "Simon-bong" in the neighbourhood of Darjeeling situated on a mountain-slope which consists of red coloured soil (Hook. I.) (J‰.). sa tsis sa tshig or sa tsig stage, post-station. sa gtsang a country free from contagious disease. sa tsi = dkar rtsi white-wash or sa dkar chalk, lime: sa rtsi gsol ba'i ko lding (Rtsii.). sa tsis yon tan rgyud n. of a Bon work corresponding to gser 'od dam pa Survarna Prabha. sa tshur a kind of acrid earth used in making paint and in dying (Rtsii.). sa mtshams border, frontier, boundary; sa mtshams 'gegs pa to guard the boundaries or limits; to mark out the boundaries. sa 'tsho 1. = dgang gzar shing 3 (Moon.). 2. = sa skyong , rgyal po SANST; king (Moon.). sa 'tsho skyes SANST the elephant of Indra (Moon.). sa 'tsho 'dab = be ta'i shing (Moon.). sa 'tsho ma SANST the wife of Buddha. sa 'tsho'i bu mo 1. SANST [lotus]S. 2. thal dres n. of a medicinal plant (Moon.). sa 'dzin 1. = sa 'dzin pa SANST Gandhara, the modern Kandahar; SANST mountain. 2. = rgyal po SANST king (Moon.). 3. symb. fig. 7 (Rtsii.). sa 'dzin dkar po = gangs ri lit. white mountain, i.e., snowy mountain (Moon.). sa 'dzin skyes n. of an insect. sa 'dzin dbang po = ri rgyal lhun po Sumeru: bdag nyid chen po'i sku mchog 'gyur ba med pa gser gyi sa 'dzin rab tu brtan may your majesty's person (health) remain unchanged and steady like the Sumeru mountain (Yig. k. 60). sa zhag SANST bitumen [rock-oil, petroleum]S. sa gzhi SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST soil, the earth; site, place. Syn. nor 'dzin ; mi gYo ba ; brtan pa ; bskrun byed ; 'od bsrung byin ; 'dzin ma ; zhag ldan ; ri'i phur bu ; mtha' yas ; yangs ldan ; gser ldan ma ; rgya mtsho'i gos can ; sna tshogs 'dzin ; kun bzod ; ri yi sna ba can ; nor ldan ; nor gyi blo gros ma ; chu gter ska rags can ; chu skyob ; bzod ma ; bzod ldan ; rin chen snying po ; dri ldan ; dog ma ; rten byed ma ; 'chang byed ma ; gling ldan ; klu yi gzhi ; 'byung po 'dzin byed ; 'byung po'i yum ; dbyig gi blo gros ma ; dbyig 'dzin ; bcud ldan ; gling 'dzin ; gser gyi gling ; las sa ; 'dzom bu'i rgyal mtshan can ; sa steng ; khur la mi 'jigs ; ma yi 'jig rten (Moon.). sa gzhi skyong SANST rgyal po king (Moon.). sa gzhi ngan pa sandy desert, bleak tract, bad soil, sterile ground. Syn. sa stong ; dgon dung ; ma ru ; mya ngam thang ; brlan bral ; skams pa ; 'brog dgon pa ; gyo mog ; gseg ma so phag can ; bye ma can ; gtsang shod (Moon.). sa gzhi bzang po SANST or sa bzang po good soil, fertile earth or ground. Syn. rab angs , sa bzang , sa gshin , 'bru kun skye ba'i ma (Moon.). sa gzhi 'dzin SANST the support of the earth, king, mountain. sa zla = gser gold (Yig. k. 2). sa zla'i lhun po = gser gyi ri golden mountain. sa bzang po SANST [a kind of fragrant earth]S. sa 'og SANST, SANST the nether world; nadir, underground. Syn. rkang 'og ; stobs ldan gnas ; bcu 'og ; klu yi 'jig rten (Moon.). sa 'og sde the Naga demi-gods occupying the nether region. sa 'og phreng ba = ba bla SANST sulphate of arsenic (Moon.). sa'i khams SANST element of earth. sa'i rgya byin = rgyal po chen po SANST an emperor, a great king (Yig. k. 58). sa'i gong ba SANST a lump of earth [a clod]S. sa'i snying po 1. = gser gold. 2. = rdo rje gdan Vajrasana, Bodhi Gaya; also Aryabhumi, Magadha (Moon.). 3. n. of a Bodhisattva. sa'i snying po 'khor lo bcu pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra containing an account of the attributes of Bodhisattva Bhumigarbha together with a dharani (K. d. dza, 154). sa'i snying bo'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa gzungs sngags dang bcas pa n. of a Tantra containing the 108 names of Bhumigarbha (K. g. pha, 85). sa'i dbang phyug = sa dbang po king (Moon.). sa'i zla ba = gser gold. sa ya (grangs gnas bdan la ) = 1,000,000 SANST, SANST a million. sa yab sa yi yab sovereign, 'father to a country' (J‰.). sa yangs pa a wide open country. sa yi thig le 'dzin = yul 'khor dbang (Moon.) a king, ruler. sa yi gdu pa SANST, SANST [a blue water-lily]S. sa'i gdu bu = ku mu da lily (Moon.). sa yi 'dab = dur ba rtsa grass (Moon.). sa yi rna ba an epithet of Karna a hero of the war of Kurukretra, son of Kunti by the sun-god (Moon.). sa yi 'phung byed nag mo (sa bdag ) a female monster. sa yi byi lam (sa bdag ) n. of demon. sa yi dza±‡ ka = klu shing SANST [the betel plant]S. sa yi gYag rgod lit. the wild yak of the ground; n. of a snake (Sman. 108). sa yi sang ga SANST n. of an Indian king who visited Tibet during the time of 'brom btsan pa (Loo. 'a, 4). sa yi lha = SANST earth-god, a Brahman (Moon.). (EEE The original has Brahmana for Brahman above.) sa yi lha mo SANST sylvan goddess, nymph; sa yi lha mo bstan ma the goddess who was witness to Buddha Gautama's greatest achievement, his final triumph over the devil. sa gYos earthquake, sa rnam pa drug tu gYos pa ni the expressions for earthquake and Earth's six kinds of convulsions are:- sa gYos slight shock of earthquake; rab tu gYos strong but partial movement; kun tu rab tu gYos universal movement; sa 'gul ; rab tu 'gul ; kun tu rab tu 'gul (Moon.); sa ldeg , rab tu ldeg , kun tu rab tu ldeg . Other terms are: sa 'ur 'ur , rab tu 'ur 'ur ; kun tu rab tu 'ur 'ur . Also: sa chem chem ; rab tu chem chem ; kun tu rab tu chem chem (K. ko. ka, 259). sa ra ha pa á n. of an Indian saint (Loo. za,5). sa rab fertile land, excellent soil (Rtsii.). sa rig pa SANST [1. king. 2. earthly]S. sa rim route stages; the taking of corvÈe labour from the different villages in turn. sa rim gyi lam khrims 'gal mi 'di byung gi rgyu mtshan dgos the reason for breaking the regulations concerning the stages of the journey should be given by that man (D. Shel. 40). sa reg = rje rigs the gentleman or Vaisya caste of India (Moon.). sa reng ldan SANST [possessor of the precious jewel Kaustubha; an epithet of Virnu]S. sa rlangs exhalations, vapours of the earth. sa rlog as met. = pig. sa la skyes SANST [1. lit. earth-born; a tree. 2. Mars]S. sa la 'khyog SANST met. a snake. sa la sgra sgrogs = rma bya SANST peacock. sa las 'byung SANST earth-grown [1. the planet Mars. 2. a tree]S. sa lud nyal = glang po che SANST elephant. sa lus = gla ba or gla rtsi can musk deer (Moon.). sa gshin pa SANST [lit. vigour of land; fertile land]S. sa srung ma SANST the river Irawadi (S. Lex.). sa sros the time after dusk. sa slog met. a wild boar (Moon.). sa gsum 1. SANST the regions above, below, and on the earth: sa bla 'og , and sa steng . 2. the third stage of Buddhist saintly perfection, Prabhakari the enlightened: klu sgrub thogs med ces ni sa gsum na|yongs su grags pa'i zhabs la bdag phyag 'tshal (Lam-rim.) I bow down to the feet of the most famous (saints) Nagarjuna and Aryasaoga who attained to the 3rd stage of saintly perfection. sa ka she á n. of a city in ancient India SANST, SANST. sa ga SANST, SANST n. of the fourteenth lunar mansion or constellation. Syn. rgyud ldan ma ; dbang po lha ldan ma ; gnam mthong 'og (Rtsis.). (EEE "Rtsis." is not listed in the ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3; it may be a mistake for "Rtsii." or "Rtsi.", or it may refer to a work that Das has failed to provide a reference for.) sa ga skyes SANST, SANST; sa ga skyes ma SANST an epithet of Uma the wife of Mahesvara (Moon.). sa ga ma daughter of the householder called stobs kyi bshes gnyen Bala mitra who was married to the prime minister of Prasenajit king of Kosala a contemporary of Buddha (K. d ga, 114). sa ga'i zla ba the month of Vaisakha (April-May) in which Gautama Buddha was born, and in which he renounced the world and died. sa gas nya ba SANST the full moon in April-May. sa rji ga á medicinal herb, and flower: sa rji ka yis ba'i me drod skyed M. (EEE The "M." referred to here does not appear in the ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3, although Med. ("Medical Works of Tibet") is probably meant.) sa pa ka á n. of a great river of the western continent of Godaniya, which flows like a black line in the western ocean (K. ko. ka, 263). sa ma la á n. of a sanctuary in Maoyul (Dus-ye. 39). sa mAa ga mAa á = mi man (mystic) (K. gu. kha, 28). sa mu tsa ya á n. of a king (K. dun. 14). sa ra na á (SANST) n. of the son of 'char ka (SANST) (K. d. sa, 33). sa ra la á SANST n. of a tree (K. ko. ka, 3). sa ra so ri coarse-grained and fine-grained (corn, seeds, etc.), mixed up together W. (J‰.). sa ra hA á n. of an Indian Buddhist saint: dngos grub thob pa ni bram ze chen po sa ra hA zhes grags so| the one who had received real perfection was famed as Saraha (A. 70). (EEE In the original the above example ends with ... grgso, which is valid Tibetan shorthand for grags so.) sa rang á SANST a kind of sword (Moon.). sa ri á SANST the fourteenth constellation or lunar mansion. Syn. rlung gi lha mo ; rlung gi dbang phyug ; gnam mthong gong (Moon.). sa ri ta á SANST; = 'bab chu stream, river, (mystic) (K. g. kha, 21). sa ro ru ha á n. of an Indian Buddhist saint who is said to have sat for seven days on a pyre but was not burnt. sa la 1. n. of a great river in Jambudvipa, prob. the Salwen? (K. my. ka, 68). 2. prob. a corruption of the word Sara in Krirna Sara n. of a species of antelope; sa rgya gar du phyan pa don sa la'i pags pa went to India on account of an antelope-skin. sa lim n. of an Indian king, (prob. Prince Selim who became emperor Jehangir): 'phags yul dbang bsgy ur rgyal po sa lim pa King Salimpa who ruled over Arya Bhumi (Loo. za, 23.). sa lu á SANST Oryza saliva wild rice which according to the Buddhists was the food of our first parents. The plant grew wild and when reaped in the evening new ears came out next morning, to be fit for the sickle in the evening (B. ch. 16). sa lu'i 'bru SANST a kind of fine fragrant rice. sa lu'i zhing rice field, the field where the fabulous sali grain sa lu grew wild (Moon.). sa leb is explained as chu gting thung ba shallow. sa le sbram SANST fine grains of gold found in sand; zhu mi dgos par rdog rdog rang byung (Oag.) natural gold picked up in pieces, not obtained from melting. sa sMa = bzhi mdo (mystic) crossing of roads (K. g. kha, 28). sa ha ka ra á SANST the mangoe-flower (K. du. sa, 330). sa ha ka ri'i 'khri shing n. of a celestial creeping plant (Yig. k. 37). sa ha pAa ra á n. of a Buddhist monastery of shepherds in the confines of Nepal and Tibet (Dsam.). sa he £e thar á n. of a great city in south-west India (Lam-yig. 16). swa á 1. = legs 'ongs welcome; blessing or good be unto you (mystic) (K. g. kha, 179). 2. swa'i sgo ni chos thams cad rang bzhin stong pa nyid dang | Swa is symbolical of the void nature of all things (K. d. tsa, 322). (EEE The transliteration of the headword in the original is "saw", which is clearly in error.) swa nu á = ri bo mountain (mystic) (K. g. kha, 28). sAa £ than á n. of a town. mu stegs kyi grong khyer swa £ than 'di thal bar rlog cig let Swabhathan the town of the heretics (Muteg-pa) be reduced to dust (A. 18). sAa ga ra á SANST the sea, ocean. sAa tstsha á SANST its Tibetanized form is tsha tsha miniature images of Buddha and Bodhisattvas and also Chaityas cast in moulds. sAa ra á n. of a fabulous golden mountain (K. d. ra, 281). sAa la ki sa á spos dkar shing gi me tog the flower of Sal tree. sAa la ser po SANST; i zhur shing (Moon.). sAa la'i ljon pa spos dkar shing SANST the Sal tree, Shorea Robusta. sAa la'i snan ljongs the sub-Himalayan regions abounding in medicinal plants and sal forests: gsil ldan sAa la'i snan ljongs bkra shis bde legs kyi tshal the cool medicinal region of Sal is a grove of blessings and happiness (Yig.). sAa lu ljang pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra in which the twelve Nidanas (conditions of cyclic existence) have been illustrated from the growth of Salu rice and its seedlings (K. d. ma, 190). sag 1. slow and oblique; sag 'gros slow in walking or movement (Yig. 43). 2. brawn, callosity; Sch. also has: hairside (of a skin); sag can brawny, sag thug a thick brawn. 3. = nya sag W. scale (of a fish), nya sag can scaly. sag bdar a rasp, sag bdar rgyag pa to rasp (J‰.). sag bdag ris = sug rmel the smaller species of cardamom (mystic) (Mio. 3). sag pa C. a little bubble (J‰.). sag ram rtsi sulphuric acid (Cs.). sag ri or sgs ri from Persian Sagri: 1. shargreen. 2. obliquely cut edge-lining of a robe: kha 'gril la sag ri zhing sor gang (Rtsii.). sag sig SANST [moving and resting]S. sang or sang nyin tomorrow; sang gi gdugs la at noon tomorrow; sang nang par tomorrow; sang snga bar early tomorrow morning; de'i sang the day after. In W. sang is also particle denoting the comparative degree (J‰.). sang phod = sang lo next year; sang phod da tsam du a year hence, about this time next year: yang sang phod lo dus na mu stegs pa'i ston pa next year the Tirthika teacher about this time again (A. 33). sang nub = sang dgong tomorrow evening. sang M á incorrectly for SANST; n. of a Tirthika sect of ancient India who used to dress exactly like the Buddhist priests: dge 'dun gyi cha lugs su zhugs pas chog zer ba dag kyang yod do (Theg. 33). sang nge 1. immaculate, stainless; dkar sang nge pure white. 2. secret; sang gsung speaking secretly, privately, whisperingly. sang spugs hole for hiding money and treasures. sang ba pf. bsangs or sangs , fut. bsang or sang 1. to do away with, to remove (dirt, etc.), to cleanse, to make clean; nyes pa bsangs pa the guilt has been cleared, skyo sangs byed pa to be consoled, to be freed from grief or repentence; skyo sangs la 'gro ba to go for recreation or to throw off suffering; mya ngan sang ba to be free from sorrow, of comfort. snyung sang ba to get well, to be free from illness. 2. to take away or off: khebs sang ba to remove the cover or lid, to uncover; to recover, to come to one's senses; ra ro ba las sang ba to recover from intoxication; gzims pa las sang ba to awake from sleep. 3. to spoil, to render unfit or useless (J‰.). sang spad hidden, latent, concealed. sang sbyin a secret gift, a giver in secret. sang ras cleansing rag, towel: jo mo sgrol ma'i zhal nas sang ras 'tshong (A. 121). sang sang n. of a number. (Ya-sel. 56). sang seng hiding-place, crevice, khyim gyi sang seng chink of the house. sangs or sangs pa (mya ngan lta ba ) SANST purified, freed from, cleansed; evaporation. sangs rgyas the Tibetan equivalent for any Buddha = 'tshang rgya bar gyur pa|ma rig pa'i gnyid rgyun chad pas sangs pa one who has become fully awakened from the slumber of Avidya. Another explanation is: ma rig pa'i nyon mongs thams cad sangs purified from all the sins arising from Avidya,ó rgyas = ye shes rgyas abounding in knowledge; also nyon mongs pa ye nas sangs la ye shes ngang gis rgyas pas sangs rgyas la ces pa'o called Saogyas being liberated from the beginning and by nature full of knowledge (Tan. soag. lu 98). The different epithets of SaogÈ or Buddha:-rgyal ba SANST; bdud 'dul SANST; 'jig rten 'dul SANST; bde gshegs SANST; de bzhin gshegs SANST; khyab bdag SANST; kun mkhyen SANST; dus gsum mkhyen SANST; chags bral SANST; chags 'joms ; sku gsum pa SANST; kun tu bzang po SANST; thams cad mkhyen ; thams cad rtogs ; lus med thul SANST; thub pa'i dbang po SANST; mkhyen lnga pa ; 'gro ba'i bla ma SANST; thams cad gzigs SANST; rkang gnyis gtso bo SANST; bcom ldan 'das SANST. (EEE The original has "sgy as = ye shes rgyas " mistakenly for "rgyas = ye shes rgyas " above.) sangs rgyas kyi zhing sna tshogs nas 'dus pa SANST [come together, assembled from various Buddhist lands]S. sangs rgyas kyi zhing SANST, SANST the fancied sphere of a particular Buddha or Bodhisattva; for instance Sukavati is the sphere of Amitabha Buddha, Tibet the chosen land of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. sangs rgyas kyi mdzod ces bya ba'i mdo n. of a Sutra containing descriptions of the achievements of the Buddha in his former existences (K. d. nya, 235). sangs rgyas dkon mchog Buddha Ratna, of two kinds:- don dam pa SANST, i.e., SANST the most perfect Buddha, and kun rdzob SANST; unreal or artificial Buddha, i.e., his image made of different materials or substances. sangs rgyas sku gzugs SANST Buddha's relic, his image or figure; also his tomb SANST containing relies. sangs rgyas can 'khrungs lha mo the goddess Tara. sangs rgyas gnyis pa an epithet of the saint Padma Sambhava (Yig. k. 26). sangs rgyas bstan pa Buddhism, the religion of Buddha. sangs rgyas thod pa'i rgyud n. of a Tantra in (K. gu. nga, 5). sangs rgyas pa 1. to attain to Nirvana. 2. SANST Buddhist, one believing or practising the religion of Buddha; sangs rgyas pa'i grub mtha' the religious doctrines of the Buddhists (Situ. 117). sangs rgyas i'i ma the common mother of all Buddhas; acc. to Tantrikism: the Sakti of all Buddhas, i.e., PrajÒaparamita personified. sangs rgyas spas pa'i mgon po SANST n. of a Buddhist sage who visited Tibet through Nepal and became the tutor of Lama Taranatha the great historian of Tibet. He resided for several years at the monastery of Phun-tshogs glio in Tsang and afterwards visited Tashi lhunpo and Lhasa, where he discussed religious subjects with Panchen Chos-kye Rgyal-mtshan. At Lhasa he paid homage to Buddha by prostrating himself before the great image which had been brought to Tibet from China by the queen of king srong btsan sgam po . sangs rgyas rab bdun a succession of seven Buddhas who preceded Gautama Buddha: 'od srung Kasyapa, gser thub Kanaka muni, 'khor ba 'jig Krakuchanda &c. sangs rgyas lha mo SANST an epithet of Vajra Varahi. sangs pa SANST purified, awakened. sangs po the first patriarch of the Bon the name of whose wife was Chu-lcham (G. Bon. 23). sangs an SANST the eye of Buddha or transcendental wisdom. sad I: forest, cold air, cold, coldness, sad ser for sad se ra frost and hail; sad kyis 'khyer ba to be destroyed by frost Glr.; often in conjunction with ser ba hail (J‰.). II: or sad pa 1. discriminate, sort; to examine, see, try; nyams sad pa to try, to test: khyod bzod dam mi bzod sad par bya'o I shall see, whether you are patient; gser ltar sad nas mngon par 'gyur like gold, it is revealed by testing. III: frq. in conjunction with gnyid resp. mchal 1. to cease to sleep, to awake, rmas ma thag tu directly from that dream; gzim pa las from sleep to waken, more precisely sad par byed pa ; also fig.: dge ba'i rtsa ba good virtuous emotions (Ta. J‰.). sad khom not getting ill after one has awakened from sleep; sad mi khom falling ill or feeling unwell as soon as one gets awakened from sleep; sad khom gang lags de ni ngo mtshar che he who remains fresh when roused from sleep is wonderful (Khrid. 22). sad mi mi bdun the picked seven or 'the seven men of trial,' i.e., the seven most distinguished and talented among the young Tibetans who were selected by king khri srong lde'u btsan to be trained as monks by Acarya Santi Rakrita, and thoroughly instructed in religion and sacred sciences. The three elder one (rgan gsum ) among them were: MaÒjusri of Dpah, Devendra of Rtsaos, Kumudika of Bran; while the three junior ones (gzhon ) were: Nagendra of Hkhon, Vairochana Rakrita of Pagor, and Acarya Rinchen-chog of Rma and an intermediate one was Katana of Glao. sad mda' ci zer brtag pa'i tshig word of discrimination. sad na legs n. of a dynasty of ancient Tibet (Loo. 'a, 7) (Moon.). sad sud rang la nges 'byung dang skyo shas sad sud skyed (Khrid. 28) in myself faith and repentance arose. san Ta ni ka á SANST; san ta ni ga chen po SANST names of flowers (K. my. ka, 20). sab sob 1. something rotten, putrified. 2. incomplete or defective; sab sob min not incomplete, in good order (A. 156). sMa su kha á SANST n. of a fabulous region situated beyond the snowy mountains of Sambhala the people of which are hermaphrodites like the Indian Hara-gauri (Lam-yig. 41). sam kri ta'i skad á = legs sbyar skad SANST the refined classical language of India. sam Ta a wooden board used as a school-slate in Tibet for drafting and computation. Acc. to Schr. brtsam grwa , sam khra , or lam dra pocket-book, note-book, memorandum-book, tablets. sam dal Ld. moustaches (J‰.). sam £ ri á SANST a religious sect of ancient India (Theg. 33). sam £o Ta á lit. the good Bhota, the name by which Th¸mi or Thonmi the father of Tibetan literature was known both in India and Tibet. sam sum or sam ma sum me with a low voice, lowly, softly (J‰.). sar = sa ru or sa la in the place; termin. of sa : che sar 'don pa to promote to higher rank or dignity; sar gnas dpa' bo Buddha the hero who has attained to the stages of saintly perfection; sa bcu la gnas pa'i dpa' bo a spiritual hero who has reached the tenth stage of Bodhisattva perfection. sa rba ma Ni á SANST the serpent's gem. It is said to be obtained from the mouth of the serpent, its special quality enabling its possessor to float on water. sa rdzi ka á SANST alkaline earth largely used in India for washing clothes. sar pa SANST [fresh, new]S. sar sor = sa ra so re (J‰.). (EEE sa ra so re would be a mistake for or a dialectic variant of the accepted sa re so re which means a way of speaking in a hard to hear way because of not being able to breathe easily. There is a listing for in this dictionary as sa ra so ri 3, q.v. which has another meaning altogether.) sal bab W., prob. also sal sil Mil., gold ornament, gold-laces (J‰.). sal le ba (sems la gsal po shar ba lucid, vividly arising in the mind); clear, bright, brilliant; sal ler snang ba lighted up, brilliant, well-lighted = mdangs sal sal (J‰.). sas = sa yis instr. of sa 3. si also si si the sound of whistling through the teeth; si skad , si sgra whistling, whistle; si brda whistling, as a call or sign; si glu a whistled tune. 2. num.: 58. si gla SANST [1. a lump. 2. a bulbous plant]S. sI ta á n. of one of the four great rivers of Jambudvipa. The Sanskrit name of the great river of Tibet formed by the union of the Tamjo-khabab and the Kyi-chu of Lhasa; it is called Lohitya by the Indians (Loo. 'a, 5). Acc. to some: the river Oxus, which is supposed to flow to the south of Sambhala country (K. d. ra, 270). Also = SANST dkar po white; also ku mu da Kumuda flower (Moon.). (EEE The headword in the original is si ta but the usual spelling is sI ta . The transliteration agrees with the latter.) si ta'i bdag á SANST the husband of Sita, Rama the hero of Ramayana who resided in pho brang me tog can the palace called Purpavati (Moon.). (EEE The headword in the original is si ta'i bdag ; see note at sI ta 3.) si tu n. of a place in Kham (J. Zao.). si tha SANST [the date tree]S. si ra = mchod pa worship (mystic) (K. g. ga, 216). si ri 1. pack-thread, twine C., W. 2. bar, bolt, door-bar (J‰.). si ri 'bu centipede W. (J‰.). si ril a kind of inkhorn, case for carrying an inkstand in one's pocket Ld. (J‰.). si la á SANST or SANST a sort of incense. si la'i shing the sillahi tree [Boswellia thurifera]S. Syn. glang po'i zas ; si la 'bab ; dri bzang ; ro ldan ; cher gYo ma ; tshim byed ; legs 'bab ; thang chu can ; bcud bzang ; bcud ldan ; sha D kI (Moon.). si li ma the breaking up of the ice (Sch.). si li li the noise produced by the incessant downpour of rain. si su mAa ra á SANST the dolphin. si Ñ á = gang bu can or tshig byed SANST, SANST a kind of pomade or perfumed ointment [1. the olibanum tree. 2. incense. 3. turpentine]S. sig pa jerk, to jerk, to hitch up, to give a hitch as porters do with a load on their back (Cs.); lus sig pa to shake or jerk the body. sig sig : gYo ba dang 'gul ba to move, to jerk (Moon.). mgo chung sig sig byas he shook his little head (Rdsa. 11). sig bu also sig ra sort of a basket (Schr.). sing skyur curdled milk, sour milk (Sch.). sing ga la'i gling á SANST the modern Ceylon. sing ge á = seng ge SANST the lion. sing nge ba = gtsang ma holy, of pure character: grub thob tu sing nge ba shas dag (sha stag )bzhugs pa yin there resided only holy men for the purpose of acquiring perfection (A. 124). sing pa the Tibetan name for the Sikhs of the Panjab derived from such names as Ranjeet Singh, Golab Singh and others. sing ba 1. vb., to pick, out, sort out, wool for the third time, by which the finest is obtained. 2. adj. in compounds: nag sing ba jet-black, very black. sing bu liquor made of mare's milk, Tartar arrack (Sch.). sing tshol Ts. tea-pot, tea-kettle (J‰.). sing yol v. seng ras in seng po 3 (J‰.). (EEE Although a variant of 3seng po 3 does exist (q.v.), seng ras does not occur elsewhere in the dictionary.) sing ri 1. n. of a mountain. 2. = sings po (J‰.). sing sing 1. the sound of steel when struck to test its quality. 2. thin, limped W. cf. seng po 3. sings po (chang chu 'dra ba ) SANST unfermented rice-water. 1. adj. thin, clear, W. 2. sbst. Cs., also chang sings small-beer, the fourth infusion of chang a weak beverage, without any intoxicating qualities, yet not disrelished on that account (from J‰.). sid pa to whistle Sch., sid sgra ; = si sgra (J‰.). sin du gi ri á SANST 1. mountain bordering Sindh. 2. n. of a king of the country of Darada (Dardistan) (K. d. pa, 231). sin Z ra tha á n. of a religious work: slob dpon legs ldan rnam snang gis mdzad pa'i sin Z ra tha gsungs nas lo tsAa bas sgy ur (A. 98). sin Zra á SANST n. of a religious sect of ancient India. don gang yang med par 'dod pa'o those who have nothing to aim at or who desire to resemble the "do nothing" school of the Chinese Buddhists. sin Z ra tha prob. has reference to this school (Theg. 33-39). sin Z‡ á the county of Sindhu, modern Sindh, in western India. sin Z‡ skyes (lit. native of Sindh) a general term for horses imported from Sindh (Moon.). sin Z‡ ra = si 'dur ra for SANST; minium, red-lead = li khri (J‰.): sin Z‡ ra yis rtsa tshad don rma gso (Med.). sin Z‡'i bdag po = rgya mtsho chen po SANST (Moon.) the ocean. sib pa SANST to be absorbed, sa la chu lta bu as water on the ground; to evaporate, to soak in, to be imbibed; sib sib thim pa to be lost in, to vanish in the air; sib kyis thim pa to evaporate or vanish quickly. sib bi n. of a disease (Ya-sel. 28). sib bu Cs.: a sort of small-pox; Schtr.: the measles. sim pa = bde ba 1. to refresh, to be refreshed; acc. to J‰.: good health, prosperity, or vb. to be well, to be well of. sims par adv. = bde bar happily, contentedly (Yig.). sim byid = zla ba as met. the moon, sim 'dzin SANST cool. sim sgra can SANST a rivulet that makes a refreshing sound. sil or sil snyan and sil sil SANST, SANST cymbal; lcags kyi sil 'khrol ba Lex., sil snyan rol mo 'khrol ba to strike the cymbals; sil snyan ma a female cymbal player (Ta. J‰.). sil khrol gyi sgra the sound produced by one bell-metal disk striking on another, the sound of a pair of cymbals (Moon.); sil mkhan a cymbal player (Moon.). sil sgrog = rma bya as met. peacock. sil bu , gsil bu = thor bu a little. sil ma = sil bu 1. separate pieces, particles, dust, fragments. 2. the tinkling sound of a cymbal, rdza chab sil mas snyan pa brjod tunefully flows the brook over its boulder bed; sil chab gurgling water; rippling brook (Mil.); also sil dngul the rupee of Ladak, = four-fifths of an Indian rupee (from J‰.). sil sil SANST, SANST (Zam. 5) small bell; gYer kha ma'i skad tinkling sound of bellets. su I: 1. = skal bzang po SANST a lucky and good woman, good luck. 2. = za ba nyid eating (mystic) (K. gu. kha, 179). II: SANST, interrog. pron., su yin who is; 'di na su yod who is here? khyod su yin who are you? su ci skad bya ba yod who is it and what is his name? su song who went? su nas zer who says, or who said? sus or su yis by whom? su'i of whom, whose? which? rgyal po'i bu su zhig which son of the king? su rnams , su dag plural forms of who? Colloq. gang is often used for su in certain districts. 2. correlative and indefinite pron.: su mi 'di gsod pa de la sbyin no to him that kills this man, I shall give; khyod sngar su la yang gsol ba ma btab bam have not you already asked some body before? su , su zhig is also used for some body, some one, a certain: su mdza' bo zhig a certain friend; su ser sna cad zhig a certain avaricious person, a certain miser. III: termination: 1. of the term. case after a final sa : rang gnas su song gone to his own place or residence. 2. num.: 88. su su who, who! mi su su yod what persons were there? 2. su su zer ba denotes the drawing in the breath in blowing up a fire, the lips being nearly closed, to prevent smoke from entering the mouth. su gi á vulgar corruption of dzo ki or yo gi . su ta ya á SANST n. of an elephant that belonged to Kalyana king of the country of Yava (prob. Java) (K. d. ha, 87). su ta ri á n. of a place in Himavata where lived a notorious hunter who was at last devoured by his own rapacious hounds (Tan-soag. 64). su bar ta á n. of a Ghandharva princess, daughter of king Kabula (K. my. ka, 482). su ma nA á SANST a species of flower (K. d. ra, 282). su man tra byAa ka ra Na á SANST n. of a Sanskrit grammar prob. of mystic and Tantrik terms by Acharya Chandra Gomin. su mi á SANST n. of a medicinal root resembling turnip, imported into Tibet proper from Ladak. su mi dmar ser snug gsum dug kun 'joms the three species of Sumi of red, yellow-purple, and brown colour are antidotes to all poisons. su me tho á SANST n. of a mountain situated on this side of the mountain called su shrI ma (SANST) (K. d. ra, 282). su ra'i snod á = chang gi snod wine-jug, prob. also the kind of water-pot called surai largely used in upper India for cooling water: su ra'i snod nas byung bas mi rung gsung (A. 50) having been poured from wine-jug it was unfit foró. su ru phan tsha also sur phan (vulg. called mar rtsi ) red-pepper or Capsicum annuum, i.e., guinea-pepper. su lu su lu'i tshul du bzhugs pa denotes perh, the usual sitting posture of Milaraspa who, while reciting his songs, used to stretch out his left leg, drawing up the other, and supporting his right arm on it, his head leaning on his right hand (J‰.). sug reward, recompense; sug rngan id.; sug rjed mark of honour as a reward C.; phag sug a bribe (J‰.). sug pa + I: sbst. = lag pa the hand, the four legs of animals; sug bris = phyag bris hand-writing: sug bris su byas pa 'o (Shil. 10) reduced into writing. II: root of a kind of medicinal plant used for washing; sug pa dag byed rna ba 'on par phan the bleached sug-pa is a cure for deafness (Med.); sug phye powdered sug-pa (Rtsii.). III: vb. to push, jog, nudge a person, in order to awaken or make him attentive; to push open, a door with a stick; sug po zhig byed pa to push, to shove, to displace (J‰.). sug pa skyes = hong len (mystic) (Mio. 4). sug po a limb; sug bzhi the four limbs of an animal, esp. the lower part of the four limbs (gen. of those that are slaughtered for meat) (Rtsii.). sug rmel á or sug snel 1. Cs.: a kind of spice. 2. = SANST cardamom: sug snel mkhal nad grang ba la lus sel Med. Syn. 'thum gsum pa ; lus ngan ma ; nye ba'i lde mig (Moon.). sug sug rgod laughing loudly (Rdsa. 10). sud pa to cough, to breathe with difficulty (Cs.), sud de shi ba to die by being choked or suffocated. sun á = yun or dus time; sun re = dus re ; mgon po aa ti sha la sun re drangs at times he called (invited) the lord Atisa (A. 155). sun pa = sems 'tsher ba or thang chad pa vb. adj. sun po 1. to be out of humour, tired of, weary of, sick of; tired, weary, rna ba mi sun te not tired of hearing (Mil.); yid sun par 'gyur ba to become tired, to get weary of; thugs sun dgongs pa yin pa 'dug I suppose your reverence will be tired of it; to make (a person) tired of (a thing), to vex, annoy, to stun or drown with noise, to deafen (J‰.). 2. SANST; to blame; sun par byed pa SANST, SANST to blame, to find fault with, sun byung became corrupted, biased, prejudiced. sun grogs blo SANST poisoned or prejudiced mind (S. Lex.). sun khyud SANST scandal. sun par 'byin pa 1. to stun or drown with, to overpower by noise, to silence. 2. to refute, confute, disapprove. 3. to renounce, to resign: sun 'byin pa'i stobs strength to renounce (the world) (J‰.); occurs in nye du'i 'khrul 'khor gyis bcings pa ni sun 'byin byed pa to renounce or break through the magic ties of relations (Ya-sel. 7). sun phyung ba = dgag pa byas pa refuted, have obstructed one by logic in controversy, defeated an adversary: dbu mar bshad pa thams cad re re nas sun phyung bas by the Madhyamika metaphysical demonstrations he having refuted all one by one (A. 28). sun 'byin pa'i tshig = gzhan gyi skyon brjod pa a libel, words of insult or disgrace to another person. sun ma SANST insult, defamation, disgrace, dishonour, refutation. thugs rje drag po sun ma byin we should not dishonour the great favour (of the lama); 'khrul snang gi sun mas gtugs met by a miraculous refutation (Khrid. 49). sub pa pf. bsubs or subs , fut. bsub 1. to stop up, plug up, close, cork; to keep shut, locked up: kha sna lag pas sub pa to stop one's mouth and nose with one's hand; dbugs sub pa to strangle, suffocate, choke a person; to fill up, choke up with earth, rubbish, etc. a lake (Glr.). 2. yi ge lta bu sub pa to blot out, erase like a letter; to cover, shut up, fig. rkang rjes sub pa to cover the trace or track, to efface every vestige; ri mo sub pa to rub out a figure or a drawing; bu lon pa'i ming sub pa to remove the name of a debtor; to hush up, conceal, e.g., other people's offences; to suppress, to avoid, e.g., obscene words; to allow to settle, the mash in brewing (from J‰.). sub sub obliterated, rubbed out, erased; phyag gis sub sub byas pas having rubbed it out with his hand (A. 44). sum for gsum three, in compounds before consonants: sum cu SANST thirty, sum brgya SANST 300, sum stong SANST 3000; sum cha also sum yar SANST, SANST a third, the third part, 'dzam bu gling gsum cha gnyis (or sum gnyis ) two thirds of Jambudvipa; bod sum gnyis two thirds of Tibet. sum skya a cord of three twisted threads (Sch.). sum cu rtsa gsum SANST the residence of the thirty-three gods (Sorig.); the heaven of Indra; sum cu rtsa gsum pa'i le'u yi mdo the Sutra on the Trayastrimsa heavens (K. d. tsa, 208). sum cu tig or sum tig a medicinal herb growing in the clefts of rocks and amidst grass in Tibet. sum cu tig gis mchin mkhris tsha ba sel removes inflammation of the liver and biliousness. Med. sum cu pa 1. the 30 letter, of the Tibetan alphabet. 2. The original Tibetan grammar of Sambhota in 30 slokas. sum rtags abbr. of sum cu pa dang rtags 'jug pa SANST the work treating of the Tibetan alphabet and the manner of compounding them by affixes, prefixes, surmounting and subjoining letter to them. lung du ston pa rtags kyi 'jug pa zhes bya ba SANST the grammar on the use of affix, prefix, sex, etc. (Situ. 6). sum mdo SANST where several roads or rivers meet, the junction of roads or rivers (Moon.). sum pa or sums pa 1. n. of a province and that of a monastery in Amdo. 2. acc. to J‰. adj. putrid, rancid, rotten. 3. vb. to bind or tie together, to draw together; to condense (Sch.). sum pa mkhan po (lit. the abbot of Sumpa) n. of a celebrated Tibetan author who wrote various works among which those on medicine, astronomy, history, and of Buddhism, geography are full of interest. He was born in Amdo; his real name was ye shes dpal 'byor (Yeshepaljor). sur phan red pepper v. su ru phan tsha 3. sum rtsen = mtho ris gnas the heaven (Moon.); SANST the heavenly residence of Brahma, Virnu and Siva (Jig. 21). sur ya á 1. SANST the sun. 2. colocynth. 3. n. of a disease. sur sur coarse-grained, e.g., grits W. (J‰.). sul 1. an artificial plait in a dress; sham thabs sogs kyang sul med pa the lamaic petticoat, etc., which is also without plaits (Jig. 11). 2. furrow, channel, groove, trench, ditch; SANST, ri sul lateral valley, ravine, hollow; ri sul gyi grong khyer a town in a lateral valley; brag sul narrow ravine between rocks; ka sul the fluting in a column (J‰.). sul can furrowed, having plaits or folds. sul ma an angular, or grooved vessel. sul mal the third stomach of ruminating animals, the psalterium or book tripe (Sch.). sus instr. of su 3. sus pa colloq. the belly, stomach: sus pa spos pa swollen belly. se 1. one of the six early tribes of Tibet (Jig. 6.). 2. n. of a kind of small bird (Rtsii.). 3. = se cig , cung zad a little, very small: mu 'gram se cig ge ba zhig in his cheeks there were slight depressions (or wrinkles) (A. 80). 4. num.: 118. se khra ma species of fly (Rtsii.). se khrom n. of a place in Tibet (Deb. ga, 29). se gol SANST 1. the snapping of one's fingers. se gol sgra SANST; the sound from the snapping of fingers; the time it takes to do this, i.e., a very short time, a moment, twinkling (Cs.), se gos gyi sgra the sound produced by snapping the fingers; se gol gyi brda a signal given by snapping one's fingers; se gol gtogs pa tsam SANST as much as the snap of one's fingers as a sign of contempt or indignation. se rgod for se 'bru rgod ; wild pomegranate: se rgod 'bras dug tshad mchin tshad sel . se chen chos rje Tibetan n. of one of the Tartar emperors of China (Loo. 'a 11). se ta rog po a species of an aquatic bird (Rtsii.). se trang yellow beads of a rosary, coming from the central part of Tibet (J‰.). se dri gse dri the disagreeable smell of the sweat of the armpits: se dri bsnam pa having that smell (Pth.) (J‰.). se bdud n. of a (sa bdag ) demon. se ba rang rta the horse on which a se bdud demon rides. se rdur n. of a place in Tibet: khu ston gyis 'dren gyi se rdur shes pa'i btsug lag khang (A. 121). se ba or gse ba , bse ba 1. a thorny plant bearing white flowers resembling the rose; acc. to J‰. rose-bush, rose-plant, rose; gser mdog se ba me tog prob. the yellow rose; wild roses with beautiful and rich blossoms frequently adorn the slopes of the lower hills in the Himalaya mountain; in C. hip, haw: shing se ba is mentioned as the food of the silk-worm (J‰.). 2. in se ba ra ti , se ba is the fruit of a plant which is used for gold and silver weighment; it is about two grains in weight: rgyal po 'di la gser se ba ra tig gcig kyang mi ster do not give even one grain of gold to this king (A. 128). se ban nas pa n. of one of the disciples of Milaraspa (Loo. za, 21). se bo prob. for se yo grey, skra se bo grey hair; mgo se bo (resp. dbu se bo ) a grey-headed person (J‰.). se bya one who calculates and studies the times and place of the issuing of the sa bdag demon from the nether regions to do mischief to men and cattle; a sa bdag astrologer. se 'bu a bad-smelling insect. se 'bru SANST pomegranate; se 'bru me tog pomegranate flower. Syn. mchin nad dgra ; mdzod ldan ; sked ma ; spre'u yi shing (Moon.). se 'brog spite, malice; backbiting: de rnams nyams ma dga' se 'brog pa bskyed pa bzhin thor re long those not being pleased grew spiteful and behaved maliciously. se mo SANST a necklace (Zam. 5). se mo do necklace (of amber); also a string of pearls or precious stone, a kind of ornament made of pearls (Hbrom. 131). se mog C. venereal disease; se rma syphilitic ulcers (Sch.); v. se shing 3. se dmar n. of a ferry near the monastery of Samye: de nas se dmar gyi gru tshugs la byon nas from there the proceeded to the ferry of Se-mar. (A. 91). se 'u rta khrid the groom of the chief of a class of demons. se yab = bse yab (snan ) SANST a fig. se yo re ba scanty grey-hair: lnga brgya lon zer ba rgan po mgo se yo re ba 'dug pa| there was a grey-headed old man said to be 500 years old (A. 70). se ra lit. place of wild rose or brier; n. of a large monastery near Lhasa. se rag dur snan carrot in W. se rul a kind of mineral earth used as medicine, probably bismuth; also yak-cow's dung collected in autumn for manure (Jig. 9). se rul 'khrugs tshad dus nad sel bar byed (Med.). se rel half open, W. (J‰.). se lo sa phyags the house-sweeper of the king of sa bdag demons. se shar re ba whitish brown: rnal 'byor ma rgan mo ral pa se shar re ba another old female ascetic (yogini) whose flowing locks were whitish brown (A. 69). se shing a kind of nettle. Acc. to Cs. a tree or shrub, good for hedges. se dug poison contained in se shing . se mog or se dug nad = reg dug nad syphilis (Med.). se se se hang a kind of brick-tea (Rtsii. 74). seg seg seg obliquely, awry, seg gcod pa to cut obliquely. seg bya n. of an aquatic bird, prob. snipe (Rtsii.). seg ma small stones, gravel W. (J‰.). segs can SANST gravelly. seng v. gseng 3. seng ge á SANST the lionóonly known mythologically. Syn. ri ags zas can ; glang po 'joms ; 'phrog byed ; nags kyi dbang ; gdong lnga ba ; kha lnga ba ; tshogs kyi bdag po ; ral pa can (SANST); gtsug phud lnga pa ; nga ro can ; ri ags rgyal po ; nam mkha' gnon ; rnam par gnon ; sder chags dbang po ; cha shas 'jigs (Moon.). seng dkar gsang ba an officinal plant which has the property of removing barren-ness: seng dkar gsang bas klung 'jug su kha skyed klung 'jug brings issue. seng ge skrod = klu shig SANST (Moon.) [a species of Euphorbia used in offerings to the snake-goddess Manasa]S. seng ge can = gru shan boat (Moon.). seng ge'i skra sgrog pa an epithet of the son of Kamadeva (Moon.). seng ge'i shing rta ma an epithet of the wife of Mahesvara (Moon.). seng ge 'jigs med n. of a medicinal herb; seng ge 'jigs med mgo chag rus pa gso| Seoge-hjigs-med cures fracture in the bones of the head. seng ge mo'i bu SANST, SANST, SANST the planet Rahu. Syn. sgra gcan (Moon.). seng ge bzang po SANST an Indian Buddhist Pandit who wrote a commentary on the PrajÒaparamita (K. dun. 38). seng ge rtsen an epithet of Jampal Bodhisattva (Moon.). seng ge'i khri SANST a throne so called from its being supported by golden lions. The throne on which Buddha's image is seated borne by eight lions. seng ge'i sgra the sixth in the list of the thousand Buddhas of the present Bhadra-kalpa (Situ. 42). seng ge'i sgra bsgrags pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra in (K. d. ma, 183). seng ge'i rtsal SANST; the prowess of the lion; one powerful as the lion. seng ge'i ral pa the mane of the lion. seng ge'i rigs = as met. a dog. seng ges zhus pa'i mdo the Sutra delivered at the request of prince Sioha the son of king Ajata Satru (K. ko. cha, 73). (EEE Original has Simha with a dot over the m, but Sioha is the correct Sanskrit transliteration for "lion".) seng lcam dkar mo'i nu zho = gangs chu glacial water, natural ice-water, glacier stream (Sman. 351). seng ldang prob. a wrong spelling of seng ldeng also seng tsher a tree growing on the southern lower ranges of the Himalayas, having red wood, and a bark which by the poor is used for tea called sdong ja ; its sap serves as an officinal drug Lt. (J‰.). seng ldeng SANST; Acacia Catechu. Syn. byis pa'i nu ma ; glu len ma (Moon.). Damaru (drumlets) made of this wood emit a very musical sound. It is of three species, red, yellow and white (Lish.): yang rang gi lhag pa'i lha seng ldeng nags kyi sgrol ma (A. 31) and my best of all the deities is Dolma of Sengdeng forest. seng ldeng ngan ma an inferior species of Acacia catechu. Syn. bshang ba'i seng ldeng ; tshil dgra ; zla ba'i yal ga (Moon.). seng ldeng ldan one of seven fabulous golden mountains of the Buddhist cosmogony (So-rig. 8). seng pa = gseng po 1. clean, white, cf. skya seng 3. 2. Sch.: thin, airy, transparent, not dense or tight; seng seng id. (Sch.: open, free, roomy, spacious); skye bo seng seng por gyur they became very thin, lean, pale people (J‰.). seng ba pf. bsangs , fut. bsang , also bseng , to lift up, to raise what was hanging down or drooping; sku khams bseng ba la 'byon he goes to take some recreation; khams dub pa seng ba to refresh the wearied body; khams rmugs pa bseng ba'i rlung ngad bracing air; skyo bsang ba to recreate, to divert one's self; skyo seng la 'gro ba to take a constitutional walk, seng la mdzad pa to drive out, to take the air in a carriage (Pth.); mya ngan bsangs te consolatory, giving comfort (J‰.). seng shang SANST white, bleached. seng shing for seng ldeng 3. seng shor = 'thus shor losing sight of, oversight, escaping from the memory (Yig. 24.). sed a file, rasp. (J‰.). sen Z pa á prob. Tibetanized form of the word Siddha = bsod snyoms pa a Buddhist monk or mendicant; se nya ba and sen da ba are its corrupt forms. sen mo lag pa'i sen mo or resp. phyag sen SANST, nail of finger, zhabs sen toe-nail; sen thog a gripe, pinch, nip, twitch; sen mo 'debs pa to pinch, squeeze; sen mos bsral SANST scratched by the nails; sen tsam as much as may be put on a finger nail, a small quantity (Sch.); sen mo la chags pa grown or appeared on the nails, sen zho a white spot, such as will some times appear on the nails of the fingers (J‰.). Syn. sder mo ; lag pa'i tsher ma ; lag pa'i dpa' bo ; lag srid can ; 'dod myos lcags kyu ; sor mo skyes ; slar skye ; na ga ra (Moon.). sen mo'i gar as met. peacock. seb v. gseb 3. sem me ( an zem me ) slightly smiling: jo bo sem me mdzad nas lags lags bzod pa mdzod gsung (A. 96) the lord slightly smiling said, be patient, sir. (EEE The example in the original reads, rjo bo sem . . . but that is a spelling mistake.) sems SANST, SANST; SANST; resp. thugs 1. soul, as power of moral volition, spirit; sems kyi khang pa SANST the heart where the soul resides; yid nang gi byed po the doer in the heart; sems la dbang ba to have power or influence over one's mind or self; sems rang par gyur his mind became cheered, the mind was joyous. 'dod chags kyi sems passionate mind; lustful mind. 'dod chags dang bral ba'i sems passionless mind. kun gzhi'i sems the eternal spirit. 2. mind, resp. yid and blo : sems ni dul ba legs pa yin|sems dul bde ba thob par 'gyur (K. d. 'a, 214) it is good to control the mind, he who has controlled his mind will obtain happiness; sems na 'dug the mind is sick, is troubled; sems 'khrugs pa a mind agitated and troubled by sorrow, affliction, vexation etc.; bzod pa'i sems forbearance, patient endurance, fortitude, constancy; gnod sems malice; shes rab dang ldan pa'i sems mind full of wisdom, knowledge. sems mi gYo ba SANST a steady, firm mind, not to become agitated or ruffled at heart; sems khong du at the bottom or depth of the heart; sems khong chud = sdug bsngal misery, grief (Moon.): sems khong du chud pa one very much grieved, deeply concerned; sems chung ba to timid, weak minded person; sems stor ba to lose one's senses, spirits; sems kyi od pa SANST intellectual powers, mental faculties (Vai. so.). Syn. snying ; rnam shes rten (Moon.). sems kyi longs od thought, thinking, imagination. Syn. rnam rtog ; bsam mno ; mno bsam (Moon.). sems skyed pa to suffer thoughts or inclinations to rise in one's mind, as e.g., 'dod chags kyi sems skyed pa libidinous thoughts arise; also: to nourish, indulge desires, passions, to give way to them; often used in reflective sense: sems snad pa to humble one's self before a person; also bdag gi sems la snad he blamed, scolded himself (J‰.). sems skyo repentance; weariness. Syn. yid skyo ; nges par 'byung ; skyo nges ; yid 'byung ; skyo shas (Moon.). sems bskyed SANST notion, thought, idea, any thing arising or dawning in the mind; these as enumerated in Hbum, Pharphyin, Lamrim and Legs-bshad gser-phreo are of two kinds: kun rdzob pa'i sems bskyed SANST and don dam pa'i sems bskyed SANST (M.V.). sems khong chud = sdug bsngal suffering, sorrow, grief (Moon.). sems mkhan intelligent, sensible: sems mkhan mi gcig kyang ma byung not one sensible person was present (Glr., J‰.). sems 'khyog po = mi drang po min pa one who is not straightforward (Moon.) = bcos pa byed pa to be dissimulating, one behaving artfully, cunningly, sems 'khral a mind afflicted, painfully agitated (Sch.). sems 'khrug par 'gyur ba'i rgyu lnga the so-called five but really four causes which agitate the mind:- 1. gnyen bshes zad pa termination of friendship, loss of friends and relations. 2. longs od zad fall from prosperity, loss of wealth, etc. 3. khams mi mnyam pa indifferent state of health, the state of health being not uniform. 4. mi ma yin pas brlams pa (sngon gyi las kyi rnam par snin pa ) the consequences of the acts of the former of states of life (K. du. pa, 49). sems dga' dgu ba to be merry, cheerful; merriment, enjoyment. sems can SANST, SANST animated being, man, animal (in Kham and Amdo the term is applied only to the lower animals). sems can and srog chags are sometimes confounded together, the last term though in a general sense applying to animated beings being seldom used to signify humanity. Syn. 'gro ba ; skye 'gro ; sems ldan ; skye ldan ; skye bo ; sems pa can ; srog chags ; shes ldan ; lus can ; skyes bu (Moon.). sems can dang ldan pa big with child, pregnant. sems can zhugs = bud med sbrum pa a pregnant woman (Moon.). sems chags pa to be fond of, loving, to be passionately devoted to a person or object. sems 'ja' phab nas smras pa = sems mthun nas chos kyi gtam smras pa to discourse on religious matters with an accordant mind. sems nyid the soul, spirit, mind, the inner working; memory, intelligence, consciousness. Syn. shes pa ; sems ; sems pa ; snying ; nang gi byed pa ; dran pa ; blo ; rig pa ; rnam shes ; kun gzhi ; yid byed (Moon.). sems snyoms = sems chung or mi snyoms chung a timid person (Oag. 29). sems rten a keepsake, token (Pth.). sems thebs pa mental absorption, to be absorbed in thought. sems angs pa SANST clearness of understanding [extension of knowledge]S. sems bde cheerfulness, ease of heart. sems sdug = sdug bsngal SANST, SANST sadness, sorrow; misery, mental depression (Moon.). sems nad heart-grief, affliction: sems kyi nad du che he has much heart-grief (J‰.). sems rnal (yoga) a peaceful state of mind, a concentrated mind. sems rnal du phabs nas legs pa bsam dgos so (Situ. 71) the mind to be brought into perfect rest must have good thoughts. sems rnal du mi gnas pa a restless mind, a mind not in equanimity. Syn. rnal du mi gnas pa ; bag mi phebs ; zhi la mi gnas ; 'phyang mo can (Moon.). sems snum pa = dga' ba to be glad, gladness (Moon.). sems pa SANST, SANST, SANST; pf. sems or bsams , fut. bsam , imp. som 1. to think: 'di snyam du sems so or bsams so he thought as follows, he had the following thoughts; log par sems pa to think perversely, to take of the wrong view of a thing; to meditate, muse, ponder; sems bzhin du absorbed in meditation, lost in thoughts; mi dga' bar sems shing immersed in melancholy thoughts (Dzl.); sems bzhin du = shes bzhin du knowingly, wilfully, purposely; shin tu soms shig think over seriously, rang gi yul la ma bsam par forgetful of home, forgetting one's country; yi ge 'di la ma bsam par disregarding this contract (Glr.); gzhan du ma sems shig do not think of any body else, do not think otherwise; to intend, purpose, have in view, e.g., gnod par bya bar to do harm. 2. to fancy, imagine (Do.); with dang 'dra bar and similar expressions, to hold, think, consider, to take for, to look upon as; da 'khor ba'i nyes dmigs bsam bsam shes na (for bsam zhing ) now that you know with full consciousness the punishment of (going through) the cycle (of animal existences) (Mil.). 3. an act of memory, a remembering; lha chos thos bsam byed pa rnams those who have heard and kept in their memory the religion of Buddha (from J‰.). sems pa can SANST pregnant, bearing child. sems dpa' a brave mind; byang chub sems dpa' a purified, brave and powerful minded soul, a saint of the Mahayana school. sems dpa' chen po SANST a saintly soul that has attained high perfection. sems phyos pa SANST distracted mind, mind unable to fix on anything. sems bem po = lkug pa idiot, stupid, fool (Moon.). sems blong blong po + = yi mug pa a depressed heart. sems ma bde uneasiness of the mind, unhappy state of mind. sems mang having many desires, speculating on many things. sems mi dga' ba disconsolate, unhappy; displeased, dissatisfied. sems mi gnas pa a vacillating, unsteady mind, unsteadiness, fickle-minded (Moon.). Syn. rnam gYeng ; mi rten (Moon.). sems tsam pa'i grub mtha' the doctrinal philosophy of the Yogacarya Buddhist school which is divided into two sects: sems tsam rnam bden pa and sems tsam rnam brdzun pa . jo bo rje'i bla ma ka ma la ra kSi ta sems tsam rnam brdzun pa yin (A. 28) Atisa's spiritual tutor Kamala Rakrita belonged to the Rnam-bpdsun-pa sect of the Yogacarya school. sems 'tsher fatigue, weariness, disgust (Sch.). sems gzhan SANST regardless; thinking differently. sems yangs pa magnanimous, one with liberal views. Syn. glo khog yangs pa ; blo che ba ; bsam pa yangs (Moon.). sems gYeng ba SANST, SANST inattention, wandering, absent-mindedness; to be disturbed. sems gYengs disturbed mind = sdug bsngal suffering, sorrow (Moon.). sems las or sems las che brain-work; a philosopher; one who thinks of many subjects (Moon.). sems shes pa SANST; = mkhas a learned man, a sage (Moon.). sems shes khyim = dpa' bo'i khyim the residence of a sage; also that of a hero. sems gso or sems pa gso ba consolation, to console; sems gso thugs ngal ma mdzad (Rdsa. 19) be consoled, do not be troubled in mind. se'u 1. SANST pomegranate. 2. a little tooth (J‰.). ser 1. for ser po 3. 2. ser ru corruption, putrefaction. ser can rancid (S. g.) (J‰.). ser ka = ser kha 1. crack dkar yol la ser ka byung there is a crack in the porcelain cup; a cleft, slit fissure, crevice, gap, brag ser chasm or cleft in a rock; rgya ser a large gap. 2. = bug pa SANST a hole; ser kha sub pa to close or stop up a hole or crack. ser skya lamas and layman, i.e., Buddhist monks who dress in yellow and layman who dress in plain or in white. 2. SANST, SANST yellowish white, brown; kha dog ser skya SANST; of fair complexion, of white-yellow colour. ser skya ma n. of a Yakra princess (K. g. da, 130). ser ske yellow-sash used by Buddhist monks of Tibet (Rtsii.). ser kha v. ser ka 3. ser kha se sprang rgan kho ser kha se rgyal sa la bgod don ci la yod (Khrid. 130) for what has that old beggar settled in the city? ser khyim pa = dbon po , a Buddhist monk of the Tantrik school who while doing priestly duties (chiefly astrological) lives as a householder and keeps female company; rab tu byung ba yang ser khyim la bkod he converted even the ordained monks into householder priests (A. 66). ser khral fees paid to a Serkyim-pa priest for protection against damage done by hail, i.e., money paid to a Tantrik lama for his preventive ceremonies against hail storms. ser ga ma turmeric, curcuma (Sch.). ser gos = gos ser po yellow robe, the dress of a Buddhist monk (Khrid. 18). ser can SANST brass. ser che a yellow flower in W. Saxifraga flagellaries (J‰.). ser nag ma SANST yellowish black. ser sna SANST avarice; ser sna byed pa to be avaricious. Syn. 'chums pa ; 'jungs pa ; zhib mo ; cha phra ; sran ches (Moon.). ser sna can SANST, SANST a covetous person, a miser. ser sna ba n. of a heretical sect of ancient India (Theg. 39). ser po SANST, SANST, SANST pale, fair, yellow. ser 'phreng clerical procession, (J‰.). ser ba SANST, SANST hail, hail-stones. Syn. sprin gyi rus pa ; sprin gyi rdo ; chu mkhregs ; sprin gyi gong bu ; sprin gyi ka ba ; rdo yi char ; lo tog gshed (Moon.). ser bu v. bser bu 3. ser ma = btsun ma a Buddhist nun: dol gyi ser ma de gzhan phan che (A. 90). ser mo 1. SANST finger. 2. W. six-rowed barley, late barley. 3. in the Amdo dialect a Buddhist monk; ser mo ba the lama. ser rtsa'i gos = dpag bsam gos the robe made of the bark of Kalpadruma tree. (Oag. 58). ser tshur a yellow mineral: ser tshur rul gcod skran la brko (Med.). sel 1. discord, dissension, nang sel domestic dispute. 2. a kind of incantation, like brtad ; sel 'jug pa to exorcise, make use of conjurations or incantations (Mil., J‰.). sel dga' = 'joms dga' delighting in conquest; also quarrelsome, one fond of brawls. sel ba SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST; pf., fut. bsal , imp. sol , to throw off, to remove, esp. impurities, hence to cleanse; to pick, to pick off; to blot out, cross out: bu lon sel ba to blot out a debt; to clear, lam sel ba to clear a path or road; gnod sel ba to repair (damages), to redress (grievances), nad sel ba to cure a disease, mun pa sol dispel (darkness) (J‰.). sel zer can incorrectly for gsil zer can SANST the moon. so I: 1. num.: 148. 2. in Budh. = chags pa attachment, adherence, desire (K. g. kha, 179). 3. = zhi ba'i btung ba a mild drink (mystic) (K. g. kha, 179), also in so la reg pa = ngoms so (mystic) (K. g. kha, 28). II: 1. SANST tooth: so tham thams pa grinning, showing teeth (like a monkey). so med toothless; so brad SANST irregular teeth with spaces between; steng so , ya so upper teeth; 'og so , ma so lower teeth; so rnyil SANST the gum; mdun so or gcad so front tooth, incisors; spubs so , cheek-tooth, gram so , rang thag so , ldan so molar-tooth, corner-tooth, canine-tooth. 2. tooth of a saw wheel, comb. 3. (gri so ) SANST the sharp edge of a knife. 4. = mtshams boundary, confines: rgya bod gnyis kyi bar gyi so 'dzin pa'i gnas a place on the confines of India and Tibet (A. 152). Syn. resp. tshems ; ldad byed ; gcod byed ; mche ba ; gnyis skyes (Moon.). III: 1. for sa in conjunction with certain words, e.g., so mtshams for sa mtshams land boundary; ngan sor skye ba to be born in an inferior place. 2. = skyid pa happiness, comfort, joy; so bsod cig bgyid do enjoy, let us enjoy, so mi bsod = mi skyid pa ; 'di na shar nub lho byang thams cad so mi bsod here east, west, south, north, in all directions there is no happiness. 3. = bso look out, guard, spying, so byed pa to watch, to spy, to look out; so khung peep-hole; so pa keeper, guard, watchman, spy, emissary, zas nor bdud kyi so pa yin money and dainties are the devil's emissaries (J‰.); mi bso fig. a guard or watch kept by several persons round a fire; so sgra watch-word. IV: 1. yig brda a grammatical termination: rten so for rten no C., also Glr. 2. num. for sum cu in the abbreviated number 31-39 (J‰.). so dkar white tooth. so skyag SANST impurities in the teeth. so kha'i mkhar bu = ngal so sa'i mkhar rgyug a staff or stick to take rest by leaning on it while travelling. dam tshig so kha'i mkhar bu dang 'dra ba (Khrid. 57) a word of honour is to be depended on like the traveller's stick. so khrab = ma bcos pa SANST natural not artificial. so khri btsan po successor of the first king of Tibet —athi-tsan-po (Yig. 63). so gos = mchu lip. so gri a saw. so 'grig pa SANST; one with even and symmetrical teeth. so sgo mouth, the lips. lo tsAa ba'i zhal nas de 'dra so sgor ma 'don cig (A. 132) Lo-tsa-wa, do not allow such expressions to come out of your lips. so sgra lit. the teeth sound, a whistle; so sgra 'debs pa the whistling through the teeth, in the magic performances of the Bon-po (J‰.). so sgrib = mchu the cover of the teeth, i.e., the lips. so can SANST, SANST = glang po che elephant (Moon.). so 'ching = mchu lip. so gnyis pa SANST with two tusks, an elephant (Moon.). so sto ba = so rong rong yod pa (Ya-sel. 55). so dreg tartar formed in the teeth. so ldan = glang po che SANST, SANST, SANST elephant (Moon.). so bud a tooth that has fallen out. so brad byed gnawing flesh from the bones: gYon pa mi sha lag pa so brad byed (A. 14) the left one was biting flesh from a human arm. so mang = skra shad SANST a hair-comb. so rtsi SANST tooth-paint; spiced betel leaves used by the Indians which give colour to the teeth. so zho a small white spot on the tooth. so bzhi pa the four-tusked, an epithet of Indra's elephant (Moon.). so zed tooth-brush. so ral irregular teeth, teeth having space between them. so shing SANST tooth-pick; n. of a plant the twigs of which are used for rubbing or cleansing the teeth. so shing la yon tan lnga tooth-brushing wood has five attributes: it induces salivation and regulates the bile or liver, suppresses phlegm, removes bad smell from the mouth, improves the sight (K. du. tha, 26). so srub gap in the teeth (Sch.). so ga = sos ka 3. so cha n. of an emetic fruit; so chas nad kun gyen 'dren skyug snan mchog M. (EEE The "M." referred to here does not appear in the ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3, although Med. ("Medical Works of Tibet") is probably meant.) so to rog po á n. of a bird, the feathers of which are used in making a black dye for gray hairs (Sman. 153). so thag weaving linen. so nams also so nam , SANST commerce, business; husbandry, so nams byed pa to till the ground, to practise agriculture, farming; so nams sgrub pa , so nams 'bad pa , so nam pa husbandman, farmer; so nam gyi las ka comprises husbandry, trading, tending and rearing up cattle, etc: skyes pa gtan gyi so nams ma byas pa a man who had not always done husbandry (A. 10). so pa watchman. so pa ra á SANST areca-nut, which according to Tibetan works is beneficial to the teeth. so phag brick, tile; also collective noun, brick-work, tiling (J‰.). so ba SANST unhusked paddy or grain; acc. to J‰. coarse, thick-shelled barley. so bya an aquatic bird (S. g.) (J‰.). so ma 1. = sos pa fresh meat in ‹ and Tsang; in the dialect of Amdo and Kham = gsar pa new. 2. SANST a climbing plant the juice of which was offered in libations to the gods; the Hindus also worshipped it on account of its intoxicating qualities. so ma na tha á SANST n. of a Bramanical sanctuary (Dus-ye. 29, 39). so ma ra rtsa á SANST, SANST hemp; so ma ra tsa'i zhing hemp cultivation. Syn. zla ba'i lcug ma ; zla ba'i rgyal ; lcug ma bzang po ; 'bras bu nag ; tul ba'i 'bras bu ; mdog med skyes ; 'dab bzang (Moon.). so mi bsod v. so gsod 3 1. = mi skyed pa unhappy, uncomfortable; 'gro rgyu med so mi bsod pa ci'ang med there was no need to go, there was no unhappiness whatever (A. 124). 2. SANST; unsteadiness, fickleness, wavering. Syn. rnam gYeng ; sems mi gnas (Moon.). (EEE See editorial note on the spelling of this word at 3so gsod 3.) so rtsam flour of rice and barley mixed together. so rtsi = skyur rtsi chen po pomelo (Moon.). so tshis or so tshigs = khyim gyi so nam house-keeping, management of domestic concerns, husbandry; cf. so nam 3 agriculture (J‰.). so 'dzin = mtshams 'dzin 1. occupying the confines of a country or region. rgya bod gnyis kyi bar gyi so 'dzin pa'i gnas (A. 152) a place for guarding the boundaries between Tibet and India. 2. mchu lip. so zos kyang + = ji ltar thogs kyang in whatever manner impeded or delayed; in pro. = so mtho . (EEE the abbreviation "pro.", which does not occur in the list of GRAMMATICAL ABBREVIATIONS3, probably means "prose.") so zur gnub three lamas called So, Zur, and Nub, who belonged to the RÒio-ma sect. rnying ma'i so zur gnub gsum (Khrid. 23). so ras = so ma ra tsa'i ras linen. so lug lees of liquors, yeast of beer (Sch.). so le fresh, well preserved. so le sdong to remain or appear fresh, fresh looking; de la me tog shar nas zhag bdun du so le sdod pa there (in that) blossoms appearing which remained fresh for seven days (A. 107). so log high road, causeway W. (J‰.). so gsod = skyid po cig comfortable, so mi gsod = skyid po mi 'dug , uncomfortable: bdag mchims phur so bsod cig bgyid I lived comfortably at Chim-phu. (EEE The original gives the headword as so bsod , but since the usual spelling is so gsod and since Das himself spells the word so gsod both in the definition field of this entry and elsewhere, the headword has here been amended.) so'u gan Zi ka á n. of a flower (K. g. tsa, 82). so hrub minced meat; also pounded dried meat. so so = tha dad SANST, SANST 1. [distinct, separate, single, individual, so so ba SANST individuality, distinctness, difference, zas so so'i lag tu 'ongs so the victuals came into the hands of the individual persons (Dzl.); so so nas adv. separately: so so nas snod bze de 'singulation,' each for himself, holding forth his vessel. 2. various; diverse, different, bsam pa so so different opinions, dissension; so so byed pa to separate, disjoin, divided, so sor bzhag pa to set, put, lay apart], from J‰. so sor skye bo SANST; prop. one separated (from the saints), one distinct from incarnate beings, an ordinary man; a lay man; as to his spiritual condition: a man in his natural state, one not yet enlightened. so sor 'khrul SANST [repelled, beaten back]S. so sor go bar byed SANST comprehension [cause, reason, proof]S. so sor go byed SANST [accurate understanding of the particulars of anything]S. so sor 'gog SANST [obstruction]S. so so 'gro 'gro ba'i rim pa gait or manner of walking or movement (Moon.). so sor gyur 1. separated. 2. SANST [a surety, security]S. so so rgod = so sor bzhad (Moon.). ka ra bI ra SANST n. of flower (Moon.). so sor nges pa SANST, SANST [general rule, general prevalence]S. so sor bcoms SANST vanquished, subdued. so sor 'ching SANST, SANST, SANST [obstruction, ruggedness]S. so sor 'joms SANST [reaction, resistance]S. so sor nyin byed SANST [every day]S. so sor mnyan = khas blangs pa (Moon.) promise, assurance. so sor rtogs pa SANST, SANST [watchfulness, knowledge]S. so sor thar pa also so sos thar pa SANST, liberation, deliverance; so so thar pa'i mdo the Sutra on deliverance, code of moral and monastic discipline, containing 250 rules for the priesthood. so sor thob pa SANST [received back]S. so sor sdud = bsdus pa or btus (Moon.). so sor bsdud pa SANST [1. drawing back. 2. combination of a group of letters into one whole]S. so sor gnas residing separately; SANST [removal, setting aside]S. so sor snang ba SANST [brilliance, ingenuity]S. so sor spang ba SANST [rules of moral discipline, rules of conduct]S. so sor 'bad individual exertion; SANST [repairing, reforming]S. so sor smra ba SANST, SANST [answer, reply]S. so sor 'dzin SANST [effort, endeavour]S. so sor bzhag pa SANST [removal, setting aside]S. so sor bzhes SANST [to receive, follow]S. so sor zas sesame. so sor rang rig pa SANST [accurate understanding]S. so so yang dag par rig pa bzhi SANST 1. chos so so yang dag par rig pa , 2. don so so yang dag par rig pa , 3. nges pa'i tshig so so yang dag par rig pa , 4. spobs pa so so yang dag par rig pa . so sor bshags pa SANST [enjoining, teaching]S. so sor bshad SANST [demonstration]S. so sor gsal ba 1. illumination, enlightenment. 2. SANST [every day]S. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "so-sor rsal-wa" which is clearly in error.) so so cha a medicinal herb, an emetic (Vai. so.). sog v. sob 3. sog kha pa n. of a kind of medicinal grain. sog kha pa yis skyug pa gcod par byed Med. Sog-kha-pa stops vomiting. sog chu n. of a river in east Tibet: de nas sog chu khar byon pa'i dus su khang pa zhig na then at the time of arriving at the bank of Sog-chu in a house... (A. 28). sog 'jog hoarding money. sog pa I: sbst., also sogs pa shoulder-blade, scapula, sog pa'i me long the flat part of it, sog gu the narrow extremity of it; sog mo 'debs pa to divine from the shoulder-blade; sog lhu shoulder as a piece of meat for boiling (J‰.). II: SANST; vb. (also: gsog pa , bsog pa , sogs pa ) pf. bsags , fut. bsag , to gather, heap up, hoard up, sog par byed pa SANST to collect, to earn, to hoard; sog pa po SANST one who hoards, or accumulates money or wealth, phral sog 'jog med pa without having collected and deposited the daily requisites, the things wanted every day (Mil.); bsod nams sog pa or tshogs sog pa to collect, to accumulate merits, las ngan sog pa repeated commission of sins; gsog ldang morbid matter consisting in too great an accumulation of humours; dmag gi dpung sog pa to collect an army (J‰.). sog po SANST, SANST a Mugh, Tartar, Mongol (S. Lex.). sog mo a Mongolian woman, sag phrug Mongol child, Mongol boy, sog chas Mongol dress or fashion of dress, sog rta Mongol horse. There was a tribe prob. of Tartary and Kabul who were Buddhists and used to go on pilgrimage to Gaya. lo bcu gsum du rdo rje gdan du sog po'i 'grim 'grul chad for thirteen years there was an interruption in the intercommunication of the Tartars-Mughs at Vajrasana (Gaya) (A. 19). sog ma SANST hay, straw, blade, stalk, sog 'bru green corn that begins to sprout (Sch.). sog tshigs joint on a stalk of straw, a knot on a stalk (Cs.); sog 'bur a small blade of straw, chaff; sog ma'i 'bu la a shoe of straw; sog ru , sog rum , sog ldum stubbles (J‰.). sog le SANST, SANST, a saw: sog les gcod pa to saw to pieces; sog le kha the tooth-edge of a saw, also botanical term: serrated (of leaves) (Vai. so. J‰.). sog le rgyab saw-back, the back of certain animals, fish, etc., resembling a saw. sog le sgrib = klu shing 3 (Moon.). sog le'i sems ldan ma = bud med gtum ma (Moon.) a fierce woman, the woman with a heart as rough as the teeth of a saw; a cruel, heartless woman. sogs gen. la sogs , SANST, de sogs SANST; = 'go byas pa , mtshon pa having this or these before; as chief, and so forth "and the like" usually preceded by la , as in: mi la sogs pa'i srog chags prop. the beings headed by man; ba dan la sogs pas brgyan te decorated with little flags and the like. la sogs te instead of which always la sogs pa or pa'i may be used; often sogs alone; after (la )sogs (pa ) usually a comma is to be supplied, and the words following are to be considered as in apposition: yi ge rtsis la sogs pa rig pa'i gnas lnga writing, arithmetic and so on, the five sciences; gser sogs gold and the other, viz. metals; rtsa sog gsum the three tsa sounds, tsa , tsha , dza (J‰.). song ba usually regarded as the perf. of 'gro ba SANST, SANST, SANST gone, passed, proceeded, song ste = dong ste having proceeded; der song na dag (A. 132) it is all right if gone there. song song ba SANST those that had gone = 'gro 'gro pa or phyin phyin pa (Moon.). der song mod pas when he had gone thither; song song ba las going on continually, continuing to do a thing; song ba yin past or has gone, it is no longer extant; dbang du song passed or came into the power of. Also in the sense of: became, turned, etc. khyi mo zhig tu song she became a bitch, was changed into a bitch; dkar por song it turned white (J‰.). song nas med disappeared, vanquished. son or son pa 1. for sa bon 3 (Rtsii.). 2. = song ba or phyin pa SANST gone, come to; thar son pa = thar phyin pa attained thoroughness, gone to perfection; lag son SANST has come to hand; chos khungs ldan gyi rtse mor son zhing having attained to the highest point in true religion (Yig. k. 10). son pa 1. v. son 3. 2. v. 3gson pa 3, 3gson po 3 (J‰). sob 1. null, void, vain, empty; shing sob sob hollow tree, spongy wood; nang sob , khong sob , khog sob (Vai. so.). 2. also gsob some thing stuffed (as a chair); sob stan cushion, bolster, mattress; pkhas sob the stuffed skin of an animal; seng ge'i sob the stuffed skin a lion (J‰.). sob khra (originally a Chinese word signifying inferior tea) (Jig.) bad in its quality; sob ja inferior tea. som 1. = snyam SANST, SANST equal, even. 2. gsom , som shing pine-tree. 3. or = soms ñ sems shig imp. of sems pa . som nyi + som nyi'i dra ba = the tshom SANST, SANST, SANST doubt. sor 1. also gsor gimlet; rus pa 'bugs pa'i sor a sort of trephine. 2. v. sor mo 3. 3. v. 3sar 3 as in: sor bzhag pa to put in its place; rang song , sor chud pa or 'jud pa to restore, renew, e.g., exhausted strength: jo bo tshur byon dus na kha mig thams cad sor chud nas yod pa (A. 51) at the time of the lord's return (its) mouth, eyes, etc. had all healed. sor gnas for so sor gnas separate place or residence. sor mo = lag pa'i yal ga , also mdzug mo finger; sor mo 'jar ba SANST web-fingers, one whose fingers are joined to each other (S. Lex.); zhabs sor toe. sor gdub , mdzug rgyus finger-ring, sor tshig the joint of a finger. sor mo med SANST fingerless. 2. inch: sor bzhi pa four-inched; sor lnga SANST five-finger breadth. sor mo bzhi pa = dong ga (Moon.) a mild purgative-fruit. 3. symbolical of ten by reason of there being ten fingers on the two hands (Rtsii.). sor mo'i phreng ba la phan pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra delivered by Buddha for the benefit of Aoguli Mala (K. d. ma, 208). sol ba SANST; mes tshig pa anything burnt, sol nag charcoal; sol ba'i me charcoal fire, rdo sol coal. 2. imp. of gsol to pray, to beg. 3. SANST, SANST, SANST the planet Mars which glows like live coal. sol nag thang po n. of a place in Tibet: de nas sol nag thang po cher phyag phebs from thence he arrived at the great plain of Sol-nag-thao-po (A. 91). sol po resp. friendly, kind, affable C., W. (J‰.). sol mdud SANST a gem worn on the neck; nape-joint. sos 1. instr. of so : sos btab pa to bite (Sch.), also to back-bite, to culumniate. 2. a pf. form of gso ba : na sos pa disease cured; nyams pa sos pa cured impaired (health). sos ka SANST, SANST the summer season. sos ka tsha ba'i dus the hot season, from about the middle of April till the middle of June. Syn. tsha gdung can ; tshad can ; nges sreg ; drod 'ong dus (Rtsi.). sos ka bzhad = 'ja' mtshon v. 'ja' 3 (Moon.) rainbow. sos dal = brel ba med pa without haste or hurry about a thing, slowly, leisurely (A. 131). sos gdal = lhod lhod slow, with relaxation; slob gnyer gyi sa la sos gdol at the place of study be slow (A. 132). (EEE The original gives the Tibetan headword as sos gdol and the transliteration of the headword as "sos-gdal". The transliteration supports the accepted spelling so the headword in this edition has been amended accordingly. The spelling in the example, however, has not been altered, as it may be spelled thus in the original text from which the example was taken.) sos zin 1. so yis zin pa caught by the teeth. 2. tetanus, lockjaw (J‰.). sra for sra ba 3. sra ba also sra bo and sra mo (Cs.), SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST hard, solid, thick, firm, compact; sra zhing brtan pa SANST firm and compact; sra ba nyid solidity, hardness, compactness, of wood, meat, etc., rgas sra hearty, vigorous old age; mtshon khar sra proof against cut and thrust (J‰.). sra brkyang 'ding SANST coarse blanket used by Buddhist monks in ancient India. sra 'bras n. of a medicinal fruit. sra 'bras mkhal ma'i nad rnams sel bar byed Med. Syn. dra ba chen mo ; me tog ser ; zug rngu (Moon.). sra rtsi hard varnish, resin, gum; sra rtsi shing = spos dkar shing Sal tree (Moon.). (EEE The original has "raisin" for "resin".) sra sra SANST = sdig pa sin (S. Lex.). srag pa SANST (Zam. 6). srag shul SANST violent (S. Lex.). srang I: 1. = grong SANST a hamlet, village. 2. SANST a pair of scales, balance; srang la 'degs pa or gzhal ba , to weight, to balance. 3. SANST weight, in a general sense, srang gcig SANST one pala, srang phyed SANST one half of a pala; rgya srang Chinese weight or steel-yard. 4. as money = ten sho, i.e., an ounce, srang gang one ounce (of silver), srang do two ounces, snan srang two pounds of medicine. II: = khyams open passage or ground round a monastery or temple, lam srang lit. straight way; idiom.: forthwith, at once, without delay; srang yar acc. to Sch.: tortuous path; rgya srang street, lane (Glr.); rgyu srang the road which a person habitually walks (J‰.). srang cha balance and what belongs to it (Sch.). srang thag the string of a pair of scales or that of a steel-yard by which it is held or suspended. srang mda' scale-beam or lever of a pair of scales (Sch.). srang phor scale, scale-pan or pot. srang nang a street or lane running through a town or village: de nas srang nang ring po zhig la zhugs phyin tsa na then when he had gone into a long lane (A. 131). srang ba to straighten, to make straight a crooked thing; adj. SANST straight; mda' myug srang ba a straight arrow, a bamboo arrow. srad n. of a district in Tibet, situated midway between Tashi-lhunpo in Tsang and Sakya (Loo. za, 11). srad ma pease v. sran ma 3. srad bu = skud pa SANST, SANST thread, yarn (Oag. 29): srad bu sgril ba to twist or roll yarn into thread. sran pa 1. akin to sra ba 3 v. ante sbst. hardship, severe distress or toil; sran par toilsomely, rigorously; sran pa po one that endures; sran che ba = sran thub mkhan one who can endure much. 2. pf., and fut. bsran , imp. sron to bear (with patience), endure, to be hardened; sran 'dzugs pa to hold out, to stand, to endure much. sran thub = bzod pa endurance, patience (Moon.). Also, as sra ba (opp. to lhod po and 'bol mo ) hard, firm, durable, rigid, strict. sdug sran hardiness (Mil., J‰.). sran ma 1. grain, like rdog po , e.g., of Indian corn. 2. SANST, SANST peas, pulses. sran ma'i zhing field of peas. There are several species of this, viz.: white, yellow red, green, black, large or small. sran dmar SANST [a sort of pulse or lentil]S.; sran ser ; mon sran she'u ma sha ; mon sran leb mo dkar po . sran ma'i lo sa leaf of the pea. sran ljang SANST [a kind of kidney-bean]S. Other terms: muA'i lo ma ; nus ldan ; bya rog muA (Moon.). sran phung a heap of pease; sran phub pease-straw; sran phye flour of pease; sran me tog blossoms of the pea. (EEE In the original dictionary the word rendered here as muA is either rendered as mu ], mu], or muA . The first two possibilities are errors, the third is correct and so all instances have been converted to that. The pulse referred to is what is known as the "Mung bean" in English.) srab SANST bridle, also rta'i srab ; srab sga stan tshang po a complete riding-gear. srab rkyogs , srab skyogs (Cs.) the reins; srab lcags the bit (Cs.); srab mthur the halter; srab mda' reins (J‰.). srab pa 1. narrow, slight, sdig sgrib srab pa lesser sin or defilement. 2. shallow, loose, not close; srab mthil inner sole, welt; srab mthug thickness, dimension (J‰.). srab mo SANST thin, fine, slender (Zam. 6) shog bu dang gos sogs lta bu like cloth, leather, paper, clouds. srab srib = rab rib 1. twilight, dusk; nam langs ma langs skabs (Rdsa.). 2. dark, obscure. sram SANST 1. or chu sram otter; different species of otter are:- brag sram rock-otter; nya sram fish-otter. 2. otter-skin, sable-skin (J‰.) Syn. chu yi spre'u ; skad cig dbugs ; nya 'dzin ; chu'i sre mong ; chur 'dzum ; chu yi byi ba ; 'ug pa mchod byed (Moon.). srar adv. of sra ; severely, rigorously (Sch.). sras or sras po resp. for bu son, male child, dpon sras , rgyal sras son of a chief or king, a prince; rgyal sras SANST; also: son of a Buddha (in spiritual sense), a Bodhisattva; lha sras a prince, a nobleman's son. thugs sras or thugs kyi sras mo spiritual son or daughter; sangs rgyas kyi dag pa'i sras mo a spotless child of Buddha, nye ba'i sras SANST disciple, nye ba'i sras chen brgyad the eight spiritual sons or disciples of Buddha, v. nye ba'i sras 3. sras bu = sras . sras mo daughter, young lady, princess. sras tshab an adopted son or child. sri I: khrag blood (mystic) (K. g. kha, 179). 2. a species of devil or demon, devouring esp. children, a vampire, also sri ngan Sch., chung sri Glr., phung sri Mil. a devil bringing misfortune; they are supposed to live in underground places, and are also called mas kyi sri ; sri lang a devil rises from below; sri non pa to suppress such an evil spirit (J‰.). 3. Sri has been described in Rtsii. as gcan gzan zhig a kind of wild animal. II: or sri ba pf. bsris , fut. bsri to retain; to be parsimonious, niggardly, esp. with nor ; spa sri med par gnang ba to give unsparingly, bestow very liberally. srid med liberal. 2. in W. to wind, to wrap round, for dkri ba (J‰.). áIII: respect, deference, reverence (to lama, parents and elders, &c.): sri zhu ba or more frq. srid zhu ba = bkur sti byed pa paying respect; sri zhu pa or sri zhu mkhan one showing deference. sri'i rgya phibs n. of one of the gilt domes of the great monastery of Samye (bsam yas ): de nas sri'i rgya phibs su zla ba phyed bzhugs then he resided for a fort night under the dome of Sri. (A. 97). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "srihu rgya-phibs" for a spelling of sri'u rgya phibs .) sri'i chu n. of a tributary of the Tsang-po which flows a little above the town of Lhartse in upper Tsang: jag pa byung ba la sri'i chu phar stan na jag pa'i yul (A. 27). sri'u SANST a woman whose child dies after birth. sri'u nag mulberry tree (J‰.). sring ka ta ka á SANST [the aquatic plant Trapa bispinosa]S.; n. of a tree the wood of which is used in the sacrificial fire (K. g. da, 333). sring ba pf. bsrings , fut. bsring 1. (cognate to ring ba ) to extend, stretch, stretch out. 2. to fling far away C. 3. to postpone: 'chi ba'i tshe sring ba put off the term of death; to prolong life; to wait, to tarry. 4. (bskur ba ) to send, phrin sring ba = phrin bskur ba , yo byad sring ba = yo byad bskur ba . 5. skyed sring ba to bring up, train up, to rear Glr. (J‰.). sring mo SANST, SANST, sister, bu sring , ming sring , resp. lcam sring brother and sister, cousins (J‰.). Syn. che zhes ; lcam (Moon.). srid I: = khrun SANST height. 1. length, extension, srid du SANST; in length; phug srid du khru bco brgyad pa a cavern eighteen cubits long; with regard to time: = btub till, during, 'di or de srid kyi bar du for so long a time, ci srid du also ci srid de how long? also, as long as; when followed by yang : be it ever so long; also srid par or srid in extension. 2. symbolical fig.: 14 (Rtsii.). II: dominion, government: srid la ma 'cham pas falling out with one another about the government; rgyal srid , dbang srid kingdom, power; srid byed pa to reign, to govern, srid 'tsho ba to rule justly; 'di gnyis kyi srid gang yod rnams phrog he sized the territorial possessions of these two; bla srid a lama's dominion, sde srid a province under the rule of a deba or governor, ruler, commander, regent, reigning prince; chos srid clerical government, ecclesiastical dominion. srid thung short reign, a short-lived government. srid rje brang dkar the eldest son of the patriarch king of the Bon called sangs po (G. Bon. 23). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "Srid-rje brao-skar" for a spelling of srid rje brang skar .) srid sgrub SANST, SANST 1. white. 2. n. of a celebrated mathematician who lived during Buddha Gautama's time (K. d. kha, 113), [the astrologer Arjuna was the Buddha's mathematical teacher]S. srid sgrub ma an epithet of the river Sita (Moon.). srid sgrib shing SANST [the tree Terminalia arjuna]S. srid pa I: 1. SANST; 'khor ba transmigratory existence, srid pa'i dgon SANST [forest of the world]S. srid pa'i btson rar 'khor ba to roam or wander in the prison-enclosure of transmigratory existence, the state of being, life; srid pa gzhan nyams su myong ba to experience, to pass through, other periods of existence (Vai. so.), srid pa tha ma pa SANST srid phyi ma Sch.: the future period of life, of existence. 2. things existing, the world: srid pa 'jig pa the destruction of the world, srid pa gsum SANST the three worlds, srid pa gsum gyi mgon the lord protector of the three worlds (Yig. 3). srid pa'i 'khor lo SANST the revolving world, the transmigratory system (the cycle of existence); srid pa'i mtsho the ocean of existence (Mil.); srid pa'i chu klung chen po stream of existence (Mil.); also a single being, commonly however srid pa pa ; bar do'i srid pa , bar srid pa , bar ma do'i srid pa the beings in the Bardo, v. bar do 3. 3. Symb. num.: 3. (Rtsii.). II: vb. 1. SANST to be. 2. SANST, SANST, SANST to grow, to be possible, the tshom thams cad spangs pa ga la srid (Hbrom. kha, 2), how can he leave off or be free from all doubts? [skye ba dang 'jig pa kun la srid na since springing up and passing away is the lot of all men Dzl.; phan pa zhig srid healing is possible Pth.; de bzhin du bden srid snyam nas accordingly thinking it might possibly be true; the verb is usually put in the infinitive mood terminating in pa : de yin pa'ang srid after all it might be this man, it might be he Mil.; 'di na 'ong ba mi srid do bod du bros pa srid he will scarcely come back, he will have escaped to Tibet Glr.; sometimes with the root of the verb: yong mi srid Mil.; bdag thar yang srid kyis as it is a possible case, that I might be released Dzl.; ma srid cig may it not be or happen] from J‰. srid pa 'pho ba'i mdo SANST a Sutra on the termination of worldly life, i.e., death (K. d. tsa, 279). srid pa ma SANST an epithet of the wife of Mahadeva (Moon.). srid pa'i sgron me lamp of the world (Yig. k. ?), met. the sun (Moon.). (EEE the number in "(Yig. k. " in the original is illegible and has been replaced by a ?.) srid srung 'dzin = srid pa 'dzin (Moon.) an epithet of Mahesvara. srid 'byor SANST [n. of a celebrated Sanskrit poet who lived in the latter half of the 7th century A.D.]S. srid zhu = sri zhu SANST also bkur sti praise [service]S. rten ci yod rnams srid zhu dang ldan par bzhugs su gsol I pray whatever idols there are may be worshipped (sgrol ma 4). srid srung gi rig byed SANST Atharva-veda. srid srung 'dzin = srid pa 'dzin (Moon.) an epithet of Mahesvara. srid srungs SANST, SANST [a priest versed in the Atharva-veda]S. srin for srin po 3, 3srin bu 3 and 3srin mo 3 q.v. srin klad 1. n. of a disease in which worms grow in the brains (L.C.). 2. sort of flint-stone (Sch.). srin glang 1. = srin bu'i glang thabs nad (?). 2. having the staggers (of horses); being mad (J‰.). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "srtn-glao" which is clearly in error.) srin 'joms 1. antidote for worms; 2. SANST [a dove-cot, an aviary]S. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "sriu-hjoms" which is clearly in error.) srin phran ma = grog ma ant (Moon.). srin thor small ulcer or tumour (J‰.). srin po SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST (S. Lex. and Zam. 6) cannibal demons, figuring in Indian and Tibetan mythology, with red neck and eyes, which drink blood and subsist on dead bodies. They are supposed to be, for the most part, of an enormous size, generally hostile to mankind, going about at night to do mischief to living beings. Their chief abode was Laoka (Ceylon), while Tibet and Mongolia were also originally inhabited by them. The Tibetans, acc. to the Mani Kambum, are descendants of a monkey emanation from Avalokitesvara who had married a srin-mo or female demon living in the rocks; 'dre srin a hobgoblin. Syn. sgra sgrogs ; 'bod sgrogs ; mkha' 'gro skyes ; mtshan rgyu ; mtshan od ; thun mtshams rtogs ; sha za ; khrag 'thung ; mgrin dmar can ; kun gsod ; ro zan ; mi la 'tshe ; mig dmar ; bsod nams skye bo ; sha rjen zan (Moon.). srin po'i rgyal po SANST, SANST king of the Rakrasa. His sword is styled ral gri zla ba dkod ; n. of his general: lag mchog 'tshang ba po ; n. of his ministers: SANST 'gro byed and SANST, ne tso ; n. of his pupils: zhi ba and mkha' rje skyes ; n. of his capital city SANST Laoka; rtsed mo'i rol mtsho is a lake for his water sport and diversion; n. of his rtse ba'i sa gzhi or play ground: 'chi med 'phreng ; n. of his pleasure grove: mya ngan med pa'i stobs ; names of his tanks or lteng ka : gser gyi pad ma can , 'od zer skyed par byed pa (Moon.). Syn. lang ka'i bdag po ; 'od yangs bu ; gdong bcu pa ; mgrin bcu pa ; nor sbyin gcung po ; dga' byed dgra ; bsod nams skye bo'i dbang phyug ; bden bral gtso bo ; gnas bzhi pa ; sgra sgrog rgyal po ; ral 'dzin nga rgyal ; gsod bdag rgyes ; lho nub phyogs skyong ; srin po'i dbang (Moon.). srin po'i rgyal po chen po 'ga' zhig gi ming names of some great kings of the Rakrasa:- sgra sgrogs ; nor ldan ; rnam par 'jug byed ; gzer rna ; bum rna (SANST); gshin rje ; gjigs byed ; rnam par 'jigs byed ; mi bzad pa ; sdig ldan dbang po rgyal ; 'thab pa ; legs par 'thab pa ; mdung ; mdung rtse gsum pa ; mgo gsum pa ; mgo mtha' yas pa all of whom assembled to hear the sermons of Buddha when he had visited Ceylon to preach his doctrine there (K. g. da, 126). srin po'i dpon po kha shas kyi ming names of some of the chiefs of Rakrasa: khros bzhin ; mche ba bzang ; drag po rab gtum ; 'jigs 'jigs lta ; skrag byed ; 'jigs byed chen po ; gshin rje'i dril bu ; rnam par 'jigs 'jigs lta ; zla ba'i sde (K. g. tha, 114). srin po'i gdon n. of a fearful gdon or evil spirit (Mog., ch. 77). srin mo'i gtso mo rnams kyi ming names of some of the Rakrasa princesses:- srin mo so can ; srin mo gYengs byed ; srin mo mtshan mo rmu ; so 'cha' ma ; rmongs byed ma ; dgod ma ; glog lce ma ; bu tsa li , bod mo chen mo all of whom with attendant goblin maid-servants came to hear the sermons of Buddha and took their seats on one side of the great teacher (K. g. tha, 117). srin bal acc. to (Vai. so.) = ras bal cotton, flock-silk; raw silk (Sch., Schtr.). srin bal can SANST [sewing thread]S. srin bu = 'bu or 'bu srin SANST, SANST insect, worm, vermin; rgyu srin , khong srin intestinal worm; phyi srin vermin living on the skin. dar srin silk-worm. chu srin = chu yi srin po sea-monster, crocodile. srin bu kwa kwa maggot-worm, generally infesting the mouth of the rectum (K. d. dza, 214). srin bu pad ma SANST leech. Syn. pad ma ; chu yi snang ba ; khrag 'thung ; srin bu ; za ma tog can ; rus pa'i zong (Moon.). srin bu spu can srin bu kha gnag ; srin bu spro med ; srin bu rab phye ; srin bu rnam par rmongs byed ; srin bu med mdog byed ; srin bu 'greng byed , etc.; are different kinds of worms that infest the human body, and enumerated in K. d. za, 367. srin bu me khyer SANST, SANST firefly: kho bo srin bu me khyer lta bus 'jig rten snang ba (A. 70) I am like a fire-fly, (how can I) illuminate the world! Syn. mkha' snang ; dkar 'od ; nam mkha'i 'od ; nam mkha'i mu khyud ; nyin mi gsal ; 'od can ; 'od kyi sa bon ; lam 'od (Moon.). srin bu dmar leb SANST [the tree Butea frondosa]S. srin bu'i nad disease caused by worms in the stomach, skin, brains etc. (Man. ch. 50). srin bya = 'dre bya SANST lit. demon-bird, i.e., nocturnal bird, owl etc. Syn. 'gal 'du'i rdzun can ; 'byung po'i bya ; nyin mo dga' bral ; nyin mo yib ; ser skya'i lta byed ; mig ser can ; gad mo'i dbyangs ldan (Moon.). srin mo SANST, SANST [a demon]S. srin mo mche ba SANST a wild boar, a monster with huge teeth. srin shing mulberry-tree (J‰.). srin lag SANST, SANST the ring finger. Syn. srin mdzub ; ming med (Moon.). srib + or sribs 1. darkness, gloom, night. 2. shady side of a high mountain, north side of a mountain. Syn. bsgribs pa ; grib ri ; mtshan ma (Moon.). srib pa vb. (pf. sribs pa or bsgrib pa SANST shaded, covered), to grow dark or dusky. sril silk-worm (Sch.). sru or sru mo SANST mother's sister, aunt. srug pa W. for sprug pa , srub pa and dkrug pa : 1. to shake, to shake out. 2. to stir, stir up, twirl. 3. to make to totter (J‰.). srung ba I: vb., pf. bsrungs or srungs , fut. bsrung , imp. bsrungs or srung SANST; 1. to watch, to keep guard, to guard, to keep in custody, to save from, to protect, to shelter; lus srung ba to keep one's self unpolluted, pure, chaste; bdag srung ba to guard one's self, or in a special sense, to live as a bdag srung hermit; to preserve: bdag gnod pa thams cad la srungs shig may I be preserved from every harm (Do.); bdag la srung du gsol I pray to protect me (Do.). 2. to be cautions, to beware of, to guard against: 'dre gdon bgegs par chad sogs srung ba to guard against accidents, &c., from ghosts, evil spirits and demons; lus dang ngag gi nyes pa srung ba or lus dang ngag srung ba to be cautious of what one does or says. 3. to keep, to observe faithfully, a promise, laws; bka' srung mkhan obedient, one who faithfully carries out a behest. 4. to hinder, forbid, prohibit; rigs kyis bdag pos srung |chos kyis srung it is forbidden, it is prohibited, by the decree of kindred, by the husband, by religion in general (J‰.). II: SANST [sbst. 1. the keeping, guarding, watch, guard. 2. the person or the thing that guards, esp. an amulet, preventive, preservative; srung ba btags pa to suspend an amulet, to the neck or other part of the body]J‰. srung skud an amulet consisting of enchanted threads. srung mkhan keeper, guardian, watchman. srung 'khor a talisman, a disk made gen. of threads consecrated by an incarnate lama. srung mdud knotted silk-rags consecrated by incarnate lamas and presented to their devotees in return for presents made by them. srung ba pa a guard, a keeper. srung bu or srung po = srung mkhan 3. srung byed = grong khyer a city (Moon.) SANST; the city of Avanti in ancient Malwa (S. Lex.). 2. SANST custodian of treasures, a demi-god. srung ma guardian, dmyal ba'i srung ma guardian of the infernal regions; chos skyong ba'i srung ma thams cad all the tutelar gods of religion (Mil.); collectively, body of watchmen; lha rnams kyi srung ma dang po the first corps of watchmen of the gods, the Naga; rgyal po'i srung ba'i mi the men of the king's body-guard. srung sems the taking heed, being cautious (J‰.). srung mdzad SANST [a preserver]S. srungs pa = spas pa SANST latent, kept secret or hidden. srun pa or bsrun pa = 'dul ba or 'tul ba calm, soft, mild; mildness, gentleness, meekness. shin tu mi bsrun zhing very wild, being unruly; malicious, malignant, of demons (Mil., J‰.). mi bsrun pa = mi rungs pa rough, wild, uncultivated, rude. srun po adj. = srun pa esp. of horses: quiet, tame. srub ka a kind of grain valued for its medicinal properties: srub kas rul gcod drod skyed chu ser 'dren . srub pa SANST, SANST; pf. imp. bsrubs or srubs , fut. bsrub 1. to stir, stir up, to churn; ja dang 'o ma sogs srub pa to churn tea, milk, &c., zho srub pa to make butter. 2. to rummage, to rake up, to stir, to turn over. 3. to rub, two pieces of wood against each other to produce fire (J‰.). srub thag the rope with which the piston of a churner, i.e., the churning rod is twirled, gen. when making butter. srubs byed SANST the churner. srubs ma SANST the churning rod. Syn. srubs shing ; dkrogs ma ; zho yi skya ba (Moon.). srubs a cleft, slit, gap, fissure; brag srubs chasm or cleft in a rock, intermediate space, interval interstice; rent in a dress; disunion, separation; wound (Lex.); srub 'bye Lt.; srubs 'thor (Sch.) a severing, a wound has been made; srubs gtor ba to rend asunder, to tear (Sch., J‰.). srubs med gos = gos mchog very fine silk robe (Moon.). srum resp. for meat, flesh of animals used as food; srum khog an animal slaughtered and cut up for a person of quality (J‰.). srul po = trul po SANST, SANST (Zam. 6). 1. rotten, putrid, decomposed. 2. evil demon, malignant spirit (Mil.); lus srul po evil spirits with rotten body; sorcerer (Lex.). srul po'i gdon n. of a frightful evil spirit. srul ba pf. and fut. bsrul 1. to be corrupted, decomposed, of the human body (Vai. so.). 2. to stir, to mix and stir. 3. to shove, to move to and fro (J‰.). srul mo SANST decayed. srus unripe ears of wheat, etc., unripe grains of Indian corn, wheat &c. 'bras kyi srus an unripe shelled grain of rice. Syn. so ma ; ma nyams pa ; rma med ; byis pa zad byed (Moon.). srus pa Sch. to thicken, to become more consistent by evaporation, or by boiling (J‰.). sre nag Lex. soot; W. sre mog (J‰.). sre ba I: sbst. a certain shrub (Cs.). II: vb., pf. bsres , fut. bsre , imp. bsres or sres , trans. to 'dre ba 1. to mix with, to mingle, to admix; mar la sre ba to mix with butter (Lt.), chang chu sre ba to mix beer with water (Med.); dre'u sre ba to breed mules; bsres pa mixed up, confused, of narration (Ta.); fig. kha sre ba or lus sre ba to communicate with another, i.e., live, eat, drink, smoke with a person (Do.); skyid sdug sre ba to share pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow (Glr.). 2. add, to add up, cast up, sum up (J‰.). sre bo (?) bud med bzhi khyi sre bo 'jigs su rung bar gyur nas za bar byed pa dang (Khrid. 39). sre mo or sre mong SANST weasel. Acc. to (S. Lex.) = ne'u le , dbyi mong . sre mog v. sre nag 3. sre long long bya'i tshigs ankle-joint [1. Sch.: the sinew above the heel. 2. n. of a medicine]J‰. sreg pa I: SANST partridge. Syn. shog bkra ba ; ti tI ra (Moon.). sreg pa'i gshog pa bkra ba dang mi bkra ba grangs mnyam mo (K. du. da, 111) the spotted and unspotted feathers of a partridge are equal in number. II: vb., pf. bsregs , sregs , fut. bsreg , imp. bsreg or bsregs SANST 1. to burn, to consume, to destroy by or with fire, sbyin sreg burnt offerings; lcags sreg red-hot iron. 2. to roast, fry, bake; to tan, to make swarthy: nyi mas (to be tanned) by the sun (J‰.). sreg gnas SANST cemetery. Syn. dur khrod ; ro yi gnas , (Moon.). sreg byed = pi pi ling piper longum (Moon.). sreg rdzas SANST clarified butter and other articles required to be thrown in the sacrificial fire. sreg za SANST, SANST fire. sreg ma 1. baked; anything burnt; 2. SANST, SANST [a barren spot]S. sreg blugs SANST sacrificial offerings, oblations made to the gods. sreng mi sreng C. = mi rkyang , v. rkang pa 3 (J‰.). sred (Vai. so.), sred (S. g.), a species of corn. sred pa = chags zhen 1. symb. num.: 8. 2. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST vb., sbst., adj. to desire, the desire, desirous, zas la of food, 'dod pa'i sred pa love; gzugs kyi sred pa carnal desire; nor la sred pa hankering after riches, rol mo la (liking) music; yul sred pa chung ba not much attached to his native country; 'jig rten la sred pa avarice, covetousness, attachment to worldliness, 'dod sred can covetous, greedy (Pth.), chags sred can lecherous, libidinous (Pth.); sred pa las yongs su grol ba quite free of any desire (as is Buddha) (J‰.). sred rgyal ma a deity of the Bonpo (Mil., J‰.). sred ldan passionate, very earnest. sred pa can = 'dod pa can or chags pa can passionately attached, also very lewd, lascivious. sred po a lover (Cs.). sred med bu SANST; an epithet of Virnu (Moon.). sred med ma SANST the wife of Virnu. sred mo sweet-heart. srel ba 1. pf. and fut. bsrel to rear, to bring up, to nurse (Cs.). 2. = 'chang ba or nyar tshags byed pa to hold, holding; chu gri rnon po re bsrel zhing (Bu-ton. 142) having held a sharp knife (in each of his hands). srel bya as met. = gser gold. sres or sres pa SANST to mix up; phar tshur sres pa to mix up together this and that. sro á ardour sro shi ba lose spirits, to be disheartened; thugs sro W., heat, passion, wrath, anger. sro can furious, raging (J‰.). sro ba pf. bsros or sros , fut. bsro , imp. bsros or bsro to warm, me la sro ba to make warm, hot at the fire, nyi ma la in the sun; 'jam pa'i drod kyis bu bsro (a mother) foments her child with a gentle warmth (J‰.). sro ma SANST; shig gi sgong 1. egg of a louse, a nit C., W., shig sro 'du nits are increasing fast (S. g.). 2. small bubble. 3. a medicinal herb, sro ma seng ge n. of a medicinal herb (J‰.). sro ma nag po , sro ma nag pos bcud ldan lus stobs skyed (Med.) the black species of sroma is nutritious and produces strength in the body. sro lo (Med.) Sedum and similar plants; sro lo dka' po glo ba'i tshad pa sel the root of the white (species of) sro-lo cures inflammation of the lungs. sro long a kind of bird (Ya-sel. 11). srog SANST, SANST, SANST; for srog chags ; = bla life; srog chad pa life extinct, death; srog gcod pa dag spangs pa to give up killing etc.; srog len pa , taking life, srog dang 'phral ba id., esp. to execute, to put to death (Glr.); srog dang 'bral ba to die; srog 'bul ba to sacrifice, to yield up one's life; srog 'dor ba to cast away, to sacrifice one's life; srog la mi lta ba to make light of one's self; srog dang bsdo ba to risk, to hazard one's life; srog skyob pa to save life; srog 'byin pa : to save, to preserve life; srog 'tsho ba to sustain life, also to recover, to grow well again; 'phral du srog ni ster byed yin quickly give life (Can.). srog skyob deliverer, redeemer, saviour (J‰.). srog khung 1. the hole or passage through which life passes away. 2. the deep cut or stab, by which Tibetan butchers kill animals (Huc. 1. 443); srog khung 'byed pa to stab in this manner (J‰.). srog gi ka ba n. of a vein (J‰.). srog gi gnas SANST the heart. Syn. snying ; rnam shes rten (Moon.). srog gi me tog = gi wang SANST; also dom mkhris bear's bile used as medicine (Sman. 355). srog can srog ldan SANST, SANST having life, living, alive; a living being. srog gcod pa SANST killing, taking the life of an animal; srog gcod pa'i las byed pa one who does the work of killing, a butcher, a slaughterer. srog chags SANST, SANST, SANST this term comprises all animated beings including the gods, but in practice it signifies insects and worms only; mi la sogs pa'i srog chags thams cad all men and other living beings. srog chags kyi phung po SANST a flock, herd, or collection of animals; generally a swarm of flies or number of worms or insects. srog chags kyi nya cu lu ka SANST; Syn. srog chags ring mo ; sa srin tal ; sa'i 'khri shing (Moon.). srog chags rkang mang SANST; an insect having many feet [a small earthworm]S. srog chags ldan pregnant woman (Moon.). srog chags phra mo SANST insects, animalculae. srog thag = dpyang thag . srog bdag chen po = pe har or pe dkar the guardian genius of the monastery of Samye. srog 'phrog SANST depriving an animal of its life. srog med lifeless, inanimate. srog med dbugs = mchod med oil-burner, an oil-lamp which is kept burning before the gods in a Buddhist temple; so called because though it has no life, yet it draws air for its existence (Mamohi skao-gso). (EEE The source text referred to here is listed in the ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3 as ma mo bskang gso or Mam.) srog rtsa (gzhi ma ) root of life, vein of life. srog 'tsho ba SANST to sustain life. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "srog-tsho-wa" which is clearly in error.) srog rlung SANST, SANST life, life-breath. srog rlung 'joms pa'i rdo rje gsum the three precious articles keeping in the life-wind are shing kun , tang kun , kha ru tsha (Sman.). srog shing SANST, SANST = bla shing 1. the life-tree. The later Indian Buddhist used to preserve a particular tree believing that the duration of his life depended on its existence. 2. axle, axle-tree; mchod rten gyi srog shing (Mil.) the pole in a Chorten; fig. prop. sems kyi srog shing (J‰.). srong for srong ba straight forward, righteous; drang por srong make straight; srong btsan the righteous (king). srong po SANST lit. growing straight and upright, as met. a tree. srong ba [pf. bsrangs , fut. bsrang , imp. srong or srongs to make straight, to straighten, opp. to yod po what is awry, crooked Lex; gzer srong ba to beat out nails; sku drang por bsrangs te (he sat) straight and erect, cf. also srang 3 and 3bsrang po 3] J‰. srong btsan sgam po n. of the most accomplished king of Tibet who was a contemporary of Siladitya, Huyen tshang and Mahommed. His most famous match was with a daughter of the Chinese Emperor T'aijung. His second wife was the daughter of Amsuvarman of Nepal. He was so called on account of his righteousness and thoroughness in the duties of religion and government. He it was who first introduced the art of writing into Tibet, and was the chief promoter of Buddhism and Buddhist-Sanskrit literature in that country. srongs pa adj. straight, not bent or crooked. Syn. drang po ; 'khyod med (Moon.). srod (dus tshod ) SANST, SANST evening twilight, the evening time; srod bying song the dusk is over, i.e., night has set in; srod la in the evening after sun-set; srod dang tho rangs in the evening and at the dawn. srod 'khor gen. after dusk or after dawn. srod ja evening and morning tea served to the monks of a Tibetan monastery after dusk or at dawn. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "srod-za" which is clearly in error.) srod 'jing (srod dus kyi gzung ) the middle part of the evening. srod yol the beginning of night, i.e., after dusk. In Tibet and India two hours after sunset and two hours before sunrise are not reckoned in the night which is therefore called in Sans. Triyama or thun sum po in Tibetan. srod la rgyu ba SANST lit. moving about (for prey) at dusk or at dawn: a tiger, or often a Rakrasa. srod la za SANST one taking one's food at dusk or at dawn, a hob-goblin. srod long dusk-blind. Acc. to J‰. day-blind, nyctalops, seeing better in a mild than in a bright light. srol colloq. = lugs srol usage, custom, common use, habitual practice, habit; sros bzang good custom; also = SANST good doctrine or religion. der yi ge'i srol med pas as the art of writing was not yet in used there Glr.; sngar srol bzang po la dgongs shig keep in mind the good old customs (Glr.); srol chags pa , srol du 'gyur ba (Cs.) to become the custom (of a person; or that of a country); phyag srol is said to be a respectful expression for lag len gyi srol (J‰.). legs pa'i dpe srol btsug sre (Glr.) having introduced good customs for imitation; thob srol claim, title, right, founded on old custom (J‰.). srol rgyun any established custom, law or usage: ya ma bral ba'i sgrub 'chag srol rgyun (D. Shel. 7). srol gtod pa to introduce a practice (Glr.). srol 'dzin adhering to or following the old practice or custom; a follower. srol 'dzug pa to institute a custom. srol lam = lugs srol (Rtsii.), customary way or method of doing a work; an established practice. srol gong pa n. of medicinal herb: srol gong pa yis mgo chag dug tshad sel . sros 1. v. sro ba 3. 2. Cs. sbst. = srod twilight, dust of evening, mun sros pa dusky, darky, dark (Glr.); sa sros nas when it grew dark (J‰.). sla or sla ba 1: adj., also sla mo thin, of fluids, opp. to ska ba and thug po . 2. = byed bde ba easy, opp. to dka' bo ; sla ba byed SANST, easy work or doing; shes pa sla ba ma yin knowledge is not easily obtained; usually with the supine: rig par sla'o it may easily be understood; or with the root of the verb: go sla easy to comprehend (J‰.). rtogs sla ba easy to perceive; las sla ba lit. easy work. sla nga or lcags slang iron pan for parching grain; rdza slang earthen pan, for cooking, parching grain; heating stove in which charcoal or dried cattle-dung, etc. are used as fuel. Syn. ther po ; lcags snod ; rngod pa'i gzhi ; rngod rdzas (Moon.). slag pa = slog pa robe, fur-coat. ra lpags dang dom lpags kyi slog pa a robe made of goat skin or bear's skin; sgo slog or more corr. dgo slog hunting-coat, made of the skin of an antelope; ang slog furcoat of a wolf's skin; tshar slog coat of lamb's skins; ras slog prob.: a fur-coat covered with calico (J‰.). slang 1. colloq. for sla nga . 2. slong ba : gyen du slang raise vertically or perpendicularly. slang kha = yar slang kha 1. (at) the time of rising or raising. 2. shelf, shelves, stand (J‰.). slang ba to accept, to take gsol ras slang ba to distribute food; bsod snyoms slang ba to receive alms, to beg alms. v. slong ba . (EEE For slong ba see slong 3.) slang dregs slnga'i dregs soot adhering to a cooking pan. (EEE Thus in the original, although slang ba'i dregs is probably meant.) slad eleg. for phyi : slad phyin chad in future, henceforward; slad bzhin du = phyi bzhin du in future, behind: slad bzhin par 'brang ba to walk behind one. 2. = rjes su after; slad na c. genit. = 'og tu ; slad nas adv. afterwards, hereafter; subsequently; slad kyi subsequent, later, posterior (J‰.). slad du 1. on account of, for the sake of. 2. = rgyal tu behind, afterwards. slad ma = rjes ma after, that which comes after or follows, the hind part, the later or latter part: slad kyis afterwards, hereafter; slad mar yang again in future. slad mar adv. = rjes su , phyis su afterwards. slad rol + = phyi rol SANST outside, hind part, back part (Lex.). slad pa = lhad pa or 'drer pa , pf. bslad , to mix, esp. with something of an inferior quality, hence to adulterate, vitiate, to spoil, to corrupt; skyon gyis or lhad kyis ma slad pa not marred by any defects. phyin ci log gis yongs su slad de quite unfitted by perversity; gang gis kyang ma slad pa without any thing detrimental, not subject to any noxious influence (Vai. so.); de myos shing slad par byas te having made him drunk and thus disabled him (J‰.). slad tsha + = mi gtsang , also bshang ba ordure, feces; gen. human excrement. slan = sbyar patch, patching. 2. the furred ear coverings used by Tibetan ladies. 3. = slad ; slan chad = phyin chad (J‰.). slan te = sbyar nas (J‰.). slan pa = sbyar ba 1. to mend, patch (Sch.). 2. v. bslan 3 (J‰.). slab pa for slob pa 3. slab pa'i gzhi bca' ba SANST [teaching the subject of discipline]S.; slab ston instruction, letters containing direction or orders (Rtsii.). In. Sikk. prayer or petition to one's superior or official head. (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "slab-wahi bshi bcah-wa" or slab ba'i bzhi bca' ba which is clearly in error.) slam pa 1. to roast slightly, to parch, to make brown by exposing to heat e.g., meal C., W. 2. to roast, to fry (J‰.). slar = yang skyar or phyir again, once more, back: slar smra ba SANST spoke again; slar smra bar bya should speak again; SANST to be again considered (S. Lex.). slar du afterwards, hereafter; slar nas , slar yang SANST again in future, slar yang 'jug pa to add again (in letters); slar 'ong ba SANST to come back, slar log pa SANST return, slar log nas having returned; slar stobs skyed he regains strength (partly from J‰.). slar skyes 1. SANST hair, nail. 2. = yang skyar skyes grown or born again (Moon.). slar grib ma a shadow picture or photograph, an effigy; v. slar gzugs 3. slar rgol ba SANST [rejected]S. slar brjod 1. a rejoinder, reply. 2. n. of a class of Brahman (Moon.). (EEE The original has Brahman for Brahman above.) slar btang ba SANST having forsaken, having cast away. slar dug = bong nga aconite (Moon.). slar bsdu ba to reduplicate, slar bsdu = rdzogs tshig or zla sdud the final of a verb, indicating the end of a sentence formed by the reduplication of the terminating letter such as go , ngo , do , no , po , mo , 'o , ro , lo , so , to as in the words rtag go , bzang ngo , yod do , thob bo , bsam mo , bya'o , 'gyur ro , sel lo , thos so , bstand to Gram. slar byas mthun effigy, v. slar gzugs 3 (Moon.). slar 'byung SANST [re-generation, re-existence; a young widow remarried]S. slar gzugs SANST representation, image, picture of a thing or person. Syn. sku 'dra ; gzugs brnyan ; slar grib ma ; slar byas mthun (Moon.). slar yang 'gro SANST [transmigration, rotation]S. slar gshems return; gone back; kho rang slar yang song he went away again; slar gshegs su gsol I beg you would come back, pray come back. slas btsun mo'i slas SANST 1. attendants of a princess, or lady's attendant. 2. retinue, train, attendants, servants, pho brang gi slas a king's or prince's retinue, the court, people at court (J‰.). sli C. acc. to some authorities: a yellowish red apple, or Indian apple (opp. to ku shu Tibetan apple); acc. to Cs. cherry; cherries, however, are scarcely known in Tibet. sli tsi small, wild-growing, cherry-like dwarf apple, Pyrus baccata (J‰.). In Sikk. sli = pears. slu ba SANST, SANST; pf. bslus , fut. bslu , imp. bslus , to entice, allure, ensnare, beguile, seduce: gzhan la thabs kyis slu bar byed to deceive or delude others by design. slu byed SANST to impose on, to deceive: rdzun byas te having played false, also = SANST slu mkhan deceiver, deluder, imposter. slu khrid enticement, seduction, leading one into bad actions; bait; bzang po'i slu khrid enticement to a good purpose; also elopement (J‰.). slu 'drid = mgo bskor ba to seduce; deception, seduction: dga' dga' lta bur khyod la slu 'drid byed (A. 5). slu med not capable of seduction or deceit; upright, sincere SANST [without pain, unmoved]S. slu mi mes n. of an individual. rba mi rag|slu mi mes (A. 122). sle [1. a coarse blanket Ts., = cha ra , cha ri . 2. n. of the capital of Ladak] J‰. sle tres this is mentioned in Lish. as a word of the Shao-shuo dialect. 1. n. of a creeper or climbing plant (J‰.). 2. SANST [universal medicine]S. SANST; sle hres kyi khu ba dang |sbrang 'thungs par byas na chu nad thams cad sel bar byed do (K. g. tsa, 47). Syn. zla ba'i lcug ma ; sbrang rtsi'i 'dab ; rgyud ldan ; zla ba'i mgul pa can ; rgas med ; 'tsho byed ; bu zas can ; yangs pa can (Moon.). sle po in ‹, sle ba or sle bo a flat basket (J‰.). sle ba 1. vb., bsle pa , lhe ba , pf. lhas , to twist, plait, braid the hair, to make a basket, etc.; to knit. 2. sbst. distortion, dislocation (of a limb) (Cs.). sle bo 1. one that has a distorted limb. 2. a bamboo basket to carry loads. sle mig a distorted eye (Cs.). sle'u or sle mo = phya ra khra bo blanket made of striped coarse goat's or yak's hair. sle yon (sems gya gyu can dang yo ba dang 'khyogs pa ) crookedness and cunning; craft, deceit, trickery; sle yon byed pa to cheat, deceive, impose upon (Cs.). sled knitting-needle in Ld. (J‰.). sleb or sleb pa , pf. bslebs , resp. 'byon ba 1. to arrive; phar sleb to arrive there, on further side; tshur sleb to come this side or here; slebs zin I have arrived, he has arrived; sleb pa'i rtsis yin is expected to come, sleb pa byed zer do come, he says; sleb tshar has arrived. 2. to reach, to extend to a certain place or point. 3. coming in (of interest, rent, duties), hence sleb income, revenue, public revenue, receipt of customs, etc.; sleb tho account of receipts (J‰.). (EEE The original has speb pa byed zer as one of the examples under 1. above, but this must be an error and has been amended.) slo the contents of the stomach of sheep or kid; slo dron warm fresh dung or contents of the stomach. slo ma SANST [a winnowing basket]S. slog pa I: 1. sbst. v. slag pa 3; vb., pf. bslogs , fut. bslog (trans. to 3ldog pa 3) to turn round or about, to turn upside down or inside out; rkyal pa phyi nang slog pa to turn out the inside of a bag; mig slog pa to roll one's eyes; sa slog pa to plough up, turn up, to dig the soil (J‰.). +II: a coat or robe of lamb or kid skin (or one lined with the same). slong I: slang ba , pf. bslangs , slangs , fut. bslang or slang , imp. slong or slongs , causat. and transit. form of ldang ba . 1. to cause to rise, to help to rise: mngon par slong ba to raise fully, to develop; gyen du slong ba to raise upwards or vertically, slong ba po a lifter, raiser, one who starts anything as a question, proposal, &c.; dgra ru slong ba to cause a person to rise in revolt, an enemy, to make a person one's enemy; bsad pa'i mi ro slong ba to resuscitate the slain. 2. to excite, cause, inspire (compassion, fear, terror, etc.); phrag dog gis , skyo shas kyis kun nas bslangs te (Glr., Mil.) quite excited by envy and aversion. 3. to kindle (a disease) into action, hence slong rkyen the exciting cause (of a disease); to raise, to erect, a pile, post, wall; slang shing a pile, stay, prop, erected or set up (J‰.). II: signifies don gnyer or bsod snyoms (Moon.). 1. to ask, require: klu zhig nga la dpe slong a Lu asks me for the book (Dzl.); bu mo chung mar slong ba to ask a man's daughter in marriage; slong ba'i dngos po alms or articles obtained from begging; SANST to beg, to try to get by begging: cung zad bslang ngo we beg for a little of it! pha la slangs nas khyer he having obtained it from his father by begging took it; bsod snyoms slong ba to collect alms by begging. 2. to collect, to gather, e.g., riches. 3. to example, to probe (a wound): rma gsar mdzug mos slong to examine, probe a fresh wound with the finger; also: to search a man's house. 4. to give: kha lhag cig sdus la slong cig gather some of the remnants of the meal, and give them to me! (J‰.). slong phor + = lhung bzed SANST the mendicant's begging platter or alms-bowl. slong mo alms, SANST, SANST begging, alms. slong mkhan = slong ba po or slong mo pa one who begs, a beggar. slong mo slong ba or slong mo byed pa to ask for alms, to beg; slong mos 'tsho ba to live by begging, alms. Syn. bsod snyoms pa . slon pa + = zlog pa 1. to return, repulse. Acc. to Sch. to patch, to mend. 2. dbang po phyir slong par byed pa to dissemble, to feign (Sch.). 3. Cs.: to thrust out. slob pa I: vb. pf. bslabs , fut. bslab , imp. slob or slobs to learn, to teach: nga la slob I learn, teach me; ngas slob I teach, de la mkhan slob gnyis kyis lo tsAa bslabs both the abbot and instructor taught him the art of translating and interpreting; nga rtsis shig slob 'dod pas slobs as I should like to learn something of mathematics, teach me! bslabs pas shes te when he had learned it; bslab cing slobs pa yang dka' as learning is difficult, even if one is taught; slob tu 'jug pa to let one take lessons, to have or get one instructed; yon tan slob pa to teach, also, to learn good, useful, things (J‰.). II: sbst. 1. the act of learning. 2. = slob ya teacher, instructor: bram ze slob pa rnams Brahmans as instructors; 'phags pa slob pa rnams the venerable preceptors (Buddhist saints). slob ma pupil, student; slob ma myong ba to become a student; also with ma as a negative = to have had no instruction or education; slob 'khrid pa to teach (J‰.). (EEE The original has Brahmans for Brahmans above.) slob khyad W. use, practice, exercise (J‰.). slob grwa ("lobta") school, school-room, school house. slob grogs school-fellow, co-disciple. slob rgyud (opp. to bla rgyud hierarchical succession) spiritual inheritance or succession. slob gnyer student, scholar, slob gnyer gang du bgyis where have you studied? at what college have been a student? (J‰.). slob dpon SANST, SANST chief in teaching, gen. in spiritual matters; teacher, instructor, master, frq.; also a college title = professor. slob dpon gyi yon tan bzung | acquire the talents, good qualities of your teacher (Lam-rim. 26). slob 'bangs = bu slob scholar, pupil, disciple. slob ma SANST, SANST pupil, disciple. dngos slob one's own pupil, yang slob a pupil's pupil. slob tshig instruction, teaching, precepts, advice. Syn. bsgo ba ; brjod pa ; slob pa ; dran bskul ; gzhen bskul (Moon.). slobs 1. imp. of slob pa . 2. exercise, practice, experience; mig slobs ngan pa skye a bad custom of seeing begins to prevail, (viz., that of looking downward, and minding only earthly things) (J‰.). gsag pa Sch. 1. to sew together (J‰.). 2. to hoard v. sog pa 3. nor gsag pa to hoard up riches. gsang for gsang ba 1. SANST, SANST, secret, hidden: gsang shor the secret revealed: gsang ba'i gar mystic dance, secret dancing and singing (Hbrom. 94); gsang ba'i gtam secret conversation, speech, words, &c. 2. SANST [a privity, a piece of cloth worn on the privities]S. gsang khang a secret room (Cs.). gsang sngags SANST, SANST charms, secret religious instructions, mysterious incantations; gsang sngags smra SANST one versed in mysticism. gsang sngags rgyal the lord of mysticism, an epithet of rdo rje 'chang or Buddha Vajradhara (Moon.). gsang sngags thig le (rgyud kyi skor ) n. of a work on mysticism. gsang sngags thig le'i skor bsgy ur nas rab tu byung (A. 66) after translating the treatise on Sao-oag thig lÈ (essence of mysticism) he entered the Pravrajya, i.e.,. became an ordained monk. gsang chen 1. SANST a great secret, mystery; 2. one versed in the Tantrik cult or the occult science of the Buddhists; an adept in mysticism. gsang chen bstan pa'i gsal byed a complementary address for a high RÒio-ma lama, signifying the illuminator of the doctrine, (Yig. k. 67). 2. human excrement; a privy (Sman. 144). gsang gtam = gsang tshig secret or confidential conversation (Moon.). gsang gtor SANST, SANST sprinkling of consecrated water in mystical religious rites. gsang rdor = gsang ba'i bdag po , rdo rje 'chang . gsang bdag an epithet of phyag rdor Vajrapani, also that of Vaisravana (Moon.). gsang gnas 1. mysteries, secrets: gsang ba'i gnas du ma gsungs he taught many mysteries, many secret doctrines (J‰.). 2. secret abode, a place where secret matters are done or secret affairs are discussed; private parts of the body, pudenda, privities. gsang od 1. = 'khrig pa (Moon.) copulation, sexual union. 2. privy, necessary, water closet (J‰.). gsang phu n. of a district situated to the west of Lhasa (Loo. 'a, 18). gsang ba I: vb. to do a thing secretly, to conceal: nor gsang ba to conceal treasures, skyon gsang ba to hide one's fault; gsang ste ston pa to reveal a thing treated as a secret, to let out a secret, to hide one's self, to be concealed; dben pa'i gnas shig tu gsang ste hiding one's self in a solitary place; yid mthun par gsang ste keeping it secret with one consent (J‰.). II: sbst. 1. SANST, SANST, SANST secret things, a secret, mysticism; gsang ba'i bdag po = gsang dbang SANST the lord of mysticism, an epithet of Vajrapani. 2. secret parts Med., also gsang gnas Med., gsang ba'i pad ma Med., sometimes the anus included. 3. adj. secret, hidden, concealed, gsang ba'i chos SANST; doctrine of the mystics; phyi nang gsang the exoteric, esoteric and the mystic. 4. for gseng ba to be careful, to watch: khyi mo nyan gyi rna gsang ba a female dog of very sharp hearing. gsang ba 'dus pa SANST the communion of the mystic adepts; the Tantrik cult of the Buddhist; also the Tantrik pantheon. gsang ba'i 'dres SANST, SANST secret union. gsang ba'i nad disease of the sexual organs (Med.). gsang ba'i snying po de kho na nyid nges pa n. of a Tantra (K. g. wa, 267). gsang ba i'i rgyud n. of a Tantra (K. g. tsha, 71). gsang ba sgrigs pa a conspiracy, secret arrangement or design, intrigue. gsang ba rgyan gyi bkod pa'i rgyud n. of a Tantra (K. g. nya, 476). gsang ba dam pa ma n. of a Yakrini princess (K. g. nga, 130). gsang ba pa SANST a class of Yakra living in the Himalayas, and in Tibet during the Pauranic times; the shamans of Tibet were also thus known to the early Indians. gsang ba me lnga bsten pa'i lha ba n. of the doctrine of a sect of Tirthika school of ancient India (Theg. 30). gsang ba'i bla ma a secret spiritual guide; an epithet of Mahesvara (Moon.). gsang ba'i bdag nyid SANST, SANST mysticism. gsang ba smra SANST a charm. gsang dbang = gsang bdag SANST Kuvera, the deity of wealth who rules over the Guhyaka spirits. gsang bya that which should be kept secret. gsang 'os that which is confidential, fit to be kept secret. gsang tshig = gsang gtam secret speech: snying la mod pa'i gsang tshig rnams|ngan pa rnams la spel mi bya (Sh. gya.) the secrets of one's heart, should not be revealed to the wicked. gsad put out: mar me rlung lta bus extinguished, just as wind puts out a lamp or candle. gsad pa SANST death. gsan pa resp. to hear, to listen to; khyod gsan dang listen to me! (Mil.); bdag gi tshig la gson do listen to my word! to hear a person teaching, expounding, etc. (J‰.). gsab pa v. gsob pa 3; kha gsab pa to reply, drin lan gsab to return kindness. gsa' also bsa' the snow-leopard, varying in colour from pale lemon to pure white, with clusters of black spots; living on the higher mountains of Tibet. gsa' yas (grangs ) n. of a number (Ya-sel. 56). gsar pa or gsar ba SANST, SANST, SANST fresh, new; young; good. rab tu gsar pa very fresh; mngon par gsar pa SANST quite new; gsar grogs a new friend; gsar 'khrungs newly born; lug sha gsar pa fresh mutton; rma gsar pa fresh wound; bag ma gsar pa bride, newly married wife; gsar du bsad pa'i sha flesh of animals that have just been slaughtered; kha gsar an edge or blade just sharpened; khang gsar new house, gos gsar new clothes, mar gsar fresh butter; rta gsar a horse not yet broken in. gsar 'grogs pa Sch.: to tell each other news; to make new aquaintance. gsar rnying old and new, stale and fresh, is used as abstr. noun to signify: age, duration, existence. gsar gad pa = rtsad gcod pa inquire into, investigate, examine, study. gsar 'ongs fresh arrival. Syn. gsar po ; sar pa ; so ma ; yag ma ; shin tu gzhon ; gzhon nu ; bzang po ; rab gzhon (Moon.). gsar skyes SANST new-born; fresh shoots and leaves, buds (Moon.). gsar stod SANST new. gsar bu 1. SANST; ston thog gsar bu fresh harvested grain, new corn. 2. beginner, tyro, novice (J‰.). gsar du 'ongs pa a new comer; = mgron po (Moon.) guest. gsar ma modern, recent, new. The term gen. signifies the reformed or new school of Buddhism (opp. to rnying ma RÒio-ma). gsar ma pa one of the new schools of Buddhism in Tibet. gsar nas fresh or new barley. gsar 'tshe (nad dang bar chad ) fresh disease or accident. gsar slad med pa = gsar 'tshe med pa (Yig. k. 13) without any recent injury to health. gsar bzos newly made or manufactured articles. gsal 1. SANST, SANST separate, SANST, distinct, SANST expressed, rab gsal SANST illuminated, fully manifest. 2. for gsal shing SANST pale. gsal ba I: vb. to be clear, bright; gsal bar byed pa to make clear, to elucidate, slar shar zhing gsal na when (the sun) shines bright again; mar me 'chi khar gsal ba bzhin flaming up once more, like an expiring lamp; lhang nge lham mer gsal te appearing bright, clear and glorious; gsal bar byed makes clear; gsal lo it has become clear, is made evident; also SANST, explained: 'dul ba na gsal lo it is explained in the Dulwa, it is clear there; gsal bar brjod pa to elucidate, to describe clearly. II: or gsal po adj. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST clear, bright, light, pure, visible to a great distance, conspicuous, distinct, apparent, intelligible; kun gsal = the sky, the heaven; ngag gsal po zer mi shes his speech is not clear, he is not able to speak distinctly; yi ge gsal po plain, legible handwriting; of colours, mirror: dkar gsal pure white; pure, free from faults and deficiencies: gsal zhing dag la rnyog ma med pa'i sku (A. 5.) the resplendent, the immaculate embodiment which is free from impurities. III: 1. = rgyas pa SANST fully blown, copious in fullness. 2. = mngon pa SANST manifest. 3. = bzlog pa SANST [set aside, turned away]S. 4. = grags pa fame. gsal kha = gsal cha 3. gsal grags SANST, SANST fame [celebrated, well-known]S. gsal cha message; gsal cha zhig gnang zhu I request (you) to give me a clear account; pray send me a message. gsal chen SANST [great lustre; the sun]S. gsal rgyal king Prasenajit, son of king Brahmadatta born on the same day that Gautama Buddha was born (K. du. ka, 3). gsal mthong the sky, clear sight or vision. gsal ldan 1. = gsal ba can SANST the sun [brilliant; fire]S.; the blue colour, sky-colour = mthing (Moon.). 2. = an epithet of Buddha; the son of the moon, one of the planets in Indian and Tibetan astronomy (Moon.). gsal ldan ma SANST the city of Kasi, modern Benares. gsal btab pa to refresh the memory, to meditate: nga'i dbu ma'i lta ba de nyid gsal btab pa bzhin du song that Madhyamika doctrine became as if new to me (A. 23). gsal gnas as met. = mkha' the sky, the void space. gsal ba 'od gyi gling the birth place of gshen rab the founder of the Bon religion of Tibet (G. Bon. 12). gsal ba'i nor bu = nyi ma SANST the sun (Moon.). gsal ba'i bu mo SANST 1. the daughter of Dakra an epithet of Durga. 2. = tha skar . gsal ba'i sgo = mkhas pa a learned man, a sage (Moon.). gsal ba'i sgra clear voice, SANST murmuring noise. gsal ba'i ma ma SANST [the mother of the patriarch Dakra]S. gsal byed = mig 1. the eye (Moon.). 2. SANST the consonants; gsal byed sum cu the thirty consonants of the Tibetan alphabet. gsal ma SANST prosperous, n. of a goddess. gsal me lamp, candle (Rtsii.). gsal la angs bright and sparking, pure, free from impurities. Syn. gtsang angs ; rnyog med (Moon.). gsal 'dzin n. of a place (Bon. ch. 4). gsal 'os SANST explicit, clear. gsal le ba very clear. gsal shing (Oag. 68) a pointed stake for empaling malefactors; gsal shing du 'jug pa to impale. gsal shing pa an impaler; one who has been impaled. gsig pa or bsig pa to shake and throw up in a backward direction; lus gsig gsig byed drawing up the body, to shake it; ral pa gsig he shakes his mane; dpung bsig Cs.: the shaking of one's shoulder, (prob. for: shrugging); to winnow, to fan, to sift (J‰.). gsing ma 1. beer brewed out of rice or any grain. 2. pasture-ground, meadow. 3. moor, fen (Sch.). 4. a flower growing in the pastures of Tibet resembling the daisy: jo bo an drangs gsing ma me tog having invited the Jo-wo (Atisa) they presented him with daisy (A. 105). gsir ba bsir ba Cs. 1. 'to whirl about, to twist'; phang gsir ba to whirl a spindle, mda' gsir pa Cs.: 'to whirl an arrow.' 2. W. to move by a repeated pushing; to smooth, to make even, with a plane, knife, etc.; to slide, glide, slip down a slope (J‰.). gsil ba 1. = bsgy ur ba to multiply in arithmetic (Rtsis.). 2. to divide, split, dum bur gsil ba to cut to pieces, gsil bal wool that has been well combed. 3. to toll, sound, ring: dril tu gsil ba to ring a bell. mkhar gsil v. mkhar ba 3 or khro nag bronze which emits a ringing sound when struck (Moon.). gsil snyan pleasant ringing sound, a kind of cymbal. gsil byed + or gsil shing the staff which. Tantrik Buddhist monk carries in his hand with tinkling bells attached to it. gsil pa and gsil ma , v. sil bu 3 (J‰.). gsug , gsug pa = brngan pa , phag gsug bribery, bribe; remuneration, reward gsug dang rgyal po'i bka' drin dang should receive reward and royal favours (Sh. doo. 1). gsung = ngag or lung SANST resp. for skad and gtam 1. precept, expression, speech, voice: sangs rgyas kyi gsung the speech or precept of Buddha; bla ma'i gsung saying of one's spiritual teacher or lama; gsung stsal ba a speech made; gsung gsal ba a lucid expression; gsung byung a voice arose, was heard, gsung dag pa an unmistakable voice, like that of Buddha. 2. the act of speaking, talking, gsung gleng ba to converse, discourse; that which is spoken; gsung ma gnang do not express yourself; khyed kyi gsung de'i lan du in answer to what you have said; gsung klog pa to read the sayings, the apothegms (of Buddha) (J‰.). gsung ba SANST, vb., pf. gsungs , imp. gsung = classical smra ba 1. to speak, talk, say, de skad ma gsung do not say so! such an expression should not come from you; rdzun gsung ba to tell a falsehood, to speak lies. 2. to explain; to ask: mi 'dod mi gsung bzhes par zhu please accept it without explaining that you do not want it; zhal gdams gsung ba to give advice; chos gsung ba to preach; mgur ma gsung ba to recite a religious song. gsung gi bdud rtsi = bka' bzang po , lit. the nectar of speech, a complimentary expression applied to a person's speech, address, or advice (Yig. k. 25). gsung gi dbang phyug chen po = 'jam dpal dbyangs an epithet of MaÒju Sri Bodhisattva (Situ. 6). gsung gin saying, talking about, reciting, reading or preaching: gsang sngags rgyud sde gsung gin yod pa na (A. 13) when he was reading the Tantra class of Buddhist scriptures. gsung bgros report, statement, opinion. gsung glegs = bka' shog diploma, written authority: gsung glegs gnang rten bcas stsal ba bka' drin che it is very gracious of you to have sent the communication with enclosures (Yig. k. 18). gsung gleng bgyis pa a discussion or discourse had on religious subjects. gsung chos SANST a religious discourse or sermon delivered orally. gsung mchid = bka' mchid resp. talk, discourse, speech; bka' lan reply to such a speech. gsung mchog last advice, precept; also principal word, main dogma, e.g., the Om mani padme hum (J‰.). gsung snyan a harmonious voice, an agreeable speech. gsung mdud a knot of charmed silk used as a talisman, it is described as dar lta bu la bla mas sngags btab nas bsrung ba mdzad pa , that is, incantations read over a piece of silk converted thereby into a talisman against evil spirits: "gnang rten gsung mdud " (Yig. k. 5) with enclosure consisting of charmed satin. gsung spros conversation between or among persons of rank; gsung bris written precept, advice, letter, statement. gsung byed = kha or smra ba'i sgo the mouth (Moon.). gsung rab SANST sermon, religious discourse; sacred writings. gsung rab yan lag bcu gnyis the twelve divisions of the apothegms of Buddha:- (1) mdo sde'i sde , (2) dbyangs kyis bsnyad pa'i sde , (3) lung du bstan pa'i sde , (4) tshigs su bcad pa'i sde , (5) chad du brjod pa'i sde , (6) gleng gzhi'i sde , (7) rtogs pa brjod pa'i sde , (8) de lta bu byung ba'i sde , (9) skyes pa rabs kyi sde , (10) shin tu rgyas pa'i sde , (11) rmad du byung ba'i sde , (12) gtan la 'bab pa'i sde . gsungs shol SANST. gsud pa or bsud pa 1. SANST a form of cholera, n. of a disease produced by indigestion, by undigested food: ma zhu gsud nad ces bya ba (Mog. 22). snan pa gsud stands for SANST spasmodic cholera which elsewhere is rendered zas ma zhu ba dyspepsia. 2. acc. to Sch. vb. = to be lost, to be dispersed. 3. W. to fill with food beyond satiety, to stuff, to cram (J‰.). gsum SANST three; gsum kha , gsum ga the three, all the three. gsum pa SANST the third; containing three; gsum po the three; gsum cha a third part; gsum gnyis two thirds (Rtsii.). gsum is used also elliptically for dkon mchog gsum , SANST the three precious ones: gsum la skyabs su 'gro ba'i mdo the Sutra on seeking protection of the Three Precious Ones (K. d. tsa, 277). bskal pa grangs med pa gsum three times innumerable Kalpa. This usage should also be noticed: rgan mo ma snad gsum po 'di the old woman with her (two) sons, the three; rgyal po yab yum gsum the king and his (two) queens, the three (J‰.); rab 'bring mtha' gsum the excellent, the middling and the inferior ones, the three. gsum sngags SANST [a Vedic metre]S. gsum sngags 'phreng SANST a series of three charms. gsum sprul the third stage in incarnations [emanation of the third degree, = nying sprul ] J‰. (EEE The transliteration for both these words is given as "...sbrul" in the original, but this is incorrect.) gsum sgra = sbrang ma the bee, also fly. gsum ldan SANST possessed of three parts. gsum ldan dus SANST the age in which out of four parts three parts (of merits) existed in human beings. gsum rtsen SANST the heaven. gsum rtsen dbang SANST the lord of heaven. gsum brtsegs three things piled one upon another: 'bol gdan gsum 'rtsegs three stuffed cushions piled up one upon another; khar pa gsum brtsegs a three storied house. gsum zur three-cornered. gsur ma a thing slightly burnt, singed; gsur dre the smell of it (J‰.). gsus pa SANST [belly, stomach, gsus pa spos the belly is swollen or distended] Lex.; gsus nad dropsy of the belly; gsum rked the belly and the waist; the middle part of the body, the waist (Sch.); Syn. bgng bya ; lto ba (Moon.). gsus pa 'gengs = 'grangs (Moon.) full stomach. gsus pa che SANST large protuberant belly or stomach (Moon.). gsus po che = gsus pa che or grod pa che SANST 1. a large belly. 2. n. of a country (K. d. ha, 365). gsus khyim che ba = lto ba che ba SANST a large belly: gshin rje bshed sku mdog dmar la gsus khyim che ba the red-coloured manifestation of the Lord of death has a huge belly (A. 17). gsus 'phyang po n. of a deity (J‰.). gsus rdzing can pot-belly, large belly (Moon.). gse ba 1. v. se ba 3. 2. v. 3gsed pa 3. gse ru for bse ru SANST, SANST rhinoceros. gseg brdar Sch. a file (instrument), v. sag gdar . (EEE There is no sag gdar to be found elsewhere in the dictionary; look up sag bdar 3 for the correct meaning. The accepted spellings according to the bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo| is sag rdar or seg rdar .) gseg ma 1. SANST sugar. 2. SANST pebbles, small stones; gseg seb can full of stones (J‰.). gseg gshang = mkhar gsil a mendicant's staff (Lex.). gseng also seng = bar mtshams 1. intermediate space, opening; cleft, chink, crevice, fissure, leak, v. khong seng sub. khong ; sgo seng chink of a door; gseng bsrub pa Sch. to stop up, plug up, crevices, etc. 2. harmonious, well-sounding. 3. sharp, acute, rna ba gseng quick ear Sch. 4. in ne'u gseng it signifies spang ljongs grassy valley or plain. (EEE No khong seng (referred to under definition 1.) is to be found elsewhere in the dictionary though khong gseng 3 is an accepted alternative spelling.) gseng pa leaky, cracky, full of fissures (Sch.). gseng po cautious, watchful. gseng ba (colloq. and form of gsang ba ) SANST to conceal; gtam gseng ba to keep information or news secret. gseng yab balcony. khyod kyis kun dga' ra ba gseng yab dang mthong rgya che ba 'di'i nang du in this garden house with its excellent balcony and wide view you should (rejoice). gsed several larger species of Lonicera (J‰.). gsed pa also bsed pa to pick out, sort, to pull or pluck in pieces; bal gsed pa to assort wool. gseb = seb 1. stallion, a male horse or camel. 2. the narrow interstices between persons or things thronged together, hence with na , tu and la = between, among, with nas = from between: khyi mi yi seb la mchong the dog leaps into the midst of the people; lo ma'i gseb tu 'jug pa to put between leaves; sprin gyi gseb nas lus phyed 'thon half of his body protrudes from between the clouds, i.e., rises above, etc.; grong gseb tu bzhugs pa to sit among the villagers. 3. multitude, crowd: dmag gseb army, nags gseb dense forest (J‰.). gseb lam a passage through thickets, a secret path, by-way between rocks and underwood. gser SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. gold; in Tibet gold is called rin chen dang po the first precious (article). lang ka nas thon pa'i gser mchog the best gold is found in Ceylon (SANST); gser gyi me tog flower of gold, golden flower; gser gyi bye ma brda' ba = SANST. 2. fair, royal, celestial, precious; the world. gser is used fig. for unchangeableness ('gyur ba med pa ) and also as an honorific term: gser zhal royal face, gser skyems celestial drink, i.e., wine presented to kings and grand lamas as a substitute for nectar. Syn. rin chen mdog bzang ; tshong 'dus 'grim ; zong mchog ; tsam pa skyes ; lcags mchog yid 'ong; gzi brdzid skyes ; rin chen che ; mdog ldan ; mdangs ldan ; 'od byed pa ; gMa gA skyes ; ri las skyes ; me yi sa bon ; cha shas sbyangs ; kha dog chen po; bum brgya skyes ; sa yi zla ba ; 'tsho ba sgrol ; bsreg bya ; sa le sbram ; rin ched dang po (Moon.). gser gyi bka' royal edict, the king's command, government order; 'bangs rnams la gser gyi bka' yi cod pan phebs the royal edict was received loyally by the subjects (Yig. k. 60). gser gyi skud pa 1. gold wire. 2. n. of a medicinal grass: gser gyi skud pas glo tshad rtsa tshad dug tshad sel (Med.). gser gyi 'khor lo the golden wheel, one of the eight auspicious articles (SANST) of the Buddhists. gser gyi dgra as met. = lcags (lit. the enemy of gold) iron (Moon.). gser gyi chun po SANST gold necklace or chain. gser gyi nya 1. the golden fish, one of the eight auspicious articles of the Buddhists. 2. n. of a precious gem. gser gyi me tog SANST, SANST the golden flower; SANST Magnolia champaka. Syn. bsod nams bsung (Moon.). gser gyi mon lhas SANST gold braided head ornament, also necklace. gser gyi sdong po = chu rtsa lit. golden plant, a kind of aquatic grass (Mio. 3.). gser gyi 'dab can an epithet of Virnu (Moon.). gser gyi mchog the finest gold. Syn. dzam bu chu gser ; rkang brgyad pa ; dzam bu na dI (Moon.). gser gyi bye ma 1. golden sand. 2. a kind of mineral used for medicinal purpose. gser gyi bye mas mkhal nad chu 'gags sel (M.). (EEE The "M." referred to here does not appear in the ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3, although Med. ("Medical Works of Tibet") is probably meant.) gser gyi gzugs SANST golden image. gser gyi 'og pags SANST a gold, sash, but gen. an apron with little gold bells attached to its edge which ladies of rank wear in Tibet. gser gyi ri bdun the seven golden mountains:- gnya' shing 'dzin ; gshol mda' 'dzin ; seng ldeng can ; lta na sdug ; rta rna ; rnam 'dud ; mu khyud 'dzin (Mdsod.). gser gyi brtsig n. of an island in the Eastern ocean (K. d. ra, 269). gser gyi ri bo SANST the golden mountain situated beyond the mountain of Pragjyotira, where the tree of gold called Sa-le-dam abounds (K. d. ra, 283). gser gyi ril ba = gser gyi chab blug golden water pot. gser gyi lus SANST golden body; a complimentary address for noble ladies. gser gyi phud pu a kind of medicinal grain. gser gyi phud bus mkhris pa gyen du 'dren (Med.). gser gyi gtsug phud can the golden crest; n. of a bird. Syn. 'dab gshog bkra pa ; mkha' 'gro'i rgyal po ; chun klag (Moon.). gser gyi sbram bu 1. = gser rdog po (Oag. 53) piece-gold, pieces of pure gold that are picked up from sand; pure, unalloyed gold: gzhan thams cad kyis kyang gser gyi sbram bu zho re re yod pa re phul lo (A. 23) all the others each presented him with a piece of gold worth a zho . (EEE No definition 2. is provided in the original.) gser skud = gser gyi skud pa SANST gold thread. gser skya pale, whitish gold (Rtsii.). gser skyems lit. golden-drink, wine that is offered to royalty, &c. for drink; now-a-days wine offered to the gods and the Grand Lama which is touched with gold and grain wrongly as a justification for that name (Loo. ba). gser kha SANST gold mine. gser khri golden chair, throne, hierarchical chair. gser khang 1. n. of a (sa bdag ) demon. 2. n. of a certain noble man's family and castle in Amdo; gser khang rin po che n. of a celebrated lama of Amdo belonging to that family. gser mkhan goldsmith. gser mkhar a royal castle. gser 'gyur mkhan an alchemist. gser gug srang an ounce of gold of GugÈ: gser gug srang sum brgya phul nas having offered three hundred ounces of GugÈ gold (A. 79). gser mgar goldsmith (Moon.). gser gling SANST prob. the ancient Pegu where Buddhism flourished in the ninth and tenth centuries A.D. gser mgo golden-flower (mystic) (Mio-rda.). gser 'gyur rtsi a chemical preparation said to convert other metals into gold. Nagarjuna is said to have known such secrets of alchemy. gser mngal can SANST an epithet of Brahma (Moon.). gser can 1. SANST the golden city, n. of a city in southern India. 2. SANST n. of an officinal plant (S. Lex.). gser chu liquid gold; gilding. Name of a river between Ladak and Lahul where the people of Lahul paid tribute in gold to former kings of Ladak. gser chu gtang ba SANST to gild with gold. gser cho long a kind of precious stone called SANST. gser tig n. of a bitter medicinal herb: gser tig bad mkhris rims tshad sel bar byed (Med.). gser tog golden badge, button. gser thal gold-dust, oxide of gold: gser thal sha ro rmen ro sha lhag gcod par byed (oxidized) gold dust applied externally removes fleshy excrescences (Med.). gser thub SANST n. of the second Tathagata (Buddha) of the present Kalpa. gser gdugs can having a golden-dome, a gilt-dome in the shape of a royal umbrella constructed on the top of a palace or castle: bla ma'i gzims khang pho brang gser gdugs can gyi nang du byon (A. 24.) he visited the lama's residence (called) 'the palace of golden dome.' gser mdog SANST gold-colour; gser mdog can n. of a monastery in Tibet. gser ldan = aa ru ra myrobalan. 2. SANST n. of the capital of Indra (Sorig. 30). gser rde nyi ma = yungs kar white mustard (Sman. 109). gser rdo gold-stone, gold-ore: gser rdos chu ser ma lus 'dren par byed . gser ldan ma 1. SANST, SANST [possessing gold; n. of a wife of Krishna]S. 2. the goddess Uma, the river Ganges and the planet Buddha. nang ma'i bka' tshogs kyang gser ldan ma'i rgyun bzhin yod pa mkhyin| (Yig. k. 14). Syn. 'bab chu ; sa gzhi ; ston gyi dus ; gza' lhag pa ; lha mo u mAa ; chu bo gang gA . (EEE "planet Buddha": thus in the original, although "planet Budha" (gza' lhag , Mercury) is probably meant.) gser pa gold-searcher, gold-washer; dealer in gold. gser phur SANST the polar star, the fixed star. Syn. skar ma brtan pa ; stod phur (Moon.). gser phud n. of a medicinal herb used as an emetic (Med.). gser 'phreng gold-chain, n. of a work. gser bu n. of a bird of golden colour (K. ko. ka, 3). gser bye golden sand, sand containing gold. gser bye 'dren ma'i klung a great river like the Ganges, or the Indus etc., the Tibetan name of the Yangtse ki-yang of China, the river of golden sand. thugs nang brtse ba'i gsung mchid kyang gser bye 'dren ma'i klung rgyan bzhin yod pa mkhyin| (Yig. k. 27) and may it please your honour to send your instructions and affectionate letters like the flow of the Ganges. gser sbyangs refined gold, purified gold (Yig. k. 13). gser me = gser gyi me tog gold flower. gser ming can (nA ga ge sar 3) SANST (Moon.). gser mig can lit. with golden-eyes, a fish; an owl. gser dmar po lit. red gold SANST a compound of copper and gold. gser gtso ma = gser btso ma refined gold (J‰.). gser zangs gold-gilt, gold laid on copper. gser bzo pa goldsmith. Syn. gser mkhan ; gser mgar ; khu tshur gyis 'tsho ba ; zla ba'i 'jug (Moon.). gser zhal = zhal ras lit. golden face, a polite expression, for the face of kings, queens and grand lamas, also used as a compliment to respectable ladies. gser zhal dngos mjal bzhin dga' ba thob pa bka' drin che (Yig. k. 80), thanks for your very great kindness, I have been as pleased as if from an actual interview. gser zhal mjal any interview with kings, queens, princesses and hierarchs. gser zho a gold piece of the weight of an English sovereign. gser gzhung ring mo'i klung = chu bo gang gA an epithet of the Ganges. (Yig. k. 85). gser 'od SANST golden lustre, gser 'od can = glog lightening (Moon.). gser yig golden letter, the royal mail; 'gser yig pa bearer of a royal-letter,' an ambassador, envoy (Glr., J‰.). gser sal le sbram pure gold. gser lhad can alloyed gold. Syn. rgyan gser ; rwa can gser (Moon.). gser shog leaf-gold, gold-foil. gser srang an ounce of gold; a gold coin = 16 rupees, a gold Mohur (J‰.). gses 1. = gras order, class; nang gses , as in shing gses pa . 2. reciprocal, mutual (Vai. so. J‰.). gso ba pf. gsos , bsos ( = 'tsho ba ) 1. SANST to feed, nourish; to bring up, nurse up, train: gso sla ba easy to bring up, to nourish; bu gso ba to rear a child, dud 'gro gso ba to feed or rear up a beast; lus gso ba to nourish the body, to restore health; also gso skyong ba or gso skyong byed pa SANST, to foster; gso bar 'dod wishes to cure, nourish, or bring up. 2. SANST, SANST, SANST to mend, to repair, curing, healing; gso bar byed treats medically; to stop, remove, to put an end to (of a disease); ngal gso ba to rest, to recreate one's self; khyim gso ba to repair a house; to restore, rebuild, re-establish, what had been destroyed, to kindle again, stir up again, a fire; zhig gso ba to repair (a house), to refresh, to comfort; sems gso ba resp. thugs gso ba to console. gso dka' difficult to cure; gso mkhan fosterer, restorer, cherisher. gso ba'i lha mo = skar ma nam gru SANST the constellation of Revati. gso dga' byed = skyur rtsi chen po SANST a kind of citron; the larger species of lime used for medicinal purpose (Moon.). gso thabs way of curing, manner of healing (Med.). gso thig cure-drop. gso dpyad = nad gso thabs (snan gyi rig gnas ) the mode of healing, method of treatment of disease and the science of medicine, = tshe'i rig byed SANST the science of preserving or prolonging life (Moon.). gso dpyad byed SANST treats medically, makes medical treatment or cure. gso dpyad mkhan physician, a restorer of health (Moon.). gso dpyad pa = snan pa or 'tsho byed pa a physician (Moon.). (EEE The original headword is bso dpyad pa , whereas the transliteration given is gso-dpyad-pa. Given the context, the transliteration has been taken as correct and the headword amended accordingly.) gso ad SANST the work of healing; SANST nourishing, bringing up or rearing. gso ba po 1. physician (Med.). 2. a fosterer, yab yum the parents (Moon.). gso bya the thing to be cured, the disease (Med.). gso byed 1. the healing substance, the remedy; the healing person, a physician. 2. = khyi dog (Moon.). gso tshul = gso thabs method of healing. gso rig or gso ba'i rig pa SANST the science of medicine, the healing art. gso rig kyi khog 'bub gnad kyi lde mig n. of a medical work in 293 block-print leaves; gso ba rig pa'i bstan bcos treatise on the healing art; sbyar ba brgya pa one hundred recipes or compounded medicines, n. of a medical work by Siddha Nagarjuna. gso sbyong ba 1. for nyes pa gso ba removing faults, and sdig pa sbyong ba washing or cleansing of sin by making confession to a priest. 2. SANST reparation by penitence or repentance, gso sbyong len pa , taking the vow of Poradha (fasting); gso sbyong la gnas pa observing the Poradha vow of fasting or making confession of sin. nyin gcig gi sdom pa srung ba observing rigidly religious vows for one full day. gso sbyong pa SANST one who has taken the vow of Poradha. gso sbyong bzhag pa to observe the vow of fasting. gso sbyong 'phags (Uporadha) n. of ancestor of Gautama Buddha. gsog pa v. sog pa 3; pf. bsag or bsags SANST to collect, to gather, to hoard: gsog par byed hoards, gathers: lta gsog shes pa knows how to collect food. gsog ldang zhi gsum in nad rlung mkhris bad kan gsum re re la gsog ldang zhi gsum gyi rgyu dang | the cause of each of the three diseases of wind, bile and phlegm, its development and cure, &c. (Hbum. 20). gsog 'jog hoarding, accumulating riches. gsong po 1. = drang po (Oag. 69) straightforward, sincere; gsong por smra ba = drang por smra ba to speak faithfully: ston pa dag la phyag 'tshal zhig ji skad zer ba bzhin du gsong por smros after making reverence to the teachers what you have to say; speak out truly (Hbrom. kha, 27). 2. SANST = sngar smra ba one who speaks out a thing before hand. gsong imp. of gsang ba as in gtam gsong zhig keep the conversation secret (Oag. 68). Also there occurs: gsongs shig keep it confidential, (Situ. 105). gsod pa = 'gum pa pf. bsad , fut. (Lex. usually) bsad , imp. sod 1. SANST, SANST, SANST to kill, slay, murder, slaughter, gsod pa la dga' ba to delight in killing; gsod du 'jug pa putting to death, causing to be killed; bsad ma thag pa'i sha flesh of an animal just slaughtered; gsar du bsad pa'i sha fresh meat; rgyal pos gsod pa to be executed by the authority of king; bsad pa la thug tshe at the time of or just on the point of being executed. gsod gcod the act of murdering; murder, slaughter; gsod gcad kyi 'jigs pa fear of murder or massacre; gsod gcod mang po byed pa to murder, to slaughter a great deal; massacring. 2. to put out, extinguish: chos me sod bzhag put out that lamp before gods. khyad gsad pa to destroy the importance or excellence of a person or thing, hence to despise. gsod pa po murderer, slaughterer. gsod byed SANST, SANST 1. killer, murderer, gsod byed rngon pa the murderous huntsman. 2. SANST, SANST the lord of death, the evil one, Mara. gsod byed kyi gnas SANST slaughter house, the place of execution. gsod sa place of execution. gsod lugs manner of killing. gsod rtags me tog can = SANST (Moon.). gsod byed sbyang ki nag po = gu gul nag po SANST (Sman. 109). gsod po = legs pa skyid pa . gsod skyid pa = blo bde ba happiness, ease; gen. in reference of one's state of the mind: gnas de dben zhing bsod skyid pa this place being solitary is happy (Rdsa. 9). gson 1. for gson pa or gson po : gson khrag dron mo warm blood of a living animal. 2. imp. of gsan pa (SANST). gson pa I: 1. intrs. vb., to live, to be alive, gsod no he, she, etc. is alive, óto remain alive, to save or preserve one's own life, rdzun du smras na gson kyang though I could save my life by telling a falsehood; gson pa la mi 'dod I do not wish to live (any longer), of the fire: to burn, da gson nam W. does burn now? 2. trans. vb. to wake, to rouse from sleep by shaking, to urge on, to hurry on by force, whereas skul ba is only done by words (J‰.). II: or gson po 1. sbst. life: gson pa'i tshe na or gson pa'i dus su during (my, your, etc.) life; adj. SANST, living, alive: gson pa dang shi ba gnyis srang la 'degs na mi mnyam mo (K. du. da, 10) (an animal) weighed alive and dead will not balance equally; kye ma bu gson mthong ngo ah, there I saw my son alive! gson por byed pa to call into life, to animate; gson por dur du 'jug pa to bury alive; gson pa'i rgyu ma 'dren pa to tear out the bowels of a living man. 2. revival, restoring to health. 3. entire, whole, undivided, full. 4. chud gson pa , v. chud 3 (J‰.). gson ma colloq. for gson po : phug ron gson ma a live pigeon; gson gshin the living and the dead (Cs.); gson bsreg a creature burnt alive; mi zhig la gson bsreg byed pa to burn a person alive (J‰.). gsob SANST; hollow, empty, bloated; without substance. gsob gsob stuffed, spongy. (EEE The original has gsob bsob for gsob gsob above, but the transliteration "gsob-gsob" indicates the proper spelling.) gsob pa = rgyangs pa ; pf. bsab , fut. gsab , 1. to full out or up, to supply, complete, make up; to cure (wounds). 2. to pay, repay, return; skyin pa a loan (Sch.); drin gsob pa to return a kindness (Glr., J‰.). gsom shing = thang shing pine tree. gsor 1. or 'khor gsor = snyung or snyung bu SANST, SANST a punch, an awl, gimlet. 2. supine of gso ba 3. gsor ba to brandish, flourish. gsor 'dem pa a kind of medicinal grass: gsor 'dem pa yis mes tshig rma la phan the gsor-hdem-pa is useful in wounds from burning. gsol 1. for gsol ba 3. 2. in Sikk. = entertainment, feast. gsol chen = ston mo chen po great show or festival; in Hindi: tamasha. gsol pa = smras pa SANST said. gsol ba I: vb., 1. = zhu ba SANST; to ask for, to beg for: rgyal po la srog gi skyabs gsol to he besought the king to save his life; ston pa la snon lam 'debs par gsol cig ask the teacher to say the prayers; bstan du gsol I beg (you) to explain; dgongs su gsol I beg to consider; lha gsol ba to worship a god, by offering libations (J‰.). 2. resp. for gon pa or skon pa to dress, to put on: sku la na bza' gsol ba chos gos gsol ba dbu la thod , zhabs la chag gsol ba to put on a garment, clerical robe, cap, shoes; slob dpon la ber chen sku la gsol te putting the cloak on the teacher (Ma.). 3. SANST, SANST to eat, to drink, to take or offer a meal; gsol bar mdzod cig do eat, take food! gsol bar mdzad tshar has finished his meal; gsol bar mdzad kyin 'dug is eating; rgyal po 'bras chang gsol nas as the king had drunk rice-wine; to take, to give, administer (medicine); to place (food etc.) before, to serve up for clerical person (Dzl.). gsol lo mchod cig I place it before you, help yourself! rgyal pos chab la sku khrus gsol the king took a bath; sras la sku khrus gsol lo they administered a bath to the prince; mtshan gsol ba to assume, to receive a name, to give a name; de'i thugs la gdon gsol a demon has entered his mind. gsol ba sgron , zhabs ltogs 'bul present or offering of food. II: = 1. zhus pa sbst. SANST; SANST prayer, request, entreaty; gsol ba 'debs pa to make a request, to entreat, to pray for. 2. food: gsol ba bzhes pa to take food, to eat, dine. gsol dkar W. resp. for dkar yol crockery, china cup to take tea or wine. gsol skrum meat prepared for the table of a man of rank. gsol kha 1. request, prayer (Sch.). 2. meat, and drink Sch. 3. = kha gsab (Jig.). gsol khang resp. for thab tshang a kitchen (Moon.). gsol ngan poisoned food (Glr.). gsol lcog dining table. gsol chang resp. of chang 3. gsol mchod prayer and offerings. gsol ja resp. for ja tea, gsol ja sgron = gsar ja 'bul offering tea, tea-entertainment. gsol nya fish dressed for the table of a respected person, for food of a great man. gsol tib tea-pot (J‰.). gsol thug = bzhes thug (Jig.) porridge or gruel made of barley flour with meat and dried curds. gsol thabs fire-place, kitchen. gsol ldong = gur gur , churn; hookah. gsol dpon lit. head-cook, master-cook, ordinarily = a private secretary who receives prayers and requests. gsol mar resp. for mar butter. gsol tshigs dinner (J‰.); gsol zhib resp. for rtsam pa fine parched barley flour for a great man's food. gsol gYog under-waiter, table servant. gsol ras donation, gift, present, gen. distribution of money, victuals, &c., by a person of rank to common people. gsol phogs resp. for phogs salary, allowance. gsos pa SANST, pf. bsos pa (Oag. 76) to foster, cherish v. gso ba 3; gsos byed pa to cure; bu mi gsos pa not keeping, retaining a child alive; gsos bu foster-son. gsos ma cure, medicine; gsos ma 'debs pa to apply a remedy. bsa' v. gsa' 3. bsag pa pf. bsags , tshogs bsags (Situ. 76) = tshogs accumulation of religious merits; hoarding money. v. gsog pa 3 or 3sog pa 3. bsang bu resp. for zan food, fare (Glr.); bsang 'bras resp. a dish of rice (J‰.). bsangs 1. incense, frankincense. bsangs bsel incense removes defilement. bsangs gtor ba to burn incense as an offering. 2. vb. pf. sangs , to cleanse, to remove: dri ma bsangs removed the dirt or stain (Situ. 76). bsad pa SANST killed, also killing: srog chags bsad pa killing animals (Situ. 76) v. gsod pa 3. bsad bya SANST animal to be slaughtered. bsab pa pf. bsabs = 'jal ba to return, repay, retaliate: drin lan bsabs returned kindness, shewed gratitude. kha bsab byed pa to reply, give answer (Situ. 76). bsam or bsam pa sbst. SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST 1. thought, reflection, wish, imagination, fancy: bsam pa ngan pa sem pa to foster bad thoughts (Do.); bsam pa tsam gyis quick as thought; rtag tu 'di snyam du bsam pa skyes he was constantly haunted by those thoughts (Dzl.); bsam gyis mi khyab pa SANST inconceivable, beyond the reach of human intellect, incomprehensible etc.; chos bzang las bsam bzang lhag pa yin a good way of thinking is worth more than good (external) religion (Mil.); bsam ngan can malicious, wicked. 2. the will: bsam pa ngan pa gzhan la byas na sbyor pa rtsub pa rang yong if you have borne ill will to others, you will receive a rough return. mi zhig gi bsam pa ltar (or bzhin du ) sgrub pa to execute, to carry out a person's will; bsam pa ltar ma gyur pas as it did not go according to their wish; bsam pa 'di las ma zlog cig do not try to divert me from my purpose (Dzl.); bsam par byung ba occurred in the mind; bsam pa bzang po good intention or design (Mil.); desire, mind, inclination, liking, gnod pa'i or gdug pa'i bsam pa thirst for blood, murderous disposition (Glr.). 3. soul, heart: bsam pa'i don mi 'grub (by doing so) you injure your own soul (Mil., J‰.). bsam thag pa nas from the bottom of the heart. Syn. 'gongs pa ; 'dun pa (Moon.). bsam pa'i stobs SANST resolution, strength of mind, determination. bsam don 'grub SANST, SANST fulfilment (of one's) desire or object. bsam pa mngon phyogs bent of mind, inclination. bsam pa fut. tense and secondary form of sems pa : den bsams thought, having thought (Situ. 76), has a pf. bsams pa , bsam du med SANST; not to be thought, cannot be thought of, inconceivable; bsams pa dang having thought about it; also of one's own interest, = bsgoms pa dang having meditated upon, reflected, pondered (A. 57). bsam gyis mi khyab pa las 'das pa SANST n. of a very great number [n. of a chapter of the PrajÒaparamita which treats of the inconceivable]S. bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i rgyal po'i mdo n. of a Sutra (K. d. za, 8). bsam gtan SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST state of complete abstraction, contemplation, meditation, concentration of thoughts; esp. that mystic meditation which at length evolves an astral counterpart of the meditatoróthe counterpart existing in Dewachan contemporaneously with the meditator who continues on earth. Syn. ting nge 'dzin ; rnal 'byor ; zhi gnas ; mnyam 'jog (Moon.). bsam gtan byed pa to concentrate the mind on a certain moral virtue, to transpose one's self into the state of contemplation or meditation (J‰.). bsam gtan khang bu = ri khrod (Moon.) mountain retreat of Buddhist sages and saints, hermitage on a lonely mountain. bsam gtan phyi ma'i rgyud a Tantra containing descriptions of contemplation in 53 stanzas (K. g. tsha, 108). bsam mno or bsam blo , also blo bsam , thinking, wishing etc., working of the mind; bsam mno byed pa or gtong ba resp. thugs bsam gtong ba to think, to meditate, consider, think upon; bzang byed kyi bsam blo wish to do good, a mind directed towards what is good. Syn. mno bsam ; rnam rtog ; yid kyi las (Moon.). bsam pa yangs pa = blo khog yangs pa , sems yangs pa broad heart, magnanimity (Moon.). bsam 'phel ljon dbang = dpag bsam gyi shing the wish fulfilling tree, the fabulous Kalpadruma (Yig. k. 33). bsam 'phel ma ma = rgya mtsho chen po (Yig. k. 35) the great ocean. bsam blo thengs pa = bsam blo btang ba : 'di phyir bsam blo thengs pa'i gzur gnas kyi bgyi ba dgos shing (D. Shel. 12). bsam bya SANST object of meditation, the deity or person who is thought of or meditated. bsam bya mtshungs pa coincident thoughts having the same or similar objects in view or to meditate upon. Syn. phyogs mthun ; mnyam byed ; mtshungs par od ; mgrin gcig ; dbyangs gcig ; mgrin pa mnyam ; mtha' gcig pa ; 'jug pa gcig (Moon.). bsam sbyor design, project, plan, bsam sbyor bzang po good design, or ngan pa bad design; bsam sbyor byed pa to plan, to scheme, to project a plan (C., J‰.). bsam shes knowing or reading another's mind; acc. to J‰. consciousness. bsam bse'u seminal vesicle. bsar ba = gral sgrig pa to arrange; arrangement: yo byad gral bsgrigs so (Situ. 76) arranged the things or furniture. bsal ba = phyes ba SANST opened, disclosed, revealed, cleared up: skyon bsal to disclosed the fault (Situ. 76); bsal du gsol pray clear up. 2. = sgrogs pa SANST advertising; to make known by trumpet or drum; also SANST reputation. bsal tshags SANST, SANST straining, filtering; to clear or purify water of animal life, &c. Syn. sel ba ; sol ba (Moon.). bsig pa pf. bsigs , to fan: lag gis lus bsig pa to fan the body with the hand (Situ. 76) v. gsig pa 3. bsid pa 1. to mend, repair. 2. pf. of gsid pa to pick, sort, hair, wool; bal bsid pa to sort wool. bsir ba 1. gsir ba 3. 2. W. sip. (J‰.). bsil ba I: to cut, dum bur bsil to cut into pieces (Situ. 76). II: 1. = grang mo adj. and sbst. SANST, SANST cool, coolness; bsil bar gyur pa SANST, SANST become cold, the state of being cold [calm composure, equanimity]S.; khang pa bsil ba zhig a cool house. bsil ba phan coolness is wholesome (Lt.). bsil ba'i chu skyes = 'khor ba . 2. vb., to cool; also resp. for 'khrud pa to wash, zhal bsil ba to wash the mouth and face. tsha ba bsil bar 'gyur the heat changes to coolness. lcang bsil 'willow shade,' cool place under a willow; bsil zhing grang ba being shady and cool; gnam bsil po it is cold, the weather is cold (Oag. 69). zhabs bsil water for cooling the feet (Cs.); chu dron mos sku bsil bar mdzad pa to wash the body with warm water (Cs.); to shed, an chab mang po bsil shed many tears (J‰.). bsil khang = yang thog SANST, SANST a dome, a turret on the roof of a house; also: a cool room, a summer house, summer residence (J‰.). bsil grib SANST; cool, grateful shade. bsil 'thung cool draught, a cooling drink or beverage (Sch.). bsil ldan SANST, SANST the Himalaya; Tibet. bsil ldan 'tsho byed = bsil byed 3 (Moon.). bsil ldan sa la'i snan ljong n. of Tibet; though the fanciful Indians who had very little knowledge of Tibet implied by that name the Himalayan regions which abound in S‚l trees and medicinal plants (Yig. k. 52). bsil gdugs parasol. bsil ba gsum the three cooling medicines:- cu gang ; gur gum and sug rmel , i.e., bamboo manna, saffron and small cardamom (Mio. 1). bsil bu cool or coolness; bsil bu'i rlung SANST, SANST a cool breeze. bsil ba'i 'od zer moon-beam, the cooling beam. bsil ba 'dzin = thog gi lo ma SANST n. of a medicinal fruit (Moon.). bsil byed 1. SANST, SANST snow, hoar-frost; also the coolers: the moon, cloud, wind, and sandal-wood. bsil zas or bsil ba'i zas cooling food. bsil zer can SANST, SANST the moon (Moon.). bsil gYab SANST, SANST a fan. Syn. rlung gYab ; bsil ba stob (Moon.). bsil ri = gangs ri snowy mountain, the cool or shady side of a mountain; also a hill of Magadha near Sitavana cemetry (Ya-sel. 34). bsu ba = phebs bsu , perf. and imp. bsus (Oag. 69), SANST to go to meet: ma bu bsur 'ong the mother goes to meet her son; bsu ba byas had gone to receive the party; bsus shig let him go to meet; bsus nas SANST having received or escorted him; to join, to make advances, to interest one's self for; to go to meet (solemnly), to welcome a respected person; mdun bsus (Situ, 76) advanced to receive a party. pNa Di ta 'byon pa la bsu ba byed do I will go to meet the arriving pandit; bsu ba rgya chen po great festivities on the occasion of reception; bag mar bsu ba yin we will lead her home as your bride. 2. defined as sngon du btang ba'i snan medicine that is first taken to be followed by another immediately (Lish.). bsu chang = gdong chang in Sikk. wine that is sent for the refreshment of a respectable party or official when coming to a place. bsu mi an escort, the men going to receive a gentlemen or lady coming from a distance. bsu snan clyster (Sch.). bsung dri bzang po , sweet smell; dri bsung zhim pa bro'o I enjoy the sweet fragrance. bsung gi grong khyer and bsung gi grong khyer chen po are names of very sweet scented flowers (K. my. ka, 29). bsung nged fragrance. bsung myos and bsung myos chen po are names of two kinds of fragrant flowers. bsun pa dissolute: bsun par byed pa to be dissolute; to be irregular in habits. bsun bskyur (Sch.): irregularity of life, dissoluteness; sems bsun nas bskyur ba abandoned prodigality. bsun tsam disgusting, obscene (Sch.). bsub pa pf. bsubs , to obliterate, rkang rjes bsubs rubbed out the foot mark (Situ. 76). bsum pa 1. = 'dzum pa to smile. 2. = sum pa to close or shut (Cs.). snod dang ras khug sogs kha bsum pa to draw together the mouth-string of a cloth pouch or bag; (Situ. 76) to shut up the mouths of a vessel or cotton-cloth bag. bsur smyig W. clyster = bsu snan (J‰.). bsus pa incorrectly for gsus pa = lto ba SANST, SANST belly, stomach. bse 1. se ba 3. 2. for bse ru , bse khrab n. of a buckle or shield made of rhinoceros skin. bse sgam , bse'i sgrom bu leather-box or box lined with leather; bse sgo leather-door, or a door-like target made of hides (J‰.). 3. a kind of demon. bse 'bros pa'i sngags the charm to drive away bse demon: te la li aa te la li aAa (K. g. ca, 52). bse ko rhinoceros hide of which shields are made. bse kha bsgo n. of a wild animal, ri ags zhig gi ming (K. ko. ka, 2). bse ru 1. SANST rhinoceros; bse ru lta bu SANST one who concentrates his mind on a subject in the manner of a rhinoceros which looks to its horn with the only intention of killing his adversary. 2. in Tibet is applied to the clumsy-looking deer known to sportsmen as the "serow." 3. three species of grain having medicinal properties: bsi ru dkar po white seru; bse ru nag po black seru; bse ru khra bo the spotted seru. bse spur a kind of grain with disagreeable odour. (EEE The original gives bse spur under 3. above but the accompanying transliteration, bse-sbur gives the correct spelling.) bse ma nu = se 'bru pomegranate seed (mystic) (Mio. 3). bse mo SANST species of weasel. bse yab skyur ma a kind of sweet and acidulous medicinal fruit. bsegs pa to come from one side, to come across one's way (Sch.); to come into collision with. bseng ba = angs pa or khams sangs pa to revive spirit, to awaken, rouse; rig pa bseng ba'i man ngag tu (A. 135) as advice for rousing one's spirits. bsed pa v. gsed pa 3 to sort, to discriminate; zhib mo bsed pa to enter into details (Situ. 76). bsed dpyad the bow for setting a drill in motion (Sch.). bsen mo mo gdon a female evil spirit. bsen khus pa + = gnyen bslus pa to allure, seduce (by the show of friendship). bser I: in mde'u bser (Situ. 76) = mda' kyog po yod med lta bu to see, examine if an arrow is crooked or not. II: or bser bu resp. of rlung wind: bser bu gang nas langs whence does the cold wind blow (Hbrom. kha, 18); the term bser is generally applied to a cold breeze: bser gyis phog he is affected by a cold wind (Sch.). 2. the feeling of cold: sgu zhabs la 'ser gyin mi 'dug gam is not your honour feeling cold; catching cold; bser du yong you will feel cold (J‰.). (EEE I. and II. comprise two separate entries in the original. They have been combined here to permit the proper functioning of this new, electronic edition of the dictionary.) bser ma = rlung gen. wind in the stomach. bser ma mi skye ba = rlung mi skye ba in tho rangs kyi dus su skyo tshag bser ma mi skye ba (A. 155). bser mo adj. or sbst. khyod bser mo mang po ma tshor ram W., did you not feel very cold? bser mo'i nad honorif. a catarrh, a cold (J‰.). bsel = skyel ma 1. SANST followers, retinue. 2. v. + bsel ba to protect from danger, remove fear or cause of danger. lam bsel convoy; safe conduct, escort. bsel pa safe-guard, guide; lam bsel byed pa to accompany and protect one on the way, to escort him. bso ba resp. ngal bso ba to take, rest, refresh one's self, to remove fatigue by rest. bsog pa form of sog pa , pf. bsags or bsogs , nor bsags accumulated wealth; hoarded treasure (Situ. 76). bsong po = drang po straight, honest. bsod snyoms + described as: 'dod pa la lhag par longs su od pa over enjoyment. bsod snyoms SANST alms of cooked food, edible things or money, gifts presented to clerical persons; food to the departed or to the manes of the dead; bsod snyoms pa a receiver of such alms, bsod snyoms gyis 'tsho ba to live by alms, on charity; bsod snyoms byed pa or bsod snyoms la rgyu ba , resp. gshegs pa to beg, ask, collect alms; bsod snyoms sbyor ba to prepare an entertainment for the priesthood (J‰.). bsod btags for bsod nams kyi kha btags , a kind of silk scarf which is believed to bring good luck to the person receiving it as a present. bsod bde resp. sku bsod 1. good fortune, happiness, felicity; bsod bde can happy, bsod bde chen po very happy and fortunate, bsod bde med unhappy, wretched. 2. destiny, fate, = dbang thang sku bsod shin tu che (Schl.) his destiny is a very high one; khyod kyi bsod bde la brdung ba yod pa yin it belongs to your destiny that you get a drubbing (J‰.). bsod nams SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST holiness, merit, virtue, good action. bsod nams gyis gnas a holy place to visit which brings merit. 'jig rten 'di dang pha rol na|bsod nams byas pa dag par 'gyur in this and in the next world, he who has done good actions will be happy (K. du. ta 271). bsod nams skyes po SANST a meritorious person, one having moral merits; bsod nams skyes heaven, celestial region (B. ch. 6). bsod nams ma yin pa'i las sinful deed, an act that is not pious. Syn. chos ; legs byas ; skal ba bzang ; kha rje khyu mchog ; nyams dga' ba ; dge ba'i tshogs ; bde legs ; sdig zad ; dam pa (Moon.). bsod nams rgyal mtshan n. of a hierarch of Sakya (Loo. 'a, 12). bsod nams rgyun byas SANST one who is adorned with moral virtues. bsod nams can a meritorious person, a virtuous, pious person. Syn. dpal yon ldan pa ; legs byas pa ; chos ldan ; skal ldan ; bzang byas ; kha rje can ; legs ldan ; bsod nams ldan pa (Moon.). bsod nams che ba SANST a very virtuous person; of great moral merit. bsod nams mchog the best moral virtue; n. of a prince, son of king dpas byin (K. d. nga, 183). bsod nams thams cad bsdus pa'i ting nge 'dzin n. of Sutra in (K. d. tha, 118). bsod nams stobs kyi rtogs brjod SANST the moral life-story of Punyabala (K. d. aa, 1). bsod nams dar rgyas increased and abundant merits; n. of the father of Dalai Lama Kalzang Gyatsho (bskal bzang rgya mtsho ) (Loo. za, 21). bsod nams ldan SANST, SANST the pious, one possessed of virtue, moral merit, &c. bsod nams 'phel SANST, increase of moral merit; n. of a certain king of Benares (Hbrom. kha, 37). bsod nams zhing SANST a holy place, SANST a place of pilgrimage, a place where deeds of virtue and piety were done and a visit to which brings merit. bsod pa + = bzang po , legs pa pleasing, very good, agreeable. bsod pa dang ngan pa good and bad. Acc. to J‰. vb., to be pleased with, to take delight in, to like. bsod pa'i zas SANST; = zas bzang po good food, well prepared, dressed, boiled (Zam. 9). bsol is explained as 'grogs bde ba . bsos in bsos pa 1. indemnification, damages paid for bodily injury. 2. to recreate; ngal bsos refreshed (Situ. 76). v. pf. of gsos pa 3: nyams pa bsos pa repaired damage or things which had been injured; regained strength, &c. bsrang straightened; 'khyog bsrang zin pa anything that was crooked or bent, made straight (Situ. 64). bsrang po straight, upright. bsrang ba pf. bsrangs : yo ba bsrangs the crooked (thing) made straight; gzhung bsrangs made the middle or the main portion of a thing straight (Situ. 76); v. srong ba 3. bsrad v. bsrod pa 3. bsran = bzod pa SANST endurance, patience, forbearance. bsran pa v. sran pa 3. bzod bsran pa = bzod pa bsgom pa to meditate on the virtue of forbearance; sdug bsrag che very patient in troubles. sems kyis bsran to endured mentally (Situ. 76). bsrab pa 1. pf. bsrabs to be diminished; sgribs pa bsrabs = sgrib pa chen po med pa shadow or darkness has vanished, diminished; mun pa bsrab pa there is not much of darkness (Situ. 76). 2. (v. srab 3) to bridle, keep under, restrain, check, curb, refrain; bag chags bsrab pa to restrain the passions. bsral ba SANST to separate, to sort, to choose: gri rnon po re bsral zhing (Buton. 142) choosing each a sharp knife. (phyed ma lta bur ) v. srel ba 3. bsri ba pf. bsris 1. = tshags byed pa to economize, to save, nor bsris savings; nor la bsri economy in riches. 2. fondness, liking (Situ. 76). bsri ba med SANST cruel, unrelenting (S. Lex.). bsring fut., pf. bsrings (Oag. 69); = ring du bskur ba prolonged, to send to or cast to a distance: yi ge bsrings despatched a letter. tshe bsrings = tshi ring prolong life; longevity (Situ. 76). bsri tshags economy, frugality; carefully keeping stores and treasures. phyi nang tshang mar bsri tshags rtsa ba nas yod pa dgos there should be perfect economy in every respect in internals and externals (D. Shel. 5). (EEE The original has the Tibetan headword as bsra tshags which is in error. The headword above in this edition has been corrected in accordance with the transliteration of the original "bsri-tshags" and the context.) bsris pa = bkren pa stinginess; spa bsris med pa without stinginess and hiding (N‚g.). (EEE The work here referred to as "N‚g." is not referred to elsewhere in the dictionary, nor is it mentioned in the prefatory ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES3. It is likely that this is an error for dag yig ngag sgron rtsa 'grel , which is referred to elsewhere as "Oag.") bsrung ba = SANST; pf. bsrungs ; fut. bsrung bya ; bgegs sogs bsrungs (Oag. 69) to guard against evil or evil spirits that cause accidents; guardian, guard, watchman, sentinel, sentry; amulet. Syn. skyabs byed ; skyob pa (Moon.). bsrung ma gen. spirits that guard Buddhism or Buddhist institutions and living saints. bsrung mi'i tshogs SANST a body of guards; rgyal po'i sku bsrungs pa or bsrung pa royal body-guard (Moon.). bsrung 'khor or bsrung ba'i 'khor lo magic charm used as a protection against evil spirits. bsrung 'khor ba = sngags pa or sngags 'chang (Moon.), a Tantrik priest who by the efficacy of his charms drives away evil spirits and thereby guards people against evil. bsrung mdzad a guard, watcher. bsrun pa = btul ba tamed, disciplined, civilized. bsrub pa SANST churned; 'o ma dang ja bsrub pa v. srub ; bsrub byed = nyi ma the sun (Moon.). (EEE For srub see srub pa 3.) bsre ba v. sre ba 3 to mix: mnyam du bsre ba to mix together. bsreg pa SANST, SANST; v. sreg pa 3 to burn, me la bsreg pa ; bsregs pa SANST, SANST burnt, baked, singed. Syn. tshig pa ; tshig ma ; 'tshig pa (Moon.). bsreg khang SANST funeral pyre, crematory. bsreg bya SANST, SANST anything to be burnt in the sacrificial fire, bsreg blugs SANST clarified butter poured in the sacrificial fire as an oblation. bsrel ('chang ba , gnyer ba ) to maintain, keep (Oag. 69); chung ma bsrel to maintained his wife (Situ. 76). bsres pa = 'dres pa mixed up (Oag. 69); SANST mixture; chu dang 'o ma milk with water; SANST, SANST mixed up (as articles of food). Syn. spel ba . bsro ba v. sro ba 3 (nyi ma la bsro ba ) nyi ma la drod btang ba , pf. bsros , mer bsros dried in the sun, on fire, &c. (Situ. 77). bsro khang = thab tshang kitchen; gYos khang bakery (Moon.). bsrod pa or bsred pa = sro ba to dry, by exposing to the rays of the sun (Sch.). bsla ba v. sla ba . (EEE For sla ba see sla 3.) bslang ba SANST; = bsgreng ba to raise, to lift up; v. slang ba 3, pf. bslangs : gyen du bslangs lifted up (Oag. 70). bslad pa to corrupt, to pollute, to spoil; to alloy gold or silver with base metals: rgyal po'i gnas mal bslad pa'i shan bab kyis the king's bed being polluted with defilement (A. 144). bslad adulteration, gzhan gyis bslad corrupted by others (Situ. 77); bslad bya will be corrupted, bslad nas having been corrupted. bslan = bsdus pa collected or gtogs pa put in, arrange: phyogs su bslan to kept them together on one side (Situ. 77). bslab pf. bslabs , rig pa bslab pa education, teaching of arts and sciences (Situ. 77), v. slob pa 3. 1. sbst. SANST training, culture; doctrine. bslab pa gsum SANST the three moral trainings:- 1. lhag pa tshul khrims kyi bslab pa SANST [training in higher conduct]S. 2. lhag pa ting nge 'dzin gyi bslab pa SANST [training in higher meditation]S. 3.lhag pa shes rab kyi bslab pa SANST [training in higher wisdom]S. (K. du. pa, 41). bslab pa gsum gyi sdom pa the three vows for three moral trainings:- so thar , byang sems and gsang sngags gyi sdom pa = the vows for ordinary salvation, vows for Bodhisattva, and those for mystic cult (for entrance to Nirvana by the less direct by the most delicate way of Tantra). bslabs shes can student, studious, also = shes rab can SANST (Moon.) an educated or trained person. bslab ston = bka' 'gros consultation, or instruction: gal chen don yod rnams bslab ston ma zhus par rang 'tsham gyi blos gcod mi byed (you) should not on your own responsibility decide matters of importance without asking for instruction (D. Shel. 12). (EEE The original gives the transliteration of the headword as "bslaa-ston" which is clearly in error.) bslab pa'i gnas dogma, tenet. bslab bya SANST what is to be learnt, doctrine, precept, admonition: 'jig rten mi chos la dgos pa'i bslab bya mdzad do he imparted (to her) some practical doctrines or rules of life and social intercourse (Glr.); bslab bya ston pa to give admonitions, to exhort, reprimand (J‰.). bslab pa'i gzhi SANST the basis of study (Situ) [the subjects of study]S. bslab gtsang the spiritual purity, keeping one's morals and vows pure. bslab don gen. representation of one's grievances, prayer or supplication (Rtsii. 9). bslu ba v. slu ba 3 (vulg. lhu ba ) pf. bslus pa , imp. slus ; 1. ransom, srog bslu ba to ransom life, 'chi ba bslu ba to save one from death by paying money, etc. bslu yon price-money or ransom. bslu bya bslus ransomed life (Situ. 77). 2. to seduce, decoy: bslu tshig persuasive language or sweet words; gYon can 'dis ni gzhon nu ma bslus te bras ze'i chung ma phrogs so (K. du. da, 261) this cunning man has seduced the young woman, the Brahman's wife and has carried her away. bslu rdo fig. temptation, bait, lit. the stone that is thrown at a dog to divert his attention: 'khor ba'i bslu rdo spangs pa yin I have left off the temptations of worldly life (Khrid. 18). ha I: is the twenty-ninth letter of the Tibetan alphabet corresponding to the Sanskrit SANST and English h; it represents the numeral 29. II: In Budh.: 1. = e ma alas! ha (e ma )de bzhin gshegs pa yongs su mya ngan las 'das so alas! the Tathagata has fully passed out of sufferings (K. my. ka, 207). 2. fig.: sems rab tu dga' ba to be greatly delighted, to be in ecstasy. 3. ha ni rgyud dang bral ba'i sgo|rkyen dang bral bas thams cad grol (K. g. wa, 43). 4. = grangs a number (mystic) (K. g. kha, 28). III: 1. breath, ha 'debs pa to breathe. 2. colloq. nearly = pha yonder, further: ha gi over there; ha la rgyug (speaking contemptuously) go to that place i.e., do not stay here, be gone!; ha la gnas residing there; one residing at an unknown place. hwa I: 1. in Budh.: hwa zhes pa ni bod pa mi dmigs pa'i phyir chos thams cad kyi sgo'o (Hbum. ga, 283). 2. (Chinese) a picture, a painting. II: 1. in gos gyi hwa collar of a coat. ha go ba to understand, to comprehend in C., and W. nga ha go byung I have understood it; nga ha ma go I did not understand; ha mi go = shes mi yong (Rdsa.). ha nyid ma go ba is explained as gtam don ha go ma thub pa . ha cang SANST, SANST; adv. excessive, good deal, very, too much: mya ngan las 'da' ba ha cang yang myur shes so his passing out of misery (death) was really too soon; ha cang legs pa very good, excellent; ha cang chen po very large, great; ha cang mang po too many; ha cang bzang po exceedingly good, ha cang ngan ba very bad; ha cang ring ba SANST very long, very far; ha cang mi ring SANST not very far; ha cang mi nye not very near or close. ha cang smra ba mang du mi bya SANST do not prattle much. ha cang spom pa SANST very big or stout: ha cang blo rgya che bas 'du 'dzis gYengs (Lo. 37). ha dzog 'ong n. of a small town in Assam not far from the place called sdong zam sde ba thang on the border of Bhutan (Dsam.). This small town of Hajo in Assam has a temple dedicated to the Hindu god Hayagriva who resembles the Buddhist god Tamdin (rta mgrin ) and is therefore worshipped by the Buddhist of Tibet who mistake Hajo for the Buddhist Kusanagari (Kusinera) the place where Buddha died. It is called by them Tsam-chog-tong (rtsa mchog grong ). ha na ho ni han hon 1. very angry, much enraged Ld. (J‰.). 2. = mi 'thom 'thom a stupid dull man; a dozing dull man. ha ni all of them, all together, in a body (Sch.). ha nu man ta á Hanumana, lit. he with high cheeks, a Mongolian or a Hun; the monkey-warrior in the epic of Ramayana, the devoted general and messenger of Rama. Syn. 'od ldan ; aa nydza na'i bu ; mig gsum pa ; dga' byed pho nya (Moon.). ha pa a native of a Ha in Bhutan, = has pa 3. ha pa ha pa to breathe out steam or vapour (J‰.). ha po n. of a medicinal herb. ha yegs woe (to you, etc.)! in W. (J‰.). ha ra W. to play at dice (J‰.). ha ra hu re in W. impetuous, violent, impudent; also od pa rtsub pa rude behaviour or conduct. ha ri á SANST, SANST parrot. ha ri ni ka á SANST n. of a flower (K. ko. ka, 4). ha ri ta ka á SANST vegetables, greens, pot herbs (Vai. so.). ha ri dra á SANST the turmeric plant, Curcuma (J‰.). ha ri tsan dan á SANST the finest species of white sandal-wood. ha re nya ka á n. of a medicinal plant. ha re a statue; ha re long blind like a statue, i.e., having eyes but without sight like a statue: ha re long gi rdzus stag ma byed cig (A. 136). ha la á or ha la ha la SANST 1. poison in general. 2. a Tantrik form or aspect of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara ( an ras gzigs ). ha lam = phal cher (Rtsii.) about, just, nearly, tolerably, rather: de dang ha lam 'dra ba nearly like that (Vai. so.). ha las pa = ya mtshan pa v. to be astonished, frightened: ha mi las = ya mi mtshan nothing to be wondered at; rna ba mjug ma bcad pa ha mi las (Rdsa.). ya mtshan byed pa to be struck with wonder, to be surprized. ha lung ma go ba = don ma go ba colloq. not understanding the meaning. ha lung mdo lung med pa is explained as gang yang snying po med par song ba . ha lo = me tog ha lo (Yig. k. 51) the holly-hock. But acc. to J‰. a flower, in gen. esp. a large beautiful garden flower, ha lo rkyang pa a simple flower, not a double flower; ha stong 'dab a double ha lo flower. ha shang 1. a Chinese Buddhist priest or scholar who is also represented by a mask in religious plays. 2. ha shang ri n. of a hill in Tibet supposed to be the abode of demons. ha shig a mineral medicine, used as remedy for the stone; acc. to (Vai. so.) = thod le kor alabaster. ha sag (kla klo'i yul zhig ) n. of a country of the Lalo (Dsam.). ha ha ho in the mystic language of the gods of the Apara-nirmana Rataya celestial regions = SANST sdug bsngal ba misery. ha ha thob byed = kun 'byung ba ; ha ha bral = 'gog pa SANST cessation from misery and ha ha bral byed = lam the way to Nirvana (K. ko. ka, 235). ha'i a Chinese word = shoe in C. ha bu spa ba n. of a medicinal herb (J‰.). hwags + SANST, prob. sugared medicine, like lozenges: bu ram gyi angs ma'i sha kha ra ste|gal la zhes kyang bya|| (S. Lex., Med.). hA C á SANST beer. hang 1. vulg. = vacant or vacancy; stong sang sang = stong hang hang . 2. = hang 'dzom pa to squander, to dissipate. hang ne n. of the second wife of the king of sa bdag demons. hang phan ser po = bya ra ba n. of a king of sa bdag demons. hang ba to pant, to gasp (J‰.). hang yon a kind of brick-tea (Rtsii.). hang song or hang zol misunderstanding, misapprehension. had sudden; let alone! be off! W. had kyis suddenly; had kyis lang ba to rise suddenly. had de (idiom.) = hon mthong ba to look with dumb-surprise, to be astounded and senseless: mi de rnams had de las nas mi gda' skad (A. 120). had snan n. of a kind of fruit (S. kar. 179). had rams indigo of the best quality. hab sha violence. han ldang in W. 1. dumb, mute, a confused, unmeaning speech. 2. imbecile, weak of mind (J‰.). han hon v. ha na ho ne 3. hab 1. a mouthful: hab za byed pa , hab hob za ba to eat quickly; to devour greedily, e.g., of dogs, pigs, etc. 2. a stich, in sewing: hab 'tshem pa to make here a stitch and there a stitch, as in quilting (Mil. J‰.). 3. hab god byed pa to laugh sneeringly. hab bcad a needy wretch, a starving person. hab thob pa to gain or take by plunder, to loot, to get by snatching away from another's possession or as in the case of dogs: bu sring dang bu mo sogs kun rang nor hab thob byed (Khrid. 52). hab thob byed pa to scramble for, to strive or contend for (J‰.). hab sha che a dispute, a quarrel. snying rje med pa'i stobs kyi hab sha che ba dang quarrel with merciless violence (A. 144). hab sha byed pa in Mil., to dispute, to quarrel. ham pa 1. avarice, covetousness, greediness; ham pa byed pa to be covetous; ham pa ma bco be not covetous! W. 2. strength, force; ham pas khyer taken away by force. 3. courage, bravery W., of men and animals. ham por white film on liquids, etc., mould (J‰.). har = the colloq. expression lam sangs at once, abruptly, suddenly; har lang ba to rise suddenly; aa ma har te langs nas bltad mo ltos mother rising up at once to see the spectacle. har sgra an abrupt voice, sudden voice; dbugs har sgra 'don pa'i tshe when ejaculating a sudden sigh (Khrid. 122). has exaggeration, hyperbole; has cher smra ba to exaggerate. has pa a hitch, doubt, discrepancy, error; has pa shor = ma 'grigs pa : in taking or giving money or things to another party if there be difference in the accounts, &c., or in cash balances their falling short, is called has pa shor pa . has pa mi 'dug there is no hitch (about it); has pa chen po mi 'dug nothing to be afraid of, or to doubt. has po ri n. of a hill at a short distance from the grand monastery of Samye. has po ri thang n. of a place of Bon pilgrimage in Tibet. has stag tshang n. of a place in Bhutan. hi = numeral 59. hi ra á SANST diamond. hi ri corn-stack: hi ri rtsig pa to build a corn-stack. hi ling a noise; hi ling btang mkhan ; a bully, brawler (J‰.). hi lon shan á n. of a river mentioned in the Purana (K. my. kha, 198.)ó prob. the Mongolian river Khelenchuan. hi hi 1. the laughter of displeasure; or anger. 2. (mystic) = gsod pa'i ston mo (K. g. ga, 216). hi'i ka breast-bone (Sch.). hig or hig ka the act of shuddering, also of sobbing; also, defined as rnam shes yar 'pho ba the departing of the soul from the body. hu 1. a kind of tea (Rtsii.). 2. represents num. 89. 3. in W. breath (J‰.). hu khyu the sound of sighing (J‰.). hu thug thu Mongolian equiv. for 'phags pa SANST the venerable, the most holy. hu na 1. SANST the Mongols or the Indo-Mongolian family to which the Tibetans are allied. 2. n. of a place in Tibet (B. ch. 4). hu thug 1. n. of one of 36 border countries of Tibet (Jig. 31). 2. for 'u thug pa in cis kyang 'gro mi nus par hu thug gom rngugs pa'i skabs (Khrid. 121). hu bde a kind of sword used by the Mongols (Jig. 31). hu ru ru has been explained as mig hrig hrig lta ba to stare at with the eyes fixed and not revolving (A. 136). mig hu re 'dug he stares, he gazes with wonder, horror, confusion (Mil., Glr.). hu lu kun da á SANST n. of a bird of the land of Asura (K. d. 'a, 15). hUMa mdzad SANST an expression of challenge and fearlessness, gen. to alarm an enemy. hung n. of a Chinese imperial dynasty (Grub. tha, 5). hUMa nga in which hum = the expression of anger: nga signifies I, myself and hUMa nga ni skye 'gro'i srog bdag chen po yin (A. 18). hung khung a pyramid; a triangle or triangular figure gen. used in mysticism. hUMa = khro bo'i sngags as a mystic expression of wrath from the lips of a frightful deity. The Tantrik lama also in vanquishing an evil spirit or an inimical god uses the expression Hum to terrorize him. hun W. in news, tidings, intelligence, information; disclosure, explanation, opinion, idea; hun med la unexpectedly, unawares (J‰.). hub a gulf, a draught: thog mar hub re 'thung zhig at first take only one mouthful, one draught at a time (Glr.); hub gcig one mouthful, hub do two mouthfuls (Cs.). hub phogs a kind of tea (Rtsii.). hur 1. has been explained as bya byi'u'i gshegs sgra lta bu . 2. hur hur to stare at out of wonder or surprise, an expression of amazement: gcig mig cig la hur hur bltas (Rdsa.). hur ba to be quick, active, dextrous. hur thag quickly, immediately, with dispatch. hur po 1. quick, alert, dextrous, clever. 2. hot, hasty, passionate in Ld. hus moisture, humidity, hus can wet; hus phog injured by damp; dpe cha la hus phog ste skam chug the book having got damp, let it dry. he he a sound made unconsciously while laughing: he he nyams rtogs med pa'i sgom chen rgod re bro (Rdsa.). he bag 1. = khyad par difference: 'di la he bag med it makes no difference. 2. provocation, taunt. he ba â á SANST = dgyes pa rdo rje also called kye rdo rje (Moon.) n. of a series of treatises (J‰.). he ru ka á SANST terrific manifestation of the chief Tantrik god Sambhara or in Tibetan Demchog bde mchog (Moon.). he ru ka'i chas the dress of Heruka, namely, the rubbing dust over the whole body and face, adorning the body with different ornaments made of human bone, putting on a crown made of human skulls upon the head, wearing a tiger's skin and carrying in the right had a trident, &c., in the left hand a human skull: rgyal bus he ru ka yi chas su byon the prince proceeded having put on the dress of Heruka (A. 14). heg po stale, putrid, rancid. hel po in W. wide, extended; of garments: wide, easy; hel ba id. and sbst.: width (J‰.). ho num.: 149. ho sgra ku sgra shouts and cries of ho and ku to show that one is watchful at night like a constable or chaukidar: ho sgra ku skra sgrog cing phyogs nas bskor shouting ho and ku he walked round (A. 13). ho ma á SANST prop.: burnt-offering of clarified butter: hom khung the triangular, pyramid shaped fire-pit in which burnt offerings are made; acc. to J‰. a small pit or a triangular box used for such an offering. hom byed pa to sacrifice. hong len SANST Epidendrum tesselatum thus described: hong len gYa' gangs mtshams su skye|lo ma khrog po ral gri 'dra|me tog snug po 'brong lo 'dra rtsa ba spu can gong brun 'dra (Mio. rda. 5) a bitter medicinal root, frequently to be found on the mountains (v. also Hook. I., 273). This drug is of two species, the yellow and the red-brown hoo-len. Syn. shing la za ba ; shing skyes ; 'tsho byed . hon a weight equal to ten Chinese li (Rtsii.). hon hon stupid, foolish (Cs.). hob ho W.: bet in, or battered (J‰.). hom SANST acc. to J‰., a Mongol word signifying a pad placed under a camel's load. hor a Tartar. hor jin gis khan the Mongol Jinghis Khan. hor ser shar sha ra'i gol n. of a Tartar tribe in Glr.; hor yul Turkestan. hor zla Tibetan month. hor khongs deficiencies, gaps. hor chams trunks, cups, trays, bucklers made of leather and painted. hor ting oblation cups manufactured in Mongolia (Jig. 21). hor du a Mongolian encampment from hor Tartar or Mongolian and du smoke. Each nomad's tent represents a fire-place and chimney, i.e., a family. hor dong Turkestan quiver (Jig. 24). hor 'dra 1. Tartar-like, i.e., of rude and rough manners. 2. [Sch.: confiscation, hor 'dra babs pa to confiscate] J‰. hor pa 1. a Dzungarian; also a Tibetan from the northern provinces, a herdsman of North Tibet. 2. Crossoptilon pheasant. hor pa dkar po a species of hawk (Sch.). hor se a painted leather trunk manufactured in Turkestan (Jig. 21). hor sle a kind of coarse blanket manufactured in Turkestan: mon sle ags sle zhes pa lung pa so so nas thon sle'u (Rtsii.). hol ba vb. to loosen the soil: sa hol dgos the ground must be loosened, be made soft. hrag = dbar or srubs a cleft, a gap, fissures: nger rnams gangs hrag tu gdeng ngo (Jig. 63). hrag pa hardness; hard like stone, tough. Syn. sra ba ; gyong po (Moon.). hrang 1. = thang po strong, hardy: rgad po de hrang po 'dug that old man is hardy. 2. alone, pho hrang , mo hrang a single man and woman, also = pho rang celibate. hrad pa [1. to thrust, to push violently, to stem firmly. 2. to scratch; sgo la phyag hrad pa 'ga' mdzad pa (his Reverence) made several scratchings with his hand at the door Mil. 3. to exert one's self, to make every effort W.] from J‰. hrab hrib for rab rib 3. hral torn. hral ba to rend, tear up, tear to pieces, e.g., of a beast of prey; to tear up a person's body (J‰.); acc. to Lish. hral med pa not in pieces, entire. hri SANST 1. = ngo tsha shame (mystic) (K. g. kha, 28). 2. essence, substance; a mystical word (J‰.). hrig pa W. to hang (a thief); hrig la shi died by hanging (himself). hril po [1. round, globular; hril hril byed pa to writhe with pain; hril hril kad kar byed pa to be writhing, and then again stretching one's self or starting up (Pth.). 2. whole entire tshe hril por for the whole life (Glr.); mgo hril gyis gtum nas wrapping up his whole head (Glr.). 3. close, dense; hril 'dus te 'dug pa to sit or stand close together in rows (Mil.), and in C.] from J‰. hrud pa adj. rough, rugged; severe, strict; also hrud po adj. jagged, in C. hrum pa to break, to smash (Sch.). hrul ba also hrul po , adj. and sbst. ragged, tattered; raggedness; gos hrul po gyon he put on a ragged dress (A. 97). 2. sbst. rags, tatters: gos su hrul po gyon pa to put on rags for a garment; res 'ga' su 'dod pa la ster ba gos hrul po gyon pa zhig na re (A. 99). hrem pa swollen; hrem me id. (J‰.). hrob grit, bits; dngul hrob silver bit; snad hrob medicines not pounded. hrob hrob gravel; gravelly; in bits, into pieces. hrob srang a tael, an ounce of silver in lump used as a currency: rgya dngul hrob hrob or rdog rdog (S. kar. 180). lha SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST the whole class of petty or minor gods; and esp. the dwellers in one of the upper zones of Mount Sumeru who are ever at war with the lha ma yin or Asuras inhabiting the zone just beneath them. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are regarded as superior Lha. Kings and nobles are complimented with the title of Lha. In Tibet the higher ge-loo or lamas are held to be superior in grade and in power to lha. Syn. 'chi med ; rgas med ; skabs gsum pa ; lha min dgra bo ; tshig mda' can ; legs bris ; mkhar nyal ; bdud rtsi zas ; mi sbyin skyes ; mig mi 'dzum ; me zhal ; rnam sad ; rmi lam med ; ngag gi mtshon cha ; ya yig skyes ; bde 'gro ; tshigs bzang ; 'dod gzugs can ; dge skyes (Moon.). The lha , however, embrace multitudinous and varied collocations of deities, among which may be enumerated the following: (1) nyi ma'i lha the gods of the sun; (2) sna tshogs lha SANST; (3) nor lha the gods of riches; (4) dga' ldan the gods of Turita heaven; (5) 'od gsal lha SANST the gods of the illumined heaven; (6) rlung lha the gods of the wind; (7) rgyal chen rigs lha Maharaj Kayika; (8) grub pa Siddha; (9) drag po Rudra; (10) tshogs kyi lha Ganadhara dewa; (11) rig 'dzin Vidyadhara; (12) chu skyes the gods of the clouds; (13) gnod in SANST Yakra gods; (14) srin po Rakrasa gods; (15) dri za the perfume-eating gods or Gadharva; (16) mi 'am ci Kinnara, the ugly-face gods; (17) sha za Pisacha; (18) gsang ba grub pa Guhyak Siddhah; (19) 'byung po the Bhuta. lha'i glu mkhan the divine musicians: skabs gsum pa'i glu dbyangs mkhan ; sgra ngan spangs ; dbyangs ldan mo dbyangs sgrog pa ; dri za skyes ; dri za (Moon.). lha'i ljon shing SANST; the celestial trees: dpag bsam ljon shing (Yig. k, 27) SANST; yongs 'du SANST; rgya mtsho skyes ; yid mos ; ku bi dA ra SANST; ha ri tsan dan SANST; man dA ra SANST; legs khyab (Moon.). lha'i btung ba the drink of the gods. Syn. bdud rtsi ; bde 'thung (Moon.). lha'i chu bo the heavenly rivers: sa ba ka ; mtho ris klung ; lha yi chu bo bcud ring (Moon.). lha'i drang srong SANST; the heavenly sages: mchu las skyes ; me in bu SANST; rgyas pa (Moon.). lha'i snan pa SANST the celestial physicians: mtho ris snan pa tha skar skyes rgod ma skyes (SANST); rnam 'byed bu (Moon.). lha'i gar mkhan the celestial dancers: dran pa'i snye ma ; me na kA ; mtho ris lha yi gar mkhan (Moon.). lha'i snad 'tshong ma SANST the heavenly courtezans: mtho ris snad 'tshong lags myos skyes ; chu skyes rag dga' ; glog 'od can ; dga' ba'i shing rta ; legs brgyan ma ; chu shing brla can ; pad dkar mo (Moon.). lha'i bla ma the teachers of the gods: sangs rgyas (Buddha) and phur bu (Vphaspati). lha'i gser 'dab n. of a flower (K. my. ka, 20). lha'i lcug ma = klu shing 3; bcud mi ldan (Moon.). lha min dgra SANST the enemy of the Daitya's (demons) i.e., the gods. lha min snying khu SANST = chang wine. lha min lha = chu lha SANST; (Moon.). lha mo SANST, SANST, SANST a goddess, princess, lady. lha mo bdun the seven goddesses:- (1) tshangs ma ; (2) dbang mo ; (3) phag mo ; (4) drag mo ; (5) lus ngan mo ; (6) khyab 'jug ma ; (7) gzhon nu ma . lha mo rta a certain insect. lha mo sgy u 'phrul ma SANST the mother of Gautama Buddha. lha mo sgy u 'phrul dra ba chen mo zhes bya ba'i rgyud n. of a Tantra much used by the RÒio-ma sect (K. g. 1). lha mo mo phag gi shing rta can = sa yi lha mo bstan ma (Moon.). lha mo dri ma med pas zhus pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra delivered by Buddha at the request of king Ajata Satru's daughter. lha mo chen mo dpal lung bstan pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra (K. d. ba, 397). lha mo dpal phreng gis zhus pa'i mdo a Sutra delivered at the request of king Prasenajit's daughter princess Dpal Phreo (K. ko. cha, 419). lha rtse a district in upper Tsang belonging to the jurisdiction of the Tashi Lama, with a large monastery. In English maps it is called Jang Lhar-che (Tsang Lhartse). lha rtse dpon mo n. of a Tibetan Buddhist saintess of Lhartse. (Moon.). lha rtse rol pa'i gnas = nam mkha' sky, heaven (Moon.). lha tshe ring po SANST the gods of extraordinary longevity. lha mtshams n. of the 16th lunar mansion SANST. Syn. lag so ; mdza' bo'i lha ; lag pa (Rtsii.). lha za dang grags n. of the queen of srid rje brang dkar son of sangs po the founder of the first Bon dynasty of Tibet (G. Bon. 23). lha bzo 1. SANST, SANST the art of making images or gods. 2. also lha bzo bo SANST, SANST, SANST divine artist, a framer of gods. lha zhi ba mild aspect of any god, opp. to the drag po (rudra) aspect. lha zho = gangs thig snow drop, ice-drop (mystic) (Mio. rda. 4). lha 'dzug occurs in lha la 'dzug rgyu'i gri med mda' dang sogs . lha yis 'tsho ba = sku gnyer or lha gnyer (Moon.) a priest in charge of the images of deities, etc. contained in a temple or monastery. lha rdzas silk scarf for presentation with letters. lha yul gung thang and lha yer pa are two of the 37 holy places of the Bon (G. Bon. 37). lha ras = lha gos satin, silk, handkerchief used by kings and gods (Yig. k. 3). lha ri gzim phug n. of a small monastery with a large library presided over by an incarnate lama in Tsang. lha ru = lha la or lhar , lha ru skyes born as a god or among the gods in heaven. lha rig pa'i seng ge an Indian pandit from whom Thon-mi Sambhota had learnt the Sanskrit language (Situ. 1). lha reg = lha gos silk scarf for presentation (Yig. 4). lha la phyogs 'gro ba'i rim pa a mode of movement or gait in walking (Moon.). lha la gtor ba SANST to propitiate the gods by showing eatables to them. lha las skyes SANST originated from the gods, god born. lha las babs pa'i mchod rten SANST the memorial temple of Buddha's return from heaven. lha lung n. of a district in the province of Lhobrag, the birth place of Lhalung Paldor, the assassin of king Langdarma (Deb. ga, 32). lha khang SANST, SANST shrine, temple, sanctuary. Syn. gtsug lag khang ; gan Zo la ; lha yi gnas gzhi (Moon.). lha khang pa SANST [belonging to the divine mansion]S. lha gos = lha rdzas or lha reg silk scarf enclosed as a present of accompany a letter: mchog tu rin thang bral ba'i mtshams zhu'i lha gos bcas (Yig. k. 4). lha dgu n. of a sa bdag demon. lha rgyal bod v. jus legs pa 3. lha rgyal lo glory be to the gods; bya'o phyir ro lha rgyal lo (Situ. 24) invocation to the gods by throwing a handful of barley flour to the wind (Rtsii.). lha rgyal mtshon ma = 'ja' mtshon , rainbow (Moon.). lha gcig gen. lha cig SANST her or his or your majesty, your highness; acc. to J‰. Sir? dear lord or king. 2. princess. lha chen SANST a great and mighty deity; an address for kings like Sire. lha chos pa = chos byed mkhan (Situ. 124) one who performs religious service, a priest. lha lcam a princess, a nobleman's wife, a great mistress: byams brtse'i thugs dang ldan pa lha lcam sku zhabs mchog gi zhabs drung du (Yig. k. 49) to the feet of her ladyship the princess who is possessed of a loving and affectionate heart. lha rje physician. This title was first conferred on the court physician of king khri srong lde'u btsan (Yig.). (EEE The original has the phoneticization Thi-sroo deu-tsan for khri srong lde'u btsan above.) lha nyid SANST, SANST godhead, divinity. lha gnyer = sku gnyer SANST a priest in charge of idols (Moon.). lha sgang n. of a place in Kham. lha rten image or temple of a god or of gods. lha gtor za ba (lit. the eater of offerings made to the gods) = as met. bya rog a crow (Moon.). lha tho (prob. for lha'i tho yor ) heaps of stone erected on mountain passes or on the tops of mountains as votive cairns. lha nas 1. barley grain offered to the gods (Rtsii.). 2. from the gods. lha bu n. of a place in the district of Hol-dgah (Rtsii.). lha dag byed pa 1. = lha'i bdud rtsi nectar, ambrosia. 2. a n. of the river Ganges (Yig. k, 85). lha ldan n. of the city of Lhasa; it is also called lnga ldan SANST because containing in its grand monastery five miraculously sprung images rang byon lnga ldan gtsug lag khang der yod pa (Loo. 'a, 6). lha gdong n. of a place in the province of gung thang in upper Tibet: zhang zhung nas gung thang lha gdong zhes bya ba (A. 66). lha 'dab = klu shing 3. lha sde mi sde 1. the clergy and the laity. 2. the class of gods and the class of men (J‰.). lha tho tho ri gnyan btsan one of the famous early kings of Tibet (J. Zao.). lha mthong lo tsAa ba n. of a Tibetan Sanskrit scholar. lha nad hysterics; madness (Sch.). lha gnas 1. celestial region, abode of the gods. 2. as met: = sprin cloud. lha phyag honorific of phyag paying homage or making salutation: sgo gsum gus pa chen pos lha phyag dang bcas te gsol ba 'debs snying (Yig. k. 2) honours shown to the lha gods, worship paid to them; phyogs bzhi lha phyag mang po btsal te bowing towards the four points of the compass in token of reverence to the gods (J‰.). lha phyag 'bul ba to salute respected persons in letters and otherwise. lha dbang legs skyob an epithet of Indra (Moon.). lha phyi (Lab-chi) n. of an outer mountain of the Gauri Sankar or Everest group as seen from Tibet. lha phrug a descendant from the gods, child of the gods; as a mask (Schl. 235). lha ba sap or resinous juice of trees (Jig. 17). lha bla ma n. of the father of Bromston (Hbrom. kha, 37). lha ma yin SANST in ancient times the Asura occupied the celestial regions, but in later times they were expelled by the Deva or Lha invaders; therefore in all accounts of the Asura they are called lha las rgan or sngon gyi lha the elder brothers of the gods, i.e., the earlier gods (Moon.); but in later days were denominated lha-ma-yin or lha-min. They rank as one of the six classes of beings inhabiting Mount Sumeru at different zones. Syn. sbyin skyes ; sbyin byung ; sbyin ma'i bu ; lha las rgan ; sngon gyi lha ; mchod sbyin dgra bo ; dbang po'i dgra ; pa sangs slob ma ; gzhu las skyes ; da nu'i bu ; gser can bu ; gzhu rgyal ; lhar snod ; lha la sdang ; khu ba'i slob ma ; sa 'og gnas (Moon.). lha ma srin gods, Asura, and Rakrasa, etc.; or, perhaps, also lha ma srin sde brgyad the eight classes of gods, Asura, Rakrasa, etc. i.e., the whole world of spirits (J‰.). lha'i ma SANST, SANST the mother of the gods. lha'i rol mo the muses, goddesses born as musicians: lha mo dag kyang lha'i rol mo byed par 'gyur the goddesses will perform divine music. lha'i tshon ris the celestial colours, the rainbow. Syn. 'ja' ; 'ja' mtshon (Moon.). lha'i shing = shug pa SANST the deodar; also the juniper, acc. to Lex. SANST, SANST, SANST [a tree of paradise]S. (Moon.). lha'i gnas gzhi = gtsug lag khang vihara, monastery (Moon.). lha'i dmag dpon SANST the warrior general of the gods, Kumara Shadanana the youngest son of Mahesvara (Moon.). lha yi 'dab = klu shing 3 (Moon.). lha'i btsun mo SANST [celestial damsels residing in the sky and regarded as the wives of the Gandharvas]S. lha'i blo gros rab gnas kyi zhus pa'i mdo a Sutra delivered by Buddha at the request of the daughters of king Prasenajit (K. ko. cha, 419). lha'i bu rab rtsal sems kyis zhus pa'i mdo n. of a Sutra delivered at the request of a Devaputra (K. d. pa, 62). lha yi slob dpon SANST, SANST the teacher or spiritual guide of the gods. lha yi bla ma Vphaspati the renowned teacher of the gods, who is said to have been formerly an ordinary god whose name was SarvajÒa. On account of his profound learning and perfect command over the Sanskrit language and literature he was appointed tutor to Indra the king of the gods. Indra having had little leisure to devote to study it was arranged that Vphaspati should teach the children of the gods and so he came to be the teacher of the gods or heavenly school-master (Moon.). lha lam = lugs srol custom, usage: gangs ljongs bstan 'gro'i lha lam mdzes pa'i rgyan mchog dam pa (Yig. k. 2). lha las rgan lit. senior (in birth) to the gods, i.e., the Asura (Moon.). lha shes SANST a wise man; a diviner, an astrologer. lha bsangs (lha la bsangs btang ba ) offerings of incense to the gods (Oag. 64). lha bshos SANST [an offering of eatables presented to a deity]S. lha sa SANST the capital of Tibet, so called from the time that the first image of Buddha was brought thither from China during the reign of king srong btsan sgam po in the first quarter of the seventh century A.D. This famous city is situated on the Kyi Chhu at an altitude of 11,600 feet above the level of the sea, in lat. 29∞ 39¥ N., long. 91∞ 6¥ E. lha gsol 1. n. of a place in the district of Dwag-po, S. E. Tibet (Rtsii.). 2. invocation and offerings to the local gods. lha srung tutelar god; more correctly the gods who have undertaken to guard Buddhism in Tibet. lha nga knee pan, bus mo gYas pa'i lha nga sa la 'dzug pa to bend down the right knee; lha khung the bend of the knee W. (J‰.). lha ba to soften, slough, suppurate. lha ru cartilage. lha mo dmar mo tsa mu ºi the Indian goddess Chamandi tsa mu ºis ral gri re lce sreng ba zhes bya bas lha ma yin|he ran na ke shu'i mgo bcad do| (K. g. zha, 317). lha mo dung gi nu zho can an officinal herb growing in the clefts of rocks and with leaves resembling those of the bamboo and yielding milky juice after incision; is used in ulcers and wounds. lha min bse yi nu zho can also called bdud rtsi zho 'dzag n. of a medicinal plant the leaves of which are used for wounds and sores. lha sdings n. of a place in Yar-kluo: bzhugs sa yang dbyar lha sdings su bgyis (A. 93). lha rje rags a physician who made himself famous by constructing a river embankment: rags mdzad pas da lta yang lha rje rags zer skad being constructed by Rags it is still called Lha- rje-rags (A. 90). lhag I: SANST, SANST, SANST exceeding, more, beyond; also adj. excellent, surpassing, excelling, superior: 'di las lhag pa'i gzhan chos med there is hardly any other virtue or religion superior to this; nyams thag pa nga las lhag pa yod dam is there any one that is suffering more than I? (J‰.). II: 1. SANST, SANST the son of the moon, a planet; gza' lhag pa SANST the planet mercury. 2. or lhag pa SANST; Wednesday. Syn. zla skyes ; zla bu ; lus gcig pa ; mdza' lha'i grogs po ; sngo bsangs lus ; snar ma ; lha mtshams ; so sor skyes ; rgyal po'i bu ; gsal ldan ; thos ldan skyes ; tshim byed skyes ; mkhas pa (Moon.). lhag par adv. more, mostly with adj., but also with verbs: shin tu lhag par far more; very exceedingly, uncommonly; lhag par legs pa uncommonly good; ches lhag par extremely, excessively, further, furthermore (J‰.). lhag ma SANST remainder, the excess: de las lhag ma the remaining portion of it. lhag pa'i dbang phyug SANST emperor, supreme lord or king. lhag pa'i dbang phyug ma SANST empress or supreme queen. lhag pa'i lha SANST [presiding deity]S. lhag pa'i shes rab SANST transcendental wisdom. lhag par ldan ma a lady possessing more than what is necessary or one ordinarily possesses; n. of a Yakra princess (K. g. da, 130). lhag 'byor opulent, very wealthy. Syn. 'byor pa chen po ; phyug chen (Moon.). lhag med = all, entire, the whole, leaving nothing behind. Syn. kun ; thams cad (Moon.). lhag gis = lhang nger . lhag pa or lhags pa = rlung (Oag. 64) the wind; but acc. to J‰. usually signifies: cold wind. lhags ngar = rlung tshub cold piercing wind. lhags pa SANST to approach, to meet, to assemble with other persons; to be adjacent or contiguous: deng sang gnas 'dir lhags pa legs it is well that you should have now come to this place (A. 23); sangs rgyas la gus pas drung du lhags te zhabs lags phyag 'tshal lo (Pag. 309) approaching to Buddha reverentially he bent down to his feet. lhang nge (mngon sum gsal zhing gzi brjid che ba ) SANST clear, distinct, bright, resplendent. Syn. lham me ; lhan ne (Moon.). lhang lhang clear sound or noise, khyi skad lhang lhang pa the clear barking of dogs; 'brog pa'i skad du lhang lhang byung ba it was heard distinctly as the voice of a herdsman (A. 131); lhang lhang brjod pa speaking with a clear, sonorous voice. zhes gsol ba khyad par can lhang lhang 'debs pa kho bos legs par thos dang (A. 14). lhang lhang gtsug one of the thirty-seven sacred places of the Bon (G. Bon. 35). lhang tsher (gtam dang rjes su 'brel ba'i tshig ) an impressive expression; words that one feels. (EEE The original gives the headword as lhang 'tsher with transliteration as "lhao-tsher". The latter is the usually accepted spelling and the headword in this edition has been altered accordingly.) lhad 1. interpolation; chos la lhad interpolation in religious works. phyis lhad du bcug pa'i tshig a later interpolation. 2. a baser substance mixed up with a finer one, an alloy. lhad can adulterated, alloyed; lhad med unadulterated, pure, genuine, real, without alloy. lhan SANST together, lhan gyis (when referring to the subject of the action), lhan nas (as ablative case), lhan du together, with one another, lhan du song SANST gone together or along with. lhan du yod existing or living together. lhan skyes or lhan cig skyes pa SANST, SANST born together with, as twins; also, esp., lha or 'dre born together with every human being. lhan rgyas 1. a state council; a society or company; acc. to J‰. partner of the seal, i.e., a colleague using the same seal in official business (lhan rgyas kyi the tse or i dam ). 2. = lhan gcig 3. lhan gcig together with, altogether; lhan gcig tu id.; lhan cig 'gro moving together as do a party of dancers, soldiers &c. (Moon.). lhan cig gnas pa SANST; to live together in harmony, to live as husband and wife. lhan cig od ma as met. = bag ma bride, wife (Moon.). lhan byed pa'i rgyan SANST, [auxiliary cause or dependence]S. lhan 'byung SANST, SANST [together, a friend, companion]S. lhan te = dgu te . lhan ne = lhang nge SANST [shining; the sun]S. lhab se lhab pa to flutter to and fro, to glimmer (J‰.). lhab lhub 1. SANST excessive ornamentation; slovenly dress; wide, flowing; dar ber lhab lhub a silk-cloak unnecessarily large with flowing sleeves. (EEE No definition 2. is provided in the original.) lhabs SANST [middle]S. lham SANST, SANST a felt boot, a shoe; rgya lham a Chinese boot, sog lham a Mongol boot. lham sgrog or lham sgro SANST shoe-strap, latchet; string for lacing felt leggings; lham mthil boot-sole; lham yu leg of a boot; lham yu ring boots with long legs (Sch.).; lham krad pieces of leather used for patching soles; lham gog worn-boots; lham 'gram the upper-leather or vamp; lham sgro gu can SANST buskins; lham yu chad SANST a sort of slippers to which cotton leggings are attached. lham nye ba'i rin po che SANST shoes as a precious article owned by a Cakravartti Raja, its possession saving him from many inconveniences, besides enabling him to walk on the surface of water (K. d. za, 149). lham bzo ba SANST a shoe-maker. Syn. phyags ; mchil lham ; bcag lham ; mthil lham ; tsher ma bsrung (Moon.). lham me SANST illumined, blazing, bright. lhams kyis once, all, every thing. lhar 'gro ('gro ba'i rim pa ) (Moon.). lhar bcas SANST together with the gods; the youngest son of Pandu Raja (Moon.), also (A.K.). lhas = 'du gnas a place where many live huddled together; = SANST, SANST, SANST pen, fold, enclosure for cattle. lhas ma SANST, SANST braid; wicker-work; also of pastry, twisted cake; rope. lhas bkang = pad ma can gyi mtsho lotus-lake, a pond over-grown with lotus plant (Moon.). lhas bstan 1. n. of a city in Magadha, the birth place of the mother of Buddha. 2. SANST pointed out or directed by the gods. lhas pa v. under sle ba 3. lhas byin SANST 1. a brother of Ananda and cousin of Gautama Buddha, who, as the legends have it, continually annoyed Buddha by malicious artifices, whereby, however, the blameless character of the latter shone but the more conspicuously; hence proverbially used for any malicious character (Cs.). 2. n. of a certain king of Benares the account of whose son lha snang stobs ldan occurs in Mgrin. 2. lhing ba or lhings pa = mi 'gyur ba or brtan po strong, firm, steady; changeless. lhing chags unbending, unflagging. lhu a portion of the body of an animal, = 1/3 zug ; lha ru gsil ba to divide, to parcel out; lhu mgo a limb-joint: 'gram rus dang lhu mgo thams cad phyi la 'bur the cheek-bone and all the limb-joints had come out (Khrid. 47). lhu tshigs the joints of the limbs i.e., of the hands and legs (Jig.). lhug v. ldug pa 3 to pour out. lhug pa and lhug ma prose (Cs.). lhug pa = lhod pa ; in nga la ma chags lhug par zhog (Hbrom, 130). lhug po abundant, diffuse, luxurious; also loose: gos lhug lhug gyon pa also lhug por gnas pa to remain naked or loosely dressed so that some parts of the body may be seen. lhug par amply, abundantly, plentifully; lhug par gtong ba to give in charity liberally, lhug par bshad pa = spas gsang med par bshad pa full statement, to explain completely. thugs rje lhug par thob bo received grace abundantly. lhugs successive, continuous; uninterrupted, having no gaps; unreserved (J‰.). lhugs or lhugs tshig continuous praise (Sch.). lhung pf. of ltung ba 3. lhung lhung SANST (Moon.) a flowing stream, waterfall, cascade. lhung lhung snyan pa'i sgra sgrog cing 'bab po sweetly murmuring (the gentle stream) descends (J‰.). lhung ba nyid SANST fall, state of falling. lhung ba skyong one who saves the fallen; nges par lhung SANST sure fall, a sin (Jig. 11). rnam par lhung SANST [fallen away]S. yongs lhung SANST lost, swerved. lhung bzed = slong phor SANST begging platter, the alms bowl of Buddha and of the Buddhist monks in which food or edibles are thrown by alms-givers. lhung bzed 'tshol SANST [searching all round an alms bowl]S. lhung bzed chung ngu SANST small platter. lhung bzed 'chang pa SANST to hold out the alms bowl, one holding it out, a Buddhist monk; lhung bzed shubs alms-bowl case, the bag in which the begging platter is kept or carried; lhung bzed thag pa the straps or strings by which this begging platter is suspended and carried; lhung bzed khebs SANST alms bowl cover. lhung yas (grangs ) SANST; n. of a number (S. Lex.). lhun mass, bulk lhun can massy, bulky; lhun che ba very large. lhun grub or lhun gyis grub pa SANST, SANST miraculously sprung or grown, formed all at once; self-created, not contrived by human labour; bgo ba dang bza' ba lhun gyis grub pas clothes and food having come forth themselves (Dzl.); lhun grub is also noun personal. lhun chags unchanging (Yig. 8). lhun po SANST; heap mountain, hill, upheaval; ri rab lhun po the mountain Sumeru. bkra shis lhun po "Tashi-lhunpo" SANST heaps of glory, auspicious events or things; n. of the great monastery near Shigatse. lhums resp. for mngal SANST the womb: lhums su 'jug pa to enter the womb, conception; lhums su zhugs pa'i dus mchod religious festival to commemorate the time of the conception (of Buddha). lhur = devotion, earnest application. lhur bzhes pa resp. for lhur len pa = chags pa SANST sympathy, commiseration (S. Lex.; Yig. 15). lhe ba v. sle ba 3. lhen = brang gi 'og the part of the belly below the breast. lheb in dbugs lheb lheb tu 'dug pa (Pth.) gasping for breath (J‰.). lhem just now, at present, directly, instantly C.; kho lhem bsleb song he has just now arrived; lhem bsad has just been killed. lhem lhem = lheb lheb gasping like a fish when taken out of water. lhes ma = lhas ma 3; also = the act of twisting, plaiting (J‰.). lho SANST the south; lho nas 'ongs come from the south; lho 'dzam bu gling the continent of Jambudvipa in the south; lho nub SANST, south-west, shar lho south-east; lhor , lho phyogs su to the south, towards the south. lho phyogs the south, southern direction: lho phyogs skyong the guardian of the south, an epithet of the lord of death (Moon.). lho nub phyogs skyong the guardian deity of the south-west, an epithet of Ravana the king of the cannibal-goblins, the king of Laoka (Moon.). lho bgrod the moving of the sun towards the south lho bgrod dang byang bgrod (Ya-sel. 48). lho kha the tract where the Tsangpo turns its course southward, n. of the south-eastern part of the province of ‹, with Rtse-thao (Chethang) as its chief town. lho pa (lit. the southerner) the Tibetan tribes in Sikkim and Bhutan. lho 'brug pa the southern Buddhists belonging to the 'brug pa sect, i.e., the people of Bhutan. lho brag province of S. Tibet bordering Bhutan (Rtsii.). lho brag grub chen las kyi rdo rje I: n. of a celebrated lama of Lhobrag. II: n. of a Tibetan Buddhist saint and author who wrote volumes called lho brag snyan rgyud belonging to Lhobrag. Tsong-kha-pa visited him. (EEE In the original, II. stands as its own entry earlier in the dictionary, between lha min bse yi nu zho can and lha sdings . It has been moved here to its proper alphabetical position because having two entries with identical headwords would defeat the headword lookup feature of this new, electronic edition.) lhog acc. to S. Lex. SANST a fatal disease = glog pa a large ulcer or sore (Sch.) cancer, cancerous, ulcers. lhogs pa = bzlog pa , in yang dmag byas nas kho la brgyab na lhogs par snang te (A. 127). lhong 1. dangers, metaphysically said to be of three kinds:- (1) phyi'i lhong external or physical dangers, those arising from evil-spirits, enemies, robbers, wild animals, fire, water, wind, etc.; (2) nang gi lhong internal dangers, those arising from diseases of the body; (3) sangs pa'i lhong dangers of secret or concealed origin, i.e., mental suffering, agony of the mind, depression of spirits and ravings of the heart, etc. 2. vexation, anger; lhong shor he has lost the lhong is said of one who was not equal to the exertions of incessant meditation, and who in consequence has lost his senses (J‰.). lhod , lhod po = dal po slow, also glod pa or lod pa loose, relaxed, unstrung, slackened, yan lag of the limbs, e.g., when death approaches; lhod pa sgrim pa to tighten what is loose. lhod ngos = dal po'i ngos gradually, in slow course, smoothly (Yig. 39); lhod lhod gtong ba to slacken. lhod de = brel ba med pa , without hurry or haste, slowly: ye re lhod de (A. 150). 2. of the mind: easy, careless, unconcerned: lhod de nyol cig sleep well! sleep soundly! (Glr.); blo lhod kyis la shod relate the matter calmly, coolly (J‰.). shes lhod . lhon pa = glon pa to return, to give or pay back (Cs.). aa I: is the last letter of the Tibetan alphabet corresponding in sound to SANST the first letter of Sanskrit and the English a. The Tibetans include it in both the vowels and consonants of their language. As without it no consonant can be sounded it is regarded as a gsal byed . The aa is also specially called skye ba med pa'i yi ge , probably because all speaking depends on and is rendered possible only by a previous opening of the glottis; hence this letter is a symbol of the deity or of the chos sku that was before everything else. Thus an ras gzigs addresses a celestial Buddha with aa : aa skyes med rnam dag chos kyi dbyings . Other glosses on the letter affirm: aa ni yig 'bru kun kyi mchog|don chen yi ge dam pa yin|khong nas byung ba skye ba med|tshig tu brjod pa spangs pa ste (K. g. ka, 3); aa ni yig 'bru kun gyi gter (K. g. zha, 42). 2. num. 30. II: = resp. lags in conversation; in addressing a great man sku zhabs lags (or colloq. sku zhogs lags ) your honour! the reply will be "aa ." If, however, the superior person calls his servant zhabs drung lags the reply will be lags or lags sku zhogs . III: in mystic Budh. aa zhes bya ba = dam tshig (K. g. kha, 179). chos thams cad kyi sgo ste|chos rnams skye ba med pa'i don du ston no (K. d. na, 114)ó mi 'jig pa'oó mi zag pa'oó yon tan gyi tshogs and slob dpon (K. my. ka, 209). IV: in the Ladaki dialect stands for de that, both alone and in compounds: aa nas from that, aa nar and aa na ru there, thither. Also aa bo = that (v. A. H. Francke in Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 1901). aa ka n. of a place in Khams (Ya-sel 46). aa ka bsod nams bzang po one of the successors of Tsongkha-pa in the hierarchical chair of dga' ldan (Gahdan) (Loo. za, 17). aa ka ru for aa ga ru n. of the tree agaru; aa ka ru phur gzugs a wooden pin made of the tree called agaru. aa kam = me shing fire-wood, fuel: aa kam rlon 'degs (Rtsii.). aa kar = sur pan ; in Sikk. for red pepper or Capsicum. aa kra gu á n. of a fruit (K. d. ki , 13). aa kyang incorrectly for aa cang , as in ga re 'di 'dra aa kyang rang drag byung (Rdsa. 10). aa krad = ko krad leather to make patches in shoes or portmanteaus; leather of old shoes. aa krong (a-toong) a species of fern. (EEE the original has the headword as aa kro nga but the two different transliterations given in the original indicate aa krong which is the usual spelling.) aa kha also aa kha kha and aa khag exclamations expressive of bereavement, failure, mistake, etc.: aa kha kha dkor ma za dkor ma za zhes gsungs (Khrid. 38). aa khu uncle, father's brother. Syn. khu bo ; pha yi spun zla (Moon.). aa ga ru á SANST, SANST the aloe-wood, calambac; of three species, aar skya the grey species, aar nag black, and aa gar go snyod : aa ga ru ni me la dris|dri che cher byung na bzang (Mio. rda. 7). Syn. mdzes sbyin byed ; dri zhim ljon pa ; mi bdag dga' ; thal ba'i snying po ; 'dab zung can ; nags kyi tsan dan ; dus la skyes ; dus rjes 'brang ; dri yi shing ; tsan dan ser po (Moon.). aa ga ru nag po SANST the best quality of aloe called also aa ga ru mchog . Syn. phrong ba'i dri ; nus ldan ; bkra shis can ; rlung 'joms ; shing nags mdog sbyin ; sa]‡ra nag po ; shiM sha pa or shing sha pa or sha pa'i shing . aa ga ru'i thang SANST, SANST. aa gyis an interrogative pleonastic term signifying: have you done it or done so? aa gal á SANST n. of an ancient Piri. aa 'gro mi 'gro also e 'gro mi 'gro do you go not go; is cognate to aa yong mi yong . aa sgor ear ornament of women: gser kyi aa sgor a gold ear-ornament (Rtsii.). aa cug 1. ankle-bone (J‰.). 2. an interrogative interjection, 'have you put it in'? 3. expression of sudden pain. aa cang = in the colloq. los of course, oh, yes, it must be: aa cang de kun grag stong ldem pa'i tshig (Hbrom. 192). aa che aa ce = aa lce madam, sister; aa ce song madam has left (Hbrom. 49); aa lce lags O, madam! aa lce lags rin po che your ladyship (Yig. 44). aa chu aa chu chu SANST; interj. expressive of pain from cold, hence aa chu zer ba n. of one of the cold hells: smra sngags rgyun mi chad pa 'don pas aa chu chu (Khrid. 38) issues forth uninterrupted crying from agony, achu, chu. aa chu zer ba SANST; one of the eight cold hells of the Buddhist purgatory (M.V.). aa che 1. an elder sister of a female person. 2. W. wife, mistress, madam, used as address and otherwise (J‰.). aa chi thu n. of the Regent of Tibet during the time that gshad sgra ShÈ-da was prime minister of Tibet (Yig. k. 12). aa mchod (vulg.) a priest who performs the daily religious services in a church or monastery. aa jo used in Lh. and Tsang. for jo lags and jo jo 1. an elder brother of a male person. 2. Sir, Mr., gentleman, lord, used in addressing and otherwise; also: friend! 3. n. of a god; ags po zhu rur aa jo bsgrubs (Deb. ga, 37). aa nyan = e nyan hesitation, hesitation to listen to one's advice; doubt as to whether one would listen or not: da rang re gnyis kyang gtam gcig btang nas aa nyan lta zer (Rdsa. 21). aa ta in Koo-po for aa jo elder brother: lha yol lha gdan aa ta'i za sgor phud , also: father. aa ti sha á (in Tib. phul byung the accomplished one) SANST; also called jo bo rje or dpal ldan aa ti sha the Tibetan equiv. for Dipamkara SrijÒana, the celebrated Buddhist pandit of Bengal, who lived for thirteen years in Tibet and died at Nyethang near Lhasa in the beginning of the eleventh century A.D. aa ti ma werá a Bon god whose attributes resemble those of Avalokitesvara. aa ti mu ta ka á SANST a kind of flower growing on the plateaus of Tibet (K. d. da, 584). Syn. SANST; dpyid bzang ; dpyid kyi pho nya ; sbrang rtsi skyes ; 'bras bu nag snin ; SANST; bde bzang ; lag 'joms (Moon.). aa ti muka ta ka á SANST [mountain ebony]S. aa thul or e thul a colloq. expression of doubt as to whether an enemy would be vanquished: bla gnas dred de aa thug ltos (Ljaos.). aa tho ba beautiful, good (Sch.). aa 'thas is explained as snang ba la rtag par shar zhing bden par 'dzin pa a phenomenon always occurring to one's self which is taken for reality. aa da'i bu á SANST the son of Aditi [the sun]S. aa dogs a table (Sch.). aa don = skye ba med pa unborn, uncreated, self-existent. aa drag (colloq.) doubt as to whether a thing is good or badó I doubt if it is good! (Rdsa. 26). aa drung rta gYog 1. horseboy, one tending horses. 2. = drel dpon or chibs dpon chief-groom, muleteer, but ordinarily a messenger who riding a swift horse carries official despatches. aa drung rta shad = pho nya a messenger. aa du ma ya á SANST n. of a country (K. du. da, 584). aa nan a little man, a dwarf (S. kar. 177). aa nu resp. address for a noble lady; n. of the mother of Thon-mi Sambhota, the father of Tibetan literature. aa nU na á n. of a mountain situated to the east of Jamdudvipa (K. d. ra, 267). aa ne 1. an address to a Buddhist nun; a caressing word of address towards a nobleman's son. 2. uncle's wife, father's brother's wife. aa ne ma mo a certain red worm or vermin (Rtsii. 83). aa gnad lta ba to see or examine as to the condition of a thing, any scruple about a thing or matter. aa pa I: 1. SANST father = aa pha . 2. expression of compassion, or merey: aa pa sems can kun alas, all animals (A. 19). aa pi an interjection expressive of wonder when one perceives a thing of which he had no knowledge before: aa pi de 'dra yin pa ngas ma shes indeed, that it was so I did not know! aa po 1. the junior husband of a Tibetan woman; also = youthful husband of an elderly woman. 2. address for an elderly man: aa po rang kho na yin gsungs skad (A. 104); nged gnyis nor rdzas 'dzom pa'i aa po yin (Rdsa. 11). aa pa ba ka á SANST; royal personage, official, (mystic) (K. g. kha, 28). aa pra or aa bra applied to several species of Lagomys or tailless shrew. aa pha 1. for pha father; aa pa chen po the elder husband of a woman who is held to be father of all the children born of her; aa pa chung ngu the younger husband and junior father of her children. 2. uncastrated male animal, cf. pha 3. aa pho nga = kho bo nga I myself (mi pho khyo ga nga I the man). aa phyi = phyi mo grandmother (Mil., J‰.). aa phyim old woman, goody, dame (Sch.). aa phrag = aa ma phrag the breast-pocket attached to a Tibetan robe: aa phrag tu sdu ba to put into the bosom; colloq. = aab bag . aa ba Z‡ ti á = Z‡ ti (srog rtsa dbus ma ) the central life-vein for the rlung in the human body. aa bang for bang po the husband of the father's or mother's sister (Cs.). aa bar abbr. of aa ru ra and ba ru ra (Rtsii. 76). aa bo tse 1. acc. to Sch.: good, tolerable, middling. 2. aa 'u ci in colloq. aa byag name of a medicine. aa 'bras n. of a kind of fruit in appearance like the bulbous excrescence of the maple tree: aa 'bras mkhal ma'i nad la mchog tu phan the fruit a-dÈ is very useful in kidney disease. aa £i Sa á n. of a medicinal fruit: aa £i Sa yis mgo chag dug nad sel . aa ma SANST, SANST; colloq. of ma mother: aa ma drin chen my kind mother; aa ma gyis you be to me a mother, behave to me as a mother. aa ma nga an expression of sorrow. aa ma de ba á (SANST) ( = 'od dpag med ) Tibetan corruption of the name of Amitabha. aa mi mu zi khri do one of the earliest tribes of Tibet; acc. to some: an ancient dynasty (J. Zao.). aa mu kMa á SANST = dur khrod cemetery (mystic). aa mra á SANST, SANST mangoe; aa mra shing SANST the mangoe tree. Syn. for both:- sbrang rtsi'i pho nya ; dpyid kyi shing ; ma gan da ; rkang drug tshes ; mngon 'dod ; bslab pa'i shing ; tsU ta aa mra (Moon.). aa mra'i mchog gi ming names of the best kind of mangoe:- bcud bzang ; dpyid ka'i gnyen ; sa ha kA ra ; dri zhim aa mra ; aa mra khyad par can (Moon.). aa mra'i 'o ma á SANST [froth of milk; milk and mangoes]S. aa mri ta á SANST; nectar, ambrosia. aa mri ta nMa á = bdud rtsi'i gnas the place of nectar (mystic) (K. g. kha, 28). aa mro for aa mra mangoe (S. kar. 179). aa tsa á or aa tsa ma an expression of wonder or pity. aa tsa ra á a corruption of Acharya, the general name by which Indian people particularly Bengalis are known to the Tibetans: aa tsa ras gser yod pa shes nas (A. 67) the Indians knowing, perceived that there was gold. 2. in Mil. a species of hobgoblin or spectre (J‰.). 3. the clowns in the Tibetan religious dances who are caricatures of the Indian Brahmans. (EEE The original has Brahmans for Brahmans above.) aa tsa ra dmar po á n. of an Indian saint (A. 66). aa tsi an expression of wonder: aa rtsi nga shi rgya gar na da dung ngo mtshar can gyi gtam yod (A. 107). aa tsi tshi an expression of repentance, regret: aa tsi tshi aa pa nga shi ba pa yin 'dug . aa tsha or aa tsha tsha an interj. expressing pain occasioned by burning heat or fire. aa tshor an interjection or interrogation: gzugs aa tshor are you unwell, you are ill? aa 'tsham in Sikk. = is it all right? aa mtshar = ya mtshar po wonderful, curious. aa dza ga ra á SANST the python snake (K. d. za, 464). aa dza na á [Vai. so., aa dzi na SANST] the hairy skin of a black antelope which serves the religious student for a couch, seat, covering, etc.; Tibetan writers use the word for the animal itself: ri ags aa dzi na'i pags pa the skin of the adsina antelope. aa dzi ra ba ti á n. of a river in ancient India (K. du. da, 395). aa wa Z‡ ti á air passage. aa wa brag tri ta á SANST, = the language of the ghosts (Yig. 7). aa zhang colloq. for zhang po mother's brother; aa zhang tsha po uncle and nephew. aa 'u tsi 1. = it is of no consequence, it does not matter. 2. n. of a plant = bya po tsi tsi (J‰.). aa ya nga = nga de 'dr'i bya ba mi 'dod I am tired of that kind of work! aa yu C. ( = khu yu ) hornless, of cattle (J‰.). aa ra 1. an interjection expressive of pain in the body. 2. n. of a guinea pig. 3. n. of a section of the monastery of Sera near Lhasa (Loo. za, 7). aa ra ba rtsi na á a mystical and symbolical word peculiar to the charms about Jamyang Bodhisattva. (EEE The transliteration of the original is "a-ra-wa tsi-na", or aa ra ba tsi na . The correct transliteration of the Sanskrit is aa ra pa tsa na .) aa rag resp. bzhes rag C., 'don rag W., arrack, brandy, the usual barley-brandy which is distilled in nearly every house (J‰.). aa rang gshom an expression of hesitation as to believing a thing: 'di 'dra zhang po'i blo la aa rang gshom (Rdsa. 24). aa rab sgang n. of a place in Khams (Deb. ga, 37). aa rig n. of a country of nomad herdsmen situated to the west of Amdo (Loo. za, 18). aa ru = aa ru ra 3. aa ru ra SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST, SANST [myrobalan, universal medicine]S. Syn. for the fruits as well as the tree of Myrobalan arjuna: 'jigs med ; nad med ; phan pa can ; nad 'dor ; bcud len ; brgya byin spros ; bdud rtsi'i 'bras bu ; bdud rtsi gser ldan ; hA ri ta ; 'phrog byed ; bde byed ; zhi byed (Moon.). aa rum a species of garlic, with a pale-red blossom, Allium strictum (J‰.). aa re I: 1. = kho re O, friend! (in derision). 2. an interj. aa re phangs well then? throw it away! (J‰.). áII: SANST an interjection expressive of wonder = aa rtsi (Rdsa. 10). (EEE These two items constitute two separate entries in the original dictionary but they have been combined here under a single headword to permit the proper functioning of the dictionary's headword lookup feature.) aa re mdzos SANST how nice! aa ro ga á SANST = nad med without disease, in good health. aa rogs a common name of individuals in Tibet. aa la rong the birth place of the tenth Karmapa hierarch Rol-pahi Rdorje SANST (Loo. za, 27). aa la la SANST an interjection, approving of one's action and complimenting by saying: you are clever and happy! = thabs shes bde ba che . aa la la ho or aa la la'o occurs in aa la la ho dgongs su gsol ye gods be propitious to us, pray hear our prayers! (Ljao.). aa la ma la explained as skabs thog thabs cha byung ba . aa li = aa phreng the series of vowels or string of vowels. aa li ka li the Tibetan alphabet, vowels and consonants. aa li la bar ta á n. of a great river (K. my. ka, 68). aa lig 1. a little. 2. a little boy. aa lung = aa long a ring. aa lus in Sikk. = cat. aa le = aa tsi an expression of wonder (at hearing what was not known before): aa le de 'dra ma red|aa le 'di na 'dug oh, it is here. 2. a little while: aa le bod na rgya gar na med pa'i chos mang po yod (A. 80); khyod aa le ma 'gro do not go for a while; aa le sgugs rogs wait a while, stop a bit, please; nga ya aa le mi 'ong I won't come for a little. aa lo sir, an address to gentlemen in Sikkim. aa long SANST a ring [bracelet]S. aa sha pa n. of a yakra demon: gnod sbyin aa sha ba bsad pa'i gtam rgyud (A. 80). aa shad = gtum mo fierce. aa shwa gan Z á SANST [the plant Physalis flexuosalin]S.: ashwa gan Zsa snad grang chu ser sel (Med.). aa shu apricot. aa she a superior quality of scarf used for presentation on visits (S. kar. 179). aa sho ta ra á a kind of worm growing in the clefts of withered trees (K. d. za, 456). aa sho legs one of the early king of Tibet who was son of king spo de gung rgyal (Yig. 65). aa sa na á SANST [the tree Terminalia tomentosa]S. aa sa ra á n. of a kind of flower (K. d. kha, 12). aa sam acc. to Sch.: a thick sauce or broth, soup; aa sbyar a thin broth (J‰.). aa si á SANST = gri knife (Moon.). aa su ra'i brag phug á n. of a rock cavern in Sikkim visited by pilgrims of the RÒio-ma school. aa sru for sru mo an aunt (Sch.). aa gsar commonly aag gsar : blon po ngan pa rnams aa gsar gyis rgyal phran gsar pa de'i gYog byed (Pag. 300). aa gsal la = mngon sum du adv. openly, manifestly, publicly (J‰.). aa ha á = dbang phyug chen po Isvara, (mystic) (K. g. ga, 216). aa ho ye á yes; acc. to J‰. an expression of laughter. aa u ra bri ta á the language of the demons or Asura (Yig. 7). aAa yig SANST, SANST, the letter A. aag tshom 'og tshom resp. zhal tshom also beard of the chin, chin tuft (J‰.). aag tshom can or aag tshar can a bearded or shaggy man; name for goat (Moon.). aag gsar lover of new things (Tsh. yao. 643), fickle-minded. aang 1. sbst. = 'doms ? aang rta , aang ras loin-cloth C., W.; aang thung under-garment, aang ras trowsers, breeches (Pth.). 2. interj.: well then! now then! well! aang mi khug , in mi yis bos kyang aang mi khug (Khrid. 51). aang ga á SANST ancient name of modern Bhagalpur. aang ga'i rgyal po SANST an epithet of Karna the first born of Kunti the mother of the five Pandava brothers (Moon.). aang gi in colloq. "ao-ki," figure, number, cipher, usually added to the ordinal numbers in speaking, e.g., aang gi dang po "ao-ki tao-po" the first, also: of best quality. aang grangs , aang yig numeral figure. aang gu li á SANST the finger; = yan lag hand limbs. aang 'ga' rag á rtogs ldan gyi dor ma SANST, SANST the trousers worn as an under-garment by Tantrik priests in Tibet. aang ma tsi acc. to Sch. = flies, winged insects. aad mo nig = SANST [a white woollen covering or blanket]S. aan in W. white chalk (J‰.). aan tas tha á SANST = sne sha can (mystic) (K. g. kha, 28) [Literally signifies "standing at the end." The letters y, r, l, v, and h are called antastha]S. aan stong ( = ske tshigs dang po ) cervical vertebra. aan da rnyil á SANST sapphire. aan gdos Chinese "life-boards" or head and arm stocks; aan gdos la 'jug pa to put (a person) into the stocks. aan 'dar in C. 1. board, plank, panel. 2. lcags kyi aan 'dar acc. to Cs. an iron instrument of torture; acc. to Thgy. a kind of press (J‰.). aab btab pa = rgya brgyab pa or rgya btab pa (Moon.). aam chog col. for rna mchog the ear; snam brag the bosom (J‰.). aam phrag breast-pocket of the Tibetan. aam ban the Chinese Residents in Tibet, political and military officers, two of whom are resident at Lhasa. aam gtsigs pressure of the lower lip with the upper teeth (in despair or out of anger):- gzhan bya thabs med par aam gtsegs dam (Rdsa. 18). aar ka or aar ga , also ser ka plaster floor made of pulverized marble and oil (J‰.). aar chen a plaster floor or a floor made of pebbles (Rtsii.). aar las the work of making a floor with pebbles, marble, or plaster (Rtsii.). aar ka me tog á SANST [flower of the plant Gynandropsis pentaphylla]S. aar skya a fragrant tree which is used in medicine and yields frankincense (Rtsii.). aar gon offspring of parents not having the same rank, nor the same religion, and not belonging to the same nation; in Ld. (J‰.). aar ti or aar ti kha dmar cloth of raw-silk imported from Assam, having three stripes lengthwise; it is used for wrappers by the middle class Tibetans (Rtsii.). aar Z me ru á (lit. half Meru) fabulous mountain situated beyond the continent of Kuntu dgah-war gur-pahi glio and said to contain mines of vaidurya (lapis lazuli) guarded by two Rakrasa called Mandeha and Rama. Beyond that mountain is said to be a great ocean containing sea-elephants and sea-hogs (K. d. ra, 281). aar nag used in medicine and as incense (Rtsii.). aar pa a thief, robber. Syn. rkun po ; rkun mo (Moon.). aar mo n. of a bird (Rtsii.). aar mo li ga occurs in aar mo li ga'i rdo leb (Gyal. S.). aar la gtad pa Sch.: to be reduced to extremities, esp. to extreme misery (J‰.). aa rdza ka á SANST; cotton: aa rdza ka'i dog pa Glr. cotton-capsule. Syn. nyi dga' ma'i 'bras bu ; lcam pa'i 'bras bu (Moon.). aa ra M'i me tog á = thar nu'i me tog or sbra ba'am tsher ma'i me tog (Moon.) drug used in vesicular eruptions Med. aa4 de ba á = 'phags pa lha the chief disciple of Nagarjuna who succeeded him in the Buddist hierarchical chair of Nalanda and who converted many powerful pandits such as Asvaghora and others to Buddhism (Grub. 16). aal gcig the one half of a pair. aal ta (for da lta ) 1. in Bal. now, at present. 2. today (J‰.). aal ting something bulky or heavy (J‰.). aal la v. aa la la 3. aSa Ti n. of a tree growing in Ri-wo rtse-loa (Putoshan in China):- rgya nag ri bo rtse lngar aSa Ti shing gi rtsa ba las 'jam dpal dbyangs dngos su byon te (Loo. 'a, 10). asna gar £ á the emerald. aas srta á the female breast, teats of woman (mystic) (K. g. ga, 216). i 1. beer, = chang in C. 2. vulg. pronunc. of dbyi the lynx. 3. num.: 60. 4. in Budh.: i ni mthong ba med pa'i sgo| i is the invisible entity or it is symbolic of the same (K. g. wa, 43). i khug = aag in W. hiccough, sob (J‰.). (EEE The text is cut off in all available original editions (page 1,349), and the "s" in "sob" is conjectural though of correct meaning.) i gu B = yan lag dang nying lag SANST, limb and the secondary parts of a limb (mystic) (K. g. ga, 340). i ldan the letters surmounted by he vowel signi such as kyi , gi , gyi , 'i , yi (Situ. 28). i la ba ti á n. of a great river in ancient India, prob. the Irawadi of Burma (K. my. kha, 198) [I-la-vati or Iravati is one of the five branches of the Indus flowing through the Punjab?]S. i shi ka á a grass-like herb: rtag tu gnas te mi gYo ba (K. my. ka, 478). i shi legs son of king spo de gung rgyal (Yig. 65). i sho ma ti á SANST n. of a great river in India (K. my. kha, 198) [Probably the same as the river Ichamati which is a branch of the Padma flowing through Bengal]S. in dra go pa á [SANST cochineal; yet among the substances devoted to a costly Chorten it is mentioned as one of the five divine jewels (Glr. 7.)] from J‰. [the insect cochineal of various kinds, frequently mentioned in Pali books]S. in dra nI la á sapphire. Syn. mthon ka che ; aan da snyil ; dbang sngon ; nor bu'i snying po ; nor bu sngon po ; ka ka nI la ; nI la ; sngo skya nI la ; tsha li (Moon.). in dra byAa ka ra Na á SANST n. of an ancient Sanskrit grammar. im chi Tibetanized Mongol term for a physician. u 1. = num. 90. 2. u ni thos pa med pa'i sgo| u is symbolical of the unheard (K. g. wa, 43). u rgyan = dbu rgyan the crown, the head ornament; but v. o rgyan 3. u cug persistency; with byed pa = to persuade, to press, to urge, to persist in any matter. u ta ka á n. of an ancient sage (K. my. ka, 1530). u tra ya na á n. of an ancient Indian king who during Gautama Buddha's time reigned in the great city of sgra sgrogs . He was a devoted admirer of Buddha and ruled his people with righteousness and justice. In the latter part of his life abdicating the throne in favour of his son he entered the holy order of Bhikshu (K. du. nya, 298). u dum ba ra á SANST (Ficus clomerata) but in Tibetan literature a fabulous lotus of immense size (J‰.). u ni ko á n. of a demon Yakra of Kashmir who was a friend of the Yakra called ba glang ldan of the country of Rohita who had invited Buddha Gautama with his followers to dinner and served the guests with a large quantity of grapes of Kashmir (K. du. pa, 298). u spu tea-kettle (S. kar. 177). uta pa ldan á SANST; n. of a city in ancient India (A.K. 51, 6, v.). u pa la SANST the learned disciple of Buddha who expounded the Abhidharma pitaka at the first great Buddhist convocation (K. du. da, 427). u ma á goddess Uma, the wife of Mahesvara (Moon.). u tsi ting ga á n. of an insect, the touch of which produces sexual excitement even in such monks as had been free from all thought of female company (K. du. ca, 69). u tshugs = nan tan persistence. u sha'i ri á or u shi ri n. of a hill range in Central India or Magadha wherein there was a dense forest called Tamasa (K. du. kha, 241 and K. d. la, 257). ug chos n. of a flower: og chos rna ba'i nad sel spos pa sbyong . ug li mAa tho á also called gi ri mAa tho n. of a sanctuary containing the image of Hayagriva Virnu (Dsam. 6). uta pa la á SANST the blue water lily; [a lotus]S. Syn. chu skyes sngon pa ; sa'i gdub bu ; dbang mchog ; steng 'thung ; mig gi gnyen (Moon.). uta pa la dkar po á = ku mu da SANST. uta pa la che SANST, SANST [a full blown lotus]S. uta pa la ltar gas pa one of the eight cold hells of the Buddhists (M.V.). uta pa la mda' SANST, SANST [the castor-oil plant]S. uta pa la sdong po the lily plant. uta pa la yu ba SANST. uta pa la dmar po á SANST [the red lotus]S. Syn. bung ba dga' ; dpal gyi lag pa ; dpal gyi khyim ; (uta pa la ha lo bem pa 'dra ) (Moon.). uta pa la shing á SANST, SANST [the lotus plant]S. Syn. lte ba can ; la ku tsa ; yongs bsnun ; uta pa la shing (Moon.). uta pa la'i mdog SANST n. of one of the earliest disciples of Buddha (M.V.). uta pa la'i rtsa ba SANST lotus root. ung gu oil-lamp C. (J‰.). un chung = btsun chung a young monk. un thug v. 'u thug 3. ur rgya a warm meal-porridge; fermenting dough C. ur rdo v. 'ur rdo ; ur ba , v. dbur ba 3; ul 'thag colloq. for gYul 'thag (J‰.). (EEE 'ur rdo does not occur as a headword in the dictionary but see under 3'ur 3.) ur nan n. of a religious sect: phyar bu ur nan gyi lugs la grub pa thob (Deb. ga, 34). e I: num. = 120. 2. in C. and later literature, an interrogative particle usually put immediately before the vb. or the pron. standing in the place of the vb.: bde mo e yod I am afraid he is not well, is he happy; e nus mi nus shall we be able or not (Mil.). nga'i khu bo snying rje chen de e 'o brgyal my uncle who is very gracious why should he be in trouble? (A. 128). II: in Budh.: e zhes pa ni sangs rgyas kyi chos nyid mya ngan las 'das pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i don no (K. my. ka, 206). III: n. of a place in Tibet (Jig. 9); e pa E-pa a native of …. e drag = yag gam , superfine, the best: e drag nang gi drag le red (Ljaos.). In the mystic language of Virupakra the guardian Maharaja of the west, we have: e ne , me ne , dad phu , da dab phu , as expressions = misery, sin, the way and cessation of misery. e lha rgya ri ba n. of a scion of the ancient line of kings who belonged to the ministry under the 1st sovereign Dalai Lama (Loo. 'a, 9). e nya ya e na ma SANST a fabulous black antelope with short legs and black eyes (J‰.). e tta ta á = bzang ba dang bca ba eating and drinking (mystic) (K. g. ga, 215). e 'thad = e yong has he come; also in mi thams cad gsad na e 'thad if all are killed, would it be liked? (Yig. 58). e dran = dran nam in sems la shar yang lag len la 'gel ba rang e dran (Rdsa. 14). e ma e ma'o , e ma ho or SANST (A.K. 1-6) interjection expressing compassion. e wMa á 1. SANST yes, certainly, to be sure (Vai. so.). 2. in Budh. this is symbolical of e signifying (a) thabs SANST or (b) mdo = Sutra; whilst wMa = (a) shes or shes rab knowledge or wisdom or (b) sngags Mantra or the mystical part of Buddhism. 3. n. of a Buddhist religious work. e red = e yin or yin nam . e ran rgyal po 'jigs med the yellow coloured myrobalan (Sman. 109). e ran da á SANST, SANST [the castor-oil plant]S. e la á SANST = pomegranate. e la'i brgyud an epithet of Vaisravana the guardian of the northern quarter of the world. e la'i 'dab SANST, as met. = the tongue. e lan á n. of the empress of the tenth Tartar Emperor of China whose son was the Emperor Bogto (Loo. 'a, 10). e lab á SANST occurs in ma gcig lab sgron na|e lab kyi 'dab grong mtsho mer mo (Loo. za, 32). ed nu ma kA ka Ze nu á n. of a bird (K. ko. ka, 2). en = cung zad : da lan en tsam 'phyis nas sdang (A. 144). en cig = hrib tsam : en cig ma gsad cig ngas kha chems 'jog (Beh. 47). en re = cung zad re a little only, en tsam = cung zad tsam only a little; the little one (a pr. name). en tsam in da lan en tsam 'phyis nas sdang (A. 144); and in phyi rab skye bo gso man cha lag tu|en tsam cha gcig rgya gar yul du bzhag (Sorig. 160). en re fast, rapid: ags por nyams len en re byed pa'i nya ma bcu gcig tsam la dang por 'chi dus thebs pa (Deb. ga, 36). en 'dar v. aan 'dar 3 (J‰.). em chi or aam chi or im chi a doctor or physician. Acc. to Lish. it is a Mongolian word. er ka C. v. aar ka (J‰.). o dkar brag n. of a rock-cave under a huge white rock in ancient India where the sage Pha Dampa Saos-rgyas performed asceticism: dam pa rgya gar dran dran 'dug zer|o dkar brag la sgrub mdzad pas bde mchog yab yum zhal gzigs (Deb. ga, 37). o Di yan á v. o rgyan 3. og ma = tsi tsu . o ldong or 'o dong wind-pipe (J‰.). o rog jug 'gar the Jungar srad of Mongolia (Loo. 'a, 16). o lo 1. = a boy, stripling in Ts. and ‹. 2. an earthen-ware tea-pot. 3. Sch.: the place where two rivers join, the confluence of two rivers. o rgyan = u rgyan the country of Odiyana Sans. SANST; acc. to Lam-yig, the modern Gaznee in Kabul. or rgyan rin po che the chief epithet by which the Buddhist Saint Padma Sambhava is known to the Tibetans (K. thang. 95). The different names under which the saint Padma Sambhava is adored in Tibet are:- (1) pad ma 'gro mgon rtsal ; (2) pad ma dbang phyug mgon ; (3) pad ma grub pa'i blo gros ; (4) pad ma che mchog rtsal ; (5) pad ma mkha' 'gro'i dbang phyug ; (6) mgon po bir wa pa ; (7) pad ma nag po od pa ; (8) khye'u chung mkha' lding rtsal ; (9) pad ma sa ra ha ; (10) pad ma mnga' bdag rtsal ; (11) pad ma kun tu rgyu ; (12) pad ma chags mchog rtsal ; (13) pad ma 'gro pa'i skyabs ; (14) pad ma 'phrin las mgon ; (15) pad ma don yod zhags pa ; (16) pad ma gzi brjid 'od 'phro ; (17) pad ma Do mi £ pa ; (18) rigs ldan pad ma dkar po ; (19) pad ma baâ ; (20) pad ma thod phreng rtsal (K. thao. 95). oM the famous mystic syllable used separately as well as in various collocations. oM mdzad SANST a priest who begins religious service by saying om. o mdzad ma SANST [the mystic syllable om, signifying Buddha, Dharma and Saogha, [Brahma, Virnu and Siva]S. oM yig drug SANST [the insertion of the sound o in different places with variety of prosodial length and accentuation in the recitation of hymns]S. o sho one of the earliest kings of Tibet of the dynasty of sa'i legs (J. Zao.). og rgya beard; og tshum = aag tshom (J‰.). og ma the throat, neck, = lkog ma ; og sho a beautiful white neck. og gdong dkar the red cat-bear of Sikkim and E. Nepal (Ailurus ochracúus). og 'jol = skog ma the larynx. (EEE The original has yog gdong dkar for og gdong dkar above, but this is clearly a misprint.) ong gu a lamp; ong ras the wick of a lamp, in C. (J‰.). ong log the ptarmigan (Sch.). o Di bi sha á one of the five provinces of the eastern part of India, modern Orissa. o taj pu ri á = o daj pu ri 3 (A. 9). o trMa á n. of a country where ruled the king called Dasa-ratha (shing rta bcu pa ) (Dus-ye. le, 39). o daj pu ri á n. of the great Buddhist monastery of Behar which flourished after Vikramasila and was sacked under the orders of Baktyar Khiliji in 1203 A.D.:- o daj pu rir Z rma ra kSi ta la zhag drug drug gsan (A. 35). o Ç pa phyag rdor á abbr. of or rgyan pa phyag na rdor rje . ol ma in C. throat, wind-pipe; ol mdud the "adam's apple" in larynx: bod kyi mi la ol mdud pa med pa (A. 131). os sko the chin, resp. zhal ko .