# Magerun Commander A Sublime Text 3 plugin for easy working with Magerun Tool Basic features: * Run in context menu ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nhduy1985/sublime_mageruncommander/manual/images/magerun_context_menu.png) * Run in package commands ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nhduy1985/sublime_mageruncommander/manual/images/magerun_command_pallet.png) *Inspired by:* * *N98-Magerun: https://github.com/netz98/n98-magerun* * *Tool "quick-magento-installer": https://github.com/nhduy1985/quick-magento-installer* * *SfCommand: https://github.com/jtwebb/sfcommand/* # Installation The easiest way to install this is through [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/). If you don't have Package Control installed you can always clone the repo. From a terminal `cd` into your 'Package' folder. Look at `Sublime Text->Preferences->Browse Packages...` to find out where that folder is. Then clone the repo: `git clone https://github.com/nhduy1985/sublime_mageruncommander MagerunCommander` # Usage Available commands (on going) - [x] Module: List all modules - [x] Module: Add new module - [x] Debug: Turn on/off template-hints - [x] Debug: Turn on/off template-hints for specific store - [ ] Debug: Clear cache - [ ] Debug: Flush cache - [ ] Debug: Enable/disable cache - [ ] Debug: Search system configuration descriptions - [ ] Debug: Enable/disable log - [ ] Admin: Change user's password - [ ] Debug: Find duplicate files in your theme - [ ] Debug: Reindex a magento index by code