import os from mido import MidiFile def list_files(extension=""): """ docstring here """ # folder path dir_path = r'.' # list to store files res = [] # add dot if needed if extension != "" or not extension.startswith("."): extension = '.' + extension extension = extension.lower() # Iterate directory for filename in os.listdir(dir_path): # check only text files if filename.lower().endswith(extension): res.append(filename) return res def get_integer_value(): """ docstring here """ user_value = input() try: return int(user_value) except ValueError: print(f"{user_value} is not a valid integer. Please try again.") return get_integer_value() def export_tracks( track_nums : list, tracks : list ): """ docstring here """ for i_track in track_nums: track = tracks[i_track] notes = [] csvname = str(i_track) + "_" + + ".csv" outfile = open(file=csvname, mode="w") cumtime = 0 for x in track: try: note = x.note #duck-typing check print (x) typechannel = "00" if x.type == "note_on": typechannel = "9" elif x.type == "note_off": typechannel = "8" #typechannel += "{:1x}".format( ) # if == 1: # continue typechannel += "0" line = str( x.time) \ + ',' + str(x.type) \ + ',' + str( \ + ',' + str(x.note) \ + ',' + str(x.velocity) #need a check for exceeding the 1-byte time time = 0 time_adjuster = 8 # bigger value -> song plays faster if x.time != 0: time = int(min( max(1,int(x.time/time_adjuster+0.4999)), 127 )) cumtime += x.time line += \ ',' + '"=""{:02x}"""'.format(time) \ + ',' + typechannel \ + ',' + '"=""{:02x}"""'.format(x.note) \ + ',' + '"=""{:02x}"""'.format(x.velocity) line += '\n' outfile.write(line) notes.append(note) except AttributeError: cumtime += x.time print(len(notes), "cumutime:", cumtime, x) print(str(i_track) + " | '" + + "' (" + str(len(notes)) + " notes)") outfile.close() print("==== MIDI Files in this Directory ==== ") midis = list_files("mid") for i in range(0,len(midis)): print(i," : ", midis[i]) print("====================================== ") print("Enter the number of the file to open:") filenumber = get_integer_value() midi = [] mido = None try: f = open(midis[filenumber], "rb") midi = mido = MidiFile(midis[filenumber], clip=True) except Exception as e: print("There was a problem opening or reading the file:") print(e) quit() print() print("==== Track List ====") for iTrack in range(0, len(mido.tracks)): track = mido.tracks[iTrack] numNotes = 0 for x in track: # find the notes using duck-typing on .note try: note = x.note # numNotes += 1 except: pass print(str(iTrack) + " | '" + + "' (" + str(numNotes) + " notes)") print ("Choose a track to export to .csv:") trackNum = get_integer_value() export_tracks([trackNum], mido.tracks)