library(mgcv) library(dplyr) library(marginaleffects) library(gratia) library(ggplot2); theme_set(theme_bw()) # Load some pre-prepared Portal rodent data and filter to only include the Desert # Pocket Mouse portal_ts <- read.csv('', = T) %>% dplyr::filter(species == 'PP') dplyr::glimpse(portal_ts) # Number of timepoints max(portal_ts$time) # Plot the capture time series, noting there is clear seasonality # (though this can be hard to see due to the fact that some observations are NA) ggplot(portal_ts, aes(x = time, y = captures)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = gam, formula = y ~ s(x, k = 60)) # Building on from the distributed lag example, we can set up a model that # allows the effect of the predictor to change smoothly over moving averages # of lagged temperature. First, a function to create the matrix of lagged moving # averages of different orders mv_mat <- function(x, n_lag = 6) { n <- length(x) X <- matrix(NA, n, n_lag) for (i in 1:n_lag){ # Aligning to the 'right' in zoo::rollmean() will ensure each # value represents an average of the last i preceeding values X[1:n, i] <- zoo::rollmean(x, k = i, na.pad = TRUE, align = 'right') } X } # Create a matrix of lagged minimum temperature moving average values, with lags up to # 9 lunar months in the past mintemp_mat <- mv_mat(portal_ts$mintemp, 9) dim(mintemp_mat) head(mintemp_mat) # Note the NAs; these will be silently omitted when fitting a model # View the increasingly smoothed predictors matplot(mintemp_mat, type = 'l') # Carrying on from the interactions script, we can use a tensor product of this lag # matrix and another matrix that indexes by lag lag_mat <- matrix(0:8, nrow(portal_ts), 9, byrow = TRUE) dim(lag_mat) head(lag_mat) # Gather the data in list() format as before lag_data <- list( captures = portal_ts$captures, mintemp_mat = mintemp_mat, lag_mat = lag_mat ) # Fit with bam() so we can include autocorrelated residuals as before mod <- bam(captures ~ te(mintemp_mat, lag_mat), data = lag_data, family = nb(), rho = 0.8, discrete = TRUE) summary(mod) appraise(mod, method = 'simulate', type = 'deviance') draw(mod) # Predict the mean response values (expectations, which ignore the overdispersion # parameter) and plot against observations preds <- predict(mod, newdata = lag_data, = TRUE, type = 'response') portal_ts %>% bind_cols(data.frame(pred = preds$fit, upper = preds$fit + 2 * preds$, lower = preds$fit - 2 * preds$ %>% ggplot(., aes(x = time, y = captures)) + geom_line(aes(y = pred), linewidth = 1, alpha = 0.4) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = upper, ymin = lower), alpha = 0.4) + geom_point() # Is this model a better fit compared to the distributed lag model? lagard <- function(x, n_lag = 6) { n <- length(x) X <- matrix(NA, n, n_lag) for (i in 1:n_lag){ X[i:n, i] <- x[i:n - i + 1] } X } mintemp_mat <- lagard(portal_ts$mintemp, 9) lag_data <- list( captures = portal_ts$captures, mintemp_mat = mintemp_mat, lag_mat = lag_mat ) mod2 <- bam(captures ~ te(mintemp_mat, lag_mat), data = lag_data, family = nb(), rho = 0.8, discrete = TRUE) AIC(mod); AIC(mod2) anova(mod, mod2, test = 'Chisq') #### Bonus tasks #### # 1. Compare this model to the distributed lag example using AIC() and # anova.gam(...). Why might these models give similar results? # 2. If you have mvgam installed, refit mod but use a poisson() observation # family instead (simultaneously estimating AR1 and overdispersion parameters is # very challenging!). Be sure to exclude the rows of data in which the lag matrices # are NAs first library(mvgam) mintemp_mat <- mv_mat(portal_ts$mintemp, 9) lag_mat <- matrix(0:8, nrow(portal_ts), 9, byrow = TRUE) # Gather the data in list() format as before lag_data <- list( captures = portal_ts$captures, mintemp_mat = mintemp_mat, lag_mat = lag_mat ) idx <- which(complete.cases(mintemp_mat)) lag_data_mvgam <- list( captures = portal_ts$captures[idx], mintemp_mat = mintemp_mat[idx, ], lag_mat = lag_mat[idx, ], time = portal_ts$time[idx], series = factor(rep('series1', length(idx))) ) mod2 <- mvgam(captures ~ 1, trend_formula = ~ te(mintemp_mat, lag_mat), data = lag_data_mvgam, trend_model = AR(), family = nb()) summary(mod2, include_betas = FALSE) plot(mod2, type = 'residuals') # Plot the estimated distributed lag smooth plot(mod2, type = 'smooths', trend_effects = TRUE) draw(mod2$trend_mgcv_model) # Plot the hindcast distribution plot(hindcast(mod2)) # Use pp_check() to see how the model would predict if we # assumed the dynamic AR process was stationary pp_check(mod2, type = 'ribbon') # Some additional plots / investigations pp_check(mod2, type = 'dens_overlay', ndraws = 20) pp_check(mod2, type = 'ecdf_overlay', ndraws = 20) mcmc_plot(mod2, variable = 'ar', regex = TRUE, type = 'hist') mcmc_plot(mod2, variable = 'phi', regex = TRUE)