--- comments: true tags: - bread - cooks-illustrated - sourdough --- # :bread: Almost No-Knead Sourdough Bread ![Almost No-Knead Sourdough Bread][1]{ loading=lazy } | :fork_and_knife_with_plate: Serves | :timer_clock: Total Time | |:----------------------------------:|:-----------------------: | | 1 loaf | 24.00 hours | ## :salt: Ingredients - :ear_of_rice: 520 g bread flour - :salt: 1.75 tsp salt - :droplet: 360 g room-temperature water - :microbe: 85 g [starter][2] ## :cooking: Cookware - 1 bowl - 1 large bowl - 1 plastic wrap - 1 12 x 12 parchment paper - 1 Dutch oven ## :pencil: Instructions ### Step 1 Whisk bread flour and salt in a bowl. Hand whisk room-temperature water and [starter][2] in a large bowl until smooth. Add flour mixture to water mixture and stir. ### Step 2 Hand knead to form shaggy ball. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit at room temperature for 12 to 18 hours. ### Step 3 Spray vegetable oil on 12 x 12 parchment paper. ### Step 4 Knead dough 10 to 15 times. ### Step 5 Transfer the dough to parchment and Dutch oven. Cover Dutch oven with plastic wrap. Put Dutch oven in middle of off oven with 3 cups of boiling water on bottom rack. ### Step 6 Keep in off oven for 2 to 3 hours until dough doubles in size or little finger mark springs back in dough. ### Step 7 Remove bread and water from oven. Discard plastic wrap. ### Step 8 Flour top of loaf and score 7" long x 1/2" deep. ### Step 9 Cover Dutch oven and place on middle rack. Heat oven to 425°F and bake for 30 minutes. !!! note Oven should be off when the Dutch oven is placed in it. ### Step 10 Start timer when oven is turned on. ### Step 11 Remove lid and bake for 20 to 30 minutes until brown and bread has an internal temperature of 210°F. ### Step 12 Remove from pot and rest and cool for 2 hours before serving. ## :link: Source - Cook's Illustrated [1]: <../assets/images/almost-no-knead-sourdough-bread.jpg> [2]: <../ingredients/sourdough-starter.md>