--- comments: true tags: - breakfast - pancake - tante-myrna-seccia --- # :pancakes: Dutch Pancakes ![Dutch Pancakes](../assets/images/dutch-pancakes.jpg){ loading=lazy } | :timer_clock: Total Time | |:-----------------------: | | 1.02 hours | ## :salt: Ingredients - :ear_of_rice: 1.25 cups (150 g) all-purpose flour - :egg: 4 eggs - :glass_of_milk: 1 cup (227 g) milk - :ice_cube: 1.25 cups (284 g) cold water - :butter: 3 Tbsp (42 g) butter - :icecream: 1 tsp vanilla - :custard: some cinnamon (optional) - :candy: some sugar (optional) ## :cooking: Cookware - 1 blender or mixer - 1 frying pan ## :pencil: Instructions ### Step 1 Mix together all-purpose flour, eggs, milk, cold water, melted butter, and vanilla with a blender or mixer. ### Step 2 If you can let sit for about 1 hour in the refrigerator (that's best). ### Step 3 If you can't wait, then pour about 3 tablespoons at time into a buttered or greased frying pan on medium heat until the surface is bubbly. Turn over for about 1 minute. ### Step 4 Then put on a plate, sprinkle cinnamon (optional) and sugar (optional) on it and roll up and enjoy. ## :link: Source - Tante Myrna Seccia