--- comments: true tags: - dessert - cake --- # :cake: Southern Velvet Cake ![Southern Velvet Cake](../../assets/images/southern-velvet-cake.png){ loading=lazy } | :fork_and_knife_with_plate: Serves | :timer_clock: Total Time | |:----------------------------------:|:-----------------------: | | 8 | 40 minutes | ## :salt: Ingredients - :ear_of_rice: 2 cups all-purpose flour - :cup_with_straw: 1 tsp baking soda - :dash: 1 tsp baking powder - :chocolate_bar: 2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder - :salt: 1 tsp salt - :candy: 2 cups granulated sugar - :oil_drum: 1 cup vegetable oil - :egg: 2 eggs - :glass_of_milk: 1 cup buttermilk - :icecream: 2 tsp vanilla - :red_circle: 2 oz red food coloring - :coffee: 0.5 cup plain hot coffee - :sake: 1 tsp white vinegar - :cake: 1 [cream cheese frosting][1] ## :cooking: Cookware - 1 9 inch round cake pans - 1 medium bowl - 1 large bowl - 1 cooling rack - 1 knife or offset spatula ## :pencil: Instructions ### Step 1 Preheat oven to 325°F. ### Step 2 Generously grease and flour (2) 9 inch round cake pans. Set aside. ### Step 3 In a medium bowl, whisk together all-purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder, unsweetened cocoa powder, and salt. Set aside. ### Step 4 In a large bowl, combine the granulated sugar and vegetable oil. ### Step 5 Mix in the eggs, buttermilk, vanilla, and 1 to 2 oz of red food coloring until combined. ### Step 6 Stir in the plain hot coffee and white vinegar. ### Step 7 Combine the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients a little at a time, mixing after each addition, just until combined. (Batter will be thin) ### Step 8 Pour the batter evenly into each pan. ### Step 9 Bake in the middle rack for 30 to 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out with moist crumbs clinging to it. Do not overbake as the cake will continue to cook as it cools. ### Step 10 Let pans cool on a cooling rack until the pans are warm to the touch. ### Step 11 Slide a knife or offset spatula around the inside of the pans to loosen the cake from the pan. ### Step 12 Gently remove the cakes from the pan and let them finish cooling. (The warm cake will be very delicate) ### Step 13 Frost the cake with [cream cheese frosting][1] when the cakes have cooled completely. ## :link: Sources - - [1]: <../../ingredients/frosting/cream-cheese-frosting.md>