--- comments: true tags: - dessert - pudding - vegan --- # :custard: Vegan Chocolate Pudding with Cinnamon & Chile ![Vegan Chocolate Pudding With Cinnamon and Chile][1]{ loading=lazy } | :timer_clock: Total Time | |:-------------------------:| | 30 minutes | ## :salt: Ingredients ### 1 lb Tofu |:fork_and_knife_with_plate: Serves | :fork_and_knife: Serving Size | |:-----------------------------------:|:-----------------------------:| | 6 | 161 g | - :candy: 0.75 cup sugar - :droplet: 0.75 cup water - :butter: 1 lb silken tofu - :chocolate_bar: 8 oz semi-sweet chocolate - :ice_cream: 1 tsp vanilla - :custard: 1.5 tsp ground cinnamon - :hot_pepper: 0.5 tsp chili powder - :chocolate_bar: some chocolate shavings ### 12 oz Tofu |:fork_and_knife_with_plate: Serves | :fork_and_knife: Serving Size | |:-----------------------------------:|:-----------------------------:| | 4 | 182 g | - :candy: 0.5 cup + 1 Tbsp sugar - :droplet: 0.5 cup + 1 Tbsp water - :butter: 12 oz silken tofu - :chocolate_bar: 6 oz semi-sweet chocolate - :ice_cream: 0.75 tsp vanilla - :custard: 1-1/8 tsp ground cinnamon - :hot_pepper: 3/8 tsp chili powder - :chocolate_bar: some chocolate shavings ## :cooking: Cookware - 1 small pot - 1 blender - 4 ramekins ## :pencil: Instructions ### Step 1 In a small pot, combine sugar with 3/4 cup water to make a simple syrup; bring to a boil and cook until sugar is dissolved, stirring occasionally. Cool slightly. ### Step 2 Put simple syrup, silken tofu, semi-sweet chocolate, vanilla, ground cinnamon, and chili powder in a blender and purée until completely smooth, stopping machine to scrape down its sides if necessary. Divide among 4 to 6 ramekins and chill for at least 30 minutes. If you like, garnish with chocolate shavings before serving. ## :link: Source - [1]: <../assets/images/vegan-chocolate-pudding-with-cinnamon-and-chile.jpg>