--- comments: true tags: - extract - ingredient --- # :icecream: Vanilla Extract ![Vanilla Extract](../../assets/images/vanilla-extract.jpg){ loading=lazy } | :timer_clock: Total Time | |:-----------------------: | | 5-6 weeks | ## :salt: Ingredients - :icecream: 3 vanilla beans - :tumbler_glass: 2 oz vodka or bourbon ## :cooking: Cookware - 1 2-fl. oz glass bottle ## :pencil: Instructions ### Step 1 Cut your vanilla beans in half, then split open each half to expose the vanilla seeds on the inside of the pod. ### Step 2 Place cut vanilla beans inside your 2-fl. oz glass bottle. ### Step 3 Add vodka or bourbon, filling up to the neck of the bottle. ### Step 4 Seal tightly and store bottle in a cool, dry place. ### Step 5 Every few days, tilt your bottle upside down to gently mix the liquid inside. ### Step 6 After 5-6 weeks, you have extract! (If you leave in your vanilla beans, when you start running low, just add more vodka and wait a little.) ### Step 7 Note: As a guide you use 1 cup/8 ozs of vodka to 4 - 6 vanilla beans, depending on the quality of the beans. ## :link: Source -