--- comments: true tags: - pasta - italian --- # :spaghetti: Summer Pesto Pasta ![Summer Pesto Pasta](../assets/images/summer-pesto-pasta.jpg){ loading=lazy } | :fork_and_knife_with_plate: Serves | :timer_clock: Total Time | |:----------------------------------:|:-----------------------: | | 8 | 0 minutes | ## :salt: Ingredients - :corn: 2 ears shucked corn - :cucumber: 1 medium yellow squash - :cucumber: 1 medium zucchini - :bell_pepper: 1 bell pepper - :onion: 4 green onions - :tomato: 1 pint grape tomatoes - :herb: 0.5 cup store-bought [pesto][1] - :lemon: 1 lemon ## :cooking: Cookware - 1 grill pan - 1 bowl ## :pencil: Instructions ### Step 1 Cook pasta according to directions, then drain. ### Step 2 Heat a grill pan and grill shucked corn, yellow squash cut into 1/2-inch thick cubes, zucchini cut into 1/2-inch thick cubes, and bell pepper cut into sixths. Add green onions and grape tomatoes. ### Step 3 In a separate bowl combine store-bought [pesto][1], zest and juice from 1 lemon. ### Step 4 Mix well, then pour in pasta. Combine veggies into pasta and serve. [1]: <../sauces-and-dressings/pesto/joy-of-cooking-pesto.md>