--- comments: true tags: - lunch --- # :broccoli: Broccoli Salad ![Broccoli Salad][1]{ loading=lazy } | :timer_clock: Total Time | |:-----------------------: | | 15 minutes | ## :salt: Ingredients - :broccoli: 1 lb broccoli - :onion: 1 medium red onion - :cheese_wedge: 1 cup cheddar cheese - :bacon: 6 strips bacon - :sunflower: 0.5 cup sunflower seeds (optional) - :grapes: 0.5 cup raisins (optional) - :rice: 1 broccoli salad dressing ## :cooking: Cookware - 1 large bowl ## :pencil: Instructions ### Step 1 In a large bowl, combine broccoli, red onion, and cheddar cheese. ### Step 2 Refrigerate. ### Step 3 Just before serving, stir in bacon. Add sunflower seeds (optional) and raisins (optional). ### Step 4 Pour desired amounts of broccoli salad dressing over salad. Stir briefly. ### Step 5 Serve the same day. ## :link: Source - The Essential Mormon Cookbook [1]: <../assets/images/broccoli-salad.jpg>