--- comments: true --- # :mushroom: Kickstarter Garlic Mushrooms ![Kickstarter Garlic Mushrooms](../assets/images/kickstarter-garlic-mushrooms.jpg){ loading=lazy } | :fork_and_knife_with_plate: Serves | :timer_clock: Total Time | |:----------------------------------:|:-----------------------: | | 4 | 12 minutes | ## :salt: Ingredients - :stew: 0.25 cup [vegetable broth][1] - :mushroom: 2 bags TJ's sliced mushrooms - :garlic: 5 cloves garlic - :hot_pepper: 1.25 tsp paprika - :hot_pepper: 0.25 tsp crushed red pepper - :wine_glass: 2.5 Tbsp dry marsala wine - :stew: 1 cup [vegetable broth][1] - :salt: some salt - :salt: some pepper - :herb: 0.5 cup parsley ## :cooking: Cookware - 1 large skillet - 1 bowl ## :pencil: Instructions ### Step 1 Heat 1/4 cup of [vegetable broth][1] in a large skillet. Add TJ's sliced mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes without stirring, then stir and cook 5 minutes more until mushrooms brown. ### Step 2 Add garlic, paprika, and crushed red pepper. Cook for 2 minutes. ### Step 3 Add dry marsala wine and cook until it evaporates. ### Step 4 Add remaining vegetable broth and season with salt and pepper to taste. ### Step 5 Bring to a boil then lower heat and simmer for 3 minutes. Pour mixture into a bowl and mix in chopped fresh parsley. [1]: <../ingredients/vegetable-broth.md>