import sys import os from twython import Twython # go here and create a new app: # then click "key and access tokens" to generate them # put them inside the quotes below CONSUMER_KEY = 'your consumer key here' CONSUMER_SECRET = 'your consumer secret here' ACCESS_KEY = 'your access key here' ACCESS_SECRET = 'your access secret here' # this runs the following script from the command line that takes the photo and saves it # it will only work for USB webcams, # you'll have to do something different if you're using a pi-cam os.system ("fswebcam -d/dev/video0 -r1280x960 --no-banner plantpic.jpg") api = Twython(CONSUMER_KEY,CONSUMER_SECRET,ACCESS_KEY,ACCESS_SECRET) photo = open('plantpic.jpg','rb') image_ids = api.upload_media(media=photo) api.update_status(status='', media_ids=image_ids['media_id'])