module.exports = { // types, types: [ { value: ':sparkles: feat', name: '✨ A new feature', }, { value: ':boom: breaking', name: 'πŸ’₯ Introducing breaking changes.', }, { value: ':bug: fix', name: 'πŸ› A bug fix', }, { value: ':ambulance: hotfix', name: 'πŸš‘ Critical hotfix.', }, { value: ':memo: docs', name: 'πŸ“ Documentation only changes', }, { value: ':bulb: docs_code', name: 'πŸ’‘ Documenting source code.', }, { value: ':lipstick: ui', name: 'πŸ’„ Updating the UI and style files.', }, { value: ':construction: WIP', name: '🚧 Work in progress', }, { value: ':hammer: refactor', name: 'πŸ”¨ A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature', }, { value: ':art: style', name: '🎨 Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)', }, { value: ':rotating_light: lint', name: '🚨 Removing linter warnings.', }, { value: ':pencil2: typo', name: '✏️️️Fixing typos.', }, { value: ':truck: mv', name: '🚚 Moving or renaming files.', }, { value: ':fire: prune', name: 'πŸ”₯ Removing code or files.', }, { value: ':ok_hand: review', name: 'πŸ‘Œ Updating code due to code review changes.', }, { value: ':rewind: revert', name: 'βͺ Reverting changes.', }, { value: ':twisted_rightwards_arrows: merge', name: 'πŸ”€ Merging branches.', }, { value: ':bookmark: release', name: 'πŸ”– Releasing / Version tags.', }, { value: ':white_check_mark: test', name: 'βœ… Adding (missing) tests', }, { value: ':rocket: deploy', name: 'πŸš€ Deploying stuff.', }, { value: ':green_heart: fixci', name: 'πŸ’š Fixing CI Build.', }, { value: ':whale: docker', name: '🐳 Work about Docker.', }, { value: ':lock: security', name: 'πŸ”’ Fixing security issues.', }, { value: ':wrench: config', name: 'πŸ”§ Changing configuration files.', }, { value: ':package: dep_up', name: 'πŸ“¦ Updating compiled files or packages.', }, { value: ':heavy_plus_sign: dep_add', name: 'βž• Adding a dependency.', }, { value: ':heavy_minus_sign: dep_rm', name: 'βž– Removing a dependency.', }, { value: ':hankey: chore', name: 'πŸ’© Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools\n and libraries such as documentation generation', }, { value: ':loud_sound: log_add', name: 'πŸ”Š Adding logs.', }, { value: ':mute: log_rm', name: 'πŸ”‡ Removing logs.', }, { value: ':globe_with_meridians: i18n', name: '🌐 Internationalization and localization.', }, { value: ':alien: compat', name: 'πŸ‘½ Updating code due to external API changes.', }, { value: ':tada: init', name: 'πŸŽ‰ Initial commit.', }, ], scopes: [ { name: 'common' }, { name: 'build' }, { name: 'core' }, { name: 'upgrade' }, ], // it needs to match the value for field type. Eg.: 'fix' // scopeOverrides: { // fix: [ // { name: 'merge' }, // { name: 'style' }, // { name: 'e2eTest' }, // { name: 'unitTest' }, // ], // }, scopeOverrides: { ':wrench: docs': [ { name: ':wrench: docs' }, { name: ':bulb: docs_code' }, ], }, // override the messages, defaults are as follows messages: { type: "Select the type of change that you're committing:", scope: '\nDenote the SCOPE of this change (optional):', // used if allowCustomScopes is true customScope: 'Denote the SCOPE of this change:', subject: 'Write a SHORT, IMPERATIVE tense description of the change:\n', body: 'Provide a LONGER description of the change (optional). Use "|" to break new line:\n', breaking: 'List any BREAKING CHANGES (optional):\n', footer: 'List any ISSUES CLOSED by this change (optional). E.g.: #31, #34:\n', confirmCommit: 'Are you sure you want to proceed with the commit above?', }, allowCustomScopes: false, allowBreakingChanges: ['feat', 'fix'], };