= 6 && ( $len % 2 ) !== 0) { $len = 8; } $length = $len - 2; // Makes room for a two-digit number on the end $conso = array('b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'r', 's', 't', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'); $vocal = array('a', 'e', 'i', 'u'); srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $max = $length / 2; for ($i = 1; $i <= $max; $i++) { $result .= $conso[rand(0, sizeof($conso) - 1)]; $result .= $vocal[rand(0, sizeof($vocal) - 1)]; } $result .= rand(10, 99); return ($result); } /** * Returns two-hands typing optimized password proposal * * @param int $len * * @return string */ function zb_PasswordGenerateTH($len = 8) { $leftHand = array('q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v', 'b', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'); $rightHand = array('y', 'u', 'p', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'n', 'm', '7', '8', '9'); $password = ''; $left = true; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { if ($left) { $password .= $leftHand[array_rand($leftHand)]; $left = false; } else { $password .= $rightHand[array_rand($rightHand)]; $left = true; } } return $password; } /** * Returns array of apartments located in some build * * @param int $buildid * @return array */ function zb_AddressGetBuildApts($buildid) { $buildid = vf($buildid, 3); $query = "SELECT * from `apt` WHERE `buildid`='" . $buildid . "'"; $allapts = simple_queryall($query); $result = array(); if (!empty($allapts)) { foreach ($allapts as $io => $each) { $result[$each['apt']] = $each['id']; } } return ($result); } /** * Returns array of apartments located in some build * * @param int $buildid * @return array */ function zb_AddressGetBuildAptIds($buildid) { $buildid = vf($buildid, 3); $query = "SELECT `id`,`apt` from `apt` WHERE `buildid`='" . $buildid . "'"; $allapts = simple_queryall($query); $result = array(); if (!empty($allapts)) { foreach ($allapts as $io => $each) { $result[$each['id']] = $each['apt']; } } return ($result); } /** * Returns apt ocupancy check javascript code * * @param int $buildid * @param string $apt * @param string $login * * @return void/string on error */ function web_AddressBuildShowAptsCheck($buildid, $apt = '', $login = '') { $result = ''; $buildid = vf($buildid, 3); $messages = new UbillingMessageHelper(); $allapts = zb_AddressGetBuildAptIds($buildid); $someoneLiveHere = false; $busyApts = array(); //IDs of apts which is busy if (!empty($allapts)) { foreach ($allapts as $aptid => $aptnum) { if ($aptnum == $apt) { $someoneLiveHere = true; $busyApts[$aptid] = $aptnum; } } } //display of users which lives in this apt if ($someoneLiveHere) { $allAddress = zb_AddressGetAddressAllData(); if (!empty($allAddress)) { $similarAddressUsers = array(); foreach ($allAddress as $io => $each) { if (isset($busyApts[$each['aptid']])) { if ($each['login'] != $login) { $similarAddressUsers[$each['login']] = $each['login']; } } } if (!empty($similarAddressUsers)) { $result .= $messages->getStyledMessage(__('The apartment has one lives, we have nothing against, just be warned'), 'warning'); } //additional cosmetic delimiter for binder module if (!empty($login)) { $result .= wf_delimiter(0); } if (!empty($similarAddressUsers)) { $result .= web_UserArrayShower($similarAddressUsers); } } } //modal window width control for cosmetic purposes if (!empty($result)) { $result .= wf_tag('div', false, '', 'style="width:900px;"') . wf_tag('div', true); } return ($result); } /** * Returns wizard-like new user location form * * @return string */ function web_UserRegFormLocation() { global $registerSteps; global $ubillingConfig; $aptsel = ''; $servicesel = ''; $currentStep = 0; $addressExten = ''; $addressExtendedOn = $ubillingConfig->getAlterParam('ADDRESS_EXTENDED_ENABLED'); if (!isset($_POST['citysel'])) { $citysel = web_CitySelectorAc(); // onChange="this.form.submit(); $streetsel = ''; } else { $citydata = zb_AddressGetCityData($_POST['citysel']); $citysel = $citydata['cityname'] . wf_HiddenInput('citysel', $citydata['id']); $streetsel = web_StreetSelectorAc($citydata['id']); $currentStep = 1; } if (isset($_POST['streetsel'])) { $streetdata = zb_AddressGetStreetData($_POST['streetsel']); $streetsel = $streetdata['streetname'] . wf_HiddenInput('streetsel', $streetdata['id']); $buildsel = web_BuildSelectorAc($_POST['streetsel']); $currentStep = 2; } else { $buildsel = ''; } if (isset($_POST['buildsel'])) { $submit_btn = ''; $builddata = zb_AddressGetBuildData($_POST['buildsel']); $buildsel = $builddata['buildnum'] . wf_HiddenInput('buildsel', $builddata['id']); $aptsel = web_AptCreateForm(); if ($addressExtendedOn) { $addressExten = web_AddressExtenCreateForm(); } $servicesel = multinet_service_selector(); $freeIpStatsFlag = $ubillingConfig->getAlterParam('USERREG_FREEIP_STATS'); if ($freeIpStatsFlag == 1 OR $freeIpStatsFlag == 3) { $servicesel .= wf_modalAuto(wf_img('skins/icon_whois_small.png', __('IP usage stats')), __('IP usage stats'), web_FreeIpStats()); } $currentStep = 3; //contrahens user diff $alter_conf = rcms_parse_ini_file(CONFIG_PATH . "alter.ini"); if (isset($alter_conf['LOGIN_GENERATION'])) { if ($alter_conf['LOGIN_GENERATION'] == 'DEREBAN') { $agentCells = wf_TableCell(zb_RegContrAhentSelect('regagent', $alter_conf['DEFAULT_ASSIGN_AGENT'])); $agentCells .= wf_TableCell(__('Contrahent name')); $submit_btn .= wf_TableRow($agentCells, 'row2'); } } $submit_btn .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $submit_btn .= wf_tag('td', false); $submit_btn .= wf_Submit(__('Save')); $submit_btn .= wf_tag('td', true); $submit_btn .= wf_tag('td', false); $submit_btn .= wf_tag('td', true); $submit_btn .= wf_tag('tr', true); } else { $submit_btn = ''; } $formInputs = wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $formInputs .= wf_tag('td', false, '', 'width="50%"') . $citysel . wf_tag('td', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('td', false) . __('City') . wf_tag('td', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('tr', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $formInputs .= wf_tag('td', false) . $streetsel . wf_tag('td', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('td', false) . __('Street') . wf_tag('td', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('tr', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $formInputs .= wf_tag('td', false) . $buildsel . wf_tag('td', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('td', false) . __('Build') . wf_tag('td', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('tr', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $formInputs .= wf_tag('td', false) . $aptsel . wf_tag('td', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('td', false) . __('Apartment') . wf_tag('td', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('tr', true); if ($addressExtendedOn) { $formInputs .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $formInputs .= wf_tag('td', false) . $addressExten . wf_tag('td', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('td', false) . __('Extended address info') . wf_tag('td', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('tr', true); } $formInputs .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $formInputs .= wf_tag('td', false) . $servicesel . wf_tag('td', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('td', false) . __('Service') . wf_tag('td', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('tr', true); $formInputs .= wf_tag('br'); $formInputs .= $submit_btn; $formData = wf_Form('', 'POST', $formInputs); $form = wf_TableBody($formData, '100%', '0', 'glamour'); $form .= wf_tag('div', false, '', 'style="clear:both;"') . wf_tag('div', true); $form .= wf_StepsMeter($registerSteps, $currentStep); return($form); } /** * Returns array of all already busy user logins * * @return array */ function zb_AllBusyLogins() { $query = "SELECT `login` from `users`"; $alluserlogins = simple_queryall($query); $result = array(); if (!empty($alluserlogins)) { foreach ($alluserlogins as $io => $each) { $result[$each['login']] = $each['login']; } } return ($result); } /** * Returns new user password proposal * * @return string */ function zb_RegPasswordProposal() { global $ubillingConfig; $alterconf = $ubillingConfig->getAlter(); $password_proposal = ''; if ((isset($alterconf['PASSWORD_GENERATION_LENGHT'])) AND ( isset($alterconf['PASSWORD_TYPE']))) { $passwordsType = (isset($alterconf['PASSWORD_TYPE'])) ? $alterconf['PASSWORD_TYPE'] : 1; $passwordsLenght = (isset($alterconf['PASSWORD_GENERATION_LENGHT'])) ? $alterconf['PASSWORD_GENERATION_LENGHT'] : 8; switch ($passwordsType) { case 0: $password_proposal = zb_rand_digits($passwordsLenght); break; case 1: $password_proposal = zb_rand_string($passwordsLenght); break; case 2: $password_proposal = zb_PasswordGenerate($passwordsLenght); break; case 3: $password_proposal = zb_PasswordGenerateTH($passwordsLenght); break; default : $password_proposal = zb_rand_string(8); break; } } else { die(strtoupper('you have missed a essential option. before update read release notes motherfucker!')); } return ($password_proposal); } /** * Filters user login for only allowed symbols * * @param string $login * @return string */ function zb_RegLoginFilter($login) { $login = str_replace(' ', '_', $login); $result = preg_replace("#[^a-z0-9A-Z_]#Uis", '', $login); return ($result); } /** * Returns alert if generated user login have rscripd incompatible lenght * * @param string $login * @return string */ function zb_CheckLoginRscriptdCompat($login) { $maxRsLen = 31; $maxStLen = 42; $loginLen = strlen($login); if (($loginLen >= $maxRsLen)) { //rscriptd notice if ($loginLen < $maxStLen) { $alert = __('Attention generated login longer than') . ' ' . $maxRsLen . ' ' . __('bytes') . '. (' . $loginLen . ') ' . __('This can lead to the inability to manage this user on remote NAS running rscriptd') . '. '; $alert .= __('Perhaps you need to shorten the alias, or use a different model for the generation of logins') . '.'; $result = wf_modalOpened(__('Warning'), $alert, '500', '200'); } //stargazer incompat notice if ($loginLen >= $maxStLen) { $alert = __('Attention generated login longer than') . ' ' . $maxStLen . ' ' . __('bytes') . '. (' . $loginLen . ') ' . __('And is not compatible with Stargazer') . '. '; $alert .= __('Perhaps you need to shorten the alias, or use a different model for the generation of logins') . '.'; $result = wf_modalOpened(__('Error'), $alert, '500', '200'); } } else { $result = ''; } return ($result); } /** * Returns register last step form * * @param array $newuser_data * @return string */ function web_UserRegFormNetData($newuser_data) { global $registerSteps; global $ubillingConfig; $currentStep = 4; $form = ''; $alterconf = $ubillingConfig->getAlter(); if ($alterconf['BRANCHES_ENABLED']) { global $branchControl; } $safe_mode = $alterconf['SAFE_REGMODE']; $citydata = zb_AddressGetCityData($newuser_data['city']); $cityalias = zb_TranslitString($citydata['cityalias']); $streetdata = zb_AddressGetStreetData($newuser_data['street']); $streetalias = zb_TranslitString($streetdata['streetalias']); $buildata = zb_AddressGetBuildData($newuser_data['build']); $buildnum = zb_TranslitString($buildata['buildnum']); if (empty($newuser_data['apt'])) { $newuser_data['apt'] = 0; } $apt = zb_TranslitString($newuser_data['apt']); //assign some agent from previously selected form if (isset($alterconf['LOGIN_GENERATION'])) { if ($alterconf['LOGIN_GENERATION'] == 'DEREBAN') { $agentPrefixID = $newuser_data['contrahent']; } else { $agentPrefixID = ''; } } else { $agentPrefixID = ''; } $ip_proposal = multinet_get_next_freeip('nethosts', 'ip', multinet_get_service_networkid($newuser_data['service'])); $login_proposal = ''; $loginGenerator = new SayMyName($cityalias, $streetalias, $buildnum, $apt, $ip_proposal, $agentPrefixID); try { $login_proposal = $loginGenerator->getLogin(); } catch (Exception $exception) { show_error(__('Strange exception') . ': ' . $exception->getMessage()); } $password_proposal = zb_RegPasswordProposal(); if (empty($ip_proposal)) { $alert = wf_tag('script', false, '', 'type="text/javascript"'); $alert .= 'alert("' . __('Error') . ': ' . __('No free IP available in selected pool') . '");'; $alert .= wf_tag('script', true); print($alert); rcms_redirect("?module=multinet"); die(); } //protect important options if ($safe_mode) { $modifier = 'READONLY'; } else { $modifier = ''; } $addressCheck = web_AddressBuildShowAptsCheck($buildata['id'], $apt); if (!empty($addressCheck)) { $form .= wf_modalOpenedAuto(__('Warning'), $addressCheck, '800', '300'); } $form .= wf_tag('table', false, 'glamour', 'width="100%" border="0"'); $form .= wf_tag('form', false, '', ' action="" method="POST"'); $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('td', false, '', 'width="65%"'); if ($safe_mode) { $form .= wf_tag('input', false, '', 'type="text" name="login" value="' . $login_proposal . '" READONLY'); } else { $form .= wf_TextInput('login', '', $login_proposal, false, '', 'login'); } $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= __('Login') . ' ' . zb_CheckLoginRscriptdCompat($login_proposal); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= wf_tag('input', false, '', 'type="text" name="password" value="' . $password_proposal . '" ' . $modifier); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= __('Password'); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $ipPattern = 'pattern="^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$" placeholder="" title="' . __('The IP address format can be') . ':"'; $form .= wf_tag('input', false, '', 'type="text" name="IP" value="' . $ip_proposal . '" ' . $ipPattern . ' ' . $modifier); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= __('IP'); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true); if (isset($alterconf['USERREG_MAC_INPUT_ENABLED']) and $alterconf['USERREG_MAC_INPUT_ENABLED']) { $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= wf_TextInput('userMAC', '', '', false, 12, 'mac'); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= __('MAC'); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true); } if ($alterconf['BRANCHES_ENABLED']) { $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= $branchControl->branchSelector('reguserbranchid') . ' '; if ((!cfr('BRANCHES')) OR ( cfr('ROOT'))) { $branchCheckboxFlag = ($ubillingConfig->getAlterParam('USERREG_NO_BRANCH_DEFAULT')) ? true : false; $form .= wf_CheckInput('reguserwithnobranch', __('Register user with no branch'), false, $branchCheckboxFlag); } $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= __('Branch'); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true); } if (@$alterconf['ONUAUTO_USERREG']) { $ponAPIObject = new PONizer(); $allOLTs = $ponAPIObject->getAllOltDevices(); $models = array(); $modelsData = $ponAPIObject->getAllModelsData(); if (!empty($modelsData)) { foreach ($modelsData as $io => $each) { if (@$alterconf['ONUMODELS_FILTER']) { if (ispos($each['modelname'], 'ONU')) { $models[$each['id']] = $each['modelname']; } } else { $models[$each['id']] = $each['modelname']; } } } $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('td', false, '', 'style="padding-left: 15px"'); $form .= wf_tag('h3', false, '', 'style="color: #000"'); $form .= __('Associate ONU with subscriber'); $form .= wf_tag('h3', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true); if (empty($allOLTs)) { $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('td', false, '', 'style="text-align: center;" colspan="2"'); $form .= wf_tag('h3', false, '', 'style="color: #000"'); $form .= __('No OLT devices found - can not associate ONU'); $form .= wf_tag('h3', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true); $form .= wf_HiddenInput('nooltsfound', 'true'); } else { $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= wf_Selector('oltid', $allOLTs, '', '', true, false, 'OLTSelector'); $form .= wf_tag('script', false, '', 'type="text/javascript"'); $form .= ' $(document).ready(function() { getUnknownONUList($(\'#OLTSelector\').val()); }); $(\'#OLTSelector\').change(function(){ getUnknownONUList($(this).val()); }); function getUnknownONUList(OLTID) { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "?module=userreg", data: { getunknownlist:true, oltid:OLTID, selectorid:"UnknonwnsSelectorID", selectorname:"UnknonwnsSelector" }, success: function(result) { $(\'#UnknonwnsSelBlock\').html(result); } }); } '; $form .= wf_tag('script', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= __('OLT device') . wf_tag('sup') . '*' . wf_tag('sup', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= wf_Selector('onumodelid', $models, '', '', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= __('ONU model') . wf_tag('sup') . '*' . wf_tag('sup', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= wf_tag('input', false, '', 'type="text" name="onuip" value="" '); $form .= wf_CheckInput('onuipproposal', __('Make ONU IP same as subscriber IP'), false, false); $form .= wf_tag('script', false, '', 'type="text/javascript"'); $form .= '$(\'[name = onuipproposal]\').change(function() { if ( $(this).is(\':checked\') ) { $(\'[name = onuip]\').attr("readonly", "readonly"); $(\'[name = onuip]\').css(\'background-color\', \'#CECECE\') } else { $(\'[name = onuip]\').removeAttr("readonly"); $(\'[name = onuip]\').css(\'background-color\', \'#FFFFFF\') } });'; $form .= wf_tag('script', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= __('ONU IP'); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= wf_tag('input', false, '', 'type="text" name="onumac" id="onumacid" value="" '); //$form.= wf_delimiter(); $form .= '  ' . __('or choose MAC from unknown ONU\'s list on chosen OLT') . '  '; $form .= wf_tag('div', false, '', 'id="UnknonwnsSelBlock" style="display:inline-block"'); $form .= wf_tag('div', true); $form .= wf_tag('script', false, '', 'type="text/javascript"'); $form .= '$(document).on("change", "#UnknonwnsSelectorID", function(){ $(\'#onumacid\').val($(this).val()); });'; $form .= wf_tag('script', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= __('ONU MAC') . wf_tag('sup') . '*' . wf_tag('sup', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= wf_tag('input', false, '', 'type="text" name="onuserial" value="" '); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= __('ONU serial'); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', false, 'row3'); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= wf_tag('a', false, 'ubButton', 'href="" class="ubButton" id="onuassignment1"'); $form .= __('Check if ONU is assigned to any login already'); $form .= wf_tag('a', true); $form .= wf_tag('script', false, '', 'type="text/javascript"'); $form .= '$(\'#onuassignment1\').click(function(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); if ( typeof( $(\'input[name=onumac]\').val() ) === "string" && $(\'input[name=onumac]\').val().length > 0 ) { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "?module=ponizer", data: {action:\'checkONUAssignment\', onumac:$(\'input[name=onumac]\').val()}, success: function(result) { $(\'#onuassignment2\').text(result); } }); } else {$(\'#onuassignment2\').text(\'\');} return false; });'; $form .= wf_tag('script', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', false); $form .= wf_tag('p', false, '', 'id="onuassignment2" style="font-weight: 600; color: #000"'); $form .= wf_tag('p', true); $form .= wf_tag('td', true); $form .= wf_tag('tr', true); } } $form .= wf_tag('table', true); $form .= wf_HiddenInput('repostdata', base64_encode(serialize($newuser_data))); $form .= wf_Submit(__('Let register that user')); $form .= wf_tag('form', true); $form .= wf_tag('div', false, '', 'style="clear:both;"') . wf_tag('div', true); $form .= wf_StepsMeter($registerSteps, $currentStep); return($form); } /** * Puts userreg log entry into database * * @param string $login * * @return void */ function zb_UserRegisterLog($login) { $date = curdatetime(); $admin = whoami(); $login = vf($login); $address = zb_AddressGetFulladdresslist(); $address = $address[$login]; $address = mysql_real_escape_string($address); $query = "INSERT INTO `userreg` (`id` ,`date` ,`admin` ,`login` ,`address`) " . "VALUES (NULL , '" . $date . "', '" . $admin . "', '" . $login . "', '" . $address . "');"; nr_query($query); } /** * Checks is some IP unique? * * @param string $ip * @return bool */ function zb_ip_unique($ip) { $ip = mysql_real_escape_string($ip); $query = "SELECT `login` from `users` WHERE `ip`='" . $ip . "'"; $usersbyip = simple_queryall($query); if (!empty($usersbyip)) { return (false); } else { return (true); } } /** * Checks is some MAC unique? * * @param string $mac * @return bool */ function zb_mac_unique($mac) { $ip = mysql_real_escape_string($mac); $query = "SELECT `mac` from `nethosts` WHERE `mac`='" . $mac . "'"; $usersbymac = simple_queryall($query); if (!empty($usersbymac)) { return (false); } else { return (true); } } /** * Performs an user registration * * @global object $billing * @param array $user_data * @param bool $goprofile */ function zb_UserRegister($user_data, $goprofile = true) { global $billing, $ubillingConfig; $billingconf = $ubillingConfig->getBilling(); $alterconf = $ubillingConfig->getAlter(); $addressExtendedOn = $ubillingConfig->getAlterParam('ADDRESS_EXTENDED_ENABLED'); $registerUserONU = $ubillingConfig->getAlterParam('ONUAUTO_USERREG'); $contractTemplateStr = $ubillingConfig->getAlterParam('CONTRACT_GEN_TEMPLATE', ''); $needONUAssignment = false; // Init all of needed user data $login = vf($user_data['login']); $login = zb_RegLoginFilter($login); $password = vf($user_data['password']); $ip = $user_data['IP']; $cityid = $user_data['city']; $streetid = $user_data['street']; $buildid = $user_data['build']; @$entrance = $user_data['entrance']; @$floor = $user_data['floor']; $apt = $user_data['apt']; $serviceid = $user_data['service']; if ($addressExtendedOn) { $postCode = $user_data['postalcode']; $extenTown = $user_data['towndistr']; $extenAddr = $user_data['addressexten']; } //ONU auto assign options if ($registerUserONU and !empty($user_data['oltid'])) { $OLTID = $user_data['oltid']; $ONUModelID = $user_data['onumodelid']; $ONUIP = $user_data['onuip']; $ONUMAC = $user_data['onumac']; $ONUSerial = $user_data['onuserial']; $needONUAssignment = !empty($ONUMAC); } if (isset($user_data['userMAC']) and !empty($user_data['userMAC'])) { $mac = strtolower($user_data['userMAC']); } elseif ($billingconf['REGRANDOM_MAC']) { // if random mac needed // funny random mac, yeah? :) $mac = zb_MacGetRandom(); } else { $mac = null; } $netid = multinet_get_service_networkid($serviceid); $busylogins = zb_AllBusyLogins(); //check login lenght $maxStLen = 42; $loginLen = strlen($login); if ($loginLen > $maxStLen) { log_register("HUGELOGIN REGISTER TRY (" . $login . ")"); $alert = __('Attention generated login longer than') . ' ' . $maxStLen . ' ' . __('bytes') . '. (' . $login . ' > ' . $loginLen . ') ' . __('And is not compatible with Stargazer') . '.'; die($alert); } // empty login validation if (empty($login)) { $alert = wf_tag('script', false, '', 'type="text/javascript"'); $alert .= 'alert("' . __('Error') . ': ' . __('Empty login') . '");'; $alert .= wf_tag('script', true); print($alert); rcms_redirect("?module=userreg"); die(); } //duplicate login validation if (isset($busylogins[$login])) { $alert = wf_tag('script', false, '', 'type="text/javascript"'); $alert .= 'alert("' . __('Error') . ': ' . __('Duplicate login') . '");'; $alert .= wf_tag('script', true); print($alert); rcms_redirect("?module=userreg"); die(); } //last checks if (!zb_ip_unique($ip)) { $alert = wf_tag('script', false, '', 'type="text/javascript"'); $alert .= 'alert("' . __('Error') . ': ' . __('This IP is already used by another user') . '");'; $alert .= wf_tag('script', true); print($alert); rcms_redirect("?module=userreg"); die(); } // registration subroutine $billing->createuser($login); log_register("StgUser REGISTER (" . $login . ")"); $billing->setpassword($login, $password); log_register("StgUser (" . $login . ") PASSWORD `" . $password . "`"); $billing->setip($login, $ip); log_register("StgUser (" . $login . ") IP `" . $ip . "`"); zb_AddressCreateApartment($buildid, $entrance, $floor, $apt); zb_AddressCreateAddress($login, zb_AddressGetLastid()); multinet_add_host($netid, $ip, $mac); zb_UserCreateRealName($login, ''); zb_UserCreatePhone($login, '', ''); zb_UserCreateContract($login, ''); zb_UserCreateEmail($login, ''); zb_UserCreateSpeedOverride($login, 0); zb_UserRegisterLog($login); // if AlwaysOnline to new user needed if ($billingconf['REGALWONLINE']) { $alwaysonline = 1; $billing->setao($login, $alwaysonline); log_register('CHANGE AlwaysOnline (' . $login . ') ON ' . $alwaysonline); } // if we want to disable detailed stats to new user by default if ($billingconf['REGDISABLEDSTAT']) { $dstat = 1; $billing->setdstat($login, $dstat); log_register('CHANGE dstat (' . $login . ') ON ' . $dstat); } // new users registers as frozen by default if (isset($billingconf['REGFROZEN'])) { if ($billingconf['REGFROZEN']) { $billing->setpassive($login, 1); log_register('CHANGE Passive (' . $login . ') ON 1'); } } //set contract same as login for this user if (isset($alterconf['CONTRACT_SAME_AS_LOGIN'])) { if ($alterconf['CONTRACT_SAME_AS_LOGIN']) { $newUserContract = $login; $contractDate = date("Y-m-d"); zb_UserChangeContract($login, $newUserContract); zb_UserContractDateCreate($newUserContract, $contractDate); } } //cemetery processing if (isset($alterconf['CEMETERY_ENABLED'])) { if ($alterconf['CEMETERY_ENABLED']) { if ($alterconf['CEMETERY_ENABLED'] == 2) { $cemetery = new Cemetery(false); $cemetery->setDead($login); } } } //contract autogeneration if (isset($alterconf['CONTRACT_AUTOGEN']) and empty($alterconf['CONTRACT_SAME_AS_LOGIN'])) { if ($alterconf['CONTRACT_AUTOGEN']) { $contract_proposal = ''; $allcontracts = zb_UserGetAllContracts(); $useContractTemplate = !empty($contractTemplateStr); $top_offset = 100000; //contract template is ON if ($useContractTemplate) { $contractTemplateSplitted = zb_GetBaseContractTemplateSplitted(); $startContractTplPart = $contractTemplateSplitted[0]; $endContractTplPart = $contractTemplateSplitted[1]; $digitContractTplPart = $contractTemplateSplitted[2]; $digitBlockLength = zb_GetContractDigitBlockTplParams($digitContractTplPart, true); } //contract generation mode default if ($alterconf['CONTRACT_GENERATION_DEFAULT']) { for ($i = 1; $i < $top_offset; $i++) { if ($useContractTemplate) { $contractDigitBlock = zb_GenContractDigitBlock($digitBlockLength, $i); $tmpContract = $startContractTplPart . $contractDigitBlock . $endContractTplPart; } else { $tmpContract = $i; } if (!isset($allcontracts[$tmpContract])) { $contract_proposal = $tmpContract; break; } } } else { //alternate generation method $max_contract = max(array_keys($allcontracts)); if ($useContractTemplate) { $contractDigitBlock = zb_ExtractContractDigitPart($max_contract, $digitBlockLength, true); $contract_proposal = $startContractTplPart . $contractDigitBlock . $endContractTplPart; } else { if (!is_int($contract_proposal)) { $contract_proposal=0; } $contract_proposal = $max_contract + 1; } } if (empty($contract_proposal) and $useContractTemplate) { $contract_proposal = zb_GenBaseContractFromTemplate(); } //setting generated contract to new user if (!isset($allcontracts[$contract_proposal])) { $contractDate = date("Y-m-d"); zb_UserChangeContract($login, $contract_proposal); zb_UserContractDateCreate($contract_proposal, $contractDate); } } } //branches assign for newly created user if ($alterconf['BRANCHES_ENABLED']) { global $branchControl; if ((wf_CheckPost(array('reguserbranchid'))) AND (!wf_CheckPost(array('reguserwithnobranch')))) { $newUserBranchId = vf($_POST['reguserbranchid'], 3); $branchControl->userAssignBranch($newUserBranchId, $login); } } // ONU assign for newly created user if ($registerUserONU and $needONUAssignment) { $PONAPIObject = new PONizer(); if ($PONAPIObject->checkOnuUnique($ONUMAC)) { $PONAPIObject->onuCreate($ONUModelID, $OLTID, $ONUIP, $ONUMAC, $ONUSerial, $login); } else { $ONUID = $PONAPIObject->getOnuIDbyIdent($ONUMAC); $PONAPIObject->onuAssign($ONUID, $login); } } if ($addressExtendedOn) { zb_AddAddressExtenSave($login, false, $postCode, $extenTown, $extenAddr); } //static OpenPayz payment IDs registration if ($alterconf['OPENPAYZ_SUPPORT']) { if ($alterconf['OPENPAYZ_STATIC_ID']) { $openPayz = new OpenPayz(false, true); $openPayz->registerStaticPaymentId($login); } } /////////////////////////////////// if ($goprofile) { rcms_redirect("?module=userprofile&username=" . $login . '&justregistered=true'); } }