--- title: Fetch of Python data using RapidAPI layout: base description: An introductory example of talking to Backend Python application serving 3rd Party API. Fetching data and formatting results is a way to visuals information, in this case Covid19 statistics across the Globe. permalink: /data/covid image: /images/rapidapi.png categories: [C7.0] tags: [javascript, fetch, dom, getElementID, appendChild] week: 8 type: pbl --- {% include nav_data.html %} [Review Frontend Code](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nighthawkcoders/APCSP/master/_posts/2022-07-10-PBL-rapidapi.md), [Review Backend Code](https://github.com/nighthawkcoders/flask_portfolio/blob/main/api/covid.py)
Time All-time Cases Recorded Deaths Active Cases
Country All-time Cases Recorded Deaths Active Cases