package com.baloise.jaxrs; import io.undertow.Undertow; import io.undertow.servlet.api.DeploymentInfo; import org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.ResteasyClientBuilder; import org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.undertow.UndertowJaxrsServer; import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.ResteasyDeployment; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * ResteasyTest provides a convenient way to test JAX-RS resource in your JUnit test. It allows you to define you're * REST endpoints in your tests classes and verify that the exposed resources work properly. ResteasyTest is similar to * JerseyTest but uses Resteasy as provider and is not as feature rich. The dependencies used are the same as in * JBoss EAP / WildFly. These are undertow as ServletContainer, Resteasy as JAX-RS implementation and jackson 2 for * JSON support. */ public class ResteasyTest { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ResteasyTest.class.getName()); private Client testClient; private UndertowJaxrsServer testContainer; private int bindPort; private String bindUrl = "localhost"; public ResteasyTest() { } /** * Finds a free server port. * * @return port number. * @throws IOException */ public static int findFreePort() throws IOException { ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(0); int port = server.getLocalPort(); server.close(); return port; } /** * Sets up a new JAX-RS server test instance for every JUnit test. * * @throws IOException */ @Before public void restEasyTestSetUp() throws IOException { this.bindPort = findFreePort();"Staring test container at " + getBaseUri()); this.testContainer = createTestContainer(bindPort, bindUrl); ResteasyClientBuilder resteasyClientBuilder = new ResteasyClientBuilder(); configureProvider().forEach(resteasyClientBuilder::register); this.testClient =; } /** * Closes test container and test client after every JUnit test. */ @After public void restEasyTestTearDown() { if (testClient != null) { testClient.close(); testClient = null; } if (testContainer != null) { testContainer.stop(); testContainer = null; } } /** * List of JAX-RS resources to test. Must return actual instances of resource. * Method need to be overridden. * * @return */ public List configureResources() { return new ArrayList<>(); } /** * List of JAX-RS {@link} to use while testing. Must return actual instances of provider. * Method need to be overridden * @return */ public List configureProvider() { return new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Define {@link Application} to use while testing * @return */ public Application configureApplication() { return null; } /** * Returns the URL with port where the REST endpoints are exposed. * @return */ public String getBaseUri() { return "http://" + bindUrl + ":" + bindPort; } /** * Sends a GET request to the given url and deserializes the response * * @param uri where to send the GET request * @param responseType class to deserialize the response * @param * @return */ public T get(String uri, Class responseType) { return request(uri).request().get(responseType); } /** * Sends a POST request to the given url and deserializes the response. * * @param uri where to send the POST request * @param entity object to send to url. Is serialized as JSON * @param responseType class to deserialize the response * @param * @return */ public T post(String uri, Object entity, Class responseType) { Entity entityObject = Entity.entity(entity, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE); return request(uri).request().post(entityObject, responseType); } /** * Build a new web resource target. * * @param uri * @return */ public WebTarget request(String uri) { return + uri); } /** * Get configured client * * @return */ public Client getTestClient() { return testClient; } private UndertowJaxrsServer createTestContainer(int bindPort, String bindUrl) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); UndertowJaxrsServer server = createServer(bindPort, bindUrl); ResteasyDeployment resteasyDeployment = createDeployment(); DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo = createDeploymentInfo(server, resteasyDeployment); server.deploy(deploymentInfo); long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;"Undertow with resteasy and jackson is running. " + duration + "ms needed."); return server; } private DeploymentInfo createDeploymentInfo(UndertowJaxrsServer server, ResteasyDeployment resteasyDeployment) { DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo = server.undertowDeployment(resteasyDeployment); deploymentInfo.setClassLoader(ResteasyTest.class.getClassLoader()); deploymentInfo.setDeploymentName(this.getClass().getName()); deploymentInfo.setContextPath(determineContextPath()); return deploymentInfo; } private String determineContextPath() { if (configureApplication() == null || !configureApplication().getClass().isAnnotationPresent(ApplicationPath.class)) { return "/"; } return configureApplication().getClass().getAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class).value(); } private ResteasyDeployment createDeployment() { ResteasyDeployment resteasyDeployment = new ResteasyDeployment(); resteasyDeployment.setApplication(configureApplication()); resteasyDeployment.setResources(configureResources()); resteasyDeployment.setProviders(configureProvider()); return resteasyDeployment; } private UndertowJaxrsServer createServer(int bindPort, String bindUrl) { UndertowJaxrsServer server = new UndertowJaxrsServer(); Undertow.Builder serverBuilder = Undertow.builder().addHttpListener(bindPort, bindUrl); server.start(serverBuilder); return server; } }