#!/bin/bash ############################# Written and Manteined by Nicola Bandini ############### ############################# Created and written by Matthias Luettermann ############### ############################# finetuning by primator@gmail.com ############################# finetuning by n.bandini@gmail.com ############################# with code and fix by Tom Lesniak, Hugo Geijteman, Jon Marston and Nathaelr # # copyright (c) 2008 Shahid Iqbal # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # contact the author directly for more information at: matthias@xcontrol.de ########################################################################################## #Version 1.23.3 plgVer=1.23.3 if [ ! "$#" == "5" ]; then echo echo "Check_QNAP3 "$plgVer echo echo "Warning: Wrong command line arguments." echo echo "Usage: ./check_qnap " echo echo "Parts are: sysinfo, systemuptime, temp, cpu, cputemp, freeram, powerstatus, fans, diskused, hdstatus, hd#status, hdtemp, hd#temp, volstatus (Raid Volume Status), vol#status" echo echo "hdstatus shows status & temp; volstatus check all vols and vols space; powerstatus check power supply" echo "<#> is 1-8 for hd, 1-5 for vol" echo echo " Example for diskusage: ./check_qnap3.sh public diskused 80 95" echo echo " Example for volstatus: ./check_qnap3.sh public volstatus 15 10" echo " critical and warning value are releted to free disk space" echo echo " Example for fans: ./check_qnap3.sh public fans 2000 1900" echo " critical and warning are minimum speed in rpm for fans" echo exit 3 fi strHostname=$1 strCommunity=$2 strpart=$3 strWarning=$4 strCritical=$5 # Check if QNAP is online TEST=$(snmpstatus -v2c $strHostname -c "$strCommunity" -t 5 -r 0 2>&1) # echo "Test: $TEST"; if [ "$TEST" == "Timeout: No Response from $strHostname" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: SNMP to $strHostname is not available or wrong community string"; exit 2; fi # DISKUSED --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$strpart" == "diskused" ]; then disk=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"//') free=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"//') UNITtest=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.*\(.B\).*/\1/') UNITtest2=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.*\(.B\).*/\1/') #echo $disk - $free - $UNITtest - $UNITtest2 if [ "$UNITtest" == "TB" ]; then factor=$(echo "scale=0; 1000000" | bc -l) elif [ "$UNITtest" == "GB" ]; then factor=$(echo "scale=0; 1000" | bc -l) else factor=$(echo "scale=0; 1" | bc -l) fi if [ "$UNITtest2" == "TB" ]; then factor2=$(echo "scale=0; 1000000" | bc -l) elif [ "$UNITtest2" == "GB" ]; then factor2=$(echo "scale=0; 1000" | bc -l) else factor2=$(echo "scale=0; 1" | bc -l) fi #echo $factor - $factor2 disk=$(echo "scale=0; $disk*$factor" | bc -l) free=$(echo "scale=0; $free*$factor2" | bc -l) #debug used=$(echo "scale=0; 9000*1000" | bc -l) used=$(echo "scale=0; $disk-$free" | bc -l) #echo $disk - $free - $used PERC=$(echo "scale=0; $used*100/$disk" | bc -l) diskF=$(echo "scale=0; $disk/$factor" | bc -l) freeF=$(echo "scale=0; $free/$factor2" | bc -l) usedF=$(echo "scale=0; $used/$factor" | bc -l) #wdisk=$(echo "scale=0; $strWarning*$disk/100" | bc -l) #cdisk=$(echo "scale=0; $strCritical*$disk/100" | bc -l) OUTPUT="Total:"$diskF"$UNITtest - Used:"$usedF"$UNITtest - Free:"$freeF"$UNITtest2 - Used Space: $PERC%|Used=$PERC;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;100" if [ $PERC -ge $strCritical ]; then echo "CRITICAL: "$OUTPUT exit 2 elif [ $PERC -ge $strWarning ]; then echo "WARNING: "$OUTPUT exit 1 else echo "OK: "$OUTPUT exit 0 fi # CPU ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "cpu" ]; then CPU=$(snmpget -v2c -Ln -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname -Oqv | sed -E 's/"|\s%//g') OUTPUT="CPU Load="$CPU"%|CPU load="$CPU"%;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;100" if (( $(echo "$CPU > $strCritical" | bc -l) )); then echo "CRITICAL: "$OUTPUT exit 2 elif (( $(echo "$CPU > $strWarning" | bc -l) )); then echo "WARNING: "$OUTPUT exit 1 else echo "OK: "$OUTPUT exit 0 fi # CPUTEMP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "cputemp" ]; then TEMP0=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname . | awk '{print $4}' | cut -c2-3) OUTPUT="CPU Temperature="$TEMP0"C|NAS CPUtermperature="$TEMP0"C;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;90" if [ "$TEMP0" -ge "89" ]; then echo "Cpu temperatur to high!: "$OUTPUT exit 2 else if [ $TEMP0 -ge "$strCritical" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: "$OUTPUT exit 2 fi if [ $TEMP0 -ge "$strWarning" ]; then echo "WARNING: "$OUTPUT exit 1 fi echo "OK: "$OUTPUT exit 0 fi # Free RAM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "freeram" ]; then TOTALRAM=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname | awk '{print $4 $5}' | sed 's/.\(.*\)...../\1/') FREERAM=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname | awk '{print $4 $5}' | sed 's/.\(.*\)...../\1/') let "USEDRAM=($TOTALRAM-$FREERAM)" let "RAMPERC=(100-($FREERAM*100)/$TOTALRAM)" OUTPUT="Total:"$TOTALRAM"MB - Used:"$USEDRAM"MB - Free:"$FREERAM"MB = "$RAMPERC"%|Memory usage="$RAMPERC"%;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;100" if [ $RAMPERC -ge $strCritical ]; then echo "CRITICAL: "$OUTPUT exit 2 elif [ $RAMPERC -ge $strWarning ]; then echo "WARNING: "$OUTPUT exit 1 else echo "OK: "$OUTPUT exit 0 fi # System Temperature--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "temp" ]; then TEMP0=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname | awk '{print $4}' | cut -c2-3) OUTPUT="Temperature="$TEMP0"C|NAS termperature="$TEMP0"C;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;80" if [ "$TEMP0" -ge "89" ]; then echo "System temperatur to high!: "$OUTPUT exit 2 else if [ $TEMP0 -ge "$strCritical" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: "$OUTPUT exit 2 fi if [ $TEMP0 -ge "$strWarning" ]; then echo "WARNING: "$OUTPUT exit 1 fi echo "OK: "$OUTPUT exit 0 fi # ALL HDs TEMP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Don't bother with perfdata, this plugin is simply to make us aware of a potential issue. The QNAP interface can give us details. elif [ "$strpart" == "hdtemp" ]; then hdnum=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}') output="OK: ($hdnum disks)" ret=0 for (( c=1; c<=$hdnum; c++ )) do TEMPHD=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" -mALL "$strHostname"$c | awk '{print $4}') if [ ${TEMPHD} -ge "$strWarning" ]; then if [ ${ret} -eq 0 ]; then output="" ret=1 fi ENC=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" -mALL "$strHostname"$c | awk '{print $4}') ID=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" -mALL "$strHostname"$c | awk '{print $4}') if [ ${TEMPHD} -ge "$strCritical" ]; then ret=2 output+="CRITICAL: Disk ${ID} in enclosure ${ENC} is ${TEMPHD}C \n" else output+="WARN: Disk ${ID} in enclosure ${ENC} is ${TEMPHD}C \n" fi fi done printf "$output" exit ${ret} # HD1 Temperature--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd1temp" ]; then TEMPHD=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname | awk '{print $4}' | cut -c2-3) OUTPUT="Temperature="$TEMPHD"C|HDD1 termperature="$TEMPHD"C;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;60" if [ "$TEMPHD" -ge "59" ]; then echo "HDD1 temperatur to high!: "$OUTPUT exit 2 else if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strCritical" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: "$OUTPUT exit 2 fi if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strWarning" ]; then echo "WARNING: "$OUTPUT exit 1 fi echo "OK: "$OUTPUT exit 0 fi # HD2 Temperature--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd2temp" ]; then TEMPHD=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname | awk '{print $4}' | cut -c2-3) OUTPUT="Temperature="$TEMPHD"C|HDD2 termperature="$TEMPHD"C;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;60" if [ "$TEMPHD" -ge "59" ]; then echo "HDD2 temperatur to high!: "$OUTPUT exit 2 else if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strCritical" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: "$OUTPUT exit 2 fi if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strWarning" ]; then echo "WARNING: "$OUTPUT exit 1 fi echo "OK: "$OUTPUT exit 0 fi # HD3 Temperature--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd3temp" ]; then TEMPHD=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname | awk '{print $4}' | cut -c2-3) OUTPUT="Temperature="$TEMPHD"C|HDD3 termperature="$TEMPHD"C;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;60" if [ "$TEMPHD" -ge "59" ]; then echo "HDD3 temperatur to high!: "$OUTPUT exit 2 else if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strCritical" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: "$OUTPUT exit 2 fi if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strWarning" ]; then echo "WARNING: "$OUTPUT exit 1 fi echo "OK: "$OUTPUT exit 0 fi # HD4 Temperature--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd4temp" ]; then TEMPHD=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname | awk '{print $4}' | cut -c2-3) OUTPUT="Temperature="$TEMPHD"C|HDD4 termperature="$TEMPHD"C;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;60" if [ "$TEMPHD" -ge "59" ]; then echo "HDD4 temperatur to high!: "$OUTPUT exit 2 else if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strCritical" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: "$OUTPUT exit 2 fi if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strWarning" ]; then echo "WARNING: "$OUTPUT exit 1 fi echo "OK: "$OUTPUT exit 0 fi # HD5 Temperature--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd5temp" ]; then TEMPHD=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname | awk '{print $4}' | cut -c2-3) OUTPUT="Temperature="$TEMPHD"C|HDD5 termperature="$TEMPHD"C;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;60" if [ "$TEMPHD" -ge "59" ]; then echo "HDD5 temperatur to high!: "$OUTPUT exit 2 else if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strCritical" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: "$OUTPUT exit 2 fi if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strWarning" ]; then echo "WARNING: "$OUTPUT exit 1 fi echo "OK: "$OUTPUT exit 0 fi # HD6 Temperature--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd6temp" ]; then TEMPHD=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname | awk '{print $4}' | cut -c2-3) OUTPUT="Temperature="$TEMPHD"C|HDD6 termperature="$TEMPHD"C;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;60" if [ "$TEMPHD" -ge "59" ]; then echo "HDD6 temperatur to high!: "$OUTPUT exit 2 else if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strCritical" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: "$OUTPUT exit 2 fi if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strWarning" ]; then echo "WARNING: "$OUTPUT exit 1 fi echo "OK: "$OUTPUT exit 0 fi # HD7 Temperature--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd7temp" ]; then TEMPHD=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname | awk '{print $4}' | cut -c2-3) OUTPUT="Temperature="$TEMPHD"C|HDD7 termperature="$TEMPHD"C;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;60" if [ "$TEMPHD" -ge "59" ]; then echo "HDD7 temperatur to high!: "$OUTPUT exit 2 else if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strCritical" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: "$OUTPUT exit 2 fi if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strWarning" ]; then echo "WARNING: "$OUTPUT exit 1 fi echo "OK: "$OUTPUT exit 0 fi # HD8 Temperature--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd8temp" ]; then TEMPHD=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname | awk '{print $4}' | cut -c2-3) OUTPUT="Temperature="$TEMPHD"C|HDD8 termperature="$TEMPHD"C;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;60" if [ "$TEMPHD" -ge "59" ]; then echo "HDD8 temperatur to high!: "$OUTPUT exit 2 else if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strCritical" ]; then echo "CRITICAL: "$OUTPUT exit 2 fi if [ $TEMPHD -ge "$strWarning" ]; then echo "WARNING: "$OUTPUT exit 1 fi echo "OK: "$OUTPUT exit 0 fi # Volume 1 Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "vol1status" ]; then Vol_Status=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$Vol_Status" == "Ready" ]; then echo OK: $Vol_Status exit 0 elif [ "$Vol_Status" == "Rebuilding..." ]; then echo "WARNING: "$Vol_Status exit 1 else echo "CRITICAL: "$Vol_Status exit 2 fi # Volume 2 Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "vol2status" ]; then Vol_Status=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$Vol_Status" == "Ready" ]; then echo OK: $Vol_Status exit 0 elif [ "$Vol_Status" == "Rebuilding..." ]; then echo "WARNING: "$Vol_Status exit 1 else echo "CRITICAL: "$Vol_Status exit 2 fi # Volume 3 Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "vol3status" ]; then Vol_Status=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$Vol_Status" == "Ready" ]; then echo OK: $Vol_Status exit 0 elif [ "$Vol_Status" == "Rebuilding..." ]; then echo "WARNING: "$Vol_Status exit 1 else echo "CRITICAL: "$Vol_Status exit 2 fi # Volume 4 Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "vol4status" ]; then Vol_Status=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$Vol_Status" == "Ready" ]; then echo OK: $Vol_Status exit 0 elif [ "$Vol_Status" == "Rebuilding..." ]; then echo "WARNING: "$Vol_Status exit 1 else echo "CRITICAL: "$Vol_Status exit 2 fi # Volume 5 Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "vol5status" ]; then Vol_Status=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$Vol_Status" == "Ready" ]; then echo OK: $Vol_Status exit 0 elif [ "$Vol_Status" == "Rebuilding..." ]; then echo "WARNING: "$Vol_Status exit 1 else echo "CRITICAL: "$Vol_Status exit 2 fi # HD1 Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd1status" ]; then HD1=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$HD1" == "GOOD" ]; then echo OK: GOOD exit 0 else echo CRITICAL: ERROR exit 2 fi # HD2 Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd2status" ]; then HD2=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$HD2" == "GOOD" ]; then echo OK: GOOD exit 0 else echo CRITICAL: ERROR exit 2 fi # HD3 Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd3status" ]; then HD3=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$HD3" == "GOOD" ]; then echo OK: GOOD exit 0 else echo CRITICAL: ERROR exit 2 fi # HD4 Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd4status" ]; then HD4=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$HD4" == "GOOD" ]; then echo OK: GOOD exit 0 else echo CRITICAL: ERROR exit 2 fi # HD5 Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd5status" ]; then HD5=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$HD5" == "GOOD" ]; then echo OK: GOOD exit 0 else echo CRITICAL: ERROR exit 2 fi # HD6 Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd6status" ]; then HD6=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$HD6" == "GOOD" ]; then echo OK: GOOD exit 0 else echo CRITICAL: ERROR exit 2 fi # HD7 Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd7status" ]; then HD7=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$HD7" == "GOOD" ]; then echo OK: GOOD exit 0 else echo CRITICAL: ERROR exit 2 fi # HD8 Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hd8status" ]; then HD8=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$HD8" == "GOOD" ]; then echo OK: GOOD exit 0 else echo CRITICAL: ERROR exit 2 fi # HD Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "hdstatus" ]; then hdnum=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" | awk '{print $4}') hdok=0 hdnop=0 output_crit="" for (( c=1; c<=$hdnum; c++ )) do HD=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" -mALL "$strHostname"$c | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ ${HD^^} == "GOOD" ]; then hdok=$(echo "scale=0; $hdok+1" | bc -l) elif [ "$HD" == "--" ]; then hdnop=$(echo "scale=0; $hdnop+1" | bc -l) else output_crit=${output_crit}" Disk ${c}" fi done if [ -n "$output_crit" ] then echo "CRITICAL: ${output_crit}" exit 2 else echo "OK: Online Disk $hdok, Free Slot $hdnop" exit 0 fi # Volume Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "volstatus" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="" PERFOUTPUT="" WARNING=0 CRITICAL=0 VOL=1 VOLCOUNT=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" . | awk '{print $4}') while [ "$VOL" -le "$VOLCOUNT" ]; do Vol_Status=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" .$VOL | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') if [ "$Vol_Status" == "Ready" ]; then VOLSTAT="OK: $Vol_Status" elif [ "$Vol_Status" == "Rebuilding..." ]; then VOLSTAT="WARNING: $Vol_Status" WARNING=1 else VOLSTAT="CRITICAL: $Vol_Status" CRITICAL=1 fi VOLCAPACITY=0 VOLFREESIZE=0 VOLPCT=0 VOLCAPACITY=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" .$VOL | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') VOLFREESIZE=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" .$VOL | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') UNITtest=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname"$VOL | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.*\(.B\).*/\1/') UNITtest2=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname"$VOL | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/.*\(.B\).*/\1/') if [ "$UNITtest" == "TB" ]; then factor=$(echo "scale=0; 1000000" | bc -l) elif [ "$UNITtest" == "GB" ]; then factor=$(echo "scale=0; 1000" | bc -l) else factor=$(echo "scale=0; 1" | bc -l) fi if [ "$UNITtest2" == "TB" ]; then factor2=$(echo "scale=0; 1000000" | bc -l) elif [ "$UNITtest2" == "GB" ]; then factor2=$(echo "scale=0; 1000" | bc -l) else factor2=$(echo "scale=0; 1" | bc -l) fi VOLCAPACITYF=$(echo "scale=0; $VOLCAPACITY*$factor" | bc -l) VOLFREESIZEF=$(echo "scale=0; $VOLFREESIZE*$factor2" | bc -l) VOLPCT=`echo "($VOLFREESIZEF*100)/$VOLCAPACITYF" | bc` if [ "$VOLPCT" -le "$strCritical" ]; then VOLPCT="CRITICAL: $VOLPCT" CRITICAL=1 elif [ "$VOLPCT" -le "$strWarning" ]; then VOLPCT="WARNING: $VOLPCT" WARNING=1 fi if [ "$VOL" -lt "$VOLCOUNT" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="${ALLOUTPUT}Volume #${VOL}: $VOLSTAT, Total Size (bytes): $VOLCAPACITY $UNITtest, Free: $VOLFREESIZE $UNITtest2 (${VOLPCT}%), " else ALLOUTPUT="${ALLOUTPUT}Volume #${VOL}: $VOLSTAT, Total Size (bytes): $VOLCAPACITY $UNITtest, Free: $VOLFREESIZE $UNITtest2 (${VOLPCT}%)" fi #Performance Data if [ $VOL -gt 1 ]; then PERFOUTPUT=$PERFOUTPUT" " fi PERFOUTPUT=$PERFOUTPUT"FreeSize_Volume-$VOL=${VOLPCT}%;$strWarning;$strCritical;0;100" VOL=`expr $VOL + 1` done echo $ALLOUTPUT"|"$PERFOUTPUT if [ $CRITICAL -eq 1 ]; then exit 2 elif [ $WARNING -eq 1 ]; then exit 1 else exit 0 fi # Power Supply Status ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "powerstatus" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="" WARNING=0 CRITICAL=0 PS=1 COUNT=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname . | awk '{print $4}') while [ "$PS" -le "$COUNT" ]; do STATUS=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" $strHostname .$PS | awk '{print $4}') if [ "$STATUS" -eq "0" ]; then PSSTATUS="OK: GOOD" else PSSTATUS="CRITICAL: ERROR" CRITICAL=1 fi if [ "$PS" -lt "$COUNT" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="${ALLOUTPUT}Power Supply #${PS} - $PSSTATUS\n" else ALLOUTPUT="${ALLOUTPUT}Power Supply #${PS} - $PSSTATUS" fi PS=`expr $PS + 1` done echo $ALLOUTPUT if [ $CRITICAL -eq 1 ]; then exit 2 elif [ $WARNING -eq 1 ]; then exit 1 else exit 0 fi # Fan Status---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "fans" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="" PERFOUTPUT="" WARNING=0 CRITICAL=0 FAN=1 FANCOUNT=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" . | awk '{print $4}') while [ "$FAN" -le "$FANCOUNT" ]; do FANSPEED=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" .$FAN | awk '{print $4}' | cut -c 2- ) #Performance data if [ $FAN -gt 1 ]; then PERFOUTPUT=$PERFOUTPUT" " fi PERFOUTPUT=$PERFOUTPUT"Fan-$FAN=$FANSPEED;$strWarning;$strCritical" if [ "$FANSPEED" == "" ]; then FANSTAT="CRITICAL: $FANSPEED RPM" CRITICAL=1 elif [ "$FANSPEED" -le "$strCritical" ]; then FANSTAT="CRITICAL: $FANSPEED RPM" CRITICAL=1 elif [ "$FANSPEED" -le "$strWarning" ]; then FANSTAT="WARNING: $FANSPEED RPM" WARNING=1 else FANSTAT="OK: $FANSPEED RPM" fi if [ "$FAN" -lt "$FANCOUNT" ]; then ALLOUTPUT="${ALLOUTPUT}Fan #${FAN}: $FANSTAT, " else ALLOUTPUT="${ALLOUTPUT}Fan #${FAN}: $FANSTAT" fi FAN=`expr $FAN + 1` done echo $ALLOUTPUT"|"$PERFOUTPUT if [ $CRITICAL -eq 1 ]; then exit 2 elif [ $WARNING -eq 1 ]; then exit 1 else exit 0 fi # System Uptime---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif [ "$strpart" == "systemuptime" ]; then netuptime=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" . | awk '{print $5, $6, $7, $8}') sysuptime=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" . | awk '{print $5, $6, $7, $8}') echo System Uptime $sysuptime - Network Uptime $netuptime exit 0 # System Info------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ elif [ "$strpart" == "sysinfo" ]; then model=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" . | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\).$/\1/') hdnum=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" . | awk '{print $4}') VOLCOUNT=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" . | awk '{print $4}') name=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" . | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\)$/\1/') firmware=$(snmpget -v2c -c "$strCommunity" "$strHostname" . | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^"\(.*\)$/\1/') echo NAS $name, Model $model, Firmware $firmware, Max HD number $hdnum, No. Volume $VOLCOUNT exit 0 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else echo -e "\nUnknown Part!" && exit "3" fi exit 0