Dark Visual Studio color scheme for Sublime Text ================================================ For those who used Visual Studio and switched to Sublime Text, here is something good for your eyes. This theme is based on [mihaifm's light Visual Studio theme](https://github.com/mihaifm/Visual-Studio.tmTheme). ## Screenshot ![screen](https://raw.github.com/nikeee/Visual-Studio-Dark.tmTheme/master/screenshot.png) ### Installation #### Via Package Manager This color theme is also available as a package using the sublime package manager. The package is called `Visual Studio Dark` ([online listing](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Visual%20Studio%20Dark)) #### Cloning the Repository - Open a Git bash in your Packages directory. - Clone this repository ``` git clone https://github.com/nikeee/Visual-Studio-Dark Visual-Studio ``` This is it. This may also work with Textmate - I did not test it, because I am not using Texmate. But you may do the following: Drop `Visual Studio Dark.tmTheme` file in: `~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Themes/`