package com.nikhilpanju.fabfilter.filter import android.animation.AnimatorSet import android.animation.TimeInterpolator import android.animation.ValueAnimator import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.content.Context import android.util.AttributeSet import android.view.View import android.view.animation.* import android.widget.FrameLayout import android.widget.ImageView import androidx.cardview.widget.CardView import androidx.core.animation.doOnEnd import androidx.core.animation.doOnStart import androidx.core.view.doOnLayout import androidx.core.view.isInvisible import androidx.core.view.isVisible import androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2 import com.nikhilpanju.fabfilter.R import com.nikhilpanju.fabfilter.main.MainActivity import com.nikhilpanju.fabfilter.main.animationPlaybackSpeed import com.nikhilpanju.fabfilter.utils.* import com.nikhilpanju.fabfilter.views.NoScrollRecyclerView @Suppress("USELESS_CAST") @SuppressLint("WrongConstant") class FiltersLayout @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0) : FrameLayout(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Views /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private val fab: CardView by bindView( private val fabFilterIcon: ImageView by bindView( private val fabCloseIcon: ImageView by bindView( private val mainContainer: View by bindView( private val filtersContainer: View by bindView( private val tabsContainer: View by bindView( private val tabsRecyclerView: NoScrollRecyclerView by bindView( private val viewPager: ViewPager2 by bindView( private val bottomBarCardView: CardView by bindView( private val bottomBarContainer: View by bindView( private val closeIcon: View by bindView( private val filterIcon: ImageView by bindView( /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Colors & Dimens /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private val bottomBarColor: Int by bindColor(R.color.bottom_bar_color) private val bottomBarPinkColor: Int by bindColor(R.color.colorAccent) private val bgColor: Int by bindColor(R.color.colorPrimaryDark) private val filterIconColor: Int by bindColor(R.color.filter_icon_color) private val filterIconActiveColor: Int by bindColor(R.color.filter_icon_active_color) private val fabSize: Float by bindDimen(R.dimen.fab_size) private val fabSizeInset: Float by bindDimen(R.dimen.fab_size_inset) private val fabElevation: Float by bindDimen(R.dimen.fab_elevation) private val fabElevation2: Float by bindDimen(R.dimen.fab_elevation_2) private val fabPressedElevation: Float by bindDimen(R.dimen.fab_pressed_elevation) private val fabMargin: Float by bindDimen(R.dimen.fab_margin) private val tabsHeight: Float by bindDimen(R.dimen.tabs_height) private val sheetWidth: Float by lazy { screenWidth.toFloat() } private val sheetHeight: Float by lazy { screenWidth.toFloat() } private val fragmentHeight: Int by lazy { mainContainer.height } private val fabX: Float by lazy { screenWidth - fabSize - fabMargin } private val fabY: Float by lazy { fragmentHeight - fabSize - fabMargin } private val fabX2: Float by lazy { (sheetWidth - fabSize) / 2 } private val fabY2: Float by lazy { fragmentHeight - sheetHeight / 2 - fabSize / 2 } private val bottomBarTranslateAmount: Float by lazy { screenWidth / 4f } private val viewPagerTranslateAmount = 32f.dp /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Durations /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private val pathAnimDuration: Long get() = (context.resources.getInteger(R.integer.pathAnimDuration) / animationPlaybackSpeed).toLong() private val revealAnimationDuration: Long get() = (context.resources.getInteger(R.integer.revealAnimDuration) / animationPlaybackSpeed).toLong() private val settleAnimDuration: Long get() = (context.resources.getInteger(R.integer.settleAnimDuration) / animationPlaybackSpeed).toLong() private val collapseAnimDuration: Long get() = (context.resources.getInteger(R.integer.collapseAnimDuration) / animationPlaybackSpeed).toLong() private val fabInsetDuration: Long get() = (context.resources.getInteger(R.integer.insetAnimDuration) / animationPlaybackSpeed).toLong() private val loadingDuration: Long get() = (context.resources.getInteger(R.integer.loadingAnimDuration) / animationPlaybackSpeed).toLong() private val tabsHandler: ViewPagerTabsHandler by lazy { ViewPagerTabsHandler(viewPager, tabsRecyclerView, bottomBarCardView) } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// init { inflate(context, R.layout.layout_filter, this) tabsHandler.init() mainContainer.doOnLayout { fab.x = fabX fab.y = fabY } // sheetHeight is dynamic (screenWidth) so we set it here instead of in XML viewPager.layoutParams.height = sheetHeight.toInt() // Click Listeners closeIcon.setOnClickListener { openFilterSheet(false) } filterIcon.setOnClickListener { onFilterApplied() } fab.setOnClickListener { if ((context as MainActivity).isAdapterFiltered) { unFilterAdapterWithFabAnimation() } else { // We're opening the fab so set the adapters and open filter sheet tabsHandler.setAdapters(true) openFilterSheet(true) } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Animation Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Called when fab is clicked to open filter sheet (open = true) * or called when closeIcon is clicked to close the filter sheet (open = false) * * It's a 3 step animation played in sequence. Read the comments to know more. */ private fun openFilterSheet(isOpening: Boolean) { // 1) Fab Arc Path Animator // Animates path of the fab from starting position to centre of screen val pathAnimator = getPathAnimator(isOpening) // 2) Scale Down Animation // Happens simultaneously with the path animation val scaleDownAnimator = (context as MainActivity).getAdapterScaleDownAnimator(isOpening) scaleDownAnimator.duration = pathAnimator.duration // 3) Reveal Animator // Fab expands outwards to reveal the filter layout. It's just a trick. // After expanding, the mainContainer is made visible (it has higher elevation so // that it sits on top of the fab). To the user, it looks seamless // 0f -> 0.8f: Increase size of fab 0.8f -> 1f: Un-curve corners of fab val helper1 = CircleCardViewAnimatorHelper(cardView = fab, startSize = fabSize, endSize = sheetWidth, startX = fabX2, startY = fabY2) val helper2 = CardViewAnimatorHelper(cardView = fab, startRadius = sheetWidth / 2, endRadius = 0f) val revealAnimator = getValueAnimator( isOpening, revealAnimationDuration, AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator()) { progress -> if (progress <= 0.8f) { helper1.progress = progress / 0.8f } else { if (helper1.progress != 1f) helper1.progress = 1f helper2.progress = (progress - 0.8f) / 0.2f } } // mainContainer contains all the filter sheet views. So when revealing or un-revealing // we need to show/hide the mainContainer because the fab is behind (elevation) the mainContainer // and we want to seamlessly transition from the fab to the mainContainer if (isOpening) revealAnimator.doOnEnd { mainContainer.isVisible = true } else revealAnimator.doOnStart { mainContainer.isVisible = false } // 4) Settle Animator - All the elements of the filter screen settle into place // Since mainContainer sits on top of the fab, we can fade in all the elements of mainContainer // and the bottom bar val settleAnimator = getValueAnimator(isOpening, settleAnimDuration, if (isOpening) DecelerateInterpolator() as TimeInterpolator else AccelerateInterpolator()) { progress -> // 4a) Bottom bar bg is faded in for it to stand out bottomBarCardView.setCardBackgroundColor( blendColors(bgColor, if (tabsHandler.hasActiveFilters) bottomBarPinkColor else bottomBarColor, progress)) // 4b) Bottom bar slides in from left bottomBarContainer.translationX = -bottomBarTranslateAmount * (1 - progress) // 4c) Filter icon fades to white as it settles filterIcon.setColorFilter(blendColors(filterIconColor, filterIconActiveColor, progress)) // 4d) Close icon fades in closeIcon.alpha = progress // 4e) Tabs slide up (Increasing height of filterContainer and tabsContainer, translating the // tabsRecyclerView up to make it look more natural) val height = tabsHeight * progress filtersContainer.layoutParams.height = (sheetHeight + height).toInt() tabsContainer.layoutParams.height = height.toInt() tabsRecyclerView.translationY = tabsHeight * (1 - progress) filtersContainer.requestLayout() // 4f) Sliding up the ViewPager viewPager.translationY = (1 - progress) * viewPagerTranslateAmount viewPager.alpha = progress } // Animator Set choreographs all 4 animations based on the `isOpening` variable. // If it's closing, we remove tabs and viewPager adapters at the end of the animation val set = AnimatorSet() if (isOpening) { } else { // Remove adapters after filter sheet is closed set.doOnEnd { tabsHandler.setAdapters(false) } } set.start() } /** * Callback for when filter is applied. * It's a choreography of 5 animations. Read the comments to know more. */ private fun onFilterApplied() { if (!tabsHandler.hasActiveFilters) return // 1) Fab collapse animator // The fab which is hidden behind the container is made visible and collapses down fab.isVisible = true fabFilterIcon.isVisible = false val size = screenWidth * 1.5f val fabCollapseAnimator = CircleCardViewAnimatorHelper( cardView = fab, startSize = size, endSize = fabSize, startX = (screenWidth - size) / 2, startY = fragmentHeight - (sheetHeight + size) / 2, duration = collapseAnimDuration, interpolator = AnticipateInterpolator(1.7f) ).getAnimator() // 2) Bottom bar Inset Animator // The bottom bar collapses into the fab while centering the close button val delta = (fabSize - fabSizeInset) / 2 val bottomBarAnimator = CardViewAnimatorHelper( cardView = bottomBarCardView, endWidth = fabSizeInset, endHeight = fabSizeInset, endX = fabX2 + delta, endY = fabY2 + delta, endRadius = fabSizeInset / 2, duration = collapseAnimDuration * 75 / 100, interpolator = DecelerateInterpolator(1.3f) ).getAnimator { progress -> // As the bottom bar collapses, we move the close icon to the centre of the inset fab val parent = closeIcon.parent as View parent.x = (bottomBarCardView.layoutParams.width - parent.width) / 2 * progress // Fade out filter icon filterIcon.alpha = 1 - progress } // 3) Filter container alpha and scale animator // All the elements of filterContainer is scaled down and faded out and // the filter icon is also faded out val fadeOutAnimator = getValueAnimator( true, collapseAnimDuration * 30 / 100, AccelerateInterpolator()) { progress -> filtersContainer.alpha = 1 - progress // scales from 1x to 0.8x and stops filtersContainer.setScale(1 - (0.2f * progress)) } // 4) Close Icon rotate loading animator // Close icon rotates to simulate loading while adapter items in MainActivity are filtered val closeIconLoadingAnimator = getCloseIconAnimator() closeIconLoadingAnimator.doOnStart { fabCloseIcon.isVisible = true fabCloseIcon.alpha = 1f mainContainer.isInvisible = true (context as MainActivity).isAdapterFiltered = true } // 5) Path Animator to animate path of fab back to original position val pathAnimator = getPathAnimator(false) // 6) Scale Down Animator to scale UP adapter items val scaleDownAnimator = (context as MainActivity).getAdapterScaleDownAnimator(false) scaleDownAnimator.duration = pathAnimator.duration // AnimatorSet choreography of the animation: (1,2,3) -> 4 -> (5,6) // At the end of the animation, MainActivity shows it's fab. removes this fragment and we // hide this fab so that there is no "jerkiness" in animation (caused by fab shadows) // while fragment is being removed val animSet = AnimatorSet() animSet.doOnEnd { // Reset everything after animation is done. When opening the next time, there shouldn't be an issue tabsHandler.setAdapters(false) fadeOutAnimator.currentPlayTime = 0 bottomBarAnimator.currentPlayTime = 0 // Setting currentPlayTime = 0 is not enough because of a weird behavior. // Since the height of inset fab is smaller than the bottom bar height, when resetting y value, // it does it according to the inset height (layout pass needs to happen twice for it to happen // correctly because setting 'y' internally uses translation) so we adjust for the error here bottomBarCardView.translationY += delta * 2 } animSet.start() } /** * Called when fab (with cross) is clicked to remove the filters * This animates the fab in a 3-step animation whilst removing filters from the adapter */ private fun unFilterAdapterWithFabAnimation() { fabFilterIcon.isVisible = true val insetProp = CircleCardViewAnimatorHelper(fab, startSize = fabSize, endSize = fabSizeInset, startX = fabX, startY = fabY, startElevation = fabElevation, endElevation = fabPressedElevation) // 1) Inset Animator - Closes the fab into the cross val insetAnimator = insetProp.getAnimator(true) insetAnimator.duration = fabInsetDuration insetAnimator.interpolator = AccelerateInterpolator() // 2) RecyclerView Items scale down as fab insets val scaleDownAnimator = (context as MainActivity).getAdapterScaleDownAnimator(true) scaleDownAnimator.duration = insetAnimator.duration // 3) Close Icon Animator - Rotates cross icon to simulate loading val closeIconLoadingAnimator = getCloseIconAnimator() // Also filter adapter items when animation starts closeIconLoadingAnimator.doOnStart { (context as MainActivity).isAdapterFiltered = false } // 4) Outset Animator - Pops the fab back out and hides the cross to simulate a reset-ed state val outsetAnimator = insetProp.getAnimator(false) { progress -> fabCloseIcon.alpha = progress * 2 - 1 } outsetAnimator.duration = fabInsetDuration outsetAnimator.interpolator = OvershootInterpolator() // 5) RecyclerView items scale up to original size as fab outsets val scaleUpAnimator = (context as MainActivity).getAdapterScaleDownAnimator(false) scaleUpAnimator.duration = outsetAnimator.duration // Order of animation is (1,2) -> 3 -> (4,5) val set = AnimatorSet() set.start() } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convenience Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Convenience method for getting path animator since it's used in a couple of places. * It animates the fab from it's resting position in an arc like motion to the centre * of the the FilterFragment sheet. * * ListAdapter items shrink when the fab opens and un-shrinks when fab closes so on start * of animation, we ask MainListAdapter from MainActivity to start it's animations as well. */ private fun getPathAnimator(open: Boolean): ValueAnimator { val interpolator = if (open) DecelerateInterpolator() as TimeInterpolator else AccelerateInterpolator() return CardViewAnimatorHelper( fab, startX = fabX, startY = fabY, endX = fabX2, endY = fabY2, startElevation = fabElevation, endElevation = fabElevation2, isArcPath = true, duration = pathAnimDuration, interpolator = interpolator ).getAnimator(open) } /** * Convenience methods for getting close icon rotate animator. * Used in a couple of places so abstracted out into a function for safety */ private fun getCloseIconAnimator() = getValueAnimator( true, loadingDuration, DecelerateInterpolator()) { progress -> fabCloseIcon.rotation = 270 * progress } companion object { const val numTabs = 5 } }