//Access API key to make use of Leaflet Google Maps API const apiKey = 'pk.eyJ1IjoibmlraGlsc3VyZmluZ2F1cyIsImEiOiJja25wbWJobmEwMGo5Mm9vZ3V4aHIya3R3In0.QpBFSgDd4HHb3nY8IiKqsw'; //Initial Zoom level and location of map on first arrival const mymap = L.map('map').setView([-20.354297, 148.955238], 14); //Access mapbox using API key setting display of map style L.tileLayer('https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/{id}/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token={accessToken}', { maxZoom: 18, id: 'mapbox/streets-v11', tileSize: 512, zoomOffset: -1, accessToken: apiKey }).addTo(mymap); // Adding Marker on map const marker = L.marker([-20.354654, 148.949907]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message to marker let template = `

Plane Spotting

` //Add marker to map marker.bindPopup(template); // Adding Marker on map const marker1 = L.marker([-20.355145, 148.951457]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message to marker let template1 = `

Sky Diving

` //Add marker to map marker1.bindPopup(template1); // Add popup message to marker const marker2 = L.marker([-20.355459, 148.951121]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message to marker let template2 = `

Fighter Jet Ride

` //Add marker to map marker2.bindPopup(template2); // Adding Marker on map const marker3 = L.marker([-20.356850, 148.962252]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template3 = `

Beginner Surfing

` //Add marker to map marker3.bindPopup(template3); // Adding Marker on map const marker4 = L.marker([-20.362957, 148.969540]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template4 = `

Intermediate Surfing

` //Add marker to map marker4.bindPopup(template4); // Adding Marker on map const marker5 = L.marker([-20.364950, 148.976955]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template5 = `

Proffesional Surfing

` //Add marker to map marker5.bindPopup(template5); // Add circle on map const circle = L.circle([-20.345358, 148.949265], { radius:200, color: 'green', fillColor: 'red', fillOpacity:0.2 }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup('Pier Fishing') // Adding Marker on map const marker6 = L.marker([-20.368140, 148.961527]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template6 = `

Deep Sea Fishing

` //Add marker to map marker6.bindPopup(template6); // Adding Marker on map const marker7 = L.marker([-20.346403, 148.981814]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template7 = `

Rock Fishing

` //Add marker to map marker7.bindPopup(template7); // Adding Marker on map const marker8 = L.marker([-20.359208, 148.956185]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template8 = `

Go Kart Track

` //Add marker to map marker8.bindPopup(template8); //Add ciricle to map const circle1 = L.circle([-20.351586, 148.962528], { radius:350, color: 'green', fillColor: 'red', fillOpacity:0.2 }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup('Family Trail Walk') // Adding Marker on map const marker9 = L.marker([-20.348620, 148.958049]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template9 = `

Mini Golf

` //Add marker to map marker9.bindPopup(template9); // Adding Marker on map const marker10 = L.marker([-20.348391, 148.959521]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template10 = `

Kids Club

` //Add marker to map marker10.bindPopup(template10); // Adding Marker on map const marker11 = L.marker([-20.345048, 148.948314]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template11 = `

Street Food Market

` //Add marker to map marker11.bindPopup(template11); // Adding Marker on map const marker12 = L.marker([-20.345179, 148.949215]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template12 = `

Food Trucks

` //Add marker to map marker12.bindPopup(template12); //Add circle to map const circle2 = L.circle([-20.345876, 148.951297], { radius:200, color: 'green', fillColor: 'red', fillOpacity:0.2 }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup('Resturants') // Adding Marker on map const marker13 = L.marker([-20.356964, 148.932910]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template13 = `

Golf Course

` //Add marker to map marker13.bindPopup(template13); // Adding Marker on map const marker14 = L.marker([-20.342939, 148.954879]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template14 = `

Soccer Ground

` //Add marker to map marker14.bindPopup(template14); const marker15 = L.marker([-20.360309, 148.957149]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template15 = `

Animal Sanctuary

` //Add marker to map marker15.bindPopup(template15); // Adding Marker on map const marker16 = L.marker([-20.344828, 148.955343]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template16 = `


` //Add marker to map marker16.bindPopup(template16); const marker17 = L.marker([-20.347374, 148.949588]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template17 = `

Island Cruise

` //Add marker to map marker17.bindPopup(template17); //Add circle to map const circle3 = L.circle([-20.346367, 148.956065], { radius:200, color: 'green', fillColor: 'red', fillOpacity:0.2 }).addTo(mymap).bindPopup('Nightclubs & Bars') const marker18 = L.marker([-20.348352, 148.976232]).addTo(mymap); // Add popup message let template18 = `

Volanic Eruption Tours

` //Add marker to map marker18.bindPopup(template18);