# Listing Time Entries **Hours** can fetch your latest time entries, which can be easily processed by external scripts suitable for many use cases. ## Reporters Reporters are plugins accepting a list of time entries and printing them to the terminal in suitable format. Availabe reporters are described below. ### Plain text **Examples:** Formats and styles the output with ANSI styles using the [_termenv_][termenv] library, unless the flag `--ansi=false` is specified. ```sh hours list hours list --ansi=false hours list --output text ``` ### Markdown **Examples:** Pipe to e.g. [_Pandoc_][pandoc] for additional processing, or to [_Glow_][glow] for fancier formatting. ```sh hours list --output markdown hours list --output markdown > report.md hours list --output markdown | glow - hours list --output markdown | pandoc ``` ### JSON **Examples:** Pipe to e.g. [_jq_][jq] for additional processing. ```sh hours list --output json hours list --output json > report.json hours list --output json | jq '.' ``` ### CSV **Examples:** Save the output to a file and import to Excel, or wherever you need it. You can also pipe the data to a parser like [_xsv_][xsv] for prettier table formatting and processing. ```sh hours list --output csv hours list --output csv > report.csv hours list --output csv | xsv table ``` [termenv]: https://github.com/muesli/termenv [pandoc]: https://pandoc.org/ [glow]: https://github.com/charmbracelet/glow [jq]: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ [xsv]: https://github.com/BurntSushi/xsv