#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2017 Xerox Research Centre Europe # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # PERICLES (see http://www.pericles-project.eu )is a four-year project that aims to address the challenge of ensuring that digital content remains # accessible in an environment that is subject to continual change. This can encompass not only technological change, but also changes in semantics, # academic or professional practice, or society itself, which can affect the attitudes and interests of the various stakeholders that interact with the content. # PERICLES will take a ‘preservation by design’ approach that involves modelling, capturing and maintaining detailed and complex information about # digital content, the environment in which it exists, and the processes and policies to which it is subject. # # This ontology has been produced by the WP3 (work package 3)lead by Xerox Research Center Europe # Authors: Jean-Pierre Chanod, Nikolaos Lagos, Jean-Yves Vion-Dury # # Created in November 2014 # last updated the 3rd May 2017 by Jean-Yves Vion-Dury, Nikolaos Lagos # @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix lrm: . @prefix time: . @prefix xrce: . @prefix tz: . @prefix tm: . @prefix real: . @base . lrm:LRM-schema a owl:Ontology ; owl:versionInfo "2.0.0"; owl:imports , , , , # , ; rdfs:comment """ The Linked Resource Model (LRM) aims at describing digital resources for preservation purposes. It focuses on describing the dependencies between such objects, in order to help managing the evolution of the preservation ecosystem, possibly detecting inconsistency and/or weaknesses from the dependency graph or advising the curator on preventive or corrective actions. Dependencies can be very abstracts, or very concrete, like in software management systems, and their semantics is captured through domain specific ontologies derived from the root LRM ontology presented here. """@en; rdfs:seeAlso , , , , . lrm:TemporalDescription owl:equivalentClass [ # owl:unionOf ( time:TimeInterval time:Instant time:Duration time:Reference time:Calendar ) owl:unionOf ( lrm:TimeInterval lrm:TimeInstant lrm:TimeDuration lrm:TimeReference lrm:TimeCalendar ) ]; rdfs:seeAlso , , ; rdfs:comment """an LRM Resource can be decorated with time oriented metadata (time coordinates, duration, co-occurence with other temporal entities). Our time model is designed to smoothly handle uncertainty and variable precision, while maintaining the possibility of modeling synchronous phenomenons without precision loss (e.g. events occuring at uncertain time coordinate and/or of uncertain time duration, but still known to be exactly synchronized with other events) """@en . lrm:TimeInterval rdfs:subClassOf lrm:AbstractResource; owl:equivalentClass time:TimeInterval . lrm:TimeInstant rdfs:subClassOf lrm:AbstractResource; owl:equivalentClass time:Instant. lrm:TimeDuration rdfs:subClassOf lrm:AbstractResource; owl:equivalentClass time:Duration . lrm:TimeReference rdfs:subClassOf lrm:AbstractResource; owl:equivalentClass time:Reference . lrm:TimeCalendar rdfs:subClassOf lrm:AbstractResource; owl:equivalentClass time:Calendar . time:starting rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. time:ending rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. time:around rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. time:during rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. time:clock rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. time:calendar rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. time:inside rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. # time zone descriptors time:zone rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. time:country rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. time:state rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. time:region rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. time:city rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. # definition attributes time:temporalDefinition rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:definition. # instant definition attributes time:when rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:utc rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:year rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:month rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:day rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:hour rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:minute rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:second rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. # duration definition attributes time:years rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:months rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:days rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:hours rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:minutes rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:seconds rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:ellapsed rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. # time:span rdfs:subPropertyOf time:temporalDefinition. time:precision rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:definition. time:uncertainty rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:definition. time:granularity rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:definition. tz:TimeZone rdfs:subClassOf lrm:Description. time:zone rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. tz:Country rdfs:subClassOf lrm:SpatialDescription. time:country rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. tz:City rdfs:subClassOf lrm:SpatialDescription. time:city rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. tz:Region rdfs:subClassOf lrm:SpatialDescription. time:region rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. tz:State rdfs:subClassOf lrm:SpatialDescription. time:state rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy. tz:EnumeratedDaylightSavingsPolicy rdfs:subClassOf lrm:Description. tz:DLSstartDate a owl:DatatypeProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty; rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy; rdfs:domain tz:EnumeratedDaylightSavingsPolicy; rdfs:range xsd:date . tz:DLSendDate a owl:DatatypeProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty; rdfs:subPropertyOf lrm:describedBy; rdfs:domain tz:EnumeratedDaylightSavingsPolicy; rdfs:range xsd:date . # lrm:Activity rdfs:subClassOf lrm:TemporalResource, time:Interval. # lrm:Event rdfs:subClassOf lrm:TemporalResource, time:Instant. # time:modified a owl:ObjectProperty; # rdfs:domain lrm:TemporalResource; # rdfs:range time:Instant # . real:Template rdfs:subClassOf lrm:Plan. # # ! rdfs:subClassOf(?x,lrm:Event) AND +rdf:type(?x, lrm:EventsClass) # lrm:Event rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:ActivityLifeEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:ActivityResumed rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:ActivityStarted rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:ActivityStopped rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:ActivitySuspended rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:ChangeEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:CreationEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:DerivationEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:DestructionEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:FreezeEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:TransformationEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:UpdateEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:RecurringEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:CreateVersionEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:CertifiedVersionEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:MicroVersionEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:MinorVersionEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass. lrm:MajorVersionEvent rdf:type lrm:EventsClass.