package; import java.util.Arrays; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // New Customer wants to buy a bottle Customer customer = new Customer(); // Customer Registration customer.RegisterMe("+919999999999", PhoneType.APP ); // App or SMS? // Assuming Registration successful // Customer requests the token using a mobile app, or by sending SMS String CustomerToken = customer.giveMeAToken("695000"); // Pin code if (CustomerToken != null) { // Assuming Customer gets the token and he goes to the Outlet } else { // Seems there are no slots available. Try again later. return; } // At the Outlet, sales guy is scanning the token Boolean OutletVerification = new Outlet().isTheTokenShownByCustomerValid(CustomerToken); if (OutletVerification) { // Assuming the validation is success System.out.println("Customer says: Wow, I got the bottle!"); } else { System.out.println("Sales guy says: Get lost!"); } } public enum PhoneType { APP, SMS }; private static class VQServer { // Database public String[] tokenDB = { "A", "B","C","D","E" }; public String[] Outlets = {"Outlet1", "Outlet2", "Outlet3"}; public void registerCustomer(String phoneNumber, PhoneType phonetype) { // Register customer } public String requestNewTokenByCustomer(String pinCode) { // Logic for - Token generation logic // Logic for - Find nearest outlet using pinCode // Send token by SMS if PhoneType is SMS return "C"; // Sample token } public Boolean validateTokenByOutlet(String token) { return Arrays.asList(tokenDB).contains(token); // Validate } }; static VQServer vqServer = new VQServer(); private static class Customer { public String giveMeAToken(String pinCode) { return vqServer.requestNewTokenByCustomer(pinCode); } public void RegisterMe(String phoneNumber, PhoneType phonetype) { // Customer Registration vqServer.registerCustomer(phoneNumber, phonetype); } } private static class Outlet { public Boolean isTheTokenShownByCustomerValid(String token) { return vqServer.validateTokenByOutlet(token); } } }