#!/bin/bash # Init FILE="/tmp/out.$$" GREP="/bin/grep" # Make sure only root can run our script if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Preparing System apt-get install git python3-pip -y #Preparing python libraries pip3 install requests #apt-get install python3-sqlalchemy pip3 install SQLAlchemy pip3 install Flask pip3 install multiprocessing pip3 install PyYaml pip3 install PyGithub pip3 install icalendar pip3 install feedparser #Extra script needed for async version pip3 install aiohttp #Get the code git clone https://github.com/ninjatrench/DeveloperHorizon cd DeveloperHorizon echo "Follow following commands" echo "" echo "Enter the directory" echo ">> cd DeveloperHorizon" echo "" echo "Adjust the configurations at config/config.cfg including host, port and github access token etc.." echo ">> nano config/config.cfg" echo "" echo "Replace http://localhost:5000/ with http://:/ as mentioned in config file in static" echo ">> nano static/js/dashboard.min.js" echo "" echo "Set default_config_file location in controler/config.py" echo ">> nano controller/conf.py" echo "" echo "finally run flask main app" echo ">> python3 main.py"