# EasyClangComplete auto-completion for human beings ![Example](img/AutoComplete.gif) ## **Simple start in just 3 steps!** ### **1. Install this plugin** - In Sublime Text press CTRL+Shift+P and install `EasyClangComplete` ### **2. Install clang** - **Ubuntu** : `sudo apt-get install clang` - **OSX** : ships `clang` by default. You are all set! - **Windows** : install the latest release from clang website. - **Other Systems** : use your package manager or install from clang website. - clang website: http://llvm.org/releases/download.html ### **3. Configure your compiler flags and include folders** #### Do you use CMake? You're in luck! The plugin will run cmake on a proper `CMakeLists.txt` in your project folder and will use information from it to complete your code out of the box! For more details, read the plugin docs about [CMake](https://niosus.github.io/EasyClangComplete/configs/#using-cmake-recommended). #### Don't like CMake? Don't worry! There are plenty of ways to configure the plugin! Read the related documentation [page](https://niosus.github.io/EasyClangComplete/configs/) for more info! ## [Extensive documentation](https://niosus.github.io/EasyClangComplete/) There are so many things I want to tell you! There is so much the plugin is capable of! Read the [docs](https://niosus.github.io/EasyClangComplete/) to get started! ## [Support this project!](https://niosus.github.io/EasyClangComplete/support/)