#!/bin/bash #default external dns target DNSTARGET=nirmata.com SERVICETARGET=kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local allns=1 curl=1 namespace="default" #Should we continue to execute on failure CONTINUE="yes" QUIET="no" run_local=0 run_remote=0 export error=0 export warn=0 nossh=0 script_args="" email=1 sendemail='ssilbory/sendemail' alwaysemail=1 fix_issues=1 if [ -f /.dockerenv ]; then export INDOCKER=0 else export INDOCKER=1 fi #function to print red text error(){ error=1 # shellcheck disable=SC2145 echo -e "\e[31m${@}\e[0m" if [ "$CONTINUE" = "no" ];then echo -e "\e[31mContinue is not set exiting on error!\e[0m" namespaces="$(kubectl get ns --no-headers | awk '{print $1}')" for ns in $namespaces;do kubectl --namespace=$ns delete ds net-test-all --ignore-not-found=true &>/dev/null done # THIS EXITS THE SCRIPT exit 1 fi } #function to print yellow text warn(){ warn=1 # shellcheck disable=SC2145 echo -e "\e[33m${@}\e[0m" } good(){ if [ ! "$QUIET" = "yes" ];then # shellcheck disable=SC2145 echo -e "\e[32m${@}\e[0m" fi } helpfunction(){ echo "Note that this script requires access to the following containers:" echo "nicolaka/netshoot for cluster tests." echo "ssilbory/sendemail for sending email." echo "Usage: $0" echo "--allns Test all namespaces (Default is only \"$namespace\")" echo '--dns-target dns.name (Default nirmata.com)' #echo '--exit Exit on errors' echo '--https Curl the service with https.' echo '--http Curl the service with http.' echo '--local Run local tests' echo '-q Do not report success' echo "--namespace namespace_name (Default is \"$namespace\")." echo '--cluster Run Nirmata K8 cluster tests' echo "--service service_target (Default $SERVICETARGET)." echo "--fix Attempt to fix issues (local only)" echo "--ssh \"user@host.name\" Ssh to a space-separated list of systems and run local tests" echo "Note that --ssh does not return non-zero on failure on ssh targets. Parse for:" echo " 'Test completed with errors'" echo " 'Test completed with warnings'" echo echo "Email Settings (Note that these options are incompatible with --ssh.)" echo "--email Enables email reporting on error" echo "--to some.one@some.domain Sets the to address. Required" echo "--from email@some.domain Sets the from address. (default k8@nirmata.com)" echo "--subject 'something' Sets the email subject. (default 'K8 test script error')" echo "--smtp smtp.server Set your smtp server. Required" echo "--user user.name Sets your user name. Optional" echo "--passwd 'L33TPASSW)RD' Set your password. Optional" echo "--email-opts '-o tls=yes' Additional options to send to the sendemail program." echo "--always-email Send emails on warning and good test results" echo "--sendemail Set the container used to send email." echo "Simple open smtp server:" echo "$0 --email --to testy@nirmata.com --smtp smtp.example.com" echo "Authenication with an smtp server:" echo "--email --to testy@nirmata.com --smtp smtp.example.com --user sam.silbory --passwd 'foo!foo'" echo "Authenication with gmail: (Requires an app password be used!)" echo "--email --to testy@nirmata.com --smtp smtp.gmail.com:587 --user sam.silbory --passwd 'foo!foo'" } # deal with args for i in "$@";do case $i in --dns-target) script_args=" $script_args $1 $2 " DNSTARGET=$2 shift shift echo DNSTARGET is $DNSTARGET ;; --service) script_args=" $script_args $1 $2 " SERVICETARGET=$2 shift shift echo SERVICETARGET is $SERVICETARGET ;; --continue|-c) script_args=" $script_args $1 " CONTINUE="yes" shift ;; --allns) script_args=" $script_args $1 " allns=0 shift ;; --https) script_args=" $script_args $1 " curl=0 http=1 shift ;; --http) script_args=" $script_args $1 " curl=0 http=0 shift ;; --namespace) script_args=" $script_args $1 $2 " namespace=$2 shift shift ;; --local) script_args=" $script_args $1 " run_local=0 run_remote=1 shift ;; --cluster) script_args=" $script_args $1 " run_local=1 run_remote=0 shift ;; --exit) script_args=" $script_args $1 " CONTINUE="no" shift ;; -q) script_args=" $script_args $1 " QUIET="yes" shift ;; --ssh) ssh_hosts=$2 nossh=1 shift shift ;; --nossh) script_args=" $script_args $1 " nossh=0 shift ;; --fix) fix_issues=0 shift ;; --logfile) script_args=" $script_args $1 $2 " logfile=$2 shift shift ;; --email) script_args=" $script_args $1 " email=0 shift ;; --to) script_args=" $script_args $1 $2 " TO=$2 shift shift ;; --from) script_args=" $script_args $1 $2 " FROM=$2 shift shift ;; --subject) script_args=" $script_args $1 $2 " SUBJECT=$2 shift shift ;; --smtp) script_args=" $script_args $1 $2 " SMTP_SERVER=$2 shift shift ;; --user) script_args=" $script_args $1 $2 " EMAIL_USER=$2 shift shift ;; --passwd) script_args=" $script_args $1 $2 " EMAIL_PASSWD=$2 shift shift ;; --sendemail) sendemail=$2 shift shift ;; --always-email) alwaysemail=0 shift ;; #--email-opts) # script_args=" $script_args $1 $2 " # EMAIL_OPTS="\'$2\'" # shift # shift #;; -h|--help) helpfunction exit 0 ;; esac done # We don't ever want to pass --ssh!!! script_args=$(echo $script_args |sed 's/--ssh//') remote_test(){ command -v kubectl &>/dev/null || error 'No kubectl found in path!!!' echo "Starting Cluster Tests" echo 'apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: name: net-test-all spec: template: metadata: labels: app: net-test-all-app spec: containers: - name: net-test-node image: nicolaka/netshoot command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep 100000" ]' >/tmp/nirmata-net-test-all.yml namespaces="$(kubectl get ns --no-headers | awk '{print $1}')" for ns in $namespaces;do kubectl --namespace=$ns delete ds net-test-all --ignore-not-found=true &>/dev/null done #echo allns is $allns if [ $allns != 1 ];then for ns in $namespaces;do kubectl --namespace=$ns apply -f /tmp/nirmata-net-test-all.yml &>/dev/null done else namespaces=$namespace kubectl --namespace=$namespace apply -f /tmp/nirmata-net-test-all.yml &>/dev/null fi #echo Testing namespaces $namespaces #check for nodes, and kubectl function echo echo Found the following nodes: if ! kubectl get node --no-headers; then error 'Failed to contact cluster!!!' echo 'Is the master up? Is kubectl configured?' fi echo if kubectl get no -o jsonpath="{.items[?(@.spec.unschedulable)].metadata.name}"|grep .;then warn 'Above nodes are unschedulable!!' fi times=0 required_pods=$(kubectl get node --no-headers | awk '{print $2}' |grep Ready |wc -l) num_ns=$(echo $namespaces |wc -w) required_pods=$((required_pods * num_ns)) #echo required_pods is $required_pods echo -n 'Waiting for net-test-all pods to start' until [[ $(kubectl get pods -l app=net-test-all-app --no-headers --all-namespaces|awk '{print $4}' |grep Running|wc -l) -ge $required_pods ]]|| \ [[ $times = 60 ]];do sleep 1; echo -n .; times=$((times + 1)); done echo if [[ $(kubectl -n $namespace get pods -l app=net-test-all-app --no-headers |awk '{print $3}' |grep Running|wc -l) -ne \ $(kubectl get node --no-headers | awk '{print $2}' |grep Ready |wc -l) ]] ;then error 'Failed to start net-test-all on all nodes!!' echo Debugging: kubectl get pods -l app=net-test-all-app -o wide kubectl get node fi dns_error=0 for ns in $namespaces;do echo Testing $ns namespace for pod in $(kubectl -n $ns get pods -l app=net-test-all-app --no-headers |grep Running |awk '{print $1}');do echo Testing "$(kubectl -n $ns get pods $pod -o wide --no-headers| awk '{print $7}') Namespace $ns" if kubectl exec $pod -- nslookup $DNSTARGET 2>&1|grep -e can.t.resolve -e does.not.resolve -e can.t.find -e No.answer;then warn "Can not resolve external DNS name $DNSTARGET on $pod." kubectl -n $ns get pod $pod -o wide kubectl -n $ns exec $pod -- sh -c "nslookup $DNSTARGET" echo else good "DNS test $DNSTARGET on $pod suceeded." fi #kubectl -n $ns exec $pod -- nslookup $SERVICETARGET if kubectl -n $ns exec $pod -- nslookup $SERVICETARGET 2>&1|grep -e can.t.resolve -e does.not.resolve -e can.t.find -e No.answer;then warn "Can not resolve $SERVICETARGET service on $pod" echo 'Debugging info:' kubectl get pod $pod -o wide dns_error=1 kubectl -n $ns exec $pod -- nslookup $DNSTARGET kubectl -n $ns exec $pod -- nslookup $SERVICETARGET kubectl -n $ns exec $pod -- cat /etc/resolv.conf error "DNS test failed to find $SERVICETARGET service on $pod" else good "DNS test $SERVICETARGET on $pod suceeded." fi if [[ $curl -eq 0 ]];then if [[ $http -eq 0 ]];then if kubectl -n $ns exec $pod -- sh -c "if curl --max-time 5 http://$SERVICETARGET; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi" 2>&1|grep -e 'command terminated with exit code 1';then error "http://$SERVICETARGET failed to respond to curl in 5 seconds!" else good "HTTP test $SERVICETARGET on $pod suceeded." fi else if kubectl -n $ns exec $pod -- sh -c "if curl --max-time 5 -k https://$SERVICETARGET; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi" 2>&1|grep -e 'command terminated with exit code 1';then error "https://$SERVICETARGET failed to respond to curl in 5 seconds!" else good "HTTPS test $SERVICETARGET on $pod suceeded." fi fi fi done done if [[ dns_error -eq 1 ]];then warn "DNS issues detected" echo 'Additional debugging info:' kubectl get svc -n kube-system kube-dns coredns kubectl get deployments -n kube-system coredns kube-dns echo 'Note you should have either coredns or kube-dns running. Not both.' fi namespaces="$(kubectl get ns --no-headers | awk '{print $1}')" for ns in $namespaces;do kubectl --namespace=$ns delete ds net-test-all --ignore-not-found=true &>/dev/null done # mongo testing echo "Testing MongoDB Pods" mongo_ns=$(kubectl get pod --all-namespaces -l nirmata.io/service.name=mongodb --no-headers | awk '{print $1}'|head -1) mongos=$(kubectl get pod --all-namespaces -l nirmata.io/service.name=mongodb --no-headers | awk '{print $2}') mongo_num=0 mongo_master="" for mongo in $mongos; do if kubectl -n $mongo_ns exec $mongo -c mongodb -- sh -c 'echo "db.serverStatus()" |mongo' 2>&1|grep '"ismaster"'|grep -q 'true,';then mongo_master="$mongo_master $mongo" fi mongo_num=$((mongo_num + 1)); done mongo_error=0 [[ $mongo_num -gt 3 ]] && error "Found $mongo_num Mongo Pods $mongos!!!" && mongo_error=1 [[ $mongo_num -eq 0 ]] && error "Found Mongo Pods $mongo_num!!!" && mongo_error=1 [[ $mongo_num -eq 1 ]] && warn "Found One Mongo Pod" && mongo_error=1 [ -z $mongo_master ] && error "No Mongo Master found!!" && mongo_error=1 [[ $(echo $mongo_master|wc -w) -gt 1 ]] && error "Mongo Masters $mongo_master found!!" && mongo_error=1 [ $mongo_error -eq 0 ] && good "MongoDB passed tests" # Zookeeper testing zoo_error=0 echo "Testing Zookeeper pods" zoo_ns=$(kubectl get pod --all-namespaces -l nirmata.io/service.name=zk --no-headers | awk '{print $1}'|head -1) zoos=$(kubectl get pod --all-namespaces -l nirmata.io/service.name=zk --no-headers | awk '{print $2}') zoo_num=0 zoo_leader="" for zoo in $zoos; do if kubectl -n $zoo_ns exec $zoo -- sh -c "/usr/bin/zkServer.sh status" 2>&1|grep Mode |grep -q -e leader -e standalone;then zoo_leader="$zoo_leader $zoo" fi zoo_num=$((zoo_num + 1)); zoo_df=$(kubectl -n $zoo_ns exec $zoo -- df /tmp/ | awk '{ print $5; }' |tail -1|sed s/%//) [[ $zoo_df -gt 50 ]] && error "Found zookeeper volume at ${zoo_df}% usage on $zoo" done [[ $zoo_num -gt 3 ]] && error "Found $zoo_num Zookeeper Pods $zoos!!!" && zoo_error=1 [[ $zoo_num -eq 0 ]] && error "Found Zero Zookeeper Pods !!" && zoo_error=1 [[ $zoo_num -eq 1 ]] && warn "Found One Zookeeper Pod." && zoo_error=1 [ -z $zoo_leader ] && error "No Zookeeper Leader found!!" && zoo_error=1 [[ $(echo $zoo_leader|wc -w) -gt 1 ]] && warn "Found Zookeeper Leaders $zoo_leader." && zoo_error=1 [ $zoo_error -eq 0 ] && good "Zookeeper passed tests" # testing echo "Testing Kafka pods" kafka_ns=$(kubectl get pod --all-namespaces -l nirmata.io/service.name=kafka --no-headers | awk '{print $1}'|head -1) kafkas=$(kubectl get pod --all-namespaces -l nirmata.io/service.name=kafka --no-headers | awk '{print $2}') for kafka in $kafkas; do kafka_df=$(kubectl -n $kafka_ns exec $kafka -- df /tmp/ | awk '{ print $5; }' |tail -1|sed s/%//) [[ $kafka_df -gt 50 ]] && error "Found Kafka volume at ${kafka_df}% usage on $kafka" done } local_test(){ echo "Starting Local Tests" echo "Checking for swap" if [[ $(swapon -s | wc -l) -gt 1 ]] ; then if [[ $fix_issues -eq 0 ]];then warn "Found swap enabled" echo "Applying the following fixes" ech 'swapoff -a' swapoff -a echo "sed -i '/[[:space:]]*swap[[:space:]]*swap/d' /etc/fstab" sed -i '/[[:space:]]*swap[[:space:]]*swap/d' /etc/fstab else error "Found swap enabled!" fi fi echo "Testing SELinux" if type sestatus &>/dev/null;then if ! sestatus | grep "Current mode" |grep -e permissive -e disabled;then warn 'SELinux enabled' if [[ $fix_issues -eq 0 ]];then echo "Applying the following fixes" echo ' sed -i s/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=permissive/ /etc/selinux/config' sed -i s/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=permissive/ /etc/selinux/config echo ' setenforce 0' setenforce 0 else echo Consider the following changes to disabled SELinux if you are having issues: echo ' sed -i s/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=permissive/ /etc/selinux/config' echo ' setenforce 0' fi fi else #assuming debian/ubuntu don't do selinux if [ -e /etc/os-release ] && ! grep -q -i -e debian -e ubuntu /etc/os-release;then warn 'sestatus binary not found assuming SELinux is disabled.' fi fi #test kernel ip forward settings if grep -q 0 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward;then if [[ $fix_issues -eq 0 ]];then warn net.ipv4.ip_forward is set to 0 echo "Applying the following fixes" echo ' sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1' sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 echo ' echo net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf' echo net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf else error net.ipv4.ip_forward is set to 0 echo Consider the following changes: echo ' sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1' echo ' echo net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf' fi else good ip_forward enabled fi if [ ! -e /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables ];then if [[ $fix_issues -eq 0 ]];then warn '/proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables does not exist!' echo "Applying the following fixes" echo ' modprobe br_netfilter' modprobe br_netfilter echo ' echo "br_netfilter" > /etc/modules-load.d/br_netfilter.conf' echo "br_netfilter" > /etc/modules-load.d/br_netfilter.conf else error '/proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables does not exist!' echo 'Is the br_netfilter module loaded? "lsmod |grep br_netfilter"' echo Consider the following changes: echo ' modprobe br_netfilter' echo ' echo "br_netfilter" > /etc/modules-load.d/br_netfilter.conf' fi fi if grep -q 0 /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables;then if [[ $fix_issues -eq 0 ]];then warn "Bridge netfilter disabled!!" echo "Applying the following fixes" echo ' sysctl -w net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1' sysctl -w net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1 echo ' echo net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf' echo net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf else error "Bridge netfilter disabled!!" echo Consider the following changes: echo ' sysctl -w net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1' echo ' echo net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf' fi else good bridge-nf-call-iptables enabled fi #TODO check for proxy settings, how, what, why #test for docker if ! systemctl is-active docker &>/dev/null ; then warn 'Docker service is not active? Maybe you are using some other CRI??' else if docker info 2>/dev/null|grep mountpoint;then warn 'Docker does not have its own mountpoint' # What is the fix for this??? else dockerVersion=$(docker --version | awk -F'[, ]+' '{print $3}') if [[ $dockerVersion < 19.03.13 ]] ; then warn 'Upgrade Docker to 19.03.13 or later' else good 'Docker is active' fi fi fi if type kubelet &>/dev/null;then #test for k8 service echo Found kubelet running local kubernetes tests if ! systemctl is-active kubelet &>/dev/null ; then error 'Kubelet is not active?' else good Kublet is active fi if ! systemctl is-enabled kubelet &>/dev/null ; then if [[ $fix_issues -eq 0 ]];then echo "Applying the following fixes" echo systectl enable kubelet systectl enable kubelet else error 'Kubelet is not set to run at boot?' fi else good Kublet is enabled at boot fi if [ ! -e /opt/cni/bin/bridge ];then warn '/opt/cni/bin/bridge not found is your CNI installed?' fi fi # tests for containerd if ! systemctl is-active containerd &>/dev/null ; then warn 'Containerd service is not active? Maybe you are using some other CRI??' else containerdVersion=$(containerd --version | awk '{print $3}') if [[ $containerdVersion < 1.6.19 ]] ;then warn 'Install containerd version 1.6.19 or later' else CONFIG_FILE="/etc/containerd/config.toml" if grep -q 'SystemdCgroup = true' "$CONFIG_FILE"; then good Containerd is active else warn "SystemdCgroup is not set to true in $CONFIG_FILE" fi fi fi # tests for systemd-resolved if ! systemctl is-active systemd-resolved &>/dev/null ; then warn 'systemd-resolved is not running!' else good systemd-resolved is active fi # tests for firewalld if systemctl is-active firewalld &>/dev/null ; then warn 'firewalld is running, please turn it off using `sudo systemctl disable --now firewalld`' else good firewalld is inactive fi } #start main script if [ ! -z $logfile ];then $0 $script_args 2>&1 |tee $logfile return_code=$? # Reformat the log file for better reading sed -i -e 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' -e 's/$'"/`echo \\\r`/" $logfile exit $return_code fi if [[ $nossh -eq 1 ]];then if [[ ! -z $ssh_hosts ]];then for host in $ssh_hosts; do echo Testing host $host cat $0 | ssh $host bash -c "cat >/tmp/k8_test_temp.sh ; chmod 755 /tmp/k8_test_temp.sh; /tmp/k8_test_temp.sh $script_args --nossh ; rm /tmp/k8_test_temp.sh" echo echo done fi else if [[ $email -eq 0 ]];then script_args=$(echo $script_args |sed 's/--email//') [ -z $logfile ] && logfile="/tmp/k8_test.$$" [ -z $EMAIL_USER ] && EMAIL_USER="" [ -z $EMAIL_PASSWD ] && EMAIL_PASSWD="" #[ -z $TO ] && error "No TO address given!!!" && exit 1 [ -z $FROM ] && FROM="k8@nirmata.com" && warn "You provided no From address using $FROM" [ -z $SUBJECT ] && SUBJECT="K8 test script error" && warn "You provided no Subject using $SUBJECT" #[ -z $SMTP_SERVER ] && error "No smtp server given!!!" && exit 1 echo sleep 1 $0 $script_args 2>&1 |tee $logfile if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 || ${alwaysemail} -eq 0 ]]; then # Reformat the log file for better reading sed -i -e 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' -e 's/$'"/`echo \\\r`/" $logfile BODY=$(cat $logfile) docker run $sendemail $TO $FROM "$SUBJECT" "${BODY}" $SMTP_SERVER "$EMAIL_USER" "$EMAIL_PASSWD" "$EMAIL_OPTS" #If they named it something else don't delete rm -f /tmp/k8_test.$$ exit 1 fi # Reformat the log file for better reading sed -i -e 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' -e 's/$'"/`echo \\\r`/" $logfile #If they named it something else don't delete rm -f /tmp/k8_test.$$ exit 0 fi if [[ $run_local -eq 0 ]];then local_test fi if [[ $run_remote -eq 0 ]];then remote_test fi if [ $error != 0 ];then error "Test completed with errors!" exit $error fi if [ $warn != 0 ];then warn "Test completed with warnings." exit 0 fi echo -e "\e[32mTesting completed without errors or warning\e[0m" exit 0 fi