#!/usr/bin/env bash # ╭──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ # │ ASN / IPv4 / IPv6 / Prefix / AS Path / Organization lookup and server tool │ # │ │ # │Project homepage: │ # │ │ # │ https://github.com/nitefood/asn │ # │ │ # │Usage: │ # │ │ # │ (Launch the script without parameters or visit the project's homepage for usage info)│ # ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ ASN_VERSION="0.77.0" ASN_LOGFILE="$HOME/asndebug.log" # ╭──────────────────╮ # │ Helper functions │ # ╰──────────────────╯ docurl(){ # shellcheck disable=SC2124 if [ "$ASN_DEBUG" = true ]; then parm="$@" DebugPrint "${yellow}curl $parm${default}" curloutput=$(curl "$@") echo "$curloutput" curloutput_jsonp=$(jq -C '.' <<<"$curloutput" 2>/dev/null) [[ -n "$curloutput_jsonp" ]] && echo -e "$curloutput_jsonp" >> "$ASN_LOGFILE" || echo "$curloutput" >> "$ASN_LOGFILE" echo "" >> "$ASN_LOGFILE" else curl "$@" fi } WhoisASN(){ found_asname=$(host -t TXT "AS${1}.asn.cymru.com" | grep -v "NXDOMAIN" | awk -F'|' 'NR==1{print substr($NF,2,length($NF)-2)}') if [ -n "$found_asname" ]; then ((json_resultcount++)) pwhois_full_asn_info=$(whois -h whois.pwhois.org "registry source-as=$1") # fetch last org only (in case there are multiple orgs listed for this AS) pwhois_asn_info=$(tac <<<"$pwhois_full_asn_info" | grep -m1 -E "^Org-Name") pwhois_asn_info+="\n" pwhois_asn_info+=$(tac <<<"$pwhois_full_asn_info" | grep -m1 -E "^Create-Date") found_holder=$(docurl -m5 -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/as-overview/data.json?resource=AS$1&sourceapp=nitefood-asn" | jq -r 'select (.data.holder != null) | .data.holder') # RIPE usually outputs holder as "ASNAME - actual company name", trim it to just the company name in such cases found_holder=$(awk -F' - ' '{ if ( $2 ) {print $2} else {print} }' <<<"$found_holder") found_org=$(echo -e "$pwhois_asn_info" | grep -E "^Org-Name:" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//') [[ -z "$found_org" ]] && found_org="N/A" found_abuse_contact=$(docurl -m5 -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/abuse-contact-finder/data.json?resource=AS$asn&sourceapp=nitefood-asn" | jq -r 'select (.data.abuse_contacts[0] != null) | .data.abuse_contacts[0]') [[ -z "$found_abuse_contact" ]] && found_abuse_contact="-" pwhois_createdate=$(echo -e "$pwhois_asn_info" | grep -E "^Create-Date:" | cut -d ':' -f 2- | sed 's/^[ \t]*//') if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then [[ -z "$pwhois_createdate" ]] && found_createdate="" || found_createdate=$(date -d "$pwhois_createdate" "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") else [[ -z "$pwhois_createdate" ]] && found_createdate="N/A" || found_createdate=$(date -d "$pwhois_createdate" "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") fi fi } QueryRipestat(){ StatusbarMessage "Retrieving BGP data for AS$1 ($found_asname)" # BGP routing stats ripestat_routing_data=$(docurl -m5 -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/routing-status/data.json?resource=AS$1&sourceapp=nitefood-asn") if [ -n "$ripestat_routing_data" ]; then ripestat_ipv4=$(jq -r '.data.announced_space.v4.prefixes' <<<"$ripestat_routing_data") ripestat_ipv6=$(jq -r '.data.announced_space.v6.prefixes' <<<"$ripestat_routing_data") ripestat_bgp=$(jq -r '.data.observed_neighbours' <<<"$ripestat_routing_data") fi # BGP neighbours list StatusbarMessage "Retrieving peering data for AS$1 ($found_asname)" ripestat_neighbours_data=$(docurl -m10 -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/asn-neighbours/data.json?resource=AS$1&sourceapp=nitefood-asn") upstream_peers=$(jq -r '.data.neighbours | sort_by(.power) | reverse[] | select (.type=="left") | .asn' <<<"$ripestat_neighbours_data") downstream_peers=$(jq -r '.data.neighbours | sort_by(.power) | reverse[] | select (.type=="right") | .asn' <<<"$ripestat_neighbours_data") uncertain_peers=$(jq -r '.data.neighbours | sort_by(.power) | reverse[] | select (.type=="uncertain") | .asn' <<<"$ripestat_neighbours_data") if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then json_abuse_contacts=$(docurl -m5 -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/abuse-contact-finder/data.json?resource=AS$1&sourceapp=nitefood-asn" | jq -cM 'select (.data.abuse_contacts != null) | .data.abuse_contacts') [[ -z "$json_abuse_contacts" ]] && json_abuse_contacts="[]" json_upstream_peers=$(jq -c --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' <<<"$upstream_peers") json_downstream_peers=$(jq -c --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' <<<"$downstream_peers") json_uncertain_peers=$(jq -c --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' <<<"$uncertain_peers") else RESOLVE_COUNT=8 OUTPUT_PEERS_PER_LINE=4 # resolve AS names of the first n upstreams upstream_peercount=$(echo "$upstream_peers" | wc -l) resolved_upstream_peers="" count=0 for peer in $(echo -e "$upstream_peers" | head -n $RESOLVE_COUNT); do (( count++ )) peername=$(docurl -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/as-overview/data.json?resource=AS$peer&sourceapp=nitefood-asn" | jq -r '.data.holder' | sed 's/ - .*//' ) if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then resolved_upstream_peers+="${greenbg} $peername ($peer) ${default} " else resolved_upstream_peers+="${greenbg} $peername ($peer) ${default} " fi [[ $(( count % OUTPUT_PEERS_PER_LINE )) -eq 0 ]] && resolved_upstream_peers+="\n" done # and add the remaining ones as AS numbers only unresolved_peercount=$(( upstream_peercount - RESOLVE_COUNT )) if [ "$unresolved_peercount" -ge 1 ]; then resolved_upstream_peers+="and more: " for peer in $(echo -e "$upstream_peers" | tail -n $unresolved_peercount ); do if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then resolved_upstream_peers+="$peer${default} " else resolved_upstream_peers+="${green}${peer}${default} " fi done fi upstream_peers="$resolved_upstream_peers" # resolve AS names of the first n downstreams downstream_peercount=$(echo "$downstream_peers" | wc -l) resolved_downstream_peers="" count=0 for peer in $(echo -e "$downstream_peers" | head -n $RESOLVE_COUNT); do (( count++ )) peername=$(docurl -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/as-overview/data.json?resource=AS$peer&sourceapp=nitefood-asn" | jq -r '.data.holder' | sed 's/ - .*//' ) if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then resolved_downstream_peers+="${yellowbg} $peername ($peer) ${default} " else resolved_downstream_peers+="${yellowbg} $peername ($peer) ${default} " fi [[ $(( count % OUTPUT_PEERS_PER_LINE )) -eq 0 ]] && resolved_downstream_peers+="\n" done # and add the remaining ones as AS numbers only unresolved_peercount=$(( downstream_peercount - RESOLVE_COUNT )) if [ "$unresolved_peercount" -ge 1 ]; then resolved_downstream_peers+="and more: " for peer in $(echo -e "$downstream_peers" | tail -n $unresolved_peercount ); do if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then resolved_downstream_peers+="$peer${default} " else resolved_downstream_peers+="${yellow}${peer}${default} " fi done fi downstream_peers="$resolved_downstream_peers" # resolve AS names of the first n uncertains uncertain_peercount=$(echo "$uncertain_peers" | wc -l) resolved_uncertain_peers="" count=0 for peer in $(echo -e "$uncertain_peers" | head -n $RESOLVE_COUNT); do (( count++ )) peername=$(docurl -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/as-overview/data.json?resource=AS$peer&sourceapp=nitefood-asn" | jq -r '.data.holder' | sed 's/ - .*//' ) if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then resolved_uncertain_peers+="${lightgreybg} $peername ($peer) ${default} " else resolved_uncertain_peers+="${lightgreybg} $peername ($peer) ${default} " fi [[ $(( count % OUTPUT_PEERS_PER_LINE )) -eq 0 ]] && resolved_uncertain_peers+="\n" done # and add the remaining ones as AS numbers only unresolved_peercount=$(( uncertain_peercount - RESOLVE_COUNT )) if [ "$unresolved_peercount" -ge 1 ]; then resolved_uncertain_peers+="and more: " for peer in $(echo -e "$uncertain_peers" | tail -n $unresolved_peercount ); do if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then resolved_uncertain_peers+="$peer${default} " else resolved_uncertain_peers+="${white}${peer}${default} " fi done fi uncertain_peers="$resolved_uncertain_peers" fi StatusbarMessage "Retrieving prefix allocations and announcements for AS$1 ($found_asname)" ipv4_inetnums="" ipv6_inetnums="" json_ipv4_other_inetnums="" json_ipv6_other_inetnums="" ripe_prefixes=$(docurl -m10 -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/announced-prefixes/data.json?resource=$1&sourceapp=nitefood-asn" | jq -r '.data.prefixes[].prefix') json_ripe_prefixes=$(jq -cM --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0)) | {v4:map(select(contains(":")|not)), v6:map(select(contains(":")))}' <<<"$ripe_prefixes") ipv4_ripe_prefixes=$(grep -v ":" <<<"$ripe_prefixes" | grep -Ev "^$" | sort) ipv4_ripe_prefixes_count=$(wc -l <<<"$ipv4_ripe_prefixes") ipv6_ripe_prefixes=$(grep ":" <<<"$ripe_prefixes" | grep -Ev "^$" | sort) ipv6_ripe_prefixes_count=$(wc -l <<<"$ipv6_ripe_prefixes") # open persistent tcp connection to RIPE whois server exec 6<>/dev/tcp/whois.ripe.net/43 prefixcounter=0 for prefix in $ipv6_ripe_prefixes; do ((prefixcounter++)) StatusbarMessage "Retrieving information for IPv6 prefix $prefixcounter/$ipv6_ripe_prefixes_count" # old way (one whois lookup per prefix) # inet6nums=$(whois -h whois.ripe.net -- "-T inet6num -K -L --resource $prefix" | \ # grep -m2 inet6num | cut -d ':' -f 2- | sed 's/^[ \t]*//') # new way (direct tcp connection to whois server with persistent whois connection) echo -e "-k -T inet6num -K -L --resource $prefix" >&6 whoisoutput="" # read whois output from the tcp stream line by line while IFS= read -r -u 6 whoisoutputline; do if [ -n "$whoisoutputline" ]; then whoisoutput+="$whoisoutputline\n" continue fi # last line was empty, check if next line is empty too # if we get two empty lines in a row, the whois output is finished IFS= read -r -u 6 whoisoutputline [[ -z "$whoisoutputline" ]] && break || whoisoutput+="$whoisoutputline\n" done inet6nums=$(echo -e "$whoisoutput" | grep -m2 inet6num | cut -d ':' -f 2- | sed 's/^[ \t]*//') for inet6num in $inet6nums; do # exclude RIR supernets prefix_size=$(echo "$inet6num" | cut -d '/' -f 2) [[ "$prefix_size" -le 12 ]] && continue || ipv6_inetnums+="${inet6num}\n" done done prefixcounter=0 lookedup_parents_cache="" for prefix in $ipv4_ripe_prefixes; do ((prefixcounter++)) StatusbarMessage "Retrieving information for IPv4 prefix $prefixcounter/$ipv4_ripe_prefixes_count" # old way (one whois lookup per prefix) # parent_inetnum=$(whois -h whois.ripe.net -- "-T inetnum -K -L --resource $prefix" | \ # grep -E -m1 "^inetnum" | awk '{print $2"-"$4}' | xargs ipcalc -r 2>/dev/null | grep -v "deaggregate") # new way (direct tcp connection to whois server with persistent whois connection) echo -e "-k -T inetnum -K -L --resource $prefix" >&6 whoisoutput="" # read whois output from the tcp stream line by line while IFS= read -r -u 6 whoisoutputline; do if [ -n "$whoisoutputline" ]; then whoisoutput+="$whoisoutputline\n" continue fi # last line was empty, check if next line is empty too # if we get two empty lines in a row, the whois output is finished IFS= read -r -u 6 whoisoutputline [[ -z "$whoisoutputline" ]] && break || whoisoutput+="$whoisoutputline\n" done parent_inetnum=$(echo -e "$whoisoutput" | grep -E -m1 "^inetnum") if [ -n "$parent_inetnum" ]; then parent_inetnum=$(awk '{print $2"-"$4}' <<<"$parent_inetnum") parent_inetnum=$(IpcalcDeaggregate "$parent_inetnum") # check if the inetnum containing this prefix is being announced by the same AS as the prefix itself, otherwise # it means it's part of a larger supernet by some other AS (e.g. larger carrier allocating own prefix to smaller customer) if ! grep -q "$parent_inetnum" <<<"$lookedup_parents_cache"; then # this parent inetnum hasn't been looked up yet lookedup_parents_cache+="$parent_inetnum\n" LookupASNAndRouteFromIP "$parent_inetnum" if [ -z "$found_asname" ] || [ "$1" = "$found_asn" ]; then # the target AS is also announcing the larger inetnum, or nobody is announcing it. Either way consider it part of the target's resources ipv4_inetnums+="$parent_inetnum\n" else # the larger inetnum is being announced by another AS, only add the announced (smaller) prefix to the list ipv4_inetnums+="$prefix\n" fi else # this parent inetnum has already been looked up # if it's not present in the list of ipv4_inetnums, it means it's part of a larger supernet by some other AS. # therefore we only add the announced (smaller) prefix to the list if ! grep -q "$parent_inetnum" <<<"$ipv4_inetnums"; then ipv4_inetnums+="$prefix\n" fi fi else ipv4_inetnums+="$prefix\n" fi done # close persistent tcp connection to RIPE whois server if { true >&6; } 2<> /dev/null; then echo -e "-k" >&6 fi if [ "$ADDITIONAL_INETNUM_LOOKUP" = true ]; then # fetch further inetnums allocated to this AS from pWhois StatusbarMessage "Identifying additional INETNUMs (not announced or announced by other AS) allocated to AS$1" pwhois_prefixes=$(PwhoisListPrefixesForOrg "$found_org") pwhois_unique_prefixes=$(comm -13 <(echo -e "$ipv4_ripe_prefixes" | sort) <(echo -e "$pwhois_prefixes" | sort)) pwhois_unique_prefixes=$(comm -13 <(echo -e "$lookedup_parents_cache" | sort) <(echo -e "$pwhois_unique_prefixes" | sort)) if [ -n "$pwhois_unique_prefixes" ]; then pwhois_unique_prefixes_count=$(wc -l <<<"$pwhois_unique_prefixes") StatusbarMessage "Identifying origin AS for $pwhois_unique_prefixes_count additional IPv4 prefix(es)" # NEW WAY (bulk query to Team Cymru whois server) # map the unique prefixes pWhois reported to an array mapfile -t pwhois_unique_prefixes_array < <(echo -e "$pwhois_unique_prefixes") # assemble a bulk Team Cymru whois lookup query for the new prefixes found in pWhois. # we'll check if they're announced by the target AS, by different one, or by no one at all # (e.g. target AS has delegated announcements for this prefix to another AS, or is not announcing it) # and compile a list to integrate into the allocated IP resources for this AS teamcymru_bulk_query="begin\n" for prefix in $pwhois_unique_prefixes; do teamcymru_bulk_query+="$prefix\n" done teamcymru_bulk_query+="end" prefixcounter=0 for single_prefix_data in $(echo -e "$teamcymru_bulk_query" | ncat --no-shutdown whois.cymru.com 43 | grep "|" | sed 's/\ *|\ */|/g'); do prefix="${pwhois_unique_prefixes_array[$prefixcounter]}" prefix_originator_asn=$(echo "$single_prefix_data" | cut -d '|' -f 1) if [ "$prefix_originator_asn" = "$1" ]; then # prefix originator is same as target AS, add this prefix to the allocated IP resources for this AS ipv4_inetnums+="$prefix\n" elif [ "$prefix_originator_asn" = "NA" ]; then # prefix not announced, add this prefix to the allocated IP resources for this AS with a "not announced" remark if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then [[ -n "$json_ipv4_other_inetnums" ]] && json_ipv4_other_inetnums+="," json_ipv4_other_inetnums+="{\"prefix\":\"$prefix\",\"origin_asn\":\"\",\"origin_org\":\"\", \"is_announced\":false}" elif [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then # skip colors, they will be added along with hyperlinks later ipv4_inetnums+=$(printf "%-18s → not announced" "$prefix") ipv4_inetnums+="\n" else ipv4_inetnums+=$(printf "${dim}%-18s → ${red}not announced${default}${green}" "$prefix") ipv4_inetnums+="\n" fi else # prefix is announced by a different AS, add this prefix to the allocated IP resources for this AS prefix_originator_org=$(echo "$single_prefix_data" | cut -d '|' -f 3) if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then [[ -n "$json_ipv4_other_inetnums" ]] && json_ipv4_other_inetnums+="," json_ipv4_other_inetnums+="{\"prefix\":\"$prefix\",\"origin_asn\":\"$prefix_originator_asn\",\"origin_org\":\"$prefix_originator_org\", \"is_announced\":true}" elif [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then # skip colors, they will be added along with hyperlinks later ipv4_inetnums+=$(printf "%-18s → announced by AS%s %s" "$prefix" "${prefix_originator_asn}" "${prefix_originator_org}") ipv4_inetnums+="\n" else ipv4_inetnums+=$(printf "%-18s ${dim}→ announced by ${default}${red}AS%s ${default}${green}%s" "$prefix" "${prefix_originator_asn}" "${prefix_originator_org}") ipv4_inetnums+="\n" fi fi ((prefixcounter++)) done # OLD WAY (one lookup per prefix) # for prefix in $pwhois_unique_prefixes; do # # found a new prefix in pWhois, check if it's announced by a different AS # # (e.g. target AS has delegated announcements for this prefix to another AS) # ((prefixcounter++)) # StatusbarMessage "Identifying origin AS for additional IPv4 prefix $prefixcounter/$pwhois_unique_prefixes_count" # LookupASNAndRouteFromIP "$prefix" # prefix_originator_asn="$found_asn" # if [ -z "$prefix_originator_asn" ] || [ "$prefix_originator_asn" = "$1" ]; then # # prefix originator is same as target AS, or prefix not announced # # add this prefix to the allocated IP resources for this AS # ipv4_inetnums+="$prefix\n" # else # # this prefix is allocated to target AS, but is being announced by a different AS # prefix_originator_org=$(docurl -m5 -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/as-overview/data.json?resource=AS${found_asn}&sourceapp=nitefood-asn" | \ # jq -r 'select (.data.holder != null) | .data.holder' | \ # awk -F' - ' '{ if ( $2 ) {print $2} else {print} }' \ # ) # if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then # [[ -n "$json_ipv4_other_inetnums" ]] && json_ipv4_other_inetnums+="," # json_ipv4_other_inetnums+="{\"prefix\":\"$prefix\",\"origin_asn\":\"$prefix_originator_asn\",\"origin_org\":\"$prefix_originator_org\"}" # else # ipv4_inetnums+="$prefix (announced by AS${prefix_originator_asn} - ${prefix_originator_org})\n" # fi # fi # done fi fi if [ -n "$ipv4_inetnums" ]; then ipv4_inetnums=$(echo -e "$ipv4_inetnums" | sort -iu) if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ] && [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then # HTML output html="" for inetnum in $ipv4_inetnums; do if grep -q "announced by" <<<"$inetnum"; then # handle special case " → announced by AS" actual_inetnum=${inetnum:0:18} originator=$(cut -d ' ' -f 7 <<<"$inetnum") rest_of_line=$(cut -d ' ' -f 8- <<<"$inetnum") html+="$actual_inetnum" html+=" → announced by " html+="$originator ${rest_of_line}\n" elif grep -q "not announced" <<<"$inetnum"; then # handle special case " → not announced" actual_inetnum=${inetnum:0:18} html+="$actual_inetnum" html+=" → not announced\n" else html+="$inetnum\n" fi done ipv4_inetnums="$html" fi fi if [ -n "$ipv6_inetnums" ]; then ipv6_inetnums=$(echo -e "$ipv6_inetnums" | sort -u) if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ] && [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then html="" for inet6num in $ipv6_inetnums; do html+="$inet6num\n" done ipv6_inetnums="$html" fi fi if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then json_ipv4_aggregated_inetnums=$(jq -cM --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' <<<"$ipv4_inetnums") json_ipv6_aggregated_inetnums=$(jq -cM --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' <<<"$ipv6_inetnums") fi StatusbarMessage } RIPESuggestASN(){ TRIM_WHITESPACES=false input=$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<<"$1") ripe_suggest_output="" while true; do for input_variation in "${input}" "AS_${input}" "AS-${input}" "${input}_AS" "${input}-AS"; do StatusbarMessage "Retrieving suggested ASNs for ${bluebg}${input_variation}${lightgreybg}" # lookup input variation (AS_, AS-, _AS, -AS) ripe_suggest_output+=$(docurl -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/searchcomplete/data.json?resource=${input_variation}&sourceapp=nitefood-asn" | \ jq -r '.data.categories[] | select ( .category == "ASNs" ) | .suggestions[]') done StatusbarMessage if [ -n "$ripe_suggest_output" ]; then found_suggestions=$(jq -r '.description' <<<"$ripe_suggest_output" | sort -u) for suggestion in $found_suggestions; do echo -e "\n${green}$suggestion${default}" for suggestion_asn in $(jq -r 'select (.description=="'"$suggestion"'") | .value' <<<"$ripe_suggest_output" | awk 'NR==1{print}'); do echo -en "\t${yellow}$suggestion_asn${default} (Rank: " GetCAIDARank "${suggestion_asn:2}" echo -en "${caida_asrank_recap}" echo "${default})" done done echo "" return elif [ "$TRIM_WHITESPACES" = false ]; then TRIM_WHITESPACES=true oldinput="$input" # shellcheck disable=SC2001 input=$(echo "$oldinput" | sed 's/[ \t]*//g') if [ "$input" = "$oldinput" ]; then echo -e "\n${redbg}No suggestions found${default}\n" return else continue fi else echo -e "\n${redbg}No suggestions found${default}\n" return fi done } WhoisIP(){ # $1: (mandatory) IP to lookup # $2: (optional) if set to anything, only perform a generic whois lookup (skip pWhois/RPKI/IXP lookups) [[ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]] && ((json_resultcount++)) GENERIC_WHOIS_LOOKUP_ONLY=false [[ "$#" -gt 1 ]] && GENERIC_WHOIS_LOOKUP_ONLY=true full_whois_data=$(timeout 5 whois "$1" 2>/dev/null) network_whois_data=$(echo -e "$full_whois_data" | grep -i -E "^netname:|^orgname:|^org-name:|^owner:|^descr:|^country:") # fetch whois inetnum and later compare to cymru prefix, in order to find smallest match (sometimes whois and cymru/pwhois prefix data diverge) whois_inetnum=$(IpcalcDeaggregate "$(grep -E -m1 "inet[6]?num|NetRange"<<<"$full_whois_data" | awk '{print $2 $3 $4}')") # handle problematic IPs where whois gives out wrong info [[ "$whois_inetnum" = "" ]] && whois_inetnum="$found_route" ixp_data="" ixp_geo="" ip_type_json_output="" # Check if input is a bogon address if [ "$IS_BOGON" = false ]; then ip_type_json_output+="\"is_bogon\":false" if [ "$GENERIC_WHOIS_LOOKUP_ONLY" = false ]; then hostname=$(RdnsLookup "$1") [[ -z "$hostname" ]] && hostname="-" abuse_whois_data=$(echo -e "$full_whois_data" | grep -E "^OrgAbuseEmail:|^abuse-c:|^% Abuse|^abuse-mailbox:") abusecontacts=$(AbuseLookupForPrefix "$abuse_whois_data" "$1") fi if [ "$UNANNOUNCED_PREFIX" = false ] && [ "$GENERIC_WHOIS_LOOKUP_ONLY" = false ]; then # Prefix found in the Team Cymru DB, perform pWhois lookup and CAIDA rank lookup PwhoisLookup "$1" GetCAIDARank "$found_asn" else # No data in the Team Cymru DB for this IP (unannounced prefix), or pWhois being skipped if [ "$GENERIC_WHOIS_LOOKUP_ONLY" = false ]; then [[ -z "$network_whois_data" ]] && PrintErrorAndExit "Error: no data found for $input" found_asn="N/A (address not announced)" found_asname="" fi IPGeoRepLookup "$1" IPShodanLookup "$1" # check if it's an IXP, otherwise fall back to generic whois [[ "$GENERIC_WHOIS_LOOKUP_ONLY" = false ]] && IsIXP "$1" if [ -n "$ixp_data" ]; then if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then pwhois_org="$ixp_data" else pwhois_org="${bluebg} IXP ${default} ${blue}${ixp_data}${default}" ip_type_data=" ${yellowbg} Internet Exchange ${default}" fi else pwhois_org=$(echo -e "$network_whois_data" | grep -i -E "^orgname:|^org-name:|^owner:" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | while read -r line; do echo -n "$line / "; done | sed 's/ \/ $//') fi [[ -z "$pwhois_org" ]] && pwhois_org="N/A" found_route=$(echo -e "$network_whois_data" | grep -i -m2 -E "^descr:" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | while read -r line; do if [ -n "$line" ]; then echo -n "$line / "; fi; done | sed 's/ \/ $//') [[ -z "$found_route" ]] && found_route="N/A" pwhois_net=$(echo -e "$network_whois_data" | grep -i -E "^netname:" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | while read -r line; do echo -n "$line / "; done | sed 's/ \/ $//') [[ -z "$pwhois_net" ]] && pwhois_net="N/A" if [ -n "$ixp_geo" ]; then pwhois_geo="$ixp_geo" elif [ -n "$ip_geo_data" ]; then pwhois_geo="$ip_geo_data" else pwhois_geo=$(echo -e "$network_whois_data" | grep -m1 -i -E "^country:" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//') geo_cc_json_output="$pwhois_geo" fi [[ -z "$pwhois_geo" ]] && pwhois_geo="N/A" fi [[ -n "$ixp_data" ]] && ip_type_json_output+=",\"is_ixp\":true" || ip_type_json_output+=",\"is_ixp\":false" else # bogon address, skip lookups ip_type_json_output+="\"is_bogon\":true" ip_type_json_output+=",\"bogon_type\":\"$json_bogon_type\"" hostname="-" found_asn="-" pwhois_org="IANA" found_route="N/A" abusecontacts="-" pwhois_net=$(echo -e "$network_whois_data" | grep -i -E "^netname:" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | while read -r line; do echo -n "$line / "; done | sed 's/ \/ $//') found_asname="" ip_type_data=" $bogon_tag" pwhois_geo="-" ip_rep_data="-" fi indent=$(( longest+4 )) if [ -n "$found_asname" ]; then output_asname="${green}($found_asname)" else output_asname="" fi rpki_output="" if [ "$UNANNOUNCED_PREFIX" = false ] && [ "$GENERIC_WHOIS_LOOKUP_ONLY" = false ]; then # we skip RPKI lookup in both cases because if SKIP_WHOIS=true then we're being # called from TraceASPath, and RPKI lookup will be performed there subsequently StatusbarMessage "Checking RPKI validity for ${bluebg}AS${found_asn}${lightgreybg} and prefix ${bluebg}${found_route}${lightgreybg}" RPKILookup "$found_asn" "$found_route" StatusbarMessage [[ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]] && echo "" elif [ "$IS_BOGON" = false ]; then rpki_output="${red}N/A (address not announced)${default}" else rpki_output="-" fi found_subprefix="$found_route" whois_routename="" # compare cymru net with whois net and pick longer (smaller), while retaining larger for route information. # we want to identify subnets to which target IPs belong, even when they aren't # announced directly but within a larger route. if [ "$found_route" != "N/A" ] && [ "$found_route" != "$whois_inetnum" ]; then foundroute_prefixlen=$(cut -d '/' -f 2 <<<"$found_route") whois_prefixlen=$(cut -d '/' -f 2 <<<"$whois_inetnum") if (( whois_prefixlen > foundroute_prefixlen )) 2>/dev/null; then found_subprefix="$whois_inetnum" # lookup route name (RIPE) whois_routename=$(timeout 5 whois "$found_route" | grep -m1 -E "^descr:" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^ *//g') fi fi if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then # JSON output final_json_output+="{" final_json_output+="\"ip\":\"$1\"," grep -q ":" <<<"$1" && ipversion="6" || ipversion="4" final_json_output+="\"ip_version\":\"$ipversion\"," [[ "$hostname" != "-" ]] && final_json_output+="\"reverse\":\"$hostname\"," final_json_output+="\"org_name\":\"$pwhois_org\"," # next field can be == $found_route or can be different (smaller) in case the IP belongs to a subnet (of $found_route) that's not routed directly final_json_output+="\"net_range\":\"$found_subprefix\"," final_json_output+="\"net_name\":\"$pwhois_net\"," if [ -n "$abusecontacts" ] && [ "$abusecontacts" != "-" ]; then final_json_output+="\"abuse_contacts\":$abusecontacts," fi final_json_output+="\"routing\":{" if [ -n "$found_asname" ]; then final_json_output+="\"is_announced\":true," final_json_output+="\"as_number\":\"$found_asn\"," final_json_output+="\"as_name\":\"${found_asname//\"/\\\"}\"," final_json_output+="\"as_rank\":\"${caida_asrank//\"/\\\"}\"," final_json_output+="\"route\":\"$found_route\"," final_json_output+="\"route_name\":\"$whois_routename\"," final_json_output+="\"roa_count\":\"$roacount_json_output\"," final_json_output+="\"roa_validity\":\"$roavalidity_json_output\"" else final_json_output+="\"is_announced\":false," if [ "$found_route" != "N/A" ]; then final_json_output+="\"net_name\":\"$found_route ($pwhois_net)\"" else final_json_output+="\"net_name\":\"$pwhois_net\"" fi fi final_json_output+="},\"type\":{$ip_type_json_output}" if [ "$IS_BOGON" != true ]; then final_json_output+=",\"geolocation\":{" final_json_output+="\"city\":\"$geo_city_json_output\"," final_json_output+="\"region\":\"$geo_region_json_output\"," final_json_output+="\"country\":\"$geo_country_json_output\"," final_json_output+="\"cc\":\"$geo_cc_json_output\"" final_json_output+="}" fi else # Normal output printf "${white}%${longest}s${default} ┌${bluebg}PTR${default} %s\n" "$1" "$hostname" if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ] && [ -n "$found_asname" ]; then summary_asn="$found_asn" ipinfolink="ipinfo.io" summary_ipinfo=" ($ipinfolink🔗)" else summary_asn="$found_asn" summary_ipinfo="" fi printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}ASN${default} ${red}%s %s${default}\n" "├" "$summary_asn" "$output_asname" [[ "$UNANNOUNCED_PREFIX" = false ]] && printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}RNK${default} ${default}%s${default}\n" "├" "$caida_asrank_recap" printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}ORG${default} ${green}%s${default}\n" "├" "$pwhois_org" if [ "$found_subprefix" != "$found_route" ]; then # target IP belongs to a subnet announced within a larger route printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}NET${default} ${yellow}%s (%s)${default}\n" "├" "$found_subprefix" "$pwhois_net" [[ -n "$whois_routename" ]] && whois_routename=" ($whois_routename)" printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}ROU${default} ${yellow}%s%s%s${default}\n" "├" "$found_route" "$whois_routename" "$summary_ipinfo" else # target IP belongs to a subnet announced directly printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}NET${default} ${yellow}%s (%s)%s${default}\n" "├" "$found_subprefix" "$pwhois_net" "$summary_ipinfo" fi printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}ABU${default} ${blue}%s${default}\n" "├" "$abusecontacts" printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}ROA${default} %s\n" "├" "$rpki_output" [[ -n "$ip_type_data" ]] && printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}TYP${default}%s\n" "├" "${ip_type_data}" printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}GEO${default} ${magenta}%s${default}" "├" "$pwhois_geo" if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ] && [ -n "$flag_icon_cc" ]; then # signal to the parent connhandler the correct country flag to display for this IP echo -n " #COUNTRYCODE $flag_icon_cc" fi printf "\n" fi } IsBogon(){ bogon_tag="" IS_BOGON=false # Bogon regex patterns localhostregex='(^127\.)' # RFC 1122 localhost thisnetregex='(^0\.)' # RFC 1122 'this' network privateregex='(^192\.168\.)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^::1$)|(^[fF][cCdD])' # RFC 1918 private space - cheers https://stackoverflow.com/a/11327345/5377165 cgnregex='(^100\.6[4-9]\.)|(^100\.[7-9][0-9]\.)|(^100\.1[0-1][0-9]\.)|(^100\.12[0-7]\.)' # RFC 6598 Carrier grade nat space llregex='(^169\.254\.)' # RFC 3927 link local ietfprotoregex='(^192\.0\.0\.)' # IETF protocol assignments testnetregex='(^192\.0\.2\.)|(^198\.51\.100\.)|(^203\.0\.113\.)' # RFC 5737 TEST-NET benchmarkregex='(^192\.1[8-9]\.)' # RFC 2544 Network interconnect device benchmark testing sixtofouranycast='(^192\.88\.99\.)' # RFC 7526 6to4 anycast relay multicastregex='(^22[4-9]\.)|(^23[0-9]\.)' # Multicast reservedregex='(^24[0-9]\.)|(^25[0-5]\.)' # Reserved for future use/limited broadcast ( if [[ "$1" =~ $localhostregex ]]; then bogon_tag="rfc1122 (Localhost)" MTR_TRACING=false elif [[ "$1" =~ $thisnetregex ]]; then bogon_tag="rfc1122 ('this' network)" MTR_TRACING=false elif [[ "$1" =~ $privateregex ]]; then bogon_tag="rfc1918 (Private Space)" elif [[ "$1" =~ $cgnregex ]]; then bogon_tag="rfc6598 (CGN Space)" elif [[ "$1" =~ $llregex ]]; then bogon_tag="rfc3927 (Link-Local)" elif [[ "$1" =~ $ietfprotoregex ]]; then bogon_tag="(Reserved for IETF protocol assignments)" elif [[ "$1" =~ $testnetregex ]]; then bogon_tag="rfc5737 (Reserved for Test Networks)" elif [[ "$1" =~ $benchmarkregex ]]; then bogon_tag="rfc2544 (Reserved for Network device benchmark testing)" elif [[ "$1" =~ $sixtofouranycast ]]; then bogon_tag="rfc7526 (6to4 anycast relay)" elif [[ "$1" =~ $multicastregex ]]; then bogon_tag="(Multicast Address)" MTR_TRACING=false elif [[ "$1" =~ $reservedregex ]]; then bogon_tag="(Reserved Address)" MTR_TRACING=false fi if [ -n "$bogon_tag" ]; then IS_BOGON=true json_bogon_type="$bogon_tag" bogon_tag="${yellowbg} BOGON ${default} ${bogon_tag}" fi } LookupASNAndRouteFromIP(){ found_asn="" found_route="" found_asname="" IsBogon "$1" if [ "$IS_BOGON" = false ]; then if echo "$1" | grep -q ':'; then # whois query for IPv6 addresses output=$(whois -h whois.cymru.com " -f -p -u $1" | sed 's/\ *|\ */|/g') found_asn=$(echo "$output" | awk -F'[|]' 'NR==1{print $1}') if [ "$found_asn" = "NA" ]; then # Team Cymru has no data for this IPv6. Inform WhoisIP() that we will have to fall back to a generic whois lookup. found_asn="" UNANNOUNCED_PREFIX=true else found_asname=$(echo "$output" | awk -F'[|]' 'NR==1{print $4}') found_route=$(echo "$output" | awk -F'[|]' 'NR==1{print $3}') UNANNOUNCED_PREFIX=false # lookup CAIDA rank info for the origin AS GetCAIDARank "$found_asn" fi else # Query RIPEStat for IPv4 addresses output=$(docurl -m5 -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/prefix-overview/data.json?resource=$1&sourceapp=nitefood-asn") if jq -r '.data.announced' <<<"$output" | grep -q "true"; then found_asn=$(jq -r '.data.asns[0].asn' <<<"$output") found_asname=$(jq -r '.data.asns[0].holder' <<<"$output") # look up the country this ASN is located in country=$(docurl -m5 -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/rir-stats-country/data.json?resource=AS${found_asn}" | jq -r '.data.located_resources[0].location') [[ "$country" != "null" ]] && found_asname="${found_asname}, ${country}" found_route=$(jq -r '.data.resource' <<<"$output") UNANNOUNCED_PREFIX=false else # RIPEStat has no data for this IPv4. Fallback to Team Cymru DNS query (faster than whois) rev=$(echo "$1" | cut -d '/' -f 1 | awk -F'.' '{printf $4 "." $3 "." $2 "." $1}') output=$(host -t TXT "$rev.origin.asn.cymru.com" | awk -F'"' 'NR==1{print $2}' | sed 's/\ *|\ */|/g') found_asn=$(echo "$output" | awk -F'[|]' 'NR==1{print $1}' | cut -d ' ' -f 1) # final cut gets first origin AS only if cymru has multiple if [ -n "$found_asn" ]; then found_asname=$(host -t TXT "AS$found_asn.asn.cymru.com" | grep -v "NXDOMAIN" | awk -F'|' 'NR==1{print substr($NF,2,length($NF)-2)}') found_route=$(echo "$output" | awk -F'[|]' 'NR==1{print $2}') UNANNOUNCED_PREFIX=false else # Team Cymru has no data for this IPv4 either. Inform WhoisIP() that we will have to fall back to a generic whois lookup. UNANNOUNCED_PREFIX=true fi fi fi else # bogon address, consider it unannounced UNANNOUNCED_PREFIX=true fi } ResolveHostnameToIPList(){ raw_host_output=$(host "$1" 2>/dev/null) if echo -e "$raw_host_output" | grep -q "mail is handled"; then host_output=$(echo "$raw_host_output" | grep -B100 -A0 -m1 "mail is handled" | sed '$d') else host_output="$raw_host_output" fi ip=$(echo "$host_output" | grep -Eo "$ipv4v6regex") echo -e "$ip\n" } PrintErrorAndExit(){ if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then # json output status_json_output="fail" reason_json_output="${1//\"/\\\"}" json_resultcount=0 PrintJsonOutput elif [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then echo -e "\n${redbg}${1}${default}\n" # get the error in the html report tput sgr0 else # normal output echo -e "\n${redbg}${1}${default}" >&2 tput sgr0 fi exit 1 } PrintUsage(){ # if an argument is passed, it will be displayed on stderr and the script will exit with error script_name=$(basename "$0") JSON_OUTPUT=false BoxHeader "ASN / RPKI validity / BGP stats / IPv4v6 / Prefix / ASPath / Organization / IP reputation lookup tool" >&2 echo -e "\nVERSION:\n\n ${ASN_VERSION}" \ "\n\nUSAGE:\n\n $script_name [${green}OPTIONS${default}] [${blue}TARGET${default}]" \ "\n $script_name [${red}-v${default}] ${red}-l${default} [${red}SERVER OPTIONS${default}]" \ "\n\nOPTIONS:" \ "\n\n ${green}-t (enable trace)\n\t${default}Enable AS path trace to the ${blue}TARGET${default} (this is the default behavior)" \ "\n\n ${green}-n (no trace|no additional INETNUM lookups)\n\t${default}Disable tracing the AS path to the ${blue}TARGET${default} (for IP targets) or" \ "\n\tDisable additional (unannounced / announced by other AS) INETNUM lookups for the ${blue}TARGET${default} (for AS targets)" \ "\n\n ${green}-d (detailed)\n\t${default}Output detailed hop info during the AS path trace to the ${blue}TARGET${default}" \ "\n\tThis option also enables RPKI validation/BGP hijacking detection for every hop" \ "\n\n ${green}-a (ASN Suggest)\n\t${default}Lookup AS names and numbers matching ${blue}TARGET${default}" \ "\n\n ${green}-u (Transit/Upstream lookup)\n\t${default}Inspect BGP updates and ASPATHs for the ${blue}TARGET${default} address/prefix and identify possible transit/upstream autonomous systems" \ "\n\n ${green}-c (Country CIDR)\n\t${default}Lookup all IPv4/v6 CIDR blocks allocated to the ${blue}TARGET${default} country" \ "\n\n ${green}-g (Bulk Geolocate)\n\t${default}Geolocate all IPv4/v6 addresses passed as ${blue}TARGET${default}" \ "\n\tThis mode supports multiple targets, stdin input and IP extraction from input, e.g." \ "\n\t'asn -g < /var/log/apache2/error.log' or 'echo | asn -g'" \ "\n\n ${green}-s (Shodan scan)\n\t${default}Query Shodan's InternetDB for CVE/CPE/Tags/Ports/Hostnames data about ${blue}TARGET${default}" \ "\n\tThis mode supports multiple targets and stdin input, e.g." \ "\n\t'asn -s < iplist' or 'echo google.com | asn -s'" \ "\n\n ${green}-o (organization search)\n\t${default}Force ${blue}TARGET${default} to be treated as an Organization Name" \ "\n\n ${green}-m (monochrome output)\n\t${default}Disable colored output" \ "\n\n ${green}-v (verbose)\n\t${default}Enable (and log to \$HOME/asndebug.log) debug messages (URLs being queried and variable names being assigned)." \ "\n\tAPI call response data (i.e. the JSON output) is logged to the logfile.${default}" \ "\n\n ${green}-j (compact JSON output)\n\t${default}Set output to compact JSON mode (ideal for machine parsing)" \ "\n\n ${green}-J (pretty-printed JSON output)\n\t${default}Set output to pretty-printed JSON mode" \ "\n\n ${green}-h (help)\n\t${default}Show this help screen" \ "\n\n ${red}-l (lookup server)\n\t${default}Launch the script in server mode. See ${red}SERVER OPTIONS${default} below" \ "\n\nTARGET:" \ "\n\n ${blue}${default}\n\tLookup matching ASN and BGP announcements/neighbours data." \ "\n\t(Supports \"as123\" and \"123\" formats - case insensitive)" \ "\n\n ${blue}${default}\n\tLookup matching route(4/6), IP reputation and ASN data" \ "\n\n ${blue}${default}\n\tLookup matching ASN data" \ "\n\n ${blue}${default}\n\tLookup matching IP, route and ASN data. Supports multiple IPs - e.g. DNS RR" \ "\n\n ${blue}${default}\n\tExtract hostname/IP from the URL and lookup relative data. Supports any protocol prefix, non-standard ports and prepended credentials" \ "\n\n ${blue}${default}\n\tSearch by company name and lookup network ranges exported by (or related to) the company" \ "\n\nSERVER OPTIONS:" \ "\n\n ${red}BIND_ADDRESS${default}\n\tIP address (v4/v6) to bind the listening server to (e.g. '$script_name -l')\n\tDefault value: ${red}${DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDADDR_v4} (IPv4) or ${DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDADDR_v6} (IPv6)${default}" \ "\n\n ${red}BIND_PORT${default}\n\tTCP Port to bind the listening server to (e.g. '$script_name -l 12345')\n\tDefault value: ${red}${DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDPORT}${default}" \ "\n\n ${red}BIND_ADDRESS${default} ${red}BIND_PORT${default}\n\tIP address and port to bind the listening server to (e.g. '$script_name -l ::1 12345')" \ "\n\n ${red}-v (verbose)\n\t${default}Enable verbose output and debug messages in server mode${default}" \ "\n\n ${red}--allow host[,host,...]\n\t${default}Allow only given hosts to connect to the server${default}" \ "\n\n ${red}--allowfile file\n\t${default}A file of hosts allowed to connect to the server${default}" \ "\n\n ${red}--deny host[,host,...]\n\t${default}Deny given hosts from connecting to the server${default}" \ "\n\n ${red}--denyfile file\n\t${default}A file of hosts denied from connecting to the server${default}" \ "\n\n ${red}-m, --max-conns \n\t${default}The maximum number of simultaneous connections accepted by the server. 100 is the default.${default}" \ "\n\n\n Note: Every option in server mode (after -l) is passed directly to the ncat listener." \ "\n Refer to ${blue}man ncat${default} for more details on the available commands." \ "\n Unless specified, the default IP:PORT values of ${DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDADDR_v4}:${DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDPORT} (for IPv4) or [${DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDADDR_v6}]:${DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDPORT} (for IPv6) will be used (e.g. 'asn -l')" \ "\n\n Example server usage:" \ "\n\t${blue}asn -l${default}" \ "\n\t (starts server on default IP(v4/v6):PORT)\n" \ "\n\t${blue}asn -l --allow,,${default}" \ "\n\t (binds to all availables IPv4 interfaces on the default port, allowing only connections from the three specified subnets)\n" \ "\n\t${blue}asn -l :: 2222 --allow 2001:DB8::/32${default}" \ "\n\t (binds to all availables IPv6 interfaces on port 2222, allowing only connections from the specified prefix)\n" \ "\n\t${blue}asn -v -l --allowfile \"~/goodips.txt\" -m 5${default}" \ "\n\t (verbose mode, bind to all IPv4 interfaces, use an allowfile with allowed addresses, accept a maximum of 5 concurrent connections)\n" \ "\n Bookmarklet configuration page:" \ "\n\tplease visit ${blue}${default} and follow the instructions. More documentation is available on github (link below)." \ "\n\n\nProject homepage: ${yellow}https://github.com/nitefood/asn${default}\n" >&2 [[ -n "$1" ]] && PrintErrorAndExit "$1" } PwhoisLookup(){ StatusbarMessage "Collecting pWhois data" pwhois_output=$(whois -h whois.pwhois.org "$1") StatusbarMessage if echo "$pwhois_output" | grep -vq "That IP address doesn't appear"; then # pwhois_asn=$(echo "$pwhois_output" | grep -E "^Origin-AS" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^ //') # pwhois_prefix=$(echo "$pwhois_output" | grep -E "^Prefix" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^ //') pwhois_asorg=$(echo "$pwhois_output" | grep -E "^AS-Org-Name" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^ //') # group all "Org-Name" fields on a single line pwhois_org=$(echo "$pwhois_output" | grep -E "^Org-Name" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//g' | while read -r line; do echo -n "$line / "; done | sed 's/ \/ $//') pwhois_net=$(echo "$pwhois_output" | grep -E "^Net-Name" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^ //') # if pWhois' Net-Name=Org-Name, then it's more useful to use AS-Org-Name instead of Org-Name (unless AS-Org-Name is empty) if [ -n "$pwhois_asorg" ] && [ "$pwhois_net" = "$pwhois_org" ]; then pwhois_org="$pwhois_asorg" fi IPGeoRepLookup "$1" IPShodanLookup "$1" pwhois_geo="$ip_geo_data" if [ -z "$ip_geo_data" ]; then if echo "$pwhois_output" | grep -q -E "^Geo-"; then # use "Geo-" fields in pWhois output cityfield="Geo-City" regionfield="Geo-Region" ccfield="Geo-CC" else cityfield="City" regionfield="Region" ccfield="Country-Code" fi pwhois_city=$(echo "$pwhois_output" | grep -m1 -E "^${cityfield}" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^ //') pwhois_region=$(echo "$pwhois_output" | grep -m1 -E "^${regionfield}" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^ //') pwhois_cc=$(echo "$pwhois_output" | grep -m1 -E "^${ccfield}" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^ //') flag_icon_cc=$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<<"$pwhois_cc") if [ "$pwhois_city" = "NULL" ] || [ "$pwhois_region" = "NULL" ]; then pwhois_geo="$pwhois_cc" else pwhois_geo="$pwhois_city, $pwhois_region ($pwhois_cc)" fi fi else pwhois_output=""; fi } RdnsLookup(){ # reverse DNS (PTR) lookup. # get first lookup result only (in case of multiple PTR records) and remove trailing dot and CR (Cygwin) from hostname rdns=$(host "$1" | awk 'NR==1{sub(/\.\r?$/, "", $NF); print $NF}') if echo "$rdns" | grep -E -q "NXDOMAIN|SERVFAIL|REFUSED|^record$"; then rdns=""; fi echo "$rdns" } AbuseLookupForPrefix(){ # $1="whois data", $2=prefix if [ -n "$mtr_output" ] && [ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = false ]; then # skip abuse lookup for individual trace hops in non-detailed mode return fi whoisdata="$1" prefix="$2" abuselist="" for abusecontact in $(echo -e "$whoisdata" | grep -E "^OrgAbuseEmail:|^abuse-c:|^% Abuse|^abuse-mailbox:" | awk '{print $NF}' | tr -d \'); do if ! grep -q '@' <<<"$abusecontact"; then resolvedabuse=$(docurl -m5 -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/abuse-contact-finder/data.json?resource=$2&sourceapp=nitefood-asn" | jq -r 'select (.data.abuse_contacts != null) | .data.abuse_contacts[]') [[ -n "$resolvedabuse" ]] && abusecontact="$resolvedabuse" fi [[ -n "$abuselist" ]] && abuselist+="\n" abuselist+="$abusecontact" done if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then # json output if [ -n "$abuselist" ]; then echo -e "$abuselist" | jq -cM --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0)) | unique' fi else # normal output if [ -n "$abuselist" ]; then # use jq to join contacts together and separate them with the " / " multi-character delimiter, while getting rid of spurious newlines echo -e "$abuselist" | jq -r --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0)) | unique | join(" / ")' else echo "-" fi fi } HopPrint(){ StatusbarMessage # shellcheck disable=SC2124 output="$@" # create hyperlinks if running in server mode if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then [[ -z "$ixp_tag" ]] && htmlcolor="$htmlwhite" || htmlcolor="$htmlblue" # extract and trim duplicate IPs from the trace output line found_ips=$(grep -Eo "${ipv4v6regex}" <<<"$output" | sort -u) if [ -n "$found_ips" ]; then for ip in $found_ips; do # replace only the last IP in the trace output, so to handle special cases # where the trace hop PTR contains the full dotted IP, ex: # ( -> () output=$(sed "s/\(.*\)$ip/\1$ip<\/a>/" <<<"$output") done fi fi echo -e "$output" StatusbarMessage "Analyzing collected trace output to ${bluebg}${host_to_trace}${lightgreybg}" } TraceASPath(){ starttime=$(date +%s) host_to_trace="$1" border_color="$lightblue" # attepmt to be as responsive as possible # ideal output width : 150 (size of headers in normal traces) # ideal border width : 100 (used in detailed traces only) if [ "$terminal_width" -ge 153 ]; then output_width=150 border_width=100 elif [ "$terminal_width" -ge 103 ]; then output_width=$((terminal_width-3)) border_width=100 else output_width=$((terminal_width-3)) border_width=$((terminal_width-3)) fi WhatIsMyIP if [ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = true ]; then headermsg="Detailed trace to $userinput" else headermsg="Trace to $userinput" fi BoxHeader "$headermsg" # check if we're trying to trace an IPv6 from an IPv4-only box echo "$host_to_trace" | grep -q ':' && is_ipv6=true || is_ipv6=false if [ "$is_ipv6" = true ] && [ "$HAVE_IPV6" = false ]; then PrintErrorAndExit "Error: cannot trace an IPv6 from this IPv4-only host!" fi echo "" StatusbarMessage "Collecting trace data to ${bluebg}${host_to_trace}${lightgreybg}" # start the mtr trace DebugPrint "${yellow}mtr → $host_to_trace ($MTR_ROUNDS rounds)${default}" mtr_output=$(mtr -C -n -c"$MTR_ROUNDS" "$host_to_trace" | tail -n +2) declare -a tracehops_array declare -a aspath_array # initialize the aspath array with our source AS if [ "$HAVE_IPV6" = true ]; then found_asn=$(docurl -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/whois/data.json?resource=$local_wanip&sourceapp=nitefood-asn" | jq -r '.data.irr_records[0] | map(select(.key | match ("origin"))) | .[].value') WhoisASN "$found_asn" else LookupASNAndRouteFromIP "$local_wanip" fi if [ -z "$found_asn" ]; then found_asn="XXX" found_asname="(Unknown)" fi if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then aspatharray_asnvalue="$found_asn" else aspatharray_asnvalue="$found_asn" fi # Retrieve local AS CAIDA rank GetCAIDARank "$found_asn" if [ -n "$caida_asrank_text" ]; then aspath_entry=$(printf "${red}%-6s ${green}%s${default}${dim} •%s${dim}${default}" "$aspatharray_asnvalue" "$(echo "$found_asname" | cut -d ',' -f 1)" "$caida_asrank_text") else aspath_entry=$(printf "${red}%-6s ${green}%s${default}" "$aspatharray_asnvalue" "$(echo "$found_asname" | cut -d ',' -f 1)") fi aspath_array+=("$aspath_entry") # mtr finished, analyze and output results # print trace headers (only non-detailed trace) if [ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = false ]; then HopPrint "$(printf "${lightgreybg}%4s %-$((output_width-61))s %7s %13s %s ${default}" "Hop" "IP Address" "Loss%" "Ping avg" "AS Information")" fi LAST_HOP=false ROUTING_LOOP=false # parse mtr output (csv) hop_num=0 while true; do ((hop_num++)) IFS=',' read -ra cur_hop_data <<< "$(echo "$mtr_output" | head -n "$hop_num" | tail -n 1)" mtr_hopnum=${cur_hop_data[4]} [[ "$hop_num" -gt "$mtr_hopnum" ]] && break # we're past the last trace hop, quit the loop hop_ip=${cur_hop_data[5]} hop_loss=${cur_hop_data[6]%.*} hop_ping=$(echo "${cur_hop_data[10]}" | awk '{ printf ("%.1f\n", $1) }') if [ "$hop_loss" -ne 0 ]; then # color packet loss yellow if between 1% and 50%, or red if > 50% [[ "$hop_loss" -le 50 ]] && loss_color="$lightyellow" || loss_color="$lightred" if [ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = false ]; then hop_loss=$(printf "${loss_color}%5s" "$hop_loss") # packet loss position in normal path trace (spacing to fit the column alignment) else hop_loss="${loss_color}${hop_loss}" # packet loss position in detailed path trace (no spacing) fi fi tracehops_array["$hop_num"]="$hop_ip" ixp_tag="" hop_asn="" if [ "$hop_ip" = "???" ]; then # print no reply hop info if [ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = true ]; then trailing_line=$(printf '%.0s═' $(seq $((border_width-9-${#hop_ip}))) ) hop_output="$(printf "${border_color}╔═[${default}%3s. %s ${border_color}]%s╗${default}\n" "$hop_num" "$hop_ip" "$trailing_line")" hop_output+="\n ├${bluebg}RTT${default} ${white}* (No reply)${default}\n" hop_output+=" └${bluebg}LOS${default} ${hop_loss}%${default} packet loss\n" else hop_output="$(printf "%3s. %-$((output_width-60))s %6s${default} %13s %s" "$hop_num" "$hop_ip" "$hop_loss%" "*" "${white}(No reply)${default}")" fi HopPrint "${hop_output}" continue # jump to the next hop fi # do a reverse DNS lookup for the IP hostname=$(RdnsLookup "$hop_ip") # check for routing loops, if so fail immediately if [ "$hop_num" -ge 2 ]; then prev_hop=${tracehops_array[$(( hop_num-1 ))]} # Check disabled to avoid detecting routing loops in rare cases where the same hop appears twice in a row during the trace # if [ "$hop_ip" = "$prev_hop" ]; then # ROUTING_LOOP=true # break # fi fi if [ "$hop_num" -ge 4 ]; then # detect routing loops two_hops_ago=${tracehops_array[$(( hop_num-2 ))]} three_hops_ago=${tracehops_array[$(( hop_num-3 ))]} if [ "$hop_ip" = "$two_hops_ago" ] && [ "$prev_hop" = "$three_hops_ago" ]; then ROUTING_LOOP=true break fi fi # AS DATA lookup # check if it's the last hop [[ "$hop_ip" = "$host_to_trace" ]] && LAST_HOP=true LookupASNAndRouteFromIP "$hop_ip" # check if IP is a bogon if [ "$IS_BOGON" = true ]; then asn_data="$bogon_tag" pwhois_output="" else # Hop IP is not a bogon address. Proceed with lookup of hop data if [ "$UNANNOUNCED_PREFIX" = true ]; then # No data in the Team Cymru DB. Check to see if the ip is assigned to an IXP, or fall back to generic whois. WhoisIP "$hop_ip" >/dev/null # don't display this, we're being parsed off-screen hop_asn="${red}N/A (address not announced)${default}" hop_org="$pwhois_org" hop_net="$pwhois_net" [[ -n "$found_route" ]] && hop_net+=" ($found_route)" hop_typ="$ip_type_data" hop_cpe="$ip_shodan_cpe_data" hop_ports="$ip_shodan_ports_data" hop_tags="$ip_shodan_tags_data" hop_cve="$ip_shodan_cve_data" hop_geo="$pwhois_geo" hop_rep="$ip_rep_data" if [ -n "$ixp_data" ]; then # this hop is an IXP ixp_tag="${bluebg} IXP ${default}" asn_data="${ixp_tag} ${blue}${ixp_data}${default}" hop_org="${ixp_tag} ${blue}${ixp_data}${default}" aspath_entry=$(printf "%-6s ${blue}%s${default}" "$ixp_tag" "$ixp_data") aspath_array+=("$aspath_entry") else # no data found and not an IXP hop, try retrieving relevant info from a generic whois lookup hop_whois_data=$(echo -e "$full_whois_data" | grep -i -m2 -E "^netname:|^orgname:|^org-name:|^descr:" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | while read -r line; do echo -n "$line / "; done | sed 's/ \/ $//') if [ -z "$hop_whois_data" ]; then asn_data="${yellow}(No data)${default}" else asn_data="${yellow}(${hop_whois_data})${default}" fi fi else # $hop_ip belongs to an announced prefix if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then asn_data="${red}[AS$found_asn] ${green}$found_asname${default}" aspatharray_asnvalue="$found_asn" else asn_data="${red}[AS$found_asn] ${green}$found_asname${default}" aspatharray_asnvalue="$found_asn" fi # Retrieve AS CAIDA rank for this hop GetCAIDARank "$found_asn" if [ -n "$caida_asrank_text" ]; then aspath_entry=$(printf "${red}%-6s ${green}%s${default}${dim} •%s${dim}${default}" "$aspatharray_asnvalue" "$(echo "$found_asname" | cut -d ',' -f 1)" "$caida_asrank_text") else aspath_entry=$(printf "${red}%-6s ${green}%s${default}" "$aspatharray_asnvalue" "$(echo "$found_asname" | cut -d ',' -f 1)") fi # avoid adding the same AS multiple times in a row in the summary path if [[ "${aspath_array[-1]}" != "$aspath_entry" ]]; then aspath_array+=("$aspath_entry") fi fi if [ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = true ] && [ "$UNANNOUNCED_PREFIX" = false ]; then hop_asn="$found_asn" hop_prefix="$found_route" # run a pWhois lookup if the hop is within an announced prefix PwhoisLookup "$hop_ip" # in the event where Cymru has data, but pWhois doesn't, run a WhoisIP to fetch generic whois info # specifying the "generic_whois_lookup_only" parameter in order not to run pWhois/IXP lookups again [[ -z "$pwhois_output" ]] && WhoisIP "$hop_ip" "generic_whois_lookup_only" >/dev/null # don't display this, we're being parsed off-screen hop_org="$pwhois_org" hop_net="$pwhois_net" hop_typ="$ip_type_data" hop_cpe="$ip_shodan_cpe_data" hop_ports="$ip_shodan_ports_data" hop_tags="$ip_shodan_tags_data" hop_cve="$ip_shodan_cve_data" hop_geo="$pwhois_geo" hop_rep="$ip_rep_data" fi fi # DNS data (only used if a hostname was resolved) if [ -n "$hostname" ] && [ ! "$hostname" = "-" ]; then hop_ip="$hostname ($hop_ip)" fi # IXP coloring [[ -z "$ixp_tag" ]] && hop_ip="${white}${hop_ip}${default}" || hop_ip="${blue}${hop_ip}${default}" # print trace hop info if [ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = false ]; then hop_output="$(printf "%3s. %-$((output_width-45))s %6s${default} %10s ms %s" "$hop_num" "${hop_ip}" "$hop_loss%" "${hop_ping}" "$asn_data")" else trailing_line=$(printf '%.0s═' $(seq $((border_width+6-${#hop_ip}))) ) hop_output="$(printf "${border_color}╔═[${default}%3s. %s ${border_color}]%s╗${default}\n" "$hop_num" "${hop_ip}" "$trailing_line")" hop_output+="\n ├${bluebg}RTT${default} ${white}${hop_ping} ms${default}\n" hop_output+=" ├${bluebg}LOS${default} ${hop_loss}%${default} packet loss${default}" # only add ASN data when not an IXP, otherwise we'll have duplicate data when ORG gets printed later if [ -z "$ixp_tag" ]; then # if it's a bogon address it's going to be the last branch of the displayed tree if [ "$IS_BOGON" = true ]; then hop_output+="\n └${bluebg}TYP${default} $asn_data${default}" else hop_output+="\n ├${bluebg}ASN${default} $asn_data${default}" fi fi fi HopPrint "$hop_output" if [ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = true ] && [ -n "$hop_asn" ]; then if [ -n "$found_asname" ]; then # only run RPKI lookups if the prefix is announced RPKILookup "$found_asn" "$hop_prefix" if [ "$INVALID_ROA" = true ]; then # notify user of possible BGP hijack/route leak aspath_array[-1]+=" ${redbg} ─> WARNING: POSSIBLE ROUTE LEAK / BGP HIJACK ${default}" fi else rpki_output="${red}N/A (hop address not announced)${default}" fi # compose hop detail output # 1. hop ASN, ORG, NET, ROA hop_details="" [[ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = false ]] && hop_details=" ├${bluebg}ASN${default} ${red}${hop_asn}${default}\n" [[ "$ixp_tag" = "" ]] && hop_details+=" ├${bluebg}RNK${default} ${caida_asrank_recap}${default}\n" hop_details+=" ├${bluebg}ORG${default} ${green}${hop_org}${default}\n" hop_details+=" ├${bluebg}NET${default} ${yellow}${hop_net}${default}\n" hop_details+=" ├${bluebg}ROA${default} ${rpki_output}\n" # 2. hop TYP (optional, only if hop is a particular IP type (anycast/hosting/etc)) [[ -n "$hop_typ" ]] && hop_details+=" ├${bluebg}TYP${default}${hop_typ}${default}\n" # 3. hop CPE, PORTS, TAGS, CVE [[ -n "$hop_cpe" ]] && hop_details+=" ├${bluebg}CPE${default}${hop_cpe}${default}\n" [[ -n "$hop_ports" ]] && hop_details+=" ├${bluebg}POR${default}${hop_ports}${default}\n" [[ -n "$hop_tags" ]] && hop_details+=" ├${bluebg}TAG${default}${hop_tags}${default}\n" [[ -n "$hop_cve" ]] && hop_details+=" ├${bluebg}CVE${default}${hop_cve}${default}\n" # 4. hop GEO, REP hop_details+=" ├${bluebg}GEO${default} ${magenta}${hop_geo}${default}\n" hop_details+=" └${bluebg}REP${default} ${hop_rep}${default}" [[ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = false ]] && hop_details+="\n" # display hop details on screen HopPrint "$hop_details" [[ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = true ]] && HopPrint "\n" elif [ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = true ]; then # PWHOIS lookups ON, but no valid hop data (e.g. no-reply hop). Just add a newline [[ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = true ]] && HopPrint "\n" fi [[ "$LAST_HOP" = true ]] && break done # mtr output parsing complete if [ "$LAST_HOP" = false ]; then # last hop wasn't our target IP. Add a missing last hop to the trace. mtr_end_msg="${redbg} no route to host" [[ "$ROUTING_LOOP" = true ]] && mtr_end_msg+=" (routing loop detected)" mtr_end_msg+=" ${default}" # print hop info with final error message if [ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = false ]; then HopPrint "$(printf "%3s. %-$((output_width-40))s ${lightred}%11s%%${default} %13s %s" "$hop_num" "$mtr_end_msg" "100" "*" "${white}(No reply)${default}")" else upper_border="${border_color}╔$(printf '%.0s═' $(seq "$border_width"))╗${default}" lower_border="${border_color}╚$(printf '%.0s═' $(seq "$border_width"))╝${default}" HopPrint "${upper_border}\n ${mtr_end_msg}\n${lower_border}" fi aspath_array+=("${mtr_end_msg}${default}") fi endtime=$(date +%s) runtime=$((endtime-starttime)) StatusbarMessage if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then # date and time is already displayed elsewhere in server mode echo -e "\nTrace completed in $runtime seconds.\n" else tracetime=$(date +'%F %T %Z') echo -e "\nTrace completed in $runtime seconds on $tracetime\n" fi BoxHeader "AS path to $userinput" echo -en "\n " for as in "${aspath_array[@]}"; do if [ "$as" = "${aspath_array[0]}" ]; then echo -en "${as} ${yellowbg} Local AS ${default}" else echo -en "${as}${default}" fi if [ "$as" != "${aspath_array[-1]}" ]; then echo -en "\n ╭╯\n ╰" fi done echo -e "\n" } SearchByOrg(){ unset orgs declare -a orgs echo "" if [ "$ORG_FILTER" = false ]; then StatusbarMessage "Searching for organizations matching ${bluebg}$1${lightgreybg}" full_org_search_data=$(whois -h whois.pwhois.org "registry org-name=$1") original_organizations=$(echo -e "$full_org_search_data" | grep -E "^Org-Name:" | cut -d ':' -f 2- | sed 's/^ //g' | sort -uf) total_orgsearch_results=$(echo -e "$original_organizations" | wc -l) organizations="$original_organizations" else # user chose to apply a search filter to a previous query if [ ${#orgfilters_array[@]} -eq 0 ] && [ ${#excl_orgfilters_array[@]} -eq 0 ]; then # user deleted all search filters. Revert to original query result organizations="$original_organizations" ORG_FILTER=false else StatusbarMessage "Applying filters" filtered_org="$original_organizations" # parse all inclusion filters for filter in "${orgfilters_array[@]}"; do apply_filter=$(echo -e "$filtered_org" | grep -i -- "$filter") if [ -z "$apply_filter" ]; then StatusbarMessage echo -en "${yellow}Warning: No results found for ${bluebg}${filter}${default}" sleep 2 # remove last filter term unset 'orgfilters_array[${#orgfilters_array[@]}-1]' else filtered_org="$apply_filter" fi done # parse all exclusion filters for filter in "${excl_orgfilters_array[@]}"; do apply_filter=$(echo -e "$filtered_org" | grep -i -v -- "$filter") if [ -z "$apply_filter" ]; then StatusbarMessage echo -en "${yellow}Warning: No more results found if excluding ${bluebg}${filter}${default}" sleep 2 # remove last filter term unset 'excl_orgfilters_array[${#excl_orgfilters_array[@]}-1]' else filtered_org="$apply_filter" fi done # have we removed all filters (because of no matches)? go back to unfiltered results if [ ${#orgfilters_array[@]} -eq 0 ] && [ ${#excl_orgfilters_array[@]} -eq 0 ]; then ORG_FILTER=false echo "" fi organizations="$filtered_org" fi fi for orgname in $organizations; do orgs+=("$orgname") done StatusbarMessage if [ ${#orgs[@]} -eq 0 ]; then # company search yielded no results PrintErrorAndExit "Error: no organizations found" fi # Menu showing loop while true; do ShowMenu searchresults="" [[ "$LOOKUP_ALL_RESULTS" == true ]] && orgs_to_lookup=("${orgs[@]}") || orgs_to_lookup=("$org") for org in "${orgs_to_lookup[@]}"; do orgids=$(echo -e "$full_org_search_data" | grep -i -E -B1 "Org-Name: $org$" | grep "Org-ID" | cut -d ':' -f 2- | sed 's/^ //g') NO_ERROR_ON_INTERRUPT=true for ipversion in 4 6; do NO_RESULTS=true searchresults+=$(BoxHeader "IPv${ipversion} networks for organization \"${org}\"") # iterate over Org-IDs related to the company (in case of multiple Org-IDs for a single Org-Name) for orgid in $orgids; do StatusbarMessage "Looking up IPv${ipversion} networks for organization ${bluebg}$org${lightgreybg} (Org-ID: ${bluebg}${orgid}${lightgreybg})" netblocks_output="" if [ "$ipversion" = "4" ]; then # Parse IPv4 NETBLOCKS netblocks=$(whois -h whois.pwhois.org "netblock org-id=${orgid}" | grep -E "^\*>") netblocks_header=" IPv4 NET RANGE | INFO" for netblock in $netblocks; do prefix=$(echo -e "$netblock" | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '|' -f 1) netname=$(echo -e "$netblock" | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '|' -f 2 | tr -d ' ') netblock_type=$(echo -e "$netblock" | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '|' -f 3 | tr -d ' ') if [ "$netblock_type" = "unknown" ]; then nettype="" else nettype=" (${yellow}$netblock_type${default})" fi regdate=$(echo -e "$netblock" | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '|' -f 4 | tr -d ' ') if [ "$HAVE_IPCALC" = true ]; then # deaggregate IPv4 netblocks into CIDR prefixes for readability prefix_spacing=19 trimmed_prefix=$(echo "$prefix" | tr -d ' ') prefix=$(IpcalcDeaggregate "$trimmed_prefix") else # no ipcalc, use direct pWhois output prefix_spacing=41 fi netblocks_output+=$(printf "\n${blue}%${prefix_spacing}s${default} | ${green}%-45s${default} - Registered: ${magenta}%s${default}%s" "$prefix" "$netname" "$regdate" "$nettype") done [[ "$HAVE_IPCALC" = true ]] && netblocks_header=" IPv4 PREFIX | INFO" else # Parse IPv6 NETBLOCKS netblocks=$(whois -h whois.pwhois.org "netblock6 org-id=${orgid}" | grep -E "^Net-(Range|Name|Handle|Type)|^Register-Date" |\ cut -d ':' -f 2- |\ sed 's/^ //g' |\ awk '{if (NR%5) {ORS=""} else {ORS="\n"}{print $0"|"}}') # cheers https://stackoverflow.com/a/35315421/5377165 netblocks_header=" IPv6 NET RANGE | INFO" for netblock in $netblocks; do prefix=$(echo -e "$netblock" | cut -d '|' -f 1) netname=$(echo -e "$netblock" | cut -d '|' -f 2) nethandle=$(echo -e "$netblock" | cut -d '|' -f 3) netname+=" (${nethandle})" netblock_type=$(echo -e "$netblock" | cut -d '|' -f 4) if [ "$netblock_type" = "unknown" ]; then nettype="" else nettype=" (${yellow}$netblock_type${default})" fi regdate=$(echo -e "$netblock" | cut -d '|' -f 5) prefix_spacing=61 netblocks_output+=$(printf "\n${blue}%${prefix_spacing}s${default} | ${green}%-45s${default} - Registered: ${magenta}%s${default}%s" "$prefix" "$netname" "$regdate" "$nettype") done fi if [ -n "$netblocks_output" ]; then # Print out netblocks NO_RESULTS=false searchresults+=$(echo -e "\n${red}Org-ID: ${magenta}${orgid}${red}${default}\n${netblocks_header}${netblocks_output}") searchresults+="\n" fi done [[ "$NO_RESULTS" = true ]] && searchresults+="\n\t${red}No results found${default}\n" done done NO_ERROR_ON_INTERRUPT=false StatusbarMessage echo -e "$searchresults\n${yellow}────────────────────────────────────────────────────${default}" # let the user choose if they want to run a quick IP lookup while true; do echo -e "\n- Enter any ${blue}IP/Prefix${default} to look it up or" echo -e "- Press ${yellow}ENTER${default} to return to the menu:\n" echo -n ">> " read -r choice # check if it's an IPv4/IPv6 if [ -n "${choice}" ]; then input=$(echo "$choice" | sed 's/\/.*//g' | grep -Eo "$ipv4v6regex") if [ -n "$input" ]; then # valid IP echo "" StatusbarMessage "Looking up data for ${bluebg}${input}${lightgreybg}" LookupASNAndRouteFromIP "$input" (( longest=${#input}+1 )) WhoisIP "$input" PrintReputationAndShodanData "$input" StatusbarMessage continue else continue fi else # user pressed ENTER, go back to main organizations menu clear break fi done done } ShowMenu(){ # show selection menu for search-by-company results clear BoxHeader "Organizations matching \"$userinput\"" if [ "$ORG_FILTER" = true ]; then num_inclusion_filters="${#orgfilters_array[@]}" num_exclusion_filters="${#excl_orgfilters_array[@]}" num_filters=$(( num_inclusion_filters+num_exclusion_filters )) [[ $num_filters = 1 ]] && s="" || s="s" ACTIVE_FILTERS_STRING=$'\n'"${bluebg}${black}${num_filters} Active filter${s}:${default}" # recap inclusion filters for filter in "${orgfilters_array[@]}"; do ACTIVE_FILTERS_STRING+=" ${lightgreybg}${filter}${default}" done # recap exclusion filters for filter in "${excl_orgfilters_array[@]}"; do ACTIVE_FILTERS_STRING+=" ${lightgreybg}${red}-${filter}${default}" done ACTIVE_FILTERS_STRING+=$'\n' else ACTIVE_FILTERS_STRING="" fi if [ "$HAVE_IPCALC" = true ]; then IPCALC_WARNING="" else IPCALC_WARNING=$'\n'"${yellow}Warning: program ${red}ipcalc${yellow} not found."$'\n'"Install it to enable netblock→CIDR"$'\n'"prefix aggregation.${default}"$'\n' fi PS3="${yellow}────────────────────────────────────────────────────${default} $ACTIVE_FILTERS_STRING ${yellow}${#orgs[@]} of $total_orgsearch_results total results shown${default} Choose an organization or enter: - <${green}text${default}> to FILTER FOR A STRING - <${blue}-${default}> to EXCLUDE A STRING - <${blue}x${default}> to REMOVE ALL FILTERS - <${blue}a${default}> to LOOKUP ALL RESULTS (max 10) - <${blue}q${default}> to QUIT $IPCALC_WARNING >> " echo -e "${yellow}────────────────────────────────────────────────────${green}" COLUMNS=1 set -o posix select choice in "${orgs[@]}"; do for org in "${orgs[@]}"; do if [[ "$org" = "$choice" ]]; then LOOKUP_ALL_RESULTS=false break 2 fi done case "$REPLY" in "q"|"Q") echo "" exit 0 ;; "-") # add an exclusion filter echo -n "Enter a string to ${red}exclude${default}: " read -r exclusion_string excl_orgfilters_array+=("$exclusion_string") ORG_FILTER=true SearchByOrg ;; "x"|"X") # reset filters if [ "$ORG_FILTER" = true ]; then unset orgfilters_array unset excl_orgfilters_array declare -a orgfilters_array declare -a excl_orgfilters_array SearchByOrg fi ;; "a"|"A") # lookup all results if [ "${#orgs[@]}" -gt 10 ]; then echo -en "\n${redbg}Too many results! Please add some filters!${default}\n" sleep 2 continue fi LOOKUP_ALL_RESULTS=true break ;; *) # apply filter to the results orgfilters_array+=("$REPLY") ORG_FILTER=true SearchByOrg ;; esac done set +o posix echo "" } PrintReputationAndShodanData(){ # We already collected reputation and Shodan data since we called IPGeoRepLookup() and IPShodanLookup() previously if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then # JSON output final_json_output+=",\"reputation\":{" [[ -n "$json_rep" ]] && final_json_output+="\"status\":\"$json_rep\"" [[ -n "$json_iqs_threat_score" ]] && final_json_output+="$json_iqs_threat_score" [[ "$gn_noisy" = "true" ]] && final_json_output+=",\"is_noisy\":$gn_noisy" [[ -n "$gn_json_is_knowngood" ]] && final_json_output+=",\"is_known_good\":$gn_json_is_knowngood" [[ -n "$gn_json_is_knownbad" ]] && final_json_output+=",\"is_known_bad\":$gn_json_is_knownbad" [[ -n "$gn_json_aka" ]] && final_json_output+=",\"known_as\":\"$gn_json_aka\"" [[ -n "$json_iqs_threat_tags" ]] && final_json_output+="$json_iqs_threat_tags" final_json_output+="},\"fingerprinting\":{" [[ -n "$shodan_cpes_json_output" ]] && final_json_output+="\"cpes\":$shodan_cpes_json_output," [[ -n "$shodan_ports_json_output" ]] && final_json_output+="\"ports\":$shodan_ports_json_output," [[ -n "$shodan_tags_json_output" ]] && final_json_output+="\"tags\":$shodan_tags_json_output," [[ -n "$shodan_vulns_json_output" ]] && final_json_output+="\"vulns\":$shodan_vulns_json_output," # truncate last comma [[ ${final_json_output: -1} = "," ]] && final_json_output=${final_json_output::-1} final_json_output+="}" final_json_output+="}" else # normal output [[ -n "$ip_shodan_cpe_data" ]] && printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}CPE${default}%s\n" "├" "${ip_shodan_cpe_data}" [[ -n "$ip_shodan_ports_data" ]] && printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}POR${default}%s\n" "├" "${ip_shodan_ports_data}" [[ -n "$ip_shodan_tags_data" ]] && printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}TAG${default}%s\n" "├" "${ip_shodan_tags_data}" [[ -n "$ip_shodan_cve_data" ]] && printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}CVE${default}%s\n" "├" "${ip_shodan_cve_data}" printf "${white}%${indent}s${bluebg}REP${default} ${magenta}%s${default}\n\n" "└" "$ip_rep_data" fi } ShodanRecon(){ shodan_starttime=$(date +%s) shodan_json_output="" curloutput="" urllist="" # identify target(s) type targetlist=$(echo -e "$userinput" | tr ' ' '\n') target_count=$(echo -e "$targetlist" | wc -l) if [ "$target_count" -gt 1 ]; then # user passed multiple targets "e.g. asn -s" userinput="multiple targets" fi BoxHeader "Shodan scan for $userinput" for target in $targetlist; do input=$(echo "$target" | sed 's/\/.*//g' | grep -Eo "$ipv4v6regex") if [ -z "$input" ]; then # Input is not an IP Address. See if it's a hostname (includes at least one dot) if echo "$target" | grep -q "\."; then target=$(awk -F[/:] '{gsub(".*//", ""); gsub(".*:.*@", ""); print $1}' <<<"$target") target=$(ResolveHostnameToIPList "$target") [[ -z "$target" ]] && continue # could not resolve hostname json_target_type="hostname" target=$(grep -v ":" <<<"$target") numips=$(wc -l <<<"$target") [[ $numips = 1 ]] && s="" || s="es" else # not an IP, not a hostname continue fi else json_target_type="ip" fi # prepare shodan InternetDB API URL list for every IP in the given CIDR range for ip in $target; do if grep -q ":" <<<"$ip"; then # Shodan has no data for IPv6 addresses continue fi [[ -n "$urllist" ]] && urllist+="\n" urllist+=$(nmap -sL -n "$ip" 2>/dev/null | awk '/Nmap scan report/{print "https://internetdb.shodan.io/"$NF}') # cheers https://stackoverflow.com/a/31412705 done done [[ -z "$urllist" ]] && PrintErrorAndExit "no valid targets found" numtargets=$(echo -e "$urllist" | wc -l) firsturl=1 while true; do saved_lasturl="$lasturl" lasturl=$(( firsturl + MAX_CONCURRENT_SHODAN_REQUESTS )) # check if concurrent Shodan requests setting is > number of IPs yet to scan # if so, perform a batch lookup with all the urls and break. Otherwise # perform max concurrent lookups, sleep and continue if [ "$lasturl" -ge "$numtargets" ]; then lasturl="$numtargets" LAST_BATCH=true fi urlbatch=$(echo -e "$urllist" | awk "NR==$firsturl,NR==$lasturl") StatusbarMessage "Collecting data for IPs ${bluebg}${firsturl}-${lasturl}${lightgreybg} of ${bluebg}$numtargets${lightgreybg} total ($MAX_CONCURRENT_SHODAN_REQUESTS threads)" DebugPrint "${yellow}curl {$(echo -e "$urlbatch" | tr '\n' ',')}${default}" batchoutput=$( xargs -P "$MAX_CONCURRENT_SHODAN_REQUESTS" -n 1 curl -s < <(echo -e "$urlbatch") ) if grep -q "Rate limit exceeded" <<<"$batchoutput"; then # rate limit exceeded during current batch of queries, loop while waiting to continue retryafter=$(docurl -s -i "https://internetdb.shodan.io/" | awk '/^retry-after:/ {print $2}' | tr -d '\r\n') while [[ ${retryafter} -gt 1 ]]; do StatusbarMessage "Shodan rate limit hit during batch ${bluebg}${firsturl}-${lasturl}${lightgreybg}, resuming in ${redbg}${retryafter}${lightgreybg}s" sleep 1 retryafter=$(( retryafter-1 )) done # retry last batch lasturl="$saved_lasturl" continue else curloutput+="$batchoutput" [[ "$LAST_BATCH" = true ]] && break # enable below to introduce a delay between batches of curl queries to Shodan (could help with rate limiting) # sleep .5 firsturl=$(( lasturl++ )) fi done StatusbarMessage # convert single API output results to array, delete IPs for which Shodan had no data available json=$(jq -cM --slurp 'del (.[] | select(.ip==null))' <<<"$curloutput") if [ "$json" = "[]" ]; then final_json_output="$json" PrintErrorAndExit "Shodan has no data for $userinput" fi shodan_json_output="$json" [[ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]] && return shodan_endtime=$(date +%s) shodan_runtime=$((shodan_endtime-shodan_starttime)) StatusbarMessage "Parsing collected data" vulnlist="" hostnamelist="" portlist="" taglist="" cpelist="" total_hosts_with_vulns=0 total_hosts_with_ports=0 total_hosts_with_tags=0 total_hosts_with_cpe=0 total_hosts_with_hostnames=0 # find all IPs in the json having a non-null ".ip" attribute. It means Shodan has some data about that IP. interesting_iplist=$(echo -e "$json" | jq -r '.[].ip' | sort | uniq) # iterate over interesting IPs for ip in $interesting_iplist; do output+="\n${white}•${default} $ip" attribs=$(jq -r '.[] | select(.ip=="'"$ip"'")| to_entries | .[] | .key + "=" + (.value | @sh)' <<<"$json") numattrs=$(grep -Evc "=$|^ip=" <<<"$attribs"); # get number of populated attributes # "attribs" contains a list of attributes for a single IP, composed like this: # # cpes='cpename1' 'cpename2' # hostnames='abc.com' # ip='' # ports=22 80 8080 # tags='vpn' # vulns='CVE-123' 'CVE-345' # iterate over resulting attributes. count=0 # will be used to decide which tree symbol to use (├ or └) # - hostnames ip_hostnames=$(grep -E "^hostnames=" <<<"$attribs" | cut -d '=' -f 2- | tr -d "'" | uniq) hostnamelist+=$(echo -e "\n$ip_hostnames" | tr ' ' '\n') if [ -n "$ip_hostnames" ]; then count=$(( count+1 )) [[ "$count" -eq "$numattrs" ]] && treesymbol="└" || treesymbol="├" ip_hostnames=$(echo -e "$ip_hostnames" | sed -e 's/ / • /g' -e "s/.\{136\}/&\n /g") total_hosts_with_hostnames=$(( total_hosts_with_hostnames+1 )) output+="\n\t${treesymbol}${bluebg} PTR ${default} ${white}$ip_hostnames${default}" fi # - cpes ip_cpes=$(grep -E "^cpes=" <<<"$attribs" | cut -d '=' -f 2- | tr -d "'" | uniq) # use more user-friendly names for some CPEs ip_cpes=$(echo -e "$ip_cpes" | \ sed -e 's,cpe:/a:apache:http_server,Apache-HTTPD,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel,[O/S]-Linux,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/o:microsoft:windows,[O/S]-Microsoft-Windows,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux,[O/S]-Debian-Linux,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/a:microsoft:internet_information_services,Microsoft-IIS,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/a:microsoft:exchange_server,Microsoft-Exchange,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh,OpenSSH,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/a:igor_sysoev:nginx,Nginx,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/a:php:php,PHP,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/a:jquery:jquery,jQuery,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/a:getbootstrap:bootstrap,Bootstrap,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/a:pureftpd:pure-ftpd,Pure-FTPd,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/a:postfix:postfix,Postfix,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/a:openssl:openssl,Postfix,g' \ -e 's,cpe:/a:mysql:mysql,MySQL,g' \ ) cpelist+=$(echo -e "\n$ip_cpes" | tr ' ' '\n') if [ -n "$ip_cpes" ]; then count=$(( count+1 )) [[ "$count" -eq "$numattrs" ]] && treesymbol="└" || treesymbol="├" ip_cpes=$(echo -e "$ip_cpes" | sed -e 's/ / • /g' -e "s/.\{136\}/&\n /g") total_hosts_with_cpe=$(( total_hosts_with_cpe+1 )) output+="\n\t${treesymbol}${bluebg} CPE ${default} ${blue}$ip_cpes${default}" fi # - ports ip_ports=$(grep -E "^ports=" <<<"$attribs" | cut -d '=' -f 2- | uniq) portlist+=$(echo -e "\n$ip_ports" | tr ' ' '\n') if [ -n "$ip_ports" ]; then count=$(( count+1 )) [[ "$count" -eq "$numattrs" ]] && treesymbol="└" || treesymbol="├" ip_ports=$(echo -e "$ip_ports" | sed -e 's/ / • /g' -e "s/.\{136\}/&\n /g") total_hosts_with_ports=$(( total_hosts_with_ports+1 )) output+="\n\t${treesymbol}${bluebg} POR ${default} ${green}$ip_ports${default}" fi # - tags ip_tags=$(grep -E "^tags=" <<<"$attribs" | cut -d '=' -f 2- | tr -d "'" | uniq) taglist+=$(echo -e "\n$ip_tags" | tr ' ' '\n') if [ -n "$ip_tags" ]; then count=$(( count+1 )) [[ "$count" -eq "$numattrs" ]] && treesymbol="└" || treesymbol="├" ip_tags=$(echo -e "$ip_tags" | sed -e 's/ / • /g' -e "s/.\{136\}/&\n /g") total_hosts_with_tags=$(( total_hosts_with_tags+1 )) output+="\n\t${treesymbol}${bluebg} TAG ${default} ${yellow}$ip_tags${default}" fi # - vulns ip_vulns=$(grep -E "^vulns=" <<<"$attribs" | cut -d '=' -f 2- | tr -d "'" | uniq) vulnlist+=$(echo -e "\n$ip_vulns" | tr ' ' '\n') if [ -n "$ip_vulns" ]; then count=$(( count+1 )) [[ "$count" -eq "$numattrs" ]] && treesymbol="└" || treesymbol="├" # ip_vulns=$(echo -e "$ip_vulns" | sed -e 's/ / • /g') ip_vulns=$(echo -e "$ip_vulns" | sed -e 's/ / • /g' -e "s/.\{136\}/&\n /g") total_hosts_with_vulns=$(( total_hosts_with_vulns+1 )) output+="\n\t${treesymbol}${bluebg} CVE ${default} ${red}$ip_vulns${default}" fi output+="\n" done StatusbarMessage echo -e "$output" final_stats="${default}\n______________________________\n\n" final_stats+="${green}$total_hosts_with_ports exposed${default} host"; [[ "$total_hosts_with_ports" != "1" ]] && final_stats+="s"; final_stats+=" found" final_stats+="\n${blue}$total_hosts_with_cpe hosts${default} identified with a known CPE" final_stats+="\n${yellow}$total_hosts_with_tags tagged${default} host"; [[ "$total_hosts_with_tags" != "1" ]] && final_stats+="s"; final_stats+=" identified" final_stats+="\n$total_hosts_with_hostnames hostname"; [[ "$total_hosts_with_hostnames" != "1" ]] && final_stats+="s"; final_stats+=" discovered" final_stats+="\n${red}$total_hosts_with_vulns vulnerable${default} host"; [[ "$total_hosts_with_vulns" != "1" ]] && final_stats+="s"; final_stats+=" found" final_stats+="\n\n$numtargets host"; [[ "$numtargets" != "1" ]] && final_stats+="s"; final_stats+=" analyzed in $shodan_runtime seconds.\n" # display final statistics (non-JSON output mode only) BoxHeader "Statistics" # top N ports echo -e "\n${green}[TOP ${SHODAN_SHOW_TOP_N} Open Ports] \n" if [ -z "$portlist" ]; then # no ports found echo -e "${green} Nothing found${default}\n" else for port in $(echo -e "$portlist" | sort | grep -Ev '^$' | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n "${SHODAN_SHOW_TOP_N}"); do porthits=$(awk '{print $1}' <<<"$port") portnum=$(awk '{print $2}' <<<"$port") portname=$(ResolveWellKnownPort "$portnum") [[ -n "$portname" ]] && portname="(${portname})" printf "%10s host(s) → Port %5s %s\n" "$porthits" "$portnum" "$portname" done echo -e "$default" fi # top N CPEs echo -e "${blue}[TOP ${SHODAN_SHOW_TOP_N} CPEs] \n" if [ -z "$cpelist" ]; then # no CPEs found echo -e "${blue} Nothing found${default}\n" else for cpe in $(echo -e "$cpelist" | sort | grep -Ev '^$' |uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n "${SHODAN_SHOW_TOP_N}"); do cpehits=$(awk '{print $1}' <<<"$cpe") cpefullname=$(awk '{print $2}' <<<"$cpe") cpetype=$(echo "$cpefullname" | cut -d ':' -f 2) cpename=$(echo "$cpefullname" | cut -d ':' -f 3-) case "${cpetype}" in "/a") type="APP" ;; "/o") type="O/S" ;; "/h") type="H/W" ;; *) type="" ;; esac [[ -n "$type" ]] && cpename="[$type] $cpefullname" || cpename="$cpefullname" printf "%10s host(s) → %s\n" "$cpehits" "$cpename" done echo -e "$default" fi # top N tags echo -e "${yellow}[TOP ${SHODAN_SHOW_TOP_N} Tags] \n" if [ -z "$taglist" ]; then # no tags found echo -e "${yellow} Nothing found${default}\n" else for tag in $(echo -e "$taglist" | sort | grep -Ev '^$' | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n "${SHODAN_SHOW_TOP_N}"); do taghits=$(awk '{print $1}' <<<"$tag") tagname=$(awk '{print $2}' <<<"$tag") printf "%10s host(s) → %s\n" "$taghits" "$tagname" done echo -e "$default" fi # first N hostnames discovered echo -e "${white}[First ${SHODAN_SHOW_TOP_N} Hostnames discovered] \n" if [ -z "$hostnamelist" ]; then # no tags found echo -e "${yellow} Nothing found${default}\n" else for hostname in $(echo -e "$hostnamelist" | grep -Ev '^$' | head -n "${SHODAN_SHOW_TOP_N}"); do printf " %s\n" "$hostname" done echo -e "$default" fi # top N vulnerabilities echo -e "${red}[TOP ${SHODAN_SHOW_TOP_N} Vulnerabilities by number of occurrences] \n" StatusbarMessage "Identifying CVE score and severity for vulnerable hosts" cvestats_text="" if [ -z "$vulnlist" ]; then # no vulns found cvestats_text="${red} Nothing found${default}" else for cve in $(echo -e "$vulnlist" | sort | grep -Ev '^$' | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n "${SHODAN_SHOW_TOP_N}"); do vulnhits=$(awk '{print $1}' <<<"$cve") cvenum=$(awk '{print $2}' <<<"$cve") cvejsondata=$(docurl -s "https://services.nvd.nist.gov/rest/json/cves/2.0?cveId=$cvenum") v3score=$(jq -r '.vulnerabilities[0].cve.metrics.cvssMetricV31[0].cvssData.baseScore | select(length>0)' <<<"$cvejsondata" 2>/dev/null) v3severity=$(jq -r '.vulnerabilities[0].cve.metrics.cvssMetricV31[0].cvssData.baseSeverity | select(length>0)' <<<"$cvejsondata" 2>/dev/null) v2score=$(jq -r '.vulnerabilities[0].cve.metrics.cvssMetricV2[0].cvssData.baseScore' <<<"$cvejsondata" 2>/dev/null) v2severity=$(jq -r '.vulnerabilities[0].cve.metrics.cvssMetricV2[0].baseSeverity' <<<"$cvejsondata" 2>/dev/null) cvename=$(jq -r '.vulnerabilities[0].cve.cisaVulnerabilityName | select(length>0)' <<<"$cvejsondata" 2>/dev/null) cvedesc=$(jq -r '.vulnerabilities[0].cve.descriptions[0].value | select(length>0)' <<<"$cvejsondata" 2>/dev/null) # apply formatting to cvedesc to fit the terminal width cvedesc_len=${#cvedesc} available_width=$(( terminal_width - 58 )); formatted_cvedesc="" if [ "$cvedesc_len" -gt "$available_width" ]; then # iterate over cvedesc until it fits in the terminal width, inserting newlines while [ "$cvedesc_len" -gt 0 ]; do wordbreak_pointer="$available_width" if [ "$cvedesc_len" -gt "$available_width" ]; then while [ "${cvedesc:$wordbreak_pointer:1}" != " " ] && [ "$wordbreak_pointer" -gt 0 ]; do ((wordbreak_pointer--)) done [[ "$wordbreak_pointer" -eq 0 ]] && wordbreak_pointer="$available_width" fi cvedesc_line=${cvedesc:0:$wordbreak_pointer} if [ -n "$formatted_cvedesc" ]; then formatted_cvedesc+="\n" formatted_cvedesc+=$(printf "${default}${red}%49s ${default}${dim}%s" "┆" "$cvedesc_line") else formatted_cvedesc="$cvedesc_line" fi ((wordbreak_pointer++)) cvedesc=${cvedesc:$wordbreak_pointer} cvedesc_len=${#cvedesc} done else formatted_cvedesc="$cvedesc" fi cvescore="" cveseverity="" if [ -n "$v3score" ] && [ -n "$v3severity" ]; then cvescore="$v3score" cveseverity="$v3severity" elif [ -n "$v2score" ] && [ -n "$v2severity" ]; then cvescore="$v2score" cveseverity="$v2severity" fi if [ "${#cvescore}" -eq 1 ]; then cvescore+=".0" elif [ "${#cvescore}" -eq 2 ]; then cvescore=" $cvescore" fi case "${cveseverity}" in "LOW") cvetext="${greenbg} ${cvescore} (LOW) ${default}${red}" ;; "MEDIUM") cvetext="${yellowbg} ${cvescore} (MEDIUM) ${default}${red}" ;; "HIGH") cvetext="${redbg} ${cvescore} (HIGH) ${default}${red}" ;; "CRITICAL") cvetext="${redbg} ${cvescore} (CRITICAL) ${default}${red}" ;; *) cvescore="N/A" cvetext="${lightgreybg} ${cvescore} (UNKNOWN) ${default}${red}" ;; esac cvestats_text+=$(printf "${red}%10s host(s) → %-15s %-14s" "$vulnhits" "$cvetext" "$cvenum") [[ -n "$cvename" ]] && cvestats_text+=" • ${dim}${cvename}${default}" cvestats_text+="\n" cvestats_text+=$(printf "${red}%49s Desc : ${default}${dim}%s${default}" "├" "$formatted_cvedesc") cvestats_text+="\n" cvestats_text+=$(printf "${red}%49s Info : ${blue}${dim}%s${default}" "└" "https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/$cvenum") cvestats_text+="\n\n" done fi StatusbarMessage echo -e "$cvestats_text" echo -e "$final_stats" } BulkGeolocate(){ # identify target(s) type targetlist_allips=$(echo -e "$userinput" | grep -Eo "$ipv4v6regex" | sort) top10_ipv4=$(grep -v ":" <<<"$targetlist_allips" | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 10) top10_ipv6=$(grep ":" <<<"$targetlist_allips" | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 10) targetlist=$(uniq <<<"$targetlist_allips") if [ -n "$targetlist" ]; then target_count=$(echo -e "$targetlist" | wc -l) else PrintErrorAndExit "no valid targets found" fi if [ "$target_count" -gt 1 ]; then # user passed multiple targets "e.g. asn -g" userinput="multiple targets" fi BoxHeader "Geolocation lookup for $userinput" # TODO switch to ipinfo.io for bulk geolocation lookups when a token is present (free tier does not support batch queries) geolocation_json_output="" countrylist="" firstip=1 while true; do lastip=$(( firstip + 99 )) if [ "$lastip" -ge "$target_count" ]; then lastip="$target_count" LAST_BATCH=true fi ipbatch=$(echo -en "$targetlist" | awk "NR==$firstip,NR==$lastip") StatusbarMessage "Collecting geolocation data for IPs ${bluebg}${firstip}-${lastip}${lightgreybg} of ${bluebg}$target_count${lightgreybg} total" ipmap_targets=$(echo -en "$ipbatch" | tr '\n' ',') ipapi_targets=$(jq -c --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' <<<"$ipbatch") ipmap_output=$(docurl -m15 -s "https://ipmap.ripe.net/api/v1/locate/all?resources=$ipmap_targets") if [[ -n $(jq 'select (.error != null) | .error' <<<"$ipmap_output") ]]; then ipmap_output="" fi # Note: the free IP-API tier only supports unencrypted HTTP, not HTTPS ipapi_output=$(docurl -m4 -s "http://ip-api.com/batch?fields=query,status,message,country,countryCode,regionName,city" --data ''"$ipapi_targets"'') for target in $ipbatch; do ip_geo_countryname="" json_geo_city="" json_geo_region="" json_geo_cc="" if [ -n "$ipmap_output" ]; then IS_ANYCAST=$(jq '.metadata.service.contributions."'"$target"'".latency.metadata.anycast' <<<"$ipmap_output") [[ "$IS_ANYCAST" = true ]] && anycast_tag="${yellowbg} ANYCAST ${default}" || anycast_tag="" ip_geo_countryname=$(jq -r '.data."'"$target"'" | select( .countryName != null ) | .countryName' <<<"$ipmap_output") json_geo_city="$(jq -r '.data."'"$target"'" | select( .cityName != null ) | .cityName' <<<"$ipmap_output")" json_geo_region="$(jq -r '.data."'"$target"'" | select( .stateName != null ) | .stateName' <<<"$ipmap_output")" json_geo_cc="$(jq -r '.data."'"$target"'" | select( .countryCodeAlpha2 != null ) | .countryCodeAlpha2' <<<"$ipmap_output")" fi if [ -n "$ip_geo_countryname" ] && [ -n "$json_geo_city" ] && [ -n "$json_geo_region" ] && [ -n "$json_geo_cc" ]; then ip_geo_data="$json_geo_city, $json_geo_region, $json_geo_cc" else # incomplete/no data on RIPE IPMap, fallback to IP-API ipapi_status=$(jq -r '.[] | select(.query == "'"$target"'") | .status' <<<"$ipapi_output") if [ "$ipapi_status" = "fail" ] && [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then ip_geo_countryname="Unknown" ip_geo_data="N/A" else ip_geo_countryname=$(jq -r '.[] | select(.query == "'"$target"'") | .country' <<<"$ipapi_output") if [ -z "$ip_geo_countryname" ] && [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then ip_geo_countryname="Unknown" ip_geo_data="N/A" else json_geo_city="$(jq -r '.[] | select(.query == "'"$target"'") | .city' <<<"$ipapi_output")" json_geo_region="$(jq -r '.[] | select(.query == "'"$target"'") | .regionName' <<<"$ipapi_output")" json_geo_cc="$(jq -r '.[] | select(.query == "'"$target"'") | .countryCode' <<<"$ipapi_output")" if [ -n "$json_geo_city" ] && [ -n "$json_geo_region" ] && [ -n "$json_geo_cc" ]; then ip_geo_data="$json_geo_city, $json_geo_region, $json_geo_cc" else ip_geo_data="Unknown" fi fi fi fi if [ "$ip_geo_countryname" = "Unknown" ]; then namecolor="${red}" countrycolor="${red}" else namecolor="${white}" countrycolor="${green}" fi if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then [[ -n "$geolocation_json_output" ]] && geolocation_json_output+="," geolocation_json_output+="{\"ip\":\"$target\"" geolocation_json_output+=",\"city\":\"$json_geo_city\"" geolocation_json_output+=",\"region\":\"$json_geo_region\"" geolocation_json_output+=",\"country\":\"$ip_geo_countryname\"" geolocation_json_output+=",\"cc\":\"$json_geo_cc\"" geolocation_json_output+=",\"hits\":$(grep -c "$target" <<<"$targetlist_allips")" [[ "$IS_ANYCAST" = true ]] && geolocation_json_output+=",\"is_anycast\": true" geolocation_json_output+="}" else final_output+=$(printf "${white}%-16s${default}: ${namecolor}%s${default} (${countrycolor}%s${default}) %s" "$target" "$ip_geo_data" "$ip_geo_countryname" "$anycast_tag\n") countrylist+="\n$ip_geo_countryname" fi done [[ "$LAST_BATCH" = true ]] && break firstip=$(( lastip++ )) done StatusbarMessage [[ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]] && return echo -en "${final_output}" # top 10 IPs if [ -n "$top10_ipv4" ]; then BoxHeader "Top 10 IPv4 by number of hits" for entry in $top10_ipv4; do iphits=$(awk '{print $1}' <<<"$entry") ipaddr=$(awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$2)) }' <<<"$entry") printf "${white}%16s appears ${magenta}%s${default} time%s\n" "$ipaddr" "$iphits" "$([[ "$iphits" != "1" ]] && echo -n "s")" done fi if [ -n "$top10_ipv6" ]; then BoxHeader "Top 10 IPv6 by number of hits" for entry in $top10_ipv6; do iphits=$(awk '{print $1}' <<<"$entry") ipaddr=$(awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$2)) }' <<<"$entry") printf "${white}%16s appears ${magenta}%s${default} time%s\n" "$ipaddr" "$iphits" "$([[ "$iphits" != "1" ]] && echo -n "s")" done fi # draw countries bar chart BoxHeader "Country stats" DrawChart "$countrylist" "IP" } DrawChart(){ # draws a bar chart for the occurrences of values from a list. # $1 must be a list of values (not necessarily sorted) # $2 must be the unit name of the bars (singular. A final 's' is added for bars whose value is > 1) # [optional] $3 can be the number of items to display (i.e. TOP n) inputlist="$1" unitname="$2" [[ -n "$3" ]] && topn="$3" || topn="0" sorted_input="" declare -A valuearray # associative array declare -a sorted_input # simple array, to be used as an index into valuearray for item in $(echo -e "$inputlist" | sort | grep -Ev '^$' | uniq -c | sort -rn); do itemhits=$(awk '{print $1}' <<<"$item") itemname=$(awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$2)) }' <<<"$item") valuearray["$itemname"]="$itemhits" sorted_input+=("$itemname") done total_unique_names="${#sorted_input[@]}" longest_itemname=$(echo -e "$inputlist" | wc -L) count=0 while true; do item=${sorted_input[$count]} # incrementally choose color for the bar and index for the item array entry - skip 0 (black) [[ "$MONOCHROME_MODE" = false ]] && tput setaf $(( count + 1 )) itemhits="${valuearray[$item]}" spacing="$itemhits" [[ "$itemhits" -gt "$terminal_width" ]] && spacing=$(( terminal_width-(14+longest_itemname) )) printf " %${longest_itemname}s " "$item" printf "█%.0s" $(seq "$spacing") printf " %s ${unitname}%s\n" "$itemhits" "$([[ "$itemhits" != "1" ]] && echo -n "s")" (( count++ )) if [ "$topn" != "0" ] && [ "$count" -ge "$topn" ]; then break elif [ "$count" -ge "$total_unique_names" ]; then break fi done echo -e "${default}" } PrintJsonOutput(){ DisableColors endtime=$(date +%s) runtime=$((endtime-starttime)) json_to_print="{\"target\":\"$userinput\"," json_to_print+="\"target_type\":\"$json_target_type\"," json_to_print+="\"result\":\"$status_json_output\"," json_to_print+="\"reason\":\"$reason_json_output\"," json_to_print+="\"version\":\"$ASN_VERSION\"," json_to_print+="\"request_time\":\"$json_request_time\"," json_to_print+="\"request_duration\":$runtime," json_to_print+="\"result_count\":$json_resultcount," if [ "$RECON_MODE" = true ] || [ "$BGP_UPSTREAM_MODE" = true ]; then # we already have an array as a final json output, append it as-is json_to_print+="\"results\":${final_json_output}}" else json_to_print+="\"results\":[${final_json_output}]}" fi [[ "$JSON_PRETTY" = true ]] && json_to_print=$(jq -M '.' <<<"$json_to_print") || json_to_print=$(jq -c '.' <<<"$json_to_print") echo -e "$json_to_print" } ResolveWellKnownPort(){ # input: port number, output: service name [[ -n "$WELL_KNOWN_PORTS" ]] && awk "/\t$1\/(tc|ud)p/{print \$1; exit}" <<<"$WELL_KNOWN_PORTS" } RPKILookup(){ # $1=asn, $2=prefix found_rpkivalidity="" INVALID_ROA=false rpki_apioutput=$(docurl -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/rpki-validation/data.json?resource=$1&prefix=$2&sourceapp=nitefood-asn") is_valid_json=$(jq type <<<"$rpki_apioutput" 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$is_valid_json" ]; then found_rpkivalidity=$(jq -r '.data.status' <<<"$rpki_apioutput" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') found_rpkiroacount=$(jq '.data.validating_roas | length' <<<"$rpki_apioutput") roacount_json_output="$found_rpkiroacount" found_rpkiprefix=$(jq -r '.data.validating_roas[0].prefix' <<<"$rpki_apioutput") found_rpkiorigins=$(jq -r '.data.validating_roas[] | select (.prefix=="'"$found_rpkiprefix"'") | .origin' <<<"$rpki_apioutput") found_rpkiorigin="[" origin_count=0 for origin in $found_rpkiorigins; do [[ "$origin_count" -gt 0 ]] && found_rpkiorigin+=", " found_rpkiorigin+="AS$origin" (( origin_count++ )) done found_rpkiorigin+="]" found_rpkimaxlength=$(jq -r '.data.validating_roas[0].max_length' <<<"$rpki_apioutput") # TODO: iterate over ROAs (.data.validatingRoas[]) to give deeper source RIR insight #found_rpkisource=$(echo "$rpki_apioutput" | jq -r '.data.validatingRoas[0].source') case "$found_rpkivalidity" in "VALID") [[ "${found_rpkiroacount}" -gt 1 ]] && s="s" || s="" rpki_output="${green}✓ VALID (${found_rpkiroacount} ROA$s found)${default}" roavalidity_json_output="valid" ;; "UNKNOWN") rpki_output="${yellow}✓ UNKNOWN (no ROAs found)${default}" roavalidity_json_output="unknown" ;; "INVALID_ASN") INVALID_ROA=true roavalidity_json_output="invalid" if [ "$found_rpkiorigin" = "0" ]; then rpki_output="${red}❌ ${found_rpkivalidity} (no Origin authorized to announce Prefix '${found_rpkiprefix}' with Max-Length=${found_rpkimaxlength})${default}" else rpki_output="${red}❌ ${found_rpkivalidity} (expected Origin(s): ${found_rpkiorigin} for Prefix '${found_rpkiprefix}' with Max-Length=${found_rpkimaxlength})${default}" fi ;; "INVALID_LENGTH") INVALID_ROA=true roavalidity_json_output="invalid" rpki_output="${red}❌ ${found_rpkivalidity} (expected Max-Length=${found_rpkimaxlength} for Prefix '${found_rpkiprefix}')${default}" ;; esac else rpki_output="${yellow}? (WRONG RPKI DATA or problem accessing RIPEStat API)${default}" roacount_json_output="-1" roavalidity_json_output="unknown (API error)" fi } IsIXP() { # input ($1) is an IPv4/v6. ixp_full_ix_data="" ixp_data="" ixp_geo="" input_is_ipv6=false if [ "$IXP_DETECTION" = true ]; then echo -e "$1" | grep -q ':' && input_is_ipv6=true # Update IXP prefixes from PeeringDB if necessary # use the appropriate (v4/v6) IXP prefix dataset if [ "$input_is_ipv6" = false ]; then # if input is an IPv4, speedup lookups further by grabbing only IXP prefixes starting with the same two octets # we can afford filtering based on the first two octets since the largest individual IXP prefix is around /20 first_octets=$(echo "${1}." | cut -d '.' -f 1,2) # see if the PEERINGDB_CACHED_DATASETS array already an entry for this prefix's first two octets. # If not, fetch the relevant IXP prefix dataset from PeeringDB and store it in the PEERINGDB_CACHED_DATASETS if [ -n "${PEERINGDB_CACHED_DATASETS[$first_octets]}" ]; then peeringdb_dataset="${PEERINGDB_CACHED_DATASETS[$first_octets]}" else peeringdb_ipv4_dataset=$(docurl -s "https://www.peeringdb.com/api/ixpfx?prefix__startswith=$first_octets&protocol__in=IPv4") peeringdb_dataset="$peeringdb_ipv4_dataset" # store the IXP dataset in the PEERINGDB_CACHED_DATASETS array PEERINGDB_CACHED_DATASETS[$first_octets]="$peeringdb_dataset" fi else # only fetch IPv6 dataset once, since we don't filter it for prefixes if [ -z "$peeringdb_ipv6_dataset" ]; then peeringdb_ipv6_dataset=$(docurl -s "https://www.peeringdb.com/api/ixpfx?protocol__in=IPv6") fi peeringdb_dataset="$peeringdb_ipv6_dataset" fi ixp_prefixes=$(jq -r '.data[].prefix' <<<"$peeringdb_dataset" 2>/dev/null) # search for input prefix through PeeringDB IXP prefix list for prefix in $ixp_prefixes; do if echo "$1" | grepcidr -f <(echo "$prefix") &>/dev/null; then # the IP is part of an IXP prefix ixlan_id=$(jq -r '.data[] | select(.prefix == "'"$prefix"'") | .ixlan_id' <<<"$peeringdb_dataset") # see if the PEERINGDB_CACHED_IXP_DATA array already has an entry with the IXP details for this ixlan_id. # If not, fetch the full IXP data from PeeringDB and store it in the PEERINGDB_CACHED_IXP_DATA if [ -n "${PEERINGDB_CACHED_IXP_DATA[$ixlan_id]}" ]; then ixp_full_ix_data="${PEERINGDB_CACHED_IXP_DATA[$ixlan_id]}" else # Query PeeringDB to match an IXP for that prefix. ixp_full_ix_data=$(docurl -s "https://www.peeringdb.com/api/ix/$ixlan_id") # store the IXP data in the PEERINGDB_CACHED_IXP_DATA array PEERINGDB_CACHED_IXP_DATA[$ixlan_id]="$ixp_full_ix_data" fi ixp_data=$(jq -r '.data[0].name, .data[0].name_long' <<<"$ixp_full_ix_data" | paste -sd '|' - | awk -F'|' '{print $1 " (" $2 ")"}') ixp_geo=$(jq -r '.data[0].org.city' <<<"$ixp_full_ix_data") ixp_state=$(jq -r '.data[0].org.state' <<<"$ixp_full_ix_data") ixp_country=$(jq -r '.data[0].org.country' <<<"$ixp_full_ix_data") ip_type_data=" ${lightgreybg} IXP ${default}" [[ -n "$ixp_state" ]] && ixp_geo+=", $ixp_state" [[ -n "$ixp_country" ]] && ixp_geo+=" ($ixp_country)" [[ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]] && ixp_data="$ixp_data" break fi done fi } GetIXPresence(){ asn="$1" ixps="" outputix="" json_ixps="" netlist=$(docurl -s "https://www.peeringdb.com/api/net?asn__in=$asn" | jq -r '.data[].id') if [ -n "$netlist" ]; then for net in $netlist; do if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ] && [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then ixps+=$(docurl -s "https://www.peeringdb.com/api/net/$net" | jq -r '.data[].netixlan_set[] | "\(.name)"') else ixps+=$(docurl -s "https://www.peeringdb.com/api/net/$net" | jq -r '.data[].netixlan_set[].name') fi done if [ -n "$ixps" ]; then for ix in $(echo "$ixps" | sort -u); do [[ -n "$outputix" ]] && outputix+=" • " outputix+="${blue}${ix}${default}" done else outputix="${redbg} NONE ${default}" fi else outputix="${redbg} NONE ${default}" fi if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then # json output json_ixps=$(jq -c --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' <<<"$ixps") else # normal output echo -e "$outputix" fi } GetCAIDARank(){ # see if we already have CAIDA rank cached for this AS asn="$1" if [ -n "${CAIDARANK_CACHED_AS_DATA[$asn]}" ]; then caida_data="${CAIDARANK_CACHED_AS_DATA[$asn]}" else caida_data=$(docurl -s "https://api.asrank.caida.org/dev/restful/asns/${asn}") # store the rank in the CAIDARANK_CACHED_AS_DATA array CAIDARANK_CACHED_AS_DATA[$asn]="$caida_data" fi caida_asrank_text="" caida_asrank=$(jq -r '.data.asn.rank' <<<"$caida_data") if [ "$caida_asrank" != "null" ]; then caida_rir=$(jq -r '.data.asn.source' <<<"$caida_data") case "${caida_rir}" in "AFRINIC") caida_rir="AFRINIC ${dim}(Africa)${default}" ;; "APNIC") caida_rir="APNIC ${dim}(Asia Pacific)${default}" ;; "ARIN") caida_rir="ARIN ${dim}(USA, Canada, many Caribbean and North Atlantic islands)${default}" ;; "LACNIC") caida_rir="LACNIC ${dim}(Latin America and the Caribbean)${default}" ;; "RIPE") caida_rir="RIPE ${dim}(Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia)${default}" ;; esac caida_customercone=$(jq -r '.data.asn.cone.numberAsns' <<<"$caida_data") caida_degree_total=$(jq -r '.data.asn.asnDegree.total' <<<"$caida_data") caida_degree_customer=$(jq -r '.data.asn.asnDegree.customer' <<<"$caida_data") caida_degree_peer=$(jq -r '.data.asn.asnDegree.peer' <<<"$caida_data") caida_degree_provider=$(jq -r '.data.asn.asnDegree.provider' <<<"$caida_data") if (( caida_asrank <= 10 )); then caida_asrank_text=" ${lightgreybg} TOP 10 AS ${default}" elif (( caida_asrank <= 35 )); then caida_asrank_text=" ${lightgreybg} TOP 35 AS ${default}" elif (( caida_asrank <= 100 )); then caida_asrank_text=" ${lightgreybg} TOP 100 AS ${default}" elif (( caida_asrank <= 500)); then caida_asrank_text=" ${lightgreybg} TOP 500 AS ${default}" elif (( caida_asrank <= 1000)); then caida_asrank_text=" ${lightgreybg} TOP 1000 AS ${default}" fi caida_asrank_recap="${dim}#${white}${caida_asrank}${caida_asrank_text}" else caida_asrank="N/A" caida_customercone="N/A" caida_rir="N/A" caida_customercone="N/A" caida_degree_total="N/A" caida_degree_provider="N/A" caida_degree_peer="N/A" caida_degree_customer="N/A" caida_asrank_recap="${dim}N/A" fi } IPGeoRepLookup(){ if [ -n "$mtr_output" ] && [ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = false ]; then # skip geolocation and reputation lookups for individual trace hops in non-detailed mode return fi ip_geo_data="" ip_geo_countryname="" geo_city_json_output="" geo_region_json_output="" geo_country_json_output="" geo_cc_json_output="" # local ipmap_city # local ipmap_region # local ipmap_cc # local ipmap_country_name # local ipmap_location_data local ipinfo_city local ipinfo_region local ipinfo_cc local ipinfo_countryname local ipapi_city local ipapi_region local ipapi_cc local ipapi_countryname local ipapi_output local ipapi_status local ipapi_errmsg StatusbarMessage "Collecting geolocation and classification data" # fetch preferred geolocation and anycast data from ipinfo.io (pass token regardless of whether IPINFO_TOKEN is set, ipinfo API does not complain for an empty token) ipinfo_output=$(docurl -m4 -s "https://ipinfo.io/$1?token=${IPINFO_TOKEN}") # fetch fallback geolocation and ip type (is mobile?) data from ip-api.com # Note: the free IP-API tier only supports unencrypted HTTP, not HTTPS ipapi_output=$(docurl -m4 -s "http://ip-api.com/json/$1?fields=status,message,country,countryCode,regionName,city,mobile,proxy,hosting") ipapi_status=$(jq -r '.status' <<<"$ipapi_output") if [ "$ipapi_status" = "fail" ]; then ipapi_errmsg=$(jq -r '.message' <<<"$ipapi_output") ip_rep_data="${red}IP-API ERROR:${default} ${ipapi_errmsg}" else IS_MOBILE=$(jq -r '.mobile' <<<"$ipapi_output") IS_PROXY=$(jq -r '.proxy' <<<"$ipapi_output") IS_HOSTING=$(jq -r '.hosting' <<<"$ipapi_output") fi IS_ANYCAST="" if jq '.anycast' <<<"$ipinfo_output" | grep -q true; then IS_ANYCAST=true fi # ipmap_location_data=$(jq 'select (.location != null) | .location' <<<"$ipmap_output") # if [ -n "$ipmap_location_data" ]; then # # RIPE IPmap has (at least some) geo data about this address, check city/region # ipmap_city=$(jq -r 'select (.cityNameAscii != null) | .cityNameAscii' <<<"$ipmap_location_data") # ipmap_region=$(jq -r 'select (.stateName != null) | .stateName' <<<"$ipmap_location_data") # fi ipinfo_city=$(jq -r 'select (.city != null) | .city' <<<"$ipinfo_output") ipinfo_region=$(jq -r 'select (.region != null) | .region' <<<"$ipinfo_output") ipinfo_cc=$(jq -r 'select (.country != null) | .country' <<<"$ipinfo_output") ipinfo_countryname=$(jq -r ".${ipinfo_cc}" <<<"$COUNTRY_MAP_CACHE") flag_icon_cc="" # will be used in HTML reports served over HTTP if [ -n "$ipinfo_city" ]; then # populate json output fields from ipinfo output geo_city_json_output="$ipinfo_city" geo_region_json_output="$ipinfo_region" geo_country_json_output="$ipinfo_countryname" geo_cc_json_output="$ipinfo_cc" ip_geo_data="$ipinfo_city, $ipinfo_region ($ipinfo_cc)" flag_icon_cc=$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<<"$ipinfo_cc") ip_geo_countryname="$ipinfo_countryname" elif [ "$ipapi_status" = "success" ]; then # ipinfo has no data about this address, fallback to ip-api.com ipapi_city=$(jq -r '.city' <<<"$ipapi_output") ipapi_region=$(jq -r '.regionName' <<<"$ipapi_output") ipapi_cc=$(jq -r '.countryCode' <<<"$ipapi_output") ipapi_countryname=$(jq -r '.country' <<<"$ipapi_output") # populate json output fields from ip-api output geo_city_json_output="$ipapi_city" geo_region_json_output="$ipapi_region" geo_country_json_output="$ipapi_countryname" geo_cc_json_output="$ipapi_cc" if [ -n "$ipapi_city" ] && [ -n "$ipapi_region" ] && [ -n "$ipapi_cc" ]; then ip_geo_data="$ipapi_city, $ipapi_region ($ipapi_cc)" ip_geo_countryname="$ipapi_countryname" flag_icon_cc=$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<<"$ipapi_cc") elif [ -n "$ipapi_region" ] && [ -n "$ipapi_countryname" ]; then ip_geo_data="$ipapi_region ($ipapi_countryname)" ip_geo_countryname="$ipapi_countryname" elif [ -n "$ipapi_countryname" ]; then ip_geo_data="$ipapi_countryname" ip_geo_countryname="$ipapi_countryname" fi fi # IP type identification ip_type_data="" if [ "$IS_ANYCAST" = true ]; then ip_type_data+=" ${yellowbg} Anycast IP ${default}" ip_type_json_output+=",\"is_anycast\":true" else ip_type_json_output+=",\"is_anycast\":false" fi if [ "$IS_MOBILE" = true ]; then ip_type_data+=" ${yellowbg} Mobile network IP ${default}" ip_type_json_output+=",\"is_mobile\":true" else ip_type_json_output+=",\"is_mobile\":false" fi if [ "$IS_PROXY" = true ]; then ip_type_data+=" ${yellowbg} Proxy host ${default}" ip_type_json_output+=",\"is_proxy\":true" else ip_type_json_output+=",\"is_proxy\":false" fi # fetch detailed DC informations (incolumitas.com Datacenter IP Address API) incolumitas_dcdata=$(docurl -m2 -s "https://api.incolumitas.com/datacenter?ip=$1") dcname=$(jq -r 'select (.datacenter.datacenter != null) | .datacenter.datacenter' <<<"$incolumitas_dcdata" 2>/dev/null) dcregion=$(jq -r 'select (.datacenter.region != null) | .datacenter.region' <<<"$incolumitas_dcdata" 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$dcname" ]; then # incolumitas.com has details regarding this DC ip_type_data+=" ${yellowbg} DC ${default}${yellow} $dcname" ip_type_json_output+=",\"is_dc\":true" ip_type_json_output+=",\"dc_details\":{\"dc_name\":\"$dcname\"" if [ -n "$dcregion" ]; then ip_type_data+=" ($dcregion)" ip_type_json_output+=",\"dc_region\":\"$dcregion\"" fi ip_type_json_output+="}" ip_type_data+="${default}" elif [ "$IS_HOSTING" = true ]; then # fallback to IP-API DC detection ip_type_data+=" ${yellowbg} Hosting/DC ${default}" ip_type_json_output+=",\"is_dc\":true" else ip_type_json_output+=",\"is_dc\":false" fi # Reputation lookup (stopforumspam.org), noise classification (greynoise.io) and threat analisys (ipqualityscore.com) ip_rep_data="${green}✓ NONE${default}" json_rep="none" json_iqs_threat_score="" json_iqs_threat_tags="" is_blacklisted=$(docurl -m4 -s "https://api.stopforumspam.org/api?json&ip=$1" | jq -r '.ip.appears') if [ "$is_blacklisted" = "1" ]; then # IP is blacklisted by StopForumSpam json_rep="bad" ip_rep_data="${red}❌ BAD (on stopforumspam.org)${default}" fi if [ -n "$IQS_TOKEN" ]; then if [ "$is_blacklisted" = "1" ] || [ "$IQS_ALWAYS_QUERY" = true ]; then # Lookup detailed reputation data on IPQualityScore iqs_query_url="https://ipqualityscore.com/api/json/ip/$IQS_TOKEN/$1" [[ -n "$IQS_CUSTOM_SETTINGS" ]] && iqs_query_url+="?$IQS_CUSTOM_SETTINGS" iqs_output=$(docurl -m4 -s "$iqs_query_url") iqs_success=$(jq -r '.success' <<<"$iqs_output") if [ "$iqs_success" = true ]; then iqs_score=$(jq -r '.fraud_score' <<<"$iqs_output") iqs_proxy=$(jq -r '.proxy' <<<"$iqs_output") iqs_vpn=$(jq -r '.active_vpn' <<<"$iqs_output") iqs_tor=$(jq -r '.active_tor' <<<"$iqs_output") iqs_recentabuse=$(jq -r '.recent_abuse' <<<"$iqs_output") iqs_bot=$(jq -r '.bot_status' <<<"$iqs_output") iqs_crawler=$(jq -r '.is_crawler' <<<"$iqs_output") json_iqs_threat_score+=",\"threat_score\":\"$iqs_score\"" if [ "$iqs_score" -lt 40 ]; then ip_rep_data="✓ GOOD" ip_rep_color="$green" json_rep="good" elif [ "$iqs_score" -lt 75 ]; then ip_rep_data="✓ AVERAGE" ip_rep_color="$green" json_rep="average" elif [ "$iqs_score" -lt 85 ]; then ip_rep_data="! SUSPICIOUS" ip_rep_color="$yellow" json_rep="suspicious" else ip_rep_data="❌ BAD" ip_rep_color="$red" json_rep="bad" fi ip_rep_data="${ip_rep_color}${ip_rep_data} (Threat Score ${iqs_score}%)${default}" [[ "$iqs_recentabuse" = true ]] && ip_rep_data+=" ${redbg} RECENT ABUSER ${default}"; json_iqs_threat_tags+=",\"is_recent_abuser\": true" [[ "$iqs_bot" = true ]] && ip_rep_data+=" ${redbg} BOT ${default}"; json_iqs_threat_tags+=",\"is_bot\": true" [[ "$iqs_proxy" = true ]] && ip_rep_data+=" ${redbg} PROXY ${default}"; json_iqs_threat_tags+=",\"is_proxy\": true" [[ "$iqs_vpn" = true ]] && ip_rep_data+=" ${redbg} VPN ${default}"; json_iqs_threat_tags+=",\"is_vpn\": true" [[ "$iqs_tor" = true ]] && ip_rep_data+=" ${redbg} TOR EXIT NODE ${default}"; json_iqs_threat_tags+=",\"is_tor\": true" [[ "$iqs_crawler" = true ]] && ip_rep_data+=" ${redbg} CRAWLER ${default}"; json_iqs_threat_tags+=",\"is_crawler\": true" else iqs_errmsg=$(jq -r '.message' <<<"$iqs_output") ip_rep_data+=" ${redbg} ERR ${default} (IpQualityScore API said: $iqs_errmsg)" fi fi fi # GreyNoise lookup greynoise_data=$(docurl -m5 -s "https://api.greynoise.io/v3/community/$1") gn_noisy=false gn_riot="" gn_classification="" gn_name="" gn_json_is_knowngood="" gn_json_is_knownbad="" gn_json_aka="" if [ -n "$greynoise_data" ]; then gn_noisy=$(jq -r 'select (.noise != null) | .noise' <<<"$greynoise_data") gn_riot=$(jq -r 'select (.riot != null) | .riot' <<<"$greynoise_data") gn_classification=$(jq -r 'select (.classification != null) | .classification' <<<"$greynoise_data") gn_name=$(jq -r 'select (.name != null) | .name' <<<"$greynoise_data") if [ "$gn_name" = "unknown" ]; then gn_name="${default}" else gn_json_aka="$gn_name" gn_name="as \"$gn_name\" ${default}" fi if [ "$gn_riot" = "true" ] || [ "$gn_classification" = "benign" ]; then # GreyNoise known-good ip_rep_data="${green}✓${default} ${greenbg} KNOWN GOOD $gn_name" json_rep="good" gn_json_is_knowngood=true [[ "$gn_noisy" = "true" ]] && ip_rep_data+=" ${yellowbg} SEEN SCANNING ${default}" elif [ "$gn_classification" = "malicious" ]; then # GreyNoise known-bad [[ "$is_blacklisted" != "1" ]] && ip_rep_data="${red}❌ BAD${default}" # tag the IP with a bad REP, it wasn't caught by StopForumSpam earlier ip_rep_data+=" ${redbg} SCANNER $gn_name" json_rep="bad" gn_json_is_knownbad=true else # GreyNoise not listed, or tagged as "noisy" but not explicitly good or bad [[ "$gn_noisy" = "true" ]] && ip_rep_data+=" ${yellowbg} SEEN SCANNING ${default}" fi fi StatusbarMessage } IPShodanLookup(){ # Shodan InternetDB lookup if [ -n "$mtr_output" ] && [ "$DETAILED_TRACE" = false ]; then # skip Shodan lookup for individual trace hops in non-detailed mode return fi ip_shodan_cpe_data="" ip_shodan_ports_data="" ip_shodan_tags_data="" ip_shodan_cve_data="" shodan_cpes_json_output="" shodan_ports_json_output="" shodan_tags_json_output="" shodan_vulns_json_output="" StatusbarMessage "Collecting open ports, CPE and CVE data" shodan_data=$(docurl -m5 -s "https://internetdb.shodan.io/$1" | grep -v "No information available") if [ -n "$shodan_data" ]; then shodan_cpes=$(jq -r '.cpes[]' <<<"$shodan_data" 2>/dev/null) shodan_cpes_json_output=$(jq -cM 'select (.cpes | length > 0) | .cpes' <<<"$shodan_data" 2>/dev/null) shodan_ports=$(jq -r '.ports[]' <<<"$shodan_data" 2>/dev/null) shodan_ports_json_output=$(jq -cM 'select (.ports | length > 0) | .ports' <<<"$shodan_data" 2>/dev/null) shodan_tags=$(jq -r '.tags[]' <<<"$shodan_data" 2>/dev/null) shodan_tags_json_output=$(jq -cM 'select (.tags | length > 0) | .tags' <<<"$shodan_data" 2>/dev/null) shodan_cve_count=$(jq '.vulns | length' <<<"$shodan_data" 2>/dev/null) shodan_vulns_json_output=$(jq -cM 'select (.vulns | length > 0) | .vulns' <<<"$shodan_data" 2>/dev/null) # fetch CPE types, possible values: # a for Applications, h for Hardware, o for Operating Systems for cpe in $shodan_cpes; do cpetype=$(echo "$cpe" | cut -d ':' -f 2) cpename=$(echo "$cpe" | cut -d ':' -f 3-) case "${cpetype}" in "/a") type="APP" ;; "/o") type="O/S" ;; "/h") type="H/W" ;; *) type="UNK" ;; esac ip_shodan_cpe_data+="${white} [${blue}$type: ${white}$cpename]${default}" done # fetch open ports ip_shodan_ports_data="" for port in $shodan_ports; do [[ -n "$ip_shodan_ports_data" ]] && ip_shodan_ports_data+="," || ip_shodan_ports_data=" ${green}Open ports:" ip_shodan_ports_data+=" $port" done [[ -n "$ip_shodan_ports_data" ]] && ip_shodan_ports_data+="${default}" # fetch Shodan tags ip_shodan_tags_data="" for tag in $shodan_tags; do ip_shodan_tags_data+=" ${lightgreybg} $tag ${default}" done # fetch Shodan CVE count ip_shodan_cve_data="" if [ -n "$shodan_cve_count" ] && [ "$shodan_cve_count" != "0" ]; then [[ "$shodan_cve_count" != "1" ]] && vulntext="VULNERABILITIES" || vulntext="VULNERABILITY" ip_shodan_cve_data+=" ${redbg} $shodan_cve_count $vulntext FOUND ${default} (check " [[ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]] && ip_shodan_cve_data+="Shodan)" || ip_shodan_cve_data+="https://internetdb.shodan.io/$1)" fi fi StatusbarMessage } PwhoisListPrefixesForOrg(){ # list all IPv4 prefixes on pWhois based on an Org-Name # $1 = Org-Name handle [[ "$HAVE_IPCALC" = false ]] && return org="$1" full_org_search_data=$(whois -h whois.pwhois.org "registry org-name=$org") orgids=$(echo -e "$full_org_search_data" | grep -i -E -B1 "Org-Name: $org$" | grep "Org-ID" | cut -d ':' -f 2- | sed 's/^ //g') # assemble bulk pWhois query pwhois_bulk_query="begin\n" for orgid in $orgids; do pwhois_bulk_query+="netblock org-id=${orgid}\n" done pwhois_bulk_query+="end" # query pWhois for prefix in $(echo -e "$pwhois_bulk_query" | ncat whois.pwhois.org 43 | grep -E "^\*>"); do iprange=$(echo -e "$prefix" | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '|' -f 1 | tr -d ' ') IpcalcDeaggregate "$iprange" done } BGPUpstreamLookup(){ # retrieve likely upstream/transit autonomous system(s) for this IP address final_json_output="[]" if [ "$IS_BOGON" = true ]; then PrintErrorAndExit "Error: IP $1 is a bogon address, cannot continue" elif [ -z "$found_asname" ]; then PrintErrorAndExit "Error: IP $1 is not part of an announced prefix, cannot continue" fi BoxHeader "Recently observed upstream/transit AS for $1" # fetch all observed ASPATHs involving this IP address full_json_data=$(docurl -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/bgp-updates/data.json?resource=$1&sourceapp=nitefood-asn") found_prefix=$(jq -r '.data.resource' <<<"$full_json_data") updates=$(jq '.data.updates[].attrs.path' <<<"$full_json_data") GetCAIDARank "$found_asn" asnlist=$(jq -r '. as $aspaths | $aspaths[first((range(1;length) | select($aspaths[.] == '"$found_asn"')) - 1)] // empty' <<<"$updates" | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn) tot=0 for line in $asnlist; do count=$(awk '{print $1}' <<<"$line") tot=$(( tot+count )) done [ -z "$asnlist" ] && total_upstreams_count=0 || total_upstreams_count=$(wc -l <<<"$asnlist") red_upstreams_count=0 green_upstreams_count=0 yellow_upstreams_count=0 white_upstreams_count=0 dim_upstreams_count=0 [[ "$caida_asrank" = "N/A" ]] && caida_asrank=99999 if (( caida_asrank < 100 )) || (( total_upstreams_count > 50 )); then # origin AS is in the top 100, therefore less likely to need transits (given its large customer cone), # or the prefix is widely announced (likely also by well-connected IXP RS peers). # Raise the thresholds to infer transit relationship status (need a higher percentage of BGP updates) green_probability=85 yellow_probability=75 white_probability=65 else green_probability=66 yellow_probability=33 white_probability=25 fi # create a static list of the largest known transit ASNs. # The list includes most of the top 35 CAIDA ranked ASNs (https://asrank.caida.org/?page_number=1&page_size=40&sort=rank) # Note: the list excludes Hurricane Electric (AS6939) because HE is known to largely reannounce most prefixes it receives # (even from IXP RS/SFI peers who do not subscribe a transit relationship with them) static_transits_array=( 3356 1299 174 6762 2914 6461 6453 3257 3491 9002 1273 5511 4637 12956 7473 1239 3320 701 7018 6830 7922 ) legend="\t${red}██ most likely transit\t( very large / Tier 1 upstream AS )${default}" legend+="\n\t${green}██ very likely transit\t( >= ${green_probability}% BGP updates from this AS )${default}" legend+="\n\t${yellow}██ likely transit\t( >= ${yellow_probability}% BGP updates from this AS )${default}" legend+="\n\t██ potentially transit\t( >= ${white_probability}% BGP updates from this AS )${default}" legend+="\n\t${dim}██ unlikely transit\t( < ${white_probability}% BGP updates from this AS )${default}" if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then echo -e "\nLegend:\n$legend\n" echo -e "${bluebg} Target : ${default} ${blue}$1${default} ${dim}(matching prefix: ${white}$found_prefix${dim})${default}" echo -e "${bluebg} Origin AS : ${default} ${red}[AS$found_asn] ${green}$found_asname${default}" echo -e "${bluebg} CAIDA AS rank: ${default} ${caida_asrank_recap}${default}\n" else final_json_output=$(jq '. += [{ "prefix": "'"$found_prefix"'", "origin_as": "'"$found_asn"'", "origin_as_name": "'"$found_asname"'", "origin_as_rank": '"$caida_asrank"' }]' <<<"$final_json_output") final_json_output=$(jq '.[0] += {"upstreams_count": '"$total_upstreams_count"',"upstreams":[]}' <<<"$final_json_output") fi for line in $asnlist; do is_tier1=false count=$(awk '{print $1}' <<<"$line") asn=$(awk '{print $2}' <<<"$line") # TODO use bulk Team Cymru query to lookup asnames asname=$(host -t TXT "AS${asn}.asn.cymru.com" | grep -v "NXDOMAIN" | awk -F'|' 'NR==1{print substr($NF,2,length($NF)-2)}') integer_probability=$(( count*100/tot )) probability=$(jq -n "$count*100/$tot") if grep -qw "$asn" <<<"${static_transits_array[@]}" && (( caida_asrank > 35 )); then # apply static transit list to this AS only if it's not among the top 35 ASNs (per CAIDA rankings). # Larger networks (ranked < 35) are more likely to arrange SFI relationships with other Tier-1 networks, # rather than pay for transit is_tier1=true probability_color="${red}" (( red_upstreams_count++ )) elif (( integer_probability >= "$green_probability" )); then probability_color="${green}" (( green_upstreams_count++ )) elif (( integer_probability >= "$yellow_probability" )); then probability_color="${yellow}" (( yellow_upstreams_count++ )) elif (( integer_probability >= "$white_probability" )); then probability_color="${default}" (( white_upstreams_count++ )) else probability_color="${dim}" (( dim_upstreams_count++ )) fi if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then final_json_output=$(jq '.[0].upstreams += [{"asn":"'"$asn"'", "asname":"'"$asname"'", "probability":'"$(printf "%.2f" "$probability")"', "is_tier1":'"$is_tier1"'}]' <<<"$final_json_output") else printf "${probability_color}██\tAS%-6s (%6.2f%%) - %s${default}\n" "$asn" "$probability" "$asname" fi done # count each type of upstreams and try to determine if this prefix is multihomed # echo "dbg green: $green_upstreams_count, yellow: $yellow_upstreams_count, white: $white_upstreams_count, dim: $dim_upstreams_count" MULTIPLE_UPSTREAMS=false multiple_string="multiple" if (( total_upstreams_count >= 20 )); then MULTIPLE_UPSTREAMS=true multiple_string="several" elif (( green_upstreams_count >= 2 )) || (( yellow_upstreams_count >= 2 )) || (( white_upstreams_count >= 2 )) || (( red_upstreams_count >= 2 )); then MULTIPLE_UPSTREAMS=true fi if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then if [ "$MULTIPLE_UPSTREAMS" = true ]; then echo -e "\n${bluebg} INFO ${default}${blue} This prefix seems to be reannounced by ${underline}$multiple_string ($total_upstreams_count) upstream ASNs${default}${blue}. Possible reasons include:\n\t- ${underline}BGP multihoming${default}${blue} (if few upstreams announce this prefix)\n\t- ${underline}Tier 1 origin AS${default}${blue} or highly reachable prefix${default}${blue} (if many upstreams announce this prefix)\n\t- ${underline}Anycast prefix${default}\n" fi else json_resultcount="1" final_json_output=$(jq '.[0] += {"multiple_upstreams": '"$MULTIPLE_UPSTREAMS"'}' <<<"$final_json_output") fi if (( total_upstreams_count == 0 )); then echo -e "\n${lightgreybg} Prefix has not been observed in the DFZ recently ${default}\n" fi } AsnServerListener(){ DisableColors BoxHeader "ASN Lookup Server v$ASN_VERSION on $HOSTNAME" if [ "$ASN_DEBUG" = true ]; then server_user_uid=$(id -u) server_user_name=$(id -n -u "$server_user_uid") echo -e "\n- ${yellow}[DBG]${default} Server UID : ${blue}${server_user_uid} (${server_user_name})${default}" >&2 echo -en "- ${yellow}[DBG]${default} Server BIND_ADDR :" >&2 [[ -z "$ASN_SRV_BINDADDR" ]] && echo -en " ${green}not specified (default v4/v6)${default}" || echo -en " $ASN_SRV_BINDADDR" >&2 echo -en "\n- ${yellow}[DBG]${default} Server BIND_PORT : $ASN_SRV_BINDPORT" >&2 [[ "$ASN_SRV_BINDPORT" = "$DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDPORT" ]] && echo -en " ${green}(default)${default}" >&2 echo -e "\n- ${yellow}[DBG]${default} Ncat options : '${blue}${userinput}${default}'\n" >&2 fi CLOUD_SHELL_MARK="${red}❌ NO${default}" # fetch external IP and ASN to include in the HTML reports StatusbarMessage "Detecting host external IP and ASN" WhatIsMyIP if [ "$HAVE_IPV6" = true ]; then found_asn=$(docurl -s "https://stat.ripe.net/data/whois/data.json?resource=$local_wanip&sourceapp=nitefood-asn" | jq -r '.data.irr_records[0] | map(select(.key | match ("origin"))) | .[].value') WhoisASN "$found_asn" [[ -z "$ASN_SRV_BINDADDR" ]] && ASN_SRV_BINDADDR="$DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDADDR_v6" else LookupASNAndRouteFromIP "$local_wanip" [[ -z "$ASN_SRV_BINDADDR" ]] && ASN_SRV_BINDADDR="$DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDADDR_v4" fi if [ -z "$found_asn" ]; then found_asn="N/A" found_asname="(Unknown)" fi server_country=$(echo "${found_asname##*,}" | tr -d ' ') [[ -z "$server_country" ]] && server_country="(Unknown)" # prepare the server URL (for the JS bookmarklet) if [ "$ASN_SRV_BINDADDR" = "" ] || [ "$ASN_SRV_BINDADDR" = "::" ]; then INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_ADDRESS="$local_wanip:$ASN_SRV_BINDPORT" else INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_ADDRESS="$ASN_SRV_BINDADDR:$ASN_SRV_BINDPORT" fi BOOKMARKLET_URL="http://${INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_ADDRESS}/asn_bookmarklet" # detect if we're running in Google Cloud Shell environment if [ "$GOOGLE_CLOUD_SHELL" = true ] && [ -n "$WEB_HOST" ]; then # on Google Cloud Shell, the $WEB_HOST environment variable contains the external hostname to reach the server # the format is https://- (cheers https://stackoverflow.com/a/70255668) INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_ADDRESS="${ASN_SRV_BINDPORT}-${WEB_HOST}" BOOKMARKLET_URL="https://${INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_ADDRESS}/asn_bookmarklet" CLOUD_SHELL_MARK="${green}✓ YES${default}" fi StatusbarMessage if [ "$HAVE_IPV6" = true ]; then [[ "$IS_HEADLESS" = true ]] && ipv6_mark="YES" || ipv6_mark="${green}✓ YES${default}" else [[ "$IS_HEADLESS" = true ]] && ipv6_mark="NO" || ipv6_mark="${red}❌ NO${default}" fi # properly show [IP]:PORT notation in case of IPv6 binding if grep -q ':' <<<"$ASN_SRV_BINDADDR"; then DISPLAY_ASN_SRV_BINDADDR="[${ASN_SRV_BINDADDR}]" else DISPLAY_ASN_SRV_BINDADDR="${ASN_SRV_BINDADDR}" fi echo -e "\n- Server ext. IP : ${blue}${local_wanip}${default}" \ "\n- Server Country : ${blue}${server_country}${default}" \ "\n- Server ASN : ${red}[AS${found_asn}]${default} ${green}$found_asname${default}" \ "\n- Server has IPv6 : ${ipv6_mark}" \ "\n- Running on GCP : ${CLOUD_SHELL_MARK}" \ "\n- Bookmarklet URL : ${BOOKMARKLET_URL}" \ "\n\n[$(date +"%F %T")] ${bluebg} INFO ${default} ASN Lookup Server listening on ${white}${DISPLAY_ASN_SRV_BINDADDR}:${ASN_SRV_BINDPORT}${default}" server_country="$(echo -e "$server_country" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" trap ' [[ "$IS_HEADLESS" = false ]] && echo -en "\r" >&2 echo -e "[$(date +"%F %T")] ${bluebg} INFO ${default} ASN Lookup Server requested shutdown, terminating..." >&2 exit 0 ' INT TERM #* Assemble the ncat listener command. Also pass on MONOCHROME/DEBUG preferences #* to the listener child (which will output to stderr on server's console) #* and print informations about client requests (1 child spawned per client connected) read -r -d '' ncat_cmd <<- END_OF_NCAT_CMD ncat -k -l $ASN_SRV_BINDADDR $ASN_SRV_BINDPORT $userinput --sh-exec " export NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR; \ found_asn=\"$found_asn\" \ found_asname=\"$found_asname\" \ server_country=\"$server_country\" \ INTERNAL_CONNHANDLER_CHILD=false \ INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_CONNHANDLER=true \ INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_ADDRESS="$INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_ADDRESS" \ MONOCHROME_MODE=\"$MONOCHROME_MODE\" \ ASN_DEBUG=\"$ASN_DEBUG\" \ \"$0\" " END_OF_NCAT_CMD #! Start the ncat listener and serve each client request #! by respawning the script with $INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_CONNHANDLER => true #! for every incoming connection eval "$ncat_cmd" PrintErrorAndExit "ERROR: The ncat server crashed or couldn't start. Try passing the '-v' option to see precisely what is being passed to it." } Ctrl_C() { if [ "$NO_ERROR_ON_INTERRUPT" = true ]; then StatusbarMessage tput sgr0 ShowMenu else PrintErrorAndExit "Interrupted" fi } BoxHeader() { # cheers https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/70616 # no output if in json mode [[ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]] && return local message="$*" if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then echo "BOXHEADER $message" # the BOXHEADER tag will be transformed by the ASN server into an html element else if [ "$IS_HEADLESS" = true ]; then echo "// $message //" else echo -e "\n${white}╭─${message//?/─}─╮\n│ ${yellow}${message}${white} │\n╰─${message//?/─}─╯" tput sgr 0 fi fi } StatusbarMessage() { # invoke without parameters to delete the status bar message # suppress output for headless runs [[ "$IS_HEADLESS" = true ]] && return if [ "$ASN_DEBUG" = true ]; then # [[ -n "$1" ]] && statusdbgstring="$1" || statusdbgstring="[remove last statusbar message]" # echo -e "${default}[$(date +'%F %T')] ${lightgreybg} STATUS ${default} ${statusdbgstring}${default}" return fi if [ -n "$statusbar_message" ]; then # delete previous status bar message blank_line=$(printf "%.0s " $(seq "$terminal_width")) printf "\r%s\r" "$blank_line" >&2 fi if [ -n "$1" ]; then statusbar_message="$1" max_msg_size=$((terminal_width-23)) if [ "${#statusbar_message}" -gt "${max_msg_size}" ]; then statusbar_message="${lightgreybg}${statusbar_message:0:$max_msg_size}${lightgreybg}..." else statusbar_message="${lightgreybg}${statusbar_message}" fi statusbar_message+="${lightgreybg} (press CTRL-C to cancel)...${default}" echo -en "$statusbar_message" >&2 fi } WhatIsMyIP() { # only lookup local WAN IP once [[ -n "$local_wanip" ]] && return # retrieve local WAN IP (v6 takes precedence) from ifconfig.co local_wanip=$(docurl -s "https://ifconfig.co") # handle ifconfig.co serving a captcha-type redirect page (e.g. when coming from some AWS networks) grep -qE '^' <<<"$local_wanip" && local_wanip=$(docurl -s "https://api64.ipify.org") # check if we default to an IPv6 internet connection if echo "$local_wanip" | grep -q ':'; then HAVE_IPV6=true fi } DisableColors() { # avoid colors for headless server runs (e.g. systemd logs/status), # for listener runs, json output and monochrome mode if [ "$IS_HEADLESS" = true ] || [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then # disable all colors for headless/json green="" magenta="" yellow="" white="" blue="" red="" black="" lightyellow="" lightred="" lightblue="" lightgreybg="" bluebg="" redbg="" greenbg="" yellowbg="" dim="" default="" elif [ "$MONOCHROME_MODE" = true ]; then # set all colors to white, leave black/white/dim/default intact green="$white" magenta="$white" yellow="$white" blue="$white" red="$white" lightyellow="$white" lightred="$white" lightblue="$white" bluebg="$lightgreybg" redbg="$lightgreybg" greenbg="$lightgreybg" yellowbg="$lightgreybg" fi } CoreutilsFixup() { # check for GNU coreutils alternatives (improve command predictability on FreeBSD/MacOS systems) if [ -x "$(command -v gdate)" ]; then date() { gdate "$@"; } export -f date fi if [ -x "$(command -v gsed)" ]; then sed() { gsed "$@"; } export -f sed fi if [ -x "$(command -v gawk)" ]; then awk() { gawk "$@"; } export -f awk fi if [ -x "$(command -v gbase64)" ]; then base64() { gbase64 "$@"; } export -f base64 fi if [ -x "$(command -v gwc)" ]; then wc() { gwc "$@"; } export -f wc fi if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ] || [ "$IS_ASN_CONNHANDLER" = true ]; then # suppress the tput command during headless runs tput() { :; } export -f tput fi } IpcalcVersionCheck() { # check for ipcalc version to accomodate both v1.0.0+ (CentOS/RHEL/Rocky 9) and v0.41+ (Debian derivatives) IPCALC_FLAG="" if [ "$HAVE_IPCALC" = true ]; then ipcalc_version=$(ipcalc -v | sed 's/ipcalc //') ipcalc_major=$(echo "$ipcalc_version" | cut -d '.' -f 1) case "${ipcalc_major}" in "0") ipcalc_minor=$(echo "$ipcalc_version" | cut -d '.' -f 2) if [ "$ipcalc_minor" -ge 5 ]; then IPCALC_FLAG="-r" else HAVE_IPCALC=false missing_tools+="\n - ipcalc" disabled_features+="\n - CIDR deaggregation (due to incompatible ipcalc version - v0.5+ for Debian-based or v1.0.0+ for RHEL-based required, but you have v$ipcalc_version)" fi ;; "1") IPCALC_FLAG="-d" ;; esac fi } IpcalcDeaggregate() { ipcalc_parm=$(tr -d ' ' <<<"$1") if grep -q "/" <<<"$1"; then # consider input to be already a CIDR block, return it unchanged echo "$1" else ipcalc ${IPCALC_FLAG} "$ipcalc_parm" 2>/dev/null | grep -iv "deaggregate" | awk '{print $NF}' | tail -n1 fi } CheckPrerequisites() { saveIFS="$IFS" IFS=' ' prerequisite_tools="jq whois host curl" # mandatory tools optional_tools="nmap mtr ipcalc grepcidr ncat aha" # optional tools missing_tools="" disabled_features="" HARD_FAIL=false HAVE_IPCALC=true HAVE_NMAP=true IXP_DETECTION=true UNABLE_TO_SERVE=false # BASH version check bash_major=$(echo "${BASH_VERSION}" | cut -d '.' -f 1) bash_minor=$(echo "${BASH_VERSION}" | cut -d '.' -f 2) bash_version_too_low=false if [ "$bash_major" -lt 4 ]; then bash_version_too_low=true elif [ "$bash_major" -eq 4 ] && [ "$bash_minor" -lt 2 ]; then bash_version_too_low=true fi [[ "$bash_version_too_low" = true ]] && PrintErrorAndExit "Error: BASH version must be >= 4.2 (you are running v${BASH_VERSION})" # Mandatory tools checking (hard fail if not found) for tool in $prerequisite_tools; do if [ -z "$(command -v "$tool")" ]; then missing_tools+="\n - $tool" HARD_FAIL=true fi done # Optional tools checking (no hard fail if not found, but some features disabled) for tool in $optional_tools; do if [ -z "$(command -v "$tool")" ]; then missing_tools+="\n - $tool" case "$tool" in "mtr") disabled_feat="AS path tracing" MTR_TRACING=false ;; "nmap") disabled_feat="Recon mode (Shodan scanning)" HAVE_NMAP=false ;; "ipcalc") disabled_feat="CIDR deaggregation" HAVE_IPCALC=false ;; "grepcidr") disabled_feat="IXP prefix detection" IXP_DETECTION=false ;; "ncat"|"aha") disabled_feat="ASN Lookup Server" UNABLE_TO_SERVE=true ;; esac disabled_features+="\n - ${disabled_feat}" fi done IpcalcVersionCheck if [ -n "$missing_tools" ]; then if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then BoxHeader "! WARNING !" echo -e "\nThe following tools were not found on this system:" \ "${red} ${missing_tools}${default}" >&2 if [ -n "$disabled_features" ]; then echo -e "\nThe following features will be disabled:" \ "${yellow}${disabled_features}${default}" >&2 fi echo -e "\nPlease install the necessary prerequisite packages\nfor your system by following these instructions:" \ "\n\n>> ${blue}https://github.com/nitefood/asn#prerequisite-packages${default} <<\n" >&2 [[ "$HARD_FAIL" = true ]] && PrintErrorAndExit "Can not continue without (at least) the following tools: ${prerequisite_tools// /, }" read -srp "${lightgreybg}Press ENTER to continue...${default}" >&2 else [[ "$HARD_FAIL" = true ]] && PrintErrorAndExit "Can not continue without (at least) the following tools: ${prerequisite_tools// /, }" fi fi IQS_TOKEN="" IPINFO_TOKEN="" IFS=$'\n' # Read tokens token from possible config files on disk for asn_config_file in $(tr ':' '\n' <<<"$IQS_TOKEN_FILES"); do if [ -r "$asn_config_file" ]; then IQS_TOKEN=$(tr -d ' \n\r\t' < "$asn_config_file") break fi done for asn_config_file in $(tr ':' '\n' <<<"$IPINFO_TOKEN_FILES"); do if [ -r "$asn_config_file" ]; then IPINFO_TOKEN=$(tr -d ' \n\r\t' < "$asn_config_file") break fi done if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then if [ -z "$IQS_TOKEN" ] || [ -z "$IPINFO_TOKEN" ]; then # warn the user about the absence of external API token(s) if [ "$IS_HEADLESS" = true ]; then line="------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "\n${line}\nWARNING: At least one external (free) API token is missing." \ "\nCheck https://github.com/nitefood/asn#api-tokens for\ninstructions on how to enable them." \ "\n${line}" >&2 else line="────────────────────────────────────────────────────" echo -e "\n${dim}${yellow}${line}" \ "\nWarning: ${dim}${yellow}At least one external API token is missing." \ "\nTo enable full script functionalities, please visit" \ "\n${blue}https://github.com/nitefood/asn#api-tokens" >&2 echo -e "${yellow}${line}${default}" >&2 fi fi if [ "$ASN_DEBUG" = true ]; then echo "" for token in "IQS_TOKEN" "IPINFO_TOKEN"; do if [ -z "${!token}" ]; then DebugPrint "${dim}${white}[$token: ${red}❌ NOT FOUND${white}]" else DebugPrint "${dim}${white}[$token: ${green}✓ OK${white}]" fi done fi fi # if [ -z "$IQS_TOKEN" ] && [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then # # warn the user about the absence of in-depth IP reputation API token # if [ "$IS_HEADLESS" = true ]; then # line="------------------------------------------------------------" # echo -e "\n${line}\nWARNING: No IpQualityScore token found, disabling in-depth\nthreat analysis. Check" \ # "\nhttps://github.com/nitefood/asn#ip-reputation-api-token for\ninstructions on how to enable it." \ # "\n${line}" >&2 # else # line="────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────" # echo -en "\n${yellow}${line}\n\t\t\tWARNING${default}" \ # "\n\n${white}No IPQualityScore token found, so disabling in-depth threat" \ # "\nanalysis and IP reputation lookups. Please visit" \ # "\n${blue}https://github.com/nitefood/asn#ip-reputation-api-token${white}" \ # "\nfor instructions on how to enable it." \ # "\n${yellow}${line}${default}\n" >&2 # fi # fi # # API tokens presence check # if [ "$IS_HEADLESS" = false ] && [ -z "$IPINFO_TOKEN" ]; then # echo "" # echo -e "${dim}${blue}[INFO]${white} No IQS token found, disabling in-depth threat analysis (${underline}https://github.com/nitefood/asn#ip-reputation-api-token${default}${dim}${white})${default}" # echo -e "${dim}${blue}[INFO]${white} No IPINFO token found, add one (for free) to raise request limit to 50k/month (${underline}http://github.com/nitefood/asn/ipinfo-token${default}${dim}${white})${default}" # fi CoreutilsFixup IFS="$saveIFS" } DebugPrint(){ # Debug print helper function. will display debug string in terminal mode, or full client debug info in headless mode. Will append output to $ASN_LOGFILE logfile if [ "$ASN_DEBUG" = true ]; then # strip CRLFs dbgstring=$(echo -e "$1" | tr -d '\r\n') if [ "$IS_HEADLESS" = false ]; then # command line tool mode echo -e "${default}[$(date +'%F %T')] ${lightgreybg} DEBUG ${default} $dbgstring" >&2 echo -e "\n────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────" \ "\n>>>> ${default}[$(date +'%F %T')] ${lightgreybg} DEBUG ${default} $dbgstring" >> "$ASN_LOGFILE" else # server mode if [ -z "$host" ]; then target='N/A' else target="$host" fi if [ -z "$reqid" ]; then requestid='N/A' else requestid="$reqid" fi echo -e "${default}[$(date +'%F %T')] ${lightgreybg} DEBUG ${default} $dbgstring [CLIENT: ${yellow}$NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR${default}, " \ "TARGET: ${magenta}$target${default}, REQID: ${blue}$requestid${default}]" >&2 \ echo -e "${default}[$(date +'%F %T')] ${lightgreybg} DEBUG ${default} $dbgstring [CLIENT: ${yellow}$NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR${default}, " \ "TARGET: ${magenta}$target${default}, REQID: ${blue}$requestid${default}]" >> "$ASN_LOGFILE" fi fi } StripAnsi() { # portable ANSI colors strip helper fn (for termbin sharing) - cheers https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/140255 # shellcheck disable=SC2001 echo -e "$1" | sed "s,$(printf '\033')\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z],,g" } HandleNcatClientConnection() { # ╭─────────────────────────────────────╮ # │ MAIN NCAT CLIENT CONNECTION HANDLER │ # ╰─────────────────────────────────────╯ DisableColors # HTTP response headers http_ok='HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n' http_ok_json='HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n' http_ko='HTTP/1.0 400\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n

400 Bad Request

\nYour request could not be processed.' http_ko_json='HTTP/1.0 400\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n' # Javascript bookmarklet js_bookmarklet='javascript:(function(){var asnserver="'"${INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_ADDRESS}"'",target=window.location.hostname,' js_bookmarklet+='width=screen.width-screen.width/7,height=screen.height-screen.height/4,left=window.innerWidth/2-width/2,top=window.innerHeight/2-height/2;' js_bookmarklet+='window.open("http://"+asnserver+"/asn_lookup&"+target,"newWindow","width="+width+",height="+height+",top="+top+",left="+left)})();' # HTML bookmarklet page read -r -d '' html_bookmarklet_page <<- END_OF_BOOKMARKLET_HTML [ASN] Server configuration (client-side)

- ASN Server // Browser Integration - 1) Drag and drop the yellow link below to your bookmarks toolbar: ASN LOOKUP 2) Close this page and click the new bookmark while viewing any website. A lookup and trace for that host should start in a pop-up window.

ASN Lookup Server v${ASN_VERSION} running on $HOSTNAME
END_OF_BOOKMARKLET_HTML # HTML opening tags # shellcheck disable=SC2016 html_header=' [ASN] Lookup

	# HTML closing tags


	# a client just connected
	echo -e "[$(date +'%F %T')] ${bluebg}  INFO   ${default} Incoming connection by client ${yellow}$NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR${default}" >&2

	# read input from client (URL being accessed through the client browser)
	read -r line
	DebugPrint "RECEIVED new client request: '$line'"

	# handle 'asn_bookmarklet' command. This will show a web page for easy dragging&dropping of the bookmarklet to the favorites toolbar
	if (echo -e "$line" | grep -Eq "^GET /asn_bookmarklet[?& ]"); then
		DebugPrint "SERVING bookmarklet page to client"
		echo -e "${http_ok}${html_bookmarklet_page}"

	# handle 'termbin_share' command. This will decode the input and send it to termbin, returning a html link to the client
	elif (echo -e "$line" | grep -Eq "^GET /termbin_share&"); then
		# send HTTP 200 OK header to client
		echo -e "${http_ok}"
		# decode input data
		input_data="$(echo -e "$line" | cut -d '&' -f 2- | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | base64 -d | gunzip)"
		if [ -n "$input_data" ]; then
			# share on termbin.com and output the url to the client
			termbin_url="$(echo -e "$input_data" | timeout 10 ncat termbin.com 9999 | tr -d '\r\n\0')" # sanitize trailing characters in termbin output link
		# analyze the sharing attempt result
		if [ -n "$termbin_url" ]; then
			# sharing successful, output the link
			echo -e "${termbin_url}\n"
			# log the successful sharing attempt
			echo -e "[$(date +'%F %T')] ${greenbg} SHAREOK ${default} Successfully shared termbin link ${blue}${termbin_url}${default} with client ${yellow}$NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR${default}" >&2
			exit 0
		elif [ -z "$input_data" ]; then
			sharefailreason="invalid input data"
		elif [ -z "$termbin_url" ]; then
			sharefailreason="termbin.com error"
			sharefailreason="unknown reason"
		# log the failed sharing attempt
		echo -e "[$(date +'%F %T')] ${redbg} SHAREKO ${default} Error sharing termbin link with client ${yellow}$NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR${default} ($sharefailreason)" >&2
		# close the client connection without any output
		exit 1

	elif (grep -Eq "^GET /asn_lookup(_json[p]?)?&" <<<"$line"); then
		starttime=$(date +'%s')
		startdatetime=$(date +'%F %T')
		reportdatetime=$(date +'%F %T (%Z)')

		# detect output method requested by the user
		method=$(echo -e "$line" | cut -d '&' -f 1)
		if grep -q "jsonp" <<<"$method"; then
			# user requested pretty-print json output from the server
		elif grep -q "json" <<<"$method"; then
			# user requested compact json output from the server
		# handle 'asn_lookup' command. This will start a lookup for the target.
		# 1) trim down target length to at most 100 characters
		# 2) extract target from client request (cut on ampersand first, space next, e.g.: 'GET /asn_lookup&google.com HTTP/1.1' should return google.com)
		# 3) convert any '%3A' to ':' (for IPv6 searches)
		# 4) convert any '%2F' to '/' (for URL searches)
		# 5) strip leading slash (/google.com -> google.com)
		# 6) sanitize by stripping any character except letters, numbers, and dot/colon/dash [.:-])
		target=$(echo -e "$line" | cut -d '&' -f 2- | awk -F' ' '{print substr($1,0,100)}')
		host=$(echo -e "$target" | sed -e 's/%3[aA]/:/g' -e 's/%2[fF]/\//g' -e 's/^\///' -e 's/[^0-9a-zA-Z/\.:-]//g')

		# validate target by checking if it's an:
		# 1) IP address
		# 2) hostname (beginning with any alphanumeric character and including at least one dot '.')
		# 3) AS number (with or without case-insensitive 'AS' prefix)
		is_valid_target=$(echo -e "$host" | grep -Eo "$ipv4v6regex|^([0-9a-zA-Z])+.*\.|^([aA][sS])?[0-9]{1,6}$")

		# avoid invalid/malformed targets
		if [ -n "$is_valid_target" ]; then
			# this is a valid client request, set up request identifier
			reqid=$(date +'%N')

			echo -e "[$startdatetime] ${yellowbg} STARTED ${default} Lookup request by client ${yellow}$NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR${default} for target ${magenta}$host${default} (Request ID: ${blue}$reqid${default})" >&2

			if [ "$OUTPUT_TYPE" = "json" ] || [ "$OUTPUT_TYPE" = "jsonp" ]; then
				# send HTTP 200 OK response with JSON Content-Type
				echo -e "${http_ok_json}"
				# send HTTP 200 OK response and display HTML headers
				echo -e "${http_ok}${html_header}"
			countryname=$(docurl -m2 -s "https://restcountries.com/v3.1/alpha/$server_country" | jq -r '.[].name.common')
			if [ -n "$countryname" ] && [ "$countryname" != "null" ]; then

			if [ -z "$OUTPUT_TYPE" ]; then
				# default HTML mode, display ASN server info table
				echo -e "
ASN Lookup Server Report
Lookup Target Client IP Lookup Server ASN Lookup Server Hostname Date and time
$host $NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR $found_asn ($found_asname ) $HOSTNAME $reportdatetime

" fi # spawn ASN child and output results to the client DebugPrint "Spawning child" INTERNAL_CONNHANDLER_CHILD=true INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_CONNHANDLER=false INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_OUTPUT_TYPE="$OUTPUT_TYPE" TERM=dumb "$0" "$host" | { #* ╭──────────────────────────────────────────────╮ #* │ Main child output parsing loop command group │ #* ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────╯ if [ -n "$OUTPUT_TYPE" ]; then # JSON/JSONP mode while IFS= read -r outputline; do echo -e "$outputline" done else # HTML mode TextHeader() { headerwidth="150" padchar="_" padding="$(printf '%0.1s' ' '{1..500})" printf "%${headerwidth}s\n\n" "" | tr " " "${padchar}" printf '%*.*s %s %*.*s\n' 0 "$(((headerwidth-2-${#1})/2))" "$padding" "$1" 0 "$(((headerwidth-1-${#1})/2))" "$padding" printf "%${headerwidth}s\n" "" | tr " " "${padchar}" } # initialize textual trace log variable tracedata="" while IFS= read -r outputline; do # DebugPrint "[$reqid] CHILD OUTPUT: $outputline" "false" if echo -e "$outputline" | grep -Eq "^BOXHEADER "; then # child instance is displaying a BoxHeader, transform it into a message=$(echo -e "$outputline" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-) echo -e "
\n" # append boxheader to tracefile # tracedata+="$(BoxHeader "$message")\n" tracedata+=$(TextHeader "[ $message ]") tracedata+="\n\n" if echo -e "$message" | grep -q "Trace to "; then echo -e "" fi elif grep -Eq "#COUNTRYCODE" <<<"$outputline"; then # child instance is indicating a country code for the current IP, map it to a SVG and display it on the HTML report # alternative URLs for the flag SVGs: # JSdelivr CDN: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/flag-icon-css/flags/4x3/$cc.svg # Github Pages: https://lipis.github.io/flag-icon-css/flags/4x3/$cc.svg # CloudflareJS: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/flag-icon-css/3.5.0/flags/4x3/$cc.svg cc=$(echo -e "$outputline" | awk '{print $NF}') # lookup full country name countryname=$(docurl -m2 -s "https://restcountries.com/v3.1/alpha/$cc" | jq -r '.[].name.common') if [ -n "$countryname" ] && [ "$countryname" != "null" ]; then title_tag="title='$countryname'" else title_tag="" fi target_flag_img="" outputline=$(echo -e "$outputline" | sed -e 's/#COUNTRYCODE.*//') tracedata+="$outputline\n" outputline=$(echo -e "$outputline" | tr -d '\r\n' | aha -b -n) printf "%s%s\n" "$outputline" "$target_flag_img" elif grep -Eq "]*>/,""); print }' <<<"$outputline") tracedata+="$href_stripped\n" printf "%s\n" "$outputline" | aha -b -n | sed -e 's/<//g' -e 's/"/"/g' -e 's/&/&/g' elif grep -Eq "#PERFORMWHOIS" <<<"$outputline"; then # child instance is asking us to perform a whois lookup for the target domain # and show it to the user in the form of a tooltip targetdomain=$(echo -e "$outputline" | awk '{print $NF}') targetdomaindata=$(whois -H "$targetdomain" | grep -Ev "^\*") hostio_href="host.io" hostio_link=" $hostio_href🔗" read -r -d '' whoisbutton <<- END_OF_MODAL_HTML END_OF_MODAL_HTML outputline=$(echo -e "$outputline" | sed -e 's/#PERFORMWHOIS.*//') tracedata+="${outputline}\n" outputline+="($whoisbutton•$hostio_link )" printf "%s\n" "$outputline" | aha -b -n | sed -e 's/<//g' -e 's/"/"/g' -e 's/&/&/g' else tracedata+="$outputline\n" printf "%s\n" "$outputline" | aha -b -n fi printf "" # cheers https://stackoverflow.com/a/55471426 done #* Child asn instance finished, finish up the html # append text footer to tracedata (will only be displayed when sharing results on termbin) footermsg="Report generated by ASN Lookup Server v${ASN_VERSION} (https://github.com/nitefood/asn) on $reportdatetime" footermsglen=${#footermsg} footerhr=$(printf "%150s" "" | tr " " "_") tracedata+="$(printf "%s\n\n%*s\n" "$footerhr" $(((footermsglen+150)/2)) "$footermsg")" # print closing headers endtime=$(date +%s) runtime=$((endtime-starttime)) echo -e "
" \ "
" \ "" \ "Generated by ASN Lookup Server v${ASN_VERSION} running on $HOSTNAME in ${runtime}s (request ID: $reqid)" \ "" \ "

" \ "" \ "What is that?" \ "\n" \ "
" \ "" # create a hidden div with the gzipped+b64 encoded trace output for optional termbin sharing tracedata_encoded="$(StripAnsi "$tracedata" | gzip | base64 -w0)" echo -e "" echo -e "$html_footer" fi } # end the ncat client connection for this request ID childretval="$?" if [ "$childretval" -eq 0 ]; then DebugPrint "Child process completed successfully" [[ -z "$OUTPUT_TYPE" ]] && echo -e "" # log lookup request completed on server side echo -e "[$(date +"%F %T")] ${greenbg}COMPLETED${default} Lookup request by client ${yellow}$NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR${default} for target ${magenta}$host${default} (Request ID: ${blue}$reqid${default})" >&2 else DebugPrint "Child process failed with exit code $childretval (SIG$(kill -l $childretval))" echo -e "[$(date +"%F %T")] ${redbg} FAILED ${default} Lookup request by client ${yellow}$NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR${default} for target ${magenta}$host${default} failed with exit code $childretval (SIG$(kill -l $childretval)) (Request ID: ${blue}$reqid${default})" >&2 fi if [ "$childretval" -eq 141 ]; then DebugPrint "Client has gone away?" fi else # send HTTP code 400 Bad Request to client if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then echo -e "$http_ko" else echo -e "$http_ko_json" userinput="$host" json_resultcount=0 final_json_output="" PrintErrorAndExit "bad request" fi # log lookup request ignored on server side echo -e "[$(date +"%F %T")] ${redbg} IGNORED ${default} Malformed data in request by client ${yellow}$NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR${default} for target ${magenta}$host${default}" >&2 fi else # ignore spurious browser requests (e.g. 'GET /favicon.ico') or scans. # Log the bad request on server side, sleep for 1 second, and drop the connection reqbytes=$(echo -e "$line" | awk -F$'\r\n' '{print substr($1,0,30)}') echo -e "[$(date +"%F %T")] ${redbg} IGNORED ${default} Ignored request by client ${yellow}$NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR${default}. Request data (first 30 bytes): ${red}${reqbytes}${default}" >&2 sleep 1 fi } #! ╭───────────────────────╮ #! │ Main asn script start │ #! ╰───────────────────────╯ IFS=$'\n\t' # Color scheme green=$'\e[38;5;035m' magenta=$'\e[38;5;207m' yellow=$'\e[38;5;142m' white=$'\e[38;5;007m' blue=$'\e[38;5;038m' red=$'\e[38;5;203m' black=$'\e[38;5;016m' lightyellow=$'\e[38;5;220m' lightred=$'\e[38;5;167m' lightblue=$'\e[38;5;109m' lightgreybg=$'\e[48;5;252m'${black} bluebg=$'\e[48;5;038m'${black} redbg=$'\e[48;5;210m'${black} greenbg=$'\e[48;5;035m'${black} yellowbg=$'\e[48;5;142m'${black} dim=$'\e[2m' underline=$'\e[4m' default=$'\e[0m' # HTML color codes matching ANSI colors used by the script htmlwhite="#cccccc" htmlblack="#1e1e1e" htmllightgray="#d5d5d5" htmlred="#ff5f5f" htmldarkred="#b74d4d" htmlblue="#00afd7" htmlyellow="#afaf00" htmlgreen="#00af5f" htmldarkgreen="#058505" htmlmagenta="#ff5fff" [[ "$TERM" = "dumb" ]] && IS_HEADLESS=true || IS_HEADLESS=false ipv4v6regex='[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}|(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|'\ '([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|'\ '([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|'\ ':((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|'\ '(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|'\ '1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))' # cheers https://stackoverflow.com/a/17871737 # Get terminal width. If running headless in a child instance (or in server mode) set it to a "sane" value to display appropriate HTML spacing in reports if [ "$IS_HEADLESS" = true ]; then terminal_width=233 else terminal_width=$(tput cols) trap 'terminal_width=$(tput cols)' SIGWINCH fi # Check if this script instance was launched by the ASN server connection handler if [ "$INTERNAL_CONNHANDLER_CHILD" = true ]; then IS_ASN_CHILD=true else IS_ASN_CHILD=false fi # Check if this script instance was spawned by the ncat listener if [ "$INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_CONNHANDLER" = true ]; then IS_ASN_CONNHANDLER=true HandleNcatClientConnection exit 0 else IS_ASN_CONNHANDLER=false fi # External API tokens for ipqualityscore.com (IP reputation & threat analisys lookup) # and ipinfo.io (IP geolocation lookup) # Files will be parsed in the order they are declared (first path found takes precedence) IQS_TOKEN_FILES="$HOME/.asn/iqs_token:/etc/asn/iqs_token" IPINFO_TOKEN_FILES="$HOME/.asn/ipinfo_token:/etc/asn/ipinfo_token" # SIGINT trapping NO_ERROR_ON_INTERRUPT=false trap Ctrl_C INT # PeeringDB list of IXP prefixes peeringdb_dataset="" peeringdb_ipv6_dataset="" # Well known ports list [[ -r "/etc/services" ]] && WELL_KNOWN_PORTS=$(cat /etc/services) || WELL_KNOWN_PORTS="" # default options (configurable via $HOME/.asnrc) MTR_TRACING=true ADDITIONAL_INETNUM_LOOKUP=true DETAILED_TRACE=false MTR_ROUNDS=5 MAX_CONCURRENT_SHODAN_REQUESTS=10 SHODAN_SHOW_TOP_N=5 MONOCHROME_MODE=false ASN_DEBUG=false JSON_OUTPUT=false JSON_PRETTY=false DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDADDR_v4="" DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDADDR_v6="::1" DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDPORT="49200" IQS_ALWAYS_QUERY=false IQS_CUSTOM_SETTINGS="" # e.g. "strictness=1&allow_public_access_points=false" - see https://www.ipqualityscore.com/documentation/proxy-detection/overview -> "Note About Front End IP Lookups" declare -A PEERINGDB_CACHED_DATASETS declare -A PEERINGDB_CACHED_IXP_DATA declare -A CAIDARANK_CACHED_AS_DATA # to build the CC->CountryName mapping cache: # COUNTRY_MAP_CACHE=$(docurl -m4 -s "https://restcountries.com/v3.1/all?fields=name,cca2" | jq -c 'map({(.cca2): .name.common}) | add | to_entries | sort_by(.key) | from_entries') COUNTRY_MAP_CACHE='{"AD":"Andorra","AE":"United Arab Emirates","AF":"Afghanistan","AG":"Antigua and Barbuda","AI":"Anguilla","AL":"Albania","AM":"Armenia","AO":"Angola", "AQ":"Antarctica","AR":"Argentina","AS":"American Samoa","AT":"Austria","AU":"Australia","AW":"Aruba","AX":"Åland Islands","AZ":"Azerbaijan","BA":"Bosnia and Herzegovina", "BB":"Barbados","BD":"Bangladesh","BE":"Belgium","BF":"Burkina Faso","BG":"Bulgaria","BH":"Bahrain","BI":"Burundi","BJ":"Benin","BL":"Saint Barthélemy","BM":"Bermuda", "BN":"Brunei","BO":"Bolivia","BQ":"Caribbean Netherlands","BR":"Brazil","BS":"Bahamas","BT":"Bhutan","BV":"Bouvet Island","BW":"Botswana","BY":"Belarus","BZ":"Belize","CA":"Canada", "CC":"Cocos (Keeling) Islands","CD":"DR Congo","CF":"Central African Republic","CG":"Republic of the Congo","CH":"Switzerland","CI":"Ivory Coast","CK":"Cook Islands","CL":"Chile", "CM":"Cameroon","CN":"China","CO":"Colombia","CR":"Costa Rica","CU":"Cuba","CV":"Cape Verde","CW":"Curaçao","CX":"Christmas Island","CY":"Cyprus","CZ":"Czechia","DE":"Germany", "DJ":"Djibouti","DK":"Denmark","DM":"Dominica","DO":"Dominican Republic","DZ":"Algeria","EC":"Ecuador","EE":"Estonia","EG":"Egypt","EH":"Western Sahara","ER":"Eritrea","ES":"Spain", "ET":"Ethiopia","FI":"Finland","FJ":"Fiji","FK":"Falkland Islands","FM":"Micronesia","FO":"Faroe Islands","FR":"France","GA":"Gabon","GB":"United Kingdom","GD":"Grenada", "GE":"Georgia","GF":"French Guiana","GG":"Guernsey","GH":"Ghana","GI":"Gibraltar","GL":"Greenland","GM":"Gambia","GN":"Guinea","GP":"Guadeloupe","GQ":"Equatorial Guinea", "GR":"Greece","GS":"South Georgia","GT":"Guatemala","GU":"Guam","GW":"Guinea-Bissau","GY":"Guyana","HK":"Hong Kong","HM":"Heard Island and McDonald Islands","HN":"Honduras", "HR":"Croatia","HT":"Haiti","HU":"Hungary","ID":"Indonesia","IE":"Ireland","IL":"Israel","IM":"Isle of Man","IN":"India","IO":"British Indian Ocean Territory","IQ":"Iraq", "IR":"Iran","IS":"Iceland","IT":"Italy","JE":"Jersey","JM":"Jamaica","JO":"Jordan","JP":"Japan","KE":"Kenya","KG":"Kyrgyzstan","KH":"Cambodia","KI":"Kiribati","KM":"Comoros", "KN":"Saint Kitts and Nevis","KP":"North Korea","KR":"South Korea","KW":"Kuwait","KY":"Cayman Islands","KZ":"Kazakhstan","LA":"Laos","LB":"Lebanon","LC":"Saint Lucia", "LI":"Liechtenstein","LK":"Sri Lanka","LR":"Liberia","LS":"Lesotho","LT":"Lithuania","LU":"Luxembourg","LV":"Latvia","LY":"Libya","MA":"Morocco","MC":"Monaco","MD":"Moldova", "ME":"Montenegro","MF":"Saint Martin","MG":"Madagascar","MH":"Marshall Islands","MK":"North Macedonia","ML":"Mali","MM":"Myanmar","MN":"Mongolia","MO":"Macau", "MP":"Northern Mariana Islands","MQ":"Martinique","MR":"Mauritania","MS":"Montserrat","MT":"Malta","MU":"Mauritius","MV":"Maldives","MW":"Malawi","MX":"Mexico","MY":"Malaysia", "MZ":"Mozambique","NA":"Namibia","NC":"New Caledonia","NE":"Niger","NF":"Norfolk Island","NG":"Nigeria","NI":"Nicaragua","NL":"Netherlands","NO":"Norway","NP":"Nepal","NR":"Nauru", "NU":"Niue","NZ":"New Zealand","OM":"Oman","PA":"Panama","PE":"Peru","PF":"French Polynesia","PG":"Papua New Guinea","PH":"Philippines","PK":"Pakistan","PL":"Poland", "PM":"Saint Pierre and Miquelon","PN":"Pitcairn Islands","PR":"Puerto Rico","PS":"Palestine","PT":"Portugal","PW":"Palau","PY":"Paraguay","QA":"Qatar","RE":"Réunion","RO":"Romania", "RS":"Serbia","RU":"Russia","RW":"Rwanda","SA":"Saudi Arabia","SB":"Solomon Islands","SC":"Seychelles","SD":"Sudan","SE":"Sweden","SG":"Singapore", "SH":"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha","SI":"Slovenia","SJ":"Svalbard and Jan Mayen","SK":"Slovakia","SL":"Sierra Leone","SM":"San Marino","SN":"Senegal","SO":"Somalia", "SR":"Suriname","SS":"South Sudan","ST":"São Tomé and Príncipe","SV":"El Salvador","SX":"Sint Maarten","SY":"Syria","SZ":"Eswatini","TC":"Turks and Caicos Islands","TD":"Chad", "TF":"French Southern and Antarctic Lands","TG":"Togo","TH":"Thailand","TJ":"Tajikistan","TK":"Tokelau","TL":"Timor-Leste","TM":"Turkmenistan","TN":"Tunisia","TO":"Tonga", "TR":"Turkey","TT":"Trinidad and Tobago","TV":"Tuvalu","TW":"Taiwan","TZ":"Tanzania","UA":"Ukraine","UG":"Uganda","UM":"United States Minor Outlying Islands","US":"United States", "UY":"Uruguay","UZ":"Uzbekistan","VA":"Vatican City","VC":"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines","VE":"Venezuela","VG":"British Virgin Islands","VI":"United States Virgin Islands", "VN":"Vietnam","VU":"Vanuatu","WF":"Wallis and Futuna","WS":"Samoa","XK":"Kosovo","YE":"Yemen","YT":"Mayotte","ZA":"South Africa","ZM":"Zambia","ZW":"Zimbabwe"}' #* #* Parse command line options #* if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then PrintUsage exit 1 fi # read optional preferences from "$HOME/.asnrc" (only for non-headless runs) if [ "$IS_HEADLESS" = false ]; then rcfile="/${HOME}/.asnrc" if [ -r "$rcfile" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "$rcfile" fi fi status_json_output="ok" reason_json_output="success" json_request_time=$(date "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") starttime="$(date +%s)" final_json_output="" json_target_type="unknown" json_resultcount=0 # optspec contains: # - options followed by a colon: parameter is mandatory # - first colon: disable getopts' own error reporting # in this mode, getopts sets optchar to: # '?' -> unknown option # ':' -> missing mandatory parameter to the option optspec=":hvmljJsgn:t:d:o:a:c:u:" FORCE_ORGSEARCH=false SUGGEST_SEARCH=false SERVER_MODE=false RECON_MODE=false COUNTRY_BLOCK_MODE=false GEOLOCATE_ONLY_MODE=false BGP_UPSTREAM_MODE=false OPTIONS_PRESENT=false # will be set to true if getopts enters the loop (detects an option being passed) while getopts "$optspec" optchar; do { GetFullParamsFromCurrentPosition(){ # # Helper function that retrieves all the command line # parameters starting from position $OPTIND (current # option's argument as being parsed by getopts) # # 1) first param is set to current option's param (space-separated) # 2) then append (if any exist) the following command line params. # # this allows for invocations such as 'asn -o NAME WITH SPACES' # without having to quote NAME WITH SPACES # The function requires passing the original $@ as parameter # so as to not confuse it with the function's own $@. # # in the above example, $OPTARG="NAME", $OPTIND="3", ${@:$OPTIND}=array("WITH" "SPACES") # userinput="$OPTARG" for option in "${@:$OPTIND}"; do userinput+=" $option" done } userinput="" OPTIONS_PRESENT=true case "${optchar}" in "n") MTR_TRACING=false ADDITIONAL_INETNUM_LOOKUP=false GetFullParamsFromCurrentPosition "$@" ;; "t") MTR_TRACING=true GetFullParamsFromCurrentPosition "$@" ;; "d") MTR_TRACING=true DETAILED_TRACE=true GetFullParamsFromCurrentPosition "$@" ;; "o") FORCE_ORGSEARCH=true GetFullParamsFromCurrentPosition "$@" ;; "a") SUGGEST_SEARCH=true GetFullParamsFromCurrentPosition "$@" ;; "s") MTR_TRACING=false RECON_MODE=true GetFullParamsFromCurrentPosition "$@" ;; "c") COUNTRY_BLOCK_MODE=true GetFullParamsFromCurrentPosition "$@" ;; "g") GEOLOCATE_ONLY_MODE=true GetFullParamsFromCurrentPosition "$@" ;; "u") BGP_UPSTREAM_MODE=true GetFullParamsFromCurrentPosition "$@" ;; "m") MONOCHROME_MODE=true ;; "j") MTR_TRACING=false # json output for mtr traces not implemented yet JSON_OUTPUT=true # GetFullParamsFromCurrentPosition "$@" ;; "J") MTR_TRACING=false # json output for mtr traces not implemented yet JSON_OUTPUT=true JSON_PRETTY=true # GetFullParamsFromCurrentPosition "$@" ;; "l") SERVER_MODE=true argcount=1 for option in "${@:$OPTIND}"; do # one ore more parameters were passed to -l, check if # is an IP, PORT or "IP PORT" pair. # pass the rest of the command line as direct # ncat arguments. # Not passing everything directly (-l has the same # functionality in ncat) because asn should have more # sensible defaults (i.e. bind to and not # by default). # handle special case (if invocation was 'asn -l -v ' instead of 'asn -v -l ') [[ "$option" = "-v" ]] && { ASN_DEBUG=true; continue; } if [ "$argcount" -eq 1 ]; then listen_opt1="$option" [[ "${listen_opt1:0:1}" = "-" ]] && { listen_opt1=""; userinput+=" $option"; argcount=99999; } # next lines will be treated as ncat options} elif [ "$argcount" -eq 2 ]; then listen_opt2="$option" [[ "${listen_opt2:0:1}" = "-" ]] && { listen_opt2=""; userinput+=" $option"; argcount=99999; } # next lines will be treated as ncat options} else userinput+=" $option" fi (( argcount++ )) done # analyze the args ASN_SRV_BINDADDR="" ASN_SRV_BINDPORT="" for passedarg in $listen_opt1 $listen_opt2; do if grep -Eq ":|\." <<<"$passedarg"; then # it's an IP address ASN_SRV_BINDADDR="$passedarg" else # it's a port ASN_SRV_BINDPORT="$passedarg" fi done # fallback to default port if none was passed. # The rest is already in $userinput, ncat will use it for its own args [[ -z "$ASN_SRV_BINDPORT" ]] && ASN_SRV_BINDPORT="$DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDPORT" # trim the leading whitespace from ncat options userinput="${userinput#' '}" # '-l' must be the last option (since it includes optional args), bail the getopts loop break ;; "h") PrintUsage exit 0 ;; "v") ASN_DEBUG=true rm -f "$ASN_LOGFILE" 2>/dev/null ;; *) if [ "$OPTERR" = 1 ] && [ -t 0 ]; then [[ "$optchar" = "?" ]] && PrintUsage "Error: unknown option '-$OPTARG'" [[ "$optchar" = ":" ]] && PrintUsage "Error: option '-$OPTARG' requires an argument" exit 1 fi ;; esac } done if [ -t 0 ] || [ "$IS_HEADLESS" = true ]; then # input is from the terminal (or this is a headless instance) if [ "$OPTIONS_PRESENT" = false ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2124 userinput="$@" elif [ -z "$userinput" ] && [ "$SERVER_MODE" = false ]; then # an option was passed, but it was not one that requires a param (e.g. -m for monochrome mode) # fetch the actual target GetFullParamsFromCurrentPosition "$@" fi else # script was invoked with input from stdin (e.g. "asn -s < iplist") # read IP list from stdin and trim blanks and comments userinput=$(cat | grep -Ev '^$|^[ \t]*#') fi # trim leading whitespace from userinput userinput=$(awk '{ sub(/^[ \t]+/, ""); print }' <<<"$userinput") # trim trailing newline from userinput userinput=$(echo -en "$userinput") # check if we still don't have a target if [ -z "$userinput" ] && [ "$SERVER_MODE" = false ]; then PrintUsage "Error: no target specified" fi [[ "$MONOCHROME_MODE" = true ]] && DisableColors # options consistency check: # enable JSON_OUTPUT if the user has JSON_PRETTY=true in the preferences file # also explicitly disable tracing if the user forgot to pass "-n" [[ "$JSON_PRETTY" = true ]] && JSON_OUTPUT=true [[ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]] && MTR_TRACING=false #* Check prerequisite and optional tools CheckPrerequisites local_wanip="" HAVE_IPV6=false if [ "$SERVER_MODE" = true ]; then # user passed the "-l" switch [[ "$UNABLE_TO_SERVE" = true ]] && PrintErrorAndExit "ERROR: Can not start the listening server. Please install the necessary tools." AsnServerListener fi # handle output type for child instances # supported output types: json, jsonp if [ -n "$INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_OUTPUT_TYPE" ]; then MTR_TRACING=false case "${INTERNAL_ASNSERVER_OUTPUT_TYPE}" in "json") JSON_OUTPUT=true ;; "jsonp") JSON_OUTPUT=true JSON_PRETTY=true ;; esac fi if [ "$RECON_MODE" = true ]; then # user passed the "-s" switch final_json_output="[]" [[ "$HAVE_NMAP" = false ]] && PrintErrorAndExit "Nmap is required to use -s, but not available on this system" # launch Shodan scan ShodanRecon if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then json_resultcount=$(jq '. | length' <<<"$shodan_json_output") final_json_output="$shodan_json_output" PrintJsonOutput else tput sgr0 fi exit 0 fi if [ "$GEOLOCATE_ONLY_MODE" = true ]; then # user passed the "-g" switch final_json_output="[]" # launch bulk geolocation lookup BulkGeolocate if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then json_resultcount=$(jq '. | length' <<<"[$geolocation_json_output]") final_json_output="$geolocation_json_output" PrintJsonOutput else tput sgr0 fi exit 0 fi if [ "$COUNTRY_BLOCK_MODE" = true ]; then # user passed the "-c" switch # check if user passed a country code (.xx) if [ "${userinput::1}" == "." ]; then cc=$(echo "$userinput" | cut -d '.' -f 2-) restcountries_output=$(docurl -s "https://restcountries.com/v3.1/alpha/$cc") else # Urlencode the spaces in user's input countrystring=${userinput// /%20} # Look up the country code restcountries_output=$(docurl -s "https://restcountries.com/v3.1/name/${countrystring}") fi have_results=$(jq 'if type=="array" then true else false end' <<<"$restcountries_output") [[ "$have_results" = false ]] && PrintErrorAndExit "No countries matching '$userinput'" matches=$(jq -r '. | length' <<<"$restcountries_output") if [ "$matches" -gt 1 ]; then [[ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]] && PrintErrorAndExit "Multiple countries found, please specify a valid country code" echo -e "\n${yellow}Multiple countries found, please specify a valid country code:${default}\n" for (( i=0; i<"$matches"; i++ )); do formalname=$(jq -r ".[$i] | (.name.official)" <<<"$restcountries_output") commonname=$(jq -r ".[$i] | (.name.common)" <<<"$restcountries_output") cc=$(jq -r ".[$i] | (.cca2)" <<<"$restcountries_output") printf "%-55s : ${green}%s${default} (aka: %s)\n" "$formalname" "$cc" "$commonname" done echo "" tput sgr0 exit 0 fi cc=$(jq -r 'select(.[].cca2 != null) | .[].cca2' <<<"$restcountries_output" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') [[ -z "$cc" ]] && PrintErrorAndExit "No country matching '$userinput' found" countryname=$(jq -r '.[].name.common' <<<"$restcountries_output") population=$(jq -r '.[].population' <<<"$restcountries_output") country_ipv4_blocks=$(docurl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/herrbischoff/country-ip-blocks/master/ipv4/$cc.cidr") country_ipv6_blocks=$(docurl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/herrbischoff/country-ip-blocks/master/ipv6/$cc.cidr") country_ipv4_blocks_count=$(wc -l <<<"$country_ipv4_blocks") country_ipv6_blocks_count=$(wc -l <<<"$country_ipv6_blocks") if [ "$country_ipv4_blocks" = "404: Not Found" ]; then country_ipv4_blocks="" country_ipv4_blocks_count=0 fi if [ "$country_ipv6_blocks" = "404: Not Found" ]; then country_ipv6_blocks="" country_ipv6_blocks_count=0 fi # calculate total number of IPs allocated to the country json_country_ipv4_ip_count=0 cidrlist=$(echo -e "$country_ipv4_blocks" | sed -e 's/^.*\///g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr) for cidr in $cidrlist; do cidr_total_ips=$(awk '{printf "%d", (2**(32-$2) * $1)}' <<<"$cidr") json_country_ipv4_ip_count=$(( json_country_ipv4_ip_count + cidr_total_ips )) done ips_per_capita=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2g\", $json_country_ipv4_ip_count/$population}") country_ipv4_ip_count=$(printf "%'d" "$json_country_ipv4_ip_count") population=$(printf "%'d" "$population") if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then json_country_ipv4_blocks=$(jq -c --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' <<<"$country_ipv4_blocks") json_country_ipv6_blocks=$(jq -c --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))' <<<"$country_ipv6_blocks") json_resultcount="1" json_target_type="country" final_json_output="{\"country_name\":\"$countryname\"" final_json_output+=",\"country_code\":\"$cc\"" final_json_output+=",\"ipv4_blocks\":$country_ipv4_blocks_count" final_json_output+=",\"ipv4_total_ips\":$json_country_ipv4_ip_count" final_json_output+=",\"ipv4_per_capita\":$ips_per_capita" final_json_output+=",\"ipv4\":${json_country_ipv4_blocks}" final_json_output+=",\"ipv6_blocks\":$country_ipv6_blocks_count" final_json_output+=",\"ipv6\":${json_country_ipv6_blocks}" final_json_output+="}" PrintJsonOutput else BoxHeader "CIDR blocks allocated to $countryname" BoxHeader "IPv4" echo -e "$country_ipv4_blocks" | pr -4 -T -W$((terminal_width/2)) BoxHeader "IPv6" echo -e "$country_ipv6_blocks" | pr -4 -T -W$((terminal_width/2)) BoxHeader "IP Statistics for $countryname (.$cc)" echo -e "\n- ${green}$country_ipv4_blocks_count${default} IPv4 blocks found\n- ${yellow}$country_ipv6_blocks_count${default} IPv6 blocks found" echo -e "- Population: ${population}\n- Total IPv4 addresses: ${blue}$country_ipv4_ip_count${default}${default} (~${blue}$ips_per_capita${default} IPs per person)" BoxHeader "CIDR distribution (IPv4)" for cidr in $cidrlist; do cidrcount=$(awk '{print $1}' <<<"$cidr") cidrsize=$(awk '{print $2}' <<<"$cidr") [[ "$cidrcount" = "1" ]] && s="" || s="s" printf "%10s x ${magenta}/%s${default} %s\n" "$cidrcount" "$cidrsize" "block$s" done echo "" fi exit 0 fi BoxHeader "ASN lookup for $userinput" DebugPrint "ASN v$ASN_VERSION started with target: '$userinput'" if [ "$FORCE_ORGSEARCH" = true ]; then # user passed the "-o" switch ORG_FILTER=false declare -a orgfilters_array declare -a excl_orgfilters_array SearchByOrg "$userinput" exit 0 fi if [ "$SUGGEST_SEARCH" = true ]; then # user passed the "-s" switch RIPESuggestASN "$userinput" exit 0 fi input=$(echo "$userinput" | sed 's/\/.*//g' | grep -Eo "$ipv4v6regex") if [ -z "$input" ]; then # Input is not an IP Address if [ "$BGP_UPSTREAM_MODE" = true ]; then echo -e "\n${red} Error: the ${blue}'-u'${red} option requires an IPv4 or IPv6 address as input${default}\n" exit 1 fi # Check if it is a number (ASN) asn=$(echo "$userinput" | sed 's/[a|A][s|S]//g' | grep -E "^[0-9]*$") if [ -z "$asn" ]; then # Input is not an ASN either. See if it's a hostname (includes at least one dot) if echo "$userinput" | grep -q "\."; then # filter the input in case it's a URL, extracting relevant hostname/IP data userinput=$(awk -F[/:] '{gsub(".*//", ""); gsub(".*:.*@", ""); print $1}' <<<"$userinput") # run the IP regex again in case input is an IP(v6) URL (e.g. and skip resolution if an IP is found ip=$(echo "$userinput" | grep -Eo "$ipv4v6regex") if [ -z "$ip" ]; then if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ] && [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then # this instance is an ASN server child (not in JSON mode) targetdomain=$(rev <<<"$userinput" | cut -d '.' -f 1,2 | rev) echo -e "\n${blue}- Resolving \"$userinput\"... #PERFORMWHOIS $targetdomain\n" elif [[ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]]; then # normal output echo -e -n "\n${blue}- Resolving \"$userinput\"... " fi json_target_type="hostname" ip=$(ResolveHostnameToIPList "$userinput") if [ -z "$ip" ]; then resolver_error="${red}Error: unable to resolve hostname${default}" if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ] && [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then echo -e "$resolver_error\n" elif [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = false ] && [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then # normal output echo -e "${resolver_error}\n\n(Hint: if you wanted to search by organization, try the ${blue}'-o'${default} switch)\n" >&2 else # json output (both ASN child and normal instance) PrintErrorAndExit "unable to resolve hostname" fi exit 1 fi fi numips=$(echo "$ip" | wc -l) [[ $numips = 1 ]] && s="" || s="es" [[ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]] && echo -e "${blue}$numips IP address$s found:${default}\n" # grab the longest IP to properly size output padding longest=0 for singleip in $ip; do [[ ${#singleip} -gt $longest ]] && longest=${#singleip} done (( longest++ )) # output actual results ip_to_trace="" WhatIsMyIP if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ] && [ "$numips" -gt 1 ] && [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then # Running headless as an ASN server connhandler child, not in JSON mode, and more than 1 IP detected. # Speed up the operation and only process the first appropriate IP (v4/v6) if [ "$HAVE_IPV6" = true ] && grep -q ':' <<<"$ip"; then ip_to_trace=$(echo "$ip" | grep -m1 ':') else ip_to_trace=$(echo "$ip" | grep -v -m1 ':') fi LookupASNAndRouteFromIP "$ip_to_trace" WhoisIP "$ip_to_trace" PrintReputationAndShodanData "$ip_to_trace" echo -e "\n${bluebg} INFO ${default} multiple IP support is ${red}disabled${default} for remote traces. The remaining $((numips-1)) IPs have been ignored:" count=1 for singleip in $(echo "$ip" | grep -v "$ip_to_trace"); do ignoredip="$singleip" if [[ count -lt $((numips-1)) ]]; then echo -e " ├ ${white}${ignoredip}${default}" else echo -e " └ ${white}${ignoredip}${default}" fi ((count++)) done echo "" TraceASPath "$ip_to_trace" else for singleip in $ip; do if [ -n "$ip_to_trace" ] && [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then # add a comma to separate json output in case we hit multiple dns lookup results final_json_output+="," fi LookupASNAndRouteFromIP "$singleip" WhoisIP "$singleip" PrintReputationAndShodanData "$singleip" # save the first IP from the dns lookup result [[ -z "$ip_to_trace" ]] && ip_to_trace="$singleip" done [[ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]] && PrintJsonOutput # Check if AS path tracing is requested if [ "$MTR_TRACING" = true ]; then # In case of multiple IPs (DNS RR), trace the first one. # Additionally, if we're on an IPv6 connection, default to # tracing to the first resolved IPv6 address (if any) if [ "$HAVE_IPV6" = true ]; then first_ipv6=$(echo "$ip" | grep -m1 ':') [[ -n "$first_ipv6" ]] && ip_to_trace="$first_ipv6" fi TraceASPath "$ip_to_trace" fi fi if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then tput sgr0 echo "" fi exit 0 else # not an IP, not an ASN, not a hostname. Consider it an Organization name ORG_FILTER=false declare -a orgfilters_array declare -a excl_orgfilters_array SearchByOrg "$userinput" fi else # Input is an ASN json_target_type="asn" WhoisASN "$asn" if [ -z "$found_asname" ]; then PrintErrorAndExit "Error: no data found for AS${asn}" fi GetCAIDARank "$asn" target_asname="$found_asname" if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]; then # JSON output GetIXPresence "$asn" QueryRipestat "$asn" final_json_output+="{" final_json_output+="\"asn\":\"${asn}\"" final_json_output+=",\"asname\":\"${target_asname//\"/\\\"}\"" final_json_output+=",\"asrank\":${caida_asrank//\"/\\\"}" final_json_output+=",\"org\":\"${found_org//\"/\\\"}\"" final_json_output+=",\"holder\":\"${found_holder//\"/\\\"}\"" final_json_output+=",\"abuse_contacts\":${json_abuse_contacts}" final_json_output+=",\"registration_date\":\"${found_createdate}\"" final_json_output+=",\"ixp_presence\":$json_ixps" # peer count if [ -n "$ripestat_routing_data" ]; then final_json_output+=",\"prefix_count_v4\":${ripestat_ipv4}" final_json_output+=",\"prefix_count_v6\":${ripestat_ipv6}" final_json_output+=",\"bgp_peer_count\":${ripestat_bgp}" fi # peer list if [ -n "$ripestat_neighbours_data" ]; then final_json_output+=",\"bgp_peers\":{" final_json_output+="\"upstream\":$json_upstream_peers" final_json_output+=",\"downstream\":$json_downstream_peers" final_json_output+=",\"uncertain\":$json_uncertain_peers" final_json_output+="}" fi # announced prefixes final_json_output+=",\"announced_prefixes\":$json_ripe_prefixes" final_json_output+=",\"inetnums\":{" final_json_output+="\"v4\":$json_ipv4_aggregated_inetnums" final_json_output+=",\"v6\":$json_ipv6_aggregated_inetnums}" final_json_output+=",\"inetnums_announced_by_other_as\":{" final_json_output+="\"v4\":[$json_ipv4_other_inetnums]" final_json_output+=",\"v6\":[$json_ipv6_other_inetnums]}" final_json_output+="}" PrintJsonOutput else # normal output echo -en "\n${bluebg} AS Number ──>${default} ${red}${asn}" if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then ripestat_link="RIPEStat" he_link="HE.NET" bgpview_link="BGPView" bgptools_link="BGPTools" peeringdb_link="PeeringDB" echo -en " ($ripestat_link🔗 • $he_link🔗 • $bgpview_link🔗 • $bgptools_link🔗 • $peeringdb_link🔗)" fi echo "" echo -en "${bluebg} AS Name ──>${default} ${green}${target_asname}" if [ "$IS_ASN_CHILD" = true ]; then # signal to the parent connhandler the correct country flag to display for this ASN flag_icon_cc=$(echo "${target_asname##*,}" | tr -d ' ' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') [[ -n "$flag_icon_cc" ]] && echo -n " #COUNTRYCODE $flag_icon_cc" fi printf "\n" echo -e "${bluebg} Organization ──>${default} ${yellow}${found_holder} (${found_org})" echo -e "${bluebg} CAIDA AS Rank ──>${default} ${caida_asrank_recap}${default}" echo -e "${bluebg} Abuse contact ──>${default} ${blue}${found_abuse_contact}" echo -e "${bluebg} AS Reg. date ──>${default} ${white}${found_createdate}" echo -e "${bluebg} RIR (Region) ──>${default} ${white}${caida_rir}" echo -en "${bluebg} Peering @IXPs ──>${default} " GetIXPresence "$asn" echo "" BoxHeader "BGP informations for AS${asn} (${target_asname})" echo "" echo -e "${bluebg} BGP Neighbors ────>${default} ${green}${caida_degree_total}${default} ${dim}(${default}${caida_degree_provider}${dim} Transits • ${default}${caida_degree_peer}${dim} Peers • ${default}${caida_degree_customer}${dim} Customers)${default}" echo -e "${bluebg} Customer cone ────>${default} ${green}${caida_customercone} ${default}${dim}(# of ASNs observed in the customer cone for this AS)${default}" echo "" BoxHeader "Prefix informations for AS${asn} (${target_asname})" echo "" QueryRipestat "${asn}" if [ -n "$ripestat_routing_data" ]; then echo -e "${bluebg} IPv4 Prefixes ────>${default} ${green}${ripestat_ipv4}" echo -e "${bluebg} IPv6 Prefixes ────>${default} ${yellow}${ripestat_ipv6}" fi if [ -n "$ripestat_neighbours_data" ]; then [[ -n "$upstream_peers" ]] && upstream_peers=$(echo -e "$upstream_peers") || upstream_peers="${redbg} NONE ${default}" [[ -n "$downstream_peers" ]] && downstream_peers=$(echo -e "$downstream_peers") || downstream_peers="${redbg} NONE ${default}" [[ -n "$uncertain_peers" ]] && uncertain_peers=$(echo -e "$uncertain_peers") || uncertain_peers="${redbg} NONE ${default}" echo "" BoxHeader "Peering informations for AS${asn} (${target_asname})" echo -e "\n${green}──────────────── Upstream Peers ────────────────${default}\n\n${upstream_peers}" echo -e "\n${yellow}─────────────── Downstream Peers ───────────────${default}\n\n${downstream_peers}" echo -e "\n${white}─────────────── Uncertain Peers ───────────────${default}\n\n${uncertain_peers}" fi echo "" BoxHeader "Aggregated IP resources for AS${asn} (${target_asname})" echo -e "\n${green}───── IPv4 ─────${default}" [[ -n "$ipv4_inetnums" ]] && echo -e "${green}${ipv4_inetnums}${default}" || echo -e "\n${redbg} NONE ${default}" echo -e "\n${yellow}───── IPv6 ─────${default}" [[ -n "$ipv6_inetnums" ]] && echo -e "${yellow}${ipv6_inetnums}${default}" || echo -e "\n${redbg} NONE ${default}" tput sgr0 echo "" fi exit 0 fi else # Input is an IP address grep -q ":" <<<"$input" && json_target_type="ipv6" || json_target_type="ipv4" # Perform IP lookup LookupASNAndRouteFromIP "$input" (( longest=${#input}+1 )) if [ "$BGP_UPSTREAM_MODE" = true ]; then BGPUpstreamLookup "$input" [[ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]] && PrintJsonOutput exit 0 fi WhoisIP "$input" PrintReputationAndShodanData "$input" [[ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = true ]] && PrintJsonOutput # Perform AS path tracing if requested [[ "$MTR_TRACING" = true ]] && TraceASPath "$input" if [ "$JSON_OUTPUT" = false ]; then tput sgr0 echo "" fi exit 0 fi