# issuer information issuer_url = https://www.iesve.com/ issuer_email = IES@issuer.org issuer_name = EEnvest issuer_signature_lines={"fields": [{"job_title": "IESVE CEO","signature_image": "images/issuer-signature.png","name": "Dr Don McLean"}]} issuer_public_key=ecdsa-koblitz-pubkey:0xe38eeef35c10e33d077cb4e5cf67bfaec3b26758 issuer_id = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nitin-barthwal/BlockCert/main/NBissuer-testnet.json #https://www.blockcerts.org/samples/2.0/issuer-testnet.json # certificate information certificate_description =This Certificate verifies that the report is genuine and the data represent the real building. Its really Orignal.Trust me. certificate_title = Certificate of Authenticity criteria_narrative=Investors can ensure the building details are genuine and verified. badge_id = 7aecc414-ee70-4fe8-952f-2be7d037d61e # images issuer_logo_file = images/IES_LOGO.png # images/logo.png cert_image_file = images/certificate-image.png issuer_signature_file = images/issuer-signature.png ################### ## TEMPLATE DATA ## ################### data_dir = sample_data # template output directory template_dir = certificate_templates template_file_name = test.json ############################## ## INSTANTIATE BATCH CONFIG ## ############################## unsigned_certificates_dir = unsigned_certificates roster = rosters/roster_testnet.csv filename_format = uuid no_clobber = True ################### ## OTHER OPTIONS ## ################### # whether to hash recipient emails, flag # hash_emails # can specify an array of additional global fields. For each additional field, you must indicate: # - the jsonpath to the field # - the global value to use # additional_global_fields = {"fields": [{"path": "$.certificate.subtitle","value": "kim custom subtitle"}]} # additional_global_fields = {"fields": [{"path": "$.displayHtml","value": "

Some html code

"}, {"path": "$.@context","value": ["https://w3id.org/openbadges/v2", "https://w3id.org/blockcerts/v2", {"displayHtml": { "@id": "schema:description" }}]}]} # can specify an array of additional per-recipient fields. For each additional field, you must indicate: # - the jsonpath to the field # - the merge_tag placeholder to use # - the csv column where the value (per recipient) can be found # additional_per_recipient_fields = {"fields": [{"path": "$.assertion.evidence","value": "*|EVIDENCE|*","csv_column": "evidence"}]} # V1 only # issuer_certs_url = http://certificates.issuer.org # where the certificates are hosted