# GB2MIDI64bit ## Implementation as 64bit MacOS app coming soon. Tools for converting Garageband (Mac OS X) Aif loop files to MIDI files. Based on implmentation by [@larkob](https://github.com/larkob) -> https://github.com/larkob/GB2MIDI. Implmented in TypeScript and bundled with WebPack. Instructions: In order to export MIDI from Garageband, you first need to create a loop from the MIDI segment via drag & drop into the loop area (up to 45 measures long, otherwise you the menu edit->add to loop library) or CTRL + Shift + O. You can find the resulting loop file in the folder /User/Library/Audio/Apple Loops/User Loops/SingleFiles/ with the .aif suffix. (Please note that this folder is only created after you created your first loops and can be tricky to navigate to in the Finder. Use CMD + Shift + . to show hidden folders) To convert your .aif file, run "node " The default location of GB2MIDI.js is in the ./dist directory, althought it is transportable. The output midi file will be in the same directory as GB2MIDI.js