─ [0] ╭ Target         : nmaguiar/openvpn:build (alpine 3.21.3) 
      ├ Class          : os-pkgs 
      ├ Type           : alpine 
      ╰ Vulnerabilities ╭ [0] ╭ VulnerabilityID : CVE-2025-26519 
                        │     ├ PkgID           : musl@1.2.5-r9 
                        │     ├ PkgName         : musl 
                        │     ├ PkgIdentifier    ╭ PURL: pkg:apk/alpine/musl@1.2.5-r9?arch=x86_64&distro=3.21.3 
                        │     │                  ╰ UID : 8f11112be3ba1292 
                        │     ├ InstalledVersion: 1.2.5-r9 
                        │     ├ FixedVersion    : 1.2.5-r10 
                        │     ├ Status          : fixed 
                        │     ├ Layer            ╭ Digest: sha256:f18232174bc91741fdf3da96d85011092101a032a93a3
                        │     │                  │         88b79e99e69c2d5c870 
                        │     │                  ╰ DiffID: sha256:08000c18d16dadf9553d747a58cf44023423a9ab010aa
                        │     │                            b96cf263d2216b8b350 
                        │     ├ PrimaryURL      : https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2025-26519 
                        │     ├ DataSource       ╭ ID  : alpine 
                        │     │                  ├ Name: Alpine Secdb 
                        │     │                  ╰ URL : https://secdb.alpinelinux.org/ 
                        │     ├ Title           : musl libc 0.9.13 through 1.2.5 before 1.2.6 has an
                        │     │                   out-of-bounds write ... 
                        │     ├ Description     : musl libc 0.9.13 through 1.2.5 before 1.2.6 has an
                        │     │                   out-of-bounds write vulnerability when an attacker can
                        │     │                   trigger iconv conversion of untrusted EUC-KR text to UTF-8. 
                        │     ├ Severity        : UNKNOWN 
                        │     ├ CweIDs           ─ [0]: CWE-787 
                        │     ├ References       ╭ [0]: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/13/2 
                        │     │                  ├ [1]: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/13/3 
                        │     │                  ├ [2]: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/13/4 
                        │     │                  ├ [3]: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/13/5 
                        │     │                  ├ [4]: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/14/5 
                        │     │                  ├ [5]: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/14/6 
                        │     │                  ├ [6]: https://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/commit/?id=c47ad25e
                        │     │                  │      a3b484e10326f933e927c0bc8cded3da 
                        │     │                  ├ [7]: https://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/commit/?id=e5adcd97
                        │     │                  │      b5196e29991b524237381a0202a60659 
                        │     │                  ╰ [8]: https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/13/2 
                        │     ├ PublishedDate   : 2025-02-14T04:15:09.05Z 
                        │     ╰ LastModifiedDate: 2025-02-14T17:15:23.09Z 
                        ╰ [1] ╭ VulnerabilityID : CVE-2025-26519 
                              ├ PkgID           : musl-utils@1.2.5-r9 
                              ├ PkgName         : musl-utils 
                              ├ PkgIdentifier    ╭ PURL: pkg:apk/alpine/musl-utils@1.2.5-r9?arch=x86_64&distro=
                              │                  │       3.21.3 
                              │                  ╰ UID : 34b1bf5f3f83c06e 
                              ├ InstalledVersion: 1.2.5-r9 
                              ├ FixedVersion    : 1.2.5-r10 
                              ├ Status          : fixed 
                              ├ Layer            ╭ Digest: sha256:f18232174bc91741fdf3da96d85011092101a032a93a3
                              │                  │         88b79e99e69c2d5c870 
                              │                  ╰ DiffID: sha256:08000c18d16dadf9553d747a58cf44023423a9ab010aa
                              │                            b96cf263d2216b8b350 
                              ├ PrimaryURL      : https://avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2025-26519 
                              ├ DataSource       ╭ ID  : alpine 
                              │                  ├ Name: Alpine Secdb 
                              │                  ╰ URL : https://secdb.alpinelinux.org/ 
                              ├ Title           : musl libc 0.9.13 through 1.2.5 before 1.2.6 has an
                              │                   out-of-bounds write ... 
                              ├ Description     : musl libc 0.9.13 through 1.2.5 before 1.2.6 has an
                              │                   out-of-bounds write vulnerability when an attacker can
                              │                   trigger iconv conversion of untrusted EUC-KR text to UTF-8. 
                              ├ Severity        : UNKNOWN 
                              ├ CweIDs           ─ [0]: CWE-787 
                              ├ References       ╭ [0]: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/13/2 
                              │                  ├ [1]: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/13/3 
                              │                  ├ [2]: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/13/4 
                              │                  ├ [3]: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/13/5 
                              │                  ├ [4]: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/14/5 
                              │                  ├ [5]: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/14/6 
                              │                  ├ [6]: https://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/commit/?id=c47ad25e
                              │                  │      a3b484e10326f933e927c0bc8cded3da 
                              │                  ├ [7]: https://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/commit/?id=e5adcd97
                              │                  │      b5196e29991b524237381a0202a60659 
                              │                  ╰ [8]: https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/02/13/2 
                              ├ PublishedDate   : 2025-02-14T04:15:09.05Z 
                              ╰ LastModifiedDate: 2025-02-14T17:15:23.09Z 