# # FileInsight-plugins installation script # # Copyright (c) 2019, Nobutaka Mantani # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Usage: # Installation: # [Executing remote script] # powershell -exec bypass -command "IEX((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nmantani/FileInsight-plugins/master/install.ps1'))" # [Executing locally saved script] # powershell -exec bypass .\install.ps1 # # Update (the latest release version): # [Executing remote script] # powershell -exec bypass -command "& ([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nmantani/FileInsight-plugins/master/install.ps1'))) -update" # [Executing locally saved script] # powershell -exec bypass .\install.ps1 -update # # Update (the latest snapshot): # [Executing remote script] # powershell -exec bypass -command "& ([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nmantani/FileInsight-plugins/master/install.ps1'))) -update -snapshot" # [Executing locally saved script] # powershell -exec bypass .\install.ps1 -update -snapshot # # This script automatically uses proxy server settings of Windows and you no longer need to manually specify them. # $PROXY_HOST = "" # example: # $PROXY_PORT = "" # example: 8080 Param( [Switch]$update, [Switch]$snapshot ) $RELEASE_VERSION = "2.17.1" $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_RELEASE_VERSION = "20230527" $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_SNAPSHOT_VERSION = "20241124" $APLIB_VERSION = "1.1.1" $DIE_VERSION = "3.10" $EXIFTOOL_VERSION = "13.00" $GIMPHASH_VERSION = "0.2.0" $LEMMEKNOW_VERSION = "0.8.0" $QUICKLZ_VERSION = "1.5.0" $VENV_PATH = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\python3-venv" # SHA256 Hash values of files that will be downloaded $FILEINSIGHT_HASH = "005FE63E3942D772F82EC4DF935002AEDB8BBBF10FC95BE086C029A2F3C875A9" $FILEINSIGHT_PLUGINS_HASH = "64931882134483166F3025E8FF9B4993B174DE95990859A075A4D1F54B415B49" $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_RELEASE_HASH = "8392f52d4e2bffdc74d6569ab2e214567a333b1156f97fc59193562f0e1a73a3" $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_SNAPSHOT_HASH = "59E0B42F27817DDF9AB07EEFB07A3D2DADCEEF75D510BA5CE1EBB16F18A9BB8D" $APLIB_HASH = "C35C6D3D96CCA8A29FA863EFB22FA2E9E03F5BC2C0293C3256D7AF2E112583B3" $DIE_HASH = "6E84AC8D3ABDFBA60078A36FA7F6B492B20C2AF2C502E0A4579F41367AC37C80" $EXIFTOOL_HASH = "BCA1292B39200C15728D4E111B6CA8A8F411BC15D7E0BF1786904CBD240CDDC9" $GIMPHASH_HASH = "F285B6CB53A5B86182EE506321522A88BCBC029CE37639A39F480D3B0FE1D4CB" $LEMMEKNOW_HASH = "6983AF87D102BFE6FB00ED67EE64E7968908CB3242F8DEE9E2EB981C297E6C66" $QUICKLZ_HASH = "C64082498113C220142079B6340BCE3A7B729AD550FCF7D38E08CF8BB2634A28" function get_proxy_url { $settings = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings' | Select-Object ProxyServer, ProxyEnable if ($settings.ProxyServer -and $settings.ProxyEnable) { if ($settings.ProxyServer -ilike "*=*") { return ($settings.ProxyServer -replace "=","://" -split(';') | Select-Object -First 1) } else { return ("http://" + $settings.ProxyServer) } } } function create_working_directory { .{ # Only $temp_dir is used as return value if ((Get-Host).Version.Major -ge 5) { $temp_dir = New-TemporaryFile } else { $temp_dir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() } rm $temp_dir mkdir $temp_dir if (Test-Path $temp_dir) { Write-Host "[+] Temporary working directory $temp_dir has been created." Write-Host "" } else { Write-Host "[!] Temporary working directory creation has been failed." Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } } | Out-Null return $temp_dir } function remove_working_directory($work_dir) { Remove-Item $work_dir -Recurse -Force Write-Host "[+] Temporary working directory $work_dir has been removed." } function download_file($url, $save_path) { Write-Host "[+] URL: $url" # Check whether .NET Framework supports TLS 1.2 or not if ([enum]::GetNames([Net.SecurityProtocolType]) -ccontains "Tls12" ` -and [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -cnotcontains "Tls12") { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 } elseif ([enum]::GetNames([Net.SecurityProtocolType]) -cnotcontains "Tls12") { Write-Host "[!] .NET Framework in your environment does not support TLS 1.2 (necessary to download files from GitHub)." Write-Host "[!] Please install .NET Framework 4.8 and Windows Management Framework 5.1 that are available from the following locations." Write-Host "[!]" Write-Host "[!] .NET Framework 4.8" Write-Host "[!] https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4503548/microsoft-net-framework-4-8-offline-installer-for-windows" Write-Host "[!]" Write-Host "[!] Windows Management Framework 5.1" Write-Host "[!] https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=54616" Write-Host "[!]" return } # curl.exe has been available since Windows 10 version 1803 $agent = "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:131.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/131.0" if (Get-Command curl.exe -ea SilentlyContinue) { # XXX: setting user-agent header is required to download QuickLZ library if ($PROXY_URL) { curl.exe -f -x "$PROXY_URL" -A "$agent" -Lo "$save_path" "$url" } else { curl.exe -f -A "$agent" -Lo "$save_path" "$url" } } else { Write-Host "[+] Progress of download is not shown. Please be patient." $web_client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient if ($PROXY_URL) { $web_client.Proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy($PROXY_URL, $true) } # XXX: setting user-agent header is required to download QuickLZ library $web_client.Headers.Add("user-agent", "$agent") $web_client.DownloadFile($url, $save_path) } } function compute_hash($path) { if ((Get-Host).Version.Major -ge 4) { $val = (Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 $path).Hash } else { $val = (certutil -hashfile $path sha256 | select-string "[0-9a-f]{64}" | % { $_.Matches.Value }) } return $val } function extract_zip($zip_path, $dest_path) { if (Test-Path "C:\Windows\System32\tar.exe") { if (!(Test-Path $dest_path)) { mkdir $dest_path | Out-Null } tar.exe -x -f $zip_path -C $dest_path 2>$null } elseif ((Get-Host).Version.Major -ge 5) { Expand-Archive -Path $zip_path -DestinationPath $dest_path } else { [void] (New-Item -Path $dest_path -ItemType Directory -Force) $shell = New-Object -com Shell.Application $dest_path = "$dest_path\" $shell.Namespace($dest_path).copyhere($shell.NameSpace($zip_path).Items(),4) } } function install_fileinsight_plugins($work_dir, $update, $snapshot) { if ($update) { if ($snapshot) { Write-Host "[+] Updating FileInsight-plugins to the latest snapshot. Existing files will be overwritten." } else { Write-Host "[+] Updating FileInsight-plugins to $RELEASE_VERSION. Existing files will be overwritten." } } else { if ($snapshot) { Write-Host "[+] Installing FileInsight-plugins (the latest snapshot)..." } else { Write-Host "[+] Installing FileInsight-plugins-$RELEASE_VERSION..." } } $file_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\main.py" if ((Test-Path $file_path) -and !$update) { Write-Host "[*] FileInsight-plugins is already installed. Skipping installation." } else { $old_file_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Basic operations\main.py" if (Test-Path $old_file_path) { Write-Host "[+] Old plugin foler structure has been found. Renaming the 'plugins' folder to 'plugins-old' folder for safekeeping..." $from_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins" $to_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins-old" Move-Item $from_path $to_path if (!(Test-Path $to_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Rename has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." } if ($snapshot) { Write-Host "[+] Downloading FileInsight-plugins-master..." $plugins_url = "https://github.com/nmantani/FileInsight-plugins/archive/master.zip" $zip_archive_path = "$work_dir\FileInsight-plugins-master.zip" } else { Write-Host "[+] Downloading FileInsight-plugins-$RELEASE_VERSION..." #$plugins_url = "https://github.com/nmantani/FileInsight-plugins/archive/v$RELEASE_VERSION.zip" # for testing before release $plugins_url = "https://github.com/nmantani/FileInsight-plugins/releases/download/v$RELEASE_VERSION/FileInsight-plugins-$RELEASE_VERSION.zip" $zip_archive_path = "$work_dir\FileInsight-plugins-$RELEASE_VERSION.zip" } download_file $plugins_url $zip_archive_path if (!(Test-Path $zip_archive_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Download has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." if (!$snapshot) { Write-Host "[+] Verifying SHA256 hash value of $zip_archive_path (with $FILEINSIGHT_PLUGINS_HASH)..." $val = compute_hash $zip_archive_path if ($val -eq $FILEINSIGHT_PLUGINS_HASH) { Write-Host "[+] OK." } else { Write-Host "[!] The hash value does not match ($val)." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } } if ($snapshot) { Write-Host "[+] Extracting FileInsight-plugins-master.zip..." $extract_dir = "$work_dir\FileInsight-plugins-master" extract_zip $zip_archive_path $work_dir $file_path = "$extract_dir\plugins\Operations\XOR\xor_ops.py" } else { Write-Host "[+] Extracting FileInsight-plugins-$RELEASE_VERSION.zip..." $extract_dir = "$work_dir\FileInsight-plugins-$RELEASE_VERSION" extract_zip $zip_archive_path $work_dir $file_path = "$extract_dir\plugins\Operations\XOR\xor_ops.py" } if (!(Test-Path $file_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Extraction has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." $dest_dir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight" if (!(Test-Path $dest_dir)) { mkdir $dest_dir | Out-Null } Write-Host "[+] Copying FileInsight-plugins to $dest_dir..." Copy-Item "$extract_dir\*" -Destination $dest_dir -Recurse -Force if (!(Test-Path "$dest_dir\plugins\Operations\XOR\xor_ops.py")) { Write-Host "[!] Installation has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." if ($snapshot) { Write-Host "[+] FileInsight-plugins (the latest snapshot) has been installed." } else { Write-Host "[+] FileInsight-plugins $RELEASE_VERSION has been installed." } } Write-Host "" } function install_fileinsight($work_dir) { Write-Host "[+] Installing FileInsight..." $fileinsight_exe = "C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\FileInsight\FileInsight.exe" if (Test-Path $fileinsight_exe) { Write-Host "[*] FileInsight is already installed. Skipping installation." } else { Write-Host "[+] Downloading FileInsight installer..." #$installer_url = "http://downloadcenter.mcafee.com/products/mcafee-avert/fileinsight.msi" $installer_url = "https://downloadcenter.trellix.com/products/mcafee-avert/fileinsight.msi" $installer_msi_path = "$work_dir\fileinsight.msi" download_file $installer_url $installer_msi_path if (!(Test-Path $installer_msi_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Download has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] Verifying SHA256 hash value of $installer_msi_path (with $FILEINSIGHT_HASH)..." $val = compute_hash $installer_msi_path if ($val -eq $FILEINSIGHT_HASH) { Write-Host "[+] OK." } else { Write-Host "[!] The hash value does not match ($val)." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Executing FileInsight installer (automatic installation)..." msiexec /i "$installer_msi_path" /passive /norestart ADDLOCAL=ALL | Out-Null if (!(Test-Path $fileinsight_exe)) { Write-Host "[!] Installation has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] FileInsight has been installed." } Write-Host "" } function remove_venv() { if ((Test-Path $VENV_PATH)) { Write-Host "[+] Removing old Python virtual environment python3-venv..." Remove-Item $VENV_PATH -Recurse -Force Write-Host "[+] Done." if ((Test-Path $VENV_PATH)) { Write-Host "[!] Removal of python3-venv has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } } } function install_embeddable_python_packages($work_dir, $update) { Write-Host "[+] Installing FileInsight-plugins-embeddable-python-packages..." $file_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\python3-embed\python.exe" if ((Test-Path $file_path) -and !$update) { Write-Host "[*] FileInsight-plugins-embeddable-python-packages is already installed. Skipping installation." } else { Write-Host "[+] Downloading FileInsight-plugins-embeddable-python-packages $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_VERSION..." $archive_url = "https://github.com/nmantani/FileInsight-plugins-embeddable-python-packages/releases/download/$PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_VERSION/FileInsight-plugins-python3-embed-$PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_VERSION.zip" $zip_archive_path = "$work_dir\FileInsight-plugins-python3-embed-$PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_VERSION.zip" download_file $archive_url $zip_archive_path if (!(Test-Path $zip_archive_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Download has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] Verifying SHA256 hash value of $zip_archive_path (with $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_HASH)..." $val = compute_hash $zip_archive_path if ($val -eq $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_HASH) { Write-Host "[+] OK." } else { Write-Host "[!] The hash value does not match ($val)." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } $dest_dir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\python3-embed" if ((Test-Path $dest_dir) -and $update) { Write-Host "[+] Removing old python3-embed folder..." Remove-Item $dest_dir -Recurse -Force Write-Host "[+] Done." if ((Test-Path $dest_dir)) { Write-Host "[!] Removal of old python3-embed folder has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } mkdir $dest_dir | Out-Null } Write-Host "[+] Extracting FileInsight-plugins-python3-embed-$PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_VERSION.zip..." $extract_dir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations" extract_zip $zip_archive_path $extract_dir $file_path = "$extract_dir\python3-embed\python.exe" if (!(Test-Path $file_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Extraction has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] FileInsight-plugins-embeddable-python-packages $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_VERSIONhas been installed." } remove_venv Write-Host "" } function install_qiling_rootfs($work_dir, $update) { Write-Host "[+] Installing rootfs files of Qiling Framework..." $file_path_kernel32_x64 = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc\qiling-master\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll" $file_path_ntoskrnl_x64 = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc\qiling-master\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe" $file_path_kernel32_x86 = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc\qiling-master\examples\rootfs\x86_windows\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll" $file_path_ntoskrnl_x86 = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc\qiling-master\examples\rootfs\x86_windows\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe" $file_path_ntdll_x86 = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc\qiling-master\examples\rootfs\x86_windows\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll" $file_path_libc_x64 = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc\qiling-master\examples\rootfs\x8664_linux\lib\libc.so.6" $file_path_libc_x86 = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc\qiling-master\examples\rootfs\x86_linux\lib\libc.so.6" if ((Test-Path $file_path_kernel32_x64) -and (Test-Path $file_path_ntoskrnl_x64) ` -and (Test-Path $file_path_kernel32_x86) -and (Test-Path $file_path_ntoskrnl_x86) -and (Test-Path $file_path_ntdll_x86) ` -and (Test-Path $file_path_libc_x64) -and (Test-Path $file_path_libc_x86) -and !$update) { Write-Host "[*] rootfs files of Qiling Framework are already installed. Skipping installation." } else { Write-Host "[+] Downloading Qiling Framework..." $qiling_url = "https://github.com/qilingframework/qiling/archive/master.zip" $zip_archive_path = "$work_dir\qiling-master.zip" download_file $qiling_url $zip_archive_path if (!(Test-Path $zip_archive_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Download has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] Extracting qiling-master.zip..." $extract_dir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc" extract_zip $zip_archive_path $extract_dir $file_path = "$extract_dir\qiling-master\README.md" if (!(Test-Path $file_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Extraction has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] Downloading Qiling Framework rootfs..." $rootfs_url = "https://github.com/qilingframework/rootfs/archive/master.zip" $zip_archive_path = "$work_dir\rootfs-master.zip" download_file $rootfs_url $zip_archive_path if (!(Test-Path $zip_archive_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Download has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." $dest_dir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc\qiling-master\examples\rootfs" if ($update) { Write-Host "[+] Removing old rootfs folder..." Remove-Item $dest_dir -Recurse -Force Write-Host "[+] Done." if ((Test-Path $dest_dir)) { Write-Host "[!] Removal of old rootfs folder has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } mkdir $dest_dir | Out-Null } Write-Host "[+] Extracting rootfs-master.zip..." $extract_dir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc\qiling-master\examples" extract_zip $zip_archive_path $extract_dir Move-Item "$extract_dir\rootfs-master\*" "$extract_dir\rootfs" Remove-Item "$extract_dir\rootfs-master" -Recurse -Force $file_path = "$extract_dir\rootfs\x8664_windows\bin\argv.exe" if (!(Test-Path $file_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Extraction has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." $dest_dir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc" $cwd = Convert-Path . cd "${dest_dir}\qiling-master" Write-Host "[+] Setting up DLL files and registry files in ${dest_dir}\qiling-master\examples\rootfs ..." Write-Host "[+] Executing ${dest_dir}\qiling-master\examples\scripts\dllscollector.bat (this requires administrator privileges) ..." Start-Process powershell -Verb RunAs -Wait -ArgumentList "-Command `"cd '${dest_dir}\qiling-master'; examples\scripts\dllscollector.bat`"" $file_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc\qiling-master\examples\rootfs\x8664_windows\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll" if (!(Test-Path $file_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Installation has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } cd $cwd Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] rootfs files of Qiling Framework have been installed." } Write-Host "" } function install_aplib($work_dir) { Write-Host "[+] Installing aPLib..." $file_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Compression\aplib.dll" if (Test-Path $file_path) { Write-Host "[*] aPLib is already installed. Skipping installation." } else { Write-Host "[+] Downloading aPLib-$APLIB_VERSION..." $archive_url = "http://ibsensoftware.com/files/aPLib-$APLIB_VERSION.zip" $zip_archive_path = "$work_dir\aPLib-$APLIB_VERSION.zip" download_file $archive_url $zip_archive_path if (!(Test-Path $zip_archive_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Download has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] Verifying SHA256 hash value of $zip_archive_path (with $APLIB_HASH)..." $val = compute_hash $zip_archive_path if ($val -eq $APLIB_HASH) { Write-Host "[+] OK." } else { Write-Host "[!] The hash value does not match ($val)." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Extracting aPLib-$APLIB_VERSION.zip..." $extract_dir = "$work_dir\aPLib-$APLIB_VERSION" extract_zip $zip_archive_path $extract_dir $file_path = "$extract_dir\lib\dll\aplib.dll" if (!(Test-Path $file_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Extraction has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." $dest_dir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Compression" Write-Host "[+] Copying aplib.dll to $dest_dir ..." Copy-Item $file_path -Destination $dest_dir -Recurse -Force if (!(Test-Path "$dest_dir\aplib.dll")) { Write-Host "[!] Installation has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] aPLib has been installed." } Write-Host "" } function install_detect_it_easy($work_dir, $update) { Write-Host "[+] Installing Detect It Easy..." $file_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Parsing\die_win64_portable\diec.exe" if ((Test-Path $file_path) -and !$update) { Write-Host "[*] Detect It Easy is already installed. Skipping installation." } else { if ((Test-Path $file_path) -and $update) { $current_version = (&$file_path --version).Substring(4) $need_install = [System.Version] $current_version -lt $DIE_VERSION } else { $need_install = $true } if ($need_install) { Write-Host "[+] Downloading Detect It Easy $DIE_VERSION..." $archive_url = "https://github.com/horsicq/DIE-engine/releases/download/$DIE_VERSION/die_win64_portable_${DIE_VERSION}_x64.zip" $zip_archive_path = "$work_dir\die_win64_portable_$DIE_VERSION.zip" download_file $archive_url $zip_archive_path if (!(Test-Path $zip_archive_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Download has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] Verifying SHA256 hash value of $zip_archive_path (with $DIE_HASH)..." $val = compute_hash $zip_archive_path if ($val -eq $DIE_HASH) { Write-Host "[+] OK." } else { Write-Host "[!] The hash value does not match ($val)." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } $dest_dir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Parsing\die_win64_portable" if ((Test-Path $dest_dir)) { Write-Host "[+] Removing old die_win64_portable folder..." Remove-Item $dest_dir -Recurse -Force Write-Host "[+] Done." if ((Test-Path $dest_dir)) { Write-Host "[!] Removal of old die_win64_portable folder has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } mkdir $dest_dir | Out-Null } Write-Host "[+] Extracting die_win64_portable_$DIE_VERSION.zip..." $extract_dir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Parsing\die_win64_portable" extract_zip $zip_archive_path $extract_dir $file_path = "$extract_dir\diec.exe" if (!(Test-Path $file_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Extraction has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] Detect It Easy $DIE_VERSION has been installed." } else { Write-Host "[*] Detect It Easy $DIE_VERSION is already installed. Skipping installation." } Write-Host "" } } function install_exiftool($work_dir, $update) { Write-Host "[+] Installing ExifTool..." $file_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Parsing\exiftool.exe" if ((Test-Path $file_path) -and !$update) { Write-Host "[*] ExifTool is already installed. Skipping installation." } else { if ((Test-Path $file_path) -and $update) { $current_version = &$file_path -ver $need_install = [System.Version] $current_version -lt $EXIFTOOL_VERSION } else { $need_install = $true } if ($need_install) { Write-Host "[+] Downloading ExifTool-$EXIFTOOL_VERSION..." $archive_url = "https://exiftool.org/exiftool-${EXIFTOOL_VERSION}_64.zip" # Mirror site for website outage #$archive_url = "https://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/exiftool/exiftool-${EXIFTOOL_VERSION}_64.zip" $zip_archive_path = "$work_dir\exiftool-${EXIFTOOL_VERSION}_64.zip" download_file $archive_url $zip_archive_path if (!(Test-Path $zip_archive_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Download has been failed." Write-Host "[*] Please manually download ExifTool from https://exiftool.org/" Write-Host "[*] and copy exiftool(-k).exe as '$file_path' ." return } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] Verifying SHA256 hash value of $zip_archive_path (with $EXIFTOOL_HASH)..." $val = compute_hash $zip_archive_path if ($val -eq $EXIFTOOL_HASH) { Write-Host "[+] OK." } else { Write-Host "[!] The hash value does not match ($val)." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Extracting exiftool-${EXIFTOOL_VERSION}_64.zip..." $extract_dir = $work_dir extract_zip $zip_archive_path $extract_dir $file_path = "$extract_dir\exiftool-${EXIFTOOL_VERSION}_64\exiftool(-k).exe" if (!(Test-Path $file_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Extraction has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." $dest_file = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Parsing\exiftool.exe" Write-Host "[+] Copying exiftool(-k).exe to $dest_file ..." Copy-Item $file_path -Destination $dest_file -Recurse -Force if (!(Test-Path "$dest_file")) { Write-Host "[!] Installation has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } $file_path = "$extract_dir\exiftool-${EXIFTOOL_VERSION}_64\exiftool_files" $dest_file = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Parsing\exiftool_files" Write-Host "[+] Copying exiftool_files to $dest_file ..." Copy-Item $file_path -Destination $dest_file -Recurse -Force if (!(Test-Path "$dest_file")) { Write-Host "[!] Installation has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] ExifTool $EXIFTOOL_VERSION has been installed." } else { Write-Host "[*] ExifTool $EXIFTOOL_VERSION is already installed. Skipping installation." } Write-Host "" } } function install_quicklz($work_dir) { Write-Host "[+] Installing QuickLZ library..." $dest_dir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Compression" if ((Test-Path "$dest_dir\quicklz150_64_1_safe.dll") -and (Test-Path "$dest_dir\quicklz150_64_2_safe.dll") -and (Test-Path "$dest_dir\quicklz150_64_3_safe.dll")) { Write-Host "[*] QuickLZ is already installed. Skipping installation." } else { Write-Host "[+] Downloading QuickLZ-$QUICKLZ_VERSION..." $archive_url = "https://web.archive.org/web/20190617194930/http://www.quicklz.com/150dll.zip" $zip_archive_path = "$work_dir\150dll.zip" download_file $archive_url $zip_archive_path if (!(Test-Path $zip_archive_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Download has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] Verifying SHA256 hash value of $zip_archive_path (with $QUICKLZ_HASH)..." $val = compute_hash $zip_archive_path if ($val -eq $QUICKLZ_HASH) { Write-Host "[+] OK." } else { Write-Host "[!] The hash value does not match ($val)." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Extracting 150dll.zip..." $extract_dir = "$work_dir\150dll" extract_zip $zip_archive_path $extract_dir $file_path = "$extract_dir\64\quicklz150_64_1_safe.dll" if (!(Test-Path "$extract_dir\64\quicklz150_64_1_safe.dll") -or !(Test-Path "$extract_dir\64\quicklz150_64_2_safe.dll") -or !(Test-Path "$extract_dir\64\quicklz150_64_3_safe.dll")) { Write-Host "[!] Extraction has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." $dest_dir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Compression" Write-Host "[+] Copying QuickLZ DLL files to $dest_dir ..." $file_path = "$extract_dir\64\quicklz150_64_1_safe.dll" Copy-Item $file_path -Destination $dest_dir -Recurse -Force $file_path = "$extract_dir\64\quicklz150_64_2_safe.dll" Copy-Item $file_path -Destination $dest_dir -Recurse -Force $file_path = "$extract_dir\64\quicklz150_64_3_safe.dll" Copy-Item $file_path -Destination $dest_dir -Recurse -Force if (!(Test-Path "$dest_dir\quicklz150_64_1_safe.dll") -or !(Test-Path "$dest_dir\quicklz150_64_2_safe.dll") -or !(Test-Path "$dest_dir\quicklz150_64_3_safe.dll")) { Write-Host "[!] Installation has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] QuickLZ library has been installed." } Write-Host "" } function install_gimphash($work_dir, $update) { Write-Host "[+] Installing gimphash..." $file_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc\c_gimphash_windows.exe" if ((Test-Path $file_path) -and !$update) { Write-Host "[*] gimphash is already installed. Skipping installation." } else { Write-Host "[+] Downloading gimphash $GIMPHASH_VERSION..." $download_url = "https://github.com/NextronSystems/gimphash/releases/download/$GIMPHASH_VERSION/c_gimphash_windows.exe" $download_file_path = "$work_dir\c_gimphash_windows.exe" download_file $download_url $download_file_path if (!(Test-Path $download_file_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Download has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] Verifying SHA256 hash value of $download_file_path (with $GIMPHASH_HASH)..." $val = compute_hash $download_file_path if ($val -eq $GIMPHASH_HASH) { Write-Host "[+] OK." } else { Write-Host "[!] The hash value does not match ($val)." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } $dest_file_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc\c_gimphash_windows.exe" Write-Host "[+] Copying c_gimphash_windows.exe to $dest_file_path ..." Copy-Item $download_file_path -Destination $dest_file_path -Force if (!(Test-Path "$dest_file_path")) { Write-Host "[!] Installation has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] gimphash $GIMPHASH_VERSION has been installed." Write-Host "" } } function install_lemmeknow($work_dir, $update) { Write-Host "[+] Installing lemmeknow..." $file_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Parsing\lemmeknow-windows.exe" if ((Test-Path $file_path) -and !$update) { Write-Host "[*] lemmeknow is already installed. Skipping installation." } else { Write-Host "[+] Downloading lemmeknow $LEMMEKNOW_VERSION..." $download_url = "https://github.com/swanandx/lemmeknow/releases/download/v$LEMMEKNOW_VERSION/lemmeknow-windows.exe" $download_file_path = "$work_dir\lemmeknow-windows.exe" download_file $download_url $download_file_path if (!(Test-Path $download_file_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Download has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] Verifying SHA256 hash value of $download_file_path (with $LEMMEKNOW_HASH)..." $val = compute_hash $download_file_path if ($val -eq $LEMMEKNOW_HASH) { Write-Host "[+] OK." } else { Write-Host "[!] The hash value does not match ($val)." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } $dest_file_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Parsing\lemmeknow-windows.exe" Write-Host "[+] Copying lemmeknow-windows.exe to $dest_file_path ..." Copy-Item $download_file_path -Destination $dest_file_path -Force if (!(Test-Path "$dest_file_path")) { Write-Host "[!] Installation has been failed." remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] Aborting installation." exit } Write-Host "[+] Done." Write-Host "[+] lemmeknow $LEMMEKNOW_VERSION has been installed." Write-Host "" } } function migrate_plugin_config() { $old_file_path1 = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins-old\Misc operations\send_to.json" $old_file_path2 = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\FileInsight\plugins\Misc operations\send_to.json" $new_file_path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal') + "\McAfee FileInsight\plugins\Operations\Misc\send_to.json" if ((Test-Path $old_file_path1) -and !(Test-Path $new_file_path)) { Write-Host "[+] Migrating existing config file from $old_file_path1 to $new_file_path..." Copy-Item "$old_file_path1" -Destination "$new_file_path" if (!(Test-Path $new_file_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Migration failed." } else { Write-Host "[+] Done." } Write-Host "" } elseif ((Test-Path $old_file_path2) -and !(Test-Path $new_file_path)) { Write-Host "[+] Migrating existing config file from $old_file_path2 to $new_file_path..." Copy-Item "$old_file_path2" -Destination "$new_file_path" if (!(Test-Path $new_file_path)) { Write-Host "[!] Migration failed." } else { Write-Host "[+] Done." } Write-Host "" } } # # Main section # Write-Host "[+] FileInsight-plugins installation script" Write-Host "" $PROXY_URL = get_proxy_url if ($PROXY_URL) { Write-Host "[+] Using HTTP proxy: $PROXY_URL" Write-Host "" } if ($snapshot) { $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_VERSION = $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_SNAPSHOT_VERSION $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_HASH = $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_SNAPSHOT_HASH } else { $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_VERSION = $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_RELEASE_VERSION $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_HASH = $PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE_PACKAGES_RELEASE_HASH } $work_dir = create_working_directory install_fileinsight $work_dir install_fileinsight_plugins $work_dir $update $snapshot install_embeddable_python_packages $work_dir $update install_detect_it_easy $work_dir $update install_qiling_rootfs $work_dir $update install_aplib $work_dir if (!$snapshot) { install_exiftool $work_dir $update } install_quicklz $work_dir install_gimphash $work_dir $update install_lemmeknow $work_dir $update migrate_plugin_config remove_working_directory $work_dir Write-Host "[+] All installation has been finished!"