R% '; exit; } else { header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml'); echo 'Placeholder ' . $image_id . ''; exit; } } if (!empty($_POST['filedata'])) { // The data needs to start with a valid PNG header, encoded in base64 $filedata = $_POST['filedata']; if (!str_starts_with($filedata, "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUg")) { die('Invalid image header'); } $data = base64_decode($_POST['filedata']); $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w"), ); // Convert the image to the right size $process = proc_open("convert png:- -resize 256x256 png:-", $descriptorspec, $pipes, '.', array()); if (!is_resource($process)) { die('Internal Server Error with proc_open'); } fwrite($pipes[0], $data); fclose($pipes[0]); header('Content-Type: image/png'); echo stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); proc_close($process); exit; } ?> Create your own NFT gallery!

Create your own NFT gallery!

Before creating your gallery, your image needs to be of the right size. Use this service to resize it!

... or drop a file here.