# This is the ov config file. # Copy it to `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ov/config.yaml` or start it with `ov --config ov.yaml`. # # QuitSmall: false # Quit if the file size is smaller than the terminal size. # IsWriteOriginal: false # Write the original content when exiting. # BeforeWriteOriginal: 0 # Write the number of lines before the current location when exiting. # AfterWriteOriginal: 0 # Write the number of lines after the current location when exiting. # # CaseSensitive: false # Case sensitive search. # SmartCaseSensitive: false # Case sensitive search if the search string contains uppercase characters. # RegexpSearch: false # Regular expression search. # Incsearch: true # Incremental search. # # MemoryLimit: -1 # The maximum number of lines that can be loaded into memory. # MemoryLimitFile: 100 # The maximum number of lines that can be loaded into memory when opening a file. # # DisableMouse: false # Disable mouse support. # DisableColumnCycle: false # Disable cycling when moving columns. # # ViewMode: markdown # Default view mode. # # Debug: false # Debug mode. # Prompt: Normal: # ShowFilename: true # Show the filename. # InvertColor: true # Invert the color of the prompt. # ProcessOfCount: true # Show the process of count. # ShrinkChar: '…' # Characters displayed when the column is shrinking. General: TabWidth: 8 Header: 0 AlternateRows: false ColumnMode: false LineNumMode: false WrapMode: true ColumnDelimiter: "," MarkStyleWidth: 1 # SectionDelimiter: "^#" # Style # String of the color name: Foreground, Background # Boolean: Bold, Blink, Dim, Italic, Underline StyleAlternate: Background: "gray" StyleHeader: Bold: true StyleOverStrike: Bold: true StyleOverLine: Underline: true StyleLineNumber: Bold: true StyleSearchHighlight: Reverse: true StyleColumnHighlight: Reverse: true StyleMarkLine: Background: "darkgoldenrod" StyleSectionLine: Background: "slateblue" StyleMultiColorHighlight: - Foreground: "red" - Foreground: "aqua" - Foreground: "yellow" - Foreground: "fuchsia" - Foreground: "lime" - Foreground: "blue" - Foreground: "grey" StyleJumpTargetLine: Underline: true # Keybind # Special key # "Enter","Backspace","Tab","Backtab","Esc", # "Delete", "Insert", # "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "Home", "End", # "F1...F64" # Modifier key # "ctrl", "alt", "meta", "shift" # Connect with modifier key + key # "ctrl+c" KeyBind: exit: - "Escape" - "q" cancel: - "ctrl+c" write_exit: - "Q" set_write_exit: - "ctrl+q" suspend: - "ctrl+z" sync: - "ctrl+l" reload: - "ctrl+alt+l" - "F5" watch: - "ctrl+alt+w" - "F4" watch_interval: - "ctrl+w" follow_mode: - "ctrl+f" follow_all: - "ctrl+a" follow_section: - "F2" help: - "h" - "ctrl+alt+c" - "ctrl+f1" logdoc: - "ctrl+f2" - "ctrl+alt+e" down: - "Enter" - "Down" - "ctrl+N" up: - "Up" - "ctrl+p" top: - "Home" bottom: - "End" left: - "left" right: - "right" half_left: - "ctrl+left" half_right: - "ctrl+right" page_up: - "PageUp" - "ctrl+b" page_down: - "PageDown" - "ctrl+v" page_half_up: - "ctrl+u" page_half_down: - "ctrl+d" section_delimiter: - "alt+d" section_start: - "ctrl+F3" - "alt+s" section_header_num: - "F7" hide_other: - "alt+-" next_section: - "space" last_section: - "9" previous_section: - "^" mark: - "m" remove_mark: - "M" remove_all_mark: - "ctrl+delete" next_mark: - ">" previous_mark: - "<" set_view_mode: - "p" - "P" alter_rows_mode: - "C" line_number_mode: - "G" search: - "/" wrap_mode: - "w" - "W" column_mode: - "c" backsearch: - "?" delimiter: - "d" header: - "H" skip_lines: - "ctrl+s" tabwidth: - "t" goto: - "g" next_search: - "n" next_backsearch: - "N" next_doc: - "]" previous_doc: - "[" toggle_mouse: - "ctrl+f3" - "ctrl+alt+r" multi_color: - "." jump_target: - "j" Mode: markdown: SectionDelimiter: "^#" WrapMode: true psql: Header: 2 AlternateRows: true ColumnMode: true LineNumMode: false WrapMode: true ColumnDelimiter: "|" mysql: Header: 3 AlternateRows: true ColumnMode: true LineNumMode: false WrapMode: true ColumnDelimiter: "|"