# systemd service file to start Node-RED [Unit] Description=Node-RED graphical event wiring tool Wants=network.target Documentation=http://nodered.org/docs/hardware/raspberrypi.html [Service] Type=simple # Run as normal pi user - change to the user name you wish to run Node-RED as User=pi Group=pi WorkingDirectory=/home/pi Environment="NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=512" # define an optional environment file in Node-RED's user directory to set custom variables externally EnvironmentFile=-/home/pi/.node-red/environment # uncomment and edit next line if you need an http proxy #Environment="HTTP_PROXY=my.httpproxy.server.address" # uncomment the next line for a more verbose log output #Environment="NODE_RED_OPTIONS=-v" # uncomment next line if you need to wait for time sync before starting #ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c '/bin/journalctl -b -u systemd-timesyncd | /bin/grep -q "systemd-timesyncd.* Synchronized to time server"' ExecStart=/usr/bin/env node-red-pi $NODE_OPTIONS $NODE_RED_OPTIONS #ExecStart=/usr/bin/env node $NODE_OPTIONS red.js $NODE_RED_OPTIONS # Use SIGINT to stop KillSignal=SIGINT # Auto restart on crash Restart=on-failure RestartSec=20 # Tag things in the log SyslogIdentifier=Node-RED #StandardOutput=syslog [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target