2021-03-21 ------------------ - Travis: update node version to 10 - bump lodash 2019-07-20 ------------------ - Maintenance owner moved from nodeca to js-kyle 2.0.1 / 2019-07-13 ------------------ - Maintenance release. - Deps bump. - Travis: update minimal node version to 8. - Added maintenance warning to readme. 2.0.0 / 2019-02-25 ------------------ - Maintenance release. - Drop node v4 support (test v6 & latest). - Deps: Bump lodash 3 -> 4. - DevDeps: freeze versions of CSSWring & uglify-js. 1.5.0 / 2016-07-27 ------------------ - Added PUG engine support, thanks to @scottty881. - Fixed CSSO 2.+ support, #229. 1.4.2 / 2016-07-27 ------------------ - Added option `noSourceMapProtection` to skip insert XSSI protection sequence into generated sourcemaps. 1.4.1 / 2016-01-21 ------------------ - Fixed sourcemaps for autoprefixer/csswring (when both enabled), #214. Thanks to @jeroenvisser101. 1.4.0 / 2015-10-24 ------------------ - Internal API update (caused by autoprefixer API change): - `autoprefixer-core` -> `autoprefixer` - Dropped of old `autoprefixer` & `csswring` versions. Update those modules, if used. - Fixed source maps `sourcesContent` field for Less 2.x engine. - Added stylus sourcemaps support. - `fs-tools` -> `mkdirp`. 1.3.1 / 2015-09-05 ------------------ - (!) Added `node-sass` sourcemaps support, thanks to @inukshuk. - Added support for `node-sass` helpers, errors and confuguration. Thanks to @inukshuk & @rhyzx. 1.3.0 / 2015-06-24 ------------------ - Updated API compatibility for postcss-related modules (autoprefixer, csswring). Now you have to add `postcss` dependency to make those work right. Thanks to @netsgnut. - Version bump to notify users about possible `postcss` dependency. 1.2.5 / 2015-06-09 ------------------ - SASS engine: pass file name, thanks to @cgc. - LESS engine: improved deps (imports) tracking for 2.0+, thanks to @alexanderweiss. - EJS 2.0+ support, thanks to @jeremyruppel. 1.2.4 / 2015-02-22 ------------------ - Added node-sass 2.0 support, thanks to @gabooh. 1.2.3 / 2015-02-07 ------------------ - Fixed examples compatibility with LESS 2.x (#182, thanks to @tikotzky) - Loger improvements (#176, thanks to @jisaacks) - added `.level()` method - methods are now chainable - tests - Fixed iteration over bower main files (#166, thanks to @mileszim) - Fixed SASS indented style support (#184, thanks to @rodrigoscna) - Bumped `mimoza` dependency & updated api calls appropriately. 1.2.2 / 2014-12-17 ------------------ - Added LESS 2.0 support, thanks to @tikotzky. 1.2.1 / 2014-12-04 ------------------ - Better csswring options - don't break IE hacks, clear all comments, #171, thanks to @tortuetorche. 1.2.0 / 2014-12-02 ------------------ - Internal API updates. Need more fresh dependencies in your projects: - `autoprefixer` -> `autoprefixer-core` - `csswring` v1 -> v2 - Don't search bower's deprecated `component.json` anymore. - Fixed broken line maping in `safety_colons` processor, when content starts with empty string (affected coffescripts, started with block comment). 1.1.3 / 2014-08-17 ------------------ - Fixed `stub` directive (#144). 1.1.2 / 2014-07-26 ------------------ - Fixed generated sourcemaps to work in Firefox, #151. - Bumped `hike` dependency (should work faster now) 1.1.1 / 2014-07-16 ------------------ - Fixed jade `include` support. 1.1.0 / 2014-07-03 ------------------ - (!) Added macros support. No more need to use ejs for embedding inline variables. 1.0.5 / 2014-06-23 ------------------ - Fixed bower packages loading. Always load first file, if array specified (#147). 1.0.4 / 2014-06-09 ------------------ - Maintenance release (updated pako dependency). 1.0.3 / 2014-05-16 ------------------ - Improved reporting on SASS errors. 1.0.2 / 2014-03-31 ------------------ - Allow pass plain objects as helpers. 1.0.1 / 2014-03-25 ------------------ - Bugfixes for mode without source maps. 1.0.0 / 2014-03-25 ------------------ - NEW. Finally, added sourcemaps support. - Removed `/?body=1` - not needed anymore, after sourcemaps added. - Removed `Asset.writeTo()` method. - `Manifest.compile()` are now sync and throw exception on error. - Removed non mainstream engines: eco, coco, haml-coffee, livescript. - Wiki tutorial, how to create addons with new engines support. - Reworked example. - Don't strip mincer directives from generated files - added `csswring` compressor, as alternative to `csso` - less features, but or with sourcemaps support. - Added support for coffee-script block comments - Fix root path comparison, #124 - Improved `bower.json` support, #134 - Logger now prefer to use `originalUrl` if exists - Removed patches of old LESS support. Just upgrate LESS too. 0.5.13 / 2014-01-13 ------------------- - Added compatibility with Jade 1.0.0+ API. - Added compatibility with AutoPrefixer 1.0.0+ API. - Removed `deflate` support as useless & not safe (see #118 for details). - Simplified server logic. - Examples/readme fixes. 0.5.12 / 2013-11-06 ------------------- - Fixed custom processor declaration (@kramerc). - Allow configure options of UglifyJS. 0.5.11 / 2013-10-24 ------------------- - Rolled back uglifier defaults, since last update caused Safari bugs. See https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/326 . If you have speed issues - make sure, that input javascripts are not minified. - Added LiveScript support (@tomchentw) 0.5.10 / 2013-10-17 ------------------- - Disable `compress` option for `UglifyJS` by default. (!!!) That DOES NOT disable minification, just some options. Using `compress` gives just 1% gain on gzipped result, but can cause huge performance loss if mincer receives already minified file on input. 0.5.9 / 2013-10-12 ------------------ - Fixed regression caused ignore of js/css compressions. 0.5.8 / 2013-09-15 ------------------ - Allow use all JST engines as in-middle pipeline processors. That allows to have `*.jst.hbs.jade` that will generate Handlebars JST from HTML generated with Jade. 0.5.7 / 2013-08-15 ------------------ - Significantly boosted cache speed 0.5.6 / 2013-08-07 ------------------ - Fix SASS engine, to follow new SASS api. SASS 0.5.0+ required 0.5.5 / 2013-08-06 ------------------ - Fixed broken circular dependency protector - Added `autoprefixer` support - Added simplified way to enable/disable processors - Added location info for CoffeeScript compiler error (thanks to @grindars) 0.5.4 / 2013-08-06 ------------------ - Fixed `eco` engine - Fixed gzipped asets generation - Synced with `sprockets` 2.10.0 0.5.3 / 2013-08-01 ------------------ - Fixed `less` helpers & added `less` tests (thanks to @btd) 0.5.2 / 2013-07-22 ------------------ - Fixed assets unserialisation from cache 0.5.1 / 2013-07-17 ------------------ - Added compilation cache. Usage: `env.cache = new Mincer.FileStore("/path/to/cache");` - Minor fixes 0.5.0 / 2013-07-01 ------------------ - API cleanup - removed lazySources stuff, due bad implementation - setting options in engines renamed to `configure` (unified name) - simplified engines init - removed compile() method in favor of synchronous compilations - Added `Template.lib` hash to override libriaries, used by default - Added `bower.json` support - Added embedded JS/CSS compressors (`csso` & `uglify`) - Improved windows support ('\' separators in paths) 0.4.6 / 2013-04-23 ------------------ - Added support for literate CoffeeScript `.litcoffee`. Closes #73. - Added `Coco` (Coffescript dialect) support, thanks to @utkarshkukreti - Added preliminary engines cache (currently for LESS only) - Improved visual look for 404 and other errors (show text in reply body) - Improved BSD compatibility, thanks to @utkarshkukreti - Improved `node_sass` support. Closes #76, thanks to @joshuairl. 0.4.5 / 2013-02-17 ------------------ - Added ECO engine (thanks to @abravalheri). - Allow use EJS as JST engine alongside as processor (thanks to @abravalheri). - Improve Windows support (thanks to @abravalheri). 0.4.4 / 2013-01-26 ------------------ - Expose original HTTP request object inside Server log event. - Provide filename for EJS engine (thanks to @CamShaft) 0.4.3 / 2013-01-02 ------------------ - Fix for LESS > v1.3.2 (improved paths calculation) 0.4.2 / 2013-01-02 ------------------ - Added SASS support (thanks to @moddular) - Fixed Paths#clearPaths helper. - Simplify `asset_path` (and dependent built-in) hepers registration. 0.4.1 / 2012-11-06 ------------------ - Fix extensionless assets path resolving 0.4.0 / 2012-10-30 ------------------ - Added bower component.json require support - Provide stubbed implementation of context `-_path` helpers - Sync with Sprockets up to v2.6.0 0.3.1 / 2012-10-13 ------------------ - Improve and fix typos in usage examples. Closes #35. - Improve work with extension-less requires. - Sync with Sprockets up to v2.4.5 0.3.0 / 2012-09-13 ------------------ - Add JST support. Haml Coffee became JST backend. Closes #7. - Add Jade JST backend. - Fix directive processor to work on M$ Windows. Closes #30. - Fix example server compression usage. Closes #32. - Fix call-stack overflow on massive requires. Closes #31. - Monitor stylus `@import` and auto-depend-on them. Closes #23. - Fix error reporting to show file that cause error. Closes 26. 0.2.7 / 2012-08-10 ------------------ - Forced UTF-8 charset for text assets, to avoid problems with JS loaders 0.2.6 / 2012-08-09 ------------------ - Allow request non-bundled assets (without dependencies). Closes #15. - Fix problem with CoffeScript options got mangled by compiler. Closes #17. - Add Haml Coffee Engine support. Related to #16. 0.2.5 / 2012-07-25 ------------------ - Use `process.hrtime()` for timer when available. - Allow using custom `Server` logging by providing `#log()` method. 0.2.4 / 2012-07-25 ------------------ - Fix assets fresh/stale checks. Closes #13. 0.2.3 / 2012-07-06 ------------------ - Allow specify options of the CoffeeScript engine. Closes #11. 0.2.2 / 2012-06-26 ------------------ - Update Node API for 0.8 compatibility with shims for Node 0.6. 0.2.1 / 2012-06-25 ------------------ - Update dependencies to be node v0.8 compatible. 0.2.0 / 2012-06-19 ------------------ - Fix typo in Base#findAsset() fo Manifest. - Fix Asset#digestPath getter. Now it does not drops `path` component. - Fix extension aliases registration. Now `app.css` will match: `app.css`, `app.styl`, `app.less`, `app.css.styl`, etc. - Improve js/css compressors, now these functions accept `context` along with `data` of asset. - Fixed RegExp generation for `Base#eachLogicalPath` calls. 0.1.4 / 2012-06-11 ------------------ - Do not compress small assets (less than 500KB). See #8. - Fix DirectiveProcessor `require_self` and some other command handlers `this` scope. Fixes #9. - Drop support of `If-Modified-Since` header check - using only ETags. - Add Asset#isCompiled flag. - Small fixes and code improvements. 0.1.3 / 2012-05-26 ------------------ - Fix `If-None-Match` header test (304 reply) - Add test of `If-Modified-Since` header for assets server - Added more headers to 304 reply 0.1.2 / 2012-05-25 ------------------ - Improved examples. - Added `Environment#precompile()` for making sure assets are "fresh" and compiled without using Manifest - for development purposes. - Improved error reporting of jsCompressor/cssCompressor. - Fix timer's output. 0.1.1 / 2012-05-17 ------------------ - Added CLI script `mincer` to build assets. 0.1.0 / 2012-05-15 ------------------ - First release.