{ "message": { "connect-wallet": "Connect Wallet", "keplr": "Keplr", "history": "History", "lease": "Lease", "leases": "Leases", "earn": "Earn", "assets": "Assets", "asset": "Asset", "more": "More", "type": "Type", "action": "Action", "fee": "Fee", "time": "Time", "term-of-service": "Terms of Service", "earning-assets": "Earning Assets", "supply": "Supply", "supply-withdraw": "Supply / Withdraw", "rewards": "Rewards", "to": "to", "lease-new": "Lease New", "lease-position": "Lease Position", "outstanding-loan": "Debt", "interest-due": "Due", "interest-fee": "Interest", "repay": "Repay", "claim": "Claim", "liquidation-price": "Liquidation Trigger", "memo": "Memo", "confirm-sending": "Confirm sending", "sending-failed": "Sending failed", "sending-successful": "Sending successful", "something-went-wrong": "Something went wrong", "ok": "Ok", "send": "Send", "send-receive": "Receive / Send", "password": "Password", "confirm-password": "Confirm password", "amount": "Amount:", "copy": "Copy", "receive": "Receive", "network": "Network", "total": "Total", "available-assets": "Assets", "active-leases": "Leases", "supplied-and-staked": "Earning", "low-balances": "Low Balances", "lease-up-to": "Lease up to", "earn-apr": "Earn APR", "balance": "Balance", "confirm": "Confirm", "ledger": "Ledger", "try-again": "Try again", "cancel": "Cancel", "error-connecting": "Error connecting", "swap-same-error": "can't swap to same currency", "tx-hash": "Tx Hash", "tx-and-fee": "Fee", "invalid-address": "Invalid address", "invalid-amount": "Invalid amount", "invalid-balance-low": "Invalid amount", "invalid-balance-big": "Insufficient balance", "missing-amount": "Invalid amount ", "repayment-amount": "Debt", "withdraw": "Withdraw", "down-payment": "down payment", "liq-trigger": "Liquidation Trigger", "connecting-kepler": "Connecting Keplr", "connecting-leap": "Connecting Leap", "approving-extension": "Continue by approving the connection in the extension", "connecting": "Connecting", "connect-ledger": "Connect Ledger", "ledger-dongle": "Use the Cosmos Application on your Ledger dongle to connect the hardware wallet.", "use-bluethooth": "Use Bluethooth", "connect": "Connect", "your-wallet": "Your Wallet", "disconnect": "Disconnect", "ledger-support-error": "Browser does not support connection with external devices.", "vested": "Vested", "release": "Release Schedule", "chart-tooltip-price": "Price", "recipient": "Recipient", "address": "Address", "down-payment-uppercase": "Down Payment", "apr": "APR", "lease-up-to-tooltip": "The maximum amount that can be leveraged based on the wallet balance", "earn-apr-tooltip": "Annualized percentage return on supplied or delegated assets", "interest-fee-tooltip": "The percentage interest rate at which the debt will increase each month is currently 0% until November 1st", "earn-view-apr-tooltip": "Annualized percentage return on supplied or delegated assets", "error": "Error", "success": "Success", "stake": "Stake", "vote": "Vote", "copied": "Copied", "load-more": "Load More", "jan": "Jan", "feb": "Feb", "mar": "Mar", "april": "Apr", "may": "May", "jun": "Jun", "jul": "Jul", "aug": "Aug", "sep": "Sep", "oct": "Oct", "nov": "Nov", "dec": "Dec", "one_s": "1 second ago", "many_s": "seconds ago", "one_m": "1 minute ago", "many_m": "minutes ago", "one_h": "1 hour ago", "many_h": "hours ago", "earn-title": "Earn", "deposit": "Deposit", "deposit-tooltip": "Total amount of supplied or delegated assets", "appearance": "Appearance", "light": "Light", "dark": "Dark", "sync": "Sync with OS", "estimate-time": "Estimated processing time", "sec": "sec", "unexpected-error": "Unexpected error", "delegate": "Delegate", "undelegate": "Withdraw", "delegate-description": "You will delegate to validators beyond the top three in terms of voting power and impose a commission of 5% or lower. It will take 21 days to withdraw your assets", "manual-delegation": "Manually choose the validators to delegate with", "delegated": "Delegated", "undelegated": "Withdraw", "undelegating": "Withdrawing", "undelegate-description": "Once the Withdrawing begins, you will stop receiving rewards and not be able to cancel it", "down-payment-tooltip": "The initial deposit required to leverage a desired asset", "asset-to-lease": "Asset to Lease", "borrowed": "Borrow", "borrowed-tooltip": "The amount of assets to be borrowed for the lease position", "interest": "Interest", "interest-tooltip": "The percentage interest rate by which the debt will increase each month", "liquidation-price-tooltip": "The collateral price which will trigger partial liquidation", "margin": "Position Size", "terms": "Terms of Service", "lease-min-error": "Amount must be between {minAmount} {symbol} and {maxAmount} {symbol}", "lease-max-error": "Amount must be between {minAmount} {symbol} and {maxAmount} {symbol}", "lease-only-max-error": "Amount must be lower than {maxAmount} {symbol}", "price": "Price", "opening": "Opening", "transfer": "Transfer to Wallet", "close-lease": "Close lease", "deposit-interest": "COMPOUNDING", "pnl": "PnL", "yield": "Yield", "amount-receive": "Amount", "chart": "Chart", "price-per": "Price per", "open-position": "Open Position", "delegate-undelegate": "Delegate / Withdraw", "collect": "Collect", "opening-channel": "Opening", "transferring-assets": "Transferring", "swapping-assets": "Swapping", "min": "min", "amount-field": "Amount", "portfolio-title": "Portfolio", "portfolio-value": "Portfolio Value", "no-results": "No results found", "empty-lease": "You might be missing on upside potential value gains!", "lease-now": "Lease now", "send-action": "Send {amount} to {address}", "receive-action": "Receive {amount} from {address}", "open-position-action": "Open {position} position on {ticker} with {amount}", "repay-position-action": "Repay {amount} for lease position {contract}", "close-position-action": "Collect tokens from lease position {contract}", "claim-position-action": " Claim {amount} rewards from {address}", "vote-position-action": "Vote {vote} on proposal #{propose}", "redelegate-action": "Redelegate {amount} to {address}", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "delegate-position-action": "Delegate {amount} to {validator}", "undelegate-position-action": "Withdraw {amount} from {validator}", "supply-position-action": "Supply {amount} to liquidity pool", "withdraw-position-action": "Withdraw {amount} from liquidity pool", "settings": "More", "refresh": "Refresh", "session-timeout": "Session Timeout", "session-timeout-message": "Your session has expired. Refresh to continue", "swap-fee": "Impact and DEX Fee", "leap": "Leap", "amount-warning": "Leave small amount of NLS tokens to pay for subsequent transactions", "Confirm": "Confirm", "Pending": "Pending", "Success": "Success", "Error": "Error", "gassErrorMsg": "Insufficient NLS for gas fees", "close": "Close", "supply-limit-reached": "Supply Limit Reached", "language": "Language", "rewards-from": "Rewards from", "repay-to": "Repay to", "supply-to": "Supply to", "send-to": "To", "swap": "Swap", "lease-from": "Lease from", "withdraw-from": "Withdraw from", "undelegate-from": "Withdraw from", "grant-to": "Grant to", "claim-from": "Claim from", "transfer-dialog": "Transfer", "supply-title": "Supply", "withdraw-title": "Withdraw", "delegate-title": "Delegate", "undelegate-title": "Withdraw", "connect-wallet-label": "connect wallet to continue", "gassErrorExternalMsg": "Insufficient {symbol} for gas fees", "stats": "Stats", "total-value-locked": "Total Value Locked", "yield-tooltip": "Annualized percentage rate on supplied asset", "borrow-apr": "Borrow APR", "supplied": "Supplied", "utilization-level": "Protocol Utilization", "optimal": "Optimal", "optimal-tooltip": "The threshold at which the maximum lease interest is reached", "deposit-suspension": "Deposit Cap", "deposit-suspension-tooltip": "The limit below which new asset deposits are halted", "incentives-pool": "Incentives Pool", "leased-assets-total": "Loans Provided (Total)", "protocol-revenue": "Protocol Revenue", "protocol-stats": "Protocol Stats", "support": "Knowledge Hub", "share": "Share", "buy-position": "POSITION", "share-position": "Share PnL", "lease-size": "Size", "health": "Health", "opened-on": "Opened on", "download": "Download", "timestamp": "Timestamp", "price-per-symbol": "Price per {symbol}", "free-interest": "0% Interest", "free-interest-tooltip": "Interest is offset every 3 hours ", "outstanding-debt-tooltip": "Includes both the principal and the interest, representing the total debt", "supply-limit-error": "The current deposit limit is {amount}", "market-close": "Market Close", "market-close-to": "Market close to", "lease-min-amount": "The position past this close should worth at least {amount} {symbol}", "partial-close-action": "Close {amount} {ticker} from lease position {contract}", "position-left": "Remaining", "usdc-payout": "Wallet Payout", "usdc-payout-tooltip": "Estimated asset amount to be credited to your wallet after deducting debt", "min-amount-allowed": "The minimum allowed {currency} amount is {amount}", "lease-swap-fee-tooltip": "Estimated position size after deducting a swap fee charged by the DEX", "receive/send": "Transfer", "buyback": "Buyback", "osmosis": "Osmosis USDC", "neutron": "Neutron USDC", "knowledgehub-banner-title": "Knowledge Hub", "knowledgehub-banner-subtitle": "Understanding the Nolus Protocol", "knowledgehub-banner-description": "A user-friendly guide to mastering all functionalities of the Nolus Protocol", "stats-banner-title": "Protocol Stats", "stats-banner-subtitle": "Staying Current with the Latest Stats", "stats-banner-description": "Track crucial protocol indicators like TVL, funds usage, buybacks, loan details and more", "positions-pnL": "Positions PnL", "total-equity": "Total Equity", "proposal": "Proposal", "voter": "Voter", "read-more": "Read More", "abstained": "Abstain", "veto": "Veto", "yes_count": "YES", "no_count": "NO", "abstain_count": "ABSTAIN", "no_with_veto_count": "NO WITH VETO", "voting-warning": "To obtain voting privileges, you must first delegate NLS tokens to the network's validators", "lease-banner-title": "Lease", "voted": "Voted", "integer-out-of-range": "Integer out of range", "repay-interest": "Accumulates each block and is added to the outstanding debt. Interest is due in {dueDate}", "policy": "By connecting a wallet, you acknowledge that you have read, agree and accept Nolus Protocol’s", "terms-of-service": "Terms of Service", "slippage": "Slippage", "price-impact": "Impact and DEX Fee", "min-received": "Min Received", "many_d": "days", "one_d": "a day", "one_s_in": "1 second", "many_s_in": "seconds", "one_m_in": "1 minute", "many_m_in": "minutes", "one_h_in": "1 hour", "many_h_in": "hours", "one_d_in": "day", "estimated-tx-fee": "Nolus Swap Fee", "swap-confirm-warning": "This route requires {txs} to be completed. You will be prompted for a second signature after the first transaction is finalized", "transaction": "transaction", "transactions": "transactions", "for": "For", "swap-success": "Transaction has been executed successfully", "swap-again": "Swap Again", "swap-sending": "Ensure the window remains open until Transaction {tx} is confirmed", "turnout": "turnout", "quorum": "quorum", "voting-ends": "voting ends", "date": "date", "size": "size", "withdraw-lpp-balance-error": "Withdrawal amount exceeds available balance: {balance}", "osmosis-noble": "Osmosis USDC", "0int-banner-subtitle": "Zero in for the DeFi Summer", "0int-banner-description": "All leases are interest-free until October 31st. Let’s make this DeFi Summer one to remember! 🚀", "from": "From", "swap-warning": "You can minimize this window and monitor the progress on the", "history-page": "History page", "Pending-History": "Pending", "Success-History": "Successful", "Error-History": "Failed", "details": "Details", "swap-skip-action": "Swap {amount} to {swapTo}", "receive-skip-action": "Receive {amount} from {network}", "send-skip-action": "Send {amount} to {network}", "defi-summer-winners-subtitle": "You've Won a Limited Edition Tee", "defi-summer-winners-description": "Congratulations! Your Limited Edition DeFi Summer Tee by Arsek & Erase is waiting for you. Fill out the form to claim it", "long": "Long", "short": "Short", "pnl02-banner-subtitle": "Win Еxtra USDC", "pnl02-banner-description": "Share your top lease gainer on Twitter by September 30th. Post freely, then submit your best pick here", "osmosis-st-atom": "Osmosis stATOM", "open-short-position-action": "Open {position} position on {LPN_ticker} with {amount}" } }