library(tidyverse) options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # replace or remove this if you're not me my_path <- "nval/ad-hocs" # replace or remove this if you're not me with path to downloaded and merged files from repo ccc_path <- "c:/users/ulfel/documents/nval/ccc/data_clean/ccc_compiled.csv" ccc <- read.csv(ccc_path) %>% mutate(date = lubridate::date(date), fips_code = ifelse(nchar(fips_code) == 4, paste0("0", fips_code), fips_code), issues = ifelse(issues == "", "other", issues)) %>% filter(! # regular expressions to spot various markers for DJT, Biden, and Harris in 'notes' field regex_trump <- "f(ea)?t. (?:(former president )?donald (j\\. )?trump(?!,? jr)|president trump)" regex_biden <- "f(ea)?t. (?:president|jo(?:e|seph)) biden" regex_harris <- "f(ea)?t. (?:v(ice )?p(resident)?( kamala)?|kamala) harris" # code I initially used to cast a wide net and tweak regexes until they worked as expected # ccc$rallytag <- with(ccc, case_when( # # grepl(regex_trump, notes, perl = TRUE, = TRUE) ~ "trump", # grepl(regex_biden, notes, perl = TRUE, = TRUE) ~ "biden", # grepl(regex_harris, notes, perl = TRUE, = TRUE) ~ "harris", # .default = "" # # )) # rally_check_set <- filter(ccc, grepl("\\btrump\\b|\\bbiden\\b|\\bharris\\b", notes, = TRUE) & date >= "2021-01-01") # write.csv(rally_check_set, "c:/users/ulfel/documents/nval/ad-hocs/rally-check-set-20240812.csv", row.names = FALSE) trump <- ccc |> filter(grepl("^(campaign )?rally$", type, perl = TRUE, = TRUE)) |> filter(grepl(regex_trump, notes, perl = TRUE, = TRUE)) |> mutate(year = lubridate::year(date)) trump |> group_by(year) |> summarize(n_events = n(), n_na = sum(, size_avg = mean(size_mean, na.rm = TRUE), size_median = median(size_mean, na.rm = TRUE), size_min = min(size_mean, na.rm = TRUE), size_max = max(size_mean, na.rm = TRUE)) biden <- ccc |> filter(grepl("^(campaign )?rally$", type, perl = TRUE, = TRUE)) |> filter(grepl(regex_biden, notes, perl = TRUE, = TRUE)) |> filter(date <= "2024-07-24") |> mutate(year = lubridate::year(date)) biden |> group_by(year) |> summarize(n_events = n(), n_na = sum(, size_avg = mean(size_mean, na.rm = TRUE), size_median = median(size_mean, na.rm = TRUE), size_min = min(size_mean, na.rm = TRUE), size_max = max(size_mean, na.rm = TRUE)) harris <- ccc |> filter(grepl("^(campaign )?rally$", type, perl = TRUE, = TRUE)) |> filter(grepl(regex_harris, notes, perl = TRUE, = TRUE)) |> filter(date > "2024-07-24") |> filter(grepl("harris for president", organizations, = TRUE)) harris |> summarize(n_events = n(), n_na = sum(, size_avg = mean(size_mean, na.rm = TRUE), size_median = median(size_mean, na.rm = TRUE), size_min = min(size_mean, na.rm = TRUE), size_max = max(size_mean, na.rm = TRUE))