# Sublime Gofmt This Sublime Text 3 package adds support for running gofmt on your Go source files. It runs on save by default, but that can be disabled. You can run it manually via a palette command (`Gofmt: Format this file`). If gofmt encounters errors, the plugin will mark the lines and highlight those errors in your source file. ## Goimports If you want to use [goimports] instead, open to Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> Gofmt -> Settings - User and enter a config like this: ```json { "cmds": [ ["goimports", "-e"] ] } ``` Note that `cmds` is an array, so you can put multiple commands in there, if you want to run the file through more than one formatter for some reason. [goimports]: https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports