Get-started: Description: This is a data catalog that includes one or more shareable data packages. Shareable data packages contain data and/or non-data supporting files packaged according to HEAL DSC specifications. Specifications: HEAL-DSC-data-packaging-specifications: Resource-tracker-specifications: Experiment-tracker-specifications: Results-tracker-specifications: Data-dictionary-specifications: Contents: readme: description: (this file) provides overview of shareable data package(s) shared and how to determine which files are shared in each shareable data package file-name: readme.yaml resource-tracker: description: provides overview of study files, whether shared or not, as well as file dependencies; originating study groups may provide descriptions and other information about files that are not shared in a public data repository, especially if these unshared files are dependencies of a shared file file-name: heal-csv-resource-tracker.csv shareable-data-packages: - example-shareable-data-package-name-1: file-name: access-regime: example-open-access-now by-date: example-2025-04-09 created: example-2024-04-09 12:10 resource-tracker-flag-name: example-my-study-open-access files-included-instructions: files with a value of 1 in resource-tracker-flag-name column of resource tracker file are included in this shareable data pkg