#!/bin/bash #Setup Variables GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[0;93m' RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' echo -e ${YELLOW}"Welcome to the Northern Automated Update 4.0.0 (4in1)."${NC} echo "Please wait while updates are performed..." sleep 5 echo "Stopping first node, please wait..."; northern-cli -datadir=/home/northern/.northern stop echo "Stopping second node, please wait..."; northern-cli -datadir=/home/northern2/.northern stop echo "Stopping third node, please wait..."; northern-cli -datadir=/home/northern3/.northern stop echo "Stopping fourth node, please wait..."; northern-cli -datadir=/home/northern4/.northern stop sleep 10 echo "Removing binaries..." cd /var sudo touch swap.img sudo chmod 600 swap.img sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=2000 sudo mkswap /var/swap.img sudo swapon /var/swap.img sudo echo ' /var/swap.img none swap sw 0 0 ' >> /etc/fstab cd ~ cd /usr/local/bin rm -rf northernd northern-cli northern-tx echo "Downloading latest binaries" wget https://github.com/northern-community/Northern4.0/releases/download/4.0.0/Northern4_0_0Linux.tar.gz tar -xzf Northern4_0_0Linux.tar.gz sudo chmod 755 -R /usr/local/bin/northern* rm -rf Northern4_0_0Linux.tar.gz echo "Deleting old nodes from node config files" sed -i '/addnode/d' /home/northern/.northern/northern.conf sed -i '/addnode/d' /home/northern2/.northern/northern.conf sed -i '/addnode/d' /home/northern3/.northern/northern.conf sed -i '/addnode/d' /home/northern4/.northern/northern.conf echo "Adding new nodes..." echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern2/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern2/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern2/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern2/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern3/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern3/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern3/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern3/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern4/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern4/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern4/.northern/northern.conf echo "addnode=" >> /home/northern4/.northern/northern.conf echo "Syncing first node, please wait..."; northernd -datadir=/home/northern/.northern -daemon -resync until northern-cli -datadir=/home/northern/.northern mnsync status | grep -m 1 '"IsBlockchainSynced": true,'; do sleep 1 ; done > /dev/null 2>&1 echo -e ${GREEN}"First node is fully synced. Your masternode is running!"${NC} sleep 5 echo "Syncing second node, please wait..."; northernd -datadir=/home/northern2/.northern -daemon -resync until northern-cli -datadir=/home/northern2/.northern mnsync status | grep -m 1 '"IsBlockchainSynced": true,'; do sleep 1 ; done > /dev/null 2>&1 echo -e ${GREEN}"Second node is fully synced. Your masternode is running!"${NC} sleep 5 echo "Syncing third node, please wait..."; northernd -datadir=/home/northern3/.northern -daemon -resync until northern-cli -datadir=/home/northern3/.northern mnsync status | grep -m 1 '"IsBlockchainSynced": true,'; do sleep 1 ; done > /dev/null 2>&1 echo -e ${GREEN}"Third node is fully synced. Your masternode is running!"${NC} sleep 5 echo "Syncing fourth node, please wait..."; northernd -datadir=/home/northern4/.northern -daemon -resync until northern-cli -datadir=/home/northern4/.northern mnsync status | grep -m 1 '"IsBlockchainSynced": true,'; do sleep 1 ; done > /dev/null 2>&1 echo -e ${GREEN}"Fourth node is fully synced. Your masternode is running!"${NC} sleep 5 echo "Deleting temporary files" rm -rf /root/northern_4masternodes_update.sh cd ~ echo -e ${GREEN}"If you think that this script helped in some way, feel free to donate for our work:"${NC} echo "Northerns address: K8cKv7AdK8Z8TVvADKKSTT8MvwmbnGxR3j" echo "LTC address: LbF8hSejc8oc4L81CrzdYengYBpr6xNczn" echo "The END. You can close now the SSH terminal session";