function main(e) { var FARMODE = false; var theSource = e.source; var theSheet = theSource.getActiveSheet(); var theActiveRange = theSheet.getActiveRange(); var theActiveRow = theActiveRange.getRow(); // this entire next section solves for people rearranging columns in their Google Sheet. // Instead of hardwiring column numbers, we refer them by name by creating a dictionary of columnsname:numbers // The names below are those we expect from the Appsheet app's Google Sheet data source // some of them are arrays that we split - also see // there are also various hardwired strings in the code below which correlate to the companion Appsheet app for this example for (i in requiredColumns) { columnMap[i] = getColumnNumberByName(theSheet,requiredColumns[i]); } var theemailsubject = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["Request Subject"]).getValue(); var fromemail = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["RequestedBy"]).getValue(); var toemail = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["SendTo"]).getValue(); var lastSent = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["LastSent"]).getValue(); var documentList = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["DocumentList"]).getValue().split(" , "); var documentNames = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["DocumentNames"]).getValue().split(" , "); var zippedOrNot = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["AttachmentType"]).getValue(); var inboundEmailBody = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["EmailBody"]).getValue(); var documentDescriptions = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["DocumentDescriptions"]).getValue().split(" , "); var ludicrousMode = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["Ludicrous Mode"]).getValue(); var findAndReplace = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["FindAndReplace"]).getValue().split("\n"); var outputFolder = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["OutputFolder"]).getValue(); var emaillinks = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["Links"]).getValue().split(" , "); var emaillinknames = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["LinkNames"]).getValue().split(" , "); var emaillinkdetails = theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,columnMap["LinkDescriptions"]).getValue().split(" , "); // ok we're finished getting colummn values using named columns // if we are doing find/replace aka ludicrous mode we also need the following if (ludicrousMode == "ON" && outputFolder.length > 0) { FARMODE = true; var destinationFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(outputFolder); var fileDatestampPart = new Date().toLocaleDateString(); var fileTimestampPart= new Date().toLocaleTimeString(); var fileTimestamp = fileDatestampPart + " " + fileTimestampPart; } // main checkpoint if (lastSent == "SENDING EMAIL" && fromemail.length > 0 && toemail.length > 0) { Logger.log("we have a send request") // if there is at least one document reference, launch our various file-related stuff // else skip to email and attach any links if (documentList[0].length > 0) { var blobs = []; for (var i in documentList) { thisfile = DriveApp.getFileById(documentList[i]); thisfileMimeType = DriveApp.getFileById(documentList[i]).getMimeType(); thisFileName = thisfile.getName(); // server side check to ensure we only ever send files whose name contains '[External]' if( thisFileName.toUpperCase().indexOf('[EXTERNAL]') > -1) { // only going to run find/replace on Google Docs currently if ( FARMODE && (thisfileMimeType == 'application/' || thisfileMimeType == 'application/') ) { var newDriveFile = thisfile.makeCopy(thisFileName + " " + fileTimestamp, destinationFolder); var newDriveFileId = newDriveFile.getId(); Logger.log("We're going to find/replace now") parseResult = docParser(newDriveFileId, findAndReplace); blobs.push(parseResult); } else { Logger.log("No find/replace was found") blobs.push(thisfile.getBlob()); } } else { Logger.log("Skipped " + thisFileName + " as it did not include the phrase '[External]'"); } } } // generate an email var emailbody = createEmailBody(inboundEmailBody, documentNames, documentDescriptions, emaillinks, emaillinknames, emaillinkdetails); if (zippedOrNot == "Zipped PDF's" ) { var zippedBlobs =,''); sendNotification(theemailsubject, fromemail, toemail, zippedBlobs, emailbody); } else { sendNotification(theemailsubject, fromemail, toemail, blobs, emailbody); } // once we're done, let's set this row/cell value back from "SENDING EMAIL" to "Pending" theSheet.getRange(theActiveRow,6).setValue("Pending"); } else { Logger.log("no action taken"); } }